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Irelia Counter Stats

Irelia Counters
Discover all champions who counter Irelia. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Irelia in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
2,009 Tips for countering Irelia below

Top Lane
48.69% Win Rate51% Pick Rate Irelia Top Lane Counters: 44 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Irelia in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

femboydegilim says “Gap closing characters are your worst enemy. Irelia is one of them big threat in early and mid game no problem in late game. ”
⭐Best Toplaner⭐ Lillia Toplane Guide ❤ by femboydegilim | Lillia Player
Zagreus16 says “she will think she fancy until she dashes into your fists and you smack her up. you win most of the time in these fights, just be careful of her stun and you'll be fine.”
14.13 Top Lane Sett Guide by Zagreus16 | Sett Player
CrimsonL7 says “Really good Briar matchup. Dodge her stun with your W and you will pretty much always win the AA battle. Dont fight her when there are too many minions as they will heal her and give her stacks, and waste your W Berserk with you just chasing her. ”
Crimson's Master Briar Top Guide by CrimsonL7 | Briar Player
AGGaming says “Take Grasp, and ruin her. Make sure she doesn't W your W or R.”
Malphite Build/Runes/Gameplay Guide by AGGaming | Malphite Player
Godzilla010 says “Avoid her at max stacks or when she has minions to Q. Avoid a level 1-2 all in. Don't let her auto the wave for free at level 1. Kill at 6........ Dont use all your damage into her w because it has big damage reduction.”
Garen Guide 010 by Godzilla010 | Garen Player
Soundeer says “If she farms better than you she can always kill you, you need to keep your distance.”
The Hybrid God (Top/Mid/Apc/Support) by Soundeer | Swain Player
WayB3tterThanYou says “Do not run it down. Careful with her dashes, stay away from creeps, don't let her lend her E and everything will be fine. Careful lvl 1, her passive is strong. Also don't die at lvl 6 like an idiot, stay around 70% HP minimum.”
SOLO CARRY Vayne top lane by WayB3tterThanYou | Vayne Player
step1v9 says “The higher elo the irelia player the more even the matchup is, but generally tryndamere can just push as slow as possible and trade irelia hard any time she wants to touch the wave. Use your E when she Es so that you can dodge or disengage. ”
Step1v9 Guide Patch 14.12 - FULL MATCHUPS FOR EVERY CHAMPION by step1v9 | Tryndamere Player
Lukenzoo says “(I suggest to perma ban her.)She can 1 shot your ghouls and hop over your walls ”
Lukenzoo's Yorick guide by Lukenzoo | Yorick Player
LDaL says “Skill mutchup. spells flesh + ignite Runes pta and fleet both good here - take boneplat, overgrowh. Not hard machup if you know how to play around her passive. Simple saying, never fight her when her passive is active, only if she has 10-30% of her health or you have items and lvl lead. Lvl 1 try to atack minions so they will not die at the same time, this way she won't be able to stack her passive and you can go for a trade. Your w protect you from her e and ult. After she buy bork be careful of her all in ( by quick stack passive), if you let her sit on you she will probably kill you 1v1.”
Yasuo build by LDaL | Yasuo Player
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Mid Lane
49.16% Win Rate48% Pick Rate Irelia Mid Lane Counters: 38 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Irelia in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

BrMario1011 says “try not to get run down tbh lmao, you can win this if u play well before she gets bork, people who play this champ are ussualy greedy pigs and they can bait them selves, make sure she has no where to dodge to if you w onto her and make sure you dodge her stun go dseal any runes teleport/ ingnite if confident”
Vladmidir says “Dodge her E or pool it and she has a hard time killing you. If she gets onto you save pool for ult or use it when low to mitigate the health cost. Be mindful of her stacks and try not to trade when ur minions get low. Once she gets bork you just have to R her off cooldown and make sure she cant all in you.”
[14.14] [Vladmidir] Vladimir Top/Mid Guide by Vladmidir | Vladimir Player
GreenReapers says “Conquerer or First Strike w/ resolve if you struggle mandatory. I prefer First Strike w/ sorc or precision. In my experience, she just outheals and outdamages you, when you try to go for extended Conquerer trades. D-shield if you plan to play a bit more aggressively, otherwise longsword is fine. Play safe and dont let her all in you. Give up CS when you are not ready to escape when she can engage on you. Preferably trade with WEQ Behind, and try to place it so she can't hit your with her E. Same goes for all ins. Do not go for extended trades unless super fed or you can kill.”
In depth Zed Guide [14.13] by GreenReapers | Zed Player
Kazari says “小犬をQで食われて足掛かりにされる……と思うかもしれないが、大抵はそれ以前にナフィーリが小犬をQでイレリアにけしかけて死んでいるケースの方が多い。そうでない場合は小犬がナフィーリの"後ろ"に居るので足がかりには出来ない。 つまり安全にファームとハラスが出来る。ファームで差を付けてADCを喰いに行けばいい。”
Chikei says “shes just hard to play against if she knows how to play”
My Zoe Notes by Chikei | Zoe Player
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[PTA] Irelia can always easily get ontop of you, try to pressure her away from your minions lvl 1 so she cannot stack Q, you should be able to win lvl 1 with PTA + Boneplate if she doesnt stack her Q. Afterwards the matchup becomes hard to play if you dont have a big lead already as she pretty much always has Killpressure on you after 6. Be especially careful when she hits her Blade spike.”
Akshan Mid Guide (Patch 14.10) by TwTv Akai_Tv | Akshan Player
qqwindie says “TOO MUCH DASHES+DMG+HEAL kill u instantly on lvl 6”
ic3e says “Outplayable but don't do long trades or she will auto you to death. All in her at around 40-50%.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “lmao very hard to beat, you MUST rely on ganks. You CANNOT kill her without help. And managing the wave is very difficult against this matchup. Take TP.”
Seraphine Mid Guide~ (Patch 14.10) by MelodiesOfLIfe | Seraphine Player
otaliz says “Try to keep the wave on your side of the map, never push unless necessary to generate priority. Pay attention to your minions HP, as she will use her Q on them if they have low HP, so keep your distance from minions with low HP. Don't fight her alone in the side lanes, if she appears to contest, unite with your teammates. Be careful with her Blade of the Ruined King's power spike.”
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