Top Lane 50.62% Win Rate55% Pick RateIrelia Top Lane Counters: 41 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Irelia in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
KarateciKagan says “Dont let her strike you when she has her stacks. try to land your w so you can pop brittle and get out.
Rush bramble vest into thornmail into steelcaps into any other armor item (frozen hearth, sunfire etc)”
Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush/Grasp
Early: Q start and try to get first 3 melees and her in the same Q.
Tips: Unless you have grasp, dont even try to kill her. if you use your abilities in a trade she will just nuke your wave and reset or all-in you. Play to go even and cs well. You can fuck with her in teamfights.”
Dom1nus says “Whenever she goes for q, auto q her. at 5 stacks she can all in u even at level 1, and at level 2 if she gets her stun. Do small trades at level 3 and avoid using ur w at her w as it negates almost all of its damage.”
Maniaxx says “Irelia’s Q (Bladesurge) allows her to gap close quickly and reset on kills or assists, making it hard for Mundo to trade effectively.
E (Vanguard’s Edge) can apply a stun and deal high damage.
How to deal with her:
Dodge her Q: Irelia relies heavily on her Q to poke and engage. Avoiding it can severely reduce her damage.
Build armor and health: Irelia’s damage is mostly physical, so building armor and health will help mitigate her burst.”
a_k_z7 says “this matchups is stupid she can kill you even when super behind
it is hard to w her e when it is on a short cooldown and yours is on a 20sec
look to play safe and farm and avoid long trades”
quenzo says “Is for many People a Must Ban but for me it isn't that bad or unplayable like against a good Renek because she will come to you and kill all your kids with <4 Q's and thats it if you position yourself good and have a bit wave controll this might be more playable than the rennek match up.
Conqueror, Ignite and teleport”
Nithril says “Watch out for your minions' healthbars against her Q, she can easily kill you at anytime, if she does engage, try to have her take as much damage from your minions as possible, swiftness boots for sure, save E and ask for ganks or roam if she sets up a good freeze”
juangepeto says “Irelia is a difficult lane to start with because her passive gives her more attack speed and she has considerable range in both auto attack and q, which allows her to apply a total victory against gp at any time in this lane. I recommend using ignite and rushing if possible the cut heal.”
parker3n9 says “This is probably the second hardest matchup for Swain. Irelia has major kill threat starting at Level 2, so you’ll need to play carefully and defensively until she makes a mistake with her Q. Once she does, that’s your opportunity to punish and all-in her.
In this lane, it’s common to die at least once, as her early game pressure is hard to avoid. However, if you can limit the snowball until you hit your two-item power spike, you’ll dominate teamfights against her. With your ultimate and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, you’ll create so much space in fights that the lane phase will no longer matter.
Recommended Runes: Fleet Footwork or Aery (I lean toward Fleet for sustain in this tough matchup)
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “Beware of her lvl1, as she can Q the first 3 minions and auto you to death with fully stacked passive. If she plays aggresively you can abuse this to your advantage and parry her stun to burst her. If you parry her Q after she landed E or Ult, she wont get the reset for quite a long time, however you should always aim to parry either E or ult. Dont underestimate her damage with full stacks and play patiently but aggresively. If you abuse her early you win.”
sprdlol says “A good Irelia can destroy you easily. Keep one of your ability up for her E. You are better than her in teamfight.
You can catch her on side lanes, no allied minion nearby = free kill.”
Coke Rat says “Ignite + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Do your best to avoid E stun. Do short trades. Try to aim Q on her when she dashes to farm. You have one chance to win this lane and it is on levels 1-3.
A great Irelia player will be extremely hard to play against.”
Raideru says “This matchup is generally skill matchup, lvl 1 if she tries to go for minions punish her with Q and take her hp and then walk away don't do an extended all in since she will most likely win it. This matchup u basically want to try getting a lead on her before she gets vamperic since afterwards u just auto lose trades due to her sustain so all u can really do is just scale for your item spikes. Also keep in mind unless she stuns u when she ults you, you should always ult her when she casts it cose u will always dodge it. I advise Conqueror with Dblade start and zoning lvl 1. Respect her on slowpushes.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Easy matchup but she has a ton of outplay potential here. Rush Bramble and fight her whenever, just be careful of her vamping off 10000 minions in a 1v1. Really though if she's pushed
up and you all in her she'll die if you hit your Q's. BE CAREFUL OF USING W>Q BECAUSE SHE WILL Q THROUGH YOUR Q IF YOU DO IT AT THE SAME TIME. Once she has BotRK
1v1s are much harder" ”
Spartaniko says “Poke her to death and don't try to duel neither to long trade. She has far better DPS than you, can heal your poke and dodge your Qs. I recommend ignite in this lane, but if you do, be extra careful because Irelia can easily punish your deaths.”
4eadami says “You beat her. All-in lvl 2 before she is lvl 2 IF you have ignite. Fling her under tower. You win if she isnt Fed. Be careful after BoRK. ”
Fenharion says “She is not much of a problem when you get her away from minions to a 1v1,but you'll have to dodge her E or you'll lose most likely. As for tips, go Bramble Vest early to stop her healing,dodge her E and ult her when she ults,removing her cage and making it easier for you to fight.”
Fanatical Goose says “You win level 1 and can zone her off wave, dodge her stun if she tries to fight. On the 2nd wave ward in the river. As long as she doesn't get full stacks you win every fight. ”
UrPersonalGod says “My perma ban if I want to play Aatrox.
The most annoying one of the high mobile fighters that run ignite.
If you stay healthy and just farm near tower you can fighter around level 6 or 7 if you have trust in you mechanics.
You can buffer your Q when she E´s you.”
SemenDrinker says “Ban
i cant give you advice because i never play against her. My only tip is that play super safe and carry ignite. Try to guess where she q's with your q. She will save her W for your q3. E away from her E stun and good luck., ”
Frankoloko says “Get anti heal (Ignite or Bramble) because healing is a big part of her success. Ult after her to remove all her things. You can also ult to remove her first E. When she loses her passive, don't allow her to walk up and get it on the minions again. She's weak without her passive. When you have 6 and she has 0 stacks, ult her because in the realm there are no minions for stacks. You easily win the fight if you do this.”
IvanBeifong says “Irelia, major by itself, extreme once she gets botrk, doesn't have much damage and you can easily dodge her E with your own E, if you feel like you need it, go oblivion orb, you deal a lot of damage to her, just remember to dodge her E.
Conq build works well.
Good ult, deals decent damage and works well for chasing. ”
PetriciteLoL says “Need more testing against her as she's not that popular, although a good Irelia player will freeze the wave into being an unplayable lane, also BoRK is your #1 enemy if she gets it. Grasp or Conq is fine, I would either 3 Q into W or Full W max against her.”
Belle19 says “If you get past level 3 without being shit on the lane is over. If she ever all ins you with ult just phase rush away. Your stride + zerks to her bork + tabis you can win with ignite. You HEAVILY outscale her, late game you can braindead run at her and win”
Skaarlschloch says “The EASIEST matchup for Nocturne! You will stomp this vs 99% of Irelia players. Block her E with your W and punish her lv.1 i feel like you should for sure cheese the lv.1 and go for zoning her from xp or at least lose LOTS of hp for getting the xp”
LilPicky says “(take 1st rune page start blade) Dodge her E and dont use recasted Q while she is in W, ignite when going all in because she heals A LOT”
Zagreus16 says “she will think she fancy until she dashes into your fists and you smack her up. you win most of the time in these fights, just be careful of her stun and you'll be fine.”
CrimsonL7 says “Really good Briar matchup. Dodge her stun with your W and you will pretty much always win the AA battle. Dont fight her when there are too many minions as they will heal her and give her stacks, and waste your W Berserk with you just chasing her. ”
WayB3tterThanYou says “Do not run it down. Careful with her dashes, stay away from creeps, don't let her lend her E and everything will be fine.
Careful lvl 1, her passive is strong.
Also don't die at lvl 6 like an idiot, stay around 70% HP minimum.”
Godzilla010 says “Avoid her at max stacks or when she has minions to Q. Avoid a level 1-2 all in. Don't let her auto the wave for free at level 1. Kill at 6........
Dont use all your damage into her w because it has big damage reduction.”
step1v9 says “The higher elo the irelia player the more even the matchup is, but generally tryndamere can just push as slow as possible and trade irelia hard any time she wants to touch the wave. Use your E when she Es so that you can dodge or disengage. ”
LDaL says “Skill mutchup. spells flesh + ignite Runes pta and fleet both good here - take boneplat, overgrowh. Not hard machup if you know how to play around her passive. Simple saying, never fight her when her passive is active, only if she has 10-30% of her health or you have items and lvl lead. Lvl 1 try to atack minions so they will not die at the same time, this way she won't be able to stack her passive and you can go for a trade. Your w protect you from her e and ult. After she buy bork be careful of her all in
( by quick stack passive), if you let her sit on you she will probably kill you 1v1.”
Raideru says “lvl 1 start w and zone her off the wave, you win almost all the trades, the only way you can lose is if you fight her in a really big wave or if you manage to miss your e cause you can't hit q on her otherwise”
Azzin says “Not much to do here, you can't poke her, you don't win short trades and you get obliterated in long trades, just play safe&farm, or go ghost+tp+first strike and abuse when she's pushing under your tower.”
Haxorr says “A good Irelia can be very scary to play against, but in general your champ should beat hers as you can dodge her main damage.
Take Grasp, and play aggressively early. You can kill Irelia really easily levels 1-3. However, when she has a big minion wave or can q a lot of your minions, you have to be careful to not waste your e as once your e is down, if she has max stacks on her passive she will win the 1v1. Rush Trinity, watch out for her BOTRK spike. ”
DuckQc says “You kill her, but she can dash 10 times and cancel your r. Be sure to get at least steelcaps when she has botrk, i also recommend frozen heart here. ”
Arthapsic says “Start E level 1, Do not leash jungler tell him you can't. Get priority level 1 and don't let her get 4 stacks passive ( try to let your minions not die at the same time ). If she gets 4 stacks passive don't fight her almost ever. She is very weak level 1 without passive that's why we take ignite to get priority. If she doesn't fight you push in 3/4 waves in and reset for a cheater recall. If the lane is pushing into you and she has a stacked passive wait for the wave to hit the tower and don't fight her. When she gets bork and you are not ahead enough never fight her if possible.”
Serrvant_of_Christ says “Can dash on you with Q and Stun with E. Be careful Early, if you see her have max stacks, back off, until the stacks go away, if you manage to dodge her E, you can try to poke her down, even with Q up when lvl 6.”
Beeware says “Pray that her player isn't good. Focus on dodging her E, save flash for her R. Respect her engage distance and try to farm as much as you can.”
TeiWasTaken says “Skill matchup. You are much stronger than her at levels 1, 2, 4 and 5. Try to kill her at one of those levels, but beware of fighting her at level 3, because she can turn the fight around with her W resist.”
Skaarlschloch says “Irelia has a hard time dealing with your poke. As long as you dont get hit by her E you will be able to destroy her in lane.
You can Q her Q putting in on cooldown”
SVKGuardian says “..................................................................................
- Really Mobile toplaner
- She starts Q - dash, which refreshes if she kills the target
- Her Passive gives her stacks (max 4) giving her Attack Speed, as well as bonus dmg at max stacks. When hitting champions she keeps the stacks and doesn't lose them.
- She gains stacks by hitting Q's. So be careful early levels, she can quickly kill minions to reset her Q and then jump on you with 4 stacks, even level 1
- You either have to hard trade her before first minions are low so she cannot access them and then spacing her, trying to crush the waves asap
- Or letting her push, but playing from far away
- When she get other spells ,she can create a line from blades that will stun you and reset her Q, if she uses Q on you that's her E
- Her double W will consume a lot of damage, while she is charging it and then according to charging time she will deal higher amount of damage with it in a certain direction. If it hits you, she gains passive stack.
- Her ultimate is pretty deadly. If it hits you, it deals some dmg, slowing you, giving irelia a mark on you that will reset her Q if she jumps on you, and creating area of blades that will slow you if you try to walk through it, giving you some damage once again.
- It is a skillshot, and if she is casting it from far away it is also not that uncommon that she can miss
- If you walk too far into the lane vs her, she can turn the tides really fast, so you have to be cautious. After 6, it is even more dangerous, she is going to try and cast stun and then Close range with Q's and then adjust E direction so she can stun you for free. Her ult can then slow you after you flash”
Riceyboll says “Haven't met a decent Irelia in ages, they all either play so passively I was able to get a huge gold lead or they play too aggressively and dive under the tower every chance they get.”
Ulsur says “You either ban her or Olaf.
In case you banned Olaf and got an Irelia, just play the level 1 a little aggressive until your 3 melee minions drop less than half health, then you pretty much let her push and don't try to trade unless you can predict where she's going to Q with your own Q, NEVER go in with your E, if she lands her stun you'll lose your whole health bar and she'll dive you, or you'll just die on the spot, after you both get your ultimate abilities do not walk in the middle of the lane, even if you have a kill or two on her, always play back and dash backwards, and dodge her E even if you have to flash, if she's good enough she can literally dive you from 100 to 0 under your own turret even if she doesn't have any type of lead, and once she finishes her Blade of The Ruined King it's pretty much over and the probability of you winning a 1 vs 1 is pretty much non exsistent, so you'll have to adjust your plays on her mistakes, if you're ahead a good strategy is to proxy and try to 1 vs 1 her between her t1 and t2 towers, other than that just rush Tabis/Eclipse, Executioner's is a viable option as well. So just wait for your jungler, you're better in teamfights.”
Angryappleseed says “Respect her stronger Level 1. If she can easily stack her passive on the wave, you should probably back off. Dodge her E. Maybe rush steelcaps early.”
Hotch says “Very, very tough matchup. She one-shots your ghouls and kills maiden quick. Stacks off of your ghouls and easily kills you 1v1.
BUT there are things you can do here. Take ignite and PUNISH HARD when she misses a Q reset. The only time you beat her is level 1 when your minions aren't low health, so try to get prio that way. Stand on top of your ghouls when fighting her so she MIGHT miss them. You need to snowball HARD to fight her in the mid/late game. ”
forlid says “For me this matchup is a lot easier with Yasuo, but it is doable with Yone as well. You should try to gap her early and gain as much XP as possible, as you win her as long as she doesn't get her passive stacks. Later on you should focus on avoiding her E at all costs, and this is usually only possible by using E correctly. If she misses it, you should win. You have no safe way to dodge her R so if you have to then just Flash it. If you get even a bit ahead early you should kill her with ease.”
SVKGuardian says “Jump, Jump, Jump 5 stacks, right in your face, auto attacks you to eternity.
She has so much mobility that you cannot just simply solve. Really hard lane for you, so pay attention the whole time or you could be just crying for the rest of the game.
One of the lanes where the only place for you to throw your E is as near you as possible most of the time, so if she wants to continue and chase you, she will for sure step into your grenades.
So important to poke her and be able to dodge her stun, play around your turret don;t get jumped on suddenly with stun and R.”
procatking says “Conqueror, ignite,D blade, take rune NO.2.
*skill matchup*
dont get hit by Flawless Duet(E)
and poke her with Q.
play aggressive but not too much( dont w. pre 6 you're too strong for her unless u do some really hard mistake.
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp. Conq
This matchup is highly dependant on your wave state. Dont let her get 5 stacks of minions and then e you. She beats you till 6. Dont throw 2 spells into her w. Her r and e dont follow into death realm. Build bramble after she has botrk. She spikes really hard with botrk but you outscale her”
conqiyana says “beats u at all stages of the game, usually you can win the matchup just because they ego and try dive you, then you can ult them under tower and kill”
SenSen_LoL says “I used to think that Irelia is unbeatable as Nidalee but she's not.
However, to beat her, you can NOT fall behind. If you do, the lane is over she'll just run over you again and again.
Against irelia, the first waves are key. Try to zone her from minions, place traps on your wave to punish her if she dashes on them. Similar to Fiora, you'll have to hold your cougar combo, as her W will absorb it if you don't.
Once she gets BOTRK, the matchup turns heavily in her favor, so be careful even if you have a big lead by then.
Note : The alcove is your best friend in this matchup, try to not stay stuck in your wave as she'll dash everywhere and be a real threat”
mastershen says “So this a hard matchup you should go damage because tank wont work against this matchup go ad or ap start doran ring and flash ignite to look for kills in level 2 engage with E and Q follow with ignite ”
MaesePerez says “Bad matchup, she rushes BOTRK and you can't ever fight her again, go for very short trades with grasp, consider rushing frozen heart to survive lane and have enough mana to fight safely. She can run you down if you can't flash her ultimate, so be mindful of that, as once she hits you with her ult or an e you lose that fight. ”
SpoonSlayer says “Your all in's better. You can land easy E by backing off near a low health minion and throwing your E at it when you think she will dash into it.”
L3tha1 says “Si la Irelia enemiga es muy buena, da por perdida la linea y reza que tu jg se acuerde de tí. Daño demasiado alto en la fase de líneas, alta movilidad por su Q lo que le permite dogear facil cualquiera de tus 3 Q, su W le permite tanquear mucho daño y su R te dificulta escapar de ella. No la baneo porque ultimamente casi nadie la esta llevando a toplane.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
If she gets any form of a lead the games unplayable. If you back and buy a bramble without falling behind though she cant play the game. Stay away from her when she has 4 stacks, try to dodge her e by walking forward or to the side. Phase rush + inspiration makes this way easier”
hamgi says “avoid trading her when she has max passive stacks and her e is up/e1 is active. go for max range q's when she goes to q/aa cs. move perpendicularly if she uses e2 or use e to dodge. stay away from low hp minions. do not e near a wave and in general, avoid trading/fighting on a stacked wave. use e to dodge r (if applicable, i.e not stunned by her e or external source)”
forlid says “Irelia has everything to counter you with her insane mobility and damage negation and thus remains the most formidable counterpick against Aatrox. Against her you need to be extremely careful not to overextend. Most Irelias prepare their engages with quite clear signs such as getting a few minions low next to you. You can try to predict her Q and land your own Q but other than that it comes down to whether or not you can dodge her E. After BORK she becomes way too powerful to reliably kill, so trust your team enough that they can deal with her.”
PlayCabex says “You always wanna start W in this matchup and bully her as much as possible. If she has conq then you win all ins lvl 1, if she has lethal tempo, then you lose. If you manage to bully her lvl 1 and get lvl 2 first, then you’ve pretty much successfully won the lane. You must take ignite into this lane to have a chance.
Runes: Aery”
Belle19 says “she outranges you with autos, thats pretty much her only saving grace. She wins level 1 if she has 4 stacks. Most irelias are very predictable -- if a minions about to die they'll probably q to it. Play accordingly. If she all ins you, e q immediately so she cant dash out of your q. You outscale the 1v1 very hard, she usually does more in teamfights unless she tries to hero 1v9.”
AWierdShoe says “Probably our worst melee matchup. She has all the tools in her kit to avoid our damage and stat-checks us with autos. If you're one-tricking Aatrox she is a viable ban for you, however Irelia is in a bit of a sour spot in the current meta so you don't have to (not many people are playing her toplane). Do your best to dodge her E stun, predict her Qs with your Q when she's eyeing low-health minions. Do NOT fight her when she has 4-stacks. If she engages on you do your best to kite back with a full combo. When the wave is pushing towards her you have to crash it and NOT let her freeze near her tower as this is her favorite spot to play around (she can run you down). Tabi rush is good, Bramble Vest is optional as well (Executioner's if you're confident) to negate her healing. Once she gets Blade of the Ruined King the matchup is horrendous unless you're EXTREMELY far ahead of her. ”
lbc1506 says “If she ever goes all in on you, just hold q until shes on top of you and q her then wall and walk away.
Similar to camile matchup however becomes really easy post 6 for you.”
Haearnbleidd says “ADHD Matchup. You kill her, but she can dash 10 times and cancel your r.
Be sure to get at least steelcaps when she has botrk, i also recommend frozen heart here. Build: Rav/Hexplate > Frozen heart/Stride”
Joy17 says “Irelia possui alto burst, mas Warwick, com seu sustain, pode resistir a trocas e, com habilidade, evitar as habilidades de Irelia para sair por cima.”
deathbypotion says “Her players are crazy, you can flip her out if she dashes on you and you can oftenly catch her near your tower and flip her to it. Your W stops her from Q-ing”
Akuzai says “Wits end sucks but all in all this matchup is manageable. Dodge her e in any way possible and it should be possible to just kill her, just remember not to combo your q and ult since she's very mobile and missing too many spells your demise.”
PPlongcook says “Dodge her stun and ult with E. Don't build too tanky against her in order to keep up with her in damage. This lane can be much harder if the Irelia is good. If against a good one and if she hits E, and has 5 stacks you're dead.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Conq
You have to offset the wave lvl 1, so she cant get her Q off on the 3 creeps like she wants too.
If she hits you with E, dont fight. If she misses, fight.
Post 6, same rules apply, flash the ult, dodge the E you win the fight. ”
Lukajs says “Irelia can be a tricky matchup, however it's doable. You can poke her when her passive is down, and get some good trades. She doesn't heal a whole lot before she gets Vampiric Scepter, so you can poke her down until she needs to back.
Play around her passive being down and dodging her E with your W.”
GheeseEmpty says “As long as you don't let her stack her passive, this is a fairly easy lane. You can really abuse your early game power against her and force her to play in a lose-lose scenario. I recommend rushing a Grievous Wounds item as quickly as possible, before she can get Vampiric Scepter.”
ThelpixG says “Pretty annoying matchup because she can all in you so easily and even if she misses everything she can still kill you with her passive on-hit damage.
How to Beat?
- Try walking behind her wave at level 1 and trade with her preventing her from csing the minions;
- Take grasp with ignite and dblade so you can actually trade with her early;
- Always have a barrel under yourself and explode it if she goes in;
- Abuse your passive damage and Q poke;
- Pay attention to what minions are low hp so you can avoid getting caught by her all in;
- Dodge her E and try do Dodge her ult;
- Don waste your cooldowns on her W (your passive deals true damage so it kills her even if she presses W).”
NegativePhoenix says “Bramble is heavily important here thanks to her healing
Obviously, stay safe near tower and never engage her without help or unless she's over extended, especially don't engage her if her passive is fully stacked or you'll suffer a hard trade.
Her power spike only hits when she gets BORK, so the less kills she gets to delay that, the better
It's harder for her to do much if you keep the wave near your tower so that she has to risk being tossed under your tower and CC'ed to waste her Q, so make sure that if you notice she's gone that you ping it otherwise you may be giving her a free unannounced roam”
xXazzer says “Irelia can pretty much beat you. I permaban her. But you can beat her if you play really well. Dodge her E, and try time your Q's near a dying minion where you predict she will dash to. If you dodge her E you can mostly win the trade. Just don't extend the trade alot or she will kill you”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) Try to get prio at lvl 1 by zoning her off the first wave. She has a ton of dashes so try to secure your W with E. Back off if she has max stacks on her passive and if she engages you should be able to trade equal health. You can run her down if she doesn't respect your early agency. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Chempunk Chainsword”
LilliaFanBoy says “The only reason why Irelia is a major threat to Lillia is because of the funny Q. Level 1 is easy but from level 2 onward it is a pain. You can out-damage her on burst trades if you hit your W but she will more often than not win extended trades. Do your best by poking and try to dodge the E.”
Steinuhu says “Dorans Blade Start \\ This matchup is an absolute nightmare for Yone. It doesn't matter how well you play, or how bad the Irelia is. Her champ is just better. Play to survive until Shieldbow. Even then, this matchup is still very hard. If she ever freezes on you, you can't play the game. You can't walk up, similar to the Darius matchup. She will just run you down and kill you. This is my personal permaban for top lane. Do your best to dodge her E with your E. You can never fight her if her passive is stacked; you will always lose the trade/all-in.”
Maksimvini says “Recommend to ban her.
One of hardest zilean match-up.
Often buys BotRk, which gives her even more dmg, attack speed, and most of all - HEAL. in most situations. zillean cannot outtrade her due to dashes and heal.”
WhendZ says “Irelia é irritante, ela consegue quebrar seus barris bem fácil, então você precisa ser bom de perfect barrel. Recomendo pegar atk speed nas runas menores e ir de determinação. Grasp é últil, mas uma hora ela te dá overscaling. se você der conta de matar ela muito na lane e cuidar para que ela não ganke, é bem tranquilo de solar.”
LegacyOneTap says “lethal, dorans blade, ignite or ghost or even tp. Easy lane you auto win most of the time, don't willingly fight a 6 minion wave plus 4 stacked irelia. make sure you crash with a 3 wave for easy laning. This 1v1 is major in jax's favor, she stops scaling past mid game so she cant keep up with you regardless of her being 3k gold up at 30 minutes. play it smart early and you can potentially snowball and she no longer can lane. bork trinity the rest is up to you.”
Wizboy73 says “[Grasp or conq] this champ is full build at 1 item. ask your jungler nicely to gank her, if he does this matchup becomes free, still care for her BOTRK spike. You can harras her freely in lane but once she gets that item, you cannot walk up untill 2-3 items. ”
peterplum says “Don't fight her when she has her passive stacked.
Try to poke her with W and deal some damage with Q, then use your E to pass through the minions and run, keep doing this and you will win early trades.
As Rhaast you will have better advantages (like against any other champ)”
JPGamer10BR says “Uma lane que eu gosto, ela é mais fácil do que aparenta, muitas vezes tu morre por superestimar ela.
pode tentar matar ela lvl 1, ficando invisível, cuidado quando a lane chegar, ela pode stackar a passiva nos 3 primeiros guerreiros depois pular em você, vá fazendo trocas contra ela, foque em desviar do stun dela, vá de ignite, caso ela ulte em você não se desespere, dê o Q nela, você pode lutar contra ela dentro da sua ult ou tente ir correndo pro lado aberto dela, NÃO CORRA PARA AS LÂMINAS!
Runas> PTA (a melhor de todas contra ela)”
zacklynier says “ignite al sadece ignite al ve q yükleri varken savaşma. q ile manyak gibi minyondan minyona sekmeye başladıpı anda ignite at. buzdoğan>karabalta al”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer
Hard matchup but i think its gotten alot easier because the champs got tankier, Don't give irelia a free spell. If she W you just wait. If you dodge her E. She misses alot dps. You can zone level 1 with Q and auto attacks. ”
BurritoTopKing says “Relatively easy, bone plating + tabis helps a lot, early game you can bully a lot and deny cs, just be careful after 6 as long as you dodge E you should be ok, you can also cancel her Q with your E, easy to solokill and very snowbally.”
Murfz says “nice lane, dblade lethal tempo, ignite in lower ranks. You win at every stage as long as you're not behind and both of you play well. Don't engage too hard with your E though since she could punish you by dashing on a bunch of minions and all inning with her ult. Her BORK spike is massive so be careful, if she gets bork before your mythic she wins that fight.”
WarwicksSimp says “Its insane how god easy this matchup is. All runes and summs are good here.
This matchup can be loseable if vs a perfect Irelia which isnt realistic but it can happen. Most Irelias will lose this matchup or never interact with you.”
Tronnes says “Easily the hardest matchup if your playing a half decent irelia. Just safe lane and try and space your q's and you can use e to dodge her stun if you need to. Hope for a gank or 2 from your jng.”
Brb3535 says “u need damage not plated . in my experience if the figth lasts longer she ll outdamage u with those plated bcs she makes the 4 stacks and will consistant dmg u. so u win. just buy damage keep distance until u have dmg to finish her. watch her powerspikes!!!!! or u ll lose. like first item botr is a massive power spike, or when her stacks are on and u are far away from tower.”
RivenCarriedYou says “With botrk buffs I think this matchup is more Irelia favored. Riven can get outplayed pretty easily now and Irelia's first spike is a lot cheaper than it used to be. Aggress level 1 if she started E but be careful to not overtrade, if she gets her passive up she hard wins. Use your E to dodge her E. make sure to not get absolutely buttfucked when she hits botrk. you must rush steel caps and fight really slowly. you can all in whenever she's below 50% due to her W block damage. dont use all of your abilities at once or.. you get fucked, but this is still a really skill dependent matchup.. soo be good :)”
Bonkyou says “Stat checks you for free. This is my second main. Her scaling sucks compared to you, but has better lane all ins if played by a human being.
Try to outscale if she is better and dodge her E with yours obviously”
Chaddouk says “Irelia matchup is an easy matchup for trynd until you play against really insane Irelia players (I prob have met 2 or 3 on EUW so you should be fine). Still I will describe the matchup as how it should be played against a really good one. Lvl 1 Trynd hard shits on Irelia, her best option is to start E and use it to last hit the cs, otherwise don't be afraid just click on her (but don't trade for too long in her wave). Then this level 1 advantage should get you lvl 2 first and prio and a lead but this is where things get spicy. When the wave bouces back, she can just fuck you over from 100-0, she can stack her passive on the wave then use your casters to close distance and run you down and at this point she has more damage with passive stacked, and all you have to do is stay in xp range, and let it bounce, unless you're 100% positive that you can dodge her E. After that when the wave bounces to her you should have an advantage, just like the jax matchup the one who is pushing has the trading advantage. Later on, again, against a really good irelia if she has a wave (your wave) to play with, it should be pretty winnable for her, but if you manage to catch her without waves, like in between her turrets or between her t1 and the wave if you have a freeze or later on side you should beat her easily even if you are just even in items or slightly behind. Ofc look to dodge E all game, and recognize the pattern in which she is using it. It can go from tiny to extreme depending on Irelia's skills.”
BaotoGame says “You need to perma ban this demon right quickly. This is an extremely difficult match for Yorick. Your poor ghouls will be the ones to help this demon get passive and will beat you easily. If Ire plays this matchup correctly, Yorick will only have can just hold the turret and wait for a gank. It will also be very difficult for you to solo 1v1 with it because your ghouls are completely useless because each of your ghouls will die when Ire Q hits them, worse yet, it will give Ire 1 passive stack for each ghouls. But being extremely difficult does not mean that you cannot win in this match. A secret tip in this match is take ignite to reduce the amount of healing of this demon. During the laning phase, try to hold off until you have about 2 items: Triforce and Hullbreaker.You will have a chance to solo this demon, but before soloing, you MUST have maiden to bonus your magic damage then you will completely outscale this demon.”
Saitamaro says “Dorans Blade Start \\ You can usually win this match up already lvl 1 because they disrepect you for being Yone, but they dont actually win lvl 1”
daitolol says “TOP // - Respect level 2, always use e/w to avoid her e stacks
- You can go obvilion if you are really strugling but not really needed
-Every time she goes for a q on the minion try to q+aa(without passive) to get most dmg
-Make sure not to waste Burst while she is in W stance
Mid follows same principles.
Black Demon Ezel says “Mobile and annoying but not impossible to kill. Her healing is a factor, but she literally will never out-heal you. Works for you entirely because you have insane amounts of CC. So much fun right?”
_WhiteSnow_ says “You can cancel her q and use your empowered e to do full damage through her w. Just be careful of her all ins past 6, disengage if she ults and just sustain and wait it out until you're healthy enough to go back into the fight for the kill.”
nomidlaner says “Irelia can Q the dogs for stacks getting behind you so easily that makes you almost a snack for her.
Try to get ahead of her before 6 and dont engage when she has full stacks + blade of the ruined king.”
At_Tar_Ras says “most irelias are morons and this is coming from an irelia&renekton two-trick. as long as you out-mind-game her W you will win. save your W for after her W or at the end when it's a confirmed kill and you'll win the matchup well. please stay away from minions if it looks like she can all-in you, SHE WILL. understand that a large portion of irelia's kit (similarly to yours) works well if there's minions to help her stack her passive + let her use her Q. if you don't let her use the minion wave to her advantage, she will be a lot weaker. if irelia is smart bump this matchup up to a MAJOR.”
vexxed04 says “{phase rush ignite flash} This matchup is fairly easy, don't get baited into fighting her at full stacks though. You need full zerks first before taking any big trades. focus on avoiding her E and proccing phase rush to run short trades. Antiheal will be necessary if they have some more healing on their team and you don't insta stomp. Remember to Q+E+ironspike then disengage to prep for all ins. You having no wave and shes walking it to your turret = free quick poke”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Cloth 4pot]
[Build: PTA with Boneplating + Riftmaker]
Can go Fleet or even Grasp if super scared. Max Q first since her damage is mostly auto-attack based. Early Oblivion Orb can help against her healing. Bully her when she has no passive stacks and there are no low-health minions around. Dodge her E under all costs or you'll eat a lot of damage. Flash her Ult. When you reach your item spikes, you can even kill her with ignite.”
RipAMC says “Don't let her stack up those passive marks, or she'll start shredding you. She can dash around, stun you, and dish out tons of damage, especially if she's ahead.”
DebRiX9 says “Irelia can be a really hard lane. Never fight when she has passive up. Trade only when she has no stacks and walk around her E stun, if you can't dodge it W asap. You win trades out of Q+E+AA, often you have the isolate Q damage on her since with her dash she might be into your wave. Ult after she ults and keep max W to win the trade. If you ult first you lose.”
ShadowStealer94 says “Will burst you early and will be quite hard to kill due to tankiness and large amounts of healing. Poison Wizard is Especially good into this champ. ”
Quinnculated says “Максимально нечестный, мерзкий и еще множество других слов можно подобрать для его описания. Доджить е и стараться давать е в ку. Если лендит р, то сразу даем ку+е и пытаемся уйти задоджив е, в такой случае можно выжить. Если проблем не вызывает, то можно взять реванш+лонгсворд, если вызывает, то дблейд+кдг”
ShadowStealer94 says “A pretty even matchup. Make sure to buy antiheal for this champ as they do lots of healing and this will shut them down quite effectively.”
OmegaDelta000 says “Really good long trades, and since you have to get really close to short trade or poke, she can easily turn it around. Don't fight without form.”
Antecc says “Can't really lose unless she's irelking. Fight her level 1 before the creeps get low enough for her to Q onto them to get resets. Don't press Q until she dashes away. Remember that Q should be used as an effective gap closer, not a damaging tool. Walk up - E + autos - Q if she tries to leap away. You don't need BotRK to match Irelia. When fighting Irelia with BotRK, remember that this item only deals damage if the target has high current hp, meaning that you should only E when all-ining Irelia after you get below roughly 40% current hp. You're bound to lose lots of hp at the start of a fight with Irelia.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Its not hard to stomp her but its irelia so always be carefull. Sit on the barrel and try to predict her Qs to low hp minion to hit her with it, if u dont have the barrel just avoid minions that she can oneshot with Q. She can W your E or passive, you can try to juke it but it might be hard during a flashy fight. Respect her especially with ult beacuse if she destroys your barrel or two with her high attack speed you are screwed.”
ABL Pantheon says “This matchup early is more Pantheon favoured. Respect level 1, Level 2 you can engage. Don't let her stack her passive for free. Poke with Q and engage with W when she is low, although you can use W even if she in high health. Try using E when she uses E or Ultimate. After 6 watch for her ultimate. She outscales you lategame.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [boneplating OR conditioning] [ overgrowth] + [cash back] [approach velocity]
items : start ruby crystal -> bramble ->plated steelcaps-> CORE
probably the easiest lane in the entire game ,if you know how irelia's passive works and dont get a silly death where you
Irelia will push by default so we can combo her undertower rly often”
lordimboutabust says “Irelia tier. Easily biggest counter pick. Perma-ban no matter how meta she is. You fucked up if you're laning against her but try to dodge her E, never fight when her passive is up and make sure never to fight in minion waves | Bone plating | DShield - executioners - steel caps - mythic (tank or eclipse depending on team comps)”
Armenian Dragon says “Easy, but before lvl 6 don't take too much damage. Before lvl 6 she is in her favour, and if you lose, it's game over. After lvl 6 you don't have problems. I recommend Lethal Tempo here.
Bernardian says “Bramble gets the job done so does executioners. ignite irelia is a little hard to trade with but still a winnable matchup. Save your E for when she tries her all in bullshit sidestepping her e guarantees that you win the trade YOU CAN WIN LVL 1 IF U START W BUT YOU HAVE TO KITE HER OUT.”
Zombzn00b says “Played this matchup once but the irelia was lowkey dogshit. Use E or W to dodge her E. If she Q you just Q3 her behind you and W into turret. If you do that once she will get scared to Q you again. Be careful of her BORK powerspike.”
Babuleh says “Доран блейд Завоеватель/хватка всегда с пластинами тринити/сокрушительный
Старайтесь уклоняться от ешки и принимать трейды когда у вас есть пассивка, ультой лучше доджить ее ульт. Никогда не идите алл ины и старайтесь выбить из нее максимум с лесником, ведь после 1 2 убийств, камилле обычно хватает ресурсов чтобы убивать ирелию без проблем.”
ardeluu says “Permaban this girl, if she is playing well as well as you, you'll lose your game. She get 0 damage by just using, can out-trade you by auto-attacking with full-stack passive.”
Denied20 says “Only really skilled Irelia's can play around your utility to block her win conditions. As Yasuo play smart around her stacks. She can W caster minions to get quick 4 stacks - keep in mind. Otherwise you should easily hold lane prio and win the duels.
Consider your strength and condition before submitting to her when she gets 4 stacks: Does she have 0 lethal tempo stacks, and you have full? Do you have full health, she has half?
Irelia having four stacks only gives her an advantage, not a free win.
Beyond lane, it gets harder, but the strategies are the same. You beat her regularly unless she hits you with her R, which she easily can do if she also hit her E. ”
AlmightyNoxian says “PERMA BAN THIS WHORE. Not because It is a extreme threat or something, you win vs her in lane. BUT she literally outscales & damages you like a goddess or some shit.”
FaNTOP says “Постарайтесь уклониться от её E или блокируйте его с помощью своего W и просто запугайте её на 1 уровне, а затем отойдите под башню, когда у неё 4 стака. Если она хороша, просто фармьте постоянно и старайтесь выжить, держите волну на своей половине поля и никогда не сражайтесь на её половине.”
BetterGoGrevious says “She can dodge your abilities very easy and will probably all-in you lvl.3. Pretty unplayable if the Irelia knows what she is doing”
demirkaiser says “Depends on the Irelia. Dodge her E. Don't stay near minions as she will just Q them, stack passive and heal. Ult him after she ults. Don't fight when she has his passive stacked.”
TTVXiralid says “Keep an eye on her Q stacks and trade carefully. You will outscale and kill her eventually. A good irelia will make it hard but ur still more usefull in teamfights”
kayle1v9 says “ALWAYS ignite + LT + dorans blade. dont let her stack passive, perma hit wave lvl 1 and all in her. Here's a mini guide:”
CypherRL says “Similar to Tryndamere but not as bad. This lane is easy if you get early jungle-help, but Irelia wins after first item.
Try to keep the wave near your tower as it limits Irelia's options.”
Twogrand says “This is another hard one. Try your best to zone her from the 3 melees level 1 with your auto attacks, abuse bushes. After that you have to dodge her E to take any fights. If she lands her E on then you should try to disengage but if she misses it, that's your chance to do a short trade with her. Watch low hp ranged creeps that she can set up to dash onto you. Take conq ignite and win early game eclipse build path”
TheGoobMaster says “Outduels you late game. Take ignite or build early anti heal. Silence her w and then spin bc her w reduces a bunch of dmg. w her stun or use q movement to dodge it. Dont fight her in wave”
Althalosofsirun says “Sett is one of the better champs for fighting this monster but it isnt easy rush plateds and bramble and build gore not heartsteel”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror + Trinity Force]
[Ignite + TP]
Taking Conqueror versus Grasp will really help you in this matchup. Irelia can only all in you and Conqueror will help you win an all in. If you take Grasp then a good Irelia will win at all points of the game.
This matchup used to be relatively easy/straight forward but with the Lethal Tempo changes she now wins at all points of the game. Now with the BORK buffs of patch 12.3 she is now even stronger! If you're in Diamond or lower you will probably easily win because the player doesn't know the limits of Irelia but you pretty much lose if she knows what she's doing and you took grasp and if your jungler never comes. What usually happens is you take Conqueror and trade waves back and forth because you guys can't fight whoever has the pushing wave. You can dodge her E or her R with your R. **If you do decide to go grasp + divine sunderer then you just have to play a bit safer in lane and know you're likely going to lose all ins vs her and it's best to look for small trades**”
Nurakami says “Le creature.
You will win if you don't fight her with her passive every time whens he goes for cs just q her dodge her e and you are safe.”
BezMemow says “Early game she's scary if her stacks are full, be mindful of that. With Botrk she kills you easily but you can easily get a lead before she completes it. Build Riftmaker for dmg otherwise she melts you.
Start D Shield or D Ring”
LocaLAM says “Like the Fiora matchup but easier. Ignite + antiheal will ensure a victory + you can negate her only CC. It's not too difficult unless she also takes ignite.”
Smauggy says “she can gape close you, burst you down and if she time corectly her w she can negage a lot of your dmg there.
hearsteel is good with some antiheal. ”
Loweloexpert says “Another champ that is destroyed by your ult. At lvl 3 you hardwin, instantly E if she uses W and insta ignite, then you auto to death. At 6 wait her E, when she Es insta ult her so she cant recast E and stun you. She is usless with 0 stacks so its a free kill in your ult. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Mobile, strong, and builds lifesteal. Absolutely the last thing you want to fight. But if you build Thornmail to counter the BORK and Shieldbow she tends to build, it should be a little easier to beat her senseless”
sinatra1633 says “Keep pushing to ensure your minions do decrease in health due to her minions so she cannot dash to them casually.
You beat her in all ins once reaching power spikes.”
Mnem says “Go with Flash IG Lethal Tempo and Bone Coating. You win in the beginning and in the middle, but don't trade with it stacked. If you're after rush-plated Steelcaps. Use your AA W AA E Q AA combo to make it impossible for Irelia to use her Q to enter your Q and reduce damage. Build Plated Steelcaps, Trinity Force or Stridebreaker (I recommend Stridebreaker).”
HSY12 says “She will crush you very easily if you don't respect the fact that she can Q onto your casters early and get full stacks instantly
Try your best to dodge her E by either baiting it out or using your soul unbound to avoid the mark
Buy warden's mail early (right after berserkers). ”
Matrix02Gold says “You will never land you Qs on her because of her non stop dashes and she stomps you in melee range, and she wins early, mid and late game 1v1 against Aatrox ”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Try to stay far enough from her that she can't immediately Q you after killing minions, try to force her to battle you under turret so you have an advantage.”
SesaPrime says “Irelia was a matchup that Camille HAD to respect as she was reworked & was taking the meta for a few seasons. The matchup can be looked at in similar ways to Fiora. Both of you can punish each other & outclass each other, but Camille still outscales her at the end of the day.
Irelia can heavy snowball from any lead she gets which can put her lightyears ahead of Camille. ”
zap and you die says “Skill diff, cancel one of her Qs and pummel her down.
Feel free to start lv 1 fight if she has nothing to get 4 passive stacks on, hit W at over half and run(hit her if needed), ignite is make or break for her and fights can get very close.
Her BOTRK vs your Heartsteel figrst fight, fight near turret, EW is finisher(without a stun), she doesn't have much HP so that should leave you both at around 25% HP (and you heal to 40% around 10s later, what a great time to fight)”
primate nefasto says “Don´t leash your jungle, you can abuse lvl 1 if she don´t stack her passive. If she stack it play safe and try to kill lvl 6. Always dodge her E with your W. if she gets ahead go afk gg next ff 15 report jungle. She will zone you all the laning phase”
Reines Kokosfett says “You win level 1 if she has no Stacks, but if she has you get run down. Try not to get dismounted level 1. At level 2 she can kill you before remounting if she keeps her E. If she ever misses her Q reset he can just run her down. If she misses her E you should also win out.”
Vixylafoen says “She can easily kill you., but the same applies for you to her. Just sit on barrels and wait for her to go forward to Q minions. You can easily win trades that way”
stefanko says “You win this matchup at every stage of the game. Try to deny Irelia xp level 1, she is really weak if she can't approach the wave, but you win even if she does. Save your e for when she has no minions to dash to, and no w as well ideally. You hard win all ins after 6. (lt, ignite or tp)”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Never fight her when whe has all 4 passive stacks or you will lose.
Parry her E OR sidestep it.
Post 6 you can sidestep/Flash/parry her R and you will always win.
Note that a good Irelia will try to bait out your W as hard as possible with her E. She will also let you think you hit it and then sidestep so be prepared for that.
Ignite or anitheal is important here.”
Zeffie says “Incredibly difficult lane, it isn't really worth fighting her unless she's really overextended. She will dash and heal frequently as well as stun and slow you into oblivion, oh and as soon as she gets BoRK you have 0 chance. My preffered instaban”
Biba or OTP Kled says “Tank base:IONIAN BUTT,you beat her hard in lane phase but she easily beats you in midgame and lategame before you buy botrk and death dance”
Tonho says “Probably the biggest BORK + Sunderer abuser of this game. Post-items you can't trade against her never. Pre-items you can win if she uses her W poorly. Use your E to dodge her E, don't walk on her R border at all. After her W is used poorly, you can one combo her to death with ignite + conquer.
PraefectusMace says “Irelia is still the 'buy bork and cause destruction' champion. However early game you can slow down her farming by a LOT. If you dodge her stun, you can keep biting her over and over, and if she tries to rush at you with her stacks maxed, just howl her out. Be sure to farm enough to prepare for the mid-late game of hers.”
dzsama says “Pretty free lane for Jax. Dodge her stun blade and be careful of her Q'ing around. Keep track of her passive stacks as her fully stacked passive will deal a lot of damage.”
Pep_Shin says “If she comes at you level 1. You just kill her. Your Q spam will outdamage her lethal tempo even if she has ignite.
Most of the time you just statcheck her every time she is in range or if she all-in you.
Be careful to have at least Steelcaps once she hits BOTRK or she will win the fight.”
GannicusTTV says “It is mostly a skill match up. You have a kit to kill her early, and she has tools to outplay you. Dodge her E if possible, but be ready to W her all in and trades but hit her back. look for all ins early as you out damage her. respect her when she fully stacks her passive. Rushing plated if you are struggling is not a bad idea”
lorensj81 says “Irelia is quite hard, watch out for her starting Q, stacking her passive on 1st 3 minions and then Q onto you, you will lose that HARD. Never fight her in your minion wave because she can Q around and heal on your minions. Do not fight when her passive is full stacks or she can easy get it.”
Puyi says “Very easy to avoid her stun with your W or E. Early game, you can stand near low health minions to Q-AA her when she Qs in. Early steelcaps and bramble vest will negate most of her damage. Run bone plating.”
Januar says “Permaban this girl, if she is playing well as well as you, you'll lose your game. She get 0 damage by just using [icon=Defiant Dance size=30], can out-trade you by auto-attacking with full-stack passive[[icon=Ionian Fervor size=30]].”
JustSad42 says “This is a matchup, if the Irelia knows how to play it, that’s completely sided for the Irelia early. Due to Irelia’s high early damage, she can kill you without needing to hit you with her E stun. To win this matchup, you just have to let the Irelia outplay herself. If you see the Irelia has 5 stacks, she’s already made a mistake. Back away and the Irelia will keep Qing minions to maintain 5 stacks making the wave push into you very quickly and you won’t lose much. You outscale the Irelia at 1.5/2 items if you’re even, but you will need to be careful of her All-In before then. Something to note in the fights versus Irelia is that she can Q behind you when you W to dodge your W. So consistently hitting Irelia with your W is difficult. And pay very close attention to her E as soon as she casts E1. You either want to Q out of it if she does a very quick E or W it if she tries to hold her E to bait out your W. Practice just looking at her E and waiting for E2. You can react to E2 consistently because of how long it takes to activate. Irelia is much weaker outside of a minion wave, so if you ever find her in the jungle alone, you will always beat her even if you’re a little bit behind.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade or Cloth Armor.
Ghost+Exhaust or Ghost+Teleport or Ghost+Ignite.
If Irelia is a good player for that character, you've lost. If not, you have a chance to win. Matchup is very difficult but winnable. Skill counts here, even though Irelia should be the favorite here. Avoid her E and R with your W at all costs. If you don't and you fight her, you lose. Rush Bramble Vest and Tabi. You scale more or less the same, so after the first item the odds are very even, but if you have the two items I mentioned earlier it should be a lot easier for you to beat her.
TheHellKing says “Horrible matchup. Take Conq or even phase rush if scared. Don't let her get free Q reset on minions. Run away if she has 3 or more stacks. Pre 6 is bearable, just dodge E. After 6, on the other hand, you must not let her get near you. If she lands her ult you are as good as dead. Get some early anti heal and Frozen Heart”
SrMolinv says “We win all in level 1. If she doesnt get passive we win all ins. Be patient if she uses W, auto and charge conqueror. Even if shes behind with Ruined king she can be a threat. Its not that hard, maybe a 3”
Akalimetall says “Irelia will kill you after level 6 as she has many dashes to keep up with you even if you flash and ghost. You can still kill her if she doesn't have R or E up, but it's not a very fun champ to lane against.”
St0rmyss says “Start lethal tempo with resolve or inspiration and start dblade. Go stand in the last brush beside her tower and wait for the wave and her to walk up but wait for the wave to lock with your wave then, walk up to her and start autoing but don't use your use e at the start of the trade, make sure she doesn't get any XP. If she does punish her hard. When she q's a minion if your close she will try to auto you so trade her auto with your w or auto w. Important dodge her e, try to use your e at the last second.”
Lukaas says “Almost all Aatrox Q's against Irelia have a 1/10 chance of landing because of her Q dash. You should try to abuse early game but be aware of her stacks and auto damage. After botrk you can not consistently beat her in 1v1's. Don't fight her late if she has anti lifesteal and ignite up.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Dodging her stun is essential.
If she has no minions, she will never win.
Be careful earlygame since her passive makes her outdamage you.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Zone off cs lvl 1.
Dblade start, tabi rush, bork 1st.
Dont w her w.
Dont randomly blow all your cds, if she has space to run you down.
Care with her passive.
Past 6 and tabi you just statcheck her.
After her bork its a bit rough, but its hard to not get significant advantage in this lane.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “I feel bad for the knives. Punch her for getting close to our wave. E her out of her dumb silly goofy dumb dumb dashes. Roll her. Respect her 4 stacks, and punch her.”
RandumPersin says “Take conqueror and this matchup is very easy. Her level 1 is really weak if she doesn't have stacks (make sure your minions are HEALTHY!!!) so you can look for an early fat trade into level 3 dive. Do not touch her when she has full stacks before level 6, you will die. Once both of you are level 6 and you have healing cut, every trade and fight will go in your favor. Our all-in is better until she finished BotRK and we have more sustain, armor, as well as base HP. Simply put, just play like a stat checker and it will work, just don't try it before level 6. Notably, if you do fall behind it becomes important to use E1 to dodge her E stun and to not dump our W stun into her W. When trading, use our W as a disengage tool and a little burst of damage on the way out - try to keep our stun up at all times to force the Irelia player to respect our damage”
LeyzeHP says “Conqueror/Fleet
You can beat her really hard in lane, punish her everytime she try to farm, you have better trades just be sure to dodge her E or to have stacks to W2 after her E Q AA Q combo so you get all her damage off and shred her.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Tricky matchup, you outdamage her hard if she has no stacks, but its very easy for her to get them while fighting in lane. Care about your lowhp minions that she can jump on and use as a way to get you. Try to not get hit by her E and if u do instantly W it. Place a barrel on your minions, if you take some practice you can destroy it as she dashes on them, passive auto her and you win most of the fights, but if irelia is skilled it could be very hard. Her ult is a huge threat.”
Smudey says “Try to keep her from stacking up her passive lvl 1. If she respects you, you can get the lvl 2 first and potentially get a taunt. If she doesn't, you can punish her with empowered Qs and lvl 2 all in her and kill her with ignite. If you don't play agressive early game, you pretty much lose the lane since she can easily kill you with full stacked passive. Stay under your turret and hope for ganks, unless you have taken TP with you then you can play for Ults without getting punished too hard.”
hamgi says “irelia is not a hard fight unless the player knows what they're doing. her q resets only after killing an enemy unit with it, and it (+ w) gives her a passive stack. avoid fighting her with her stacks full but do poke her when she goes to q a minion. she's locked in animation and typically cant strike back, so u can either get her low by consistently doing this and force a bad recall or at the very least force her to burn her pots/summoners. be mindful of her stun (e) as they typically put it behind them then behind u for max distance. try to stay out of range to force her to recast or miss the window. when she lands her e or r, she can q onto the afflicted unit and it will reset, like diana's q+e. her r is a skillshot, making it pretty easy to dodge with q3 or e. when landed, it slows u and prevents u from aa immediately. they typically rush bork and tabs so try to match her 1v1 potential by building bork first urself and picking up an executioner's. treat her like yasuo and dont fight her on a stacked wave unless u have means of keeping her cc'd and quickly bursted down”
MrSIrPops says “In the early game you can easily kill her . Especially now that Blade of The Ruined King got nerfed . Just play aggresively in the early game and try to dodge her e so her passive doesnt stack and you should be able to run her down . ”
Nexon22412 says “Perma Ban her.
She destroys you in lane can't walk to minions, can't take even trades, can't play safe she shoves the wave tower dives you and you are dead.”
spaghalli says “Irelia can be really difficult to fight as a ranged champion because she has her Q to gap close. W her if she engages and punish her for missing her E stun.”
SanyGame says “I permoban Irelia when I play top.
Be careful with turrets placement and try to set up them a little more safely. Keep in mind the path you are giving her to dash. Don't set them turrets in a straight line, otherwise you are really easy to kill. If you are confident enough, you can land stuns, her dashes are pretty predictable. Also, don't forget to buy Morello, as It can help very much.”
StingingChicken says “Pre 6 do not ever let her stack up passive for free on the wave. She can block obvious W engages with her damage reduction on her W, so be careful with that. Absolutely need a lead before 6 or you may as well never leave tower range rest of the game. Once she gets bork tabi it literally does not matter if you're up a full item if she has your minions to dash around in.”
Adamikcz2 says “Disgusting champion with 3 Morbillion dashes and a lot of sustain, you can try to kill her when there are no minions near, her passive is not stacked and you have Ignite or other Anti-heal. Only short trades if her passive is stacked.”
spaghalli says “A good irelia won't let you have a fun time. If she gets her hands on you, you're most likely dead. However, I wouldn't call her an extreme threat to kalista because her two CC abilities (E and R) are both skillshots, and kalista can dodge them with martial pose. ”
Crazy Billy Bob says “She will inevitably build blade of the ruined king, before that happens you must secure a substantial lead or you will never be able to sidelane against her”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “skillmatchup def. winnable as darius u need to rush bramble tho and plated steelcaps. u need to try to avoid her when she has full passive tho, sometimes if she all ins u its worth to flash the E/R”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health.When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Bladesurge(Q) on the minion to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try and avoid going for extended trades with her as she will always win them.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health.When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Bladesurge(Q) on the minion to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try and avoid going for extended trades with her as she will always win them.”
kajinator says “Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are mandatory. Most Irelia players use TP so you should have ok kill pressure on her at level 6 if she doesn't have ignite. Do not fight her if she has 3+ stacks because she can proc her 4th with her E and just all in you. Executioners Calling is mandatory into this matchup.”
BreadyToCrumble says “This is widely known as Kayle's hard counter. She can dash onto you anytime she wants, she'll outdamage you very easily even after level 11, and she scales pretty well into the mid-late game so she can still match you. You can't even poke her out because of her sustain! Take Fleet Footwork and call your jungler to help you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health.When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Bladesurge(Q) on the minion to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try and avoid going for extended trades with her as she will always win them.”
Evandabank says “I think Irelia is one of the most overrated champions at the moment. Irelia is really strong if she has her passive fully stacked, but if she doesn't have passive stacks, she is incredibly weak.
Never leash your jungler when playing against Irelia. Instead, zone her off of CS by running up the lane and playing aggressively. If she never gets to the minion wave, she can never fight you. Most of the time playing super aggressively against Irelia will give you a kill before level 3. Even with passive stacks, Irelia can never fight you until she has BORK. Once she has BORK, only fight her if you are confident that you can dodge her E OR she has no passive stacks/ minion wave at her disposal.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “She is very dangerous when her Passive is up, so pay attention and don’t stay too close to minions with low HP. It’s very important to dodge her E since she is able to deal lots of damage afterwards.”
SrMolinv says “Si no consigue la pasiva siempre ganamos all in. Si irelia se envuelve con sus cuchillas (W) esperar para usar habilidades y cargar el conqueror con auto ataques mientras. Cuando pilla hoja del rey aunque vaya perdiendo puede ganar el 1v1.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health.When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Bladesurge(Q) on the minion to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try and avoid going for extended trades with her as she will always win them.”
Voice44 says “такая же ситуация что и с ривен, много зависит от игрока на ирелии, если там достаточно умный игрок то это будет довольно сложный матчап. доджите ешку и предиктите ее кушку чтобы ловить ее своей ешкой и начать бить еб** кхм... если вы зафризите крипов под своей вышкой она ничего не сможет вам сделать. пытайтесь зонить ее чтобы она не набрала 4 стака а если подходит начинайте с ешки и так далее.. когда она купит ботрак следует играть ОЧЕНЬ осторожно так как она сможет буквально шотнуть вас с ботраком если вы будете неаккуратны.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health.When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Bladesurge(Q) on the minion to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try and avoid going for extended trades with her as she will always win them.”
Duwiiton says “You have to play smart. Irelia loves diving into your minions, which is where you excel at fighting. Stun her in your minions and E her to disengage, and if she ults you use Q to hook to a wall and leave. You can lose this matchup very easily if you play like a madman.”
kam1k says “control her stacks and dont fight if she can taking it to full fast. look at your minions HP. if you got 2+ minions low hp make pre Q before she jump in on it. If she spent E and a new wave of minions came, go back away and let she jump on the first one. pull her with E and all-in. She goes snowball if you make mistake Buy EXECUTIONER if you fill behind. New irelia is low iq champion”
CupcakeDinosaur says “Don't fight her unless you have ignite or any kind of antiheal as she will essentially heal back to full, when fighting, dodge the E and you should be fine”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health.When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Bladesurge(Q) on the minion to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try and avoid going for extended trades with her as she will always win them.”
pura4 says “"[Aperto dos Mortos Vivos com Osso Revestido, Escudo de Doran, E > W] - deixa ela puxar lvl 1, até lvl 3 ela pode te matar facilmente então fique bem recuado, comece a jogar de forma mais agressiva apos fechar corta cura de R$800 e um cristal de ruby, tente esquivar do stun dela sempre e nunca fique trocando com ela enquanto ela estiver com W ativo. (CUIDADO apos irelia fechar seu primeiro item você precisa jogar muito recuado e perto da sua torre, ela te mata sempre apenas andando reto) "”
TriggerDinger says “Very hard to win against but it's not impossible. You should be doing good till she hits 6 then she becomes a problem.Rush Morello as your secound item and then Zhonya later. Try not to fight with her 1 v 1.”
Oogaboogaga says “If you blow your combo into her W you die, make sure to W her W or engage. Pretty easy if you are on par with her. Can be very scary if ahead and she plays team fights well. Ignite + R easy kill. If she has stacks play off wave. Try not to let her freeze.”
KaiOverHere says “(Phase Rush + Flash Exhaust) At level 4, if you see Irelia fully charge her W and then use it on the wave, she can Q to the casters. At level 5 it's half charge, and at level 9 + BORK she just kills them straight up. If she ever lands her full combo you're just dead, so if she lands her E you need to get out with phase rush. If you really mess up you have exhaust. She can also just hold her W through your E/react to your Q so you can't really kill her until late game. No matter how large the temptation, do NOT go tabis. You will forever lack the damage to kill her if you go tabis. The points in which you can kill her is when either she misses her E (she gets 2 stacks from landing it, E -> Q), she doesn't have her passive, or she doesn't have her W/used it to prep caster minions
There is nothing wrong with going randuins/frozen heart if you want to be a terrorist, sometimes i'll go like stridebreaker -> mortal reminder -> black cleaver -> frozen heart.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health. When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Q on the minion to quickly charge her Passive, to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try and avoid going for extended trades with her without your super ultimate form as she will always win them.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health. When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Q on the minion to quickly charge her Passive, to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try and avoid going for extended trades with her without your super ultimate form as she will always win them.”
Elresser says “So far I've been fighting a lot of Irelia's and it was all the same. Get bramble first item, use your regular trading pattern and you will win the trade. Watch out of her E tho with hit she may win.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health. When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Q on the minion to quickly charge her Passive, to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try and avoid going for extended trades with her without your super ultimate form as she will always win them.”
Thrandor says “Think before activating your E when she's on you. Irelia can just dash out and reengage you afterwards, try to latch onto her with your Q when that happens . Be aware that she can cast her first E instance in a bush before putting out the second one for an unexpected stun.”
Racz says “Play passively, don't fight her when her passive is stacked. If you can dodge her stun and her passive isn't stacked just E + Q and W her AA's. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health. When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Q on the minion to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try and avoid going for extended trades with her as she will always win them.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Very painful as she out scales you and once on top of you can cause you trouble. Do not engage or fight when she has her stacks.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Easy matchup but she has a ton of outplay potential here. Rush Bramble and fight her whenever, just be careful of her vamping off 10000 minions in a 1v1. Really though if she's pushed
up and you all in her she'll die if you hit your Q's. BE CAREFUL OF USING W>Q BECAUSE SHE WILL Q THROUGH YOUR Q IF YOU DO IT AT THE SAME TIME. Once she has BotRK
1v1s are much harder ”
Alachiel says “One of the rare toplaners that can handle irelia.
Stay far from your wave if she can kill multiples in a row.
Poke her and make her low as much as you can before 6.”
lenithebot says “Go ignite to stop her from healing and pressure her early game with q spam and barrels if you can try to get kills on her when she is low and she gets huge power spike with level 6 but if you're ahead in lane and play smart with passive and barrels you should come out on top and try to have a barrel at your feet always after she got lvl 6”
MTSungur says “its more of a skill matchup, every skill she hits more danger you are in. dont use your e against her if you dont know about her q's cooldown. if she hits her ult you are probably dead. if she misses her ult you win it. ”
tacowo_ says “Irelia is a meme. Her passive is a copy-paste of ours, except ours takes 5 stacks, and hers requires abilities. She will outdash and outheal you. However, her best builds require her to stack tons of armor, and you can abuse this. ”
UlisesFRN says “Pain. You can beat her lvl 1 without minions, you can beat her if you are ahead in items and level.
She beats you each and every time otherwise, she beats you in all in,wich can do pretty easily cause of her Q. You are going to loose minions, you will not have preassure, you will not be able to take plates, she will oneshot you everytime she gets to you
Im going to start banning Irelia instead of Mundo tbh”
Farmer Cleetus says “She's very annoying and will for sure outfight you, if being camped by enemy jungle also. Make sure to take Lethal Tempo and Ignite. There are also Irelia's that love to abuse Pinkwards to place infront of you so you Auto Attack it, instead of her, so make sure to be careful if she's one of the abusers. Make sure to wait until she used her Q on you before using your W, or by pressing (E) when she used Q on you, because you can do true damage on her by that. She will become a minor if you have BORK and Hullbreaker with Plated Steelcaps, it will make you impossible to get killed by her, as long as she doesn't go for Divine, also make sure to rush Anti-Heal as Irelia's first main item is BORK. Deny her lifesteal and get herself damaged by having Bramble, one of the strong kind of items against her.”
wooverbo says “Respect her early and rush Bramble Vest if she gets Vamp Scepter on her first back, otherwise buy Bamis. After that you can run her down.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Она может легко камбекнуть, можете взять таби и химпанк пилу, если матчап в 2+ милишников то потрошитель зайдет шикарно, как и танец смерти.
Легкий матчап, но уважайте сноубол Ирелии, она дуэлит вас до лвл 3, фармите и делайте заморозку.”
Maxpiku says “Скиловый матчап. Пока мы доджим ее E все должно быть хорошо. Желатьно в этом случае собрать пораньше хилорез, максить именно Q и если не уверены в себе взять броню на первом закупе. ”
Taiquyorah says “MU difficile si elle joue correctement !
Elle possède un dash très rapide capable de dodge vos toneaux, elle gagne tout les 1v1 si elle a son passif de stack. Sans son passif, elle ne fait pas grand chose donc la seule fenêtre que vous avez est d'ignorer la première wave afin de la poke au Q le plus possible et lui appliquer votre passif, si vous réussissez à la mettre à 50% HP avant qu'elle puisse stack son passif, alors vous pourrez la tuer, sinon il faudra respecter ses dégâts tout le reste de la phase de lane.
Placez vos barils sur les minons qu'elle voudra Q pour l'exploser et appliquer votre passif.
Esquivez à tout prix son E et vous devriez être capable de survivre.
Farmer autant que possible, en teamfight vous serez plus utile qu'elle.
Dès qu'elle a sa BOTRK, vous ne pouvez plus gagnez à moins de bien kite lorsqu'elle vous engage.
Son ultime est très menaçant également.
C'est un champion qui profite beaucoup des kills qu'elle peut prendre (même si elle se situe) puisque son powerspike de dégâts arrive bien plus tôt que le votre et même si vous vous entre-tuez, elle en profitera plus que vous donc interdiction de lui donner des kills sinon elle dominera le reste de la game.
N'hésitez pas à récupérer la [[bramble vest]] pour faciliter la phase de lane.”
NegativePhoenix says “Irelia is mostly going to be making the lane hers in the early stage. Her stacks give her more damage and attack speed which she will try to abuse on you once she gets 3-4 stacks and use you to get her last one. Just stay near tower and respect what she can do early. Later in the game she'll try harder to kill your squishies than she will try with you. Get Grievous early and ignite for her as her lifesteal will not be lacking at every stage. Catch her away from your minion wave and she's an easier to hit target, otherwise she'll just Q out of the zone.”
Start Longsword + 3 Pots. You need to dodge her E's to win trades. A true test of ping/ reaction speed. Otherwise, you can kite her. Go Ignite if you're facing her in Draft. Freeze wave near tower. Dance.”
7 LE BOSS says “You hard counter her, she almost can do nothing, if she tries to Q a minion punish her with your E then punch her, when she uses W use your W cause it don't reduce true damage.”
gekigami says “Irelia contra gnar é uma das matchups mais perigosas e difíceis( se não A mais difícil). além dela ter um kit de sustain em lane ela tem liberdade de lhe dar engage quando quiser caso você queira farmar.
Preste atenção no HP de seus minions para que ela não pule em você com facilidade. farme safe com o Q e peça ajuda de seu jungler.
Uma dica de itens baratos é você Rushar Grevas de aço o mais cedo possível e carapaça do vigia.”
Groovywelsh says “If the irelia is good and kites you whit her Q you lose if she does not do that you win so try to kill her when you don't have too many minioms or she is away for the wave”
7EyesNoSkills says “You should dodge her E, don't get too close to minions when she got max passive. You are much more stronger than her before pre-6. If her ult on CD, you can kill easily, dont let him land his E, thats all.”
WildSamu says “Dblade + Red Pot.
This is almost unwinnable if her IQ is above room temperture.
If her passive is stacked she can kill you, dont walk up to the wave.
Dodge her E with E or she will kill you.
Dont overextend or she can just run you down.
Do your best to farm under tower.
A good Irelia will freeze on you and your lane is over.
After Shieldbow the matchup is a bit easier but she still has the advantage.”
meduselolol says “run ignite you win level 1 use this to push the wave to assure you get first 12 minions. After level 6 you can kill her with ignite if she misses e
start dorans blade
she murderers you on bork power spike when you're pre level 11 and no nashors”
GodOfNoxus says “Don't even try to fight her at lvl 1 especially when she's spell is flash+ignite. Always dodge his 3rd skill or you will get combo and killed by her. Try not to fight when she got full stacked passive”
kurbart says “a real skill based match up she can run you down like nothing, but here is your saving grace she farms like crazy with her face just punish her every time she's goes to farm wall her when you think she is gonna go kill a minion and DO NOT
GET STUNNED dodge her stun”
DimitriLSD123 says “Stay in your turrets don’t get stunned and I like to stack them all on top of each other so she can’t dive them 1 at a time take Exhaust and you get a kill every time you stun rocket combo ”
VituVonDoom says “Perma ban her, hard matchup in mid, unplayable in top. She has way to much damage, mobility, healing, and tankyness to just make you useless. If you want to face the beast, take the Conq page, and may luck be on your side. Rush anti heal, Try to dodge her E, avoid fighting her when her passive is satcked, and pray she doesn't have eyes, hands, or a brain”
KrazyKid1024 says “This Character is so freakishly strong and is impossible to fight. Same as Fiora. Her W makes her take no damage. Q is broken as all hell, E is easy to stun you with as jumps are easy reads. Ult is just... pain.”
Michcio says “If she is good its hard to play against her beacuse of her high damage and W that counters your barrels pretty hard. In my oponion It is not that bad as people say tho. Quarantine from low hp minions and place barrels on them. Avoid going to far from your turret beacuse if she stick to you she can easily 100 to 0. This matchup is mainly dependent on her W usage and your barrel placement. Remember that she can destroy barrels really fast if she has stacks (that give her attack speed) if she dashes to minion nearby. Rush grevious wounds after sheen”
HalexUwU says “Just gotta be careful early game. Do not Q waves as Irelia will abuse a large minion wave. Try not to push too hard and just survive until you have frozen heart. Be careful after that and wait until late game. ”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Level 1 contest the first 3 front line minions so before they get low enough you can trade a bit. If she does not respect you can get a good trade. If she respects you will have to back away, let the wave push to you and preferably look for trades level 3+ and before level 3 just a bit of poke -> When she is not close a wave force trades -> Dodge her E preferably with E instead of Q3 / Same with her R -> When she has no stacks or she fucked up her Q reset punish -> Fighting in a wave is possible but risky -> Freezing waves and playing close to your tower range is generally good because even if you mess up she won't have enough space to punish properly + you will trade back”
NegativePhoenix says “Grievous, no question. This is a very skilled up matchup at most stages. This is one champ I do not advise fighting in a 1v1 at level 1-2 right away as even if you stack Conq first, her passive can overshadow it and help her win the fight. Poke her when she goes in for CS, and if you need to, W her ult so it phases through you. Once shes in your face as long as she isn't fully stacked off conq and her passive already you win most fights”
ColdStuff says “Irelia is an extremely tough match-up given her proclivity to shrug off damage, how hard she counters ranged champions, and her tankiness. ”
Galactities says “Never been against a good irelia. I'd buy early bramble or wardens mail into her. If she builds shield bow get bramble if she builds divine sunderer go wardens. Note: You'll need thornmail into her regardless. Dont fight her on her 4 stacks when she runs out of stacks just E her dodge her stun if you can and then stand ontop of her and just smack her to death.”
Baby Sona says “Irelia just all ins you and shreds trough you. She will deny you on farm and in worst scenario even on XP. Use basic Irelia knowledge, wait for her stacks to expire and fight only then! Try not to be near minions and play passive.”
Aberrant Demon says “She runs you over in any trades early so don't. Once you hit 3, you can look for short trades if she doesn't have her passive stacked. When looking for this opportunity, wait for one of your minions to get low and stand by it. If she decides to Q that minion, you can give her the Demacian punishment that every disgusting, filthy, vile, repulsive Irelia player deserves. If you can't dodge her E, W to reduce the stun. Post-6 she wins the all-in really hard so you have to be very careful with your engages.”
King Turtle says “she can dash on top of you, negating your Q edge damage and making it hard to land your E. She also has a ton of early power and a good Irelia can be extremely aggressive if she isn't respected. Best to avoid her as Lillia Top.”
chedlol says “This matchup will only be hard if you disrespect her. Don't give her a long lane to chase down, just let her push and ask for early ganks, Don't be in her half of the lane if she can all in you, you will die. Look to bait her and look at your low HP minions to know where she'll be next. Care for ignite.”
Vizia219 says “Irelia's autos and abilities simply outdamages you, if you build armor, there's a change you can beat her, however you will have to build armor early game instead of AP.”
The Kled Mob says “Make sure she doesn't touch the wave and hit her E. She can dash into your Q and if you miss Outer Q and she has 5 stacks + ignite run. Irelia matchup is pretty easy because she needs to play around minions with her Q and get stacks to do damage and as Darius you can just zone her off the wave.”
JORGE OMAGO 74 says “OUTSCALED. The lane it's basically who has the passive wins.Her passive is stronger than yours but at lv6 you take the lead.Use your E after she uses her W because you won't tank any AA's during her stance.”
IcunoX says “Surprisingly easy lane, start E and don't get too agressive, Irelia players are very greedy and not patient so just wait for their mistakes and punish her when her Q is on cooldown.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Punish as hard as you can.
Wave 1-4:
Push wave 3 and wait for wave to bounceback, impossible to cheater recall versus Irelia, she has too much waveclear.
Take ignite.
In this matchup it's all about who controls the lane, try to play super aggro early, and DO NOT PULL IN THIS MATCHUP!
If she is able to start stacking her Q you are in a very dangerous position, her base damage is really high, although it is not as strong as before due to her changes, she is still a menace when fully stacked.
Now even more than before, you can abuse her early, so try to take a lot of trades as long as she isn't fully stacked while starting the trade.
Try to parry her E onto her if possible, level 6 you can parry her R as well.
Hold your Q if she has minions she can dash on as she can dash on them making you miss your Q, very dangerous, so try to hold or do very short Q's.
Don't use your burst on her W she won't take much DMG, especially later on, though proccing vitals is fine as it's true damage.
Don't fight if she has a big minion wave, and respect her POWER SPIKES, just as she must respect yours.
LegitLechner says “Can be beaten easily but if irelia has any skill you will have trouble hitting e. Lethal tempo rune makes lane unplayable and just have to farm to 6.”
Zorroh says “Irelia is by far the Kryptonite to Gnar. Her kit counters Mini Gnar in every single possible way. Her E stun can interrupt Gnar's E, she has a point and click dash on a 0 second cooldown, and not to mention insane burst, especially after she completes her mythic item. The best way to play this matchup is just to take sustain runes and rush Steelcaps and Bramble Vest. The main focus of this matchup should be on surviving and CSing, it's difficult to solo kill Irelia as Gnar unless the player is really bad. Mega Gnar does win trades, however locking her down from her mobility in Mega can be difficult, especially since you now have a bigger hitbox for her E. Take Exhaust into this matchup. It basically gives you an additional lifeline if you int, and helps slow her for a 2v1 kill with your jungler. ”
Scallywag says “Skill matchup.
If she gets 4 stacks or can potentially get 4 stacks, play very safe since she can kill you if you don't watch out.
Don't try to trade with her when she has bork because she can and will kill you.”
MAD GAREN says “PT-BR- Irelia é um caso muito complicado, o campeão com 5 stacks fica imbatível, por isso Garen precisa fazer short trades até a meia life da Irelia, onde ele consegue facilmente engajar e matar com o R. Porém nunca a troca pode se estender contra uma Irelia mesmo fraca, sua passiva é muito poderosa.
ENG - Irelia is a very complicated case, the champion with 5 stacks is unbeatable, so Garen needs to make short trades until Irelia's half life, where he can easily engage and kill with R. But the trade can never extend against an Irelia even weak, its passive is very powerful.”
Gnar Rule34 says “Полная жопа - попадает по тебе своей E - считай себя трупом
Ни безопасного поука, ни уверенного влёта здесь не будет, если, конечно, противник умеет на кнопки нажимать. Ее заряженные АА очень больно бьют, снимая всё лицо за 3-5 ударов, так что, лучше рисковать поменьше”
LoucasTitan says “Irelia is one of the most difficult champions to fight as Yorick. The best way to survive the laning phase is to sacrifice some minion waves and make sure to avoid getting hit by her abilities. It's also important to avoid getting too close to her, as she can easily take out your ghouls with her Q ability. My personal strategy would be to rush to my power spike fast and make the lane gankable for my jungler.”
powerfullgeo says “Don't you love the LoL balance team? 'Cause I don't. Don't let her get her passive and dodge her E. Try to Q through her to make her miss her R. To simplify you win hard if she can't get her passive, if she has it up you lose hard even if you're 10 kills up”
davidbiton1 says “irelia can be fine early game but towards the late game you will die to her. try to outfarm her and try to cheese some kills on her. i reccomend taking the tank build against her.”
TSmash says “Irelia. Don't trade with the stacks. She can enter your Q and deny half of your damage, avoid the stun and play with the jungler. She is a Irelia, she will ever try to kill you, wait for her mistakes and play around it.”
KyleTheConqueror says “She needs to get close in order to kill you. She does a lot of damage, but if you play it right you will win 90% of the time. be patient as she might try to dash around a lot.
ShacoMagicTrick says “Dumb melee all in champ. Just use your brain and your boxes to trick him. Poke with E. Dodge her stun with Q or ult. REMEMBER THAN SHE CAN ONESHOT YOUR BOXES WITH Q so dont give her free stacks. Build antiheal.”
queen_rane says “[DODGE] If the Irelia's good you basically lose. She wins an all in if she has 4 stacks of her passive AND she'll probably run lethal tempo which just shreds you.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: Don't do anything until level 6, she will just heal the damage you deal so you are looking for the all in (focus on CS), once you hit level 6 you just kill her. Just remember not to use your shroud immediately but wait until you have low energy. And if you get hit by E then you die glhf.”
Trundledaddy says “I personally don't think the lane is
very hard, if you just chose your fights when she doesn't have full stacks, and no minions to stack it on, you can pretty much just run her down and take hands off keyboard if dodge her stun, she does spike with botrk especially with ignite so be careful”
OwOskan says “Irelia's biggest threat is her stun, as she will be able to slow you down and combo you, but it can easily be avoided with your W.
Still be mindful of her regen if you want to dive !”
Sarmisuper says “Very hard matchup due to her multiple dashes and damage reduction on her W. Be careful of her stacks and don't get too close to her. Don't use your E offensively, unless you are sure you can win when she engages you. Dodge her stun with your E, if she misses it you can most likely engage on her. Buy Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest early.”
Federals1 says “She will almost always 100-0 you at 6, so be careful of that. She doesn't even need to stack up beforehand, as she gets them mid fight easily. She will anihilate you once she gets Blade Of The Ruined King, so try to kill her at least once before that. You need to bait out her w before an all in, or your ultimate burst will go to waste. First rune page should be used. W max is best here as once she is on top of you the extra damage and heal is a lot better, since you do not want to be the one that starts the trade anyway, as most of the time she will be quite far back until she finds an opening with q. Focus on building a lot of bulk, so a lot of health and resists. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Doran's Ring and Blade both work well into her.”
ProbablyPlatform says “They probably arnt good at the champ but going against them is like when you eat a crisp vertically and it pokes the roof of your mouth”
lolkayleee says “[DODGE]
If the Irelia's good you basically lose. She wins an all in if she has 4 stacks of her passive AND she'll probably run lethal tempo which just shreds you. ”
Metal Addict says “go ignite and don't fight her level 1. You beat her level 2 with ignite and W. Don't go E level 2 because you have no shield. When you are level 6, you can click ult before she gets her second E off making it useless. Same with her ult. You can poke her with Q because she will Q your cs and it's just really morde favored after level 1”
TheDeadliestMacarena says “So fast. Can dash away effortlessly. Stay safe and don't be too aggro against her coz she will outplay and outspeed you. Exhaust could be a good counter. Ask for a gank or stay safe near your tower. ”
PandoraPanda14 says “punish her for farming early. try to not let her q. Slow pushing can be dangerous as she can easily stack against ranged minions. She can dash into ur q so try to E Q instantly for heals. ”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Never stack a lot of minions in this matchup, since she will start healing and probably destroy you, at early game try to poke everytime she Qs a minion, but never have more than 1 minion low health, since she will Q both and you may fail your Q. Try to parry her E or her R after lvl 6 and you should be fine, tabis and bramble vest really help if you are insecure of your 1vs1. Here are some things you have to take care about: if she gets lvl 2 before run, she will all in you and you will die. If she gets vampiric scepter you will probably need antihealing before fighting her, unless you're really ahead, remember Irelia is the beast of outplays, since even when she is behind, if you have a big wave she can erase you.”
gazibulle says “Skill matchup, Camille favoured in lane, but it's Irelia so it cancels everything. If the Irelia player is excellent, he will always win against Camille, but you can get her in trouble. Level 1 sadly there is nothing to do because of the Irelia changes (4 stacks passive), she will just Q the first 3 minions and Q you and you will always lose. UNLESS you start Q, stay a bit back and kite towards your tower, she will get the minion aggro and will lose as you have your shield (don't overextend ever). Then it's just the basic trade pattern: 0-1 stack with no minions she can execute around => go in, 4 stacks or 2 with minions she can execute => don't. I advise you to take Ignite and not spending 800g on Executioner early game, as you won't win the 1v1 by then if you don't have Sheen. If you miss E, you are most likely dead unless you are fed and can tank her astronomical damage. Do W-Q-Q trades then back off with E if she counterattacks. If you get hit by her E and you don't have passive shield, it means you are dead; good Irelias will wait until you E onto a wall then follow you with Q. You can ult her E and R, they are both quite easy to react to, remember that the better option is always to sidestep her E with your Q mov. speed and dodge her R with yours. If you have Triforce and she has BotRK, you lose because of the recent nerfs/buffs. Very late game you "should" win if she doesn't have too much stats or Shieldbow, otherwise she will just tank your damage and heal for 500 per Q. Remember that the hardest thing to do in this matchup is not to get brain tumor during the game.”
KiroChuong says “She can oneshot your ghouls by using Q. You can build executioners early or bring ignite and play safe until you have at least 2 items.”
desch3445 says “suffer.
She's too mobile, has too much sustain, too much all-in, and will eat you for breakfast with a side of hashbrowns or whatever the Ionian equivalent of hashbrowns is.
Take Phase Rush to minimize her trade potential so you can cling onto whatever counterpressure you may have.
darkintaki says “Watch out irelia passive, she just can beat you if her have it stacked up, use your E for cancel Irelia's Q, do Executioner's calling.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “You just won't beat her in lane, she can kill you so easily if you mess up and her sustain is too high for you to E rush her. I'd recommend Q max and wait to outscale, this will take until about 2 core items plus boots. you will need bramble and probably armor boots.”
alexionut05 says “She can be quite the nuisance, but you can defeat her even in lane by playing patiently. W when she tries to all in you, and potentially turn the fight around by stunning her into a wall and fighting her. Avoid fighting if she has full stacks, though. Pick up an early Bramble Vest and you should be all good.”
MHLoppy says “She plays out a lot like Jax, where she's weak without passive stacks but has pretty good damage if she can get them. Other than tracking her passive stacks (and avoiding fights where she has them or can easily get them), the biggest issue is her mobility. You'll need to always track where she's able to Q to, and be careful about throwing your axe if you're not sure if you'll be able to pick it up again safely. Although you have advantage early, I expect her to out-scale you.”
IoannAzerot says “Take ignite and hope for your luck. If you want to try and gain an advantage take a rune with an undead grip and force a fight at first level before Irelia gets a full passive. It won't work any further than that.”
youmamaleftu says “Skilled match up. Do not trade when she has full stacks on her passive. before 6 level stun her with her e. After lvl 6 dodge her e with q and her r with w and you will be fine. Buy antiheal”
Scarhawk says “A good Irelia will dumpster a Tahm. Play for lane and hope that she misses her abilities on you. Pretty easy if you're ahead. Buy boots first back.”
LimitlessHavoc says “You hard win level 1, you just need to trade before the melee minions get low enough for her to Q all of them and stack her passive, so if you leash you wont be able to abuse the level 1 advantage as effectively.
When the wave is slow pushing to you, you need to respect the fact that she will have her passive fully stacked and unless you are extremely ahead she can simply run you down.
Dodge her E with your dashes and don't waste your full combo on her W.
If she fails to kill a minion with her Q it goes on a long cooldown early game, you can abuse this.
Respect her fully stacked passive.
Level 6 you hard win all ins if she doesn't juke your ult with her Q and if she doesn't land her E.”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral pero con mucho cuidado, Irelia en los intercambios largos hace mucho daño.
El combo Q+W es indispensable cuando ella se lance.
Lleva tenacidad en runas y botas de armadura, ella aturde.
Prioriza vesta espinosa, irelia se cura mucho de base.
Considera resistencias híbridas, hace bastante daño mágico.”
Helzky says “Ah yes, my permaban. Irelia gets rewarded for you hitting your E and she gets her passive stacks off your ghouls giving her more money. Need I say anything else? If you're not banning Tryndamere, this should be your permaban. If you have her in your game, play under tower and don't try to solo kill her, it doesn't work. Buy executioners and hope your jungler is good at the game.”
ZomB2446 says “Unplayable, your ghoul heal her, stack her passive and give her easy gap closer. Your entire kits enable her entire kits. Lethal tempo only make it worst”
OliveeGarden says “take shield bash. By far one of the simplest matchups, care her passive stacks and fight her when she has low/none, save E for E + W ”
RENGARDOSEXO says “i always go exhaust and ignite against her, use your jump to dodge her R and E, or be really skillful to just simply dodge her E, it's not really that hard, she misses her E at early game? you just kill her, and build an advantage
havy says “second worst matchup imo, do not get stunned, do not get near low hp minions, do not take extended trades, and you'll "win" :)
ask your jungler if he can prioritize you over other lanes, and if not, just try your best to farm...”
FyreRode says “Be careful of her dashing around! You beat here on level 1 and can outplay her on level 2 of you dodge her stun, but if she hits it, bite her and run away!”
magician4444 says “Levels 1 - 5 is your only chance to get a lead. Dodge her E and try your best to have good positioning and kite her as well. After 6, getting hit by her ult is just a death sentence. Rush your boots + Frozen Heart and try to flash her ult. You can kill her with good spacing and kiting if she doesn't have her ult but if she has it and she hits you, you're dead, just try to run away, unless you're really ahead. BORK is a massive spike for her, and she gets so much stronger with it, be careful!”
TheChoz3nOne says “This match-up is minor threat-level and you can outplay her with all your kits. Even if you're behind - just max boxes and early or lately she'll jump on you because (idk why) all Irelia players are very aggressive and they can even dive on you. I only lost to Irelia once in 2021 on Top and only because of my ping. I have about 70% Win Rate in games against her. Some of my Irelia opponents played so bad against me so they couldn't do any damage in the game ending up the game with score of 0/11 or even more.”
ChowJunior says “Can get out of hand if you let her. Watch your minion wave. Don't fight her with her stacks. Make it a point to find minions she might Q to and predict with your E-Q combo”
SadgeBoyK says “dont walk up when she has her q's stacked. dodger her e, goo the wave so she cant spam q, and you beat her with ignite if you fight her when she has no more q. also, her mana pool is very limited, you can bait out her abilities to waste her mana.”
Your Desired Username says “A good Irelia player can make your life hell but this match-up is pretty straight forward. Rush tabis if you're having difficulties. Play extremely safe level 2, i mean it. Her damage is so disgusting if she hits e and its kinda hard to dodge her e because you're an immobile champion. Poke, poke, poke early and farm safely. Level 6 is where it gets easy. You can simply ult her at full life when she has 0 stacks and murder her. A good trick you can use is to ult her just after she throws her first E so that it gets eliminated. Ignite allows you to fuck up and still win and makes early fights pre-6 very doable. You outscale her and she's also a pretty good ult target, so feel free to do that if there are no better targets.”
boboderaffe says “A good Irelia (and even bad ones) can easily outtrade you or catch you off-guard. Your E+W combo usually never works because she can jump into safety with minions nearby. She can use the same trick to jump out of your ult.
Rush anti heal and Zhonya's and give up as much as you have to. Never 1v1 her.
Early on you can still get some stacks with E and W by simply targeting ally minions that are about to die.
Later in the game, Irelia is not a problem anymore, you just have to survive her early on.
Irelia will almost always build shieldbow/steraks and wit's end. You simply have to buy shadowflame (if she is the biggest threat in the entire game or someone else is also reliant on shields.”
Xochii says “Do what you'd do with every other champion; only fight if her passive isn't stacked. Prioritize dodging her E. If you play it carefully, you should stomp her with quite ease.”
Rayli36 says “Broken champ isn't it? try to avoid her trading when she's stacked but if you'll play it right you can win trades with her even when she has stacked passive and i now this sounds crazy but its possible remember that her r deals damage when go out of it and if you'll come back in it
AD-dmg ”
just pick yone says “Worst matchup for yone. Wait for your jungler and play defensively, freeze waves. Build d-shield if you dont want to take fleet. almost unwinable.”
Hoplite345 says “Irelia is a mobile, and very much up in your face champion with a lot of utility and sustain, just like Yone, however, this is one of the harder match ups for Yone and typically should just be banned.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Something is wrong with you if you did not ban Irelia. Her Q one-shots your walkers and slaughters you making her Yorick's biggest counter. Do NOT play Yorick into Irelia no matter what lane she's in. Instead, try to swap lanes or if not possible, do NOT play Yorick. Play someone like Mordekaiser or something ”
DanteBlaire says “Match up favorável e bem tranquila com a build de 1x1. Volibear acerta controle de grupo bem fácil na Irelia. Apenas ter cuidado em trocar com ela com a passiva ou conquistador full stackados. ”
Atomragnar says “If she is any good this is a hard matchup. Rush steelcaps and brambles vest, it really helps with your trades.
You can cheese her level 1 if you start w. Don't fight her if you have lot of friendly minions with low HP since she can Q/heal on to them. You MUST dodge her E, if her E is down you can kill her. You can also interrupt her Q with your E if you manage to time your E while she is in her Q animation.
NEVER fight her if her passive is fully stacked.
Even if you are ahead of her, rush steelcaps and brambles vest. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “High damage, low burst for your shield to delete, high mobility, insane scaling. Irelia is ban worthy. If you can dodge her stuns well, take HoB to counter stun her. Otherwise, take Grasp to make trades more fair. Her engage is completely destroyed is she is stunned midway. Capitalize on her Q mistakes. Take BoRK or Goredrinker.”
Makkro says “Try to dodge her e or w it and bully the fuck out of her lvl 1 and back off into tower when she has 4 stacks if shes good you just perma farm and try to survive and keep wave on your side never fight on her side”
LunaticDancer says “Irelia is a 1v1 nightmare for most characters. She's extra bad for Yorick though, because she can one-shot your ghouls with her Q, stack to full and then beat you to death with ease. You should be banning her. If you didn't for some reason, prepare to spend a lot of time under turret, take D Shield and I am Bullied runes. This build deals with Irelia a tiny bit better because she can't one shot your ghouls as they land, and you have decent burst damage.
Anti-heal highly advised.”
COJA says “Her Q allows her to dodge all your spells easily as long as the minion wave is big. If you push into her, make sure she doesn't manage to freeze it. Use your E to dodge her stun if possible, but otherwise this matchup is almost unplayable. Buy tabis and collect what farm you can.”
pubg player 1337 says “She is powerful, dont fight with her, wait till your jungler can gank you, in lategame you can kill her easily (if she is not fed) (Thornmail on 2nd item)”
RedRandyDevil says “I'll put her in major because she's just awkward to deal with. Keep an eye on her passive, trade with her when its on 0 and when she has no minions to kill. Rule of thumb is If irelia is pushing she wins. If you are pushing, you win.”
Captain Bane says “this champion is what defines the taste of vomit I get in my mouth whenever I play against her. Freeze the wave on your end, if things get out of hand, early game look to not let her get all of her passive stacks and be careful for a lvl 2 all-in, i would go barrier/TP and maybe try PTA because you will win short trades, long trades tho..... just dont (if she is going to get passive soon anyway)”
Just all in her lvl 3, tell ur jg to stay away from top so he doesn't feed her early
if she wins first 1v1, and u used ignite and barrier, then i don't know what to say to u. wait till ur jg and mid gank u.
Grasp & divine.”
peepoHappy says “Fuck Irelia players, broken champ.. Just pray you dodge her E, if you can do that, you can battle her but plz don't 1v1 good irelias before lvl 6 unless you can bully her in the early game”
AnEx1stingBeing says “Always rush bramble vs Irelia, and never engage unless you have ignite and your Ultimate. The matchup is winnable if you don't start fighting when she has all her stacks.”
Larkana_ says “Most Irelias will dash to backline minions even when near your turret which is mostly a free kill. She can't really kill you either unless you eat all of her abilities.
Outscaling edge teamfights/duels: Skarner [Medium]/Skarner[High]”
Captain Coomer says “Don't fight her when her passive is up, and don't fight her when she uses her R. Short trades before level 6 (max Q > Auto > E > Auto > E) with your combo, then all in with R.”
space cat says “irelia has a lot of outplay potential but unless they are very good at irelia, you can win trades even if shes full stacks, but its better to not try it there. try to fight her when she doesnt have stacks, land Q, and you win. ”
Eduardocwalle says “This is a really good 1v1 too, but in my personal experience, irelia isnt a problem UNTIL SHE GETS KILLS FROM NOWHERE, u can dodge his e and r with our ultimate. U have to shor-trade her, always if she has no passive, rush antiheal and play with ignite.”
Night Guy says “Irelia is a master top laner she has a good sustain and negate of both AP and AD because of her W and has a stun plus her ultimate gives her opportunities to outplay any gank or trade you try to do after 6. You kind of have to poke her from afar with your Q and try to dodge her E. In the early levels you can try to poke her down and try to secure a kill if she whiffs her Q and can't really get to you so abuse your range on her and poke her down an Irelia without her E and Q is pretty much easy to trade and/or kill, after 6 though play it safe and probably ask for ganks. If you cannot play against her or hate this champion as much as I do avoid playing against her at all circumstances by banning her.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Can't believe I forgot about Irelia when this guide first came out. She's so deadly because of her perma lifesteal. Half the time, Ignite won't work because she'll just permanently kill minions to counteract the grievous wounds. You'll need an army to kill her if she's too dangerous”
Gragas Fumante says “ Her kill potential uppon you when Mini is absurd. Use your E to fall back when she jumps. If she lands her stun you are dead. You can try supress her under the tower not allowing her to keep her passive stacked but it is very risky due to ganks and her high mobility.”
5Head Builds says “It has to be a good player but this matchup can be hard because this really just comes down to the better player.
Advice: Don't get stunned and you should win whatever trade or all-in.”
lookatherizinosaurus says “Not as much of a threat since her nerf and imo more of a skill matchup. She can't kill you that easily in early laning phase anymore so make sure to stay even or get ahead with a bit of bullying”
Acumulator says “Annoying since she will disturb your rhythm and occasionally Ult you but other than that it is besically you trying to hit her while she tries to dodge enough so that she can still engage.”
ToothlessKnight says “A master of Irelia can make anyone's life hell, but Urgot wins this win pretty hard. If you land your E she is pretty screwed in a 1v1 and you outscale her pretty hard. She only has kill pressure if she fully stacks her passive off the minion wave. If she stacks it and you know shes going to land her stun, just E away and kite until her passive falls off. This is a fairly easy matchup overall, just don't get caught or let her get a lead.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Very powerful champion for duels. Dodge her e at all costs and fight close to turret + short trades. Rush antiheal if you're not ahead. If she hits r, try to disengage. - play for short trades and all in if her w is down. Lethal tempo changes have made her v oppressive, do not take long fights against her without your own lethal tempo and ferocity available.”
MrZoltannn says “You need to look out for her passived stack fights, so just try to Q her or Q at low health minions. Try to proc W when she walks up to last hit minions.
Use e to jump out from her E stun. lvl 6 fight is all fight dependent, get near megaform, start mini gnar all-in and if she try to all-in at you, you can just turn mega gnar, and ult her to the wall.”
Prof Harambe says “Irelia is the prime example of a champ you can't really deal with. Your e slow is pointless, because she can just use q to move around. Super strong early and outscales you in a 1v1 scenario. Best to just farm under tower and try and outvalue her in teamfights. Since you are playing off meta, you still have a chance of the Irelia underestimating daisy due to a lack of matchup knowledge, but if they know that they can just either wait it out and murder you by dashing away to some minions or killing daisy, threatening to engage onto you if you step up. Then again, you could say that it is an easy matchup because a lot of Irelia players try and force dives for no reason, allowing you to root and e stall until she dies. But seriously a semi-competent Irelia can dominate you all game.”
xPetu says “Tips: Predict her Q jump on low health minions with your E. Dodge her E. Your W blocks her Q and Passive on-hit. Don't walk through her R-blades if possible.”
Stinkee says “Most Irelia players are not good enough to pull her off to her full potential. A very good Irelia can easily destroy you in lane but this is very rare in low-mid elos. She is going to be annoying, dashing all over the place and healing. If she misses her E or R you should win the fight. If her W is up she will use it to tank your Q, if you see her standing still with W while your Q is channeling charge it all the way. She will be cc'd for a while which will let you win the trade even though she blocked most of your Q damage. The best way to deal with an Irelia is to freeze the wave under your tower, this way she will be unable to CS or Q your minions without walking far up and being vulnerable to ganks, she will not be able to dash to any minions to escape because they are in front of her. A simple trick that can work against many Irelia players is to pay attention to the health of your minions, she is going to try to dash to the low health minions. You can charge your Q on your own low health minions forcing her to either get the minon(s) but get hit by your Q or she will miss the minion(s). I would recommend taking Grasp or Glacial Augment against Irelia and rushing Bramble Vest and Plated Steelcaps.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Maxing (Q) is your best bet, however, late game this becomes less effective simply due to her gap close chase and lock downs which tends to be impossible to avoid. Try your best to close out the game before late game arrives. She is a monster later in the game. Early game it's all about avoiding her stun and staying away from low HP minions so she can not dash through them to you with a stun. Your first item is mandatory to purchase Oblivion Orb, otherwise she will simply heal back to full on a full wave rotation. If you get hit by her (R) don't touch the blades. Flash / sidestep her ultimate. If you get stunned she will win every trade so it's pretty much dodge or die.”
lol Wero says “Even with the Range advantage Neeko has over Irelia; She can still all in with her E (the stun) to kill you easily in lane pre 6. Her ultimate just makes it worse, i recommend rushing ninja tabi vs Irelia. The lane is still winnable as Neeko, Just make sure you can dodge the stun and keep your distance.”
Anoying bro5 says “Abuse her early game when she does not have her passive stacks from Qing minions. You want to parry her E stun as it is very obvious and if you land this lvl 2 you auto win. Be careful of her dodging your riposte by Qing to a minion or behind you. After lvl 6 if you dont riposte the stun, you can riposte her ult, or the q after her ult to negate her resetting Q. ”
Thing in the Ice says “Irelia has so many options to close the gap against you. The key here is to keep an eye on your minions that are low on health. Irelia’s Q will reset if she kills a minion with it. You absolutely have to dodge her E because it applies her mark on you. Overall, you want Irelia to push in this matchup as much as possible. Keep your minion wave close to your tower and ask for ganks.”
BoilTheOil says “If she tries to dash around like a bug put her in her place with E and knock her out. Don't let her get 4 stacks. If you freeze the wave close to your tower she can't really do anything about it. This character does waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much damage for no reason, so don't use W without full grit, she will probably kill you at least once in lane while you blink.”
King Turtle says “Irelia with stacks has more than enough power to beat you in early trades, and she can out sustain you until you get Riftmaker. Add on that many Irelia players rush Blade Of The Ruined King, and lane phase becomes a more skill dependant situation. ”
Phrxshn says “Predict her Flawless Duet(E) and Vanguard's Edge(R). Doing so will make this a easy trade and will prevent her from refreshing her Bladesurge(Q) AKA Dash. If you do get caught by her skillshots do use Mega Adhesive to reduce her damage. (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Plated Steelcaps) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Mega Adhesive stops Bladesurge) (Fling overrides Bladesurge)”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Irelia's lane phase is extremely overpowered making her one of the hardest champions to deal with in lane. She has way too many dashes that do not cost mana, her damage is way too high, her stun can be over 1000 range, and her abuse of corrupting pot and time warp tonic makes her hard to kill. Play extremely carefully the entire lane and do not force any trades with her without your jungler or away from your tower.
Post 6 this lane becomes almost unplayable as her ult is also broken and counters your ult. Bramble vest is mandatory though she can quickly heal to full from minions.
What keeps this matchup from being a 5 is that her teamfights are garbage and a single hook can shut her down entirely. It also helps that anathemas and frozen heart counter her entire kit.”
quinn adc says “First, I have tried every keystone imaginable, and I can confirm with my experience against high elo irelias that Phase Rush is 100% the best option atm.
The question remains: why Phase Rush? Well, Irelia only has the advantage over Quinn post Level 6 because her ultimate slows for 90% for 1.5 seconds, AND it allows her to get a reset on her Q.
This means that the slow allows irelia to dash onto you for a reset, and secure land her E on you for another reset on her Q for a total of 3 dashes onto you.
Now, phase rush works wonders because when Irelia ults you, instantly proc your phase rush, and the slow resistance allows you to now be slowed much by her R, and grants you MS to run away.
First, pre level 6 laning phase is heavily quinn favoured.
Play aggressive, and save vault to dodge irelia E OR vault away from irelia if she lands E on you.
Even if she stuns you with E and gets a Q reset, if her E stuns you and she Qs on you, vault away with auto-e-auto, and then if she dashes again, your phase rush + w max allows you to out run her with ease after.
Her E range is 775, but it's easy to tell when she wants to use it because she'll put the first mark of her E down before she engages.
It's quite easy to dodge with W max! Her Q range is 600, which is 75 more than our auto range, so keep that in mind! Also, our E does not reset her Q if we are marked, BUT if you vault irelia before she Qs a minion, Her Q will go on cooldown lol.
Do not try this at home though because her Q is so so fast, and this requires smurf-like prediction timing.
IMPORTANT: If you blind irelia, she CANNOT Q you if you are outside of nearsight.
Use this to your advantage in laning phase, and also when she tries to all-in you post 6.
NOW, irelia is level 6 and you're scared.
When irelia dashes onto you, her character goes slightly behind you, so it's hard to land Q on her after she dashes towards you.
The best thing to do is to predict her engage.
Irelia wants to dash on a minion likely before ulting you, so anticipate this.
When she ults you, she will follow with Q 99% of the time, so retaliate with your Q when she ults.
Now, irelia will Q onto you, and you then vault instantly.
You will proc phase rush AND irelia is blinded, so now you can outrun her, and by the time her nearsight wears off, she is now too far to Q onto you again.
Master this, and Irelia should never be able to full- combo you with her ultimate :)”
Veng Shotz says “Ire's ability to One shot minions with Q all while stacking her stat stick passive will be your bane, your best bet is to either Q minions that she might q onto, or hold onto your e when she tries to all in you and dash out of her stun, You'll have a general hard time against her unless she either hard misplays or you managed to interrupt her dash.
post 6 this lane is almost unbeatable. with the slow on her ult giving her a free stun+ 4 stack passive, you'll lose half your health in 1 second and die the next, quite literally.
If you managed to get a kill early, rush an executioners, as when she loses the ability to spam q heal on minions without just ignoring your q's, she'll either have to win all in's or lose the sustain game.
Always play safe when she has a wave ready to spam Q onto, if she has no stacks she isnt a champion, and you should be able to all in her, just be aware of her ult and flash CD's. ”
Feedaboi says “her passive does a lot of dps when stacked, look for trades when she doesn't have her passive stacks built up, otherwise look to q farm until the stacks run out.”
Amphawn says “This matchup sucks. Dodge worthy. Pay attention to your minions' health so she can't quickly stack up passive stacks and dive you. You don't really ever beat her in lane so just try and freeze close to tower. At level 1 though, you can push lane up so that if she does try and fight you level 2-3 you can back up and fight in your minions, which should give you the upper hand. Always be prepared for her stun, as if she hits you, she gets a bunch of free damage, a passive stack, and gets on you while refreshing her Q cooldown. The stun is pretty predictable, and once you see the first go down, try to get away from it as it gives you more room to dodge while giving Irelia more room for error. If she ults you W, ult yourself, and then run. You don't want her to get the extra damage from you walking out, and she will also dive you immediately, so watch out for her stun, because if you get hit, you're probably dead.”
PH45 says “Pretty free lane for Jax. Dodge her stun blade and be careful of her Q'ing around. Keep track of her passive stacks as her fully stacked passive will deal a lot of damage. ”
SunFalk says “She has a dash. She has a shield. She has a stun. - Irelia is a carry, to play against her, don't feed her in laning phase, if you do, she will scale and snowball hard, try to dodge her Q and be careful for an ult that will make her able to 1v1 you easely.”
iZeal says “Very hard matchup. Fight her when she doesn't have stacks, dodge her E or she gets to dodge your Qs as she jumps behind you. Once she has vamp scepter poking her becomes useless since she heals for a lot of damage. Unlike Fiora she can 100-0 you under tower with 5 stacks and her ultimate.
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
Phrxshn says “Predict her Flawless Duet(E) and Vanguard's Edge(R). Doing so will make this a easy trade and will prevent her from refreshing her Bladesurge(Q) AKA Dash. If you do get caught by her skillshots do use Heart Zapper to reduce her damage. (Recommended Items: Thornmail, Plated Steelcaps) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
slogdog says “Irelia is a hard matchup early game. She can Q all your ghouls to heal up and to stack up her passive. Your wall is completely useless, as she can Q, and E is very hard to hit, because she can Q everything. And also even if you do hit the E, she'll just eat your ghouls up for breakfast. However, once you get hullbreaker you will be too tanky for her to fight, as Maiden and Q is too much brute damage for her to tank. The secret to winning this matchup is to run ignite, as it cuts down a lot of her power which is in the healing of Q.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This is who I ALWAYS ban. I've tested this matchup out vs similarly skilled friends who have never played Irelia before and still struggle to go even. Her Q eats your ghouls in one, while also regening her and resetting the Q off execute. You literally make her more powerful and a sustaining machine with insane farm. This is dodge worthy if you don't ban it, tbh.”
MagicallyDelish4 says “You can level one all in her with Doran's blade. If she tried to last hit a minion with Q try to stop it with a trade or a third Q. Use your abilities to dodge her E. She will win extended trades because of her passive so try to freeze the wave. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Conqueror or Klepto
One of the easiest matchups since you can easily stun her with her E and slow her attackspeed she hasn't much more than this in her kit.”
LoLReal says “Irelia doesn't pose much of a threat at all to us. Her level 2 is pretty strong with her passive stacked, but Darius out trades her at all points in the game. Be mindful of her passive and don't overplay into minion damage and you should easily take care of her.”
Justkb says “Early Bramble is your best friend here! Don't fight her when she has her passive stacked!!! make sure you are only fighting her inside her wave as she cannot stack her passive as easily. If you can dodge her E and then you can set up the rest of you engage with an easy Q into AA, W, AA E, AA, and R. It is easy for her to beat you once she gets blade now so wait until you have completed Trinity in order to re-engage her.”
P1Legend says “So yeah, riot thinks this champ is balanced, and that is beyond my comprehension. You never win sustained fights, and by the time you burst her, she will just heal on the next wave. If she hits you with her bind, she will all in you 100% of the time, and you never win that. Look for bursts when the Jungler is nearby and bait her into engaging into an unfavorable 2v1. Note 11.14 she was changed, so we will see how bad this matchup is after a few games vs it - Hi future Tony here, no this matchup is still unplayable”
MythicMike says “Her dashes can be quite troublesome for you and make it hard to hit her, but you can also predict her dashes by using Q on your own minions that are low on hp. At 5 stacks you have to back off since she can just auto you to death. ”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Always try predicting her last-hit target, disengage from her Q or R with your E as it puts her behind you, if she doesn't manage to last hit a minion with Q try to hit your W before all-in-ing, get Steelcaps 1st B, in Late Game you always need Chainsword”
Raen says “Use your E carefully cuz she will dance with minions dodging your stun. Your E don't block her Q anymore like it did on old Irelia Q, remember about it. She can outplay you and win if you fight her with minion wave so she can jump on them, also if shes keep an eye on her passive if she's fully stacked try to wait out her passive. Fast Tabi. Executioner for anitheal since she heals a lot. Boots//Trinity/Mortal/DD”
Hijitori says “Care of her all-in on lvl 2 with her stacks. Remember that she can dash up to 3 times and that she stops after the dash slightly behind you. Irelia is also hard to punish for csing because she can jump to any minion at any time with her big damage Q, rarely just auto-attacks minions when knows your punish strategy and if you miss "punishing" Q she can also all-in to you with her new stack.”
Xerath gaming says “Skill matchup even tho Irelia is no skills. Stay safe till 6, if she engages you with E then press R and her E is gone so she is free kill basically, aim your Q behind you if you think she will press Q. Take ignite!”
Phrxshn says “Predict her Flawless Duet(E) and Vanguard's Edge(R). Doing so will make this a easy trade and will prevent her from refreshing her Bladesurge(Q) AKA Dash. If you do get caught by her skillshots do use Pillar of Ice and Subjugate to reduce her damage. (Recommended Items: Thornmail, Plated Steelcaps) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This matchup is a nuisance, but winnable. Irelia is not extremely tanky, and you'll be able to duel her over time. Beware though as Irelia is a havoc in teamfights. Use wither on her and keep her off of your carries. In mid to low elos I think the Nasus will win out most times by mid game.”
Phrxshn says “Predict her Flawless Duet(E) and Vanguard's Edge(R). Doing so will make this a easy trade and will prevent her from refreshing her Bladesurge(Q) AKA Dash. If you do get caught by her skillshots do use Seismic Shard and Ground Slam to reduce her damage. (Recommended Items: Thornmail, Plated Steelcaps) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
Sporkintahn says “DANGEROUS!!! --- This is a skill lane in Darius' favor but Irelia can still beat you easily if you make dumb plays. ---Like you she thrives in extended trades or fights where she can stack up her passive. Her passive stacks off of autos and ability hits to champions and it gives her extra AS and at max stacks an additional flat AS proc along with extra on hit damage. --- She will more than likely zip around lane with her Q that refreshes CD when it kills or hits anything that was recently hit by her stun or ult. This makes her hard to lock down, especially in the middle of a minion wave so be mindful of when you want to go for Q harass as she can just dash away or right into you negating it. --- Dodge her Stun; if you don't you'll probably lose the trade and the all-in. Play around her cooldowns and punish any mistakes she makes.”
Phrxshn says “Predict her Flawless Duet(E) and Vanguard's Edge(R). Doing so will make this a easy trade and will prevent her from refreshing her Bladesurge(Q) AKA Dash. If you do get caught by her skillshots do use Primal Howl to reduce her damage. (Recommended Items: Thornmail, Plated Steelcaps) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
PanthrickTV says “Skill Matchup!
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Play smart and exploit her mistakes.
(3) Don' t fight when your minions are low!
(4) If she miss her Q on minion go immediately all in she will lose 1v1 without her Q.”
Kacto15 says “campeón roto, 0% counterplay pierdes el 100% de las veces, puedes intentar jugar bajo torre, dejarte pushear, maxearte la W, no hay mas que decir, el campeón está todo mal diseñado, es más tolerable como sion TANQUE, cómprate las botas de armadura”
MythicMike says “Fight when she doesn't have full stacks. Q poke when she does because you can't fight her. You can predict her Q dash on low health minions, which can help landing Q.”
Phrxshn says “Predict her Flawless Duet(E) and Vanguard's Edge(R). Doing so will make this a easy trade and will prevent her from refreshing her Bladesurge(Q) AKA Dash. If you do get caught by her skillshots do use The Show Stopper or Facebreaker to reduce her damage. (Recommended Items: Thornmail, Plated Steelcaps) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Irelia)”
montybucket says “Vs irelia, she basically doesn't have an ultimate as long as you have yours. Thats a big part of her kit thats pretty much nullified by your ultimate since when she uses it on summoners rift and you ult her after she's used it, it doesnt come into the death realm. You beat her in the death realm pretty easily. Be careful though, she can snowball off of just one kill and can ruin a perfectly winnable game if you make a really bad mistake. ”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] Dont let her stack her passive You can W her stun and ult to deny any value. Dont let her heal up on your minions. Go for shorter trades, as longer ones can help her turn things arount with Conqueror + lower CD + your minionwaves arriving.”
Wambowama says “You need to watch out for her passive, Q and E. If she has 5 stacks never fight her (idk why this champ is still not nerfed) she will just win. Watchout for her E if it lands you will also die. Somtimes Irelia players will just Q you and stack the passive up, you can get away in Mini Gnar. After lvl 6 kill her in Mega Gnar. Just dont get behind. ”
SaltCat says “You can outplay her, use your r to dodge her r, get q level 1 and fight her before she stacks her passive, let her push to you if she gets wave control, DONT fight when she has her passive”
OTP Toxin says “It's really easy to win a lane against her, she will always charge her passive on minions, so respect that, keep moving to dodge her stun and blind her, you can kill her since Irelia players are always so flustered :D”
LilPaniniUwU says “Maxing (Q) es tu mejor opción y el orbe de Oblivion es obligatorio una vez que adquiere Vamperic / BOTRK, pierdes sin él. Al final del juego (Q), esto se vuelve menos efectivo simplemente debido a su persecución de espacios cerrados y bloqueos que tienden a ser imposibles de evitar. Es una molestia y puede evitarlo construyendo tapas de acero plateadas. Haz tu mejor esfuerzo para cerrar el juego antes de que llegue el juego tardío. Ella es un monstruo más adelante en el juego. Al principio del juego, se trata de evitar su aturdimiento y mantenerse alejado de los súbditos de HP bajos para que no pueda atravesarlos con un aturdimiento. Si te golpea (R), no toques las cuchillas. Destella / esquiva su definitiva. Si te aturdes, ella ganará todos los intercambios, por lo que es prácticamente esquivar o morir.
Et Lutum says “Your perma cc as well as your q never let her really chunk you down to zero and it is really easy to find solo kills on her as well. Really easy matchup.”
SilverAvalanche says “You outscale her, but again getting to that part is difficult, she does not even need to hit an ability and she will still win.
Anyway if you can E her E and ult her ult then it is an even lane otherwise you should dodge this matchup. I would recommend locking in Irelia and just spamming R in practice tool so you get used to when you should ult (she does this loop de loop). Also if she flash-> ults you, or hits you from afar and you did not Q away, you are dead meat. ”
duckling213 says “This match up seems easy enough all we have to do is side step the stun thing and then just respect her max passive stacks. Also watchout for ult, she does big pp damage if she gets you with it.
EDIT: After playing some more irelias they are more of a threat than I thought, we need a gank early when we have advantage to get ahead. If you can secure a lead though this lane is very easy.
EDIT AGAIN: After playing another aids match against this stupid champion I have realised if the player isnt a vegetable they will be able to roll us after level 1-2 and if we dont get that pressure on at lvl 1 the lane will be lost without help from the jg. The Irelia will freeze you and your jg will probably abandon you to starve and there will be nothing you can do. So do your best to get a kill lvl 1 and beg your jg to come help you till you have a decent lead. Good luck you will need it.”
MCSwavest says “Irelia is Irelia, and there's no getting around that. You have to wait for her to whiff E to go in, otherwise stay far far away. If you think you're far away enough, stay back farther. She will tower dive you level 3 if you don't respect her.”
kisool says “Irelia pode utilizar o Surto da Lâmina (Q) nos Andarilhos de Yorick e stackar a passiva rapidamente, dificultando as trocas. Faça Corta Cura e jogue recuado, quando ela errar o Surto da Lâmina (Q) puna-a.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Believe it or not, Irelia is not much trouble for Skarner. I actually love going up against them because it's so much fun fighting them. The best way to beat her is to dodge her stun, if you can predict her stun that drops huge damage because she can't Q you for free and build the passive”
InYourWayToHELL says “You can kill her before her first item.
Go for short trades.
She is the squishiest from the bunch so i alaways rush dirk.
Flash her Ultimate or dodge her stun
If dismounted flash her stun.
Irelia's kit is all about wave state. Slow push and zone her off creeps level 1.”
Irelia is not too difficult of a matchup. She cannot quite stand up to you in lane in all ins and, unless she takes ignite, the lane should be yours to take over. This is a very snowbally lane so try not to die to her. And if you do, try not to die any more, because Irelia can be a teamfighting monster who can obliterate your backline. When fighting her, there are 2 things you should try to be mindful of. The biggest thing is Irelia’s passive. Try to make sure not to fight her when she has it stacked up fully OR when she has the means to stack it up VERY quickly (basically, a bunch of low health minions for her to Q between). The second thing that is even more important is dodging her stun. If Irelia has her passive AND she lands her stun on you, there is nothing you can do to prevent death. If only ONE of those things is true (basically she lands her stun but starts from no passive stacks OR she has her stacks but missed her stun) then the winner of the fight will be the better player. It is worth it to flash her stun at times but ghost will allow you to dodge it easily. Try to understand what an Irelia is going to go for. If you have a low hp minion near you, and Irelia walks in range, you can prime your E to cancel her Q. This is INCREDIBLY difficult and you need to actually play Irelia as well as Darius in order to do this consistently but If you manage to cancel her Q, you basically insta win the fight. Conqueror is a MUST against Irelia, as you need to out fight her. Don’t just stand next to her and let her auto you, as she has more DPS than you thanks to her passive. Kite her, going in to AA and use your abilities. Try to make sure you land your Qs on her, as it will be very tricky when she has her Q up. One trick to do this is E and then immediately go for the Q. You should have enough time to land your Q on her before she can get in a position to avoid it. Because Irelia's rush BORK, it is an insanely good idea to go Steelcaps + Bramble.”
Drake6401 says “Very mobile and has the advantage in early fights. She wants to fight extended trades and will hard push her lane to open an engage. Dodge her stun with your dash in combat to avoid getting marked. Stay away from minions when trying to escape trades unless you are using them for your E. She can get infinite dashes if she kills her target with Q. Her W block is the counter to your W. You have to outplay it in order to win because Irelia is a stronger champion if all abilities land. You have to dodge two of hers and land all of yours.
RivalOCE says “With botrk buffs I think this matchup is more Irelia favored. Riven can get outplayed pretty easily now and Irelia's first spike is a lot cheaper than it used to be. Aggress level 1 if she started E but be careful to not overtrade, if she gets her passive up she hard wins. Use your E to dodge her E.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp w/ Bone Plating, Doran's shield, E > W] - Start E lvl1 is good, so she can't auto you down
- She can get you chunked at like lvl1 and stay far away from her when she's about to hit 2 when you're still lvl1
- After that, she's just not a threat until she gets her first item.
- Once you get bramble and a health crystal, start bullying her!
- Dodge her stun, it's really easy to dodge because you have extra movement speed with your Q
- She's gonna get the push on you (and that's good) because she wants to build up her passive stacks."”
Amvill says “You deal no damage to her since she can out heal, out push, and out duel your, all with just her Q. Her ult can stop you entirely, and her passive shreds you to bits. Your only saving grace is that she is easy to make mistakes as so you can punish her for making them.
Wit's end enjoyer”
The Real Fake says “Irelia wants to stick onto you and fight you, which is great as it allows you ramp up your Q and conqueror. Once you do ,you outdamage her significantly. As you get lower, Last Stand increases your damage. Also once you get to around half hp, if you have everything stacked up, you can activate W for huge healing during the fight. Only time she may be able to kill you is if she lands everything, and stacked up her passive beforehand while you have nothing stacked. If you dodge her E, you should never lose a fight against her. Dodging is relatively easy due to your constant movement speed buffs (E, phage passive, time warp tonic). You should be stronger than Irelia most of the game until very late.”
Kampsycho says “Irelia's Q like counts as an auo attack, so it one shots Ghouls/Pets, stacking up her passive, so you auto lose.
Perma ban her, Don't bother unless you're in a REALLY LOW ELO.”
sock217 says “Possible to lose to her but you probably wont. Bramble isnt necessary but it certainly shuts her down. Buy bramble if you are not confident. ”
maxlid3 says “She is really strong in every stage of the game. You can only poke her early level 1-2. If she hits her stun and has 5 stacks she is basically unkillable. After level 6 she can engage even easier. She can also dodge your W really easy. Keep your distance and buy antiheal.”
Rhoku says “Irelia is kinda like Darius. If she is stacking her passive up, you mostly want to stay away from her. If she has no stacks OR no way to quickly get her stacks, you win the fight. IF she has full stacks OR has a bunch of low hp minions to Q off of to instantly get her passive, then just back off. Just get as far away from the wave as possible while remaining in XP range. Her dps with passive is too much for you to handle. Try to dodge her stun thing as if she lands it, she will win the trade and/or the all in. Her sustain is also a lot better than you so keep an eye out for that. On the bright side, once you hit level 6, she is free food. Just R her and murder her. She will have no minions to stack her passive off of and you will be WAY stronger. Just make sure to be mindful of the fact that her Q always lands her BEHIND you. Dodging her stun makes it cleaner and stops her from outplaying you and getting away so try not to get hit by it.”
YasTilt says “You block her E with your W. Deny her Q reset by Blocking her R. Take Anti-Heal Early so she can't Spam Q and Heal. Play safe, respect her character.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade) Get Steelcaps early. Bramble if behind. You win after lvl 9. When Irelia marks you, don't E, until she Q's you twice. If Irelia starts Q, punish with E.”
PK Noob says “Irelia is one of the best duelists in the game and she can beat you if you don't play the fight correctly. Dodge her stun (E) and try to bait her W so she can't tank your Q damage.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. Definetly rush Bramble Vest and Blade of the Ruined King. Try to E her while she dashes and punch her as much as you can. Don't blow your grit - just use it when she is stunned. Try to freeze the wave under your turret - she won't be able to do much about it and avoid fighting her when she has a full-stacked passive.”
FantasysAhlong says “A very tricky matchup, you have to manage your waves well and not get solo killed or frozen on before getting bamis and bramble to win this matchup.”
lulw says “She is a very strong duelist with her non stop buffs. You can dash her stun and you can trade very well into her. If she q's to a minion near you auto q her. Try to windwall her r at 6. You can windwall her E. If you int your lane once its over this champ is so broken. (Also if your fighting Ghuchi on irelia dont worry lol.)”
GarenteedDamage says “Irelia stacks her (Q) extremely quickly on Yorick's ghouls. She can be very challenging to play into. I suggest trying to stand over your ghouls when you try to fight her. If she messes up on one (Q) she is screwed.”
Vulkan Heastan says “She dashes. End of story. Always ban.
Other than that you have to feel out the enemy. Mobility is always hard to heal with but can be counterd with well timed cc.”
Avelon6698 says “She's broken atm. If she were closer to balanced, just need to dodge her e and always q behind you when she q's. Also never fight her early if she has all 4 stacks of passive.”
Psychopathic Top says “Irelia flourishes off her passive stacking. This is what differs from good and bad Irelia players. A 5 stack passive Irelia will just nuke you in terms of damage, so do not engage if her passive is gouged. In the early game, level 2 should be well respected. Level 2, Irelia gains access to her E, and if she hits it and stuns you, your basically ded. It does an insane amount of damage with double Q dash + full passive, Nasus will likely be 100-0ed. Keep your distance level 2 and let her shove in. Post level 6 and sheen, just make sure her passive falls off before engaging. At this point, with around 100 stacks, you should have more damage than her, but that does not mean you can disrespect the passive damage. She can also kite you by dashing on minions, so make sure she fully engages or steps up too far before all in. Do note that vs super good irelias (from the ones ive faced- tenacity/generalsniper) there's basically nothing to do as the wave will be frozen on if they play it properly, since this matchup requires the Nasus player to be better than the Irelia, but that's not possible in challenger, in a situation where both players play almost perfectly, therefore even, therefore Irelia wins. ”
DippyDan says “Play aggressive and bully her early, forcing her to think twice before stacking her passive. Punish her whenever you can and it should be an easy lane. Riposte completely counters her so make sure it lands. TIPS: [1] Short trade when he doesn't have passive stacks [2] Parry her stun or ult. [3] Stay near your dying minions to prevent stacks.”
Gospodin Bure says “Carefully poke as she can all in you at any moment and pretty much 100-0 you. Irelia also blows up quite quickly and her W is useless against your true damage, definetely solokillable until she gets BoRK, after that dont even go near her.”
Hecki says “You definetly thought that Fiora would be up here, right? Well in that case i have to dissappoint you because Irelia rightfully deserves her own place in the [EXTREME]-Tier. If you didn't ban her because you like beeing bullied then expect an almost impossible laning phase. Any Irelia with hands will try to freeze so that you overextend and she can easily jump on you and auto attack you to death. Almost every Irelia player I've encountered tried to all-in me as soon as I appeared for a fraction of a second on their screen. So if you decide not to ban her here are some tipps of surviving that creature. Get either Executioner's Calling or Bramble Vest first item + Plated Steelcaps. Let her push the wave so that you can freeze in front of your tower and ONLY trade when you are near your tower. ”
IvernLover74856 says “She wants to lvl 2 cheese you with her E stun and stacked passive. Last-hit first wave, let it push to your tower, then cheese her instead level 2 with your E combo.”
fishybearo says “Renekton had been known as an Irelia counter for a while now, and I can agree with that to a certain extent. In this matchup I often take Ignite to reduce the Irelia's early healing, then rush Bramble Vest to create 1 v 1 kill pressure in lane. Renekton excels if he can shut down Irelia's snowball by dominating her in lane. The new Irelia changes made her much more of a nuisance because she has to hit less of her skills to get full stacks, but Renekton can often times use the same strategy as before to take her down and deny her outplay potential.”
Rocking Masterock says “Extremely strong at low levels, but falls off a bit once you get Bramble Vest and Plated Steelcaps, make sure to not get caught when her passive if full stacked, do short trades. ”
Yumi Project says “Irelia is a broken monster came out from hell to destroy bruiser. Dont extend to much trade and rush antiheal because is first back will be of course vamp. You can avoid her stun with your W. DONT ENGAGE WHEN SHE HAVE 5 STACK!”
bobokoks says “I ban her, maybe I'm just bad, but the pressure from her now 4 stack passive is too much. The only way to land your W is to stun her first with E.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes, bone plating] Watch her passive stacks, don't ever let her jump on you with stacked passive. Dodge her stun. Do not walk through her R blades. If she freezes you can't get close to the wave or she just kills you. Go steal exp midlane or ask for jungler help. You outscale if you manage to not fall too behind in experience.”
IAmStryker says “Startign items:
-the bible
-cloth armor + 4 pots
Stronger than you at any stage of the game. Is worth the 30min ban from dodging lol”
Kune ML says “Skill matchup , avoid extend trade , dodge her E , flashes when she ult . For her i still bring Exhaust due to her passive even thought this is a 50-50”
beware of her when she has full passive stacks she hurts.
generally dont be too aggro when there are lots of low health minions on your side as she can just dash to all of them, get her passive instantly, and then somehow beat you.
You beat her when she doesn't have her passive though.
Late game irelia can be really scary so try to close out the game early on by getting objectives when you kill her in lane (roam down to mid to help, push the outer turret, get herald, etc.)”
Alan234 says “Go the standard PTA build, but put 5 points into Q early (not optimal but easiest to play)
However because the matchup is GIGA snowbally. I recommend grasp+domination. I further recommend putting atleast 3 points into Q as most of her Damage is auto attack based. You will run into mana issues with this build, which is why I recommend a lost chapter Item early, usually Liandries because Irelia goes Goredrinker nowadays. Its a real skill matchup that tests how good your movement and poking is, which is why I enjoy the lane (however when I lose I'm sad) If you die lvl 4ish she will freeze the lane and you will be sad, so dont die. Be mindful of her preparing minions to dash for to engage on you. Dodging e is very important, as its a major source of her dmg. Lvl 6 a lot of irelias want to all in so either flash it or call your jgl. Lvl 7-11 you win all ins with ignite and even later on you outscale her in value in teamfights”
TXK_ says “A strong duelist who snowballs incredibly well, has sustain and does mixed damage. Avoid fights when she's approaching her 5 stack passive or if your wave has low hp for Irelia to Q to. Ulting limits her mobility by stripping waves away from the fight. Irelia's eventual Blade of the Ruined King makes her very 'sticky' and long trades are not desirable.”
aurus666lol says “You can escape from her E by ur E, but she has strong all- ins. Try to not give her free mark for resets on Q. She can easly kill you at lvl 1 so remember that and take Q for blind or W for movement speed, your choice.”
JaxIsAHobo says “A pretty easy matchup, most lower rank Irelia's struggle vs Jax. Your entire lane depends on basically dodging her stuns, and not fighting her when she is fully stacked on her passive. Fairly simply lane.
In higher ranks, it becomes more about becoming observant of her passive stacks, and calculating her Q execute range on minions. Avoid engaging on her right before level 6, as she can near instantly clear a wave if it comes to it if she plays correctly and then surprise you.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED EN VOTRE FAVEUR. ESQUIVEZ SON E A TOUT PRIT. NE L'AFFRONTEZ PAS SI SON PASSIF EST STACK. NE LA FIGHTEZ PAS DANS UNE GROSS VAGUE DE MINIONS ALLIES ET ESSAYEZ DE TOUCHER VOS Q. SI VOUS AVEZ DU MAL TABIS + ARMURE RONCIERE SONT BIEN CONTRE ELLE. Irelia n'est pas un matchup compliqué. Elle ne peut pas rester a votre corp a corp elle va essayer de kite sauf si elle prend ignite la lane devrait être a votre avantage. Cette lane snowball énormément donc essayez de ne pas mourir face a elle. Quand vous l'affrontez pensez a deux points important en permanence 1)son passif 2)esquivez son stun (le E) si elle a son passif de stack et vous touche avec le E vous êtes probablement mort. Essayez de la kite car elle a plus de dps que vous essayez de toucher vos Q un petit tips car si vous utilisez votre Q elle va Q pour être a votre corp a corp dans ce cas faite plutôt E+Q instantanément elle ne pourra pas dodge. Irelia va surement rush botrk donc n'hésitez pas a prendre de l'anti heal et des tabis.”
Iczere says “Can easily close the gap on you and deal a lot of damage. If she is attacking you, blind and kite her, while making sure to dodge her E or R, because if you get hit by one of the two, you're dead.”
SemPelo says “A mostly skill matchup. If she is going for blade of the ruined king first item(if she buys Vampiric Scepter) buy antiheal.
Be aware that she can Q through minions to get close to you.”
powervang says “If she hits you with her "e" you're done for unless you use your "e" to get out for a bit but you're gonna need the life steal early game to go against her.”
Prezibogen says “Skill Matchup.
Don't get caught Level 2 by her jumping to you.
Don't get engaged when she has 3 or 4 Stacks on her passive, increasing her attack speed.
Rush first bramble against her healing and then steelcaps against her auto attack damage.”
SmollJon4s says “Skill matchup. You can E all her damage away. Do not let her roam at any time of the game as she will feed herself on your botlane making her snowball out of control. Ignite recommended to decrease her heal from her Q.”
Shourdy says “This is perma-ban champ, play safe and beg your jungler to help you. Lv1 u slow push the first waves and crash the 3 waves undertower, back get a longsword and freeze if possible. If u didn't get prio, Lv2 she will try to E or Q-E u so dodge with ur E or sidestep. Lv3 onward play safe and beg for your jungler.
Don't poke she out heals ur poke after vampiric specter and rush Steelcaps and bramble. U can Q backwards to predict her Q and use 3rd Q to run so if she tries to go in u can trade back.”
Vandenelis says “don't fight her when she has full stacks. when she gets her vampiric scepter she can heal from no hp to full hp in one to two waves. she is stronger than you early game but you can win against her at level 6. after getting one item you are stronger than her (unless she rushes botrk) then you need to wait until level 11.”
Bombabo says “WATCH OUT FOR HER LEVEL 2 ALL-IN! Her insane mobility alone makes this a hard matchup, as she can play around almost any playstyle. If she is stupid and just stays right on top of you, you can shred her. Smart players will capitalize on your positioning with their E or R”
DarkyTheReal says “I would say it's a skill matchup, depends on the wave, If the wave is pushing towards her, you win the trades and all in, If the wave is pushing towards you, you lose the trades, because she has minion advantage and can one shot your minions to stack passive.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “parry her e, then its easy to fight (but not to kill) her. if you miss your w, go away. If shes on 4 stacks (under her HP bar), dont fight, except she hits it mid-fight.”
apkibum says “IRELIA. HEALS. She heals for days! The same with Dr. Mundo, she does high damage and has good range + a stun and will outheal your damage even with grevious. She is a good perma ban option for the lane. ”
SettVEVO says “Easy matchup as long as you hit your abilities. You do much more damage for half of the effort she needs to do hers. You win level 1. You can ult before her E stun lands to deny it. Mid to late game if she splitpushes you can win it if you have BORK and land your abilities.”
Rodos says “Im adding Irelia to the minor scale. I wouldnt add her at all but i have seen some people banning her when they play illaoi. Fiora its not a such difficult enemy. Just wait until you hit 3 level. When playing illaoi you will play near and around your passive/tentacles. So at 3 level she has not big possibilities to beat you. Especially if you select to play with ignite it will be more succesfull against her. ”
Byku2506 says “Irelia after few patches for Warriors is more broken than earlier so you have to freeze lane after 3 lvl and try to avoid fight under your tower. Or snipe her while she is trying to stack under her tower to kill her (while dashing to minions).”
SleepyFawn says “Irelia has hyper mobility making it difficult to land your skills on her and can lock you down with her ult and stun.
Additionally, she has a lot of sustain in lane to shrug off your poke damage.
Worth a ban.”
Spiderfork says “Try to stay near walls once she hits 6. Be weary of mini Gnar's E bounce when she ults. She essentially can dash to you twice if she nails you with her ult or stun. ”
RTO says “She is going to place her stun down and try to avoid it or she will get 2 q dashes on you. Also do not use your abilities if she has her damage reduction. Save it till right after it ends. ”
Fryx says “A good Irelia will make use of your low mobility and go for aggressive plays. Keep it cool early she will try to kill you. You will have the upper hand later if you both get to the wave at the same time since she will want to stack her passive first. Make use of that to harass her and get away after that. You will eventually see openings to punish her. Good Irelias will make it hard for you, it is all about skill this lane.
Take Grasp here and Max E!”
wff010 says “After the rework, the matchup SHOULD still be easy with a few caveats. If she DOES manage to get a lead, you are pretty doomed. However, you should do your best to keep her as functional as a cannon minion. At the beginning of lane, deny her cs and make sure to punish her everytime she tries. Save your E W or else she'll dodge your W. As long as she has no stacks, you should hard win.”
RTO says “Watch out for her dash on low health minions, try to deny CS, freeze your wave and out trade her. She's very mobile, and scales well late. Build armor, shut her down early.”
LoLReal says “Irelia isn't a hard lane. Be careful levels 1 & 2 where she is pretty strong, and be mindful of her fully stacked passive. Other than that we win trades at all points. Build tabi and destroy her post 6 with R. ”
hactori111 says “ Don't try fight her or try get farm before lv 2 and don't lost HP. Lost 20 cs still good. When you have Bramble vest + lv 6: solo kill her easy.”
jussup says “Try beating her early, freeze the wave and wait for her to Q, after that you can flip her under your tower and she will probably be dead.”
SanLourdes says “Irelia can easily burst you down in extended fights. Her E can reset your Q, and she has infinite dashes as long as she can kill the target. Much like Yasuo, don't fight her when there are minions around. Try and bait out her E before you use your Q. Her early game power was nerfed, but she still remains strong, especially once she scales. Thornmail and Plated Steelcaps are very important in this matchup.”
CucumberSandwich says “Similar to Riven, this matchup depends mainly on the skill of the enemy. If Irelia lands her stun with full Q stacks, you are probably dead. Her Q also allows her to dodge your Q. However most Irelia's are average at best, making the matchup winnable she messes up. Dodging her E will usually allow you to win the trade. ”
Viego99 says “after mini rework easy for early game if she use q use your q aa to poke him dodge her e with sidestep or w . use your flash to dodge r .you outscale him but she have a better mid game if you not ahead. yourteam fight is better .”
calbino says “Making a mistake against a good Irelia is basically a death sentence. Her high sustain in lane, great dueling in the early/mid game makes her a big threat.”
RareParrot says “skill matchup, dodge E if not back off, shroom minion waves when she tries to life steal and dont fight when she has max passive stacks.”
Jaori says “If she tries to stack her passive at level 1, attack her. If she tries to fight, it means that she's already dead. Always use your ult while standing in the range of king's domain - it boosts your healing up by 25%.”
ForgottenProject says “This is a fun Match-up. She has a stun that easy to predict and parry and she can be harassed easily.
You beat her in lane hard.
[1]Whenever she Qs onto a minion near you, you Q her for free damage.
[2]Dont be scared to trade with her as long as you can proc vitals. [3]Parry her E it's super obvious. [4]Dont Fight her when she has her Passive & Conqueror stacked.”
ForgottenProject says “Use your W to dodge her E or R.
Your W gives high Armor and Magic Resist which hurts ireila because her passive is mixed damage.”
epic blitz top says “If you snowball this matchup, she is doomed. Bramble/Thornmail is very good vs Irelia. Look for hooks as she is using Q on minions.”
dissociate says “I will revisit this matchup as soon as possible, as I had a lot of unfortunate circumstances my first match against an Irelia.
Dropping a W on yourself can help deter him from jumping on you with her E as it's a free stun, but Irelia snowballs very hard if she gets a lead in general, so always play the lane safe unless you get first blood.
Rush Bramble Vest into Bami's Cinder, and use the regular buiild.”
turtlehamstercroc says “Look for long trades level 1 to get her low, then use w and e to run her down level 2 and hopefully kill her, if you don't get a lead really early on then laning phase will be tough”
KarmaChamelion says “She'll beat you very early on but once you get bramble this is the freest lane ever. BORK can be annoying but even then you should usually win as long as you have bramble.”
SavagePridestalker says “Tank Rengar is really strong into Irelia, he can tank up most of her damage and survives her strongest part (early game) pretty well. Once you get a few items each, she'll fall off, because she isn't a good mid-late game champion.”
a1a7s45 says “Gnar gets countered by Irelia but you can at least make the wave push to you and create an opening for your jungler if she overstays. Once she hits full build you're at a loss. Just farm until mid to late game.”
NxMate says “Keep your distance and poke her down. If you can hit your E she is most likely dead or will go back. Don't let her engage you and if she does just try to fake her with w and run to the Tower.”
oogoogerson says “Irelia is a really strong attack damage 1v1 duelist. Avoid trading with Irelia when she is at full stacks. She can easily kill you with her ultimate at full stacks. Wait until her stacks fall off and then go in to zone her from CS. Take Ignite for her healing or teleport if you think she will beat you.”
Safolet says “This is the confrontation that I hate the most as Gnar, because it is practically impossible to win the line if Irelia plays well, because she has everything to counter Gnar, Irelia's E can be dodged with Gnar's own E, but the passive Irelia's is amazing to counter because it's easy for her to get close to Gnar while in mini form, since she has the R that can be used after or before the E so that Gnar can no longer escape, and Irelia's Q can be great because it can be reset on minions as it gets closer to taking down Gnar. Also, Irelia has her W, which reduces the physical damage of enemies aimed at her, and Gnar is physical damage. The way to counteract Irelia a bit being Gnar, is to play full under tower so that your jungler can help you and thus kill Irelia, but remember that if they try to kill her while you are miniGnar, she may kill them both for a little that Gnar resists without his Mega form.”
El Cucaracha says “Một con đĩ khốn nạn thiệt sự, nhốt nó vào lồng ư ?, nó Q ra. Thả pet ra cắn nó ư ?, nó Q chết mẹ tụi pet và tích Q nhanh hơn. Con này là phải ban khi chơi yorick, 100% cần phải ban, còn lỡ không ban nó, thì tất cả những gì các chị làm được đó là biến cái toplane thành máy farm cho con đĩ này thôi”
Waros037 says “riposte her stuns watch out of wings she throw , if you fight near minons try to go back some , if she use her ult don't run , fight , but carefull”
laoshin3v3 says “She can 1 hit ur shield when her passiv is stacked, try to fight before she manages to stack her passiv, even if u dodge the stun she wins most all ins”
AlanVenator says “Do not get fooled by her winrate. Can make your life impossible if she gets ahead. Try to punish her mistakes and trade when she doesn't have the passive. Remeber that her Q puts her behind you, so you can land your E easily if you time it well.”
SethPRG says “If they get 5 stacks, you will probably lose. If they can dash to minions to escape an all-in and heal, you will probably lose. If they ult you into an E stun, you will probably lose. Wave management is key in this fight, but I can't really teach you that in a matchup guide too well, so the best I can say for that in a short sentence is watch the caster minions, make sure Irelia can't burst them all in a Q chain. You can either freeze or stack a massive wave to slow push, she can't really walk up to fight you without having passive stacks. You quite literally win the AA competition. Trinity is the best here just for the overall damage, kill them before they can do anything. I'd suggest bush cheesing level 1, and prioritize dodging their E pre 6. If you can do this, even with 5 stacks, you have a decent chance at beating them, just don't try to run away, AA while side stepping back. You'll be surprised at your damage. If you ever get cornered in this matchup, just try to fight if you know you can't escape. That is probably the biggest mistake people make in this matchup, underestimating their damage. Anyways, past level 6 you can use your ult to not be affected by their E stun or ult slow, or to interrupt one of their Q dashes. In team-fights whenever they try to dash to your team or ult them, it's best to ult them away in response. Rushing Bramble is a must, Plated Steelcaps after if you're having a rough time, otherwise rush into Trinity Components starting with Sheen. They farm a lot easier than you though, so don't be surprised if they have a lead in gold, this champ is a natural CSer. ”
SpartanDumpster says “Any decent Irelia can hard stomp you, especially if they know how well they match up against Gnar. From my Experience, AP builds make difficult champs slightly easier to manage, though your build is no reason to let your guard down!”
joelspaho121 says “Skill matchup but slightly irelia favored.
D Blade start with sorc tree.
Bramble tabi rush mandatory.
The key to this matchup is to find the appropriate times to fight her and the best example would be to only fight her at 0 stacks and while her q is on cd so always save your E and use it while shes mid dash.On patch 11.14 her travel time on Q will be reduced significantly which makes timing its cancelling with E relatively easy.If you manage to do this successfully shes 100000% dead. Only look to fight her when there are no low health allied minions nearby because she can easily get some health back and get her stacks up to kill you. Also be aware that she can lower your damage because of her W. Good Irelia players are also going to dash inside of your Q when you first cast it so be really cautious. This matchup requires intense focus and has absolutely no room for mistakes because 1 death can turn the lane into a nightmare for you. Freezing is your best shot because not only do you deny her the ability to stack but you also kill her if she ever walks up for a last hit by popping ghost and since theres no allied minions on her way back to the tower she cant dash anywhere and get stacks which means she dies so ALWAYS freeze the first chance you get.”
El Leon Gnar says “Luckily Irelia is not meta, but when she is in meta I ban her over Cam. She'll have kill pressure on you until mid/late game, like v.s. Cam your best bet is to just give up some cs and farm far away.”
Lucas9000 says “You win level 1 here, just zone her out so she cant stack up her passive. Irelia has a high skill floor, so 1 misplay can cost her the lane, but on the other hand the skilled irelia player will teleport in on minions to dogde your abilites. Should be an easy matchup for Fiora.”
Solanne says “Irelia is another threat, mainly just because she's a strong champ. She can also dodge your abilities, so take care. She's not as high as Vayne as if you can predict her movement and land your E's, you're good.
Also sometimes you get lucky and get a first-time Irelia so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
DaSticks says “Don't get hit with her E as it gives her a dash reset! Auto attack her when she goes for creeps, If you attack move command her you can target her before or when she is dashing for a creep and automatically auto-attack when she is in range.”
majororange77 says “Full info in Guide.
Once she gets her passive stacks, she wins all ins. Avoid her E and try to avoid her Ultimate, otherwise she gets onto for free.”
Kaizin says “This matchup is pretty easy, you can take Conqueror if it fits better against the enemy team, but Press The Attack will make short work of Irelia. Take short burst trades with E, Q, W. Bramble vest early is very strong as her main damage source is auto attacks. Be careful of her level 1, make sure to watch her passive stacks, it's okay to lose a few minions as long as you're within XP range.”
I am so chill says “A good irelia can setup your minions to dodge your q s and w try to poke her and stay away from your minions so she cant q q q them.Avoid trading with her if she has her passive 5 stack.Use ur e wisely as she will try to use her e to proc 2 q s on you.I recommend you buying grievous wound items early.”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: Yes
A good Irelia will just make the game be over before the 15. Try and dodge her stun as it gives her a free Q. Her W will make her take reduced damage and will do some damage if she hits you with it, so be careful. Do not be afraid to build an hourglass. Also, remember it is better to be down 20-30 CS than to be up 2-3 deaths.”
ApollonATH says “Skill matchup in your favor . Dont fight her when she has 5 stacks on passive and dont fight if she dodges your E. After botrk she can 1v1 you . Dodging her E and R with your R is really effective . Anti heal recommended ”
deathwalker7119 says “Probably one the Easiest matchups, pre-6 parry her E and don't walk up when she has 5 stacks, you will just absolutely shit on her if you do these things. Post 6, dodge the E with your Q and parry the R IF possible, otherwise just parry her Q dash into you after her ult, and simply avoid fighting her when shes at 5 stacks.”
Humitaxx says “For any Sett build irelia is an easy match up as long as you know when to use your E and your W, but it's way easier as a tank, since everything the Irelia does to you, it will transform into your weapon, so make the fights as long as possible and then Stun with E and quickly use your charged W true damage, you want to also get some healing reduction, since a good Irelia can outplay you easily and make you waste your builtup grit, make sure to back whenever you have around 800 gold to buy a Bramble Vest, since it's highly necessary later on, to stop her from healing too much in longer trades.”
Nekosett says “One of the easiest matchups you can just beat her at all levels use e w with a stun to ensure your w lands you scale pretty well and will be better in teamfights then her as well its a free laning phase and she still wont be better late then you just dont be behind on too much cs as she is very easy to cs with ”
Excuruseh says “ If you are stunned during Q, you get a reset on it. You have good sustain and can trade decently with E and W. If you can grab a kill this lane should be fine. Get bramble.”
gps1mx says “You outscale her, just play safe from early to mid game so that she doesn't gets ahead, you are a Time bomb and the pressure is on her to defeat you.”
TwoKingzz says “PTA - Max W - Bramble then hp then steelcaps.
Dodge her E she dies every time. When you all in get her to stand on your Dragon circle E”
Womsky says “Scaling set up, dorian blade start, its a free lane if you dont mess up, if she ever starts Q early and goes melee to the wave just beat her ass up if you have fury, the only time u got to respect her is when she hits lvl 3, after 6, if u are even with her she is easily donzo, just watchout for two things, her 5 stacks passive, and the possiblity of her kiting you with your minions, its hard to find good irelleas, over all, easy lane”
tibs2 says “Bramble any% speedrun. You hit the jackpot!!! This match up is so free. Id be a little careful in laning phase if Irelia has 5 passive stacks but if you make it out of laning phase with 0 deaths Irelia will be unable to play mid-late game teamfight due to your w.”
aWhiner says “Irelia has so many options to close the gap against you. The key here is to keep an eye on your minions that are low on health. Irelia’s Q will reset if she kills a minion with it. You absolutely have to dodge her E because it applies her mark on you. Overall, you want Irelia to push in this matchup as much as possible. Keep your minion wave close to your tower and ask for ganks.”
Ponkstronk says “You should win against irelia in most 1v1. Beware of her passive though, If she has 5 stacks, then back away. If she has no stacks, then fight her.”
CertifiedTrundle says “Hero with stun is a big threat for u
Irelia has a semi-predictable stun
Try to avoid her stun then all in her
U can even take exhaust vs her
Exhaust helps u kill her much easy”
Noodles912 says “Freeze all game long. Use W to dodge her R and E. Just keep the wave at your turret at all times. Never fight her with passive. Use Q to stay healthy. If you are pushed up, run if your minions are low. You outscale her. This lane needs a lot of practice.”
kohyss says “Watch out for her stacks, she will have the lead early, but after 6 you have the upper hand. If you dodge her E she will have less space to outplay you. rush bramble+plated caps.”
Irelia is a skilled champ, and you will have to be alert. Parry her E, it's easy. If you parry it at lvl 2/3, GO IN ! You will destroy her. But care, if she is stacking her passive she will deal a lot of damages. Try to engage her when you succesfully parry a E, then go in and kill her. If her passive is stacked, you should wait before engaging. You can also parry her R if she does not have her E.”
PoppingMoth says “Ok this one really is personal, I get her down to a quarter health then she goes through one whole minion wave and goes back up to full health, doesn't even kill me, the audacity.”
teemodumbstupid says “Like Rengar, she is a lane bully and will beat you early. Do not go E max into Irelia because it is useless against her healing. Rush bramble, and you will win when you have Sheen and Lucidity boots.”
Urgodzilla says “Usually Irelia players are very cocky, let her push you and try to flip her under your tower when she uses her E. Respect her passive (it is stronger than Darius's passive, trust me). Don't feed her early game or you will never recover.”
Laserholic says “Generally these mechanical champions are skill match-ups, however you're likely not versing Faker and can take advantage of missed Stuns by dodging with your E or W. Level 6, keep close watch of Irelia, and be ready to reactively W against her Ult !!”
Oskarl3 says “she can reduce your q damage with her w, stun you out of it, or q out of range. in addition to having a very strong early game. the stridebreaker build will help you lock her down but in general stay away”
Tsundere Tahm says “Espérala en el bush como a Fiora, si le tradeas sin que tenga las cargas de la pasiva es kill gratis, es importante rushear vesta contra ella, luego armase con normalidad.”
jmp_01_ says “Late game monster. Has insane damage output, mobility and a strong 1v1. Make sure you beat her early, but avoid fighting when her passive - Ionian Fervor is stacked. Take Bramble Vest and Plated Steelcaps.”
negoZoma69 says “Let the lane push and try to freeze near your turret. She out trades you hard at all stages of the game, especially AD Neeko. After 6 it becomes similiar to Akali, if she freezes you can't approach the wave and will need jg help/roam. AP Neeko with ignite can oneshot reckless Irelia players that don't build mr though.”
Draconic56 says “Irelia is an easy matchup.She can dash around to minions and dodge your Q's but she still wont stand much of a chance. Just don't fight her when she has full stacks because she WILL chunk you down and possibly kill you. Try to dodge her E.If you get a pull on her Q her before she dashes away. Once you get your ult try to ult after she does so her ult won't be in the death realm if you don't it won't be a problem.You should still be able to kill her easily but if you step on her ult you will be slowed and she will escape.”
Kokob5 says “So long as you don't fight her when she has passive stacked you'll win fights and trades. When she finishes bork you need to respect the power spike even if you're ahead or she'll get a shutdown.”
Hesychia says “She is just too mobile.
Try not to trade with her near your minions or she will have mobility advantage.
Do not try to trade her or all-in her if her passive is active or she will have Attack Speed advantage and kill you.
Try to kill her at "6" level, beware of her because she is a snowball character and can easily dominate your lane.”
Hesychia says “Yea, she is just too Mobile, You need to build some Armor before your Core Items after your first recall. So I recommend buying "Bramble Vest" since it gives you enough armor and Grievous Wound. Dodge her "E" or she'll win the trade. Whenever she tries to take CS with her "Q" use your "E" and punish her. she'll mostly go with short trades with you if she knows how to play against Darius. But if she doesn't you can kill her. Before 6 you have high chance to kill her. And beware that she is a snowball character. So If you die to her 1-2 times and if you don't have any kills (if she has more kills than you/if she has gold difference/level difference), do not trade her. Ask your jungler to gank you. Do not try to trade her near your minions as she will be jus too mobile so you won't even reach her. Also NEVER EVER trade with her if her passive is active, as she will just kill you so easily you won't even make 5 stacks. Whenever she activates her passive, step back and wait her passive to be ended she'll probably push the lane. So you can freeze your lane undertower and make free kill for your jungler.”
R3mI says “irelia is op vs aatrox because she can q but if you dodge her e she is weak and if she try to q you she don't deal too much damage and you can kill her but be careful at her ult ”
Docoda says “Very easy matchup. Let her push at lvl 1 because she will try to all-in you with her Q hops on minions. After reachinglevel 3 you can start cutting her down.”
SleeplessX says “She runs you down with autos if her passive is fully stacked so respect that. She is decently squishy but has strong sustain. Dodge E!”
Spacix6 says “Irelia can be really strong but Illaoi's sustain and all in potential are higher than Irelia, so if she all in you just E and go for the full combo”
Lost Robot says “Tahm's easiest matchup by far. Even Yuumi top lane would probably be more of a threat.
Seriously, one time League bugged out and I was stuck with >2000 ms ping and 1 FPS for the entire game, and I still won lane.
She just can't do damage to you. As soon as you get Bramble Vest, I would be legitimately impressed if you managed to die. Nobody else can really pull it off.
If you see Irelia go mid lane and you chose top lane, beg with your mid laner to swap temporarily. Offer to swap back after you get 2 or 3 or 50 kills. Then you'll be fed so you'll win top lane, and Irelia will be weak so your mid laner will win mid lane. Guaranteed win.”
Dorom says “I despise this champion just as much as Fiora. I can never decide who to ban, either Irelia or Fiora. This champion just stuns you with it's E and you can basically go AFK. Ignite is necesseary to get any kill pressure against this beast and if she gets an level up on you you're dead. Try to play agressive for level 2, it's a fight for who gets the level up quicker, then it's not that terrible unless you get hit by one thing. Seriously, stupid champion.”
kduudsz says “Um matchup dificil por ser um boneco forte e com varios dashes, ainda é possivel, usar pta contra para garantir kill early e aumentar pressão”
SanLourdes says “An amazing matchup. Have fun with this one. The only thing to keep in mind is her passive stacks. Once fully stacked, she can burst you down, but other than that, you can bully her easily and even get fed if she doesn't know when to back off. You can Q out of her R as well if you have something to jump on.”
jvr_ says “Just don't get perma freezed by this creature and you maybe won't fall so behind in gold that she's gonna easily dive you under turret. If you are on same level on gold you should be able to kill her if you have some healing reduction and hit every stack of R. Bramble Vest may be good option to build on start.”
SpartanDumpster says “If you don't give her openings to close the distance, and use your W properly, then it can be tough for her to do anything. However, if you're too close to just ONE minion, which she dashes to and kills with her Q, then she'll get into your W's area and she massively out trades you with full stacks.”
JapaUwU says “She is just too mobile. Try not to trade with her near your minions or she will have mobility advantage. Do not try to trade her or all-in her if her passive is active or she will have Attack Speed advantage and kill you. Try to kill her at "6" level, beware of her because she is a snowball character and can easily dominate your lane.”
If you go against this champ I hope you have a lot of luck.
She has a lot of sustain thx to her Q for healing.
She wins all in even in mega all at lvl 3 and 6.
Just don play against her you need pretty stupid irelias to win the lane.
TwistedDemon says “Hard. You must dodge her E's. You don't dodge, you die. Pay attention to her passive, you definitely don't want to fight against her fully stacked passive. Ask for jungler help.”
gladiatorrr4 says “Irelia is really mobile. Try to poke her when she goes for cs.
Be aware of her Stun. I personally struggle the most against her, thats why I ban her.”
raede says “This matchup is pretty simple. Beat her up a lot but never if she has 5 stacks of her passive. If she goes in on you just focus on dodging her stun and you win.”
Runtley says “Irelia can be hard but not really if you play right. Almost all he dmg is auto's and dashes really all you have to do is blind her and run or shoot her down. You also want to bait her into using her stun then going in when its gone. Also poke her when she uses her W because she can't move.”
Zac Petista says “Muito fácil vencê-la a partir do 3. Não demore para fechar corta cura e tome muito cuidado quando ela fechar Rei destruído, ela estará em um spike muito difícil de segurar, mesmo com vantagem. Lembre-se de observar quantas stacks da passiva ela tem antes de tentar trocar.”
Lunarisen says “Her passive allows her to out-trade you early on, so avoid picking a fight with her unless you've peeled down her HP with your abilities first.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Irelia it's one of those champions with high mobility, what brings a certain ammount of dificulty to Urgot, but, if you are patient you will probably beat her... wait for the right time to use your E, don't miss it or you will be dead.”
She has too much sustain from her Q to poke out of lane. Can't kite her because of her mobility and is one of the most picked top laners in the game.
Alekra says “Can go both ways. You can fight her pre lv 6 but after that be very careful. Dodging her E is crucial as it not only prevents the stun, but also a Q reset. You can bait her W with your Q. You can max Q here for short trades as her passive will win her most long trades.”
Erenando says “Many people would count her as a major threat, but her mobility and her amount of cc isn't quite enough to bring you down later on. Frozen heart is a good item to reduce her attackspeed. So go for it asap and build up some HP she also gets true damage by her passive and conquerer.”
Mainling says “62%+ winrate. Contest her stacking passive and ult her when she ults. You get value out of your ult but since she is suppressed while her ult duration ends her ult has no value. You can win off that alone.”
lulw says “You overpower her early game. If she dares to Q to a minion beside you, E her then all in her. Shes very strong with her 5 stacks. If you cannot dodge her E, try to stun her so you will both be stunned for the duration. You do a lot of damage early and she cannot take all that. You just out stat her in the laning phase. Shes pretty strong with items. First back plated steelcaps if you are even. ”
GrGamingTeo says “NEVER EVER fight Irelia with 6 stack or you loose 100%. Also always dodge her E and a good way of doing so is: run towards her dor 1 second then go to either your left or your right and you succesfully dodge her E. This matchup is impossible to beat is you don't rush Bramble Vest even if you are ahead of her because her healling is so extraordinary with her maxed stacks.”
Drumastermunch says “I'd say extreme juste because there is no room for mistake here, and she has more ways to punish you than a Darius. Respect her passive, punish a missed A or E, or a bad placement if you have lane prio. Don't ever die to her. If you take a lead, you'd be fine, even in late game you still can 1v1 her (tha's not gonna be easy though)”
Olaf Only says “Dont fight her if she has her passive stacked up.
Hold on to your Q's and focus more on Auto attacking her to death as landing axes can be difficult.
Irelia will die very fast if CC'd, so Olaf will generally be more useful in teamfights.
Bramble Vest - Must Buy!”
LunaticDancer says “Her Q can instantly kill all of your ghouls and buff her up to the point of winning any 1v1 with you. You need to be safe in this lane, and when you do go in, make sure to also immediately attack her, so she doesn't farm your ghouls for free. You do outpace her in mid-late game naturally though, so it's a tough lane, but beneficial in the very long run if you haven't already lost.”
Ravenborne says “Quite a easy matchup. Just permanently harrass her so she can not farm. Also stand infront of your minions so she can not get Q resets in. If she has her Passive stacked she will outtrade you. Simply stand back until the Passive Stacks run out.”
zeinz says “Avoid LVL 1-2 if irelia player is decent. If she has her passive maxed don't fight her without your passive or clone. Also, avoid her e/stun.”
Kil4fun says “If she hits you with stun you're dead. Don't be anywhere near her for her level 2. She will push wave to get level 2 advantage and try to firstblood you. After that she will perma freeze and not let you play the game.”
BigManYam says “Freeze lane don't overextend and just waist her time. If its a good Irelia she will try and get early pressure so don't get within her range. ”
GTGx says “After most recent patches, this matchup is slightly in her favour. She is a lane bully, dont fight her when shes at max stacks and e out of her ult.”
Bear24 says “If she goes into your wave auto q her and you win the trades. Even after 6 you win. Make sure to stun and then jump cause she can dash out. If she is fed just q and run away. Late game 3 items and you have 3 items you probably lose 1v1”
DoubleQ says “She can harass you hard in lane but you should be able to kill her pre-6. Stay away from low health minions and use your passive to sustain.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Dodging her E is easy and her Q can be cancelled by your W. When she R's you and Q's onto you, fling her the other way and run through the opening of the R.”
kingchas2 says “Play around her passive stacks. Once she is at 5 stacks you have to play way back to prevent her from Q'ing to a minion to get to you. Once she is 6 she will almost certainly try and all in, so call for a gank once that is about to happen.”
ModelitoTime says “Depends on the Irelia really, most in lower elo cannot play Irelia well. Just do your best to avoid her E, if her 2nd E looks like it is going to hit you just use your E and dash out the way. ”
ChevalierArlo says “Muito dano no início e no mid-game, seus ghouls serão quatro stacks da passiva dela de graça. Não jogue sozinho contra ela e espere ganks. Build 2 é a única que funciona nela.”
ChlungMan says “You lost the lane just farm under tower and don't trade with her, if she misses e you can trade with her if she is low jump on her with mega gnar.
chokoryu says “Rush plated steelcaps+bramble and do not give a kill. Play it safe by farming and disengaging. Don't fight an irelia. Your minions are her escape from your Q, which can be dodged last second by her dashing to nearby minion. Her all-in beats your all-in unless you are fed in kills and cs. Still, would not risk it if the Irelia is a skilled player.”
xxskipskipxx says “You either trade before she can stack up her Q or you wait for lvl 2/3
Make sure you trade her with her Passive not being stacked!!
Dodge her E and dont use all your CDs(spells) when she is casting W!
You can dodge her R and also cancel her Q with your Q3!”
ineptpineapple says “Havent really played against her, but it should be a pretty easy matchup just root her and slow her when she goes in, and she will have no escape if she messes up a q. Approach velocity is really helpful because then she will never get away from you. And with your ult you can cancel any play she nearly makes.”
Vielia says “She's only good to all-in and if she does that she's pretty much dead against you, but if she doesn't get punished in early and gets to her late she's completly superior to you”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “We win trades if her passive isn't stacked. Take ignite, rush bramble and steel plate boots and its hard for her to fight if she can't sustain.”
Raideru says “This matchup is skill based, lvl 1 u want to zone her from minions if she wants to tank it to get the xp perma chunk her on the next 2-3 waves cose u can myb dive otherwise if u can't just reset and walk back to lane and hold the wave, care after lvl 6 to not get hit by e when you use your e cose she can actually win the all in if u don't have a huge hp advantage. I advise Lethal Tempo with Dblade start and dmg components rush.”
LeSocair says “Decently complicated matchup, it gets harder once she reaches 6, you'll need to create an early advantage against her and you'll win pretty easily, but do it before that, she scales pretty well really fast!”
sauronkaiser says “Probably the biggest Yorick counter. Not only extremely strong in duels, but also her Q can oneshot all your ghouls instantly while charges her passive. A retarded interaction riot never fixed. I will not give advice on this matchup as this is permaban for me. My recomendarion is to ban her or if you get her as enemy, just dodge the game. Theres a chance the player is bad and wont use the ghouls interaction, but imo the risk is not worth.”
TioKirb says “This is a matter of early game, if she gets fed, you can do nothing to stop her, like, at all. But you can take the first and maybe second blood to make her useless. Avoid falling in her E and abuse her W. Her Ultimate ability is annoying, because you get slowed, but if you have the advantage it is just a nuisance.”
RedNBlue says “Dodge her stun and your good, don't let her stack up her passive on the minions, if you don't know what her passive is it is when she uses abilities on minions she gets more attack speed in stacks and she can get up to five stacks.”
Ramixx says “Same like fiora. If played correctly both sides can kill each other. Something that happens a lot is I will play too far up and she will kill me. Then I end up outscaling her anyway with bramble and beating her. Just know that if she managed to get more than 3 kills early you lose hope of 1v1ng her unless shes that bad.”
narsil reforged says “Pegue PTA+Ignite
.Não tem.Nenhuma.Situação.Em que.Ela te mate.No 1v1.Mesmo Stackada.
A aplicabilidade gostosa do pick de Warwick top vem em situações exemplares como nessa matchup. pegue colete espinhoso. Ela pode literalmente procar conquistador, stackar no e e te ultar antes de você começar a dar dano, e você vira a matchup se tiver mitigado um pouquinho de dano no e. Coloque pressão de lane e fique atento às oportunidades de roaming, tomando cuidado pra não deixar ela free farm, pois com o mínimo de recurso bons jogadores de Irelia fazem um estrago danado com um TP bot ou coisa parecida”
KillMeMyFriend says “This lane Can go realy good or realy bad. Don't be close to her when she has stacked passive and E ready. Alaso avoid being close to your low health minions and try poking her whenever you can. If she is far way and uses E on you, you can easily dodge it with W burst of speed.”
100KILAGORILA says “I can say this is skill matchup.If irelia is good she will get shit on u.If you dodge her e and play around her passive stacks you can kill her and then punish with lead.”
iZeal says “Do not fight her when she has her passive stacked up or when she is around enough minions to stack it up quickly! Irelia has terrible disengage and if she can't stack up her passive she won't have enough damage to deal with you. Try to dodge her E and use your E to setup a guaranteed Q if her Q is still up as she will otherwise easily dodge your Q sweetspot.
Beware of completed Blade of the Ruined King.
DBlade, Ninja Tabis!, Phage.”
DarkNavarre says “This is a matchup similar to Gnar in that it relies on who can best punish the mistakes of the other. Let her slip up instead of trying to force a play.”
bocchicken says “Minor threat EARLY, if she makes it to 3 items she will de_stroy you. You can use your E as her stun goes off to negate most of it's duration. Careful for her max passive stacks when engaging.”
NoxianBlood says “Irelia is good match up if the one is playing her doesn't have any experience with her, because a good Irelia plays with her Passive and all ins you dealing magic damage per hit, so I recommend going armor and magic resist if you are vs her, but once you get so tanky she will not deal any damage to you thanks to your massive health pool and flat resistances, just try to land a full Charge Q when you see her Fail her Q dash or when you see her use it twice on you, Stunning Irelia Helps allot to reduce the threat that she will give to your teamates, don't feed her cause she tends to snowball due to her items are essential to make her work well, Also be careful she has a quick stun that she will use to give her a stack of passive and interrupt your Q channel, she will mostly like all in you when she gets you with that stun, if she stuns you, don't trade back off and reposition your self and try to stun her when her stun's on cooldown, remember also to get a heal cut since she heals to full hp from low to every minion killed with her q consider that when fighting her when she has minions around her.”
byThiagus says “Se puede usar ignite, en este match tambien espada de doran y segunda pagina de runas. No la dejes cargar su pasiva, zoneala desde nivel 1. A partir de midgame no podes pelear con ella cerca de una wave de minions salvo que estes extremadamente ahead debido a que este champ nefasto se cura toda la vida spameando q en minions y no le podes pegar basicos pq te baila una locura. NO PELEES SI TIENE SU PASIVA, Es mas fuerte que la tuya”
Boblet says “Play forward level 1, retreat under tower level 2, look for opportunities past that. If you can get ahead she will loose unless she starts a fight with her passive stacked at least to 4 OR she hits you with the stun.”
Stijnzxz says “Like Fiora a great 1v1 but due her passive she can outdmg u so keep her Q stack in mind and use her Q stack as bait so u can E and Q in her face for good trades if u cant.. just ask ur JG for assist.”
RyvalAlex says “Meilleur early que vous. Prenez des trades quand elle n'a pas de stack de passif. Très important de dodge le stun ou de le réduire avec le z.”
Leukasdf says “Dodge her stun and you'll probably win. If she has ignite, ask for a gank since you literally can't do anything against ignite as Aatrox. Poke her a lot early and try going for an all in at 6.”
AWierdShoe says “The single most important thing versus her early on is to trade before she gets to stack up her passive. With the passive stacked up she can just chop you down and kill you, but without it you’re free to take short but really efficient trades whenever she goes for a last hit (starting level 1). And with every good early trade her opportunities to contest for the lane gets less and less. If you play the first 2 levels correctly it then shouldn’t matter if you fail to dodge one of her stuns, since she won’t be able to all in you from it anyway.
I Am Goliath says “Another matchup that can snowball if you let her free farm or play to scared, play around her W and her E as much as you can. Watch your minions hp to predict if she is going to Q to that minion and try to Q her everytime she does that. When she activates W try to backout and then all in once it's over. Also if she get's a bork do not fight her. You outscale her in teamfights very hard.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Let the wave push to you. Level 1 contest the minions before they get low enough because if they do get low enough she will get 3 Q's on the front line minions and then Q on you again for the 4th stack. Level 2 play it a bit safer, look for safe Q pokes. Level 3 we can go a bit more aggressive since we can block her E with our W. Try to not fight her in big waves because this is where she is the best at. Also if possible during the time when you will fight her look to catch her when she is away from the waves or when she has no stacks since Irelia with no stacks on her passive is basically a fancy minion.”
StrikeX114 says “While her high mobility and damage may be her greatest assets, her greatest threat to you is her Flawless Duet (E). Make sure to keep from getting caught out, and you can mitigate much of the threat she poses.”
NickCola Tesla says “Just a very annoying matchup altogether. No one I know actually enjoys fighting against Irelia, so you're not alone if you completely despise the champion. Talk about jack of all trades: Hybrid Damage- drain tank Burst High Move speed diver plus on-hit anti tank Self Peel assassin champion. Irelia behaves in a similar manner to Wukong; you do not want to have her in a position where she has control over the lane, since she can snowball incredibly easy. If this happens, she will stack her Ionian Fervor passive, granting her increased attack speed and on-hit magic damage.
Having this happen repeatedly without you being able to retaliate is what will lose you the lane. The problem with being able to contest Irelia is her insane mobility. If she hits you with Flawless Duet, you risk getting chunked out and pushed out of lane. You need to use your mana sparingly, but spend just enough to punish her with a well placed Q if she gets greedy for minions. Since she's going to be in melee range, take Grasp of the Undying. Build Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest and try to contest her mid game scaling. If you die in lane, just play extremely safe and not die again, Irelia snowballs so easily it's unbelievable, and she will actually 1v9 the entire game.”
Saarlichenbog says “Irelia is falls into the exact same category as the aforementioned. She must sustain through her passive and use her Q on minions constantly/land her E to close the gap on Kalista. For Kalista to win the matchup, the main focus of the lane should be utilising your insanely fast wave clear to stop her from stacking her passive and jumping on top of you. From there, she has almost no presence which can be easily taken advantage of.”
hiugnadie says “in this matchup, when irelia tries to stun just e away, and if she q's you then just bounce over her with e and then you beat her in a fight”
Bradybattlemask says “You will almost never beat her, out damage her, or out scale her. If you ever encounter this matchup pray for jungle and all in when R/W is on cooldown.”
Captain Dantems says “Sempre coloque um barril no seu pé e quando ela usar o Q em você ou para farmar o exploda e use sua passiva nela, tente evitar o stun dela e guarde seu W para usar quando estiver com pouca vida. Grasp inspiração. Poção Corrupta.”
FoxyGrill says “Punish her when she jumps on cannon minion with her Q , dodge her E and kite as much as possible, dont fight her while her passive is fully stacked.”
FoxyGrill says “She has high mobility so spacing against her is pretty hard, dodge her E and dont fight while her passive is fully stacked, I recommend taking ignite.”
ItsPaulygon says “This is a fair skill match up, try to stay away from her stun. And avoid using Q a lot. Once she misses her stun, you can trade with her. But be careful of fighting with her for too long, her passive can be troublesome for you.”
TheMightyNinja says “It is an easy matchup early in the game, you can set her behind by using empowered attacks on her whenever she tries to last hit minions, do not let her stack her passive/farm. It is best if you can freeze at your turret since pushing will make you vulnerable to gank.
Master your wave management / map pressure since she can catch up to you pretty fast later in the game. ”
Klappy says “- Q+Pasiva en early cuando use su Q en los primeros 3 minions, pero alejate del rango de su Q, si llega a 4 stacks, pierdes
- No dudes en usar tus habilidades para esquivar su E
- Ella gana tradeos largos, entonces trata de mantener la wave cerca de tu torre
- Usa tu W para esperar a que se vaya su marca si logra darte su E o R”
open_48 says “
skilled matchup. Rush bramble vest and tabi. respect his charged passive. He can dodge the Q with his Q. To get him hit, go E + Q.
pay attention to the life of your minions. He can load the passive in a snap by using the Q on all of them.”
RankOneZesin says “Irelia is a threat for rengar top laners cause of here passive attack spead + true dmg also + e and +r so the only think you can do win lane vs irelia is dodging e and try to kill here before 6 cause if she hits r on you are dead anyways. also if she buy tabis feel free to try the tank build and not the assasin. The only think you can vs irelia is too have a good heavy trade lvl 2-3 also you rush ingite to kill here and perma freez the wave cause she will need to grap some minios+gold and it's a good gank for your jungler and also free lane for you.”
GLP1 says “A good irelia can make your life impossible, you will rely a lot on getting your Q's right and trying to evade her E stun with your E.
at level 6 irelia has a lot of advantage over kill pressure on you”
wolfclaw3812 says “As a mostly AP champion, Irelia's main defensive move is useless. Don't get stunned, and Irelia will get poked out of lane by you eventually. I recommend on-hit if you think you can beat her, and AP if you can't. ”
Nicklstherealone says “She has Outplay Potential but if you dodge her E (Stun) you can always trade just dont let her get 5 Stacks on Passive if she does she can kill you. So just E if she wants to dash on Minions. ”
FearMyJustice says “Play as safe as you can, you probably won't touch her just don't try to win lane except if you get good support from your jungler.”
pedrohnasc says “The worst matchup for Aatrox in my opinion. Don't let Irelia hit the E on you, otherwise you're screwed. She'll be able to dodge your Q's, and you won't be able to damage her. If I were you, I would ban Irelia.
Use grasp.”
Pyroen says “At level 2 she can gap close and take down Kayle very quickly. But she will also likely push the wave to do so. Look appealing enough for a dive at level 6 and slow her with your Q under tower and ult to survive and you will probably come out alive!”
Nodon says “hard level 1/2 but that's it this is a stand in for all auto attack focused toplaners you just poke them down and w them whenever they try to fight you and eventually they will get frustrated take a bad fight and die because you are still tanky in your ult ”
BluSpy says “Never fight her lvl 1-2 or when she has 5 stacks of her passive. lvl 6 you win if you dont get stunned and she doesnt have 5 stacks already
Raphi0216 says “Don't fight her when she has her passive fully stacked. It's impossible to hit your E on her when there are low-HP minions around. If there are no minons around, she's basically a free kill.”
IJustWannaCuddle says “Another high mobility champ that can move around and dodge your Pops and W passive. Allowing her to push lane and safely farming until 6 will be your best path. Keeping her under your tower and catching her dashing onto a minion in range to pop her off a E into tower will be your best opportunity to trade with her. Any high mobility champs are a rough match up for Tanky boy. ”
daito Okami says “Probably one of the easiest akali matchups just poke her when she goes for farm with q and use your movement speed to dodge her e. Don't go in if your shroud is on cd and she has stacked pasivs.”
Time1Save says “Very prebuffing champion, incredibly strong in duels, you cannot fight her in 5 stack. Poke her and try to Dodge her E, after 6 LVL in any case do not try to kill her 1 on 1 without your tower, it is worth retreating if she gets E\R. And rush a heal cut. But as long as you play with an advantage, you have to give your team an advantage as well .”
FPSpsychoYT says “Another strong threat for Quinn, save your E for after her Q onto you. You can also cancel her Q with your E if you time it correctly. Dodge her E at ALL costs. If you're mid lane consider banning her, however if you're top ban Malphite.”
Sylrath says “Como con Fiora, una Irelia normalilla o buena no te dará problemas; en cambio una que se conozca perfectamente el matchup y sea MUY buena, va a hacer que acabes 0/10 en fase de líneas. Hará freeze y en el momento que te acerques, morirás. Dependerá de tu ELO y tu habilidad individual banearla o no.”
Colbasz says “Harass her when she dashes in for minions with your Q and E. Try to dodge her stun, and keep your distance if she has her passive stacked. After you get lvl 6 it gets easier, however you still need to dodge her ult and E if you want to have a chance.”
Delvoid says “The bonus damage to shields makes this match up difficult to trade in. And her mobility makes it hard to poke. If she ever misses the E stun you can out trade and if she stands on on top you can shred with passive dmg. Try to flip her during her W”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Irelia is fairly easy in lane, just respect her early capability when she lands a stun and has full stacks. As long as you go to fight her or use your ultimate on her when she has no stacks, fighting her will be very easy. Also, ulting her after she ults is a great Idea, and you wont have to worry about being damaged by it in the Death Realm.”
TangoVallhala says “ Skill matchup, Good irelia will be tough, Fight her when her stacks are down, dodge her E, try reserving a second Q if she dives on you, at 6 she has good kill potential try killing her beforehand, but you can also try dodging her ult or standing your ground with yours.”
Missbelrose says “She is super mobile and has a good amount of CC, she also deals magic damage which means you can block CC for less time, play safe and avoid her stun.”
Luceris says “Standard Glacial Runes
Build Duskblade or Trinity Force. Divine Sunderer also works for its healing.
Easy lane Pre 6 with glacial. Glacial slows down the speed of her Q dashes, making it easier to trade with her early on. Irelia's Q puts her behind her target, so if she Q's you after level 2 you can walk up and throw you W backwards right when she gets to you from the dash. This will root her and minimize her damage while giving you time to reposition and trade back. After level 6 things get difficult if you are on her side of the lane due to her ult and stun. She can all in you, but if you use your E ahead of time it can make dodging both a whole lot easier. She pushes wave so hard you typically will not be on her side of the map unless she gets a wave reset off.”
ArmandChad69 says “Vastly superior earlygame, and your chance of winning against her in a melee battle is extremely low. You can scale in the Mid game against her, but her sheer early power is extremely hard to deal with.”
Penguinoverlord1 says “She can zone you off cs and will burst you down very easily if she hits a stun. Play this matchup to survive using your E to get cannon minions and taking the safest cs you can get without being stunned. You are going to be behind in laning phase but you should out scale her after that.”
EternalBadPlayer says “If you cant dodge her E you are most likely dead because if you try to Q her, she will instantly Q into you so she doesnt get bleed and dmg or she will just stun me and dash away. Thank god they nerfed DD because when she went BOTRK + DD she was unkillable. Literally.”
A2Tap says “Irelia will try to take a long trade on the first wave by Q'ing the melee minions. To stop her, try to have priority over the melee minions to prevent her from dashing on them. You are able to windwall the E and the R to prevent her from landing her combo on you.
YoungTact says “Irelia sucks atm, but just look out for when shes about to Last hit a minon with Q to W it. Apply lane harass combo whenever you can and rush bramble. Disengage if she has max conq stacks + passive stacks, dodge her e :)”
qasddsa says “I recommend letting her push early on. You can harass her whenever she goes in close with her dash on ranged minions using your Q - it should be pretty easy to predict when she'll dash to the minion. Once Irelia's passive is stacked, you should be very wary of taking trades with her as it is very strong once stacked. She'll be able to stack her passive on minions, so I don't recommend getting close to minions that are low health, especially your melee minions - you can still harass from range with Q. The main way you beat her early on is through short trades with Q and E as well as by dodging her stun and ultimate. Even if you can't dodge her stun every time, you can disengage most of the time by using Q and W. Irelia does better in trades than Kayle early on because of her mobility and ability to get out after trading, making it hard for you to trade back. Late game, your main priority in fighting her is dodging her E and ultimate.”
Irelia before the BORK buff, used to be such a free lane, after you hit lvl6 and you have Sheen, she just get outscaled, she used to go tiamat so she will be permapushing a wave to you and you could even go the same runepage as for matchups like Ivern/Yuumi top, But since BORK became a core item in her and a lot of buffs, it all mixed up into making this a hard matchup. Don't get me wrong, you still outscale her quite hard but early on the matchup becomes way harder. Always check her passive stats, if she is close to 5 and you have minions low near by you, just completely back off, with 5 stacks she can even dive you if she plays it properly. Early on is a skill matchup. A good item purchase is Warden's Mail, it will passively reduce her autoattack speed and give you armor, Its a good item to survive after Sheen. This matchup is all about her Stacks, if she has no stacks, you farm if she has 5 stacks or she's close you back off and let the wave push to you.”
PH45 says “Pay attention to when she has her passive up as that's when she is at her strongest. Save your dash to get out of her stun so she can't get resets for her Q on you. ”
SubHuman Filth says “Get grasp just in case you fall behind.
Very snowbally. Plan far ahead and walk far back when she has oppertunity for 5 stacks.
Get early seekers and just get grasp stacks.
You can completely demolish her if you play it right.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Tryndamere can beat irelia in allins early BUT you must be careful about her passive and conqueror. She stacks both very quickly and can burst you down and use your own minion wave to kite you. Levels 1 and 2 you can get a good advantage on her if she doesn't play back early on. Look to sidestep her E when she casts it, if you dodge her E that can be a very good time to force a trade. Remember when forcing an extended trade early, do your best to start off the trade with an auto attack that way you can extend the trade with your spin to keep on top of her after she disengages. Some Irelia's will start e or w level 1 to get minions from range but if she uses her cooldown try to position yourself forward so that if she walks in your spin range after she used her ability you can get a good trade on her. Post 6 You will win every allin as long as you start the allin with close to full fury and 90% or more hp. A good tip against Irelia is to fight her away from your minion wave, Irelia cannot kite away from you if she doesn't have your minions to dash around. In the mid-late game splitpush you will win the 1v1's as long as you dont get kited too hard. What I like to do sometimes against Irelia is dive them 100-0 right after they have killed my minion wave so that they can't kite away. Her W is a 50% physical damage reduction channel but only lasts 2 seconds.”
Pyroen says “Though she has a low win-rate, she still poses a threat due to her mobility and all in potential. Watch your minion's health bars, and back off when she can potentially kill 2 or 3 with rapid Q's and use them to close the gap between you and her.”
I Am Goliath says “Irelia is pretty hard in my opinion just because she can basically all in you at anytime while you're in your mini form, watch closely when she is about to dash to minions and don't stand close to one of your minions that's about to die or she will get a free leap onto you while getting her Q reset which means she can use it when you E away, Once you get frozen mallet that should help a lot but honestly just try to take value trades and play careful and watch your minions, you can also q the minion if you predict she is going to jump to it.”
Nabura says “Quite difficult as they now run Bork and use the active to guarantee their E. You also need to invest 800g into Executioners at some point.”
STIERNACKENTYP says “Irelia is one of the strongest champs vs GP. You wont do much vs an Irelia OTP since u cant do shit. Once she gets Sheen/Phage, she can perma all in you. I recommend to play very passive, since poke wont help because she can all in u then. Get early ninja tabis.”
I Am Goliath says “This is Yoricks second hardest matchup in my opinion, the good thing about this matchup compared to jax is you actually win it midgame if she is not to snowballed. My #1 tip against irelia is to never summon your ghouls to start the fight because she will insta q kill all of them and get stacks, wait until she jumps on you and is fighting you to summon your ghouls, also you kind of have to wait until you have maiden to do anything in this matchup, be very careful of irelia's level 6 kill pressure and respect her early levels, try to dodge E's the best you can and watch her stacks, if she ever has 5 stacks you have to back off. Also keep an eye on your minions HP because she can jump to them to get onto you easier, You'll want phage + ninja tabi's as your first items in this lane. Mid game you win duels with maiden out as long as she is not fed.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Tryndamere can beat irelia in allins early BUT you must be careful about her passive and conqueror. She stacks both very quickly and can burst you down and use your own minion wave to kite you. Levels 1 and 2 you can get a good advantage on her if she doesn't play back early on. Look to sidestep her E when she casts it, if you dodge her E that can be a very good time to force a trade. Remember when forcing an extended trade early, do your best to start off the trade with an auto attack that way you can extend the trade with your spin to keep on top of her after she disengages. Some Irelia's will start e or w level 1 to get minions from range but if she uses her cooldown try to position yourself forward so that if she walks in your spin range after she used her ability you can get a good trade on her. Post 6 You will win every allin as long as you start the allin with close to full fury and 90% or more hp. A good tip against Irelia is to fight her away from your minion wave, Irelia cannot kite away from you if she doesn't have your minions to dash around. In the mid-late game splitpush you will win the 1v1's as long as you dont get kited too hard. What I like to do sometimes against Irelia is dive them 100-0 right after they have killed my minion wave so that they can't kite away. Her W is a 50% physical damage reduction channel but only lasts 2 seconds.”
orangepenguinhead says “Her gap closer(Q) makes her hard to lane against. If she misses her Q or E make sure to punish her and harass her. Her W only reduces Physical Damage so don't worry about it. ”
Darrkescru says “Runa : Grasp, Impeto
Lane dificil jogue safe pois você não ira matar ela, se ela for ruim não fique perto dos minions quando ela for stackar a passiva
Rusha : Armguard , Botas”
qazx1427 says “Like Yasuo, having your ghouls up against Irelia just makes her stronger. She'll kill them instantly, stack her passive, and remove you from the game. There's very little counterplay, and she's your best permaban; your team will thank you for it.”
ZergDood says “Your level 1 doesn't have angage tools, so don't get flashy the first 2 minutes, get your butt to farm or she'll conqueror you out of lane. A good Irelia will patiently wait for you to waste your W and then engage. If you don't take the bait and don't eat that weird stun, you win the lane and possibly the game if you harass her correctly. If she R's you and you're in danger (or someone else is) you can literally R her away and it's over. Poke her, don't take extended trades, watch her stun, farm and don't let her do so without punishing, and win. Remember, spare your W, use it when she's low or when you're low and she can Q. This is an ideal matchup for Poppy. You have everything to counter her, don't let her outplay you. Your W can stop her dash.”
Ayanleh says “Irelia is not a hard matchup but it will be tough till lv6. The reason why its kinda easy is because once you ult irelia she will have no minion to get stacks of her passive with.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Don't let her stack her passive for free. Save stun for W in an allin. Build brambles vest.
You're way better in teamfights than her and you should atleast go even earlygame.
Take bone plating.
Take armor.”
make alistar great again says “Play safe, try to get ganks early. Don't make mistakes - they will be very costly.
Tip: Try to disengage and play safe until you have at least Bami.”
Shumair says “The Irelia matchup is a spicy one. You can't just spam your abilities on her and expect to win. It actually requires some skill and knowledge of the matchup to win. You should always keep a mental note of whether she has stacks of Ionian Fervor or not so that you can predict when she'll all in. Another trick is to fight then your minion wave is small so she has less minions to dance around with. When Irelia uses E, you can ult after she places the first one down to cancel the ability as it won't travel to the Death Realm. You have to react very fast to to this and it won't work every time. Another thing you can try to do is flash or protobelt away from her ultimate and then all in her. If you manage to dodge it you will win the fight 100% of times.”
LulzTVit says “Irelia is dangerous. She has DPS and rushes BOTKR so she can easily destroy your defenses. She has a dash spam and can put constant pressure since all your abilities are skillshots”
RemusEl says “She has many ways to jump on you and CC you.She can also block your combo with her W. Poke her on lane and use E to disengage(never engage against her because you are left with no ecape).”
laoshin3v3 says “She has a lot of mobility and is early pretty strong, don't stay near minions that are low hp and try to dodge her stun. If she ults you, ult urself.”
ShiningShen says “Z dobrą Irelią nie masz czego szukać. Słaba Irelia jest łatwa do pokonania. Wystarczy, że poczekasz aż doskoczy do miniona i ją stauntujesz.”
ClanBlade says “Very hard to hit as she is super mobile, even with your E. She heals a lot so i recommend you buy an executioners. Her W is similar to Fiora's W except is doesn't stun or make her invulnerable but lasts longer, has a shorter cooldown and reduces physical damage by 50%. She will try to use this on your 3rd Q so be careful as the damage reduction is significant, her W is similar to Fiora but not as bad. To counter her E out of the way if she tries to E you and Ult or flash at the same time she does.”
Fiora Pogjet says “You can always outtrade her if she doesnt have 5 or 4 stacks from her q. Blocking her E with your W is very easy and lvl 6 you can win the fith even more.”
Murderman5 says “Irelia can dodge most of Cho's attack's as well but you can only stop her if you silence her with w and catch her with q and e afterwards. just keep that distance if she get's attached to you and stun's you things can get messy S:^P. ”
ModxLoL says “There are a couple things to watch out for vs. Irelia: 1) Watch out for her E stun; it will allow her to jump to you an extra time for free. 2) When she uses her W, similar to when Garen uses W, you should not pour your entire combo onto her as it gives her massive damage reduction. Keep auto attacking her while she has it active – you can’t interrupt it with your CC. Once it’s over you can use the rest of your abilities on her. ”
Gangplank_Main1 says “Runes: Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth, Biscuits, Time Warp Tonic, Double Adaptive, Armor.
Start of lane passive auto minion for grasp, dont leash.
What to get on first back: Dorans blade (or double dorans blade)
Gangplank hard wins pre 6, level 1-2 you can hard harass irelia then you can also look to get a dorans blade cheater recall. You just need to be very aggressive into irelia until she hits 6. Building Phase first can be good if you have odd backs, but generally going sheen first is idea. Early tabis is nice. When irelia is about to hit 6 you need to make sure your wave isnt near irelia’s tower, cause if so you WILL get zoned for xp and gold. Doesn't matter if you’re full hp, the further away you are from the tower the more time irelia has to kill you. So wave management wise you need to make sure to not mess up. After trinity force its ok to build executioners since irelia’s current build is a bunch of lifesteal items (if the meta has shifted to a different build that doesn’t involve with sustain then don’t build executioners ).Outside of laning phase irelia beats gp in the split but in teamfights you hard win.
9690 says “D-Blade. Level 1 watch out for her passive because if she has max passive stacks she will always beat you. The big part of this matchup comes down to how you use your windwall. Pre-6 use your windwall on her e and run her down. Level 6 don't waste your windwall on just an e because she has a lower e cooldown and can full engage. Outscales you. Take Conq.”
gsaeyx says “Go full AD and you might have a chance. Sit and your turret and only trade when you don't have waves, legit this champ makes me wanna throw up. Rush tabis to prevent her from autoing you to death.”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Tryndamere can beat irelia in allins early BUT you must be careful about her passive and conqueror. She stacks both very quickly and can burst you down and use your own minion wave to kite you. Levels 1 and 2 you can get a good advantage on her if she doesn't play back early on. Look to sidestep her E when she casts it, if you dodge her E that can be a very good time to force a trade. Remember when forcing an extended trade early, do your best to start off the trade with an auto attack that way you can extend the trade with your spin to keep on top of her after she disengages. Some Irelia's will start e or w level 1 to get minions from range but if she uses her cooldown try to position yourself forward so that if she walks in your spin range after she used her ability you can get a good trade on her. Post 6 You will win every allin as long as you start the allin with close to full fury and 90% or more hp. A good tip against Irelia is to fight her away from your minion wave, Irelia cannot kite away from you if she doesn't have your minions to dash around. In the mid-late game splitpush you will win the 1v1's as long as you dont get kited too hard. What I like to do sometimes against Irelia is dive them 100-0 right after they have killed my minion wave so that they can't kite away. Her W is a 50% physical damage reduction channel but only lasts 2 seconds.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up à l'avantage de Darius, mais dépend énormément du joueur d'Irelia, si il est vraiment bon, tu ne pourras pas faire grand chose, mais c'est très rare, on va donc parler d'un cas général.
Quand tu affrontes Irelia il y a 2 choses auxquelles tu dois faire attention, son passif et son E. Le passif d'irelia gagne 1 stack à chaque fois qu'elle achève une unité avec son A, jusqu'à un maximum de 5 stack ou elle gagne de gros dégâts bonus sur chacune de ses AA, et de l'atk speed. Visuellement son personnage est entouré d'un halo brillant, elle gagne également des stacks en touchant un champion avec ses sorts ! Quand tu veux affronter irelia clique sur son personnage et regarde en haut à gauche combien elle en a, si elle en a 2 ou plus, attend que l'effet parte !
La deuxième chose, c'est son E, elle pose 2 lame à 2 endroit différent, qui forme une ligne, si tu es sur cette ligne tu es stun, et marqué, la marque lui permet d'utiliser 2 fois son A sur toi, donc si tu évites le E, tu évite le stun, et la marque, si jamais tu fais ça, tu n'as plus qu'a lui courir dessus et elle n'aura aucune chance !
Astuce : Les tabi ninjas te donnent énormément de résistance contre irelia car la totalité de ses dégâts viennent des coup blancs, les avoir rapidement t'assure une lane facile !”
Dantheman81 says “Irelia usually isn't a very big issue unless she gets ahead. If you or your team manages to give her any sort of advantage she will take over the lane and you will have to play very passively and safe. If you manage to get behind early on, pick up a bramble vest to counter her healing when she goes in on you.”
ChocoChurro says “She can't block neither magic or true damage, but she can outplay you. You two have great movilty, but her because of abilities and you because of MS. Skill matchup (and a good Irelia will have a lot more skill than a good Lillia).”
Xplor says “Irelia can be a threat if skilled. Avoid her abilities as much as possible and farm close to your turret. You can take Irelia down easily if he misses most of her skills.
You have better chances after level 6 and/or after you have at least trinity force. Then the lane is all yours.”
Darrkescru says “O bixin do capet4 use impeto gradual e nunca troque quando ela estiver com a passiva stackada quando ela te dar all in faz ela pisar em um cogumelo proca o impeto e caita ela ate a morte”
Lintaar says “Irelia is extremely mobile but she cant do much pre-6 so play aggressive. When she ults you make sure to run out the back NOT THROUGH THE BLADE WALL. Q her as you do and you should be able to circle around to your side of the map very fast.”
Magginator says “I've never struggled personally against Irelia. If she ults towards you ult her out of it the other way. Just let her waste mana on her q reset while farming if she does that. Or better yet force her to q to farm by positioning to get a stun.”
iTzToniOP says “This is not hard at all but if you underestimate her damage and die early you'll be into a trouble. If the lane is tied and she ults you, don't worry, don't walk away, it will be worse. Just use your R, spam the W and try to win the trade. If you're near your tower it is possible to get away by jumping out.”
Nyx Adachi says “Tradeos demasiado buenos, recomendaria unas tabi y esperar el gankeo del jungla, de lo contrario la mayoria de veces te ganara los tradeos ”
darksage1234 says “This is a skill matchup. Good Irelia players will kite you and just go for short trades against you. Be careful of her stun, if it hits you, you want to sky splitter to give you the advantage in a fight.”
ForOrion says “A weaker top lane early and mid game. She has the damage to knock you down once she reaches 6, but you have the ability to put her out if she gets too close either under turret or if she is trying to stack her passive in lane. Punish her Q and all in, with care of her E. If she misses, its free kills.”
JuarezLOL says “irelia is a tricky champion because we are able to screw her kit or hard lose to her
you can easily dodge her E with your W but when she use R on you there is no escape in it you have only 1 option to use R before she jump on you and cancel her Q mid-way its possible and its very easy same method can apply on tryndamere's E”
JuarezLOL says “its very easy match up because you will dominate the game but in order to do that you cant trade hard in early game because she can crush you with her E the moment you are rushing in with your E she will stun you and will get a good chunk of your hp so farm up and wait for your ruined king after that just all in her ”
JuarezLOL says “irelia is hard because her all in potential is stronger than gp and gp is a poke based champion so in order to win this lane you need to dominate her pre 6 and dodge her E save your passive for her all in and always have a barrel up
get your grasp stack with getting aggro from minions”
foxthrone says “irelia is somewhat one of Mordekaiser's biggest counters, since she's mobile, high dmg, and can easily beat you early, mid, and late game. ”
ACE4291 says “tahm wins. However, this can be difficult to finish a kill due to her dashes. She requires a target for her Dash so if she decides to dash into you with no minions around. you win. ”
AskMeHowToGp says “Bait her into qing a minion while u put your barrle in the range of the minion that way she will need to eather take the minion and the damage or miss cs and you will eventualy out farm her.”
report singed ty says “Skill matchup. Once she decides to all in you though she has constant damage with 0 windows of breathing time for your cooldowns so you better play it smart.”
WatchersGrim says “With the new irelia, plus conqueror. Fighting her is a pain. The new stun combo to go in and out just does a lot. Plus with her negating around 80% or so damage, her W now basically counters your ult.”
Beatport Expo says “Hard fight in the late game due to her mobility and DPS. Too agile to catch up to her in laning phase If she played properly and outdamages you pretty much entirely later on”
SabinX says “Care about her passive at all times, if she has no passive you are gonna destroy her, if her passive is 4-5 stacks you may lose the fight. Give her the space if needed in early game.”
Kingarthur720 says “irelia isnt a hard matchup since few people are good on her. You can go virtually any build here but i like the grasp build into her since she will most likely dash into your auro range while you are cs'ing giving you free grasp procks. She snowballs hard if she gets 1 or 2 kills so be sure to keep her in check and not let her roam. Good irelia's will make sure to keep in melee range and not let you farm up in this case build RFC or PD first items”
VIP Titan says “Irelia is one of the champion you really should beat her. Since Olaf is made to counter her!
Be aware of her passive charge up to 4 stacks
She can't kill you when is on a flat ground (No minions)
MAX E not Q !
DeLaGeezyBaby says “Irelia es un campeón con mucha movilidad y daño. Además que si las cosas salen mal en linea y comienza a hacer roaming en otras lineas se convierte en una pesadilla para las demás lineas.”
ShaharKarisi says “Her dashes are really scary for Shyvana, try to focus on not getting marked and punishing her when her Q is down. Try to R out when she uses her R because it makes you unstoppable.”
Starci says “I would say this lane is in your favor. Parry her E and the fight is pretty much yours. If she has ult the fight may go either way, but if you manage to dodge it with your Q too you stomp her.”
Vodka4Gaben says “You win the matchup if you have a lot of tentacles around, you can get hit by everything she throws at you, as long as you have your tentacles in place, you shall never lose.”
SuPIeX says “Easy matchup. Your Q shuts her down hard, and your W cancels out her stun. The only danger is that you have to stomp her hard or she will scale and still be a threat to your team.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “It's actually surprising just how well Rengar can deal with Irelia. If you manage to dodge her E and fight her when she has less than 3-4 stacks of her passive, she can't do shit about it, since you actually outdamage her significantly early game. Good wave management will also screw her over since she will have a harder time stacking her passive, and the only really annoying thing about her is her W defensive steroid. If you manage to kill her twice then it's almost gg, since she can't risk farming without you beating the shit out of her. However, do note she can set up ganks quite well and if she gets too ahead she will make short work of you, but you still have a lead. Do note however that the new BotRK build might change this match up later on.
Ignite + Flash is good to leave her behind early on and keep on winning. Conqueror is also a great rune to deal with her overall. Aggressive bruiser will leave her into the dirt until the very late game, but even full AD can work.”
CounterBlad3 says “Botrk Cleaver Irelia is extremely strong against Darius, but if you can dodge her E she has little ways to stop you from running her down”
Itreallyhim says “Skill matchup, Irelia is insanely strong and has crazy outplay potential.
Dodge her e, If she hits you with ult, Ult her to remove the walls and return the damage when she has nowhere to go.
Dont do longer trades because of her passive.”
Rivenetto says “Skilled Irelia players are major threat,others are tiny. Fight only if she misses E and avoid fights when she have full stacked passive”
classicnoob says “Can't win smack her with your Q she cant do anything keep her out of XP range if she fights she loses,Cuz Irelia players love to fight.”
classicnoob says “Very Easy Matchup,But even if its easy still watch out,in early game.Since your 1 of the weakest early game champs in the game.When you get Level 6 you beat her easily.”
ThatTaylorGuy says “Mobility is the name of the game! Irelia can dodge all of our skillshots with relative ease, has a ranged stun AND can disable our autos. Play safe, farm under tower and fish for E's.”
Asoreth says “Also not a favorite of Irelia, but Shen actually wins this matchup. When she tries to fight you, you try and fight her back, but not for too long of course, because her passive can deal devastating damage.”
AkaiAsura says “Irelia got a different way to trade you back easily. She can also farm really well and in case you aren't able to manage the lane, she can snowball you fast.”
GamerAtLarge says “Two half's of the same aggressive lane bully coin with Fiora when laning against Yorick. While with practice and knowing how Irelia is played she can become much less of an early threat. But be warned any who lane against her blindly.”
GreeN1337 says “Can be a difficult matchup but it really depends on the skill. Just remember to dodge her E and you should be good to go in. In this matchup i would recomend starting Coruppting Potions.”
Dejuronto says “Oh yeah. Irelia with sorcery can 1v1 you at lvl 1, obviously. But at lvl 3, it might be a different story. Just don't miss your E, or she'll win the trade heavily on you. Oh yeah, and please freeze the wave on her early. Always.”
OakenshieldXVI says “She got dashes and CC, you can use your W to not get caught by her E, but be careful because of her bonus damage with her passive.”
ShinyEmo says “Her stun can be the most predictable skill in the game. So when she uses her stun, dodge it with your Q and burst her. Must be a certain win. You can dodge her R with your Q too. Especially after her nerfs, she is now your easiest matchup.”
Oblak says “She is not a threat for Shen if you manage to be tank the earliest possible, just be sure she hasn't stacked her passive, after that you can try a all-in”
miniRAGE says “Irelia can easily dash in and out of fights using her Q. In addition, her Q gives her a healing cut whereas your healing is overtime and has a cooldown, so to speak.”
lugzinho says “Irelia can be really slippery for Kled cause of her Q but if you can stick to her and apply your entire W damage you should be fine
Just make sure to dodge the stun either by E or R.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “Depending on how good the Irelia is this lane can be quite difficult. You can poke her out of lane and she doesn't have insane amounts of sustain as long as you don't fight her while she has Conqueror stacked. You can cancel her Q dash with flay which will cause it to go on cooldown even if she dashed to a marked target. Remember this and capitalize on it if you do cancel out her dash. Dodge her stun as far as possible and don't be afraid of going for extended trades if you know she doesn't have dash or stun.”
ForgottenProject says “She is VERY weak Level 1 vs Fiora
If she dashes to/autos a minion, attack her
She has 0 self peel Level 1 if she starts Q
Parry her E is ideal
If you miss it, you can still parry her R or Q and still win
Make sure to R her, even if you think you can win without it
Her outplay potential after 2 full items is very strong”
Blakespeare says “simple match up just hit q then all in, you can e right before her e goes off which will even though it stuns you stop her from all ining by stunning her. DORANS BLADE”
Braddik says “You can hold your e forever vs this champion. Don't get stunned and you should be fine, you hard outscale her, look to all in every chance you get. Watch out for her passive reaching 5 stacks.”
TymekOne says “Good Irelia will always be a threat, but if you want to win just try to outtrade her and avoid fighting with her if she has hr passive stacked.”
Pedrokis says “Muito chato de se jogar contra, visto que quase sempre a troca é dela. / Começa de escudo e vai com a runa "Vs AD Chato", depois faz Poção de refill e rusha Tabi. / Cuidado com a vida dos seus minions, ela pode matar eles com o Q, stackar passiva e te meter um E. / Se ela errar um reset do Q e tiver sem o stun, as primeiras trocas são menos chatas. Caso você ganhe nessas trocas, normalmente com ajuda do JG, você começa a snowballar, mas não afoba por que ela volta pro game bem rápido.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Not as bad as people think. You can orange out of her stun. But she can kill you if she ults since she gets the double dash effect. Since she's squishy you can poke her pretty easy and you can also land barrels for extra damage and the passive reset for trades. Just be careful with hitting passive autos.”
The Lost Drawing says “A nivel 1 normalmente matan los subditos melees con su 'Q' castigala con una 'Q' tuya normalmente se comen las dos cargas.
Le cancelas su 'Q' evitando que te tire 'R' de maneras salvajes”
Joaking says “-Dodge her E with your E.
-Avoid fighting her when she has her passive stacked or when she's able to stack her passive with your minions.
-You can oneshot Irelia.”
Pickle Pick says “Not a terrible matchup, don't go in on her when she has conquerer and her passive stacked up. She can easily dodge your W and QE with her Q so be aware of that.”
qtANG says “skill based match. Wukong has a good LvL 1 when versing irelia. E into her when she doesn't have stacks on her passive. Though, she scales and out sustained wukong later on. However, wukong is still better at teamfights compare to Irelia.”
VicGal96 says “It's actually surprising just how well Rengar can deal with Irelia. If you manage to dodge her E and fight her when she has less than 3-4 stacks of her passive, she can't do shit about it, since you actually outdamage her significantly early game. Good wave management will also screw her over since she will have a harder time stacking her passive, and the only really annoying thing about her is her W defensive steroid. If you manage to kill her twice then it's almost gg, since she can't risk farming without you beating the shit out of her. However, do note she can set up ganks quite well and if she gets too ahead she will make mincemeat of you, but you still have a lead.”
Split King says “Irelia is a tough matchup for many top lane champs. This is not the case with Shen. Just make sure that you are tanky enough to survive an all-in with her ult. Health is worth more than armor early on, as you cannot reduce her true damage. Try trading with her from time to time. If you lose trades then farm for a while and try again. You will become stronger than her eventually.”
ozmankaan says “Op way too OP, u cant land ur disdain coz of her movement, she can stun u anytime, her ult is OP too :O i mostly ban her, i dont knw how to fight her, if i have to i go very passive against her, mostly she will win lane.”
Valorkyrie Quinn says “Has high mobility, and strong teamfighting ability.
Your only window is pre-6 when she doesn't have her ultimate.
Fleet Footwork is recommended in this matchup, for the HP sustain.
Tip: Pay attention to ally minion health. Irelia may dash in for minions low on health. You can use your Q to blind her, preventing her from dashing from you. Interrupt her dash onto you with your E.
After 6, you would prefer to look for roams. Take down isolated enemies before Irelia arrives to a teamfight.”
BeautifulWinter says “Dashy Girl pretty easy. RESPECT LEVEL 2 POWER SPIKE. Do not try to play agro here as she will be able to massively out damage you in a trade.
Post 6 should be super free as long as you hit an E on her.”
Canis858 says “Ein recht einfacher Assassin, gegen den man einfach bestehen kann und sie wird nicht versuchen dich zu ulten, wenn sie schlau agiert.
Runen: 2, 1”
feederfromelohell says “Annoying can dodge ur abilities. Can only 1v1 if she fails or after 2 items. Don't get hit by her stun early levels or she will kill you!”
Big Belly Bop says “Be careful when you are near minions that are low, she can dash to them and get off a full combo. You need to play around your jungler and coordinate ganks to shut her down. She is a pain to deal with in laning phase and will abuse your low mobility. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Survivability rune page.”
ExfIamed says “This is easier than the chogath matchup, you autowin this no matter what, constantly trade with her and dodge her stun. I usually always manage a kill or three before my first recall.”
ElementalZyrus says “Avoid her stun as best as you can and ask for ganks where possible. If she ults, DO NOT walk through the blades. High probability of death.”
9690 says “Irelia isn't a hard lane. Be careful levels 1 & 2 where she is pretty strong, and be mindful of her fully stacked passive. Other than that we win trades at all points. Build tabi and destroy her post 6 with R.”
Loevely says “Used to be a harder matchup but she has been nerfed to the ground. You can win lane with either grasp or fleet but grasp makes it go from a 50/50 matchup
to a 70/30. ”
ENX Kai says “A good blade dancer is huge threat. Can out-damage you. Avoid her stun (E) at all cost. Get bramble early.
Never fight vs 5 stacks passive Irelia.”
numpadddd says “Easy Matchup unless she is a Challenger Smurf, you can punish and silence her with your Q, E should do the rest, also try to use your W at the right time to block her Qs or Hits”
Luthy2278 says “Irelia is just one of the worst picks against Mordekaiser. She is better AFK. You win all trades and if she tries to poke you, you are going to kill her. After you hit level 6, you will just farm her harder than you farm Garen.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “Pretty dangerous in good hands, and even more dangerous on hentai sites, this ionian ass can win 90% of trades against any squishy champion in lane phase, and usually after it too. Your best bet is either to play like a god or hug the turret and poke her when she tries to farm. Don't forget to get TABI and maybe zhonya, an item that grant attack speed would be great too since you will probably never burst her, I personally prefer wit's end over nashor for the sustain it gives in close fights.
Be careful at level 6, if you can dodge her ult and juke around her E you should be able to kill her, but if she hit any of those you are probably dead.”
Defensivity1 says “Against irelia the grasp page is a must, try to trade with her a lot before level 6 especially when she jumps inside your minion wave its an easy way to proc grasp gaining a health advantage and do ur best to dodge her stun.”
Taliyehn says “Well, she dashes a lot. That's the annoying part. She's not this dangerous, but care about her passive stacks and it should be fine. Wait for redemption and she can't kill you anymore.”
ygtmacks says “Irelia can insta kill your minions with q to stack her passive at all points of the game. You out-scale her later on but its about getting there. ”
mightydylan101 says “Pretty annoying champ played on a good player but if you are lower elo you wont see her much due to her nerfs and her high skill cap. Barley ever played but can destroy you if they know what they're doing.”
ProgettoYorick says “Irela can become a problem if you are against a good (good) irelia. Its q literally shot your ghouls.
Advice from OTP: tabbi ninja do well against her, when she gets over you and if you have your r try to stay still, without touching the edges of her r hitting her with your q (only if you have a decent life to support a fight )”
ScythedS says “Dodge her stun and you win.She will most likely use Q to farm,as most Irelias do.So,if you see a low health minions,just know that she will probably dash to it.When she does,poke her,or even go for an all-in if she does't have stun ready.Also,don't fight her when her passive is stacked up”
ThisIsJustSad says “1. Do not fight Irelia when she has 5 stacks.
2. W Irelia E stun. It's pretty easy to W it, so try to focus more on aiming your W instead of timing your W.
3. You can also use Q-W to try to dodge the Irelia E while aiming the W at Irelia to slow her down if you're not to confident of dodging it.
4. If Irelia walks into you and fights you, you want to keep walking around her and Q through her to try to randomly dodge her R. The same trick works on any champion with a skill shot that has a delay.
5. If Irelia Rs you, you can Q out and use W mid Q to avoid the damage + the slow. You should do this if you don't want to take the fight and you have an enemy minion to reset your Q.
6. If Irelia uses W, wait for her W to finish before using the second part of your E so you can get the max damage from it.”
Skarner Main says “You have to side step her E and dont fight her when she got 5 stack q on and be carefull throwing out your e when shes fighting you she goes behind you its annyoing if you miss your e you will most likely die”
Puck333 says “Irelia is very hard to beat because your core attack is your Javalin Toss. She is so quick that she can dodge it easily. If you hit her though, you will do a great amount of damage.”
Karnan says “Nasty champion to deal with. If she knows her stuff she can dodge all of your abilities with her Q. Stay away from fighting her in minion waves and watch out when she procs her passive. You have trade potential if you can dodge her stun. You outscale her hard so stay calm in the matchup.”
iCamillia says “Irelia can be very dangerous if she got fed off roaming and killing your teammates but with PTA rune page you can harass her and kill her easily before she does anything to get fed”
CrimsonAngel1 says “A bad Irelia goes in when you have your W up, but if it is down. make sure you don't get hit by her E, if you do, her Q will have no cooldown for 1 cast.”
Mr. Nyahr says “After the rework Irelia's pretty dangerous. She has the mobility, CC, and damage to punish any mistake you make, so be sure to play this lane passively. Farm under tower.”
Generally Break says “She's very good at getting in your face for a quick burst. Pay very close attention to dodge her stun and respect her ult. Aftershock is highly recommended.”
OneMustFall says “As long as you get ahead, you'll stay ahead of her. You can completely negate her stun with your shield and kite her all over the place. Just don't get too comfortable and drift too close to her or you won't be able to get away.”
Bajnok says “You have to be careful. Irelia can outperform you due to her's scaling. Use your E to prevent yourself from getting a lot damage while you are stunned. Avoid fighting when her's passive proc and got 5 stack on Conqueror. If she get's behind you close your shield as fast as you can.”
TerryTheWolf says “Probably the strongest counter for Yorick. You have to cs as much as possible before your first back and try to rush phage+ninja tabi then complete the trinity force. And the other tip i can tell about this broken champion is to NOT engage with her when she is on full stacks and check the minion waves on both sides before trying to engage her in a 1v1.”
Ze mentira says “Max: E. Rune: Grasp page.
start doran shield and back with glacial shroud.
//Frozen heart and bramble vest are good items to fight her.
//if she comes to you, press E instantly to reduce attack speed.”
Hamstertamer says “High threat until Riot balances this broken champ. Very snowbally matchup so running ignite is a must. Ask your jungler to camp her early. Bully her when she uses Q on the first minion, she is very weak when her passive isn't stacked so fight her at that time. Keep a minion advantage to punish her if she goes on you.”
AsomeSonic says “she dashes a lot so use your w when minions get low for her during a gank or chase, also keep trask of what she can reset her q off of or easy exits for that nice w of yours, it will ground her of stall her”
SummonedLight says “Very annoying champion to play against. Can win, but she out damages you if lands a stun/ult. I usually take flash for this matchup.”
Polkadog says “Can get out of your W, can slow you down, deals a shit-ton of damage. But you are a tank with a shovel. If she knows her job, you're kinda screwed but you can still semi-easily kill her with your Q.”
Chromuro says “Like fiora, but she can negate your W and while you are in your ult is the worst thing that can happen. Hit her while she's Qing the minions, free poke.”
Yotzuo says “Hardest champion to be honest. This person can all in you and you cannot kite no matter what. Only way to defeat her is try to abuse her weak early levels and slow push early. Stay in bushes and poke her. When she tries to go in on you E > Q > W away. Irelia will get minion aggro because u slow pushed and have a minion wave and you kite back, so you win trade. Get sheen and tabis. If there's a point where irelia always shuts you down. (mostly because she got triforce) Freeze the wave at turret, proc klepto, and try not to die :D. Use control ward and wait for jungle to gank.”
blunderr says “Irelia does a lot of damage and can easily run you dont if you aren't careful, poke her a lot and try predicting if she's going to Q a minion, if you think she is prepare to auto attack/q her to get a free poke. I recommend Doran's Shield”
Assonice says “She can easily kill you lvl 2 dodge her E and take care of her stacks of passif don't take long trade. Frozen heart for slow her attack speed”
Weakling says “Irelia has everything a Trynda Main Hates. Her Q is a dash. her E is Stun, and her W is damage-taken reduce.
Bad matchup against Tryndamere, no matter what.”
EpicDan01 says “If she stuns you early then she can win the trade. Never fight her until after rank 2 R. Try to fight her when you don't have many allied minions, to deny her healing and mobility.”
Rhinoface says “Skill matchup. You can ult to ignore her ult, also removes minions for her to dash to. Very difficult without ult, unless you poke her down and don't let her free sustain with Q.”
HKRV says “Skill matchup. Keep an eye on your minions as she will go for the low health ones. Set up your Q for it to poke her. Also save your E against her Q and you can do some damage to her. Only all in, with ult. ”
Poppu says “Keep an eye on your minions. Whenever your minions get low, Irelia players tend to last hit with Q and stack her passive, that's when she gets dangerous. Deny her CS, freeze the wave, and out trade her with Grasp and Q, cancel her Q with your W and go all in and she won't be able to out damage you. Don't E into her when she uses W, E her whenever you get the chance to pin her against the wall, or else she will punish you hard. She has more mobility, but weaker early game if you play it right.”
Aizo says “When facing Irelia she is an incredibly slippery high damage champion with a lot of things you need to keep in mind. Dodging her stun and ultimate are crucial to beating her in 1v1's. In champion select when you know you are going against her, take double Magic resist runes because irelia deals high Magic damage due to her passive so taking the magic resist runes will allow you to mitigate a lot of that and you're going to be building Bramble Tabis vs her first so you can live. Good luck with a good irelia tho they are a terror.”
SoulHero says “Good irelia mains are a pain. This is like riven matchup but don't fight her if she has q stacks or conq stacks. Your dash can engate her stun, predict where she will q and flip her, you can easily win if you can do this every fking time. If you zone her you win. Only time you don't win is if she has stacks. If she w's stop kiting, don't waste knees on her dmg reduction. You can do lvl 1 e trick if she tries to dash to the first melee minions. ASSERT YOUR DOMINANCE.”
SasoritailEUW says “She is anyoing as hell to play against, and the smallest lead, she will just stomp you.
Try to avoid getting hit with E and dont fight her with full passive stack.”
Vodka4Gaben says “After the nerfs you should be able to win against Irelia every time in lane, the only exception is if you get ganked by their jungle. Just pull her in with your E and it should be an easy kill.”
DrNaara says “Though she has a low win-rate, she still poses a threat due to her mobility and all in potential. Watch your minion's health bars, and back off when she can potentially kill 2 or 3 with rapid Q's and use them to close the gap between you and her.”
jmothemtgahole says “Irelia is a tough matchup in top or mid with her mobility, but with smart turret placement and proper use of your stun, you can out shake her and get to safety (provided your team is paying attention to minimap)”
empoleonz0 says “Completely counters you, scales about the same, more useful in teamfights and can match your push. Her Q completely negates your Q which means you can't trade in lane at all against her if she's decent. Second only to Jax imo”
Dorwu says “You can trade her until she gets her 5th stack on passive, if she has that you dont want to fight or even trade, because its most likely that she will kill you even under your tower.”
TiuHiikou says “Not a hard matchup, but u're fucked if u think that u can simply go yolo with her. u can dodge her skills and wait on w to her passive(stun) gets out. Then poke her.”
homxr says “You can win trades, and should be, by picking up an early Bramble Vest, but don't overextend because she will start to hurt. Make sure she doesn't block your Q, and you'll do fine.”
PhoenixianSlayer says “Zoning her is easy and you can get a cs lead. Just be super careful early levels so that she doesn't kill you pre level 6. Once you get luden's echo, it takes only a couple bouncing bombs and a mega inferno bomb to end her. ”
Lynboe says “Ce match-up dépend de votre connaissance du champion adverse, si Irelia rate son cc, alors vous gagnerez le trade, si elle vous engage avec son passif stacké vous risquez de perdre ce trade.
Afin d’éviter de perdre la lane face à Irelia, il est conseillé d’acheter deux Doran’s Blade ainsi que des Tabi Ninja, ça l'empêchera de fight au possible ou du moins l’en dissuadera.
Freeze la vague de sbire ou shove peut s’avérer dangereux pour vous, il est très facile pour elle de farm sous tour et avoir trop de cs lui permet de bénéficier de beaucoup de mobilité grâce à son Q.
Il est conseillé face à elle de garder le moins de cs possible afin de pouvoir la all-in sans qu’elle puisse vous rendre fou.
Jnewbringspain says “You should be able to win this one as long as you don't eat her stun too often. If you do, attempt to Counter Strike right before it hits you and Leap away after the stun. She has terrible level 1 so use this to your advantage and go on the aggressive with Counter Strike.”
messketchup says “It's definitely a skill matchup. Save your Q until her Q (dash) is on cd or when you've cc'd her with your pull. You will win trades if you dodge her stun. Keep track of low hp minions that she can jump to so you can punish her when she dashes to it. Also pay attention to her stacks because she can easily beat you if she gets her 5 stacks before you do.”
Rajonas says “She can get her Q's stacks from your Mist walkers. Play safe ask for ganks. Punish for over extending. Keep an out on her stacks before going in. ”
Sonny2o9 says “Irelia Favored, can win pre level 6. If she misses stun, you win. Take short trades as she wins the sustained war. Make sure to use your combo after she uses her Defiant Dance (w). Can one shot after 7 if you don't die when she uses her combo. ”
WTMudkip says “Her Q puts her behind you. So she's able to use her Q to dash through your E which is a big no no. She'll auto you to death and get her stacks up and win the trade and evantually the fight.”
Angela du Seithr says “Avec les grands nerfs qu'Irelia a subi il est plus facile de lui faire comprendre qui domine sur la voie du Top ou du Mid. Restez tout de même vigilant car c'est un champion qui retourne facilement les situations.”
EvilOranges says “D-Blade, D-Shield. This is the most skillful matchup possibly in all of League. You win burst trades, she wins extended trades. Poke whenever possible, and don't allow her to engage with Q. I like to zone her away from low health minions, but for 1 tricks they will fight you. Use E to disengage whenever she Q's onto you.”
uk Orca says “not a threat whatsoever unless they are REALLY good at irelia which is probably not, early u can 1v1 easily u can use E to dodge her stun, at lvl 6 its harder but if you are ahead its fine.”
12inchpvpness says “Don't combo while her W is up and juke out her stun and its an easy lane. With Irelia's changes to take her front loaded damage away and put more into her auto attacks, its more of just a dodge stun and win lane, she is a real threat and you need to respect her or you will find yourself getting chain dove.”
Devitt45 says “This is an easy match up. If you are about to get stunned, press W for the cc reduction and extra damage reduction. After her stun, you can just Q her and start spinning on her. ”
Zestysquid says “She will jump into you a lot usually. Some of the less bright ones will try to wait out the boxes with her defense steroid, which locks her in place and usually gets her killed. If she has ult, make sure you have Q, ult, or both if you're in her attack range so you can dodge at least some of the damage before the cage expires so you can lead her into boxes.”
Portray says “Skill match-up. If she plays agressively, you win. Just make sure to dodge those fatal stuns. Playing around minions will help you a lot.”
Dr.G Killa says “You just need to be carefull with her passive, If she Is stacked and you waste your Q she can destroy you. Fight her away from minions and dodge her E, her lvl 3 Is very strong, be carefull.”
Jnewbringspain says “Pretty easy matchup. Avoid her stun, watch her passive stacks. If you do these two things, you come out ahead in trades and can engage her by yourself. Your W is fairly helpful in this matchup so use it wisely.”
Prince Afghan says “Irelia poses a threat just because of her all in potential and the fact that she can kill your ghouls very quickly. Be careful in the early game, especially if she's taken ignite.”
Ryako the Exile says “Irelia counters you but if play dodge her E and dont let her stack her 5 stacks, you will lose if she has 5 stacks. If you are hard losing against her she can dive you but maybe you can outplay her while diving.”
Bombabo says “While her ability to constantly dash is annoying, you can dodge her stun with your E, and will most likely be able to land a full combo on her if she jumps onto you”
AmnesiaT says “You can fight Irelia when she hasn't any stack of her passive. You are stronget on level 3, but only if you dogde her E with your E.
Try to predict her Q [minion jump] with your Q.”
RainbowNova says “Irelia is very annoying, but her stun is very predictable. Her Q is annoying, because it feels like she can use it as much as she'd like to. I've never understood her ultimate, but all I feel like it really does is slow you, which doesn't kill you, so that's why I'm putting her so low on the Threats-scale.”
Lil Tidepod says “Irelia top is kind of a joke now, as patch 9.2 took away a lot of her damage to shields. Her mobility can be annoying, but once you build a tank item she shouldn't be able to kill you unless she's fed. Take care for her E, she can use it to stun you when you're charging your Q. It's also important to note that when she stacks her passive fully she will do a lot of extra damage. Early game you won't be able to kill her or do much against her without the jungler, which is why her threat is major instead of even.”
punmaster911 says “short term stun. really squishy. likes to run away. you prevent the last one. the first is irrelevant as is, and the second is a dream come true for you.”
MoreLoliconThee2nd says “Irelias can Outplay real hard in fights especially if she hits her E all the time, all you need here is a bit of practice in Side-stepping”
naejshaw says “Irelia possui uma mecânica de gap closer muito forte com os resets do seu Q, além do cc do E.
Evitar trocas próximas dos seus minions, devido o reset do Q da irelia, além do stack da passiva. Evitar o stun e buscar pokes constantes”
Dr.Chrishock says “this thing just gets hp by minions cant miss cs i mean ur fked up and she stays behind minions to farm so you cant really poke her even if you do she is gonna heal soooo hope for a gank
you can win late tho if you havent feed her
gnar always wins late team fights”
ImpossibleLogic says “The low elo perma-ban. Irelia is a slippery champ from the get go with and amazing level 2 if she has stacks you can try and zone and predict her Q's early game to shut down her dominance however she will pretty easily kill you whenever she wants just save your E to dodge her E as if she hits you with that she will kill you / make you flash 100% of the time when she has ult you have to flash out of it or you will die as it constricts your movement as well as if you step on it you are slowed and killed by her.”
Luki7776 says “Avoid fighting with Irelia until lvl 3. You can fight her only if she hasn't any stack of her Passive and make sure that you will dodge her E.”
Hunterlogic says “Play safe till level 6 and just poke when you can, at level 6 just ult her and beat her down. She will win most trades if she has minions and passive stacks.”
Scuz Rat says “Irelia relies heavily on dashes and can be bullied very easily when she Q's toward a minion by placing your Q on the minion, either preventing her from getting the minion or winning you a trade. Do not get wasteful with Steadfast presence however as after it ends she can easily all in and kill you.”
Brentard says “Keep track of her dash stack, avoid stun, if you can't try to W it. Spin while running away is always a good plan. then Q out of her ult.”
GrGamingTeo says “Kepp her in fights. Look for when she tries to disengage and pull her to her death. You all in against her is better but watch out for her passive as it hurts.”
DrMoneybags says “Much like Akali, Irelia isn't too bad once you see past the craziness of her kit. She's getting nerfed soon as well, so that's a plus. Try to Q toward your minions that are low and that she'll likely Q toward, and you'll always land your beartraps. E through her stun and you'll win most trades. It's ideal to W after she uses her W, but taking conqueror will help deal with the damage resist. Not too bad of a matchup so long as she isn't a lot more skilled than you are.”
Arcthunder says “Irelia is very squishy too. If you can shut her down early by poking often with your Q (since she has no long range poke), then you can all-in her if she doesn't respect your godly status.”
kubsak26 says “To win you need to Play smart with minons to avoid and punish her Q. You can actually poke her easy i you pay attention to her cs'ing. Her best way to get close to you i stuning you with E and ult and you can dodge both it is actually easyer for you to hit her from range because of your slow. A whole matchup depends on that how well she cs with Q if good she will dodge your Q if no then you can abuse her for free. Unfortunately her late is good so you can't feed her no matter what. If you don't feel like you can outplay her with poke it's better to just play safe and farm.”
The_CuItivator says “One of my favorite matchups. An Irelia can scale into a stronger carry but Darius always stomps that. You have the advantage in laning phase and mid game. Use it. Dodge her stun and destroy her. Don't let her farm and stack passive.”
OnionMilkshake says “Irelia is a slippery champ from the get go with and amazing level 2 if she has stacks you can try and zone and predict her Q's early game to shut down her dominance however she will pretty easily kill you whenever she wants just save your E to dodge her E as if she hits you with that she will kill you / make you flash 100% of the time when she has ult you have to flash out of it or you will die as it constricts your movement as well as if you step on it you are slowed and killed by her
(Recommended: Electrocute)”
Jomppe says “ [Top] Irelia is a direct counter to Yorick. Her high defensive abilities, high mobility, and high burst allows her to counter everything you do. She constantly will be jumping around making it difficult to land your mist. And once Irelia goes in on you she will win the trade. It is best to play defensively and try to freeze lane right before your tower so you have an escape.”
Dr.Chrishock says “rly difficult you need to def 24/7 and a jg to help you early she spams q and dodges ur E and she is able to stun u wt i would do is E when she stuns me bcz you can still do the animation and that would result in a good fight for you”
Khazem says “Starts off as a minor threat, becomes major at level 6. Look to build an advantage before she does get her ultimate and you should be alright until the later stages of the game where it becomes very difficult to match her.”
qtANG says “skill based match up. During lvl 1, engage before she stacks up her passive. If u manage to catch her without passive during lvl1, u can possibly get a kill. She outscales u during mid and late game. Don't fight her 1v1 if u don't have ult and she has.
besides, don't land all your combo on her W !!!!”
Bkorven says “sidestep her E or your dead, Fight her when she have 0 stacks of her passive same with conq. Usually happeneds if she walcks back into lane”
ThatDabbingTroller says “Skill matchup, Irelia's Q has really low cooldown. You have to poke and pray you E hits, and if it does you can engage on her.”
LosAngeloser says “Irelia has been a historically tough matchup for gp, although she is less oppressive after her rework. You want to go grasp and keep the trades short.”
ApexDresden says “She's a slippery match up aswell, however she isn't as bad as Yasuo, she can negate some of your damage but she won't be able to win many trades as long as she doesn't have her conqueror stacks, so engage before she can and make sure you track her down as she'll use Q to move around minions”
Tokor says “Attention elle cogne fort et assez tôt. Esquivez son E grâce à votre W et ça ira. Jouez proche de votre tour pour être bien safe avec votre ulti en plus.”
ElleryTheViking says “Easy. Level 1, you out-trade her. Level 3, you out-trade her. Level 6, you out-trade her. her abilities require on close quarters combat, which you excel most at. If she Q's to you, Spam Q and E her, there's nothing she can do. Beware her stun pre 6, if she lands that she can dish out a relatively even trade. Post 6 you steamroll her, if she q's to you, ult and do your thing. ”
BlackguardRaven says “Just dodge her e stun, and then ez lane. abuse her dash ability and place a mushroom infront of you and then just stand there and wait for her to step in/dash, if she uses her stun thing, just use your w to dodge it”
kingkang2 says “Irelia's Q can oneshot all of your ghoulings. She has to be pretty skilled since the ghoul hitbox is pretty small and messing up a Q on a minion will put her Q on cooldown. If you notice this, get on her and get a favorable trade or kill. She is mobile, but not as bad to lane against compared to other champions. Hit 6 and the lane becomes very easy to win.”
Samas says “Dodge her stun and go for a trade early, if her Q is down - trade. If she ults you, you should ult too in most cases because she is probably going for a trade. Gain a health lead and push. Dont go out of your way to jump on her to harrass, stand close to low hp minions so if she wants to take them you can get some free damage down, but be wary, she might be using them to close the gap and engage on you.”
Naniboi101 says “Sometimes takes ignite and goes executioners. Sometimes bursts you or all ins, but e and dashes pretty easy to predict and her w makes her a sitting duck for you to proke all those true dmg vitals.
E61K says “Start Doran's Blade. The only chance to beat you is level If she ever tries to cs by using her Q post level 3 when you have QWE force a fight on her. She will try to stun you in order to disengage. It's easy to dodge so you should have no problems doing so. Then she will most likely use her W for the damage reduction on your Q at which point you can just continue to run her down. Once you have a lead zone her off of farm, EXP and make her pay. When you're confident and have a large minion wave backing you up you can even go for a dive on her like I have done numerous times. Her asking for a gank should be a simple double kill for you once you have more experience at turning ganks around.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Dueling Potential, Scales, Team fighting. Weaknesses: 1v1 if misses stun, Predictable CC, weak early game. An easy matchup that can be more difficult than it should be if you tend to make a lot of mistakes. You can trade with her and she can’t really retaliate unless she has her stun which is easy to Riposte. The only time she has a chance at killing you is when she has Conqueror activated and has already maxed out her passive autos. This matchup essentially boils down to who wins the first two to three trades among either of you, which in all fairness, should be you almost every time. Before she gets Trinity Force is when she's at her weakest point. If you do end up feeding her, just wait and farm up until late game and hope to pick her of in a side lane as in the 4-6 item late game is when Fiora is able to out-duel almost anyone.”
Miracle Matter says “Absolute nightmare-mode. This champion is an abomination. You can swap to exhaust, use Seraph's shield, have armor, and still nearly get 1-shot by her if she ever lands a single stun.
If you're forced to play versus an Irelia, you farm from safety, under your turret, and then you GROUP. NOT SPLITPUSH. You will out-contribute her in teamfights and win the game that way.”
didyoujusttouch says “Haven't played too many games against her, but just dodge E, and if she's not fed, go all-in. Would wait til' u got black cleaver.”
SeaWeeb says “Hard gap closing with q and if she gets the jump on you she will overpower you with her damage and sustain unless you can manage to escape. watch out for her R.”
Sion says “Skill matchup, iffy depending on the playstyle. Never Q into her W unless she's mid-charge, which means you will land a Q AFTER her W ends.
Avoid trades post 6, you bully her pre 6 though. Use R to roam and try to outCS her, watch out for junglers because they like to gank for Irelia”
Vincheelo says “Her Ionian Fervor hurts so build Ninja Tabi to counter that. Avoid her Flawless Duet and just try to kill her when you see an opening. She can snowball pretty hard.”
Proxxecube says “Similar to yourself, Irelia is a super-late game scaler. However, this means that Rito was obligated to nerf her early game into the ground. This by no means she can't do anything, she still has damage, it just means your True Damage and sustain will outdo anything she can put forward. If you notice her waste an ability at level 1, like her e or q, immediately fight, because she can't use her passive and her autos aren't super strong. Just pray your team doesn't feed her, and you should be good.”
lxl1Mago1lxl says “Never underestimate Irelia, especially when her stacks are completed, she can deal a lot of damage. But basically its pretty easy against her thanks to our [W] lethal for her Q”
S4TAN ES MI DI0S says “It is basically the same as fiora, you can escape easily from her, but you only has to wait to the right moment to hit your Q combo because he can dodge it with her jumps.”
yingwaiwastaken says “You will almost never win a fight against Irelia when you have surrounding allied minions, as her sheer mobility will prevent you from landing most of your spells”
TrickyMK27 says “High Mobility and Burst lets her counter everything Yorick does.
Try to Freeze lane near tower so you can escape when she tries to go in for the kill. (Consider Ban)”
Zahkar00 says “Take Grasp.
Honestly its just pathetic how easily Taric sh*ts on Irelia. Once you get lvl 2 she cant touch you without getting wrecked. The outplay is simple, when you see a low health minion stun into it and more likely than not youve caught yourself an Irelia to beat to death.”
Bakiraka says “You can't win trades after level 3, but you can get away from her stun pretty easily and poke her without difficulty. Watch out for all-ins, and don't let her snowball.”
Trixelkour says “Will probably win against you, but that is if you let her. Play around your ult and hers and you can win relatively easily. But be very cautious of her bursts of damage. Will try and confuse you with an E into an Ult, Q then finish the E to maximize damage out put in the least amount of time. Play safe and call for ganks. Get a Sunfire into an Adaptive helmet and you can duel her around crowds of people. Take Grasp, Aftershock or Glacial Augment to make her less Slippery to deal with. Also be sure to get Ravenous Hunter for extra sustain when dueling. ”
Pabino says “If your jungler comes top and gives her a kill say goodbye to lane. She snowballs out of control and will kill if at 6 if you don't time your blind right.”
heyitsRainex says “Similar to Riven, she can snowball once she gets ahead. Dodge her E and engage when Irelia doesn't have the full 4 stacks of her passive.”
lunarstaff says “Evade her stun, and dont walk out of the ult because it'll render you unable to autoattack. Also, be mindful of her W, which gives her 50% damage reduction.”
SirDeRp25 says “Depends on whether she's good. Put it simply, irelia is just a busted piece of **** pls nerf rito. Consider Ninja Tabis, save blind for when she Q's onto you. Try not to trade. Engage when she steps on a shroom. ”
E61K says “I find the new Irelia to be much much easier than the old one. Her Ult and Stun can both be windwalled. It's crucial that you abuse this to your advantage and force fights when you block those 2 abilities. You can use your E to dodge her W or use your tornado to cancel it, after which you are in a perfect position to all in her with your ult.”
Beartrand says “Irelia is pretty fast and agile. It might take some time for you to pin her down. She might win trades if she lands her stun. If she ults, the best thing to do is just stay the crap in there and hit her as many times as you can without touching the ultimate.”
Omega best says “Play very safe and make sure to poke her alot and flip her in your minion wave while you have the opportunity, build armor and call for ganks ”
Zachlikespizza says “A good irelia will keep dancing around your q's through lane until she out scales you and auto's you to death. The best you can do inlane is save your e to avoid her stun and attempt to lock her down with your w once she wastes her q.”
Mouadyam says “easy matchup early game, but don't underestimate her damage later on, all in her level 2 / 3 , and if you have a lead press it before she outscales you”
Demon Lord AC0 says “I've never faced a good one as Yasuo. You can windwall her ult and her stun. Rush tabi and BORK, and you'll outdamage her. Just be careful once she finishes Tri-force”
Coelinha says “Evite tomar o "E" dela// Não fique desarmado na ult dela//Se nada disso funcionar, espere pelos nerf, eventualmente a Riot irá nerfar ela.”
JosephV says “No threat at all. Sidestep her stun, aa her 3 times, use your Q to stun her, 2 aa while she is stunned, use your W, spit her out and after that Q her again or aa her. Easy kill.”
MOOUSSA says “she is so strong vs illaoi you need fight her without your minions or let her finesh her q and do your e try to get her and so easy to win but if she dodger its your nightmare”
iam colorblind says “You can dodge her Autoattacks with ur E and dodge her E by using ur Q.
If she dont have Ultimate or E and she overstay, she will be a free kill if you are ahead!”
Snaill says “She can't hit you within your smoke, take advantage of that and wait for her passiv to get away. Dodge her stun. If you do all of that, you can all in.”
DJREVy says “Urgot beats the hell out of Irelia before level 6. After level 6, you will lose. Thus, poke and harass the fuck out of her pre-6 and build up a lead. Play with caution after that point.
Ban her or Fiora.”
TheSuporter says “Early game damage is ridiculous because true damage is a thing. Play passively and ask for ganks. Harass her if she goes for cs but don't engage unless she is really low and you have ult and ignite/exausth.”
CaioOP1985 says “Nasus is possibly one of the best ways to play against Irelia. You have a better sustain with your passive and the most important thing: most of her damage will come from auto-attacks, which are slowed by Wither so the moment her passive is on, you use your W and she'll lose a great portion of her DPS.”
OrangeBeard says “There isnt much you can do against the god of top except farm well and only engage on her as long as she doesnt have her passive stacked up you should be ok”
Ashnard says “Irelia is still pretty strong, and can all in you easily if she hits stun and has passive + conqueror up. Other than that, she has no mobility outside of minion waves, so try to freeze on your side and trade her every chance you get”
Aldebaran1918 says “Can stun you esily sience Morde is nearly moveless, however if you time it well enought you can still manage to survive her assault.”
RitoPLsnerfirelia says “A b*tch to play against
True damage is broken against your low early health
Can and will dodge your e
Play safe and then Dominate ”
Dacnomaniak says “If you dont fall behind you should be fine. Dodge her stuns and block her dash with your W. Going a little aggressive here will help in trades.”
galvapheonix says “ Irelia usually isn't a very big issue unless she gets ahead. If you or your team manages to give her any sort of advantage she will take over the lane and you will have to play very passively and safe. If you manage to get behind early on, pick up a bramble vest to counter her healing when she goes in on you.”
L0ganJG says “JUST PLAY HER MINI GAME, she will only fight when the wave is prepped for her to max out her passive. When your minions are low back off, if she preps her E, sideways W can juke if you're fast enough. auto Q auto when she goes for farm without Q. If she W's > you E her into a wall.
Don't forget her Q puts her behind you, so backwards E can be good. Always flash her ultimate if you have it. ”
kagaroo says “🔴Skill Matchup🔴
Threat Scale: 7.3/10
➡️ Very similar to the fiora matchup. In theory it should be easy since you can stat-check her but you need to play away from her passive. Pay attention to the health of minions and where she wants to dash. Irelia's dash pattern is very obvious if you pay attention to the minion HP and current location. Try to dodge her E, but sometimes you can purposely get hit to bait her in if you have enough damage. Try not to ult her when she W's she will reduce A LOT of your damage. Experience + limits is crucial to win this lane/matchup. Keep in mind it's a snowball matchup and once she gets BOTRK you need to be wary. It's a fairly easy matchup but heavily depends on how good the opponent is.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad irelia vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average irelia vs Average Trundle ➡️50/50 skill matchup
Good irelia vs Good Trundle ➡️ 70/30 irelia/trundle, irelia should win but trundle can win if you get a lead early.”
Haxorr says “Irelia is very overtuned right now in my opinion, but she just got nerfed as I'm writing this so hopefully that swings this matchup more in Fiora's favor. You win early game all-ins pretty hard and can abuse your Q's spacing, but if you fail to parry her E or her Q then you are cooked. Getting hit by her stun = losing this matchup so just react to it, it's pretty easy to parry or dodge. Doran's Blade + Sorcery page good with Conqeuror”
AdeptDrax says “very managable if you use your barrier smart, Irelia players will always kamikaze into low hp minion so thanks to that you can predict when you can burst her, just watch out to not miss your R after she ults you.”
Bourne212 says “Try to trade when she has no minions to get her passive stacks on, try to bait her W by canceling your auto after Q. DO NOT fight her with all 4 of her are stacks on as that will give her very high early consistent damage.”
CactEyez says “Really slippery champion, depends how competent they are. Before BotRK she is a lot weaker, try not to fight her in a large wave as she will untouchable.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Bramble -> Plated Steelcaps -> Wardens Mail
AP Items:
- Bramble -> Heartsteel”
Wxyyy12 says “pas på fuld stack, spille altid for at din wave er på din side.
Søger for at w hendes e, altid bagud (hvis du ikke har mulighed for all in)”
Mid Lane 50.54% Win Rate44% Pick RateIrelia Mid Lane Counters: 30 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Irelia in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Zewrocktumbler says “no one plays her mid in low elo but she still is pretty strong have grass on yourself if she hits stun”
Adamikcz2 says “Good Irelia will hit her E and delete you, stay near your turret and wait for a good opportunity. Once she gets Botrk stop trading and try doing plays around the map with your team.”
Divine Azir says “You win if she doesn't snowball. Very strong dueling, sustain, mobility, and roaming. Weak river skirmishes. Shut down by wave management and ganks.
① Irellia relies on freezing the wave on her side of the lane to run you down. You can abuse your range and zone control to freeze the wave on your side, setting her up for ganks on repeat.
② Watch your minions' health. Irellia's whole trading pattern relies on her stacking her passive by Q-ing onto them so she can jump on top of you and kill you. If the health bars are low, just play safe until her passive expires. Keep in mind she can W the wave to quickly put the casters in execute range.
② If you get stunned, you are dead. The range is quite high, but she has to place two. If you keep a soldier behind you, you can bait out her first E, then E back to your soldier so you can play more aggressively.
③ The lane changes once she gets ultimate. Same thing applies to her ultimate as E, but now she has two abilities to track. If she ults you, you have to drift out of it, so ideally play out of E range entirely. ”
AuroraAddict says “irelia is the hardest one especially in top lane you just have to try and stick the wave close to your tower and never let your wave get pushed towards her cause then she will freeze and you wont be able to do anything about it so vs irelia its better to look for roams if when you have the opportunity overall really hard cause her crazy mobility and dmg +you get electrocute standard vs this match up.”
BesXbola says “Irelia is a very easy lane if you really know what you are doing. If you mess up in any moment she can kill you specially after [[blade of the ruined king]]. Do not let her farm early on and poke her with attacks as much as possible, you cant kill her before 3 only if she has a huge ego. Do not ego on her.”
TrianglularRose says “You need to stay back and wait for her to make a move to make trades, but, so long as you don’t overextend, she can’t really kill you.”
AlexFL7000 says “My permaban, pretty much nothing you can do against her except hope she stays in your W and gets stunned, but even then she will just run you down and kill you. Try to farm under tower and hope for ganks”
j4m.euw says “Irelia is very hard to not end up playing against, you will encounter her a lot. You will find her in top or mid, so be careful. Try to get level 2 before her, and punish her with your Q and E. If needed, you can use your windwall against her E if you don't have enough time to use your E to dash out of it, so you need to have quick reactions if your going to use your E to avoid the damage from her own E. However, your windwall cooldown is a lot longer than her E, so keep that in mind. You can actually use your windwall to block her R, but your windwall should be saved from when she uses her E, so you don't get stunned and take a ton of damage. Instead, you should E out of her Ult.”
TheRealYashas says “you literally only win trades at level 1. her Q healing is too strong to take extended trades, and she has enough mobility to chase you down regardless of wave state”
juangepeto says “Irelia is a difficult lane to start with because her passive gives her more attack speed and she has considerable range in both auto attack and q, which allows her to apply a total victory against gp at any time in this lane. I recommend using ignite and rushing if possible the cut heal.”
GAMING ACADEMY says “Irelia is incredibly strong in both the laning phase and the sidelane but relies on snowballing to excel in teamfights. Your main focus should be keeping the wave near your side of the lane to set up ganks or prevent her from chasing you down. Be especially cautious of her level 2 and level 6 all-ins. Above all, prioritize staying alive—even if you fall behind in CS, it's manageable as long as you don’t give her kills. Use your E defensively to disengage from her trades and mitigate her pressure.”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. Super rough matchup in general. Freeze under tower whenever possible. Tank a few minions if needed. If she's freezing either ask for jungle/support assistance or just sit and soak xp. I just ban her.”
Cepatrol says “need ignite to kill her, you suprisingly win VERY hard level 1-3 if she doesnt have passive stacks, so zone her or hit her while she's getting them, with early game runes ignite aery you legit kill her ”
Tamikaze says “[Hourglass Second Item, highly recommended, Exhaust viable spell]
Irelia can be a tricky matchup, solely for her early game and her ability to jump from one side of the lane to another. When playing against an Irelia, be very conscious of your minions and which one are low HP. Irelia players usually will prep caster minions as a way to dash onto you from far away. She will always win the fight if she has max passive up, and especially if she has Conqueror. She can only acquire max passive if she lands her E on you, or she receives from the minion wave. If she misses her E (early game), she cannot go in on you and win. Its good to know that her E is a 16 second CD level 1. If you can play around your tower and minimize the number of trades you take with her early, you will win lane. Notable tips: When she acquires BOTRK, she can one shot caster minions, be careful and be ready for this! If you find yourself in a duel, and she ults you she will immediately Q you or E you, be ready to either dash the E or dodge it. If/when you decide to ult her, she will Q you right after to jump the wall. To prevent this, you need to dash into her with your E. This is especially important if you are making a play under your tower. It prevents her from escaping the situation. ”
Este es por lejos el peor match up de Zilean. Tiene demasiada movilidad así que es imposible acertarle una Q. La relentización E no le afecta porque dashea a través de los minions. Puede divearte a nivel 3.
Si lanzas tu bomba hacia el minion sobre el que ella saltará puedes asegurar un poco de poke.
Juega lo más defensivo posible e intenta no feedear. ”
j4ss says “Lots of sustain but braindead one-trick champion, go Fleet, Max Q, Plated Steelcaps with full crit. Essence Reaver - Berserker's - Mortal Reminder - Infinity Edge. Avoid her E stun with your E and crush her mid to late game with your damage. Remember, getting melee against a fed graves is a death sentence.”
Laimaudeja says “Aurora is dreadful into fighters, being basically incapable of disengaging from them without using her ultimate, she cannot effectively duel them during lane phase or when sidelaning.”
Tatsurion says “You know what this cunt can do.
You know it isnt fair.
You know its too much.
And no, your range is NOT enough to keep you safe.
Get antiheal.
Get tabis.
Xc1Mare says “Ирелья неиграбельный матчап из-за её Q и W
1 - Q ОЧЕНЬ быстро пушить и не выпускать вас с линии ,не давая вам безопасно спушивать линию и роумить
2 - Q убивает ваших собак за одно попадание ,так как они считаются крипами (вы почти всегда носите в себе 4 стака для ирелии) => она очень легко вас убивает
3 - W имеет большое понижение входящего AD урона, что делает невозможным её убийство
Любая драка к которой вы стянитесь может закончится тем что ирелия получит всю пассивку даже без крипов ,что грозит вам и вашей команде большими проблемами .Она не будет отставать от вас в запуше линии и всегда готова ответит на ваши действия по карте.
Единственный здравый контрплей ,играть с лесником на ранних уровнях ,когда Ирелия запушивает пачку слишком глубоко”
BrMario1011 says “try not to get run down tbh lmao, you can win this if u play well before she gets bork, people who play this champ are ussualy greedy pigs and they can bait them selves, make sure she has no where to dodge to if you w onto her and make sure you dodge her stun
go dseal any runes teleport/ ingnite if confident”
Vladmidir says “Dodge her E or pool it and she has a hard time killing you. If she gets onto you save pool for ult or use it when low to mitigate the health cost. Be mindful of her stacks and try not to trade when ur minions get low. Once she gets bork you just have to R her off cooldown and make sure she cant all in you.”
GreenReapers says “Conquerer or First Strike w/ resolve if you struggle mandatory. I prefer First Strike w/ sorc or precision.
In my experience, she just outheals and outdamages you, when you try to go for extended Conquerer trades.
D-shield if you plan to play a bit more aggressively, otherwise longsword is fine.
Play safe and dont let her all in you.
Give up CS when you are not ready to escape when she can engage on you. Preferably trade with WEQ Behind, and try to place it so she can't hit your with her E. Same goes for all ins. Do not go for extended trades unless super fed or you can kill.”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[PTA] Irelia can always easily get ontop of you, try to pressure her away from your minions lvl 1 so she cannot stack Q, you should be able to win lvl 1 with PTA + Boneplate if she doesnt stack her Q. Afterwards the matchup becomes hard to play if you dont have a big lead already as she pretty much always has Killpressure on you after 6. Be especially careful when she hits her Blade spike.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “lmao very hard to beat, you MUST rely on ganks. You CANNOT kill her without help. And managing the wave is very difficult against this matchup. Take TP.”
otaliz says “Try to keep the wave on your side of the map, never push unless necessary to generate priority. Pay attention to your minions HP, as she will use her Q on them if they have low HP, so keep your distance from minions with low HP. Don't fight her alone in the side lanes, if she appears to contest, unite with your teammates. Be careful with her Blade of the Ruined King's power spike.”
PhantasmEUW says “[PTA] Irelia can always easily get ontop of you, try to pressure her away from your minions lvl 1 so she cannot stack Q, you should be able to win lvl 1 with PTA + Boneplate if she doesnt stack her Q.
Afterwards the matchup becomes hard to play if you dont have a big lead already as she pretty much always has Killpressure on you after 6. Be especially careful when she hits her Blade spike.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. Its really fun to play against. Trade with her and try to outplay her with Q3. So many dashes it can be annoying but try to predict where she will go.”
Laimaudeja says “I would use the First Strike page in this lane, with 65 flat health over 10-180 scaling health, and start Doran's Ring.
Irelia is really difficult to play against, especially when she manages to stack up her passive, so position yourself away from minions that have low health and be very careful of her stun. Keep in mind that her ultimate passively reduces the cooldown of her dash, making it very difficult to face her one-on-one later!”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Flat HP. Early game runes.
Q start.
Same thing with yone, if she reaches you, usually she will have enough dps to cut through your barrier no matter what. Try not to walk too far in lane or she will catch you with minions. The only window to shut her down is before her BRK, so call your jungler if she pushes too much. After that she will just go for magic resist and you won't ever be able to one shot her. Play with your team since you are more useful in teamfights : if you land a good q on her she will get down easily!”
angeLoon says “really hard matchup on top, if she hits you with her E you're dead.
use phase rush in this match and try to play slowpushing in the beggining”
awawa says “Skill matchup. A good Irelia wont ever use Q on minions and will wait until you waste your fear. You will die if you wont use passive properly.
Watch out for her trying to hide E1 in minions. Dont get stunned.”
ShokLoL says “Irelia is extremely strong in the laning phase and the sidelane, but she needs to snowball in order to perform well in teamfights. For the most part you will be looking to keep the wave on your side and try to setup ganks or just avoid having Irelia chase you down the lane. Be extremely careful of her level 2 and level 6 all in especially. Above all else your goal is not to die, even if you go down CS to Irelia it should be fine unless you give over some kills.”
MageSept says “Irelia is extremely difficult to play against as Veigar. If she's bad then you can farm safely but if she's good then… good luck. Your base armor puts you at 100-0 range extremely fast and a little misstep will result in a death.
Getting Bone plating and early Plated Steelcaps is good against her.
The upside of this matchup is that Irelia is hard to play and doesn't scale that much even if she spikes very hard when she gets her Blade of the ruined king. Her roams are also a bit weaker than other champions but she has one of the strongest skirmish in the game so be careful. If your mates do not respect priority you'll have a (very) hard time. ”
ShokLoL says “Irelia is extremely strong in the laning phase and the sidelane, but she needs to snowball in order to perform well in teamfights. For the most part you will be looking to keep the wave on your side and try to setup ganks or just avoid having Irelia chase you down the lane. Be extremely careful of her level 2 and level 6 all in especially. Above all else your goal is not to die, even if you go down CS to Irelia it should be fine unless you give over some kills. Phase rush is a must in this matchup and be super careful when it's down. ”
ShokLoL says “Irelia is extremely strong in the laning phase and the sidelane, but she needs to snowball in order to perform well in teamfights. For the most part you will be looking to keep the wave on your side and try to setup ganks or just avoid having Irelia chase you down the lane. Be extremely careful of her level 2 and level 6 all in especially. Above all else your goal is not to die, even if you go down CS to Irelia it should be fine unless you give over some kills. If you take Conqueror and trade on your side of the lane (so she doesn't have room to run you down) you can sometimes win this lane against bad Irelias.”
vannilja says “she's obnoxious to deal with and if she's skilled then all you can do is sit and farm under turret and hope she doesn't either dive you or freeze your lane. She'll most likely kill you if you walk up to CS if she has ult and the wave is frozen.
You can take exhaust, but the lane is over for you either way, if she's skilled.”
Soft Headpats says “Take E at level 1 or 2. This lane is all about wave control; the more you're able to keep the wave close to your turret, the more manageable the lane gets. You pretty much never win a 1v1 against Irelia since she can easily heal up and outmaneuver you, but your goal in this lane is just to survive and keep up in CS anyway.
If you are somehow able to EQ her mid-dash during the early levels, you can put her dash on a decently long CD and poke her down a bit afterward. Once it hits the mid-game, her Q CD gets pretty low even if she doesn't proc the reset so don't let your guard down. You're basically dead the second she's on top of you and you don't have E up. ”
ShokLoL says “Irelia has unmatched sustain and so is pretty much impossible for you to push out of lane. The best thing you can do is try not to push the wave (unless you can 1 shot it) and hold your E defensively. The good news is even if you fall behind early you should still be able to deal with her in teamfights. Just focus on not dying and be willing to give up some CS if necessary.”
ShokLoL says “Irelia is extremely strong in the laning phase and the sidelane, but she needs to snowball in order to perform well in teamfights. For the most part you will be looking to keep the wave on your side and try to setup ganks or just avoid having Irelia chase you down the lane. Be extremely careful of her level 2 and level 6 all in especially. Above all else your goal is not to die, even if you go down CS to Irelia it should be fine unless you give over some kills.”
Deceiver_euw says “Even tho irelia does fine into LeBlanc 1v1, she cant really look to kill you since your champ is too safe. Winning 1v1 into a good irelia is very hard but for irelia to win the lane she has to play very aggressive so she is vulnerable to ganks. Make sure to call your jungler or supp mid if enemy irelia is disrespecting them. If the irelia is bad, you can also beat her 1v1 with ignite and early game setup. Similar to akali matchup, holding your W when overextended in lane is key and if the wave is on your side, you can look to trade more aggressively.”
plankbro says “Just give up. Never play past your tower, you are not allowed. She will make you think Sion is the shittiest champion in League of Legends the way she bodies you. As much as I consider this the highest threat to ban every game, you will see 10 Yones for every 1 Irelia in the mid-lane since Irelia is more often played top.”
Paczo says “DON'T GO ALL IN.
She's similar to Yasuo and Yone, those players JUST, NEED, TO TOUCH YOU, but with her passive, she won't let you farm. Remember that she can easily dash out of your ult.”
ShokLoL says “Irelia has unmatched sustain and so is pretty much impossible for you to push out of lane. The best thing you can do is try not to push the wave (unless you can 1 shot it) and hold your E defensively. The good news is even if you fall behind early you should outscale, so just focus on not dying and be willing to give up some CS if necessary. ”
vSomnia says “Use your Q to harass her with scorch. You can predict her to use her Q on low hp minions so take advantage of that and use your Q when she does. Save your E to dodge her E. If you dodge her E you win the lane. Sometimes when she uses W and you have two passive stacks wait for her W to run off and than go for your last hit to proc passive. It's all about who takes control in the lane yet again. Try to get good cs score cause she excels at it or she will have item advantages in no time.”
Peteruso says “This our worst matchup, here is a good way to navigate it.
Take Ignite and PTA + Nimbus Cloak + Scorch.
Early levels are like other Lethal Tempo lanes, just don't facecheck or all in too early and you will be ok. Really try to poke and deny gold / xp if they're noob because early levels is when we have the most kill pressure in this lane. Throw a rang in your about-to-die minions if you think she will Q onto them. Igniting early is good to deny her healing. She will stop your hook with Q if you're not going directly away from her.”
InTaggar says “ENG: Just ban if her if she's on meta.
Max E and evolve ur Q and go with the scale build. If she miss the E u have the 60% of the vs winned. But that champ is ridiculous and can beat u only with the pasive...
Runes: Aery with Resolve.
Spells: Teleport / Exhaust.
ESP: Banneala siempre que esté en meta o sepas que del otro equipo van a pickearla.
Maximiza tu E y evolucioná la Q. Si ella erra la E, tenés el 60 % del trade ganado. Pero este bicho es ridículo y puede matarte solo con la pasiva...
Runas: Aery con valor.
Spells: Telepor o Extenuar.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against an Irelia focus on farm, dodging her stun with your E, try to predict her Q and poke her with Q and W, she will trade everytime her passive is full stacked, so play really safe, Executioner call is a good option after closed Berserker”
Kikife says “You can typically tell when an Irelia player is going to Q to a minion, so you must try and predict when this happens and poke her down with your Q. If she can dash through the back 3 mage minions, you're going to take a lot of damage so be wary.
if you notice a minion on low HP near you and you've tracked her Q stacks, make sure that if she can pop her passive that you are too far back for her to make use of it. Most AA melee champions will be easy to poke down on lane using Q, and this is one of them. Bully her out of lane with your poke to secure an easy win.”
gaarrett says “E out of her stun, after you full combo walk away because she will attempt to run you down with her passive. Out of lane she doesn't do a whole lot so you can try to be more useful in teamfights. [3/5] ultimate, scales with AP so it does respectable damage. ”
MukiiBaa says “Freeze and poke her with Qs from a side of the wave so you dont unfreeze it. She can outplay you very hard early until you get 2 to 3 items, she is less useful in teamfights than you if you can peel your carry she wants to kill. Good E and she is dead
Never push when your wave is coming, let it crash into enemy waave then use Q W to push it fast and crash it under her turret”
149Gray says “Sidestep her E or pool it if you need to, and play safe until you have it again. Try to keep the wave close to your tower so she doesn't run you down and pool her ult. ”
KAUSM says “this is a real threat to you in the lane, you just cant do nothing if he freezes you, but the pick rate of irelia mid its pretty low so you dont wanna waste your ban in this champ!”
ImVoxxX says “Impossible match if she knows what she's doing.
Try to fight her whenever she misses E and don't have passive stacked.
Her W can tank a lot of damage, try to make her waste it before fighting if possible.
ExodusBlue says “1st wave let her push then 2nd wave freeze as long as you can. Farm w WE>QE. Dont walk up to her. Wait for her to be on top of you to EQ or she will dash onto a minion. Early T1 boots to dodge stun. Do not get hit by stun or you lose 70%hp before lvl 6 and die after lvl 6 trust”
KazunaSan says “Elle n'est pas une grande menace a car avec votre start E first elle ne pourra pas vous tuer, attention de ne pas l'engage si elle est proche d'être full stacké et si son W est disponible, vous pouvez go sur comète, phase rush ou electrocute, c'est votre choix”
FrostbiteMW says “Really hard matchup. Play from far away, if youre too close she can easily gapclose and kill you. Save your stun for when she wants to dash on you. If you play well and defensive early you can start poking in midgame and slowly crawl back by perma poking.”
FrostbiteMW says “Really hard matchup. Play from far away, if youre too close she can easily gapclose and kill you. Save your stun for when she wants to dash on you. If you play well and defensive early you can start poking in midgame and slowly crawl back by perma poking.”
FrostbiteMW says “Really hard matchup. Play from far away, if youre too close she can easily gapclose and kill you. Save your stun for when she wants to dash on you. If you play well and defensive early you can start poking in midgame and slowly crawl back by perma poking.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. Play def if she stacked her passive up and always try to dodge her stun.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Play safe since you cant fight her early. She cant jump onto you tho, because you could just ult her back into your turret.”
ThelpixG says “This matchup has potential to be very hard specially if the Irelia player is good.
She can easily all-in you and she has very strong early game exchanges because of her passive and Q's infinite sustain.
Pay attention to what minions in your wave are low on hp and position yourself accordingly so she can't all in you as easily and effectively.
Try always dodging her E and position Kegs near you so you can try to catch her with a Keg as she goes in.
You might win the exchange if she's fighting inside a big minion wave and you're able to dodge her E and land some Kegs.
Once she gets BORK you'll never beat her in a 1v1 again unless she's very bad.”
Wizboy73 says “VERY ROUGH, take defensive or experimental runes. you will not win lane unless she sucks. you do hard outscale so just play safe and play with what you have to not let her snowball. ”
Shinbae says “Ирелия наверно самая мобильная на миду, на равне с Ясуо, однако она ещё и хилится...
Поймает в стан, можно сразу же отправляться самому спать, поймать её на сон практически нереально, о ваншотнуть вообще молчу, просто молитесь что у неё будет пинг....
LinCass says “Take Exh or ignite depending on how confident youre feeling in the matchup, play around your creeps to know where shes going to be able to dash to land her E, when her E is on cd abuse her.”
Hexeria says “[Watch out to not be instantly killed at level 1. Most Irelia's finish the first wave with their Q's, so she can have her passive fully stacked.] [Play safe, farm as quickly as possible and go Tank with Frozen Heart first.] [As soon as you got Frozen Heart. Plated Steelcaps and Thornmail, you can just run her down.]”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I give her EXTREME-Threat because If she buy a BOTRK she can guarantee to kill you
Trick - When we trade or try to killing her you must dodge her E and R this is a important when we fight with irelia ”
KissKat says “If you're facing IRELKING, I can't help you. Dodge her stun with your E or W. Pick Exhaust and Ignite if you want to kill her, or just go TP+Flash for a safer choice.”
Halkem says “Let her push on the first waves, sneaking E's every now and then. Don't take bad trades or she'll dive you. After 6 you can push more reliably against her and if she freezes just go do somewhere else on the map with ult or ask for help. On top this matchup is disguting, i recommend dodging unless you like burguer flipping or have a really good draft.”
Iceyou says “here the good matchups are about to start . Not yet. Irelia is punishable level 1 and she becomes a monster past that . 0/5 irelia level 6 while you are level 7 can 1v1 and kill you . Respect her all in dodge the stun call for ganks and farm her . if she gets too fed its alright chain cc her in the teamfight and win the game . ”
The Milelator says “Absolute skill match up. If you dodge her Stun, you will most likely win the trade. Try to deny her minions by Q'ing your low minions, forcing her to decide to take damage for gold or lose minion gold. Once she has Blade, she kills you with no problem. You either have to stomp her early game and she will never hurt you or play for team and only push waves without trading.
Bramble first buy + Tabi's is recommended. ”
WarwicksSimp says “This matchup in general is insanely easy as you just straight up out damage her completely, if you play stupid or cocky you'll die to her. You should never really have any issue with her. If she engages you, you kill her. You can engage on her as well relatively easily. Don't use R until after she's used her W as you won't end up healing much during her W due to damage reduction, same goes for Q.”
FrostbiteMW says “Lane bully who outtrades you easily. You have a hard time earlygame, so try to be safe. Dont step too far since she can easily all in you. Dont randomly throw your Q since she can just dodge it with her dashes. Either safe your Q for when she attacks you, or aim it at a minion when she is about to dash to it.”
Tokiyami says “Pretty skill matchup this lane is very dependent on your shroud to fight her everytime. Irelia is pretty annoying to deal with early just respect her lvl 2 all in and wait till you have shroud so that you can start trading with her, if you dodge her E, you can basically just all in her.”
FlopQueenEra says “Since you have range advantage, Sona's E ability, provides a movement speed boost to herself and nearby allies. This can be used to kite Irelia, keeping a safe distance and avoiding her (Q) and (R). Proper kiting can make it difficult for Irelia to stick to Sona.”
Yannik123 says “She can dodge your e with her q. Try to poke her and be ready to run if she has 4 stacks on her passive and she jumps on you. You can dodge her e or her ult with your r.”
Lindroganti says “Easier in mid than top. Her dash puts her behind your shield. Block her empowered autos as you back up. You need to be aggressive in this mu, you need to jump her when she has not stacks and hopefully from close enough that she doesn't use her damage reduction to soften the blow.”
X9 Endless says “All you have to do is Afk farming and waiting for your jungler, comet might let you poke her to the point you can kill her If she make a mistake”
Sapphiretears says “not Playable. AD Version of Kassadin the second she hits BOTRK its over for you unless she completely missplays
Wait for Jgl and Pray to Allah”
stormraided says “Again... very annoying stun, in a way kind of like Leblanc, if you're not careful and you get hit by her E you're dead, and you can't really engage too because she has too much damage to spare. Try to stand far away from minion as she can dash in from the minion and stun you with her E. Look for trades if she used E. Do not all in when she's charging her W.”
support_diff says “Look out for Her passive stacks as she is hard to win when she has full stacks. Dodge her E with your E and once she misses her E go for a trade. You can't win farm against Irelia but try to keep up with her”
Exxidara says “Probably one of the hardest matchup on laning phase because he has perma sustain and your laning short trades are not valueable at all till late game avoid fighting on lane or let him make missplay”
N1comagno03 says “She scales very well, so she would be a threat in mid/lategame for your team.
Don't stay close to minions, and you will be fine.
Rush oblivion orb.”
Ankha Yuumi says “Be cautious against Irelia; her high mobility and how easily she can engage are the biggest threats. You can take First Strike against her and harass her. When you see her setting up her first E or starting to engage, immediately use W backwards to position yourself in a safe spot.”
Amarusis says “It's easy, you can trade in early with Q/aa and dominate the lane, and after you can oneshot her. Her spells aren't huge danger for your sustain.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Normally I would make up an excuse on how you could beat her but I'll just cut to the case this time. You are going to die.”
tangerrine says “Irelia is SO annoying to play against. She outscales you and if you don't play safe, can easily kill you. She can also try and avoid your abilities with her Q if she's smart. Plus she can easily stay on top of you so you have to use your W to try and disengage when she tries to Q or E you, whichever you think will help you live longer. DO NOT ENGAGE IF SHE HAS HER STACKS. Don't even try and walk up to trade.”
The Hunt says “KILL HER IMMEDIATLY (BAN HERRRR!) if you playing against Irelia top lane or even mid lane it is unwinnable just surrender at that point”
Zero macro says “Irelia has an amazing early game presence and strength, which Kog'Maw cannot get away from easily. Thereby she also has access to insane lifesteal from Q + vamp scepter to deny Kog'Maw poke. Recommended to take Exhaust in this match up.”
serrafim says “She's generally a rough matchup. Pay attention to her yellow stacks, and if she has them up, just don't engage and wait it out. Watch your minion waves, and if they're low, stand a little further back, When you see her throw down her E1, (2 Blades) watch where she places the E2, and use your E to dodge. ”
lolzayno says “Super mobile champ that can be very quick and hard to react to when dueling her. Make sure to dodge her stun or else you are dead. If she plays super aggressively near your turret, you can knock her into turret range with your satchel. This is the only case where you can solo kill her.”
AngeReaper says “(This is a tank guide)
Avoid her E and Long fight with her.
She sustain you damage play aggressiv early with W when she want a cs and escape when she's full stacked ”
Actt says “Too high damage for you to have a chance. Dodge her E and do NOT fight when she is at max stacks. First Strike (Bone Plating) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.”
TheChoz3nOne says “Skill-based match-up. If you won't do any mistakes then it's easy match-up for you in 90% of times but there are some smart Irelias who use Red Trinket then this match-up will be really hard but still playable and you can outplay her.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “THIS CHAMP IS MISERABLE :3 I go comet not for the farm jsut because every irelia is a crazy nutcase. They will do the most aggresive trading. Just try to save your e for when she tries to clear your casters. Play really far away from your minions and let her push you in. Dont die every irelia ints mid game. ”
Wizardd says “Don't stand next to your minions and allow her to get a free dash towards you. Dodge her stun and push wave and poke her under tower. She has insane dmg you still must be careful.”
ITSHOT says “Annoying and strong right from the start, multiple jumps and sticking power, stay back and wait for your jungler (probably my favorite ban)”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ghost]
[Don't stay near low HP minions and dodge her E]
[Respect her early game and survive]”
freuio123 says “Irelia outpushed tatsächlich, weil du respektieren musst, dass sie auf Minions dich all-Innen kann.
Du kannst ihren Dash auf dich mit dem Charm interrupten, solange du das schaffst ist das Matchup fine. Mit nem early kill kannst du sie snowballen, ansonsten einfach respektieren und den Charm nicht missen :3”
Aiytee says “Horrible matchup. She can just E you when you Q. She has incredibly good stick when you try to run and can easy just dash to escape your R or E.
Just hope you can scale and endure the miserable lane.”
AdrikN says “She is hard to go against so stay far from minions and throw your E on the minion wave to poke her when she goes in for the CS. Keep an eye on her passive don't fight her on max stacks cuz she will be tanky.
Ghost Exhaust!”
Zeusman00 says “Be careful level 1 for being Q'd on with max stacks, I generally go miasma level 3 instead of 4 for this, if fighting, try to fight inside of your miasma to help minimize her dashing and help you land your Q's.”
uwuimsocute says “Dodge her E, respect her early power + BotRK, and you are good to go.
Still you need good spacing tho.
You can put the matchup into "tiny" or "even", depends on how much experience you have.
Angryappleseed says “RUSH STEELCAPS, maybe even GA. Probably one of the worst matchups, you might even want to dodge.
U can bully her a bit pre-6, as long as you dodge her E stun. DO NOT FIGHT HER WHEN SHE HAS FULL STACKS or can just get all her stacks by Q'ing to the nearest minions. After 6, she will curb stomp you.”
qkthr1 says “even. if theyre good youre in some trouble but honestly your stun does well. full w->aa>q>aa>ignite works well early then ult later. Try to play passive and make her take some turret shots, and stocking on some health potions will help you win against her. also take exhaust against her trust”
Anguish333 says “- Q whenever she last hits minion with her Q, but becareful when she has 3+ stacks
- Use Movement Speed, E and R to dodge her stun
- If you get hit by E or Ult, wait out her marks in Shroud
- Whenever she casts Q on you, your E will hit 100% if you react fast enough
- Try not bursting her whenever she has W up, unless you know you will kill her even through that”
Asturic says “Don't fight when you have minions and you easily win by ulting her (either away or into your turret. Just remember to do that when she doesn't have her mark on you or she'll dash to you again and you'll die.”
Shoei baron king says “a irelia tem um lv1 lv2 bem forte, mas você ainda consegue bloquear a ut e o e dela, alem de desviar do e dela tambem, ambos tem suas vantagem, então é skill matchup”
Painters says “Extremely tough match up. She heals a lot of the damage you do from poking. Respect her when she has Q reset, avoid her stun, and save your W for when she's on top of you.”
Jg_diff says “She can't kill you too early if you don't get stunned. She is probably still winning you at cs, like Yasuo. Prepare for a tough fight after 15 minutes.”
Cryniu says “Try to dodge her stun, your E will be key in this match to keep your distance. Irelia is a mele champion so try to poke and slow her if your jungler is coming.”
YasuoEnjoyer69 says “Need to be careful too, she have high damage early + if she build blade of the ruined king you will have hard early/mid game
Ping jg to help you”
Wraithlander says “You simply don't win trades or duels with her at any stage of the game unless she misses E. Even then she can probably just auto you down anyway especially after buying botrk. I've found maxing Q, playing safe and poking her down gives you a very good chance of getting her low enough to prevent her being any kind of threat. Q the minion she will jump to during the lane phase in order to maximise poke.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Level 1 Dominance: Try to establish lane dominance from level 1. Use your range advantage to poke Irelia with auto attacks and abilities. Contest the minion wave to prevent her from stacking her passive (Ionian Fervor).
Watch the Minion Wave: Irelia can quickly reset her Q (Bladesurge) by dashing to low-health minions. Be mindful of her positioning concerning the minions and try not to allow her to freely dash around.
Consider Building Seeker's Armguard: If Irelia becomes a significant threat, Seeker's Armguard (part of Zhonya's Hourglass) can help mitigate her physical damage and offer some survivability.”
TismoTheTilted says “Personally I hate top-champs going mid, because Riot never manages to balance them properly. They're either dogshit or mega broken. But Irelia should always beat you because of how tanky she is despite building full damage. Can't really escape her either due to her mobility and CC from W and R.”
Trisend3 says “Terrible matchup run bone plating and don't shove wave out. Freeze under tower if possible. If she's freezing either ask jungler to help push or play back and soak xp and give up the cs or potentianly roam.”
TB Azir says “Lane'in nerede kaldığı gerçekten çok önemli. Öne geçene kadar lane'i ittirmeyip kesinlikle üstüme alıyorum. Zaten lane'i üstüme aldıktan sonra kuleden ötürü Irelianın yapabileceği playler kısıtlanıyor ve safe bir şekilde dürterek oynayabiliyorum. Son olarak ufak bir trick: Bu bahsettiğimiz güvenli bölgede oynarken eğer olur da Irelia'yı flash'ı yokken kule altına atabilirseniz adamdan olabildiğince uzaklaşın ki üstünüze Q ile atlayıp kule range'inden kolayca çıkamasın. Flashı varsa da kule altına attıktan sonra E ile üstüne atlayıp hasarınızı vurup, asker yükünüzü alıp oynayın, zaten büyük ihtimalle o da flashla kaçmaya çalışacaktır.
Rün: PTA”
Allyooops says “This matchup somehow gets worse every patch. Irelia is unkillable with her items unless you coinflip early lead. She will go tabis and win every trade lol.
Use grass q and pray she ints 2 tower shots trying to dive you then you can win.”
vxnity says “HEAVY skill matchup. Stay close-ish to your low health minions. Chances are she'll dash to those which gives you an opportunity to poke her. Watch out for her E.”
The Unshackled says “Take absolutely no trades when she's stacked. Poke with Q3 + W, try to bait her into a river fight as she's much weaker there (she can't easily stack up). Early gank would be really helpful.”
darkezmond says “It is extremely problematic to get your Q because of her jerks, try to aggress on lvl 1, after lvl 2 and 3, do not try to contact her”
ardizzle says “This matchup is fully knowledge gap. Don't fight her level 1. Just concede the first wave and try to not let her bounce the third. You do that and she struggles against you pretty hard unless you over step. ”
EL ZUDO says “its an even matchup be careful lvl 1 and 2 she can dash on u and fuck u up with e at 6 u beat her if she doesnt rush armour time ur q's and try to land ur q's off the wave for maximised dmg”
Glitchgun says “GO HAIL OF BLADES IF YOU WANNA SURVIVE HER ALL IN FOR A ROOT! She's the toughest matchup of all here. She just make farming early a nightmare, since you have to look out for her dashes and it can be difficult to root her, so use your w mostly for damage. Make sure to keep your ult up when she ults. ”
Nooldles says “If you are able to play around her E and passive you should just win. Never fight her if she has fully stacked passive and save your mobility to dodge her E or R and you should be ok. Once she misses E those are your opportunities to look for trades.”
Tears of fears says “You can W her E or R, pick either exhaust or cleanse, both are good options. Do not push the lane until she goes for a roam, if she manages to get behind you, use E”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow absolute scorch
eyeball choice.
Do not walk up/let her on you, she will dash to you and kill you. Always.
If she gets merc treads you can't kill her.”
Deru says “Depends on how good irelia is but you can solokill her with conq or outroam. In teamfights try to w her since she can dash on your whole team.”
Deru says “Depends on how good Irelia is but you can solokill her with conq or outroam. In teamfights try to W her since she can dash on your whole team if you don't.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Keep your distance, stand passively. She can easily kill you, so you just have to poke her while you have the opportunity. When she does W (stands still), she does damage, get ready to give a camp and leave her, because she can easily fly into you.”
StralekS says “Not Playable: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Assassins, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish her with Q and if you are in good situation go all in. Recommended BOTRK on start and then full AP or Sunderer rush.”
Mayuushii says “Will sustain and dash everywhere and has high kill pressure. Avoid her E with your W and try to catch her with charm when she Q's. Harass with Q W and aery and get an oblivion orb to reduce her healing. Avoid being near wave if they are low and she has Q. Run when she has fully stacked passive. Avoid her R with yours”
Samikin says “Skill-Matchup.
Win early. Lose later.
Irelia hard loses until she gets Blade of the Ruined King. Although, it is still Irelia so she could just outplay you with 8 Q's if you're not careful. Dodge her E at all costs in the lane phase if you don't want to get chunked. Back off when she has 4 Passive stacks up. Try to set her as far back as possible before the first item.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
Pulgontes says “Tenes que tener cuidado en los primeros 3 niveles Irelia es muy agresiva, que no te mate ni una vez, si llegas a nivel 6 sin morir entonces vas a poder matarla.
WaveFunction73 says “idk how to explain this matchup but as u play more against irelia and get experienced it becomes easier.
all i can say is that don't try to 1v1 her even if ur 1.5 items away smth. SHE'LL WIN”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Conqueror]
[Item: Long Sword]
[Mythic: Eclipse]
[Dodge R with you R] [Don't let her touch you] [Upgrade E instead of Q] [Dont fight her in minions]”
DabiDabi says “She's too mobile and tanky for you to kill early game. While she can kill you throughout the game if your Ult and Flash is down. Play safe till 6 and ult her towards your turret if she all-ins you.”
liqulabouse says “Never believe that sh'es a freekill and try to let her push the firs wave. Also always keep a soldier on CD. The main problem with her is that she' able to get on you everytime you look for a minion and by this way she will be out of your soldiers range making your damages ridiculous.”
AkuAku says “Playable...
poke her and play around your shroud, and as long as you dodge her E's and poke her with Q auto E auto while she has no stacks you're shilling :)”
TheAfricanDream says “Irelia at all stages in the match can easily kill Swain. A good irelia will try to freeze the wave mid and force you to walk up and CS. If this does happen and you have to walk up deep into lane to last hit minions, try get your jungle to come and shove out mid wave or she will kill you when you walk up to last hit creeps. She will look to Q four minions and will then Q onto you and kill you with ignite. If you see lots of irelias and not many Sylas's, feel free to ban her because there isn't too much you can do to win this lane. Take exhaust as your summoner spell if you want to play safe in lane. Always take bone plating as your rune in resolve as this will heavily reduce her combo damage when she jumps onto you.”
MetalK1d says “Irelia is very strong in extended fights, so just combo her when shes engaging at you and avoid extended fights it is not that hard to do since mid lane is the shortest lane.”
Cjtheawesome says “I put her as major as many underestimate her level 3 spike, I repeat do not be near any minions as corki with her having full stacks she will burst you down. other than that take as much farm as you can.”
Magmor says “(DISLCAIMER I always go ignite in this matchup, it gives you mcuh more kill pressure with heal cut+ms from nimbus.
This matchup is a skill matchup.
you always win all in at level 6+
you can win 1v1 before 6 if even wave state if you have ignite. If she builds bork into wits you won't win untill you get jak'sho or frostfire one of these is a must to win vs her later in the game.”
Demonsedge90 says “This matchup is only problematic if Irelia gets ahead of you in the lane. Dark sphere poke is your best friend when dealing with her to ensure you have a healthy push, but do note that when she gets a vampiric scepter, respect her pushing and counter when she pushes too far.”
Atemporal says “Na minha opinião, este é o confronto MAIS DIFÍCIL de Ekko no jogo. Não empurre a onda cedo, não importa porque ela o matará facilmente se acertar um E, e mesmo que ela não acerte seu E, ela ainda o destruirá. seu empurrão, tome cuidado para ela ficar
4 pilhas passivas então Qing em você nível 1. Fique bem para trás, Q os 3 minions corpo a corpo logo antes do dado para ter certeza que a onda empurra para você. Não desperdice seu E nesta partida. Nunca pule a menos que ela tenha 0 lacaios para Q to, 0 passivo
pilhas e seu E está baixo. Eu joguei essa partida inúmeras vezes e seu potencial de dano e morte ainda me surpreende todas as vezes. Sempre use seu E para evitar seu stun. O stun dela tem um cd de 18 segundos, seu E tem 9, então será difícil para ela
puni-la adequadamente se você sempre E para evitá-la. Tenha cuidado ao andar muito longe no poste 6 da pista. Se você andar muito longe, ela pode facilmente se envolver em você, e seu R o levará de volta e para longe de sua torre e ela correrá facilmente
você para baixo. Você quer pensar em como você se aproxima da onda quando for limpá-la. Caminhe até ele de sua torre. Desta forma, você pode facilmente voltar para a segurança se ela se envolver em você. Isso é importante ter em mente porque depois de nivelar seu
nível 7 ela não terá muito tempo para te punir antes de você deletar a onda e correr. Mesmo se você acabar na frente ou atrás na pista, uma vez que Irelia completar sua Blade of the Ruined King, você não poderá 1v1 ela de qualquer maneira. Se ela é muito atrevida
ela também pode pegar um Wits End, talvez alguns Merc Threads e um Shieldhow. Você não pode vencer Irelia 1v1 na side lane, a menos que você evite uma habilidade muito única, e mesmo assim você ainda pode perder para ela extremamente habilidosa e
Lâmina equilibrada do Rei Arruinado. Eu digo que esta é a partida mais difícil de Ekko, mas ainda bano Kassadin em todas as partidas. Isso ocorre porque Irelia é facilmente gankável pela maioria dos junglers, e Irelia é super difícil de jogar corretamente em teamfights. Primeiro jogo Irelia
estará na sua cara, perto da sua torre, então ela será fácil de gankar. Quando você estiver split empurrando mais tarde, chame qualquer um de seus companheiros de equipe para emboscá-la. Os jogadores de Irelia são geralmente agressivos e fáceis de atrair. Considere deixá-la acertar seu E de propósito
apenas para atraí-la para se comprometer com você.”
IamBishop says “You just stat check the **** out of her early. She cant kill you until like 2-3 items if you're even. I recommend being mindful of the e stun, but honestly most cases you will annihilate her in lane. ”
Simelodeon says “I: Everfrost + Morello
R: Defensiv
S: Barrier
Bleib einfach hinten und farm dich hoch. Deine einzige Chance auf Kills ist wenn sie ungeduldig wird und schlechte Engages nimmt. Pass auf damit sie nicht die Backline Minions nutzt um dich anzuspringen.
Lucid Walking says “HIGH RISK LANE!: After being a Soraka mid-enjoyer, i one trick Irelia. A good to average Irelia player already holds the power to just stomp you if you misstep. Look over to her trying to set up minions to get free dashes onto you. Don't force fights and try to focus on leveling up and helping your team.
(tip: you can cancel her Defensive Stance if you want her to become vulnerable to your teammates)”
Mind Of Kayle says “Get 5 stacks of your passive as fast as first wave arrives to lane and dont let her stack her passive - If she fights u then u kill her on level 1. Dont fight her when she has fully stacked passive. Slowly push 1st wave and crash 2nd wave. If u kill her on level 1, then recall after u crash and buy stuff. If u dont kill her but crashed wave, stay far away when wave is bouncing! Ward and wait. After 6, u win short trades, just keep wave near your tower if u havent lead because u wanna do short trades. ”
SanyGame says “When facing an Irelia in top lane, it's important to be mindful of her dash abilities and how your turret placement may affect her ability to engage with you. Try to set your turrets in a triangle formation, but keep them far apart so she can't easily dash from one to another. Keep your distance and poke her with your abilities while she is farming, but be prepared to retreat when she tries to engage with you. You can also try to land stuns with your abilities, but be aware that she can dodge them with her dash. Morellonomicon and Exhaust are good item choices to counter her sustain and damage potential.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Tricky matchup, you outdamage her hard if she has no stacks, but its very easy for her to get them while fighting in lane. Care about your lowhp minions that she can jump on and use as a way to get you. Try to not get hit by her E and if u do instantly W it. Place a barrel on your minions, if you take some practice you can destroy it as she dashes on them, passive auto her and you win most of the fights, but if irelia is skilled it could be very hard. Her ult is a huge threat.”
Spoomk says “Fuck this champion. She has more MR now so good luck doing more than 1 or 2 damage on your engage. If she has less health than IQ (around 70 or so) you should be able to engage and kill, if she doesn't dash a hundred miles away before you land.
CFCryo says “Strong mobility and stuns, plus a huge statstick to boot make Irelia really really strong. Her dashes are fast and hard to Flay away, but preventing the Q reset when you're unsteady is of utmost important. If she ults you, ready your Flay. If you're stunned, you're probably screwed but you can try and flay her away and make every effort to get out. Get Plated Steelcaps and Titanic Hydra first.”
xblademojo says “Don't Push into her. Let her push or only last hit. She can jump on your voidlings. Be ready to dodge her Stun and always adjust your position. Start with Doran Ring for more early hp. Later on buy Oblivion Orb against her.”
Veng Shotz says “Ire's ability to One shot minions with Q all while stacking her stat stick passive will be your bane, your best bet is to either Q minions that she might q onto, or hold onto your e when she tries to all in you and dash out of her stun, You'll have a general hard time against her unless she either hard misplays or you managed to interrupt her dash.
post 6 this lane is almost unbeatable. with the slow on her ult giving her a free stun+ 4 stack passive, you'll lose half your health in 1 second and die the next, quite literally.
If you managed to get a kill early, rush an executioners, as when she loses the ability to spam q heal on minions without just ignoring your q's, she'll either have to win all in's or lose the sustain game.
Always play safe when she has a wave ready to spam Q onto, if she has no stacks she isnt a champion, and you should be able to all in her, just be aware of her ult and flash CD's. ”
sapphire__lol says “Skill matchup for sure. If she uses her w and q's well its not easy. Try to e her while she autos you so she does not use her w for it then use q aa w and if she commits you can go for all in with ignite you should win then. If she uses her w on your e she should win. Also she builds blade, which is good into you. I would still consider it Zac Favoured. ”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “Even difficulty mid, extreme top but we aren't a guide for top lane now are we? Go aery ignite and ghost and take W second to pool her E and fuck her up. Focus on the wave coming to you and let her go ape. There is no matchup knowledge here, just play and let her push to you w her e's and kill this whore. Don't be caught lacking and forced to pool when the wave is towards her and respect her champion however. Can also go electro / first strike.”
Mvrshy says “[TOP] Unplayable, ban or dodge. she will chase you from midwave to your nexus soaking 800 tower shots kill you and recall scott free.
[MID] Farm under turret and hope to god they dont have functioning braincells because irelia is cancer. wait for her to dive you, ult flash ignite w everything and hope she doesnt 200 years her way into a free win”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “She is very dangerous when her Passive is up, so pay attention and don’t stay too close to minions with low HP. It’s very important to dodge her E since she is able to deal lots of damage afterwards.”
Adamonias says “unplayable lane. Dodge.
If you are forced to play it, just Q over your own wave aswell to maybe hit her and E her when she W
lane sucks. go next.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “She is very dangerous when her Passive is up, so pay attention and don’t stay too close to minions with low HP. It’s very important to dodge her E since she is able to deal lots of damage afterwards.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health.When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Bladesurge(Q) on the minion to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try and avoid going for extended trades with her as she will always win them.”
SkyBanana says “A high dive rush down champion, Irelia is not a champion you want to go up against if the player has a brain cell. She is designed to punish ranged champions and will all kill you level 1 if possible. Best to play a different champion when going against Irelia mid.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health.When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Bladesurge(Q) on the minion to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try and avoid going for extended trades with her as she will always win them.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “She is very dangerous when her Passive is up, so pay attention and don’t stay too close to minions with low HP. It’s very important to dodge her E since she is able to deal lots of damage afterwards.”
BalkanGem says “Irelia can be quite dangerous but you can get away from her pretty easily with your stuns and E. If she can't catch you she is useless”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health.When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Bladesurge(Q) on the minion to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try and avoid going for extended trades with her as she will always win them.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health. When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Bladesurge(Q) on the minion to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try and avoid going for extended trades with her as she will always win them.”
NegativePhoenix says “Poke her carefully and get grievous early. If you don't she'll just heal whatever damage you do to her by Qing minions to full health. If you manage to play safe enough that her E can't reach you or she can't do anything even if it does you'll be ok. She needs fed to stay in the game, if she's even a bit behind it hurts her.”
InfinityZero93 says “Tanky, speedy and with a built in sustain, she's the pain of a few midlaners, and Akshan is no different. Kite her best you can, but if your minions near you get low, pull back a bit and let her come to you.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “IF you don't dodge her E, She will fck you over and over and over again. DO not let her jump on you and don't fight her at 5 stacks (or 4 stacks).
Early executioners can help with the Q healing”
Body Those Fools says “This lane is very volatile. You need to communicate with your jungler and support that she will always play aggressive so you can just kill her over and over. Watch out for your minions' health bars; if they're low, she will Q onto them and onto you and trade heavily with you. If her passive is stacked, do NOT try to trade with her. She will try to freeze the wave near her tower so she can run you down. You want to freeze the wave on your side of the lane. You have to dodge her E or you die. You have to flash or drift away from her Ult or you die. Try to Ult her during her Q so she can't get the reset. Be aware she will use her W to chunk the wave so that she can execute minions and close the gap with her Q.”
Bughans says “Disgusting champion, beats your ass in lane, but at the same time you can oneshot her before she starts building tanky items when she's just at BOTRK”
RIPStollie says “Irelia is one of the most obnoxious mid laners to play against because she has a lot of sustain, mobility, and damage. You are never going to be able to win this matchup 1v1 unless they are trying to tower dive you. Let her push into you and try to get help from your jungler, and save your q for any tower dive attempts that may happen. It can also be useful to run exhaust in this matchup.”
RedRzr19 says “Take conqueror against her and bait her R, when she uses it instantly ult her and dodge the R, avoid the auto attacks by dashing away with W and poking her. Avoid close range combat for a long period of time. Get anti healing.”
KayyeN says “Just how it is for most melee midlaners, Irelia stomps you as soon as you try contesting her. Farm with Q, dodge her E with your own E. Try surviving lane.”
Zarasaras says “Dodge her E and W her R
Hold your W
She can pretty much sustain herself with a vampiric + her Qs
Just wait for her to waste her mana
Play with ignite and ping her”
DragonMaster45 says “Irelia goes pretty even in lane with Zed, but her late game is untouchable by any Zed player. In order to beat Irelia as Zed, you have to rely on your team.”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “As long as you dodge her 3rd ability, you will be fine no matter the stage. However, if she ever gets a snowball going, you have no control over what happens next. Irelia is vulnerable to ganks, so try to bring your jg and bait her into engaging you.
Mid to Late is similar to Katarina where she is either useless, or can get fed super easily. Always be wary of her and try to keep her away from the teamfight as you can stall her much longer than she expects.”
HikariWoosh says “This one is never fun. Irelia is able to run you down at all stages in the game, with the ability to dodge your CC and hard to disengage from, playing too far up against an Irelia will cost you.”
DabiDabi says “Super hard matchup. She is tanky, her W negates quite a bit of dmg. Her Q heals a lot and can dodge your abilities. Her passive Autos will do more dmg than your whole kit.”
OSG Rewynd says “Irelia is a generally rough matchup. Pay attention to her stacks and your minions' hp. Landing a stun on her rarely helps you, and usually baits you in. If she w's your stun, she takes reduced damage, does damage to you, then kills your casters healing up, and autos you down. Just play to outscale her.”
Kurchina says “Dashes.... Antiheal asap but even then it really depends how she plays it out, if she knows how to cuck ur barrels then ur pretty much doomed as she can 1v1 in any stage of game, but u can stomp on her also if u play perfectly (keep eye on passive)”
jesterjedi93 says “Irelia could be a challenging matchup. Usually you would wanna go Shieldbow rush against her, but if her team has 1 or more tanks, go for Kraken Slayer. Early game, avoid trading with her AT ALL COST if she stacks up her passive.”
ze kraken says “You should avoid this matchup. Switch lanes or play ultra safe. You could poke her down a bit early but she will eventually start to out sustain you. Her dashes make her even more dangerous. Wait for the jungler.”
Super08131208 says “Be careful of her level 1 cheese as she can Q the 3 back wave minions and Q onto you giving her passive, which will lead her into autoing you to death. Don't get stunned by her E as that's the only way she can beat you after level 3.
feejee says “Cracked early game, can kill you level 1 or 2 if you're not careful. Once you get 6/Rocketbelt it becomes a lot easier. Go ignite to cut her healing, too.”
Zoose says “Play safe to avoid her E stun and you should win most trades. Look out for her passive once she's reached 5 stacks, and stay back as she'll have enhanced auto attacks. Respect her lv 6, as anytime she lands her ultimate, she can easily combo you from 100 to 0. Stay away from low hp minions as she'll use them to Q dash. Look to land E where you think she'll dash to low hp minions. Push waves and roam.”
spicy ricecaker says “You must have confidence in this matchup. Irelia has a very similar playstyle to yasuo in the sense that they both benefit from a very long wave. If Irelia can get 4 stack from multiple low hp minions or has 4 stack don't try to trade with her: she can 100 to 0 you with just autos. Look to trade with her while the wave is pushing towards you, when she doesn't have much space to maneuver. In terms of mechanics, you're looking to w her e, or tornado her q. If you knock her up mid dash, her q goes on cooldown and you have a window to trade or all in her. You spike harder than her after berserkers, but she spikes insanely hard after bortk, making it hard to 1v1 her after that unless you're winning supremely. Don't be afraid if you die to her once because you'll still be useful in a teamfight by windwalling her r. ”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level.
Watch out her passive and her E, If her stack become full, Leave from your minion immediately.
If she wants to use her Q, you can cast E and she'll struggle so much to fight you since your E now has a stun if they dash or are pushed. Use your AOE Q harass her in lane.
After level 9, you can fight her easily because of insane damage and slow form Worked Ground Q.
If you can avoid her E and R, she'll dead for sure.
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Try to dodge her E at all cost]
[Let her push your wave so that your jungler can help]”
SadgeBoyK says “dont walk up when she has her q's stacked. dodger her e, goo the wave so she cant spam q, and you beat her with ignite if you fight her when she has no more q. also, her mana pool is very limited, you can bait out her abilities to waste her mana.”
Esrucnl says “I swear this champion is so annoying because she can nullify so much of your burst with her W ability. You need to play around her stacks and the minion wave if she has no stacks you will win - if she does you won't. Moment she used her W you all in her and will usually win if you are equal in terms of gold.
Pre 6 use your E to dodge her stuns -- after level 6 when she has ult you need to use your E to dodge her R or else its a bit doomed.
However 90% of the Irelia players always push fast/hard so you are able to freeze and call your homie (jungler) and EASILY kill her. Good setup and Irelia mid is free kills for your jungler. ”
Azurio says “Skill matchup. Go fleet defensive (boneplate is really good), play far from wave when she has passive or about to get it, dodge her E with yours and smoke yourself when she R you. You can kill her pre 6 with ignite if you space and presure well.”
ddieguito_es says “Her dashes can help her getting out of your damage. She wins you pre-6 and probably post-6. Stay safe because if you get ulted you can be dead. Frozen Heart/Bramble Vest may be a great idea early. BOTRK = glhf.”
JT Andrew says “She's Is Not Range Champ It's To Easy To Kill
Don't Be Complacent Because There Is When There Is An E Irelia You Shouldn't Give Up Here Because You Could Die”
beansoce says “Really hard matchup early since he has a lot of mobility and cc. Try to use w early to dodge her stun, once she's 6 just save w for ult and try to dodge her e without using pool.”
King Turtle says “Irelia is a strange matchup for Gangplank as you can cleanse her E and punish her Q spam, but she's incredibly powerful and her healing is hard to beat until you get Mortal Reminder. This matchup mostly depends on how good the Irelia is. If she's good, she will make the game hell but if she's bad you can stomp her head in.”
ColdStuff says “Irelia is an extremely tough match-up given her proclivity to shrug off damage, how hard she counters ranged champions, and her tankiness. ”
Twisted Tea Fate says “She's not impossible to deal with. If you take glacial augment and freeze the wave you can harass her really hard and she can't easily escape ganks.”
Bunny Kata says “Don't think irelia is unplayable, get the mindset that you can beat her in 1vs1, and just think of her strengths : when she has full stacks she's godlike, and Vampiric Scepter is one of her Power Spikes. BotRK is her next Power Spike. You can definitely beat her once you get Riftmaker, as you can dodge her E with yours, and dodge her R if she goes for a long range one, as you can just press W. When she uses W, use your Q right on her and you will deal true damage and her W will be useless. If you really struggle against this champ, just try to play her and you'll understand the champ better.
Ignite-TP + Doran's Ring”
Magmora says “A snowballing lane bully with sustain and insane mobility. Levels 1/2 you can harass her like all melee matchups. She relies on dashing to minions to farm and heal, so watch out. If you are confident you can predict where she is going to dash to and stun her. If you need it everfrost is an amazing buy into her, since she is so reliant on mobility. Also, an early oblivion orb can really help out.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Play extremely safe]
[Try to dodge her E at all cost]
[Get your jungler to help a lot]”
donidaking says “TOPLANE KINGDOM?
Midlane irelia wasn t unheard of a few patches ago now she doesn t show up midlane so often.
But in any case she s melee you are ranged(POKE POKE POKE AND EVEN MORE POKE) watch out the minions though fully stacked passive irelia is really scary.
Don t get cheesed early with her 4 stacks 3 on minions one on you and be chunked for no reason.
Poke her while she Q's as she s in a channeling animation(auto+Q+shortE) and dodge her E or her R with your pool. Don t step up next to minions without pool.
If she goes Wits Ends first item it becomes unplayable.”
KyogoEntity says “Highly Skill match-up. Try to win before she gets BOTRK or she'll brute force you every single time. She has better items so betting it on late game 1v1's is not optimal, always try to will wall her ult especially on Team fights. If the jungler is a heavy ganker or can brute force you like Reksai or Udyr I recommend going exhaust and by executioner. ”
Sakuritou says “A good irelia will destroy you.
A bad irelia will still be able to destroy you if you don't outplay her.
Once she has bork + wits end, do not fight her anymore.
Play around Teamfights and silence her in them!”
TheKingUltra says “Early game q and auto attacks will make you cry and if she builds blade you will insult the game for being unbalanced. But in the late game, you can peel your adc with a lot of hard cc and your 4 k hp plus 1 k shield will be a big upside in an fight against her. You dont have to worry dying against her. ”
Aut0Lycus says “Just don't feed her, she has no kill pressure if you don't give it to her. Freeze near your tower and just wait for jg to fail to gank you.”
Whitelies says “She can punish you if you get too close to low health creeps. Manage waves properly, don't let it get to her turret. She wins in level 1. Get W at level 2 and catch up with CS. Trading is possible with Conqueror but don't get cocky. Wait for her W to be on cooldown. Don't engage her with low health cs or marked units.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Really annoying match up. Stay clear of her E and do not fight her for more than 2 sec. She will beat you in an extended fight throughout the whole game.”
KarmaFull says “She has really good waveclear and is very mobile. Her dash resets every time she kills something with her dash, or dashes on a recently ulted or stunned enemy (only counts her stun). If you see her fail a dash, you have around 4 seconds to engage her. Try to E her before ulting.”
Ahri Simplord says “If she plays ignite and she lands a stun on you early you're likely dead, if she plays TP she'll buy vamp scepter and come back to lane to be unkillable, she cannot randomly all in you though since you can interrupt her mid-Q and you're pretty mobile but you can probably only kill her if she dives you if you don't get an early lead. You likely win 2v2's with your jungler if you land your charm.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Really hard matchup if you don't have experience. Her passive damage/lifesteal is way too high for kat to win auto-attack trades. Avoid staying close to low HP minions and try dodge her E + R.”
Kat_Alien says “Irelia is a champion that can win the fight without hitting any ability on you. Only way to win the lane is to poke her with fast trades with electrocute and dogging her e/r abilities. The better her mechanics, the harder the matchup gets and you won't ever win 1v1 if the Irelia is not bad at her champ even if you are 10/0.”
KeNaNFoR says “Do not fight under the creeps with her and do not let her get 4 stacks of passivity, she is strong at an early stage against Kassadin, but in leyte you will punish her”
ROLVe says “You can easily beat irelia in the early game, but you shouldn’t underestimate her. She can still beat you if she’s behind. Try to always block her E and not taking risks. Buy Anti-heal early, so build shieldbow into reminder.!Use Lethal tempo in this Match-up! ”
Dustyacer says “I like bone-plating + conditioning secondary here. I am testing Exhaust here but ignite is probably better here. Be careful LVL 1, she can all in you and kill after csing the first 3 melee minions. You can poke her LVL 1, but respect her all in. Try to not have the wave pushed, she can run us down a long lane. Try to poke off bone plating before hard engaging. Prepare to Q her when your minions are dying. But becareful of being all-ined. Try not to fight post 6. She can cross up our e quite easily, so try to use our e after she has finished her 100 dashes. Once we get a lead its quite simple to freeze it. ”
m0rfeazz says “Tough AF, she can outsustain you + she has CC and her ult is strong against you , however her ult benefits you but you wont get any mark on her”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Really hard matchup if you don't have experience. Her passive damage/lifesteal is way too high for kat to win auto-attack trades. Avoid staying close to low HP minions and try dodge her E + R.”
Xalt says “This is a rough match up. You will need an early seekers and resolve secondary with shield bash and bone plating. Try to avoid fighting her in a minion wave as it'll be hard to land your Q and ult with her having targets to dash to. TIP: If you ult her mid dash to a minion it stops her from getting the reset making for a easy kill.”
SupaSnor says “Keep your distance when she starts stacking her passive, dodge stun, shoudnt be that much of a problem. Wait for your jungle and try pressuring other lanes if you can find the chance.”
DaffeLaffe says “UHH this one right here, is probably the worst possible matchup for Diana. You will need an early seekers and resolve secondary with shield bash and bone plating. But If you can ult her while shes dashing towardsa minion it stops her from getting the reset making for a opportunity to kill her.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Play very safe and try not to die early]
[Broken champ as ****]”
DabiDabi says “Irelia is super strong if she gets her passive off. Don't get stunned by her E or else she'll chunk you to half. Level 6 when fighting, play around your Shroud. Dodge her E, wait for her W to run out. And do a fast combo so she won't be able to dodge. Be careful of her level 1 cheese, where she Q's the three Caster minions and onto you giving her passive. Which allows her to just Auto you down. She kind of destroys you late game unless you are fed so try to end early.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Everfrost]
[Play extremely safe]
[Try to dodge her E at all cost]
[Pray for your ganks and that your team is better]
[Broken champ as ****]
[Swap with your Top laner if you can]
[If you have picked first Viktor and she locked Irelia second and you know she is going to be in Mid lane, dodge]”
TrueGIXERJ says “I love playing this matchup; while it's not your easiest, its definitely super easy, just jump out of her stun and land some free damage, just DO NOT fight her while her passive is stacked and abuse your range advantage at all opportunities.”
comfykoala1 says “Irelia is incredibly mobile and has great health sustain with her q, she can zone you very easily so you should focus on getting a good tp back and roaming.”
Fake Supp says “This champ is so broken
this matchup is only about outplays
just watch your minions health bar because she can get on you with full stacked passive in 2 secends !!”
Ara55 says “irelia is not really a problem for akali. you have to concede kind of early to not fall into irelia LVL 1-2 cheese, ideally, you fight on mythic timing, past LVL 9, and especially at 11.
desch3445 says “suffer.
She's too mobile, has too much sustain, too much all-in, and will eat you for breakfast with a side of hashbrowns or whatever the Ionian equivalent of hashbrowns is.
Take the First Strike page; Even though FS is generally for winning lanes, you can't utilize ANY other keystone vs her. Electrocute? She presses W and negates like half of it. Conqueror? Try taking an extended trade vs Irelia, I dare you. Aery? Yeah, try poking her when she has the Q button. First Strike is the only option.”
ThePieBeam says “Her dashes are painful, sustain is crazy, and the stun is very easy to hit. If you get hit it's going to hurt so don't use Q until she tries to fight (they always do). Don't bother using abilities on her if she's charging her W and avoid the stun at all costs. If you do that it's not a particularly difficult lane. Just remember not to play up close to her tower if she has ult because if you're away from help the ult slow makes for a free stun, then you're fucked.”
xmarksthesp0t says “wow this one is boring. Try to get a laneswap if possible. If you do have to face her, just realize you will be behind at all times. She has just to many ways of making your life hell. Stay the hell back and expect an E or a dash att all times. Take whatever farm you can get and if your jungler shows up, still prefer to farm rather than chase. She can easily turn on you and with all her healing she is full health after you die and suddenly she is 2-0. Unplayable if she is somewhat competent.”
TrueGIXERJ says “I get a little dopamine rush every time the enemy picks irelia, you can beat her at all stages of the game unless she gets fed. you can out-sustain short trades in lane, just make sure to dodge her E and stun her as she Qs to you”
Callmebee says “Despite her peachy butt, one of the most frustrating champions to lane against. Keep your calm and distance, farm up with auto attacks, do not use your spells on the wave. Charge Manaflow with E. Take exhaust. Keep an eye at your minions being low HP, she will dash to them and get her stacks + engage on you. ”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Doran's Blade start.] GOOD EXHAUST GAME! This is what I would say is 1 of 2 of Akshan's worst matchups. This matchup has the highest risk of death. Lvl 1 be wary of YOUR caster minions. If they are low health Irelia will Q through all 3 and then to you giving her her passive and will heavily out trade you. If they are low completely back off the wave and let it come to you. You can beat her if she doesn't have her passive up and ONLY if you dodge her E. Being hit by E will result in you having to blow summoners or death. Post Lvl 6 you cannot be in the same screen as Irelia. Shove each wave and take every minion you can if it is free. You will have to give up experience and gold in this matchup so to try and counter this we will want to roam and play around your jungler. Shove waves with Q and sit under turret or look to roam if she tries to freeze on you.”
lonestar1870 says “Probably Syndra's hardest matchup in lane.
Best to slowpush level 1/2, then let slow push back to you. Abuse your level 1/2 range advantage. You will need to give up some CS on waves 3-5 to let wave come back to you. Save your E for if she goes in on you since unless you are positive you will land it. You can try to set up a freeze so she can't kill you or farm easily, but just make sure your jungler doesn't need mid prio.
It is hard to poke her out of lane since she has so much sustain.
Be careful of her engage when she has full stacks and when you have multiple of your minions low on HP.
Do your best to dodge her stun, it's fairly narrow.
She will always have kill threat on you mid/late game unless she is extremely far behind. Never facecheck her and don't fight her around minions.
Her Q puts her behind the target. You can Q on top of one of your low HP minions if you expect her to Q it. This makes it easier to land Q on her but requires patience/prediction.
If she Q's you near your tower, walk slightly forward and E-Q to knock her back/stun her under your tower. You can also E-Q or W-E when she dashes to you since it's harder for her to react to.
I like to take PR and TP since you don't win the lane and your best bet is trying to scale, but you can take Elec/Ignite if you are confident in your ability to win lane.”
Desperate Nasus says “On level 1 Start with E and try to last hit the firstt 3 melee minions. Never walk up for Cs against Irelia. If you get hit by her E the amount of damage she can deal is crazy. A good Irelia will zone you out of lane. Give Cs and experience if needed just dont die no matter what. Nasus outscales Irelia after a certain point. Staying alive against Irelia is really important. After you buy sheen kindlegem with 200 stacks you can kill her after she makes a mistake. Remember not to fight her in a big minion wave since she can use it to heal while you fight. Watch the wave before trying to all in her. This matchup gets way easier after you buy divine.”
itakute says “Level 1 try to abuse her, don't let her Q the first 3 creeps for free. Punish her for every Q she takes on the minions. Side stepping her E with yours lets you save windwall for her ult, making the matchup easier. If you can't dodge her E just windwall and sit in it and hit her.”
Rhybeaux says “Pretty self explanatory. She's annoying to play against. Too fast for you too. Just try to stay away and CS. Definitely stay away when she has full stacks, especially post buff.”
joojnene says “Pretty much a snowbally matchup. Don't trade her when she has full stacks, and avoid getting hit by her E, either by dodging or using your windwall. Avoids her ult at level 6 and abuser her lvl 1, try getting lvl 2 first to have some advantage over her at the start. Always poke her with you Q when she goes farm.”
IreliaS Secret says “Довольно сложный матчап. Лучше доджить. На линии ты ее никак не убьешь. В мид гейме лучше от нее держаться на другой стороне карты.”
Lowkii_d says “High Damage Burst, High Sustain and Tanky a recipe for Akshan disaster. Also she can also get on top of you. Makes it incredibly difficult for Akshan to farm and out trade”
CashLOL says “I find this to be a skill matchup. It comes down to how you use your W when she hops onto you. Barrier very useful or even exhaust here. Watch the wave. If she can quickly stack her passive off wounded minions you are in danger.”
ShokLoL says “Akshan actually deals with Irelia sorta well but she's really annoying overall. Take PTA ignite and max E. If she ever wastes her E you can look to punish by E'ing next to her (but not into her, especially after 6). Worst case you can use E to dodge her stun and just farm it out.”
Xelikari says “ This matchup generally favors Irelia, but not heavily. Once she get’s BoRK you pretty much can’t do anything without jungle help, before that is your opportunity to get a lead. You CAN take Exhaust in this matchup if you’re worried but it’s not necessary, and Ignite makes your roams a lot stronger once she gets BoRK around 12-14 mins.
Early on, avoid fighting her when she’s at max stacks. You can start Q and try to poke her early to get a minor advantage, play safe level 2 and look to control the lane from level 3+. You pretty much just outdamage her with raw strength early on, monitor her stacks and punish her when she’s not close to max for her passive. After 6 if she goes on you, dropping The Equalizer on top of you pretty much negates the all-in and usually results in a kill, just think about her Q and if she’s able to easily dash back out so she doesn’t bait your R. Plated Steelcaps first.
iZianni says “Skill match up but slightly Vex favored due to Doom / Gloom interactions.
Irelia is annoying because she techs into first item merc or wits end which neutralizes your champion. ”
pwins says “Zoe gets DESTROYED by Irelia. At this point, just ban her. If you play against her in lane, rush Zhonya's and play passively. Try to cast E when she tries to go in and kill you and run!”
TorvusDog says “Her sustain makes your poke pretty useless. Also if she stuns you and has full stacks you are doomed. I'd say go normal nasus or just another mid laner.”
livikattt says “If the Irelia is bad, you should be fine, but if she has more than two braincells, she'll be able to get on top of you and oneshot you. She's also super tanky while still doing a disgusting amount of damage, so be careful. If she knows how to play Irelia, she's practically unbeatable. Either way, invest in antiheal. This is non-negotiable.”
BigChingas says “Easy to fight during early laning phase. Try to outplay her and not die. She has a lot of sustain and mobility so she can bully you hard. Sometimes this matchup can be a breeze if the enemy is not experienced. Try to let her push minions into you and try to slow or freeze the wave in front of your tower. If you do this, you can prevent her from dashing to minions since your hook is a threat to her.”
Prof Harambe says “Probably a bad matchup. Don't really play into any good irelias, but even so its a toplaner in the midlane. Would be tragic in the toplane, but midlane is too safe and short for irelia to kill you reliably, and if she opts for a dive, your passive, r and q will allow you to trade at least.”
zLuxfury says “She is Irelia.
Play with poke and wait for her to use W to go all in.
If you can try to keep a shadow to run back in case things get bad (pre-set behind you or save it).”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Abuse her level 1 and try to get a trade on her when you get level 2 before her. Always Windwall her E if you can't dash out of it in time. If she hits you with even one of them, she can easily 100 to 0 you.
You should win all-ins as long as you Windwall her E. This matchup is very snowbally, so whoever gets the edge first will usually take over the lane.
When she gets 6, try to Windwall her R or you can E through her to dodge it.
Her E cooldown is a lot shorter than your Windwall so be aware of that. E out of some of her Es because your Windwall won't be up for all of them.
Irelia also just out stats you hardcore even if you Windwall her E and R.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is an absolute nightmare for Yone. It doesn't matter how well you play, or how bad the
Irelia is. Her champ is just better. Play to survive until Shieldbow. Even then, this matchup is still very
hard. If she ever freezes on you, you can't play the game. You can't walk up, similar to the Darius matchup.
She will just run you down and kill you. This is my personal permaban for top lane. Do your best to dodge
her E with your E. You can never fight her if her passive is stacked; you will always lose the trade/all-in.”
Katawina52 says “Irelia should have a hard favour in this matchup, but it's killable if you can dodge/avoid her E. If you use your dash to avoid her spells you can deny her Q resets (if you got hit by her E/R). If her E/R hits you will hard lose the trade and most likely die, that's why I put this matchup towards the Hard catagory. The better her mechanics, the harder the matchup gets and u won't ever win 1v1's if the irelia is not bad at her champion even if you're 3-0.”
eiensiei says “Surviving this lane is all about paying close attention to allied minions' HP, as she her Q resets if it kills her target. I'll generally make a point to stay behind the line my ranged minions form in lane. I'll poke her with E without going for passive procs. I'll usually only use my Q if I see one of my creeps getting low on HP and predict she's going to dash to it - if I hit, I'll follow it up with a full combo. Keeping the wave next to my tower is a must or any minion I try to last hit brings the risk of her all-in. Her first power-spike is Sheen and after she finishes Trinity Force, I won't be able to touch her unless I bait her into diving.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “MELEE = PUSH EARLY (LEVELS 1-2) - CARE FOR GANKS! (SPAM Q'S TILL 50-60% MANA).
Ring + 2 Pots + an Extra Ring + Refillable if you still struggle. Get armor early if needed (Tabis/Parts of Zhonya). Irelia is a rather difficult matchup but doable. Im not advising for Corrupting because she will always try to 100-0 you when she hits her CC spell. Pre 6 you can fight and kill her but unless you are far ahead post 6 I don't really recommend trying to fight her since a good Irelia will always find ways to burst you down/dodge/outplay you due to her kit strength. Compared to Kata/Yasuo she is far more manageable and VERY susceptible to ganks. I usualy play with Ignite and try to poke her with Q from far away especially early on (Q+E at level 2 and push, but keep in mind their jungler!).
If you feel the opponent vastly outskills you go for all the extra runes/resistances you can and roam. Minion Demat + Time Warp Tonic is a must as far as I see it.
Pick Heal/Barrier if you feel you gonna get heavily outplayed (or you play against a smurf - to see that).”
Yeager says “She will just stat check you the entire laning phase because of her passive. Track her passive stacks and never trade when it's fully stacked. Stay away from low hp minions so she can't use them to gap close with and focus on dodging her E. If you get hit by that, she can all in and kill you. Let her push all game and just farm at your side of the lane, and wait for jungle ganks. You can punish her if you see her missing Q and/or E. When you are fighting her 1v1, you want to use the first part of your E to dodge her stun so she can't reset her dashes and stack passive fast enough. ”
xblademojo says “Dont get her E on your face get early Cloth Armor and you are totally fine to even contest her Level 1 with Nether Blade. Starting from Level 6 its becoming easier. Take care because she can cast her E during Dash and that's barely visible. ”
Polarshift says “Hard to catch and very strong in a lot of phases of the game. She can engage hard on you if you ever misposition, so be careful, since you will never out-damage her when she has 5 stacks. Most Irelia's try to get a kill early and play very aggressive. Try to freeze and poke her. Then let your jungler gank her for a kill, but be careful of her turning on you both. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “High mobility, decent cc, good sustain, good engage, decent roams, good dmg. decent wave clear. Try to poke as much as possible before the engage then you might be able to kill her. Other wise never fight an even battle, take exhaust.”
TygoVe says “In lane you should just play safe, make sure your passive is up for her E (stun). It blocks the stun but it does not block her mark. You can pretty much deny her early threat by staying under turret and using your Q when she tries to engage. Use R on her in most teamfights. Make sure you don't let her 1v1 you early on. Ping her when she roams.”
Yeager says “She's mobile with CC, making it extremely hard to punish her.
Watch out for when her passive is fully stacked and don't trade. Let her push the wave and try have it at YOUR SIDE OF THE LANE. Focus on farming and getting your core items.
When trading, focus on dodging her E, and stay far away from your own minions so she doesn't use those to close the distance.
You can cripple her mobility with W of course but you don't have to force risky plays because you outscale her hard in the lategame. Farm for your important items and outshine her in teamfights. ”
Yeager says “Broken champ... Don't fight her when her passive is stacked. Play at YOUR side of the lane. Good irelia players will animation cancel their E, so watch out if she suddenly plays aggro. Also don't stay close to low hp minions.”
Avucado says “Can easily stick on you, does tons of damage and build relatively tanky. Never go for E because they will just dodge it with their Q. Executing them is a problem because they can dash around a lot and heal a ton. Roaming is a good way to get ahead but they can shove pretty fast. Ping for ganks because they can't get away but they are very capable of 2v1ing especially because it will be hard to land anything on them with their dashes. Best case is to gank while you're shoved in. Starting longsword is viable because they have little poke, it will make trades better.”
RezoneVerified says “Strong top and mid at the moment!..beware her hyper mobility on your turrets! Try and combo her down once she engages in melee range ( try not to get stunned )”
LunarVortex says “You usually don't have enough damage to 1v1 her even if you otherwise outplay her, but you can heavily shut her down in teamfights. Be patient with your Q. Be aware that she can get out of your R if there's targets for her to Q on. Just try to survive lane.”
Halfhand says “TIPS:
Never push the wave, unless your jungler needs prio, you are ahead or you want to look for a roam. Make sure you watch your minions hp. She will be jumping onto them if they are low hp., so don't stand next to low hp minions. Try to get lvl 6 without dying, and start roaming with r afterwards. This champion is a laning god, but outside of lane she isn't as strong. Don't fight her strong points.”
Yeager says “Avoid fighting her when she has her passive stacked. Also keep an eye on her E. If you get hit by that, you're going to get chunked really hard with her follow-up damage. ”
Eriosunx says “Unbarable laningphase, all you have to do is NOT FIGHT HER UNLESS HE HAS E ON OR Q ON COOLDOWN.
If you get hit by her E in the wrong spot you are dead!
And dying in this lane means she will start towerdiving you.
So be carefull.
The only positive side for katarina is that she has way more impact in teamfights and scales way better”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Irelia is also one of the hardest matchups, paired with conqueror and blade of the ruined king she can eaisly 100 to 0 you with ignite too. She also hard outsustains you with corrupting and a yuumi heal on every Q lol. ”
Fuzzmonkey says “Dodge her E stun and you can pretty much all in her. Make sure you don't initiate on her when she has 4 stacks of her passive and conqueror (fully stacked) otherwise she'll easily out trade you.”
Yeager says “Don't trade when her passive is fully stacked, she will just run you down.
Don't stay near low health minions, or she will use those to close the distance and get her Q reset.
Her E and R are skillshots which can be dodged. Getting boots early will help with that.
Seekers armguard rush can be of great help.
Urpog says “Toplane: Irelia's pretty easy but that might be a controversial opinion to those who don't know how to handle her; she's a squishy champion which relies on getting resets from minions, you need to be proactive about punishing her whenever she's going for minions and then being weary whenever she's managed to successfully stack, when she goes to Q onto a minion, press your Q onto the minion pre-emptively, if she gets hit by your Q then auto, W and walk around chasing her, if she Q's onto you then walk backwards as you don't want to take the prolonged trades, if she casts her E untoggle your W to get your movement speed back and dodge it, you'll trade about 20/30% of your HP for around 50 of hers, repeat this until you have a kill window on her and you've won. TP/IGNITE both work vs her. Midlane: The advice from top follows to midlane, you play the exact same way except the matchup is easier because when she's taken a bad trade it's harder to get away from you since you're able to end the trades as you feel like with the lane being shorter. ”
Dj Memelord says “This is one of the few matchups i would suggest you go standard build conqueror+ ignite and play the lane properly. Lane becomes much easier then.”
CashLOL says “Tough matchup, dashes to dodge your Q, which heals her and her W to ignore physical damage and a few of her auto attacks do more damage than your whole combo. ”
wDesired says “Don't fight her while she has 5 stacks or will get five stacks (Look at the minion wave if the minions are all very low don't take the fight) Dodge her E as that's how she wins the trade”
mrmundo says “F*ck her.
On rare occasions, you get a bad player who you can easily stomp, or most of the time you get an OTP that will destroy you. This is why Irelia is the top of my ban list. I just can't risk it. If you do face the unfortunate, ALWAYS play it safe. You get a level 5 power spike and you could potentially outtrade her, but really, she will always be a threat. ”
ShokLoL says “Irelia has so much sustain and mobility so as a poke champ you pretty much can't do anything. Play to keep the wave on your side and pray you get ganks. With electrocute and ignite you do have kill pressure on her if she makes a big mistake. Be very careful ulting forward at 6 because she can get a free stun off it.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade in Resolve Bone Plating and overgrowth
Irelia feels annoying to play against with the new lethal,but you can still win.
try to be near low minions lvl 1 so she can't q the minion without taking damage.
you need to dodge or block her E and R
Making Executioner's Early is really great against irelia if you don't have ignite.”
Kords says “With her newest changes she just makes short work on you and your family while drinking a tea on noxian corpses. She is the deffinition of Extreme difficulity. Being an anti ranged champion she has the tools to engage on you easily while making dragon jokes and killing you with her stacks up. Problems even with help killing her will be a problem.”
angeLoon says “dring conq
you can win a short trade against irelia lvl 1 if you hit your E
irelia is really annoying but try to not give free minions to her to dash on,this kills her mobility.when she go for a minion try to punish her by Qing or trading if she have 0-2 stacks.
SaltCat says “You can kil her if you get level 2 first, you can also dodge her r and e really, NEVER fight if she has her passive already stacked, carefull level 1 and 2”
ShokLoL says “Irelia is extremely strong in the laning phase and the sidelane, but she needs to snowball in order to perform well in teamfights. For the most part you will be looking to keep the wave on your side and try to setup ganks or just avoid having Irelia chase you down the lane. Be extremely careful of her level 2 and level 6 all in especially. Above all else your goal is not to die, even if you go down CS to Irelia it should be fine unless you give over some kills. Make sure to hold your E defensively to disengage from her trades.
ShokLoL says “Pretty difficult matchup because of her extreme amounts of sustain but you do quite well to her in teamfights. This lane will mostly be about just scaling up and making sure you hold your chain defensively for her at all times.”
Yasukeh says “ She can possibly beat you lvl 1-2, but past the first few levels, it becomes impossible for her to win a trade. Even if she gets ahead, you can still always win fights by just hovering your mouse over her and clicking. ”
Elite500 says “Reworked irelia is kinda tough espeically if you fuck up, if you just cs up and are equal you should be able to win a 1v1 with pure damage since she can't counter vlads greatest weaknes (range) , either dodge her stun or her ult with your pool, if she buys wits end go next QUICK”
Dr Eggmund says “Irelia can be very, very troublesome, your goal is to not let her get ahead, even if that means you both go equally in farm in lane. If Irelia gains the advantage in lane it's hard for you to stop her. With no crowd control and little movement speed in Vladimir, you are going to have a tough time escaping her and she will dominate. So farm poke when if you are comfortable you won't get punished and as always look to all in if she is low and you have your combo (Ultimate) ready.”
Ambitieux says “To lane against Irelia, you need to take huge advantage of ur ability to push her in and auto her as much as possible. Once she has backed and picked up phage/sheen You need to watch out for her ability to jump onto your backline and E you. Worse comes to worse Charm and walk away. Other than that Just like most melee matchups, push her in and try to look for roams. Her build can allow her to be quite tanky but for the most part once 6 you can just prance around her in fights.”
iZianni says “She has lots of mobility, sustain and hp pool.
Make sure to build Seekers first item, or after your Lost Chapter.
Avoid combat unless you have a jungle, your E doesn't matter outside of ManaFlow band stacks because she heals it back instantly.
She also goes first item Merc Treads :((”
kindo says “Don't fight her when she has 5 stacks and is slow pushing the wave. If the wave is frozen or slow pushing and she has 5 stacks, all you can do is ping jungle to help break freeze or let it slow push. Use your Q to dodge her E. Don't drop your E on her until she uses her last gap closer on you (if she lands E, wait until she dashes twice). At the end of the day, you'll likely have to bait her into overextending, dps her down, and execute her at the end of your ult. When pushing the wave, make sure to never let her freeze for free.”
Zethal_Na says “You still have to respect her damage. However, at level two, you can fear her away with your W and take a really good trade. Just keep on doing this once your passive is off cooldown.”
Baion says “It is really easy to hit your pokes on her, because of her Q's. Use your W on you to dodge her E and play really safe when he has ult. It's an 'even' on lane phase, but a 'major' on mid/late game. ”
Coldsong says “Irelia has huge amounts of damage, especially in teamfights with her ult. Make sure to dodge her E stun as it also causes her Q to reset. Do not combo while she is in her W, as it will negate a large margin of the damage. Dodge her ult at all costs, and make sure to not be in her Q range when she has her passive fully stacked, especially at level 1.”
King Turtle says “Even though she deals a lot of damage early, you can interrupt her Q with your Q and poke her back after. With your increased move speed it will be harder for her to land an E and you can use that to abuse her. ”
resetwice says “Her early game is strong too! She can ignore your passive with corrupt/biscuits/Q. Don't fight her with 4 stacks! You can dodge her E using your Q on a minion.
Her W can block a lot of your full combo, so only go when it's in cooldown.
Pay attention on your minions HP! Don't let her Q to gap close and full combo on you.
She can freeze wave a lot so you'll roam more, tell your teammates about this and give successfull ganks to your team.
King Turtle says “She has high damage output and makes trades awkward if she gets on top of you, but after sheen and level 6 you should be able to get her to back off trades until you can get out of laning phase or just win outright.”
Sylvan Lore says “Irelia is an absolute menace in the mid lane for immobile scaling carries like Orianna. She can kill you from level 2 onwards and throughout you will have very little kill pressure on her without substantial jungle support. Zhonyas is a great early buy into this matchup so that you can avoid her all in if her Ult lands on you. Dont underestimate her ability to jump on you and burst you with just a Q and E once she has Tiamat. Do your best to avoid solo deaths and match her roams in order to minimize her impact. The usual on good thing about this is that their team is likely to lack the magic damage of a control mage in the mid lane. Cleanse can work decently for her stun, but she will likely still kill you. I would recommend either Exhaust or Barrier depending on whether or not you expect her to take Teleport or Ignite.
Recommend: Exhaust and Vs. AD Assassin.
Tortizzy says “Irelia is really hard to beat because of her massive damage in the early levels. You have to avoid fighting her and just safely poke her, once you reach level 6 wait for her to dive you and be careful because she can dash out of your ult.
Update: She is a bit weaker in the midlane now so you will have an easier lane but all of the stuff above still apply!”
Impossible in toplane. Extremely hard to lane against past level 3. If you get a lot of ganks it can be okay but 1v1 it's not playable.
In midlane it's playable, but challenging. Play for your jungler! Irelia is easy to gank for Zilean.”
Saddest says “You will not beat an Irelia who knows how to keep her stacks. Speaking of stacks, never ever fight her when shes glowing. Even if she misses her stun, she will still beat you. Best case is to roam botlane.”
Yumi Project says “You win her. everytime you will win her trade. You can avoid her stun with your E. Remember the 5 stack.
Never trade her with her passive full stacked.....NEVERRRRRRR”
TrueSatan666 says “Irela is Irela... her ability to quickly chain-heal herself will out-heal your own ability to deal damage and harass her, her gap closer is also too strong.
She's also quite tanky and if the one playing her is good then, there's no possible way you'll catch up against Irela.
However, if you see her building straight-up attack damage items and not a single drop of magic resist then you got a chance, still that's more unlikely.
I recommend banning her.”
Impossible2Gank says “Good Irelias will always be tough but the nature of both kits allows you to keep up whoever is on her. If she procs you and goes in you can position yourself near your boxes to punish it as well as use R to escape any bad situation. If she's aggressive you can abuse this but be careful as they could get out of control later if they know how to play her.”
N0EG0 says “don't get cheesed lvl 1-2, lvl 1 she will always q the first 3 minions and jump on you, since she will do start W and AA+W her, you win trade as long as you are on your side of your minions. Care for lvl 2 Cheese, rest should be how much you respect her til lvl 6.”
duhnx says “Try to bait her E and you have a window to out trade or kill her. She is very strong around your minions waves so try to not fight her around them if possible. A lot of Irelias will try to tower dive if they hit E, you can E into your minions to predict her dashing to them and kill her under turret. If she gets ahead you're screwed so avoid it at all costs.”
Grayified says “[MID/TOP] Any Rune (not DH) - Cull or Corrupting Potion - Exhaust or barrier recommended | If you can dodge Irelia's stun, or if she misses R, you can win fights as she cannot get enough Q resets. Be careful when she starts glowing, as that means she has full passive stacks and is extra powerful.”
richardlized says “Irelia is statistically the hardest matchup for Zed (in lane) since relatively good irelia would be able to make a Zed suffocate in his own tears by their incredibly dominant and aggressive playstyle. I suggest playing safe af and try to get ahead elsewhere on the map. If you are ever going to try and kill her make sure she does not have W. Good irelia’s will E and stun you when you come out of ult so you might need to flash it. Try to follow her Q with your W. (Prowlers)
Katasandra says “[1] Try to harass her when she's stacking her passive.
[2] Keep track of her passive stacks and don't go near her when she has 3-5 stacks.
[3] Let the wave push and dodge her E at lvl 2. If she hits it she can kill you.
[4] Don't stand right next to low health minions.”
PH45 says “Has high mobility so be careful of getting caught. If you manage to dodge her E then you have a chance of fighting her as that denies her at least 1 Q reset. Keep track of her passive being up since that's a big boost to her damage output, so you are likely to lose a fight if she has it up. Try to pick fights where there aren't allied minions since she will not have targets to dash around and kite you. ”
xMetix says “Most Irelia players are overaggressive but have the damage to back it up. After she buys a Vampiric Scepter you can't poke her to prepare an all-in so the lane becomes pretty much unwinnable. Try to play close to your tower, only go for short trades and trade as often as you can so she doesn't have time to heal up.”
Eoba says “HARDEST MELEE COUNTER TO TALON, next to Kled. LCS PLAYERS GUARANTEED TO PICK IT MASTERS+. Go the bruiser build. Phage into dusk and build ninja tabis as well.”
Sanyol667 says “You lose almost every trade with her and she perfectly zones you off the creeps and experience. Once she gets Botrk it is hard to contest trading with her. Try to use gap between Seeker's purcahse and her botrk to trade and gain lead.”
DabiDabi says “Her 4 stack passive makes her scary. Don't get hit by her stun and hit two Ws. Without her stun she is pretty easy to fight. You will want to avoid comboing her while she's in her W. Do also be careful of her lvl 1 fight potential as she can Q the back wave and then Q onto you giving her passive, and she'll auto you down. ”
Nanelol says “This matchup is really bad for Kayle. Dodge worthy. Pay attention to your minions health so she can't quickly stack up passive stacks and dive you. You don't really ever beat her in lane so just try and freeze close to tower. Irelia has a very good 1vs1 kit especially in the early game you should play careful since your champion is melee til you hit level 6. You should just play around and earn experience and wait for the wave to freeze it.”
nZk01 says “(Top) very hard to play against, hold your range to her and to low HP minions, try to cancel her Q with your E otherwise its unplayable, would recommend Exhaust/Ignite.
(Mid) easier than toplane but same problems, hold your range to low HP minions and try to poke her down, would recommend Ignite/exhaust.”
Nanelol says “Can be dangerous with her Q/E dash resets. Also probably she will get Wits End to make easier 1v1. Try to rush Seeker's Armguard from Zhyona and Tabi to reduce her damage. ”
tozosi says “Skill matchup. Though, if Irelia gets a lead, even a small one, she's able to snowball really hard in lane against Talon. Generally, as long as you avoid her E, you should be able to win a trade against her. Otherwise, you'll probably lose the trade and you should just back off. As electrocute Talon, avoid taking extended trades after using your full combo if she hasn't died since her damage and life steal can be kinda nutty.”
TheSecretsWithin says “More annoying than hard matchups, most of the time, you will try to fight your enemy when you have your wave as you have a minion advantage. But for Irelia's case, it is actually better for you to just to her shove in the wave. Her Q stacking empowers her auto's so much early, that if she manages to stack her passive entirely, it is just a confirmation that you walk away and wait for it to expire. Wait for both minion wave to be gone and see that she has no passive stacks. Before even considering going in, you should be able to dodge her E with your R quite simply, but do not underestimate her.”
TheEnglishman says “Ad champs tend to fare better due to his lower armor. Her high burst and cc make this matchup one I dread. Take boneplating, get an early seekers, and pray.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
TheDuskWalker says “MID
Flash Ignite or Ghost Ignite. Phase Rush or Electrocute.
You must respect her early especially when she has full stacks. Pool her e pre 6 and pool her r 6+. She's pretty much impossible to kill if she rushes wits end. If she rushes bork do not take extended trades since she will outrade you. Void staff is great here.”
Nanelol says “Q auto Trade when she Q's on first 3 minions but walk out of her q range if she can get a 4th stack early - Don't hesitate using your ability to dodge her stun - She wins extended trades so position your wave close to your tower or avoid going for long trades when pushed in - Use Shroud to wait out her Marks if you get hit by E / R - Use E when she dashes on you with q, it will land 100% of the time since your E hitbox starts behind you, Passive Auto and E again for Extra Passive. ”
Jinx_48 says “She is easy lane if thats averge irelia if that is any better irelia thats rly skill matchup for her.
If you can take other ult like dian ult etc take it. Her ult except ap ratio is bad bc you cant use mark this is just aoe ap dmg ult who scaling with your ap so early game this ult is bad. Ofc take her ult to end her from poke or something under turret on lane but in teamfight are much beter.”
Adamo3012 says “*Skill Matchup, Dont Fight Her When She Has 4 Stacks On Her Passive And Try To Dodge Her E. Also Try To Bait Her W So You Can Easily Oneshot Her.”
shidonryoku says “Wins any trades. Hard to kick out after buying Vampiric Scepter. Bait her on the dive. It's better to clear the waves as quickly as possible so as not to let it go away, always keep an eye on the fights on the map and warn those (if possible help) who she went to.”
ProdScu says “Irelia can be a lane bully and we all know that. Don't fight her when she has a fully stacked passive bacause her damage can be devastating even in the early game.
Dodge her E because it's her only CC ability and then you can pretty much trade/all-in her.”
SeptikYT says “Skill based matchup. Take Conqueror. You may need to bait out her E as it stuns you. Unless the Irelia is bad, the time you can kill her is level 6 as you have your ultimate, but do not rush to use your R as her W can block the damage. Wait for the W to be used on something else then use your ultimate to finish her off.”
cookanarities says “Don't fight her when she has 5 stacks and is slow pushing the wave. If the wave is frozen or slow pushing and she has 5 stacks, all you can do is ping jungle to help break freeze or let it slow push. Use your Q to dodge her E. Don't drop your E on her until she uses her last gap closer on you (if she lands E, wait until she dashes twice). At the end of the day, you'll likely have to bait her into overextending, dps her down, and execute her at the end of your ult. When pushing the wave, make sure to never let her freeze for free.”
TheWerefloof says “A good one can make your life hell, but her fatal flaw is that she almost always pushes towards your tower. If she doesn't have E, abuse her. Q, E, and then AA but cancel the second half for movement speed so you don't get E'd (If you engage with her E on cooldown, presuming she plays it not like an idiot.)”
AceRHYTHM says “Irelia is similar to Heim in she is incredibly sufficient in out farming you. Let her approach you, and use your Q when shes in on you to slash a big portion of her health. Tap whenever possible and use your W to get the CS you cant approach with normal attacking. ”
Aethlo says “Irelia has the wave clear advantage. ||
Irelia wins pre-3. ||
Irelia wins pre-6. ||
Irelia is slightly stronger than Annie post-6 (Annie has to chunk Irelia before one-shotting her with full combo). ||
Annie outscales Irelia. ||
Tip: Play around your jungle, save your e to dodge her e. Abuse your ranged advantage and chunk her before one-shotting her -she is an all-in champion so you control the pace of the fight and have the utility advantage. Consider taking e second for disengage, as well as building sorc shoes for the same reason.”
DarDarThePenguin says “With the changes to Irelia's kit done in patch 11.14, Irelia absolutely dominates Yone for almost the entire match. Her early game is extremely threatening, only requiring 4 stacks of her passive or a stun to instantly kill you. In addition, you typically lose to her in the side lane. Take the Standard page with Armor.”
TheMockingSnowman says “Buy Seeker's Armguard and/or Plated Steelcaps early. There is not much you can do against her since she has a lot of sustain. Do your best to outroam her.
A55AILANT says “Can be dangerous with her Q/E dash resets. She will get Wits End to make it easier to win against you in a 1v1. Try to rush Seeker's Armguard and plated steelcaps. to reduce her damage.”
Dimitrisbabas1 says “irelia is an easy matchup because she cant block most of ur damage with her W cause u deal mixed damage and also you can block all her attack with your E.”
NigYone says “she completely shits on u, take exhaust, and anti healing first back, use ur E to dodge her stun. generally no matter what u do u lose this matchup. unlucky”
Robertonkartul says “You can beat her in a short trade but you get destroyed in longer fights. After the rework you'll see more irelias so its a good idea to ban her. Irelia is the biggest counter to akali and in the current meta is dominating her.”
Daers says “Watch her passive, do not fight her if she has her stacks. Keep track of your minion wave to predict where she will Q, and try to punish those with your own Q. Have a good tether if you know her passive is going to be fully stacked. ”
Little Planet says “Irelia beats you in both the burst trade and sustained trade department due to her sustain.
Avoid if you can or call for jungle help, otherwise try to stay alive and even in cs.”
Excalibxr says “This matchup is notoriously bad for Katarina, I recommend grabbing boots first if you have a botlane with an engage support and just roaming down to gain a lead. If you don't, then grab a Seeker's and just farm last hits under tower, and outside of tower use q. Make sure you are not standing near a low hp minion otherwise Irelia can dash to it and auto you down to death. ”
Papa Urgot says “Legit impossible matchup imo, dashes to dodge your Q(also heals from it) W to ignore Physical Dmg and a few of her auto's probably do more dmg then your whole combo. Get anti-healing to make it a little bit less impossible. when she has deaths dance you can go cry in the corner.”
Farg says “Irelia is one of those matchups where if she's ahead, she will snowball out of control. Level 1-2 you can't fight her. The most important thing in this matchup is respecting her passive. If you fight her with her 5 stacks up you will HARD lose in trades. Fighting her level 6 is generally safe, just make sure not to full combo while she has her W active. Level 3-5 you can fight her but just be aware not to get hit by her E, otherwise she has potential in all-inning you and 100-0'ing.”
Joseph Evanss says “If she has her passive stacks or is close to having them all don't fight her, use your e to dodge her e and pray she is bad at the champion. You also don't out scale her but you do out teamfight her as long as she isn't ahead. Go Bone Plating, Overgrowth + D Blade”
ahspaghetti says “rush seekers. dodge her e and you will be able to do things against her, try to go for jungle skirmishes or roam as she will perform less favorable outside of lane minions. don't go in on her when she has all of her stacks up, and don't stand too close to a low health minion so that she doesn't get a free engage on you. don't think you can kill her even if you are fed 3-0. try to only farm under tower and use q outside of tower. ”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “you would have a problem to beat irelia before lvl 6 but if you use my new fav build vs brusiers i think you will have even matchup”
BullRedHunter says “Irelia is a really hard matchup for Ekko but try to stay safe as much as u can, play Teleport + ignite and buy Corruption potion, trade with her early and recall then teleport to fight her when she is low hp, make sure to use your ignite to stop her from healing a lot”
peytonqt says “[SKILL MATCHUP] [PR/Conqueror] [D Blade/Long Sword] This is a heavy skill matchup. Whoever plays better wins. Try to harass Irelia when she goes for minions or dashes onto them. Look at your minion's health constantly as its how she gets her passive stacked and how she's going to gap close onto you. If she hits you with her stun wait until she uses her dash stack on you to Hammer Form E her away because she'll just dash back onto you. After you do this just try and kite her. The main thing to do though is to play around her passive stacks. If you do that you should be decent.”
ChimpNA says “Irelia is one of those matchups where if she's ahead, she will snowball out of control. Level 1-2 you can't fight her. The most important thing in this matchup is respecting her passive. If you fight her with her 5 stacks up you will HARD lose in trades. Fighting her level 6 is generally safe, just make sure not to full combo while she has her W active. Level 3-5 you can fight her but just be aware not to get hit by her E, otherwise she has potential in all-inning you and 100-0'ing.”
JoshAy says “Don't extend trades against Irelia, if she stacks passive you lose. Avoid her stun and save E1 for disengage. Her ult does good damage and slows but thats it. If she ever misses Q and doesn't have 5 stack kill her. This is a skill matchup that is Irelia favored. ”
JimmothySmith says “A very similar classification of threats is explained very well in a spreadsheet made by HawHawNeverLucky. I altered the positioning of a couple, but it's basically the same. You can find their matchup sheet as well as HHNeverLucky's guide in the sources section of my guide.”
Ryank30 says “Fleet or Conq + Resolve. Very big lane bully threat, it's very hard to trade back with her mobility, especially if she is skilled. time your Q's when she Q's a minion, be wary of her E cooldown, that is her ticket to winning lane. Play it safe level 6 as her ult will give her a lot of dive opportunity especially if you are low.”
1 Am Zed says “Irelia can be a bit though, Its mainly a skill matchup. nothing much to say - becareful about her 5 stacks lvl 1/2 and try to dodge her R with your R.”
Tauricus2017 says “Very dangerous matchup. Pick Exhaust and don't trade with her when her passive is up. Watch out for her E and do your best to sidestep it. Try to Buster Shot her under your turret and exhaust her there. Use your W for disengages in this matchup as you should keep your distance between her and you.”
eternalkuuseki says “quick trades and if she has 5 stacks don't go near minions. she will win extended trades if she has 5 stacks. don't go in if she has that golden glow.”
Zileni says “The other version of the hardest matchup to Ekko. Pushing the wave early is NOT recommended, she benefits easily from a huge wave and can result in a death. Use your E to dodge her E, and even then if you E her she's gonna W it and possibly outplay you. Irelia though, is vulnerable to ganks which is why this matchup is still winnable. If she engages on you, go back in time.”
XD001 says “You never win. Irelia is one of the best and most opressive laners in the game. Invest in early grievous wounds. Don't walk up when she has 5 stacks on her passive or you will end up taking an extremely bad trade. If you try to take short trades with her she will just heal up through Q and lifesteal. Your best shot in this lane is to survive and CS as best as you can. If possible, shove in the lane and roam jg, top. bot to try to enable them to snowball. Mid/late game you want to be teamfighting as much as possible as Irelia benefits heavily through splitting and stat checking her opponents. Try to flank and 1 shot the back line so they can't follow up on Irelia's R engage.
Irelia outscales Ekko.
Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + sorcery otherwise.”
Luciiid says “If the Irelia knows how to hit stuns then its a really hard lane. Try to use your q to q to minions and dodge her E. Take conqueror and ignite into her to win the long trades. Her W can mitigate most of your damage if you take a bad timed trade.”
Noodles912 says “Play safe pre 6. After R, use R to dodge her E, and possibly her R. Never fight her near your low hp minions, or when she has passive stacks. Go seekers if you would like. You win after level 11.”
ziolo to noob says “If she didnt stack her passive, you can outdamage her, but be aware of her good burst and attack speed from passive after the combo.”
Havenia says “If she 'pretends' to be Faker, you will probably just kill her. If she's fast, she'll E you as you spellshield and just dive you as soon as she thinks it's stunned. If she's smart, she'll wait.”
Noodles912 says “Save your E for her stun, then you win the 1v1. Get out if she uses R, because you never know how strong it is against you. You win almost every trade at all times. If she is playing safe, just roam. Dont fight if she has a lot of passive stacks.”
PASS10NE says “Dodge her E. Getting stunned by Irelia will pretty much guarantee you to burn sums or die. If you're able to dodge her E you have a chance of winning, but her attack speed is better than yours, so she can still fight you even if she doesn't hit her E. Go Irelia when she messes up her Q (Did not execute target with Q, leading her Q to go on CD. Can also counter your burst with her W, just nerf this champion pls. GO ANTI HEALING.”
pavelp420 says “Very strong early game, high damage. Don't let her get fed. Dodge her E with your E, R her R, Q when she comes at you with her Q, W her while she is in her W. Lines up pretty well if you ask me!”
Lot of Wind here says “If you can scale, the matchup is easy. You can block her E and R, so you can deny her dashing in most of the time. She will outdamage you very hard early on.”
Wunsch3957 says “Stat checks you to death in long trades when she has 5 stacks. Q her every time she last hits with Q and back off when she has 5 stacks on passive or near it. Punish it when it's down. Get healing reduction after lane ends. Conq with either red or green tree. flash/ignite.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “A matchup dependant on your skill. Becomes quite easy, if you know what to do. I recommend you watch my commentary vs Febiven's Irelia.
TLDR: Slowpush, dodge stun and it's free. As with momst melees, you can shuffle her into your own tower easily.”
ReYkoTheLord says “Very diffcult earlygame, once she gets her 5 stacks she can do whatever she wants with you, stay away when she is fully stacked and try to harras her as much as possible when she tries to Q the minions, play on your W into her. Don't die in this matchup or you are done. You outscale her. Farm.”
GeDBo says “Irelia is very mobile and hard for an Azir player to play against her. You both deal sustain damage and she tends to have life steal in either her first or second item (BOTRK depending when the enemy buys it). I'd personally rush Oblivion orb and Zhonya's so she can't sustain against you. For runes pick either Conqueror or Lethal Tempo. Here is a tip: Never rush in spawning your soldiers. Spawning soldiers in the correct positions is incredibly important on Azir. You should always place them in a position where you can damage the opponent, and if they jump on you (For example Irelia's Q) the soldier will still be close enough to attack her. Never go pass the river on mid lanes unless you are ahead of her items-wise. I'd strongly recommend to just poke her and farm. No need to be aggressive just yet. Ask jungler for help if necessary. Ward ward ward!”
CrazyyBrrr says “Very easy matchup if u know when to use ur w for her e
It can be a very easy matchup for u or for her
Depends on the skill of eachother”
Edg3Lord says “A lot of bullying and has some sustain which can rival yours, so just make sure to block her E. Otherwise, she may outtrade you, and in that case, if you really want to battle her, applying Ignite on her while she has her passive up may be a good idea.”
Coldsong says “Irelia is very mobile and can W a lot of your damage. Stun her before she gets on top of you and rush Seeker's first back. Tabis are also good if you really need more armor.”
JEAFlashSword says “Skill matchup Don't fight her when she has 5 stacks
you can windwall her E and R but she pretty much outscale you when she gets BOTRK”
Gloglito says “High burst, high mobility, sick sustain. Try to stay under your turret and play correctly with the waves so that you do not get allin'd. Once you scale more, you can fight her and outvalue her in teamfights.”
KawaiiSpecter says “Terrible laning phase. Don't fight her unless her E or Q is on cooldown. use E to dodge her E and if she misses her stun (E), you should win the trade. If you get hit by her E in the wrong spot you are dead! And dying in this lane means she will start towerdiving you. So be carefull. The only positive side for katarina is that she has way more impact in teamfights and scales way better”
nZk01 says “(Top) very hard to play against, hold your range to her and to low HP minions, try to cancel her Q with your E otherwise its unplayable, would recommend Exhaust/Ignite.
(Mid) easier than toplane but same problems, hold your range to low HP minions and try to poke her down, would recommend Ignite/exhaust.”
l2ingeR says “The free dash resets, the free auto buffs, the quick-activation AoE stun, all combine to make Irelia a difficult Midlaner to contend against.
Get those level 2 E traps and aid the jungler. If we go even, we win.”
Gtoxer says “runas recomendável : eletreocutar. Feitiço de invocador: Ignite ou exaust. 1) Antes do nivel 6, voce pode arrebenta ela, mas a parti do nivel 6, uma boa irelia, vai da dor de cabeça. 2)Tente não luta com ela stackada. 3) sempre, que um minion, estive com metade da vida já comece a pokeia ela. 4)Quando ela vim para cima de você, com o a skill Q, ulte no meio de voce e nela, porque assim ela vai sofrer muito dano e vai ter que recuar.”
Shazzaam says “Very skill dependent. As long as she doesn't have Passive stacked up in the early game, you're stronger.
If you dodge her E and R, you auto win the 1v1, especially if she fucks up her Q reset.
SamIAm12 says “Irelia is a bit more tricky to deal with but she is very squishy so you can easily kill her but she does quite a bit of damage so be cautious.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “She is able to use your plants to stack her Q up. She has a very high skill cap, making it hard to put her in one threat level given that she can be on all 5. Irelia Mid does lose very hard to CC, which is why her win rate is so low, which you have CC built in making it a skill match up in your favor.”
BigFatCat909 says “I recommend Conquerer with this matchup, with Eclipse this matchup is fairly easy and if their team is AD heavy, even plated steelcaps.”
Hiimkata says “relia should have a hard favour in this matchup, but it's killable if you can dodge/avoid her E. If you use your dash to avoid her spells you can deny her Q resets (if you got hit by her E/R). If her E/R hits you will hard lose the trade and most likely die, that's why I put this matchup towards the Hard catagory. The better her mechanics, the harder the matchup gets and u won't ever win 1v1's if the irelia is not bad at her champion even if you'r 3-0.
mrsuits says “The matchup between Irelia and Azir can be moderately challenging for Azir. Irelia is a versatile champion with strong mobility and the ability to burst down targets. Azir will need to play strategically and position himself effectively to outmaneuver Irelia and mitigate her threat.
In the laning phase, Irelia will look to engage on Azir and capitalize on her mobility to close the gap. Azir should focus on farming safely and harassing Irelia with his ranged attacks. It's crucial to keep a safe distance and avoid getting hit by Irelia's Bladesurge (Q), as it can lead to further trades or an all-in from Irelia.
Irelia's passive, Ionian Fervor, grants her bonus attack speed based on the number of enemy champions nearby. Azir should be mindful of this and avoid prolonged trades when Irelia has stacked her passive. Instead, he should utilize his range advantage to poke and whittle down Irelia's health without committing to extended engagements.
Irelia's ultimate, Vanguard's Edge, is a powerful tool for engaging and bursting down targets. Azir needs to be aware of Irelia's ultimate cooldown and play more cautiously when it's available. Getting caught by Irelia's ultimate can result in significant damage and potentially being taken down. Proper positioning and keeping track of Irelia's ultimate will be crucial.
Azir can benefit from building defensive items like Seeker's Armguard or Zhonya's Hourglass. Seeker's Armguard provides armor and AP, while Zhonya's Hourglass can be used to negate Irelia's burst damage and buy time for teammates to react. These items can give Azir some survivability and allow him to sustain Irelia's engages.
Coordinating with the jungler for ganks can also be effective in this matchup. Irelia is vulnerable to crowd control, and a well-timed gank can catch her off guard and give Azir an advantage in lane. Azir should communicate with his jungler to set up ganks and capitalize on Irelia's lack of escape tools.
In team fights, Azir should position himself safely and make use of his soldiers' range to deal damage from a distance. Irelia will try to dive onto Azir's backline, so Azir should stay vigilant and peel for himself and his carries with his ultimate ability, Emperor's Divide.
Overall, the matchup between Irelia and Azir falls on the moderately challenging side. Azir needs to play carefully, utilize his range advantage, and avoid extended trades with Irelia. Proper positioning, effective poke, and coordination with the jungler will be key to outmaneuver Irelia and come out on top in this matchup.”
bboyxje123 says “You don't have the early advantage here because of her passif. Because of your low range you will get in her Q range when you try to auto attack her. Try to walk away if she activates her passif. I would take teleport in this matchup and farm to the late game. ”
ParkChnm says “Irelia can easily stun you and stay onto you really easily since Orianna is very immobile. Zhonya's is recommended after Luden's. Try to farm under tower and try not to give her any kills for free. Or at all.”
UnoTrickCho says “Although you can windwall her E and her R, she will literally just auto you to death. Try and catch her without 5 stacks, or you can rarely win even if you dodge and block all of her spells.”
KataTocDo says “Dodge E and you will have a decent time. Will most likely ult you when you ult, just shunpo behind her when you see her wind up her ult.
Runes: Conq-Dom/Resolve
Starting Items: D. Blade/Shield”
Yamikaze says “This matchup is not as hard as it was before her rework, since we can now [[Wind wall]] her [[Flawless Duet]] and [[Vanguard's Edge]]. Will be updated once i have played some games against her.”
ITSDEBEAR says “If you die in early youll have to afk farm for the rest of the game. If you do kill her in early youll be able to duel her. Dodge E and R or else youll die.
Aery ghost/ignite works really well as well as predator if you know what you are doing”
rajsovsky says “Gap close, stun, damage, etc. Don't fight her, rush seeker's armguard. Try to farm and ask jungler for help when you get Hextech you are able to kill her with some help”
invalidd says “Really hard lane if they're good with the champ, the lane will be won or lost depending on your E usage, if you get hit by her E and goes for
a trade you can hook her easily if she doesn't have a minion behind her that is low hp, keep track of your minions' HP to know where she will dash to,
you win the trades if she doesn't land her E and has no passive, E lvl1 can work but it can be really dangerous and mess up your lane so i don't
suggest it. Complicated to gank.
_Nightmare_G says “If she hits her E early, then its over for u. Dont fight her if she has full stacked passive. U can block her Ult with ur windwall, which lets u win trades with her most of the time.”
lkycch says “Ban her every time. Do not let her get into range to stun you and when she jumps onto your allies, use E+Q+W+Q to stop her. She will try to dash away, so you must followup quick. If she has an enchanter like Lulu or Yuumi protecting her, she will be extremely powerful so I would ban her if possible. If your team is all squishy, I suggest dodging in champ select. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
Aikairi says “You win her early as long as you dodge her E and she doesn't have 5 stacks. Be careful of her post-6 when she has ulti as she can kill you from there. Once you dodge her ulti, you win unless there's alot of low-health minions on your side she can dash to.”
lkycch says “Ban her every game. When Irelia is coupled with a supportive ADC like Yuumi or Lulu, it makes it very hard to kill her. She has the mobility to dodge your Q+W+Q. A good Irelia will pickup Mercury's Treads, rendering your Q+W+Q stun useless! You really need to shut her down as early as possible with your jungler. Otherwise, she will completely wreck your team lategame. She has the ability to splitpush and 1v1 any top laner as well, making her highly versatile. Bare in mind she also assassinates your ADC very quickly, so make sure you ult them in time! Don't ever let her jump onto you, otherwise you'll have to waste your ult on yourself. If your team is all squishy or doesn't have enough cc, I suggest dodging in champ select.”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs irelia: elec, ignite y sortija de doran, evita su E (stun ) a TODA COSTA y peleale sin usar tu R aun (usala para esquivar su E o si ya la utilizo puedes entrar) y evita pelearle con las 5 marcas de la pasiva estackeadas por minions (compra lyandri por su curacion o hielo eterno)
Rauschel says “She can easily punish you for any small mistake you make, just dashing into you and being able to dash right out of there after it. You are trying to kill Minions from afar with you Q. You should be looking for situation to all in when there are none of your minions arround. She is a strong gapcloser and if you are in her R you cant jump out of it. Punishing her for little pushes is hard, because you only have your Q to poke her down.”
YIVENDER says “This matchup is not as hard as it was before her rework, since we can now [[Wind wall]] her [[Flawless Duet]] and [[Vanguard's Edge]]. Will be updated once i have played some games against her.
YIVENDER says “This matchup is not as hard as it was before her rework, since we can now [[Wind wall]] her [[Flawless Duet]] and [[Vanguard's Edge]]. Will be updated once i have played some games against her.
KatarinaScriptz says “Irelia is winnable if she doesn't know how to maneuver her stuns well the reason is, is if you get stunned you lost and if you don't you most likely win early on. Lose Late game tho.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- In lane she beats you with her passive stacks and Conqueror
- Look for short trades to poke her out that she can't followup with an all-in
- you can outpush her and help your jungler get pressure/roam bot or top
- Beats you in sidelane
- Out sustain-damages you
- Way too tanky for you to kill late game”
Scyrine says “This should be a free game for you if you play it correctly. A lot of people feel pressured since Irelia can move around a lot but you outplay her in every possible way. Pressure her lvl 2 and once you have R just full engage her. If you hit all your skillshots im sure you'll win it. You can also wait until she uses her stun to fully engage if you're skeptical of making the first move.”
BCota says “For new players this matchup is rhinoceros asscheeks but all you have to do is take DRing and farm undertower its that simple just scale kill anyone you can in teamfights and hope your team can kill her. You can cheese early but its somewhat difficult”
Chili Dog says “Reworked irelia is kinda tough especially if you fuck up, if you just cs up and are equal you should be able to win a 1v1 with pure damage since she can't counter vlads greatest weakness (range) , either dodge her stun or her ult with your pool, if she buys wits end go next QUICK. Both runes are viable.”
JustGalaxy06 says “Fight her when she has not so much stacks and build anti-heal if you can dodge her e and r she's done for and you can easily kill her . If she has 5 stacks and you're not very ahead just simply retreat”
Flarank1 Azir says “If you can dodge his e than she can't do nothing to you pre 6. After 6 if you marked try to not use your ult because she will get you anyway”
kimjisoo8 says “You don't want to lane against this super mobile assassin. She might play passive for the first few levels but trust me, when she goes aggressive you need to run. Roam and score a few kills and hope that you'll be more fed than her.”
Loading..Please wait says “Don't even try to fight her 1v1 until lvl16. Let her push the wave, don't be greedy and farm. Start roaming as soon as you can. ”
Niqkl says “Irelia is really annoying to me, because if you dare to get hit by an E at max stacks youre almost guaranteed to be sent back to fountain. Thats all I can say, try to dodge e by dancing and pool ult.”
vCraze says “Irelia is a very tough matchup with the amount of damage she has early and the amount of mobility she has. Play safe and poke, if you are able to survive until Ludens you can poke her out but make sure you are not in range of her Qs when she resets on minions as she will do massive damage at all points.”
Sadkid says “Keep your distance this lane. ALWAYS keep and eye on your minions' health bars. She will likely try to Q to low one's this is where you E her. Similar to the LB matchup. ”
S4V4 says “Unfair match up. Why is that? All she has to do is get 5 stacks by killing minions with her Q, use her Q on you and AA you to death. She doesn't need anything else in this match up. She doesn't need E, she doesn't need R, all she needs is Q and 5 stacks. Let not talk about what happens if you get hit by her E or R. You can windwall both of her E and R, but won't help that much. Jungler's help is needed.”
WolfRider01 says “This season's Irelia can easily make you have a bad game if you aren't mindful of her passive or her all in potential. Your W can block her E if you place it correctly, though I wouldn't rely on that, as it can be a buggy interaction and sometimes lead to you getting stunned anways. You can W her R as well. If in top, take TP. If in mid, take ignite. Let her shove waves, as she will struggle to run you down due to her being rather immobile with no minions around. Be careful of her Q masking E animation cancel (If timed correctly she can almost entirely hide the E animation with her Q). ”
Katfire says “Irelia is a hard match up, but it is winnable. DO NOT trade with her when her passive is stacked (5 stacks, her blades glow when her passive is stacked) Trade with her when he passive is down. Dodge her E or she will easily get her passive up. Getting hit by E is almost deadly. She is really strong at level 6, respect her. You don't want to go extended basic attack trades with her unless you are running Conqueror, have AD and she doesn't have you minions to Q or E to stack passive.”
Marfiok7 says “In this macthup Plated steelcaps are a must. Irelia is stronger than you almost every stage of the game. She has crazy sustain with her q and all in potential. In lane she will almost q to every minion, which you can use to your advantage, this means you have free poke. You can easily have your ball in the middle of the minion wave and land your "Q" every time she goes for minions. Beware of her gap closers, she can "Q" to a minion execute it and q you. I woud highly recommend buying Seeker's Armguard as your first item. If she stays in lane for a long time i would recommend rushing Zhonyas as first item. Irelia also has great roaming potential which also requires you to have good vision setup. DONT! start skirmishes at crab or in river with her, she is much much stronger than you. You will probably get pinged for not participating, but for the love of god, DONT. ”
hickeyo says “Good irelia's will rush mr and make you a laughing stock. If you can land your combo it can be managable, but she out-trades you if you miss. Badly. ”
MINISE says “It is a skill vs skill very macro matchup, Irelia would then play safe and hard scale because we know how much dashes Irelia could do over time and its rough.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Aery with heal or barrier(DONT TAKE IGNITE UNLESS YOUR SURE SHE IS BAD). It's irelia you can't win lane against her(Unless she Hard misplays) you have to survive this lane. Her mobility makes it hard to land ability's on her and even if you do she is usually going to be hard to burst. You can predict her q and land your E but I would not Recommend that in this lane as one mistake and she can kill you whether your full hp or not. Mid game you can burst her down if you have 2-3 items. She is a side laning champion while you are not she can easily kill you in the side lane in the mid to late game don't side lane against her. Get Seekers or Steelcaps(only if they have 4 or 5 Ad)”
i am ori main says “Whenever Irelia midlane is meta (last time during early Season 10) I perma ban her. She has way too much gapclose for you to be able to kite her early game. Very bad matchup for ori.”
economistastonks says “It is an ok match up. You can't trade with her passive stacked. But if she's trying to go for you, just use your E to either scape or to stun and escape.
You can try to bait her E to then quickly use your E into her for an unexpected all in. ”
Bobbab says “Personally irelia is another matchup i hate. Her autos when she has passive hurts. Building seekers is advisable and try to roam as she cant keep stacks when following. You generally dont win 1v1 if she hits any abillity as she can block most of your burst.”
sweodigaming says “Pretty easy, just harass and poke. It is pretty straight forward, just be cautious of the enemy jungler so she does not get ahead. ”
MetaKnight13373 says “When Irelia Q's you, you have a small opportunity to charm her, as long as you save your charm for this she will avoid engaging on you. ”
Midlane God says “U can poke her before lvl 6 but a good Irelia will go with her full combo on u and u will be most likely dead.
Also high risk of buying Wits End.”
Magical Rock says “Irelia is honestly just like Akali, but even easier to play against because she cannot go into smoke. Her stun is easy to dodge, and she is easy to jump onto and kill.”
Raigiku says “She can kill your turrets at level 1, has a long range dash, has a lot of sustain and mobility. It's very difficult to land your grenade on her, because she dashes so much with her Q. So don't try to fish for hooks when she is farming and is level 6. Try to just farm and wait for your jungler.”
Grayified says “She can dash to you, but if you avoid her CC then she can't get the reset off of it, and most Irelia players hate using Q unless they get a reset.”
Kaali says “A good Irelia is a hard counter. She can heal up , stun you, and overall outplay your E. The best course of action is to dodge her stuns with your E and do heavy lane poke before you try to all in. ”
Simp4DuCouteau says “Irelia is able to jump on you and deal absurd amounts of damage in the early game, amounts so high that Corki cannot properly deal with them without help from his jungler. Irelia always has kill pressure on Corki. She can follow your W with her Q to keep applying pressure. Stay away at all costs.”
Yeager says “One of the hardest matchups for Ekko. She is super mobile, so she can easily dodge most of your damage but she will also shred you in extended fights with conqueror and a stacked passive.
You don't have a lot of options in this lane because it's in her favor at all stages of the game. Even if she loses, she can simply buy wit's end and auto-win.
When trading, you want to go for short trades that procs your passive and electrocute, and then you BACK OFF. Irelia is insane in extended trades, so you want to avoid that. Left click on her champion and keep an eye on how many stacks she has on her passive. If it's close to full then don't attempt to trade at all, and just wait it out. Use your E to dodge her Flawless Duet. (She can animation cancel it with her Q, so be careful and always be ready)
Early game you should just let her push the wave while you farm under the turret. It keeps you safe from her and the enemy jungler. You should keep doing that until you have enough AP to instantly clear the wave and just roam. Your gameplan against Irelia should be to constantly roam and get your teammates ahead. ”
Yeager says “She can easily out-trade you if she gets within range and has her passive stacked. Don't ever stay close to low-hp minions as she can dash to them. Never push unless you can completely shove the lane. Play safe entire laning phase and wait for ganks.
Her E is a skillshot that she must hit in order to get a Q reset on you. Dodging that makes it much harder harder for her to engage. ”
Lunasta says “Just avoid her E (Stun) with your W then just go all in, she won't be able to react without her core ability besides that if she Ults your entire team... then just press R.”
Veigarv2 says “Skill matchup, She can freeze vs you if you mess up the wave because if you try to stop her she can kill you.
Your E is super good vs her and you outscale her.
Respect her Sheen and triforce spike.”
TheCatOfCheshire says “It's hard. You'll lose every trade, so poke her from a safe position, don't let her engage you and don't engage if you don't charm her first. You can predict her dash on a minion to charm her. She got a great wave-clear and a good roam so clear the waves to block her in her roaming.”
Haywyre says “Irelia in most matchups will lose trades if she misses her e so if you can dodge that you'll do just fine. Beware of long fights due to her passive dmg.”
Yeager says “Mobile champions are pretty good against Zoe because most of her damage are skillshots.
Don't go near her when her passive is stacked because she will run you down. Don't stay near low hp minions because she can reset her Q with it and close the distance.
If you avoid the pushing wave and let it stay at your side of the lane, she can't engage on you. ”
Ambience14 says “Irelia is a very strong mid laner with tons of kill pressure. Even with the Conqueror rune page, she is nearly impossible to kill or even survive against. Stay under your tower and do NOT, under any circumstances, push the wave if you can't get it back to your turret. If played correctly, you won't die to Irelia and she'll get impatient, potentially even trying to dive you. Build Frozen Heart ASAP if she's half decent.”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Level 1 watch out for her passive because if she has max passive stacks she will always beat you. The big part of this matchup comes down to how you use your windwall. Pre-6 use your windwall on her e and run her down. Level 6 don't waste your windwall on just an e because she has a lower e cooldown and can full engage. Outscales you. Take Conq.”
Fadedreformed says “Skill matchup you can win her by getting w lvl 1 and then just outscale her. Care for her 5 stacks cuz she can shred you really easily. Don't get hit by her e and you should be fine. After level 6 don't let her hit any ability or else she is gonna all in you even in the tower.”
Shock_101 says “A lot of people say Akali counters Irelia, but since you're reading this guide, I'm assuming you're new to the champ. At least a little bit. Dodge her e and don't fight her when she has 5 stack. This is a difficult matchup, so be careful. Get ahead in some way pre-6, so you will either have ult first or have more dmg, and keep trades short.”
DaggerTV_ says “Irelia will jump a lot, but is rather predicatble. She will gain a masive powerspike at her first item, but as long as you can just hop around and not get marked by her e or ult. Then it hould be fairly easy
Her w only blocks ad damage, so dont get fooled.”
Arrgh Matey says “Tabis after sheen is a MUST.
Keep your distance from minions she can execute with Q to get to you.
It doesn't matter if you W her stun, she gets a free dash onto you so she will opt to execute a minion with Q, Auto, Q, Auto weave while she E's, and Q's you again.
Her auto range is deceptively long which means she can auto a barrel while out of its range.
If you're desparate, get Sheen, Tabis, then Sterak's.
She CAN and probably WILL dive you ate level 3 if the opportunity shows itself, so be aware.”
Yuki H. says “She is a very difficult champion to play against, given that she naturally builds tanky and her base damage is pretty whack. Try to take advantage of her Qs to last hit minions. When she does this, she is exposed in front of her minions, allowing your Qs to do max damage. Don't overextend trades by dumping your entire combo on her when she does this though, since she can Q right to you and potentially kill you. If you are hit with her stun or ult, her Q cooldown is refunded, which allows her to Q out to minions for a short trade. Do NOT trade with her if she has 4 stacks from Qing minions. Dodging her stun or her ult with R or W will give you a huge edge in a 1v1 situation.”
Proma says “Dblade
Don't fight her when she's at 5 stacks. You can win before she gets BoRK.
After she hits 1 item the matchup is Irelia favored. Play safe and look for Q>E under tower. Don't E in post 6 as she can R and kill you if you miss stun.
This matchup is very skill based but slightly favored towards Irelia if she a good player.”
DarkM3tal87_ says “Short-trade her with basic combos, be aware of her mana bar and passive charges. You should win longer-trades if you dodge her stun.”
Fyir says “They can go for an all in level 1 or 2 and they will melt your hp bar. So just farm from a distance. If a minion is low irelia is there and so you should stay dash range away from that minion. Level 3 cage and she can not do much.”
Veralion says “Irelia players are extremely crazy and play like complete psychos, If she spam Q's the wave to full stack her passive before hitting you, run away screaming. If your creeps are mostly dead and she goes for you anyway, beat her ass. You stat check her with low passive stacks, and she'll have no idea until it's too late. Like most dashes, her Q dashes behind you, so don't miss your E. The hitbox on Irelia’s ult is actually deceptively small and can be sidestepped, even by a thicc dragon. Make sure you give it a shot. If that whiffs and her stacks are down, she’ll be easy pickings. Watch out for her BorK spike, it's huge. ”
Qibi says “Irelia is very mobile as well and if she is able to stun you with her E, you are pretty much dead with her ignite. She will build Merc Treads against you and you are no longer in the game. To counter this - build Seeker's Armguard and CS carefully. Ask for assistance from jungle to get an early kill before she builds Merc's. Lastly, you should be able to survive this lane if you can manage to dodge her stuns. ”
RikudouDovahkiin says “Irelia is an AA based champion with additional damage on-hit. So your main resistance items will be meaningless against her because of her nature, she will probably build Maw of Malmortius so your damage will not be much of a threat to her since she has a noticeable sustain arsenal as well. Call your jungler at early stages of the game if its possible; against an agressive Irelia, or wait her to dive and land inevitable combos so that you can scare her off a bit, later on might get some minion. Exploit her melee range, but care for her long ranged stun setups, which also triggers a mark that allows her to dash twice or more times, also try and dodge that skill as well. Care for her defensive form and don't waste your all combo on her defensive dance. Taking early boots should be useful to dodge her all-in wraths, and make kite-chase scenarios for you much more possible. But don't ever go into her melee range, (unless she's totally gg'd) cuz that can be deadly.”
ai darkfluid says “During lane, force deny her trading when she gains her passive stacks. For her passive, she gains attack speed and at five (max) stacks, bonus on-hit damage. W where she is going to dash to, then blast her with Q > E > AA. When she has four to five stacks, as she can Q you for the final stack and try to run you down.
Preferred rune: Phase rush/Summon Aery/Electrocute”
Brentonlop says “Skill matchup. Dont trade with her when she has 5 stacks on her passive. Avoid her E and you can kill her. She will most likely buy MR items like wits end and it will be annoying.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Low Even
Don't let her get ahead due to jungle camping you or she'll literally 1v5 the game.
You can otherwise poke her down easily in lane as long as you dodge the E.”
snukumz says “Stay away from her!
Try to wave clear so she can't roam.
She'll dumpster you if she gets on top of you.
If you stay far enough back she can't stun you.
You can combo her if she messes up by getting hit by your E.”
1256 says “the better irelia is the worse matchup gets (from 2 up to 4-4,5 imo), fighting with her when she has 5 passive stacks is straightup suicide, best bet is to take short trades and try to outscale but she is abusing broken items now (botrk+dd+wits end), your e stacks up almost instantly when she spams q
electro, fleet if not used to”
Sanyol667 says “She is your permaban. You lose almost every trade with her and she perfectly zones you off the creeps and experience. She can dive you and survive without any problem.”
LightningTemplar says “A matchup very dependant on both your and Irelia's skill level. A good Irelia doesnt struggle to win against Zed. Her W is good to negate the dmg from your R and her mobility can make it hard for you to hit your spells. She can also build armor which makes her hard to kill, especially late game. I play a lot of Irelia myself, and this is usually my counterpick to an opposing Zed. ”
Art1val says “Just poke her out, if you land your sleep you will be fine. She does have high damage though when she gets her stacks. Late game you won't be able to 1v1 her at all(Unless you are like 10-0 and she is 0-15).”
gonzales1 says “her W is annoying but overall u should be winning against her. Always run conq and dodge her E and dont fight in her passive iuts too broken. ”
Gageowago says “She definitely has a kill advantage over you and can destroy you if her passive is at 5 stacks. If you want to go for a charm try and do it when there are either no minions for her to q to or her q is on cooldown. If she stuns you back off immediately and save charm until after she goes onto you. Ulting through her wall still slows you and applies the damage. Just play safe and poke her from afar and then roam.”
BigFatCat909 says “Irelia is a skill matchup, but a fairly easy one. Use your ult try to try and dodge either her ult or her e, and the fight is free for you, just try and avoid comboing into her W.”
Lil Tidepod says “Irelia's mobility is not a strong suit against Ryze, as it usually just gets her into his range for combos. Her stun doesn't last long enough to lock you down before she all-ins you. Kite away from her after popping your shield. Just keep getting her health down. She has to get close to the wave in order to farm, which means Ryze really thrives against her. Do be careful if she stacks her passive fully, as well as if she's fed by another lane, because then she'll seem to delete you.”
JacWilly says “Max E, her w Makes you do 50% less damage and has better waveclear, take very short trades, try to all in when shes low, be careful of her healing after she stacks conqueror”
Capparelli says “Skill matchup, dont fight early look for roams and use canopy if you can't avoid getting hit by E in order to stop Q, don't use R if she is in her W”
ahrienthusiastmain says “Irelia loses lane hard if you freeze. It's easy to land charms if she comes near you or you predict her dashes. you win the lane hard if she cant land her stun. ”
MartinMorningstar says “Play safe, E her stun and/or ult. Farm and wait for jungle or roam. She beats you if she gets to stack up, your all in if she doesnt have stacks and has used her dmg reduction is enough to kill her. ”
serruh says “do. not. fight. her. if she lands one E, you're dead. if she gets even slightly ahead, she can rush mercs and your life is just misery at that point, she can literally dive you from almost full hp at 6. play very very safe and take bad backs if it means not dying, this champ will just snowball out of control(although decently hard to pilot at a good level).”
RefFusioner says “Not very devastating lane.
Just don't get her fed.
Put your E on top of your low health minions.
If she's passive stacked up wait few seconds.”
RockitoAhri says “This matchup is a pain for Ahri. You cannot win a trade with her. Try to freeze and be extremely cautious for her engage. Patience is key here. Only poke from as far away as possible. She will freeze lane on you (if she has functioning brain cells). you can freeze better tho. Again. Stay away, poke in a way that you dont push, freeze. Best bet is roaming or waiting for ganks. ”
Kami_EU says “Easy matchup for Yasuo, the only way Irelia wins trades is if she lands her E stun or fully stacks his passive on minions prior to trading AA's with Yasuo.
Yasuo's Windwall will dodge Irelia's E stun if it's placed between the 2 blades.”
P0rk0 says “in this matchup you have to stand nearby you minions that dont have much hp, if she Q on them, do autoattack W reset combo and poke her when she runs away, if she hits her E you are dead.”
LBmyBB says “If you face an irelia mid, you NEED to land your chains. She outdamages you early and mid game and is hyper mobile, as well as having a damage reduction spell”
Sloyr says “This matchup depends on Irelia skill level. A bad Irelia is really easy to beat, but a good Irelia is a big problem for Katarina. Always dodge her E and try to bait her R and dodge it using your E. If she's good she'll dodge every dagger you place with your Q, so you'll have to outsmart her. Don't try to trade her when she has full stacked passive and Conqueror, because their damage combined are really high.”
Gogicha55 says “Don't fight her when she has her passive active ( her blades start glowing ) and dodge her E and its pretty much free. some people find it hard but its easy for me ”
8wolf says “You'll probably die. Her damage is extremely high, and with all the q resets she can use to get on you (3 q almost instantly if she gets her e q r q q combo on you) she doesn't really care about your wall. Play safe and try not to feed her. Farm for the late game.”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Dark seal + Potion
Irelia is one of those champs thats good, but stay out of range and shes dead in seconds.
harass, poke, E, W, Q, R all day long”
NebuIa says “SCARY. Be aware of her q'ing to your minions when they're low! At level 1, don't mess with her when she can get 5 passive stacks! She will just auto you. Be aware of her q e's early, just play safe unless your jungler is there. She can't all in you if you play back-ish. Save bubble until she looks like she's done with dashing around, or if she's being very obvious with them.”
TheBlueImperial says “Annoying and slippery and should probably go back to Top lane. However, you have better roaming potential and can easily survive the laning phase against her.”
KK Antitoxin says “She has some good amount of CC and can use W to decrease your damage drastically . Since your ult does an amount of the Pre-mitigation damage you have dealt to her, she will not expect that the damage your ultimate will deal will be the damage you dealt to her before her W decreased it . I good Irelia will try to hold her W as long as possible prioritizing your ultimate burst damage. Try to ult her when her W is down .”
ioannissid says “In laning phase it all depends on who gets ahead first when the two people have the same skills after that they snowball. Late your primary action before you fight will be to always use winds of war BEFORE the engage and retreat until it's almost off cooldown then engage with justice punch escaping her stun.”
charlton says “Really tough matchup, you lose the 1v1 before and after Tiamat. Best you can do is look for a hook when her Q is on cd and don't get hit with her E. Start Q as she can just Q away from an E start.”
stupid katarina says “(E) After nerfs, she's pretty useless against auto attack based funnelers, just make sure to constantly shield your partner, because you never know what damage to expect from this champion.”
LONERlSM says “Irelia doesnt take reduced w dmg to ap anymore so this match up is fine. However if you play this lane too long she will abuse you and has kill threat. Play care ful and more towards your side of mid lane. Build rylias 2nd.”
DravensBukkake says “Exhaust matchup.
She literally cannot do anything to you. If she Q's a bunch of minions and Q's you in, walk back and W Q AA AA AA her as she walks back. If she lands stun however, she'll win the trade, so either E away or dodge her stun. If she uses Q on you without ult or E stacks, insec her as she no longer has Q up. Otherwise, perma shove and perma harass, she can't realistically do anything other than farm and beg for jungler ganks.”
Mid Win Repeat says “You can stomp her fairly easily. She dashes around alot which is good for your E, same thing as diana, Just hold onto your W until she dashes onto you than push her away and chase her down. Make sure she has to fight you in your own minion wave don't walk up to her.”
MarkeleleYasuo says “always one sided matchup, it depends on who gets ahead first, dont fight her lvl 2 unless you are 100% sure you can dodge her e, also dont fight her with her passive up it does A LOT of dmg ”
YeeDS says “If you get hit by her e prock your phase rush and E W her and run out of there. Otherwise it should be a clear lane which you outscale with.”
Garybaldo says “Hard lane, watch out for low health minions near you, only throw your E whenever all your minions are healthy or you don't have her passive on you, run Phase Rush and buy Frozen Heart whenever possible.”
paykanishe says “Irelia is an absolute menace in the mid lane for immobile scaling carries like Orianna. She can kill you from level 2 onwards and throughout you will have very little kill pressure on her without substantial jungle support. Zhonyas is a great early buy into this matchup so that you can avoid her all in if her Ult lands on you. Dont underestimate her ability to jump on you and burst you with just a Q and E once she has Tiamat. Do your best to avoid solo deaths and match her roams in order to minimize her impact. The usual on good thing about this is that their team is likely to lack the magic damage of a control mage in the mid lane. Cleanse can work decently for her stun, but she will likely still kill you. I would recommend either Exhaust or Barrier depending on whether or not you expect her to take Teleport or Ignite. ”
Novok says “This matchup is a pain for Ahri. You cannot win a trade with her. Try to freeze and be extremely cautious for her engage. Patience is key here. Only poke from as far away as possible. She will freeze lane on you (if she has functioning brain cells). you can freeze better tho. Again. Stay away, poke in a way that you dont push, freeze. Best bet is roaming or waiting for ganks. ”
ShuUis says “You outrade her you out roam her. What else would you want in a mid-lane matchup? She kinda technically scale better and has better wave clear than you, so don't just leave her to farm.”
Xalt says “Do not at any point fight this champion while there is a creep wave or she has conq stacked she will out dps you and out sustain your burst.
Build seekers and wait for a mistake to punish her!”
Euphoric Toaster says “Before the nerf to Irelia's W (her damage reduction now does not reduce magic damage, where it did before) this matchup was borderline impossible against a remotely decent player. Now, its still very very hard, but a bit more manageable now that you can actually burst her early. Before shes able to one-shot your turrets with Q you have a lot of time to be able poke/harass and get an early kill, but once she gets sheen and can oneshot your turrets with Q, you have to give over lane control and play reactively unless you're already far ahead of her. During the laning phase in general, just dodge her E stun as thats a lot of her threat. When she tries to all-in you, you want RQ + Q, E (when she jumps on you for a point blank stun), Q, W for maximum burst generally. With the W not reducing AP damage now you have a good chance to burst her down and kill her or force summoners now, but there gets a point in the game where she can eventually just run you over. If you have to face Irelia top instead of mid, i would dodge the game, the longer lane makes this matchup a LOT harder than it already is.”
Fox1ne says “First rule ever vs irelia,don't get hit by her stun,her 1v1 kit is really strong and especially her dashes are powerful with the q damage with passive being up. Try predicitng her movements and don't let her approach you in melee range and freeze. It's like kassadin match-up.”
Yeager says “- Let her push and don't attempt any fights.
- Don't go anywhere near Irelia when her passive is stacked. She can run you down and out trade you with only autos (very balanced yes)
- Look out for low hp minions and keep your distance from them because she uses those to get within range of you.
- Her E and ultimate are skillshots, so theres always a chance of dodging it. Learn the pattern of the enemy player and use it to predict when they will do what. That will help a lot when you have to dodge fast skillshots. It can even be used to bait them! ”
schulti012 says “She's strong lvl2 but you can just freeze the wave. As long as you dodge her E you're fine. Go for short trades, gain lead by freezing and harassing. Electrocute+sorcery wins.”
Ninjuo says “Play defensive and she should not be able to do anything to you. As soon as you get protobelt you should keep her from farm, trade with her and eventually kill her.”
Zero Two says “Tanky, but you will destroy her early on. Be dominant in lane early game, and she wont stand a chance late game. However, don't get too overconfident. She can still kill you pretty quickly.”
talonmains says “This lane goes side ways it can be hard winning this match up, don't stay close to your minions she can refresh her q and AA you in the process, throw your W when she does so and get an easy trade. Dodge her E and fight her when she doesn't have any stacks on her passive.”
Michelaengelo says “Be mindful of her lv 2 all in if she takes ignite. Staying out of the range of her Q will get you out of laning phase. After she gets tiamat don't walk up to your wave at all. Let her minions get under your turret then farm.”
SepekuAW says “Extremely hard lane even if you solo kill her. Once she gets merc treads and phage/sheen she is almost impossible to solo.
Punish her early by q + autoing her when she goes to farm a minion with q. If you can time your e you can cancel her Q by e'ing her when she q's you. (she does not get a reset if you do this)
Always try to use ur ulti on her before stunning to ensure you land the stun (more balls = more stun)
if she lands stun on you, you are pretty much dead so try to dodge it. you can flash her ult also! ”
Pumparum says “Irelia will try for early kills, so try not to get into long trades. Ult only after she uses her stun. You will outsustain her damage in bursts.”
kilgta says “Like any assassins, irelia is really strong against you in the laning phase but you are extremely strong against her in teamfights. Keep the wave at even or closer to your tower. Try to farm with your AA in order not to shove. Try to freeze if she allows it. If shes pushed your way, poke her with ease. If you are pushed her way, farm from far and be ready to flash out. She will burst you easily. Start corrupt pot, into lost chapter. If shes not aggressive towards you, you can finish ludens, if shes really aggressive and winning, go zonhya and finish ludens later. Build morello third.”
MechaaZero says “Sometimes I see this match up and it bothers me. Most of the time her playing style revolves around her Q being on max stacks and her diving you, but if your patient and land an E or two, you'll see things shift into your favor.”
SrSuders says “Irelia kann man gut besiegen, jedoch sollte man nicht ihr zu nahe gehen, wenn man selber keine Fähigkeiten frei hat.
Wenn Irelia die Irelia W draußen hat, hat sie kaum Chancen einen One-Shot zu überleben vorrausgesetzt es ist Mid-/Early-Game und sie ist nicht gefeedet. ”
DaytonMcCloud says “Even if ahead, beating an Irelia in lane is no ordinary task. This champion has sustain, damage reduction, you name it. Take Conqueror here.”
KatAirlines says “Do NOT play aggressive in the first 2 level. In level 3 you can start trading.
Ask for ganks. Once she falls back in gold & level, she can't catch you back.”
TotallySugoi says “Not the worst match up, just don't get caught up in her E as she can get fed pretty easily. Catch her with stuns and pop her. If she builds tank, just go full damage / magic pen.”
borsamalac says “Dodge her stuns, save W when she uses R. Always watch your minions hp as well, and u will know where will she move with Q. Her Q is rly predictable so u can harass her when she does it. Free AA her when she is in range. If she has rly good micro play just farm and play for teamfights.”
virkon says “Very hard matchup, you must know how to position yourself and play around her to get control of the lane. You cant be a bitch here, you gotta make her your bitch. (Look up imls Orianna vs Irelia coaching video)”
YourBestSenpai says “Be careful of that one. She can easily dodge your skills if there are minions around, and she can get easily to you, when at 5 stacks, you will lose A LOT, and I mean A LOT of HP.”
Helnakensbrorsa says “Poke with Q and back off when your minions get low because she will q them and get to you. Dodge her E and do small trades with electrocute. After 6 you can win if she miss R.”
HerrSolahri says “Skill Matchup but favored by the Leblanc, because shes range. Poke her down, bait her W so she cant reduce your burst dmg and then kill her.”
chillin kenshi says “Very easy poke her Level 1 just Q her dash, avoid her passive procs, wInd wall her w or r, level 6 dodge the e and wind wall the r
aButteredPoptart says “Very much a skill matchup. She has mobility, but you'll know where to stay away unlike Yasuo. Be careful of her all-in potential, you don't want the wave pushed when she's healthy and has ult. Be wary of her W, as it will absorb your charm and make your all-in defense that much harder. Your ult doesn't bypass hers. Ask jungler to camp so she doesn't snowball.”
SmokeyEggs says “As an Irelia main, Irelia shreds Ekko in the early game so you NEVER fight her early. Bait out her E and that's when you fight her. Never let her stack Conq on you and Push her wave Hard so you can get some roams” says “Her Q makes it hard to land Q
Avoid her E stun
Her W shield will negate a lot of your damage
Hard to kill
So just play passive and look to roam (mobility boots are good)”
AzureArmatt says “After her nerfs and desperate fight to move her towards top lane Irelia isn't as strong as she used to be on mid lane. She will have hard time to deal with your magic dmg. but if she stuns you and attack you when she has her passive fully stacked you still can be killed. Her ultimate now slows for big % so if you get caught by it you will be in a trouble since it will be hard to escape if you let her catch up to you. She will struggle to go against you if you doge her stun and poke her when she goes for CS but still.... she has potential to kill so don't underestimate her.”
javimc17 says “She can't do nothing against you. Stay focused on farm and poke her with E. If she engages, use your E+W to survive her combo and kill her easily with your Q+R. You can build Rilay's Crystal Scepter to catch her when she tries to scape.”
Shaawn says “This matchup is not as hard as it was before her rework, since we can now windwall her stun and ult, try to poke her with your q early game when she is qing minions that she wants to lasthit (specially in the first waves) if she hits her stun she has a good probability to kill you.”
overweight_zoe says “Auto lots, dodge the stun or die. Don't stand near low health minions. Would honestly be a pretty easy match up if her burst damage wasn't so absurd. ”
Jammy158 says “Mostly skill matchup. However, Yasuo has advantage early and outscale her later. Your windwall can block her E and Ulti so make note of that. Do be careful she can outtrade you with her passive stacks and respect her all-in potential.”
apsonalol says “Irelia tem muita mobilidade e dano, rushar zhonya não irá ajudar muita coisa, pode te salvar do burst, mas talvez você precise jogar em base da sua passiva W e como ela foi nerfada você pode dar um burst muito grande se você acertar sua ultimate.”
K4SS says “She can push you eaisly and then roam. Play def but don't get pushed too much. One or two ganks from your jungler should be enough to win your lane.”
Itsyaboyorchid says “Irelia can outscale Syndra pretty easily, her ability to snowball based off of 1 or 2 components of an item makes her a very dangerous opponent. You have 2 ways to go about dealing with Irelia. The first (and most reliable) option is to simply farm with your range, poke her as much as possible, and maybe look for a pick pre 6. The second option is to be very aggressive, sacrificing CS to output damage, and rely on your early snowballing. The main issue with the second option, is you're stunting your CS per minute and potentially throwing your early game based on your confidence in killing Irelia early on. Be aware that once Irelia hits 6, gets her Phage/Tiamat, she will be able to full combo you and kill you quite quickly.”
Gambinos says “Respect her level 2-3 as she gets her stun at level 2.
Wind wall her stun and ult, that's the perfect time to tornado ult her. She is very tanky early game but thing is, you're Yasuo, you out scale her late game. If she's building tanky, buy dusk.”
Sozzoh says “Irelia is surprisingly easier than you'd expect. Ult her out of her own ult, dodge her e's and constantly poke her. When she misses an E or her Q goes on cd, abuse that.”
undeadsoldiers says “I never had any problems with Irelia, pre or post rework, I will admit she is too OP and should be nerfed, but she isn't too bad on Swain in early game. Late game tho she is a monster.”
Witwickies says “You need to keep her at distance. If she will dash to you - you are probably dead. Just be cautious of her E, and make her lining phase hell. And never be near low-health minions.”
undeadsoldiers says “She has so much mobility, she's really bad for you. She can very easily burst you and you can't do anything about it. Wait for nerfs I guess xd.”
Itsyaboyorchid says “Farm safely in early laning phase with auto's + Q/W. Once you hit level 6 try to engage, however once Irelia hits level 6 + Phage item power spike avoid the 1v1.”
Eccentrik says “Ughhhh this champ is a pain in the eyes playing against her. Dash dash dash at level 1. Just switch lane with your top laner or if you're lucky, call for backup with your jungler.”
Kaeze Poulsen says “Her mobility is the srtongest counter to you, and she has a lot of ways to kill you and that's not as easy to predict as Zed.
You can't roam against her, because she will melt your turret. But you can take ghost or exhaust to outran her initiation.”
Cheddar Soup says “Busted right now, anyone that plays her can destroy. You can easily dodge her stun though, making her easy to kill early game. Make sure you wind wall her E and R.
asffg123 says “Although she can't cross your E, she can time her lunges to escape it. She also counters your damage with her shield. Additionally, she has an aggressive kit, so you will be losing laning phase.”
Smol Jelly says “Dangerous for the same reason Galio is. Her damage reduction can save her during your ult, she's got very strong wave clear, and she's got a very deceptively strong burst. If she's got four stacks, watch out, because she's about to go in on you.”
ShokLoL says “Irelia can't be killed but you should easily neutralize and outscale. You can W to immune her E stun, post 6 you can use W to reflect her ult. As long as you save E defensively and don't push the wave you should be fine. If you push too far up in the lane without CDs available she will run you down.”
ShokLoL says “Irelia has insane mobility and sustain which makes her very difficult to kill in the 1v1. Save your W defensively and use it to dodge her stun. If you can go relatively even in lane you should be far more useful in teamfights and skirmishes. Be careful post 6 if you use W to dodge stun she may look to engage with R while your W is on cooldown.”
Zattand says “Irelia es un enfrentamiento en el que necesitas jugar con mucha atención, ya que es un campeón con mucha capacidad de reventa una vez que consigue ventaja. Este duelo depende en gran parte de conseguir el control de la línea en las primeras fases, pues una vez que Irelia tiene ventaja, es muy difícil detenerla.
Consejos para enfrentar a Irelia:
Abusa de su debilidad de nivel 1:
Aprovecha el nivel 1 para intercambiar con ella si es posible. Intenta presionarla antes de que llegue al nivel 2, ya que a nivel 2 es mucho más peligrosa debido a su aumento de poder con su E (Bailarina de Espadas).
Si llegas a nivel 2 antes que ella, es el momento perfecto para intercambiar y asegurarte de que tengas la ventaja.
Usa Windwall (W) para evitar su E y controlar el ritmo:
Muro de Viento (W) es crucial en este enfrentamiento para evitar que Irelia te alcance con su E (Bailarina de Espadas). Si logras bloquear su E, evitarás que te haga un combo letal y aumentarás tus posibilidades de ganar el intercambio.
Si no puedes esquivarla con E a tiempo, asegúrate de bloquear la E con W para no ser 100-0 en un solo combo.
El control de los all-ins depende de tu Windwall:
Si juegas bien con W y aseguras bloquear su E, deberías ganar todos los intercambios a largo plazo. En un all-in, la clave es hacer que ella use su E y luego aprovechar que estarás libre de su daño de CC para castigarla.
Toma ventaja de los momentos en que su E no está disponible para presionarla aún más.
El duelo se vuelve más peligroso después del nivel 6:
A partir del nivel 6, Irelia se vuelve mucho más fuerte debido a su R (Danza de Espadas). Asegúrate de bloquear su R con tu Windwall si te intenta all-in, o usa tu E (Hoja Cortante) para evitar el impacto de su ultimate.
Ten en cuenta que el tiempo de recarga de su E es más corto que el de tu Windwall, por lo que tendrás que ser rápido y calculado al usarlo. Utiliza E para evitar algunas de sus E si no tienes Windwall disponible.
Prepárate para una pelea de estadísticas:
Irelia generalmente tiene una ventaja estadística en cuanto a daño y vida, por lo que incluso si usas bien Windwall para detener su E y R, necesitarás jugar con precaución. Mantén el control del ritmo de la pelea con buenos posicionamientos y gestión de habilidades.
En resumen, el enfrentamiento contra Irelia se basa en la gestión adecuada de tus habilidades, especialmente Windwall, y en aprovechar su debilidad temprana para crear una ventaja. El enfrentamiento es muy "snowball" por lo que cualquiera que tome la delantera suele dominar la línea.”
Chuleex says “irelia w as garen w makes your w e q combo useless, but you can bait out her abilities to look for an engage, once she has botrk she chan burst you insanely fast so beware, you want to play for your powerspike first and play with wave, without passive she is weaker and smilar to yasuo whitout minions she has less options to move”
Zeekar says “DO NOT let her Q to minions. If you are gonna engage on her, for the love of god dodge her E and do not do it when she is able to catch up to you via minions. If you avoid getting too low, you can kill her with jungler help. ”
ShokLoL says “Irelia is a very difficult matchup but if you play really well you can avoid dying. Try keep the wave frozen on your side of the lane whenever possible, and either E or just dodge her stun to avoid getting all-inned. Make sure to rush steelcaps for extra survivability, and go mortal reminder 3rd. Going down CS in lane is completely fine as long as you don't die.”
zolamalo says “Keep your distance and poke her with your E to prevent her from stacking her passive, and focus on wave management to deny her an easy engage. Stay behind minions to avoid her Q resets and be cautious of her all-in potential post-6.”
ShokLoL says “Irelia is one of the harder matchups 1v1 but you heavily outscale her in the teamfight. Keep the wave on your side whenever possible and hold your W defensively. I'd recommend either phase rush resolve or just playing grasp.”
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