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Blitzcrank Counter Stats

Blitzcrank Counters
Discover all champions who counter Blitzcrank. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Blitzcrank in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,563 Tips for countering Blitzcrank below

As a Support
48.54% Win Rate99% Pick Rate Blitzcrank As a Support Counters: 37 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Blitzcrank as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Kogami123 says “Early Game (Laning Phase) ✅ Gragas a l'avantage au début grâce à son poke avec Q et son sustain. ✅ Blitzcrank est une menace énorme avec son Q : si vous êtes attrapé, c’est souvent un all-in immédiat. ⚠ Évitez de rester trop près de Blitzcrank et faites attention à son Q - Grappin, un bon grab peut tourner un trade en sa faveur. ⚠ Soyez patient et ne vous exposez pas sans vision pour ne pas être attrapé par son grab. Mid-Game (Roaming et Skirmishes) ✅ Gragas peut roamer efficacement grâce à son E + R, alors que Blitzcrank reste souvent ancré à la lane. ✅ Si Blitzcrank rate son grab, vous avez un bon timing pour engager ou punir son ADC avec E + Q. ⚠ Le grab de Blitzcrank peut déstabiliser toute la fight, faites attention à la portée de son Q en skirmish. ⚠ Utilisez votre R pour désengager si Blitz engage mal, ou pour repousser un grab dangereux. Late-Game (Teamfights & Objectifs) ✅ Gragas est plus polyvalent et peut engager ou désengager avec son R, ce qui est très utile en teamfight. ✅ Si Blitzcrank rate son grab, il est extrêmement vulnérable, vous pouvez le punir rapidement. ⚠ Ne vous regroupez pas trop pour éviter un grab qui pourrait isoler votre ADC ou midlaner. ⚠ Le grab de Blitzcrank reste une menace même en late game, faites attention à sa portée et à sa vision.”
Gragas support tank/ingage by Kogami123 | Gragas Player
ShriekingMammoth says “Whilst Shen can combat fairly well against Blitz, this champion can still easily kill your ADC. Be ready to counteract hooks with taunts and block knock up punches with your W and you should do well. His R does destroy shields (R and P shields) so keep that in mind.”
Noob does a guide on Shen Support in Season 15 by ShriekingMammoth | Shen Player
Kirkwardo says “The rare matchup you are better off going Ward then Lens. Your constant threat of poke will force lane to under there tower where his grab will outrange your poke. Best to stand close to river and watch for gank and try to poke Bot. ”
Rumble Support for the perfectly sane by Kirkwardo | Rumble Player
FreljordFrog says “If a Blitzcrank knows how to land their hook (or you don't know how to dodge [like me]), your laning phase is going to be terrible. If Blitzcrank presses R, you have no way of using your shields or healing, and as a squishy you die instantly without said shields.”
The Ultimate Support (See Notes) by FreljordFrog | Lulu Player
Neiri says “If I had a second ban, I'd ban Blitz. Respect his CC. Ping your ADC back. This dude will snatch them. Your ADC will add you after game. Block their friend request.”
[14.24] 🎼 Sona Support by Neiri | Sona Player
TEMMA says “EVITE TOMAR O PUXÃO DO BLITZCRANK Jogar no max range do Q da Sona e de preferencia entre os minions Aplicar o slow quando ele tentar tomar utilizar o E em você em você ou no aliado ”
Luluka3 says “If he runs towards you Q and run! Try to dodge their q, you can rush boots against tank sups for easier dodge.”
Zileanaire says “Any hook champ is scary, but what makes blitz annoying is the silence on his ult. Use your minions as cover (or your ADC lol) and play smart. Punish or go all in when he misses hooks if you trust your carry. ”
Zileanaire - OTP In-Depth Guide by Zileanaire | Zilean Player
FlopQueenEra says “His hook hitbox is too big, you better side step it or X_X”
[S14] ELISE SUPPORT FULL GUIDE / The 8 legs lady by FlopQueenEra | Elise Player
JVS8 says “Playing against Blitzcrank can be challenging, as getting hooked usually leads to death unless you have Flash available. However, you can out-roam him and scale better in the late game. The key is to play safely, wait for opportunities, and rely on your jungle for assistance.”
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