As a Support 48.54% Win Rate99% Pick RateBlitzcrank As a Support Counters: 37 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Blitzcrank as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Kogami123 says “Early Game (Laning Phase)
✅ Gragas a l'avantage au début grâce à son poke avec Q et son sustain.
✅ Blitzcrank est une menace énorme avec son Q : si vous êtes attrapé, c’est souvent un all-in immédiat.
⚠ Évitez de rester trop près de Blitzcrank et faites attention à son Q - Grappin, un bon grab peut tourner un trade en sa faveur.
⚠ Soyez patient et ne vous exposez pas sans vision pour ne pas être attrapé par son grab.
Mid-Game (Roaming et Skirmishes)
✅ Gragas peut roamer efficacement grâce à son E + R, alors que Blitzcrank reste souvent ancré à la lane.
✅ Si Blitzcrank rate son grab, vous avez un bon timing pour engager ou punir son ADC avec E + Q.
⚠ Le grab de Blitzcrank peut déstabiliser toute la fight, faites attention à la portée de son Q en skirmish.
⚠ Utilisez votre R pour désengager si Blitz engage mal, ou pour repousser un grab dangereux.
Late-Game (Teamfights & Objectifs)
✅ Gragas est plus polyvalent et peut engager ou désengager avec son R, ce qui est très utile en teamfight.
✅ Si Blitzcrank rate son grab, il est extrêmement vulnérable, vous pouvez le punir rapidement.
⚠ Ne vous regroupez pas trop pour éviter un grab qui pourrait isoler votre ADC ou midlaner.
⚠ Le grab de Blitzcrank reste une menace même en late game, faites attention à sa portée et à sa vision.”
ShriekingMammoth says “Whilst Shen can combat fairly well against Blitz, this champion can still easily kill your ADC. Be ready to counteract hooks with taunts and block knock up punches with your W and you should do well. His R does destroy shields (R and P shields) so keep that in mind.”
Kirkwardo says “The rare matchup you are better off going Ward then Lens. Your constant threat of poke will force lane to under there tower where his grab will outrange your poke. Best to stand close to river and watch for gank and try to poke Bot. ”
FreljordFrog says “If a Blitzcrank knows how to land their hook (or you don't know how to dodge [like me]), your laning phase is going to be terrible. If Blitzcrank presses R, you have no way of using your shields or healing, and as a squishy you die instantly without said shields.”
Neiri says “If I had a second ban, I'd ban Blitz. Respect his CC. Ping your ADC back. This dude will snatch them. Your ADC will add you after game. Block their friend request.”
Jogar no max range do Q da Sona e de preferencia entre os minions
Aplicar o slow quando ele tentar tomar utilizar o E em você em você ou no aliado ”
Zileanaire says “Any hook champ is scary, but what makes blitz annoying is the silence on his ult. Use your minions as cover (or your ADC lol) and play smart. Punish or go all in when he misses hooks if you trust your carry. ”
JVS8 says “Playing against Blitzcrank can be challenging, as getting hooked usually leads to death unless you have Flash available. However, you can out-roam him and scale better in the late game. The key is to play safely, wait for opportunities, and rely on your jungle for assistance.”
IGMorgane says “A personal nightmare.
You can block the grab with a plant but the grab is very quick.
To achieve it, you have to put your seed as close to you as possible.
You also have to use your root, so if it's not working, you'r dead.
Well if you play against him : stay in your wave and zone him as much as you can, while staying safe.”
Pykings says “His hook is much more lethal than yours but he's useless when it's down.
Whoever gets the first few kills in laning will snowball the rest of the game. Consider rushing Edge if you can.
Make sure to notify your teammates to not die to a blitz invade or consider stacking to anticipate his invade. Be mindful that Blitz can blind hook so ward over walls when stacking.
You can intentionally get hooked by blitz lvl 1 if you guys are stronger. Once you get hooked it'll give you a free gap close to lvl 1 E onto their ADC. Don't try this after lvl 1 as your E will get interrupted by his knockup.”
BabyCuddlePunkin says “Skill matchup that you should generally win. Push 2, poke before he has pressure to hook. Poke so that he cannot hook without being punished. ”
The Stabbio says “He's pretty alright, just watch out for his Q's and you should be fine. Also, ward the bushes or spots where he could land a hook on you or your adc.”
Smaugyon says “his hook is insanely strong against you and will force you to respect him so you wont be able to stack super well. Also it makes roaming quite dangerous since he can hook you trough walls”
ZedAway says “his ult completely cancels out ur E shield, play around his hook, this whole champion is based on the hook, dont let him hit u or ur adc.
Aerenax says “Blitzcrank is one of the easiest matchups for you. If he pulls in your ADC, you follow with your Q. If he pulls you in, he screwed himself over as you are closer to him to lock him down or you get a better angle on his ADC.”
JVS8 says “Just flash his hook and play safe with your adc, just try to roam when necessary and just force plays on him when your jungler is around to help you guys.”
Arctic Arrow says “Blitzcrank is a major threat due to his ability to catch out champions with his Q (Rocket Grab). His strong engage potential can quickly turn the tide of a fight if he lands a hook on you or your ADC.
Play carefully to avoid getting caught by his hook and use your mobility to stay out of his grab range. Focus on dodging his skill shots and position yourself to capitalize on his missed hooks.
If he hooks your ADC, use your E to reposition them, but be ready to tank the hook if necessary. Try to engage when his hook is on cooldown or when he mispositions.”
BigodeOfLegends says “A good pull from Blitzcrank can result in a quick death for Senna, especially since she is fragile and relies on keeping her distance.”
xpwnz1337 says “ADC IQ TEST MATCHUP.
Only issue this matchup is does your ADC have a death wish.
Counterplay: Eat his hook, W+Q enemy ADC.
Instantly Q (or Q+flash ADC) his E auto so you will get knocked up both.
You can buffer all of his abilities.
Beware of his hook late game catch potential.”
LA COLORADA says “you beat the shit out of him if he hooks you lmao.
try to shove in after killing him or his adc, otherwise let the wave push to you to avoid any lucky hook that may get you into their tower.”
Abarame says “If you dodge Q, its actually not so bad. Their E and R are dangerous when used well but its all about positioning for this matchup. Respect their roams and NEVER ward alone if Blitz is missing.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “My best advice is to permaban him. His hook is way too much of a threat for you and ur adc since while you are using E you are inmobile and if he hooks your adc he gets oneshotted. Also the hooking over the walls is too much of a risk in general specially when your adcs dont usually respect blitzs”
StaQu says “Although janna is always strong no matter the meta she can be countered by hook supports pretty easly since she can't disengage against them. Another class of supports that she's gonna be struggling against are
ranged bullies a.k.a zyra, senna, brand, ashe”
Kxwal says “play behind minions, and abuse the ADC anytime he touches a minion or blitzcrank if he walks into your auto range. in team fights if your tank and he sucks lets him hook u into the enemy team and hit those 5 man r's”
Foxirion says “Blitzcrank's grab ability can be a major threat to Rakan, as getting caught by it can lead to instant death. Rakan needs to be careful when positioning around Blitzcrank and be ready to use his mobility to dodge hooks.”
1yanou says “Very rough. Laning phase isn't that hard as long as you stay in between minions, but if you don't have a huge lead as the game goes on you won't be able to enter the jungle etc. Will be extremely hard to get objectives or even just walk anywhere or ward if you fall behind. ”
Kenma5319 says “Im saying no need to ban Blitz but he bans EVERYGAME????
In theory if blitz hooks rengar. He can reach enemy adc. But after 6 Blitz ult breaks shields.
And last thing if you got hook, get ready to say bye to your flash”
Cyndakyu says “morgana is best against single target hookers, its free as long as you save your black shield for their hook and shield the right person - they only win if they outroam you, so be aware of the map and ping your laners!”
schizoslvt says “Blits may not be that big of a problem if your adc has a dash.But if it doesnt then u will have to mind control your Adc with danger pings so it stays back from him and if you get hooked and E immedietly be careful since most times his e animation goes off regardless of distance between you 2 and cancels your e leading to your death”
lulukhan says “his e can cancel your e. if you get hooked dont e right away use e when he has already used e on you. pretty even matchup if you play it right.”
MorePierogiVanya says “While it is certainly nice to not have to engage due to Blitz hook, you aren't Leona. You are very squishy without Aftershock so if one of you gets hooked...good luck. HOWEVER, you if time it right, you can cast your E before getting hooked and reactivate VERY quickly to counter the rest of his kit.
Basically: Liss E -> Blitz Q hits -> Liss spam E -> Liss is where her claw is at the time”
Razing42 says “Blitzcrank is generally going to be faster than you when it comes to making picks as both he and his hook are very fast, but you make up for it by being tankier and generating far more peel for your teammates.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Blitz's Q has a massive mana cost and CD early game, make sure to abuse it as soon as it goes down.
Keep his passive in mind, you might need to proc it and fall back before you can actually kill him.”
Jonasbaki1 says “He is just the hooker. When hooked, flash out of there and respect Blitz until flash is up again. Use speed up on ADC for them to dodge hooks easier, and run away from Blitz E. Stand behind minions”
Cyndakyu says “play behind minions, if he is above level 1 and has a teammate nearby, don't be greedy and hold your flash if you think the hook might hit, just flash the hook
its possible to peel someone that gets hooked, but a lot less likely if you get hooked”
NotAragami says “Depends on how often Blitzcrank hits his Q. If the Blitzcrank is good, he knows that his Q can go further than your E. Your W helps with juking. ”
Arcadia06 says “Eat hooks for ally, Q him before Eing away. if you both avoid hooks this champ is easy to deal with but if your ADC cant just eat the hooks.”
LotusKirna says “Blitzcrank is one of the best counter for yuumi, grabbing your ADC will usually lead to both of your death. Additionaly he is reallty tanky so poke won't make him back as often.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “He has a hook, and he's tanky. Super annoying for you and your adc. Bleh.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Sit behind the minion wave, he is useless if he can't get you. his knockup is a bit annoying but it is much better for you to get it than ADC.”
PVZfanatic says “Grabs you through a wall and molests you like dream with minors. Get popped instantly by his 2 teammates standing behind the wall with him. Hide behind minions, and make sure you have vision everywhere. He's hella fast so make sure you can reposition quickly.”
Xintero says “He was my permaban when I first started playing, but now he isn't much of a threat to me. If you stand behind minions and don't push too much, you'll be safe. Like Thresh, bait his pull and all in after.”
TheSkyLrd says “As long as you peel for your ADC, Blitzcrank will not be much of a problem. If your adc is about to be pulled by blitz use your E to go to them so you get pulled instead and W + auto Blitz and E back to your adc and to safety.”
quecck says “Sit behind the minion wave, he is useless if he can't get you. his knockup is a bit annoying but it is much better for you to get it than ADC.”
Aerenax says “Blitzcrank is a nice matchup to play. He either hooks you and you can start stacking your passive on him or his ADC or he hooks your ADC and you can jump towards him with Stand behind me and continue fighting them.”
ohsuko says “Blitzcrank is a pretty easy champ to put pressure on as Zyra, and if you're good at dodging he won't be a problem. Just depends on skill on both sides. Also keep in mind your plants can block his hook.”
Ryecheria says “Watch out for lv 1 invade. Poke out Blitzcrank early and punish him really hard when he misses his hook. You could look to deny the enemy carry CS for him missing hook. Care for his flash combos.”
Fenreee says “He should be in minor honestly but I'll put him in even purely because one mistake is all it takes for the lane to get sort of out of hand. If he flash E's you he loses if you and your ally focus the enemy ADC, but if he's ahead it will just lead to you getting oneshot usually. With that said, you really shouldn't get hooked by this guy. Prioritize good bush control on lane and poke well across the wave. Stand in your casters and Q into your melee minions then walk back after a single AA. If you shove a hook champion in then you will always have minions to hide behind.”
HumbleMundo says “Since he cant jump to you with his Q you can tank it just fine but since he does have a Knockup as well just keep you distance and try to poke him with Q's when he tries to engage to slow em down”
mazewalk says “If your teammate gets hooked - throw lantern to him. Hide behind minions and back off if they are low hp since he can try R>Q to kill minions quickly and hook you. Ward bushes, nothing much to say.”
TheBougis says “Blitzcranck is ok versus certain comps, but just doesn't have the damage output against you. Their cc chain is decent but on a somewhat long cooldown early - mid. Just remember that their ult breaks shields, so try to use your E after they ult.”
JezebelleXX says “Be wary of Flash + Q, Flash + R when you are R-ing. Keep lane bushes warded, his Q has about a 20 CD and is very easy to exploit but if you get hit by it, you will die. Celerity recommended. Aery and Comet both viable.”
confuzed says “Considering Rells mobility, you can easily engage a Blitz and block pulls, as well as boost your teammates mobility so they too can avoid the pulls.”
Shadowcrushers says “Blitzcrank is considered a counter to Soraka due to several factors that exploit her vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Here's a detailed explanation of why Blitzcrank has an advantage over Soraka:
Hard Crowd Control (CC): Blitzcrank possesses one of the most potent crowd control abilities in the game, his Rocket Grab (Q). This ability allows him to hook an enemy champion towards him, effectively pulling them out of position and potentially into the midst of his team. Soraka, on the other hand, is an immobile champion who heavily relies on positioning and staying at the backline to provide healing and support. Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab can catch Soraka off-guard, interrupting her healing and potentially leading to her demise.
Silence: Blitzcrank's Power Fist (E) applies a silence effect to his target, preventing them from casting abilities for a short duration. This is especially effective against Soraka, as she relies heavily on her abilities for healing and utility. By silencing Soraka, Blitzcrank can disrupt her healing abilities, rendering her unable to provide immediate support to her allies during critical moments.
Burst Damage: Blitzcrank is known for his high burst damage potential, particularly when he combines his abilities. By utilizing his Rocket Grab to pull Soraka towards him and following up with a Power Fist and Static Field (R), Blitzcrank can unleash a significant amount of damage in a short amount of time. Soraka's healing abilities are less effective when she's under heavy burst damage, making it difficult for her to keep herself and her teammates alive in a fight against Blitzcrank.
Zoning and Threat Presence: Blitzcrank's mere presence in the lane can create a sense of threat and zone control. Soraka relies on staying at a distance to heal her allies, but Blitzcrank's aggressive playstyle and the threat of his Rocket Grab make it risky for Soraka to position herself freely. This limits her ability to provide consistent healing and support to her teammates.
Punishing Mistakes: Soraka's squishiness and lack of mobility make her susceptible to punishment when she mispositions or gets caught out of position. Blitzcrank's ability to pull enemies towards him can catch Soraka off-guard and punish her mistakes, potentially leading to her death or forcing her to burn summoner spells.
Countering Soraka's Ultimate (Wish): Soraka's ultimate ability, Wish, provides a global heal to all allies, regardless of their location on the map. However, Blitzcrank's Static Field has an area-of-effect silence effect that can prevent Soraka from using her ultimate at critical moments. By silencing Soraka, Blitzcrank can deny her the opportunity to save her teammates from dangerous situations or turn the tide of team fights.
It's important to note that while Blitzcrank has advantages against Soraka, success in the matchup ultimately depends on player skill, teamwork, and overall game strategy. Good positioning, warding, and coordination with teammates can help Soraka mitigate some of Blitzcrank's threats and allow her to provide effective healing and support throughout the game.”
Apos says “Melee matchup, you can always Q him when he goes for relic stacks. I usually max W into him and use his hook as a free dash in for poke. I've seen a few good Blitz that go Everfrost. If that's the case I think the matchup can be even.”
Rebaulten says “Blitzcrank will often have a easier time hooking than Ahri landing charm. Eventually you will outscale and have more agency than Blitzcrank”
support_diff says “Blitzcrank has the best hook in the game, which makes him a really good support and Teemo's nightmare because he can hook you very easily as you don't have any leap or blink except flash”
jmp_01_ says “Blitzcrank is also one of the match-ups I didn't really play for quite some time. Although I can say that you have to play safe during laning phase and not get hit by his grab. Before level 6 he can't really do much since he has barely any damage. Take Aftershock.”
Lunar Empress says “If you get caught, you're dead. Consider your wig snatched. Ripped right off your head. Same thing if it happens to your ADC. Go Summon Aery to mitigate as much damage as possible if that happens. Blitz falls off heavily later so you win late game. Play it relatively safe until then.”
mazewalk says “Skill matchup but you'll get hooked a lot while E'eing to your team.
His hook has a really narrow hitbox, but cd is longer and mana cost is really high, so you can abuse that. You can provoke him to waste his hook by walking away from minions and hiding back or dashing to your ally.
Blitz Q = 20/19/18/17/16 sec.”
JWhizz says “Yuumi can struggle into hard engage supports, it can be hard to poke them out and your ADC may get pressured off CS. As her Qs do less damage to targets that are closer it can be hard to contest early levels.”
ATorSo says “ His hook is to be feared. You have no tool to help your adc nor yourself if it hits. Not much of a threat at late, but there will be no late.”
RobinValentine1 says “Blitz doesn't get on you like other engage supports so it is no where near as threatening. Just use the ball to zone him off or use W to mess up his aim.”
support_diff says “Blitzcrank has the best hook in the game. The range and speed is just insane. Don't get hooked or you will go back to spawn by Grey Screen Express.”
Yoshiking123 says “Shield Breaks, out-roams you, and can make mid to late game scary for you. You just gotta use your movespeed buffs to dodge his hooks.”
Lurs says “Try to bait his hooks and E out, even if you can't dodge with Guardian you should be tanky enough to stay. Consider swapping second wind into bone plating for the burst of armor and magic resist.”
Somoko says “You have low mobility and your only real defense is a stun (which the amount of times Blitz buffers through it- means nothing) and a shield (he explodes it.) I'd play someone else against him.”
itstsuk3 says “This is a good Permaban. Tenacity doesnt do shit to Knock Ups so Stacking it is Useless. Take Glacial, Build Iceborn and Pray for your Win Rate's sake because if your ADC doesnt have more than the usual 2 braincells the game is already over.”
Aerenax says “Blitzcrank is a pretty easy matchup. Look at it like this: when he hooks your carry, you can follow with your combo. When he hooks you, you are closer to his carry to combo him. Win-win situation.”
Wounds2 says “If he gets a good hook on you or your ad it can make the game hard. If he hooks you, you can spam your E on him so that you can instantly proc aftershock and try to mitigate as much damage as possible. Hit him with your ad and either disengage or all in, depending on the situation”
Cyclic says “Insanely difficult matchup, one of the hardest 2 in the game. Blitzcrank hook means instant death on you if you get hit and your ADC as well meaning if blitz can find one good hook angle in lane it's usually game over for you. Be careful of his flash hook and flash E combo to set up ganks and for early invades. Try to bully him level 1 and bait out a hook to get some damage in but otherwise this matchup is miserable. Would recommend banning or dodging”
ZharMeny says “As long as you play well(and your ADC takes Cleanse) this is very winable lane, and if you go even you have high chances to win the game. Once again you will outscale and be much more useful in team fights. Recommended Stance: Mounted”
xayahh says “grab and stun will be really annoying, cc heavy, but you outrange (for the most part). poke when you can, don't stop moving, once again you'll be relying on your jungler and adc for help if you start losing lane. short trades are important early game.”
bive says “mobi, have stun rdy until his hook is down then trade, max w, bait his hook with mobi boots passive, ur maxed skill will depend on the adc more, flash his flash”
ColdStuff says “Getting hooked by Blitzcrank is typically a death sentence in most contexts.
Later in the game, Blitzcrank can instantly break your Defiance shield with his ultimate, if he decides to flash in. ”
Toches says “If he lands good hooks and gets early tempo, you're in for a bad game.
If hooks don't come until lvl 3 / lvl 4, he cant hook if it doesn't also pull you under tower, or else you'll smack him into grey screen pretty reliably
can always make late-game scary though, as one misplaced teammate is a lost game if he gets a solid pick.”
iveye says “Blitzcrank is another hook champion but his hook mainly could spell death to targets he snatches no matter how tanky you could be. Your job to to be the barrier but also to not get hooked yourself by playing in minion waves. Him pulling you into him team and not having to get a little out of position like a Nautilus or Thresh hook means a hook tends to be a 99% chance of death or a terrible trade. Blitzcrank can miss all hooks but that one single hook that does land can throw your lane so don't ego a bad Blitz with 50/50 dodging hooks.”
mellorwastaken says “don't greed E and use it for dodging Q. If he grabs you its kinda over since his E cancels yours so just dont waste E randomly. If he grabs your adc most of the times you cant do much unless you are somehow ahead and you can look to kill his adc.”
Sorakas says “Rune: Unsealed Spellbook
Soraka struggles to sustain during the laning phase against Blitzcrank. If your ADC is hit by Blitzcrank’s Q in the early levels, Soraka’s heals likely won’t be enough to keep them alive, especially if the enemy builds anti-heal. The matchup becomes slightly easier once you have your ultimate, but even then, impeccable positioning is essential to avoid getting caught and to keep your ADC safe.”
DynHoyw says “Blitzcrank is the good ol' braindead one-button support. Similar to Morgana he'll play around his Q, always trying to find a window. You can try to juke his pull with your speedy E, or escape with Ghost + E (+ R if necessary), but that'd be a huge waste of resources, specially early on.”
GG Cannon says “The silence from his ult and the chain CC he can give alone paired with his teammates, depending on who they are, can mean that a single Q from him that hits you will almost always result in your death.
Try to stay out of reach and only fight when he misses. Always be aware of his position and how long has it been since he tried to hook.”
cyb3r1a says “Take guardian in runes. Hard to play vs because if he hooks you once you are usually dead. Play behind minions and only trade with max range Q's if he has his Q up. If he used his Q and missed you have a 20 second window to punish him and do extended trades with him with auto - Q - power chord.”
T1vladimir says “The most important ability is QTips yet costs a lot & has a long CD. If he misses, you can engage. Keep dashes or dodges whenever his QTips is available. Try to read his positioning & ward around to deny his QTips. After Lvl.6 he will definitely try to pull someone to RTips+ETips, so mind your position & only be aggressive when you have the upper hand.”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
gizemdeniz says “Since we can actually melt the tanks pretty well, BC shouldn't be a problem for us either. However, since we will mostly be playing with problematic ADcs, he can push us to corner pretty hard. It will be useful to be careful and protect our partner. We must be mindful not to be caught by CC, all the time.”
Arch Aspire says “You should have enough movement speed to dodge his hooks, and E to negate most of his attempts at engages. Time the flash+fear right as he tries to speed away and you can deliver him to your ADC for easy kill.”
Hijitori says “Every Blitzcrank on Aram is ultimately deadly! When he grabs you - you have no escapability, no dashes, no shields, no nothing. You won't probably even get time to use Q when he instantly E knocks-up you with his whole team around.”
Igirl45 says “Blitz is a hard matchup because when you try to engage he will pull you away from adc, he can also knock you up, his ult also removes your passive shield.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| I will be using this page as a general matchup guide for hook supports in lane. Blitzcrank specific information will be written near the end. Hook champions have two major limitations: 1. they are melee, and 2. they cannot hook through the wave. This means that they will be forced to play beside the wave and have trouble walking up to the wave without getting AA'd, and therefore will resort to playing around bushes as their main power-position. The main way we counter hook supports is by using our range-advantage to shove the minion wave, as this will create a minion advantage, which is tough to fire skillshots through, aswell as move the wave past the bushes and grant you bush-control. Lvl 1, your main objective is looking for ways to control the middle bush on the botlane, and try to shove for lvl 2. The main threat is going to be a hook, and therefore i recommend starting Q, and lining your Q in such a path that you're essentially creating a tripwire that the enemy ADC cannot pass through to follow the hook. If you get to the wave first, or the hook support is simply bad at pressuring the lvl 1, you can also use Q to waveclear. At lvl 6, watch out for Blitzcranks R. Assume he will use it in his hook sandwich, and stay out of the radius so you can shield your ADC when they get hooked. Use your R to block followup from the ADC or jungler, and hold it a bit if you're not in danger, as you can use it to heal your ADC and very often turn the fight.”
Roltu says “Quizás el único grappler que si te hará las cosas difíciles en fase de líneas, y con el reciente rework que ha recibido más su habilidad de quitar escudos con su R.
A practicas cuentas, es un duelo de skillmatch entre ganchos, eso sí, ten cuidado con él, si te agarra, es probable que no sobrevivas.”
ssricky says “You can dodge his hook with your E. With the new rework to Blitz, he does a lot more damage so you'll be chunked a lot if you do get hooked. He can also R your shieldbow shield.”
zotet says “Blitz crank is extremely similar to Nautilus, Pyke and Thresh in the sense that he can pull you in and make it harder to stay alive. He is a very tanky unit and can get high damage on you even without an ADC. Beware of his location and don't let him sneak up on you.”
L9NunuChillump says “Blitzcrank has a lot of CC to keep you from ulting and snowballing, you want to angle your snowball to hit them even if he hooks you by starting further back and pointing towards them and hoping the momentum pushes it into them”
aarkie says “You are completely counted by a good Blitzcrank, as you are incredibly squishy (unless using tank runes and building tank), and you are practically useless up close.”
AASDHFV says “Blitz is known to all as being a cancer champ. When you or your adc get grabbed, try to double bomb as quicly as you can the enemy adc. This way you will prevent the enemy adc from attacking you and will be able to survive. If Blitz misses his hook, you have a very large window to abuse him so take advantage of it.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “During laning phase, Blitzcrank can be a problem as being pulled away from where you believe to be safe can be an issue, however as long as you stop the enemy ADC from dealing damage, you should be fairly safe.”
Roaming star by ARealFakeIdentity | Aurelion Sol Player
Sellorio says “Don't push up. You don't have any tools to surive if he decides to walk into the minion wave to E + Q you and you don't have the mobility to avoid him.”
Ablano says “i hate him so much, unlike nautilus, the guy can get you from afar and even behind terrains, i would say hide behind minions and do not try to get him from bushed, once he gets you, do not even think of using flash, you are dead XD ”
OakuMarai says “Take Celerity as one of your runes. and consider swiftness boots. Stay behind minions and treat every bush that's unwarded as if he's there. If he can't land a hook he's uselless.
If it looks like he'll reach level 2 before you immediately back off from the minions and ping for your ADC to do the same, better to give him wave control than to die to him.”
DynHoyw says “Blitz is just... Blitz. No need for a long explanation. His Q is a death-grab depending on the situation and though it can be somewhat countered by Lulu's polymorph, Blitzcrank has Air Throw, Grab Pull & Silence. just try and stay behind minions.”
PykEugeo says “Pay attention to his q, able to grab you and drag you to unpleasant places where u can be killed xD, wait to use your e since blitz immediately after his q will use the e
I suggest u to ban him always...
Navn says “This lane ends up pretty interesting, because you can E whoever he tries to pull and displace yourself or your team mate and negate his pull. But there's a lot of timing involved here.”
Frank Morborrigan says “CC Chain may be annoying but try to bodyblock for the carry if there arent any minions nearby because you may survive his wombo combo but your carry certainly wont”
orangeGolem2 says “This is a skill matchup, blitz can peel you off his ADC/APC and combined with a high damage ADC/APC, your health bar will melt very quickly especially as an assassin with a support budget.”
aRhesty says “A good blitz will make you remember you have low base HP and no mobility. Has the greatest chance to ruin your game if you aren't on top. However, late game you should have enough movespeed to dodge his hook, and he hasn't been very good for a while.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Blitzcrank may try to steal or delay your Junglers first buff. A ward in the river at 1:25 is a good way of knowing if he’s going to Hook Rocket Grab(Q) it or not. If he shows on the ward, make sure the monster is pulled outwards so he cannot easily land his Q. If you’re without Flash or a dash, do not put yourself in unnecessary danger. Avoid pushing, playing too far forward or playing overly aggressive when Blitzcrank’s Q is up.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Blitzcrank may try to steal or delay your Junglers first buff. A ward in the river at 1:25 is a good way of knowing if he’s going to Hook Rocket Grab(Q) it or not. If he shows on the ward, make sure the monster is pulled outwards so he cannot easily land his Q. If you’re without Flash or a dash, do not put yourself in unnecessary danger. Avoid pushing, playing too far forward or playing overly aggressive when Blitzcrank’s Q is up.”
M4DN355 says “As long as you or your ADC don't get hit by Blitzcrank's Q, laning phase should be easy, although Blitzcrank's E can completely negate Pyke's escape and engage, but can be played around if played well. Later on, Blitzcrank's R can stop Pyke from using his abilities for a moment and can cancel his Q charge if he's too close, so make sure to stay far away from him and focus on his allies in teamfights.”
KeetChem197 says “Blitz is just a hard lane in general because his hook is so fast. Even if you dodge it, he may hit your carry. Also, his R deletes your shield”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Blitzcrank may try to steal or delay your Junglers first buff. A ward in the river at 1:25 is a good way of knowing if he’s going to Hook Rocket Grab(Q) it or not. If he shows on the ward, make sure the monster is pulled outwards so he cannot easily land his Q. If you’re without Flash or a dash, do not put yourself in unnecessary danger. Avoid pushing, playing too far forward or playing overly aggressive when Blitzcrank’s Q is up.”
DamselOfDistress says “If a hook support lands their CC, you die. If they miss their CC, they are useless. Abuse this by playing around minions and baiting out their CDs.”
Xyotos says “Its hard to play against him because of his Q E nad R combo, but after zhonya you can go R Zhonya instantly after he grabs you and u should be fine.”
RVanisHed says “Its not THAT extreme. im putting him there, just to make sure you will read note. So. DO NOT TRY TO BLOCK HIS GRAB WITH YOUR Q, ITS FASTER THAN YOUR PLACEMENT TIME. So just sit behind creeps or behind already placed turrets, and dont try to "style" on him”
urazevirgen says “If he hits his "Q" before you open your "E" you re in danger. His "Q" range is really high and lands fast, so your reflexes should be really quick”
Smebbo says “You dont really mind getting hooked by Blitz, but I recommend running Aftershock.
Remember he can cheese your team level 1 and ward safely. Maybe stack- your level 1 Crash down onto 5 is strong.”
ShoDesu says “If you get hooked in lane by Blitz with no flash you die. Have to play super safe in lane. You need to punish Blitz when he misses his hook.”
Jageiko says “Blitzcrank can and will likely mess you up. Thing is, your pathing to stun is pretty easy to read, and he can cancel your E both with Q and E, and later he can silence you at the wrong timing with his R.
You need to play safe and go in only if his Q is down. If your ADC can dodge his Q, you probably wont give any kills either, farm, roam, just care about invade and facechecks.”
ADDikt8 says “Blitzcrank is one of Nami's biggest threats. You cannot block Blitzcrank's hook in anyway leaving your ADC in a very difficult position to lane. Lose lane gracefully and hope you outscale.”
CynicalSora says “Blitzcrank will try and target you with his hook. If you are not confident in dodging skill shots start Relic Shield to reduce getting caught out and consider Boots of Swiftness. If he hooks your ADC; E > Q > [Rejuvenation] > W (> R if needed)”
babyyspace says “Blitz is a massive threat due to his E causing knock up when he attacks you in anyway and also due to being able to hook over walls. Always wait for them to use there hook before attempting to procc shield. Take E first against any champ with a hook they most often than not will get your ADC low before lvl 2, this gives you the sustain needed. ”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Usually if you play vertically in lane, Blitzcrank hooking you means you get a flash or more from the enemy bot lane. Sit on top of your ADC unmounted and you can W at him if he or his ADC walks up too far. Otherwise just be aware of potential roam timers, and outscale him.”
AbsoluteJustice says “If you get hooked you are dead. Thankfully you have long range, high movespeed, and no need to be up past minions, but it's still inconvenient to have to give him so much space. ”
OffWasTaken says “Teemo struggles against heavy engage tanky supports. Play around your minions, and blind him when he is about to hook to deny the cc chain.
CALSHARKY says “This depends on the support you have and if they can help zone blitz back. Entirely depends on whether or not you can sidestep his grabs. But the threat is major for this reason.”
WhoYouLookingAt says “Blitzcrank is one of champions that doesn't really have any counter picks. If you are plying against a blitzcrank I would recommend going into Liandry's rather than Luden's and investing in a bit more health objetcs than usual.”
Lonewolff55 says “I put this as even due to the fact that you can just stand behind minions and avoid his hook. But it relies on you actually being able to position well, otherwise....he wins.”
FrostedSpark says “Annoying engage champ. If he pulls you then you have to full combo w/ stun to get out. As long as your ADC can watch your back and cover whilst you run you should be fine.”
Tom3kk says “If he hits you with his Q you are dead, if he uses his ult when you aren't attached (or flying to someone) you are probably dead, if you enter his AA range you are dead.
CC machine.”
PR0M3T3O says “Only dangerous if he lands his grab,
Lots of CC on a tanky build having also damage.
Play the same way you play against Nautilus, avoid the grab and punish him with AA + Q + W + AA + AA”
AbyssaLegend says “Same thing as Alistar, the only difference is that Blitzcrank isolates the ADC by grabbing and knocking him up while the enemy ADC kill's him or while they are under tower. Dodge Blitz's grabs or ban him (he is annoying af)”
LuckyTigerRAW says “(Support) You don't choose when you fight this, he does. Play safe behind minions and dont get hooked. Wait until he gets impatient and fights you, then get him to E your adc, then W the adc to stop their dmg and kill them or run away. Watch out for his R, it will murder your hopes and dreams.”
Tqnshi says “You can play around him (AA when he hits minions) but ALWAYS keep in mind of your positioning. He can hook you while you're dashing to your ADC.”
EdBoi says “Don't get hooked. As an off-brand support, you flat out cannot survive most cases of you getting hooked. Similar to Malphite, you don't want to aim directly at him, rather you want to ult his allies that are reacting to him hooking one of your teamates.”
Challenger Project says “Who hook first - wins. After he builds mobi boots inform your midlane everytime he goes missing. It's best to start fight every time in mid/lategame so he does not have a time for game winning hook onto your ADC.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “With fast reaction times and management of box CDs you can basically give anyone a morgana shield since you can make blitz hook your box instead of the intended target.
If you Q immediately as you a split second before you get hooked, this will cancel the pull.
Blocking a blitz hook basically turns him into a creep so this gives you a window of opportunity or grace.”
chedlol says “If enemy has a Blitzcrank you should always be looking to tank the hook, you simply cannot get bursted down in his CC duration if your team is around unless you are insanely far behind, you W onto the nearest carry to him as soon as possible and heal back a lot of damage, and then just play the teamfight from there.”
anniesniffer69 says “this golden can can take your mommies with his Q, if he misses Q then land hook on him and punish him for even trying to touch your mommy.”
rocco521 says “Blitz isnt that scary but if you know your gonna get hooked try to block before he can chain cc onto you and you get chunked. Dont be scared to tank the hook for you're adc you should win nearly every trade.”
Renascor says “Blitz is another example of someone who can get tanky and cancel our dash. His Ult also cancels our Q channel if we are to close. Play ranged and look to hit Q first.”
Rissen says “His Q cooldown is long, so create a window with your gap closer [W] to punish for his lack of engage. And try to all in with [R] and [W] when he has used all his engage tools.”
Demonsedge90 says “The only real issue with him is timing your movements around his q. Using e into him gives him access to the same plays he could do if he used q, so pay attention closely when you engage with him.”
mikixmoris says “It's Blits, not a lot to say here. If you get grabbed prepare to E away with no HP and make sure to have a vision in bushes. Without his Q his not that big of a deal.”
Cordiall says “Blitz isn't too big of a deal, but you definitely need to respect what he can do. He won't want to hook you most of the time, so W-ing in front of your ADC to tank the hook can be a great way to engage a fight that they're not ready for. However, it's just as easy for him to hook your ADC right out from under you and kill them before you can even react. Tread lightly and you should win in theory, though.”
Brizz Valentine1 says “
Take guardian and stay behind minions is crucial, you will probably play weak side. If you get caught in a lot of trouble you will most likely end up on gray screen base. Positioning and dodging his Q is the most important thing in this match”
nedxo says “he pulls you, you're dead, not really a threat if you are a skillful dodger, once he has used Q, he cannot use it again for 20sec (EARLY game) in this period you can ABUSE him HARD”
Eu como Miilena says “Você não pode deixar Blitz confortável na lane se não ele vai tomar controle dela, de poke nele o máximo possível sempre tomando cuidado para não levar o puxão dele porque se levar as chances de morrer são muito altas. Sempre fique atrás de minions e fique atento a wave para saber quando é hora de recuar, é sempre bom usar seu R+E caso necessário para voltar para a torre. Quanto mais você pokear ele mais vantagem sobre o bot inimigo você terá até o ponto que mesmo se ele puxar você a vitória estará ao seu favor. ”
KeisariKarma says “This lane requires extreme skill at positioning, any wrong step you will die from a single hook since you are squishy. His ult also counters your shields, by destroying them.”
SunnySneezer says “As long as you dodge his hook you are MOSTLY okay but he can match your W mobility with his W mobility and stun you regardless. Your dmg is mostly meaningless against him and don't think of stopping to press your double E or you will get hooked.❌ 𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙋𝙇𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙇𝙔 𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙𝙨 ❌so his team can also deal dmg.”
Ionia King says “If you avoid his Q there's not much he can do to you. He's an early game snowball champ. You can also E to your teammate as he hooks them, making him grab you, and you can either W out or E back to your teammates. You can also use blitzcrank as a free engage, if he goes to Q you, pop R before it lands, he'll charm himself preventing his knockup, and you can W into his backline and charm everyone, then E to safety.”
DtNikk says “Against blitzcrank, most you can do in most situations is just standing behind minions with a safe distance between you too, in case he goes for a Flash E play. I recommend aery in this matchup because of the shield it allows you to give to players who have been hooked from a safe distance. Both Spellthieves and Relic shield are good in this case but i prefeer Relic Shield. Get E at lvl 2 to block Q>E combos. ”
hampenguin says “In an ideal scenario you get hooked on 4 stacks so you E the blitz combo then jump the ADC, but what you have to be careful of is letting your ADC get hooked because you probably won't win at all if it happens”
Firemagnet390 says “Lux lacks mobility, so hook champions are dangerous for her to lane into if she isn't aware of her surroundings or the CD's of said champions.”
AvengingAvacyn says “Blitzcrank is annoying because he can pull you to him from a distance. While Rell likes to be up in enemy faces to stun them, this is really bad for Rell if her abilities aren't ready yet. Without your power to stun them, you might be a sitting duck.”
EzekielSalad69 says “easily hooks you out of your snowball
all of the stuns aren't very efficient vs Nunu tank ”
NUNU Sup S12 by EzekielSalad69 | Nunu & Willump Player
TheFoolhardy says “Blitz is a fun match-up IMO, if he pulls you, you can pull yourself back with your Q (if you're near a wall) and he doesn't do much damage if he's doing a tanky build.”
Nozul says “Se ele te puxar, você praticamente morre. Sempre se posicione bem atrás dos minions e só tente dar poke quando você tiver a certeza de que não há brechas para que você possa ser pego. O Q dele tem um cooldown bem alto nos níveis iniciais, você pode aproveitar disso e tentar dar poke um pouco mais.”
RatKing666 says “Not awful on his own, or really even awful early game, but if he lands his Rocket Grab you can basically kiss your life goodbye, however if he misses you have a 20 second window to ruin his day.”
TheBlueImperial says “Blitzcrank is an incredibly strong pick support, the issue is if he ends up dragging you into his carry or team they will die for it. Stand between your carry and Blitzcrank because if he pulls you his carry is in danger.”
Akali187 says “Blitz is very strong against Akali. Do not get hooked use minions and your own allies to protect your self from his hook. Watch for his knock up when you try to assassinate the ADC as it can turn the fight in their favour. ”
beefyylol says “Blitzcrank can be quite problematic for Bard if you or your ADC cannot dodge his hook. He is also very good at punishing your roams and can zone your ADC extremely effectively. However, if you are confident in your movement this matchup is not the worst.”
PumpkinMatters says “Se o Blitão acertar o puxão em você, ele e o adc estão mortos. Dá pra usar de muita agressividade nessa rota, mas CUIDADO quando ele estiver debaixo da torre, porque você não quer tomar CC nessa situação”
pHreekaz says “Blitz will only be hard until you have your Zhonya's after that you just go in with your ulti an destroy him. And maybe even bait a grap only to be closer to him to unleash your R”
teaa says “É um saco jogar contra blitzcrank, ele não toma dano direito, e se você tomar um hook dele, com certeza vai morrer.
Tente ficar sempre atrás dos minions pra ele não te hookar.
Dê o máximo de poke que conseguir no ADC, pra ele não conseguir te finalizar caso seja hookado.”
PumpkinMatters says “If he pulls you, they're dead. You can be very aggressive in this lane, but WATCH OUT whenever he's under tower, because you don't want him to Q you there”
bive says “If you are blue team leashing the jungler, blitz can ward over the dragon wall and hook you or adc forcing a flash. Tell your jungler to start top side or avoid the dragon wall. If you avoid dragon wall then you should do a quick leash till 1:45. A hook will make you lose the trade or die. He also outroams you. Punish him when he misses hook. tank hook for adc if 2v2 and blitz is too close to dodge with nami passive and focus adc”
TheAngryJacket says “If you get pulled it almost always spells death, try stunning the adc and e'ing yourself after blitz knocks you up to make a getaway”
Harry132 says “Hook champs are very hard to deal with early with this build
What you can do to play around this is play around the wave and be on the opposite side of him”
The Wands says “it doesn't pose such a significant threat to you but to your adcarry it is possibly one of the most frightening ones he can fear, be careful positioning in the lane, try to stay on the opposite side.”
Winter Nicole says “Blitzcrank: His Q to grab you is annoying because when he grabs you and than W you, you can't do anything and when they get your adc, they get one shot and you couldn't do anything. (Recommend playing it safe with your adc and try to stun them and ult them when they grab your adc so you can deal damage while you heal your adc and let you and your adc deal good damage on them If you guys work together)”
SirCaptFair says “you can dodge his q easily with e or w. you can also press r right before he q's you. don't tank the blitz q unless your ADC has no flash. it's not your job to help them dodge abilities.”
pastelzia says “Blitzcrank is a pretty hard counter for Yuumi in lane because of his hook ability, Rocket Grab for the most part. This ability can catch Yuumi during You and Me! animation, refreshing the cooldown, as well as when Yuumi is detached from You and Me! also refreshing the cooldown. Blitzcrank also has his ultimate, Static Field, which silences, refreshing You and Me! cooldown and shredding all shields, countering Bop 'n' Block and Summon Aery. Blitzcrank's Power Fist is a point and click basic attack that knocks up enemies, refreshing You and Me! cooldown too. In general, blitzcrank is a huge threat, having 3 ways to counter Yuumi's kit.”
revu says “[ROAMING SUPPORT]
This matchup difficuly depends on how well you can dodge his Q, which is pretty predictable usually. Be ready to burn your flash before Q hits you and not after. If he grabs your adc, Q enemy adc for a disengage. If laning is no hope, leave your adc and look for roams”
Discord231 says “El terror de los adc, debes jugar muy atento a su Q, la cual no tiene una animación que te permita esquivarla fácil, asi que a menos que tengas un adc de early que pueda responder fácil a algún error tuyo, no juegues con Filo de Roba Hechizos, así no te le debes poner a melee. Una vez acabada la fase de líneas, el se volverá inútil, mas si no lleva Solari, si tu adc tiene mal early juega a la defensiva, que luego tu serás un monstruo en su contra.”
M Le Maudit says “Dodge his A or you will be in a bad position. He has long CD just try to bait them and you can engage, or you let him enage by forcing his A and if he's close to you just focus the adc and you will win the 2v2.”
itsElJefe says “Blitz is a problem. He has a grab, a silence, and if we manage to somehow escape that he can W and run us down. I usually ban Blitz and have my ADC ban Naut. Play far back, 80-100% of max Q range, and behind your wave. If you are grabbed, you are dead.”
Luminescape says “Play safe all of laning, stand behind minions and poke. If you are not confident run relic shield for more safety. Build boots first”
alloposid says “If you get cranked, you die. He either instantly stuns you or silences you, meaning you can't use your Black Shield. You need to stay behind minions (meaning you can't use your Dark Binding) or predict his hook and use Black Shield early.”
Ms_Clair says “Blitz and other hook champs are struggle because of the pressure they apply on you. At any point if you do not position well, you or your adc risks getting pulled into the enemy team which is hard to escape from. Janna's early shielding and peel does little when so close into the enemy.”
GuanaTv says “Por conta do seu potencial de abate ser muito poderoso, é difícil pra Thresh obter vantagem contra Blitzcranck.
(Because their kill potential is so powerful, it's hard for Thresh to gain an advantage against Blitzcranck.)”
unhben says “Blitzcrank is going to make it harder to play around the lane especially since you want to control the bushes in lane.
Just play around minions and try not to fight too hard against him. Maybe roam and hope he tries to match and loses XP.”
beeinthefranxx says “I spiritually ban this mf every game. Extremely annoying and tilting to play against. Unless youre a master at dodging thos fast asf blitz q's then i would ban him.”
Gobomo says “I may get a little bit of dissent by putting Blitzcrank in even, but he's honestly not that hard of a matchup. It's very skill based, as he's pretty much nothing if he doesn't have hook up. At level 1, try to juke his hook or otherwise stay behind minions, and immediately go in to Q-Auto. You can do this twice before he gets it back up - your Q is on an 11 second cooldown, while his is on a 20 second cooldown. Levels 2 and 3 aren't much different unless you're unfortunate enough to get hooked, as all they really do is give him a bit of speed to catch you off guard and get a knock up to follow up on his hook. He's vulnerable without his abilities up, so take advantage of that. He'll likely roam to gank a lot, so you want to gank more effectively by using your chimes and portals.”
neuroplasticity says “
The cheesiest of all hook supports and one of the most unpleasent matchups for Nami as one successful hook usually equals death.
You can look to bubble the Blitzcrank if they are running straight at you but more often than not you're better off using E to speed yourself/your teammate due to Aqua Prisons cast time locking you in place.
Do yourself a favour and flash the hook if you know it will hit. It hurts my eyes seeing players get hooked and flashing out afterwards with just a sliver of health left. Just flash the hook and preserve your HP.
He does have steep mana costs and a low mana pool so a missed hook punishes Blitz just as much as you getting hit. His hook also has a 20 second cooldown early on so make sure you step up and punish them for missing it.
Rushing boots usually is the best way to deal with Blitzcrank. Also, ward the river so your team can spot roams early.
You do outscale Blitzcrank heavily so if you manage to make it through lane unharmed you're usually in a good spot as long as you keep track of Blitz later on so he cannot find easy picks from Fog of War.
Terroronyou says “Hard Engage is very difficult for Senna. Your best bet is to harrass FROM LEVEL 1. Before they get their full engage online (lv2/3).
Whenever Blitz's Hook is on cooldown (~15-20s cooldown). Go in and harass as much as you can!”
Mooncurve says “Kinda a Thresh counter. Dodge his :) you auto win, but if your adc doesn't than it's impossible, sorry, lantern the dude out immediately. Whoever missing hook will lose the pressure in lane so care.”
BlakeXStrider says “Trying to zone against a Blitz is very hard, as he will hook you either under the enemy tower, or into their wave. If you do manage to dodge his hook though, you may want to go in. If Blitz has his ult, he will be problematic since you cant do much damage without being in range of his ult. If you find yourself against a Blitzcrank, be prepared to dodge either his hook or the game.”
gweh says “You gotta be careful with your Ws against him as his E and Q cancel, he also has a shield break with his R. Control bushes, abuse minion wave, dont be afraid to play double northside if you have to”
Dotje says “You really have to learn to dodge/position. Damage him when his hook is on cooldown. Especially early Blitz is squishy and you could just engage on him. If your ad gets caught you should try to Q their adc, they'll be often move predictable towards the hooked enemy. Finish it off with a W and E on your adc for the movement speed and pray he still lives. Tip: vs engage champions it's often good to get early boots”
Mr buckets says “Playing against blitz can be super tough if you get hooked you will die unless u have flash up, you do however out roam him and outscale him so just hang in there and play safe and wait for jungle to help you guys out. ”
eiensiei says “Poke as much as you can early and whenever he misses his hook, because that's a 20 second window where he can't do anything. Stay behind minions to avoid his Q.”
Doglightning says “Run nimbus cloak with barrier to escape after being hooked or guardian. Make sure you are always behind your minions. Hes actually not too bad 2v2 but if he gets ganks you will die every time. Also if he starts to snowball you are screwed!”
Twisted Tea Fate says “If you dodge his hook, you win the trade, just walk back when he tries to use E. If your ADC gets hooked, try to immediately gold card the enemy carry to even out the trade.”
Terroronyou says “Easy lane as long as nobody gets hooked. If you fall behind early Blitz can snowball very hard. But poking him early will force him to roam later in laning phase”
Mystral says “Try to stay behind minions, NEVER behind or ahead your ADC. I have experienced too many times being grabbed because I was staying behind my ADC and he dodged the grab that hit me. Can be a cancer playing against him, be careful.”
PicklePantsLOL says “Always keep the wave near your tower as it will prevent him from all-in'ing you and it will also allow you to farm peacefully in the lane. As long as you avoid his Q, you will have an upper-hand in this lane.
Blitzcrank poses no threat to you once his Q has been used up and is on cooldown. It has a long cooldown early on so use the window to harass him and his lane partner. Every Q missed by him is an opportunity for you to get a lead on him.
Blitzcrank will most of the time require two all-ins to be killed. This is because of his Passive Shield has to be broken first. He will definitely try to bait you in with this so avoid over-extending while all-in'ing him and only continue with the all-in if you have a number and health advantage on him.
In team fights, Blitzcrank will look to separate a target from the enemy team by using his Q, and then killing that target with his team. Keep the blind spots over walls warded and protect your main carry at all cost or else that one Q might lose you the game.”
Doglightning says “take barrier. 2v2 not that bad just poke but any jungle gank will be your death. Later on you have to be careful where you ult because ha can wait to hook when you tele back to the original location. Banshee's is a decent item vs him if enemy team has ap.”
Aerenax says “Blitzcrank is one of the easiest matchups for you. If he pulls in your ADC, you follow with your E. If he pulls you in, you can decide to dash out with your E or look for an engage with your W and R. Play around Blitzcranks Q and his R and you shouldn’t face too many problems.”
eiensiei says “Poke as much as you can early and whenever he misses his hook, because that's a 20 second window where he can't do anything. Stay behind minions to avoid his Q. Relic match-up.”
LimTheDestructor says “Don't let Blitzcrank grab your adc but remember that your adcs often have dashes ready so you don't have to stand in front of them in all cases. The best situation for your engage is when Blitzcrank's grab is on cooldown. Usually you should focus his adc - Blitzcrank doesn't provide him much protection.”
warmfishu says “Stand behind minions and don't get hooked. If he runs up to you for Power Fist (E), be sure you can attach to an ally before he catches you. He is less likely to run up if he is low health, so keep poking.”
iKonek says “Blitzcrank may be obnoxious person to lane against, but as long as you're mindful of when you can and cannot engage you will have no trouble. Try to punish missed hooks, and if you get hooked use this lack of follow up on his part to counter-engage.”
freddy66623 says “Warning! Warning! If Blitz grabs you while you're trying to get your passive to proc you will die.
Get good at dodging skillshots with your W”
Rasta Da Masta says “If at all possible, just ban this bot! Sieging against him is difficult if he has his grab off cooldown. If you get hooked, you are most likely dead.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Play behind minions and throw a lantern to your ADC if he is running towards your ADC to throw a hook or if your ADC does get hooked, you can throw a lantern to save them. Play more aggressive once Blitzcrank uses his hook. SOMETIMES it's OK for you to get hooked and flay once you are beside their ADC and lantern your ADC in to get the kill.”
lin00 says “Hooker showdown. Since Blitz's hook has no wind-up time. He can easily hand a hook on Thresh while Thresh is channelling his Q. If you do get hooked, use Flay for Aftershock for extra defensive stats.”
Korippo says “I would personally just not even play Yuumi into this matchup. I have won against him before but only against very new Blitzcranks; a half decent one will be a nightmare and you will be under tower all game. This is a good ban choice as well, if you don't properly ward bushes it is pretty much impossible to do anything in lane. Also, be aware of the beginning of the game to NOT stand near the dragon pit or entrance bushes; it is a common Blitzcrank cheese strat to pull someone through the wall to kill them.”
Flackojodye says “Blitz is a trash champ rn unless your team is distracted looking at their phones or w/e. Same as thresh, try to hide behind plants if you dont have minions to block his rocket grab.”
Distinger says “Pre 6 dodge his Q and you'll be fine. If he lands it wait till he knocks you up before using E to escape.
Post 6 if he lands a hook on you, you're probably going to die, since he will silence you with R.
Best to take Aftershock.”
ThisGuyPaco says “Pyke, Blitzcrank and Thresh can be scary if they focus you. If they hook your ADC you can use your full combo on them and mostly win the fight, if they hook you and burst you a fight mostly is lost if your adc plays it bad”
Arcurath says “If you get hit by hook early on you are usually dead if he ignites you and enemy adc focus you.
Later on he can be even more annoying due to his R silencing you, so if you or teammate get hooked then in silence range you cant ult in time.”
Hanjaro says “Much like most enchanters, Janna is squishy, so an all-in hook lane can be scary. Fortunately they rely on hitting their hooks, and they're always melee! Watch your positioning, one misstep can certainly end up in death.
Blitz isn't very tanky compared to something like Nautilus, and your movement speed is higher, so you can dodge, and outrun him, easier.”
0Banda says “ Blitzcrank highly depends on his Q but dont bother with this, whenever he throws he's hook to you dodge it whit your E, or W if your ADC is not close to you
Just build and play as usual, but remember saving your W cooldown in order to dodge Blitzcrank's hook.
When engaging, focus the enemy ADC and ignore him completely”
SlippStream says “He's capable of giving you a rough time, just like Thresh and Nautilus. Flash is your only realistic way to escape him, so play as passive as possible.”
Hanjaro says “Like other immobile, squishy mages, Xerath is no exception to being scared of hook champions. Dodge their abilities, and try to abuse your long range. Only go for engages when their abilities are on CD. Blitz is squisher than most, so you can poke him down easier.”
Luiscencias says “Well here's yet another pull and delete support. You only have 1 ban and I promise you no matter which pull champ you ban if someone wants to pick a pull champ into you they will. Better practice your skillshot dodging. Seriously, if he pulls you and you don't have flash, you are dead. You could play perfectly for 10 minutes then get pulled once and get super behind. Get to the midgame as even as you can and you will be fine as long as you keep respecting his pull.”
Hanjaro says “Hook champions are deadly for Lux, even through the use of aftershock, if she misses a binding, or they're already in melee range of her and manage to get their cc off, she can be bursted down easily.
Abuse their hook CDs, and their melee range, stay behind minions, and be inconsistent with your movement!”
Hanjaro says “Yuumi is extremely weak when it comes to all-in engage, she hasn't got much peel and if she detaches, she will be bursted down - it's very hard for her to keep her ADC alive when she gets engaged on.
Blitz' hook and knockup can pull her out mid dash, incurring a cooldown on her W and resulting in her death.”
lenithebot says “If Blitzcrank hooks you then it would just be a free engage for you since you can just pulverize the adc and him and then headbutt the adc for an easy kill. Although be careful if your adc gets hooked then you would be forced to go in to try and disengage or turn the fight around especially if your adc does not have flash. Overall to you blitzcranck is not a big threat but to your adc he would be a very big one.”
Fear The Jester says “Skill Matchup, Boxblock every hook he throws (requires good reaction timing) or use your Q to eat the hook and displace yourself (immediately channel recall to make it stylish/show them that it hit and ruin their morale)”
SorakaMainsDiscord says “Blitzcrank is a coin toss. if you keep yourself positioned behind your carry or minions, then you shouldn't have to worry about him. If you do get grabbed however throw an equinox (E), slightly in front of your escape path so as he chases you he gets rooted and you most likely can escape after his knock-up.”
Petrotes says “Blitz hook your carry way outside your range, and you need some time to enhance your carry. If you want to W the enemy carry, good luck running 5 meters. ”
Cimcia484 says “Don't get grabbed! If he misses, make sure to punish him playing aggresivly.
The same goes for other champions with similar abilities like Nautilus, Thresh or Swain. ”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Use minions to your advantage, after Blitzcrank wastes his cooldowns you can use hexflash or flash from behind minions to engage.”
xanfir says “Just wait for his q and if you need your passive be extra careful. Usually if blitz doesnt use Q or E a fight isnt going on so youre not gonna need passive.”
Jowoey says “Very annoying to play against good Blitzcrank players. If he ever misses his hook you can bully him. Playing against him and doing this will help you get a feel for how long you can do that before he gets his hook back. Play in your minions and poke. If you have an Ezreal, let him play up, he can always escape Blitz Q instantly with his E. It makes this lane incredibly easy if you have an Ezreal.”
Thats Piccioni says “If you get combo'd by Blitz then it was nice knowing you.
(Hooks are your worst nightmare because you will be squishier & slower than a marshmallow during laning phase.)”
Melyn says “Not putting a 5 because optimal Zyra play shuts him down hard. That being said, it only takes one mistake to throw away your incremental advantages. Put 3 points in Q before maxing E, block skill shots with EW, make sure you always have at least one seed in your W, and stay behind minions. Don't get baited by his passive.”
TwitchTV Sarodag says “Not as much range or tankiness as Nautilus, but forces us to be careful not to get picked during a teamfight or rotation.
No posee tanta tankeabilidad ni rango como Nautilus, pero nos fuerza a jugar con cuidado en la línea y al momento de rotar.”
Hanjaro says “You can easily poke down Blitz, and you have your shield for mobility to dodge his hooks, but be aware of a flash all in, and if your shield/flash is down, he can get an engage off.”
Hanjaro says “Like other immobile, squishy mages, Velkoz is no exception to being scared of hook champions. Dodge their abilities, and try to abuse your long range. Only go for engages when their abilities are on CD. Blitz is squisher than most, so you can poke him down easier.”
Hanjaro says “Like all squishy enchanters, hook champions are very scary. You have a good disengage with your silence and slow, but you're still very susceptible to burst. Dodge their hooks, poke when on CD!”
Biotic says “ITs all about positioning yourself in the Wave so he cant hook you. Play it fairly passive with Guardian until Level 3 if you have a strong Adc otherwhise farm 6. Dont forget his R Silence. If he times it well you cant Ult. Big punish Window is always when the hook is used.”
Hanjaro says “As per usual, squishy enchanters vs hook champions is just a scary lane match to be in. Poke when their hook is on CD, be careful of a flash engage, don't get too close. Blitz is less tanky than others, so you can poke him down easier.”
KillMeKillMe says “If you can dodge the pull every time, you should be ok, if you can't you're probably boned. Same applies to your adc. If you don't know who to ban, this would be an easy choice.
If you do end up against him, Get boots early, ideally tear of the goddess, basic boots, then upgrade to ionian boots as soon as possible. Maybe even get the boots before the tear of the goddess if you don't have enough gold and you're really having trouble avoiding his ability.
In extreme cases you could even consider getting boots of swiftness if they seem to be going after you and you're really having trouble dodging it.
The thing to remember though, his pull is on a very long cooldown, especially early game, so if he misses try to punish him for it by either hurting him or his teammate. or taking hits on him or a turret to get stacks on your starting item.”
PicklePantsLOL says “Make sure you are always stood behind at least 1 minion. 1 good Blitz hook can cost you the lane, so always watch your positioning. ”
Lugos says “Eyy those hooks are dangerous, but the problem is actually that he can zone you out from good positions. Try to use your minions for coverage. Also keep a good distance when he can run up to you.”
cozymoonzz says “one of the worst matchups for soraka, he is too fast and if he gets you you're dead. you also cant poke so take relic shield and guardian. ”
Biaze says “His hook is hard to react to with black shield (E) and if he lands Q he can follow up with his E which cannot be blocked, His R is also a good tool to disable Hourglass during Soul shackles (R)”
LIGHTBULB NA says “Can potentially be very scary to deal with if you make even a minor mistake. If he ever misses a hook you need to punish by trying to force a fight if possible. ”
Skyzinho1775 says “Now, it depends how very good is his ADC but even so , blitz is a straight threat, blitz can tank ur dmg and can pull u or ur adc easely, if not cautious.
Guoblide says “ Blitzcrank is a pretty easy and straightforward matchup for Braum as long as the Braum player knows what he is doing. Blitzcrank is a tanky Catch support than specializes in getting picks with his Rocket Grab. He doesn't deal much damage but easily makes up for it with his amazing peel and pick potential. Blitzcrank is a major threat throughout all stages of the game due to his Rocket Grab however once he uses it he is pretty useless. His Levels 1-3 are unmatched and his Level 6 powerspike is good into a few matchups. His Level 9 power spike is strong as well as it is when he maxes out his Rocket Grab and brings the cooldown to 16 seconds. In lane, Braum should play safe until Level 3 where all of his defensive abilities come up. The most important thing to keep in mind when laning against Blitzcrank is positioning. Braum and his ADC should try to stand together behind the minion wave in a way where it blocks of them from Blitzcrank. If Blitzcrank throws out a Rocket Grab then it will hit a minion instead of them. Once Blitzcrank puts his Rocket Grab on cooldown then the lane gets absurdly easy for the Braum player. Throw out Winter's Bite, walk up in front of the wave, zone of the ADC, pretty much anything to make the enemy ADC miss CS for the entire 20 seconds. When Rocket Grab comes back up stand next to your ADC behind the wave and bait it out again. Standing in front of you ADC is important because if Blitzcrank somehow gets a sneaky Rocket Grab through then it will hit Braum and not the ADC. Braum can just throw up an Unbreakable to block the damage from Blitzcrank and his ADC and Stand Behind Me to an ally minion or ADC to get to safety. After Level 6 Braum should look to all-in the enemy ADC with Glacial Fissure when Rocket Grab is on cooldown for an easy kill.”
Spection says “For beginner Soraka players, this lane is a nightmare. You need to give him a lot of respect. When he blows his Q, that's a free opportunity to engage. It has high mana costs and a long cooldown. Learning how to dodge this ability is essential, and this lane becomes far easier with a little bit of time and practice. Common counterpick. ”
SigtheOutcast says “Blitz is interesting because he is not too hard to dodge and is rarely played, but when he is played I noticed he tends to either feed hard and then land like 2 hooks during important teamfights that saves them all, or he stomps hard then falls off because he gets cocky. Very, very annoying but not a huge threat. Stay behind minions and smack him every time he shows his dumb chrome-dome.”
DanNS12 says “Against Blitzcrank stand behind minions to avoid getting hooked and start relic shield because he has a lot of kill pressure early game. Don't focus on Blitzcrank in 2v2 fights because of his passive shield focus his ADC. Avoid facechecking bushes because Blitzcrank will look to get picks on overextending allies always keep your Jg warded and when Blitzcrank's hook is down he loses a lot of pressure so try to play around it when it's on cooldown.”
LilPaniniUwU says “take barrier. 2v2 not that bad just poke but any jungle gank will be your death. Later on you have to be careful where you ult because ha can wait to hook when you tele back to the original location. Banshee's is a decent item vs him if enemy team has ap.
Doody_tco says “If Blitzcrank manages to grab the carry, and if the carry does not have Flash ready, then it is probably the end of Yuumi and her carry”
GregStein says “Remain behind minions and keep moving right and left in inexpected directions. But Punish blitz for missing his Q by going all in on ADC or denying creeps.
Remember that you may not R blitz and stack him if he has his shield passive so try to R someone else in range instead.”
very hot says “Early, Blitzcrank can be a problem as you aren't very tanky. But, once you get some items and your R, If Blitzcrank pulls you in you can just go ham on this team and there's nothing he can do. ”
Billehz says “Honestly haven't played against a blitz as Ahri support because he is banned every game, but I can imagine his hook to be very annoying and the speed of it makes it harder to dodge than others with your W.”
yorkshire says “You are squishy AF, directly in front of the enemy ADC weakend by Blitz Q + R is the last place you want to be.
Tactic: Just stay behind minions , play safe and try to get out of laning phase ASAP”
Go Getter says “Support Zac is actually a really decent counter pick to Blitzcrank as Zac can peel off a grab if it happens to happen.
If you're grabbed early game though you will most certainly die so just avoid being picked off.”
knif says “Blitz has the safest hook out of all the hookchamps because it's the only one that pulls you the full distance towards him. If you're up against a Blitz that can hit his hooks, play incredibly safe and try to poke him down from behind minions.”
Mijael2 says “Contra Blitz, cuando nos acierta su Q y su adc sigue la iniciación solo termina de dos formas, con nuestro destello gastado o con nuestro asesinato.”
dragonmasterc says “Very dependent on the player. A good Blitzcrank can make the lane a nightmare. Just respect his hook by playing safe while it's active and around the minion wave (unless they're already ahead, in which case he'll simply run you down). Look to weave your E poke in ideally when his Q is on cooldown, or just buy a Relic Shield instead and scale up if your ADC doesn't need to win lane.”
GooseSmurfs says “This is a matchup that can go either way. If your ADC is good at dodging, you hard win this lane by poking Blitz out.
But... If he's NOT... You get smashed due to your ADC's poor positioning.”
Hanjaro says “Like all squishy, immobile mages, hook champions are your worst nightmare. Try to dodge their abilities and poke when they're on cooldown.
Blitz is squishier than the rest, so you have an easier time to poke him down enough he cannot engage.”
baginthecup says “Pretty easy 2v2 but you have to respect ganks. He gets absolutely fucked by your sustain and trades. Flash away when he flashes on you and don't get hooked. ”
SupportTooEz says “Really depends on the Blitzcrank, if they are good then one hook equals you and your adc dying, but if they suck then you don't need to pay him much mind. Be careful you don't detach when he uses ult post 6.”
wheelshoe says “- if blitz grabs you, you have no real way of getting out, so make sure your e is up whenever possible.
- when he grabs you, e either him or his adc; whoever's more of a threat to you in the moment. just stay away”
Alenich says “Q, Е и R Блитцкранка могут легко сломать вашу инициацию. Также стоит отметить, что блитцкранк на линии может сильно унизить адк, если вы уйдете на роум.”
TKSedex says “Mesmo você podendo bloquear o puxão com seu W ou com seu R, um bom blitz vai ficar atento a essas coisas e usar as habilidades na hora certo, um kit com um puxão, um knock up e um silence com cooldown baixo é perigoso.”
GUYnumb3r 14 says “Blitz hook can be scary, but with your shield movementspeed you should be able to dodge it. This match up is whether or not you can dodge or not.”
Xennia says “As an squishy champ, any champion with a hook can be problematic.
Obvious advice is to dodge the hooks and try to use E as smartly as you can...”
ayoshe says “Somewhat of a difficult matchup for Senna, as she is an extremely squishy champion with no escape with the exception of Flash. In the laning phase, you're going to want to play safe and patiently wait for ganks, poking with Q and not getting greedy for souls. In the late game, he is much less of a threat but a hook can still be lethal.”
DasNerdwork says “You could just go tanky with your itembuild. If he tries to catch you, you dodge with grand entrance or battle dance. If he tries to grab your ADC, you knock the enemies ADC up or protect yours with battle dance and get hooked instead. ”
terrybogar1 says “Same as thresh, except he has a little harder of a time keeping you off his ADC, than thresh, but that silence from his ult can hurt.
duusuhh says “Much like Thresh, this depends on the Blitz player. Blitz is slight more annoying due to his ability to sprint away. Max range W's won't last, but being close enough should net a root, just remember to speed yourself when he does.”
Esoterica says “A catch support like Nautilus, Blitzcrank poses more problems as he has high burst damage and a silence on his ultimate to kill you for trying to deal damage.
His hook is telegraphed but fast, allowing you to escape it. Play proactively and W often so that you're hooked with a Distortion return available, or you will have nowhere to go.
If you are being chased, hold onto Distortion for as long as possible as he can hook you mid-dash or knock you up, leaving you stranded.”
Mr Jamba Juice says “Type: Support - Blitzcrank is only a threat if you let him catch you out. Punish his missed hooks by engaging him while it's on its extremely long cooldown. You can fight when the wave is closer to your tower. If you know you can fight and win, try to buffer your E when Blitz tries to hook you. You win this matchup Lategame in every single scenario.”
DamselOfDistress says “Blitz is probably the least worrysome out of hook supports. Position behind minions and poke away at him. If he commits to an engage, you can still outplay him.”
Playing against Blitz is boring and scary at the same time. He hard counters you: even if you play behind minions or at max range, he can just run toward you with his W and/or flash. Try to understand his grabbing path so you can predict it eventually. A nice counter to his grab is to immediately cast your E towards him as soon as you understand you'll be catched: if you're at max range, he'll be stunned for two seconds, giving you time to run away (or kill him). Generally not a fun time.”
Dotje says “Against hook matchups like Blitz it can be nice to get early boots. You're able to poke him down, but getting hooked is not favourable. Make sure to be out of his range, but in range to defend your ad if he gets hooked.”
Pyroxes says “As a squishy, hook champions will most likely aim at you. As with all hook champions, only poke if their hook is down or behind your minions.”
Sinci says “Blitzcrank is a hard champion to play around, his hook threat is really strong against especially Karma since his passive can break all shields that you put on a character so it's really hard to save someone from that.”
KeleiX13 says “Blitzcrank has one of the strongest level 1 and 2s in the game and you should always make sure you have a healthy minion in front of you to block his hooks with. Punish him HARD for missing his hooks since he can't do anything except walk up to you and E you for 20 seconds. Once hooked, you're probably dead since his ult clears any shields that you have.”
Sinci says “Blitzcrank is a hard champion to play around, his hook threat is really strong against especially Lulu since his passive can break all shields that you put on a character so it's really hard to save someone from that.”
anionPositivo says “E o Blitão chega na frente, chega doido maluco, FLASH Q EEEEEE
você pulou na frente do ADC? que coisa bonita, ele não vai poder matar seu ADC agora, e muito menos você!”
Adam bot says “He can't really do much against you, because of your W's passive (going thru units) he can't grab you. In the late game, he needs to carefully move to make a pick, and u don't so that's your advantage as well. He can't really scale against you.”
Discord231 says “El terror de los adc, debes jugar muy atento a su Q, la cual no tiene una animación que te permita esquivarla fácil, asi que a menos que tengas un adc de early que pueda responder fácil a algún error tuyo, no juegues con Filo de Roba Hechizos, así no te le debes poner a melee. Una vez acabada la fase de líneas, el se volverá inútil, mas si no lleva Solari, si tu adc tiene mal early juega a la defensiva, que luego tu serás un monstruo en su contra.”
LilRidge says “Stand in front of your ADC and take Blitzcrank's hook (Q) Rocket Grab whenever possible. If Blitzcrank ever manages to hook your ADC, immediately jump the enemy ADC to prevent any form of follow up damage.
GamingFrog says “You counter Blitzcrank pretty hard. If your ADC gets hooked, first, press E then dash to them, which will prevent the enemy ADC from dealing damage while your ADC is vulnerable. The reason why you E first is because if Blitzcrank has R and if you dash, you won't be able to shield because of the silence.”
The Last Rakan says “Você pode utilizar do "Q" dele para engajar em seu aliado, assim q você perceber que irá ser puxado utilize sua ult para entrar no time inimigo.”
Tauricus2017 says “This matchup depends heavily on your ability to dodge skillshots, since the only bad thing he can do to you is to grab you with Rocket Grab which is dodgeable. Stay behind minions to be safe. Try to calculate his mana bar since this ability costs 100 mana and first few levels (1-5) of the game Blitzcrank mana pool won't be higher then 400 and also this spell has 20 seconds cooldown which lowers by 1 seconds each time he levels up this ability . Meaning that with right calculation of his mana bar, good dodging of skillshots, calculation of his cooldowns and also poke so you stay rich with spellthief Blitzcrank can be one of the easiest matchups you can face.”
Pentius says “Thresh requires good spacing. When Blitzcrank hooks thresh it removes the space Thresh needs. A trick for this matchup is to take aftershock, and when Blitzcrank hooks you, throw your hook at him at the same time so he cannot use his power fist.”
SpartanDumpster says “His Q can easily be a death sentence even at low levels. Keep your minions between you and him, and if you're running out of minions, start backing up to your turret.”
Rainuu says “Blitzcrank isn't much of a threat as his hooks are quite easy to evade with your small hitbox and speed. The rest of his cc is single target and close range, making it practically useless. When he does land a hook onto your adc, you can immediately follow up to burst the adc, making the trade a 1 for 1. ”
Ruiner of Fun says “Blitz will not cause you any trouble early on. In fact his pull makes for the perfect engage since you will be so tanky. However, late game you will pop like a balloon no matter how tanky you are. If you ADC cannot dodge a hook your better roaming.”
Spitchy76 says “Every things that can's grab is anoying . at hight elo blitz can play with your mind , he can fake is q and come at you to E you so be carefoul and obviously play grasp . If you play at low elo you can't worry of him . ”
Kefochka says “Эффективность Блицкранка против Тарика зависит от его союзного адк. Если у Тарика останется больше половины здоровья после захвата и подбрасывания, и если его не довели до лоу хп автоатаки вражеского адк, то вы скорее всего сможете хорошо разменяться с противником в свою пользу.”
Scimitarra says “it won't bother you at any stage of the game, you just need to use the W or E to escape the grab, mid-match you will increase your shield and your health, rendering its kit against you useless.”
Starchase says “Never detach your ADC unless he already used and missed his Q, if he did, poke him as much as you can before it's back.
Tell your ADC to position behind the minions wave so he can't hook as easily.
You outscale him REALLY hard.”
Meewah says “Blitz is annoying because he forces your ADC to play far away from him when you leave to roam or ward, and also can turn the fight with a good hook on you or your adc.”
aWhiner says “Rub the steak all over with a good lug of olive oil and a good pinch of sea salt and black pepper
Add the steak to a hot pan, then cook for 6 minutes for medium-rare, or to your liking, turning every minute
For more flavour, try one or a combination of the following…
Halve a garlic clove and rub it over the steak every time you turn it
Rub the steak with a knob of butter – the sweetness from the butter will make it taste divine!
Or create a herb brush by tying woody herbs like thyme or rosemary to the handle of a wooden spoon and brush it over the steak every minute or so
Once cooked to your liking, rest the steak on a plate that can collect all the lovely juices for 2 minutes
Carve with a nice sharp carving knife, then serve with the resting juices drizzled on top
Everyone has their favourite ways to eat steak – with good old chips and a crisp, green salad, with pepper or horseradish sauces, or even a simple fresh salsa verde to cut right through it. Whatever you choose, we’re sure your lucky guest will love you for it.
mellorpyke says “One of the hardest matchups for Pyke, his hook is so much faster and you need to be really careful while Qing because it makes you really vulnerable. He can burst you out very quicky if he hits you so make sure to react faster enough with your E. If he grabs your carry try to counter engage on the enemy adc.”
Takitsu says “Fellow Hook champion, only his hook is more devastating. If he hooks you, you can survive, your Carry can not. Bodyblock whenever possible because adc's cannot dodge blitz hook for some reason. Walking up and flaying blitz is optimal so you can hook the carry. Save Lantern for your helpless team mate when they misposition.”
Xeptron says “Dodge Blitzcrank's grab. Do not let Blitzcrank grab you or your ADC. Good times to engage on Blitzcrank is whenever his grab is on cooldown, although it is very easy to engage on enemy AD if his grab is on cooldown since Blitzcrank doesn't offer much of a protection.”
unhben says “Scary but manageable. As long as you can dodge a hook lane should be pretty smooth. He will still apply lots more pressure than you can immediately handle so just keep your eyes on him at all times. ”
Discord231 says “El terror de los adc, debes jugar muy atento a su Q, la cual no tiene una animación que te permita esquivarla fácil, asi que a menos que tengas un adc de early que pueda responder fácil a algún error tuyo, no juegues con Filo de Roba Hechizos, así no te le debes poner a melee. Una vez acabada la fase de líneas, el se volverá inútil, mas si no lleva Solari, si tu adc tiene mal early juega a la defensiva, que luego tu serás un monstruo en su contra. ”
losolkos says “When i fight agains blitzcrank use this 4 Rules:
1-stay behind the minions
2-slow him when he use W
3-run when he is coming which E
4- when he use Q atack blitzcrank and his adc.
Remember NEVER don't underestimate Blitzcrank he is danger always no meter what is lv diffrent.”
unhben says “As long as you can dodge a hook you will survive lane against a blitcrank. Use hawkshot in bushes before you return to lane after kills or resetting. If you arent able to do that just throw some W's at the bush or else you will most likely get hooked and die.”
Bear Gummies says “Blitzcrank is really easy to beat, thankfully. Your naturally high movement speed allows you to dodge his Q, and then you can comfortable poke him. However, if he does grab you, don't panic. Calmly shield yourself and direct your entire attention to the ADC. I would consider bringing exhaust into this matchup so that you can catch them off guard with a really good comeback if you or your ADC gets grabbed.”
billyw493 says “Blitzcrank is a coin toss. if you keep yourself positioned behind your carry or minions, then you shouldn't have to worry about him. If you do get grabbed however throw an equinox (E), slightly in front of your escape path so as he chases you he gets rooted and you most likely can escape after his knock-up.”
Menso says “Dodge the hook and you're good. Ward early cuz he tends to invade. Focus enemy ADC if he lands a hook.
I run Aery into this matchup since the shield is more available than Guardian would offer. ”
Jannito02 says “He can hook your ADC and get yourself in a bad position, where you can't really escape from him. If he silences you with his R aswell, you won't be able to use your W, making him able to grab you or to knockup you with his E.”
RetroOatcake says “Just E whoever he tries to hook, just watch out as he can break your E with his R and he might go for whoever you don't black shield.”
EionThePepega says “Ban Worthy. Even if you can black shield his hook, sometimes you won't, and because Blitzcrank is coinflip champion that will either get a kill or not, I rather not take my chances. Still, if you are unfortunate enough to get this in lane, go Resolve Rune Set and Relic Shield so you don't insta die (as easily).”
MagicPOwDer says “Easier said than done, stay behind minions until you can confidently say you can one combo him. If you get stuck in a stun loop, you are most likely dead. (even if you have your egg) Remember that you can still Q through the wave while he has to move around the wave to hook.”
xDopii says “This can be rough in the early game where you aren't really tanky and have low mobility but once you get into late game there shouldn't be any problems when he hooks you.”
xDopii says “Pretty easy matchup. He is tanky so try to hook his ADC rather than him. Baiting his hooks can lead to him being out of mana very early into the game.”
xDopii says “If you get hooked you can just dash back to your team. Blitz is a good champion to get enemies like Soraka closer to him but Rakan has a lot of mobility so he can easily get out. In fights you have more utility and CC than him.”
mscocca says “Getting hooked by his Q will probably result in your death if your reflexes ain't quick enough to escape with R (Human) W (Cougar) or Flash.”
xDopii says “Even if he lands a hook onto you, you are very mobile and can easily get out. He is also a free target when he walks up with his W to land a Q and he will slow himself”
xDopii says “Depends on how good the Blitzcrank is but usually you will be more useful than him if you keep hiding behind the minions so he can't hook you. In teamfight you have more presence if he misses hooks, your MVS can be very useful there”
EionThePepega says “Ban Worthy. I cannot tell you how I Ban Worthy, but more personal to me. Hate this champion, not because I'm a enchanter(ish) main, but because of his Coinflip Playstyle: Get Hooked and Die OR not. Be super defensive and hope to got you have happy feet that match.”
The Lotus Queen says “Getting hit by Blitzcrank's hook will almost always result in your death, especially if the enemy adc has cc to follow up, for example Jinx and Caitlyn traps. Use minions as cover, and rush boots to dodge hooks.”
Axkuru says “Blitzcrank isn't really tanky but has a high pick rate in low elo. Pyke should win lane with his ADC at lvl 6. Also Pyke outroams him pretty easily.”
Meepy says “Blitzcrank Lanes are usually very straight forward. If you get hooked it will be a Bad Lane for you. Dont get hooked, and Blitz is a useless Champ.
Jexeff says “Another mid-tier matchup. If you try to land a hook out in the open and miss, you are going to leave yourself vulnerable since you have an inactive duration and become an easy target. For the most part if you get hooked, you will be relatively okay if you are able to activate your aftershock. However, if your partner gets hooked, it will be a little harder to survive. The best way to handle his hook is to block it for your AD and immediately hook at the blitzcrank and flay once your hook is complete. This interaction can be found in the Tips and Tricks section later in this guide. By doing so, you will prevent his power first from hitting you which is the second part of his CC chain. On the bright side, his hook has a relatively long cooldown so make sure to play around it while it is down to get the most out of this matchup.”
Mugnas says “Also a really annoying hook support. His passive can get him out of sticky situation. You can poke him a lot tho and if you stay behind minions he can't do anything. His hook also has a long cd.”
Wounds2 says “Playing against Blitzcrank can be annoying, but it is a very winnable matchup. Bait out his Q and quickly W away or E to your ADC. His Q cooldown is very long, so you need to position aggresively and threat an engage for about 15 seconds. During this time, look to trade or harass with Q since his main source of power is gone. If you get hooked into his team late game, you can just press R and run through his whole team (assuming you don't instantly die).”
icebombhunter says “Skill matchup. If he grabs you, you will probably die, but he will aim for your adc. Punish when he misses his grab. Stay behind minions and you will be ok. ”
DavideLl98 says “There's nothing much what you can do, if he will grab you. You have to pray that he grabs you up against the wall, then you can escape with your E.”
fishbully says “If Janna is out of position Janna will not win this battle. Focus more on positioning and the lane becomes slightly easier. I do not enjoy this matchup personally however team fights Janna should pull ahead (ONCE AGAIN FOCUS POSITIONING)”
itizhelia says “You can do whatever you like in the lane phase as long as Blitz Q is on a cooldown.
Simply put it, dodge his Qs and you have a free lane.
But if you get caught, well, you'll suffer.”
FiddlesticksChan says “Most of the time, getting hooked means death because of his guaranteed follow-up. He has very strong cc and burst damage with a teammate. Treat his hook as you would Urgot's ultimate. All of his abilities cost a ton of mana, so wait for him to run out and get a free kill on the enemy ADC.”
Dotje says “In early game you have a fair shot on taking the lead because Blitzcrank is easy to poke down. This is because he's still fairly squishy (without his passive) and he can't do anything when his 20 second hook is down.”
Navn says “Respect the hook, and if it looks like it becomes nearly undodgable, get ready to Polymorph his lane partner. (If you get pulled into range of his partner, you will Poly him and this will stop the follow-up damage). Play around minion wave sizes, Bone Plating and Guardian.”
Xeptron says “Blitzcrank isn't a threat t o thresh unless the blitzcrank is super good, as always. The only ability you have to be cautious of is his grab. If you are able to dodge it, you can counter engage and get the kill. As soon as his grab is on cooldown, you have about 15 - 20 seconds time to engage. Use your time smart.”
Frank6264 says “Este enfrentamiento puede ser muy bueno o muy malo dependiendo de su posicionamiento y/o el posicionamiento de su adc. Al ser cuerpo a cuerpo, traten de pokearlo para sacarlo de linea especialmente después de que usa su gancho ya que en ese momento se vuelve especialmente vulnerable. Recomiendo runas defensivas si tienen complicaciones contra este personaje.”
Sunedayz says “Very feast or famine. It's the hardest hook to dodge. Even if you manage your minion wave properly the added range on it can sometimes catch you out. The bigger problem is that if your ADC gets hooked pre-6 there's not much you can do to peel them. Your tornado won't save them unless it's fully charged and aimed at the enemy ADC. Once his hook is down go poke him out.”
DracoMeteor_ says “Blitz is one of those Champions I despise in the bot lane. He has hook, a knock up, and a Silence. Its super annoying. But he is a fair threat against Immobile ADC's like Jhin. Blitz has a lot of Burst potential that Yuumi has a hard time countering. ”
ComradeElmo says “If you get hooked you usally win the trade unless you get hooked under turret or if getting ganked just make sure your ADC doesn't get hooked or else you lose the trade.”
Pixel Pocket says “Like most hard engages, he suffers into your spell shield. Especially considering he does a lot of AD damage with his E and can't smash through your shield as easily as a full AP support”
Pixel Pocket says “Most engages lose against Sett, Leona is no exception. If he hooks you, you will probably win the trade and have ample ability to push him out of position with your Ult.”
CaptianMike says “This is all dependent on your ability to dodge hooks. You will have a nightmare lane if you are unable to dodge hooks. After Blitz uses his Q, poke him to oblivion. This is a great lane if you dodge hooks. If you adc gets hooked, ult them and use a double bomb on blitz to turn the fight around. Take SCORCH”
Nightshade1925 says “It depends on the enemy's adc but most of the time you will die or take a lot of dmg when he manage to hook you. So stay behind the minions and poke him.”
LTD MAMON says “he wants to all in, he wants to hook you but you have a box to counter him, place a box to block the skillshot or u can Q in the right timing to cancel the hook animation, even he can hook u can Q away”
Legendaren says “Blitzcrank can be dangerous thanks to his hook, so be sure to stay behind minions and defend your ADC. Whenever you get hooked, counter with a Q & E on their ADC and you should be fine. ”
Pixel Pocket says “BULLY ZONE! Most melee champs are very easy to deal with, just poke the heck out of them and don't get caught. You scale much better and you have great self sustain too!”
Dannala says “Top/Mid: He won't have enough damage to kill you without his jungler, whenever you see his jungler is busy you can freely poke and engage.
Bot: Your spiderlings can protect you from hooks, keep an eye on them at all times. If hooked you can easily Rappel. Try to stay in spider form if he's got his Q ready.”
Titans Revenge says “Dodge Blitz Q and he has nothing left in his kit pre 6. If you do manage to get hooked, consider it a free engage. You will have hook and flay up to either go all in or disengage.”
Hceercs says “Don't get hooked and actually land hooks = Free matchup.
Seriously, if he lands his hook he probably will win the all in, so play around his Q cooldown. Also try to not walk around by his turret without minions, because he can hook you under turret for an easy kill. ”
RedNBlue says “He will spank you every time you walk into the open and he will hook you and you will root him doing nothing as he will also bop you up and then he will auto you some more then he will blast you with static electricity and you will want to die hoping the adc just puts you out of your misery. Sorry for the brutality ”
DeadlyPhantom says “Early game Hook nothing else. But not as bad Late game, with you being Tanky and all. Early game he can destroy you so hide behind your fellow minions, and Late game one of his hook on the ADC or Mid, can turn around the game if you Team is face checking so get vision so that does not happen.”
Borusky says “Ele pode te puxar, chamamos isso de mãos leves MAAAAS você é o cara das línguas leves. Quando ele te puxar, desça a porrada em quem estiver mais perto ou com menos vida. LINGUA NELES!”
PoseidonTroyano says “It is very annoying to play against another hook, even more if it's Blitzcrank. He can very easily outdamage you, and if he grabs you over a wall with his teammates you are almost certainly dead, as Nautilus doesen't have a dash or anything to get away from them.”
EmpressBee says “Because Nami is so squishy she is in danger if she is pulled away from her ADC and minions. Nami must position herself behind minions to avoid being hooked. If Blitzcrank misses then Nami should look to poke his ADC to punish their temporary lack in pressure.”
Akraziel says “THREAT TYPE: Hook Tank
STRENGTH: Long-range hook and through the terrain.
WEAKNESS: Hook long cooldown.
LANE TACTICS: Hides behind terrains and bushes to hook, and roams at the side to intimidate ADC from taking gold.
COUNTER TACTICS: Play safe and wait for him to misuse his hook before engaging.
Tartmeringue says “Blitzcrank is less of a threat to you than Nautilus is due to relying pretty much only on his hook. If you get hooked, you can get away easily or just use that as an opportunity to all in/trade. You also outscale, so either way, you should eventually win.”
fm Mac says “If the adc gets hooked it's an insta double kill, otherwise blitz is usless. If your adc is good you will be fine if your adc gets hooked a couple times the game should be doomed.”
just_juniper says “Play behind minions. Plants block his hook, so if he ever steps up without a minion wave present, Zyra can just hide behind plants. Despite this, always be wary of his grab. Also, ping his roams if possible.”
DOMON says “As long as you are not hooked by this champ I think you are ok. Getting Hooked, uppercut and Ult by this champ can make you nothing in a team fight.”
Frogsterr says “Hook champions are really bad for Sona and supports in general. Make sure you ban him at all costs or you're gonna face a bad time with him.”
kimjisoo8 says “Really easy. Just stay behind minions and POKE HIM LIKE HELL. Poke him so he can't even think about hooking you. Stay behind minions, and ward bushes. Punish him hard when he misses his hook because the cooldown is really high.”
Wike says “Don't get hooked or be ready to use flash.. Know the range of his hook and understand his hook cooldown so you can punish him for throwing bad hooks. He is a sitting duck once he fails his attempt to hook.. He is slowed down after his W runs out so take advantage of those situations and punish.”
Guoblide says “Laning against Blitzcrank is very straight foward and, honestly, kind of boring. Tell your laner to position so that the minion wave is between them and Blitzcrank. Then, position yourself in front of the ADC so that the Blitzcrank can only Rocket Grab you and not your ADC. If he does Rocket Grab you then Facebreaker him into his ADC and hard win the 2v2 with your ADC. The Blitzcrank Rocket Grabbing you you is very good for you because it puts you on top of him and his ADC which you want because you can easily out-damage and out-sustain him. If he doesn't Rocket Grab you then have your ADC focus on farm and look to roam and make plays around the map. Keep in mind that Static Field can destroy your Haymaker shield so try to use it after he Static Fields you. Look to engage on Blitzcrank and his ADC or deny CS when Rocket Grab is down. Him not having Rocket Grab is very bad for him so try to make as much pressure as you can during this short time span. Note when his Rocket Grab will come back up so you dont get caught out and hooked into tower. Rocket Grab cooldown is 20/19/18/17/16.”
Kat9_123 says “Orianna support doesn't have many big threats because you're quite save behind minions although Blitzcrank can walk up to you and you can't do anything against that ”
engo44 says “Champions with hooks/engages are a pure nightmare for Soraka and her Allies. Try to stay behind minions and keep the distance ,when his hook is up.”
LordZaneLP says “Try to dodge hooks and stand behind minions etc. But you cant do smth when your adc gets hooked. wait for teamfights to win or when your jungler ganks, or try to outroam him.”
FDiBA says “If Blitzcrank hits his Hook you will die unless you flash and use your W.
Best you can do against Blitzcrank is get boots early, make sure minions are between you and Blitzcrank as much as possible. Try to have the minions closer to your tower, this way Blitzcrank doesn't have a long Lane to run you down, instead he will be met with a tower.”
Jum3h says “If you did dodge his hook, abuse his miss and poke him down. Especially early Blitz is squishy and you could just engage on him. If your adc gets caught you should try to Q their adc, they'll be often move predictable towards the hooked enemy.Finish it off with a W and E on your adc for the movement speed and pray he still lives. It's often good to get early boots.”
orogenz says “A counter as old as time. Take E lvl 1 stand in the wave and poke hard. Do your best not to get hooked by helping your ADC push waves with E then backing off.”
JetStorms says “Gotta be careful for this crazy robot, play in the wave and trade with W E, he's melee so if he fight you in wave he's gonna lose and won't be able to grab you anyway, dont play in bushes, its dangerous for no reason, you're gonna get hooked a lot for no reason”
0mori says “This champion is the worse. I honestly wish riot will remove it. His hook is just busted and his R will disable shields. The robot just dicks both you and your ADC - I honestly can never beat him, if you guys have any tips to help me over come my fear of Blitz pls hmu. ”
Pernicious9 says “Blitz is probably not that big of a threat, the only thing being that you are a bigger target and easier to hit. So if you play safe and responsible you wouldn't find it as a problem. ”
ReignMargulan says “this guys kinda weird. His hook is deadly for both you and your adc. but since he has no real threat against you specifically he should be easy to defeat if you dont get hit by hooks”
katt5 says “Don't get hooked. If you do get hooked early you can shield --> flash out and throw a Q to snare any follow-up. If you get hooked without flash, or after he has 6 and can silence you, you're probably dead. So... yeah, don't get hooked.
If he hooks your ADC shield him immediately and try to land CC/poke on the opponent's ADC to dissuade them from finishing the kill. ”
Jovy says “Blitz isn't a difficult match-up to you because you don't have issues dealing with burst, and since he's melee he can't poke you well at all.”
Tauricus2017 says “No way he can do anything against you. Try to bait his Rocket Grab using Safeguard and engage when it is on CD. If he grabs your ADC you can just shield most of the damage he and his ADC does. Try to calculate his Q CD in mind.”
Fictitious1267 says “Just bait out his hook, and engage on his ADC with full your fully stacked W. You'll win this, unless your ADC was asleep. If your ADC gets hooked, engage on their ADC and commit to them until they disengage, or they die.”
Thunder1224 says “I ban him everytime but if you don't you can survive if you have Guardian and Ult up and if you flash away, if you get grab and you don't have anything you are pretty much dead”
aliteralpieceofwood says “He has a strong early game because he can pressure with his hook (Q). Try to poke him down with conflagration (E) behind minions and don't get caught out. Eventually you'll outscale him. ”
SALOMON1234567 says “depends on adc but if your adc cant dodge hooks your lane is kinda fucked tbh, any adc that follows up on a hook should be a kill for them.”
Jovy says “Not quite as squishy as you might like, but he's not tanky and he's melee and can't poke you. You can intercept his Q on your ADC to deny him any kills.”
Jovy says “Blitzcrank can be tough to play against because Janna is so squishy. He's not very tanky and he's melee, so if you can poke him down there's a good chance that you can kill him. Unfortunately, if he gets a hold of you, it'll be tough to get away as you are so squishy and his burst combo is very swift and very strong.”
Kilo Khaos says “Blitzcrank may be obnoxious person to lane against, but as long as you're mindful of when you can and cannot engage you will have no trouble. Try to punish missed hooks, and if you get hooked use this lack of follow up on his part to counter-engage.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Blitzcrank is another support with a very strong all-in potential.
The best thing you can do as Thresh is, if your AD carry is grabbed by
Blitzcrank, just throw a lantern so he can get out.
If you are able to get your AD carry out safe, feel free to re-engage on the enemy AD carry.”
Puck333 says “Support:
I hate to play against Blitzcrank. Maybe it's just me but I feel like his grab is just a certain death for me. He is my perma ban when i play Supp. ”
Tauricus2017 says “This matchup depends heavily on your ability to dodge skillshots, since the only bad thing he can do to you is to grab you with Rocket Grab (Q) which is dodgeable. Stay behind minions to be safe. Try to calculate his mana bar since this ability costs 100 mana and first few levels (1-5) of the game Blitzcrank mana pool won't be higher then 400 and also this spell has 20 seconds cooldown which lowers by 1 seconds each time he levels up this ability . Meaning that with right calculation of his mana bar, good dodging of skillshots, calculation of his cooldowns and also poke so you stay rich with your passive, Blitzcrank can be one of the easiest matchups you can face.”
i_like_anime_thighs says “This doesn't only apply to Blitz. Hard CC counters Yuumi, but combine that with being pulled close to the enemies and you WILL die. Either wait for those champs to use their hooks/stuns/roots before hopping off your laner or bait them yourself, being ready to W away.”
Tauricus2017 says “He will never hit you with Rocket Grab, and If he will he will hit your clone. Focus his ADC and just to be sure you can wait for him to miss Q before you engage.”
Digg1337 says “You counter his grab with your stun. If he grabs your ADC you can stun him and if you have some skill u stun his engaging ADC too. If he grabs you try to sun him and spam Q+2xAA or RUN.”
Taric Support says “This Match-up is quite boring. You'll have to play defensive and stay behind minions because if you don't, then Blitz will grab you and kill you. Play defensive and punish if they overextend. When in the middle of the lane it is easy to engage on Blitz, because of the fact that he is only good when he unexpectedly grabs someone and you should use that as an advantage, by engaging with a stun on him or the opposing ADC. ”
sashadidntwalk says “Again, similar in a way to Thresh and Pyke with his Q and damage in early game, use your W the same way you'd use it against those two and make sure not to get hooked yourself, you can try and swallow him first before he uses his Q or any other ability, in the end game if your team isn't losing he shouldn't be a big threat to you so just make sure he doesn't Q any of your squishy teammates.”
Reason97 says “Blitzcrank hook's have the same affect as your stuns in the sense that if he lands them, his team tends to auto focus whoever he caught. On top of the danger of being pulled into his team, his knock-up and silence also hinder all your attempts to escape, so give him a healthy respect. ”
Vahlok says “If he hooks you, you are probably dead since Thresh is not tank. Anyway it can be a chance to E his adc and try to win that fight. If he grabs your adc, just pray it won't use any summoner spell and throw them a lantern.”
donpepe2 says “Blitz is still nasus counter,because he can grab you,and if they have some cc they will kill you in early,and you cant play safety early game.”
KeleiX13 says “Always ward the center bush and keep track of where he is. Stay behind your minion wave and poke him when his hook is down or when the wave is blocking his hook.”
gungallo says “Blitzcrank is a pretty big threat to Ziggs. Its Q E combo can hard CC Ziggs long enough to die. The silver lining is that you can wave clear and you'll always have minions to hide behind if you do choose to force a fight with Blitz.”
Papiesh says “this is a very similar situation as in the case of such champions as Thresh and nautilus, although avoiding his Q is much easier than in other cases, and besides, blitzcrank is less tanky than nautilus”
Spection says “VERY COMMON. If this was a guide about someone like Soraya or Janna, we would be having a very different discussion. What's better than a support that brings you directly to them? The answer is nothing. This is by far your easiest lane as you want to be close to your enemy so you can combo them down. When you don't want to get pulled it can be irritating but all it takes is hiding in minion waves and you're good.”
NERF THIS MAN says “Skill matchup, he is very close to nautilus in terms of kit mechanics and his desire to engage. He will outdamage you, you will out cc him.”
ShroudedBRH says “Blitzcrank presence is difficult to deal with in match ups where the opponent is a lane bully as it forces you to stay in minion waves to avoid his Q putting you within striking distance of your opponent and taking trades or to back off causing you to potentially miss CS. Safely poke when he tries to walk up and punish hard whenever he misses a Q”
niftyyy_lol says “If you/your adc get hooked, you likely die. PLAY BEHIND MINIONS. Abuse the window that he doesn't have hook. You can go spellthiefs because hes melee.”
Wicked Cherry says “Stay behind the minions and try to be moving as much as possible. If you're confident about dodging you could try to bait out his grab - after he missed it, go harassive against the enemy ADC.”
Wicked Cherry says “Make sure you stay behind the minions. If you're feeling confident about dodging you can try to trigger his [[Rocket Grab]]. Once he misses it, you could attempt to go harassive against the enemy ADC.
Wicked Cherry says “Yay, a skillshot champ (okay that was sarcastic...)!
So he's one of your nightmares. Stay behind minions, make sure you have vision all the time and try to silence him or go aggressively against him AFTER he's failed a Q. But be aware that he somewhat might not start his combo with a Q but W and R. So get mobility boots asap.”
RASKODILA123 says “Nami struggles with all in/hook supports but blitz is worst matchup of all of tham. You need to play safe or be really safe and play wtih a minion wave when you go for trades.”
stziswhatihave says “If you know what you are doing, this matchup shouldn't be too hard.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
Thomas Stella says “Anything involving a hook is extremely dangerous for Orianna, due to her being extremely weak. Blitzcrank's R makes every shield totally incapacitated and that is very dangerous, although a good way to deal with it is simply by having the ball next to our partner (Or us) and using w + r, in this way giving time to escape or fight.”
TheMistCollector says “Easiest hook matchup. it is very easy to bait one of his Q's. Get the most value out of his long early CDs. But don't get too cheesy, if he lands a Q you will probably die.”
TheSpecialist says “Blitzcrank is a threat for anyone with low mobility, while Pyke has tons, his ADC will most likely not making it hard for Pyke to peel and will end up being Eliminated”
haha noob says “If you get hooked you have to either burn summoners or die. Q + E is about 1.75 seconds of CC. Sona doesn't have any CC besides R, so if you get hooked pre 6 you probably are dead.”
SkellyBirb says “Blitz can be a huge threat, as if he lands a hook on you it is almost a guaranteed kill for him. Stand behind minions and do your best to avoid hooks and you should be fine.”
xlouis31 says “Blitzcrank isn't dangerous for you either, as long as he doesn't hook you under his turret. Just stay behind your minions and all-in him once you are lv. 6. If he's not under his turret, let him hook you, so you are close to him and his ADC. Just Q them both and kill them.”
ShanksMeister says “Play in your wave. Hug your minions so you can't get hooked. Play on your side of the lane because if you push up too much, he can use his super speed to run past the wave and chain CC you.”
SST Reaper says “Try to dodge his grab and hook him after. You can also let him grab you straight into the enemy ADC you can abuse this but be carefull with it.”
Makoff says “Como o blitão só tem uma jogada é relativamente fácil prever quando ele tentará seu all in, mas se for pego dificilmente se sai vivo nessa situação.”
PASS10NE says “If you get Rocket Grabbed(Q), just counter it by engaging their ADC, or use Q + W combo. If your ADC gets Rocket Grabbed(Q), immediately engage. Either win the clash or save your ADC.”
Lesbiannie says “Obviously anybody with a brain knows if you get caught with no flash by a blitz hook as someone squishy like ashe, you're going to die 100% of the times.”
Alu Banidosu says “Blitzcrank's hook can pull you or your ADC out of position, and if at a decent range, Bard's kit (pre- level 6) will be nearly useless, possibly resulting in a death. ”
TailsGothicAngel says “Blitz's hook is terrifyingly fast and sudden, don't engage unless you are confident you can dodge it. Ban him every game you play Sona in if you have to.”
Illumination says “This is matchup is difficult only if you find yourself falling behind or unable to position correctly. One hook generally means instantaneous death, so if you fall behind a good blitz will walk in front of the wave and zone you off of Exp and gold for the remainder of the lane phase.”
aliteralpieceofwood says “Early on Blitzcrank can be a lane bully but eventually you'll be fast enough to outrun him and poke so try to play it safe until you're at LV6”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Blitzcrank is a reverse of brand, his q is his catch like yours is you and it's usage is limited by minions in between. Don't target blitz unless he's free as his passive means you're just better off targeting the adc.”
Hoshikoo746 says “Ok.
If you get hooked, you die or almost.
He is good 2v2, so stay behind minions.
BUT, if he hook you, you'll have a great way to his adc and BIM you can do something good !
Don't fall behind or you'll have a hard time.”
snukumz says “If you get pulled you're either burning flash or you die, as Vel'Koz is very squish and can't dash away.
If he runs within your range use your Q and run away until Q comes back up.
Once you get 6 try not to use your ult unless you have allied minions in front of you as Blitz can disable your ult by pulling you.
Blitz is deceptively tanky and his mana shield passive can make you miss quite a few kills. ”
snukumz says “If you get hooked you're flashing or dying.
If you dodge his hooks he's not too much of a problem but you and your ADC will have to constantly be wary of him pulling you.
He's deceptively beefy and difficult to kill with his mana shield passive.
He can cancel your ult with most of his abilities so watch out for that. ”
snukumz says “Very scarry to play against.
He's deceptively tanky with is passive so it can be hard to finish him off.
If he pulls you you're dying or flashing.
He can pull you through your stun so be careful.”
snukumz says “If he hooks you you're either dead or burning flash.
He's very scary to play against since he's deceptively beefy and can kill you if he lands just one ability. ”
thesophieset says “Albeit a slightly less threatening lane than Lux, Blitzcrank is a huge pain to deal with. If he singles you out and you do not manage to get your silence underneath him after he hooked you, most of the time you are done for. Play this lane extremely safe and hope that your ADC's positioning does not get him killed either.”
Guffel says “If you get grabbed you should be fine as you can attack and heal yourself up and even turn the grab into an engage yourself. If your carry gets grabbed try to buy him time by healing him and using your E to stun their Adc/support while you follow up. If the enemy bot is fed just let your Adc die, if he gets caught, he gets caught. ”
NalgaSensei says “Quite tanky and hard to finish off. He can pull you through your cage and if he does you will either have to flash or just simply die. ”
Ghionova says “Free engage, he hooks you so you can dash on the adc easily. Be sure you use your E after he knocked you up, otherwise your dash will be canceled.”
Jesterbutt says “Blitzcrank is a champion that has the ability to snatch you and your ADC from backlines or from under tower which is what makes him dangerous, along with his static field that will silence you and prevent you from being able to escape. If your team is able to dodge his grabs or stays behind minions, you should be fine due to the high cooldown of his Rocket Grab.”
Yuzu says “People vote him a lot as an extreme threat and I understand why. He has the most annoying hook in the game and can be really fast. I find Nautilus tankyness worse, but you have to decide which one you can handle better.”
asclpiuso says “our classic favourite hook boy , during the early lane if you disrespect him , he will run you into the ground. this threat is extreme if he is paired with an early game adc with insane raw damage such as a draven, or lanes with CC such as jinx”
snukumz says “If he pulls you the you are burning flash or dying.
You want to stay back and be very careful when playing against Blitzcrank.
You can dodge his hook be putting a plant between him and you, also you can save your ADC from a hook doing this as well. ”
Virtuos0 says “Always a hard champ to play against, sometimes Blitz's grab is jarring to players as it feels like it comes out of nowhere. Focus on staying behind your minions and keeping vision on Blitz during the laning phase. When you end up getting into the late game, it'll be about getting a ward in all the blitz friendly places on the map and shutting down the vision they have. ”
Haouchar says “Blitzcrank is an easier all rounder , simply put ... hide behind minions , if that's too hard wait for him to grab than attack but be careful as he can e you and then you're doomed!”
Karashimi says “Blitz is a very big threat for you since if you get hook youre practically dead sona doesnt do well against hook champs or cc champs but you could try going for the second rune page and just dont get hook ”
trundlesuppport says “easy matchup: you will outscale him in mid,late game he is useless in tf, in lane stay within minions not bush, if he want to engage and no minions place a plant between you and him to block his hook, he wont chase you after his w is off, if your adc get hooked all in his adc, if you are far and he die instantly then move back. ”
AwesomeguytheMan says “Just do it he is annoying and sucks to go against in general, he makes you play behind minions and has many ways of punishing you for a wrong move”
SooDoneWithThis says “Hook champions such as Blitzcrank pose little threat to Jarvan because he can just E Q away after being hooked, or even choose to engage back into the fight. ”
Metalbashev says “A Blitz is always dangerous. You can dodge his Q hook with your W if enemies or minions are around and if you can react fast. If he catches you, he most likely won't be alone and you will die or take a lot of damage before your team comes.”
Otaku Prince says “Veigar isnt very mobile, so most mobile and tanky champs will be a bit of a problem. Blitz's speed up and grab are very deadly to our squishy boy.”
santaman33 says “Blitzcrank should be your permanent ban, his pull displaces you from your team and you have no way to punish him. This also resets the cool down on your W so that you have no escape.”
SPIN Zitrone says “It's playable, but be extremely careful with his hooks. Try to be in a safe spot, where you probably won't get hooked, but please don't leave your ADC alone.”
Sq_09 says “Hooks are annoning, though you can bail your adc out with your E. Else not that scary. Just take care not to place too many bushes, since they give him hook-opportunitys. ”
Randomless says “This guy... It makes your life really hard. You constantly have to be alert of your position, if you get pulled there's a very high chance that you'll die despite trying to flash out.”
SynLynx says “If you get hooked buy Blitz, it's almost certainly going to result in a free kill or flashes for the enemy botlane. However, the early cool down on his hook is about 20 seconds, so you can abuse this when he misses, as he's useless against your abilities then.”
dune32 says “Blitzcrank tho not a threat to pyke himself but, Blitzcranks counters most immobile adc's
Varus,Jhin, Aphelios,Ashe, Kiasa,Kogmaw
If you happen to have one of these adc into a blitzcrank I recommend dodging.”
Diogenes says “Blitz is always extremly dangerous in hands of skilled player. In a moment when you will not be focused enough... he will grab you and because Lux´s Kryptonite is CC, Blitz will be your nightmare. Keep a way distance and poke him from the range.”
Akja says “Hardest matchup for Twisted Fate Supp. If you get hit by Blitzcrank's Q you're absolutely dead, even you flash your chances of getting out are quite low. He's also quite fast and with his W he can catch up to you pretty easily. I recommend you to ban this champ all games.”
AnnakinVader67 says “Puedes esquivar su gancho con tu W y tu Q. Ponte delante de tu adc y cuando te pille vuelves con la E. Si pillan a tu adc, le tiras una E, W al carry enemigo+Q para pokearle, vuelves con tu E y le curas con la Q”
Keny McCormick says “You're pretty immobile and once you get pulled you've got little health. Look to trade on him when he goes to execute minions. Stand behind the minion wave and avoid hooks. Ward bushes frequently. Look to engage when his Q is down.”
ThePandaEvan says “Beware the level one cheeses. Positioning is key. When you have minions, use those minions to block a chance of a Blitzcrank hook so you can poke. When there isn't minions, just stay close to your adc. Ward the bushes”
rcyuumi says “I personally hate playing against blitz as Yuumi because your risking death whenever you detach (and you need to now and then). You can counter this if you have good comm with your ads and jg and purposefully get pulled in to waste it and then have your ads or jg come in and kill. Don't try this in solo q because it doesn't work without good communication (even then can backfire). Either way, Yuumi will generally die. Generally in draft or ranked, I just ban Blitz.”
Eneino01 says “that really depends but blitz has a lot of mobility with omnistone nimbous and he gets to have more pressure in lane. that's not what you really aim for when you play full poke comps”
Abusable Yuumi says “Another great champion to kill Yuumi with.
If your ADC is getting pulled constantly, honestly I don't think there's much you can do - at that point you need to decide if you should be on your mid laner or top laner.
Just wait out the Q and E and you'll be fine. If he misses Q feel free to wet noodle auto him.”
Apho says “My goto ban. In an even match-up, Blitz Q's ruin Cho'Gath's lane phase if he lands it. When Blitz misses Q, you have 2-3 opportunities to Q and pressure him or the ADC.”
iNotSushi says “Blitzcrank's hard pull will completely negate your level 1 engage, especially if he pulls you under tower. He is also impossible to dive since he will knock you up point blank. Ban him every game. ”
P1nkward says “Any hard-engage champion is really bad for Yuumi, but Blitzcrank is even harder to deal with. His Q's hitbox is overwhelming and has constant pressure of lane. Just play safe against him.”
netherlessss says “Blitzcrank's hook hit box is the size of Cho'Gath with 15 stacks and should be respected. Furthermore, his silence can stop you from ulting or activating a Redemption or Locket. Play behind minions and allies in fights or in lane. ”
Dougaroo says “Always ban blitzcrank. If you end up going against an enemy sup blitz you better hope you can dodge like your life depends on it. Due to early game fiddle being super squishy: once blitz hits level 2 he can all in you and end up leaving bottom with no support. His hook onto his knock up will leave no room for you to use your fear or get help from your adc. Always ban blitz.”
JenaColada says “If you get hooked by him you'll most likely be dead so try to hide away behind minions and if he goes in on you just E him and run away.”
Minicoombsy says “Blitzcrank can take soraka out of a fight by using the q and the adc focuses, this along with soraka being squishy, makes Blitzcrank a counter”
HoneyQT says “Save your cooldowns for when he hooks your ADC. That hook is a huge menace and if he's accurate and consistent, it'll be a huge issue for you. Fortunately, Blitz isn't very common anymore.”
Cat Elf says “He's really annoying because he can pull both ADC and Yuumi and then you are both just dead. Ban him. Every game. Unless you have an Ezreal or Sivir ADC then you are okay and Blitz becomes useless.”
unrealPR0D16Y says “I mean it doesn't matter who you're playing, seeing a Blitz lock in before (or even after) you is a terrifying sight (especially if you STILL lock in Jhin if he picks before you). His hook is usually easy to predict, but when you are in a fight it is a bit harder to watch out for, so watch out for it.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Important note: His E will hit you even if you use R to dodge it.
Blitz is a support that does high damage and provides quite some CC, his shield break on R can leave you more vulnerable than you'd think to be, CC cancel his Q with your E most of the time as you'd find your death in their team most of the time, it's also his only really damaging ability besides R.”
DestroyerGaming says “Em seu early game, blitz não é uma ameaça tão grande para thresh, utilize sempre seu W nos arbustos para ver se ele está lá, é recomendável que você avise para o seu adc te ajudar a wardar a lateral da sua lane enquanto você warda a entrada da lane para evitar gank.”
FlameOfHecate says “If the blitzcrank is very good or he has good synergy with his adc he can easily kill your adc and make you lose lane which means not enough gold for your items :( ...”
Rastub P says “If you are hop off your team mate to get hit form the enemy champ to order to get shield to your team mate this dude will ruin your change to get that with his crap”
PayyBack says “The tricky matchup, in the early levels, play carefully due to his level 2 power spike being really powerful especially with an aggressive ADC.
Hold your first part of the E to dodge his possible hook, ward lane bushes if he’s playing too much around the bushes.
StormAegis says “I suggest to almost always ban blitzcrank, it is your biggest enemy in this role. You can still counter it playing safer and outplaying him, so if you encounter him, don't worry and do your best.”
Kireihana says “Definitely the hardest matchup I've personally experienced. One slip-up is all it takes to let the enemy snowball out of control. To avoid this, simply swallow your pride and have your ADC farm behind tower so you have a safe place to stand behind minions (standing behind minions in the middle of the lane is not safe enough). His hook is super long range and fast, rendering you unable to dodge it reliably. Play it safe and don't take any chances with the robot.”
DarkGabumon says “Incredibly bad, against a good Blitzcrank landing hooks it can tilt you very hard. Try your best to hide behind minions or ask your ADC to pick someone like Sivir or Ezreal to tank the hook for you.”
Stee1Storm says “Blitzcrank is an easy match-up, stay with your ADC, and stay behind minions. If Blitzcrank grab you, just engage his ADC if you have the range to.”
Curmudgeon says “Another example of a champion who kind of helps you get closer to the enemy. his ultimate (silence) can be very hurtful to you, though. ”
SorakaBestWaifu says “The nightmare itself!
Can grab you with his big grabby hands and put you out of position and 99% end up with you being dead.
A worthy ban.”
FofyFur says “yuumi have a so BAD movility and the E or the Q of blits can make him a big easy way to kill she. and the R of blits reset the W of yuumi”
Jointed says “High kill risk alert. This match up is in our favor in the mid/late game. Stay safe early and deny any chance of his lane getting ahead.”
iidibitizi says “lord i hate blitz. but ive been playing zilean vs blitz lately and not doing bad. if he grabs zilean hes dead, but if he grabs adc u can double bomb adc or blitz and turn situation around. ”
Pognog says “Makes laning phase difficult as you can't really commit to bombs when you know he has his hook available. A well-timed hook can completely delete Zilean as his innate survivability is negligible. If you are able to dodge the hook by using E speed or otherwise, an E slow on Blitz can break his momentum massively.”
JLAD2701 says “His grab is your main issue if you are grabbed into his team and you don't have your e or w you will probably die other than that alone he isn't that scary ”
Larmack says “His q will kill you but doesn't go through minions so you can just sit behind them when trading. Be careful as he may try to run up with w and knock you up.”
Stepoun James says “His ultimate Static Field is really annoying when you're trying to ult anyone, including yourself, so try to keep distance. Dodging his Rocket Grab lategame is child's play.”
TDKPBT says “He hooks you, but you're tanky enough that you won't get bursted down. You can just E the enemy to start a fight, or just Q the blitz to walk away.”
Gravixx says “If you get hooked by Blitz, you're likely going to die. That being said, if you don't get hooked by Blitz you'll be alright. The best way to play against Blitz is to always make sure to stand behind your minions, and punish him after he blasts his CDs.”
Gravixx says “As with all hook champs, you have a small hitbox and high movement speed and will be very hard to hit. You adc may get hooked in which case you shield them in mid air and then [[polymorph]] the enemy adc.”
LFS_aXent says “All hook supports are relatively easy to play against. Blitz's hook buff made him much stronger. He is a bit more difficult than Thresh, but I wouldn't say he's much of a different lane. Do your best to dodge and wait for him to open up. Engaging when his W is on CD is usually your best bet.”
Tumbler_Sam says “BLITZ WILL PULL YOU, your the support the squishy one, actually anyone with a hook, stun or a push is a threat, plus Blitz's arm is almost impossible to see.”
ActionBastard says “This is pretty much the only champion I ban. if he isn't banned, laning isn't impossible but bard is almost always gonna die upon getting hooked, unless you can manage to get your stun with q”
JSKF says “Similar to Nautilus except he has to have a straight shot through minions to do anything, hide behind your minions and he can't do anything, get grabbed and you are probably dead. His attacks are weak and luckily do not root you like Nautilus' attacks.”
Hanjaro says “Like most immobile, squishy enchanters, hook champions are their worst nightmare. If you dodge his Q, you can take advantage of poking him down in that window.”
Hanjaro says “Hook champions are very scary for squishy enchanters, dodge their hooks and poke them while they're on cooldown. Blitz isn't as tanky as the others, just watch for a flash all-in.”
Hanjaro says “Like most squishy mages, Zyra is no exception to the danger of hook champions. Try to dodge his abilities and poke him down when they're on cooldown - Blitz is less tanky than others, so you can stop his engage before it starts with your poke.”
Hanjaro says “Hook champions are scary when you're squishy. Avoid their hooks and poke when they're on CD. Beware of flash all-ins. Blitz can be easier to poke down.”
Hanjaro says “Any hook champions are your biggest threat, just like any other squishy mage or enchanter. Dodge their hooks, poke when on cooldown. You can harass them easier with a long range dark wind, but you can push the wave into a dangerous spot!”
Hanjaro says “Like all squishy mages, hook champions are scary. Dodge their hooks and poke while they're on CD, just be careful of flash engages.
Blitz is less tanky than the others, use this to your advantage.”
GoBucket says “Block his hooks for your ADC and you should be fine, especially if you manage to turn to his ADC after. He does NOT want to hook in a big boy like you. Ideally you both dodge it though obviously. He only wins if he lands his hook onto your carry. Otherwise, your all in is stronger early so take advantage of this.”
M1sh0 says “Hooks and Raka don't mix. If you get hooked you will 80% of the time have to flash away after you get pulled. If not you usually just die from bursting.”
20_Seven says “Blitz landing a hook will force you to burn flash as you have no reliable escapes. Play very safely and position behind minions when ever possible. Get aggressive within the first 6 seconds of him missing a hook pre-6.”
Beeee says “I tend to avoid Blitz as much as I can, since his grab and silence really suck to play against. Lux's lack of mobility makes it difficult to avoid engages.”
marisbroodti says “The usual "don't get pulled". Mind your wave, your positioning and watch his patterns. A slightly-in-his-favor lane, but easily winnable.”
Ghionova says “He is able to silence, knockup and stun you. In other words: He can interrupt all your abilities. When you get hooked, wait until he knocks you up and then use your E to dash away, otherwise it will be interrupted aswell.”
Zer0XM says “Blitz is a threat to your ADC, not you! You WANT to get hooked by Blitz especially when he's going to hit your ADC. However still avoid it and hook him like you would anyone else and he really can't do anything to you.”
whybother34 says “Nothing changes against blitz with braum just dodge the hook and you do fine. If your adc gets pulled jump to them and ult to save them. ”
Marinx says “Blitzcrank has an instant pull, while Pyke requires a charge, this opens up a window where you can be pulled, Blitz also features a knock up which can mess up hitting an E, or stop you from escaping with E. However, pulling him into your team can be beneficial as he only has an aoe silence, and isn't as tanky as other tank supps.”
MeatFeast says “You just have to know how to play around Blitz and it's an easy lane. Sadly part of it is reliant on your ADC also which is out of your hands. Use the minion wave to block his skill shot and keep the bushes warded so you can track him at all times and position effectively. If Blitz hooks you, just Q him and walk away. If Blitz hooks your ADC, instantly E >Q>W onto their ADC. Your damage is bigger than Blitz so you will win the trade and come off better most of the time. Always be wary of being hooked under tower, even when you've got the lead. Post level 6, your team fighting is infinitely better.”
Zefirez says “Recommended rune set: Conqueror.
Well all know the hook play. He hooks you or adc, and they get free ticket to base.
Pantheon however is one catch Blitz may regret. When he hooks you, you usually have enough time to pop your E before getting grabbed. Aim it torwards his adc, but take into accunt you'll be in front of blitz when you land. So torwards his adc from that position. This will let you negate a ton of abuse. Then jump on adc and start doing damage.
Staying at 4 stacks of passive, so you can do empowered w after shielding their initial damage is the optimal method.”
ONICH4N says “Janna is squishy so if he lands a full combo you are probably dead. He is however not the tankiest and a melee champ so you can poke and kill him”
Xelaadryth says “Sometimes you want him to pull you. If the enemy can't chain cc you and kill you before you get out of his knockup/silence, take a free grab into the enemy team to ult. It's very satisfying to ult when you see the pull begin; don't ult after because he can silence and chain stun you. You can also kite him with your Q since his movespeed is fast enough to run into your range while you stay out of his range if he's chasing you, especially easy if you have Rylai's. Energy ball helps you dodge pulls as well.”
Huzarensalade says “Blitzcrank can be really difficult to couter because his wrist can pull you into a melee battle, and you litteraly have 0 defense, so you will die. When you can sidestep the flying wrist you can easily continue to poke, because his cooldown is increadibly high.”
AdoraKitty says “Blitzcrank is one of the hardest counters to the Guard Cat due to his ability to remove all shields from a target, his hard engage by hooking your tether, his massive amounts of CC, and his surprising damage output. Guard Cat is fairly safe on her own, but it's hard for her to do her job of keeping a carry alive against any of the hooking/all-in champions.”
Invoker03 says “This matchup depends heavily on your ability to dodge skillshots, because he can grab you using his Q and it is too hard to escape from him.
Try to calculate his mana and stay behind your minions for your safety.”
suppdiff says “It is near impossible to win this lane. The only reason I ever do is because these robots have similar IQ's to their playerbase. Beg to have a mobile adc (Trist, lucian, cait, ez) and just roam twenty billion times. Make sure to get level two first, try for an all in while they are level one, and then let the wave push back towards your tower. Roam whenever the wave is not at your tower.”
TidusMK says “Warum Blitzi? Ganz einfach. Jeder Champion, der an dich ran kommen kann, stellt eine Gefahr da. Eine Umarmung von diesem Metallbrocken und du bist Geschichte.
Hier können mehrere Champs aufgelistet werden, aber es sollte einem eben klar sein, dass jeder Champ, der weniger als eine Armlänge Abstand zu dir halten wird, eine Gefahr ist.”
ThebestGP says “Pretty difficult to deal with unless you can dodge skill shots. Since you have no mobility to dodge the hook other than flash, being able to dodge the hook will give a chance to counter. Blitz can only hook 3-4 times during early to mid game since it consumes a lot of mana.”
WhiteGoliath says “if he grabes your adc, he can easly get on top of your lantern and deny the pick up, be carefull! he can also Q your adc in mid air of W. but generally you can take it”
supersuavebro says “He can grab, but he cant peel. If he gets cocky and pulls in your adc, just all in his. If you land your Q the trade is won 100%, just stay away from tower grab range”
sunnyg says “Glacial Sivir can manage Blitzcrank better than Aery, but you still need to be extra-vigilant with Spell Shield. One grab can spell doom for your entire laning phase.”
maxtenj says “My go-to ban always, he is still very broken right now and has just to much armor to try and get through. His CC and silence are hard to deal with.”
KOPEX says “it is very annoying to play against blitz, since you can throw your hooks through the wall and the nautilus, not apart from that with a good adc it can be very dangerous”
Ahpulzz says “His pull is scary for sure, but other than that, he's just a walking healthbar. Poke frequently behind minions and never let him farm cannon creeps without taking damage. He can only engage, so when you gain the upper hand it's hard for him to answer.
I would be wary of enemy ganks, however. His pull becomes a lot scarier in those situations.”
RagingJug says “See a pattern with Senna's threats?
Senna does poorly against tanks with hooks as her only real escape is flash.
Though you should be good as long as you poke while avoiding hooks.
Senna currently has about a 43.41% win rate into Blitzcrank.”
SilentTitan says “Similar to Nautilus, Blitzcrank is a tanky cc monster. Try to avoid his hooks, and engage on him and his adc when he either misses or hooks your adc.”
Mantra Decorum says “Against blitz, you need to be very careful. Blitz is stronger than you in laning phase, and counter your shields with his R. Avoid the hooks and attack when his Q is on CD.”
Her0mars says “Sometimes you may have to body block for your teammates to prevent him from getting a catch, but this can screw your team over regardless, A good blitzcrank will do everything in his power to prevent you from charging E during teamfights.”
Ahpulzz says “As long as you can avoid grabs from his turret, the only thing he has against you is Power Fist. After that, you can toss around this hunk of iron.”
Joelbe says “Blitzcrank's hook and cc hard counters you as you do not have much mobility. Same applies for other champions with hooks/gap closers and cc. The best way to dodge hook is to put minions between yourself and the enemy or stun them with your gold card when they dash in range. This way, your adc or support can burst them down, or your Vi onetrick Divebomb Dylan can divebomb the stunned enemy. Other options are to switch summoner spells to cleanse or just flash out. ”
Aethlo says “No PEEL, heavy cc, shielding or heals. Either you or your adc gets hooked you die - unless you rush a Zhonya's for when you're hooked to allow your ADC to walk up.”
Chromuro says “This is the easiest extreme matchup we have. His pull can be deadly, after 3 even more, after 6 consider yourself dead 100%.
Buuuut his grab is on a high cooldown and 2/3 grabs depletes completely his mana pool. Play around his Q cd, switch between aggressive and passive gamestyle until you can poke him down enough to activate his passive. Once that's down, if he doesn't recall he's pretty much dead.”
CaptianMike says “This is great! You get pulled, and then you can devour him or his adc! You excel at close combat and extended trades. Bodyblock hooks for your adc, and then fight back.”
MoreLoliconThee2nd says “The hook pulls you into his spot - the hand throws you off - and the ult will silence you for a time enough for others to gang up on you. Tread with care. ”
Hunipop says “Self explanatory. Hook = death. If you dodge it, you're fine. Plus the additional range advantage needs to be abused in order for you to win your lane. Don't get too cocky/close though!”
Vermeio says “His hook is a pain, you should know that at this point. Play defensive, and hide on minions. He'll have a bad time catching you. With your kit and a good follow from your adc, you can cause more damage to him than he can do to you. If got more armor, make a line cover for your partner for safe poking.”
Appler says “Like everything is simple as long as he doesnt grab you.
If he does you are mostly dead meat.
Dont let him grab you and ban him if you dont feel comfortable arround that fat piece of junk.”
GlacialWarlock says “Blitzcrank's really only a threat to your ADC as you can pretty much beat him in any duel unless i's a 2v1 with his ADC; always keep Devour (W) ready for his Rocket grab (Q) in case the ADC is pulled under tower and if he goes all-in, you do too.”
Axeloy says “Nami can very easily dodge his hooks, and can punish him for daring to walk close. However, an amazing Blitzcrank can sometimes pull something off on Nami, but she still wins the general match-up easily.”
mbo575 says “If you get hooked, you're basically going to eat a ton of damage. You can E after the knock up if not silenced, and escape with W. Make sure you don't use your escape abilities when Blitz has Q up. It really depends on the mechanical ability of the Blitzcrank because you have good mobility. Avoid him when teamfighting or roaming. ”
Pepper Games says “Blitz can be a tiny threat or an extreme one. Just depends on how you play. If you keep minions between you and Blitz, he is no threat at all. If you step in front of your minions and he lands a hook... you are dead. The limitations on positioning make this a 4 for Sona because Sona is a champ who values maneuvering for position more than most champs and Blitz limits that.”
Defensivity1 says “Dont get hooked, always stay behind minions and be very carefull of blitzcrank deciding to invade, and dont be in fog of war (where you have no vision) because if you get hooked once and he has anyone with him ur respawning in 30.”
Sona Aria says “A strong engage support, Blitzcrank has haunted the nightmares of many with his long range hooks. If you play behind minions, and abuse your e chord if he attempts to use the zero counterplay strat of running up to you with w, e auto into hook. His hook CD is 12 seconds early, you must abuse that if you're to win this matchup. His ultimate can cancel shields, but that's not as relevant to Sona considering her shields are low cooldown naturally.”
Slick_top says “Not many problems from blitz-crank, If he trys to hook you, just E dash away, and if he goes in on your adc try cc'ing him or pulling him away.
Tanky early so focus on adc. ”
SetsumiV1 says “If you get pulled or your ADC does, your polymorph should stop the enemy carry from dealing damage during Blitz CC, Try to look for trades when he uses his hook”
doubte says “this is another hard match up for bard. this is because his grab brings you into the enemy team and allows them to kill you instantly. there's ways to beat blitzcrank though as he's similar to pyke. harass early and dodge his hooks. stand right in the minion wave and keep the minion wave close to your turret. start coin over the standard spelltheifs as it's safer and allows you to get the vision upgrade around the same time you would normally.”
Zona de sona says “Te recomiendo que SIEMPRE te pongan atrás de los súbditos o si es necesario quedarse bajo torre, sona es papel entonces si no tienes flash y te agarro con la Q considérate por muerto”
TeflonAmetkus says “Soraka has low mobility against blitz, she can try to silence but blitz can outspeed the root and hook her/adc. try to not get too close when Q'ing, play behind creeps and run away as soon as you see his W. ”
Saethwyr says “Taric is in a special state of being a champion who you Dont want to pull while most people don't realise that. the better part is that he makes that the same for the carry. if you see a blitz pull heading towards you or the carry, immediately line up a stun and engage on either him or the carry, depending on who's closest.”
Better Call Phil says “If he manages to grab you, wait until he uses his E BEFORE using yours to get away. If your adc gets grabbed, go stun their adc or Q him away from autoattacking your ADC.
Aftershock/Ancient coin recommended.”
supportsbelike says “Anyone with a hook is a problem to you, that much has already been known. He can deny you your ultimate with both the hook's stun as well as the outcome of you.. well not being in the ult anymore. Other than that, him being melee makes the laning easy against him. ”
Jorjel999 says “This motherfucker will hook you like you are his bitch so carefully try to silence him when you think that he is going to hook. once he hook you and ultie you,you are pretty much dead.”
DBtheKnight says “So easy. He grabs you, you jump on his ADC. He grabs your ADC, you E to your ADC W to theirs, hit Q on their ADC and E back to your ADC to give them a heal and another shield.”
SawyerNelson says “Blitzcrank's threat in lane can negate the laning advantage that Lux has, if Blitzcrank's hook threat is actually meaningful. If this champion is popular in your elo, it's worth throwing a Ban at, as Blitzcrank also creates very high variance laning phases in any solo queue matchup.”
Vaxra says “ I know, I know, BLitz with his hook is pretty scary, but if you use your E when he hooks you, he really cant do anything else. Using your Q after, just run away!”
MasutaKokoBot says “A good blitzcrank player can become a huge pain in the neck, pulling your ADC away from you, out of your range to heal them. That can give the enemy the opportunity to get the kill. However, counter play is to stay behind minions and use your Silence and Q to zone the enemies off. Banshees Veil can also help prevent them from hooking you into their team.”
sutrauboju says “Watch out for his hook, as it is particularly fast and has a long range. He is also a nightmare to deal with as he is tanky as hell. Keep in mind he has a movement speed steroid in his kit, so keep your distance.”
YungRichGrandmas says “Don't get hit by the hook. Be on the lookout for whether or not if he's used his ultimate already in a teamfight. If he hasn't, he's probably waiting for you to ult to use it on you.”
LighterDay says “Not that big a threat, though his pulls can be annoying. If you get pulled, use your E immediately. Even if Blitz tries to knock you in the air, you'll still dash away from him. Plus his low damage doesn't make him a threat in solo fights.”
DrunkenWolf says “Even with your ability to summon plants to block his grab your animation is to slow to to it in a viable time, that plus his natural survivability makes him a high treat.”
Hanjaro says “Blitzcrank can be a huge threat. Strong hook engages and huge burst damage coming from him and his carry. Blitzcrank is extremely weak whenever his Q is on cooldown, I personally try to bait his q on me dodging in and out of minions. When his q is down it is very easy trades on his carry. Look to abuse his long Q cooldown.”
GameWolfUltimate says “If you are really good at this game, like challenger level you can let yourself get hoocked whilst attatching, wich will then hit the hook but not draw you to him. This way you can block hooks for your adc. but beware this is extremely finicky.”
best_shacosupport911 says “ALL HOOK SUPPORTS:
Block their hook with a box. Pyke, Thresh, Naut included.
They either fear themselves or fear their ADC, depending on the champion.
Keep a box off-cooldown if you want to dare walk past your minions, as usual with these supports. ”
bobsalad says “Blitzcrank pull can be good or bad for you depending on the ad. Maokai is very tanky for a support but if it is a vayne ad or some auto attack dps adc you dont want to get pulled.”
unownreality says “Sona is fast, and she has the advantage to dodge blitz Q better than other supports. If he does land a grab, a quick W heal will ensure you won't die. ”
Kian987 says “Like with Thresh you can use his grab as a method to engage his ADC. Sometimes I let him grab him so that I can use it as a gap closer to engage the ADC. When he realizes that his grabs have such a negative impact on laning phase he will be scred to use it.”
Bellbellum says “Blitz has got that scary pull, but it is easy to just attach to your AD afterward. Not that scary, but his ult can hurt a bit if you're not prepared.”
Rozyrade says “Blitzcrank is a major threat as there is a big chance of dying if he hits a hook either on you or on your adc. pre 6 there is a chance of surviving as blitz doesn't have his silence yet.”
SolRea says “Can easily hook your adc and from there on, it's gg. No other way to counter than to rely on your adc. If he hooks, detach from your adc, aa, get shield and attach back to reduce damage.”
Rakan the charming says “Hooks
All the champions present here are "EXTREME", placed at different levels to highlight the point by which they are strong against Yuumi”
Drlazerbeam says “Most of the time Nami is fine into blitz, however a blitz that is consistently zoning Nami and actually landing grabs is a legit threat a Nami player should worry about.”
Fruxo says “Just do your best to dodge his hook and you should be fine. If you however get hooked it might be the end of you if your summoners and ult is down. Don't get Grabbed !”
NirvanaBunny says “Blitzcrank can be tough to play against because Janna is so squishy. But good news is that he's not very tanky and he's melee, so if you can poke him down there's a good chance that you can kill him. Unfortunately, if he gets a hold of you, it'll be tough to get away as you are so squishy and his burst combo is very swift and very strong--so in short, if you're caught you're gonna have a bad time.”
SawyerNelson says “Blitzcrank loses if he pulls leona since you can get onto his ADC. So block hooks onto your ADC , get pulled into their ADC and E + Q + ULT them.”
Schuit says “laning can go either way until level 6, however after that, just wait for his hook, jump in front of it, press R, and ride your way to victory.
As soon as he hooks you, drop a W on him, as you'll have just enough time to press it before his knockup, and it'll always land, giving you extra healing.”
FMLMOMENT says “You blind picked blitzcrank ? Hah thats cute , I wish you would hook me. If you know where their jungler is , don't respect him. Pressure hard
FwuffyMilk says “This match up really depends on how good the blitz is and how well you can dodge his hooks.
This lane can be hard if the enemy ADC is something like Miss Fortune because you don't want to stand behind minions vs MF but you do because of blitz which puts you in an awkward spot. ”
FwuffyMilk says “This match up all comes down to how well you dodge hooks. If you can dodge his hooks well, then just poke him and his adc down. If he does land a hook on you though expect to die because of how squishy you are.”
xxMyDixieRektxx says “Deal with him similar to Thresh. Generally, you want to avoid getting hooked, but if you do, depending on the situation, you could turn the tables around quickly by quickly swallowing blitz and focusing adc.”
SawyerNelson says “It's fairly easy to avoid Blitzcrank's hook in lane so long that you stand in the minion wave. If you are higher level you will dodge his hook attempt then hook blitz.”
FwuffyMilk says “Scary match up. If he catches you with a hook prepare to die a quick and painful death. Try to poke him or his ADC as much as possible so that if you do get hooked it ends up bad for them.”
Tgrs says “Not an easy matchupp but also not that hard as Thresh for example. Just try to dodge Q's and try to focus enemy ADC with your stun if near a wall or minion.”
Ooze OG says “Let him hook you. His carry will regret it. Soon as he hooks you, your carry and yourself should all in their carry. He will have nothing to do after he hooks you. Same concept if he hooks your carry, just focus theirs.”
Yukkine says “Your number one priority against any kind of hooks is asking yourself... Can my squishy allies dodge it? No? Bait it out or take it like a champ! They are tanky or can dodge? Great! Now you have a cue when to disrupt or engage.”
HooksAndFlays says “His hook is much more deadly than yours in some situations. His hook costs more mana so when he runs out, abuse that and rape him with a hook & E combo.”
kookieman99 says “If he pulls you, just wait for his knock up them jump to something, you can jump to your carry with an E to negate the hook onto your carry, and causing you barely any damage.”
AkemiSen says “His hook is scary but after lv6 Kayle can provide enough protection to at least peel whoever gets hooked. It's not an easy matchup because Blitzcrank is not an easy matchup for anyone but it's definitely better compared to other supports.”
TheComicalBiker says “Blitzcrank can be countered with a lantern to save your carry if they are pulled (Q). However Blitzcrank does have a big hitbox so he can cover the lantern by standing and moving on top of it so be careful of this. This can lead to a scramble to either engage with your carry low or try to disengage while both of you taking major damage.”
Dudstrol says “Blitz segue o esquema do alistar, é perigoso enquanto tiver as habilidades, mas você fica seguro se estiver atras das tropas, assim pode bater com mais segurança. Por outro lado se te puxar use o seu W(Carpicho) no ADC e tente fugir.”
Rasta Da Masta says “If at all possible, just ban this bot! Sieging against him is difficult if he has his grab off cooldown. If you get hooked, you are most likely dead.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “his Q is a little harder to dodge han pyke's or thresh's but he can't do to many things except stunning your adc for like 3 seconds, so as long you keep him alive and maybe poke enemy adc there shouldnt be problems with him, except the case his jg is around too.”
TenshiQwQ says “If you're positioning well he isn't too much of a problem. Getting hooked once can lose you your lane. Position behind your minion wave if possible.”
Crippledtoot says “You can disrupt his Q with your E, really difficult to actually do it. his Q is on a really long CD low levels but as long as you pay attention you will be fine. ”
Ijzumy says “I'm really hate his pulling skill, for me most of champions has a catching skill is really an extreme threats for a no ecsape skill like Soraka,”
Yeetgamer says “the thing about blitzcank is that people mostly dont respect him and when he grabs you it mostly ends out in your dead so if your up against a blitz watchout for his q and let him use his mana out”
Guychk says “His Q is extremely quick, and it gives you little to no time to react. You would need to predict it, and if your ADC get's caught, it will be really hard to follow up or save him, as your ADC will be constantly CC'd. ”
Jeroen R8 says “In this matchup it is basically a battle of who misses the hook first. Whoever misses the hook loses all lane pressure. If the hook lands it results in a kill most of the time. Blitzcrank has a bit more survivability than Thresh however.”
ff20orfeeding says “Blitz when ahead poses a massive threat to you, but his long cooldowns can be an issue for him. I would say it depends more on your marksman in this match up. Having said that, if he grabs you and the don't instantly burst you down, at quick "R+W" Will easily turn this around in your favour.”
Udaa says “'The deer must be lucky everyday but the lion has to be lucky only once'. MUST BAN BLITZ!
you can be a dodge god but 1 hook will mess up your whole game.”
Silver_Skulls says “Isn't a extreme threat because he doesn't stun you but can knock you up and if he's laning with Yasuo then he can ult you but only if he's laning with Yasuo. The solution is to dodge his Rocket Arm and you'll be fine.”
Saecriru says “I find this to be one of Neeko's easiest support match ups. Except when paired with Draven. Otherwise if he hooks you unleash your full combo post level 6.”
WhatsLeft4Dead2 says “Pulls are annoying, He is in yellow bar only because his CC can be the difference between your team and his. If you got the balls though, let him pull you and hit up his ADC.”
Fynergy says “another tough matchup since blitzcrank can just run up to you with his W(speed boost) and E(power fist/knock up) and wait for you to flash and Q(pull) you. Best way to play this lane is to play behind minions and dont shove lane unless you know where enemy jg is”
Fynergy says “another tough matchup since blitzcrank can just run up to you with his W(speed boost) and E(power fist/knock up) and wait for you to flash and Q(pull) you. Best way to play this lane is to play behind minions and dont shove lane unless you know where enemy jg is”
DGNNYOmega says “If your reaction time is not so quick, Blitzcrank will not be very fun to fight. He is extremely tanky when played support, making it hard to fight back when he pulls you. Not to mention his knock up.”
I love Lun Lun says “It doesn't matter if this guy comes against you,it is very dangerous if he catches you but this guy is an opportunity or mistake exploiter.Stand behind your minions or your ADC that way you won't lose to him.If he catches you flash away immidiately or try to silence him first thing.It's very to die from him if he catches you but if you get him waste his Q you are a lane bully.”
TurnDaBeatAround says “You getting caught is one thing. Your ADC getting caught is another. You aren't prepared early to help disengage that, so he gets a lot more credit for his early snowball potential. I autoban him to save me headaches I can't fix through good gameplay.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, you can spellshield his q's pretty easy (maybe u'll need a bit of practice) and that makes him donate u free mana. depending on ur support/their adc u might even want to stand in front of ur support to block all hooks (when ur spellshield is up)”
the_dark_D says “If you are not good at timing you e i can see this being a problem but it shouldnt be.
-Try staying behind your own minions.
-Your e cancels the pull even if he hits you.”
Wasbeer says “One Pull will get you killed if you dont have flash, Play with CAUTION! and farm the lane till a gank comes. Late game you'r ultimate can save the one who gets pulled.”
TSMSky says “He's our #1 counter because Janna can't blink herself or her allies away from him after being pulled. Play this lane safely from behind your minions.”
heyitsRainex says “Blitzcrank's Q hook would just help you close gap with his ADC.
He grabs you, go in on the ADC.
He grabs your ADC, W and E straight away to deny his ADC's damage.”
Synk1904 says “Blitzcrank will make your laning phase a nightmare, always stay behind minions and ward bushes to make him unable to surprise you with the hook.”
Glasletter says “You can always W for the movement speed to get away from the hook or even block it/bait it if you time it right, but the real danger isn't to you, it's to your carry; if they start dying, you start losing.
This is my usual ban.”
Lonxu says “Skill match-up.
Stay behind minions. Don't just stand in the brush as a smart Blitz will hook you, even without vision.
If you always stay behind minions or plants you are in a good spot.
Of course the really good Blitzcranks will actually initiate with like flash E instead or try to juke the root then E you. So that's why you need to have them poked down enough before that is even an possibility.
Going even in the lane is okay as playing Blitz in 5v5 team fights is really rough I think. You'll be much more useful than him usually.
So one cool trick is to like cast plant in front of you and then bait Blitz into hooking you. It will just kill the plant instead.
Also if he misses the hook, PUNISH HIM WITH POKE.”
whybother34 says “Blitz can't escape you. Your movespeed from W will beat his W and he just sucks in extended fights. Also if you're a god you can pillar an ally getting pulled by him to stop them from getting pulled all the way in ”
MeTheFew says “As long as you dodge the grab you're fine, but be vary, you cannot get to close to him because he can turn off your heals and ult, if he knocks you up or even worse grabs you, you're toast.”
SawyerNelson says “Blitzcrank does fairly well against bad Zyra players. A good Zyra player will always be able to block his hook with plants. Poke him when his hook is down or when in a minion wave.”
Saeh says “So long as you can dodge his Q then this lane is safe, but if you get caught post level 3 its almost certain death. His Q is on a 20/19/18/17/16 second cooldown.”
xdardax says “Stay behind creeps if he start to rush with W u can slow him or knock him up. Ur movement speed should help u sidestep. (same for thresh)”
nicko9090 says “If he hook you, you engage on his carry, if he hook your ADC, you engage his carry. Blitz can't do nothing against your engage but you can deny his. Be careful for hook under tower +ignite. Rest is fairly easy.”
blastingskull says “Juke his q and you will be fine if he will hit your adc same rule as lenoa at his adc but supp your adc while doing that rakan is special cause he can move fast if he hooks you you will be knockeup e fast as posssible”
Jorcat says “Blitzcranks in low elos hooking you in can be either fatal or your best friend. According to the blitz player you can counter engage straight onto their adcs and double kill. If the blitz is good pray.”
FunnyBunnyH says “He has some killpressure early in lane and he can always hit a random game changing hook, but in general the matchup is pretty good for Mao.
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