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Jinx Counter Stats

Jinx Counters
Discover all champions who counter Jinx. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Jinx in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
660 Tips for countering Jinx below

Bottom Lane
51.46% Win Rate100% Pick Rate Jinx Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Jinx in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Moosicel says “After 30 minutes, she can defend a baron push or take 2 Inhibitors or fire a rocket over the map to kill somebody. Always respect Jinx. You might want to play Zeri or buffed Ashe vs Jinx. But Corki can also work.”
Shindeiruwu says “Shes just useless until late game when she pentakills 20 times in a row. Dont fight her when she can get her passive cos she will just destroy you (epic monsters and low hp turrets or doomed teammates).”
[14.24] [KR Meta] Ashe Crit + AS by Shindeiruwu | Ashe Player
FroszTyzada says “o único problema é o clear wave com a Fishbones ( Q ), de resto, é um adcarry bem simples de jogar contra.”
The Plague Rat - Twitch ADCarry S14 / S15 by FroszTyzada | Twitch Player
BigBallsLarry says “You win lane and you win late. Try to shut her down in lane as she has practically 0 counterplay, DONT walk into her traps and try to not get hit by W (it's very telegraphed). ”
Umatcha says “Tienen el mismo rango si Jinx usa cohetes y tu usas Calibrum, o si usa la minigun y tu cualquier otra arma. El problema viene si Jinx llega a escalar ya que en teamfights puede ganar facilmente con sólo sacar un reset de su pasiva, ya que le permite kitear facilmente. Varía segun la habilidad de la Jinx en kitear.”
Guía para jugar Aphelios by Umatcha | Aphelios Player
BlitzQualle says “You can't really get onto jinx with nilah so she'll just kite you down. In lane her range makes her really annoying.”
Stomp your opponents with Nilah by BlitzQualle | Nilah Player
Avarosa says “você ganha da jinx do early ao late, você dita como a lane funciona, se ela tentar farmar pokeie com seu Q e E, mas cuidado com sua mana”
[14.21] Como jogar de varus by Avarosa | Varus Player
Avarosa says “ela vai ditar a lane e ela escala mais que você, voce vai precisar do seu suporte pra matar ela e precisa ganhar rapido, igual a kaisa só que mais dificil pra voce”
[14.21] Guia de como jogar de ashe by Avarosa | Ashe Player
gaarrett says “Can keep up with Nilah's scaling and can do damage from a safer distance. If you can ever get on top of her though, you can blow her up in a few autos. Stay as healthy as possible during lane and look to use the minion wave to E on her.”
14.19 Platinum Nilah Guide - The Cooler Samira by gaarrett | Nilah Player
thedanknepper says “Skill matchup. If she gets ahead, you have to focus her ASAP before she gets out of control. If you get ahead, make sure to control her presence before she uses her brain (!) and turns the tide around.”
[14.14] A Noob's Guide to Jhin (WIP) by thedanknepper | Jhin Player
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