Bottom Lane 51.46% Win Rate100% Pick RateJinx Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Jinx in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Moosicel says “After 30 minutes, she can defend a baron push or take 2 Inhibitors or fire a rocket over the map to kill somebody. Always respect Jinx. You might want to play Zeri or buffed Ashe vs Jinx. But Corki can also work.”
Shindeiruwu says “Shes just useless until late game when she pentakills 20 times in a row. Dont fight her when she can get her passive cos she will just destroy you (epic monsters and low hp turrets or doomed teammates).”
BigBallsLarry says “You win lane and you win late. Try to shut her down in lane as she has practically 0 counterplay, DONT walk into her traps and try to not get hit by W (it's very telegraphed). ”
Umatcha says “Tienen el mismo rango si Jinx usa cohetes y tu usas Calibrum, o si usa la minigun y tu cualquier otra arma.
El problema viene si Jinx llega a escalar ya que en teamfights puede ganar facilmente con sólo sacar un reset de su pasiva, ya que le permite kitear facilmente.
Varía segun la habilidad de la Jinx en kitear.”
Avarosa says “você ganha da jinx do early ao late, você dita como a lane funciona, se ela tentar farmar pokeie com seu Q e E, mas cuidado com sua mana”
Avarosa says “ela vai ditar a lane e ela escala mais que você, voce vai precisar do seu suporte pra matar ela e precisa ganhar rapido, igual a kaisa só que mais dificil pra voce”
gaarrett says “Can keep up with Nilah's scaling and can do damage from a safer distance. If you can ever get on top of her though, you can blow her up in a few autos. Stay as healthy as possible during lane and look to use the minion wave to E on her.”
thedanknepper says “Skill matchup. If she gets ahead, you have to focus her ASAP before she gets out of control. If you get ahead, make sure to control her presence before she uses her brain (!) and turns the tide around.”
Devilbuny says “Jinx nie jest gigantycznym zagrożeniem, dopóki nie aktywuje pasywki. Może ona z Kalistą konkurować o miano najszybciej napierdalającego adc. Różnica w tym, że ona nie dość że szybko nawala, to jeszcze crituje. To jest jej przewaga”
EdenHoangKim says “This matchup is easy to hard to deal with. But in teamfight, make sure not to let her alone or her passive can make everything harder.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - High mobility / High range / Great teamfight potential
| WEAKNESSES - Weak to CC / Easy to abuse / Support dependant / Weak in short trades
| WHAT TO DO ? - Jinx isn't scary in early game, she is easy to avoid and to focus on stacks. Mid/late game is the problem, you can't really deal with her, she has way more damage than you and more mobility. Try to focus the frontlane instead of her and you should be fine.”
Avxm says “One of kogmaws best matchups as long as you don’t get hit by her w and then spaced you will win every single trade. You match her range with w and significantly outdps her early-midgame”
Amberdragon says “Jinx is a late game hypercarry. You might do decent damage late game, but she’s stronger at melting the frontline, her resets are nasty and in a 1v1 with her ahead you can’t match her DPS.”
Latte9969 says “Jinx is very easy to lane against, try to play aggressively and ping your support to fight because Ezreal outdamages Jinx monumentally early. The only problem comes if Jinx is allowed to scale because Ezreal can never outdamage a Jinx in the late game, so it's up to you to make sure she doesn't get there.”
Foxirion says “Jinx's late-game scaling and AoE damage can make her a major threat to Kog'Maw. Her ability to reset and snowball team fights with her passive can quickly turn the tide against Kog'Maw.”
afr0rk says “Very hard for Jinx to deal with you early game, you outrange her and you out damage her in her range if you have a few passive stacks. Careful about letting her scale tho, as she can and will be a menace in the late game.”
loaderdragon15 says “Ezreal's poke and mobility can be particularly punishing for squishy ADCs with limited mobility. He can harass them from afar while avoiding their engage attempts, making it difficult for them to retaliate or escape.”
Bobalegre says “Her early game is pretty bad, if she is alone you can easily kill her from full HP. DO NOT feed her because she scales incredibly well.”
Vapora Dark says “Jinx becomes a big issue for Aphelios later on when she massively out-ranges him, but for most of laning phase she tends to be at least somewhat manageable, especially with engage supports. Her full rocket form range takes until level 9 to be unlocked, so it should get progressively harder and harder after level 2, but this is a lot of time to snowball against her with superior trading capabilities.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “Make sure the game doesn't go to 40 minutes, she's very squishy and with HoB should be exterminated after all 3 autos, don't stand in the wave to avoid her Q AOE but don't stand too far as where you can't walk behind a minion incase she W's”
Devilbuny says “Jinx sama w sobie ma słabsze early od ciebie. Do póki nie pozwolisz jej się zabić albo nie zabije ona twojego suppota nie wykorzysta pasywki. A bez niej jest łatwo na nią grać. Osobiście nie lubię na nia grać mimo wszystko”
hellfirelord says “Avoid her rocket Qs and force short trades. You can't lose if you complete items first. And you can't lose short trades. If you win early then it's really hard for her to comeback.”
NegativePhoenix says “You're both hyper carries given how much damage she can do later, and how hard you scale.
The later the game goes on, the more you should outscale her, but late game it can go either way depending on who's more skilled at their champion
During lane phase, just poke her down and if you got an engage support, try to use them to get her behind so her carry potential goes down the drain”
Leaf no Kitsune says “jinx has advantage pre level6 because of her range advantage (q). you can poke her qith aa+q+aa. if you get caught in her chompers (e) you are done for.
after level 6 you win all in. try to flash her ult and don't give her the attack speed through passive (e.g. she kills your support first).”
iiExploit says “Jinx is a strong hypercarry. She will always have more attack speed than you early but her range is very short until she hit's level 9. Make sure you're spacing well versus this champion because once she hits level 9 her Fishbones rockets will have 720.”
mydesires says “She beats you in late game. Use Gravitum (Purple) in teamfight to lock her and tell your team to all in her. Pretty weak early game though just try to harass her. // TH : ต้นเกมนางอ่อนมาก พยายามกดนางให้ได้ เลทเกมเมื่อไรนางจะชนะทุกสิ่ง แต่ช้าก่อน หากคุณสามารถใช้ปืนม่วงล็อคขานางในทีมไฟต์ได้ก็ชนะได้ :D”
LustAndSpite says “Jinx is practically defenseless against you in the late game. If she gets a takedown and you hit her with your ult, she will kill her own team with her bonus attack speed.
That being said, she is a threat in the mid game if she beat you during laning.”
the hood says “Once again avoid getting outspaced (respect her range). Jinx is really vulnerable in close All-Ins. Jinx will use her traps to cut off ur path, while she is throwing it, you have a millisecond to walk through it without getting binded and you can run her down.”
support_diff says “Jinx' kit doesn't provide too much counter to you as you can E over her traps/ult and her range isn't even near enough to get you down. Don't recall under turret if you are low health as Jinx could easily kill you with her ult as it deals bonus damage based on traveled distance. Her damage in a close range fight is really good due to her auto attack buffs of her Q. It is better to stay safe early as a fed Jinx can be a real problem in mid/late game. ”
DreamOfValhalla says “Early game weak but late she has more range than you and can destroy you. Punish early. Due to her range go in with Green and White”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “Jinx is a thorn in Sivir's side, as she can punish Sivir a lot by increasing her range with the missile launchers and the smoking cannon, in addition to the fact that Jinx scales 3x more than Sivir and also she has a lot of attack speed, be very careful on passive resets and avoid switching 1v1.”
Reptile9LoL says “Jinx outranges you a lot, but if she missuses chompers once you can find good all-ins vs her, this matchup is easily winnable if you abuse Q trading/ poking whenever she goes to auto you or a minion.”
Aronnn says “A good Jinx will put traps at their feet to stop you, but you can get behind her if you have a good engage support, so pretty good matchup.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - High mobility / High range / Great teamfight potential
| WEAKNESSES - Weak to CC / Easy to abuse / Support dependant / Weak in short trades
| WHAT TO DO ? - Use your combos to take quick trade and then back of before she gets a stacked Q and Lethal Tempo. Avoid walking up if she has E, otherwise you will be traped and mostly die. Lategame is in Jinx favor, more range and damage.”
Hidden Ghoster says “This is slightly difficult. Jinx can punish you in any way shape and form. Avoid taking damage from her ROCKETS, and play from range. She will always push you in no matter what. You can win this matchup if you save your burst when she plays too aggressive.”
Jhin and Tonic says “The moment she gets a kill on your support her passive makes her impossible to kill. If you can't get a few kills on her early she will outscale you and carry her team.”
Santoryo says “Be aware of the rocket that can execute you, good to save the Spell Shield for her ultimate, don't stack up as team to avoid AoE Rockets”
Stiffy21 says “High range and High damage,
She out damages you if she gets even slightly ahead. Also skill dependent, but this goes without say. Best to play safe, dont die, and watch her roams, ask Jgl to camp bot to delay her spike. ”
VrNtv says “Jinx's popularity has spiked due to Arcane and so has her winrate. The buffs they gave her really made her a must pick in the ADC role, she outranges Kai'Sa throughout the ENTIRETY of the game. Make sure to punish her if she ever walks in range of you, you typically win trades with Hail of Blades > W > Q. She scales VERY WELL so beware.”
SongPhuc1910 says “IMO,Ezreal doesn't have any counter picks, but any champs with high range or outscale you in late game are ezreal's threats ( jinx, samira,..)”
RandomNPC777 says “Jinx is very weak against Twitch. She can outpoke you slightly, but just barely loses all ins. She's looking to play safe and scale into lategame, and is best paired with supports who can help on that mission. Bring an engage support into her to shut her down early, or an enchanter to match her value lategame.”
SheriffADC says “Once again a long range unmobile (if we don't count her passive movespeed from kills) champion that is pretty easy to all-in with engage supports. Just keep in mind that you cannot dash through her Flame Chompers.”
livia999 says “Jinx is also a late game carry but we beat her in all stages of the game, she's only good when she gets ahead on us and or has her passive going”
Lachoni1 says “You beat Jinx in lane but you have to be careful if she isn't behind. If she is even or ahead she can output more damage than you during late game team fights so you want to create a lead.”
Amberdragon says “Jinx, despite her weak early game, is a bad matchup because she has long range and good wave clear, making it difficult for Caitlyn to punish her and gain control over the lane. However, I do find that this matchup depends a lot on the support - a support who can get on top of Jinx can help Caitlyn land kills and snowball, but if Jinx has a strong enchanter support who plays well it is only a matter of time until she gets strong and unkillable.”
ChadKarthus says “Usually very easy matchup, just dodge her W and you can all in, super weak early game, easy 2v2, you outscale, only dangerous if she has a Lulu”
slendoooo says “
Jinx will only become a threat for Draven in late game, but till then you have lots of opportunities to kill her and force to end the game.
If you dodge her W, which is easily dodge able, you can always go for some damage, an all-in to burn her flash or even kill her.
If you’re unlucky and you have to play vs Jinx late game the only way you can kill her then is if you buy a Rapid Fire Cannon. Otherwise, you won't even get in auto attack range before you die.
ItsStin says “Jinx is not a good matchup for Varus early and can be bullied out of lane. She has mana problems as well since Q is her only way of staying in lane trades.”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
Corpselover says “She is kind of like Ashe and Caitlyn but she can burn through her mana rather easily if she tries to harass you a lot with her Q. You can kill her at level 2 and 3. The interaction if you use your W and she uses E is kind of weird, I'll showcase it in a video down below.”
Amberdragon says “Jinx's late game strength is comparable to yours, if not stronger. The longer the game goes the more range and DPS she gets, making it really hard for you to trade back. A support with CC to lock her down is great, and bring Exhaust.”
LionelOCE says “This might be controversial but I personally think this is an easy matchup for Ashe. You force Jinx to take cleanse and once you start autoing her, it is very difficult for her to fight back with minigun. Try freeze a wave and look for all ins where possible in lane.”
riggims says “can compete on wave clear early and if you hit and e you can ult her and destroy her mid game, but late game she melts you. Gets out of hand fast”
KnobHobbler says “Powder doesn't really do much unless she is fed and falls off easily.
Ask jungle to gank and ruin her game.
Play under your tower.
You win 1v1's.”
franksterzz says “Not even a threat to Aphelios. She needs passive to get online, even with items. You can match her rocket range with calibrum and keep her at distance. Super squishy too.”
NotAragami says “Hypercarry that scales better than you in late game. Pray that your support don't recklessly die first as she will either run away very fast or kill you as well.
Tiny buff in 12.19 for her early game. ”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Short Trades/All-in] You really need to bully her early so that she can't scale up, but still know your limits to how far you can go. It's mostly your support that has to bully her, as you don't really have the tools to.”
Doody_tco says “Do your best to deny her farm in lane phase, because she will out scale you in late game, and if she gets a kill or an assist, she can deal greater damage with increased DPS”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jinx will use the extra range from her Q to poke you down and push the lane. Make sure you’re outside of the minion wave so she is unable to deal splash damage to you or the minion wave. As a carry, Jinx is very dependent on others to assist her in snowballing. Try your best to take advantage of Jinx when she is in the lane alone. Jinx is rather defenceless outside of her Flash when her E is down. If she uses her E, try and exploit her weakness and use the long cooldown to go for another skirmish.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jinx will use the extra range from her Q to poke you down and push the lane. Make sure you’re outside of the minion wave so she is unable to deal splash damage to you or the minion wave. As a carry, Jinx is very dependent on others to assist her in snowballing. Try your best to take advantage of Jinx when she is in the lane alone. Jinx is rather defenceless outside of her Flash when her E is down. If she uses her E, try and exploit her weakness and use the long cooldown to go for another skirmish.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jinx will use the extra range from her Q to poke you down and push the lane. Make sure you’re outside of the minion wave so she is unable to deal splash damage to you or the minion wave. As a carry, Jinx is very dependent on others to assist her in snowballing. Try your best to take advantage of Jinx when she is in the lane alone. Jinx is rather defenceless outside of her Flash when her E is down. If she uses her E, try and exploit her weakness and use the long cooldown to go for another skirmish.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jinx will use the extra range from her Q to poke you down and push the lane. Make sure you’re outside of the minion wave so she is unable to deal splash damage to you or the minion wave. As a carry, Jinx is very dependent on others to assist her in snowballing. Try your best to take advantage of Jinx when she is in the lane alone. Jinx is rather defenceless outside of her Flash when her E is down. If she uses her E, try and exploit her weakness and use the long cooldown to go for another skirmish.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jinx will use the extra range from her Q to poke you down and push the lane. Make sure you’re outside of the minion wave so she is unable to deal splash damage to you or the minion wave. As a carry, Jinx is very dependent on others to assist her in snowballing. Try your best to take advantage of Jinx when she is in the lane alone. Jinx is rather defenceless outside of her Flash when her E is down. If she uses her E, try and exploit her weakness and use the long cooldown to go for another skirmish.”
Amberdragon says “Watch out for her poke and range, they make it hard for you to play. Use minions as a bridge to her and don't let her run away with your R. Don't run over her traps. A support who can lock her down will make your life easier, she has no way to escape without flash or galeforce -- that is if you don't give her a kill.”
Kronaa says “So glad the Arcane buffs are over, but this matchup is pretty easy, just get in her face and she wont keep up. (support dependent though)”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jinx will use the extra range from her Q to poke you down and push the lane. Make sure you’re outside of the minion wave so she is unable to deal splash damage to you or the minion wave. As a carry, Jinx is very dependent on others to assist her in snowballing. Try your best to take advantage of Jinx when she is in the lane alone. Jinx is rather defenceless outside of her Flash when her E is down. If she uses her E, try and exploit her weakness and use the long cooldown to go for another skirmish.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jinx will use the extra range from her Q to poke you down and push the lane. Make sure you’re outside of the minion wave so she is unable to deal splash damage to you or the minion wave. As a carry, Jinx is very dependent on others to assist her in snowballing. Try your best to take advantage of Jinx when she is in the lane alone. Jinx is rather defenceless outside of her Flash when her E is down. If she uses her E, try and exploit her weakness and use the long cooldown to go for another skirmish.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jinx will use the extra range from her Q to poke you down and push the lane. Make sure you’re outside of the minion wave so she is unable to deal splash damage to you or the minion wave. As a carry, Jinx is very dependent on others to assist her in snowballing. Try your best to take advantage of Jinx when she is in the lane alone. Jinx is rather defenceless outside of her Flash when her E is down. If she uses her E, try and exploit her weakness and use the long cooldown to go for another skirmish.”
ColJaraka says “Can poke with q rockets, but if you manage to get on top of her, she is nothing but a helpless little girl who prays on you stepping on her traps which have a long delay before activation alongside with long cd of them.”
Ludazel says “Jinx is a slower Zeri that doesn't have to aim auto attacks. You have the same roll in teamfights which is ME ADC ME DMG ENEMY. Jinx outscales Zeri at 3 items in terms of DPS.”
Amberdragon says “Outscales you, has better waveclear and better teamfighting. Overall handleable in lane but in late game she generally does better than you. If your team can CC her you kill her fast though.”
Kitqsune says “Only in major because of how much she outranges you, but this can easily be brought down to minor if you get an early kill. She needs to scale and without it, she's useless. You cannot block her w but you can block her ult.”
moso says “Jinx does not like being forced into all on DPS trades early. Ashe forces her into fights with her slows and easily out damages her. A bad support matchup can make this a lot more even though. She will certainly outscale you and your role will be more front to back, looking to slow/ult her to impair damage.”
BigBoyBen69 says “you should beat her in lane, just make sure you take short trades and be careful of her root. SHE DOES OUTSCALE YOU THOUGH SO WIN LANE”
LewisTheRat says “You are stronger than her early, you outscale. She'll try to poke you with her W and Q (rocket launcher) as she can aa from farther away. Walk between her E and get close to her before engaging under Q.
Icels says “My dear friend, if you are matched up against one of these... things, hope they downloaded the game today. She's got a root, a slow, big damage, and 2 rocket launchers that hurt almost as much as her sister's slaps. also, her passive is a nightmare if she gets it off. you need to shut her down early.”
Alvatorz says “Jinx is.. a special case. Jinx is basically you, without all the problem of playing Zeri. Same range, same move speed, same kitting potential, yet she just needs to right click and her passiv stays if she gets a shutdown. I would say it's really skilled matchup cause of the fact that you have the same early game. It's either you or her that snowballs !”
2saif4u says “Try not to eat rocket aa level 1 against Jinx due to the range advantage she has and play around her cooldowns.
You do win level 1 trade vs her if she afk aa minion and their support does not care.”
TangsterinE says “Jinx has similar scaling to Aphelios but her Early game is substantially worse. Jinx is one of the only matchups where you can play hyper-aggressive against.”
Gank Scorpio says “Can out kite you, be careful when trading and try and hit all your abilities. Preferably avoid trading early unless you know it's a sure kill with your support following up.”
Demonsedge90 says “Your objective in this matchup is to punish Jinx whenever she approaches to hit minions, as her range is limited early on with pow-pow (minigun), making her vulnerable to your double-up bounces. However, if you see her using fishbones when you walk up to punish her, retreat and regroup. Be cautious when she places flame chompers, as getting trapped could lead to sudden death. Another concern in this matchup (after level 9) is that her attack range is higher than Miss Fortune's while she is using fishbones (rocket launcher). Therefore, it is harder to approach Jinx unless you can close the gap.”
FlyByee says “Jinx is just overall the best adc in game, you are better after you build your second item frozen hearth, but i would ban her just to be safe.”
Krilep says “Not a threat because of her lack of mobility and damage early in the game. If you are able to capitalize off that then the game should be easy. Allow her to get 3 items and she will start to outscale you mid-late game. Try to end quick!”
roselol says “if u have someone to help shut down in lane, this lane is fine. but odds are, jinx will scale better than u! ur abilities r hard to hit, while this bitch just has to auto. keep taht in mind.”
Light Within says “Extreme trades can result in a death for Aphelios. If you try to refrain from fighting her for more than 5s you are going to get outranged and killed. Go for short poke trades, once six you should be able to kill her with Green White rotation.”
Valhalla Coach says “You win extended trades early so play aggressive in lane with your support. Don't let her cs for free and shut her down lvl6 if you can. She will outscale you if you let her, if you can ult her in teamfight before she gets her passive you probably won the fight. Don't ult her after her passive (unless you're dead otherwise) because she has the MS to dodge it just by walking”
SaskioLoL says “Jinx can outrange you similarly to Caitlyn & Ashe but you have more wiggle room to all in her by dancing around her W and Traps after 6.”
Banana Pirate says “Jinx isn't a hard matchup. Try and dodge her w and don't walk into her traps. Keep in mind that her rockets give her long range. One of the best things against Jinx are your traps. Get you're sup to stun her and then place traps.”
Dazlirn says “Jinx could be a hard match up in lane for Draven due to her Q being able to out range you and damage you when hitting minions.
Could be difficult to play against but not a champion worth banning as usually you should still win lane against her.”
Sellsword says “Jinx has more range in lane with her rocket launcher but she's immobile which makes landing Q on her easier. You both will try to just push each other under turret so it will likely end up being a farm lane. Then, you must get a bigger lead in the mid-game before she hits 3 items, because after that she will outdamage you and even with your ult, you'll have trouble reaching her. You can spellshield all of her abilities. Be careful about fighting her in all-ins in lane, with Lethal Tempo her long fights are stronger now.”
King Turtle says “she abuses lethal tempo probably the best out of any adc right now, and her kiting will likely make it hard to even touch her let alone kill her.”
RatSmacker69 says “If she didn't win lane you can melt her in 1 rotation regardless of how fed she is, but man she does insane damage. Catch her by suprise and she pops like a balloon.”
Tolis slayer says “imo one of the easiest matchups since you have a way better laning phase than hit one good cc at her and you either get her summoner spells or kill her.Also try to play around her passive because if she is able to get a takedown in lane sh will probably end up with a double kill”
Jhineral Studies says “She can very easily Zap you with her W and kill your engage, additionally with trades, make sure you are conscious of your escape route in regards to her Chompers”
koggywoggy says “Extreme threat if she has an enchanter, otherwise you are basically just the better champion. Stay out of her normal auto range, you win if shes using rockets. Highly recommend ghost.”
gamertyguy says “Not a super big issue. R can be stopped with a spell shield and her clackers aren't that hard to miss. Little tough to miss her autos. ”
PancakeKittiwake says “Her w does about as much damage as your q heals for and you can poke for more at a larger range. You win this, just don’t get stuck between her e and a wall O_O”
Nom212 says “She can annoy you in the lane with her rocket launcher granting bonus range to her AAs. The later the game goes the more consistent she will have her rocket launcher available so it only gets worse. However, her abilities are all easy to block which allows you to play aggressively and contest her before she becomes a real problem.”
Alvatorz says “Semi-Hard matchup, she's getting harder to face recently with her amazing kit and the recent buff of Lethal Tempo. She can kite you from a mile away.”
ASneakySausage says “Jinx is good against Caitlyn due to her ability to shove waves and poke with AoE damage with her rocket launcher, and has good burst with her W and R. It is not too hard to beat a Jinx, but playing aggressively and poking her out will win. If played well, Caitlyn should win this matchup easily.”
Amberdragon says “Jinx has high DPS and Range, the longer the game goes the stronger she gets. She can get you to half health before you get close to her, her E can interrupt your Ult. If you can't shut her down in the early game you won't stand a chance against her on your own.”
I Am Not u says “Jinx is pretty annoying with how she can push so easily with her Q, but you're Tristana. You're one of the most snowball-y ADCs in the game. Just hope your support can grab, and you can win. Be mindful of her E. You have no Y-axis, so it can root you even if you're jumping. Her W isn't too bad, though. It's easy to dodge if you know how to move. Deny her the early game and you're set for an easy game.”
Vixylafoen says “If she gets going, it's over, and she can poke early well with her rocket launcher. If he Support is half-compotent, she'll be fed pretty early as long as she plays it smart. You can bully her easily if she'd left alone though, so try baiting the Support out. Jinx is gonna go by-bye very quickly then.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Not a threat because of her lack of mobility and damage early in the game. If you are able to capitalize off that then the game should be easy. Allow her to get 3 items and she will start to outscale you mid-late game. Try to end quick!”
koog says “After her range buff, she's a lot harder to deal with as Aphelios. You can trade decently with her before she has lvl 5 Q, but be aware that she will start to outrange you very hard by then. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Can be slightly annoying with her extended range autos with Q, W slow, and E traps. If you avoid these telegraphed things you should win the lane though. ”
Urason says “Jinx can poke you out of lane easily, especially if your support can't get on top of her. To make things worse, you can't dash through her traps so she can kite you around them. If you get a lead you'll destroy her. Otherwise, it's a bit hard.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Probably the best marksman in the game at the moment. If she lands W on you she can easily follow up with autos with her great range. ”
LostFishEU says “Jinx doesn't do anything special early game. Jinx is similar to Kog'Maw in the way she scales. She can push the lane really quickly with her rockets and also out range you which could be a danger, but as soon as both are in range, Vayne should always come out on top in 1v1.”
Heszo says “Jinx can match and surpass Ashe's range by using Switcheroo (which also provides her an AoE attack) meaning you start with a level playing field. She also has a long-range skill shot to harass. However, she lacks any active mobility, making her very vulnerable to ganks and initiation with Enchanted Crystal Arrow, and will not be able to escape your slow from Frost Shot. However, if she scores a kill or destroy a tower, she gains a massive movespeed boost and will outrun your slow easily. It's best to remain behind creeps to avoid harass and only initiate while Ranger's Focus is ready. When you are low on life, beware of Jinx's global range ultimate doing greater damage.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Not too big of an issue. You can dodge W and R with your Arcane Shift. You can poke her and outrange her even in rocket form. A fairly immobile champ so easy to run down. I like this matchup. ”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “if she gets alot of farm, she wins. if she gets a kill, she'll get two or more out of it. overall one of the worst matchups if they're experienced.”
Coldsong says “Jinx is rather easy for Samira due to her abysmal early game. However her E chompers can easily get you killed if she roots you with them, so bait them out before going in. She is super immobile, so if your supports lands CC go in and she will be very vulnerable. Just try to W her ult or W if you are low, since they are both telegraphed. Also try to end as fast as possible, since Jinx becomes a monster late game.”
Vapora Dark says “Jinx is a late game hyper carry that can easily farm under tower making it hard for her to be denied. Extended trades and positioning out of the creep wave is what Jinx loves, look to shoot her with a 4th shot whenever you can and do your best not to be cut off by her chomper traps. In the early-mid game, abuse her lack of damage and no mobility by picking her off with your extreme range and CC potential.”
NikkiTT says “Just statcheck and you win, she is very immobile so only way of her escaping your oneshot is with flash. Also remember you can ult after she uses Chompers so she has absolutely no way of surviving.”
Amberdragon says “She can kite and poke you with her long range, and if you get rooted things will go bad for you. But she is pretty squishy and vulnerable to cc. She outscales you but if you can get on top of her she is easy to kill.”
Simon Uchinora says “Jinx has alot of clear wave and when she is hit Fishbone, she has a little bit of range to fight against you,Fish bones waste a little bit of mana, so abuse of this, if you try to preassure her under the tower, she will be force to use the fishbones to not let you do this and eventually waste the entire mana, but she can hits you with W giving you a considerable Slow for her support do something, so be careful.”
Chaeha says “Jinx trading patterns are quite weak with her rocket auto attacks being what she typically uses and long range zaps, however if Kai'Sa postures up and trades with her hail of blade auto, Icathian Rain, and taste of blood, she will come out on top. ”
AhoyM8E says “You'll notice that all of these counters are just boiling down to range. Jinx will poke you to low HP over and over again with her rockets. You need to stay back and wait for her to make a mistake.”
R3Veal says “High attack speed and range while she has rocket launcher. Jinx can sometimes get double kill after she kills your support because of her passive.”
Urason says “Due to how immobile she is, Jinx is pretty vulnerable. That being said, her traps are obnoxious and will ground you instantly. Plus, she has massive amounts of wave clear, range, and scaling. This depends on who gets ahead. ”
SopTop says “Honestly, Jinx isn't too bad until the lategame. She has little to no damage pre-level 6, so if her support doesn't know what he's doing, all will be OK.”
Lightfeather says “Jinx is dependent on her support early, so if the enemy support mispositions try to all-in jinx, in a way that YOU don't misposition.”
HyroPyro says “Jinx can only really harass you will Switcheroo! (Q) rocket form and Zap! (W). She is a late game hyper carry with no mobility. Make sure you and support are looking for opportunities to kill when she steps out of her wave or is laning without a support.”
im_zeno says “Same with Caitlyn, but she lacks mobility, which is why she's minor unlike Caitlyn. When you get hit by her traps, INSTANTLY windwall to avoid being damaged (note her traps gets rid of your passive shield). You can also wind wall her ult. Play safe till lvl 2-3 depending on if your support is melee or ranged.”
snowcard says “Jinx will poke you with her rocket. Her passive with minigun is also scary as she runs you down. Fortunately, you have many things to block for her.
What you can block: W, E, R. Careful with her R because your E doesn't cancel the surrounding damage for other allies.”
Pengwan says “Has good damage and if she becomes fed she's a nightmare however shes not really a problem in early. You can e over chomper and poke from range, all ins vs her usually tend to go well due to her lack of mobility.”
m0rfeazz says “Jinxs early game is kinda bad,jhin is much stronger,try to kill her,leave her behind and pretty much its GG.Avoid dying at any cost,you will just help her reach late game faster”
Lucifer6 says “Early on Jinx is not to hard to fight at all from my experience but once she gets going with her attack speed it can be quite close in 1v1s but mostly you wont be running around alone as a Jhin anyways so you should be fine as long as u stay clear of her traps and Ws.”
Trieuloo says “She has 0 escapes as well as not having a great kit to deal with veigar. She starts outranging your cage at lvl 9, but at that point you can just trade the support and cage her off so she does no damage. ”
Alvatorz says “Ok ok ok. Jinx is actually really good in solo queue, especially with her new recent buffs on R CD and passiv, so i recommend you to be carreful againt her, 1 or 2 kills could turn her into an unstopable machine. Still being easy to 1v1 or 2v2, don't get kitted too much tho.”
Bungo_T_Baggins says “You're both scaling champs. Jinx has the push advantage early on with her Q rockets. The winner of this lane is generally dependent on support picks and play.”
Sett Abuser says “Her range is also a lot larger than yours and her dps is threatening since the early game until the end game. Watch out for her traps, crowd control might get you killed.”
FunkyBeagle says “Jinx's popularity has spiked due to Arcane and so has her winrate. The buffs they gave her really made her a must pick in the ADC role, she outranges Kai'Sa throughout the ENTIRETY of the game. Make sure to punish her if she ever walks in range of you, you typically win trades with Hail of Blades > W > Q. She scales VERY WELL so beware.”
DoublefeedOP says “Jinx is pretty weak until she hits her 2 item powerspike but by that time you should have your core items so it should be a breeze. With her, you can poke her with your W - E combo so don't be afraid to look for trades if you have your Passive stacked.”
DoublefeedOP says “She's just like you, trying to scale. I believe that you can win this lane because of your raw ad power but it all depends on your support.”
DoublefeedOP says “Jinx is in a pretty precarious spot at the moment, with an extremely weak early game. You should be able to easily stomp and push her in and if you go an all-in comp (Jinx, Leona) you can easily grab a few kills if the Jinx makes mistakes. The only way she can be a threat is if her support (Typically Lulu) pokes you down and enables her to make plays. Other than that, she's a snowbally Kogmaw that scales harder than you ever will so make her useless and you'll be fine.”
DoublefeedOP says “Jinx should be very easy to kill level 3 as all she has is her E to stop you and you can just walk past it and run Exhaust if anything to secure the kill.”
KoZee says “Jinx scales really hard and becomes a late game hyper carry. However, in lane, she's fairly weak and will lose most 2v2s until she picks up at least a full item. Overall, no matter what playstyle you choose, she isn't a huge threat early but can become one late game if fed. ”
Delta eGirl says “Jinx's power spikes are about the same as yours. She isn't going to be doing insane damage in lane, and both of you scale well. This game should be pretty chill.”
FaceLikeAStreamer says “Outranges u like caitlyn. but is mana hungry in early game. possible to catch her in an all in so u can burst her if she does get stunend by ur Condemn (E)”
Xayaphelia says “Too safe to punish, if you don't kill her with your combo she can go minigun and just face tank you. Jinx also out scales you, out ranges you with rockets, and can carry teamfights harder than you with the same gold. Huge threat, try to snowball early if she missplays because if you can't the game is pretty much over in champ select.”
TheGronne says “Actually found Jinx to be quite a problem. She as a long range, and her chompers will not get denied if you W them. They will simply land on the ground.”
ooftheiii says “Her base auto attack range is low in minigun stance, which makes her easier to harass. Jinx's Flame Chompers have a big cooldown, if she wastes them play aggressive if possible. Her rockets deal splash damage, so hiding behind minions isn't always safe.”
Yago77 says “Her range is the worst for Kog'Maw, with this items the 90% of the carrys have less range but Jinx can have the same or close and make relative difficult to play vs cause you will not have that range advantaje”
Bluestrat says “Jinx has very good scaling, and is not a threat until lvl 7/9 in the lane.
We can easily fight Jinx until then and gain an advantage.
A 1v1 on Jinx is very possible, and easy to win once we have Q-EVOLVE. ”
Trampedach says “Harder matchup with her new buffed rocket range but should be playable if you have engage support. Be careful of her passive get excited but you should be able to outtrade her in burst trades. Never go for extended trades in minion waves as you will always lose.”
Bluestrat says “Jinx hat ein sehr gutes Scaling, und ist erst ab Lvl 7/9 in der Lane ein Threat.
Wir können Jinx bis dahin einfach bekämpfen und uns einen Vorteil erspielen.
Ein 1v1 auf Jinx ist sehr gut möglich, und einfach zu gewinnen, sobald wir da Q-EVOLVE besitzen. ”
Atrickster says “right now is the best of all adc and she will screw you up in all pahses of the game as she is better at teamfighting better range in lane and way more DPS atlestt you have some utility and if your feed you can kill her from range or slow her so she cant run your team down”
ctm20141 says “She can be VERY annoying pre lv 6: she can poke you with her AOE rockets and if you get hit by her support's CC she can place her E under your feet for ANOTHER root... if you get hit by her E you 100% lose the trade/you are killed :D. Her lv 6 is MUCH weaker than yours though. CARE OF HER DAMAGE! If you eat her ult you will cry, it does a surprising amount of burst! One good CC or one good Condemn and she's doomed.
She CAN outscale you in late game teamfights IF you dont have a beefy frontline. In general, if you have 1 or more tanks on your team you should be able to win the front to back teamfight: although she is a late game hyper carry, she GETS countered pretty hard by armor, whereas your W procs will explode their frontline XD.”
Tifforma says “Jinx is easy. She has no mobility and weak early game. Dodge her W and traps, catch her and kill her. Beware her late game, where she is pretty damn insane.”
Kalista Monster says “I don't understand how Jinx deals as much damage as she does. For some reason she just wins every trade even early game because of her minigun attack speed”
TvojeMomJeGoiCam says “Late game scaling adc. Don't eat her W and you should be fine. Her Ult can easily steal objectives so make sure it won't happen :).”
ComradeElmo says “You should stomp her in lane since her early game is pretty bad and she has no other escapes other than flash, but if you lose lane than you get heavily out scaled and she'll always win the 1v1.”
Remmacs1 says “This match up can be really hard for Aphelios because she is one of the only ADCs that actually outscales him. Look to take all-ins during the laning phase with chakrams knowing that Jinx can't match your DPS.”
McNugglz says “Her early lane phase is not the best in the world. She will look to poke you with either W when you're out of your wave or Q Rockets when you're in the wave. Jinx is more of a follow up adc and will not initiate fights herself.”
MilkshakeGuru says “Side step the W slow and don't step on the E Traps. Do these 2 things and your ATK Speed Enhancer should out DPS hers early on. Beware of her global ult when recalling. Always be ready to side step it. Don't shop and recall etc.”
boopthesnoot says “Since you and Jinx are both squishy, the one with more raw damage output will win laning phase. Do your best to suppress her scaling early game and put her further behind.”
Zammey says “Fairly even lane dodge zap mid game to avoid being seen while using q resets in fights and aim to abuse her before she hits lvl 6 and snowball off that as she cant output as much damage until she gets her first full item”
Dank672 says “In this lane the only threat is the support, you can poke her out and beat her all-in early, keep a lot of pressure and stop her from csing and you can just snowball your lead against her without even a single kill. If she somehow gets fed make sure your team knows to prioritise her over all others as she scales hard.”
DSpinz says “She can harass you pretty well with her rockets but shes so squishy that most of the time I just take the HP disadvantage to get my 750 gold for dirk, then come back and all in her.”
EvoNinja7 says “Jinx is pretty weak in the early game, but her W can slow you, much like yours but her's is a skill shot, and that can allow her to fire rockets at you that do a lot of damage. She is pretty immbolie and can be poked out in the early game. You can rip her health down with your Q +passive slow.”
Scrimm says “Only thing I think is worth mentioning is that Jinx's Chompers will stop your ult if you pass through them, so keep that in mind when you're using your R against her.”
BluMistah says “dont let her be ahead of you, there is not much you can do if she will get ahead, but if she is behind, you should out-trade her most of times. Also you can use similar strategy as against cait, just here is even riskier.”
SkittleBtw says “Not a threat early game, turns into a major threat late game, she scales really well and will give you a bad day if you let the game go mega late. She will dominate team fights, try to shut her down early.”
Kalista Monster says “As long as you dodge her w and not walk into her e. She should be an easy kill. Try not to go for very long fights because her lethal tempo will out damage your HOB (unless you took lethal as well)”
jhoijhoi says “Jinx can match and surpass Ashe's range by using Switcheroo (which also provides her an AoE attack) meaning you start with a level playing field. She also has a long-range skill shot to harass. However, she lacks any active mobility, making her very vulnerable to ganks and initiation with Enchanted Crystal Arrow, and will not be able to escape your slow from Frost Shot. However, if she scores a kill or destroy a tower, she gains a massive movespeed boost and will outrun your slow easily. It's best to remain behind creeps to avoid harass and only initiate while Ranger's Focus is ready. When you are low on life, beware of Jinx's global range ultimate doing greater damage.”
DddyAwsmSauce says “She is more of a late game hyper-carry. Don't feed her and try to finish the game as early as possible. Be wary of her global ultimate; you can get behind your ally to mitigate the damage. If you're really low, don't hesitate to use heal or flash to avoid dying (you can also use heal to save your ally too). Zap is easy to dodge; it has fairly long wind up time. Move to side or get behind minion.”
Akariine says “Don't let her reach her item powerspike! As a really squishy ADC, your advantage will be in her thirst for kills! Kite her if she's being aggressive. Early game will also be your time to put her at a disadvantage. As much as you can, don't have extended duels with her if she's using Pow-Pow.”
GodMulti says “Jinx is a fairly easy matchup, just don't try to poke her while she is using her rocket launcher. She has a bigger range then you when she is using her Rockat launcher. Pretty easy to beat in lane.”
Ultrama says “No too easy or too hard. It's a skill match-up, she is squishy but her passive make her a beast. Watch out for her R and don't poke her when she is using the rockets.”
Bouhhsolene says “You poke her, then you kill her. The only problem is that, late, she is better than you and might kill you, but early you should win over her.
SweatMeALake says “Jinx is a late game team wipe champion though she is lacking in early game. She cannot spam Q rockets early game, that is the only way she can have a higher range than you. In lane you do much damage with W and Q stacks. Your ultimate can often get a pick and shut down the Jinx. ”
SweatMeALake says “Jinx is a larger team wipe threat than you late game, only reason she isn't an extreme is due to your potential to shut her down early.”
SweatMeALake says “Jinx cannot do too much damage to you early game and you should punish her immobility and her squishiness. She is a late game hyper carry so you should look to end earlier. ”
MrMad2000 says “A good Jinx will survive lane and then outscale you, be careful of her rocket (Q) as it has a similar range to your auto attacks once she has a few ability points into the ability. She has more raw dps than you in her minigun form but clever use of traps, nets, good Qs and poking with auto attacks early will help secure your lane.”
Spection says “ UNCOMMON. Brings hard cc that also serves as an escape mechanism and good kiting and poke abilities, Jinx is pretty annoying for you to deal with. You can't really hide in minion waves because she'll just Q and AOE you down. Jump her when you get in range and burst her hard, she will probably panic and won't be able to stop you from killing her. Don't feed her, she snowballs harder than most ADC's.”
ShroudedBRH says “Jinx requires time to ramp up her attack speed with Q and later in the game her team fight damage output will be higher then yours. You can try to bully her early in lane phase until she gets 2 items. Late game try to lock her down with your ult early in a team fight if possible.”
OverjarlZane says “Skill matchup. Her passive means if you or your support die it's probably a double kill, don't play stupid and don't let get get chain kills. Respect the insanity.”
Camelorry says “Very similar to Cait, she can create a lot of space between you two with her e which you can't dash through. She can also poke you fairly easy and outscales you in the late game. ”
EvoNinja7 says “I have never really had a problem with Jinx, she is not really a significant threat but don't take her for granted, just play normally. Farm and poke, then once you have a considerable amount of items and gold, start pushing your lane. She is like a minion in the early game and is probably as bad, if not even worse then you in the early game, so take advantage of that.”
StriveHD79 says “Super weak laner. Retaliate when she swaps to rocket to trade vs you. Her W is a zip that will slow you down and do decent damage, she can spam that with very low cd, try to stay behind minions. Her traps has a pretty wide radius but very long cooldown, do not ever walk into them. She scales very well for teamfighting, so watch out for her crazy range/dps when she reaches 3 items.”
StriveHD79 says “Retaliate when she swaps to rocket to trade vs you. Her W is a zip that will slow you down and do decent damage, she can spam that with very low cd. Her traps are AOE, stay away from them.”
StriveHD79 says “Jinx is a strong teamfighter with her AOE rockets. You will beat her in lane. Watch out for when she swaps rocket she will trade with you. Her W is a zip that slows you down, stand behind minions to avoid it. Her E is traps that has an AOE radius so do not go close to it or you will be snared in place. Whenever she has an assist on any objectives being destroyed or any kills she will gain a boost of movement speed and attack speed so stay away from her for that short duration.”
StriveHD79 says “Retaliate when she swaps to rocket to trade vs you. Her W is a zip that will slow you down and do decent damage, she can spam that with very low cd, try to stay behind minions. Her traps has a pretty wide radius but very long cooldown, do not ever walk into them. Overall an easy lane, she does however do better in teamfights but lack the poke/mobility you have.”
StriveHD79 says “Super weak laner. Retaliate when she swaps to rocket to trade vs you. Her W is a zip that will slow you down and do decent damage, she can spam that with very low cd, try to stay behind minions. Her traps has a pretty wide radius but very long cooldown, do not ever walk into them. She scales very well for teamfighting, so watch out for her crazy range/dps when she reaches 3 items.”
StriveHD79 says “Another fairly easy going lane, Jinx does not have much kill pressure on you, she will occasionally poke you with her rockets and W, so try t avoid it. In fights, save your spellshield (E) for her traps so it does not snare you. You can also save your spellshield (E) for her ultimate rocket. it should be fairly even in lane and outside of lane.”
KXNGLXXVII says “jinx cant really do anything by herself and is entirely dependent on her support other than early rocket poke/ zap you shouldnt have any issues. ”
EvoNinja7 says “She is like a caster minion if you can play the lane right in the early game. Don't be afraid to all in her, since you should win 90% of the time. she scales after her second item, so be careful, since her passive is pretty OP and can shred you pretty easily.”
eyh4sxdf says “Her early game is kinda bad, and you can bully her pretty well if you have a good support. But she is very very hard to dual in late game. You'll have to get fed or she'll have to be behind if you want to compete”
StriveHD79 says “Super weak laner. Retaliate when she swaps to rocket to trade vs you. Her W is a zip that will slow you down and do decent damage, she can spam that with very low cd, try to stay behind minions. Her traps has a pretty wide radius but very long cooldown, do not ever walk into them. She scales very well for teamfighting, so watch out for her crazy range/dps when she reaches 3 items.”
snukumz says “Early on you'll be able to poke her pretty much for free.
Later once she gets tons of movement speed and damage you'll have to be very careful around her.
She can easily blend your plants which is annoying.
Jinx is squishy and as low mobility early on though, so you'll want to push her early and get ahead.”
Alonixlol says “Jinx comes online for teamfights very early into the game but has a miserable laning phase. She's weak at trading, weak in all-ins, has inefficient waveclear, suffers from Ezreal's problem of having decent poke that's impossible to actually use unless you're already winning lane, and is also highly vulnerable to being engaged on.
On the bright side, when the matchup actually does allow her to have pressure in lane Zap! allows for some very high range, very high damage poke, and she has very high auto-attack range to pressure with as well as decent CC and burst to follow up engages with, so should you find yourself on the losing end of a matchup against her don't expect her overall weak laning phase to make toughing through the matchup a breeze.”
Twiggymocha says “I do not really see jinx as much of a threat in the early game, she can poke you with her rockets, but it is not viable because she will run out of mana. Late it all depends on whether you condemn her or not.”
xSEASeahawks12 says “The only reason this match-up isn't considered minor is because of her immense ability to snowball. Not many ADCs can carry a game like Jinx can. Fortunately, if you're not camped by the jungler, you can stomp the Jinx in lane by dodging her W with Martial Poise and simply out-damaging her in trades. Since her laning phase is one of the weakest among all the ADCs, abuse her while you can.”
Zoodyacc says “You can 1v1 her easily however you might get punished for cs'ing due to her range, avoid getting hit by R & W, and that way you should be fine.”
TwentyOneShadows says “With her rockets she can outrange you, and also it deals splash damage. Bullying her will be easy since she has to push the lane with rockets or else she would miss cs because your range is bigger.”
atonementblade says “Spell shield her E. She can't match your waveclear unless she uses her rockets, which will drain her mana quickly. Look to all in her when she has E on CD and is low on mana.”
atonementblade says “If she ever uses her Flame Chompers to zone you away, look to engage on her after they expire, as they have a long cooldown and you can dodge her slow with your tumble.”
ItsPaulygon says “You easily win against jinx, she doesn't have mobility so you can abuse that and fight her with your full combo that will out damage her.”
Eneino01 says “She gets to outrange aphelios later in fights and with the proper cover, Jinx kit is most likely attack damage based; Aphelios is a control-adc most likely unless you have yuumi so becareful.”
MayeLeven says “She can poke you with her W, but it has a high cooldown. In early she is much weaker than you, so you can easily trade her with your auto-attacks. Try to get close to her, then you can use your R and kill her.”
Deathfeather says “Her laning phase is kind of bad until she gets a kill, but scales hard, so make sure to end the game before 40 minutes, otherwise u get jinxed.”
vincent98 says “she Can poke You with her rocket and
W but if you play smart and dont give her kills she can easily be Killed but if she kills you or youre supp she can get out of control”
RoadDGM says “This is more or so a matchup that can be good or bad depending on your team because of her rocket autos with hurricane giving her 3x the damage if you group to close with your team.”
ZERO Destructo says “When someone talks about lategame monsters, you probably have Jinx in your mind. And thats correct, she truly is a lategame monster, so you have to do everything you can to not let her get fed. Avoid her E & poke her with your 4th shot. Do not engage into a longer trades with her, since thats where she has advantage. Best way to shut her down is to abuse her in early game, whilst she has lower AS and damage.”
Nik7857 says “Very winnable until late game. What ever you do don't give her a double kill or she will reach her deadly power spike so fast your nexus will explode. Dodge or flash her W if you want to kill her, unless you need to flash something else. Should be a winnable lane.”
ReallyBoring says “Just win 5Head. This matchup should be easy, absolutely no mobility. Try not to get poked and just wait for a hook or keep poking. Once you get a kill or two you can just E and run her down.”
Eccentricks says “I don't understand why people hate fighting her, she is a joke if you know how. NEVER STEP IN HER TRAPS! If she is low health, don't even bother chasing through them, she will turn it around. A Jinx main once told me "They think my traps are like candy on the ground, stupid kids." As for the Ult, all I can say is stay away from groups if you know she has it. Don't go too far though, she will pick you off if she manages to get a teamfight kill and activate that passive.”
Falllol says “Apenas mais forte no fim do jogo , tirando isso a Vayne consegue abusar bastante do seu dano sem tomar tanto em troca principalmente em duelos 1v1.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Jinx has pretty low auto-attack range with her minigun, so keep your distance to avoid unnecessary poke. Also, her W is very easy to read, so try to avoid it as much as possible. She melts towers like butter, so try and deny her farm and don't let her push too hard.”
Laverenz says “Quite easy to beat as Vayne, since she doesn't have any mobility abilities, making her vulnerable to your gap closing. All of her CC has some kind of delay. Her ult has cast time, her traps needs to stay for about 1 second before they are activated and her W has cast time aswell. You can fight 2v2 just be sure to dodge her traps and ultimate. ”
philsopaoto says “Jinx is quite a threat, as she's a really good laner and can deal out huge damage with a proper support. Try to avoid letting Jinx get too much of a lead, since she only requires time to become useful/ a threat.”
haloboleon says “Any ADC who can outscale you is a bit of a struggle to deal with. I suggest not playing Senna into these matchups or going full lethality items (Duskblade, Youmuus etc.) and skipping manamune to try and pressure them in lane as you will have zero chance in beating them late.”
MewlingRavenPaw says “Rend reset while harassing her early till she's around 40% HP then proceed to all in her. Dodge W and don't be over confident or your mistakes/support mistakes will lead her to become hyper and 1v2. Once she gets rolling you're out-scaled. ”
corvy says “in lane she is easy to deal with, your lvl 2-3 all in strat takes her out.
be aware her traps will stop your ultimate dead in its tracks and her late game range will destroy you.
if you play lane right she should be weak untill late in the game.
she loses to you and your top 2 supports every game ”
minepro221 says “push her under tower if you can, and make her lose cs. you way outdamage her early. If she have a all in support, it is safer to freeze, as she have good follow up on all ins. She is the rare adc that outscale you, so be careful and shut her down. If it goes late, you have to count on your 0 and 10 riven to kill her, and that is not consistent.”
Kynaz0071l0l says “Jinx is really easy to lane against. her W is easy to dodge so she has almost no poke. Her Q costs mana to use so she wont have that up alot, and she cant trade with you anyways so you will for the most see her throw her E down and run if you try to trade with her. bait her E out and go for an all in. If you have a hook support that would be perfect.”
Eucalyptus says “Very much player-to-player, she is easy to abuse so long as you kite around double brush and use the threat of insta Q procs on walls to dissuade short trades with her rockets.”
Fruxo says “Don't get caught by her and the support. She has an annoying poke when you attempt to escape with her Q, also annoying range with her E and it's slow is quite annoying at the same time. Her W will also be able to stun you so with a threatening support like Alistar or Thresh, you might die if you get caught by it.”
The Jhin Cena says “Jinx isn't really that bad unless of course she gets fed. There's not much to fighting her, just remember to poke with your passive, and avoid stepping on her chompers.”
MrDecoy says “One of the few champs that outscale, her raw damage output is crazy, snowballing the lead you should have on her early will be the best way with dealing with jinx as her range advnatage late is hard to deal with”
Zervax says “Jinx outscales you hard, and can 1v9 the game at 35 minutes. She doesn't have your maphacks (E), so just try catching her out late game. ”
dravenfizz says “Really easy matchup for Lucian, she does no damage early and has no mobility however jinx is one of the hardest scaling ADCs in the game so keep that in mind and make sure to properly use your lead.”
Fruxo says “Don't get caught by her and the support. She has an annoying poke when you attempt to escape with her Q, also annoying range with her E and it's slow is quite annoying at the same time. Her W will also be able to stun you so with a threatening support like Alistar or Thresh, you might die if you get caught by it.”
IPodPulse says “Jinx has really good DPS with Pow-Pow, and good poke with Fishbones. Try to avoid her flame chompers and don't stay too close to minions to avoid the AoE from her rockets.
Jinx snowballs really well, try not to give too many kills and play safe if you need to. If you can lock her down, you can likely get a kill”
Righteous Maniac says “Annoying like Kai'Sa. Try to dodge her W as it slow and hurts. Her E is really annoying if you don't have your E up. Otherwise same tips as Caitlyn - poke her from afar and try to farm. When she uses rockets, don't stand near minions or you'll get hurt. She also has way more push due to this so watch out.”
Potato95x says “Don't play around her. Any damage she manages to deal will give her AS and MS through her passive. Avoid her AA's, W's and traps (E) and you'll be fine. Try to avoid her Ult, for this, have a Thresh Sup. It'll save you for sure.”
GORE Klabok says “-Shes an attack speed Champion and Jinx is good in her kind maybee one of the Fastest MArksman.
-You can only Trade with Jinx with an All in Build , Do not play the Attack speed Classic kalista build against her its Lost already. As long you aim for attack damage early instead of usual attack speed, you can impose pressure on jinx without probleme ,
-try to avoid Traps (E) and Noobtub (W).
-But still remember she still a major threat level because Its a late game Hard carry, don't ever throw against a jinx even 0/10/0 can still Turn the game.”
SimbaADC says “Caitlyn has quite a good matchup into Jinx, but you have to play it well for it to work. use your Q to out shove and poke the Jinx, and try to punish her when she last hits. This matchup is all about securing a lead in the early game and transitioning it into mid game objectives. Make sure not to play overly aggressive in laning phase as if you mess up, Jinx can get an easy double kill with her passive.”
FrankynFood says “She is one of the few champs that has a higher attack speed than you early game. She has good cc with her e and a really annoying e which does a LOT of damage rank 2. ”
Math Eon says “Jinx's Q is a good counter also. But in early lane she can't abuse it, so you should look for trades until lvl 4. After that point you will suffer it's range and poke, and sooner than later she will outdamage you. ”
SlashLion says “Jinx's passive allows for her to rush you down should she kill your support after a bad engage or a good gank on her jungler's part. On top of her rocket launcher shooting tristana passives which gives her lots of ranged aoe damage. Be aware of her Zap which will slow you down. As well as her chomper grenades that will root you. Always be aware of whether or not Jinx has ult if you are low on health. This cant always be done but if you have escaped a teamfight or tussle with any of the enemy a few extra steps to get to safety may save your life. Aside from that if you poke and engage smartly then this is a fairly easy lane. If she gets fed though, your life will be a living hell.”
PerfectLimitless says “Same with draven stay out of her range and farm and go for short trades but not always you need to out farm her and out kite her”
MallisTheGreat says “Jinx can be a bit of a prick when she gets fed, especially due to her rockets. Make sure you poke her enough with your Q early on, then engage with your support.”
Vortiris says “She's going to be easy to 1v1, assuming your brain didn't crash. Don't fight her when she has her passive, and don't group up. Most likely, she will build Runaan's Hurricane and her rockets will start hurting. Get Infinity Edge before she does and you should be fine. Though she is a pain in 9.10, so be careful.”
Numresunw says “try to make a lot of trades taking advantage of your slow stacks, try to autoattack her after she last hits a minion or use W after she gets close to farm”
Shake the Shade says “Jinx will outscale you, push you in easily, and take your towers with ease. The best approach is to try to enforce your early game by going for Q poke and dwindling her down. ”
GodOatmeal says “Jinx is a super easy match-up because you land a double Q when she uses her Zap and you can spell shield her Traps and her Ult. Best time to use Q is when jinx is animation locked with her Zap! and then you can e her or save it depending on if you can sidestep and the trade is won. With Jinx you can usually freeze because one jg gank and she’s done / behind until she gets items”
DevilsNightMare says “Pretty even. Try not to get hit my her cc ( W or E ). She is squishy and has no escape. Remember her Q ( rocket form ) and R is AOE! Be aware.”
BL00dY3nD says “i hate to play against her. The problem is you can get easily stuned by her E and also the Hitbox of the R is big enough to counter your W. her W is a slow and it stops you from running behind her. And she outranges you with her Q”
Fruxo says “Don't get caught by her and the support. She has an annoying poke when you attempt to escape with her Q, also annoying range with her E and it's slow is quite annoying at the same time. Her W will also be able to stun you so with a threatening support like Alistar or Thresh, you might die if you get caught by it.”
NeinMeansNo says “Jinx is also a late game hyper-carry ADC so you'll just need to bully her early game in the laning phase to make sure their team lacks free hit”
Krazioz says “Jinx is very high threat for Jhin as she wil be able to constantly attack him while he needs to reload and he lacks of attack speed. You should be hoping for a good support or the Jinx must be completely stupid to lose against you.”
jster131 says “Jinx will be pretty bad early game, unless she has a good engage support. But late game is when she pops tf off. I recommend playing Lethality Jhin on this one as well”
TruMediaMix1 says “Jinx's aggressive early game makes it difficult to keep control of your lane, and she can easily outscale you in the late game. Work with your team to shut her down before she becomes a problem. Starve her of XP and gold whenever you can.”
Xerxes Is ADC says “Nothing early game, don't let her scale, poking her is ideal, if you target the support, you'll notice her doing more damage each second you dont target her and stop from her attack you. ccing her with ur support is ideal”
bardbot says “A late game monster that will certainly outscale you. If you can poke her down and force early SSs, she won't be that much of a threat. Be the annoying, poking, farm-punishing player you need to be to not let her get too strong.”
xTheUnlimited says “Can be tough. Dont let her get ahead, because then she can rush over you. She got no dash or something like that, so it wont be that hard to land your skill shots on to her. She can poke with her long-range auto's in lane really good. ”
xTheUnlimited says “Had some tough times in my past games against jinx. You need to wait some Levels till you get that range back too, because she can harass you now with her Q. ”
xTheUnlimited says “She has an OK-lane. You have more poke than her but her 3 Item powerspike is pretty strong. Try to bully her when you have your 2 Item powerspike. ”
FelipeGustavo says “Avoid nudging when she kills the minions and creeps do not stand near the minions to avoid receiving damage from your cannon's blast. always punch her when she is within range and use her W to go to her and agressive you win the 1x1 easily.”
MrLewie says “Her long range, attack speed, and high damage make her a solid Miss Fortune counter. If you have to face her, try hiding behind your minions most of the time, using your Q to ricochet off of her minions and hit her.”
B34STLYG4M3R says “A good Jinx can be quite scary. She can poke you out of range with her rockets, while scaling into the late game as well as you do. If she gets her passive buffs in a teamfight, she will melt the rest of your team. ”
TruMediaMix1 says “You can easily deny her a Super Mega Death Rocket! kill using Lamb's Respite, but the real trick is snowballing and carrying your team better than she can.”
Gordove says “Poor mobility ADCs (like Jinx, Varus, Miss Fortune, etc.) can be easily trapped by Jarvan. Beware: Hard cc or desengage support might be a problem.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, auto attack based champion for damage so u cant totally spellshield 1v1 and is always annoying late game cuz of aoe. but you do have a larger cup-size so that helps. remember to spell shield her w (and i guess her traps give mana lol). try to kill her at least 10 times in lane so that they get discouraged to play this champion.”
Savagerayne says “Lane phase is normally not too bad but give her a lead and she will destroy you, her passive makes it very hard for you win out if she gets a kill/assist during a fight.
You can win if you out farm and avoid giving her an early lead.”
Seigemaster035 says “A hard matchup if their support's good, if not, jinx is a great matchup. You don't necessarily win lane because of her great poke, just wait for mid/late where you start out scaling her. ”
Federalist says “si estas en contra de una jinx o te jodes o le esquivas todo, si esta en tu linea, comprate gravas de berserker y estate atento a sus animaciones de ataque,eso ayudara”
Robin Banks says “A lot like the caitlyn matchup. if she gets a kill do your best to kite out her passive with IBG. Otherwise be ready to flash away. Late game if she gets her resets and you're unable to kill her, you might just want to go next. ”
Nittwerp says “Jinx will win the early game due to the poke of her rockets. However once you get to your powerspike you should be able to win against jinx when you initiate.”
Tylerfig455 says “Lethal Tempo boosts her early game. 2v2 fights allow her to do some damage with her supports nearby. 1v1 fight should be ez for you.”
Major Alexander says “Jinx match up is a bit weird because she outranges you all the time and her e but she is squishy and can get one shotted if you catch her out of position.Reminder that your w do not make her traps dissapear they just stop the and fall the moment they touch your windwall.Try to be a little bit patient when you play vs a jinx and wait for the engage 90% of the time to secure a kill because one reset can turn the entire tf around.DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE VS HER”
MaddoCatto says “a good jinx paired with a support with hands can be dangerous. however, if she doesn't take the lead and the game ends before her third item, it is easy”
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