As a Support 50.4% Win Rate97% Pick RateSenna As a Support Counters: 36 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Senna as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
ShriekingMammoth says “Very tough, but not impossible. She is quite squishy and her heals are not crazy strong. Make her weak early and do not let her scale with souls. Not an easy task to beat her though. Her W is also very annoying to deal with.”
Zileanaire says “Don't see it much anymore but she can be annoying in the right hands. Very easy to kill early if your jungler is switched on at the right times. Try not to give her free souls by trading pointlessly. ”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Senna does tons of damage and she can easily clear bushes, so it's best not to test your luck with her. Play safe until she mispositions, when she uses her mist to run away, she tends to stick near the wall.”
mUI0g says “Skilled matchup. Dodging her root is important, and try to stay out of her range for Q-auto/auto-Q.
If you can't land your poke, she can also heal up.”
Aerenax says “Senna is a really bad matchup as she outranges you by a mile and deals tons of damage. Also her W is really annoying in lane as it is pretty hard CC.”
zSharpFire says “Even though she has a lot of sustain, you have really big damage and can poke her out early. Try to end the game quickly as a prolonged game can be a problem.”
Arctic Arrow says “Senna is a major threat due to her long-range poke and sustain. She can harass you from a distance, making it challenging to engage effectively. Play safely early to avoid her damage and focus on surviving the lane. Avoid extended trades, as she can out-sustain you with her healing.
Look for opportunities to all-in if Senna overextends or mispositions, but be cautious and coordinate with your ADC to maximize your chances.”
xpwnz1337 says “Unlucky overloaded champion. Better range. Better utility.
Counterplay: Antiheal. All in early levels. Catch her later levels (with your team's help XD). you can R her W only after stun. be better.”
LA COLORADA says “hellish scaling. don't let her get free souls on you in lane and punish if she overextends. focus her early on; if you shut her down she may recover eventually, but it'll be hard.”
Abarame says “She wins every trade because shes as marksman support. Avoid trading with her and focus her adc instead. If you can, try to q her when she picks up souls. Care for Sennas W as its range is deceptively long. It does good dmg and can snare you. Depending on the state of the game, that could be a death sentence or a lane conceding trade. Care for her ult when backing on low hp and aim to close out the game before she starts scaling too hard. if its 35 minutes and the games not over, Senna wins.”
TnDD says “Koridor aşamasında çok dürtüyor. Fakat bunun dışında bir şey yaptığını ben görmedim. Oyun Late'de Senna için iyi olsa bile sadece attığın bir ultiye bakıyor. Metaya çok bağlı bir şampiyon yine Karma gibi. Kısacası Laning zor geçecek ve Late'de iyi oynamazsan Senna herkese tek atmaya başlayacak.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “if you dont let her poke you down hard level 1-2 you can all in her every time(SPECIALLY IF SHE WASTES W SO TRY TO BAIT IT FOR FREE ENGAGE)”
Foxirion says “Senna’s range and crowd control can pose a significant threat to Nautilus. Her ability to heal and shield her allies can also make it difficult for Nautilus to take down targets.”
Stillo says “
Facing Senna as Braum presents a unique challenge due to her ability to bypass traditional projectile mechanics with her Q and autos, making her less susceptible to Braum's Unbreakable shield. Additionally, Senna's W can still snare teammates, leaving Braum in a precarious position where using his W to retreat might not be an option.
To capitalize on Senna's weak early game, Braum players should focus on aggressive plays and capitalize on her vulnerabilities. Senna's early game is relatively weak compared to other marksmen, making her susceptible to all-ins and early skirmishes. Braum's crowd control abilities can disrupt Senna's positioning and enable his ADC to secure kills or gain a significant advantage in lane.
Moreover, Braum should look to exploit Senna's lack of mobility by coordinating engages with his ADC and jungler. Senna's limited mobility makes her an easy target for ganks, especially when pushed up in lane. By establishing vision control and coordinating with teammates, Braum can set up successful ganks and snowball the lane in their favor.
However, it's essential for Braum players to remain mindful of Senna's strengths, particularly her scaling potential and utility in team fights. As the game progresses, Senna becomes increasingly powerful, with her ability to provide healing and utility to her team. Braum players should look to maintain pressure on Senna throughout the game, denying her opportunities to scale and ensuring that she remains a non-factor in team fights.”
Foxirion says “Senna's poke and utility can pose a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's engage potential and mobility can help him pressure Senna and disrupt her positioning in fights.”
glimppi says “Senna has a long range poke, heal and slow. You want to avoid her side of the lane, and poke her ADC (unless it's a tank like Tahm). You might be able to score a kill with smart box placement.
Threat 4 in both roles.
ADC's usually aren't a concern, due to you not having many ADC counters. Thats why I listed mostly supports here.”
1yanou says “A good Senna (support) makes laning phase completely unplayable. You can't really trade her, the lane is constantly pushed in (which you don't want) and you are forced under your turret. If you roam, your adc gets dove. ”
PyxisArrow says “This is extremely rough for this playstyle of Nami. Senna has more consistent damage than you and outranges you. It only gets worse from the early game”
Velkyann says “Senna is one of the best counters of Kayle support all you can do she can do better just with less utility. You cant exactly be safe against her because of her range and heal without almost any cost. Try to hit her with E and not let her get souls.”
X Sirius X says “She is easy in the early game, hard in the mid-game without flash, and impossible in the late game without flash and her getting caught off guard ”
Jonasbaki1 says “Senna has alot of damage. But with your shield you should be ableto block most damage. Punish her with W if she oversteps and get a free kill, since she is the champion with lowest base health in the game.”
coppersparks says “will out range you every time. end the game early if you can! She scales too however if you make it to late game play with team you scale harder”
sillycatslover says “Her scaling is really scary if the player knows how to pilot her, can very easily 100 to 0 you with like 2 items, major threat to janna.”
FiletedMinion says “Her root won't stop your knockup, but she hits HARD. The longer the game goes on the more distance/damage she scales. A quality Senna can bully you out of lane if you are not careful.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Her scaling is insane and will outscale you hard lategame. In lane, however, she isn't too bad. Pretty squishy, so you can poke at her to put the pressure on if she's getting too bold. Aim for the center of her e and you should hit her. If you take Horizon Focus this should also reveal anyone in there with her. ”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Actually not that bad. True that she has a ton of poke potential, but if you catch her with E she's dead.”
Xintero says “With her recent buff, she can be very strong early and late game. Punish her as much as you can and she won't be a problem. Dodge her root and you will be good.”
Lurs says “The range is very annoying and can get super oppressive, you should look to roam against her but don't be scared to take fights if you can. I would recommend glacial if your ADC is strong early, or guardian if you need the extra sustain.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Senna is pretty easy for Ziggs because she has to stand still to cast her autos and Q for a while early game. This lets Ziggs land his Q's with ease. ”
Razing42 says “Ever since she escaped your lantern she's been a bit of a nuisance. Punish her if she goes too deep for her passive stacks and care for her Q through minions. If she kills a minion with her W it also immediately roots around it.”
Aerenax says “Senna has a lot of range to work with, which makes laning very difficult. She has a lot of damage and sustain as well, so try to neutralise this lane the best you can. In teamfights you can block a lot of her damage with your E. ”
Ryecheria says “Outscales you.
Relies on ADC matchup. If Karma is not paired with Ezreal or Cait, Senna will go even with Karma in lane.
If Senna is playing with melee champion in lane, it is harder for her. ”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “Must be extra careful against.
If we get constantly outpoked on Lane Phase and there's lack of Engage in Team Composition, we may end up in a terrible situation, also because we won't have enough Gold to Itemize our Core Build for a game-change.
So, avoid taking Damage uselessly, and just Pounce offensively on proper opporunity. Just ask for Jungler and/or Mid Laner for Gank on proper timing; this is often the safest solution.”
🐾Nidalee SUP by Lulu Mushroom Teas | Nidalee Player
mazewalk says “She can try poking you through wards but if you are using Oracle Lens then she cant do anything to you hiding in bushes. She is easy to catch since her fogs center is on top of her and her W needs some time to root you. You cant cancel her ultimate but can punish it with hook.”
TheBougis says “Senna has very good range and damage and if she gets Scoped Weapons (+100 AA range) she can be a beast. If you manage to get Goliath (+35% health +15% adaptive force and extra size) you could match her range with your high range Q's.
She is after all a squishy ADC, so just hit her a few times and she should die.”
Shadowcrushers says “
Senna, the Redeemer, can be considered a counter to Soraka, the Starchild, due to several reasons. Here is a detailed explanation of why Senna has advantages over Soraka in a matchup:
Poke and Range Advantage: Senna possesses a long-range poke with her basic attacks and abilities, especially with her Q ability, Piercing Darkness. This allows her to consistently harass Soraka from a safe distance. Soraka relies on healing herself and her allies to sustain in the lane, but Senna's range advantage enables her to consistently chip away at Soraka's health, forcing her to use her own healing abilities to stay alive.
Ability to Deny Healing: Senna's W ability, Last Embrace, can root an enemy champion, including Soraka, if they are caught within its zone after a short duration. This ability not only provides crowd control but also denies healing effects. When Soraka tries to heal herself or her teammates with her W, Astral Infusion, Senna can use Last Embrace to root Soraka, preventing her from healing. This can significantly impact Soraka's ability to sustain in lane and protect her allies during engagements.
Armor Reduction and AD Scaling: Senna's passive, Absolution, allows her to collect mist from slain enemies and increase her attack damage. This enables her to deal significant damage to Soraka, who usually builds a relatively squishy support itemization. Moreover, Senna's Q ability, Piercing Darkness, reduces the armor of enemies hit, further amplifying the damage dealt. This armor reduction can make Soraka even more vulnerable to Senna's attacks and potentially lead to kills or forcing Soraka to retreat.
Global Pressure and Team Utility: Senna's ultimate ability, Dawning Shadow, provides a global heal for her teammates and damages enemies in a line. This ability can be used proactively to initiate team fights or save teammates from across the map. It gives Senna the ability to counter Soraka's Wish, Soraka's ultimate, which is her primary tool for healing and turning fights around. Senna's ultimate can be timed to counter Soraka's ultimate, reducing Soraka's impact in team fights and giving Senna's team an advantage.
Itemization Options: Senna has a diverse range of itemization choices that can further enhance her effectiveness against Soraka. For instance, Senna can build Executioner's Calling or Mortal Reminder, items that apply Grievous Wounds, reducing healing received by enemies. Applying Grievous Wounds to Soraka limits her ability to heal herself and her allies, reducing her overall impact in fights.
It is important to note that League of Legends is a complex game with many variables, and individual player skill can also heavily influence the outcome of a matchup. While Senna possesses advantages against Soraka, the outcome of the lane ultimately depends on factors such as the skill of the players, communication with teammates, and the overall team compositions.”
ohsuko says “She has slow, incredible poke, root, shields, mobility and good damage. Play super safe and bait her abilities out when you want to go in.”
Thyfate says “Your w passive shield is useless against her.
She punishes you for being a relic shield user, and harshly.
But you’re much more useful at nearly everything else.”
Apos says “Don't give her free autos. She dies really fast if you can combo her. Against her I like to go early Lethality to build Umbral. Her health pool is so low that even non charged Q melts her.”
Rebaulten says “It is hard to trade positively into a senna lane level 1. Be patient until around level 3-4 with good lane prio you could look for a kill”
shacolovesyou says “has poke and healing so u will suffer in early, also has high damage but shes inmobile so is vulnerable if she has her resources on cd, she buys umbral glaive so our boxes are useless”
support_diff says “Senna is a support based on auto attacks, but it is somewhat hard to get near enough to blind her. Senna is also a late game monster that has a ton of range and auto attack damage”
Lunar Empress says “She has huge damage potential over you, but she has extremely low hp and can be so easily killed by a Glacial tornado and have your ADC follow up. ”
VrNtv says “Senna match up is pretty much dependant on who is she playing with, if its Senna TK then don't be afraid to give up some cs rather then die and give them lead, she scales well but she will never be as useful as Jinx. Her kit is very annoying to lane against, since she outpokes and outsustains anybody. If she is played with an ADC and you have engage support, you can burst her down since she lacks disengage and is very squishy. If played with TK he will always ult her and it's really hard to punish her. Just farm and scale. I will put her as Even, but if played with oppressive support she is Major, thanks to her slow and W.
mazewalk says “She can poke you through minions, but if you position properly, it's easy. Her utility is useless, she has no disengage tools. Senna players usually buy Umbral Glaive, so it's hard to win vision against her.”
support_diff says “Senna's root is kind of a counter to you and she has also a great auto attack range. She is a late game beast so try not to feed her early”
support_diff says “Senna is immobile and very squishy, poke her as much as you can in order to ruin her early game as she is a real late game monster and can nearly solo games if fed early”
King Kirbilogus Toadstool says “Senna is like a mini-Sona: She's weak in the laning phase, but stronger in the late game. For that reason, this is a even matchup.”
Inswaine says “Playing Against senna is very difficult as most of the time you cannot get positive trades and her fleet footwork allows her to heal and dodge your E
Not an impossible lane though as she can be easily punished by you and your adc if she gets too close
Landing E is vital for trades against senna and dont be afraid to commit an all in if you land it if your adc is near a simple ignite and she will crumble.”
support_diff says “Be aware of her W and you will be okay, try to punish her immobility early as she will become a serious threat later when she has more of her passive stacks.”
ShacoSupportAP says “She is so annoying + she has insane late scaling + she builds umbrial glave (SHACO HATES THIS ITEM! REMOVE IT FROM THE GAME RIOT!). Try to avoid her disgusting poke and poke back ( E max.)”
itstsuk3 says “Rush Wardens Mail and Tabis, then you can either go Iceborn or Frozen Heart. Bully her whenever her W is on Cooldown, with the right Itemization she does no Damage so you can Focus down the Enemy ADC pretty easily especially with an ADC who can Burst.”
Dotje says “Senna deals damage, heals, grants a good escape and has a root. Her cooldowns are very high, unless she's able to AA someone to get her Q off cooldown. Punish her high cooldowns and the fact she has to stand still to cast/aa/collect souls. This is a great opportunity to slow and maybe Q her.”
Aerenax says “Senna has a lot of range to work with, which makes laning very difficult. However, when you get on top of her she is a guaranteed kill. ”
ZharMeny says “Has big DPS compared to other Supports, and having high range she will probably play far back, so try only engaging with your Flash/Hexflash + Unmounted W, to catch her by surprise. Recommended Stance: Unmounted”
xayahh says “senna is one of the hardest matchups outside of extreme. you need to play around her W, constantly moving, play it safe. you don't win trades so don't try. let your adc poke and set up the kills with your W & R.”
Toches says “Plat-Diamond Ban
She is primarily just a headache because of her harass potential, and fasting sennas can be paired with really obnoxious lane bullies like tahm kench that will make your lane phase very sad, otherwise not a big threat if you have an adc with a gapclose, just beware the pairing of her and another long range adc like caitlyn/ezreal, you may lose lane before you have a chance to get lvl 4.”
iveye says “Senna has a lot of poke that is rewarded with her stacking, sustain with her point and click Q, and team surprise setup with the AOE camo E. she really can't do much to a Rell besides hope to poke in which you can easily retaliate with your engage. Senna is only an issue if she playing fasting AD carry wear it is a bit harder to engage given she can have a support to peel and protect her. If you also are in iron to silver you can fool a Senna early by letting her auto attack you and when she tries to gain a stack by grabbing it off you, simply engage and snowball the first blood.”
Occullumin says “She can kill your boxes easily after a few minutes due to her long range, and late-game she's a nightmare to play against no matter who you are as a support. Try and use box cheese on her root.”
slendoooo says “Senna completely outscales Draven. So, you will have to kill her early game and force end the game.
She's always going to win 1 auto trades because of her Q so always go in for 2+ auto trades.
After your first base you should always bring atleast 1 Control Ward with you on lane because if she sees that you are going to engage on her, she will panic use her E ability making her un-targetable. So to counter that always put the control ward down once she uses E so you can auto attack and perhaps kill her.
A video example of Senna-Draven
(To be made)”
cyb3r1a says “Take Aery in this matchup, Only trade with max range Q's as you won't outtrade her ever. If she roots you you'll probably take half hp in damage so don't get hit by her root.”
gizemdeniz says “Mostly she will poke from afar and try to corner you with her CC. She will be an annoying opponent and it will not be a comfortable match. Try to poke and charm as much as you can. You may be considered equivalent when it comes to damage.”
Streng Geheim says “will outdamage out range and out money you easily if slightly competent. you need a adc that carries you or you need to play safe and obliterate him later.”
aRhesty says “Senna is annoying as hell in an even lane 2v2 but if your jungler ganks and you hit Q-E she's a minion. She's a beast late game though - especially if she builds hexdrinker and mercs. Might want to save E until you ult her to guarantee the stun, since she's a slippery long-range threat. ”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Senna is incredibly annoying. However she can't exactly kill you unless you decide you want to fight, since her root is so bad you can back off after getting hit by it. You wanna play with double Armor in runestats and Glacial, since you need the extra engage power to do anything if your jungler wants to gank. Aery is technically good here but if your jungler plays properly, Senna will perma-push and they should gank. If your jungler wants to play topside, you should definitely grab mobies and just do that since your chance of impacting the botlane is quite low unless you have a Draven/Samira or something equally terrifying for Senna. She outscales you quite hard but she lacks a lot of proactivity, so if you can either roam or get your jungler to gank you usually out-tempo her and win the game.”
PypoulaPyp says “I've never won against Senna because she's too strong. But i always win my lane against her or at least it's even. Just stay far from her AA reach.”
Roltu says “Siempre moléstala en early si tiene un adc "flojo" para iniciar y tirar un gancho hacia ella es más fácil que ella coleccionando sus almas.
Eso sí, ten cuidado en late ya que puede remontar ya sea por items o por almas.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Even though Senna can repeatedly poke you during the laning phase, you can attack from behind minions where you are able to avoid the roots, you may need to be wary of slows as it may be difficult to escape in some situations.”
Roaming star by ARealFakeIdentity | Aurelion Sol Player
TheRealPilzman says “Outscales you easily. Her attack Range will be massive. You cant Poke or ult her.”
OakuMarai says “Not a fan of her.
Aery/Electrocute with celerity.
She's got good CC, can't hit behind minions with it though. Good damage she can hit behind minions with, try not to let her proc her passive.”
huirats says “She will waste all her mana if she has to heal her ally with Q, so try to poke the ADC so she has to use it to heal. Her W isn't too hard to avoid, but if it hits a minion next to you, walk away before you get rooted too. If you get hit, don't walk to your ADC or they will be rooted too and you'll both be dead/low health. You can't poke when she uses her E, so just stay back. She can use this to run you down if you have an immobile ADC. If you're low health, she can Ult and kill you if she aims right, so be as careful as you can, don't stay longer than you need to.”
OakuMarai says “pain
good sustain, good CC, good damage. weak all-ins unless she starts them though, make her kiss your ADC and watch as your ADC makes her kiss dirt”
PykEugeo says “Senna is not a support, but a 2nd adc -.- and for this reason it will punish you a lot every time it approaches you, as well as having sustain
AbyssaLegend says “can sabotage your Ult and make invisible her nearby allies + an Uit that shields globally. Extremely high range so is quite difficult to engage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Senna will try to poke as often as she can with her basic attacks and Piercing Darkness(Q). Expect Senna to go for an aggressive level 1 play in order to get stacks. Try not to let her poke you down too much otherwise you’ll not be able to trade at level 2 or 3. Once Senna unlocks her Ultimate Dawning Shadow(R), communicate with your team and tell them that she can impact a fight with her Ultimate.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Senna will try to poke as often as she can with her basic attacks and Piercing Darkness(Q). Expect Senna to go for an aggressive level 1 play in order to get stacks. Try not to let her poke you down too much otherwise you’ll not be able to trade at level 2 or 3. Once Senna unlocks her Ultimate Dawning Shadow(R), communicate with your team and tell them that she can impact a fight with her Ultimate.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Senna will try to poke as often as she can with her basic attacks and Piercing Darkness(Q). Expect Senna to go for an aggressive level 1 play in order to get stacks. Try not to let her poke you down too much otherwise you’ll not be able to trade at level 2 or 3. Once Senna unlocks her Ultimate Dawning Shadow(R), communicate with your team and tell them that she can impact a fight with her Ultimate.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Senna will try to poke as often as she can with her basic attacks and Piercing Darkness(Q). Expect Senna to go for an aggressive level 1 play in order to get stacks. Try not to let her poke you down too much otherwise you’ll not be able to trade at level 2 or 3. Once Senna unlocks her Ultimate Dawning Shadow(R), communicate with your team and tell them that she can impact a fight with her Ultimate.”
raccoomph says “She can be a massive threat with her root (W) and damage with Q, don't be surprised when she constantly finishes you off with her ULT.”
Renata Popozuda says “It's not that strong, because she just have the stun to counter the Nilah engage, but if they stay attack Nilah, they can lose the fight.”
Jageiko says “Senna is broken against you. With her E she counter yours, she has CC, slows and heals.. Either you manage to one shot at lvl 2, or you'll have to play safe. Rough lane, good luck.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Senna isn't a terribly weak laner, and scales well even before she scales infinitely, but she is still squishy and immobile so you can find winning fights later on too. In lane play for hexflash and bushes, but be aware that she's in general a much stronger champ so you can't give her time to scale.”
unhben says “Senna will eventually outscale you in range and DPS if the game goes too late. You will most likely be able to punish her early in lane by taking Grasp of the Undying, but again if your lead isnt big enough it could backfire on you later. ”
MorBidMike says “like ashe she is annoying and oppressive with slows and snares but unlike ashe she scales as a support so just engage quickly and keep distance while mounted.”
Mystral says “She has too much range to try and poke her, it will just be an annoying lane. Just try to stand back and don't get poked too much. Focus on her ADC instead if you can.”
CALSHARKY says “Super annoying but thin as paper. Just kill her over and over again. Grasp makes her stronger but she cant get grasp stacks if she is dead ;)”
Navn says “While she's not very fast, she's extremely obnoxious in how she will constantly keep fighting you. And once she buys executioners calling, it becomes even harder to deal with. If she lands her W on you, you likely won't die, but forced out of lane.”
Touka1 says “Not very playable I usually ban it, It has good laning phase vs Janna and also good scaling into mid / late game, everytime you walk up to close to her she will punish you very hard with small amount of counter play, the only way to win against senna is to go glacial and ask play strong side so you jungler is able to punish senna”
Navn says “Shes super squishy, and there's multiple options to punish her. You can either E yourself to W her, or if you land R-Q or just Q, you can W her. She has no escapes, and even better your W reveals her in her E.”
Godlike Rell says “It is a very hard but winnable game but not in the lane. If they get too comfy just take the double kill easily with your Flash+W+Ult(Mid Air) combo. Don't extend in the lane.”
Yoshiking123 says “You'll get out poked and it's hard to engage if she runs Fleet Footwork. Plus her W makes it hard to run in. Your only shot to win lane hard is Lvl 1.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Her large amounts of poke and slows do not allow for easy approach, however, as long as you are able to reach level 6 without her securing a large lead you can ignore her root.”
DocturShaco says “Just keep her off the ADC, You will have to try and E the ADC and her at the same time. Or just dont fight unless your jungler is ganking.”
Schandrix says “Watch out of skill shots that stops you in your tracks, also she heals her teammate early on making it hard to push enemy lanes and landing kills”
Tqnshi says “This really depends on who plays Senna and how punishing your ADC is. She can play super aggressive and if she doesn't get punished then there's not much you can do. If it's a passive Senna then you should be alright! Watch out for her W when you're off your ADC, if you W back to them you'll both be rooted. Just gotta weigh the pros and cons of getting rooted.”
spirit legacy says “Just very annoying to deal with. If the Senna player is very good, it's an annoying matchup, if he's bad you're snowballing out of the roof in this matchup. Pink wards are a great way to deal with her stealth when you all in her. I recommend to poke with W/Q > E whenever you can. You will most likely wont hit q's on her due to her high range. Whenever her W is on cd you have high kill/ dmg pressure. ”
Challenger Project says “Abuse early levels. The problem with all enchanters is all the same - if we don’t snowball early hard, we fall off and get outscaled.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Senna can be an issue due to her massive auto range and high damage output. On top of this she can also provide heals, stealth and CC to her team.
Her root can be deadly so you should avoid getting hit by this, use a box to save yourself or a teammate if necessary. Umbral glaive is a completely broken item and she will usually build this first making our boxes and vision go bye bye! :D
She has no mobility which is her biggest downfall, letting you outplay and shut her down throughout the game.”
Borregero says “usually my ban choice since she can kite and get free stacks off of you, she beats you both early and late game. normally vayne would be an obvious ban but because senna has more pressure both laning phase and late game i ban senna instead.”
Demonsedge90 says “Senna can be a difficult opponent due to her passive and heavy poke. Positioning is critical to isolate her in combat; therefore, this match involves patience and timing to win, but be mindful that she outscales you if left unchecked.”
Kluckadell says “Decent match up you outscale her and you can trade even in lane, try not give her free stacks. Only trade basics if you have your passive ready, and try w insta then she will fail her q and it will miss”
Gui_soshaco.jpeg says “She has poke and damage, besides she can use your box to enhace her range. She will build Umbral Glaive, but you're not a beta Shaco AP main. She won't survive your all-in.”
nedxo says “Senna is OP in this meta, her slows fuck you up as they can just chase you down with AAs while you try to run like a poor turtle
Trade quickly/synergized with your adc or try to burst her once you have ULT”
Bella Starlily says “Senna's long range and high damage might be very threatening. Try to stay away from minions, as she can use her Q on them and hit you even if you are all the way in Narnia and try to bait her stun. Don't let her farm souls off you.”
Cordiall says “Senna isn't much of a threat to Braum. She relies on her scaling to deal damage, so if you're aggressive early and don't let her poke you out you should be able to kill her without too much trouble.”
Eu como Miilena says “o poke dela é muito superior ao seu botando muita preção em você logo de começo por conta do CD do seu escudo ser grande, porem você pode retribuir o dano se protegendo e dando R+Q nela. Proteja seu adc muito bem com seu escudo pois ela pode dar poke pelos minios e de longas poke nela o máximo que puder por conta dela não ter muita resistência e atacar devagar sendo um alvo fácil estando com baixa vida. ”
SunnySneezer says “Senna wouldn't normally be a threat and you would go relatively even but it also depends on the ADC match up. BUT lately Senna players take 👢fleet which allows them to outsustain your damage making it a one sided trade since her cooldowns are lower and her auto attacks deal more damage.”
DtNikk says “There isnt much you can do against a good Senna, just try to survive laning phase. Either support item is meh in this matchup, as you wont be able to poke her much and her range makes it hard to get minions. Outisde of laning phase senna shouldnt be a big worry of yours, as you should be behind your team. ”
Nozul says “Ela tem um range maior que o teu (obviamente), fazendo com que você sofra bastante desde a fase de rotas até o final do jogo. Evite ficar alinhado com ela e os minions, para que você não tome o Q por tabela. Evite também ficar muito avançado para que você não tome o W dela.”
beefyylol says “Senna does quite poorly versus most ranged supports, Bard is no exception. As long as you are not feeding her free stacks in lane she just becomes another immobile ADC that you can get free ults on. ”
PumpkinMatters says “A Senninha pode fazer sua vida um inferno, se ela jogar recuada, acertando o Q e os ataques básicos, mas existe uma área gigantesca de possibilidade para você puni-la de volta e estragar o jogo para ela. Se ela errar o W e seu adc estiver preparado, não tem nada que ela consiga fazer para impedir sua iniciação (mas agora, na 12.2, o Q dela dá lentidão, então considere isso também). Só lembre que ela escala seu poder interminavelmente, então é muito importante ser agressivo contra ela e tirá-la da rota o máximo possível”
PumpkinMatters says “Little Senna can be a living hell, if she plays safe, landing Qs and auto attacks, but there is an immense chance for you to punish her back and spoil her little game. If she misses W, and your ADC is ready, there's nothing she can do to stop your apocalyptic horse (well, now, after 12.2, she slows you down with Q, and this can be a bit of a problem). Just remember she scales forever into the game, so it's important to be aggressive and take her out of the lane as much as you can”
a8qoyrl says “Essentially like a second carry (just as squishy) so you can engage on her exactly as you would the enemy carry and more than likely the enemy carry wont have a peel for the support. EZ kill. Just dont get poked too low and engage early.”
SirCaptFair says “cry and after crying. try to abuse her taking stacks off your bot or you. Early ignite just to get her flash. if it doesn't work out. Cry more.”
GuanaTv says “Senna consegue ter uma rota muito segura contra Thresh, e no meio/fim de jogo ela acaba se tornando um campeão bem melhor!
(Senna manages to have a very safe route against Thresh, and in the mid/late game she ends up becoming a much better champion!)”
unhben says “She is sort of the same as Ezreal but a bit less of a threat. Just make sure to jump when she is least expecting it so buy control wards and secure vision to spook her.”
Stannis_The_Mannis says “E her once and there goes her health bar, which is good cause she need to be well within range to hit her abilities. Use her souls as bait, predict when she gonna walk up to collect it and E her.”
Gobomo says “She free farms you pretty safely through her better range, so you'll want to win the matchup by roaming as much as you possibly can without completely abandoning your ADC. Punish her for getting greedy for souls by stunning her with your Q. ”
Mooncurve says “I usually win against her, but in theory she is pretty annoying, she is high lane sustain and scaling. Kill her first if she is becoming a problem.”
yaemitskiuwu says “Senna is very squishy and can't do anything if she gets polymorphed. Rushing anti heal will greatly reduce her effectiveness in lane. ”
eiensiei says “Play behind minions to avoid getting snared. Do not stand in a line with her and your laner or in a line with her and her ally, as that allows her to hit multiple targets with her Q. Ping when she gets level 6 to let your solo lanes know if they go for a 1v1, it might not be a 1v1. You could potentially play with Relic in this match-up to avoid giving her souls.”
Doglightning says “Run ele or pred. After nerfs she isn't at extreme threat but still really annoying. Her auto q combo lvl 1 will out trade you and she can heal your poke. Last till 6 and all in. Also her auto is canceled if you stealth during it.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “By far the most annoying support to deal with, she has great poke, reliable CC, and can protect herself and her carry from your W with her shroud, I suggest banning her.”
LeeTV says “Senna is a pain to vs as she can stand behind minions and poke you out with her range. If she has glacial augment she can punish you if you miss a hook. If you hit a hook on her or the enemy adc she can use her E and become untargetable escaping death.”
Doglightning says “take ignite or barrier depending on adc matchup. Senna has heal and poke so there isn't a point in trying to trade. Her weakness is she has no escape so if you land a bubble you can score kills.”
Aerenax says “Senna, especially fasting Senna or Senna with glacial augment, is a really bad matchup as she outranges you by a mile and deals tons of damage. Also her W is really annoying in lane as it is pretty hard cc.”
eiensiei says “Play behind minions to avoid getting snared. Do not stand in a line with her and your laner or in a line with her and her ally, as that allows her to hit multiple targets with her Q. Ping when she gets level 6 to let your solo lanes know if they go for a 1v1, it might not be a 1v1. You could potentially play with Relic in this match-up to avoid giving her souls.”
LimTheDestructor says “Senna is pretty easily killable, but has much lane sustain and poke. Avoid trading her, dodge her roots, wait for a good opportunity to kill her (often 3v2 situation).”
warmfishu says “Piercing Darkness (Q) goes through minions and allies, and she applies a slow if Senna takes Glacial Augment. Last Embrace (W) is an AoE root after a brief delay, but will take effect immediately if the initial W hit kills a minion. One of her typical runes, Glacial Augment, will not reset W, but puts Yuumi in vulnerable positions with the slow.”
Rasta Da Masta says “This is a skill matchup that will come down to who can best the other at dodging CC, landing good poke, effectively utilizing lane sustain, assisting allies across the map, and scaling well into mid/late game.
She has range advantage, but you have push advantage. Focus on wave manipulation over trades. And you can setup for ganks by knocking her away from her tower.”
Korippo says “This used to be my permaban and there's a good reason why--her range, crit chance, and damage overall gets progressively worse as the game goes on, even as a support. Her healing is pretty typical and nothing special, but she has really high poke potential and her root is AOE so you and your ADC can potentially be caught in it, which is usually fatal. Also has a global ult and as a support that's just an absolute nightmare to deal with. All in all a good alternative ban if you feel like it's a hard matchup.”
Flackojodye says “Senna has a lot of sustain and damage, but she shouldn't be a major threat unless she consistently hits her root and abuses her ulti and fog.”
0Banda says “ Senna is another easy matchup, she can hit Q on you while you are trading, but it wont cause you much problems and if she hits W on you dont use E into your ADC because it will root him too. At level 6 you are much powerful than her, so make use of this to all-in her with your R
Against Senna build as usual, and in runes take Second Wind in order to get rid of her poke”
Luiscencias says “One of the few supports that can buy executioners calling. Also she will always outrange you just like Caitlyn, so don't even try to wallk up an autoattack unless the person playing her positions horribly. She can heal a decent amount, has mobility and a root. Avoid her CC and get magic penetration. ”
Idleangelo says “She just keeps being Weak/Strong with every patch, feels like a rollercoaster on if she's ban worthy or not. But right now she outdamages and outranges ADCs so she's worth a ban for sure.”
Fear The Jester says “UMBRAL GLAIVE USER!!! So annoying to lane against, outdamages you at all points of the game with her poke, has really good safety with her heal, root and camo. shes really hard to engage on, boxblock her root and dont let her stack free souls off you. impossible to roam against without your adc getting perma poked out of lane. play super aggro on her to make her afraid to step up to poke and she becomes useless.”
Jowoey says “You can trade with Senna in lane but you'll almost certainly want refill pot for it. Her auto Q is pretty annoying to play against but workable. Watch out for her W because it's pretty much the only way you'll get caught against her.”
Melyn says “A fairly favorable matchup for Zyra. Stay away from minions (her Q heal goes far!) and be aware that her root (very similar in size/speed to Morgana bind) detonates instantly if it kills minions (which your plants count as and get one shot) so you can't really EW to block unless you place the plant outside of the snare range (which is very slow).
Ping her level 6 so your team knows there may not be any 1v1s.”
TheBestestBork says “This THING always does way too much damage for what shes built. That ontop of most Senna's using Glacial it can really hurt if she catches you off guard. That said she melts if you can root her down.”
35OCE says “Senna counters all enchanter supports. Her poke cannot be matched by all enchanters and will eventually outscale in the midgame. I would usually ban Senna or Naut if im planning to play Sona”
cozymoonzz says “try to get your jungler to gank you, she can outpoke you if you dont hit your Q's, but she has infinnite scaling so keep that in mind.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “her AOE root is annoying to deal with, she outranges and outpokes you and her range increases throughout the game. her ult is also global and can compete with you. not a fun match-up”
LIGHTBULB NA says “She outranges you in lane and also scales very well. Your time to shine is in the midgame. She is very hard to get on in fights due to her range, try to use your E's on teammates and Shurelyas so that they can hopefully reach her”
Guoblide says “Senna is a pretty difficult champion to deal with for Braum. She can massively out-poke and out-sustain Braum as well as scale infinitely into the late game. Senna is a ranged marksman support that has some attributes of an enchanter. She excels in a passive and safe laning phase where she looks to get out alive and scale infinitely with her Absolution stacks. Senna spikes at every 20 souls which is where she gets her her extra Range and Critical Strike. She also spikes at Level 2 when she get Last Embrace and again at 6 when she gets Dawning Shadow. In, lane, Braum should try to play passive and not walk up aggressively in order to avoid Senna's Basic Attack + Piercing Darkness combo which grants her a free soul. Since Winter's Bites range is 1000 and Senna's Basic Attack/Piercing Darkness' range is only 600 it is still possible to poke them in lane. Level 2 is horrible for Braum as well because Unbreakable doesn't block Senna's Basic Attacks and Piercing Darkness. It can block Last Embrace damage but won't stop the root so it is still not worth it to block that either. Try to keep on playing defensively and even give up some CS if needed. Once Braum hits Level 3 the lane does get slightly easier as Curse of the Black Mist is a bit of a dead spell in the Braum v Senna lane. However, still try to play safe and focus on poking with Winter's Bite as well as zoning off the enemy ADC. Try to bait out Senna's Last Embrace and dodge it by jumping to your ADC with Stand Behind Me. Once Braum hits Level 6 the lane becomes playable. Look to make plays with Glacial Fissure by using it to catch out Senna or her ADC if they mis-position or use it to set up ganks for your jungler. Braum becomes a skirmishing powerhouse with Glacial Fissure so look to roam mid or contest river objectives with your jungler. Braum has way better teamfighting and skirmishing than Senna in the early game so try to contest every Scuttle Crab and Dragon with your jungler.”
lenithebot says “Senna is very annoying to fight against. If you dont 100-0 her she will heal back to full in 1 0seconds because of her q and she has an aoe root. Only engage when you know her q or w or both are on cooldown. Look for early fights and when you do all in make sure to kill her so she does not heal her and her adc back to full. Try to dodge her q and don't let her stack early game. ”
DanNS12 says “Avoid standing near minions as she can Q through minions and towers for long-range harass. The laning phase shouldn't be too rough since you can sustain most of Senna's poke. If Senna takes glacial augment her autos will slow you. ”
LilPaniniUwU says “take ignite or barrier depending on adc matchup. Senna has heal and poke so there isn't a point in trying to trade. Her weakness is she has no escape so if you land a bubble you can score kills.
Doody_tco says “Dealing with Senna differs according to her position (ADC or Role), but either way, together, Yuumi and her Carry can take care of Senna”
TheBlueImperial says “Senna has a lot of poke, sustain and team mobility with her camouflage AoE. She is however incredibly immobile and only has a delayed form of CC, you can easily punish her if she is a support. If you're against ADC or Fasting Senna it will be a bit harder because someone will be peeling for her.”
XtheZ115 says “She's just annoying, is all. She can heal and her root lasts a long time, plus she's a ranged champion. Nothing overly broken about her, she's just an annoying lane.
Oh and getting away from a scuffle top lane only to get ulted from across the map is a pain”
Billehz says “Her poke is quite good, but you should be able to get out of the way of her W, and if she walks up to get a soul off of you it is an easy opportunity to W for the movement speed towards her and Charm her unexpectedly ”
Jaori says “Don't use your E after being hit with her W, it will stop your dash and leave you defenseless. Make sure you can clearly see her and go in with the engage combo.”
Go Getter says “Really annoying to fight against, there isn't anything you can do to stop her crazy long root except dodge.
She opens a lot of opportunity to kill you early game and will guarantee push you up to your tower.
Your best bet is to rely on help from your ADC until you reach level 6 and beyond when you can dive her more safely without risk of death.”
Tatewari says “She is fairly immobile and squishy, so if you hit your combo's she should die.
Try to avoid trading before you reached lvl 3, she outheals and outdamages you with her Q.
TiltyH says “While she's AD and you're stacking armor, she still gains free crit and range simply for existing. If she stacks well you can't beat her in lane.”
HerYandere says “Early game is all you have against her. Once she hits around 7-8, you will lose very hard. She is a good ban as well. Mid game just roam and try to get lots of armor for her.”
Snoozy says “In early playable but in late game you will be destroyed. The only thing that could bring you hapiness against this champion is using your Black Shield and counter her CC.”
DasNerdwork says “A good counter against Rakan. She can easily hit a double stun if you use your battle dance too much. Her high range and poke/heal potential is also a big threat if you decide to go for guardian keystone and/or stay right next to your adc. Switch to poke and try to poke back.”
terrybogar1 says “Annoying long range poke but no movement abilities. Skill Matchup
(As an ADC, she is Minor due to the fact that she will be more preoccupied with csing than poking you)”
Esoterica says “Senna's abilities are telegraphed and slow, giving you lots of space to play in. W proactively so that you can blink back if you're hit by the snare, and avoid standing behind minions so she doesn't get free damage by Q'ing minions.
Her Curse of the Black Mist (E) is not an issue for you, as you can easily chain her while she moves in it.”
DamselOfDistress says “Senna is very strong and can burst you before you get a chance to do anything. Surprise is your best friend against her. Try to ambush her.”
Pigeont says “Long-range, heal, roots, in late-game she kill you and in early game she poke you hard, you can play agressive if you have minion close to take the root at your place, try to poke her so she use her mana faster to get an advantage.”
The only problem that Senna may cause to you resides in the lategame: stacking enough souls means a huge buff to her attack range, attack damage and critical strike chance. Tipically, if a Senna reach 100 souls before the 30 minutes mark, you have to start worrying. Otherwise, is basically free elo. Her Q heal may seems a counter to your poke, but her cooldown and mana costs are high, so bully her as much as you can. She's squishy and has very low magic resistance.
Dodge her W, don't let her trade you with the AA + Q combo and you win.”
Dotje says “Senna deals damage, heals, grants a good escape and has a root. Her cooldowns are very high, unless she's able to AA someone to get her Q off cooldown. Punish her cooldowns, and the fact she has to stand still to cast/aa/collect souls is a fine oppertunity to AA her.”
Pyroxes says “She's pretty weak on early game. so try to kill her if she happens to be out of position. You beat her in mid-late game unless the game is really long. Keep an eye on her and always punish her when she tries to trade.”
KeleiX13 says “Senna scales like crazy and will outdamage your heal and shield later on if you lose lane. Wait until level 6 and don't go too aggressive until then. Call your jungler and also consider starting Relic Shield so you don't have to trade as much. If you do decide to trade, trade with her ADC and not her. Following her nerfs, she has gone down a little in power but I think she still deserves to be called a top tier threat for Sona.”
Hive Mind says “anything that removes your shield very easily or can stop your R over long distances is good to ban.
But you can still do a side-step to avoid her snare and poke back with Q”
Sinci says “It's a very strong champion that can outrange and outtrade you in the laning phase quite early and its a really painful champion to deal with in the late. Not too much kill potential just try to stay away from the roots and punish her together with your adc.”
anionPositivo says “Ela dá muito poke e tem muito sustain, nessa lane você vai levar as runas de biscoito, se ela usar o W dela em vão, da pra ir pra cima, mais mesmo assim ela escapa muito fácil.”
Adam bot says “She has damage and a little heal and shield on her R but you can out shield and heal her so don't panic. Avoid getting hit and you win.”
Levkar says “Long range, a lot of damage, slows, a root and healing that is comparable to yours. If you're not used to playing against her just ban her.”
LilRidge says “You will want to avoid Senna's (Q) Piercing Darkness poke damage. Only move close to her when you are going to all-in her with your (W) Ferromancy - Crash Down.
If you happen to get hit by her Last Embrace, you can easily (W) Ferromancy - Crash Down out of it, but move away when one of your teammates is nearby and can get rooted by the (W) Last Embrace AoE.”
The Last Rakan says “Ela abusará do range dela e o slow de sua runa, sugiro que builde armadura e que tente engajar em seu aliado na fase de rotas, evite tomar seu CC.”
Tauricus2017 says “Senna is a very problematic matchup for you to face. Her biggest power lies in being an early & late game champion, that is hard to counter. I recommend staying away from her so she can't collect as many souls. Relic shield usually helps with that. When she comes to collect a soul, you can land an easy Starcall since her autoattack has long animation. Her W is pretty deadly but with enough prediction it is easy to dodge or block.”
Rainuu says “Senna is an annoying champion to lane against as her healing and slows can irritating. Her poke can be a bit much at times as well so watch out for her.”
Kefochka says “Далеко не самый сложный противник для Тарика. Она наносит физ. урон, и намного меньше хилит, а потому для Тарика очень удобный пик. Она сможет отыграться только в тимфайтах, но ей будет тяжело играть против умелого Тарика.”
Starchase says “Never detach from your ADC, she deals A TON of damage even early on.
If she hits you with the W, accept your death, NEVER W YOUR ADC, YOU WILL KILL THEM BOTH.
Ping your teammates when senna gets lvl 6, her global ultimate can be the factor that loses the fight in other lanes.
You don't outscale her, if your team doesn't have any hard cc, consider dodge.”
Meewah says “A good Senna can be very hard for thresh, due to the poke and sustain stopping thresh from taking trades. Senna also has a good way of keeping her ADC alive if they are to get hooked.”
iiKami says “Does a lot of AD damage. Especially when she gets to stacking. Her range and damage is nuts.
If her ADC does a couple times but she gets ahead. Get ready for phase 2 of the 'boss fight'”
Takitsu says “ADC Senna: Outranges Thresh easily. Avoid getting hit by her Q so she doesnt stack passive. Fight when her Q or W is on cooldown. Beware of Senna using E to bring in the jungler/support for a surprise attack.”
unhben says “You both poke pretty hard but she will either get way tankier than you fast or she will stack souls and just chunk you out harder than you want to take mid game.”
losolkos says “Much dmg long range but very low hp. For sure you need to be careful her range is much problem also she have heal and speed boost which make them unteasable also her stun can be trobule just try to use slow passive onher or use less dmg that make her less danger.
With your ult you can atack senna and kill her easliy her low hp make her easy target to kill when she is stun.Try to hit adc too that will be probably his dead too or just he will dont help her.”
unhben says “Pokes super hard, but depending on her build you should just be able to jump her and kick her into your team. Need lots of vision v.s. her so you can find her in fights late because of her incredible range.”
Kadiyarch says “Put 2 point on Q and poke her. When she is low you can flash combo her to get an easy kill. Be careful of her combo AA+W.
Easy kill when you have your 6.”
Coo1breeze says “If she is picked as an ADC and has a Soraka supp, she will have an annoying amount of sustain. Soraka heals her, she heals Soraka, repeat.”
ultrafen says “Can poke you out of lane harder than you can, early game. Do your best not to die, as you can outscale her late purely through your range. Play passive against her until you get items. Don't try to poke too much unless it's free, as her Q can negate a lot of it anyway.”
Bear Gummies says “Senna is a really strong poker, and the main issue is that she outranges you with her autos + q. Since she gets a stack from that small combo, she never really has a "bad trade" against Janna. Consider relic shield as a starting item, and try to poke by launching fully charged tornados at her.”
NewTeff says “Senna is broken, its alright early but, until you get your second item, (rapid fire cannon) dont try to trade if she has too much range already”
Jannito02 says “Senna isn't that hard to fight against. She can be a bit annoying, but once she uses her W, you can try to fight her if she's not far from you and your carry. At first levels Senna will try to damage your carry with her Q and with Basic attacks, activating her passive, increasing her damage and range. But at Level 6, a good Yuumi ultimate should be enough to kill Senna or her ADC.”
SimplyGod says “He is playing Botlane and made the mistake to pick ADC, why would you bother?
Wait, hes playing Support?
See no difference to be honest.
EionThePepega says “Senna has alot of poke, and all of it is AD, then add her AoE root and it makes grouping in lane a deadly mistake. Be ready to Zone her out of Q's with your W and root her if she over extends. Buying Zhonya's and going double armor runes will help with survivability.”
xDopii says “Senna has very low mobility and can easily be punished for being out of position. She will also likely move up to collect her souls which can be a good time to engage onto her.”
mscocca says “Senna's kit is overloaded... She has it all: a Heal, an AoE Crowd Control, an Escape and a Shield;
Overall, Senna can be considered Nidalee's biggest threat and counter.
Obviously, she's very squishy and can be taken down in a single combo, punish her for missing her W.”
EionThePepega says “She not that bad to fight, but she has good range and CC while having some heals. Due mind her possibility to buy Executioner's Calling early.”
The Lotus Queen says “Senna has long range and high damage which can make laning very hard. Senna's scaling is also near equal to Sona's. Get through laning phase and do your best to win late game.”
Jexeff says “Early game she has to come pretty close in order to auto attack you. Just avoid her last embrace and you should be able string together some easy trading with your AD. Very vulnerable when you get on top of her. She technically is another AD.”
Wounds2 says “Senna is hard to deal with in laning phase as Rakan. Afterwards, it gets easier to play the game. Senna's long range and big damage, paired with Glacial Augment prevents you from getting into range to W her. It is not uncommon to be too low in hp to even engage against Senna. In the midst of a teamfight, Senna's AoE root poses a big threat to you since Rakan's kit involves being around teammates. Many Senna players overextend and greed for collecting souls, so try and look for an opportunity to catch her by surprise.”
fishbully says “ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Senna will out-range Janna any day in regards poke and peel. Focus more on shielding the ADC and try to roam (if this is not an option focus on preventing engage and limiting the transfer of black mist)”
itizhelia says “Just another b*tch type support that pokes you down to death.
Avoid her long-range abilities and stay healthy in the lane. All in her or her ADC whenever she overextends
She's only a threat to you in the lane phase since Senna was made to fully "counter" engage supports.
Due to the current buffs she's really strong and jumps in threat level.”
FiddlesticksChan says “She can poke you out or lock you down when her root is combined with a support's and she's faster in her E than you are in your W. Play around her root cooldown and if you do get rooted, use W so if she's at long range she can't attack you.”
Remmacs1 says “Senna is my go to ban when I play solo q because this champion is BRUTAL for Aphelios. She has range, slows, healing, and peeling an absolute nightmare for Aphelios. Aphelios wants to close the distance and Senna prevents you from doing that. If you do play this match up make sure you avoid taking any free damage and never let her get her two auto passive off on you. Only trade her when her abilities are down.”
Dotje says “Senna deals damage, heals, grants a good escape and has a root. Her cooldowns are very high, unless she's able to AA something to get her Q off cooldown. When her root is on cooldown you can attempt to trade, but make sure not to give too many souls.”
Navn says “Get out ranged. Can't trade. Your only hope is that she oversteps and you all-in her with your lane partner. Otherwise, you get poked out of lane after a few minutes. Second Wind is a must here.”
CanadaJay says “Squishy early but a nightmare once she gets some items. Try to engage her when she whiffs her root. If she gets fed you're in for a world of hurt.”
Frank6264 says “Senna tiene la capacidad de meter ralentizaciones, buen daño, y curar en caso de necesidad de mejor forma que una Karma, y a medida que la partida avanza esto se vuelve más evidente y difícil de contrarrestar. En fase de líneas traten de hostigarla ya que su Q no cura demasiado y gasta demasiado maná, y eviten en lo posible de ser atrapados por su W ya que en ese caso pueden llegar a ser asesinados. Recomiendo runas defensivas en este enfrentamiento.”
Sunedayz says “Your trades will go evenly in this matchup as long as you play it correctly by playing around your CD's. It's easy to predict Q's on her, if you know where she'll go to auto attack.”
DracoMeteor_ says “Senna is a poke champion and does a lot of damage. Try not to let her get souls off of you. The reason I put her as a minor threat is because she wont be able to get as many souls because there is only one champion she is able to target when Yuumi is attached to her ally. But still make sure you get off to get your passive Shield on Yuumi.”
Quadliss says “Senna is a range that can easily destroy your boxes. Senna often leaves glacial augment for the slow which combines with his passive. Senna is very strong in support and also in adc it's a very difficult matchup because if she takes a red trinket she can destroy all your boxes.She is Shaco's biggest counter during the laning phase.”
Lykzar says “A tough matchup. Can heal from any trades early and can kite you out. Also scales pretty well. Dodge her W and try to catch her out of position.”
G3TR3KTB01 says “The problem against support Senna is that she is a ranged support and deals more damage than the ADC( 'cause she gets staks better). But if u get near her she's done”
Titans Revenge says “Senna has some long range poke. Your goal is to put her back in your lantern. Seriously though, she is weak vs hook champs, just stay out of her poke and cc range.”
Prof Harambe says “Same reason as Seraphine but at least you can dive her better - until she decides that she is going untargetable. Later on she will 2 shot you which is rather annoying, but one box will do more than 50 percent of her healthbar. Doesn't have any reason to go near bushes, silly range, can heal it up if she walks into a bush. A mini Seraphine, but nowhere near as bad.”
CastratedSeal says “Both Senna and Nami are susceptible to ganks. Senna and Nami also set up ganks about as well as one another. This matchup is mostly decided by who the ADCs and jungler are. If you have a strong early AD like Draven or Lucian, you have the potential to roll this lane over. However if the enemy lane is something like Senna/Tahm Kench, you might be in trouble. ”
Borusky says “Isso aqui vai te incomodar bastante, mas se por acaso ela erre seu W e você consiga acertar a linguada nela, desfrute dos seus conhecimentos desse lindo boneco e desça a porrada.”
Moderne says “Both of you are poke heavy. She makes poking somewhat difficult because she can return it with a lot of damage, but is relatively immobile.”
RASKODILA123 says “She has really strong poke and sustain right now will probably go glacial and just auto and Q you to death but you can catch her easy because of her low range and low mobility at the start of the game.”
EmpressBee says “Senna sustains about evenly with Nami but scales much harder. Senna's Curse of the Black Mist makes following up on Nami engages hard due to Nami and her AD being ranged.”
NEED WATER says “Her invisibility counters you a little bit as well as her zoning potential. Avoid getting stunned and predict her movements with Saplings to set up the juicy all-in. ”
GamingTy12 says “this is an imo threat because I just hate playing against this champ when you try and trade you almost never win it because of her dmg and its just really annoying, also with her e giving her and the ADC a free escape almost all the time.”
Guoblide says “Senna is very easy to beat due to her being very squishy, having low mobility, and only having one main defensive ability. Sett needs to be very aggressive in lane though because if he is too passive then he will end up being outscaled in the late game. During the laning phase try to gain bush priority by using Oracle Lens to spot out enemy wards. Try to not get poked too hard by her Auto Attack + Piercing Darkness combo to prevent her from getting souls. If she lands a Last Embrace onto you and pokes you try to Haymaker her while rooted to get some poke damage onto her and gain a shield to prevent some damage. Try to bait out Last Embrace (Senna's only big defensive ability) by pretending to engage. Once Senna uses it try to Knuckle Down onto her and her ADC or Flash if they are far away. Haymakering Senna can usually lead to a kill due to her having ridiculously low HP. You can outroam her easily so try to roam mid at good times to put extra pressure on the map. Also help your jungler secure important objectives like Rift Scuttler, Dragon, and Rift Herald. Since Senna mainly builds full lethality rushing Ninja Tabi is viable due to both her and her ADC relying heavily on their Basic Attacks do deal damage. Once Sett gets Ninja Tabi and Dead Man's Plate he becomes EXTREMELY hard to kill in lane.”
bandeide10 says “Considero ela bem forte contra a Janna por causa de seu sustain e da facilidade que ela vai possuir em te dar dano a longa distância.”
Jum3h says “She deals damage, heals, grants a good escape and has a root.
Punish her high cooldowns and the fact she has to stand still to cast/aa/collect souls.”
Rastub P says “Make sure u are not let him get soul when she hit u once don't let her hit u twice so she cant become stronger and plz try to a void your allies if u get hit by his W ”
Kilo Khaos says “Flexible in both roles, she provides tons of utility on top of her ranged damage. Healing, shielding, CC, and an AoE untargetability make her a pain. However, you can still hook and flay her during this, making it easy to catch her or anyone hidden in her shroud.”
DEasom says “Senna's sustain and poke make the lane tough. Its best to look for all in fights and preserve mana. Dark Harvest is best into this match up. E max is still preferred, but maxing W in this match up is a reasonable option. ”
poopydoop69 says “Senna isn't undefeatable, but she is another annoying champion to play against. You'll want to play safe and probably take Wish over Equinox for your 2nd ability. ”
sashadidntwalk says “Senna has some CC as well but she outranges you and is a pain to deal with, her Q provides healing not only for her teammates but her as well so poking her out might cause a lot of mana, but try to look for moments when she barely has mana and try to go for her. Also her cooldowns are quite high in the beginning of the game so use that for your advantage. Don't forget to save people with your W when you see she is ulting.”
KeleiX13 says “Senna is a pretty hard matchup for Yuumi. If you get rooted, in most situations, don't dash back to your ADC as you might get both of you killed. Stay attached in lane and heal your ADC and hope for the best.”
NERF THIS MAN says “She can get poke off easily early, so be careful. However, you can easily engage on her as long as you do so before receiving too much poke.”
ShroudedBRH says “Senna takes a while to ramp up and is like a hybrid adc/support pick. She will have access to safer damage late in the game but you'll deal more. As shes likely to go lethality in the current meta she will likely build Edge of Night making it difficult to land your R's”
Mickeystick says “I put this one at even because it depends on how good you are at Nautilus. When I first started playing the matchup I would lose lane a lot because of Senna's high damage and crowd control. However, she can't do much when you're on top of her, so a good hook wins the lane easily.”
orbiterpluto says “This could go either way. If a stack is away from the minion try to root her and all in. When you're in her grill she pops like a balloon.”
QueerJunk says “You have a 54% winrate against Support Senna, You outheal her, and will destroy her if you land your CC. She has scary damage but nothing you cant heal through, out sustain her and land the CC for easy kills!”
TheSpecialist says “Senna & Pyke are quite balanced towards each other. If any were to gain the edge in battle, they would win. Senna's Damage & Sustain is enough to kill an off-guard Pyke”
ShanksMeister says “She's really strong because she outranges you and wins every trade. With glacial augment she will slow you as well and run you down. Your 6 is better than hers but don't try to pick a fight with her. Wait for jungle ganks then flash+ult with team.”
ImNova20 says “Out-scales you (souls giving her Crit and Lifesteal) and will out-range you (souls giving her more range). Beat her early and you can save yourself and advantage to win late game”
StressedSun says “Her W is broken and possibly will go through you (riot fix plz), but still she has decent damage and heal. Also watch out for her R when you are low health. ”
Joseseyboy says “Senna is a dangerous support/adc with a increasing damage output and range to macth. Keep a eye on her location for she migth prepare a ambush on you. Remember that your bombs still reach her even if you don't see her and a bomb combo can stun her and all lies within her mist.”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Senna is a weird matchup, if you are hitting her well then you'll get an easy lane but if she's avoiding damage she'll be as annoying as a lulu or sona.”
Hoshikoo746 says “Not Senna, please !
Senna is so annoying, good damage, heal, shield from distance and root.
She has a **** high range.
But if you kill her, it is such a good snack.”
thesophieset says “As with most new champions, it will take a while for Riot to fully balance out Senna – until then, she is not to be underestimated as she can seriously chunk you. Definitely get Tabis on your first back against her, try sidestepping her W snare so you don't eat more follow-up damage (consider Crucible if you or your ADC keep walking into it), try Q'ing her when she steps forward to claim a soul. Her Ultimate may fly fairly fast but it is still a skillshot, so sidestep that if you can to avoid being sniped from a distance.”
Yuzu says “Another one of my mains. She is very strong, but there are some tricks. Pick up Relic Shield and play safe, when she tries to collect mist, punish her with your Q and back up again. Her auto attack range is not that far at the beginning (it will get longer with time). And her auto attack animation is rather long, so back up immediatly and she can`t punish you back. Try to get movement early, since thats what she will build and you`ll be able to disengage better then. ”
Dw Archer says “É bastante relativo, mas senna pode incomodar bastante se souber ser usada. Claro que isso vale paraa diversos campeões, mas neste caso é as habilidades de enraizamento e sombras da seena que podem complicar muito o momento de dar engage e a saída para ativar o inquebrável do Braum.”
Maxwhale Plays says “She will punish every time you walk up for a minion, Build armor and wait for your level 6 engage unless she oversteps while root is on cooldown”
Thats a OOF says “KEY WORD HERE: UTILITY. Lovely utility with very big girl damage. If Thresh locked Senna in a lantern than its a winnable lane. Senna will snipe low HP targets on your team with her R or help her fellow teammates with her R shield. She has soooo much utility that I can talk about all day 4/4 abilites are utility filled. Her E is basically a Yi Q on steroids with utility”
SooDoneWithThis says “Champions such as Senna or Bard who have poke can be annoying to deal with, but overall they usually have no tools to deal with your long engage range and don't have enough damage to kill you either.”
SynLynx says “Senna plays quite similar to you in lane, it just depends on who does it better. Know that she is quite squishy and her roams are worse than yours.”
Akja says “Senna both as a support and as an ADC counter Twisted Fate: First she has a pretty long range from where she can poke you safely, she also has the ability to heal up their allies, denying part of your poke, and finally her E makes her and her allies untargetables, which counters your W.”
ThePandaEvan says “Senna can heal your damage back and can do more damage then you could ever do. Just play defensive and look for gaps to poke but don't over do it.”
HalloweenWirt says “Problem: CC,healing and a lot of damage.
How to deal with: She can poke you down all day,but when you catch her she's as good as dead.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Pretty okay poke and all in with her binding, keep in mind if you get hit you need to decide if you're going to hop into your ADC and let it bind them or stick it out yourself -- Typically it's better to let the ADC take the punishment if you do actually get hit. Much safer.”
Apho says “Poking against a Senna is likely to end up in a trade in her favor with her Glacial Augment and W. Attempt to safely poke with Q (e.g., not next to minions or next to a wall) as you have slight advantage in damage.”
netherlessss says “Senna is an iffy pick but overall go for trades after she uses her Q and make sure to E yourself when you go for trades to her massive Auto Attack range. ”
JenaColada says “Glacial Augment Senna will make you think twice before moving forward to do anything, but with an agressive ADC you might have a better chance.”
HoneyQT says “Scales well, but her heal and damage don't compare to your shielding and utility. She lacks meaningful CC that can be hit consistently and has no peel, and she's very difficult to play right.”
FlameOfHecate says “Senna is still pretty strong even after some nerfs ...She can shut down this speed strategy by just landing her root , so either you have to try really hard to avoid it or waiste your shield for that.Also she has pretty good poke so just try to avoid her roots and synergize with your adc.”
PayyBack says “Senna is incredibly weak to hard engage.She has no way to stop Rakan's W, which many other ranged champions have the ability to, making her actually a more rakan-favored matchup even with her range.”
Gandalf29 says “You have to play really carefull against her. She can easily poke you from distance so dont get in her range if u dont want to engage.”
SorakaBestWaifu says “My General perma ban right now. be careful against her and her late game potential. Same as Pyke, be careful about your positioning.”
Kefochka says “Сенна хороша. Она имбалансна благодаря своей ульте и контроль, а так же уходу в тень. Опять, харас и поук сильно облегчит вам жизнь. Она потратит ману и ей станет сложно.”
Pognog says “Her long range can be difficult to avoid sometimes, and getting caught by her root can mean instant death, but in general as she is reasonably immobile she is susceptible to E slows and bomb stuns.”
Larmack says “Her long range, strong poke and sustain make her annoying to face. Try to deny her from getting souls on you. If she lands a w on you, jump into your adc, or they will just kill you while you're rooted and unable to jump.”
Monkey D Sweetie says “Senna has a long range poke early game and a bigger damage than Sona, she also has reliable sustain with her Q and heals more than Sona can in the early game. Late game she is an AD carry with obscene range, you have to lane carefully and full engage on her when you have your ultimate.”
GoBucket says “Stupidly long range Q and autos. Apart from that once you get on top of her, there is little she can do. Her root is slow and her E only works on ranged champs. Play around vision and look for hard engages as much as possible.”
Beeee says “Senna has a lot of range, poke, and a global ult. It's a very good idea to avoid her w as much as you can, and try to avoid being on direct opposite sides of the wave (to avoid her q poke). ”
Zer0XM says “Senna... I have a hard time placing her. Powerful pokes that can be tanked with a simple W, but they're sustained enough to still apply pressure, she and her teammates can be hooked out of the mist. The AOE root can be tanked. Just overall isn't hard to go against but is still annoying. ”
Marinx says “Senna has long range, good sustain, and a bit of cc. However, her cc and auto attacks both have a bit of a delay, giving Pyke a window to pull her. While getting hit by her root can mess up a stun, she's so squishy that getting a pull will open her up to being destroyed by your adc / team.”
suppdiff says “After her pretty harsh nerf, extremely easy lane. All in level two, abuse her immobile play style, buy pink wards for her invisibility and ggez. Your roams are also much better than hers: abuse this.”
FabioOoOoOo says “She starts out better than you but you can live you scale harder with items. As long as you dodge her cc you will survive. Your hard engage will be her biggest weakness”
NirvanaBunny says “From a pure support perspective, you counter this woman. Since she has squishy ADC stats with no mobility it shouldn't be hard to lock on and engage. Be careful though, in higher ELOs it becomes a skill match-up because she can poke you behind minions.”
maxtenj says “She can still pump out good damage, but after her nerf she is even easier to execute. Just dodge her stuns and hook her while she is disguised. ”
Ahpulzz says “While Senna has better fighting and poke capabilities than you do, she is vulnerable if caught out of position. Slow her scaling down by avoiding poke and engaging only when necessary; she makes a good target for ganks, too.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Senna
Early Game: Dodge her [Q] poke and [W] root. She’s squishy but scales well.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on catching her out with [Q] and [R]. Avoid her healing.
Key Tip: Bait her [E] stealth before committing to fights.”
FunnyBunnyH says “The only problematic part about her is her scaling. She is very vulnerable vs hard engage, so if you have a strong early game ADC, she doesn't really get to play the game.”
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