As a Support 51.22% Win Rate98% Pick RateLulu As a Support Counters: 38 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Lulu as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
unhben says “RUSH SERPENTS FANG! Lulu W + R just makes you look like a teddy bear no matter what build you go.
W HER then E onto ADC to try and bait abilities.”
ShriekingMammoth says “Only chance of winning is to level 2 her, especially if she starts Q level 1. Outscales you super hard and deals with you very well in lane.”
Zileanaire says “Lulu is as good at saving people as you are for locking people down for kills. Annoying more than anything else. Don't ever tower dive a Lulu unless you have ult. Even then it's risky. ”
JVS8 says “She deals more damage than you and scales just as well, or even better, depending on her team comp. Play around cooldowns and vision, and wait for level 6 to initiate hard engages. Once you ult, make sure to land your stun immediately to 100-0 her before she can use her E and R, as those abilities can buy her time and often turn the fight in her favor if not interrupted.”
Smaugyon says “enchanters in general arent that bad of matchups if you dont missplay you wont die and if they dont missplay you wont kill them however stacking on them isnt easy and they are able to mitigate a lot of your damage.”
ZedAway says “u out range her, but i prefer focusing her before the adc because it makes the whole "killing the adc" feel like a mission impossible, her shield has around 10-8 cd in lanning phase so u have window gap to do what u need to do to set up a fight.”
zSharpFire says “Poking her out of lane is very hard as she has big shield and will outpeel your Qs. Late game she will become much more useful, especially when paired with strong ADCs. You might want to go gathering storm and PeelBot/ShieldBot and try to do your best. If you're feeling lucky you can still go for utility or something else.”
JVS8 says “She deals more damage than you and can scale as effectively as you, or even better depending on her team composition. Focus on managing cooldowns and vision, and wait until you hit level 6 before committing to aggressive plays. She won’t be able to escape without using her Flash, so make sure to follow up with a stun after using your ultimate to eliminate her quickly. This prevents her from using her E and R abilities, which can significantly delay the fight and often lead to a loss if she manages to use them.”
TIMEISWASTINGXD says “i choose lulu here as a placeholder for any enchanter, you hardcounter them and they have no escape. after lvl 9 every E on them is either a flash or a kill if they step out of position”
Arctic Arrow says “Lulu is a tiny threat due to her limited ability to disrupt your core abilities. Her W (Whimsy) won’t interrupt your E (Crimson Curse), so if you’re quick, you can W-Q-E and still land your stun or disengage effectively before she polymorphs you. This allows for favorable trades or engages.
Serpent's Fang works well against her to reduce the effectiveness of her shield from W and to enhance your overall trading power.”
LA COLORADA says “depends heavily on whether the player's a braindead shield bot or an actual support.
insane peeling and disengage. don't underestimate her poke potential.
you have a window against her early on. otherwise she outscales you in any scenario.”
Abarame says “The number 1 enchanter in terms of raw utility. Lulu champs diff a lot of her matchups and has a far easier time adapting to her teams needs. Be careful when trading against Lulu and instead look to target her adc. Her poke is similar to urs but its more immediate so stick to trading with ur adc using W instead of normal E auto.”
TnDD says “Lulu bence bard'a çok da sıkıntı çıkarmıyor. Çünkü ultinle engage attığında Lulu R'si işlevsiz kalıyor. Bunun dışında enchanter olduğu için koridorda zorluk çıkartıyor. Ama diğer enchanterlardan daha kolay diyebilirim.”
SchloppyPoppy says “Easy on her own, but VERY annoying when paired with an ADC like twitch, lucian, kogmaw etc. When in this matchup, I would try to focus on Lulu first before going for the ADC. This works best in early game”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “Her W wont stop your E so if you are fast enough you can just W Q E and when she polymorphs you, you are already casting E so you will stun them or just send them away with a favorable trade.(Serpents fangs works very good against her)”
Foxirion says “Lulu's peel and crowd control abilities can make it challenging for Rakan to engage effectively, but Rakan's mobility and engage potential can help him pressure Lulu and disrupt her in fights.”
glimppi says “Her pix reveals your stealth, shield makes your poke useless, and you can never engage on Lulu or her ADC, after Lulu gets level 6. Try to set up river against jungle ganks.”
1yanou says “Really annoying in lane if played properly. Lulu itself isn't that big of a threat but if she has a hypercarry adc (twitch,jinx,zeri,aphelios,etc) the game can get pretty hard. ”
Cyndakyu says “enchanters are tough for morgana since they will outscale you and later on can just buy mikaels, which puts lots of pressure on you to try and kill them in lane”
schizoslvt says “Karma level threat.
depending on your adc it can be an easy stomp or a really slow and boring lane, throw hook from a far so she doesnt polymorph you while charging it.”
Velkyann says “It's Lulu you can't do much against her and her ADC because of her abilities. Try not to engage against her or her ADC unless someone is ganking. You outscale her utility with yours.”
MorePierogiVanya says “Shields, polymorph, a tiny bit of poke and the ult. Engages have to be well planned. If the ADC is weak enough/can be Exhausted, you can focus her. This can be very risky though”
ColdStuff says “On paper, Lulu and Karma are quite similar champions. Both have been flexed into solo lanes, have good utility and have decent poke. Karma's poke is stronger, whereas Lulu's raw utility and CC is much better. Howeever, Lulu is typically able to empower only (1!) carry, whereas Karma is able to share the love more easily. ”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Lulu has to choose between CC and buffing her carry, so force her to choose in a bad situation.
When Lulu buffs her carry's attacks, the extra projectiles do not go through minions, so stick behind the minion wave once she shields her carry.”
Kalander says “i would pipe this hussy but anyway i hate laning against her just r her then q if she dont have flash its just a free kill most of time
quecck says “Super easy (I have a 100% winrate against her) My only worry would be her ult, and polymorph. She will usually use that on you so make sure you are not jeopardizing yourself and ADC on an engage/fight.
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Careful of her cc, it's kinda weird and can be nasty. But for the most part is kinda chill. Her R can be a bit annoying, just stay a bit far away from her and her adc when she has it up, but other than that use your discretion. ”
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Shacarlos says “Ela é apenas um campeão chato, é difícil matar na lane com Lulu, ela tem muito CC e escudos.
Foque-a nas trocas e/ou só troque com ajuda do jungler, em geral, a Lulu não dá muito trabalho, o trabalho quem vai dar é o ADC que tem ela como suporte, faça um bait na ult dela.
Minerok says “Her polymorph cancels your Q and leaves you vulnerable in front of your enemies. Her insane peel through shields and ult is also very annoying if you want to focus out the enemy adc. The slow from her Q and ult knockup are even more cc that can hinder your engages. ”
quecck says “Super easy (I have a 100% winrate against her)
My only worry would be her ult, and polymorph. She will usually use that on you so make sure you are not jeopardizing yourself on an engage/fight.”
Razing42 says “Don't underestimate Lulus damage, especially not if she is maxing E first. As most enchanter supports you need to make stuff happen early game.”
Kamachamaeleon says “Lulu's polymorph from Whimsy (W) can turn Thresh into a harmless critter, preventing him from initiating or peeling for his team.”
Aerenax says “Lulu will only do one thing in this lane and that is polymorph either you or your adc when you engage. You can block the polymorph with your E as this is considered a projectile. Furthermore she will poke you down and you can’t do a lot about it so try to stay healthy in lane! ”
Ryecheria says “Karma hard wins
You have longer range and can poke out Lulu. You cannot let Lulu get ahead early as Lulu scales better and has better utility with Whimsy and her Wild Growth. If you can stay ahead of her in lane, you will always have a fighting chance to win, but if she gets ahead, you pretty much stay in the gutter.”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “Must be extra careful against.
The Shield potential is just overwhelming, besides the Ultimate. May need help from teammates to Win the Lane Phase.”
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lillogan says “Eu to banindo muito mais LULU pelo buff que ela recebeu no shield e pq o boneco simplesmente não necessita de dedos para jogar e tem muita gente que joga com isso no geral é oq eu mais ando banindo ultimamente”
eXC4l says “Her polymorph is dangerous plus her ult saves her ADC from you, but the good news are you can make Lulu waste her ult by simply ulting the enemy with Lulu's R active, this can be a game changer while play against her.”
mazewalk says “She can use E on minions and then press Q from them. She can deny your Q2 with her ultimate or by using W during your flight. It is quite hard to kill her or her ADC with all these shields and speed ups so dont commit too much during laning phase.”
JezebelleXX says “A good Lulu will outrange, harass, negate your poke and R, and still have more mana than you. She has low cooldowns, low mana costs, and low risk. Do not attempt to trade with her until you acquire Liandry's.”
TheBougis says “Lulu is very weak but very annoying, with the right augments she can almost perma Polymorph you, but she always loses in a 1v1.
She is more of an inconvenience than anything else.”
confuzed says “Lulu has the unfortunate ability as to counter nearly all of your plays. She will polymorph you if you try to engage, speed up her allies to disengage, and ult anyone you try and combo off on.”
Shadowcrushers says “
Lulu can indeed be considered a minor match against Soraka, another support champion. There are several reasons for this matchup dynamic:
Poke and sustain: Soraka is known for her strong sustain abilities, particularly her Astral Infusion (W) ability, which heals both herself and her allies. Lulu, on the other hand, excels in poke damage with her Pix, Faerie Companion (E) ability and Glitterlance (Q) ability. While Lulu's poke can deal damage to Soraka and her ADC, Soraka's sustain can often nullify the damage over time, making it difficult for Lulu to secure meaningful advantages through poke alone.
Silence and polymorph: Soraka's Equinox (E) ability provides her with a powerful crowd control effect in the form of a silence. This ability can disrupt Lulu's abilities, preventing her from casting important spells such as Whimsy (W), which grants a speed boost or polymorphs enemies. The silence can effectively neutralize Lulu's ability to engage or disengage fights, limiting her overall utility.
ADC protection: Lulu's primary role is to protect and enhance her ADC's performance. She does this through abilities like Whimsy and Help, Pix! (E), which can shield and grant bonus attack damage to her ADC. However, Soraka's abilities, such as Astral Infusion and Wish (R), provide significant healing and global utility, allowing her to counteract Lulu's attempts to burst down or poke her ADC. Soraka's ultimate, Wish, can instantly heal her entire team, which can nullify any attempts by Lulu to secure kills.
Itemization: Soraka's healing capabilities are further enhanced through items like Ardent Censer and Redemption, which provide increased healing and shielding effects. These items synergize well with Soraka's kit and allow her to amplify her healing output. Lulu, while having access to similar support items, may struggle to match Soraka's sustained healing power, as her utility is more focused on crowd control and protection rather than raw healing output.
Late-game scaling: In the late game, Soraka's healing potential becomes even more impactful. As the game progresses, ADCs and other champions tend to have higher damage output, making Soraka's ability to sustain her team even more valuable. Lulu, while still providing utility, may find it challenging to counter Soraka's immense healing capabilities, especially in prolonged team fights.
Despite these factors, it is important to note that League of Legends is a highly dynamic game, and individual player skill, coordination with teammates, and specific team compositions can influence the outcome of any matchup. While Lulu may face some challenges against Soraka, skillful play and strategic decision-making can still make the matchup competitive.”
itstsuk3 says “If you have an Strong Early ADC then go Electrocute, if not go Comet or Aery for Safe Poke or Glacial for Utility. Its hard to W Poke against her because of her Passive and Q paired with her Shields. Either Play Safe and farm or look for Roams.”
jmp_01_ says “Simple match-up. Quite annoying with polymorph / shield but those have rather high cooldowns you should abuse in lane. Take Glacial Augment.”
Chekk says “This matchup is somewhere between even and major. She can outrange you and got her ult for backup in tight situations. She will also outscale you as your heal is never strong but her shield will block most of your damage in trades. Your movement speed buffs are no use against her Q and you both can disable champions.”
Lunar Empress says “Skill Matchup. Both carry enablers in their own rights. Her cooldown are slightly shorter than yours so she can poke more. Depends on how well you can Glacial the enemy ADC or her to engage and get a kill. ”
mazewalk says “The only reason this matchup can be hard is due to her disengage, which is pretty annoying. But you can wait untill she wastes her W on an ally and then you can engage.
W cd = 17/16.5/16/15.5/15.”
Afnyc says “Tricky to play against due to her shield. If she;s passive, she can shield an ally. If she's aggressive, she can shield herself. Winning trades is difficult. Play for poke and early gold, glasc gets better with items then lulu.
Neat trick is to aim your ult between lulu and the adc. This drives them away from eachother, making it difficult for her to ult or shield properly. ”
CheeseLord156 says “Ew, don't like this one.
Can be painful as she can negate your Q poke with constant shields. However later can pierce quiet easily.”
Thorge says “Lulu é uma pedra no sapato independente do campeão pela sua polimorfia, lentidão, poke e peel, se cair contra uma lulu, tente só ir para cima com ajuda de seu JG.”
RobinValentine1 says “Your cooldowns are a second faster than hers making it easy to track when she wants to poke. When she uses whimsey (w) you have 15 seconds (2 combos for you) to push her out of lane. While she has it be careful as she can isolate you with it.”
Lurs says “Lulu's sustain and polymorph are very strong into Rakan. This is possibly one of the worst matchups because they can outpressure you at all points in the match. I would look to roam as much as possible, and try to overpower her straight up.”
ShacoSupportAP says “Shaco AP hates Shields/Healing. You cant poke against shields/heal. Especially aids are comps like Lulu/Draven, Lulu/Zeri. If possible ban her!”
Dotje says “She can be quite annoying, but don't be afraid to trade. You can outheal her damage most times. Just mind the slow on her Q and her damage being stronger than you expect. It's also hard to catch her adc as she's super good at peeling”
Aerenax says “Lulu will only do one thing in this lane and that is polymorph either you or your adc when you engage. Try to find a pick when she isn't in lane or shortly disengage when the polymorph lands. ”
Cyclic says “Not a major issue, very similar to the janna matchup. She will shield most of your poke but you will be able to farm her and her ADC for souls whenever they walk up. Don't be baited into a bad fight where she can ult her ADC and poly you and you should be fine to outscale and win the game”
ZharMeny says “I recommend putting additional point in your Q so you match CD of her shield and will be able to break it every time. I'm not sure if her polymorph can cancel your W, and even if it can, your ADC can go wild on Lulu that pretty much wasted her polymorph. Recommended Stance: Mounted”
Toches says “She has decent - minor poke, but is about as effective as you are mid-lategame, her having point/click CC better than exhaust on an 11 second cooldown is really obnoxious, she's what i'd ban in high-gold to high-plat, unless Senna is more popular.”
iveye says “Lulu isnt as strong as she used to be but that in no way makes her weak in anyway. Similar to all shielding champions save Q to cancel them and be careful as for some good Lulu player could read that you want to jump in and they can cancel your W with her R if timed right.”
mellorwastaken says “In the past this used to be Pykes harder matchup but because she was giga op. Now its a skill matchup, if you land your stuff you will usually win lane. Her 6 heals so dont randomly ult if she has her ult up.”
gizemdeniz says “Lulu's utility potential is amazing. The poke damage is pretty good too. The longer the game goes on, the more prominent she will be. It will be a difficult match.”
Rebaulten says “Lulu is very hard to lane against pre level 5. All trades feel negative. Focus on landing good grasping roots while staying healthy. Refillable rush is good here”
GG Cannon says “If she turns you into a squirrel the moment you enter, you are dead. Simple as that. One skill and it is over, because you will miss your escape window, be slowed and the enemy team will just jump you and explode you.
You cannot be the first to engage if they have a Lulu.”
WhiteLotus says “Avoid aa trade with her in early lane since she does more dmg with her pixie and you can easily lose pressure on lane if she hits you with her Q too. Play with your Q Range and bush vision to win the early lane. Most of the time, after the first B, u have more Lane Pressure.”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
SighKek says “If lulu gets ahead of you and the enemy laners are passive in lane, she can be a bit of a nightmare to engage into.
I would try to smash her early to get the lead, and if you can't, go roam. ”
mazewalk says “She can disengage with Polymorph but only after you land, so pay atention to your adc position, otherwise you'll be dead before he comes.”
Igirl45 says “Lulu can polymorph you when you go, and her ult can knock you up. Lulu also provides shields to adc making you deal almost no damage. Engage on her when her polymorph is down.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Skill matchup. This champion is very similar to Janna but the key difference between them is Janna is good at peeling multiple targets away from something and Lulu is better for shutting down a single opponent and buffing a single carry. Additionally Janna has slightly higher waveclear and engage power but lacks damage in lane. This does however mean that Janna is a much better roamer and I usually only play this matchup if I believe i can reliably play around my top and jungle or force ganks mid with jungle to create prio and 4 man botlane. Lulu essentially beats Janna as a statstick but Janna brings way more utility and opens up way more opportunities if your game sense is good enough to exploit them. Also sorry not sorry but Lulu players are elo inflated and don't know how to play the game when they notice you're not on lane so usually one or two good roams is enough to make a Lulu player start panicking and make the rest of her team tilt.”
L9NunuChillump says “Lulu can be easily killed and is only annoying because of her ultimate CC and polymorph she can use to make you stop your ult/snowball”
zotet says “She is undamaged by you but can still punish your ADC if they get too aggressive. Be aware of her ult and make sure not to play dub against it (AKA pushing with your ADC)”
Atemporal says “Lulu pode intimidar você surpreendentemente no início do jogo com E, autos e Q. Não subestime seu puxão inicial só porque ela é uma campeã de suporte. É difícil negociar com ela cedo porque mesmo que ela use E e Q em você, ela ainda tem ela
Polymorph que vai atrapalhar seu combo comercial nela. Jogue os primeiros níveis lentamente, evite levar muito puxão. Quando você consegue 2 pontos no Q, você pode farmar com relativa segurança e deve ser capaz de empurrá-la. Se o Lulu for super agressivo
você pode esperar com seu primeiro recall antes de começar a empurrar. Seu waveclear é muito mais forte que o de Lulu, então você precisa abusar dele. Fazer trades na lane é bastante inútil porque ela tem muitas ferramentas para combater seus trades. Procure vaga
ao redor do mapa sem perder muito XP e ouro dos minions do meio. Você precisa ser forte o suficiente para dividir o push com eficiência, porque depois de um certo ponto será difícil para você lutar em equipe contra Lulu. Seus escudos, R e Polymorph tornam
muito difícil para você fazer seu trabalho em teamfights. A coisa sobre Lulu mid é que depois de um certo ponto ela não é mais uma campeã independente. Seu dano cai e ela se torna um bot de escudo/encantador, então ela tem que ficar com um
companheiro de equipe. Isso torna mais fácil para você dividir o push. Se ninguém vier para se defender contra você, os inimigos perdem lacaios e torres, e se Lulu vier para se defender, ela tem um dano e uma eliminação de ondas fracas, então não importa realmente que ela esteja lá.”
huirats says “She can poke you pretty easily, but you should out damage her. Don't try to engage on them unless your ADC wants to, she will polymorph you.”
SigtheOutcast says “I'm just going to put lulu on here and say that dealing with all enchanters are the same as bard: poke with HoB and q, and you usually win as long as you don't get outspaced. Bard damage is very mana-efficient; they have to shield/heal/buff their ADC AND poke you to make up for it. Eventually they will be OOM and you can beat them up early. Late game you scale harder than them, too, with this build.”
orangeGolem2 says “She has a lot of options to mitigate Pyke, polymorph is very valuable, and her ultimate can save someone from dying to your ultimate and stop you from chain ulting their team. She can also poly to stop you from hooking if you don't release it quick enough”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When playing melee champions, do not let Lulu bully you down with auto-attacks. When you’re not looking to engage, stand back so she cant auto-attack you.Waiting for Lulu to use her E before fighting or poking is a good way of coming out ahead. Try to bait this ability out and then play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Post 6 and when Lulu gets her Ultimate(R), her survivability increases a lot. Keep in mind that it’s going to be difficult for you to kill her when her Ultimate(R) is up. Do not commit to the all-in unless it’s down or she’s out of mana.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When playing melee champions, do not let Lulu bully you down with auto-attacks. When you’re not looking to engage, stand back so she cant auto-attack you.Waiting for Lulu to use her E before fighting or poking is a good way of coming out ahead. Try to bait this ability out and then play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Post 6 and when Lulu gets her Ultimate(R), her survivability increases a lot. Keep in mind that it’s going to be difficult for you to kill her when her Ultimate(R) is up. Do not commit to the all-in unless it’s down or she’s out of mana.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When playing melee champions, do not let Lulu bully you down with auto-attacks. When you’re not looking to engage, stand back so she cant auto-attack you.Waiting for Lulu to use her E before fighting or poking is a good way of coming out ahead. Try to bait this ability out and then play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Post 6 and when Lulu gets her Ultimate(R), her survivability increases a lot. Keep in mind that it’s going to be difficult for you to kill her when her Ultimate(R) is up. Do not commit to the all-in unless it’s down or she’s out of mana.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When playing melee champions, do not let Lulu bully you down with auto-attacks. When you’re not looking to engage, stand back so she cant auto-attack you.Waiting for Lulu to use her E before fighting or poking is a good way of coming out ahead. Try to bait this ability out and then play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Post 6 and when Lulu gets her Ultimate(R), her survivability increases a lot. Keep in mind that it’s going to be difficult for you to kill her when her Ultimate(R) is up. Do not commit to the all-in unless it’s down or she’s out of mana.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When playing melee champions, do not let Lulu bully you down with auto-attacks. When you’re not looking to engage, stand back so she cant auto-attack you.Waiting for Lulu to use her E before fighting or poking is a good way of coming out ahead. Try to bait this ability out and then play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Post 6 and when Lulu gets her Ultimate(R), her survivability increases a lot. Keep in mind that it’s going to be difficult for you to kill her when her Ultimate(R) is up. Do not commit to the all-in unless it’s down or she’s out of mana.”
normal203 says “Ye she is a pain in your hooky ass.
Try to ban her if not avoid being hit by her E. You need to overpower her early cuz in lategame your R against her R is useless”
M4DN355 says “This is Pyke's biggest counter. If Lulu saves her polymorph for whenever you engage, she can completely stop you from doing anything in team fights since the ability is point and click. I recommend banning every game you plan to pick Pyke.”
Mr Jamba Juice says “DShard: MR; Any support that punishes Engage will be a toughie for Taric. Play around the Bushes levels 1-3. I would recommend pairing with an Earlygame ADC against Lulu so she has to make a choice. If she's smart, she's let you deal some damage to her and Polymorph (W) your ADC. If she's not, however, she'll waste Polymorph on you, losing her escape tool and allowing ADC to get some damage off without the risk. That's why this matchup is a Level 4 instead of a Level 5. Abuse this decision making she'll have to perform during the Laning Phase.”
RVanisHed says “Pretty annoying, because she can actually win trades against you till lvl5, so make sure you poke with W and if you dont fk up, you will get advantage later into the game. The absolute worst enchanter to play against for support dinger, and the only I have negative wr against”
Jageiko says “Lulu is strong against you, no question. Her polymorph just when you can E, her poke, and shield are all very annoying tools. But she is too squishy. Target her first if you can. If you snowball, you'll dive her ADC when she's dead.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Her kit doesn't have as much raw disengage as most of the other enchantresses, so in lane you can find a lot more opportunities to take fights as long as you conserve your HP. You have a much easier time roaming too, but she does outscale you though, so you can't let the game last for too long.”
Slept god says “Her polymorph is a huge threat shutting down engages without to much issue at all with that being said you may be able to squeeze out a dull combo and bust some armor before that”
MorBidMike says “with the Q max, you can always fight close to even and with good decision making, you can win lane with better engages and improved sustain.”
Navn says “Look for short trades, and try not to trade too many auto attacks. Whoever she ends up shielding (lane partner or herself) is who you want to aim your Q at, since that person is looking to auto attack.”
Touka1 says “You can outplay her in laning phase but it could be difficult in Mid/Late game when Lulu is usually paired with Kog/Twitch/Vayne or any good hyper carries.”
Godlike Rell says “The worst matchup that enemy could pick against rell. Your Q cooldown has way much lower cooldown than her E. She can't protect her carry at all. Watchout for her shapeshifting skill when you W.”
DropKickRecords says “Her shields and polymorph can be annoying but if you can bait her to shield her ally she'll be vulnerable to dive pre 6. Her ult also makes it hard to execute since its not a heal antiheal wont reduce it.”
PR0M3T3O says “Yordles, what can i say? Polimorph ruins ur trades or your ADC trades ruining a 2v2 fight, she has a shield and a slow and then theres her R.
Theres no other way than poke her slowly, an AA + Q”
Tqnshi says “I'd say that she isn't much of a threat in laning phase. Her R is annoying but it will run out eventually so if you can R the champ she ults then it shouldn't be much of a problem.”
spirit legacy says “Its heavily dependent on the adcs. Lulu itself is really easy to fight but if her adc has more pressure in the early game you'll have a hard time winning the poke. You can use your Q > E to poke and bait her shield and then use W when her shield is on cd.”
Challenger Project says “Abuse early levels. The problem with all enchanters is all the same - if we don’t snowball early hard, we fall off and get outscaled.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “A good Lulu player will have insane poke when she has no overwhelming pressure in the early game which can be a massive issue since Shacos early laning phase is his most vulnerable stage.
Throughout the entire game she can peel her team from our traps and mitigate your poke making it harder to do anything.
Lulu's E also gives vision whilst you are stealthed...”
rocco521 says “Lulu is really scary i used to always perma ban her. The champion scales really well and can also poke you out and kite you. You want to try to roam or call for jungler in this lane. Landing q in this lane is really important.”
Tsuki GD says “Annoying but you can be annoying aswell. In the first Level's you outrange her, use it. Skill Q and poke her so she needs to use her E on herself to get near you to poke you back. ”
LordZaneLP says “Taric in ranged and in bad. Statisticly she counters taric extremly hard, but i barely lost against a lulu as taric. I think lulu players have mostly no brain or just missplay all if she statisticly counters taric so hard
Rissen says “Lulu can utilize her skills and kit because of her range advantage, don't let her abuse that. Punish her when she has already used her skills and gap close off cooldown.”
Kluckadell says “Good match up you outscale her to oblivion and you can just sustain her poke damage. Just care for all ins, she deals a lot of damage”
Bella Starlily says “Lulu's sustain through shields and R is extremely high. She isn't a huge threat, as she is very reliant on her team but she can be a menace ”
Cordiall says “Lulu is another character that isn't a threat to Braum but is a threat to what he DOES. Lulu can't actually do much to kill Braum, but she can stop him from doing just about anything and everything he's trying to do. Just watch for Polymorphs, don't force all-ins, and just try to punish poor positioning and you should be fine.”
Eu como Miilena says “O polimorfar dela é um grande problema mas ele deixa de ser se ela estiver com vida baixa então de muito poke nela para que você e seu adc possam tirar ela da luta o mais rápido possível. fique bem atendo ao poke dela por que ela pode por o pix em minions e dar pokes de distancias absurdas.”
KeisariKarma says “Oh lulu, i would consider her the safe easier version of karma, she doesnt have to do anything and will 60% of the time win the game, she shields your dmg and once you hit lvl 6 its impossible to kill her or her adc. TLDR; Equally as good early game and amazing late game.”
SunnySneezer says “You pretty much go even in lane same damage same sustain BUT she has shorter cooldowns and her W that can be used to polymorph you or buff her ADC which means that if she walks into you either you back down or lose the trade.”
Ionia King says “Lulu is a cc monster, she has lots of shields and a very powerful ultimate, but you're way too mobile for her to keep up with. You can lock her down in a fight and still cc her team, and she can't do much to stop you. Prioritize engagements on her and her team when Polymorph is on CD.”
DtNikk says “Lulu is very annoying. Plead your adc to go Anti shield and try to poke her adc as much as you can. Pay attention to Lulu's E, as she can put it on a minion to hit you with an unexpected Q. Both support items are alright but I prefer Relic shielf.”
TheFoolhardy says “Lulu's a complicated one. Her Q slows you pretty bad and her W cancels your engage as most other disabling effects. Her R could also be a problem if you happen to be in it's range.”
Nozul says “Lulu pode te polimorfar, diminuindo tua velocidade de movimento além de impedir com que você use qualquer skill. O Q dela atravessa os minions e pode te acertar se você não prestar atenção na movimentação dela (além de te dar slow). Você também sentirá dificuldades com a ultimate dela, que dá uma cura súbita no alvo, dando também um knock-up.”
irelia support says “her polymorph destroys her engage and puts her behind on passive stacks however if she maintains her stacks through autos after becoming unmorphed ”
sock217 says “Same deal with Xerath but she can 1v9 so try your best to just distract her. Beware of her polymorph, though. Better used on you than ur fed Aatrox.”
PumpkinMatters says “BANA ESSA DESGRAÇA. Se ela apertar R, sua iniciação toda foi por água abaixo. Se isso não for suficiente pra você, saiba que ela te dá lentidão (e acabou sua iniciação), pode te transformar em um bichinho fofo (e acabou sua iniciação) e dá escudo pro adc (e acabou sua iniciação)”
PumpkinMatters says “BAN THIS PURPLE DEMON. If she Rs, your engage is dead. If it's not enough for you, she slows you (and your engage is dead), can turn you into a freaking plushie (and your engage is dead) and shield her ADC (and your engage is dead)”
commit lego foot says “miserable matchup if the lulu is good she will buffer her polymorph on your taunt and make you want to uninstall with poke. Technically enchanter but second wind is needed to survive for sure. ”
a8qoyrl says “Like the healers, she provides a lot of survivability to her carry giving shields, peeling with slows and polymorph. While she (and the adc) wont be doing damage during the trades, it will take many engages to try and kill carry. So dont be too discouraged if you dont kill adc, you'll be doing mental damage to carry being constantly slowed, stunned and engaged on. ”
KalelPeique says “Mano é só uma Lulu, fica na brush espera ela avançar e faça o fast combo do talon, cabo só isso, Recomendo que faça Limiar da Noite.
assim que ela pegar 6 o jogo fica mais chato pro seu lado, mas é só tirar ela que ta tudo ok
Bro it's just a Lulu, stay in the brush, wait for her to move forward and do the fast combo of the talon, that's all, I recommend you do Threshold of the Night.
When she gets 6 your game starts to be boring, but just take het out and everything is ok.”
TheAngryJacket says “Shield early game blocks damage from bombs, but still lets you proc manaflow and spellthiefs. Her w is annoyingly long and can prevent you from ulting or creating space to wait for cds, bait for w, then all in after poking”
The Wands says “it's simply the most broken peel support in the game, engages can be undone on the W, R and there's also a shield attached to the champion.”
Winter Nicole says “Lulu: She is a small champion and see doesn't do much other than turn you into a small animal but overall i believe she won't be hard to go against. (Recommend pushing in and stunning them a lot so your adc can kill them or kill them yourself leaving their adc hopeless to farm)”
revu says “[ENCHANTERS]
Can be scary with hypercarries. You outscale her, you have better laning phase. Enchanters are usually really clueless about laning so you can abuse their bad trades for your advantage. Land Q and go for all-in.”
Discord231 says “Lulu es el mejor soporte de peel, y como tal tiene muchas herramientas para arruinar tus combos. A menos que tengas un adc de early no te arriesgues a pelearle 2 vs 2, mejor busca rotar.”
Ms_Clair says “lulu is being used to represent all enchantress supports. Generally, the other enchantresses heal and shield better than janna early and are capable of poking her. I fine trading with them can be quite annoying at times but nothing too major to lose lane over, unless you overstay your trade.”
GuanaTv says “Os fortalecimentos que Lulu trazem para seu time ou os controle de grupo que ela pode infligir no seu time faz com que seja muito dificil enfrenta-la!
(The buffs Lulu brings to her team or the group controls she can inflict on your team makes it very difficult to fight her!)”
Gobomo says “This is an even lane if you know what you're doing. She wants to poke you off and prevent you from poking her ADC, so you want to be communicating with your ADC and moving in together so she can't polymorph both of you. If her shield is on her ADC, attack her until it wears off, and vice versa. You do significantly more damage than her, and you have mana sustain from your chimes whereas she doesn't. Her main power over you is range, and she'll poke you if you let her. You need to know how to engage around her W in order to win. ”
unhben says “Lulu polymorph is just a huge cuck to Gnar, plus the shields provided to anyone on her team. Late game its harder to play around her since you will have to go in to ult and risk poly.”
keohxo says “Is just very annoying to play against. Her poke in lane, and her late game scaling which easily outshines yours, and don't forget about her Ult, which can screw your own Ults over”
neuroplasticity says “Not a tough matchup but an unpleasent one if the Lulu is decent. Her shield has a low cooldown and nullyfies your poke and particular when paired with hypercarries her buffs can transform them to machine guns early on.
Look for trading windows when her E is down (8 seconds) or try to impact the map by playing around your jungler.
While Lulu has incredible single target peel and buffs she has little range and needs to decide whether to use her W for the steroid or the CC giving you more control over teamfights.
How scary this matchup is usually depends on the ADC matchup since Lulu becomes infinitely more powerful with someone like Twitch or Kog' Maw compared to Jhin.
Mooncurve says “I suggest bursting her down first in match ups, so again :no burst of movement speed ( her w to herself is one, can wait until it's on cd and hook her ) / dash abilities, hook <-> flay -> box -> ignite = dead”
Noxisui says “It's fine if your duo gets polymorphed only if they're tanky or able to survive through polymorph. If your duo is squishy they can get killed in teamfights very easily.”
Mr buckets says “She does more dmg than you, and scales just as well as you or even better depending on her team comp. Make sure to play around cd and vision and wait for ur lvl 6 for hard engages, she can't escape it without flashing it, make sure to hit stun after ult to 100-0 her so she doesn't get a chance to E and R as it will buy a lot of time and often you will lose the fight if that happens.”
eiensiei says “Janna's W has a lower CD than Lulu's E, so she won't be able to always shield her bot laner if you manage to use your W whenever it's available. If you're trying to poke her, she will try to E-Q-AA and she will win the trade. You need to keep track of the spacing between you two so that only you can use your W.”
Daromius says “Respect her poke and polymorph, survive until 6 or until you get a gank (take second wind), if she hasn't ulted anyone before the sleep, all in the adc.”
Doglightning says “If you have an strong early adc like cait or lucian then go ele else I would take predator and look to roam or get kills at 6. Lulu is very hard to auto trade with W since she has shields and can trade back onto you. Just look to farm safely and find all ins on enemy adc. Lulu's ult is pretty decent at stopping neeko's from granting kills at 6. She doesn't have much pressure to dive your adc so look to roam if possible. ”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Not a common pick but if you see her, remember to lock her down quick before she empowers her carry. She will try to polymorph you if you try to gold card, so just poke from a distance.”
Terroronyou says “Lulu is very strong currently. First few levels before first buy will be tough, try to force her to shield herself/allies instead of using it as a damage ability in early laning.”
PicklePantsLOL says “Her main goal is to defend her ADC from poke and make sure that she is able to play the lane out till she hits her power spike. If her enemy laners are too oppressive, she may try to lose her tower quickly so that she can have more room to breathe.
Her W Polymorph is infinitely more valuable than her speed up so make sure that you bait it out before all-in’ing her or she can easily turn a 2 v 2 into a temporary 2 v 1.
Her E has quite a long Cooldown early on so try to make her use it regularly so that she just runs out of mana and has to recall abruptly. She is quite short-ranged as well so see that you harass her a lot during the laning phase.
During team fights, buffing and saving her carries will be her primary goal. Try to pick off her teammates before a major fight as it will become very hard to kill her carries if she is near them.”
LeeTV says “Lulu is difficult support to match, her W is what makes her strong. Polymorph on you or your adc will prevent damage/cc. Her E shield will negate damage making trades some what redundant. Her ult is also a knock up which is quite strong when used at the right moment. Be aware of lulu lanes as she may seem easy to kill but will turn the tide of the fight around on you with her kit.”
Aerenax says “The moonstone meta does favour Lulu a lot and her sustain and buffing for her ADC is annoying. Her W and R can interrupt your engage but once on top of Lulu she can’t do much.”
LimTheDestructor says “Respect her early poke potential - don't push when it's useless. Win lane pre-6 somehow - if you aren't strong enough to 2v2 in lane, wait for her to push and kill her or her adc under your turret. Respect her polymorph.”
warmfishu says “Whimsy (W) can only be cast on your lane partner since you are untargetable. That leaves you attached to a polymorph, which may be quickly killed. She will also shield your Q poke.”
iKonek says “Squishy and easy to kill once locked down. Avoid being polymorphed, and be ready to peel in case you or your carry is. Be careful if engaging when her ult is up, as it can give the enemy carry the life to survive, and possibly finish you off.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Her kit is centered around over buffing her partners with free stats. Since most Lulu players will use Q to poke instead of wave clear, punishing her is not that difficult.”
LegendaryOstrich says “You win if you land hook on her or the ADC in this matchup. Be careful of her long range Q and E poke combined with her autos; recommend taking biscuits into this lane so you can sustain HP and MANA more.”
Korippo says “She can polymorph you and your ADC, and her polymorph is of course a form of CC so you need to be careful of that. She has a really low CD on her shields midgame and it will be hard to poke her. You ideally want to hit Qs by faking her out, aim it towards her ADC (who she'll usually shield) but then pivot it to her, switch, repeat. I will say however you must be careful going for all ins, her shields come up often enough for her to mitigate a lot of your ADCs damage and she can ult to interrupt briefly with a knockup, and if she's with a champ like Jinx or Kog'Maw (especially if they run Lethal Tempo) she will make them shred you both. Worthy of a ban in general right now due to her insane prowess.”
sonminh says “Hard to play into as support Shaco (AD or AP). Must ban if you are support. She can negate you E damage and remove your boxes so easily. Kill Lulu first if you can.”
iKonek says “She counters everything your champion excels at. Try to out roam her and gather kills elsewhere in the map. This is your best bet at beating her out.”
MsBean says “As of right now lulu is strong, but you can easily outplay her, just keep your ground and try to dodge her Q. Make sure your ADC is on the same page with you, otherwise it's going to be a tough fight. ”
Eforie says “Recomend dont all in if u know u will lose. Just told ur adc to just farm until u are 100% u can win the fight with ur jg. Dont horget he have a shild a polymorf and her ult.”
Flackojodye says “Push the wave and harass her behind tower. As an ex-lulu main, I can confirm this is the way to deny her from being useful to her team. She can only protect 1 teammate, and all your abilites are AOE. Make of that what you will...”
Distinger says “This piece of garbage champion will not only block your ultimate by healing anyone with her ult, but at the same time she will knock you up and then you will be turned into a cute frog and murdered mercilessly.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Lulu tem dano graças a Pix que auxilia muito bem seja com shield, dano no Q, AAs e controle de grupo forte no W. Nos níveis iniciais a vantagem ainda permanece da Katarina, então abuse disso com EW+ AA + QE + AA e ignite se conseguir finalizá-la. Evite levar dano do Q da Lulu, pois é uma das maiores fontes de dano dela. Com o decorrer do game, Lulu consegue negar o dano da Katarina com o shield e ainda pará-la de duas formas, com W e com R, portanto não espere vencer tão fácil a lane contra Lulu. Caso não tenha vencido no início, fique focado em farmar, esperar gank para matar ela e dar roaming, assim se dará melhor e garantirá a vitória mais eficientemente. Em teamfights, ela continua sendo um suporte, por isso, foque quem precisa morrer (quem dá mais dano) para depois matá-la. O potencial de perigo de Lulu é de igual para igual visto que a Katarina pode ser parada de diversas formas numa luta contra ela. ”
0Banda says “Not much to talk about Lulu she has a lot of shields and healings so you are not likely to kill the enemy ADC in lane phase. Against Lulu you will constatly roam to mid, as you dont have kill pressure on the enemy botlane
Build as usual, but in the rune section you should choose as secondary Waterwalking for more roaming potential, as she is a peel support
In teamfights, focus Lulu and force her to cast all her shields, healings and R onto herself, in order to make her completely useless”
SlippStream says “You can easily poke her out of lane with early aggression. She wants to play safe and scale, so trade onto her and her ADC as much as possible.”
Luiscencias says “Besides early poke and her polymorph, she’s not a particularly big threat. The real problem is if she's paired with an ADC who clearly outmatches yours. Do not expect to ever kill whoever she is laning with, or her for that matter.”
lenithebot says “Lulu is annoying to deal with because of her poke and her r but she does not have much kill pressure and a good engage should be enough for a kill or force summoners.”
Hanjaro says “Lulu can totally negate your all in with her polymorph, and the shield she can put on her ADC. At level 6, she can pretty much turn the fight with her ult unless you get some very good lockdown on her.”
Fear The Jester says “Near unplayable, go full defensive with your box placements, see if she gets too cocky and engage on her, otherwise its a farm/roam lane. My current permaban, she is the highest playrate support in D/Master+”
Jowoey says “Her poke is worse than Karma AND she has a polymorph and an ult that will knock you up if you're close to whoever she casts it on. Try to utilize bushes against Lulu but don't take long trades.”
Melyn says “She has good poke and if she goes for a damage rune can deal a ton of early game damage. Don't get baited by her shields/ult and play aggressively (though not suicidal) to help your ADC.”
Biotic says “Similiar to Janna, Skill matchup. Its mainly about preparing a good gank setup and killing them with your Jungler or Mid laner roaming. She outscales you and is stronger in lane until Level 6 but you outrange her. Midgame is your time to shine. Level 6-10 you usually win if you arent to behind.”
DeusSciMachina says “You can outpoke her, just don't get too close. Easy matchup but considered even as her kit is better for team compared to Brand's.”
cozymoonzz says “really really annoying if she is with a good adc like vayne, twitch or kog, if they get fed its probably FF, so try to not die and wait to outscale her late game. ”
KasgoesREEEEE says “her w (polymorph or AS boost on allies) is quite annoying to play around but is on a long CD. her shield does absorb your damage so try to bit it out to poke her.
keep distance from enemies so you don't get knocked up with your ult”
LIGHTBULB NA says “Laning phase is not a problem vs this champ, but she will outscale you. If you land a double bomb on her or her adc, you should try to burst them down. ”
Guoblide says “Lulu is a skill based matchup for Braum that can go both ways due to her being outplayable but still scaling much better into the mid and late game. Lulu is an Enchanter support who has great peeling as well as decent catch with her Whimsy. Lulu powerspikes at every level due to her Pix, Faerie Companion passive damage scaling with levels. She also spikes at Level 2 with access to better poke with Glitterlance, Level 3 with Whimsy giving her more aggressive and defensive capabilities, and Level 6 where her Wild Growth provides tons of peel. In lane Braum should abuse his poke and range advantage with Winter's Bite and use it to pressure Lulu and her ADC off of the wave. Once Braum gets Level 2 use Unbreakable to block her Glitterlance and Pix, Faerie Companion empowered Basic Attacks. Keep in mind the Unbreakable does not block Help, Pix! so make sure that Lulu can't get close enough to cast it (The range is pretty short at 650) on you or your ADC to land a guaranteed Glitterlance. Once Lulu hits Level 3 she enables her ADC to attack more or disables Braum or his ADC with Whimsy. Unbreakable CAN block Whimsy though because it is a projectile with a 0.25 second cast time. Braum should try to play fairly aggressive during Levels 1-6 as Lulu becomes a major threat when she hits her mythic item powerspike and Level 6. Once Braum gains access to Glacial Fissure he should look for picks when Lulu or her ADC are out of position and Lulu has her key defensive abilities off of cooldown. Since Lulu's main defensive spell, Whimsy, is also her only mobility spell baiting it out can usually lead to a kill if she is out of position. Since killing Lulu is usually hard try to outroam her and put more pressure around the map.”
Spection says “Pretty annoying champion. If she abuses you and plays aggressively, you are in a lot of trouble. Don't try to Q her and watch out for the polymorph. ”
SigtheOutcast says “She is my least favorite support of season 11. She does everything you do, but long as she sees you in lane, that is. You absolutely need to punish every single mistake she makes, and catch her by surprise constantly to win. She outdamages, outsustains, outranges, out-everything's, you. I usually ban her every game these days.”
DanNS12 says “She does a lot of damage with her E + Q combo and her empowered autos make sure you bait out her shield before using your W on her as she will completely mitigate the damage.”
TheBlueImperial says “Relatively annoying, but very easily managed. Care for her Ultimate knockup cancelling your W and always save your Q to instantly break her shields.”
very hot says “She will make your life hell. Her shield and Ult can make your engage worthless, and she can also polymorph you too, making you useless. Ban her if possible.”
Billehz says “Her W can be quite annoying and poke can be strong as well if she knows what she is doing. Her ult can also save them from your charm combo with your adc, but she can also be quite easy to deal with as well if you are good with hitting your charms”
SkyCrafter1209 says “Not much to worry about as her only hard CC is her R. However, she is probably the best enchanter in the game, so that's why I put her in Major Threats.”
Go Getter says “She can stop your engages pretty easily and save her ADC a lot, she's really annoying to fight against but if her ADC doesnt follow up or struggles to fight your ADC then the most she can do is just focus on countering your engages and poking you.”
Mijael2 says “Depende completamente de como admite Lulu sus habilidades, si jugamos al roam contra ella, no podrá seguirnos el tempo debido a nuestra gran velocidad.”
dragonmasterc says “A good Lulu might be able to predict your flags and shield the damage, but the animation is so fast that she'd have to predict it to shield it. She provides a lot of safety to her ADC should you try to dive, so this matchup is best played from a distance.”
Bardificer says “I hate lulu. Her polymorph can screw with your engage, and she makes her adc really strong. Avoid this matchup if possible. If you have to play it, establish dominance early and force fights before the adcs scale. ”
TiltyH says “There are reasons she's getting nerfed. While being one of the best enchanters she also has very high damage. I've seen in solo q some of my ADCs getting solo oned out by a Lulu spamming E > Q on them at low level.
Now think that, but you're melee instead. And she's also quite hard to stick to.”
4090409 says “Goddamn annoying champion. Has a lot of shielding with guardian, will make you hard to poke the enemies out of the lane, and polymorph... jeez.”
SupportTooEz says “Polymorphs your adc and both of you can't do anything. Don't detach from adc till you see she doesn't have polymorph or R/no one is close enough to you for R to hit. Hope that your other lanes get fed.”
HerYandere says “Depends on the threat level of the ADC, honestly. Pretend she's not even there and full send it on the ADC. If she's with Kog'Maw, she now has the biggest target on her head. You cannot kill Kog with Lulu alive.”
Fornicate says “While easy to kill, her transmog is a really tough one to fight, so be sure to play around her cooldowns, or ask your ADC to engage first, so you don't have your Q cancelled. Also her Ult will stop yours from landing often.”
terrybogar1 says “Lulu is annoying as fuck to fight, she turns you from big goat god into small ass loser fox, and their ADC shoots piss pellets at you. ”
duusuhh says “Pretty much nullifies most of your damage. Can shield almost all damage from regular Qs and most from Mantra Qs. Can give MS to leave W range. Most single target protection champs will be problems.”
Esoterica says “The absolute bane of an assassin's existence. Kills will be impossible post-6, so your hope is to create a difference before then.
her game plan is to polymorph you if you engage and poke with Glitterlance if you and your ADC are just farming. Play around her cooldowns and be aware of her positioning, as she easily chases single targets down. Respect her damage but try to focus the ADC.”
DamselOfDistress says “Lulu is the definition of an enchater. You eat those for breakfast. Keep track of her R. If she uses it on her ADC, just fear them and burst her down before she can react.”
Arthin says “about even in damage, but you have more agency if you both focus on scaling (imo)
she's easier to play and way easier to benefit an ally at equal player skill level”
Daraysen says “She is squishy, but keep in mind she does alot of damage with her pixie and q, she can also interrupt you with polymorph and knock you up with her ult.”
Pyroxes says “She can nullify most of your damage. When fighting her, try to poke her instead of her adc if she's within range. If she has Aery, she'll have a weaker shield if she casts it on herself.”
Harambe Homie says “Lulu is practically your worst nightmare. She counters everything your champion excels at. Try to out roam her and gather kills elsewhere in the map. This is your best bet at beating her out.”
KeleiX13 says “Lulu against Sona is slightly Lulu-favored early on since her auto attacks hurt especially if you get hit by her Q and she can stuff in a couple more autos and you don't have much except Q and powerchords to fight back with. However, you do greatly outrange her if we are simply considering singular abilities and not combos. Spacing against Lulu is important as she will hit less Q's against you and thus you will win more trades. Focus on her ADC more and punish her when Lulu wastes her shield. Her ult is based on the ally's current percentage health so if you keep her ADC low, you will have a bigger chance of killing them even if Lulu ults. Her polymorph has a relatively long cooldown so just play it slow if she polymorphs you and use that cooldown time to your advantage.”
anionPositivo says “Ela cancela o seu engage principal (W) com todas as skills dela, se você picka depois dela, NÃO PEGUE RAKAN porque você não vai conseguir jogar, a não ser que o seu time tenha um assassino que vá matar ela antes dela poder fazer alguma coisa.”
Tsmselenagomez says “Another most ban whenever you can , lulu is currently one of the most op support atm, Her shield cd is super low compared to your snare, and her ult makes your all in pretty much useless. In order to beat her you need to be agresive pre 6 and dominate the lane otherwise its gonna be hard and youll have to concede the lane and win the map.”
Adam bot says “Her power comes in the form of protecting one ally of hers. So try to wait out her shield and then o for her. In lane you don't necessarily win the trade but try to shield after hitting a W or an AA. ”
Discord231 says “Lulu es el mejor soporte de peel, y como tal tiene muchas herramientas para arruinar tus combos. A menos que tengas un adc de early no te arriesgues a pelearle 2 vs 2, mejor busca rotar.”
Levkar says “A good Lulu will shield your every Q and harass you and your ADC. Watch out for her polymorph as she can use it to put your W on cooldown.”
LilRidge says “Lulu is very short-ranged, so you should always look for an opportunity to all-in her as your (W) Ferromancy - Crash Down works when used before her (W) Whimsy lands. When going for an all-in, make sure that you land on Lulu. Because if you miss, Lulu and her ADC will deal a lot of damage to you and will most likely lead to your death.”
Tauricus2017 says “Her health bar is very small making her very easy to burst down early. Her polymorph can be a huge game changer so consider buying Mikael's crucible later in the game. Overall she has stronger trades then you and can deal a lot more burst damage then you but with right communication with your partner you should be able to kill her.”
Pentius says “Lulu is punishable early laning but scales very well with hyper carry adcs. The polymorf is troublesome early game when looking for engages. Very hard to punish Lulu. Look for roams since Lulu is not the best at roaming.”
Rainuu says “Lulu is a good counter to Lillia as her ulti forces you off while also healing and slowing. Her massive shields prevent you from one-shotting and her polymorph nullifies everything you do. ”
Ruiner of Fun says “S+ support for a fucking reason. Polymorph will stop any sort of engage play you decided to make. Combined with her ultimate it will be impossible to jump her and her dou. A flash play would be required. A good way to waste her CD's is to catch her warding alone. She values her own life too much to die. This will allow for a winnable teamfight.”
Kefochka says “Ульт Лулу эффективнее ульта Тарика, к тому же она на начальных уровнях может внести намного больше урона, чем свой адк, и во время размена лучше убивать её.”
Starchase says “Her poke is better than yours so just stay attached to your ADC and proc manaflow band stacks with your Q whenever you can.
Good lulu players will try to harass you as much as they can, so try to sustain it with your E.
Care about her W, if for some reason you detach from your ADC she can polimorf you to death.
Depending on the ADC's, later on you outscale her or not.”
mellorpyke says “I personally think Lulu is overtuned, right now she's my go to ban. Her laning phase is strong, her shields can provide a lot of safety to her carry so even if you land a couple of Qs they will likely not die. Her R can fuck up your R, plus she's 100 times better than you late game. To beat her you need to win your lane plus every other lane.”
Takitsu says “Shields, Polymorphs, Slows. Lulu is a nightmare for everyone to play against. Play around her shield cooldown best you can. Look for short fights with lulu. Hook+Flay and 2 autos are the extent of your trades, anything past that and lulu will start winning usually. Whoever you hook in this lane is who you focus. She will destroy Thresh late game.”
unhben says “Poke is alright but she will most likely just shield all of your damage early with her maxed E. Granted though she will do nothing back to you for the most part if you keep your poke up.”
losolkos says “This is most annoying machup she have much shield ,slow ,speed ,heal and her ult. But you can counter/minimaliz effect her ult when lulu use R try to run away and weit until enemy adc will be close to atack then use ult this will give you time to escape or atack back beacose lulu ult will end soon.
Also you cant broke shield lulu but you can conter her speed boost and her slow when she use speed booost just use passive E then it will make her speed useless her slow you can conter which E too.
You have shorter coldown than lulu make use of it.”
Discord231 says “Lulu es el mejor soporte de peel, y como tal tiene muchas herramientas para arruinar tus combos. A menos que tengas un adc de early no te arriesgues a pelearle 2 vs 2, mejor busca rotar. ”
unhben says “Polymorph... need i say more? Just shield off cd to protect you and your carry from poke in lane. During team fights watch for her W before you jump in to kick or try to peel someone away.”
Tartmeringue says “Lulu is probably the most dangerous enchanter support to go into, bc she outscales and has crazy peel. you can def still win but you have to end the game quickly.”
unhben says “Same sort of matchup as Karma. Serpents fang eventually because she will just shield all of your solo poke and be a nuisance. If you walk too close she will polymorph you and you will either get chunked very hard or just straight up die. ”
Bear Gummies says “Lulu kinda hurts. For the most part, you outrange her, so you can poke without too much difficulty. However, she can chunk you if she does manage to catch up, so keep that in mind when trading with her. Lulu and Janna have similar scaling, so I would definitely consider this something of a skill matchup.”
Jannito02 says “Lulu is known for being one of the best supports in the game. She has a really strong shield, her polymorph or a high Movement Speed and Attack Speed buff to her ally. Most of the times if you're out of your teammate, Lulu will polymorph you and use her Q, along with Pix, to deal more damage and with her ADC hitting you aswell. Be careful with her R, she can knockup you and give you the W cooldown.”
EionThePepega says “She has lot o poke range and her shields are very potent. Seeing this, you can go supportive and play a pasisive lane or try to control the lane with W.”
Gryndall says “This depends on how enemy Lulu is. Her shields/morphs and buffs are really anoying. However. If you catch her + adc in same time she can save only 1. It depends on her whom. Here I recomend buy Relai's cuz it'll ground her and adc.”
mscocca says “Q (Human) W (Cougar) combo might result in your death if she poly-morphs you with her W.
Except for that, she's easy to take down before level 6: after she gets access to her ultimate she might be able to outplay you - if she knows what she's doing.”
xDopii says “She has high damage in lane and good poke while also being able to cancel your engage with her W. She shouldn't be much of a threat in the late game.”
Magdaleno9 says “Skill match up. So her shield is very annoying so try to poke when she wastes it. Otherwise your poke will be useless. In team fights, always try to R her so your team will kill her since her ultimate is super strong.”
The Lotus Queen says “Sona and Lulu have the same scaling and laning phase power. Her Q is a skillshot you can dodge, so bait it out, and after that you can poke her with your Q that will always hit. if you win early game, you win late game.”
Meepy says “She has a lot of Peel for her ADC, and has better Poke than you do. She will outscale you because of how much she buffs her ADC. You either get you Jungler to help you win Lane, or roam and win the Game on other Lanes
Tradicale says “If Lulu is quick, she can turn you into a squirrel before you get to execute the rest of your combo after you land your Q. However, you have plenty of ways to punish Lulu outside of this interaction if you play it right.”
Jexeff says “Lulu is a relatively simple matchup but is quite even in my opinion. You should be able to burn summoners in this lane with a well-placed hook. On the other hand, it may be a little hard to walk up due to her glitterlance and whismy abilites. These abilities can easily be played around. Just keep bush control and always pose a threat to her and her partner. When her abilites are on cooldown there is not much she can do and will mostly topple over like all enchanters do. Be careful though when she is level 6. Once she hits level 6 and gains her ultimate ability, it becomes much more difficult to yield a kill in lane.”
Wounds2 says “If you engage with a Lulu around, her W can leave you vulnerable for a couple seconds before you can E back to your team. Her harass is a lot to deal with in lane, but if she overextends to poke, punish her. Go in for a trade and make sure your ADC is in range to follow up on your CC. Try to instantly E back to your ADC so that her polymorph is useless.”
icebombhunter says “She can mess up your ult with hers so be patient and wait her to use it. Hail of blades is the best rune in this matchup. Anyway if you grab her she will turn you into a useless critter so make sure to auto e out before she does that. if you are confident you can e forward, if your phantom stuns her she is dead.”
DutchWolf114 says “As a Lulu main I am of course of the opinion that Lulu is the best support ever and no one holds a candle to her. However most Lulu's are not Lulu mains and therefore not much of a threat.”
fishbully says “Lulu can be out-ranged, however as soon as this range is crossed Lulu takes advantage (if you get polymorphed you will most likely die) this is a hard matchup.”
itizhelia says “No idea why but Lulu players keep disrespecting Rakan for 3 years in a row.
They're super greedy to poke you in the lane phase and walk-up with an overextend. Punish her for that by all-in since she's really squishy and usually in this case Lulu would die if you have a strong early ADC like Draven or Tristana.
One negative thought is she can block your engage which is rare and hard to do but in general. She can make it hard for you to kill your target which is why instead of a tiny threat level Lulu goes up to a Minor level.”
Find0 says “This matchup is both hard and easy depending on the adcs of the lane. if you have an adc that is better than theirs you just win. She has a fair bit of poke so you need to keep your distance til you all in.
NathanPyke says “If she has a good adc its gonna be a rough lane but good thing is her barrier is nothing to your ultimate all you have to do is try to burst immediately ”
FiddlesticksChan says “She can make herself or an ally practically invincible with her R and her polymorph can completely turn an all-in. If she Ults someone in a teamfight, try to perma cc them to lessen its effects and allow your team to burst them quickly.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “This isn't a fun lane, if you engage she will Whimsy you, leaving you vulnerable. Her ult also makes it hard to get a kill without a gank.”
Xeptron says “Lulu is a champion that scales very well into mid-late game and is mostly picked with hypercarries. She can do a lot of damage during the laning phase, especially early into but she has to get in the range to do it, which isn't very safe for her. Once you manage to land a hook, there is no way out for Lulu.”
CanadaJay says “Polymorph messes up your engage, plus she has exceptional poke power. Bare in mind, she is still squishy, so you can easily chunk her. Just watch out for her ult.”
Frank6264 says “Lulu puede llegar a ser muy molesta en línea ya que sus habilidades son muy útiles tanto ofensivamente como defensivamente. Aún así, en fase temprana principalmente el daño de Karma es superior por lo que conviene hostigarla para poder sacarla de línea. Tengan en cuenta que su definitiva puede dar vuelta las peleas tanto en línea como en Teamfights por lo que tengan en cuenta esto a la hora de escoger cuando jugar agresivos y cuando no.”
Sunedayz says “This matchup is extremely annoying in lane and depends mainly on the ADC's. Try baiting out her shield, if that doesn't work, then you can only properly trade while shielding yourself. Take E, second here with the Aery build. I'd look to make plays around the map, either mid or jg and avoid her.”
DracoMeteor_ says “Lulu's Polymorph is enough to stop your ADC right in their tracks in terms of attacking. She does a lot of poke damage and is able to Slow you down easily.”
nZk01 says “(AD/AP) hard matchup bcs of shield and polymorph, depending on adc you can win or lose, just roam if it doesnt go well or on AP just go even if you cant win”
Quadliss says “She has a big shield, she can press R for save the ADC. She shield of Lulu is very OP and Shaco can't counter this and it's not easy to poke her or his adc. ”
Lykzar says “Try to put pressure on her and dodge her poke and she's not hard. Try to either ult her before she ults someone, or ult the person she ulted to shut them down.”
BloxNaderYT says “Lulu's E can negate Jarvan's poke in the early game and her R can peel for her carries, and is able to cancel Jarvan's E Q combo if timed correctly. ”
Titans Revenge says “Lulu is probably the biggest counter to Thresh. Her polymorph interrupts your combo and her R prevents all in and burst. She has a long range poke, move speed enhancements, and shields.”
Hceercs says “She has really good harass early on and can stuff your engages by polymorphing your ADC or ulting whoever you are focusing. However, she's also really squishy and dies fast if you can catch her out without those aforementioned abilties.”
RedNBlue says “Lulu will not poke too much but she will heal her allies so just poke and poke and poke and poke and get your stacks of wraith stalkers as if you were taking candy from kids on Halloween instead of giving candy out.”
ANC Bence says “She does a little more damage, but you can roam much better. Try not to trade much unless you adc is strong early. Mid roams are impossible to follow with Lulu against Janna so utilize that.”
YourCut says “Can be really cancerous if enemy ADC outranges you, not that much of a problem otherwise. Avoid Level 4-6 trading as she's stronger than you.”
RedNBlue says “If you land your hook on her she is pretty much doomed unless she gets a good polymorph on your adc getting enough time for her adc to collapse on the trade. But that is still quite hard to do. ”
RASKODILA123 says “If you get her with your E or R she is dead, she has low hp but she has stuff to counter your all in R and W. Also don't get poked by her long range autos and spells”
DaejiBulgogi says “Playing against Lulu can be quite difficult. She has a lot of peel in her kit, making it hard to land a successful engage. Her Q and auto attacks offer annoying poke as well.
To match her, look for opportunities when her Polymorph (W) is down and avoid getting poked down too much.”
EmpressBee says “Lulu is best in all-ins due to polymorph. Nami's goal is to poke the enemy AD until they are low and then take an all-in. Try to bait the shield and then W poke.”
NEED WATER says “Lulu is kind of like a groundhog. She will pop up every now and then to snipe you with Q, but spend the rest of her time perma-shielding the enemy ADC. Predict who she might ult in teamfights and keep your distance in lane. ”
just_juniper says “I hate Lulu. She will negate your burst, poke and fun. Jokes aside, this gremlin will survive the laning phase with ease and completely outscale Zyra. If any Lulu players happen to read this, may I ask why you play her?”
Guoblide says “TAKE GHOST IF YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THIS MATCHUP. Lulu is another extremely hard matchup to play for Sett. It is extremely hard to engage on her and she can poke you really easily during the laning phase due to her Glitterlance range and her Pix, Faerie Companion empowered auto attacks. Engaging on Lulu during laning phase is a nightmare for melee supports like Sett mainly because of her having crowd control in 3 of her abilities. Glitterlance can poke Sett when he walks up in lane, scout out bushes, and slow Sett by 80% when it hits him. Whimsy can make you super slow and not able to attack or cast anything for 1.5-2.5 seconds or give her ADC movement speed to run away from Sett with. When Lulu has Whimsy up Sett can't Flash in, flank, walk up at all, or even poke with Haymaker. Sett's only real way of engaging during the laning phase is by baiting out Whimsy. Always look to see if Lulu greeds and uses Whimsy on herself or her ADC for the movement speed and attack speed or if she uses it on you for poke. If she does then immediately Knuckle Down or Flash onto her ADC and all-in them. Even this can be difficult with the slow from Glitterlance and the knock-up from Wild Growth (Taking Ghost here can be viable to stick onto the enemy champions through Lulu's CC). Try to let Lulu push the wave into your tower and then have your jungler gank you from behind. This can bait Flashes or secure kills most of the time and is the best way to shut her down in the laning phase. The main way to beat Lulu though, and most other enchanter/peel support for that matter, is by outroaming them and putting more pressure on the map. Securing Scuttle Crabs, roaming mid, helping take Rift Herald, and assisting with Dragons are all ways to put your team ahead if you can't to anything in lane.”
InsaneWind says “Lulu will slow you to death and use her ult to punish your engage, you can win fights pre 6 but not really after unless you get her to blow her ult.”
TotallySugoi says “She out supports you by loads. She practically fulfills your same functions, this match up is very much based on your ADC's performance.”
Check De Bush says “Once you engage, Lulu can polymorph you while her Carry dumps damage into you, and her ultimate is a really good survivability tool that can turn an engage.”
GAGESTR says “Currently very strong. The first few levels you want to make her be forced to use her heal as much as possible so her main goal is not poking the lane.”
katt5 says “Lulu is pretty annoying especially if she plays aggressively. Good Lulus are very hard to deal with but you won't find very many of them in low elo. You can try to play as a lane bully, but if she becomes difficult to deal with back off since she can deal a decent amount of damage. ”
Jovy says “Lulu is on one hand very squishy and immobile, on the other she has amazing disengage and poke. You'll need to dodge her Qs and stay out of her AA range to keep your health up. Before 6 she's not hard to lock down so focus on her instead of her ADC (unless the ADC is already too much of a problem too, ofc)”
Tauricus2017 says “Annoying matchup. However You can delete her with your burst. Engege when polymorph is on cooldown and use your safeguard to block her poke.”
HoesBeforeBros69 says “Lulu excels in supporting her ADC in any phase of life, may it be his/her hard childhood, his/her hard-to-survive teen-years or adult-things like giving birth. In the rift, she mainly provides steroids to her ADC and/or CCs any threats coming in with her magical squirrel-spell. For you, the mighty AP Lee Sin Support, she should be a relatively easy snack as you are just better at everything – shielding, CCing and lastly also supporting someone who gives birth.”
Pizzachu0 says “Bard, in my opinion, doesn't have any major or minor counters in this game. Bard is extremely skill expressive and can usually win a lane as long as he plays it right.”
Bella Starlily says “Enchanter vs Enchanter is pretty much a skill matchup. Doesn't necessarily stand as a threat but is really strong at protecting and peeling for her allies.”
Jovy says “Lulu can be tough to deal with because she herself has a lot of disengage and peel. Although she's squishy, she's tough to kill and may turn fights around with her Polymorph and her ultimate. She does a good bit of poke damage that you need to look out for.”
Kilo Khaos says “Squishy and easy to kill once locked down. Avoid being polymorphed, and be ready to peel in case you or your carry is. Be careful if engaging when her ult is up, as it can give the enemy carry the life to survive, and possibly finish you off.”
moon827 says “Lulu is one of the most oppressive supports for sona to lane against, having a lot of cc in her kit, with a slow, and a polymorph,which is basically a silence which makes you squishier.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Lulu is another one of those supports that you will not have a fun time against in lane.
She provides a decent amount of poke, her shield and her ult make it hard to burst down her AD carry.
On top of that, if you land a hook and engage, she can just make you harmless by using polymorph. After which she can disengage or start trying to take you down, depending on the situation.”
Bouhhsolene says “Hmm, she has more range early to poke you and her W is really annoying. Just wait till you get 20 ~40 souls to trade. Or if she used W and you hit yours”
Terroronyou says “Very strong overall, able to do more damage than you while provide more protection with shields and ult. Try and stun kill early in laning phase.”
Taric Support says “Lulu is kind of annoying and she will harrass you with her slow. She has buffs for her ADC and she can slow you, which literally makes you useless in fights. Play defensive only engage if they overextend, but when played defensively this lane is winnable.”
sashadidntwalk says “She will slow you down, cancel your abilities, speed herself or her ADC up and might turn which seems a winning fight for you over, but other than that you can poke her out easily and play around her ULT.”
Vahlok says “A bit hard to play against as she can poke you, slow you, transform you... The only pro against her is that she is squishy, so maybe you just want to one-shot her. Also be careful on her speed bonus, so prepare to predict sidestepping.”
KeleiX13 says “Most enchanters aren't much of a threat to Yuumi, just be careful not take too much poke and you'll be good. Stand behind minions to block Pix's extra attacks.”
Spection says “RARE. Lulu brings a very large amount of utility to her ADC and later to her team. She can hard CC you, do a lot of damage to you, and make her ADC practically unkillable with her ult. Pressure her instead of her ADC to try to force her to ult herself. This should make it a lot easier to take out her ADC.”
ShroudedBRH says “Lulu makes it difficult to fight as her W will poly morph you and her ultimate deters any hard engages. Avoid her poke in lane and try to force her to ult herself if she walks up too close”
Mickeystick says “Lulu's W, whimsy, is a strong disengage tool that means you won't land the root on Nautilus after you land the Q. In addition, the shield Lulu provides stops you from one-shotting with the hook, her ultimate is also a good disengage, and she has very high poke damage and return damage as you walk away from a trade.”
niftyyy_lol says “Can poke, has decent damage, and her polymorph is annoying. Really weak by herself, but her buffing a kogmaw or a carry is never fun to play against. Boots of swiftness is a pretty good buy vs her.”
Wicked Cherry says “In my eyes she truly is the Queen of CC because she has everything except for a stun. She has a slow that can hit multiple champions, a shield, a polymorph, can give allies movement speed, a knock up... And she'll try to poke you down and drain your health. But on the bright side she's squishy and your ADC will (hopefully) punish her if she's being too harassing. So make sure you poke her back and get some nice Qs off to regain your health.”
TheMistCollector says “[NOT ENOUGH DATA]
You shouldn't have that much of a problem when facing Lulu. her poke isn't something to fear. Unless his paired with a high damage early ADC.
Try to protect polymorphed allies with your E
SkellyBirb says “Lulu herself isn't a huge issue, but if she has good synergy with her ADC she can kill you pretty easily. Just poke her down and try to stay out of her range if her abilities are up.”
ShanksMeister says “She's really annoying because her shield will block any trade you try to make. Her ultimate is also really good. Try to have your Q poke BOTH laners so she can only shield one while the other takes damage. Also all-in the adc when you hit 6.”
Mczrks says “Yeah, tbh she's op at this moment. She got lot of poke (wich doesn't matter for pyke so much, cuz of his passive) , polimorphy that can stop pyke from ulting and ability to add extra hp for her/her adc.”
Gmxgreen says “She might save someone from your grab with her Ult and Polimorph, but be sure you Ignite your target and use your Ult when she shields it.
Due to the fact that she is a fragile support, you can easily get a kill on her if you have a good aim.”
Axkuru says “Bro, what can she do?
Hook and E her everytime or just play safe till 6 but be carefull cause he can R herself if you want to execute her”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Every enchanter is a fight for brand, be careful about not wasting your spells on their shields and don't always target 1 player. If an enchanter shows that they're going to shield the adc on your spellcasts then target the enchanter and vice versa.”
Hoshikoo746 says “Not Lulu, please !
Lulu is hard to play against.
She has shield, slow, polymorph, knock up (ult) and a nice poke.
But she is squishy, you can try to catch her.”
snukumz says “Her poke has a similar range to yours.
She can shield block much of your poke damage.
Her ult will deny your ult and damage.
She can be very annoying if played properly.”
snukumz says “Her shields negate a lot of your poke damage, and her ult is super annoying and can make the enemy ADC able to survive all of your damage.
You out range her poke so try to poke her down as much as possible.
She is pretty squishy, even with her shield. ”
snukumz says “She's very good at denying your ability to execute their ADC with her shields and Ult.
Look to stun her if you can and drop tons of damage on her because she is very squishy.
Try to make her burn her abilities and ult on herself and not empowering her ADC. ”
sorakabro says “Lulu is a skillmatchup. Lulu is better on all-ins but soraka is better on long fights. So use it to your advantage play it slow poke her down slowly heal up and trade again.”
thesophieset says “Annoying lane opponent, but a very doable matchup. If the Lulu is good, she will harass you with her Q, try to sidestep that if you can. Consider Mikael's second to clear the Polymorph off your ADC and keep her silenced or zoned off in teamfights to stop her from ulting her ADC back to life.”
Guffel says “She has some disengage poke and range but not enough of all to be a danger to you. Try to kill her before level 6 as it will be hard then.”
Lambimia says “ She turns you into a pug if you do anything, and evolves anyone into a stage 2 pokemon (Nasus).
Ela te transforma num bicho se você fizer qualquer coisa e ainda ulta alguem para fazer um nasus 2.0”
Yuzu says “She is a super strong support, dont get me wrong. But you can pretty much out heal her shields in laning phase. Just stay behind your adc when you go in, so she polymorphes him/her instead and you can keep healing or silence her to prevent shields.”
trundlesuppport says “you destroy her in lane, you have better lane pressure and better in teamfight, just poke her adc when he last hit a minion 90% you will land your e or q. ”
xResistx says “Rakan is having trouble when lane against Lulu as she can counters Rakan's W (Grand Entrance) by morphing him into a critter with her W (Whimsy) or knocking him up with her R (Wild Growth)”
Aspect of Cancer says “Lulu in general is a fucking nuisance. What makes her a general threat though is her poly morph. Like most of the supports here, keep your distance.”
mamaseahorse says “Her Shields make your damage kinda pointless, and her CC can make it hard for you to not get annihilated if you screw up and go in before you're ready.”
Grafzk says “Lulu is an option to ban, as she can shield herself or her ADCarry and also, her ultimate makes it difficult for Kayn to kill Lulu or her ADCarry.”
Randomless says “When this champion is picked you know for a fact that they have aduo partner and they're going to have a hyper carry with them such as Kog'maw and Twitch. There's really not a lot you can do and you'll probably lose the lane because they're going to be a lot more cordinated than you and your ADC.”
SynLynx says “Generally you have more poke than her, especially if you w her towards you when she tries to poke with aa's or q's. W'ing her towards you can even result in a kill. Be careful of the power she can give her ADC in fights, so never focus her then.”
AnnakinVader67 says “Parecido a Janna, con la W puede darle velocidad a su adc para esquivarte, o tirartela a ti para que no llegues. A parte, con la R te puede cortar la W en el aire. Depende de la skill del jugador”
Eneino01 says “If lulu is followed by an high damage dealer like aphelios, they outscale you hard so you really need to stomp their laning phase to win the game.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Lulu is a better of Karma who's slightly better all in and better in skirmishes.
If you get Polymorphed, you're going to have a bad time.
Might have to build Mikaels second.”
JenaColada says “She can poke you lightly and can be deadly combo if paired with ADCs that rely solely on their Auto Attacks (Kog'Maw and Twitch for example) but it's not a hard matchup.”
JustSlayter says “Her ult and polymorph are annoying to deal with, but as long as you focus the carry when she uses either you should be safe.(As long as she's not polymorphing you of course)”
TheBeardedPickle says “Lulu simply out-utilizes you. Try to avoid this matchup, or play very reserved. Avoid hard engages unless you have a roam/gank. ”
HoneyQT says “Depends on her ADC. I personally never have a problem with Lulu, she's harder to deal with than Soraka but not by much. If her ADC is very strong and a good player, it can be hard to beat her.”
AlexZzZz says “Shield,movement speed,damage, and her R.She has so much peel which makes it almost impossible for you to kill her or her adc as long as she doesn't just throw and come next to a wall or minnion.if you manage to hit a Q you can kill her but the hard part is hitting her.”
PayyBack says “Dodge her Q's early game and try to not give her any free basic attacks.
If you hit your W then instantly E back to your ADC to not get polymorphed and ending up taking some damage back from your bad W engage.
Good Lulu players are focused on poking you down during the early game.
Mid/Late game make sure to pull off your combos really quick so Lulu doesn't react with her R to deny you and punishing you.
STEBMENOW says “Besides shielding ADC, Lulu doesn't provide a lot. If her shield is down, poke her. Don't commit too hard if she's level 6 since her ult makes bursting their ADC or her a lot more difficult. ”
Tult says “Lulu has no way to escape your cc, the only thing you have to watch out for is her polymorph and her ult, which will cc you and make you very vulnerable.”
DarkGabumon says “Not as easy as Janna, but she can be very annoying to poke down as her E shields pretty much all your poke. She doesn't have as much killer power as Nami, but she can cuck you hard by shielding and buffing her ADC.”
locofachero8 says “The peel supports are usually very annoying because they do not allow the enemy to pock, but the good side is that they are very soft and easy to kill with a good play.”
Curmudgeon says “Lulu can turn a fight in her favor against Sett with her polymorph and ultimate. Focus her first in a bot lane fight if you can, as she can make you useless for a few seconds. ”
Kefochka says “Лулу доставит много проблем, никогда нельзя подходить к ней слишком близко. У неё много сустейна и контроля, а урон с пассивки доставит уйму неприятностей. Старайтесь лишить её маны постоянным харасом её союзника.”
Jointed says “Lulu is like you, but a little different. She has very high damage with Q and her passive. A good Lulu will out trade you early. This is still close to an even match up. Play around objectives.”
Gravixx says “Try not to get polymorphed. Other than that you should win this matchup. You can out sustain her and punish for wasted cooldowns. Be careful for her ult though, it can change the course of a close fight if you forget about it.”
LFS_aXent says “Lulu can fuck your day up, as well as your mother, as well as your father, and especially as well as your ADC. You have to really keep an eye on her, because she has a lot of poke potential. This bitch has engage, disengage, and poke all rolled up into a nice pita bread. Play smart and mobile against her, don't overthink yourself.”
Aizenvolt says “Medium matchup in lane just poke her with your skills and farm. When you reach 6 and she has low hp and she begins to go to her tower don't dive her. She baits you, she will ult under tower and kill you. Just play smart and you will win this easy. ”
Hanjaro says “Surprisingly high damage, shields, poke and disengage, CC! She's very scary, can easily wittle you down in lane, poly you to cancel your engage. Sustain in lane, wait til mid/late game to be useful.”
ningen ouroboros says “Polymorph bamboozles Leblanc. Fortunately, most lulu players I see don't know who to shield or polymorph, so aim for the one without the shield to win.”
Hanjaro says “Lulu can completely negate your all in and turn it around with her polymorph. She has long range and high damage, along with a heavy shield for herself or her ADC. She is an enabler for her ADC, and easily peels.”
Beeee says “Lulu is mainly going to be a skill match-up. Her ult and her w (polymorph) can be very annoying to deal with, as well as her e+q combo. Most of time you should be fine as long as you keep your distance.”
marisbroodti says “The only threatening thing about Lulu is Polymorph and her ultimate, Hugify!. These abilities are huge disengages with short cooldowns (I'm looking at you, Polymorph) that have to be baited to stomp the lane. The premise is simple, walk forward and fake an engage to bait the Polymorph, then back off for a couple seconds and E back in, guaranteed summoners or kills.”
Zer0XM says “Lulu can counter everything about you with her ult, it'll stun you mid hook, give your target a huge survivability boost, and makes you almost useless when used properly. Her W and E are also both very annoying to handle, just pray that you can hook her at the right time and your team can burst her down.”
SNOBOY says “Early game she will smash you, and her ult will knock you back up after you knock her up. She can shield your harass then just aa you back to trade. Not a fun match up, but it's doable. Your advantage is that she is squishy.”
Zefirez says “Recommended rune set: Conqueror
I will never Not kill a yordle!
When you use Aatrox quote in Pantheon guide you know times got desperate!
You're a 1v1 engage/kill support. She's a single target peeling support - your hard counter.
Her shield will negate your damage and with her passive on top will give her adc major bite to fight back against yours.
Her polymorph will make you useless for up to 2.25s and her ult will make you cry tears.
That being said this isn't a guide on how to give up! Because of her shields and passive the fights will be longer and require sustain - that's why conqueror is picked. Another good reason is for legend:Tenacity in precision tree - to counter her polymorph to a degree.
Your Aegis Assault can go a long way in countering it as well - you'll still be morphed, but the barrier is a separate entity and will still be up, and when it's up only thing you can do is move around that's one way to address it.
To break through her shield you will need damage, and that's another reason for conqueror.
The real issue here is her speed boost. If you can match her ounce per ounce in 2v2, then she still has the option to just disengage and run away (or help her adc flee).
Frozen Mallet can help you prevent that scenario, and nice ult from fog of war into your lane behind the both is always nice:3
That being said that is a very unfavourable matchup for Panth.”
Insolent Janna says “Basically she has nothing to do with you. She can only polymorph you but it's not really worth. Just don't engage stupidly when she has R.”
Xelaadryth says “Obnoxious lane to play against, her push is just ridiculously strong and it's hard to dodge her skillshot slow when you're tagged with Pix. Focus on csing and try to push back without eating too many Qs, and land your own Qs on her.”
suppdiff says “Easy lane, but you are outscaled. Abuse the early matchup, especially before six. Ensure you go for the level two all in and try to play around her polymorph and her shield.”
supersuavebro says “The only real worry is her pollymorph which can really screw up your all ins, but she still doesnt have the range to outpoke you. Just stay at a distance and make both her and the adc suffer”
Laverenz says “Lulu is an all around overpowered champion. Her polymorph is extremely strong against you, as it disables you. Her ultimate is also quite strong in denying your ability to kill her or the ADC”
NirvanaBunny says “Lulu is very squishy and immobile--but what she lacks in that department she makes up for in another. She has amazing disengage and poke. You'll need to dodge her Q and stay out of her auto range to keep your health up. Because level 6 she's not hard to lock down--but after 6 you should focus her ADC”
aimez says “Lulu is one of the most oppressive supports for sona to lane against, having a lot of cc in her kit, with a slow, and a polymorph,which is basically a silence which makes you squishier.”
Ahpulzz says “She has AA's, Passive, and Q for strong harass and can stuff your engages with literally everything else. This champion is the bane of offensive supports, especially those who aim for single champion picks such as Thresh.”
Ahpulzz says “Really annoying harass that has the potential to span half the lane, on top of an equally annoying polymorph/speed-up and shield to stop you from engaging the way you want. If neither of those work, Wild Growth can c*ckblock even harder than you can. Hard match-up both in and out of lane.”
Aethlo says “Kill her, waste her shield, hard shove and pressure her. Her shield and damage are problems but with a little pressure you should be able to poke her to death.”
Chromuro says “Wo, that are too many CCs in only one champion, buuuuut they are all soft CCs, excluding the polymorph. When paired with an heavy AA-based champion can be deadly, but mikael should help you a lot.
Try to not get in range of the skills and play safe, so she can't be as annoying.”
MoreLoliconThee2nd says “A good shield, plus long-ass poke, polymorph that makes you useless, and an ult that turns the enemy ADC into a goddamn prick? She stings.”
Vermeio says “You both got a similar threat here. Lulu can deny a lot of your potential, as you can make her regret trying. With a benefit for her cause of that shield and ranged damage. Just remember that even polimorfed, the effects of your W stand still. Burst and get out. On long battles you lose against her duo. Late game is yours.”
xxlisatje16 says “Her poke and morph can be really annoying for you. since your not the tankiest (if that is a word) Champ you can get killed really easy. if you are not attached and you get morphed its like kinda death inc.”
GlacialWarlock says “Lulu's Whimsy (W) can render you useless as her and her ADC destroy your ADC and she's got way more range than you.
Her Wild Growth is not to be taken lightly as it can completely change the tide of a teamfight if used on the Top-Laner or something.
If she was played more, I'd recommend banning her as much as Leona.”
Axeloy says “Lulu doesn't really excel into Nami in any way, but still holds her own enough to not be completely dumpstered by her. Nami has heals that Lulu doesn't but Lulu can turn fights with her ADC simply with Polymorph and her ultimate.”
mbo575 says “Her polymorph can cause problems if you try to all-in. Her R can give you trouble executing enemies. Her E can prevent you from healing for a certain amount of time, and grants vision of you when in your W. Very squishy.”
Haezard01 says “Try not to get poked too much and burst her early game. Make sure to gets into favorable trades when Electrocute is up. Be aware of Lulu's potential to buff the ADC carry in mid-late game.”
Xavier Senori says “Lulu is the most infuriating and annoying champion to play against. She outranges you and has a low cooldown shield that essentially makes your harass useless. On top of this, her ult makes it impossible to burst her down. Avoid 1v1 engagements with her from the start, and simply push lane and roam.”
Saethwyr says “Lulu overall is pretty hard for you to bully, and a half decent lulu wont be able to get engaged on, so the ideal strategy into her is to focus on passive play and waiting until an opening that's big enough for you to exploit and burst down the carry, or to hard turn onto a jungler if they come in to gank. Its okay to take some early poke in this lane, or to give up a bit of room. Lulu has a lot of annoying poke and peel that makes it hard to be melee.”
Better Call Phil says “Skill matchup.
Her polymorph is annoying, poke heavy. She can use her ultimate to counter yours.
Play around bush control.
DO NOT engage with E right away, she will polymorph you. Land your Bone Skewer first. ”
supportsbelike says “Ahh this little basta- I mean yordle. We know her kit is already annoying, but her polymorph will offset your combos, and the slow will painfully destroy both your nerves and plans. Lulu's ultimate is stronger than yours in teamfights and if she is good she will come out as a winner from the fights. Focus her down or only engage when you know she doesn't have ult/polymorph!”
RainbowNova says “Lulu is annoying. She can slow you enormously. Her W, which polymorphs you, basically makes you useless for a few seconds, but can also be used to speed up an ally. Her E is a shield, but can also be used to damage you and give true vision of where you are and her ultimate gives an ally a big shield and knocks up any surrounding enemies. ”
SawyerNelson says “Lulu's strength is her level 1-3 her Q spam + E can chunk you or your ADC so keep distance and look to push the wave early. Use range to your advantage.”
Hanjaro says “Lulus greatest strength against Pyke is her E, her E provides true sight and will not allow Pyke to regenerate grey health when trying to use W to escape or regen health, just know this before engaging without your grey health topped off. Another thing is Lulu w will cancel your Q channel. Lulu R can also give executable enemy enough HP to survive your R. Lots of annoying aspects of this champ but still extremely squishy and abusable in lane given positioning errors on their part.”
unownreality says “Another Skill matchup. Just as much damage for both sides, and a decent shield that can slow damage progress. Sona will have a small advantage due to her lower cooldowns. ”
Kian987 says “She's ranged and based on spamming spells. Not a great matchup for a melee champion like Shen. Not to mention that she can nullify your perfect engages by simply pressing R.”
Bellbellum says “Lulu's consistent damage (especially in non-support roles) can burst you down with that target CC. Stay safe under tower since she is not long enough range to engage on you, without someone to tank up tower aggro.”
Rozyrade says “With a knock up, many shields and even a polymorph, this champion has a lot of influence in a lane. Not only will she block most poke, but she can also prevent you to attach to your adc with her polymorph.”
Drlazerbeam says “Nami is slightly stronger in lane before either champion hits 6. Nami's heals can handle Lulu's poke and rip through her shields. When Lulu hits 6, it becomes an unfavorable match up for Nami.”
Shderen says “If you can stick your Q's, you'll win extended trades HEAVY and often force her to ult herself. Your ranges are similar. Shield duration has also been nerfed - if she does shield herself, be patient.”
Fruxo says “Take care of her slow and W. As said she has a polymorph which can really make it annoying for you when you are trading. Be careful of when she reaches level 6 as she unlocks her ultimate which is game changing especially in trades and teamfights.”
SawyerNelson says “Leona has a good matchup into all enchanter supports. They can't contest her strength in the laning phase and are easily caught out, CC'd, and killed. Avoid poke levels 1 - 3 and win the game.”
N0ZOMI says “Easy matchup. Playing aggressive vs Lulu is good option as long as you know your limits with Nami. Lvl 3 Lulu can burst you down easily if she's got ignite. Pay attention to that.”
Schuit says “This lane will usually run fairly even, Anytime you land your E, you can usually get your full combo off before a lulu's polymorph reaches you, however after that, her shield/Q can help even it out. After 6, her ult will give a lot of survivability to either her or her adc, and her ignite will reduce the healing from your ult. If you don't have zhonyas, I'd recommend waiting for a jungle gank, or poke her down with a couple combos first.”
NirvanaBunny says “Lulu is annoying and has a lot of CC in her kit along with a slow and her plymorph (which is basically a silence). Be careful! I would personally never play against a Lulu.”
Meresjev says “Press E to ruin her day. But she is always playing with hard carry adc (Twitch, Vayne, Kog Maw, Jinx), so she stays back and protect adc.”
SawyerNelson says “Lulu has high good damage levels 1 - 4. Don't get poked out by her Q. Her W can interrupt you being able to cast abilities thwarting engages. Like all enchanters she is easily abused by the fog of war & threat.”
ImNotJade says “Her shield and ult is really annoying especially when Thresh got casted by her Polymorph - W. Just try to kill her adc first because Lulu doesn't have much damage, unless she goes ap.”
Tgrs says “I just hate playing against her. She is so annoying with her slow and polymorph. Try to play defensive until your jungler is not on botside.”
Ooze OG says “She is similar to Nami, but without the sustain. She has a easy time poking you down early if you let her. Save your engages when you know her ult is down in lane.”
Yukkine says “If she's good, your life will be miserable. If she's bad, your life will still be miserable as her only lifeline is to spam every single one of her abilities on top of a fed enemy carry.”
TheComicalBiker says “Lulu's polymorph is extremely dangerous against Thresh and his carry. Keep lantern (W) ready for disengage if your carry gets polymorphed. Her ultimate give herself or carry a health and size boost while knocking up surrounding enemies which can change the entire outcome of the fight so be careful when engaging if she has her ultimate up.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Her kit is centered around over buffing her partners with free stats. Since most Lulu players will use Q to poke instead of wave clear, punishing her is not that difficult.”
oneandonlyDK says “More damage than you early and she can shield your Q. she will be annoying as fuk throughout the game. Try to hit stuns early to make pressure.”
TenshiQwQ says “Pretty easy lane, she doesn't have strong poke and just 1 hard CC with a decent amount of travel time so you shouldn't have any issues in this matchup.”
TruMediaMix1 says “Lulu outranges you and can back up just about any of her allies with her wide array of utility spells and items. Work with your teammates to shut her down in the early game.”
Jeroen R8 says “Lulu has so many ways to keep you off her carry. If you do manage to get on the carry she will mitigate any damage you are able to put out. Combine this with decent poke and it makes for an extremely dangerous threat. Engage on her very early on in the game to establish a lead.”
Guychk says “She has a long stun covered as "polymorphed", and you can't auto attack, flash, or use any abilities. She also raises her ADC's attack speed, which makes her a great utility support. She also has an ult that can knock you and your team mates up, which makes her a high threat. ”
Tipurrs says “You really can't burst her because of her kit. She can also push hard with her Q. Her damage falls off late game though but her utility is really good in team fights.”
Saecriru says “This match up should be pretty much self explanatory with Lulu and her Polymorph. When you engage go in stealth using Neeko W so she cant target you.”
I love Lun Lun says “Lulu is sooo strong.Her CC,Heals and shields are quite dangerous.At this point only skill will prevail.Ward enemy jungle and try to fight her before 6 because her ult doesn't only make her ADC have more HP-it heals it and also knocks close enemies.A lulu can outburst us and she can W us making us unable to use our only good factor against her which is healing.Silence won't really work on her since she is quite fast and she can move out of it but if the timing is correct you can prevent her from doing important things...for e.g in a teamfight ULT -etc.”
TurnDaBeatAround says “Be careful of some nasty early damage if they decide to run a very aggro build. Avoid that and the rest of the game is all gucci.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, is it even humanly POSSIBLE to lose lane to a lulu? lulu's supposed to make her adc unkillable. thankfully you're sivir so you kill them anyways. HAAhAHAHAHHAHAHA.”
heyitsRainex says “Lulu combined with an attack speed champion can become an unstoppable duo.
Be careful of her poke and polymorph.
Engage on her once her W and E are down.”
Synk1904 says “A good Lulu may give you a trouble, but if you are able to stun her she will probably die fast. If you are alone, or if they have advantage over you try to keep a safe distance, Lulu may transform you.”
Zefirez says “Lulu is a particularly nasty case of support to deal with. She is extremely profficient at stopping single targets or protecting single targets. Which means in laning phase she can be a real nightmare, and Voli is all about winning the laning phase.
Cleanse and anti-kite runes highly advised, along with merc threads and quick silver sash or mikael's crucible down the road.
While very potent at keeping you at bay, a visit from jungler can mess her up. With her very very squishy hp pool she has no room for mistakes, and her kit isn't so great when fights start go post 2v2 stage. The more the less marry for her.
All that being won't be seeing much of her in low elo, even in gold i hardly ever see her. Thus the 4 rating and not 5.”
whybother34 says “Lulu is a pain in the ass. Mage support with poke so that sucks, plus her shield and ult keep her adc super safe. Plus fuck polymorph.”
SawyerNelson says “Lulu has a very strong lane into Rakan because of her range and early damage. Avoid her poke and look to engage on her not her ally post level 6.”
revelador says “fácil de molestar si va defensiva en línea solo ten en cuenta que con su ulti hace un poco mas resistente a tu objetivo, cuidado en early debido a que si va agresiva te veras obligado a jugar defensivo”
blastingskull says “try to cc her and dont get poked dont make it obvious that your going in cause she will e you and ult when you go (the ult part isnt a must)”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Lulu: Simplified Tips
Early Game (Levels 1-6):
Avoid Poke: Lulu has strong poke with her [Q] and [E]. Stay behind minions and avoid unnecessary damage.
Engage Carefully: Lulu can polymorph you with her [W] and shield her allies with her [E]. Wait for her to waste abilities before going in.
Roam: If lane is tough, roam to mid or help your jungler. Lulu is weaker when alone.
Mid Game (Levels 7-12):
Pick Off Squishies: Focus on catching out squishy targets with your [Q] and [R]. Lulu’s shields can’t save them from your execute.
Vision Control: Use sweeper to clear her wards and deny vision for her team.
Late Game (Levels 13+):
Flank and Execute: Look for flanks to catch carries with your [R]. Lulu’s shields can’t stop your burst if you catch her off guard.
Focus on Carries: Ignore Lulu in teamfights; she’s not a threat. Focus on eliminating her carries.
General Tips:
Bait Her Abilities: Lulu’s [W] (polymorph) and [E] (shield) are key to her poke and disengage. Bait them out before committing to a fight.
Vision Control: Keep key areas warded to track Lulu’s movements and set up picks.
Avoid Lulu’s poke, bait her disengage abilities, and focus on picking off her carries. Use your mobility and vision control to outmaneuver her.”
FunnyBunnyH says “Similiarly to Janna, she can bully you hard lvl1, and paired with the right ADC she can be somewhat annoying, but since she is squishy and immobile, you generally don't mind her either past lvl 1.”
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