Bottom Lane 50.57% Win Rate99% Pick RateXayah Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Xayah in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says “xayah players are either boosted af or prime gumayusi on amphetamines. She can R over your R. You win everything else.”
BrunkageManden says “as long as you save your W-wall for her E then she has very little damage in the mid game. You need to get on to her in the back line: try to play around the CD on her R to get an easy kill on her. ”
Avarosa says “voce tem mais range que as penas da xayah então ela ir pra cima e te matar não é um problema, voce dita a lane pelos pokes que voce pode dar sem ela poder fazer nada”
Dr Yoshili says “Super easy matchup, play with your range, she will not be able to hit you, you also outscale her, you can also ult her to burn her R spell, you only have to worry about her Q AA E combo, just keep moving horizontally to her, she will not be able to root you.”
gaarrett says “Nilah's worst traditional ADC matchup. When Xayah is strong, you might as well give over your LP if you let her through the ban phase. Use W when she's autoing you from 900 units away with her passive and don't even bother trying to get on top of her. Play to scale and hope your support doesn't ditch you. ”
EdenHoangKim says “She is extremely hard to fight. Her E just counter your engage and her R can counter your R. So better ban her than let her have a free win for you, especially when she just got a buff.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Super safe / Great teamfight potential / Huge DPS and burst / Insane with Rakan / Great waveclear
| WEAKNESSES - Rely on feathers / Hard to comeback if behind / Abilty dependant
| WHAT TO DO ? - Play arround her feathers. Xayah rely a lot on them and mostly in her abilities. Once her W and E are down, you're free to chase her down to poke with Q, W or E. Late game is kind of even since she can't really compet with your range and burst.”
Avxm says “You want to try to poke out xayah and harass her with your w but be extremely careful. If you get rooted by her e she will all in you and win most likely. You want to try and poke her out and then look for an all in but always be very careful of her e and try to avoid getting hit by too many feathers with it ESPECIALLY if she has an engage sup like rakan. You can also just go even and somewhat outscale in the mid-lategame if the rest of their teamcomp is good for you. Play at your max w range ALWAYS and try to poke. Xayah suffers vs heavy poke as she is designed to excell in all ins especially past level 6”
Kociokwik says “You outscales her, also Xayah is weaker in early game. If you dodge her e you should win all fights. After 6 you have to all in and force her to use ult so she can't dodge your ult. In late game during teamfight keep an eye on her so you know when you should ult.”
Latte9969 says “Xayah, much like Aphelios, has a lot of DPS but not much range. Spacing her is quite easy and it can be quite predictable when she will E to recall her feathers, which is a lot of her damage early, if you know that she's going to recall her feathers and get used to that timing, you can E preemptively in order to dodge them all with your E, if you E to the side. Usually Xayah is played with Rakan, which can be a HUGE problem at level 6 with Rakan's point and click CC, there's not much Ezreal can do about it so you have to play very far back after level 6”
Foxirion says “Xayah's feather setup and root can make her a major threat to Kog'Maw. Her ability to featherstorm, root targets with Bladecaller, and deal AoE damage with Deadly Plumage can quickly eliminate Kog'Maw in skirmishes.”
afr0rk says “Xayah struggles against range, as she can't stack many feathers at long range. Poke her down and try to dodge her E with your E, you don't wanna get rooted and it does an insane amount of damage late game.”
fuckingrathatxdd says “Some support pairing matchups can be cancer but still doable.
Threats n' Tips: Look how she aligns herself with her feathers. Her W hurts quite a bit so try to CC her down when it's up. ”
LustAndSpite says “Xayah is overall kind of disgusting.
Her feathers can zone you well with threat of hard CC on a basic ability, which is something that only four other bot laners have: Aphelios, Senna, Seraphine and You. Also, her ultimate can be cast easily to avoid your ultimate, which means unless you bait it out, you have no ultimate.”
Maxxx_hhh says “Probably your best matchup since her pushing depends of getting in the wave for her feathers to hit every minion so you can freely poke her.
You can easily dodge her E with yours and you can prevent her all-in with your W and just back off.
Basically she will NEVER kill you”
Bobalegre says “Poke and be careful with her feathers, pay attention to where her feathers are placed, only E towards her if she doesn't have ult. Your trades gonna depend if you got hit by his feathers or not.”
Vapora Dark says “You both excel into short ranged ADCs, and you're both short ranged ADCs, so that sort of cancels itself out. This should be a little favoured towards you because you are stronger in short trades and slightly outrange her, but mostly you'll want to avoid extended trades.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “Don't line for her to poke you with her feather autos through the minions, force her R before trying to fully commit to her (using sums). Be mindful of where your axes are dropping, worst thing you can do is greeding 1 ontop of a group of feathers.”
Red Ashe Redemption says “Natural counter in every aspect.
She stay safe behind the minions and still pokes you. You chase her, and you will be stuned. You ult her she dodges with her ult. ”
Devilbuny says “Radzę uważać. Ma ona roota oraz fajny speed attack. Dystansuj się od niej. Może ona łatwo swoją R uniknąć twojej. Zadbaj zatem aby ją spaliła zanim ty walniesz swoją”
Aspect of Cancer says “Her ult can completely nullify your burst combo when going AP, and it's generally hard to go in on her. Luckily you outrange her, you just can't engage on her. Only Q auto poke.”
NegativePhoenix says “Her feather daggers are her main damage source and considering you have a tool that can make you hard to pin down, she really can't hit them as effectively without getting in your face
Just watch where her feathers are sitting and she won't be a problem for you during lane phase”
Leaf no Kitsune says “she is stronger early levels. respect feather placements and the burst of it. you are stronger midgame. just bait her ult first or have flash ready to flash her e (also predict her flashing as well).”
DarthRik says “Avoid getting stunned, play around her R and don't all in when she uses it, wait after she comes down and avoid the feathers that she throws. Ghost is good to play around her feathers when fighting.”
iiExploit says “This champion is really strong because of her W. It's a steroid that gives extra damage, movement speed and attack speed. You need to keep your distance and watch for her feathers. She will also be looking to R your R.”
mydesires says “She's not that hard you can lock her with Gravitum (Purple) while she ults and harass her in lane. Just don't let her get through you or just dodge her feathers. // TH : แมทช์อัพไม่ได้ยากเพราะว่าเราสามารถใช้ปืนม่วงล็อคขาซาย่าตอนมันใช้อัลติได้ (ถ้าซาย่าติดสแตคปืนม่วงเราก่อนหน้านี้นะ) แล้วเราสามารถกดเลนซาย่าได้ด้วยการใช้ปืนฟ้าตอนที่ซาย่าอยู่หลังครีป พยายามหลบขนนกดี ๆ ไม่ให้มันล็อคขาเราได้ เพราะสกิลล็อคมันแรงมากกกกก”
the hood says “Xayah is not really a threat for Draven but her kit wants people to run at her and that is exactly what Draven usually wants to do. Dodge the feathers and dont get rooted, you have to punish her overstepping and keep in mind she has the best self defense R in the game - so dont get baited by it.”
support_diff says “I haven't laned against Xayah very often so there isn't much I could say about her. She has a really good damage but it mostly works if you are close to her and you definitely won't go close her. E when she ults and don't go behind the minions she is attacking next and you should be fine. If she plays with Rakan, she is much stronger as they are literally made to be played together”
DreamOfValhalla says “Obnoxious champion her feathers can root you which is insta death in mid to late game. After level 6 she is very hard to kill and most likely you will need the help of heavy CC
Reptile9LoL says “Xayah matchup is rough, if played correctly she can never die to your all-in as you have to get on top of her and she likes people going into her due to her feathers. Xayahs all in is also insanely strong due to her W, you can win this matchup if you bait her Q and E + avoid them, then look for all in/trades.”
LuvEmoGirls says “She has range, and can dodge your ult, but same with Kindred, who is to say she won't be forced to ult before you do? She can't ult while dead, you can.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Super safe / Great teamfight potential / Huge DPS and burst / Insane with Rakan / Great waveclear
| WEAKNESSES - Rely on feathers / Hard to comeback if behind / Abilty dependant
| WHAT TO DO ? - Play arround her feathers. Xayah rely a lot on them and mostly in her abilities. Once her W and E are down, you're free to chase her down to poke with Q or keep putting autos. She can dodge your R with hers but can't get rid of it if she's already rooted. Lategame is even. Don't fight in coridors or jungle.”
Jhin and Tonic says “She will poke you a lot but you have better burst. Don't let her e hit you with too many feathers because she will definetely one shot you.”
VrNtv says “Since her W+Q trading got nerfed, Xayah wasn't really a threat to Jinx, you scale better and she can't really kill you early unless you misplay hard. She is very hard to punish thanks to her ult, but you don't really need to do anything since you outscale her hard.
VrNtv says “Xayah is definitely a rough lane for Kai'Sa. You guys share the same auto attack range but she has her W which amps her damage and attack speed overall. While trading autos, she puts feathers behind you, up until 6, you dont have a guaranteed way to dodge her feathers. Be careful and look to dodge her Q poke.
RandomNPC777 says “Xayah's very powerful right now with navori's, but Twitch has a very good matchup against her. As long as you avoid the feathers and don't get massacred by an engage support you should be fine. You outscale her hard. ”
support_diff says “Xayah is a hard matchup for you as she can dodge your W with her ult and you also can't dodge her feathers' damage with E as they come from behind”
wungus says “Xayah is easily one of the hardest ADC matchups for Nilah. She can zone you with her feathers and deny your engage with her R. Your best bet is honestly just to ban her, although her pick rate is low, so you might want to ban Smolder instead.”
whitemindlight says “She has very good trading and good burst. Try to position so her E doesn't completly destroy you. When her R is on cooldown try to shut her down with your Support/Jungler”
ddmr says “Teneis las mismas Stats base pero ella tiene la pasiva de las plumas por lo que si en auto ataques quedais empate en el tradeo ella recoge sus plumas y quedas totalmente expuesto a una cadena de CC por parte de su support, es una linea de escalado y muy dependiente de el support pero dificil si xayah se pone por delante , mientras que si tu te pones por delante no es tan One Side”
SheriffADC says “She is the best "anti-all-in" ADC, it's all about blocking 3+ feathers so you don't get rooted. You can also get poked on lane because she has better laning tools. Try to make plays with your support when her ult is on cooldown.”
Lachoni1 says “If Xayah is meta she can be very good pick vs Kai'sa. You have to dodge her feathers with your R. This is the most skill match-up for Kai'sa in my opinion and the better player will win msot games.”
Amberdragon says “Xayah is generally an easy matchup for Caitlyn, but it depends on how well you can keep her at max range and her support.
She is a very good zoning ADC like you, but she works on a much smaller range and has no way of getting in your face like Kai'sa or Samira.
If she has a CC support she can be dangerous, but if you play from your max range and zone her support there is not much she can do to trade with you. You can bully her hard and avoid her retaliation.
Her wave clear is strong, but if you abuse your range she will be forced away from minions. If she pushes into your tower you can freeze and zone her, if she lets you push over her tower you can harass her even harder and get gold from platings - just be very careful with ganks from her jungler.”
Tolis slayer says “you are stronger in lane so try to be more aggressive but also be careful and pay attention to her feathers because she can use them to engage,disengage or deal a ton of damage. also be careful after lvl 6 since it can be hard to engage because of her ult .From my experience this matchup can go either way and its mostly dependent on the supports”
moso says “Can go either way. Support matchup can swing it one way or the other but it is still up in the air. I'd give the slight advantage to Ashe typically since your slow and movement speed buff from Approach Velocity makes it easy to kite sideways and avoid feathers as she will have trouble getting them out while slowed. It's important to not waste your ult in an all-in by firing it when she still has R. It's better to use your ult when she is landing from her R since it's guranteed where she will land unless she flashes; shooting it at her from range is just going to be countered with her R. However, at level 11 your R cooldown is significantly lower than hers, you can use this advantage to force her to waste her ultimate by firing your arrow at her. This can be done at any point in the game as long as you are able to hit the arrow and make her afraid to die if hit by it.”
slendoooo says “Xayah is really easy for Draven, no matter the state of the game, she will never be able to win trades autos for autos with you.
If you are going for all ins always avoid her feathers pathing so she can E you, you can do that by walking in 1 direction and never sitting in 1 spot.
A video example of Xayah-Draven
(To be made)”
Santoryo says “When you play against Xayah, be aware of her position and feathers to not get stunned and taking a lot of damage from the backing E. Also her trades will be usually better as she have great Attack Speed boost on W. She might be tricky to dive as she can just press R and get away from any situation.”
Corpselover says “You can either block her feathers on their way to you when they are in front of u or when they are behind you. It's probably better to wait for her to pull the feathers and then just W. Engage at level 3.”
LionelOCE says “Kalista can use her hops to dodge feathers and avoid Xayah's E root. Also Xayah ulti is quite impractical against Kalista because it does not get rid of the rend stacks.”
Banana Pirate says “Wait for Xayah to use abilities and you can rush her and it wont be a problem. Don't go in front of her feathers; if she roots you it wont be hard for her to burst. She can block your R with her R so try to time it where you use R after her. ”
LionelOCE says “If you space well in this matchup and avoid feathers, you can make life uncomfortable for Xayah. Starting in lane will give you a good advantage, making sure to position well at level 1.”
Sanz_Moonshidder says “Almost Minor. If she is with Rakan she is a Major. Most of the time your guns will out damage her feathers provided you don't let her stun you.”
KnobHobbler says “If you can dodge her passive and Q you will be fine.
Take sustain runes if you can't dodge.
You should win 1v1.
Try to play around her feathers as 3 will root you.
Immobile so keep wave in middle or pushed into you.”
franksterzz says “Once again, a skill matchup. You can beat her due to her low range but be careful how you play around her feathers. She is significantly stronger when paired with an enchanter and especially Rakan since her W can proc off of him and deal massive damage even in the early game. She also scales as hard as you and she has a safety net within her ultimate so be mindful.”
NotAragami says “Same as Rakan, she need her partner. Be mindful of her feathers as it doubles as poke and CC. Not exactly dangerous as her DPS is just average.”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Poke/Short Trades] Xayah can poke and take short trades well. Xayah plays around her feathers, so you NEED to move away from them. Also make sure to ult her only when she's stunned or doesn't have (R).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep a constant eye on her Feathers and avoid standing in front of them. This will reduce her ability to burst you down and trade with her Bladecaller(E). Xayah is rather weak in the early game. Try to abuse her as much as possible to get an early advantage. With low range, she can easily be poked down and harassed. Avoid committing for extended trades with Xayah unless you have an advantage. Thanks to her E and Deadly Plumage(W), she wins extended trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep a constant eye on her Feathers and avoid standing in front of them. This will reduce her ability to burst you down and trade with her Bladecaller(E). Xayah is rather weak in the early game. Try to abuse her as much as possible to get an early advantage. With low range, she can easily be poked down and harassed. Avoid committing for extended trades with Xayah unless you have an advantage. Thanks to her E and Deadly Plumage(W), she wins extended trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep a constant eye on her Feathers and avoid standing in front of them. This will reduce her ability to burst you down and trade with her Bladecaller(E). Xayah is rather weak in the early game. Try to abuse her as much as possible to get an early advantage. With low range, she can easily be poked down and harassed. Avoid committing for extended trades with Xayah unless you have an advantage. Thanks to her E and Deadly Plumage(W), she wins extended trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep a constant eye on her Feathers and avoid standing in front of them. This will reduce her ability to burst you down and trade with her Bladecaller(E). Xayah is rather weak in the early game. Try to abuse her as much as possible to get an early advantage. With low range, she can easily be poked down and harassed. Avoid committing for extended trades with Xayah unless you have an advantage. Thanks to her E and Deadly Plumage(W), she wins extended trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep a constant eye on her Feathers and avoid standing in front of them. This will reduce her ability to burst you down and trade with her Bladecaller(E). Xayah is rather weak in the early game. Try to abuse her as much as possible to get an early advantage. With low range, she can easily be poked down and harassed. Avoid committing for extended trades with Xayah unless you have an advantage. Thanks to her E and Deadly Plumage(W), she wins extended trades.”
Amberdragon says “The worst matchup you can get for Nilah is, in my opinion, Xayah. She can easily kite you and counter your engage with her E and R. Getting behind her with your E is hard and even if you do manage it she still has Galeforce (usually). What you can do is punish her when she uses her W and E on the minion wave (before 6), and before going all-in try to bait her R. If you can't bait her R, hold on to yours until she uses it. I suggest you ALWAYS have either Flash or Exhaust up (preferably Flash) before trying to kill her in lane. Building Galeforce can greatly help you reposition, kite and avoid her E. Cleanse is also really good if she has a CC support but for Xayah herself Exhaust will be better.”
Kronaa says “Crazy counter in my experience, her main damage isn't really coming from her autos, so you can only W so much and pray her E doesn't give you a colonoscopy. Her R will put you down like the dead dog you are. Luckily, your R is on a much shorter CD, but still, the self peel this champ has does not scream "good for Nilah". ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep a constant eye on her Feathers and avoid standing in front of them. This will reduce her ability to burst you down and trade with her Bladecaller(E). Xayah is rather weak in the early game. Try to abuse her as much as possible to get an early advantage. With low range, she can easily be poked down and harassed. Avoid committing for extended trades with Xayah unless you have an advantage. Thanks to her E and Deadly Plumage(W), she wins extended trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep a constant eye on her Feathers and avoid standing in front of them. This will reduce her ability to burst you down and trade with her Bladecaller(E). Xayah is rather weak in the early game. Try to abuse her as much as possible to get an early advantage. With low range, she can easily be poked down and harassed. Avoid committing for extended trades with Xayah unless you have an advantage. Thanks to her E and Deadly Plumage(W), she wins extended trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep a constant eye on her Feathers and avoid standing in front of them. This will reduce her ability to burst you down and trade with her Bladecaller(E). Xayah is rather weak in the early game. Try to abuse her as much as possible to get an early advantage. With low range, she can easily be poked down and harassed. Avoid committing for extended trades with Xayah unless you have an advantage. Thanks to her E and Deadly Plumage(W), she wins extended trades.”
Grondvreter says “Not tested yet. Her poke can make the lane feel useless, but you should win most fights if she doesn't root you or poke you low beforehand.”
m1NEEX says “Since her W+Q trading got nerfed, Xayah wasn't really a threat to Jinx, you scale better and she can't really kill you early unless you misplay hard. She is very hard to punish thanks to her ult, but you don't really need to do anything since you outscale her hard.”
2saif4u says “Try not to get hit by her E when she has lots of feathers and try to punish her as much as possible before she is level 6 as it will be more difficult to kill her when she is level 6+”
Amberdragon says “Xayah is a tougher matchup in lane, after 6 you start to 200-years her. You can easily kite around her feathers especially when your R is going. She is also very vulnerable to slows so use your W wisely. You can just run her down (kiting to the sides!). It is hard for her to time her R to avoid yours, but she can do it so be careful. Also be very careful if she has an engage supports. Consider running cleanse or exhaust.”
SrBroccoli says “Low mobility champs like Xayah will always be very easy to land Q and kill.
If she ults, just shield and ult to negate the root, then just kill her.”
Kitqsune says “Pretty even for Samira - outranges you heavily and will definitely kill if you dont block e. YOU HAVE TO DO THIS. If you don't she will chunk you and kill. Ulting while she does is a bad play and will get you killed as she'll e when you're ulting. Due to being unable to w during ult you *might* get caught out. Be wary of ult and e, simply!”
LewisTheRat says “Don't stand between her feathers and her. Try to E before / after she R and keep in mind she's untargetable during her ulti and will most likely recall her feathers so try to flash out of her E which brings all her feathers back to her or she'll root you and burst you, depending on the number of feathers she hits. You outscale, keep track of her feather during teamfights.”
Amberdragon says “You counter her E (the one ability her kit revolves around), you have better wave clear and more damage on your Q. If you block her E you take away most of her damage, but be careful of trading autos with her when her W is active.”
2saif4u says “Try not to get hit by her E when she has lots of feathers and try to punish her as much as possible before she is level 6 as it will be more difficult to kill her when she is level 6+”
Deathstroke5277 says “Her early game isn't good but she scales very well. Try to keep moving during fights so she doesn't stack up a bunch of feathers behind you because they will hurt.”
Demonsedge90 says “Just keep track of her movements and feather placements to avoid getting rooted by her ultimate and have it lead to you potentially dying. Xayah's ultimate can dodge our abilities (becoming untargetable), so try to bait her ultimate before you engage for the best results.”
Krilep says “This matchup is only ranked as a 4 because I am assuming they are playing Xayah AND Rakan. Their combo is insanely hard to play against since your range is low, Rakan will try to knock you up and you can dash out of it, but the SLIGHT chance you mess up the dash it's game over and once they hit 6 both of their ultimate's basically cancel yours.”
xXAhriXx69 says “Xayah can be a dangerous matchup since she her feather callback can deal a lot of damage and root you in place if not carefull so be sure to keep an eye out for how she places her feathers when laning and fighting.”
Valhalla Coach says “Her range is quite short, you can abuse her early but she will be stronger in 1v1/2v2 most of the game. If you can keep her at a distance she has very litttle kill threat on you. Always keep track of her Ult and Flash CD before teamfights. Also her DPS lategame can be devastating for your frontline”
Dazlirn says “Don't stand within her feathers for her E. It will do big damage and root you. Same goes for her ult.
She gets pretty annoying after hitting 6 since it's really hard to kill her.”
Sellsword says “Some folks have trouble vs her but I find her quite easy, Xayah has low range so you can outpoke her, and her Q is an easy ability to spellshield. Watch out to not get rooted by her feathers lying on the ground and try to not get into AA exchange trades with her because her W gives her AS and MS. ”
PancakeKittiwake says “She’ll most like just poke you down with q so just keep healing whenever you can and trade for souls without getting rooted and being hit by as few feathers as possible.”
Nom212 says “Don't take extended fights against Xayah if she has her W Deadly Plumage active because she will out-damage you. Shorter trades are more favorable for you. That way you deny her the opportunity to get a lot of feathers out. It also helps to move in a circular motion around her. That way you spread her feathers apart from one another which will limit the damage she can do with her E Bladecaller. In general, you don't want to stand between Xayah and her feathers. If she uses her R Featherstorm don't try to get her when she comes down. You might run into a storm of feathers, literally.”
Amberdragon says “Skill matchup. In lane the matchup is more Xayah-favoured, in the late game you have the upper hand slightly if she doesn't get fed. If she has a support with reliable CC she is a major threat to you. You can reposition away from her feathers, but getting on top of her can be really risky. Even if you postion behind her she can Flash+E. When running her down aways kite to the sides. If she misses her E you can quickly burst her if she doesn't have her R or Flash. Avoid trading with her while her W is active, as it does additional damage and helps her kite. Once it is down you can all-in her as long as you also avoid her E as much as possible.”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ She’s a mid game powerspike ADC with a lot of self-peel and snare tools. Xayah isn't as popular as she used to be, but she’s still good at every point of the game.
◉ Playing against Xayah in lane is all about paying attention to her feather mechanics. Don’t get too close or she’ll instantly snare you with her [[Double Daggers]] and [[Bladecaller]] combo.
◉ If you keep your distance then you should be able to consistently poke her with your rockets while she struggles to catch you with her feathers!
◉ Xayah’s ultimate [[Featherstorm]] makes her invulnerable for 1.5 seconds so if you ever get her low and you want to finish her off with [[Super Mega Death Rocket!]] then keep in mind she can dodge it very easily!
◉ Win condition: Use your long range to bully her and beat her in lane. Be constantly aware of the feathers so she doesn’t catch you. You win this lane match-up and also outscale her so be confident!
Breathly says “Xayah is currently a even threat for Jinx because of her self peeling and Q poke. The lane is very hard for jinx, but you should be able to out scale her unless you walk in her feathers for no reason.”
OneRandomADCGuider says “Her damage is too high for you. Watch out for the feathers on the ground. Try to not stay solo fight her because she can R when u R and then she gets a free e aswell. Fight her when she uses her feathers.”
Amberdragon says “Don't get poked by her Q and kite to the side in order to avoid her feathers. Remember she can turn any engage to her advantage with her ult so watch out. When she is on cooldown or isolated she is pretty vulnerable though.”
Vixylafoen says “Extra powerful poke and her R will counter you and position her to kill you extra quickly and safely. Bait the R and avoid the E as much as you possibly can. If you pull off the dodges, she can be killed easily.”
LegendaryOstrich says “This matchup is only ranked as a 4 because I am assuming they are playing Xayah AND Rakan. Their combo is insanely hard to play against since your range is low, Rakan will try to knock you up and you can dash out of it, but the SLIGHT chance you mess up the dash it's game over and once they hit 6 both of their ultimate's basically cancel yours.”
koog says “Xayah has issues with dealing with pretty much all of your guns. The only thing she can do is constantly shove you under tower and zone you with feathers. Try to pressure her without being between her and her feathers. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Pay close attention to her feather placement and it's a fairly easy lane. She has some counterplay by ulting to get away or to place feathers around you if you ult first, so just don't do that. Autos and your Q are all you need to take her down. ”
Urason says “Honestly, I wanted to put this in the Minor category just because of how bad Xayah is at the moment (for most players). This match up is all about you blocking her feathers with your W. Don't forget your W timing got nerfed so be sure to time it right! Pre 6 you're extremely dangerous to her. Afterwards, you can still engage on her but be sure to escape her ult feathers after. Which by the way, it's a really long cooldown. You're Samira, just take her on extra hard when her ult is down! ”
LostFishEU says “Xayah can pull out some insane burst with her feathers E. As a Vayne player, you need to make sure to use your passive movement speed bonus and tumble out of the feathers range. As long as you are away from the feathers you should not have a big issue, but Xayah can indeed make your health bar go from 60% to 0% with her feathers.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Another fairly favorable matchup for Ezreal. You can Arcane Shift away from her ult or if she's intentionally laying down a bunch of feathers. A relatively short ranged champ that you can Q. ”
ELOSANTA says “This match up is not as complicated as it may seem. All you really got to do is watch out for her feathers while laning, you can also dodge them with your (E). Once you dodged it she should be an easy kill.”
Reizerr says “I'm not very sure, but any carry that can escape of you it's a threat, if you don't get feed or ahead of the enemy team, you are useless, just like another carry haha.”
Coldsong says “Xayah is easy for Samira, however it is easy to mess up if you do not play it correctly. Pre level 6, make sure to harass her and bait out her E for all ins. Post 6, MAKE SURE her R is down before you engage or else you will lose the fight every time.”
Simon Uchinora says “Xayah has a constantly poke, by his Q, and she gains Attack speed when she activates her W, against her you don't have anything to do, because if you to towards her, she will try to stuns you with E,if she miss the stun she will have the ultimate, you have to try to avoid her stun or burst her without let her uses her ultimate, it's a little difficult but possible.
Unfortunately the lane phase agains xayah is a little bit of boring.”
Gokinaf says “I change my mind, most of times when that sheet picked i lose, with Rakan stay more harder, have control, can escape your ult with her ult, have more range than you, fak this sheet”
Rihh says “When paired with Rakan this matchup can be very oppressive and you will have to give up certain things in lane. If she is paired with this support, be aware as they have kill threat from level 1. With other supports this matchup should be fine as long as you pay attention to her feather placement.”
Melyn says “She has fairly long range with her abilities. Always pay attention to her feathers and do not force too hard when she is level 6 as she can ultimate away.”
Chaeha says “Xayah is notorious with Kai'sa as they were the most played ADC's in season 9 and were infamous for the Kai'Sa/Xayah meta. Both champions will be looking to scale and play according to the supports.”
Penguto says “You can beat her down easy but she can dodge your R with hers. make sure to stay behind her feathers and not get rooted. If she is paired with rakan she is a Major threat, because then you cant ult anyone :D”
R3Veal says “3 feathers and you are rooted. 1vs1's with her don't make sense so don't even try to do it. While fighting with Xayah kite and don't stand still in one place same with ultimate as she can instantly root you with her E.”
SopTop says “If she's with Rakan, boosted up to major. But without, she just pops like a balloon with her 0 mobility. Just remember not to sit in the feathers!”
yers says “Compared to other ADCs, her skills can be easily dodged. Squishy and quite lackey in damage early, you can easily whittle her down level 2 and kill her level 3. She will be slightly harder to kill if she can successfully proc ult, avoiding all your burst.”
cakiens says “most of her damage comes from using her e to recall her feathers and your q cant block that.
she will shred you with her e since you are a squishy rat.”
Inoriboob says “Champion is rarely pick now but is very easy to play against abuse garbage early game and try to punish as much as possible. Late game is decent but she will be annoying.”
HyroPyro says “Xayah really has no kill pressure and much less damage than Kai'Sa so gaining priority in lane is not hard. Be careful when she has multiple feathers down, her Bladecaller (E) can root you if there are three feathers down and can deal massive damage if many feathers hit you. Also be aware of the Bladecaller (E) Flash mechanic, where Xayah recalls the feathers and flashes in behind you to land all the feathers.”
im_zeno says “Putting her in even since her support can really change how good she can be against Yasuo, she is a non-mobility adc however. Play safe till level 2-3 depending on your support, throw your wind wall backwards while trading with her so that she can't do damage with her E. Post lvl 6 save E Q till she uses her ult, it's the only ability that makes her untargetable. If she has a Rakan support then fight with a minion wave to dodge his W with your E. Can buy QSS if Rakan's ult cc gets annoying.”
snowcard says “I would put her in Tiny if not for the stupid "bug" that happens with Xayah's root and Sivir's E. Blocking Xayah's E is nearly impossible, since the game treats every "feather" of Xayah's as a spell. So if she pulls the feathers out from under you, it WILL root you even if you "block" it (you'll block the damage of her E, not the root). Xayah is immobile and her attack range is tiny so you'll be able to beat her. You also get a free Q if you time her coming out of her ult.
What you can block: Q, E damage, R initial damage. ”
Tiilisk1v1 says “Camp bushes but play safe. Upgrade blinding dart first and buy spellthiefs. Make sure she doesn't have much leavs to get not rooted immediately.”
m0rfeazz says “really annoying to play against her,watch out the feathers as you will get stunned and yeah thats all you can easily beat her if you play smart”
Trieuloo says “Unlike the other hyper carry adcs xayah has potential to outplay veigar as his ulti can go through the cage. But this still does not make it very playable into veigar because he can zone xayah off from autoing and that causes less feathers to deal with over teamfights. ”
Alvatorz says “Xayah might be harded now that she has her lethality build, she has been more dangerous than before, even crit, care with this girl ! Respect her feathers a lot and keep an eye on it!”
MiningRicK says “So with Rakan she is probably an Major matchup because of the perfect synergy of both. Without Rakan she isn‘t That Good and an Even or Minor matchup.”
FunkyBeagle says “Xayah is definitely a rough lane for Kai'Sa. You guys share the same auto attack range but she has her W which amps her damage and attack speed overall. While trading autos, she puts feathers behind you, up until 6, you dont have a guaranteed way to dodge her feathers. Be careful and look to dodge her Q poke.”
APC Ziggs says “Nobody plays her, but she is a good enemy with a lot of wave clear late game which denies a lot of your pushing power. No dashes , pre 6 its free lane.”
lenithebot says “You can play aggressive in lane although be careful not to get caught out of position with her three feather root. She out scales you a little it but not too much. Take advantage of your lane and you should be good.”
KoZee says “The best way to deal with Xayah is to bait her W that gives her a stat advantage and then punish the cooldown. Additionally, you need to be aware of the locations of her feathers, as a lot of her burst can come from those, so you need to kite around and not chase when she has a bunch behind you. She also has invulnerability, so make sure you save your burst until she uses it unless you have no option, which in case you can use it but there is a chance she will dodge it. This is especially true with your Q, as charging it while she is low will give her a lot of time to react with her ultimate.”
Delta eGirl says “The feathers will make it so it's very hard to position against her, especially since she does very well into people who jump on her face.”
Moodkaps says “For Xayah poke safe distance, and try to all in Xayah can poke much better than you can. Xayah has no mobility so if you all in with a basic combo she might be dead or recalling.”
ooftheiii says “DODGE. In all serious though, she's pretty squishy, bursting her down to a recall should be easy. Her E has a long cooldown and can stun if 3 feathers connect. Stay behind/to the side of her feathers and wait for her to use it, then go in for the attack.DODGE. In all serious though, she's pretty squishy, bursting her down to a recall should be easy. Her E has a long cooldown and can stun if 3 feathers connect. Stay behind/to the side of her feathers and wait for her to use it, then go in for the attack. ”
kingamazin says “Xayah is another easy matchup for jinx. Abuse her low auto range by poking her with rockets in lane. Avoid getting lined up by her feathers as they pass through the minion wave. Stay vigilant about where her feathers are to avoid getting rooted. ”
Bluestrat says “Xayah is the most popular counter against Kai'sa.
Reason for this is her strong 1v1 potential, her CC against our Ulti, her strong short trades and her strong burst damage.
Only with an advantage + Q-EVOLVE, and if Xayah has NO Ulti, we are able to defeat her in a 1v1 fight. ”
Bluestrat says “Xayah ist der bekannteste Counter gegen Kai'sa.
Grund dafür ist ihr starkes 1v1 Potential, ihr CC gegen unsere Ulti, ihre starken kurzen Trades und ihren starken Burst Schaden.
Nur mit einem Vorteil + Q-EVOLVE, und wenn Xayah KEINE Ulti besitzt, sind wir in der Lage, sie in einem 1v1 Kampf zu besiegen. ”
ctm20141 says “This matchup should be pretty easy.
If you can bait her W you will have a HUGE window to punish her!
Your lv 6 is much stronger.
If you can Condemn her you will always win 1v1s. If you can't you WILL lose: her W gives too much ATK speed and in general her crits will shred you very fast!
She comes online much later into the game, so abuse that! In teamfight you are pretty even with Xayah damage wise; you have a slight advantage vs tanks though.”
TvojeMomJeGoiCam says “She wants to stack feathers behind you and then root you with E. Decent if paired with Rakan. Otherwise no threat for our Sheriff. ”
Remmacs1 says “Aphelios only loses this match up if he gets by a large amount of Feathers from Xayah ultimate. So long as you're smart about the way you fight her you win this match up everytime.”
McNugglz says “Lets be honest, when is the last time you've actually seen a good Xayah player?, Let alone Xayah at all. She isnt that hard to beat, she will try to poke you with her feathers and root you for follow up. Wait for her to use her R before using yours as she will dodge it.”
Cliper says “Her feathers have Long range keep moving in lane to avoid getting hit try to stay on the side of minions that way she can't damage them with her feathers. Do not jump in if she has a lot of feathers on the field”
Dank672 says “With rakan she can impose all-ins but without you are free to poke her out and snowball an early cs lead. Just make sure not to step infront of 3 feathers as it usually spells doom for you.”
DSpinz says “She can match your wave clear, so most of the time the wave stays in the middle of lane. She doesnt pose that much of a threat but if you get ccd she can get you pretty low, so be mindful.”
Ineffabilem says “Has much more attack speed so trades are usually in her favor, especially with her stun. Rapid Firecannon or Edge of Night to counter. Easy to kill in late game.”
Profesor APH. says “she can counter your r by her r she have cc i(f shes playing rakan check threat about rakan) but she dont have dash if she use her r you can easilly kill her”
EvoNinja7 says “She has barely any poke, bad all-ins and her ultimate is easy to dodge. She can stun you if she has 3 feathers behind you, which is easy to dodge as well. Poke her out since you can bully her at any stage in the game.”
BluMistah says “Try to kill her before she gets to lvl 6. she can always use her ult as an escape button from your all in but she is generally bit weaker than you.”
Ledeni123 says “Avoid feathers because of her e and you got this if she is with blitz then you can be in problem feathers make you move out of creep shield then you are exposed”
ApheliosMain62 says “If she stuns you with her E, my friend, you are dead, try to make her impossible to do anything, make her farm under the tower and you should be fine, but her R is really dangerous.”
DddyAwsmSauce says “Her ult can dodge yours so make sure to wait it out or she is hard CC'd. You can also dodge her ult too. Just re-position yourself so 1) you won't get hit by feathers and 2) you're not standing between Xayah and feathers.”
Ultrama says “Xayah it's a very dangerous opponent ESPECIALLY WITH RAKAN. Be careful with her feathers. If she is smart, she will save her Ult to dodge your R.”
Bouhhsolene says “You outrange her really hard, she can't do that much. Kite her and take trades early if you're adc is good early. You should always win.”
SweatMeALake says “Xayah has a strong early game trading combo. She is often paired with an aggressive support or Rakan. In this lane you have to play a bit more safe, if you are ever hit with a CC, Xayah will use her Q AA E combo to root you and do damage. Also later in the game she has the choice to use Ultimate to either dodge yours or be aggressive. ”
ShroudedBRH says “Xayah has shorter range compared to Ashe and requires time to setup her feathers for maximum damage. You can fight her when her W is on cool down and avoid standing in a line between her and her feathers”
Camelorry says “As of right now I don't know if you can block Xayah's e with your w. If that were the case then she'd be a lower threat, but since I don't know I think you should respect the high dmg that comes with her passive + e combo. She is pretty immobile though, and her ult is easy to play around.”
StriveHD79 says “Main thing to remember are feathers, 3 feathers behind you and she can retract them to root you in place. She also has an attack speed steroid so avoid fighting her when it is activated. She can also Q to generate two feathers immediately plus an autoattack which makes 3 feathers to look for an instant root.”
StriveHD79 says “You can keep using the W + auto attack trade pattern against her, main thing to remember is feathers, 3 feathers behind you and she can retract them to root you in place.”
StriveHD79 says “Remember, 3 feathers = a root. Avoid standing behind her feathers when possible. Her W is an attack speed steroid, so if you ever see that being used avoid fighting her and if it is on cooldown play aggressively against her, you can straight up walk up and kill her if she wasted both her W and E ability ( when she retracts all her feathers ).”
StriveHD79 says “Main thing to remember are feathers, 3 feathers behind you and she can retract them to root you in place. She also has an attack speed steroid so avoid fighting her when it is activated. She can also Q to generate two feathers immediately plus an autoattack which makes 3 feathers to look for an instant root. At 3 items + you will outscale her.”
StriveHD79 says “Main thing to remember are feathers, 3 feathers behind you and she can retract them to root you in place. She also has an attack speed steroid so avoid fighting her when it is activated. She can also Q to generate two feathers immediately plus an autoattack which makes 3 feathers to look for an instant root. You win early but she outscale after 3 items.”
StriveHD79 says “Main thing to watch out for is her feathers, save your spellshield (E) for her feathers and you will be fine. She does have very high DPS when her W is active so when it is down, you can look for a trade/all-in. 3 Feathers = a root.”
StriveHD79 says “Main thing to remember are feathers, 3 feathers behind you and she can retract them to root you in place. She also has an attack speed steroid so avoid fighting her when it is activated. She can also Q to generate two feathers immediately plus an autoattack which makes 3 feathers to look for an instant root.”
snukumz says “She has long range and her feathers can root you.
She does have a speed up ability that can make landing your skillshots difficult.
Her ultimate makes landing skillshots and damage very difficult.
Terrific says “I put her in Even only because she's so safe. You most likely win if you dodge her E and don't get snared.
She does out-scale you like most ADC's in the game.”
xSEASeahawks12 says “Xayah doesn't really excel at any point of the game, so this match up isn't all too difficult. If you can, avoid using Fate's Call until after she ults so she has no means of dodging the knock up. Additionally, the moment feathers start to stack up behind you, utilize Martial Poise to jump to the sides and dodge her main form of damage and CC. Keep in mind that all feathers return to her in a cone-like shape and hop accordingly.”
TwentyOneShadows says “It's easy to win this matchup, it all depends on which support is in the enemy team. Try to poke her out of the lane since she has no backfire to your Q and W spam.”
appadong says “Her feathers are so much problem, since when you don't have range, a wrong step could immediately result in xayah e stun and death. Most often, it's inability to really get a kill on xayah early lane phase, and then xayah's ability to trounce your teammates late game that just makes her a threat. ”
MayeLeven says “She can poke you with her Q, especially when she pull back her feathers with her E. You should avoid trying to trade with her below level 6. After level 6 she will be strong, but if you makes her press her R you can kill her with your R. Try to avoid standing still when there are feathers behind you.”
Midorima says “Always. Has. Push.
To win this match up: you literally can't eat her E snare, if tumbling properly, you can dodge it everytime and chase her down. Preferably, go in when she doesn't have W either.”
Deathfeather says “She runs out of mana fast, but respect the feathers. they do damage, but you can easily all in her when her stuff is on cd or shes oom.”
mrPERISH says “Xayah can be a tough opponent to deal with. She can zone you off of minions with her feathers and her ult gives her some nice plays against you.”
Holidayuniverse says “Xayah is good versus Senna (especially with Rakan support). She has burst with W, if she stacks feathers she can root Senna and has invulnerability with her R to dodge some Senna damage or CC.”
ZERO Destructo says “I don't really have that much games against Xayah, but she's pretty strong. She has mobility, stun, a great amount of damage, and her ultimate that can save her litteraly from everything. Try to play with support that has a lot of CC, and avoid being in front of her feathers since she will stun you if there are more than 3.”
ReallyBoring says “This champion has many strengths, but you can easily abuse her lack of power without W/E, wait for a hook. If she is with Rakan be ready for Rakan knockup. If you are a smurf you can actually E Rakans knockup and cancel it. Watch for the amount of feathers behind you as 3 means a root.”
Alchemisting says “carefull in early game u can E her to not get rooted but this matchup can be very hard especcally if they also have a rakan support just try to w8 for rakan to enage with this w and use ur w to get out of range.”
Eccentricks says “Unless she is with her Bird senpai, Xayah wont do much. Just look at where her feathers are relative to you. I recomend if you have trouble, play Xayah once or twice if she is in rotation or if you own her just to get a feel of where the feathers do their damage and CC. Also, watch for poke. Both hers, and oppertunity to do some of your own, as she may die from it with her low health pool.”
Deathfeather says “She got some nerfs, but fucker can still fly all over u if she plays it right, mind the feathers, stand in front of those and u get rooted.”
Laverenz says “Play passive and farm up. Her feathers can be a threat to you, so try not to stand in line of her and her feathers, as they will deal a lot of damage, and have the ability to root you. Xayah is a hard champion to kill, because of her ultimate. Even with the help of your jungler, she can still just Ult and recall her feathers, binding anything in her path. ”
haloboleon says “Any ADC who can outscale you is a bit of a struggle to deal with. I suggest not playing Senna into these matchups or going full lethality items (Duskblade, Youmuus etc.) and skipping manamune to try and pressure them in lane as you will have zero chance in beating them late.”
MewlingRavenPaw says “Similar to kog'maw just a bit more deadly. Try and bait out her W then look to engage when it's down. Be vigilant and watch her feathers as to not eat a root and lose an early trade as she will be vicious if given the chance. Her major threat is in her safety and ability to deny you the right to get a lead so don't fear the idea of getting her low then pinging for dragon taking other objectives around the map to build an item lead. If she wastes ult immediately dive her under tower, kill her, and ult your support to drop tower aggro once she's dead. ”
minepro221 says “This is a skilled matchup that is slightly in your favor. If you can dodge her feather, you win. If you get hit by the feather, you lose. Avoid them at all cost. In all in fights, don't be stingy with your flash. Flash the feather if you have to. At level 6, freeze and look for all ins. as long as you use r to dodge her feathers, you are good to go. In teamfights, you should not chase into her feathers. Instead, ult behind her and see what she can do.”
Eucalyptus says “Just a better champ. If you're a better player you can kill her easily but that's like saying a good teemo is better than a bad teemo. It's fucking obvious. Try and avoid letting her scale if she has a strong teamfight comp, and skirmish as much as possible to draw her out of lane.”
Lincoln878 says “She is THE counter pick to Kai'Sa, in the competitive stage, Xayah is usually used as a counter to Kai'Sa, as her E limits Kai'Sa so much and prevents her from ulting.”
The Jhin Cena says “Not too scary, just avoid standing in front of her feathers since she can root you down with them and possibly try to kill you. Sometimes her ult can be annoying since she can dodge one of your shots with it, but since Jhin has 4 shots to fire, most of the time this shouldn't be much of an issue.”
Ni14 says “You should almost never trade autos with Xayah if her w is up. Always look to poke her with q then all in when she's low. Pre 6 she has no mobility spell so if she's low just dodge her e and you should be able to kill with your support. ”
Zervax says “Xayah with Rakan is kinda op imo as it makes her one weakness (her early game) completely negated, if not one of her strengths. Don't let the enemy team get this combo.”
dravenfizz says “Pretty easy matchup unless she's with a rakan then you might as well FF15.
Just kite in a certain direction so she can't pull back her feathers on you and poke her with Q most of the time.”
IPodPulse says “Always be aware of where her feathers are placed, if she recalls them and you get snared, you can be in a position to die. She can dodge chain of corruption with her ultimate, so either wait for her to use her ultimate or you can be risky and try to catch her out with chain of corruption before she has a chance to react.
When paired with Rakan, her threat level becomes a 4”
Righteous Maniac says “Does a lot of damage and has CC and is better than you early and late. So try and shut her down midgame. Watch where her feathers are and don't walk into them. All ins after 6 are risky due to her ult.”
Potato95x says “She's mainly AD, so build some armor and life. If they pick her, consider changing Life for Armor on the rune. She'll probably focus on her E (Bladecaller), so consider building some tenacity as well (items and rune). Look out for her Ult, she'll use to avoid yours or to put a lot of feathers behind you. Run from there the moment she starts her Ult or you are as good as dead.”
GORE Klabok says “Xayah uhm.. shes pretty weak on Crowd control / slow and even escape at least she have a ult but still not a hard matchup for kalista. as long you dont get in feather range, you can't lose this fight. Shes only getting efficient at 100% with rakan.(W) upon cast give rakan same effect, also give rakan double dash Range & fast recall time. still a weak Threat level even with rakan i Should say, unless they land (Q) (W) & (E) on kalista togheter and fast enought , they still can't engaging 2v2. only care about when you dive xayah /rakan. they made for tower Hugging . anyone who read this , almost wrote a whole biography for each Champion you might encounter in bot lane that represente a descent threat level. So READ my Guid carefully made with love. ”
SimbaADC says “Xayah's threat level to Caitlyn is completely dependent on her support. Since she doesnt have any way to engage on Cait, she will lose every trade since Cait can just E-Q-Auto her. When Xayah is coupled up with Rakan, however, she becomes a major threat where you MUST dodge Rakan W with your E, otherwise you will die. You must try to get a lead before Xayah gets her Essence Reaver otherwise she can clear every minion wave without worrying about mana.”
4Inters1Lucian says “If the enemy team has both Xayah and Rakan, dodge. Their combo is too insane for you to outvalue in solo queue, especially alone.”
IsseiDxD1 says “Xayah R can not only make your R and other abilities miss, but she also can root you. if hse is with rakan look to CC her before using R”
The Jhin Cena says “Early game, her poke will make you wanna rip your eyes out but don't worry, at level 6 you should have an easier lane against her. However if she's a good Xayah with quick reflexes, she can possibly dodge your R with her's, so try and ambush her from the bush opening with R. Even if your R hits, I am pretty sure she can dodge the chomp using her R, and she can still dodge your E with her R which kind of nullify's your combo a bit. So basically when facing a Xayah, try and get rid of her R before a fight and you should be fine.”
SlashLion says “Personally i have never had issues with a Xayah. I have always dominated the lane when against Xayah. This does NOT mean that she is useless against Jhin. If she gets fed she can be a monster, avoid her feathers in lane as 3 hitting you when she pulls them back will root you, allowing her to deal a lot more damage very quickly. For the most part you will lose 1v1's against her unless she is fairly behind. This lane can be easy or extremely difficult”
InfernalFox says “Major threat. Attack speed counters Jhin. Don't even think of a 1v1 with her. Watch her feathers in lane and move around, don't stay in one place. Sometimes you will have to flash her R because she can engage with that and root you and take half of your healthbar. Wait for your Rapidfire range boost.”
MallisTheGreat says “She can dodge most of your combo with her ult. Let her make the first move, try to dodge as much as you can, then start counterattacking.”
MallisTheGreat says “Xayah can burst you down, root you while trying to escape, and dodge every skillshot with her ultimate. Engage her early game while she is around half-hp and bring your jungler to botlane often.”
Dayum Draven says “Xayah shouldn't be too much of a threat. You need to stay mobile, which Draven usually is. Try to place your axes as far away as possible from her feathers you should be safe.”
Shacolada says “Xayah is very squishy like most ADCs, and is relatively easy to focus in teamfights. Don't waste abilities while she is ulting, and dodge her feathers; she can stun if she collects three feathers.”
Gun God Mike says “Lane against xayah is dangerous when she build 100% critical hit chane and boots you with her e,so you should focus she in lane and in teamfights.”
jster131 says “The fact that she can poke you while also farming makes her a threat. If she is with her butt buddy Rakan, glhf because its gonna be a long game.”
xTheUnlimited says “Strong / Bully laning face. You have no dash to dodge her feathers which is pretty bad and she can dodge your ult with hers. Really hard machtup. You can make use of your good range here again. ”
xTheUnlimited says “You can dodge her main Damage spell, her E, with your E so you should be save from that. She still has a strong all in Damage and can be a threat in late game if she gets well through the lane. ”
Ch33syB0y8 says “When paired with Rakan, Xayah can have good engage so be aware. If Xayah is not with Rakan however, Xayah can't do much before level 2 so you need to get an advantage level 1.”
qasddsa says “Very strong damage early game and late game. Her feathers can deal a surprising amount of damage, even at rank 1, so be careful about standing in a spot where you'll get hit by them. As long as you dodge her feathers, you can poke her down with Zap! If Rakan is paired with her, you need to be extra careful about his long-range engage. Since she can ult your ult, I don't recommend ulting for the kill unless she already used it. ”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, you might think her e is hard to predict, but you're absolutely wrong. also you outdamage her and spank her in lane and out. especially out, you can chase her down SOOOO easy cuz the time ur spell shield is up is more than enough for u to kill this foxy feathered fuc-”
undeadsoldiers says “Xayah covers 150 range when she R, MF R covers between 5 and 10 times that distance. if she is in the center she doesn't get out of it, and that's not counting the fact that mf R can easily double that minimum radius if its aimed against a wall or something else, I've played that match-up it doesn't work the way you think it works. hell even champions like Lucian etc with a 450 range dash aren't guaranteed to get out of it.”
Savagerayne says “You can out damage her if you avoid feathers, don't use your ult until after she uses her then go behind her the instance she lands. ”
Hers Wolf says “Xayah is a really good laner against varus, her feathers do alot of damage and she can easily clear the wave or snare you for ganks, so stay aware”
3n3ida says “she is pretty hard to play against as miss fortune, because she pokes you with her feathers and can E anytime to root you and do a bunch of damage to you.”
Seigemaster035 says “Xayah is another easy match up, at all points shes worse than you, just make sure to be careful of her feather placement and all in when her ult is down. ”
Robin Banks says “If she has rakan, just becareful of his engage. Other than that this lane is a breeze for you since you can land Q's as well as klepto autos since your 550 range is higher than her 525. Just avoid her E at all costs. Rule to follow: If she's used her e, you can e in. Otherwise don't risk it”
LordZeta1313 says “can easily hit you through you minions and root you with her E, if she is with rakan then you must play EXTREMELY safe if you want to have any chance of winning the game ”
Nittwerp says “Xayah Outranges you and she can snare you with her E. Once you get snared, you basically lost the fight because it will deals 40% of your health and prevent you from kiting.
Try to fight Xayah when she has used her W and be sure to dodge her E and then you can easily fight her.”
TianDaMan says “Be cautious of where you position yourself with the feathers. 3 or more feathers ripped through you will lock you down and prevent you from moving. Trade with Xayah when her W is on cooldown.”
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