In the Jungle 50.64% Win Rate51% Pick RateElise In the Jungle Counters: 38 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Elise in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Bav Bros YT says “Has high burst and CC in addition to that she can get untargetable. To be able to face her you need to get magic resistance combined with tenacity and try to dodge her stun with Q.”
idontwannagoalone says “Better you i guess. all the same tricks but a lil better at everything, she only lacks camouflage. a good elise will always make the early game advantage real so you wont be able to 1v1 her, she also negates your charm with her spider e (the timing is just right) just to then drop on your face”
kittygore says “Since she can oneshot you try to oneshot her first. You can cleanse her stun if needed. You win almost every fight. If you jump on her wait with your combo since she has her E.”
chillhowl says “worst early game of the game, if Elise is good she won't stop invading you, play with yellow wards until 20m and buy considerable details of pink and ask for defensive wards in your jungle for your time. important to give cover dive to your botlane.”
EstarossaSAMA says “Her stun, E (Cocoon) is the biggest threat, dodging might give you a chance against her early, be very careful. Later on though, with form as long as she didn't get fed, you'll be fine with either form, dodge E with Q or R. She might buy a Zhonya's which will make it harder to kill her, but you'll still be able to chunk her. Sidenote, her early game snowball potential is huge, she can destroy all your lanes if you don't actively work on possible counter ganks, counter jungling and opposite side ganks.”
Bella Ciao says “Strong in good hands, useless in bad
Will out gank you, recommend starting on a buff to reach the lane she ganks faster
Consider awaken w on wolves if its in an elo where she invades
Le Korvo says “Jungle: Knowledge check matchup, if she uses her E in the wrong way you can probably kill her. Use your box and clone to counter her stun. Beware as she can reveal you invisible.”
UrPersonalGod says “Kinda depends on your elo.
I dont think shes a thing under dia but if you encounter her in rankes below that you can just respect early and outscale her.”
Jackiewawa says “Dark Seal back. She can invade level 3 or look to cheese gank/tower dive. Use your W to dodge her stun. You outscale hard, just try to be there for her dives and plays if you can, if you can’t then play opposite side of the map for resources.”
DoxxTheLeague says “a good elise will easily dodge your r and jump burst you build some mr and you will be fine you outscale and are stronger in teamfights.”
Ashu Primu says “Her spiderlings take away isolation. However, her clear is also slow and she falls off. Avoid her and outscale. Once you get Profane, you can destroy the spiderlings and if you avoid the stun, you completely beat her.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Elise: One of your biggest cunteres since she can jump away from all your spells and she also have cc to stop you from ulting..... HOW TO PLAY VS: Try to dodge her CC when running towards her.. You must insta stun her so she dont run away and do it only when you have someone in team who can oneshote her after CC..”
Neekster says “One of the slowest jungle clearers. You would always want to take advantage of her slow jungle clear, if she ganks level 2, do counterjungling until she is gapped. Dodge her Human [E]. She is always sure to be rooted for long from your [E] cause of her [R] passive that spawns a spiderling.”
Yomu says “This champ always has an out to you. She will human E you, if that misses she will spider E you. Her range forces you to make a move which sucks. She has better 3 camp gank potential. Play for cross mapping and teamfights.”
Elise has strong early game pressure and can invade your jungle easily. Ward your jungle entrances and communicate with your team for early skirmishes. Build early magic resistance like Mercury's Treads to mitigate her burst damage”
lurutin says “You don't know the hell if you didn't face this champion, she can cancel your W and burst you while you are in her cc, she becames untargetable for a while and sometimes you will not know where she will go after that and the worst of all: she is ranged. If she has red buff and you are before level 6, don't try to chase her cause she will kite you. I see a free kill if you avoid her cc, but don't trust on it.”
Maciejson says “When facing this champion, you can take trades as long as she doesn’t catch you with her cocoon. As Rhaast, you can 1v1 her with ease; melee champions have to come close, making it easier to hit your W if you're patient. If you’re playing Shadow Assassin (SA), avoid her cocoon or you’ll likely die. If you manage to dodge her cocoon, she’s killable. Try to ult before she uses Rappel at low HP, as your ult damage will still go through.”
huncho1v9 says “Easy/Annoying matchup. She has an invade window level 3 where she can kill you. Use your W to dodge her Q. You outscale hard, just try to be there for her dives and plays if you can, if you can’t then play opposite side of the map for resources.”
huncho1v9 says “- Medium/Hard matchup, unless you avoid early cheese/pressure. If you’re there for her early ganks/dives you can easily snowball and make her game unplayable. Elise is similar playstyle to graves/nidalee where she wants to perma invade you, but she isn’t as much of a threat because her cocoon is easily avoidable. Can Q stack on her spiderlings.”
Fyir says “You can kite her but if she is on you then you will die quickly unless you can burst her down quick. She can dodge your ult with Rappel but she is squishy.”
Mignognium says “Attention aux l'invaid, il ne faut pas la combattre seule à moins qu'elle fasse une erreur. Ne pas oublier son vilain [E{R}][Suspension] quand elle est sous forme d'araignée. Vous aurez besoin de toucher votre [Z] et votre [R] pour mettre assez de dégâts. Si elle prend de l'avance vous ne pourrez pas contester ces ganks, tenter de reprendre le contrôle de la map plutôt. ”
DjapeFromSerbia says “She can full clear, but probably will try to level 3 gank or even invade. You shouldn't be afraid of her invades considering your clear speed. But just try to warn your team about her early ganks.”
astral 1v9 says “can bully you early, turns game into chaos u can't do much against a good elise. if ur playing below masters its free win matchup, if ur playing in higher ranks its hard and feels like nidalee matchup. You lose any skirmish or fight pre 6 to this champ”
Velz says “Every AP champ is scary on briar if you want to survive them atleast build for them also whenever she goes up your blood frenzy will be stopped so time those perfectly”
HawkSP says “Elise can exert a lot of early game pressure and has versatile options for invades and ganks. She can dodge Ivern’s CC with her Rappel and commit to dives confidently. Counter her by anticipating her dives and providing vision to track her jungle pathing.”
X3mHills says “Focus on farming and counter-ganking in the early game to gain an advantage and outscale her in the late game. If the game doesn't go well initially, don't get discouraged, as you will eventually outscale her.”
oneshotudyr says “She can escape the one shot by stunning you in human form or jumping away in spider form. Other than that, you need to catch her off guard (no vision).”
Tortizzy says “This champion is rarely played but whenever you run into her you'll have a hard time, she can cc and then oneshot you - avoid 1v1's early on.”
YICARY says “jungler like elise or evelynn annoy yi, bc they have cc with following burst (same goes for midlane qiyana players EWW)... u have to avoid 1v1 and only take fights or objectives in jungle, if ur team is rdy to protect u from them. ”
Pro8l3m says “Great counter for kayn she can gank more than you and beat you 1v1 bc of her E better dont fight her and help other lanes or focus on objectives.”
jajkopajko says “I dont recommend fighting in isolation, she is strong and her small spiders block your q. If you ult she uses her w and she is away. Play for scaling and dont let her oneshot you.”
Daawwnn says “she can kill you and invade you from the very start of the game try to avoid her in early game as much as possible u can try counter ganking her if ur team has enough setup/cc”
loganrichards says “This champ always has an answer to you. She will human E you, if that misses she will spider E. Her range forces you to make a move which sucks. She has better 3 camp gank potential. Play for cross mapping and teamfights. You can Q her spiderlings to get a faster W2 if need be! ”
PI5S says “These five are especially dangerous because of their powerful early game invading. You are a free kill when you hit red buff against these guys -- ping your mid or support to come wait at red if you are playing against them.”
garbocan says “Very strong early game jungler who has a lot of options to punish Ivern with. Elise also doesn't mind getting her camps stolen as much as other junglers, so she's a lot harder to predict and countergank.
She also is much more difficult to countergank as she commits very late into her ganks (only vulnerable after she uses E). The best timing to counter her on is when she goes for dives, since keeping your teammate alive even a little bit longer makes a big difference. ”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Can easily disengage with her human E and spider E. There is also a high risk of you getting one shot due to her high burst damage.”
Valkidol says “You should beat her if she invades you, but your laners might get dove on repeat so look to deny her that advantage. You hard outscale.”
OakIgu says “She is very annoying but facing her is easy because of awakened E, she is sliperry tho and will run from you quite easily but beware of early invades on your first clear and you should be fine. Same for Ekko and Evelynn”
RedViper1308 says “You can block her Q in spider form. As long as you get your CC on her it´s easy to defeat her. She´s just a bit annoying with her stun and the spider form E.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Elise: One of your biggest cunteres since she can jump away from all your spells and she also have cc to stop you from ulting.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Try to dodge her CC when running towards her.. You must insta stun her so she dont run away and do it only when you have someone in team who can oneshote her after CC..”
layton20 says “Against a good elise, you will not be able to play the game. You do not have Q range to dodge her root. You do not win early without lane priority. Your only chance is to farm up, ping allies to prevent her from successfully ganking and play a waiting game until you are strong enough (i.e., bork).
If elise is very meta and played often in your elo, you should ban her. But in low elo, she is uncommon. Stick to a kha'zix ban.
You do not focus elise in a teamfight, she is nimble and will go untargettable. Focus the squishies and adc first.”
SYROBE says “Elise is a really hard matchup for Briar. Can completely dodge your ult with her Rappel in spider form, and cocoon Briar to stop you from berserking. Still needs the elise player to have good reaction times but honestly still in her favor just because of her Cocoon ”
Zero macro says “Briar has quite a hard time into Elise, due to Elise her fast burst trade pattern and crowd control. On top of this Elise can wait out Briar Berserking with her Rappel.
Briar has a stronger Jungle clear speed than Elise, however Briar should still aim to counter gank Elise her snowball pressure on the map —> Briar is allowed to do so, due to her stat check strength.”
Coccaa says “Her stun lasts really long so if you don't dodge it you will take lots of damage. Theres not really much you can pillar so just use it to create distance between you if you need to or pillar her directly if you need to catch up with her.”
MusicJG says “She out bursts you early game.
You outscale at 1 item, look to deny her dives/objectives and farm.
She will be useless at mid game if not fed.”
TheBougis says “Elise can somewhat counter you with her spiderlings as they can block your Q from hitting her denying you the heal and the damage from it. She has some damage scaling with current health (on her human form Q) and missing health (on her spider form Q), but it's nothing to worry about.”
EagleXs says “You can block Elise cocoon with your pack, but she can evade your W. Definitely a skill matchup, with whoever lands the punch first, wins.”
Turnupthetoaster says “Pretty simple matchup, just make sure you're hovering your lanes and invading every chance you get. If you play your cards correctly poor Elise won't be allowed to play the game.”
Zero macro says “Elise is known to be strong early/mid game. Nidalee can keep up with early game jungler, but however... Elise cocoon burst window combined with her human + spider combo is the perfect trade pattern into Nidalee engage combo. Nidalee has to be aware of Elise cocoon at all times and thereby dodge this or ranged poke a lot in order to win. Do not let Elise get ahead in this matchup.”
Zero macro says “Elise has a strong early game, which is hard to answer for Zed. Due to Zed preferring to make full clears due to his clear speed. In this matchup Zed has to try to prevent early presence from Elise, thereby skipping camps or gaining vision is recommended.
Be careful of Elise her Cocoon setup combined with following burst''(Prevent this with Zed W teleport preparation after Zed R). Elise Rappel is an insane counter to any burst combination or/and Zed R. It is recommended to fast burst Elise without R to remove Rappel.
Recommended to buy Maw of Malmortius.
metalhydra273 says “You win most 1v1s, but her pick potential and escape can give her the edge in some cases. Make your cc count vs her before she can hop out in spider form and put yourself in positions to run her down. She should have a hard time engaging onto you if you tread carefully. Stop the snowball early and there shouldn't be too much to worry about.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Elise é um caso aparte, uma elise que consiga controla o engage da Rell ganhará com certeza, porém, além disso, ela possui alto dano e com fácil escape dos engages da Rell também ”
Apari1010 says “YOU WILL NEVER WIN 1V1 EARLY SO DON'T TRY TO, EVEN WITH IGNITE! This matchup can be pretty annoying but only if she gets that early lead. Don't die (concede first drake if you have to), farm up and get form as quick as possible because once you have Blue form you just shit on her.”
shacolovesyou says “her early is strong and has nice ganks but she depends in hit her cocoon, if u dodge it she is vulnerable to counterganks so keep in mind she likes to dive sidelaners, also u can block his cocoon with a box”
BradJr says “Skill matchup. Pray that your team won't feed her early. You outscale her, so try to steal her camps, as she wont be near them (clone rating 5/10)”
VrNtv says “Just like Evelynn, Elise is a very strong champ if she snowballs. When playing against elise, be careful when you walk near bushes and check if you're seen in your stealth. It helps to tell you someone is in the bush, and if they have an elise watch for the cocoon.
zhock2014 says “This champion Elise is very scary for trundle because of her stun which can get you killed. She can also phase out and jumo on you and stun you which will be bad news for trundle because he can’t really get away from anybody with a stun.”
FaeBytez says “Elise has strong burst damage and can easily dodge Diana's Q with her Rappel. Diana needs to be careful when facing Elise and try to bait out her Rappel before engaging.”
ttvRegedice says “Make sure to cleanse or dodge her cacoon and buy mercs. If you can countergank or win a fight vs her early it's a free win. Rengar stores grey hp from past dmg to heal with empW for 1.5s, but her cacoon lvl1 lasts 1.6 seconds. Not being able to heal her entire burst can be a big deal especially if she's fed. However, dodge her cacoon and you'll be good.”
Borinn says “She is very strong early game and snowballs hard but you outscale her late game. Don't let her kill you in your jungle. If you dodge her cacoon you can fight her. Use your w after she is a spider as her little spiders helps you heal more.
You can go either AD or tank.”
Virizion says “Small learning curve for this matchup. If you spell shield her Cocoon she is done. The tether sticks onto her even if she uses Rappel to go up in the air and she will come down feared.”
BugZix says “Elise can make your life miserable through spiderlings removing isolation. She also can one-shot you if you get hit with her E. Buy a tiamat to help with the spiderlings”
King Nyash says “She can shut down your whole early game dont let her get ahead or she will burst you and your team
track her pathing and warn your teammates if you see her coming to a lane
look for counter ganks or opposite gank
and most importantly dodge her E (the stun)
also be careful of early invades
after form you win ”
Intropingman says “Strong early game when you are weak, high ap damage and long range stun which you have to avoid. She can snowball easily and probably you can't 2vs2 and 3vs3 vs her at any lanes so just try to track where she goes, she can also invade.”
tradtrad says “This is a skill matchup, but put her at 5 because she has all the tools to deal with you. 1v1's will be decided by whether you get your Q damage off on her and whether you dodge her cocoon. She has one of the best kits for high skilled junglers because she can do it all. Even the best Elise players however are slightly predictable by going for dives so check if your laners are diveable and show up beforehand. ”
Majd1 says “Elise has a really strong early game just like Nidalee. She can run around the map diving your teammates from level 3 so it is very important that you track her every movement on the map and countergank her. You can beat her in a duel if she misses her cocoon. If you get hit by her cocoon she will oneshot you.”
1Strike says “Bad matchup. She gets level 3 and goes to gank a lane. Your countergank isn't good vs her. You lose 1v1 early even if she misses coccoon and she brings way more to the 2v2's and 3v3's. Your best bet is to play safe early, outscale her. She isn't a extreme threat cause you do outscale.”
Narcissisticdude says “I have put Elise at minor, but know that the higher Elo you go the more Elise transitions into a Major/Extreme threat.
I really enjoy playing vs Elise as it's one the better skill matchups. Track her and you will win for free, forget where she is and get snowballed on.
Mechanical Tips:
1. W block or R her Human E so that she can't lock you down and one tap you.
2. Do not give her an escape with W in Spider Form.
3. You don't win extended fights, look for quick trades with your Q, then run away, it's hard for her to catch you without using her only escape.
Non-Mechanical Tips:
1. DO NOT let her dive your sidelaners for free --> Play on the same side of the map as her, and match her ganks, if her and her lane partner do not one shot you, you will win for free.
2. Elise is a very snowbally champion, you WILL outscale her, one of the rare matchups where you want to play more passively”
Eggo says “Elise is a strong early game champion that has good cc and burst which Ekko struggles against. She has a ton more early game agency and can win the game before ekko even has the chance to have an impact. You can't beat elise in a 1v1 early. You should either path away from her and and try to impact the other side of the map, or path to her and try to countergank or protect your laner(s) from a dive. Elise is great at diving even very early on and Elise players will dive your laners if given the chance. You can't simply powerfarm when playing against an elise. You have to try match her or trade on the other side of the map. ”
Dabgren says “Skill Matchup, if you learn how to hit q around the small spiders you will win this matchup earlier on, Ward-jump the Cocoon, get hexdrinker after goredrinker if double ap enemy team.”
Spookwr says “She is very good against you with her stun E spider form which makes her very mobile to catch up or escape from you. Also if you let her get feed early she can take over the game, so you have to try and counter gank and keep her on check.”
checca says “As Zac, Conqueror is a strong choice early game when fighting Elise. Focus on dodging her Cocoon and avoiding her skillshot burst. Be mindful of your E and her CC in order to gain an advantage. With some careful positioning and avoiding her burst damage, you should be able to win fights.”
lovicoaching says “One of you will hard win. If elise is 5/0 at 5 mins you probably lost. If she's not 5/0 at 5 mins you probably won. This champ either goes 1 kill per minute or does nothing vs you and you end up just outscaling. She can be a major or a minor threat based on lane matchups.
Don't die to invade, spam ping her ganks, if your laners live you free win, if they die you free lose.”
Moonkie says “Early-game junglers with a lot of gank potential can be counter ganked easily and Maokai typically wins these fights as he has better setup. Later on Maokai outscales.”
Davecraft16 says “I have no idea, I think I met this champion something like 2 times in my life. Dodge her stun with your q. If she is ahead build wit's end. Good luck I guess”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] You outscale her really hard. If you don't fall behind early due to an invade you're chilling. If you know how an Elise player thinks you can predict her dives and counter them.
Note: In higher ELO's Elise is more of a Major matchup because they know how to play her”
Lasine says “This matchup is based on Elise skill level. If the enemy elise is good and force invades and early plays there´s not much you can do about it.
If not you just outscale her, At level 6 your more usefull than her unless she is 20-0.”
BLOODINSIDE says “One of the few champs that can gank faster than Bel'veth. She can make her sidelanes snowball and make the game out of your control. Try to counter-gank her as much as you can .”
RedNBlue says “Elise is a 50/50 pick vs. Mundo.
Elise is for sure a lot like Ekko in the way that you don't want to feed her or she will tear your teams damage apart, but she is obviously a tad different in her ability to sustain your cleaver artillery strikes. Ekko is a lot harder to kill, whereas Elise will have to surrender the fight if you successfully hit her with 3 or 4 cleavers before her team can get an engage into a fight.
Do your regular Jungler things when playing, just be wary of how you fight her mid-late game. ”
ErniBurni says “Pass auf ihre Spinnenform auf. Kha sein main dmg kommt von der Isolation und die Spinnen verhindern dass und dodge ihre Kokon oder du bist tod”
Centaur says “Another early game monster, be careful of her invades and try to outtempo and outscale her. Ping your team and track her pathing to keep your laners safe. ”
MythicalMinute says “Pray. If the Elise is good, there is no hope for you unless you jungle vertically as she will perma invade you, if she gets a kill on you early, you might aswell spam gank with hope or ff.
AP to always be useful when behind here.”
HadesxLH says “Eu nunca entendi direito porque Elise era um counter tão forte de Viego, então oque eu fiz? comecei a jogar de Elise para ver por conta propria e cheguei a uma conclusão, uma Elise boa de verdade é algo bem dificil de se lidar, ela ira quardar o E dela a todo instante aguardando sua ult e caso voce troque com ela principalmente no inicio não há nenhuma chance de vitoria, porém sempre há uma esperança no fim do tunel, apesar da Elise ter um scale até bom o do Viego é superior a ela e a itemização do Viego permite com que ele compre itens como malmortius que vão retirar totalmente o potencial explosivo da Elise, além disso eu considero o gank do Viego superior ao da Elise então tentar levar isso como vantagem é algo inteligente a se fazer. Apenas nunca tente iniciar uma sequencia de resets em uma Elise com E ativo e de seu maximo para nao dar a ela uma vantagem no early game.”
Dabgren says “Elise is supposedly a bad matchup since her early game should always crush you, but if you are even with her through the game and get your hexdrinker against her you should be able to win the 1v1's if played well.”
spuki97 says “Really hard matchup since she can never be isolated in her spider form. She also has strong dives as she can reset tower aggro. Make sure to fight around different sides of the map from where she is. Best build: Bruiser Kha/Chinese Strat”
PiscesPomf says “Noone plays her, and for a good reason. She's super strong early on but really useless after.Try not to get behind early, but don't take risks. Until the game last longer that 25 min, it's a 4v5.”
Voidling13 says “Elise is very hard to finnish of. Her ability to jump into the air makes it so that whoever you are tanking for will not get the gold for finnshing her off.”
Kukiziuu_ says “Elise got big setup to easily oneshot you if u play Blue Kayn (assasin). Her biggest threat for u is her big DMG that can easily oneshot you. If your not ahead in early game avoid fighting her. Remember to be very careful around her. As long as she dont get feed you will be fine.
- Avoid fighting her early when not ahead, if it happen try to dodge her E (Cocoon CC) with ur Q or R.”
Agzer says “This matchup is breakeven. If she sees you first and hits you with her E, you will most likely die. The proper vision of her camps will help you keep the track of her and the best you can do is just counter-gank.”
Kao_Oak says “Better burst, she has CC and she can tempo you with her E as a spider. Note that most of elise player do double buff + gromp into a gank so use this knowledge to your advantage by warning your teamates and counter ganking / jungling her.”
MaximusWillCarry says “She has early gank advantage over you but if you countergank her early and provide enough CC you win early. You hard outscale her late so dont worry.”
The Love Below says “Elise can manoeuvre through the jungle using her E. You won't get a proper empowered Q initially due to her spiderlings. She also does incredible amounts of burst and has a ranged stun. Can be a particularly difficult matchup into a good Elise player. Try and shut her down early with deep vision and smart invades. ”
Eagzey says “Your R still hits her when she repels. Can also build Edge of Night which cucks her (and maybe Maw). Pay attention to the map early game because she can hit you if her lanes have priority.”
Yuki H. says “Her threat lies mostly within her oppressive early game. Make sure to cover dives effectively from level 3 by paying attention to each lane's wave state. *More on pathing section*
In a vacuum, if you dodge her E you should never be within lethal range.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Elise relies heavily on landing her Cocoon(E) to initiate fights or ganks. If you’re nearby, you can counter gank her as she doesn’t have much to offer once her E is on cooldown. Elise has a lot of burst damage and can solo kill most champions in the early game. Try not to fight her one on one. Her E ability allows her to drop down on any enemy target including minions and wards. It also allows her to drop tower aggro, play it safe and back when low on health.”
Saltu says “RUSH AND KILL. If she misses stun be sure to drop a FAT mastery.
Nidalee, Elise, and Eve are all three the same shit but only worth half a shit if extremely feed before min 25. After that, they're not as good. Nid is the weakest of the tree and Eve is the strongest.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Elise relies heavily on landing her Cocoon(E) to initiate fights or ganks. If you’re nearby, you can counter gank her as she doesn’t have much to offer once her E is on cooldown. Elise has a lot of burst damage and can solo kill most champions in the early game. Try not to fight her one on one. Her E ability allows her to drop down on any enemy target including minions and wards. It also allows her to drop tower aggro, play it safe and back when low on health.”
Salmon Kid says “Cacoon is a form of hard cc, but its very easy to dodge with stacks. Elise is a high tempo invade jungler, but she is extremely easy to kite and always gets outscaled by Lillia.”
Lawiss1 says “Son cocon à une range de fou
Cependant le match-up reste even malgré son early advantage tant que ton mid est pas à chier.
Banshee conseillée.”
Dad Prime says “A good Elise will avoid you most stages of the game and will become invulnerable if you were to engage on her and use her human form Q to disengage. Otherwise you are able to win easily.”
Dojyaan says “Huge damage. She fucks you in a duel and you better run away from that cocoon. I don't fight against much of these low elo. You would probably go even as your job and hers are kinda the same.”
ItsAydam says “Honestly, the only reason I've put elise as a major threat is because most people don't respect her strong early game and damage. I would recommend going Witts End first item or Galeforce - Mercs against her, whilst trying your best to not fight her pre 6. Dodging her e will give you a huge advantage while fighting her.”
Farmer Cleetus says “Easy to beat with any form and any damage related item you build, most likely I go rhaast cause of their team comp. But you can also instakill her in your Shadow Assassin form, so go all-in like on Evelynn.”
NegativePhoenix says “A very scary champ to deal with rather AD or AP. Elise has the capability of stunning you from a distance then punishing you with some serious damage before even going into spider form and doing more harm to you. Her W in both forms is annoying as her spider form can web upward and escape a fight she's bound to lose or until her CDs are over, even worse is that your E can't hit her in this state so she can avoid healing you. She's a pretty good counter against Veth as long as she can keep her distance and get some good poke in before going full sprint into you”
SunLongGod says “not a regular matchup but she can be extremely annoying. She can cancel your W as well as your Q by using untargeted ability. her passive can also reduce your Q. make sure you go MR and avoid join in the team fight to soon. avoid her CC so you can have a chance to win
NegativePhoenix says “Depends how good she is and how much she built. She can beat you early levels but later in the game you can burst her if you're fast enough. Just be mindful of her stun and that she can web upwards if she feels she cant escape your mark and can wait it out.”
Fappitchedd says “Gale force is your main way of fighting her as long as you keep out of her Q range you can fight her, but becareful with her W she can be on top of you in mear moment”
OfficerVi says “Much stronger early presence. Her E is a direct counter to your Q. Try not to ult her until rappel is down. Putting at 4 since she really isn't that strong right now.”
evil in says “Elise can be a problem for Evelynn
since her early ganks are super good u should try to farm as much as u can against her in the early game so u dont fall behind if he gets a couple of early kills”
TruckDriver says “This is a skill based matchup IMO, although slightly Elise favored. Both champs have the ability to take over the game. It's necessary you counter gank Elise's first gank and track her well.”
Sinerias says “Elise has not only an insane burst which hardcounters Yi, but also her repel denies Master Yi to kill her, which means Yi gets no resets. Since she is AP she can also buy Zhyonas which also hardcounters Yi for the same reason as her repel. Another very important reason worth mentioning is her e on the humanform which gives her the option to almost point n click stun Yi since she can always wait until Yi is on her with using it. The threat of her e in human form alone can be a big problem. She does not even need to use it but for the Master Yi to know that she can use it changes the entire gameplay of Master Yi. He can not simply engage on her and he needs to always focus in order to react to it. In the early game Elise can counterjungle Master Yi pretty well as well if she gets a lane prio or simply a little bit of support. She does not have a good enough burst to beat Master Yi alone, but with a bit of help she will always 100 to 0 him.”
GrayJinxed says “Avoiding the stun and bomb spider by using Q will set you up for an easy kill.
She may Spider Form E to get close then burst and stun you. Careful of invades”
TimothyFly says “She is early game jungle so just try and out farm her and pick up some kills to get a lead. If she does manage to get ahead, just try and pick her off by bush camping. If you can dodge her cc you should win every fight.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Decoy is everything here: the second you see her cocoon (E) use w in the other direction. If he is dumb enough, he will spiderform and waste all skills on your Decoy (W) so you can engage then with all you got while she s got cooldowns. Overall you pretty much counter her well I would say.”
ISwearImNotPolish says “AVOID AT ALL COSTS UNLESS TURBO AHEAD. Her spiderlings cancel isolation and she can stun and burst you before you can even blink.”
NoBrain says “She is very underrated so you shouldn't worry about her in low elo, if you see yourself going against her, try to dodge her cc, because she has a lot of it.”
YoungTact says “She looks to pressure the map early as you do so it will just come down to who can execute it better. If you guys run into eachother it will be a battle of who can get the stun off first. You can W her Q but like hecarim the damage will still be applied to you. ”
Jksons says “- try to dodge her E with your W and then insta ult for the slow and should be dead
- be careful of facechecking when counter jungling or even going on river
- try to avoid her and dont fight if its not necesarry
- mercs help a lot but she still burst you down to low hp but its better than being one shoted”
YEKURA says “She's really not that hard to play against. It actually helps rengar alot vsing her because she does go for aggressive plays early game like ganks and tower dives so you can easily counter gank them if you can predict where she is. Although her damage does get insane late game and mid game plus with a lot of resistances like zhonyas so you can't really shut her down. You shouldn't focus her late game anyways. Focus on invading her and empower wing her stun / damage. After doing that you should win 1v1s against her early game. Just don't let her get her tempo going with ganking and tower diving cause once she does she never stops.”
DETDERT says “Elise is really strong against Kha'zix since her spiders removes khazix passive. Elise often gets tanky with her protobelt, and zhonyas rush. You cant jump into elise, else she will hit her e, and you will immediately get bursted. so a good tip, if you wanna 1v1 her is too abuse fog of war and then ult close to her and burst her.”
Limaads says “Elise's CC and strong early game presence are two of Ekko's worst weaknesses. You can't match her strong burst and dueling early. This is a matchup you would ideally want to path away from. Care for her strong dive threat as well. Another option would be to path the same way as Elise and if your top laner is in danger of being dove you can look to counter it. Many Elise's like to double buff and gromp to get level 3 to get onto the map as quick as possible. Try to deter as many ganks as possible with pings and jungle tracking, and look to scale into mid and late. Elise doesn't scale very well and you become relatively safe in most invades and skirmishes after 6 so look to get there as quick as possible.”
Madabc says “Can be a little annoying with cacoon if you dont have double W down. You can 1 shot her but her E makes it insanely difficult to get it off in time because of the amount of disruption she can have. I recommend when jumping on her to save your stacks for cocoon. ”
Janooobi says “Difficult to deal with in the early stages of jungling, avoid skirmishes when she has prio, if she does not get ahead you will render her useless”
DuckT says “Gethal Gempo
Tank her stun and you die, regardless of what runes either of you are running. If you're ahead, you're best off QR'ing instantly to burst her to death. If she reacts with Spider E she can't die to you easily.”
officialwiseguy says “Can cancel your W or burst you while you're CC'ed, she also has untargetability which makes it hard to kill her. Avoid her if she has a red buff before level 6 since she can kite you and either wait for her to miss her cocoon or dodge it with your Q. Qss can also help.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Elise isn't played often, but can snowball the game into their favor if you aren't careful. If you know the Elise is good, be sure to rotate down to a pushed lane after a full clear, as she will most likely be trying to set up a tower dive because of her kit. Her untargetability is very good at dodging your abilities, so be careful around her burst and engage. Take Aery Dom. For AP, go CotSQ. For Support, go Shurelya's.”
Consolo says “Ping your toplaner off at 2:40. Congrats, you've won against Elise! If your toplane is getting pushed in at around 2:15, go Q>R>E and skip some camps to counter the inevitable dive. Your camps will be there when you come back, but the dive will not wait. You win against her in a 1v1 early if you don't walk into every ability like an idiot. Aftershock counters her burst, so just don't be stupid lol. Easily peeled off mid/late.”
Scythe Prince says “Don't 1v1 her without form and edge of night .
to win this matchup :
elise doesn't scale better so whenever she comes to gank a lane try to counter jungle and take her camps as much as possible so you can have xp lead ”
OTP Toxin says “Dodge her stun, plant a mushrooms in your feet and hit her, if she goes up as a spider and land on you, she will have a miserable death. :D”
Zehmox says “Annoying to deal with especially because off her Rappel. she can either survive your E or Ult with it that makes her extremely annoying to deal with also if she lands a cocoon on you it you already are required to back off. AND on top off that all SHE BUILDS ZHONYAS”
blulemon says “Even though you don't struggle against her in a 1 v 1, like Ekko, she has fast early game pace, so be careful of her early game, otherwise its fine.”
GranadaExperimental says “Her great ability to "One-Shot" her opponents makes her a very difficult opponent to beat if you don't know how to do well against her, but at the same time she has little life and resistance, therefore she is quite weak and you can kill her with almost as easily as she kills you”
b0n0 says “I don't find this to be a hard matchup. She's squishy and needs to do well early to be relevant. Sure she can stun you and spider hop your Q or burst but she loses extended fights. As long as you don't let her go 10-0 before 15 minutes you are fine. Fight her when you see her. Side step or dodge her E. If she spiders up then just charge Q and when she lands pop her like a balloon. ”
Zero macro says “Agressive early game jungler that can bully us to death and even dive with her kit. We suffer from a weak early game and should always try to avoid events. At the same time we should try to countergank her dives.”
Elekktro says “Elise has seen a bit of a resurgence as of late especially in higher ranks. She has an amazingly strong early game and can take over the game before you even get a chance to play it. Additionally she can repel to dodge your ult which can be devastating. ”
J98TheGreat says “Elise can be challenging, but that's not to say it isn't an even matchup. There is a lot that can go wrong early and you need to be prepared early for the sake of her not getting fed. If she's good, that's the case.”
Ghionova says “Elises Spiders can lower the damage of your box to her, because they will catch damage too. She and her spiders can kill your box instantly so all you have is your Q and E and R at 6. Avoid fighting her unless shes at least half her hp. Be sure to block her stun web with your box.”
NMFO says “Your Q reduces attack damage; it doesn't reduce any ability power. She can one shot you pretty early on. She's hard to play correctly though, if you can dodge E you win, if you don't good luck. ”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “I'm not really experienced with an Elise on the enemy jungle. Dodge her cacoon and you should be fine. You can reach her easily if she tries to escape.”
Roguejokester61 says “"I think we're alone now,
There doesn't seem to be anyone around." Well you thought wrong cause guess what this Spider Queen brought along some friends to help ruin your day, these cheeky little buggers count as minions which means that they completely remove your isolation passive from Elise which leaves you with increased cooldowns and a harsh de-buff to your damage. If you can avoid this champion throughout the game DO IT!!! Elise is very difficult to deal with as before you can really deal any damage you her you have to kill off her minions (unless she's in human form then go crazy on her before she knows what's happening) but by the time you clear her minions she would have already killed you as you are a weak and squishy assassin and lack any defense against her. RAD TIP: DON'T BOTHER LEAPING AWAY SHE WILL ONLY DO HER UNTARGETABLE BS AND LEAP ON YOU HERSELF!!!”
Brosinex says “Su presión temprana y CC te joden. Todo es cuestión de esquivar su capullo, si lo haces, puedes luchar contra ella, pero si te golpea, prepárate para ver desaparecer tu barra de HP. También muy digno de prohibición por suerte nadie la juega.”
Da Mastah says “Hard to duel early unless you catch her by surprise. Watch out for invades early with wards. Make sure to always dodge her cocoon or you lose the 1v1.”
The Elysian1 says “ Strong early game but no a huge threat. Just be aware of her Cacoon and you should be fine. DO NOT FORCE SCUTTLE FIGHTS IF THEY HAVE PRIO. Your game will be lost , since she just one shots you in cacoon.
Zyvran says “She beats you in every conceivable way early, but she falls off. You might need to ping for help, because she'll probably abuse her early power and invade your jungle.”
Citric says “Elise is a slow clearing jungler but an efficient ganker. If you don't actively look for opportunities to counter jungle and grab objectives, your team will fall massively behind. If she camps one of your lanes then you MUST do something other than clearing your own camps. Dueling vs. her should not be hard if you use your R to prevent getting stunned.”
Pullks says “Elise has a quick 3 camp clear and looks to gank, much faster than Nunu. You should aim to counter gank where you think she will go or gank the opposite side of the map. ”
Pusi Puu says “Be careful for her oneshot. If she hits her cocoon and oneshots you there is no counterplay. Try to run around with full ferocity as much as possible to cleanse her cocoon. You win all ins at every stage of the game since elise wants to get all her dmg off as fast as possible which comes in handy for rengar, since he can heal all that dmg with his w. Be patient when jumping on elise and dont use your combo instantly but bait her E with your jump and use your combo after she comes back to the ground.”
Doubtfull says “Another match up I haven't played too many times. She can lock you down with cocoon so avoid facechecking bushes, your movespeed will be helpful for dodging this. Definitely a merc tread match up.”
RactickTTV says “Her stun, E (Cocoon) is the biggest threat, dodging might give you a chance against her early, be very careful. Later on though, with form as long as she didn't get fed, you'll be fine with either form, dodge E with Q or R. She might buy a Zhonya's which will make it harder to kill her, but you'll still be able to chunk her.
Sidenote, her early game snowball potential is huge, she can destroy all your lanes if you don't actively work on possible counter ganks, counter jungling and opposite side ganks.”
NixLychee says “Her early game is as strong as yours, so you'll need to get ahead to beat her. Otherwise pretty even, but she can easily get ahead, as well as use her untargetable to dodge your burst. Dodge her cocoon, and squish this spider. Make sure your laners know that she can towerdive them.”
KamiKZ says “Elise is the strongest counter to kha zix I recommend building tiamat (yes only tiamat in this match up) to remove her spiderlings to get isolation damage on Elise other items you can buy are merc treads and hex drinker and maybe take nullifying orb in sorcery tree too) ”
LordGrox says “Fairly skill based matchup. Dodge her Human E at all costs or you will get one-shot. Careful with engages as she can always dodge your knockup/R with her Spider E.”
Veralion says “Elise tends to be very aggressive. She more than likely will look for you at your second buff. If she cannot land cocoon, she has no way to close the distance between you. Respect her flash distance on top of cocoon's range. She also is one of the best champions in the game at tower diving and will look to do so whenever a stacked wave pushes in. If you're in a position to help and see a massive wave about to crash into one of your turrets, make sure you're in the area to counter the dive. Losing 2-3 waves of gold and experience will cripple your laner and tilt them to oblivion. Don't let that happen if you can help it. She is easily squished post-6, but only do so while healthy, and don't let her rappel your E. Even if she gets a billion kills, you should outlevel her and outscale her by miles in the midgame just by farming, completely nullifying that advantage. Just don't die early. Exhaust is great for that. ”
Doubtfull says “A fantastic match up for Fiddle. Lock her down with CC and crush her. Your drain works even when she is in rappel which is very useful. Beware early invades, and try to warn your team mates about ganks and you should coast to victory in the late game.”
Kocykek says “Jungler that just dominates early game. Her damage is big and she can one shot you at any time. Ward your jungle because she likes to invade as well and look for picks.”
Arfreezy says “Last Updated: Patch 11.17 //
Jungler Type: Gank Jungler //
Elise is a classic ganking jungler who will opt for smaller jungle clears and more ganks. Her weakness is she can be counterganked since Graves is stronger in skirmishes and she gets outscaled easily. The only win condition for Elise is to get her lanes so far ahead that her falling off doesn't matter. Prevent this with proper jungle tracking and pinging. Always punish her ganks by invading and stealing camps or ganking somewhere else. Try to avoid ganking when you don't know where she is since she has strong counter gank. Be efficient with your clears and you will win this matchup unless your lanes are very gapped.”
Doubtfull says “Elise can CC you and burst you down. It can be difficult to get on top of her. Mercs are great to have, and edge of night can prevent a lot of her damage. Don't forget to take MR in this match up, and try not to face check bushes (use prey seeker). I find myself building mercury treads early on in this match up.”
IMissedMyQ says “Elise is a difficult champ for Camille to deal with at level 3 and on. She can one shot you quite easily if she gets the jump on you. Your best bet is to get a level 2 gank off, or you should invade and kill her while she is level 2. Elise's level 2 is extremely easy to take advantage of. Build Merc Treads”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror or Dark Harvest.
ITEMS: Zhonya's if her team has a lot of AD. Banshee's Veil if her team has a lot of AP. Mercury's Treads if her team is full of CC.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Another popular early game jungler, Elise has a lot of single target burst and tower dive strengths to her. I feel like she's an even matchup because you can actually solo kill her unless she's fed by dodging her cocoon and landing W's center, since she's so squishy. After 6, be careful so she won't dodge your R with her rappel.”
Insightful says “I think elise just can't do anything, she farms to slow, you can easily deny her cocoon so she can never stun anyone, and deny her initial burst aswell with your blackshield, it should be an unplayable matchup for her”
AvidPanda says “Just like Evelynn, Elise is a very strong champ if she snowballs. When playing against elise, be careful when you walk near bushes and check if you're seen in your stealth. It helps to tell you someone is in the bush, and if they have an elise watch for the cocoon. ”
[Elise is a very early champion, you beat her lvl 1 in melee range with E (aftershock proc) but she can be ranged, so you won't beat her. At level 2 and 3 all the way to level 6, you still can not dare to challenge her, IF YOU THINK YOUR EARLY WILL BE DISASTROUS, TAKE MR SHARDS IN RUNE AND MAYBE EVEN MERCURY BOOTS TO SELL THEM LATER FOR PLATED STEELCAPS OR 6th ITEM. After a passed level which is very likely to be 9, your resistances will be very high and with a bit of MR, the maxed W will ensure you to tank quite a big lot of her burst damage. Late I won't talk about her since I never saw an Elise that had impact lategame, so I can't tell you how to play.]
NamaeWaMitsurii says “Very powerful in this Meta. Extremely powerful with high damage and CC. She is earlygame, so simply don't let her get many kills and you can outscale her hard with your powerful items.”
poopyOCE says “High burst potential on spider form, has untargetable so can disengage from fights. Otherwise, try to keep vision on her and countergank her (favourably) . Easily winnable if she doesn't get ahead. Also if behind, try to find more teamfight opportunities. ”
Karasmai says “A champ that is very feast or famine has to get early ganks to be relevant if not then she will fall off hard and be useless. If you are going Blue make sure you get Edge of Night a s soon as possible. If you are going Rhaast make sure you rush Merc treads or Visage, similar to Amumu. The main way you will beat Elise is early power farming and mid-late teamfights.”
MexBookMaster says “Un match complicado. El truco es que Elise necesita tener Kills para ser relevante debido a que no farmea bien. Tu trabajo es predecir donde va a Gankear y hacer Counter Jungla. Aprovecha y siempre que tengas prioridad en las líneas paralelas roba campamentos. Si elise no saca muchas kills se vuelve irrelevante. Esquiva su capullo y tienes muchísimas probabilidades de matarla. Shadow Assassin (Azul) es una buena opción si sabes esquivar su capullo, si no igual puedes ir Rhaast.”
Exoslol says “Elise is a hard matchup for Kha'zix because of her unforgiving stun into oneshot combination. Elise is hard to kill because of her spiderlings which cancel Kha'zix's isolation. One way to counter this is to build a Tiamat to oneshot the little spiders. Building mercury treads and hexdrinker might be a good idea. After her initial burst she suffers from her CDs and you are able to trade with her. Dodging her coccoon leaves her very vulnerable.”
gankyourgrandma says “Just like Evelynn, Elise is a very strong champ if she snowballs. When playing against elise, be careful when you walk near bushes and check if you're seen in your stealth. It helps to tell you someone is in the bush, and if they have an elise watch for the cocoon. ”
ak521 says “Not much of a problem except for her spider jump, she can dodge your Q and outplay you in a 1v1. Her early game is also insane so stay aware of that, ganks are good. Experienced Elises can also pull off early dives, so your team may suffer. No hard escape (aside from Cocoon. She can be popped quickly but can also do burst.”
Rhoku says “Elise cannot quite beat you herself but she is very powerful when working with other champions. She is also very slippery and very good at diving. Overall, you should be looking to dodge her cocoon and to try to predict where she will land where she repells. It is also good to be sure not to AA her small spiderlings as that has happened to me a few times.”
Kayncer says “Skill Matchup on who farms better and who ganks better, Blue Kayn is better imo in this matchup, tho if you get hit by her CC you might be in trouble!”
ItsSkoob says “Elise has one of the strongest early games if put in the right hands and her AP burst will shred you as your passive only provides armour and health regen. If she lands her Human form E (her stun), you lose. Otherwise I would try to avoid 1v1s.”
AST Raposo says “He has a early powerful pressure for gank and you don't. Try to countergank her level 3/4.If you are level ahead,you can try 1v1 her without problems.”
Insightful says “Elise is strong early so you need to watch out to avoid fighting her early on or for invades, the plan here is to try to farm up while she ganks to get ahead”
izzlelol says “Her early pressure and CC screws you over. It's all a matter of dodging her cocoon if you do you can fight her but if you get hit by it prepare to see your hp bar disappear. Also very ban worthy luckily no one plays her.”
Lambda Diana says “I haven't go much vs Elise but what I have shes strong then you early and will invade you to set you behind and will camp lanes. Split the map and play for the other lane she isn't camping you will out scale but shes looking to end early and stop you from out scaling. Don't fight her early without your team. ”
aurus666lol says “So big dmg in early game and good CC + Avoiding DMG skill. If it's not enough, her little spiders are removing Isolation. If you are smart, try to kill all of spiders with W, and after that try to fight with her. If she use her E but not hit u, she can be easly made 100-0. Unluckly, Hexdrinker is a must for that matchup.”
ItsSkoob says “Elise is very strong early game and can burst you down immediately level 3 so watch for early invades and ganks. Keep pace with her early game and she will become useless very fast.”
lightrocket2 says “AP Burst mages can destroy Taric before you have a chance to buy MR. You can 1v1 for sure but if you gank someone and elise is there and webs you... you die. PTA is best because she will be running at you and easily dodge your stun with Rappel.”
Ellesmere says “Elise has been a problem for a while now, she's incredibly strong early and provided she is decent at ganking, she'll be strong late as well. Fortunately for you, with this build you can still easily 1v1 her once you're sated. The biggest thing to keep in mind with this matchup is counter ganking. Elise will be looking for early ganks since her jungle clear is very strong, so try and get vision of her jungle and predict where she'll gank so you can be there to turn the fight. If you can dodge her stun or initiate the fight, you'll win a 1v1 early as well.”
Sammystinky says “You hurt her bad and stop her from killing backline, but she can spider E (repel) your E. You can counter gank her pretty well too. ”
Very Rxre says “Elise’s worst matchup, you could still lose this if the Elise is much better, she will prob dive a lane lvl 3 just counterjungle and she falls off after early game way harder than you”
Soulreaperjin says “Long as you avoid her E and wait till she's gone from her E in spider form, then she's got nothing going for her since her abilities don't deal much damage on you except her Q in spider form and her spiderlings.”
Suseri says “Her untargetability and her stun can make it very difficult to deal with her as Yi. Try to avoid her stun or build some magic resistance aswell as some tenacity or if really needed QSS.”
FrostForest says “Beats you early game in 1v1 if she hits the stun, but you outscale her after 6.
You are stronger lvl 2 and can invade early/gank
Her Spider form E can dodge your EQ”
manco1 says “Elise is one of the best early game junglers in the game. Her one shot potential is strong so be weary of bushes she might have control of. As long as she doesn’t get fed early game you will take over by 20 minutes. ”
RichMrFork says “Elise's CC and strong early game presence are two of Ekko's worst weaknesses. You can't match her strong burst and dueling early. This is a matchup you would ideally want to path away from. Care for her strong dive threat as well. Another option would be to path the same way as Elise and if your top laner is in danger of being dove you can look to counter it. Many Elise's like to double buff and gromp to get level 3 to get onto the map as quick as possible. Try to deter as many ganks as possible with pings and jungle tracking, and look to scale into mid and late. Elise doesn't scale very well and you become relatively safe in most invades and skirmishes after 6 so look to get there as quick as possible.”
Kayn Mains says “You will be able to take trades early on as long as she doesn’t catch you with her Cocoon (E).
The same goes for the mid game: Avoid Elise's stun, and you win the fight.
If you went Shadow Assassin, it is heavily recommended to go all-in on her late game. While killing her is generally unrealistic, your goal is to try and force out her Rappel (E), Zhonya's Hourglass, and/or Banshee's Veil so your team will eventually be able to pick her up in teamfights.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Her early game is as strong as yours, so you'll need to get ahead to beat her. Otherwise pretty even, but she can easily get ahead, as well as use her untargetable to dodge your burst.
WillowSprout says “Elise is so fucking frustrating so please avoid getting caught with her E as you really can't do anything about that. You can catch her off guard when she's not in spider form otherwise you'll just be hitting her spiderlings just avoid her please lol she has lifesteal too.”
metalhydra273 says “If you ult her, make sure it's a kill or else she'll repel away for free. She does a lot of burst damage and has a good early advantage state, so look to survive the early game and size her up come mid game.”
Spection says “Pretty scary. Capable of counterjungling you pretty easily. Don't throw out your Q until she uses her Rappel or is directly on top of you. She can easily dodge it. Her burst is strong at all phases and she is a force to be reckoned with. Invade her red early if you start blue side.”
LilPaniniUwU says “You will be able to take trades early on as long as she doesn’t catch you with her Cocoon (E). Same goes for the mid game: Avoid Elise's stun, and you win the fight. If you went Shadow Assassin, it is heavily recommended to go all in on her late game. While killing her is generally unrealistic, your goal is to try and force out her Rappel (E), Zhonya's Hourglass, and/or Banshee's Veil so your team will eventually be able to pick her up in teamfights.
PulseBeat_02 says “Your Q has the hitbox of a school bus, and while that may sound good, it is also bad unfortunately because it means that you have the chance of hitting a creep (or something other than a monster). Elise's spiders could block your Dark Binding, so you are going to have to kite and move around a bit to get into position. Her rappel can easily prevent your ultimate from affecting her, so keep your Soul Shackles with you in handy. Black Shield her stun.”
KhaZix Mains says “[8/10] Avoid her stun, and you can have a reasonable chance; however, she still has more than enough damage to take you out in mere seconds. Either play the fight very cautiously or try not to fight her at all. Her spiderlings negate your isolation damage so make sure to use your Void Spikes to create isolation by killing her spiders and additionally you can pick up Ironspike Whip to help with this. When fighting Elise try to jump to the side or diagonally instead of straight onto her to avoid her cocoon.
Alternatively, you can use the maneuverability of your ult to dodge the stun by juking or jumping on top of her and using the speed to get behind her while invisible.”
Nanelol says “Elise has strong early game pressure, if she hits her E you will get oneshot. Her spiderlings make you lose isolation so it's harder to kill her. ”
Gooooooby says “Elise wants to win early game. Although, Shaco is also good if not better at early game. If you are able to track her first gank and counter gank it, you will win the game. Be smart of your Q position as she can always stun you whilst in stealth. ”
Nanelol says “If she lands her cocoon on you then you will be dead and she can follow your ultimate with her E (spider form) or to dodge your ultimate with it.”
Nanelol says “Even though Elise might be thought to counter Rammus, she is not that useful vs Rammus. Her best option is to try to mirror you and have more early impact. If you can mange getting past 15 mins into the game without being behind you've won.”
Kelies says “Elise is an even match up. I'd suggest you to play opposite side of Elise to outscale her. I also suggest you to gank opposite side of the map. You'll always win late game if you guys are even.”
uSgSello says “If Elise dodges your Combo with her rappel she will win a fight against you.
If she hits her cocoon she also should be able to win the fight or trade.
Elise is very squishy. That's why you can burst her in the early game with your high damage output from your E+Q combo + your first auto attack + Electrocute.
Skill based matchup.”
Smartest2 says “Ward river around 1:20~, she likes to invade. Elise has a relatively strong early game, but we can easily squash her once we finish our jungle item.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “This depends on the skills of the Elise, if she is any good, she can destroy you early and carry the game. otherwise, is should be easy.”
MrMeem45 says “She can match your pace and dueling strength in the jungle, but after level 6 you easily win this. If she's smart, your laners will all die and blame you. You can kill multiple of her spiderlings at once with your shotgun.”
theceasrsalad says “her early game power is pretty strong and doesn't fall of if she builds attack speed, try to gank and do objectives opposite to where she is but if you have to fight her do it in a teamfight and try and dodge her cocoon.”
Doubtfull says “Hard for her to burst your team due to your shields, and you never have to face check a brush due to your W and Daisy. Relatively easy match up.”
14yo sad lulu says “ENG: You will be able to take trades early on as long as she doesn’t catch you with her Cocoon (E). Same goes for the mid game: Avoid Elise's stun, and you win the fight. If you went Shadow Assassin, it is heavily recommended to go all in on her late game. While killing her is generally unrealistic, your goal is to try and force out her Rappel (E), Zhonya's Hourglass, and/or Banshee's Veil so your team will eventually be able to pick her up in teamfights.
(RU: Вы сможете совершать сделки на ранней стадии, пока она не поймает вас своим Коконом (Е). То же самое относится и к середине игры: избегайте оглушения Элизы, и вы выиграете бой. Если вы пошли Теневым Убийцей, то настоятельно рекомендуется пойти ва-банк на ее позднюю игру. Хотя убить ее, как правило, нереально, ваша цель состоит в том, чтобы попытаться вытеснить ее Раппель (Е), Песочные часы Жони и/или Вуаль Банши, чтобы ваша команда в конечном итоге смогла забрать ее в командных боях.)”
TennisJJ says “Elise, or any early game jungler is usually a tough matchup for evelynn. Evelynn's ganks are worse early, and it is very easy to get behind.”
Jhanthem says “Solid counter ganks and very strong 1v1. Be careful of her but don't be afraid to fight if you think you can beat her. She can be a limit testing 1v1.”
Cryastro says “Can delete you at any stage of the game. Try path opposite to her and take her camps you take camps fast and Elise is stronger than you so to beat her you have to try starve her of farm.”
EUWRATS says “Wins before 15min so try to delay the game and counter gank early so she doesnt get fed to where she can just 1 shot you, make sure to build mercury threads against her”
Strike1 says “Elise does pretty decently into kindred with her stun. If kindred ever uses her jump to come close, elise can follow up with a coccoon straight into her full burst. She can also use spider form E to close gaps/run away or wait out kindred's E.
Good news is you outscale and the spider isn't so strong nowadays.
Kindredgarten says “You outscale her hard but if the Elise player is good she's a force to be reckoned with early. Tons of burst and hard to 1v1. It's possible to win a 1v1 if you flash or Q her cocoon but proceed with caution.”
The Lass Isolet says “It speeds up the early game too much, if it gets 1 or 2 kills it's very difficult to stop, ask your team for help in the first clear and on the river, help your team to ward in the lane to prevent it from growing.”
Bingolyzed says “She has very good early game and often has much more map pressure than you. She usually lvl 3 tower dives top so try to path top or track her to counter gank. If she's ahead she can easily burst you down.”
Caled says “Elise is honestly pretty even but for the sake of labeling these threats, will put her on Major instead. Reason being is that Elise does have a strong engage/disengage factor to her. Early game, you can take trades as long as you can dodge Cocoon (E) but if not, she will kill you in most duels. Mid/Late game you should be able to fight here as Rhaast with ease but keep in mind her Rappel (E) will allow her to disengage and prevent you from one shotting her, especially when running Shadow Assassin. Definitely a harder matchup overall as Shadow Assassin as she has Rappel (E) and can have Zhonyas and/or Banshee’s Veil. ”
litecrunch says “If you catch her using her abilities on camps then you could fight her but if not then its safer not to. You don't want to be fighting the enemy jungler early as ap shyvana. You outscale her in teamfights VERY hard, just don't mess up early.”
liserith says “You'll see a pattern with assassins, as all assassins can take you down in no time whatsoever. Her spider-form's burst is insane, and her damage is quite annoying to deal with. Make sure to dodge her human-form E; if you are stunned, you are also dead. ”
Rudas2 says “I may just not know how to play against her but: she wins the early game, but later if you buy an item for MR and MR boots she is just another opponent”
HeroAronNavius says “Elise can easily one-shot you so be careful with Elise. Elise can pop out from nowhere and root you. Try to avoid Elise and try to not feed her. You should be able to take her on 2v1 and get yourself fed and avoid getting her fed.”
Ch1llss says “Any aggressive early game jungle is going to give you a hard time. This build is all about winning early skirmishes in order to get the ball rolling and truly snowball.”
chevy the sloot says “Updating since shes kinda strong these days. Ask your team to hard respect her early. You hard out farm her so if you get to 6 you can hard outscale and contest her. Banshee veil after your core is nice here. Also take red smite to exhaust her whole burst.”
c0st0m says “She can snowball her team and herself out of control before you can even have too much impact but at the same time if she dosen't get her team ahead by 10 min you smash her”
Scyreption says “has good cc, big damage and will out damage you if not played safely. you can easily out scale her tho. early you just wait to avoid the 1v1 and kill her with your laners”
Shroomen Rider says “This champion is like Kha'zix but easier to kill. Don't get cheesed and you'll have a good chance of splattering another squishy bug.
She falls off late game. ”
Lyend_17 says “Elise is the strongest counter to kha zix I recommend building tiamat (yes only tiamat in this match up) to remove her spiderlings to get isolation damage on Elise other items you can buy are merc treads and hex drinker and maybe take nullifying orb in sorcery tree too)”
Tinjus says “Avoid her stun, and the fight will be relatively easy, however she still has more than enough damage to take you out in mere seconds. Play the fight very cautiously, or try not to fight her at all. Her spiderlings negate your isolation damage.”
Udyr uber says “Simplesmente desvie do Casulo dela
e invada ela antes de ela fechar o ecos rúnicos e a bota de penetração mágica.
Guerreiro e Passos de Mercúrio te ajudam bastante.”
Unawesomeness says “Elise has pretty good potential against you. Your kits are amazingly alike. Both have executes, and and jumps. It's a pretty even fight.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “She is a very strong jungler in the current meta. If she takes conqueror, she will win any duels with you, plus if she times her R correctly, your R becomes useless.”
Snadr says “Even though Elise might be thought to counter Rammus, she is not that useful vs Rammus. Her best option is to try to mirror you and have more early impact. If you can mange getting past 15 mins into the game without being behind you've won”
PsiGuard says “You can win at even strength as long as you block Cocoon. She has no reliable escape so keep killing her once you have a lead. Most Elise's will build damage, so make sure you buy magic resistance to maintain kill threat on her.”
xDopii says “Her spiders can block your Tongue Lash and she has some pretty good burst. Her abilities also deal %-HP damage so you should be careful when fighting her and avoid 1v1s.”
Bel37 says “She has a godlike lvl 2-5. But once that is over her threat level reduces massively especially if she is even on gold with you. Try to get an early ward on one of her buffs so you know where to start to avoid running into her early.”
lolX9J says “One of the harder matchups for sure
only counterplay you got is trying to place a Box in front of you to dodge the cocoon.
You hard win late tho specially with wits end.”
Xavierix says “Start with Emberknife.
Build Mercury's Treads.
She can use her E to get over the Baron and Dragon pits in attempts to steal the objective. Just make sure it's warded around so you can see her.
She tries to get as close as she can to the enemy before using her E for a guaranteed stun, and cancel your W or R.
Elise relies heavily on landing her Cocoon E to initiate fights or ganks. If you’re nearby, you can counter gank her as she doesn’t have much to offer once her Cocoon E is on cooldown.
Elise has a lot of burst damage and can solo kill most champions in the early game: try not to fight her one on one, but only if there is a huge difference in health.
ChaseMorePlz says “Very strong in 1v1s, counterganks, just a hard Udyr counter in general. Stay away from her whenever possible and track her down, a good Elise is tough to beat. Definitely build Magic Resistance versus her early on, fortunately you will eventually outscale her. ”
JunglerBuilds says “Nothing special, just hard to match her early clear, you have better gank potential. She has better objective control though, she can steal stuff so watch out for that.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Elise can burst Amumu down very quickly, and has her repel ability to dodge incoming crowd control from him. Avoid fighting her one on one and wait to get tanky to group with your team. You will win fights by peeling her off of your team and stunning her properly. Mercury Treads are the best option for boots versus her. She naturally heals with her kit, so matching that with a Spirit Visage is a good option if she gets ahead. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Very strong in 1v1s, counterganks, just a hard counter for Vi in general just because of her ability to Rappel your Q/Ultimate. Stay away from her whenever possible and track her down, a good Elise is tough to beat. Definitely build Magic Resistance versus her early on, fortunately you will eventually outscale her.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Dodge her E. Invade in early and use Bushes to outplay/dodge her spells.
Elise just like Jarvan and Rek'sai will probably spam gank your laners so make sure to inform them about it.”
Hxriis says “Elise can be quite annoying since her spiders remove your isolation. So be careful when taking duels with her. Most of the time you are unable to kill her. That doesnt mean she is able to kill you but you won't be either. If her spiders are on cooldown, feel free to delete her.”
Get Ricked says “Elise can destroy you early. Her cocoon makes it impossible for you to jump on her. You lose this matchup troughout the whole game usually. If she doesn't fall behind she can always oneshot you. Also her spiderlings make her lose isolation. If her cocoon misses you can try to fight her, otherwise stay away from Elise.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Elise is a lovely matchup I would say. She gives you such an early form, you will always win early fights with her with electrocute, and you have a faster clear. Free to invade.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Elise is a very though match-up because of her high early game damage, combined with her cocoon. Make sure you always have vision and try to avoid fighting her early on.”
MetaSolaray says “A common threat in this meta, taking aftershock with unflinching will nullify her advantage and allow you to even eat cocoons early for your team. You outscale her with most builds especially Medyr.”
Sq_09 says “Really hard to get away from. She will try to Rappel to dodge your E, so don't E when she has it up and is in range. You can E her after she comes down near you. She will try to look for a Cocoon, but you should be out of range for that. If you diecide to fight her, which you can at some point. Try to place a plant inbetween you to reduce the thread of an incoming Cocoon. After you burst her down, she shouldn't be able to fight you, since Elise is rather squishy.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Easy early game, you can invade her and fight her even if you are both same health, just avoid her cocoon, and care for her midlaner's follow, and try to make sure you spot her on map for your team, people tend not to know how to play against elise, so she can actually outpressure you early game, try to counter gank or spot her on map.”
RedNBlue says “She will stun you and then feast on your little eggs and eat you. Assassin. she is and that is not very great for you as you don't like assassins.”
Degryh says “ENGLISH: You win it very easy at the end of the game but at the beginning better stick with it before it is level 3 . ///////////////////////////////////////////
ESPAÑOL: La ganas muy facil al final del game pero al principio mejor pegarse con ella antes de que sea level 3.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Debated whether to put this as extreme threat. She's got insane damage early and unless your sidestep game is on point, you likely will have to use your W to dodge her cocoon. She can outgank outpressure and outcontest just about everything. Shieldbow is nice but its still hard because by the time you get it she will likely have wreaked havoc. Whatever you do, do not try to do the stun for stun mechanic by dashing into hers to land your own, she wins that.”
KaynPlayer814 says “You lose against her in the early game, but you have a faster clear then her so your goal is to outfarm her. You need to hope your lanes wont get dived by her. You outscale her as both Red and BlueKayn, but you need to watch out for her Cocoon if you dont have much MR. ”
Sheathblade says “Elise is squishy and is predictable in her ganks. You can exclusively try to counter gank her, since her abilities are telegraphed and easy to predict.”
ANTHONYEVELYNN says “Even matchup she has better early you have better mid, but her stun is long range and is annoying. Sometimes I buy banshee's veil earlier than usual so she doesn't stun me instantly when I try to go in.”
RedNBlue says “Elise is a really squishy Jungler early game but once she gets her cool downs shortened and levels up she can do some damage and dodge your attacks.”
liquidkoda says “She has alot of damage which you can not really avoid if she hits her stun. If you can't dodge her stun with your Q or if she keeps it till you use your Q try to walk in a different direction after Q'ing to make her miss the skillshot. She can get untargetable just like you which makes things even harder. You can try to W from the start to bait her stun, if she misses it you can win. Qss can also be a big help here.”
Hidon1 says “Since Elise has a 3 camp clear before she can do a gank you will have a hard time matching her on the first gank in the game. Therefor you will have 2 options: Either you counter gank where you think she is going to dive, or you do a gank on the opposite side of the map to try to counter snowball on the other side of the map.
adony101 says “She is more aggressive than you early but you outscale her. Watch out when you try to jump on her because a good elise will cocoon you and burst you.”
J03B0B says “A good Elise will shut you down early game. Be sure to keep your yellow trinket and buy pinks to watch out for early invades. When she does invade, play slow, make her waste her time. If she can't kill you, you're winning.
The real danger is her ganking potential. You must track and counter her ganks. Your goal is not to kill, it's to get you and your laner out alive and well. Force her into mid game on even terms and you'll win the game through team fights.
Fingers crossed she's not a smurf or you're probably just gonna die... A lot. ”
Schadenfreude says “Very strong early game jungler. She has a decent clear and sustain, but her early game damage is going to burst you before you can get your lethal tempo up. Try to counter gank and dodge her cocoons if possible. Wit's end will be good here. ”
Watsonthe8th says “Has CC and insane burst early game you just gota outlast her just be careful and wait till you can duel her. But for the first few minutes she can kill you super easily.”
Pezzimi says “Now, elise is probably one of the hardest junglers to play against. Can't counterungle her that hard. Try to countergank and dodge her e.”
Aurelius2142 says “Elusive as all heck - you're both strong early, and she has reliable ways to dodge your ult post-6. Watch out for her cocoon in human form - the stun lasts for quite a while. Try to keep vision on her at all times - an elise gank can ALWAYS result in a kill for your laners, leading to major tilt from your allys.”
Karthus man says “Elise is a very powerful early game champ and if you can just get about 1 item and she isn't fed, you should be able to win easily. If she gets fed, you should just farm and get to the point where you 1 shot her before she 1 shots you.”
SuperMajorPain says “Elsie also has a Super Strong Early game, her abilities to jump will counter your Q, so Stay away from 1 v 1, again Counter farming and ganking opposite lanes (if she's ganking top, you Gank bot) with the intention to break down towers will give you the upper hand ”
Ivern OTP says “Elise is strong against Ivern since she's a very high mobility + high burst champion. Ivern is a very low mobility + low burst champion. Since Ivern's move speed is of a slug on its last breath during the early game, its ridiculously easy for Elise to throw a cocoon causing you to either burn your flash or just straight out die.”
STVO124 says “Avoid her stun, and the fight will be relatively easy, however the isolation effect will be canceled because she can produce spiderlings”
ractick says “Be very careful in the early game of counter ganks, invades & early objectives!
She is a hard match-up for both Kayn forms but especially blue! You can't one shot Elise...
Tricky Match-up where you have to play smart and if you do go Blue careful the way you use your R. If you get stunned you are dead.”
Maile says “Danger. Elise can make your life absolutely miserable. It is one of Kha'Zix's hardest matchups because she doesn't need to farm her jungle. You can't fight her early because the spiderlings remove isolation and her burst at level 3 is unmatched in the jungle. Just try to focus on tracking where she is and tell your laners to avoid getting ganked. You scale in the mid-late game so much better than her. Just get some spider spray and use it on her. ”
FrankynFood says “Quite annoying early on due to her high burst capabilities. However, if you can dodge her stun with your q and w her abilities, it's a free kill.”
CalicoCactus says “Early game will win if you don't dodge her human form E, other than that she is overall a bursty auto attack champ, despite being AP if you use your W and aftershock to tank a lot of the early burst, she will be loosing the trade after taking grievous wounds and the power of your spiked shell.”
b4kk0n the Gold Jungler says “Elise's early game absolutely thrashes yours, and considering she deals magic damage, you can't really counter it with your W and she can easily avoid all your damage. I don't recommend banning her always, but take the defensive rune set (Aftershock).”
White Cr0w says “Used to be kinda weak after a hard nerfhammer. Now she is strong again with the buff to her Coccoon stun duration. Be sure to evade it and you should be able to burst her down with your clone earlygame.”
ScytherKhaZix says “one of the worst matchups because her spiders counter kha isolations'
Try to bait elise E if you do this you have a very good chance to win the fight against her”
Minase says “The pressure is on Elise to make something happen in this matchup. It's really hard for her to shut you down, but if she can find you then you will probably die. Look to just outscale her and avoid fighting until you have your items.”
BoyWonder00 says “Early game jungler who can shut down your farming and prevent power spikes. DO NOT FIGHT EARLY GAME. She will destroy you in 1v1s and is probably the strongest 1v1 jungler in the game currently.”
Orfeass says “Elise is really scary for Kayn because of her dominant early game and her Rapper (E Spider form) but no one ever picks her so you should be fine.”
BoyWonder00 says “Most of the majour and above threats to Eve are strong early game. As Eve, you do not want to die as being set behind makes it very difficult to play effectivley. Things like Elise, Graves, and Olaf are good examples.”
BoyWonder00 says “Rhaast can't heal off of her and she will shut down Kayn early game. SA can't kill her because of her damage, CC, and E in spider form.”
Nyftt says “Similar to lee the matchup is really easy mid/late game but she is far stronger than you early on and therefore can invade you quite easily. Put a defensive ward early, look at which buff he starts and avoid her. Also She can E you to cancel your snowball which is quite annoying, watch out for that!”
FalleN3 says “This is a difficult match-up and depending on her build, Elise will potentially have the ability to 100-0 you if she catches you off guard. If you can dodge her Cocoon it will go a long way to you killing her 1v1. The stun from Cocoon sets her up to land a massive amount of damage on you. She's a tricky one to play against and has hard CC and decent damage. When at low health, Play very defensively as her Spider form's Bite deals more damage the lower your health is. If she uses Rappel to engage, then she has no escape. There are not too many decent Elise players out there though.”
FalleN3 says “Elise is a tricky one, she has hard CC and decent damage. When at low health, Play very defensively as her Spider form's Bite deals more damage the lower your health is. if she uses Rappel to engage, then she has no escape. There are not too many decent Elise players out there though.”
Holessando says “Elise can be really annoying.. she can dodge your W with her (spider form) E, so I don't really recommend fighting her.. just play normally, DONT CHASE HER
(take precision for tenacity if u want to, sure helps vs her) She can all-in combo early in you and you're dead. Try to kill her spiderlings with your Q.”
bin kein roboter says “she is a early game jungler but even before 6 you should be able to kill her from a bush only the lategame is a bit of a problem.”
aiker95 says “This is a snowball matchup for the most part but definitely leans in your favor early on when Elise is weaker than you. You can only 1v1 her early on if you dodge her cocoon, if you get hit by it you will probably die. Pro Tip: Start bottom side buff with your ADC, take double buff and get level 3. Then head top lane if your laner has it pushed and go through lane and wait in one of the brushes for her to gank. If top lane is pushed into their turret then just head mid lane. Be patient and wait behind one of the walls on your side of the map, then once Elise to rappels in to gank just counter gank her. If you kill her and take double buffs away you can bully her in her jungle for the first 4-8 minutes of the game and will be too far behind to ever 1v1 you in the first 15 minutes of the game. Also stay full health when playing against her because of her execution damage.”
metalhydra273 says “Her cocoon is a pain, especially if she's ahead. Ult her and make sure she dies before she repels and if you get ahead, look to get the jump on her and burst her down. Don't let her win the early game because she can make herself very hard to deal with her damage and slipperyness.”
SHACO BOLADO says “tente desviar do Casulo dela, respeito o dano dela depois da primeira volta, tente dar counter gank e jogue focado no macro, vc conssegue matar ela no nivel 3 se deviar do casulo usando seu W ou so andando mesmo (Shaco AP ou AD tanto faz)”
brSL7 says “Elise tem um dano explosivo, caso ela consiga muitas kills ela se torna um perigo para o Dr Mundo.
Mas caso a Elise não conseguir muitas kills, e você consiga fechar seus itens tranquilamente, você provavelmente irá sobreviver ao dano explosivo dela e conseguira ir para cima.”
NixLychee says “Just as much early presence as you, with better objective control, and just as much tankiness, with a reliable escape tool. You'll usually win duels vs. her unless you're really behind.”
Aas112mm says “Just overall annoying matchup, she can easily out damage you early and if you dont have a big lead you will still find yourself hard to kill her.”
gurubashi35 says “If you manage to E her stun and full combo, you can win, but keep in mind her Rappel can allow to delay the fight long enough to get help or escape.”
KaRMaX says “one of the best early jungler, be really careful about your vision, ping your team early to cover your buffs
if you can go after 15 min without a stomp, you can win”
PsiGuard says “Elise has a big pressure advantage pre-6 but she's really reliant on successful ganks to snowball. Her farming speed is pretty bad so you can safely outscale her if your team survives her early ganks. Beware of facechecking into Cocoon. Keep an eye out for teammates that are divable, since Elise can dive really early and easily. If you can countergank one of her dives and shut her down, it can really swing the game in your favor.”
PsiGuard says “Cocoon makes this matchup kind of a pain to deal with. Be careful of tunneling towards her if her E is up or you're in for a free stun. You're both early game champions that spike at level 3, so you'll have to pull off more ganks or surprise her from a bush or something to pull ahead.”
bluelunged says “Powerful early jungler, so try to warn your laners and avoid invades. In late her damage won't be enough to kill you with one combo, but don't try to fight her.”
RageAx says “Don't fight her early, she will kill you. Her damage is pretty high so don't count her out of a teamfight even if you're ahead. Try to dodge her stun as it's pretty long. With Rhaast though you can most likely tank her burst.”
KillyOne says “Her damage and stun are really strong early and in good hands she will definitely look to outgank you.
Look to figure out her pathing and try to counter her ganks. Later in the game she falls off.”
KillyOne says “Elise is really strong vs Lillia simply because of her really good burst and stun. Avoid engages with her and do everything you can not to get stunned by her.”
NoaaaaXD says “Once you get hit by an E in the midgame, you're dead. She has really good setup for plays and you'll have to be careful in the river. Her spiderlings cancel your isolation. The key is to dodge her coccoon”
League Of Cursed says “High burst damage, good stun, a mobility spell, and sustain. Honestly a gross champion, but you can get drains from her spiders. Just hope you don't die in the 2 seconds you are stunned; if you are not, then fear her and hope for the best.
Dopamine_influx says “Against elise, I mirror her and countergank lvl 3. If she goes blue gromp red, i go red blue gromp and countergank top/mid. If she goes red blue gromp, I go redside into countergank bot/mid. You win.
You can also try going red, blue, her red if she goes blue, gromp red, but it's high risk, high reward.
You win fights on scuttles, so look to double scuttle.”
CptTeemoOnDuty says “As for 1vs1, it can go either way. If she is ahead try and avoid fighting her alone. She has a lot more available in her kit compared to you. ”
Xeldom says “Favorable match-up.
Rengar can get the early lead. Keep in mind Elise's threat is in her finished Runic Echoes and afterwards where she has potential to 1-Shot you. Avoid Face-checking!”
AWierdShoe says “Elise has a super-strong early game that can lead to hard invades in your jungle, especially as an AP jungler. Try to avoid her cocoon with your E as much as possible, as getting stunned is certain death. Her rappel is annoying as she can use it to avoid most of your damage. Elise falls off super-hard into the late game, and as long as you stay at least even with her you will win teamfights.”
DarkArbalist613 says “If you are facing a good Elise her burst dmg along with her stun will One shot you, if you can dodge her stun she can be easily outplayed.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “She can deal a lot of damage if you don't dodge her cocoon but she is manageable when you're doing it right. Hard to catch though if she has additional targets to Repel to; she will use them as an escape.”
Shujin Jasukai says “Elise has a lot of burst damage as well and utility you need to make sure you dodge her stun either by sidestepping or using alpha strike(Q). and time your meditate well to reduce a majority of her damage.”
Omega Zero says “Dodge the Cocoon, no matter what. If you get tagged by this you will eat a lot of (potentially fatal) damage, especially if she has a lead or certain amount of items. She can't fight you head on but she can get an easier lead with her ganks on your team. Keep track of her and ensure she doesn't get a lead.”
nextonetwo says “Even as well, honestly most champions can just walk into your jg and take your stuff, amumu is pretty squishy early and reliant on teammates who will back you up. Just watch for her human e early game and her spider e late game because she can avoid your damage if she reacts fast. ”
nextonetwo says “Even as well, honestly most champions can just walk into your jg and take your stuff, amumu is pretty squishy early and reliant on teammates who will back you up. Just watch for her human e early game and her spider e late game because she can avoid your damage if she reacts fast. ”
Exs Xena says “Has the opportunity, based on her very fast clearing kit to invade you early on in the game. Keep a control ward at one of your buffs or jungle entrance. In skirmishes, she shouldn't be to much of a threat unless she's hardfed. ”
QzKama says “Strong 1v1, and Counterganks. Focus on catching her off-guard in river instead of invading although Udyr outscales Elise if the game goes long enough”
nickname3110 says “Her spiders can block your Tongue Lash and she has some pretty good burst. Her abilities also deal Percent-HP damage which is pretty effective against Tahm so you should be careful when fighting her and avoid 1v1s.”
GhostReaper87 says “Similar to Lee sin she is the queen of the early game. So much high dps, if 1 of her stun lands your health bar will get deleted early .Try to farm up safely and get other lanes ahead. Rack up on drakes and rifts and eventually you can get tanky enough that she will be useless mid to late game.”
Kamisore says “Try to invade early; as long as you dodge your stun she's free, but be wary of her Rappel (E) as it may buy enough time for her teammates to come. You can countergank easily, as you provide much more pressure as long as it's top or bot lane with the three bushes.”
DarkPit59 says “Elise dispose d'un E extrêmement puissant. En forme humaine elle peut vous étourdir et en forme arachnéenne vous poursuivre. Cependant, comme elle est fragile, vous pouvez la surprendre et l'éliminer via un bon map-control.”
WickedPoppet says “High burst damage, good stun, a mobility spell, and sustain. Honestly a gross champion, but you can get drains from her spiders. Just hope you don't die in the 2 seconds you are stunned; if you are not, then fear her and hope for the best. ”
SavageFy says “Elise's damage, mobility and clear time are an extreme threat for Amumu. You want to avoid her early game. Elise often looks to invade Amumu's jungle early.”
Sorrowful Prince says “Her clear is faster and healthier and she tries to go for lv 3 action like you. Mirror her and countergank it. If she manages to win one lane and is looking for a dive don't be afraid to take the 2v2 as long as you are not too much behind. Dodge her cocoon with your hookshot and autoattack her down. She gets outscaled super hard so don't flip it early by letting her play her game.”
TrevorJayce says “Elise is a bit of a tossup, as her kit allows her to burst you down all while stunning you and having an ability to make her untargetable AND allowing her to get away. You'll win 1v1's, but most of the time she can draw out a fight with you long enough for one of her teammates to rotate and finish you. Avoid fighting unless you see everyone on the map.”
Honey_drops says “Mostly depends on the person playing her. Annoying to deal with since she can E out of your W if you're not fast enough. Be careful of invades and make sure your laners stay safe.”
Morzanoth says “You can avoid a lot of her damage with your E and you can more often than not burst harder than she can. If you get caught in her stun you might suffer but it's pretty easy to dodge. Elise can avoid the damage from your ult if she uses rappel at the right time but will still be affected by the damage increase. Try waiting to use your ult or use your ult early to force her into a bad situation. You should win this pretty easily though.”
Freeakzoid says “There are basically no extreme threats for Rek'Sai, as she herself is an extreme threat to every other jungler thanks to her Tremor Sense (great for counterganking), extremely high damage in early game (can 1v1 almost every champion early) and her unique tunnel mechanism which has higher range than Flash (can escape or engage from places, where other champions can not). The only 'even' matchups for her are very heavy damage early junglers like Rengar, lee, elise.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “If you get hit by her cocoon, you will likely get oneshot, she may rappel your E or R, if you get your passive off though she will struggle to keep up with damage to kill you.”
Ryttar says “Can burst you and cancel your W and R cast with her stun, so always try to be ahead of her. Don't try to fight her early on, but if you manage to get a clean early without her annoying you and counterjungling, your impact in TF will be greater than hers. ”
lheisse says “This fight comes down to skill. Beware of her spiderlings as they can block your q. She can break your r tether with her rappel. Try to bait her rappel with a q then r her or vice versa. If you do that and block her stun than you should win”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Elise is a very though match-up because of her high early game damage, combined with her cocoon. Make sure you always have vision and try to avoid fighting her early on.”
Coccaa says “Same thing with lee, she has crazy dmg compared to you early game but mid/late game she falls off. Watch out for invasions and ward her buff. Also she can cancel ur snowball with E.”
VekkyBoi says “Your drain sticks on her as she is in her E, so make sure you pop W as she is getting lower and she hops out. Her ganks and dives are much stronger, but her clears are very slow. Look to countergank her as when she blows everything she is very vulnerable.”
Marcua says “Pretty much the same as Lee Sin, except Elise got rappel to dodge your spear, and an annoying stun which can kill you late game. She also got a ton of burst, which our glasscannon Nidalee build don't like.”
Soulreaperjin says “Long as you avoid her E and wait till she's gone from her E in spider form, then she's got nothing going for her since her abilities don't deal much damage on you except her Q in spider form and her spiderlings.”
Fabosch is Love says “Stronger early game. If she catches you in mid or late game and if you don't get Maw and/or Mercuries, your team will lost a serious teamfight impact. Try to ward correctly against her. You outscale her really hard.”
Liibron says “This again is a skill match up. Elise has very good duel potential so try to avoid her early on if possible. If you do encounter her, try to Q away from her E and keep your distance.”
RaptorDre says “She isn't too hard of a matchup. If she Spider form E's just Q on top of yourself and she cant land on you, remember that if she cant press on anything (your teammate/minions/bomb plant) she will re-appear at the spot she started her E at.”
urrb says “She is dangerous before you get challenging smite and even after. If you don't get a lead on her, it can be very hard to kill her. Her spiders deny isolation, she can stun you, and even if you end up winning she can use her e and/or flash to get away. If you manage to dodge her stun, you will win the 1v1 if you're even with her. I've seen some people suggest buying tiamat to kill her spiderlings as well. I haven't tried it personally but it seems like a good idea. ”
Kevin grandahl says “there aint any super hard counters as you can dodge alot with your E. but elise spiders makes it so you cant hit q early sadly. late game your main dmg on ap is w -e which you can hit trough them.”
SirEdgeLordYi says “She can be tricky to play against but is not worse than jax and lee sin. Just dodge her cocoon and meditate when she is up in the air. (1v1 situation)”
Jaylendunoe says “Do not try to duel her early. If she lands a cocoon on you, you're probably dead. Her spider lings also severely reduce your damage output as she is no longer in isolation.”
OGPOTATOJEFFSHACO says “Don't fight her early. you need level 6 to be able to fight unless you invade. Use Q to follow her jump or to finish. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE DAMAGE”
Weary Samurai says “When jungling Vs. an Elise as Eve, you must get ahead of her fast, whoever scales quicker will most likely decide the game and the jg.”
0kruemlmonster says “If it's a 2v2 situation and she lands her Cocoon early game, you're probably dead. If she doesn't,you have a chance of beating her. Falls off late game.”
eastya says “If you meet her in the jungle immediately engage on her. She is super weak early against you, you're able to burst her down before she can even use her abilities.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “An annoyance early game, but you can easily outfarm her and beat her in a 1v1 at 1-2 items. Dodge her stun with either your Q or block it with a box. This will let you either escape or win the 1v1.”
SR Trogo says “Elise is not a threat, Elise is THE THREAT.
Strong early game, fast jungle clear, sustain and fast burst can make Nunu unable to respond to her until too late. Also her ganks are quite fast if she lands her cocoon, so counterganking is almost never an option.
If you face her, warding will be essential. She rarely will get caught by your W since she has rapel and cocoon, but if she can't jump onto something else while using rapel you can charge your R a burst her. Eat her spiders.”
Mkcls says “Really weird match-up. You should insta-lose however if you can keep her position on the map, its possible outgank her. She wins 1vs1 no matter what before 6. Do not try to fight her before.”
Simphoria says “She's strong early game but it is difficult for her to combo us as our passive outlasts her burst duration. She'll out roam you early and be able to get RH easily but you out scale her hard. ”
HackedAccountlol says “Both of you have good towerdiving potential, hers just comes faster ( level 3). Avoid her if necessary, if she lands cocoon on you, you dead!”
Fyurex says “She is able to burst you if she full combos you. She is also able to deny you mid ult with her E. But she is fairly squishy and you can duel her easy in the early game.”
McDank says “Should be a relatively easy matchup, try to catch her by surprise in her jungle and feel free to counterjungle when you know where she is on the map.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Use minions and monsters in order to block her stun, and play carefully at low health. Punish her if she used Rappel to engage a fight, as she will have no escape.”
Laverenz says “I personally never really lose against Elise. She can be a pain for your team, as she has great ganking potential, but in a 1v1, if she's not SUPER fed, you can 1v1 her anytime.”
today ill feed enemy team says “She have a strong 1v1 after lvl 3 because she doesn't have a ultimate so he can cast all abilities normally on lvl 3, and she have a strong cc too and this one is ranged, her combo is devastating and she have a little gap closer/untargetable gap so she can just bait you and so a mid laner or top laner will just come to you and poof, you are dead.
A tip it's to do a invade lvl 1 with your top laner and mid laner, maybe you 3 can kill someone or steal a buff, this will difficult her life.”
pvp frenZy says “Elise is probably Kha´Zix worst nightmare. She got alot more early pressure, she can burst you down before you even hit her, and then she goes spider form, her spiderlings prevent her from being isolated. Consider buying a tiamat to kill her spiderlings, otherwise try to avoid her as much as possible since you will outscale her. Void Spike or R evolve first.”
Doaenel says “Elise is only a problem if she gets an item lead. Try to ensure that you snowball off of the map early game and she will never be an issue. The main problem with this matchup is she bursts you before you can get any healing off, so if you can survive her initial burst you will end up killing her.”
radecki says “If Elise is good its really hard matchup. Elise is very good in early and midgame, so you have to be careful what are you doing, and you should try to control where is she on the map.”
CryAwake says “Elise is a pretty good matchup early game however securing a kill on her mid to late game can be difficult is she keeps track of your location.”
Her0mars says “This champion excels in early game snowballing, if she falls behind you won't have a problem peeling her, also she propbably will be obsolete without kills.”
Yuki H. says “Very difficult champion to duel, given that she is AP, who Graves already struggles to fight, along with her spiderlings which are capable of blocking Graves' autoattacks. If she finds you and stuns you, you are most likely going to die, with not much room to outplay, unless they are severely behind or you are very ahead.”
Alessa Beaumont says “Just like Lee Sin, Elise can unleash high damage early on and when ahead in terms of level and items, she can be pretty deadly if you missed some of your skills. Make sure to dodge her E as it's her only CC and land every skill possible for higher damage output.”
yasinpg says “An Even matchup early and ez later in the game. She is extremely vulnerable to your counter ganks so keep track of her. She will be camping top/mid mostly and you will meet her at the scuttle. Remember to not 1v1 her early and ask for help for the scuttle.”
4by3 says “You beat her 1 on 1 if you dodge her stun either by using box or you Q over it, if you don't do this its hard to fight her. You counter her since you beat her earlygame and outscale pretty well.”
KhaZix Mains says “[8/10] Avoid her stun, and you can have a reasonable chance; however, she still has more than enough damage to take you out in mere seconds. Either play the fight very cautiously or try not to fight her at all. Her spiderlings negate your isolation damage so make sure to use Tiamat or your Void Spikes to create isolation by killing her spiders. When fighting Elise try to jump to the side or diagonally instead of straight onto her to avoid her cocoon. Alternatively, you can use the maneuverability of your ult to dodge the stun by juking or jumping on top of her and using the speed to get behind her while invisible.”
MrPuggles says “Elise is a rather difficult matchup, with difficulty varying depending on the skill of the Elise. If it is a good Elise player, there is not much you can do to fight her. She has a really good early game rivaling yours. Elise also can do early ganks to the same effectiveness as Xin Zhao. Try not to fight Elise in a 1v1 early in the game. Try not to let Elise get an early lead or else you will most likely lose.”
Galois_Group says “While not problematic in duel, she has better potential in boosting her laners. Your laners could start to tilt, effectively loosing.”
Aoefa says “She is simmilar to Evelynn, but she also has consistent damage in spider form. You probably don't want to fight her before you have items. She will gank, so either trade objectives, counterjungle or countergank.”
itskimjesus says “if she gets few kills early, can be a complete pain if you havnt snowballed, edge of knight will save you from her cocoon and from there you should win fights”
Intello says “Elise is very strong during your weakest part of the game, early.
She has a stun, and can jump on to you when she ascends and drops on you. If she does drops on you, EW her and try to kite her. Her jump on you doesnt have a very low cooldown so you might be able to kite her.
I suggest getting Banshee's.”
Yzroma says “Versus Elise it's about about hidding. If she engages on you you can't 1v1, if you do, she can't. Try to use Q during her stun so you will hit even stunned.”
vanchovski2002 says “She is your counter.
Her spiders counter you because she is no longer isolated in 1v1
Buy Tiamat to shut down her spiders..
In addition she has better ganks so be aware of her presence ”
fetlol says “Elise and her spiderlings can make it somewhat difficult for Kha'Zix and his isolation radius to really do anything. Try to avoid Elise and take advantage of her weaker mid game once you have enough items.”
SlasherGamer says “Elise has a lot of presure upon you in the early game and because of Hecarims weaker lategame its hard for heacrim to have presure over her in any situation.”
Bombabo says “If you can avoid her early game, you shouldn't have a problem with her. Keep in mind that she can use her rappel to time out your W, and her spiders can block your Q”
Killerbacca10 says “She will murder you. DODGE IF PICKED. She will cacoon you if your w'ing. She will repel out of your ult. Nothing you can do. Try playing for late game if you make it you win.”
Chosokabe says “Her stun sucks. It's not a Rammus taunt but it will sure ruin your day. Make sure to hold onto your Q until you see the animation start for her stun in order to dodge it. If she doesn't kill you 1 v 1, chances are it'll turn into a 2 v 1 before you can kill her.”
Jungle Kings Rage says “Dodge Her Obvious Stun And Easy Win. And Even If You Do Get Stunned You Will Most Likely Live Anyways.Id Go For Crit Build So I Can 1 Shot Her When After I Get Out Of Her Stun.”
Exeo says “dodge her e, but she can still one shot you so be careful, avoid early, you can turn the tables mid game and late game, if she hasn't bought zhonyas.”
TheLandlos says “Same as Lee Sin, but worse. She has way too much damage for you to deal with, and if you are not carefull she can completely shut you down during the early game, making a comeback pretty much impossivle. Good luck.”
lolWillieP says “A good Elise will dump on Udyr. However, most Elise players struggle with positioning (aka if you're below Diamond, feel free to invade her). If you are diamond, then hope she messes up, otherwise you're gonna have a rough time”
NightmareBug says “Avoid her stun, and the fight will be relatively easy, however she still has more than enough damage to take you out in mere seconds. Play the fight very cautiously, or try not to fight her at all. Her spiderlings negate your isolation damage.”
RoboJungler says “Very annoying to play against. She can jump around and stun you from various angles. She doesn't have a major dash and can dodge your E really easy.”
Toad12138 says “She is much better than you early, like camille, beats you completely. You still crush her after getting form though. Avoid her when picking lanes to gank.”
programmingkitten says “Really anoying to play against. Early she will out damage you, outgank you and counter gank you. In late you will destroy her tho.”
MasutaKokoBot says “Elise is a slightly mild threat. She can jump up and try to get behind your team to get to you. With enough cc and peel from your team, you should be fine. Stay out of the range of the circle when she jumps.”
quinceeeee says “She can easily outplay you with her combos, as you may miss your Q or cannot deal extra damage to her, and she has a stun, which can save her life or save her kill.”
bluejaypig says “If she lands a cocoon on you early game you're probably dead. ALpha dodge it and ward around your jungle early so you don't get beat.”
Deltix31 says “Les duels sont très volatiles : grossièrement, celui qui touche son skillshot l'emporte
Tips : Attention à ne pas R quand Elise à son E ou bien faites le au corps à corps pour diminuer le travel time ainsi que son temps pour réagir.”
WujuBladesman says “i havent encountered elise in much games, but if you do just dodge the cacoon and also ward your jungle in case she invades and she probably will.”
xTheUnlimited says “Elise is rarely seen these days. She has a decent damage output, but is just too weak to keep up with Sejuani. You could even try to invade her to set her behind. She wont be a big threat to you. ”
ApexZulu says “Elise can effectively trade with you in 1v1's early if she lands her stun, however without it you easily win. If Elise gets ahead, avoid counter ganking unless its a for sure win. Elise' burst will allow her to quickly turn 2v2s into a 2v1 in her favor. ”
BUILDAWALLLL says “very annoying to play against because she can jump around and stun you and doesn't have to dash to you to get to you , this is about who can catch the other one off guard first ”
Trap_mp4 says “Elise's ability to get on top of you with her spider form e and not risk getting stunned is a massive counter to Zilean this combined with her stun will generally kill Zilean.”
woofpack3 says “ap junglers pop your black shield ezpz and elise actually has cc so it matters. she has much more sustained damage than you and will invade early and often and eat your ass every time you see her. also her rappel lets her cheat way too much vs you”
craY13 says “She is hard to face in the early game. Try to eávoid fighting her even if she is counter jungling you. If you are ahead you can do so, but care ybout her burst damage. But don´t worry you will outscale her very hard.”
OmnimX says “Her Cocoon can stun you if she hits it while you are stealthed, and her Rappel can be used to easily dodge your charm. Early game she can out-duel you, but she fall off mid to late and becomes an easier kill.”
Optimal Pancake says “Another bursty champ. Elise's burst has a high chance of messing up when you ult. Holding your ult till the last moment is ill-advised here, as she could burst you down in a second.”
ElementressX says “Elise is very easy. She can't duel you very well. Try to dodge her e, but be careful, she can dodge your ult with her spider e, so try to bait it out first.”
Violzandre says “She can poke you and she have a cute stun, it's not a threat meanwhile she doesn't find you half dead in your jungle at low levels.
Ah, if she have kills or farm advantage, be careful. (please, don't let her get the farm advantage you're a SHYVANA)”
Predated01 says “She's pretty weak atm but she has natural counters in her kit like her spiderlings to block your spear and stun to stop your damage combo.”
LordTamaki says “Elise has a powerful early game and scales decent well, although not as well as you. dodge her cocoon post 6 and this match up is cake.”
L3gislacerator says “Elise is a quick killer with enough AP damage to burst one of your teammates, or you, before you can react in time. Buy early magic resist and keep wards up in your jungle. Also, always be prepared to activate your ultimate at a moment's notice.”
Ivker21 says “A lot like Evelyn, you'll out scale Elise late game to the point that she'll be useless. It's your job to make sure that she doesn't scale too much and to prolong the game.
Elise has a really good early game and she can outplay you in a 1v1, so avoid her early. Keep your camps warded as she clears faster than you and she'll look to invade.
A good way to stay safe would be to buy Merc Treads ASAP.
Late game in team fights, help zone her out and CC her (a lot like with Yi).”
OddOwl says “Another burst damage reliant champion. Your W comes in handy once again if you can get it off before she stuns you. Her excellent ability to steal buffs, objectives and crabs can be a problem though.”
CalebsLegacy says “Unless she is ahead, there is no way you lose to her as you can stack your ferocity easily jumping from a bush. Just be careful not to use all your abilities at once since she has an escape. ”
Castcade says “There are a lot of counters to kindred elise is no exeption just like amumu and camille if you can't dodge well a full rotation of fer spells is LMAO I recommend to be a little aggressive BUT not to aggressive I recommend this is if you dodged her E red smite W Q E her and you win”
scriptying says “Extreme threat if she's smurfing. Can invade you freely. Build Malmortius and wait until she uses her spider form cooldowns. Good ban aswell, specially in higher elos.”
Hazardist says “Similar to Kha'Zix, Elise is an assassin skewed twards the early game and gets outscaled very easily. What makes he easy to deal with is that she relies on hitting her coccoon (E) and you can completely ignore it if you place yourself between or behind your Mist Walkers, who will tank the skillshot for you.
Runeset to take: Conqueror.”
As a Support 50.36% Win Rate47% Pick RateElise As a Support Counters: 33 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Elise as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
ShriekingMammoth says “Both these champs can cancel each other out fairly well as Shen can withstand Elise burst, but Elise can dodge Shen E and disengage with rappel. Elise is a little difficult to play, so can abuse players who don't have a lot of experience on her.”
Pykings says “Even matchup because Elise can't tower dive Pyke easily due to Pyke's ability to dodge her cocoon and E out of her range. However, just like how Elise can't easily kill Pyke, Pyke can't easily kill Elise due to her ability to dodge Pyke's skills with her Repel.”
Foxirion says “Elise’s range, crowd control, and burst damage can pose a significant threat to Nautilus. Her ability to rappel can also allow her to dodge Nautilus’ hook.”
Foxirion says “Elise's burst damage and crowd control can pose a threat to Rakan, especially in the early game, but Rakan's mobility can help him avoid Elise's skill shots and engage effectively.”
Fenreee says “|||JUNGLE||| Pretty simple matchup. Don't get hit by her CC and you'll be fine. She has trouble picking off people when you're there so just play the vision game and keep track of where she is and she'll be kinda doomed. Elise is one of those Junglers where, she has such a hard time killing Janna, that i will go into her Jungle solo I have mid prio, and just ward it up. If she's there i'll just walk past her. If she tries fighting me Janna can drag it out for so long that mid can rotate.”
Ablano says “elise is mostly about early ganks because she can have 6 abilities instead of 3, and she tries to rush the early gank. she will take red/buff and one camp from that buff camp and then take the other camp. she will mostly gank around the third wave of the minions, ward so you know if she is coming which will she 100% cuz she needs to snowball early game and if she gank you, dodging the E is what it all takes for that gank to fail ”
Lugos says “She isnt too strong in the meta but she will still a deadly early game ganker. Make sure you ward well and predict her ganks, if you can stay safe and she cant snowball ure good.”
Jageiko says “Elise is not that strong on you, you can cancel her Q (spider form) AND its damages, which is always the first thing she does after landing a cocoon. When she E, she almost always land near a wall, which is, well, your favorite place for an ennemy to be.
In the rare case she run away from you with low HP, you can E her spiders following her to get close.”
EzekielSalad69 says “At her early game she can scare you off back to lane. she is way to strong for you at early.”
NUNU Sup S12 by EzekielSalad69 | Nunu & Willump Player
Mr buckets says “Respect her early game ganks and wait for her to normally fall off, don't try and ult her in her spider form as she will just repel it, try to land your q in a way where you hit Elise and her spiderling for a nice little stun!
Go Getter says “Burst damage screws you up quite a bit but if she's not too fed or better yet behind, you can easily catch her off guard and even turn it into a kill if she decides to gank you and your ADC.”
Tauricus2017 says “Her ganks rely on hitting that 3 second stun ability called Cocoon. Dodge it for any cost (even flash if necessary). Try to Starcall while she is running to your ADC so it takes longer time or apply Equinox so she can't stun any of you. Buy yourself some time and then run under the tower.”
fishbully says “ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Elise has been introduced sort of as a "new" AP mage support. Janna will out-run elise and her stun is relatively easy to dodge.”
Vermeio says “Elise is too squishy. Poppy stuns and burst damage, will force her to get out. Her jump, can focus your adc, of course. But a simple E can take her off him easily, and even counter her. Don't forget to ward. ”
SawyerNelson says “Elise can gank early and often, burst Thresh very hard, and all of your abilties are almost worthless against Elise, you can save your ally with lanturn, but if she gets onto you flay hook barely helps. If you can read the fog of war or her early path you will be ganked out of the game.”
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