Top Lane 52.14% Win Rate75% Pick RateMalphite Top Lane Counters: 41 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Malphite in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush/Comet
Early: E start and spam for manaflow
Tips: Easies matchup for gragas besides kayle, Literally just spam abilities on top of him and win every trade. If you want optimal resets you can proxy farm before basing if it's safe to do”
GodKingwastaken says “You can hit ur E while hes trying to Q you. Use it, you have a better lane control than malphite so freeze ur lane, he cant get any farms because u can pull him in his Q range.”
liucan says “Why this match is bad, he will just poke u with Q early, can outrun u with Q also, he can u rush bramble and kill u 1v1, E reduce att speed, he can set-up easy ganks for u and of course his ult is tf oriented. The only reason he is no above is because u can free roam against him and also he will not solo carry a game, just deny u. If he rush malignance then u win free, rush cleaver and start D shield and scale.”
Dom1nus says “He doesnt really have any kill pressure against you, if he goes arcane comet watch out for his q poke and be careful for a sudden lvl 6 all in with his ult. push the first waves because he cant farm under turret and he is also extremely mana hungry early on. freeze and punish him whenever he goes for a minion. The thing is he can use his ult for an escape.”
Maniaxx says “Malphite's Passive (Granite Shield) provides a shield that can absorb a lot of damage, and his Q (Ground Slam) slows you, making it harder to escape or trade effectively.
R (Unstoppable Force) is a strong engage tool that can initiate teamfights.
How to deal with him:
Build health and armor: Malphite thrives when stacking armor, but Mundo can outlast him with health-based scaling.
Trade short and poke: Malphite is a tank and can be difficult to kill, so poke him with Q and look to trade during his cooldowns.”
Nithril says “He builds armor and you cant kill him, then Ult you and you die, try to roam around and lay to farm to prolong the game where you can then go against other opponents, maybe even ask for a swap”
BigBallsLarry says “The Malphite matchup can be either even or extreme, depending on the player. Malphite is a real pain, often worthy of a ban alongside Gragas. You’d think Fiora would be a counter due to her true damage, but it’s actually the opposite, however many inexperienced players pick him without understanding why they win the matchup, which can be turned to your favour.
Before Malphite gets Bramble Vest, you can look for early kills, but once he has it, just like Poppy, he’ll run you over.
For tips, take Conqueror for scaling and Second Wind with Doran’s Shield to help with sustain. You can use your Q to dodge his Comet and secure low-health minions while farming. If he engages, try to parry his E, as his R is nearly impossible to parry unless he uses it from a distance, in which case you can react to it.
This is a farming lane, so focus on getting Ravenous Hydra as quickly as possible, then shove the lane, roam and repeat. Cut down”
Skaarlschloch says “Medium-bad matchup. Go Grasp with Secondwind DRing + TP. You can go Sundered Sky or Maw if he goes Comet and enemy jngl is AP. Try to outheal his dmg, proxy where you can.
You wont ever kill him or hardwinthis lane if he has a brain and Malphite scales really well into teamfights. Not a huge lane threat to you though.”
Banglas says “Very annoying, you can't dodge his Q. He will poke you till u low and all in. Keep distance and push in early because he will not have good waveclear”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
As expected, you can win early, force long trades, specially when he's out of mana. After his first item, you start to lose if even, and eventually he will outscale purely from armor. Black Cleaver is awesome here. ”
SK Terrasin says “He should never be able to kill you. You are basically better than him at literally everything. Build Sunfire, if he goes Frostfire and Hollow, if he goes Maligma.”
Raideru says “This matchup is just farming and making sure he doesn't get free trades with his passive, he can't really kill u unless you fuck up and get yourself really low, I just advise to rush Tiamat and perma roam and avoid interacting with him. I usually go Grasp in this lane.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"He's everything you love in a champion. Just farm Grasp procs off him all day for poke and healing, and look for all-ins. Try and stun/eat him when he Q's you so he can't use the MS to
run away. Rush MR if he's Comet/Lost Chapter rush to sustain" ”
Spartaniko says “You can rush Black Cleaver, it is possible to kill him early, from then it only gets harder, go TP and roam after pushing the wave. Go Conqueror and try to do long trades.”
Fenharion says “If he goes tank he isnt gonna deal damage and you can kill him if he stays long enough,if he goes ap he won't be able to oneshot you and you can kill him easily.”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Malphite tem um early bem forte contra zed, um poke bem chato, porém o seu maior problema mesmo é no lv6, procure sempre pokear ele.”
UrPersonalGod says “You can always go for trades if he tries to Q you.
The lane is pretty free, but in later stages of the game you do 0 damage to him and hes strong in teamfights.
You cant really do much against his R in teamfights so ignore him and focus on his backline.”
tictac9090 says “This matchup is Darius favored. Level 1-2 let him poke you with Q as he is gonna run out of mana pretty fast. There isn't really a lot he can do against you as you outsustain him in any extended fight. If he goes arcane comet his poke will eat up your health so second wind is a must have.”
SemenDrinker says “2nd wind shield or blade
Snoozefest, He will go arcane comet. An interesting thing is that when he Q's you can walk towards him for a bit then instantly walk backwards after the q hits so arcane comet just misses and doesn't hit you at all. Malphite will just tank your full combo all laning phase but do know that he will get alot stronger than you and become more useful than you in team fights. Eclipse rush is fine into malphite. Once he backs twice for his items it will be pretty hard to kill him without it. However if malphite gets any semblance of a lead you will never beat him. Post lane phase it gets extremely hard to kill him.
AP malphite isnt really an issue, just go mercs rush and beware when he ults as thats usually when his jungler is there. ”
IvanBeifong says “Easiest matchup for Sylas, if he has comet, E when he Qs you, to avoid getting hit by the comet, always trade with him, you'll win every single time, not much to say that hasn't been said as of now.
His ult is one of the best for Sylas, good for 1v1, good for teamfight.”
Frankoloko says “You win at all stages of the game. Really hard. Ulting him in teamfights is useful since his ult brings a lot to a teamfights. Take Second Wind to sustain some poke but start Ring not Shield because the extra AP is what you need to push this guy to his tower. Win the game with proxy. Buy Rylai first because he's super fast.”
Body Those Fools says “His Q poke hurts so use your range advantage. Do your best to constantly harass him so he can't use his Passive's shield. Once he is level 6, he will look to Ult you and all-in you with his jungler so always be ready to Flash it. He is unstoppable during his Ult so don't use yours until after he lands at his destination. Know that if you all-in him and get hit by his E your attack speed will be slowed.”
Sc00n3z says “Malphite's armor stacking and passive shield (Granite Shield) reduce the effectiveness of Illaoi's physical damage. His crowd control (Ground Slam and Unstoppable Force) can interrupt Illaoi's abilities and lockdown her in fights.”
Zagreus16 says “better to take grasp here so you can sustain his Q poke but you can go conq and trade him easily if you can keep landing your E on him. Rushing black Cleaver is a must for him”
CrimsonL7 says “He just beats you to death, you will never have the damage to kill him lol. Just farm and try to scale for team fights. (You can kill him pre first back but after that its rough) ”
step1v9 says “Permaban. Seriously just permaban. Even the worst player can counter you. Don't take grasp into it. I don't care what build Timmy in silver tells you to go just permaban it.”
LDaL says “Problematic matchup because of his passive and w( both grant him shield and armor). Can go tank and ap. If tank - you can try to kill him before 6 and first defensive item. After that you need bork at least. The only dangerous from him in teamfights is his ult, he can easily engage. Just ignore him and focus enemies carry( he doesn't deal much dmg). IF he going for your carry, try to protect him after his ult by using w in front ranged champ and focus him. Ap more dangerous but easier to kill. If he get 2-3 items, very likely he will one shot(if you doesn't have any magic resist items) or your carry with his full combo. So try to time your tornado after he ult so you can ult himright after. Get core item and you destroy him.”
Raideru says “Let him q you on the first two levels all the time to waste his mana and also poke him with q, after lvl 3 look to hook him in when he throws q and short trade him or all in him depending on your hp, he can't really do much to you because you just outsustain his q poke and you win most trades, Wave will be on your side most of the time because of his q agroing the minions so ask for ganks or run him down if he dares to q you while he's deep in lane”
Haxorr says “Malphite can be tough if you don't know what you're doing and you let him scale. However, if you play aggressively early and get the lane into good wavestates, such as a freeze, it's really easy to beat malphite.
A good malphite will take comet in this matchup, so having DShield + second wind is really useful. I recommend taking Grasp and rushing Trinity. You need to play aggressive early and get prio on the wave, and look to chunk him as you do your initial crash. Getting first recall is important, and you should win trades up until level 7 or so. After that it can be hard, so really be aggressive and try to build a lead before then. Play for early grubs skirmishes and shit.”
DuckQc says “He can kill you pre-6 if he has a wave stacked up, post-6 he doesn't really have the damage but he can use his r to escape you. Try to not get hit by his r while you didn't use yours, because it doesn't cleanse knockups. I would recommend building bc > shojin(true damage from e)/hexplate. By building bc you get 40% armor reduction at full stacks, so you make him less tanky and he has less damage from w. You should also buy a null-magic mantle early game.”
Skaarlschloch says “You can beat him in lane but hes often way more useful in fights. You should try to outroam him early and get plays going mid/bot to get your team ahead aswell.
Your W deals physical dmg so he can build Armor and be fine if he is smart”
Beeware says “Skill matchup. Don't let him poke you with his cheese wheel, if he's persistent then focus on poking him with Q. Save E for when you think he will R you - he can fly through it, but will still be stunned”
TeiWasTaken says “Very bad matchup. If you rush LDR, you can fight him in lane pre 6, but then you are done. His Ult will prevent you from remounting and he will outscale you really hard. Just try to end the game as soon as possible before he gets Frozen Heart + Thornmail.”
Baby_Driver says “Second wind with demolish is great.
Black cleaver first is amazing.
Whenever he tries to Q you, there is a small window when u can pull him in - abuse that. Keep in mind that he can always use his ult to escape so keep track of that.”
Hotch says “Kindof a weird matchup. Don't be afraid to tank his Q's because he'll run out of mana before you run out of health. Then its EZ. His lvl 6 is pretty scary so avoid diving or poking if you know that he has ult. Honestly, avoid being under his tower when he has ult because your maiden/ghouls will auto aggro him if he fights you which means you take turret aggro so it's an instant lose.
Take flash.”
KingJoeyy says “you completely counter malphite the only wave he doesn't die is if he ults away from you everytime you R at him LOL. but then you can try to tower dive him :p”
forlid says “Not much to do in this lane. You can use W to negate his Q (and Arcane Comet) damage, but other than that, his kit is basically just a full counter against yours. He becomes very valuable late with his R, and if he builds full armor you'll never kill him. Early Terminus is good if their team has more than one tank, but otherwise go BORK. This matchup gets much more difficult in higher elos as Malphites tend to play more with their teams. If he goes Grasp its honestly much easier early as his Q damage is basically equal to your W shield. Your only window to kill him is level 3 and when you finish BORK.”
procatking says “PTA, tp,D shield, take rune NO.1.
bro is rock solid...
*Really Hard matchup*
best you can do to kill him is to poke with max range Q and quick trades with stun. hope for a gank from the gods of jg.
after he buys some armor just go roam the map and help your team ”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp. Conq
He wants to build armor so its pretty free. Early he wins with q poke. You need to extend trades beyond his passive shield to win. He can surprisingly burst you lvl 6 if you dont flash or w his ult. Dont r his r. Generally this is free though. Swifties go brr”
SenSen_LoL says “Easy, he can't really trade you without wasting tons of mana. You have more sustain than him and will be able to kill him pretty easily. The only thing you should watch out for is his ult.”
MaesePerez says “Possibly the easiest matchup you could ask for, you win 1v1 at every point in the game, you scale better, he can pretty much never kill you and your e and grasp procs will shred him. You're also better at teamfights unless he lands a huge ult, since once his ult is down he is pretty useless, but your q does a similar job and can be used throughout a fight. ”
Sanderrsol says “Malphite is another easy matchup. It's a tank v tank and he has no kill pressure pre 6 as long as you play right. Shen deals mixed damage so you should outdamage. Use Q+Grasp to outsustain him as he runs out of mana quickly. ”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
durr durr AA oriented tank fight but you win it. Poke with cleavers. Dont get cocky and take conditioning, you need second wind his poke is actually very high if he has comet. Phase rush + resolve
Bard_Enjoyer says “It can go 3 ways. If he goes full ap then you have a big problem early, but late it's not that bad. If he goes full tank, you will win(your passive and w passive carry). If he goes mixed then you should win if you play it carefully”
Angryappleseed says “He will literally just stack armor and make your life hell. Rush Cleaver and take scorch. Keep spamming your Q on him in-lane and keep his passive shield down. Try to build an early lead. You will barely do damage to him if you don't get ahead. Mid-game, you will be useless vs him, but you do outscale.”
Artszy says “Ventos revigorantes, early game tu bate nele, mas depois tu não consegue matar ele por seu boneco ser ad. Ele te ignora e aperta R no teu adc.”
hamgi says “short trades. mitigate q poke with w. avoid extended trades as his e reduces atk spd unless it's on cd (7s) space his w to avoid giving free dmg. play relatively safe post level 6 to avoid getting ganked and locked up by his r”
forlid says “You win early and mid with good enough spacing and poke. Eclipse is very good against him since it blocks his short trade damage. He kinda outscales you as you'll not really be able to kill him after he has enough items. Focus on killing his team and he becomes obsolete.”
PlayCabex says “Really easy to lane against. Your poke is a lot better than his, your sustain is a lot better than his. Feel free to start W 2nd in this matchup to perma shove waves against him. Malphite sucks at csing under the tower. Whenever he comes in for a Q, you can always out trade him. You can also dive him if he is low enough. Since he has no way of stopping your wave clear, you can use your roam timer to help your mid laner.
Runes: Aery”
Belle19 says “he can outpoke you with comet build, in which case just look for cheesy pulls to chunk him out with. If he has grasp, when he walks up to trade walk away and q him. Malphite players actually have 3 braincells to rub together they almost never try to dodge your q they just walk at you in a straight line if they activate w. On the off chance you play against one of the 2 malphite mains in existence you are probably fucked but melee oriented malphite players who just locked it cos they are autofilled you can kill on repeat. If you are under his tower with a wave keep in mind that if its just caster minions, his ult + e kills them so you are in kill range for him. In sidelanes you hard outscale him and can just walk up to towers and hit it while he stands there. In a high level sense he outscales you in teamfights, but whenever im against him I just wait for him to ult someone else and then he's an easy victim for you to get noxian might off of. Just keep in mind in teamfights if you do that you either need to carry it or you will lose the teamfight as he's probably shut down your carries. ”
AWierdShoe says “Another tank matchup, but this one is a bit harder to kill early on. Many Malphites go Arcane Comet with Q-max to poke you out. This playstyle is quite annoying as he can poke you from range and outmaneuver your Qs with his movement speed. Otherwise, there's not much Malphite can do versus you as you can still fight back and chunk his HP bar. If the go Grasp with W-max, trading can be a bit riskier as if we miss our combo he'll clap us with a Grasp-empowered W, forcing us to take a good amount of damage. Overall, this lane is more of a farm lane than anything if the Malphite is decent and knows what he's doing. He will stack armor and stonewall the lane, just be cautious of his level 6 and his gank setup for his jungler. ”
Haearnbleidd says “He can kill you pre-6 if he has a wave stacked up, post-6 he doesn't really have the damage but he can use his r to escape you. Try to not get hit by his r while you didn't use yours, because it doesn't cleanse knockups.
I would recommend building bc > shojin(true damage from e)/hexplate. By building bc you get 40% armor reduction at full stacks, so you make him less tanky and he has less damage from w. You should also buy a null-magic mantle early game.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Grasp
This lane goes one of 3 ways.
1.) He's awful, you notice, and he won't respect jump range. He uses CDs on the wave and you trade till dead.
2.) He rushes bramble, forces you to buy Dark Seal and W max for wave clear until the lane ends.
3.) You start Dblade, bait hit into buying armor, then return with Codex. Build AP from here, and proceed to meme. ”
Akuzai says “If he's running comet you should still go doran's ring just for mana to w it. Sustain properly in lane and try to set up all ins with freezes, if not don't panic and try to gain advantages through side lane.”
ironin says “you are perfectly fine until maphite have 200 armor.(it only 10 minute of the game btw ). after that the matchup is unplayble if malphite know what hes doing then you doomed”
PPlongcook says “This can go up to a 3 if the Malphite builds full armor but most of them build Sunfire Aegis first. You beat him by forcing him to trade constantly. He will run OOM before you and that will allow you to kill him freely after that.”
hoflol says “Malphite needs armor to be effective, and Singed is AP, so that slows his scaling down a bit. But the matchup can still be super annoying with his Q slow.
Neither laner should be able to kill if played correctly.”
Lukajs says “Malphite is a good matchup for Gwen, since he only counters AD champions. His E is annoying since it reduces your attack speed, but you can E + Q4 + AA him for a lot of damage.
Play around poking him and all inning him when he is 70-50% health. ”
GheeseEmpty says “Pretty inconsequential when building typically. You pretty much completely dictate the trades here. If he goes Grasp, you win most trades. If he goes Arcane Comet, try and sustain in order to prevent his all in. If he goes all in too early, you can easily run him down and kill him. This matchup is much easier if you go Phoenix.”
exoticT says “You can win the early lane easily, try to look for kills as later on malphite gets very tanky, respect malphite ult in teamfight, respect his e as it lowers your attack speed, take grasp”
ThelpixG says “Might be annoying early game.
It all depends on what setup Malphite goes.
If he goes comet it becomes much harder but if he goes Grasp it's a free lane.
How to Beat?
- If you're playing against comet malphite try hiding in bushes so he cant harass you with Q;
- Take the antitank setup;
- Try not letting his shield come back up;
- Build LDR to melt him down;
- Always try to hit him with your passive because it deals true damage which counters his armor heavy kit;
- Your W cleanses his attack speed reduction.”
xXazzer says “Malphite is annoying. Esp with arcane comet because he plays like a ranged top. But if you keep up in levels get some MR early on and rush cleaver you should beat him.”
NegativePhoenix says “Here's what the Malphite matchup mostly looks like:
Walk up, Q, Comet [if he has it], walk away and repeat until you're low enough for an all-in
You're overall a better tank because while his ult can hit hard, your W is basically similar to his ult and you have way more CC to back it up than he does.
Tank is much easier to handle than AP in terms of peeling but overall it's not a big difference for you. It's only annoying since he can one shot most of your team and you can't really stop it unless you CC him right as he lands”
X_TRM says “(Start W) He will out damage you if he uses his E in the trade first. He can go with no runes and still kill you after 6. Abuse him early for lane prio. Black Cleaver is good but it's irrelevant against him early. Go Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
Murfz says “Grasp and just spamming W on him when he walks up for CS makes the lane pretty decent, just make sure to play around your grasp proc and not waste mana on Q/E too much. Black Cleaver second instead of Shojin.”
WhendZ says “Bem de boa, é só ser esperto e desviar. nesse cenário eu recomendo buildar dominik antes da coletora. Pokeia ele, e de novo, e de novo, e de novo. Toma cuidado por quê ele tem uma Armadura muito Alta.”
LegacyOneTap says “he may be a counter to some but in my opinion, you can either run lethal tempo/conquer if you think you're better, or safe play run the usual grasp with divine and some mr in runes you should be able to do some decent trading lane controlling, watch his jungler and you're chillin. ”
Wizboy73 says “[Conqueror or grasp] One of the easiest champs to deal with, he was meant to counter AD, so unless you go crit swain he is super easy. ”
The Saucy Saurus says “Trade with Q when he walks up to W E. Try and use your passive to break his and block his Q damage. Dangerous if AP, hard to kill if tank.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer because i wanna kill him early.
You need to play aggresive early so you get lead early and scale up. If he plays comet you can play kill him before 6. If he Q's you, you instantly switch to hammer form and Q him. You dodge the comet and get MR from your hammer form. After 6 this champ just get steelcaps and more armor. ”
WarwicksSimp says “This matchup can be either really easy or really hard depending on both junglers. Malphite is giga broken too, perks of being meta, but you can deal with him solo as he's a really telegraphed champion. Base your build and runes on enemy comp.”
xskyswitch says “As it goes for any AD top laner besides maybe Camille, Malphite is probably the hardest matchup for Pantheon. Even with black cleaver armor shred it wont be quite enough to get good damage done to him. He is my permaban in the top lane. If by some reason he isn't banned and you play against him; E his R, and Q poke until he gets low health. Prevent him from having his shield up often. Then all-in when you feel comfortable enough that you can kill him.”
Tronnes says “This champ is the last of the extreme champs. He is annoying in lane and his armor scales hella, so cleaver and seryls. Early game isn't so made but when he gets a bit of armor it gets annoying fast. ”
RivenCarriedYou says “The only unbeatable matchup, His AOE melee range E slows your attack speed to 0 pretty much making your combo a tad bit slower and harder to do if not practiced, watch out for the cheese wheel Q in lane. pay attention to the damage, it would be very troll of him to max it in lane. since putting 1-2 points into E will make your laning 5x easier. His passive cooldown starts at 8/7/6 every 6 levels lvl 1-7-13.
That basically doubles his Armor, taking his passive shield down before re-engaging would be the most optimal way to try and all in him.
Meleedeft says “Always use your E for his Q and try to outfarm him if you cant kill him at the early levels(before first back).
After his first Armor Item you cant kill him alone anymore.”
Chaddouk says “Malphite is a big bummer for Trynd since Trynd relies on his AD and attack speed and Malphite has tons of armor and a spell that reduces attack speed immensely (like nasus). Still there are ways to perform in that matchup : early pressure him supra hard (from level 1), you beat him on long trades, if he doesn't have E or doesn't hit it (he misses it, you go in). Later the plan is to bring him on side, outrotate, he tp's, now you do it again and he has no tp and you have a window 5v4 basically. Or you just play grasp build and free advantage, you only trade hp for grasp procks and later you look to bring a wave to his turret, ignore him and go for demolish procks. It's only in Even because of Grasp build.”
BaotoGame says “Malphite is a tank, and Yorick is a tank shredder, having percent health damage AP on his E and R. Malphite has a lot of consistent poke with his Q and can still be tanky due to his insanely high amount of armor.Malphite damage depends on his armor which is his W and E that scale with the armor.But the black cleaver will reduce his armor 30%,so that means you can actually go black cleaver at the 2nd Items to reduce his tankiness and his damage.”
daitolol says “- Try to get as many qs as possible early levels especially level 1 as your sustain is very high but his mana is limited
- The reason this matchup is pretty Akali favored is because malphite can only trade with q landing e or w is pretty hard when you have shroud and e to play around with and him stacking MR will delay his spikes
-Do not let him regenerate his shield constantly go for q pokes even if you miss out on some wave it's better for him to be low so you can zone him out from xp
_WhiteSnow_ says “Has very little range so has difficulty trading with your unburrow -> combo pattern. Only danger is him cancelling a tunnel with r when getting a gank, so be very aware of where the enemy jungler is.”
At_Tar_Ras says “you can do well until his FIRST back and then it'll be a disgusting matchup. he's just a better champion than you man. empowered W will bonk his shield as it shield-breaks when you're above 50 rage but like i said, once he gets armor it's kind of doomed for you as you can't kill him but he can kill you O.o”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: Fleet with Second Wind + Riftmaker]
Malphite's Gameplan is just using Q until you are low enough to die to his Ult. While Fleet with Riftmaker might sound weird at first, recent developments have shown that by rushing Riftmaker first item, you can outsustain his poke and even outpoke him. Try to poke him so that he doesn't get his passive shield back. Watch out for ganks because Malphite Ult is a perfect gank setup. Flash his Ult whenever you predict it.”
chewy378 says “His q damage is unavoidable. He will slowly chip you away and then kill you with his R. However, the matchup is Lillia favored pre-6; that is your chance to kill him.”
Pretzel Shiv says “this is on par with irelia. BAN HIM IF IRELIA IS BANNED. if he isn't banned you just q poke, and that's it. He has better roam power with ult, he is actual hell to fight, I ban him over irelia since a good jg can make irelia useless.”
TheBougis says “Malphite is somewhat like garen, has two "modes", one tank and one one damage. When he goes tank he isn't too scary, but when he goes full AP, he is incredibly strong.
Try to dodge his ult regardless of his "mode", if you can't dodge it, at least protect your duo by ulting him before Malphite lands.”
AlgoSobreJesus says “Very rell favored matchup, go bami's into abyssal mask. You deal a lot of AP damage, your Q destroys his passive shield, you steal his MR, AND lower it through abyssal. As long as he doesn't get like a pentakill in an invade this is a guaranteed win. ”
Quinnculated says “Если идет с кометой, то дает е в момент полета ку для доджа кометы. После 6 нужно быть очень осторожным, алл-ин с р пережить крайне трудно”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very tanky but not too much of a threat. Fire Wizard is especially good into this champ as it does a lot of percentage maximum health burn.”
SVKGuardian says “Passive tank that will try to poke you out and then use combo to finish you off.
With your heals you should never run out of health for him to be able to combo you down. Just don't let him get you low enough.”
Antecc says “Malphite can be abused early, if he has grasp. With arcane comet, he's very hard to beat. Don't get chunked while grabbing cs, only go for those he doesn't punish while staying in EXP range. You can't win any fights if he has E, so don't fight post level 3 if he has E up. Fighting's not recommended without sheen or Divine, so get a DS or Cull and scale.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Unfun matchup, you can try to poke him but if you do then keep his passive off for as long as you can. His ult is the real threat as even if he is not that strong 1v1 against you its a perfect setup for ganks and dives. I had many games where i stomped him but beacuse i used mana and hp for him i was dived and killed so sometimes its more worth it to just farm. ”
ABL Pantheon says “Rock Solid. His shield is annoying. You have some opportunities to kill him early but only then and he outdamages you. After 6 it becomes way worse. He pokes with Q and can't do nothing, unless you E but you lose too much mana. Try to get a lead early, otherwise you are a walking minion.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items : start dorans shield -> CORE
he cant kill you ever you win all ins and trades super hard
probably the easiest lane in the game for TK”
lordimboutabust says “You can only kill him before his first back then you barely tickle him. Best to focus other parts of the map and end the game as early as possible | Second wind | Dshield - Divine”
Bernardian says “So this matchup is sleeper but its still free as fuck. Go second wind dorans and any poke he has is gone, poking him with Q while he farms is also very good save your e for when he tries to Q you as he is in your E hitbox range, your dmg against him is very high before he gets bramble, Divine is a MUST buy if your looking to kill him post lane.”
ardeluu says “Don't let him Q poke u too much, use bushes or trade when he goes for a Q. After Lv4/5 u have a lot of damage if he doesn't back so look to punish when he goes for Q or cs. After he gets armor items and Lv6 he becomes immortal if he is even or ahead so just focus on getting cs and playing for teamfights but beware his R.”
Waqql says “I'm not sure if it's me or Malphite, but I find it extremely challenging and difficult to win against Malphite. That being said, Malphite's Q steals Gnar's attack speed and movement speed, which are two of Gnar's most important attributes. So, make sure not to get hit by it, although it's certainly not difficult with a point-and-click spell... *sarcasm off*. You can try to trade with Malphite, which is possible as long as his Q is on cooldown. However, keep in mind that after using Q, he will simply walk up to you and abuse his other spells, causing you to lose some trades. Focus on farming minions and throw a Q whenever he tries to engage you. It's easier as Mega Gnar. If your Malphite builds ability power, engage immediately and try to kill him. If he goes for a tanky build, you'll hardly have a chance to win the trade. Watch out for his ultimate.”
BetterGoGrevious says “You can fight him before he gets his item, after that he becomes too tanky and it will take a long time to kill him. Cleaver rush is a good strategy here. He will probably wait for the jungle to gank him and then he will fight.”
TheGBabaYaga says “Malphite is the biggest threat you can have and its kinda obvius why, he is dominating top lane as a tank with stacking armor. You wont be able so much to go in Q and then E for stun, he can out run you with his Q kiting. Be smarter, you can win easy if you make him play your game. When he gets close to farm minions hit him with W (magic damage), use E and start fightig him, he will Q and run, then use your Q and jump and stun him with E, he cant fight you with auto hits, he doesnt have attack speed, the key is to block as much as you can his W,and outrun his Q. If he kites you well and you dont have so much hp you need to backup, believe me he can dive you easy if you have good difference at your hp.”
BezMemow says “Go Liandry's and you will hit him Qs for 350. Ult him as you see he's about to Q to cancel it so he doesn't slow you, buying Fated Ashes is very annoying for his passive.
He can kill you lvl 2 if he goes tp ignite with W+E, so pick your W as second if you suspect that. Otherwise E is good.
Vicktorique says “One of the only champions in the game with a garunteed instant whenever he feels like it teamfight engage which can only be stopped by flash or stopwatch, this is a split pushers worst nightmare. Your team cannot stop his engage and its from range extendable by flash and no warning.
Playable laning phase though.”
UmbreonQueen says “Ah Malphite, the overbuffed anti-AD champion that will make your lane as fun as watching paint dry. Try to get a lead in the early game, otherwise you'll be useless and he has a free lane. ”
Twogrand says “This guy is just a stat check. He will spam Q onto you and all in once you're low, no counterplay. Most of the time, I take corrupting potion and just let him spam q on me and just farm the best you can. Usually, they focus on poking rather than farming so you can just get a huge cs lead and try to win off of that. Could cheese with nullifying orb, but not necessary. Take conq, tp, and go GOREDRINKER build path”
KaiOverHere says “Take Conqueror and China him in lane post level 3 you just run over him tank the entire minion wave too if you want it doesn't even matter”
Althalosofsirun says “ignoring his ability to sit under tower and poke you for free he can out all in you lvl 4 and higher try to kill him before then or take grasp and farm stacks for heartsteel and one shot him with W late game.”
Riceyboll says “If he builds armor you can't deal damage to him.
If he builds AP you can kill him, just be mindful of his ultimate, because that combined with all the other bs he can do you will die when he hits it”
Smauggy says “a big surprise but malphite is pretty good against lillia, all because of his q and passif.
the passif prevents the pokes and his Q pokes AND steel our ms, so he can jsut run away pretty easily”
LocaLAM says “He isn't that much of a problem, especially if he goes AP. Your Q will remove his shield, and now he's ulted and removed your passive. Look at him, dumb rock.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Never did find Malphite a huge problem for me... ever. Literally take down his shield and keep whacking him with autos and he never gets it back. And then, he usually stacks armor so might I advise exploiting that and building Demonic Everfrost tank on the guy. You'll literally delete his health bar”
sinatra1633 says “Able to steal your W or ghost movement speed to run away. Can't kill you but you can't kill him.
Difficult but somehow predict his ult with your own ult.”
HSY12 says “Avoid his poke with W, you can win trades against him, respect his R engage as you can get blown up really easily. But, you can just E out of it.”
Boptimus says “Malphite lane is a pretty big push over. His Q damage can be slightly negated by your E shield and you can negate a lot of damage in melee range with your W. Will a little bit of MR you can eat up his mana pool from Q's.
The only issue is that he is hard to stick to when his Q is available.”
illestboy_ says “D Shield + Second Wind OR Sorcery. Free Matchup. Grab Him When His Q Is In Animation. D shield if he has Comet OR D Blade if he has Grasp.
SesaPrime says “Naturally, this matchup is suppose to keep Camille retrained from the freedom of scaling. His kit has zero counter-play for Camille since he's a tank in his nature. He can also Q harass to pressure your HP at all times & build AP to increase its damage.
If he's AP, he can snowball quickly against you, but you will outscale him in the end always.
If he's tank, he will be the team's frontline & soak up all of your damage. High HP is a counter method to true damage dealers since he stacks armor & your Q cuts through it. ”
Open says “champ is designed to fuck you but honestly you can bully him pre wardensmail and then just proxy and farm and roam all game. He's pretty useless just counters AD autoattackers
Update: He got chained buff and now I personally ban him he does too much damage with 0 gold.”
Reines Kokosfett says “You can bully him early but he will just get some armor and you won't really be able to trade him. If you get dismounted, you are an easy kill if he has ult.”
Larkana_ says “You'll have a hard time killing him at all stages of the game (rageblade helps a lot) if you're sidelaning against him just ignore him most of the times”
stefanko says “Most common ban for Jax players, hard matchup, and also denies you a lot later on in the game too. The way you can win this matchup is by going grasp and second wind, so you can deny his poke and use your magic damage for short trades. Early look to trade with him frequently when he goes to last hit minions so he doesn't get his passive. (grasp, teleport)”
Tonho says “Tank Malphite is extreme. Nothing you build will make you kill this guy. He also is better in every single concept on TFs.
AP Malphite is minor. He will be so damn squishy that you will spam kills on him after you build the least ammount of MR.”
PraefectusMace says “Another one easy to gnaw on. The E auto attack slow doesn't mean that much if you are mostly spamming Q on his face early game until he is low enough for W to trigger. Changes are he will be forced to leave often or die. IF he goes go AP Malph, get some MR to not end up burst down. AP Mal is also extra squishy, so you can keep murdering the rock.”
RWN Pop says “Too much armor and low CD passives shield makes it a bit harder to trade, but not impossible. His Q is the only actual problem since he can run away easily.”
dzsama says “One of the more annoying lanes you can face. He is weak in early levels so try to force him out early. If you try to trade with him after 3 he will just E and you probably can't finish one auto attack off before he runs out of range. He stacks armor too so your autoattacks won't do much damage to him. If he E's just jump away with Q so you wont take more damage from him. Beware at 6 since his ult is really strong cc that can enable the enemy jungler to get a free kill on you if you aren't careful. Malphite outscales you due to the huge amount of resistances and attack speed slow he will have, but you can still deal with the rest of his team and then focus him down after. You can run Grasp for this matchup to beat him up early.”
lorensj81 says “This matchup isn't that hard early, he do have some poke early game with his Q, and if he is smart he will save it and use every time his Manaflow Band is up. So try to punish his Q cooldown. Don't engage with Q, because he will Q you and slow you and get a speed boost. So save Q for after that. He will eventually become to tanky to kill. Try to outfarm and outrotate at that point.”
Pep_Shin says “Like most of the tank matchups, Malphite is quite easy to play against early. But be careful as they can become unkillable quickly. Be careful of his attack speed debuff and you should be fine.
You can run him down with R but be careful of two things :
- He can escape with his R
- Your R cannot cleanse knockups, so if he ults before you he might be able to kill you.
Just farm and punish if he doesn't use his ult properly or if he misposes.”
Puyi says “If he runs comet, you can E when he uses Q to avoid its damage, as it usually deals more than the ability itself. You outduel him at any point in the game. Hard to react to his ult with your W, but not impossible.”
Irelius says “Вы его не убьёте, он не убьёт вас. Делаем длинные трейды, Тарим дораш щит и второе дыхание, фармим до смерти разума, жмём W об его прокаст, убиваем. ”
JustSad42 says “Get Second Wind, Unflinching and Doran Shield. There’s very little counterplay to this matchup. I’d recommend banning it or Lulu. The only way for you to win is by W-ing Malphite E (his ground slam that slows your attack speed) or W-ing his R which is much harder if it’s melee range. Always Q out of his Arcane Comet after he Qs you if he’s running the Comet rune. Your entire job in this matchup is to try to scale as quickly as possible to 3 items so you can start damaging the Malphite. An alternative is giving up the lane completely and playing for your team. It depends on your playstyle, but Fiora being a splitpusher, the former option fits her kit better. ”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Shield.
Even though Malphite is a good tank against AD champions, Gwen has a hard time against him. His Q does a lot of damage and his E takes away a lot of the attack speed that Gwen needs to deal damage. The lane is hard to play as long as we don't have Riftmaker. Don't let him go for free with Q, play it safe and you should hold out lane.”
NegativePhoenix says “His poke is better since he just needs to keep Qing you then run away without you being able to really catch up. If he does step up to you, you can punish him pretty well especially if he lets your Q3 build up before he Qs to run. If you can predict his ult, you can W it to reduce alot of damage and avoid the stun.”
Night Guy says “He isn't a threat at all you literally win him in all levels at trades so the only thing is that he pokes you with Q other than that you shouldn't worry about Malphite. Just try to time your W with his ulti when he uses it. I think it stops him haven't tried it. ”
JustSad42 says “Get D-Shield + second wind and look to scale. The matchup is annoying and you can only kill him once if she screws up, so you're looking mostly to get as much CS as possible and really good backs so you can spike on tempo.”
St0rmyss says “Go Grasp with inspiration secondary and dshield. Proc Grasp as much as possible and try to farm well. You q on him and (E A W E) stun him and the minions then walk away. You can also try to bait his e before trading.”
You must snowball from earlygame. Before he gets armor items, he is still killable. When he uses E on the minion wave, go for a trade or all-in. Trade often and abuse your sustain-advantage.
Atemporal says “Qualquer jogador decente de Malphite bloqueará seu Q nível 1 e o que torna difícil empurrá-lo mais cedo. Seu Q também o faz correr surpreendentemente rápido, então pode ser difícil ativar a passiva quando ele usa Q e E em você. Quando ele te cutuca com Q,
espere que a velocidade de movimento do bônus se esgote e faça uma negociação completa com W - E - Q - Auto. Há uma grande chance de você levar um duro golpe logo no início, e seu escudo passivo bloqueará a maior parte do seu dano comercial.
Faça o seu melhor para se manter saudável para obter uma boa primeira volta, de preferência em 750 de ouro para obter um Dark Seal e Doran's Ring. Depois disso, você deve ser capaz de ganhar todas as negociações. Essa luta é bem fácil, mas você tem que respeitar o R dele.
durante todo o jogo você corre o risco de ser derrubado mesmo se tiver alto hp. Use seu R para desviar do R de Malphite todas as vezes. Trocar R com ele vale super a pena, e se você esperar com o seu R, você vai ficar em pedaços e se ele te acender você mal curará nada”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Cull lane, you farm this one out too. He won't interact unless his jungler is nearby to set up for level 6 R kill. R him into the back line, play this one safe.”
RandumPersin says “Very easy lane. Take conq, build cleaver second and you will shred him. Initiate trades with empowered W to completely mitigate his passive and you will never lose a trade. He is super mana intensive and has no sustain so play at a VERY slow tempo and just slowly choke him out of lane with incidental auto Q chip damage. Over time you will steadily build a health gap on him and potentially even be able to threaten a dive if Malphite isn't careful. If you fall behind this matchup is pretty disasterous, but Malphite needs time to scale and absolutely cannot fight you any time you have R up, even if you are 0/3/0 and down a full level early you will STILL win that all-in.”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp
You can win easily, maybe it's not the easiest matchup for a newbie Rengar. After Divine he should not be able to kill you. Go Black Clever second to shred his armor. Buying dark seal might help you as well since he's one of the best armor stacker in the game, you might go full ap as well if you don't need to frontline too much.”
Smudey says “His poke isn't that scary because of your passive shield. Try to get him low with empowered Qs before taunting in because his passive shield can be quite annoying. Don't go for long trades unless he uses his E randomly which he shouldn't because it makes trading against him very hard due to the AS slow. W his W AAs since they pack quite the punch.”
Fizzy says “Stone, it's very complicated because of your damage and how you fit your R on top of you, of course getting the hang of it and how the opponent spends the ult you can dodge, but it's considered hardlane for many”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “It was a hard matchup if you didnt go trinity before, after gp hp scale its much more easier as he cant oneshot you past6. Use your corrupting potion to keep his passive off.”
hamgi says “second wind is not worth taking, and perhaps bone plating instead is for when he combos u with r, but malphite is more annoying than an actual counter as opposed to what other guides say. malphite is not a champ without his r, and his q-poke is nothing more than annoying, especially if u have d shield to passively heal and sceptre to heal off minions/him. his q-poke does take a lot of mana, so watch his mana bar and engage with him when he has little to none. it'll be difficult to counter-poke as his q is not only point and click but gives him ms, so try to rush tier 2's against him to give u enough to at least get a few hits on him. they like to rush frozen heart, so mercs is not worth the build. grab as much atk spd as u can and mantle/negatron. the full spirit visage/fon is not worth it against him unless he goes straight ap”
Cheeseypops1 says “You can't lose you are literally the dictionary definition of Malphite's counter, You are tanky so he can't poke/one shot you, and you have high sustained max hp magic damage you can't lose this 1v1 even 2v1 you should win depending on the enemy jgler ”
StingingChicken says “You have to land tap q literally off cd to keep his passive shield off. If you can land a few in a row you can be aggressive and kill him, but its hard and its just a better champ anyways. If you can't land them and kill him, he will whittle you down with Qs and then kill you with ult. ”
P: 8 > 6
Q: 8
W: 12 > 10
E: 7
R: 130 > 80
Runes vs Malphite: GRASP, W Max
HIGH Econ: Sunderer, Lethal
MID Econ: Sunderer, AP
LOW Econ: Tanky AP
Strengths: Super reliable STONEWALL tactics, is always useful in teamfights, insane scaling vs AD, INCREDIBLY EASY.
Weaknesses: 0 Agency in lane, Team reliant, low waveclear, weak split siege, weak at objectives
Notes: 4W > flash can be used if you fail to flash his R
Jump grasp proc > wait for his tradeback > W 4W is best trade option
Harass him under turret with 4 stacks near mages, he WILL ult you then you can 4WW his combo + turret shots, wasting his CD
Win by 100+ cs or he will outscale.”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “its darius fav but a good malph takes comet stays on range gets u poked a lot lvl 1-5 and can get pressure early lvl if u troll it so be aware of his pots and ur trading so u dont lose prio use E as late as possible in a trade”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malphite is weak in the early game. Try and trade and play aggressively to delay his power spike and his ability to scale. Once he has an item, you have to be more cautious when trading, but up until then, he can be heavily abused. The shield from Malphites Passive offers more security in lane. Try to poke and harass him as often as possible so he is unable to get the shield and protect himself. Once level 6, Malphite may start to receive ganks as his Ultimate Unstoppable Force(R) is a great engage tool. Avoid playing recklessly and always keep an eye on the minimap especially if you’re pushed up in lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malphite is weak in the early game. Try and trade and play aggressively to delay his power spike and his ability to scale. Once he has an item, you have to be more cautious when trading, but up until then, he can be heavily abused. The shield from Malphites Passive offers more security in lane. Try to poke and harass him as often as possible so he is unable to get the shield and protect himself. Once level 6, Malphite may start to receive ganks as his Ultimate Unstoppable Force(R) is a great engage tool. Avoid playing recklessly and always keep an eye on the minimap especially if you’re pushed up in lane.”
BreadyToCrumble says “I don't like this matchup because Malphite has good poke, can run away from you, can burst you down, and at the same time is super mega tanky. He's not unbeatable though as you can kill him in fights if you go AP, but if he builds Frozen Heart and focuses you down you'll never be able to kill him. Play for lategame and stay back and farm.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malphite is weak in the early game. Try and trade and play aggressively to delay his power spike and his ability to scale. Once he has an item, you have to be more cautious when trading, but up until then, he can be heavily abused. The shield from Malphites Passive offers more security in lane. Try to poke and harass him as often as possible so he is unable to get the shield and protect himself. Once level 6, Malphite may start to receive ganks as his Ultimate Unstoppable Force(R) is a great engage tool. Avoid playing recklessly and always keep an eye on the minimap especially if you’re pushed up in lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malphite is weak in the early game. Try and trade and play aggressively to delay his power spike and his ability to scale. Once he has an item, you have to be more cautious when trading, but up until then, he can be heavily abused. The shield from Malphites Passive offers more security in lane. Try to poke and harass him as often as possible so he is unable to get the shield and protect himself. Once level 6, Malphite may start to receive ganks as his Ultimate Unstoppable Force(R) is a great engage tool. Avoid playing recklessly and always keep an eye on the minimap especially if you’re pushed up in lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malphite is weak in the early game. Try and trade and play aggressively to delay his power spike and his ability to scale. Once he has an item, you have to be more cautious when trading, but up until then, he can be heavily abused. The shield from Malphites Passive offers more security in lane. Try to poke and harass him as often as possible so he is unable to get the shield and protect himself. Once level 6, Malphite may start to receive ganks as his Ultimate Unstoppable Force(R) is a great engage tool. Avoid playing recklessly and always keep an eye on the minimap especially if you’re pushed up in lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malphite is weak in the early game. Try and trade and play aggressively to delay his power spike and his ability to scale. Once he has an item, you have to be more cautious when trading, but up until then, he can be heavily abused. The shield from Malphites Passive offers more security in lane. Try to poke and harass him as often as possible so he is unable to get the shield and protect himself. Once level 6, Malphite may start to receive ganks as his Ultimate Unstoppable Force(R) is a great engage tool. Avoid playing recklessly and always keep an eye on the minimap especially if you’re pushed up in lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malphite is weak in the early game. Try and trade and play aggressively to delay his power spike and his ability to scale. Once he has an item, you have to be more cautious when trading, but up until then, he can be heavily abused. The shield from Malphites Passive offers more security in lane. Try to poke and harass him as often as possible so he is unable to get the shield and protect himself. Once level 6, Malphite may start to receive ganks as his Ultimate Unstoppable Force(R) is a great engage tool. Avoid playing recklessly and always keep an eye on the minimap especially if you’re pushed up in lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malphite is weak in the early game. Try and trade and play aggressively to delay his power spike and his ability to scale. Once he has an item, you have to be more cautious when trading, but up until then, he can be heavily abused. The shield from Malphites Passive offers more security in lane. Try to poke and harass him as often as possible so he is unable to get the shield and protect himself. Once level 6, Malphite may start to receive ganks as his Ultimate Unstoppable Force(R) is a great engage tool. Avoid playing recklessly and always keep an eye on the minimap especially if you’re pushed up in lane.”
Oogaboogaga says “Not the best lane for malphite. He wants to play into attack speed / champs with 0 sustain. Play smart and farm. If he goes arcane comet watch for his poke. If he goes tank, your e shreds his armour.”
Duwiiton says “Annoying lane. Try to hook him into unfavorable positions, like straight into your minions. He disengages really easily and has a decent poke. so you either need to bait out his abilities before engaging or wait until you get a gank.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malphite is weak in the early game. Try and trade and play aggressively to delay his power spike and his ability to scale. Once he has an item, you have to be more cautious when trading, but up until then, he can be heavily abused. The shield from Malphites Passive offers more security in lane. Try to poke and harass him as often as possible so he is unable to get the shield and protect himself. Once level 6, Malphite may start to receive ganks as his Ultimate Unstoppable Force(R) is a great engage tool. Avoid playing recklessly and always keep an eye on the minimap especially if you’re pushed up in lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malphite is weak in the early game. Try and trade and play aggressively to delay his power spike and his ability to scale. Once he has an item, you have to be more cautious when trading, but up until then, he can be heavily abused. The shield from Malphites Passive offers more security in lane. Try to poke and harass him as often as possible so he is unable to get the shield and protect himself. Once level 6, Malphite may start to receive ganks as his Ultimate Unstoppable Force(R) is a great engage tool. Avoid playing recklessly and always keep an eye on the minimap especially if you’re pushed up in lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malphite is also weak in the early game. It's hard for him to kill Nasus. All you need to do is safely farm until your level 9 powerspike. With 150+ Q's stacks you can start to play agressively. Ping a lot and warn your mid-laner and Jungler if Malphite leaves your lane. He can try to roam and use his R elsewhere.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malphite is also weak in the early game. It's hard for him to kill Nasus. All you need to do is safely farm until your level 9 powerspike. With 150+ Q's stacks you can start to play agressively. Ping a lot and warn your mid-laner and Jungler if Malphite leaves your lane. He can try to roam and use his R elsewhere.”
Animate Dead says “His pokes is better than yours, he even gets a speed boost. And his shielding makes trading a pain in the butt. Wits End first buy, and watch out for his R all ins.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Malphite is also weak in the early game. It's hard for him to kill Nasus. All you need to do is safely farm until your level 9 powerspike. With 150+ Q's stacks you can start to play agressively. Ping a lot and warn your mid-laner and Jungler if Malphite leaves your lane. He can try to roam and use his R elsewhere.”
warmfishu says “Seismic Shard (Q) is a targeted slow attack, and his damage otherwise comes from his autos. What makes him the most dangerous should you avoid him before 6 is his ult, Unstoppable Force, which he will use to engage. Late game, he can be very hard to kill.”
1akai1 says “Use seu W no Q dele com cometa, a partir do momento que ele tem bramble vest e tabi ninja você não ganha mais. Quando fechar Ruptor voce ganha as trocas dele. ”
Thrandor says “I recommend going D-shield and Second Wind to regenerate against his Q poke. His E reduces your attackspeed which can be frustrating if he decides to max it. Still, you are in a pretty good spot and should be able to fight him at any stage of the game”
RoseOfInnistrad says “This character's laning is terrible, if he ever walks up to Q you or your ADC it's a free counter engage, and he has a lot of base Armor and MR to steal. Later on he's just an ult bot so play around vision and you can easily win.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “He's everything you love in a champion. Just farm Grasp procs off him all day for poke and healing, and look for all-ins. Try and stun/eat him when he Q's you so he can't use the MS to
run away. Rush MR if he's Comet/Lost Chapter rush to sustain ”
AbyssaLegend says “Malphite is not a big problem for Rell, i mean you can actually steal 10% of his armor so even in late game you'll get a lot of armor by him. Can be annoying when he use his R in presence of the enemy jungler.”
forb1dden69 says “eukolo sta mikra level mexri na parei e kai armor meta thes kraken gia na ton fas, sta teamfight se kanei cockblock opws o liakatos gia na mh gamhseis”
LasseDK3894 says “Hard to engage on, as he can reduce your attack speed by a lot, and can build tank items such as frozen heart, which is the worst item to play against.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Не принимайте слишком много урона от его q-спама. Если возможно, не позволяйте ему заниматься фармом с помощью вашего q. Старайтесь всегда находиться между двумя щупальцами. Проиграете только в том случае, если от ганков и мальфа с R. Если он идет в AP становится плохо, скилл матчап. Доджите ульт Мальфита с помощью своей R. ”
I Twisted Hate MyseIf says “Cucks you post 6, Before that id say its a Twisted Fate favored lane. If you can bait his ult you should be fine, its just once hes ulted you you are completely fucked.”
Taiquyorah says “Il peut vous tuer s'il joue correctement avec son passif et sa rune (Comète). Focus sur le farm jusqu'à avoir brillance.
Il ne peut pas vous OS mais s'il joue bien il peut vous poke au Q spell puis vous all in une fois que vous être 60% HP .
Trinité conseillé, build bruiser totalement possible mais peut intéressant puisqu'il cherchera à Teamfight plus tard ! Stuff trinité + items crit ”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very hard to kill at all stages of the game as the champ is too tanky. If matched against this champ just build normal Nasus - Its not worth inting your team and getting flamed. ”
NegativePhoenix says “Not really much to be scared of in this kind of matchup. He's meant to counter AD champs not too much towards AP. Poke him down and be mindful that his Q slows you and speeds him up. Late game he'll be a pain especially AP Malphite as no matter if it's a tank or squishy his ult scales off 80% of his AP so he will HURT.”
Yiphen says “Jungle Diff. Take Flash for his Ult. You can bully him Level 1-4, but eventually he gets too tanky and kites you with his Q. Consider getting Spectre's Cowl instead of Merc Treads because his Q just steals your movement speed. I think Blade of the Ruined King deals with his Q. Do not trade kills with him. Freeze wave near tower. Do not dance.”
gekigami says “É muito importante você buildar HP e MR o mais cedo possivel nessa matchup. o LVL6 dele pode te dar oneshot, se você não morrer nesse pico do level 6. o resto é tranquilo. ”
7EyesNoSkills says “Lots of armor, slow MS and AS, poke, airborne. He is really broken against any AD toplaner. If he goes AP build, you can flash his ult, you will have a chance to kill him. Otherwise impossible after pre-6, also he will steal your MS with Q, AS with E.”
WildSamu says “DShield + Red Pot.
His point and click poke is annoying, but manageable with DShield and Second wind, just try and play to farm and scale, he isn't a real threat up until level 6.”
wooverbo says “Tahm Kench deals an absurd amount of magic damage and it absolutely stings for Malphite, you can leave Malphite 0/8 out of lane, but he'll still be useful because of his ultimate. Make sure to let your team know if he's suddenly missing. Malphite roaming is very dangerous.”
kurbart says “Malphite aka the walking mountain
when it comes down to this rock monster its a skill match up his ult straight up counters the wall but most malphites are ooga booga me ult you, you die. To stop this type of player constantly poke him every 5 secs in lane so they dont get the passive back up and after level 6 hold flash so you can flash away from their ult after that end em for the next 60 secs you are in no danger don't waste that window ”
Kreiselficker says “Oh boy.. Malphite.. the champ I hate.
So for the setup I would run conqueror triumph tenacity last stand and 2nd tree boots timewarp tonic.
It is possible to kill him in early game if you trade correctly.
Malphites passive ( the shield) gives him extra resistances once you get it down you want to try to keep it down as long as possible.
I would only go for trades with E if he is standing in a big wave. If you see him standing without shield just qw on him and run to bush, so his shield stays down, you can sometimes commit for a full trade with your E if he stands in a fine position. If you manage to get early kills on him the matchup should be fine especially once you got Divine!”
VituVonDoom says “THE absolute hardest counter for Jayce. His Q has more range than your autos, and after some armor items, your full combo will barely take his passive out, while he calmly one shots you with his R. Take FS or Conq, and abuse his weak early the best you can”
KrazyKid1024 says “Super duper hard to kill, he slows our attack speed, steals movespeed, and just has so so so so much armor. Go the AP build if you even want a chance since magic usually counters malphite decently.”
SilviuGarg13 says “Big rock, very tanky, can't do much to him early nor late game if hes going tank and not AP. If he's going AP its going to hurt you a lot, i suggest going Mercury Treads”
xXMMGGMMXx says “He will keep distance and Q you a lot. Just straight trade him with Q and bully until 6. mentally track jungle as much as possible after 6. Malphite all in + jungle Gank will ruin you.”
Aberrant Demon says “Use your W whenever he tries to Q you. His mana cost is really high on his Q so he can't do it too much. Mostly look to farm up the first couple levels and on level 3 you can look to start taking trades. His passive is better than yours in the short term so you either want to wait a long time in between extended trades or look for very short trades to break his passive. After level 6, you run him over as long as you don't let him poke you down a ton. If he starts to ult onto you respond with W and E. ”
ColdStuff says “Malphite in both his tank and mage playstyles are reliant on his cheese wheel for harass which costs quite a bit of mana. You can absorb this slow-moving projectile with your shield. Care for his 6 power spike, and consider Mantra Wing him if your health is dropping low when he all-ins. ”
NegativePhoenix says “Malphite has somehow managed to fall off, even in this tank meta, in general. This goes against Gwen as well [At least Tank wise, AP is a different story]. Regardless, the most Malphite will try to do is just spam you with Qs until he hits 6 for an all in, or hope to poke you down enough that his jungler will come in for a gank. If he makes the mistake you can get in some E+Q pokes but don't over-extend. He cant beat you in a 1v1 without ult, but if he's going AP and has at least lost chapter in the early game he can pretty easily one shot you if you can't dodge his ult. Just watch for weirder movements. If he hits 6 and moves differently he badly wants to ult in. He did get a buff to his E armor scaling damage in 12.23 but considering you're AP, that doesn't apply to you unless he's going full armor for damage.”
Groovywelsh says “The only way you kill him is if he is garbage or runs out of mana. If you engage on malphite and he is about to kill you if he has R you are dead you can't get away so watch out”
IcunoX says “My favorite matchup, he wants to go armor but you deny it, your Q wins against his Q since you heal from it. When you E him he cant follow you, just very pog.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Either play for resources, or gamble for kills, a lot of Malphites pick it as a counter pick, but do not know how to play versus Fiora, so you can PUNISH THEM.
Wave 1-4:
Play aggressively, parry his W auto, or his E slam, usually they are really predictable abilities
The classic Fiora counter, or so people think.
One benefit of this matchup, is that most people who pick Malphite into Fiora have no idea how to play the matchup so they will do a lot of mistakes due to them thinking "Oh Malphite = free matchup I can do what I want".
You want to look to abuse him as MUCH as possible before he gets bramble vest + tabi's, if you can't gain a lead before he does that you will suffer terribly.
Pre6 use Q to dodge comet from his Q, constantly look to poke and kill him, you can QW into a front vital if he uses Q as u counteract the slow and slow him.
Otherwise, when engaging try to predict his E smash as it will cripple you, so parry it, and you will do so much more damage onto him in the early levels, try to freeze, deny him cs and make the biggest gap in the early that you possibly can, if they aren't that good you can guarantee a kill.
After 6 + bramble you can still win , you really need to parry his E, but if SOMEHOW you parry his ultimate he is doomed, often times they will never ult from far away as it is easy to react to, although in melee range it's impossible.
Having an AP jungler helps a lot as he can't stack as much armor, you can also look to dive him early if you have a Taliyah, Elise etc... and just completely abuse him for picking Malphite.
Care when he hits 6 as the jungle will constantly look to be top for dives or engages.
Boptimus says “Malphite should be absolutely 0 threat. Passive/W sustain will negate his early Q poke and he will run out of mana pretty fast. You can look to take an aggressive position in the minion wave and trade with your W-E whenever its available. Malphite can avoid being Kegged by Ulting away, but his ult is a lot more important in a teamfight than yours.”
Zorroh says “Malphite is the hardest tank matchup for Gnar by far. His point and click Q does a lot of damage and steals movement speed, rendering Mini Gnar useless. He is able to out poke Gnar most of the time while being tankier, which makes solo kills really difficult. His R combo can also oneshot Gnar from ~1/3HP without any time to E or Flash away. A good way to play this matchup is to hover around the bushes at the north side of toplane. Since his Q is point and click, he isn't able to cast it on champions that are off vision. If you can bait him to ward the top bushes in this way, it also sets up a free gank for your jungler since Malphite won't have an additional ward for river. Rush Merc Treads in this matchup and definitely start D Shield. Refillable Potions are also a good buy on the first back. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “There is a major flaw in Malphite's gameplay that anyone can exploit. He's practically defenseless without his passive shield, just tear it apart and you automatically win but be careful because he can either escape with his ult or engage at the worst time for you with said ult”
Shourdy says “Don't let him Q poke u too much, use bushes or trade when he goes for a Q. After Lv4/5 u have a lot of damage if he doesn't back so look to punish when he goes for Q or cs. After he gets armor items and Lv6 he becomes immortal if he is even or ahead so just focus on getting cs and playing for teamfights but beware his R.”
Kurose0027 says “Coinflip matchup, look to trade ults so that you are always safe and can't die to ganks. This matchup is just scaling and hoping that your team is better than his.”
Kurose0027 says “Very annoying matchup if he goes comet Q max. Look to force a trade of ultimates after 6 as he loses to you naturally with no ults in a fight. The most important thing in this lane is to not fall behind and just scale. ”
Brizz Valentine1 says “Some players like malphite supp, usually it doesn't add much until it's level 6, you can try to abuse your range to take advantage online, remember a good R from malphite can define a lot as well as an R from you”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] Rush riftmaker and you can literally just sit on his tower bonking him on the head when he goes for CS. If he ults you when his jungler comes you can ult him and possibly kill him then the jungler
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: Malphite can't deal with AP champs, although Malphite does out trade you if you trade Qs, so only trade with with him if you can land your E but if you manage to land your E then you will completely destroy him specially if you wait out his Q so you can run him down (Given that he landed Q on you when you threw your E), at level 6 you can just destroy him.”
LBDB says “Armor Stacking is the worst enemy of your attempted drive by on the enemy adc, add super annoying cc and you have a winner for someone I despise while playing”
Trundledaddy says “Poke is just a bit annoying, be careful of his lvl 6, can be quite
bursty, and he will either roam mid
or call for jungler help, you can
ult his shield and steal more resistance”
powerfullgeo says “Early game it's fine you can beat this pebble. Late game? With Serylda's and Black Cleaver it's gonna take a while but you will kill him. Better let the AP champion in your team deal with him”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
Rush riftmaker and you can literally just sit on his tower bonking him on the head when he goes for CS. If he ults you when his jungler comes you can ult him and possibly kill him then the jungler.”
Federals1 says “Malphite has a rather straight forward approach. You can go for a Cosmic Drive rush build and try to dive him once you get it or some big ability power components like Blasting Wand. He is very easy to kill under turret once you have enough ability power. Remember you can cancel his knockup duration with your ultimate if timed properly. You just need to survive his poke until you hard win 1v1s. It has become harder to trade into him due to the buffs he got recently, so Anathema's Chains ensures you never lose in a war of attrition. First rune page should be used. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. W max is best here.Doran's Ring works best into him but If you think you won't survive his poke you can take Doran's shield.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
My perma ban, another really hard matchup, You can't poke him thanks to his passive and you can't force him to fight you because he will QEW you and run away like he was Kennen with his E. Pre lvl 6 you can parry anything, after lvl 6 you have to parry his R, but if he hides in a bush you won't be able to react so he will destroy you. And also in teamfights he is better than you since he will strike your team like a bowling ball and it's GG.”
gazibulle says “Hard matchup. He just bullies you with rocks. You outscale him as you do true damage, especially with Divine which melts him hard. Dshield and Second Wind will make you survive the lane. Start W so you can retaliate his Q spam. If his shield is down, you can go for a trade with E and you will win it if you have passive and you don't overextend in his minion wave (standard E-Q-Q trade then back off). Then poke him out with W for him not to have shield up (10s CD in early game). Malphite without shield especially in early is a dead rock for Camille. If you didn't take a lead early, then he will just back with some Cloth Armours or Tabis, and you just won't win anymore until Divine, so farm and survive with Dshield and W. At 6 you can ult his R by smashing your key a bit after Camille's feet (between you and Malphite, but like one quarter of the distance between you both), and you will dodge it 90% times. If he doesn't have too much lead you hard win on side with Divine, as long as you don't stand up next to him while he burns you to death with Sunfire; you need to kite him down as he isn't mobile.”
JordN1121 says “Take grasp rune page with divine sunderer dont try to kill him during laning phase its impossible and its the same for him freeze the wave near your tower because he will ask his jungler for ganks”
darkintaki says “If he's building tank, Divine Sunderer or Trinity and Black Cleaver are good choices, if he builds AP, just do mercury boots and don't eat too much poke.”
Agatrium says “Boring lane. He's gonna Q you then run. Fortunately, nobody normally picks Malph as a counter to Garen, but if they do, just get ready to farm a lot, as he can just decide to not trade you. He ends up with lots of armor mid-late game, so hopefully you have a good AP/True damage source on your team.”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral pero contraatacando.
Si él te lanza la Q escúdate usando tu Q antes de que te pegue.
Prioriza comprar hábito del espectro para desgastar su maná.
La tenacidad no sirve mucho, considera no usarla.
Cuidado cuando él use la E, golpearás mucho más lento.
Usa Q+W para anular su básico mejorado de la W.”
Kocykek says “If your team has magic champions then this matchup won't be hard. You trade with him easily and just get Divine and outdamage him.
If your team has only AD Champions... Well then you're going to have a painful game.”
Helzky says “The poke is rough in this matchup, however if he gets no help from JG, you win from level 3 onwards. Make sure ghouls are up and E whenever you can. You can trap him to ensure maximum first strike gold as well.”
Ulamog says “Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Use Q to proc Grasp for short trades and heal back up with D Shield + Second Wind. You can parry one of his Q's once you get lower or you can W his E in a longer trade.
Generally in this lane u just play for scaling, kill him when he disrespects you and play for the late since you will GIGA outscale him. In late, match his TP with yours OR stay on sidelane and split what you can.”
OliveeGarden says “take shield bash. Malphite is one of the more annoying champions to play against, not saying he's hard just dont lose your patients or play hyper aggressive as his E deletes your attack speed, for this reason you want to take Grasp as you wont be getting long trades in, and if possible try to save your E for E + W if he engages you. play for teamfights”
StormPhoenix3 says “Poking and playing ranged aggressively will boost you early game and last throughout the mid to late game stages. Avoid late game fights too much if he builds a lot of MR later, but it could mess him up as a bruiser so not too much concern.”
magician4444 says “Just keep Q spamming him. He can't do much. After 6, he'll probably just ult away when you ult him. Pretty much just a stalemate unless he makes a mistake.”
ChowJunior says “Booooooo, boringgggg. He most likely won't kill you, you most likely won't kill him. You try to engage, he uses Q and steals movement speed then runs. He engages, you out-trade him every time. He won't fight you. Take dorans shield/second wind.”
Your Desired Username says “Easy match-up. Malphite counters AD champions, not AP champions. You beat him at every stage of the game. Farm and poke until level 3. Start going for big trades level 3 onward, you win these insanely hard, as long as you hit your abilities. Level 6 he is just a free kill as he can't really use his ult to escape and there's basically no way for him to beat you, he simply lacks the dps at that point. In team fights it can sometimes be game-changing to ult him so he cannot ult your team, obviously though make sure he actually has ult up, and if he already ulted, he is pretty much useless in a team fight, so ult someone else if there are better targets.”
boboderaffe says “Malphite wants to play against AD champions, not mages. If he plays reserved you can scale freely and if he wants to harass you you will win every single trade UNLESS you run into him. Whenever you suspect he’s going for Q’s to poke you, simply cast E slightly before and it will hit.
When you pull him in with your passive he can cast E and slow your attack speed, so don’t even bother trading with autos.
Past 6 he will either all in you with ult and lose or use it to survive yours.
Get stopwatch early to avoid his ult altogether. You might survive one rotation from Malphite but if the enemy jungler suddenly shows up you’re dead meat.
“Normie” or “Conqueror isn’t enough” simply because he can’t apply 60% grievous wounds well, unless he runs ignite. ”
Princeps says “This matchup is unwinnable if you are new to Jax. Always go D shield + Grasp. You win before lvl 4 so use it to your advantage. You should attack minions to stack Grasp and then E(1)-Q-AA-W-E(2). You always win small trades like this. Use your E to avoid minion damage. You hard outscale him so you win if you go even in lane.”
Rayli36 says “Like before your Q cleanses his Q but it doesn't cancel speed that he gets so you won't catch up to him unless you'll time stridebreaker when he gets the speed and then you can poke him and all-in him or engage next time until you kill him
Atomragnar says “Only threat is if he goes full AP.
Take second wind + dshield. You win at any stage of the game if he goes tank. If he goes full AP it gets harder after level 6, but you still win pre 6 so abuse him. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “His Q is so spammable, so it's risky to use your E against it. At Lvl 6, you need to block his R with your E to have a chance at winning. Use Q to poke down his shield. Your mixed damage can be hard for him to VS. Divine or Stridebreaker. Lethal Tempo, Aery, or Grasp.”
ArshieMeBob says “Unfortunately Malphite counters literally any ad champ. And unfortunately he cannot miss his Q. So basically you get poked out of lane and then get insta oneshot level 6 because a fucking mountain starts to fly at you and knocks you up. Fun”
LunaticDancer says “No chance to utilize Gambler here, unless you can time your E hit just as your First Strike goes off-cooldown. D Shield. Don't get bullied, your goal is to heal up whenever he Q pokes and avoid staying in his melee range too long. Extra deadly during ganks so have your vision game in check. Whether he builds tank or full damage, he's gonna fall behind you. He'll most likely group with his team and provide amazing utility, so you make damn sure you retaliate with spicy amounts of splitpush to offset that.”
COJA says “Play well early or suffer. If you don't set him behind by trading well early, you can get your whole combo outraded by his Q+W. He is mostly immobile, and it is fairly obvious whenever he wants to Q you. Try to poke him often enough so that his shield doesn't regenerate.”
Herbietron says “You can rarely kill him early without jungle assistance and when he starts stacking armour he wins every 1v1. It doesn't help he is always going to be more useful in team fights.”
UnderworldShun says “Malphite is super annoying no matter what champ you play. Super tanky and probably won't kill. Spam your jungle for ganks but lane won't be fun.”
N0kk__ says “I laugh when I play against Malphite. Malphite players often push the wave with E. You regen with passive after trades. If you bonk him and he uses his ult as an escape just laugh. :D”
Galactities says “He's one of your biggest threats as early on its quite hard to trade with him because of his auto attack slow and his Q poke. His shield makes it hard to win against him in the poking game. If you're going to trade q's with eachother try to have a empowered Q and probably take scorch for better trades. Conqueror is probably best here. He becomes immortal if you allow him to farm and scale, you really just have to try your best to kill him and get fed without giving him cs leads and item leads. Rush Black Cleaver into him, BORK can serve effective but thats up to you to decide as he does have alot of armor.”
Larkana_ says “After you buy tear you can shield his Q poke easily. Later in the game it's going to take a while to kill him so don't bother unless you're sure you can do it fast enough.
Outscaling edge teamfights/duels: Even/Skarner [High]”
Eduardocwalle says “Big tank that focus on armor builds, and u really dont give a fuck about it :D
Just be careful with his R if ua re low HP, u should be able to dodge it with your R if u have good reflexes and predict capacities.”
Polartech says “Another hard match up, especially if he is going full AP with Rod of Ages or Banshee's Veil, he can poke Kayle with his Q and killing her with his ultimate without that Kayle can cast in time her ultimate. Just play more under Tower possible.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Personally I've never had any problems against a Malphite. He's so easy to kill once his Granite Shield passive is outta the way. So make sure if you take that shield out, to deal as much damage as possible and keep your shield about you so you can stop him from smashing you with his abilities if need be”
CEOofMicrowave says “Same as Cho, you can't fight him early. His kit counters yours to the tee, so either have god reflexes to Q away from his R or just munch on that copium while you farm. ”
XxDarkMEGAxX says “Malphite is pretty easy to fight once you have all your moves, but be careful early game. His passive can be annoying from levels 1-3 since your cooldowns are a bit long. Be careful of his Q, as he can steal your movement speed. Mid-Late game you should win since Malphite doesn't do too much damage with his abilites unless he builds AD. You can out heal his DPS eventually so be patient until you can.”
Gragas Fumante says “ His power is in his armor rating and strong all-in after weakning you in former trades, keep your distance, abuse your range and extra damage from your W passive and supress him under the tower to gain an advantage before his level 6. After that is going to be relatively easy to both kill him in lane phase and side lanes mixing your Mini ranged strenghs and Mega combo.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Pretty easy lane,just make sure to punish him as much as possible because if gets enough gold he can get preeeety bulky to deal with.
Dshield or Dblade.”
ToothlessKnight says “Boring Boring Boring. Get Lane priority and roam. He is insane at teamfighting so focus on outfarming and keeping him in a sidelane. Once he's 6 be careful as his ult has one of the best gank set ups in the game. Bully him and don't let him become relevant. ”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Remember - you don't have to play to kill malphite. You can build fight him in side or go gore to fight teamfights - malphite has a hard time locking you down without his r so you can kinda do whatever you want.”
MrZoltannn says “Hes tanky, He has a good amount of dmg and can set up ganks for his jg. Personal PermaBan. But if you get drafted against him, go dorans shield fleet footwork and second rune second wind to survive early game. lvl 6 can be played well, but look out for his ult and Q damage.”
Prof Harambe says “Malphite uses way more mana than you despite you being a jungler and him being a toplaner. Just ignore his poke with e and auto him when he steps up to the wave. At 6, you need to e his ult or you can die which can be hard to do, but on the other hand I'm fairly certain that Daisy could legit solo him with e shields on her.”
xPetu says “Tips: Passive shield his Q poke. W his W-AA reset. Flashing his R is really easy if you are prepared for it. Punish him if he uses E on wave. The AS Slow from his E is really powerful.”
Stinkee says “Malphite does pretty good poke damage and will try to stop you from farming and basically just annoy you by spamming Q's on you. Malphite runs out of mana very fast though so you should be able to stay in lane longer than him. Abyssal Mask is a good purchase if the enemy jungler in not a big AD threat. Malphite shouldn't be able to ever kill you unless you make a big mistake or get ganked. The enemy jungler will be the main threat in this matchup so just watch out for ganks.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Depending on what build the Malphite is going (Usually Comet AP) you would want to be utilizing bushes to avoid poke, and only poking when you see him use his (Q) to CS as this will slow you, sending the comet down and there is no way to react to this without (W) active and Mercury's Treads. Don't overextend past level 6 nor have your lane shoved in. This is just asking for you to be ganked and locked down by his knock-up burst from his (R), so it's much better to try to keep the lanes even or pushed up towards your tower. Hold onto your flash to avoid his (R) at the last sec takes practice, stasis is an alternative.
PH45 says “You both are tanks, and you mainly deal magic damage, while Malphite usually wants to get armor. You also have built-in sustain meanwhile he only has a shield. Most likely a farm lane once again though Malphite has no escapes pre-6 excluding his summoner spells.”
Anoying bro5 says “My ban. The only real time that you can take advantage of him is when he is low on mana and before he gets bramble vest. Aside from that you mainly want to just farm the lane. Riposte his Q in laning phase to negate slow and damage. You can get tiamat early to shove waves fast to roam into jg/ mid/ tp”
lol Wero says “His Seismic Shard (Q) Damage may be annoying but building Lifesteal will fix the damage. If Malphite is building full AP, i recommend buying a Hexdrinker or Wits End during the laning phase.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Malphite is a melee tank with one poke ability - his Q. This will do strong poke and combined with his speed boost, is oppressive to play against. You'll need to take MR shard and second wind to deal with it. His ult is better than your ult and is the main reason he's a 4 on the threat level. Knight's vow/Redemption can be good for handling him.”
quinn adc says “lol. Ok guys breathes If you have a dodge, this matchup is dodge worthy.
Otherise, let me start off by saying you should never try to fight malphite post 6 because you will actually hashinshin smash your keyboard and want to retire from playing Quinn if you try.
Also note that 99.999999% of Malphite players don't actually play malphite at all, and about 60% of malphs you face will actually be first timers! They legit picked malphite to counter your Quinn! OMG! This knowledge means that the Malphite will actually be a useless cannon minion after laning phase if they don't gobble smack you in lane because they are playing a champion that they do not play lol and a champion designed to only counter squishy AD champions. ANY ap champ on your team will destroy malph if he is even/not substantially ahead from laning phase.
Pre 6 is heavily in Quinn's favour, and most Malph's run comet keystone, so if malph Qs you, retaliate with vault so that you can juke his comet with your E when his Q hits you.
Be aggressive early on and try to bait malph's corrupting pots. When his 3 pots are down and he gets low, you can go for an all in if possible because he has no way to really do anything in lane without his ult.
Your goal, if possible, is to accumulate a lead while he doesnt have his R.
Ok, now malph is 6 and you're scared. First, to understand how to effectively play against Malphite post 6, you must first understand what Malphite's Strengths/weaknesses are, and Quinn's strengths/weaknesses for the matchup.
Malphite will hard destroy you post 6 because not only does he do a lot of damage with heavy armour, but he basically sets up a perfect gank for his jungler that you cannot avoid at all if your flash is down.
Quinn's strength is that she has incredible roaming potential.
Malphite's weakness is that his waveclear is kinda mediocre, while Quinn's weakness is that, as an squishy AD marksman, malphite can stack armour with his passive and do incredible damage while you will heal him with your autos.
Understanding this, to effectively beat malphite post 6 is to ROAM ROAM ROAM! I typically never roam early on Quinn, but in Malphite I actually run TP and perma roam post 6 because the lane is death zone if you go there.
Malphite REQUIRES him to gain a lead early game to do anything because, like I said, he picked malphite to legit counter you, and he will not know how the champion works after laning phase.
If malphite goes even in lane, you have accomplished your goal and you will find that his pick will be useless as the game progresses simply because he won't know how to play him/keep up with CS later on.
I find this to be the most effective because not only do you get your team ahead and prevent malphite from killing you, but malphite's poor waveclear means that he likely will not be able to punish your roams as hard as other top laners could. Malphite will be forced to use his TP to counter your roams, and if he doesn't, you can help your bot/mid/jungle get ahead and get objectives while malphite won't be able to push your lane hard enough to punish you for the roam.
Edge of Night with Hexdrinker makes you unkillable btw cuz he needs to pop EON with an ability, and his combo can't kill you through hexdrinker shield and EON shield. If he can't kill you with his R, he is useless afterwards.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Relatively easy matchup. Poke a lot with your Q and avoid fighting him if he manages to hit you with his E because your Q cooldown goes up and your attack speed gets really low.
Rush Kraken Slayer against him and you will dominate him pretty much all game long.”
Phrxshn says “Malphite will outdamage if he has Arcane Comet keystone active, but will not with any other keystone. You out trade him with any other keystones or if his Arcane Comet Keystone is inactive. Avoid flinging Malphite into your team. (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Demonic Embrace, Sorcerer's Boots or Mercury's Treads or Boots of Swiftness) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Singed) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Mega Adhesive prevent Malphite from activating Unstoppable Force)”
Callmebee says “Honestly, you should never lose this match-up. Malphite has some poke but runs out of mana so much quicker than you, if you are full HP he is not able to one shot you with his combo and he is squishy early game. You just win. Take Barrier and if you struggle, go for early MR/MR boots to deny his all in potential. ”
Amphawn says “He has huge poke and all in against you. Probably going to have to give up a lot of cs early game to avoid pokes. Might want to run corrupting pots for the better lane sustain and mana to use your W's. Be extra careful of his ult. Once you hit 6, you can win pokes if you hit your q. You out scale him pretty hard late game. You need to buy magic resist early on, as with the new nerf, his poke is going to hit ever harder.
Tip to dodge arcane comet: His Q will slow you, so you have to use W to escape the arcane comet that follows. Arcane comet somewhat predicts movement, so you have to change direction after it is declared to dodge it. Additionally, as his Q hits you, try to move towards him for a split second to control the arcane comet, and then W and run away, so you don't run into him while dodging it. After 6, if you haven't already lost too much health to pokes, then feel free to poke him a bit if he tries to Q you, but still try to dodge the comet, as he can all in you pretty easily if you fall to half.”
PH45 says “Malphite is kind of boring but most Malphite's are really bad and he is quite punishable especially early. If he E's but you want to continue the trade just keep moving instead of trying to finish the slow auto off. Beware at 6 since his ult is really strong cc that can enable the enemy jungler to get a free kill on you if you aren't careful. Malphite will be hard to deal with later on in sidelanes since killing him takes such a long time and you will burn a lot of mana doing so, so either just keep clearing waves or make him burn his ult so he wont have it for teamfights. You can run Grasp for this matchup to beat him up early.”
At_Tar_Ras says “doran shield if it's comet malphite. what can we say abt this? it's malphite. once this idiot goes bramble/tabi he'll actually beat u in a 1v1 lmao. look to farm up and just kill his squishies. unless the kills are free, your priority isn't to kill him, just to survive and NOT die to him so you can kill HIS carries instead. the matchup in itself isn't necessarily hard it's just annoying due to malphite's nature of being a tank and his strong impact with R. freeze, slowpush, proxy, do anything and everything you want just do NOT let him kill you cause 1 death against him will mean you lose all future duels against him too till late game.”
iZeal says “One of the easiest to play counters to Aatrox. While you might be able to smack Malphite around in the early game, once he has gotten like 1 component you will start to deal negative damage to this guy while he can go full defensive and still deal 2/3rds of your health in a combo after level 6. Because of his insane armor numbers you won't heal for anything which means you can't even outsustain him.”
SunFalk says “He his a tank. He his annoying. He has a slow. He can play safe. He has a dash. He has CC. - Play safe and CS, you'll probably not be able to kill him early anyway because he can just play safe and poke you, back when you're low and do that until laning phase is done.”
Phrxshn says “Malphite will outdamage if he has Arcane Comet keystone active, but will not with any other keystone. You out trade him with any other keystones or if his Arcane Comet Keystone is inactive. (Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads or Boots of Swiftness) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Dr.Mundo) (Outscaling Edge: Even) ”
slogdog says “Malphite is a tank, and Yorick is a tank shredder, having percent health damage on his E and R. Malphite however, has a lot of consistent poke with his Q and can still be tanky due to his insanely high amount of armor.”
Raen says “Try to get him at early levels. Early D Shield can help you. Get Mercs here. Try to block his W on ur E. If there is comet coming at you, you can Q to minion to not get dmg. If he uses his E/Q on minion you can go in (Wait out a bit his bonus MS)”
Hijitori says “His passive shield recovers every 10 seconds during laning phase makes it hard to poke down to low hp. He is playing with your gamestyle - poking and waiting for his ultimate to finish you when you are around 400-500 hp, always watch out for his Ultimate, consider he can be waiting in bushes for an ambush and finish you.”
Xerath gaming says “Free lane, it may be a bit annoying to fight against but you can easily win the lane. If you R when he presses R to run away, your R doesnt get cancelled”
SaltCat says “You win level 1 with full passive, just be carefull with his poke, he can easily kill you for no reason ;D, after level 6 be mindfull, he can kill you, you can try to go for the highlight and dodge his r with your flash or q , but i suggest not, be patient with your ultimate because he can just r away”
Phrxshn says “Malphite will outdamage if he has Arcane Comet keystone active, but will not with any other keystone. You out trade him with any other keystones or if his Arcane Comet Keystone is inactive. (Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads or Boots of Swiftness, Blade of the Ruined King) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Trundle) (Outscaling Edge: Even) ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “A meta champ that you'll see very often. Malphs will often go Comet here, just regen it with your Q autos on creeps + corrupting potion. You start winning this matchup super easily. Just ward up, as junglers will often gank this lane post 6. ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “You're able to all in him level one if you use an entire 3rd q combo on him twice. Get lane prio and try to kill him pre 6. Post 6 get him to 60% hp before bursting him down with an all in. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Klepto
Earlygame you can trade a lot with him just dash into your Vitals and autoattack+parry afterwards he will immediatly use his E and u will hard win the trade. After lvl6 it will be 2v1 lane since malphite ult is mostly a free kill so don't waste parry and just survive. ”
Justkb says “In Low Elo you can poke him and dominate every aspect of the lane here! just freeze and watch as his cs falls below 75% of yours. just make sure to ping missing as he can just press R on your mid laner and they will flame you for it. In High Elo try and force a freeze by Cheater recalling the wave level 3, this is the only way to get him up lane and therefore put him in a position for you to chase and kill. ”
P1Legend says “This is actually way easier for AP Rengar than AD, and his early game laning is not a threat actually. bait him into buying armor by getting sheen first back, then buy hextech alternator and the AP components to lichbane once he starts buying armor items. If he maxes Q, just double heal it with W - W and retreat, he will take quite a bit of damage since he is not expecting you to be AP. Eventually, he will be too tanky to deal with, and that's just how any tank is really. ”
MythicMike says “He's going to constantly poke you with his Q and run away. Before he gets any armor items you have to get a lead because if you don't it's going to be very hard to kill the big rock. Without his Q he's very immobile pre 6. So try to combo him everytime you have the chance to. But it can be quite a boring lane if you never catch him.”
lol Wero says “One of the easiest match ups in the game. he cannot out sustain you and he cannot out damage you. you can rush Blade of the Ruined King in this match up. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “A stupid easy matchup. Malph pushes wave with his E if you ever fight. You regen off trades with your passive. Malph is immobile aside from his ult, and if he uses that as an escape then GG.”
Fan22 says “Malphite counters AD champs and you are an AP champion, so you should have it more easy, but watch out for ganks or suprise TP's from malphite around the map, since a good R can turn the game around.
The problem with Malphite its that you cant really stop him from using his R on teamfights, since it makes him Unstoppable.
Contesting malphite with a TP can be dangerous, most of the time Malphite tends to be succesfull when roaming after level 6, but if you an opportunity you can also use your TP to help, and also malphite does nothing after wasting R.”
Autolykus says “Go grasp if you want to play safe. If not go conqueror. You can kill him before he backs for bramble. He beats you with bramble. Just get a cs lead and play for teamfights. Build Hullbreaker and take every tower while he can't stop you.”
Sporkintahn says “Regardless if he's AP or AD he's very annoying to deal with. His Mana costs are high early so abuse that if he tries to poke too much or is wasteful with it. --- You can't avoid his Q poke unless you stay far out of range or play the Brush so just look to last hit and avoid his other abilities. --- Do not walk up unless you're looking to fight or he is low on mana. --- His Gound Slam slows your attack speed considerably so look to use your Cripping Strike (W) as an Auto reset after he does so to maximize your damage against him in a trade. --- At level 6 he becomes extremely dangerous so be careful. If he's AP he can deal an extreme amount of damage. --- Most Malphites will look to poke you down with Q before just Ulting onto and comboing killing you. Easiest way to avoid this is just to all-in him early and crush him in lane. His Q slows you and grants him MS so Ghost is a must if you want to win lane, so kite him. --- If he's tank Malphite he will be extremely hard to kill the longer the game goes on so build items accordingly if you're looking to be able to kill him in a 1v1 situation.”
Phrxshn says “Malphite will outdamage if he has Arcane Comet keystone active, but will not with any other keystone. You out trade him with any other keystones or if his Arcane Comet Keystone is inactive. (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King, Mercury's Treads or Boots of Swiftness) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Warwick) (Outscaling Edge: Even) ”
PanthrickTV says “Good Matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Your ultimate passive counters him, because you have a lot of armor penentration.”
Fan22 says “You completely counter malphite beacuse he is an AD counter, but you have magic and True damage, and he has relatively low mobility.
The problem its that LateGame, either tank or ap, his ultimate can turn Cho´gaths Win into a shaming loss.
So be careful lategame against him.”
Phrxshn says “Malphite will outdamage if he has Arcane Comet keystone active, but will not with any other keystone. You out trade him with any other keystones or if his Arcane Comet Keystone is inactive. (Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads or Boots of Swiftness, Blade of the Ruined King) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Sett) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) ”
montybucket says “Malphite is bad vs AP champions. And with Mordekaiser being an AP champion who also builds Omnivamp, has passive magic pen, and riftmaker's true damage on top of that, malphite doesn't stand a ghost of a chance. ”
MisterDerpFace says “Unfun to play against, since his Q is point and click and he can just spam that in the laning phase, and also he has a metric fuck-ton of armor, and his passive shield is annoying.
Getting black cleaver and merc treads first is a pretty good idea.”
TroviStyle says “[Grasp] You dont win this lane, so just play it safe, build mercury's early in the game and try to wait for the lategame. You can parry his Ult to get a kill if he tries to towerdive you, but its hard to pull off. You win the lategame.”
LegitLechner says “Dont take to much dmg from his q spam. and if possible keep him from farming with your q. Big target with lots of health so try to always e between 2 tentacles. will only lose if dieing to ganks and malph gets ahead. If he goes AP matchup becomes a 3. Just more of a skill matchup..”
SilverAvalanche says “Basically a ranged champ that will poke you out over time and run away. You won't kill him, but he will kill you if you are not shoving waves into his tower.
I recommend going Tear and permanently roaming to mid and invade his jungle. If he actually goes Full AP, go Anathema's first item and give him some very serious side eye.
Since you just need to survive his combo and you can kill him post Red Kayn.”
MCSwavest says “You do next to no damage to Malphite, and he will one shot you in return. Bully until 6, then beg your jungler to come help. Next best ban compared to Teemo.”
Malphite is not a challenge at all. The only hope he has against you is going AP, Comet and spamming you with es until you are low enough to all in and kill with R. And if you predict his R, you can activate your E just as it hits you in order to stun him so that he cannot do is his combo on you. He is only unstoppable DURING his ultimate, not after. Look to pull him as he throws his E onto you as he will be in E range for a MILLISECOND. Be careful of his level 6 powerspike as at that point, he can do a surprising amount of damage and is incredible at setting up ganks. You should have a kill and/or a cs lead before level 6. If somehow you got killed by him, you can go Black Cleaver which should help you easily take him down. Stridebreaker lets you catch him every time and turn the fight into an all in so its recommended if you are ahead.”
Drake6401 says “Build Black Blade Cleaver first to break through his armor.
AP Malphite is easy. Tank Malphite is hell. This is an annoying lane because of his anti burst armor and Q. He also does loads of damage even with no items. I honestly can't wrap my head around the assasin level burst this guy has as a tank. You win most short trades until he finishes Tabi and half an armor item. Then his damage escalates drastically, and you won't be able to win an even trade until you have a Cleaver, and LDR if he only builds armor items. if he goes for an AP build, you can still take him on.”
RivalOCE says “Depending on how Malphite builds and his rune setup, this matchup can be easy/free to difficult and annoying. As comet and a mix of tank/AP items is most common, take Doran's Shield/Second Wind into this to outsustain his mana. After he's low on mana, he's very squishy and easy to kill. Try to stun him when he casts his cheese wheel.”
Chease says “Go Conc and Dorans Shield, if he tries to cs then run him down. If he pokes you with Q wait till his mana is gone and then run him down. If he gets ahead and goes tank you are doomed.”
Quinncidence says “Yorick will easily outfarm and ignore Malphite.
Even tho Malp stacks alot of armor, the magic dmg maiden does to Malp is usualy enough to spank him in lane”
Amvill says “If he builds ap, he can fight you early with relative ease in the early to mid game. His only downside is that he favors building armor so you can beat him late game. The match up only gets really hard when he builds bruiser with Divine Sunderer.”
Wawza says “With his enormous armor and base damage, he can trade easily with you and come out on top. Wait untill you get level 2 for healing from E and try to full combo him and disengage afterwards.”
maxlid3 says “You outrange him early. He can't reach you even with his Q poke. After level 6 he can be a threat and all in you. If he is going AP he is even able to kill you. If he is going Armor you can only kill him early.”
Rhoku says “Easy matchup. He can be annoying with his E spam so take D.Shield. Other than that you just straight up beat him. He is Anti AD. You are AP. With Rylai's and Lyandiries, he has NO HOPE of beating you. Not to mention how he can basically NEVER kill you. Bully him out. Take every CS. Poke him down and kill him. Level 6, you can just mercilessly ult, walk up and just put this meathead out of his misery. ”
YasTilt says “You can Block his Q with your W, so abuse of that. Try to take fights when he doesn't have his Passive Shield. You can also Flash his R to dodge it. Respect his character and Poke during Laning Phase.”
PK Noob says “Malphite alone isn't a threat, but in teamfights he is. Malphite can use his ultimate on you and give his team a chance to follow up and kill you. He can also slow you which can mess you up when your trying to position and hit your Q's or Ultimate.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Grasp of the Undying. Max W - Haymaker. Pull him to you and W him. You can't do many auto attacks against him because of his attack speed slow. It's hard to ult him in teamfights because he'll just wait to blow his R - Unstoppable Force into your team - just try to engage before him.”
Val3n says “He normally builds armor, so, you will have problems with the damage you deal. If he goes AP, you have a opportunity, but you will suffer. Not a bad permaban.”
Avelon6698 says “Like blitz he's a threat in team-fights, but this guy you actually lane against and can make him suffer for choosing malphite. Do be careful of malph q pokes, his q hurts a bit.”
Psychopathic Top says “Free farm vs the rock. If he is Q max he will hurt a little but grab kindle and lucidity boots first back and free farm. Do not try to kill him. There is no point. Come out of lane 300 stacks at 12 min and make him regret ever picking malphite again.”
DippyDan says “A playable but a nightmare lane. Has a passive shield, on-target poke, bonus armor, and Burst combo at level 6. Takes ages to kill late game and can ult away if needed. TIPS: [1] If he is going the comet rune, make sure to dash after his Q poke to not take comet damage. [2] Harass early before his first armor buys. [3] Once he gets bramble and steelcaps do not trade with him. [4] Stall till late game and you will eventually be able to pressure him in a side-lane. [5] Keep him away from teamfights and keep split pushing.”
Hecki says “Really annoying match-up since you deal no damage to him after his first items. Concentrate on powerfarming and roam with your teleport since there is no point in tickling a rock.”
IvernLover74856 says “AP malph pokes hard, so go DShield. Other malph is tanky AF, so go DBlade, possibly directly into cleaver(?) and consider lord Dominik's for your final build.
How can you tell beforehand if it's AP or tank malphite?
Flip a coin, if it's tails it's AP :)”
fishybearo says “Malphite can be a tough matchup, spam Q on wave to sustain and try to fight him at level 3 if you can. Be very careful at level 6 and be ready to react with your R.”
skidy says “There are 2 options:
1) Malphite will go tank build ... so you can FF
2) Malphite will go AP build ... if that happens play play so that you get as little Q as possible ... but on the contrary you try to hit as many Qs as possible
try dodge everything ...
good luck
Unmasked Kayle says “[Ranged runes] Time your W to evade his comet proc. You want to bring runes to survive his mana bar worth of procs. His E is a strong attack speed reduction that will basically disable your autos. At 6 he can all-in you with his ult. Be ready to react with your R to his R or you die. On top of the lane being hard, he is also an excellent teamfighter that brings a lot of value from early to late game.”
IAmStryker says “Starting Item:
-Dorans Shield + Second Wind (reduces his poke into nothingness)
Also try going scorch to keep his passive shield down as long as possible.
You just outsustain him with enough sustain runes. Hes Mana will be gone befor you go for oyur first back.
Good Malphites will wait for their junglers and will only poke you a little bit, so be aware of how mucha Malph might be poking you.
Your W will help against his Comet Proc.”
SunOak says “This champion has a lot of poke but if you bring second wind MR runes he cant really do anything to you. Just wait for ghouls and kill him. Start with dorans shield to deal with his Q.”
Val3n says “His Ult counters yours and doesn't do any damage to him. If he goes Ap, you can maybe kill him, but his ult will be lethal. Ask for ganks and be careful.”
tonisco82 says “Can be difficult matchup if you let him poke with Q, punish him for using it to cs. Try to get a level and health advantage to force him to do so.”
Alan234 says “Take Fleet Footwork with second wind.
Malphite pressed Q. Its super effective! Malphite pressed R. You're dead!
Grab a ruby and harass him early (Goal is to get huge cs lead and win through item lead). When building your nashor or riftmaker make sure to buy the flat ap first, so that your fleet footwork healing is as high as possible. Make sure to keep his passive shield down as much as possible. Flash his ult and you're fine. Malphite is pretty gankable early game.”
TXK_ says “Strong poke can be countered with well timed W's and Doran's Shield. A relatively easy match-up. You will out sustain him due to Malphite's poor mana early so generate a lead.”
Mr. Popper says “Malphite is the tankiest of tanks. easily hitting 300+ armor every game. he is also very easy to gank for post 6 because of his ultimate. Abuse him as much as you can pre 6 and then ward up afterwards. Bully him as much as you can before his first back otherwise the small bit of armor he can buy will make you feel like a wet noodle when his Q poke can be too much.”
Kartagoo says “Pretty generic tank match-up so you should be fine. Maybe push him when he gets 6 so he gets punished in case he tp's somewhere else. But I think all in all the rock is gonna cry when he ults you and just walk it off :D”
aurus666lol says “I think Malphite is one of the best AD champs counter. If you see that he plays comet, build Merc and Hexdrinker, no matter that he goes tank or AP.”
JaxIsAHobo says “Malphite is practically the anti-thesis of Jax. This is technically a winnable matchup, but you will never be able to superscale and carry 1v9 against this... rock. His Q harrass is difficult to lane against, and you will never really have more impact than him in a teamfight. You eventually CAN beat him, but you need at the very minimum two items to duel well vs a malphite that has itemized correctly. Make sure to start Dorans Shield and take resolve tree with the regen rune + personal choice.”
MKing says “Early is yours, poke him whenever he want to take CS. Your lvl 6 is stronger, when yo didnt snowball he will outscale y. Try to doge is ult and kite him death ”
Vandenelis says “your sustain is bigger than his damage, you can bully him if you can catch him. Just don't take too much damage from his minions. he is has better cc than yours, but you have a lot more damage than him late.”
DarkyTheReal says “Malphite should go grasp against Riven because arcane comet can get blocked by Riven’s E, here you should get mercury boots instead of Ionian, and try to do extended trades vs him with conqueror.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Hard matchup. Take resolve and d-shield. Let him waste his mana early. If he recalls, take as much cs as you can. Let him push and get a cs lead. You can fight him and kill him before he buys bramble vest. This makes him a good ban.”
SettVEVO says “Aside from Illaoi this guy is the most boring guy ever. He will Q you non stop so take D shield and second wind. This is actually a ranged matchup. It only becomes melee if you are low enough or he is dumb. Like most ranged trades depend on your E hitting him. If he actually thinks he wins fights then just beat him up. But if he's smart he will only all in when you literally can't do anything to survive it outside of flashing before his ult lands. So don't stay near him when you have a quarter of health left. Will build hard against you. Expect steelcaps or wardens mail first item. You won't kill him but neither will he kill you as long as you keep yourself healthy. He is nasty at setting up ganks so ward well once he hits 6. Mid to Late he is an ult bot. You can't ult him during his ult. But you can right after. It just depends on if your team gets hit by it or not, just ult him out once he lands and collapse onto the enemy team.”
Byku2506 says “Dont poke too much from Malphite and his Q, when he is so courage to fight in close range with you just aa him, W and Q and after this drag him and when he is trying to escape from you, dont dive him under turret never, he can R you and fucked you up.”
RTO says “Keep trading with him to prevent his passive shield from coming up. Your sustain with Q and him having none is a big advantage in this matchup.”
RTO says “Malphite stacks armor, you won't do much damage. He can poke you down, E you, and run off. He's pretty weak in the first few levels, try put him behind. Watch for his ult, especially combined with a gank.”
wff010 says “Malphite has been op for the last season. However, it’s possible to eat him alive early. If you’re not confident, running healthy sett is fine too.”
qosmox says “Malph’s trading patterns are very predictable, and he’s got no way of stopping you from just taking short grasp-Q trades when he’s farming. Try to block his Q’s with your shield, and keep poking him down until he’s low enough for you to go for an extended trade. Make sure you don’t go for the all-in too early, because his atkspeed-reduction + his W dmg is strong in those situations.”
jussup says “Beat him early, lvl 1-2-3 he is easily killable. You can kill him even with 50% hp. After 6 be careful, he can outpoke you and dodge your E and R easy.”
SanLourdes says “Malphite will try his best to poke you with his Q, but that's all that he will be able to do. He should never be able to do enough damage to kill you unless you eat of ton of poke and don't heal up. Malphite has mana problems in the early game, so you can stay in lane longer than he can. Corrupting Potion is extremely helpful here. Unfortunately it will be hard to kill him as well because of his tankiness. His ultimate is the only threat that you have to worry about, especially if a jungler is there to gank. If you both scale, it will be a stalemate in between the both of you.”
Drygur says “Start Doran's Shield, and focus on farming.
You'll more than likely not be able to kill Malphite early due to his (Q) slow.
Be mindful of his level 6, it is pretty lethal especially if you've gotten chunked in a gank, or you've taken a large amount of (Q) harass. ”
Viego99 says “you need kill this guy before first item (bramble vest) .if he build ap you f?cked up he oneshot you with ignite r q . he poke you with q :/same scale but your tf is better.”
calbino says “Malphite can't really do much against you in a fight unless he has gold/level advantage, or he has jungle support.
Nevertheless, it's important to try to kill him as much as possible early game.”
FlameCat89 says “constantly pokes you down with his q and is pretty difficult for fiora to kill. parrying his ult is also pretty hard since it comes out so fast but isnt impossible ”
RareParrot says “he q spams you early so bring nullifying orb and go merc treads, he has insane gank set up and a free escape so you dont win after 6.”
Jaori says “Annoying as hell (if he maxes Q), but he is useless in the late game. Even if you go 0/8, you are still going to beat him. Always go conqueror and try not to fight.”
ForgottenProject says “A Shield, Poke and a Burst Combo once he hits Lv.6.
[1]Try to parry his ult in All-ins.
[2]If he rushes Bramble West against you, dont bother fighting him in lane you wont win the trades.
[3]It's better to play this lane passively because you outscale him by the 20 minute mark if you're not behind.
[4]He may not beat you but he will definitely beat your team in team-fights so stick with them if they keep dying.”
SavagePridestalker says “Tank Rengar into Malphite is very strong in the early, the Grasp+W max counter his passive armor very well. In most parts of the game you should be as tanky as he is, while also dealing more damage than him and healing more than he does.”
Bricks N Chips says “He can poke you, slow you, and dive onto you. Only thing to consider is that he won't have enough damage to burst you down effectively without a lead. So be careful to ward early and play safe.”
Marwaii says “Take second wind and shield.
He can poke you very hard in mini Gnar. Poke him with your own Q, do not go in for grasp. You win with mega Gnar. You outscale him but he will bully you early game.
Take Divine and Plated/Mercs depending on what his build is. ”
a1a7s45 says “Contrary to popular beliefs, Malphite ISN'T an answer to Gnar. All you have to do is rush Black Cleaver. Next you want Divine Sunderer or Frostfire Gauntlet. If your team has a dedicated tank, go Divine Sunderer. Otherwise go full time and Frostfire Gauntlet. Frostfire slows him so if he lands a Q, he'll be slightly slower than usual. Go Mercury's Treads to mitigate his slow. If you want extreme overkill in terms of Tenacity, go Unflinching and Legend: Tenacity. It'll work wonders on him and his other CC heavy teammates like Morgana. Go for all ins when you have your ult and your Cleaver done ”
oogoogerson says “He is almost unkillable in late to post laning phase. He can't kill you though either, so this is a skill matchup. Take Teleport for map control.”
SethPRG says “With Tank items being considerably buffed this season, Malphite has an incredibly high win rate, and although this is mitigated by the massive amounts of damage in the game right now, it's not your job as Sett to be doing that, so during lane this matchup is by far one of your worst. He can do more damage than you while building tank, and you'll never be able to fight him 1v1 once he finishes his mythic item because of the stupid damage Immolate gives, not even to mention his AA slow and movement speed which are just completely cancer for you as a melee champion. You'll want to try to abuse his weak early game and get first blood. After level 6 it gets tricky when he has the mana to somewhat sustain Q poking you into depression. Consider maxing W if you are behind, and if you're under your tower on low HP, be prepared to flash in front of where he will probably ult you, and follow up with an R (if not on CD) on him into your tower for a potential kill. Try not to engage in a team fight with his ult up or else after you go in on the enemy team he will just ult your carry and when you look back at the rest of your team you'll be wondering where they went to as you get brutally murdered. Saving your R to peel him away from your team is probably the best thing you can do. Start with Doran's Shield, and build Mercury Treads if you can as your first item so you don't lose your sanity. This champ is very braindead to play, and it counters you hard. Go Resolve Secondary, take Second Wind, Unflinching, and a Magic Resist.”
VeneficusFerox says “Unexpected threat. Targeted poke and a shield to absorb most of your poke in return. Additionally a guaranteed kill on you when he ults and he has a gank incoming.”
joelspaho121 says “Difficult matchup.d shield start with sorc tree.Malphite is a situational pick and doesnt really work that well if your team has a lot of ap output, he can keep this lane even quite easily so you should look to exploit any mistakes he makes.he can poke you at a distance and easily just run away with all the movement speed he gets so if you drag him for a trade he can run away with q and because his passive grants him a lot of armor you wont be able to do much in quick trades.his w and e scale with armor and will deal damage based off his armor so that means he deals less damage if his passive isnt up.most malphite players will just look to play it back and poke you constantly to a point where they can just all in with R and kill you.merc treads buy is effective if lane goes even”
El Leon Gnar says “Malph is similar to Ornn in that he's a strong tank that does well against Gnar. Trade with your Q when you can, if he wastes his Q you can go in for a W proc but otherwise it's not worth the risk of him running on top of you. Be wary that he will have more kill pressure on you at 6 than you will expect, when you transform to mini he will just ult in and take over half your healthbar.”
Lucas9000 says “Your laning phase is pretty decent other than his poke, but with our insecure runes (second wind) and dorans shield, we will surely go back to being a primate. Our hardest counter just became so much easier with these runes and build.”
Xarmat says “Early you can zone him and outheal his damage. As soon he reach level 6, you need to be careful for his all ins. Try to place traps behind you and pull him in. Use your E after his ult to get some distance.”
DaSticks says “Really annoying champ to deal with as he just keeps Qing you off cooldown. Trade with him when his Q is on CD. I also recommend running an alternate runepage into him >> Grasp, Demolish, second wind, overgrowth... Taste of blood, Ravenous hunter. Just auto when you get Grasp up and you should be able to sustain until he is out of mana.”
Kaizin says “In this matchup I put 3 points into my E before maxing W. The reason behind this is that you can't really get good trades against Malphite because of his E (ground slam) reducing your attack speed. He will use Q to poke you all of laning phase so use brushes to avoid this. If you're ever going for an all in, make sure you only use your Q after his. Malphite's Q steals a % of movespeed from the target. I use Press The Attack in this matchup, because when you do take short trades, if you use the standard short combo, you'll win every trade. Early health is best against malphite as all of his numbers are flat (no %'s)”
I am so chill says “This guy will poke you with his q.Allways go for long trades with ur qs.After he uses his q and the movementspeed boost is done go for e q w and do your combo.You can win trades most of the time.”
UlisesFRN says “His poke pre 6 is amazing. You can rush Cleaver and destroy him in long trades. Dont get too low or he will chunk you down with ult. Poke him so he doesnt get his shield back”
shadowbloodedge says “Malphites ult is, in alot of situations, better than yours. Where as Nauts knocks up one at a time, Malphs can incapacitate a whole team. He is also alot fast than you thanks to his Q. ”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: No
Rock beats scissors. Most of his things are AOE or Point and Click. Once he gets tanky he becomes a lot harder to fight. This fight is really just to see if you can outlast his mana or not. ”
ApollonATH says “Easy lane for tank voli with grasp and for ap tank voli with conq or pta . You can throw him around all lane and he can never 1v1 you. DONT GO AD VS HIM”
deathwalker7119 says “Probably your worst matchup, tied with or right below gangplank. Take fleet or grasp probably, but conq works here too. If you are above 50% hp look to keep parrying as many Qs as you can. Definitely without a doubt take revitalize + second win + dorans shield here. If you're all-inning pre 6, which sometimes can work if he is low enough off of a jg gank or vital procs, you need to parry one of his empowered autos OR the ground pound as both suck. You should only all in if he has already used Q to CS or his Q MS buff just wore off of you from his last poke. If you are below half, you have to parry ult and then usually just run, if he is also below 50% you can try to ult him and 1 shot burst him (very unlikely but if he is low enough it can work). Just usually reset below 50% if you can, or he will just 1 shot you under tower without hesitation.”
top is high impact XD says “Malphite is kind of hard to do dmg to, and most of his dmg is magic. pray to god he makes a mistake during the early levels”
Snow Day Zoe says “He is ok in laning phase, but he can poke you out during level 5 - end of landing phase, to one shot tower dive.
Also he outperforms in teamfights.”
XPRflew says “Just farm under tower because he will keep on poking you with his q when he runs out of mana and your lv 6 with mana you can finally fight him”
TwoKingzz says “Second wind - d shield - Conq -
Never trade autos - max E
he goes oom early game if you dont take bad trades. Easy lane - splitpush and pressure with E. Go ionian boots and save tp for good teamfights / drag flanks. Malphite will.”
Womsky says “lane survival/conq set up, I play this lane every too often, cause ppl usually just pick malphite as the ultimate counter for tryndamere, which is not exactly how it goes, u don't auto loss the game if they pick malphite vs you, there is different ways of how this match goes, depends on how both of u want to play it, on the malphite side, he can pick grasp and straight up go tank, or he can go comet for poke and go ap, on ur side, you can go sustain with fleet and doran's shield, or u can go conq, and rush ravenous hydra, if i see him picking comet, i must start doran's shield, if i see him picking grasp i just go long sword and reju bead, how i used to play the match up before is going aggressive early with my sustain and kill him in the end, but the problem always is we both drop in hp and the enemy jungler comes in and one shot me before i kill malph and i loss the lane, so what i do now is chill till tiamat, and simply never trade, just spam Q on CD and relax, on tiamat i start trading abit but nothing too forcing, just harass to see if I can pull something out, once l reach ravenous hydra point, i start dominating cause he can't poke/outsustain me anymore, and my trades can be healed all back up with one wave from 20% hp so simply i will harass him to death this way and make him loss his mind, thats what worked out best for me, its a nice rush and a way to deal with malph cause its a really common pick against you, be careful from his level 6 cause he can easily combo it with a jgl gank to kill you, if u stay high enough hp u should be fine in a 1v1 from his burst.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “His kill pressure over you is low but so is yours over him. Start Q and last hit the minions with Q to build up your passive, try to not shove him in so you can try and get lvl 2 first. If you do, level E immediately and land it on him. If you do you can chunk him hard or get his flash. If you manage to do this you will likely have lane priority till first back. You generally win until he gets bramble, after he gets this avoid all-inning him because its impossible to kill him and you will hurt yourself a lot and possibly die. Only fight him if you get really ahead before he buys bramble.
ThreeEyed says “cringe cancer matchup dont forget to flame him all game for picking malphite go heavy sustain maybe try and kill him a few times early and cleaver rush?”
tibs2 says “Start d shield(Cosmic>tonic) second wind. With d shield you can simply neutralize his q poke then perma trade and shove him in. Use buckler and q poke to stop is passive and you can easily start generating a sizeable cs/hp lead. ”
SadmanV3 says “Malphite's annoyance in lane comes largely from his constant poking with his Q, however, this is often offset by both Nasus's and Doran's Shields passive, making Nasus inherently resistant to Malphite. Furthermore, Malphite simply doesn't scale as well as Nasus, leaving more and more vulnerable towards the mid-game.
*Tips for laning Malphite
1. Good wave management
2. Freezing lane once stronger (around level 5 - 6)
3. Avoiding all-ins in the early game.”
svjade says “He starts off relatively weak early game, so there should be no problem for Akali to slowly scale. He gains lots of health mid/late game so it's important that Akali has relatively high damage to kill him.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Malphite is hard to poke, since he can poke back with his Q, but he can't fight much until he hits level 6 unless he gets in melee range.”
CertifiedTrundle says “Early poke he's fucked up
He can turn the 1v1 in a blink with his r
Play safe if he has comet
Play semi-agressive if he has grasp”
Noodles912 says “This lane needs perfect timing. Use Q to keep healthy, as malphite will harass with his Q a lot. At level 6, you need to perfectly react to malphite ult by using pool. Mercs will help if he goes AP. You outscale him.”
PiscesPomf says “HARD LANE
Malphite will easily poke you with his rocks, so you will have to be far from him. You NEED to parry his R when he uses and, and go all in after that. If he rushes bramble and is getting tanky, don't fight him without parrying his ult and using your ult. The problem with Malphite is not his laning phase, but the ults he will throw in your team during team fights. The good point is that you outscale him.”
teemodumbstupid says “Against Malphite, I just take Fleet Footwork with Second Wind and just ignore his poke by using Q on the wave and outhealing his damage. He can be a threat if he has his jungler with him. If your team is all AD and he stacks only armor, you can build Serylda's Grudge.”
Urgodzilla says “Try to get lead before he stacks too much armor because once he gets Thornmail you will not be able to kill him without your jungler's help.
If he is going AP, this is better for you: he can't kill you in one rotation of his spells and you kill him after because he is squishy.
Good thing is that his E is useless against you, because you don't care about attack speed.”
Oskarl3 says “He's annoying, poking you with his Q constantly, but he does have some mana issues so try and play around that. you wont be able to catch him no matter what you do so just go Goredrinker and scale.”
Tsundere Tahm says “No puedes matarlo y no puede matarte, espera el gank, rota y ¡ayuda a tu team! una buena opcion es armar una promesa del caballero para evitar que burstee con la r a tus carrys.”
AyeJa3 says “Terrible matchup, don't get poked down by his Q's, try to avoid them at all costs as his ult will be his next move after he pokes you down low enough. Take advantage of him when he is low on mana before he gets bramble. ”
jmp_01_ says “Annoying kit. He has a slow, a lot of armor, tankiness and attack-speed reduce. Take simple trades with him and back off. If he hits his E - Ground Slam, make sure to hit your W - Haymaker so you don't take too much damage during the debuff.”
Miata 181hp says “It is possible to win this lane but chances are really low. You can E his R, W and Q so if you have some reflex and insight you can dodge his combo with your E.”
Draconic56 says “Easy matchup. He can be annoying with his Q spam so take D.Shield. Other than that you just straight up beat him. He is Anti AD. You are AP. With Rylai's, he has NO HOPE of beating you. Not to mention how he can basically never kill you. Bully him out. Take every CS. Poke him down and kill him. Level 6, you can just mercilessly ult, walk up and just put this meathead out of his misery.”
Kokob5 says “He'll try poking you a bit but it can be mostly ignored if he's going tank. If he's going AP be a bit more careful especially around level 6 since he'll try to all in you if you're low enough. Wait till 3 and when he goes in to farm E him and start slapping him a bit, use W to tank the damage he'll deal before running away.”
negoZoma69 says “Difficult kinda depends if malph goes ap or tank. Personally I find tank malph to be way more harder than AP malph, that's because you always want verdant barrier against AP malph which makes him almost useless. Keep your distance and you may have to take taste of blood rune for sustain or build early lifesteal if you're playing AD.”
idadees says “Semplicemente il classico Tank anti AD, difficilmente potrò morire per mano di Aatrox. L'unico modo per ottenere valore da questo match up è cercare di zonarlo i primi livelli dal farm.”
not normal says “Just keep poking with fourth shot, and try not to take too much damage from his Q as it is a very strong poke and a slow plus speed boost for him. Don't take too much minion aggro. Be wary after lvl 6, as he can easily oneshot you.”
R3mI says “he is very op vs aatrox he can only q you and you can't hit him and if you try to w him you fail because his speed only option is to wait when he try to q you and you q w e him and malphite when he had more than 2 items + you can't not longer killed him. he hard counter Aatrox”
Docoda says “Very easy to poke down. Even with Q max and Corrupting potion, Malphite lacks the tempo to bring you low before you bring him low. It's hard to farm for him when you keep threatening him with an E+Q combo.”
SleeplessX says “He's very hard to solo kill, farm up and play for the team, don't underestimate his early damage either, try to E his R but he may aim behind you if close enough”
Dorom says “Malphite is the same as Gragas, but a bit stronger. He just Q's you for 150 level 4 which is basically your whole trading potential early and then once you're low he ults you level 6 and unless you expect it and flash it you're dead. Very bad matchup.”
SanLourdes says “Malphite is a full armor stacking champion and will be able to outlast Jax even during the early game. Constantly ask your jungler to gank and build Divine Sunderer or Black Cleaver to help take Malphite down. A good ban.”
SpartanDumpster says “His ult is a skillshot dash, so he's using it to get inside your W in the first place. His E reduces your attack speed. The only thing your W will ignore from him is his Q. If he gets a bit ahead of himself and tries to Q you for the slow/movement speed steal, if your in the position to you could W then turn on him. His MR is naturally lower than his Armor, so that could be used to your advantage early on.”
pioj12 says “This is a farm lane more than anything just watch out at lvl6 for his ult and try not to get a lot of poke out of his Q.
You can't one shot him he is too tanky.
raede says “Malphite will almost always be a huge issue for your team and is really easy for the enemy jungler to gank. It's also hard to kill him at every part of the game. That is unless he goes AP then he's the easiest lane ever.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Laning vs Malphite is a true test of your CSing skills. If you can grab around 70 at 9 minutes in the game, you can grab an early last whisper with a long sword start. He has a passive that slows your auto attacks, similar to frozen heart so try not miss auto attacks, it makes you look bad lol.. If you struggle vs him grab Mercs and feel free to ask more about the matchup ~”
Lunarisen says “He'll mostly be a threat to your team and won't engage you outright, he'll just be a nuisance shooting Qs to dmg you. Just be careful if they build full AP.”
Zac Petista says “Trocas longas sempre serão suas. Cuidado com o poke do Q dele. Após o level 6 você cura muito, então procure trocar HP por HP. Funções parecidas na Team Fight, mas o Zac é mais constante.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Ok, The Rock. The thing here is that his Q gave so much movspeed that he can play safe against you. It will be complicate to kill him, unless he want to trade against you, wich an intelligent Malphite will avoid, unless he's really ahead. If he's tank, he will be almost unkilable and you should try to follow his TPs on botlane to help your team... if he's AP, he's able to poke you 4 life... like i said, if he's a nobrainer, it's a real easy matchup, if he's a Solid Rock, you should just wait and try to help your team, because you outscale him, the thing will be how you guys play the team fights. This will decide the game.”
stygiandesolation says “Only way I've found to win this matchup is against bad malphs you can take grasp and second wind and live through his poke if he didn't bring pot. Take unflinching”
Rime101 says “Start Dshield if he has Comet!
Q max and poke him down. If he’s building bruiser/AP you can easily poke him out of lane
Don’t AA his turret very much, focus on poking him out of lane. He has lots of kill pressure when lvl 6 with a jg gank.
Focus on poking him out of lane
Alekra says “Very difficult to trade and kill for Garen. Pre-damage his shield before going in so you can break it easily to win your trades. You can bait out Qs early so he runs out of mana fast and then you can trade. But at full Health and Mana he will win an all-in with his W and E.
Black Cleaver as your first item is very good.”
Erenando says “Stack dude. Just stack. His E will decrease your attack speed but who cares. He deals no damage. He needs a jungler to fight you. Stack budy. You have been blessed to fight a stone.”
czrmtz24 says “Take Fleet Footwork, Second Wind, and Dorans Ring start to negate his early poke. If you play safe, then you can survive lane and hopefully outmacro him. Your team will need you in this matchup, as Malphite ULT can turn a teamfight, but a optimal W can shut down his opportunities.”
GrGamingTeo says “Malphite is an anoying lane opponent sue to the slows but his mana runs out pretty quickly if he decides to poke you and he is garbage pre lv6. All you need to do is freeze on him and he can do nothing, there is no universe in wich he kills you before lv6.”
MrMuckDuck says “Malphite is an easy champion to encounter. His shield can easily be popped by poking him with Kindred's W. One bite and that gray bar is out of there! As well as how easily his shield can be penetrated, Malphite's ultimate is near to useless against Kindred. When Malphite ults, you ult! Invincible.”
Olaf Only says “Go for quick Q + E trades.
He will poke with Q so use your W to block some of the damage.
Establish a freeze and look for all-ins after lvl 6.”
LunaticDancer says “You outregen his Q poke while he loses substantian amounts of mana. Your ghouls absolutely chop him and if you harass him constantly between farming, his shield never grows back while you outpace him in the sustain department. His main danger is using his R for team plays, but the solution is easy - bully him in lane so hard, he uses his R to escape your W traps because the alternative is death. Really easy match up.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine Sunderer]
[Flash + TP]
Grasp + Second Wind + Dorans Shield. Look to farm and get Grasp procs when you can. Try to keep his shield down with your W. IDK it's just another tank matchup you shouldn't ever die and it's easy to farm and you just win when you have Divine Sunderer!”
SpyDaFX says “try to kill at level 3 and get a lead before level 6, his ult is very annoying, skill matchup. try to avoid trading when his Q is up since it will be harder for you to escape him with ur second E because of his Q. go Conqueror, ”
Ravenborne says “If he is tank this is one of the free-est lanes in the game. Very easy to deal with, has no escape except his Ult and that has a huge cooldown. Just stick to him so when he Q's you just W to slow him down. If he's AP don't let him free poke you with Q and try to get him down to low health pre 6 so you are able to kill him. Cleaver might be mandatory.”
zeinz says “Poke him at lvl 1, don't let him make his passive. Try outlane him, by that I mean just don't let him get any xp. LVL 1 all in (don't tower dive, you baka).”
Kil4fun says “You don't kill him. Sure you hurt with your poke but his Q is just better. His R is hard to dodge since you have no real escape. His ult is fast and unless you have a keybind to self ult it's unlikely your ult goes off before he hits you. If he ults you you're pretty much dead. Worse if AP Malphite.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Always seems like an easy lane but Malphite out-damages you early on (If he takes comet) and using your E on him either puts him in closer range to R your team or allows him to E your minion wave. To my knowledge your W cannot stop his R, but this might be due to spaghetti code. (UPDATE: it was spaghetti code and has been fixed)”
Devilofthewest says “This could be a hard match up, what i do when fighting malphite is i try to poke him early with my tap Q's to keep his shield down. once at level 2 continue to poke his shield down and once it is down do full trades with your kit then back off with E. as long as his shield is down he is less threatening. Once he gets ult, try not to over extend if you dont have an idea of where the enemy jungler is. His CC will make you a prime gank target.”
Razorwir3 says “against malph i usually take dorans shield and second wind to heal up on his q poke aside from his q poke he is a relatively easy matchup to work with to counter his ult u could try to block it with ur ult or just buy a stopwatch ”
kingchas2 says “I perma-ban this champion right now. If he build AP he will just poke you out with Q and one-shot you out of nowhere. If he builds tank you will never kill him and he will still one-shot you. ”
ModelitoTime says “Super tanky but isn't a big threat since you can kite him really easily, just back around 700 gold and buy boots along with your main items you usually buy and you can poke malphite down and easily beat him. Just be careful lvl 6 since he can setup really good ganks for his jungler with his ultimate. That is if he is going grasp Malphite though, if you see the malphite is running Arcane Comet and Corrputing Potions, then be extremely careful in this matchup because this play style of malphite is x10 more dangerous, he never runs out of mana and he will abuse his Q until he can all in you with his ult. Either way you outscale but if you see the malphite running the Arcane Comet runes then be extremely cautious in lane phase, avoid fights and E away if necessary. ”
Dannala says “Easy to poke early on but a tough cookie to crack. Keeping his passive shield from regenerating is top priority early on to keep poking him and abuse his cooldowns. Past lvl 3 he will win most trades, his Q hits too hard already. His ult Stun Burst hits hard and will most likely spell your doom if you fail to Rappel it. Rappeling his Q will save you some health in lane and can help keep him from escaping/chasing you down.”
ineptpineapple says “This guy is so stupid in every matchup. Slow him to hell when he slows you and when he goes in with his ult ult yourself and he will slowly scramble away from you. Awful matchup tho he is just too tanky.”
Hyzerik says “Really strong poke and plays passive until he has poked you down enough or his jg is there. Just try to make plays when he uses his Q on something else. ”
Nonoo says “if it is malphite ap, do not let it hit you with its Q, as it will hurt you and you will not be able to return the damage due to the speed that its Q provides, also do not let it use its R on you”
JannaMainOTP800K says “He will have a hard time pre 6 because he has no dash ability.
Make sure to poke him frequently as he should not get his Shield back.
(he needs to be 10s outside of combat)
If you bully him correctly he will not be able to nuke you on lvl 6.
depending on his playstyle skill E or Q on 2nd lvl
If he only pokes use E to reduce his damage if he comes charging at you afterwards skill Q and also consider taking phaserush to get away with W + Q + AA”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “A boring lane. He might win game as his ultimate out values nearly anything you can do. He won't really try to fight you in lane especially if you get him low on an early trade.”
Raideru says “This matchup is pretty even for Jax, basically all u do in this lane is abuse his early game by jumping on him and fighting him as much as u can esp when he casts q, in this lane u want to rush tiamat and perma shove waves to get as many demolish procs as possible cose he doesn't rly do much dmg in early game. I advise Grasp with Dshield go tiamat into mantle itemization wise and play for perma demolish procs and proxying and roaming.”
LeSocair says “Go MR rune stat.
Q him all the time, that way he will not grow the shield, he's a pretty easy matchup at the moment, even killable if he's not exceptional at the champion.”
sauronkaiser says “He can be annoying cause of his E gutting all your damage including your ghouls and you will not be able to take him down, but appart of that hes just another tank you can ignore. If hes going ap he can be very annoying but still you can fight him.”
TioKirb says “It's just way to hard to mess up this matchup, but it's still possible, even then, you can harrass the **** out of this oversized pebble.”
Ramixx says “Super annoying. He just throws Q's at you til your low then ults you and kills you. So watch your HP bar. He can most likely kill you if your 50% HP with his ult combo.”
EU_Toxicity says “If he's E max tank malphite - this is one of the easiest matchups in the game. Rush Cleaver and zone him/kill him.
If he's Q max AP malphite - get some magic resist early so you don't get poked down.”
The Hentai masta says “Annoyng for The shield of The passive, take grasp and let him waist The shield”
Letal-plank by The Hentai masta | Gangplank Player
iZeal says “Tank Malphite is not really going to do much against you as long as you don't stand still when he slows your attack speed. AP Malphite will try to whittle you down with his Q, if you pull him he pretty much dies. Be aware that he can still win teamfights with good ultimates.
DBlade vs Grasp, DShield if vs comet, Mercs or Swifties, Phage (maybe Cleaver vs tank malphite)”
bocchicken says “you win at almost all phases of the game. if he pokes you with Q, just heal with your passive. if he overextends he has no escape and is easily gankable. his mana costs are also extremely high early, so look to punish if he spams on the wave or to poke.”
NoxianBlood says “Malphite stacks allot of armor, but you will be surprised how much damage you will do to him procking your grasp and your W shield, you can easily kill him and he will deal no damage to you, only threat about Malphite is when he collaborates with his teammates against you. but solo he can't hurt you. if he goes ap, just stack magic resist, he will deal no damage and plus he's gonna be squishier and easier to kill.”
UnMaskedDeity says “Malphite always has a strong early game but after you hit form he will be less of a problem and more of a road block. The early game can be hard and if you feed him you may never recover but if you play smart enough then you will be fine.”
byThiagus says “Match muy favorable, espada de doran y segunda pagina de runas. No lo dejes farmear si se acerca a pegarle a un minion Podes hacer aa+w+q+e activas fantasmal y muere, Despues de nivel 6 es complicado matarlo porque usa su r para escapar. Aunque escale armadura lo bajas como papel, podes hacer 1v2 si su jungla no tiene demasiado daño(karthus, graves, sejuani,etc)”
Stijnzxz says “EZ CLAP man he does 4 Q's early and has no mana so thats lucky for u but if he goes AP ur kinda fuckt if he goes tank ur happy just go BC and titanic and ur fine.”
RocketD1no says “If Malphite goes AP he can one shot combo you with his ult, try to pressure him as much as you can before level 6. (Dont over extend without vision)”
Shinozuka says “Will poke you with Q, and tank everything with his passive when u engage. Also his e will slow your attack speed so much that trading is just not worth it.”
AWierdShoe says “His trading patterns are very predictable, and he’s got no way of stopping you from just taking short grasp-Q trades when he’s farming. Try to block his Q’s with your passive shield, and keep poking him down until he’s low enough for you to go for an extended trade. Make sure you don’t go for the all-in too early, because his attack speed reduction + his W damage is strong in those situations.
I Am Goliath says “Easy matchup, he should never kill you in lane, you do more damage then him in trades and have more sustaine then him, you both scale good into late game so try to atleast get a cs lead in this lane, one way I usually do this is by pushing him in super hard for most of the game and forcing him to farm under turret. You have to be careful of the jungler coming though so always ward while doing this, it's smart to buy a control ward and place it in the Tri if you're bottom side , or the normal vertical bush if you're topside. It is possible to kill him early on if you poke him down enough with Q's.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Let wave push to you and make freezes -> Make him use his Q on you when he is close to your wave so he takes aggro -> If you plan to go for trades you HAVE TO block his Q with W. If you do not then tank his Q with your passive shield -> When trading let him use E on you, once he does dash away on the minions to win some time until his E duration on you is over and go back for a trade -> We will need some short trades before we go for an all-in. You need to look for early game kills otherwise he gets a 2 component items, becomes too tanky since you won't have the DPS and lane is ResidentSleeper + You lose”
Scoothare says “This isn't that hard of a lane, but damn it's tilting to fight him. Just save your shield for his poking ability, the stone thing (Q).”
StrikeX114 says “You will be able to zone out Malphite effectively until level 6. Once he has his ultimate, you will need to be constantly aware of your opponent's jungler to prevent a gank setup. Otherwise, be wary of Seismic Shard (Q), as it can lead to gank setups and is quite poweful on AP builds.”
Saarlichenbog says “Malphite is a natural counter to most marksman due to his ability to stack armour extremely effectively. He will usually have enough sustain in lane to outsustain your poke with his passive and outscale you once he hits his ultimate. ”
hiugnadie says “you beat him pre-six, once he gets ult though be careful. after six if you just poke him from afar with q while pushing the wave, then once you have 100 rage just jump onto him and kill. ”
Captain Dantems says “Pokea ele, só tenha cuidado quando o 6 dele vier, antes disso você não tem muito oque fazer ele vai ficar jogando pneu em você e você vai ficar atirando nele. Grasp ou Clepto. Poção corrupta, cristal de safira com 3 poções de vida ou com refil.”
LOLArfopi says “Pretty easy match-up. Tank Shredder build is always best for this matchup. Take Grasp runes. Never let him Q you for free. If you let him Q you, it had to be with the intent of you jumping on him yourself. ”
ItsPaulygon says “Very hard match up for Jax, will be very annoying for you. He will be weak before he hits level 3, but after that, it will be tough. When you jump on him, he will most likely press E and you will lose the trade easily. After level 6, he has a powerful game changing ultimate that he can chain with his jungler. Play passively and wait for ganks.”
TheMightyNinja says “You can block his damage with your passive when he tries to poke you with his Q. You can also block his W with your W denying him a lot of his damage output.
He is really weak in the early game and an easy matchup in the lane phase. You should be aware that he is usefull in team fights even when behind and use your advantage gained in the early game to get your team to scale up.”
Klappy says “- Tradeos de Q+Pasiva en early
- Los Malphite players tienden a usar su E cuando te acercas a darle tu pasiva, usa E para esquivarlo y re engagea con tu segunda E
- Intenta darle tu E cuando el te de su Q
- Puedes esquivar su R con tu R, cuidado, debes timearla muy bien”
Big Samuel says “worst matchup, eat too much poke and he can just r e q you and your dead, while also taking no damage. should be perma banned no questions asked
Biko14CS says “You will be able to zone out Malphite effectively until level 6. Once he has his ultimate, you will need to be constantly aware of your opponent's jungler to prevent a gank setup. Otherwise, be wary of Seismic Shard (Q), as it can lead to gank setups and is quite poweful on AP builds.”
aiSky says “Kled is a great champion against squishy or bruiser enemies, but he doesn't have the damage and the sustain to kill tanks like Malphite or Mundo in the mid game.
The best you can do is to get some early kills before they stack to much armor, and use that lead to destroy enemy carrys in mid-game fights.”
MrGasYourGirl says “Hard proxy and you have a chance. He can't farm under tower to save his life. The tard will likely run Ignite and all in you with jungler level 6.”
wolfclaw3812 says “AP Malphite can poke you out of lane. Tank Malphite can shrug off your pokes. No matter which, when he ults you, you are probably going to die unless you are that ahead or he is that low. On-hit or tank. ”
Berry Senpai says “Dodge. Just dodge. His entire kit counters everything you do. You can try to bully him early on, but he will eventually outscale you and will be unkillable.”
Nicklstherealone says “You will survive his Burst and he will survive yours. But not your R try to All-In him and dont grt poked down with his Q then its easy. ”
White Cr0w says “Malphite face asks to be counterjungled over and over. His clear is mediocre, and if you steal his creeps he won't be able to farm armor to TRY to hold you. As I said in alistar, wait until he uses skills on a camp and destroy him while he has everything on cooldown.”
jackss72 says “almost impossible to solo kill in lane and has very good teamfight ulti, build wits end at some point if you want to kill him, I would suggest bork normally but it's trash tier now”
Raphi0216 says “Really annoying Matchup because he just pokes you down with Q's. Spam W for sustain. If you feel threatened, spam R on yourself to immediately dodge his R.”
Frostyfps says “His kill pressure over you is low but so is yours over him. Start Q and last hit the minions with Q to build up your passive, try to not shove him in so you can try and get lvl 2 first. If you do, level E immediately and land it on him. If you do you can chunk him hard or get his flash. If you manage to do this you will likely have lane priority till first back. You generally win until he gets bramble, after he gets this avoid all-inning him because its impossible to kill him and you will hurt yourself a lot and possibly die. Only fight him if you get really ahead before he buys bramble.”
Time1Save says “Tanks are incredibly difficult for the Pantheon, but Malfit is the strongest among them. Do not fly into it thoughtlessly and knock down its passivity. U can kill him before he gets a 1 item.. But as long as you play with an advantage, you have to give your team an advantage as well .”
FPSpsychoYT says “Quinn's hardest matchup in Top Lane. STRONGLY recommend banning him if you queue top. He just spams Q with comet and pokes you out of lane, or at level 6 once he's poked you out you just get ulted and die.”
OmegaDelta000 says “If you hate suffering in early game, staright up ban Malphite. Just remember that you can kill him when you get Rhaast. I suggest you roam a lot if you meet this match up.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Malphite is pretty strong, and his all-in potential needs to be respected if you want to win. His ult can also be a good setup for ganks. luckily, since Morde is an AP champion, he will be forced to build some MR as well as armor, and this will slightly reduce some of his damage. ”
TangoVallhala says “Tilting match up because he can just avoid any trade with you and will poke you out of lane all with his q, he has crazy kill potential with ult, stacks armor fast, play safe, watch out for his CDs, merc rush as well.”
Luceris says “DODGEWORTHY!!!
This is an awful lane to be in...unless you know what you are doing. Malphite gets a passive shield every 10 seconds if he has not been hit. This is why we go Scorch and Corrupting potion. You MUST do whatever you can to get a grasp proc off whenever he goes in for his Q. His Q range is 625, so he has more range than your auto attacks until 40 wraiths. You can use your passive on Malphite after he Q's you to gain back some Movement Speed for .5 seconds (not much). Trade with him level 1 using Auto-Q-Auto or just Auto-Q. Get his Shield down and keep it there. Use Scorch to add a second to the timer, use Corrupting potion when scorch is down. KEEP THAT SHIELD DOWN. Level 6 you die. That is the truth. Best thing you can hope for is lots of love and cuddles from your jungler so that you can get his ult on cooldown or kill him. Otherwise wait to scale and ping his roams like a mad man.”
ArmandChad69 says “Low skillfloor, insane armor stacking and enables any jungler to successfully camp you as long as his ultimate is Up. You NEED both Cleaver and Serylda to even breathe against him post Laning phase.”
aurus666lol says “Strong slows and CC, he can bait your W to ult you like on gank etc. Try to "read" his emotions to know when he will ult or not. Take healing in second runes (Domination)”
YoungTact says “Apply lane harass combo whenever he goes for cs. Go MR if they have a lot more ap than just him. Your W Doesn't work on his R and you can use your E to a minion to dodge his ultimate. Free matchup.”
qasddsa says “Hard champion to deal with if you get caught. Try and dodge or flash his ult, as that will lead to multiple slows on your attack speed. Overall just annoying to deal with because of his slows and attack speed reductions. In teamfights, don't group as close to the rest of your team. Definitely take Lethal Tempo.”
Malphite kit is basically designed to stop Hyper Carries or good duelist such as Tryndamere, Fiora, Master Yi or Jax. Malphite players usually go either full AP to try to burst you or full tank to make it super difficult for you to deal damage and properly peel your team. One really good tip is to check his runes via apps like Porofessor or even opgg, Check if they are playing with Biscuit Delivery since Malphite has a lot of Mana problems. In lane just look to outsustain his poke, he should only be able to poke you with Q and so he'll run out of mana before being able to kill you; also Malphite after 6 has a really good gank setup due to his R knockup is so abussive, even if you have lvl 6 and Sheen I highly recommend to not try to do extended fights, only look to do short trades where you get rid of his passive and lower a bit his health bar, and do that until he is low enough so you either kill him or he has to back, because of your passive lifesteal you will outsustain him in this short trades. Regardless of his build he won't be able to outpoke you so look to get as much stacks as possible to oneshot his backline. Later on to the game look to splitpush and force him to match you since he is mostlikely the frontline of his team and then look to flank his team in a 4v5 situation, similar to nasus, he's inmobile and low waveclear, he'll have trouble catching up to you. ”
PH45 says “He usually build armor while you mainly deal magic damage so the lane can go well for you. Shield his Q damage and try to keep his shield down with poke so you can eventually try to all in him. He has no escapes outside his summs except ult at level 6 so you can potentially run him down later on. ”
SkellyBirb says “Malphite can be super tanky or have extreme burst. If should win an all in if he hits his ultimate, but you can kite him fairly well. You also lose movement speed to his Q which can be devastating if you're low.”
Rank_1_Idiot says “Grab fleet, make sure you hit your 3 hit combo to proc Hyper's passive and you'll win every trade as long as he doesnt get to melee range.”
SubHuman Filth says “Get grasp, second wind and taste of blood. Do the same as in GP matchup.
ONLY poke when you have grasp and q up.
You will outpoke him that way.
Be careful with his R it sets up a gank VERY well.”
Grayified says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. A lot of malphite players are doing the Q max arcane comet build with biscuit delivery to have maximum poke against you in lane so we need that extra sustain from this runeset and dorans shield to sustain. A big part of malphite whether he goes the grasp full tank build or a ap bruiser build is that they need mana to poke you down and to farm. If you are able to outsustain a malphite's mana pool you can make them miss a lot of farm. Also, if you keep them pushed in they will use mana to farm as well. When you have malphite pushed under turret it is essential when you are in a position where you can pressure him that you use the auto + spin out trade under turret for harass as well as getting autos on his turret (past 5 minutes.) Once malphite gets his first back for an item, see what he gets. If he gets mana like a glacial shroud you have to be more patient, but if he buys something like a bamis cinder or chain vest then try to do more to burn down his mana pool. Once he has used his mana to try to chunk you down (and you keep sustaining back up) then you can look for bigger trades and maybe even a dive with your ignite. In the mid-late game against malphite a lot of times you won't have the damage to kill him if hes building full armor like most malphite players do or unless you are extremely far ahead of him, so what you need to do is shove in the lane and force him to collect the farm on the split, then you out rotate him and flank his team (if there is an opportunity to) before he can match your rotation. Tryndamere has really good mobility which you want to make sure you take advantage of. Here is an youtube video example of how to play/lane against malphite and how to itemize as well. ”
Nabura says “His R is VERY SHORT compared to your ult so you will need to stay very healthy to dissuade him from ulting you, let him Q you inside your own wave, as it's a single target spell and he will take minion aggro, and will push the wave to you simultaneously. Have your fingers ready on ALT+R.”
EntxRecoil says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. A lot of malphite players are doing the Q max arcane comet build with biscuit delivery to have maximum poke against you in lane so we need that extra sustain from this runeset and dorans shield to sustain. A big part of malphite whether he goes the grasp full tank build or a ap bruiser build is that they need mana to poke you down and to farm. If you are able to outsustain a malphite's mana pool you can make them miss a lot of farm. Also, if you keep them pushed in they will use mana to farm as well. When you have malphite pushed under turret it is essential when you are in a position where you can pressure him that you use the auto + spin out trade under turret for harass as well as getting autos on his turret (past 5 minutes.) Once malphite gets his first back for an item, see what he gets. If he gets mana like a glacial shroud you have to be more patient, but if he buys something like a bamis cinder or chain vest then try to do more to burn down his mana pool. Once he has used his mana to try to chunk you down (and you keep sustaining back up) then you can look for bigger trades and maybe even a dive with your ignite. In the mid-late game against malphite a lot of times you won't have the damage to kill him if hes building full armor like most malphite players do or unless you are extremely far ahead of him, so what you need to do is shove in the lane and force him to collect the farm on the split, then you out rotate him and flank his team (if there is an opportunity to) before he can match your rotation. Tryndamere has really good mobility which you want to make sure you take advantage of. Here is an youtube video example of how to play/lane against malphite and how to itemize as well. ”
CensoredMercy says “Huge stonewall for Irelia, if you cannot play to scale out of laning phase and win, then Malphite will run over you and your team.”
Darrkescru says “Runa : Grasp,Aery
Sempre que ele for te dar o Q pokea dando AA + Q tenta não deixar ele regenerar a passiva e tenta matar ele antes do 6
Rushar : Liandry's
Adolfie says “Every character in the minor category is basically free stacks, but be carefull at lower levels especially against malph, he can set up ganks etc. so be mindful about that, otherwise its easy matchup, you can sustain his poke even in the early game, just make sure to not let him use the whole rotation on you. ”
ZergDood says “This matchup is tricky. If he builds tank, bully him before first back (Wait for him to get low on mana) because he'll outscale you (REALLY. He'll be a better you at 20 mins if you don't stop him). If he goes for AP, his laning phase will be strong after first back, so you need to be really careful and wait to outscale in tankiness. Disengage if you were inside his E, he's really mana hungry before items, so if he pokes you with Q, let him and heal with biscuits/corrupting pot. Don't let him proc his passive, as it's his only method of sustain. You can poke him with Q + Passive and get him out of lane most of the time. If he gets fed, get him out of the fight when you do NOT think he'll R, because he's inmune to CC while ulting. Your W does NOT stop his dash.”
qazx1427 says “Are you seeing the pattern yet? Throw ghouls, W, bully him since he's got no duelling potential. Your W can't stop his ult, which is sad, but as long as you outpoke him, it's a free lane.”
Ayanleh says “Malphite has become an easy matchup. Your passive deals allot of damage to him and will shred him so at all stages of the game he cannot fight you and conqueror makes it better with the true damage.”
Spection says “UNCOMMON. Pretty durable and powerful champion, but he belongs at top. He brings no sustain to his ADC, and does next to zero damage early game. Go hard and score an easy kill, but be wary of his powerful all-in capabilities.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Can be rough if you can't punish his horrible earlygame, W max alot better than Q max due to his insane armor.
You want MR if you think hes going comet or armor if you think he goes PTA, it depends on how insecure he is.”
Twist21 says “A lot of people think malphite is a hard matchup for trynd but the thing is you can actually win it by not fighting Malphite and roaming with tp around the map.I would go Fleet with TP in this matchup.”
Amar4Amke1 says “Maybe one of the most annoying lanes you can face. He is weak in early levels so try to force him out early. If you try to trade with him after 3 he will just E and you probably can't finish one auto attack off before he runs out of range. He stacks armor too so your autoattacks won't do much damage to him.”
Shumair says “Unless he goes comet, he'll have no kill pressure on you all game and even if he does he loses pressure after early levels. Malphite has a lot more armor than MR and even if he does build MR, Mordekaiser is known for shredding tanks due to % health damage. Play this lane how you want and try to influence the map as much as you can through counter jungling, Rift Herald etc.”
ItsmeKenny says “A winnable matchup, but heavily favors the malphite. You would want to trade early and bully him out if he is going arcane comet. However, if he is going a grasp / tank Malphite, you can just go tiamat and farm. DO NOT FARM IF HE GOES FULL AP, YOU WILL DIE OVER AND OVER AGAIN.”
Twist21 says “Malphite is a great anti-ad champion but he is incredibly weak in the early game.Try to snowball the lane before 6 and then roam around the map.”
RemusEl says “He can poke you on lane with his annoying Q, and can separate you easily in a teamfight. The best option against him is to roam to other lanes. You scale better than him.”
wallobear53 says “Malphite is actually very weak in the early game. Although his abilities (mainly his Q) deal a lot of damage, they consume a lot of mana relative to his mana pool in those levels. You can afford to take some damage in this matchup since you will have an easy time in it after he uses up his mana.
In this lane, you should prioritize taking farm by last-hitting the wave, so you can stack it up and crash it on his tower. Don’t forget to poke him constantly while he tries to CS.
Malphite's trading patterns are to either poke with his Q when necessary or use all of his abilities and run away, and when he has Ultimate R, he will only use it if he can guarantee a kill. Unless you are low, you should extend the trade a bit longer after he uses his abilities to get some damage onto him.
Horu says “If Malphite is going AP, its another free lane. He may keep poking you, but once you hit lv3, trading becomes one sided in your favor. Watch out for jungler trying to help him out. Start with w so when he goes to poke, you can cast your shield to counter as well as take his shield out.”
Fiora Pogjet says “He can rush armor and bramble vest which is very good against you. In the early game you can try to prarry his Q whenever he tries to poke you, so he doesn't get the movement speed. THen you can go for a trade. If he gets lvl 6 it will be even harder and you have to try to prarry his ultimate. ”
Ashookaa says “Welcome to War of Poke
Ok its a hard lane if he is bad try to all in lvl 4 but when he hits his lvl 6 and ludens echo power spike u have no chanse to kill him when he is going tank build void staff as ur 5 item ”
ModxLoL says “The trick with Malphite is to make him use his mana while your abilities are up. Don’t do full trades against him, but also do your best to not let his passive keep coming back up. It’s important to realize what the win condition is for Malphite by looking at his runes. If he has Arcane Comet and Inspiration he will have more mana to work with and is looking at maxing his Q for poke. If he goes Grasp or Aftershock with Inspiration, then he is looking to max his W or E. In these scenarios, use your W and 3rd Q to stop his autos to win trades. ”
Flagoony says “Very easy lane. Poke him down with your Q autos and heal back his poke with your W's. When you are running low on mana, collect chimes and continue the process. Be careful of his level 6 power-spike though, as it may result in your death.”
CptTeemoOnDuty says “Early levels he is easy to kite, poke and just have a farm up lane or even kill him if he tries to fight too much. After level 6 be aware of ganks due to his ult. If he goes full AP he might become a lot trickier. Check more info below. ”
Stiwy says “If he goes tank you should be able to kill him at some point.
Take conqueror and rush a black cleaver.
If he goes AP he has good poke with his Q and he gives you an hard time in early game but eventually you outscale him sooner or later.
If he goes AP you can take PTA and try to all-in him with your E.”
vxryrvre says “super fucking annoying rock rat he pokes you then deletes you in a couple seconds by slowing ur attack speed and landing an instant crit”
Kingarthur720 says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. A lot of malphite players are doing the Q max arcane comet build with biscuit delivery to have maximum poke against you in lane so we need that extra sustain from this runeset and dorans shield to sustain. A big part of malphite whether he goes the grasp full tank build or a ap bruiser build is that they need mana to poke you down and to farm. If you are able to outsustain a malphite's mana pool you can make them miss a lot of farm. Also, if you keep them pushed in they will use mana to farm as well. When you have malphite pushed under turret it is essential when you are in a position where you can pressure him that you use the auto + spin out trade under turret for harass as well as getting autos on his turret (past 5 minutes.) Once malphite gets his first back for an item, see what he gets. If he gets mana like a glacial shroud you have to be more patient, but if he buys something like a bamis cinder or chain vest then try to do more to burn down his mana pool. Once he has used his mana to try to chunk you down (and you keep sustaining back up) then you can look for bigger trades and maybe even a dive with your ignite. In the mid-late game against malphite a lot of times you won't have the damage to kill him if hes building full armor like most malphite players do or unless you are extremely far ahead of him, so what you need to do is shove in the lane and force him to collect the farm on the split, then you out rotate him and flank his team (if there is an opportunity to) before he can match your rotation. Tryndamere has really good mobility which you want to make sure you take advantage of. Here is an youtube video example of how to play/lane against malphite and how to itemize as well. ”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up à l'avantage de Darius, il ne possède pas les dégâts de base suffisant pour te tuer, il faut que tu lui applique une pression constante pour éviter que son Shield passif se recharge, essaie d'éviter son E qui est la frappe au sol, car cela réduit ton atk speed de moitié, et diminue tes chances de le tuer, mais avec le fantôme tu as de grande chance de pouvoir le tuer tant qu'il n'est pas niveau 6, et même une fois niveau 6 n'hésite pas à le punir si il s'approche trop prêt ! En revanche reste vigilante et regarde souvent ta mini map, car Malphite à un excellent set up de gank qui t'assure la mort si le jungle ennemi vient et que tu ne t'y attend pas.
Astuce : Les mercures sont un réel bonus contre malphite”
ChocoChurro says “If he builds tank, you fuck him up.
If he builds full AP, you could still win trades after he used his R if you got some kills and items.”
Dantheman81 says “Malphite is similar to Nautilus, he gets very tanky but with your ult dealing a percentage max health you shouldn't have a big problem fighting him.”
Lintaar says “His Q is just a little annoying. You are AP so he cant rly scale off armor. You can dodge his R by just always having passive stacks and always moving. ”
Angela du Seithr says “Malphite est un très bon Tank pouvant vous voulez votre vitesse de déplacement afin de se rapprocher, mais vous avez largement l'avantage en phase de lane. Toutefois, un Malphite AP peut vous mettre hors course, il faut rester prudent à l'itemisation du match up.”
Alzeidx says “Keep trading with him to prevent his passive shield from coming up. Your sustain with Q and him having none is a big advantage in this matchup.”
Crixaliz says “Basicly both of you are kinda the same, just ignore and farm, if he trades, trade back, don't go for all ins unless he has like 30% health.”
Alzeidx says “Easy lane, just trade with him and push the lane, dont forget to ward though. He shouldnt be able to outrade you at all. Make sure to demolish him and deny his minions.”
iTzToniOP says “You're not killing him but hes neither killing you. Just try to farm more than he does and try to be more useful later. This is one of those matchups where you should take advantage of your teleport to fight drakes or ganking bot.”
Nyx Adachi says “Nah, tauntealo antes de que tire su q y estarás bien, le ganaras casi todos los tradeos en general si bloqueas los basicos potenciados, ojo con ultear cerca de el”
TotallyEclipse says “You can kill him before he gets his tank items, but after that neither of you will kill each other. If he gets tabi and bramble he can legit kill you. If you get an early all in pre lvl 3 you can maybe win. Farm lane mostly, can take tp.”
ForOrion says “The rock is a really hardcore matchup. His regening armor negates any trades you can get and his overall engage on you leaves you useless to boot. Dont fight, but wait for ganks and a potential dumb malphite turret dive turn around.”
JuarezLOL says “it is hard but there is several ways to beat him
1 early game at lvl 2 but with pushing your exp to g et lvl 2 faster
2 getting your ruined king
3 but consistently fighting after you get your life steal (900g)”
MateuszNH says “Really Hard matchup.
The longer the game the stronger he is compared to you, one of my most common ban.
Try to trick him into 1 lvl fight and kill him or waste tp. For comet malphite doran shield is a must, he is slightly easier though than grasp, where you can fight him only after he misses E. Later on he is unkillable for you and even if he doesn't kill you lane is lost. ”
WatchersGrim says “Malphite if played correctly and built correctly runes and mastery pages will be a hard lane to deal with. He has natural tank stats of course while having a good kit to fight you with. Just farm up and pick of squishier targets mid to late game. ”
Kingarthur720 says “Not too hard of a matchup. His armour becomes a nuisance late game so i recommend going the crithality build if possible to pass his armour or go LDR, BC and a lethality item. He cant kill you unless he ults you so try your best to flash/ predict when he will ult and be careful when he hits 6.”
VIP Titan says “I am sorry but with you Maxing E. His Armor stacking is no use.
All you need to remember is when his E is on cool down so no reduce attack speed debuff than you can all in him. Again use Q to harassing him so that he can't get his shield back. ”
gabriel5ben9 says “If he pokes you, go all in (except if he's under tower). He succeeds at tanking physical damage, so he probably won't be a big problem.”
ShaharKarisi says “Malphite can be annoying but Shyvana's trades are a bigger threat to him than he is to Shyvana. Try to push for level 6 to go for a hard all-in.”
KayleMachine says “Is extremly tanky and will with a good jungler dive you over and over. after 6.
Be aware of your own HP and track the enemy jungle.”
Starci says “His poke from his Q is really annoying, and it's impossible to catch him, since he can just Q you and you're slowed like hell while he transforms into sonic. If you parry his ult and stun him then you have a chance to kill him.”
Vodka4Gaben says “As long as you don't lose trades, you will win. He will never be able to out damage your ultimate's healing so you should be good as long as you don't let him poke with his Q.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Yeah, maybe picking Rengar against one of the best anti-AD tanks in the game was not the best idea. You have a few windows of opportunity to deal with him though, specially around levels 3 to 5, which is where you are at your strongest. Try to keep his shield down as much as possible and whittle him down little by little, doing an all-in on him is impossible if he isn't at least below 50% HP. Whenever he lands his E on you retreat and save your stacks for a double W so you can nullify his combo damage. From level 6 onward there is not much you can do, since you will either be facetanked and steamrolled, ganked, or he will use R to run away. His ult is THAT much of a gamechanger. If you do not have any APs in your team I would strongly recommend you either pick something else, or dodge, because he will only keep getting stronger. Get BoTRK + BC if you want to have an easier time, but beware his E completely fucks over your all in because of the massive AS reduction.
Ignite can work if you are 100% sure you can kill him early, else TP is better to follow him and keep up pressure. Conqueror is the way to go, it's the only way you can reliably fight him at any point during the game.”
CounterBlad3 says “Absolute cancer to play against, his q causes your movement speed to mean nothing and his armor stacking is still hard to kill even with your e passive and cleaver”
Itreallyhim says “Rock solid, well for atleast a few seconds.
Be careful with his ult, Trade long trades in lane, Since you mainly use Q just click on him instead of trying to orbwalk when he uses E.”
Rivenetto says “Block his Q damage with ur E,play around his mana in early game.When he starts to build armor you cant kill him,play around other lanes and objectives.”
The Ryann Kingg says “Malphite is not able to damage you at all once you complete your first three items. Abuse him early on to shut him out of the game. ”
AkaiAsura says “Malphite isn't a really trouble in early lane, but if you can't manage the lane well, he can surclass you because at one point he will become too much tanky for your damage.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “It'll be hard to get away from Malphite when he uses Seismic Shard, but at level 2 you can out-trade him. Try to dodge his ultimate with your E.”
DabPajusDab says “Really hard lane to win after lvl 6. Yes you will deal damage after BC but you can't die to him. If he builds a lot of armor he will just run or even kill you. Respect his damage and try to lane and farm.”
ShinyEmo says “Due to his relatively weak early game, Master Yi struggles against most tanks and Malphite is even tankier. He will poke you hard and after some armor, you can't kill him. You will need at least 2-3 items to kill him. Luckily, you can dodge his Ult with your Q. ”
Death Rusofag says “Yendo tanque te gana en daño, poco puedes hacer así que trata de farmear y espera ganks. Intenta hacerle trades cortos aunque él pueda mitigar bastante daño por su escudo.”
chromeq3 says “This one depends. He can be useless if he builds tank, but if he builds AP you probably need to rush Mercury's until you can do some solid damage.”
StephanBJ says “Keep poking him and try to get him as low as possible until you get lvl 3 then you should rush to kill him, He has a good ultimate so use it wisely ”
Jays_v says “GG GO NEXTTTT!!! You actually can't do anything to this rock, he outscale you, have a lot of armor to fuck your hole life up. Just dont focus him, focus the ADC.”
dinole says “Maybe one of the most annoying lanes you can face. He is weak in early levels so try to force him out early. If you try to trade with him after 3 he will just E and you probably can't finish one auto attack off before he runs out of range. He stacks armor too so your autoattacks won't do much damage to him. If he E's just jump away with Q so you wont take more damage from him. Beware at 6 since his ult is really strong cc that can enable the enemy jungler to get a free kill on you if you aren't careful.”
Blazeofepicness says “Start corrupting potion and take the cut down rune. Look for trades level 3 and try an all in level 6. Once he gets 2-3 items, he becomes a monster. ”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “You will always win this lane for the same reason as the Nasus lane. You can just bully him in early game and stop him from farming up. I highly recommend you still take Fleet Footwork in this lane since he will poke you with Q and you need the movement speed, but since you have so much kill pressure take Ignite over Teleport. Try and use your Energized attack on him AFTER his Q hits you when you want to kill him as this will mitigate the amount of movement speed he gets and ensure you can still catch him.”
ForgottenProject says “FARM IT OUT
Bring Corrupting Potion and focus on farming
You outscale the fuck out of him
Don’t fight him if he builds Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabis
You will get fucked if you try to fight against Bramble Vest Malphite
He runs out of Mana quickly, so abuse his high Mana costs and all in him when he is OOM
Remember that he gets 3x Armor when his shield is active, so be careful about fighting him when it is up”
Trial_By_Barrel says “All you really have to do is poke him and farm. Keep oranges handy for when he dives you so he doesn't get a guaranteed kill. If he dives you be sure to save your oranges for when he Q's you so he can't get the movement speed buff and catch up to you (if you can).”
The Lost Drawing says “Muy molesto pero matable.
No te pongas a pegarle basicos ya que te quita velocidad de ataque. Aplica la mima que a Garen y a Kled”
Pedrokis says “É uma lane chata pelo fato de ele ser um tank focado em armadura. / O slow no attack speed que ele dá no E é bem chato e afeta MUITO a velocidade do seu hit da passiva. / Se ele chamar o jungler você tá meio ferrado, em razão da ult e do dano até grande que ele dá. / Usa muito o seu Q pra dar bastante dano; depois você vai pra cima quando ele tiver mais low life.”
Joaking says “R+Q+E and you're death.
Start with your E and avoid his Q dmg in early game.
He's a mana eater, so try to make him waste it, it's the only way to win the lane.”
Daedralus says “He is an armor based champ where you play more AP based, with AP damaging abilities. His E does take away your attack speed, but you rely more on your Q anyway. His high cooldowns causes any of his abilities used during your E damage reduction period to a severe loss of advantage for him. Your healing factor also destroys him completely, as he will never have enough mana to deal with you.”
Split King says “Malphite is a very good anti-ad tank. But you are a mage with this build so that is the least of your worries. He cannot get to you without using Ultimate and he is quite easy to deal with pre 6. Your dot will ensure that his passive will never recover.”
Valorkyrie Quinn says “Malphite is just... a natural QUINN COUNTER. I'd suggest you just simply ban him. He has high armor and even some burst with his W. Your only window of opportunity is pre-6. If you can't beat him early, you'll be surely rekt post-6.
Tip: Take aggressive trades early, so he cannot respawn his passive shield, and use up mana for his Q.
Malphite is quite mana-hungry early game if he uses his Q often.
After level 6 just roam to other lanes and take advantage from kills, because it's impossible for Quinn to beat him up.
Always bring Nullifying Orb and Cut Down.”
BeautifulWinter says “Prior to 6 passive. Post 6 agro when ult is up.
Super easy match up but respect his early trades. Your ult can be used to dodge his ult.”
Mysterious Spoof says “slows your attack speed and renders trading pretty useless, especially if he goes for q max, you're never going to touch a minion without coming out behind until you get a black cleaver”
Big Belly Bop says “Hard match up. Pre-6 you should focus on poking, and denying him farm. Post-6 however, you need to watch out and predict when he's going to all in. If he goes full AP ready to cry in your sleep or AFK in base. E out and W him for a safe escape, I recommend changing out for Nullifying Orb in the rune page. Flash + Barrier, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.”
ExfIamed says “So with Dwayne Johnson you basically lose every trade cause they overbuffed the fuck out of his damage, but he runs out of mana after he full combos twice so use that to your fullest advantage, and don't get near him if you're at 40% hp cause he'll kill you before you can even say demacia. ( get it cause garens shitty ass ult animation thats killed me 800 times before of how slow it is and how people can fucking cancel it )”
Verdehile says “Hardest match up for trynd. You can only kill a decent malph player before he buys frozen heart or randuins. After that you can only 1v1 him if hes half hp and you're ahead of him by a decent amount.”
Loevely says “Annoying matchup that you can play around. Max W since he slows AA speed anyway. Grasp is your best friend, proc it as often as you can.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “go double magic resist on adaptive runes and nullifying orb, rush wit's end and his damage should be a joke, he will not be able even 80% of your hp with an all in at level 6 and his Q will do almost no damage. as main rune I'd say to pick Aery (which kinda got nerfed so if you want to stick on sorcery primary comet or phase rush are better at least until Riot decide to giv back double proc) and poke him when you have the ocassion, also deny his farm as much as possible, once he use his Q to poke you he can't really trade back.”
Quezel says “All Malphite can do is e you to making stacking your passive a little harder and time his r to cancel your r otherwise he cant do anything to you and you will brutalize him at all stages of the game.”
mightydylan101 says “Malphite isn't played much but when he is played properly it can be dangerous but if you farm and poke safely when you can he wont all in you and you might even be able to kill him. Remember to punish him when he walks up for CS.”
ProgettoYorick says “Malphite will be able to go aggressive in early, you just have to hit him. In late you just have to play it well with your R
OTP tip: be careful if you have low life, malphite will win”
Generally Break says “Probably your worst matchup. You probably can't kill him in lane unless he messes up. Your movement speed doesn't help you outplay his Q. If he hits you with an ult you're dead. Run TP, Farm as best you can, and roam a lot.”
Bajnok says “Force early fights, don't let him to refresh his passive. Start with Hexdrinker and Executioner's calling.
You can't really kill him after early game due to his amor scaling.”
ChrisPs says “If you poke him back eventually you will scale off better and then you may be able to get a couple of kills on him . But be aware of his R and keep vision in the river bush . ”
Her0mars says “Easy to play against, peel your carries and he dies. Eventually. the only thing you have to look out for is his ult. Generally it is best to wait in the jungle to counter engage on his team as they often clump when following a good malphite ult.”
Hamstertamer says “Annoying matchup. Conqueror is an absolute must, and early magic resist recommended. You can hold your own in a 1v1 but keep wards for obvious ganks especially when he hits 6.”
ineptpineapple says “F**K MALPHITE. Moving on. Jk he is horrible with his high defense and high dmg with that bs slow and that group stun ult. All i can say is hope that a rework come soon and be safe.”
Atlascrower says “Try to Q him as often as possible at lvl 1/2. Dont let his Passive reset. Sometimes, aa him with your passive. You cant kill Malphite, if he gets Lvl 3/4 with enough HP. LW is a Core-Item. He deals much Damage as a Tank, be aware of it.”
AsomeSonic says “DON'T GROUP, he's very damaging in lane, don't try to kill him it becomes a pain with his attack speed slow, it's possible to kill him but a pain”
Chromuro says “The few time he goes AP is a problem, but you can understand that immediatly with the first item, it isn't like cho'gath. He goes OOM pretty quickly, so you can hit him as much as you can. Time your ult with his ult and you win lane.”
HKRV says “Malphite is a weird champ that has a Q that cannot be dodget in any way. In early game if he abuses it a lot runs out of mana quickly, the way for you to kill him. Be more defensive here as whatever if he full tank or AP the ult will more likely leads you to kill you. Great setup for a gank too. Have vision and make him suffer under tower. If you can avoid ganks, the early game is your and he can't do much. ”
EpicDan01 says “You can sustain his Q poke and outdamage him with your own high magic damage.Beware of getting to low HP at level 6 as he has decent burst with his ult.”
Rhinoface says “AP and tank Malphite are both incredibly boring to lane against but shouldn't pose much of a risk to you.
Not worth ulting until after he ults, as he can use his to dodge yours.”
sir monsieur says “Malphite is a major threat because of his sustain (his passive will absorb some of your pokes) and his annoying homing Q which he can spam every 8 seconds. After 6 he'll be able to all-in you and you will most probably die or go home with line pushed under your tower. The only thing you can counter his R with is Flash, but it's CD is 3.5 times longer that Malph's R.
Read matchup details below.”
Aizo says “The easiest lane matchup you can be gifted is tank malphite. AP malphite is slightly more difficult but you can dodge his nuke with your W pretty easily. Just whale on this guy dude... its malphite”
MyNameIsHugan says “Champions with a lot of hp and armor and long range cc like malphites ult is broken against quinn and can burst her down easily. U do outscale them often tho so play safe.”
Petethebossch says “Free Lane. Just sustain his q's with your pots and runes and stack to your heart's content. He has strong gank assist post level 6 with his ult though so ward for that.”
MehmetPower69 says “He will poke you with his Q and that is just something you will have to deal with. If he gets to close or tries to melee a creep you can atempt a all in trade and maybe force him out of lane so you can get your ulti before him.”
Lynboe says “Le matchup est similaire aux autres tanks, cependant son passif et son ulti vont le rendre plus difficile à tuer, face à un Darius il choisira probablement de jouer avec comète et de max son Q afin de vous poke durant toute la laning phase, il est donc judicieux de prendre un Doran’s shield et Second Wind pour éviter d’être trop dérangé et de pouvoir continuer de le zoner facilement.
Le Conqueror scale très bien face à lui et vous permettre de le tuer bien plus facilement.
Il n’y a aucun équipement spécifique à acheter face à ce gros caillou.
Jnewbringspain says “Malphite isn't as big a counter as you might think. He has a shield and passive armor resistance, and his E will drop your attack speed, but if you build Hextech Gunblade first, your magic damage will be greatly increased through your abilities and you can win trades.”
Smartest2 says “This is actually a pretty tough lane for Teeto if Malphite plays it well. He can just harass you down with Q and take the CS hit. I recommend pushing into his tower to keep him from farming, and AA+Q harassing him.”
Angela du Seithr says “Si vous avez la malchance d'avoir un duo Jungler AD, Malphite ne vous laissera aucune opportunité de le tuer en phase de lane. En teamfight, il reviendra facilement sur vous à l'aide son ultime.”
PandaSenpai101 says “His early game is pretty strong, with his poke from his Q. You can fall behind really easily. Your late game is way better than his. Look to parry his ultimate, as it is his only playmaking tool. Just farm out the lane and look for good picks.”
Zestysquid says “This lane mostly depends on how predictable the enemy is. If you can telegraph his ult, it allows you to bait super easily. If you can't, you may be in for a rough time. In the latter situation try to bait his ult out on your clone.”
best teemo says “Start: doran shield if comet, doran ring if grasp, magic resist runes, taste of blood.
How he will try to trade against you:
Malphite will try to q you on cooldown until you are low enough for him to all in
How to win trades against him pre6: this match up is sort of like pantheon, you will have to auto auto q trade with him every time he qs you, then back off until your q is no longer on cooldown, hard shove against him, every time you get low hp(under 30 percent hp), don't risk it, recall to replenish your health, rush wits end starting with the mr part. after you complete wits end, malphite won't be able to outdamage you no matter what. just be sure to trade atleast an auto q every time he qs you.”
Jnewbringspain says “Malphite presents a bit of a problem because your W is completely useless against him. He is almost purely a caster. Also, his E will drop your attacks speed significantly so be careful getting in close. He has mana problems early on, and a bit of magic resist goes a long way against him whether he's going AP or tank build. Also, be particularly careful using ult with him nearby. He can easily cancel your teleport if he ults you.”
zuiop21 says “If you are able to avoid using W while your attack speed is reduced, then Malphite shouldnt have enought DMG to kill you.
(Wit's End Recommended) ”
M2 Jizu says “Aunque el Malphite vaya full tanque, comprate resistencia mágica, revisa el equipo enemigo para ver si necesitas las Botas de Mercurio, si ves que las necesitas compralas en el primer back.”
Bombabo says “Despite building tons of armor, Malphite does prroly against Aatrox in lane. Without burning his ult, he has no way to dodge your Combo, and cannot hope to outdamage or outsustain you”
0mega best says “Very easy, he just pokes you a little bit, and you can easily outrade him.Be careful when he gets 6, and earlier in the game he will outank you eventually so kill him early if you can.”
RainbowNova says “Against regular Tenmo, Malphite would absolutely win lane no questions asked. Sadly enough for Malphite mains, this is a guide for Tankmo. Malphite's damage gets blocked by Adaptive Helm and Thornmail, so you'll be able to poke him down.”
zygiux says “Will poke down with Q. Level 6 propably will be full go in for him since he will see that you can't stand his tankiness and armor. (maybe even ap)”
iam2sxy1 says “if its an ap malph you'll have some trouble early game as his damage is massive and he can burst you easily but all you need is to harass as much as you can and deny farm as much as possible”
FunkySoul says “You can't afford to let him scale. He'll just constantly poke you and slow you and ult you and you won't even have time to R. Out farm him however, and you will win every time.”
DrMoneybags says “I find this matchup to be pretty straight-forward with conqueror and anti-tank items. Just be careful of jungler ganks. Even if you kill him early, he will still provide utility to his team later on. So be sure to splitpush efficiently to counteract his team-fight abilities. ”
kubsak26 says “His only movement ability is his ult and his dmg is pretty low he also don't have much range other than q which you can block with your w efectivly. Because of that you can easly harrase him with your poke and get procs and farm w. In team fights you can take his ult on your self for free or even conter it with your ult. As a full tank he can't do much more then cc your team do just try to keep him on you or away from dmg dealers.”
Shderen says “Think Diana but with scarier teamfight and more variability in their performance. They're either gonna smash ya or flop. Icing this fool is undetermined.”
TheNinjaRoid says “Can't stop you from farming. If he ults you out of nowhere, he's probably got a teammate nearby. You can win if you're able to farm and have a Sheen, just be careful of ganks and dives by his team.”
Khazem says “Shield his Q spam, abuse his weak early game and build a lead before he starts stacking magic resistance. If possible, try to damage him often enough so he can't regain his passive shield.”
LosAngeloser says “His damage is surprisingly high. His all ins are a big threat to you, but you can generally outscale him, so just take grasp and play it safe early on.”
The Lost Drawing says “Lleva las runas de defensa mágica y lo demás super agresivo.
Solo cuida de la 'jg' enemiga ya que a niveles bajos es mucho 'slow' (ralentizaciones/reduccion de velocidad de movimiento) lo que mete, y su 'R' es mortal en TF (y mucho peor si tiene un Yasou o una Miss Fortuna de su lado)
>>> Recuerda, pega daño mágico”
ElleryTheViking says “Really easy. Simply walk up and E him to remove his passive shield entirely. Auto minions with increased W atk speed to refresh your E and E him again while also Q spamming. His damage output is next to nothing and costs him a fortune on mana. Just W to heal up and use your gradual poke down. When you're ready to all in ghost ult and the kill should be secured. ”
kingkang2 says “Pretty much all tanks don't stand a chance against Yorick except during the very early game. Just keep farming, get items, and let conqueror do the work.”
SynergyXO says “People say he counters you, not really. he just doesnt really die to you. he cant kill you. you can Q heal his poke and, you can step back when he does his pouty ground slam thing. that way you dont get attack speed reduced. at that point you can all in him
Samas says “Cant really beat you in early game nor in late game if you were to go all out on eachother since you have mixed damage, and he has tankyness, but in lane you will get harrassed by his q, then all-ined when you are low, which is really hard to avoid since you cant trade with him, he can outrun you because his q steals movement speed so one gap closer is not enough to avoid getting kited when going for trades.”
E61K says “If he went Comet start Dshield. Other than that he is pretty free as your Kit completely destroys him. Malphite stacks more Armor than Health really which is really bad against Darius since your Ult is more effective the less total HP a Champion has and your E passively gives you total armor pen. His attack speed cripple is annoying but he is really easy to beat as Darius.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strength: Teamfighting, Tanky, Full armor, attack speed + movement speed slow, Quick Heavy CC. Weaknesses: Outscaled, High Mana costs early, Weak lane phase. Corrupting Potion Recommended. Not only packing multiple slows, a knockup, and an ability that cannot miss, this guy can poke you down efficiently. His built-in armor is also tough to crack so proceed with caution. Your main objective in the lane is to gain a CS lead over him by retaliating against him when he tries to poke you down. Be quick with your Riposte as it is the only thing to save you other than your own flash against his ultimate. It is also useful to Riposte his ground slam because if you time it right it negates the attack speed slow and allows you to continue with a trade previously made impossible because of it. This is the most important ability of his you need to look out for Pre-6 when trading.”
Miracle Matter says “Surprisingly difficult 1v1 matchup. Malphite has a kit that is, despite being armor-heavy, almost geared towards countering Zilean. This is because when you come close enough to E - Slow him and then bomb him, he often is close enough to Q you, not only harassing you but also stealing enough movespeed for him to outrun your Q radius.
Furthermore, once Malphite builds Abyssal mask and Merc Treads, he has legitimate kill potential on you -- all he has to do is Q you a few times, then Ult you and pop you mid-air before you hit the ground, i.e. before you can Ulti. Even if you do Ulti before his Ulti hits, it may just result in him letting you live and running alongside you for 5 seconds to kill you after the ulti expires. Very annoying if he chooses to sit in a side-lane versus you this way, so force a teamfight instead. This allows you exploit the advantage of having forced their toplaner to stack MR, and suddenly they're incredibly vulnerable to your ADC (and AD threats from your mid/jungle.) Never stand close to your team or you'll simply get caught in his ult. Instead, stand back so that when he ults someone, you can revive them and then simply stun him inside your team while your team kills him.”
drunken hunter says “Malphite can be very annoying in the late game - if you let him. With Malphite you can easily do the early poke dmg and the lvl 2/3 engage with exhaust. The harder as you destroy him in the early game with the black cleaver, the better will be your team fights in the late game. ”
Sion says “As long as he is not playing max W you should be okay. His constant poke is not a big deal given that you return the favour with E+Q everytime. As he cannot just poke and R you since you can just kill him after you die.”
Evil Lightning says “Can just poke against your harassment from afar, has LOTS of armor, having you deal, questionable-atmost, damage. When lategame comes, it's over for you. He's reached his power spikes and he can EASILY outtank you.”
lxl1Mago1lxl says “The timing could save your life against him. Especially if played AP, Malphite is really annoying for us carefully when he's going to use his ultimate”
Trixelkour says “Annoying to lane against and can one shot you if it goes for AP. In-case of Tank, get Abyssal mask or Liandry's depending on teamcomp. If going for full AP 1-shot, get an early Mercury Threads into a Mikael's Crucible to counter his ult all-ins.”
heyitsRainex says “Malphite counters most AD matchups, especially Renekton. He wins trades just with his passive shield, E and strong basic attacks.
His weakness, however, would be mana in the early game. Try to do more trades to force him to use abilities.”
E61K says “Broken bullshit. Ever since Yasuo's bonus armor pen from his ultimate got changed to crits only, this matchup has become increasingly difficult. If you have laned against him recently or laned against him as Yasuo recently you will know what I am talking about. The fact that Yasuo got his bonus armor pen changed to crits only, alongside with the tank META and buffs to Malphite made this matchup unwinnable. Yasuo used to shit on Malphite. Now Malphite basically shits on almost every AD toplaner. Get a Spectre's Cowl (yes you heard me right) and just farm and outscale his ass. There is legit 0 you can do after he gets tabis+bramble. Spectre's cowl ensures that you will be healthy enough in lane to keep farming without getting bullied out of lane by the unfair amount of damage Malphite deals right now. Late game you melt him anyways, so there is no rush. Don't try to trade with him because you will most likely lose the trades. Unless it's really early into the game. Edit: Conqueror, enough said.”
undeadsoldiers says “Malphite - Conqueror
Early items (in order) - Mercs, Tiamat, Phage (Spectral Cowl if behind)
- Take the second wind rune
- All in lvl 1 (passive stacked)
- No all in lvl 2
- Play safe in lane (avoid trades)
- DON'T all in alone until Trinity
- He can knock back your Q
- Play around his E cooldown in trades since it slows attack speed
- Save W for his poke (especially if he takes comet)
- Ult cooldown: 130/105/80
Omega best says “Malphite will poke you alot, but he wont do that much damage, build some armor and some mr then flip him at the good moment in your wave, call for ganks if necessary and dont rush him early and play safe ”
Zachlikespizza says “You just won't kill him unless he's building full ap in which case you will always kill him. Otherwise just try to push and roam. You can outsustain his poke and will win in the long run due to his mana costs, but don't expect to get too many kills in this lane.”
TakeLPlease says “Malphite has tons of armor and health late game. Use their health and armor early game as an advantage. Late game will be hard to take them down. They will also deal lots of damage if you don't take them out early game, so beware. If you can successfully dodge his ultimate, you can use your brush hop or ultimate as he's recovering from it.”
iam colorblind says “One of the hardest Matchups!
You cant trade and get clapped very fast!
Play safe and try to farm!
Set ur focus on Late Game (35+ Minutes)”
Skullsunderer says “Poke and wave clear is a wierd combo. When your minions are dead engage, he won't expect it and it'll take him awhile to walk back to his turret from yours. Aside from that your E's passive armor penetration really helps you kill him, as he will most likely stack it. ”
joelblack says “Champions like Malphite are the reason Gnar exists. Titan or Marksman work well, it just depends on whether you want to be a tank for the team or if you want to absolutely destroy him. Post-6, he'll usually be too tanky to kill in lane unless you play it well, so take this advantage to go roam and help the team.”
Ashnard says “Malph gets a lot of armor as the game goes on, making him near impossible to kill outside of lane. If he plays to defensive to kill, you can only build as large cs lead on him as possible. This is the case for pretty much every low interaction toplane tank.”
Dacnomaniak says “You dont really rely on auto damage so he really has no strengths against you. Build a sunfire for extra magic damage and try to push him out in lane.”
OmegaTeemo says “He has a decent poke, free shield and an engage that most tanks can only dream about. Don't stay in lane while low, trade as much as you can, shove the wave and get him stuck under the tower.”
galvapheonix says “ Maokai isn't too difficult to lane against. He has to get close to you to attack and his saplings got nerfed so don't do nearly as much damage. He will eventually become extremely tanky and have an unreasonable amount of cc so if you get ahead don't get cocky.”
thedunkening111 says “Ah shit, it's this guy. At least you got an auto reset, so your short trades will be nice. But eventually, the rock will slow your attack speed to shit, so killing him will be a chore. Look to kill him early, but later on, build tanky so you can counter-initiate in teamfight scenarios.
Take Conqueror”
Thoir says “Malphite is one of the easiest match up for Irelia. You can zone him from the farm and try to push the first wave and the first minion of the second wave to get a fast level 2 and kill him.”
kagaroo says “🔴Trundle Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 6.5/10
➡️Personally I think that this is a free matchup. It takes experience to understand when you can threaten malphite. Typically the rule against tanks is to play for cs and map pressure. You will outscale them with items and them being on side to match you is a win for your team because the enemy will not have a tank/frontline for teamfights. Furthermore, once you get some lifesteal (hydra+botrk) you can ignore them and target the towers and sustain on the waves. Try to slide in and out of his E to avoid the attack speed slow, avoid fighting in minions because he is super tanky. You can dodge arcane comet by inputting opposite movement commands as it hits.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad malphite vs Bad Trundle ➡️ malphite favoured
Average malphite vs Average Trundle ➡️malphite favoured
Good malphite vs Good Trundle ➡️ trundle wins but can lose if jungle impacts the lane or if malphite gets ahead and stacks armor.”
Haxorr says “Malphite can be a rough matchup if you don't get an early lead, as at 1 item or even before that with bramble vest around level 7+ he will start to beat tf outta you. You need to play pretty aggressively early and look for skirmishes as Malphite is really weak and also very vulnerable to ganks as he has no real escape tool. Take doran's blade and conqueror in this matchup with either second wind or sorcery page, up to you. Second wind can be nice against the q poke but sorcery scales better. I like to parry his empowered w auto attack or his e if possible (obviously the r later in the game if reactable)”
AdeptDrax says “very hard matchup but still managable if you can abuse his passive timers, he has boost to defense when his passive shield is up and it takes few seconds before it's up again but it's all pointless once you reach mid-late where he's just unkillable for you.”
uri40 Uriel says “Malph threat is it's W passive if you build Ap he build Mr you don't do damage and if you build Ad his W do it's job, so you will not win lane of malphie ez but you can play doing plays with your teamates”
CactEyez says “Can't kill you ever. Just run him down, especially if he wastes Q for poke he cannot run.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Heartsteel/Swifties -> Riftmaker”
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