In the Jungle 48.8% Win Rate72% Pick RateShaco In the Jungle Counters: 40 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Shaco in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Bav Bros YT says “One of the most anyoing champions to play against. He has better ganks than you and will counter jungle you. He has burst, cc and invis.”
Sous_chef6 says “he can hit and run very hard, your only opportunity to win is get to 6 and 100-0 then cripple him, but if he cucks you early game it's over, but try proc electrocute if he doesn't q away”
HIKOL says “Wasting ultimate on his clone is the worst feeling. All of your attacks are close range meaning you're more likely to lose health to his traps.”
kittygore says “You can oneshot him in every stage of the game. Try to cleanse his fear from Boxes. The Clone has less mana and moves a bit forward after he uses Ult.”
chillhowl says “This is the most playable game of the others, it's only here because if you find out the game is over. Nowadays, Shaco's standard play is to invade level 3. With that in mind, save as much of your life as possible in the first 3 camps and DON'T WASTE YOUR LEVEL 1 WARD AND DON'T BUY A RED TRINCKET. Then, skip the wolf and save your blue's bush, if Shaco is there, you'll only get him if you don't fall into the box he probably placed in the bush. IT ALWAYS STARTS IN RED. And it's good to keep checking the bushes in your level 1 jungle, in case he started with Q and made traps to get to the deep bushes in your jungle and wait to smith your red.”
SelfLOL says “Important to give Info for early ganks. Can invade u. Your R and E reveal him in stealth. You can use Root to stop him from Q'ing away. Important to tell him apart from Clone.
shiifox says “he doesnt really do much to you, usually you wont interact but if you do be mindful of his clone and try to catch both him and his clone in your E if possible, or just E his clone away, punish his cooldowns whenever possible”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Will invade you almost every game on your buff. Ward your buff across from his red buff and see what he does and path accordingly. You will absolutely run him over in the mid game however if you get punished by him early he will take over your jungle and prevent you from farming.”
UrPersonalGod says “Shaco players are rats and he will likely try to invade you at some point.
If you play around that you win the late game.
He is the most one tricked champ so even if you dont respect the player as a human beings(its a joke) respect his skill on the champ.”
Jackiewawa says “Dark Seal back. Try to get your team to invade and kill Shaco's boxes if your team is better level 1 so it makes his clear slower. He can level 2/level 3 invade or gank so getting deep vision is important. If he gets fed, he can one shot you with Q + backstabs. Ping your teammates around 2:10 if they're too low/pushed up as Shaco can easily jump over walls and gank.”
DoxxTheLeague says “if ap then a 2 if full lethality a 3
shaco gets countered by lillia q you can perma know where he is but hes such an annoying champ with an annoying kit that can literally one shot you be aware of your position and where he was last seen”
AnmaCo says “Uno de los principales problemas en el juego temprano es el jungla enemigo. Si se dedica a invadir tu territorio, puede dejarte muy atrás en oro y experiencia.”
DontStealMyMark says “he'll pop out of nowhere and 1 shot you. only counterplay is if he plays to kill your team instead of you, if he does that, abuse it to your advantage by perma invading and scale.”
Neekster says “This champion clears as fast as you do. Shaco is probably one of the hardest matchups to read on. His pathing is so obstruct and flexible. Which makes him a viable threat for Neeko. You'll never know when you or your teammate will be invaded. It's best to start with a deep ward at enemy jungle for him. Both his AP and AD builds are too much for Neeko to handle with box fears and a strong clone damage can heavily reprimand Neeko's ability to engage. Just the peer pressure of him missing is a big problem already. It's either you snowball faster than him to win the game or vice versa.”
Yomu says “I tend the WQ on top of him then buffer E before he ults that way your E hits both of them. It's usually a free kill from there. Only thing that gets annoying is the AP build when he is posted up in a spot and you take 500 damage per his W”
lurutin says “Hard matchup, use oracle a lot, smite or doublestrike his boxes if he places it behind you, try to don't kill his clone fast if he ult cause the fear+damage can be boring. A good Shaco is really hard to kill but an average is easy. Attention on his clone, you will need to know about this champion moveset and playstyles to win this matchup.”
lolWillieP says “AP tank is just better for dealing with clones + boxes. Ad gets kited and hard to aa a shaco, plus your isolation q bolts get split amongst his clone”
Maciejson says “Look to invade his raptors around 1:00 and destroy his boxes to disrupt his clear. His clone takes increased damage, so use this to discern the real Shaco. Make sure to use your Q after he places a box to kill it and damage him. As Rhaast, use your Q to clear his boxes, and he should be an easy target. In a Shadow Assassin matchup, it's an assassin vs. assassin scenario where the one who gets the jump first will secure the kill. Edge of Night can help against AP Shaco.”
StynkyRaccoon says “Lillia's passive makes Shaco's invisibility useless. And if Lillia manages to mark the target before the Shaco ults she can differentiate the real body from the clone.”
huncho1v9 says “Medium/Annoying matchup. Try to get vision of Shaco start, and watch out for level 2 or 3 invade. Shaco can invade after 1 camp, and he can invade after 3. Make sure to let your teammates know where he is early, because if he gets ahead he can easily one shot you throughout the game. Gwen W doesn’t work against Shaco clone.”
Foxirion says “Shaco’s stealth and deception abilities can make him a tricky opponent for Viego. However, if Viego can predict Shaco’s movements, he can turn the fight in his favor”
huncho1v9 says “- Medium/Annoying matchup. You can typically go to his raptors and break his boxes earlygame to throw off his clear. Shaco is a cheese jungler who can punish Hecarim hard if he’s ahead. He has a level 3 cross map invade window, but other than that he’s not much of a problem to you, but rather to your dumb laners. Both phase rush and conq are fine, if he’s going AP shaco, mercs are high value lategame. ”
Dreamer1v9 says “This champion is the most annoying thing in the game for me.
Because of weak Evelynn early is Shaco is a very annoying champion to verse. The majority of the time you will be getting invaded by your red, or your krugs. I suggest you make your toplaner ward your red or krugs just incase he does want to invade.
This matchup sometimes is occasionally unplayable. So my suggestion would be to dodge or be extra safe against him.
My recommendation of how to play against him would be to ward early, and be on the map all the time.
Shaco is never that useful for his team, except the fact that he can easily solokill. You get much more of a reward out of killing people rather than he does.”
lanefox says “Fighting Shaco requires planning.
He often has obscure jungle strategies and pathing, plan for that. Doesn't require a lot of farm to be useful in lanes, plan for that. Invades a lot, plan for that. He can ruin your good engage by prepping a fight with his poke/fear wards. Plan for that.
If you plan and track him well, he's easy. If not, hes a significant threat but it would mostly be your own fault.”
Jeidoz says “Just have annoying clone. Evade knife by W. Try to identify true clown and kill him first. Not sure does W works on his copy death traps. Rare foe”
Mignognium says “Shaco est un personnage à double tranchant, normalement vous gagnez en 1v1 ou du moins vous le forcer à fuir à chaque altercation. Shaco AP est le pire je pense, et la version AD est dangereuse si elle essaie de vous invaid. Ne tenter rien de dangereux niveau 1 ne tenter de pas gagner avant d'être niveau 3. Et juste en fitgh attention a taper le bon Shaco et il ne peux pas vraiment être un danger pour vous, se sera surtout un problème pour les autres. ”
BullwhipGriffin says “Shaco is not a bad matchup, just gotta get through first 2 clears without dying and you pretty much can never die to him after that, your q mark stays on the correct shaco if you use it before he ults so makes it pretty easy to tell which is the correct shaco under those conditions. also with aoe spells you can determine which is correct depending on which takes less damage.”
IvernGott says “Shaco is a bit tricky. He can also gank very early into the game. By placing wards for ur teammates it can be avoided but it still very hard to track him down. You can invade him if u cant countergank him.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “As long as he doesn't trick you to walk into one of his boxes he shouldn't be able to ever kill you on crab. Also your passive DoT will permanently reveal him when he's in his Q.”
Cookiemanman says “While Shaco can be annoying due to his movement abilities, Volibear, is actually very strong at dealing with him. I would suggest buying the Sweeper trinket to use during his invisibility. You can also W (mark) him prior to his ultimate and easily tell which one is the real Shaco.”
Fessor ivern twitch says “ENG:
HawkSP says “Daisy can trigger Shaco’s boxes, negating his setups. Counter-gank effectively by anticipating his deceive (Q) usage and hover around pressured lanes.”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “❌Ban: Yes (Perma-Ban by default)
Riot keeps Buffing him: a quite complete, Versatile and even Flex Champion. Even on Metas where Shaco JG doesn't represent a significant Threat to Lulu JG herself, he may still pose serious Threat to other teammates, already from Early Game; besides the annoyance factor, including the fact that Chasing a Shaco can waste valuable time and resources. So, why bother?
Yet, if we have to Ban something else and happens to be against a Shaco JG, then, last time I've checked, Full AP has been the most effective strategy against him for a while. Consider Witch-Oriented Build, with Full AP Scaling Runes (Zombie Ward, Absolute Focus, Crescent Storm) and, naturally, Ingenious Hunter to spam that Oracle Lens.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Shaco: Its op vs you......
HOW TO PLAY VS: He can run away with q from any of your spells and he can fear you from your ultimate so keep that in mind but otherwise you should be able to one shot him and take objectives easily only if your team ints him a lot then its problem”
PuppyDontPreach says “his close can reveal u, so play away from it if u can. invis and ulti cancel ur E. try to use your W before he clones, because the heart/mark will stay above the real ones head :) also u farm faster than him so with cooperation from your team he's not too bad. deffo more major/extreme if you have a bad start or a poorly coordinated team tho.”
RuinedJG says “Just a minor annoyance early game, you outduel him. Place wards down before obj, buy oracle if you are scared of him, CONTROL WARDS DO NOTHING BUT REVEAL BOXES.
You can either play to 1 shot him with assassin, or play to peel carries with bruiser if his team is tankier.
Tritesu says “Don't mark right away. Try to mark Shaco when he is fighting or is commited to fighting your teamates or you. This is because your mark animation reveals the true Shaco. Build resistance against him if possible. Use your E wisely since it also reveals the true Shaco if placed before he clones another one.”
MhmYepSope says “Important to give Info for early ganks. Your R and E reveal him in stealth. You can use Root to stop him from Q'ing away. Important to tell him apart from Clone. Easiest way to tell Clone apart: Real Shaco will travel a small amount in the direction hes ulting and has less mana.”
Ehrenemo says “Also very annoying. My second ban option. Always have a ward on ur buffs or he will steal it.If he goes AP you can fight him at lvl 6. If he goes lethality or crit you can only fight him when you have ur ult and manage to hit ur stun.”
Pro8l3m says “U can fight him early but u must watchout for his W and Q bc he can easily kill you or escape. He has better ganks so try to countergank or help other lanes and take objectives”
jajkopajko says “One of the easier matchups, even though he is annoying, most of the games you can win, your clear is better, your dmg into objectives is better and you can win 1v1. When he comes after you just e+q him and then w to proc your passive, this brighs him to 1/2 hp usually, if he ults, ult him too since it bounces from his clone to him and back at least 2 times until he gets away, by that point he should be dead. He will be more productive in the early stage and will gank a lot, dont try to match him - you cant, just focus on your clear, he will be at least a level down always and at least 40 cs behind.”
RainyLabel says “You can shut him down no problem but your allies may not be as careful against him as they should. The trick against him is seeing the stun timer on the real shaco after he ults. ”
Kazuo Murasaki says “First Figure out if he is AD or AP because this will tell you his playstyle(Generally Hail of Blades=AD, Dark Harvest=AP). Try to invade him off start to take out his boxes if you can kill him that's even better but your goal is to take out boxes to slow down his very fast clear to lvl 3. Use your Q wisely because he can dodge it with his Q or block it with his W or Dodge it with his R, Ideally use your E first to reveal him before he Q's away. When he ults, the real one is the Shaco that moved positions. For AD Don't let hit get off too many backstabs on you. For AP don't kill his clone because it dose massive AP damage when it dies.”
Pullks says “AD Shaco isn't that strong. The longer the game lasts, the worse he is compared to Rammus. Be careful of his boxes: they cancel your Q and apply fear to you, dealing a high amount of damage.
AP shaco is more annoying to deal with for Rammus”
Vivichuu says “i wouldnt say hes a "major threat" just the normal behavior of invadign early as shaco would be really bad cos youre usually low hp on first clear.”
aS1lenT says “Shaco is a skill matchup. He can cancel isolation with his boxes which you can smite in return. Be careful about following him into the jungle as he can have traps ready and outplay you with ultimate. Use sweeper in teamfights to locate the dirty clown trying to assasinate your ADC/Mid.”
garbocan says “Very easy to countergank if you predict him and hover, since he doesn't have a great way to disengage after Qing in.
AD Shaco is more of a threat since he can actually kill through Ivern shield with even a medium-sized lead.
AP Shaco is less of a threat since you can use Daisy to run into the boxes, completely ruining his setup.”
Valkidol says “AP 5, AD 3. AP Shaco is zone control and CC to the maximum, both of which you hate playing against. AD Shaco's who max their W last are not a big problem.”
Clasher2124 says “He can be a pain in the ass. Keep in mind that his clone will not be marked by W if he is below 50% hp and there will be no trail behind it! Also, only the real shaco will be marked by the W active.”
White Cr0w says “Ah... Shaco. One tricky bastard. His jump is a "blink", not a "dash", so you CANNOT avoid him from jumping to your carry and obliterate it. Be careful with his box baits.”
Bel_Astra says “This is for AP Shaco specificly. Running into his boxes is almost guaranteed as Briar. If you get into a matchup against AP Shaco. Get a "wits end" asap. And avoid 1v1's when possible.”
layton20 says “Disgustingly annoying. You should never look to chase this shaco, ever. In a teamfight setting, focus on others. His invisibility combined with his box stuns should be a deterrent from committing to him.”
Zero macro says “Briar can face a hard time into Shaco, however this can also get easier.
Overall Briar will face the hardest time into AP Shaco, due to AP Shaco being more reliant on W / R / E combined with a slow poke game style. <—> AD Shaco can still benefit from his forced crowd control and R deceive —> Briar Berserking Cleave will hit both targets +
Briar Passive and R mark allow her to see the Real Shaco after R, however Briar Berserking will be uncontrollable to get the chase into the real Shaco, unless Briar Q is in range to do so.(For W Berserking)
Briar has a faster jungle clear after the first clear, thereby she will maintain a way bigger stat check than Shaco. —> Be aware of Ignite / Smite Shaco that will reduce Briar’s statcheck by a lot.
Coccaa says “This champ is so bad as long as you know how to play against shaco in a general sense you will be fine. Go oracle lens level 1 and don't invade its useless”
TheBougis says “AD Shaco isn't too sttrong against you as a tank, and Ap Shaco got nerfed.
Even when considering that, Shaco is still very strong and annoying with burns and cc all over.”
Gobomo says “Shaco will mess you up if you aren't careful. You lose to Shaco if you don't play well, but often you're able to outplay the hell out of him - speaking as a Shaco Support main, most of the Shaco players in this mode are bad. Play around the fact that your trinket reveals his boxes and let your Sivir take care of them from range.”
Zero macro says “Nidalee has the mobility to escape Shaco and kite him afterwards, thereby Nidalee can see through stealth and chase Shaco down + spot the real clone. Nidalee has an easy time pressuring Shaco early game, thereby invading and destroying early boxes is recommended.”
Zero macro says “Shaco has one of the fastest first clears in the game, due to boxes(preventing those will give a better start) Zed his goal is to prevent Shaco early ganks while maintaining a fast jungle clear. Oracle Lence is recommended whenever you need to catch shaco, this can also be during your Ult to snipe shurikens.”
metalhydra273 says “Shaco can be surprisingly scary in some games thanks to his snowball potential. The AP variant can be a problem late game, as he can zone control pretty well and do surprising amounts of damage with just his boxes. You do pretty solid in the 1v1, but keep in mind his ult mechanic. His clone takes more damage, so wait until you're sure to ult him. You don't want to drag a bomb into the team. His kit makes it difficult to really lock him down, but if you do catch him, you can make sure he dies if he's a threat. Also mind the potential early game cheese; he should struggle to kill you unless you let him get a big jump on you. If you get ahead there's little he can do to stop you from statchecking him and his team.”
NegativePhoenix says “AD Shaco is much scarier than AP since if he gets behind you, even as a tank, you're fodder. This more depends on what he builds and how he manages to get ahead against you guys. AP Shaco is still annoying especially if he has good box setups since it stops your W even mid-way through the ability.”
MrFerrot says “falls off many cliffs throughout the game. He isn't even strong pre-6 so just farm him and his farm lol. Remember that when his clone is up, the real one takes less damage and can't use abilities (going invisible particularly).”
Apari1010 says “Annoying but that's it really. If he tries to R after you've hit him already, your R will still mark the real one. Take sweeper so you can see him while he's invisible. As Rhaast he's a little bit annoying with boxes in teamfights but he himself should never really pose any threat to you.”
BradJr says “Skill matchup. Both of you have invisibility, and both of you are squishy, Don't fight him if you are not confident. (*not Shaco* clone rating 6/10)”
VrNtv says “Be careful of an ignite Shaco invading you early, Once he is level 6 you can W him and if he ults, your W will remain on the main one. You can also smite his boxes.”
FaeBytez says “Shaco can be a difficult matchup for Diana because of his mobility, deception, and burst damage. If Shaco can get the jump on Diana and hit her with his Q and E, he can quickly kill her. Diana will need to use her Lunar Rush to dodge Shaco's abilities and kite him to win this matchup.”
ttvRegedice says “Unless you lose 5v5 lvl1, invade with your team into Shaco's raptors early as he always places a box there to guard invade. Shaco heavily relies on his boxes for his clear and has the fastest lvl3 in the game if he does it perfectly. If you can't break his boxes try and look for countergank and make sure to land E so he cant Q away. If E isn't up then immediately use scanner when you jump him as scanner is just big enough that when he Q's he's on the edge of the scanner range so you can trail him down.”
Xr3ad says “Rengar is a good pick into Shaco because he can track and hunt him down with his kit. Shaco's kit relies heavily on his deception and mobility, but Rengar's passive, Unseen Predator, can reveal Shaco's location even when he's invisible. Additionally, Rengar's burst damage can quickly take down Shaco before he has a chance to escape, and his ability to track Shaco's movements can help him predict and counter his ganks effectively. Finally, Rengar's W ability, Battle Roar, can reduce the damage of Shaco's burst, making it easier for him to survive Shaco's attacks.”
Borinn says “I always go AD against Shaco because your q one-shots his w and he can't do anything to you after that. Just don't die to his early jungle ganks then you can win. But if you die to him early he can make your life a living hell so be careful.”
MaaaRaaG says “They often go assassin, so you'll eventually survive if you're tanky... ...your teammates will not. Shako is especially strong early, so try to survive trough this without feeding him too much, he will eventually fall off.
Please don't chase him, even if he is low, because he is trying to cheese you with his box.
As Amumu it is somewhat difficult not to blow off his clone and get CCed as we have lots of area damage.
Virizion says “one of my favourite matchups as this champs is annoying as hell but you counter him hard. Q follows him in his invis so he is easy to track down, spell shield his box once its active and thether when his q is of cd. After 6 using e early allows you to keep it on the original shaco and make it clear which is which”
proxarius says “Ideally, put charm on the real one before he ults
His early invades are scary, so make sure to ward his raptors and try invade with team level 1 to clear his boxes. If he goes AD, you win if you have the same amount of gold.
Banshees help you flank vs. AP Shaco.”
Hazardist says “A hilariously easy matchup. You can reveal Shaco during his stealth by simply spamming R as you enter bushes or zones with no vision, and it will reveal him if he's stealthed and within range of you. Additionally, it will mark the real Shaco in case he summons his clone, so keep an eye out for the chained one.”
King Nyash says “I usually dont have problems against him.
Track his jungling and warn you teammates for possible ganks if he is not a head he is not a threat ”
Majd1 says “Nidalee stomps this matchup. Nidalee spear and trap reveals Shaco in stealth and usually they are squishy so if you manage to proc hunt on him you can easily oneshot him. Most Shaco players use their box to dodge spears, but you can smite the box if you are quick enough. However, if he gets fed for free and goes AD, he will oneshot you on repeat.”
1Strike says “Same as reksai. The matchup is easy but he gets 1000 kills randomly and once he is fed he is much harder to face as graves.
Build your plated steelcaps. Accelerate ahead with your superior farming and look to countergank. You outscale him hard same as reksai. and your E negates their burst potential if you're even”
Dabgren says “You usually wanna invade a shaco before 1:30 to interrupt his clear at first, around 1 minute ~~ get rid of his boxes, when you ever meet him, if you hit q wait for him to Q before you q2, aswell as you can ward-jump to E to him to have his location when he q's cause your E will give vision of him when he is invis.”
checca says “Shaco poses little to no threat against Zac, only AP Shaco does. Against AP Shaco, you will almost always be forced to fight into his boxes and his clone, which will make you take lots of damage for no reason. On top of that, if Shaco buys Ability Haste early, his Q just makes him escape almost every single play. There really isn't a counter to this unless Shaco throws his gold lead.”
basrty1p says “If you want to win this mad clown, you should communicate with your team all the time since he can make his team lead to crazy snowball potential later with his boxes and his annoying clone. His Q can make you suffer like living in the Hell since it makes him blink and outplay for him every single time. Prepare for his coming at all cost. After 30 min, he can't do his trick easily since Everyone in your team should have Oracle Lens and Control ward to deny his gank in late game.”
lovicoaching says “Depends if he gets fed early or not, if not he's fine but still really hard to kill, if he gets fed early he's really annoying. Either way this champ is only in the game to make me mad when I can't kill it.
Kill his team.”
Im Not Gay EUW says “Annoying counter jungling piece of ****.
Early game you have a fast but not that healthy clear, he can be annoying because of that. Ban this clown.”
Davecraft16 says “I hate this matchup, so time to make him hate his life. Ask your team for help, he usually start raptors. With the help of your team destroy all the boxes he needs to clear and you have just ruined his life. After 6 you can use your e to mark him so when he use his r you know who the real shaco is.”
Kukiziuu_ says “Shaco is really annoying matchup. He can gank almost 24/7, be aware on him. Try to counter gank as much as possible, and try do every objective as a rhaast. If you play blue you can easily oneshot him first if you do it correctly. remember that your R gives you full vision on him if he uses his Q or R. If you play Rhaast you won against him almost always, but it depends how hes playstyle looks.”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] Shaco is only an issue if he gets kills lvl 3 after he does his fast clear.
Otherwise, you outscale him past your first clear and he shouldn't be a big issue past that. You can build DD 4th or Maw 4th based on his build If he's a problem.”
Bhyure33 says “Can be a threat because of his high dmg, especially on his AD builds. Also can beat you early when taking ignite and invading, so look out for that. However you scale way better lategame as he slowly becomes quite useless.”
RedNBlue says “don't get screwed with by him, and but don't let him get to your back line. Make sure if you see him in your back line to throw all you have at him to kill him before he can cause your team some damage. ”
Xerath gaming says “Shaco top is pain, but if u know who the clone is it's free lane. Don't get baited by him as it's most likely a trap. Fun fact: The clone doesnt have a yellow mythic border while the real shaco does”
zotet says “Keep him behind, he is strongest when he is ahead. He has a strong early game so don't take every fight unless he is caught out of position. Avoid invading him as his traps can be extremely annoying and give him indormation.”
Riccardo126 says “You can face-tank his boxes with E to clear them or to deny his burst dmg.
Just be careful to not all-in his clone and hold charged Q to finish off jungle camps if you know he could invade.
Remember that the visual of every DoT effect carries on only on the original and not the clone”
RiaAllure says “This dude is just annoying, could potentially steal a red or blue buff depending on your start - I recommend invading and finding out where the shaco is so you could go for a easy steal on his top side.”
Whasian says “Shaco's early game makes it hard for you to get the advantage. It's a miserable match up he can hostage you and keep you from lvl 6. (Right now he seems like a very popular pick for people over Rek'sai(patch 12.19))”
GiAEcchI says “Invide with your team early to fuck with his boxes, or invade at 1:30 when he's clearing because most shaco player does not have flash (ignite + smite).
Don't play like a monkey, spam R if he use R, you can not ult the clone shaco if you haven't deal damage to it, only the real one has your Ult's passive after Shaco ulted.
You win 100% of the time after form, Q through his box for insta kill.”
you will learn to hate this champ and perma ban him when u play kha. AP shaco is the worse bc if u kill the wrong shaco all ur health is gone.”
spuki97 says “Invade him early with your team in order to destroy his boxes. Make sure to smite one of his boxes as your smite will only go on a 10 sec cooldown and you will have upgraded smite earlier. Don't fight him when he has his clone up, no need to risk it and don't get baited for obvious clone attack. Best build: All”
PiscesPomf says “The clown can be spotted with your Q as it is a DoT. I hesitated to place it in tiny threat, but his free flash (Q) is pretty annoying as he gets out of every bad situation.”
Kao_Oak says “He will outgank you, counter jungle you, he has burst, invis and cc, his R can tempo you and finally he is played by motherf*cking otp. Try to red smite him before he uses R to keep a track on who his the real shaco.”
RengarNBush says “Your E counters him, do not die to his cheese invade at level 3 with his ignite. Very useless champ if he doesn't get him team ahead.”
The Love Below says “Shaco is incredibly annoying. Invis, jump and fear. Don't bother chasing him if he tries to invade and gets away. Too hard to lockdown. If he gets up in your face burst him down, otherwise, prioritise lanes. ”
Der Bestimmer says “Not very threatening for a tanky Udyr, but Shaco gets fed like crazy in low Elo. Also a common Smurf Pick. Ban if you can and if Yi is banned by Someone else
If you can make it to late game though he falls off and you can outscale him.... if you make it....”
Geomine says “easy lane you can sustain his poke with W, you outscale him. he is just annoying. he falls behind if he doesnt snowball so as long as you dont die early game then you will be fine.”
Eagzey says “AD Shaco can potentially invade and screw with us, but apart from that the matchup is easy...JUST GET A RED SWEEPER! Same for AP Shaco. When using R press sweeper and follow him until he shows again.”
Kuriboh says “Shaco can be really difficult to pin down and is generally just a nuisance. He can very easily avoid your E root and your W(snowball) by Q'ing away or using his clone. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shaco has good Dragon control in the early game. Make sure you keep it warded at all times so you can spot him before he takes it. His duelling power is rather good in the early game. Think twice before fighting him especially if you’re spotted as he may place a Box(W) behind him and use try to chase him down. As a laner, warding bushes directly outside of lane won’t prevent a gank, so you want to ward in places where he can Deceive(Q) over terrain of some kind.”
Saltu says “RUSH AND KILL be ready for IQ test. remember that if you stun him before he uses ult the real one stays marked by the E.
The champion that draws the line between low elo and not-so-low elo players due to it being super easy to tell which one is the clone. the clone takes extra damage so huge duh. Even so, can't carry shit and need to have a 5head to be useful.”
TowerOfGray11 says “Shaco isn't too hard, but if he turns invisible and you don't know where he went, you can't really kill him. If the enemy is a good Shaco, he will probably try to dupe you, like going invisible behind you and running the opposite way. This will most likely cause you to go the wrong way. If you are up against Shaco the best thing is to use Oracle Lens.”
Hazardist says “A fun feature of building Heartsteel is that it will help you discern the real Shaco from his clone. If you see him before he casts the ability, whichever Shaco shows a fully prepared Heartsteel stack indicator is the real one. Outside of this, he has slower clears and can't really kill you after level 4 so you only have to worry about his ganks not getting out of hand.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shaco has good Dragon control in the early game. Make sure you keep it warded at all times so you can spot him before he takes it. His duelling power is rather good in the early game. Think twice before fighting him especially if you’re spotted as he may place a Box(W) behind him and use try to chase him down. As a laner, warding bushes directly outside of lane won’t prevent a gank, so you want to ward in places where he can Deceive(Q) over terrain of some kind.”
lumihehe says “1v1 wise, it's a skill matchup. in terms of who wins the game, it depends on if your team tilts or not (they probably will, shaco is very tilting imo)”
Farmer Cleetus says “He's a clown who is only dangerous if he's full burst AP or crit/lethality AD Clown. He makes his threat level under these conditions to Major+. If he's not fed in the right time, you can outfight him and he's then a minor or even a tiny threat.”
warmfishu says “He will place boxes that reset your W and do tons of damage. Meanwhile, the ADC will probably be cleaning you up. Switch to Oracle Lens early if you are having trouble.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “This character is more annoying than strong. He has no way of playing to push, so just play around wave prio and pushing while using your sweeper and you will outscale him quickly. Be respectful and it's a free matchup.”
TennisJJ says “Genuinely frustrating. Not a terribly difficult matchup. Your W charm helps you locate his clone as long as you W before he ults. Hard to kill him though with his Q. ”
Lawiss1 says “Evelynn farm plus vite que Shaco et Evelynn peut révéler le vrai Shaco lors de son ulti en l'ayant W avant qu'il clone.
C'est tout.
Sinon le clone de Shaco facecheckera tout a sa place pour vous reveal et son Q et son R permettent de cancel le E de Evelynn.”
rhvse says “Annoying as f**k, DONT chase him. Buy a Magic Resistance (unless
he go AD), and don't feed him. Maybe he get your Fear from E and "Trail" from Q, you can kill him, but he is annoying. ”
Nik7857 says “This is like Rengar and Nunu combined into one. Hard to 1v1 him because he takes ignite and he will constantly gank your laners or invade you. I suggest banning this if your low elo.”
ItsAydam says “Champion is really annoying to deal with. If you play against a good shaco the difficulty level increases significantly. you win If you catch him before he catches you. Most shaco players try to invade so keeping wards and pinks on jungle entrances will help you out a lot. Make sure to smite his box instantly when he places it.”
NegativePhoenix says “AP or AD he's dangerous. AP is a bit more manageable if you can get your team to put down Control Wards and you buy sweeper but it's still annoying to fight. AD Shaco is worse, he can get behind you, and his passive plus insane crit damage makes him capable of one shots on you with HOB. If he's ahead, don't fight him at all. A good shaco can make his clone act like him, so be heavily careful about attacking.”
[Shaco is a very annoying champion, his boxes waste a lot of your time and he can just play with you then Q away. Make sure to locate his boxes and either destroy them, R over them, let your Syndra use it as an ammunition or let your Fiora use it as a free stun. Fears don't cancel your W and the boxes receive damage from your W so you instantly destroy the boxes if you have W on and they appear. His gameplay as AD Shaco is kinda like an AA assassin , so it's no problem for you, but he has lots of %HP magic damage burns with his AP build, and he even builds Void Staff so AP Shaco is way more annoying. If you manage to E him when he's like midlife and you have Thornmail, he's dead meat. He's very vulnerable when caught and CC'd.]
Turbotailz86 says “Be careful with this one. Regardless whatever build he makes. You're force to Oracle Lens later in the game unless he no longer a threat to you.”
SunLongGod says “a Good Shaco is actually extremely annoying. you can Smiting or Q his box to not get feared. after 6 you should use your ult to increase distance, while looking for the real one. Shaco's clone takes extra damage. Tricks I use for clone is Mythic items, the clone doesn't have a gold border on his Item. Another Trick is when Shaco attacks you and use his Ult, his clone mostly behind the Real one
Krast666 says “Mostly annoying, but don't let him get on your nerves. Make sure you take epic monsters ONLY if he is in the opposite lane. If he wastes his Q you can kill him easily.”
ManelNerfado says “He doesn't blow you up, and if you play calmly and He doesn't blow you up, and if you play calmly and focus on the real shaco when he uses his ultimate, you can melt him.focus on the real shaco when he uses his ultimate, you can melt him. If you miss true shaco, in the early game he will kill you.”
NegativePhoenix says “The Clown, disgusting. Shaco has a good kit for making plays better than you and will not hesitate to show you this. AP and AD Shaco are both heavily annoying regardless which it is. Even if you get him low most of the time he will just Q over a wall to escape. A very good Shaco will attack you while sending his clone to run away to make you think the one running is him and if that happens it's gg in the fight against him. He's still squishy so punish him for any mistakes he makes if you catch him out. Try to W him if you know he's gonna ult too as your mark will remain on the real shaco.”
Fapas16 says “thinks he can go invisible without you finding out, you can use your W to drain him while invisible but if you are against a shaco that knows how to fuck you up in your full clear you are gonna have a bad time”
duowithdeath says “Champ that will just go ur jungle and kill you perma, the one matchup u can go exhaust vs since u likely win duel if u use it. Try to stay healthy in clears as he takes ignite to ruin ur smite heal in fights. ”
NixLychee says “I hate this champion with a passion. Boxes are extremely devastating, either as a CC tool or just straight up from their damage. You can check which Shaco is the real one from the golden border around their Mythic item by clicking on them quickly. ”
MuscularBanana22 says “If AD Shaco catches you off guard, you should be able to survive with your Q (unless he's really fed). As for AP Shaco, make sure you attack the right one, and do buy an Oracle Lens at some point.”
Shro says “Shaco can be a problem. Shaco can use his clone to make you waste Ult, his mobility and invisibility make it very hard to keep up with him, and his clown boxes will disrupt your already slow movement.”
Groovywelsh says “Shaco can't kill you the only way he kills you is if you engage on him. But it's also very hard to kill him just farm don't lose time chasing shaco”
Cpt. Maelstrom says “Shaco will be 1-2 camps ahead you when full clearing. Be careful for counter jungle. He can gank lanes easily. If he doesnt get ahead in early, he will be useless in late.”
IamFafa says “Take oracle lens lvl 1 and invade his chickens to clear the boxes to delay his start. His clone will take 50% more dmg so by using Q its a very easy way to detect the real shaco.”
GrayJinxed says “You can get close to you and slow/burst you if going AD Shaco. Once he ults, if possible try to mark him or E him before he ults so that you can see who the real Shaco is once both are out of invulnerability. ”
TimothyFly says “Invisibilty, mobility, cc. All things sion hates, just play slow and realise that shaco is still really squishy so u can outplay him with good gameplay. Just be careful because shaco's are very crafty.”
AutisticBabyLvL10 says “Ap shaco can be a major threat for master yi, he is able to zone you off teammates by placing boxes around the map, don't get baited by him if he is low, he will just use clone to fool you and kill you.
ad shaco beats you early and can pop you out of your w with his boxes, and can ignite you to reduce your w healing to win fights early.”
karleusastar1 says “Shaco, the most banned champion by warwick players...
First of all dont fall in his traps (jack in the box W) then don't let him to take your buff creeps, because you know shaco mains, Right?
Go for the krugs (stones near the red buff if someone don't know) don't let shaco take your 100 gold...
You must learn to make a difference between clone and real champ because that will lead you to the safe loss.
Alot of players think that warwick mains are dumb, overthink that shaco main and prove that claim wrong.
Go for the drake and make sure you warded the wall because that is power of shaco, stealing drakes. Shaco can easily stole the drake from you because he can be invisible for looong time and steal your drake.
Buy the control ward, that's necessary.
Speaking of that some shaco players use their w near the drake to make them see the drake when they have no ward so check that to make sure there is no vision near.
Don't go in their w because you know that will lead you to be oneshotted by that clown.”
Majd1 says “Good Shaco players are a problem. However, Nidalee should be able to stomp him. Nidalee spear and trap reveals Shaco in stealth and usually they are squishy so if you manage to proc hunt on him you can easily oneshot him. However, if he gets fed for free he will oneshot you on repeat.”
ISwearImNotPolish says “I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS CHAMPION. Shaco is honestly one of my go-to bans on Kha' Zix. He's annoying, he counter-jungles like crazy, his R and W cancel Isolation. If you are against a Shaco, buy Oracle Lens first back and pray to sweet baby Jesus that he makes a mistake.”
TheKingUltra says “You will face the similar problems with shaco as you did with evelynn. He will appear out of thin air only that you cant counter him with control wards. If possible e his box so you dont get feared, if needed ult away. in late he will try to pick your carry, try to interupt him. Maybe get sweeper in late aswell.”
MouseTheGame says “Very annoying. Ping your laners about his lvl 2 ganks. Try to counter gank him. He can't do anything to you, but don't try to fight him, he will just blink away. You can't block his Q with your W”
APigHunter says “Shaco will be a menace if not dealt with correctly. Avoid his boxes and if shaco ults, prioritise getting away from him as your ranged abilities can easily diminish Shaco's health.”
YoungTact says “This will just come down to wether or not you will succumb to the mind games. You both have really strong early game ganks. Remember sweeper is ur friend vs shaco as it will allow to see him when he's around you and stealthed and see his boxes. ”
Xyllow says “Care against early cheese invades against you and in scuttle fights, as he always runs ignite (big counter to ww in the early game) and if you get caught in his boxes you will most likely die or have to burn flash. Pay attention to what he does and try your best to not let him snowball. After you survive early game, he is still very annoying, but my best advice is to just ignore his existence. I do that and it works most of the time. They want you to try to kill them. Don't bother, your ranged carries or any carries can deal with him while you kill his team's backline or something.”
Jksons says “- remember that his clone receives more dmg so pay attention to it and if u feel like u deal him
too much dmg it might be clone
- u can smite his box or q aa it to destroy it ”
horror_in_dark says “Очень противный матчап, своими ловушками будет мешать вам наносить урон по нему и легко зонить вас за счёт низкой дистанции ваших аа.”
SeptikYT says “Just an annoyance to deal with, and that you cannot build against him until you see what he is building, may it be AD or AP. He has great ganks as well and a flash every 6 seconds so he can run ignite and cut your healing. Turn your back on him as little as possible as he does increased damage to targets facing away from him.”
Madabc says “Even though Rengar favors in this matchup I still struggle a little bit in this matchup. Remember to get rid of the boxes to make the 1v1 easier. ”
irelia support says “Whether ap or ad Shaco counters Kindred. Her dashing away can be slowed by his e also doing tons of damage if ad. AP Shaco can kill her with just 3 liandry's boxes when fed.”
Janooobi says “Is very hard to lock down and usually beats you to ganks, try and ward deep so you can read where he will gank and counter. If you catch him and he manages to slip away don't over chase ”
DqrkVoid says “you can get counter ganked easily and stop your e with his boxes take oracle and redsmite to recognize him . Before ganks check for boxes in bush with oracle also with a clone and boxes can do perfect disengages so be careful.”
officialwiseguy says “Good luck! You can get Oracle at LvL 1 in this Matchup. Try to destroy his Boxes if he places them before you (try to use your doublestrike or smite if possible). You can also try to run away from him after he Ults in order to know which one is the real thing. You need some experience about his Movements and Playstyles, can be tricky to beat a good Shaco player but usually his clone takes alot more and noticeable damage, keep that in mind.”
Consolo says “Annoying. Keep monk mental and ping your botlane/toplane away from the most predictable level 3 redside clear into gank you've ever seen. Stun him when he appears near your team, stun the fucking clone who cares, tank the clone explosion if you can, then do whatever it is you wanted to do. Deep wards Very Good. Even when fed, he can't 1 shot us. Buy sweeper.”
OTP Toxin says “Just keep moving, that way he won't be able to put down a box and fear you. Usually I use the ignite insta on him, so if he ults, the real one will be ignited and you can just finish him :D”
Zehmox says “Ap shaco is annoying to deal with for you but AD is really easy. you can also see which one is the real shaco with your ulti passive mark”
blulemon says “Really dangerous matchup if he is good and invades. AP shaco is also a threat as you have lots of AOE and might kill his clone by accident. Make sure to track him so he doesn't get fed with ganks and you will be fine.”
Tiger-Moose says “Criminally annoying. He can block Sion's ult with his R. Overall, he is very wily, and can and likely will assassinate your squishies. He shouldn't be able to 100 to 0 you too easily, though. Remember to push his freshly placed boxes away with Sion's E before they become invisible.
//He's the biggest threat to you yourself if he goes ap, so remember to use your E on his boxes when you see him place them.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Shaco is a difficult champ for amumu because of how slippery he is and how easily he can invade amumu and get away with it. Also hard to keep up with his ganks and usually he will take over a game if amumu cant make it to mid game without being too behind”
Abes_o7 says “Shaco is really irritating to play against - if he is going AD he will oneshot you, if he is going AP he will irritate you with traps all around map.”
MrMeem45 says “AP Shaco is even. If you Q him, he's just dead unless he's maxing his box. His Q won't save him because you have him revealed, and his ult won't save him because you have him marked. Hold your execute until he uses both or one of these abilities, and then go-go-gadget destroy his ass. Unless he's really fed, in which case you should build tanky and get ready to kick him away.”
Elekktro says “Personally I hate facing Shaco, but this is a very winnable matchup. Shaco will try to cheese you early with Ignite but as long as you clear healthily and go for safe early plays you can outplay him in mid game.”
Capo1337 says “Good luck! You can get Oracle at LvL 1 in this Matchup. Try to destroy his Boxes if he places them before you (try to use your doublestrike or smite if possible). You can also try to run away from him after he Ults in order to know which one is the real thing. You need some experience about his Movements and Playstyles, can be tricky to beat a good Shaco player but usually his clone takes alot more and noticeable damage, keep that in mind.”
GranadaExperimental says “Since he is an assassin, he has low health which can ease you on your way to assassinate him quickly with Shadow Assassin Kayn.
I recommend being careful because it can also avoid much of your damage and kill you easily”
J98TheGreat says “This matchup is entirely based on skill. If you are less experienced with the game, you might think otherwise, but it is even. There is a lot he can do to catch your mistakes, counter-gank, or snowball. However, you still have your strengths. IF you start a 5v5 team fight against his team and ensure the safety of. your backline, things will go well if you are better.”
Emrakin says “all shaco players are jokes, but the champ is bursty enough you often just get one shot, you should really have oracles as your ward by 6 but if you're stupid he sucks”
King Fidd says “You can counter his stealth by using your w since it gives true sight, and can be used on invisible targets. Try not to fall for clone baits and try not to ult into his boxes. Also he can pick you off easily if you are alone.”
NMFO says “Remove this champion from the game. Good luck first ever getting onto him, second sticking onto him, third getting more than 3 autos off before he goes back into stealth. Especially if he builds AP, there's not much to do here. ”
leoviniciux says “Possui forte presença de mapa e ganks efetivos, além de um bom clear de jungle. No early game pode representar uma ameaça antes do nível 3. É fundamental realizar ganks efetivos para pegar vantagem sobre o Shaco e distribuir entre seu time, assim o Shaco fica praticamente inútil na partida.”
Brosinex says “Más como molestarse por cualquier cosa. Tanto AP como AD shaco te joden un poco. AP shaco, puedes E en él y probablemente solo se alejará de Q, pero puedes luchar contra él. Sin embargo, AD shaco es un problema mucho mayor porque puede hacerte mucho daño y simplemente huir si las cosas van mal. Solo obtén una lente de oráculo y controles para que no te asuste.”
Da Mastah says “An abomination to everything that is good in this world. I personally permaban him. Why? Because he's incredibly annoying to play against. If you do decide to fight him buy lots of control wards, your going to need them.”
The Elysian1 says “Easy early game for you. He will probably spam gank mid / bot but you can't really do anything about it. Just focus on clearing , putting pink wards in your jungle and just pressure him after his gank. Maybe catch him in river when he has no Q , or just one shot him when he is walking close to you.
KafueLechwe says “Shaco can't burst you so he will have to snowball himself or other lanes. However, you don't beat him until you have a couple items but once you have them the matchup becomes really easy.”
Citric says “Shaco likes to do three camps on one side really quickly and try to gank a lane. Try to get an early sweeper for his Q invis and his boxes. ”
Pullks says “Sometimes looks to invade you level 2-3, be aware of this if he is running ignite.
His boxes stop your W, but you can also sustain off of them with Q. ”
Pusi Puu says “You win vs ad shaco at every stage of the game. Scout him with your ult and look for skirmishes early game all the time. AP shaco is harder to play against since he can block all your dmg with his ult and just oneshot you afterwards. Don't jump onto him when he has a box under him unless you have edge of night. But only thing you have to care about is his ult. When its down or he already used you can just run him down.”
Doubtfull says “I haven't played this match up too much. You can potentially tell which shaco is the real one with your passive stack. Try to watch out for his boxes as thats how he can lock you down.”
LambWolf says “If Shaco isn't fed and you ain't low hp. He ain't a problem. Mostly just annoying. If you have pta or use e before he ults you see which one is real.”
SnowballBarrage says “Shaco is weak to tank nunu but good against AP nunu. You just have to play really smart and you can never really reliably 1v1 him unless you're fed so play around your team.”
Veralion says “Takes HOB ignite a lot and looks to level 3 invade, quite frustrating to deal with. Exhaust therefore isn't a bad idea. If you don't get shut down early, AP Shyvana does very funny things to Shaco. Why bother taking the split second to identify which one is real when you can just kill both at once with one ability? Wait for him to press R in a fight and have an E there when he and his buddy pop back into existence. Be sure to Smite the triple boxes that the clone drops before they activate; don't want your team getting hit by that fear. He's good at taking objectives very quickly with his ult, so make sure your objective rotations are on point. Don't be baited into ulting at a clone; if you see a Shaco running around facechecking bushes or running at your teammates without using any abilities, that's the clone. ”
Riealone says “Take Oracle Lens, smite his boxes, detect the real one and kill him (his clone takes +50% more damage, so you can easily detect the real one with your Q). Just always keep in mind that you can't go into jungle with low HP and always be aware of his invis and high damage (talking more about peeling and pinging your allies)”
Arfreezy says “Updated Patch 11.11: AD Shaco is a huge threat and hasn't been balanced yet. Shaco's kit also lets him easily get fed while avoiding fights versus Graves. This is a priority ban on this patch along with Fiddle.”
LukaBre123 says “Shaco is hard to kill because of his Q. If you wish you can take Oracle Lens to track his movement and even if he ults the E stacks stay on him and you know which one to hunt.”
Tormentula says “If there's ever a time when I'm not banning Shaco, I'm perma dodging him if the enemy picks it. Shaco is easily the biggest Elise counter in the game, not only because of his Q being an extremely low cooldown flash that grants invisibility, but also because his W boxes can block your cocoon, and your volatile spiderling, and STILL survive nullifying half of your kit, assuming he doesn't just stand near it so you can't Bite him either without risking the fear. The best way to deal with Shaco is to catch him by surprise from a bush or in a counter gank, or smite the box he lays down. The other issue is his ultimate, if you guess the wrong Shaco and waste any of your cooldowns on it, you're doomed even if you don't accidentally blow the clone up as you won't have the damage to actually fight the real one and your cooldowns won't come up to finish him before he can Q away. There's also the fact his level 3 clear is way faster due to him being able to set boxes at raptors while he leashes Red, take krugs, and just level 3 gank a sidelane or even level 2 gank mid lane before krugs, Elise rarely is able to contest this. I personally just save myself the trouble and ban him, or dodge in select, as Shaco has too many advantages in this matchup that relies more on the Shaco's skill than your own, he needs to outplay himself or have bad reaction timing to cocoon inorder to lose, and more often than not Shaco is a "one trick's" champion, meaning they typically know what they're doing when they pick Shaco. Usually he's not common enough for me to ban, so usually I just ban another threat and use dodges for him, unless he's meta than yeah no, he's never getting through.”
Doubtfull says “Rek'sai's tremor sense is a huge help with tracking Shaco during his shenanigans. You can also tell which Shaco is the real one if you have knocked him up with your W, as the W timer will be underneath him. Try to invade and mess up his boxes level 1 if you can get your team to follow you.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror or Dark Harvest. Phase Rush if necessary.
ITEMS: Zhonya's. Plated Steelcaps if his team has a lot of AD
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Shaco is a good jungler at invades and early ganks, place pink wards around your camps if you think he'll show up. Be aware of his potential level 3 invade while you're clearing your camps, and don't be scared of 1v1ing him if he engages on you unless he's fed, he's really squishy and a well used burst combo with R+W+Q should be able to finish (or at least scare) him off.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Graves favored. I recommend buying Deaths dance agaisnt shaco to remove some of his burst damage, I also recommend getting oracle lense so you can track down Shaco while he is invisible in his Q.”
carlru says “1. ALWAYS invade his red and raptors with Oracle Lens to fuck up his first clear (he is exceptionally weak at lvl 1)
2. Expect a gank when your Laners are pushing hard since he needs space for his boxes --> Countergank after hovering (taking nearby camps)
3. Don't fight near his boxes.
Follow these steps and Shaco won't pose any problems.”
AvidPanda says “Be careful of an ignite Shaco invading you early, Once he is level 6 you can W him and if he ults, your W will remain on the main one. You can also smite his boxes.”
Akotanya says “The issue with Shaco is only OTPs play this champion. So if you see a Shaco you can assume that he will invade your jungle early.
TIP: Even if you full clear put 1 point to W when you reach lvl 3.”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “Literally get ready to DC if he likes to invade. Just remember to focus down the others on his team, not him. He will simply be a waste of your time to fight as he is too slippery.”
Kayncer says “He is annoying to deal with and will easily counter jungle you, try to get him into your ult as much as possible, be careful to not ult the copy”
Stonrr says “A skilled shaco will destroy you. He will outgank you, outduel you and he will dodge any of your abilities, or block your q's with his traps or clone. Very worthy ban.”
Coorowko says “Since most people can't play Shaco well or use him as a support you won't see him much. However, a good Shaco can completely screw with Sejuani. Try get him early when he doesn't have all his abilities, stealing his camps and denying him ganks will hobble his ability to play. ”
Karasmai says “I made a simple set up vs shacos, if he is going AP you go Rhaast if he is going AD you go Shadow assassin. The reason behind this is because of the way he itemizes if hes AP he can get armor and rhaast will just murder him, if he Goes AD he cant build defensive go Shadow will one shot him. The only reason he falls under Medium is cause he can farm fast and gank early and snowball hard so if he does that try to stall the game and outscale. ”
MexBookMaster says “No hay nada más peligroso y frustrante que un OTP Shaco. Esta marioneta jugará contigo toda la partida pero se repite el caso de Elise, si no mata no sirve para nada. Cuidado cuando estés farmeando, a los shacos les encanta invadirte, smitear tu Buffo y matarte. Jugar contra Shaco es un juego mental, si eres fuerte e inteligente ganarás. Nunca lo persigas porque seguro tiene cajas escondidas. Se puede armar AD y AP. Es muy sencillo que te robe Objetivos cuando se vuelve invisible. Su Pathing normalmente es Picuchillos<Red<Rocosos y gank. Los shacos siempre gankean bien rapido, si ese gank no sale bien pierden mucho tiempo y ese tiempo lo ganas tu Farmeando.”
Exoslol says “Shaco is a skill matchup. He can cancel isolation with his boxes which you can smite in return. Be careful about following him into the jungle as he can have traps ready and outplay you with ultimate. Use sweeper in teamfights to locate the dirty clown trying to assasinate your ADC/Mid.”
gankyourgrandma says “Be careful of an ignite Shaco invading you early, Once he is level 6 you can W him and if he ults, your W will remain on the main one. You can also smite his boxes.”
ak521 says “Easily escapes any fight whenever he wants. His ulti is also irritating. But the good thing is that his camp clearing is slower than most junglers and he can't one-shot. Shouldn't be much of a problem for you to play against, even during his ulti, just don't chase him. Or focus him. Remember to get Oracle Lens for him.”
Rhoku says “I wrote this as a Major threat because a good Shaco will be nigh impossible to deal with. You are too immobile. But the good news is most Shacos are terrible. You need Sweeper to better track him so that he does not outplay you with his stealth. Your bleed stacks expose him anyways but its better to react faster. Also, make sure to land ANYTHING on him before he uses his ultimate. This is because once he uses his R, any bleed stacks you put on him BEFORE, will stay on him and not on his clone. This means you will know the real one INSTANTLY. Also, his clone is very fun to fight, as you get extra healing from your Q if you hit it. So hitting both him and his clone doubles your heal. Your R does not reset off of his clone but you can get your passive if you stack it 5 times off of his clone. So if you have good attack speed, you can stack your passive on his clone and surprise him and his team with a Flash Q or something. ”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Almost every Shaco will try to invade and kill you in early. That's one of his only windows where he has a very big advantage over you with kill potential. If you die, he'll invade you over and over again, and it's really hard to recover cause he scales good.”
Dabgren says “For me this is a hit or miss, if you fight him early and he plays ignite, if you already see that he has used his Q, go for solokill, if he uses his box, smite it, this will end up in you being able to deal isolated damage to him and winning the fights in most cases.”
izzlelol says “More like annoying out of anything. Both AP and AD shaco kinda just screw you over. AP shaco you can E into him and he'll probably just Q away but you can fight him. AD shaco however, is a lot more of a problem because he can do a lot of damage to you and just run away if things go bad. Just get an oracle lens and control wards so you won't be jumpscared by him.”
Lambda Diana says “If he ults his and you get him and the fake it your ult will do more damage. This match up is more about how many noobs Shaco has to kill and if he can snowball since he doesn't scale very well. Invade lvl one if your team is strong and ping for his lvl 2 gank. Just try counter gank him and keep him from getting free kills. ”
ItsSkoob says “Once you get used to shaco's play style its easy to counter him. He really just likes to mess with you and set traps. If you dont fall for his stuff he can fall behind really easily and become useless. Also if he is doing raptors start and you can interrupt that he will fall so far behind.”
lukuluku says “Similar to Kha'zix. The difference is that Shaco is stronger early game, especially if he goes ignite. Tell your teammates to be careful of a level 2 gank. ”
lightrocket2 says “
After he is visible smack him down and you can use his clone to get auto resets for extra healing to your team.”
Ellesmere says “Shaco will be annoying, as he always is, but if you're prepared, you can survive early game and win late easy. Make sure you either start Blue buff, or save smite for the buff since Shaco will most likely try to come and smite steal it level 2. If he's really invading you a lot, don't be afraid to go invade him. Chances are you'll have an easier time farming in his jungle than you will in yours haha”
Sammystinky says “Killing the jester is difficult given his Q (invis) and R. He can be hard to pin down and peel your carries from, but you hurt him a lot and he doesn't really effect you. ”
Scooltefan says “There was a time when i permabanned Shaco. His Boxes can cause permanent Nerve Damage if you grind Solo-Q. Build Oracles.
But if you can spot the right one you can just burst him.”
CatGopher98 says “The joke's on you! He goes invisible and blinks with his Q and R, slows you with his E, and his R even has a clone. With the addition of his invisible traps that fear you, he can kite you very well. Above all, make sure you're fighting the right Shaco and don't ult on the clone.”
RedNBlue says “Easier to duel if Shaco is building AP, AD is the real problem, he will have boxes, along with a lot more sustain and general bonus health.”
Stratogos says “Shaco is an interesting champ he can go AD or AP.His W can deal half your health and he can 1shot you if fed. You control wards at the places you know he can invade.If you manage to win early and put one lane or two ahead you can win teamfight easily ”
colingogo says “If you can use W or your first Q before he ults, you can tell which one is the clone. Smite his boxes to deny CC, and you just one shot him. Kinda scary early though.”
SketchtheHunter says “Shaco can really struggle against a behemoth like Mord. Even with the lacking HP of my damage build, he can still struggle to have kill potential on you. Play around his boxes well, or just ult him when you see him place one, and you should be ok.”
OnlyEkko77 says “He is a pain, since you as a champion really rely on blowing your enemy's up in one quick go, he will be annoying because of his ability to draw out the fight, if you are facing him in the jungle, make sure you are prepared, buy pinks and sweepers, expect him to invade and harass you.”
Suseri says “Can be tricky to beat a good Shaco player but usually his clone takes alot more and noticeable damage. Be aware of his traps and destroy them to have better chances.”
FrostForest says “Annoying champion that you can never kill. He baits you into taking disadvantaged fights in his traps and can mess up your gameplan heavily.
He's not an issue unless he has a few kills.
Other then that he's just really annoying”
RichMrFork says “Extremely fast first quadrant clear. Shaco has a gank timer at around 2:30-2:45 depending on the level of the shaco player. Big majority of Shaco players will start red buff to get an early gank on a lane at the timer mentioned before. Mercury treads are incredibly valuable against Shaco's boxes. Definitely buy Mercury treads against another CC or ap threat. Always be sure to use sweeper in choke points and around objectives to destroy his boxes. Tell your laners to respect his early ganks and ignite threat and hopefully they listen.”
Kayn Mains says “Shaco is only a threat in the very early game as he has Ignite. Be careful until you complete your jungle item.
Make sure to use your Reaping Slash (Q) after he places a box to both kill it and damage him in the process. You're able to counter his stealth by timing your ultimate right. Simply Umbral Trespass (R) into Shaco whenever he is below 50% HP and you suspect that he might go invisible on you.
Either form works against him, just be careful of his clone if he builds AP as it deals more damage than you would expect.”
metalhydra273 says “Shaco is annoying, but if you can beat his tricks you win in a direct 1v1. His boxes are the biggest issue though and can stop whatever kind of progress you try. Unless you can surprise him, only ult when you're sure it's not the clone. Test the damage you can output and if it's suspiciously high, ignore it. Oracles will aid you in keeping track of his movements if he tries to get away from you, so be smart about chasing, and in the game as whole as to not fall for his traps. Objective prio can go a long way here.”
Fennixas says “Be careful about early game invades try to play it smart because he counters your healing by ignite and has possibility to invade you while youre full clearing, once his ignite runs out you can outdamage him easily if you play it smart :)”
Botta00 says “His clone is a bad boy,
If you go wrong and hit the clone you lose the initial engagement and you will easily find yourself out of position”
AggroBeat says “Shaco is just annoying. Get lots of vision, use Control wards and Oracle is essential.
Try baiting his Q and R before ulting, since he can dodge your Stun and / or your ultimate and easily kill you.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Shaco is only a threat in the very early game as he has Ignite. Be careful until you complete your jungle item. Make sure to use your Reaping Slash (Q) after he places a box to both kill it and damage him in the process. You're able to counter his stealth by timing your ultimate right. Simply Umbral Trespass (R) into Shaco whenever he is below 50% HP and you suspect that he might go invisible on you. Either form works against him, just be careful of his clone if he builds AP as it deals more damage than you would expect.「LATE GAME DUELING」Either form, if he is AP be careful of clone.
PhoenxFlyr says “If you Polymorph the wrong person then he can assassinate you, his boxes can also fear you, being one of the worst cc's you can have while being damaged by them.”
Nanelol says “Shaco is really vulnerable to your taunt however he can easily have more impact than you and ap shaco will be a large threat although less commonly built
Yitastics says “Can easily 1v1 u, has a fear that will fack u up and will counterjungle u and then kill u if ur contesting him. Ask ur team to help u if he counterjungles u and buy Deaths Dance to mitigate his burst”
HVfun says “A little demon. This champ still confuses me to this day. He's a sneaky dog that can get a gank off earlier than you, and is just a menace the entire game. This is usually my ban these days.”
uSgSello says “Shacos often play with ignite. You are able to win the trades if u can react fast enough to stun him. You should try to find out where he starts his jungle. Try to go for your buffs early so he is too late for an invade.”
uSgSello says “Shaco is a very squishy champ and should not be able to kill you early in the jungle because you can escape or try to fight him with your E + Q combo. If you try to engage him he will try to dodge your Combo with his Q. While your abilities are on Cooldown he will definitely outdamage you and might be able to kill you. That's why you should only try to fight him when his Q is on cooldown or when you are counterganking him. ”
Smartest2 says “An obnoxious opponent. Start your buff camp and ward river at 1:20~. Ask your top laner to watch your other buff for you so it doesn't get stolen at the start. Make sure to always drop your trinket in river bushes. With proper warding you can fend off any Shaco.”
aurus666lol says “Orancle and early invade to activate his traps will make him so weak in early game. Also try to counter gank mid at lvl 3 (2:35-2:50 ON TIMER).”
BlackFalcon2005 says “Shaco is annoying every time I play against him, one moment he is nowhere to be seen, the next he is 8/0 because your bot overextended. it's just how Shaco work ”
MrMeem45 says “AP Shaco is harder to deal with than AD Shaco, but they're around the same. Take his topside camps and remember to never turn your back to him and fight until the end.”
theceasrsalad says “if he hasn't played shaco a lot your good but if its an otp pray. pray that your team respects his early and helps you in defending your jungle. also good body to take because of his q and w.”
Doubtfull says “This can be a tough match up as Shaco can easily get on top of you and assassinate. Be very cautious. Most shacos gank the red side lane after 3 camp clearing, so warn you laner. Consider invading with a sweeper lvl 1 to destroy his boxes.”
RedNBlue says “Master Yi can easily kill Shaco early game as Shaco is just very squishy and Shaco is more middle game than early game. But still Shaco can turn it around if he's smart and can outplay.”
Scintior says “just annoying. E him before he ults so you can see who is the clone. Kait him. If he gets ahead he will counterjungle you so just counterjungle him. ”
Jhanthem says “Can be really annoying if they are really good, use pinks and sweeper efficiently and he should fall off soon enough if you don't feed.”
TheShackledMan says “This champ also goes hail of blades/ignite most of the time and can oneshot you instantly if they ambush you, especially with a jack in the box, its a good champ for you to steal in teamfights tho.”
Narutoe says “Trade him down and then use your E to mark him before he ults, youll know who is the real one and youll easily kill him. Jump away from his boxes.”
EUWRATS says “Take oracle lens lvl 1 and invade his chickens to clear the boxes to delay his start. His clone will take 50% more dmg so by using Q its a very easy way to detect the real shaco.”
Strike1 says “Ah shaco. Remember what I said about kha'zix? Shaco does the same. They go hail of blades and abuse the invisibility to burst and kill you. Wanna ult? no problem by the time your ults over he just stealths again and kills you.
Want to take crabs? live in fear shaco terrorises you in any 1v1 where he catches you offguard.
Once he is snowballed you cannot really play, you can't return damage, your ult does nothing in a 1v1, and his ignite reduces your healing from ult.”
Kindredgarten says “Annoying and can kill you pretty easily before 6 because he brings ignite. Survive early game and you outscale hard. Use your E to mark him before he uses his ultimate clone. You can tell which one is real by doing that, it will only stay on the real Shaco.”
litecrunch says “Buy control wards and red trinkets against him to counter him and his boxes. If he lays down a box and its damaging you then smite it to get rid of it, giving you a chance to survive or fight back. The fake shaco takes more damage then real one. You also outscale him.”
liserith says “Make sure to bring Oracle Lens and ward well. Shaco is extremely annoying. Avoid his boxes and get the jump on him, but do remember that he can kill you quite quickly.”
Gumipapucs says “You are a bit stronger at all stages, unless he gets ahead, depends on how the shaco plays, but you can really easily make him not to just look like, but also feel like a clown, as no matter how ahead he is, if he makes a mistake he dies. He cannot duel you early, but he can be annoying and he can definetly cheese you. If you engage on him, you win that. Also, if you E him before he ults, you will know which one is the real one (also with PTA) so you mostly don't end up focusing the clone. If you plan to focus more on farming, try finding him first, before he finds you.”
ShadowCross says “DO NOT FIGHT HIM EARLY GAME EVER!!! Tell your teammates before the game starts that you guys don't win 2v2. But you should be able to outfarm him. ”
Kindred xD says “If you go against a GOOD Shaco OTP you will most likely get completely obliterated by him. Nearly unplayable matchup but not so bad in lower elo.”
chevy the sloot says “Cheese champion. Start top side buff with a fake leash bot to throw him off. He likes to cheese invade and ganks early. As long as he doesn't get his cheese early you win. Even if he gets fed he falls off pretty hard. Always R + smite if he's trying to contest drake he has the best objective stealing aside from Evelynn”
c0st0m says “shaco can avoid you quite easily he will also one shot you in 2-3 autos + e only reliable way to deal with him is through teamfights and zhonyas”
ShatteredMinds says “This champ can be a bizzare matchup, as a good one will make you want to uninstall, but a bad one will make you feel like Faker. Play careful, and this is a walk in the park.”
Tinjus says “WARNING - THIS CHAMPION IS EXTREMELY ANNOYING. The amount of times a Shaco has stolen my buffs is too many to count. He can stop your isolation damage with his ult and can assassinate you if he gets the jump on you. Ward your jungle often and try to know his position at all times. Take your buffs as soon as they come up, because you are likely to lose one of them on your first clear depending on where he starts”
Udyr uber says “Campeão EXTREMAMENTE IRRITANTE, mas que se você invadir bastante ele enquanto ele está gankando você diminui o snowball dele.
(depende bastante de como o Shaco joga)
Tabi ninja e Guerreiro devem te ajudar nas trocas com ele e faça um Sterak para diminuir o burst dele”
Unawesomeness says “Really easy, just e as often as you can so you can see him, and when that wears off q and he can't escape and he can't do enough damage.”
AyeJa3 says “He might be able to force you off of a buff at some point, but he lacks the follow up to finish you off unless you're already pretty low. Ward defensively if finishing a clear below half life.”
Snadr says “Shaco is really vulnerable to your taunt however he can easily have more impact than you and ap shaco will be a large threat although less commonly built”
Spails says “Shaco will have a tendency to invade. If you manage to land your Q, you can easily kill him. Oracle lens and control wards will be your best friends when jungling against him.”
PsiGuard says “Shaco players can be unpredictable, which can make them a threat in the early game. They often take Ignite which gives them an edge 1v1. If you can avoid dying to him early and make it to level 6, you can countergank him effectively or pull off your own ganks with ult. Try not to get tricked by his clone and save your R for after he's used Q.”
redhaze_2010 says “Shaco can be fustrating but as long as you have good vision with control wards, and out gank him you should be fine he cant really contest early scuttle so look to duel him early. Beware of invades however.”
Bel37 says “Shaco is an early game threat. Every Shaco players also takes ignite so he's going to with the 1v1s. Just avoid the 1v1 and try to counter gank/ teamfight.”
KingFershid says “Annoying but you destroy him, since he will always get fed cause he can go invisible wait for him in his jungle and R him. Go Spellbook so that you have Ignite and Barrier”
JunglerBuilds says “Really tough early game, but if your lanes play safe you will win against him, ward your jungle so he can't surprise you with his high early game damage. Just play safe and play for the late game, he's useless then.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Very hard since he will most likely counter jungle. He will do his own thing so try not to focus on him too much and aim to get yourself to level 6. Buy an Orcale's Lens and buy pink wards. When he engages with his deceive, it is a good time to turn and focus on him. The puff of smoke means that Shaco is nearby. ”
CaptianMike says “He can be hard to take down, and he will try to take your camps. ask your team to ward your buffs so you can get an idea of where he is. If you see him taking your buff, go after his. Vision is key in this matchup. Don't let him get ahead and you will win team fights
ChaseMorePlz says “Annoying to deal with, stay healthy and split a lane to direct attention to yourself. With the correct timing this will punish him for going for assassinations.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Statistically speaking, Shaco is one of Vi's hardest matchups. She only has a 44% win rate versus him in Platinum+ games. Be careful, a skilled Shaco can easily cheese you early and kill you during your early clears! Have your team ward for you early, and be sure not to focus/Ult his clone when you hit 6. Buy pinks for him later on.”
waayWest says “Easy matchup if you play it smart, just dont run into the obvious boxes, dont kill the clone. Most of the time he is going to put his clone in front of himself”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Invade early game so you will ruin his clear. Make sure to buy oracle vs him lvl 1 and scan your camps because he might invade and kill you with ignite.
Shaco is a really annoying champion and in this matchup you need to get ahead from ganks and perma invade him after that.”
Get Ricked says “Early game he can cheese you. His boxes make you lose isolation which makes it harder for you to 1v1 him. Same goes for his clone. Ward him out so he doesn't invade you early. ”
NathanPyke says “AD support shaco is the big threat in bot lane if he gets items he can kill you easily AP support shaco can easily be denied his damage output relies on W box , E and R you can sustain AP damage but not AD ones”
DarkAuraLOL says “a really easy matchup, his clear sucks, he loses fair amount of health on camps, you can always invade him, and kill him pre 3 so he has no escape, also they go ignite, basically early lv 1/2/3 invades are advised, you can also kill him on his blue, sometimes you can just go for camp and orbs from him . once you get blue form you can ambush him and ult him to avoid clone and hes dead”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Shaco is a very strong champion, but usually won't be invading you a lot early on. Mostly Shaco will be focusing on getting of some early ganks to snowball. Good vision control is key against this champion.”
EvoNinja7 says “HE can negate anything you do with his annoying boxes. His E does a lot of damage mid-late game, and his Q allows him to negate your W stun since he can dodge it and turn invisible.”
MetaSolaray says “Shaco is like Rek'sai with plenty of early game pressure, like Rek'sai we answer with Aftershock in turn. Save smites to destory his only box during a gank, as after his Q is down he has no escapes. Ward for your laners so they can see Shaco coming and more importantly you can countergank as with Aftershock and unflinching you outtank his damage. ”
DarkAuraLOL says “a really easy matchup, his clear sucks, he loses fair amount of health on camps, you can always invade him, and kill him pre 3 so he has no escape, also they go ignite, basically early lv 1/2/3 invades are advised, you can also kill him on his blue, sometimes you can just go for camp and orbs from him . once you get blue form you can ambush him and ult him to avoid clone and hes dead”
RedNBlue says “Easy to kite I guess he will throw knifes but he's really squishy and nobody knows how to play him very well in lower Elo. But other wise watch out for his traps and his invisibility. AND DONT GIVE HIM A DRAGON LEASH HE FEASTS OFF OF THOSE.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “This guy is pretty annoying but the matchup isn't that bad. You can go Kraken or Shieldbow depending on what you're vibing with more. Your Q auto should kill his box, get early noonquiver to make it easier. Be careful not to let him get the drop on you in the jungle or river and you'll be ok. Ignite instead of flash is viable if you struggle to recognise clone vs real. ”
J0hnny Joestar says “Mind game.
He will bait you into his traps and if you fall for the bait you're dead. Also his clone takes increased damage, so always check if it's the Real shsco before using your R. ”
KaynPlayer814 says “If his cheeses wont work you start wining the 1v1 against him at Level 6 if you target the right Shaco. You have a faster clear then him. You need to go Sweeper asap to see him when he is invis. Both forms are good, but i prefer BlueKayn because he doesnt stack armor at all.”
ANTHONYEVELYNN says “His clone can follow you around perma revealing you. His invisibility and his ultimate cast both cancel your E. You do farm faster than him at least and you can reveal the real one using your W before he uses his ultimate so that only the real Shaco will have the mark above their head.”
Dannala says “LANE: This is more of a 2-3 threat level. Simple lane, avoid the bushes, if you have enough damage to one shot his boxes with your HW you can place it down and run into it for quick clearing. You can do great burst and poking on him as well. JUNGLE: THIS IS A SOLID 5. He will invade you a lot, with his boxes you will run low on escape routes and his potential to chain CC you will cause you to be unable to properly combo him. LATE: MORE A 4. He loses power in map pressure but he can still invade you and easily steal objectives like Dragon and Baron without putting himself in danger. 1v1 he's weak but with his new AoE boxes and kiting/baiting potential he's a threat to be respected.”
YIVENDER says “Good luck! You can get Oracle at LvL 1 in this Matchup. Try to destroy his Boxes if he places them before you (try to use your doublestrike or smite if possible). You can also try to run away from him after he Ults in order to know which one is the real thing. You need some experience about his Movements and Playstyles, can be tricky to beat a good Shaco player but usually his clone takes alot more and noticeable damage, keep that in mind.”
kernaw moet says “shaco players are just gods of this game.. if you see someone play shaco he prolly is good af so just go afk and make a sandwitch or smth”
Schadenfreude says “Annoying but otherwise useless champion at the moment. His boxes and invis might be annoying, but keep always have a sweeper up and some control wards if you plan on trying to kill him. If he jumps over a wall, let him go. ”
Karthus man says “Shaco is very squishy, but annoying. He will either, kill you early in your jungle, or will gank until he is extremely fed. If he does neither, you will win,”
Ivern OTP says “You ever just not want to play a game because of a champion? Same. Shaco can easily catch you off guard in your jg+easily reset your passive ticking. Also his boxes can block your q. Shaco is now a huge threat now since he can buy that new and shiny lethality item that can deal more damage through shields too!”
TheSkySaphir says “Easy matchup. If you know he's low and he use an invisibility then quickly R. Since your ultimate is quite big you should kill him. Charm the good one since it stays on the real one.”
Maile says “Playing for level 6 is your best bet against Shaco. This thing legit snowballs like a machine then falls off a cliff later but games are so fast now that champs that fall off a cliff don't need to worry. You win mid-late as long as you go even or ahead in the early game. He can be super annoying because of his ult but you will outdamage him in any early skirmish. ”
Happty says “Not such a big threat, though, his W is pretty annoying, so if you know where is his W, then try to avoid that place while fighting him. A quick tip for his R, run away from him for a bit, the clone will be the one that will chase you and continue to basic attack you.”
FrankynFood says “Not extreme either because I like to switch to sweepers early. And I am always buying control wards as should you. I would go ignite in this matchup.”
SeaBossBoi says “For the most part assassin type junglers are going to have a tough time, hence your shield is enough to prevent getting one shot MOST of the time in the early game. Without the pressure of being rekt by a jungle assassin your free to snow ball lanes. ”
NiceTryVi says “Shaco, like Lee Sin, will invade you. However, Shaco lives in your jungle. When you see him, try your best to be in his opposite jungle to get some camps back, and gank on the other side of the map as well. Avoiding him and alerting your allies to his presence is the best way to beat a Shaco.”
ScytherKhaZix says “before lvl 6 you have a good chance of killing. Remember to use red trinket if it disappears from your vision and use smit to quickly
destroy his box”
Fresh Diamond says “If he brings ignite, do watch for invades and try to avoid him at least until level 3 or 4. Otherwise, its pretty much in your favor. He's clone and boxes' fear can be annoying or even deadly if a fight, so avoid fighting in the jungle or in compact areas”
ACE4291 says “Depends on his path AD and AP
A good shaco will get his team ahead so counter gank and watch his movements.. his Q can escape your ult range.
watch where he puts his traps so you don't get feared ”
FalleN3 says “Not the most difficult of match-ups but he can still make a game very difficult for you. Eaerly game can be an issue for you, especially his level 2 cheese at your buff. He is annoying to say the least and has the ability to make you use all your damage on the wrong champ (his double)! His (W) JITB can troll you quiet hard, especially if you are using your (R) Highlander. Be sure that you can kill him quicker than he can escape using (Q) Deceive before attempting an all-in.”
FalleN3 says “Luckily there are few decent Shaco players out there. In the right hands though, he will cause you plenty of trouble until you get some items. He has as much cheese going for him as Twitch does, and that's saying something as Twitch is a Rat.”
Holessando says “Shaco is extremely powerful, has great ganks and can carry the whole game.. he will just sit on lanes and gank, that's all he does... dont let him get fed, or your game is lost.. you have to countergank him, invade him, just do anything to not let him get more and more powerful.. take oracle and pink ward as soon as possible.. i recommend dodging this matchup, better than losing whole game
most of the times i'm banning him
if you're really playing vs him, try to tell your teammates to not push, he will just babysit and kill them all over again, till your teammate will do something like ''open mid''... so they must not push, his invis makes him really good in ganking..
I recommend checking if he's duo with some lane, if he is, he will most of the time camp him.”
aiker95 says “ I find this really easy. He usually starts his blue than tries to steal your red, just tell your teammates start blue, clear wolves than wait for him to show up at your red for 30 secs 85% time, really easy early kill”
metalhydra273 says “Avoid boxes, don't let him outplay you, and he really can't do much against you. Oracles is nice to keep track of him, just make sure you don't lock down the wrong way. He's easy to deal with provided you play around his tricks, but don't underestimate a good shaco even if the matchup on paper is easy. If he gets an ideal start he may never look back.”
DemacianStandard says “Pretty useless in most cases. The only threat comes in if picked off after a fight, so make sure not to greed for camps. He is slippery but can't do much for his team. ”
racecarx says “Very annoying for Vi in the early game. If shaco takes your red/blue buff early, then kills you because of it, you are very likely to get shut down for a substantial part of the game.”
THCrow says “Shacos usually take ignite and due to invisibility is hard to keep track of. they will usually wait out your charm before popping invis . Cannot win early engagements unless he is low. However if you do land the charm during invis he is much easier to kill.”
Xidorian says “Easily escapes any fight whenever he wants. His ulti is also irritating. But the good thing is that his camp clearing is slower than most junglers and he can't one-shot. Shouldn't be much of a problem for you to play against, even during his ulti, just don't chase him. Or focus him. But get oracle lens asap.”
brSL7 says “Shaco por ser um champ assassino ele possui pouca vida.
Sabendo disso você pode evitar trocas com ele early game e ir pra cima no Mid-Late Game. E caso vocês estejam de igual para igual você ganha do shaco no x1 apenas com o item da jungle fechado e o level 6”
NixLychee says “F*ck this champ. Very annoying and slippery, but you will always win an honest 1v1, but Shaco doesn't really do those. Shaco will lure you to one of his boxes, so don't chase him too far.”
Maintained says “Can decide to invade you continuously and make you fall completely behind. If he doesn't kill you in your own jungle early on, he's not very threatening as you outscale.”
gurubashi35 says “If he brings ignite, he may try to invade you so pick up an early sweeper. His kits makes it difficult to 1v1 him so ignoring him works out pretty well.”
chasemyman1 says “His boxes give him time to assassinate you and you are extremely squishy for him. Use your red trinket to spot him when hes close as your cocoon is hard to hit when he is invisible.”
CinderTheSnake says “Extremely tilting to play against. Has a ton of CC and is able to escape. Watch out early because he will most likely cheese you.”
Depresso says “Can make taking Ivern qs a death trap for your allies, combined with the possibility of Daisy losing her mind and randomly attacking the clone when you're just randomly strolling about.
He WILL invade, but you can escape him given your slow unless he walks at you without q.”
Freyhacks says “Xin feels hard countered by Shaco because you cant really use your abilities on a champion that disappears, it will be easier once you get tabi. In order to win this matchup you have to use your full combo on him first and have him react using his ultimate or he stealth. After that, you can use your ult to negate damage or knock him away. Than you press your combo once again when his stealth is on cool down because your cds are shorter.”
chiefdonut says “His early invades can set you super far behind, so be careful and get wards in your jungle. If he doesn't steal camps or cheese you early, you should outfarm him by a large margin. When he is invisble your poison DOT will reveal his location.”
classicnoob says “Play extra Passive,this clown fiesta is anooying,he can invade you early game and just destroy you Get a maw of malmourtius if he builds ap,get armour if he has HEAVY AD.”
bluelunged says “A pain in the ass. A good shaco will constantly invade you and make you regret picking cho. You can ask your teammates to ward your jungle and help you if he comes, which may or may not give you kills.”
Happty says “He's pretty annoying with his W, try to not solo-fight him in early game, as he can go invisible with his Q and stop you from attacking back with his W, try to fight him with your allies or ambush him, as he won't be prepared with his W.”
Eggoman says “Very annoying to kill. You can waste all your abilities on his clone and end up dead or with no flash. Watch out for invades and ask your top laner to ward your topside buff.”
League Of Cursed says “I personally have never had any issues with shaco. It just depends on fed he gets off your lanes. If he looks to get fed off you, just walk away from where he places his box and start to drain him. Its not the hardest fight.”
CptTeemoOnDuty says “Will probably invade you, and he is very difficult to catch with your kit. If he makes a mistake you should win the 1vs1 early on. ”
Stiwy says “Preety annoying guy with some good damage early. Just stay safe and you will outscale him very rapidly, after all, he is an assassin and you are a tank so the outcome of the lane is very predictable.
Just don't waste your ult on his clone because it can cost you a fight or even a teamfight.
Xeldom says “Favorable match-up. Rengar can one-shot Shaco easily and smite the Jack-In-The-Box to prevent the fear from activating. Shaco's deceive can be revealed with Rengar's ultimate.”
ZLOCO says “Easily escapes any fight whenever he wants. His ulti is also irritating. But the good thing is that his camp clearing is slower than most junglers and he can't one-shot. Shouldn't be much of a problem for you to play against, even during his ulti, just don't chase him. Or focus him. But get oracle lens asap. WATCH FOR YOUR JUNGLE CAMPS!!”
NoLyfe says “Also pretty gay to vs, you're usually able to smack him early game so you don't have to be to scared of him. Late game do NOT hop on him. Most shaco's love to masturbate in bushes with their close just vibing doing whatever, so most of the time you just get feared then infa cc'd. Teamfights should be okay , he can't really peel so again dive backline and you should be okay”
AWierdShoe says “Very annoying but not impossible to deal with. Take sweepers early to reveal any boxes he places and to track him when he uses his Q. Most Shacos try to invade with Ignite/Smite so watch out for that. You should rush a defensive item (Hexdrinker or Aegis into Death's Dance) to mitigate some of his early damage.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Fuck Shaco. You'll have to watch very closely to see where he is going with his Q, and watch for movement patterns when his ult is around as if he fears you you die.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “Pretty much of a skill matchup. Ult if you get caught by him, stack up Mounting Dread on him before he ults (if possible), that way you can easily identify the real one. Track him with Oracles when he bails with his Q.”
Shujin Jasukai says “Shaco can be tricky with his boxes you will probably want to get oracle lens/sweeper early to see where his boxes are. When fighting him use your challenging smite to tell which one is the real Shaco when he ults. you will see a subtle burn effect on the real one if you challenging smite+auto before he ults. ”
Sheepchu says “Shaco will gank every single lane before you can even react. Will rob your jungle and keep you under level. Not a big threat on the fight side.”
Zailent says “Shadow assasin works well against him, but his puppets can oneshot you or just let him escape while youre feared. Rhaast isnt so mobile, which makes it hard for you to kill him.”
QzKama says “A good Shaco will honestly make you question life, ward your jungle and don't greed as he will be cheesing you. He falls off faster and harder than you do so use Sweepers and Pinks effectively”
TimRhabey says “Ele snowballa muito facilmente ,consegue punir muito sua jungle e trocar com ele é impossivel já que ele fica invisivel impossibilitando você de dar AA nele. (Recomendo lente de oraculo level 1 e comprar bastante pinks)”
Hide on Nidalee says “Really hard match, if he gets ahead its over for you. Warding his jungle is a very good idea and just pay atention to do counterganks”
DarkPit59 says “A la façon de Udyr, Shaco est imprévisible et peut effectuer sa jungle -et la vôtre- dans un ordre qui lui importe peu. Il peut ruiner votre early, faire des ganks niveau 2, ou encore vous voler vos buffs.”
Otos says “I personally dont like to play against Shaco, because if he uses copy right u cant land E on him. But Elise can ez win 1v1 against Shaco pre6”
WickedPoppet says “I personally have never had any issues with shaco. It just depends on fed he gets off your lanes. If he looks to get fed off you, just walk away from where he places his box and start to drain him. Its not the hardest fight.”
SavageFy says “Shaco has early game mobility and clear time, but the damage lacks. If they do invade, majority of the time I'm able to just walk away from enemy Shaco junglers.”
Ionia King says “Be wary of him while farming in your jungle, keep your bushes warded so you don't get surprised by a jack in the box > shiv in the back.”
Sorrowful Prince says “His boxes are a hard counter to your engage. His early is insane as well so don't get counterganked. Get deep vision on his camps and keep an eye on him. Ping your team what he is doing. If he snowballs hope for minute 30 when Gandalf will arrive with scaling. Don't flip Herald against this guy.”
Ehxakt says “Can invade you and is always where u are. I hate shaco player. Just ignore him in teamfight. You´ll be fine when u reach 15th minute or something like that.”
TrevorJayce says “This is highly dependent on the Shaco player's skill. If you're fighting some random Shaco, you'll have hardly any issue fighting them apart from some annoying clone 1v2s. If you're fighting Pinkward, you'll be questioning your sanity both during and after the match. Hold your second W for the box fear or the clone death fear and you should win.”
Sismanski says “Shaco also is one of the majorly annoying Champs to face against. If he is played well, his Boxes which fear will also mess with your flow. Even Oracle isn't much help, because you will dash in a lot from outer vision range.”
Nico449c says “Be aware of hes ignite he usually got you can win the fight even tho if you hit your e on him and burst him down + you gotta avoid hes boxes. Ganking can be tricky tho either try to predict him and countergank hes really weak early so you should be able to win counter ganks.”
jsmolik says “Easily escapes any fight whenever he wants. His ulti is also irritating. But the good thing is that his camp clearing is slower than most junglers and he can't one-shot. Shouldn't be much of a problem for you to play against, even during his ulti, just don't chase him. Or focus him. But get oracle lens asap.
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Shaco is a very strong champion, but usually won't be invading you a lot early on. Mostly Shaco will be focusing on getting of some early ganks to snowball. Good vision control is key against this champion.”
briguy1109 says “Probably worth banning, and honestly one of the most annoying champions for Yi to play against.
1. Whenever you fight him, he will use his Q, a flash combined with invisibility, preventing you from using abilities on him.
2. His boxes will fear you, and if in highlander, you will run halfway across the map.
3. Although in a 1v1 scenario it is not difficult to tell the clone from the real one, you will NEVER be able to count on all 5 teammates to do the same.
Win Condition: Ban or Fight him after he has used his Q and R. ”
EdgyBoiKayn says “If he is jungle, just buy Oracle Lens and before fight, check every bush next to you with it. If he is top, You propably can't gank him.”
66lew says “Shaco will q into you so laning position is important . Shaco will continually harass TF because it is easy to do so. Once stuck with shaco who attacks there is mo time to react and dead because he will attack have Tf dead quickly”
Daedralus says “You can see him when he is invisible, you can latch on to him when he jumps away, you can reduce his burst, and you can entirely shut him down with your ult. Play smart, avoid boxes and killing clones (even though the clone will give you a decent heal if you Q it) and you will be fine.”
NegativeSe7en says “Apesar de chato, shaco é fraco antes do level 6, e se estiver sem ignite, mais ainda, use o seu W quando estiver stackado para sair do terror das caixinhas”
The Top Bear says “Shaco can be real difficult to counterjungle, and can shut you down real quick. It is better just to farm up and gank lanes than to invade this guy. Oh, and BUY PINKS!”
RaptorDre says “He is very annoying since he can W and cancel your E with the fear, do his combo and then disengage with Q. He can do this over and over. ”
Kekwarim says “Extremely annoying champion to deal with post 6. Always be ready to use oracle/ w to see where he qs when fighting him. Try to bait out his ult and fight him when his r is on cooldown.”
cutmeh says “Invasion and cheese is always annoying as it delays and stuffs up your farm efficiency. Bad shacos give freelo, good shacos are bleh. Overall, he is generally squishy and is revealed from stealth with Thrill of the hunt. Sweepers= Rip”
Luthy2278 says “His clones makes it very hard for an YI to kill him. It happend to me many times to Q the clone and waste alot of damage auto attacking the clone while the real shaco was actually behind killing me. Alot of fears and if he fears you in your ult, you are pretty much long gone. Its very funny to see and ulting Yi running away at 350km/h.”
0kruemlmonster says “If he's good, he'll invade you, set his traps, surprise you and destroy you. Don't chase him, you'll probably run through his traps. Bad at teamfighting and falls off late game.”
jaybae says “Very annoying jungle matchup. His q allows him to dodge ur e quite effectively and he also has his boxes which can block your e from landing. Shaco junglers also usually take ignite which gives them a very powerful kill pressure early game.”
Stiers0muLLa says “This fcker is actually not a big threat he can only go invisible wich is fkin broken so you cant kill him and he will go full crit on ya and you can stay in base to make sure he cant be takin easy kills”
Simphoria says “More of a pain than anything. He will often try to take your buff so be aware of that. He can clear fast and gank often. Likes to do drag at lvl 6 and often times will split push as the game progresses. His deceive can follow your Q so be careful about getting too close to him, but unless he's fed he won't usually kill us.
Late game, be confident in your engages and engage often. ”
Fyurex says “Shaco will in lots of cases try to invade early and steal your red. Make your team guard it for you to make sure he doesn't get it. Also you shouldn't use your ult if he has ult. because he can cancel it and then your ult will go to a waste. In teamfights just try to use your Q on him when he tries to assassinate your carry.”
LFS_aXent says “A surprisingly difficult match-up. Shaco relies on box fear to back stab, so sweeping lens and at least two control wards at all time to beat this guy. I would even say consider a duskblade against him to deactivate his boxes. Make sure your laner wards your opposite buff so he doesn't steal.”
Lyieru says “Shaco isn't a big threat against you, you have all the weapons that you need to fight him. You can use your ultimate to deceive him and can use your W to clean the boxes and isolate him. Also, you can build Tiamat for the boxes too”
today ill feed enemy team says “If he is good, you will cry of disgusting and question the sense of living.
Against him use your pinks in your own jungle and use oracle lens.”
Hugeli says “Both have invisible so he sees u but u cant see him. With twitch i think Shaco is the worst to play against. Just buy wards and farm safe in ur own jg.”
Japieapie says “Shaco is prone to counter jungle.
This makes him a big threat, because Zac is able to maintain in jungle with very low health early game. Encountering a shaco when you are low and low level could end up in a death.”
VapoSK says “Shaco is a menace for you his R can block your E and he plays with ignite making 1 vs 1 harder to win. Catch him off guard with stun to win this matchup.”
Dmitr says “Care for invades! Try to invade HIM!
You can only kill him when his Q is down.
If it's up, just don't try. He will just run away and you'll lose alot of time.”
Jerbiii says “I find playing against shaco annoying. He might try to invade you early to delay your powerspike. Fighting against him sucks too because of his boxes that you might run in to. In teamfights Shaco can fuck you up with one box if you have your ult on because i'll go to waste and you might just run into the enemy team while being feared. Qss is very good item against him.”
Her0mars says “Gimmicky, cheesy champ who can only carry if he stomps early and your team has bad judgement and awareness. overall easy if no one is dumb and pushes way up.”
Jadiac5 says “His boxes can see trough your camouflage and activate when you come near them so be carefull.
Also Shaco almost uses his Q everytime when you have the W fully loaded, even if you hit him when he is invisible, it wont make him visible and the charm will be over when he is visible again. Would be a ban if not for rengar.”
Theleon says “His counter jungle is very strong, it will be hard to gather darkharvest souls and generally you should ban shaco if you are not used to him. ”
Intello says “This guy. When playing against him it's a guaranteed invade against you. Like Khazix, keep wards up at all times. You can keep him off with your EW if he does invade.
Shaco's usually go Ignite/Smite. If you manage to root him after he goes in on you, you might survive.”
EvilOranges says “It depends. A good Shaco kills you within a second, steals all your camps, and ganks all lanes. A bad Shaco gives you free kills. Don't overthink it, counter his mind games with yours, and you should win.”
The Jhin Cena says “Ward up your jungle because Shaco can potentially counter jungle you which is a big weakness for Amumu. In 1v1s, save your Ult for when he uses his so you can destroy both Shacos. otherwise W > Q > E.”
Bombabo says “This little dipshit will counterjungle you to the point of irrelevance, and can make the first move on you with his Q. If he shows himself, burst him down as fast as you can ”
TheLord110 says “can be hard to play against.
save your Q to open a distance between you and him.
always take relentless hunter against him.
don't go for marks without help.”
Chosokabe says “Ok. So. If there's a Shaco you want Oracles first instead of the regular ward. DON'T WALK INTO THE BUSHES. If he's not hitting you and running back somewhere, don't chase blindly.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A cheesy pick that will never play in the same way the same the last Shaco did, honestly nothing more to say, if you are good enough at jungle you can still predict his moves. (Also be prepared for jungleganks and protect your first blue/red).”
FupiDupi says “He takes ignite just to make things worse :) Luckily Shaco players are usually one tricks and so are less common. If you do run into one, ward often in the early game and expect to be invaded”
NightmareBug says “Shaco is a strong assassin who counters Kha zix because of his Q stealth makes him hard to kill and his R removes your isolation damage”
Anathema49 says “This is a skill matchup and his mindgames can be very annoying if shaco player is good. avoid facecheking bushes and harass your team into constantly warding your jungle. teamwork and vision beat shaco. shaco players are virgins”
Puppeteer_TH says “For both AP and AD, Shaco is one of an annoying champion to play against. He's quite good in mobility and CC since Jack In The Box (W) and Hallucinate (R) can apply CC and damage at the same time. Also Deceive (Q) can help him escape from the battle or backstab you easily.”
Hidenburg says “Shaco pode pegar qualquer um de surpresa, mas se você for paciente consegue virar facil uma luta contra ele em qualquer lugar usando o seu Q acertando o Shaco e seu clone ou uma de suas caixas, isso o deixa em uma tremenda desvantagem, mas essa só é uma opção caso você esteja vivo”
GinWinsky says “Piece of cake. Annoying but doable. He's only strong against you if he's got electrocute and is fed. Anyway, rush Tabi and Thornmail ASAP.”
bluejaypig says “He can cheese really hard, watch out for the level 2 invades and you'll be fine. His fear is also really annoying to deal with, meditate his combo and it should be really easy.”
Deltix31 says “Ses boites bloquent votre Q et il peut vous tuer assez facilement si il vous prend par surprise, évitez d'être prévisible et outsmartez le.”
WiskeyANDGin says “a good shaco is an unkillable one,u wont be able to do anything, the jungle faze is a truly pain, try avoiding counterjungling him,ward your jg and do safe ganks”
xTheUnlimited says “Annoying matchup. Shaco is famous for his invades, so these are the things you really have to watch out for. If he is playing with ignite, what he will do most likely, you should just give your buff up if he shows up. He is to powerful to 1v1 him. To predict his engages is also pretty hard due to his invisibility from his Q. Just protect your carries against him and CC as fast as possible after he shows up.”
ApexZulu says “Shaco shouldn't be able to beat you early, and you can comfortably 1v1 him in the river early. Counter jungling is possible, however I would recommend tracking and counter ganking. ”
craY13 says “He is just annoying as hell. He will counter jungle you as much as possible. If he does so and you can track him in your jungle try to counter jungle as well. If you survive the burst damage you can fight him.”
drunken hunter says “Shaco is hard to trade if you play against him top. He can use his (Q) as flash, he can trade you easy but you can do the early kill, play safer til late game or wait for a gank, if shaco pushes hard when your gank comes, instantly after shaco used his (Q) use your ult to counter that. You can also buy Oracle Alteration to win trades.”
PenguinOnStick says “Shaco is kind off hard to play against since he has a lot of cc and does all his burst in the beginning so you might not be able to react. Its annoying in late game since his W will cc you pretty hard.”
MaRtOOOOOOOOOOO says “Probably the mos annoying champion to deal with thank god he isn't meta. 100% of the shaco players take ignite instead of flash and due to his annoying kit you 100% lose 1v1s. He will try invading you so ward your jungle and when you spot him try making a play on the oposing side of the map if possible but don't force it if you can't make it its good to just counter jungle him. Most of the players in low elo don't ward that much so shaco can snowball very hard. I will recommend you banning him and if not just pray for him not being against you.”
ChazarPL says “Watch out for invades (especially at his level 2). if you start a trade at level, you can smite him with your red smite, so if he use his R (Hallucinate) you can know who is the real.”
smokeyxde says “This is the champion that I ban. Shaco is the worst matchup for Amumu. His clones will trick you, and his small dolls fear you, so you won't stand a chance to him.”
Rainbow6Six says “you can win against him in any fight, beware of his boxxes. you can't run through them like olaf and he can counter you with that. In short, make sure you have vision of where his boxxes are”
Violzandre says “Be careful with him in early, that's all, use your wards and farm to get the advantage, after that you can easily fight him, escape if he use his R and it's too difficult to win, and don't fight without a pink or something to desactivate his boxes.”
Predated01 says “This champ just gives me a tumor I ban him every game because Shaco players shouldn't be allowed to play this game :). You can catch him doing jungle camps since he uses his abilities + use your traps well to see him. Sweeper also helps.”
Loul_60 says “Shaco is a tough matchup and is a typically strong jungler currently, Shaco is worth banning a lot of the time, especially if he is free to play.
If you do get matched against him, do you best to play passively early and outfarm him (which as Kayn isn't very hard). ”
L3gislacerator says “Be sure to ward your jungle early, and ask your laners to do the same. As an assasin, he kills squishy targets quickly, but with the armor bonus and shield that a teammate gets from Bastion, you can protect against him.”
Razvan1ro says “He will invade you early and you cant do very much to avoid this.
He beats you early.
After lev 6 watch for his ult, use Tiamat when you fight with him, the clone takes more damage so you will know whos is the real one
OddOwl says “This champ can be incredible hard to play against or just a minor threat. It all depends on the Shaco player. Ask your team to ward buffs/jungle entrances early game.”
Exhiled says “He can cheese really hard, watch out for the level 2 invades and you'll be fine. His fear is also really annoying to deal with, meditate his combo and it should be really easy.
Asianfury79 says “If he is good he will invade you like there is no tomorrow and with ignite he can kill you easy in early levels and put you behind alot ”
VincentDowel says “His boxes are scary.
His invisibility is scary.
He can invade your jungle easily.
Ward as much as you can and place a control ward by your buffs.”
Morzanoth says “Shaco is a painful match-up for sej. As a tank you generally clear the jungle very slowly which means it is very easy for him to counter jungle you. Also, Shaco's invisibility is rather tough to deal with because he can kill you carries before you have time to react. If you manage to survive your first clear without any hassles look to buy a control ward and place it in one of the river brushes by your jungle entrances. They may not last very long but it will give you much needed information.”
ChumblesProductions says “Pretty easy, if you hit your spear he dies. Use your traps in his jungle so when he hits them you know where he is. Until he gets tiamat he has a bad clear and you can kill him over and over. ”
MannerlessNG says “Easy.
Definitely invade him at level 2 every time, he either starts blue or raptors, he has no counter to you this early and dies extremely quickly.
Continue to harass him all throughout the game by stealing his camps, counter ganking and over all jumping him whenever you can.
He barely poses a threat if hes fed because you still out sustain him and slamming him against a wall really shuts him down hard.
You will find that he'll try to avoid you and just go for team mates to get stronger, if you allow too much of this he will become an issue for a while.”
As a Support 50.01% Win Rate23% Pick RateShaco As a Support Counters: 17 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Shaco as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Liitar says “szybki clear później cię będzie one shotwał late gamie z first strike buildem”
The Stabbio says “Boxes are annoying to deal with when trying to hook. Best way to kill him is to wait out for his W, hit Oracle Lens and pray he doesn't have ult. Also, you lose the R stack if you ult the clone. So, patience is key. ”
Aerenax says “Shaco’s boxes can be annoying in laning phase because they block your hooks when just visible, but in teamfights he does not have a lot to offer. Play around him going invisible and punish him outside of his comfort zone, which are his boxes.”
Arctic Arrow says “Shaco is a tiny threat when it comes to laning against him. His primary danger comes from his early-game burst and deceptive plays, but with good vision and awareness, you can minimize his impact.
Watch out for his boxes and try to predict his movements to avoid getting caught out. Use your crowd control to counter his attempts at surprising you or your ADC.
As long as you play carefully and track his movements, Shaco shouldn’t be a major concern.”
Abarame says “If your ADC isn't careful, you'll lose. If they're smart, you'll dominate. It all hinges on your ADC respecting Shaco's tricks. Start with Sweeper and farm gold from his boxes.”
Foxirion says “Shaco’s high burst damage and stealth make him an extreme threat to Nautilus. His ability to deceive and create clones can make it difficult for Nautilus to protect his team.”
Foxirion says “Shaco's deception and burst damage make him a major threat to Rakan, as he can quickly assassinate Rakan with his surprise attacks and traps.”
Velkyann says “Against Shaco you have to know if he is going AD or AP.If he is AP just dont go into bushes very much and ward the center of the lane to see if he puts any boxes. If he is AD he cant buy alot of itens so you can kill him if he gets close. Just be carefull because he is not gonna be in lane for very much time.”
MorePierogiVanya says “The clown can deny engages due to traps. Always turn towards Shaco if you see him throw a dagger towards you; it deals more damage if he hits your back. Thing is, Shaco players can be fairly predictable, so if you know how to outsmart a Shaco, he is merely an annoyance.”
X Sirius X says “Just annoying to play against him because of his boxes and his invisibility and if you don't know how to play against him then it becomes impossible”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Shaco will maintain box control in bushes and there's not much you can do about it unless you have wave clear pressure.
Grab Oracle on your first back to deal with boxes and keep vision in the lane and river bush near to his tower to keep an eye on him before he goes invisible.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Poke the hell outta the stupid clown. It will reveal him. Stay on and keep your shield ready and you should be okay. Remember, he's going to want to come behind you for his passive. Get control wards.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Dumb support you won't see too often. If you don't engage him he can't really hurt you. make your priority keeping bushes clear and stay by your ADC to punch that weird smirky clown away.”
Aerenax says “Shaco has boxes which fear you and that makes it really annoying to play against him. When looking for bush control or engages you will definetely step into one, so an early oracle lens can help a lot. ”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “Must be extra careful against.
Especially Shaco SUP, which has got nothing to Farm: it's pure time dedicated to annoyance.
Can easily ruin the Map Control and Skirmishes. Do not underestimate. At least, Riot recognized (slightly) the Utility of Shaco's Kit and Nerfed his Shaco SUP orientation.”
🐾Nidalee SUP by Lulu Mushroom Teas | Nidalee Player
mazewalk says “Take Oracle Lens lvl 1 and play patiently. Shaco players tend to accidentaly put themselves in a bad position from which you can punish them easilly. If you are on the red side be ready for his box in the tribush.”
Lunar Empress says “Hate Shaco support and even playing safe he still manages to outpoke you. Either ban him or go Aery and play super safe. Go for trades when necessary. Buy Oracle early. ”
Aerenax says “Shaco has boxes which fear you and that makes it really annoying to play against him. When looking for bush control or engages you will definetely step into one, so an early oracle lens can help a lot.”
Cyclic says “Glaive and sweeper destroy this champ and his ADC is essentially free souls early game. Be careful of box cheese in bushes and mind games with ult at level 6 as that is really his only win condition. Otherwise make sure you go glaive and scale up for the win”
Toches says “If you ignore shaco, he has a 0% chance of pushing you outta lane as support
if you walk into his boxes repeatedly and try to fight him for bush control, he might as well be a 5.
don't look for kills, these boiz thrive on playing around 20% hp to bait people with their meaty bodies.
dont do it
just take his tower
stay in the line of the minions.”
iveye says “This lane I suggest Oracle Lens every time as he's easy to run away easy. I'd say you win this lane with ease if you play your cards right, and know if he has a rune like Taste of Blood you can click on him when he makes a clone to instantly know whos who by looking at which has the rune under his hud.”
Amelioratelol says “Shaco will use his boxes to block hooks, but all you need to do is buy a sweeper and pink ward early and run at him and look to press E on him, then drop the pink ward 1st then when he goes stealth, you press your sweeper.”
gizemdeniz says “Shaco won't be able to get close to you easily, as Ahri has high poking abilities. However, if you have a bad ADc partner, this game will be very difficult.”
PalestinianLuck says “good shaco is strong will give you are hard time
but you can use your Q on his boxes to assure yourself some hits to make trades a little more even”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Shaco support just sucks into enchanters, especially Janna. His main tool is using his box to block skills, which he can't abuse into Janna. That means all he does is poke with E and do weak engages with Q. His roaming is subpar and he barely does damage considering he brings low utility compared to Janna.
|||JUNGLE||| Shaco jungle is just annoying. He's not a threat to Janna at all and needs to outplay 5 parallel dimensions ahead to actually touch you if you run Glacial. If he's AD, then Frozen Heart completely screws him. If he's AP he can't make plays without boxes, which you'll be responsible for clearing most of the time. Simply don't fight on the enemies vision territory and only fight in areas you've controlled. For both AD & AP, use your Q as soon as you see him, save R for his R as you wanna knock the clone away.
OakuMarai says “It's free real estate.
Any runes.
Take smite with flash.
Run to lane brush, start recalling at 00:52. Place ward in middle brush when your recall is nearly done. Swap wards for lens and leash if needed. If he tries shit, sweep and smite.”
Lugos says “Use that sweeping lens to destroy his clones. If hes AD a zhonya might be needed if hes AP then just play around his clones, if you dont run into his traps he cant do anything.”
OakuMarai says “the joke's on him. take smite as your summoner spell, grab a ward and head to lane brush. wait in brush and start recalling at 00:52. place ward in middle brush as your recall is nearly done then swap to lens. smite his boxes and enjoy the free lane.”
SlippStream says “You often have no need to walk where Shaco will normally be placing boxes. This, and he only has a single ranged attack to retaliate at you with. Play around his E cooldown and you can very easily punish his spacing.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “At level 1, expect Shaco to have placed multiple boxes(W) around the lane. Wait for the minion wave to approach before walking to lane. Do not hug the side of the lane at level 1 as it is likely he has placed boxes there. If Shaco has been picked first, avoid playing somebody who needs to hard engage as it will be very difficult for you to engage without dying. Pick someone who is ranged and can poke instead. When playing as a ranged champion, try and use your range advantage to poke and harass him as much as possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “At level 1, expect Shaco to have placed multiple boxes(W) around the lane. Wait for the minion wave to approach before walking to lane. Do not hug the side of the lane at level 1 as it is likely he has placed boxes there. If Shaco has been picked first, avoid playing somebody who needs to hard engage as it will be very difficult for you to engage without dying. Pick someone who is ranged and can poke instead. When playing as a ranged champion, try and use your range advantage to poke and harass him as much as possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “At level 1, expect Shaco to have placed multiple boxes(W) around the lane. Wait for the minion wave to approach before walking to lane. Do not hug the side of the lane at level 1 as it is likely he has placed boxes there. If Shaco has been picked first, avoid playing somebody who needs to hard engage as it will be very difficult for you to engage without dying. Pick someone who is ranged and can poke instead. When playing as a ranged champion, try and use your range advantage to poke and harass him as much as possible.”
Jageiko says “Shaco is your number one fear. Not as a Jungler. As a Supp. This counterpick is worst than anything you can imagine. He'll put his boxes near walls, This will cancel your E when you go for a stun, and fear you near your ennemies on top of it. You have no answer. And thats without mentionning his invisibility, AP or AD build, clone, all those things making it even worse to go into him. Ban him, dodge him, or start red trinket, play safe, farm and roam. This is my perma ban, you have no counterplay if he knows his champ.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “This character is more annoying than strong. He has no way of playing to push, so just play around wave prio and pushing while using your sweeper and you will outscale him quickly. Be respectful and it's a free matchup.”
QueerJunk says “It isn't likely that he is going to be focusing you. He may 1shot you, but he needs to end the game early or he risks throwing for his time. Make sure to scan frequently with oracles trinket in order to avoid his boxes.”
Demonsedge90 says “Respect his invisbility and the fact he can place boxes on the ground. Also watch out when he ults and try to pay attention to which one is the fake and which one is real. The matchup isn't hard so just watch his movement and you should be fine.”
EdBoi says “Shaco isn't that dangerous. His clone and boxes are. If you lose sight of him, assume at all times that he's behind you with his full kit off cooldown and electrocute ready to obliterate you. Avoid any chasing and wait out his ultimate. If you get really desperate, you can try purposely ulting his ult to force him to not stay in the radius, but that's extremely situational.”
NathanPyke says “AD support shaco is the big threat in bot lane if he gets items he can kill you easily AP support shaco can easily be denied his damage output relies on W box , E and R you can sustain AP damage but not AD ones”
ColJaraka says “A good shaco player can turn your game to suffering. Break traps before they are activated by q aa e so they won't pose any more danger.”
AvengingAvacyn says “Shaco can be annoying because his boxes can fear you away, which interferes with your job of diving the enemy team. If you try to go after the Shaco, good luck figuring out which one is real. You might find yourself burning all your crowd control on the clone while the real one laughs at you.”
Nozul says “Também não vejo muitos Shacos. Apenas não entre nos arbustos sem a lente detectora, assim você tem menores chances de tomar fear das caixas dele. Fique atento à movimentação dele, ele pode dar roaming.”
TheBlueImperial says “Incredibly annoying, I personally hate this champion because he is so slippery and his boxes make ganks and engagements a struggle. Take oracle early against this champion, nullifying his boxes as much as possible.”
PumpkinMatters says “Eu tenho ódio de jogar contra esse palhaço, mas com nossa build de Aprimoramento Glacial, a história muda um pouco e nos dá vantagem. Ele vai querer fazer uma build de AP e vai querer ficar colocando caixas em todos os lugares da rota. O que ele não tá esperando, na verdade, é que essas malditas caixas não impedem o seu W de acertar a cara branca desse campeão nojento, ativar as zonas de gelo, e impedi-lo de escapar de seu E e de sua ult, que você vai ativar no momento que o medo for embora. Tenha cuidado, é claro, e só inicie a briga quando você tiver certeza que seu adc vai conseguir te acompanhar sem morrer. Faça Passos de Mercúrio e veja-o se arrepender de ter escolhido Shaco como sup”
asmrtoelicks says “Shaco is super annoying to lane against and have as an enemy jungler. His traps prevent proper pathing and Soraka doesn't have good mobility.”
PumpkinMatters says “I friggin' HATE playing against this demonic clown, but with our Glacial build is another story and we have the advantage. He'll want to build AP and popping his little boxes all around. What he doesn't expect, actually, is that those cursed boxes don't impede you from W'ing on this accursed champion's white face, activating the ice zones, stopping him from fleeing your E and ult, that you're activating after fear goes away. Be careful, of course, and only engage when you're sure your ADC will follow you without dying. Go Mercury's and watch him regret choosing Shaco as a support”
The Wands says “although very rare Shaco support is viable, and when playing against you must be careful in the engages, the boxes prevent you from causing your stuns harming you. but there's not much to be afraid of, just look closely at where Shaco might have placed the boxes.”
Discord231 says “Shaco tiene mal win rate contra Rakan, pero te la puede liar demasiado si es bueno, mas si tu adc no sabe ser cuidadoso con la copia.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “A huge pain in the ass. If you ping him before he uses his clone, the ping will stay on the real Shaco. Stay away from brushes, and don't get cheesed early.”
LeeTV says “Shaco's boxes make hooking a pain with added cc. His ability deceive makes him invisible which is why hes a slippery target to kill, it's better to aim the adc except there will be many boxes around to hold you back. Avoid the bushes, shaco tends to put boxes in the bushes to prevent you from sitting in them to apply pressure.”
Aerenax says “Shaco’s boxes can be annoying in laning phase, but in teamfights he does not have a lot to offer. Play around him going invisible and punish him outside of his comfort zone, which are his boxes.”
LimTheDestructor says “Start with red trinket. Expect Shaco boxes in river bushes after you pull for jungler or in lanebushes. Watch Shaco's manabar to see whether he casted Boxes into areas without your vision. Don't chase Shaco or his adc without red trinket or perfect knowledge of position of his boxes. Don't E on Shaco who is pretty close to his turret - he can use Q under turret, becomes unvisible and you dash under enemy turret and take turret shots. Remember that Shaco has only 1 relevant CC spell - boxes, so often you can kill his adc if your adc is not low hp (-> won't be killed by Shaco).”
warmfishu says “He will place boxes that reset your W and do tons of damage. Meanwhile, the ADC will probably be cleaning you up. Switch to Oracle Lens early if you are having trouble.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Who has the higher IQ? That determines this matchup. Buy a control ward at the start of the game & set up bush control level 1. Fight around your ward & deny his Q & W stealths.
DON'T GET BAITED! His low HP is enticing, but don't chase blindly & ping if he goes mia.”
Korippo says “It seems nobody on the Rift likes this clown, but as a support he is super obnoxious, if not one of the most annoying niche supports to go against. His boxes will fear and damage anyone who walks over them, and since fear is a form of CC, it will lock you out of your attach for every box he procs. He also can go invisible and roam to midlane very easily, he basically acts as a second jungler for the team. I would get Oracle Lens on your first back to mitigate his boxes as much as possible as those and Arcane Comet will chunk you and your ADC for a lot late game. I also recommend exhausting and/or igniting the real Shaco when engaging with him post-6 as to more easily figure out which is real, because it can be tricky at times. He pretty much also always takes Exhaust/Ignite as Flash isn't too necessary on him, so watch out as he has the same summoner spell advantages as you do.”
0Banda says “ Shaco is not that of a hard matchup as a support against him you can take Oracle Lens at level 1, since he has Q and can get invisible to you, apart from checking the possible W around you. Also dont risk much yourself at low health since he's E will deal you extra damage
Against Shaco build as usual, just remember constantly buying Control Wards and buying Oracle Lens play as usual and remember that the shaco clone takes more damage than the real Shaco”
Jowoey says “Annoying with his boxes. Mostly played by OTPs so they'll be clever with the boxes. An early Oracle's will be useful in this lane but pay attention when you're pushing if he disappears from lane. He might try to engage on you with boxes or his summoner spells (he likes to go exhaust + ignite). ”
King Crow says “Shaco does games, you outrange him with poke, mess up his engage with Q, your W tether can provide true sight to counter his stealth and you can "see" when he is near with your W as well.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “his boxes really hurt and his invisibility is very annoying to deal with. he can poke too. if you're able to see him then you can poke back.”
IbnBattuta says “Annoying to play against because of the fear from his dolls which delay our Q and cause it to end early and because he can one-shot our ADC on his own leaving us alone.”
donpepe2 says “The clown will transform your botlane to a amusement park with the fcking cute boxes,and you wouldnt dash for anywhere,because he will put boxes to everywhere :)”
Go Getter says “Really tough match up, you can't do much to stop what he does and will kill the fuck out of you if you arent careful.
Some saving graces is that he is incredibly easy to peel off but he does crazy amounts of damage so if he decides to focus you, you might have a hard time.”
SupportTooEz says “Just make sure to ward all blind spots in the lane, don't chase him into a bush, and get an oracle's lens after completing your first support quest.”
HerYandere says “I know Rell has a low win rate against Shaco, but honestly I've yet to see him as a threat. In no world does he carry his ADC. Get Oracle Lens on first back and get a control ward every time you back.”
DasNerdwork says “Yes this sounds stupid. But hear me out. You can equip smite as summoner spell to instantly kill one of his boxes. Mercurys against his fear duration and depending on his build some resistances. Dont forget an oracle lens to see him after he goes invisible! All of that makes it way easier to play against him.”
KeleiX13 says “Shaco support is probably one of the easiest matchups for Sona if played correctly. Only things you need to consistently do is keep a control ward in the lane for when he goes invisible and start sweepers if you want for his boxes. You out trade him if you don't run into a box and he can't really peel you off if you decide to ult his ADC.”
anionPositivo says “Muito dano, tanto AD quanto AP, na lane é só ficar de olho onde ele coloca as boxes e fica tudo bem. Tanto faz pular no adc ou nele porque os dois serão fracos e se pegos num alto CC podem morrer fácil.”
Discord231 says “Shaco tiene mal win rate contra Rakan, pero te la puede liar demasiado si es bueno, mas si tu adc no sabe ser cuidadoso con la copia.”
LilRidge says “Clearing Shaco's (W) Jack In The Box boxes are essential in this lane. It has the potential to ruin your all-in potential completely if he goes AP, so get some Control Wards beforehand and opt to take Oracle Lens early.
Always stick near your ADC in this lane and let them know before leaving them toward or roam. Shaco's early game all-in potential is powerful, and you will want to prevent him from getting a lead.”
Rainuu says “Shaco is a huge threat to Lillia has his boxes can pull you off his team while
also baiting you in. Your AOE spells are make it incredibily easy to accidentally kill his clone. Generally not fun to play against as Lillia”
Ruiner of Fun says “His effectiveness relies on you making a mistake. To cheese Shaco just stay away from the bushes and NEVER interrupt his recall. Get a sweeper and buy some control wards if he manages to get fed. If you are guessing between clones it would be better if you flip the clone away since it means it will not explode on top of you. Get bush control early otherwise it will be a hard lane.”
Starchase says “Care about his mindgames, never chase him.
Care about his boxes lvl 1, they can do a lot of damage and he would put it at the entrance of the lane from your side.
You outscale him pretty easily.”
Takitsu says “Just annoying. Dont bother trying to kill Shaco or focus him unless he uses his Q to go in. Shaco will always have a trap to block Thresh Hook, so go for carry like usual. Thresh can Flay Shaco traps, so you can avoid the fear with a well-placed flay. Fighting Shaco early is purely dependent on whether you can get to the enemy carry. Buying an early Sweeper is great for this lane.”
AvengingAvacyn says “Shaco is dangerous because he can stealth to you, not giving you much chance to counter. He also makes clones and if you use your abilities on the wrong one, you leave yourself open. If you hit the right one, he's extremely squishy.”
Discord231 says “Shaco tiene mal win rate contra Rakan, pero te la puede liar demasiado si es bueno, mas si tu adc no sabe ser cuidadoso con la copia. ”
ultrafen says “Also a good ban. Shaco support isn't too bad, but a good Shaco jungle will not only rip you apart, but the rest of your team as well. If you aren't worried about Pyke, ban Shaco. If you face one, try your best not to hit his clone, and remember that he'll always want to go behind you, so just throw wild abilities where you think he is, and pray that you guessed right.”
Bear Gummies says “Shaco kind of stings in the early game, but it's somewhat confusing to figure out what role he has in the mid-late game. Get an early sweeping lens, some control wards in brushes close to your base, and make sure not to overextend in this fight. If Shaco gets no kills, he falls off so hard.”
TwentyTwenty says “If Shaco knows what he's doing you shouldn't hit any hooks on him or his adc. He can place a box in front of you when you start your hook animation and your hook will be wasted. For the case that his box is on cooldown he can just Q away.”
Gryndall says “Fun fact I played shaco supp more than 4-5 seassons ago and from this seasson I start encounter with shaco supps. You can disable his boxes with flowers. Just don't ult his clone :D”
xDopii says “Playing against a shaco can be pretty annoying. Don't get baited by his ultimate and always look to go for his ADC as Shaco will likely get out of your CC. He isn't really a support so his ADC should get annoyed very easily when dying once or twice.”
mscocca says “Shaco is going to abuse and get you out of the bushes where you should be staying the most during the laning phase.
Try abusing your W (Human) to catch him red handed while hiding in bush and mark him in case he's going to use his ultimate.”
DarkestHunter12 says “Shaco is the most advanced jewish invention. His only weakness is his huge nose hitbox. He must be destroyed at all costs if laned against.”
Jexeff says “Good luck trying to get anywhere close to him or his lane partner. Just look to see if either of them get out of position and do your best to keep track of his boxes. Keeping bush control in this matchup is crucial to not feeling helpless.”
Wounds2 says “Shaco support is secret op against Rakan. He can poke you for free in lane with his E, bait you to W into a bush full of boxes, and Q/R out of anything you try on him. A good way to deal with Shaco setting up boxes before a teamfight is to fight in areas that you know he hasn't been to. Using your scanner trinket effectively is essential in dealing with his game plan as well.”
fishbully says “ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Shaco boxes are very strong when Shaco builds AP. Focus more on preventing engage rather than chasing as Shaco will try to trick you into killing yourself on his boxes or getting trapped/stuck. Janna will out-poke Shaco.”
itizhelia says “You go even in this lane just because of two reasons.
He can poke you to death and you can't really see/predict him in that scenario.
And the final reason is the boxes since that can cancel your W.
My advice is to always use your Q on Shaco whenever he exits stealth nearby you or exits stealth to poke you with his own knife.
And use some pink wards in your lane to see his approach and maybe pull out a W engage.”
FiddlesticksChan says “Shaco can negate all of your cc with no effort. He can dodge your E and Q with his invis and can place a box right in front of him when your hook is charging, forcing you to hook the box. DO NOT try to kill the boxes in the early game, they deal 100-200 damage in a few seconds.”
Navn says “(Support Shaco) - Start Oracle Lens and just keep clearing out his boxes and never over chase into an area you haven't checked in a while. And if you can E him before he stealth Q's away, you can still see him and beat him up.”
Hceercs says “Basically not hookable unless you predict, has insane amounts of counterengage, decent poke, has everything there is to stuff hook champions. You can't play lane but Shaco doesn't stop you from roaming.”
DaejiBulgogi says “Like Zyra, Shaco has the ability to block Thresh's hooks with his boxes.
Shaco's invisibility and clone makes him a hard target to engage on.
A Shaco matchup is all about awareness. By being aware of his Q cooldown and where his boxes are placed, laning against Shaco is not the worst. He also does not have much burst damage unlike Brand.”
NEED WATER says “Where'd he go? Your Saplings will kill Shaco boxes when they are visible, so throw them next to his boxes to guarantee some damage onto them when they pop up. ”
Guoblide says “Shaco is an extremely hard matchup for Sett mainly because his Jack in the Box makes diving onto him nearly impossible. In the laning phase Shaco will try to contest the lane bushes by placing Jack in the Boxes. If Sett walks into a bush with a Jack in the Box in it then he is feared for 0.5 - 1.5 seconds and takes some damage. The fear makes it very easy for Shaco to Auto Attack or Two-Shiv Poison you which deals insane amounts of damage thanks to his Backstab passive. In this matchup buying Control Wards and Oracle Lens as fast as possible is a must. Using them can help you clear Shaco's Jack in the Boxes and make it possible for Sett to engage onto him without being Crowd Controlled. Shaco can be able to Decieve or Hallucinate away from your engage so try to focus on Facebreakering his ADC. Whenever he Two-Shiv Poisons you immediately Haymaker Shaco back to deal some damage to him and to avoid any oncoming poke from the enemy ADC. Poking Shaco in lane is extremely good because his only form of sustain is from potions. Don't focus on trying to kill Shaco though. Wait for him to walk up to a bush to Jack in the Box it. Right before Shaco places Jack in the Box you and your ADC should Flash onto his teamate and get a pick. Never engage onto the Shaco in lane, always engage onto his ADC. In addition to all of this Sett can majorly outroam Shaco so try to put tons of pressure on the map while Shaco stays stuck in the bot lane.”
InsaneWind says “Shacos boxes will prevent any meaningful engage in lane. out of lane it is all about picking the right fights. Keep in mind thou he is quite the early game counter to Rell and if you forget that even for a moment you can make a major mistake and die to his boxes.”
Ahmad791 says “real annoying ganks worth the ban.
however good vision can reduce the danger and you can even counter him, using your R can be really annoying for him stopping his escapes ”
Vahlok says “If he plays him jungle, just ward wisely. If he plays him support: im sorry my friend, just wait for midgame to do anything. Seriously, he can escape with his Q (even tho is easy predictable if you're in range), and if you cast the hook he can put a box between you :-)”
ShanksMeister says “Actually a very difficult matchup. Play on your side of the lane until 6. DO NOT walk into a bush or you'll be feared and made an easy target. Focus the adc at 6 and clean the Shaco afterwards.”
Axkuru says “So worth to ban cause hes so annoying if hes a Good Shaco. He will R if hes low so just try to R both (Real Shaco and the Clone) at the same time to hit the real one for 100%”
Boeing AH64 says “You are very squishy until about lvl 11, so yeah, most assasins are very dangerous vs Karthus. But shacos invis is devastating. Supp or jung”
Amityoce says “Build Tabi, his Q is true stealth pinks dont work on him sweeper does however E yourself and pray you're tanky enough with redemption to survive his burst. Stay in numbers so they cant freely pick you off.”
JenaColada says “Shaco support is a really annoying pick, but he isn't really that strong, especially against a Soraka. It's really easy to force him to reveal himself with Qs and Es, either in bushes or when he has his clone up. He also kinda falls off late game compared to you.”
OverDriveLife says “Shaco support is really hard to play against, but if he makes one mistake, he will be propably dead. Just dont push too much, and try to poke. ”
Flint124 says “You can't pick him off. You just can't.
Attempting to pick off his ADC will inevitably result in you running into three Jack in the Boxes and dying.
Lets be real here, if he's playing Shaco Support, it's either because Shaco is OP this patch or because he's good enough at Shaco that you don't even want to play this match.”
mscocca says “Elusive champion, he can negate your main source of damage (= EQ). After he gains access to his ultimate, it might be even harder to take him down. ”
Gravixx says “Early game he is extremely annoying with the lack of vision and he loves to level 2 gank. Late game if he catches you with your cd's down he'll just destroy you. Control wards and sweeper will help a ton and if he doesn't snowball he should be manageable.”
Zer0XM says “Be careful as a good Shaco's clone can be difficult to recognize and can still block your hook, if you hook the clone then you might as well say goodbye to your team before the fight has begun (if it hasn't already), especially watch out for wasting your ult. BUT! if you can hook the real Shaco while he's invisible then there's almost no reason for him to live.”
Vermeio says “What breaks poppy game here, is the invisibility. You can start to react WHEN he appears, doing the usual burst. If you can anticipate him. Try to stay A LITTLE far from your adc, only to avoid the initial fear, then burst as usual. If you know where he is, but can´t see, remember that Q can still hit him. ”
Defensivity1 says “If you are against an ap shaco support this is a very bad matchup for you, his boxes poke you easily stay away from the brushes in botlane and be carefull when roaming to not hit any of the boxes as shaco can easily follow up or you hit a second box causing you to die.”
SawyerNelson says “If fed like rengar he can Q 1 auto e and kill your AD so ya, if not he's pretty useless better jungle wins. Landing a Q when he stealths will reveal him.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Shaco
Early Game: Shaco has strong early ganks. Avoid his boxes and [Q] stealth.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on squishies. Shaco’s ult can confuse, so track his movements.
Key Tip: Clear vision and avoid his traps.”
HotSunGG says “dont walk inside bushes lvl 1 or hugging walls that's where hes gonna spamme his W boxes, walk with minnion wave at lvl 1 & throught the laning phase unless lane is pushed then u can try to regain control of the bushes, also another tip is if u E him mid his Q cast u will still be teleported to his current location so u can either use oracle lens "sweeper" and see where he goes then cc him right away or walk in direction hes supposed to be at then cc him insta u win always if u play it as it should and if u land ur cc insta on him he insta die btw hes very squishy in lane.”
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