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Shaco Counter Stats

Shaco Counters
Discover all champions who counter Shaco. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Shaco in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
959 Tips for countering Shaco below

In the Jungle
48.8% Win Rate72% Pick Rate Shaco In the Jungle Counters: 40 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Shaco in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Bav Bros YT says “One of the most anyoing champions to play against. He has better ganks than you and will counter jungle you. He has burst, cc and invis.”
[S15.4] Master Yi Guide by Bav Bros YT | Master Yi Player
Sous_chef6 says “he can hit and run very hard, your only opportunity to win is get to 6 and 100-0 then cripple him, but if he cucks you early game it's over, but try proc electrocute if he doesn't q away”
Gragas jg s*lver gaming by Sous_chef6 | Gragas Player
HIKOL says “Wasting ultimate on his clone is the worst feeling. All of your attacks are close range meaning you're more likely to lose health to his traps.”
Vi - Shield Maiden by HIKOL | Vi Player
kittygore says “You can oneshot him in every stage of the game. Try to cleanse his fear from Boxes. The Clone has less mana and moves a bit forward after he uses Ult.”
Jazzyknack says “Jogo é esconde-esconde, se ele te achar tu ta morto”
Guia Do Pobre by Jazzyknack | Ekko Player
chillhowl says “This is the most playable game of the others, it's only here because if you find out the game is over. Nowadays, Shaco's standard play is to invade level 3. With that in mind, save as much of your life as possible in the first 3 camps and DON'T WASTE YOUR LEVEL 1 WARD AND DON'T BUY A RED TRINCKET. Then, skip the wolf and save your blue's bush, if Shaco is there, you'll only get him if you don't fall into the box he probably placed in the bush. IT ALWAYS STARTS IN RED. And it's good to keep checking the bushes in your level 1 jungle, in case he started with Q and made traps to get to the deep bushes in your jungle and wait to smith your red.”
daiben kindred by chillhowl | Kindred Player
Jooshuaaa says “1700 peak lp shaco otp killed me on my red before I finished typing this.”
Building Best for Every Comp and Gamestate by Jooshuaaa | Viego Player
SelfLOL says “Important to give Info for early ganks. Can invade u. Your R and E reveal him in stealth. You can use Root to stop him from Q'ing away. Important to tell him apart from Clone. ”
SelfLOL's Rengar Jg Masters + Guide by SelfLOL | Rengar Player
REXIOX says “Shaco is one of the worst champions to play against as Nunu, since his traps cancel your W.”
A Nunu guide to surpass metal gear by REXIOX | Nunu & Willump Player
shiifox says “he doesnt really do much to you, usually you wont interact but if you do be mindful of his clone and try to catch both him and his clone in your E if possible, or just E his clone away, punish his cooldowns whenever possible”
Durable Crit Briar 14.20 by shiifox | Briar Player
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As a Support
50.01% Win Rate23% Pick Rate Shaco As a Support Counters: 17 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Shaco as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Liitar says “szybki clear później cię będzie one shotwał late gamie z first strike buildem”
sigma ivern jak przegrywać gry by Liitar | Ivern Player
The Stabbio says “Boxes are annoying to deal with when trying to hook. Best way to kill him is to wait out for his W, hit Oracle Lens and pray he doesn't have ult. Also, you lose the R stack if you ult the clone. So, patience is key. ”
Supportive Pyke Guide! by The Stabbio | Pyke Player
Aerenax says “Shaco’s boxes can be annoying in laning phase because they block your hooks when just visible, but in teamfights he does not have a lot to offer. Play around him going invisible and punish him outside of his comfort zone, which are his boxes.”
Arctic Arrow says “Shaco is a tiny threat when it comes to laning against him. His primary danger comes from his early-game burst and deceptive plays, but with good vision and awareness, you can minimize his impact. Watch out for his boxes and try to predict his movements to avoid getting caught out. Use your crowd control to counter his attempts at surprising you or your ADC. As long as you play carefully and track his movements, Shaco shouldn’t be a major concern.”
Best Briar Support Guide u will find by Arctic Arrow | Briar Player
Ziulo says “A good shaco will make ur lanephase a nightmare, but usually is manageable.”
Neeko Support Crazy Damage by Ziulo | Neeko Player
xpwnz1337 says “Counterplay: Mercury's Treads rush. you can push away boxes. All in ignite so you can see where he Q. After 6 push his clone away.”
[All Matchups] Alistar guide 14.14 by xpwnz1337 | Alistar Player
RaymanThePig says “He will just be annoying af the whole game, I personally ban him a lot.”
Just Another Zac Build by RaymanThePig | Zac Player
Abarame says “If your ADC isn't careful, you'll lose. If they're smart, you'll dominate. It all hinges on your ADC respecting Shaco's tricks. Start with Sweeper and farm gold from his boxes.”
Milio Compendium (WIP) by Abarame | Milio Player
Foxirion says “Shaco’s high burst damage and stealth make him an extreme threat to Nautilus. His ability to deceive and create clones can make it difficult for Nautilus to protect his team.”
GemX says “AP Shaco: Boxes block bubble and missile, use R to check and trigger them, returning to safety under tower (feared)”
Zoe Support Bronze by GemX | Zoe Player
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