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Renata Glasc Counter Stats

Renata Glasc Counters
Discover all champions who counter Renata Glasc. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Renata Glasc in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
192 Tips for countering Renata Glasc below

As a Support
49.44% Win Rate97% Pick Rate Renata Glasc As a Support Counters: 18 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Renata Glasc as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

ShriekingMammoth says “Pretty unplayable. Her Q can interrupt your E and move you again, her W ability can be extremely annoying and her R is decent against you as you can apply Q autos to your adc. Also outscales you like crazy.”
Noob does a guide on Shen Support in Season 15 by ShriekingMammoth | Shen Player
TEMMA says “Você devolve mais dano nela Toma cuidado com o W da Renata Glasc ”
Zileanaire says “Another pick as rare as Zilean these days. Not a big threat, just be wary of her kit and her ult for team fights. ”
Zileanaire - OTP In-Depth Guide by Zileanaire | Zilean Player
ZedAway says “her Q is really annoying, her W can flip fights, stay on ur toes and bait her Q, if done, the rest is self explanatory. ”
Aerenax says “Playing against Renata Glasc feels like playing against a Lux. Dodge her Q and E and you are good to go. The only annoying part in this is the W of Renata. This will make a 2 vs 2 way harder than it needs to be. Her ult will make you root your allies with your passive.”
zSharpFire says “She doesn't really do much. Poke her out and be aware of her W as it can turn around fights and make you lose the lane. Q is super easy to dodge with your E. Shield her poke.”
|S14| Karma SUPPORT Itemization+Matchups+Playstyles by zSharpFire | Karma Player
Arctic Arrow says “If you focus on farming and roaming, she’s less likely to impact the game significantly, allowing you to win in other lanes. However, if you need to win the lane hard, be cautious of her W (Bailout) and its potential to turn fights. Her crowd control can be problematic if you engage too aggressively, so try to bait out her E (Loyalty Program) or Q (Handshake) before committing. Properly timing your engagements and avoiding her key abilities can make this matchup more manageable.”
Best Briar Support Guide u will find by Arctic Arrow | Briar Player
xpwnz1337 says “ADC IQ TEST MATCHUP. Alistar's counter. Counterplay: Beware of her Q can stop your W+Q. Beware of her W can win every your engage. you win all in if ADC human and respect her W or she missplays.”
[All Matchups] Alistar guide 14.14 by xpwnz1337 | Alistar Player
LA COLORADA says “only a potential threat later on if an AD champ in her team gets feed. her laning phase is a joke, just watch out for her jungler and don't take dumb engages, as her Q can stop you right away.”
[14.14] nympho redhead's guide to leona by LA COLORADA | Leona Player
Abarame says “The laning phase against Renata Glasc is manageable. Her poke is minimal and her CC is easy to dodge. Avoid standing too close to minions to prevent her Q from slowing you if she uses them. In teamfights, be wary of her W and Ult, as these abilities can completely turn the game around. They have the potential to bring a losing laner back into the game and should be respected accordingly. Prepare to flash out of Renata Ult in every teamfight against her so that you can remain active and peel.”
Milio Compendium (WIP) by Abarame | Milio Player
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