Discover all champions who counter Renata Glasc. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Renata Glasc in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
As a Support 49.44% Win Rate97% Pick RateRenata Glasc As a Support Counters: 18 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Renata Glasc as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
ShriekingMammoth says “Pretty unplayable. Her Q can interrupt your E and move you again, her W ability can be extremely annoying and her R is decent against you as you can apply Q autos to your adc. Also outscales you like crazy.”
Aerenax says “Playing against Renata Glasc feels like playing against a Lux. Dodge her Q and E and you are good to go. The only annoying part in this is the W of Renata. This will make a 2 vs 2 way harder than it needs to be. Her ult will make you root your allies with your passive.”
zSharpFire says “She doesn't really do much. Poke her out and be aware of her W as it can turn around fights and make you lose the lane. Q is super easy to dodge with your E. Shield her poke.”
Arctic Arrow says “If you focus on farming and roaming, she’s less likely to impact the game significantly, allowing you to win in other lanes. However, if you need to win the lane hard, be cautious of her W (Bailout) and its potential to turn fights. Her crowd control can be problematic if you engage too aggressively, so try to bait out her E (Loyalty Program) or Q (Handshake) before committing.
Properly timing your engagements and avoiding her key abilities can make this matchup more manageable.”
xpwnz1337 says “ADC IQ TEST MATCHUP.
Alistar's counter.
Counterplay: Beware of her Q can stop your W+Q. Beware of her W can win every your engage. you win all in if ADC human and respect her W or she missplays.”
LA COLORADA says “only a potential threat later on if an AD champ in her team gets feed. her laning phase is a joke, just watch out for her jungler and don't take dumb engages, as her Q can stop you right away.”
Abarame says “The laning phase against Renata Glasc is manageable. Her poke is minimal and her CC is easy to dodge. Avoid standing too close to minions to prevent her Q from slowing you if she uses them. In teamfights, be wary of her W and Ult, as these abilities can completely turn the game around. They have the potential to bring a losing laner back into the game and should be respected accordingly. Prepare to flash out of Renata Ult in every teamfight against her so that you can remain active and peel.”
TnDD says “Eğer Renata birisini yeniden canlandırmışsa ölmek üzere olan arkadaşına ulti at. Böylece rakip yeniden doğamaz. Koridor aşamasında senden daha güçlü.
SchloppyPoppy says “Her revive ability makes engaging a bit more difficult, make sure not to continue fighting when the enemy has been revived by Renata”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “She can be very easy matchup or a big pain, if you can just chill farm and roam she cant do anything about it and you just win in other parts of the map. However if you must win lane hard she can be very dangerous with her W(Although you will close the gap very easily if you can land the E stun they can turn around and kill you)(Try to bait her E or Q before all in)”
Foxirion says “Renata Glasc’s abilities are not well-known, but assuming she has a balance of damage and crowd control, the threat level would be even.”
Foxirion says “Renata’s ability to control the battlefield with her gadgets and traps can pose a major threat to Rakan. Her crowd control and zoning capabilities can limit Rakan’s mobility, which is crucial for his playstyle.”
glimppi says “Renata is immobile, and doesn't deal much damage. You can go very aggressive against her. You don't want to trade kills against Renata, because of her W.”
Velkyann says “Laning phase is pretty easy but teamfights can be very hard if she knows how to play Renata. You can engage her at any level if you dodge her Q.”
MorePierogiVanya says “She's not too bad. The worst part is her defensive hook, but even that isn't too bad. She can poke a bit, but that itself isn't too annoying. The revive on W rarely matters from experience, but can dice up things”
Razing42 says “Renata thrives against engage comps and Nautilus doesn't really have any ways of getting out after his engage. Try not to fight in tight jungle corridors.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Renata wants to root you with her Q to make her carry's abilities easier to hit. It's fairly short range so don't get too close to her without evasive action.
She has long cooldowns so look to abuse her weak early game.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Watch out for her ult and her root, but other than that a pretty straightforward matchup. If you stay on your adc when she ults, you two will be ok.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
Nazebroq says “Its ok, she shouldn't be a pb until you respect her R. She have cc but she's squishy and you have cc but ur tank. ”
Loggit says “Hard-peel supports can actually be pretty tricky to beat. They have all the tools in the early game to stop you from snowballing the lane, but usually don't have the tools to shut down your roams. Make sure you don't allow your lane partner to fall behind hard, but you really won't be winning fights without Jungle assistance.”
Saethwyr says “Renata can be rough due to range, but aside from Q she really doesnt have that reliable of tools to peel off of her carry. the big threat is simply that early fights in a taric lane come down to both sides being very low health, and renata w can rebalance that quickly.”
Aerenax says “Renata Glasc is an annoying opponent as her poke slows you. Play around her cooldowns early as they are pretty high, especially her W. In teamfights look to block her ult with your E, but be sure to not build full crit as you will oneshot your own team. ”
Ryecheria says “Karma hard wins
Renata Glasc Has very long cooldowns. Punish when she uses any ability. It is also super easy to outrun Hostile Takeover. Even if you are hooked, you can look to turn it with Renewal.”
mazewalk says “She heavily relies on low range skillshot to shield her teammates and this is also her only reliable and safe damage option. She can abuse your lantern with her Q if you try to engage since your ADC ends up next to you. Nothing much to say, thats a pitty, that this champions is so bad rn.”
TheBougis says “Renata is just another support that is practically useless alone, her only win-con is if your duo is an auto attacker and you are somewhat low, making it possible for her to ult your duo and kill you.”
Shadowcrushers says “
Renata being a minor match against Soraka can be attributed to several factors. Here is a detailed explanation of why Renata might struggle against Soraka in a matchup:
Healing Reduction: Soraka is known for her unparalleled healing abilities, which can heavily impact Renata's effectiveness. Soraka's ultimate ability, Wish, can instantly restore a significant amount of health to her allies across the map. This makes it challenging for Renata to secure kills or exert pressure in lane, as Soraka can consistently keep her allies healthy and negate Renata's damage output.
Poke and Sustain: Soraka possesses exceptional poke and sustain in the laning phase. Her ability to consistently harass Renata with her Starcall and Astral Infusion can whittle down Renata's health over time. Meanwhile, Soraka's ability to restore her own health and mana through her Astral Infusion and Equinox abilities ensures that she can outlast Renata in prolonged trades.
Crowd Control: Renata relies heavily on her mobility and crowd control abilities to engage and disrupt opponents. However, Soraka's silence ability, Equinox, can prevent Renata from casting her spells effectively. This hinders Renata's ability to initiate fights and lock down key targets, thereby reducing her overall impact in teamfights.
Itemization: Soraka's healing power can be further enhanced with items such as Ardent Censer, Redemption, and Mikael's Crucible. These items not only increase her healing output but also provide additional utility to her team. In contrast, Renata's itemization choices are not specifically tailored to countering Soraka's healing capabilities, limiting her options to directly counter Soraka's sustain.
Teamfight Impact: Soraka's teamfight impact surpasses that of Renata due to her supportive nature. Soraka can provide her team with increased sustain, silence key enemies with Equinox, and even turn the tide of a fight with her Wish ultimate. On the other hand, Renata's teamfight presence is primarily centered around engaging and locking down targets. However, against a skilled Soraka player, it can be challenging for Renata to successfully eliminate priority targets due to Soraka's healing and crowd control abilities.
Late Game Scaling: Soraka's scaling into the late game is exceptional, with her healing becoming even more potent and her supportive capabilities amplified. This can make it increasingly difficult for Renata to burst down targets or secure kills, as Soraka's healing output can negate much of the damage inflicted by Renata.
While Renata may still have opportunities to find success against Soraka through skilled play, coordination with teammates, or exploiting early game vulnerabilities, the factors mentioned above contribute to why Renata is generally considered a minor match against Soraka.”
Apos says “I saw her 4 times so far this season, I have 4 wins. You have to play around her pull so move in weird ways to bait it out a bit like playing against Soraka.”
Rebaulten says “This match up is skill based. Ahri struggles to do AOE and specializies in doing single target which Renata counters. Focus on positive trades and good charms”
support_diff says “Renata glasc isn't too much of a threat to you because her kit doesn't provide much damage. Focus on her adc and you should be fine”
Lunar Empress says “If she lands her ult on your ADC with your shield put on them, it's likely you will take so much damage from them you'll die. However, she is squishy and immobile. You can wait for her bailout as well and walk away so the enemy still dies. Go Glacial here.”
mazewalk says “She's not dangerous at all, her only disengage tool is Q with a pretty clunky animation. Bait her Q and after you get on top of her, she's pretty much dead.”
Takitsu says “Avoid her Q poke best you can. Look for fights whenever her abilities are on cooldown. Be especially aware of her W, its a long cooldown and can save her teammates from death. An extra auto or two doesnt hurt when dealing with the W'd teammates.”
Lurs says “Renata feels very oppressive in lane but you have much more tempo. Play for macro and learning to create a very easy advantage. Don't greed into her as she can turn fights easily.”
Aerenax says “Renata Glasc is an annoying opponent as her poke slows you and a well-timed Q can cancel or displace your combo. Play around her cooldowns early as they are pretty high.”
Wounds2 says “She has abilities to stop you from running at the enemy, but laning phase is really easy against her because she doesn't have much harass”
Cyclic says “Just make sure you don't all in her as she will turn fights with her ult and bailout. Be content with Q auto poking in lane and outscaling and you should be fine”
ZharMeny says “He can quite reliably cancel your W engage with her Q(again), and has quite insane effects on her W, but she is still playable, especially if enemy didn't player into Rell or is new on Renata. Recommended Stance: Unmounted”
Toches says “Debating between even and major for this one.
Renata can be a pain if shes good at disengaging with her hook, otherwise you are pretty good at neutralizing her revive, and her ultimate isn't really that scary unless you're all on top of her, you can R after she R's and neutralize the self-dmg and CC if youre more than 5 feet away from her.”
mellorwastaken says “Shes pretty weak in lane, so you can kill her 2v2 unless she is paired with Kalista. Play around her W especially post 6. Shes like soraka but not as annoying.”
iveye says “Renata is very rough of a match up for Rell. Not only does she cancel your Crash down with her Q but you could be in risk engaging into her where she uses her W and flips a losing fight her way. Like Janna she shuts your engage mid-late game down with R.”
BbhCrafty says “Renata is also a pretty bad matchup for your guy. She is a lower threat than the upper two but still if the enemy has a Renata be aware”
WhiteLotus says “Bait her E out, else u don't want to trade against her aa E aa since she blocks your Q with it. Go for Poke or Slower fights. If she used her W and its on CD, you can try to get a Kill.”
T1vladimir says “Be careful for her QTips, try to dodge it otherwise you will lose that trade. She is very squishy and non-mobile, you need to punish her when she oversteps. Her WTips gives temporary HP to her allies you need to think of her WTips too, if the enemy gets a kill while under WTips effect, they will resurrect and you will lose that trade. You can use QSS or Mikael on her RTips so buying QSS or Mikael is good idea against Renata Glasc.”
L3VIXDD says “A decent Renata bullies you extremely as she can always disengage your engage with Q and even trade easily against you with her long range E.”
Sorakas says “Runes: Unsealed Spellbook
Renata struggles to trade poke effectively against Soraka. As long as you dodge her Q, you should be safe in the early game. Soraka’s sustain keeps your ADC alive, making Renata’s W less impactful if you position correctly. Stay away from your ADC when Renata uses her ultimate, as they could turn on you and greatly reduce your survivability and utility in the fight.”
Igirl45 says “Renta is a decent matchup for rakan, as she can pull you after your engage leaving you vulnerable. Her ult is dangerous as your adc can kill you, due to being squishy. If you can dodge her pull you will be mostly fine in this lane.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| She's really weak in laning phase, and has really good basestats and scales well off of XP. You can't really put her behind and I'd argue she outscales you similar to Lulu. Roaming is a good option. When she ults remember to shield yourself, as shielding your ADC will give them AD and make their attacks hurt a lot more than yours will hurt them. If you can succesfully dodge her ult, you can often use R to outheal any damage dealt by your allies. Remember not to teamfight in closequarters like the jungle. ”
zotet says “Her Q can make you immobile as well as allow her to throw you away from her or allow her to get closer to you. Her W and E rely on her playing behind her ADC which gives great opportunity for Senna's Q to get collateral damage. Her ult can also ruin a great team fight so keep her behind.”
OakuMarai says “Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.
Aery/Guardian with celerity
She's got good poke with E and decent engage with her Q, otherwise not that scary tbh. Be wary of her W.”
huirats says “She's pretty strong, but most people can't play her. I wouldn't worry about her too much, but if you run into a M6+ I'd play safe. I'm unsure if her Ult will make Tibbers attack you or your allies, so I'd be careful when she Ults.”
LimTheDestructor says “Don't eat much poke lvl1. Respect Renata's ability to interrupt your E. Respect her revive ability. In most cases if you focus her adc and play it properly, Renata shouldn't be able to do that much with that, the enemy carry should die in 1 CC chain or flash out.”
TheBlueImperial says “Renata Glasc is a winnable matchup, but you have to be very careful to not get your W cancelled by her Q. Mid-late game she will counter R all of your engagements, so try to get her in your combo or play around her misusing her ult.”
Petra Venj says “Poke her with Q and try to dodge hers, or try to make her do it in minions. Rush Mikael's for her R and always be behind your ADC to cleanse them.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “She’s not very strong in the early game and can be made weaker by poking her down and constantly watching your positioning. At level 6, you’ll need to play a little more respectful as she can set up picks and her Jungler with her Ultimate. If she uses her Bailout(W) on her ADC, wait for the spell to wear off before committing to a hard fight. It has a very long cooldown and she can be abused while it’s on cooldown.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “She’s not very strong in the early game and can be made weaker by poking her down and constantly watching your positioning. At level 6, you’ll need to play a little more respectful as she can set up picks and her Jungler with her Ultimate. If she uses her Bailout(W) on her ADC, wait for the spell to wear off before committing to a hard fight. It has a very long cooldown and she can be abused while it’s on cooldown.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “She’s not very strong in the early game and can be made weaker by poking her down and constantly watching your positioning. At level 6, you’ll need to play a little more respectful as she can set up picks and her Jungler with her Ultimate. If she uses her Bailout(W) on her ADC, wait for the spell to wear off before committing to a hard fight. It has a very long cooldown and she can be abused while it’s on cooldown.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “She’s not very strong in the early game and can be made weaker by poking her down and constantly watching your positioning. At level 6, you’ll need to play a little more respectful as she can set up picks and her Jungler with her Ultimate. If she uses her Bailout(W) on her ADC, wait for the spell to wear off before committing to a hard fight. It has a very long cooldown and she can be abused while it’s on cooldown.”
M4DN355 says “Renata's ultimate isn't very effective on Pyke, but her Q can deny engage and help her escape and her W can save her and her allies from his ultimate, so be sure to bait it out before going all-in. Don't ult an enemy who has Renata's W unless they're the last one alive on their team (or part of the last 2 alive).”
Navn says “Looking for big engages into Renata is very dangerous, because her Ult is one of the best team fight turn-around ultimates in the game. All of your efforts to find a big 4-5 man ultimate, can just easily be turned by her ulting in your team's direction. Keep this in mind.”
Jageiko says “Renata is painfully unbalanced once she got her R, and she can still slow, shield and cancel your E, everything that you hate. But she doesnt excel in anything. Bait her W and run her down.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Not only is Renata overpowered in general, she's especially painful for Rell given that her kit is mostly disengage focused. Laning against her is easier than the other extreme matchups save for her W ruining some potentially won fights, but she outscales Rell terribly hard in the mid game and it's difficult to find winning fights around a Renata.”
Slept god says “All of her abilities can shut you down pretty well she can take you away from her adc or herself or simply revive whoever you went on leaving you at a disadvantage not to mention your w is just as powerful on friend as on a foe”
Mindartis says “Any hero who is in some way the opposite of Thresh is a problem.
He doesn't like magic damage, and therefore any support that deals magic damage causes trouble for him.
Also, Thresh gets closer to the opponent, so he is vulnerable against control.”
Mystral says “I didn't play against her very much since her release, but it's not that simple to win trades against her. Her Q can be a problem and don't try to trade her if her ADC is near you because of her passive. Every autoattack she does on you can deal bonus damage if her ADC hits you.”
Korippo says “Renata's goal is to be an anti-engage champion with quite a lot of great peel for her carry thanks to her W, which essentially provides a chance for someone to live if they get a takedown before it runs out. However, something to note is that ALL of her main ability CDs are over 10 seconds long. If she misses her pull, which is her only CC besides her ult, then you should be taking aggressive trades with her and making her have to step back from you and your ADC. She only really shines in teamfights IMO and has no real threat for Yuumi or her carry in lane at all. Make sure to keep an eye out on if she starts Q (her pull) level one, as if she gets the level 2 advantage, she could very easily catch you out when you go for passive.”
Yoshiking123 says “She's not really a problem but you only really have a chance to kill Lvl 1-2. Lvl 3 onwards she can disengage pretty easily with her Q.”
OTP Toxin says “She can't really survive you, kite her and avoid her Q and most important, try to avoid her Ult if there is some allied champion with you, otherwise, just go into her.”
PR0M3T3O says “When you kill her or an enemy and stays as a Zombie with her W, ignore the zombie the most you can manage, make time on those situations because they literally die if you ignore them walking back”
GrumpyKyuu says “The biggest threat here is if she manages to ult your ADC, in which case they will attack you. You can't get too close to your target because of her Q and her W can be pretty annoying, but it's not the worst matchup.”
SlippStream says “Renata has very strong basic abilities. However, those abilities come with a very long cooldown. You need to watch for her Q and E so you can push back and get damage onto her and her ADC while she can't fight you. Always be wary of her W if you're going all in. Think of having to take about 3 more seconds of damage than you think you will. Post-6, try to avoid stacking with your ADC, as you will do significant damage to one another.”
Tqnshi says “Doesn't do a lot of poking plus it can be hard for her to hit. Just don't get hit by her Q or R! Her W is really annoying if it's placed on her carry, just hope you can outheal their dmg...”
LordZaneLP says “useless, your ult counters hers. Your E is better than her Q, your W outtanks her E. Her kit is just stat wise weaker than yours from lvl 4 to lvl 18. Could be a skill matchup depending how you both use your ults.
But after all she is weak af and useless against you.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Renata has smaller range on her abilities than most champions which gives you and your ADC more safety in lane.
She is more of a threat with specific champions like Draven but just be careful for her W turning fights around and giving a resurrection.”
Renascor says “Renata's W can stop us from Ult Chaining. FYI you need to ult the END of the decaying HP to get a reset. We can however bully her hard early and outroam.”
Demonsedge90 says “The only real thing to worry about with Renata is her q and ultimate taking control of you when trying to catch someone; otherwise, you have more utility than her.”
nedxo says “Pulls you, you're almost dead
not as bad as other pull champions, and she's relatively new so you won't see much WOW plays from this champ
She's squishy so bait her Q and then punish her, ABUSE her and sent her and her ADC IN HELL”
Cordiall says “Renata is a PROBLEM for Braum. I don't know if it's a bug or if it's intentional, but Braum's E does not block Renata's R. Renata can CC you from a distance, make her ADC stronger than yours, and her W lets her ADC fight for an additional 2 seconds after they die, which can be game-changing in a lane skirmish.”
beefyylol says “Renata is squishy in the early game and immobile, but has some unique tools to outplay you. Your tankiness will make it hard for her W target to get a revive off you, and you can ult yourself as a Zhonya's while you wait for her ally to die again.”
Aerenax says “Playing against Renata Glasc feels like playing against a Lux. Dodge her Q and E and you are good to go. The only annoying part in this is the W of Renata. This will make a 2 vs 2 way harder than it needs to be. Her ult will not really effect you if you don't get oneshot by your adc. I haven't found out what the interaction is when you are in your ult and you go berserk.”
hampenguin says “She'll get someone snowballing rolling faster, but really not that strong in lane and you'll be able to punish mistakes really hard because of her long CDs.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Renata Glasc
Early Game: Avoid her [Q] root and [E] poke. She’s squishy but has strong utility.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on squishies. Renata’s ult can turn fights, so flank carefully.
Key Tip: Bait her [W] revive before committing to fights.”
FunnyBunnyH says “On paper she should be more problematic, but she is kept quite weak because of "pro-jail", and her lvl6 ultimate (which counters dive comps) has a ridiculously low duration.”
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