Top Lane 49.43% Win Rate54% Pick RateGragas Top Lane Counters: 34 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Gragas in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
autismbuildsnocap says “Stay away from your minions as he will probably use his AOE on the wave, you win all-ins but be careful of his EQW combo as this will chunk you if not careful.”
liucan says “hard skill match: side E with ur W, dont get caught using E if he has Ult or u get bursted, really bad match for u still, e can play passively and dont lose mana and hp after first back. And he can provide a lot of value in TFS if he is good. Dont let he go melee u or u will not be able to react to E also E has big aoe hitbox beware of being too close to minions.”
a_k_z7 says “you block his e so you make him useless in lane and team fights
in lane w his e and look to side step his barrels
he has mana issues early so look to abuse that
everytime he w you can tell he want to e you for a full combo so keep some distance
really easy match up
Puyo says “Match injogável. Pega TP e farma, nem se dê ao trabalho de trocar com ele. Mas também é difícil ele te matar sem que você vá pra cima, é só ter paciência.”
Nithril says “His E cancels your E, stay opposite to the minion wave so he has to use his abilities against you or the minions, I say W max and play around your passive to conserve mana and punish him when he is low mana in the early game”
parker3n9 says “I debated rating this matchup as a 1, but Gragas does have some kill threat if he lands a good ult to cheese you. That said, this matchup is incredibly favorable for Swain if you avoid getting caught by his ultimate. You win at every stage of the game, so focus on maintaining consistent pressure. Be mindful of his Q, as taking too many can whittle you down. Properly spacing and landing your E and W while weaving in grasp autos will ensure you dominate the lane
Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “When facing Gragas as Fiora, he becomes a FAT MENACE due to his strong early-game potential. Gragas players know their power and will often use it to bully you in lane. Take Grasp for a safer lane or Conqueror if you’re aiming for better scaling, though it will make the early game harder. Start with Doran’s Shield and Second Wind, play safe, and focus on scaling into the mid-game.
There’s little reason to play aggressively here(which is why grasp is recommended), as his melee range E is nearly impossible to parry, especially against a skilled Gragas. Even if you manage to parry it, he’ll likely activate Phase Rush and escape. Be extra cautious of jungle ganks—Gragas has excellent setup potential with his ultimate.
Use your Q to dodge barrels if necessary, but avoid dashing toward him, as he’ll just E you back into the barrel damage. This matchup revolves around careful positioning and predicting his E. Consider asking your jungler for an early gank to catch him off guard and turn the tide in your favor. Last stand”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Grasp. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
This lane is boring and a good Gragas won't let you kill him. I pick Grasp here for the potential of small trades and survival, but Conqueror works if you play safe enough.
Do your best on short trades, specially after he uses his E. Remember you can avoid both his E and R with your R and use this to outplay him. ”
Raideru says “In this matchup, you basically try to make him waste e in order to have the ability to hookshot on him since otherwise he can just block it by bodyslamming u, generally in this lane if the gragas is good he tries to poke u down with q so you just try to poke back with W and occasionally hit a Q1 if he goes to last hit minions. I advise getting Mercs vs him since u can't 1v1 him otherwise later due to his low E cd and u taking too long to unstun to chase. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush or Tiamat if you think he won't fuck up much.”
Spartaniko says “Uninteractive lane, he can E your W avoiding your engage. Go TP, push the wave and roam around the map, even go Conqueror for better scaling. Only go for a kill if he makes a mistake. Be careful of his combos, E if he engages, if he wastes his E then you can engage.”
4eadami says “Too much CC. Merc's needed. I dont have that much experience with this match-up. Don't let him E Q W you and get out , it does too much damage. You do outscale him, so thats nice.”
Houcs says “Careful his E interupts your E.
And if you gonna drag him to tower using your R and then your E note that he can interupt you in that small window after your R ends.”
Yordleswaggins says “can be hard to beat when he stays back. but know that volibears Q is a lunge. gragas E cannot stop it. so if you place volis E as you q him it should be a winning trade everytime.”
Wafflerush says “Most times, Gragas will go with Phase Rush to trade and run. Hold your Q for the right timing to hook Gragas as he jumps at you to cancel his CC and lock him down with yours. Locking down Gragas for trades is the way to win this matchup. Just be weary of his poke with his barrels.
(Additional Tip: If you time it right, hooking to a wall just as Gragas R hits you will override the knockback and will send you to your hook instead."”
TwTvRANGERZX says “one of the worst matchups
close to impossible to kill outside of early levels. if he ever doesnt have E and you do, jump in freely and go for an extended trade or all-in
avoid his Q poke and standing next to minions when he uses W so the splash doesnt hit you
get mercs early”
UrPersonalGod says “Lane is more in your favor.
Dont let him poke you down and W him when he E´s in.
Most gragas topplayers really like to go for montage R plays post level 6, so dont let him outplay you near his turret.
Mercs rush can still be good if its a lane you struggle with and/or its also good against their jungle.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌂 Q poke is your biggest friend against him
🥶 His E - Dash with his enormous Belly can counter your W jump, so dont try to force W engage on him from a long distance
🦁 If you keep prio and play around minions, he will only be able to poke you with Q, which you can learn to predict easily
Althalosofsirun says “he is squishy without his W resists so run him down any time his W is on cd and rush mercs as it reduces his E stun enough to where he cant full combo you ”
Anoying bro5 says “This matchup is tough for Fiora. You have 2 options. Go grasp and look to win lane/have a safe landing phase. Go Conqueror and scale to the late game. The issue is that Gragas does a good amount of base damage while often healing with his passive. Do not waste gold on grievous wounds. Look to riposte his E body slam which can be quick if you are standing closer to him. He will tend to do this when you are attacking a vital or while you are mid-Q. Look to walk away from the barrels he throws on the ground. It is better to use Q for vitals or repositioning if you can walk away from the barrel explosions.”
Skaarlschloch says “We go chill Scaling build:
Scaling Conq Runes with Dring start TP and W start lv.1
We try to outsustain him in lane going for shorttrades with W first walking at him menacingly hoping he wastes E, if he does we can dash on him
We outscale with 3 Core Titanic, Black Cleaver, Riftmaker! followed by flexible options of: Triforce, Hullbreaker, Shojin, Jaksho, Unending, Spirit Visage”
Raideru says “This matchup is mostly a farming matchup, lvl 1 he will probably start e so u start w and be prepared for his belly slam by buffering your w into it so u can always go even in the trades on the first wave u should get prio if u do it right, this lane is all about spacing around his barrel and body slam and farming up. After u get mercs u can use e when u engage him cose the tenacity unstuns u fast enough to jump on him to stun him. I advise Grasp with Mercs rush into Sheen into Tiamat. Play for demolish procs and punish him whenever he tries to move for his team.”
SemenDrinker says “Gragussy. 2nd wind and shield cuz he just spams q on you
To be honest I don't think Gragas kills you unless he's Sloppy Walrus. Or if you just get hit with every Q.. His gank setup with ult is great so be wary of that too. But other than that you can just play normally like you always do. Do note that his e cancels your e so try to play around that by e'ing backwards. Know however that once Gragas gets his ROA you will never kill him in lane again. Gragas is a great lane neutralizer. People like WunWunWunWun a great aatrox player rushes eclipse into him to match his ROA rush.”
IvanBeifong says “Pretty uninteractive lane, if you engage him, he'll make you disengage pretty easily, to try and fix this you can match his E with your E2, that will make it so that you stick to him, he has good sustain but you have better damage.
His ult is good for damage and for displacing.”
Belle19 says “lane's kind of annoying. Try to stay at the edge of his q range, you can walk out of the barrel if he throws it before it explodes. Once you bait it out you have a couple seconds to deny farm. W his bomba. After lane you can just run at him, in lane he doesn't really have kill pressure. Very rarely are you able to hit tower though be very careful, his ult one shots the wave and he can cc you for 10 seconds under turret”
Skaarlschloch says “Not really bad in lane your spells do generally really well into him, the only problem is mana. Might wanna consider either Presence of Mind or MABYE even Dorans Ring?? (still testing this one)”
Zagreus16 says “its way better to take grasp for his guy instead of conq just so u can heal something back when you trade with him. you can go conq only if you know that you can smack him up a lot and confident. be wary once he reaches lvl 6 cause he will try to ult you into his own tower and belly bum you and hard cc u in. ”
CrimsonL7 says “He cant really kill you but you cant really kill him. You outscale him in the 1v1 hard. Care for his gank setup since lots of JG's love to camp Gragas. ”
Raideru says “In this matchup if the gragas doesn't wanna die he won't die, it's generally a farming matchup and until mercs don't bother trying to trade with him, once you have mercs if he ever dares to e in pull him back in and go for all in that's really all you can do and make him burn flash or ult to escape every time, try to look for roams/better resets cose u have push, basically stack waves, proxy and roam”
Azzin says “Not much to do here, try to get as much farm as possible and sustain most of his dmg, he'll run out of mana early and you can maybe abuse that, outside of that you'll never really kill him without your jgler but you can always abuse him with help if he's perma pushing.”
Haxorr says “A lot of people think that Gragas is a really tough matchup for Jax, but lately I've been doing really well vs the fat man. You are stronger than him early game and can get prio on the wave level 1.
Take DShield and Grasp in this matchup and rush Trinity. Play aggressive level 1 and get prio on the wave. You can buffer your w auto through his bodyslam which is really nice to keep in mind. It lets you take even or winning trades even when he hits you with his e. For the most part, though, you want to play mind games and play around minions so that Gragas can't hit a body slam on you. If he ever misses his body slam, you can kill him really easily.”
Arthapsic says “Start Q and stack it up and poke him with Q. Generally poke means almost nothing to him because of his sustain but it makes him back off and he even if he uses his E onto you he can't cancel your Q so you're still going to deal damage to him and heal. Usually you want to have your Q stacked and if he walks up to you use it and if he didn't E then E out. Use E to dodge his Q so you don't get poked out for free. Use your W for his ulty if he uses it from range or to dodge barrels when your E is down. If he has phaserush most likely he is unkillable unless he makes a series of mistakes. Gragas has too much sustain and too much CC and usually this lane you both go 0-0-0 unless he makes mistakes so try to farm and scale. Conq works but if you wanna get extra gold in those short trade first strike is really good. Use conq if you can't react to Qing his E. Matchup is really hard I prefer to ban it ”
TeiWasTaken says “Skill matchup. Do not play the poking game with him, his Q damage is no joke. Try to play for long trades, because he outsustains you with his passive.”
The Cats Meow says “annoying to play against, deals great damage, outsustains you, is faster than you, and just gives you a bad time. But the thing about gragas is the you can actually put up a fight if you time your abilities right and know his own cooldowns. ”
desch3445 says “Living proof that fat men lay pipe. He will E your Q, no engage for you! He will W your combo, no damage for you! Seemingly infinite sustain and like no mana costs. Suffer. Just take FS, pray.”
DioSett says “take tp and doran blade , max your W , go for the general build but if the enemy team has a lot of ap you can buy Force of Nature second or third item , focus on farm”
Hotch says “Try to position your ghouls so it blocks his E. Go for all-in if he wastes E. Avoid short trades because his sustain is insane.
Take Ignite.”
KingJoeyy says “space his q and e w his r and run him down some people might have trouble with this matchup since he Perma heals and does stupid damage but once his cooldowns are down there's your window of opportunity to kill him.”
SVKGuardian says “If he's buying I'm In.
Don't try to use Q on him. If he is smart, you will get outplayed by his E and he will combo you.
His cooldowns are lower early, so he will try to use windows, when your E is on cooldown, by using your Q to engage on him, you are just giving him straight up green light to go for you.”
forlid says “Gragas is extremely strong right now, and he is rarely correctly balanced. His early sustain is very high and he is very difficult to all-in due to his kit having an escape and a lot of CC. You won't most likely be able to fight him until you gain boots as he will just poke you and you will lose all trades. He is very suspectible to your combos though, and you can try to dodge his R by using your own R.”
AWierdShoe says “Early game he will start E and do E+Grasp auto trades onto you, but if you position the blade up the lane early on you can punish him hard for doing so. Contest the wave, so that at level 2 you can fish for a taunt+empowered Q trade onto him. Just be careful as his E can cancel your E dash. Shield/dodge his Q poke, and block his passive W auto with W. If he W's and then tries to body slam, try to react with your W before his E lands onto you so that you'll block the follow-up damage. Avoid being too close to his tower or else he'll bomba ult you behind it. With resistances+HP there's not much Gragas can do to harm us in lane. If he goes Phase Rush, the lane is much more annoying but he will be playing a lot more safer than he would with Grasp. ”
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp and spellbook. I find this lane pretty easy. You need to build mercs and land e though or He will run circles around you. Cast it when he uses e and he will end up behind you without e up=dead.Rylais rush. ”
conqiyana says “gragas has an op laning phase.
just go first strike and try to scale, no point fighting this champion because he will just heal it all back with his passive and he wins in an all in.
if theyre playing tank go lethality and u will win”
SenSen_LoL says “Similar to Garen, you won't be able to punish him and dive him that much. He has good waveclear and sustain, and his E is a good counter to your cougar jump.
Try to force him out of his wave and zone him.
You should only all in once his E is down”
MaesePerez says “You have enough sustain with passive for his q poke to not be an issue, you can kill at 6 and outscale him extremely hard, he can't beat you with full ap or tank, one of the easiest matchups. You might not have much kill pressure early, but you should be able to farm freely. ”
forlid says “Gragas has a lot of sustain and can quite easily poke you so respect his laning strength. Try to get him to use his E before you use W as he can just dash away from you. Gragas has good insec so beware if you're low under your turret. Eclipse is very good as the shield offers good protection against his burst.”
W4llaceK says “Skill matchup, but you have to play better than he does. Start ring or Shield, and take ghost. Sit in wave so he can't E you and try to E away from his barrels. Do not E at him you will lose fights with him if he gets to full combo you and run away. Go Riftmaker”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
1. Overpowered champion 2. You desperately needed warmogs rush into this shit. Still not TERRIBLE, go phase rush + resolve and dodge like half of his barrels. If he ever e's into you, all in if you had passive up. Be careful of his ult, even with passive if you go near his turret he can one shot the wave with ult while simultaneously stun locking you for like 3-4 tower shots”
PlayCabex says “Quite fiddle favoured matchup especially once you have 3 points in your Q because after that he won’t be able to body slam your drain anymore. (You still wanna max W first) Despite not having 3 points in your Q at the early game, you still outdamage him.
Runes: Aery”
Belle19 says “on paper you counter him but in practice gragas top is blatantly overpowered if the gragas has any idea what he is doing. Once they nerf infinite mana bullshit you just sit there and outsustain his poke but until then theres not a lot you can do. If you cancel his impregnate with your pull and he doesnt have ult up you can probably kill him. The barrel missile speed is pretty slow so if its at max range you can usually walk out of it. Once the champ is sufficiently nerfed it would be a level 1 threat.”
lbc1506 says “If he presses E and hits then you can negate the combo if you time Q for when he hits.
He is also useless after he uses E so just walk away and press wall pre 6.
Haearnbleidd says “Try to kill lvl 1, he can outplay you pre-6. If he went phase rush try to bait it and run him down.
Build: Rav/Hexplate/Shojin > Bc/Hexplate/Stride”
Grimmloi says “karşısında oynaması çok rahat hatta çok rahat koridor ittireceksinizdir fakat ittirdiğinizde ulti atarak sizi kule altına atıp kesmeye çalışacaktır sizde ulti atarsanız bu durumun önüne geçersiniz”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet.
If he goes tank, it's unplayable. Build bruiser and do your best.
If he goes AP, take short trades and look to roam. You can root him, and it'll stop the E from stopping your leap. ”
Akuzai says “Ap gragor can just poke you under tower, cancel your all ins and if you ult just disengage and do it all over again. Call for help or try to dodge his body slam into w for his ult into an all in (yes it's hard but it's the only way I've ever been able to beat that matchup.)”
hoflol says “A champion with CC on nearly every ability. A smart Gragas will kite you well and make it so you struggle to move. Make sure and rush mercury treads, and if you are having trouble dueling then focus on proxying.”
Inoks says “Dshield/secondwind (double tenacity is extremly good into him). aatrox favored, he is pretty much an afk matchup. only time you kill him is when he doesn't have phase rush and E. you win early levels just don't disrespect him, and be careful of his bomba combo(R into tower and yeah you know the rest). Mercs and double tenacity makes matchup pretty much free so keep that in mind.
summs : Teleport”
ThelpixG says “Pretty annoying and noninteractive lane, he is pretty hard to kill because of his sustain and disengage tools, he can match your poke and he is very dangerous near turrets.
How to Beat?
- Try not getting bored and rushing in withouth a plan because that's exactly what he wants you to do;
- Try going for a scaling setup and a cull, farm alot because this lane is pretty noninteractive and you just outscale him entirely;
- Beware ganks because he has alot of gank setup;
- Dodge his Q and stand behind minions so he can't land his E;
- Never fall for his turret baits once he hits level 6 (it's one of the only ways he'll actually kill you).”
xXazzer says “Gragas is an annoying champion. He plays ranged with his barrels, has sustain and body slams you to disengage and sits under his tower. You can try your best to get ahead of him but otherwise you cant do much. He doesnt really have any kill potential on you unless you eat alot of poke. Just be careful not to get ulted under tower.”
NegativePhoenix says “This varies from different Gragas players
A good Gragas player will try to do small combo trades above anything else so he can try to kill you early
A bad Gragas player will try to poke you down over and over with Q until he thinks he can kill you
The fat man isn't as scary as most people think, but remember his E is way faster than your W so he can cancel it easily”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) Impossible matchup if the player has 2 hands. He can out sustain you, poke you, all in you and CC you to death. HoB rune can help but just as a last resort.
He will play around his tower if you push into him and he will BOMBA you under it. Worthy permaban. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks”
Steinuhu says “Dorans Shield Start \\ Try to space or dodge his E so that you dont get hit by his entire rotation \\ You can R his R so that ur on top of him instead of knocked away // Pretty even matchup. His poke can be oppressive if you don't dodge it. Pretty sure your Q3 cancels his E if you time it right. Do your best to dodge his Q poke and just farm/scale bc realistically u will never kill him until after zerks + zeal bc your Q CD isn't low enough to get consistent nados. Post 6 you can kill him, but just be careful bc he will ult you into his tower.”
LegacyOneTap says “essentially, he's not a true counter but i hate this guy so much in the toplane compared to other champions that i just never want him in my game because half the time its just pain.”
JPGamer10BR says “Inicio de game tu não mata ele e ele não te mata, então só da uns poke foca em farmar, desvie do Q dele, cuidado para não tomar o full combo dele lvl 6, cuidado com ganks, desvie do E dele.
Runas> Grasp, F.F, PTA ou Aery”
Denied20 says “Ultimate pacifier, none will approach. Running Phase Rush and using E every time you are close, makes it impossible for you to engage on him. Focus on poking him, and not get too poked yourself. Even if his demeanor signals that he wants no confrontation, and pacifism to rule all, he will look for opportunities to kill you if he is allowed to.”
Murfz says “gragas favored imo, gragas is a bit weaker now though so mercs rush with dshield and you should be fine. grasp recommended. Never Q on him, try to get your ult proc + W on him without Q'ing on him. always better when wave is on your side.”
BurritoTopKing says “Be careful with losing too much hp from barrels, also if he runs phase rush he can kite you so avoid trading into it, if you manage to get a good E you can pop ghost and chase him, careful with his ult though.”
xskyswitch says “Probably one of the most annoying champions to face for anyone in the top lane. I recommend to go frontline build to maximize ability haste for Qs onto him. If he wastes his E, you can engage on him with W. Look to just poke until that opening appears.”
Your Abusive Dad says “Only W him if he uses his E otherwise he will stop your W and kill you. If you see his R, E dash so the R misses or hits you away. ”
Bonkyou says “Don't get bombae'd and let him make the first move, W his Q, otherwise play outside its range,
He need E for damage or Escape, don't let him do either for free”
Chaddouk says “Early game best shot vs Gragas is outsustaining his mana, takes a pretty long time especially when he has tp and 2 mana bars but it's consistent. They often play with phase rush so keep that in mind when going for an all in. After 6 his ult is not that hard to "dodge" or at least direct in a favorable position, should pretend to be predictable and then do random movements, hard to explain but it works. If you dodge an E it's pretty free, keep in mind his E cancels yours. If you're even or ahead you win side imo. Mostly a farming matchup if he wants to. Grasp makes it a fairly decent matchup tho.”
Saitamaro says “Dorans Shield Start \\ Try to space or dodge his E so that you dont get hit by his entire rotation \\ You can R his R so that ur on top of him instead of knocked away”
daitolol says “TOP // - You can be agressive early levels as you can outsustain his damage but his passive has massive sustain as well so it's hard to get consistent dmg
- In all ins you are looking to waste his e in a short trade and then go for r+e combo as he will use ult to create distance between you but with e2 you can catch up to him if he goes for phase rush into full ap hes extremely squishy making him easy for all ins if he goes grasp into tank you just outscale him later on in the game and can chip him down bit by bit and he won't have dmg in lane
Black Demon Ezel says “Gragas has obscene CC and annoying strength. His barrels are the AP version of Gangplank's. And they are dangerous. And be careful of his stupid belly fat. It'll knock you off course and stop you from dashing optimally”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing (maybe Cull?)]
[Build: Fleet + Liandry's]
Gragas is super tanky and has a lot of sustain, which makes it unrealistic to kill him. You can try to match his sustain with Fleet + Second Wind. He will try to poke you with Q so try to dodge it (it is very fast and has a giant hitbox so you kinda need to predict it). If you get hit too often, he'll look for an all-in window, which is very hard to avoid with his flash E and Ult. If you manage to dodge his Q while he is mindlessly throwing it, he'll go oom eventually. Other than that, just farm and you'll be ok.”
bocchicken says “Take MR runes and just stand in your wave. If gragas wants to trade on you, he has to melee you. You can W gragas bodyslam and then he's stuck eating your combo. If Gragas Q pokes you, then he goes oom before you're in lethal. (Take refillable, build Dshield after 1st wave, and then rush Jak'Sho for the MR.
Quinnculated says “Средний матчап. Доджить бочки и стоять за крипами. Можно доджить бочки с помощью е, но как и в других ситуациях нужно быть осторожным, его е сбивает вашу е, но если вы за крипами, то он просто ударится об них”
bocchicken says “I like this matchup personally. He cannot Q you early without going oom fast and shoving the wave towards you, and if he wants to W or E you, he needs to be in melee range.
Only thing to be careful of is getting R'd under his tower where he can keep you stunned/slowed there until you're dead. ”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “I really didnt like this matchup before but as im writing this i heard he gets massive nerf to his passive that was the biggest pain in the ass in this matchup. I didnt play against him since then but i dont think he should be a huge threat. Just care for his ult as he can insec you”
ABL Pantheon says “Gragas is one of the worst matchups. He has a lot of sustain, deals AP, has a slow and a knock up + stun. You can definitely win early but dodging his Q and E are a must. Don't engage when he has W, because he cannot mitigate some of the damage you dealt. Also don't use W when he has E, he can cancel it. Dodge his Ultimate is a bit easy but requires some experience. After he gets Lost Chapter you can't do much. In general you need to dodge his abilities to win.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items : start dorans shield -> CORE
focus on last hitting since nobody can kill the other in this lane”
lordimboutabust says “Very annoying matchup. Often just a stalemate lane because you can never kill each other. Try avoid his Q poke and stand in minions to avoid his E. If he does hit you with E spam Q and try get a combo off because he just used his escape. Be careful level 6 when he gets his ult up as he can use it under tower and for ganks | Second Wind | Dshield - Evenshroud”
Antecc says “You'll be punished for taking any cs, you cannot Q + E him; he'll counter it with a simple E. Gragas' only weakness early is his lack of mana if he doesn't start tear or build Lost Chapter, meaning he'll eventually run out of mana. Late game and after these purchases you can only really hope he whiffs and wastes E in order to even deal any damage to Gragas.”
Bernardian says “He has very good poke but other than that you should be fine your damage is really good and if his e is down you straight up win no matter what he does.”
Zombzn00b says “Both of you are sort of disengage champions so in lane you pretty much just sit there. Try to dodge his Q poke, and dont use R on him as you will never kill him due to E knockback and Q slow”
FaNTOP says “Попробуйте отменять его способность "Е" своей способностью "W". Если у него активирована способность "Е", не вступайте в схватку, отойдите. В этом противостоянии просто фокусируйтесь на фарме, купите предмет "Уничтожитель" и расслабьтесь. Кроме того, дождитесь, пока он использует способность "Q", а затем накладывайте "Хрупкость".”
TheGBabaYaga says “Ap tank in front of you, be patient, at every case you cant spam him Q he heals, wait when he is running low man to attack or the jungler to lure him to his doom”
demirkaiser says “They play him a lot in the top lane. When he E's, try to dodge it. If you think you can't dodge his E's, E him. So he will be near you and you can trade him easily. Don't get poked a lot. Post 6 is easy.”
kayle1v9 says “mercs rush, fleet second wind. kind of free farm lane, just make sure you dont get poked to hard in early game. but you outscale so just farm.”
LxVer says “A pain in the a**; has a lot of sustain, can one shoot you and your entire team... but at least he is melee so you can bully him a little bit.”
vreiki says “Um bom gragas AP vai te eliminar sem que voce consiga usar Zhonyas ou ultimate pra se proteger. O combo com flash e barrigada é bastante dificil de reagir.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine]
[Ignite/Flash + TP]
Start W. If he goes tank then it's just another tank matchup and I would rate it a 2/5 difficulty but if he goes ap then it would be a 4/5 difficulty because he chunks you with his barrels and has infinite sustain with his passive and can disengage from your R with his R. He has so much sustain so try not to trade too much and avoid his poke. Stand behind minions to not get hit by his E. If you E in first without his E being on cd then you guys can stun each other and negate each others stuns. He's pretty hard to kill but once you have Divine Sunderer you should start winning the short trades more.”
BezMemow says “No weird interactions, if you play well you win. Your ult makes his barrel disappear you can use that to cancel his phase rush proc, it also makes his ult disappear if you time it well.
Start D Ring”
LocaLAM says “His E isn't too hard to dodge, but it can still hit if he's good. Try to save your passive for his ult and you shouldn't have to worry about the fatman.”
Smauggy says “He can gap close you and his regen is pretty good, add to that the stun after his e and his r, try to bait his e before you try a trade ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Gragas is a thick tank and a powerhouse all at once. His AP capabilities is unstoppable and he's tanky enough to resist a crap ton of hits no matter who you play. Not to mention he not only has mobility but has counter-mobility as well. Caution is required when fighting this fatso, because he don't look it, but he's deadly”
sinatra1633 says “Tough matchup since he can constantly push you away when you try to all in or escape with his dash.
Try to predict his R with your unstoppable dragon form to beat him.”
Mnem says “Go with Conqueror, Second Wind (or Bone Plating to reduce combo damage). Avoid being poked by Gragas' Q and smash him. Mercury Treads,Trinity force or stridebreaker. (I Recommend Trinity)”
ARealFakeIdentity says “His abilities are easy to dodge other than his ult. If he builds AP, every time he places his Q in a suspicious spot immediately be careful and situate yourself away from his combo.”
Open says “Eh really challenging but if he engages on you with E you can run him down he's not unkillable like singed, akali, malphite. Good gragas definitely 1v9 though.”
Vixylafoen says “Annoying, and very bulky despite being full AP (most of the time). Try your best to space and poke. Freeze wave and sit on barrels if need be.”
primate nefasto says “A good gragas will always cancel your E with his E but probably is not gonna be te case so you will be fine. Try to not be obvious with your intention.”
Reines Kokosfett says “His E can cancel yours. But you can trade him just with Q and W. The Q antiheal is very useful in this matchup. He will try to farm and poke. If youn get dismounted, be careful of his ults knockback, expecially when you're close to his turret.”
stefanko says “Go grasp in this matchup, look to avoid his q's, if he e's your e early you can still q on him and stun him afterwards.If he doesn't e early try to walk back and make him miss his e. (Grasp with inspiration, teleport)”
Ulamog says “Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Parry his E or his Q and Grasp trade him every time you can. DON'T let him cancel your Q with his E, it's very bad.
Sometimes Q+W into him works bc they will E immediately.
Post 6 I would hold on to W for his R. As long as you parry correctly this matchup is free.”
dzsama says “Really boring lane since if you try to jump on him or stun him, he will just E on you and negate your jump aswell as stun you briefly. Just farm and try not to fall for his bait's as he can set up for ganks quite well with his E and ult. If he misses E though feel free to go hard for a trade or all-in. Problem with Gragas is as well that he just spams W to sustain during laning phase, which makes it hard for you to chip him down bit by bit.”
Nnorio says “Simply if you bait out his E without using Q you will win.
Let the wave push to you all in lvl 2.
Annoying anti dash champ not very hard past laning phase if you stay even.
Hold a freeze and don't fight near his turret unless u want to flash his ult.
1v1 tips:
His E(body shove thingy) is the only thing you have to worry about.
Build early mr if struggling.
Tonho says “He will have a hard time killing you, but you will have a hard time killing him too. His E > Your E. Also, on TFs, he is a torture because of how much he can move you from your target.”
lorensj81 says “This lane is just super boring. You can get a kill before his first back if played well. But this champion is just so safe with his kegs and his E to knock you up and walk away. Using his passive to regen back up. And when he backs with mana and CDR he can just bully you. Try to CS as well as possible. I tend to go teleport in this matchup.”
Pep_Shin says “He will always disengage fights with his E.
Before 6 it will be hard to fight against. Just try to farm and have enough damage to run him down once level 6.
He can become tanky enough so you can never kill him and he will beat you up.
Phase rush is also a pain to deal with.
If he plays full-AP you're mostly going to run him down.”
GannicusTTV says “Do not use your E against his body slam. He has priority over you and if you get hit by it he will be able to combo you. Use your E smart, after he misses his body slam, or when he is least expecting i t. you can use your W to block his empowered auto thing (has a distinctive animation). Dodge his AoE barrels poke, and as long as you do these things the lane should be easy”
Irelius says “Редкий гость, а редкие игроки на нём – ещё боле редкие. Не получаем слишком много поука от кухана, не даем кухан, пока он не отдаёт таран. Персонаж разбивается об поступь меркурия. ”
Puyi says “Can't do much to him and he can't do much to you. His E animation is very fast if you're close, making it difficult to prevent the stun with your W, but his ult is very slow and you should be able to avoid the knockback most times. Take second wind.”
JustSad42 says “Get Second Wind, Unlfinching and Doran Shield. This is a pretty annoying matchup early since you can never kill him unless you W his Body Slam, which is not a spell you can react to. Focus on scaling up to 2-3 items, and you’ll outscale him in side. Use your Qs to avoid his Q barrels since that’s half of his poke damage. Also, when you’re fighting Gragas after level 6, it’s much more consistent to W his R rather than trying to parry his E. Don’t bother getting executioner if Gragas is the only person with healing on the enemy team. Instead use that gold to get your core items sooner.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Ghost+Ignite or Ghost+Teleport.
Dodge his Q to avoid taking damage to his face for no reason. Gragas deals quite a lot of damage in close combat, and his Body Slam has a very low cooldown. The matchup isn't hard, but the opponent himself is pretty annoying - if he's playing Graspa/First Strike, okay, you should win against him as soon as you stick to him. If Phase Rush is playing - you must have a ghost to catch up with it.”
JustSad42 says “Take D-shield and second wind.
This matchup is more about punishing Gragas when he misses his E and scaling till BORK than it is about playing well. Hit the wave often and match Gragas' push with Q-W. That's the most important thing early game. After you get Bork, you can easily run him down without counterplay. Or, if he screws up E before Bork, you can look to punish him.”
Night Guy says “He is pretty easy to deal with if he uses E just W it and fight him from there. Also when he ulties you can ulti as well and just make him a sitting duck.”
SrMolinv says “Short trades and try to dodge his E. Its hard to all in him, so just poke him with W auto and when you are close to tower be careful of his BOMBA combo.”
St0rmyss says “Go Grasp with sorcery secondary and start dhsield. Avoid as many of his Q's, if he e's your e early you can still jump on him but if he doesn't try to stun him and (A W) him then walk away to try to bait his e. Try to e his w and if he w's the wave try to not stand close to it because it's a AOE ability.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Mostly just a farm lane. It's hard for both champions to kill each other, but making him go out of mana in early levels with constant trading is a good way to get an early lead. Gragas outscales you hard due to gaining a lot of Ability Haste to constantly CC you, so make sure to press your advantage in earlygame.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Cancer hostage taker champ, he wont kill you, but wont let you kill him ever. His sustain and poke is insanely cancer to deal with.
Rush mercs, take both tenacity and unflinching.
Just farm, if hes bad he will try to e you for fun and combo you max range, just dodge the e and turn on him.”
RandumPersin says “Its pretty hard to kill this guy if he plays well and a slow paced lane benefits Gragas in addition to his insane scaling. Look to hold E and Q harass him through the wave when he walks up for CS. Gragas hard outscales us, so make sure to get some jungle help early or the game will be miserable. I prefer conqeror in this lane since Gragas is a pretty weak duelist and the healh on our R allows us to all in him pretty much whenever we want”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp
Any mythic you need
Focus on cs and grasp proc, don't wast fourth stack and always W2+auto/Q/Q as reset after his E, so you get grasp and you can win the trade. Play taste of blood instead of sudden impact. If you play in different ways he gets to be an extreme threat”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “I dont think this boi has much sense against you. Your barrels are better than his thats for sure and your poke is undodgeable unlike his. If he goes in with E just W his stun, burn his belly with passive and place a barrel as he has no constant damage so he needs to run and u will be ready to place another one and chase. The only problem with gragas is his ult that is very helpfull if you get ganked as its very easy ranged insec.”
Smudey says “Easy matchup because you can theoretically taunt anytime from levels 2-5 without him trading back, but he can interrupt your taunt with his E so either bait it out, dodge it, taunt in at close range so he can't react or trade inside your minion wave so they block the body slam. Ulting isn't very punishing because Gragas sucks at taking towers.”
hamgi says “gragas is fairly mobile with his dash-stun (e) and has hard cc (airbone) with his ult, which when paired together can keep u locked up for a long time, especially if they go ap and take everfrost. when diving him, if u miss ur q3 or r, disengage as if he has e or ult up, u might eat too many shots before u can kill him. in lane, try to bait out his e with ur q3 or e when going for trades. he gains dmg reduction while in w animation and bonus dmg on his next auto, so try to make him waste that auto on a minion and avoid dmg'ing him while he's in anim. his barrels are his main source of poke, and they work a lot like lux's e, so try to consistently move around to adjust ur cursor to dodge, or even use ur e. u can dodge his ult fairly easily with q3/r/e/e-recast before ever needing to flash. he is very skillshot based (except w) so use ur mobility to ur advantage. buying a mantle early will go a long way or even spectral/mercs as his poke dmg/e stun trade start to build up”
StingingChicken says “Has a ton of sustain and he can cancel your W with his E. Similar to Fiora, careful with E. If he E's into you try to block with your E then turn on him with W. If you can stick him when his cds are down, he has terrible sustained damage and you can walk him down with autos and Qs.”
Adamikcz2 says “Can cancel your E with his E, has solid poke and a lot of sustain thanks to his passive. Best way to kill him is on lvl 6, let him push the wave and freeze, then all in with R. Don't ever get near his turret after lvl 6, he can throw you under the turret using R.”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “If the gragas player is good (M+) he plays phase rush and the worst part about gragas is his teamfight as well and his scaling, he is pretty good champion into darius overall and provides really good teamfighting”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look for extended trades whenever possible. Gragas relies heavily on his abilities to deal damage, but if they’re on cooldown he cannot really do anything except for auto-attack. Go for extended trades when one of his abilities are down. Gragas can tease an engage when his Body Slam(E) is up. Try and stand behind or near minions at all times. However, do not stand too close to them since the ability does have an AOE and if you’re close to them, you’ll be hit by his E. If Gragas uses his Drunken Rage(W), it’s because he wants to do something such as setting up his Jungler or going for a trade. Play safer for a short period of time whenever he uses his W.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gragas will look to gank a lot in the early game. Try to counter this by having good vision around the map so you can spot him before he gets to a lane. Gragas is a strong duellist and can easily take down a target if he gets the jump on them with his Body Slam(E). If you can dodge his E, you’ll have an easier time fighting him. As Gragas will be ganking a lot early, his jungle will be open. If you spot him on the top side of the map, you should invade his bottom side jungle and steal away his camps.”
kajinator says “Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are mandatory into Gragas since he runs Phase Rush too. All of Gragas moves have some form of CC and his in-lane sustain is really incredible. A good Gragas player will make laning phase hell for you. Try to bait out his body slam because every time you try to engage him he will get his E + Q guaranteed combo off. If you can bait it out at level 6, you should win the all in with ignite.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look for extended trades whenever possible. Gragas relies heavily on his abilities to deal damage, but if they’re on cooldown he cannot really do anything except for auto-attack. Go for extended trades when one of his abilities are down. Gragas can tease an engage when his Body Slam(E) is up. Try and stand behind or near minions at all times. However, do not stand too close to them since the ability does have an AOE and if you’re close to them, you’ll be hit by his E. If Gragas uses his Drunken Rage(W), it’s because he wants to do something such as setting up his Jungler or going for a trade. Play safer for a short period of time whenever he uses his W.”
Evandabank says “Gragas is a great matchup. Comet Gragas can be really annoying and if he manages to land enough Q's without you landing any return poke, you can find yourself in trouble.
However, if you play well and are able to return his poke with E-Q combos or you manage to just simply Q, then low HP's are very beneficially for you because you can ult into him and use your shield to burst him down quickly.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look for extended trades whenever possible. Gragas relies heavily on his abilities to deal damage, but if they’re on cooldown he cannot really do anything except for auto-attack. Go for extended trades when one of his abilities are down. Gragas can tease an engage when his Body Slam(E) is up. Try and stand behind or near minions at all times. However, do not stand too close to them since the ability does have an AOE and if you’re close to them, you’ll be hit by his E. If Gragas uses his Drunken Rage(W), it’s because he wants to do something such as setting up his Jungler or going for a trade. Play safer for a short period of time whenever he uses his W.”
SrMolinv says “Gragas tanque:
Escudo de doran y farmear, no merece la pena pelearle ni rusheando cuchilla, se cura demasiado. Farmea y intenta no morir de aburrimiento.
Gragas AP:
Gragas se pickea para negar a Riven, cada vez que intentes tradearle te tirara su E. Cuando usa su W recibe menos daño y se cura, hay que tener timings muy precisos para poder matarlo. Mucho disengage cuando tiene la ulti”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look for extended trades whenever possible. Gragas relies heavily on his abilities to deal damage, but if they’re on cooldown he cannot really do anything except for auto-attack. Go for extended trades when one of his abilities are down. Gragas can tease an engage when his Body Slam(E) is up. Try and stand behind or near minions at all times. However, do not stand too close to them since the ability does have an AOE and if you’re close to them, you’ll be hit by his E. If Gragas uses his Drunken Rage(W), it’s because he wants to do something such as setting up his Jungler or going for a trade. Play safer for a short period of time whenever he uses his W.”
pura4 says “"[Ímpeto Gradual, Corrupting Potion, Q > W] - Tente farmar o máximo que conseguir, sempre fique atrás dos minions para evitar a barrigada dele, se for tomar a barrigada use E antes da barrigada chegar e Q após a barrigada, raramente vc ira ter alcance para W, desvie dos barris dele, não fique na lane com metade do HP após o lvl 6, use Q sempre com fluxo de mana, essa lane jogue recuado e espere ajuda, tente sempre avisar seu time do roaming do gragas"”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look for extended trades whenever possible. Gragas relies heavily on his abilities to deal damage, but if they’re on cooldown he cannot really do anything except for auto-attack. Go for extended trades when one of his abilities are down. Gragas can tease an engage when his Body Slam(E) is up. Try and stand behind or near minions at all times. However, do not stand too close to them since the ability does have an AOE and if you’re close to them, you’ll be hit by his E. If Gragas uses his Drunken Rage(W), it’s because he wants to do something such as setting up his Jungler or going for a trade. Play safer for a short period of time whenever he uses his W.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look for extended trades whenever possible. Gragas relies heavily on his abilities to deal damage, but if they’re on cooldown he cannot really do anything except for auto-attack. Go for extended trades when one of his abilities are down. Gragas can tease an engage when his Body Slam(E) is up. Try and stand behind or near minions at all times. However, do not stand too close to them since the ability does have an AOE and if you’re close to them, you’ll be hit by his E. If Gragas uses his Drunken Rage(W), it’s because he wants to do something such as setting up his Jungler or going for a trade. Play safer for a short period of time whenever he uses his W.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look for extended trades whenever possible. Gragas relies heavily on his abilities to deal damage, but if they’re on cooldown he cannot really do anything except for auto-attack. Go for extended trades when one of his abilities are down. Gragas can tease an engage when his E is up. Try and stand behind or near minions at all times. However, do not stand too close to them since the ability does have an AOE and if you’re close to them, you’ll be hit by his E. If Gragas uses his W, it’s because he wants to do something such as setting up his Jungler or going for a trade. Play safer for a short period of time whenever he uses his W.”
Irelius says “You will rarely see this guy, especially piloted skillfully but still. Dont get poked too much with his Q, dont get your Q interrupted with his body slam. Dodge his R. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look for extended trades whenever possible. Gragas relies heavily on his abilities to deal damage, but if they’re on cooldown he cannot really do anything except for auto-attack. Go for extended trades when one of his abilities are down. Gragas can tease an engage when his E is up. Try and stand behind or near minions at all times. However, do not stand too close to them since the ability does have an AOE and if you’re close to them, you’ll be hit by his E. If Gragas uses his W, it’s because he wants to do something such as setting up his Jungler or going for a trade. Play safer for a short period of time whenever he uses his W.”
lenithebot says “Gragas is very tanky and has a good amount of poke with his q and collectively his dash and natural tankiness make him very hard to kill but as long as you respect his ult you probably won't die unless you get ulted into tower or if he has a lot of ap items.”
pura4 says “"[Ímpeto Gradual, Corrupting Potion, Q > W] - Tente farmar o máximo que conseguir, sempre fique atrás dos minions para evitar a barrigada dele, se for tomar a barrigada use E antes da barrigada chegar e Q após a barrigada, raramente vc ira ter alcance para W, desvie dos barris dele, não fique na lane com metade do HP após o lvl 6, use Q sempre com fluxo de mana, essa lane jogue recuado e espere ajuda, tente sempre avisar seu time do roaming do gragas"”
Thrandor says “When he tries to E you, hold down Q onto him to deny the knockup. Note that you will be stunned for a short duration even if you Q his knockup. You can avoid the R knockback by holding Q down onto anything”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look for extended trades whenever possible. Gragas relies heavily on his abilities to deal damage, but if they’re on cooldown he cannot really do anything except for auto-attack. Go for extended trades when one of his abilities are down. Gragas can tease an engage when his E
is up. Try and stand behind or near minions at all times. However, do not stand too close to them since the ability does have an AOE and if you’re close to them, you’ll be hit by his E. If Gragas uses his W, it’s because he wants to do something such as setting up his Jungler or going for a trade. Play safer for a short period of time whenever he uses his W.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “If he takes Phase Rush then he'll be impossible to kill unless he fucks up, but he can't pressure you too much either. Before he gets Lost Chapter he's mana gated so you can abuse him
then by forcing him to waste Q/E to disengage all the time. When he Ults you can Devour him so you'll get knocked back together and keep the fight going. ”
UlisesFRN says “Gragas AP is very popular in the Toplane currently. His damage is absurd, and he can cancel you mQ with his dash, plus his sustain is outstanding. If you feed him he is a nightmare to play against, but you should be able to match his laning phase and even beat him. Just dont mQ into him if his dash is up”
Dekar173 says “P: 8
Q: 10 > 6
W: 5
E: 14 > 12 (11 > 9)
R: 120 > 80
Runes vs Gragas: First Strike, Grasp, Phase Rush, Fleet
HIGH Econ: CRIT + Edge of Night
MID Econ: LETHAL + Edge
LOW Econ: Stasis/AP + Everfrost
Strengths: AoE, Peel, Survivability, Giga CC, Can always interrupt jumps*
Weaknesses: Melee, poor split siege, poor objective take (solo), essentially he's WORTHLESS alone but AMAZING with 1-2 allies
Snare from brush > jump for 4 stacks > snare is the only "advantage" combo you'll have against Gragas, all else he can interrupt with his E and win trades/disengage.
TAKE RELENTLESS HUNTER. PERMA ROAM. Grag waveclear is good, but siege is bad and his roam isn't as fast as you with Relentless hunter.
Grasp + Doran's Shield lets you outsustain his level 1-4 but eventually he becomes unkillable and enormous CC.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Сейчас Грагас сломан.
Вам нужно знать его комбо, для понимание своих действий.
Если он в танка, он будет поукать до конца времен и будет вечно убегать на лоу хп, при этом стараясь поукать вас до тех пор, пока не ваншотнет за комбо.
Помогает мерки, бортолом и плавное продавливание линии и игра с лесником, Где вы сможете наставить куча щупалец ему под вышку и спокойно его поукать.
Своей ультой, вы можете сбить ему комбо, если он захочет кинуть вас под вышку.”
Taiquyorah says “J'en vois rarement mais il faut faire attention à sa regen, il a l'avantage dans le MU car il peut facilement vous bump et AA le baril.
Farmer en lane, GP est plus fort en late game.”
Groovywelsh says “He will never kill you but you can't kill him either because if you engage on him with E he can just E you and cancel your E.Also he can just ult you away”
7EyesNoSkills says “His kit entirely counters you, but if he can't kill you with his whole kit, you can kill him. He basically can minimalize your E damage with his W, Can dash and CC you with her E, he can put a barrel on you while you are CCed and you will get slowed until he explodes that barrel. His ult knocks. If you play against him, don't be greedy, spend your 450 gold on mr after you got your boots. He won't be able to kill you.”
WildSamu says “DShield + Red Pot.
His poke is really strong, especially on fully charged casks, try and dodge as many as you can.
His sustain makes him really hard to kill and pretty frustrating to lane against, as he will just heal all poke.
After boots and level 6, this is kind of a skill matchup, it's really important that you dont let him poke you down to much, or he will win all ins.
He will try to ult you under his tower, try not to stay near his tower.”
VituVonDoom says “STAY AWAY FROM HIS TOWER, he will try to R you in it to kill you, and tilt your brains out. His E cancels your hammer Q, bait it out before engaging. Take FS or Conq page, and take anti heal if you're having trouble with his healing”
Aberrant Demon says “His E cancels your Q from connecting, keep that in mind when going for a trade. You mostly want to have him be the one engaging. Pay attention to his Qs and don't let him E or ult you into one, especially if it's fully charged. Farm up until 6 and then you can look for all-ins with Ghost. Try not to use your Q until after he uses his E to make it easier to stick. ”
TrinityForceYasuo says “He is annoying -> Play somewhat safe early on -> Poke him when he walks up for cs -> Level 3+ Dodge his E his your E or if you have Q3 make him use it on you and just time your Q3. You can chase him with your E -> Do not let him just W E Q you and run away with phase rush -> Freeze waves -> Go for extended trades -> Can time your R with his to get on top of him - Use E to dodge his R”
NegativePhoenix says “This more revolves around AP Gragas, not Tank. Tank is still dangerous but I'd put him at even. AP is the main threat here. Despite the fact he may not seem like it, a full AP Gragas can outdamage you completely if you let him. Avoid Q poke if possible and try to poke him if he steps up for minions. Just make sure you're careful he doesn't E in on you for a full combo, that will definitely hurt.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Grasp is best, but in elos below master, conq and pta also work well.
Goal in lane:
Scale and get 1-2 items then you can sorta beat him, killing him is impossible, he has AoE on every ability, infinite Sustain, has absurd CC.
Wave 1-4:
Stack your grasp, or if u don't have it, look for small trades and poke, u can contest prio, but can't really get a push going, he has too much AoE
This is a skilled matchup, but slightly gragas favored, early game you win trades pretty hard, as long as you don't take too much poke and you manage your vitals you can win it, if you parry one E he pays a lot for it,.
Look to poke him hard and look for semi all in, back vitals are fine as well as he can't E to run away so u can parry for slow.
If you both use all spells in a trade you won that trade, problem is he typically runs away with phaserush, even without phaserush he can E you and slow with Q.
You can Q and bait out his E to gain some distance and parry it, hard to explain but basically often times Gragas players will E as soon as you Q so you can move back with movespeed and parry it.
The problem with this matchup is that once he gets 2nd recall he has a ton of cdr and basically pokes you down to death with small trades and Q spam.
The good thing is as long as you don't int early, once you get hydra you win as his R is a free parry, parry either his E or R both make you have a free win, although if you parry E you get a good trade but not the kill as he can R you out.
With proper tethering and kiting you win this MU.
Pull in waves and look for all ins you win them as long as his cooldowns don't comeback up again
BiriRamen says “I mean, this one is a bit weird, I really thought this would be a harder matchup, but I've won almost every matchup vs a Gragas. Let him use body slam, go in and kill him.”
Scallywag says “He can heal your poke back up with his passive early on.
If he's good he can kill you in a full combo after lvl 6.
Else you still have an advantage since he's melee.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: You just take grasp and win every trade, don't ever E him if he has his dash since it will negate your E. All you wanna do is Q him and use your passive and if he engages on you then you just E. It becomes very easy to kill him level 6 if he misses his dash. The only way you will lose lane is due to Gragas having better wave clear making it easy for him to freeze and since Gragas has very good gank set up it can be a very dangerous lane so make sure to know where the enemy jungler before you engage.”
Trundledaddy says “Mercs rush will make it easier, hard to catch him especially if he has Phase Rush you do win the 1v1, but he has better trades, when mercs, pillar after he tries to run away, force ult and enjoy lane, hard to kill but you outscale later and can just kill towers.”
Federals1 says “Gragas looks to buy a lot of cooldown reduction and do very short combo trades before going in for the kill. You can match his cooldown reduction by having ability haste in runes and a lot in your build. Ionian Boots are very good against him. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him. First rune page should be used. Q max is needed. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Focus on building a lot of bulk, so a lot of health and resists.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
In early game you win all trades unless you get poked a lot. Look to poke him a lot and then all in him.
As soon as you Q into him he will probably use E so try to react in time and parry it. After a while he will get a lot of CDR and will poke you down to death. If you don't int early, after lvl 6 you can fight him since his ult is a free parry. After your first item you win all fights.
En early le ganas todos los trades a menos que te poke mucho. Intenta pokearle y luego hacerle all in. En cuanto uses tu Q probablemente va a usar su E, intenta ripostearla antes de que te de. Después de un rato empezará a tener mucho CDR y te va a pokear hasta la muerte. Si no inteas en early, después de lvl 6 le ganas ya que su ulti es un riposte gratis. Después de tu primer item ganas todas las peleas.”
alexionut05 says “You should win any trade with this guy, do not be afraid of fighting back with him. You also should try to predict his dash. Be careful as he may turn back fights if he ults you under his tower or to the enemy jungler. Always make sure to have river vision!”
gazibulle says “Hard matchup. You outscale him. Gragas is an anti-snowball champion, his goal is to delay your scaling as hard as possible. Survive his Q poke with Dshield. Try to bait his E by either Wing him so he Es into you, or just running towards him and Q-Q. If he Es you (wait until his Phase Rush goes away if he plays it), you can engage on him with E and you will win the all-in as long as you are not into too much of his minions. A thing you can do is bait you are out of lane, so he will push in order to take the wave under your tower; if he does so by using his W and E, you can hookshot on him and he has no escape. I advise you to take Grasp so you can get some HP stacks and more survivability in lane. Ignite / TP also helps much in this matchup, as you can cut down his passive healing entirely. Be careful to ganks as Gragas has an insane gank setup with E and R. You can ult either his R or E. Gragases will often E-Flash to try to outplay you, you can spam R key between you and him and you will most likely dodge it. You can also buffer your E unto a wall whenever he Es you, so it bypasses his knock-up and allows you to hookshot onto him after.”
MHLoppy says “A pretty uninspiring tank matchup. He has decent burst damage and a good amount of CC - combined with his passive's sustain he can plausibly prevent you from ever being able to kill him unassisted. Fortunately if he's playing back safely he'll slowly bleed cs. Watch out for ganks whenever you don't have ult available (especially pre-6), since his gank assist is immense.”
Scarhawk says “Gragas has far better sustain than you. He can harass you with his abilities while keeping himself healthy. Your engage can be stopped by his E. Just play for lane and help out elsewhere on the map.”
Helzky says “He's not too big of a problem. He cannot pressure you or damage you to the point of kill pressure. You get ghouls, E him, watch him run. Free gold!”
OliveeGarden says “take grasp and ghost. never walk up to him if he has e up and wait for a gank. you have a kill window post 6 if you can deny his cc.”
Your Desired Username says “Even matchup. Rush mercs, then Rylai's. Early game he will spam short trades, so try to predict his E when he's in your melee range and use your E directly in front of you. This way, while you're stunned from his E, he will get pulled behind you, allowing you to extend the trade. Generally speaking, you win every all-in, but whenever Gragas sees that a certain fight isn't quite going his way, he will use either Phase Rush, E or R to escape. This way he can also escape in Brazil most of the time sadly. For this reason you should look to flash his ult.”
Rayli36 says “He's pretty tilting but try to predict his E and try to dodge his Q and you'll be fine you can build megatron cloak or hexdrinker if you need it.
Black Demon Ezel says “Gragas can be a little rude with his CC and outright tankiness. I don't find him top lane practically ever but I've still seen it before. You'll need someway to mitigate his empowered autos and health. He has no sustain but he's veeeeeery prone to CC (stunning and the like). Keep on baby caging him and you should be fine.”
LunaticDancer says “Nice sustain and damage, but luckily very kiteable for you. Gambler viable, D Shield. In extended fights (3 seconds and longer) you win hard, so aim for those. Careful not to get wombo comboed by his ult.”
Turkthunder says “Gragas is an extreme threat especially in the early-middle game it is somewhat impossible to outplay or maneuver out of your chance of survival. He outplays and deals an extreme hefty amount of damage.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Gragas is not normally seen in top lane but be wary. The Rabble Rouser has so much CC and so much slow that you can't get anywhere near him”
_WhiteSnow_ says “For tank gragas:
Just dont worry about winning lane - trading with gragas is impossible due to his e cancelling your leap. Out teamfight him to win.
Avoid getting ulted into his turret.
Ap gragas:
This version actually takes damage and is actually a winning matchup instead - you can bait out his e or and then look for trades on its cooldown. root if he holds his e often to lock him down before you jump in for a quick trade.”
Stinkee says “You won't run into lane Gragas very often, but if you do it's a pretty even matchup, maybe slightly favoring Gragas. If you charge your Q in front of him he'll easily just E into you and do his combo. Try to stand behind your minons when you Q so he can't just stun you every time. You can also cancel his dash your your Q (as long as you charged for at least 1 second). He is going to out sustain you in lain due to his passive so keep that in mind. This will end up being a boring matchup with neither dying unless jungle interferes.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Just like Galio, Gragas has a nasty combo which can throw you off from your escape route, however, you can also use this to your advantage simply by flashing into his ultimate to send you flying in the opposite direction (over a wall, into your tower) but play it safe into his (Q) > (R) > (E) combo. Which is often set up by leaving his (Q) down for the full duration followed by his (R) as you draw near, while he (E)'s into his (Q) where he has planned to send you. It's very useful to build some magic resistance to help deal with such burst. You can use your (Q) to prevent his empowered damage from his (W) activation.”
BoilTheOil says “Take Conqueror or Grasp of the Undying. Buy D-shield and take trades every time he walks up and force him to use mana since his mana costs are very high. If his team is mostly magic damage rush Mercury's Treads, it helps a lot in trades and makes it harder for him to disengage the fight. He can be hard to kill because he can just E and run away so just try to get a cs lead.”
Phrxshn says “Rare match-up, but moderate. Dodge his Barrel Roll(Q), Body Slam(E), and Explosive Cask(R). and fight him without Drunken Rage(W) out. (Recommended Items: Demonic Embrace and Spirit Visage or Abyssal Mask) (Mega Adhesive negates his E) (Fling overrides his E) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Singed) (Outscaling Edge: Singed)”
quinn adc says “Gragas poke is annoying early game, and his range is slightly longer than yours.
Stay in E range of Gragas because his Q range is longer than yours, and his Q hurts you a lot.
Stand behind minions in this matchup so he can't E you as easily.
What I like to do is E Gragas when I'm behind minions, and then Gragas will E me back right after, but since vault is so fast and pushes you back to your original position, you will actually force him to E the minions in front of you.
This is really helpful to beat Gragas becasue if he misses his E, he is vulnerable.
His E is 4 secondsl onger than your E CD, so it is huge to bait it. However, if he lands E, the CD does refresh back quicker, so keep that in mind.
Post 6, use Galeforce + E to dodge his abilities and to also make his R put you in a place he doesnt want.
If you anticipate Gragas R, E him first because your E animation is so fast.
This will shoot you in a place Gragas doesn't want to hit you since he Rs in a certain angle to launch you to a certain place.
If you E first, his R can actually push you to safety, depending on the circumstance of course.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “AP Gragas is a very hard champ to deal with. He will play safe early and then after 6, start making thos OS plays on you. You can block his Ult to fall behind you and knock you forward, but apparently there is a bug where even when blocked, it still knocks you back and deals the full damage. That makes it nearly impossible to kill him unless you have flash.”
PH45 says “Really boring lane since if you try to jump on him or stun him, he will just E on you and negate your jump aswell as stun you briefly. Just farm and try not to fall for his bait's as he can set up for ganks quite well with his E and ult. If he misses E though feel free to go hard for a trade or all-in. Problem with Gragas is as well that he just spams W to sustain during laning phase, which makes it hard for you to chip him down bit by bit. I prefer to run Grasp in this matchup since you don't really get extended trades here.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
slogdog says “Walk away when he W's and respect him. Don't walk directly in his face, or he'll just E you. After he E's however, Unleash Hell upon him.”
Raen says “Get early Mercs Treds to reduce some of his E CC. Dodge his W AA with ur E. If he will waste his E on minions you can small window to all in him. Mos of the time you can't do much here so try to do something on the diff part of the map or keep him on lane if ur team is winning.”
LoLReal says “No threat at all if building tank.
If building AP we have to respect his burst. Look for extended trades and punish him when his cooldowns are down. Pretty easy lane.”
P1Legend says “This is one of the most anti fun matchups in the top lane that exists. If you jump on him, he will body slam you every time, so avoid doing that unless its on CD. Your best bet here is to jump to the minions around him and take ranged trades with W - W at 3 stacks while retreating. If he starts to get too tanky, just farm, he will heal all the damage you deal in the small trades you take because riot games is a good company.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “You won't see this as much as in Season 10, but still a possible lane matchup. Grag will try to bodyslam into you when you're farming cannons, so be prepared for that. He wins trade early, but just get merc treads and a spirit visage. ”
Phrxshn says “Rare match-up, but moderate. Dodge his Barrel Roll(Q), Body Slam(E), and Explosive Cask(R). and fight him without Drunken Rage(W) out. (Recommended Items: Abyssal Mask) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Gragas) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
Phrxshn says “Rare match-up, but moderate. Dodge his Barrel Roll(Q), Body Slam(E), and Explosive Cask(R). and fight him without Drunken Rage(W) out. (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage) (Jaws of Beast follows his E) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Warwick) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick)”
Sporkintahn says “ANNOYING!!! --- Gragas has been and off and on Top lane pick since his rework into more of an Tanky AP Bruiser several seasons ago. --- Recently in Season 11 due to the item changes and incremental buffs to him throughout Season 10; he's seeing a lot more play in the Top Lane now. --- Gragas is extremely annoying to lane against as he can lock you down and neutralize you in lane and then later on in team fights. His base damages and even his AP Ratios are fairly high so he can hurt, but also his innate tankiness and kit make it very hard to lock him down and kill him in lane as well. --- If anything this is a farm lane so just look to play safe and don't die to ganks. --- Also do not try and all-in him on his side of lane or near his tower as he can use his Ultimate to knock you into tower.”
SaltCat says “This is the new Riven counter, at least in high elo, use your e to dodge his q, carefull with your third q he can use his e on you and cancell it”
OTP Toxin says “Move a lot, if he miss his Q, keep moving to dodge his E and NEVER run away from him in his all-ins, that way he will almost all the time miss his R because he will think that you will run away and will throw the barrel in the escape way.”
Chease says “Same as Gp, but has insane sustain form passive (buy executioners ASAP!), try to hold him on lane long enought so he loses all of his mana and just run him down.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Phase Rush Corrupting Potion, Q > W] - Try to farm as much as you can. he can be hard and you'll be down CS but just don't feed him kills and you should be good
- Still try to Q him all the time and harass him to pressure a kill
- Once he gets Everfrost, be very careful, he can cc you to death!"”
Amvill says “He is just really hard to out-trade and lane against. His damage and sustain early is stronger than yours and can disengage from your all-in's with Ease. He can do it all. Just do your best to dodge his abilities and create some space between you and him.”
maxlid3 says “Early he might not be such a big threat but he can engage pretty easily especially if he get's Protobelt. He can poke you with his barrels and even throw you into the team with his ult.”
YasTilt says “He can easily Combo you so Watch out for his E Flash, Try to get out of his Q. He has really high cooldowns so try to engage when he don't have his abilities.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror or Grasp. Take Doran's Shield, you should outsustain him lane because you use no mana. Force him to use mana when he decides to walk up and take creeps. It gets harder when he builds some HP because he does tons of damage and kites you with no problem with Everfrost and Phase Rush.”
lulw says “You can windwall his r and q, but like his e and w actually do a lot of damage. Careful of where he places his barrel cuz hes gonna combo your ass. Dont underestimate gragas. hes actually really strong. (If its Ghuchi on gragas get jung to camp or ff)”
Psychopathic Top says “Champion is a stonewall. There is hardly an opportunity where you can kill Gragas. He just has too much cc/ and an ultimate that can knock you away. Easy to survive and just stack up and teamfight later. In teamfights focus on enemy backline and ignore gragas. He simply exists to be annoying and provide cc for the team.”
Alan234 says “Go Fleet Footwork because of gragas poke and all in threat
Gragas Q poke is hard to dodge and has a massive hitbox so you need to predict his qs and instantly dodge when he throws it. If you dodge a lot he wont prock manaflow band and go oom a lot more often. If he throws a q on the ground, make sure you position in a way where he cant ult you into it. If you're low hp there is a high chance of gragas e flashing on you, so you can predict it quite often. Sadly gragas is overbuffed with extremely strong items so its impossible to kill him”
JaxIsAHobo says “Literally the most obnoxious champion to play against top lane as Jax. He will bellyflop your leap, and harrass you with his casks. You get poked out, and you don't really have a way to engage on gragas at all. Build sustain and try to survive lane, because later you outscale him, or better yet, just dodge the match if you can. Take grasp of the undying as well.”
Fryx says “He will heal all of your poke and any engage will be denied. His poke is hard to dodge as Malphite.
Play it safe and play for lategame. Just scale and get the wave to your side of the lane.”
wff010 says “Wtf is this a melee champion that kites and plays like fucking Quinn lmao. Get doran's shield, max W, spam your E W as if he was a ranged champion because that's how he plays. Your only saving grace is when you get ult and can ult to prevent his ult from pushing you away or ult him out of his dash.”
LoLReal says “No threat if tank. If building AP respect his burst but still a pretty easy match up. We should win all trades early, mid and late. We also outscale.”
Drygur says “He'll just freeze at tower if given the opportunity and bait you into diving him. Also he can always cancel your 3rd (Q) with his (E).
This lane is highly annoying and I recommend trying to communicate with your jungler to get rift and get out of lane as soon as possible.”
Dbthegamer74 says “Annoying ass lane just dodge this shit its unplayable your completely weakside and you rely on your team carrying you. Get merc's play safe all game.”
SavagePridestalker says “Basically the most even matchup. He can't ever really kill you, due to you being super tanky and you can't ever really kill him, due to him having multiple disengage tools. In this lane you want to just farm perfectly and get as many grasp procs as possible.”
Marwaii says “If he goes arcane comet take shield. Out trades in early fights. You out scale super hard so just farm and save your E for his all in.
Take Divine + Mercs.”
SethPRG says “His CC is super long and you can't catch him with your E when he procs it, especially if he's going Phase Rush, but if you go Mercury Treads first item then you'll be fine. Avoid his Q, and don't get baited into him ulting you into the Q blast radius. When he has his W up, it's not really ever going to hit you unless he takes short trades or will all in, which he will lose both of once you can catch him with your E. His ult you will want to save your Show Stopper for so if he knocks you into his tower you can ult him back out, or you can ult him to dodge the R blowback. In team fights, be careful of his flash combo potential. It's probably best to immediately focus him in a team fight by ulting him into his team, he doesn't really have a use in that situation and will be unable to use his Q well, and also be forced to either E or R you, possibly both. His sustain is very annoying so buy Executioner's Calling early, and take an MR item 2nd or 3rd based on the enemy team comp.”
deathwalker7119 says “Unironically one of Fiora's hardest matchups that isn't worth the ban.
You NEED to parry his big ass stomach stun, as this will cancel your Q and put it on the FULL CD (If you don't know, landing Q with fio halves the CD). If he goes full tank you need a lead before bramble, same with all other tanks. watch out for him 1 shotting you at half hp, and don't combo him when he is purple because this makes him much tankier and he will tank a full ult and still be healthy. Dodge his barrels and if you play the rest right you will be 100% fine.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Gragas has decent burst and good enough clear with his aoe abilities, he remains an even match because of his lack of mobility and overall squishiness early game”
Womsky says “Lane survival, you E, he E, he Q, you Q, tell me a more enjoyable lane to be in? All ins are possible early, if u can bait his E, or if he wastes it, u can also out sutstain his mana too, but once he gets around 20% cdr just leave him and farm, no all in is possible post that point, DO NOT harras him close to his turret especially post 6 cause he will pull some woody fruity wombo combos on you and poop on you, mid to late just split and rotate away from him if he splits vs u, tax his jungler, do trynda stuff you know.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “He is easy to fight but he can also stop you from auto attacking quite easily and keep poking you with barrels so he can be a pain. Also most of the people that will be playing Gragas tend to main him so that will also make things a bit more difficult. The way I tend to beat Gragas is stack up passive and look for level 1-2 fights because he won’t have all of his abilities that help him trade back. He is generally pretty strong at level 3 due to his high base damage. You can also juke out his Q and E easily while trading with him. It is quite easy to outplay him but you have to be careful with how easy it is for him to disengage from you after chunking you heavily. So, I’d recommend only fighting him if you have minions set up to juke him out so you don’t have to worry about him bursting you and disengaging. Be careful when committing as if you miss anything he can easily run you down so make sure you hit your abilities/have passive stacked before going for an all in.
tibs2 says “If played well Gragas can only q poke you. You can easily kite with q and if he tries to close the gap with e a well timed w can save you. Still, this match up can be quite hard to abuse given just how much natural sustain Gragas has so while you might not be solo killing him its hard to be solo killed as well.”
OverlordOfTheLane says “if hes a good gragas player you might not even be able to win trade at all if he gets ahead you and ur team gona have problems ”
Urgodzilla says “This one can be tricky. Gragas has good damage and CC, his sustain is also nice. Try to react to his E with your E: use it on him if you want to trade or away if you don't feel confident. Be careful about his R, it can throw you under his tower and you will be in trouble.”
negoZoma69 says “You can't harass him well because his passive gives him insane sustain. He's not a big threat in lane if you keep your distance but his ult counters yours and he's easier to play so you can stuggle to be useful in teamfights.”
Lost Robot says “Gragas top lane can play super safe, and then becomes much more useful than you later in the game. He can't kill you in lane, but you struggle to kill him as well. Unless they suck.”
Dorom says “Gragas is a pain to deal with. He outheals, outdamages and has more utility than you, you do outscale in late game but you just get poked to death by Gragas with comet.”
pioj12 says “I don't find this matchup difficult. You can decide not to fight him if you want, usually it is just a poke/farm lane.
Just watch out for his R outplays under tower bc he has a lot of cc.
Pawn Sacrifice says “Gragas is a darling top nowadays but although his E can stop your E, it's just a matter of timing to hit him. I like to rush hexdrinker here even if i am ahead (because his team will probably have at least 2 APs - jungler or mid too)”
lulw says “Fuck this guy. But if you fight gragas top, gl. Hes really strong but you can trade pretty well into him. If he walks to W you, pull him and trade. Use your W well. ”
Drumastermunch says “Lot of damage, can cancel your Z ... The best way to avoid his barrels is often to go forward, and jump on him, but he can react with his body slam. Skill matchup, a bit in his favor.”
Ravenborne says “Poke is quite annoying, cancel his Dash and get a free trade in. Stay away from his tower when he has Ult so he does not have the chance to kill you. Should be free as he can not outsustain or outdamage you.”
TheMrDarkness says “He accually isn't the hardest matchup, you just need to b8 his E, and if he won't use it, don't use your third 3, cuz gragas E has the highest dash priority in the game”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Not that threatening, you can cancel his E with your W. He's disruptive and if he does land his E, then he can CC lock you pretty hard.
Bumped to 4 due to CDR build - 03/02/21”
kingchas2 says “Dodge Gragas E. If you do that he has no way to build up his Q damage. If he takes phase rush he has no way to really kill you, and if he takes anything else you can kite him really easily. ”
ModelitoTime says “just avoid his dash, and if you see him drinking and running towards you just keep your distance. Other than that this matchup isn't hard”
xxskipskipxx says “Consider Dodging!
Dodge his Q and E his W !
If you try to engage he will always E you thats why you should use you E to get closer to him AFTER he used his E!!
Rather play safe since the trades are not in your favor!”
DasGrauen_ says “This guy is not very often on the Toplane but if you face him. Do not Ult like 1% under the threshhold. He can heal up with his passive and kill you then”
byThiagus says “Segunda pagina de runas y fantasmal, espada de doran. Le ganas desde lvl 1 a 18, no puede hacer nada contra vos. DESTRUILO, tiene buen setup para ganks asique wardea bien y no lo dejes farmear”
I Am Goliath says “You can win this matchup for sure, gragas should never really be able to kill you because he just doesn't have enough damage for how tank you can get and you should be able to hit your E's and some of your Q's on him, he does have pretty good escape but even if you're not able to kill him he really shouldn't ever had the damage to kill you especially after you pick up one magic resist item. ”
Saarlichenbog says “Gragas has good sustain and mobility in lane but it's not as great as some of the other champs mentioned higher in priority. As a result, you will almost always see him take Phase Rush as a rune setup which means you can easily predict his combo if you know what to look for. As he will always throw out his Q first, there is a small period where he needs to finish the animation before he can queue his E to ensure he proc's Phase Rush. If he fails his Q, you have a short period to make an extended trade and make advantages in the lane before it comes back up as he will not be able to run effectively outside his short range E. Be careful of his ultimate displacement under tower as this can really be a lane changer if you are caught out. This lane is all about knowledge of the matchup.”
Gragas top is one of the most annoying picks ever, he can deal a lot of damage, outkite you, CC lock you and if he gets a lead its really hard to be usefull. In this lane you should look to only farm, don't try to trade with him, he has such a good disengage, damage and a bit of sustain that its not worth trading against him, they also mostly go Phase Rush so its really hard to get on top of him but if you somehow get a chance to kill him because he's low wait for his Phase rush to end and then Wither him, since Phase Rush gives you a slow resistance while its on. In mid game he will try to help his team by setting up kills so look to splitpush and force him to match you in the split until you are 4-5 items, once you get to that point look to do 5v5's he will do damage and provide utility but he won't be able burst you and kill you.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Against gnar you can abuse his low base stats on his mini gnar in early trades before he gets his jump (usually gnars will get their jump at level 3.) So for your first trade against him you usually want to wait out his q and either dodge it while you build up fury or if it hits you wait until the slow runs out. Then spin on him and auto attack while moving towards his turret to extend the trade as much as possible. Usually can get 3-4 auto attacks if you position your spin correctly. Once gnar hits level 3 if you havent gotten enough damage on him to look for a kill then just farm. IMPORTANT NOTE: Gnar's hop is a 22 second cooldown level 1. So if he uses it, then you will have atleast a 10 second window to spin on him (assuming you made him use his hop when you used your spin at him) to get another spin and run him down. In the mid-late game splitpush it can be hard to beat gnar 1v1. Ways you can beat gnar in the mid-late game split push, either you wait until hes exhausted (just came out of mega gnar form) so that he cannot build it back up when you allin him, you can build swifty boots to help stick on top of him thru his slows, if he face checks you in a bush and you hit your w slow that can be another way to catch him out on the split and beat him 1v1. When using your w remember that he will turn back to throw his boomerang so try to time your w slow to cast after he uses boomerang + an auto attack to guarantee you will hit it.”
Nabura says “Surprisingly annoying matchup with his Q being near undodgeable with high damage and low cooldown, he has very strong gank assist so you best bet is to just rush T2 boots and juke his barrels. If you watch enough Baus and Panunu Gragas plays you will see that they have small telltale signs of when they're about to full CC burst combo you which you need to pick up on.”
EntxRecoil says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Gragas has pretty good sustain and can deny any kind of all in opportunities with his body slam which is really good disengage. Merc treads and/or tenacity on your rune page is pretty good against him because it works against his bodyslam stun. Gragas will usually build 40% CDR so his body slam will be up constantly to stun you and disengage. The way you beat gragas in laning phase is by outsustaining him (usually his mana pool) before he gets iceborn gauntlet (or another mana item) or if you can manage to land a few crits with spin damage you can maybe burst him down with ignite as well. If the Gragas is playing well, you can just play this as a farming matchup. In the mid-late game splitpush Gragas can be really annoying to dive, so just shove him in and out rotate him with your superior mobility.”
TiamatOnRiven says “very strong disengage vs riven,so you will be only able to trade him while his "e" is on cooldown,otherwise play it safe,also you ve got to respect his sustain with passive”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Phase Rush gragas has very good sustain and can take some nasty trades where you can't even fight back, if you rush mercs first item and take unflinching its not that rough.
Build executioners.
Take MR”
Mrobby says “Gragas is quite a mediocre champion, he is good at snowballing lanes and making plays, and scales fairly, but his ability to kill you is super low, his early and late game dueling is just bad.”
Wizbe says “Annoying champ more than anything. Phase rush and E max Gragas is obnoxious and hard to play around. You can't all in him as his E will cancel yours and he will phase rush out. Play for scaling”
wallobear53 says “Your spacing should be really well against him in this lane so that you have ample time to get out of his Q slow before he can reach you. Since he will be going AP, his Q will form the major part of his damage so make sure you dodge it at all costs.
Build up a big wave before pushing in to prevent Gragas from being able to directly engage on your with his E. Otherwise, he can W>E>Q you and then finish you off with his Ultimate R quite easily.
If he uses his W or Q to clear the minion wave, look to trade with him as he will have no reliable follow up damage to his E. Be wary of the enemy Jungler as Gragas can set-up ganks quite easily.
ModxLoL says “Gragas top isn't meta currently(10.16), but it always comes back around eventually. When Gragas top is meta, he's a problem for Riven. His E completely counters her, and his W auto attack can go through your stun and knockup. He also has low mana costs, and good health sustain, so it's hard to get him to run out of mana without you losing too much health unlike the Maokai matchup. With that being said, there are still things you can do to win this matchup. Try to wait until he uses his q to poke/farm, so he can't get a free Q on you after he E's you in a trade. Also try to make sure you don't 3rd Q into him without having your W up if you can, so he isn't able to knock you out of your 3rd Q animation. Gragas out trades Riven in short trades, but when his E is down, you can look for an all in, but be aware that he can try to ult you away.”
Flagoony says “Going against Gragas is pretty easy. Make sure you space far enough away so he can't all in you with his E. After he hits 6 be careful of his ult and try not to let him engage onto you.”
Kingarthur720 says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Gragas has pretty good sustain and can deny any kind of all in opportunities with his body slam which is really good disengage. Merc treads and/or tenacity on your rune page is pretty good against him because it works against his bodyslam stun. Gragas will usually build 40% CDR so his body slam will be up constantly to stun you and disengage. The way you beat gragas in laning phase is by outsustaining him (usually his mana pool) before he gets iceborn gauntlet (or another mana item) or if you can manage to land a few crits with spin damage you can maybe burst him down with ignite as well. If the Gragas is playing well, you can just play this as a farming matchup. In the mid-late game splitpush Gragas can be really annoying to dive, so just shove him in and out rotate him with your superior mobility.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up relativement rare, mais pénible, gragas ne vas rien faire d'autre que farm à distance avec son A, et de temps en temps de faire un combo de sort en abusant du rush phasique, cela consiste a te dash dessus, A pour te ralentir et mettre un coup blanc booster par son Z avant de reculer avec le boost de vitesse du rush phasique.
Ceci étant dit je ne met que 2 de menace, car il n'a clairement par les dégâts pour te tuer en début de partie, et si il fait une erreur d'utilisation de son E, tu le punis et le tue sans aucun problème avec ton fantôme. Essaie d'éviter son E quand il veut te poke, et ce sera une lane très facile.”
JuarezLOL says “hard match up because he can poke u with Q and deny you all in with E but get your mercury treads with legend of tenacity in mid game
but in early game try to get his E or just simply use your Q on him to get his E after that your Q cd is lower than his E cd only in early game”
MateuszNH says “Hardest counter for wukong. Luckily he is not very often on top. He is beatable in early lvls all ins if u know the cooldowns(you have lower cooldown on E than his E so that's small window you can use) or if he has bad runes ( no phase rush), but the best strategy is to ask jungler for help. After 6 his disengage tools are just too big, u cannot all in really.”
Itreallyhim says “Depends on how good he is, what hes building aswell.
Otherwise it should be a breeze, Be wary when ulting him, He can R you away from him and waste your time with his E and Q”
Valorkyrie Quinn says “You cannot stop Gragas E with your E. Your E will be cancelled upon collision with Gragas E.
As Quinn, it is quite impossible to stop his ganks. He has both CC and high burst damage.
Tip: Play safe when he is the enemy jungler. Remember to ward well and pay attention to pings. You really can't do much against him.
Big Belly Bop says “If he goes CDR/Tank Gragas you have more of a chance to escape rather than his AP variant. Dodge Q's, harass him constantly, and abuse his long CD's early game. If he goes AP just beware that his full combo kills you unless you have some MR. Coordinate ganks and abuse range advantage. ”
9690 says “No threat if tank. If building AP respect his burst but still a pretty easy match up. We should win all trades early, mid and late. We also outscale.”
Loevely says “Very hard matchup. You can never engage on him which makes every potential rune kinda useless. Play around his short E CD and try W max.”
Zestysquid says “He can ult you out of the safety of your boxes post 6, but before then try to get him to use his dash in to your turrets. Be careful about letting him land it since it's often too short to bring him all the way into your box setup. Let him land Qs once in a while if you have a good box setup to bait.”
DrMoneybags says “Take conqueror and this matchup becomes a lot easier. The true damage will help against his W and natural tankiness. Otherwise, consider a hexdrinker if he decides to go heavy AP for some reason. Grab cleaver if he builds tanky. You should be able to easily out-duel him midgame and lategame as long as you're not behind.”
E61K says “Go Doran's Shield to deal with his barrel poke and general sustain from his passive and go for Conqueror. All-in him every time you can and zone him off of farm and XP. He can't step up against you at all. The only form of safety he has against you is his ult and his Body Slam (which you can exploit by using your combo properly). He is probably gonna spam barrels to farm and never come close if he is smart. That's fine because he will miss a ton of farm that way.”
Trixelkour says “His combo is straight up BS. Take Grasp or Phase Rush. He shouldn't be able to 1 shot you when you have enough HP. Get Banshee and Merc Threads into Abyssal and you should be fine. Take Heal with you to negate his combo damage output.”
undeadsoldiers says “Lane Aproach: Anytime if he has no bodyslam up, you win long trades.
Key CDs:E/R
Notes:CP, stand behind creeps vs bodyslam, abuse his pushing to manipulate the wave - he only has AoE skills and cant freeze.”
TakeLPlease says “Gragas has tons of armor and health late game. Use their health and armor early game as an advantage. Late game will be hard to take them down. They will also deal lots of damage if you don't take them out early game, so beware.”
CaioOP1985 says “He has a lot of CC and is tanky even when building damage, so you got to watch out for him. By himself he isn't so bad to face, but with buddies around he can be a terrifying force. Avoid his E to prevent his full combo and you should do well.”
kagaroo says “🔴Counter Matchup🔴
Threat Scale: 9.5/10
➡️One of the worst matchups for trundle. Gragas is way too mobile for Trundle and his trading patterns are extremely toxic. His damage is insane and he cannot die unless he makes massive mistakes. He can neutralise us on the side if we are even items and can beat us even at 6 items vs 6 items. For this reason gragas is a counter matchup. It's definitely playable though, with enough respect to his CC and farming well and playing around your hydra healing you can win. You need to be extremely disciplined and patient in laning phase, try to proxy and exit laning phase to avoid the toxic trading patterns. If you can snowball you will win but if you are even then gragas will slowly outscale.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad gragas vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average gragas vs Average Trundle ➡️70/30 gragas/trundle
Good gragas vs Good Trundle ➡️ 90/10 gragas/trundle, gragas SHOULD win but Trundle can win if the gragas makes mistakes and we exploit this.”
Haxorr says “Gragas can be hard for sure. I take the Grasp page in this matchup, look to play around minions to deny his bodyslam and use your Q when he Qs to dodge it as your Q is a really low cooldown and cost. Little baby Qs with Grasp procs can be really good to trade into Gragas, and his E is pretty reactable to parry as well as his ult. Good spacing and movement wins this matchup for you. At the highest level I think this is Gragas favored but in lower elos you can really punish a bad Gragas. Doran's shield is best with Grasp page.”
CactEyez says “Boring lane, you can't ever really kill him because he is so slippery, but he can't kill you because he lacks the damage. Just don't let him full combo you for free and beware ganks - He can cancel your W easily.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
FeaRLesS Da says “take ignite
same as akali
dont interact with this creature just perma proxy
u hard win after form esp with buffering your w when he tried to e you”
In the Jungle 46.29% Win Rate32% Pick RateGragas In the Jungle Counters: 16 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Gragas in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Hazardist says “Yorick counters Gragas in the Kungle for the same reason it happens in the top lane: the Mist Walkers are an obstacle for Gragas to use his E freely, so he won't be able to engage or disengage with the freedom necessary to serve his purpose.
Runeset to take: Conqueror, but Phase Rush is fine.”
kittygore says “Care for his E, he can cancel your jump. You can build Edge of Night to counter his E. You can pretty much oneshot him. Fight and invade early.”
SelfLOL says “Fatty is kinda annoying. E can stop ur leap. Root mid air so he can't e. Can cc and displace u in fights. Mercs can help. Watch out for e flash oneshot. WW burst. Slow clear. Can look for invade on him. ”
DoxxTheLeague says “champion itself is extremely strong and hard to play against if you go to q him he has enough range to e you stunning you allowing him to burst you , you want to build mr and try to sleep him with your e you can always q in teamfights with flash q r but he can just e you and flip the focus onto you.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Gragas overall is a very hard matchup for Neeko. All of his abilities counter you. Watch out for potential invades when full clearing. This is your weakness early game. Focus on full clearing, counterjungling, ganking for your team. Avoid Gragas at all cost or wait for him to gank before counterganking. Never 1v1 him or you'll be gapped. Good spacing and [W] clone usage is required. You just need patience before throwing all your abilities at him.”
lurutin says “His E is boring and unpredictable, he can build tank or ap and if he is ap he will do a massive damage on you after hits you with his E. Your best try is bait his E with your W and then avoid with your Q and kill him.”
Yomu says “A good gragas shouldn’t really die to you unless you are counter ganking. If you ever try to ignore him he will bomba you under turret. If you W his E tho it can be big. Kill his team”
lolWillieP says “Super super hard matchup. Go AP tank if you can instead. If you still insist on playing tiger max, you have to dodge/flash his charge stun, then turn r on and hope you can burst him down in one awakening cycle.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Annoying but you can win sometimes, if he keeps his R so you cannot reach the enemy then the situation is really bad for you...”
Maciejson says “His E takes priority over your Q, so it will be canceled if you try to use it. Winning fights against him is unlikely unless you use your Q to dodge his E. He will likely destroy you with a full combo, leaving you with little counterplay. However, after obtaining an MR item, he shouldn't be able to one-shot you anymore, allowing you to outduel him.”
huncho1v9 says “Medium difficulty matchup. Gragas can invade you level 3. If you dodge his E, he’s useless against Gwen and you can just W his entire combo. If he lands E, it can be really hard to play. You outscale and can run him down easily after 1 item, just be careful of his burst and E.”
huncho1v9 says “- Medium difficulty matchup, Gragas actually has a level 3 invade window, but you can counter that easily if you skip second buff and go to your last camp. If Gragas goes AP, lategame he can be really annoying with his slows + burst. Phase rush is best into Gragas, but runes depend on enemy comp.”
Mignognium says “Il fait toujours tout bien, mais son gros nerf nous permet enfin de respirer. Ne pas le laisser trop se feed car Viego manque de réponses contre l'ivrogne. Mais si vous jouez correctement au même stade de puissance que lui c'est environ du 50/50. ”
IvernGott says “His clear is slow so you can Invade him early on delaying his scaling making it easier to countergank / kill him. his abilitys are easy to dodge except his E sometimes ofc. ”
xTechikaze says “This champ in the right hands is cancer. No matter how you look at it they will just poke you down and the second you dash onto them he bellies you. Not fun but not hard. Farm better and counter gank. Peel for you team against this guy.
Mabujo says “The Fatman Nuke.
The embodiment of arsenic and bullshittery for any fiddlesticks player. Ban or pray that your not against one. Two bumps that cancel ult channels and siphons and as of late, broken ap burst damage. EVADE AT ALL COSTS ! and if unavoidable, authorisation for the Racist Build is granted. ”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Gragas: Is ok pick vs you but he can oneshot you sometimes I dont even get it every gragas is random......
HOW TO PLAY VS: He can ult you from objective so prefer killing him first in counter ganks he is x times stronger”
jajkopajko says “If he goes tank you win - he doesnt have pressure and you just outdamage him, if he plays full ap be careful with oneshots, go zhonyas and if you play right you win.”
Daawwnn says “basically u can never engage this guy giving you 0 kill pressure in the jungle 1v1s if u can time ur W with his dash then youve got kill pressure play flash here to dodge his burst combo if needed”
Kazuo Murasaki says “ Wait for his E to engage him with Q2 or ward hop away. invade him early on to get ahead of him. If you fall behind then avoid fighting him and play with your team more.”
loganrichards says “Always try to W sideways when he wants to E. If you can perfect this, it is HUGE. Be careful of charging E in a bad spot because he will just R you into his team since you aren't moving. Q him after his W damage reduction is down then make sure to W2! ”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level.
His dash can be predicted expect he will use E + Flash to you. Buy Banshee to deny his all skills and his R knocks up and you'll be fine.”
garbocan says “Gragas' body slam can be blocked by Daisy. This is slightly less practical than blocking hook champions since you expose Daisy to a lot more danger, but it can still singlehandedly win fights, especially if they're on a smaller scale such as 2v2 or 3v3.
Gragas' threat level is hard to quantify due to the vast amounts of ways he can be played. Here's a quick list:
[Mage Mid] - can be difficult to gank, which is a problem for Ivern. 3/5
[Tank Top] - just ignore his lane. He wants to teamfight anyways, so this just plays into your hands. 2/5
[Assassin Jungle] - Skill matchup. Slightly Ivern favored, but if Gragas can get a lead early without Ivern countering, there isn't a lot that Ivern will be able to do. If Ivern is able to match his ganks early, the matchup isn't difficult at all. 3/5
[Support] - If he plays for roaming, it's a similar situation as Alistar or Bard where he can force Ivern into unfavorable paths. 4/5”
OakIgu says “You can't kill him, you can catch him, so just try sticking to farming and please go magic resistance on the small runes, malmortius can be very handy here but he still can avoid you easily.”
Zero macro says “Briar has a hard time into Gragas, due to the hard lack of gap closer combined with high burst damage from Gragas.
Briar gets an easier time on level 9 W and level 6 ability - (Gragas R becomes an instant response to Briar R).
Briar and Gragas have similar jungle clear speed, Briar can contest skirmishes into Gragas —> Briar is team reliant to gain a gap closer to actually fight.”
Coccaa says “Gragas has like a 4 second dash that knocks up, stuns, and heals him so unless he's stupid and tries to fight you 1v1 repeatedly theres no chance you'll have a fun time. Even if you pillar he just presses E and lives”
MusicJG says “He has a slow clear, you hard outfarm and outscale him.
He has better teamfight setup from his Ult so be careful to group with your carries.”
fiddlefilia says “please dodge, its litteraly unplayable, he has more damage and tanks so much more, and almost all his abillities cancel your ult and W”
EagleXs says “His CC and slows are a major problem, and he can R you when you try to channel W to interrupt it. He can go dmg and still heal in fights a good bit, making him a very difficult target to duel.”
Turnupthetoaster says “Hard to kill, mobile, can interrupt your dash and displace you with his ult. Yeah, this guy is extremely obnoxious, both in-lore and in-game.”
Zero macro says “Gragas has decent early- and insane mid/late game. Thereby Gragas has instant disengage into Nidalee melee jump. This allows him to take fights on command and can become an issue, due to him being very useful in fights. Nidalee should try to make early leads and steal camps whenever possible to get ahead.”
Zero macro says “Zed has a better jungle clear than Gragas, but Gragas has more potential for early game plays. Both junglers can't really engage into each other due to their response. Overall Shred Zed is stronger than gragas early on ---> Maintaining gap closer will become the main priority in this matchup.”
metalhydra273 says “Gragas can be difficult to approach by generally being a wall of disruption, but as a jungler, he has to focus on everybody rather than just you. Tread carefully and don't let him cc chain you to death or pick you off whe you try to go in. If you find an ult window, make sure it's guaranteed or gragas could react with his own and throw you off, or e in and get some good burst onto you. Good game sense will make this matchup way easier than it is for a lane matchup, but it can still go either way depending on the game state.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Gragas possui um perfeito kit contra Rell, sua ultimate consegue desengajar Rell, seu Q e E conseguem dificultar a entrada da Rell nas lutas.”
SunLongGod says “Annoying in combat. you should stack MR and pay close attention to his R animation to dodge, his R is much more problem than his E. Tenacity is useless against him because of his knock ups.”
Apari1010 says “This champ has been way overbuffed and is disgustingly OP in 1v1s and in teamfights. Just avoid fighting him early, you won't win unless you have ignite but even then that's still iffy. Once you get Blue form you can do some pretty good damage to him but if he hits you with his body slam then you just kinda hard lose the fight.”
BradJr says “Both you and Gragas have a lot of outplay potential. His burst is WAY better and he has a bit of sustain too. Try not to fight him often. (clone rating 7/10)”
ttvRegedice says “He can't outfarm you which is nice (compared to karthus, fiddle, udyr, etc.), but make sure you are wary of his E as it can cancel your jump and make for some annoying situations to deal with. Similar to poppy W, Gragas can pacify you if you jump in without care. Early invades can make it really hard for gragas to play the game, so definitely go for them if you have lane prio/stronger early game 2v2/3v3 and such. Also, if he lands his E it shortens the cooldown by 3 seconds when it lands, so after a couple items the CD will be around 4-5 seconds (3.5 if he's really stacking ability haste) which can be insanely hard to work around in longer teamfights when gragas is fed.”
Virizion says “A good Gragas will disengage and peel for his carries during teamfights making you pretty much irrelevant . Early game he has some great ganking potential and will E over a wall whenever he sees you. ”
Hazardist says “An otherwise difficult matchup, Gragas is easy to handle thanks to his big hitbox and slow abiltiies, allowing you to time Dark Shield more easily and keep him under control during fights.”
Intropingman says “AP damage, sometimes tanky, you can interrupt his E but he also can interrupt your Q, it's strange. Be aware just of his ultimate and have R ready to jump out.”
Majd1 says “You can easily dodge all of his abilities with your Cougar jump. He is at the weakest in the early game so make sure to path into him and fight him.”
1Strike says “Gragas is easy, just E his E. Nothing else to it really. Sure if he gets fed since he is magic damage he can oneshot you. But again, just dash when he body slams you. If he is fed just go maw. ”
checca says “The only counterplay Gragas has against Zac is being able to instantly cancel Zac's E with his E and R. To avoid this, chain CC him with a Q1, Q2 and E combo. Do not engage with your E on Gragas first, as you can predict the outcome before engaging. Be patient with champions like Gragas, and only engage when you know it is safe.”
Kindredgarten says “Can ult you out of your ult with his, but luckily the champ is pretty weak in jungle right now. He can have surprisingly strong burst if fed so be careful if he gets kills.”
Coach Myga says “Gragas can use his E & R to punish Zac and stop Zac E. He can also check bushes & engage points easily, which can make it hard to find good engages! ”
Lasine says “Gragas favored but not a major threat because he is not meta. You cant oneshot him unless you are 20-0, he has sustain, burst and is annoying to deal with. Nice he is not good at the moment.”
MythicalMinute says “You can dodge everything from this champion easily, he is one of the easiest jung matchups for Shaco due to you being able to do anything he does but better.
Bruiser (Fighter Oriented) is good.”
Dabgren says “Gragas same as the other 2, not very popular in jungle anymore (luckily for Lee Sin players) but can still just insta E you ASAP as you q2 in, edge of night worthy, even hexdrinker against double ap.”
spuki97 says “If he plays AP just make sure you dodge his E and you can beat him 1v1. Do not blow your combo when he is using W as he gets damage reduction. Best build: All”
PiscesPomf says “Gragas is pretty ok since you have quite the same power spikes. Banshee's veil can be a pretty surprising item to build as gragas has a lot of burst, and tanking a ability for free will avoid you being one-shoted.”
RengarNBush says “Can cancel your jump, Edge of night is good vs him. He also has damage reduction in his so he is naturally tanky. you can beat him in ganks.”
BattleCatsRoyale says “If you can dodge wide skillshots, Gragas may be less of an issue. Early buff steals may be possible, but are more risky than against Karthus, because Gragas has more sticking tools, so try to wait until he's used them on a low health buff before smiting it. After that, just run.”
Geomine says “you outpoke in lane and outscale, he cant use his E on you if you position well at the lane on wave so no big threat, dont match his roams just kill the adc on repeat.”
Atemporal says “Um confronto um pouco incomum. Gragas não pode cutucar você muito bem, ele só tem seu Q. Se ele cutuca com Q, você pode empurrá-lo facilmente. claro enquanto você só precisa do seu Q. Early
on ele tem muito sustain através de sua passiva, então você provavelmente nunca será capaz de matá-lo nos níveis iniciais. Mesmo que ele desperdice seu E uma vez e você consiga uma boa troca, ele pode segurá-lo enquanto se recupera com sua passiva. Continue empurrando
ele enquanto procura por roams, o acampamento da selva rouba. Depois de empurrar a onda, você não precisa necessariamente fazer roaming, você também pode fingir roam, entrar em névoa de guerra e atacar Gragas com seu W. Se você se envolver com ele e ele usar E em você, ele
vai ficar atordoado por um W bem colocado. Pense no seu timing, você quer W e então vá até ele instantaneamente, se ele vir o W quando você pular nele, ele irá apenas E para longe. Considere Merc Threads contra ele. Quando você tem Protobelt é possível
para E Q nele, então instantaneamente Protobelt para o lado para evitar seu E. Se Gragas perder seu E, ele estará em apuros. Cuidado no meio do jogo quando Gragas tem 5 pontos em E e muito cdr. Ele pode facilmente CC você repetidamente
e será difícil para você vencê-lo neste momento.”
Yuki H. says “The only thing Gragas can do is to look to E you out of your jump. However, if you land your Q on him first it will be a true combo and he will not be able to escape.
As always, look to countergank after he uses his E as there is nothing he can do besides ult to salvage the situation. ”
Saltu says “DON'T BOTHER really don't, worry not you're FAAAR better than him, you don't need to prove anything here.
Very good against Udyr but not that good at killing him. Watch out for the "Frozen Spinblast" combo”
Hazardist says “Gragas can misposition you with his R when you're looking to engage, be wary of it.
Ideally, you will want to try and catch a high priority target in the late game only after Gragas has burned his ultimate or when he is not around, or else he can use your initiative against yourself to take you out of the fight.”
lumihehe says “fairly simple, dodge bodyslam with E if you can, and you win pretty hard. even if you don't dodge it, as long as he doesn't pull off an insane bomba combo you usually just win against this champion. also your W counters his barrels and ult remember good W usage really counts here”
Xelikari says “[12.12] Gragas has a lot of damage in his kit and definitely has kill potential on you if you misplay. You should start Q and try to get level 2 advantage and push a health lead-- if you don't get it, just play safe till levels 3-4 and with ignite you should be able to kill him. Be careful of ganks as Gragas has a lot of ways to CC you and in combination with a jungler it could easily be lethal. ”
Salmon Kid says “Gragas has a lot of tools that bother Lillia like his q slow, ult displacement, and body slam. Good gragas players can actually deal with Lillia very well, I would consider this a skill match up.”
rhvse says “Preety easy matchup, but if he goes AP, you have problem. Block his dash with your W and dont go all in to him. He can outplay you, wait until you get your R and dash to him. Rush Magic Resistance.”
Farmer Cleetus says “Gragas is a champ that will be very annoying at the early phase due to his CC. But afterwards you can outfight him before he can do anything due to the lack of hitting someone sometimes and doing less damage in late compared to early. Make sure to advance to rhaast if you meet a good gragas, if not, you can go Shadow Assassin also.”
Shark of Void says “A strange match. I played a lot of games against Gragas, but I never figured out how to play against him. Sometimes I destroyed him completely, and sometimes he destroyed me. The only advice is not to press E if he didn't give you E and R”
NegativePhoenix says “Besides a bit of CC off his E and Ult, not too heavy of a challenge. Early game is iffy but mid-late game you should beat him if you can avoid his Ult. He isn't seen often anymore, but even if he does go into you you're not gonna have a hard time unless he's super fed.”
resetwice says “He has hard CC but you can trade him easy. Let him waste any of his abilities and all win. Try to jump a wall while his E or R animation and get close to him with a full combo. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
One Stab says “You hard win against Gragas in early game, so thats what you should try and do. At some point he will be annoying to deal with cause he can just cancel your jump with his body slam.”
ZookeeperOCE says “Can be pretty hard if the player knows what he is doing and he has alot of really surprising kill thresholds at level 6 with protobelt”
evil in says “Gragas is an easy matchup your clear is much faster than his and once u hit 6 u can invade him and take his camps since you win 1v1 against him easily.”
GrayJinxed says “Gragas will be required to use his dash (E) to dash towards you. Use Q to dodge and W to avoid Gragas' Q which slows and deals damage. His W will reduce damage dealt to him whilst also empowering his next attack. Try to activate your Third E when his damage resistance buffs are gone.
Gragas' R is a skill shot which knocks you away from the epicentre of the explosion and damages you. To avoid being pushed into his team, try to Q onto the other side of the ult to push yourself away. If you're low health jump then ult and let the blast push you away. ”
TimothyFly says “Easy matchup, you always outfarm and outscale him. Just play slow early and get picks, play around objectives. Chain cc him with team and he always gets 1 shot.”
YoungTact says “Gragas top is quite annoying for you as he hot a lot of poke with his Q and tons of sustain with his passive. Look to harass him with Q+Grasp passive trades and you can W his E. Careful though as if you're directly in his hitbox you will still get knocked back and stunned by his E. Gragas jungle is a lot weaker compared to solo lane gragas atm and you can simply out-tempo him but looking for ganks and full clearing. ”
YEKURA says “He's really not that hard and is extremely easy. Only thing you gotta do is invade him and make him suffer cause you win against him every single point early game. Once it hits mid game start ignoring him until you have edge of night cause you can easily kill him after that. A good gragas could be annoying but it's very rare to see them in solo queue so just invade him and make sure to ping his ganks cause if he gets a lead he will do tons of damage. If he goes ap you can focus him mid / late game but if he has zhonyas or is building tank ignore him.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror or Dark Harvest.
ITEMS: Banshee if his team is AP focused. Mercury's Treads if his team has a lot of CC.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Gragas way to catch up to Lillia is a short dash, you can bait or keep your distance from it to not get stunned, his Q is also quite easy to dodge, so he isn't a problem pre-6. "Pre-6", because a well placed Gragas ult can ruin your day, kite him as much as you can and be careful with this ability, that's your only issue against him.”
Dabgren says “Just same like the 2 others, you can get denied your q2 which loses you a lot of damage, which will more likely lose you the 1v1 skirmish.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Personally, I can't do anything against Gragas's fast engages and high fight disruption. Shadowing lanes and counter ganking is your best shot at shutting down a snowball. His dash also makes it hard for you to chase and CC him. Glacial and Aery are both good, go Inspiration with Aery. For AP mythic, CotSQ or Everfrost. Sup mythic, Shurelya's and Moonstone are both good, depending on how he is doing. Shurelya's if he is fed and Moonstone to provide sustain similar to his passive.”
Consolo says “?????????????? I straight up have not played this matchup in 200 Udyr games because of how weak Gragas is right now. His clear is shit until he gets some AP, and his ganks are alright (?) with Pred. Try to counterjungle early, and put some deep control wards for your team.”
Scythe Prince says “to win this matchup :
try to counter jungle and take his camps as much as possible so you can have xp lead.
you can easy 1v1 him with edge of night and form.
TheDarkinReaper says “Gragas can be pain in the ass, his E can disable ur Q which cut off almost all of ur damage as rhaast and shadow assassin. But if u played it right against him he can be pretty ez to beat.”
Tiger-Moose says “Low sample size, but is Gragas.
//In all seriousness, Gragas cannot handle tanks or people with tenacity and magic resistance, and jungle Gragas players tend to go with a bursty build, which isn't very threatening to you. Merc Treads alone will make it harder for him to combo you.”
Tormentula says “In low elo Gragas can be funny to play against because they typically can't pilot the champion, but assuming they know what they're doing, they can be very annoying with the undodgable E->flash combo. Gragas is very weak in dueling early game so play for counter ganks/invades on him, if he goes AP he's super squishy despite his W, and if he goes tank he genuinely cannot kill you in any scenario other than ulting you into his team (which tbh is a win if that doesn't include your carry) or running at you with predator after a close gank.”
J98TheGreat says “This would be the weakest even matchup against you, but know that a good one can give you a challenge. His ultimate can test how well you can pull off a team fight if he can land it consistently.”
Ghionova says “Correct me if im wrong. Most Gragas ive played against, are the biggest cowards and they start running after they get hit. They only fight with allies because im sure the Gragas you encounter, has Hunter and builds for ganks and team fights, so he will avoid fighting solo.”
NMFO says “Nightmare! You're not built to deal with gragas. If you don't mind playing against kayn ban gragas. Your Q only reduces attack damage, something gragas doesn't use. He has incredible peel for both himself and his allies in the form of E and R, the Q slow cripples your follow through, and the W max health% damage and damage reduction renders you useless. One of gragas's best matchups, so avoid at all costs. ”
Da Mastah says “invading pre lvl 3 with red buff can be very successful because he doesn't take his e yet. Wits end is a great buy vs this champ. Overall it shouldn't be too hard for you as you outscale him completely into the late game.”
The Elysian1 says “Meh , it's Gragas. His clear spead isn't something special , you should be fine. He is lowkey useless in late , but Eclipse should fix it. Try Snowballing the most gankable lane in the match and if that's not the case just counter gank him. Pinks are suggested
Zyvran says “If he catches you with his dash, you're gonna have a bad time. You can beat him early with good spacing, but if he goes full AP he just pops you late game. Build Maw if he does.”
Citric says “Gragas is an even match up for Shyvana. You can save your R for his ultimate so you don't get knocked around. No particular danger in this matchup.”
Pusi Puu says “You hard win early, but he gets annoying to play vs since he can cancle your jump. Once he gets some Ability Haste there is not much you can do, he will knock you back on cooldown and you won't get onto him. EoN really good since gragas is really squishy most of the game. Easy to invade early game.”
NixLychee says “I usually win this matchup, but Gragas is very annoying to fight. He will try to interrupt your abilities with his CC, so make sure to try and bait his abilities. He has very high base damage, so you should be careful when trying to fight him. ”
KamiKZ says “You should be able to 1v1 him unless he has a level or item advantage in the early game. His early clear can be quite slow so if you full clear you´ll have a decent advantage over him. You destroy him later on if you have a tank shredding item such as Black Cleaver or a Last Whisper item ”
LordGrox says “Almost unplayable matchup thanks to his E which has no effective counterplay. Avoid direct confrontation unless ahead, be careful not to over-chase, as he can easily turn situations around.”
Polarshift says “Dodging his E (bodyslam) out and kiting is crucial in this matchup; if you do this you will easily win any 1v1 duel. Be careful, he's still quite beefy because of his passive and W and he still deals a lot of AP damage if he builds damage. Get some magic resist.”
Veralion says “Buffed up several times and is now very frustrating. Turned into a nearly unbeatable toplaner. Respect his flash distance at all times, as body slam-flash is instant and will force you to take his entire burst combo or be knocked back into his team. He can do a silly amount of unavoidable damage with electrocute and a lead if you misposition. You should have no issues winning the objective game and outscaling him. He likes to take Aftershock most of the time, so spending an ult to try and pick him is probably not wise. Do not go anywhere near him for a long time as hit kit makes him unbeatable for a fighter like yourself. Just has too much control. Get strong first. ”
Goldenstinger says “Lucky we barely see him in the jg. He completly counters your ult. Stick to other priority targets or try and nuke him if he is full ap with your fear. Only if you are very far ahead try this. ”
Doubtfull says “Gragas can't really early invade you, which is always great for any match up. In the mid to late game he will 1 shot you if he gets on you, but you can do the same to him, though much more reliably. ”
nZk01 says “care when trying to 1 shot him he can just do nothing and wait for you to use R and then full combo you, champ doesnt really do anything though.
you can dodge his Q/E/R with Q/R and block his E with boxes”
Doubtfull says “This match up is hard against a good gragas, but in most elos won't be too bad. Watch out for his burst, his E takes priority over your W knock up.”
Zekrow says “If gragas times his ult correctly and stays behind his team, your engage will pretty much be useless unless you zhonyas immediately or manage to get him inside your fear range.
He also bursts pretty hard, if you are against him in the jungle, be wary of his damage. Your best option is to fear him and run away if he invades.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Graves favored. You can always dodge some of Gragas damage with your E which means you should always be able to 1v1 Gragas in the early game.”
Insightful says “Morgana is just good vs AP champions in general so gragas falls onto the same category of threat as these champions, he can't keep up in tempo and he can easily be denied by your blackshield”
poopyOCE says “He has a lot of burst if he is going for AP, if he builds Tank, you will have a hard time fighting him without your R, as your R applies Black Cleaver Stacks, destroying armour. Otherise, he is a pain to vs in teamfights due to his ult, otherwise, try to avoid short fights with him.”
[Gragas is a very tricky champion to face, you won't be able to really win a duel, he'll either kill you or be able to escape, but you could try to cancel his E with your Q and still duel him. He's not that dangerous in teamfights, you have more impact on the backline, especially on the AA champions than him, but he can steal pretty easily any objective so be careful.]
NamaeWaMitsurii says “HUGE DAMAGE AND CC. One of the strongest Junglers in the Meta right now when played by a very experienced player. Beware and see their playstyle early to try and outplay them. Overfarm and get more dominance over jg and you should be fine.”
Karasmai says “The only reason he falls under medium is because of his E which can cancel your Q entirely so if a well timed E lands it will cancel a lot of your in fight dmg. He is really easy to out path and out farm so power farming will come in handy vs this champ! If you go blue be careful if he rushes Zhonya and try to get Edge of Night to counter his R / E And if you go Red you can get Spirit Visage after Cleaver and you will typically outscale just make sure you save your Q for after he e’s and try to W him mid air. Also be care of Gragas yoinking your buff with Q lvl 1 if he's a cheeser ! ”
MexBookMaster says “Match normal, no tiene nada de especial. No dejes que se feedee, farmea mucho y estarás bien. No es bueno invadiendo y recomiendo botas Mercuriales con Rhaast. Con Shadow Assassin (Azul) juega a asesinarlo si se está armando AP. Cuidado con su mecánica Flash+Panzazo. Puede robar objetivos con su R.”
Rhoku says “Gragas can be disruptive in teamfights and difficult to deal with due to how much cc he has. But if he goes Tank, he is free food and if he goes AP, you oneshot him. He might be more influential in certain situations than you but you should be able to put him behind you as he is really weak vs you.”
Pyroen says “Two displacements and a Belly Bump that trumps all - He will deny any attempt to 1 shot the enemy carry.
he can be countered by double-jungling and taking his camps off the map..
Don't get baited by a low Graggy target under tower even if you have him marked. Belly bump and cask aren't to be trifled with.”
Lambda Diana says “I don't have much to say about this match up if he has E he will E your E always stunning you but he isn't great right now in the JG but he is really tanky even with just ap items so a void 2nd isn't bad if they have other tanks/fighters. ”
ItsSkoob says “Gragas is pretty weak, and no one really plays him. If he times it perfectly he can cancel your Q with his E so just be careful with that. But most gragas players are not good enough to time that out consistently”
Ellesmere says “The only thing you need to be careful of with Gragas is his ult. You can easily counter jungle early, and late game he can't touch you with this build so overall Gragas is not much of a threat.”
Sammystinky says “He can knock you out of E with his E (body slam) or Ult. He is hard to stop from doing what he wants and you aren't super good at messing with him. But tankier champs you do pretty well versus and you are a better frontline. ”
RedNBlue says “Gragas will not be as tanky at the start so you can kill him but later he will be able to tank through your damage and cc you so that won't be fun.”
SketchtheHunter says “Gragas ain't looking too hot right now, but he was never really a great pick into Mord. If he's building tank, you've got a significant advantage early on and will just need to use Unbreakable to outlast his CC. If he's building AP, save it for when he throws out his Q or pops his W. ”
Suseri says “You can dodge his ult with your Q on reaction but if he hits his bodyslam he can combo you and get you very low on HP. He has very low cooldowns later on which make him very annoying to deal with as Yi. Try to engage him after he has wasted his E on anything.”
FrostForest says “If you Ulti him and stand on top of him, he can't body slam out
His Body slam can stop your E-Q combo, so be wary of that
Easy matchup since you outdamage him
After lvl 3-5, you start winning hard”
RichMrFork says “Not much of a threat to your gameplan. Gragas won't invade very often and if you dodge his abilites you can potentially beat him early game if he wastes E. He can do crazy damage to squishy targets later in the game but you have a lot more survivability and carry potential if you can get a kill or two.”
Kayn Mains says “Gragas's Body Slam (E) is able to cancel your Reaping Slash's (Q) dash which is why you do not want to fight him early on.
He becomes even scarier during mid game as he will be able to kill you within seconds through a full combo. Avoid fighting him alone unless you are ahead.
Gragas remains a significant threat during the late game, however, he shouldn’t be able to oneshot you anymore as long as you made sure to incorporate some MR into your build. Get yourself some Armor Penetration and you will be able to beat him given that you avoid his stun.”
metalhydra273 says “If he's out of position don't let him leave by blocking his e. If you go in, be careful of his ult putting you out of position. If you can get to him though he's usually easy for you to put down. Getting to him safely is easier said than done though, this champion is basically a wall you need to find a way around, but if you can get around him, it should be smooth sailing. Watch out for his ult putting you in a bad position. Gragas's kit does very well into Skarner if you're the one being pressured to engage.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Gragas's Body Slam (E) is able to cancel your Reaping Slash's (Q) dash which is why you do not want to fight him early on. He becomes even scarier during mid game as he will be able to kill you within seconds through a full combo. Avoid fighting him alone unless you are ahead. Gragas remains a significant threat during the late game, however, he shouldn’t be able to one shot you anymore as long as you made sure to incorporate some MR into your build. Get yourself some Armor Penetration and you will be able to beat him given that you avoid his stun.
KhaZix Mains says “[5/10] You should be able to 1v1 him unless he has a level or item advantage in the early game. His early clear can be quite slow so if you full clear you’ll have a decent advantage over him. You destroy him later on if you have a tank shredding item such as Black Cleaver or a Last Whisper item. If he gets ahead he can be a damage threat as well depending on his build so be mindful of his burst. Be aware of the disruption that he can causes with his ult during a teamfight, always wait for him to use his R before leaping in unless you can get a pick instantly.”
Nanelol says “He can burst you down if you aren't prepared for it, that means you will need vision when entering his jungle for example. You can easily block his barrels and dash with your shield. Be aware of good Gragas players since they can setup a combo which you won't expect instantly. ”
RedNBlue says “You can 1 v 1 him well but once he gets ult he can just beat you down and with his E he if he can get to you he will just stop your ultimate.”
Strike1 says “Kindred ultimate is really good right?
What if I had an ultimate that could knock everyone out of it while keeping his teammates inside? Oh wait that champ exists?
Gragas is really bad for you counters your ult. Once he's close he slows you with his barrell and if you use your dash to kite, follows you with his E bodyslam.
The good thing is you outscale, but a good gragas can turn your own ult against you. If he does not get fed and you farm well, with good synergy champs on your team you can make light work of him later on.”
Caled says “Gragas is honestly not too hard to play against as Kayn but has some interesting mechanics to him that can definitely make Kayn useless in some fights. The rule of thumb when fighting against Gragas is to wait out his Body Slam (E) as it does cancel Kayn’s Reaping Slash (Q). Although Kayn is very weak early game, he does outfarm Gragas with ease and can powerfarm his way to victory in this matchup. Rhaast will be able to fight Gragas with ease, especially with Spirit Visage mid/late game. As Shadow Assassin, building Edge of Night can be a very good item as it prevents Gragas from stopping your engage in certain scenarios and allows you to get onto targets much easier.”
Loul_60 says “Early game he can be a bit annoying with his Body Slam, but once you get form he's practically useless (unless they have a Yasuo, then watch out for getting combo'd). As Rhaast he simply won't have the damage in his combo to burst you or the tankiness to withstand you as Shadow Assassin.”
litecrunch says “Gragas isn't that good in the meta. The best he could do is maybe out gank you, but your mid and late game powerspike will make him quickly irrelevant without his ult.”
liserith says “Gragas' healthy clear, CC, and high burst can be very annoying to deal with. However, it is manageable, and he finds it very hard to duel you. Make sure to bait out his E before you do anything rash. ”
Gumipapucs says “Very much abusable, you can literally make him look like a clown, you just have to dodge his jump with your Q and kite him to death after. Can be problematic if he counters your gank, and he can become quite hard to kill if he goes tanky, and he also deals a lot of damage. Easy matchup but only if you always respect him and play it smart, if you get a lead he can't stop you unless you make a stupid mistake. Also he can knock out everyone out of your ult.”
KeyTheMonolith says “Going either form with graves is fine and just so long as you dont try to contest early into him youll be fine as you can ult his ult and catch him easily”
Tinjus says “Such a frustrating champion to play against. You should be able to 1v1 him unless he has a level or item advantage in the early game. You destroy him later on if you have a tank shredding item such as Black Cleaver or a Last Whisper item.”
PsiGuard says “Gragas players these days are building him pretty squishy, and his R is really obvious and easy to block. You should have a major 1v1 advantage throughout the game. Watch for Stopwatch / Zhonya's so you aren't surprised when he picks one up.”
JunglerBuilds says “Similar matchup to Sejuani, tank jungler, has good ganks early, poor objective control but high damage early for a tank. Can build an ap jungle item, so that makes him dangerous early, because of that damage. But you can dodge his skillshots when using twisted advance, so he shouldn't have an upper hand on you.”
ChaseMorePlz says “He can one shot you early so keep this in mind and track him around the jungle. He will most likely build full AP so it will be easy to burst him down once you build some of your core items. ”
Cryoptic9 says “A good Gragas can literally destroy your game. He can protect his team from you just by pressing E. You can still manage him early game but it will be hard later.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Gragas isn't a huge threat to you. He doesn't have the highest damage in the game and he doesn't tend to invade you. The best thing to do in this match-up is keep vision of the Gragas and countergank him all the time.”
EvoNinja7 says “Gragas is a bit more of a weird pick, since his AP build is a lot more potent to you then his tank build. Dodge his barrels, like Mundo, and you should be fine.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Gragas has a fair clear, fair sustain, fair ganking potential, not an easy nor a hard matchup , his mobility and cc kind of is annoying, just look for cheesing his camps and fight him only if hes low on health in his jungle, or if you're counter ganking.”
RedNBlue says “Easily kitable and will be a piece of cake with some rum and belly mixed in.
Easy matchup early especially. Just don't let him tank too fast.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “This man is nothing but a nuisance. Don't let him cancel your W and he should just about never be an issue for you. Not much else to said really. Any build works.”
RedNBlue says “Gragas can tank your damage, deal damage, and cc you very hard and you will be in so much pain once he gets his ultimate and some cool down reduction.”
Snap0ner says “He deals tons of damage, has mobility, has CC and is tanky. Luckily enough he is easy to invade earlygame, so you can get fed by invading him and killing him after he engage the camp he is clearing with his belly dash.”
GabrielGames says “You cant kill him 1v1 later in the game but he cant kill you either so that matchup is even - you can block his dash with your w tho so it's slightly Poppy favoured”
Schadenfreude says “My best friend's main, and I can safely say gragas isn't much of a problem. He has good disengage, but if you stack MR like you're supposed to, he won't be much of a problem. Just keep an eye out for when his dash stun and ult are up”
SDA Foobar says “he can ruin your all in with only E, he has only 5 sec cd if he hits anything with E dont think you can all in him after he uses it on minions, you can try to bait his E with canceling Q with ward jump but its not common”
Maile says “Gragas can't kill you early game and you have the better mid-late game. Just track him early throughout the game and try to counter and ganks he attempts. Conqueror will let you win 2v2 or 3v3 as long as your lanes are strong. ”
McSushi says “shut him down early. if he doesn't get ahead of you by level 6, AND doesn't get ahead of you after, he's useless.
of course also pray your laners don't feed.”
CalicoCactus says “Skill Matchup, gragas is a high skill AP jungler that most of us do not see a lot of play in gold or below. Be smart and keep track of cooldowns. He can cross terrain with his E so do not waste summs trying to catch him unless it is definite. ”
Minase says “You outscale and outfarm him and as long as you have decent mechanics you can kite most of his kit. Just look to charm and 1 shot him. Make sure your E isn't cancelled by his dash.”
Orfeass says “If you doge his Explosive Cask (R) with your Umbral Trespass (R) you will be fine, also you can cancel his E with your W (When in Rhast form).”
FalleN3 says “Gragas is pretty difficult to deal with, even when he is at low health. He is tanky and has lots of CC. Be careful if he is running away from you as he can always turn with a bodyslam and burst you down very quickly if you are chasing him. Good sustain and plenty of damage, avoid fighting with him early. As long as he doesn't get ahead of you there should be no problem to 1v1 him.”
FalleN3 says “Can be difficult to deal with, even when he is at low health. Be careful if he is running away from you as he can always turn with a bodyslam and burst you down very quickly if you are chasing him. Good sustain and plenty of damage, avoid fighting with him early.”
metalhydra273 says “Gragas can disrupt you in a few ways. Wait for him to go in, then get up close and personal with the fat man so he doesn't get away with his e. Keep cc pressure on him and he won't have options without ult.”
DemacianStandard says “Free invades without counterplay. Just use an Oracle Lens while doing so. Play around their early game and invade if they attempt a gank. ”
brSL7 says “Gragas é um champ de dano explosivo. Caso esteja na frente dele você consegue matar ele facilmente nos três momentos de jogo (Early-Mid-Late). Se o Gragas estiver na frente tome muito cuidado ao fazer trocas com ele, mas mesmo assim você consegue matar ele.”
chasemyman1 says “Just a skill matchup. Dodge his barrel and belly flop combo and you should be ok. You can rappel his ultimate too but be careful to not put yourself in a dangerous position when you land.”
NixLychee says “I don't like going against Gragas on any champ, because he is annoying as f*ck, but he isn't that hard to deal with, so you'll be fine.”
reganakers says “Early game Gragas will not be able to kill you on his own, as he has a lot of burst damage and he wont be able to 1 shot you. After he's used his cooldowns you will be free to beat him up.”
PsiGuard says “He's pretty much a sitting duck if he gets CCd and he's not really strong enough early to bully you. You can probably blow him up in 2v2s if you charm him and your laner finishes him off.”
PsiGuard says “Pretty weak jungler and he's not strong until he finishes some AP items. You should be able to take over the early game before he becomes relevant.”
FrickLillie says “Gragas will throw you away and bully you, thankfully you can run away from him way more easily than nocturne but it's still very very hard due to his dash which will send you airborne.”
League Of Cursed says “Hold off on your drain if when fighting him until he uses his cc. Overall you should clear faster, but he will gank sooner. Just try to power farm and hard gank.
Dopamine_influx says “You have more damage and you can heal his burst, so it shouldn't be hard. He's weaker than you in 1V1 fights, unless he's fed. Be in his face and countergank/contest everything. Get edge of night and he can't cancel you with E anymore. (only thing that makes him annoying)”
Xeldom says “Even match-up.
Depending on how gragas builds, this match-up could be easy or a nightmare. If gragas is building full ap you can oneshot him. Be sure to rush edge of night otherwise he can cancel your combo with his E (Body Slam).”
AWierdShoe says “You can pretty much avoid all of Gragas' damage with your E, and your early game is much stronger than his. AP Gragas is not that tanky and you should be able to burst it down, just watch out for the surprising amount of damage he does. If you take advantage early you will win later.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Gragas can one shot you, and his Displacement can kick you out of ult and kill you from lack of positioning. Overall just avoid him until you get a chance to collapse with your laners.”
Dreadscythe95 says “He can offer CC as well though not as consistently as Ornn (or Sejuani) but he can also do a lot of dmg if he has an offensive build. He wouldn't be a big thread though if it wasn't of his latest buffs in patches 9.15+. ”
nextonetwo says “You can be one shotted and be the one shotter. he does have some sustain with his w, but he shouldn't be able to just walk into your jungle and put up his flag. As with all invades, call for help from your team. ”
nextonetwo says “You can be one shotted and be the one shotter. he does have some sustain with his w, but he shouldn't be able to just walk into your jungle and put up his flag. As with all invades, call for help from your team. ”
Hide on Nidalee says “A good gragas is a very annoying match, he can just E on you and cancel all your combo, so take care, also, if you dodge his E he is out”
DarkPit59 says “Gragas bénéficie de pas mal de contrôles. Cependant, tout comme Zac, un bon placement de wards pour prédire ses ganks et il peut aisément être contré par Evelynn.”
WickedPoppet says “Hold off on your drain if when fighting him until he uses his cc. Overall you should clear faster, but he will gank sooner. Just try to power farm and hard gank.”
Sorrowful Prince says “If your first instance of the hookshot is still in the air while you get displaced, your e will come through and pull you to the wall. This is basically everything you need to know about this one. Your early is stronger so you can go for invades and deny him. Wait his e and stun him and he is in big trouble. His ultimate is really useless against you because you have 2 skills to block or dodge it. Engage on his backline if he ults yours. ”
Seidho says “Every ally that pushes away is an advantageous ally with Kindred. And every enemy that pushes away is a dangerous enemy for Kindred's team.
And Gragas is the worst. Ban him.”
Nico449c says “Try to get your combo off before he uses hes w since it gives dmg reduction also be away if he goes tank or ap. If he got aftershock be even more aware since hes dangerous then a lot more than if he had electrocute. Burst him down before he gets aftershock tanky stats or he uses w if you wanna kill him. If he goes ap with electrocute you will win any fight, if you get your combo off since you can always dodge both hes r and e with rappel.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Gragas isn't a huge threat to you. He doesn't have the highest damage in the game and he doesn't tend to invade you. The best thing to do in this match-up is keep vision of the Gragas and countergank him all the time.”
Split King says “His Body Slam can stop all your engages. It's extremely annoying and it changes the way you should play the game.
Wait till after he used bodyslam or just don't go close to him. ”
Fabosch is Love says “He can denie easily your ult with his own ult. He is also decent all game long. But you denie him with Maw. In mid or late game you can win against him if you time correctly your W when he E.”
The Top Bear says “Gragas has become a bit stronger in the jg, and with a lead, can probably win a fight in your jg. The solution is to prevent him from getting one altogether. If you get the jump on him in his jg, then he doesn't really stand much of a chance, as his stun and barrel cd can be pretty hefty.”
orangepenguinhead says “When he tries to engage with E try to dodge it and then take him on. The only scary part of Gragas is his ult because it can end up misplacing you. ”
0kruemlmonster says “High burst damage, but you can simply W his combo. After 6 you got him. Try to dodge his E as most Gragas' will Q on you while you're CCd and try to burst you downä”
DonaldBinBaggin says “Relatively weak early game, weak first clear. You can walk around the jungle freely without the threat of being invaded by gragas. Watch out for his 1-2 item powerspike as he does have the ability to 1 shot you if not careful.”
Mkcls says “Rn he's in a bad spot as a champion. He can burst you from 100 to 0 only after like 30 mins, also his e is a skillshot so you might consider tyring to dodge it. Kepp your distance!”
Simphoria says “He is very mobile early, clears well and healthy, and even scales well too. He is very similar to Sej and often comes down to a skill matchup. ”
LFS_aXent says “He's gonna spank you. Even if you land an auto, he'll belly bump, smack, and guzzle you down. Just rely on your laners to play safe and not get caught by his lethal ganks. Keep scuttle and drags away from him, and you have advantage.”
Doaenel says “Gragas has many mechanics that enable him to burst you if you aren't careful. You can fight Gragas in the early game, but after first back do not interact with him unless you have an item lead on him.”
CryAwake says “This large man can be hard to secure a kill because of his ultimate in duels and team fights, make sure to time your steadfast presence correctly.”
Yuki H. says “Another AP jungler where the 1v1 is most decided by whether or not he gets his E stun off or not. A lot of matchups are decided by who opens up, meaning vision control is key. You can dodge every ability Gragas can throw at you, so be wary of where he is at all times.”
Alessa Beaumont says “This tanky obese beer loving [Redacted] is as much as annoying as Pantheon. Compared to other junglers, Gragas clears really slow but can also do it as if it's like he can infinitely buy pots throughout the early game. Most of the time, even on early skirmishes, Gragas can easily survive your all-in combo thanks to his kit. If you forgot to ban him and if you're not okay with going back to base every time he combos you, then what you can all do is farm safely and gank the pushed lane if possible. Denying camps without dying is also advisable, but not required.”
TOYOism says “If you're to encounter him in jungle pre 6, run! you'll die easily. Just steal invade properly then counter gank if possible, end the game fast because late game you'll end up dead meat. and FUCK CC :)”
KhaZix Mains says “[4/10] You should be able to 1v1 him unless he has a level or item advantage in the early game. His early clear can be quite slow so if you full clear you’ll have a decent advantage over him. You destroy him later on if you have a tank shredding item such as Black Cleaver or a Last Whisper item. Be aware of the disruption that he can causes with his ult during a teamfight, always wait for him to use his R before leaping in unless you can get a pick instantly.”
MrPuggles says “ Gragas is quite a difficult matchup, although difficulty depends on how good the Gragas is. If it is a good Gragas player, difficulty can go up to 9/10, but this is low elo so it's only a 7/10. Gragas will beat you in most 1v1s, making it so you have to avoid him. His ganks are very good early game. He is extremely good in teamfights making it crucial that he doesn't get ahead, as otherwise there is no stopping him.”
Intello says “It depends on how good the gragas is. If he Dash flashes you he can burst you down early, but if he doesnt or misses EW and start to kite him. You can handle him but I suggest pinging for a teammate. If you 2v1 him it shouldn't be too much of an issue.
GET BANSHEE'S VEIL. It'll stops his knockup/stun combo and negate a ton of his burst.”
Yzroma says “He can't 1v1 you because of your attack speed. Be careful he can stop your Q with his dash or ultimate. Try to fight him early game if you have the priority of your laners.”
Aht3ns says “Get magic resist. He has been really over-powered the past patches. In season 9 he really isnt that good and volibear can outplay him with magic resist.”
Killerbacca10 says “He wont get in your way. He does out damage you but you out heal him. Its really a wet noodle fight focus on getting your team fed and capturing objectives.”
Lil Trash says “Really strong. Quite easy to invade though but hard to kill. Make sure to be all up on his jung while in the same time keeping an eye out for his team coming to help.”
Exeo says “you lose this. if he is ahead of you you cannot do anything. he can negate your burst and one shot you. countergank and counterjgl whenever possible”
lolWillieP says “lol tiger likes scratching fat belly. Be careful with teamfights/skirmishes though- a good Gragas can nullify Udyr with all his cc. Drop awaken R and laugh”
BigBadVoodo says “Pretty hard matchup for us. Anything he does is just perfect for stopping us. He is hard to kill at every stage of the game, he has a ton of CC, he has great peel for his carries, and deals good amounts of dmg early on. The only time we can even be in his jungle is at level 3.”
xTheUnlimited says “Solid tank jungler with a good amount of CC. Gragas ultimate can be really useful to split a team before a fight. You can keep up with his damage in early and again your ganks and your potential of picking out a carry are your advantages over him.”
Wulfery says “If enemy Gragas knows how to play, he may pose a threat to you. He can counter your W with dash, same as E. Only thing that makes your life better is the fact that after stealing his ult, you can just throw him far far away.”
Corvux says “Abilities that throw you away and slow you can be very painful. Imagine this scenario where you are going to use your "Impale" on one champion and this fat guy thow you away or inside the turret wile you are slowed. Nice to meet you bro!”
Hunterlogic says “With Gragas's buffs in 8.7 it makes him more a threat if he is building AP. His burst is really good so keep that in mind. But you win in most situations.”
OddOwl says “Clears way faster than you and can easily steal away camps with his Q + W + smite combo. If he times it right there is no way you can outsmite him.”
Exhiled says “Really annoying, but a trick is to not be scared by the amount of damage he deals in the first 2 seconds of the fight, because after that you will out dps him.
Asianfury79 says “This champ is a hard counter do to his ult canceling yours. So make sure to clear wards before ulting cause i suck when your ult gets canceled”
Yi Guide says “Gragas is pretty difficult to deal with, even when he is at low health. He is tanky and has lots of CC. Be careful if he is running away from you as he can always turn with a bodyslam and burst you down very quickly if you are chasing him. Good sustain and plenty of damage, avoid fighting with him early. As long as he doesn't get ahead of you there should be no problem to 1v1 him.”
Meta4our says “Gragas is really weak at the time as im taking this.His kit is not really that good into Kayn because your able to dodge most if not all of his abilities with your R his clear speed is slower compared to Kayn's and you should abuse that by invading early and trying to counters gank him as soon as he shows ”
MannerlessNG says “Balanced.
Not that you see any Gragas players, but basically just dodge his E with W and he has nothing. He can reduce damage taken and heal a little, but you're able to burst through it easier as you get items.
He can escape you with his ult or ruin you by tossing you into his friends.
All in all, not amazing, but not super dangerous either.”
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