In the Jungle 49.99% Win Rate91% Pick RateRek'Sai In the Jungle Counters: 8 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Rek'Sai in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
kittygore says “She can cancel your leap (jump) and oneshot you. You can win in a 1v1 if you catch her unborrowed. You need Edge of Night against her. Try to countergank and get her behind.”
Kazuh says “Rek'Sai is a very difficult matchup an its usually a ban in my book. Rek'Sai can easily spot you in stealth and when your pursuing her.
It is also extremely hard to dodge her R, if played correctly Evelynn can cancel it by being untargetable if pressed R at the exact second.
She can also easily 1v1 you and be VERY useful to her team, being able to setup teamfights and one-shot backlines.
The only thing you can do against her is stand still and wait for her, or either go around her and charm. With her diving onto your backline, if the enemy team is going onto your team, she will most likely dive onto your backline which you can either sit ontop of and protect them and one-shot her, or kill her frontline. As for 1v1s, you should always respect her, but eventually when you get items such as Lich or Raba's or even have a stacked Mejais and an alternator you can kill her if played correctly. ”
SelfLOL says “Buy EON for burrow leap cancel. Can track u with passive while invis. Early game gank jg. Hard to fight if ahead Falls off hard. Counter ganks can be good Jg tracking important.
Le Korvo says “Jungle: Knowledge check matchup, you can try to invade her if she doesn't have tunnel. Watch out for when she is buried as she can "see" you while invisible.”
Jackiewawa says “Rek'sai is a strong duelist so avoid fighting her early, her clear speed is abysmal so the only way she gets ahead is with a lot of ganks. Get vision on her camps and warn your laners with pings. You can get to 6 faster and look to fight her then. Use W for when she burrows on to you and knocks up.”
Ashu Primu says “She's strong against most melee champions. If you are able to get the ball rolling, she's not that problematic. However, her early dueling and later game tankiness makes her annoying to deal with, along with her W being able to track your stealth. Avoid fighting her pre-6 and try to get the jump on her after 6, you can often win the fight if you chunk her out early on.”
33Drago33 says “This champion is really hard to play against as belveth because she can knock you up into one shotting and she also has true damage. Also her ultimate really messes you up since she goes underground and you cant do damage with ur E against her during it. Make sure to play around the fact that she can one shot you level 6 and don't get knocked up”
Kukiziuu_ says “You beat her easily when your even a bit ahead, you beat her with both forms. She shoudnt be an issue until shes much more ahead than you. If you fall behind she deletes u like u can do if you are ahead. Almost all objectives are free if atleast 1 of lanes got prio.”
ScytherKhaZix says “be careful not to get into stupid trades, rek'sai has such strong 1v1 traditions that you can get in trouble.
REMEMBER that if you stand still, rek'sai can't see you while underground”
proxarius says “Rek'Sai is rarely picked but her kit counters your flanks. It's playable, but try to avoid her as she let's the enemy team know your rough position in stealth.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Just beware of Rek'Sai since she may be able to pounce on you anytime when you're full clearing, her tunnel vision and quick movement with good crowd control will lock you down in seconds. You will just have to farm safely and catch her every opportunity you see.”
lurutin says “She has a lot of damage, good mobility and knockup you. Has a good early game and is hard to kill because of her mobility. You can try to dodge her knockup with your Q but its a really hard matchup trust me. MAYBE you outscale. She ganks a lot too.”
masrigod says “This is a challenging matchup. She can consistently disrupt your engage or burst with her burrow passive. Practice proper spacing and using Zhonyas W + Q (or variants) combos with engaging”
Yomu says “Try to let her Engage on your team then you counter that when she is unburrowed. If you're going to get unburrowed on try to time W to dodge it if you want to fight. OR you can Q away to dodge. E the full combo or E behind you when Rek'Sai r's you.”
gnarz says “Rek'sai is another super boring champion to play against, if you have empovered E, she can cancel it, and she is underground, she can see you while invisible.”
Maciejson says “You won't be able to beat her, as this champion is very strong early game. Take what opportunities she allows you to get and avoid forcing anything. She will likely go for a level 3 gank, so ping your team after you finish your third camp. You still lose hard in direct engagements, so avoid them and look to path around her camps, as Rek'Sai likes to spam ganks. You can start winning after building Black Cleaver, but it's still a challenging matchup. If you have good reflexes, you can try to dodge her ultimate with yours.”
huncho1v9 says “Medium matchup. Rek’sai often looks for early ganks. The way this matchup becomes hard, is if she has successful early ganks. Make sure to get wards on her camps early to see her pathing. Your clear is faster than hers, so play off level leads and dueling her becomes easy. Use W when she tunnels on you and full commits to a fight.”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy/Medium matchup. Rek’sai likes to play for a level 3 gank, if you get vision or play counter you should be able to snowball easily. Rek’sai has a level 3 cross map invade window, but as long as she doesn’t get ahead you just run her down. You can outspace her when she’s burrowed and bait her to come out and easily win duels.”
Dreamer1v9 says “Rek'Sai is a similar version of Rengar.
She is 10x more useful than Evelynn.
Rek'Sai is insanely better than Evelynn because of how strong her early duels are. If a Rek'Sai player is good and they are able to snowball, this matchup is also insanely unplayable. This is my 2nd permaban. If this get's picked into you and you have not a clue how to play against it you will need to dodge.
My recommendation to beat this is to play safe and do not fight it pre-6.
Mignognium says “Depuis la mort de l'évissérateur, Rek'Sai est enfin tuable. Mais bon cela reste une mission très complexe, vous avez beau avoir un meilleur clear, la créature du néant est dure à 1v1 et saura avoir une meilleure présence que vous sur la map. Elle pourra vous counter gank avec facilité alors attention. Et mettez votre ultime uniquement sur un de vos CC, sinon elle disparaîtra du rayon d'action grâce à son propre ultime ou avec un de ces tunnels. ”
IvernGott says “Even tho reksai is very mobile and very Tanky its often easy to dodge her abilities by the right positioning.
Her ganks are sometimes predictable by tracking her clear but same with shaco. If u cant counter gank her invade her!”
DjapeFromSerbia says “She probably won't full clear, but if she does, you can easily invade her. What you should do in most of the games vs Rek'Sai is to warn your teammates to not die to level 2/3 gank.”
Cookiemanman says “Rek'Sai isn't too much of a threat to Volibear. He does have more influence on the map than Volibear & your teammates might die to his strange gank patterns.”
HawkSP says “Rek'Sai’s tremor sense can reveal Ivern's positioning, making counterganking more challenging. However, Ivern can outvalue Rek'Sai in team fights with proper peeling and shielding.”
X3mHills says “Avoid engaging with her throughout the game. Instead, try to initiate teamfights where you have a clear advantage. Place a significant number of wards, especially during the early game, to maintain good vision.”
PuppyDontPreach says “super super super annoying. definitely a good ban. extremely mobile, her burrow increases ms and vision, and this is a HUGE problem. she can out-sneak your sneak bc she will always she u before u see her. her passive also heals her. she will look to early gank, the only thing u can do is try and countergank. as soon as she gets a lead its over.”
RuinedJG says “Only a couple reasons she is this high up, her unburrow (W) and her R. She can dodge your R with hers, she can knock you up in your E animation and fuck you, she out bursts you on 2 item spike. Late game she falls off like a rock, if you space Q's and play around her unburrow, you will win. Conq or PR are viable against her.”
Mo100z says “This champion is really hard to play against as belveth because she can knock you up into one shotting and she also has true damage. Also her ultimate really messes you up since she goes underground and you cant do damage with ur E against her during it. Make sure to play around the fact that she can one shot you level 6 and don't get knocked up”
jajkopajko says “If shes ahead its bad, she can oneshot you and you have no outplay, but in most games you should be ahead and then you just outcale a lot.”
RainyLabel says “She beats you. Play to your strengths and try to transition into the mid game without a big gold diff. Peeling for your teammates is key to beating her.”
loganrichards says “Try to let her Engage on your team then you counter that when she is unburrowed. If you're going to get unburrowed on try to time W to dodge it if you want to fight. OR you can Q away to dodge. E the full combo or E behind you when Rek'Sai r's you. ”
aS1lenT says “Rek'Sai is purely annoying because of her passive. If she is underground and you're invisible they're still able to locate you. Be careful when engaging invisible when Rek'Sai is underground. In terms of 1v1ing you should win it if you play it smart with your ultimate. If Rek'Sai goes hail of blades you outscale him hard at the cost of a harder early game. If she goes conqueror your early game is better but she will scale into the game better than with HoB.”
garbocan says “Easy to countergank after he uses his burrow E. Only thing to watch out for is his tremor sense, which can spot you getting into position to hover if you aren't careful.
As long as Rek'Sai isn't super ahead, you outscale and outvalue him in teamfights later on.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Her Es can be annoying if you don't have R. Also past level 6 she can infact oneshot you before you get the chance to retaliate. ”
Zero macro says “Briar has a good time against Rek’Sai, due to Briar her Damage mitigation and strong stat check, thereby she gains fast access and time on low HP from Rek’Sai her damage kit.
Briar can struggle into Rek’Sai her stat check before level 6 and/or Levels in Briar W, however it will be hard for Briar to make an engage into Rek’Sai before level 6 anyways. —> This is because Briar E should be timed during the Rek’Sai underborrow knock up followed by Rek’Sai her Q damage, due to this Briar cannot afford to chase Rek’Sai with Briar W before level 6 (Losing stat check by doing so).
Briar and Rek’Sai have equal jungle clear speed during the entire game, but Briar has to try to shadow early impact ganks from Rek’Sai her tunnels.
Valkidol says “While she won't beat you in the 1v1, she WILL outgank you. So either read her movements well and prepare for counterganks or lose to your team losing all their lanes.”
OakIgu says “She is a dangerous jungler, her ganks are fatal and so is her invades, but if you are very carefull on early game the other game stages are much easier.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Not the hardest, but defenitely a hard matchup. Look for power ganking opposite side of her, or counter ganking her, she will always look for level 3 ganks, ward for your team, and ping them, or just go there to counter gank if possible. Avoid 1v1ing her, she's 10x stronger than you early, you will need edge of night in this matchup for sure. After form you should be fine though.”
Coccaa says “Kind of annoying to even catch up and fight her because you can't pillar her tunnels. However if she for some reason tries to fight you by herself you will beat her. However if she's fed she will destroy you. You will have to R her.”
Turnupthetoaster says “Easily Rengar's worst matchup and unequivocally the most broken champion in the game at the moment. PERMABAN THIS CHAMPION IF YOU INTEND TO PLAY RENGAR!!!”
Zero macro says “Rek'Sai has a strong early game, which is hard to answer for Zed. Due to Zed preferring to make full clears due to his clear speed. In this matchup Zed has to try to prevent early presence from Rek'sai, thereby skipping camps or gaining vision is recommended.
Be careful of Rek'Sai instant knock-up combo whenever a target comes melee to her. Zed should make sure to play in a poke style or use W teleportation on R use.”
metalhydra273 says “This matchup always feels a bit awkward. Getting knocked-up for free whenever you go near her is really bad, but she often lacks the kill power to do too much with it unless she's with her team. Be mindful of your engages, and if she's your target, flashing might be your best bet, though you'll likely need to get rid of edge of night first with e or smite. Be mindful of your positioning, and look to peel if she's the aggressor. You can sit on a teammate she wants to ult to get an easy punish too. In general though, this matchup comes down to finding an answer to her burrow”
NegativePhoenix says “Run all you want, there's no escaping the sand queen when she wants you and has you marked at level 6+. Full AP has no chance since she thrives on squishy champs. Hybrid/Tank is different. If you can find her, try to hold her down for your team otherwise crash-down over a wall or flash if possible. That leaves her to either tunnel into a possible bad spot, ult in for damage or flash behind you. Either way if you can put her into a bad CC spot she's not a threat to you or your team”
Ezikko says “Reksai can invade you and outgank you, you win extended 1v1s with her, otherwise you lose. Shes currently extremely strong in the meta and i personally permaban her.”
Apari1010 says “A pain early, don't fight her even with ignite. Play opposite side of the map. In teamfights, knock her up and she'll die pretty quick. The best way to play this matchup is to just play safe until form, then you kinda dominate.”
Vipres says “Rek Sai ist dazu in der Lage die Riven Ult, welche den Hauptdamage in diesem Build darstellt zu dodgen, in dem er im richtigen Moment ultet.
Des weiteren hat er viele Build Varianten um sich genau auf dein Riven build einzustellen.”
GiAEcchI says “Highest win rate matchup against Kayn. With Hail Of Blades and Prowler's Claw, she can easily and will try to one-shot you, do not fight her early, with some armor/hp you might have a chance to be able to 1v1 her, time your W for her Prowler right after her E.
Your ult dodge her ult completely.”
BradJr says “Just like Viego, Rek'sai has a lot of outplay potential. Both of you have abilities to sneak attacks, but her CC is harder to hit. Use her limited knockup range to all-in her (clone rating 4/10)”
VrNtv says “Rek'Sai can be a difficult matchup for Eve because she is seen in stealth while Rek'Sai is burrowed and can follow Evelynn after she ults with his ult.
zhock2014 says “Never walk near her tunnels or she will run away or if she is not in your vision she may sneak up on you through her tunnels. Another reason she is very scary for trundle is because of her really broken ult.”
FaeBytez says “Rek'Sai can be a tricky matchup for Diana because of her burrowed vision and mobility. If Rek'Sai lands her Unburrow and hits Diana with her Q and E, she can quickly burst her down. However, if Diana can avoid Rek'Sai's engages and kite her, she can win the duel. ”
ttvRegedice says “Rek'sai can be annoying as she can gank extremely early from really weird angles that can't always be warded to guard from. Make sure to pickup steelcaps and edge of night for her unburrow to consistently win 1v1's versus her. Keep in mind her tremor as she can see you in your ult pacing around and she can cancel your jump mid-air with unburrow. Also she typically builds EoN (which blocks your E, that alone is like 400 pre-mitigation dmg later), she goes DD/GA later on so make sure you have last whisper item somewhere in your build. 1v1's are pretty free if you're same hp and you have conq/lethal tempo but 2v2/3v3's are really hard if you're the one tanking the initial engage because you'll have to W>empW away if you can survive the combo instead of being able to fight back. Quick trick: her ult places her behind the direction you're facing, so you can turn around right before she pops up and flash in your intended direction to break distance.”
Xr3ad says “You mostly beat Rek'sai in a 1v1 if you catch her off guard or unborrowed. If she catches you try not to turn but just run, especially when she has conq. Her jump interrupt restrains you so much. Edge of Night is a must have. Look to countergank Rek'Sai to set her behind. Once she is behind its really hard for her to get back and being a threat”
xayahh says “can see ur invis with burrowing but you technically outscale, so if they're bad it's fine but a good rek'sai might as well be an extreme threat”
Borinn says “Her early ganks and damage are very strong so don't fight her 1v1. 2v2 if your teammate or you don't get one shot you might win. Late game you can stomp her as your team fightting is much stronger.
You can go either AD or tank.”
Virizion says “Rek'sai has a very readable engage tool in her Burrowed form trying to cc you. Make sure that you spell shield it and not her burrowed Q as she will burst you post 6 in combination with her ultimate.”
xRengarMaster69 says “When rek'sai is strong on a patch, the matchup becomes really tough because you can't deal with her insane E+Prawler combo !!! :-)”
Hazardist says “Rek'Sai players will almost always look to be aggressive in the first 5 minutes of the game, so be mindful for level 3 invades and consider a side lane countergank as you do a good job answering to her engage, and this is the point in the game where she will be the less mobile and easy to deal with.”
Majd1 says “This matchup can be difficult if you fail to hit your spears or make the mistake of face-checking Rek'Sai. You'll most likely end up getting oneshot, so it's important to play carefully with your spears. In the early stages of the game, Rek'Sai has an advantage. However, she becomes weaker after the 15-minute mark and becomes vulnerable to a one-shot kill. Keep track of her movements on the map in the early game, and alert your team or look for opportunities for counter-ganks. If she doesn't get fed early, she'll be of little threat.”
1Strike says “This matchup would be very easy if rek'sai didn't have the ability to mind control your teammates and make all his ganks work... Jokes aside. You beat him on equal footing as long as you don't facecheck him. The issue is he tends to get very fed and at that point graves does nothing to him. The aim of this matchup is to stay close to him in levels and exp via counterganks and good farming/vision/pinging his ganks.”
Eggo says “ Rek'sai is a strong early game champion that has good cc and burst.
You can't beat Rek'sai in a 1v1 early on. Rek'sai has a lot of different jungle paths to choose from so try to get vision on her and track her so you can cover your lanes and lessen her early game impact. If she cant snowball the early game rek'sai falls off later on and she's relatively weak in teamfights.”
checca says “A very hard counter to Zac is Rek'Sai from level 3 onwards, as she can always stop his E by hopping out of burrow. After level 6, Rek'Sai can easily 1v1 Zac with ease. To make matters even worse, Rek'Sai gets full build at her first item (Prowler's Claw), making the game almost unplayable. Pray you can chain CC Rek'Sai because there is almost no other way to kill her.”
lovicoaching says “For me if I don't get cheesed early and my teammates aren't all losing I usually win vs this. Sometimes I win vs it with losing lanes also. It's really hard if you fall behind early or your lanes all lose though. Predicting how fights will play out and standing still in a good spot is often key here.
Common level 3 invade champ. If you die once to it you will keep dying. Even when it's behind it still does nuke damage so best to avoid.”
Coach Myga says “Knock ups with E & can invade Zac in his jungle very often. Punishes Zac by showing his engage spots with tremors. Very annoying to verse. ”
Davecraft16 says “I normally like to do a 3/4 camp clear and invade so you can immediatly get ahead of her. After that it's really about who is more skilled in my opinion. If I am not sure I can beat her in 1v1 I prefer to play with my team so I don't give her any advantage”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] Respect her damage, she will murder you if you're too close. You can't do much to her in the early game only hope she doesn't get too fed. Try to wait for her to prowler's claw your teammate instead of you if you're more fed than them. ”
winterapb says “she can cancel your leap (jump) and oneshot you. you can win in a 1v1 if you catch her unborrowed. you need Edge of Night against her. try to countergank and get her behind.”
Bhyure33 says “Rek'sai has a lot of burst dmg and can be considered a threat, but she requires skill to play well and you scale better. When she is burrowed she can only see things that are moving or right next to her, so you can possibly bait her by standing still.”
RedNBlue says “An upper 3 as Rek'Sai is one of those Junglers that can bypass your set of steel abs. Just kill her early game with counter ganks, and counter jungle a few of her camps if possible.
Keep her levels behind and don't let her get easy ganks on your teammates.
ErniBurni says “Wenn sie prawler auf dich macht, mach deine Ulti, damit prawler ausläuft und töte sie dann. Edge 2,cond ist auch gut um den Knockup zu avoiden.”
TheSoloNinja says “During her burrowed form she will be able to locate you even if you are invisible. Her point and click knockup will allow her to zone you off the enemy squishies making it impossible to one shot the enemy backline. AP Shaco and a more defenseive playstyle is better against her.”
Centaur says “She will take over early game and at her prowlers spike will oneshot you with little to no counterplay.
Try to avoid her, and outtemp + outscale her with your fast clear.
MythicalMinute says “This one is a plague for Shaco, avoid it early, give buffs if you have to. Just stay alive, she's basically an Alien from AvP. You will outscale her with AP even if she has a spellshield from EoN.
AP is good here.”
ItsSplash says “Rek'Sai W reveals Evelynn's location making her one of stronger Evelynn counters. Evelynn's R can dodge Reksai's R so that's a bit of a plus.”
Whasian says “Rek has been a problem all season her early game gets her fed fast and she can be anywhere she wants with her tunnels. No one is worst to fight against. She can Also escape your W making her a real problem.”
Dabgren says “Really annoying to deal with until you have edge of night, then supposedly you can deal with her and take the Q2 to get onto her, but before that I wouldn't recommend to jump onto her unless 100% kill.”
spuki97 says “Hard matchup. You will need to track her early jungle pathing and spam ping your team not to die to her ganks. You can fight her on level 6 if you are even. Best build: Regular Assassin or Chinese Strat”
PiscesPomf says “One of the best early champ and ganker, but you ouscale her really hard, and she will be useless after a certain point.
Take car not to get too far behind though.”
HotEspressoooo says “no threat is extreme if you can play well. except for the queen of oneshotting and outbursting you. get the empowered W in and use your E to stun her if possible before the 1v1.”
Kao_Oak says “Watch out for her early game because she deals tons of damage and can cc you. Remember her E deals true damage if her rage bar is full so no point in using your W at this moment.”
RengarNBush says “Can see you in your R. 1 shots you as you jump on her but not to the extent of udyr/ bel'veth/ yi. Frustrating to play vs good ones, but it is completely winnable matchup.”
Doubtfull says “Rek'sai is a burst champion who heavily relies on 1 shotting her targets. If you can get off your empowered W you will always win the fight 1v1.
A perfect opening in this match up looks like you full clearing into scuttle without rek'sai getting a level 3 gank off. Try to track her and ping your teammates, and BEWARE the invade on your second buff. Make sure you get a leash and use potions to stay healthy, and clear/ward in a way that will let you see rek'sai coming.
In this match up you'll want to base with at least 1000 gold to buy bami's cinder to prevent getting one shot in the jungle. Focus on tracking Rek'sai while farming your camps efficiently. Rek'sai is very vulnerable to counter ganks once she commits to a fight with her tunnel, so look for those opportunities. Remember, the longer the game goes on, the better for you.
Coach Myga says “Rek'Sai is a good early game ganking champion, As long as you kite the Rek'Sai E you should be fine. You can invade him on his camps, it's a weakness of hers. Counter ganking her will also work decently, be aware she can burst your laner very quickly and cause a bad numbers fight fast. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rek’Sai’s kit allows her to have creative gank pathing through walls. Therefore, ward possible paths Rek’Sai can gank through. She has very good Dragon control in the early game. Make sure you keep Drake warded at all times so you can spot her before she is able to kill it alone. Rek’Sai can gank as soon as she hits level 3 and has access to her E. Expect her to get an early gank off.”
Saltu says “A-VOID Jajaja. You need to laugh to get your mind in a nice place.
DAY 63 the BB(broken bitch) still wins duels even though it is an illogical result. Seriously though I need to research further on this one. Which is hard due to the low pick rate here.”
Hazardist says “In this matchup, you are better off peeling your teammates if she's ahead. Lock her down with your E or your R before she can use the full rotation of her abilities on an allied squishy. She's likely to pull off her ultimate anyway, but if she's low on health she won't be able to cause much damage before your team can get rid of her. She wins early duels, but later on won't have the damage to deal with you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rek’Sai’s kit allows her to have creative gank pathing through walls. Therefore, ward possible paths Rek’Sai can gank through. She has very good Dragon control in the early game. Make sure you keep Drake warded at all times so you can spot her before she is able to kill it alone. Rek’Sai can gank as soon as she hits level 3 and has access to her E. Expect her to get an early gank off.”
lumihehe says “reksai will fuck your team up early and then fall off, which poses the same threat as ww (your team mental booming) also play very safe into reksai, she can invade you and kill you fairly easily, especially early game. (her strongest point)”
Salmon Kid says “Rek'sai is one of Lillia's hardest jungle match ups. She has hard cc, although not point and click, is an invade jungler and an early tempo jungler, and can avoid her ult using her ult.”
Darksword255 says “Very hard to dual. Her knock-up will keep u CC long enough for her to burst you down. She can also dodge all your abilities with her R. Hold your Q on her and hope to bait out her knock-up.”
Prizum says “Really hard to play against early on. She will have a lot of freedom to gank lanes and if she snowballs she can permanently invade you and you will never win 1v1 against her even at 2-3 items maybe. If she finds you it will be hard to escape her but you can at least outscale and out-teamfight Rek'Sai later on. Yellow Ward highly recommended against Rek'Sai not just for yourself to watch for invade but also to prevent teammates from getting ganked.”
Nik7857 says “This champion is really strong right now, so it is no longer only Elise favoured + she can build alot of items that counter you. But you champion still "counters" her.”
NegativePhoenix says “Pretty heavily good pick against you at most stages. Her knockup can make you at her mercy along with her Q if you aren't careful. If she feels like she's gonna lose, she will ult you and keep you knocked up to put the fight in her favor. Overall she has enough CC to keep you at her level of "You're mine now stop moving" but it isn't impossible to fight her. Just need to take caution.”
[Rek'Sai is a bruiser that AA's more than Lee Sin and that's less tanky, but he has true damage and his ult can make him flee you while killing an ally. I don't recommend on powerballing into him if he's under the ground since if he has a ward, or vision, he can cancel your Q and knock you up and combo you for way more damage than if you just W. I recommend you to rather taunt him or Q+R'ing. You can try to Gargoyle his true damage, it's his bite animation, otherwise he relates on AAs so just W and E and that's it.]
HadesxLH says “Jogar contra Rek sai tem sido frustrante após o patch 12.10 ela nao te explode mais porém o potencial early/mid dela ainda continua forte, se ela estiver forte esqueça é algo quase impossivel de se vencer porém se beneficie dos patchs de resistencia e da dança da morte para ter uma chance.”
SunLongGod says “has good burst damage, has knock up and good mobility as well as tank enough to withstand your AA. Rek'sai can knock you up by using AA while in W or use her W, get use to the timing then you should good to go. most Rek'sai users will use her E when fully stacked rage, so use W to reduce the damage. You can dodge his Ult with your Q tho, make sure to Spam
NegativePhoenix says “A burrowed Rek'Sai can actually detect Evelynn while she's invisible so she's very good at tracking you if your passive is up. If she gets a hit on you level 6+, don't ult to escape as she can just ult to chase you and make it easier to take you down than what she may have done before. If you don't take the fight with her, don't let her hit you.”
One Stab says “Rek'Sai can just always interrupt your jump and your combo, she oneshots you at any stage of the game. Good Luck with that. Your only counterplay is Edge of Night.”
duowithdeath says “If she gets onto you u die insta, pretty horrible experience to play vs but her window to win vs you is gone after min 20 where she becomes cannon minion so just try avoid and out scale like Xin”
BullwhipGriffin says “Reksai is very easy to assassinate if you get ahead as diana however, reksai has the advantage for how strong his early game is and being able to snowball. He also can use his ultimate to negate diana ultimate damage, but if you can use zhonyas it will guarantee your ultimate to hit because he wont be able to ult to dodge it”
RLluka says “Mainly a problem if he gets ahead early. You still win fights early that is if you are both 100% hp however if you are lower you lose due to HOB and reksai's strong early”
sprimpol says “She is able to spot you during your invisibility because of her passive when she is burrowed, when RekSai is in burrowed form she can see any moving targets. That allows her to see you coming in trying to kill the enemy squishies even though you are invisible.”
Stolid says “A good rek'sai is almost unplayable. She stays underground and you can never jump in anyone. I never play AD shaco into rek'sai, at least with AP you can outbrain her.”
IamFafa says “You beat reksai early but if she gets fed you wont be able to 1v1 her, so try to get ahead early, but if you dont, focus on carries and try to ignore her
evil in says “Reksai is one of the hardest matchups for Evelynn. The reason he is so hard to play against because he completly cancels your invisiblity. You should try to avoid him early game and do flash engages in late game fights so he cannot react to your flank in time.”
TruckDriver says “Rek'Sai is a tough matchup for Lee because she almost always wins duels if she plays it right. She can stop Lee's Q damage with knock-up, and then wins the all in from there. She has strong ganking and snowballing skills. The matchup is very Rek'Sai favored unless Lee completely outperforms. Counterganking and tracking Rek'Sai will help you win this matchup.”
GrayJinxed says “Rek'sai's burst comes from her fast Area of Effect (AOE) autos and true damage bite. Try to stop or delay the rage build up in order to avoid the burst true damage. ”
TimothyFly says “He will build edge of night and hitting ur q's will be very dificult but if he tries to one shot you, you can just kill him in passive after. Stick around ur team so u never get caught alone but even if u do u can always at leas 1 for 1.”
AutisticBabyLvL10 says “can absolutely destroy you early game and give you almost no chance to come back, if she is burrowed, do not q onto her, because as soon as you are out of alpha strike she will knock you up and burst you.”
Majd1 says “This matchup is only hard if you do not land your spears on him or if you face check him. You will lose in most scenarios and be instantly oneshot, so make sure to play with your spears. In the earlier stages of the game Rek'Sai will have the upper hand. However, she does fall off after 15 minute mark and she becomes a free oneshot. Make sure to track her every movement on the map in the early game and ping your team or play for counter ganks. If she does not get fed in the early game she will be useless.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Even. Is not impressive but can have some impact on you due to his Ultimate and airborne. (Again you can juke his ultimate but is quite hard to time it). If he uses tunnel to reach u. go towards it / engage on him while tunneling. That is how you win easiest way against a Rek'sai as he is unable to react. ”
WONDR says “Tank reksai and assassin are both hard to deal with as her burrow (W) is very stong against you as she can see where you are on your (R) and once you jump on her she knocks you up to deal seroius damage. She can also get away easily with her tunnels.”
Oce Shaco says “She can spot you out while you're invis which can really destroy your ability to assassinate mid to late game. however doesn't pose too much of a threat to AP Shaco. DO NOT try to assassinate while she is burrowed nearby.”
APigHunter says “Rek'Sai mobility and assassin-like kit can demolish Anivia. Always make sure to destroy her tunnels and get the surprise attack if neccessary.”
YoungTact says “Can W her going though tunnels. She has early strong early game ganking like nunu but you have an easier time dealing with her. You have a faster full clear and can match her early game. Once you make it through the early game the skirmishing is a lot easier and you should win. ”
wyjebnik2zuk says “serpents fang user, another assasin which can easily destroy you and make your early game a nightmare when everyone pings you cause of her totally outjungle you”
DETDERT says “Reksai, does well against khazix on even ground. Since reksai has alot of burst in his kit, meanwhile being healthy. Reksai passive makes it hard for khazix to sneak up on his, through fog of war. Reksai, will almost always win 1v1, unless you are ahead. ”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror or Dark Harvest.
ITEMS: Zhonya's Hourglass. Plated Steelcaps if they have a lot of AD.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Rek'Sai is a powerful mobile assassin with good early game ganks. Luckily, her CC is pretty linear and predictable, use your movement speed to not get caught by her knock up and her projectile and you should be able to kite her easily. Be careful with her ult though, if you're low on HP, Zhonya's is your only way out alive.”
Dabgren says “Think this matchup should always be won from Rek'sai perspective, this matchup lets her simply just autoattack / w when you are on top of her, and she can deny the damage of your q2 aswell as knocking you up, making you not able to move (for this matchup I definitely recommend edge of night cause of this)”
Madabc says “One of the hardest matchups in the game, Edge of Night is a must in this matchup and your crit items will be put off to a little later in the game. Even double W'ing is rough here. ”
irelia support says “Rek'sai's passive allows her to sense footsteps making it easy for her to target Shaco in jungle and easily kill him with an unstoppable ult.”
Exiled Heretic says “This match-up is scary given that CC is your worst enemy and her full burst will deal a lot, try to cancel her Ult damage with your R but beware , not much else you can do given the true damage and burst.”
officialwiseguy says “Has alot of Damage but also a knockup and good mobility which makes it hard to kill her. If you can avoid her knockup you have a chance to win, try to wait with your Q until she gets under you otherwise just ignore her.”
Consolo says “IMPORTANT TIP: Our E is unstoppable, which means once you get into range you cannot have it cancelled. This will proc aftershock. Rek'sai will knock you up, then do her full burst combo. You can reduce her 3 Q burst with aftershock, then face tank her E. Try to keep her from snowballing your lanes with weird ganks, deep wards very very good into her. Useless mid/late game into us, point and click stun OP”
FacetLOL says “Really Annoying matchup, Sees you while you're invisible. But my preferred build against her is Shieldbow>Edge of Night, Plated Steelcaps. Deadmans Plate.”
Scythe Prince says “bad matchup for Kayn. Rek'sai is stronger than you in early game. Rek’sai likes to spam ganks, so try to path around her jungle camps.”
Afstand says “She is the real Mommy on the Rift. No really, she can attend to her children playing in lanes more than you can, and she does more damage.”
blulemon says “Can be a major if she becomes fed and gets lots of successful ganks off because of her true damage. Try to get an early advantage of her.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Reksai is another champ that can easily bully amumu early and take over the game. Have to chain cc perfectly without giving him a chance to one shot you”
DarthMagusLoL says “kind of annoying. Of all the natural counters to Shaco, Rek'Sai is the weakest. Yes she can sniff you out, but you can always cast your ult to avoid the DMG from her ult. But it means you'll have to save your ult for her every time. Less lethal, but equally annoying.”
MrMeem45 says “Ban or Dodge. She's stronger than you early and weaker than you late, but it won't matter because her instant autoattack based peel makes her the biggest threat to you lategame as well. If you outskill her, great, but if she knows what she's doing she'll end your sorry excuse for an existance immediately.”
Zero macro says “Rlly strong early presence / damage. Try to nullifië his early game. If we did so its really easy matchup. Ekko R is strong into Rek'sai R and his CC will always happen in the start, which means we get full value and receive no cc before we die for R.
Elekktro says “Rek'sai is pretty underplayed but the matchup just comes down to whether or not you are able to survive her strong early game. You will outscale her”
sonminh says “You should be going AP 99% of the time against Rek'Sai. It's too difficult to counter gank against him because of his passive. Try to salvage as much as you can early game and wait for him to engage or unburrow first in teamfights.”
J98TheGreat says “You might find it difficult if she is very experienced, but you will not have much of an issue. A good one can still beat you, but there are a lot of unfavorable 5v5 fights for her with you around.”
King Fidd says “A good Rek'Sai will scout you out with tremor sense before you ult, so be careful about that. They can also run over your team early game. However, this champ is squishy, so a single fear often leads to her death.
NMFO says “True damage and the knock-up really screws over trundle, as most of his damage and healing comes from continuing to auto. This is a rare matchup, though, not worth a ban. ”
Brosinex says “Nuevamente, muy tanque y hace mucho daño. Su temprano también es muy bueno. Bastante mal emparejamiento. Sin embargo, sus peleas en equipo son bastante basura, así que ahí es donde tienes una sobre ella.”
Da Mastah says “If she knows what she's doing she can be an extremely hard matchup for yi, champions like reksai that heavily prioritize early game over late game usually are very dangerous for yi. In order to counteract this monster try warding your jungle constantly and take an early point in meditate just in case. If you manage the counter gank her it will heavily stifle her ability to stampede the early game. Basically for the first 15 minutes of the game your objective is to SURVIVE. Best of luck soldier o7”
The Elysian1 says “I would say Rek'sai is another major counter. Her kit is allowing her to burst a lost of your hp with her full combo. She can reveal you in ur stealth with her W's passive and she is overall stronger since she can just dash on you with proweler's and that's it for you. She is not a problem if you have eclipse and a little bit of lead , you can just catch her off guard on a camp or team fight and one shot her.
KafueLechwe says “Rek'Sai is mostly a skill matchup. A good Rek'Sai will certainly invade you, but once you get Steelcaps or an Armor item it become so much harder for Rek'Sai to fight you.”
Citric says “Rek'Sai is pretty scary to most Shyvana players but she doesn't scale well. If you are able to avoid fighting him early in the game then you will outscale her HARD. Rek'Sai only invades at level 3 so try to start on opposite sides of the map during your first clear. Use your ultimate to prevent yourself from being knocked up.”
Pusi Puu says “You beat her in a solid 1v1, if you manage to catch her off unborrowed. If she catches you try not to turn but just run, especially when she has conq. Her jump interrupt restrains you so much. EoN is a must have. Look to countergank Rek'Sai to set her behind. Once she is behind its really hard for her to get back and being a threat..”
Doubtfull says “This is an extremely difficult match up for Lillia to win. Rek'sai has A LOT of burst damage which can 100-0 you very fast. Until we can afford to buy zhonya's, it will be difficult to survive an unexpected run in with this void demon in the jungle.
It should be stated, though, that if we get ahead rek'sai will be completely useless as she won't have the damage needed to kill you, and then you can just run her down.
an annoying interaction in this match up is that Rek'sai can ult as she's about to fall asleep from your ult, and dodge it entirely. This removes a lot of our champions strengths so its something that you're going to want to consider.”
NixLychee says “Literally your hardest counter, although only problematic past lower elo. Good Rek'Sai's are able to prevent Lee from even engaging onto her. Try to fake out her W with a ward-hop so you can Q in. Don't let her build up her Fury, that Empowered E hurts. A high elo ban.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Kha favored. You can 1v1 reksai pretty much all the time. Just invade reksai in her own jungle. (I recommend evolving R first in this match up)”
Polarshift says “You definitely have the upper hand in this matchup. Her level 3 is probably the scariest so be careful that you don't get knocked up. Kite her out, use your smokescreen well and outsmart him by counterganking or invading while he's busy ganking. Remember that if Rek'Sai cant get ahead early, she will not be very useful later in the game.”
Veralion says “You win handily on even footing or ahead, even if she has HoB. This build does enough damage to make her blush, and many will simply int into you early. Basically if she can't 100-0 you with her combo before you can respond, you win. If she's fed and can do so, stay well clear of flash-unburrow range at all times. Try to immune her knockup with your ult. Remember how her passive works; she can see where you are while burrowed every time you move. If you're sneaking drake or rift herald, or fishing for a facecheck, remain perfectly still so that she can't incidentally see you while in the area. . She's a lawn ornament past 20 minutes. ”
Doubtfull says “Fiddlesticks is one of Rek'Sai's most difficult match ups. Fiddles Silence prevents her from unburrowing and dealing any damage. Your W also still deals damage even when she is Ulting. You outscale this match up.”
DesperateShaco says “This guy is your worst nightmare, she is able to spot you during your invisibility because of her passive when she is burrowed, when RekSai is in burrowed form she can see any moving targets, they are represented as little circles on the ground, this includes stealth targets. That allows her to see you coming in trying to kill the enemy squishies even though you are invisible. Try to either wait until the team fight already started to engage so the enemy team cant pay attention to the circle or try and pick the enemy carries off when RekSai is not in nearby”
nZk01 says “block burrowed Q with box, can dodge ult with R.
Matchup is really shit as no matter how bad the reksai is you can never really play teamfights against her cuz of W”
Arfreezy says “Reksai has very strong all in so Exhaust or Ignite is recommended if you plan on dueling him. Fleet is recommended here to help you kite since you will likely get 2 procs in a skirmish opposed to a single phase rush proc. Like any other early game jungler, if you play reactively and play to scale, you will keep up or get ahead in this matchup. Just make sure to punish all of the RekSai ganks with counter jungle or another play on the opposite side of the map.”
Tormentula says “Invading Rek'sai is tricky because tremor sense reveals you or spiderlings from pretty far away, but when fighting Rek'Sai you can wait for her to E forward into you for a guaranteed Cocoon and Rappel Rek'Sai's ultimate. Typically Rek'Sais will be picked when they're on blue team and gank bot lane from over the wall at tribush, so be sure to hover there to prevent Rek'Sai from cheesing.”
Whynotbefriends says “Hard matchup, using A click she can always knock you out of your engage/burst. Practicing spacing and doing Zhonyas buffer combos with your takedown.”
Insightful says “rek sai can't use her knock up against you which kinda denied a lot of what she can do, she still does a lot of damage so you need to watch out for that, but it should be hard for her to get ahead against you”
AvidPanda says “Rek'Sai can be a difficult matchup for Eve because she is seen in stealth while Rek'Sai is burrowed and can follow Evelynn after she ults with his ult.”
Insightful says “He has a much stronger early game and with prowlers he just 1 shots you at any stage of the game, his passive makes it really hard to play teamfights and get a flank.
NamaeWaMitsurii says “Very powerful against Udyr, as they have an Invulnerability ability, knockup, and fast move-speed.
Overall one of his biggest threats.”
Kayncer says “Can hard counter Jungle you when you are unaware as her Early is really strong, Be Careful!
Don´t try to invade her as she will easily defeat you, even when level 6, try to outscale her before she gets fed
KimeraBuilds04 says “All early jgls are a problem for kled because u are so weak without tiamat or more hp and if any jgl want to invade he will kill u”
Karasmai says “Similar to olaf, but an easier version for sure. Try not to let her do as much, keep trinket, keep dragon control warded, and get your form VERY safely by just farming and ganking when u know she's not on the side of the map where you are ganking. If you’re red you will win every fight 15-20 mins + if your team isnt super behind. If you’re blue you can easily run past her and get to the backline and she wont be able to catch you.”
MexBookMaster says “Otro champ más que tiene un juego temprano explosivo. Cuando tengas tu forma sea Rhaast o Shadow Assassin (Azul) puedes matarlo, en los primeros niveles si te levanta estas muerto. Un truco es que si ves que está bajo tierra te puedes quedar sin moverte y Rek'Sai no te verá.”
Exoslol says “Rek'Sai is purely annoying because of her passive. If she is underground and you're invisible they're still able to locate you. Be careful when engaging invisible when Rek'Sai is underground. In terms of 1v1ing you should win it if you play it smart with your ultimate. If Rek'Sai goes hail of blades you outscale him hard at the cost of a harder early game. If she goes conqueror your early game is better but she will scale into the game better than with HoB.”
UDYSOF_OCE says “Rek'Sai is able to cancel Jarvan's E-Q knockup with her unburrow and can beat Jarvan 1v1 while also putting out early game pressure. Rek'sai does not scale as well as Jarvan does late game.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Reksai is a champion that plays off the strength of its dueling and easy ganks. Warwick can easily defeat Rek'sai in a 1v1 making it hard for reksai to do anything and eventually he falls off. look for level 3 countergank or invade”
gankyourgrandma says “Rek'Sai can be a difficult matchup for Eve because she is seen in stealth while Rek'Sai is burrowed and can follow Evelynn after she ults with his ult.”
ak521 says “When buried, you can easily outplay her. You Q on, and she'll probably unbury, so as soon as you Q, beaware. Besides that she's somewhat tanky. Doesn't really do much after her Q, she has a little burst on her R but other than that calm.”
Dabgren says “Think this matchup should always be won from Rek'sai perspective, this matchup lets her simply just autoattack / w when you are on top of her, and she can deny the damage of your q2 aswell as knocking you up, making you not able to move (for this matchup I definitely recommend edge of night cause of this)”
Rhoku says “Rek'Sai is a very powerful jungler who can get a lot done. Her ganks are VERY powerful and very unpredictable for lower elo players. Even at higher elos, she is difficult to deal with sometimes. You beat her straight up in all fights but she has all the tools necessary to avoid you. You can screw around with her by not moving if she is burrowed if you are waiting in a bush for her. You can also screw with her ultimate using your E if you time it right. Overall, she is the MUCH better jungle champion but you can still beat her in fights and 2v2s.”
Pyroen says “At one time a permaban if you are looking at jungling nidalee. She has been recently nerfed but this doesn't mean that you should overlook her! She can get to a point where she snowballs beyond your control.”
ItsSkoob says “Similar To Xin Rek'Sai has a very strong level 3, very early gank pontential and strong snowball potential. But She falls off very hard so keep pace, and tempo and you should outscale hard.”
Insightful says “she has a very strong early game so watch out not to fight her, if she doesn't get ahead you should be able to be more impactful in fights”
izzlelol says “Again, very tanky and does a lot of damage. Her early is very good too. Pretty bad matchup. Her teamfights are pretty garbage though so that's where you have one over on her.”
aurus666lol says “She has legit wallhack when being burried. EVEN IF YOU USE R XDDDDDD
If she has Hail Of Blades, she will deal bigger damage than you in early, but if she has conqueror, you can kill her, in fast fights. If you jump on her, she can counter it by pressing W. Remember that she deals true damage on E if she has maximum Queen's Fury.”
ItsSkoob says “Rek'sai Normally tries to have a fast paced gank heavy early game. If you can keep up with that and match her with counter ganks you can normally win the 2v2.”
Ellesmere says “Another very high mobility jungler, Reksai will be all over the map. She won't counterjungle you, but I wouldn't recommend doing it to her either. Stay in your jungle, farm up and gank. Mid-late game you will win 1v1 easy.”
SketchtheHunter says “Can be a threat in the early game but will probably be too focused on ganking to interrupt your early clear. If she's knocks you up immediately pop your W to minimize the damage from her Q. ”
Soulreaperjin says “Her base AD and base damage on her Q is enough lower you so you can be executed when she invades you. She's quite strong in early and mid game, but afterwards her scale hit's the wall in 30 min.”
FrostForest says “Beats you 1v1 and can stop your E-Q combo by flashing on you
Pretty hard matchup since SHE can chase over walls
Very strong dueler
Don't look to 1v1 unless favorable
You outscale and can get the jump on her if you're not moving”
RichMrFork says “Another early game powerhouse. Don't try to 1v1 them and be wary of invades. Rek'sai has extremely diverse gank paths and can start multiple camps and do a plethora of clears. Full quadrant clear into gank, 5 camp into gank, buff buff gromp into gank, 3 camp into invade. Be aware and do your best to deter ganks by hovering lanes and getting vision. Rek'sai falls off heading into teamfights so keep the same gameplan against her as you would other early game junglers.”
Kayn Mains says “Very bad matchup for Kayn. This champion beats you at all stages of the early game. Rek’sai likes to spam ganks, so try to path around her jungle camps. Do not engage on her.
Going Rhaast is best in this matchup. Once you get your Black Cleaver you can win duels. If you have good enough reflexes, you can even dodge her ultimate with your Umbral Trespass (R).”
LilPaniniUwU says “Literally your hardest counter, although only problematic past lower elo. Good Rek'Sai's are able to prevent Lee from even engaging onto her. Try to fake out her W with a ward-hop so you can Q in. Don't let her build up her Fury, that Empowered E hurts.”
metalhydra273 says “Rek'Sai can be a volatile matchup. She has a lot of burst sure, but once it's over you can deal with her pretty easily. 1v1s can be difficult if she can burst you hard enough and in a teamfight you may not want to get too close to a prowler's claw combo. The threat of her knockup is massive as it gives her an easy punish if you try to go for e or r. Even if you ult her first, if she survives you'll get cc'd yourself. Let her engage first and you can punish her greatly for it. This can be situational though if said engage is enough to take a teammate out of the fight.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Very bad matchup for Kayn. This champion beats you at all stages of the early game. Rek’sai likes to spam ganks, so try to path around her jungle camps. Do not engage on her. Going Rhaast is best in this matchup. Once you get your Black Cleaver you can win duels. If you have good enough reflexes, you can even dodge her ultimate with your Umbral Trespass (R).
Frillen says “Rek'Sai at maximum fury can easily deal scary amounts of true damage mid game with her Furious Bite (E) on a low cooldown. Exercise caution even when equal or ahead. ”
Nanelol says “Telegraphed knock up or ultimate for you to block. Easily outdueled. Nonetheless he has oneshot potential early game if you don't have your shield up. ”
Gamyeon says “Play slow, don't have to invade him early if you don't feel confident (I would as he can't really stop you kiting if you play well but you don't have to). Easy match up, nothing really special about it.”
Gooooooby says “Rek'sai is my PERMABAN champion. She is able to track you through stealth with her burrow which basically denies you as a champion. You are also not able to duel her early as she is stronger and will one shot you. Try to avoid entering fights while she is burrowed. Try to save your R to dodge her R execute or full fury E bite. ”
Ejsner says “Dealing with Rek'Sai can be frustrating due to her ability to gank very early from unexpected angles. Prioritize purchasing Steelcaps and Edge of Night to consistently win 1v1 encounters against her. Be mindful of her Tremor Sense, as she can track your movements during your ultimate, potentially leading to a canceled jump with Unburrow. She typically builds Edge of Night (which blocks your E, dealing significant pre-mitigation damage later), and later opts for Death's Dance or Guardian Angel, so incorporating %armor shred into your build is essential. In 1v1 situations, you generally have the advantage if you're at similar health and have Conqueror or Lethal Tempo. However, 2v2 or 3v3 fights can be challenging if you're the one absorbing the initial engage, as you may need to use W > Empowered W to disengage if you survive the combo, rather than being able to retaliate immediately. A useful trick is to note that her ultimate places her in front of you, allowing you to turn around and flash in that direction to create distance.”
Nanelol says “His early game is godlike, arguably best early game of any jungler. He will try to invade you, don't let him invade you and you will oustcale him. ”
Nanelol says “Rek'Sai at maximum fury can easily deal scary amounts of true damage mid game with her Furious Bite (E) on a low cooldown. Exercise caution even when equal or ahead.
Eagzey says “Her passive makes it hard to do anything and we can never really go in until she comes out of her burrow form. I think there are worse matchups though so I don't ban.”
uSgSello says “Losing matchup.
You can win trades vs. Rek'Sai in the early game. But if she goes for Cinderhulk+Tiamat you should prevent fighting her.”
uSgSello says “Rek'sai won't be able to dodge your Combo because her tunnel animation will take too long. You have more than her in the early game and should be able to win trades and fights. ”
Maverka88 says “Rek'Sai is second hardest matchup for evelynn. She can see you through her passive when she is buried. Also she can cancel your E with knock up and follow your ult with her ulti..”
theceasrsalad says “falls of hard late game but is really dangerous early and can see your movement through your camo, try your best to be on the other side of the map than she is and wait till she falls off”
Doubtfull says “A good rek'sai can make this match up a nightmare. Try to track her early and don't let her snowball. If she has prowlers claw she can 1 shot you at pretty much any time.”
PK Noob says “Countergank and prevent him from getting kills so that he doesn’t take over the map. If you are successful he shouldn’t be too scary mid to late game.”
RedNBlue says “Rek'Sai is a good early game jungler but many people don't know how to play and an he is like a bouncy ball to you. You will toss him around in 1 v 1s early.”
EUWRATS says “You beat reksai early but if she gets fed you wont be able to 1v1 her, so try to get ahead early, but if you dont, focus on carries and try to ignore her”
Strike1 says “Rek'sai is a pretty problematic champ to face once he is snowballed. Although not as bad as some others on the list since you can E him and jump away from his tunnel combo. He still poses a great threat once he gets onto you, potentially one shotting you. It makes it very difficult for you to walk around the map to get your marks as one mistake means doom.
The advice remains simple, play smart. Rek'sai is way easier to outscale than the others on the list. Use your teammates to help you, Ult to negate his R execute. Don't go for risky marks. Ping his ganks to your team. late game is yours.”
Kindredgarten says “She has a ton of burst early, you have a chance to win a duel but only if you avoid/flash her unburrow. Wait for her to fall off to fight her safely. Tell your laners to ward over walls for her ganks.”
Ejsner says “This guy is your worst nightmare, she is able to spot you during your invisibility because of her passive when she is burrowed, when RekSai is in burrowed form she can see any moving targets, they are represented as little circles on the ground, this includes steath targets. That allows her to see you coming in trying to kill the enemy squishies even though you are invisible. Try to either wait until the team fight already started to engage so the enemy team cant pay attention to the circle or try and pick the enemy carries off when RekSai is not in nearby”
Caled says “Rek’sai is a rough matchup for Kayn within the early mid game but will get outscaled in mid-late game by Kayn. Typically you want to stay clear of Rek’sai in the early game and respect Rek’s early damage. Once you have obtained form, you win pretty much any 1v1 as long as you are Rhaast. If you go Shadow Assassin, you probably do not want to fight Rek’Sai 1v1 but should still be able to get to the backline with relative ease as Rek’sai should have a hard time stopping you.”
Loul_60 says “Generally the hardest matchup for Kayn: It's extremely difficult to keep up with her early game and also difficult to get your team to respect her properly. Late game should be slightly easier but you will struggle massively in this matchup.”
litecrunch says “She will dominate you early, avoid her at all costs. You absolutely dumpster her later on in the game so do your best to survive early.”
liserith says “A. Pain. In. The. Ass. With her healthy clear and insane early game dueling, if she looks to double-crab, there's not a lot you can do. Her W and E give her crazy engages, and her combined tankiness and damage WILL give you a headache. The only saving grace is that after a couple marks, kiting her is easy, and her W engage can be slowed with your E.”
Gumipapucs says “Very kiteable, and squishy without tank items. You should invade her and kill her if possible and deny XP, maintain an xp lead. You just have to watch out for her knockup when she's burrowed. If you don't get knocked up you can kite her until we colonize mars. Can be problematic as she can ult you at the end of your ult and it's kinda the same as with Yi, and can turn around your gank if she counters it.”
ShadowCross says “If he's fed its unplayable since he can just conshot you. Just make sure you get more people fed. And he can also build serpents fang. If he's just targeting you get zhonays so that he waste his abilities for your teammates to kill him. ”
chevy the sloot says “Everything about his kit counters you. Don't even look at him early game and play away from him. You can duel and burst him mid to late when he falls off. just track him and don't let him cheese your lanes.”
Scyreption says “He can always see you because he feels vibrations on the ground when you walk aka you are not invisible to him, but he is not that strong if you keep your distance and you can outdamage him if you play well with your team mates together.”
ShatteredMinds says “Rek'sai can and will out gank you, out damage you and out tank you if you let her. Try to get her to waste her abilities, then go in.”
Tinjus says “Quite easy to kill, but she can also put up a good fight. You should have no problem against her with evolved Q, but before that just make sure to fight in isolation.”
Udyr uber says “Quando ver que ela vai startar você te jogando para cima, use o seu W pra evitar muito dano, e em seguida stune ela e pode descer a porrada com seu Q.
Snadr says “Rek'Sai will easily have more impact early. However you will win duels mid game and have great lockdown potential on him if he ever goes in”
kidgrindel2 says “Rek'sai has a knock up making it difficult for viego to do his thing also she has an un-targetable ultimate that deals a lot of damage which can make the ruined king have a bad day.”
PsiGuard says “This matchups depends on how successful Rek'Sai is in the early game. If you can ward and ping to prevent her from killing your teammates early, you have a decent 1v1 against her and your ult power spike is stronger. She doesn't scale well into 5v5s so it'll be a battle of who can carry harder early/mid game.”
Bel37 says “Early game dominator. He can burst you hard with no items. Once he gets prowlers it gets worse until you get your own items. Just try to avoid fighting him and focus on out scaling and farming.”
lolX9J says “Can probably be a threat if you play the beta lethality shaco.
With this build you can man-handle her pretty easily.
Your Q is still useless
She can tell who is real shaco after she knocked u up.
You hard outscale tho.”
JunglerBuilds says “Rek'sai, more like REKT SAI!!!!
No really, it's an okay matchup but she does have high early damage, but if you ward well your team won't fail early and she's pretty bad late. But she has high damage at lvl 6, watch out for that.”
ChaseMorePlz says “When Rek'sai tunnels, land a Bandage Toss on him since this escape is on a long cooldown at early levels. She will still travel, but will get stunned after the channel is done. She is pretty squishy early on as well, so counter ganking him is an efficient way of shutting him down. Don't her when her fury bar is full, she will do true damage to you negating your armor. Destroy her tunnels for free gold and peel her off of your team and you'll be fine. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Watch for where her tunnels are and destroy them immediately whenever they're near an objective. Her unborrows and engages can catch your team out of position so be very mindful of where she is.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Going vs. a skilled Rek'Sai can be a big annoying since her Unburrow can distort you pretty awkwardly, and can interrupt your Q animation. ”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Conqueror Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Don't move when she is in her W. Bait her knockup before jumping with R.
Rek'Sai wins early but she falls off in late game. When you play vs Rek'Sai make sure to inform your laners that she will probably gank after doing 3 camps or lvl 2 gank after Red/Blue.”
xracer02 says “Rek'sai is your worst enemy jungler to play against cause of his champion kit. He can always track you with his passive when he is in the underground and call his team when you engage or where you are moving. He is making you really useless and it's hard to counter gank against him.”
Get Ricked says “He can oneshot you and will beat you early. If you play the 1v1 well you win it after lvl 6. Be sure to stealth right before he wants to ult you. ”
Cryoptic9 says “Really annoying for Nidalee. You cant jump on her or duel her in any way. The only thing to do is try to do your camps in the early game - rek'sai's clear is slow af you can easily counter-jungle her just try to stay the in the opposite side of the map.”
DarkAuraLOL says “his clear is not bad, you certainly have a faster clear though, his gank potential is really risky, also he can always ping his teammates to help him against you and he can just flash and combo half your hp, avoid fighting him near laners, try to go to his jungle, only if hes low hp fight him cause his laners can react, try to cheese him and steal his camp, if u actually spot him low on health and steal a couple of camps he's doomed, also if you are faster than him on blue form combo, you can one shot him .”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Rek'Sai is a very strong early game jungler, but if you can keep track of her it is pretty easy to control your own pathing and make sure you prevent her from getting early leads. ”
MetaSolaray says “Rek'sai's ability to drive hard ganks from unique angles makes her a dangerous threat. Take Aftershock 100% of the time into her and stun her when she attempts to unburrow. Her trade window is short and if you reduce most of it you will beat her in raw damage afterwards. Kill her tunnels to force her to rebuild them and deep wards to predict her ganks and counter. ”
DarkAuraLOL says “his clear is not bad, you certainly have a faster clear though, his gank potential is really risky, also he can always ping his teammates to help him against you and he can just flash and combo half your hp, avoid fighting him near laners, try to go to his jungle, only if hes low hp fight him cause his laners can react, try to cheese him and steal his camp, if u actually spot him low on health and steal a couple of camps he's doomed, also if you are faster than him on blue form combo, you can one shot him .”
Whobick says “Rek'Sai is a melee champ, but much like Gragas, he has a decent poke. It is honestly hard to lane against him because he has decent sustain without using mana (unlike you). He has that poke, which is very annoying when you farm. Just try to poke with Undertow (Q). You should be fine at 6 if you don't feed because you can prevent his knockup with your ult.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Hard outscale this guy, be aware he can see you while invis if he is burrowed. He beats you to shit early but you with Kraken you start to very quickly outdamage.”
KaynPlayer814 says “Reksai is really strong in the early game, you want to avoid her in the early game. You outscale her really hard if you go RedKayn. Your goal is to get RedKayn as possible to match her and outscale her. If you go BlueKayn you can oneshot her at some point because she build prowlers claw and is really squishy. ”
Hidon1 says “Rek sai is only strong in the 1v1, but lucky for you jungle is not 1v1. In the 1v1 she is a 4 Major threat, but in terms of what she can provide on the map she is like a 2 Minor threat to you and the team. Just make sure you do not face her 1v1 and you are all good. ”
FaceHunger says “she can spot you even invisible because of her passive, mostly played tank she can resist your damage, the only way to beat her is by killing her early, even that its hard to do because of her airborne cc.”
Simon The Shaco Main says “While burrowed, she can see you while invis with her passive, making it hard to sneak up on her. However, AP Shaco allows you to fight from a distance so it's a lot safer than if you were to go AD.”
Schadenfreude says “Reksai is a very strong early game jungler. You will have to be careful with how you play the early game, but to my knowledge, you should be able to duel her if you are a level ahead, assuming you did your full clear. Try to countergank but try not to duel her unless until you get a few items under your belt. ”
Karthus man says “Rek sai needs to power farm to do some damage, but not as much as karthus. If you can just survive to late game and maybe get some kills, you will be fine.”
Karwit says “Jeden z najcięższych przeciwników dla Kayna w early gamie , nie radzę się z nim mierzyć 1 vs 1 bez przemiany ( chyba że przy korzystnych warunkach ) Jednak w trakcie gry Reksai powoli słabnie a kayn ciagle przybiera na sile”
Maile says “Can't duel this thing and basically match your damage throughout the game. Just scale to 6 and don't let Rek'Sai get the first jump on you. This is mechanic diff. ”
turbo chiller says “has higher impact than u early game, try to counter gank his lvl 3 gank or spam ping ur team that he is around that side of the map”
CalicoCactus says “Dominant early overall is in a relatively bad spot right now, grab some items and watch her cry. Remember to wait on your CC Until after they unborrow as if they engage before you do your Q channel gets cancelled.”
Trexori says “His early game is godlike, arguably best early game of any jungler. He will try to invade you, don't let him invade you and you will oustcale him.”
b4kk0n the Gold Jungler says “The Early Game Queen's hardest match up by far has to be Shen. All of the damage she offers is AD and the only really CC she provides is her knockup, which you can avoid with your W. Try to pay attention to your pathing to help your laners avoid her ganks.”
KevinThyAsian says “Position right and kite. She can kill you in one shot if you misstep. Should be easy matchup early. Late game you should destroy her as she is not too good in targeting back lines ”
Andygumy says “She has alot of Damage but also a knockup and good mobility which makes this a hard matchup. Your only chance to win is if you can avoid her knockup. Use your Q as late as possible once she get's under you. Good Rek'Sai players will wait for you to use your Q so it's still preferable to avoid her at all.”
lyuna says “bu hero sadece earlyde zorlar sizi sonrasında kolay kesmeniz falan ama bunun sıkıntısı yerinizi gösteriyor takımına, buna karşı oynuyorsanız haritada onu görun ve takımını flankleyin”
Minase says “Reksai can often invade you which isn't too hard to deal with, but her passive makes it impossible for you to ever flank or get a good engage on. Just play safe and outscale or dodge.”
FalleN3 says “Keep an eye out for her tunnels and try to destroy them as this will give her less mobility around the map and make life a little easier for you. Be mindful of her ultimate as she can dive underground and then leap to you which will deal decent damage. Try to avoid fighting 1v1 early game and concentrate on ganking / farming.”
FalleN3 says “Keep an eye out for her tunnels and try to destroy them as this will give her less mobility around the map and make life a little easier for you. Be mindful of her ultimate as she can dive underground and then leap to you which will deal decent damage. Try to avoid fighting 1v1 early game and concentrate on ganking / farming.”
Holessando says “imo Rek'Sai is really op this season and has a lot of dmg.. She can do a ton of damage to enemies and has a great gank viability. You won't see her a lot in soloq also, its really weird, since she's imo really overpowered and can kill anyone.. she's a decent jungler, but you are still better in mid-late game for sure”
metalhydra273 says “Rek'sai can't really do too much outside of her knock-up, making her easy ult fodder as she tries to deal damage with q autos and e. Respect her mobility options and potential to 1v1 you and it won't be difficult unless she has a lot of successful early ganks.”
FrankWhite47 says “reksai can follow you with his ult and also knock you up which can be annoying but if you can just farm it up and not fight earlygame you can carry”
SkaterKidd says “Rek'Sai Conqueror can proc quite fast and won't let Warwick's passive kick in as early. Rek'Sai has good Escape when in Danger and can Re-Engage when Favorable.”
ChaoticClockwork says “You dont beat her early game, and she can see you during your Q with tremor sense. Your best bet is baiting her into ulting you while You stand on boxes or baiting her into attacking clone while she is blind.”
reganakers says “This champion has enough damage to burst you before level 6, meaning you should be careful taking fights because they may not last long.”
wild overload lol says “Campeão extremamente chato de fugir quando vai pra cima de você, além de que quando ela está debaixo da superfície, ela consegue notar seu passos mesmo invisível facilitando te pegar num pick off.”
Depresso says “Invading against her is difficult and she's extremely powerful early game. Proceed with caution when invading or encountering her alone. Her E makes her predictable for a q land tho, so if she tunnels to gap close you better have that q up.”
PsiGuard says “Rek'Sai can sense your movements while she's burrowed, even if you're stealthed. Avoid her as much as possible early and help your team ward to avoid her ganks. You'll eventually outscale her if your team can weather the early game.”
Freyhacks says “She may go in on you first, but you will win if u fight her because she only has 1 burst combo and if you live you sustain all her damage. You beat her every stage of the game. ”
Sinister Buffoon says “For obvious reasons reksai is hard counter of shaco. I do not recommend fight him in 1 vs 1 in any moment of game unless you build specifically to defeat him. ”
Eggoman says “Her ganks are really fast so make sure your laners are never pushed in to far. Her means you can't countergank so try and counterjungle instead. If you find her in the jungle try to duel her as long as her laners can't help.”
RageAx says “She beats you early, and a well timed R can nullify your entire combo leaving you stranded without an ult to use. If you survive early you should be able to just roll over her and her team. Watch for her knockup on engage and R. Try to bait it before engaging her/diving back lines. Once you have Rhaast you're tanky enough to duel her.”
KillyOne says “Reksai is a bit stronger and overall much more consistent across a large number of players, even tho she isn't picked that often in lower Elo brackets. She has good damage, gap closer and knock ups.”
League Of Cursed says “This matchup is super annoying, if they know what they are doing. if they play reksai just for the vision game, then they will most of the time probably use their knock up on their engage, leaving you to dive the back line easier or just fear reksai every time she tunnels towards your team. Its kind of funny watching the land shark make a tunnel then die for it.
reganakers says “Rek'Sai is a champ that has a lot of true damage, in her E and conqueror. This is one of the worst matchups you can face as she actually has kill potential on you past level 6. However, if you run away when she tries to fight you, you shouldn't die. You should only die if you try to 1v1 her.”
Dopamine_influx says “Annoying as hell pre edge of night, and if she snowballs she can always 1v1 you. You win with triple Q on scuttle though, but a good reksai will just cancel your jumps... You win if she's unborrowed tho, so look for that in skirmishes, never give her the opportunity to cancel your jump.”
Xeldom says “Even match-up. Make sure to save your Battle Roar when you engage on her otherwise she will chunk you. She is weak before she recalls on the first clear so you have to mirror her path and look to counter gank. Do not be predictable with your leap otherwise your damage will get canceled.”
XerXesshaco says “Very annoying can show you when you're invisible and has strong early game presence. Can invade you quite easily and kill you at scuttle if you don't have q for some reason. You can kill him at 6 if you r his r but you have to be in a 1v1 or 2v1 situation.”
Jogress says “Reksai will have hard times trying to kill you, if you are PREPARED. Unless ahead, she doesn't have much dmg. She also doesn't have the best mobility - so jumping around with full Q stacks puts you at great advantage. Just keep in mind she may E-stun you - dodge it, and it should be fine.
If she gets fed - buy Dead man's plate earlier.”
AWierdShoe says “Rek'Sai is known for being an early game menace, but you can match her pace and duel her early. Just watch out for her early damage and try to avoid her knockup (W) whenever possible, and destroy her tunnels if you see them. Late game she falls off hard so this matchup is highly in your favor as long as you don't fall behind.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Dodge Rek'sais knockup and you beat her. Dont invade her as she will always have knowledge of your presence with her W Tremor Sense. Just Kite reksai out and time your ult with hers and you win.”
nextonetwo says “I've been playing a bit of Rek'Sai recently and she can just invade you and see where you are with no wards and e over the wall and kill you. Stay healthy in your jg. Don't flash after 6 and you're low, she will still get you. ”
nextonetwo says “I've been playing a bit of Rek'Sai recently and she can just invade you and see where you are with no wards and e over the wall and kill you. Stay healthy in your jg. Don't flash after 6 and you're low, she will still get you. ”
TimRhabey says “Se ela estiver de chuva de laminas , sua troca é bem mais forte recomendo PTA nao tente invadir ela, ela vai saber onde voce esta antes mesmo de conseguir ve-la.”
Velade says “His gap closing abilities and his knock up with w counters lee sin alot but if you are in any elo below master or diamond this would be a ok matchup”
DarkPit59 says “Le gameplay d'Evelynn se base sur sa capacité à être invisible pour flank. La présence d'une Rek'sai vous force à jouer très différemment au risque de vous faire repérer très rapidement et de ruiner l'effet de surprise.”
OxDZZZZ says “Rek'sai has cc, which can counter eve, and he can dodge her charm easily, he can be tanky a little which will make it hard on eve to kill him ”
FerocityLAS says “Absolute counter of Rengar, Can see you throught stealth, when you jump to her she will knock you up and it usually builds bruiser builds so you wont oneshother and she always will out trade you.”
WickedPoppet says “This matchup is super annoying, if they know what they are doing. if they play reksai just for the vision game, then they will most of the time probably use their knock up on their engage, leaving you to dive the back line easier or just fear reksai every time she tunnels towards your team. Its kind of funny watching the land shark make a tunnel then die for it.”
agarandom says “- Take Conqueror
- Try to avoid him if he knows where you are (moving).
- Try to sit (without moving) in a bush. That way he can't track you
- In skirmish use W to heal his E.
- Go Edge of Night against him. It allows you to jump on him and not get knocked up.
Usually against Rek'Sai, you want to full clear.”
LightBright9213 says “Can easily duel early, has better ganks, and invades you ALOT. Falls off extremely hard late game however. Absolutely disgusting.”
Sorrowful Prince says “You are as lost against Rek'Sai as Lee Sin. She can interrupt your Hookshot with attack move, she can easily Oneshot you and she has as potent early ganks as you. On top of that she clears faster. Avoid her as long as possible and ping your team her location. Don't get caught near her and split the map. ”
Zapdo says “Rek'Sai is also a hard matchup, because she Simply outdamages you in the early game, as soon as you hit Guinso, you should win against her, except she is Ultra fed, or you are behind.”
TrevorJayce says “Rek'Sai is a champion you will have to start banning once you start climbing. A good Rek'Sai will know exactly what to do against you, which is simply knocking you up and weaving Q's in until he ultimately R's you, winning a 1v1 with ease.”
Nico449c says “You will be able to invade her lvl 3 and be able to beat her mostly in lvl 3 fights. She got a quite good ganking potential so you have to countergank or just outgank her. If you invade her you have to hit your e.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Rek'Sai is a very strong early game jungler, but if you can keep track of her it is pretty easy to control your own pathing and make sure you prevent her from getting early leads. ”
Soulreaperjin says “Her base AD and base damage on her Q is enough lower you so you can be executed when she invades you.
She's quite strong in early and mid game, but afterwards her scale hit's the wall in 30 min.”
Fabosch is Love says “He counters you really hard in early game. You need a strong advantage to destroy her. She can see you when she is under the ground. She denies your gameplay.”
The Top Bear says “Fight her early if she is low, but in most 1v1's she is a menace. She can also stall long enough for laners to arrive, so be careful when invading. Ward over walls for you laners, so Rek can't get off cheeky ganks.”
PrideHunter says “Skill matchup. Whoever facechecks who loses. If both players are proficient on both champions, the fight between the two champions is a mind game of dodging cc's.”
ItsPassive says “Permaban. She can see you while she's burrowed and she can tell you apart from the clone with her mark. Also, her R is unavoidable. Skip this champion.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “Beats you 1v1 at every stage of the game. Can sense your movements even while you are invisible. Try your best to avoid this champion at all costs! Impact the opposite side of the map if possible.”
Zparkjow says “Reksai breathes and you are dead. Run on sight. You should never try to fight her unless you are dead-on sure that your W and Q alone can kill her.”
Simphoria says “Strong early, like, very strong. Her level 3 will literally devour you so please be very very careful when ganking early. It never ceases to amaze me how much damage she can do. She AAs our passive away and bites Bristle's ass for 25% of our hp, its ridiculous. She farms better and ganks better.
Often she starts red, does the red side clear for lvl 3 then ganks. If you start blue side and do it all for level 3 then you can counter her. Basically, don't lose the early game too much and you outscale. You can counter gank her, but be very careful when roaming river for scuttle or walking into a bush for a gank. She does a lot of damage and her E can follow our Q. ”
CryAwake says “easy to burst down mid to late game watch out for her true damage early game use you steadfast presence to stop her escape and engage. ”
Her0mars says “A top tier challenjour pick, who is really good in most situations. I just don't really like playing her but it's meh. All she can do is knock people up and get around the map. Her mobility comes in slowish bursts and is easy to predict outside of the flash unburrow.”
4by3 says “Just the common counter to Shaco. Her passive is just not fun that she beats you 1v1 in every stage of the game unless she doesn't buy tabi. You have to avoid as much contact with her and play opposite sides of the map, she has a lot of pressure so its hard to farm.”
TOYOism says “Just counter gank and counter jungle frequently, get vision early asap so you can track where enemy jungler is and you'll win the match up.”
Tolsimir says “Il vous pique des camp facilement, Y'a pire comme perso pour vous counter jungler mais il est quand même très bon. Mais surtout vous avez pas vraiment d'autre choix que de prié pour que vos mate tiennent le coup et que la game soit encore gagnable à 15 min.”
I_NightHunter_I says “the rek'sai matchup is impossible to play against if they are not brain dead she can cancel you're jump and see u while you are in ult”
Bombabo says “Keep in mind that her tremor sense can reveal you even during stealth. If she engages on you, you should be able to drop a quick combo on her and get away”
Killerbacca10 says “Hard Matchup early. Stay out of her way. Late game you dumpster her she can not team fight you. This matchup can snowball if you die to her.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A very passive jungler at the first minutes but after a bit she still be all over the place ganking people that overextend. she will try to secure vision and crabs and there are not many chances for ganks she will powerfarm to reach the Ulti powerspike.”
FupiDupi says “Some would call her a "counter". Her burrowed passive lets her see your footsteps regardless of if you're stealthed or not and her early game damage is insane. Respect her ability to out-duel you and reveal your position to her team. Late game she falls off hard”
lolWillieP says “Takes practice to learn this matchup. If he misses his knockup early, you can shit on him. Pre 6, without knockup, you beat him. With knockup, you lose. Past 6, you will lose unless you remain above 40% HP after ult”
Anathema49 says “Reksais wont usually invade early which will give you time to get your spells and 6, but be very careful because she's currently broken and her damage is off the charts. that doesnt concern you much since you WONT 1v1. look at which one of your laners is pushing, go to that lane.(post 6) camp in a bush and wait for reksai to show up. counterganks ruin reksai”
King Zyrox says “Ban her and you will win <3
Rek Sai is a skilled matchup, if you coordinate with the top/mid and invade her jungle you can kill her and steal all the camps. Thats a good way to win her.
But if you are in SoloQ, to win her you have to focus her while she is ganking.
If Rek Sai ganks, then she has no scape.”
Sarutobi says “Try to Q when she knocks you up. If you are careless and give her kills early then you aren't gonna have a good time the rest of the game.”
WATERMELOWWWWN says “Good Rek'Sai players will out pressure you hard and use her tremor sense to track you during ganks while you're invis, or trying to escape a situation. So be careful when going for proactive ganks. I would recommend farming in the early game and trying to get wards to stop her from ganking from your side of the map and flanking your teammates.”
BigBadVoodo says “The biggest counter for us. She will always know where we are. Engaging is IMPOSSIBLE with her in the game. We are able to pressure her early but through the whole game she will be a pain in the ass for us.”
Jomickies says “Rek'sai has fast clear speeds like many carry junglers and poses a real threat to you in skirmishes. However, her key attribute is that she can tunnel around and track you effortlessly. This makes her a pain because she can be all over the map and she can see you coming if you try to counter gank. That said after early she really isn't all that good unless she is super fed. I recommend tracking her early with wards and trying to gank on the opposite side of the map.”
xTheUnlimited says “Rek'Sai can be a threat to you. His ganks are pretty good through his tunnels. Try to delete as much tunnels as you can. I would avoid fighting him in a 1v1 spot. In late game you have the better engage move. ”
craY13 says “Try to counter jungle in the early and wait for her engage. If you engage in teamfights she will knock you up and the hole team commits on you.”
Corvux says “She is underground and when you are about to grab someone she will emerge from the ground and throw you in the air, then you will be vulnerable...”
Asianfury79 says “annoying but all you have to do is get to ult position faster and stand still then easy ults since they think it is safe from rek sai underground thing”
Hazardist says “A potentially troublesome matchup as her strong ganks are complemented by a very oppressive dueling strength in the early game, but her reliance on burst means that as long as you remain on par with her in terms of levels and items, you won't have to worry about being invaded.
Runeset to take: Conqueror.”
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