Top Lane 51.64% Win Rate90% Pick RateSett Top Lane Counters: 49 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Sett in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush/Comet
Early: E start and try to get manaflow. After first reset you win.
Tips: legit just walk into melee range, prep W, E Q W him, walk away. Once he's low you want to put a Q down and E R him into it, or just flash combo him.”
GodKingwastaken says “you need good spacing to deal with him, dont let him E you with your minions when he's W is full. Dont get too close to his tower after 6 because he can flash behind you and R you”
Tomuuko says “W start -> deny his cc and chain dmg due his E start. Short trades on lvl 6+. Garen outscale Sett on Stride.
Phase Rush HexF, Ign or TP.”
sly rialto colt says “sett shall recognize you as THE BOSS of top lane, your Q with executioner will reduce his passive and you can build serpent's fang”
liucan says “STAT CHECKER: He wins even if he fails his W completely late game, early game just fast trade him. Side his E with W, u dont outscale him, but he is useless in splitpush, since u stack lot of hp dont give him free R into your team, or u can kill them.”
Maniaxx says “Sett’s W (The Show Stopper) allows him to grab and slam you, dealing significant damage and disrupting your positioning.
E (Knuckle Down) boosts his damage output in trades.
How to deal with him:
Engage after his W is down: Sett’s W is his main source of burst damage, so try to engage after he uses it.
Build armor: Sett’s damage is primarily physical, so items like Steelcaps or Randuin’s Omen will help mitigate his damage.”
a_k_z7 says “sett favoard but you can beat him
his e has simmailr range to your q so try to dodge and bait it
if he e you you can q for a full proq since he will q after that and and look to go backa full trade from him a better then your full trrade
try to trade when he does not have e or q since he cant do a good combo
try to dodge his w with either w or if you are close e on the wave for an easy escape
long trades are bad if he has counquer
if he has grasp the match up becomes much easier you can kill him even after he gets his first items
buy anti heal against him ”
quenzo says “Depends if he's good or not if he is than just try to poke him with the HP stacker build + e.
Conqueror or Comet viable, flash + teleport”
Nithril says “This champion is stupid, but Quinn punishes him soooo good. W max and hunt him down, W passive MS is highter than his Q MS, the only thing to watch for is that his E cancels your E, and his W range is slightly longer than your Vault so he will damage you even if you E out during his W channel, Edge of Night and he can never kill you. W against ganks and go for a DPS focus”
Crystal Lobster says “I find Sett player to play too agressive for their own good allowing you to combo them into your tower. Serpants Fang counters him greatly.
BUT BE WARNED good Sett player can actually make your life a hell :P”
parker3n9 says “Sett has some kill threat early, especially if he’s running Ignite, and his strong early trades can make spacing a bit tricky. The key to this matchup is baiting out his W—once it’s on cooldown, you should immediately all-in, as he loses a significant portion of his damage and survivability. Be cautious if he rushes BOTRK, as it can allow him to win trades even if you’re ahead. Proper spacing becomes crucial, but at one item, you should be able to control the matchup and win every fight as long as you maintain your distance effectively.
Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying or Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
Skaarlschloch says “Go Safe Build with Boneplating W lv.1 Dring TP,
Respect his early levels especially his lv1, Poke him safely and outsustain him in front of your turret”
ExtoiK says “Depends on the player, if you know what sett does youre fine since you destroy him any time besides early game, just try and bait his W and when he uses it dash out or knock him up OR use W to shield”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Play on range. Predict his E for your W usage. Dash away from W. Use R to avoid his R or W. ”
Raideru says “This matchup is literally just spamming w and whenever he tries to trade with you q him and get your shield and walk away just remember that he can pull you back when you hookshot to cancel or even use his ult. Just slowly chip him down with your w and short trades and then look for all ins with hp advantage. I advise going Grasp with Sheen rush and Trinity rush.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Should be easy as long as you DONT trade hard levels 1-3, his passive dominates these levels, wait a few levels and spam stun him and he wont be able to do shit. Eat him AFTER his W
procs and it'll let you wait out his shield while he's inside you. When spitting him out be careful not to spit him backwards or it'll allow him to ult you towards his tower, spit him sideways
instead" ”
Spartaniko says “Poke with Q and space well so you don't get caught by him with his E, if you do, disengage with W E. If you all-in save your E for his W. ”
Fanatical Goose says “Sett can't match you level 1 if you land q's. After level 1 its more of a skill matchup the BIGGEST thing in this matchup to avoid is the E STUN that only works if you and a minion are on opposite sides of Sett, if you get hit by the E stun before 6, you are dead. All you have to do normally is strafe around him while throwing Q and spamming E. ”
Houcs says “Whenever you grab him to tower try to runaway from him because his W will be fully charged and it kill you in some cases.
In teamfights you have to becareful he doesnt use your ult on you and it hits your team. Since you are very tanky champion it will do alot of dmg to your teammates.”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Sett é uma lane da porrada, vc só vai ganhar essa lane se apertar R no momento em que ele apertar W em vc, cuidado pra ele n apertar R em vc e sair das shurikens.”
UrPersonalGod says “Respect his early game.
Bait his E out before trading with him or else he will run through your wave and E stun + W you.
Dont let him out play you with any flash R shenanigans near his tower.
Dodge his W with E.
You can fight him level 6-7”
SemenDrinker says “Blade and Bone plating
Sett will bully you until level 4, at that point you will clown sett as you're a zoner and he should never touch you. Just q him and q2 e backwards while he Q's fowards and you should be safe. (Never get hit by his inner w, use your e if he throws it out randomly or just try your best to side step it) Lastly never be in position that he can just flash and ult you into his turret. ”
Skaarlschloch says “You win lv1 All-In EASILY (even with minions there!!) Most Setts start E, If W or Q you probably still win but might be closer
just Roam and get Team ahead later on your way more usefull”
IvanBeifong says “Sett has pretty telegraphed abilities, which make it easiier to fight him, take boneplating and save your E for his W, strong early so don't fight him until level 4-5, which your W damage spikes.
His ult is pretty good for starting fights or for running away, once you've got a good grasp of his trading patterns this matchups becomes pretty easy.”
y every name taken says “His cone does overpowered damage and because the shield is so big it's pointless to auto him while he does it, so instead use that time to sidestep the true damage center line. Avoid 1v1'ing him.
I once thought Vi could dodge his cone by ulting him, since it positions her behind the target. It doesn't work - her dash is too slow and you will just eat the full true damage.”
LilPicky says “(take 1st rune page start blade) bait his E and you can trade, 50/50 on all stages of the game trade with bone plating/passive only and DODGE his W, if he Es -> W and you have R spam R as soon as he Es so you can dodge his W with your R ”
Body Those Fools says “Same as Fiora, Gwen, and Jax: he will hide in the bush closest to your tower and start E; he will E you and chunk you and zone you from the first wave's XP/Gold. Outside of the level 1 cheese, he should never be able to get on you, unless he Flashes, as long as your spacing well. If he walks forward, just walk backward. His Q gives him a burst of movement speed, so just kite back and wait for it to expire. His sustain is incredibly annoying, so just do your best to farm and scale for your mythic item; the matchup becomes a lot easier once you have it. If he Ults you after level 6, time your Ult AFTER you hit the ground, not before; he is unstoppable during his Ult. Make sure to side step the center of his W because it does true damage. Make sure his E doesn't interrupt your Drift by waiting it out.”
Frankoloko says “Minor threat because you outscale if he doesn't snowball. Predict shield (similar to yours). Predict his W true damage line. His cooldowns are high (like 20s) so beat the shit out of him when he uses abilities. Rush Steelcaps. Don't fight him until 1 completed item. Stay out of his pull range. Don't ever use E to pull him in otherwise he can pull you in response. Only use E as disengage vs him. One of the rare champs that dominate completely early but lose if they don't get fed.”
step1v9 says “If he starts W you can look to trade until his grit gets built up then E away as you can dodge consistently. If he has E you need to tether (walk in and out of range of) his ability to bait the CD so you can get winning trades. When all-inning him do NOT walk in front of him as he will use this to R away with you. Make sure you position behind him like Fizz when you're chasing. Also, be aware to not let him aim his R with you towards your carries.”
Raideru says “lvl 1 you beat him with W as long as he doesn't have Lethal Tempo, through the early levels your goal is to basically just poke him with q whenever he goes for minions and do short trades till he is just low enough for you to run him down, Make the wave so it's on your side of the lane so you can easily run him down if he ever becomes low enough and abuse him with jungle cause he has no escape if he ever overextends”
Azzin says “Just avoid useless trades because he'll win most of them. You can abuse emp E to lock him in fights and let your team kill him, your main goal should be to stay even in XP and cs, as he can't really punish you for that if you keep you emp W.”
Haxorr says “Pretty simple matchup, but it's definitely possible for you to mess it up. Just make sure you don't play too aggressive early on, as Sett has really high base damage and he can stack conquerer really quickly to deal lots of damage early on in the lane.
Take DShield and Grasp, and rush Trinity Force. Depending on what spell he goes, it can be hard to get prio in this lane. Sett is very good at killing minions fast with his e and w, so even if you hit level 2 first he likely will be able to hit level 2 a little later on and then stop your push. Because of this, I usually like to let Sett players have prio early on as I know that I win after first recall.”
DuckQc says “His lvl 1 is stronger than yours. After he gets lvl 2, you need to play safe around his cds. You can all-in him with your r, but be careful because while your r is active, his ult won't pick you up, but will still do the flip, and deal dmg around the landing zone. Build: Rav/Shojin/trinity > Hexplate. If he gets a lead early you can maybe try building iceborn gauntlet or frozen heart.
Arthapsic says “Do not fight level 1 or you lose too much hp. Start E and try to dodge his E by prediction ( if he is walking up he will use it ). Be very careful if he has ignite then his early game is lethal. Only short trades if his W is up( Q him with fully stacked Q then E out ), if it's down you can all in or go for really good trades. If he uses his W from range use your W to dodge it. Be very careful of his all in's when his W is up. After you get a few points into E You can all in ( with low E cooldown you can save the dash to dodge his fully stacked W altho be careful as he can guarantee it with flash ). If he doesn't rush botrk you hard destroy him on nashors.”
Skaarlschloch says “Respect his early levels 1-5, dropping some cs if necessary. Try to bait his E by walking close to its range repeatedly until he uses it
Comet is way better than Grasp here. Even if you took Grasp you cant contest meele range vs Sett.
Beeware says “Similar to Garen, but slightly harder. He can run closer with Q and pull you in with E. If you E him on the border of your cage after then you'll be able to get away. Save flash for when he flashes - he'll try to R you away from your tower. Get swifties.”
Coslan says “Sett here is just a placeholder for bruiser's as a hole. They generally will outdamage and or outsustain Vi, so often the best choice is to poke till lower HP and engage.
A few difficult ones among this category is Sett, Volibear & Trundle. With Sett you can be doing fine, but the instant he uses [Haymaker], you will die. It does way too much damage and grants way too much shields to do anything about. Just make sure Trundle and Volibear never touch you and aim for a window where they are low HP.
Luckily against bruisers you can farm safe and just take towers easy.”
Baby_Driver says “Skill matchup.
Bone plating and steelcaps rush.
If there are no minions nearby, you will 90% time beat him in an all-in.
Try to start trades with auto-W.
DDemonJesters says “I put it in major cause one hit from his W is massive especially if you're doing this build but you can easily take him out with patience. bait his W or E and try to short trade him like 5-8 secs and back repeat till he gets scared.
Hotch says “His E can stun you will ghouls so play around that. Dodge his center W during fights but otherwise he's pretty immobile so you can kite. Be careful early game.”
Jabuti Trevoso says “Lane tranquila, se você não deixar ele crescer, foca só em farmar e quando fechar bota e espada do rei, pode ir combando ele, pokeando até ter crtz que vai matar.
forlid says “Sett is one of the best duelists in the entire game, and especially early so. Good Sett players will zone you level 1 and stand in between your casters and you, and if you get too close he will E you and burst you. You should always avoid this combo from him as it stuns and allows him to get a guaranteed W. Try to dodge it by using your own E. If he goes Ignite just play under your tower and hope for a gank, Sett has zero mobility and can't get out of a gank without burning Flash.”
PinkBlood says “Sett is kinda weak but when sett is strong he has been a counter to gangplank due to his passive sustain and his ability to pressure early. If you get through laning phase you will beat this guy up. You can orange (W) his E stun and ult.”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.3,4 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).(Bone plating recommend)
*Favorable for sett*
His facebreaker(E) can cancel your W so don't engage from max range or bait it out for easier fight.
Hold your E to block his haymaker(W).
Avoid long term fights and remember his W&E have long cooldowns(E 16-10 sec and W 18-12 sec)
For the note:
*I mean 18 sec at level 1 W and 12 for level 5 W.same with E)*.
Look for his cooldowns to engage.
After 6 he can ult you to his turret so don't stand between them.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp. Conq
Sett shits on morde till 6. Be very careful he can burst you quickly and most sett Players are degenrate perma fighters (i Play him too)
You need to flash or e/w his w. You giga outscale him, once you have tabis its already in your favour. ”
MaesePerez says “He beats you early very hard, and late game he can ult you into your team, so watch your positioning in teamfights. If he doesn't build BORK you should be able to 1v1 him late game, and if he can't ult you into your team you should be more useful in team fights. Remember to silence his w to prevent him from shielding your ult. ”
quandinhle says “at the early game might nothin happen. but nearly late game. you can flash or do something to dodge the W but when he Ult you. you DIE”
forlid says “Sett is a very feast or famine champion, and is one of the strongest early game champions. Avoid openly taking trades and fighting him until level 4. Don't also stand in between him and your own minions, since his E can stun you. Try to avoid his W center, as it deals true damage. ”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
play very slowly, although sett's bully range is really high with the ms steroid. Its basically garen if his q range was 350. The lane is hard, but thankfully its really not too bad just farming with cleaver and if you get out of lane without dying you outscale him incredibly hard. If you decide to teamfight, keep in mind even if you have passive on, if he ults you, you wont be taken with him but your bonus HP conversion on his ult still applies to the people he ults into. So still position properly as if he manages to ult your hp into your backline the teamfight is completely screwed. Phase rush + resolve”
Bard_Enjoyer says “Don't all in early, try to poke him and dodge his e. After some time you are ahead, but it's very limited, so try to use this. After 2–3 items, he will kill you no matter what.”
Artszy says “FIca safe até o lvl 3. Tomar cuidado pois o dano do Q dele te derrete. usar o W para desviar do true damage do W dele e sempre usar o E quando ele tentar qeubrar a passiva jogada no chão. fazer corta cura de ad e não de armadura, por causa que colete espinhoso só corta a cura quando ele te der AA.”
hamgi says “short trades only. do not walk up with his e up unless u can space it and bait it out. landing ur q3 is essential as he cannot react with (q)-aa (and even then, w can mitigate some dmg). avoid extended trades due to his w. move perpendicularly out of his w or use e. u can also q3/e past him if ur not able to (but this is usually for all-in scenarios, aka when he's burned all abilities and can't respond). timing ur e2 is essential as u can cleanse his r”
PlayCabex says “You wanna look short trades against sett. He does have passive that heals, yes, but if you get him to half hp you can easily one shot him (considering you have Crowstorm up). The key to this lane is to always have your Q up and cast it after/moments before getting hit by his E ability. This matchup is really about spacing. Lvl 1 you wanna start Q and play around your AAs (Sett should start E). Ignite and TP are both optimal vs him, it really just depends on which on you prefer
Runes: Aery or FS, both are ok here”
zwartebliksem says “Insane damage & sustain. If you know how to play around his W & E this matchup is rated even. If you are able to get ahead, Sett will be a cannon minion. Try saving your E for his W, since this is one of his main sources of damage. ”
AWierdShoe says “A lot of Setts take Ignite into us. You can poke him level 1 in this matchup. However, once he hits level 2 let him push into you. Play for level 4 and then we can trade back. Sett has a hard time dodging out skillshots due to his low mobility. Spacing is key in this matchup, as getting hit by his E stun can leave you at an HP deficit. Do your best to dodge the center of his W as to not get his by a massive amount of true damage. Most Setts will save their W to tank the damage from our Q3. However, if the Sett tries to initiate the trade simply kite him with your Qs + E backwards. Tabi rush is very good. We outscale him hard later into the game and he is very easy to kite, just don't overstep and give him early kills.”
lbc1506 says “If he ever runs you down, just press q-w and it stops anything happening.
Whenever he ults you just Q him after he slams you down then walk away with ult slowing him down.”
Haearnbleidd says “His lvl 1 is worse than yours, try to cheese him then. After he gets lvl 2, you need to play safe around his cds. You can all-in him with your r, but be careful because while your r is active, his ult won't pick you up, but will still do the flip, and deal dmg around the landing zone.
Build: Rav/Shojin/trinity > Hexplate.
If he gets a lead early you can maybe try building iceborn gauntlet or frozen heart.”
deathbypotion says “Sett players oftenly think that they will punish you for existing so you need to bait him into chasing you (it is easy). However if you will catch his E you will lose trades. Your W stops him from using R. You will outscale him”
PPlongcook says “Permaban. Used to be winnable until he got buffed. You will never win a trade with this guy in lane, he can miss every single ability but his auto attacks just do too much damage. You can sometimes win by outscaling him but he doesn't fall off until 35 minutes, and until then he will just right click you to death with zero counterplay. Build damage and outscale.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Grasp
If he contests you for the wave level 1, just give. He wins long trades, and can force them with his E.
You can negate his R with your WW almost completely.
You can win the match up with perfect WW trades and avoiding his W damage.
Akuzai says “Avoid interacting with him early lane. If he wastes w you can all in, if he wastes e you can poke. If you can w his own w you should win out. Rush defensive boots and always be weary of him since his w can oneshot you late.”
hoflol says “Sett has early kill pressure level 1, but once you have flip you can easily win all trades. Only fight when you have flip, and kite him out as he tries to return some damage. If you are fast, you can also flip him as he uses W, and dodge his high damage spell.”
GheeseEmpty says “Not very difficult. Your trades are stronger early as long as you don't get hit by a big W. Respect his level 6, as it can make it far easier for him to combo you and set up his jungler to gank. While you trade much harder early, don't expect to kill him level 1, as his passive provides incredible sustain to him.”
xXazzer says “A good Sett can make this lane even. Otherwise he's a pure melee champ as well. Punish him for every CS, side step his slow W, and don't go for Q3 if he has grit up. If he ults you, you can Q before to get some damage off and he lands behind you so you can Q in that direction too”
NegativePhoenix says “Obviously, this is more favored towards Sett in terms of matchup. You don't want to take trades with him much unless you're certain you can escape
Avoid his W center and you can also use your Q to break his grit shield
With your jungler helping he's actually way easier to handle than most people think since you hold him still basically forever”
LilliaFanBoy says “A good Sett will give you trouble.
Do you best to bait out his E so you can trade with him.
If you're insecure on your ability to be up close and personal just go the poke build.”
Maksimvini says “Sett is one of easiest match-ups against zilean. While being tanky and have good damage, he has no dashes to you, so you can easily lane against it.”
WhendZ says “Eu acho Sett muito problemático, ele ganha muita coisa sem gastar nada. As dicas que eu tenho é: Não tenta trocar com ele no Early e tenta só farmar e pegar exp, se você morrer 3 vezes seguidas pra ele você não vai mais conseguir matar ele até fechar o seu core, e ainda assim vai precisar de ajuda.”
LegacyOneTap says “Matchup is always in your favor most of the time, personally i like to run double tenacity in runes so this guy doesn't just grab you and thanks to league logic without more than 20% tenacity he can w you free, also double tenacity so you can spend resources on plated into bork and trinity/divine, care for his giant true damage blast, don't get cheesed by you getting thrown into his tower and hes decent when getting you moved out of place for ganks so watch for that. play around his true damage bar building up, let it go down after a trade so you don't get blown up for being greedy.”
Wizboy73 says “[Grasp or conq] his Q and R can deal a lot of dmg, if he goes blade, he can be dangerous but he is also super squishy so you can delete him if played right, get zhonyas to dodge his W”
JPGamer10BR says “Quando ele usar o Q para correr atrás de você ative seu W e corre, não tome o E, caso você tome, tente dar o Q não tomar os auto ataques, sempre mantenha distância para evitar tomar o R dele, NUNCA tome o W dele no meio.
Pode usar F.F, PTA, Aery ou Grasp.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer or phase rush. Both work.
Try to dodge his middle part of W true damage. Don't hammer Q him after 6. He can cheese a flash ult on you and you can't get away. Don't stand inbetween minnions and his E range. You outscale him.”
BurritoTopKing says “bone plating + double tenacity helps, also try to avoid getting hit by his W, all his abilities have very long cooldown so if he misses E or W you can go for a trade.
Not that hard to avoid dying into him, just be careful as he can snowball very hard.”
Shazir says “Don't try to cheese him because he can kill you. But all-in in 3 level and lower his health, and dive. Don't forget to take his W in dives.”
xskyswitch says “Sett can be annoying if he gets an early lead, but there is always outplay potential. Dodge his W if possible, if not then E it. Q poke and trade often. When you all-in be aware of where his W meter is at.”
Tronnes says “You have the range advantage so if you play with this you should win try not to have prolonged fights with his W charging up. Get out if he E's you and remember to dodge the middle of his W if necessary use E. ”
Bonkyou says “Your entire kit counter his W, don't statcheck, always go bone plating and kite him if he runs towards you and it is a free lane.
Skill matchup”
RivenCarriedYou says “: start doran’s blade and use bone plating in the 2nd tree. Sett wins this matchup straight up, so it's up to you to short trade with him. Q, auto, W auto then EQ away immediately as Sett will try to E you. Save at least one mobility spell to dodge his W damage and don't overcommit on trades. Learning to Q dance through someone is a MUST for this matchup. and try to bait E by Spacing correctly in and out of the range”
Chaddouk says “He beats me lvl 1, then after level 4 i'd say, it all comes down to his long ass CD's. I feel like if we're even and he has no ghost after lvl 6 I can just run him down. I outscale him hard especially if I have navori later and can dash through his W (possible if he does not hit empowered E). In lane just abuse sustain and try to bait his abilities with spacing. Try not to get hit by his W true damage obv and keep in mind that he can flash during W cast time so if you need to flash it do it as late and unpredictably as possible.”
BaotoGame says “Insance CC and damage,he can take your ghouls to stun you with his E,so stay on the same side with your ghouls.Don't go all-in with him,you just need stack your ghouls and then throw your E to poke him poke him low.I suggest you go lethality in this matchup”
daitolol says “- Your Q is slighly longer than his e when used at the edges use it to your advantage. Go only for short trades early where you try to avoid giving him a lot of W stacks you can use e1 to dodge w most of the time
- Respect his auto attacks, if your shroud is down sett can land a combo that will cost you to 60-70% of your hp
-You can use r1 to dodge his w and when he is ulting you can get a free hit for e as he always lands on the same spot
-If you do get hit by e instantly shroud to avoid aa dmg
_WhiteSnow_ says “This matchup is darius lite - you lose all long trades and he has his pull to force you into one, but if you trade in front of turret with short trades and avoid his pull and w you should be good. Alternatively, you can let him pull you while burrowed and unburrow once you're unstunned and take a quick trade, moving to the side to avoid his potential w afterwards.”
At_Tar_Ras says “sett is one of the best top laners in the game when he's against other melees. the only way to beat him is to take those cheesy trades. E>AA>(emp)W>AA>Q>(AA(?))E. this combo is the only way to play against sett. staying any longer VS'ing him and he'll E you back, hit you with W and kill you with autos + his own Q. after shorter trades that benefit us via our combo, soon enough your window to all-in him will come through. you can use W to shieldbreak him or finish him off so he can't even use it. try to E out of the way of his W true damage too and always abuse your BONEPLATING cooldown + Q range. take DSHIELD here too unless you're v confident. ”
RipAMC says “He's got some serious punching power and crowd control. Sett can pull you in with his Facebreaker and smack you around with his Haymaker. Be cautious and avoid getting caught in his powerful center-of-the-ring ultimate.”
TheBougis says “Mathematically correct Sett (stacking health and AD) can very scary if he knows how land his W.
If Sett goes on-hit, he can be also very strong and even harder to counter at times.
Either case, play safe using your Q's and peel your duo.”
DebRiX9 says “This is a matchup I have yet to figure it out. He will kick your ass hard early game. Wait for level 6 and poke him when his abilities are down, your CD are lower. If you pull well with E you might be able to dodge his W. After 6 poke him enough then ult, keep flash to flash his W if necessary. You win with his stats in Brazil.”
bocchicken says “This is a skill matchup in LANE.. in teamfights, Sett can still R you, even if you W. It won't pick you up with him, but he will still bodyslam the ground and do the damage..”
Samikin says “Skill Matchup. Zoe favored.
Sett can be tricky to deal with if you don't know how to play the matchup. Spacing is really important her to not let Sett run up with Q movement speed and E you into him. If you sleep him , back off after chunking him because he will have a large bar of Grit and convert it to damage and a shield with his W. Keeping him low and chipping him over time works, too. Just don't try to engage when he has a full bar of Grit.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter if w/ Crown) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane OR Liandry's Anguish + Cosmic Drive”
Antecc says “Don't fight full grit Sett.
Don't fight a Lethal Tempo + Ignite Sett at all.
When those 2 conditions are met, play in short trades. Fight until sett's grit is high. Once it is, leap away asap and don't get pulled back in or get hit by his W
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You counter him, the problem is that he is a massive statball. Sit on the barrel and wait for him to make mistake. Otherwise just poke him. You outscale him very hard and your W can cleanse his ult, causing him to keep flying and deal no damage. Spacing is key in this matchup, also dont underestimate his regen on low hp.”
ABL Pantheon says “Pantheon favoured. Respect level 1 if he starts W, altough sometimes you can win level 1. Dodge his W and E and do not let him Q you freely. When he uses W you can either E or try to side step it to get less damage. A bit harder after 6 but still winnable”
ToplaneProfessor says “Sett is debaitable , since im confident with my kench i take [Grasp] [demolish] [boneplating] [ overgrowth] + [Cash Back] [approach velocity]
items :start ruby crystal ->plated steelcaps-> CORE
if you are new kench and your goal is to just not int i would suggest the phase rush rune page
care earlygame he oneshots you
when ulting sett undertwoer :
lordimboutabust says “Easier matchup for aatrox. Simply poke him until he is low enough to all in. Basically an easier version of darius but dont fight him melee basically ever unless he is low enough from poke and be very careful before level 3 as he will run you down. A good tip is to save your E for his W so you can quickly dash through him and avoid the damage at which point you should win the trade. If he hits his E try and kite away until you can land Q - W and get away. He will beat you in melee range so spacing is important in fights | Bone plating | Dblade - Eclipse”
Bernardian says “ Ignite sett is kinda hard to trade with but nothing we cant handle for sure, wardens mail is really good as it stops his q from doing a shit ton of damage early, if he has no w up look to literally steamroll him, tabis is also good.”
Zombzn00b says “Can and will 1v1 you at all stages of the game. If you R him and dodge everything and have perfect spacing he will still just AA you to death. So far i have not found a way to survive him.”
Waqql says “Stay at a distance from Sett. Avoid getting hit by his pull ability and don't underestimate his true damage in the middle area of his W. If he gets ahead, it will be very difficult for you to do anything. As Mega Gnar, you shouldn't engage without your jump ability, as you won't be able to escape from him afterwards.”
Lukajs says “Tricky matchup, but you have more DPS than him early. Use your W to play around his W and attempt to trade and all in when his W is down.
Play around his W being down.”
demirkaiser says “This matchup is easy but new Mordekaiser players can struggle against him. Don't try to trade him level 1. After 3, try to poke him down. You can negate his W damage with your W. Post 8 (not 6, 8) you beat him pretty hard.”
TTVXiralid says “He can only win this matchup if you dont respect his early so just max Q and if u wanna trade u can bait urself to get pulled in and then combine ur W with E and then dodge his W true damage when walking away from him.”
Riceyboll says “As a Sett player myself I can say that this matchup is heavily into his favour, but if you don't go for trades and don't waste your ult you'll survive”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with ignite and dblade start. Try to sidestep his W so it only deals physical damage. You can stun him and walk out, you won't get hit by his e.”
UmbreonQueen says “Many Pantheon players are too afraid of Sett but he's actually very manageable if you play smart. W him whenever he tries to force a trade with his E and proceed to punish him. Save your E for his W so he can't retaliate after a bad trade”
Twogrand says “This match up is all about not getting hit in the middle of his W. Try your best to do quick trades and run away. Dont get stunned by his E and take that true damage to the face you will insta lose.
phaserush tp eclipse”
KaiOverHere says “Farm Lane -> Outscale
Reason this matchup is not in "Tiny" is because he still pushes you in with his early statcheck which can lead into invade shenanigans ”
RykonZ says “Sett's high damage and ability to shield himself can make it difficult for Mordekaiser to trade effectively in lane. Additionally, Sett's ultimate can displace Mordekaiser and put him in a vulnerable position.”
Nurakami says “Kite him with qs and try to don't let him hit you with e dodge his w with your e and you good to go.
You will never win with him 1 v 1 on AA”
Smauggy says “darius but in better, he can grab you, ult you, makes a ton of dmg, he will regen like a monster in lane so your poke is not really good.
Be carefull or your positioning and when you poke, try to poke him at the edge or your q if he has e ( his e range is 450 and our q is up to 480)
if you ult him to kill him make it after his w, or he will have a shield”
LocaLAM says “His true damage and shield are super annoying + it's extremely difficult to dodge his E. Honestly, just poke him down until he's too low and try your best to dodge his W.”
Nico_Player says “Just poke him and use your E and avoid his E and W with it, it´s an easier champ because has low movility, when he has low hp you can E-R him and kill.”
Loweloexpert says “Lvl 3 flash his W and you win, lvl 6 wait for his ult and then ult. Good matchup but if he takes a kill before lvl 6 it can become quite hard. Q during his E, auto E auto Q flash his W ign auto Q auto.”
Black Demon Ezel says “If he E's you, just Q him and E him a couple times and he's slowed so much that he won't catch up. And if he does, silence him and then he can do nothing to you. Should be easy pickings but watch out for one-tricks”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Even though a lot of his early damage comes from auto-attacks, he still proves to be a massive problem due to how easy to hit his abilities are.”
Boptimus says “Is very hard to short trade with and can force very heavy trades in his favour. You have ways to bait out his E and avoid his W damage but a good Sett will be incredibly hard to deal with. You can look for cheese if he ults near your tower; W to shove him closer and R to pull him under.”
SesaPrime says “Sett has the damage, the kit & the abs to throw down Camille on moment notice. He is difficult to trade with in the early levels as he always has a responding ability to Camille's engagements.
He has no resources, relies on CDs & quick trades to take you out of the lane fast & has increased health regeneration on missing health. Heal cut is good to reduce that & if he builds like a duelist you'll outdamage him once you scale.
Just don't let him snowball or you won't make it.”
UlisesFRN says “Bruisers overall beat Vi. There is a reasson they are Toplane champs and you are not. I choosed Sett as an example as he is easy to explain. While Vi is designed to catch an enemy, apply as much CC and damage as possible, and leave, Fighters like Sett are designed for long trades. They have higher numbers,they have sustain and they have ways to control the pace of the fight.
Sett for example takes more damage than you do in a short trade, however he can drag you back with E and there is nothing you can do to retaliate. He also has sustain with his OP passive while you only have DShield
This holds true to the next Champs:
HOWEVER there is still light. Vi can really be a headache in midgame even when behind. She also is an awesome gank target, as she provides a healthy amount of CC and burst to the mix. Your waveclear also allows you to play safer into enemy ganks and control the state of the wave, wich is key to winning Top. Your itemization can also help. Steelcaps counters pretty much 90% of the Bruiser pool”
icher says “sett has his darling w which deals 2k true damage, prevent him from hitting you and you win easily, except in late, that thing is a horror if he builds a tank.”
clalityy says “Heart attack matchup u just cant win
if u cant dodge E / W true damage
he's just stronger
just farm under turret
call ur jungler and pray”
primate nefasto says “Really really hard match up but not impossible, i like to put anti cc in runes and build merch boots so i have time to dodge his w after he hit me with his E. Other way is almost impossible to win, you must dodge his W somehow”
1Yamato1 says “Não troque com ele lv 1 e tente pegar lv 2 antes dele jogando fora do range do E dele. Sempre que ele gastar as skills dele você tem oportunidade de trocar. Use seu W no Q ou E dele.”
PraefectusMace says “Not that bad to be honest. Might depend on the Sett player, but a lot of them are cocky from what I experienced so far. So you will win the trades often, just be sure to pay attention to the shield, as you can cheese a dodge with the Q+hold to latch onto him and move sideways.”
RWN Pop says “Realistically speaking, Sett would be an easy target if not for his W. Analyse how he uses his E, after you get it, either try to dodge or you counter his E with your own.”
dzsama says “Early game might be tricky due to his bulkiness and damage on W. Dodge his Q with your E and path behind him or to the sides while he casts W to avoid the true damage and beat him down after that. Just be careful that he doesn't ult you under tower post-6. You outscale him decently quickly, though his W damage will still be very high once his grit builds up so be vary of that.”
Nnorio says “Don't fight level 1, all in lvl 2 if he wastes his e if not all in lvl 3-4 if equal hp.
1v1 tips:
Bait e by q dancing in the wave.
Save q for his w.
Use ur w for either his r or q.
Pretty easy 1v1 after 6 you heavily out scale him.
Yasuo Is Sexy says “Another early game champion (starting to see a pattern?). Outdamages you early but you can probably deal with him. A lot of his damage comes from his center W and you can dodge some of that damage with your E.”
Smalmeck says “Just like darius play safe early until you hit your powerspike you can dodge his w true dmg with your e and w keep trades short and trade when his abilities are on cooldown. Like darius you outscale him late game. ”
killer2325 says “Try to farm as much as you can. Dodge his W, try to all in when its on cd. Mostly you should poke him and abuse his cd's. For easier trade try to bait his E.”
NegativePhoenix says “Does better than you in basically every way in the lane phase including his sustain. You really won't kill him without help, and even then you should play safe. If you aren't careful especially in team fights and he ults you he just basically removes half your teams health when he lands. It's a risky fight in your ult as well seeing as his W does massive damage. Since you can't avoid his ults damage, try to W to avoid being launched.”
Pep_Shin says “He will fuck you up before 6.
Even if you get first blood.
There's nothing you can do to contest it.
You can't poke him either, he will regen his entire health bar.
Play safe, wait for your 6 and you should be able to kill him as long as you use you W at the maximum shield.
Be careful, he can R you during your ult. He jumps without you, you don't get CC'd but you will take the damage if you get in the landing area. ( You don't take damage if you're not close enough of it)”
lorensj81 says “Sett is a really hard matchup, he wins long extended trades if both are full HP so you have to do short trades. The problem is his passive regen is as strong as Garens, but its perma on even if he takes damage.
You can never press R on Sett if he hasn't used his W because that shield will just eat all of your R damage.
For short trades, let Sett pull you in, W the pull for shorter stun time then AA+Q and E away, be sure to avoid center of his W.
When allining if he has W, you can AA+E him, then Q to silence his W and press R on him.”
Irelius says “ВРЕМЯ СЕКСА. Он ломает Ирке лицо на всех стадиях игры. Сетта НУЖНО переигрывать. У Ирелии есть все инструменты для этого, но их НАДО реализовывать на все 100%. МАЧАП НЕИГРАБЕЛЕН БЕЗ КОСТЯНЫХ ПЛАСТИН. Против него можно брать прио только если он лишит, а вы нет. Но это в любом случае КРАЙНЕ рискованное занятие и не надо драться с Сеттом с игнайтом. Жмём W на его E+2AA+Q или доджим этот ингейдж. Но не при помощи Q, если он собьёт кухан, то вас ждёт смерть. Если он мажет ешкой, абузьте его маленькую ренджу автоатаки и поукайте его за ластхиты. Доджим тру урон W, нажимая Q ему за спину или вбок. Скорее всего, он это запредиктит и дофлешается, чтобы попасть тру уроном. Вам нужно предугадать его предугадывание и тоже флешнуться. Кто побеждает в этом майндгейме один раз, тот побеждает игру.”
Puyi says “Can't fight him at any point in the game. Go for short trades if he wastes his E or W, as they have very long cooldowns. Early steelcaps and boneplating. It's hard to time his E and R with your W, but not impossible.”
He beats the shit out of you at any stage of the game. You need to outperform Sett hard.
In fact, you do have the tools to outplay Sett, but you need to play it perfectly. Or him to play poorly
W his E+2AA+Q engage or sidestep it. Dont Q out of his E, he can interrupt it and you'll suffer.
If he didnt land his E, abuse his 125 attack range and punish him for csing.
Dodge W true damage. Most likely he will predict you Qing him as he starts casting W. He'll flash to hit W. You need to predict his prediction and flash too. Whoever wins this mindgame, wins the matchup for the rest of the game.
JustSad42 says “Early on, Sett will get the push into you since he’s stronger level 1 instead of a wave due to the stun on his E. However, you will be able to beat him outside of a wave level 1. In this matchup, Pre-6, you’ll have to either bait Sett’s E, CS with your Q, or make sure you’re standing in such a way that there is no minion on the other side of Sett E so he can’t get a stun. You can always try to react to Sett’s E, however, if he holds it and you spend too much time trying to react to it, you could lose the trade. After level 6, you will be able to beat Sett. You either want to fight him outside of a wave or at your side of the lane. Proc the vital on the side facing his turret first, and then proceed to proc all the other vitals after. This way, if he Rs you, it will be to your side of the lane. You can either use your W at the start of the fight to proc your R as quickly as possible when he’s slowed, or save your W for his W. You outscale Sett after 2 items, but you can win all-ins before that. However, there is a lot of skill expression in those fights. Take them at your own risk.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Shield/Cloth Armor.
Ghost+Exhaust or Ghost+Ignite.
Dodge. Even if Sett is a weak player, he outdamages you at any time during the laning phase. Wait for the jungler and avoid his W and E. His W is avoidable, but it's one of the HARDEST skills to dodge with your W. If you're already fighting him head-to-head, try using your W behind/side to not get the central part of his main skill. Otherwise you will lose every trade.
With your W u can dodge: W (very hard).”
SrMolinv says “Sett wins if he gets a good trade, thats usually made by landing long stun E ( hitting 2 targets). Riven usually wins short trades. Respect his W flash, he can be cheesy. Save a dash to dodge W true damage.”
Grakala says “This is the hardest Toplane match-up. Just try not to get hit by his E, keep your E until he uses W to dodge it and try to only fight him while near your own tower. ”
AlyssaTennya says “True damage W rather annoying to deal with. Hard to fight. Can come back easily. Builds stridebreaker to squash any hope of not fighting him for every CS. Barrier might work against true damage? Not that big a deal if you don't have to lane against him, I.E. sett mid.”
93bWasTaken says “I. HATE. THIS. MACTHUP.
He will tank your R with his W, try to play around it.
He can tank your bleed with his passive (%missing HP regen/s).
His Q does hella damage early on, and his E guarantees him a W.
Enjoy less enjoyable matchup.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Play safe pre 6 and pok him with your Q]
[Avoid his sweet spot from his W to avoid his True damage]
[Post 6 it becomes easier]
[Buy Bramble Vest]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Sett is very dependant on his abilities, so try to bait them out and go for an all-in after. Try to dodge W. This is the only matchup in the game where you should take Bone Plating.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Skill matchup, sett favoured.
Tabi rush, dshield start.
Poke him early on but dont commit to trades, hes stronger.
Dont stunlock yourself in his w.
Past 6 and tabi, while even, you win no matter what (unless you re sitting on bork components).
You can try all in him early if he randomly blows his cds (they re insanely long).
You outscale him hard 1v1 sidelane.”
Atemporal says “Quando eu estava começando neste guia, o tanque Sett mid estava super quebrado. No momento, Sett está realmente nerfado, mas você pode se deparar com algum Sett mid ainda. comece E e corra através de lacaios.
não deixe ele entrar na faixa E ou você perderá metade do seu hp facilmente. Eu costumo evitar negociar a todo custo no início do jogo. E longe se ele estiver chegando perto de estar na faixa E. Após a primeira base com selo escuro corrompido e dring, você quer começar a negociar.
Ekko pode ignorar o W de Sett com o padrão de negociação correto. Use Q para pegar a fazenda enquanto tenta acertar Sett. Se o Q acertar, olhe para E para ele enquanto também redireciona seu Q para o proc passivo instantâneo. Sett não poderá proteger nenhum de seus danos
se tudo o atingir ao mesmo tempo. Sett pode afastá-lo do seu W, então seja esperto quanto ao posicionamento do W. De preferência, você quer ficar entre Sett e uma parede quando lutar com ele, para que ele não possa te afastar do seu W se você lutar com ele.
Esta pista é basicamente apenas escalonamento livre, desde que você não entre no início do jogo. ”
RandumPersin says “A matchup slightly in our favor, take PTA and ignite. Sett is very similar to juggernauts in how we play our trades, however he has a pull on a pretty short cooldown and his main damaging ability is auto attack based (you can't dodge his Q). Treat trading with this champion as a carbon copy of Darius and make sure to dash out of his W true damage punch (as well as break his W shield with our empowered W if you can) and you will find Sett to be a Darius with less damage. If you fall behind this matchup quickly becomes impossible to play, but both Sett and Renekton scale poorly so pretty much the entire tempo/state of topside is going to come down to who wins lane. Similarly speaking, if we get a lead against him, we can also make HIS game unplayable too - jungle presence plays a HUGE role here in determining who wins topside.”
LeyzeHP says “(Top) Grasp or Conqueror, with boneplating and if you have grasp also taste of blood.
Build any item you need (Eclipse if you can carry in squeeshy comps, Divine if you have to sidelane into squeeshy comps with a tank besides Sett, Goredrinker if there are a lot of melee/tanky characters.
Play laning around fast and short trades, it's better to jump on him with 4 stacks.
HightLoL says “lvl 1 you beat him with w start if u can dodge his w. poke him when he goes for minions. try not to stand in minions or he'll stun you.
whoever wins early wins lane”
Smudey says “He wins long and short trades so take TP and play for Ults. He doesn't scale that well so you shouldn't worry about getting an early lead.”
Fizzy says “Sett is extremely annoying against Fiora, you can use the Q to dodge the W of the sett, if possible try to predict his E or R thus making him an easy target for a win. try to stay back and if your jg can help you against it, it will be a perfect matchup”
Cheeseypops1 says “Sett pre 6 will beat your ass in a straight 1v1, But you can beat him if you q poke him and use your e to pull him behind you when he uses w so you dodge all the dmg, But if you fight him fairly at all pre 6 it wont even be close. At 6 you can win 1v1 as long as he doesnt hit the true damage on his w so flash dodge it but do a late flash so he doesn't follow you with his flash, Also dont r him if he is in melee range of you try to push him away with your e first because he can use his R to go unstoppable and block your R which will make you lose 100%, You hard outscale him so just rush tabis and see what you can do ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid extended trades with Sett early. He has a lot of physical damage and will win most auto-attack trades. Keep this in mind when trading with him. At level 6, Sett’s Ultimate is pretty strong. Do not overextend or stay on low health in the lane as he can easily kill you or set up his Jungler. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on will reduce Sett’s ability to get kills and win lane. Try to keep the wave on your side of the map.”
hamgi says “this could be either even or major depending on the skill level of the sett player. out of all the immobile bruisers, sett is the easiest to kite as he only gains ms with his q. yone has an exceptional gap closer and creator with q3/r/e and a combination of all. sett has the same passive as garen, altho its a lot slower, so poking him doesnt feel as useless. his cd's are relatively long, so once he blows his e, use that opportunity to trade him. when hes dmg'd, he stacks grit on his w, which converts to true dmg in the centre and ad in the wings and grants him a shield based on missing health. the key to fighting him is to poke him down so that his grit bar never really becomes full, and u can comfortably all-in without taking too much dmg. use e or flash (if u absolutely cannot walk around) when he uses w as the dmg is no joke. a lot of setts will w then flash, so be prepared to react if ur low and he has w+flash up. his r is not as scary in 1v1's, so try to bait it out with e. a lot of setts have good discipline to not ult u in spirit form, but in the event that they do, u can recast at the exact moment he ults (ur unstoppable, u wont be suppressed). otherwise, just recast at the end, u'll be fine unless ur super, super low. dont try to fight him immediately out of his r as ur disarmed (similar to irelia r), u wont have much time to do anything and u may die if ur low enough”
MrSIrPops says “Sett is not a huge threat in my opinion as it is going to be an issue of skill in the laning fase. Try dogging his fully charged w and run him down with your ultimate .”
StingingChicken says “Respect his level 1 and 2, other than that you just win trades because you can E his W and sit behind E until his shield wears off. Very straightforward matchup”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “Skillmatchup, u need to try to kite with ghost and maybe if there is an angle E into R if its kinda execute Range so he cant react with W”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid extended trades with Sett early. He has a lot of physical damage and will win most auto-attack trades. Keep this in mind when trading with him. At level 6, Sett’s Ultimate The Show Stopper(R) is pretty strong. Do not overextend or stay on low health in the lane as he can easily kill you or set up his Jungler. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on will reduce Sett’s ability to get kills and win lane. If you’re not very strong in the early game, default to keeping the wave on your side of the map.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid extended trades with Sett early. He has a lot of physical damage and will win most auto-attack trades. Keep this in mind when trading with him. At level 6, Sett’s Ultimate The Show Stopper(R) is pretty strong. Do not overextend or stay on low health in the lane as he can easily kill you or set up his Jungler. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on will reduce Sett’s ability to get kills and win lane. If you’re not very strong in the early game, default to keeping the wave on your side of the map.”
kajinator says “Phase Rush + Flash and Ignite. You can't do much to Sett early or in side lane but you are a much better team fighter so put pressure using that. You shouldn't have a hard time staying even in CS/XP with Phase Rush.”
BreadyToCrumble says “The way to beat Sett is to kite him. So long as he misses his E, you will win the trade. I like to play back with Q max and just poke him down. Use your ult when he Es you as most Sett players will land the E and then use his Q autos to burst you. Use your W to dodge his W as well.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid extended trades with Sett early. He has a lot of physical damage and will win most auto-attack trades. Keep this in mind when trading with him. At level 6, Sett’s Ultimate The Show Stopper(R) is pretty strong. Do not overextend or stay on low health in the lane as he can easily kill you or set up his Jungler. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on will reduce Sett’s ability to get kills and win lane. If you’re not very strong in the early game, default to keeping the wave on your side of the map.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid extended trades with Sett early. He has a lot of physical damage and will win most auto-attack trades. Keep this in mind when trading with him. At level 6, Sett’s Ultimate The Show Stopper(R) is pretty strong. Do not overextend or stay on low health in the lane as he can easily kill you or set up his Jungler. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on will reduce Sett’s ability to get kills and win lane. If you’re not very strong in the early game, default to keeping the wave on your side of the map.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid extended trades with Sett early. He has a lot of physical damage and will win most auto-attack trades. Keep this in mind when trading with him. At level 6, Sett’s Ultimate The Show Stopper(R) is pretty strong. Do not overextend or stay on low health in the lane as he can easily kill you or set up his Jungler. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on will reduce Sett’s ability to get kills and win lane. If you’re not very strong in the early game, default to keeping the wave on your side of the map.”
SrMolinv says “Sett gana si consigue un buen trade, si no consigue stunear a Riven con la E larga (dando a 2 objetivos) Riven suele ganar el trade. Cuidado con el W flash de Sett. Guardar siempre un dash para esquivar su daño verdadero”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid extended trades with Sett early. He has a lot of physical damage and will win most auto-attack trades. Keep this in mind when trading with him. At level 6, Sett’s Ultimate The Show Stopper(R) is pretty strong. Do not overextend or stay on low health in the lane as he can easily kill you or set up his Jungler. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on will reduce Sett’s ability to get kills and win lane. If you’re not very strong in the early game, default to keeping the wave on your side of the map.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid extended trades with Sett early. He has a lot of physical damage and will win most auto-attack trades. Keep this in mind when trading with him. At level 6, Sett’s Ultimate The Show Stopper(R) is pretty strong. Do not overextend or stay on low health in the lane as he can easily kill you or set up his Jungler. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on will reduce Sett’s ability to get kills and win lane. If you’re not very strong in the early game, default to keeping the wave on your side of the map.”
pura4 says “"[Aperto dos Mortos Vivos/Osso Revestido, Escudo Doran's, W > E] - Sett é bem difícil, mas se você for realmente bom, você pode matá-lo sozinho. W dele causa dano verdadeiro, se você apenas andar para a esquerda ou direita, você pode facilmente se esquivar do dano verdadeiro! É super fácil se esquivar já que você tem Q. - E ele e corra se ele te puxar para dentro - Se ele te puxar quando ele tem metade do HP, é hora de tentar derrotá-lo! Fique muito perto dele e ande em círculos com ele, tente o seu melhor para evitar o W dele enquanto está dando Ataques Básicos ao mesmo tempo. Se você evitou com sucesso o W dele, você vai queimar seu flash ou matá-lo :) - Se você conseguir ao menos uma morte nele, você pode fazer uma bola de neve! - Em teamfights, posicione-se longe do seu time!”
KaiOverHere says “(Phase Rush + Whatever summs you want it doesn't matter) Sett is a Lane bully who's designed around winning most attrition wars and extended trades. However, you can just run PR to deny him said extended trades, and use your W if he somehow gets ontop of you to literally negate his entire combo. On top of this, sett's main power comes from setting up cheater recalls/infinite freezes, which don't matter because you have enough wave clear to brute force a freeze down. His passive is literally just a worse version of yours so he can't win attrition wars with you, and his main sticking power, his slows, literally do not matter if you take Phase Rush. The only scary thing about this matchup is the potential for gank setup, but lowkey that's just your fault if you aren't paying attention to where the jungler is. BTW it doesn't matter how many items you have do not ever try to one shot sett it will never work”
kam1k says “e-w-q combo kite back make 2 first stacks within 4 seconds max don't let him accumulate the shield all-in if he missed w. dont start with Q if he has Q+E”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid extended trades with Sett early. He has a lot of physical damage and will win most auto-attack trades. Keep this in mind when trading with him. At level 6, Sett’s Ultimate The Show Stopper(R) is pretty strong. Do not overextend or stay on low health in the lane as he can easily kill you or set up his Jungler. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on will reduce Sett’s ability to get kills and win lane. If you’re not very strong in the early game, default to keeping the wave on your side of the map.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid extended trades with Sett early. He has a lot of physical damage and will win most auto-attack trades. Keep this in mind when trading with him. At level 6, Sett’s Ultimate The Show Stopper(R) is pretty strong. Do not overextend or stay on low health in the lane as he can easily kill you or set up his Jungler. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on will reduce Sett’s ability to get kills and win lane. If you’re not very strong in the early game, default to keeping the wave on your side of the map.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid extended trades with Sett early. He has a lot of physical damage and will win most auto-attack trades. Keep this in mind when trading with him. At level 6, Sett’s Ultimate is pretty strong. Do not overextend or stay on low health in the lane as he can easily kill you or set up his Jungler. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on will reduce Sett’s ability to get kills and win lane. Try to keep the wave on your side of the map.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid extended trades with Sett early. He has a lot of physical damage and will win most auto-attack trades. Keep this in mind when trading with him. At level 6, Sett’s Ultimate is pretty strong. Do not overextend or stay on low health in the lane as he can easily kill you or set up his Jungler. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on will reduce Sett’s ability to get kills and win lane. Try to keep the wave on your side of the map.”
pura4 says “"[Aperto dos Mortos Vivos/Osso Revestido, Escudo Doran's, W > E] - Sett é bem difícil, mas se você for realmente bom, você pode matá-lo sozinho. W dele causa dano verdadeiro, se você apenas andar para a esquerda ou direita, você pode facilmente se esquivar do dano verdadeiro! É super fácil se esquivar já que você tem Q. - E ele e corra se ele te puxar para dentro - Se ele te puxar quando ele tem metade do HP, é hora de tentar derrotá-lo! Fique muito perto dele e ande em círculos com ele, tente o seu melhor para evitar o W dele enquanto está dando Ataques Básicos ao mesmo tempo. Se você evitou com sucesso o W dele, você vai queimar seu flash ou matá-lo :) - Se você conseguir ao menos uma morte nele, você pode fazer uma bola de neve! - Em teamfights, posicione-se longe do seu time!”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid extended trades with Sett early. He has a lot of physical damage and will win most auto-attack trades. Keep this in mind when trading with him. At level 6, Sett’s Ultimate is pretty strong. Do not overextend or stay on low health in the lane as he can easily kill you or set up his Jungler. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on will reduce Sett’s ability to get kills and win lane. Try to keep the wave on your side of the map.”
Thrandor says “Fun matchup. You win early 1v1s UNLESS he runs ignite + lethal tempo AND hits a good W. I recommend flashing to avoid that or using Q through him (although you should not hold back your Q for the whole fight...). You can cancel his R with a well timed held down Q onto anything- it's fun to watch how he flies away on his own, spamming emotes :D”
Racz says “Very strong early game, W his Q AA's. Don't fight him, he's usually an agressive laner so he'll push. Dodge his W sweet spot at any cost. He can get you from under turret with Flash + R so save your E for that times.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid extended trades with Sett early. He has a lot of physical damage and will win most auto-attack trades. Keep this in mind when trading with him. At level 6, Sett’s Ultimate is pretty strong. Do not overextend or stay on low health in the lane as he can easily kill you or set up his Jungler. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on will reduce Sett’s ability to get kills and win lane. If you’re not very strong in the early game, default to keeping the wave on your side of the map.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Sett support isn't very strong anymore, your Q breaks his W shield and he can't very well walk into your team if you're peeling. If you're playing to engage you also can find a lot of good opportunities if you have F+RE, but be aware that his E and R cancel your mounted W and he can send you back into your team if you just run at him.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Should be easy as long as you DONT trade hard levels 1-3, his passive dominates these levels, wait a few levels and spam stun him and he wont be able to do shit. Eat him AFTER his W
procs and it'll let you wait out his shield while he's inside you. When spitting him out be careful not to spit him backwards or it'll allow him to ult you towards his tower, spit him sideways
instead ”
UlisesFRN says “The matchup is rather easy, and the key is Phase Rush. You can keep poking him with your melee combo and he will never touch you.
You must play safer once he is 6, but you should be able to beat him even after that. Later in the game dont let him touch you, and you will be good. You can carry Ignite in this matchup”
tacowo_ says “Sett go thunk thunk, you go chomp chomp. Seriously though, this matchup is very similar to other stat checkers. Don't get hit by his true damage from W, try to not get stunned, and him pulling you under turret a great way to make you both waste your ults. ”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Это Аатрокс, только без вампиризма, тру мужик, что пришел ломать вам лицо. Вы его контрите, но скорее перескейливаете, Я как хороший Сетт ломал всех Иллаой, и наоборот так же. Уважайте его раннию игру и агресию, даже большем чем Дариуса, Кледа или Аатрокса. С градом клинков, за 1 ошибку он сломает вас.
Сетт своей R, легко вас выкидывает из поля щупалец созданных ваше R”
Maxpiku says “Скиловый матчап. Все зависит от нашего скила. Очень похоже на игру против дариуса ,ошибки так же не прощаются ,но герой еще более тупой чем дариус, так что советую попробовать уклониться от 1000 чистого урона будучи в стане. Таби + часики ,флит футворк/фейз раш.”
Taiquyorah says “MU à l'avantage de Sett qui dépend sur sa capacité à vous attraper. Donc priorité aux bottes.
Ne cherchez pas à le poke en dessous de 50% HP sauf si vous pouvez le tuer.
Sa régénération est très forte. Cependant vous pouvez l'outscale.”
NegativePhoenix says “Sett hits hard at nearly every stage, with his Q doing % max health damage and his Ws center being a true damage zone it's not too easy of a matchup. Poke him when possible but don't hard shove or he can abuse you suddenly, and don't stand in the middle of minion waves or he can just use his E to stun you instead of slow. Late game, if you get against a Sett, keep yourself in a weird position where he cant ult into your team. His ult does AOE damage based off additional health of whoever he grabbed, so he can just destroy your team if he grabs you. Honestly, ban him if you can. He abuses your health scaling with his own abilities and makes it hard to fight him.”
Yiphen says “Jungle Diff or Win Lane. Start Longsword + Healing Potion. Your AA's outrange his E. You need good kiting to stay out of his kite range. Consider rushing Executioner's Calling to offset his low-hp healing. I think you also rush Serpent's Fang, but I'm not sure. Freeze wave near tower. Do not dance.”
gekigami says “Passiva de life regen do sett literalmente anula os seus 'pokes' early game. aproveite seu range para conseguir fazer trocas seguras. cuidado com o ''E'' do sett. e preste atenção na barra de fúria do sett pra você não acabar recebendo mais dano do que queira, pois mesmo você batendo nele, se receber seu W (no centro) todo seu esforço foi em vão, já que quem tem uma passiva de regenerar vida é ele.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
Depending on how good he is this matchup can be even or really hard.
Only trade with him with E, it is crucial that you cancel his E stun with your recast or you dodge his W. He outsustains you, so perafighting isnt a good idea.”
gloriousbobbyttv says “dont fight. and just stand there and look at him for the most part. This champ is just annoying. consider shadow flame first item to knock his annoyingness down. If he wastes his shield ability, go for a flip.
kickman2334 says “try to dodge his W with your Q. Dont parry it. keep your W for the attackspeed slow. you can also parry his E. its hard but if you manage to do that. you can easily kill him”
PENTAKILL LETS GO says “He completly destroy you in early, you may have a chance if you dodge his stun + his shield burst.
If you didn't feed him, you will have fun to rekt him in late game.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Let wave push to you -> Freeze -> Play safe early on -> Stay at Q range -> Be careful of being a bit too close, he can catch up to you easily with his Q, pull you with E and chunk you quite hard -> Space properly -> Kite properly -> Once you get some items you can look to be a bit more aggressive -> Can dodge his E and W with your E -> You do not win extended fights, gotta poke him, kite him -> Make 30-40% hp diff and he is killable ”
VituVonDoom says “Sett is harder than people give him credit for, especially of he takes ignite or ghost. Usually, he is like Garen, kite him to hell, use your Cannon E to run away if needed(followed by a quick Q), space well so he whiffs his E, and use your hammer E to displace him in his W, making him also whiff it. Take the Conq page, and show him that top lane's your Kingdom. See... See what I did there. Kingdom, Cody Rhodes, Wrestling? I'll see myself out”
KrazyKid1024 says “Sett can reliably counter you in most scenarios. He has a way to get you off his team, he can outduel you, and he can just use his magic W button to win the fight.”
Baby Sona says “This matchup is really hard in the early game. He beats you in all ins if he lands his abilities. Play safe and get Riftmaker + Armor boots and you win.”
Aberrant Demon says “Don't look for trades until level 3. When you do trade, keep them very short and try to W his EW combo. If you try to take a long trade, his W damage will be massive. Rushing tier 2 boots helps significantly in this matchup. After Stridebreaker, you can Q, E, Stridebreaker and run out of the range of his W without him being able to retaliate.”
NegativePhoenix says “Sett is my secondary champion for toplane, and for a fact I know that his engages are alot better than yours. You have better short trade poke, but he has better engage all-in trades. Be cautious of his E stun if he's standing in waves and try to W his W if he's not gonna stand inside it when you do or he wins the fight. Once his W is down, it's alot easier to trade with him with little risk but not impossible for him to win.”
M81M1337 says “Sett is winnable, but it is extremely hard. Just try to sit under tower and last hit. The only tip I can give is to spam ping and hope for your jungle to help. If possible, hit him under your tower with your W. His true damage is too much so don't even think about fighting him. R if you think he's going to try to all in you.”
IcunoX says “Scary when ahead for sure but winnable, if you get stunned mid-E you are dead so be carefull with that. poke him out with Q's and farm safe untill he makes a mistake, play reactive.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Poke him down, until you can all in and kill him. (50-70% hp)
Wave 1-4:
Poke with Q, do not do extended trades, he will win until you get level 3, let him get prio if he really tries to contest it, his W is too strong early.
This is not an easy matchup, though definitely winnable.
You want to look to kite him down and tether him, look for poke and all in when he doesnt have cooldowns, if you can parry his E or W you win it.
Often times Sett players will use E followed into W so you can't parry it, but if you take double tenacity in runes you can parry it as you will be out of the stun just in time to parry it (you need 25% tenacity for Sett EW to not work).
Stack conq with Q's to loook for an all in.
Care when he gets bramble vest as he already has insane base dmg so with the tankyness from bramble he becomes really unkillable.
In that case you wait till you Hydra and just play the same game as before, looking for poke into all in.
Parrying his ult is also insane but you need to parry behind you if you want him to be stunned as he will still go through you.
Look to poke and pull in waves while removing minion aggro by moving in bushes, you can also play for bushes to deny him auto attacks or get an extra auto attack during trades.
Tabis are a good buy in this matchup after 1st item.”
Skysolitox says “Keep an eye for his flashes. a good Sett will freeze the wave and try to make you go away of your tower so he can punch you. try and stay safe and push your lane too much.”
gazibulle says “Hard to very hard matchup, considering even chinese Camille OTPs permaban him. You outscale him as you do true damage, but you need to kite well. Grasp is WAY better than Conqueror in this matchup, as his trading pattern is to E you then punch you to death; therefore you only want to take short trades and never extend them. Bone Plating is really good against him. Take W level 1 so you can W-Q-Q him with Grasp, removing a lot of his HP bar. Try Wing him with the very edge of the outer cone so if he Es, he will still get hit by it. NEVER trade when your shield is down, his CDs are lower and he will beat you. Don't do long range hookshots since he can cancel them with his E. You must dodge his W true damage in order to win trades. Your trading pattern is quite basic: prepare Grasp, W-Q2 him with shield up until he is roughly about 25% HP, then you can consider all-in'ing him. If he ever Ws to farm minions, hookshot on him and you will always win as long as you hit it and he doesn't cancel it: physical shield will absorb a lot of his damage, but be careful as it can be a bait for his jungler (good Setts will never W nothing). Otherwise I repeat: you ALWAYS win quick trades as long as you don't get stunned by his E (meaning when he pulls you when he is between you and your minions), since you won't be able to proc shield without him chunking you a bit, and you won't be able to dodge his W true damage. Be careful of his insane CCs and gank setup. At level 6 you can ult his W, it's fairly easy to do. It's always recommended to kite his W shield as it decays quite quickly (3s). Once you have Divine you basically can't really lose if you kite him and avoid his E stun, unless he has Tabis / Bramble and meta slaves the shit out of the meta, meaning he has Hullbreaker. Very late game he can't do ANYTHING to you as you're too tanky and deals too much damage, and he cannot hit his W since you can dodge it with your ultimate; still be careful of his E (stun)-W combo which is undodgeable unless you have tenacity.”
Boptimus says “Until they decide to tone down Sett's obnoxious strength he will be my GO-TO ban. This match up gets significantly easier the less experienced and lower rank the Sett is, but a good Sett is just going to stack Tenacity and E you on cooldown to choke you out of lane.
It's very hard to bully Sett out of lane because his Passive HP regen makes it so he will never be in Lethal.”
Scallywag says “You can zone him quite easily with your barrels, but if he is able to get on top of you he can burst you to death with one rotation and ignite.
If you fight him, try to kite him around since he will win every fight if you are constantly in melee range.”
Black Demon Ezel says “There's just no winning into Sett. He has two auto attacks every "Auto" and regenerates faster the lower his health goes which practically makes him gain health against uyour mini armies instead of losing it. Try to avoid matchup but if you have no choice, just avoid fighting until you either get ganked or mid game when everyone is ARAMing mid lane”
verikukko says “Super easy matchup, he wins all-ins levels 1-2 but Volibear is stronger levels 3-18.
You can try to time your R to predict and dodge his R, but it doesn't matter much cause the matchup is so good for Voli.”
Atmoist says “Sett can be horrible to deal with as he's very strong early vs you and can stun/slow you basically under ur tower. Just stack and try not to engage till you get good stacks/items”
queen_rane says “[Ignite + Flash] This matchup is really hard early because he beats you in all ins level 1-5 if he lands his abilities. Once you have your riftmaker + armor boots you win.”
SilverAvalanche says “Outscale: You can look for something level 6+, if he wastes his E and W then you can win trades pre-6. But else I would wait until you are at least level 9 and just spam him down with Qs and if he ever Es you then you just E him and Q him down, and if he ults you then you just ult him to distance yourself from him. You really wanna use your shroud when his grit is stacked and wait for it to disappear, if you do this then Sett player will usually disengage or blind W hoping for a hit, it is just important you shroud his escape path so you can run him down when his grit dissapears. What you don't wanna do is walk up to a wave without your E or W because then you are basically dead.”
Trundledaddy says “Lane is a bit obnoxious, don't get
stunned by his E+W true dmg combo
and you win it, usually has ignite, so
be careful of those all ins, kite his
passive so he doesn't get full W of”
nerf sett. i legit never win vs him. he outdamages you all stages of the game so the only real chances you have is ult snipes. farm under tower, dont even get near him, beg that your jungler doesnt give him kills.
Kurose0027 says “Very strong champion early and mid game. Be wary of positioning against him as he stuns you only if he hits both sides on his E. You generally want to run double tenacity and save parry for his W because it's unreliable to parry his E. If you do land it though, you will win hard in this matchup.”
TSmash says “Because of his true damage and stun, he is a threat to you, but you can win if you dodge the W and E, after he ults you, push him close and finish it.”
KyleTheConqueror says “Killable, but almost has an anti-tahm kit. What hurts his chances is that his shield is dodgeable, doesn't have an escape plan, needs to bring you close to fight, and your ult can gobble him up. Despite this, he does a lot of damage, so ask for ganks early.
Hawkkiller105 says “He's just a bruiser and really hurts while at it.
But let's get to the main reason why he is a threat in your game.
Setts ult is really good for team fights especially if there is a super health and beefy tank because you really can use Sett to just one shot a really squishy champ like Cait, Ashe, Jinx, Lux. ”
lolkayleee says “[Ignite + Flash]
This matchup is really hard early because he beats you in all ins level 1-5 if he lands his abilities. Once you have your riftmaker + armor boots you win.”
Federals1 says “Sett can be a very tough matchup. You win the short trades at first, but his passive regeneration makes it to where you need to kill him quick or he will have way more health than you. One thing you can outplay him on is your ultimate. Much like with Mordekaiser, you can time your ultimate so you don't take the damage and he does not toss you. Both q and w maxes work. If you want to win short trades every time without him having the range to pull you back you max q first. At 3 points q you should have enough speed to where doing e into q should be fast enough to where you're out of range. Warden's Mail is a very good rush into him. You can complete Frozen Heart and then go into Iceborn Gauntlet, or skip the Frozen Heart and go Iceborn first into Cosmic Drive. Second rune page should be used. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spells. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him.”
Hawkkiller105 says “The only ability you need to really watch out for when trying to trade with Sett is his W, his W can make a losing fight into a winning fight with just that ability. If a Sett waist his W on something dumb, just punish the living Satan out of him. ”
TheDeadliestMacarena says “Yes, Jojo's lesser cousin. You have an advantage against Sett because he just punches people. Make him miss his E (the cone-shaped frontal attack) and wait for his shield to deplete. While this is active, do not attack. You'll squander both mana and abilities which Swain is heavily reliant on. Even better if you can lure him under the tower.”
gabecord says “(Fleet-footwork) - Poke as much as you can. The only way he can kill you is if he flashes or you get in range of his attacks. Abuse speed boots, fleet-footwork, an speed boost from 4th shot.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Care for his all in early, he's one of the only tops who can match u in all-ins early. Dont let him stun u with E and try to avoid his true damage W. Dont trade with him because he will always out heal u but you can punish him for trying to farm and all-in him. He can pull u when u q or he can ult so you dont get heal. Try to bait his w before u kill with ur ult.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Another poke into all in matchup, if he gets bramble vest wait until you get whip and then you can win again, fight him when he uses W or E and also parry any of this abilities, after lvl 6 you can try to parry his R but I don't really recommend it.”
Xpoxy says “You have a big range advantage even in the early-game, you will be fine if you don't get E'd in mini form.
Take: Grasp
Build: Divine Sunderer”
Yatsuu says “Sett is strong against nasus, don't try to trade before your 6. Use your wave to fight him, a good sett will make your day bad. You can win the lane after level 11 if you just scale”
WestRover says “dont go near him unless his e and w are both down being exhaust and tp and play around your tower, freeze the wave and if he ults you you can also easily ult away from him that is if he does not have a big lead ”
darkintaki says “Try to get an advantage on him and freeze lane, he can't shove minions and fight at the same time, Use your E whenever he tries to hit W on you. Optional Bramble Vest.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “Don't get anywhere near this guy pre 6. E rush is amazing against him and try to pick off cs with E and Wither him if you go for a cannon. Phase rush is really good against him”
Agatrium says “So, Sett. He’s really strong during laning phase. Garen is too, Sett just has more in his kit to beat the 1v1. The better player can win this matchup, however, if you make one mistake, you’re dead, or forced to flash. If you want to fight him, W his E, start with a spin, then Q him and walk away, that way, he can’t instant W you. ”
Cryniu says “Trata de jugar al aguante, defensivo.
Si te jala con su E, usa lo más rápido que puedas el combo de Q+W.
Mayormente juega con intercambios cortos, Sett tiene mucho daño constante.
Prioriza la tenacidad en las runas.
Compra las botas rapidamente, tanto las de 300 como las de armadura sirven mucho para esquivarlo y aguantarlo.
Vesta espinosa también ayuda mucho ya que se cura con la pasiva.”
Biotic says “Very hard matchup. Often Setts look to flash on you Level 1/2 with his E and still have Hexflash. After Level 6 it should be easy to win. Its again about giving up some cs, sit back and outscale. You can roam but be carefull they have a good dive. 2 Points E are good.”
Kocykek says “Beware of his early game damage. Go for short trades and dodge his E. Grab Sheen and poke him. You outtrade him and outdamage him then if you play smart. After Divine it's gg.”
qosmox says “Block his auto's and Q's with your W. Dodge his W's true damage part with sidestepping or using E. After 6, look for short trades. When he is low HP, all-in him. But be careful, he can still kill you with an good ulti and W.”
Helzky says “Sett is difficult for newer players. Bait out his E level one. Level 2-3 you can poke him. Do NOT get close to him or he will kill you. When trading, W him, then mark him, then dance around his E and W. Taking Ignite or executioners here is really helpful.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Make use of your Bone Plating. Try to stay out of his E range, it's very similar to Darius E. If he hits you tho, make sure to get a good trade off. Post lvl 3 you will win trades as long as you play it correctly and PARRY HIS W! After 6 it becomes tricky since you can parry his R backwards to hit a stun, OR you just stay with parrying his W.”
Friednuts says “time your W righter before he uses his E, if you think you can win the fight, E through him to dodge his W if not, use your E to disengage.”
havy says “dodge his E and the center of his W, he's surprisingly fast with his Q, so don't be afraid to body slam away from him, you can burst him down if he's too careless, but if he rushes MR it's quite annoying”
King Turtle says “he's extremely powerful and can push you around for most of laning phase. Once you get further into the build he starts to be less effective, but those first 15 minutes are going to be painful.”
FyreRode says “One of the few champions who Sett can have difficulties beating levels 1-3. Take good trades with him on your level 1 and 2 and you could maybe even solo kill him!”
magician4444 says “It all comes down to mind games in this match up. You have to make him bait out his E. If he pulls you in its dangerous but if he can't pull you in he can't do much to you. Careful of his W damage though.”
Heworic says “Sett has many tools to exploit your weaker early game, play safe and scale. You can fight him at 1 if you save your E to dodge W, but for the most part, don't fight him early.”
TheChoz3nOne says “Learn how to dodge his W and it won't be that hard. Anyway, he still has good damage and then becomes tanky enough. He is very hard to trade with in first 3-lvls.”
ChowJunior says “If he engages with facebreaker, then gg. You return with an E-Q and prepare to dodge his true damage, and you win. Early bramble is an excellent buy here.”
Mushroomuwu says “This will be one of the champions that you won't win even with your passive stacked. Dodge his w with your qs and keep a distance.Play around bone plating, go on him when he used his abilities and call your jungler and kill him”
Xarmat says “Poke him and place traps in a line between you and him. So he can't run directly to you. Avoid Melee Combat at all cost. Don't go all in early, his shield will out sustain you.”
Your Desired Username says “Easy match-up, you win most 1v1s post-6, but watch out pre-6 because if you ever step up in this stage, you will get your skull caved in. Rush tabis. You can easily poke him with q and go for an all-in as soon as he is low enough. You beat him in Brazil if you hit most of your Q's. The only point in the game at which he can really beat you are levels 2-5, and you can simply play safe in these levels. Don't ult him in teamfights, you won't be able to kill him through his shield.”
boboderaffe says “If he gets in range you will die.
If you can play around your range and never step out too far, it is an easy lane, especially since you can use a stopwatch to avoid his W.
In Teamfights he can be a pain in the ass if he ults you out ouf it. ”
Princeps says “This match up is all about dodging his W. You always win trades unless you get hit by it. The moment he uses W use Q on him and walk behind him. If he pulls you use your E to disengage. Play it slow and be calm you should always win once you get divine.”
Hoosteen says “you can't win this lane. but it is possible to not lose. he can walk right up to you and stun you. if he activates his stun while you are trying to do your stun it interrupts your stun. Just let him hit you till you are not stunned any more then stun him hit him q him and start to run away. wait for him to try and blast you then use your e to block all of the damage. The point of this build is to roam and build value elsewhere on the map. get arc and level 6 and try to ignore your lane if you can. its not until late game that you can go toe to toe with sett and honestly its such a coin flip if you win that its not worth fighting him one on one.”
DanteBlaire says “Skill match up com leve vantagem pro Volibear. Evitar tomar a parte interna dos Ws te ajuda a ter trocas mais favoráveis. Trocas curtas são do Volibear. Trocas longas normalmente são do Sett principalmente tu for de Aperto dos Mortos.”
Atomragnar says “Skill matchup. If you dodge his W true damage you can poke him down with Q pre 6. After 6 you can all in. Don't let his E stun you.
Steelcaps is great, rush it if you are having a hard time. ”
Belle19 says “you both have no real escapes, so whoever first bloods the other pretty much wins the lane completely. He is innately better at fighting than you both to the death and in trades, but if you can manage to have a short trade and then reingage while he still has bleed stacks you can win early. If you kill him first you win the rest of lane. If you are even and get to level 6 you win duels as long as he doesnt tank your r with w. You do NOT win level 1 if he has ignite. IMO the best way to play it is just play extremely passively until first back, grab a wardens mail and then look for a kill.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “His E-Q-AA-AA-AA-AA...-W combo is a pain. Play fights slow with Grasp or HoB to make more time. Use E to block his E-Q combo and if you are still fighting, try and use bushes to slow down the fight. Once he uses his W block with E, especially during teamfights. Divine and BoRK if he is going Goredrinker. Frostfire if its stridebreaker.”
just pick yone says “He's going to E you once you go and try to trade with him so i reccomend using your W when u expect him to E you. If he has no W hes vulnerable so u can go full on him.”
Stellathe trans gal says “impossible to 1v1, and his shield completely neuters most of your damage if you don't have the tools to draw out the fight without getting low. don't waste E trying to dodge his stun- the hitbox comes out too fast and it'll just pull you right back in. buy antiheal early and don't let this hottie scale.”
Polartech says “Another lane similar to Darious and Mordekaiser, dodge is pull and punish him when he hasn't shield. If you dodge both his abilities you can hit him hugely and easily. Pay particularly attention if he has Ghost, because Sett can run into Kayle using his ultimate to put you in a bad position.”
Enzozm says “It's REALLY DIFFICULT to fight the boss, try to dodge his engage and make only short trades, if he misses the w and you have more life go all-in.”
King Turtle says “A good sett makes this lane pretty difficult, but not impossible to win, you just have to time your Rs well to avoid taking his 1200 true damage W to the face and avoid as many stun Es as possible.”
LunaticDancer says “Annoying early cheeser. If he's any good, he'll zone you away from farm. Using E poke to slowly erode his health is pretty good. Gambler is viable, D Shield is vital. Avoid his W sweet spot at all cost.”
N0kk__ says “Avoid his W. Try to bait him or leave him attack your tower, at that moment you'll want to Q-E-R-E and If you have ignite then you'll also want to use it too.”
COJA says “You must be very respectful. If Sett lands a good pull you will take a lot of damage. He will almost always hold his W for your third Q, so you may just want to back off. Tabis are necessary, as is lvl 4-5 for real damage. Be very wary of when Sett uses W. Once he uses it he is very vulnerable. A good strategy is to get a good trade with him where he is forced to use W. After this trade, just wait until your Q comes up, then you have ~10 seconds to kill him, which should be plenty.”
Razorwir3 says “takes a little more skill to avoid his w true damage and his e but just rush frozen heart and he dosent do shit unless he hits w true damage on u”
RedRandyDevil says “Hard lane, becomes deal able when you know what to do but. For the amount of things you need to do right, you do 1 wrong and he will just clap you.”
UnderworldShun says “A lot of people cry about Sett, if you struggle with this matchup then play him a bit, and you will see his clear weaknesses. You out range him so sit back and get him low then build combos and ult his ass. At the end of the day, the better player here will win.”
Sveti Petar says “last time i played vs sett was 3 months ago (bc i permaban him).
he was strong sooooo, idk, i'll play against him soon.
grasp & divine/sun”
space cat says “He can win trades if you let him decide how long trades last, but if you get out after getting some Qs in you will win trades. If ult him near a turrent, he will be looking to immediately ult you once you spit him out so that he either gets out of turrent range, or you get into his turrents range. the counterplay is to spit him out sideways so he wont have that good of an ult on you. ”
Eduardocwalle says “He can play with his feet and win, stupid hp regen, stupid dmg, cc, True dmg in area. Well, if u bait his e and dodge his W u have options to win the 1v1 :/”
NAGlTO says “Most of the time will just haymaker all of your damage back to you (and get away with it, thanks riot!) save Q or R to get behind him or dodge his W.”
MCSwavest says “Sett is surprisingly easy to deal with. Expect the W and get the move speed from your passive cancel to dodge the true, then just keep out of way of his E and you're golden.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Sett isn't horribly dangerous for Mordekaiser to take on, you just have to be extra careful for his W shield. It will legitimately annihilate your chances of beating Sett. My advice to whoever is reading is to stay clear of him when he surrounded by your allies. He'll just stun you with his E, then Q you, then R you, then you are die.”
N64Master says “In terms of top lane, and in my honest opinion, Sett is a nightmare in my experience. You're too squishy to really do anything to him, and he just wrecks you. Ban him or not, it's never a good fight.”
Gragas Fumante says “ Abuse your range and movespeed to avoid his E.
When he try to go for you with the movespeed burst quickly use your Q to slow him down.
If he miss his E is your chance to punish him.
Always beware of his W true damage zone.”
Hijitori says “Tricky laning phase: If you don't manage to use your Ultimate to instantly finish him, he will instantly get full passive for W damage and win.
Be careful when moving moving close to minions so he can't grab you with his E. Sett's Ultimate "unstoppable" effect simply cancels your Q - this way Sett can try to punish you for cs'ing.
Cho's W silence is very important in this match-up! Use it to prevent him from using his Haymaker (W) shield when you want to feast him or/and also use your W silence before you use your Q when he's standing next to you so he can't dodge it with his Ultimate! (Cho's W silence is about 66% of the job here ESPECIALLY in team fights).
Watch out for his movement speed passive when chasing you not to get grapped/stunned with minions. Don't underestimate his lvl 1/2 first blood potential with his W ability - it can literally delete around 30% of your full hp if you damage him just a bit.
Also another point to be careful is DO NOT LET HIM ULT YOU UNDER HIS TURRET or OUT OF YOUR TURRET. He might be able to do the flash play / or if he stuns you by Facebreaker (E) with minions and goes around you with his passive movement speed!
Late game: Care for Sett's Ultimate so he doesn't ult himself with you into your allies, because of your 4k/6k hp he's going to hurt your whole team if you overstep (Sett's ult's damage scales with his enemy's hp).”
5Head Builds says “His W is overloaded and he will win trades he is not supposed to just because of his W. I would try to stay alive and lane. never all-in unless he is low health and look to poke when his abilities are on CD.”
lookatherizinosaurus says “Sett is not as strong as he used to be. He needs to catch you to really hurt you. If you pulled his Spirit and he goes all in.. So will you and avoid his W Center at all cost. You should be fine then, since it has a long CD.”
Prof Harambe says “Another telegraphed toplaner than can only really run in a straight line towards you and hates losing movespeed. Tether outside of his e range and anticipate it with your e if he is about to land it. Doesn't like dealing with daisy because his movespeed only works when travelling towards enemy champs, leaving him prone to getting ran down. Don't get flash W'd by a stacked sett and you will be fine.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “I have trouble with this matchup - he wins pretty much at most levels. If you're the one to engage on him without him wasting a cooldown, you will probably lose the trade. Lethal tempo changes has worsened all of these points.
You can cleanse his ult post 6. React early enough and you can avoid the damage circle entirely.”
MrZoltannn says “Sett is another hard matchup for gnar, Setts E range is a little bit biggen then gnar autoattack range so you need to think about lasthitting better, i recommend either Boots of Swiftness to be able to run away from him during his Q, or plated steelcaps for better trading.”
ToothlessKnight says “Very strong lane bully and abuses Urgot. Look to land your q and w after to get your trade off. If he stacks his grit after a trade he will use his W, you can counter his W by using your E to flip him over and making his W miss all damage. Only do this if you know you will kill. He is insane at extended trades and will maul Urgot until he is lv9. Wounds Items counter his passive healing and are a good pickup. Play safe and look to outscale, Sett is a season 10 monster.”
Percychan720 says “please dodge his bloody w and e
for w can can move to his less shaded area you will receive less damage for e run and spam the e+w combo or die ”
xPetu says “Tips: Use Q-W when he E's you. Dodge his W sweet spot at all costs. He can W-Flash at last second to redirect the cone. Very difficult matchup, but winnable if you are the better player.”
Stinkee says “Another annoying bruiser that is strong against tanks. You have to play around his W to win this matchup. His W is a very long cooldown and if he doesn't use it correctly he can easily die. Don't charge your Q right in front of him or he'll just E you and cancel it. Try not to take extended trades against him as he will usually win unless you play it well. You should just try to play safe in lane and wait for ganks if possible. Freezing against Sett is a really good idea, making him walk all the way up to farm and enabling jungle ganks. He's very easy to hit with your ult so you can setup ganks pretty well, just make sure to try and land your E first before you ult him. Also when your jungler comes you still have to be careful as Sett definitely has 1v2 outplay potential. Just try not to stand right next to your jungler so he can't AOE you both.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Sett is going to be all about CC and getting in close to chain CC you while dealing True Damage. You need to avoid the center of his (W) otherwise you take a lot of true damage depending on how much damage you dealt to him. This will also shield him with the correct combo, however, since Sett release his (W) cooldown got higher making it harder for him to spam it. It would be wise to constantly poke him from a safe range and avoid even remotely getting close to him. Lethal Tempo is the best rune to help with this, effectively crippling his ability to chase or hold you down, with Stridebreaker especially if you have caused him to blow his flash (R) previously.”
Anoying bro5 says “Do not fight lvl 1. Parry his Q as his stun is not too predictable early game and his Q does massive damage. You can also dodge his W with your Q. You out scale so if you are losing, farm under tower. ”
lol Wero says “A lot of people would say " Wouldn't Neeko win the match up easy with the auto range advantage" yes it's true but Sett has a lot of Health Regen to make up the damage neeko can cause. Executioner Calling can help in this match up but will slow your purchase of Boots. Sett can catch Neeko if he rushes Tier 2 Boots so make sure to keep your distance once he starts rushing with his Q. ”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Sett is like Garen in that he has so much health regen the dude is basically not possible to kill without your jungler. He also has a ton of damage mitigation in trades and can beat the shit out of you in melee range. Also like Garen, his only form of engage is running at you which is pretty simple to flay every time unless he flashes.
His ult is not as good as Garen's, what you really need to watch out for his the true damage W which can shred your healthbar. Otherwise just hit him and stack grasp for free. Zeke's and redemption are nice lategame options for him the former so your team can kill him and the latter to deal with his W.”
quinn adc says “Quinn's kit HARD COUNTERS sett.
In lane, be careful of Sett's Gray bar on the bottom. Essentially, when he receives damage it stacks up, and the longer the bar, the more damage his W does to you.
He gets a shield and if you are in the middle, you take true damage instead.
So, first, Sett's Q grants him 30% MS which is nothing, so it's actually hard for Sett to get onto you.
Sett's E range is 490 and it WILL cancel your vault, but it's difficult for Sett to get into range to use this on you.
Ideally use vault to counter him using his E.
Next, his W range is 790 which is longer than your vault range, so if you vault away from him, Sett WILL be able to retaliate with W and hit you with it every single time.
Sett's R range is only 400, so it's actually very difficult for him to land these on you.
Maintain distance against him, and if his W is down, you are free to go in for a big combo because his kit legit revolves around this ability.
If sett Rs you, wait for him to use E first because if you vault him, he will likely E cancel you after, BUT Sett should never be able to get into R range of you without using his E on you first.
Don't EVER be that close to him, and you should be ok.
You hard outscale him in late game 1v1s because not only can you kite him hard, but your build will be an HP shred to make him cry :)
Boots rush is broken in this matchup to prevent him from ever coming close to you.”
Veng Shotz says “sett will self damage himself from his trade pattern post brambles, just be aware of his q+w damage and you can breeze through this match up without too much effort. Make sure to hold e after he e's as his has a bullshit hitbox, if you get pulled after you e you potentially die or just lose the trade, your best bet is to e behind him when he w's or kite back with qe after his pull. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Sett is another one of those unwinnable match ups if the player knows what he's doing. If you want to trade with him, do it level 2 (if he didnt take W second). You wont really have another chance to do that, because it's simply impossible to outdamage him early game. Sit under tower and farm as much as possible and try to freeze the wave to be close to your tower always. After you get Shieldbow > IE > DD, perhaps you can outplay him, but it will still be really hard!”
King Turtle says “Early trades are very much a coinflip against Sett, and if he can hit stun Es He'll be able to get free damage off. Generally though, if you play more reserved you can get by”
Phrxshn says “Sett will have more range than you typical melee champions that you fight thanks to his Pit Grit(Passive). Kite his Knuckle Down(Q) then fight him when it is down. Dodge his Haymaker(W), if you can't avoid his center or you will true damage from him. Juke out his Facebreaker(E) AKA pull. Try to peel off Sett in team fights. (Recommended Items: Demonic Embrace, Plated Steelcaps) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Singed)”
Amphawn says “He is a monster early game and can get on you pretty easily. When you see his Q, use yours to slow him and get out of E range. Make sure to always stay out of his E range and once you hit 6, its poke time. Just be careful of him flashing + R towards his tower. Remember that his W can chunk you so dodge the middle at all costs. It is easier to dodge it by going behind him, but remember that makes it harder to escape from him early game. It can even be worth ulting if you can't dodge it. If he is building goredrinker, you should get GW.”
PH45 says “Early game might be tricky due to his bulkiness and damage on W. Dodge his Q with your E and path behind him or to the sides while he casts W to avoid the true damage and beat him down after that. Just be careful that he doesn't ult you under tower post-6. You outscale him decently quickly, though his W damage will still be very high once his grit builds up so be vary of that. ”
At_Tar_Ras says “if they pick sett, play around bone plating. you'll need it. without it he will 100 to 20 you with a couple autos. soak xp, don't let him 1v2 you and your jungler, use W for his Qs and Q him when he uses his W to avoid his W true damage. that's all you can do, 'till mid-late game (or early game TPs) when you blitz to his squishies and kill them. keep in mind that *this goes for every matchup for any champ versus any champ* if you see an opportunity to kill your opponent or if they make a mistake, seize that opportunity or limit test it. that will help you become a better player. so if sett uses W for no reason and you can bait out his E, then go for the all-in, he's 2 abilities down. come to the stream to ask me about the matchup if you want! >”
iZeal says “Do not ever fist fight him for prolonged times especially once he finishes his Blade of the ruined King. Abuse your superior range and his long W cooldown, dodge his E and watch him suffer as he can't reach you. Your sustain is superior and he is easy to gank or run down when he makes a mistake. Kite until your abilities come back up even if he is at low hp since his DPS is way higher than your pitiful excuses of auto attacks.”
PH45 says “Sett is pretty difficult for a lot of melee champions, and especially for Ornn since he doesn't really have a way to dodge Sett's W unless you can stick right up to him when he is casting it and move behind him. You can setup ganks on him quite easily due to his immobility but the issue is he can potentially 1v2 due to his kit being quite oppressive during lane phase. Farm safely and play for teamfights rather than trying to fight him in lane. Tabi rush helps and build bramble vest if he goes bork.”
SunFalk says “He will outspeed you if you don't buy boots. - Stay back, use your heal to go faster when he runs at you and try to dodge his massive shield AOE. His ult is useless on you because you don't have a lot of health so its not gonan do damage to your team.”
slogdog says “Disgusting molerat. Insane CC and damage. Can use ghouls as a way to stun you with E, so try to stay on the same side of your ghouls. Try to play safe and scale, playing for items. Sunderer is a must in this matchup.”
Raen says “Try to dodge his middle dmg of his W by moving left or right or behind him to not get tons of true dmg. Be careful for his W + Flash combo when ur low hp. YOu can also Ward + Q his W. Your E blocks his Q. Move a lot to dodge his E. When fighting with him try to be on even with him, dont let him be above you bcs then he will R you away into his turret. You can get antiheal cuz of his insane base hp regen and itemization.”
SaltCat says “Sett wins level 1 dont even try, play safe until level 3, fight when your passive is ready only, always have your q ready to dodge his w by either q on a minion or q on him, it will take you behind him, good to know”
Phrxshn says “Sett will have more range than you typical melee champions that you fight thanks to his Pit Grit(Passive). Kite his Knuckle Down(Q) then fight him when it is down. Dodge his Haymaker(W), if you can't avoid his center or you will true damage from him. Juke out his Facebreaker(E) AKA pull. Try to peel off Sett in team fights. (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King, Plated Steelcaps) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Difficult early, but definitely possible after 2-3 items. His burst potential is MASSIVE early. Don't get baited into E'ing him in close range, as he'll pull you in with his E, smack you up a few times, then use his empowered W to guarantee a won trade. ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “If he doesn't have E level 1 you can all in him. If he does E you later on you can try to mash W during the pull so you can just run away. His E is similar to Darius so don't go in unless its on CD. ”
LoLReal says “Not much of an issue at all for us. He can't fight us at any point in the game. Don't get baited by W shield when you're both low HP. We win pre-6 and post-6 and should snowball this lane hard.”
Justkb says “Auto-space him with your W like you would a Tryndamere. Make sure you play around his W, it's longer than everything you have apart from your E! If you can poke with Q and try to avoid fighting in minions. You beat him hard late game once u get some armor!! Try to all in him when he uses W and kill him before it comes back online!!”
P1Legend says “Honestly, just clear waves vs him, he will always do more damage than you in a close range trade, and his Q serves as an anti burst tool. Save empowered W for when he pulls you in if you can time it properly, farm and roam, mobility is not his strong suite”
MythicMike says “Avoid his E and you can easily dodge his W. After he has blasted his combo, you can blast him back with your own. His passive gives him good sustain after a fight so you want to poke him every now and then.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “An extremely durable champion with tons of duel potential. The current full hp stacking Sett build will chunk you down for 1k+ true damage too. Be sure to get a steraks as 2nd or 3rd item to avoid his burst. Level 1 he'll probably get E, so be careful of getting pulled in while trying to farm early. He'll smash your face in. ”
qveenevelynn says “By playing Dark Seal you have more dmg to outplay him. (Rly hard with Corruption pot.) Just be aware of his shield, make him use it, and destroy him after this. (U can use ur E movement speed to dodge it easier) ”
Fan22 says “Sett can destroy you in early game, and since he got buffed having more AD scalings, if he makes a BOtKR or a Divine devourer you are kinda doomed without your team.
Sett it's a counter to Tanks and Maokai loves to have as much HP as possible, wich is just what Sett wants to use you against your team with his R, on TF try not to stay to close to your team.
Be careful and ask for your jungler to help you, rushing steelcaps and a bramble vest after your Mythic its recommendable.”
PanthrickTV says “Good Matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Don't get stunned by his E. Stay in a good position in the wave.
(3) If you bait his W you can all in him.”
Fan22 says “Sett has lost a lot of his power with the 11.13 SB nerfs, and the removal of the dash, but he it's still a very hard matchup, but now it's less annoying.
His Q has % max HP damage, his W deals true damage and His R AoE damage scales from the grabbed enemy Additional Health, meaning that if he Ults you into your team you are doomed.
Early game you can poke him with Q when he tries to farm, be careful since his W shield can prevent him from diying to your Ultimate if calculated correctly, he also has good damage in the early game.
Try to not fight him and just farm, don't push the lane and farm under your tower safely.
Also, remember to postion yourself away from your minions when fighting him, because if his E hits another target it will stun you instead, wich it's a lot worse than a slow.
Late game you have to position yourself away from him and your team since Sett gets a free "R Penta" if you do not do it.
I recommend banning him since its really hard to deal with him even when you are ahead because the way Sett works let's him scale using your own scaling against you.
If your team it's winning try to end the game as soon as possible.
Kacto15 says “Esquívale su W y ganarás, si el usó su E (la habilidad que te atrae hacia el) puedes ganarle el trade ralentizándolo y posterior a eso cargar tu Q, buildéate armadura, es de los pocos campeones que outscaleas con facilidad, el matchup es mas fácil como sion TANQUE”
montybucket says “This can go either way, either you get a kill and steam rolls the lane or he gets a kill and steam rolls the lane. Its extremely coinflip. Try not to die and you out scale him, but if he's mathematically correct sett he can beat you up real hard late game, but not so much mid or early, unlike regular sett. ”
MisterDerpFace says “Big Shield, big damage, who does't hate playing against him?
Make sure to take short trades.
Also, watch where your minions are, because of his E.
Get Black cleaver as first Item so you can actually deal damage to him.
You can try to flip him when he uses his W, but i suck at the game so I tend to mess up the timing...”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] play it safe early on, if u get a parry on his E you win. if he has a vital towards you you can Q on it and predict the E with your W at the same time to get a stun an potential kill. his W is still too strong, so dodge it whenever you can. If the center of his W would hit you its allways worth your Parry to avoid the dmg.”
OTP Toxin says “Use your W do run away when you see he using his Q to rush to you, after that go back and punish him; keep moving so you can dodge him center true damage from W; IF you think that you WILL get caught by his E, blind him! so he will miss his buffed hits from Q after stunning you.”
mec908 says “No busques 1v1 contra el si no ha gastado su W, y siempre muévete a un lado y usa tu W cuando el tire la suya, con colmillo serpiente de lo puedes deletear, ya que le quitas su escudo y así puedes usar tu R con mas seguridad .”
duckling213 says “I have only gone into this match up once so far and it was disgusting, he can just zone you away because of his e and it seems like we lose trades with him until we become the king of the court around level 9. To be fair though the guy I fought was a D2 smurf so yeah maybe I am overreacting. If anyone has tips for the urgot into sett matchup please leave a comment.”
SilverAvalanche says “Rush Steelcaps, A no skill champ that is a stat checker, a lane bully and does well in team fights, with the counter play being "play around his cool downs " YES OBVIOUSLY RIOT that is how I can beat every champion except Irelia.
Anyway, take the farm you can get, fight outside your minion wave and either E away from his W or use your Q. Make sure not to Q through him, you essentially just want to hit him with the edge of the second part of you Q and then run away, you can increase the chance of success if you hit him with your W slow first, and make sure his E is in CD.
Usually Sett players will Q towards you and hit you with an E. so have your E ready if you wanna farm so you can use it to kite out his Q.”
InYourWayToHELL says “You can kill him pre 6.
Dodge his w with your e.
If you are dismounted and you cant walk or q outside of the true damage hitbox flash.
Don't contest the first push unless he doesn't take e or else you are trolling.
pokeyminch5236 says “Sett's tough, but I find myself doing much better than him as the game goes on. He has the early lead because of his regen, his max HP damage of his fists, and his true damage, but the key to beating him is to dodge the W true damage at all costs. If he ults you into your tower you can counter ult him and you should get the kill unless he has W ready”
Drake6401 says “Stronger than you in the early laning phase because his W retaliation is brutal to work around. Treat this matchup like you would Darius and Mordakiser and disengage after your W. Just like them, Sett is better at long trades than Renekton and has a single long cooldown CC to drag you back into the fight as you try to back off.
Don't dash engage him for your first trade, he'll be able to lock you into the fight. Chunk him out so you're confident you can kill him in the fight. Use your dashes according to the situation. Another reason to hold your dash is to side dash his W as he will try and tag you with it as you make a leave.
Your burst will always max his W so avoiding it is vital. Use one dash to break distance and the second to dodge his W if he gets in range.
When he's low and you have kill pressure, make sure to hold onto W until it will kill him. If he uses his W early in a last ditch effort, break it and kill him. If you stun him and don't kill him in time, he can put up his shield and probably turn tables on you hard. What keeps this from being an easy fight is that you can't mess up at all while he can. It's another matchup like Darius and Illoai that requires a skill gap over the Sett player to have a shot in.”
Sett is a matchup that you can sometimes snowball off of but it is nevertheless a tricky one to play properly for Darius mainly because of his W shield. You’d play into him as you would into a Jax or a Tryndamere where you wouldn’t just stand in front of them an AA them. The trick is to use your ghost and your AA range to kite them. With Sett it gets a little trickier to do but he is still beatable in all ins in early levels if you are able to outplay his W. His shield decays rapidly (for 3 seconds) so it might be a good idea to kite around him until the shield goes off and then go back in. If he is between you and one of your(allied) minions, then he will stun you which will allow for Sett to use his W’s on you, leaving you no option but to take the true damage. This insta loses you the fight as he just deals crazy amounts of damage. His HP regen is also something to look out for as it comes into play later on into the lane. He essentially has built in rejuv beads which means that he will be able to survive through some of your poke later on. This means you have to switch between 2 playstyles during this lane to play around his strengths. You want to be playing the early levels carefully, poking him with Qs and backing off. His HP regen is a bit weaker early on so exploit it and take quick but good trades. The reason you want to do this is due to his W. This is his most powerful tool and disengaging before he can use the shield is the way to go. Sett is a lane where a Corrupt pot start would actually be a good option as your approach shouldn’t be to all in fight him. But people make mistakes so a Dblade or a Dshield start will allow for you to better punish Sett and force his flash/kill him if he missplays/mispositions/misses his abilities. Remember in fights to KITE him. If you don’t, the fight will be a lot closer as he can sometimes just bash your face in. And a fed Sett is a NIGHTMARE to deal with.You should try to poke him before he can use his W shield enough so that you get him low enough to all in him. You CANNOT cancel his abilities with your E. If you pull him during his W, he just moves with it. Use your superior movement speed if you have ghost to sidestep his W. If you feel like he is going to use his W, get really close to him and just run around him as the W is easier to dodge the closer you are to him. Once he uses his W and you have some HP left to work with, he is free food. You have to NOT take his full AA DPS though. KITE. If you find yourself getting demolished in trades, try to sustain up and wait for level 6 because you will be able to kill him in an all in at that point. Your ultimate is much better than his and this is the point where you want to be switching gears. His W damage scales to be quite high at this point and his HP regen comes into play so you want to be looking to just full all in him and kill him if you aren’t behind already. Building against Sett is similar to how you would build against a Darius actually. You are going to want to rush Steelcaps and then get a lot of health. Health is the only way to counterplay flat true damage. Runewise you will be looking to go for Conqueror most of the time.”
RivalOCE says “Sett wins this matchup straight up, so it's up to you to short trade with him. Q, auto, W auto then EQ away immediately as Sett will try to E you. Save at least one mobility spell to dodge his W damage and don't overcommit on trades. A hard matchup but can be worked around.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp w/ Bone Plating, Doran's Shield, W > E] - Sett is pretty hard but if you're really good, you can solo kill him.
- The most important thing is dodging his W true damage. The center of his W does true damage, if you just walk to the left or right, you can easily dodge the true damage! It's super easy to dodge since you have Q.
- E him and run if he pulls you in
- If he pulls you in when he's like half HP, time to try and outplay him! Stay very close to him and walk circles around with him, try your best to dodge his W while autoing him at the same time. If you successfully dodged his W, you will either burn his flash or kill him :)
- If you get even one kill on him, you can snowball!
- In teamfights, position yourself away from your team! You don't want Sett to ult you into aoeing you team!"”
Amvill says “Will touch you real bad if you let him. His passive and E make him a very formidable foe in the early game. Don't even think about flanking his team, trust me. Deadman's plate is a strong option against him.”
Wawza says “With his innate health regeneration boost he will most likely outsustain you through the laning phase, and poking him down is out of the question. His ability to stick to you is also dangerous and prevents you from hitting most of your sweetspots on him, go for trades when his abilities are down so he can't disrupt your combos.”
sock217 says “Overall obnoxious. This is my permaban. Fought this matchup once and it was on someone who never played sett. I barely won the 1v1. Very deadly but you can counterplay his dives and slow his engages.”
maxlid3 says “Keep your distance, A LOT. He is one of the most annoying champs to play against. Just try to farm on this lane and not fight him at all. He can just run you down and CC you to death and you won't be able to do much. Buy antiheal early if he goes for BotRK early. Worthy Ban.”
Rhoku says “Annoying matchup. You basically cannot interact with the lane. DON'T. He is deceptively strong. His W is so damn overpowered. Just take it slow, farm up and be patient. Thankfully, once level 6 rolls around, you STRAIGHT UP just dumpster him. Just avoid the center of his W at level 6 and once you get a kill on him, you will snowball hard. You outrange him but I wouldn't risk poking him with Q as if he gets his pull onto you, he will beat you down very hard and you will have to flash unless you are near your turret. Just wait for 6 and if you don't win by then, just wait for lategame. You outscale him HEAVILY.”
YasTilt says “He deals a lot of Damage and he's really Tanky. His abilities have a lot of Cooldown, so abuse of that before he buys CD. Dodge his W and you should be good. Buy Anti-Heal to reduce the amount of Life Steal he gets from Blade Of The Ruined King, it will also reduce his Passive's Heal.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade) Play safe untill lvl 9. Don't stay in the middle of his W and don't take bad trades early because his HP regen is really strong. Your R ignores shields so you can just R him when he is low and uses his W. You can try to fling him to prevent the W damage but to do it you have to anticipate the opponent. Urgot outscales Sett.”
PK Noob says “Whatever you do, don't get hit by the middle of his W. Sett's W will do true damage based on Grit. This can take off a huge chunk of your health bar and will shield Sett. This will give him the opportunity to kill you. He can also use his Ultimate and keep you off his teammates which will really screw you up.”
FantasysAhlong says “Hard match-up. Massive damage in lane and also has a brain-dead passive sustain, which you will never kill him; percentage dmg and true dmg is a pain in the ass too. ”
lulw says “Kinda just out stats you. Hes pretty tanky and has damage. Don't pick yasuo into him, he beats you pretty hard. Only way you beat him is if you dodge his w entirely. Not just the true dmg, the whole thing. It does a lot to squishy champs just like yourself. If you think you can all in, make sure his w is down and you aren't near tower because he will flash r your ass. Try not to get stun e'd by him. That'll result in you losing half your health, (75% if he is faker and goes hob). Abuse your dashes, he can get kited really hard without his e up. ”
wDesired says “Use your W to dodge his W every time and you win lane
Use your E after he E's you (Unless he already used his W dont use your W to trade with him”
wDesired says “Easy skill matchup
just stay out of his W true damage and you win the matchup
Use your E when he E's you
You can use your Q to dodge his W as you will go to the back of your enemy when you Q ”
Psychopathic Top says “Be careful of his pull back auto Q resets. It does a lot more damage than you would expect, and can burn through all 4 of your pots really fast. Sidestep the middle part of his W should make you take significantly less damage. At bramble sheen (first back ideally) look to all in FIRST and kill him. Do not let him chunk you before going in, as all ining at full hp in this matchup is extremely important. Mid game do not position badly as he will R you into your team (which is bad). ”
Gospodin Bure says “Double AA champs are a pain but Sett is the least of them as he's melee and his second AA is pretty slow, but beware his engage as he can melt you down pretty quickly, also try to W his ult instantly, if you wait too long the slow will hit you regardless and you'll still be dead.”
DippyDan says “Wins level 1 with extra AA from passive. Hard to predict e because of the fast cast time. Huge shield and damage from W that wins him trades if landed. TIPS: Don't fight level 1. [2] Parry or Q away from his W after trading to win trade.
[3] Avoid taking his full combo (AA+Q+AA+E)”
Hecki says “Go Bone Plating everytime against Sett and try to trade with him when it's up. You generally want to disengage when he hits his E on you and start fighting when you get out of his range. If possible save up your E when you start trading so you can dodge his W or predict it and sidestep before trading any further. Caution is advised because he will beat you if you try to just go full ham on him. Space between ur abilities and auto attacks because his auto attacks do the main damage.”
IvernLover74856 says “Go DBlade.
Poke him down lvl 1 for your lvl 2 combo.
Dodge his grab or you pretty much always lose the fight.
His ult pulls you out of your ult, cancelling it.
Take cleaver after mythic, also build exe's once he goes lifesteal item.
If he gets fed he'll upset your teammates by roaming.”
ArshieMeBob says “Keep a safe distance while poking so he can't easily close the distance with Q. It helps to have Severum or Gravitum at hand to help with disengage. Other than that you can poke him out and all in him with Red White if he's low enough.”
DemonicTrail says “If he rushes gore drinker, nice, if he rushes bork, bad
use your W if needed on minions to dodge his W center
he is very predictable when he tries to E, giving you free E to hit him and return a huge trade”
KoKoNwoo says “His E (his stun) is only 0.5 seconds if there's no other ally on the opposite side so try to avoid having a teammate on the other side for less stun time. He wont be able to use W (true damage line) after a 0.5 second stun. Look to Q instantly when you see him use this ability to dodge the true damage. After you Q behind him run for a little bit to allow his shield to die down. He also can just auto you to death if you aren't careful, so use Irelia's longer auto attack range to kite. Whenever you can Q to minions, Do it. The healing you get from Qing the minions can save you from many situations.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard Runes; Start Dorans Ring] This is the same as Garen. When he runs at you with Q, just run away and use your W or Q if necessary. Keep in mind that your Q has a 0.25s cast time, so a good Sett will wait for you to cast it to grab you with his E. As long as he doesnt hit his grab and you dodge the central part of the W cone you should be fine. IF he grabs you always retreat. You never win those.”
Beecai says “RUNAS RECOMENDADAS: PTA - ESTRATEGIA OFENSIVA.----------No te confíes, da igual cuanto lo mates si el te agarra va a castigarte.
Esta linea depende como la juegue el Sett, si es agresivo te dará margen a castigarlo cada vez que falle su iniciación (Tene cuidado con el centro de su W ya que inflige daño verdadero y te destroza), si el sett juega a farmear no hay mucho que puedas hacer ya que si tomas la iniciativa probablemente te agarrara una y otra vez si no eres experimentado con el champ. ”
pumparumm says “As long as you hold onto your W for Sett's W to come out, you should be fine. Beating Sett in lane gets easier the more you play the matchup.”
Alan234 says “Go PTA if youre confident or Fleet Footwork if you're scared
Go boots into swifties with w max second.
If you just run you wont get hit by his e.
If you see him using q e you need to w away from him and not turn around or he will land his e.
If he somehow lands his e anyways, just like with shen try to blind him right before you get hooked in, because usually sett will Q right after his e
Dont go for harass when he uses w and instead just run out.
If you took a long trade with sett and he didn't use w yet, stop the trade and just let his rage bar run out
Lvl 6 he wants to engage or even worse throw you into his tower so make sure to distance yourself.
Your poke deals no dmg due to his passive so just farm and hyper outscale him.
If for some reason you still struggle with this matchup then buy qss and he cant ult you.”
TXK_ says “Distance yourself and poke using the tip of your Q. Anticipate his W with a Protobelt dash or using W to soak the damage. This match-up is mostly skill and timing based.”
IkorasBadIdea says “He can't do anything if he can't get into range to use his abilities. He becomes near useless when slowed or impaired in anyway unless people are within range of him. Just be more aware if he changes to using a dashing item.”
Kartagoo says “Sett is actually a really hard match-up cuz he can burst you down rly hard early and after 6. Q Poke him and get at least Lv 4 before you do longer trades. Dont get your passive proc'd by his E when he gets 6 otherwise you have a problem. Rush Steelcaps, Bramble Vest and then go Sunfire. Ask your Jungler for help if you pushed in, Sett has no mobility early so hes basically a free kill even with flash.”
aurus666lol says “He can take all of your damage with is W, so dont lethality because it will be waste of gold. Take PTA to deal more damage.Be smart and build Serpent Fang to delete his W. Build Kraken as well.”
RhinoStar says “Even matchup, get bramble vest. Try to poke him as much as you can before going closer to him. Try to dodge his E and W and you will be fine.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED. PRENEZ CONQUEROR. PRENEZ DES TRADES ASSEZ COURT EN EARLY. ESQUIVEZ LES DEGATS BRUT DU W A TOUT PRIX EVITEZ EGALEMENT DE VOUS FAIRE STUN PAR SON E DONC SI IL Y A UN CS ENTRE LUI ET VOUS. SI VOUS ESQUIVEZ LE W ET QUE VOUS LE KITER LE TEMP QUE LE SHIELD REDUISE VOUS DEVRIEZ ETRE EN MESURE DE LE TUER AVANT LE LEVEL 6. FAITE ATTENTION A SON ULTIME IL POURRAIT VOUS RAMENER SOUS SA TOUR MAIS GLOBALEMENT VOU S AVEZ UN MEILLEUR LEVEL 6 QUE LUI PUISQUE LE VOTRE FAIT ENORMEMENT DE DEGATS ET LE SIEN EST MAJORITEREMENT UN SORT DE DEPLACEMENT. PRENEZ LAME DE DORAN ET TABIS SURTOUT CONTRE SETT OU SON KIT TOURNE AUTOUR DES AUTO ATTAQUE. Vous voulez jouer contre sett comme si vous le faisiez contre un jax ou trynda essayer de le kite un maximum jusqu'au moment ou il n'a plus rien et que vous le finirez sett possède de très gros cooldown sur ses sorts jouer autour de ca. Evitez de vous prendre son E avec un minions qui va vous stun cela lui permettrait de hit le W a 100%. Essayez de le Q un maximum dans les premiers niveau et si il vous E sans vous stun vous devriez l'outrade. Vous ne voulez pas qu'il soit feed ou bien ce matchup deviendra impossible et inversement pour lui si vous avez l'avantage il ne vous fera rien. Petit tips si vous êtes au corp a corp avec lui et qu'il vous W passez dans son dos vous devriez avoir le temp de l'esquiver. Pour l'itemisation contre sett vous voudrez rush les tabis et des hp pour lui résister surtout que plus le fight dure plus vous êtes gagnant en early du moins si il rush botrk faite l'armure roncière + tabis.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Dear Sett can be extremely Hard to beat. Avoid his fully charged W at any cost or it will mean the end of your lane. He has very low mobility and very small range on his abillities. Take advantage of the situation.
"Behold, immortality!"”
Iczere says “Pretty even matchup if you know how to play against him as Teemo. The trick is to always avoid his E, and kite all the time, or else you will be hit with a huge W before you can even say "Rito pls"”
SemPelo says “If you are able to block his most combo(E-basic attack x2] you are probably good.
Do not forget he always lands behind after he ults you,so if you are low and still have E use it pointing behind to block his R damage and perhaps an auto.
He can stun you if a minion is on one side and you on the other.”
King Turtle says “Has good dueling power early, and with his W shield he can make trades difficult. It's still possible to win, but since you're not going crit immediately you may struggle a little to get past his shield.”
LilPaniniUwU says “take barrier. You can actually poke him really well only problem is he will sustain it and 100-0 you if he gets on top of you. be very careful and try to get past lane phase.
powervang says “Sett's abilites is just brain dead, first he would use his "e" which pulls you in then "q" to do more damage, and after you get him low enough, he is just gonna use "w" which gives him shield. If Sett uses his "w" early before his other abilities, then you can trade.”
Vandenelis says “early game his sustain is even higher than yours, but he is killable if you take short trades. He does do % of your max hp with his q, and because of that you can't kill him at any point of the game if he gets botrk which does % of ur current health damage. He also does % of your bonus hp on all champs he hits with his r. So in team fights take care of where you and he position, since if he throws you into your team, he can basically take out at least 50% of your squishier teammates hp”
Bombabo says “Sett is a winnable matchup as long as you don't fight him early. Due to Urgot's size and slow nature, he will likely be able to land his W on you wihout much of a problem, and his passive lets him heal up after lane trades. Once you reach level 11 and a few items you should have no problem beating him.
DarkyTheReal says “This one you can only trade after level 3, you need to do short trades and in order to make an all-in you should bait his E first, and dodge his W with your dashes.”
DarkyTheReal says “Unplayable matchup, you can't deny anything from him with your W, and he outdamages you. Just play safe and outscale him late game. Go for cloth armor.”
apkibum says “Pre-glacial buckler or frozen heart, sett can be a major problem. with not enough mana your q will almost be sad. though if you keep your distance and dont stay to close you might win.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “His w has a high early cd. Try and parry his e for a stun and then hit a few vitals. But this is really hard, same as his ult, just parry whenever you think it feels right. This makes it a hard matchup and a good ban.”
Byku2506 says “Its almost impossible to beat Sett at 1v1 as Darius, if you want to win at lvl 3 just flash out from his W and you win. Try to poke him, and slow push will not help you against him, he can even beat you at farm. Just wait for jungler. At lvl if he starts with E, you can easily beat him, trust me.”
SleepyFawn says “Sett is an easy match up for Lillia, provided you don't get hit by his E.
Use your Q MS to help you dodge his skill shots. Be mindful of your minions position relative to yourself. If you see Sett walking up to your wave, it's obvious that he's looking for an E especially if he walks behind your casters. Be ready for it and punish him hard if he misses.
Try to spread out your damage as much as possible so that he won't be able to get off a huge W and be sure to avoid the true damage center.
Poke him with Q over and over again until he is low enough to ult. When you do ult, be careful not to approach him while he's drowsy as he can cancel your sleep with his own ultimate. He can also cancel your W with his E so never use it unless his E is down or he is asleep.
Frozen heart and/or plated steelcaps rush is optimal against Sett. If he doesn't get fed early, he'll barely do any damage to you once you have these items unless he lands the center of his W.”
nZk01 says “one of the hardest matchups, very MS dependant so dont go boots in runes and buy them early, maybe even start boots, you can dodge most of his stuff with W tho and you can outrun him with aa/q e w ”
eramsorgr says “Mathematically correct sett will annoy you but you can beat him if you save your E to get behind his W and beat him to death with your right arm that is stronger than your left arm.”
Fryx says “Sett can make it very hard for you to trade since his Q basically outtrades all of your damage. Keep it cool and harass him with your Q as much as you can. This poke will stick. Don't look for allins too much since he has the upper hand in this situation. Keep it slow.”
LoLReal says “Don't get baited by the massive shield on his W. Otherwise this lane is pretty straight forward and we farm until 6, then win hard post 6. ”
SanLourdes says “200 years champ. Sett is very strong in the early stages of the game. Do not underestimate his W and definitely do not get caught in the center of it either. Do not duel him in the early stages of the game and don't feed him or he will snowball out of your control. Your Q can be interrupted by his W, so make sure it is on cooldown before you charge it. If you stun him with your ult and your Q, you should be good to go if you avoid the middle of his W. His E can interrupt your Q. ”
Drygur says “This lane feels so unbelievably hard, even if you dodge the center of his W you will lose. You have to wait for the wave to crash into your tower or you will be stunned on your own minions!”
Viego99 says “ broken camp for lane stage .he destroy you with w if you dodge his w andd your hp is %75 you win duel w e a a q aa continue aa.after 6 you kill kim with your r but you need dodge his w if you eat w you dead .you outscale him and your teamfigjt is better so just do farm.”
Lost Chapter says “A pretty hard match up. Sett will stay sett even after durability patches. Ghost is definitely better than ignite for dodging his W but you can take ignite if you feel safer with it.”
Dbthegamer74 says “Take Shield, Q level One. This match up is depending on you dodging his W and stacking your bleed. Use your Q range to your advantage. Get Bramble vest early counter healing.”
calbino says “You can out range Sett and poke him pretty hard in lane, but if he gets close to you, he can win fights EASILY. Use your range to your advantage, and prioritize dodging his W with your E.”
RareParrot says “if he walks even somewhat close to you at lvl 3 back off because he will thwomp you to another realm, he always wins trades because he is rewarded for being braindead.”
Jaori says “Braindead trades, very predictable. He is going to bully you early, but one ult after 6, and you'll kill him with half of your HP remaining.”
epic blitz top says “Skill matchup- Lose early trades vs Sett, bc of his broken sustain, but around lv 6 and after, you can beat him up, as your ult deletes his W shield. Make sure to use your ult as an execute, or use it whenever he uses his W. Plated Steelcaps are very good.”
Sopachi says “Sett is a skill matchup for Kled player's. He can do a lot of damage early, especially with his recent buffs. He also sustains fairly early on from his item build path and passive. To win a trade against Sett, always hold your E so you can dash through him when he uses his W. If you avoid taking true damage from his W, you win the trade and can run him down. Be patient and you will win this matchup, but be careful not to die to him early or else he can snowball the lane heavily in his favor. ”
turtlehamstercroc says “He will out damage you hard early on until you get your core build so don't trade at all with him, remember that you can completely negate his w shield with ult, and save it up for that moment, aside from that there's not much to say here that i didn't mention with darius already, just farm up, once you get 2 to 3 items is when you really start dishing out a lot of damage with your e, so play safe until then”
KarmaChamelion says “True damage on W and an ult that can turn you into a nuke. If he ults you into your teammates it will hurt them A LOT. Generally prefer to ban this guy or Gwen.”
SavagePridestalker says “Early game is very easy, your damage is comparable, but you have much better healing than he does. Grasp will allow you to win most trades. Just be very careful if he goes Bramble+Botrk.”
oogoogerson says “Sett is too tanky later in the game and does too much damage early. He has even more sustain than Vampire Singed and does a whole lot more damage without items than you. Get Rylai's Crystal Scepter before you 1v1 him and make sure to dodge his W and wait out the shield.”
RedNBlue says “Sett will just true damage his way through your shield and your armor and he will heal all of the damage you will deal to him early in trades.”
HsyTron says “Nice champ, has so much damage, and true damage. Get tabi's. try to farm. and split push. if he dont plays very bad he can beat you mid-late game.”
Waros037 says “easy to riposte his stun try to don't get dmg by his haymaker , look at his grit easy to kill in early game remember to take riposte as second ability”
Breadcrumbs says “One of Irelia's most difficult matchups. You will almost certainly need jungler help for this one. Start E to play safe early and try and hit him with as well as the minions. Allow him to push in and play safe the entire lane, his E can cancel your dash and basically end your lane. Make sure you avoid his True Damage on his W and only go all in if you he has no abilities up and you are at least 90% HP”
SpartanDumpster says “In my experience, Gnar may be the closest thing to a counter for Sett. He's bulky so your passive threatens him, you out range him, and you may find that a lot of Sett's play recklessly aggressive which lets you punish him. The biggest problem with Sett, however, and the only reason he's even and not minor is that he can still keep up with you if you can get ahead. You can kill him 3 or 4 times early into a match but he only needs one kill to catch back up.
As I mentioned before, a reckless Sett, someone who has let everyone calling him OP get to their head and plays him like he's invincible, is someone you can easily punish. I've fought many Sett's who think they can just walk up to my turret, attack me, and walk away with no consequences. If your rage is high, fill it up then throw him into your turret and keep him stunned there. If you're not going to transform any time soon, just move around under your turret, taking shots at him and hop over his head. Either way you'll be keeping him under your turret longer than he expected or wants to be. He might still survive if he has his W and you're mini, but if you have your jungler around Sett's guaranteed to die.”
joelspaho121 says “This matchup is way easier than you think.d blade start with bone plating/sorc tree both work.the only reason he is feared by darius players is because of his w but realistically it's really simple to deal with it.if you drag him with e he wont be able to cast anything for a split second which means you can ult him and therefore kill him.dodging his w sweetspot means you have done like 90% of the job during a trade. he will find himself on a rough spot after missing w so just pop ghost and run him down, also never stand in front of him while ghosting because he can ult his way to safety that way so always stand on his back while he is running.his e can reposition your q so be wary of that too.dont stand close to creeps because he will stun you with his e.Tabi rush is great.”
El Leon Gnar says “Fairly even lane, you can outrange his E early on and get some good damage while in lane but you won't really have kill pressure until a couple items in. Just play to push him off cs and scale.”
UlisesFRN says “Bruisers are ussually skill matchups, since you have more damage but are more squishy too. Try to do short trades, play around cooldowns and block the most damage with you E (For example, Sett W with full grit, Garen Q...)”
DaSticks says “This champ is pretty strong. You can run through him to dodge his W sometimes. Harass him when he goes for creeps, but be careful as he can run up and grab you quite easily!”
Helix128 says “dont get E´d by him, save your q for when you want to fight or if he catches you and wants to hit his empowered AA´s
Avoid his W, because its his main tool to win fights when he has a disadvantage
Poke from a safe distance and he wont be a threat”
Kaizin says “In this matchup Sett will generally start E first and walk up on your ranged minions to get an E >> AA >> AA. You can start with E and as he walks up drop it on yourself within the wave. You can definitely win short trades around level 3, just make sure to either avoid his W or move to the side so you don't take the true damage. At level 6 you can win the all in, just build bramble vest first and you can actually cancel his Ult with yours.”
I am so chill says “He has so much hp regen so its a problem for you.Dont let him stun you with his e by pulling 1 minion of urs and you in diffrent sides.Use your e to dodge his w.Poke him.Ask for ganks.”
UlisesFRN says “His early game is great, and he can outscale anyone if he gets ahead so play safe. Try to dodge his W true damage and ask for jungle assist. If you both reach lvl 6 at same conditions Garen can start turning the tide, since he has a higher powerspike”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: Maybe (If you cannot handle laning phase then Yes)
Big early game bully but will fall off pretty hard if he can't bully you. It is better to be down 20-30 CS than it is to be up 1-2 deaths.
deathwalker7119 says “Don't try and parry E, it is extremely hard and even if you do parry the E, it is 90% of the time not worth. Look to parry his two Q autos or his W, but the Q autos are more important. You need to also dodge out of the W with your q. Watch out for a burst with CC on his ult combo. You need to be ready to instantly start fighting if he RKO's you into the ground.”
JeanMichelBambi says “His alternating auto attacks deal high amounts of damage but the rest of his kit doesn't really help him fight you inside your own ultimate.”
UlisesFRN says “He is pretty OP to be honest. He stomps you levels 1 and 2. After that, he still has good sustain, and devastating long trades that you cant win. Keys to beat this one are: Dodge his W true damage, stun him before he can start punching your face, save E to get out if he tries to hook you in with his E. Also your ult is better than his, so try to rush Botrk and chunk him down with AA+W+AA+Q”
Excuruseh says “You need to watch out for Sett E lvl 3, as he can very easily kill you or force your back. You can potentially kill him lvl 6 if you dodge his W center. This is a very awkward matchup but try to dodge his E.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “This lane is a major pain in the ass, i recommend fighting him if you are only getting jungle help otherwise it is really hard to beat him.
It is doable if you abuse your auto range over him whilst having 5 stacks. Be passive lvl 1 and stack up your passive once it crashes to your tower and look to
poke him with autos. If he E’s you into him after you’ve gotten 2-3 autos on him beforehand you will win the all in.
Try to Q out of his W or use your flash to avoid it when all-inning him.
The same applies later levels but if you mess up even slightly you will die and if he is ahead of you there is very little you can do.”
Xolarix says “Sett punishes people trying to go into him. If you lane against him, let him try to engage you, you stun him, and walk away. Use E if he tries to use haymaker.”
tibs2 says “Bramble any% speedrun. A lot of people similar to Darius think this match up is really bad but just like Darius you can just kite with q and as long as you respect his e stun you should be fine to go even and outscale. I love when the enemy picks sett top feels like I auto win.”
SadmanV3 says “Sett is an extremely tough matchup in lane, being not only much stronger than Nasus at
level 1, but potentially deadly by
level 2-3. Sett also poses a tougher mid-game matchup than most due to his % damage capabilities.
*Tips for laning Sett
1. Amazing wave management
2. Withering (W) at crucial points
3. Preferably taking corrupting pot”
Kaiteklis says “This guys an asshole, please nerf riot.
Against Sett, the best thing you can do is not feed him. He's a bit weak early game so go for as many trades as possible then. His ult can be qss'ed like morde but although his ult is good,simply shutting that down isnt enough.My suggestion for playing against him is poking him down without feeding his w to much and once he pulls that out(AVOID THE CENTER LINE YOU WILL DIE) go for a finish with bear stance and tiger stance”
Ratakor says “he deals a lot of damage, like darius the matchups depends of his level, its ult can serve as a finisher (2 AA + Ult + 2 AA) and cancel Garen's ult, dodge the W at least the true damage”
svjade says “His attacks give him extra health which will heavily counter Akali as she has to wait for her energy to recharge, unlike Sett who can usually continue with his attacks. It is important to dodge his attacks and execute him quickly so that he doesn't have a chance to gain extra health from his abilities or life steal.”
Noodles912 says “Keep your distance and you will be fine. Use your W to dodge his W, but only if he has a lot of grit stacks. Farm and outscale him. Can be a little rough early, but you will ge the hang of it soon. Do not 1v1 him at any stage. Just harass him and run. ”
Cayteer says “Just don't fight him early. At 6 if you can bait out his W , you can pull combo him to kill undertower. And try to position yourself away from your team so Sett can't RKO you in your team.”
Fra660 says “Sett is one of the strongest champ that exists on this game, he has absurd early damage and is basically a perfect champ because he has all the things a champ needs, damage, health regeneration, movement speed, true damage, In early you will be able to do something maybe even to kill him, but when he has level 3 he will start doing the usual E-Q-W combo so farming will be really difficult, you can avoid his W with your E but otherwise you won't be able to do much, play safe and wait for the jungler's help”
SPJohnWD says “Difficult lane, you lose in every situation due to the fact that setts build botrk and wits end causes you to fall behind even in late.”
teemodumbstupid says “Will destroy you early until you have sheen and lucidity boots. Do not E max and go Conqueror. Bone plating is mandatory vs this champ. When you fight him with Sheen, don't stop moving. Move along with him and Q whenever you can to dodge his W.”
Urgodzilla says “Don't trade with him early game, if he hits you with his E, disengage with your E. Do your best to dodge his W true damage zone, it hurts.”
Oskarl3 says “his E cancels your Q, and his passive makes his trades early very good. try not to let him ult you because it will deal a huge amount of damage to your team.”
AyeJa3 says “Don't fight level one as he is very strong. Parry his W as it does true damage. Just farm under tower if losing lane as you outscale. New Buffs are crazy too, be wary of that.”
Draconic56 says “This matchup is in your favor. Don't get too close to him because he will E you and out damage, you pre 6. Try to poke him with your Q's. You will cream him in your ult, try to avoid his W sweet spot. I'd advise rushing plated steel caps. You will out scale him so after level 6 you will always win 1v1's unless he is fed or has more items than you.”
SanLourdes says “Sett is untradable until you scale. His W works a lot like your W, except his deals massive damage. Do not get caught in the middle of his W! He will deal crazy true damage to you. Just farm safely, freeze the lane in front of your tower and watch for his E cooldown so that you don't get pulled and pummeled. Once you have level 6 you can walk straight up to him and ult him for a free kill, but only if you dodge his W. Do not let him snowball or he will be able to kill you easily afterward. Build your normal items and Sorcerer's Shoes.”
Kokob5 says “Bit of a tough one early because he can run you down with his Q and E. So long as you avoid his W in fights and don't ult him while he ults you, you'll win. If he builds Bork respect the power spike and get help to kill him.”
negoZoma69 says “Sett can't catch you but has insane hp regen which can give him multiple opportunities to try to all-in you. Very imporant to space well and back off after every trade so he can't W you.”
Hesychia says “Sett is one of the champions that i hate in the game, %60 of the games i ban him.. there is nothing much you can do to him. You poke him, he regenerates health, you all in him he deals massive true damage... You ult him he absorbs your ult dmg with his shield.. he will mostly win all trades. all you can do is to stay safe under tower and beg your jungler to gank you. You can also try trading him shortly. E+W+AA+Q run away, i recommend taking phase rush if you will Short-Trade him, but if you won't just go with conqueror. ALWAYS dodge his "W" as it's easy to dodge, he can't deal you much dmg without his "True Damage" Try not to die him more than 2 times in early game as, he will snowball so hard and you won't be able to do anything to him. Do not trade him early-on. Sett is one of the most broken champions in the game so be careful.”
Docoda says “Like Shen and Darius, stepping a little bit too close can bring you in trouble, but keeping your distance gives you easy time to poke him down.”
Dorom says “I genuienly don't understand how people lose to this guy. He's been nerfed to the ground, even more than Akali, Azir, Irelia or even Gangplank. Play safe untill sheen and then just bop him. Early levels he does hurt but you've got oranges, all is K. You can even orange yourself from his ult, how silly is that?”
pioj12 says “If he manages to pull you into his e you are going to take a really bad trade. Try to kitte him and don't take trades before 6 is too risky!!!!.
OctavePlayer says “Move around a lot against this matchup. If he catches you by surprise, use E before he stuns you. If he do stun you, then its a gg. He also have massive healing so beware.”
raede says “Haha funny muscle man. Sett is strong but right now he just can't compete. Volibear ribs him apart and the longer the fight goes, the more Volibear will heal. Also usually Sett rushes BORK and doesn't get Bramble Vest meaning killing him is a breeze.”
KingNklaus says “Pre 6 he beats you very hard but after that it becomes easy enough you can also outplay his nuke so there is that only keep in mind thatif he ults during your ult cast time it will cancel it and put it in cooldown ”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Ok, why "even" with Sett!? Simple, this guy is THE Boss and he loves long trades, and he's really strong in long trades... with the right runes and well played, he can make your life really difficult. Just avoid his E's - be smart and when he activate his Q, just use your E away from him (if you don't want to engage) or land your Q -. If you can manage the space between you guys, you will probably win this lane... land your Q's, control the space, and don't miss your E's. When he activate his W's, it's a perfect time to land your E, avoid his W damage, stuns him, land your ultimate and your Q and execute him.”
Reformed Ravi says “hard matchup, just do a basic combo and dont get hit by his w sweet spot so you should be ok. you can put way more pressure late game than him so just chill and be like 10-20 cs behind him”
stygiandesolation says “Just take conqueror and beat his ass, wait for him to engage with E and don't q on him. Always prioritize side stepping his W over anything else since it will only deal phys dmg and block his Q punches with your E.”
Alekra says “Since Garen has such low mobilty, this matchup is actually pretty hard as you will have difficulties dodging his W. Keep the trades short so he can't really pop it. You want him to be the agressor and not you so he has to use his E to trade with you. That way he will not be able to use it to keep you in his W center.”
sock217 says “Once he's got you, He's got you. Unless you Portal away. Stick to the walls near river while fighting him. He can abuse your constant lack of meeps by engaging. Play smart and dont get cocky if you have the upper hand. The enemy jungler will probably try to gank you more often bc sett is a very hard carry, and they need him to win lane.”
Dr.C says “You get stomped by his life reg.
Trade possible but E in, means you cannot E out his Super Shield W smash. You can avoid the true dmg but it will still hurt.”
Hypnosa says “His Q has health percentage, His W has true damage and his ult can destroy your team. Most of the time he wins the lane but falls in the late game.”
Olaf Only says “Very similar to Darius matchup.
Sett is very strong 1v1, but is easy to kite in teamfights.
Focus on farming up. After 6 Olaf has kill potential.
Sett outscales Olaf.”
LunaticDancer says “Can be a serious bully, but generally a very manageable lane. Trade in short bursts, so his grit doesn't build up too much. If he uses his big W thing, avoid standing on the center line AT ALL COST. You might need to build anti-heal. Generally he falls off as the game goes on, but his R will always remain a threat.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine]
[Ignite/Flash + TP]
Start W. Take Bone Plating FOR SURE in this matchup. Don't walk up without your passive up. Constantly W him and auto him for your passive shield when he pulls you. You can R his W damage. Pre 6, don't engage unless his E or W is down.”
DarkAuraLOL says “his clear is fine, his mobility is fine, just avoid getting caught by him , try to steal his camps and not fight him early, play around your team and try to get early form, then you can do something to him, you will also eventually outscale him with your clear.”
Ravenborne says “Take short trades during the early levels. Be sure to dodge his W and wait for the shield to decay. Rushing Bramble Vest or Executioners is very viable in this matchup. Initiate fight with Q so he doesn't use Facebreaker to deny it. Matchup is slightly in your favor but if you lose early you're kinda doomed afterwards.”
Kil4fun says “He's supposed to be a hard lane but you can ult while he's picking you up in his and dodge all of the damage. You have a speedup to outrun his grab and you can move away from the true damage from his W.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Sett is really strong in close-range combat, you beat him if he misses his E and if you kite him (Which is pretty easy to do). I'd suggest getting Rylais first to really empower your kiting.
If he gets close range he hits you like a train so watch out for that, and try not to trade too much in lane.”
kingchas2 says “His level 1-3 is pretty dangerous and he may flash on your early to get first-blood. Once you have Bork you can kite him. Use your Q to slow him when he uses his Q to try and get on you and you should be able to chunk him. Use your W to dodge the true dmg from his W.”
ModelitoTime says “He is all early game so don't worry too much with this matchups. Take Dorans Shield and keep your distance from him so he cant pull you in. Once you hit around lvl 9+ this matchup falls into your favor, When fighting Sett just pay attention to his Gritt *the white/yellow bar under his health bar* if you see his Gritt is yellow and he is going to cast his W just E him so it flips him the other way and it dodges his W for you. Other than that this matchup is pretty free once you hit lvl 9+ Just really be careful in early levels.”
ChevalierArlo says “Sett ficou ótimo na temporada 11 e portanto a matchup contra ele ficou ainda mais terrível. Tome muito cuidado no inicio do jogo e comece a trocar quando tiver armadura e dano o suficiente.”
ChoMar says “unless you get him really behind in lane you most likely will need to rely on your team. he scales will your max health. so your ult pretty much is a weakness into him.”
Vielia says “He's hard to beat in early, play pasive and once you buy BotRK and Plated Steelcaps you should kill him, dont forget to dodge the centre of his w”
Dannala says “Unless you engage without your Rapel available you should never die to Sett, you have free poke everytime he goes for CS and inbetween. You can easily dodge his abilities, except for his Facebreaker. If you go Phage or Cutlass early you should not be in danger for his engages, or even just going Celerity Rune. You can easily engage on him and E out after you have done your combo pre 6. Do always try to have jungle camps or minions nearby whenever you fight him for mobility.”
ineptpineapple says “Can catch you off guard occasionally but generally you outduel him and crush him in lane, be careful for his ultimate pulling you into a jungler.”
Otp Fiora Sorry says “Muito op, champion tonto do crrlh caso este não faça nenhum erro tonto nao vais ganhar dele so mesmo late do late game ! (leave game)”
OmegaDelta000 says “Wait until he engages and then use your E as he tries to disengage. You will win long trades everytime, even more if you charge your shield when damaging minions/Sett. Just try to have as many long trades as possible, you should be fine in late game whether you're ahead or behind.”
RedNBlue says “Sett is kind of like Mordekaiser except he has a stun and Sett is a portion more dangerous to Teemo than More. Still a good ability to kite unless he gets his moves off and also if he's running Phase Rush.”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “Don't eat him when he goes to W. You will eat the true damage every time. Rush steel plate boots and bramble and the lane can be easier. He has hp based damage which makes it extremely hard to win if played poorly.”
Raideru says “This matchup is skill based it's all about how many e you can make him waste or how many w you can dodge if you can fight him while doing one of those two you will always win the trades. I advise Lethal Tempo with Dblade.”
LeSocair says “He's pretty easy, his E range is very little and he can't catch you with his Q ms boost.
Poke him down with Q and E and avoid his W by walking to the side. Don't use your W on his E, use it on his R, and do it quick, the dmg will still apply if you're too slow and do it near the landing spot.”
sauronkaiser says “I cant even begin to express how stupid this champion is. No resource waste, good cc, extremely good damage and resistance, and yet free sustain??? just what the fuck..????
try to evade his true damage hit and wait him to fail his stun.”
KillMeMyFriend says “Poke him but rest a little but so he can't just Flash E W and R to instakill you.
If you manage to do that it will be an easy lane.”
iZeal says “Sett's early power is incredible and fights between you and him will be close (that is if you manage to completely dodge the damage of his W - if he hits you with it you are basically dead); it is pretty much mandatory to kite out his auto attacks with Ghost since otherwise he will hit you twice in the time where you hit him once. You can look to fight him with him from full health at around level 6, Ghost and Flash should make sure that you can play around his W unless he can set it up with an E stun. Do not use your Q when he has his E or Ult up if you are looking to heal up (unless you EQ of course). If he saves his W you can burst him by E into R.
Ninja Tabis are really strong against Sett.
He has 0 disengage, if you have a long lane you can easily run him down but stay behind him or to the sides so he cannot use his ultimate to get closer his tower/allies.
Be careful once he finishes Blade of the Ruined King, as he might seem squishy on paper but packs quite a punch on his autos making fights a lot closer than they used to be.
DBlade, Tabis!, Phage”
Randomwest says “you can outrange sett early on
if he hits E insta W
after 6 he can ult youout of shroud count with that
all ins are hard even after divine ”
NoxianBlood says “This matchup can be tough, Sett's true damage with W can bring your health down pretty fast, to trade, start with E and don't get too close if you are charging Q he will interrupt it with his E, regular Sion combo is E W Q and then complete this combo and you will deal at him enough damage, Sett doesn't have much CC so take ninja tabi instead of mercury if he's the only threat in their team, you will be surprised that he won't deal much damage if you go allot of armor, so I think best items to go against him is thornmail deadman plate and tabi, and then go other items depending which champion they have, one thing you should know that if you are stacking allot of Hp remember that Sett's ult will deal additional damage with 50% of the target's bonus health when he ults you and slams in a zone, so standing near your squishy allies when you have like 5000 hp if Sett ults you and slams you near your allies, he will bloody one-shot them cause how much hp you have, so carefull standing close to Sett in a way that he can Slam you near your squishies, try to kill Sett with your team he's not so good when you soround him, yes he can E stun both of you but nothing else, just don't let him ult you to your teammates, that's when he's gonna turn the fight.”
byThiagus says “Skill match, segunda pagina de runas y espada de doran, No pelees lvl 1 con el si tiene su w, a partir de nivel 3 Le ganas all in si dodgeas su w, a nivel 6 podes ganarle sin dodgear w y a partir de nivel 11 ganas facil. Si tiene rey arruinado y no tenes ventaja no hagas all in. Rushear vesta espinosa tabis”
RocketD1no says “Sett isn't too bad actually. Bait out his E and then pelt him with everything you have, save E for escaping or confirming the kill to close the gap for his escape.”
Leukasdf says “You have more range than Sett but he can easily run at you and ult or stun you. Poke him with your q's and if he's chasing you, q and e backwards to not die and maybe kill him.”
AWierdShoe says “Try to push on him level 1 (though this is very hard). If you do push him in, you can look for trades if he uses his W or E. W has a very long cooldown early so try to abuse that, and if he uses it you can taunt behind him to cancel it to avoid the damage and cancel it. His passive is really strong if the trade gets extended for too long, so make sure you either have a way to disengage or to be in a position to kill him at all times when going for trades. If he correctly hard pushes you in there’s nothing you can do except farm under tower and hope for a gank or a good ultimate later.”
NickCola Tesla says “I'll be honest. As the long as the Sett has not taken Phase Rush, there are definitely more oppressive threats you could face in lane.
If Sett takes Conqueror, and not Phase Rush, he sits around a 3-4 on the threat scale: 4 is pushing it in my opinion. It would be a skill matchup in his favor.
If the Sett HAS taken Phase Rush, the kill pressure he has on you goes up immensely. Sion, being an immobile tank, will allow a Sett with Phase Rush to completely avoid Sion's knockup. Even if you manage to slow him with an uncharged Q or with your E, Phase Rush automatically accounts for slow resistances. If he's taken Phase Rush, use the same rune setup as you would use against a ranged opponent! If he's taken Conqueror, feel free to take the rune setup against melee champions, and if he tries to rush straight at you, slow him with your E and walk away. Build Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest, and try to avoid him in teamfights! In lane, build a Bami's Cinder to help you take favorable trades. Check the "high threat matchups" section for greater detail!
StrikeX114 says “Beware of an attack speed Sett. This is a harder matchup for you to win than a traditional Tank Sett, but is easily identifiable by your opponent starting with Knuckle Down (Q). Keep extra distance against an attack speed Sett.”
Saarlichenbog says “Sett used to be a relatively even matchup in S10 but one item in particular that is being used a lot on him, Prowler's Claw, removes a lot of the counterplay Kalista initially had against him. However, without PC the matchup boils down to timing your E rend after his shield disappears after using his W. His E should not be in range of your autos without PC and hence he will find it extremely hard to land his ult on you. ”
LOLArfopi says “This is such a braindead champ, in my opinion. Just farm until you get BORK, then you can look to trade head on. Spam Ping your jungler to come gank multiple times to start a snowball. ”
Biko14CS says “Your best matchup by far is a Tank Sett. He's slow, he's tanky, and if you manage your distancing well you can constantly poke him while avoiding his attacks. Keep him from finding success early, and he'll never really find it again.”
Nicklstherealone says “Sett Players like to be agressive in lane. Against Sett youre the better Sett. Try to kill him on 1 till 6 with your Passive or W”
Kartaen says “Very hard to win lane against him. Just focus on farming and try to avoid his W by walking to side.
Highly recommended to build "core build(variant 2)" with Thornmail against him.”
OffmetaPancake says “Not a difficult matchup. You can outtrade him with constant small skirmishes, but he can win if you don't play around his W cooldown. Post 6 you win every fight, but only if you hold ult until his shield is gone.”
Raphi0216 says “Take short trades with your shield. Try to sidestep his W so you don't get oneshot by his true damage. You win the 1v1 if you dodge his W with your R.”
daito Okami says “
Vs sett you have to respect that he can e u lvl 1 s try to play passively untill lvl 3 only poke him with q and go for a passive aa if his e is down. You have to play around his w so when u trade never try to all in unless he wastes his w also you can try to bait out his e with you e for a good trade. Most of the time u wouldn't be able to kill him so just try to play for farm. ”
Frostyfps says “This lane is a major pain in the ass, i recommend fighting him if you are only getting jungle help otherwise it is really hard to beat him.
It is doable if you abuse your auto range over him whilst having 5 stacks. Be passive lvl 1 and stack up your passive once it crashes to your tower and look to
poke him with autos. If he E’s you into him after you’ve gotten 2-3 autos on him beforehand you will win the all in.
Try to Q out of his W or use your flash to avoid it when all-inning him.
The same applies later levels but if you mess up even slightly you will die and if he is ahead of you there is very little you can do. I would argue it is one of if not the hardest lane for Irelia.”
elphias says “Really hard matchup, don't go melee range and max Q. You can go for fast combos if he misses his E ability but try to avoid long fights.”
BigBlackDog says “Sett can be a real pain because of his constant regeneration, early game won't be that tough but it's best to play it safe later on as he can easily heal back or negate all damage taken, at which point he will be almost impossible to battle in a 1v1.”
Defensivity1 says “Abnoxious and strong level 1-6 but doesn't scale well, sunfire rush with conqueror or grasp is a must against sett, should beat him after Tabi+sunfire and after just get Tri.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “The matchup versus Sett is pretty even mid and late, but early game, Sett has a huge advantage over you, and he will kill you if you let him land his abilities, especially if his E manages to stun you. ”
LoL destroyer says “Sett will always beat you late game, if you feed set at the beginning you will never be able to beat him unless you lane switch and fight someone easier to get more gold.”
McSoupape says “I hate to play against sett, he can easily stun you with is E, his W will prevent you to kill him and will do a lot of damages and his R can easily move you away from you'r R zone, you can beat him but it's not an easy matchup”
MisterDerpFace says “Just play it safe, try not to trade for more than 5 secs, since his shield is VERY scary, you will want to make sure he uses his W before you trade against him. Watch were your minions are since he can stun you with his E, and if he uses Q for no reason, you are VERY likely to get ganked, or he just wants to trade.
You can perma-kite him after level 9. It's also important to hot your R (DUH). He's worth banning if your learning Urgot.”
Penguinoverlord1 says “When up against this matchup respect the early kill potential and dont get greedy with cs, his E level 1 combo is really brutal. When initiating with him try to catch him when his W is on cooldown as it will give him a lot of sustain.”
LoL destroyer says “Sett is a difficult champion to fight just because hes broken, if you can dodge his combos and get your silence off before he uses his shield you can win fights. Just be cautious playing against him.”
YoungTact says “Apply your lane harass combo whenever you can. If he E's you, respond with and while trying to dodge the true damage of his falcon punch. You can also E to do this to facilitate the dodge. Lvl 6 is a huge spike for him so be wary, build armour to scale. ”
Frixen says “You can poke him, you can try to push him in, he will still get to you. He has incredible all-in ability and sustain which leaves you in a bit of a tough spot. You can try to push in the wave, but if he's responding by pushing as well, I'd stay away, wait till he wastes his W, and then try to poke him down. If that doesn't work, roam.”
Sett matchup as Nasus heavily relies on you surviving lane until you hit lvl 6 and Sheen power spike and then when all in him, you have to dodge the center of his W at all cost or else he will win due that it deals True Damage. In laning phase, Sett will usually try to stun you with his E so be careful where you position yourself or else he can use the minions to stun you and kill you, usually this move is sort of predictable since he will position himself in between your wave and you and if he doesn't he will try to get to that position by Q movement speed. Once you hit lvl 6 and Sheen power spike, you can start doing trades against him, Its better to do consistant Short Trades into an All In, if you do a Short Trade every 50 seconds, his Passive and either his items (Dorans Shield) or his runes (Second Wind) will outsustain his damage, Once he is low enough you can kill him easily. Later on to the game his teamfighting is really good so look to splitpush and force him to match you, once you get 2-3 items you already outscaled him as long as he didn't get a lot of kills.”
mscocca says “Very hard match up before level 6. Once you get access to your R you can have a chance against him but he's going to abuse your Health to increase the damage of his R during team fights.”
bignowaski says “Although you majorly outrage him, the shields Sett can build will cause great annoyance. But with the correct tuning to your kit, he can be taken on.”
SubHuman Filth says “Sett can be a hard matchup. Go grasp or electrocute. If you just don't get hit by his E and poke him afterwards, you should be fine.
Get some early armor if needed.
You hard outscale him.”
EntxRecoil says “"Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start (u can start longsword if u play it right). Look to only take short trades with sett especially early on. Allow sett to shove you in early, even bait him into attacking you so your wave attacks him instead of the enemy minions to force the wave to shove in faster so you can farm under turret. If you commit to a full on all in make sure you are ready to spin/flash/walkthru his w or it will wreck you. Sett will beat you early levels but you will outscale him in the 1v1. The center line of his W does true damage so do your best to completely walk out of his w or atleast dodge to the side to only take physical damage. Sett can guarantee that he hits the true damage if he stuns you into his w. Biggest thing about this matchup is that you dont give him a way to take a heavy trade with you early, Sett is really susceptible to jungle ganks so if you keep your health pool high you can SETT him up to be ganked easily.
CensoredMercy says “Just not fun, stat check. He will run you down, you have to outplay hard in order to get mediocre results. Might be fun for some, isn't for me. Dodge ; )”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Conq, Triumph, Tenacity, Last Stand + Magical Footwear, Cosmic Insight or Bone plating, Unflinching.
Sub Runes: CDR, Damage, Armor.
Summoners: TP
Sett with BoRK is quite the menace, he can catch up to you and then stun you with his E+R. The key to winning this matchup is Q dancing around his W. Since you will be short trading a lot he will try to get you with the extra damage and shield with his W but its easily avoidable. If he misses his E, you can take a little longer trade but always be cautious of his W. Buy an executioners if you know for a fact he is going BoRK, it helps out a lot. You can also shield some of the damage from his ult if you time it right. ”
Darrkescru says “Runa : Grasp , aery
Somente trocar com ele depois do lvl 2 tenta usar seu Q pra counterar os Q dele quando ele usar o W stackado no max flash pra trás dele pra desviar do true damage
Rushar : Tabi , Nashor”
Swaim says “Sett is really hard early game until you either hit kindlegem and hammer or get tabis and level 6 which means he cant 1v1 you if he misses his e (in case he doesnt miss e you can still 1v1 him just be carful and make sure not to miss your q )”
FabrixVC says “PLEASE AVOID HIS ULTIMATE because is he use his ultimate using you and being with your team, that will cause huge damage because you are a tank.”
9CH Leviathan says “Gp hard counter Sett, if you just keep distance and take short trades, he cnat do nothing+you w cancel his R cc, but sett continue moving, so he can be under your tower or something like that, just keep in mind that he continues making damage where he lands”
ZergDood says “He scales, hits hard and everything, but if you avoid his W, you can get some good trades. Bait his E and poke, if he runs at you, poke. He heals a lot, so consider buying a grievous wounds item. When he activates his Q, it's a good time to hit your own and run away, he'll take a good chunk of damage everytime. At level 6 he gets a big powerspike, so respect that with trading. Your W has a weird interaction with his R, use it when he showstops you and he'll get hit.”
qazx1427 says “If you're not used to Sett, you can bump this up to Even, but the only way he can avoid your W is with his ult, which he'll probably have to do towards your tower. When he starts running at you with glowing fists, that speed boost is only towards you, so you can W him pretty reliably. Throw your ghouls at him, wait until he's glowing, dodge the true damage in the middle of his attack. There, now you have a completely defenceless champion who completely boned themselves. Pick up a free kill, but be VERY careful of that true damage. It seriously hurts.”
Twist21 says “Against Sett you shouln't fight him until lvl 6 since he can just aa you to death unless you manage to bait his E and then disengage with your E.LT Resolve for this one with standard sums.”
AfroNinja542 says “You don't win this matchup if the Sett has any sort of game sense. If you must, take fleet footwork and try not to let him bully you with poke in lane.”
Shumair says “This matchup used to be Mordekaiser favoured but now once Sett gets BORK he will just auto win 1v1s due to the lifesteal and % health damage. If Sett builds tanky, you should ult him before he engages your carries and destroy him. If he goes full AD then let your team deal with him. I think his ult can cancel yours if timed correctly.”
wallobear53 says “Position safely when laning against him as you don’t want him to CC you with his E and then W you after he lands his Passive empowered Auto-Attacks on you. It is very hard to escape if he is able to get his hands on you so be careful.
Always opt for short burst trades against him as going for extended trades during the early stages of the game will most definitely result in a loss if he manages to get his W True damage part off on you.
Once he gets his Ultimate R, he will become a menace to deal with as he will be calling his Jungler to gank you repeatedly. Proper warding should help you avoid this. Also, investing in Grievous Wounds can allow you to even out fights enduring the early game.
Murderman5 says “If he goes all in at you, It will be easy to take you out unless you have many of your traps with you and a good amount of blind, You need to take him out early to get a head start, This will change the performance of your entire game, Try to avoid his ult, It can be rather annoying for smol teemo”
ShiningShen says “Nie jest już tak silny jak na początku kiedy było bardzo trudno na niego grać. Po licznych nerfach nie jest trudny do pokonania. Wystarczy uniknąć jego W.”
ClanBlade says “He has low mobility so he is easy to kite but does lots of damage when he gets close to you so kite him with Q E. He will try to W you when his bar is full so dodge that and also don't Q him when he presses W so you don't damage his shield. If you follow these steps then you should be fine.”
M.P.C says “Currently a VERY strong pick topside, If you see the enemy team pick Sett before you do I would suggest picking a different champ, you cant win against him 1 on 1 especial when he reaches lvl 6. However in the off chance you picked Rumble first, I suggest focusing on getting cs over poking/engaging him, only engage him if your jungler is ganking top.”
Fiora Pogjet says “skillbased matchup. You have to care about his cc with E and ult. Before lvl 6 he will be able to outtrade you with his passive + Q and W Damage. If you prarry his E tho you will win the trades.”
NullPC says “Overall realy hard for you as his double auto attack damage is really thretening at early levles and your damage only charges up his pit grit, with no movement other than you E wich you most likley used to engage you cant easily avoid his true damage, and thats not even to mention his flash R into slow BS he does under tower. ”
Flagoony says “Very difficult match-up if he knows what he is doing. Save your Q for when he runs at you then stun him and run away. Don't let him get to close to you in lane.”
ModxLoL says “The most important thing to watch out for in this matchup is his E which pulls you towards him. You have to make sure there isn't an enemy on both sides of him because that's what puts a 1 second stun on you. In lane, this is usually only a worry when he starts running past your minions where he will try to make sure he only pulls you with a minion behind him. Do your best to try to make sure you can line up at an angle where there is no minion on the other side. You can also counter this by staying aggressive in lane, and push towards his side. That way, if he tries to run into wave to stun you, he will take more damage than you in return from minion aggro. It's not a problem if he pulls you when you won't be stunned because you can just W, Auto, and E away. The next thing you have to watch for is obviously try not to get hit by the middle of his W which does true damage. The last thing thing to watch out for which is going to be the difference in you getting a kill or not is how you play around his ult suppression and W shield. You need to try to make sure, similar to Maokai or Poppy, that you W into 3rd Q if his ultimate is up, because you don't want him to ult you in the middle of your 3rd Q animation. We can't let a free knockup and Q damage go away. Alternatively, you can try to bait out his ultimate before you have to do that, then just 3rd Q right after it ends. It's better if you can do this because you can save your CC to prevent him from using his massive shield, and you can kill him before he gets to use his giant shield. This happens far more often than you would think. I think Riven wins this matchup pretty easily, and it's a fun one; it just takes a little bit of experience.”
Stiwy says “The game is in his favor for the first 8 levels. After that you should be able to kill him if you can fight correctly.
It's crucial that you dodge the true damage from his W because it is the only way he can really kill you when you get to high level.
Start cull or D.Blade here.
Tabis are really valuable since most of his damage comes form his autoattacks.
Just remember his flash+e combo and his flash+r combo, if you don't get surprised by those two combos you should be fine.”
9690 says “D-Blade. The boss just beats you. Maybe if he misses e and w's early you can win but even then he will just out auto you and win. Take Conq.”
FallenAngel149 says “Sett is meant to break through the toughest enemies with the right combo. He's tough to trade with since he can start Q for the bonus damage and Auto reset, W for the big shield and true damage, or E for the stun. You will scale less, but you'll be more useful later during fights. ”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up compliqué, il y a beaucoup de chose à savoir et ça nécessite de bien connaître Sett. Sache que tu ne dois jamais le laisser de positionné entre toi et tes sbires alliées, car cela lui permettrait de te sun ! Sache aussi qu'il te faut impérativement éviter son Z de face pour gagner le trade, car si tu es dans la ligne centrale tu te prend un énorme montant de dégâts brut qui te condamne tout de suite !
Afin de battre un Sett, il te faut abusé de la mobilité du fantôme pour le combattre tout en le kitant avec ton A pour la regen, ne fais surtout jamais de combat statiuqe avec sett il gagnerait forcément !
Achète rapidemment tes tabi ninja, ainsi qu'une Bramble Vest et tu devrais pouvoir t'en sortir, ce n'est cependant pas un match up facile alors reste vigilante !
Astuce : Ne t'approche pas trop prêt de sa tourelle, car si il te stun avec ton E, il peut t'envoyer tout de suite sous sa tourelle, et c'est la mort assuré à ce moment la
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start (u can start longsword if u play it right). Look to only take short trades with sett especially early on. Allow sett to shove you in early, even bait him into attacking you so your wave attacks him instead of the enemy minions to force the wave to shove in faster so you can farm under turret. If you commit to a full on all in make sure you are ready to spin/flash/walkthru his w or it will wreck you. Sett will beat you early levels but you will outscale him in the 1v1. The center line of his W does true damage so do your best to completely walk out of his w or atleast dodge to the side to only take physical damage. Sett can guarantee that he hits the true damage if he stuns you into his w. Biggest thing about this matchup is that you dont give him a way to take a heavy trade with you early, Sett is really susceptible to jungle ganks so if you keep your health pool high you can SETT him up to be ganked easily.”
Mohid97 says “Also an anti tank the only reason I put him level 5 is as you are building health more and more that means that he can deal more and more dmg to you.”
Space69420 says “Sett is a scary opponent and you should let him push you in and ask for banks before fighting. Respect the pull and W range but still try to poke put of lane”
Twiggymocha says “He not only stops your q with his pull. He is also made to play against champions like Sion in team fights, throwing you back into your team and dealing tons of damage due to your tankiness.”
SuPIeX says “Sett is a skill matchup in lane, but late game he will ult you into your team and do massive damage due to its scaling on target bonus hp. Be careful how you position in relation to your team and Sett in teamfights.”
Xplor says “Sett I consider to be one of the Yorick's counters in special if he manage to hit you and shield up. He will probably outdamage you and become a real threat if you decide to engage early and even up to mid-game. Late game is another story, with yorick you can win him late game.
Farm and stay under the tower. Play defensive and if you push the lane, roam the map. Use teleport to get back in lane if you are afar and he is attacking your tower and farm your side of the jungle whenever possible if the jungler is kind enough to leave that for you (farm it only when you push the lane too much, and you have to wait for the minion wave to reach your tower, then return).”
Darrkescru says “B o n e c ã o , eu ate recomendaria impeto mas se você pegar esta runa vai faltar dano para matar ele, e uma das poucas lanes que acho grasp valer a pena pois vai ser facil de procar contra ele e vai te fornecer um bom sustain contra ele, a melhor estrategia e quando ele ativar o Q sai correndo para trás de cogumelos e quando ele pisar pokear ele gratuitamente, tente sempre desviar do W dele ainda mais na área que da true damage, pokea ele ate ele ficar low e assim mate-o (rusha tabi ninja)”
Angela du Seithr says “Sur le papier, Sett peut totalement souffrir de votre harcèlement car malgré une forte régénération de points de vie, il n'est ni Mundo, ni Garen. Mais il est aussi capable de riposter si vous faites la moindre erreur. Rappelez-vous toujours que votre Q ne vous met pas à l'abri et qu'il n'hésitera pas à vous courir dessus pour vous mettre un trade à ce moment. Favoriser un E + Q afin de l'empêcher de venir trop vite.”
Colin0224 says “coinflip the lane. you have to play better than him later in the game but you cant kill him in lane. he has to fuck up big time to die”
Nyx Adachi says “ROTO, esquiva el true dmg de su w y sus basicos potenciados con tu w, deberias estar bien con eso, de lo contrario, rushea tabis y no le tradees hasta que llegue tu jg. Trata de no iniciar con tu e para así esquivar su w más facilmente”
MarKoXGOD says “Sett's movement speed buff with his Q is a good gap closer between him and Aphelios, so you always need to keep a safe distance. His W's damage (which is also True Damage, so you can't build against it) scales with how much damage Sett has taken, so you also need to watch out for that.
Dedrick says “He can't really touch you if you're smart. Q when he runs at you, keep back until his Q runs out then finish the trade by stacking your passive and Empowered W into second Q then walk away again.”
FirstBladeDancer says “This son of the KFC manager is not really a threat. just dodge with ur Q and stack ur passive with killing minions and stun him before he uses his E. And u win the fight.”
JuarezLOL says “its hard because he can easily land his E W combo but we have a way out which is our Q so dont use it for gap closing and let him come to you remember that you will crush him after ruined king”
Walnut25 says “He beats you very hard on early levels and deals a lot of damage. Get your 5 stacks of Ionian fervor and then you may be able to fight him. Rush BOTRK”
MateuszNH says “Skill matchup.
I'm not sure how to really win against him, it mostly depends on him, just play around W and don't get hit by it(you can miss true dmg with clone). Care about him after he get's BOTRK and never stay between him and his turret.”
ACE4291 says “only even if you mess up with sett's W
dont understimate this hero
you win fights if you play smart and dont make a mess with your Q and E by sticking to him. you out trade him”
AskMeHowToGp says “A lot of damage while being tanky, try to stay out of his range of e and TRY to dodge his w since they are the main damage ability from Sett.”
Sq_09 says “Just don't come too close. If he hit's an E, you are in for a ride. Save your R for his R and keep him at max range. Run if he uses Q. His W is not as powerful against you since you just do consistent poke and not quick burst. ”
SabinX says “YOU WERE EXPECTING TIPS, BUT IT WAS ME, SETTO . . . Volatile lane, play around his W. Care not to disrespect the champion and if he rushes BOTRK, try to not fight him without your ult.”
Kingarthur720 says “his E has priority over your E, his Q speed up can easily catch up to you and his W true damage makes graves true grit useless. His ultimate is very good especially if he uses it on you during teamfights, it will deal alot of damage if you are tanky. The only real tip i can give you until he gets nerfed harder is play safe and wait for ganks. Dont ever all in him if he has any grit, only all in him if you are able to guarantee the kill.”
ShaharKarisi says “Sett's E + W combo can be annoying, but if you try to play it safe you'll win with your R. If you see Sett going for an ultimate, cast yours so your unstoppability just burns his R.”
Subject3 says “fighting sett is rather simple, just stick to him like glue, and tahm kench is known for easily sticking to people no matter what, so stick to Sett, dont flee, because if you do sett will have a clear haymaker shot.
aslong as you land a good Q you should be able to win the trade, and if minions are in the way, simply swallow him away from the minion wave.
once he does use haymaker, you can swallow and let him stay in your stomach for quite a bit to let his shield decay without letting him reap the benefits of it.”
Starci says “I've never had trouble against a Sett tbh. You either parry his E in order to stun him, and then you dodge his W with your Q, or the other way around. Parrying his W will benefit you a lot too since that's his main damage.”
Matchup plays very similarily to Darius, except he has a bit better time with gap closing.
His E is pretty similar to Darius except its shorter range aka you can avoid it easier. You SHOULD be able to outkite his Q speed, and when fighting him, dodge his megapunch W at ALL COSTS! His ultimate is what allows hold you down easier. You should be taking mainly short trade, 1 full W proc, and back off to avoid his W. This is how you should be playing the entire laning phase. You can attempt to All-in him whenever you think you can pop him, but when you do so, make sure to avoid his W or at least just avoid the true damage area part of it or he WILL be able to turn the fight. And whenever he manages to get his ulti onto you, disengage as fast as possible because he will win in melee range.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Annoying matchup for the most part, the problem with sett is that HE decides whetever or not you two fight, and he has enough stuff in his skillset to make sure you stay in it. He is nowhere near as bad as Darius or Garen however, mostly because you can cleanse out of his ult and his true damage source if a skillshot, which does have a wide hitbox but most of it deals physical damage, which you can somewhat deal with. Simply go for short trades, use your combo then kite as much as possible- you never want to all in a sett unless he is very low because his W allows him to turn the tides of the tide in an instant. You can bait his E while you have 3 to 4 stacks so you can emp W out of it, wait for him to use his W, and then jump back in since he is basically a sitting duck when his abilities are down. Mid to late game he is an issue if only because he can fuck up your attempts to engage and he scales decently, so you might want to consider going stasis if you don't have any other engage because you won't be able to kill him on your own unless super ahead.
Ignite is good to pressure him early, but TP is also a decent choice since he doesn't have a shitload of kill pressure on you. Either conqueror or grasp work just fine.”
CounterBlad3 says “As long as you know Sett's kit is he easy to fight when you have your passive up because you can just kite around his W and then press R”
Quincy98 says “Whilst Sett can technically tank his way through virtually anything with his passive and W, Fiora can shed through his armour rather quickly.
What makes Sett really tough against Fiora is his E. It can be used when Fiora is dashing, and cancels it. This of course, makes using her ultimate very tricky.”
GamerAtLarge says “Dio - I mean Sett is far more a threat if your not on top of your CS game early. Bigger threat to new Yoricks and mild to moderate migraines to experienced but follow my build guide and you will out perform. ”
I Play Blitz Top says “Another skill related fight. Sett will win early, so play safe and just aim for undertower takedowns. But late game you can kill sett without a tower needed.”
Dejuronto says “Sett was a heavy bullying champ when he was first released. But after a couple of nerfs, he doesn't pose a MAJOR threat to Mordekaiser like he did back then. Luckily for Mordekaiser, his W can block almost all of the true damage from Sett's W early! Pretty neat, huh? Even better: if you time your E right, you can move Sett to the opposite direction and make him miss his Haymaker entirely!”
Cats4lyfe123 says “E away from his Face Breaker, W before he uses Haymaker to try to dodge it. Pretty easy matchup as long as you don't make any big mistakes.”
OakenshieldXVI says “True damage and CC. Use your W to not get caught by his E and use your E to escape his W after proc your W on him. You can use your W to not get suppressed by his R as well if you time correctly.”
hephephepeEPEPE says “Buy Ninja Tabis and go for proxy i would not reccomend to lane against him because proxy is alot safer since he cant stop you from doing that”
AkenoSenpai says “Sett match up can be pretty tricky as you both hit pretty hard with auto's . when you all in him, make sure to keep atleast 1 Q up to dodge his W charge (since Q brings u behind him).If u still have a Q up and have an option to jump away and get a reset feel free to do so and wait till his shield decays after that just re-engage. If you don't have that option just charge your W till his shield decays.”
killwhenlick says “His all in's aren't that bad, but the fact he can deal true damage with his w and go through all the precious armor you have, he is a very hard champion to lane and team fight against.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “You have an easier time in lane vs Sett then most toplaners. You can keep him at a distance with flay and mitigate the value he gets out of his Q. You can poke him, but his sustain will make it difficult to poke him out of lane completely. Mid game he really just does too much damage for you to try and kill him so I recommend you don't try and fight him mid game. He doesn't scale well into late game though so you can definitely try and kill him late game. It will be a difficult lane and you are going to have to play it exceptionally well but you can win laning phase and you beat him in late game if you farm well.”
6MillionBreads says “His early is just too strong for you, don't even try to fight him solo in lane. Let him push to your tower and just safely farm while waiting for your jungler. Also prioritize roaming and helping your teammates as well as objective control Zac is way more powerful than Sett in teamfights”
ForgottenProject says “You LOSE level 1
Parry his W unless you’re very very confident in parrying his E
You outscale so you don't have to force a lead early
Once you have Rav Hydra you win
Parry backwords to stun him off his R
Kite out his passive, it does a ton of damage”
SirVermillion says “Ohhhh Setty boy. Everyone gets their face smashed in by this guy. Camille can KINDA counter him. Keyword here is kinda. The trick is to dodge his W's true damage. You might be able to eventually kill him, but you're kinda squishy to him so you can also easily lose the lane if you make one mistake. It's possible to win though.”
Pedrokis says “No primeiro dia que esse boneco lançou eu joguei umas 11 partidas de Aatrox contra Sett; ganhei 10 kkk. / Abusa do seu E pra desviar do W dele, principalmente se tiver com a barra dele cheia (da um baita dano). / Se você tiver o seu terceiro Q ou seu W, o puxão do E dele pode te ajudar a acertar as skills. / Cuidado com a ult dele caso você esteja botando pressão por perto da torre, ele pode facilmente te dar um insec.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Sett has great engage and has very strong true damage. He also wins almost every trade because of Q and his passive enhanced autos.”
CFCryo says “You can go head-to-head, or... fist-to-fist, with Sett quite well if you both have Conqueror. Use your Ult active when Sett gains a big Grit shield to pop it.
Any other champions with shields are similar.”
Askio says “His W and natural health regen can make him a threat. But his passive has a natural disadvantage to thornmail builds. Flash or side step the true damage of his W, taunt out his stun, and you can handle the champ ”
Zhygop says “If you trade Sett and you don't dodge his W, your pretty dead. Hopefully, his W is predictable, but you need to care since he can stun and slow you hard.”
ChocoChurro says “As said before, Tahm Kench's Q damage is underrated. It'll boost Sett's determination a lot, and before you have Swiftness Boots you'll have no mobility to dodge his W. Try to save your W for when he blast his W to interrupt it.”
BeautifulWinter says “Honestly Sett is a pretty easy champion to beat if you play around your abilities. Trading early is his specialty and his sustain is much higher due to him not having mana costs and his passive healing.
Play super passive and be willing to give up CS to maintain presence in lane. If you have to back at 500 gold and use TP he basically already has you at a disadvantage.”
Malwared says “Doesn't scale as well as you and can pretty much go for auto attacks on minions do to his low poke potential. Be careful pre-6, because you don't win trades. Wait until level 6 to all-in him.”
ExfIamed says “As long as you go in and fight him while you have boneplating up you win, when you think hes getting ready to shield run to the side and kinda down and you'll dodge it, its basically his only damage source since you have boneplating, but if you get hit by his shield half your hp is gone so be careful. He also can ult you back into his turret and shield so try not to be low when you're around his turret.”
Loevely says “Stat check champion with overtuned numbers. He beats you in a prolonged fight which makes short trades your best friend. Lucky for you, Rengar top thrives on short trades. Go grasp and take short trades so that his passive grit doesn't stack up. The more damage Sett takes the faster he gets to his max damage W.”
ENX Kai says “I have played several games against him and he could be either good or bad to play against. High damage and ultra tanky late game with an insane true damage and ability to outplay. Lv 6 he can deny your R easily so be careful.”
Luthy2278 says “This champion is just broken. Early, he wins all trades, late game, you destroy him. Losing lane depends on how you play against him. You have to play safe, farm, but still poke him from time to time with your Q. Do not engage him at level 3, he destroys you, and even if you think you beat him, he will use his W and destroy you. Wait level 6 then play aggresive and you will destroy him.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “Still didn't encounter him enough in a teemo matchup but as an idea he's relative weak on Teemo.
He's a melee champion based on auto-attacking so from there you know you alreaddy have the upper hand.
He's not really mobile, his only mobility being his natural movement speed and a small boost from Q (works only if he had vision on enemies, so goinf in fog of war or a bush will make him lose it).
What you should be aware of it's his W, which is probably his only way to hit you during lane phase, the center of it does true damage and the rest physical damage, as he take more damage his W will do more damage and give him a bigger shield. (look at his mana bar to see how much it's charged), he also have a stun on his E but he needs to come close to proc it, so just move quick when he chase toward you and hit back after 2-3s and you win the trade with 0 damage taken.
The only thing you really need to worry about in this matchup is the enemy jungler.”
Quezel says “I haven't played this lane much but on paper its similar to pantheon. Farm safely until seekers tabi and then look for extended fights use your e to dodge his w damage or walk behind him whatever you can to dodge it as it packs a SERIOUS punch after you get some armor should be able to beat him all in.”
kagaroo says “🔴Enemy Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 8.3/10
➡️This matchup is relies heavily on your limits. Sett is one of the few champions that can rival Trundle in a 1v1. If the Sett chains his CC + Grit well then Trundle will lose. Very annoying matchup but not as bad as others. I would label this matchup as Sett favoured and recommend you to take Barrier + Flash vs Sett.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad Sett vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average Sett vs Average Trundle ➡️50/50 skilled matchup
Good Sett vs Good Trundle ➡️ Sett wins but Trundle wins with Barrier + Flash”
Haxorr says “Sett is a hard matchup just because he outdamages you pretty hard in a 1v1. Try to poke him down best you can, as you don't win extended trades early on. His base damage is just too high and he will usually take ignite in this matchup as well. Sett is very vulnerable to ganks so try to play good wave states and don't get chunked as he's pushing into you. I like PTA or Conq with Doran's blade here. Try to parry either his e if possible or his w to block the big shield damage. A good sett will attempt to e stun -> w, so be wary of this and take short trades to make it hard for him to stack up a big shield and do that. If you hit parry even on his q it's still good. You outscale pretty hard if you stay even with him”
Bourne212 says “DO NOT fight early 1v1 you are very unlikely to win, Wait for jungle assistance. If you all in him try and save your ult until he uses his, you can use your ult to move behind or beside him to dodge his W after he ults you.”
CactEyez says “Very strong, Max HP damage, true damage and 2 CC for your W. Play slow early until 6. Some Sett players run ignite. If you R him under tower, try and spit him sideways, as most Setts will instantly try and R you out of tower range.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Plated Steelcaps -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
Zattand says “El enfrentamiento de Ornn contra Sett depende en gran parte de jugar alrededor de la W y la R de Sett. Desgástalo a distancia, evita enfrentamientos largos y administra tus habilidades de control para limitar sus posibilidades. Si logras resistir la fase de líneas, Ornn tiene un impacto mucho mayor en las peleas en equipo gracias a su utilidad, iniciación y capacidad para forjar objetos en cualquier momento.”
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