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Sett Counter Stats

Sett Counters
Discover all champions who counter Sett. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Sett in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,230 Tips for countering Sett below

Top Lane
51.64% Win Rate90% Pick Rate Sett Top Lane Counters: 49 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Sett in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush/Comet Early: E start and try to get manaflow. After first reset you win. Tips: legit just walk into melee range, prep W, E Q W him, walk away. Once he's low you want to put a Q down and E R him into it, or just flash combo him.”
[S15] - Beginner > Expert level details - Gragas guide by Loocalol | Gragas Player
GodKingwastaken says “you need good spacing to deal with him, dont let him E you with your minions when he's W is full. Dont get too close to his tower after 6 because he can flash behind you and R you”
Top Lane Darius Guide From A Challenger Darius Onetrick by GodKingwastaken | Darius Player
Tomuuko says “W start -> deny his cc and chain dmg due his E start. Short trades on lvl 6+. Garen outscale Sett on Stride. Phase Rush HexF, Ign or TP.”
HEXREN SEASON 15 by Tomuuko | Garen Player
sly rialto colt says “sett shall recognize you as THE BOSS of top lane, your Q with executioner will reduce his passive and you can build serpent's fang”
Proccing conqueror made easy by sly rialto colt | Aatrox Player
liucan says “STAT CHECKER: He wins even if he fails his W completely late game, early game just fast trade him. Side his E with W, u dont outscale him, but he is useless in splitpush, since u stack lot of hp dont give him free R into your team, or u can kill them.”
Briar Top bad english by liucan | Briar Player
Maniaxx says “Sett’s W (The Show Stopper) allows him to grab and slam you, dealing significant damage and disrupting your positioning. E (Knuckle Down) boosts his damage output in trades. How to deal with him: Engage after his W is down: Sett’s W is his main source of burst damage, so try to engage after he uses it. Build armor: Sett’s damage is primarily physical, so items like Steelcaps or Randuin’s Omen will help mitigate his damage.”
Mundo IMMORTAL CLEAVER by Maniaxx | Dr. Mundo Player
a_k_z7 says “sett favoard but you can beat him his e has simmailr range to your q so try to dodge and bait it if he e you you can q for a full proq since he will q after that and and look to go backa full trade from him a better then your full trrade try to trade when he does not have e or q since he cant do a good combo try to dodge his w with either w or if you are close e on the wave for an easy escape long trades are bad if he has counquer if he has grasp the match up becomes much easier you can kill him even after he gets his first items buy anti heal against him ”
quenzo says “Depends if he's good or not if he is than just try to poke him with the HP stacker build + e. Conqueror or Comet viable, flash + teleport”
Nithril says “This champion is stupid, but Quinn punishes him soooo good. W max and hunt him down, W passive MS is highter than his Q MS, the only thing to watch for is that his E cancels your E, and his W range is slightly longer than your Vault so he will damage you even if you E out during his W channel, Edge of Night and he can never kill you. W against ganks and go for a DPS focus”
Quinn Top Lane Guide for 2025 by Nithril | Quinn Player
Crystal Lobster says “I find Sett player to play too agressive for their own good allowing you to combo them into your tower. Serpants Fang counters him greatly. BUT BE WARNED good Sett player can actually make your life a hell :P”
Head Bash Skarner Toplane ! || Patch 14.23 || Skarner OTP by Crystal Lobster | Skarner Player
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