In the Jungle 49.07% Win Rate98% Pick RateKindred In the Jungle Counters: 34 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Kindred in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Konaiced says “can outkite you, need to be ahead in items to fight her, bait out her R and wait before engaging. Make sure to take the camps that are marked. Pray your team does not grief ”
kittygore says “You win early 1v1s. Try to bait her R out. You can still fight her when her R is up since she either misses to press it or you just wait untill her R is over and you got your cooldowns back.”
Jooshuaaa says “Every part of their kit cooks you, their ult makes you a non-champion, also big invaders are generally good picks into viego. Ban this nightmare if you're not in lower elos.”
Bella Ciao says “Very doable when you get comfortable, but MAXIMUM pain in the beginning.
Take approach velocity and expect her to invade
you win the 1v1 if you are prepared.
Awaken w on wolfs or raptors to be max hp incase of inv
Consider ban
SelfLOL says “Track r cd. R countes u rly well. Insane r peel. Tabis/DD. Extremely strong invades, especially level 2. You beat her before 6 if she facechecks you. Be aware of her ult later on. Easy to catch her with Ult. Dont let her get stakcs for free. ”
Kema says “Mostly a skill matchup. It's not easy for kindred to kill you early, just try to deny her marks and you should outscale. But if she snowballs it's really difficult.”
SkaterKidd says “Kindred can kite Maokai effectively with her ranged attacks and Q - Dance of Arrows and can slow him with E - Mounting Dread. She is able to invade early and disrupt Maokai's clear. ”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Same exact thing as Graves, except she is longer range and will directly contest your camps constantly which will be very annoying.”
UrPersonalGod says “She will try to abuses u in early and gets passive stacks from invades.
Ping your laners if they dont move by themself to avoid giving her stacks.
If you arent ahead it will be hard to 1v1 because she can kite you easily
Dont all in in team fights when she has her R up because you likely just waste your cooldowns and die before getting a single pick.”
Jackiewawa says “Dark Seal back. She can invade but you can space W so she can't hit you. If she doesn't snowball, you can just pop her easily. Keep your Q stacked to burst her at the end of her R.”
SkaterKidd says “Kindred can kite Warwick effectively with her ranged attacks and Q - Dance of Arrows. Her ultimate, R - Lamb's Respite, can negate Warwick's all-in potential by preventing deaths within its area, countering his ability to burst down enemies.”
DoxxTheLeague says “one of the hardest matchups honestly if you are new to lillia just dodge it more worth she can easily invade and win you lvl 3 also her r completely destroys your r you can 5 man ult and she justs ults and completely denies you anything strong champ that can burst you so hard by the time you try to q her.”
Kuro_Usagi says “Will beat you in a 1v1 due to busted ADC items and annoying kiting, but if you starve her of her stacks she withers and dies (shocker I know)”
kimijebac123 says “hard/impossible matchup, if kindred invades you while taking camp she can kill you since she would be ad 100% and you would be at 70% hp, try to be aware of her position by warding places where she has to pass to get to u”
Nyxxx says “She's an eh, don't use your R until her R is finished. While possessing her, you gain her stacks. Make sure to keep killing her jungle marks though.”
proxarius says “This matchup depends entirely on your pathing and is a macro skill check. Try to path away from her early, and only deny marks if it is safe.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Kindred: The champ I hate the most its the only champ that is really worth dodging. (people play well kindred only from like dia+ so If I was low elo I wouldnt dodge but its still extreme counter so be careful)..... HOW TO PLAY VS: dodge or pray”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Abuse Kindred's early game, make sure he doesn't get most of his stacks. Always grab your midlaner's priority to roam and hunt down Kindred, his kit will be too hard to deal with when he is too ahead. Bigger range, undying ultimate, a very mobile tumble. Neeko will struggle when Kindred is too far ahead.”
Yomu says “Pretty fair match up, either you get kited or slam E her out of her R into a wall is a kill. You force her to R if you have enough damage on the initial burst You can R her R and it’s always huge. Just don’t get dogged super early”
lurutin says “You win. Just don't waste your Q if she has ult and use it after her ult ends, Kindred will try to deal a lot of damage since her ult ends then you will wait that time to kill her. You will win 1v1 even without Q.”
Maciejson says “You won't be able to beat them, as this champion is very strong early game. Take what opportunities they allow you to get and avoid forcing anything, especially watching out for Level 2 invades. As Rhaast, you'll still get kited, so avoid confrontation as much as possible. Hold your W until they dash, and if possible, use your ultimate at the end of their ultimate for a chance to turn the fight. Shadow Assassin (SA) follows the same rules as Rhaast. In the mid-game, the matchup never becomes easy. SA can one-shot if Kindred has no ultimate available.”
huncho1v9 says “Medium/Annoying matchup. Kindred can invade level 3 but you can outspace her with W + Ghost. If Kindred doesn’t get ahead early, you can easily snowball this matchup and out dps her. Make sure to keep your Q stacked for the end of her R. Use W + E to space her at the edge of your W circle.”
12months says “Annoying. Can quite you and counteracts your low hp life steal. Her E has increased damage on low health enemies so she can kill you before you get to heal. She can also invade and kill you level 2 if you start blue side”
Darkoey says “When Kindred uses Lamb's Respite get inside, it stops all champions from dying. Clear the Hunts Wolf activates on jungle camps to slow down Kindred's damage output. (Care for early invades)”
Foxirion says “Kindred can be a moderate threat to Viego. Kindred’s mobility and ranged attacks can make it difficult for Viego to land his abilities, and her ultimate can negate Viego’s burst damage.”
huncho1v9 says “- Hard/Hardest matchup. The reason Kindred is such a hard matchup is because she can punish you early almost every game. Look back at the Graves notes for this matchup as Kindred/Graves pilot very similarly, but Kindred is slightly more annoying. ”
Mignognium says “Kindred possède une faculté que Viego déteste, son ultime [R][Repos d'agneau] attention à la fin les unités présentes dans son [R] seront soigné d'un certain montant de PV. Cela fausse la réussite de notre propre [R]. Mais en dehors de cela enfaite Kindred n'est pas vraiment dangereuse, très prévisible en terme de déplacement sur la carte à cause de son passif. Vous pouvez même gagner le 1v1 si elle n'a plus d'ult. Juste attention à son [A/Q][Danse des flèches] qui peut lui permettre d'esquiver votre [Z], sinon un full combo sans son ult c'est chao. ”
astral 1v9 says “this is my permaban, you really need your mid to bail you out of this matchup and get you prio, if your mid is gapped then its prob ff 15. you can't 1v1 a kindred ever past 1 item even if you are way ahead, it is very hard to land Q's while she has her W active which gives her movespeed and also she can use her Q to dodge one of your Q's and it resets cd very fast which makes it rly hard to skirmish against her lvl 6+. ”
tradtrad says “Difficult matchup because she jumps so much and is ranged. She can avoid your naked Q meaning if you don't kick her first. She is pretty weak early and as usual you have to play a high tempo game to win against her. You can also kick people out of her ult which is useful.”
IvernGott says “Kindred will always invade after 1-3 camps making it risky to farm Ivern own camps.
Her high mobilty often leads to missed Qs and the death of Ivern”
FiletedMinion says “She is WAY more mobile, can easily run away, and her Ult makes her impossible to kill WITH a heal at the end of it. Stay close to the edge of her Ult and E her out of it for a kill, if your Ult is up, use it to execute her. She is annoying, but not impossible.”
ShadySceptile says “Can invade you, but you can still win the invade if you are lvl 3 and if she uses her dash aggressively. Before lvl 6 she can be killed easily if you did a good early game.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “You can clear so fast, run to mid, and wait for her mark to spawn and run to it and clear it right in front of her, considering she's a bit slower. ”
Cookiemanman says “Kindred is another champion that can successfully kite Volibear around. Similarly to Graves he can be a large invade threat early into the game. Luckily, if you are able to reach him and pull off your combos he is fairly squishy early into the game. ”
chaazzz says “will invade 100%. its better to drop ur red/camps, not contest and go for counterjungling. also likes to lv2 cheese invade on blue. drop a ward in the river, when you see him coming drop your grump and walk to his raptors and take his topside instead other choices would be invading his blue side but risky since you need bot prio.”
astral 1v9 says “worst matchup in the game for olaf insta dodge this/permaban if ur an olaf one trick. she has too many invade options vs you and u cant 1v1 her ever and she hard wins any skirmish like 2v2 or 3v3 as well. Her ult directly counters yours too”
Coach Myga says “You can't beat Kindred earlygame and often she will invade you on your second camp (level 2), or your opposite quadrant. If she ever finds you clearing a camp she can kill you. If she ever finds you without E, she will kill you. After 6 you can't really one shot her either. It's a very bad match up, you need to get heaps of kills to make this match up work. ”
HawkSP says “Kindred's mobility and ranged attacks can give Ivern a tough time. Kindred's Q can reveal Ivern in brushes, and their ganks are harder to counter due to their range. Utilizing Daisy's knockup during Kindred's ultimate can turn the tide of a skirmish.”
muukooooo says “9 of 10 Games she will early invade you.
If she does, be careful and clear your camps within a good range to avoid fights in jgl.
If she doesnt invade you, PUNISH HER ”
X3mHills says “Avoid engaging with them. Consider purchasing Zhonya's Hourglass as your third item. Request assistance from your allies to secure marks. As Kha'zix, she will constantly invade you, so having a reliable support or mid laner is crucial.”
PuppyDontPreach says “easy to fight a new player but sucks if they're a main or onetrick. like kha'zix, will zone you early game and get fed off you super quick. their passive will also keep you EXTREMELY busy all the time, you'll need help from teammates. their ulti will hard counter you and any other assassins on your team. try not to use your ult, wait until their ult runs out. but also if you'll die just use it bc there's no point in feeding.”
Tortizzy says “To counter Kindred with Fiddlesticks, prioritize early vision control, control objectives better than her and once she reaches level 6 try to silence her when she gets low, so your team can kill her before she ults.”
ElPablito says “Early invades on one of your buffs are things that can ruin your game.
Its one of the strenghts of kindred and if she ults that negates your purpose as lethality hecarim.
RuinedJG says “Kindred is one of, if not, Hecarim's biggest counter in the jungle, she can level 2 invade you and force your ghost, she out duels you everywhere except open area (middle of lanes in the middle of rivers etc.) If you are playing by a wall, you will lose. Her q CD is reduced when her W is used, allowing her to space you, and hop over walls to kite you out.
I like Phase Rush into Kindred.”
Kayn Ruiner says “It is stronger in the beginning, since it is an auto-attacker, but then it has a useless subsave in the form of an ulta, which is easy to control, just climb in later and climb out earlier.”
MhmYepSope says “Extremely strong invades, especially level 2. You beat her before 6 if she facechecks you. Be aware of her ult later on. Easy to catch her with Ult. ”
jajkopajko says “Hard matchup, but she is weak right now. If she is good you dont really have counterplays so just play for objectives and try not to die to her invades. If she is behind dont let her stack her passive.”
shatteredekko says “Annoying at all stages. All I will say is if you snowball vs kindred its the easiest matchup in the game. She is a ADC you are Ekko. Don't engage on her if you can't kill she will kite you. Just run this champ has no cc.”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Invade her early and bait her camp stacks by setting up a trap onto her waiting for her to path to invade to get her stack. You can R her out of her R to kill her late game.”
veipz says “Lets talk about this cringe champion.
I like to ban kindred or graves in 13.22 graves better champ. ban graves. They are similar champs and they allowed to invade u when they want. i talked about invades just scroll down.
If you have Q stacks u can go on him u win, otherwise he wins.
Anyways if game goes 30 min they just outscale you pray to good ur team is good. all the game u have one job farm as you can make safe plays when kindred/graves does overextending in gank punish them u can win crab fight but if there is no crab u cant win he has all the river control against you just track him all game and make ur team know where he is.
loganrichards says “Pretty fair match up, either you get kited or slam
E her out of her R into a wall is a kill. You force her to R if you have enough damage on the initial burst
You can R her R and it’s always huge. Just don’t get dogged super early”
Pullks says “Without a lot of stacks, Kindred is at a disadvantage. Otherwise, she'll deal a ton of damage to you and will always outtrade you. So, deny her to stack and you'll win.”
Skararmonia says “I think that she is not that dangerous, but annoying. Don't let her stack her passive by counterganking and farming everything you got on jungle.”
pumpkinnthelawn says “Any invade jungler isn't great but they are especially bad as their dps is annoying and when they get Trinity Force and start to build tanky items it can be hard to kill them, especially with their ult.”
garbocan says “Extremely difficult to deal with. Kindred can easily invade Ivern, since his normal stall tactics are less effective into ranged champions. To top it off, Kindred's Q hits and reveals enemies in bushes.
Kindred ganks are also much more difficult to counter, since she doesn't have to commit as hard and can attack at a distance that makes her harder to punish.
During her ult, Daisy also becomes invulnerable, so have Daisy attack her twice to prepare the knockup, and then time the knockup so she's CC'd at the very end. Bonus points if you adjust Daisy's angle to hit multiple people.
Ward the baron pit on blue team and dragon pit on red team level 1. This will prevent Kindred from Qing over the wall after taking Red to steal your grove camps.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Even though she has her Q for kiting you can kill her early on. Try deny as many marks as possible. You want to establish a lead early as she gets really strong as the game progresses.”
MachDawn says “Briar needs to kill and FAST if kindred plays this correctly she can dumpster Briar however if the Briar is well trained on the champ she will prevail.”
Valkidol says “She beats you in the earlygame. A good kindred wont give you a chance to do a single full clear, and at lvl 6 she has outscaled you. After your first clear on a raptorfight or a river skirmish is your only chance to get ahead.”
Clasher2124 says “Kindred is very problematic from start to finish. They can kite you at all points in the game and if you get on top of them they will be saved by R. You can't keep following their dashes with Q because their Q has a much lower cooldown. They also have very high damage.”
OakIgu says “This is the hardest matchup for Udyr, it avoids him when needed, it kills him when able, it can steal objectives easily and will abuse invade on you and it just becomes harder and harder of course if you are even you can deal with her on teamfights, she is the worst matchup for Udyr bur since her pickrate and popularity is low I don't ban it that much, when she gets popular you really should ban her.”
Zero macro says “Briar has an even matchup into Kindred, due to having a decent statcheck on early levels, combined with 2de Briar W uptime into Kindred R. Thereby Briar E and R are effective into Kindred R as well.
Briar should try to dampen Kindred from Mark gains on her ally marked teammates and jungle camps, however Briar before levels on W might suffer Gap Closer into Kindred, and should respect this fact heavily.
Coccaa says “If she's really fed she can delete you super quick. If she's not fed you delete her. In certain situations, you can wait out her Q to use pillar and you can also pillar her out of her R if she's close enough to the wall.”
MusicJG says “Buy Doran's Blade early.
Out farms you early game, has better skirmishing, better team fighting and if she gets marks you can't contest her.
Look to fight around your smoke screen and avoid the 1v1's.”
Jhinxed23 says “GO TO BAN. They are ranged, mobile, have immortality, can dash over walls, and you need to at least try to take all their marked camps. The point here is catching them. You win that 1v1 normally. Make sure there is no one to help them. Think twice if they have R. You can knock them out from their ult with your E and R. You have good counter ganks vs them. So farm, take marked camps, catch and counter gank
Pyrobot says “This matchup's pretty free. Her ult sucks in team fights, but you should be able to one shot her at any stage of the game - if you see her, just W and it's over for her. ”
TheBougis says “Kindred can easily kite you using her Q, try to stay as close to her when fighting to make use of her ult when she uses it. She doesn't have any skillshots so you can just run at her when she is low without wasting time trying to dodge anything.
Be aware of your HP bar as well as she can do a lot of damage to you with her Wolf.”
Turnupthetoaster says “Very snowbally, and can easily cuck you using her ultimate. Be wary of a good Kindred, as they can invade you just as easily as you can invade them, especially if they've acquired a lead. Also, try to deny her as many marks as possible, as this can slow down how fast she scales. ”
Zero macro says “Kindred has a solid early and a strong mid/late game. Thereby Kindred can deal well with dodging nidalee spear due to her Q's. Nidalee has a general matchup into kindred which excells into Kindred favor over time.”
onlyafailure says “I mean the problem with this is it literally depends on how the game is if she is ahead early and you dont control her passive stacks it will be a problem with kite potential but if you are ahead you burst her”
Zero macro says “Kindred R will deny Zed R, Kindred has early power at any moment in the game, many mobility dashes to outkite Zed as well. Shred Zed performs worse into Kindred than Burst Zed.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Kindred: The champ I hate the most its the only champ that is really worth dodging. (people play well kindred only from like dia+ so If I was low elo I wouldnt dodge but its still extreme counter so be careful).....
HOW TO PLAY VS: dodge or pray”
Scratchyerik says “Same as Graves. Doesn't do as much damage as Graves late game with current build but is mobile and annoying. Shouldn't die to her though. Just watch for the dash blunder.”
metalhydra273 says “It's like Vayne but in the jungle. This matchup is very feast or famine, but late game they will be a massive threat, especially with qss. Punish them if they fail to build it in time, and remember to pull enemies out of their ult if applicable. Keep your jungle warded and try to stop them from gettin gtoo much momentum. You can look to 1v1 if you get the jump on them, but watch for their combination of kite and burst.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Apenas bana, é impossível se jogar contra uma boa Kindred, ela apenas irá perder para você caso seja pega de surpresa E SEM ULTIMATE, seu kit completo anula Rell por conta do seu R que cancela a ultimate da Rell e se Q que a caita facilmente.”
NegativePhoenix says “You're not catching Lamb anytime soon if she's a kite god. Her E slows and her Q just keeps her at a distance she wants if she's experienced enough. Even with a ton of MS you have to make sure to be ready for some annoying burst on her. When she ults, it is IMPERATIVE you save your Q for the end of it so that when it's over, she can't move and has to sit for at least 1-2 seconds. Hopefully by then you or your team killed her. Full AP has no chance against this.”
MrFerrot says “She Invades us early, out farms us, will kill us in every 1v1, kites us with her range, scales well, and counters us with her ult. Good ban option, but not too common.
Try to take your camps with her mark as early as possible, don't fight her early, try and let your team deal with her.”
Apari1010 says “This matchup is very hard for Rhaast. Kindred can dodge your W and kite you into oblivion. This character is Rhaast's worst nightmare. Avoid her during the early game and if you can't kill your marked camps, have your laners kill the marked camps.”
Sh4dow44 says “I'm not really sure what'd be the kindred build atm but if she synergizes well with rageblade/galeforce its hardly playable. Same thing as graves just without armor counter so shes slightly easier to play against. Would go blue most of the times just because no more prowler dash which made the matchup good for red kayn as well”
Ukantor says “Same as kayle and trynda, if it's good it will stop your enhanced Q, but if you catch it by surprise you can clear it without doing anything about it.”
BradJr says “No matter how fed she is, Kindred can never really kill you. Your full combo can oneshot her and if she uses R you will out-sustain her. (clone rating 3/10)”
DillfromAfar says “Scales better than you, invades nasty, it's hard for you to deny her marks since she isn't scared of you so ask your team to play around/ward her marks”
FaeBytez says “ Kindred has good mobility and can deal a lot of damage, but she lacks crowd control. Diana can outmaneuver her and take her down with ease.”
ttvRegedice says “You smash kindred early. However, she scales very well against what you want to do going into the mid-late game. If she understand how your R mark works when you ult, she can stick to your priority targets and function as a tryndamere ulti for her entire team. Also, she can go bruiser-esque and still do good damage with all her scaling passive whereas you need to keep building damage to keep up. Keep in mind her R is a 3 minute cooldown rank 1, so abuse that. Learn her R cdr based on lvl as she doesn't build ability haste so the cooldown will remain long throughout the game. Becareful being invaded yourself, if you ward for it and kindred invades your team can collapse making for a free win. Any lead on kindred early can almost guarantee a win if you don't throw later.”
Xr3ad says “Kindred's ability to mark and track him, deny his burst damage with Lamb's Respite, and kite him effectively can make her a strong counterpick in the right hands.”
Mnem says “Easy matchup, but you suffer outscale xd. Invade as much as possible and play on their marks. Ult her to get her out of Kindred's R. End the game as quickly as possible.”
Borinn says “He can slow you, kite you and kill you given the chance. Don't walk around with low health. Don't let him get his marks. Try to save your ultimate if you can that way you can get him out of his ultimate with r then e combo.
You can go either AD or tank.”
LvDyr says “hard target to catch, outscale you and very annoying to deal with, only POPdyr can onehit her.
Virizion says “Big skill matchup. A good kindred will kite you to shit and make you miserable. Luckily most of these players are Diamond or higher. Teamfighting gets difficult as her Ult can save her or other carries for impending doom”
xRengarMaster69 says “Even match-up, the better macros wins, it depends on your mates. You'll have to play for the invades to match hers, ask your supp to perma roam with you. ”
Hazardist says “Kindred has it easy to dodge your Dark Bindings and is also highly mobile overall, on top of outranging and damaging you at all points of the game. Be wary for early game invades and keep your distances if he is ahead or even, no matter the situation.”
King Nyash says “watchout for invades try to get most marked camps and avoid her early dont fight her solo
after form you should be fine
Prowler ignite if not a bad choice ”
Majd1 says “This matchup is very straightforward and you are likely to win if you can consistently land your spear. Nidalee is stronger than Kindred in the early game, so aim to get ahead in the early stages. Focus on utilizing your spears and coordinating with your allies' crowd control to make sure you hit your spear. However, if your opponent is playing Kindred and builds items like Maw of Malmortius or Witt's End, the matchup becomes more challenging later in the game.”
1Strike says “This matchup used to be ok...until kindred got buffs. It is not playable, she has better range, higher damage and is able to dodge your Q and smokescreen with her own dashes (which are on a lower cooldown)
It's bad you don't want to face this, she only needs 1-2 kills to run your shit in or a few marks.
You can kill her if fight starts melee but she just dances away forcing only 2-3 of your 4 pellet auto to hit her significantly curbing your DPS.”
Narcissisticdude says “Similar to Elise, the higher you climb the more threatening you should consider this champion, up to an extreme threat.
Kindred is the jungle's ADC, and should be treated as such, relatively easy to abuse early on, with a clear which leaves her low on hp and vulnerable, just what we like !
Kindred is also however an excellent solo queue champion however, that, like Shaco, thrives on chaos, and WILL completely take over the game if she gets ahead !
Mechanical Tips:
1. Do not engage on her with Q, she has a short range dash and will kite you forever if you do not have a red buff.
2. Post 6 you should not look to 1v1 her unless you know for certain her R is down, her kit counters your kit in this way, but fear not it has a very long cool down.
3. ”
Degryh says “Muy facil de ganar y si vas fedeado lo destrozas
cuidado en early se le puede ganar pero es mejor esperarle a que se acerque a un arbusto.”
Dabgren says “Watch out for Level 2 invade Kindred, ward possibly around herald early on if you start topside against her. The way you win this 1v1 is if you Q aa aa E R Q her and kill her before she gets to ult.”
PerfectPower says “Forces you to go out of your way to kill camps to deny her passive. Can kite you and stall with R. Lot's of damage even through Steelcaps and your passive. Try counter-ganking & invading in hopes to catch her without CDs up. Randuin's Omen is solid. ”
Rasta Mouse says “Kindred is one of the most annoying junglers to play against. She is more mobile than you, does more damage, and has more attack speed. A skilled kindred player can make your game go down easily. But if you stun her and her E isn't up you should be able to kill her. Try to run away into a bush then surprise her with Q.”
checca says “As of 12.23, Kindred is not as strong as she was in past seasons. Bringing Aftershock in high elo is almost impossible, as people will invade and kill me at every chance. I like to run Conqueror into Kindred, as this prevents and neutralizes the early threat she poses. Be careful, as she can kite you out easily. The counter to Kindred is to wait to chain CC her once her R has expired. What I mean by this is to use Q1 and Q2 when her R ends and then use your R or E. She will have 2 seconds after her R ends, where she will be low health and unable to move, making it very easy to kill her. You can also knock her out of her R by using Zac's R on her near the edge of her R. Be aware of her items, as she can buy Witt's End and Magic Resist that can counter you.”
basrty1p says “You almost win the entire game if you stun her first by W+E or she dashes to your E by herself. Just beware her R and kite her every single time.”
lovicoaching says “Just ban this champ, it's everything wrong with jungle role. It invades every level of the game like Graves. It doesn't have any issue hitting you though and also has invulnerability ult. Even if you win you won't enjoy playing versus this champ.
This champ has too many ways to invade, if you get some kind of lead pre 6 it's free win though.”
rianflqmes says “kindred is an early game invader that can easily disrupt your full clear and cost you the game. always ward around you so you have vision of her as much as possible.”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] [REFER TO UDYR TO KNOW WHY ITS NOT MY PERMA BAN ANYMORE] Its a terrible matchup, she can do anything she wants to do with you. She will kill you if she invades, she beats you at every stage of the game.”
firetaliyah says “early you can kill her if she dashes into your e and you can space with q. late game when she is strong you can get a w-e off she wont have time to press R since she'll be stunned”
Barndon says “she is ranged and that makes her have the ability to kill your turrets without being in the range on them, leaving her unscathed. Her W also cannot be killed so it is free poke on your turrets aswell. When she goes up to destroy the turret, she also has a Q roll to dodge your other abilities. Lastly her ult is good for you and her, she keeps your turrets alive but also keeps herself alive under your turrets, but you have a better probability of killing her in that situation.”
PRODIGE says “A good kindred will always invade you to distrupt your full clear. Carry a ward with you on your first clear and put it into potential invade bushes to notice her before she bursts you down followed by stealing your camps. If you survive early game and counter jungle by ignoring her power, you'll be fine.”
zLuxfury says “She's annoying especially for her R, she can kite you rather easily.
Just don't let her farm marks and you shouldn't have problems unless she's fed.”
Blubtastic says “Can kite you, and the %hp dmg hits hard. The ult also makes it hard to CC chain and/or burst key targets.
Will also counter-jungle you, and zac isn't great at 1v1s.
Phase Rush counters the kiting well as you have time to escape or get close. ”
Kukiziuu_ says “Shes really annoying early on. She can easily kite you out when playing Rhaast. Remember if you will get ahead you can fight her. When she is low she will probably use her R. then when she do it instantly use your R to let her R down.”
Bhyure33 says “If they can kite and dodge your W with Q, they will kill you. But because such skills are rare in low-elo, you can usually kill them 1v1. A problem comes with their ultimate, which can deny you your resets if properly used.”
Merisoka says “Their tempo is absolutely crazy - make sure to play around her marks, etc. Kindred mains will beat the crap outta you though so would be careful with this one.”
Lasine says “If the kindred player is good you will have a bad moment. If not she is just annoying because of his ultimate and his early invades. Same as graves and elise, depends a lot of the skill of the player.”
RedNBlue says “Kindred is a lower 3, kill her when her ultimate runs out of juice, and if you can succeed at that you can probably keep going. Just don't let her get to fed(Should be every jungler no matter what, obviously.)”
Centaur says “She might try to cheese invade you early game, try to put up a ward in river if you start blue buff and keep track of her pathing to avoid her.
MythicalMinute says “Ever since her stack update meaning its a game of cat and mouse but faster, you cant reliably stop her from stacking but what you can do is invade her early, she has somewhat a health clear early so keep that in mind and try aim to invade her on buffs. She can kite you if she's good which is why you need the magnetism of buffs so wont easily give it up.
I prefer AP when dealing with Kindred because AP shaco can outscale a kindred if you time your ult correctly and have proper box placement.
AP is good here.”
ItsSplash says “Annoying champ that perma invades and her ult makes Evelynn kinda useless.
Good high elo Kindreds are much harder to deal with than lower elo ones.
Against good Nidalees & Kindreds you might have to skip gromp if you are starting Blue level 1 as their level 2 invades are too strong. In that case, doing Blue -> Wolves -> Camps on the other side of the map is a decent strategy.
Try your best to survive the early game and bounce back into the game later on.
If at later stages of the game, Kindred uses her ult early in the fight you can just wait for her ultimate to finish, and enemy champs will more often than not be under your own ult's extra damage threshold.”
GiAEcchI says “Low play rate, but they counter you hard early to mid game, ask your team to ban for you.
Watch out for early invade.
Going blue is better in this matchup, try to catch her off guard and do not all in too early (her ult).”
spuki97 says “Not a huge problem, keep invading her as you kill her easily. However, watch the lane state of her laners as they usually roam to help her get marks. Best build: Regular Assassin/Chinese Strat”
PiscesPomf says “Karthus hates champions that can dash to dodge his Qs and the wall. The whole kit of Kindred counters Karthus : She dodges every Q, has range, and her R counters yours.”
Kao_Oak says “Try to make sure you don't let this monster scale by trying as much as you can to deny her her marks. Easy 1v1 but her ultimate can screw you up by denying you your reset in teamfight... or her team :)”
RengarNBush says “Extreme threat only after level 6, you jump on her and most of the time you die since you are left in the open after her R (She can save teammates as well). any fight with full hp early game next to a bush you win. Also she can build black clever, frozen heart, tabis which makes late game into her miserable. Dodge Recommended”
BattleCatsRoyale says “Early game AD champions will beat you in damage generally, but especially ranged ones like Kindred. She also heavily relies on invades, so like every other *actual* jungle champion, you will need your team to help you keep camps to scale with.”
The Love Below says “Can be a threat due to kiting and ability to hop over walls. However, you should be able to win all 1v1s if you can close the gap and burst down with empowered Q. Keep vision her possible future marks. 0-2 will be scuttler, then raptors, wolves, gromp and golems last. Once she has 8+ marks she will only get her passive on drag, herald and baron. ”
UDYSOF_OCE says “Udyr is weak early. Kindred can easily hunt you and kill you in the early game but also scale and match you at all stages of the game. VS Kindred play safe and be utility for your team.”
Eagzey says “Can pressure us early game and her R cucks us. Just remember her R is on a very long cooldown (180/150/120). If she uses her Q in the early game for no reason you can look to punish her.”
Kuriboh says “Kindred's kit is built around effective invades into your jungle. You will need help from your team if the enemy Kindred is being oppressive and constantly invading you.”
Jitty says “Invade heavy, I suggest staying far away from her, she will win every 2v2 or 3v3 fight, extremely hard to counter gank. Only chance you have of winning against her in early gank skirmishes is if your laner has just significantly more damage than her ”
Yuki H. says “Kindred can kite you extremely well with her high mobility and slows. She is also geared towards invades, but they are typically marked and thus makes it easier to defend, play around. Her ult can turn the tides after you go through your abilities so look to save your ult to knock enemies out or use it as the duration is ending to seal their fate.
A good Kindred player is an "Extreme" threat level, whereas a bad one can be as low as "Even."”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kindred will be trying to get as many stacks as possible. If you’re on the same side of the map when one spawns, take a detour to kill the camp so she is unable to get the stack. As she is a ranged champion, you need to be careful when trying to duel her as she can use her range advantage and Dance of Arrows(Q) to kite you. Unless you get the jump on her, think twice when attempting to duel her. Kindred has the ability to solo objectives with ease. Unless you can take them first, make sure you keep the Dragon warded at all times so you can spot her before she secures the objective.”
Hazardist says “Similar as Graves, most Kindred players are likely to invade and the champion is also stronger than you early game, wich will make for a difficult start of the game. It's smart to prioritize going to the camps where their marks spawn to effectively deny them, and mostly you will want to path the opposite to them because there aren't many situations in which you win the 1v1 or 2v2. The Kindred fall off tremendously unless they can get fed, so just focus on not taking the wrong fights until then.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kindred will be trying to get as many stacks as possible. If you’re on the same side of the map when one spawns, take a detour to kill the camp so she is unable to get the stack. As she is a ranged champion, you need to be careful when trying to duel her as she can use her range advantage and Dance of Arrows(Q) to kite you. Unless you get the jump on her, think twice when attempting to duel her. Kindred has the ability to solo objectives with ease. Unless you can take them first, make sure you keep the Dragon warded at all times so you can spot her before she secures the objective.”
Sambino says “Kindred is rumbles hardest counter. Good kindred players will invade early before rumble can hit lvl 3 in the jg and there is nothing you can do about it. Her kit just makes it super easy to kite rumble before he is lvl 3 and can stack his heat properly. Even after level 3 it is still hard in a 1v1 situation unless she face checks you in a bush. However, after lvl 6 Kindred gets her ult and it makes it really hard to kill her because she can just ult your burst damage. Try to ward early to make sure she doesn't invade you before you can get lvl 3.”
lumihehe says “ugh, perma invade champion. there's nothing you can REALLY do against her invades, seeing as shes an early game champ and you are late game. try to get your team to coordinate an ambush on her when you catch her invading, and remember to put wards on your buffs (or ask your support to)”
Salmon Kid says “Lillia struggles very hard against invade junglers because full clearing her first two clears is really important in terms of tempo. Kindred natrually invades early and you almost never win 1v1. On top of this, Kindred's ult coutners your ult and is generally a bad matchup.”
Darksword255 says “She will try to kite you with her Q and W. Hold your Q to follow her jumps and u will stay right on top of her. she is very squishy and u can mini burst her. ”
Lawiss1 says “Match-up simple pour Evelynn tant que le joueur de Kindred est mauvais.
Suffis de tomber sur un bon joueur de Kindred pour te rendre fou et te faire ban ce champ les 30 prochaines games.”
Prizum says “She can invade you really easily and bully you hard early levels, especially if you are playing towards weak side. Place a defensive ward vs her for level 1 to watch for an invade and never 1v1 her. You will scale and outfarm if she doesn't find gank opportunities but her R again is really strong counterplay to yours.. Lots of things to be careful with when playing vs her. She can hop your Q and kite you easily if your E is on cooldown. Yellow Ward highly recommended not just for yourself to watch for invade but also to prevent teammates from getting ganked.”
rhvse says “Preety easy, she will try to kite you, but you have your E right? Go 1vs1 before 6 and its gg. After 6 well, you're preety fu*ked. Fight ONLY 1vs1 with her. ”
Nik7857 says “Mostly favoured for Elise, but she has 2 ways to dodge cocoon. if you miss cocoon just disenegage from the 1v1. She will kill you if you have no way to get close to her. Later on you need to cocoon her specifically to prevent her from ulting. Becareful of an early invade lvl 2.”
RactickTTV says “Kindred is like a Graves but weaker level 1.
From then on, he only gets stronger. You won't be able to one shot him or his team for True Forms because his ultimate will save them. Kindred will actively look for you in the jungle in the early game. Try to avoid fighting him.”
NegativePhoenix says “It varies on the kindred. If you can steal her camps her passive targets in your jg, that's good. Even better if you have a team that will rush into your jg to help kill her for invading. Late game varies on who can catch who off guard, you'll normally have better damage. If she ults, start your E right before her ult goes down. You'll heal off it and your E and she'll get executed the second it's over unless she flashes or vaults away.”
JoltedGeo says “His ult can mess you up hard due to how he can not die in his ult and can easily kill you and kite you with more stacks. Avoid him getting more stacks”
HadesxLH says “Kindred é um champion extremamente chato devido a sua ult que cancela seus resets e o cait que torna o ato de chegar nela bem chato, se estiver nessa match up eu recomendo leve pressão no early e coletar o maximo de marcas possivel jogue com seu time e aproveite ao maximo quando kindred se distanciar de seus aliados”
SunLongGod says “nothing much to talk. I don't usually invade this lonely wolf of the sheep because of high mobility. You should save your Q when she ult and use it after the ult is over so she can't attack you as well as flashing or Q to create distance”
NegativePhoenix says “Kindred beats you early game, that's not gonna change. She can easily invade you too to make sure you lack behind and try to get a free mark off you too. Once it hits mid-game where you're doing more one shot damage, as long as you can get her off guard you win those fights, but don't sit inside her ult zone unless you're confident you have enough execute damage from your ult once it heals her”
Sammystinky says “She marks you and invades you a lot especially at grump just don't die to it. Be careful trying to kill her as she can Q (dash) your E and does decent damage to you. But if you land a good E hurt her bad and you can force her ult and knock enemies out of it. ”
One Stab says “She is only as strong as you allow her to be. You hard win pre 6. If you allow her to get fed and get some armor it will be tough to deal with her. Try to oneshot her, if she reacts fast enough you get her ult, if not she is dead.”
duowithdeath says “At start of champ select pray to the gods enemy Kindred is bad because if they are OTP or semi decent u cannot play the game. Ultimate is insane hardcounter and means even if she gets behind 0 marks she still is useful. It also enables her to perma invade you after 6 for free 300 gold sacks and still live because of ult. Red buff slow ubercucks you and can destroy you with Q mobility early on, do not attempt to duel this champion as she will dodge every single Q and run you over.”
AlmostN0Numbers says “so long as you dont get slowed and gun down, this is a solid one. just make sure you have an escape ability up when you fight her”
BullwhipGriffin says “Kindred will almost always beat diana in a 1v1 and his ult completely counters her burst in teamfights. I would recommend banning kindred”
OfficerVi says “Avoid this thing at all costs. Dodge if you have to. She will kite you and take over your entire jungle. You will be very lucky if you don't get invaded at level 3.”
Shro says “Kindred can be really scary due to her damage and mobility, however, you can completely invalidate her Ult if she uses her Ult before you Ult her OR if she Ults within your Ult. Her Ult circle will either disappear when you Ult her or will be lost in your Ult when your Ult ends.”
ZookeeperOCE says “Perma ban, she is stronger at dualing the ultimate makes oneshotting her team really hard and if she is good she will permanently invade you ”
evil in says “Kindred is one of the hardest matchups for Evelynn.. You should try to avoid her as much as u can in the early stages of the game and try to track her down. After 6 she should be easy to beat. I recommend waiting out her R spell before using ult on her so she doesnt cancel your damage out.”
[Kindred is an ADC champion that's got mini dashes and slow and invincibility zone. But she's still an ADC, you counter her gameplay. You have to waste her ult before fights since it's hard for you to play around it in fights.]
TimothyFly says “This one really depends on how good they are on kindred. But a good kindred player is really hard for sion. But since they are still like an adc if u can build urself an early lead then u can easily one shot her. She can kite very easily so be certain when fighting her that you can win the exchange or ur team will be first to be there.”
Majd1 says “Very easy matchup, you will win every time if you land your spear. Therefore, play around spears and your teammates' CC to ensure you land your spear. Match up becomes disgusting to play in the later stages of the game since Kindred players usually build Maw of Malmortius and/or Witts End.”
WONDR says “Kindred is very squishy so she wouldnt be a problem, after 6 she can R herself after you used all of your abilites and retaliate and probably kill you. So try to fight her early, Also remember that part of her kit requires her to invade you - so you can sometimes stay in bush and wait for her to come to you.”
ioprocessing says “Clear your camps or set up counter-invades with your laner if you know her mark mechanics (if you struggle vs Kindred, this is important to know). You can win if you duel her inside your crystal spire early on, and your early ganks are stronger with predator as well, so you can easily out-tempo her. If you don't take advantage of these early strengths, however, she becomes a gigantic threat that will melt you and your team before you can get close. In the case you do get close to her, a good Kindred will build QSS post 6 and never get picked off, which can turn the situation around very quickly. Balancing abusing your predator ganks early game and clearing the marks on your camps is important if you want to win vs Kindred”
YoungTact says “Early into the game kindred doesn't represent much of a threat. Try to deny her marks off camps whenever you can. You can W her Q so be on the lookout for this. You can also Push enemies out of her ultimate with your E and R so if possible do this as well. Try to not fight her in open spaces like Lillia or you will just kited. ”
chakibxd says “It is kinda the same as graves . You really need to invade him and try to kill him early on . Try to land max range spears before going in .”
Nairey says “Kindred will kite you with her low cooldown dash and autos, she'll also look to invade you a lot. But what's worst is her ult, like Karth and Nunu once you go in, if you're not able to get a kill because of her ult then you're literally fucked. ”
ViniHunters says “Kindred is a very strong counter to Udyr because of the mobility on her Q that gains a lot of distance from Udyr, and she can also use E to slow down, and also her R to buy time and get out alive.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Dark Harvest.
ITEMS: Zhonya's Hourglass. Plated Steelcaps if they have a lot of AD.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Kindred is an ADC with a lot of damage and mobility, they don't have CC at all to stop you besides their slow though, so keep outside of their attack range, engage with your ult and an ally nearby, and they should be an easy kill. Their main gimmick is the passive marks that will appear in your allies, monsters of your jungle, and the Scuttle Crab, claiming those (or preventing that they kill your marked ally) will prevent them from getting stronger by a relevant ammount. Ping your allies for help if you suspect Kindred's going to claim a nearby mark, or just leave them to it if it's too dangerous.”
RIPStollie says “If you are ever facing a kindred mid, I would advise dodging. The laning phase is extremely annoying and you will likely not be able to move from under your turret. Later on in the game, playing against kindred is really nice because if you apply your passive during her ult, it will likely kill everybody once it ends because anybody inside of it will be low.”
Janooobi says “If you miss your Q on Kindred she will turn on you and kill you with ease, avoid giving her unnecessary kills and try to navigate with your team to deny her passive stacks.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Biggest counter to Ivern. Ban worthy in high elo. Low elo Kindred's will probably lose as they have no idea what Ivern does. If you want to beat them, learn how her mark system works and use it to smite camps as soon as they're marked. Still, if they're a good Kindred, its almost a 100% lose. Kindred can kill two of your camps before you can even get back to your blue side first clear and can kite out Daisy and her CC. Dodges your CC and can singlehandedly stop a pick through their R. Their damage is way above yours, even early. Go Aery Inspiration or you lose. AP, go Crown or if they're bad Night Harvester. Sup, go Shurelya's. Anti-heal is good if you wanna counter their ult.”
Scythe Prince says “try to avoid fighting her in early game
she kites you easily
once you get either if your forms you can beat her easy
don't use your ult unless she ults herself ”
OTP Toxin says “Get out of their AoE, blind and hit them, you can also blind them in the end of their ult, so they will miss all of their AAs after the ult ends, that way you can kill them.”
Afstand says “She can shred Sejuani so it can be a difficult match-up. You will possibly be playing from behind so practicing the match-up or banning her is important.”
blulemon says “She is the queen of invading and is a tank melter. Vision is extremely important. You cannot stop her from getting marks, so try to exchange the marks for objectives or ganks.”
Tiger-Moose says “Kites you brutally just like Graves does. They also have a slow, but it doesn't also blind unlike his. When they use their ult, you want to charge a Q or use your R so that Kindred and/or their teammates get knocked up as the invulnerability ends. Try to ensure that they don't dash out of your Q hitbox beforehand.
//Try to get your team to play with you to control the jungle since that shuts down Kindred pretty hard.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Kindred vs amumu is a skill matchup because amumu can cc kindred not allowing him to ult, however, if kindred is allowed to ult it makes everything amumu did in a fight useless.”
Abes_o7 says “Kindred is one of the easiest matchups as Lee for me, you can kick her out from her R with your ult, and she is too squishy to stay outside the R for a long time.”
MrMeem45 says “While most major threats here are dangerous later on and easy to deal with early, kindred is the opposite. She can kite you early, but her ult can't deal with your kick later on which means you can kill her basically whenever you want. Take her stacks and avoid her at scuttle unless you brought a buddy with you.”
b0n0 says “Squishy jungle with no assassin qualities? Go charge Q and full combo her until she cries and wonders why an adc was ever made into a jungle champ.
Make sure we set the pace and never let her take our marks. A good Vi should never lose against a good kindred IMO. just try to avoid getting kited but her jumps and Ult if you need to lock her down. ”
Elekktro says “Kindred can both invade and kite Viego very easily. Her ultimate is also very difficult to play against since she can deny your resets. Very hard matchup”
J98TheGreat says “This champion has less of an impact on team fight utility and that is what you will need to use to your advantage. Tracking her well and counter ganking will jeopardize her as well as trying your very best to get Scuttlers before she does.”
GranadaExperimental says “
According to the games that I have been able to play against Kindreds, I have come to the conclusion that winning this one is not very difficult or very easy
Since it has low life but ability to dodge your abilities quite high so I would recommend to be careful with them”
King Fidd says “Kindred can opt to destroy you through early invades, or simply play to counter your ult with her ult in every team fight. She might seem easy to burst down but if she has QSS or too much tenacity it is impossible to burst her down before she uses her own ultimate.
Ghionova says “Freekills coming to you. Focus on the marks of their passive. You can also be a dig and clean all your camps except the small ones so the camps wont respawn with big monsters and then you focus on his camps and routes. Best way to tilt a kindred player... but have in mind -> ITS NOT WORTH IT EVERYTIME ”
NMFO says “Very good kiting. Execute on her E, which is bad because you thrive in taking advantage of coup de grace in low-health situations. Even if you catch her out she can R, kite away from you, then execute when R is over. Trundle can deal with her marks fairly well, but damn if she isn't strong. ”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Protect your Camps from her. Ask for your teammates to ward them for you and beat her up when she appears to steal them. You can try to knock or fear her out of her R.”
Brosinex says “Hará exactamente lo mismo que Graves. Si un par ve qué beneficio estás comenzando, podría dirigirse al otro, así que protege a tu otro beneficio o intenta atraparla robándote tu beneficio y posiblemente mata su ult justo después de su ult y tendrás una gran ventaja contra ella.”
Da Mastah says “The only reason she's not in tiny tier is because of her ult. Whenever its on cooldown she's the equivalent of a fresh plate of mutton to you. Make sure to hold your Q until she leaps and there is no counterplay for her. If she does have ult auto her until you have q and decimate her. If you don't have q up just meditate on the edge of her ult to wait it out. Also make sure to invade her pre 6 if possible.”
BXG KAYN says “Rhaast is very slow against ranged champs. You dont fight solo with Ranged champs. If Kindred gets Fed Late game... This game will be GG”
Zyvran says “You're both marksmen with relatively bad early games and really good scaling. Whoever's more fed wins. Her ult counters your Package pretty hard though, so try to poke it out of her.”
Citric says “Kindred is like a Graves but weaker level 1. From then on, he only gets stronger. Will easily kite you and you won't be able to one shot him because his ultimate will save him. Kindred will actively look for you in the jungle in the early game. Try to avoid fighting him. ”
Pullks says “Generally looks to invade and kill you early. Her ult counters yours and she can also use it on Dragon to counter your Q+Smite. Never 1v1. ”
Tchouvline says “Early game champ, a good Kindred player will invade your blue level 2 and even trying to chase you.
In this case, consider a blue start.
Counterjungling and denying stacks are the key to win against Kindred.”
Pusi Puu says “Look for skirmishes and fights, since there is not much counterplay once you jump onto her. You hard win the 1v1. Make sure to use your full combo when jumping onto kindred, since she either doesn't react and not use her ult or she uses ult and you get all your cooldowns back off after the ult expires. Go into a bush if theres one while in her ult to get your combo off and follow her up.”
LordGrox says “An ADC with the potential to kite around you. Also has a good kill setup with her R. Once you do get onto her you will one-shot her tho.”
Polarshift says “Pretty though matchup. You want red smite and nimbus cloak so you can keep up with her. When she has 4 marks and 2 items you do not win duels anymore if you're not ahead. Save your R for AFTER her ultimate so you can try to burst her.”
Veralion says “This champ has received several buffs and is not balanced. Loves to level 3 invade you at your second buff. If you take exhaust, you can just barely beat her if you have your cooldowns up and you can close the distance. If you can't, retreat FAST. If Kindred has red buff, stay the hell away from her at all costs. Nearly impossible to escape if tagged without flash. Prioritize her marks in your pathing over anything that's not drake. During the teamfight phase, her ult will create clusters of enemy champions trying to take advantage of it. Learn the timing and have a fireball at that clump right when it expires.”
Riealone says “They are ranged, mobile, have immortality, can dash over walls, and you need to at least try to take all their marked
camps. The point here is catching them. You win that 1v1 normally.
Make sure there is no one to help them. Think twice if they have R. You can knock them out from
their ult with your E and R. You have good counter ganks vs them. So farm, take marked camps, catch and counter gank”
Goldenstinger says “A good Kindred can ruin your day - you can outfarm her though. She needs early agency and some RNG luck with marks but you farm way too good. ”
nZk01 says “Surprisingly easy to beat with approach velocity, if she goes bruiser (Triforce/tabi) its impossible to ever kill her but early its very easy to run her down on a camp”
Arfreezy says “A scaling AD threat with a powerful early game. Treat this matchup like an early game jungle matchup and play to scale. Kindred can 1v1 you early in the right conditions so avoid early skirmishes if you are not confident in the matchup. Play the opposite side of the map and play to scale. Focus on maintaining grit stacks incase you run into her at first scuttle. Save your skillshots (Q, W, R) until after Kindred uses her Q which is a dash, you will have a window in between dashes to hit them.”
FREAKSTAR says “Good Kindred players can be tough because they are often unpredictable. However she can't really stop you from getting to your powerspikes.
If you are even or ahead and ult on her she will be FORCED to blow her ult in order to not die.
Set up traps at her marks with your teammates. Ping them in advance and set up vision on Kindred's path to the mark. Be the cat and make Kindred the mouse.
Without her stacks and with you and your team killing her over and over. They will be turned into a useless champion who wishes they picked something else.”
LukaBre123 says “The problem with Kindred is that she can dodge a lot of things with her Q, she is very strong but if you build thornmail you should be fine.”
Tormentula says “Kindred can only do one thing to Elise, and that's Q to dodge your E. Hold cocoon until Kindred uses Q, and you'll be able to land it easier and just one shot Kindred. Late game they can scale but if you get a lead and pick them off constantly they will struggle to play the game. A good use of Rappel in this matchup is to wait until Kindred has the E mark at 2 stacks, and Rappel to stall out the mark during the third to avoid their execution damage. You can stall their ultimate with Rappel too inorder to avoid getting too low before it ends. ”
Doubtfull says “Rek'sai can threaten kindred at most points in the game. The new items in season 11 make this match up really easy as it is very difficult for Kindred to kite you. Playing around her ult post 6 and you should be fine.”
Whynotbefriends says “A good Kindred's early pressure is hard to deal with, they can out duel you but if you manage to get some levels on them you are able to win.”
MiningRicK says “Her ult is very annoying for you and if she kite you well than this isn´t a nice matchup for you. As well she do tons of damge with Kraken Slayer.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is slightly Graves favored since your burst damage is higher than Kindreds. If kindred uses ulti, walk into it and wait with your Q and AA untill the ulti has healed both of you, if you execute this properly you should always be able to 1v1 Kindred as long as you are either even or you as the graves player slightly ahead. Tip: You can go press the attack into Kindred. ”
Insightful says “Kindred works in the same way as graves, however kindred can't farm as fast as you do early on, so he'll for sure try to invade you, watch out for it and just try to make sure you deny all his marks
Insightful says “she can invade you early and make your life painful, and her ulti counters hard engage aswell, your best chance here is to try to force fights with your teammates
Kayncer says “Kindred can kite out of everything you do, make sure to use the AA Tank Build here as you wont often hit her with any abilities besides if she is cornered hard without flash, Late invades (Level 3 should be fine), don´t try to let her scale
Dreadscythe95 says “Second best ban.You can't stop their scailling or lock them down effectively. They also bully your maiden quite easily. It's quite ironic if you think how much Yorick wants to finally die and they are death incarnate.”
amogus logus says “Kites you to hell and back
and deals very high dmg to you based on your max. Hp ,
which u build a lot of ( raw HP ) .
If u can catch her with W + E + maybe Ghost , u can easily defeat her .
her ult is kind of weird , because on the one hand , it counters you , because u need to kill people as trundle for your passive to proc .
But on the other hand , with your W u actually incrase the healing u receive from it .
Kind of a weird matchup , but still very strong into Trundle .
Coorowko says “Bully early when her cooldowns are high and her damage isn't great. If kindred gets fed she becomes a problem, but denying her marks and counter jungling and ganking completely shuts her out of the game. ”
poopyOCE says “Can kite you, more mobile than you, outranges you, Q and disengage, never 1v1. Ulti denies your ulti a bit so timing is key, otherwise a hard matchup. Get ahead.”
ungoblin says “VERY ANNOYING dont fight at scuddle, dont invade, avoid her at all costs unless fed and she doesnt have ult. also if she does not have mechanics lmao”
Karasmai says “Depending on which form you go this will either be very hard or just hard, if you’re blue you must be strong enough to kill her with out using R because when she is low enough she will use R and you must use R during that R to kill her immediately after its done. So make sure you rush full lethal DMG. As a Rhaast you will need exec and make sure you Can Land your W so be patient soon as she uses Q you must throw W immediately luckily if she ults you will benefit more cause you can sustain more and she wont be able to kite out faster.”
MexBookMaster says “Kindred es un Jungla extremadamente irrespetuoso como diría yo. Juégalo con Shadow Assassin (Azul) y la podrás Oneshotear casi siempre, es un match complicado para Rhaast porque te puede Kitear hasta el infinito. Puedes saber por donde anda debido a que SIEMPRE buscará sus marcas. Evita que las obtenga y el match será más sencillo para ti.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Kindred is always gonna win in a 1v1 fight against warwick because he can just kite Warwick, only way warwick can win is by ganking and getting teammates ahead, kindred is allowed to free farm since no threat of dying.”
ak521 says “Higher mobility champion with a low CD dash. His ultimate hard counters your ultimate. Other than that, not hard at all to outplay. Make sure you or your allies take down his Hunts.
Watch out for experienced players since they can outplay you in duels and turn team fights over with their ult. Lamb can cast it during your ult! ”
Rhoku says “Without Ghost, you will probably never beat Kindred. She has annoying slows, lots of mobility and LOTS of early damage. She will slow and kite you to death. She is also very disruptive in teamfights with her ultimate. Very annoying but you can snowball off of her.”
Kayncer says “No problem for Red Kayn, use W after her Q so she cant Kite it out, try staying in her ultimate circle to not get outdamaged by her, same thing as Blue and save Ultimate until her R is over!”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Similiar to Kha'Zix, Kindred has stronger early game and can easily invade Hecarim and secure early marks. If even in mid game, Hecarim can kill her.
Insightful says “kindred is a champion who scales very well while also being a very good duelist early game, her ulti counters hard engage so it can be pretty hard to play this one out”
izzlelol says “Will do the same exact thing as Graves. If kindred sees which buff you're starting she could route to the other one so ward your other buff or try and catch her stealing you buff and possible kill her you ult right after her ult and you have a huge advantage against her.”
Lambda Diana says “If you are in low elo they will just go right for marks. If kindred as pta you won't win fights early pta + E will kills you. If they run conq you win the all in vs them they are an adc so once you get some items you will force their ult. Save your ult for the end of their ult if you can same with red smite anti heal also helps but not needed. ”
ItsSkoob says “Similar to nidalee/ graves. I think graves is more forgiving for low elo players which is why he is marked as extreme but in High Elo kindred players will out kite and out maneuver you.”
temmykusaii says “kindred is very annoying but you can beat her in a 1v1 fairly easily, esp if she q's in your e or gets hit with the w. she can dodge your w with her q tho. during her r you can knock people out with your w”
lightrocket2 says “She kites you easy early, late game just get on the platform and time ult correctly. They will be super low and your team will be invulnerable. GG. However, Kindreds early game and ability to invade is very brutal for Taric and it is hard to burst Kindred without using your ult first.”
Ellesmere says “Early game Kindred is extremely strong right now, and a 1v1 between you two should end in a kill for Kindred, so don't force anything and don't counterjungle. The most important thing about Kindred is preventing her from getting stacks. You can bet whenever a new stack shows up in your jungle for her to collect she's going to do everything she can to get it. Your job is to get the camps before she gets there. Also keep your jungle warded so if you do see her try and sneak in to grab one you can call a lane and guarantee a kill.”
colingogo says “If kindred goes Merc treads and Witt's End you lose. She beats you early and can invade you, can deny your ult lvl 6, and exists just to ruin your day. If she goes full damage you instakill her though. If you get ahead you can kill her before she can react.”
SketchtheHunter says “A common theme in these threats is that they can stall out your ulti. Thanks to Lamb's Respite and their range, a good Kindred will equate to a wasted ult should you target them,”
Very Rxre says “0 counterplay, worst matchup for olaf and i permaban. If ur high elo or even high plat i recommend banning this since there are a ton of elo inflated one tricks that can't play anything else. ”
FrostForest says “Dashes your combo and can outdps you if you miss.
Lose every 1v1 unless you hit her with every ability and kill her before her ulti
You will get ran down if you dont have EQ up
Avoid matchup if possible”
Maintained says “How much of a threat level Kindred is highly depends on how good she is at kiting. If she's really good at kiting, you're in trouble. She has slows, she has % health damage, and she has range. The plus side to this match up is that you can pull her out of her ult with your ult.”
manco1 says “Kindred is a ranged champ with heavy mobility that demolishes Teemo in the jungle. If you do have to 1v1 her be sure to use your blind to your advantage but it's usually best to give yourself until late game for fights against her. ”
RichMrFork says “Don't 1v1 her early you won't win unless she massively trolls. Be aware of her terrain scaling and invade paths similar to Graves and Nidalee. Try to contest marks but don't int for them. Sometimes you simply have to give them up because your team isn't in position to help you. You'll be able to defend your jungle solo from Kindred once you reach Rocketbelt or Nashors. Until then you likely will rely on your team to move and defend. You can also use her marks to your advantage. If for example a mark appears on your topside camps and you don't have top lane priority then you can look to take dragon. Trading a mark for an objective will always be worth. ”
Kayn Mains says “Terrible matchup for Kayn. Kindred is able to kite you endlessly early on. Do not approach them without assistance from your team.
If you see Kindred going Warrior's enchantment + Critical Strike items mid game you can find some success in dueling them if you also have Warrior's. Try to abuse your mid game advantage as much as you can.
As for late game, you will always be able to force an ultimate out of them if you are Shadow Assassin. If you went Rhaast however and Kindred built Bloodrazor + anti-bruiser items you'll be in a pretty bad spot. Avoid fighting them and peel for your team. ”
metalhydra273 says “Tends to be about who gets ahead first. In a pure scaling game though, you need to be careful with this one. Kind of like a Kai'sa in that they're a tank busting adc but with the addition of a dash kite and a slow. Lock them down and be prepared to either pull an enemy out of their ult or get them kiled before it can be used. Kindred will likely build a qss and that's where the matchup difficulty spikes. Check out my section qss for a few tips on getting around it.”
Fennixas says “Be careful about early game invades, if he chunks you too much you wont win but usually you can outdamage him with conqueror if you play it correctly, he is slippery target but you can run him down with ghost. Simply one of the most hardest matchups in the game for Hecarim if kindred player has atleast a bit of knowledge”
mgutis says “Kindred is similar to graves, but harder to escape. 1v1 is more deadly against kindred, his R hard counters karthus R, but your skirmishing is better than him as you have more DPS to offer in a teamfight setting. ”
AggroBeat says “Not much to say, she'll steal your entire jungle. You can kill her very easily and throw her (and their team) off her ultimate, so I say it's an even fight.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Terrible matchup for Kayn. Kindred is able to kite you endlessly early on. Do not approach them without assistance from your team. If you see Kindred going Warrior's enchantment + Critical Strike items mid game you can find some success in dueling them if you also have Warrior's. Try to abuse your mid game advantage as much as you can. As for late game, you will always be able to force an ultimate out of them if you are Shadow Assassin. If you went Rhaast however and Kindred built Bloodrazor + anti-bruiser items you'll be in a pretty bad spot. Avoid fighting them and peel for your team.
Nanelol says “Kindred will try to kite you until the end of time, and with her Q and her slow, they will succeed. becareful of the Kindred invade since most of the Kindreds invade after obtaining their own redbuff. They will dominate a teamfight and punish anyone out of position relentlessly. If Kindred ults and your target is on the edge, use your Q to knock them out of it.”
auileta says “They'll most likely use their passive on you. Be cautious at all times. They can invade you at any time, so play safe and give up camps if needed.”
Ejsner says “You have a significant advantage against Kindred early on, but she scales well into the mid-late game, posing a threat to your objectives. If Kindred understands how your R mark functions when you ult, she can effectively stick to your priority targets, acting as a Tryndamere ult for her entire team. Moreover, she can opt for defensive items after her core mythic and still maintain respectable damage output thanks to her scaling passive, while you need to continue building damage to stay relevant. Keep in mind that her R has a 3-minute cooldown at rank 1, so exploit this window of vulnerability. Familiarize yourself with her R cooldown reduction based on level, as she typically doesn't build ability haste, resulting in a consistently long cooldown. Be cautious of potential invades from Kindred, and if you ward defensively, your team can collapse on her for an advantageous skirmish. Establishing an early lead against Kindred can significantly increase your chances of success, provided you don't squander it later on.”
Nanelol says “This Champion isn't fun to play against since her Ultimate is one of the biggest counters to yours, especially if you used your Ultimate and you are stuck in her ultimate. ”
Heccie says “Kindred usually cheeses it's not hard to set her behind but late game she counters your one shot ability, and can slow you to a point where you can't run anymore.”
Eagzey says “A good Kindred is up there with the worst of them. Ward second buff and care of Level 1 cheese. If you get the jump on her from fog that's great (especially before Level 6), but it's a lot easier said than done. Her R really cucks us.”
uSgSello says “In my opinion winning matchup.
Kindred is very squishy and Elise is able to burst her down. If you miss your cocoon she can be able to kite you.
At level 6 you can outplay her ult with your rappel. Just down on her if she tries to run out. If she keep fighting you stay in the air until her ult has finished. Kindred is able to counterjungle you as well. That's why you should pay attention.”
Smartest2 says “Kindred doesn't pose much of a threat to us. We clear faster than she does, we are tankier than she is, we deal more damage than she does, we're better looking than she is... ”
aurus666lol says “She can literally come to our second buff after finishing her own, she has good dmg, better scaling, healing, and faster dash + better ult.
Try to ward river on 0:50 and go back for orancle to check if she is doing ur second buff when you finish your own.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “same as Lillia, will just kite you like a fool. Only difference is that to kite you she needs to be in her W, so it's a little more manageable.”
MrMeem45 says “Her ultimate makes her a major pain in the ass to fight. As most of your damage is backloaded, the most you can do is hope to outplay her or get so far ahead that she can't kill you after the zone goes down. Before 6, however, steal her camps and prolong her scaling.”
theceasrsalad says “careful of her level three cheese as shes pretty ok early but if you get onto her the fight is yours, dont let her stack her passive of she will shred your team”
Unknown420 says “dont fight him before lvl4,deny him his marks,try setting him behind early game,bait his ult by camping the enemy jg bushes and placing deep wards ”
legendtomi1 says “Kindred is always gonna win in a 1v1 fight against warwick because he can just kite Warwick, only way warwick can win is by ganking and getting teammates ahead, kindred is allowed to free farm since no threat of dying.”
Jhanthem says “Mobile ADC in the jungle who's kit is designed to invade, be careful of sitting in her W and letting her spam Q. Her ult will keep her alive for awhile and allow her teammates to collapse on you.”
Riyad101 says “She is stronger and has more dashes and damage. Kill the jgl monster that have her marks or let your team mates kill the monsters for you. Also, ward your jgl as she can easily invade.”
Cryastro says “Her q allows her to dodge your E stun and her ult stops your burst. She wins fights because her abilities are point and click while yours are skillshots.”
GuillaumeP84 says “In early game, try to invade her. If you fight in the river, she will win because she can easily outkite you. When you get, prowler you will automatically will the 1 vs 1. When she is 6 and low hp try to ult at the end of her ult to one shot her.”
Caled says “Kindred can prove to be a hard matchup as her kit allows her to kite like crazy. Being able to deal damage while constantly being in motion proves to be a struggle for Kayn, especially when dueling in 1v1’s. Mix this with the fact that she has Lamb’s Respite (R) to prevent you from one-shotting as Shadow Assassin. Typically, you want to power farm and play for form in this matchup. Also, try to minimize her stacks by killing your marked camps before she does. Once you have form, as Rhaast try using your Blade’s Reach (W), to immediately knock her up after she uses her Dance of Arrows (Q). Your goal as Rhaast is to force her to use her Lamb’s Respite (R) as you will be able to outsustain her. Going Shadow Assassin, you want to be able to bait out her ultimate before using your Umbral Trespass (R) or else she will always be able to deny your one-shot combo.”
Loul_60 says “A nightmare to deal with in early game fights. Your best bet is to try to steal as many of her marks as possible using your good clear and mobility. Late game, she becomes less of a threat as you either one-shot or out tank-her.”
litecrunch says “If you manage to get in melee range of her by hiding in a bush and landing your e then you will deal a lot of damage to her. if she catches you using all your abilities on your camps then run and don't fight her. She will honestly just kite you out so it's best to avoid her. Her ult will be a problem later, you can potentially kill them all after her ult ends. Adc isn't really good right now so she shouldn't be a problem later unless she is fed.”
TheInkKingLoL says “Ward the buff you aren't starting on. Watch this ward for Kindred invades. Counter-invade if you get invaded. Take early objectives. Easy to kill if you can get on top of them before level 6.”
ShadowCross says “Never fight her 1v1 unless you know for sure your gonna win. For the matchup, It depends on if she is a good Kindred. If the kindred is good he will prob be in your jungle 24/7 and she will not get punished. But if she is bad just gank more lanes than her but make sure she's not going to be counter ganking because she will poop on you. ”
c0st0m says “Kindred excels at invading the enemy jungler and crushes most junglers early, getting invaded early game is one of the least ideal things that can happen as lillia so try to avoid her at all costs and buy zhonyas against her”
lemurs0cks says “As long as she isn't fed she's an easy kill for you, just be careful about when her ult is up and use your R when kindred doesn't have hers”
Udyr uber says “Mesma situação do Graves em matchup, mas tente fazer rápido sua jungle e os aronguejos, já que ela é muito dependente do stacks da passiva.
Guerreiro+Tabi+Malho Congelado”
Unawesomeness says “Kindred is an easy jungler to face, because you can use Dragon's Rage to kick her out of range of her ultimate, Lamb's Respite. You can also kill her with relative ease in the lower levels while she is not as strong.”
Medieval_Ducky25 says “Kindred isn't that bad as long as you're weary of her. Be careful when facing Kindred, as they can easily kite you. Steal their marks so that they can't scale.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “She wins against your early on, but if you are smart, and focus on farming and taking her marks, you win late game once you get items.”
Snadr says “As a kindred is a marksman, she is countered by Rammus. However she can kite him easily one on one and will win early game really hard. I comes down to who executes their wincondition better”
Kayn_Is_Cracked says “Kindred is a counter for kayn as she can just kite you to death, steal your camps etc. If you gank smart and then take her marked camps with allies around, you can get to a point mid game where you can kill her as Rhaast or assassinate her as blue but she scales too so watch out”
PsiGuard says “Kindred can win fights if they keep you at max range and kite, or they can outplay you with their ult. In order to win 1v1, catch them facechecking or use Flash advantage to prevent them from kiting you. You can block the final proc of E to keep yourself healthy. Against post-6 Kindred, either burn their ult fast and use a delayed E to win after it expires, or focus on killing targets that can't be saved by Kindred (or kill Kindred if their ult is on cooldown).”
ImCarsonLol says “Hardest Matchup for Hecarim if the Kindred is a good player, Kindred beats Hecarim 1v1 and deny's his dive late game with her ultimate.”
ImCarsonLol says “Jg - Kindred can beat Viego early due to her movement abilities. She scales well and can counter Viego's resets in fights with her Ult.”
Bel37 says “The only way Kindred can be a threat is if she gets fed early. A lot of kindred players like to three camp and invade. If you path to avoid her lvl 3 cheese the game will be pretty easy.”
OmegaDelta000 says “Good dps, not that much sustain. Can shred you while she's waiting for her ult to heal her. Pretty nasty stuff. Can infinitely scale.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Can also kite you for days if you allow her to inside of her W, so try to avoid being with her in there. If she gets a lot of Q resets you will die, but not too much of a big deal to play against. Can go either way.”
ChaseMorePlz says “One of Kindred's main weaknesses is sustained damage, and luckily you have plenty of that! Stay next to her and build Rylias Crystal Scepter; she will be forced to peel off your team when you have a good amount of armor. You will win this as long as you land your abilities to continue doing damage to her after she ults. Be wary of her marks and deny them as soon as they are up, you may have to give up a scuttle early but later she will greed for more marks. Knocking her out of her ultimate is also a good general way to deny her the heal and invulnerability. ”
CaptianMike says “Poor kindred. She is almost all Auto Attack based so you block all of her damage. She is very squishy so you should have no problems killing her at all stages of the game. Your burst should be enough to kill her after her ultimate goes off. Make sure to clear the camps that she has marked to prevent her from getting stacks!”
DarkWither says “At the start of the game its a fine matchup but make sure she gets the least marks as possible (the dots on the map) as she can grow strong really quickly.
Note: consider taking Zhonya's hourglass against her.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Try to avoid fighting for an extended period of time in Kindred's W. Avoid getting caught out by her when playing against her, but in general she's not too much of a big deal to play against. Pretty even matchup, can go in anyone's favor due to the simple fact of her being able to dodge your Q, and Ult if you focus her down with your Ult.”
waayWest says “Skilled matchup, don't stay in her W cirkle if you aren't about to transform. You can easilly kill her with your ult by throwing her out of hers.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Outplay with bushes, try to 1 shot her before she will ult and protect stacks in your jungle.
Kindred can be really hard to face when she is ahead , because she will probably invade , kill you stealing your camps and getting her stacks.”
KosmicLegand says “Kindred is similar to Graves in the way that she is mobile, but her R can effectively counter yours. Make sure you ult after Kindred does.”
Ezio_Auditor says “Mordekaiser does not like it when ranged champions try and kite him. However, this matchup is mainly dictated by how you play kindred's minigame. Buy your pink wards and place them deep if you can. Hell, even take stealth wards to track kindred. If you know where she is, then you can predict whether or not she will go for a mark. You can set traps by marks when you have your ult available. Lastly, if you can force her ult in a teamfight before using your own, you can select any person standing in there like an idiot to go to the death realm and die. This matchup is very much dictated by how the early game goes, and if you can get strong enough to ensure that Kindred does not exist as a champion for the whole game. ”
Get Ricked says “A squshy adc in the jungle, that's how you like em. However you can get kited by kindred. Think about flashes, as long as you can stay in range of kindred she's toast.”
G Spot God says “With the new op items he/she(does anyone know yet) can be a problem but once you get on top of him/her its a wrap. Save your R for his/her R, then just drag him/her out that bich. ”
DarkAuraLOL says “Kindred doesn't have the best clear, so you're gonna out clear her, also if you cheese invade her you will be really ahead, you can invade her, but try to fight her if shes a bit lower than you, also dont be chasing her around alot, she can kite you well early, especially if she dodges your w, overall, you're eventually gonna be stronger than her once you get tiamat, and you can outclear her and out gank her, just be patient, but don't let her scale for free, make sure you steal her camps, and get some orbs from her , also on blue form you can destroy her .”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Kindred is a pretty easy match-up. Her early game damage is pretty low and she is very reliant on getting her stacks. Work together with your team to deny the marks. Try to take down these camps on spawn or let your teammates take them if you can't get them yourself. Kindred will invade often to the marked camps, try to collapse on top of her is she does.”
EvoNinja7 says “He can kite you, but with your E he can't see you coming. As long as you hit your W you should be able to beat him. If he starts to kite you get out of there, since that is what Kindred is great at.”
MetaSolaray says “Take Aftershock into this matchup, especially unflinching. Kindred is a hard kiting champion with a powerful slow and the ability to escape you easily. With aftershock you can brute force your way through her early game and deny her marks. Without enough marks early game she'll scale worst into mid game.”
Sq_09 says “Kindred will always try to invade you and is pretty strong at that. She has a lot of outplay-potential and is generally really strong. Whoever uses R first in teamfights usually loses. If you countergank her, she probably has her W down and is rather easy to lock down, if she doesn't dodge your E. ”
DarkAuraLOL says “Kindred doesn't have the best clear, so you're gonna out clear her, also if you cheese invade her you will be really ahead, you can invade her, but try to fight her if shes a bit lower than you, also dont be chasing her around alot, she can kite you well early, especially if she dodges your w, overall, you're eventually gonna be stronger than her once you get tiamat, and you can outclear her and out gank her, just be patient, but don't let her scale for free, make sure you steal her camps, and get some orbs from her , also on blue form you can destroy her .”
RedNBlue says “Will be hard to kite as he is longer range than you which means you can't kite him. If you run he will chase you he runs he will get away.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Can deny your ult, dodge your abilities, kite you really hard. If you land your stun you should be ok to force her to ult and from there it's sort of just a hack and slash to see who stops the other from healing more. Feel free to use your ult early to try and force their ult out if things go bad, otherwise save your ult as a final gap closer and that should win you most 1v1's.”
lolBlender says “Try to save ult for her ult. If you need to ult early to force hers thats fine but make sure you mark the low targets with e and stun them at the end of her ult for free kills.”
KaynPlayer814 says “Kindred is very hard much because she can invade you in the early game and snowball the game through it. You lose every 1v1 in the early game. At Level 6 she can counter your Ult with her Ult. If you go Blue kayn its hard to Oneshot her because of her ult. If you go Red Kayn then she can kite you really good with her Q. To win this matchup you need to have luck with your lanes and hope she is bad. ”
ANTHONYEVELYNN says “Now this is an easy matchup until you play versus a real kindred main and he will make you ban it for your next 50 games. Hidden op right now let's hope he doesn't get more popular.”
Shukori says “Kindred starts being a threat at lvl 2. This is where she will be able to jump every few seconds with her Q+W. So make sure to ward accordingly and play around her pathing. You wanna avoid her at all costs, she is able to kite you, slow you, burst you and all this while dodging your Q's due to her high mobility. Also your Ult will never kill "them" (Wolf&Lamb)”
Snap0ner says “Annoying as hell. Her ultimate can make you throw the lategame so hard by trying to assassinate the AD carry. You may consider picking flash against her. ALWAYS HARASS WHEN HER ULT IS DOWN.”
Hidon1 says “It is a good match up for the kindred, but you can impact the map as much as you want if you hit her with snowball pre level 6. You just one tap her with your teammates follow up. She does outscale you though, so try to be as active as possible and get all the drakes/heralds. ”
adony101 says “She can kite you all day long unless you hit a spear or a trap. Try to snipe her from fog of war before engaging, this way you will always win a trade.
You can invade early with a sweeper.”
Simon The Shaco Main says “Theoretically you beat her cos she's an ADC. But you're playing Shaco. She can easily kite you with her low cooldown Q. You gotta hold onto your Q so you can't engage onto her with your Q. She also deals insane damage with her 3-hit auto ability. When you gain the upper hand, though it should be an easy game.”
Watsonthe8th says “Ive heard it told both that kindred stomps jax and also that he hard counters her. I feel like its really even who gets win the duels early or if the team comps compliment team fighting or split pushing more. Very even in my eyes.”
styllEE says “In general any ranged jungler is a tough matchup for Kayn, as he will get outtraded by them pre 6, but can usually fight against them when he hits his first power spike lvl 6, and when he gets his Darkin form”
Aurelius2142 says “DO NOT GET KITED. DO NOT ULT IN HER ULT. Squishy, but you have to get close first. Pay attention to what she's marking, and she becomes predictable - a good kindred will vary her pathing enough that you never see her coming, but most will march in a straight line to the glowing symbol of infinite scaling.”
Karthus man says “Kindred is an annoying champ to deal with. Her ult can dodge your ults damage and change the tides of a fight. Luckily, kindred is a pretty high skill cap champ, making it less difficult to kill most average kindreds. If you want to counter kindred, you are going to need to counter gank her and make sure she doesn't get ahead, and hopefully, you will get ahead.”
ractick says “His r can be very annoying to deal with and he can kite Kayn pretty well in the early game.
After blue form usually becomes easier for Kayn to deal with.”
McSushi says “this is a skill matchup. kindred is just a MUCH weaker graves, and what you need to do to beat her, is to just NOT fight her when you don't have a decent advantage. that's it.
you can(risky) start your red buff, and then invade her on her second camp if you know she does blue into gromp or red into blue.
she cant kill you, just q away, you can kill her if you're stronger. simple as that.”
Connweasel says “Kindred has the ability to kite you, however if you are able to get the jump on kindred, you can quickly assasinate the champion. If Kindred manages to get her R off while you are engaged with her. I utilize my R at the end of Kindred's therefore making the damage go off after the immunity if gone, killing her in most situations.”
FrankynFood says “Ahhhhhhhhh. Does a lot of burst when her pet bites you. Either run and wait for it to go off or w it and save yourself 50% of the damage. I would stay away unless you are fed. Although try to coordinate some ambushes when she goes for her passive stacks.”
b4kk0n the Gold Jungler says “Kindred is a late game Graves: an AD threat with scaling potentials is usually countered by Shen, but the amount of raw crits and true damage that Kindred deals makes it hard for Shen to deal with. Usually a chill early game match up if you manage to keep up with early scuttle marks.”
White Cr0w says “Annoying as hell. Her ultimate can make you throw the lategame so hard by trying to assassinate the AD carry. You may consider picking flash against her. ALWAYS HARASS WHEN HER ULT IS DOWN.”
WyattAndStuff says “Kindred is a fairly similar champion to Graves, but as long as you keep your E stacks up, you should not have any trouble fighting them.”
Greedle says “I Like Facing Kindred As Skarner, Since You Can Use You Ulti To Get Her Out Of Her Own. She Can Be Dangerous In A 1v1 Though, Since She Can Kite You.”
Olleander says “she beats you in 1v1's unless shes bad, and can basically just bully you and take her marks. she also forces you to blow smite off on your own camps to prevent her from getting stacks making it really hard to counterjungle her. but she isn't as meta as the 5 threat ones.”
azudox says “Abuse her early to take over. If you let her scale, she can out kite you very well. If you do not shut her down early game then she will 1v9 late.”
NiceTryVi says “Kindred will try to kite you until the end of time, and with her Q and her slow, they will succeed. while Kindred doe not invade often, they will dominate a teamfight and punish anyone out of position relentlessly. If Kindred ults and your target is on the edge, use your Q to knock them out of it.”
Fresh Diamond says “Kindred Q makes it really hard to fight her pre-6 if you don't have blue smite. Post-6, you can win if you hit your R. At the end of her R, she tends to Q out, so save Q to follow her.”
VirulentCabbage says “Can kite you for years without breaking a sweat, will prevent your mobis from activating with Wolf, if she gets close to death she will just R and then hop a wall or outfight you till her team comes. While you don't see many Kindred players these days, still worth the ban.”
Minase says “Kindred is really good at invading and will look to cheese you. She can easily do one of her buffs into yours so be sure to ward the buff you're not starting so you can see if she does that. She will later cuck you with her R so do your best to either kill her in the charm or hold your R until her R is over.”
BoyWonder00 says “She is powerful early game and will be looking to get her marks to scale. Try to take her marked camps first to prevent her from getting more powerful. Her R also counters your huge AoE burst damage. Doesn't have anything to stop you W.”
ACE4291 says “Just dont let her get stacks. Most kindreds I have played against are idiots and feed so.... If she has R she can save teammates but I have not faced a kindred who outmatched fiddle So can change on the skill I guess”
cobraguides says “She is a ranged champion and has good kiting and tons of damage early game, her ult prevents one shots if she is fast enough. Late game try to bush camp and hit her with a Q,auto,R to one shot easily”
BoyWonder00 says “Early-game jungler but very predictable. She will try to invade so she can get her marks, so you know where she will be. As SA, her ult counters your burst.”
Nyftt says “Similar to Master yi. High attack speed and great potential for % hp shred. Her kiting ability with her Q makes her that much better against Nunu and therefore this matchup is quite scary.”
Holessando says “Same champion like Skarner, you don't see this champion in soloq much. It's simple, try to steal her marked camps, don't let her kill the marked champions. If you manage to do this, she will have no stacks and you will easily kill her. It's no big deal, since you wont probably see her in any of your games.”
metalhydra273 says “One of the better performing adcs against you. They can kite and burst you down pretty well, but you can kill them easily. Ulting them or an enemy out of the Kindred zone is always fun, otheriwise stun them up as much as possible.”
DemacianStandard says “Requires you to constantly tend to her marks and can never be engaged if her ult is available, even in a team fight. She will simply make the game slower-paced without having to really try. Cannot be duelled at most points in the game with the exception of early game. ”
NixLychee says “Again, ranged Junglers are Kayn's worst nightmare. He gets kited really badly until they can secure the kill, so Kindred is especially problematic because of her ranged, mobile fighting style.”
THCrow says “Due to her innate sustain kindred should be avoided early game or banned altogether. Evelynn cannot win in early 1v1 matchups against her due to her usually higher health. Her ultimate also nullifies yours in team fights another reason for her to be banned.”
Coccaa says “Kindred players always tend to look for easy ganks early on, or to take her mark when possible, which involves having to invade you, so be cautious and take note of where she is on the map at all times. Her clear speed is decent, so she's pretty slow at rotating. You can invade her early on and most likely get a kill as she's pretty squishy and weak before her first item. She will almost always die to you early game, but after 6, you will need to be more cautious in the way you approach her.”
NixLychee says “Not as bad as Graves, but she can kite just as hard, and she can delete tanks like yourself, so be very careful. A good Kindred will ult when you do, to prevent them dying from the bonus execute damage.”
KaRMaX says “You have a better early game and a better scaling. Try to deny her marks, counter gank and counter jungle, When you have 3 items it's gg.”
Spection says “RARE. Kindred is occasionally picked as an ADC, but doesn't fare too well against Pantheon once she's caught. Kindred has a pretty good slow and powerful early game damage if she manages to lock you down in her wolf's damage zone. Be careful about engaging her and don't overcommit, especially when she has her ultimate ready. Your burst is better than hers, so save your W for the second her ultimate ends so you can stun her before she has the chance to kite you.”
chasemyman1 says “Skill matchup. Make sure you hit your E after she has used her hop. Always try to destroy the camp that has her mark on as she relies on that for damage.”
PsiGuard says “Kindred can kite and kill you and their ult can deny your kill potential on the enemy backline. They're much more vulnerable if they're missing Flash or if your teammate can pinch them so they can't endlessly kite away from you. Focus on snowballing through ganks and counter ganks.”
MikeyFeint says “She is normally annoying if she has a lot of marks and is able to snowball, Due to her raw critical power and percentage health damage try to close her down before she gets going.”
classicnoob says “This champ is still OP against yi
Her R counters both you'r Q And E DMG,and you know thats his main source of damage,Get a thornmail.
This dumb champ has 1 shot me twice I'm charging at him and she legit shots me 2 times and I'm dead.Ban her if needed sometimes”
RageAx says “Can kill you early, can kite you late, and doesn't give red orbs. You can, with a little help, kill her pretty easily with Rhaast as you're tanky and you only need to smite her and R to close distance.”
KillyOne says “Good Kindred players will make your game very difficult. They can kite you for days and their damage is really high and only gets higher as the game goes on. Try to avoid 1v1 engages with them and steal their marks.”
Ambient12 says “RARE. Kindred is occasionally picked as an ADC, but doesn't fare too well against Pantheon once she's caught. Kindred has a pretty good slow and powerful early game damage if she manages to lock you down in her wolf's damage zone. Be careful about engaging her and don't overcommit, especially when she has her ultimate ready. Your burst is better than hers, so save your W for the second her ultimate ends so you can stun her before she has the chance to kite you.”
League Of Cursed says “Never had issues with kindred, most of the time early game you can fight her over almost anything. Your level 6 ganks are stronger than hers, but her pre 6 ganks are stronger than yours. If she snowballs before you can get 6 its going to be much harder, but you can just fear her into a silence and she should die from you or your team easily.
Dopamine_influx says “You're stronger with triple Q early game, but she can kite you around if she's good. She isn't much of a threat pre 6 tho, so you can contest her pretty much everywhere. Once she gets red smite and a few items with ult, she's hard to deal with, but you can snowball her early.”
reganakers says “Rek'Sai will struggle vs a good Kindred as she can kite very easily. Her ultimate can also deny kills and leave you stranded when you int R in for a kill.”
Xeldom says “Favorable match-up. Kindred builds no form of defensive items which makes one-shots very easy. Avoid her early game unless you are ahead of her or finished your lethality item otherwise she can kite you.”
Jogress says “I saw Kindred a few times and she never was a threat. That been said, i had a good reacting team. Most likely, Kindred that takes a lot of her marks IS dangerous - so, try your best not to feed her”
AWierdShoe says “Skill matchup. Kindred can play your own game and kite you due to her longer AA range. Kill her marks whenever possible. You can win the 1v1 if you get close enough, just watch out if she uses Q to disengage. Don't use your R until AFTER she uses her own, as after the effects and healing have subsided you can burst her down with it.”
Murderman5 says “Kindred is a ranged champion, Kindred is very easy to take down if you jump at her once though kindred can dodge your Q and R constantly and also takes advantage of it's allies to fight in the front and thus taking out most of your health, Do not duel kindred while it's with it's allies
nextonetwo says “'Extreme'ly annoying, her ult counters your damage if she reacts and knows your damage. Need to play around her or get her out of teamfights before they start. She wins 1 v 1 throughout the game. ”
nextonetwo says “'Extreme'ly annoying, her ult counters your damage if she reacts and knows your damage. Need to play around her or get her out of teamfights before they start. She wins 1 v 1 throughout the game. ”
QzKama says “Easily kites you if you allow her to fight inside her W and spam Qs, Be careful when invading as her ult easily stalls time for you to get collapsed on”
FreefallPH says “Decent match up. Just make yourself healthy in the jungle all the time. If you can fight against his camp while he is weak, that would help.”
Omega Zero says “Now, Shadow Assassins already somewhat struggle early on against these junglers, even after transforming despite their anti-ADC/Squishy kit. Rhaast is just going to keel-over and die inside.”
GhostReaper87 says “She will out scale you but you will have sustain. Try to catch her off guard with your snowball so your teammates can follow up. If she keeps distance she can kite you hard with her q and w and potentially kill you. Look for dragons and rifts early and try to get rifts ahead.”
DarkPit59 says “Kindred peut fuir via les murs fins avec son saut et peut secourir un allié au moment où vous utilisez votre ultime. Prenez sans cesse garde à son ultime et à sa position sur la carte.”
Shattered770 says “A good Kindred is able to ruin your early game pretty easily. Invading you and potentially killing you is the worst possible option.”
WickedPoppet says “Never had issues with kindred, most of the time early game you can fight her over almost anything. Your level 6 ganks are stronger than hers, but her pre 6 ganks are stronger than yours. If she snowballs before you can get 6 its going to be much harder, but you can just fear her into a silence and she should die from you or your team easily.”
Sghignazzer07 says “if you are playing Warwick in high Elo kindred is your worst nightmare. he can kill without getting near you and he can easily escape with his q even if you activate your w”
SavageFy says “Kindred's damage, mobility and clear time are an extreme threat for Amumu. You want to avoid him early game. Kindred often looks to invade Amumu's jungle early.”
Sorrowful Prince says “She will try to invade you really early but you have tools to punish her for it. Redbuff slow + w + hookshot make it really hard for her once spotted. She can't contest any of your ganks so play aggressive. Try to catch her later on and burst her down. If she gets 10 stacks and level 16 the game will be hard but this is easy to prevent with camille.”
GinWinsky says “Has R and mobility. Beware when going in. Use ignite before her ulti goes down and blink away. Also, don't try to assassinate anyone with her near. VERY WEAK EARLY-MID.”
TrevorJayce says “Kindred is simply an annoying champion. She makes everyone in an AOE invulnerable, ensuring she can make either herself or her teammates survive your initial combo. 1v1 though, she's absolutely nothing to you.”
YAbOIDaddyKench says “Honestly Kindred is a skill match up. If you focus on getting your movement speed buffs and catch her before she kites you out you can win. Also when she ults, try to devour her and throw her out of it.”
JackieXDz says “you get easly outtrade before 6, a lot of ranged champs are a pain in the ass for kayn, but after 2 items and darkin form teh chances are even.”
Morzanoth says “Kindred is a pretty tough match up in the early game. She is strong at invading when she has pushing lanes. Because you clear a lot slower than she does you will lose priority when contesting scuttles. She will also look to invade you to claim her marks a lot. You really want to limit this as much as possible so make sure you keep your jungle entrances warded. You can actually fight her pretty easily once you are level 3, you deal just as much if not more consistent dps. Just be careful of midlane roams”
Nico449c says “If you hit your e you should be able to 1 shot her. Take her marks from her and outgank her and you will outperform her also if you want to invade her only do it if you can hit your e otherwise you will lose the fight.”
DemonAngel60 says “you need to look out for her Ult, which can safe her from your Ult, only other danger is her hight mobility which can keep up with kayn's mobility”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Kindred is a pretty easy match-up. Her early game damage is pretty low and she is very reliant on getting her stacks. Work together with your team to deny the marks. Try to take down these camps on spawn or let your teammates take them if you can't get them yourself. Kindred will invade often to the marked camps, try to collapse on top of her is she does.”
Split King says “Kindred will have an easy time kiting you. Don't fight her unless you know you can get close.
Avoid using her R if she has her R. Instead wait for her to use R, and then just before her R ends you Press R. This will allow you to get the heal from her R and then disappear right after to take Kindred out. ”
The Top Bear says “Kindred is very difficult to deal with, and in my eyes is one of the strongest duelists in the jungle. Her Q makes it nearly impossible to hit your spear if she has any brain cells, and her damage is long range and lock-on. i wouldn't fight her post-6, and I would only fight her early if you hit a max range spear. You need to try and contest the first scuttle, however, and I would recommend starting raptor to red, so you can see which scuttle is her first mark.”
urrb says “Another freelo champ vs. Kha'Zix. Unless it's a very good Kindred and she gets a solid lead before fighting you, she's extremely easy to invade and shut down before she ever scales and becomes a problem. ”
SeekerPTK says “Kindred relies on getting marks to scale well. Her early clear is slow and if she doesn't kite well, she can get somewhat low. Use this knowledge to contest her marks early - you should either arrive before her, or beat her 1v1 after she takes a few hits from the camp due to the HP advantage. If your team is ahead on the side of the map that her mark spawns, ping it and go contest it. By doing so, you can slow down her ability to scale while you try to farm up. Don't bother to deny her marks when you're behind and be very careful whenever she chooses to mark you. It's best to avoid fighting her and instead focus the opposite side of the map to reduce her chances of scaling off of you. Without her ultimate, (160 second CD), she's very easily killed in a counter gank or during a jungle invade. Try camping around a mark so you can kill her as she shows whenever her ultimate is down.”
OGPOTATOJEFFSHACO says “can't fight early unless good invade. make sure to gank. they forget to gank and just take marks then there team will flame them.”
PokeBen6551 says “Really bad earlygame, and only good in late if she has marks. Always do the crab her mark is on, if not she will get into the game and get Pretty strong”
Luthy2278 says “One of the worst picks against YI. You kill Kindred in all stages of the game and you can also save your Q in her ult, using it when it is over to finish her off.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “A good kindred player will run you over in the early game. She can duel you from lvls 1-3 with ease. Look to punish her when she invades or try and gank the opposide of the map.”
Simlito says “If the kindred player knows what he's doing then you will be havning a hard time to get close up and will just get kited to your death.
Mkcls says “Preety good match-up, both ranged champs. She wins if shes gonna do 1st aa, so stay aware of bushes. try to deny her marks on the mao, but dont get greedy. Try to use her ult as an advantage. ”
Simphoria says “I don't see her much, but she can be a pain. With red buff she kites you well, her Q can follow our Q and it's difficult to combo her without her ult going off. If you're in the ult and your E is stacking, get four stacks and stun after her ult is done. ”
HackedAccountlol says “She kites you to hell and invades your camp. You'll see a mark on the map indicating that she'd take it. Her W and Q kites you to hell if you picked Rhaast. Her ult negates your burst damage if you picked Shadow Assassin”
Fyurex says “Kindred can be pretty strong if you let her snow ball. Though you can duel her fairly easily. If you just hit with Q you shyould be able to burst her. Be wary of the marks she puts down. Take the marks if you can because it will delay her late game strength a bit.”
shaundasschaf says “Well ... if she's good and can kite well, it might get a little bit harder but if she's bad you should win against her. She's really squishy and an ADC in the jungle.”
McDank says “Easy to kite you, she will also try to cheese you by stealing camps that give her massive boosts to attack speed, damage and range, so try to catch her out in your jungle.”
Mr. Nyahr says “If she manages to kite you, you're in trouble, but most of the time she's not a huge threat late game. She is an excellent early game duelist though, and should be respected. Take away her marks to deny her considerable power spikes.”
Laverenz says “Kindred is quite hard to determine, whether she is easy or hard for Skarner. Both Skarner and Kindred has jungle control, kindred has her marks, and skarner has his altars. See if you can get ahead early game. Counter his Marks”
today ill feed enemy team says “This is a hard matchup to Udyr because her kit is very similar to Vayne kit in question she haves a dash almost every fucking time and that shit is so anoying, she can slows you, she heals herself, she can get time getting immortal so her team can follow up her and kill you, she can kite you solo because she have a dash every f*cking time...basically Udyr worst nightmare.”
ZesponStrikes says “Kindred's mobility is a pain in the a**.
If the enemy Summoner knows how to play Kindred, he/she will try to counter jungle you from early game.
Stay safe till level 6 and please DO NOT let Kindred stack the passive ability from your jungle farm.”
G2 Ryan says “Try to kill her as much as possible since she scales better than you in the lategame. Don't gank before 6 since Kindred is always out to invade and gank so farm up and fight.
Tchouvline says “Painful matchup, can invade you early on and has a great dueling capacity, avoid fighting her unless you're sure that you'll kill her. Killing marked targets is a wise choice to avoid stacking.”
Bergio says “Kindred will demolish you in the early game, she can kite you very easily. Avoid her pre 6. Once you get ultimate make sure to only ult when she places her ultimate down, this will not allow her to get extra damage on you and might lead to an easy kill.”
Yuki H. says “Kindred actually doesn't pose much of a threat to Graves, due to how their kits work. Graves is tanky not due to health, but because of armor, which makes it a bit easier to duel Kindred. Graves' clear is also very healthy, making it easier to contest Kindred's marks, where you have higher burst and could potentially even land a kill on her.”
Hamstertamer says “IMO Twitch's worst matchup. She wins the 1v1 at any point of the game, and she'll just abuse her advantage to counterjungle you like crazy and get free marks. You can't do anything unless your team rotates to punish her invades, and in soloq good luck with that. Ban or dodge.”
RSol Fox says “Good kindreds will kite you before you get chilling smite and black cleaver and put you so far behind you can't recover. The best way to beat a kindred is to have your team help you ward the jungle and stay safe while you do your early camps and start ganking.”
FinsFridays says “Never try to 1v1 her early game. It is trivial for her to nullify your strongest abilities. If you can make it out of the early game strong, she becomes much easier to fight. ”
yasinpg says “Ranged Junglers are your nightmare especially if they can slow you and make your R useless. Dont go garen if the enemy picks this.
I believe I don't have to mention his percent health damage.”
4by3 says “Currently a very good jungler. Ranged and chunks, her ulty counters you. Mid-late if she has no ult she dies which makes her have to use it sparingly. Do your job and kill the enemy, your team can deal with her, and Shaco is pretty good with map control and countering her passive stacks.”
TOYOism says “LUL, a squishy target is a delicious food to you, try killing him again and again if possible. Camp his red buff, and counter gank if possible.
PS: Be careful when engaging with kindred specially if you're marked.”
MrPuggles says “ Kindred is not the hardest matchup ever, but can be difficult if played incorrectly. Kindred is a hypercarry and will shred you if she gets fed. To counter this, invade her at early levels as you should be able to 1v1 with Hail of Blades. You can somewhat track where Kindred will be by her marks. Try to set up a kill on her using these marks. Put her behind as much as possible, Kindred is weak when not fed.”
Galois_Group says “If smart she can R into your R. But her R is bigger CD spell. Early is threat because of opressing lanes and CC. But nothing really dangerous.”
Intello says “The important thing to know about Kindred is her passive. She will occasionally get a mark on one of your jungle camps and will invade to achieve it.
Keep an eye on your map at all times, the second you see a mark on one of your camps, rush there immediately and kill them. You'll deny her stacks and make her waste time.
This matchup goes either way. You can burst her as she's pretty squishy BUT she does have a lot of hop/kite in her kit.
Dont fight her unless you commit to her because her AutoAttack range is much further than your spell cast range. Dont let her get free autoattacks in by hesitating, either run or go in close enough to combo.
Yzroma says “Use your R into her R so every enemy is out of her ultimate. You can one shot her before lv6 if you have blue smite and if you fall on her with your Q. If she's ahead, don't forget to take Attack speed reductor.”
Yzroma says “Tu peux one shot kindred avec de la létalité. Attention, elle te 1v1 facilement en early game, essaie de récupérer un carapateur puis full clear.”
Leapus says “Easy, keep your Q if possible. You oneshot her but she can just R and put you low HP during it. So try to keep R/Q for this moment and finish her off. If at the end of her ultimate you have nothing, she will be able to put some distance between you and finish you.”
Bombabo says “As long as you avoid her Early game, she is a free kill. Super squishy, and you can ult her as soon as her ult wears off and she will most likely die”
Aht3ns says “Squishy, so stop her invades with an ultimate. If you are an experienced Volibear player, taking down a kindred is simple. In high elo she is a pain, though.”
Killerbacca10 says “Just Q Smite her marks away. Nothing she can do. If she does get marks and fed you just cc her and she dies. If she ults just start ulting as soon as the ult finishes pop your ult she dies.”
Tonga Ragnar says “If he gets ahead is a problem, they have a lot of damage and his R will save her. Try to use your Q at the moment his Ult. ends and secure the kill.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “After the Kindred stack changes she is incredibly easy to predict and it should be a very easy win as you mostly know exactly where she will be.”
Ghionova says “If your R is on cd you shouldnt fight Kindred. Try to fight Kindred and force them to activate the ult. Use ult after one second and wait until Kindred's ult is over and let your ult kill Kindred.”
xMalcho says “Try to take every camp that has mark on it even his jungle.Usually the first one is on the scuttle crab so get your buff and 1 camp or 2 and then get the scuttle crab with mark on it.Make sure to tell your team to help you if you fight for the scuttle.”
SovietBear says “This could goes very tricky, if you got matched against a good Kindred player, you could get kited by her very easily in early fight and she could still escape with her Q if she needs it.”
Toad12138 says “Kindred beats you due to both sheer damage and the ability to dodge you W with their Q. Avoid them early and gank away from them for form. You can use your ultimate when they use theirs to kill them immediately after their ultimate finishez. ”
NightmareBug says “dont fight him before lvl4,deny him his marks,try setting him behind early game,bait his ult by camping the enemy jg bushes and placing deep wards.”
SuicidalKitty says “is ranged does insane damage throughout all stages of the game and is top tier in general, can slow you and use her q to jump away”
Pants are EUNE says “A ranged jungler can always be a threat to Amumu, especially when he has a dash too. She can easily counter jungle cause of her burst with E and Q to dodge so Kindred can be a ban pick for you”
PsychoRekSai says “Probably the worst matchup for Rek'Sai. Kindred can kite and kill you and their ult can deny your kill potential on the enemy backline. You might be able to kill them early if you catch them without their Flash, but you'll need your teammates to help deal with them later.”
bluejaypig says “I dropped them to a 6 because kindred is just so irrelevant right now and has a weak early game, the only thing you have to worry about is her ult preventing you from getting a reset on highlander”
Deltix31 says “Le 1v1 early est très volatile : Si vous touchez votre Q vous aurez une petite chance de gagner mais si vous le ratez vous êtes condamné. ”
nZk01 says “Probably the hardest Matchup for Tahm as she can Kite him very good.
Avoid going in against her, if she walks into you (Bush), you can go in but don't forget to ping for help.”
EpicEvan921 says “Her ult is a Nope button, she has a dash up pretty frequently, and she is ranged, so she can poke you from a distance. Engage on her when you KNOW FOR CERTAIN she has her ult down. Otherwise, just try to anticipate her flips and you should be good. Also, starve her as much as possible of her hunts. Make them priority numero uno. A stacked Kindred is a scary Kindred.”
BigBadVoodo says “While she is very squishy early on, she can be a pain if you don't kill her right away, as we generally have a problem with kiting champs. Try and deny as many stacks as possible and keep track of her at all times.”
Jomickies says “Kindred is the hardest counter to Sejuani in the game. I always permanently ban this champion. She is stronger early game and she outscales Sejuani. The only way you can kill Kindred early is if you find a two versus one, or if she is below half health you can burst her with your combo.”
WiskeyANDGin says “a good kindred shreds you , her ult counters all of your abilities and all your utility, force her ult and after her ult finishes its time to ult, only then”
xTheUnlimited says “You cant 1v1 him. He will just kite you down. Try to make use of your good ganking potential, because his isn't that high due to his low CC. His ultimate will save him from dying several times so avoid ulting him instead of other carries. ”
ApexZulu says “If you beat her to the first crab, you can easily 1v1 her, even if she has red buff to your blue buff. Once she has items and a good amount of stacks, 1v1ing is not recommended unless she doesn't see you and walks into you.”
kuzunemiko says “Most Annoying Match up when you face Kindred since kindred can slow your with her 3rd and just kite around, better kill her hunted monster so she wont get a range stack. you won`t be able to go near her anymore.”
Violzandre says “If you have a good lifesteal, his R doesn't matter at all, you will win anyway (I guess)
In early it's a headache because he can poke easily with his attack range, be careful.”
Predated01 says “Matchup can basically go either way. You can abuse early like most matchups since nida is so strong early but you need to press the advantage.”
Loul_60 says “Kindred, by winrate, is one of the best counterpicks to Kayn, she has a lot of kite against him and can easily stop Shadow Assassin's burst with her ult. The main threat from her is the early game, as with any ranged champion, you struggle a lot with trading/fighting.
Just try to outfarm her and take her marked camps before she can. You will find that the best way to survive most hard matchups is by playing safe and outfarming...”
L3gislacerator says “In a one-on-one fight, you will often win due to your tankiness and your stun. When they activates their ultimate, which lasts for four seconds, call down your own about halfway in so that you and your teammates remain invulnerable after theirs ends.”
TricolorStar says “The only real advantage Kindred has is their range, which can be mitigated through the use of Allure. Their ultimate can prevent your executes, though, so be careful!”
Ivker21 says “Kindred scales, better than you do, if they get their marks. So always focus on denying the marks from them.
As far as match up goes, you have a lot of sustain damage and you can stick to her easily (Rylai's helps). Your Ulti makes Kindred basically useless for a few moments since most of their damage is dashes and AA.
Just remember, when she ults in 1v1 save your Bandage Toss to stun her right as it ends so she doesn't burst you down.”
Morzanoth says “Kindred is a high mobility jungler with a great ability to duel enemies early on. She clears pretty fast and will look to invade you to get ahead. Keep your jungle entrances warded, making sure you have vision behind both dragon or baron pit as she can jump over those walls pretty easily. Her ult can draw out fights if she gets to use it and she can turn around engages pretty well. Look to disrupt her in teamfights with your silence and terrify to make sure she can't use it. If you get ahead you can win most fights.”
ninja8135 says “Range is your weakness. Kindred can stay out of your range and bully you to death. Make sure you steal her hunts and do not try to engage unless you have the element of surprise.”
OddOwl says “There's no way you will beat them 1 vs 1. With the help from a teammate you might be able to stunlock them before they can jump away and ult.”
Exhiled says “I dropped them to a 6 because kindred is just so irrelevant right now and has a weak early game, the only thing you have to worry about is her ult preventing you from getting a reset on highlander
Asianfury79 says “Very annoying since his ult pervents you from melting thier mid or adc. what you do is ult him and fear then combo it with silence and drain he should be dead before he can ult ”
Morzanoth says “Kindred is a very situational match-up , which depends on the enemy team as a whole. Kindred is very reliant on getting her marks in order to scale into the mid game effectively. She does well farming but without her marks she struggles. Her kit allows her to kit you pretty well if you miss anything. When playing against one, it is better to look at the laners that are supporting her. The will dictate whether you can contest scuttle marks early or not. In teamfights, her ult is actually not the best since your ult covers the same radius. Look to punish aggressive engages or poor positioning. CC her long enough to kill her before she ults or CC her just as her ult is ending to capitalize.”
Abidd says “This champ is literally a bug compared to you. One shot her, counter jungle the counter jungler, just keep destroying her, don't let her into her own jungle.”
TheMaster1768 says “In general any ranged jungler is a hard matchup for Kayn, as he will get outtraded by them before lvl 6, but can usually fight against them when he hits his first power spike lvl 6, and when he gets his form”
Salmon Kid says “Kindred is the ultimate invade/split map jungler. Ranged champions are also a big struggle for Lillia in maintaing stacks and she can be giga under resourced in this matchup.”
SUPERPENGUIN69420 says “Good kiting and a lot of counterplays, try to dig her a nice grave before her powerspikes or you will not win a single fight ans focus on vision and taking her marks.”
JayronDaGoat139 says “Ban her. Any time you are about to ult and kill someone she will just ult and completely shut you down. It’s just a horrible matchup ”
MannerlessNG says “Not too Bad.
Annoying champion. She spends half her time in your jungle, so keep wards around to counter her. She absolutely rolls you early on, so don't engage solo or unless you have an advantage.
Kindred can also really outscale you if they do well, but otherwise are a non issue by the mid-late game because of your tankiness and ability to catch them in bad spots.
Save your E for her ult and just shove her right out of it while you keep inside it.”
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