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Diana Counter Stats

Diana Counters
Discover all champions who counter Diana. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Diana in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,446 Tips for countering Diana below

In the Jungle
50.54% Win Rate65% Pick Rate Diana In the Jungle Counters: 44 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Diana in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Bav Bros YT says “If she isn't fed, she can't beat you in a 1v1. Just try to dodge her R with Q and use meditate to reduce her burst”
[S15.4] Master Yi Guide by Bav Bros YT | Master Yi Player
HIKOL says “Can dash into you, can't lock her with cage, will clear the jungle very quickly”
Yorick - King of the Jungle by HIKOL | Yorick Player
idontwannagoalone says “skill matchup, if you dont have enough damage to kill her in one combo, she kills you after”
kittygore says “You win almost every fight. Care for her R since she can cancel your jump. Try to catch her offguard.”
Bella Ciao says “Honestly super fun matchup, you win 1v1 hard as Pheonix, consider w to out tank her, or isolated q to onetap AD Udyr super fun here, but needs tempo”
DontStealMyMark says “Do Not 1V1 at ANY stage if you're not fed already. you're better at teamfights though.”
[UPDATED 14.23] the only kindred guide you need. by DontStealMyMark | Kindred Player
SelfLOL says “Full AP alot more playable for Rengar than Tank. You beat her 1v1 before lvl 6. Easy to invade. Serpents can be good. ”
SelfLOL's Rengar Jg Masters + Guide by SelfLOL | Rengar Player
Kema says “Your e doesn't really do much against her dash because she's so close. She can kill you 1v1 easily after lvl 6. Ward your own jungle”
shiifox says “nothing special, you usually win 1v1, E if shes goes to E you”
Durable Crit Briar 14.20 by shiifox | Briar Player
friendlyfarmer123 says “She can't ever kill you and you will just run her over.”
MUNDO JUNGLE S14 LAST SPLIT by friendlyfarmer123 | Dr. Mundo Player
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Mid Lane
50.97% Win Rate33% Pick Rate Diana Mid Lane Counters: 37 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Diana in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

AuroraAddict says “The only thing you have to do to win her is poke her level 1,2 and your lane after that will be easy just try to dodge her q's i know its hard but try to bait her press q and walk backwards she wont be able to win if you poke her and never let her catch you with her q's.Also you should get electrocute and teleport against diana.”
BesXbola says “If Diana does not build tank items you have way more chance to win this lane. She can deal an absurd amount of damage specially with her ult so just make sure to empowered W disengage her and walk off. If you are really suffering with this matchup you may try and go for an early banshee's but i dont recommend it.”
KingGamer1505 says “just sticks onto you once she hits her Q on you or an minion.”
[14.22] Katarina AD by KingGamer1505 | Katarina Player
v0ltage38 says “Second wind + scaling HP. Conqueror. Bone plating runs out before Diana's moonlight runs out. Null-Magic is good after Catalyst. Once Diana goes in on you, chase her. She only has maximum 3 dashes IF she micros correctly so you have much more chase. The extra damage and healing from Conq will help even out and eventually win the trade. Kaenic hits her really hard. In teamfights, keep an eye on the Diana and try to keep distance from your team just incase. ”
RYZE by v0ltage38 | Ryze Player
PetriciteLoL says “Cheesy early game and does insane damage out of nowhere but you win long trades after you get some items and short trades early usually. Dodge Q”
Flashinho says “outra chavala que pareçe que nao lhe dou dano e que ela me explode”
Cepatrol says “can't outtrade her shield, if she dashes to you while throwing her q, pool q and she won't get E cd back, if she successfully dashes you need to hit her back, if she hits you you run away and space her so she cant”
Vladimir Mid/Top Guide (Updated 14.21) by Cepatrol | Vladimir Player
aesstheticc says “This is only annoying if she is full AP, you can shred tank diana if you go AD. Diana will shred you if she goes AP, so burst vs burst... better player this time”
Tamikaze says “[Hourglass second item if you are behind] Similar to Leblanc, you need to keep your spacing consistent throughout the lane. Make sure you never put yourself in a position that gives her a free Q. If she lands Q, she will follow it up with an E and W. She will primarily use her Q to help clear wave, so try to maintain a healthy distance away from minions to minimize her hitting you as well. Again, if you manage to keep the wave near your tower she can never really go on you without being in a position to be ulted under tower. Besides that, just remember to punish her for stepping up on minions and watch her cooldowns effectively.”
[14.18] [Masters] Azir Guide: In-depth Guide for SoloQ by Tamikaze | Azir Player
MattStyle says “Los personajes cuerpo a cuerpo suelen ser sencillos porque tu slow te permite acertar fácilmente tu doble Q y frenar sus intentos de acercarse. Recuerda que si acierta su Q sobre ti puede saltar nuevamente con tu E. Atento a eso.”
Zilean MID - Guía completa y definitiva 2024 en español by MattStyle | Zilean Player
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