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Karma Counter Stats

Karma Counters
Discover all champions who counter Karma. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Karma in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
958 Tips for countering Karma below

As a Support
49.14% Win Rate92% Pick Rate Karma As a Support Counters: 38 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Karma as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Kogami123 says “Early Game (Laning Phase) ✅ Gragas can trade well with his Q and sustain, but Karma has strong poke and a shield to mitigate some of your damage. ✅ Karma's poke with her Q can be annoying, but she’s not a huge threat unless she lands it repeatedly. You can look to engage after she uses her abilities. ⚠ Karma can kite and peel for her ADC with her E, which can make it hard to fully engage on the enemy. ⚠ Her Q can easily poke you down, so be careful when engaging to avoid taking too much damage from her poke. Mid-Game (Impact on the Game) ✅ Gragas has a big impact in mid-game as an engage tank. You can look to roam with your E + R to force objectives or skirmishes. Karma's poke and utility don’t scale as well at this point, meaning your engages can heavily dictate the pace of the game. ✅ Karma is useful for keeping her ADC alive with shields, but she struggles against hard engages like yours. If you can lock down her ADC, Karma’s ability to peel is limited. ⚠ Karma can still slow down your engages with her E, providing utility and protection to her ADC, which can disrupt your plans. Her W can also reduce your engage potential by shielding her carries. ⚠ Your team’s success in skirmishes depends on whether you can get through Karma's defensive tools. If she successfully keeps her ADC safe, you’ll need to position well to maximize your threat in teamfights. Late-Game (Impact on the Game) ✅ Gragas shines in late-game teamfights as a disruptor. His R can split the enemy backline, isolating key carries like the ADC or mid-laner. While Karma’s utility remains strong, she doesn’t scale as well in terms of direct impact on fights. ✅ Karma still has her shield and utility but struggles to provide the same level of frontline control that Gragas can. If you can engage on the enemy team properly, she won’t be able to stop you from disrupting the backline. ⚠ Karma’s ability to shield and kite continues to be a threat, especially if she uses her R to enhance her abilities. Her W and E can provide strong protection, which may delay or counter your engage if she’s positioned well. ⚠ The late game will largely depend on positioning. If you can dive the enemy carries or zone out Karma from using her utility, you will have a much stronger presence.”
Gragas support tank/ingage by Kogami123 | Gragas Player
ShriekingMammoth says “Shields block quite a bit of your damage and makes it harder to land taunt. Her W makes Shen borderline unplayable. Mantra Q in lane also hurts a lot.”
Noob does a guide on Shen Support in Season 15 by ShriekingMammoth | Shen Player
Kirkwardo says “She can poke and mitigate your poke with shield, but her mana reserves will run out fast if she does both. Must control bush with lens. ”
Rumble Support for the perfectly sane by Kirkwardo | Rumble Player
TEMMA says “Jogar no max range do Q da Sona Usar o Slow para a Karma não conseguir completar o ciclo do W Jogar com ventos revigorantes por conta do poke”
Zileanaire says “Has huge early damage and cc and shields. Karma is a B%$(#. ”
Zileanaire - OTP In-Depth Guide by Zileanaire | Zilean Player
EchoesFromDADeep says “Karma is a hard lane as she offers a lot of utility and damage. Avoid her R + Q and you should be fine. She won’t be an instant oneshot as she has some durability in her kit with her E or her R+W. Be careful in what fights you pick.”
[14.23] CHALLENGER Nautilus by EchoesFromDADeep | Nautilus Player
JVS8 says “She has a stronger laning phase and scales well into teamfights, sometimes even better than you. Her Q range exceeds both your Q and auto range. Focus on punishing her when she pokes your ADC, and avoid advancing when her abilities are available. Wait for them to go on cooldown.”
Poro_King says “bad matchup, her shield negates your w damage, and also provides speed boost, that allows her to poke you to death. Dodge her q, bait out her shield, then engage.”
Shaco Support Guide by Poro_King | Shaco Player
Kalakaua says “Karma is hella annoying, at every position she plays, against every champion she goes. However so far my studies have shown that her poke to you is just regular poke, since you can heal back everything so well and remain with more mana than her eventually. Not much of a threat after.”
Support Kayle by Kalakaua | Kayle Player
yugito says “マントラQ、通常 or マントラWさえ食らわなかったら辛くはない。 QはEでも回避不可だから、 Qを避ける立ち回りを心がけよう。 集団の影響力はカルマのほうが↑。”
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