As a Support 49.14% Win Rate92% Pick RateKarma As a Support Counters: 38 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Karma as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Kogami123 says “Early Game (Laning Phase)
✅ Gragas can trade well with his Q and sustain, but Karma has strong poke and a shield to mitigate some of your damage.
✅ Karma's poke with her Q can be annoying, but she’s not a huge threat unless she lands it repeatedly. You can look to engage after she uses her abilities.
⚠ Karma can kite and peel for her ADC with her E, which can make it hard to fully engage on the enemy.
⚠ Her Q can easily poke you down, so be careful when engaging to avoid taking too much damage from her poke.
Mid-Game (Impact on the Game)
✅ Gragas has a big impact in mid-game as an engage tank. You can look to roam with your E + R to force objectives or skirmishes. Karma's poke and utility don’t scale as well at this point, meaning your engages can heavily dictate the pace of the game.
✅ Karma is useful for keeping her ADC alive with shields, but she struggles against hard engages like yours. If you can lock down her ADC, Karma’s ability to peel is limited.
⚠ Karma can still slow down your engages with her E, providing utility and protection to her ADC, which can disrupt your plans. Her W can also reduce your engage potential by shielding her carries.
⚠ Your team’s success in skirmishes depends on whether you can get through Karma's defensive tools. If she successfully keeps her ADC safe, you’ll need to position well to maximize your threat in teamfights.
Late-Game (Impact on the Game)
✅ Gragas shines in late-game teamfights as a disruptor. His R can split the enemy backline, isolating key carries like the ADC or mid-laner. While Karma’s utility remains strong, she doesn’t scale as well in terms of direct impact on fights.
✅ Karma still has her shield and utility but struggles to provide the same level of frontline control that Gragas can. If you can engage on the enemy team properly, she won’t be able to stop you from disrupting the backline.
⚠ Karma’s ability to shield and kite continues to be a threat, especially if she uses her R to enhance her abilities. Her W and E can provide strong protection, which may delay or counter your engage if she’s positioned well.
⚠ The late game will largely depend on positioning. If you can dive the enemy carries or zone out Karma from using her utility, you will have a much stronger presence.”
ShriekingMammoth says “Shields block quite a bit of your damage and makes it harder to land taunt. Her W makes Shen borderline unplayable. Mantra Q in lane also hurts a lot.”
Kirkwardo says “She can poke and mitigate your poke with shield, but her mana reserves will run out fast if she does both. Must control bush with lens. ”
TEMMA says “Jogar no max range do Q da Sona
Usar o Slow para a Karma não conseguir completar o ciclo do W
Jogar com ventos revigorantes por conta do poke”
EchoesFromDADeep says “Karma is a hard lane as she offers a lot of utility and damage. Avoid her R + Q and you should be fine. She won’t be an instant oneshot as she has some durability in her kit with her E or her R+W. Be careful in what fights you pick.”
JVS8 says “She has a stronger laning phase and scales well into teamfights, sometimes even better than you. Her Q range exceeds both your Q and auto range. Focus on punishing her when she pokes your ADC, and avoid advancing when her abilities are available. Wait for them to go on cooldown.”
Poro_King says “bad matchup, her shield negates your w damage, and also provides speed boost, that allows her to poke you to death. Dodge her q, bait out her shield, then engage.”
Kalakaua says “Karma is hella annoying, at every position she plays, against every champion she goes. However so far my studies have shown that her poke to you is just regular poke, since you can heal back everything so well and remain with more mana than her eventually. Not much of a threat after.”
stefanko says “Very annoying matchup, look to cheese her level 1. If she w's you and you don't have q up, look to commit to all in, cause you most likely can't dodge her w, ideally you wanna stun her when she roots you so you can keep aa-ing her while rooted. When she has q up look to bait it before looking for a trade or an all in. (fleet, teleport)”
Smaugyon says “You cant stack on her all that well and her poke in insanly strong in lane but as long as you can get out of laning even you will out scall her eventualy ”
Cdevel says “Technically, it's not so much of a big deal. But personally, I get shitted on by her - she has no CDs and her ultimate lvl 1. And she is tank af. So you can't outpoke her, you can't outtrade her, you can't kill her, you hardly can runaway from.”
ZedAway says “shes annoying to catch and play around, her shielding is even more annoying that she gives movement speed but other than that, just buy mercury treads and it will make the matchup much easier to deal with.”
Aerenax says “Karma is a hard lane as she offers a lot of utility and damage. Avoid her R + Q and you should be fine. She won’t be an instant oneshot as she has some durability in her kit with her E or her R+W. Be careful in what fights you pick.”
Arctic Arrow says “Karma is a major threat due to her strong poke, shield, and utility. Her poke can be relentless, and her shield can negate a lot of your damage.
Play carefully to avoid her skill shots and manage your health bar to withstand her harassment. Use vision to track her positioning and avoid extended trades where she can continuously poke you down.
If Karma is paired with a strong ADC or has a lot of shielding and utility, try to focus on positioning and burst her down when she mispositions.
Buy Serpants Fang!!!”
xpwnz1337 says “ADC IQ TEST MATCHUP.
Alistar's counter.
Counterplay: Mercury's Treads rush.
Dont eat poke. Karma is good at poke/disengage but loses VS good engages into burst. Dont get hit by W. Beware your W has less range than her W so she still can root you after knock back.”
LA COLORADA says “nightmare lane.
mantra q will keep you tamed.
if you engage, she'll mantra w and straight up outtank your damage.
mantra e allows her to disengage fights at will (moreso if she combines it with shurelya's).
worth a ban. you rely solely on her mistakes to do something.”
TLK__________ says “this stupid champ... it not counter u or smth but his dmg since min 1 its not normal, u have not dmg in early and cannot help ur adc, so ban she. she can poke deal dmg and shields are insane.”
Body Those Fools says “You get to scale for free in this lane; she doesn't have much kill pressure on you. Dodge her Mantra Qs and just farm until Lost Chapter; her shields will nullify your early game poke. If she Mantra Ws you, E out of the range so she doesn't root you and heal for a lot.”
Abarame says “one of the more aggressive enchanters. her poke rly hurts and she can punish ur positioning very well. make sure to hide behind minions to avoid her mantra q and respect her sticking power with w and e. if u overstep just once, a good Karma runs you down and kills you.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “She has lots of poke and shield however she cant really stop your engage, try to bait her Q then look for engage( Serpent fangs 2 or 3 items is HIGHLY recommended to make her useless)”
Foxirion says “Kalista's mobility and kiting potential can be a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's crowd control and engage potential can help him disrupt Kalista's positioning and engage effectively.”
glimppi says “Her chain reveals stealth, shield makes your shiv pointless, and she pokes hard. Use defensive boxes and try to create a safe enviroment for ADC to farm.”
1yanou says “Karma can be a really rough lane if she use's her Q properly, especially if she's playing with a poke adc like Ashe, Varus, Caitlyn, etc. ”
Cyndakyu says “one of morgana's worst matchups, a q from her breaks your spellshield and it comes up much more often than yours, she outpokes you, is hard to land a q on, and outscales you”
Velkyann says “Karma has one of the most powerfull poke tools and can solo you before level 6, be carefull of her Q range the best you can do is run out of the range of it. Laning against Karma is very obnoxious because of her RQ damage range and hitbox, you can run from her W and you outscale her more than almost any champion because of her weak late game, i recommend buying Helia because of her poke.”
Razing42 says “Engage on her after she uses her Ult as it's a big part of her combat power. Try not to let her take bush control and try to alternate where you stand in the bush so she can't just blind hit you on repeat in bushes.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Karma reduces her empowered ability cooldown whenever she hits you with abilities or autos, avoid sustained trades with her unless she's low on mana.
If she tries to tether you, either get out of range of the tether or dash to hit her with Q when you get rooted.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “A decently aggro support, but for the most part she isn't that difficult to deal with. If she tethers you just leave, or hop on your adc.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Not a super hard sup to deal with. Her Q can be dodged and you can also walk out of W. However, her E shield speed boost can make landing that E harder.”
JordyGSmiteq says “Karma is, in my opinion, one of the strongest supports in the game. Her ability to sustain, while having great control over your mobility with the same ability that chunks you down... her presence is very felt. Karma has very little downtime, but she does have to walk up if she wants to use W and non-empowered Qs.
Tips: If you find Karma walking up with no support from ADC, or generally overextending into a wave, EE or EW into any Q ability would be a good response.”
Nazebroq says “You should be more useful in team fight but you are useless in lane against a good karma. Pick Braum into Karma when you have a long range/mobile adc or play safe, make the turtle, you're time will come. ”
Shacarlos says “Super forte no meta.
Um campeão forte e com hitbox bugada.
Se ela usar o escudo nela, foque o ADC, caso ela use o escudo no ADC, foque-a.”
Razing42 says “Don't stand to close to minions as her Q is a small aoe (larger with mantra). You can look for fights after she has used her R as it is a large part of her early game power (She has ult level one, you don't)”
Aerenax says “Karma will definitely poke you out of lane, so be careful for that. When you manage to stay healthy in lane, you can try to engage. Karma will be able to escape using her W or E, so a hard matchup overall. ”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “Must be extra careful against.
The Shield potential is just overwhelming. May need help from teammates to Win the Lane Phase.”
🐾Nidalee SUP by Lulu Mushroom Teas | Nidalee Player
mazewalk says “Her empowered Qs range is huge so be aware, also she can run you down with shielding herself and using W on you or your ADC. Play patiently and punish her for wasting Q but dont push it too hard, because she can counterplay you with her root, catching you in a vulnerable position. ”
JezebelleXX says “You outrange Karma when her R is down, but she has a massive AoE shield on a 30ish-second cooldown. Try to poke with autos when you know her E is down. Do not get too close, or take consistent extended trades, as R + W will often lock you down enough for ADC to burst and kill you. W if she tethers you immediately. Aery + Celerity recommended, though Comet can work well.”
TheBougis says “Surprisingly, Karma is a very worthy opponent when it comes down to the amount of healing you get. If she plays it right she can out-sustain you in the zone with her crazy healing from her empowered W.”
Kominiarz says “Avoid being poked by her ult Q during laning. Karma can be really annoying as she gets priority in lane. Try to stop her from using that to roam.”
Shadowcrushers says “Karma, the Enlightened One, is a champion in the game League of Legends who possesses powerful abilities that can effectively counter Soraka, the Starchild. Several factors contribute to Karma's ability to counter Soraka, including her kit's mechanics, playstyle, and strengths in certain areas of the game.
Ability to Outpoke and Outtrade: Karma has strong poke and trading potential, especially in the early game. Her Q ability, Inner Flame, deals damage to enemies in a line, while also healing and empowering herself when Mantra, her ultimate, is activated. This allows Karma to outpoke Soraka in the laning phase, forcing her to focus on healing rather than trading damage.
Crowd Control (CC) and Utility: Karma's kit offers versatile crowd control and utility, making it difficult for Soraka to fulfill her support role effectively. Karma's W ability, Focused Resolve, tethers her to an enemy champion, dealing damage and rooting them if the tether is not broken. This ability can be used to lock down Soraka or her ADC, preventing her from healing effectively. Karma's E ability, Inspire, provides a shield and movement speed boost to her allies, which can be used to negate Soraka's healing potential and disengage from unfavorable trades or fights.
Burst Damage Potential: Karma can unleash a significant burst of damage when utilizing her empowered abilities. With her Mantra, Karma can amplify the effects of her abilities, including her Q, W, and E, allowing her to quickly burst down squishy targets like Soraka. By combining her Inner Flame (Q) and Focused Resolve (W) with a Mantra activation, Karma can unleash a devastating combo that can take Soraka by surprise and potentially eliminate her from the fight.
Mobility and Self-Sustain: Karma has inherent mobility and self-sustain in her kit, which allows her to maneuver in fights and survive longer engagements. Her E ability, Inspire, grants a movement speed boost to Karma and her allies, making it easier to dodge Soraka's skillshots or escape unfavorable situations. Additionally, Karma's Mantra-enhanced W ability, Renewal, heals herself and grants bonus movement speed, providing Karma with sustain and enhanced survivability during trades or all-ins.
Mid to Late Game Strength: As the game progresses, Karma's impact increases due to her scaling and utility. While Soraka excels at sustaining her team and providing healing, Karma offers a broader range of utility and versatility. Karma's R ability, Mantra, provides enhanced effects on all her abilities, allowing her to adapt to different situations. She can shield her teammates, engage or disengage fights, and contribute to damage with her empowered Inner Flame. This flexibility makes Karma a formidable opponent against Soraka in team fights, where she can disrupt Soraka's healing and contribute significant damage to crucial targets.
In conclusion, Karma counters Soraka due to her ability to outpoke and outtrade, her crowd control and utility, burst damage potential, mobility and self-sustain, and mid to late game strength. By leveraging these strengths, Karma can effectively disrupt Soraka's healing capabilities, lock down key targets, and contribute significantly to team fights. However, it's important to note that individual skill, teamwork, and other factors can influence the outcome of any matchup in League of Legends.”
FromValhalla says “Ap supports can counter you because they delete your spellshield with one spell. Opt to go an extra point or two with shield if needed”
Samikin says “Unconventional-Threat.
Karma isn't a problem in the fact that she can kill you, more like she neutralizes you and is a large lane bully without ever having the potential to kill you alone. Her shield and speed make her hard to hit, she has good wave clear with Q's and has good poke with R + Q. More of a frustrating matchup rather than a losing one. You might feel useless in the games you're playing against Karma mid sometimes.
Electrocute (+Manaflow / Scorch) Rune Page
Standard Luden's One-Shot Build”
itstsuk3 says “Run Electrocute, Aery or Comet if you dont think you can win. Dont get Out Poked and try to Poke back when she has her Abilities on Cooldown.”
shacolovesyou says “has poke and shields so u will suffer in early, her W reveals u but u can escape with Q, her speed boost can can easily set off ur boxes”
jmp_01_ says “Also annoying ranged match-up. Try to bait her empowered abilities to use and then engage. Her root can screw you but you should still be good if both supports are on around the same skill level. Take Glacial Augment.”
mazewalk says “Jack of all trades, but actually master of some. Try baiting her Q by standing on the edge of skills range, but be careful, since empowerd Q has more range due to explosion it makes. You can counter her W by using E, since you should be able to engage when either she or her adc makes a mistake.”
Afnyc says “high poke and shield, dont expect to win extended poke fights. Her shield gives MS, making it easier for opponents do dodge glasc q and r. Same as other poke champs, play with the jungler/mid. ”
Bolybuff says “She pokes better than you, can nullify your pokes, and has more utility which can stun you are your teamate if you linger too long from her W channel. However you can still beat her.”
RobinValentine1 says “She out ranges you and you cannot disengage her W. Very hard matchup. Max E, get guardian and pray. At level 6, your ult can set up kills especially if your ADC has cc like Jinx, Varus, Ashe, etc. That is really the only thing you can play around.”
TnDD says “Karma en klasik olan Bard'ın en zor matchup'ıdır. Fakat karma matchup'ı metaya göre değişiklik gösteriyor. Çünkü Karma bazı zamanlar çok güçlü bazı zamanlar çok güçsüz oluyor. Ayrıca Karma E attığında ultini tutturman da epey zorlaşıyor.”
King Kirbilogus Toadstool says “Easy matchup. Just scale thorugh the laning phase and avoid getting caught out by her W. You outscale Karma by a wide margin in the late game.”
Inswaine says “Laning against karma is frustrating and she can easily shield your burst dmg and her speed will allow her and her adc to easily dodge E
Play safe against karma and try to land E and W for stacks only as you dont want to waste your precious mana on a Q that will just be Shielded.
Care for her enhanced projectile as that slow and insane dmg will catch you off guard.”
Lurs says “There isn't much to say besides the fact that she will destroy you before level 6. You should be able to outscale and outroam her. Level 6 plus you should win very well, but she will definitely feel oppressive with her damage. I would recommend guardian here unless you have a very strong early ADC.”
Aerenax says “Karma will definitly poke you out of lane, so be careful for that. When you manage to stay healthy in lane, you can try to engage. Karma will be able to escape using her W or E, so a hard matchup overall. ”
Wounds2 says “Karma is really only annoying to deal with early but you outscale her and are more useful in teamfights. The longer the game goes, the harder it is for her to kite you.”
Cyclic says “Karma is extremely good early game and does a ton of damage with Mantra Q. She will get wave control over you and shield all of your poke while being a menace in early game skirmishes. Try to avoid her Mantra Q if possible and be wary of stepping up too far and being run down by Mantra W. You will eventually outscale so do your best to survive the poke and help your ADC get through laning phase”
ZharMeny says “Her E Shield gives movespeed, so she and her ADC can dodge your W pretty easily unless you are using it out of bush/over a wall/with Flash, also her W Tether is also pretty annoying as it's pretty much guaranteed to hit with your decreased move speed when unmounted. Recommended Stance: Unmounted”
Smudey says “Ranged matchup. Exactly like Kalista, she wins early, but gets outscaled later. Take TP and play for ults. She can't destroy towers quickly so you don't have to worry too much.”
Toches says “I commonly see this counterpick when I grab taric early in the select order, people think that Karma beats him, but it's really a lane of attrition where you have more kill pressure and outscale her easily.
Focus on staying in the minion wave instead of playing the bush game, soak some autos if that need be, and use your Q on both you and your adc to outsustain their adc, then look for stuns whenever she gets agressive looking for roots, she has to burn her whole kit to root you while avoiding your stun.”
Dayruiner says “A good Karma will kite you out and constantly heal off of you with her tether. A bad Karma will wish she never got hooked by Nautilus.”
mellorwastaken says “Skill matchup, her ms makes them hard to hook so look to punish E cds.
She wont be really strong out of lane but you wont either.”
iveye says “Karma is a bit better at running around and annoying you than a Zilean but try to engage on her to avoid her escaping and make sure to break her shields she gives out.”
Amelioratelol says “Keep your hp high to look for an All-in at lvl 2-3 depending on who your lane partner is. Also her R has to be down to look to fight her.”
gizemdeniz says “Karma's poking potential is just too good. Shield and acceleration abilities reveal her utility potential which is better than ours. Moreover, its damage and range are quite strong. It will be very challenging.”
mazewalk says “She provides shields, CC, damage and movement speed, but she can't disengage you. Laning fase might be annoying but once you understand how to avoid her poke it will be easier.”
Igirl45 says “Karma is hard to engage on because of her kit, when you try to go in she will shield herself, or adc. She can also root you when you decide to go in on her. Her q can poke you down in lane making it hard to engage on her. She also has short cooldowns making it even harder. ”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| I hate this matchup. I honestly don't know what to really say about Karma. She outpokes and outdamages you by far, however her main weakness is the fact that she brings no CC to the table. She will generally out-pressure you in lane, however she is super vulnerable to ganks due to her lack of CC. Janna cannot peel a speedboosted ADC running the lane down while Karma is slowing her or her ADC, so for that reason alone you should avoid fighting the lane 2v2 at all costs. The thing is, if you're into a mechanically good Karma player, who's a bad support player. You can roam and get your topside ahead, since she has no CC and therefore can't really towerdive. However, a good support player can very easily match Janna's roams with Karma as the champion is quite fast, and on those roams you will experience the same problem of Karma out-damaging and out-pressuring you. If you have a strong early game Jungler, you should play this matchup and communicate with your jungler about what you wanna do against Karma. Whether you're a roaming player or a laning player, you need a strong jungler to put up with this character, or a teamcomp that can punish the enemy team for lacking hard CC. The reason Karma is not in the extreme category, is that if the Karma fails to put your team behind before laning phase ends, Janna should get Shureleyas, and basically function as a better Karma with hard CC.”
PypoulaPyp says “I've never lane against her. So i'm just guessing but i think she can reach you with her shield/speed boost ability so it'll be hard to escape from her.”
Roltu says “En fase de líneas Karma siempre estará zoneando con su Q mejorada y dará escudos mucho más grandes que los que tu das, si eres buen thresh el match no sera tan difícil de lo que piensas.”
quinn adc says “This matchup isn't common, but it is quite easy for Quinn.
It appears that her W root always hits you until about level 9.
You need boots rush in this matchup if you want to escape her W root.
If she roots you later, instantly E her, auto harrier, then run back to escape her W root.
If karma ever Qs a minion or misses Q on you, instantly run her down becasue that's legit all her damage.
You must punish her every time she uses Q.
Do not sit there and farm, you have to punish her for this since it is free.
If she uses Q, instantly vault her then run her down for a big trade.
Even if she lands W root on you, without Q she does legit no damage.
Her empowered Q does a lot of damage, but the CD is 40 seconds so it isn't problematic.
Play behind minions so her Qs can't hit you as easily.”
AASDHFV says “Karma's poke is quite annoying and you won't be able to do much more in response. Try landing as much bombs as possible to complete your support quest.”
Atemporal says “Lista de escala livre. Um bom Karma vai jogar super longe no nível 1 e vai para um Mantra Q em você. Evite cutucar a todo custo e evite negociar a menos que você esteja recebendo um gank. É inútil negociar com ela se ela alguma vez tem W e E para cima. Karma lida decentemente
dano a você cedo, mas cai rapidamente, e usando lacaios como cobertura, ela terá dificuldade para causar dano de puxão relevante a você. O Karma também sofre bastante com a agricultura sob a torre. No nível 3, se você estiver saudável o suficiente, ganhe um ponto extra no Q
e empurre a onda com força, então lembre-se. Se o Karma te cutucou demais e é arriscado empurrar, pegue W e farm com segurança, espere até o nível 4 quando você tiver todas as habilidades + 2 pontos no Q para empurrar a onda facilmente, usando W como escudo + ferramenta de zoneamento. Você
supere-a com força em 1v1. A coisa sobre jogar Ekko em escudo/proteger as composições de transporte é que depois de um certo ponto o teamfighting normal se torna super difícil, às vezes impossível. Você quer ficar nas pistas laterais, se o time inimigo ficar
agrupados eles perdem uma tonelada de ouro e xp, e você pode farmar livremente krugs/gromp no spawn. Se o Karma for para a pista lateral para pegar as ondas, você cairá sobre o time dela, a menos que seja forte o suficiente para mergulhar nela. Com 3 itens você pode facilmente 100
para 0 ela.”
Twday says “its almost like shes parrying your attacks because she deals the exact same amount of poke damage back and its unbelievable. not to mention the speed from the e”
huirats says “I consider Karma and Annie to be pretty even since they function similarly, but she does suck to play against early since she gets Ult lvl 1.”
OakuMarai says “can't do much vs her, storng poke and great disengage & peel. maybe worth banning. very prone to being exploded if she mispositions though”
Ablano says “i think that karma should be played mid tbh, whenever she is the sup against me, her poking is not normal, she can mess u up with her r+q and your shield will barely hold on since it is bad early game ”
Cheeseypops1 says “The is a Cringe match up she will just poek the shit out of you, try to poke her to like 80% hp and then r her you might kill her but you have to hit everything just a real boring lane not much you can do, if she plays safe you actaully cant kill her, but its similar for you its hard for her to kill you unless you eat 70% of her Q's”
Navn says “Her mantra-w will be hard to deal with, and she has poke with a speed boost. She's got a lot of tools to mitigate what you want to do. Look to roam.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you’re always stood behind the minion wave so Karma cannot use her Inner Flame(Q) on you. Stand behind the minions but not close to them as her Q is an AOE ability. When Karma uses her Inspire(E), she will be vulnerable to attack. A good time to play aggressively is when she has used it to speed herself or her ADC up. Karma has her Ultimate Mantra(R) at level 1, so she will be quite strong up until level 6. If you are strong at level 6, you will be stronger than her once you both hit level 6.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you’re always stood behind the minion wave so Karma cannot use her Inner Flame(Q) on you. Stand behind the minions but not close to them as her Q is an AOE ability. When Karma uses her Inspire(E), she will be vulnerable to attack. A good time to play aggressively is when she has used it to speed herself or her ADC up. Karma has her Ultimate Mantra(R) at level 1, so she will be quite strong up until level 6. If you are strong at level 6, you will be stronger than her once you both hit level 6.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you’re always stood behind the minion wave so Karma cannot use her Inner Flame(Q) on you. Stand behind the minions but not close to them as her Q is an AOE ability. When Karma uses her Inspire(E), she will be vulnerable to attack. A good time to play aggressively is when she has used it to speed herself or her ADC up. Karma has her Ultimate Mantra(R) at level 1, so she will be quite strong up until level 6. If you are strong at level 6, you will be stronger than her once you both hit level 6.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you’re always stood behind the minion wave so Karma cannot use her Inner Flame(Q) on you. Stand behind the minions but not close to them as her Q is an AOE ability. When Karma uses her Inspire(E), she will be vulnerable to attack. A good time to play aggressively is when she has used it to speed herself or her ADC up. Karma has her Ultimate Mantra(R) at level 1, so she will be quite strong up until level 6. If you are strong at level 6, you will be stronger than her once you both hit level 6.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you’re always stood behind the minion wave so Karma cannot use her Inner Flame(Q) on you. Stand behind the minions but not close to them as her Q is an AOE ability. When Karma uses her Inspire(E), she will be vulnerable to attack. A good time to play aggressively is when she has used it to speed herself or her ADC up. Karma has her Ultimate Mantra(R) at level 1, so she will be quite strong up until level 6. If you are strong at level 6, you will be stronger than her once you both hit level 6.”
M4DN355 says “Karma is a very annoying champion to play against as Pyke. Since she has so much movement speed, shielding, and high damage poke, laning phase is nearly impossible for Pyke. Despite this, her mid-late game against Pyke isn't nearly as strong as long as you don't get targeted by her W in fights. Wait for opportunities to arise and go in when you know she doesn't have her W or R up.”
DamselOfDistress says “Karma, much like you has a MS stim, but a much scarier poke in the form of R-Q. Do not face her directly, she will out-poke & out-sustain you. Focus her ADC or roam.”
Mr Jamba Juice says “DShard: MR; Karma's early levels are better than Taric's. She has rather strong poke, great disengage, and a very powerful shield compared to yours. If you play an ADC with easy-to-hit Slows, you can land Stuns on her and her ADC more easily. Play around her only weakness which is having no Healing for her ADC and keep your ADC at higher HP than hers. Karma > Taric Midgame -> Taric >>> Karma Lategame.”
ShoDesu says “In theory, Karma should win this match up as her mantra q heavily out ranges you, but Karma struggles to get any tethers on your team as tornado + glacial keeps her off. If you can avoid her mantra q's in lane, you will out scale her. ”
Jageiko says “Karma is strong against you. Shield against your engage, W to sustain and more important stun you since you will be melee. And her poke.
Hard lane. If she wasted R on a Q you have a shot at killing her early, but its a do-or-die.”
kilt124 says “One of the more skillbased matchups as her poke is harder but also harder to hit and in teamfights the glacial + ult wil have more impact.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Karma outranges you, is relatively quick and bullies you in lane. In lane she has to misposition for you to be able to find any opportunities to punish, but if you endure it and make it to late game you can do a lot more in a lot of teamfights than she can. Chemtank is good into her.”
LordZaneLP says “Her root breaks your legs in long fights, even if you try to poke against her. She is the best poke champ on botlane with Brand and Xerath. You cant poke against her, but when you do it, you dont lose too much. Long fights are even worse.”
MorBidMike says “her poke is annoying but wait for her shield to use Q and W her Empowered Q's and you live through the lane. mid to l8 game you out scale as both a tank and a single target support.”
Touka1 says “Karma is only good at stomping lane. if you manage to survive laning phase you are gonna be more useful than her but if you get too much behind it could be hard aswell!”
Navn says “This is a pretty hard match-up after level 2. If your W misses on her, then she can E herself, and then W you. She's kind-of like an engage-enchanter, and engage is REALLY bad news for Ashe.”
Tom3kk says “A good karma is a major threat, if they tryhard and buy oblivion orb, and hit all Q skillshots you will have a very bad time because she will outshield and outmana you early game.”
AscorbicAcids says “Horribly annoying, Faster than you and has more shields than you and has spellvamp.
It's hard but just try and make it to lvl 4 without getting poked out of lane.”
TurtleEpic says “Avoid her poke and make sure to not full commit to a fight unless you will win 2v2 because she can easily kite/peel back and then turn on you instead.”
RatHound says “Mentioned for the sheer frustration factor. Can poke from afar. Can move faster than you. Can CC you and do sustained damage. A difficult lane.”
LuckyTigerRAW says “(Support) Insane poke and INSANE shield, almost impossible to burst her or her adc with the shields. Plus, her poke is insane and her root will ruin your day.”
spirit legacy says “Karma can take control of the lane farely easy. She has a way easier kit to control the lane as Brand. Avoid her Mantra Q's in all cases. Be patient when you try to stun her due to her shield and movementspeed she gains. You can stun most Karma's when they try to root you with her W. ”
Challenger Project says “Abuse early levels. The problem with all enchanters is all the same - if we don’t snowball early hard, we fall off and get outscaled.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Karma is usually not an issue but be careful for her shield's speed boost which can help the enemy ADC dodge newly placed boxes or just mitigate your damage.
A good Karma can poke out your ADC in the early game so try to take some of this damage and use boxes as safe zones protecting you both from all ins.
When you have more CDR in the mid to late game she can be easy to catch out with your traps as she doesn't have any mobility except for her speed boost.
You cannot dodge her root with your R because it's a tether so keep that in mind because it will tell them which is the real Shaco.”
Rissen says “Karma can cancel and counter all your engage tools with her kit, smartly decide your timing whenever you engage or else you will lose your game.”
Demonsedge90 says “This match-up is boring because she plays so far back that you can only do something pre-6 to Karma. When trying to get close to her, she will typically back away from you, but if she doesn't or missteps, then it's an excellent time to hit her with e or r and see if you can hold her in place. Otherwise, only engage her with aid from your jungler or another teammate.”
Kluckadell says “If the Karma is good she has a lot of kill pressure in lane vs you and your adc often, she can run you down with her w + e. Start E vs her”
Bella Starlily says “Karma is a pretty fun match-up. Try to not let her stun you with W and remember that Q has a small aoe, so if you are close behind minions, you might still get hit.”
Cordiall says “Karma doesn't really threaten Braum. Sure, her Mantra'd Q hurts, but it's inconsistent and you should be able to block or dodge it fairly easily. Her shields can be annoying, but if you hard-focus the ADC in a lane 2v2, you should be able to power through her abilities and leave her as easy pickings in the fight.”
SunnySneezer says “Way better than you a shielding cause lower cooldowns she can dodge your E and chase you down, the longer the game the harder she stomps you. Play like a Lulu match up, poke from a far try to dodge her Q and if she walks forward you walk back, you pretty much can't win.”
Nozul says “O jogo contra a Karma é um pouco difícil por conta do poke em área que ela te dá em pouco intervalo de tempo, já que o cooldown do Q é baixo, e também porque ela pode usar esta skill nos minions e te acertar se você estiver perto deles. Ela pode também dar problema se buildar corta-cura. O "combo" W+E dela pode ser difícil de sair por conta do enraizamento e velocidade de movimento que ela ganha.”
TheBlueImperial says “She is incredibly oppressive in lane because of all her poke and the movement speed from her shields making it hard to engage on her. However, once you're team fighting she cannot do anything to prevent you from jumping onto her team and you can pop all shields she places on people.”
RIPStollie says “Karma is a threat in the support role because she has long range poke, along with a shield and speed boost that helps her and her allies dodge your abilities. It is hard to figure out this lane vs good players, but a major tip is to pretend that she is a blitzcrank. Position yourself behind the minion wave so that she cannot spam her Q on you, and lead your w's more than normal as she has a speed boost.”
beefyylol says “Karma is an extremely tough matchup for Bard. She bullies you in lane with her mantra Q and scales just as hard in teamfights with her mantra E. Her E also makes it very difficult for you to land abilities on anyone on the enemy team. BAN WORTHY”
PumpkinMatters says “Karma é um demônio. Isso que você precisa entender. Ela tem escudo, ela tem enraizamento, ela tem dano MUITO DANO, ela tem velocidade de movimento. Enfim, ela tem tudo que você, enquanto Rell, odeia. Lembre que seu Q nega todo escudo, então guarde para os momentos em que elas os conjurar e, por tudo que é mais sagrado, tente acertar seu W nela e no adc, se não a coisa vai azedar”
PumpkinMatters says “Karma is a demon, that's what you need to understand. She has a shild, she has a root, she has damage A LOT OF DAAMGE, she has move speed. Well, she has everything you, as Rell, hates. Remember your Q denies every shield, so keep it to when she uses it and, for the love of jesus, try to land your W on both her and her ADC, or your game will meet a painful demise”
commit lego foot says “poke enchanter with an AOE movement speed buff and shield, only saving grace is she is relatively shorter range than the other poke supports so she gives windows to engage, but can peel you with mantra W healing and the return trade is brutal even if you do land taunt. ”
a8qoyrl says “Perfect kit for stopping you from killing enemy carry when engaging. She can give an AOE shield+ms buff so carry can run at Mach 10 away from pillar and she has the root to stop already fruitless chase.”
KalelPeique says “Karma é boa porem não é excelente, ela continua sendo um mago, caso ela faça anti-assasino, teu jogo ta na bosta.
Evita tomar os Q e quando ela usar o W , sai do range e volta em cima dela.
Karma is good but not excellent, she is still a wizard, if she does anti-assasin, your game is in turmoil.
Avoid taking the Q and when she uses the W get out of range and come back on top of her.”
SirCaptFair says “make sure she w's you first then e away and w back in. whenever you are still in lanning phase. be careful of her q poke early don't underestimate it and just use your w to dodge it if she aiming at you.”
GuanaTv says “Todas as habilidades da Karma conseguem manter uma distancia segura das iniciações de Thresh, e pra piorar, ela consegue empurrar muito a rota, impedindo Thresh de se movimentar pelo mapa.
(All of Karma's abilities manage to maintain a safe distance from Thresh's initiations, and to make matters worse, it manages to push the lane too far, preventing Thresh from moving across the map.)”
Cr1ms0n136 says “She has a strong early game and Zilean has a weak early game so stand far back in lane. I reccomend taking mr rune shard into this matchup.”
neuroplasticity says “
Usually an easy matchup although a good Karma can pressure you pretty hard in lane. Grab inspiration secondary for mana sustain as her mantra Q's are difficult to dodge. Stay away from minions to avoid her regular Q's.
From level 6 onwards you should have the upper hand since you have an actual ultimate.
Karma also has no instant hard CC and is really squishy so you can call for easy jungle ganks when they are pushing up against you.
Mr buckets says “She has a way better laning phase than you, and she scales just as well as you do or even better into teamfights, her q range is further than your q and auto range. Try to punish her when she pokes your adc, never step up when her spells are ready, wait for the to go on cd.”
Doglightning says “Run ele or pred. This is so hard she can match your poke but you cannot poke back cuz of her shield. Your only hope is to make it to 6 and all in. Only problem is you will be shoved under tower getting poked all game and probably get dove lvl 4 or 5 by the enemy jungler. Only way I win this is getting an early jungle gank bot while they over extend”
Mystral says “Dodge abilities (stay behind minions but not too close because her Q hits multiple targets). Play passive. W on your ADC and Q on her when she tries to snare him (or you). ”
PicklePantsLOL says “Avoid sticking close to your minion wave as this will allow Karma to poke both you and the minion wave, thus giving her a trading advantage as well as the push priority. You should do your best to dodge her Q and make sure you don’t get poked out of the lane.
Her E is her main peel ability and she should be punished whenever it is on Cooldown. It will allow you to trade with her quite easily as she will not have the Movement Speed to get herself or her ADC out of a messy situation.
Her W needs to be avoided at all costs, especially if you’re over-extended. If you’re the Jungler, make sure you gank her when her Ultimate is down. Without it, she can’t use her E on all her targets and get them out from a bad position.
During team fights, Karma will be focusing on buffing her carries and preventing assassination attempt on them. Only pick a fight with her team when her Ultimate is down, or when her E is down. You may also rely on picks to win the fight as well.”
Doglightning says “barrier/ignite based on adc match up. Sit behind minions and try to weave Q's in. Can get kills on bubbles. Once you hit 6 you can really turn up the heat looking for R + bubbles on adc.”
Aerenax says “Karma is a hard lane as she offers a lot of utility and damage. Avoid her R + Q and you should be fine. If you play around this the lane is winnable.”
LimTheDestructor says “Don't greed for Relic Shield stacks. Let Karma lane push if they want. Kill Karma when she gets under your turret around levels 3-5. After getting early kill against Karma lane, the rest of laning phase will be much easier for you.”
warmfishu says “Her primary threat is Focused Resolve (W), which will root you should you stay in her tether range. Make sure to jump off when her Q is on cooldown so you won't get poked (and slowed) down to dangerous levels.”
iKonek says “While she is able to poke hard, her escape options are limited. Exploit this and go in when she's low on mana or has her abilities on CD.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Her laning phase can be oppressive as early as level one. Dodge her RQ at all costs & disengage if she tries to run towards you. Her ability to speed up teammates makes this a challenge.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Karma with bone plating is not so squishy & she has a snare that can be easily used if you miss your hook. Be careful of her early game poke with Mantra Q. Avoid standing close to minions since her Q can hit you both easily. Try to sit in bush and look for hooks on their bot. You can look to trade once she uses her shield or mantra.”
Korippo says “Recently nerfed in 11.16, you no longer really need to build Shurelya's against her as much since her MS on her shields was nerfed a ton. She has a bit more power on her Q, but she no longer gets Mantra cooldowns from her autos anymore either so she is a lot less oppressive in lane. Very easy to bait her root still and can punish her like any other enchanter should you not let her whittle you down for free.”
Flackojodye says “karma is too strong rn, most of the time your E wont be enough to escape her channeled root, but you outscale her hard, as her only late game usefulness is her Mantra E shield and slows.”
Distinger says “If she's not Karma Top Tank, just buy Serpent's and Executioner's lol. Get some speed with Youmuu's and Prowler's to match her speed and range and kill her.”
Arcurath says “Karma can perma poke you all lane phase. You cant do much against it unless you get a gank you can E double bomb combo.
Otherwise sit back for level 6 then you can fight or try roaming beforehand.”
0Banda says “ Karma is quite a skilled matchup, no one of you have a clear chance of winning, she's got her E which makes it difficult for you to trade, but you can easily counter her W by dashing back to your ADC with E
You should build as usual, but on the rune section you should run Second Wind in order to get rid of some poke. Focus on making short trades and dealing the most amount of damage before Karma casts E”
SlippStream says “You can step out of her W pretty easily, but her Q can poke you pretty hard. Play behind your ADC so they can punish when she tries to trade.”
Exoslol says “One of the tougher enchanter supports but still fairly easy to beat. Care for her R+Q combo or her snare setup for adcs/ganks. Shes squishy so you can easily focus her down with your ADC”
Fear The Jester says “Skill Matchup, Hits like a truck so try boxblock her Q's and keep in mind her Empowered Q's have aoe, watch out for her tether because it reveals your invis. Karma players are extremely cocky and aggro, call your jungler for free kills.”
Jowoey says “Her poke is really annoying so make sure to buy an early refill pot. Save your Q if she's really aggressive and goes for a tether on someone, you can force her to disengage by knocking her up to try to break the tether. She will Q minions to harass you so try to harass her when she uses her Q. ”
Melyn says “Hard to do much against the speed and shields and she will poke as well. Play behind minions and try to be aggressive to take some of the heat off of your carry. ”
Hanjaro says “Karma has high damage, a slow even when her Q is unempowered, a shield with MS buff and also a root. She has good mobility, disengage and consistent poke. Very strong.”
Biotic says “She has a lot of Poke, the Lane until Level 6 is fairly hard. You need to make sure to survive and take some bad backs and give up farm. As soon as you hit Level 6 there is noway you loose 2v2. Easy ganks, you can just E and doublebomb. ”
TheBestestBork says “This thing is annoying in lane, but if you can get a dgood dive on her ADC she is useless. The poke is the main thing early on and she can fall off compared to you later.”
King Crow says “The AOE from Karma just outpokes you and outranges you. Her kit just counters Fiddle support. You can still play this lane somewhat safe and get out ok.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “Just avoid her mantra q in lane and don't keep in range of her w root. you can poke her down with ease.
mid and late game you're more useful”
LIGHTBULB NA says “She is significantly stronger than you in lane, you basically just have to sit back and do nothing. After 6 the matchup is playable, if you ever hit a double bomb hard engage on her with your adc. ”
Rayzer74jr says “She's going to be annoying because of her ms she gets from her shield, if she pops it, try Dashing and landing a Q off after landing a W, it should stop her in her tracks and leave her vulnerable for your ADC to get some damage off.”
Spection says “Give her a lot of respect. Mobile, strong poke, shielding, Karma has a lot to offer. Q cooldown is very low so just abuse your higher range and watch out for an E W combo.”
lenithebot says “Karma is very annoying. She has great poke she has good sustain and she has shields for days. The only point you can kill her is when her ult is on cooldown and in the early levels since even if you land a hook she will survive since she can just heal and then run away with the MS boost.”
DanNS12 says “Karma poke is extremely abnoxious try your best to survive early game and bait out her shield before poking her also she can speed her self up and W you which will result in your death so try not to get to close when poking her with W.”
LilPaniniUwU says “barrier/ignite based on adc match up. Sit behind minions and try to weave Q's in. Can get kills on bubbles. Once you hit 6 you can really turn up the heat looking for R + bubbles on adc.
Doody_tco says “Karma shielding power is very strong which makes her able to protect her carry and poke Yuumi's carry heavily and even the possibility to root them”
Billehz says “Her poke against you is quite strong, and her shield granting movement speed can make it hard for you to hit easier charms without procing Glacial before.”
Jaori says “She can't do the Janna thing. Won't stop your dash, you can burst her easily. Play careful and don't let her poke you with the empowered Q.”
Hanjaro says “Very strong poke, can negate your damage with her shields, along with mobility and a root. She's squishy, just try to all-in her with a gank and she should die, especially if she cannot get an empowered root.”
Vispectra says “A very annoying lane because well...Shields and movement speed + poke, but she has low kill pressure against you , you can negate most of her damage with a well timed Q and later on you'll just one-shot her. I recommend playing passive until 11.”
ControllWard says “PERMABAN OR DODGE.
Daño y poke elevado con la Q. Sustain, slow y root con su W que no te permite acercarte. Escudos con velocidad de movimiento. R desde nivel 1. Sin duda, una de tus mayores pesadillas.”
qosmox says “Contest the push lvl 1 with Q, because you wanna avoid being pushed under tower in this matchup. It’s possible to taunt onto karma for some empowered Autos, but she will trade back heavily onto you when you run away. But it’s worth it to take even trades so you’re both kinda low around the same HP, because then your all-in will be able to take her down before she gets to trade back onto you. If you’re losing early trades, then try to just farm it out until later where you get titanic. Then you should be able to trade well unless you’ve already died earlier.”
TKSedex says “Consegue tirar suas boxes sem levar dano se ela usar o escudo em si mesma antes de pisar na box, é bem chato e faz você desperdiçar mana.”
HerYandere says “I've never lost to a Karma as tank, thought as a battlemage you have to be careful as to not get rooted, or you could easily die from the ADC. Dodge her Q and you'll win lane.”
Esoterica says “Karma easily punishes all-ins with high AOE damage, a shield and the risk of being rooted in the minion wave. Keep trades short and stay out of the minion wave so she cannot snag you with the Q explosion.
The tether takes 2 seconds to root you.”
Pigeont says “the game I had against her was one of her first time supp or Karma, nothing else to say, ill need other game against her to be sure, but her Q mix with the ult was a pain in the back cause of the slow, the root it depend where she is, cause you can stun or go away pretty easily.”
Dotje says “Karma can be quite the poke champion. Her laning phase is not bad, but later on I find her rather weak. Don't get run down by her, which shouldn't happen due to your kit. Be careful of her Q hitbox when she uses it into the minion wave.”
KeleiX13 says “Karma does not have too much threat in lane, but her mantra-empowered Q's do hurt. However, it won't explode if it doesn't hit something so just try and doge them. You can usually easily walk out of her tether range if she does decide to tether you and you also have a much more reliable source of poke so it shouldn't be too hard dealing with her.”
anionPositivo says “Ela vai te dar uns pokes e tentar te deixar low, as vezes essas Karmas são bem ansiosas e vão chegar perto pra dar um R Q combo insano high damage ai é só virar nela com o W. Na lane é só abusar do cooldown da ult dela e tudo vai ficar bem”
Tsmselenagomez says “This lane is really not that hard you just need to not shield her q and shield the e instead time it well and you are good to go.”
Adam bot says “She has a lot of poke damage and a lot of shields. If you play smart you can out shield and heal her. Try to knock her up and avoid getting hit by AA's or abilities so she doesn't get her ulti's reset.”
Levkar says “You provide more sustain for your ADC than she does to hers, but she has more utility and damage. If she tries to root you hop on someone ASAP.”
HalexUwU says “She can poke back pretty hard and closes the gap between you and her easily. Still, Serpents fang makes her useless. Just be careful early game.”
LilRidge says “Poke her, when you can, with your (Q) Shattering Strike when she uses her (E) Inspire as the damage will go through the shield and heal you and your ADC. When Karma's (W) Focused Resolve is down try to all-in her or your ADC. this will force the enemy to play defensively in the lane.”
iSkyi says “All champs with a movespeed steroid are super hard to hit. Karma is the most common Morg counter. If you first pick Morg, you're going to see Karma.”
The Last Rakan says “Cuidado com mains Karma, a boneca tira dano de sabe-se lá onde, mesmo com uma build mais defensiva você sofrerá com seu "Q" upado com a ult, sugiro runas de sustain e resistência mágica.”
Pentius says “Karma is a tough matchup for Thresh because of her poke, but also because her inspire gives a lot of move speed which allows the carries to dodge Thresh's hook easier.”
Kefochka says “Карма хорошо показывает себя в любой ситуации против Тарика, кроме отставания по золоту. Нельзя давать ей поукать себя или своего адк, иначе она сможет задавить вас в мид гейме своим сустейном и контролем.”
Starchase says “Try to heal her poke damage with your E.
She deals A LOT of damage with only 1 ability, so i'll not recommend detach your ADC to poke her, you will lose a bunch of hp.
Care about her W, even if you reattach to someone, it will still stun you if you're in range.
You outscale her later but her AOE shields are gonna be a big problem.”
XD001 says “Really, really annoying matchup that is unfun and kind of unplayable early. You will get poked out to 1 HP and hate your life. After first back you have to continue to farm because if you engage on her she can just run away and root you. Late game you need a good flank to avoid CC chains and you can eventually 1 shot her and the others in the back line. In the late game you win the side lane split and she can't match you or you kill her.
Even scaling
electrocute + sorcery + tp”
mellorpyke says “You can win this matchup thanks to your passive, even if she lands mantra Qs on you, you can return healthy pretty fast. The matchup is not free tho, you will need to land some Qs to win, which can be hard thanks to her E bonus MS, so again, like Janna, use bushes and W to reposition out of their vision.”
Takitsu says “She pokes, she sustains, she shields. She will poke you out of lane, and if you try to punish her she has a Heal and Shield. You can only try to kill her pre 3 when her ult/q has just been used. Pray for jungle help, or go roam.”
AriyaIsTheBest says “This thot is a poke lord. Stay behind minions and away from bushes. Out-range her and burst her before she bursts you. An E Q combo should do the trick.”
unhben says “Shes super poke heavy and can negate all of your early damage. Just be careful not to tank too many Q's or mantra Q's or else you WILL have to forfeit all lane pressure and back. ”
losolkos says “Karma deal much dmg have stuns and slows also have speed bost and shield. Her Q have short cooldown but rest abillites have long cooldown so make use of it when she use her stun you can atack but still atack which head her slow can by very annoying too so just try to dodge her Q while chase.
Afer 6 you have more chances to kill her and adc make sure you will hit her after she use shield or she will ise ult + shield and run away .”
unhben says “Pokes and shields way better than you do just about all game if you go even/fall behind in lane. Just roam/control the vision at that point.”
unhben says “Her poke is pretty nasty and her shields will get annoying fast. This match up might require you to build a serpents fang while you wait for your tear to stack up.”
Bear Gummies says “A good Karma will make your laning phase hell by poking (honestly closer to stabbing) you nonstop with her q, rooting you with w, and making sure she can land the root with e. Just play it safe during the early game by going relic shield, don't overextend so that she can kill you, and you will end up outscaling her in the mid-late game.”
NewTeff says “deals a lot of damage, has an annoying shield and a snare, depending on her adc reaction, she can be either very easy to deal with or very lethal”
Jannito02 says “Karma's only threat will be her R+Q. If she uses her W, you can use your E to get away from her, or just use your W again to get on your teammate. Her W has a slow cast time, so you can think what to do and probably you won't be dead by her.”
EionThePepega says “Ah Karma the speed demon. Even if you black shield her root build up, she can just Q it to remove the shield. Focus on trying to get roots on her cuz she quite squishy, and all in with ultimate if you know she has already used her ultimate before your deadly engage.”
xDopii says “High movement speed and annoying CC. Karma is a poke champion that can easily get out of fights and sustain them, so try to avoid fights without your jungler or look for hooks on her teammates.”
The Lotus Queen says “Karma has a better laning phase with poke, but worse late game. Make sure to not be hit by too many of Karma's Qs, and scale to win.”
Meepy says “Karma is pretty annoying, because she will pretty much always have Priority on Lane, and Bard really doest like being pushed under tower. Your Roams are much stronger than hers. ”
Jexeff says “Hands down on paper, this is probably one of Thresh’s worst matchups especially pair with a safe lane opponent like Sivir. Right now she is under Major due to win rate. There are two main reasons. If played correctly by karma, you should have an extremely hard time approaching her. In addition to this, if an approach is successful, her mantra empowered inspire or focused resolve provides an incredible amount of survivability. Be careful of this matchup. Honestly, the best bet you will have is most likely playing the map instead of trying to play through bot lane.”
Wounds2 says “Karma is a bully in lane, but your usefulness outscales hers the longer the game goes on. Punish her if she overextends, but otherwise it is not a bad idea to just wait for your jungler.”
fishbully says “Karma has a lot of splash damage, poke, and the ability to gain speed will out-shine Janna. This is not a fun matchup and I do not recommend playing Janna into it.”
itizhelia says “She just pretty much pokes you to death.
Avoid her Qs and all-in her whenever she walks up too close. Karma players are often greedy with thinking that even if they get caught they can still run away which is not really a case for Rakan post 6.
In short, survive pre 6 stage and after 6 you're much stronger than her.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Rather hard, she has a lot of poke and her shield + extra movement speed can make it hard to catch anyone out. Her w can also root you, leaving you in a bad position.”
Navn says “If you position in the wave, she will try to Q you while you're in it. If you stand to the side, it should help a lot, since the Q range is actually quite short. If she has no Mantra, you can usually walk into the very edge of her Q range and side step immediately, and once its on cooldown, you can usually win the trade. But if you get hit by any Q, most of the time you will need to start backing up, or else get rooted by her W.”
Xeptron says “Empowered Mantra (Q ability) is one of the highest damage abilities early in the game. Playing against a karma can be a pain but once her Q is on the cooldown, she cannot trade as much. Finding a great window for an engage is very critical in this matchup. Cannot engage when her ultimate and damage abilty is available because you might fall down and lose the all-in.
Finding an engage is the KEY!”
CanadaJay says “Pokey, Shields and Root. She can be quite annoying due to her abilities and Mantra's, (trust me I'm a Karma main). Gragas' R should help displace her so that she can't escape as easily and you can match her poke quite well with your Q's.”
Sunedayz says “This matchup can be rough early if you keep getting hit by Mantra Q's. They are harder to avoid, and she can hit you if you stand in the minion wave. It is a lot easier now that her Q CD is increased, try to go even in lane and you'll out scale her.”
jessuva says “Karma does a lot of damage and she has a really nice shield, but dodge her Q and she can't do much. Her root takes ages to land and you can just walk out of it. Her only real threat is her Q. ”
LTD MAMON says “High poke dmg, high shield as well, with the buff coming to her she's a bit strong and hard to fight with, try to aim for safe lane and roam when you recall back”
Titans Revenge says “Karma is good poke from range and decent CC. Empowered abilities will allow for more damage, team shields/move speed, & healing on W. As long as you don't allow her to poke you out, she doesn't provide a difficult lane.”
YourCut says “Conq+Dom if your ADC prefers longer fights, Electro+Inspiration if they prefer short trading. She can force fights hard, wait for her to commit and run very deep with her speed boost to root you or your ADC. Then turn on her.”
NEED WATER says “Karma has great sustained poke but that is about it versus Maokai. Take advantage of big ultimate opportunities and be mindful of her W. ”
just_juniper says “She's annoying early, but Zyra outscales Karma. Be careful of her Mantra Q poke, I guess? Honestly, I never see Karma, so I'm not entirely sure what to say here.”
engo44 says “this is a pure skirmish lane, try to put out as much damage as you can early on. You can outsustain her. Her mana costs is higher then yours, try to avoid getting hit by her empowered Q and you should be fine”
LordZaneLP says “she has a root and a slow and gives her allies ms, all of that counters you, but the buffs and dmg he deals are like nothing worth. Only her Root is preety strong but thats all in the mid and late game she is so useless she could be afk.
ElSindiLegolas says “Karma seria el counter perfecto a pyke, ace mucho damage tiene un cc bastante molesto que te obliga a hacer desengage y puede dar escudo y velocidad de movimiento inutilizando tu R muy facil.”
Jovy says “She's got decent disengage with her snare and slow, and her shield somewhat counters your burst. She has good poke but it's a skillshot that isn't too hard to dodge, so try to dodge it every time. ”
Tauricus2017 says “Her Q range is very high and so is it's AOE - only good Lee sins will be able to dodge this constantly. Her W allows her/her ADC to repsition away from you. Play safe.”
Fictitious1267 says “Very tough lane. She can shield, speed up and deal significant damage with poke. All this means your Q poke is going to miss or not deal damage a lot of the time. I would suggest either going all in early, or playing safe until your jungle gets there.”
NirvanaBunny says “I haven't seen Karma supports in a while, but I'm adding her in here just in case.
She has good poke and pokes HARD. Remember, her poke can't go through minions so standing behind them you should be OK. Watch out for her Manrta-Q! If you're hit by that try to move out of the explosion zone.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Karma has a decent amount of damage in the early game and she has a shield and snare, so you need to play a little more safe against her. But you should still be fine to just spam your dark wind all the time.”
Jovy says “Not only does she have a movement speed buff and shield, but it can also be used on her ADC. This gives her decent disengage and mobility with which she can dodge your ult and Q. Additionally, she has strong, never-ending poke.”
Kilo Khaos says “While she is able to poke hard, her escape options are limited. Exploit this and go in when she's low on mana or has her abilities on CD.”
moon827 says “Karma is kind of annoying to deal with pre 6, due to the fact that she has ult a lvl 1, and her ult + q combo can do a good amount of burst early on, so just be ready for karma to do a good amount of damage early, but her poke doesnt scale as well as yours does, so you should have an easier time as the game goes on.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Karma is a rather hard match-up because of the amount of damage she offers in the early game.
You should especially be aware of her mantra-q's because she can easily poke you out of lane with them.
Besides from the poke her shields give a burst of movement speed, making it easier for her and her AD carry to dodge your hooks.
If she misses a mantra-q and her shield is on cool-down you can freely engage on her, because then she has no chance to get away from your all-in.”
DEasom says “Avoid engaging over walls with Q while her W is up. She can kite you easily, blow up boxes with Q and poke you very hard. Look to focus the ADC if possible and avoid long fights with Karma.”
Bouhhsolene says “You have more damage than her, an utility kind of superior to her's with your E. In lane, she might poke but when she's OOM engages, if you hit W, she should either flash away, or die. The only problem is her slow.
(yeah just like Janna)”
Tauricus2017 says “Her poke hurts a lot. There is no real way to deny it since the AOE is big and so is its range. Her E allows her ADC to reposition away from you. Ban or don't pick Akali against her. But If you accidantaly got into this matchup the only thing you can do is call for ganks or try to do some risky move.”
Tauricus2017 says “Her poke hurts hard. She can disengage herself/her ADC from every combo featuring Ethereal Chains you do. Play passively pretty much whole early game.”
SolarSupport says “Karma has good burst tanking and poke, but her all in damage is pretty awful. If you can manage to get through her utility, she can't win in a straight up fight”
Taric Support says “Kind of the same situation as Brand, but this lane is a bit easier to play. Karma's damage isn't that high, but she is also hard to engage on because of her speed up on E. You'll want to catch when her ultimate is on cd, as her abilities are way weaker without it. Defensive lane with aggressive potential.”
Vahlok says “Instead of focusing on landing hooks, just dodge her skillshots first and then approach with E or Q. Remember her shield makes her ally (or her) go really fast, so keep that in mind for their sidestepping.”
Spection says “A utility mage support with surprisingly powerful damage that you should watch out for. Her shields are weak unless she uses Mantra to empower them. Her clickshot delayed CC makes engaging very dangerous for a melee champion, so you should be very cautious to fight her. unless you have a CC heavy support who can engage for you. When her green tattoos are glowing, back off. Don't eat her Q poke. The more damage she can land on you, the sooner she can use Mantra.”
NERF THIS MAN says “She can poke you, that's about it. By the time she can snare you with her w, you've already locked her or her carry in place and taken down half of their hp, given her shield isn't strong early.”
ShroudedBRH says “Karma deals pretty good damage with her R + Q combo as well as having strong shielding during trades. Avoid taking her poke so you can have enough hp to trade when you need to”
Wicked Cherry says “She can be quite strong and her shield plus movement speed are better than your W and E, but her Q's dodgeable and she shouldn't be able to root you. ”
Wicked Cherry says “Karma is okay to play against. She got that speed shield E and some damage but if she can't use her W to CC you she won't be much of a threat. But keep in mind that her shield gives movement speed to herself of an ally (or everybody in range if cast with her ultimate) so don't get into her range when you're low because she can chase you down.
It's a game about positioning here mainly. ”
QueerJunk says “Nami has a 55% winrate against Karma, Her abilities require her to get close to you making it easy for you to bounce your W, when she trys to go in on you, you so many disengage tools to get her off of you, should be an easy win.”
TheMistCollector says “She's pretty annoying, so stay calm. Stay behind minions when she tries to poke (not too close, because her Q is an AoE ability). Don't be too scared because you will out-poke her very quickly.”
ShanksMeister says “Aggressive levels 1-5 but she has no true ultimate. She will try to kill you early but dodge her skillshots and you'll be okay. Once you hit level 6 you win every fight.”
Spider Shaped says “Противник на равне с Жанной,но чуть серьезнее. Неплохой ультимейт и способности,могут нанести непричтный урон,но при игре 1 на 1,ари сильнее”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Karma was nerfed in 10.16 and has seen a decrease in play but is still incredibly annoying to fight versus. Catch her out with a strong adc and she's dead, don't kill her adc in time and you're dead.”
Hoshikoo746 says “Not Karma, please !
Karma will be really hard to face. She can poke you but you can't poke her back cuz of her shield.
If you can get an early gank it must be fine.”
snukumz says “Her burst is better than yours and hurts a lot.
She is super fast so landing your Q is difficult.
Her shields will negate a lot of your damage.
She can zip in and root you pretty easily without taking much damage.”
snukumz says “Her poke is a lot better than yours.
She is very fast so it's hard to land any of your abilities on her.
If you do happen to stun her though she's very squishy so you and your ADC should be able to do a ton of damage to her.”
thesophieset says “This is a fairly even lane. Her Ult Q hurts a lot early, so make sure to sidestep that if you can. If she tries to engage onto you with her W, try to Q her and use the MS to get out of her snare range. If she builds AP/an early Oblivion Orb or even Morello, you need to play a little more carefully. Wait out the Grievous Wounds effect before healing your ADC and position yourself carefully.”
Guffel says “Karma is kinda like Janna but with more poke and less disengage. Wait for her to get too aggressiv in lane and engage (A good time is right after you dodged her R-Q). ”
Maxwhale Plays says “Her poke is pretty hard to play against but if you have the stacks up you should be able to break her root chain, I would wait for your level 6 spike to go for kills as she can run away fairly quickly”
Sq_09 says “Prevents snowballing and negates your kit. Try outscaling her in lategame with an engage build and take lane utility runes to survive lane. ”
SynLynx says “Her w is the only part of her kit you really need to be careful of, as it makes you very vulnerable once you're rooted. Otherwise, you can try to w her when she goes in to land her q.”
rquoe says “Her poke can seem overwhelming, but she's very susceptible to being CCd. If you have an ADC that can follow up on your roots, she should be a non-issue.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Annoying champion, but easy to bait out tethers and hop into someone safely as Yuumi.
Unless you're on Draven/Lucian, i'll be hard to find the damage to break through her shields. Farm lane more often than not.”
Apho says “Karma's empowered Q has a slightly larger range than your Q, but that happens every 30 or so seconds. Avoid continuous trades with her and poke from a safe 6-feet distance.”
netherlessss says “Karma's poke is hard to match since her Mantra Q's range is so long and she can easily speed herself out with her E. If you can dodge her Q, try to use your W on her ADC since she will most likely shield herself to back up. Don't get close enough for her to get her W on you since she can use her E or Mantra E to close in on you with her allies.”
tacotastic says “Auch Schilde und CC. Bisschen vorsichtiger sein da sie einen guten Engage besitzt und ziemlich stark sein kann. Kann in beide Richtungne gehen.
Poken Poken Poken und nicht treffen lassen von ihrer Q”
Cat Elf says “Karma isn't that scary, she doesn't have anything special in her kit. You will probably want to focus on healing or poking depending on the ADC on your team and theirs. One side will end up poking a lot while the other will just be playing defensively and healing/shielding. ”
ColeRamen says “karma is just fucking terrible her poke is good, she can shield her and her adc witch a big counter to singed's poison, she can speed up and also stun you ”
Loki029 says “Dodge her empowered Q with your Q, with your Silence you can cut off her still owerpowered Combo, Ignite before she Heals and you have free 300 Gold.”
PayyBack says “Karma is a heck of a difficult matchup for Rakan. Try to avoid early minutes poke from her basics and "Mantra + Q" combo. The first point upgrade I advice to go on E so you can dodge her huge Mantra + Q combo or to either shield your ADC from that damage.”
DarkGabumon says “She's much worst then the other poke mages as she can easily shield of poke, along with her burst of movespeed she can provide. Try to able very early levels where her shield is weak, as she scales very well.”
SuperTezcat1 says “You can easy counter karma,she will poke you at early game but if she wants to go in with the w,just predict her with your q and get out of her root range.”
Kefochka says “Карма сильна в плане хараса и сустейна, а также имеет очень хороший контроль. На самом деле, Карма очень похожа на Моргану своими умениями, поэтому не дайте ей обойти вас по золоту.”
Jointed says “Karma is pretty oppressive early, its just as worth it to go [Coin+Aery]. Mid and late game swings more to our favor. It's a skill match up in lane.”
LFS_aXent says “Karma is easy unless she can land her skillshots. If you find yourself in a situation where she lives out of your combo, then get out of her range immediately so she doesn't follow you up. Charm has a decently long cooldown which means she can punish very easily.”
Hanjaro says “Karma and Nami are pretty similar damage and sustain wise, but she has higher movement speed on her shield, and massive damage if she empowers her Q.”
Hanjaro says “Her Q does a lot of damage empowered, and she can shield herself/allies while increasing their MS. Not a bad matchup as you can negate that with your slows, and match her damage. Trade when her shields on CD.”
Aizenvolt says “She has very good poke and damage. Poke from distance and q to cancel some damage, ask for junglers help and roam if you are having trouble.”
Hanjaro says “High damage, long range, cc and utility. Try to avoid her poke, and don't get too close as she can root you or your ADC, although your dazzle can give you enough time to break it. Strong shields negate a lot of damage, and apply MS so your abilities won't hit. ”
ningen ouroboros says “Pokes hard and has various cc. She is vulnerable when shield is down as the utility gained from her shield is a large portion of her skillset.”
Ghionova says “Annoying outranging stun. Shields are useless against your ult execution. You heal very fast enough dmg from her charged Q. No big deal.”
Zer0XM says “I don't know where to put Karma, the thing to fear is her insanely large skill-shot, but it really isn't that bad and you can afford to tank it constantly. The W is good but as long as it's on you and not your ADC you can just hit W and take it. But you counter her pretty harshly otherwise... I'd rate her a ? if there was one”
Hyper Delta says “Dodge his First Skill and Cast Q when she tries to snare your carry, cast W on your carry to escape in the snare range of karma second skill”
supersuavebro says “For some reason, she hurts. But she also can run fast, which makes her one annoying support for you. Just keep her out of range via Q zoning and wait until shes low to all in”
NirvanaBunny says “Karma is just annoying. She's got a good disengage with her snare and slow. Her shied can almost counter your burst. Her poke is a skill-shot that isn't too hard to doge.”
aimez says “Karma is kind of annoying to deal with pre 6, due to the fact that she has ult a lvl 1, and her ult + q combo can do a good amount of burst early on, so just be ready for karma to do a good amount of damage early, but her poke doesnt scale as well as yours does, so you should have an easier time as the game goes on.”
Ahpulzz says “She has much better poke than you, and her shield both protects and quickens her allies. This makes it heinously annoying for Thresh to catch her or her nearby teammates with a hook, and the flipside is the opposite - she can easily catch up to you, slow you down, and lock you in place using her entire kit.
This key to this matchup is punishing her when she attempts to poke. Her Q doesn't go through minions, so she has to go outside of the minion wave to do so. Look for a good hook opportunity when she does this; she can still die if you land one on her.”
Ahpulzz says “This is probably Trundle's hardest bottom lane matchup. Her Q harass is constant, hard to dodge, and does unreal damage for a spammable ability when powered by Mantra. Like Lulu, she has a shield to protect both herself and her partner from any aggression you try to pull. On top of this, her W is an auto-lock ability that slows and eventually roots you in place, completely negating your chances of engaging on her.
Being that she is a mage/support, your ultimate doesn't really benefit much at all, so for the purposes of this lane, its pretty useless. The Enlightened One does not take well to trolls.”
Aethlo says “Her poke is better than yours for the first few levels due to her empowered q - but when you get a few levels your full combo destroys her hp.”
Chromuro says “Karma is tricky thanks to her mantra, you can't understand when she will use it and for what. Her RQ does quite the damage early, so you wanto to avoid it at all times; her W with the rejuvenation buff can be avoided easily and her shield lasts for really little time.”
Vermeio says “Since you're melee, you always need to dodge, to not take unnecessary damage. At least, its easy to burst. That thing... Burst and get out. avoid chasing. she can flee easier. than you can catch. Make the boot, asap against her. Mid and late game, she stops being a problem. ”
xxlisatje16 says “Her poked nuke in mid game destory's you and your adc. you cant out heal her Q+R in mid game. mby late game if you got your 3/4 items”
GlacialWarlock says “Ahh, Karma. Where do I even start?
Right: Her Inner Flame (Q) is a really fast and damaging move that can really soften you and your ADC if you don't pay enough attention and her Inspire (E) was pretty much made for taunting melee champions as it's basically a better Thick Skin (E), but the ADC gets it and it gives Movement Speed.
Definitely watch out for her and bring Ignite for her Inspire (E) specifically.”
Axeloy says “This lane comes down to who hits what. Karma and Nami trade pretty evenly, and Nami can dodge Mantra-Q somewhat easily, but Karma is also hard to crackdown on. Purely a skill-based match-up to determine the winner.”
Haezard01 says “You can burst her but her bonus movement speed from her E will make it difficult lo land your E. Mid-late game will be difficult because of her Mantra E, as it will block out a lot of your damage.”
SetsumiV1 says “Her damage output is insane at level 1, she can out trade you easily and run away after her spell rotation.
Ancient Coin is a useful start.”
Xavier Senori says “Karma's shield makes it hard for your damage to stick. On top of that, her snare makes you very vulnerable to ganks, and getting caught out late game in teamfights. In lane, try to keep the pressure on her, even if your damage isn't sticking to her. Push the lane and farm your jungle whenever possible, and you should easily outscale her into the late game. ”
TeflonAmetkus says “Karma is the death of soraka in a nutshell, she can root her, take away her half hp by one spell, shield herself to secure root and help her adc get the kill. Be extremely careful with this matchup.”
Saethwyr says “Hope they're not good. karma is also a champ who excells being able to stay in the middle of a fight given her ult and the cd reward upon hitting enemies, and your main hope is them freaking out from the damage you do.”
Better Call Phil says “Poke, Anti-Stealth, Shields+Speed boosts.
Hard matchup. Early game, she will poke your adc down very fast, and engaging against her is even worse.
Pick your moment to All-In very carefully.
Aftershock/Ancient coin OR relic (Depends on your adc: aggro=ancient coin, passive=relic)”
adzzb says “Not unbeatable but man that snare is annoying. Get out of the snare and jump on her. Her shields and movement speed are very, very annoying early game.”
NirvanaBunny says “I haven't seen Karma supports in a while, but I'm adding her in here just in case. She has good poke and pokes HARD. Remember, her poke can't go through minions so standing behind them you should be OK. Watch out for her Manrta-Q! If you're hit by that try to move out of the explosion zone.”
RainbowNova says “Karma has a big shield which gives a movement speed boost, making it hard to hit abilities. She also can use her R to boost the damage of her Q to hard-poke or even kill your ADC and you.”
SawyerNelson says “Karma has the ability to abuse lux if lux spends her abilities incorrectly. This is a skill match so you can't be throwing Q and E at the wind.”
DoABarrellRoll says “Her shield doesnt allow you to poke well and her engage with the stun and movement speed of the shield let you unnusable. play quiet,
Su escudo no te permite pokear bien y su ataque con el aturdimiento y la velocidad de movimiento del escudo te deja inutilizable. juega tranquilo”
Hanjaro says “Small annoyances from Karma. Karma can poke on a relatively short cooldown with her q. However against Pyke I would say her greatest strength would be to hold her mantra and mantra W you for sustain if you ever engage on her. Not only does she gain HP from mantra w but engaging through her towards her carry with your E allows her W to land and lock you down near her carry. This can lead to bad situations. I recommend engaging with W into a close range Q and E her back towards your carry to avoid instant followup damage from enemy carry.”
Rozyrade says “Karma will try to poke out your adc but you'll be able to heal this back up. Try to bait her w and jump back into your adc to try and bait for ganks.”
Shderen says “Pretty nasty, but you both kind of have the same playstyle. Skill matchup, fear her early damage from Mantra + Q. If it's the newish tank Karma, I don't know if it's been nerfed, but last time I saw one she handed me my own ass on some fine porcelain. If this is the case, God forbid, she will probably build Spirit Visage first or second. I highly recommend Morello or Void Staff asap.”
NirvanaBunny says “I haven't seen Karma supports in a while, but I'm adding her in here just in case. She has good poke and pokes HARD. Remember, her poke can't go through minions so standing behind them you should be OK. Watch out for her Manrta-Q! If you're hit by that try to move out of the explosion zone.”
SawyerNelson says “Karma can poke you down early if you aren't paying attention, you can block her mantra Q with W if you are mega clean.
Her W can be a problem when you are trying to engage. Try to fight her ADC and not her and the lane becomes easier as her defensive tools to help her ADC are lacking compared to her offensive tools to fight you.”
NirvanaBunny says “I haven't seen Karma supports in a while, but I'm adding her in here just in case. She has good poke and pokes HARD. Keep in mind she doesn't scale as well as you do!”
Meresjev says “Spellshield vs continuous harass and overtime CC. Karma can easily poke freely and her only true CC, W has a 2 second tether, easily outlasting Spellshield or breaking it with the damage. But if Karma ends up behind in lane, she won't have the damage to break Morg's spellshield.”
stay safe, take E second, and get ready to get those 3 stacks in when you're all inning.”
semisomniac says “Karma HARD out-damages you early, but remember that her poke cannot go through minions. If you don't stand next to minions or out in the open, she can't really reach you. Watch out for the all-in potential of her W and if she hits you with Mantra-Q, please move out of the explosion zone.”
TheLuluMain says “Similar to soraka but with more kill potential and less healing. Try to stay on the other side of the minion wave to her to avoid the q poke. E the minions and q her for some free damage when your mana is high.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Her laning phase can be oppressive as early as level one. Dodge her RQ at all costs & disengage if she tries to run towards you. Her ability to speed up teammates makes this a challenge.”
TenshiQwQ says “You can easily outsustain her poke. Her only hard CC is easily avoidable if you just Q in the direction she is walking, she either dodges and breaks the tether or walks into your stun.”
Jeroen R8 says “Karma is very effective at poking you down even when you are behind your minions. You should make sure to punish her when her abilities are on CD. Once you get on her she has no escape options other than to flash.”
I love Lun Lun says “Karma is not that great now really,Her Q is quite dangerous but in the terms of shielding,healing etc...she lacks from other supports.We can't only outheal her but we are way more useful in teamfights.Karma is a powersupport making her to use an all-in combo.If she uses her Mantra Q she is quite done but we got the upper hand after that,our redemption can negate her Mandra Q damage and we still have HP and Ult and heals so we are good.”
TSMSky says “Definitively a skill-based MU. You're trying to dodge her Q while moving in and out of your W range. If she's good, she'll just mitigate your W with her E. Be careful of her all-in with W.”
Synk1904 says “She does a lot of damage and is tankier than you. Be careful, her stun can lead you to death. Laning phase will be hard, but in after that you should be better.”
FearlessGames says “Karma is strong in the early game against TK, particularly before he has his Thick Skin. Avoid engaging until then, and consider taking W>E>Q for the first 3 levels.”
undeadsoldiers says “Your Q outranges Karma's Q, so you'll be able to poke her quite a lot. She won't die quickly though; something about that shield.
Stay away from your minions anyway, so she doesn't hit you with a Q or mantra Q.
If you get too close and she Ws you, there are multiple things you can do. If there's nothing in the way you can throw your E at her, which will probably slow her enough for you to escape its range by running away. If you have your ult, though, you can just blink out of its range and blink back - boom, no more tether.
Don't attempt to dive her. In addition to her W, she can instantly make the tower target you by eliminating your wave with a mantra Q, and she can also shield herself to make your stay under tower longer than anticipated.”
whybother34 says “Bane of your existance in lane. Like all mage supports your ult doesn't do much to her. Strong poke which turns crazy if she mantras her Q. Her shield gives move speed for escpaing and if you dive her she can W you and you have to get away or else get rooted. ”
TheUntouchabl7 says “Same as Janna, she can disengage very good, cause of her slow and stun. She deals very much damage (skillshots), why you should try to dodge her skillshots.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Karma: Simplified Tips
Early Game (Levels 1-6):
Avoid Poke: Karma has strong poke with her [Q] and [R]+[Q]. Stay behind minions and avoid unnecessary damage.
Engage Carefully: Karma can shield and speed up herself or her ADC with [E]. Wait for her to waste abilities before going in.
Roam: If lane is tough, roam to mid or help your jungler. Karma is weaker when alone.
Mid Game (Levels 7-12):
Pick Off Squishies: Focus on catching out squishy targets with your [Q] and [R]. Karma’s shields can’t save them from your execute.
Vision Control: Use sweeper to clear her wards and deny vision for her team.
Late Game (Levels 13+):
Flank and Execute: Look for flanks to catch carries with your [R]. Karma’s shields can’t stop your burst if you catch her off guard.
Focus on Carries: Ignore Karma in teamfights; she’s not a threat. Focus on eliminating her carries.
General Tips:
Bait Her Abilities: Karma’s [E] (shield) and [R]+[Q] (empowered poke) are key to her poke and disengage. Bait them out before committing to a fight.
Vision Control: Keep key areas warded to track Karma’s movements and set up picks.
Avoid Karma’s poke, bait her disengage abilities, and focus on picking off her carries. Use your mobility and vision control to outmaneuver her.”
FunnyBunnyH says “When paired with certain ADC-s she can be a menace early on (Ezreal/Caitlyn/Jhin...etc), but just like other ranged supports, you do well into her after early lvls.”
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