As a Support 48.1% Win Rate98% Pick RatePyke As a Support Counters: 37 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Pyke as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Vulpanium says “Invisibility, can roam good, ult that can reset, hook champion.”
ShriekingMammoth says “Can be tough, especially versus a decent Pyke with lots of experience. Has spells that W cannot block, but can block his hail of blades autos. If you or an ally are below is R execute, a shield will not do anything against this either. If you are able to scale or punish him early for misplays, he will be quite useless. ”
Kalakaua says “Pyke is surprisingly dangerous and misleading, your ult can completely deny him any possible snowballing from laning phase but he still does a surprisingly high amount of damage before lvl 6.
If you are not careful before that he can get out of control.”
Neiri says “Like Sona said, "I'll play any stage once. Some, just the once". I permaban Pyke. He is squishy but too mobile. He kills all your wards and gives your mid a miserable time.”
Zileanaire says “I don't dodge games, because every game is winnable, but if I was going to dodge a game Pyke would be one of the reasons why. Pyke is 1 of 2 champions that are the most extreme match ups for Zilean. Rakan is the other. His kit is just built to make your life hard. Hooks, stuns and stealth. Why Riot? He can and will roam 10x better than you. The only saving grace is that when you ult someone he tried to execute, despite him "killing" your ally, it does not count as a kill and therefor does not reset his ult. Take that. ”
JVS8 says “The Pyke matchup is a skill matchup, but you outscale him, so even if you go even or fall slightly behind in the early game, it won’t matter. Pyke is currently a weaker champion and struggles in teamfights compared to Bard. As the game progresses, you'll have a stronger impact, especially in teamfights, where Pyke can't compete as effectively.”
Poro_King says “easy lane, ihe's squishy, if you place your w correctly you can disrupt his healing. If you use your r correctly you can counter his ultimate AND deal tons of damage to him while doing that. A good shaco can deal with him easily.”
Smaugyon says “another hook. Pyke is actually a fun matchup: if he can kill you in lane you will suffer if he cant you will bully him.
Play safe against him you hard outscall him ”
Cdevel says “Pyke is the one hook champion you can't care less about as long as he's not 10 times better than you. If he's 9 times better - your runes and summoners make him suffer the game.”
Aerenax says “Pyke is squishy but very mobile. Catching him out and blowing him up fast will make you win lane. When you don’t finish him in one shot he will regen and you can try again.”
zSharpFire says “Either permaban him or Yuumi. Pyke has too much damage, can ult through your shields and will heal all your poke with his passive. Unless you somehow manage to bully him out or get jgl prio it's always a lost lane.”
JVS8 says “This matchup is skill-dependent, but you have the advantage as you outscale Pyke. Even if you end up going even or slightly behind in the early game, it won’t be a significant issue. Pyke struggles in teamfights compared to Bard, so your late-game presence will be stronger.
Arctic Arrow says “Pyke is a minor threat if you manage his engages effectively. Use your Q to intercept his hook or dodge it with your W, and follow up with a stun if he gets close.
If he hooks your ADC, use your E to reposition them, though be aware that your ADC might still take significant damage. Try to tank the hook when necessary and use your W to dodge his E (Phantom Undertow). You can also bait out his ultimate (Death from Below) with your E to mitigate its impact and create opportunities to outplay him.”
Ziulo says “The early game is going to be x10 more intense. Dont leash your jungler and fight for the lvl 2 advantage. Use the clone to block his hooks on your adc.”
xpwnz1337 says “ADC IQ TEST MATCHUP.
I usually pick Pyke into Alistar as its overloaded and counters.
Counterplay: Never W+Q him as he can E away and hook. Play for his mistakes. Eat hook into ADC engage.
After 6 beware of his R true damage dont decrease through Alistar R.
TLK__________ says “its pyke, prepare ur skills u will need it, for his Q, u just need to do EQ on him and run, but care if he press Q and then flash. some advice whe he uses his E, if u are faster u can dodge with WQ because ur move speed improve ur speed movement, its not ez to do but u can save flash doing that thing, then u just EQ on him with AA, QQ and he maybe die.”
Abarame says “Make 1 mistake and a good Pyke kills you. Dodging his Q is paramount to lane vs Pyke. His invisible roaming is very scary since you cant see him for most of the journey. Control Wards and Sweeper are great for lane and teamfighting. If he falls slightly behind, make sure he stays that way by peeling ur team and denying ult resets. You can Q his E and stop his Q but u have to be fast. Sometimes it can still go off and hook someone despite the knockback. If he gets a lead, respect his ult and play defensively. If you hate engage matchups, BAN THIS ONE. Guardian page and Wardstone 3rd is MANDATORY.”
TnDD says “Seviye 2'de E açmanı öneririm. Pykelar 2. seviyede dalmayı severler. Bu eşleşme senle değil Pyke'ı oynayan oyuncuyla alakalı. Eğer iyi bir Pyke ise seni yenecek. Değilse kaybedecek. Koridoru kazanmaktan çok roam atmaya, jungle ile hareket etmeye bak.”
lesbianqueen says “Ewwwwwww. Goes invisible and then pops out of nowhere, pulls your cute ass into the enemy team and gives his allies bonus gold for killing you. Need I say more?”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “You can stop his hook with your Q or just dodge with W into stunning him, if he hooks your adc you can E them away however your adc will be highly damaged so try to tank the hook for them, then try to outplay with your W(You can dodge his E with your W dash)( you can also bait him into wasting ult with your E healing)”
FunnyBunnyH says “Generally I consider the matchup Mao favoured, because we scale better, and we have decent outplay potential vs his kit from lvl2 onwards.
The main reason I gave him an "Even" rating is because with Umbral rush his vision control can be pretty oppressive, and because you still need to track his roams well to not allow him an advantage.”
hardkoR says “You out-scale him hard and his team-fighting is terrible
But he is still a huge thread because of his early game power and ability to win the game solo through roams (he snowballs very well). Try to survive early, ping his roams and you will be much stronger later if his not too fed”
Foxirion says “Pyke’s high damage, mobility, and execution with his ultimate make him an extreme threat to Nautilus. His ability to become invisible and heal with his W can also make it difficult for Nautilus to catch him.”
Foxirion says “Pyke's assassination potential and crowd control make him a major threat to Rakan, as he can quickly dive onto Rakan and take him down before he can react.”
RangoFan2011 says “Pyke will always be stronger in lane than you. He will also have vision score on you. This is a rare case where I recommend opposition so that you can face check for your team. You outscale him hard though.”
glimppi says “Pyke charges hook -> You put a box in front of him. Pyke wants to be aggressive, but you will make his effords a waste. Pyke will roam, so you want to use this to dominate bot lane 2v1.”
Velkyann says “Almost not playable, his Q can be held so it is very hard to know where exactly he is looking, he also has alot of self-heal and an very strong invisibility. Against a Pyke you can poke him through the minions but be carefull because he can dash into the minions or just run into them to Q.”
MorePierogiVanya says “Pyke's still gonna be pyke at the end of the day. However, your W counters his E, let alone your own on yourself counters his.
Fun lane, it tests your patience.”
Razing42 says “Kind of a skill matchup, just remember that his Ult doesn't care about shields so make sure to use your W before you reach the health threshold.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Poppy has a lot of tools to defuse Pyke. When he tries to stun or hook you or your carry, dash into him to throw his aim off.
When you see him gunning for your low-health carry, dash him away.”
NormalOstrich says “It's pyke, he has good engage tools to punish even the safest of pokes, camps bushes, makes you hate him. My recommendation is play safe and force him out of lane by roaming. Also, don't go near the side he's on, and use e to help dodge his engages.”
Arturiju says “Executes like Pykes Ult (Death from Below) ignore shields and other types of Damage reduction. Additionaly Pyke may build Serpents Fang to reduce Shields. Despite this, his winrate against Rell is still negative (45%).”
FiletedMinion says “His hook-stun combo is very likely to get you killed with any level of coordination with their adc. If you E is down, you are likely dead.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Screw him. Will hook you out from under tower. Or just one shot you with his R. If you start losing lane against him you're just kinda dead.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Play someone else. (if you have tips against him please share, would be much appreciated) But if you have to play against him do it safe. Call for your jg until he comes for a gank. This guy is so slippery you will never catch him. (unless he's really bad)
PVZfanatic says “Who though giving this man 2 mobility abilities, an execute AND A HOOK was a good idea. Need vision everywhere, and don't sit in lane at low health or you just become free food as he ults you when you hit execute threshold. I ban him if I'm banning for support.”
Nazebroq says “Not a problem if you respect early game. You just have to protect ur ADC and warn ur team about his roaming (he's way faster than you).”
Loggit says “Hard-roaming supports are often able to match Xin in early power, and have better tools for roaming than Xin. It requires a lot more active thinking and reactivity to win these matchups, but you will often still win all-ins. Play smart, don't make mistakes.”
nyashaor says “I guess he's fine. If you can throw a nice Q, a few times and stay behind minions, he will be pressured to come near you. Hope for help from ADC.”
quecck says “Play someone else.
(if you have tips against him please share, would be much appreciated)
But if you have to play against him do it safe. Call for your jg until he comes for a gank. This guy is so slippery you will never catch him.
(unless he's really bad)”
Y2k2k says “Pike is a supprt you can't ignore when u go for the enemy adc , his ability to pull out your adc from your w shield can make it hard to protect, I just perma ban him, his more common than swain support. ”
Whulgorlum says “I really dislike Pyke. He does really good damage, he can go invisible, he can hook you and stun you/others, he can roam better than you can and has an resetting execute on his ultimate. Most players I've ran into with Pyke have 200K+ mastery on him, so for everything above he's my #1 Ban.”
Razing42 says “Pyke is very slippery and will also roam faster than you. Try to punish the enemy adc when he leaves and be aware that he has the tools to do the same to your adc if you leave for too long.”
Aerenax says “Pyke is a matchup that is played the same as Blitzcrank. When he hooks your carry follow up with your W. If he dashes forward with his E, you can block it with your E”
ohsuko says “While you have a better late game, Pyke has more pressure on you in the laning phase. Just try to poke as much as possible and stay away from him.”
Ryecheria says “Look to poke if you can, but prioritize not dying and staying out of lethal range and ranges for critical abilities. If you can cheese them and poke them so that they are unable to engage then the match up is playable.
W the Pyke at the start of his trade. He is forced to E on top of you or leave. If he goes in to your wave, he loses the trade.
Pyke will look to dive/ all in you even at full HP if jungle matchup is favorable.
Keep poking the adc (Pyke heals and has high base armor and MR).”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “Must be extra careful against.
It's often an Even Matchup and Nidalee on Mid/Late Game is often way more oppressive on this Build. But, against Pyke on Early Game it's harder to survive if we make a single mistake, differently from what happens against Blitzcrank, Nautilus or Thresh. Don't rush anything trying to elimitate the squishies at all cost: remain patient and precise in your plays. Game changing opportunities will come easier with patience; but this doesn't mean we can't win the Lane Phase very fast and smooth; but it can be an 8/80.”
🐾Nidalee SUP by Lulu Mushroom Teas | Nidalee Player
HumbleMundo says “Pykes Q wont do anything to you like Blitz Q but he will have an easier to land stun with E and he's a wormly fellow hard to catch”
mazewalk says “He has strong early game but he is quite weak in teamfights since he has no escapes. You can deny his E when he is trying to escape but it is more complcated if he engages on you. If he uses E from far enough and he ends up right behind you - then your flay will deny his stun. Pyke always builds Umbral Glaive so you will never win vision in this MU. Buy Solari so it will take more time until he will be able to execute your teammates.”
TheBougis says “Pyke's damage is not nearly enough to kill you alone but he can Q you into the zone and has very good mobility to dodge your Q's.
Remember that shields don't block pyke's ult from killing if you are under the execute threshold.”
Shadowcrushers says “
Pyke, the Bloodharbor Ripper, and Soraka, the Starchild, are two unique champions in the game League of Legends. While they belong to different roles and possess different abilities, there are several factors that make them an even match in certain scenarios:
Mobility and Catch Potential: Pyke excels at mobility and catching opponents off-guard with his abilities. His Hookshot (Q) allows him to close the gap quickly, while his Phantom Undertow (E) provides him with a dash and stun. This mobility makes it challenging for Soraka to escape Pyke's engage. Additionally, Pyke's ultimate ability, Death from Below (R), allows him to execute low-health enemies, even if they are under the effects of Soraka's ultimate, Wish. This high mobility and catch potential give Pyke a significant advantage against Soraka.
Crowd Control and Silence: While Soraka has access to her Equinox (E), which can silence enemies, Pyke's abilities offer him crowd control options as well. His Bone Skewer (Q) can hook and stun enemies, setting up potential kills, while his Ghostwater Dive (W) grants him invisibility and a speed boost. These crowd control effects and silence abilities on both champions create an interesting dynamic, allowing them to counter each other's abilities and create opportunities for their team.
Sustain and Healing Reduction: Soraka is renowned for her healing abilities, being able to restore large amounts of health to herself and her allies. However, Pyke's abilities can counteract this advantage. His Gift of the Drowned Ones (passive) allows him to regenerate health rapidly when he's out of combat, making it difficult for Soraka to poke him down. Moreover, Pyke's basic attacks and abilities apply Grievous Wounds, reducing the effectiveness of Soraka's healing by 40%. This healing reduction can neutralize Soraka's ability to sustain her team, evening the playing field between the two champions.
Teamfight Presence: Both Pyke and Soraka bring unique benefits to teamfights. Pyke's abilities make him an excellent roamer and engage support, allowing him to pick off priority targets and initiate teamfights. On the other hand, Soraka excels in sustaining her teammates and turning the tide of battle with her Wish (R), which can heal the entire team from anywhere on the map. These distinct playstyles create an interesting back-and-forth in teamfights, where Pyke attempts to burst down targets while Soraka counters with her healing and crowd control.
Strategic Importance: Finally, Pyke and Soraka have different strategic importance in the game. Pyke is an aggressive playmaker who can create advantages for his team through picks and engages. On the other hand, Soraka is a defensive support who excels at keeping her teammates alive. In scenarios where the game requires early aggression and pick potential, Pyke can match Soraka's healing capabilities with his burst damage. Conversely, in games where sustain and late-game teamfighting are crucial, Soraka's healing prowess can outweigh Pyke's assassination potential.
In conclusion, Pyke and Soraka are considered an even match due to their respective strengths and weaknesses. While Pyke brings high mobility, catch potential, and healing reduction, Soraka counters with sustained healing, crowd control, and a global ultimate. The outcome of their matchup largely depends on the context of the game, team compositions, and the skill and decision-making of the players involved.”
ohsuko says “If he is able to hit a hook on you, you're dead if he's able to follow up with his E. He will try to bait your mobility our for his R so be careful.”
qaffqa says “A skill matchup. I really like this lane as we are both dancing in the lane trying to pick each other. It might be a little absnoxius at times but surviving the laning phase should be enough.”
Apos says “Skill matchup. You can punish him really hard but he has ways to deal with Sion too. In this lane you want to establish yourself as untouchable. If you dodge his early hooks, that sets the tone for the rest of the game.”
jmp_01_ says “Just be careful he doesn't cheese you or your ADC. He is an assassin so he will probably never be able to fight you but he can still one-shot your ADC if you are not alert. Take Aftershock.”
Chekk says “With supports like these that develop into dealing damage, laning phase is hard. Beware of his hook and try to poke when his hook is on cooldown.”
Lunar Empress says “Her worst matchup I think. His hook and dash stun make it really hard to stay healthy and one good hook will kill you/teammate. Also if you don't land your tornado well, he can dash behind you and get you stunned. Bannable tbh. Go Aery Here.”
mazewalk says “Pyke is pretty much like Rakan but better, he easily gains vision, since he can buy Umbral Glaive, he's as mobile as Rakan is, but he uses other items and his cc is harder to hit. You can buy Redemption, so it'll take more time before he can execute someone with his ult. Don't use Ghost Poro if playing against Pyke, because as I said, he builds Umbral Glaive.”
Thorge says “Pyke tem seu Q que pode tanto te ajudar, te aproximando do ADC inimigo quanto te tirar de uma posição segura, espere ele errar o Q e vai para cima do ADC e evite tomar o stun do pyke, use Alt+E para se dar escudo e ganhar velocidade o suficiente para sair ou se aproximar mais.”
support_diff says “Pyke is a mega-aggressive support with a great cc, engage, damage and survivability. I suggest you not to play pantheon against him”
RobinValentine1 says “You have no way to prevent anything he wants to do to you or your carry. Pick another champ. Otherwise get guardian max e to minimize lane losses.
Be very careful of hook. You should poke him when hook is down. If possible to get him low enough that he cannot engage in these windows. Otherwise cower and wait for teamfight.”
Lurs says “Skill based matchup tbh. Just cancel his stuff with yours and you should be fine. You can run circles around him, but he can just murder your adc if you let him.”
bxbycos says “Soraka is very good against Pyke since you can just E him everytime he wants to engage with his Q or E. You can also just press R later, so his ult does nothing =)”
Somoko says “I have never lost against a Pyke as Annie. He's much too predictable. Just keep the nearest bush warded for when he dips and hooks. You can usually shield, let him hook in you in and then drop Tibbers on him before he dashes away.”
Aerenax says “Pyke is a matchup that is played the same as blitzcrank. When he hooks your carry follow up with your combo. If he dashes forward with his E, you can knock him away. ”
Wounds2 says “When I've played this matchup, I either hard win or hard lose. It's all about whether or not Pyke can make good plays/hooks, otherwise you outscale and can counter him in later fights. If he uses E on you, you can fling him away and avoid the stun. Using your W also prevents him from using E and R”
Cyclic says “This is my permaban. His entire kit counters senna and among most senna mains he is regarded as the best senna counter in the entire game. He will sustain all of your poke with his passive and once he gets umbral glaive or sweeper you can't walk up to ward against him anymore either. His roams are deadly and hard to punish since he could just be sitting in a bush bot lane or going to kill your mid laner. Unlike other hook champs he is also high mobility so a good flash E from him which is insanely hard to react properly to means instant death in most cases. I recommend banning this champ or dodging”
ZharMeny says “He pretty much can't do much, as he is a Hook Support, the worst thing he can do is to hook you in, and all he can do in lane is Q>E>3x AA. Recommended Stance: Mounted”
WolfDelt4 says “Pyke has a lot of range on his hook, he is invisible, he has a stun and a lot of damage. Try to not get pulled because you will lose all of your health, very good in teamfights. You can outplay his ults thought.”
Toches says “He's my ban. Consider banning him above like diamond 3.
Normally, pyke is a melee support, and taric counters melee supports.
This is a skill matchup, but pyke completely drives it.
If neither of you know what you're doing, it's pretty even.
If you know more, you'll win
If pyke knows more he'll win.
If you both are the best player at that champion on the server and know the matchup like the back of your hand, taric loses every time.
Pyke has an answer for all of your moves, and you'll be useless against patient pykes.
Managoss says “He's very mobile and he can get some missing health back so it'll be hard to poke him down. Ones he land the hook on you, you'll probably dead, combined with his E”
iveye says “Hook champs hard a hard time if you form a wall between them and your carry. If he hooks you collapse on his carry because Pyke cant be easily caught with his mobility, he mostly can't 100 to 0 your carry with his Ult with out some help of his carry.”
gizemdeniz says “We can easily break Pyke's hook charge via charm. Quick charm and combo response are vital when Pyke is dashed on the ADc. It is not a very difficult match, provided that you make careful decisions.”
DynHoyw says “Pyke's Q slows and he can follow up with his E to stun. Though you can try to escape with your E or Q, Pyke shines against Zilean during laning phase. You can counter his execute with your R, though the correct ult may change the fate of a fight. Choose carefully between saving yourself or saving your teammates.”
WhiteLotus says “I Never play against him. I always Ban him. He gives me Mental pain. So I have no idea how to play aginst him. If I woud need to I would freestyle it with full AP Karma and just throw Mantras in his Face so he can't engage.”
veeixin says “His hook is annoying, and he can take advantage of Taliyah's squishy self, but his dash is a downfall.
Just play it safe and ward your bushes.”
Igirl45 says “Pyke can stun you when you go in for an engage and dodge it completely, pyke can also hook you when you go for w, canceling it. Make sure when you engage that you have e up to escape the stun.”
mazewalk says “If he takes Umbral Glaive - you can't win vision against him. He's more mobile, so he can escape if you miss your E. If he ults you, when passive is up, you don't die instanlty but you give him one more cast to finish you off. Play patiently and don't risk if you have low HP, unless someone can take care of you while you recombine.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Janna favored skill matchup: Pyke falls off so hard it's laughable and Glacial provides massive lockdown potential on a pyke, a champion that already struggles to keep up in damage and is made of paper. He is definitely one of the most dangerous hooks pre-6, but he falls off harder than his tank counterparts who already lose to Janna. The big secret to this matchup is just figuring out what Pyke's wincondition is, and then counter-gank him and follow him to remain even in laning phase. Pyke naturally has to take more risks and will therefore be under pressure to do something. Usually you can win this matchup literally by just waiting for him to do something dumb out of desperation to snowball. Ignite is good for keeping vision on him if he tries to escape a fight with W. Swifties are good into Duskblade as the item grants him a point n click slow. Zhonya's is life ruining for him as you can put his R on CD and put yourself in really dumb danger spots if he starts refusing to target you. Double Armor rune in rune stats is also very strong since the lane will purely do physical damage and Glacial Janna doesn't scale off of AP anyways.”
Roltu says “El único problema que puede haber con pyke es su invisibilidad y su R, de ahí no tienes mucho problema contra él, quédate cerca del adc y prioriza dejarlo a poca vida antes de los duelos 2v2”
zotet says “Pyke is in incredibly strong support and can isolate allies extremely well. Beware of his Q as it can sway a fight and if you are being aggressive he can easily pull you under tower and stun you.”
L9NunuChillump says “Pyke dodges your abilities and escapes from your one shots easily he also has a lot of CC and damage to stop your snowballs and ultimates and can very easily kill you even solo”
Uzonna says “lmao
If you have good reaction time, you can just ult whoever he tries to ult. Late game with this build your CD will be lower. If he tries to engage, slow his ass down and he's too squishy to survive if you have a teammate with follow up”
aarkie says “He is in the same boat as Blitzcrank, being; he can CC you for a long time whilst pulling you, but he is less dangerous in laning phase (as long as you can dodge his Q).”
18thcaliber says “Pychael is very annoying to lane against. Strong counter-roam, strong damage, close range cc, execute, annoying hook what's this guy not got?”
Sellorio says “Pain in the ass, doesn't take damage, has dash, move speed, hook that also slows and an execute if you're below 1/3 HP. And that's not even mentioning the times he vanishes from lane and before you know it your mid and top have fed him and are flaming you for not telling them that the invisible guy is gone.”
NotAragami says “Dude is very strong early game and can murder both of you with one combo, even more dangerous if he brings Electrocute. Just don't get hooked and keep a stun on you until he loses one of his abilities. ”
DynHoyw says “Pyke's Q, E and R are simply broken against Lulu. He can pull you off of bushes, stun both your AD Carry and yourself, and execute if your HP gets low enough. Try and stay behind minions. Not that i need to explain that. Annoying-ass character...”
OakuMarai says “Not actually that scary. Guardian with celerity. Ask your ADC to take exhaust/ignite while you take the other. Ward lane brush.
If you see him charging up a hook after level 2, bubble him.
If he successfully hooks one of you, bubble his ADC and exhaust-ignite, you can turn it around and potentially even score a double for your team. Respect his execute post 6. Spam ping when he roams.”
Ablano says “i hate this guy, even tho the idea of an assassin sup is cool, i just think he is better than all of the other hook champs, he can easily reposition himself for a gank and get you, he will always be my perma ban”
SigtheOutcast says “negates any poke damage you do by pressing a button and walking backwards. Can pull your ADC into death. Best way to counter him is to catch him the instant he makes a mistake and beat the crap out of him until he dies.”
Yoshiking123 says “It's tough to lane against a good Pyke. Before Level 6, it's relatively even/skill-based but Pyke will always have a slight advantage and be the initiator. Level 6 onwards it becomes tricky to time your ultimate to deny his. He'll also always be able to outroam you and deny vision with Umbral Glaive. I recommend taking Guardian against him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure there is always a minion between you and Pyke at all times to make it harder for him to land his Bone Skewer(Q). Keep an eye on his positioning at all times. Try and stay at max distance whenever possible to make it even harder for him to land his Q. Pyke is a great roaming champion. Once he gets Mobility Boots, expect him to roam frequently. Ping whenever he leaves lane so your teammates know that he is missing.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure there is always a minion between you and Pyke at all times to make it harder for him to land his Bone Skewer(Q). Keep an eye on his positioning at all times. Try and stay at max distance whenever possible to make it even harder for him to land his Q. Pyke is a great roaming champion. Once he gets Mobility Boots, expect him to roam frequently. Ping whenever he leaves lane so your teammates know that he is missing.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure there is always a minion between you and Pyke at all times to make it harder for him to land his Bone Skewer(Q). Keep an eye on his positioning at all times. Try and stay at max distance whenever possible to make it even harder for him to land his Q. Pyke is a great roaming champion. Once he gets Mobility Boots, expect him to roam frequently. Ping whenever he leaves lane so your teammates know that he is missing.”
Tears of fears says “Always keep the distance which longer than your E range. After Pyke's W sound instantly walk towards your tower, look for counter with E”
aRhesty says “A threat if you int lane as you WILL be farmed, but simply don't play dumb into an assassin support. It's rare for him to build hexdrinker, so honestly you can usually just kill him with his low HP stats and an ult that will follow him into his W.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure there is always a minion between you and Pyke at all times to make it harder for him to land his Bone Skewer(Q). Keep an eye on his positioning at all times. Try and stay at max distance whenever possible to make it even harder for him to land his Q. Pyke is a great roaming champion. Once he gets Mobility Boots, expect him to roam frequently. Ping whenever he leaves lane so your teammates know that he is missing.”
urazevirgen says “Pyke isn't a threat at all. Pyke can't do anything without his "Q" and your "E" prevents his "Q" skill. When he tries to ult you just use your Zhonia, then you are safe.”
Navn says “Very dangerous lane to deal with, since he is so slippery and mobile, on top of his high damage output early. But if you ever manage to catch him after laning phase, he sorta just dies instantly since hes so squishy, and he'll die before he can even use his mobility.”
Jageiko says “Pyke is your best nemesis. The matchup is favored for you, but if he knows his champ, he can still outplay you. His E is too fast: you need to predict it, not react to it. He often E right after his Q so W when you see the Q is about to hit either you or your mates. Always ignite him he is super squishy once you stunned. Whoever kills snowballs. Extremely good lane to learn the pick.
Also, you outdamage him in early, so if he wants to play the ''who kills the ADC first'', you'll win.”
babyyspace says “Pyke is a threat due to being able to hook over walls and also slowing when hooked. Always wait for them to use there hook before attempting to procc shield. Take E first against any champ with a hook they most often than not will get your ADC low before lvl 2, this gives you the sustain needed. ”
RoseOfInnistrad says “IMO this is a skill matchup, you each have answers to the other. That being said, Pyke overall is a slightly stronger character and roams a lot better early on and finds picks a bit easier, but you can force teamfights to go your way. Good Chemtank matchup.”
Deathbat1 says “No threat and is infact one of the best champs you could have played it into. He is immobile without his E which you can just cancel with Poppy W.”
AbsoluteJustice says “Regenerates from poke very easily and forces you to position further back than you want to, potentially denying you poke in lane. ”
MorBidMike says “he roams and hurts so let people know when le leaves and control ward for your mid rather than your rti brush. he picks as well so care for that.”
KeisariKarma says “Personally i love this lane and never lose it, but in theory and for most karma players this creature is living hell. Same thing as blitzcrank, although he can be even more agressive at times. ”
Navn says “The moment he charges up his Q to hook you, drop an immediate silence under him and he can't do anything. Also because his ultimate is a reset on execute, you can just hold your ultimate the moment he tries to ult, and you will completely neutralize him.”
Touka1 says “Can be annoying in lane but if you go heal you can save people from his R execute.! also you scale better than him! ( always keep your Q to be ready so you are able to cancel his Q/E abilities otherwise stay back until it's up before you walk up!”
PrismaticShield says “He moves so much. Landing a E on Pyke is an undoable challenge and when you try to pick the adc instead, he can stun you or throw you away. He also counters your hail mary Ults with his own, and the only way you can outplay that is by using zhonya when he ults. Overall, a very frustrating champ to play against.”
FrostedSpark says “He can pull you out of your combo but if you have your E up then it counters his own and gets you a stun. Dodge the hook and you'll be ok.”
Godlike Rell says “He could be a threat. One safe kill with your jungle could be better option with this matchup. If its not the case just stick with your carry and wait for a mistake to happen.”
lumiumi says “Pyke does scale extremely well, but you definitely have more potential to keep your team alive while going into a Pyke. As long as you dodge the hooks and counter his engages he shouldn't be too much of a problem, he's just a little scary !”
PR0M3T3O says “If he lands a Q on you, you are probably dead.
He rotates at lvl 3 ruining ally lanes like jg or top lane, be careful to ping when hes gone more than 20 seconds
Hard to kill.”
AbyssaLegend says “I'm happy to say that with a bit of coordination Renata can save the ADC's ass from Pyke's ULT with her W then you MUST kill pyke, otherwise, it will all be useless.”
DocturShaco says “Just keep him off your ADC. If he wastes hook on your, he will probably instantly E after, so save your E until he tries to E, and try to get him away from stunning the ADC.”
Schandrix says “Hooks from a greater range making you an easy target for harassment early on the game. Also having alot of movement speed, stealth and other utility makes him dodge Zeneth's Blade with ease.”
GrumpyKyuu says “Syndra is squishy and has basically no mobility. Once Pyke catches you, he won't hesitate to execute you. He can also easily dodge your stuns.”
Tqnshi says “Also a hooker. Be extra careful when he's lvl 6 cause his R executes champions, if you're lucky you might E in time. But it's just Pyke things if he ends up fed.”
spirit legacy says “Pyke can abuse a Brand very hard. In this Lane rushing Zhonya's is the best idea. If he hooks you, be patient with your Q. Most Pykes want to follow up CC you with their E. If you hold your Q he'll have trouble stunlocking you. Try to minimalize the Poke and try to keep the lane pushed. Focus his Adc instead due to Pyke's passive. If you keep the adc in check Pyke will have a hard time killing you. ”
Challenger Project says “Pykes’ all power is in his first 2 levels, and while that is more than enough to deal with enchanter, we have much more survivability and damage. It is easy to abuse him every time when he try to hook you or your ADC.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Saddest thing about this match up is that he will buy Umbral Glaive which makes boxes and vision disappear every 30 seconds... Completely broken item.
Don't die to his level 2, he will have a dash and a hook. Make sure you and your ADC play safe at this moment and potentially save your box to block his hook.
Keep some boxes as safe zones and prepare for Pyke all ins and you can usually win the fight.
Once you survive the early game and you have more CDR and AP you will be able to burst and bully him since he often wants to engage with his dash instead of using it to escape.”
anniesniffer69 says “stupid black fish... you can't hook him so often and if you do you just kill your ADC and after level 6 you kill your ADC and yourself.”
Brizz Valentine1 says “In general pyke has more pressure in lane than you, if he catches you he can burn your flash easily, very difficult lane he can snowball fast, you must avoid at all costs that he hits you with his Q or possibly see your screen go gray very often”
Rissen says “Try to match his roaming tempo and engage when he has used his W-E, which are his escape tools. Also try to buy items that will lock him down and reduce his movements.”
Demonsedge90 says “Pyke is a relatively easy lane to deal with, so you must watch his q and engage appropriately. Feeding him is terrible, so try and coordinate effectively to ensure he gets behind and you thrive.”
Cordiall says “Pyke is a champion who is a problem not because he can do anything to YOU, but because he can get your ADC easily and there isn't much you can do about it. Your E can stop his E from stunning your ADC, though, which can make a huge difference in lane fights.”
nedxo says “he pulls you, you're dead, not really a threat if you are a skillful dodger, he has a low health bar, just like you, that you can abuse from afar
!Avoid getting caught in his dash-Stun!”
Bella Starlily says “Pyke is by far my least favorite lane to play. You can bubble his Q to cancel it but if you're not behind minions he can still pull you cause your bubble's travel time is high.”
hampenguin says “He realistically shouldn't ever kill you but you probably can't kill him. That doesn't mean that the ADC is the same though, so eat a hook for gap closing and then run train on the ADC.”
Eu como Miilena says “Pyke tem um Engage forte mas se ele precisar usar o W pra fazer isso ele não tera escape e se tornara um alvo fácil então force ele a usar o W ficando atrás de minions e tomando cuidado com arbustos, assim que ele vir pra cima use o W nele e desvie de seu stun com o E se necessário depois de estunado use R+Q nele. ”
Mairdrin says “Lots of mobility, and a hook to screw your own lack of mobility over. Protect yourself with minions and ward bushes. Remember that Pyke's W has audio and visual cues even if he used it in a bush, and fall back if you think he's going in for a gank with the Jungler or a simple hook.”
SunnySneezer says “Its just as easy as it gets : you get hooked/cced you die. Surely a bad Pyke is irrelevant to you but a good one will make your lane unplayable. Also remember in mid/late ❌ 𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙄𝙂𝙉𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙎 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙𝙨 ❌ so your W or Solary/aery is pretty much useless. ”
DtNikk says “I myself love this matchup, but it depends on how fast you can see Pyke coming. Take E lvl 2. Keep bushes warded as to see him coming. If he starts casting his hook just silence him. Spellthieves and Swiftness boots are good against him. ”
Hienaa says “Just try to not get hit by Q, if you do get hit, just all in him, dont go in near tower if he has E up, he can just stun you under tower, if u do follow his E with Q, ward hop to the side to not get stunned, can easiely get one tapped if u dont get cc'ed”
sock217 says “Kills you lvl 1 and shuts down the fact that you are tanky. You can bait out his ult with your E, though. Unlike Urgot's ult, its not a recast so if you react quick enough you can waste his ult.”
TheBlueImperial says “Another hook champion that struggles because he cannot engage onto your carry if you stand between them. Hooking you puts his carry at risk of being jumped on, which will often result in their death. However, he is incredibly slippery and impossible to lock down alone so always engage on his carry, not him.”
RIPStollie says “Good pyke players will be hard for any control mage to play against, and he is a much bigger threat in the mid lane, but not very many people play him in that role so this is for support. The threat that he has in lane is the ability to walk in front of the wave and spam his Q on you until one of them connects. It is important to make sure that you are always in a safe spot in lane, just like you would be against any hook champion, and keep vision if possible because pyke works well with ganks. Other than that, just dodge 4head”
beefyylol says “One of the more difficult hooks to dodge because of how long he can hold the ability for. Be careful of his level 1 or 2 E flash engage. As long as he doesn't get a lot of early kills ult resets you will outscale. Difficult to get vision control after he finishes Umbral Glaive”
PumpkinMatters says “A briga com o Pyke parece com a do Blitz, só que é mais difícil. Ele tem muitas ferramentas para escapar e consegue te ignorar para focar no seu adc. Isso sem contar com a ult dele, que te finaliza muito rápido se você não tiver cuidado. Uma das opções, caso o Pyke esteja sendo muito agressivo, é usar seu W em cima dele pra forçá-lo a usar seu E, afastando-o da rota. Não deixe-o acertar o Q em seu adc e, caso ele te puxe, só cair de cavalo na cabeça do adc dele”
pHreekaz says “This can go 2 ways. You destroy him or he destroys you. try to do the first.
Care for his camouflage > Hook > Stun combo. keep moving and look for the sharks around you. a good thing to know is when he wants to hook you his movement speeds lowers you might as well grap him?”
PumpkinMatters says “This matchup is similar to Blitz's, but harder. He has a lot of tools to escape, and he can ignore you to focus your ADC, not to mention his ult, that can execute you quickly if you're not careful. One of your options, in case he's being too aggressive, it to use your W on him, to force his E, pushing him back fro mthe lane. Don't let him land his Q on your ADC, but in case he pulls you, throw your horse on his ADC's head”
KalelPeique says “Ladrão que rouba ladrão tem 100 anos de perdão.
Evita tomar todas as skills do pyke, se ele te puxar, use seu Q no minion mais proximo pra sair do E ou do R dele, evite ficar nas paredes, isso pode te atrapalhar.
Avoid taking all the pyke's skills, if he pulls you, use your Q on the nearest minion to get out of his E or R, avoid being on the walls, this can hinder you.
TheAngryJacket says “There are few things as satisfying as using your ult to stop pyke from getting resets on his, e'ing whoever gets pulled should allow them to avoid getting stunned, very squishy, dont forget bombs give vision in bushes”
Harry132 says “Hook champs are very hard to deal with early with this build
What you can do to play around this is play around the wave and be on the opposite side of him”
The Wands says “as well as Pantheon, but easier to deal with, and fragile, if he tries to start it can return damage to him, and turn on the enemy adcarry.”
Lee McGee says “Get your dancing shoes on because you gotta side step this shit. Not only will he hook you, jump on you, and kill you. But he'll regen 60% of the damage you do to him.”
pastelzia says “Pyke is a pretty hard counter for Yuumi in lane because of his hook ability, Bone Skewer for the most part. This ability can catch Yuumi during You and Me! animation, refreshing the cooldown, as well as when Yuumi is detached from You and Me! also refreshing the cooldown. Pyke also has his ultimate, Death From Below, which executes enemies at a certain health threshold, allowing Pyke to catch Yuumi out when she is attaching to an ally or switching allies with You and Me! Pyke's Phantom Undertow allows pyke to dash, leaving behind a Phantom underneath whereever he has been during the animation of Phantom Undertow, stunning enemies in its path, refreshing You and Me! cooldown. In general, Pyke is a huge threat, having 2 ways to counter Yuumi's kit, and an ultimate that can catch Yuumi out in bad situations.”
Discord231 says “Pyke no te podrá hacer nada en la fase de líneas, consejo, a menos que su adc sea un Jhin puedes dejarte agarrar con su Q para acercarte a su adc con tu W, aprende a evitar su E, y no tengas miedo de pegarle básicos para ganar oro de Filo de Roba Hechizos, si te hace daño con su Q a melee, ya tienes una ventaja para iniciar. Aun así depende de que adc lleve cada uno, el ignite no será tu única opción. ”
itsElJefe says “Get control of the bushes. Pyke players love bush control. They can pull you stun you and auto you and usually, you will be in execute range if they are level 6 or higher. ward the bushes in lane with supp item, get a control ward and a sweeper. Use you range and poke him to death, he's very squishy and falls behind easily. When he goes invisible just BACK UP. If he wins lane it's GG go next. ”
revu says “[ROAMING SUPPORT]
Same as Blitzcrank. If you react fast enough, you can cancel his Q channel and if your adc can follow up it should result into a kill on him. Stay away from his E range and be ready to flash his E > Flash combo. Roams a lot, should be easy to follow him. Or roam yourself and pray your adc sits under tower and waits.”
Luminescape says “Play safe, build relic and be ready to silence him if he jumps onto your adc. You can cuck him from his ult with a well timed R. Rushing tier 2 boots isnt a bad idea”
GuanaTv says “Pyke contra Thresh nao tem muito segredo: Quem acertar mais, vence!
(Pyke vs. Thresh doesn't have many secrets: whoever gets the most skills right wins!)”
beeinthefranxx says “pls this mf can rot literally the worst to play against. if you feel comfortable playing against blitz then pyke is a MUST BAN. he will fuq u up in lane unless he sucks BIG time”
Gobomo says “Rush Dead Man's Plate and sometimes you may even want to build Steelcaps instead of Mobis/Merc Treads/Sorcs simply because lethality is much, much worse versus targets with high armor. If you're laning Pyke, you're pretty much forced to build tanky. ”
Stannis_The_Mannis says “E him when he start winding up his Q as even at full length he's still within your E range, and he's slowed while Q-ing. Even if you get pulled, just give him a full damage Q for half his health bar, though don't intentionally get hooked as the other adc not likely to let you leave with full health ether. Be careful if he reach lvl 6 before you as he can 1v1 you without your R.”
Petra Venj says “Pyke isnt that bad compared to other Hooks. Poke him level 1 and counters his R with yours. You can silence his hook too. Just play safe till Moonstone and you can outscale.”
Terroronyou says “Hard Engage is very difficult for Senna. Your best bet is to harrass FROM LEVEL 1. Before they get their full engage online (lv2/3).
Whenever Pyke's Hook is on cooldown (~10s cooldown). Go in and harass as much as you can!”
Mooncurve says “if you get skewered, you most likely will lose the fight (it depends on ad match up too). Proc aftershock before he stuns you. You can insta kill him too with your combo. Even match up I'd say.”
yaemitskiuwu says “Good Pykes will cheese you level one an advance ward is necessary. He's on Extreme because he is an assassin too. Has high one shot potential and can build items that ignores your shield”
wheelshoe says “do NOT let him skewer you. if you see him channeling, hop on your adc asap! keep your adc healed up once pyke has reached level 6; if he ults your adc and kills them, you're next.”
BlakeXStrider says “Similar to Blitzcrank, if you try to zone a Pyke you will be hooked under turret. If you manage to dodge the hook though, you can safely go for an extended trade or even an all in.”
Mr buckets says “ It's a skill matchup you outscale so even if you only go even or even a bit behind during early game it won’t matter, as Pyke is a terrible champion currently and can't teamfight compared to Bard.”
eiensiei says “Stick to poking his laner rather than poking him, since he heals a lot of it back up. Try to keep the wave locked outside your tower. If you crashed the wave into their tower, do not try to autoattack the tower for Spellthief stacks, he can easily hook you in. You can get hit by his Q, but dodge his E at all costs.”
Goldenstinger says “Pain in the ass - dont bother ulting him unless the person piloting him is really bad. Too slippery at the moment. Aim for other prio targets and ping roams”
Dotje says “The hardest matchup for this fish is probably the fisherman. He’s hard to catch up on and hard to poke down because of his passive healing. Luckily, a lot of people are not that good on Pyke and he's not very popular right now. Try and harass him whenever his hook is down and don’t be afraid to try and kill him, because of his passive he won’t gain bonus HP and will be fairly squishy. Bring control wards to reveal his invisibility when needed.”
Doglightning says “run ele or guardian. At first I thought pyke was a hard counter but now I think its even so I placed him in major. bully him hard pre lvl 3 but at 3 be careful. hide behind minions and counter engage when he goes in as he dies very fast. you can block max range hooks with your w.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Dodge his hook and side-step his E (it's a lot easier than you think). During every trade, focus the enemy carry, because Pyke has infinite sustain with W and can easily back off with his E.”
Mystral says “Pyke is dangerous if you don't know how to play against him. He will try to stun you instead of your ADC in laning phase 90% of the time, so you have to be ready to polymorph his ADC before the stun hits you. Your ult can counter him, because he executes low health champs while you give them health. Try to build more health as possible and poke him in lane everytime he gets close.”
Doglightning says “take barrier. Pyke is actually really squsihy. Because of his passive it hard to poke him out but if plays over aggro and you land a bubble you can 100-0 him. play behind minions and Q auto poke.”
Aerenax says “Pyke is an easy matchup as you can match his mobility. Same as for Blitzcrank, if your ADC gets pulled in follow him and look for a counter engage.”
eiensiei says “You can polymorph him when he charges up his hook. You usually win trades just because Guardian is really strong against him. Relic match-up, but can also go for Spellthief if you're feeling confident. If he's already hit Q/E on you or your ADC, just polymorph the enemy ADC instead of him.”
LimTheDestructor says “Focus Pyke's adc. Protect your adc from being pulled by Pyke. Ping your midlaner when Pyke is missing. Don't feed Pyke in early game and he becomes pretty useless.”
warmfishu says “He can reset your W with Bone Skewer (Q) or Phantom Undertow (E) in addition to going invisible, so be careful. If you and a teammate are low health, he will almost certainly execute you both given the chance.”
iKonek says “While Pyke does have a lot of pick and playmaking potential, his teamfighting ability is less than stellar. Other than risking his life for a chainstun and ulting, he doesn't do much in these battles besides making picks. Also, due to his inability to get health, he is a very squishy target, albeit one who can quickly regain his health. Protect low health teammates who are in execute range, and try to pull people out of his ult to deny him his reset.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Pyke can be challenging to lane against with his chargeable hook, camouflage speed, dashing stun, and execution ultimate. If you can, keep dealing damage to him to prevent grey health healing. And ping your ? if he goes MIA.”
SAGA MODE says “It's a skill matchup!
Playing against Pyke is very hard if you get hooked or hitten by the E you will die unless u have flash up.
Pyke and Thresh are the biggest counters of Bard. (very hard to out roam Pyke)
lin00 says “Thresh can inturrpte him as he charged his Q up with Flay or Hook. Flay is more instant. He is extremely squishy and easy kill once locked down due to his inability to purchase more HP.”
Korippo says “Really annoying to lane against due to the fact he can go invisible and surprise hook you, as well as follow up with his dash-stun and execute ult. He's not too bad pre-6 as his damage on his own is rather negligible, but his R is what makes him so scary since it doesn't matter if he's the one getting all the kills with it, his allies will get credit too. I would ban this guy if you feel like he's going to be an issue, especially if your team is entirely squishy champs as if he has someone fed to peel, he will likely just get a pentakill and win.”
MsBean says “Most fun thing to do is to E pyke when he's charging his hook, when he goes into a bush or a hidden area try to predict where he's about to go and E him. But make sure to not get hooked and stunned as it's almost guaranteed you'll die unless you ult yourself or get saved. Pyke is quite simple to counter once you've been against him 100 times. Play safe, E him. Happy days.”
CorgiBorgi says “I HATE HIS MAN. You can't stop any of his damage, but you can stop his CC. try and keep him away from your adc, and keep up with his roaming.”
Eforie says “Dont treat him its ez to play vs. Just try to play safe. And if u hook him use ur e when fast to counter his e and he dosent have any dash to use to escape. Try to hook enemy adc and protect ur adc in the same time”
Flackojodye says “A good pyke will never lose to you. Play safe, and ping when he goes missing so your team doesn't int him.
If he doesnt get fed/roams effectively, he's useless. ”
ThisGuyPaco says “Pyke, Blitzcrank and Thresh can be scary if they focus you. If they hook your ADC you can use your full combo on them and mostly win the fight, if they hook you and burst you a fight mostly is lost if your adc plays it bad”
Arcurath says “This matchup can be very hard if its a good Pyke player, he can abuse you early on. If you get hit by hook in early levels youre just instantly dead. Play safe until level 6 then you just counter him as long as you ult his ult.
He can roam a lot better than you and impact other lanes so punish adc or try match roams.”
Hanjaro says “Much like most enchanters, Janna is squishy, so an all-in hook lane can be scary. Fortunately they rely on hitting their hooks, and they're always melee! Watch your positioning, one misstep can certainly end up in death.”
0Banda says “ Pyke as a hook champion is really easy to counter, mainly because of all the amount of dashes you have, save your W and E cooldowns on dodging Pyke's Q and E and be aware of Pyke invisibility with his W when you get level 6 dont risk too much playing at low health because he can execute you with his R
Against Pyke build as usual, you can build steelcaps if you dont feel comfortable against him, in the rune section you should take double armor,shield size 16shield size 16 and play as usual
Pyke roams a lot so remember counter-roaming him when he gets out of lane”
SlippStream says “You can outdamage him at range and poke from outside his Q range. His power, however, comes from his ability to lock you down if you hooks you. For this reason, try to play around his Q cooldown to cut off his pick potential.”
Hanjaro says “Like other immobile, squishy mages, Xerath is no exception to being scared of hook champions. Dodge their abilities, and try to abuse your long range. Only go for engages when their abilities are on CD.
Pyke can heal up a lot of your poke and go stealth, along with engaging with his stun.”
Luiscencias says “Ah yes. another squishy killing pull support. Well, you can't ban both him and nautilus, so just R E S P E C T H I M. If you fall behind against this guy he will make your lane phase MISERABLE, so even if it's boring just q poke without autoattacks and keep yourself and your adc out of trouble until level 6. Lategame with Zhonyas and because you are sona you will win most teamfights so just hold on tight until after laning phase.”
Hanjaro says “Yuumi is extremely weak when it comes to all-in engage, she hasn't got much peel and if she detaches, she will be bursted down - it's very hard for her to keep her ADC alive when she gets engaged on.
Bone skewer can pull her out mid dash, incurring a cooldown on her W and resulting in her death. Pyke's ultimate can one shot yuumi from mostly full health!”
lenithebot says “If you can r his stun then engage or get a really nice engage you win this matchup. If you get hooked then go for and engage by cleansing his stun if you are not level 6 and he is also not you should win the all in just target the adc if he's not fed early he becomes pretty useless.”
AlysseaFaceUp says “Ok, right here we have a problem.
He hasn't got more range than you, but you'll have to max your W for Damaging him on Time, he has a really good engage and disengage, so you're not going to be able to burst him.
He's going to dodge almost each one of your skills so, try to engage him when he's without his W.”
Fear The Jester says “boxblock all his hooks, or eat them and displace with Q so he wastes his stun on where you were, try make him flash stun you with a box behind you to ruin it. bait his ult with yours.”
SorakaMainsDiscord says “Pyke is an extreme treat due to his heavy engage and displacement abilities and his ultimate that can execute you. Luckily for you, you can poke Pyke with your E to stop his hook channel making it go on cooldown and disabling his engage for a brief moment. Useful for running away too. Be warned however as this is almost always a gamble and you will usually cancel it ~70% of the time. High risk, High reward.”
Amphawn says “Pyke isn't as bad as thresh, blitz, or naut, but he still does have a hook and really good engage. Try to dodge his stun if you get hooked or stun him in return.”
Deathbat1 says “Just black shield you or your allies before his hook lands easy as that. Also you hard counter him with zhonya's and your root is painful.”
Jowoey says “This champion isn't very good. Respect his level 2 but then be very aggressive and utilize bushes or minions when he wastes his Q or E. Redemption is not a bad item against him to help negate his execute damage in fights. Your ult is also good for that.”
Thats Piccioni says “I'm sorry, but learn to dodge hooks. Sidestep, not backwards! Your W (Shield) gives a little movespeed, so use this if you are badly positioned and need a little help dodging. Ofc, if you're having more problems, rush boots. This applies to all hook champs.”
Melyn says “Max Q, try to block his hook with EW, and be very careful about his dash-flash stun combo. He will roam a lot and has good gank assist, so this is a very hard matchup. Try to poke him out and punish his ADC when he's gone, paying attention to when he'll be back. Don't commit too hard on him as he is mobile and has sustain.”
Hanjaro says “Like other immobile, squishy mages, Velkoz is no exception to being scared of hook champions. Dodge their abilities, and try to abuse your long range. Only go for engages when their abilities are on CD. Pyke can heal up a lot of your poke damage, and his ult can kill you from higher health than you think. Be careful of his stealth engages.”
Hanjaro says “Like all squishy enchanters, hook champions are very scary. You have a good disengage with your silence and slow, but you're still very susceptible to burst. Dodge their hooks, poke when on CD! Pyke heals any damage you do, and he can still engage with his stun. Best to play passive and wait for a gank.”
Biotic says “Pyke used to be the worst Matchups for Zilean but he was just in a horrible spot in Season 10. Now that he has good Items again its reaaaly unplayable. He outscales you and wins Lane and is very hard to gank due to his spellkit. He is better in Roaming and skirmishes. I personally ban Thresh and Dodge if they play Pyke. CAN depend on elo aswell in lower elos it might be playable since Pyke has a huge Skillcap. ”
GN_Duck LoL says “Galio is a massive counter to Pyke with his ability to nullify Pykes Q. Additionally, Galio can implement an hourglass into his build which is ideal. ”
Hanjaro says “As per usual, squishy enchanters vs hook champions is just a scary lane match to be in. Poke when their hook is on CD, be careful of a flash engage, don't get too close. Pyke will heal most damage you do, so best to play passive as if you get caught by a stun, even without a hook, you're dead.”
Lugos says “He might be dangerous if you are using your E recklessly.
Save your E for the times he wants to hook you. You can rip his Q animation with silence. The threat comes from his kit and roaming capacity. It would be wise if you could keep harassing them, and pushing the lane to make sure he cannot leave the lane for roaming. If you both stuck on bot lane and can harass him, cancel his Q with your E and you not getting ganked then you did everything to win the lane and the game.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “His q doesn't hurt as much as other hook champs but his health regen, invisibility and ult execute are very annoying to deal with. Try to avoid his hook, stay healthy and respect his invis.”
Topazor says “All a matter of your ablility to dodge his engage. He can easily dash away from you, so try and wait for Pyke to engage on you so he loses that cooldown.”
LIGHTBULB NA says “Extremely hard to deal with in lane. If he ever engages you just have to run and hopefully dodge the hook. If you manage to time your R with his R, you can make him pretty useless in teamfights because his R cooldown will not reset”
PanditaLoL says “allways ban pyke if you can, is really dangerous at the lane phase but in late no problems but if the pyke get feed, we know what he can do...”
Rayzer74jr says “This guy again with the pulls, also his large amount of ms when he wants and he dodges, this guy is the perfect counter to Aatrox support, if he picks first, just go Leona its too easy to win against him as a more tank focused support.”
Anti Meta player says “Taliyah very week in early game, so she terrified champions who strong in early. Pyke have combo Q E is very hard counter for Taliyah”
Skyzinho1775 says “I really hate this champion, just because of his E, u are gonna have a bad time trying to hit ur W on Pyke.
Take exaust and try going summon aery.”
Guoblide says “Pyke is a winnable matchup for Braum in the laning phase as long as you peel for your ADC and play around Phantom Undertow. Pyke is an AD Assassin support who specializes in roaming around the map and setting up plays for his team in the early game before he eventually falls off in mid to late game teamfights. Pyke's powerspikes are at Level 2 when Phantom Undertow gives him great engage and grants him access to pull off a lot of different combos and Level 3 when Ghostwater Dive gives him great sustain, mobility, and stealth. His Level 6 powerspike is massive due to Death from Below being a re-castable execute that can go through Unbreakable and create a massive gold advantage for his team if he finished off his targets. Similar to other hook matchups, Braum and his ADC should play super safe until Level 6 and stand behind the minion wave to block Bone Skewer from landing. Braum himself should position in between his ADC and Pyke so he can tank for your ADC if Pyke somehow gets a Bone Skewer through the wave or engages with Phantom Undertow. Once Braum hits Level 2 the lane gets way easier due to him getting access to Unbreakable. Unbreakable has a lot of weird interactions with Pyke. An uncharged Bone Skewer will go directly through Unbreakable and deal full damage but a charged Bone Skewer will be intercepted and blocked by Unbreakable. Pyke will complete his Phantom Undertow dash through the Unbreakable shield but the projectile he leaves behind will be intercepted. This is great at defending your ADC to deny the Phantom Undertow stun if Pyke dashes behind them. Level 3 is scary for Braum due to Pyke being able to Ghostwater Dive behind your ADC and engage onto them from there which makes it hard to defend your ADC. The best thing to do is to have your ADC back into a wall and stick super close to them whenever you hear the Ghostwater Dive sound go off. Since Ghostwater Dive's duration is 5 seconds and Unbreakable's duration is only 3 seconds try to wait 2-3 seconds and then Unbreakable to predict the Pyke Bone Skewer or Phantom Undertow engage. After Level 3 when Braum has all of his non-ultimate abilities unlocked try to shove the wave into Pyke's tower to deny his roaming as Pyke is one of, if not the best, roamers in the game. If you see Pyke dissapear from lane to roam mid then spam ping him and stay behind as Pyke can reach mid in almost half the time as you can. Hope your mid retreats to safety and try to shove the wave and get plates with your ADC or zone the enemy ADC off of CS with the 2v1 advantage. If Pyke roams to a Dragon or river skirmish then follow him with your ADC or pick off the enemy ADC if they are out of position Pyke leaves them behind on accident. After Level 6 Pyke becomes a major threat due to his Death from Below which is an AOE execute that can reset and give him and his teamates extra gold when it kills someone. Try to play safe and back if you are even remotely low as Pyke's mobility and full combo can easily allow him to sneak up on you and one shot you from as much as 60% HP. Try to save Glacial Fissure for picking off the ADC or for peeling when you are engaged on as Pyke can easily dodge it with his Ghostwater Dive and Phantom Undertow. Once Braum gets out of lane though he outscales Pyke by a lot and can be way more helpful later on in the game.”
Spection says “Level of threat is highly dependent on how well the Pyke utilizes aggression. Treat the player with caution until you can determine how well they play their champion, and then respect them if necessary. Watch for an invis W into Q E combo.”
DanNS12 says “Stand behind minions to avoid Pyke's hook he has kill pressure level 1-2 so try to play passive early levels and it's safer to start relic shield because you won't be able to poke safely. Once Pyke hits level 3 he gains invisablility and can catch you off guard if you aren't positioned correctly. At level 6 if you are low recall because Pyke's R is a execute and it gives his allies gold for helping with the kill. Don't face check bushes and ping your teammates when Pyke is missing.”
heartgoldd says “His R goes through your shield and you can't interupt his R animation with Q or R. This should be your ban if a teammate has already banned thresh. If people were better at Pyke he would be a primary ban, he is also low pick rate, hence why I don't ban him.”
LilPaniniUwU says “take barrier. Pyke is actually really squsihy. Because of his passive it hard to poke him out but if plays over aggro and you land a bubble you can 100-0 him. play behind minions and Q auto poke.
Doody_tco says “If Pyke manages to get your carry with his harpoon then he will CC them, and if his ultimate is available, he will uses it on your carry, and Yuumi will be his next target”
Billehz says “can be very annoying, at 6 you can easily dodge his ult if you still have your ult up, but watch out for his hooks before then. if you are good at juking his hooks and with the help of your W you should be okay.”
Jaori says “Pyke is super useless. His high armour growth doesn't help him; your champion is full AP. You can try to all in him and after having him killed simply dive the ADC.”
Go Getter says “So atrociously annoying to fight against, he will capitalize on the fact you can't block anything he does and he gets away 90% of the time if he has his dash ready.
His cloak is also makes him really annoying and can catch your ADC off guard, if he catches you early game it's probably gonna result in a death.
knif says “Ask any Nami main and they'll tell you how much Pyke scares them. I usually ban him because for a vulnerable, squishy enchanter, a fast, aggressive hook champ with tons of CC is the last thing I wanna go up against in lane.”
Hanjaro says “Like all squishy, immobile mages, hook champions are your worst nightmare. Try to dodge their abilities and poke when they're on cooldown.
Pyke can negate a lot of your damage due to his health regen, and even if he misses his hook he can still kill you with a stun ult combo if his ADC has the damage to bring you down low enough.”
Vispectra says “Does a lot of damn damage and remains a threat for a long ass time in the game. He can kill you in lane but you can sort of cheese the Q by hiding among your minions to abuse Kassadin Passive. You probably won't kill him in lane that's for sure and later one you have to R proactively since his execute will follow you through R.”
Bardificer says “Shields don't do much for his execute, so use E sooner than you would normally. Otherwise, you're a big man and pyke doesn't like that.”
vrsds1 says “His Q can grab you (hook).
His E can stun you.
And his R execute you.
Need to say anything more.
When procing Yuumis passive you need extra carefulness.”
SupportTooEz says “Pyke is a bit of a wild card, on one hand you can heal his ult and make it useless, but on the other hand, he can screw you up with one engage. Play this match up to scale, unless you have an early game champ like draven, then play for poke. I put 1 point in q level 3 and another level 4 because the extra poke is worth a bit more than healing. Go the early game rune page.”
wheelshoe says “not worth worrying about. if he goes to skewer you, just e him. if he skewers you, just e him. if he's chasing you while invisible, just q where you think he is (if you're good at guessing, 8 times out of 10 you'll be right) and e behind yourself. make sure the timing will root him when he steps on it. the only thing to worry about is his r. you're squishy and have no real way of escaping it, so if you're low on health, be aware of where he is and stay out of his ultimate range. (this message was brought to you by the president of the pyke hate fanclub)”
Alenich says “Хук за спину, стан, казнь с ульты и невидимость - причины почему это бан в 100% случаев. Пайк все еще силен и в правильных руках будет надоедой, каких мало.”
HerYandere says “This lane is a lot easier than you think. Just remember: your shield does NOT save you from his ult, but you can use it to jump away from it.”
Xennia says “As an squishy champ, any champion with a hook can be problematic.
Obvious advice is to dodge the hooks and try to use E as smartly as you can...
DesuSukopion says “No reason for him to not build Serpent's Fang. Try to bully as hard as possible-Especially in lane. If you're quick, you can counter his Ultimate's Bullshit Execution with a quick Safeguard, but if he builds Serpent's Fang, kiss yourself goodbye. Feel free to Ban him if you REALLY can't deal with having one on the enemy team.”
ayoshe says “Pyke's aggressive kit counters Senna and laning can be pretty difficult. He has lots of mobility, a hook, and heals pretty quickly with his passive even if you win a trade seconds prior. A Guardian Angel might be helpful later on, but try to abuse your range by poking and punishing when he misses his combo. Buy Executioner's Calling early on to counter his passive.”
DasNerdwork says “His kit is way weaker than yours, his Q is very easy to dodge for you or to interrupt with your body with battle dancing to your ADC. You can interrupt his W by knocking him up and systain against his poke damage pretty well.”
terrybogar1 says “Pyke is very hard to deal with if he is hitting his hooks, like with thresh and blitz. Unlike those two, Pyke can output massive damage on you and ult you, killing you at 20% health. He also has no health, so if you can catch the slippery bastard he is done for.”
duusuhh says “Easily gets in face or can jump out of damage. A quick RE can save a teammate from execute but lane can be terrible. Try abusing shield MS to dodge shield. Wait for his CDs for your damage.”
Esoterica says “Pyke poses almost no threat to LeBlanc as his abilities are all telegraphed and easily responded to. Poke him or his ADC proactively and return to safety with W. He also cannot stop you from trying to snare with chain, as you have ample time to blink back.
Post-6, be aware of how much damage you are taking and save Distortion or blink for his ultimate. Flash in a cardinal direction so that the arms of the 'X' do not catch you.”
DamselOfDistress says “A good Pyke will give you trouble! Beware of his R in teamfights. Always buy zhonyas against him. Pyke punishes overconfidence. Your Q cancels his entire E engage.”
The problem with Pyke it's obvious, but not the worst of all. He remains squishy through all game and Silver Pyke players tend to be very predictable. Play behind minions and respect the range of his Q. Bully him as hard as you can and ping his roams, even try to follow if you have the proper vision and coverage, otherwise take advantage of the alone ADC. If you manage to not let him kill at all during laning phase you've done more than half of the job, since you outscale him.
If he gets an early lead, rush Seeker's Armguard and don't get caught: if he snowballs he will make the ADC snowball too thanks to the gold multiplication.”
SlayerOwO says “Block his hook with E and watch him die inside be careful you counter eachother so he can win if ur dogwater also his q has a lower cd than ur e”
MyOnlyBrand says “Don't be afraid of Pyke. He's got an engage, but his range is perfect for you to hit your spells in. Keep vision of him when he falls back so he doesn't heal all up.”
Dotje says “Pyke has a lot of mobility and kill pressure. As most engaging supports I take guardian vs this matchup. Make sure to decide if your adc needs movementspeed or if you need to polymorhp the enemy adc. Your shield+Q could be enough to slow the enemy for an escape.”
Pyroxes says “One of your biggest counters given how his ult goes through shields. Don't be afraid to quickly punish him when he goes in as he can't take many hits”
KeleiX13 says “Keep a control ward in lane towards your side for him and keep the brushes warded. Stay behind him and go a little more aggressive before level 6 as he does not have as much to kill you but that doesn't mean he can't kill you. He is naturally squishy so try and call down your jungler for ganks and ward the river well so your mid can worry less about Pyke ganking. Mid-Late game, vision control is important as he builds Umbral Glaive and that would kill a lot of your wards. Stopwatch/Hourglass is recommended.”
Discord231 says “Pyke no te podrá hacer nada en la fase de líneas, consejo, a menos que su adc sea un Jhin puedes dejarte agarrar con su Q para acercarte a su adc con tu W, aprende a evitar su E, y no tengas miedo de pegarle básicos para ganar oro de Filo de Roba Hechizos, si te hace daño con su Q a melee, ya tienes una ventaja para iniciar. Aun asi depende de que adc lleve cada uno, el ignite no será tu única opción.”
LilRidge says “Pyke's (Q) Bone Skewer is a significant threat in this lane. You will actively want to take them for your ADC, but get out before he can CC you with his (E) Phantom Undertow. If he hooks you too close to his ADC, jump on them as Pyke wont be able to stop your engage.”
Zotury says “This guy is a threat for every support out there, he can be an exreme threat if the Pike is good, if he is not, the psycological preassure he creates could be quite overwhelming”
GamingFrog says “Pretty easy for Thresh. Catching him out will most likely result in Pyke's death. Make sure to cut down his dash by timing your flay correctly after recasting Q on him.”
The Last Rakan says “Pyke só late, não morde contra Rakan, assim que ele canalizar seu "Q" em direção ao seu aliado, fique na frente dele e use seu "E" para voltar.”
Tauricus2017 says “Pyke can be a very dangerous thread for a newer Soraka players. The key to victory here is to deny his hooks with Equinox (or dodge or block) so he can not get close enough to you. When he uses his R, make sure you cast yours to deny the execution. You can also use Zhonya or Heal summoner spell in this case. Do not try to poke him since he heals everything back.”
SpartanDumpster says “Same with Thresh, his pulling ability has a wind up, so keep an eye out for that, stay behind minions, and avoid it. Players often hide in the brush when they're about to use that ability, so a safe bet is to keep your distance from the brush if he could have entered it from beyond your vision.
Pyke's Ult is an execute, so he can easily pop out of nowhere and kill you and any of your teammates who are weak enough, which makes timing your ult extremely difficult.”
Rainuu says “Pyke is a free win as you can simply dodge around everything. WIth five speed stacks, matching his speed when chasing and avoiding his hook, stun, and ulti become effortless. He can only watch as you decimate his ADC.”
Ruiner of Fun says “He is better Blitzcrank. He can safely pull you in and disengage. Feeding him also means you are feeding his ADC/Jungler. He can just dash through you after a fling which will stun you. Very slippery.”
Kefochka says “Тарик показывает максимальную эффективность руны "Оживление", когда у его адк немного здоровья, это позволяет обеспечивать наилучший сустейн и отличный дуэльный потенциал. Пайк же может обернуть это против Тарика и с лёгкостью забрать вражеского адк.”
Starchase says “You can detach whenever you want to poke pyke, even if is the best Pyke in the world, his animations are so slow that you can just W to safety if he tries to cc you.
Tell your ADC to position behind the minion wave to block the hook.
Care about his R execution, you can however outplay it using your E or Heal to heal your ADC just enough so Pyke can't execute him.
Ping your teammates whenever Pyke is missing on the lane.
You hard outscale him.”
Midas_Wail says “Just ban Pyke. His mobility, stealth, and hook all hard counter your safe laning style, and you can't run away from him in lane or in the river. For example, you can get away from a Blitzcrank after being hooked because you are really fast with your e. But when a Pyke dashes on you, you waste your e, then you get hooked and it's game over, Pyke can do this anywhere, and if you are caught out mid roam, you aren't helping the team. ”
Takitsu says “skill matchup, whoever hits enemy carry usually wins. However, it is REALLY easy to flay Pyke Q. Whenever Pyke walks up to throw his dagger, instead of running away like some headless chicken, walk close enough to flay him as soon as he starts charging his Q. Pyke has to E out, or E in. If Pyke goes in with no Q, you can focus the carry. Carry out of range? Kill the Pyke. Thresh can also hook Pyke out of Q.
Flaying Pyke E is difficult but possible, can save your carry in most instances.”
AriyaIsTheBest says “This is not a support. This is an assassin. Pyke slams on squishies, and you're a squishy. A must-ban champion. Be wary of bushes, and stay close to minions. Poke when possible. Try not to engage him when he has ult. You can use Oracle Lens to locate him when he uses W nearby you.
AvengingAvacyn says “If their Pyke is good, he can hook you often and stealth around, making him hard to predict. If you get too low on health, his ultimate will execute you flat-out and give a lot of gold to multiple enemy players if anyone assisted him.”
unhben says “Traps are his worst nightmare trying to stealth around the lane. Make sure to trap up the bushes and alcove so he hits them and is forced to retreat. Even if he doesnt leave you know right where he is >:)”
Guregui says “Você precisa pensar rápido para ultar em seu adc antes que o pyke ulte Ou seja você tera que ter um bom reflexo,Ele também pode ser um problema antes do nivel 3 pois se ele puxar seu adc você não ira conseguir fazer Muito para ajudá-lo.”
losolkos says “Dodge his Q and E then when he use one of them you shude try to atack use E and slow him when he will try to run thath will do him to use W but he is slow so you can show him coming closer then he is easi kill if he use E or just dont use it on time .But you need to be cearfule if he hit you wich q you need to you W and E and pray his adc dont atack you. Also after lv6 you need to be super careful he can kill you adn give him and adc much money but also you can stun him and he will be fast kill.”
Discord231 says “Pyke no te podrá hacer nada en la fase de líneas, consejo, a menos que su adc sea un Jhin puedes dejarte agarrar con su Q para acercarte a su adc con tu W, aprende a evitar su E, y no tengas miedo de pegarle básicos para ganar oro de Filo de Roba Hechizos, si te hace daño con su Q a melee, ya tienes una ventaja para iniciar. Aun asi depende de que adc lleve cada uno, el ignite no será tu única opción. ”
unhben says “If you just ward hop out of his Q or E you're fine. He will roam or just play in bushes. Get some early control wards and play around with his mental of not hitting a hook.”
Kadiyarch says “You should always ban Pyke, you can't harass and get kills against it because he will kill you if you go in range. Just stay behind minions, poke as much as you can and wait level 6 to one-shot.”
unhben says “Your poke can really deter him from hooking + the slow if he still throws it should make it easier to dodge. Have bushes warded and keep a control ward on you just incase. ”
Coo1breeze says “He can easily dodge your hooks and outrun your W->E. If he picks first in champ select, then you might want to reconsider blitz, or make sure your ADC picked well and is confident.”
ultrafen says “Pyke is mobile, has a hook, and can take your front line out of the fight with ease. Builds edge of night. Ban! If you face against one, focus him hard, as he carries teamfights.”
Bear Gummies says “Seriously not a good matchup. He has a hook, does a lot of damage, and is an excellent roamer. Take Guardian into this matchup and stay alive during the early game because he's also only scary if he's fed”
billyw493 says “Pyke is an extreme treat due to his heavy engage and displacement abilities and his ultimate that can execute you. Luckily for you, you can poke Pyke with your E to stop his hook channel making it go on cooldown and disabling his engage for a brief moment. Useful for running away too. Be warned however as this is almost always a gamble and you will usually cancel it ~70% of the time. High risk, High reward.”
Jannito02 says “Pyke has good damage from level 2, getting his Q and his E. A really good Pyke can get you in trouble by hooking you or your teammate and he may use his E aswell, plus using his basic attacks if he has Hail of Blades and dealing lot of damage. But if Pyke misses his Q, only if you're not low hp for him to use his ultimate on you or your ADC and get both of you killed, he'll be useless most of the times.”
EionThePepega says “Pyke is scary to fight, but not ban worthy. You can deny his CC, but we still have the damage problem, especially if it's a Hail of Blades Pyke, so going the Resolve Rune Set and Relic Shield will allow you to withstand through lane and not feed the bot laners. Also PLAY PASSIVE: Not doing anything does not equal bad.”
Gryndall says “HOOK + AD dmg. hmm interesting. This is good to take that tank runes if u want more armor. But it's not necesarry. He'll roam a lot cuz he'll cry that he can't kill us. Just ping "SS" and hope ur teamates listening.”
MagicPOwDer says “Try not to get hit by pyke's Hook and Stun. If he gets fed, focus him instead of his adc just cus his ULT will wreck u if ur not careful.”
xDopii says “This is a skill matchup where Pyke has some advantages. He can get out of your CC very easily, but if you get hit by his combo there isn't much you can do. Try to Flay him when he gets close to land a hook.”
xDopii says “He will usually get out most of the time because of his high mobility. If he walks up with his W to try and hook, react fast and hook him.”
mscocca says “Getting hooked by his Q will probably result in your death if your reflexes ain't quick enough to escape with R (Human) W (Cougar) or Flash.”
Magdaleno9 says “This depends a lot. Sometimes i take standard runes when i'm feeling confident and when not, i take guardian.
So i know that dodging his hook can be hard but also consider that he's super squishy so if you all in him when he misposition, then you win. Also play behind minions so your hook won't catch you. ”
EionThePepega says “Another Case like Nautilus. Respect his existence and try your best to keep the lane untouched. Build an Stopwatch and even Zhonya's and go to midgame to win the game.”
The Lotus Queen says “Getting caught by Pyke's CC and high damage will ensure the death of you, as you have no tools to escape. Make sure to use minions as cover, and rush boots to dodge his hook”
vnillz says “Another extreme match up for Nami is Pyke, his movement speed will be better than yours, and it will be hard to out poke him since he can passively heal. The best way to play vs a Pyke is to dodge and play back while trying to exchange smart trades with Pyke. Usually vs a Pyke, I would recommend getting mobility boots asap.”
Guilherme Brochier says “Pyke faz letalidade por padrão e possuí um sistema de recompensas nas kills ou seja, ele pode ganhar vantagem muito facil em cima de ti.”
Tradicale says “The Pyke matchup is fairly okay, but only if you play it properly. When Pyke starts charging up his hook, hook him in response. In the 2v2 fights, if he uses all of his abilities up front (to ensure he has no way out), then focus him down. Otherwise, both you and your ADC focus the enemy ADC.”
Jexeff says “Avoid the hook and take the perfect timing rune. This matchup becomes quite easy when you know what the Pyke is looking to accomplish. As long as he does not get crazy ahead of you at 6, you will be quite alright. Remember to always take the Perfect Timing which will give you a free stopwatch. This can be used to negate is ultimate.”
Nethelin says “I ban Pyke pretty much every game. He's not particularly worse than other hook/engage champs, but I find the rest of his kit to be extremely hard to punish.”
Mugnas says “If he has Hail of blades, he has arguably the support strongest level 1 , and he gets even more oppressive with his other abilities. Pyke usually roams alot too. You can try to abuse the time he's gone to get a kill on the nemy adc.”
Wounds2 says “Neither of you really excel at beating the other. You are the two most slippery supports and the matchup boils down to who does more for the team in skirmishes.”
TheSkySaphir says “In my opinion Pyke is the worst matchup. He can sustain a lot and stay in lane and his dueling power is insane. Be mindful of his R at all times !”
fishbully says “Pyke can out-range and can out-catch Janna if mispositioned. Because of this, Pyke is a very grave enemy to Janna. I do not like this matchup at all.”
itizhelia says “Skill-based much.
Avoid his hooks to put pressure on him.
Peel your ADC since it's a common case for people to get picked over by Pyke and respect his all in.
He's much of a better champion than you in the lane phase.
But mid-late phase you go equally even.
Royal Shaco says “he flex 2 much with his lvl 7 hit some hooks some stuns flash ult made me o/3 they my adc afk i become 20/4 and win the game with jng never give up u can do it ”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Pyke can be annoying to deal with, but if he hooks you in just follow up with your own hook. If he goes for your ADC, just go on his ADC to zone them of. Don't greed for towerplates of waves again Pyke when you are low because his R has an execute and will take you down.”
Dotje says “Because Pyke has a lot of regeneration, it's often not worth to poke him down. If you're being the dominant laner over him, he can be easy to kill with imperial mandate and ignite. This is because he doesn't get bonus hp. It's best to try not to get hooked, and defend your carry instead, but be careful of his stun.”
LeAnxieuxPrince says “I would never pick Ashe support into Pyke, thats a lane you most likely wont win because of his kill potential, mobility and passive regen.”
Navn says “This is normally a winning 2v2 match-up, if you can react to him charging his Q with your W (only if he's in range) then you should win. If he can Q you but you can't reach him, then hes still usually pretty far and its easier to dodge it. Take ignite vs him, since if he's visible, he won't regen. Then you can E-W him immediately if he tries to hook you and you can usually kill him immediately if your lane partner also jumps him during the CC/reveal.”
Xeptron says “Pyke is an interesting matchup. In terms of kits, Thresh counters him. In terms of damage, Pyke wins this by far. Whoever gets the lead early, wins the matchup. It is important to play smart and start an engage when Pyke's Q is on cooldown. Whenever that's the case, that's your window to find a pick and engage. Very important to have ignite up as well to lower his healing.”
CanadaJay says “His hook and stun are awful to fight against, and he can do so much damage with his entire kit. His grey health healing is also annoying, like when you think you're about to kill him, but he just goes invis and regens back... What he does lack though is base health, so use that to your advantage.”
Frank6264 says “Pyke puede llegar a ser peligroso si se desposicionan lo suficiente como para meter su combo de Q-E o E-Q. A nivel 6 traten de no quedarse bajos de vida ni ustedes ni el ADC ya que con la definitiva puede ejecutarlos. Fuera de eso, Pyke es un campeón que tiene una habilidad muy predecible como es la Q y una vez gastado, salvo con su E no tiene forma de hacer mucho daño. Si usa la E de manera ofensiva, traten de castigarlo metiéndole CC para que no pueda escapar. Además, tengan en cuenta que es un personaje cuerpo a cuerpo por lo que hostíguenlo en fase de líneas para sacarlo de línea. ”
Sunedayz says “Use your movement speed to avoid his slower hook. Save Q in this matchup for anytime he'll E, R him away if he's looking to execute someone. Very easy matchup, it's usually your ADC that will make it more difficult on you.”
DracoMeteor_ says “Pyke isnt as much of a threat when you are Yuumi because you can most of the time heal your ADC enough to get your ADC out of Pyke Ult level. The Hook and the Stun in Pyke's kit is the main threat in this.”
CaptianMike says “I have had no issues with Pyke at all. You can easily poke him down with auto attacks and bombs throughout the laning phase. Slow him down, he will panic dash, then double bomb him for an easy stun. He will never be able to land a hook on you or your adc if you use your speed ups properly. Pyke's ultimate does not get a reset if he "kills" a target you ulted with Chronoshift. ”
Nightshade1925 says “Pyke is really squishy. Stay behind minions so you won't get hooked. It's kinda hard to hit your Q but if you manage to hit it, punish him with Q+E+R”
jessuva says “Honestly, Pyke isn't a huge threat -- UNLESS he gets fed. That is scary. But early game, just silence him when you see him channeling his hook, and he can't really do much. ”
Quadliss says “You can counter his grab or stun but be careful when he has his ultimate because he deals true damage and if he hit you you're dead. It's a melee champ in laning phase you can poke him. ”
Mhixy says “His strong laning phase makes it hard for you to engage, his ulti is strong before you can get some health going, as long as he hits his skillshots you should be dead, his ulti ignores your barrier shield and even if you stomp in-lane the fact you cant really chase him and he can still execute you is very annoying. Notes: You can take heal and flash for the ulti "outplays" and you can also e him as he is channeling his q to cancel it, you can ground him to prevent his dash, and you can e him backwards if he e's you to SOMETIMES cancel it.”
G3TR3KTB01 says “What can i say..... against Captain Hook the only thing that counters him is ur ult against his ult, and he doesn't heal.....his teammates :(. He heals himself thanks to his fricking passive....... Another good ban option”
Titans Revenge says “Pyke can definitely run a game with his ult. Until then, he is a fairly squishy hook champ. If he misses hook, but you land yours, this should be an easy laning phase.”
RedNBlue says “He will creep up on you hook you stun you stun you again and then pop you in the mouth give you a rotten lip and then put a cold lollipop in your mouth. Not very easy to get wraith stalkers off of.”
CastratedSeal says “Pyke has a lot of kill pressure in lane. If you get hooked, you're more than likely going to have to blow your Flash. He's also extremely slippery which makes landing bubbles/ultimates extremely difficult. Consider starting Relic Shield.”
YourCut says “Very skill oriented matchup. Generally take Electro+Inspiration, Electro+Precision if your ADC has enough poke to make him go Second Wind and first item Zhonya's. Play around minion waves, E him whenever you see him charging Q. Always SS, impossible to beat if he snowballs.”
DeadlyPhantom says “Pyke from my experience is the hardest Counter. Of course he has a hook, but he has a Dash that can also Stun. He got some Healing, and his R is an other Dash along with extra Gold. But when you start getting items the only thing he can do is try to set his Team up to try and kill you. So you got to do it better.”
Borusky says “Cara, esse boneco é podre de ruim, mas ele complica a situação pela mobilidade e os puxões insuportáveis dele. Se você encontra-lo desabilitado de mobilidade, acabe com a raça desse vagabundo.”
NTSKL says “The pyke's early game is too strong for any fight, soo the better you can do in this situations is stay safe and wait for level 6, when you can attack with range.”
llamacorn18 says “Pyke is annoying as he can follow you through the river and easily outmatch your roam with his superior crowd control and mobility. He is stronger than you in lane too, so you can't make many plays until 6. Watch out for him early on, be wary of his damage and you should be ok. You can ult and see him through his w, which is very helpful come late game.”
GMGZ2 says “(My Ban Pick) Can go camouflaged and get away or go in to hook attack. Try dodging with your Q so that cancels out his invisibility and hook. Put boxes in bushes and his surprise hooks are much harder for him to pull off. Watch out for his R which is an executing move that you do want to be caught under especially when low on health. On top of that, when he kills an enemy with his R he and the rest of his team get a ton of bonus gold! (VERY BALANCED RIOT XDDDD) Speaking about low health, did you know Pyke also has passive healing from any DMG he has taken? All in all, stronger than Shaco and some how even more annoying than Shaco.”
Jannathan says “Although the rest of his kit is not hard, his ult can actually penetrate your shields with his 200IQ facts and logic. Make sure to plug your adc's ears around this guy”
EmpressBee says “Pyke is telegraphed and extremely slow when charging his Q. This allows Nami to easily bubble Pyke, prevent aftershock, and poke. Time W to prevent Pyke resets in teamfights.”
kimjisoo8 says “A good Pyke who will land his hook will be a nightmare for you. When he goes invisible, just retreat and stay behind minions. Poke him down to the point he ragequits.”
just_juniper says “Pyke falls off extremely quickly. Play safe, build Zhonyas to deny his R and hope he doesn't roam. Like with other hookers, cower behind plants. Be careful of Pyke's E-Flash / E-Prowler's.”
Guoblide says “Pyke is another matchup that comes down to who has better positioning. Engaging onto Pyke is nearly impossible in lane due to his amazing disengage with Ghostwater Dive and Phantom Undertow. Pyke can also sustain way better than you because of his gray health from Gift of the Drowned Ones. However, Pyke is so squishy that getting a single Facebreaker stun is an almost guaranteed kill on him. In lane Pyke looks to put as much pressure on you and your ADC by threatening to engage by Bone Skewering or Phantom Undertowing your ADC. Pyke outputs a lot of damage so Sett should be positioned next to his ADC most of the time in order to peel for them if Pyke engages. Pyke's Phantom Undertow has 1 second delay time so if you Facebreaker Pyke into you when he Phantom Undertows behind your ADC then the Phantom Undertow will stun you and not your ADC. Always look for opportunities to Flash + Facebreaker onto Pyke or his ADC. Pyke has insane snowball potential due to the massive gold lead that he gets from getting kills with Death from Below. Pyke is also a heavy lethality builder so getting a Ninja Tabi is always good if he gets too fed.Keep in mind that Death from Below damage goes through shields so try to use Haymaker for it's shield before you get too low. Pyke has extremely good roams and can always out-roam you so spam ping missing when Pyke disappears from lane. During teamfights try to stick next to your ADC so you can peel for them if Pyke tries to assassinate them.”
Veropena says “Take trades early on, cancel his hook with your e. Use your E to knock him back from your adc when he is trying to stun. Remember, you CAN'T cancel his R with your E.”
InsaneWind says “Again allow him to make a mistake. He will try to hook and will try to follow it up with his stun, you can stun him with he Es and them also jump ontop of him with your W to counter his engage”
engo44 says “Champions with hooks/engages are a pure nightmare for Soraka and her Allies. Try to stay behind minions and keep the distance ,when his hook is up.”
FDiBA says “If the Pyke is good, this is by far Seraphines worst matchup. He can easily outrun Seraphines low movement speed and lock her down.
What can you do against this?:
1. Remember his CD's are pretty high. If he misses his Hook you can breathe for a good 8 seconds until he tries again. This time space can be used to Poke him or the ADC down.
2. Try staying on your Echo at all times that he has his Hook up.
This way you can give yourself a bigger shield and alot of movement speed, with your W, when he walks up and tries to hit a hook.
3. With communicating to your ADC try getting a good freeze in your lane. Pyke thrives in lanes that are pushed to his tower. That also means try not to hit/kill too many minions with your Abilities when poking.
4. PINGING! Make sure to ping that Pyke is missing when he is missing. A good Pyke can hard carry with his roam potential. Additionally try getting good wards in river when possible.”
Jum3h says “You cannot outrun his movement speed and he's hard to poke down due to his passive healing.
It's hard to save your adc against him.
Most of the Pyke players below plat aren't that good, so just poke him and dodge his hooks with confidence.
t's often good to get early boots.”
Check De Bush says “Pyke relies on completing his abilities fluidly, you can stop his combos with either your W or your E. Also with the right timing you you escape Pyke's stun, and knock him up with your E if you dash towards him.”
battlerainbow says “Much like most enchanters, Janna is squishy, so an all-in hook lane can be scary. Fortunately they rely on hitting their hooks, and they're always melee! Watch your positioning, one misstep can certainly end up in death.”
katt5 says “Try to dodge his Q, if he lands it he'll follow up with a stun and insane damage. This guy is extra dangerous because if he starts snowballing he can carry the game on his own. ”
Adrichuwu says “An Assassin supp? Who even concieved this?
As op as it sounds, he's not a very hard matchup, and will likely get disengaged with just the pressing of one button.”
Thunder1224 says “You can counter with Guardian and try to predict his q, you have advantage becasue you can see him channeling but he can stun and then grab you ”
NirvanaBunny says “I'm ranking Pyke here because he's just a scary champion. While there are some good and bad Pykes, he can do STUPID damage if you don't keep him in check.”
aliteralpieceofwood says “When he hits level two play it safe and make sure to position against his hook (Q). You can outscale this guy after a few items. But watch out if he buys duskblade. Get Oracle lens. ”
Bella Starlily says “Mainly due to his high damage he is a bigger threat however if you manage to peel him off and interrupt him you shouldn't be in much trouble.”
game is not unwinnable just very dependent on the adc.
Make sure you do not give him unnecessary R stacks and call out MIA's. ”
Lulu Main says “Do I have to tell you about this? Pyke is really good pick against botlanes who have few lives. He has mobility, damage, stun and he can kill you because his ult is to share the kills with his adc.
You have a better chance to win the fight if you start it after he used his E. Keep your flash for his ult!”
Jovy says “Pyke isn't a major threat to you because you can't be assassinated after a couple of items and levels. You still need to watch out for your ADC though and keep them safe. You can intercept his Q with your E which will be majorly helpful for your friend.”
Jovy says “In general a pretty difficult match-up, but it will depend on how good the Pyke is. I'd compare it to a Thresh or Blitz lane, they can kill Janna (easily even, damage wise) but they have to hit you with their Qs first. As long as you can dodge, he'll have a hard time engaging on you since you outrun him and have a lot of disengage for yourself and your ADC.”
Kilo Khaos says “While Pyke does have a lot of pick and playmaking potential, his teamfighting ability is less than stellar. Other than risking his life for a chainstun and ulting, he doesn't do much in these battles besides making picks. Also, due to his inability to get health, he is a very squishy target, albeit one who can quickly regain his health. Protect low health teammates who are in execute range, and try to pull people out of his ult to deny him his reset.”
moon827 says “Due to the fact that he is an assassin, pyke's pull range is smaller than most supports on his hook, but he can deal much more damage than they can, and he has a stun, which the other hook users dont. This makes him extremely lethal, and is going to be one of your biggest threats. His ult is also one of the best in the game, giving him so much kill potential due to it being an execute if you are low enough, which ends up being up to almost 1000 health.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Pyke definitely is a tough match-up because of his mobility and all-in potential, which make his laning phase pretty strong.
When it comes to teamfighting though, Pyke tends to lose versus a well-versed Thresh. If there are low-health targets within execute range of Pyke's ultimate make sure to throw your lantern to them to get them to safety.
The up-side of this match-up is that Pyke is a very squishy target, which makes him easy to burst down if you land a hook on him.
Bouhhsolene says “Also an annoying one: Big damage, substains, invisibility, CC, tankiness with aftershock. Try to take trades when he fails hook/E but avoid trades post6.”
Tauricus2017 says “Not much you can do against him. He recovers most of the health you deal to him. Try to use Distortion to dodge his abilities and ward the bush he is hiding in after you damage him.”
poopydoop69 says “Honestly, any of the hook supports are a real pain in the ass. Nautilus, Blitzcrank, and Thresh are other ones. These champions are especially hard to play against if you are lower elo. The main thing to be aware of is that you shouldn't try to get all up in their face and need to keep a bit of a distance. Look out for when he channels his Q, this is the perfect time to use your E. ”
SolarSupport says “Lethality? Pshaw! Pyke hook? You mean free Zenith Blade? This is the absolute worst champion against Leona and the only way he can hurt you is with his ultimate”
Taric Support says “Pyke has many ways to make use of his kit, but usually he looks for a pull with his Q, and then he follows that up with a stun. If you get pulled towards him, the stun will be impossible to dodge, so you need to stay behind minions when playing against pyke, like when playing against Blitzcrank. When pyke engages on your ADC, you should mainly focus on hitting pyke with your stun, and if possible ALSO the enemy ADC. Against pyke you should play safe behind minions, but also look for engages when his spells are on cooldown.”
sashadidntwalk says “If he catches you, you are pretty much dead since he'll instantly use his E afterwards and you'll be left poked out or dead, use your E if this happens. If you see him Q'ing into your ADC and you can see he'll hit it make sure to just W your partner and save their lives. His ult wont be a threat for you at the end of the game so just swallow people and tank it for them until it's over.”
Vahlok says “He has a similar playstyle, but he should be aggressive instead of protecting his allies. Use that to stay calm and punishing his mistakes. You can stop his Q cast with your own Q and E. You can move his E path with your skills, so he can fail the stun.”
KeleiX13 says “Poke Pyke when his stun is down and don't get hooked. If you get stunned most likely you will die. Stay a good distance from your ADC so you won't both get stunned but still stay close enough for your ADC to fight back if you do get stunned/hooked.”
NERF THIS MAN says “Very rarely can pyke ever really harm you. His kit also relies on being able to move, and nautilus is one of the best champions to prevent that. He is a pain in the early laning phase, but you very quickly shut him down as the game progresses, to the point where his threat is below minor.”
ShroudedBRH says “Pyke has alot of tools to displace and stun you he is also very difficult to lock down. Avoid his Q + R combo that give away free trades. Dodge or Flash his R if you can to deny extra gold to his team ”
Wicked Cherry says “That's my number one ban. :D Even if you dodge most or all of his abilities, the enemy ADC will deal enough damage while you're busy dealing with Pyke. And even if you get the enemy ADC, you most likely will get raped by him. >_> ”
Wicked Cherry says “Honestly, I think he's the most extreme counter of Nami. I'd advice just banning him to get rid of the possibility of losing to him - his late is way too good for you as Nami.”
Wicked Cherry says “Well he got nerfed but he's still quite annoying. If he stealths and tries to drag you, make sure you have your E ready. Also, make sure you and your allies aren't low when he's near because he can finish you both off with his ult. ”
QueerJunk says “Laugh at pyke when his ult misses because you heal them out of execute range. You can poke him in lane to make it difficult for him to all-in, and if you land your bubble hes probably dead. Nami has a 55%winrate against him, have fun! Make sure to dodge those pesky skillshots!”
Thomas Stella says “Anything involving a hook is extremely dangerous for Orianna, especially this drowned one. With him you have to force yourself to double your vision, stay behind minions, or play passive. Unless you feel confident that you can poke him enough to give your adc a chance to kill him (or yourself)”
TheMistCollector says “This champion is very op. Ward the lane bushes so he can't deny your poke, or land an easy hook. 1 hook = 1 death, so be carefull. you can't win him in an early 1v1.
Pyke is a difficult champion, so if you realize that your enemy is somewhat new to the champion, you can make his laning fase a nightmare ;)”
haha noob says “If you get hooked you have to either burn summoners or die. With Q + E he can get at least 1.75 seconds of CC. Sona doesn't have any CC besides R, so if you get hooked pre 6 you probably are dead.”
Jinzoningen says “A good Pyke should give you a hard time. He's slippery, fast and has a better pull than you. He can take advantage of your weak and low mac health in the early game.”
xlouis31 says “In combat you will rape Pyke, but make sure he doesn't hook you under his tower. Stay close to your ADC and hit him with W + Q once he's close to all-in you. ”
ShanksMeister says “Play on your minions so you don't get hooked. Your level 6 is better if you're the one to initiate a fight first. Don't wait until you get hooked to use your ult. You need to be the first one to fight!”
LegendLuklus says “You can use your E to dodge his hook and his E, even if he tries to move with you. Even if you can't, wait until he uses his E and his hook on you, and then use your E to escape. The escape is better if you go through a wall.”
Epico_Gamer says “One way to deal with late game champs, is to not deal with them. Ignore their bitch ass and go somewhere else. This fuckin fat fish wil roam around and destory other lanes. And you will be pinged for letting him roam”
Lesbiannie says “If pyke hooks you he's automatically going to try to (E) to stun you, try not to get stunned with your adc you don't need to give enemy botlane a double kill.”
Twistinfortune says “Hard to poke considering he can heal and flee with Mobility.
Use your E to slow him in position or to flee when he hooks.
Use your ultimate to stop him from procking his R multiple times.”
Crippledtoot says “I personally never have an issue with Pyke as Malphite but I can see how he can pose a threat. A good Pyke will completely ignore you and just go for your AD, so pay attention. Also don't bother focusing him with your q's. To be most efficient only use your q on him after he uses w.”
Illumination says “If Satan is the Anti-Christ, then Pyke would have to be the Anti-Lux. This is your hardest matchup as support. Everything you hate as Lux, he has. Mobility, Sustain through your poke, engage. CC, and a ult that allows him to take 1-for-1 trades all day long. His Level 2 power spike is unrivaled by any other support in the game. A good Pyke will E > Flash into you followed by a Q to hook you into a kill. Ban or dodge on sight! If you ever fight one, stay alert and on your toes!”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Don't poke pyke, catch pyke out when he goes to catch you out. Early sweepers are good versus him if you are in the minion wave and have flash, otherwise have a control ward in your nearby bush or mid bush and target his adc.”
SkeleMan says “Annoying for just the sheer amount of peel he has + his execute. He can pull you from almost the same range you can. He has a dash + stun in one ability, he has an invis, and he has an execute that just kills you past a certain hp, and ignores all your armor and MR.”
Dreadscythe95 says “Always the same story. You think you have him but then he ults and erases you if you don't have your hourglass yet. And if that fails then he just runs away, it's extremely hard to punish a pyke even if he does mistakes. Cancer champion in general, he counters everything, not just Swain, he needs balance or changes.”
sorakabro says “I always ban pyke since his whole kit is overall really good vs soraka.
He can also buy the Executioner's Calling that counter soraka alot.”
Dreadscythe95 says “You can't stun him easily and he fights poke with his heal when he dives. His all-ins are deadly, especially considering that he can run out of your ulti after killing you easily.”
thesophieset says “A good Pyke is a major threat, but in theory, this is a winnable lane for you. As soon as you see him channel his Q, cancel it with your E – you might want to skill Q > E > W first here to deny his level 2 engage. Make sure not to get stunned by his E dash and keep the lane brushes warded. Pyke is only a threat when he can single out and execute low HP targets, which your ult is an innate counter for. The matchup takes some practice, but once you have a few games vs Pyke under your belt, you win. Zhonya's is a really good buy here.”
NalgaSensei says “We've all played against Pykes. We all know he's broken. One hook on you and it's game over, he and the ADC will tear you to shreds. ”
Zetsway says “Cloak + hook can spell death. you are extreme vulnerable to Pyke's heavy cc. Just keep an eye on him and you will be fine. Also sweeper and control wards are your best friends with pyke.”
Jesterbutt says “While being a great partner to Yuumi, Pyke is also one of the heaviest counters to her. It is very hard to save your ally when they are hooked, and his Death from Below can leave you vulnerable if he is able to ult before you're able to cast Zoomies. Due to Yuumi's low damage output, Pyke is able to often outheal her damage with his passive so it is a better choice to use your Prowling Projectile on the ADC. It is essential for you to escape his hook + stun combo or you will die.”
snukumz says “If he hooks and stuns you you will need to flash, or you will die.
You can out range him and poke him down but you will have to be very careful when playing against him.
I almost always ban Pyke every game. ”
Thats a OOF says “Pyke is a carry support. Exceptionally good Pyke players will execute 3 people in 2 seconds. His R E combo is annoying when next to an "Executable" ally. You see him mid more right now but sup is annoying too.”
THEBURGERKING says “Pyke is great to play into as he is firstly an AD damage threat and can be itemised into very easily as well as being completely outclassed by your movement, you are faster than him for his E and can dodge his hook easily too.”
Akja says “You can play agressive against him until level 6, then he'll be able to solo you as soon as he stuns you, and both his Q and his E cancel your E so you have to be really careful.”
Metalbashev says “You can manipulate where his E hits with your W knockback and also escape his Q,E and R with your W on nearby enemies and minions. BUT! You can't stop his R from hitting your teammates...”
frekko says “You must build tank against him. It's not really a problem if your ADC beats him when stunned, but his grab and his stun can be really annoying.
Amumu is a good option against Pyke, but only if you have a good ADC, because you will need some good gold to build a good tank.
Build first the Sunfire Cape and then the Tornmail (build for second just the Catalyst of Aeons, not the Abyssal Mask)
McConnell2111 says “Try to protect you adc from hooks, stay behind minions, when he goes missing (His W) pressure his adc to make him back off from the play he was about to make. ”
SynLynx says “Horrible lane, very annoying, makes you really tilted, DEFINITELY AVOID. If you do somehow get yourself into a draft against this guy, avoid roaming, avoid fighting, play passive, definitely worth a ban.”
Amityoce says “Fun lane!! stand behind minions polymorph the enemy adc when he jumps on you use your R to displace him... (Easy way to avoid this ban him in champ select) YOU OUTSCALE HIM HARD”
Spealderus says “Pyke can give you a lot of trouble, he is good at dealing with teemo since teemo is fragile, also his default items are good for mushroom clearing. His passive healing makes him step on shrooms and heal back without trouble.”
rquoe says “Not only is his hook dangerous, but you won't be able to punish him if he misses because he's extremely mobile. He builds Umbral Glaive first item, so warding against him is also hard. Try to have your Q ready to heal yourself and your allies if his ult is ready and you'll significantly improve your chances of surviving him.”
AnnakinVader67 says “Un skill matchup como una catedral. Si los dos lo jugáis bien, no os vais a matar nunca, Le cortas el gancho con tu W o tu R, escapas de su E con tu W o tu E, y él hace lo mismo con su E y su W”
Keny McCormick says “He can pick you off pretty easily if you're not careful. He's my pick when Senna is stolen from me. Would recommend trying to poke him when you can and respect his all-in threat.”
ThePandaEvan says “ Pyke's Q is easier to dodge than most hook champions from experience. His E and R can be problems. You can poke him easily though. ”
mrepicfoulger says “Fairly easy for pyke to hook and stun senna, and he can dodge her abilities. Also as Senna has no burst, it is very difficult for her to kill Pyke due to his passive”
Abusable Yuumi says “A good Pyke will never let you get a free auto and you're going to be playing with fire whenever you want to proc passive; I wouldn't bother.
Target the ADC, poking Pyke is a waste of resources. He's too slippery. Heal and execute is OP. Once he's 6 if he lands his harpoon your adc and you are probably dead.”
iNotSushi says “The main thing to know about engaging a pyke is to DODGE HIS E. If you dive and enemy pyke, he will more often than not look for a counter-engage if his ADC is in position. Be prepared to dodge his stun after he comes out of yours. Target him over enemy ADC, you need to delay his level 6 power spike as much as you can.
Side note: Your E will continue to take effect even if you are stunned, HOWEVER this only works if you case it before you get stunned. Cast your E if it appears you will not escape his stun. ”
netherlessss says “Pyke's Q can be canceled with your Tornado if you can react fast enough to knock up him. His E is too quick to cancel unless you launch it before he uses E. If he Does E you or a nearby ally, post 6, try to ult him away to prevent the stun.”
Dougaroo says “Pyke can be a killer if he catches you with the hook followed up by the stun. His stun range can be dodged if quick enough but will often still get you even if you think you made it out of it. To combat this just try to keep minions between you and him as well as play it safe if you're alone in lane. If your adc is around and he all ins you: simply fear him back towards you adc and get a free kill.”
JenaColada says “If you don't respect his CC you can be sure you'll lose the laning phase. Pyke's Q is much more telegraphed than other hooks in the game, allowing you to react and hide behind minions.”
JustSlayter says “Great engage and hooks, but easy lane surprisingly. Your ult is his direct counter. He doesn't get the reset his ult after the execute and his team doesn't get the gold either. (Provided you time it correctly)”
TheBeardedPickle says “Most Pyke players tend to play overly aggressive and are constantly looking for pulls/engages. Most times, this results in not being able to play the poke-heavy, irritating play-style that we all love as Bard players. However, if you can play around Pykes cooldowns you can win this matchup. Take advantage of cooldowns, and aim to poke as frequently in-between as possible. This will make Pyke reluctant to engage, and in-turn apply pressure on the enemy matchup. ”
HoneyQT says “Pyke is a matchup you more often than not will win as you directly counter him, but that doesn't mean he won't destroy your ADC if he gets a lead. He can roam and while you can follow, he does have stealth and can turn on you and kill you. Play safely and you'll beat him.”
ColeRamen says “should be fine for his hook, stay behind minions wait for him to use it then go the adc if he get in the way for his e just flip him instead ”
Mr Bison says “Pyke tem sido um personagem muito odiado por sua capacidade ridicula de snowball, mas acredite, você pode arruinar completamente a partida de um pyke, visto que Soraka é um campeão focado em cura, você pode salvar seus aliados de serem executados pela ult do Pyke com facilidade, e um Pyke sem ult perde grande parte de sua força, e quanto mais ele demorar para executar pessoas na ult, mais longe fica a possibilidade de um snowball.”
Lizzie._.Salad says “Play this well. Like any champion with a pull; you have to be careful and dodge as many as you can. Once you're rooted, it's hard to get out.”
XJay11X says “Keep an eye on him when he goes into bushes and alcove. Easier to counter than thresh because he has a charge on his hook. Remember, if you can see Pyke trying to hook you or a team mate, quickly shield them. your shield can block his hook and stun if he tries to combo. I have personally saved my ADC a few times by pressing E.”
PayyBack says “Use E to dodge his E or Q. W into him when he engages to punish him, that's his main counter. Every support who can engage into him when he's going in,are hard counters for Pyke. ”
Kireihana says “You can play against him as if he's any other melee/hook support, just be cautious that he will take a lead and run with it harder than any of the other supports. One slip up can cause you serious problems.”
NamiSona says “Doesn't really have a long grab range like Blitz and you can dodge him, if you see him push back his arm before he strike at you. He is annoying like Brand.”
Tult says “Pyke deals very minimal damage to you as your tankiness negates his lethality, you should watch out for his hook and his ult though as those can secure a death.”
locofachero8 says “Many main brnad are usually afraid of him but this matchup most of the times I win. Try not to lose too much life and match all your skillshots.”
mscocca says “Shifty champion, he can negate your main source of damage (= EQ). If you can land your skillshots, then he's no longer a big deal. Punish him for wasting his Q and E.”
SorakaBestWaifu says “If it wasn't for Senna being an overall annoyance, Pyke will be my perma ban every match just for how annoying his kit is. Be cautious of your positioning.”
SuperTezcat1 says “Pyke is a problem to nami,he can dodge easy your q and you r by using his E.
He also have a grab and a execution with a lot of dmg.Be careful with pyke”
Kefochka says “Тут всё зависит от мастерства Пайка. Умный Пайк будет играть только по вашему адк, и если у того мало здоровья, срочно оказывайте поддержку в бою.”
Jointed says “Kill threat alert. On average we die early against pyke so play carefully. We out value mid to late. Stack your thief's and get objectives.”
Pognog says “Pyke is generally a pretty safe opponent for Zilean as he has to commit hard in order to fully engage, and with E's slow you can punish him heavily. The true counter however comes from Zilean's ultimate which can completely deny Pyke's ultimate resets and gold share if timed correctly.”
Stepoun James says “Skill matchup, he wont be able to hit a hook later in the game, but surviving the lane when he has two targets at a whopping 335 movement speed is the more difficult thing.”
Gravixx says “Dodging is crucial in this match up, dodge his engage and punish him. he is very squishy so you can burst him down. Make sure to finish him off though, because he will heal all the way back up if you lose vision of him.”
Gravixx says “If he hooks you or your adc, shield whoever got hooked and [[polymorph]] their adc. In order to get his stun off he has to dash through you, which makes him very vulnerable to [[polymorph]]. Your E, [[help, pix!]] does NOT do anything against Pyke's ult. If you are going to try and save someone while Pyke is ulting, use your ult because that actually gives them bonus max health to protect against his execute.”
JSKF says “While not to the extreme of Nautilus, if he hooks you and then hits his E you are probably dead, however he has to play safer most of the time so you can read his easily telegraphed movements. At lvl 6 he has a ultimate move that can execute champions under a specific health threshold, which is pretty bad for Yuumi considering her terrible health pool, at 6 play safe!”
Hanjaro says “Hook champions are very scary for squishy enchanters, Pyke can heal most of your poke damage up, and a hook/stun can be your death. As Lulu I'd look to ban him, or if not, dodge his abilities, wait for a gank.”
Hanjaro says “The drowned fisherman is a big threat to our fish, if you don't dodge his hook or he lands a stun on you, you'll be blowing a summoner and potentially getting killed. He is hard to poke due to his passive.”
Hanjaro says “Like most squishy mages, Zyra is no exception to the danger of hook champions. Try to dodge his abilities and poke him down when they're on cooldown - Pyke can heal up most of your poke damage, and stun you while his hook is on CD. You need to lock him down to secure a kill.”
Hanjaro says “Hook champions are scary when you're squishy. Avoid their hooks and poke when they're on CD. Beware of flash all-ins. Pyke can negate your damage with his grey health and engage even when his hooks on CD.”
Hanjaro says “Any hook champions are your biggest threat, just like any other squishy mage or enchanter. Dodge their hooks, poke when on cooldown. You can harass them easier with a long range dark wind, but you can push the wave into a dangerous spot!”
Hanjaro says “Like all squishy mages, hook champions are scary. Dodge their hooks and poke while they're on CD, just be careful of flash engages.
Pyke can negate your poke with his passive regen, and can all-in you with his stun. Be very careful.”
GoBucket says “The hell is he going to do? Hook you? Block his hook for your ADC and you win the lane. It is that simple. If he hooks you, you can E out to safety if you are not looking to fight. OR you can E to reposition and turn the fight to your advantage. You are Pyke's nightmare. Every time he looks for a hook, he knows that if he lands on you, he could be shooting himself in the foot. As such, you can be the aggressor, jump onto either him or his ADC (preferably ADC of course) and you'll win. He is melee as well, so you won't be poked down (unless you count his Q as a poke). Easy lane.”
M1sh0 says “Hooks and Raka don't mix. If you get hooked you will 80% of the time have to flash away after you get pulled. If not you usually just die from bursting.”
Beeee says “Lux is an immobile squishy squish. Not exactly the best thing to play into a Pyke, although if you avoid his q and predict his e you won't have as hard of a time- just be sure to have vision in the brush around you so you're not as susceptible to an invis Pyke q combo ”
Zer0XM says “Pyke while considered to be the best melee support in the game isn't actually a problem for a Naut, you can hook him out of his W and cancel his hook with yours. The E is literally a free flash but it stops him from doing his Q-E combo. just bait and eat the hooks and your ADC "should" be able to do the rest.”
SNOBOY says “You smack this fool. He is an assassin, but can't do a lot in lane. Just poke him down with your Q and bully him like ugly kid in high school.”
Zefirez says “I'll be frank - he is my ban. Pyke is disgusting with how he can escape punishement for misplays (camouflage, dash, passive) and for Pantheon it is nearly impossible to catch and kill him, unless adc contribues meaningful cc to lock him down.
And that's just Pyke alone. Let's not forget there's enemy adc in the mix. I personally never won vs a Pyke as Panthoen.
I can speculate that going aggressive on enemy adc, forcing pyke to use his skills to peel, rather then engage (and doing solid damage before he manages to peel you off) can help win the lane.
Still....vs Pyke Pantheon is just very ill equipped and does not bring things you need to send this zombie back to it's watery grave (heals for both self and ally, solid cc lockdown).
Ban this shit!”
ONICH4N says “Skill match-up similar to blitz or thresh, if he lands Q you die. Ult also counters ur sheilds. Can poke him hard if you dodge Q and janna has lots of tools for disengage/ big move speed but a rough matchup.”
suppdiff says “Honestly, after the hp return nerf, extremely easy to lane against him. I like to bait his hook on me level one or two and then win the all in due to egg. Just be sure to match his roams and ask for a strong early adc.”
FabioOoOoOo says “His stun is good if he gets a hook opportunity. Play back until you are ready to jump in. His ultimate is pretty bad if you have your cell division up”
unhben says “Champions such as Leona, Nautilus, Thresh and Pyke are all very dangerous to Bard once they have access to all their engage tools at level 2 or 3”
supersuavebro says “Pyke was Riot's quick fix to the agro supports. If they're any good, their kit can outplay yours very quickly. Keep vision on him at all times, never get too close, watch his hook and zone the ADC with Qs as much as possible. He heals back some of the dmg you deal, so try not to waste too much on him unless he needs to be punished for getting too close ”
Laverenz says “Pyke is a really strong champion right now. No real explanation. He just has a lot of damage, and survivability. There is no counterplay to his ultimate, other than blinking away from him. ”
NirvanaBunny says “I'm ranking Pyke here because he's just a scary champion. While there are some good and bad Pykes, he can do STUPID damage if you don't keep him in check.”
SpamerZg says “If he dashes into your field he dies. You can also bait him into boxes while hes stealthed. If you get close to him while hes on top of the traps they will trigger.”
aimez says “As of right now, I am going to treat Pyke like an assassin jg, such as a Rengar or Kha'zix. His pull range is smaller than most supports, but he can deal much more damage than they can, and he has a stun, which the other hook users dont. This makes him extremely lethal, and is going to be one of your biggest threats.”
EagleXs says “Pyke has many tools to hard engage you and Senna lacking instant cc and a way to stop Pyke's Q makes him very difficult to survive and poking very risky. Play smart and always be ready for an all-in from him”
LuxIsMyCrush says “He's kinda dangerous if he caught any of you or your adc since probably both of you have no mobility to escape.
You can probably absorb some of his one shot potential with your Q and ult but you animations are slow af”
Ahpulzz says “Basically Thresh but with much better sustain and better damage due to his passive. While he outdamages and outsustains you, your overall utility is better than his and he can't sustain anything if you catch him and kill him before he retreats.”
Hanjaro says “Pyke is super scary, you can't poke him because of his grey health, he can hook you from massive range and if you blink away from that he can engage with his stun, and you're squishy enough for him to burst down and execute very fast.”
nathanxyz says “Dodging a hook is one thing; with Blitzcrank, you can see it coming, and move. Pyke's hook is more difficult to dodge early as Zyra, as it can be charged facing any direction.”
Mantra Decorum says “Poke him hard in levels 1 and 2, once he gets level 3 you need to be careful. Just avoid him and focus to poke the adc. Use Perfect Timing rune to counter his R, and be aware of roams and ganks.”
SilentTitan says “Though squishy, Pyke can deal a lot of damage. He also has a ton of cc to boot. Try to keep your adc alive from his engages, and dodge his hooks and dashes.”
Joelbe says “refer to blitzcrank notes
Pyke also has the grab when he channels and then he can dash through u to stun so just be careful and predict where he will throw the blade. ”
cebollaamargada says “Pongo a pyke por poner a un support con gancho. cualquier tipo de engage aplicado sobre ti es peligroso ya que careces de resistencia. para sobrevivir a una botlane contra personajes como thresh, blitzcrank, etc, prioriza el posicionamiento antes que cargar el item de support.”
MoreLoliconThee2nd says “Pyke is the type to dive into the fight and force the enemy into wasting every spell to counter him. Then again, that's your best way to combat him. Force him into a one-on-one, but make sure you have amenable heal to fight off the damage burst.”
StrawberryMewlk says “Not much of a threat, however due to Pyke being Pyke and Ahri being squishy, it wouldn't make much sense not to put him here as somekind of threat. ”
Vermeio says “Great cc. An amazing damage. a #@$@#$ ult. Yeah, he´s trouble. You´re the same threat to him. Your W can stop his dash. For some reason, he´s easy to burst too. And you can poke with your shield too. His damage is what makes him a problem to your adc. Stay sharp.”
NoHard says “You need to be careful, if you position well, he shouldn't be much of a problem, especially if you use your Q to dodge. If pulled however let him E first, then try to dodge the stun with your Q because if u use Q first he will stun u due to his E range being bigger than your Q's.”
kametriz says “Ao puxar o pyke, você irá permitir que ele possa avançar no seu adc, uma vez que ele terá range para stunar você, e possivelmente seu adc. Além disso, a mobilidade desse campeão é alta dificultando na taxa de acertos da habilidade q.
Por fim, ao puxar o pyke para a back line da wave, ele terá o caminho livre para puxar seu adc, sendo uma jogada muito perigosa. ”
NeRu1980 says “Kèo này cũng cực kỳ khó cho Panth, nếu Pyke có kinh nghiệm, bạn sẽ ko bao giờ tiếp cận được, bạn dùng W nó lướt đi, vừa mất choáng còn bị choáng ngược, và cái choáng của nó lâu hơn mới cay, Q của nó cũng gồng nhưng nó kéo về còn bạn thì ko, nên đừng có đứng so Q vs nó”
Crushforce says “Ban every game. Hes an AD hook support who is incredibly hard to poke, while your goal is to rush an MR item and try and poke, which makes it near impossible to win.”
FriendlyShaco says “Can tank your boxes, roams better and can hook your adc where you can't do much against it, can dodge your boxes with his camouflage and snowballs really good”
AvatarDaniel says “He is quite annoying and he can easyly bully your lane but your spellshield can block an all in from him so when you are against him try to wait with you E. ”
Sona Aria says “Pyke is the only support that builds lethality. He is everything Sona doesn't want. He cannot be poked out due to passive, he has multiple forms of cc, he does plenty of burst damage on his own, his ultimate is a true damage execute, he roams early with high success, and he creates large gold leads and allows comebacks to happen. I personally permaban Pyke, but playing against him, i would keep vision control on the side bushes to delay his recovery from passive, and focus my poke on their ADC. Taking ignite allows you to potentially burst Pyke, as he shares this weakness with you.”
Haezard01 says “A busted champion, if you don't kill him, he will restore all damage done to him. It will be difficult to land your W on him. Try to get your passive stacked up and land W's into the enemy ADC instead so that you can get that bonus health. If you see he engages with E, pop off with your R to get that bonus HP and life steal”
SetsumiV1 says “Like blitzcrank, only his pick potential is insane, his ult can ignore your shields, but your own ult does counter his, because of the extra HP it gives, be careful for his level 2 spike”
Demonic Thresh says “this guy is really annoying because he is an assassin and a support at the same time . try to focus on his adc and kill him first and dont poke him because he willl easily heal back . ”
Zona de sona says “Cuando me toca jugar contra pykes lo que hago esperar que falle Q para pokear al ser nivel 6 puede ayudarte que te jale con su Q ya que te va a acercar y tendras mejor posicion para aventar tu R ”
doubte says “this is by far bard's hardest match up. a good pyke can abuse you in all times of the game and make you feel useless. in this match up though, your window is lanning as you're looking to set the pyke behind. harass early and avoid hooks. stand between minions to dodge his skewer and wiggle in autos when his hook is on cool down. if you can, look for roams and avoid pyke in lane. if you don't feel confident in lane, starting coin would be most optimal as it allows you to get sight stone without having to trade. ”
Saethwyr says “Pykes surprisingly easy to deal with, despite first appearances. the main trick to dealing with pyke is that he's entirely dependent on his ability to duck in and out of fights to stay alive. if you keep him stuck in long enough he's not going to be able to survive, Plus if he does a full engage he has no way to protect the adc from you just going on them and beating them up.”
z4ki says “Maybe his hook not long like Thresh/Blitz, but his damage on early game enough deal some damage when he reach level 2 with stun (this stun honestly too long in early game). Suggest for avoid combo Hook+Stun.”
NirvanaBunny says “I'm ranking Pyke here because he's just a scary champion. While there are some good and bad Pykes, he can do STUPID damage if you don't keep him in check.”
Fyah v1 says “I call Pyke "The Support Muder" because her skills can pull you and your adc under him at the same time.
Pyke skills have lot of damage, soo you will be a "paper".”
SawyerNelson says “Pyke has advantage of being able to approach for hooks in the stealth, but against most hook champs you want to be playing away from the minion wave as you can save your ADC if they get pulled, but can't save yourself. You can also negate his advantage by having a pushing lane.”
Vaxra says “ His Q will also end you, as the Q then E combo is one of the deadliest I've ever seen. With Electrocute, you'll be dead before you say SILENCE.”
unownreality says “Sona is squishy and Pyke is an assassin support. Try keeping vision on him, and if you notice that he is invisible, fall back. Just like blitz, you want to keep minions between you and him. His grey health will prevent you from doing permanant damage, so don't waste mana poking him down. Best bet here, is to bait hooks, and if you are hooked, use it to kill the ADC with an ultimate with follow up from the your team mate. ”
Drlazerbeam says “While you can not poke him out, you do have the tools to stop his all ins and possibly hard deny his ult with your shielding ability. ”
Fruxo says “Don't get hit by his long ranged Q and try to dodge his E to your best ability. Try to make him "waste" his ultimate or dodge it (somehow).”
NirvanaBunny says “I'm ranking Pyke here because he's just a scary champion. While there are some good and bad Pykes, he can do STUPID damage if you don't keep him in check.”
SawyerNelson says “Pyke is strong into Leona if you give him opportunities to land hooks. Which you never, ever have to. Leona is strong into Pyke because of the mixed damage you deal when engaging onto him, and the CC combo is just long enough to lock him down and kill him before he E's away. You can also counter his aggressive movements with a quick Q auto attack stun.”
N0ZOMI says “Pyke is something like Rakan, only i feel like Pyke never die thanks to his passive. He has high potential of bursting you down. Don't get hooked, when he miss hook there's your window to work with.”
NirvanaBunny says “I'm ranking Pyke here because he's just a scary champion. While there are some good and bad Pykes, he can do STUPID damage if you don't keep him in check.”
1tephra1 says “I enjoy countering this champion. Matchup is pretty easy for you. The only problem is that pyke/thresh/blitz perma ban you. So don't expect to play this matchup. Worth a ban.”
xxMyDixieRektxx says “Your E doesn't matter to his ult. Try to bully him early game before 6, and enjoy the lead while you still can :( It'll be hard trying to eat him with his E up. Also he has that stupid camoflauge that easily outheals your grey health in early game.”
SawyerNelson says “Thresh beats Pyke very hard. You can cancel his hook with Flay or hook. You can interupt his E with Flay. If you catch him out with a hook and ignite he's probably dead. Pyke gains advantage in scattered fights and if Thresh loses control.”
Ooze OG says “Not really a threat until 6. (Just have to be conscious of your health, as his ult is a true execute). Similar to Blitz, if he pulls you, he's giving you a ticket to all in his carry.”
semisomniac says “Not only does he have a hook, but he also has a stun and camouflage... with an execute. It only gets harder and harder in this lane. Reminder: you can use your E to cancel the channel on his hook, so you've got to be really alert!”
Yukkine says “Father always said... Stand behind Rakan!.. Your goal here is to take every single threatening hook he ever tries! Why, you ask? Literally dash away to safety right after to find out!”
Tipsy32 says “your biggest threat in lane. Hard to pin down, so aim all your damage to their adc. Adc cannot help him because they are low, pyke's kill potential drops dramatically.”
TheLuluMain says “Your e will reveal him, so his w will be useless. Dodge the q or you are in trouble, Your ult can bait his r and prevent his resets so try doing this whenever possible. Your poke won't stick on him so go for his adc if possible.”
TheComicalBiker says “Pyke is unable to gain health from items due to his passive so he stays relatively squishy all game long. Protect teammates from his ultimate by applying CC. Stay cautious in lane as his pull (Q) stun (W) combo can cause a lot of damage.”
Dudstrol says “Pyke gira em torno de evitar ser puxado. Se for puxado ira morrer provavelmente, caso contrario vire nele, pois sem seu Q(Espeto de osso) ele fica bem fraco e vulnerável. ”
Rasta Da Masta says “Pyke can be challenging to lane against with his chargeable hook, camouflage speed, dashing stun, and execution ultimate. If you can, keep dealing damage to him to prevent grey health healing. And ping your ? if he goes MIA.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “pyke can be pretty busted sometimes, if the one playing him know what he's doing you will be in some trouble, but his ult is easy to predict most of times, so ult someone you are certain he will ult and boom, you stoped him and saved your ally, and probably will kill him too as he teleport to target if hit a champion with his R.”
TruMediaMix1 says “Pyke mostly deals Physical damage, but you can still block his hook using Black Shield, and you can greatly limit his mobility and dive potential using Dark Binding and Soul Shackles.”
Jeroen R8 says “Pyke's ability to heal all the damage you just put on him simply by walking in the bush or going invisible is only one of the things that makes him a very big threat. He has very good pick potential so stay behind your minions. His ult adds a lot of extra damage to the fight so be ready to peel from his engage.”
SirGerumon says “Pyke is an interesting one as depending on the play, Pyke can be countered or you will lose. Its all about guessing when you go to Q him, so think about this; how are you avoiding a Lux's Q”
JohnGaltDestroyer says “Pulls are huge threats in any game, but specifically for Sona, she is neither tanky nor quick when attempting to escape a cc heavy enemy. the greatest counter to this is to remain behind minions and try to keep an 'X' made with your ADC's as the intersecting line, this makes sure that both you and your ADC won't get stunned with the same combo, as well as keeping you available to poke their ADC while your's dodges pyke.”
Vulpanium says “If you can dodge his hook dagger thing then you should be in decent shape but he's still a problem because of his ability to execute. ”
Saecriru says “Try not to get hooked, if you do it is very hard to get away from Pyke as Neeko since she doesn't have much mobility other than her W which gives her a slight burst of move speed.”
Fynergy says “this match up is one of the worst for nami depending on skill level of the player. Best way to play against Pyke is to wait for his Q(hook) to be down and know if he has flash up to make a flash E(stun) play”
Fynergy says “this match up is one of the worst for nami depending on skill level of the player. Best way to play against Pyke is to wait for his Q(hook) to be down and know if he has flash up to make a flash E(stun) play”
warpeace101 says “just wanted to add this guy, Q him when he is doing his Q because he is easy target and if he hits, he cant dash to you because he is snared but dont feed him or you'll be useless all game long”
DGNNYOmega says “Pyke's invisibility and movement speed make it hard to hit him with your charm. Its best to wait until he is charging his Q to charm him.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, spell shield his hook when he hooks and spell shield his stun if he goes for it. it most situations he won't be able to use both consecutively (because if he cant land hook he won't be in range to stun). if he is close enough for both though, it might be a good idea to only spell shield his stun. one issue is if you're in an extended fight with him you would have probably popped spell shield early and he can ult ur poor, poor, poor anus. don't worry though he's probably already dead.”
cilium says “- You want Aftershock vs him and Q the enemy ADC (if possible) immediately after you get hooked or stunned by his E so you get the extra resistances. If not in range, you can of course go for Pyke.
After his CC wears out you want to start draining with your W like with Leona.”
TSMSky says “If you interrupt his stun with your Q, it should be an easy lane. Q is very telegraphed. Keep the bushes warded and you'll probably come out ahead.”
exthreshmain says “Actually go next, super hard to lane against, roam and help other lanes rather than being in bot if your adc allows. Do everything you can to hold him away from you and your adc. Should be your no. 1 ban.”
SpicySkelleton says “His Q and E combo is hard to out maneuver as a low level blitz. try to avoid being in his range as much as you can or at least block his q to save your degenerate adc that think they're instantly invincible no matter how weak and pathetic they start out to be. that or you could always ban him.”
Lonxu says “I think he is more dangerous than the other hook-champions just because he has the mobility and invisibility for surprise factor. Also he has that regeneration.
Not to mention the burst from ult.
But even then, the few Pykes I've played against weren't so good, so he might be more dangerous played as solo lane than a support? ”
SawyerNelson says “Rakan can deal with Pyke very well. Rakan's Q poke is very good against Pyke in lane. You can dodge his abilities with both dashes, and Rakan ULT lets you catch him and and burst him down very quickly before he can E away.”
revelador says “solo esquiva su q y listo tiene muy poca vida y lo bajas raido si esta en campo de visión, SIEMPRE compra centinelas y debería acabar facil”
Person6 says “I find Pyke a very easy opponent, as his advances are easily dodgable, and you can predict him when he goes under and put a trap/spear in his way. He hasn't enough resistance to sustain against your burst output + your bot laners. Remember to watch when he tries to ult, and deny him by healing his target ;P”
Saeh says “Be careful for his Hooks, at lvl 9 his Q and E will be on an 8 and 15 second cooldown respectively. If you get hooked, or your adc gets hooked, throw your silence on top of pyke so he cant CC them.”
BreathlesSx says “Hmm Pyke. Where should I start... Hook, dash, stun, invisibility of some kind and an execute...... Should I really explain why he is an extreme thread for a squishy?”
nicko9090 says “Pyke is fairly easy to deal with as you can basically lock him down as soon he try to Q your carry and make it impossible for him to do his job properly. If he try to W away, Zenith+Shield of daybreak and Solar Blade so your carry can melt him before he recover. Be careful of his ultimate as it can be game changing when you get low.”
Haytham says “The hardest matchup for Xayah is a botlane with Pyke support. Pyke can get you out of position and keep you there with chain CC. I find it best to just play under tower or behind multple creeps when laning against Pyke.”
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