In the Jungle 49.35% Win Rate100% Pick RateHecarim In the Jungle Counters: 43 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Hecarim in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
HIKOL says “His Q is easy way of killing ghouls, E allows him to escape your W. He can quickly take out grubs which are your powerspike.”
chillhowl says “You can invade at level 3, you can invade after the first B, if you know he started raptors you can extend to invade his lv2 raptor (if you know he will extend too, since you don't want to delay your B against a high tempo champion).
Don't do dragons, prioritize camps/marks and voidgrubs.”
Bella Ciao says “Approach velocity + swifties
Drop r if he engages, or tank
If he uses e, wait to stun him for aslong as possible, as his e gains more speed over time”
SelfLOL says “If he gets a lead early it's unplayable. Very easy to invade early if you have prio. Can lock him down with E in teamfights. Antiheal can be good into him.”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Can potentially out tempo you in higher elos but most Hecarims will fall behind due to forced ganks and bad objective taking. You can win vs him in duels with your ult and you can contest his farm. Later on in the game you can just run him over.”
Jackiewawa says “if he gets himself/his lanes ahead through ganks, he put you behind by taking your camps and CCing you with his R for teamfights. Try spacing his Q with your Ghost/E, use your R to slow him and save your W for when he commits on you with E. You outscale him, just don't fall super behind on power. Super annoying to fight if he has Phase Rush as he can just run circles around you and will be hard to land stuff on him.”
SkaterKidd says “Hecarim has high mobility thanks to his E - Devastating Charge and the movement speed from his passive (Warpath), allowing him to dictate engagements. His Q - Rampage deals consistent area-of-effect (AoE) damage, which can out-trade Warwick’s single-target damage in fights. Hecarim's R - Onslaught of Shadows can be used to disengage from or engage onto Warwick”
zranyf says “1v1 is a 50/50, don't fight him when he's farming (has stacked Q), can't fight him when he's full since he stacks Q on you then outdamages you”
ScytherKhaZix says “without lvl 6 he is not a threat to you but when he reaches lvl 6 don't let him hit you with his R if you want to win the trade or the whole game”
orka4.sandraj says “Highly mobile always means harder to hit with Q, which not only makes you deal less damage (enemies dont stay in your W), but also lets them get closer (may be fatal if you have no R). Good hecarim can easily dodge your Q and get to you, he also can gank more often.”
Neekster says “This jungler clears the same time as you. Hecarim can be annoying with his very fast move speed. I suggest that you avoid him early game and look for gank/skirmish opportunities instead until you and your team will be able to lock him down.”
Yomu says “Mostly you E his E/R towards you or just damage check him because you damage faster but he does ramp up. Sometimes it's good to reset the fight when he was no stacks”
Exxidara says “Pre 6 most likely you can win specially if he facechecks you after both side full clears as long as you have lane prios and enemy laners doesnt arrive earlier than your laners but after 6 he is slightly stronger as long as he doesnt facecheck us ”
Maciejson says “You can take trades early, but be cautious as he will win very extended fights due to his W. As Rhaast, you can dominate Hecarim if you can land your W and even dodge his R with your own. Rhaast typically has the upper hand against this champion unless significantly behind. In a Shadow Assassin (SA) matchup, it's a potential Assassin vs. Assassin scenario where the one who gets the jump first will secure the kill.”
huncho1v9 says “Easy matchup. Hecarim can’t really invade you. You can out dps him early as long as you try to space his Q’s. Can run him down easily throughout the game. Unless he’s ahead through ganks, you should be even/ahead in tempo. Try to use your E to space/dodge his R. Use your W for the resistances when he fully commits to fighting you with his E. Gwen outscales Hecarim, and you will most likely have plenty of invade windows.”
VainTaka says “Win early game pressure against him and everything will be fine. If some how Hecarim is fed then its going to be hard to secure objectives. Focus on peeling rather than engaging. Big tip is to pressure lanes that are winning and to counter gank.”
AWierdShoe says “As long as you don’t get into very extended trades where he gets to use his stacked up Q over and over you should win all trades in this match-up. Do either very short or decently short trades until he’s around half HP, then you can all in him with an extended trade if you’re still healthy. Just be careful early on if he’s running Ignite/Teleport.
Fyir says “Very fast and can chase you down but you can reduce his damage by slowing him with w and you can also protect your team from his assassination with your shield.”
Mignognium says “Bien qu'un peu rare ces derniers temps, le cheval obscur des ténèbres de la mort qui tue reste une menace pour notre roi Viego. Il aura rapidement un bon équilibre entre clear et ganks que vous ne pourrez pas suivre. Le combat 1v1 est compliqué mais pas impossible faites attention à ne pas rater votre [R] et à lancer votre [Z] après son [E][Charge dévastatrice]. Demander de l'aide quand il voudra vous invaid, engager le combat contre lui au lieu de le fuir si vos aliés accourent car il ne vous tuera probablement pas assez vite. Mais la chose difficile est de l'empêcher d'embêter vos aliés. Préparer des solides counter ganks. ”
astral 1v9 says “this matchup is kinda rough bc u can't rly 1v1 the hec unless hes behind by a lot. Whoever gets ahead usually wins this matchup. U could possibly take exhaust vs hec, hec gets rly fucked from exh. Hes too fast so its hard to land a Q and if hes fed expect all your camps to be gone perma and to get one shot. ”
BullwhipGriffin says “Hecarim is a very easy matchup for diana, you beat hecarim pretty much throughout the entire game. However, if you let him free farm he becomes hard to punish from clear speed and mov speed. use your power early before he becomes a problem”
IvernGott says “Hecarim is a strong vs ivern because of his high mobility but also very predictable. You can stop him running at you or teammates by simply Q him making it easy to kill him.”
BabyCuddlePunkin says “No real way to deal with him if you're out of position in lane. Do your best not to be the reason he runs the game, work around your stun, but don't let him buffer it with his E or ult, as it will gap-close and negate your escape.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “One of rare junglers that manages to keep up with your first clear speed. You need to becareful in river if he matches your side, his clear is really healthy and will be full HP at crab.”
Cookiemanman says “Hecarim isn't that strong against Volibear. You are much stronger than him in the early game. You can look to invade Hecarims at lvl 3 as they typically look to full clear.”
Fessor ivern twitch says “ENG:
Mabujo says “The Horse.
An interupt with his charge and ult. Can screw up your ult and siphon. He runs fast as well... (obviously...)
Fear and Run and Trade at your own peril. ”
HawkSP says “Hecarim's reliance on charging makes him susceptible to Ivern's CC. Shielding Hecarim's targets and utilizing bushes can neutralize his impact.”
X3mHills says “Early and midgame are in his control. Try to use your ultimate on him before he can attack you, but be aware that he has the ability to cancel your ultimate. Consider buying Zhonya's Hourglass (or Rylai if the enemy team has other fast champions) as it can assist you during the game.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Hecarim: Too powerfull champ in late.. But in early you are kinda stronger. But the main problem is that your lanes will most likely int and lose enemy ganks too hard so he get fed.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Stomp him in early game and every objective is free btw.. ”
PuppyDontPreach says “a one trick will make it an extreme threat. will absolutely run you down either way though, you need teammate help to deal with him. still a good ban tbh.”
Tortizzy says “Hecarim is very hard to play against too because he has very good 1v1's, he has better ganks than you and a clear almost as fast as us. You need to get a lead on him otherwise you can't do anything. If you ult him the fear will make him run very fast so only fight him with your team”
xTechikaze says “He will nonstop gank early which will be hard for you to stop considering not having your ult just yet. focus on farm and tracking him with deep wards. its gonna be frustrating at first but get ult quickly and the late game is yours.”
MhmYepSope says “If he gets a lead early it's unplayable. Can invade early if you play it well but he can win with Ghost + Q stacks. Can lock him down with E in teamfights. ”
Mo100z says “you can easily win against Hecarim he doesn't really counter you except with his fear but even then u should be good. just make sure not to get out farmed or out tempoed by him and you win ”
niktwazny says “he pretty much shreds you but if he doesn't get fed enough to oneshot you, you can tank his damage in fights but never go for a 1v1 like with most junglers”
jajkopajko says “Before 6 you can kite him quiet nicely and harass him. Once he has ult he is the one in charge, go zhonyas into demonic, stay with your teammates, since he runs you down in 1v1 and be careful with his steals.”
shatteredekko says “Hecarim matchup solely depends on his build. If the meta is full squishy one shot Hecarim it is a very easy matchup. You counter burst and can one shot him. If he is tanky then it will be harder because you will most likely be down in lvls due to his clear speed. Try not to focus him because he can kite you with his MS. Worth a ban if you struggle.”
Kazuo Murasaki says “If you invade his first clear that really messes his tempo up but be careful once he has mythic because his Mythic is big power spike for him. Once in mid game try to R him away when he runs in with E but note he can just R back into the fight so pair your R with another one of your teammates CC.”
aS1lenT says “W evolve countered its passive. Look which Heca he is playing and adapt. Heca is hard to kill when he's fed. the 1shoted you without any problems once it gets ahead”
garbocan says “Certain assassin builds can mess with Ivern, and you also run the risk of getting majorly outfarmed.
That being said, Ivern is still a natural counter to Hecarim, being a champion who can shield an engage into a slow and a bunch of CC.
If he's chasing someone, use bushes so he can't dash onto them with his E.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “The only time you can kill hecarim easily is in the early game. Hecarim tends to full clear most of the time so take advantage of this and go for an invade. Once he gets his boots he can kite you pretty well with his high movement speed.”
Valkidol says “You beat him up hard in the earlygame, one of the only champs I'm looking to invade early against. Get a lead, snowball into a win. If you let the game go long he will outscale you in the teamfight.”
OakIgu says “He farms as fast as you and he gets very strong as the game progresses but you can wall him quite easily, on the early game it will be very easy to deal with him so take advantage of that, try punishing him by stealing camps because its very effective.”
SYROBE says “More skill matchups. Briar E can buffer Hecarim Ultimate & fear and use Briar E to cancel out Hecarim E as well. Hecarim needs to space the Briar really hard with his max Q range which makes this matchup a bit easier for Briar.”
Zero macro says “Briar has a very easy time into Hecarim, Briar wins any statcheck into Hecarim <—> Unless Hecarim starts with 3 stacks on his Q, this should always be spotted out and taken account for whenever he were to be close to enemies to pre-stack it up.
Briar can use Ghost to match Hecarim his Movement Speed, latest upgrades of Briar W and Briar R movement speed will be faster than Hecarim E Movement Speed.
Coccaa says “You beat him at all stages of the game. Early game you can repeatedly invade him and use E to catch him off guard and you will either get a summoner spell out of him, get him to leave so you can clear his camps, or just outright kill him. At 6 though he becomes a bit more slippery and can just R away from you”
Clolas says “In jungling phase he is not to big of a threat. But when it comes to team fights, if he is focusing you its really hard. If you w someone he will knock you with E and than follow up R. I find really helpful to go edge of night and chainsword against him. Because he heals a lot with q. ”
EagleXs says “His low cd on Q will shred your pack and his W healing will out sustain you, not to mention he can kite really really well, making him pretty resilient against you.”
Ikare says “This match depend a bit of your laner, but if you have strong prio you should ALWAYS invading this guy (lvl 1 2 or 3). If he fall behind just farm is jungle and take all objectives.”
TheBougis says “Hecarim isn't the greatest in Arena but can do some damage with good augments and good mechanics. Try to ult your duo when hecarim ults onto him so save him from the initial burst.”
Turnupthetoaster says “Hecarim is pretty weak at first, so try to invade him as much as possible, especially since he can farm faster than you. If you try to match him in CS, you'll fall behind for that reason alone. That said, your goal against Hecarim should be to invade him, deny him resources, predict where he'll be, and counter-gank him. As long as you know where he's going to be, he won't be able to play the game, but if he gets the ball rolling, your going to have a major problem on your hands...”
Zero macro says “Nidalee has a favorited early game into Hecarim. Nidalee her goal is to take advantage of the early game. Nidalee is forced to play ranged attacks into the low mobility jungler Hecarim to win fights clean and very easy.”
Zero macro says “Zed has a stronger jungle clearspeed than Hecarim, thereby Hecarim will be stronger pre level 6. ---> Especially when Hecarim kept hold on 3 Q stacks. Its strongly recommended to not fall behind into Hecarim, if so it will be hard to prevent him.”
Scratchyerik says “Hecarims don't take Conqueror anymore and go damage. It makes the matchup more playable. You're never hitting Q though, your consistent peeling will involve E and R.”
metalhydra273 says “If Hecarim isn't unkillable fed (which unfortunately happens more often than you'd like), he gets punished, really damn hard when he tries to all in. Your cc screws with heca big time, and can stall his escape if he survives initially. In some scenarios you can halt his momentum when he's fed by ruining his positioning as he attempts an engage. You can even ult him out of his ult due to supression mechanics (keep this in mind for objective steal attempts). If he does get fed, look for opportunities to shut down his all ins. As long as you don't fall too far behind, the matchup should be won.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Hecarim é outro campeão 50%, é fácil jogar em certa parte contra ele, caso você opte por uma build mais tank você ganhará facilmente tomando cuidado apenas para não deixa-lo forte”
NegativePhoenix says “Speedy horse boy. Yes you have CC but even if you hit him he still has plenty of ways to keep running around for the engage. He will always outspeed you even with full MS builds since that's just how he rolls. If you can manage to hold him down long enough for your team to kill him it's a win, but most of the time if he builds AD you won't be able to tenacity out of his problems he gives you”
MrFerrot says “He's fast like you, but you do way more damage. His trick is that he will outfarm you early. Play to ignore him and farm up early, and you will win later.”
Ezikko says “A good(fed) Hecarim will just kill you regardless, but if youre even you will kill him solo 100% of the time. BE CAREFUL FOR INVADES!! If he invades you it is extremely hard to deal with if his Q is stacked, but if its not you kill him solo easy unless hes heavy leading. In late game you can easily help your team shut him down, but be careful to not miss your Q3 or R, cuz he will just stomp your entire team before you finish blinking.”
Apari1010 says “This champ is hard to fight and is stupid broken. If he's ahead he will destroy you and if he's behind, you'll never catch him. He outspeeds you and often out tempos you. Try to counter gank where he ganks early on and in teamfights if you land a knock up on him, he's dead..”
GiAEcchI says “fight him a bit in the jungle for free orbs, 2v2 you can't beat him, try to get red form then you will out scale him.
Consider Grevious Wound if there is another healing carry.”
BradJr says “In this matchup, you want to be playing for picks. Getting ahead first can easily win you the game against Hecarim. Try not to get hit by E and focus him in team fights if you can. (clone rating 9/10)”
DillfromAfar says “Will outfarm you and take every objective, good Hecarim players know how to take advantage of leads and carry away the game on their shoulders”
FaeBytez says “Hecarim has good mobility and can deal a lot of damage, but he is vulnerable to Diana's crowd control. Diana needs to be careful not to get caught by Hecarim's engage.”
ttvRegedice says “Hecarim with Conq can turn fights especially before you have last whisper item and he's outfarmed/outleveled you. He gets a lot of armor from his W, so don't mindlessly run in. He can also run phase rush and be really annoying to lock down and/or play for R fear in teamfights that can completely ruin your angles. It's very important to land E as hecarim gains bonus AD from his passive with his bonus movement speed. Rengar E is percentage slow and not flat rate so he can get completely screwed if you catch him with E right before he charges. With all that said, it's a scary matchup as he can outjungle/hard outscale you, but if you play well yourself you can also smash him into the ground.”
MaaaRaaG says “He has twice your number of legs, that's why he's twice as fast to gank lines. Your teammates won't understand this simple fact and flame you. They might even use the bait ping on you: mute them, keep calm and pray.
Whatever you do, don't try to Q him when a teammate is around: you'll miss and this will result in only more pings.
Also for some reason he also clears jungle twice as fast, yet he only has two arms.
(Yep not much difference between a horse and a doe)”
Virizion says “Hecarim is easy to kill before 6 as he won't have his best engage/disengage available yet. Spellshielding his E when he jumps onto you makes hit close to impossible to lose the 1v1. However, Once he gets Shojin he will be able to outduel you.”
Intropingman says “He can easily snowball, catch everybody and kill with his speed and damage and it's hard for you to beat him, you can taunt him but teammates must kill him, if he builds black cleaver it's gg ”
zLuxfury says “Rammus was annoying? Welcome to horse gameplay!
His movement speed is non-sense along with his damage and heal.
I shouldn't complain since we play Rhaast but he is faster so yeah.”
1Strike says “Matchup is easy if you know 1 thing. Hecarim Q stacks. If you fight him without his Q being stacked you will win (given you don't start fight melee and you're around equivalent in terms of items/levels) If you have ignite it is even easier. Only time this matchup is bad if is hecarim full clears into 2 kills. Then he can run your shit in for the rest of the game until you scale. Other than that, you really just beat him in all aspects really...”
checca says “Most Hecarim players on patch 12.23 build full Lethality with Duskblade. Little do they know, their build falls off against Zac after their first item (unless they are smart and buy Serylda's Grudge). Assuming they don't, you will always outscale Hecarim after the first item. Most teamfights, he will be useless, doing 0 damage to you while you 100-0 him.”
lovicoaching says “Does same thing as you but is stronger early and can also scale well into you due to bruiser / tank items. varies between being an even matchup and a major threat. Sometimes it's extreme (mostly with enchanters)
Put him behind early or punish him when his ult is down. You kill him easily when ult / E are down.”
Coach Myga says “Hecarim is extremely broken currently in preseason at the time of making this. Hecarim is annoying for Zac as he can check engage spots & run Zac down, with his E & Ult. ”
Davecraft16 says “Use the walls as an advantage. Don't let him get ahead or he will make your life a living hell. Similarly You will make his live a living hell if he stays behind.”
Whasian says “This Champ is a lot faster than Jax and can cause major issues as they can escape from you and even catch up to you. Not Fun to deal with.
(My Perma Ban right now)”
Ch1llss says “If he gets enough of a lead early he makes your life hell but like most junglers you out scale and win the game if you can make it to late.”
Bhyure33 says “Hecarim isn't that much of a threat to you early, but if he gets a lead with his great ganking, he will start to be a threat and will kill you in 1v1s. However you will scale better late, and can win him early.”
Lasine says “Maybe Im not being objective here because i HATE to play versus Hecarim but this is definetly not a good matchup. He farms better, scales better, is more usefull and can run you down at some point. Besides people dont know how to play versus Hecarim and he will end 20-0 every fuckin game.”
RedNBlue says “Hecarim is a little bit more a threat than Master Yi to us. You have to be careful he doesn't get fed as first he will out run you. Second Hecairm will be able to heal a lot and if its a decent player they will ignore you. ”
ErniBurni says “W evolve countered seine passive. Schau welchen Heca er spielt und passe dich an. Heca ist schwer zu killen, wenn er fed ist. der 1shoted dich ohne probleme, wenn er einmal ahead kommt”
Riccardo126 says “You counter him in a certain way, if you can land your W from behind or from the side you will stun him and block his E, but be careful that if you jump in front of him he will hit you and block your W stun.
Try to predict where he will land with his R and cast your E in that direction to avoid dmg”
MythicalMinute says “Hecarim in its prime will beat you early/mid game but once you reach the edge of mid game, you will outscale him unless your comp is full AP, play to outscale and your team doesnt run it.
AP is good here.”
vesner says “Hecarim has HIGH levels of mobility. We all know this. Pre level six isn't as scary. Just wall him off! Once he hits six however, if he has ult he's going right over your precious wall. Do NOT fight him alone unless you are extremely ahead.”
Dabgren says “This guy is just unbelievable atm, really strong and doesn't really lose any trades whatsoever, would recommend banning, he even outruns you if you try to chase him cause of his E (unless you wait with stridebreaker for this)”
spuki97 says “I usually ban this champion when he is viable in the meta. He is not a problem for you but your team will usually die a lot to his ganks. Your best way to get an advantage is to do 3 camps and invade his red/blue as he likes doing 2 camps at once and gets pretty chunked and killable. Best build: All”
Kao_Oak says “Kinda easy matchup for Yi as you can just dodge his R with your Q and soak his burst from E+Q with your W. Careful tho if he is fed and kite you because it's his only way to kill you.”
RengarNBush says “You Beat him with LDR and eclipse, ONLY if you do more dmg to him than he does to you since he is a dps champ, use your W on his E. You can cleanse his R.”
BattleCatsRoyale says “Hecarim can just run you down even in your own jungle, and easily beats you solo. If you survive long enough for your team to roam, (and they do roam to you) then you may be able to force him out or kill.”
Eagzey says “Kind of like Gragas. As soon as Hec engages dodge his stuff. With Eclipse/Red Smite easy kill. Can also invade him in right situations, just pay attention to his W (if he uses it kite him out).”
Yuki H. says “He clears fast, ganks often, similar to Zac. However, his ganks pre-6 are extremely telegraphed and without Phase Rush it will be easy to counter-gank or even catch him out with some help from your laners.
In a vacuum, he will most likely out-duel you (Conqueror recommended). ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Hecarim is a strong duelist in the early game and will try to solo kill you early on. Do not underestimate his early game damage as he will usually come out ahead. Look at what Summoner Spells Hecarim has taken. If he’s taken Ignite, he will be looking to play ultra-aggressive early to get kills. If you’re low, do not try and trade with him as he will finish you off with Ignite. Hecarim has good Dragon taking ability and can solo it early on thanks to his AOE heal from his Spirit of Dread(W) and short cooldown Rampage(Q). Make sure you have vision on the Dragon at all times. If you can, try to take it away from him.”
Hazardist says “Hecarim has a similar build path to you so it will be a matter of who can get fed first. Both champions have similar ganking, clearing and dueling power, and as long as you don't force fights from unfavorable positions you will be fine. You outscale him hard.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Hecarim is a strong duelist in the early game and will try to solo kill you early on. Do not underestimate his early game damage as he will usually come out ahead. Look at what Summoner Spells Hecarim has taken. If he’s taken Ignite, he will be looking to play ultra-aggressive early to get kills. If you’re low, do not try and trade with him as he will finish you off with Ignite. Hecarim has good Dragon taking ability and can solo it early on thanks to his AOE heal from his Spirit of Dread(W) and short cooldown Rampage(Q). Make sure you have vision on the Dragon at all times. If you can, try to take it away from him.”
domjakf says “Hecarim players tend to play with ghost, making them extremely vulnerable. Look for invades and you should win. If you don't invade him as much as you can, he becomes unstoppable.”
lumihehe says “unironically the most annoying bully champion early. he will bully the shit out of you and your team early, but he falls off very hard late game. kinda like a guy who peaked in highschool shoving you into the lockers when you were teens, and then dying from a meth addiction at 30”
Salmon Kid says “Hecarim can get onto Lillia with E and the phase rush build does pose some problems for Lillia. The biggest problem is that Hecarim's ult fear is really long and displaces Lillia. He can also use his ult to avoid Lillia sleep. Lillia does outscale, but has problems against Heca in the mid game.”
Dad Prime says “While you can 1v1 him, he will be able to gank so much more than you can and will try to invade as much as possible, plus his teamfight is so much stronger than yours.”
Nik7857 says “This MU can seem bad but your champ should be able to just fight him early and kill him, you can also invade since hecarim always full clears.”
ItsAydam says “If you fight this champion near walls, he's just the equivalent of a tiny threat. Otherwise he can beat you early game with his sustain and damage. The champion is not beatable with ignite and conq, and gets weaker when he swaps to predator. Try to stick with your team if you think you can't beat him or fight him near walls. Catch him in his jungle and you will win since he usually won't have his W up. ”
Farmer Cleetus says “You deal more damage with your combos than him healing against you, but you're still pretty even in the game. He might be a drop-off in the late game compared to you when playing Rhaast with a good made build.”
NegativePhoenix says “He has alot of CC to make it hard for you to do much while also doing alot of damage towards you. Later in the game he can't really kill you without help but he'll be super beefy so if he has both damage and tank power it'll be harder. Otherwise you should be able to beat him in the late game. Can't really stop his CC since when he's in W range his charge will still hit you. Just play it out to the late game and watch for his early invades.”
HadesxLH says “Hecarim recebeu um rework massivo no patch 12.18 e está bem forte, estou movendo ele um tier acima pois acredito que essa matchup ainda é bem counteravel com itens anti tanque como o cutelo, porém o sustain do hecarim e seu poder de dano subiram bastante então é uma daquelas tipicas matchups do tipo, não o deixe feedado jogar pra counterganks é uma bos escolha mas o power farm mid game também e bastante viavel. ”
theAerialist says “He is OP.
He can both clean and gank better.
You cannot one-shot him but he can one-shot you.
You cannot do much against a good Hecarim player.
Try to help your team.”
NegativePhoenix says “Early and maybe mid game if he builds MR first he can beat you. Overall you outscale him so it wouldn't be a matchup that's gonna kill you. Late game just be mindful he'll probably run the first 1-2 times you burst him down if he doesn't have backup or any of his major CC up.”
Puddingb00m says “Depends on the hecarim player. You can't win a duel so don't even try. When he engages he doesn't have a way out so you can CC him. Don't group up in teamfights.”
duowithdeath says “Can match your clear speed but you win duel if you're good, he is easily kited and dies easily before he picks up some magic resist. Don’t allow him to get ahead though because then he will just run you over.”
OfficerVi says “His 12.17 update is a joke... There is a good reason his banrate is 52%. He has much faster farming, much better ganking, and much better teamfighting. Look to snowball with a level 3 gank before he full clears.”
Shro says “Hecarim is not at all a problem against Mordekaiser. The only part about Hecarim that might be difficult is his Ult. Hecarim is unstoppable in his Ult, meaning that if you Ult him during his Ult, your Ult is wasted.”
evil in says “Hecarim is a 50/50 matchup this is basically a skill matchup i'd say slightly Evelynn favoured try to countergank him and surprise him with your invisbility”
GrayJinxed says “His charge (E) isn't avoidable so try to Q in a position that the knockback won't be as fatal to your fight as opposed to if you didn't Q at all.
Similar to Rammus, use walls to your advantage but be careful of Hecarims Fearing Charge (R) since that can turn a fight if he uses it to chase you through a wall. ”
TimothyFly says “Ban hecarim, no point to ever deal with this champ. Biggest counter. Can't do much, try and play slow and get to late game if u get in this situation but u can really never fight him unless ur team has a lot of cc so u can hit ur q's.”
LITTLEJJ293 says “Use the carry runes and spells. The biggest issue fighting Hecarim is catching up (pretty funny given Warwick's kit), so to beat him/keep up you need speed. The carry item set is great against him too, but if you're unable to get a lead, the standard or tank items should still work well.”
Majd1 says “Hecarim is a minor threat if you know how to deal with him. His weakest stage of the game are in the early game while he's clearing his jungle. During his jungle clear he is very vulnerable and you can ruin his entire game if you invade him and bully/kill him. In addition to that all Hecarim players play with ghost meaning they are EXTREMELY vulnerable and will most likely die if you invade them.
If you do not invade him and allow him to do whatever he wants he will become unstoppable, especially if he gets snowballing. This is because the new items are very strong on him and he becomes super tanky from them paired up with his conqueror healing and W healing.”
DUSSINISNEAR says “Your AD counter part... this centaur is your most hated enemy. He will crush your hopes and dreams like all men do. He is against woman's independence. he will suffer in hell if he doesn't change his ways. this mans twitter account will be cancelled over his beliefs. he will be publicly HUMILIATED for his crimes against the woman's rights! ...He will probably do better than you and scale better, i dunno. thought it would be funny to have him here.”
APigHunter says “Hecarim is the same as Warwick. Hyper-mobile and high damage makes Hecarim downright better at ganks and team fights than you are (especially during early game) so be sure to note his location at all times in the game. ”
YoungTact says “Champion clears faster than you but you have stronger early game ganks/skirmishing. Can W his E but the target will still get knocked back and take damage! Look to build a lead through ganks. Anti heal is worth building here esp if his team has more healing”
wyjebnik2zuk says “Pay attention to map and you must counter his ganks. Hes invades shouldn't be a big issue, in fights stick to a carry really close, and make sure if you see him R give a shield asap”
Xyllow says “Hecarim is a full clearer that can easily get a lead if your team doesn't respect his obvious clear path and gank timings (trust me, they won't). It is extremely hard to punish him unless he is inting, since he will usually just zoom out from an unfavorable fight with either phase rush or ult, will usually pressure the map more than you, be more useful in fights, and just be overall too tanky to kill. Just like any other full clearer, a pain to deal with.”
Jksons says “very easy matchup for viego, you want to keep autoing him and when he starts to run with E simply
load your W for max stun duratio then after stun is gone ult immidiately for slow and hes dead.
Simple as that.”
YEKURA says “LIKE he is super hard and disgusting to vs but then again he's extremely vulnerable vses rengar early game. You can invade him and cheese a kill but a good hecarim player knows you will be invading so they might ward but then again if you don't kill him early game you will suffer the whole game. So it's kind of a coinlip but then again you just have to make sure to stop his full clearing and ganks. If he gets going you will lose.”
Limaads says “Difficult matchup. Unless you're fed it will be very extremely hard to kill Hecarim without the help of your team. He farms faster than you, can countergank very well and is a bruiser which is the class that Ekko struggles to kill the most. Good jungle tracking of Hecarim is important to not let him get a lead before you reach your item powerspikes.”
Madabc says “Can be really frustrating if the Hecarim gets ahead early and gets tank items before your 3 item core. Eclipse is also not a bad idea to sub in here. ”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Most melee characters who lack dashes are not threats as you can kite them and push them away, against characters like Hecarim you need to be wary of his ultimate, wait for him to use his ult before you use your own.”
Coorowko says “Like Lillia, Hecarim is an extremely fast Jungler and has the added bonus of being a spectacular ganker. He scales extremely well and when he gets ahead it's hard to recover against him, the best thing you can do is focus on counter ganking and jungling, and steal objectives when you can. Vision control against Hec is essential for both your survival and the survival of your team. ”
Janooobi says “I put him as a major threat because his ganks and team fighting abilities are very hard to keep up with, he can ignore your CC with his R if he is smart and still get on top of your back line. Save your CC for that commitment”
lillia spam god says “just a lesser version of the rammus match up. he out runs her but its possible to one shot him if you are strong enough. still a very unfun matchup
BreadedBreadCrum says “High ganker like Nunu. If you can follow his pathing and counter gank him, you destroy his early game setup. Predator can be an option here to counter him, but it can go wasted if you use it wrong. Aery Domination. He has become quite strong recently cause of how gank heavy and how good his items have become in this meta, so he is a bit stronger than before. AP Ivern, Crown. Sup, Shurelya's.”
Consolo says “CANNOT PEEL HIS R. CAN'T FIGHT HIM EARLY. CAN countergank :D! If he blows his E load on your laner, he has no escape, and you can peel him off pretty easily before 6. After 6, pray to christ your team has a brain and doesn't group up. ”
FacetLOL says “Try to kill him before level 6, you can 1v1 him before he gets first item if he has no ignite and runs ghost instead. But be careful of his 1st item powerspike.”
OTP Toxin says “He will rarely gank you since you have the anti-gank mushrooms, but if you don't have, prepare your flash, because you can literally cancel his E hit with the flash :D”
blulemon says “He can run you down really easily and kill you in passive. Also difficult to keep him off your backline. In this matchup I like to find the lane with most potential to carry and camp them and hope for the best.”
Tiger-Moose says “Strong in the heat of fights and can hurt you and/or your backline a lot whilst taking fire for his backline carries. Him bumping you around and fearing you is annoying. ”
Coach Myga says “Hecarim is hard to deal with due to his clear speed & health. There aren't many opportunities to punish him, and if he doesn't get punished he will out temp you in the mid game with his speedy ganks. When ahead, he can run you down every time. ”
MrMeem45 says “He's the pain train. He can't outduel you early, but that's where the benefits to him locking in end. He scales well, has a great ult, can heal well, and your kick can't stop him from bumrushing you. Also, he clears WAY faster than you after your first clear. Pressure him at scuttle, if you win you win and if you don't, well fuck.”
BardMain69 says “Not really a threat as long as you stun him in your w hich is kinda easy due to his lack of mobility. sooooo you dont have to ban him unless he is fed.”
b0n0 says “I think this is a skill based matchup IMO. Hecarim's clear is pretty insane and if we're not careful we can meet him at scuttle under leveled at 3:15 if he is good. His early/mid/late game scales pretty similarly to us. Fighting pre 6 is scary, play around your team. If you get the hint that heca is a lil bit bad just fight him and if you get ahead xp/gold wise he is easy to shut down. ”
Elekktro says “After multiple nerfs to Hecarim's items and direct nerfs to him as a champion, the horse is no longer a threat to Viego. In order for Hecarim to win this matchup he will have to get far ahead of you. Viego controls this matchup the majority of the game outside of very early. ”
Vega03 says “You can't do nearly anything against him. He outruns you, he outdamages you, he can steal objectives. If you pick Shen and they pick Hecarim after, stay safe until your third item and try to help your strong lanes to get ahead.”
J98TheGreat says “I can't say that it will be the most fun match, but for the most part, you'll be fine if you play better. He has no severe disadvantages, but it helps here to be the one starting the team fight instead of him. Just be sure to keep good tabs on where he is for your sake and for your team's sake.”
King Fidd says “He is very hard to kill by yourself. and his e dash range levels is almost the same as your fear. If he runs at you don't stop to q him past level 4, he will dash on you during the fear and kill you.”
Ghionova says “Needs alot of mana in early, steal his blue and he needs to settle down a bit till next blue is up. He will outspeed you with ghost and E so fighting him is nonsense unless he wants to i guess... Focus on stealing his camps. He can be a problem in late tho if he get back into the game. Be sure to engage when he ulted.”
NMFO says “Remember that hecarim's passive converts his MS into AD, and he gains a lot of his strength that way. Be sure to consistently apply Q and fight him in your E slow zone as much as possible.”
Roguejokester61 says “Spooky horse man is just a pain to go against. He is extremely tanky and can go Godspeed on you and smack you into walls for fun. Hecarim is constantly coming in and out of the meta as item changes occur. Hecarim has a very health clear so be aware of his presence in your own jungle as he will try to invade.”
Brosinex says “Es muy tanque, su ult es un gran tablero de cc que apesta para ti y hace daño. Extremadamente difícil de matar a menos que te alimentes.”
Da Mastah says “Proactively waiting to countergank is better than reactively doing it, this is most true when your in this matchup. Make sure to dodge his E with your Q and you usually win the 1v1. Get deaths dance if he gets ahead. Also try to get vision deep in the river for your teammates or whatever lane he is prioritizing.”
The Elysian1 says “ I prefer going conq into him , since i can take longer fights with him , esp if they have some ap , you will probably have wits end and you will heal for the same as him. Not that strong but his ganks and jungle clear are better then yours. Try to counter gank.
KafueLechwe says “Just like Kha'Zix Hecarim needs to do good early to win this matchup or he will get outscaled. As Sion until Titanic Hydra you lose the 1v1 so steer clear unless you have rotating laners.”
Citric says “Hecarim is an annoying pick for Shyvana because he is much like Kayn. He clears fast and he ganks well. In this match up, you can not force ganks that are bad because he will counter jungle you very quickly. He also scales really hard so don't let the game go on too long. Focus on your objectives.”
Pusi Puu says “You win early game hard. Mid game he beats you since his 6 spike is really strong and he can outsustain you and run you down. Try to invade him and look for crab fights, you win hard. Be careful for his mid game stage. You outscale him at like 3-4 items.”
IMissedMyQ says “Cheese this Mother clucker. You can make him wish he never Queue'd up if you invade and constantly pressure him early. Don't let him get the upper hand. The second he gets a lead on you, the jungle is over. You lost. (but never give up because solo queue players are trash and they will always throw.)”
Doubtfull says “If the Hecarim takes phase rush its very difficult to kite him, he also has the damage to one shot you, and can dodge your ultimate with his ult. Once you hit runic echoes, you can one shot him with your combo if he isn't already too far ahead.”
SnowballBarrage says “He just stat checks you really hard, if he gets fed early you'll have a rough time, but if you shut down his early plays/make him waste ghost its not bad.”
NixLychee says “Try to bait his charge and jump out of it using a ward hop, and then you can probably win the duel. After being so heavily nerfed, he's pretty weak.”
KamiKZ says “You can easy kill heca on his 2nd buff when you are lvl 2 or 3 since he gets low on his first clear and most Hecarim players run ghost > flash on him. This is basicly a free kill for you as Kha. (I recommend evolving R first in this match up) ”
Polarshift says “Personally I'm not struggling in this matchup, but you have the upper hand in the early game. You want to invade his jungle if you have priority. You can choose to either affect the early game with Phase Rush or scale better with Fleet Footwork. If you can get a good countergank off as Graves you will probably snowball the game.”
Veralion says “They keep buffing him, seemingly determined to forcibly inject him back into pro play. I'm getting balance whiplash by proxy. Helicopter Q lets him stack Conqueror super fast and his lane pressure is very high. Play the objective game; he should be too busy trying to gank to worry about drake and herald. Attempting to countergank is probably inadviseable until 6. Look to take his camps while he's showing in lanes if possible. If he gets a lead be extremely cautious about going near river, since by the time you see him it will be too late if you are alone. It's absurd how fast this champ moves, how much damage it does, how far it can displace you, and how long it can lock you down for. ”
Goldenstinger says “Hecarim is too fast for our boy - this is a skill match up too. He can cancel you with his ult and his charge so avoid these and you can win. You have similar play style but he get can on the map quicker. Most hecs to do a 3 camp clear into gank so try and counter gank early. ”
Doubtfull says “This match up is pretty brutal for Fiddle. A good Hecarim will trample all over you at just about all points in the game. He can cancel your drain with his E and R. You can't fear him away like most of your match ups, as his E will still go through. If you're planning on one tricking fiddle I'd honestly just ban Hecarim every game, I consider this Fiddle's most difficult match up.”
Kocykek says “Can't do anything since you block his E. Even if he decides to engage you just stun him and it's over for him. You outdamage him early on and maybe later if you decide to snowball.”
Arfreezy says “Patch 11.11: Hecarim has been nerfed and then buffed again. His current state isn't anything special but thanks to the power of Sunderer on this patch he can be a strong champion. PD helps a lot to kite, but you also need to take LDR to shred him in fights. Mythic is situational depending on rest of the enemy team.”
FREAKSTAR says “He can cheese some ganks early, possibly even take ignite. If your team survives the onslaught it should be an easy win.
He's not tanky enough to tank your damage, and he doesn't do enough damage to hard carry.”
LukaBre123 says “He's not that much of a threat but he is a lot faster than Sejuani and you need to have a good map awareness to be able to countergank on time.”
Tormentula says “Hecarim is strong, he can farm way better and can countergank pretty easily, however early on Elise can invade him especially since Hecarims usually don't take Flash and are pretty much dead if caught by Cocoon. ”
Doubtfull says “You win this 1v1 in the early/mid game pretty hard. Pre 6 he has no way to get away from you. Find him, flash on him, and delete him. Post 6 you might try to time your ult to dodge his, but that is mostly a guessing game. ”
IMissedMyQ says “You have a great matchup vs hecarim. He does not have cc, nor does he run flash. This makes it very easy to land E and stick to him. Your ult is also perfect for when he tries to run away with E. The only time he can be a problem is when he gets a few kills early and you're not able to 1 v 1 him.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror. Phase Rush if necessary.
ITEMS: Zhonya's. Plated Steelcaps if against full AD.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Hecarim has a lot of early game damage and can run down your team if you're not careful, so don't try to duel him. Use Phase Rush to kite or escape him if you can. Remember to use R on him after he uses his own ult, otherwise he can cancel your sleep.”
Whynotbefriends says “Hecarim can be unstoppable after he gets snowballing, the new items are crazy strong on him. Early fights are hard to win because of Conqueror and his Q cd going down, if you cant kill him in your initial jump in combo you will lose and he will take over the game.”
MiningRicK says “It´s so hard for you vs. a Hecarim he can fight you like all time and is one of the best Junglers in League so be careful and try to find a lane where you always gank so that this teammate can carry you the game. I wish you good Luck!”
KamiKZ says “Haven´t played this match up much but from the few games I have played against Hecarim as Graves I feel like this match up is Graves favored. (Will be updated whenever I have played more against Hecarim as Graves) ”
Insightful says “He can keep up with your clear, he has an AoE fear in teamfights which can make it hard to know who to black shield, and on top of that he's also strong in 1v1”
[Hecarim is a champion that relies on Q'ing and AA'ing, so you kinda counter him. Early, he has like a VERY good clear and could try to skip a camp to gank or even to invade you. His W will be less effective with antiheal (which is the first thing you're going to build), his Q deals damage but it's physical so you do not care. His E could be problematic but you cancel it with your Q. You only have to mind his R, if he ults for you, W fast and let him engage.]
SaltCat says “Little pony here is a tought match up, he beats you for most of the game, a good thing that you can do vs him is to use your charm then acitvate it before it fully goes off so you can get the slow, that really lowers hecarim effectiness”
sonminh says “Very hard to fight him at every stage of the game. Going bruiser or AP control is not that bad. Play front to back if he's strong, forcing him to ult out of the fight is really good. Edit: No longer strong, but playing into if he is full AD is tough if you are AD as well. AP is probably better into him.”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “A very powerful threat with his tankiness and life steal in this patch. simply farm up and advance your critical lanes, as he will likely have more map dominance over you. get ready to give up any obj or camps to him as fights will be hard to win, but if you can prevent him from getting fed, you can win.”
VukatornunazFan says “Hecarim has always been a problem for me while jungling as Viego and while I'm not sure exactly why I do know I love to complain when the enemy has one.”
poopyOCE says “Q and disengage, equal teamfight potential and he wins 1v1, but you outscale way harder. Try to keep map awareness of him on rift. Ward for invade”
Jinx_48 says “He is rly tanky also good scaling.
Brought ghost propably and any runes . He is so god dammit fast so chasing him or running away is hard.
He isnt that good early game so try to fight with him in this time”
Karasmai says “Only reason he falls under hard is his early clear is as fast as yours he is very high tempo, with a slightly weaker teamfight but much better force so he can start fights easier and pressure the map thru ganks and objectives a lot smoother than Kayn. If you’re against Hecarim your best bet is going Rhaast and scaling with 3-4 items and 1v9ing a teamfight, if you do go blue try to keep vision of him and gank opposite of the map from him cause you will lose a counter gank.”
MexBookMaster says “Heca está nerfeado. Recomiendo jugar Rhaast con Ignite y siempre saber si tiene R o no. El ignite ponselo cuando utilice su W debido a que de ahí proviene su curación. Tiene buenos ganks pero Kayn farmea mejor, explota eso.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Warwick defeats Hecarim in the Jungle in every way possible, Q counters his e/r, however realize your fear doesnt cancel his "E" charge, Warwick outganks a Hecarim and can easily countergank a hecarim. Just dont afk farm vs Hecarim, you win by ganking more than him or invading him looking for 1v1s, easy to invade level 3 because every hecarim wants to full clear so you can get him on his second buff pretty easily”
ak521 says “He's a really good at ganking. He'll win early game hard. If he has predator, he'll win even harder. He'll win late game if he builds right, but begins to fall off if he runs Predator. You gotta all-in on him, hoping your Q will land. The good part is he doesn't deal much damage without taking much. He has a lot of health; but not a lot of armor/mr. To counter- make the game last as long as possible. He doesn't scale as well. Easier said than done, I'm telling you right now- enemy team will have a MASSIVE lead if Hec is good.”
Rhoku says “Hecarim is very easy to beat in a 1v1 fight. But if he gets fed, he does get to a point where he just murders you AND your team at once. He is also far better in teamfights and can very easily engage fights when you are not with your team. He sucks early vs you though so you can still beat him down.”
Believe Weiss says “Hecarim can be very annoying to vs because his movement speed almost makes it so you can never hit a Q on him. You want to refrain from dueling him and try to keep him off your carrys in teamfights”
lightrocket2 says “Abuses black cleaver. If they are losing the 1v1 vs you they just e and run away. However, running Glacial cuts his damage significantly! ”
Sammystinky says “He heals a lot off you, he is hard to E due to speed, peeling and killing him is difficult, countering him is not easy. He doesn't do anything crazy, but he isn't a great matchup”
RedNBlue says “You will knock hecarim around like a hamster in a box . If you can find him level 2 invading his jungle you have an auto first blood or just kill as Hecarim players 50% of the time....
Don't take flash...
Give him a pillar, Give him a couple autos, and he's dead. Do it rinse and repeat whenever you see him alone and vulnerable but make sure not to do anything stupid and get caught to deep in his jungle.”
colingogo says “He beats you early, but you both powerfarm well. Mid/Late you just w him when he charges and you can burst him pretty hard when he commits. Do not die to him early.”
SketchtheHunter says “Can be very frustrating if he gets ahead but struggles to duel you early on. Try to save your E for when he tries to use his own E to escape so you can yank him back toward you. Then just pop Blue Smite if you've got it and boom, free kill.”
Soulreaperjin says “He can be just straight up annoying when he runs with his E on you and escape with it since the cooldown on it is shorter than Shyvana's E in early game”
FrostForest says “Even matchup however you are more useful mid game
He outdps you in a fight if you miss your combo.
Better for you to let him initiate on you before attacking back
Most Hecarims run Ghost/Ignite so they can run you down or beat you straight up with the added dps provided
You lose the 1v1 most of the time if its an even game”
manco1 says “Hecarim farms well, and ganks extraordinary well. You do not really have any room to outplay him, best bet is to power farm as much as you can and be opportunistic in your ganking waiting for late game where you have more burst potential. ”
Gedrah says “In the early game, Hecarim is manageable but really fast. Be careful on his gank opportunities and try to be on time for a counter gank. Don't fight 1 vs 1 against him unless you are ahead of him. ”
RichMrFork says “Difficult matchup. Unless you're fed it will be very extremely hard to kill Hecarim without the help of your team. He farms faster than you, can countergank very well and is a bruiser which is the class that Ekko struggles to kill the most. Good jungle tracking of Hecarim is important to not let him get a lead before you reach your item powerspikes. ”
Kayn Mains says “You can take early trades early on but don't commit to extended fights. Hecarim's Spirit of Dread (W) allows him to gain HP off the damage he deals, ensuring him to win fights.
Once you reach the mid game take a peek at Hecarim's items. If he built Cinderhulk as his jungle item enchantment you are free to fight him for some easy passive orbs. Make sure to avoid him if he has the Warrior enchantment and/or Ignite unless you are ahead.
Late game against Hecarim is a piece of cake for Rhaast. With Cinderhulk he serves as an excellent Umbral Trespass (R) target for a free HP reset. Building Executioner's Calling is heavily recommended.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Try to bait his charge and jump out of it using a ward hop, and then you can probably win the duel. Make sure not to get CC'd though, if you do, you're probably dead. After his nerfs, he's not nearly as strong.
WillowSprout says “if I lost my prev match to this bitch I ban him no matter what, do not invade him pre 6, he will always find a way to fuck your team up when they know what they're doing...but he dashes too so it's a skill matchup.”
metalhydra273 says “Surprised Hecarim, a meta jungler when good, is at the bottom tier? Skarner hard counters this matchup thanks to the nature of his cc. You can ult Hec no matter how he tries to go in, even through his ult thanks to how it reacts to unstoppability (this does not work on Vi however, which is a reason she's hard). Thanks to your spires 1v1s are fairly even and you should have the means to get away if things start to go south unless you're completely isolated and he has everything up. This matchup can be an issue if Hecarim gets too far ahead early though and becomes unkillable with either a healing or full tank build. Still though, Hecarim HAS to engage to be useful, so look to punish him for overextensions and get shutdowns to get your team back into the game. Skarner has the means to stop Hecarim from doing anything he wants, so look to take advantage of that when he tries to go in.”
Spection says “Dangerous after itemization. In the early game he is susceptible to an invade and can be killed pretty easily if you land everything. Come mid and late you will not be able to do much to him. Do not Q until he has ulted, because he will ignore it. ”
LilPaniniUwU says “You can take early trades early on but don't commit to extended fights. Hecarim's Spirit of Dread (W) allows him to gain HP off damage he deals, ensuring him to win fights. Once you reach the mid game take a peek at Hecarim's items. If he built Cinderhulk as his jungle item enchantment you are free to fight him for some easy passive orbs. Make sure to avoid him if he has the Warrior enchantment and/or Ignite unless you are ahead. Late game against Hecarim is a piece of cake for Rhaast. With Cinderhulk he serves as an excellent Umbral Trespass (R) target for a free HP reset. Building Executioner's Calling is heavily recommended.
PulseBeat_02 says “Hecarim is a very high mobility jungler. This means hitting your bindings will likely prove much harder. One advantage you have over him is that you are ranged. Block his knockup with your Spell Shield and then try to root him so he doesn't come back for you.”
KhaZix Mains says “[3/10] He has the potential to face-roll you given the right circumstances, but you should be able to fight him easily once you get evolved Q. Try to take advantage of him early-game with aggressive pathing and invades. Just make sure to avoid as much damage as possible with Void Assault.
Be mindful of him snowballing lanes through early pressure. Go Q evolution for better dueling potential and focus your early game pathing around ganking/counter ganking. Also be sure to consider W evolve at level 11 to cripple his engage potential and save your backline from being dove. ”
Gamyeon says “Hecarim Players usually do full clear or partial full clear and that gives you more than enough time to 3 camp (Buff, Gromp, Buff) into invade opposite buff jumping through pit. Hecarim Players will usually run Ghost so you can just flash to kill on the 1v1 cheese invade.”
Gooooooby says “Hecarim basically is a budget Udyr. Although he can clear fast, Shaco is able to kill him on his first rotation. If Shaco is unable to punish Hecarim on his first clear, he will end up outpacing you. Hecarims main burst is with his e, if you are able to dodge that with R, you should win any fight with hecarim. ”
Ejsner says “Conqueror suggested. Hecarim is a rough matchup aswell, just because he can chase you down and stick to you, which doesn't let you repeatedly leap to him and get extra fero + dmg. Once you leap on Hecarim, he can just E you, and W which slows you, and just chase you with Q, he can also just R and fear you and chase you down with it if he wants to.
Tough matchup aswell.”
Nanelol says “If he is ahead, never think of fighting with him, also if the Hecarim uses the summoner spell ignite instead of flash, then you won't beat him in a 1v1, but a invade early on always works on him.”
Nanelol says “Don't try to fight Hecarim early game nor in the midgame especially if you are behind and he's fed. Most of the Hecarim players run ignite so you should keep in mind that if he ignites you that you can't enter stealth mode while being ignited.”
Nanelol says “Hecarim will be outganking you because his clearing speed is way above yours. Try to counter jungle as good as you can. If you are able to countergank him it will be even more better than counterjungling. Overall you should be able to win trades against until level 6. After level 6 try to dodge his ult with your rappel.
Nanelol says “Not hard to beat in 1v1 situations at all. His R is pretty easy to dodge, just wait for him to R and use Q on him at the same time. If he does hit you with his R, you get feared.
Yitastics says “Dodge his damage with alpha, u pretty much cannot lose a 1v1 against him unless u time ur alpha wrong, taking ignite and counterjgling him is a good tactic to shutting him down for the game”
HVfun says “Strong right now. Similar to Olaf, he ganks and clears faster than you, and can out duel you late game. However, you can kind of counter him in team fights. Be patient and wait for him to engage, then unload your stun and entire combo on him when he dives. Your team should be able to blow him up.”
uSgSello says “Hecarim will gank often because of his speed and early game jungle damage and clearin speed. Try to counter jungling as good as you can.
If you are able to countergank him it will be even more better than counterjungling.
Overall you should be able to win trades against until level 6. After level 6 try to dodge his ult with your rappel.”
Maverka88 says “When he is jumping on your team with his R or with E use your W on him so before he can run or get a kill you kill him with your team really quickly. And dont really try to fight him 1v1 if you are not ahead.”
qosmox says “As long as you don’t get into very extended trades where he gets to use his stacked up Q over and over you should win all trades in this matchup. Do either very short or decently short trades until he’s around half hp, then you can all in him with an extended trade if you’re still healthy. Just be careful early on if he’s running ignite/tp.”
MrMeem45 says “He's fast but not fast enough to fight you at any stage of the game. Unless he gets fed, you melt him, hard. If he does get fed, build grievous wounds and Serylda's for the slow.”
theceasrsalad says “pretty good burst and consistent damage with his q just be careful early when he is strongest and try to just be on the other side of the map.”
Doubtfull says “This match up is pretty solid for Ivern. You hard outscale him in teamfights later on, just be careful of him using his ult to misposition you. Survive to late and he won't be able to kill your carries.”
Tailburner says “His Ultimate and E provide massive running away difficult. Also The fleeing from his Ultimate makes it harder to get out before your ult is up.”
Unknown420 says “invade him as much as possible he is fairly squishy early game and by the time he gets his tank item u would be strong enough to kill him anyways of u played it right”
legendtomi1 says “Warwick defeats Hecarim in the Jungle in every way possible, Q counters his e/r, however realize your fear doesnt cancel his "E" charge, Warwick outganks a Hecarim and can easily countergank a hecarim. Just dont afk farm vs Hecarim, you win by ganking more than him or invading him looking for 1v1s, easy to invade level 3 because every hecarim wants to full clear so you can get him on his second buff pretty easily”
Jhanthem says “Should be able to beat him, just out rotate him even if he moves faster with predator by reacting on the opposite side of the map if you have to.”
Cryastro says “Pony just runs at you. If you stun him you can run but he gets really fast and his ult can gapclose.
USe R to dodge his R then try to E him before he can use his E on you.”
nZk01 says “care about ignite hecarim he can just 1 shot you early and his MS allows for easy dodges, he can start ur raptors aswell so care about that, otherwise the champ is really easy to play against if you get over first 10 mins”
Strike1 says “Once upon a time when hecarim was overpowered this was a terrible matchup.
He can R max range when you press R and the fear will make you walk out of ult. on top of that he can E you out of ult.
However, hecarim is not good right now and kindreds high dps build allows her to make lightwork of the slower squishier hecarim who builds sunderer and struggles to stick onto her without ult”
SoSheolH says “Even when he was meta, he wasn't an issue for Galio, and now that he's fallen off due to Chemtank nerfs, he's really not much of an issue at all. Could possibly do well with his AD build if far ahead, but generally you don't have to worry about anything here other than early ganks, but that's not your problem.”
Kindredgarten says “Easy to duel if he isn't fed and you can usually fight him 1v1 anyway. Vulnerable to invades as he usually doesn't take flash anyways. Ward rivers for your laners, he has super strong ganks. A good idea to ult before he can ult you to fear you.”
GuillaumeP84 says “This is my permaban champ because in my opinion this is the worst matchup. He farms faster, beat you in early, mid and late game. You can't fight at scuttle he will always beat you. ”
RhaastSlave says “I will put him here because he is a big threat but he got nerfed so hard but if they keep buffing him he will evolve in a much bigger problem.”
Caled says “Hecarim is a tough matchup in the early game due to his ability to sustain early and have a really healthy clear. Also, Hecarim can easily secure scuttle crabs with his Devastating Charge (E) pretty much making early game very rough for Kayn. Although you can take early trades against Hecarim for form, never commit to long duels as he will outheal you with Spirit of Dread (W) and Conqueror. Preferably want to go Rhaast into Hecarim as you do outscale him and offer more in teamfights LATE game. ”
Loul_60 says “Has a good and healthy clear, but lacks ability to 1v1 people. Watch out for his good ganks though. If he doesn't have E or hasn't charged it up much (just by moving about), you can probably take him on.”
litecrunch says “This champion is really broken right now. You could beat him if he already used his w and e on a camp, but the amount of extra damage he gets from his passive, phase rush and ghost make him very stupidly strong. He can also gank way more then you and scale decently well while being healthy in the jungle. Personally I would just ban him, and if you don't then dont even fight him early and do your best to match his pressure.”
liserith says “Hecarim wouldn't be so big of a problem if he didn't have two dashes. His E can be walled with your E, but a good Hecarim will engage with his R and follow with his E. His damage and healing is kind of insane, so try to kite him and stay away as much as possible. Pre-level 6 however, he's harmless as a teddybear, so make sure to keep crabs away from him. ”
Gumipapucs says “You can invade and threathen him. You can 3 camp and try to intercept him in his full clear. Should not be a problem unless he gets ahead of you. If you get ahead, just play cocky and dont even let him leave the base. Obviously do not get collapsed on, and his Ult can be a threath to you if he has a teammate near.”
KeyTheMonolith says “Just so long as you are into a good comp for going red kayn you should be fine just care for how hecarim can ult you out of a wall and e you causing your e to glitch when he hits you.”
chevy the sloot says “Pretty freaking strong for months now. He farms just as fast you while having op ganks early so ward river and ask your team to respect. If you have a lead on him you can contest/kill him with red smite and oblivion orb. I perma this or khazix too snowbally.”
c0st0m says “if hecarim somehow gets a lead hes quite a nuisance to deal with but hes another tank/bruiser so hes kiteable and not the worst matchup for lillia”
Shroomen Rider says “You can block hecarim E damage but not the knockback. If he over-engages during a gank you can capitalize and likely win and 2v2 or 3v3 encounter. If you catch him from invis and he doesn't run away he dies.”
Tinjus says “He has the potential to faceroll you, but you should be able to fight him easily once you get evolved Q. Just make sure to avoid as much damage as possible with Void Assault.”
Udyr uber says “Se ele estiver de conquistador e incendiar, nem tente trocar com ele que você irá perder.
Tente focar nos objetivos ao invés de invadi-lo
Tabi+Navalha Sangrenta+Sterak”
Raizins says “This super speedy horse can become a 1v9 machine if left unchecked, and the worst part is his Ultimate prevents him from being CC'ed. So good Hecarim players will save his ultimate to stop you from chain CC'ing him and get a free pass to your backline. Your best bet to peel hecarim is to stay near your carries and when he goes in, cleanse the CC with your R then W him away fast. It's not ideal but this champ packs a punch and alistar is often too slow to catch up to him after the fight ends. ”
LoLHaise says “You cant really 1 shot Hecarim, so you need to play with your team. If Hecarim ever sees you he can run you down so play away from him. ”
AyeJa3 says “If he gets a lead be extremely cautious about going near river, since by the time you see him it will be too late if you are alone. Watch for his Trinity Force powerspike, it will be too much to handle alone or even in a 2v1.”
UnaFlauta says “He is very difficult to kite because of his speed so build blue smite and use your e to slow him and with help of your teammates he is not a threat. Try to fight him with help on the early, because the chances of him getting fed are really high.”
TheeusVRAU says “Um dos junglers mais fortes do patch, consegue snowballar o jogo muito fácil devido a velocidade do clear e facilidade de encaixar ganks, além de ganhar o 1v1 do graves em níveis iniciais.”
Piss_Gaming says “9 times out of 10, when Shaco is banned, it's the enemy jungler wanting to play Hecarim. Gone are the days of the ADC or Support duo both lane rage-banning your champ, instead it's the enemy Hecarim banning his only decent counter.
Minor threat because hitting the queue button at the same time as a Hecarim means your champion might get banned. ”
ImCarsonLol says “jg - Viego has one of the healthiest clears in the game but his early clear is slow, compared to Hecarim in the current meta Hecarim can abuse this.”
Bel37 says “Pretty even matchup all around. He will outfarm you and outgank. If he doesnt get fed he isn't that much of a problem. But since the champ is kinda of just broken at the moment he will usually get fed. JG DIFF”
KingFershid says “This is where I get angry; since now Hecarim build tank he will just bring hell on every lane, but since you build Demonic Embrace just R him and its an easy kill most times.”
ChaseMorePlz says “As long as you don't get ulted in a bad spot, you should be fine in most cases. If he gets ahead however he can prove to do a lot of damage to you and be a problem. ”
JunglerBuilds says “His jungle clear is okay, he's generally a mediocre pick. What's good about him is how fast he gets. His passive allows him to build movespeed and tanky while still having damage, so watch out for those scary initiations.”
ChaseMorePlz says “When you group, don't clump up so he can't ult everyone at once. Picking exhaust champions and stuns will counter his ganks. The best thing you can do is farm well, avoid dying and rushing your ultimate so you can disengage when he ults. His ganks will most likely result in him coming out on top so just play smart and combo him with your team to burst him.”
ChaseMorePlz says “If he gets ahead, which he most likely will you will have a tough time fending of vs. him. Capitalize on where he is on the map so you can get objectives elsewhere. If he tends to be a threat to your laners be sure to catch him while he's diving them.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Statistically speaking, Hecarim is one of Vi's hardest matchups. She only has a 48% win rate versus him in Platinum+ games. As long as you don't get in range of his Ultimate ability in a bad spot, you should be fine in most cases. If he gets ahead however he can prove to do a lot of damage to you and be a problem.”
tsundereRen says “your competitor, Hec is really strong and tanky, but you can still fight him, get a bramble vest and try it out. (as long he didnt bring ignite, it's an even fight.)”
waayWest says “Only a problem if he's fed. otherwise you can most of the time ignore his burst and take him down with kiting afterwards. Just don't get thrown into the enemy team”
sonminh says “Very hard to fight him at every stage of the game. Going bruiser or AP control is not that bad. Play front to back if he's strong, forcing him to ult out of the fight is really good.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Invade A L W A Y S. He is the easiest champ to invade because he will take ghost so use that as your advantage and get him behind asap.
Heca is really strong in long fights so try oneshoting him if it wont work it means you probably don't have enough damage and should avoid doing that again till you are fed.”
Kevalanium says “for the most part he is hard to deal with if he is ahead but try to counter him but charging into his e WITH YOUR Q your shield will absorb most of the E damage try to avoid his Q and R”
Hxriis says “If you play your cards right and get a small lead, the threat level can easily fall down to EVEN or MINOR. But if the matchup is even or if Heca get's slightly ahead, chances are you wont ever be able to face him in a duel. So play your cards right, read the map and make sure to avoid him and focus on ganks and farming. Make sure you keep the lead. ”
Ezio_Auditor says “The Party Pony is a Problem Pony. He can clear as fast or faster than you, maintain early pressure, and control the tempo of the early game from his movespeed alone. Look for counterganks and look to pick up a dark seal stack or two before you try and fight him. His Ult makes him unstoppable, and a good Hecarim will save that for when you try to ult and kill him during dragon fights, making you waste your ult.”
G Spot God says “He is very fast, which lets him counter gank and follow you around the map. He stacks his conqueror as fast as you do so it is difficult to outduel him if he is ahead. Very beatable though.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Another one of those skilled matchups. He is really strong early with conqueror, if you have the situation of "conqueror blue kayn" it will help, but don't force it. You can always cheese him, and if he invades you back, ping your team he usually runs ghost, so he can get cc chained easily.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Hecarim needs some time to scale so in the early game you can easily prevent him from popping of. All you have to do is keep vision on him and deny him easy ganks. If he needs to get his items by only farming he will take a very long time to get his damage up.”
EvoNinja7 says “Hecarim is one of the strongest junglers in the game. In the early game you slightly out damage him with your W stun and Q damage. The mid game is also even as long as you don't get hit by him when he's full speed charging towards you.”
MetaSolaray says “Hecarim's come in two flavors, ghost to run people down and ignite to win duel. Udyr can easily beat both but understand you'll want to engage after his E is down unless you have the raw damage to burst him down. Pre six this is a death sentence for hecarim as Udyr beats him in raw damage, counter gank him to get a lead.”
DarkAuraLOL says “fair waveclear, fair early game, fair sustain in jungle. invade his red side, try to cheese him , if it possibly works he's doomed, also make sure you protect your side after cheesing , and maintain one level advantage and you'll be stronger, also once you get form you can actually one shot him .”
RedNBlue says “Take full armor for this one as he will just spam q on you and get conqueror if you try to stop him from killing you. Otherwise you should be able to stop him if you can get distance.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “He can out gank and out farm you and he's pretty hard to keep up with. You don't really win the early fights against him either so try not to fight him 1v1 without Kraken unless you already have a lead. You just have to try counter gank or gank opposite sides and hope he doesn't snowball too hard.”
theDoctor_13 says “Second worst, same as Lillia but slightly less damage for your kit, and he has to be a little closer in fights so you might stick a little better.”
lolBlender says “Whilst 1v1 you counter this champ and his playstyle, If he gets ahead off ganks and gets a couple items hes really hard to deal with and can run over your team with a lead.”
Dannala says “The rare occasion he lanes you should win generally from playing. When he ganks you can E just as he does his charged auto/ulti to land where he charged from and usually get away. If you get hit by his ult there is no survival.”
Shukori says “Hecarim starts becoming a threat at lvl 4, he is able to clear as fast as Karthus and his Goal is to do a full clear just like Karthus. If Hecarim gets ahead, he will just run Karthus down with his Kit. You scale kinda evenly with Hecarim, but once you reach Minute 30, Hecarim will fall off and you will be able to slowly start hard winning teamfights if played correctly, under normal circumstances of course.”
Snap0ner says “Good early damage, dont 1v1 him. The fact he don't have any real jump until level 6 makes him so predictable. Ward his jungle, clear his camps and if you can kill him when he is low on mana he will have a hard time trying to get back into game.”
Hidon1 says “He is the type of jungler that likes to full clear. This allows you to get your ganks of pretty much uncontested. If you do not get early leads on the map, he will run you and your team over, make sure you do not leave camps on the side you start on in first clear.”
WoShiGarvin says “Hecarim's clear speed is much faster so they have the option of invading or ganking to make your team behind. Ekko is pretty weak early so deciding on a good route early and getting vision set up is a must.”
chevy the sloot says “Favorable match up for a good Lillia. You can definitely invade and bully this guy early. While also out scaling him. Oblivion orb early is nice for his crazy healing. You should be able to kite him to hell after his E is down.”
Schadenfreude says “You duel him very easily in the early game unless he takes ignite. If he does, try and either bait it out or avoid him. If he doesn't, find him, and kill him when he's not looking. Try and kill him before he uses e, otherwise you can't catch him. ”
Aurelius2142 says “You win early, but he's going to get ahead by ganking - try to out manoeuvre him when you can. If you can't, focus objectives to try and force a 1v1 at level 6. As long as you can pre-emptively E his initial burst, you should be good to duel him with confidence - just watch out for his team!”
Karthus man says “Hecarim is a bit scary because he will just run at you and you can't do much. If you can, keep him away from you and try to get to late game and you might have a chance.”
Karwit says “Jest mocny w early , czyli wtedy kiedy Kayn jest słaby. Grając na niego trzeba być ostrożnym , częściowo zrezygnować z counter jungli i zająć się częstszymi gankami”
Rusitc1 says “Hecarim is a tough one, simply for the fact that you can't get away from this guy. If can go red Kayn and abuse him being a rather unworthy opponent, that's great, but he sucks to deal with on Blue Kayn. Watch out for his R, it will fear you for a while, which is very bad for us.
As both forms, don't fight him until you have form.
Bait his ult and use your smite r as blue Kayn as his peel is really good.”
Maile says “Hecarim snowballs hard and becomes unkillable. Track his pathing and make sure you go even in this matchup. W evo is extremely good vs Hecarim so as long as you can go even or ahead in the early game, you will win out in the late game because Hecarim from behind is donkey levels of bad. ”
DOGEUWDOGEUW says “50/50 matchup. Make sure he doesn't get ahead in farm. Be careful because he deals a lot of damage with conq stacked. Take ignite and dont fall behind.”
McSushi says “against him, run exhaust instead of ignite if you're not confident on shaco. also you can go lethal tempo or glacial augment instead of hail of blades. (yes, glacial augment on ad shaco)
unless the hecarim is skilled, he will just fall behind on farm and power.
if he is, just avoid fighting him, especially if he's not alone.”
Connweasel says “This is a skill matchup, I think whichever champion is able to pull ahead is the one that will take over the game. You should look to counter gank this champion. If he is the one that engages, then he will have used all of his movement abilities to get in, therefore not being able to get away from you. Hecarim normally takes ghost, so he can't flash from you, and if he uses his R as an escape tool, then your R can follow him to finish him off. ”
CalicoCactus says “Almost seems like a better version of you early on, has great ganks and can take control of a game if you let him. Once you get some items under your belt you can start to win, just remind your laners to stay safe and keep those bushes warded.”
Ardent Deceiver says “He's busted right now, will destroy your boxes with Q, run you down and take your camps. Impossible to fight after he gets mythic.”
BlackBacardi says “Hecarim is similar to you with his mobility and damage, and he will have some lifesteal with runes. I recommend that if you aren't banning him you build Dead Man's Plate second item and Death's Dance Third in order to have a chance at winning fights against him.”
White Cr0w says “Good early damage, dont 1v1 him.
The fact he don't have any real jump until level 6 makes him so predictable. Ward his jungle, clear his camps and if you can kill him when he is low on mana he will have a hard time trying to get back into game.”
NiceTryVi says “Hecarim, while strong in the right hands, is not an extreme threat for Vi. His CC is on a long cooldown, so even if he manages to use it, you can zone him off your carries very easily and often kill him fairly quickly. If he gets caught, he is dead.”
Fresh Diamond says “Hecarim ganks are stronger and more impactful, and his Q AOE damage plus his W healing makes him strong in teamfights. However, he lacks single target DPS and sucks at dueling and taking objectives. Take advantage of this by invading and controlling neutral objectives.”
Minase says “Hecarim is pretty scary in SoloQ given how strong his ganks are and how strong he is in the early-mid game. Look to avoid him early on, scale and counter any ganks you can see coming. Typically speaking whoever dies first in this matchup will lose.”
BoyWonder00 says “He has an ult that makes him unstoppable so he can dodge your CC. He can also knock you out of his W. However, if you can CC him, he has a hard time getting away. (Q, W, then E or R fear, Q, W, then E)”
cobraguides says “He usually wins early game depending on your teams rotations. Bring ignite if you want to win early into him, after he uses his E kite with your E and save your W”
Orfeass says “He destroyes you as Shaddow Assassin but if you are Rhast you can just W his E and from there it doesnt matter how bad you play the fight you will win.”
Shaix222 says “With hecarim it will be difficult to stay after him initially... surely he can gankare much more easily than you and get a small advantage in the first half of the game... escape his rush with control with your Q will allow you to have an advantage over Hecarim.”
KingFershid says “If the one that's playing Heca is really good, don't try to fight him alone; go for the Tank build and try to don't give him Drakes. In the other hand if you see that who's playing heca is not really good try to steal as many jungle camps without getting caught; go full lethality and destroy him late game.”
LoL destroyer says “Hecarim is very fast, making it difficult to catch him, however, your q can slow him down significantly and you can generally out sustain him in fights.”
FalleN3 says “Difficult champ to deal with and his 1v1 potential can be surprising. Be careful when deuling his as you don't want to give him any free kills. If he gets ahead of you, it will be hard to come back.”
FalleN3 says “Who made this pony so mad !! He is a nightmare to deal with 1v1 and you will likely lose every fight with him early game unless your team comes to the rescue. Keep the jungle warded and care for him.”
Holessando says “This is pretty even and skill matchup.
You can lose and you can win, its about how you're gonna play. Hecarim has great mobility and is good when ganking. I wouldn't fight him, unless you have advantage or there's a fight on some lane.”
aiker95 says “Average level of threat. The problem for us in his AOE damage and jerk ("run") and ult. Just his "run" allows you to quickly navigate through the woods and gives the opportunity to make a fast counter-jungle.”
metalhydra273 says “He goes in, you lock him down, he dies. Pretty simple. You might not always win the 1v1 so make sure you're ahead if you want to fight him. His plan is typically straightforward so cc him to death before he reaches your team or peel him off after he ults in. If he's attempting to steal a dragon or baron, you can attempt to ult him while he is ulting to match the cc he gives you, so he doesn't win the smite war or you can at least get hi killed in most circumstances.”
SkaterKidd says “Hecarim's Conqueror can make long fights unfavorable for Warwick since Warwick's Passive takes longer to kick in. Hecarim can ZOOM to the team back line. Hecarim is not much of Threat if they run Predator.”
Xidorian says “He's a really good at ganking. He'll win early game hard. If he has predator, he'll win even harder. He'll win late game if he builds right, but begins to fall off if he runs Predator. You gotta all-in on him, hoping your Q will land. The good part is he doesn't deal much damage without taking much. He has a lot of health; but not a lot of armor/mr. To counter- make the game last as long as possible. He doesn't scale as well. Easier said than done, I'm telling you right now- enemy team will have a MASSIVE lead if Hec is good.”
brSL7 says “Hecarim é um champ que vai dar muitos ganks early game e por isso vai acabar com o jogo rapidamente.
O Dr Mundo é muito fraco early game então dar caunter ganks nesse momento de jogo é difícil, Mid-Game a história é outra, você pode dar caunters ganks e até matar ele no x1. Tente segurar o jogo e acalmar seu time amigão boa sorte kkkk”
AKScorched says “Hecarim is a nightmare for Fiddle, honsetly. He's basically unkillable and that CC destroys you. The only thing good about him is that he's not a popular pick, at least not anymore. You can't outrun him if he starts chasing you and you have no teammates so I recommend flashing over walls. You can't kill him in any part of the game alone. Your best bet is to hope your teammates don't feed him, or y'know, tell them not to.”
Xe0N says “He does not counterjungle a lot but he is a better champion overall. Get good vision and try to countergank him. Also if you don't die a lot in the early game you will probably outscale better.”
gurubashi35 says “Hecarim's ganks are stronger and more impactful, and his Q AOE damage plus his W healing makes him strong in teamfights.
However, he lacks single target DPS and sucks at dueling you and taking objectives. Take advantage of this by invading early and controlling neutral objectives.”
ChaoticClockwork says “Hec is strong right now and counters shaco pretty well, if you care about your LP you should try to make plays across the map while he ganks/shows on wards.”
CinderTheSnake says “Hecarim is a combination of a lot of things. speed, CC, and tankiness. the only redeeming factor in the matchup is how hard he falls off late game.”
Coccaa says “Hecarim is a very powerful jungler, as he can powerfarm and gank lanes quickly. If he takes Conqueror, it gives him a ton of damage and healing too. To beat him, just farm your camps and get your items as quick as possible. Try to visualize where he is going to be and what lanes he will gank so you can effectively countergank.”
KaRMaX says “Better early, can surprise you with his burst and really annoying because of his dash (cancel meditate) and ultimate (fear).
Do not fight him 1v1 early game.
You can deal with him after guinsoo.”
chasemyman1 says “This pony has been destroying the rift recently and its a nightmare to go against him. He ususally runs conqueror so he has great sustain and can run you down. Try and get ahead early as this makes the matchup alot easier. Try to also rappel his ultima or use Zhonyas. You can try to use your cocoon on him as he charges his run to you but its easy for a good Hecarim player to dodge.”
FrickLillie says “If he wants to 1v1 you then he is 1v1ing you. you only have a chocie in this if you have flash and/or a nearby tower and teammates. it's hard to win this fight, but it's also hard to actually die so it's not super scary.”
RageAx says “Not too strong early and not much of a threat late game as he usually builds into a tank. However he has strong ganks and may get fed off of that.”
KillyOne says “Not often seen in lower elo brackets, but after recent buffs to Predator and Ghost, Hecarim is a good jungler again. His ganking potential is really good even before level 6, but dueling him shouldn't be too difficult unless he has more items than you.”
KillyOne says “Hecarim has recently received a few buffs which make him a decent jungler. He can be really difficult to deal with if he gets ahead because of his movement speed and damage. I consider Lillia to be stronger than hecarim in a lot of ways, maybe not lane ganking, but teamfighting is in Lillias favor with her damage and AOE ult.”
League Of Cursed says “This one depends. His only non-ult cc is his engage and disengage. Once he has ult though, he can and will kill you if he finds you. The trick with this, is just ult in after he dives. It will peel him off and more than likely kill him and whoever else followed him up most of the time.
Dopamine_influx says “You're stronger early, so he's easy to snowball. Be in his face (mainly on early scuttles, but you can also go red blue gromp his red if he full clears from blue)”
Stiwy says “He has some reasonable damage and a good all-in at level 6.
If you stay near your tower it will be risky for him to run at you.
You can try to predict his dash with your E and if you succed, he takes a lot of damage but still, don't let your guard down becuse his ult can turn fights over.
This guy heals a lot so bramble vest helps.”
Xeldom says “Favorable match-up.
Hecarim has very weak early 1v1 until he finishes his trinity force. Use this time to contest scuttle crabs and counter gank.”
AsparWild says “beware his E, though you can still easily root him since he isnt immune to that. however, make sure to root him after you R him, so that your R doesn't get wasted since he can easily run out.”
Jogress says “Another horse, huh?
I feel like in a fair 1x1 Lillia is stronger. But if Hecarim gets ahead - he can roll over you and kill you fast - and there is no way to outrun this beast initiation. Dead man's plate is a good counter - buy it earlier if he kills you”
ZLOCO says “He's a really good at ganking. He'll win early game hard. If he has predator, he'll win even harder. He'll win late game if he builds right, but begins to fall off if he runs Predator. You gotta all-in on him, hoping your Q will land. The good part is he doesn't deal much damage without taking much. He has a lot of health; but not a lot of armor/mr. To counter- make the game last as long as possible. He doesn't scale as well. Easier said than done, I'm telling you right now- enemy team will have a MASSIVE lead if Hec is good.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Hecarim can easily run you down and kill you. His ult fear can keep you from ulting and his E can knock you out of your ult. Just try to avoid him until he focuses someone else, because if he is focusing you youll probably lose. If you find yourself in a 1v1 situation try to play around you ability to jump over walls to beat him.”
Dreadscythe95 says “Hecarim can outgank you and outfarm you at the same time. If he starts snowballing it will be hard for you to keep him in line. He is also broken this season.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “Largely depends on what he is building. AD Hecarim can be shut down fast by using the freeze ray from Glacial Augment through BotRK, and finish him while he can barely move. Watch out as he can knock you out of your ult with his charge.”
nextonetwo says “hec will also invade you and kill you if you let him. post 6 you should be able to defend yourself a bit from him, but he can probably still one shot you with a full rotation and q's.”
nextonetwo says “hec will also invade you and kill you if you let him. post 6 you should be able to defend yourself a bit from him, but he can probably still one shot you with a full rotation and q's.”
QzKama says “The Solo Queue Horse.
You should do great against him but he can snowball hard, be careful of Ignite Hecarim and be smart with your invades.”
MegaAlphaDog says “You win early duels, but he will get harder to fight later in the game because he might run conqueror and Ignite. If he doesn't run Ignite this should be an easy matchup for you.”
GhostReaper87 says “He can invade you can make you completely useless if you fall behind. His E cancels your snowball and his ult cancels your e and your ult. He can be very slippery and cna take objectives. Try to match him by counter ganking or getting bot lane ahead since a fed or semi fed hecarim can 1 shot adc's or control mages with his E. You are more valuable mid to late game since you can q+smite drakes and baron's. Also you provide your team abit more cc considering hec inn't in the fight. If he is running predator his is going to be useless late game.”
DarkPit59 says “Hecarim possède un très bon nettoyage de jungle et, avec la rune prédateur, peut se montrer très fort au jeu du counter-gank. Il est nécessaire de jouer avec prudence lorsque l'ennemi le choisit.”
colajd100 says “When you train Lee sin so much you can counter his R. Place ward in other place of his R and click W to nim fast. When you are beginner Lee sin, ban nim or dodge when you have nim in enemy.”
Shattered770 says “This bad boi will run you down and fear you and make you sad. He's just super strong and has the ability to run away from you and engage out of no where, even without a team.”
WickedPoppet says “This one depends. His only non-ult cc is his engage and disengage. Once he has ult though, he can and will kill you if he finds you. The trick with this, is just ult in after he dives. It will peel him off and more than likely kill him and whoever else followed him up most of the time.”
TrevorJayce says “Hecarim can be everywhere, which is most of the time your kryptonite while you gank. His movement speed while in his E ensures that even if it looks like a winning fight, he'll R out of fog of war and end your life. Granted, he can't 1v1 you, but that's not what a Hecarim is going to look to do. Handle with care.”
Fabosch is Love says “He has better early game and better gank possibility. Hecarim doesn't scale good, you'll be more useful in mid/late game than him.”
AsarWeth says “Be careful with this guy, you can counter his fear with you Spellshield, and you can also counter his knockback, this is a skill matchup, but dont let him invade you, this will be your doom.”
Nico449c says “Hecarim is one of the best junglers at the moment he will win against you by either invading you lvl 2 or just purely outgank you so your only chance is some good counterganks or a good invade but when you invade him at 3 you gotta hit your e to have a chance usually he will escape with little hp. Then you be able to freely take hes jungle.”
Ryttar says “Can cancel you with his E and R so don't try to 1V1 in general. He's far more mobile than you so try to know where he'll gank and be there to surprise him and his team.”
lheisse says “Hecarim is very fast when he activates his e. This can be a big problem as hitting him with q will become much harder. Try to block his knockup with an e then use q. Keep away from him since all his abilities are melee.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Hecarim needs some time to scale so in the early game you can easily prevent him from popping of. All you have to do is keep vision on him and deny him easy ganks. If he needs to get his items by only farming he will take a very long time to get his damage up.”
Soulreaperjin says “He can be just straight up annoying when he runs with his E on you and escape with it since the cooldown on it is shorter than Shyvana's E in early game”
The Top Bear says “Nidalee, Winrate-wise, is the biggest counter to Hecarim. In the 1 v 1 you have to poke him down before jumping in. He has incredibly strong sustain damage, so you need to get the jump on him. I would definitely recommend invading and trying to shut him down early. ”
RaptorDre says “Weird matchup, either he dominates you or you dominate him. Usually ganks alot so try and counter gank or make your teammates ward a lot (help them out also with warding).”
PokeBen6551 says “Pretty easy to kill since he Needs to be fast to deal Damage. If hes not running at you, you should be able to kill him rather easily.”
Quezel says “Hecarim is mostly a nuisance as his e and his ult make it very easy for him to escape or engage onto you even in the death realm however you both love all in extended trades and you do it better then he does once you get armor buy seekers and clobber him. Heavily respect him if he brings ignite and ghost like some hecarim players do as the 1v1 potential he gets is extremely lethal.”
0kruemlmonster says “Strong early game, but after Rageblade you can simply threeshot him. Don't waste your Ult on his fear. Try to dodge it (it's his Ult) or his E.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “Outfarms you, Outganks you, Outduels you. There isn't much you can do into this matchup, just hope that you can get ahead from ganking lanes.”
HackedAccountlol says “Has almost unavoidable ganks but you can ward his camps to prevent your laners from getting ganked. His E and movespeed makes his ganks hit hard.”
Mkcls says “Pain in the neck. Ult is cc, so you are dead. He is perma naruto running so he's gonna outrun you whenever possible. Might cheese early, so keep wards in the bushes!”
Simphoria says “His initial clear is weak and often likes to full clear. He spikes like us at 6, looking to gank when he can. Both provide AoE and damage so just be careful of his snowball. He will eventually out damage you but he'll never kill you quickly. ”
Fyurex says “Hecarim has a great engage tool just like you. The difference is that his fear can go down on your whole team. You have to be really careful if you want to time it correctly like with Sejuanis ult. You also can't duel him in early game because of his W heal, and his Q is almost constant.”
LFS_aXent says “Starting to get into the skill-based matchups. Hecarim, as well as Graves, is very mobile. His dashes and fears will fuck you up if he combos right. Luckily, you're fast, and ranged, so if you play your cards right, play him around fog of war and bushes, you should win.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Can be a tough matchup. Keep vision so that he has a harder time getting a full charge on you, and avoid his ult where possible. He has very, very high movement speed, so your Frozen Mallet/Rylai's will be crucial. He is not very potent before 6.”
Laverenz says “If Hecarim goes with Predator keystone, he can 1v1 you, if he's fed. His insane damage from his E can make you very low on health. ONLY fight him while inside altars under your control.”
Foodex2000 says “He can gank more than you so it can make some issues.He is easy to kill throughout all game.His R and movement speed can make some troubles in teamfights.”
Her0mars says “Has the potential to carry games and camp lanes easily if played right so watch out, ward, and gank even more. He is kind of cheese right now and has bleh, level clears early game. If you take his blue he will be oom after 2 camps or 1 gank.”
Yuki H. says “Since he is an AD champion, Graves has a decent amount of dueling potential, however, Hecarim is very mobile and is able to stick onto you which makes it relatively hard for you to kite him out. Just remember he does very high consistent damage, whereas you are burst damage oriented, so look for short trades with your abilities before backing off or calling for assistance.”
AaronStonne says “Ele simplesmente vai usar a runa Predador e vai te caçar pela jungle, se ele conseguir te dar o empurrão, pode aceitar que vc está morto”
Hamstertamer says “Pretty coinflip, can be either a nightmare or free food depending on the player. Group with your team and counter-initiate, he goes down quickly when focused.”
Chromuro says “Really sticky and a good dueler, both things that ivern hates. With him you'll need good shield and brushes timings to stop any engage he tries, you can't do anything vs him. Contest only if you have smite ready.”
yasinpg says “Pretty even matchup since both of you are looking for teamfights, but you should win after your locket since you will give your team a 400 hp shield. For early just look for counter ganks in mid/bot.”
4by3 says “Hecarim is a good jungler overall right now. He will outduel you, outfarm you and has better ganks with better burst and sustain damage. If you gain a lead you can easily kill him though, since he isn't very tanky early but you have to be ahead and get the surprise on him when he's low.”
Scantie says “Doesn't have the damage output to stop a strong Mord, but can do decent damage and possibly catch you off guard if hes ahead with a couple kills. Plenty of items to deal with his healing and tankiness too.”
KhaZix Mains says “[6/10] He has the potential to faceroll you, but you should be able to fight him easily once you get evolved Q. Try to take advantage of him earlygame with aggressive pathing and invades. Just make sure to avoid as much damage as possible with Void Assault. Be mindful of him snowballing lanes through early pressure. Go Q evolution for better dueling potential and focus your early game pathing around ganking/counter ganking otherwise once he gets an item lead the matchup will be very hard to come back from post-trinity force. Be sure to take his summoner spells into consideration, if he has ignite it will be much harder to fight early.”
MrPuggles says “ Hecarim is an interesting matchup. He shouldn't be able to beat Xin Zhao in a 1v1. However, he is an extremely good early ganker, making him a pain for your team. His teamfight potential is very strong if he brings Conqueror, and it's pretty hard for Xin Zhao to kill him due to Hecarim's extreme mobility. A good way to beat him is to avoid fighting him if possible, and to gank a ton. Counterganking is also very effective.”
Theleon says “Always ban this thing. One mistake and you are bound to get behind.
He will gank every lane, he will get every camp, he will come for you.”
Aoefa says “Hecarim can outgank you and outfarm you at the same time, you also don't want to fight him. This champ is broken right now, you can counterjungle and gank other lanes, but most likely you won't win a countergank unless you outplay with your cc.”
Eqxilibrium says “Extremely mobile, will outheal you, do not engage in early skirmishes. Try to outgank him/countergank and stop him from snowballing.”
itskimjesus says “really easy, once you have form, youll snowball harder then him, he wil go warrior trforce, by that time you should have duskblade warrior and win 1v1”
Yzroma says “Just peel your mates and he will be useless in teamfight. Also, you can alwyas 1v1 him if he's not fed to much. Hecarim is good for ganking but takes time to scale.
vanchovski2002 says “He can't 1v1 you early but his ganks are better..
Late game his teamfight are slightly better than you so make sure you make him useless !”
fetlol says “Hecarim is a somewhat tanky champion who can rush you when you least expect it. Be aware of a good Hecarim and ask your teammates for where they last see him... you don't want to see him kill you at your Red.”
Bombabo says “Hecarim has all of the tools he needs to get up in your face and heal enough so that he never dies to you. As long as he has some idea as to where you are, you most likely won't be able to get away from him and he can easily escape from you”
TheLord110 says “can be very hard to play against cuz he his massive speed advantage.
don't invade his jg unless he is dead or you are with your team
Killerbacca10 says “You do everything he does but your tankier,you can steal objectives and secure them,and your better at teamfighting and ganking. All he has on you is damage. However do not try to fight him if he invades you. He can snowball out of control”
MrBoronALT says “Hecarim can be hard to kill because of his movement speed, but he takes a while to get going and his early clear is pretty weak. If you can deny blue buff he'll have to recall more often as well. Just go after his team or kill him if he's low. He's also vulnerable while his Devastating Charge is on cooldown.
HAMMERSLAYER says “A very very active jungler, he will clear quite fast and then attemp to gank overextending lanes trying to secure easy kills that will let him and his team snowball the mid and late game, try to provide vision of him to your team and follow him around while not letting him pull off any successfull ganks.”
Jungle Kings Rage says “If He Goes For A Full Damage Build He Can Easily Pierce Through Your Meditate And Wreck You In A Flash. Just Build My On Hit With Titanic And Gage Build And You Will Demolish him. Extreme Threat If You Dont Though.”
xMalcho says “Try stealing his blue buff without it his jungle clear is bad af.And you can put w in the bush near the blue and just kill him with your ignite and w.”
lolWillieP says “Most hecarims take ghost so just flash kill level 3. Try to countergank him, but in season 14's powerfarm meta he's more of a skill matchup”
MasutaKokoBot says “Hecarim's ability to dive your team and cc them can pose a mild threat, but you should be able to heal your team and have them keep you safe. Banshee's veil and Tenacity are good against him. You can also use your silence preemptively catching him in your snare when he engages.”
Jomickies says “Hecarim has fast clear speeds and can impact the map very easily. I recommend warding well and trying to keep track of him so your laners don't die to his ganks. This champion is very hard to deal with but you do outscale him. In addition after early he falls off very hard so as long as your team doesn't fall too far behind you are fine usually.”
xTheUnlimited says “No way you can 1v1 him. Try to countergank him and track him through his jungle so you can warn your allies before he ganks them. You can disable his E with your Q, you are more tanky than he is and your potential of ganking is a bit higher than his, because you have more CC. ”
Yuki Nagato says “Kill Hecarim on his 2nd buff since most of them run ghost instead of flash which gives them no escapes and he gets low while clearing.”
ApexZulu says “Hec can't really win early 1v1s, but he doesnt really need to be able to in order to impact the map more than you. Deep wards are important in order to protect laners from early ganks.”
LePlay says “His whole build revolves around building up speed with his E and dashing towards you with increased damage. Simple block it with your W and use your E-Q combo afterwards. The same goes for his R. The only real problem with him is his enormous speed while running away, which makes it nearly impossible to catch him once he´s running”
SubSequence says “Early game, he's easy to play around. You do more damage before Items are built than he does. If he goes Predator, you might have trouble, or at least your lanes. ”
OmnimX says “You won't catch this guy if he doesn't want you to, so there is no point in chasing him hoping for a kill. Additionally, his CC is dangerous for you, but he can only use it if you are spotted.”
Violzandre says “He only can run fast, how cute!!!
He can't kill you 1 vs 1 with my build, even in early you can easily delete him.
He will gank a lot more than you, the comunication with your team is essencial, try to use your wards to track him and sabotage his ganks.
Do a little counterjungle, it will be easy but be careful with his teammates.
Hecarim is strong only if he's with someone else doing extra dmg.”
Slykku says “He loses a lot of HP's in jungle, counterjungle his as much as possible! Long trades with him will end badly cause of his Q's cooldown. Thanks to your R you will be able to avoid his charge and R if pressed in the right moment.”
L3gislacerator says “Once you get enough armor, he won't scratch you or your teammates. Stun him to stop his charge, and buy IBG so you can slow him and lower his damage output.”
TricolorStar says “Hecarim is very fast, but he lacks the ability to reliable kill you early game. Be sure to keep tabs on him and let your team know where he is.”
OddOwl says “Your W can mitigate a lot of his burst from E and Predator. Watch out for his Q spam if he has the mana for it. If he is below half mana he shouldn't be too much of a problem.”
CalebsLegacy says “Like all of the other champs, if he is fed, he will be a huge problem. You can beat him starting from level 2 so I suggest going to blue/red and cheesing him that way. Care for the enemy team. ”
SiwanKara12 says “This can go both ways. You can counter him pretty hard with your E and W. If you miss your E, or waste your W too early, you will be screwed.”
Yi Guide says “Difficult champ to deal with and his 1v1 potential can be surprising. Be careful when deuling his as you don't want to give him any free kills. If he gets ahead of you, it will be hard to come back.”
Aboviel says “You don't want to play Nocturne again Hecarim as he will gank all your lanes with nearly 100% success so the best way to win is counter jungling 24/7”
Castcade says “Hecarim can be a problem a bit he has good clear and sustain and good ganking i recommend not to get a proximity of 5 meters near him kiting him is pretty easy but with his e you can get 1 shoted I recommend playing a little safe until you get a lead”
ChumblesProductions says “Never really had trouble with Hec, he can one shot if hes ahead but hes also weak clearing early. You should invade him just like eve.”
Marelack says “Fullclear.( For Rune Conq Most Of Times). Make sure ward ur blue side river cause he might do raptors into ur blue side. U can beat hecarim easily when both of u 3 4 items. Make sure jump on hecarim when u have fullystacks and do ur full dmg combo. In some plays u can root him with emp E so he cant allowed to press r.”
SUPERPENGUIN69420 says “I'd say it could be in major threats but Hecarim counters you wery well because of it's mobility and damages, his earlygame is way stronger than yours so be careful.”
MannerlessNG says “Not too bad.
He has high damage and can just run off whenever he wants, then re-engage you.
Great at ganking and stealing objectives. Pretty annoying, but not hard to out jungle.
Most Hecs spam gank, so you should make his jungle your jungle more times than not. Leave wards all over his jungle so you can spam ping your team away from his cheese ganks.”
Hazardist says “His AoE, mobility and sustain can be tough to deal with and he will outduel you if he gets fed in the early game. Black Cleaver, antiheal and some armor items are a must if it gets to the point where he is ahead of you.”
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