Bottom Lane 49.31% Win Rate98% Pick RateKai'Sa Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Kai'Sa in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says “She loses hard early and will probably int to try CS so punish and zone her hard. She has to use all abilities as wave clear. Her R is useless till late game when she has damage to oneshot backline. Emphasis on her R late game lets her oneshot backline.”
FroszTyzada says “Bom all-in e ult com shield, mas tem dificuldade de trocar entre os minions, coisa que o Twitch não tem, apenas troque perto dos seus minions para dissipar seu Q.”
BigBallsLarry says “even and skill based, a good kaisa can fuck you up but you can win. Most importantly fight her in your minions so she can't fully Q you, and try to dodge her W during fights, which might be difficult. Per passive is pretty unavoidable, but you should pay attention to it to not get surprised by your healthbar. ”
BrunkageManden says “Annoying matchup. Will out-scale you.
Do not get hit by her isolated Q. You do out damage her in the early game, so try to find an angle if she missteps”
Avarosa says “voce ganha a lane dela, tente ganhar rapido que voce nao vai ter problemas, apos sair da lane phase não troque 1v1 com ela, voce sempre vai perder a menos que acerte sua ult de uma distancia consideravel ”
Eneino01 says “she's an assasin kind of. If she snowballs your lane it gets really hard to come back. Careful when he's paired with an engager support”
Dr Yoshili says “Really easy matchup in my opinion, you outrange her hard, you have a better waveclear, you are better in lane AND in team fight, while also scaling harder, only one rule : do not duel her, unless you have a big lead, she will outdmg you, just wait for your team to kill her, you outscale her
Tip : Her ult get blocked by your chompers, she is not unstoppable when ulting, take that in note”
gaarrett says “Nilah eats short-ranged ADCs alive. Kai'Sa falls into this category. The only way Kai'Sa can play safely into you is if she goes a W poke build. ”
EdenHoangKim says “A good Kai'sa will be a little bit hard to deal with. Try to catch her with your support. When she's behind, she can't be a threat anymore.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - High mobility / Insane 1v1 / Can be played AP or AD / Win short trades and long trades / Huge CDR
| WEAKNESSES - Support dependant / Hard to comeback when behind / Short range
| WHAT TO DO ? - Kai'Sa has most of the time supports like Nautilus, Alistar or Thresh, be worry to never get caught of gard by them. You can trade back but don't make the trade too long or she will win 100%. Mid/late game is "even" because she has low range but has a huge burst potential. Her mobility is also a threat since she can turn invisible, making you enable to hit her with Q.”
Avxm says “One of kogmaws best matchups, you outrange her and outdamage her if she cannot get isolated q's on you/free poke with her w. If you fall behind it can be hard but just try and space her at your max w range and use your e to counter her e and you should be fine and not find much difficulty as you heavily outrange her and she cant easily gapclose on you until mid-lategame with enough damage to 1shot you”
Kociokwik says “Support dependant matchup, she has good all ins so don't force fights, however short trades are fine if she can't proc her passiv.
If she waste her spells on wave you have window on all in. You should be stronger on 1-2 items but she might outscale you if she is going ap build. You must dodge her "w" in late game.”
Latte9969 says “Kai'sa is notoriously an Ezreal counter but I don't think it's as bad as people say it is. Her range is very short so try to space her early in order to poke her down while she can't reach you. Be wary of her W in the mid game because if she hits W and manages to ult you, Ezreal will never outdamage Kai'sa 1v1 in close range, but if you space her early and get a lead it can be very hard for her to play.”
Foxirion says “Kai'Sa's mobility and burst damage can make her a major threat to Kog'Maw. Her ability to dive in with Killer Instinct and quickly eliminate targets can catch Kog'Maw off guard.”
afr0rk says “She will out damage you inside her range, and unlike Aphelios she has the mobility to get to you. Play for poke in lane and E forwards when she's low enough. She outscales you, but you do have a decent amount of counterplay against her. Make sure to get early push into her and play inside your minion wave, as she loses a lot of damages without her isolated Qs and Ws.”
loaderdragon15 says “Range Advantage: Ezreal typically has a longer effective range than Kai'Sa, especially in the early levels. He can use his Mystic Shot to poke Kai'Sa from a distance, making it difficult for her to retaliate effectively, as her abilities require her to get closer to the target.
Mobility: Ezreal's Arcane Shift gives him high mobility, allowing him to easily dodge Kai'Sa's skillshots such as her Void Seeker (W) or her Void Spike (Q). This makes it challenging for Kai'Sa to land her damage reliably, while Ezreal can continue to harass her from range.
Safe Farming: Ezreal's Mystic Shot allows him to safely farm from a distance, minimizing the risk of getting engaged upon by Kai'Sa or her support. This can deny Kai'Sa the opportunity to snowball in the early game, where she is relatively weaker compared to her late-game scaling.
Poke vs. All-In: Ezreal's playstyle is more poke-oriented, while Kai'Sa excels in all-in engagements. By continuously poking Kai'Sa from range, Ezreal can prevent her from finding favorable all-in opportunities, where she can utilize her burst damage potential.
Itemization: Ezreal's build path often includes items like Iceborn Gauntlet, which provide him with additional utility or survivability. These items can make it more difficult for Kai'Sa to burst him down quickly in trades or all-ins.”
fuckingrathatxdd says “With some supports it can get REALLY fucking problematic but it's still doable.
Threats n' Tips: Don't let her get her P off. It's her main way of trading. Stand in minions to spread her Q damage.”
Bobalegre says “(HOB KAISA) kai'sa with HOB has a way better trading power compared to lethal tempo, she can proc her passive much easier. You can still trade against her but be careful.”
Vapora Dark says “Kai'Sa is a short-ranged ADC that shines in extended trades rather than short ones, making her the perfect ADC archetype for Aphelios to bully. The difficulty of the matchup increases slightly when she takes Hail of Blades for stronger trading power, and even further if she rushes lethality for even greater trading, but it never really becomes any harder than an even matchup. Avoiding extended trades is key since she will out-DPS you early on.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “in a 1v1 you should almost always win up until the later half of the game. Don't get isolated early by her Q, standing behind minions will significantly increase your odds of winning against this champion. Don't let her get a crazy lead, other than that you should steamroll her at even gold”
Devilbuny says “Ogarnięta Kai'sa jest denerwująca i cię zdominuje. Ale dopóki nie grasz rankedów, ciężko o taką. na draftach łatwy cel. Buduj na nią Serpenta”
hellfirelord says “You beat her in lane by standing in wave and abusing her CDs. Even if you have an advantage she can kill you in 1v1 unlike other ADCs post 6 cause of her R reposition. Try to not make it possible for her to reach you not even for an auto. She will most of the times trap you in a bush cause that's the only way she can kill you if you're ahead early. She will also go exhaust most of the times.”
NegativePhoenix says “Haven't seen Kai'Sa enough to really know how it would go against Smolder, so here's my guess:
Early game because of her passive, she's gonna be stronger. She likes to snowball, so she may try to play aggressive to kill you in the early stages if possible.
Stand near minions so she can't get Q damage isolation, and if possible, use your E to counter hers if you need to chase or get away from her
If she can't snowball, she can't be effective till the late game and even then she shouldn't be able to beat you by that point”
Leaf no Kitsune says “she is slightly stronger early but I still think it is one of the easier matchups. don't donate her kills and trap her mid lane phase. afterwards you can snowball the game. if you 1v1 her, either condemn her against a wall and try to fight inside your minion wave so you are not isolated or she could have the upper hand.”
Lewozu says “Dont trade with her if she has Hail Of Blades up, she wins. Instead try to bait it out by walking in forcing her to do 1 auto and then back off, now you will be given time to do something.”
iiExploit says “You outrange this champion by a ton. She should be of no threat to you unless you've been CC'd. However be careful, because if she does get on top of you, she will do a lot of damage very quickly.”
mydesires says “Since Kai'Sa build right now is sooooooooo OP so you have to dodge her W carefully otherwise she can all in you and BOOM dead // TH : ตอนนี้บิ้ลด์ไคสะออกไปทางแอสซาซินซึ่งไคสะจะเปิดด้วยการยิง W มาโดนเรา (ละมันดันแรงด้วยอะดิ) แล้วก็พุ่งมาหาเรา พยายามหลบสกิล W ให้ได้ ต้นเกมกดเลนได้อยู่ พยายามกดเลนดี ๆ”
Paramo_ says “Be aware, she is a hypercarry and can easy snowball. Go Doran's Shield and go Collector/Navori. Use exhaust to slow her and kill her faster. ”
LustAndSpite says “Her abilities are telegraphed, allowing you enough time to cast E to protect yourself.
She can dodge your ult with her R, but her low range and bad early, as well as her vulnerability to your ult make this a skill matchup.
One advantage you do have over her though is that her high damage in the late game can quickly kill her own team.”
the hood says “Kaisa herself is a shortrange adc - so you can win short trades since your dmg per AA with Axe is higher than Kaisa's AA but early game your all-in is stronger aswell. Try to dodge her W and dont give her an angle to Q u isolated. (Kaisa is countered by Draven but falling behind vs Kaisas changes the dynamic of the matchup and she can snowball over you)”
support_diff says “Kai'sa is one of the champions that will probably always be good in the meta. She has a really good burst damage and scales really well into mid/late game with her evolving abilities. She shouldn't be a too big threat to Ezreal if you don't go near her as her range isn't that high and if she can't hit you with her auto attacks or Q most of her damage will be cut off. Poke her with your Q and use E only if she manages to get near you. ”
DreamOfValhalla says “Pretty easy matchup since you outdamage her in most stages of game except late game of course, Dont get hit by her W and try to be close to your minions when she uses Q, then the damage will be divided evenly to all her enemies.”
DreamOfValhalla says “Early game pretty weak, fight as much as possible in lane you can poke her in lvl 1. Do not fight 1v1 if you are even she can outplay you”
mythicdem0n says “Kai'sa is Vayne but better. She out trades and out teamfights Vayne in 90% of situations. Survive until teamfights and try to position safely to ensure you avoid fighting her. ”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “Like it or not, Kai'sa is a real problem, at the initial levels she will only damage you if she combos correctly, but she is a very aggressive character in the laning phase and that's when you should punish, however avoid a 1v1 confrontation because she has a lot of mobility in her ultimate and in her Skill E, play it safe in her tower and farm for you to scale equally with Kai'sa.”
Reptile9LoL says “Kai'Sa has slightly stronger trades than Vayne but shes relatively easy to scale against and she cant fight you if you manage to get push/ you're inside a wave, Kai'sa's whole damage comes from her Q and W which will be split onto all of your minions and W will be blocked by them.”
afrente do tempo says “Run exaust and bone plating if against engage sup.
U can struggle a lot if u fall behind. Try not trade if she has rail of blade.
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - High mobility / Insane 1v1 / Can be played AP or AD / Win short trades and long trades / Huge CDR
| WEAKNESSES - Support dependant / Hard to comeback when behind / Short range
| WHAT TO DO ? - Kai'Sa has most of the time supports like Nautilus, Alistar or Thresh, be worry to never get caught of gard by them. If you want to trade Kai'Sa, make sure it's super short cause she will win most of the trades you'll do. In lategame, track Kai'Sa's movement during teamfights or before them since she will try to assassinate you.”
Hidden Ghoster says “Poke in lane and all in if you can. Use Sniper to trade as you have range ADV. Avoid taking isolations fights late game as that's the only time you can lose since she has Q evolution. ”
LoLEnryu says “50-50 depending on support pick, if Kaisa takes ghost the matchup becomes much harder as she can just kite you with lethal tempo + ghost. Exhaust is a viable option against Kaisa.
Try to fight only after you have at least Serrated Dirk and always let your support be the one initiating the fight. Do not waste your E's trying to get onto her.
You can one-shot her later on in the game.”
Jhin and Tonic says “Kai'sa is a dueling champion and with her ult she can easily solo kill you but with a decent support you can easily beat her in lane. Engagin her in level 2 is a decent option if you have a support that can do that. If you do so dodge her w at all costs and you are good to go, Exhaust is recommended for when she ults on you.”
VrNtv says “Make sure to gain prio in this match up, Kai'sa is same as Vayne, she has low range, can't really farm properly if shoved under tower. She is weak early, you can outpoke her really hard, since she has very low range.& (525) Do not fight her alone without CS, especially after she has Q evolved(her Q evolved is Serrated Dirk + Pickaxe + Noonquiver), since her Q does lot of damage if it hits isolated target. Her ideal synergy is with CC Tanks such as Nautilus or Blitz/Leona, be careful if she is with Nautilus, lategame if Nautilus ults you she might ult to snipe you so make sure to have stopwatch/GA for that or stay near team.
RandomNPC777 says “Kai'sa's early is very inconsistant, and she almost always loses lane into Twitch. She likes to pair with engage supports who can set up her fights, or enchanter supports who can keep her alive lategame. You either want to shut her down early and snowball with a stronger early support, or outscale her and play for late with an enchanter.”
wungus says “Specifically traditional builds!
Kai'sa's main damage sources are her passive and her isolated Q. You can delay her passive proc with your W and playing with your support or in your minions can counter her Q”
whitemindlight says “Unless she hits W on you early and you stay in your wave so her Q doesn't burst you, she isn't a big threat early. But she scales very hard and you won't be able to 1v1 her lategame”
SheriffADC says “Actual somewhat good matchup for once, she doesn't really outrange you and doesn't have crazy base damage in the earlygame. Just avoid fighting when isolated (evolved Icathian Rain hurts when you're alone).”
livia999 says “A good Kai'Sa with a cc support is pain and suffering but for the most part they aren't that good. We can kill her pretty easily and duel her”
Amberdragon says “Early in lane Kai'sa is rather easy to punish because you can zone her with your traps and net, while poking her with your superior range. She cannot trade back due to range advantage. But if she has a support who can lock you down the matchup is much more dangerous, especiallly after 6.
Basically Kai'sa wins by out-scaling you and getting on top of you with her E or ultimate. If you don't build up a good advantage over her in lane, you will be easy prey to her later on.”
slendoooo says “These are the only traditional ADC matchup where the game can go either way.
For early game, she will win short 1 auto attack trade with you. Because after 1 auto attack she will also do Q damage to you. So to bypass that you should always go for at least 2 or 3 autos to win the trade.
She also has an insane burst damage from her passive and W. Always try to dodge her W in any state of the game.
After she gets her Q evolved, (needs 1 dirk + pickaxe + noon quiver + long sword), don’t try to fight her without minions. Because her Q splits around all targets, and if you eat her whole Q you’re basically dead.
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
Pipimatz says “Same as Jinx but a bit harder since she has her invisible e. The good thing tough, she can't ever really r into you since she would just kill herself that way.”
xAngelx8 says “Kai'sa benefit a lot from being up in your face since Jhin don't have a lot of mobility in his kit, which means that you should try to keep her at your max range. ”
Tolis slayer says “kaisa is a pretty big skill match up. pre level 6 play as aggressively as you can and hide behind minions not only to avoid her w poke but also to get hit by fewer of her q missiles.after lvl6 play more carefully since her ult is an insane range dash that not only allows her to reposition but also gives her gigantic shield.if you lose lane dont stay alone since her q gives her huge damage ”
Corpselover says “Kai'sa is a skill matchup for Samira.
You could try to engage at level 2 or 3 but be careful of her Q and W you can block both of them with your W.”
Sanz_Moonshidder says “Go exhaust and absolutely destroy her before she evolves her Q. Even if you lose your lane against her eventually you will outscale her.”
KnobHobbler says “Can be a problem with a cc support otherwise is fine.
Take exhaust and you win 1v1's all through the game.
Try to trade in your wave, so her Q damage is minimized.”
franksterzz says “You outrange her, and scale just as well as her. Bully her in the laning phase and don't let her scale. She can't kill you unless you mess up. Be aware of her burst if she gets close because they take hail of blades and her combo of three autos and W can really hurt if you're not careful.”
NotAragami says “Short range ADC functions like an assassin more than a regular ADC. Trade a lot with her as Kai'Sa has very limited trade options. Watch out for her passive proc as it hurts a lot.
AP Kai'Sa got tiny buff in 12.19, too bad most of the time you won't likely to see any Kai'Sa ADC building AP in a serious game anyway. ”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Poke] You can't let Kai'sa get kills, as items are her biggest powerspike because she can evolve her abilities. Her trades are also scary because of her (Q) and (W). Your best bet is to poke her down, as she doesn't really have any sustain.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not 1v1 Kai’Sa if you’re alone as her Icathian Rain(Q) will focus you. Fighting near minions will be helpful as they will block some of her damage. Extended trades work in the favour of Kai’Sa thanks to her Passive. Try and keep trades short so she is unable to activate her Passive on you. When recalling, especially when low, make sure you keep an eye on your champion as Kai’Sa may try to finish you off with her Void Seeker(W). Do not shop until you’ve successfully recalled to ensure maximum safety.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not 1v1 Kai’Sa if you’re alone as her Icathian Rain(Q) will focus you. Fighting near minions will be helpful as they will block some of her damage. Extended trades work in the favour of Kai’Sa thanks to her Passive. Try and keep trades short so she is unable to activate her Passive on you. When recalling, especially when low, make sure you keep an eye on your champion as Kai’Sa may try to finish you off with her Void Seeker(W). Do not shop until you’ve successfully recalled to ensure maximum safety.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not 1v1 Kai’Sa if you’re alone as her Icathian Rain(Q) will focus you. Fighting near minions will be helpful as they will block some of her damage. Extended trades work in the favour of Kai’Sa thanks to her Passive. Try and keep trades short so she is unable to activate her Passive on you. When recalling, especially when low, make sure you keep an eye on your champion as Kai’Sa may try to finish you off with her Void Seeker(W). Do not shop until you’ve successfully recalled to ensure maximum safety.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not 1v1 Kai’Sa if you’re alone as her Icathian Rain(Q) will focus you. Fighting near minions will be helpful as they will block some of her damage. Extended trades work in the favour of Kai’Sa thanks to her Passive. Try and keep trades short so she is unable to activate her Passive on you. When recalling, especially when low, make sure you keep an eye on your champion as Kai’Sa may try to finish you off with her Void Seeker(W). Do not shop until you’ve successfully recalled to ensure maximum safety.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not 1v1 Kai’Sa if you’re alone as her Icathian Rain(Q) will focus you. Fighting near minions will be helpful as they will block some of her damage. Extended trades work in the favour of Kai’Sa thanks to her Passive. Try and keep trades short so she is unable to activate her Passive on you. When recalling, especially when low, make sure you keep an eye on your champion as Kai’Sa may try to finish you off with her Void Seeker(W). Do not shop until you’ve successfully recalled to ensure maximum safety.”
Amberdragon says “Support matchup will be impactful. Use your W to avoid her stacking her passive on you, dodge W, use your R to not let her kite you. Avoid being isolated (fight close to minions or your support)”
Kronaa says “I mean, not much for me to say, I haven't played this matchup much through my 70k mastery. Best thing I can say is W when she is going to proc her passive, even if she procs it with W, you get 25% magic resist with it too, so it'll bite the bullet for you a little, especially if she's procing it with an AA.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not 1v1 Kai’Sa if you’re alone as her Icathian Rain(Q) will focus you. Fighting near minions will be helpful as they will block some of her damage. Extended trades work in the favour of Kai’Sa thanks to her Passive. Try and keep trades short so she is unable to activate her Passive on you. When recalling, especially when low, make sure you keep an eye on your champion as Kai’Sa may try to finish you off with her Void Seeker(W). Do not shop until you’ve successfully recalled to ensure maximum safety.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not 1v1 Kai’Sa if you’re alone as her Icathian Rain(Q) will focus you. Fighting near minions will be helpful as they will block some of her damage. Extended trades work in the favour of Kai’Sa thanks to her Passive. Try and keep trades short so she is unable to activate her Passive on you. When recalling, especially when low, make sure you keep an eye on your champion as Kai’Sa may try to finish you off with her Void Seeker(W). Do not shop until you’ve successfully recalled to ensure maximum safety.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not 1v1 Kai’Sa if you’re alone as her Icathian Rain(Q) will focus you. Fighting near minions will be helpful as they will block some of her damage. Extended trades work in the favour of Kai’Sa thanks to her Passive. Try and keep trades short so she is unable to activate her Passive on you. When recalling, especially when low, make sure you keep an eye on your champion as Kai’Sa may try to finish you off with her Void Seeker(W). Do not shop until you’ve successfully recalled to ensure maximum safety.”
BRA demeister says “Pretty hard to lane against imo, when she has the right supp on her side.
Try to avoid her isolated q dmg and try to get lvl 6 first for an all-in.”
warmfishu says “Kai'Sa's Icathian Rain (Q) will do more damage to the ADC because they are the only target if Yuumi is attached. Yuumi's weak early healing along with Kai'Sa's Void Seeker (W) can leave your ADC in a dangerous position even if you manage to escape behind tower.”
Banana Pirate says “Kai'sa can be tough sometimes. Her W gives her long range, her E gives her movement speed, and her R gives a shield. Dodge her W and she'll have no range so you'll easily be able to poke. Try to be smart with your traps so she can't escape with her E. If Kai'sa uses R you can hit her with your E and get away. Get boots quickly then rush Galeforce. ”
Ludazel says “Zeri outranges Kai'sa so your laning should be fine, be carefull of a oneshot if Kai'sa dashes on you. Try to save exhaust in teamfights if you are the target of Kai'sa.”
m1NEEX says “Make sure to gain prio in this match up, Kai'sa is same as Vayne, she has low range, can't really farm properly if shoved under tower. She is weak early, you can outpoke her really hard, since she has very low range.& (525) Do not fight her alone without CS, especially after she has Q evolved(her Q evolved is Serrated Dirk + Pickaxe + Noonquiver), since her Q does lot of damage if it hits isolated target. Her ideal synergy is with CC Tanks such as Nautilus or Blitz/Leona, be careful if she is with Nautilus, lategame if Nautilus ults you she might ult to snipe you so make sure to have stopwatch/GA for that or stay near team.”
DreiViertelTakt says “It's pretty hard to play this Matchup with a roaming support. You will never be up to 1 vs 1 her at any point of the Game. Your lead should be massive to win that.”
Kamicali says “Hitting her with your E becomes much harder late game because of her invis. Kai'Sa is very vulnerable to getting outranged by mages and long range carries. Kai'Sa is very good at picking off isolated enemies. Stick together against her to deny her isolated Q damage.”
HowDoYouKite says “Both Kai'sa and Tristana are snowball champions, they both have strong laning phases.
One of the only champions who can out burst Tristana level 2 (assuming optimal Kai'sa play: hail of blades+isolated q+passive pop with w).
Aside from being careful level 2, this matchup is in favor of Tristana. By default Tristana will out push Kai'sa thanks to [Explosive charge]'s passive. Kai'sa will need to use her Q [Icathian Rain] to match the wave, giving a 10s window of opportunity for free trades. If Kai'sa does not use Q to match then we can do a standard 3 wave crash and all-in on 3rd wave. It's next to impossible for Kai'sa to get isolated Q when fighting in your minion wave and equally hard to hit her W for the same reason. If she and her support chooses to fight back then they will be forced into the sub optimal trade while tanking minion aggro. ”
Xedavion says “This champion is not a threat to Varus at all,her early game is extremely bad although she has more range than you you still win lvl 6.”
Amberdragon says “Overall skill matchup, more Zeri-favored depending on each champion's builds. Kaisa out-trades you in lane, but after six you are pretty annoying to her. You absorb her R shield, you can hit her during her E invisibility, you can easily disengage if she all-ins. Your W slow are very dangerous to her because she has low range and relies on her being able to kite and dodge stuff to live and do damage. AP Kaisa is worse for you because you can get easily 1 shot from 2 screens away so instead of fighting her 1v1 play for teamfights and immedially disengage if she dives you.”
Kitqsune says “You can block practically all of her q if you time it right, along with her w. Easy to outdamage through her shield and kit, overall this matchup is very easy for Samira.”
moso says “Pretty easy for the most part. Depending on support matchup she can be a little problematic though with her early game burst. Late game you have to worry about being ulted on and bursted, she will 100% take cleanse.”
BigBoyBen69 says “dodge her w, put her behind in the lane phase especially when she goes to farm (because of her short attack range), and you should be fine”
LewisTheRat says “Care for her w, she can quickly bursts you if she lands it during the late game without you getting the chance to do anything, her ult is a strong gap closer, breaking your angle. You are stronger in teamfights.”
ItsCondor says “Kai'sa can become a threat with her all in if given good support. but with her low range, she can be beaten if you watch for the all-in and poke with 4th shots ”
Amberdragon says “Kaisa early game relies on her combos to burst you. All you have to do is press E to counter her Q or W and she will lose the majority of her damage. You also have better wave clear and poke. Late game she becomes better with her evolves, only reason why I consider her an even matchup.”
Alvatorz says “Kai'Sa is an all in champion wich make her really difficult to face in 1v1 or even 2v2 with the right support. She has a huuuuge snowball potential and it allows her to take risky plays without any risk. You can turn a fight if she ults and you steal her shield, that can be a good opportunity to turn her !”
Vilro says “she will be able to burst best to avoid you win early-mid gameish lose pre six lose late game best to avoid
if they go ap though you can prob win ”
TangsterinE says “Has an extremely weak early game, but then scales worse than you. She's only more powerful than you at 2 items. Otherwise, you can dominate.”
FiddlesticksChan says “She can burst you pretty quickly when paired with lockdown champions like Alistar or Leona. Stand in your wave to avoid max Q damage.”
Demonsedge90 says “Kai'Sa's burst and her ability to break vision with her evolved supercharge separate you from winning all the trades and fights. Avoid taking too much damage from her passive, and you'll be better off in this matchup.”
Dattura says “In late however she can shred you if you play poorly, but you do have range advantage with q. Outscales you however though due to her tankness with R and bust with Q ”
Kingof3o says “In late however she can shred you if you play poorly, but you do have range advantage with q. Outscales you however though due to her tankness with R and bust with Q ”
Alvatorz says “I would say it's skill dependant. Kai'Sa needs time to apply her damage and you can stack your passiv pretty fast cause she needs to come to your dash range to auto attacks you. AP build is hard in late cause of the heavy poke.”
Valhalla Coach says “Only a threat when paired with cc support, care their all-in they have surprising damage even early game. Most of her damage comes from her passive so beware of that and try to poke her out of lane early. If she gets a few kills early game she will ult you every time she hits w and you are dead. She will try to 1v1 at many stages of the game, you don't match her burst so try to avoid her when isolated”
Sellsword says “Kai'Sa is easy to bully with her very weak early game. Kai'Sa doesn't lack damage between her W burst, isolated Q and passive procs, but all of that is very hard to land during the early game in the middle of minion waves which makes her an easy target to bully. My personal favorite Runepage for this matchup is Fleet Footwork, it allows you to easily hit her with free autos or Q her whenever you get a MS proc.”
Jhineral Studies says “Dodge her W, which gives her 3 passive stacks. Shes a low range ADC with a decent movement ability, However your Q can be spammed while she is invisible, revealing her and allowing you to keep pressure while she attempts to reposition.”
Nom212 says “Kai'sa has great single target damage and potential to assassinate you. However, she is vulnerable in lane so she will never get out of control. Simply even.”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Kai’Sa is a scaling duelist who is good at all points in the game except for the laning phase which is perfect for us because we can abuse that!
◉ Kai’Sa can’t use her abilities to poke or trade back unless you’re isolated and her auto attacks are very weak since they don’t have any empowering effects AND she is short ranged at 525 so she’s one of the best ADCs to bully by using constant rockets from [[Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher]]. Whenever she tries to get close to farm just go tap tap tap.
◉ Kai’sa ‘s Q [[Icathian Rain]] is essentially a ranged [[Kha’Zix]] Q [[Taste Their Fear]] so always make sure you’re near minions or a teammate to avoid taking a big chunk of unnecessary damage!
◉ Remember I said she’s a scaling duelist? Well, once she gets level 6 she has access to [[Killer Instinct]] which allows her to teleport to you if you get marked from any of her damage. She will usually use this to get you when you’re isolated so she’s able to use all of her abilities now to shred your HP and burst you down. How do you avoid this? Play back and play safe. Stay near your minions, teammate, or tower!
◉ Win Condition: Poke her heavily with rockets in the laning phase and try to win it. Don’t 1v1 or fight her post-6 if you’re isolated. She’s easy to all-in if you have help from your team.
Breathly says “Same with Vayne, this champion wont really give you any problem. She should never be able to pass you with ult since your traps will stop her ult.”
I Am Not u says “More irritating than too much of a threat. Don't get too close to her. Wait for your support to make the first move, and you'll usually win the fight. Don't take 1v1s with her if she takes the early game. You WILL lose faster than you can say "Bot Diff". But if you deny her the early game, you're set.”
Amberdragon says “Kaisa can burst you if she has an engage support and if you are alone, so fight her in a minion wave and dodge her W. Bully her in lane phase by trading and using your W passive to sustain, then run her down. The later the game goes the more dangerous she becomes 1v1 but so will you.”
LegendaryOstrich says “This lane matchup goes completely even until Kai'sa hits level 6 because her ability to reposition around to dodge all of your culling makes her a very hard matchup after 6. Due to that, I don't recommend trying to 1v1 her because she will always win it. Try to use your abilities through minions and poke her down because she is also a low ranged champion. Don't let her Q+auto you for free early because it chunks you down a lot.”
koog says “You can actually win most 1 on 1 trades with kaisa as long as she doesn't get all of her hail of blades autos off on you. Just don't let her support CC you. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “The other part of the ADC holy trinity. I much prefer this matchup to Jhin. She's pretty close ranged, fairly immobile without her ult, and you outdmg her with this build late. Honestly I laugh a little when Kai'Sa ults in on me. She gun die. ”
Urason says “This matchup is also fairly skill dependent and volatile. You'll lose early trades if Kai'sa hits you with her Q but you can poke her from afar. All of her early game damage is in her W + passive proc, be sure to avoid it and you'll win the fight. Once she get's Q evolve, it's harder.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “If Kaisa lands W on you post 6 or has an engage support she can follow up with R and easily kill you. Early lane is fine as Ziggs outranges her but later stages of the game are quite difficult.”
LostFishEU says “Kai'sa could become a major threat if you let her. Kai'sa's Q deals massive amount of damage if you are isolated. She has a pretty good all in with her ultimate and depending on her build she could deal a massive amount of burst damage which you as a Vayne player should be afraid of. I would put her between even and major threat”
tokyodamonsta says “Ezreal succeeds as an adc because of the ability to kite away and poke from range! Kaisa can completely turn your escape into a close 1v1! Try not to 1v1 her. You should focus on poking her out of lane and not letting her scale!”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Another champ that excels at farming safely against Ezreal due to her Q waveclear. After she hits 6 in teamfights a good Kai'Sa will wait for you to Arcane Shift and then ult towards you, destorying you 1v1. Try to poke her out as she is fairly short ranged aside from her W.”
ELOSANTA says “Lucian outdamages Kai'sa early on, but once Kai'sa gets her evolutions she is pretty much unbeattable in duels, unless you have a winning support avoid dueling her after her Q evolution (upgrades at level 8-10)”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “busted s11. her items make her a goddess if you let her farm. you also have to farm, putting you in a pickle when you let her farm. ”
Coldsong says “Kai'Sa has been toned down a bit, which makes her a much easier matchup for Samira. Try to play around your minion wave so her Q does not entirely focus you, and dodge her W at all costs, since it deals a lot of damage, gives her free passive stacks, AND allows her to dash to you post 6. She has no crowd control, however, so if you can get on top of her when she is vulnerable you will destroy her with Inferno Trigger.”
NikkiTT says “Going for a surprise ER before she can AA/use a spell on you is how you just win her because then she lacks the R dash, otherwise just ignite and walk/AA a lot in DRealm saving Q a bit until she uses R/flash etc. Missing your own Q can allow her to win/get away.”
Amberdragon says “This is a very popular matchup because Xayah in most cases is able to prevent Kai'sa from having any lane agency or snowball.
Xayah is a stronger laner than her as you can poke her with Q and trade with W, as well as zone her from getting in lane to harass you with your E. However, support matchup will be very important, as if she has an engage support she will have more kill threat on you. She snowballs harder if she gets an early lead so don't let her.
She can dodge your feathers with her ultimate and E. Avoid getting hit by her W, stay close to minions to avoid isolated Q damage and don't trade when she uses E aggressively unless you have a huge minion wave to back you up. Don't trade with her when your W is down. Trade with her when she uses Q in minion wave or has lost her Hail of Blades. ”
Simon Uchinora says “Kai'sa will have alot of problems to deal with you, she dosen't have any offensive against you without her support, just like Jhin preassure her under the tower to make her lose CS's, because just like caitlyn she has a tiny attack speed in the beginning of the game, just be careful to not let her explode her mark on you, becase will hurt a little bit, and by this she can turn the lane against you easily.”
Rihh says “While there is outplay potential for Jhin, a good Kai'Sa will prove a difficult matchup. It is difficult to land a W or R shots on her without a good engage from your support, and even then her turn potential with Kai'Sa R is very high. Beware of her immense burst damage and turn potential though and Jhin should be able to survive until later in the game where Kai'Sa will likely faceroll Jhin.”
Urpog says “Pretty unplayable, good Kaisa's can space between your autos and it's just uninteractive, go for tradeback and she goes invisible, has a dash to dodge your R, MS steroid to dodge E.
Not dodge advised but still very painful to play vs.”
Melyn says “Max Q and abuse her auto attack range early. Once she hits level 6, the lane turns to her advantage. Post-6, do not blow your full combo unless you're sure you can immediately kill, as her ult gives her a shield and lets her jump out of your plants. Exhaust can be powerful here.”
Penguto says “Kai sa can break your E with just one bullet of her Q, you will get bursted in an instant, and she is too op at the moment so potential ban in my opinion.”
22Drift says “Skill matchup, test her and see how she is at dueling. If you poop on her, keep abusing her. If it's not favored towards you, farm it out and hyper-carry into late.”
R3Veal says “You can crush her in lane because of her poor trading abilities kit. She can kill you really fast later in the game but if you win early game she won't be high threat to you until you start to try to 1vs1 her.”
Urason says “Honestly this match up favors Akshan if you're able to get her with your E damage. The issue is once she get's Q evolve, she can nuke you pretty easily. Both of you have good skirmish so it's honestly difficult to win lane consistently but it's possible. ”
Nixxen47 says “Kai'Sa is an easy matchup due to her low range and with my common used build you can 1v1 her at most stages of the game because wits end denies alot of her dmg.”
SopTop says “Kai'Sa, huh? Welp, time to dodge. Since Kai'Sa has been Op these last few patches because of Collector and the insane damage on her Q, it's no surprise she counters you as well. ”
Inoriboob says “Broken champion, always outtrade you with HOB and a q. I would play safe and make them overpush/over extend. If ahead impossible to 1 v1.”
VeronyV says “Pretty even fight, she has high burst damage, if your sup doesnt have cc its very hard to fight her, otherwise her Q and W both blocked by your W.”
im_zeno says “This can be a though lane (depending on her support), respect her hob (Hail of Blade) early damage, play safe till level 3 for wind wall and engage with your support. Post lvl 6 she can ult your E Q so save it till she uses her ult. Late game (which is when she becomes really strong) ALWAYS aim for her since her invisibility from E can be annoying to deal with, and her ult can also make her fly into a teamfight with no fear. Just focus on her instantly when you see her. REMEMBER you wind wall all of her Q (which is her main ability).”
IHaveNoName says “Don't underestimate her damage and survivability, as her E grants her benefits of surprise and her R shields her massively. Even bigger threat late game, massive damage spike with Guinso's.”
snowcard says “Kaisa is really good this season (praying for nerfs), with her double evolve after two items. You can't block her passive proc either. She also may E around your Q. One positive is that her aa range (525) is closer to yours (500), so you may be able to weave in some autos if she gets close.
What you can block: One bolt of her Q, her W.”
singed best adc says “Ban her. You can't escape, she will catch if you she hits you with her spell. Playrate is somewhere at 20-25%, so just ban her or dodge.”
Pengwan says “Early its anyones game, late and midgame however she can shred you if you play poorly, but you do have range advantage with q so that's what you will mainly be doing vs kai'sa”
Lucifer6 says “Kai'sa first becomes a threat if shes fed before that you can easily poke her and win lane if you play it right and dont rush to hard to the point where you start making way to many mistakes. ”
Trieuloo says “No real threat as once you get lost chapter you can always have kill potential over her. Even at everfrost if she r's in just everfrost qwr. ”
Alvatorz says “Great all in, great damage but super support dependant, carefull on the 1v1 sittuation, Kai'Sas probably one of the best adcs to revert bad situations in good situations for her.”
Ekezun says “Play with a CC heavy support so the support can engage and you can stand a bit away to try to burst her down with Hail of Blades, do NOT engage if she has stacks on you”
DoublefeedOP says “Kai'sa has the ability to assassinate you later on so keep that in mind. During laning phase you shouldn't have to worry much because of your ability to outrange her. Take short burst trades and don't let her get her passive off on you. Take cleanse if they run an all-in support such as Leona.”
DoublefeedOP says “Against Kai'Sa, she outscales you. She beats you early game, and can easily all-in you past 6. you can use your E to poke but BE CAREFUL FOR ALL-INS. You need to poke her out and kill her before she becomes a massive threat so abuse your mid-game powerspike to spam kill her.”
DoublefeedOP says “Kai'sa is like Vayne but better in S10, not S11. You'll just outscale and outright beat her but respect her early game because your early game is worse.”
DoublefeedOP says “As of Season 11, she's a weaker version of Vayne. She's going to be a tiny presence during laning phase but scales up to be a monster during the later parts of the game. Be sure to shut her down early on and later out scale her because she can never catch up to you.”
DoublefeedOP says “Kai'Sa is even easier as her early game is very weak. The only catch is that later on she'll outscale you so if you go even in lane she will be a large threat later on in the game.”
APC Ziggs says “A lot of people play kai sa. A good kai sa player will be hard to hit and after 6 she can all in and kill you fairly easy if you are even in lane. If its a bad kai sa then its free lane cause of low range and long time to scale.”
lenithebot says “you beat Kai'sa early game so try to make a lead. Since she does outscale you have to make sure to win lane. Although don't take extended trades since if she gets a passive to proc that will be a lot of damage onto you while one of your weaknesses is extended trades.”
KoZee says “Kai'sa is one of the strongest and most overtuned ADCs. She has a lot of mobility with her E which can let her dodge your E and reposition in team fights. Additionally, her ulti will make it really hard to burst her in all-ins, which makes her win most 1v1s if she uses it properly, especially since she can react while you're charging an arrow. There's no easy way to play into Kai'sa as Varus and it comes down to punishing mistakes and catching her out with your R when she is positioned poorly.”
Jurassiq says “Just like Caitlyn, she should be able to shove you in and play around her minion wave. If you land Q's on her tho, you can easily force an all in and win”
Delta eGirl says “If Kai'Sa ults, you will win the fight. Her low range is great for when you need to use Crescendum, letting you win almost every fight.”
FaceLikeAStreamer says “Fighting in minion waves is essential since her W and Q can be either blocked or damage reduced. Try to go for 3 attack trades but dont let her get off her Passive.”
Moodkaps says “not much you can do except for poke but most matchup depends on support. If you 1v1 most likely Kai'Sa will win missing a skill shot might cost your life”
Xayaphelia says “Skill matchup. Whoever has more gold and xp is at a huge advantage in the 1v1 but there is a lot of room for either Xayah or Kai'sa to outplay so if you fall behind you can still find a return kill. This is one of my favorite matchups to play personally.”
ooftheiii says “Do not let Kai'sa get her stacks. Wait for them to wear off before engaging. Stay behind minions in order to dodge her W. Kai'sa is very reliant on her mobility so ask your support to play a champ with cc (Leona, Morgana or Seraphine).”
BookOfJhin says “Kai'sa may be a hard matchup but you will have a much better chance against kai'sa compared to the trist and vayne you just need to be able to stay within range of your minions or teammates against kai sa due to her Iso Q doing massive amounts of damage which makes it hard to duel this champ”
majororange77 says “Read Guide for full matchup.
Mostly a skill matchup. After 6 she has a great Ultimate, so try to avoid fighting until you get items.”
kingamazin says “Kai'Sa has extremely low auto attack range at 525, making it easy to poke her down with rockets during lane. Try to space her out and harass her with single autos in lane and back up before she can trade back with you. Stand behind and in your minion wave to avoid her w damage entirely and reduce the amount of damage you take from her q. You do not want to ever be isolated against Kai'Sa so stick with your support and hide in your minion wave. If you defensively and chip away at her health in lane, the matchup is not that difficult. She'll usually beat you in a straight up all in, but if you play smart and poke her down it's definitely winnable for jinx. Just remember to avoid getting isolated by Kai'Sa and assassinated. ”
ctm20141 says “She's you, but better :D!
Jokes aside, it's pretty much a mirror/skill matchup. In general Kai'sa has a slight edge on you though...
Pre lv 6 it's a skill matchup, but you have a slight advantage here. At lv 6 you should win 90% of the times. She WILL win IF she hits you with a full ISOLATED Q and/or you don't respect her all in support (because she will get passive stacks for free). Later on, when she will have Q and E upgrades she will outscale you 1v1 because her passive is more powerful when dealing with squishy targets (like you :D) than your W procs. Teamfight wise you should almost always win if you can afford to fight front to back.
In general, if you can Condemn her you should win every time.”
Tifforma says “Kaisa can be tricky. She has stealth, mobility, GIANT ASS SHIELD and damage. If you catch her you should blow her up. Dont get hit by her W. ”
Kalista Monster says “very meta pick and a good matchup for kalista. Just make sure you don't take trades where kai'sa can activate her passive. So only very short trades or very long trades where your e basically oneshots her”
ComradeElmo says “Shes just broken right now so she out does you once she gets her upgraded Q so try to beat her in lane and get as many dragons before mid game.”
NathanPyke says “Has mobility and burst , can be an easy lane if you manage to hit everything , the only thing you need to watch out for is her passive burst”
Remmacs1 says “So long as you respect the fact that Kai'sa is probably going to hit level 2 first in lane, this match up is completely fine. Look for opportunities to out dps her when you're not isolated for her Q.”
SopTop says “As you may all know, Kai'Sa has been dominating the meta this season because of items like The Collector. This applies here as well. I definitely recommend banning her in your games with this build, if you don't already have someone in mind.”
MilkshakeGuru says “Kaisa is definitely one of few champions who can out snowball you. Beware of letting her shove you in and then roaming for kills. She might not be able to kill you early. But if she gets ahead by even a little it can be a huge problem.”
Zammey says “Builds heavily change over patches and from player to player but overall fighting her in a minion wave if possible to split her q damage and make her unable to land her w saving your burst for after her ult shield can also play a major factor in 1v1s and 2v2s in lane”
Kasdor says “Don't underestimate her damage and survivability, as her E grants her benefits of surprise and her R shields her massively. Even bigger threat late game, massive damage spike with Guinso's.”
Dank672 says “Currently the best adc in the meta, has better all-in power thanks to her E and Q, and enough safety to avoid poke thanks to her E and W. If you don't have an aggressive support ur gonna need to rely on jgl help to slow her scaling since she also outscales you. ”
Compliant says “Kai'sa isn't necessarily a lane bully to Jinx, however, once Kai'sa obtains her ultimate, in most situations she will be able to easily dive you with her ultimate and will beat you in the sidelane.”
Profesor APH. says “next easy matchup for aphelios is kaisa when you have plasma on ur skin and you put turret under your legs she cant dash to cause she gonna die its hard to run away with her e from ur ult you can life steal ur self with severum pretty easy matchup”
EvoNinja7 says “Kai'sa has a ton of damage with her W and has a ranged projectile that does a lot of damage. She isn't that bad in the early game but you can engage her without taking too much damage if you focus her. She has a speed up that can allow her to run away from ganks if she has vision on your jungler. If she hits you with an ability she can use her ult to teleport to you.”
BluMistah says “just use your E wisely and keep your distance, there is not much she would be able to do to you on the lane while you can always go for some poke through W”
bocchicken says “You can itemize really well into her, and her low AA range makes her always in range of your W which can lock her down in teamfights with ease. ”
SkittleBtw says “It's you, but better. No but really, Vayne and Kaisa are pretty similar, I would say it's mostly a skill match up, whoevers better at the game (Combining both ADC and support) will more than likely win the lane. She's hot though, so it's ok.”
MINISE says “Kai'sa after getting new items, her Kraken Slayer to a Manamune or Death's Dance is just crazy burst. And fundamentally, she has more waveclear and turn on trades and can put any teamfight into a "1v1"”
pandorelol says “Reveals your invisibility, Spikes faster than you on the same items, Better push, Better teamfight, Can do objectives faster, scales better. If you want to get out of this, focus on not dying and keeping up on farm, pray for good teamfights.”
KingRavenZ says “Even matchup, can easily be outbursted if you under-estimate her damage. Focus on short trades and take biscuits and magical footwear if you have a problem with the trades.”
Kalista Monster says “Kai'sa doesn't do as much damage but with HOB and her E giving her invis. It is very difficult for kalista to kill her late game because she misses her attacks if the target goes invisible”
Dragonmysterieu says “Her large arsenal of movement tools allow her to outplay you quite easily. If you manage to root her with E she's toast. Do not go for extended trades.”
pronetopwn says “Also a strong early all in with HOB + 4 stack W hit. However, does slightly less damage than Tristana, so a good support matchup will make this much more manageable. ”
Redsaturn says “Even when you are ahead she has many chances to win a 1v1. Keep her at a distance at all times. Do not get tagged or cc'd in her ult range.”
ApheliosMain62 says “If she hit you four times and have all the charges of her passive, run, or you are dead, only that, his W is the only disgusting ability but have a lot of CD and in that 15 seconds you may heal with minions.”
LIKKEaBOSS says “Careful if you try to fight her somewhere isolated, she can burst you and delete you, but 2vs2 you should win - depends on your support”
Akariine says “Don't go toe to toe with her once she gets her living upgrades. Abuse her weak early game, and try to have a CC heavy support with you.”
Ultrama says “In early you will win a trade with her but, be careful with her burst, this beast has a very dangerous burst in mid and late, DON'T FEED HER.”
Bouhhsolene says “She has some damage, but you outrange her, with your E, you can easily escape and not let her R. Also, she can't really engage on you because you disengage, but you can engage on her an kill her.”
Msloikturbo says “All champions that fall into the category of "low range squshies" are Aphelios's favourite meal. With champions such as Kai'Sa, the only problem is her hyperscaling into lategame, while even there you'll have better teamfights than them.”
xKARx says “Try to walk away from her when she gets too close to you as all the q rockets directed to you will hurt. Try rooting her using w after she used her e as it grants her movement speed.”
SweatMeALake says “Kaisa has a weaker lane phase. She is a duelist later in the game, and your job is to not get caught up and do more damage in team fights. Your ultimate can shut her down, but if you are caught up with damage, Kaisa can ult to you and your only choice is to burn flash or hit her with an ultimate. There is almost no situation where you can 1v1 her past level 6. ”
SweatMeALake says “Kaisa is a really strong duelist and you should avoid fighting her 1v1 ever mid to late game. Her ultimate is a good tool to dodge your feathers, so be wary with your bladecaller. ”
Mephiix Unleashed says “Skill based matchup, Lane should go smoothly unless you walk into her attack range, try to poke her down with your 4th Auto attack or with Q, as long as you are ahead in gold she is gonna have a hard time against you, avoid getting hit by W since she might use her ultimate to get close and burst you down, also consider takin exhaust against her.”
Spection says “Pretty easy to harass in the early game, becomes more obnoxious as time goes on. Her being low ranged means you have an easier time gapclosing. ”
ShroudedBRH says “Kaisa has short range and requires a lot of time to ramp up. Stay in groups when fighting her to reduce the damage on her Q. You can abuse this match up during lane phase as her trading is weak”
gamebad says “Out scales you and is very annoying to deal with. You cant really stop her from getting on you, and her ult prevents you from bursting her.”
StriveHD79 says “Watch out for her W that will do massive damage if there are any stacks on you. Her Q does more damage to isolated targets when there are no other targets for the missile to go onto. She can R off of hittin her W, allowing her to dash across the map to 1v1 and she will kill you.”
StriveHD79 says “You win lane, but out of lane you may have a hard time dealing with her. Watch out for her W, it does massive damage especially with stacks on you. This is her main ability that will allow her to dash (R Ability) onto you across the map. She can dive you very easily and 1v1 you.”
StriveHD79 says “In lane you beat her since Kai'Sa has a very low attack range. Main ability to watch out for is her W, it does massive damage when she has stacks on you. It is also what enables her to dash onto you when she has ultimate. Which can very easily lead to your death if there is an isolated 1v1 situation. She has very high burst so avoid 1v1ing her. She wants to all in so do not let her all in you.”
StriveHD79 says “Watch out for her W that will do massive damage if there are any stacks on you. Her Q does more damage to isolated targets when there are no other targets for the missile to go onto. She can R off of hittin her W, allowing her to dash across the map to 1v1 and she will kill you.”
StriveHD79 says “You can 1v1 her easily early on but she outscales you. Watch out for her W that will do massive damage if there are any stacks on you. Her Q does more damage to isolated targets when there are no other targets for the missile to go onto. She can R off of hittin her W, allowing her to dash across the map to 1v1 and she will kill you once it reaches later stages of the game.”
StriveHD79 says “Kai'Sa is one of those ADCarrys that can easily 1v1 and kill sivir. Especially post level 6 where she will have her ultimate and anytime she lands her W onto you, she can dash to you across the map and assassinate you. Save your spellshield for her W. In lane it is fairly even, heavily depended on the support matchup.”
KXNGLXXVII says “she can output similar damage alot faster than you can but your W can give you free advantages by preventing her from popping her passive with it. you can also prevent her from randomly engaging on you from a distance by blocking her W.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Every matchup covered in a video is the goal. 💥 I was able to poke Kai'sa down early easily however I died to an easy gank, allowing her to get a lot more fed than I was early game. Mid to late game I won hard!”
Veigarv2 says “She can E out of your cage if shes fast enough. be careful for long range W snipes as she may look to R you. She is very mobile which makes it hard for you.”
Spider Shaped says “Её пассивка,позволяющая нанести доп.урон врачам,усиливает её,из-за чего вам будет не легко убить её. На её 6 уровне,убить её будет уэе не легче,шансы будут равны. Главное не промахиваться скилами”
EvoNinja7 says “Another one of those Manamune ADC's. She is really bad against you since her only method of poke is her support and her Void seeker ability. Poke her out since she has pretty bad range, and all in her whenever you get the chance. She relies a lot on her support, so try to focus her when you are fighting a 2v2.”
eyh4sxdf says “Kai'Sa has as little range as you do, but less mobility until she gets her ult. You can bully her if her support is playing passive or if you have a good cc engage”
StriveHD79 says “You win lane with your poke and CC threat. Watch out for her W that will do massive damage if there are any stacks on you. Her Q does more damage to isolated targets when there are no other targets for the missile to go onto. She can R off of hittin her W, allowing her to dash across the map to 1v1 and she will kill you.”
snukumz says “Super easy lane for you early.
She is very squish and has low mobility, except for her one speed up.
Kai'sa has low range which means it'll be easy for you to safely land harass onto her.”
Alonixlol says “Kai'Sa has a lot of winning matchups while only having a few losing ones, but she doesn't excell at any particular area. She's decent in trades, has decent waveclear and decent all-ins which makes her a versatile champion fitting well into most matchups and supports, but she generally won't crush you in any individual aspect and can be beaten by duos that strongly outshine her any areas, and is especially vulnerable to ADCs that can best all-in her. Her mobility is decent enough though that she's not overly vulnerable to engages compared to the more immobile ADCs.”
Terrific says “I feel like against this is one of those champions everyone plays but everyone sucks at. Don't underestimate her early DMG but you should be able to win against her regardless. You win early and mid but late game you get outscaled but most Kai'sa's are so bad that they cant even do anything late game. Play around her missile (her W) dodge that and you should win most trades against her.”
Surp1Clone says “Make sure you don't get isolated because then Kai'sa can hit you with the single target Q that deals a lot of damage. Try to dodge her W and you should be okay. ”
Twiggymocha says “She has a stronger early game and can easily burst you late, if you manage to condemn her late you can kill her otherwise its over for you.”
Trisien says “Kaisa usually has a similar buildpath to yours, but her burst is higher and her kit is a bit better. If you manage to put her behind early though, you will have a big advantage till midgame.”
xSEASeahawks12 says “Kai'sa is in a very similar spot as Jinx. Her laning phase is almost laughable if you play it right, but she scales extremely hard and can be a problem no matter how well you do in the first 15 minutes. In lane, try to land any kind of CC on her and then unleash your HoB-Q-E combo to bring her to half health and escape before she can get a full Plasma stack on you. That sneakily does a ton of damage, especially on squishy champs.”
SaintSega says “Her whole kit revolves around clearing waves and getting on top of you. If you can deny her cs to hit those power spikes you'll be all good. ”
Zoodyacc says “That matchup goes quite about who'll outscale whom. Try to farm as much as you can, look for Condem [E] opportunities. Beware W > R's of her.”
TwentyOneShadows says “Kai'Sa has smaller autoattack range than you, it's not much but it counts, you should use that to your advantage. Poke her everytime she goes for last hit. Her E and R allows her to flee from bad fight so picking a kill on Kai'Sa will be difficult.”
atonementblade says “Avoid getting hit by with her Q if you're the only target. Her W does crazy amounts of damage, but is pretty telegraphed to dodge.”
atonementblade says “Dodge her W and you'll be fine. If she ults to you, just Condemn her into a wall. You actually have a slight range advantage so you can pressure here there. ”
ItsPaulygon says “A hard match up especially after 6 where she can ult in and gain a shield. You probably won't be able to hit your ultimate properly because of her boost with her E and her ult. Avoid fighting her by yourself and play around your support.”
Bebras19 says “Don't underestimate her damage and survivability, as her E grants her benefits of surprise and her R shields her massively. Even bigger threat late game, massive damage spike with Guinso's.”
MayeLeven says “She can poke you with her W, but it has a high cooldown. In early you can try to trade with her, but wait for her Q to go out. In the late game, she can kill you with her upgraded Q and E, but if you play it good with your R invisibility, she can be an easy target for you.”
Midorima says “She is Vayne 2.0. Just accept that she's better than you lol...Jokes aside, if she ever has push on you, she wins trades and lane. But if you can keep lane even you will survive and have to battle her in teamfights as to who can shred frontline faster.
To win this match up: Always fight within a minion wave so she gets minimal damage from her Q onto you and if you're Faker, predict when she'll use Q and ult-tumble so all the Q charges go onto the creeps if there are any around.”
RoadDGM says “Honestly its pretty difficult to win since she not only attacks just as fast as you but has higher single target damage and she has a shield.”
Jima says “In lane Ka'isa isn't that big of a deal just don't let her get close to you. She will outdamage you in lategame but can rarely win you in early trades.”
Nik7857 says “She has invisbility so I guess you might miss an auto. No slows (good). Her kit is really good and she will definitely out scale you due to the mix damage and multiple build paths she has. Basically just stomp her in lane.”
ReallyBoring says “Eh, this lane is not hard at all. To beat a Kai'sa either push her in and wait for hooks or harass, or freeze and wait for hooks and punish last hits. Watch for Kai'sa's Q evolve as it is actually really powerful.”
Eccentricks says “You already know what a satanic hellspawn she is with her overloaded kit. You don't need me to tell you how to beat her, because the game has a banning feature for a reason.”
Falllol says “Outro campeão que não consegue abusar do early game em cima da Vayne mas a Vayne acaba nao tendo muita vantagem em cima dela alem de ambas escalarem bem .”
EzVeryReal says “You can poke her out of lane but the minute she gets a few items. Whew. If you don't stomp lane she can hunt you down and always catch up with you due to her ult. Its winnable. Just be cautious if you go even.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Her clears aren't bad, and extended fights that she starts will end badly for you. Try and be the one to start a fight and burn her down as fast as you can. She's not good from behind.”
Laverenz says “Quite similar to vayne. They are both weak early game, however, when she hits level 6, she can engage a fight from a long range, when paired with a CC-heavy support, giving her more pressure in lane than Vayne. You will be able to fight her, as you will get the ability to stealth before her, making you able to outplay her. ”
philsopaoto says “Kai'Sa is definitely a top tier ADC, but her short range is a large setback in this matchup, since Xayah's root stops Kai'Sa being able to maneuver around for isolated Qs.”
MewlingRavenPaw says “To beat her keep your trades short and timed around the press the attack bonus damage. Then immediately disengage before she get's 3 hits off on you into a W to consume her passive. Because then she wins the trade.
Her core item right now is Stormrazor which slows and reduces your DPS. She also goes invisible which will force you to miss your auto attack due to your passive. So be careful. Really easy to win lane lose game. ”
minepro221 says “She only win fights if she hits her w, so stand behind minions, and aviod it at all cost. Think of it like this. If you avoid the w, you almost dodged 250 damage early game. If she missed her w, it is your time to shine. Do be careful of her auto q harass, it do hurt. In the mid game, unless you are hyper fed, if you see her in a 1v1, get out. She can kill you easy.”
Kynaz0071l0l says “You outdamage kaisa in earlygame. She has alot of mobility when she hits lvl 6 so be careful if walking away from a fight with her stacks on you. She can dash over to you if you're alone and get a free kill. She has a small range so you can easily poke her down in laningphase. ”
Eucalyptus says “Ooga, early game she is 100% able to obliterate you. She outscales you and eats your heart out. Never play into her if you're not smurfing.”
Hardstuck Sona says “Kai'sa's abilities can be annoying. Come Level 6 though, you should be prepared to Yellow Card her if she uses her Ultimate on you.”
Ni14 says “This is an even lane. In this matchup try not to get auto q'd by kai'sa if you arent trading back. Don't get hit by her w and you should be fine. You can go sheen first if your support has kill pressure. ”
MrDecoy says “Her laning is slightly better than yours due to her q being such a strong ability in lane, her mid game is much stronger than yours because of her ability evolves being annoying to deal with but your dmg output is much higher in late game fights”
HikariGames says “Kai'sa has a similar problem to Vayne. This time though she has decent mobility and farming. She can get up in your face and bully you out of taking part in fights in the late game.”
Sooyoung says “Kai'Sa is also pretty hard match up, but yet winnable if you don't force fights that you can't win, be post-agressive, but if you start lossing just back of, and wait for support engages.”
dravenfizz says “Kind of a skill matchup, this champ is pretty similar to Lucian, try to poke her with Q early game and wait for her to ult before you use yours.”
JayBeeEU says “Can be easy lane if Kai'sa won't get an early lead or a strong early game support who plays agressively. Her Q is good for pushing the lane but you can stop it for Q-ing her minions or freeze the lane”
ADNathan says “Actually hell. Never trust a Kai'Sa. So many people can play her well, and it's hell to play into. Farm in lane, get jungle pressure, don't die.”
Fruxo says “Be careful of her missiles (Q). And try to dodge her W since that will be the ability to harass you from a distance. Keep check of the support or things might end up bad. Her R also gives her a shield which can be used to turn trades around into her favor so keep that in mind when going for trades.”
IPodPulse says “A fairly even lane. Try to avoid her press the attack + void seeker combo, especially at low health. Hitting skill shots shouldn't be too difficult. She can only use her ultimate if she has plasma on you or your support. Try to initiate fights against her and burst her down before she has a chance to use her ultimate.
Take note of her evolutions, Icathian rain is fairly easy to get at level 8 and gives her a big power boost.”
Righteous Maniac says “W poke is pretty annoying so try to hide behind minions or dodge. But if you are zoning her from the wave stand in front of low health minions if she tries to farm from a distance (especially cannons). She can probably beat you 1 on 1 the entire game but you have poke and burst advantage. Your E also hits her in invis.”
Exs Xena says “Kai'Sa doesn't really have to much counters, but she doesn't really counter much champions herself. You'll have a small range advantage, so focus on this to poke her. When your support can cc her, you can deal big bursts of damage with your Q and W. ”
Phollux says “Mesmo tendo um range baixo, tem um controle de wave satisfatório graças ao AoE da Chuva Iacthiana, trocas bem fortes com a exploradora do vazio junto a passiva, um pouco de mobilidade com a supercarga, e após lvl 6, um dash bem inconveniente com o instinto assassino.
E como se não bastasse isso, te dá um outscale pesado. A lane não é impossível, mas o impacto que ela consegue ter em cima da passividade inicial do Ezreal, é extremamente preocupante.
Potato95x says “Build armor against her Q (AD), and don't get close with low health (she'll deal 200% dam if you've only 35% of your health). Her E buffs her MS, then her AS, a huge kite potential to kill you on low health. AVOID HER W IF YOU'RE RUNNING, if it gets you, she'll Ult to get closer, will raise a shield and kill you in a blink of an eye.”
GORE Klabok says “Kai'sa is in the same family than vayne and kalista , First to burst win.
Kinda 50/50 win chance
If you dash like a god you should win most of the time.
Easier Than vayne to Trade with because she have no disengage.
a bit more Rude on Burst in the other hand.”
SimbaADC says “The only way Kaisa can win lane vs. Cait is by winning an all in. Try and prevent this from happening my sticking to poking and shoving the wave, and be extra careful of enemy support CC.”
SlashLion says “Kai'Sa has a fairly weak early game and typically tends to rely on her support until she gets fed. Poke accordingly and this is an easy lane.”
lonely Xatu says “you can spellshield her q and w, take advantage when you can and save your spell shield when she attempts to all in you (or snipe-kill you with her w).”
MallisTheGreat says “Kai'Sa has quite the burst for an ADC. Early game engage with your support. If you take the lead, botlane is yours. If you lose, you can regain the lead with a bit help of your jungler, so no big deal.”
Vortiris says “She has tons of burst damage, she will be hard to 1v1 in the late game, and she is very VERY mobile. If she is smart, she will easily dodge your feathers. If you can catch her when her Killer Instinct is on cooldown, she should be easy to kill. End the game as early as possible.”
Shake the Shade says “The only time Kai Sa isn't a threat is early you can abuse this to get a small lead. However, she will outscale you and get to a point where if she lands W and uses R she will kill you with a Q + auto. It's best to avoid her outside early game, never let her proc PTA, and allow your team to collapse onto her.”
Levi Senpai says “She doesnt have a lot of more damage than you but shes still stronger than you early game , however its not easy for her to kill you which makes it easier for you to scale and kill her later in game. Becareful tho since she can build Zhonya's ”
Niculae01 says “Fair matchup. Her early is kinda weak, if you don't take advantage at that time tnen just stay safe 'cause she can jump on you and burst you after the first back”
Fruxo says “Very serious treat if underestimated. Be careful of her missiles (Q). And try to dodge her W since that will be the ability to harass you from a distance. Keep check of the support or things might end up bad.”
NeinMeansNo says “Kaisa is a little bit mobile and can re position herself with her E (especially when upgraded) and her ult while Twitch is squishy, giving her the advantage.”
jster131 says “Broken ass champ needs a nerf. Pray that she has brain damage and doesnt know how to play Kai'sa or else its gg. You MUST take Lethality or you will be MURDERED”
TruMediaMix1 says “She can potentially outscale you and can force a fight with Killer Instinct. If she does this, immediately stun her with your Enchanted Crystal Arrow. If your ult is cooling down, you're screwed without any help from your allies.”
Xerxes Is ADC says “she's nothing once u get fed. cc is a huge counter, she cant auto attack once she sprints at you with her (E) so use that as a change to trade.”
Shizashi says “This matchup is like the Vayne matchup, you can bully her early on and keep her down, be careful though she has better fighting early on than vayne and support matchup could turn it even.
xTheUnlimited says “She's pretty strong right now. You should pressure her with some poke damage in laning phase. Care of her strong all in damage, she can kill you faster than you might think ! Also she outscales you. ”
xTheUnlimited says “Mobile, but has a low attack range. You can try to play aggressive to snowball her. She can be dangerous due to her immense late game scaling. ”
TruMediaMix1 says “Kai'Sa can potentially outcarry you, as her kit is harder to itemize against and her versatility makes her item builds somewhat unpredictable. Don't start a fight with her if you can't win it.”
xTheUnlimited says “Kai'sa is also really dangerous. In lane you should be fine, but later on she outscales you pretty hard. Try to get a good lead early on through high pressure in lane. ”
Ch33syB0y8 says “Kai'sa is a threat to most ADCs and you are no exception. You will need to use your strengths to your advantage ad abuse her weaknesses.”
TheCoCoFTW says “Vayne and Kaisa are similar on a scale of the way they operate. Both scale decently well into Mid-Late game with Vayne scaling much better. Try to burst her down as quick as you can in teamfight and you should be fine. ”
qasddsa says “Kai'sa has a relatively weak early game and a much shorter range than you with Fishbones. You need to abuse her and whittle her health down as much as possible during laning so she cannot fight you. Stormrazor spikes harder than her Guinsoo's, but she scales hard into the late game, and has a very strong shield on her ultimate. In lane, do not get poked down by her W, since it does a surprising amount of damage at rank 1. Late game, this idea is the same, except you need to be especially careful of a followup dash if you get hit. Focus her down in teamfights so she can't pop off.”
TruMediaMix1 says “Kai'Sa can't dodge Ace in the Hole, but she can very easily close the gap between you and her by using Void Seeker and Killer Instinct. She might buy a Banshee's Veil to itemize against you.”
relog says “She does good damage, when se farm or poke try to do damage to her
Ela da um bom dano, quando ela for farmar ou tentar dar poke em você tenta fazer a trade com ela”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, she does have some decent waveclear (still outmatched by your waveclear) and her w is alright. everything about her is spell shieldable though so u'd have to be literally blind to get ulted by her. tbh sivir is one of the champions that is built to be able to go even against kog-maw's big tiddy goth gf so try your best!”
Darkkin says “Clear wave absurdo, dano insano, velocidade de ataque alta e um bom sustain com o R dela. Tente puni-lá quando ela for abater um minion, quando ela usar o Q para farmar, avance com o suporte com cuidado e puna ela, e não tome o W dela nas trocas, force-a a ficar embaixo da torre o quanto antes.
Clear wave absurdity, insane damage, high attack speed and good sustain with her R. Try to punish her when she shoots a minion, when she uses Q to farm, advance with support carefully and punch her, and do not take her W in exchange, force her to stay underneath the tower as soon as possible.”
AisBuax says “Her invisibility is not as dangerous as Vayne's or Twitch's. But still, in someone's good hands can counter you. Be careful and poke her.”
matuush21 says “I really, really hate playing vs Kai´Sa, that´s why im banning it! When she is fed, she has a lot of damage and she have really good movement, thats why i dont know, how to play vs K´S”
Seigemaster035 says “Kaisa, one of the few champs twitch wins early but loses late. She easily dodges your skills with her ult and E. Make sure to shut her down early and stomp her down to where shes irrelevant.”
Robin Banks says “Generally even matchup before 6 and before first back. After first back if you only have a tear I would not fight her. She out dps's you at all stages of the game if you both are gaining even gold and EXP. If you get a lead, just be careful of fighting her 1v1, and once she has her E upgrade. ”
koyomilikesbloods says “Can swing hard in either direction, just know that she destroys you if she gets a lead, but tbh conquerer makes it a bit easier to trade into her.”
SilverSummons says “Stay away!
She will take your HP down from 100-0 in a blink. Seriously be careful around her. After getting Wit's End you'll survive a bit better.”
SilverSummons says “Her distance closing is pretty nasty and her Q can delete you pretty fast. Keep your distance and poke, making sure you dodge her W which has incredible range but she cant dash to you if you don't get hit.”
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