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Kai'Sa Counter Stats

Kai'Sa Counters
Discover all champions who counter Kai'Sa. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Kai'Sa in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
734 Tips for countering Kai'Sa below

Bottom Lane
49.31% Win Rate98% Pick Rate Kai'Sa Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Kai'Sa in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Shindeiruwu says “She loses hard early and will probably int to try CS so punish and zone her hard. She has to use all abilities as wave clear. Her R is useless till late game when she has damage to oneshot backline. Emphasis on her R late game lets her oneshot backline.”
[14.24] [KR Meta] Ashe Crit + AS by Shindeiruwu | Ashe Player
frreddi says “Kai'Sa q follows stealthing Vayne cd: q 10, 9, 8, 7, 6”
An Orbwalker's Guide to Vayne by frreddi | Vayne Player
FroszTyzada says “Bom all-in e ult com shield, mas tem dificuldade de trocar entre os minions, coisa que o Twitch não tem, apenas troque perto dos seus minions para dissipar seu Q.”
The Plague Rat - Twitch ADCarry S14 / S15 by FroszTyzada | Twitch Player
mythicdem0n says “Kai'sa is just better vayne, try your best to avoid her isolated q's and avoid her w at all costs since it reveals you in stealth”
Ultimate Patch 14.24 Vayne Builds by mythicdem0n | Vayne Player
FizzySobs says “Her q is very ineffective against you because of your pack. But she can still chunk you with her passive”
Naafiri in the Botlane by FizzySobs | Naafiri Player
BigBallsLarry says “even and skill based, a good kaisa can fuck you up but you can win. Most importantly fight her in your minions so she can't fully Q you, and try to dodge her W during fights, which might be difficult. Per passive is pretty unavoidable, but you should pay attention to it to not get surprised by your healthbar. ”
BrunkageManden says “Annoying matchup. Will out-scale you. Do not get hit by her isolated Q. You do out damage her in the early game, so try to find an angle if she missteps”
Yasuo ADC by BrunkageManden | Yasuo Player
Avarosa says “vocês escalam de maneira parecida em builds On hit, mas você fica mais se expõe menos para causar dano”
[14.21] Como jogar de varus by Avarosa | Varus Player
Avarosa says “voce ganha a lane dela, tente ganhar rapido que voce nao vai ter problemas, apos sair da lane phase não troque 1v1 com ela, voce sempre vai perder a menos que acerte sua ult de uma distancia consideravel ”
[14.21] Guia de como jogar de ashe by Avarosa | Ashe Player
Eneino01 says “she's an assasin kind of. If she snowballs your lane it gets really hard to come back. Careful when he's paired with an engager support”
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