As a Support 50.8% Win Rate99% Pick RateYuumi As a Support Counters: 38 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Yuumi as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
ShriekingMammoth says “Her shield can be used for your taunt to reduce damage. Other than that, she doesn't do much, its Yummi. Avoid her Qs so as not to take damage and its not loseable. Does scale well though but only on the buddy that she has.”
Thefrenchkefta says “You counter Yuumi. Same as morgana, if you encounter her, it is free lane. You engage the two in one and all the shield she gives you wipe it out in one instant.”
Zileanaire says “I have a name for Yuumi. 2 for 1. This is the champion you play support when you're either learning support or you plan on being afk half the game.”
ZedAway says “if there was an item to lower shields but for tanks i would rush first item, really annoying, and increases the enemy adc and other players survivability by 200%. ”
Aerenax says “Yuumi is not having loads of laning pressure which means you can put a lot of pressure onto the enemy ADC. Yuumi has a lot of sustain, she can’t sustain your oneshot potential. When she hops off her ADC look to take her out.”
zSharpFire says “Personally it's my permaban. She can't really kill you but she will nullify you in laning phase, and if paired with an hypercarry such as twitch she will become much more useful than you in late.”
Arctic Arrow says “Well Its Yuumi. Engage aggressively, especially at level 3 if you hit those levels earlier than the enemy bot lane.
Build Serpent's Fang as a second item to negate her shield from W (You and Me!) and diminish her effectiveness.
You can either eliminate her easily in lane or roam and impact other parts of the map, as she won’t follow your plays.
If she does manage to escape, quickly use your W-Q to catch and finish her off.”
Abarame says “and last but not least, Yuumi. This is the 1 support that can go from being a tiny threat to an extreme one in the blink of an eye. laning vs her is fairly simple since ur dodging her q and trading hard onto her adc. Its moreso about her team. If she has a bruiser going even or slightly behind, Yuumi can ditch her adc and attach to them to start snowballing and rack up her items fast. Since she never buys boots, shes up 900 gold from you at every stage of the game if she hasnt died 3 times. You will have to hold q and sit on oblivion orb if this happens. Focus on peeling defensively and playing around her Best Friend. It becomes her game if things go in her favor so do NOT disrespect her peel and chasing ability. She can run down entire teams with the right partner. Punish her if she ever detaches since thats trolling on her part. If however shes rly bad and/or her laners arent doing well, she just suffers as you snowball and blow up her entire team.”
TnDD says “Yuumi oyunun en kötü şampiyonu. Koridorda Q ile dürtüp sinir etmekten başka hiçbir şey yapmıyor. (Ultini Yuumi'nin bağlandığı şampiyona atarsan Yuumi donmaz.)”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “I mean its yuumi what is she gonna do? Afk you to death? just go all in with level 3 or even level 2 if you get it sooner than enemy botlane, buy serpents fangs second or 3 item and she will be legit useless.(you can either kill them perma or just roam and play around the map she WONT follow any of the plays happening and if for some reason she gets out you can just W Q her fast and kill her)”
Foxirion says “Yuumi's healing and poke can pose a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's engage potential and crowd control can help him pressure Yuumi and disrupt her positioning in fights.”
glimppi says “With Yuumi you only have one target to focus on. Yuumi shields your poke, so don't waste your shiv too much. You want to wait for the enemy ADC to make a mistake, and possibly catch a kill off that.”
MorePierogiVanya says “This one is either a 4 or a 2, depending on how much you are allowed to punish her. If your ADC actually wants to make an effort to punish her leaving her host, you will feel good. If not, she will scale hard.”
Razing42 says “Free lane. If she ever jumps off her Adc you can just auto attack her to CC her with your passive and then she can't jump back for a while, making her an easy target to run down.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Yuumi can buff her carry all she wants but now you can CC two people at once with all your abilities.
Avoid her Q-poke early and rush her down as soon as you can kill her carry.”
mewraka says “nothing to hit and you kinda have to be out in the open alot for this pick so she can get alot of Qs off on you which rack up in dmg QUICK”
Nazebroq says “Yuumi isn't really a threat but her heal cancel all ur Q poke and her R cancel your's. But ignore her, focus ADC and try to cc him asap. ”
Lurs says “The only enchanter that can't outrange you. Now that her ult doesn't root she's literally useless, especially if you have anti-heal. You can stand in between her and her ADC while using ultimate in order to instantly charm her if she casts W while off.”
Loggit says “Yuumi is an automatic win for you, though her value in the late game is much greater than yours. Just look to finish the game by 30 minutes, Early lane is free, roams are free, everything is just so free.”
Razing42 says “If the Yuumi jumps off her adc often see if you can punish that with a flay as she will most likely die if you do.
If not it's still a 2v1 lane for the most part, very safe to roam.”
Aerenax says “Yuumi is not adding much to her lane when playing against you. But when you get on top of her ADC it’s like a kinder surprise egg: a free kill inside! Yuumi does not offer a lot to peel her from your stun, so try to look and position aggressively. ”
Shadowcrushers says “
Yuumi, the Magical Cat, is indeed a tiny match against Soraka, the Starchild. There are several reasons why Yuumi can be considered a strong counterpick to Soraka in League of Legends.
Mobility and Stickiness: Yuumi's mobility is unmatched among supports. Her ability to attach herself to an ally gives her incredible mobility and safety in team fights. She can easily stick to her carry and constantly apply pressure without the fear of being caught out. This mobility makes it difficult for Soraka to land her skill shots and effectively heal her team.
Poke and Sustain: Yuumi's Q ability, Prowling Projectile, allows her to poke from a safe distance, making it difficult for Soraka to land her heals. Yuumi's Q has a longer range than Soraka's W, Astral Infusion, forcing Soraka to position herself closer to the frontline, making her vulnerable to engage and ganks. Additionally, Yuumi's passive, Bop 'n' Block, provides a small shield to her ally whenever she hits an enemy champion with her Q, further negating Soraka's poke potential.
Adaptive Shield: Yuumi's E ability, You and Me!, not only grants her ally a shield but also increases their Adaptive Force, which translates into bonus attack damage or ability power. This bonus damage allows Yuumi's carry to have increased damage output during trades, making it difficult for Soraka to outheal the damage. Moreover, the shield helps mitigate Soraka's poke and allows Yuumi's ally to sustain in lane.
Crowd Control: Yuumi's ultimate ability, Final Chapter, can be a game-changer in team fights. It roots enemies caught in its path, providing a powerful crowd control effect. This ability can disrupt Soraka's healing abilities, preventing her from healing her allies effectively during crucial moments in team fights. The crowd control also sets up opportunities for Yuumi's team to engage and secure kills, making it difficult for Soraka to keep her team alive.
Itemization: Yuumi benefits greatly from items like Ardent Censer and Athene's Unholy Grail, which enhance her healing and shielding capabilities. These items amplify the effectiveness of her healing and provide additional utility to her team. Soraka relies heavily on her healing abilities, and Yuumi's enhanced healing can potentially negate a significant portion of Soraka's healing impact.
Scaling Potential: Yuumi scales well into the late game due to her ability to attach herself to a carry and provide constant healing and utility. As the game progresses, Yuumi becomes increasingly difficult to deal with as her carry becomes stronger. Soraka, on the other hand, has limitations in her kit and can struggle to keep up with the damage output of Yuumi's team in the late game.
While Soraka remains a powerful support in her own right, Yuumi's unique abilities and playstyle make her a strong counterpick against Soraka. Yuumi's mobility, poke, sustain, crowd control, itemization options, and scaling potential all contribute to her advantage in the matchup, making her a tiny match against Soraka.”
itstsuk3 says “Run Glacial. New Yuumi makes Bursting down the ADC pretty hard so the good ol' reliable Electrocute isnt so reliable anymore. Play Utility, Lock down the ADC and let your Team do the work.”
support_diff says “Yuumi isn't a champion. Really. That leaves only one champion to target, which is great for you because you can deal enormous damage to single targets even in the early game”
jmp_01_ says “Thank god this champion got turbo nerfed after rework. She will probably sit on ADC all the time. If she's out you can try to hook. Avoid getting poked since it's really annoying. Apart from that there is not much more in this match-up.
Take Glacial Augment.”
mazewalk says “"Oh, so you're Xayahs' pet!" Fuck you, parasite! It's hard to play against Yuumi, because she still can go to a fed Hecarim and make him immortal. You can roam to prevent this Hecarim from feeding on your poor teammates and buy Chemtech Purtrifier to counter her healing, no more counter play to an untargetable champion.”
FunnyBunnyH says “With the Yuumi rework, this champion became somewhat more viable into Maokai. She now has a Shield on E instead of a Heal, which counters burst much better, and her ultimate became a stronger peeling tool as well to counter dives/engages. While in a vacuum she is still manageable as Maokai, certain 2v2 matchups can be hard to win against. This, and the fact that she is a rather popular pick, makes her a decent ban candidate.”
Diabele32 says “If, the opposing team plays Yuumi + Zeri / Vayne / ... (characters with high movement speed), it is better to reject the game (leave the waiting room) ;)”
bxbycos says “Just E her when she jumps out, so she gets higher cooldown to jump back.
Enchanters overall are 0 problem for you. Youre better than them ;)”
ShacoSupportAP says “Disgusting! Looks cute but she is the devil. Shaco AP hates Shields/Healing. You cant poke against shields/heal. Especially aids are comps like Yuumi/Draven, Yuumi/Zeri. If possible ban her!”
itstsuk3 says “Its literally a 1v2, if you CC lock the ADC there is nothing Yuumi can do.
Her ult can negate your engage tho so bait it out before committing for real.”
Dotje says “Yuumi is pretty strong again. If enemy team has a good carry that dodges your abilities, you can have a problem. The biggest difference between Nami and Yuumi is that she is untargetable. If you combo her adc with the R+Q combo Yuumi cannot do much but E and R. I always request my adc to consider getting Executioners against her if they’re strong. ”
Aerenax says “Yuumi is not adding much to her lane when playing against you. She will poke and sustain, but when you combo her adc she can't do much. Furthermore, when she dismounts herself and you combo her, she is guaranteed dead as you have enough crowd control to keep her dismounted. Highly adviced to buy anti-heal.”
Cyclic says “This champ is laughably bad right now. Poke her and her adc for free and outsustain and damage that she might do. Claim your freelo vs this champ”
ZharMeny says “(YUUMI REWORK RELEASED IN 13.5, GONNA UPDATE THE MATCH UP LATER IF SOMETHING CHANGES SIGNIFICANTLY)Yuumi is mostly picked with a scaling ADCs(Ezreal, Zeri), and they don't have the best early, if they are gonna focus on farming from max range you'll probably go even, if they don't you will easily win lane and late game. Recommended Stance: Either”
Toches says “She's mainly just obnoxious in the mid-late.
In the early, if you E immediately as she jumps off to auto for shield/mana and jump back on, unless she jumped a short distance, she has a high risk of getting stunned.
post lvl 3 youve got a good shot at killing her if you stun her
consider going ignite in this matchup for her or anyone shes attached to.”
iveye says “I'm more of a horse person. Yuumi is annoying in lanes like Sivir and her or even Ezreal where can almost never punish her and its a free ride to the mid to late where she does very well. Q poke from her is frustrating and her R can turn your engagement into INTentional feeding. Shut her lane down early or try to influence the game as much as you can with roams or counter engages.”
Occullumin says “Yuumi is interesting. It's generally harder to get your support item gold up as fast since there's less champs walking into your boxes in the lane, but if the ADC walks into your box then they hardly have any support since Yummi is unable to try and take aggro like other supports.”
mellorwastaken says “Matchup is just coinflip and depends on how good her adc is. If its stuff like Sivir Yuumi and the Sivir is good, you cant play botlane so look to win the game somewhere else.”
gizemdeniz says “Yuumi's old form was an immensely dangerous healer. The revamped version has become more powerful, with the ability to shield and a heal passive. This change is bad news for Ahri, as good enchanters can be extremely dangerous in the hands of good players.”
LonlyGamerX says “Yummi got a recently nerfed at the time of making this making her weaker than normal which puts her below sona and soraka however she is still very strong even early when it comes to healing”
WhiteLotus says “Play fully around your CD's. If you have everthing up, run on them and trade. Get w out if possible and u dont lose to much HP for it. Care about that they got 1 Summoner more then you and play around those CD's too.”
T1vladimir says “Has high mana cost on ETips. Try to damage her when she’s unattached & force her to use ETips on herself. She can’t use WTips to jump on allies if gets damaged. Yuumi is extremely vulnerable alone & most fights result in her death as well if her ally is killed. Can travel between allies to position herself to start the fight with RTips.”
veeixin says “Very even on the playing field, though she can be annoying with speeding up either her or her ADC.
But, her W can trigger your E, meaning a free kill for you or your ADC.
I have not had much trouble with her, just be aware of when she's off really.”
SighKek says “People think yuumi is a counter to Pyke... she's not.
A lot of yuumi players will greed for auto attacks to replenish their mana. Look for this window to either E or Hook her.
Not many players know this, but if Yuumi's been CC'd, she has to wait a few seconds before she can just back on friendly champ.
Another fun thing to do is throw a hook between her and friendly champ if she detaches... you can sometimes catch her midflight.
Igirl45 says “You cant really do anything into a yuumi lane besides block dmg for your adc and buy anti heal. If she jumps off from her adc make sure to everfrost her. Rooting her could lead to a kill.”
aRhesty says “Yuumi has a hard time using her R at all if you save Q-E for disengage. Out roaming a yuumi is the best way to counter her in solo queue.”
PalestinianLuck says “It does not counter you really, you will win lategame
If you hit your W you most likely to root her or her adc
it will result in a free trade most of the times”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| I am proud to announce Yuumi is no longer a champion. You just win because she's bad and does nothing. Actual tips for this matchup are: You can Q her when she jumps off very easily, then get between her and her ADC and R them away from eachother. Your R is instant which means it can cancel her W reliably when she jumps to her ADC if you have good reflexes.”
PypoulaPyp says “She's useless in lane but goes wild in mid-game/late game. You can literally win your lane in early game but it doesn't matter BECAUSE SHE'S YUUMI HELLOOO. She's not a threat overall to ezreal but to your team.
zotet says “Her Q ability is very easy to dodge and can easily be wasted on her end. Her E can allow enemies to close the gap and regain HP very fast, make sure to play passively or defensively to avoid being punished.”
Metallichydra says “Yuumi scales incredibly well, and her Q hurts a lot. She can also negate poke pretty well with her healing and shielding.
While it is hard, it's possible to use your W to prevent her from using her own W for some time.”
SigtheOutcast says “goddamn I hate this little cretin and those who main her. I am gobsmacked anytime a yuumi main is able to breathe without mechanical assistance and moral support. Literal braindead character that sits on people and prays they do well. If they do well, gg you lose by default, because a hypercarry wasn't already enough, now you have a cat-shaped parasite suckling the yi, yone, yasuo, darius, or sett's teat and pumping their hp back to full from nothing while giving them a shot of cocaine up the rectum. I always ban her, but that's personal preference.”
Ablano says “get ignite and oblivion orb and kill this cat, the devs already killed her healing and speed lol u better dodge her q cuz they buffed it so hard it is insane ”
NotAragami says “She doesn't do much on her own Most of the threats come from whoever she latches on and if she latches on one of your easy matchups, well. Zeri's best friend. ”
LordZaneLP says “XD broken shit, her Q deals so much dmg for not having any skill expression + this gigantic heal. Idk this design is just 200 years of riot games.”
huirats says “You can only poke her ADC, but she will have to waste all her mana healing them as opposed to poking you or your ADC. I am not above flashing away from her Ult, it does a fair amount of magic damage, as well as rooting you if you stay there too long. ”
Navn says “You can pillar her and if you slightly displace her, she cannot W for 5 seconds. Look for this opportunity to punish her, but be careful of summoner spell advantage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yuumi will look to poke you down with her Prowling Projectile(Q). When she uses it, run inside the minion wave so she cannot easily land it. Alternatively, if it’s safe to do so, stand inside the minion wave at all times. Invest in an early Grevious Wounds item to reduce her healing in lane. Post level 6, watch out for Yuumi’s Ultimate Final Chapter(R). Take deliberate care if you do not have vision nearby as her Ultimate is a great ganking setup tool.”
PikaCrew says “%MaxHP damage on her Q is tough, especially when you cant hit her back and she can guide it around minions. That on top of sustain, however, she can be easily held back by the skill of her ADC.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yuumi will look to poke you down with her Prowling Projectile(Q). When she uses it, run inside the minion wave so she cannot easily land it. Alternatively, if it’s safe to do so, stand inside the minion wave at all times. Invest in an early Grevious Wounds item to reduce her healing in lane. Post level 6, watch out for Yuumi’s Ultimate Final Chapter(R). Take deliberate care if you do not have vision nearby as her Ultimate is a great ganking setup tool.”
Tears of fears says “Buy anti-heal item first, don't let her hit you with AA (passive), try to catch her with your E, if it hits go all in and kill yuumi first, then her ADC”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yuumi will look to poke you down with her Prowling Projectile(Q). When she uses it, run inside the minion wave so she cannot easily land it. Alternatively, if it’s safe to do so, stand inside the minion wave at all times. Invest in an early Grevious Wounds item to reduce her healing in lane. Post level 6, watch out for Yuumi’s Ultimate Final Chapter(R). Take deliberate care if you do not have vision nearby as her Ultimate is a great ganking setup tool.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yuumi will look to poke you down with her Prowling Projectile(Q). When she uses it, run inside the minion wave so she cannot easily land it. Alternatively, if it’s safe to do so, stand inside the minion wave at all times. Invest in an early Grevious Wounds item to reduce her healing in lane. Post level 6, watch out for Yuumi’s Ultimate Final Chapter(R). Take deliberate care if you do not have vision nearby as her Ultimate is a great ganking setup tool.”
Babian says “Yuumi is easy to counter as she does no damage. Early ignite so she cant heal. When you Hook their ADC its like Q'ing 2 people at once. once their adc dies yuumi is easily killable.”
M4DN355 says “Yuumi isn't much of a threat to Pyke as she is just annoying to play against as Pyke. Since she can't be hooked or stunned while on her allies, Pyke loses out on a lot of potential kill power on her and the ally she's attached to due to her passive giving them a shield and her E being able to heal them. Her ultimate is also really good against Pyke. The reason she's a minor threat, though, is because laning phase is very difficult for Yuumi when she wants to get her passive. If you see Yuumi walking up to auto attack you for a shield, engage on her. If she hops to her ally immediately, turn on her ally. Yuumi is also extremely squishy, has no mobility, and rarely builds Flash or Zhonya's Hourglass, allowing Pyke to chase her, one shot her, and get an easy reset on his ultimate when she is alone. One other thing that makes Yuumi pretty weak against Pyke is the lack of vision she can place. Since she's so squishy, she relies on allies to bring her everywhere she goes, meaning she can only ward where her allies go. Use this as an opportunity to sit in a bush and take her and her allies out when you know they're going to try warding.”
RVanisHed says “While her heals might be annoying, there is rather simple trick to playing against this rat. Your E has bigger range than her auto, so each time she walks up to auto you for passive proc, you can just throw your E BEHIND her, so she gets hit on her W going back, and secure rather easy kill”
ShoDesu says “Yuumi trades are pretty even with Janna so it will most likely be a handshake lane. Need to look to roam heavily to punish Yuumi's lack of roaming/dive ability”
Jageiko says “Yuumi. As a Support player, you are of course formally invited to taunt and trashtalk her as hard as you can.
That said, you counter her very hard in lane, canceling her W if she comes out. Do it but focus the ADC even if she is out, as she basically doesnt exist anymore. Your lane should be won but then she will start to camp on her Jungler shoulders. You can E or R her mount when she R to diplace it. Oh yeah, ofc buy Antiheal.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Yuumi is actually a very Rell-favoured matchup, you threaten her very well if she is ever not attached to someone, and unlike many enchantresses she doesn't have any disengage outside of an ultimate ability. If you can get your ADC to freeze, the ADC with Yuumi will be averaging 1csm. She does scale well still, but she doesn't have much in the way of getting there against you.”
AbsoluteJustice says “You don't have any CC tools to stop her from detaching for free passive procs and she can make it hard to keep any poke on. With an engage adc like Lucian she can be a real problem if you fall behind. ”
CALSHARKY says “Annoying yes but barely even a threat when she un-attatches you can throw your E and this disables her from re-attatching giving you enough time to kill her.”
Touka1 says “Very annoying in lane, if you don't manage to punish her in laning and and she gets better team there isn't much you can do against and if you manage to punish and she still get betters team she doesn't really fall behind compare to other supports. (very unfun to play against!) you also run ignite always against Yuumi so you get the kill pressure”
Lonewolff55 says “Soraka 2.0 but more annoying and not as easily killed. This is a pretty hard matchup to go against since her healing is a little better than yours and her CC can ruin any chance of a good fight. ”
Yoshiking123 says “Just wait for the Yuumi to detach and Flash stun her.
What you do is pretend to be a little bitch. Stay back to avoid poke; but always be ready to Flash stun her the INSTANT she detaches.
All Yuumi's will not respect your Flash Stun Level 1/2.”
lumiumi says “This threat is opinionated. I personally think Yuumi has a terrible early game, she doesn't have much potential until late game. She doesn't have any cc until lvl 6 which you can delay by out poking and killing them !”
RatHound says “Default choice for a ban. Yuumi has the potential to be very broken, so why take the chance? And playing against her is unpleasant. You're forced to rush Executioner's Calling, which is unpleasant.”
spirit legacy says “Yuumi is actually pretty decent vs Brand if she doesnt get camped. Try to dive them 3/4man Yuumi as often as you can. She'll slowly poke you down with her Q. Try to avoid her autoattacks due to her passive restoring Mana/giving her a shield. Roaming is very good here aswell. ”
EdBoi says “A strangely easy matchup as long as she's not on a Master Yi. Your ult is just as effective since your burst damage is percent max health instead of flat, preventing her from healing her ally fast enough in mid game. Don't respect her level six. Immediately try to find a chance to ult their duo so you can burst them down alongside your adc. This same rule applies to most enchantress matchups, though it's extremely apparent with Yuumi.”
Challenger Project says “Abuse early levels. The problem with all enchanters is all the same - if we don’t snowball early hard, we fall off and get outscaled.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “If you trap and kill the enemy that Yuumi is sitting on then she will be dropped at the same position. If there's not another person nearby then it is a free double kill. This makes ganks extremely useful against Yuumi.
Box fear will render the enemy target (and therefore Yuumi) useless for a short period of time in which you should try to burst them down.”
Demonsedge90 says “You just hard win into her since you can stop her from reattaching to her bot lane and making life miserable. Still, watch out for her team.”
Cordiall says “Yuumi isn't a threat to Braum but she is annoying. She can render an enemy ADC VERY difficult to kill, and your E doesn't stop her R. But, since she'll be attached to her ADC most of the time, there'll only be one target to focus on. Just kill her ADC and she'll be easy pickings.”
hampenguin says “Mind the Q and wait till she gets off for an auto and then you should be able to stun and murder. Tell your ADC to take exhaust because exhausting Yuumi's host makes her useless.”
MindCrusader says “Heals and ability to avoid any poke just denies the heimer on lane. It is hard to do anything against her on lane. Later on she is really useful and tend to win teamfigths”
Ryecheria says “Just dodge.
Yuumi can play however she wants and not be punished whatsoever. When using Focused Resolve, you must use it on the enemy carry and not on Yuumi as you are not able to root her. Build Chemtech Putrifier first item.
If Yuumi has a good comp (Hecarim, Viego, or Kayn) to play with then it is pretty impossible to win, but otherwise, it is playable. ”
KeisariKarma says “Its a very free lane for yuumi, since you have no way to instantly cc her when she goes out of her ally to proc her passive. Outscales you hard!”
TheBlueImperial says “Yuumi is a pretty useless champion on carries, she excels while sitting on juggernauts and dive champions. It means you can very easily just chain jump on her carry and she can not do anything about it.”
RIPStollie says “Yuumi is actually one of the more annoying champions to play against not only because of her healing, but because she gives a massive speed boost when she heals the champion that she is sitting on. This makes it difficult to land your abilities. I like to rush oblivion orb in this matchup just because it always ends up having a ridiculous amount of value after lane.”
PumpkinMatters says “Não é nem de longe o inferno que Lulu é, e você pode até ganhar sua lane, mas a coloquei como "extremo" porque se esse parasita não for neutralizado logo ele vai se prender no jungle e sua partida chegou ao fim”
teaa says “Nada de mais, cuide pra não tomar os Q que ela jogar, nem o stun da ultimate e você estará seguro, dê bastante poke no ADC e guarde o stun pra quando ela sair dele.
Quando a Yuumi toma stun ela não consegue entrar em nenhum inimigo, tornando-se um alvo fácil. Faça corta-cura cedo.”
PumpkinMatters says “She's not half of the chaos Lulu can be, and you can even win your lane, but I put her as "extreme" because, if this parasite isn't neutralized soon it will stick onto the jungler and your match is over”
a8qoyrl says “A lot like Blitzcrank, if you stun enemy carry, you stun them both. Just make sure to ignite so that she doesn't get full potential of heal.”
Crymix says “If she's with long range adc or yasuo you can't win poke, unless you play grasp
If she's on short range ad, you have free lane if you rush heal reduc”
HypoTheAced says “This is the ugliest matchup for Senna. An untargetable enchantress that can just continuously heal her ADC and provide slows with root ultimate while BEING UNTARGETABLE. It's important to save your W for when/if she jumps off her allies.”
HypoTheAced says “This is the ugliest matchup for Senna. An untargetable enchantress that can just continuously heal her ADC and provide slows with root ultimate while BEING UNTARGETABLE. It's important to save your W for when/if she jumps off her allies.”
Winter Nicole says “Yummi: He isn't much of a threat because yes he can heal his teammates but once you guys kill his adc, he's pretty much squishy and can be killed in one shot. (Recommend pushing in to kill the adc first than stun yummi for a easy kill for your adc)”
Lee McGee says “Annoying more than anything, she can cancel your first strike with her Q and you can't hit her back. The good news is she's only as good as her ADC. If they're bad at dodging, you can take advantage.”
SirCaptFair says “w engage during the early levels as soon as you get ignited or exhausted e back to your adc. if you're low in hp recall in the fog of war so they don't know you backed and do it all again as soon as you come back. Or roam. yuumi lanes tend to be summoner spell gaps all the time. So you just need to make sure to get rid of her spells before fighting.”
revu says “[ENCHANTER]
Similar to Lulu. Rush anti-heal. If she is going for passive proc you can try to Q her adc and sometimes you catch them both in it.”
Discord231 says “Técnicamente se debería aplicar la de que urgen las heridas graves, pero esta cosa gasta tanto mana, que no podrá curar tanto, y en early es solo medio campeón. ”
alloposid says “She will dodge your Dark Binding using her You and Me! and you can only spellshield one person at a time, meaning her ult will be a problem. Zoomies also makes your poke less useful.”
alloposid says “Her You and Me! will allow her to dodge your Rupture with no effort, and Zoomies will leave your belly empty should you attempt to Feast on her ADC due to the large heal and speed boost. Zoomies also makes poke damage almost useless.”
GuanaTv says “Basicamente se você tiver jogando com a lane recuada, inicie no carregador inimigo. Se a dupla da rota inferior inimiga estiver jogando embaixo da torre, garanta vantagem em outra rota.
Sem segredos!
(Basically if you're playing with the bot lane, start from the enemy carry. If the duo from the lower enemy lane is playing under the turret, grant an advantage in another lane.
Without secrets!)”
Gobomo says “Damage her carry to lower her mana, as her E is absurdly expensive. If you can Q stun her while she's trying to auto attack you to get mana back from her passive, your ADC may be able to capitalize off of it and get a pretty good kill. Otherwise, use the fact that she has insane mana costs and you have as much mana as you want off of your chimes. ”
Cr1ms0n136 says “Depends on what your ADC is and what the enemy ADC is. If your ADC is Lucian or Draven make it so yuumi and her adc cant play laning phase. ”
Petra Venj says “Got help you if Yuumi pairs with a Vayne. Anyways you really need to hit those Q's, she will always outheal and outpoke you if you dont. Rush Chemtech and go Ignite.”
SimplehPari says “Can't target with Q, out sustains you mana wise, and heals all ur early poke. She also scales better, luckily Yuumi usually can't help people from getting one shot later. Fuck Yuumi”
yaemitskiuwu says “A bit on the Major side in terms of Team Fights. She can CC your whole team and has insane healing. Chemtech Purifier will be your best friend in this match up. Also, she's just an annoying support in general. ”
gweh says “Pretty easy matchup. Feels pretty bad if you int it though. Look to cheese her out level one and get summoners (third bush or tri bush cheese is good)”
eiensiei says “She has great sustain and her Q is mostly hard to dodge unless you're between minions or go out of its range. She does need to get off her laner for her passive, so poke her during those windows, otherwise poke her ally.”
Goldenstinger says “Even match up now - bait out her summs and deny the lane early with E. need to keep the numbers advantage foot on the pedal early and not let her come back into scaling”
Daromius says “Dodge Q with ease, try to apply passive on both her host and her so she cant heal/ult.
dodging her ult should be easy if you have passive stacks.”
limeheart says “When yuumi hops off, throw a hook in between her and her adc (closer to adc) to catch her during W. This should be free kill. Try not to engage without ignite unless you are very ahead.”
Doglightning says “run ele or pred. This matchup is very adc dependant. If its an adc that is hard to root then you lose as yuumi will poke and sustain you outta lane. If its an adc that is easy to root then you just all in and win with ignite.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Yuumi only can win lane if she pokes you low enough for her carry to get a kill, stay close to minions, and stay healthy. Her ult is very dangerous so anticipate it and gold card the carry so they can't chase you.”
Mystral says “Yuumi is annoying to play against. If she manages to hit her Qs, she´s gonna be a problem. You can shield her damage (you have less cooldown on your shield than Yuumi´s Q), but you have 2 choices here: 1) Try to stay healthy and survive to her Qs end engages from the enemy ADC; 2) You can try to poke down the enemy ADC when Yuumi´s Q is on cooldown. That was you are going to make Yuumi use her heal and she is going to waste a lot of mana = no more annoying Q from her.”
Doglightning says “Ask your team to ban idk how to play vs this cat. She will heal your poke and she can jump out of the adc to eat bubbles then get back on the adc b4 she sleeps. If you manage to sleep the adc she can still just bblock the hit and then hide on the adc. Honestly this champ is busted.”
Aerenax says “Yuumi is not having loads of laning pressure which means you can put a lot of pressure onto the enemy ADC. Yuumi has a lot of sustain, but once your ADC or you get anti heal lane is winnable.”
eiensiei says “She has great sustain and her Q is mostly hard to dodge unless you're between minions or go out of its range. She does need to get off her laner for her passive, so poke her during those windows, otherwise poke her ally.”
LimTheDestructor says “Remember that you can punish Yuumi when she steps out of her adc and you chain CC her if you use CC properly and she doesn't react fast enough (usually try to engage her if she stands right between you and her adc). Eat some poke that goes on your adc from Yuumi not to make your adc get poked down. Try to find enemy adc's misposition and all in him if you have enough damage. Often you need having Ignite ready for this.”
LegendaryOstrich says “To play against Yuumi she is forced to tank the hook for her ADC or if you land your hook on the ADC you get both of them. Stand inside the minion wave to avoid her Q poke. You can flay + hook Yuumi while she tries to get inside a champion for safety. ”
TheImmortalEye says “neeko excels in terrorising adcs through minions, shes basicly afk early game easy target but repsect her lv 6 root and dodge accordingly”
MsBean says “Don't worry about a yuumi, the most damage they will do is their Q or ult (if they're doing full AP)
She cannot heal as much as a Soraka, as yuumi has a mana problem early game, so focus on the ADC big time and easy win, you outheal Yuumi anyway. ”
Flackojodye says “This matchup is quite hard for zyra because of the damage and tankiness she provides to whoever she's sitting on. Try to play with your team to take down the major threat.”
Distinger says “This matchup is a joke. I only out it at level 2 because of her strong heals and possibility to get on top of a fed bruiser.
Get close with W, hook and E backwards and they'll both die most of the time, she can't do nothing to stop it in the early game.
If she got down from the ADC, try to bait a hook at Yuumi but instead throw it at the ADC so you catch her mid W, dead 100%.”
Arcurath says “Pretty much a scaling lane but yuumi outscales you so have to try punish which is hard.
Look for roams as much as you can as she cant match them.
After 6 you should win fights vs her but if game goes late it will be tough.”
0Banda says “What do i have to say about this? Yuumi can't do anything by herself, he will just heal and buff he's ally ADC , she can poke you with she's Q but this is not a big deal
As she is a peel support, you should roam as much as possible
Against Yuumi you should build as usual, but as a fourth or fifth item you can build Morellonomicon in order to get rid of all her healing to allies , in the rune section you can run Waterwalking since you will be roaming a lot”
SlippStream says “She'll often return every poke you make, but it's very hard for her to escape your root. Take advantage of your CC to punish her ADC and maybe catch her unattached. This is one of the matchups that I'd back on a Executioner's Calling first item.”
Luiscencias says “I redact whatever I previously said about this little cat. She annoys me so much because her presence alone halves the amount of Q damage and stacks I can get and you will never ever be able to kill an enemy champion if this cat is on them so you have to play worse healbot or buy an oblivion orb or avoid the matchup by permabanning her like I do so you never have to learn :,)”
Fear The Jester says “Can make the lane unplayable when combined with certain adcs (*cough* Ezreal, nilah, ect. *cough*), doesnt go into bushes so you cant use boxes for both vision and damage, meaning she can get vision advantage by you not spotting wards with boxes and usually prefers warding river over bushes, nullifies a lot of your threat early, Roam.”
Cimcia484 says “One less target for your early game Q, which also means you don't get your Revitalize buff for a free W. Go 0/0/(ult assists) in lane unless enemy makes a mistake and outscale. Don't let Yuumi proc her passive for free.”
Jowoey says “Depends on how good Yuumi is on the other team. If she has a hypercarry to sit on (Kindred, Evelynn) she can be impossible to play against. Taking Q level 1 and using it on her as she jumps out to get her passive will be very useful to you and might even kill her during lane phase.”
Melyn says “Stand in the minion wave so that her Q cannot hit you. Try to punish her when she leaves her ADC to auto you for her passive, and be VERY careful about committing to a fight when you don't have ignite. ”
Biotic says “Its a easy matchup but she scales so well so you need to punish her which is not that easy. Try to roam when you push the wave or atleast put good vision. Abuse weak early game. Level 6 you should also win hard. But be carefull later on its getting difficult.”
TheBestestBork says “Just dive. Seriously, its a free lane if your ADC can breathe.
If you have trouble with her remember Ignite and wait for her to hop off for mana, she cant hop on right away when shes hit.”
KillMeKillMe says “A good yumi on a good adc can be kinda annoying, not a big deal though. If she later attaches to a good, hard to kill carry, like a yi jungler for instance, they can be nearly impossible to kill. If you see a yuumi and someone like yi on the same team, make sure you and your team are as prepared as possible with some cc, exhaust, something, and use teamwork against them, definitely don't run in one at a time trying to kill them. On her own she's even, but paired with a good carry she can be major or extreme, especially in solo queue where the teams generally lack the coordination to deal with them.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “you can easily avoid her q to deny her support item gold. whilst she is untargettable, her adc is not, if her adc is shorter range then you can easily poke them down which will cost her lots of mana to keep them alive.
unfortunately you DONT have hard CC to stop her from reattaching to her adc. her ult is a horrible combo when on a fed enemy. ”
Guoblide says “Yuumi is pretty much unkillable in lane and can massively outscale Braum after the laning phase ends, however she can be bullied fairly easily in lane. Yuumi is an extremely passive enchanter that can anchor to allied champions and make her untargetable. She can outsustain pretty much every support, especially Braum, and the %HP damage on Prowling Projectile can make her poke suprisingly strong. Yuumi spikes at Level 2 where she gets all of her abilities unlocked and again at 6 where she gains access to Final Chapter. Since most Yuumis put equal points in Prowling Projectile and Zoomies she gets both abilities max upgraded at Levels 12 and 13. In lane, Braum should play fairly aggressive at Level 1 and try to poke the enemy ADC with Winter's Bite. Landing one can slow them by enough for you and your ADC to engage on them and set up a First Blood. Since Yuumi isn't much of a champion until Level 6 she can be fairly bullied and forced out of lane, especially when she runs out of mana. Level 2 is great for Braum as it gives him access to Unbreakable which can block Prowling Projectile completely. Level 3 is also great as Stand Behind Me can be used to get in front of your ADC to block Prowling Projectile even is Braum is a short distance away. Since Yuumi needs to stay on her ADC for most of the game Braum can easily roam to objectives and exert pressure around the map uncontested. Once Yuumi hits Level 6 it is best to save Unbreakable for her Final Chapter due to Unbreakable being able to block her entire ultimate. Keep in mind that Yuumi's Bop 'n' Block empowered Basic Attack gains 50 range AND becomes a non-projectile so it cannot be blocked by Unbreakable.”
Spection says “One of the only champions that can match your healing. Consider grievous wounds second if she is a threat, but stick to defensive items if your carry is building it. They are too important for your survival and success. ”
DanNS12 says “When Yuumi tries to auto attack you for her passive shield/mana look to bubble her and kill her and position behind minions when she goes for Q.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Ask your team to ban idk how to play vs this cat. She will heal your poke and she can jump out of the adc to eat bubbles then get back on the adc b4 she sleeps. If you manage to sleep the adc she can still just bblock the hit and then hide on the adc. Honestly this champ is busted.
very hot says “Due to the nerfs on Yuumi's mana costs, she has to spend a lot more time "outside," off of her teammate to proc her passive. You can abuse this by just landing ANY CC on her as she can't reattach to her ally for 5 seconds. Then, you can either burst Yuumi down or turn on her ally since Yuumi will probably E herself to get out of danger.”
Billehz says “You can easily rush grievous wounds and make her pretty useless, charm her when she gets off to poke if you can and if your adc can cc as well she should be dead.”
Jaori says “You can't cheese anyone with Yuumi on them. When she leaves the carry to poke you, hit her with E +charged w for a quick trade. There's a chance you will stop her W dash leaving her without any escape, and most likely dead.”
LearningThingsCraftingTho says “Lanes that can sustain through your poke or outpoke you will almost always force you to wait until 6. This is VERY late for you to come online and actually succeed.”
APJ4 by LearningThingsCraftingTho | Jarvan IV Player
donpepe2 says “You should ban this cat if you dont want to play a full boring game”
dragonmasterc says “This kitty cat makes her ADC a magnet for poke, and needs to auto attack you to sustain through it. You can outplay this with proper flag placement - if you're hitting the enemy botlaner with flags, you can knock her up with Q if she jumps off to auto - which may surprise her the first time you do it after using E for poke for a while. This will put her jump on cooldown, and depending on your ADC could result in an easy kill.”
DasNerdwork says “She is not a support that could interrupts your W or Q. You counter her movement speed heals by knocking her and her ADC up, can easy dodge her Q and even her ult which is literally her only counterplay against you.”
terrybogar1 says “Yuumi is notoriously bad against all in comps. Don't take minor trades with Yuumi and her adc as they will come out on top due to overtime adc healing. Just cc the ADC to death and deal with her after. Save your exaust for her if possible.”
duusuhh says “The more I play against Yuumi's that start Q the more I enjoy this matchup. Her heals are annoying but you can easily chunk her if she comes up to proc passive. Either abuse the Q start or prevent her from ever getting passive.”
Esoterica says “The bane of your existence. While she cannot punish like Soraka, it is nigh-impossible to kill her or her host as she pumps out healing and can easily give shields. Avoid this as much as possible as she scales much better than you.”
DamselOfDistress says “Yuumi is a horrible cat to be around. Her W means your poke is less effective in lane all the time. Try to focus her AS SOON as she detaches.”
Yuumi is a real counter of you since she denies all of your poke and doesn't have to bother about dodging your skills. Moreover, she grants her host movement speed, helping him to avoid your damage.
Still, Silver Yuumis tend to be sleepy and almost AFK. If the host dies, she dies too.”
Daraysen says “Yuumi will just be annoying since she can poke, combined with a strong adc she becomes dangerous, otherwise your target range is pretty low, with just one other champions on lane, beeing the enemy adc.”
MyOnlyBrand says “Yuumi has heals, movement speed buff and long range slow. Her being on the ADC gives Brand one less target to chain his abilities off. Yuumi will likely look to hit her passive on you, this can be a perfect time for an unexpected Q to kill her.”
rango2011 says “No,just no.
She may not be an extreme threat because you have to deal with 1 person on the lane but once she gets enough mana and an ult its really hard to kill her adc or escape because of the root she has.”
Dotje says “Yuumi is too strong right now, and it's hard to sustain fights longer than her. If her heals are a big issue you could ask someone to get antiheal. But make sure you can escape fights vs her when you try to go for it.”
Pyroxes says “Really frustrating matchup, since she can outpoke you, outsustain you, and wins almost every single trade because of her passive. Rush Chemtech Putrifier when facing her.”
KeleiX13 says “Yuumi has basically no threat in lane and it's pretty much a 2v1 early on so go as aggressive as you want. Her ult is like a scuffed version of yours but covers a bigger area. Get Grievous Wounds early(and tell your team too) so that she has a harder time scaling. You outscale her too and the only thing you need to focus on is bursting down her carry after poking them down enough so she can't spam heals as she is better in longer fights where she has the option to heal, hop down for her passive proc, and continue to heal more but has almost no anti-burst.”
Tsmselenagomez says “I ban this every single game , not only can you not target her but the moment you miss your q its a free passive proc for her. She can also build the Ding dong and nullify your snare late game when you try to get a pick. ”
Discord231 says “Técnicamente se debería aplicar la de que urgen las heridas graves, pero esta cosa gasta tanto mana, que no podrá curar tanto, y en early es solo medio campeón, por lo que aunque tenga mas rango que tu, si tu adc tiene un early decente puedes ir con Filo de Roba Hechizos, pero no lo recomiendo si es tu primera vez contra ella.”
LilRidge says “Yuumi will always sit on her ADC. Avoid her (Q) Prowling Projectile and engage frequently. he she ever hops off her ADC immediately engage on her.”
GamingFrog says “Very easy. You stomp any lane usually with Yuumi in it. Don't let the game go on for too long because she does outscale and can enable other laners to carry.”
Floohfy says “Except her healing she can't really do anything against you. You E out of her R and if her babysitter dies you definitely get her aswell.”
Tauricus2017 says “Kitty goes brrr so don't let her regain mana from her empowered auto attacks. Buy healing reduction. Pretty endless lane since you both heal back all the poke you do to each other so just try to scale up.”
Ruiner of Fun says “Kill her the moment she hops off in lane. Her threat level depends on which champion she is on. Ezreal and Yuumi is very hard to engage on. Easy to dive. Dive her and her adc in lane.”
Unclejoey123 says “So long as you play the match-ups correctly, there is no real counter to bard. Remember to q for cc, which can't be avoided if you manage to land it, w you or your adc to keep them alive when running, and because of your e, there is no counter due to your escape capabilities. A simple r + e + q combo will leave even the fastest champs stunned for days.”
Unclejoey123 says “She's an issue, mainly because she heals any poke you can dish out, she doesn't get hit by any of your moves lowering your passive proc, and a simple previous wounds item is enough for her to press r and kill the both of you with help of the adc.”
Kefochka says “Последние усиления Юми делают Тарика очень слабым и бесполезным. Теперь она много хилит, её и союзника сложно догнать, а поук уничтожит весь хил Тарика. Нужно играть от лесника.”
Takitsu says “This is not a champion. This is not a cat. This is a rat. This is a 2v1 lane. Anytime Yuumi jumps off her carry, go for the flay, Hook will take too long to wind up. Don't look for poke damage in this lane unless you plan on farming for a while since Yuumi will heal all the damage over time. Depleting Yuumi's mana pool is another option if she never jumps off her carry.
Post-6 Don't fight without grievous wounds. The healing is excessive.”
AvengingAvacyn says “Yuumi can be really annoying if played properly. If she sticks onto one of her teammates, she's pretty much untargetable and just buffs them while granting crowd control and poking you. Try to pin her down when she isn't attached to a teammate and she's pretty squishy then. Avoid her ultimate because she can stun you while still being attached to the teammate.”
losolkos says “Its just simpe you counter her you can destroy her shield with your possive Q you can reduse her heal with ign you can slow adc counter her speed boost her also you can block her Q but its yummi she is anoyng and very hard to kill also remember to adc he is big meaning to yummi so be cearful.”
Discord231 says “Técnicamente se debería aplicar la de que urgen las heridas graves, pero esta cosa gasta tanto mana, que no podrá curar tanto, y en early es solo medio campeón, por lo que aunque tenga mas rango que tu, si tu adc tiene un early decente puedes ir con Filo de Roba Hechizos, pero no lo recomiendo si es tu primera vez contra ella. ”
unhben says “Her poke is annoying and her R is a bit tricky to play around post 6 because its so wide. Just wait for ganks and let them push you in. Should be pretty free lane since it'll be a 2v1.”
Tartmeringue says “she will outscale. it does not matter if you win lane bc she will win anyway. do not choose poppy into this matchup because you will lose”
ProdegyGamer says “Yuumi has the heals and the peels. You try to go in, you're going to get slowed and rooted. If her adc is low, She will just heal them back to half. Recommend ignite against her. ”
ultrafen says “Sustain and movespeed makes your shots harder to land, and easy to recover from. Very hard to get dark harvest procs against, if you go against one then just go comet or electrocute.”
Bear Gummies says “I kind of hate Yuumi. If she ever makes a bad latch and your ADC can do some damage, flash + howling gale her and she will be a goner. Consider rushing oblivion orb because it would really damage her ability to do anything.”
NewTeff says “the only inconvenience is her heal which you can reduce by getting a 800 gold item, not so difficult to beat, only in certain match-ups can she be a real threat ”
EionThePepega says “This little creature isn't that hard to fight, but it sure is annoying. Rushing Oblivion Orb is very good and you can either go the Moonstone in passive lanes or Imperial Mandate for agressive.”
mscocca says “A blessing. It's true that her E can outheal your damage but the fact that she's almost constantly attached on her teammates makes it one less to care of when it comes to landing your skillshots.”
xDopii says “Yuumi is very strong atm but she's weak against engage supports, so the more hooks you can land onto the person she's inside, the more problems she will have”
EionThePepega says “This "creature" can heal lots, but not when you start giving free Anti Heal for your teammates. She'll try to hit you for mana but your Burst Note can show that kitten who's the better enchanter. ”
The Lotus Queen says “Yuumi has no damage or cc that is a threat to Sona, besides her ultimate. Sona's scaling is around the same s Yuumi's, so win lane to be able to win late game.”
Meepy says “If you can win the 2 v 2, abuse it. If you cant win the 2 v 2, permaroam. You HAVE to get a lead on her in the first 15 minutes, because she will just sit on the most fed Teammate as soon as Teamfighting starts.”
Jexeff says “Yuumi runs out of mana pretty easily. Since she will most likely be on her ADC most of the time, you can just walk up and get something started between her Q's. Do your best to avoid her Q's by juking them in your minion wave. This matchup is pretty straightforward. ”
Wounds2 says “Since Rakan does not have a ton of damage in comparison to supports like Nautilus and Leona, Yuumi can neutralize any trade with her shields, heals, and whatever summoner spells she brings (exhaust/heal/ignite). Against Yuumi, I recommend roaming and helping mid/jungle out a lot.”
TheSkySaphir says “Always build morello as the last item or even earlier in the game. Since she is untargetable most of the time it'll be hard to hit your stun.”
fishbully says “Yuumi is not a huge threat, however, she will not die. Focus more on pounding a bad latch rather than trying to poke her. Focus more on targeting the ADC.”
Find0 says “Jump the adc while they eat food - people only play yuumi to eat in game right?
on a serious note this matchup is relatively easy - when she jumps off to get her passive shield you all in her and she cant do anythign for roughly 5 seconds after ccing her. she doenst have flash so its usually a free kill if your teammate is coordinated
Royal Shaco says “little smart piece of cake sometimes they are bad alltho they dont have some skill just try to dodge her ult and q its hard probably dodge”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “One of the easiest lanes possible. If Yuumi ever jumps of her ally she has to wait before she can jump back on again. Just go all in on her because she is one of the squishiest champions in the game.”
Xeptron says “Killing Yuumi is one of the most satisfying moments in game. She is a champion that hides inside of a ADC's bellies. She is invulnerable while inside of the carry but once out, she is. A lot of the Yuumi players unattach from their ADC to poke and get money for their support item but you can easily cancel her attach ability by flaying her mid-air. That comes with practice but once you master it, it's very easy to play against the CAT.
Keep in mind that Yuumi has the lowest amount of HP in game dus making her very squishy and unprotected if caught wondering around.”
CanadaJay says “Annoying heals and ult, but otherwise you have one less target to worry about for landing your E and Ult. Super squishy and has no escape when caught off of her ADC. Plus, her abilities use so much of her mana, so go in when she's low on mana.”
jessuva says “Yuumi is annoying, but not threatening. She has healing, and her poke has a slow, but she is super mana hungry early game and she can't do much without someone else in lane. Try to poke her if she pops off her ADC, even with just an auto.
I'm not sure if your silence will affect her if she's on her ADC while the ADC is silenced. ”
Quadliss says “The worst support ever, stay on adc for heal in laning phase you can't poke her or kill his adc because she can heal every time. When she scale the heal is so huge. ”
She heals and her ult is quite good, but the real problem is that she is untargetable when she is on an ally. Kill the ally and she will be dead in less than a second”
Titans Revenge says “Yuumi is never really a threat, she is just a very safe pick into hook champs as you cannot target her while attached to her ADC. However, like a virus, kill the host, and the Yuumi will die. Yuumi combined with any of the other "threat" level ADCs can be super annoying.”
Hceercs says “She's only here as 5 assuming she is paired with Ezreal or Lucian or another ADC with a gapcloser, since you would actually have to predict hooks or else not be able to do anything but get poked and outscaled. Otherwise, Yuumi really isn't much of a threat as you can usually win all-ins just by walking up and running her ad down.”
RedNBlue says “Yuumi will be a very fun opponent as you can get wraith stalkers easily off of her, she will just attack herself to her adc and you will not only have one target but you will only have one kill threat in your lane so you can have a vacation from your brain and just doze off. Obviously don't take a full vacation but with Yuumi on her adc and no jungle interference you will not be punished very hard for your mistakes until Yuumi gets her ultimate which is when you need to get your head in the game.”
YourCut says “Electro+Inspiration. Easiest lane on the planet. Target her ADC when you see her W, if you hit her, you oneshot, if you don't, you nuke her ADC.”
DeadlyPhantom says “Just a ticking time bomb. Just end the game quick. If your lucky they wont have a hyper carry Champ on there Team that can 2v5. But they usually will. Build Oblivion Orb Early if you want to cut her sustain this goes for any other Support that can Heal their ADC.”
GMGZ2 says “Kill this cat whenever possible, stop her from getting onto an ally. Freeze lane on your side, if you push up then your JG can't come to gank. Yuumi is very strong in S11 but if you can work well with your JG and BOT, you can overcome this legend. Remember to target any legend she is attached to and try to CC Yuumi to prevent her to attaching to another legend.”
EmpressBee says “ Yuumi has a lot of mana regen in comparison to Nami. It is difficult for Nami to catch Yuumi outside of the body due to how slow Aqua Prison is. Attempt to poke out the enemy AD. ”
Spielmister says “Sett is not very mobile. This little cat got a attack, which can get really strong, where she can aim at you. Other champs can dodge her shots easily, you not.”
Frogsterr says “Try to poke her as much as you can, but also focus on the ADC as well so you can kill her last. If she dies first, ADC is basically useless. Avoid her ult at all costs. She isn't that much of a worry since she's squishy in general.”
Scrigman says “Holy fucking shit. I want to bang the league of legends cat so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to the bottom lane I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Yuumi. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Yuumi's tight pussy pussy. I want her to have my mutant human/cat babies.
Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the neighbors cat. I'd dressed her in my sister's book and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my PC. I might not ever get to see Yuumi again.”
Guoblide says “Yuumi is a matchup that is easy but almost as boring to play as the Blitzcrank lane. Yuumi will mostly sit inside of her ADC and only come out occasionally to poke you with her basic attacks. During the laning phase Yuumi's main goal is to play super passive and try to outscale you. She will try to poke you with her Prowling Projectile and basic attacks to proc Spellthief's Edge. Try to Flash or Knuckle Down onto her ADC from the lane bushes and Facebreaker them into their minion wave. This can be tough though due to Yuumi being able to slow you with Prowling Projectile and speed up her ADC with Zoomies. She can also peel really well with her Final Chapter. The MOMENT that Yuumi comes out of her ADC to poke with a Basic Attack immediately Flash + Facebreaker her into her ADC. Since Yuumi normally doesn't run Flash this will be a guaranteed kill most of the time. Since Yuumi doesn't buy boots Sett can massively out-roam and out-pressure the map. When roaming mid-lane look to flank The Show Stopper the enemy mid-laner into your tower for a free kiil. During teamfights look to ult whoever Yuumi is on either away from your team if it is a bruiser/tank or into your team if it is an carry or assassin. ”
RcosplayEnjoyer says “She herself isnt really a threat, but if her adc goes qss its like a qss for 2 people, focus her if she ever leaves her adc, she should be oneshot.”
jackdw31 says “Without any reliable CC pre level 6, you have a good shot at ruining the ADC's day. Locking down the ADC will usually result in a win here.”
Jum3h says “ If enemy team has a good carry that dodges your abilities, you can have a problem. If you can hit R+Q combo.
Tell your adc to get Executioners.”
TotallySugoi says “Very easy to catch out with your CC, as it puts her W on a long cooldown. Similar to Soraka and Nami but much more squishy and easier to deal with.”
Somoko says “Enchanters never are much of a threat. As Jhin, you can easily scare them with one or two autos. Shields will get annoying but as long as you press the attack on their ADC instead of them, you should be fine.”
ReignMargulan says “Yuumi's healing is by far the most frustrating of the enchanters. She also is a fucking yuumi so you cant hit a hook on her unless shes alone or goes for an auto to proc spellthiefs”
Tauricus2017 says “Wait when she became out of position (most likely when warding) and then aggresively attack her. If you will immobilize her with your ultimate her W will get on 5 second cooldown.”
Fictitious1267 says “You have a point and click stun that totally destroys Yuumi. Wait for her to detach to proc her passive, and click to win. She can't reattach when CCed.”
NirvanaBunny says “Raka has an unparalleled ability to trade! Your silence can easily stop a Yuumi, plus you can out-heal any damage that they do to your ADC.”
aliteralpieceofwood says “With healing overall being nerfed, Yuumi isn't as much as a threat as she was in S10. Watch out for her ultimate however as it can be a death sentence if you get caught without your ultimate. ”
Bella Starlily says “Her whole kit is about empowering an ally and she needs a lot of coordination. Just grab an ignite and some Grievous wounds and she can't play the game anymore.”
deputydirtbag says “Yuumi isn't very difficult of a matchup aside from her adc not being able to be poked easily. Look for all ins whenever before 6 as she has no peel before then.”
Jovy says “Difficult to deal with because she's nigh impossible to pin down. Her ADC will be tougher to reach as well because she can CC you and your ally should you engage. Her poke isn't especially potent, but her heals make it very difficult to leave a lasting mark on the enemy.”
Kilo Khaos says “Yuumi's signature ability of being attached to her carry is actually going to be her point of weakness in hook matchups (Thresh, Pyke, Blitz, etc.), as she will be pulled with her carry, effectively allowing you to hook both of them at once, or force her to detach, which significantly decreases their fighting power.”
Zerz says “As long as the enemy team doesn't have a fed person for her to hard attach to. Then you should be fine since you do way more than her in terms of utility. ”
sashadidntwalk says “Annoying af because she can heal away any poke you gave to the ADC but her Q's shouldn't be a big threat to you, if your ADC plays well you can both take out the enemy fairly soon in the beginning since she won't be healing them too much, but after her ULT comes the CC might kill you especially during a gank, try to fuck her over in the beginning and make her quit the game.”
Vahlok says “Not really a threat since she got nerfed recently. Just ignore her and try to engage her adc (even if she is out and walking by her own feet, or book).”
NERF THIS MAN says “This is the best possible matchup. When yuumi is attached, you're CCing
TWO champions at once, and focus is prioritized. When she isn't, she is the easiest possible champion to kill (given she will never buy boots)”
ShroudedBRH says “You probably aren't going to easily kill Yuumi so that idea should be discarded. She has mana issues early in the game when using heal too much and after she has used her ultimate there is little she can do to protect her ADC from all ins. You can get an executioners early if the laning becomes an issue”
niftyyy_lol says “Just kill the ADC. Bad yuumi players aren't a threat at all, and good yuumi players are somewhat a threat. Tell your team to buy grievous wounds.”
NixLychee says “This annoying support is relatively easy to deal with by herself, but when she attaches to her ADC it becomes a matter of how much health you'll have left after you kill the ADC.”
Wicked Cherry says “The kitty is cute but it got sharp teeth.
Yuumi got more CC (slow, stun, movement speed, shield) than you. But being attached makes her ADC more vulnerable. Use it. Poke them. You got way more sustain than her and pre 6 she can't really do much. She spikes a bit at Lv2 but nothing for you to worry. ”
Thomas Stella says “The magic kitten makes the enemy count as three, and that is dangerous. While Orianna can poke, it usually won't be enough to kill or force the backing. However, Yuumi suffers from a lack of mana, and the only way she has to recover it is by her passive (Unless she has objects, of course mi ciela), therefore, every time she gets off you must immediately poke her and alter her move with the W, as this will cause Yuumi's W to go into a long cooldown”
TheMistCollector says “The champion itself isn't annoying (at least in laning fase), but will make farming your passive VERY slow with her W. If she gets off her ADC, try to hit her with a W, if she W back, she will root her ADC, and if not, Yuumi will get stunned. If Edge of Night isn't that necessary, build Executioner first.”
ShanksMeister says “PERMABAN. Riot loves to keep this champ always viable in the meta and as long as she hops onto a fed assassin or top laner you can't do anything. She is really annoying and in the hands of a good adc it makes the lane cancer. The best thing to do is stun her when she goes to poke for her passive that way she can't hop on her ally.”
sashadidntwalk says “Just don't get caught in her R and avoid her Q which is pretty easy to dodge. The only problem is her constant healing and how hard she is to catch.”
Spider Shaped says “Никак особо не навредит вам на союзнике. От её ульты убежать вам легко,от q тоже не беда. Стоит быть осторожным,играя 1 против 2,ибо хила у неё возможно будет много.”
Mczrks says “Yuumi is annoying to play against, she is rather small threat for pyke, but can make laning phase a living hell for you. Her heal from e can give enemy adc so much health that even though seconds earlier he was easy for you to oneshot from your ult, now he could live through it.”
Vexno says “Yuumi will look to poke you down with her Q ability so she can poke you down. When she uses her Q
try to dodge it by walking inside the minion wave.Try to harass Yuumi when she leaves her attachment. If you can poke her down, she will have to waste her mana healing herself and not the AD.”
PASS10NE says “The only annoying thing here is her Zoomies(E). You can counter her Final Chapter(R), by using your Unbreakable Will(R) to act as your cleanse.”
Gmxgreen says “You are basically killing two birds with one stone if you can land your Q.
Just be careful with her lane poke and be sure to use your ignite when grabbing her and her carry. ”
Alu Banidosu says “Although Yuumi removes the extra body needed to Stun with Cosmic Binding (Q), Bard can prevent the enemy ADC from recovering if an early engage is utilized.”
Axkuru says “Yuumi is weak at early game and level 6. She can also heal but not so strong in the early game. Her R literially cant stun you cause you just can E out of her R”
Crippledtoot says “Yuumi is Yuumi. She isn't the issue with playing against her, it's who she decides to stay attached to is the real problem. I usually ban her no matter who I play in support.”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Yuumi is a skill matchup, you have to hit your w enough that she's forced to waste her mana. Don't allow her to get passive proc's off or when she does e q or q then e before q hits to stun her and then w for a free kill or free summoner spells.”
Hoshikoo746 says “Ok.
It will depend on the ennemy adc, if he is hard to catch you'll lose but if not you can win.
Yuumi will just heals and pokes. Try to catch the adc to kill him.”
thesophieset says “Annoying to lane against, but less of a threat since they turned her W into a small channel that you can cancel easily with your E. Avoid getting hit by her Q, keep in mind that it flies in a straight line if she's unattached so it is way easier to sidestep. When she throws her Q from inside her ally, just use your minion wave to block it.
If your ADC is in a good position to follow up when you cancel her W, she's almost always dead since most Yuumi players don't run Flash and she has very low base HP. Sidestep her R so you don't get hit by 3+ waves and snared and you should be good to go. Advise your ADC to buy an Executioner's Calling to significantly reduce her ally healing.”
Guffel says “It depends on the Adc she plays with. If the Adc is a threat to you she is aswell, since she boosts the Adcs stats and pokes from his position. If the Adc is weak and easy to kill, she is usually dead pretty fast aswell.”
Yuzu says “Since you don't have the extra attack pressure, when supporting with Soraka, it's hard to kill someone where this stupid cat sits on top of. Such an annoying champion. I usually pick Senna when playing against a Yuumi, wait for her mana to be gone (which happens very soon) and then go in. If you play Soraka against her, try to go all in when near your tower and maybe the enemy ADCs flash is burned. This way, take ignite and early boots and ignite the ADC, so heals won`t be as effective. Kill the ADC and if Yuumi get`s away, don`t overchase her. Just rinse and repeat and it should be okay.”
Jaiyana says “This cat is not hard to deal. E at the right moment when she uses her ultimate
You can either go like this
Flash> E>R then stopwatch/zhonya”
Maxwhale Plays says “You can sleep her ADC but that doesn't mean she can't just ult you when you walk up for the secure, you have no hard CC before lv 6 so she will proc her passive fairly freely if your ADC has no root”
McConnell2111 says “The wave will constantly be under their tower allowing you to roam when needed to, this allows for good objectives like rift herald and dragons.”
GhoastlyGiant9352 says “This creature will either be EZ to deal with or will turn their ADC into a complete home wrecker if your adc does not help u deal with it”
Grafzk says “Yuumi is an option to ban, as she can shield herself or her ADCarry and also, her ultimate makes it difficult for Kayn to kill Yuumi or her ADCarry.”
SynLynx says “This is really good for Taliyah, if you land your w on the ADC you automatically land it on yuumi as well, and her ability to kite allows you to dodge her ult.”
Amityoce says “The better version of Lulu, Just polymorph her when she leaves her host and all in her. Shes usually banned 95% of the games in ranked.”
rquoe says “When laning against Yuumi, you should get an Executioner's ASAP, or she'll become very annoying to deal with. Try to poke her whenever she's unattached. She's especially dangerous if paired up with a champion with a strong early.”
Akja says “Yuumi can deny all your poke by simply pressing one button, so you may struggle killing the ADC. However your chances of dying 2v2 in this lane are really low, since you can simply gold card the ADC and run away.”
Keny McCormick says “I've had good success against Yuumi's, but her late game and current meta put her as a big threat to you and trying to carry. She can out-heal most of your damage. Look for a root on the enemy ADC and all-in.”
ThePandaEvan says “You can usually dodge Yummi's Q, which is her only option of attack you while attached to her adc. Her healing can be annoying but, you can usually out-poke her heal. You can usually poke the adc with ease. After 6, Yummi gets ult. Just don't get caught out while poking or else you might be engaged on.”
OhItsCredit says “Careful of yuumi's ult and the fact that even your ult can't touch her. You can stun who she's attached to. But not her herself. Keep this in mind while playing risky.”
iNotSushi says “Take ignite to Cancel out her healing for your level 1 or level 2 engage. If she hits a slow on you right before engage, abort the engage. You have lost the element of surprise. ”
netherlessss says “Yuumi can be annoying to play against due to her Q but try to W her when she goes for a shield on an ally since your W damage will negate most to all of the shield she will try to put onto her ADC. Furthermore, You can cancel her re attachment onto an Ally with your R or Q. ”
JenaColada says “Easy matchup. This support is basically afk. The only "scary" part of her kit is her ult. Q is easily dodgeable when near minions. You outheal her hard after 2 points into Q.”
xdarkflarexx says “yuumi is a pain most the time you can hit her and she can heal there adc all the time always be ready to back you and your adc up fast if she starts to ult ”
JustSlayter says “Annoying yes, but a threat not really. She lowers the champs you have to focus so as long as you are landing your stuns you should be good.”
SrFlamerino says “Her ult is dangerous for you as you will be standing too close to them. Try to engage and cc chain her when she is off his adc as she is squishy.”
HoneyQT says “Far too dependent on her team. She outscales you in base healing(shielding for you), but you have more utility overall and far more CC. Stomp her early and play aggressive.”
Rurikato says “This tiny-little-cat will be a threat to you because she can poke you with her Prowling Projectile (Q) while she's attached to her ADC, while her Final Chapter (R) will be the one that catches you in the clash and you should avoid that one.”
JackieXDz says “personally i don't like this champion, but if you land hooks in teamfights to the carry it would be great, btw you cancel her W when u time your E”
PayyBack says “Almost any matchup that includes Yuumi as support vs you, favors Rakan. This match-up heavily depends on how the ADC positions, but your job is to dodge or bait her Q so you can have a much easier time engaging in her ADC. ”
Tult says “Yuumi does fairly well against blitz as she can easily heal away the intital all in attempts, just never try to hook yuumi and focus entirely on the adc and you'll be fine.”
DarkGabumon says “Super easy, you can deny all her Q poke in ln, although she can heal her ADC back to full HP. If you can burst down the enemy ADC you can easily win.”
Jointed says “Our W has a very easy time hitting the carry in between creeps. Oppress the carry until they get forced out of lane. Do NOT sit idle in this lane.”
Nicl1242 says “Yuumi kinda leaves her adc in a 2v1, and since you can heal up most of her damage, and leave lane with less of a threat your adc dies, she is pretty easy.”
GoBucket says “Her poke is dodgeable and manageable. Team fights...she's annoying asf. In lane, should be straight forward. Look for hard engages and you'll win.”
Beeee says “Lux is a pretty good pick into Yuumi, now that when she's immobilized her w goes on a 5 second cooldown. It's a great idea to save your q when laning against a Yuumi for when she tries to use her passive, since they tend to over-extend a lot to get it. She's also very squishy and as easy kill if you're able to land q.”
Zer0XM says “Yuums isn't a threat however who she's supporting will be, if you cant burst them down then just wear Yuumi's manna down and then engage while they have no heals.”
Sava333 says “Yuumi gives heals and movement speed to her adc, two things Pyke hates. Never try to ult Yuumi when she is close to the adc, she's just going to chain herself to her adc and survive.”
Megoe says “Her heals and poke are really annoying, Unless you have an ADC that can escape easy (Ezreal), play safe. Take advantage of her being out of lane to poke down the ADC and push.”
Dragfla says “Yummi isn't very strong, bc you'll just fight the player she is on rather that 2, and this creates great oppertunities for solo double kills, if you are ahead.
Always dodge her ult!”
Ahpulzz says “This matchup is feast or famine for you. If the enemy ADC is good at staying safe, the lane will likely stagnate and not much action will occur. If they position badly, you can abuse the hell out of them; killing their AD will likely result in Yuumi dying, as well.”
cebollaamargada says “Matchup difícil, te vas a sentir inútil al pokear al enemigo y no ser capaz de bajarlo debido al sustain que brindan algunos supports, como yuumi.”
Aethlo says “Healing stops your entire kit as well as her w. Being on the champion brand's ult doesn't bounce in the laning phase but late it means 1 less bounce and more damage on the carries. Her engage is hard to deal with and you'll most likely have to play it safe and hit poke from afar.”
Vermeio says “How cute and adorable... now die. You don´t even need much to burst Yuumi. Just this little tip. Your W can stop her dash to an ally. YES... YOU CAN. Since her health is one of the lowest, if not the lowest in game, it´s easy to kill. Poppy is her worst matchup for that detail alone.”
Appler says “If she goes for AA poke just Q and walk away she wont have range for AA and she will get hit by Q.
If she ults just use W so you can escape it. Use your E if she goes for a Q.”
Hykin says “Very hard to deal with, but when you reach 6, you will have to wait yuumi go out of her mate to press 6 and then deal huge damages
You'll also need morello if you're adc wouldn't take executionner”
Axeloy says “This would be even, as Yuumi heals somewhat on-par with Nami, and has a better ultimate, but Yuumi doesn't really do much against Nami for her to be a threat. ”
Stand In The X says “A good Yuumi is very dangerous for Pyke. Her slow from her Q lets people get vision on you while catching up to you if you're in your W. Don't underestimate her damage.”
Sona Aria says “Yuumi is actually fairly similar to Velkoz in how much experience you need to dodge her skillshot. You outsustain Yuumi until her athenes, and you can trade ability for ability positively. Beware of her slow into ultimate.”
Haezard01 says “Her poke and heal is anoying, but its also nerfed. Make sure to play in between minions and burst the ADC, even if Yuumi is out and poking with autos, focus on the ADC. You actually outscale Yuumi because you are a Mage Support and she'll not be able to match every source of damage with her heals.”
Saethwyr says “Ah, Yuumi, aka Cat Taric. A wonderful champion, honestly far easier to deal with than a lot of people say. stick around the minion wave, specifically the casters and change your position around them to dodge her q, and any slight misposition of her carry will almost always guarantee a kill on them both.”
NirvanaBunny says “Your W can help sustain through Yuumi's poke and trade damage, and your Q and E can slow and stun Yuumi and her attached partner. Your ultimate is also a method of entrapping the opposing duo as their dodging is more limited. ”
SawyerNelson says “Yuumi is the strongest support right now, but Lux can be played into her as you match her early strength. You should look to block her Q damage with Shield. If you are to far forward and get hit by a Q it sets Yuumi up for an ULT.”
JustFunPlay says “You can't do much to her because of her W, but if she does get hit it hurts a lot.
Her poke and healing can become very annoying though.”
BurstTheBots says “Can poke you and be immune at the same time but there's a solution just stay behind your minions because she'll try to poke you and it will hit the minions instead of you or your ADC. Also be sure to catch her when she isn't attached to her ADC and use your Q so she can't latch back on to safety.”
best_shacosupport911 says “Useless against Shaco,
You shouldn't be letting her dismount, ever, without a fear ready. E her ADC on ult if they're running away and they'll be too slow to make use of the root.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Yuumi
Early Game: Yuumi is weak early. Avoid her [Q] poke and [E] heal.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on catching her out with [Q] and [R]. Avoid her ult root.
Key Tip: Bait her [W] before committing to fights.”
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