Top Lane 51.01% Win Rate93% Pick RateRiven Top Lane Counters: 42 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Riven in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush/Grasp
Early: E start and try to get E + Auto attacks in. She will get prio
Tips: You HAVE to play controlled and patient. You can walk up and W her but if she trades back, just E Q her and phase rush out. The reason you can't just Q her is because she will dodge it with E or Q. Once you're both low its better for you than for her. Tracking flashes is important in this matchup”
GodKingwastaken says “You need to outplay her, like pulling her at her third Q or flashing her ult.
dont attack her lvl 1 she can beat you.
you can try ignite on this matchup to oneshot her like she does to you. otherwise take armor as much as u can because she doesnt have any armor pen and just AD dmg”
liucan says “STATCHEKER: my personal BAN. she always win versus you, she can use her combo to chase u and still outdamage u, dodge your E and execute with ult. If u are against this or u talk to ur jungler or u roam, u can wait in tower but she will not let u farm if she is not bronce and permapush. beware of wasting E because post lvl 6 she can dive u easy.”
Dom1nus says “start w build fury and emp w her at level, when she goes for minions auto her, bring ignite and kill her at lvl 1. After the lane is free.If shes a good riven or she plays passive freeze the lane and punish her whenever she goes for cs.”
KarateciKagan says “You do your basic combo and thats it. she punishes you bad while you retreat. and she can escape your volcanic pillars even if hit with her q/e.”
Maniaxx says “Riven's reliance on quick combos and mobility can be mitigated by Mundo’s consistent healing. Riven cannot out-sustain Mundo in extended fights, especially once he gets some tanky items.
Mundo’s Q (Infected Cleaver) can poke Riven from a distance and force her to use her mobility inefficiently.
How to deal with Riven:
Play carefully early: Riven has strong early-game burst, so avoid overcommitting to trades early.
Build armor and health: Riven’s physical damage is significant, so building Titanic Hydra or Randuin's Omen will help resist her damage.”
a_k_z7 says “this match up is poppy favord a mistake by you can mean nothing but her mistakes is so much punchable
she is strong early she can kill you lvl 1 ONLY if she buffers her 3rd q and denys you the shield and manages to dodge the q
you on the other hand can kill her easily but most rivens start e against poppy
her e is kinda hard to block but her 3rd q is the most easiest one
try to poke her and be carfuel if not riven can kill you easily if you make mistakes ”
parker3n9 says “If Riven is running Teleport, the lane isn’t too bad, as her kill pressure is lower. However, if she’s running Ignite, you’ll need to be cautious about her all-ins between Levels 4 and 11. During the laning phase, focus on poking her with Q to keep her health low and discourage her from engaging. At around one item and level 9, you can contest her in 1v1s as she should be poked out by q. By two items, you should win the matchup outright, even if the game is even or you’re slightly behind. The key is to survive her early aggression and prevent her from snowballing.
Recommended Runes: Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
Coke Rat says “Ignite + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Use your W level 1 to trade back her Q3. After this point it is a game of who is better at baiting eachother skills. If you have good reflexes and use your W before she stuns you, you can win the trades. Get behind and you are doomed.”
Raideru says “In this matchup, I usually start w and collect wave lvl 1 and just play with slowpushes since her only window to kill you is in early game so all I do is play with her cooldowns and only trade her when her abilities are down and play for my first item spike since afterwards she can't do much, remember also that she can cancel your e with her w and q3. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush into Trinity rush.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"You're too tanky for her to deal with, but she's too mobile for you to kill. Just be careful of trades too big at level 1, since her 3Q's into disengage will outtrade you. Just keep trying to proc
Grasp/Q for poke since she has poor sustain. The only way she kills you is if she full stacks Conq and then ults and combos you AGAIN to burn down your hp bar. Don't trade too hard
into stacked Conqueror, she abuses the rune too well" ”
Spartaniko says “Respect her range and her damage. Search for short trades and poke her with Q, if you duel her post lvl 6 save your E for her R execute. Riven is an easy matchup but you can mess up because of her damage and outplay potential, so you have to stay focused.”
Beetlebug says “She has several ways of dodging or interrupting your Q. Go for short Q taps and Grasp procs. Threaten with a charging Q at a distance so she either hops out with E/Q or goes in, at which point you should just release and deal damage. Waste her dashes with your Q, then walk up for an auto/W pop, using E's slow to catch up to her.”
Fenharion says “She loves to engage and fight with you. But since she doesn't have any damage besides Physical,it's really easy to deal with her later on,just be careful about her passive stacks and ult in laning phase. A fed riven will be able to run you down with ease.”
Fanatical Goose says “Attempt to dodge her Q3, she has a lot of cc early, you can ignore the W as long as you trade with Q. Let her hit a minion a few times then push her off the wave to get pushed in. ”
Houcs says “Good Riven will make you suffer, but bad Riven's should be free matchup. His W interupts your E but not his 3rd Q. You can grab him mid air on his 3rd Q.”
Yordleswaggins says “she hard beats you lvl 1-2. she will play aggressive early game. if you survive till lvl 4 and onwards the lane shifts into your favor”
UrPersonalGod says “All high mobile fighters that can run ignite are a huge threat.
Let her push you in and just try to get as much CS as possible without dying.
If you do so you can fight her around level 6 after you get your first back. ”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
You have no reason to trade autoattacks with her, she will outrade you.
Always Poke with Q from distance, then when she starts jumping, you can use your E on her 3d Q, she will knock you up, but deal no damage and then she cannot do anything.
You can also W on her if she doesnt have her 3d Q, but the best time is after she just used all her Qs so her only response is stun, which just ends up in you both being stunned, but you can Q her right after, so you always win this trade.
If She somehow got ahead and has higher mobility, don't engage, she can run you down REALLY fast down the lane.
Kai Cenat Fanum TAX rizz says “Give her 1 kill in early and you have lost your lane gg.
If you see that you're against a riven, forget the sigma build, take conqueror and build the normal morde items. Your only chance is to statcheck her.”
Angryappleseed says “She will take ignite, so you should take ignite to match her. You can win 1v1 pre-6 easily. Save your E for her Q3 or her ult. When she hits 6, be careful of her burst damage.”
Skaarlschloch says “Grasp Setup TP, Dring, W Start
Sundered into other stuff
Care lv1 and lv6 for her big all-in dmg spikes. Flash or Ult her when she ults
Still testing: Exhaust technology”
tictac9090 says “Higly dependent on how good the Riven is. Watch out for her level 1 all in as she is incredibly strong if played correctly. If you still all in her level 1 make sure you flash her Q3 and space with your ghost.
She usually beats you in 1v1's even when behind. Banning this champion is a good choice.”
SemenDrinker says “Blade Bone plating
Super skill dependent. You both will play similarly as you both will punish each other for csing with your q's. I heavily recommend plated rush for armor since her burst potential lvl 6 with ignite is massive. Level 6 if you're at around 60-70% health she just insta kill you with her ignite ult combo so beware. I would try to kite backwards whenever she engages on you if you dont want to go for the all in. Play reactive against Riven. One mistep when you play reactive you're dead.”
IvanBeifong says “Never fight her at level 1, prefer 3-4-5 level trades, if she doesn't have ignite the threat it poses is lower, try to E away from her Q3 and engage as she's in the middle of the animation, you can cancel her Q3, take boneplating, as she'll always try to trade at level 1.
Her ult is pretty meh, it works to get passive stacks and execute.”
Skaarlschloch says “Her lv.1 is scary especailly if the can do fastcombo and have ignite.
Get some armor so she can hopefully not oneshot you at 6.
This matchup changes alot depending on how good the riven is.
If you get your fear off you win those trades of course but riven has many ways play around that.
If feel like with Stridebreaker and Frozenheart you easily should win the 1v1 but a good riven can proxy roam alot and 1v9 teamfights so i guess its even?”
LilPicky says “(take 1st rune page start blade) try to E her 3rd Q you cancel it like pantheon W, R her Q3, you can also try to R her recasted R but its harder to predict, all in with bone plating, if you get first auto on her you win because you ger your passive + bone plating, dont use W its a waste mana she can just E your W, play near walls since she has high mobility and can dodge your E ”
Lanec says “Basically, every champ who can engage and kill you very fast in early are hard to play against with Aurora. You need to be really carefull”
Frankoloko says “Minor threat because you outscale if he doesn't snowball. But to win you need to get to Steelcaps + Rylai's without losing too much. One tip is to start Cloth Armor + 4 Pots, this allows you to get to Steelcaps ASAP and survive early. Next get the HP of Rylai's first to get the most of your ARM + HP. Another tip is to ask your jungler for a gank or two. One or two successful ganks and you win this lane easy. Riven has no sustain so poke vs her is amazing.”
Body Those Fools says “Same as Fiora, Gwen, and Jax: she may look to hide in the bush closest to your tower and all-in you level 1 with her Qs+AAs combo and you're forced to miss the first few minions. Do your best to stay out of her range. If she moves forward, you move backward. She has a lot of kill pressure at level 6, especially with Flash, so just Ult her away if she gets on you somehow. Worst case scenario, you can just EQ away from her or Flash away. You'll want to time your poke for when her Q is on cooldown in laning phase.”
Zagreus16 says “this champ just dashes around with her q and stun that its almost impossible to play. Tho if ur low elo then you can just fist fight her cause everyone in low elo does that and you could win if you got ignite and land the true dmg of ur w but thats really it. You gotta watch her abilities and know when its a good time to go in.”
step1v9 says “This matchup is between even and major. The better the riven, the more into major we go. Don't fight level 1 unless you have rage built up and she wastes Q CDs on trying to gap close you. Your primary trades will be auto E away early then just E away once she levels W. After that, it's a matter of CD tracking and finding all-in windows when her Q and E are down as those give her distance between you and her. W is irrelevant for the most part, try to E through the CC if you can. It can be valuable to flash behind her when you think she will R. ”
SSTJoker says “Hard Early-Game. Let her push and dont go for trades before 6 or without a gank. She outrades in every case.
Build boots first. Also early tank items for survivability or ap to poke her from behind. ”
LDaL says “spells flesh +exhaust or ignite. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh or revil. Skill matchup. respect her lvl 1 all in, if use your exhaust right away have chance to win all in. You can e through her on her 3rd q animation, can use it to dodge it and go for a trade in your favor, if you fighting with passive up, you win the trade as long as you don't miss q and auto. After 6 respect her all in even more, because she can one shot you with her full combo + ignite, you can w her ult, sometimes it's good to use it right after she activete her ult, when both of you are low or just to make good chunk of you, she will use second part right after, block it, and can kill her 1v1.”
Raideru says “Matchup heavily dependant on how good the Riven is and how much jungle attention you get, in early your goal is to short trade most of the time and use your sustain against her, when you all in her your goal is to keep your Q as long as possible and then E + Q her to guarantee it hitting cause otherwise she just dodges it with one of her abilities, after lvl 6 you only win all in if you manage to E her Q3, Make it so your wave is in a position where she can't do long trades with her q against you cause you otherwise run her down before she can get away from you with her abilities, ask for ganks a lot in this matchup since most Rivens don't run flash so their weakness is early game”
Azzin says “Pretty similar to garen, camille, morde etc .. if you jump on her she'll 100-0 you without counterplay, make sure to stay in healthy range to avoid this, poke with W from max range, and stay even in XP is your primary goal.”
Haxorr says “Riven is a really tricky matchup in higher elo. You can most definitely beat this champion, but you have to be very careful in the early game and also have to use your e carefully. The main reason Riven is really tough is they will bring Ignite and when she fully stacks conquerer with ignite up she can one shot you really easily, especially when her ult is up.
For this lane, I usually take DShield + Grasp and play very safely, only looking to trade with my w + Grasp proc. Rush Trinity Force, be very careful in early levels as her burst is quite large, and you almost never want to just jump on Riven with your e unless you have a big stacked wave. In my experience, late game Riven also wins the 1v1 since you don't have that much damage and her cds are so low that she is constantly getting shielded, stunning you, etc. and is very slippery as well. Overall, just try to go even or get slightly ahead and teamfight as split pushing against Riven when you're both even can be tricky. Keep in mind for lane that you can buffer your w + Grasp through her stun/knockup. This can win you trades because they won't shield as they don't expect the damage.”
DuckQc says “Try to get 6 as fast as possible. Dont trade into her e (shield). Level 6 when she goes for trade and Q into you, trhow axe than R before getting hit.”
Arthapsic says “Start E level 1 and be very passive level 1 she beats you hard. Give her priority but ping whenever she is missing because rivens tend to roam and kill your jungler if he is topside. Prefer if your jungler path's botside since you can't contest her early game. Always Q then E out to kite her and dodge her stun. Every riven takes ignite be careful because she has lethal damage. After level 6 be really careful if she has ignite she destroys you and be very careful of her flash engage. Give up CS and wait until you have riftmaker. If you get to riftmaker without being behind you win. Just exhaust her whenever she comboes ( uses ultimate ) and never fight without exhaust unless you are ahead. Spacing is very important in this matchup! TAKE TP/EXHAUST or EXHAUST/GHOST I don't know how to change it on spells because stupid.”
TeiWasTaken says “You beat her at any point during the Laning Phase. Try not to get stunned by her when dismounted, as that will usually result in you dying. Beware of her Ult, it deals a ton of damage when you are about to remount!”
WIELKI B says “for me this matchup is unplayable if riven knows her shit, she can kill you in 2 seconds lvl 6, try to poke her down, take bone plaiting”
Skaarlschloch says “Beware of her lv 1. Good Rivens might try to zone you from first 3 melees xp. Consideration to run Grasp here for better lv1.
If you can cancel her Q3 with Q she can never kill you anyways
Otherwise beware of Riven Q-Delay/low Q CD. If use your Q, Riven can Flash on you while you have it on CD and do about 60% of your HP with her full combo + ignite”
Baby_Driver says “Bone plating and Steelcaps rush.
I like to run Stridebreaker into her.
Keep track of her abilities.
You can always pull her as she Q3.
Do not use your Q blindly, as she will just dash into you.
If at the start of the trade you manage to auto-W her, It's a good window to all-in.”
Ulsur says “4 dashes to escape every single one of your abilities, so you can't poke with anything other than your Q + E, and even then she can just harass you, rush Tabis, lane will be pretty standard until level 6, if you then walk up to her, she'll full combo you from 100 to 0, so just play it slow, Sterak works really good against her, it's winnable but you really need to know how to space against her 500 dashes.”
DioSett says “below diamond she in no danger, just buy plated steelcaps and stride breaker , after diamond the lane is unwinnable , just rush plated steelcaps and focus on farm , go for the stridebreaker build”
GwenMain says “Level Q first and try to harass her as much as possible. At lv2 get E and use it to poke her with Q. From lv3 if she is skilled enough she can crush you in a 1v1. W as third is the way to go but if she is half HP i suggest to level up Q and use it with E to keep her away and deniyng her to crush into the tower.”
Hotch says “Her damage is scary as hell. Let her take prio level 1 unless she wastes her Q. Avoid her lvl 3 and 6. You should probably try to hold a freeze in front of tower and ask your jungler to help. Once you are ahead, it's not too bad.
Take Ignite. ”
forlid says “Riven has one of the best burst combos in the entire game, and the current meta has her building lethality early, making her extremely oppressive. You can try to poke her level 1 but keep track of when she gains level 2. With Ignite she can kill you very quickly if you're careless. You kill her mid to late game as your E scales really hard but don't get behind, as by then you can never kill her alone.”
KingJoeyy says “Huge threat for Gwen definitely winnable, buy Doran's ring, level q first get 4 stacks and get level 2 first bait her to get cs and snip her! riven has better all in potential than Gwen best to maintain good cs and trade when her q cooldown is down.”
PinkBlood says “Also unplayable matchup if the riven is good he can kill you 100 to 0 lethal with his ult + ignite. just play safe and fight when riven has no summoners and you have essence reaver. When stacking waves agaisnt riven in later stages of the game you can really harrass and kill riven in some cases due to her being quite squishy and not having much sustain.”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*skill matchup*
The "skill matchup" here is more to her then to us, A REALLY good riven will win this but we talking about a normal to good one so...
Like we love and do, poke her every time she think she can last hit minions.
After she Q 2 times be ready to block/back the Q3 one.
Try to avoid long term fights by quick trading with W-Q and punish her with Q&AA if she follows you.
Best to call jg for a early gank to be sure winning it.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp/exhaust.
This matchup gets worse the better the riven. Take bone plating and rush tabis. If she is good she can dodge or e shield all your poke. Lvl 6 do not fight her unless you have tabis and max w. She will oneshot you. You can take exhaust for cheese but tp is better since most rivens play ign so you just have to outscale (2 items) She does beat you at 5+ items though. ”
MaesePerez says “Lots of movement, hitting q can be hard if she's not silenced, she destroys you early and late game she can run away easily with her dashes and wall hops. She needs kills to outscale you, so as long as she doesn't leave lane with 3 kills or 50 cs up you should be able to catch up and outscale late. Her mobility makes her annoying to fight early, and once she snowballs its very hard to stop her from running over your backline. ”
Lynusc says “You can't lose this matchup.
You can E in her CC.
Q silence is very strong and nullify her burst, also Q before Ulting make sure that she can't shield.
W counter riven's W and straight up reduce 30% of her damage during an early game trade.
Try to win early.”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) You can't win lvl 1 even if you cancel her Q3 with your E, she can also wiggle your hp down and break your boneplating very easily. Play safe until lvl 2-3 and try to predict her W stun and use your Q Ms to catch up after she uses her Qs. Cancel her Q3 as mentioned and be very mobile with your AAs. Even if you're ahead, she will have around 40 AH and you will never be able to catch up to her. Late game is very hard to win against her so try to expand your lead as much as possible. She will outscale you. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
Guldkarameller says “Exhaust is good here, and use it before she presses all her keys. Usually falls off after laning phase, and easy to kill when you get items. Ward lane brushes. ”
impossible to farm and the champ can zone you from xp range. Easier kled. Made a LOT more playable with phase rush + inspo secondary just never fight if possible”
EvilRavioli says “Skill matchup you can bait her w with q to her when she has a mark and flash or q away instantly after it if she uses her W ult and all in. DO NOT FIGHT HER LEVEL 1. Skill E level one and dont let her chunk you.”
Artszy says “Teu W cancela boneca totalmente, normalmente só se usa o W para cancelar o Q3 dela. Quando ela ultar, use o W para correr. Nunca tente trocar com ela ultada.”
hamgi says “spacing is essential, but she has 4 dashes which makes that extremely difficult. do not q3 into/e towards her as she will just q3 and/or w. while her q3/w are on cd (13s, .3s cd between casts, 4s cast window per q/11s @ r1), get on top of her to land q3 as she will just use e to dodge. just try to perma freeze against her and when u do fight her, u (and/or ur team) have to keep her perma cc'd. she builds for haste, so she will have extremely low cd mid-late game. just good luck honestly”
forlid says “Respect her early game as she can confidently burst you with Ignite. She has many different dashes in her kit, thus the key is baiting her into your Q sweet spot. Baiting her W out is really the only way you'll ever win her unless she makes an obvious mistake. Respect her at all points in the game and shut her down in teamfights using your Q stun.”
PlayCabex says “Quite difficult matchup. You MUST play exhaust into her to have a chance. Your goal is to survive lane and be useful later on in the teamfights. Whenever she is trying to run you down with her Qs, just fear and silence her. Past 6 the only way you can kill her is if you R from fog. Start and max Q
Runes: Aery or FS, both are ok here”
Belle19 says “if you pull her out of q3 you win, otherwise good luck. In low elo you just win since riven players suck but in high elo if they know how to animation cancel you dont win. You outscale, look to survive lane. You are never hitting a q into a good riven but if by some miracle you hit 2 of them in a fight you will win. Rush tabis wardens if they have other AD.”
zwartebliksem says “Never fight level 1. Poke her down, she has no sustain in lane. You should win an all in at levels 3-5. After level 6, you should be a bit more careful. She kills with ignite + ult.”
AWierdShoe says “Riven has a much stronger early game than us, and is another champion with tons of mobility that enable her to dodge our skillshots and outtrade us. Respect her early game (a lot of them take Ignite into us) and play for XP in the early levels. DO NOT try to last hit minions with autos (only Qs) or else she will chunk you down. The best thing you can do is be extremely patient in this lane, ESPECIALLY with your E. Try to poke Riven with Q1 only (max range), and then Q2 afterward. Most Rivens will dash forward into you during your Q2 animation to dodge your Q2+E, but if you don't E forward she will be hit by it. Try to gauge her playstyle in order to find the best use of your E to hit your Q sweetspots. Level 6 can be threatening as that's the opportunity Riven players will take to try to 0-100 you with their R. As long as you don't die in this lane, you will become 5x more useful than her as Riven is very feast-or-famine and needs kills to be useful later in the game.”
Haearnbleidd says “She can kill you lvl 1, especially with ignite. She has too many cc to all-in her pre-6. You win post-6, unless she kites your r. If you hit axes, you shouldn't have a big problem with her, but be careful of her r recast if you are low.
Best build would be hexplate > stride/rav or rav > stride/hexplate.”
HunterBMZ says “A good Riven won't let you stack or farm at the beginning if she controls the wave well, ask your jungler for help if possible, play to close the king's sword to have a chance of beating her in future fights.”
PPlongcook says “It's all about which of you knows the OTHER champion better. If the Riven knows her cooldowns better than you do you will lose hard. You need to trade with her every time she wastes Q. Never lose respect for her burst. You can trade into her pretty well if you make her use her abilities defensively, but if you fall behind it's over.
Sadly the scale of knowing the champion almost always tilts in the favor of Riven players because only transgender one tricks pick it.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Conq / Fleet
A good Riven will no one that she wins long trades.
You can beat her level 1 with ignite if you get creative with bushes, but it is a coinflip and she wins outright.
Post 6 she 100-0s you if she knows what she's doing. When she goes to combo, save WW for her stun and kite her Ult duration out.
Akuzai says “Rush defensive boots and pray she sucks. After 6 avoid interacting and pray she wastes ult for some dumb all in. You can outscale her, but she can win in many scenarios since that champ is just overbuffed...”
Shazir says “I usually go Grasp against Riven and rush Iceborn Gauntlet. Mark with W when you can so you usually win trades. Lethal Tempo or Press The Attack is viable too.”
Lukajs says “Riven has a lot of burst damage, but that's pretty much it. Therefore, you want to wait for her to Q or E into you, and save your Q for when she does so. When she does, Q her and back up with E, so she can't go equal or win the trade.
You can all in her when her Q is down.
Play around poking her and winning trades. ”
GheeseEmpty says “Skill Matchup, slightly in your favor. Beware her level 6 spike, but trade using Boar Stance to sustain and abuse her. Most Riven players attempt to throw their weight around in the early game, as they are fairly strong in that stage. However, you are stronger after level one and under the condition that you are not too low. Build armor early to mitigate her damage.
Once ahead, look to extend trades longer than she's comfortable with in order to abuse her long cooldowns early. Otherwise, avoid trading into her Conqueror + Ignite all-in.”
exoticT says “Can take boneplating this matchup and play off of it to reduce riven burst damage, respect level up abuse from riven and ignite, respect the burst damage”
xXazzer says “An ok Riven is minor difficulty, a good Riven is major borderline extreme threat. Still you can beat a good Riven easily too there are just a few things you need to know. Rivens play two ways. One uses her Qs to dodge your spells. And the other plays aggressive and gets in your face to kill you. The first one, you cant do much about it just try to make her work for her cs and contest all of it. For the second one keep your distance. If she wants to all in she has to get in your range for that make sure she has to waste one or two Q's. After level 6 she can all in one shot you with ignite and her ult. Go tabis if you need to but you don't need to if you respect that her CDs will come back before yours. Make her work for CS, slowly chip away at her, and have good spacing.”
NegativePhoenix says “You really don't wanna let her catch you out at level 1 since good Rivens can take you from full to ignite execute health at level 1
Just let her push into you and try to only take trades once you've built up a good amount of armor
If she can't get ahead and she isn't feeding off your other lanes she won't be as effective till late”
ThelpixG says “Very skill-based matchup
How to Beat?
- Take "Maokai" Runes (Bone Plating is crucial in this matchup);
- You can buy early steelcaps;
- Only go for grevious wounds after she has healing items;
- Try to bait her E with your CTRL +2 animation so she doesn't mitigate your Q poke;
- Always keep a barrel on top of yourself and try timing her all with your barrel explosion and then hit her with passive;
- Once she's level 6 try to avoid staying in bad positions so she can't just all-in you and kill you;
- Buy Serpent's Fang.”
LilliaFanBoy says “Even a mediocre Riven can pose an issue due to her high damage at early levels. Poking is your friend here. Best case scenario you can bait their Q/W stuns and then just out-trade them with Q/W. Run exhaust into Rivens.”
WhendZ says “Não tenha troca estendida com ela e só usa a laranja se você sentir que vai morrer. O CC dela não compensa o tempo pra usar a laranja. a animação do Ctrl+2 é bem parecida com o do Q, então rivens tendem a ser afobadas pra vir em cima quando você usar a sua pistola, então spamma o Ctrl+2 e torna o seu Q imprevisível. Mantenha um barril sempre no seu pé e nunca fique sem carga nenhuma.”
LegacyOneTap says “double tenacity in runes, lt, tp flash, maybe flash ghost works here or flash ignite if you're smurfing. level 1 cheese just hold it a bit when she qs for aa weave. She usually wont waste her stun or dash for no reason since the cooldown is slightly less than your counterstrike but if she does you can essentially all in her and she dies. play it safe and go on defense plays most of the time. Don't get caught out with wasting your counterstrike and stun she'll just run you down immediately. divine first into shojin .”
Wizboy73 says “[Conqueror or phase rush] she is super mobile and can easily 100-0 you lv 6. but the levels 1-5 are yours. take care she allways runs ignite. and you win post 3 items. ”
JPGamer10BR says “Riven, uma lane que eu diria que é 50 50, cuidado para ela não te surpreender no primeiro mato, tente dar poke quando ela for farmar, desvie ou use o flash no terceiro Q dela, quando tomar o Stun tente dar o Q para bloquear os ataques básicos, cuidado com all win, tu pode estar com 60% da vida e ela pode te matar com ignite, fique atento.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Trade with Q when she uses Q1 and 2 or comes in for autos. Block Q3 with W and use it to then stun her with E. If she tries to escape use W to block but its riven so she can just use more dashes after.”
Denied20 says “This is slightly riven favored, therefore bringing a deliberate combat summoner is highly advised (ghost/exhaust), ghost would probably be redundant as a zeal is highly recommended against her. If you feed her, that said zeal will prevent her from reaching you unless you choose to get too close. If you win lane, good job, because a fed Yasuo punishes Riven harder than a fed Riven punishes you!
Tracking Riven's cooldowns is all that matters. Sometimes she uses it to setup an engage on you, or clear wave faster. You can easily fish for her to use abilities. Sometimes when you step up bit too far where you are unable to walk back, you can dash through her last Q. Generally in lane she can only win if she lands all abilities on you, her enhanced autos does not make the cut!
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer or phase rush
Be carefull with her Q extension. She has 6 Q's with enough CDR. Kite her and respect her damage. Take short trades. Snowball heavy matchup”
BurritoTopKing says “Can run lethal tempo so she can't trade as hard, careful with lvl 1-2-3 as she is probably going to go for an all in with ignite.”
WarwicksSimp says “Rush plated steelcaps and pray. This matchup is hard but winnable if you q dodge her knockup on q3. Reacting to her R with your R and E is very important.”
xskyswitch says “Q poke and let her engage trades, when she tries to disengage, reinitiate the trade with your W and use your own discretion if you should transition to an all-in depending on CDs. E her R2 if you are low hp.”
Tronnes says “Champ is annoying because she has a million dashes to get out of Q's and your W. Try to predict her Q's to you and Q there so she cant go on top of you. ”
Skaiy says “Riven is another counter since she can simply get into your W and destroy your ass with her kit and theres nothing u can do against it, but the way you should play against her is to split push 24/7 after the lane phase is over, she cant ever splitpush as good as gwen and most good rivens will try to go in teamfights and use her good teamfight kit to make kills for their time, that time you should ignore all pings of your monkey team and keep pushing for early tier 2s, she will most likely never comeback to deffend her top cuz she will be aware that she need to make early lead before you outscale her, gwen vs riven at lvl 11+ with same items and same lvl gwen awalys win, they will be aware of that and try to make lead in midgame, use that time to take both tier 2 towers and carry the game from that point, if she gets over feed in teamfights its out of your control and in this matchup you sort of have to coinflip on your team that they will not int before you get their towers and gold you need to carry,”
Bonkyou says “You win level 1 with combat sums, Keep your distance for her E Q3, you are a better riven if you can chain your CC and kite with E and Q”
BaotoGame says “Insane DPS at the early game with her passive and all her Q.She can dash through you cage with Q3 and E.If she wastes all her Q and E.Go all-in.If she turned her ult,run.”
Chaddouk says “If she doesn't want to die she won't. I still win short trades (1 or 2 auto + e out) (if she doesn't have all spells up and plays it perfect) because I can abuse sustain. If she plays Ghost/nimbus I have no shot, it's all about MS and outrunning her, berserk + zeal rush can be good. Riven can go from tiny to extreme depending on the player's skill.”
daitolol says “- Level 1 good rivens would try to zone you out of first wave EXP, start W it is better to get EXP and be unable to trade, rather than take q when you will deal 20% of his health and he will deal 60-70% of it
- Early try to not use q when she has her shield up, you can just wait it out on shroud or position in a way to not be in her range, You can use e to evade and counter her e. When kiting with passives and qs try to go for max distance aas to throw her tempo off. At level 6 her burst with ignite it extremely high you should do your best to respect it
-Make sure to watch out for hexdrinker and nullifying both are very annoying shields but have really short time (2.5) seconds you can wait it out
_WhiteSnow_ says “you can cancel 3rd q knockup and just trade afterwards, but you can probs win as long as you're playing short trades around knockup. just avoid taking the brunt of her full combo so try to start fights by cancelling an ability first and you should be able to just snowball.”
At_Tar_Ras says “if the riven is actually good at the game the champion basically has no counterplay. she will prob have boneplating so you're gonna have to bust riven's boneplating first in order to be able to re-engage with a combo with empowered W. if no boneplating, it's SO SO FREE. if you can all-in after your W then do so, if you can't then keep going with the small trades until you can. ”
Pretzel Shiv says “A god riven is unbeatable unless you get a good ganks or dodge her whole Q combo. But most rivens are bad, you beat her with poke, use e to dodge and just beat her down. ”
TheBougis says “Riven is very augment dependent, if she has good augments she can 1v9 otherwise she isn't too strong.
Make sure you keep your duo healthy so he doesn't get executed by her ult recast.”
Zylsa says “As long as you activate R when you fight riven, you won't get knocked up or stunned and she should be able to burst your life steal unless she's fed/super strong.”
BezMemow says “You can't get prio if she knows what she's doing, she has huge burst so HP advantage is on her side, she has no sustain so if you get some Q's without tradeback you win. Wait for her to use her E or get stuck in 3rd Q animation before using your E + Ult. Max W second as her all in windows rely on you not having your W up.”
bocchicken says “Do not "fish" for Q's or E's in this lane. If you miss she will just all in you and you'll be defenseless. Instead, walk at her and use your range advantage to poke at her and force HER to try and Q or W you, THEN use your Q to trade back and save your E for HER Q3 if she commits to the knockup on you. ”
Antecc says “Only hard early on. Riven will win every trade with Auto - W - E away. Don't leap onto her either, she'll E - W in quick succession. You can take fights later on at 2+ items or if you can tell that the Riven is bad/messed up a certain trading pattern/has everything on cooldown, somehow.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “My personal perma ban. She isnt that bad on paper and maybe im just not good enough but i just cant play against her. Sit on the barrel and wait for her to go in, Qing randomly propably wont do much as she can shield herself pretty frequently. Always take boneplating and if she has flash keep in mind she can flash on you and oneshot your ass if youre not playing carefully. Her ult is very strong 1v1 so respect her past6, stopwatch and tabis are very helpful”
ABL Pantheon says “Skill matchup. A good Riven can probably win but most of the times it's in your favor. Respect level 1 if she starts Q, especially if she is running Ignite. Dodge her Q's and W and try to bait her E when engaging. E her Ultimate. If you space properly and poke from behind you win.”
lordimboutabust says “hard matchup. Much like renekton distance yourself and play around her abilities. She basically has no cooldowns and if you play it right you can Q1 E W Q2 Q3 away or towards her if you catch her out. Never chase her too far as she can easily turn on you and she can easily 100-0 you with ignite at 6 if you aren't careful. She also outscales you pretty hard so your best windows to fight her will be between lvls 3-5 and 8-10 | Bone plating or second wind (i prefer second wind as i find she can easily proc bone plating and get out, then do it all again in less than 5 seconds) | Dblade - executioners - tank mythic
Bernardian says “Play around her dashes NEVER use e and q willy milly always start a trade with auto w if you can, you can cancel her third Q with your e which takes a significant portion of her damage away especially if shes in ult form. Q+E combo is a MUST against a decent riven player. if shes conq+sorc and ignite you dont walk up until lvl 3.”
Babuleh says “Доран блейд Завоеватель/хватка пластины тринити/сокрушитель
В хорошую ривен крайне сложно играть, но вы можете выигрывать на трейдах и слоте, проблема матчапа заключается в уровне осторожности который вы должны проявлять против ривен. Если у вас нет пластин и пассивки, а у ривен есть все способности, она без проблем может вас убить лвл 3 и лвл 6 за 1 прокаст, и так на протяжении всей игры, поэтому играйте осторожно и все у вас получится.”
Waqql says “Actually, playing against Riven is relatively straightforward, as long as you don't, like me every time, underestimate the damage of her ultimate. Keep your distance, as Riven has many ways to close the gap. Once Riven has used her second Q or is within range for one of her E+W combos, be prepared to throw your Q or, if in doubt, jump away. Trading with Riven can be challenging due to her shield and mobility. Try to read her movements, interrupt her engages, and punish her accordingly.”
FaNTOP says “Равный матчап, просто фармьте и используйте W на её подкидывание, а не на оглушение. Делайте короткие обмены и используйте Ультимейт, если она использует свой Ультимейт, чтобы лишить её сильного всего.”
demirkaiser says “She is kinda easy for Mordekaiser. Same with Fiora and Aatrox. You can try level 1 trade but I don't recommend. You can try level 3 trade. Post 6 is free. Don't ult until she ults.”
kayle1v9 says “Q max, swifties rush. if she goes in, Q her and W away to dodge her spells, then follow up with auto, auto + E. I love exhaust into her, but TP is overall better”
Riceyboll says “Only a threat if she knows what she is doing. A good riven will stun you, deal damage and disappear way too fast for you to realisticly do anything”
CypherRL says “This matchup is super volatile and is dependent on how well you are able to space her abilities. Try to poke her down as much as possible, only all-in when her health is extremely low as her burst-damage is very fast.
If Riven goes ignite she can always kill you from 100% at level 6 so don't walk into her range.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with ignite and dblade start. You win LVL 1 but be careful to not let Riven outspace your E then you lose. Most riven will W you when try to CS, Try to step back one time before going to CS a minion to bait out riven's W. When jumping on her and she has E use W Q, so your W DMG gets included in the Q DMG as she will expect you to Q A W.”
Jasic says “Arguably a skill matchup. W max in my opinion. Farm safe, wait for ganks, riven falls off without a lead. Don't give her a lead or you're fked. Play careful entire laning phase. 65/35 odds favoring Riven.”
Twogrand says “BRROOO i swear to gods this match is so hard now because of riven buff be careful respect her and TAKE SHORT TRADES NOW, Phase rush, tp and eclipse build path”
Althalosofsirun says “if she is good she can kill you lvl 1 so taking W is safe but if not take E with dblade and auto her down so lvl 2 you can take Q and kill her lvl 6 she gets strong again build anti heal and stun her out of her Q3”
Nurakami says “GOOD RIVEN LEL
You can't play if she don't make mistake. Play def and poke her with q and w.
Kraken,Hull breaker and he will not one shot you.”
Black Demon Ezel says “The girl has CC and tons of mobility. 3 Q casts and a dash shield. No way to stop her from dealing damage either because she can straight up come close, strike you a few times, and then slice you with wind. It's quite annoying to say the least”
sinatra1633 says “Able to beat her if she is on par on items.
Is not as hard as other matchups as she is a all in type of champ and you excel at all ins.”
HSY12 says “Bring exhaust + ign. Try to level 1 and exhaust + ign instanty to stop her from escaping, and to prevent her combo from annihilating you.
Respect her level 6, she can 100-0 you very easily”
ARealFakeIdentity says “She is only able to kill you if she hits all of her CC, but due to your movement speed, even with her excessive dashes it may be difficult for her to reach you.”
illestboy_ says “D Blade + Bone Plating. She needs Ignite to kill you. Contest wave level 1. Tether her q's level 1 to avoid her proccing your boneplating. Be aware of her strong snowball and level 6 all in's. Darius's E can interrupt her 3rd q and be a defensive tool.”
SesaPrime says “Riven is a skill based matchup favoring Riven if Camille cannot land on Riven due to her high mobility & huge counter-play potential.
"Boxbox Riven" players are huge threats since they KNOW their champion & the matchup. You just need to stay in the KNOW about Riven & her CD's.”
Tonho says “Riven has less cooldown than you, and she has 4 dashes and a low cooldown shield. A good Riven will never lose this trade at all. Good thing is that a good Riven is rare to see. Any common Riven player is a piece of cake. One combo her, walk away, repeat. Against a good Riven, never trade if she has Q unless you are ahead. If you miss your E (which is likely), she just punishes the hell out of you.”
Vixylafoen says “Basically like Irelia but you have more options and it's actally a really fun matchup despite the fact that RIven players deserve no respect”
Boptimus says “I haven't played against a good Riven yet but you have lots of tools and mobility to avoid her early damage and trade back with her. Riven players rely on CC chaining to come out on top of trades but with W you can tank her CC and come out on top of a trade. Be cautious of her early game then you should have an easy time after building some Armor.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Lvl 1 you have to be careful, bc if you eat all of her 3 Q's, you will just die.
At level 2-3 you can start trading and you will win most times when played correctly.
ALWAYS hold your W for her 3rd Q, it is a little mind game but as long as you hit it, you will always win.
Post 6 you can flash her R if needed.”
stefanko says “Level 1 you win, so get prio early, you can look to walk up behind Riven. Once Riven is level 3 you lose trades if wave is even, you only win if Riven wastes any cd. You can look to bait out her w by fake walking up. Playing exhaust allows you to aggresively q on riven and stun her after she uses her cooldowns and tries to disengage, cause if she tries to all in you when you dont have e, you can counter her burst with exhaust. (grasp, tp)”
Yasuo Is Sexy says “Yet ANOTHER early game champ. Her combo screws you over with how much damage she has. If she wastes all of her abilities before she has a ton of ability haste you can punish accordingly.”
dzsama says “Abuse her cooldowns. She can burst you quite quickly with her combos and run away before you get a chance to trade. Very slippery so hard to kill once she gets some levels. If she misses her stun then try to fight her as she can't create distance as easily then. At 6 she gets a big spike in her damage so be mindful. After Sunderer you have a much easier time fighting her due to your sustained damage from Sunderer”
lorensj81 says “[Season 13] A good riven can be a pain, but this lane is more of a skill matchup I feel.
Use W when she goes for her allin combo before the stun, you can flash her R.
In Season 13 Riven likes to build Ravenous Hydra 1st item, don't trade to much since her sustain is cracked, but she dies super easy with ignite and R!”
Pep_Shin says “Dodge her last Q, and poke her with Q-E.
Rush Steelplates. Her damage scales insanely quick and her combos are absurd. Armor will help you a lot.
She builds a lot of Ability haste and will be able to disengage your ult. If you all-in, you'll need your summoners and to hit your axes.
You can contest her damage at 6.
Irelius says “100% скилл мачап. Тыкаем W на её влет или R2. Может работать та же страта, что и в Вуконга с Камиллой — намеренно поставляется, жмем W, Ривен тратит прокаст, деремся дальше. ИГРАЙТЕ ОЧЕНЬ ПАССИВНО НА ЛВЛ 1. Не заходите ни в какой куст. Серьёзно, даже сильваки пикают Ривен и чизят на лвл 1. Хорошая Ривен — серьёзная угроза, благо, вы таких скорее всего не встретите. К тому же, персонаж очень сильно разбивается об костяные пластины.”
Puyi says “It's easy to block her third Q with your W, but hard to time her W. Her Q cooldown is 11 seconds lower than your W at rank 1, so play safe if your W is on cooldown. Run bone plating. ”
Irelius says “100% skill matchup. W her engage or R2. Dont eat all her Qs. Dont enter ANY bushes lvl 1.
Good Riven is a menace, but you'll rarely see such ones. Plus, bone plating is really insane agianst her”
JustSad42 says “You beat Riven level 1. Level 1, you’ll want to use your Qs and auto attacks to push the wave quicker than her. If she tries to trade with you, look to chase her and force a prolonged trade since you will win those. Crash wave 3, reset and look to get a cloth armor and refillable potion. When trading with Riven, you always want to W her as soon as she Qss into you, since a good Riven player will never get hit by a parry that you use on her W or third Q. As long as you hit her with your W, you’ll be able to win most trades into Riven. In this matchup, if both players are equally skilled, the person who engages first tends to lose. However, this matchup is a little sided for Fiora, and Fiora will be able to beat Riven in sides after 2 items if you’re even. ”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade/Cloth Armor.
Ghost+Teleport or Ghost+Exhaust.
Dodge. A very difficult matchup that works similarly to Sett. You can't win it solo, Riven does too much damage and trades too well. Play as safe as possible and wait for the jungler. If you can't farm, just grab exp and use minions when she's not in lane. Just try not to feed her. If Riven is a good player you can only pray that she doesn't dive you at level 6.”
NegativePhoenix says “Riven is a seriously annoying champion with so many dashes it's amazing she can still be so tanky especially with all those low cooldowns. She'll do better than you in the lane phase even if you All-Out her. Just try to play safe since she's much better than you at dishing out damage. Later in the game it's a skill issue difference.”
Night Guy says “She isn't a problem at all honestly. At the early levels she is kind of a problem but other than that there isn't anything else to worry about.”
JustSad42 says “You win level 1 if you can approach wave from river and q 3 minions without her zoning you off.
You want to start fights with stacked passive, W at the start of the fight to reduce the damage of Q1-AA-Q2-AA or W predict her W-Q3.
You want to always press E1, and hold onto E2 and make her spend time/thought/hold abilities trying to dodge it and you'll win fights pretty easily versus her.”
TheHellKing says “Keep a safe distance when her abilities are up. W away if she engages. No point in Comet as she can dodge it. Just take Conq for later fight. Luckily her pick rate is quite low so you can pray for the best.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Doran's Shield]
[Punish her when makes a mistake]
[Bait her E then use your abilities]
[Use your R when she uses her R first]”
Lukaas says “Her Q is just better. It is easier to land, can be used to dodge, can be used to engage/disengage, and it can go over walls. Try to out-sustain her through Doran's Shield and your passive. Try to let her waste Q then look for an engage. Respect her even if she is low, she might have her shield up.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Auto>E out is a great trade-pattern vs her as she requires a bit more time to have efficient trades. This should help you win by sustain.
As Riven is a cooldown based champion, if she uses her abilities badly thats a window for an extended all-in.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Matchup isnt as easy nowadays, as it used to be.
Dont fight lvl 1
She will be always able to crash 3, so try your best to setup a recall on 5th or 6th wave.
Care past 6 she can 100-0.
PTA, dshield start, rush tabi.”
Groovywelsh says “At lvl1 she can kill you i she hits the 3 q's on you and has ingite. She has very strong kite so buy movment speed like berserker boots and zeal”
Atemporal says “Realmente difícil, especialmente se o Riven é um OTP que realmente conhece o campeão. Seu escudo nega seu dano e nega seu proc passivo. Você tem que ser reativo nesta pista. Você nunca pode E para ela quando ela tem habilidades. Espere. para ela
vá em você, E para trás para evitar seu terceiro Q, então troque se possível. Riven tem cooldowns relativamente altos no início, então ela não pode puni-lo com muita força, mas você ainda leva uma surra. Q farm, relaxe e pegue seus itens. Eu geralmente não consigo armadura vs Riven
porque você danifica itens para poder matá-la. Post 6, tente posicionar seu R em cima de você. Desvie do R da Riven ou do terceiro Q dela com o seu R. É preciso muito esforço de você e foda-se a Riven para você matá-la sozinho. Jogar o
mapear, pegar ondas laterais e fazer acampamentos jg. Seu waveclear é melhor que o de Riven, então tente realmente ser cultivado. Uma vez que ela pega alguns itens, ela se torna muito difícil de matar sozinha, mas contanto que sua equipe tenha algum cc, você pode facilmente explodi-la
em lutas de equipe.”
RandumPersin says “One of the classic champions Renekton is used to counterpick. Take PTA, ignite, and concede any/all waves until level 3. Take W at level 1 in this matchup so she can't just 100 to 0 you at level 2 and you should be fine. Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, fight this champion before level 3 OR attempt to turret dive her. Our kit is so much stronger than hers since we are one of the few champions capable of rivaling her mobility in lane - use this fact to our advantage and you will win every trade. Even in a worst-case scenario where we trade our full combo for hers, the trade STILL ends up slightly in our favor. If you can use E1 to dodge her Q3 your kill pressure on her goes through the roof and you can look to all-in on the spot if ignite is up. Riven does outscale us but is never able to match our presence 1v1 as long as you suffocate her in lane. You should be much more impactful than her for the game's entirety if you are able to snowball an early lead.”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp/Conqueror
Lv1 don't trade or all in if you don't have 4 stacks, after you should win easily until lv.6 where she get a really high spike. Riven is my second most played champion but i have to admit that her eclipse build looks unfair in some matchups, she was really free for Rengar and had to respect him for longer times in lane when she had to build Goredrinker. Now she might be an even or a major.”
Smudey says “She wins lvl 1 so back off if you need to. You can go for short trades and punish her for taking CS at later levels, but never go for long trades and use your E to disengage if necessary (don't get canceled by her Q3 tho).”
Fizzy says “It's almost the same as camille, if one of the two knows how to play against it will be easy for that person. So save your W for the third Q so you can stun and guarantee kill on top of Riven.”
Elresser says “Your passive denies Riven's burst combo and if timed well, you can cancel her 3rd Q with your own Q. However if you mess up in lane she will snowball.”
hamgi says “her cd's become extremely short mid-late game but in early, her q is 5s with gore/lucidity. a lot of rivens like to wait in between their q's to chain them after q3 (knock up) so track her animations and know when she has q3 up before u engage. her w also stuns but its a relatively short aoe so if u engage on her, keep some distance. rivens go for short trades, so try to preemptively w to mitigate dmg and poke back with q+aa or q3+aa(+q). she can easily dodge ur q3's or r's with her q's and e so either get on top of her or engage with either (or both) when she has cds. her r2 sends out a shockwave upon recast so avoid running in a straight line. if ur low, it deals more dmg based on % missing hp so even if u think ur safe from her, just keep running
and ensure ur completely safe before backing. rivens are very aggressive but take advantage of the times they cant be when they have cd's. try to keep her locked up with q3+r so she cant get a w(+gore) off and her q stack goes on cd”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “My personal permaban, but i dont think its very hard i just hate the champion, she outdamages you if she can reset her autos, sit on barrel and if she jumnps on you destroy it and passive auto. The laning is not that hard but care for past6 ambushes as if he plays right she can oneshot you. ”
Cheeseypops1 says “If the Riven uses her abilities to dodge yours you will probably lose, But most Rivens even in Master+ don't do this so the match-up is winnable if you hit her with your abilities you will win. Something you should look out for is when she is in her Third Q animation (The one that knocks you up) use your e and it will hit almost every time if you aim it right and then if she is behind you. R her and run her down, Rush Steelcaps”
StingingChicken says “Try to E her Q3. Respect her level 1 and level 6, keep your spacing and poke. Force her to Q to close the gap rather than for damage, then turn on her if she wastes dashes to get to you. ”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “if she plays ignite sorc there is basicly not a single time u can step up till lvl 11 if the riven player is actually really good for example high elo riven players like ryuven/built incase u find a way to all in, keep ur E for her third Q so u dont get chain CC'd”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her unless you can match her trading potential. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her Broken Wings(Q). If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against a Riven. Keep the minion wave frozen near your Tower. If you are playing close to your Tower, her all-in potential is limited as the Tower will protect you and she will not be able to look for frequent trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her unless you can match her trading potential. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her Broken Wings(Q). If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against a Riven. Keep the minion wave frozen near your Tower. If you are playing close to your Tower, her all-in potential is limited as the Tower will protect you and she will not be able to look for frequent trades.”
kajinator says “This matchup is just like the Fiora matchup. It all depends on how good the Riven player is. You should be fine just chilling and staying even in CS/XP. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are good to match her trading.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Riven is a hard matchup but you need to be wary of her long cooldowns in the early game. Do short trades against her from a range with Q max + Comet while her Q and E are on cooldown, then back off with your W once they're up. She can burst you down quite easily, so try to ult her stun as best you can. You should win in the late game if she doesn't one-shot you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her unless you can match her trading potential. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her Broken Wings(Q). If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against a Riven. Keep the minion wave frozen near your Tower. If you are playing close to your Tower, her all-in potential is limited as the Tower will protect you and she will not be able to look for frequent trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her unless you can match her trading potential. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her Broken Wings(Q). If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against a Riven. Keep the minion wave frozen near your Tower. If you are playing close to your Tower, her all-in potential is limited as the Tower will protect you and she will not be able to look for frequent trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her unless you can match her trading potential. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her Broken Wings(Q). If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against a Riven. Keep the minion wave frozen near your Tower. If you are playing close to your Tower, her all-in potential is limited as the Tower will protect you and she will not be able to look for frequent trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her unless you can match her trading potential. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her Broken Wings(Q). If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against a Riven. Keep the minion wave frozen near your Tower. If you are playing close to your Tower, her all-in potential is limited as the Tower will protect you and she will not be able to look for frequent trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her unless you can match her trading potential. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her Broken Wings(Q). If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against a Riven. Keep the minion wave frozen near your Tower. If you are playing close to your Tower, her all-in potential is limited as the Tower will protect you and she will not be able to look for frequent trades.”
pura4 says “"[Comenta, Escudo de Doran's, Q > E] - existe duas formas de trocar dano com a Riven, a primeira é ela vir para cima usar o Shield dela, se ela fizer isso use E e W, espere o shield dela acabar para usar Q, em seguida recue e espere sua passiva voltar. A segunda forma é a riven usar o combo e em seguida usar o Shield para recuar, nesse caso começe usar Q e depois E rapidamente, em seguida recue e espera sua passiva voltar"”
KaiOverHere says “(Phase Rush + Flash Ghost/Exhaust/IGN, playstyle dependent/match dependent) Play to outscale, use your W whenever she goes in, and sit on a cloth armor. You'll be able to survive her combo and then sustain it all back up with your passive wheras she has literally 0 sustain.”
Justin108 says “You will be even with her till level 6 but will aboslutely dumpster her when you've maxed out your w on level 9. Try to e into one of her dashes.”
Duwiiton says “Riven just out-damages you and you can't zone her with E. You can win level 1's if you bring W and trade smart, and then get the kill with ignite at level 2 after leveling Q.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her unless you can match her trading potential. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her Broken Wings(Q). If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against a Riven. Keep the minion wave frozen near your Tower. If you are playing close to your Tower, her all-in potential is limited as the Tower will protect you and she will not be able to look for frequent trades.”
Voice44 says “Начнем с того что это может быть очень легкий матчап либо самый сложный в вашей жизни, зависит от игрока на ривен, если против вас сильная ривен (можете проверить по порофессору) то советую отыграть сейвово взяв завоеватель и максить вешку. если это средняя- слабая ривен то советую взять смертельный темп, стандарт комбо когда она влетает в вас, 2 автоатаки- ешка+ кушка ульта вешка.
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her unless you can match her trading potential. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her Broken Wings(Q). If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against a Riven. Keep the minion wave frozen near your Tower. If you are playing close to your Tower, her all-in potential is limited as the Tower will protect you and she will not be able to look for frequent trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her without help of your Jungler early on. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her Q. If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against Riven.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her without help of your Jungler early on. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her Q. If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against Riven.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her without help of your Jungler early on. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her Q. If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against Riven.”
pura4 says “"[Comenta, Escudo de Doran's, Q > E] - existe duas formas de trocar dano com a Riven, a primeira é ela vir para cima usar o Shield dela, se ela fizer isso use E e W, espere o shield dela acabar para usar Q, em seguida recue e espere sua passiva voltar. A segunda forma é a riven usar o combo e em seguida usar o Shield para recuar, nesse caso começe usar Q e depois E rapidamente, em seguida recue e espera sua passiva voltar"”
Animate Dead says “There is a big gap between Riven players. A lot are not used to play against Elise. If you dodge her stun or knock up you can win fights if you are equal in terms of score.”
dracondas says “a good riven can just beat the shit out of you so you better prepare your bed cuz you gonna sleep under tower and wait for teamfight otherwise if it isn't a strong one just go max W with the base build”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her without help of your Jungler early on. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her Q. If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against a Riven. Don't all-in her before level 7 when your Q is level 4 at least.”
Thrandor says “Rivens high mobility can be challenging. When you want to poke-Q her, try to bait out the shield first/look how she reacts and adapt. You can cancel the knockup of her third Q by holding Q onto anything!”
1akai1 says “Sempre que a riven gasta os 3 Q faça trocas curtas, use seu W no terceiro Q ou no W dela. Early game quem joga melhor ganha a lane, mas quanto mais o tempo passa é melhor pra você”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Riven is an early game dominant champion who can take over the lane through short trades. Try not to trade with her unless you can match her trading potential. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to outplay you with her Q. If possible, try to bait out her main abilities and then re-engage when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet when laning against a Riven. Keep the minion wave frozen near your Tower. If you are playing close to your Tower, her all-in potential is limited as the Tower will protect you and she will not be able to look for frequent trades. ”
CosmicTurtle88 says “You're too tanky for her to deal with, but she's too mobile for you to kill. Just be careful of trades too big at level 1, since her 3Q's into disengage will outtrade you. Just keep trying to proc
Grasp/Q for poke since she has poor sustain. The only way she kills you is if she full stacks Conq and then ults and combos you AGAIN to burn down your hp bar. Don't trade too hard
into stacked Conqueror, she abuses the rune too well ”
buuu1401 says “(TOP/MID) It's Riven man, so basically, she can destroy you if she is good on riven. All I can say is poke her, cancel her Q and E with your Q's.”
Taiquyorah says “Tout dépend si Riven connaît le MU, il peut être "skill" dépendant ou totalement à l'avantage de Riven en fonction de son niveau.
Petit tips, vous pouvez bind une animation pour la faire croire que vous allez Q pour bait son shield.
Vous ne gagnez pas en all in, mais si vous garder la bonne distance pour ne pas vous faire all-in avec son E+Q1, vous pouvez survivre voire même la tuer si vous arrivez à lui mettre des dégâts.
Je recommande de jouer safe et poke autant que possible lorsqu'elle n'a pas ses cd.
Vous ne gagnez pas le 1v1 sauf si vous avez fatigue et que vous l'avez déjà entamer.
En late game, en jouant à distance avec un stuff critique, vous pouvez la tuer.
Tabi conseillé, Trinité conseillé, et Fatigue conseillé.”
NegativePhoenix says “Respect her early damage, trust me it hurts against a good Riven. Just do your best to poke her down and be mindful of her E dash that she can use to dodge your Q. Her own Q isn't gonna be fast enough to get her out of your Q unless she's on its edge. Her ult increases damage and executes off missing health so watch for that. Later in the game the most she's gonna attempt to do is CC you but she can't beat you due to how beefy you are.”
gekigami says “Mesmo caso de outros duelistas. riven tem alta mobilidade e capacidade de dano então se você não for muito confiante, você provavelmente não vai conseguir derrotar ela.”
SunLongGod says “you should go Lethal temple to win against her at lv1 and be aggressive pre lv6. if she burn her first and second Q at level 1 without damaging you, you can be aggressive and using Q to dodge her 3rd Q to avoid being knocked up. after lv 6 wait for gank, playing safe. if you still want to go Undying, play safe.”
hassanlobster says “Agressive Rush down all melee champ with 4 dashes and a huge shield.
this champ is cancer to fight but not that deadly once u get some experience but i wouldnt recommend sidelane 1v1s as AP gp”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
Definitly a hard matchup, but winnable.
She is a lot stronger until level 3, so play safe early.
Try and punish her long cooldowns if she uses abilities on the wave.
Do you best to kite her with E and not let her CC you.
If she ults, disengage, unless you can kill her.
sinatra1633 says “Your poke does nothing to her if she just dashes and gets a shield.
Can all in you no matter what because of her current broken state.
Zorroh says “Riven can be a tough matchup because she is easily able to close the gap with her Q and E, not to mention her W stun and Q3 can interrupt Gnar's hop. Take either Conqueror or Grasp for this matchup. For Conqueror, you want to take short trades until she is around 50% hp and then you should be able to all in her with Mega as long as you land your R stun. Make sure not to take even trades with her at low hp though because her R is able to execute, Riven likes to fight on the lane of death and will likely take Last Stand as well. For Grasp take short trades again but don't try to all in her unless she is fairly low. Your all in with Grasp is weaker but the benefit is having more sustain to survive the lane. If you're really struggling against Riven, try taking Flash and Exhaust for a safe lane. Focus on spacing autos and landing as many Qs as possible. Once you see her Q1 forward, she will likely be trying to close the gap fast, so you should try to disengage as Mini Gnar ASAP. ”
GodOfNoxus says “1 wrong move then you will get destroyed until the end of the game. Try to dodge her passive and 2nd ability. If she tries to combo you, use your 3rd skill to interrupt her and use 1st skill to run. I'll suggest you to playsafe and gank other lanes to get you strong and become a fed.”
7EyesNoSkills says “She is faster than you, so you can't dodge her. Don't even try to play against her especially in high elo, she will destroy you easily. Always ban her, if you didnt, just dodge the game. Well if you have to laning with her, don't push your lane, wait for your jungle, even if your jungle comes don't go so fast because she can easily kill you. If your jungle is dumb, its kinda hard to play against her, you have to poke her with your Q from long range. If her Q and Flash is on cd, you can poke him with 1-2 auto attacks and Q. Ask midlaner for swap.”
Kreiselficker says “This matchup is kind of a skill matchup. If the riven is good youre not able to trade with her ( you will get outtraded 90% of the time). I would suggest you to Tabi Rush in this matchup. You want to try to let riven engage with her first q onto you (you have to instantly press E then), and if she tries to run away you Q after her and get your stun off and walk back ( unless she is in kill range for you, then kill her).
You always want to try to block as many autoattacks of her with your E as possible because alot of Riven's Damage comes from her autoattacks in between spells!”
VituVonDoom says “One of the most pure skill matchups of top lane, also one of the most fun. Hammer E her 3rd Q whenever she gets too close, and force her to waste all her dashes to get to you, rather than doing damage, so you can easily win all ins. After 6, try to bait her ult: When you see that sword glowing, knock her back with hammer E, and wait it out. You can go both Phase Rush or Conq page, depends on how you want to approach this matchup”
Michcio says “Very hard to play against if she is good. She can gapclose very fast and stick to you for how long she wants. My personal perma ban. If youre lucky and she is bad and picked this champion only beacuse it counters gp it shouldnt be that hard tho beasuce she lack damage without reseting aa animations”
Baby Sona says “Try to stay away from her so she can't Q onto you. If she uses her Q and uses her E to block your Q, pull her in using your E and chase her down. Make sure to block all that damage with your W!S”
Aberrant Demon says “Trading Q for her third Q is fine level 1. Unless she starts Q and burns two of them, avoid trading. After level 3 you can trade when your W is up or her E is down. W as soon as you get in melee rnage to reduce her W stun duration. Don't forget that Riven can easily stick even if you proc Phase Rush. Post-6 you have to play around your sustain advantage, because she hard wins the all-in. Keeping the wave on your side of the lane can help with this.”
NegativePhoenix says “Early Riven will be mostly in her favor, as a smart riven level 2-3 can all in you and kill you if you're not careful enough. If you can at least avoid her Q knockup and/or her W stun you have a better chance to win the fight. Be mindful her autos gain more damage after every ability use, and her ult executes off missing health. If you think she's gonna try to ult snipe you, keep your W ready if you didn't use it for the resistances. Lane phase though if she's a good Riven she'll just hard aggression you. Once it gets to mid game it depends whos fed and who can react to who faster.”
King Turtle says “Riven is my current perma ban on Lillia as she's extremely strong, hard to kill early, and Riven mains will go to the end of the world to win lane no matter what, so laning against them is always stressful. ”
RanDomGuY060 says “Ban her definitely if you're scared of her. But if you don't ban her and matchup her. If she know's how to play you are basically screwed, you can't counter her. Play for teamfights. Easy to beat in low elo thought.”
NotPsix says “the problem with her is that your q are nothing to her as she can easiy dodge them but you can outtrade her by canceling her q so try to fight close to your tower”
IcunoX says “Max E and interrupt when she wants to jump in, you kind of outdamage her if you dont play too agressive and he gets impatient. It's all about not wanting to kill them TOO bad when you are winning cuz that can be your downfall.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
PTA or Conq
Goal in lane:
Punish her as much as possible, you should be able to win this matchup if you play it properly.
Wave 1-4:
Poke her down with Q for every cs she tries to get.
If you can eventually get a cheater recall it's nice, but try to get a freeze eventually.
Take exhaust and flash.
This matchup is all about powerspikes.
Fight whenever you get items.
What is important to realize is that in this matchup, the one who engages hard will lose 100%.
As you need the mobility spells used to engage to kite out and hit vitals, same for riven, she needs to kite your vitals with Q and E.
Look for poke to frustrate her, Q on front vitals and they will want to engage.
You can look to engage if they use spells on the wave or you have conq stacked or if they are a bit lower on hp or overextended.
You want to back off while doing long trades when her cooldowns will come back, as she can be very scary with full stacked Conq followed by a full combo.
It's hard to react and use E as Riven to a short Q, often times they will fail their E.
Care for her roaming and level 6 powerspike, she can 100-0 you if you arent cautious and use your powerspike carelessly.
Try to parry her Q3 but often times they will look to W into Q3 but with double tenacity you can parry despite the W stun if they try to get an auto off.
With all this you should be able to win the matchup as long as you respect her and stay disciplined.
Take exhaust to make the matchup easier, especially if they have ignite.
Wippo says “You can block her Q and E with your W. She will have a hard time killing you because of your tankiness. Fairly easy matchup but, be careful she can outplay you. ”
Boptimus says “Another champion that can do whatever she wants level 1. Wait for level 2 and use your E to disengage when she tries to dash on you. You can CANCEL her Q3 during her flip with E to avoid the knockup and damage.
Very easy unless she gets a kill. Respect her when she gets Merc Treads and build Oblivion Orb early on as needed.”
Hawkkiller105 says “Riven has high mobility, a nock up on her third Q, Stun on her W, and a dash plus a shield on her E. This just has a hard time because she can just do more damage in a small amount of time.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Riven's mobility makes your baby cage useless and it absolutely kills my strategy against most peeps in the top lane. not to mention her CC and all the works makes it hella annoying to fight her with. Simply do one action. Dodge. There is no way to beat this chick 1v1 as a Yorick with no mobility much less counter mobility like morde's E”
Shourdy says “Don't fight Lv1 and beware her Lv2/3.
After Lv3 onwards most riven players will charge their Q slowly and then trade or against Aatrox they will E Q into you as soon as u Q them so DO NOT use E Q first ever or u will lose the trade. Play around ur Boneplating and kite her using ur Q knock-ups to cancel her Q/E or W to trade once abilities are down.
Rush Steelcaps and Kindlegem, Boneplating is also a must.
Sauren says “Fight before 3, they always think they beat you lvl 1. Stay at range as you will never beat her in the 1v1 post 3. She can be punished if she uses Q3 without extending her Qs (search Riven q extension on youtube if you don't know what this means).”
queen_rane says “[Ghost/Ignite + Flash] Just stay super far away from her so she can't Q combo you and you should be fine. If she ever uses her Q and uses her E to block your Q, you can pull her in - just make sure you use your W when she Q combos you. It can be hard to land your Q on her if she's really good. I recommend just getting tanky and you can just stat check her if she goes in on you.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: You just have to hope for her to make a mistake post-6 and kill her. You can kill her if you hit E and she does not have shield. As the games goes on it becomes more about who can assassinate the enemy backline quickest than who can kill who. Go full Assassin in this matchup and buy Zhoya's second item.”
Trundledaddy says “Skill matchup, depends on how she
trades, if she has ignite, if you flash her ult properly, and cancel her Q3 with your pillar, skill matchup, i believe in u”
LoucasTitan says “You need to put your W early when fighting Riven, if Riven dashes to your cage, RIven will instantly lose, and make sure to pre-stack conqueror before fighting Riven.”
gazibulle says “Hard matchup, especially since Riven got indirectly hard buffed with the rework of bruisers' items. You have the same mid game power, but you outscale her late because of your true damage. Early levels you can contest her lvl 1 with Q and passive shield with the basic trading pattern Q-AA-Q, or Q-Q if you don't have the time to proc it. Be very careful NOT to extend it, especially once your shield is down, it means instant death or you burn your flash as her lvl 1 is insanely strong. It's useless taking W lvl 2 as she will just shield it, so take E. If she ever randomly throws her Qs into the wave, you can trade her as long as there aren't too much minions by her side; E onto her, if you hit it you will take a huge trade / kill her. A trick to hit your Es are either waiting on the wall so she dodges it and you can follow her dash, or doing a quick E so she can't react to it. Don't ever do long Es into her as she will have time to go out of its range. If you miss hookshot you will take a very very bad trade, and eventually die. Be careful as she can cancel your E with both her W and Q3, so if Riven's good you cannot E out or she will cancel it and run you down. You can buffer your E with both her W and Q3, Q3 of course being easier to do as it's quite telegraphed. You can cancel her Q3 with E if you're fast enough. Her ult is the best 1v1 ultimate at level 6 in the entire game, you will never at equal HP unless you are very ahead or she is very bad. It is manageable to dodge her Q3 and ult cast. It's always better to dodge her ult as it does so much damage, but good players will cast it after their Q3 so you can't ult it. In that case it's better to dodge her Q3 with your R, then sidestep or flash her ult. She's better than you in teamfights with the rework of bruisers' items as Death's Dance makes her invincible to the enemy team, but you have better tools to pick up a mispositioned enemy. Late game you do too much true damage for her to handle, she cannot kill you if you play it smart.”
Federals1 says “Bone plating is very good against her to stop her level 1 all in damage and in short trades. Much like Irelia, she can 100-0 you at 6, so you have to respect it. A full tank build is good as she can't really kill you, but you will not be able to 1v1 her as reliably. She will have way too much ability haste for you to stick damage onto her. Both q and w maxes work, but q tends to be better overall. Rivens usually look to do one sided trades where they auto+q+w and then e+q away. You cannot really do much into that, so what you want to do is q her right before she gets the stun off. If you have a rank 1 q and try to distance yourself you will not have the speed to be out of a Riven q2 into a w stun and then she can e+q3 out. If you do max q and you are around level 5 your speed will be noticably higher and she will need to commit every single q she has to get to you, at which point it is much more favorable to try and turn on her for a better trade on your side. If you max w you can win the full all in fights that you might not be able to otherwise. First rune page should be used. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into her. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Focus on building speed first, like Aether Wisp or tier 2 boots, or get very bulky and try to stonewall the lane.”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost/Ignite + Flash]
Just stay super far away from her so she can't Q combo you and you should be fine. If she ever uses her Q and uses her E to block your Q, you can pull her in - just make sure you use your W when she Q combos you. It can be hard to land your Q on her if she's really good. I recommend just getting tanky and you can just stat check her if she goes in on you.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Skill matchup, she can easily run away from u and negate ur Q heal. You can pull her out of her 3rd q to cancel her knockup. Her Lvl 6 all-in hurts alot, try to flash her ulti wave.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
You lose lvl 1, then win lvl 2, then lose until you get whip + steelcaps. After lvl 3 she will start moving a lot, if you're in same conditions it depends on who plays better. In lvl 6 she probably wins you since she can kill you easily unless you parry one of her stuns.”
YORICKIMPROVECONSUME says “tabis rush. steraks really op. dont fight level 6. you win on mythic. try to freeze. very safe. dont push without huge lead post 6. ”
Anothaoneforym6 says “E rush is your best bet against her. you can force her to back or poke enough to run her down. Late game she can stun lock, kite, peel and do big damage with black cleaver and armor pen. If you get caught pre 6 she will most likely kill you with ignite.”
MHLoppy says “Ability-for-ability, she's like burstier version of you in a 1v1. Across all of your abilities (except maybe E), you have the one that's more powerful over a longer duration, while she has the only that's better for burst trades. Just make sure she doesn't get super short W+E centric trades off for free - Trade back onto her afterward with your better longer-term damage.
Because she has a no-cost spammable shield, Q poke will be mostly ineffective against her.”
IoannAzerot says “It's the same as with Cammila. Riven already after level 1 can start you all-in and stand under t2 and farm creeps. Enjoy the spectacle and wait for the whole team to come to you.”
Agatrium says “Same kind of thing as Irelia where unless they're a one trick you don't have much to fear here. Start your trade on her with E and then Q. W her stun and you'll be able to kill her pretty easily. ”
King Turtle says “Riven as a champion is frustrating to play against as she's highly mobile, has a shield+dash combo in one ability, has a stun that you can't avoid with your W, and Riven players tend to be some of the sweatiest, most tryhard people in top lane. Don't be surprised if they pull their jungler and support to camp you and get at least one herald gifted to them. ”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral pero con mucho cuidado, ella hace mucho daño continuo.
Prioriza la tenacidad en las runas.
Prioriza comprar vida y luego armadura, ya que es muy común que compre cuchilla oscura.
Mucho cuidado con el uso de tu E, si te la cancela o te desposicionas estarás muerto.
Te sugiero jugar al sustento y hacia atrás, para contraatacarla.
El combo E+Destello rápido ayuda a sorprenderla para que no use su escudo.
Helzky says “Riven isn't too difficult. Don't walk up level 1, she may kill you. Level 2-3 you can kill her or at least get major poke on her. Take Ignite or buy executioners here.”
OliveeGarden says “Take ignite and shield bash. Take W lvl 1 same deal as darius, look for the lvl 2 all in. you cant really force trades on her as all her cd's are alot shorter than yours. look to land e to trade early. post 6 you need e + w to win ”
GG Cannon says “Similar to Aatrox but very slightly easier to deal against.
The only truly hard part is her shield and amount of dashes, that make her be able to reach you even when you escape with rappel.”
magician4444 says “Do not contest the wave level 1. Her 3 Q's can catch up to you really quick. Highly skilled match up in Riven's favor. If its a good Riven you probably won't win.”
TheSixtyFreezer says “Unbalanced disgusting champ, she will hard CC you while she deals a lot of DMG to you, and then disengages with a shield. Play really safe and outscale her, then beat her and laugh in her face. Would reccomend to just ban her if you don't want to deal with this bs champ.”
havy says “Oh my goodness Riven must have some of, if not the most awesome boobies ever! I wish I could hold them in my hands and give them a tight lil squeeze 😩. It would make the happiest boy alive to know that Riven loved me back the way I love her. She seriously is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I dream about her every night.”
ChowJunior says “Skill matchup. Watching your health and positioning is so vital. If you can understand when she can 100-0 you and play around that, then you can beat her. Riven is such a difficult matchup sometimes because of her skill-cap. Occasionally I get completely dumpstered by a Riven that I cannot keep balanced. ”
Mushroomuwu says “Largely depends on how good she is, matchup is fairly even but Riven outscales Irelia 1v1 after she gets enough CDR. I recommend being passive early and starting E, if she jumps on you stun her in your minion wave and back off. Once it crashes to your tower it will start pushing back and you will have passive. This is the best time to fight her (just like any other melee lane). Try to predict where they will dash with their E, almost 80%+ they will try to dash in the opposite direction to avoid your E but make sure to drag it out enough to cover yourself if she dashes into you as well. If you clip her with your E and you have your stacks you 100% win, try to use your W on her CC (either predict her W or react to her 3rd q). After 6 the lane gets a bit bloodier, you can use minions to avoid her abilities and kite out her shield, never ever Q her shield if you can help it, its 1.5 seconds to wait out, dont let her get value out of it. To open up post 6 try to have your passive stacked or will have it stacked when you go in and ult her. If she avoids your E you can still beat her. You can continue to fight her the same way however I would avoid fighting her after 2 items if you are not ahead of her.”
Your Desired Username says “Difficult match-up. If the riven is good you're fucked :). Tank up against her as quickly as possible. Riven sucks vs armor and hp, so just rush tabis and hp. Keep trades short early and wait for 6. You can all-in her early game if she wastes her E or if you poked her down a good chunk. If you hit most of your stuff you can beat her in Brazil (granted you rushed steelcaps and took ignite). You can guarantee a q-hit with flash. ”
boboderaffe says “A terrible lane for most Swains. However, I recommend going for “BIG SWAIN” and trying to outlive her in fights. Try to avoid 1v1 confrontations and definitely get seeker’s+steelcaps ASAP. Later on, in teamfights, you will outshine her even from behind. That does not mean you should willingly fall behind, though. ”
Rayli36 says “if you dodge Q3 you're automatically win lvl1 fight stack health before lvl6 if you bait her E you can trade her but disengage whenever she uses R
Atomragnar says “Depends on how good the Riven is. Boneplating + steelcaps rush.
Try to fight her with W level 1. After level 6 her damage potential spikes hard.
Try to interrup her 3rd Q with your E. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Insane mobility and damage. Use your E to block as much of her combos as possible. Q to poke but she will just Q sideways anyways. At Lvl 6, use R to disengage or punish and use your E against her R2. Go HoB to punish her and create distance or block her exit. Take Grasp to trade. Go BoRK, Goredrinker, Frostfire or Sunfire.”
LunaticDancer says “Sweaty lane that can swing hard either way. Gambler viable, D Shield. Save your W for after her E dash. Don't get surprised by her ult combo, she can 100-0 you with it if she gets the chance.”
COJA says “Try to keep a good distance from Riven. Her Q is a gapcloser if far away and damage if close. You want to force her to use it to gapclose. Her E and W can give her free disengage. Try to predict where she will E (if she is in range). Riven can be punished very hard if she randomly dashes into you. Keep in mind that range is your strength. ”
AnEx1stingBeing says “Surprisingly, Riven isn't too bad of a matchup for Morde, along as you rush seekers armguard. It mostly comes down to whether the Riven player is good or bad. A good Rivenwill dominate you with no chance of survival, but if the Riven is bad or even mediocre. you have a pretty good chance of winning. Always take ignite into Riven, as it will give you a slight edge while fighting.”
Eduardocwalle says “STUNTS, STUNTS EVERYWHERE, she is one of the most annoying melee champs, she can jump, move, get a shield, etc. Play with ur brain and wait until she wastes the shield, she will usally use her dash to dodge ur W so thats the moment to engage her, when she gets ultimate be careful and try to dodge it with yours.”
Night Guy says “Riven has basically 4 dashes so she can easily get to you or negate most of your damage on her with her E, id she gets you and stuns you you're pretty much dead after a few trades so try not to play aggressively vs her poke her and stay away from her with your E if she gets close to you. After 6 Riven gets confident because of her ulti and if she is an OTP or knows how the champion works your pretty much dead so play it safe and try to kite her.”
Polartech says “Another bad Match-Up for Kayle. You can't really engage Riven before level 6. Like Aatrox, Riven is one of the strongest Champion of the game at level 1 thanks to her (Q) Combo ability, so pay attention to not take too much Damages at level 1, or your farm will be compromised. Try to poke her after level 6, but I however suggest to not push too much the lane. Use your Radiant Blast (Q) when she is Close and Punish her if she waste all her 3 stacks of (Q) to kill Minions. Hard, but not impossible.”
MCSwavest says “However far back you are, you need to be further. You are never safe against this champion. The most you can do is weave autos in between her Qs and dodge the knockup. If you can avoid it, make sure you're not in range of her W. It's very hard to kill this champion with R, so maybe save it for someone else.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Riven can be annoying with her ridiculous amounts of CC and her damage/range buff with her ult. Smack her with Q from range but do your best to maximize your damage by making her the only enemy hit by your Q”
N64Master says “Riven is always a bit of a nightmare. More CC than you, dashes a TON, and can shield herself. The bonus damage she gets after ability usage doesn't help your case either.”
Captain Bane says “Don't trade with her when her passive gets up, she can ramp up damage pretty fast. She wins extended fight 100%
damage her with your E cone and
have enough distance so she has to use all of her Q's to get to you, when she Q's on you, Q her back and walk away.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “so essentially what you wanna do in this matchup is not be afraid of all in's as you have the upper edge,however basically if you're starting to have trouble don't hesitate for early cheese with as it will greatly help negate her dmg in trades whilst also giving your some of that juicy gonzales mobility,during trades most riven's will try to go in for q w combo and then immediately E out, so what u wanna do is after she tries to E is to quickly start moving towards her as she's about to E to pull her with your E and then try to kill her,as riven is a cooldown champ meaning in the early stages her trades are exclusively based on her abilities while the NBA superstar has his passive backing him up,so yeah generally look to do that stuff as it will surely grant you a potential kill,post 6 all-ins are still in your favor for as long as you're not behind in terms of level and items.
Dshield or Dblade.”
5Head Builds says “Depends on the player but you should be able to win against her. If you can bait out her W and E combo you can win the trade/all-in.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Riven autowins all ins post 6. When she ults, lock her down with a root and wait it out. you can win short trades pre 6 and after 6 you can look to all in when she has no r. She will usually always have lethal threat on you if you jump on her with all cds up.”
MrZoltannn says “She is very mobile, so you need to be aware all time for an all-in. at lvl 3 try to poke her and when she goes at you, Q and jump away. lvl 6 is dependent, if you take her out before she can ult, you are okay, if you think you will not be able to, go conqueror against her.”
ToothlessKnight says “Urgot counters Riven straight up. She has to work very very hard to match his lane pressure. You win poke trades and all ins if you land your E. Look to land your E and get a w trade then back off. Your cooldowns are longer than hers and she actually can kill you fairly easy with her second rotation of abilities. If you happen to fall behind rush Ninja Tabis and rush phage/black cleaver. Focus on landing your E and Ult by playing around her dashes. This is a very fun matchup to play from my personal experience.”
xPetu says “TIps: Insta W when she goes for a longer trade. Your W blocks her Passive-AAs. Don't E into her Q3, it will get interrupted. Flash her R2 if possible.”
Stinkee says “Most Riven matchups are very easy but some good Riven players may outplay you. Riven only does one type of damage so she's very easy to itemize against. Get a Frozen Heart and Ninja Tabi and she won't be able to do much against you. If you are having a hard time against a good Riven you can max W first. Don't use your Q unless you are hidden or she has used all of her dashes. Keep track of when she uses her dashes and look to fight her while they are on cooldown.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Start (Q) which will help you avoid her level 1 and 2 all in cheese. You have to play in a certain manner to completely negate the all in damage she does. You have to make sure you have your (Q) available for when she dives into you with the knockup followed by the stun. Blind her the very second you get knocked up with a level 2 blind to counter her empowered damage and mitigate as much damage as possible. She will either then try to run you down, or dash and back away. You can out-trade her doing this every time. Grasp of the Undying is the best rune for this match-up period, followed by Electro / Resolve. Grasp falls off late game in comparison.
Anoying bro5 says “This is a skill matchup so you have to adjust to your opponents play style. You can trade lvl 1 with your Q poke, but make sure to hit a vital to escape her return damage with your movement speed. You want to parry her 3rd Q or her W stun. If you dont have parry, you lose the trade. Her ult is very strong combined with her full combo, so be cautious of her damage.”
lol Wero says “Riven is one of those champs where she can all in you but its actually a close match up compare to Irelia or Wukong. Watch for her Abilities”
BoilTheOil says “Rush plated steelcaps so you can match her mobility and reduce her passive auto damage. Don't try to run at her and fight, wait for her to step up to CS then take a trade against her with E stun. Don't waste W in lane because she will probably kill you. Peel her off your team if she's ahead when you teamfight.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Deceptively tough lane just because of how broken Riven is. She never runs out of dashes and can pull of some truly bs maneuvers meaning you need to play twice as smart to beat her. Flay will interrupt one dash though she will have three more. Q can be used to interrupt her combo. The reason this matchup isn't a 5 is due to her being 100% physical damage which Thresh will hard counter with enough souls.”
quinn adc says “Quinn's kit counters Riven hard. First, Quinn E can Cancel Riven's Qs.
If Riven tries to engage on you, you MUST save your vault for her 3rd Q ideally because otherwise, if you vault her Q1 or Q2, she will have more Qs to chase you after, and she can still knock you up with her Q3.
If you use vault in the animation of her 3rd Q, you will cancel this ability and push you to safety and prevent her W stun.
Only Riven's 3rd Q knocks you up anyway, and that's the one that you can cancel :)
Really the only way Riven can use her W on you is if she is close to you, then she dashes and Ws you early on with her first few Qs and Es.
Just stay composed and save vault for that 3rd Q always and you will be okay. If you cancel riven's 3rd Q (and if her E is down of course), make sure to retaliate with big trades because she will no longer have ANY gap closers.
When she has R, be careful of her Flash-W because this is the only way she can land her W on you.”
Veng Shotz says “completely skill dependent but tilts on riven's side. you can cancel any part of her q rotation with your knock ups. Just dont let her do her fast attack animation cancel bug that has yet to be patched out and you generally win trades. Dont walk up into melee range into her, play a bit behind your melee minions and punish her when she walks up to cs. Cs for free while her e+q are on cd after escaping your combo.
that being said, she will always all in you at any point if you try to step to up to cs, and since her abilities come up sooner your best bet is to go trans + cdr shard and rush cdr, if you have more cdr you have the upper hand and can punish her relentlessly.
watch out for her items and make sure to not stay in lane under 60% health post6 if shes running ign or has executioners. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Riven has become a hilariously one sided matchup. You have to got to play it beyond perfect to survive her damage. Rush Berserkers and Shieldbow and pray she fucks up her "incredibly hard" combo so you can punish her.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge her Broken Wings(Q) as it has 3 dashes or save Mega Adhesive for it. It is possible to Fling the third dash on Broken Wings. Juke out her Ki Burst(W) to prevent stun. Try to avoid her if she uses Valor(E) as she gets a shield and the shield only lasts for 2 seconds. Dodge her Blade of the Exile/Wind Slash(R). (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Plated Steelcaps) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Riven) (Mega Adhesive prevent casting on Broken Wings or her Dashes) (Mega Adhesive prevent casting on her Valor(E) which is her other dash) (Fling overrides one of her Broken Wings)”
Amphawn says “She beats you insanely hard in lane. Play super safe. There's really not much to say about this matchup. When you see her use her first Q, just respect it. She has a dash, a sheild, and 2 stuns as well as tons of sustained damage against you. If she ults, she shreds you even faster so just try to escape under tower, though she might get greedy with her ult range, sheild, and Q mobility so be ready to ult if she tower dives.”
PH45 says “Abuse her cooldowns. She can burst you quite quickly with her combos and run away before you get a chance to trade. Very slippery so hard to kill once she gets some levels. If she misses her stun then try to fight her as she can't create distance as easily then. At 6 she gets a big spike in her damage so be mindful. ”
At_Tar_Ras says “depends on the player. if riven is good and has ignite it almost has zero counterplay. if riven's bad then it's a free matchup. truly depends on the matchup. use W when you think she'll stun you or when she starts fast-q'ing on you in order to mitigate some damage, slap her with that W and hopefully some minions too for extra burst of DMG and start stacking up Q for an all-in, OR back out and re-engage later.”
iZeal says “Riven outscales you heavily, but during the laning phase you can put up a good fight. She has 4 abilities to get out of your W, but your Q1 and Q2 outrange her by a large amount so that she has to shield a lot of this damage to avoid getting poked down.
You will need 2 rotations to kill her while she can 80-0 you in a 1,5 second stun combo so always stay topped up and do not underestimate her burst.”
PH45 says “She has tons of dashes so it might be hard to hit your W on to her. Good thing to remember is that your W makes you unstoppable so you can basically use them when she either tries to knock you up with her 3rd Q or stun you with her W. ”
SunFalk says “She has a dash. She has a shield. She has CC. She his tanky. - Riven is very annoying to lane with, don't feed her because she will snowball. Play safe and try to dodge her knock-up, don't be greedy because she will turn on you and kill you.”
MrDomian says “Get in early with all your skills and control the waves.
You can easily avoid her R thanks to Flash.
If she tries to stop you, you can use W.”
slogdog says “High mobility. High damage. But at the same time, she is limited by the own player's skill. If she ever Q3's, all in her. If she E's all in her. If she ults, run. ”
Phrxshn says “Dodge her Broken Wings(Q) as it has 3 dashes. Juke out her Ki Burst(W) to prevent stun. Try to avoid her if she uses Valor(E) as she gets a shield and the shield only lasts for 2 seconds. Dodge her Blade of the Exile/Wind Slash(R). (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Riven) ”
Raen says “If it's good Riven it's hard to do something in lane cuz she will always wait for her spells and won't let you take her. Every trade she is just using W and insta E to retreat slowly taking down your hp. You can't hesitate vs Riven, you need to find gap between her W and E CD when she will come close to last hit minion. If you notice opportunity like this you need to all in her, that's how you are winning vs Riven. Try to E her Q. Anitheal needed after she gets healing item. ”
Xerath gaming says “With her annoying jump in and not get punished it's super annoying, but if you catch her, you can kill her unless you fed her early. She easily dodges all your abilities which makes it a skill matchup”
SaltCat says “Level 1 play passive, like really passive, level 2 you can get W if you want to, level 3 and beyond she will look to short trade, use your W to block her damage and the use your E when she has no dashes”
Phrxshn says “Dodge her Broken Wings(Q) as it has 3 dashes. Juke out her Ki Burst(W) to prevent stun. Try to avoid her if she uses Valor(E) as she gets a shield and the shield only lasts for 2 seconds. Dodge her Blade of the Exile/Wind Slash(R). (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Riven) ”
laoshin3v3 says “Grasp or Conqueror
Parry her 3rd Q or Ult shot. If you dash into a Vital you can aswell use parry since she will most likely immediatly stun into it. A lot of Riven players will try to fight lvl1 but Fiora wins it hard.”
LoLReal says “This is realistically a skill match up. We have to hit Q to win. Whoever snowballs wins this one. Get early tabis and trades become more one-sided.”
Justkb says “She is still ok, her changes make her lane sustain more annoying but she needed it, to be honest, just don't go for crazy trades and waste mana early. Look to build early Plated Steel Caps. Building HP vs Riven is very effective as this slows down her powerspike especially at level 6.”
P1Legend says “This matchup is ONLY hard if you do not buy seekers. All riven players play the same, so you can bait them easily. Buy seekers, jump to a nearby minion, and watch as they immediately Ult and try to all in you. Because you saved your combo, you will W - W heal the burst she just did to you and walk away. Then when her ult is down, you fight her. If you do not get seekers, it is likely that her burst will 1 shot you before you can heal, so I can not stress getting it enough. If you do these things, this matchup is no sweat.”
MythicMike says “Very mobile that can make it hard to land Q, but if her Q and E are down, make sure to punish her hard for it. You can outrade her early as long as you don't get hit by every single ability of hers.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “An expert Riven player will be a pain in the ass. Luckily a lot of people lack the proper mechanics to win this matchup outright 100% of the time. You can go Doran's Shield, stack up, and win small trades. Bait out Riven's first Q. Then back up. The Riven will either use the remaining 2 Qs on the wave, or try to chase you and miss out on CS. Let the wave come to you and get stronger.”
qveenevelynn says “A casual Riven player is not really hard to fight. But a pro one will make the difference. Be carefull to her Q and her stun. She can also use her ult to finish u , dont forget and dont be greedy ”
Phrxshn says “Dodge her Broken Wings(Q) as it has 3 dashes or save Seismic Shard for it. Juke out her Ki Burst(W) to prevent stun. Try to avoid her if she uses Valor(E) as she gets a shield and the shield only lasts for 2 seconds. Dodge her Blade of the Exile/Wind Slash(R). (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
Autolykus says “She is easy in low elo. High elo (top 10 rivens) know how to animation cancel. They will just stun combo and dash out. Play for teamfights. Or can go ignite/hob and cheese”
Sporkintahn says “This is a Skill matchup in your favor. --- She has tons of mobility and can dodge your Q and E easily so play heavily around her cooldowns. --- Watch for her third Q which is very telegraphed as to how she will use it. It has a knock up. --- She also has a short dash and a stun. She can't take extended trades or fights against you early. --- A common way for her to trade is usually Q/Auto > Stun > Auto > Q/Dash away to deal a lot of damage quickly when trading. --- DO NOT let her trade for free. --- Her Ult is extremely strong so be careful. Do not stay in lane if you are low hp, period. Her burst damage with or without ult is very high and a good Riven can combo you very quickly. --- Later on in the game she outscales you in damage heavily but you can get ahead early to mid.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge her Broken Wings(Q) as it has 3 dashes or save Primal Howl for it. Juke out her Ki Burst(W) to prevent stun. Try to avoid her if she uses Valor(E) as she gets a shield and the shield only lasts for 2 seconds. Dodge her Blade of the Exile/Wind Slash(R). (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
PanthrickTV says “Skill Matchup!
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Play smart and exploit her mistakes.
(3) Let her play agressive and waste her Q's to engage then you can go all in.
(4) Always block her ult.”
Kacto15 says “Déjala que te inicie con todos sus dashes manteniendo tu distancia, una vez los gaste todos, ralentízala con tu E y le cargas la Q, intenta ir full TANQUE”
MythicMike says “Hard to hit your Q since she has a lot of dashes. save your E to dodge her third Q. Early game she doesn't have as short cooldowns so look to punish when she uses one of her abilities.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge her Broken Wings(Q) as it has 3 dashes. Juke out her Ki Burst(W) to prevent stun. Try to avoid her if she uses Valor(E) as she gets a shield and the shield only lasts for 2 seconds. Dodge her Blade of the Exile/Wind Slash(R). (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps) (Outscaling Edge: Riven) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
montybucket says “If she's a good riven then she's gonna take advantage of your poor mobility and go for free trades with her stun.
If she's bad then its free. I feel like there are too many variables for this lane to actually give proper advice, its more of an experience match up. ”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] + [Boneplating] skill matchup Dont try to parry anything but her third Q, as its the only one you can react to. with Boneplating you can win fights if she wastes her abilities to farm, but only take short trades. You can try mindgames, by Qing into her third Q and stunning her, or just use Q + W to get in her W range and parry it, or just engage with a Q without W and cast it half a second later. You can literally play this matchup as a 1 vs 1 for 10 hours straight with a friend because its so much fun.”
LegitLechner says “Honestly depends on the skill of the riven. Have had games i didnt miss an e. Have had games i didnt land an e. Skill matchup in every way.”
OTP Toxin says “Repeat with me: All Riven players are flustered. That's right, punish and bait her to try to all-in you, keep using your W do dodge and go back to hit her. Use the GotU rune set, will make you survive her all-ins and you will be able to kill her. :D”
SilverAvalanche says “Like Mordekaiser she will push the wave with her Qs.
If she gets a kill on you your lane'ing phase is pretty much over, go flash or Ghost instead of Ignite and farm it out, and get the orbs by Q'ing into her when she goes for CS and of course poke with W.”
InYourWayToHELL says “You can kill her before 6.
Go for short trades.
If you are dismounted flash her 4th q.
Post 6 flash her ulti.
You should be weaker lvl 1 be ready to start pushing the wave before them.”
The Riven matchup is, obviously, HEAVILY dependent on how good the Riven is. But in general, your biggest priorities should be not underestimating her damage and not wasting your abilities because a good Riven will be able to take advantage. She is much harder to deal with when she has ignite so just try to be careful. You are stronger than her level 1 if you level your W so try to make use of this and heavily outtrade her. Try to trade against her when she wastes her abilities. If possible, use your E in order to cancel her third Q as this can leave her in a very vulnurable position. If you do not have your E, you can buffer your W to slow her down just as she knocks you up. This might not matter much in the end though, as she has a ton of mobility. Level 6 is tricky as you have to respect her ultimate. If she catches you off, she can kill you from full health quite easily. It is going to be quite tricky to land your Qs on her but doing so is the key to beating her. This is an extremely snowbally lane so try not to die. And if you do, try not to die any more to her as that would potentially render the game unwinnable. Steelcaps are an amazing purchase against her. Thanks to Conqueror giving more healing AND some Rivens opting for Ravenous/omnivamp items, Bramble Vest is another good pick up against her, especially if the rest of her team requires you to get Merc boots to survive in teamfights. Conqueror is good into her. ”
Drake6401 says “Skill matchup in your favor. Do not get near her at level 1. She beats you this early. Only engage at level 2 when you have a dash or stun. Baiting her Q will win you a trade, or you can get your damage off before she can use the full combo. She doesn't typically cling to her shield but if you can't wait it out, stun her and dash off. I've found Riven to be fairly divable if you make sure to either one shot her or bait her stun.”
Chease says “You win lvls 1-5, you can W/E her last Q so she either won't deal dmg/won't deal dmg + cc you, use E+W combo to get that sweet true dmg on her.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp w/ Bone Plating, Doran's Shield, W > E] - Bone Plating is really good, Start E level 1 so she can't auto you down
- Before your first back, be very careful! Take very short trades with her!! After first back, you just run over her
- She always wants to use her last Q to try to get some free poke damage on you. This can be anticipated and you get to E her when she does it. You win that trade everytime
- I don't recommand engaging the fight, before you get your Bami. She has too many dashes to outplay you and you can end up losing the trade or even die instead.
- After you get your Bami and a few cloth armors, you can actually just run at her. All in whenever she mis steps.
- However, once she gets her first item, you can't fight her anymore. She either runs away too fast or you don't have enough damage"”
The Real Fake says “This matchup is quite volatile, but it is slightly Hecarim favored. A good Riven beats a good Hecarim, but a decent/bad Hecarim beats a decent/bad Riven. You lose levels 1-2, you can beat Riven lvl 3 if you have Conqueror stacked up, and start beating her in trades completely past level 4. At level 6, she has a chance to beat you so be wary. If you have your Q stacked you can beat her if you dodge her ult with your ult. It is recommended to just disengage with your E if she ults. She can't stick onto you and you can kill her easily if her ult is down. Once she gets two completed items you cannot fight her anymore because she outscales you hard.
The reason why this matchup is even is because you beat her early-mid, and that you can choose favorable fights and disengage from unfavorable ones. Also your early to mid game roams and skirmishes are much better than hers.”
Wawza says “Her high mobility makes this matchup harder than most without her having to do much except being Riven, try too keep your W up at most times and trade from a distance since she can stick to you easily.”
maxlid3 says “Keep your distance. Really depends on the Riven player. Usually you can poke her down. She has a good engage so hold your W ready. Be aware of her massive burst especially after level 6. Buy antiheal if she goes for Ravenous Hydra first.”
Rhoku says “As skill matchup as it gets. She can kite you very well but it should be your goal to make sure she doesn't get to do it for free. Activate your Ultimate early. Land your Qs. Don't eat a full Q combo from her as this will be very bad. Tabis, Seekers Armguard are both excellent into her together. You win in ultimate and you win all ins. But I wouldn't try to all in her as she can escape very easily. Overall, just Q spam poke and save your E. Use it to get her back into the fight and stop her from escaping. Make sure to not use your E before she uses her own E. If she goes INTO you, then she is FREE. If all else fails, just wait until level 6. You don't straight up outscale her like other matchups so don't count on you winning lategame for this one.”
YasTilt says “Skill-Based Matchup, It's better if you Freeze your Lane and wait for a Gank. Her Passive is Broken, So take short Trades before LVL 3. Take Anti-Heal Early-Game so she can't heal off of her Items. Most importantly, Block her R with your W.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade)Early Steelcaps+healing reduction. When she tries to Q3 you just E her into your minions. You are pretty much even during the entire laning phase, but you are stronger than Riven in mid game.”
PK Noob says “You'll never beat Riven in a 1v1. Riven can shield one of your abilities, she has two moves that can CC you, and her ultimate can execute you. Play around your team against her and wait for her to use her abilities before engaging.”
jmp_01_ says “Go Conqueror. Rush Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest if the enemy team is mostly AD. Don't engage her during laning phase, wait for her to take CS and then make a trade. Don't waste your W because she will probably kill you with her very low cooldowns and high damage out-put. Peel her off your team if she's ahead when you are about to teamfight.”
wDesired says “Skill Matchup
You win lvl 3 so try to get to lvl 3 without getting poked too hard by Riven
Try to get ahead as she is more capable in a teamfight than you , very important to watch out for ganks”
GarenteedDamage says “Riven along with all other dash champs can be quite annoying for Yorick. I suggest trying to bait their dashes before you try to trap them in your (W). ”
Psychopathic Top says “
Like renekton, requires a lot of skills and is very player dependent. A good Riven player on riven is one of the scariest lanes, and the difficulty will definitely go higher. However, in general, you won’t see a good Riven player until at least masters +. Most riven players struggle with animation cancels (lower elos) and shoves the wave with their aoe three part Qs. The worst lanes are those Rivens that not only freezes the wave but also harass for every cs that you try to get. In lane, focus on not inting and going in for a trade (so she pushes the wave) everytime your boneplating is up. Try to keep the wave at a reasonable size so she cannot dive you (can E to make it smaller). Post level 6 and sheen stall a bit and stack up to around 100 stacks before trying to do anything. If you die once to Riven the lane is over so make sure you don’t make that mistake. You outscale, but her teamfight power is around the same as Nasus, so this matchup it is actually recommended to split push and pull her away from your team. If you are going to be focusing on a teamfight, make sure to flank just like her, so you don’t take the majority of the enemy team’s burst, as my build is less tanky early- mid game than the traditional Nasus.
Olaugh says “When she hasn't her q's, go for trade.
While laning go for short trades and try to not damage her while her shield is on. Try to get level advantage so you hit level 6 first.On 6 just all in her. When he tries to trade on +6 lv and he jumps on you, try to hit her with axe while she is in jump and activate your R before you are knocked up and turn trade into kill”
Gospodin Bure says “This is a pretty hectic lane but if you poke her and bait out her cooldowns smartly at some point around lvl 7 you can kill her quite easily as riven doesnt have a lot of defensive stats and dies to ignite easy.”
DippyDan says “Very fun matchup. Has 4 dashes in total, so it will be almost impossible to land your stun. A lot stronger in teamfights and hard to chase. TIPS: [1] Get Conquerer with boneplating as secondary. [2] You win level 1 if you hit vitals. [3] DO NOT WASTE PARRY (If you fail a parry he will All-in and kill you).
Hecki says “This match-up can easily be [MINOR]-Tier but if the Riven player is an OTP with 2 million points you should be very careful. If you feel confident enough you may go Conditioning. If not go Bone Plating and look for short windows to trade when she wastes her E because most Riven players use it as a disengage tool. But keep in mind she can 100 to 0 you after level 6 with ignite if you didn't manage to get a lead in the early game.”
IvernLover74856 says “One of the most fun matchups you'll get. Be careful of her stun and Q3. Don't towerdive her early, she will just kite away / stun you, plus she can shield to survive ignite”
DemonicTrail says “If you miss E, youre dead, if she is a good riven, youre dead
Extremely mobile to dodge all your skills shots, Just use W with grasp on her ”
Yumi Project says “Try to poke her with your E>Q combo then immediately disengage.
Your burst damage and her burst are pretty the same amount so don't miss any of your spell. Her second R cast can be dodge with your W.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Dodge?] [Standard runes; Dblade] Skill matchup that heavily favors Riven. Her ult CD is half yours, meaning she can all-in you and you're defenseless. Always keep your distance at all costs because her burst kills you very fast.”
IAmStryker says “Starting Items:
-cloth armor + 4 pots
-Dorans shield
You can fight Riven level 1 if you have Bone Plattign adn Riven missed one of her Q's. You can go Ignite if you feel comfortable fightign her lvl 1.(not recommended tho)
Playable in low - mid elo, but will be impossible to survive in high elo. A good Riven will destory your ass easily. You will need your jungler to path up to you in his first clear, because most jungler beyond Diamond see Kayle as a free snack, unless your junger is smart enough to peal the kayle at that point. ”
SunOak says “This matchup is harder in high elo but because I only face platinum/gold rivens its borderline easy. Respect her early game and go for grasp procks if she goes in. You can fight her level 6 if she wastes abilities to clear waves. Start dorans shield”
CFCryo says “Very much a skill matchup. Riven's third Q can be repelled by a well-timed Flay. If mistimed, it will still hit you and you'll be knocked back.
Clever use of Riven's stun can guarantee you get hit by the third Q, however, so make sure you carefully use distance. Sometimes Flaying away won't be the answer. Stuns do NOT stop your Q animation, so if you predict a stun, use your own one to minimise her advantage. There's a lot to learn here, so best to learn by just playing.”
Alan234 says “Go the standard PTA build. Buy a ruby crystal early. I don't recommend boneplating in master+ because riven can easily prock it.
Lvl 2+6 she wants to all in, so if you poke her beforehand or are prepared to flash her ult you will be fine. In general you win all ins against her but its important to have good movement to not take free damage from her q combos.”
TXK_ says “F*ck Riven players. Kidding... Look for a 'poke and peel' combination with trades using Q and E. Without CDR, RIven's mobility has big gaps so look to fight after her third Q or E.”
Mr. Popper says “Really Depends on the skill of the riven player but she has multiple ways to close the gap between you and her and still be able to dish out a lot of damage.
I recommend going a hard kite build with stride breaker and fleet to force riven to use her abilities for gap close rather then damage”
Kartagoo says “So Riven is a weird story cuz her damage is early and late really unpredictable. Poke with Q and try to not get hit by her q knockup to break your passive. The windows you can all in her win shes low and not 6 is when she used her Shield Dash. Here I recommend rushing Frostfire Gauntlet to pin her down more easy in case you get her low enough”
aurus666lol says “A lot of Dashes, go Phase Rush if you want to be still useful on lane. All what you need is playing safe after 6, because she can oneshots you. Remember about her big cooldowns in early game.”
JaxIsAHobo says “Laning vs Riven goes up in difficulty the higher rank you are playing at. Good Riven's will consistently chunk you with their Q W, and then use their E to disengage, allowing them to freely harrass you. Riven also can 100-0 you at level 6 if played correctly. Eventually, you do outscale her at 2-3 items, but she's extremely obnoxious in lane to deal with, and you can lose lane with even 1 mistake. Difficult lane, but with ult changes to jax, she's become a lot more tame. ”
RhinoStar says “Is not a hard matchup if you are not getting camped by enemy jungler. Poke her out till death and you will not have any problems. Try to avoid one of her stuns and after lvl 6 it is very free.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED. VOUS POUVEZ START W ET LA FIGHT LEVEL 1.MEFIEZ VOUS DE SON BURST SURTOUT LEVEL 6. ESSAYEZ DE CANCEL SON 3EME Q AVEC VOTRE E(CELUI OU ELLE SAUTE DANS LES AIRS) PRENEZ CONQUEROR ET LES TABIS AIDERONT BEAUCOUP SI VOUS DEVEZ Q RIVEN ESSAYER DE CANCEL SON 3EME Q AVEC VOTRE E ET INSTANTENEMENT Q CAR SINON LA PLUPART DU TEMP ELLE VA JUSTE DASH ET ESQUIVER VOTRE Q SACHANT QUE RIVEN RUSH DE LA CDR ET A SON E TOUTE LES 3 SEC QUAND IL EST MAX. Le matchup dépendra ENORMEMENT du level de la riven. Mais votre priorité sera de faire attention a ses dégâts et de ne pas utiliser vos sort sans raisons si vous essayer de Q un sbire ou autre elle essaiera de vous punir instantanément. Le level 6 est dangereux il faudra respecter son ultime car elle peut très bien vous 100 a 0 hp. Essayez de hit vos Q comme dit plus haut, cette lane snowball énormément des deux cotés. Riven avec le conqueror et généralement l'arbre domination va pas mal se heal dans ce cas tabis et armure roncière seront très utile.”
Vandenelis says “Watch out for her level 1 trades, since she can kill you in one chace to the tower. you win trades if you can hit her with your e without soaking too much damage in lower elo when a riven starts spamming jumps on you press q to cancel her knock-up, after that, you can damage her with your e, and silencing her with w so she cant stun you, generally try not to die till level 6, after that, you can kill her if you have a lead on her post level 6 you can generally just run her down for a kill”
Bombabo says “You should easily be able to beat Riven in a fight. The only true advantage she holds over you is her mobility, so it is very important that you land your E in fights.”
XtheZ115 says “The perfect matchup. Riven players tend to be very easy to tilt, and that is something a good Singed player can abuse. Spam your laugh, make her mad, and she will chase.
Be sure to be nice in the all chat when she kills you. Be even nicer when you kill her.
All jokes aside, Riven has to be very aggressive to be effective, and being aggressive with a Singed is exactly what he wants. Unless they are a very skilled Riven, you should have a pretty easy time.”
SettVEVO says “This is very dependant on Riven's skill, she is a bitch to catch cause of the amount of dashes she has, and she can trade by stunning you and dashing away. Very annoying, not much to talk about, just try to E her back into your W. You can W the 2nd part of her ult as well which might catch her off guard. Just stay healthy in lane and she isn't as scary. She will try to get you when you're CSing so try to use it as bait, try to punch her when she's CSing, she either takes the hit or dashes away and misses the minion. You win level 1 if you cancel her Q3 with your E, difficult but possible, it is also safe to go W first against her and try to hit it when she uses her Q3. Mid to Late you can ult her if she is a threat to your team.”
Byku2506 says “Begining against Riven is simple and easy, just slow push her and try to catch her, but when she hit 6 try to risk by using E and start to beat her as fast as possible before she active R. If you lose first fight just wait for jungler to gank her.”
SleepyFawn says “Very difficult match up. She can be difficult to hit thanks to her high mobility and she can easily get on top of you.
Her 3rd Q can knock you up which will cancel your W so be sure not to cast it if she's able to use Q3.
Once you have plated steel caps and frozen heart you should be able to fight her as long as you didn't feed her early.”
RTO says “Bad players I would have as a 2 because without proper combos will get wrecked. D2 and higher elo Riven players will combo correctly and be a tough matchup.”
Fryx says “A classic Skill matchup. I changed the Runes to Grasp for this matchup and Max W to bonk her face. Usually you straight outscale her buy warden's Mail early and beat her with Grasp. Bait out her e with your q so your W hits harder.”
wff010 says “Below masters, riven isn't too much of a problem bc she just all ins and you win those. The issue is when they start poking you and running away immediately throughout laning phase until you die. Your riven is unlikely to do that, though. Just all in her.”
LoLReal says “Tabis, tabis, tabis. Can't emphasize how important it is in this match up. Riven trades into us fairly well, this is a skill match up that might even be slightly Riven favored. Be careful of her trades pre 6 and her all in potential once she has R. We should be able to out trade her post 6 and have a slightly better all-in. With tabis you should win when you ult. Try to bait out her E before trading.”
Vispectra says “Not as hard as you might think, she can easily combo you and escape before you can retaliate but It's also fairly easy to tell when she's about to jump onto you which is why she's not as bad as Renekton.
Also if you dodge that R execute , you can stand a fair chance at kill her in fights, late game I mean.”
qosmox says “Contest the push lvl 1. Go for 1 auto Q trades lvl 1, and then back out. Position your blade up constantly throughout the lane. Never taunt in aggressively unless it’s super clear your gonna win the trade, she’s good at chasing you down. Lvl 3+ is when you’re gonna start winning the trades while both your W and E are up. Use W early on in the trade, and if she tries to keep trading when it ends just taunt backwards (through her if you can) and wait for them to be up again. You’ll win trades this way, and if she tries to just not trade you, just force her to by making an Emp Q auto every time she walks up for a lasthit”
SanLourdes says “Avoid the knockup from her third Q. The rest of her kit is on relatively long cooldown, and her damage is easy to mitigate once you build armor. Her dashes can be tricky because she can dash out of range of your Q and your ult. Once you scale she shouldn't be able to deal too much damage to you. Her AOE stun is the only other ability you have to worry about because it can reset your Q. Thornmail is really strong in this matchup.”
CucumberSandwich says “Skill matchup mainly based on the skill of the Riven. Shouldn't be too hard in low Elo's, but if facing a one trick you could get stomped.”
Viego99 says “hard match up :/.if she is good you never win lane .after 6 she destroy you with all in.riven slightly outscale viego but your tf is better”
JustAlexK says “Even though Riven's combos are based on dashes, she is still a big threat because of how low her cooldowns are and the large amount of damage she is able to deal.”
Krono_lol says “Insane
She can just all in when she wants you cant poke before/after
You must punish hert mistakes like dashing too much or pushing too much”
Dbthegamer74 says “Do not level 1 trade into this rat.Wait for three catch riven off her cooldowns.Becareful if she has ignite. Get grevious wounds and boots. Wait until her q and e is down to E on her after that you insta w or Q the riven. Go for short trades until shes a certain hp threshold for an all in.
calbino says “If I was a younger me, I would instantly rank Riven at a 4-5 for threat scale. However, over time I learned that consistently out ranging her and interrupting her abilities is the key to fighting her. If you can learn how to do that, you'll be good.”
RareParrot says “at 6 you will always lose bait her q out early because they all try to q+stun+auto then E out her R will delete you every time you fight.”
ForgottenProject says “A Skill matchup.
[1]If you're able to parry her hard cc you win the trade. If she's able to bait out your parry she wins the trade.
[2] Tabis are a good buy.
*Important* Currently she's busted out of her god-damn mind and Riot refuses to nerf her so consider banning her if you're in High-Elo.
dissociate says “Pretty skill-dependent. She has a lot of potential to dodge your combos, and you have the same. She dashes out of your W stun, you can just kite around her dashes to get the shield and keep sustaining. Rush Steelcaps into her.
Still would recommend regular build.”
KarmaChamelion says “This is arguably the most elo dependent matchup on here. For low elo most Rivens can be stomped, you have plenty of CC to bully her and throw her off her stride and early on her CD's are high. If she rushes cleaver things can become a bit problematic.
However, high elo Rivens who know their combos will hit you like a truck before you can even react so be careful. Mid to late game when she has high CDR and Cleaver it's best to avoid 1v1's against her. ”
SavagePridestalker says “This always depends on the Riven's skill. In lower elos it's super easy, in higher elos it can be hard. Once you get a few armor items, she won't be able to kill you easily, but don't try to 1v1 her mid-late game.”
Marwaii says “Play safe and outscale. She can one shot you when you are mini Gnar. You eventually, are able to kite her and win.
Take Trinity + Plated.”
oogoogerson says “Singed is one of the few champs that can run from Riven. You can definitely stay in a fight with Riven, especially as Vampire Singed. Dodge her R, wait out her shield and you should be fine.”
SethPRG says “Riven used to be an even-skill matchup, but now it's very hard to win other than early all-in trades if you play it perfectly, but even then they can still get away easily. Riven has the highest AD ratios in the game and it's not even close, she can go Goredrinker and still out damage a fed ADC. This champ is disgustingly broken, and you will never win if they play smart and just don't all in you pre-level 6. You'll want to learn W at level 1, you will always win the trade that way (just be wary of your long W CD), but make sure they can't Q away out of your W's damage zone. Up to level 6, you win the all-in as long as you can hit them with a few abilities, but even then they will almost always be able to dash away, it's too hard to kill confirm on a good Riven. Consider going Striderbreaker to slow them, but this won't really be enough burst to kill them, so I'd recommend going Trinity, make sure you get a Sheen as fast as possible so you can try to zone them. Goredrinker in this situation just makes you absolutely useless in a 1v1, and you really don't want to have your ADC go match a mobile Riven in a side lane when they split... It won't be pretty. It will be your job to match the Riven wherever they go, and vice versa, you will also want to match their insane damage with insane damage, so go Trinity Force, and pray that the damage carries you through the 1v1. You won’t catch them with Stridebreaker anyways because they have 100 dashes, so it’s not worth going for it in combination with Blade of the Ruined King, you’ll be way too squishy. You should do your best to predict where Riven will be and be there before them. It's very hard to match their mobility, so having good macro knowledge is key. It's best to build Trinity Force and hope the sheer damage will carry you through the 1v1. Past level 6 their all-in potential is disgusting and you can't realistically win sometimes unless you flash their R or wait to outscale them at level 9. Start Doran’s Shield, Rush Bramble first item, then go into a Sheen. Next, build a Hearthbound Axe, then Plated Steelcaps. Go Sterak’s 2nd item to survive their burst, and Death’s Dance 3rd item if they have 3+ AD. Go Resolve Secondary, take Bone Plating and Unflinching. ”
SpartanDumpster says “Another match up that can go either way. Her gap closers threaten you and her E can negate your passive. Play safe and remember that you're a ranged champ, hang back and use the fact that you can hit her from farther than she can hit you to your advantage.”
joelspaho121 says “Similar to renekton.d shield start with bone plating on resolve..riven has a lot of mobility on her kit which makes it extremely hard to deal with her.rushing steelcaps is a great idea as riven players try to sneak auto attacks during trades in between their abilities to deal extra damage.respect her all in and only look to fight her while her q is 6 it gets a little rough so look to build an advantage earlier on.Save E when she dashes with her E or use it to save yourself when she engages with R as it will always save you.”
El Leon Gnar says “With the changes to Stridebreaker's active this is once more a skill matchup. You should have fairly straightforward Q's on her while she's trying to dash onto you, kite around her dash ranges and save your E until she gets on top of you and you should be fine. You can outtrade her in both forms as long as you control the fight and back off after your mega burst.”
Sailor MOwOn says “So far, this has been the only match-up that has been hard for me. She can close gap on you and burst you down with her good damage, and can also shield and dash away. A good Riven will make top lane extremely hard for you.”
Kaizin says “In this matchup you need to respect Riven's cooldowns. At level 1 she can hard outtrade you with Q >> AA >> Q >> AA >> Q >> AA. Especially if she's running ignite. At level 3 you can take short trades, try to avoid using abilities on her shield and like I said play around her cooldowns. Build bramble vest early as she AA's a lot but also to counter her conqueror healing. At level 6 you can win the all in as long as she's about 70% health. ”
I am so chill says “You beat her early game.But her q comes faster than yours.She is so mobile so you want to keep a distance between you and her.A good riven can beat you after mid game.But till minute 30 you can outdeul her.Punish her if she uses her q s on wave.”
ApollonATH says “It depends on the rivens skill. If the riven is good you can get killed easily so you need to play smart and full combo her before she can dash out. A bad riven is free money , just kill her when she uses her Q and E to go in”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: Maybe
If it is a good riven then try and bait out her dashes and E away from her third Q. If it is a bad riven then bully her. Do not be afraid to build an hourglass. Also, remember it is better to be down 20-30 CS than to be up 2-3 deaths.”
deathwalker7119 says “Try to parry her third Q, it is usually really telegraphed. A good riven might be able to beat you but it should still be Fiora favored. You need to watch out for a w - q - auto - ult burst. Try to flash her ult if you can, if not then just simply ult on her head when she Qs in and burst her, while parrying that Q so she cant dash around when you ult.”
Humitaxx says “Usually Riven is a scary match up since every fight with her is a close call, but as a tank, riven is an easy win, since you will endure most of her damage, even at level 1 with only your E, just try to trade smartly and then you win the moment you get your W.”
Excuruseh says “ Q resets when immobilized, E gives huge shield and W heals. When riven all ins you press Q and kill her. You can all in lvl 3 if she oversteps and at lvl 6 you have very good chances of grabbing a kill.”
Womsky says “Scaling set up, riven is a broken champion if used by people who one trick her, they take her combos to a level where you get insta killed from 60% hp to 0% by a flashy combo where you can't even move your champion, but don't worry, diamond and below does't have that many riven hardcore OTPs, so you have the upper hand mostly in this matchup cause your champion is much more stright forward to do and ur combos are easier to pull out, basics of this match up is to hold on to your fury and keep high hp, level 1 get some fury and walk towards her to AA trade, if she uses her Q to farm level 1, and u know it is on CD, spin into her even if you have 20% fury, cause riven can't win AA battle with you, she needs her abilities to beat you, this matchup heavily relays on which summoner spells both of you runs, if she runs TP, you can be more dominant, if she runs ignite, give her alot of respect, if u run ghost, look to scale and get 6 before going too hard on her or look for CDs windows, once she reaches level 3, u to wait her to waste her abblies before going in, if you spin into her, she can disengage very easily.
Her Q is her main ability, so the best time to go in is when she wastes that one, and wave control is VERY important in this matchup cause if she ever freezes the wave on her side, u wont be able to farm plus ahe harras you for free, post 6, care for her burst, stay high hp and wait ur chance for all ins, ulti on 20% hp if she has ulti, or 25% if u want it safe.
In the mid game she will rush 45% CDR, so punishing her CDs becomes very hard "cause she won't have ones" so ghost becomes EXTREAMLY strong in this stage of the game, cause if you catch her away from her turret you run her down with ghost, she will have very high burst so respect that, she still annoying to deal with at all stages of the game tho.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Largely depends on how good she is, matchup is fairly even but Riven outscales Irelia 1v1 after she gets enough CDR. I recommend being passive early and starting E, if she jumps on you stun her in your minion wave and back off. Once it crashes to your tower it will start pushing back and you will have passive. This is the best time to fight her (just like any other melee lane). Try to predict where they will dash with their E, almost 80%+ they will try to dash in the opposite direction to avoid your E but make sure to drag it out enough to cover yourself if she dashes into you as well. If you clip her with your E and you have your stacks you 100% win, try to use your W on her CC (either predict her W or react to her 3rd q). After 6 the lane gets a bit bloodier, you can use minions to avoid her abilities and kite out her shield, never ever Q her shield if you can help it, its 1.5 seconds to wait out, dont let her get value out of it. To open up post 6 try to have your passive stacked or will have it stacked when you go in and ult her. If she avoids your E you can still beat her. You can continue to fight her the same way however I would avoid fighting her after 2 items if you are not ahead of her.
SadmanV3 says “Riven's crammable abilities means that that she is able to effectively harass Nasus, even in close proximity to turret. Furthermore, Riven's early game power level is simply higher than Nasus, and without caution can lead to an easy kill for Riven.
*Tips for laning Riven
1. Strong wave management
2. avoid excessive early game trading, forgoing a few minions if necessary”
svjade says “She starts off pretty strong early game which is the complete opposite to Akali, as well as her abiloty to gain shield giving Akali an overall hard time against her.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Riven can dodge your main abilities with her dash and multiple Q casts while dealing high amounts of damage, but she can easily get poked out if she isn't careful.”
Ponkstronk says “Just a threat in diamond+, but below that you win. She will cancel your autos 24/7 and dance around you. You can cancel her 3rd q with your e. If you do that, then punish. ”
AmericanNut says “Mechanically difficult, but a fun duel if you're not losing hard. Be careful, ask for ganks if needed, and fight around her cooldowns. Her ult is an issue if you let her get you low.”
Noodles912 says “Tough lane. Social distancing the riven will help you a lot. Riven does scale really well, but not as good as you do. If riven chooses to all in you, use your W to dodge her wind slash. Remember to not pool if she has W. Spam Q for health.”
Riven has two stun, she will try to make you use your W so she can go in. Try to parry her stun so you can beat her, but take care, her R deals so much damages. Play safe and wait her to make mistakes.”
Fra660 says “I would define this as a matchup skill, I don't have a lot of advice to give, when it engages you ,run away with the E and ALWAYS use the W to gain armor”
SPJohnWD says “In early game the lane is 50/50, easily out playable from both sides depends on who gets the favourable engagement and manages waves properly.”
teemodumbstupid says “A lot of riven players go ignite, so you can't fight her until you have items. Do not push the wave. The matchup gets pretty easy when you have Sheen. She can block the damage of your E with her shield, but E max can still work.”
Urgodzilla says “This matchup completely depends on Riven. If she is good it might be even worse than Fiora or Jax, if she is bad just kill her over and over until she ragequits.”
AyeJa3 says “A matchup that takes a lot of skill for both sides here. You can trade at level one and poke her with Q, try to parry her third Q and W stun. If you don't have your parry, don't trade. Be very aware and cautious of her damage, especially a full combo.”
jmp_01_ says “Really annoying champion. Has insane damage, mobility, safety during the laning phase and low cooldowns. She can dodge your W - Haymaker with her Q - Broken Wings or nullify it with her E - Valor. Definetly take Bramble Vest and Plated Steelcaps.”
negoZoma69 says “If the Riven player is good it's doomed, It's not easy to survive Riven all ins so you need to keep max distance and don't screw up your E. If she keeps wasting her shield for nothing you can harass her and win the lane.”
Draconic56 says “She can kite you very well but it should be your goal to make sure she doesn't get to do it for free. Activate your Ultimate early. Land your Qs. Don't eat a full Q combo from her as this will be very bad. You win in your ultimate and you win all-ins. But I wouldn't try to all in her as she can escape very easily. Overall, just Q spam poke and save your E. Use it to get her back into the fight and stop her from escaping.”
Kokob5 says “Skill match up. Will depend if she can go in for quick trades against you and get away. If you land E and Q as she dashes away you'll usually win because of your W's heal.
At six she'll probably try to all in you. If you time your E right you can cancel her land Q and walk away most of the time with your passive MS boost.”
Hesychia says “She has early lead. You are best at 6, Whenever you reach 6 before her, go all in her immediately as all she can do is to runaway or use her flash, however she can easily dodge your Q skill (Q True Damage) because her skill set is mobile, know that before all-in her. If she dodges your Q and does a full combo to you, you are Dead.”
SleeplessX says “Don't get lvl1 cheesed, poke her and space her, don't W into her Q3, make good use of your E (be wary if you want to save E for her R2, she may just CC you and R2)”
Dorom says “Riven flavored matchup, not impossible though. You HAVE TO sit under barrels and don't blow them unless she rushes you, if you're not a very skilled Gangplank probably ask for junglers help. Ignite is recommended, not necesseary though.”
gladiatorrr4 says “Safe your E for her to engage. if she Ults, end the trade as fast as possible.
Wait for he cooldowns to be used before trading back.”
raede says “Riven is a prime example of a skill matchup but I feel that with Riven either they suck or they're Adrian. Try to make it so she uses her E and 2 Q's to get close to you then Q her, get your W E down and run away. Her power comes from using abilities to CC you or Shield herself and then auto attacking you. A big tip is to never fight her when you don't have a W proc.”
jpaul2077 says “This match up more depends on the skill level of the Riven player. When trading, be sure to keep track of her cooldowns. If she uses Q or W to farm, that's a chance to win a trade. The later the game gets, the harder it will get to duel Riven. Try and secure the victory quickly through roaming and getting objectives.”
Runtley says “Riven can be hard or good matchup since 50% of riven players suck it can be easy. Really just poke whenever she tries and farm and run away when she tries to go in. Sitting is a push won't help since she has so many AOE abilities but if you windle her down she's no problem.”
bocchicken says “Q when she goes in, then use the movement speed stolen to trade back after her CD's are burned. Goredrinker makes this matchup a bit worse for you, but still malphite favored.”
KingNklaus says “Similar to Yasuo hard early after 4 you should be in control post 6 it becomes dangerous a very good Riven player can beat you Seeker's Tabi highly advised ”
ChaseMorePlz says “One of Riven's toughest matchups. Her only chance is to rely on her jungler or outplay and kill you early. After you get a few items and hit 6, you can destroy her especially since she can't use her Crowd Control all of the time (abbreviated for CC, for the seconds you are unable to cast your abilities) since you can cast your "R", you can become invulnerable to those types of abilities for a short amount of time.”
Reformed Ravi says “she can hop out of your w so use it once she has used her full combo and trade back, you should take grasp and bone plating vs her and bonk her”
Pawn Sacrifice says “I mean, Riven it's an easy lane for Urgot; ok she is THE Playmaker, but it's real difficult to find good Riven's even with the last buffs... If you find yourself against BoxBox, just surrender and go for the next one... against all the other Riven's you should just be fine. Nowadays, the new Riven meta it's Teleport and Ignite... maybe it's a good idea to use ignite against her; if she have kill pressure on you it can be an even matchup.”
RetiredPykeMain says “I'd go standard runes and ignite build, your W can pretty much block her autos no matter if they are her passive or not, if she goes for extended trades make sure to W right as she does her third q.”
stygiandesolation says “You outscale her but the lane is very rough, though winnable if you're a better player than her. She can always get away from you though unless you have PR. Don't q on her ever, she will w and e away.”
Alekra says “Riven can outtrade you very easily. She can E your Q and alot of the time she dashes away before you can trade her back. Try to Q her while she uses her 3rd Q on you so she can't follow up immediately with her W. W her stun.
Be really careful after lv 6 as many people underestimate her burst and animation cancelling.”
Erenando says “She will try to avoid your farming, but I personally think she is on the same stage as garen. I'd also say she is a bit weaker, since you can already fight her with lvl 6 and Sheen if you haven't died to her before. Don't fear high rank Riven players. You're the high tier OnePunchDog and they should fear you!”
czrmtz24 says “Do not fight Riven before level 3. Take W second in order to prevent her from chunking you. Singed W grounds champs, so she will be unable to dash with Q or E.”
GrGamingTeo says “Like Wukong, whenever she jumps on you, use your E (Aftershock activates) then AA W and walk away. If you try to fight either her or Wukong without Aftershock you will die 100%”
Olaf Only says “Difficult to kill.
You are stronger 1v1 until mid game.
Prioritize denying CS rather than going for all-ins as she can escape most attempts.”
LunaticDancer says “Will harass you a lot early. What you need is getting your lvl 2 ghouls the fastest you can so you can at least trade back and not get eaten in the lane. Also, proc your grasp on her as often as you can.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine Sunderer]
[Flash/Ignite + TP]
Most readers won't have to worry about Riven and the notes here probably won't apply to you but this is how the matchup should be played. You can either start W or Q. If you start W, wait for he to use her 3rd Q before you W her. Level 1, she will be looking to Q3 you to remove your bone plating. Try to stack up your grasp on the wave and auto her within 4 seconds after she uses her 3rd Q. If Riven extends her Q, her Q will be off cooldown really soon and she'll look to use a full Q rotation on you when your shield is down. She could walk right next to you and wait for you shield to go away so be careful. If you started Q, you can Q-Q her and use your movement speed to run away. Riven should have control over the wave in this matchup and hit level 2 first. Only E in when her E is on cooldown or you'll have a high chance of missing. Also E in when her E is on CD and when she uses her 1st or 2nd cast of Q because she won't have enough damage to out damage you. Play around your passive shield. Once she's level 6 you should almost never E into her unless you're pretty far ahead. KEEP IN MIND -- Riven can cancel your E with her stun -- so if you're trying to E away try to get closer to the wall so it's harder for her to time her stun to where your hookshot is attached to the wall (your hookshot can only be canceled after it has attached to the wall) or wait for her to use her W before you E away. She can also cancel you E with her Q3 but that's pretty rare.”
SpyDaFX says “Skill matchup. u can win at level 3 if you have health advantage or equal. DO NOT TRADE LEVEL 1 OR SHE WILL KILL YOU. look for big trades at level 3 and avoid trading when her E (shield) is up, level 2 is possible to kill if the riven is not that good and missing cs for example (that way you know she's either bad or either respecting you alot but still overextends). go Conqueror”
Ravenborne says “Skill matchup. Abuse her Level 1 with W. Be sure to cancel her third Q with your E. You outdamage her, just do not let her get free trades in. Level 6 watch out for the Ult burst. Try to flash her R.”
Kil4fun says “Will all in you level 1. Stay away from the tribush if you started on the side with redbuff against toplane. She might take ignite and just run at you all game. You don't have a reliable way to fight her.”
DoubleQ says “Really annoying, and can be hard to kill. You outscale her and shouldn't worry about her too much. Beware of her ult which can kill you.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Your W cancels her Q and E, and your E can cancel her final Q and E. At level 6 she will use all of her abilities in one go and kill you if you're not careful, and depending on how good the Riven is you might get destroyed the entire laning phase. Peel for your team and you should be fine, she can't engage whilst on your W.”
Whobick says “You counter Riven... hard. This is probably one of the hardest matchups for Riven. Wait for her shield to go away or deplete it using Undertow (Q), then go in with Reckless Swing (E), and Undertow (Q) again. GG unless she is fed.”
kingchas2 says “She has tons of mobility so you can't kite her easily and she does tons of damage. Once you are 6 you can play pretty safe and poke her down with auto's safely. As long as she doesn't get fed you hard outscale and will carry teamfights. ”
ModelitoTime says “Similar to Olaf in the sense that she is a pain early game. Once you hit around lvl 6+ you can start to fight her and win trades. Just play safe early and don't give her a lead, keep your distance from her, because she can close gaps really quick with her Q's and her E, and then on top of that stun you. ”
Dannala says “High Mobility, High amounts of AoE, frequent shields and CC burst. If the Riven has any idea what they are doing you are in for a harsh game. Your only chance at it is to get first blood and snowball before she reaches 3+.”
ineptpineapple says “Easy you counter her pretty hard, when she dashes at you just root and kite her she wont be able to catch up. I would recommend goling zhonyas second though no doubt about it just in case.”
Otp Fiora Sorry says “quase impossível perder para riven podes lhe dar stun no W e no ultimo q ... caso ela va lutar contra ti apenas ult tentando acertar o teu w no stun dela que ganha fácil msm ”
Hyzerik says “Can be a problem if they are good. Riven can be really good in the right hands and with all the cc she has it can get quite annoying. Try to dodge her Q knock up then go in.”
JannaMainOTP800K says “Stay on maxrange when playing against her as Riven has lots of dashes
However you only need to woorry about her last Q jump.
If you block it with your Q then you have enough time to make some distance so that she cann not catch you with W and E.
Also be warry of flash engages and lvl 6 all ins.
In those cases the "block last Q" advice still stands true however with flash its way less predictable and with Ult she can deal lots of damage so dont be greedy with yours”
Gym Nasiem says “same thing with wukong it's easy to bully sett but if you get dead man's plate is should be easier but for riven it depends on how well the player now's riven and what she can do and can't do.”
Raideru says “This matchup is mostly skill based but I believe it's Jax favored at the highest level, the way you want to play it is generally lvl 1 push the wave and try to not lose ur e for no reason u should get prio if u don't waste it. If she ever tries to auto u lvl 1 e it and fight her on it, but afterwards be careful that she doesn't all in you bcs her q cooldown is lower than yours, through the lane u want to basically want to bait her w or buffer your w with e on her w to get a one sided draft and play around her cooldowns basically. After 1st item u just deal too much dmg on W and after one short trade u can always all in her. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush in this lane.”
sauronkaiser says “This champion is so stupid that i will not even talk much about her. Bad rivens are food for you, medium rivens can be defeated by launching E to them after they engage and use their E to back so they cant escape. Good rivens... try to be a better teamfighter. Its all you can do.”
Ramixx says “She can beat you if played correctly. And if you do manage to snowball which is unlikely good but make sure to try to end fast because she outscales rammus due to her shield spam and BC + Lord Doms.”
EU_Toxicity says “Your E will cancel her 3rd Q if you time it well. If you succeed at pulling her out of it all-in immediately as she will never win a 1v1 without her Q up, especially before 6. The key to winning vs riven is to stay high health and look for all-in windows. I prefer going cleaver in this matchup because it makes you much tankier allowing you to survive her burst and run her down with ghost.”
iZeal says “Pulling Riven out of her Q3 or her E and then baiting and dodging her W she will most likely use after means you can press Ghost and just run her down. Htting Q against Riven is very hard as she has 4 abilities to dodge it so you have to rely on your auto attacks and especially time your W such that you attack through her Q3 knockup or W stun.
After Level 6 you have to be careful of Riven's all-in as she can try to 100-0 you. Riven will outscale you in the 1v1 as 40% cdr shields and Death's Dance with insane mobility means barely any stacks for you but you can easily disrupt her in teamfights by pulling her, allowing your team to burst her.
DBlade/DShield, Tabis, Phage/armor”
bocchicken says “Her ignite cuts your healing, and her lvl 1 is much better than yours. a good riven will look to bait out your Q with a well timed dash and then look to trade back. Try to cs near your tower and ward early to prevent her snowballing from ganks”
DasGrauen_ says “Her lv 1 is strong. Her lv 2 Is strong. Just thinking of when shes not strong.. She will rxpe you at any time of the game at level 1 to 18.. So go sustain and hug your tower and dont jump in her with your E.”
Timesoul977 says “For me she's a problem. Her Q easily counters Pantheons E, and the rest of her ability's can destroy Pantheon. But if shes bad and plays defensive she isn't a problem. but if you play defensively you might be fine. She is my second favorite ban.”
NoxianBlood says “Riven has a lot of damage for you even able to build even a single resistance to stop her, she will tend to snowball you hard trying the level ahead trades cause she knows that you will outscale her damage with thornmail and allot of armor plus health, just survive laning phase try to make the most gold out of it but like other threats try to lock her down at one point and kill her before she kills your squishies, she knows that you are not the first target so mid to late game she will focus other targets first, so try to stun her and land all your abilities on her and peel some damage carry to kill her quickly. Also, don't fight her when you see her ult, her ult gives her extra damage to her all of her abilities so wait it out and engage her when her ult his down, and don't underestimate her auto cancels.”
hahadead7777 says “Riven has a lot of engage and will out damage you if she gets half of it off. try to poke her after she uses all of her Q and then keep distance till she does it again”
byThiagus says “Muy facil, si pegas la q con el borde le ganas en cualquier momento de la partida, primer pagina de runas, rushear tabis. Podes cortarle su 3q con tu e.”
Stijnzxz says “Like Aatrox but human so she wanna triple Q u and if u ate her Q's congrats ur a dummy.. just look for her cd and u can deal some dmg here and there or ask JG for help.”
Leukasdf says “She wins trades because of her motility, stun, and barrier. use your q to try and get her low and try fighting her when her q is on cooldown.”
AWierdShoe says “Contest the push level 1. Go for 1 auto Q trades level 1, and then back out. Position your blade up constantly throughout the lane. Never taunt in aggressively unless it’s super clear your gonna win the trade, she’s good at chasing you down. Level 3+ is when you’re gonna start winning the trades while both your W and E are up. Use W early on in the trade, and if she tries to keep trading when it ends just taunt backwards (through her if you can) and wait for them to be up again. You’ll win trades this way, and if she tries to just not trade you, just force her to by hitting her with an empowered Q auto every time she walks up for a last-hit.
I Am Goliath says “Hard matchup because she has so much mobility to dodge your Q's and E's and she has two ways to cancel your Q. I've won this matchup a few times early on in the laning phase but I feel like if the riven is good the lane is definitely in her favor. It's still very hard for her to kill you though so I don't have a huge problem with this matchup, just poke as much as you can and if she E's your E then try to go in for a quick trade while her shield is down. Never 1v1 all in her though especially when she is 6 because she has more consistent damage than you.”
I Am Goliath says “If the riven is super good she can win this matchup but you should win this in lane, you outrade her and your Q messes up her combo a lot, also use your W to dodge a Q or even her ult.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Let her push to you -> Start Q -> Contest cs when she goes for them -> Bait our her Q1 let her use Q2 as well and you can go for favorable trades afterwards -> Freeze -> Level 6 either go in and bait her R then dash back to safety OR play around your W so you will not allow her to R (This should be done only when you have kill pressure/potential)”
Saarlichenbog says “Riven is extremely vulnerable to 'all-in' trades. In lane, usually around her Q2 or Q3 she tends to blow most of her mobility spells which is perfect for Kalista. Riven is also relies on overlevelling her opponent to snowball which is why as long as you don't hand her any early kills then she basically cannot outscale you before the end of the game.”
Captain Dantems says “Depende o estilo estilo de jogo, pois se ela começar com o Q fique pokeando ela com seu Q e passiva da poção corrupta, mas se ela começar com o E use o seu Ctrl + 2 (que se parece a animação do seu Q) para engana-lá e você dar um tiro nela. Grasp. ”
ItsPaulygon says “This will all go down to skill. If you don't let her cc you, and stun her, you win. If she trades with you and can escape, you're screwed. A good Riven player will always know how to deal with a Jax. Try to beat her early even though it will be hard for you. Try your best. If you can beat her early, you can do fairly well the rest of the game against her. Once she reaches 6, be very careful especially if you're on low health.”
llametekudasai says “cuidado con el 2 vs 1 todas las riven que encuentro son aquellas que tienen duo con el jg, cortandole solo su 3 Q puedes ganar el tradeo completo, recuerda respetar su lvl 6, pero si tienes un item, hombre bórrala, también sirve para dodgear el item, si lo haces bien claro.”
Regvy says “Riven is very strong now and it has a lot more mobility than Sett. In teamfights try to save your backline by utling her out and dealing the most damage you can.”
Nicklstherealone says “Normally this is one of the easiest Matchups you could have but it depends on the Skillgap between you and Riven. She has big Outplay-Potential and is very mobile. There are no tips except for dont get poked down by shorttrades and try to trade back. ”
Nodon says “oh look someone who can run at you even when you w them well that sucks but if you can survive the lane till your mythic this will be an even lane ”
NoHesitation7 says “Huge skill matchup that favours Riven as she has multiple dashes that can dodge your stun & CC you when you Q her. Both side can snowball massively.”
Randombeastmode says “Depends on the Riven player mostly, this matchup becomes quite easy, unless you get hopelessly bored by the new season of passive play and try to dive this champion repeatedly and fail.
Do not get baited by the boring playstyle of this champion, get fury from minions, if she doesn't let you, make her auto you in your own wave, then start the all in.
You have a special option here:
Ghost ignite
This might help to give you early power, and screw her heavily lategame.”
OffmetaPancake says “A fun matchup that goes back and forth. Play aggressively then back out to sustain. At 6 she might have kill potential if you are low. Rek'Sai wins because she can out sustain and out rotate riven.”
Raphi0216 says “The 45% CDR Rush build got basically deleted which weakens Riven's laning strength. Use your E when you think that she used all of her dashes. ”
Gwoky says “This is a matchup where you need to disengage and poke. Take Doran's Shield. An even lane will help you get to a point where you just outscale”
Frostyfps says “Largely depends on how good she is, matchup is fairly even but Riven outscales Irelia 1v1 after she gets enough CDR. I recommend being passive early and starting E, if she jumps on you stun her in your minion wave and back off. Once it crashes to your tower it will start pushing back and you will have passive. This is the best time to fight her (just like any other melee lane). Try to predict where they will dash with their E, almost 80%+ they will try to dash in the opposite direction to avoid your E but make sure to drag it out enough to cover yourself if she dashes into you as well. If you clip her with your E and you have your stacks you 100% win, try to use your W on her CC (either predict her W or react to her 3rd q). After 6 the lane gets a bit bloodier, you can use minions to avoid her abilities and kite out her shield, never ever Q her shield if you can help it, its 1.5 seconds to wait out, dont let her get value out of it. To open up post 6 try to have your passive stacked or will have it stacked when you go in and ult her. If she avoids your E you can still beat her. You can continue to fight her the same way however I would avoid fighting her after 2 items if you are not ahead of her.”
Time1Save says “A strong champion at any time of the game, try to give your team as much help as you can. After 6 LVL in a duel, you will probably never have a chance.”
Embracing says “Wins duels vs you and can chase you down, but has extremely poor clear which you can punish. Don't waste spells on her shield and play to range and punish if she wastes abilities to gapclose. ”
NaCLBait says “Try to keep distance to force her to blow abilities to engage. Look to interrupt her abilities with r or q. If you don't build bramble she will win fights late guaranteed.”
Manzey says “The Riven match-up is fairly easy if you play the early game correctly, you just have to be good at picking out the gold cards at the right time, every time Riven are going to do her combo on you, simply just gold card Q her and back away.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Riven is an easy opponent, but she is a little tough at levels 1-2. however, for the rest of the game she isn't too tough. Be careful though, if you play stupid and get ganked and killed a few times, Riven can really snowball and wreck you.”
TangoVallhala says “You are similar characters, she is just in better spot than Aatrox. Try bullying her pre 6 with pokes, full combos, but dont take long trades she has a better Q cooldown, and because the way her passive works she will do more damage close range. At 6 she easily kill if she combos you, so try to jump the gun on her first.”
SnarkyAlpaca says “Ban Riven every single game. I'm not going to even list a counter-play to her, just ban her. She has such a high skill-cap that if someone is good enough with her, it's nearly impossible to play against her. I climbed to Plat 4 after I just perma-banned her every game.”
LoL destroyer says “Riven can be a pain early game. She can jump around and shield herself, your best bet is to bait her into using her jump and shield, then pull her with E and slam her with Q. ”
Penguinoverlord1 says “She can use the third activation of her Q to jump over your walls so don't wall her in the midst of a Q combo. Try not to all in on riven when she has her ult up as it usually can kill all your grunts and deal big damage to you and your maiden.”
EternalBadPlayer says “If you play vs a really good Riven she can easily outtrade you and even kill you. Her shield and stun and dashes are annoying so you should play aggro lvl 1 and then play passive. Late game you should destroy her. Just dont loose laning faze.”
Liko888 says “fuck riven. the riven lane is even more volatile than the camile lane. shell try and all in you level 3 if she has ignite. keep vigilant and always be prepared to get flashed on. This matchup is winnable depending on Rivens skill level. Generally whoever manages their CD's the best wins. Aatrox has the ability to keep her at bay. Riven has amazing gank assist as well. ”
Seba846b says “She can be up at you at all times making it so hard to land crit Q
She also has way more mobility that makes it hard to get a W pull of”
A2Tap says “Riven can take short trades and get away with it. Or she can take long trades and win. The best that you can do as Yasuo, is to try to avoid her Q and W by dashing. After level 6, she is able to oneshot you. ”
YoungTact says “Abuse Lane Harass combo and play passive til level 2. Take W level 2 and always look to W her 3rd Q because that is the one that cc's you. Vid here:”
qasddsa says “Skill matchup. Take Press the Attack so you'll be able to trade back with her & burst.
With PtA, you can scare her off pre-3 and get some easy damage off before she gets all her skills. You'll want to go W max second (or put a few points into it during laning phase) to sustain and get the movement speed to kite her.
In lane, the moment she starts using her Q + E to move towards you, you want to immediately step back with W and Q and wait for her to turn to trade back.”
Fluddah says “She beats you early really hard, just try not to get hit by her Q's and autos, and farm to 6 and when she dives you under tower just Ult > auto > E > Q and should be a free kill. ”
Riven matchup is usually determined of how skilled the Riven player is. In laning phase you must respect her, she is really strong lvl 1, look to bait her Q so she hits the whole wave and there for it will push towards you, sometimes Riven players go for Tiamat but usually they are somewhat similar to Aatrox in their build path but even harder since they want to have as much CDR as possible early on. You must respect her early on since she has insane ammount of damage and she can stack Conqueror super quickly due to the huge ammount of autoattack resets she has with all 3 of her Basic Abillities. Once you hit lvl 6 and Sheen you can start looking for short trades since Riven doesn't have as much sustain as Nasus if she overcommits to the trade with all her cooldowns you can kill her. When she's going in, you must look at her Blade, if it is lightning up and it becomes bigger, it means that she casted her R therefor she gains a lot of damage, so as soon as she overcommits to you and you see her blade shinning up, look to ult as fast as possible. Once you get 2-3 Items you already outscaled her unless she has a lot of kills. In this matchup i recommend going Conqueror since it will help you outank her damage via lifesteal and Ghost is a must go if you want to kill her. Later on to the game, its really depedant on how ahead are you of Riven and how the enemy team composition is, usually its better to splitpush since she has a decent ammount of damage and CC and Aoe spells without considering her team.”
SkellyBirb says “If she starts dashing to engage, charm her and run. Else you can just poke her and all in once she is low and has burned some abilties.”
SubHuman Filth says “Get grasp or electrocute.
Riven is all about all ins. You need to poke her down a bit and get seekers early. You shroom the wave and ignite her and you should win the all in, if you poked her down.
DO NOT GET CLOSE, she will destroy you if she gets on you lvl 3-5”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash or Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start or Dorans Blade start. As far as deciding between ghost or ignite, be honest with yourself. Are the riven players at your elo kiting you enough to the point you need the ghost? Or can you get successful allins because they waste their cooldowns going into you so you can use nimbus cloak from ignite to stick to them. Tryndamere is stronger then riven in level 1 and level 2 allins (as long as riven doesnt have ignite), BUT only when you play it well. You want to build up fury before engaging a trade versus Riven and you want to avoid taking small trade damage while building up fury, once you have built over 25% fury is usually when you can be aggressive and look for a trade. Riven players that know the matchup will typically play back after you have built up fury so what you want to do is get level 2 advantage by pushing in the wave and then pushing the second wave completely into turret so that the wave "bounces" back to you (pushes back towards you.) If you couldn't find a good trade into riven on the first two waves just play back and safe until the wave crashes back into your turret. You can walk up and auto minions as its pushing back to you, but if she looks to trade then just walk up and spin away from the minion (while killing it to get the farm.) In this matchup you want to make sure you are always trading with minion advantage and that you are in a good position in lane to force an extended trade. Riven will win all short trades (played correctly) so Tryndamere must look for extended trades. On Riven's first back she will most likely pick up a CDR item which will allow her to extend her Q. What extending her q means, is that if she uses her Q, and waits till the very last second to use her 2nd and third q's then she can go instantly right into another set of q's. This is very powerful against tryndamere and will provide really good burst and/or allow her to disengage after trading. Spots where Tryndamere can punish Riven is purely how the Riven player uses her cooldowns. If she does not extend her q enough then there will be a longer cooldown until she can use her set of 3 dashes again. If you notice riven use her w or e without it being a trade on you, you can look for a trade. Every trade you must be willing to all in with ghost if you see an opportunity to run her down. In the mid-late game duels against Riven are all about if you can stick onto her and force the allin, and the way Riven wants to win is by bursting you to force your ultimate then kite away. Tryndamere's Ghost + CDR will help him all in a riven but must pick a good spot preferably with rageblade stacked as well as full fury and ghost ready. If you are winning against Riven look to pressure her hard, and potentially look for dives under her turret. If you are losing, look to push out waves and rotate to other waves, jungle camps, or flank opportunities.”
Pyroen says “It is tough to hit anyone who has a lot of built in dashes and mobility with your E. But she is rather squishy as long as she doesn't have a fully stacked Conqueror so call for ganks, she plays very aggressive and will often be out of position.”
Nabura says “The epitome of all spacing matchups. If she uses enough spells to close the gap, she'll lack the damage to actually kill you. Smarter Rivens will delay their Q to use 2 sets of Q spells to stick onto you. You may need to R her 3rd Q as Rivens Q3 > W > R can kill you from a pretty high threshold”
STIERNACKENTYP says “This Matchup depends on the enemy Riven. If she is a really good Riven OTP, u probably will have a hard lane since she will bait ur W/barrel with her low cooldowns and all in u hard. Try to harass her as much as possible early pre 6 and play defensive after. If she comes ahead, Rush Ninja tabis, avoid fights and get a GA soon.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash or Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start or Dorans Blade start. As far as deciding between ghost or ignite, be honest with yourself. Are the riven players at your elo kiting you enough to the point you need the ghost? Or can you get successful allins because they waste their cooldowns going into you so you can use nimbus cloak from ignite to stick to them. Tryndamere is stronger then riven in level 1 and level 2 allins (as long as riven doesnt have ignite), BUT only when you play it well. You want to build up fury before engaging a trade versus Riven and you want to avoid taking small trade damage while building up fury, once you have built over 25% fury is usually when you can be aggressive and look for a trade. Riven players that know the matchup will typically play back after you have built up fury so what you want to do is get level 2 advantage by pushing in the wave and then pushing the second wave completely into turret so that the wave "bounces" back to you (pushes back towards you.) If you couldn't find a good trade into riven on the first two waves just play back and safe until the wave crashes back into your turret. You can walk up and auto minions as its pushing back to you, but if she looks to trade then just walk up and spin away from the minion (while killing it to get the farm.) In this matchup you want to make sure you are always trading with minion advantage and that you are in a good position in lane to force an extended trade. Riven will win all short trades (played correctly) so Tryndamere must look for extended trades. On Riven's first back she will most likely pick up a CDR item which will allow her to extend her Q. What extending her q means, is that if she uses her Q, and waits till the very last second to use her 2nd and third q's then she can go instantly right into another set of q's. This is very powerful against tryndamere and will provide really good burst and/or allow her to disengage after trading. Spots where Tryndamere can punish Riven is purely how the Riven player uses her cooldowns. If she does not extend her q enough then there will be a longer cooldown until she can use her set of 3 dashes again. If you notice riven use her w or e without it being a trade on you, you can look for a trade. Every trade you must be willing to all in with ghost if you see an opportunity to run her down. In the mid-late game duels against Riven are all about if you can stick onto her and force the allin, and the way Riven wants to win is by bursting you to force your ultimate then kite away. Tryndamere's Ghost + CDR will help him all in a riven but must pick a good spot preferably with rageblade stacked as well as full fury and ghost ready. If you are winning against Riven look to pressure her hard, and potentially look for dives under her turret. If you are losing, look to push out waves and rotate to other waves, jungle camps, or flank opportunities.”
CensoredMercy says “Dodging Riven as Irelia is advised, as if you play against an experienced Riven, they will take advantage of every oppurtunity Irelia gives to simply E>R and all in. This includes 0 stacks, E down, W down, R down, Q down, 1 Stack, 2 Stacks, 3 Stacks, and very often 4 stacks if you are too close without a Q reset.”
Darrkescru says “Runas : Grasp ou Aery
Não trocar com ela lvl 1, depois do lvl 2 sempre que ela ir para cima vai recuando e pokeando usando AA + Q nunca deixe ela se aproximar muito se ela colar em você quando ela for começar a combar AA + Q + AA + Q + AA + Q tenta usar sua cegueira para negar o maior numero possível de AA
Rushar : Tabi , Nashor ou Liandry's
(riven = cadeirante)”
qazx1427 says “Her final Q can ignore your wall, and all of her dashes make it a pain to keep her in place. However, if you do get to lock her down, she can be dealt with fairly easily. Just be careful and don't let her full-combo you.”
ZergDood says “The hardest this matchup can be at even levels is while you're at level 1 (she has an advantage). Try to kill 7 minions before her and take W level 2. Whenever she Q's, try to take on the 3rd Q with your W (Good Riven players won't go and spam her Q's, they have combos and baits and you'll have to react to it instead of "predicting"), this way you're avoiding CC and starting a good trade. She has another dash that gives her a shield. You can play around that and go for more harass with your Q. Remember to play out of her range, and you should be fine. This is an ideal matchup for Poppy. Your W stops her dashes (all of them, really).”
Ayanleh says “The better player wins. Shes pretty squishy and if shes good she will animation cancel pretty well and do huge damage to you but if you play it clever you can destroy her early and outscale her later in the game.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Depends on the riven player, if she's good she plays safe until lvl 3 and takes short trades, if shes back she tries to fight you lvl 1 and she dies.
Tabi is quite good here but not necessary as a rush.
You can cancel her third Q with your R to prevent it from going off, good in an allin.
Take armor.”
Twist21 says “Riven has great early game , don't fall behind , get as much cs as possible and outscale her.You win this matchup by winning sidelane in the mid to late game.”
Twist21 says “She is a high mobility champion so you won't be able to run her down the lane.You win 1v1 after bork so just farm the item and then roam around the map if she doesnt waste her cooldowns.”
wallobear53 says “Keep a track of her Q charge count as the third one is the most dangerous for you and will CC you if she manages to hit you with it. She can easily extend the duration of her CC with her W, so make sure you dodge her third Q charge.
Don’t get too close to her in the lane as she can easily E onto you and the W you to CC you immediately, followed by dishing out a ton of damage with her Q and Auto-Attacks.
Once she gets her Ultimate, her dueling potential skyrockets and you don’t want to be fighting her while you are too low on health and lack some form of mobility or damage mitigation. Fighting her when her Ultimate is down will give you a much better chance of winning a duel.
laoshin3v3 says “If Riven uses her gapclosers on minions to farm u can punish her, but be careful about her low cooldowns. If she reaches you then you are doomed.”
ClanBlade says “As you can tell, there is a common trend. Aatrox doesn't do well into mobile champs as it makes it hard to land his abilities. Riven is one of them as her Q and E make her very mobile and almost impossible for the W chains to proc. The only reason why she isn't on the top of this list is because she doesn't have an ability similar to Fiora and Irelia W. To counter her Q E backwards if she tries to Q into you.”
M.P.C says “If she tries to engage you, back away and use your Q and E to punish her, thanks to both your secondary runes you can basically out sustain her during the early game and at the same time you can zone her from getting any CS without fear.”
Fiora Pogjet says “THis matchup is skillbased. She can go for short trades, stun you and dash out. You should try to prarry her last q jump or her W if she goes for a trade, becausethen you win every trade / fight. Lvl 6 you have to care about not getting one shotted from a big combo so use your prarry early and not too late. Then you will be able to win the fight with your ult.”
NullPC says “Riven is tricky a good riven destroys everyone and reminds you why one tricks can make it to challanger. A bad one will die repeatedly and get you unbelivable fed. Overall dont underestimate her levle 6 damage and play around her long cooldowns early.”
Teemain says “She is a prick. She can easily outmanuver you. Her shield is broken. Your ultimate won't work well unless you can flawlessly pull out your combo with her Flash already gone and it's a lvl situation AND her health is already low (and yours must NOT be low cuz her Ultimate is kinda like yours...)”
Teemain says “She is a prick. She can easily outmanuver you. Her shield is broken. Your ultimate won't work well unless you can flawlessly pull out your combo with her Flash already gone and it's a lvl situation AND her health is already low (and yours must NOT be low cuz her Ultimate is kinda like yours...)”
Stiwy says “She is really predicatble due to her kit.
Her first five levels aren't a big deal for you and if you can predict her you can get some kills.
From level 6 watch out for her ult because it has a huge burst potential.
When you get to mid/late game it should be easy to kill her and survive.
Start with D.Blade to be even more aggressive in early levels.”
9690 says “D-Blade. Only trade with your shield up but don't let her stun you or you lose the fight. You only win fights pre-3 honestly, after that point its over. Once she is level 3 only fight when she has w and e down. Even level 6 she can beat you if you play it incorrectly. Buffs make her even worse to play against! Take Conq.”
gsaeyx says “Go full tank otherwise you get assfucked by her 12-inch sword. You lose trade if she has e, cant charge q if she has q/w, cant do shit if she has 45% cdr. If she's actually good she can dive you and not lose any health. FF15 if that's the case. Only trade back when she used all her spells, because then she's a sitting duck.”
Hypnosa says “be the one who starts the fight. if you be knockupped you can lose serious health even your life after she reaches level 6. But it's skill matchup after all.”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash or Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start or Dorans Blade start. As far as deciding between ghost or ignite, be honest with yourself. Are the riven players at your elo kiting you enough to the point you need the ghost? Or can you get successful allins because they waste their cooldowns going into you so you can use nimbus cloak from ignite to stick to them. Tryndamere is stronger then riven in level 1 and level 2 allins (as long as riven doesnt have ignite), BUT only when you play it well. You want to build up fury before engaging a trade versus Riven and you want to avoid taking small trade damage while building up fury, once you have built over 25% fury is usually when you can be aggressive and look for a trade. Riven players that know the matchup will typically play back after you have built up fury so what you want to do is get level 2 advantage by pushing in the wave and then pushing the second wave completely into turret so that the wave "bounces" back to you (pushes back towards you.) If you couldn't find a good trade into riven on the first two waves just play back and safe until the wave crashes back into your turret. You can walk up and auto minions as its pushing back to you, but if she looks to trade then just walk up and spin away from the minion (while killing it to get the farm.) In this matchup you want to make sure you are always trading with minion advantage and that you are in a good position in lane to force an extended trade. Riven will win all short trades (played correctly) so Tryndamere must look for extended trades. On Riven's first back she will most likely pick up a CDR item which will allow her to extend her Q. What extending her q means, is that if she uses her Q, and waits till the very last second to use her 2nd and third q's then she can go instantly right into another set of q's. This is very powerful against tryndamere and will provide really good burst and/or allow her to disengage after trading. Spots where Tryndamere can punish Riven is purely how the Riven player uses her cooldowns. If she does not extend her q enough then there will be a longer cooldown until she can use her set of 3 dashes again. If you notice riven use her w or e without it being a trade on you, you can look for a trade. Every trade you must be willing to all in with ghost if you see an opportunity to run her down. In the mid-late game duels against Riven are all about if you can stick onto her and force the allin, and the way Riven wants to win is by bursting you to force your ultimate then kite away. Tryndamere's Ghost + CDR will help him all in a riven but must pick a good spot preferably with rageblade stacked as well as full fury and ghost ready. If you are winning against Riven look to pressure her hard, and potentially look for dives under her turret. If you are losing, look to push out waves and rotate to other waves, jungle camps, or flank opportunities.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match qui nécessite de solide connaissance de Darius et de Riven, vraiment pas évident, et très dépendant du niveau de la Riven.
Il y a tout de même plusieurs astuces pour que ce soit gagnable. Premièrement, essaie d'utiliser ton E, sur son troisième A, tu éviteras ainsi les dégâts et le bump, c'est une des clefs de la victoire ! Ensuite, saute sur la moindre occasion où riven utilise mal ses sorts pour la punir.
Si elle ne connait pas le match up, tu peux prendre ton Z niveau 1, et lui faire perdre énormément de vie !
Respecte énormément son niveau 6, elle peut littéralement te 100% a 0% en quelques secondes si tu utilises mal tes sorts ! Apprend à anticiper ses sorts, et impose ton rythme et cela reste jouable.
Astuce : Tabi ninja et Bramble vest font un excellent combo contre Riven et faciliteront ta lane.”
photonvizer says “riven is a very hard matchup because shes so mobile make sure to try and chip her out before you go for the all in because she can kill you a lot faster than you can kill her”
Dantheman81 says “Riven can do a lot of damage to you at all levels and can escape a lot of your damage. Just be smart and attack her after she uses he Q when you have your ultimate up and you should be able to kill her. Play very safe and smart and try not to give her an early lead.”
Darrkescru says “CADEIRANTE, que bonequinho bacana, Riven tem um cancelamento de animação de auto atack "justo" então quando ela for começar a te dar AA > Q > AA > Q, usa sua cegueira que vai counterar bastante parte do dano dela, use impeto e manto de nimbus, espera ela gastar suas skills para se aproximar de você e então proque impeto e começa a caitar ela”
Angela du Seithr says “Avec son récent buff, Riven reprend du poil de la bête et n'a pas besoin de beaucoup d'objets pour dominer. Elle fait très mal et a une forte mobilité à ne pas sous-estimer.”
Alzeidx says “Quite easy if you play it smart, when your rage is full, you can outrade her in early, dont let her farm too much as it will be becoming harder for you.
You should be able to wreck her early, I consider it as one of the easiest match ups.
TotallyEclipse says “Riven will short trade you and dodge your E constantly. If you're low she'll 1 shot you. Stay away from level 1 bush cheese, if she knows what you're doing you're fucked, play to outscale”
JuarezLOL says “its a very hard match up because you need to save your spells and wait for her to use and come to you
in that moment you can all in her and get a good chunk of her hp”
MateuszNH says “Skill matchup in your favor
Your lvl 1 is stronger, if she doesn't kite you too hard you mostly win and you scale better, don't try to engage on her though, rather punish her mistakes and outfarm.”
ACE4291 says “broken hero even though
you can bully her and you win fights..
dont go too aggro since she can get away easy if you miss your Q
but poke her out of lane with your Q. ”
report singed ty says “Riven is pretty hard to deal with. Your W prevents her abilities which sounds like an easy counter, but in practice you won't get many good disables on her and she will just outdamage you. Play it smart and you can still win the lane though and even some trades once you have ult.
RIven players DO get tilted out of their minds and its not just a meme, so if you win 1 fight enjoy yourself as she keeps throwing herself onto you and giving you more gold then ragequits after saying something about how your champion is stupid.”
Sq_09 says “She is very mobile and able to stick onto you once she gets close. Her stun and knockup are powerful tools to stay closer and her E can make her able to close up. Once she is on you, you are probably dead, but you can still poke carefully but always be weary. ”
WatchersGrim says “Riven is like zed in a way. Will try to do early burst so just farm it out and do small trade off's with her. Other than that you get full passive and she is an easy pick off.”
Kingarthur720 says “riven is a busted champion who will beat graves no matter what, you lack the escape to void her 4 gapcloser and her long range execute. Just play safe, hope and pray to rngesus that matchmaking put you up against a bad riven otherwise you won't be able to win lane ”
VIP Titan says “Honestly, I can't imagine how easy it is to beat her. With her Q and E cool down increases. She isnt really a threat.
Remember no Q riven has got no burst. Riven got low base health so 3 Es and she will be dead in level 5.
Remember MAX E not Q! ”
ShaharKarisi says “You can render her completely useless in the early game and establish a lead. Make sure to transfer your lead to mid lane too so Riven can't farm off-lane and close the gap.”
Subject3 says “rivens engage and disengage is weaker compared to renektons, bait their abilities then slow, once their slowed they cant run far no matter how much they jump away with their abilities.”
Starci says “She has a LOT of cc so it will be hard for you to move, but it will also be easy for you to parry one of them in order to stun her. If she's good thought and she doesn't stun you when you parry, she can easily kill you.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Frustrating matchup for the most part, you can pressure her heavily from the very early game but from level 3 onwards she will just dash away from everything you throw at her. Early is in your favor, however if she gets to level 6 without any problems she can start wrecking your shit, and she gets more annoying the longer the game goes on. If you do manage to snowball however she will be left behind into the dirt and have a hard time coming back into the game, which you have to abuse in order to end it early.
Ignite works fine for the early game threat. You can go either grasp or conqueror, the former to secure the early game win and / or go stasis, the second one if you just want to duel her at any point in the game.”
Gwndimi says “skilled match up every path is do able
to be save go with grasp
rush redemption + ninja tabi
with ignite you can snowball her
but if you fall behind well ye.... gg”
Itreallyhim says “HeheXD Skill matchup, Just do short trades, Shes mobile and quick yeah, But you can destroy her if you play right, Your shield is better and your damage overall.
You can Ult her Ult wave (Requires insane timing)
She can cancel your Ult channel.”
LycheeMochigome says “Skill matchup, you can cancel riven's third q with your q pull but if you still even when she's 6, she has a chance at killing you ”
GreeN1337 says “Really really annoying to fight against. This matchup also depends on the skill heavily. With Your jungler it's easy kill before level 6 but later into the game you have less and less chances to 1v1 her.”
ShinyEmo says “Use your Q for dodging her 3rd Q and use your W for reducing her ults damage. Generally freeze the lane. She will play aggressive, but her damage is no match of yours. Punish her if she plays aggressive. ”
Loki029 says “You Counter the whole Champion itself. She can t cc you if you silence her. just don t ult if her shield is up. Riven has a great mobility, enjoy silencing her... (HINT: Use w when she sults you at low hp to get the escape a great sucsess)”
AkenoSenpai says “For this match up it can be hard to hit certain abilities (E specifically), but there is a window where u can hit it pretty easly which is when Riven is casting her 3rd Q as it leaves her stuck in her Q animation not allowing her to dodge asside. If u all in her and hit ur abilities u should be winning into her”
TrollingSmurfGr says “Very much a skill matchup. Riven's third Q can be repelled by a well-timed Flay. If mistimed, it will still hit you and you'll be knocked back. Clever use of Riven's stun can guarantee you get hit by the third Q, however, so make sure you carefully use distance. Sometimes Flaying away won't be the answer. Stuns do NOT stop your Q animation, so if you predict a stun, use your own one to minimise her advantage. There's a lot to learn here, so best to learn by just playing.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “This is purely a skill matchup. In my opinion it is one of the more fun lanes to play in since it challenges you a lot, but you can still win the lane. You can cancel out Riven's third Q and stop her from knocking you up. This will be crucial to you winning fights with her. Since she is still a melee champ you can poke her out of lane and get a gold lead with minions and turret plating. If the Riven is really good with her champion she can still kill you by timing her W stun so that she ensures her third Q and by mitigating your poke through using her E. The more you play in this lane, the more likely you will be to win. ”
ForgottenProject says “You win Level 1 IF SHE GOES ONTO YOU FIRST
Be careful for minion aggro
Parry 3rd Q or Predict W
DON’T walk up when Parry is on cooldown
She is very hard to deal with if she gets a few kills, be careful
After level 5, if you both don't have R, you win.”
Gunford says “Riven is very scary with her lvl 2 cheese and her lvl 6 powerspike. Try to avoid to get hit by her Q, W Combo. Play around her cooldowns and you will win this lane. She isnt tanky and you will outscale her.”
TymekOne says “Riven after they fixed Aatrox passive bug (didn't healed him if enemy was shielded) isnt such a threat. Just dont take the lvl 1 fight with her because she is the strongest lvl 1 champion.”
Braddik says “Riven will short trade you and dodge your E constantly. If you're low she'll 1 shot you. Stay away from level 1 bush cheese, if she knows what you're doing you're fucked, play to outscale”
66lew says “Once she QEW or in range of doing so TF is dead and pulling out Zhonyas as won't save TF. Hence must be careful with Riven especially in top lane because of the hunger is called and she gets kill the rest of the game TF is bullied.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “People constantly think that Riven is good against Gangplank, but the truth is her W is orange-able. You can poke her with your Q and land barrels if she doesn't dash away.”
Pedrokis says “Se o cara for MUITO BOM você apanha, mas de resto é só jogar com a cabeça. / Não deixa ela grudar muito em você, guarda o terceiro Q pra quando ela for pra cima e você não tiver tão grande. / Já que o seu W tem muito cooldown, não compensa você tentar iniciar muito doido com ele caso ela ainda tenha Q e E. - Isso vai fazer com que você gaste o W atoa, que tem aproximadamente uns 22s de cooldown, e deixe difícil de você ganhar uma troca longa. / Se você bater pra caramba nos minions das primeiras waves e tiver de ignite, você pode bater bastante nela no early, dar ignite e forçar flash, TP, ou pegar um first blood e sair na vantagem de gold. - Só tome cuidado pra não ficar muito low life, visto que ela pode simplesmente dar TP e recuperar a vantagem. / Quando vocês 2 tiverem ult up, é bom que você esteja perto ou já tenha seu Caulfield e Cetro Vampírico (forçando kill pra cima dela antes do 6).”
Pickle Pick says “She's a lane bully but Ornn can sometimes win against OK rivens. Good rivens don't let Ornn do much because Riven always wins trades.”
Daedralus says “Surprisingly, not that difficult of a matchup. If you use your Q to latch, you can even dodge her ult by going behind her. You can catch any of her dashes, and are also immune to her 3rd Q if you can Q with good timing. Your E drastically reduces her burst, and your ult simply brings your entire HP back to you. She can still kill you if you do a mistake however, but with these tips mentioned, you will be fine if you can follow. You also dominate her at mid-game when you have 2 items completed. ”
VicGal96 says “Frustrating matchup for the most part, you can pressure her heavily from the very early game but from level 3 onwards she will just dash away from everything you throw at her. Early is in your favor, however if she gets to level 6 without any problems she can start wrecking your shit, and she gets more annoying the longer the game goes on. If you do manage to snowball however she will be left behind into the dirt and have a hard time coming back into the game, which you have to abuse in order to end it early.”
Split King says “When I first started playing Shen I had a hard time against Riven. But now I kinda like laning against her. Do not engage on her with e if her ultimate is ready. Farm and wait for her to use her abilities to engage. You can then fight her and outtrade her, or dash away if it goes south.”
ozmankaan says “Good riven is a prob bt keep that in mind it is rare too. plus u can cancel her combo with ur disdain, just dont give her early kill otherwise u will lose, keep on AA while she farm, n whenever u get chance go for ur full combo ( Q -> E -> W -> R )”
Split King says “The hardest matchup in my opinion. Blind is your friend here, as it can greatly reduce her ability to all-in you. But her insane mobility, shield, and cc are very hard to deal with. Do not try to win this lane, focus instead on staying even with her. ”
BeautifulWinter says “I really like going against Rivens. Once you hit 6 you can actually bully them however do not throw your E out willy nilly as they will chase you down and murder you.”
Mysterious Spoof says “Unless the riven is bad, she can always go positive in a 1 for 1 trade by patiently waiting out your e and then trading with her q-q-q-w-e”
Big Belly Bop says “All in, shields, mobility. Play very passive and ask for ganks. Poke when grasp is up and try to get as much stacks/CS as possible. E out and W for the root and get some autos off. Flash + TP/Barrier/Exhaust, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Survivability rune page.”
ExfIamed says “Now this matchup depends on the player, if its a riven whos played riven before you basically auto lose and shouldn't really attempt to fight unless she engages on you first, riven has NO counterplay whatsoever so be careful, you CAN win but its rough, you have to e first cause of the shield, w her stun and then Q and run away fast cause by that point all her abilities are refreshed cause riot thought it was a good idea to give a manaless champ insanely damage and no cooldowns with no counterplay.”
9690 says “Tabis, tabis, tabis. Can't emphasize how important it is in this match up. Riven trades into us fairly well, this is a skill match up that might even be slightly Riven favored. Be careful of her trades pre 6 and her all in potential once she has R. We should be able to out trade her post 6 and have a slightly better all-in. With tabis you should win when you ult. Try to bait out her E before trading.”
Loevely says “Another Fiora like matchup. Grasp tilts it into your favor but once she's 6 she has real kill potential on you. If she starts Q and uses it to kill minions, abuse her. ”
ENX Kai says “Good broken wings always a problem. High damage and manaless. Big out-play potential and can snowball real hard. Pay extra attention at Lv6 as she can kill you with full combo. Never dive a turret vs Riven.”
ShaWalKro says “Definitely keep your distance in lane against Riven. Her mobility and ability to burst you down is much greater then the speed and small shield you get from your W.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “well that can be even very good or terrible, based on how good the riven is, and when riot will understand the balance not mean making every champion overpowered, you can't do anything against a main-onetrick riven unless they are extremly greedy and decide to dive you, in which case they had a good chance to do it and escape alive.
Ahem anyway, rush Zhonya (later explain exactly what parts of it to rush against hard matchups in order get max benefits all steps of lane from it)”
Defensivity1 says “Against a riven always go with the grasp page she can deal a lot of burst damage, whenever she hits you with a q dash or comes in range for you to q her use q to proc grasp on her so you win those trades or atleast trade even, always throw your ghouls at her whenever the opportunity is there and care for her level 6 all in, if you dont have a big hp lead she could potentially start all inning you with her jungle.”
Wish7 says “Starting she is a major threat when u feed her, if safe game is always a bonus for you, mind that u will get ganked if you are in a vulnerable position.”
Quezel says “Skill matchup weighted towards riven if they are good at her. Her short trades are much better then you early on as she can cancel your auto attacks making it hard to proc your passive as well as disengage easily but you win all in if you arent chunked before hand and her sustain is bad so your poke is very meaningful. When she goes to use her third q use your e to pull her behind you and ult her. Matchup becomes harder once she gets CDR as she can kite you out during r easily.”
Ends says “Majorly outmaneuvers you and can utilize her many dashes to avoid your W and escape any dangerous scenario so you will almost never be able to kill her”
SNOBOY says “Don't die early. Save your q for when she starts jumping towards you, or when she burns her shield so that you can poke. She is pretty squishy early, and if you can not die pre 6 you have a good chance.”
mightydylan101 says “Riven is extremely annoying as she can just jump onto you and stun as you are super squishy she can easily kill you in a combo mid game. Be sure to play safe and not to overextend. ”
ProgettoYorick says “Riven is tough, don't get hit too many times in early, wait for 6 to have a better chance of defeating her.
With her the farm is feasible.
OTP tip: give priority to the ninja tabbi, a mistake against her and you risk ruining the top lane.”
Greekamol says “COmplete skill matchup. Parry her 3rd q when she goes into you and make sure u aim w to her to stun her. If you luckily parry her w you win the fight. You hit the parry you win, otherwise you probably lose.”
Xelaadryth says “If you have low ping and fast reflexes, this matchup should go heavily in your favor. Auto-attack at max range. If she moves in to engage, Energy Ball away while landing your Q and W (with a single auto mark your ensuing stun will stop her engage) and she can't touch you. Good Rivens will fast combo their shield and knockup to chain stun you with Ki Burst, but then they'll have nothing left except autos to duel you with. Still, kite backwards since Riven's auto-attack damage is not to be underestimated. If you play optimally, Riven shouldn't be able to reach you without burning flash. You can choose to Energy Ball to evade her engage, or if you want to fight to the death, Energy Ball gives you enough tankiness to stop a lot of her burst.”
Puck333 says “Riven and Nidalee both deal a great amount of damage. Try to outplay her with great moves. Especially the Spear, Flash, Pounce trick is great against her.”
Karnan says “The one who has something to prove in the matchup is Riven. Hold your abilities as long as possible and wait her E to be on CD before fighting hard. You can cancel her Q with your E if you predict it. Other than that just poke and cs. ”
AlienMV says “Just keep a safe distance from her, so long as you can avoid some of her abilities (as she will use some to close distance), you can stay healthy enough. Beware of being all in at lvl 6 if you are in the middle of the lane.”
Mr. Nyahr says “This is a skill matchup, as a bad riven is super easy to punish, but a great riven will probably walk all over you. Try and avoid her stun and keep her ult cd in mind.”
yetusek says “Lethal Tempo Runes. Ghost + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Tryndamere is stronger than riven in level 1 and level 2 allins (as long as riven doesnt have ignite), BUT only when you play it well. You want to build up fury before engaging a trade versus Riven and you want to avoid taking small trade damage while building up fury, once you have built over 25% fury is usually when you can be aggressive and look for a trade. Riven players that know the matchup will typically play back after you have built up fury so what you want to do is get level 2 advantage by pushing in the wave and then pushing the second wave completely into turret so that the wave "bounces" back to you (pushes back towards you.) If you couldn't find a good trade into riven on the first two waves just play back and safe until the wave crashes back into your turret. You can walk up and auto minions as its pushing back to you, but if she looks to trade then just walk up and spin away from the minion (while killing it to get the farm.) In this matchup you want to make sure you are always trading with minion advantage and that you are in a good position in lane to force an extended trade. Riven will win all short trades (played correctly) so Tryndamere must look for extended trades. On Riven's first back she will most likely pick up a CDR item which will allow her to extend her Q. What extending her q means, is that if she uses her Q, and waits till the very last second to use her 2nd and third q's then she can go instantly right into another set of q's. This is very powerful against tryndamere and will provide really good burst and/or allow her to disengage after trading. Spots where Tryndamere can punish Riven is purely how the Riven player uses her cooldowns. If she does not extend her q enough then there will be a longer cooldown until she can use her set of 3 dashes again. If you notice riven use her w or e without it being a trade on you, you can look for a trade. Every trade you must be willing to all in with ghost if you see an opportunity to run her down. In the mid-late game duels against Riven are all about if you can stick onto her and force the allin, and the way Riven wants to win is by bursting you to force your ultimate then kite away. Tryndamere's Ghost + CDR will help him all in a riven but must pick a good spot preferably with rageblade stacked as well as full fury and ghost ready. If you are winning against Riven look to pressure her hard, and potentially look for dives under her turret. If you are losing, look to push out waves and rotate to other waves, jungle camps, or flank opportunities.”
picklehater77 says “Pre-6 she's kind of a joke. Poke her down once her shield is on cooldown and shove her under her tower to start the roaming snowball.”
Kalrex says “Quite a good matchup for Urgot, especially because Riven mains are used to being aggressive early. However, Urgot's shotgun knees shred Riven in any trade. As long as you play smart, you win all trades pre 6. Level 6, her additional damage makes the lane even, so be prepared to outplay her R cast to win. ”
Nightblue33 says “Bad players I would have as a 2 because without proper combos will get wrecked. D2 and higher elo Riven players will combo correctly and be a tough matchup.
Ze mentira says “Max: E. Rune: Grasp page.
start with doran shield, back with glacial shroud. early lane, wait your shield to start a trade with her.
//Frozen heart is a good item to fight her and bramble vest to cut your healing from conqueror.”
MordeStar says “She does more damage than you at 6, don't all in her without poking her down. try to dodge her no counterplay knockup-auto-stun-dash away combo. Also good luck landing abilities. ”
BearRider says “Shen is one from of best counters for Riven. Just like Volibear and Orn. Your 1st item should be Tiamat so you can farm and then Omens and Ninja Tabis. The advantage why to pick Shen and not Volibear or Orn is that you also do not need mana. Let Heil Blades to do its work and then Riven will be afraid of you. But there is a thing you should avoid and that is her ultimate. You should not fight her when your HP is very low. ”
Her0mars says “Annoying in high elo, beware the mobility, burst and avoid standing anywhere near your team. as zac though, you normally stick to standing far away for the long range engages / counter engages”
Hamstertamer says “She outtrades you pre 6, but that's about it. Stay at a distance so she can't get to you without a double dash. Pure physical damage is easy to itemize against.”
Atlascrower says “A good Riven destroys you. You can play a medium or bad Riven. U have the best chances to Kill her at level 3-5, but only take fights when you have an hp advantage. Maybe call your Jungler to shut her down early.”
AsomeSonic says “her kit is countered by your w, her 3rd and most important q is easy to catch, she likes to jump walls........, but beware you are squishy pre level 6, best to fight her after you get level 3”
Jezzzir says “Try to kite and save Q for when she gets in auto range. For the duration of Q I like to stand still and just maximize your own DPS before returning to kiting. Sometimes you can bait out her gap closing abilities, allowing you to win the longer trades.”
Chromuro says “She has more damage than you nearly at every stage of the game, you have to play smartly around her. Poke her as much as you can with your Q, if she engages you start to headbutt your keyboard to unleash every skill you have. You can use your hands too, but with the head it's more funny and you'll be too dazed to tilt in case you lose lane”
Essela says “A good riven player wont even let you hit her.You can take ghost in this matchup for preventing him from kiting you.You can look for an early trade in lvl 1/2 but after that until u become lvl 6 play safe after level 6 look for trades again.”
EpicDan01 says “It is easy to underestimate how much damage Riven can do, especially at level 6, so avoid fighting her. Once you have level 11 you can start to fight her.”
Poppu says “I only say even but good Rivens are scary and even be an Extreme threat if ahead. Riven mains out trade with Q auto resets and CC plays. Save W for her third Q, dash, and after pins. If you build Tabis and Sunfire + Thornmail, you can easily stop her.”
Aizo says “This is one of my favorite matchups because you can turn most of riven's damage into just a mobility tool. If she tries to q into you just knock her away and suddenly you won the trade.”
MeliMeliDH says “Riven is just one of those annoying champions for everyone, especially for non-tanks. Luckily you are tank Karma!
I'd recommend running Ninja Tabi and Kindlegem asap in this matchup aswell. If their jungler is something with hard cc, like Elise, Jax, etc, you could also take tenacity from presicion tree as your secondary runes, along with triump.
The important thing to keep in mind is your distance. IF you stay at the edge of your AA range, she can get to you, but she has to blow all her spells.
If she uses her Q, wait until the second activation before you shield and run away.
Once she has used her third Q, immediately try to root her, and get in a couple of Auto attacks. I would recommend saving your Q until she has used shield.
If you get Glacial Shroud, Ninja Tabi and Kindlegem before she hits lvl 6, there's shouldn't be a way she can 100 to 0 you, unless she can get in auto attacks inbetween each ability cast. Still, be ware of her all in potential if you get cc'd by a jungler.”
Filepo says “Uma boa riven ganha fácil de GP,depois dos buffs do cd no E,a Riven voltou a ser uma ameaça majoritária,podendo dar EW+AA no barril e combar você muito rapido,Rivens medianas passam fome”
SoulHero says “HAHAHAHAH, MY FAVORITE MATCHUP(YOU STOMP ON HER), I have never lost solo lane to a riven and I refuse to believe I will. UPGRADE E FIRST LVL 1 YOU OUTRADE HER SO HARD. You probably get first blood if she fights or 3/4 her health bar if she flees. SHE ONLY WINS IF YOU CANT REACT TO HER POKE. Some higher elo rivens spam e q and q away just shaving off your healthbar until your low enough to die. If you flip her during this, she dies. BTW YOU CAN CANCEL HER THIRD Q OR OVERRIDE HER W STUN WITH YOUR E. ”
Vodka4Gaben says “She will play very passively however you should be able to beat her because she can't outdamage your 5 stack, just don't turret dive her.”
DrNaara says “It is tough to hit anyone who has a lot of built in dashes and mobility with your E. But she is rather squishy as long as she doesn't have a fully stacked Conqueror so call for ganks, she plays very aggressive and will often be out of position.”
Petethebossch says “Skill matchup. Try and q her as she jumps in and dodge her q's whe you can. If she wastes them on the wave then you can fight once you have sheen. If she gets ahead though then you will need a long time to outscale her.”
HarryCao says “Although Riven does not deserve to be extremely difficult to lane against. Everyone has a champion they absolutely despise and Riven is the one I hate. A good riven will utilize her Q cooldown to where it is almost always up and when you try to jump on her, she can either q away, w you then walk away, or e away. I ban her every game”
Lynboe says “Ce match-up est similaire à Renekton, mais vous aller pouvoir l'outscale au bout d'un moment car votre utilité en Team fight sera bien plus importante que la sienne”
homxr says “Riven is a unique match-up, because overall it should be an easy one, because of how tanky you are, but she can bang her head against the keyboard and seriously chunk you. Don't run while she's trying to Q you, instead Q her back, and W her stun. Build like you normally would.”
TheOsKaRoO says “Skill matchup. High mobility doesn't let you land skillshots properly, however you win most all-ins.
Be careful when you don't have R - she outscales you with her R.”
messketchup says “Early game a good Riven can beat Darius. However as the game goes on and Darius stacks armor he eventually outscales Riven really hard, so even a Riven who kills Darius 3 times in lane won't be able to 1vs1 him by the time he has 2 items.”
Angela du Seithr says “Bien qu'elle soit une des meilleurs utilisatrices de la Lance de Shojin, Riven a beaucoup de points faibles. Notamment avant le niveau 6, là où vous pouvez facilement prendre des kills. Attention à votre positionnement lors des trades et n'y allez pas sans tous vos CD et vous éviterez des morts stupides. ”
Devitt45 says “This is a skill match up for sure. Things will be a lot tougher if she knows what she is doing. The only real way to beat her is just to play really smart and farm under tower until you get an Infinity Edge. Riven also has a lot of engage and disengage, so try to fight her when she doesn't have her Q up or her E up for a shield and a dash.”
Dr.G Killa says “A good main Riven can beat a Darius, be carefull to not waste your Q, she can CC chain you and do quick trades, very boring champion. Be smart, cancel her 3RD Q with your E while she Is middle air, always desengage when she ults, ghost Is a good SS against her.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Even though she will try to block your Q damage with her shield, you will still do damage to her. In an all in, she might be able to kill you first with her ult so play it careful. ”
Prince Afghan says “A good Riven can be a nightmare. This is my usual ban in Ranked and it should be yours unless you feel comfortable with the matchup. Riven is so easily able to kite you with her low cooldown movement abilities and once she has Essence Reaver her damage is so insane that you will die before your ghouls and Maiden can even target her. If you solo kill a Riven at any point pre level 11, that Riven is either 1. Bad or 2. Doesn't understand Yorick whatsoever, in either case if this happens continue to kill her.”
M2 Jizu says “"Skilled Matchup"
Nunca le inicies con tu E, y trata de esquivar sus básicos potenciados con tu W (recordemos que los basicos de Riven tienen mas daño cuando usa sus Q)”
MadMaster523 says “This matchup should not be that hard for Gnar. She could easily burst u down if u are in range for her combo. If u feel like she might catch go all in on you just e away. Basically, don't get too close to her and use ur q to poke her down if u can. Hit and run.”
Lil Tidepod says “Riven can be a real annoying matchup. She has a stun, a relatively easy to land knockup, lots of mobility, and can output a lot of damage. Early in the laning phase, you can probably go toe-to-toe and win most of the time, but eventually Riven will win out unless she's new to the champion. Late game, she more than likely won't be able to kill you, mid is the same, but early she really has potential to get a kill, and by early I mean until level 6. If she does get a kill, don't fight her until you've finished building a tank item or two.”
zygiux says “This is one of the most annoying/hard matchup ever don't even E to farm you will die. Wait for jungler or sit under tower because she will all in you with level 3-6. Maybe try to farm on minions with Q.”
ImpossibleLogic says “I perma ban Riven because she needs to be deleted from this game her reward for her combos is far greater than yours also when she goes in she can just perma cc you and your dead before you know it. You scale equally so if you can farm and roam that's your best option because she will win every ”
FunkySoul says “Don't let her get Conqueror stacks on you, or else you're screwed. Let her Q away! Your main goal is to scale, right? So do just that and you'll be fine.”
CoffeeDog says “Just like Aatrox, Riven's damage comes from her abilities, you are forced to play safe against her or you will have to back off too many times.”
GrGamingTeo says “Go for small q trades whenecer Grasp of the Undying is ready and look to freeze the wave. Do not go for extended trades because she will get her full combo on you and eventually kill you. Do not get over extended with riven on lane bcause she will chase you down and probably kill you.”
DrMoneybags says “Riven hasn't really ever been a problem for me personally. Top-tier rivens are probably much harder to face, but most of the time you can just take ignite and beat her fairly easily. You have the tools to follow up her mobility, and as long as you don't eat all 3 of her Q's you can out-trade her with your W early on. Just be careful once she hits level 6, she can easily execute you once you dismount. I recommend taking double dorans blade early and grabbing a Steraks and Tabis at some point to easily counter-act most of her damage.”
Big Boy Matty D says “She will beat you in level 1 / 2 trades, let her get overconfident and try to keep health topped up using corruption potion. When she all-ins level 3 bait her back to your minion line and clap her.
Post 6 it can go either way if even. If she tries to hit her 3rd Q remember that your ult can interrupt it, that's the best time to all in her.”
Qubert64 says “She has 4 ways to interupt your dash and 1 way to dodge it. Point blank or in between q spams. Rotate around her a lot and save dash when she ults so you can dodge her sweep. Generally pretty telegraphed. Especially in low elo.”
kubsak26 says “Not impossible but hard matchup. Again you need interrupt her q with yours. Fortunately you see when she start using q and she need to use it twice before stuning you so if you are not greedy there is no problem. Be careful tho if she conect to you she can kill you and it's hard to kill her when she is close because of her movement. Poking her is not easy because of her shield witch she can spam because she don't have mana. But if you will play safe and don't feed she will fade and will be weak in team fights compare to you.”
The_CuItivator says “Unless she is a great riven player you win this matchup hands down. Stay aggressive and you'll dominate before his item powerspikes.”
Speedy the dart says “Start doran's blade. Go ignite.
Bring aftershock. Similar matchup to renekton, but this matchup is harder because its Riven :^). Focus on hooking her before he final Q. Her E will absolutely fuck you up. A really good Riven will just auto win this matchup, its worth banning if you dislike riven.”
OnionMilkshake says “I perma ban Riven because she needs to be deleted from this game her reward for her combos is far greater than yours also when she goes in she can just perma cc you and your dead before you know it. you scale equally so if you can farm and roam that's your best option because she will win every 1v1
(Recommended: Conq)”
Shderen says “Even the most experienced of Riven mids haven't witnessed our strength. If she even LOOKS like she's gonna get close to you, silence her and Q her. Invest in a Rylai's, Morello and/or Zhonya's.”
FakkerJackson says “Snowball Matchup. If you give her the lead in lane you screwed the whole game. Wait for her to use her cooldowns and then trade with her.”
Khazem says “Very skill dependent matchup. Play around her gap closers with proper movement and kiting and you should be able to punish her. Look to punish heavily when her Q is down but always keep a safe distance as when she does get to you, you will take heavy damage. Build early armor for a safer experience.”
Nio161 says “Squishy - if you ult and she stays you have an instant kill, but with her jumps she is able to dodge your E well, what can be nerve-racking.”
Maverickov says “You out-damage her in everyway at level 1 and 2. Level 3 it's even, and past that she wins. Level 6 her ult is stronger than yours, as well. Unkiteable. Level 11 is where you go back to stomping her.”
TD21 says “Just like Fiora but less burst damage(you can stop Rivens QA with your blind but u cant really deal with it). Same mobility with Fiora.U can still pick Teemo if u can keep distance on your laning phase.”
Carlosm04 says “A riven é tranquila so que, cuidado da ultimate tbm, é causado pela vida perdida , mas o jax atacar muito rapido e explode ela, so tenha cuidado do level 1 e 2 dela ”
ApexDresden says “Honestly shouldn't be much of a threat, she doesn't out damage you and you can continuously poke her with Q, she'll attempt to engage you a couple of times but you win. ”
Tokor says “Riven est beaucoup trop forte en ce moment. De base je pense qu'elle vous counter beaucoup grâce à sa mobilité et son burst. Bannez là, ON LA JUGERA PLUS TARD !”
The Lost Drawing says “La ventaja la tiene ella, pero depende mas del jugador que del campeón en si.
Prioriza cancelarle la 3 'Q' con tu 'W' o su 'E'; recuerda que ella puede hacer muchas 'plays'
>>> Te mete dos 'Q' y la 'W', lo cual teja vulnerable con su 3° 'Q'
>>> La 'R' de la mucho AD y el 'Conquistador' lo carga muy rápido (algo asi como Jayce con 'Conquistador')
>>> Si juegas con paciencia y cabeza ganas la linea, recuerda que su TF es mejor que la tuya; tiene CC en zona y te cancela facil tu 'R', por eso necesitas ser mas inteligente tanto en fase de lineas como cuando estas terminan
>>> No la dejes que se ponga 'feed'
>>> Le ganas seguro a nivel 8 a 11, pero depende de tu armado y tu armado no depende de ella sino del equipo en general
>>> Juega Riven, comprenderás mas sus ventajas y desventajas
>>> Tienes que tener varios 'matchs' con ella para poder ganar mas facil ya que por explicacion no se puede definir como ganarle, toda Riven es muy diferente en su estilo de juego mas que nada por las ventanas de combos y 'plays' que tiene el campeon”
ElleryTheViking says “Unless you're up against Box Box, this lane is also incredibly free. Level 1 if he tries to harass with you Q, turn it and spam Q him, you'll force a back or take first blood, he cant out trade you. Level 3 is a big power spike in this matchup, abuse him. You need your Q though so make sure you don't throw it far away or he'll try turn on you. Post 6 his CC is useless given your ult, making it really easy to kill him. He will only win this lane if you do something stupid. If it's a stalemate in lane he will kill you late game. ”
godv4r says “BAN HER IN 9.6
IF you two are at the same skill level, there is no way you beat her starts level 3.
Bring ignite if you really want to kill her
use your E to stop her third Q animation and dmg so you can win the fight
kingkang2 says “Play safe early, get armor, win at 6. What sucks is that she decides when she wants to fight you because of her million dashes to escape a fight. Not too bad of a matchup.”
Samas says “Your E denies her the use of AA resets from her q where majority of her damage comes from early game, when she is done with her combo she will usually back off since she cant pack a punch worthy to compete with jax for a few seconds while her abilities are down. Take those extended trades, stick to her while she only has her auto attacks, but dont take it too far - when she gets her abilities back up and you are still on her, you might get sent back to the fountain.”
Naniboi101 says “Riven goes head to head with Fiora. It's all about your skill with parrying the Rivens cc and her ult. Most Rivens take ignite too so thats a huge pain. ”
E61K says “Go Doran's Blade + Phase Rush + Ghost + Bone Plating and Overgrowth or Demolish. With this setup you can exploit every single mistake she makes with ease. All things aside this matchup is completely dependent on how skilled the Riven is. Chances are if you're facing a Riven who is below Diamond 2 and/or is not maining the champion she is gonna feed you. If it's a good Riven it will be harder. The key to winning this matchup is to use your E rather defensively than aggressively. To cancel her 3rd Q to be exact. If she is bad and you notice it (comes with experience) you can use it aggressively. If you struggle then rushing Tabis and then going Phage is a good way to create more room for error in this lane. Lane snowballs heavy from both sides but Riven snowballs harder since she is by far more mobile than Darius. Luckily for you almost every Riven you are gonna meet is gonna int you.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: CC, Mobility, Burst Damage. Weaknesses: Squishy, No built in Sustain, Out-scaled. This matchup can go either way for both Riven and Fiora. This is truly a skill matchup for both champs. I'd give the edge to Fiora in this fight but only because of Fiora's W. Riposte is a wonderful tool in her kit and not only does it block every ability in the game, but it also redirects CC back and slows attack speed. This is where Riven gets crippled in the matchup. Fiora's W can negate Riven's 3rd Q knockup and W and CC her back. This easily turns the fight in Fiora’s favor but it’s not as easy as it seems because the Riven is probably smart enough to hold onto her 3rd Q to bait out Fiora's W. It is an excellent matchup to see due to all the mind games that go into the matchup itself. Be aware of Riven's cooldowns on her Q and W and either riposte or dodge her cc if you can. Keep track of when Riven’s 3rd Q is up and look for a punish whenever possible if she tries to 3rd Q into you.”
Miracle Matter says “One of the funnest, most exciting matchups for Splitpush Zilean. Who would have thought that Zilean vs. Riven 1v1 is a pure skill matchup?
The key here is that the lane is EXTREMELY VOLATILE. If you get one kill early, you can force her to farm under tower while you harass her out of lane. If she gets one kill early, she can one-shot you during her stun/Q3 knockup without even giving you a chance to revive. Do not let her close to you. Poke with singular bombs. If she ever tries to all-in you, double-bomb yourself, then run away as she's stunned.”
Suthafru says “Riven - you can easily poke riven from a distance she cant compete with, if she tries to move in with q you are already far enough away to escape.
you can easily zone her from cs and poke her down to force a back in the early levels”
NOH giel says “With Riven you can trade as much as you want, but she is just to fast with her abilities. When Riven is jumping around this is very irritating and hard to hit her with your E or Q.”
Hootsman says “Pre level 2, Riven can be a huge threat as she can outdamage you easily. But you can 1v1 level 2. Make sure to hold Q when her 3rd Q is about to knock you up, to nullify the CC. ”
Daniloooo says “Ezy ur Q gives her Hell and Bait out her 3rd dash knockup at the very moment of impact hit her with your Q. U can just zone and poke her out of lane. Watch for ganks and build Tabi.”
drunken hunter says “Riven can counter Rengar pretty hard becaue she got a lot cc and low cooldowns. But you can outplay Riven, if you do it right the matches against her will be easier. In the early game you wait for her (Q) that she can use three times (the third time is the knock up) then you do the lvl 1 poke and the lvl 2/3 engage as fast as you can (dont forget to exhaust her). You use the bushes to outplay Riven - everytime she is about to trade you with her (Q), run into the next bush and jump on a minion that is far away from her. If you have the black cleaver before Riven gets it, the trades will be easier for you.”
kkiskk says “DON'T start with cloth armor. Your damage is higher than her in any level unless you die to her often. Try to poke her with you Q in lv 1 while she last hit minions. You must have a point in W at lv 2 so she won't stand a chance in dueling you. If she gets lv 6 first, be sure to back off since her damage is suddenly boosted if she use her R. Get a cloth before youmuu's.”
SeaWeeb says “She can gap close extremely well and has a stun and a shield. If you get caught and try to flee post 6 she will more than likely ult and kill you. stay back and have room to flee in case she tries to close in on you.”
Sion says “She can get out of your Q easily. So just use your Q after she uses her dashes. You can win this matchup HARD if you manage to roam and comeback to lane fast. Jungle attention on her can destroy her so keep that in mind.”
hrisimiriliev says “Skill match up. Keep your distance dont get greedy for kills. Wait her to be rly low HP and set up shrooms when she try to engage.”
TSA_Exotic says “Riven vs Vayne is a matchup that I feel is in favor of whoever is better they are playing. Both have a lot of outplay potential against the other, so respect the Riven and make the most of the opportunities you are given without going too far.”
MatatuMayhem says “She has lots of gap closes and CC and with her current position in the game, she is a major threat to most people. Her ult is useful though and can change team fights. ”
SkullNatoR says “get your opportunity to punish her pre level 3 since you are stronger than her in 1st 3 levels, don't open windwall till level 4 since she doesn't have any projectile (except her r)
push the waves till you get 4 then start either freezing near your lane or let her push till you get 6 before her
during mid/late, if she gets GA and death dance or spear o shojen, don't 1v1 her
riven outdamages most champs during mid game due to her toxic build (BC/spear+death dance+GA)
and her strong infinite shields and gap closers
BeastKing says “Don't fight her before lv 6 because if you die it's a hard lane to comeback in. If you didn't die before lv 6 you can 1 v 1 her later.”
TheNecromancerr says “Be carefully level 1, or she will kill you. Level 3 you can fight her as well as later on, you are stronger but it is also a skill matchup.”
Proxxecube says “Similar to Camille, this can either be the easiest possible match-up, or entirely skill. So, figure out for yourself based on her movements and mechanics, and make macro decisions from there. I.e., stay under tower, call for a gank, etc. The more obviously worse they are, the more agro you can be. ”
lxl1Mago1lxl says “Pretty easy tho. Same as Irelia every time she engages she could fall in tons of our traps. But never underestimate Riven. She can easily win a trade at level 1, especially cuz she's played with ignite”
S4TAN ES MI DI0S says “It's not a good idea to pick Zilean in this situation, Riven has a lot of explosive damage and CC, and that will make you suffer because she won't give you time to ult.”
Vonhoons says “Pre level 6 you can win fights if you stay in your minion back line and make her use CD's to get to you. This is a skill matchup
However once she reaches level 6 she can just all in and one shot you. Go Iceborn if you die repeatedly”
Cstrange says “You have to be careful against Riven, try not to let her get close but if she does just wait for her abilities to run out so she retreats then follow her with your abilities. So long as you were doing damage while she was attacking you, you should be able to out damage her in the long run.”
polarehare says “Your cc won't affect her that well as her source of mobility is straight from her ability, in addition to this, she isn't really auto attack reliant. she's also got gap closers, quiet the no-no”
Joxuu says “Riven has outplay potential early, play around your mega adhesive and her shield. Should be easy if you don't get cheesed first few levels.”
Tvoi_clop says “Не попадайте под её полное комбо с Q. Воздержитесь от дайва её под башню, так как её оглушение может сильно испортить жизнь. После 6 используем стену ветра, чтобы заблокировать её R.”
Bot_Fabl says “Her shield can absord much of your damage. Play safe and don`t get tilted when you lose the early game.
In the late game you gonna win against her.”
Trixelkour says “Burns you on the dance floor as she Qs around you and deal so much damage that you'll regret shoving the lane. Play around her ability to CS. W the place where she is going for a minion and E if she gets too near. Timing is absolute key in winning against her. Get Righteous Glory early on and Rylai's/Lichbane for early kill pressure. Take Grasp or Aftershock as Rivens tend to get in your face, or Dark Harvest if you're confident.”
Swagus says “Not even a problem, but be careful with pro Rivens. But you can easily outrade her combo with yours in a matter of seconds and you can knock up her up before she slam you down with her final q.”
heyitsRainex says “She can snowball once you give her a kill. Best that you start with 1 cloth armor and 4 pots to hold your lane. Build tanky and eventually she won't be able to burst you down.”
SirDeRp25 says “Blind her when she comes in for 'Fast Combo', this denies her the damage between each auto attack. After 6 she beats you and there isn't too much counterplay. ”
E61K says “You win level 1-2 and lose after that, until you get your core, or she screws up, or you outplay her or when she is just straight up bad. She is a CD reliant champion though so trading with her when you know her abilities are on CD is a good way to get some damage in. Tabis are very good in this lane but will restrict you from killing her in lane solo. You outscale Riven. Post-6 you gotta be careful. If she is 6 and you're not 6 don't walk up. A good Riven will wait until your Q stacks are at 0 and then look to engage. Her Wind Slash is an execute and she will try to use it when you're low to get maximum damage in, which she will have to do if you rushed Tabis. Her Wind Slash can be windwalled but any decent Riven will just Wind Slash when you're CC'd from Broken Wings or Ki Burst. Do your best and disengage when she ults unless you clearly have the advantage.”
Beartrand says “Riven is as powerful champion if played correctly. But, in my experience laning against her, I almost always won every time. If ever she tries to all in you with her combo, you will most likely win the trade if you get to bite her. When she enters with Q, shut her down with your E. ”
Omega best says “Depends on skills, if riven is bad you are defenetly gonna win because you will just have to wait until she wastes her dash and jump then you flip her in your minions and kill her, if she is good be careful and call for ganks, wait for the right moment when her abilities are charging then attack her. Build armor play safe and call for ganks if needed”
Zachlikespizza says “A good riven is extremely annoying to fight against. She will continue to avoid all of your q's until she goes in for the kill. Facing against a riven is like a game of chess. Think about how she alone plays and play around this.”
Mouadyam says “you can cancel her 3rd Q with your E, avoid short trades, use ghost to stick to her so she doesnt run away, careful for her burst, early armor is helpful.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “Skill matchup. You can rush PD with Tabi. She most likely will rush Death's Dance. Her ult can be Windwalled, but it's hard to time it, plus she can cancel the animation, so be careful”
Teemo Mochileiro says “Não fique muito avançado contra Riven, ela pode usar Flash + Ult e combar.
Abuse muito do poke e após você usar seu Q, ela virá para cima, tome cuidado.”
mrmundo says “Riven can be intimidating, but so are you. Pop her shield with your Q, and slow her down so she doesn't get away. Be careful when she is 6. 1 screw up, and your health is gone.”
Skullsunderer says “She is easy to kill but the Knock up and Stun stop you from applying stacks and killing her. She has a lot of raw AD, buy armor. Apprehend her after she uses either her dash or jump to stop her from getting away.”
TheSuporter says “You are a tank that can stop dashes, thus you can stop her from using her combo, making her useless. Make sure to harass her as much as you can, make sure she gets behind and she will be useless. Watch out for ganks though because if she gets ahead she can kill you no problem.”
joelblack says “Riven is only dangerous to your Mini Form. Keeping your distance is important and always be ready to hop away. Other than that, she's super squishy and whether you go Titan or Marksman, you will kill her. If she's just amazingly good, just farm and make sure he doesn't get kills or roam. Making sure you guys are even and she doesn't get ahead makes you beat her after the laning phase. ”
Ashnard says “Riven is a skill matchup more than anything as you both share similar combos and trade patterns. She has slightly shorter cooldowns than aatrox early, but way less damage on her combo unless she autoattacks. She gets harder to deal with as she gets more cdr and levels, though you should never let her run you down without a fight.”
DERPFISHrejects says “You need to harass Riven down to make her too scared to fight you due to health difference. In a raw 1v1 she will almost always beat you if she's good, but if she's half hp and you're not you will almost always win.”
CamilleN1 says “This matchup is all about who is the better player. She will E your W poke almost everytime or engage with it the moment you use it. When she uses her 3rd Q try to E her before it lands and she will miss the damage and open herself up to your combo”
Dacnomaniak says “Your W can block each of her Q dashes, although its recommended to block the third because that has the CC. It also prevent her from escaping many situations. Poke her with you Q and all in if you can get a stun off.”
galvapheonix says “ Riven can do a lot of damage to you at all levels and can escape a lot of your damage. Just be smart and attack her after she uses he Q when you have your ultimate up and you should be able to kill her. Play very safe and smart and try not to give her an early lead.”
thedunkening111 says “Oh fucking hell, burn it with fire. She can win the lane off one good trade, but so can you. If she starts bunny hopping towards you for whatever reason, press q an walk away. If she bunny hops for no reason whatsoever, all in her immediately.
Take Aftershock.”
Cyti says “Very easy to harass since she has a short ranged dash which you can force her to waste by poking. Unless she gets the jump on you, you shouldn't die. Would definitely take Stopwatch+Minion Dematerializer as she can dive. ”
kagaroo says “🔴Skill Matchup🔴
Threat Scale: 8.5/10
➡️Similar to the Renekton/Gragas/Volibear matchup where the trading patterns are toxic. Riven can cancel our autoattacks with her dashes + stuns + q3 which is all of our damage. It's a skill matchup but in favour of riven. If you can respect riven's spell cycles and know her damage then it becomes easier but not free. Riven has INSANE damage and you should try to play for extended trades to win. Deaths Dance is a MUST vs riven and the matchup gets easier with experience. You will lose the first few times against riven but you will learn how to respect her range and damage. Keep in mind that most rivens you encounter are OTP's which makes it harder to play. You must play the lane and the waves rather than trying to skill-check them.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad riven vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average riven vs Average Trundle ➡️50/50 skill matchup
Good riven vs Good Trundle ➡️ Riven favoured but trundle can win with jungle influence. ”
L0ganJG says “This champion should ALWAYS win versus you, she can kite your W, buffer her damage and movement through your Q and dodge your E.
Ulting her can be good but she also can buffer Q3 and R2 into you. VERY tough, I recommend going exhaust + ignite and fighting level 1 and 2 to snowball hard. ”
Haxorr says “Hard matchup, whoever has more experience playing it wins in my opinion. I like to take PTA and exhaust against Riven, though Conqueror or Grasp can work too. I think exhaust is a must though, you can either go exhaust + tp or exhaust + flash. Play aggressive lvl 1 as you should be winning it (unless you have grasp). If she fights you back, just use the exhaust on her qs and it will severely limit her damage output. Once she has 6, it can be hard to win so wait for her to waste abilities or overextend before going for all-ins. Look to parry her q3, but a good riven will stun right before q3 so that it's not reactable and instead forces you to predict. Doran's blade start is good here btw, you outscale eventually ”
CactEyez says “Very strong currently but a decent match-up. Don't rush into her early, buy plated to reduce a lot of her damage. Don't get disrespect her damage, all Rivens will flash ignite stun 1 shot you from 60% HP. Play very slow, but you become stronger 1v1 after an item or two.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Plated Steelcaps -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Plated Steelcaps -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
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