Mid Lane 50.12% Win Rate94% Pick RateSyndra Mid Lane Counters: 42 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Syndra in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Zewrocktumbler says “bait E and then push in pretty easy dont let her farm”
v0ltage38 says “Second wind + scaling HP. VERY annoying. Phase rush is helpful but Conq will be more useful later in the game when she can't kill you with her combo. Boots and Null-Magic first back is a must. Consider T2 BEFORE Catalyst. Merc's are preferred. Use lol wiki and count down her Q cooldown. A lot of Syndras play inside their wave so look for easy EQ poke whenever their Q is down. You will eventually outscale her in damage and you'll be tanky enough for her entire combo. Both Kaenic and FoN are good depending on team comp. Syndra is a good ban.”
Divine Azir says “ You win if you can delay her power spikes with frequent jungle ganks. Very strong laning phase, no mobility.
① You can buy early boots to help dodge skill shots. I like to take Absorb Life to sustain her poke. If you are really struggling with this matchup, you can take merc treads and/or cleanse to avoid her full combo.
② This matchup is all about dodging Q, so spacing is extremely important. Keep track of her orbs so she can't stun you as easily. Force her to use Q or W to set it up.
③ Whenever she puts down an orb between the two of you, immediately move to the side so you can dodge the follow-up E. If she ever uses E and is within kill range, you can go for the all-in. ”
AuroraAddict says “She is really hard match up, also you need arcane comet E max, and shes a counter cause she outscales you. If she gets Banshee's Veil you are basically cooked BUT there a good thing if you time your R with her E you wont be able to get the cc cause you are unstopable+try to fight her with jg all the time after 6 you will be able to win this after lvl 6.”
BesXbola says “Um bom jogador de Syndra nao vai trocar muito com voce no comeco, mas nao se engane, ela pode te matar nos primeiros levels tanto quanto voce pode matar ela, a partir do level 6 voces tem uma pressao de kill igual um no outro.
Nao ulte ela quando ela tiver seu E pronto pois ela vai inutilizar sua ult na hora.
Ela vai escalar muito mais do que voce e valer cada vez mais pro time dela, tente pegar vantagem nela antes que seja tarde.”
TrianglularRose says “This matchup is an utter nightmare. You can’t out trade her, her stun’s range is hard to determine in the moment, and you just die when she ult you. Permaban recommended, dodge recommended.”
Lunar1v9 says “Really annoying and hard matchup at the same time just play safe under tower and farm u can try to contest her for some cs but it rarely works out and if it doesnt u can get easily punished for it. After level 11 u hard beat her R her R and try to be as efficient and dont lose any cs in lane because u need every single one of them. Buy boots to dodge
zSmoke says “Syndra is a pretty annoying matchup because every time you try to start her she will kick you out with her E, but it is best to trade when she has the cooldown.”
angeLoon says “dring conqueror
syndra is a bully champion so you'll need to try dodge her Q's.
if she wastes her E you can trade pretty easily against her,her E is the only way that she escapes trades.
early is really simple just let her push the wave so you can try a freeze and make her vunerable to ganks.
she does not have a dash or smthg to avoid ganks,so if she burns her flash just freeze and call your jungler.
xumi_k says “A game vs Syndra is a chaos, with randomly flying orbs and purple explosions. She can disengage you, so try to bait her stun before going all-in, or do it in front of her minion wave, so that you can dash back to her through minions. Or kill her before she uses it by poking with q(closest minion to her)+AA+q away=)
Tamikaze says “[Barrier is viable for her ult & Banshee's second item can work if you are far behind her]
The problem with Syndra is that her level 1 is stronger than yours, and her lane game is stronger than yours. Depending on the Syndra player, you might be in a world of pain or having a free lane. Post 6, if she decides to use her E, you have a window to jump on her and DPS her down. At the end of the day, she is still an immobile mage who is vulnerable to ganks from the Azir R. Look for opportunities with your jungler to ult her and if you manage to burn her flash, she is extremely vulnerable to being solo killed for the next 5 minutes. Just watch cooldowns and play it smart. ”
MattStyle says “Tiene bastante daño pero no el suficiente como para matarte antes de lvl 6. Intenta no recibir demasiado daño gratis por su poke. A partir de lvl 6 nunca debería ser capaz de matarte.”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Dark Harvest]
(Manaflow, Transcendence)
Summs: [Flash][Teleport]
Counter with: [Verdant/Zhonya's]
*Don't even try contesting the push, easier to save your hp if you let waves crush under your tower 24/7*”
Tatsurion says “Despicable lane.
Her stun is very difficult to avoid, and even if it doesnt hit, it pushes you back, screwing up any attempts at shuffles.
Her abilities deal a lot of damage, and your flimsy shield on your E will not protect you from her ult. A really onesided matchup.
Take burst and pray”
JuulBox says “Her stun is quite annoying to deal with and she's got a good amount of burst damage, but punishing her for missing her abilities is a great chance of victory”
Coslan says “Syndra requires some learning to fight, and in a ideal game she is impossible to fight if she saves her W. Regardless, her pressure in lane is not incredibly high and eventually she is bound to slip up. Poke, Burst.”
gimmelovej says “Here you dont need just Mastery with qiyana, you need to at least know how to dodge well and how the Syndra works. Her E disengages and pokes .”
Xc1Mare says “Все чемпионы из 5 тира являются практически неиграбельными матчапами для сутулой собаки ,в таких противостояниях вы пытаетесь не дать врагу получить лишних убийств на миду или играете через окольные пути не вступая в прямую конфронтацию с вашим оппонентом по линии и пытаясь делать полезные действия по карте (вы играете роль 2 лесника ,а не мидера)
Матчап против синдры неиграбелен 1 - Любая ваша агрессия через W заканчивается гарант станом после которого вы ловите полный прокаст чудища
2 - Из-за своей пассивки она становится сильнее вас в поздних стадиях игры ,что должно вынуждать вас не дать ей так просто получить ресурсы в начале ,но смотрите пункт 1
3 - Синдра очень быстро чистит пачки за пару кнопок ,но и паралельно не даёт вам так-же быстро их пушить, что не даёт вам так легко идти на роум
В итоге вы не можете убить её и безопасно спушивать пачки что-бы уйти на роум ,она становится сильнее вас со временем и имеет больший импакт в тимфайте
Молитесь леснику”
Vladmidir says “This is my permaban i hate this matchup. Tether in and out of her Q range and try to side step her Q E. Pool her ult. This matchup is aids you might just wanna dodge.”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
Long Sword start, D-Shield if you aren't good at dodging her Q's.
Her main damage in the early will come from her Q, so dodging it will make the lane much easier. Early boots are a good buy, so I don't recommend taking magical footwear. You can ult her ult, the timing isn't even very tight. Her only self peel is her E, which is rather strong, as it knocks you away aswell as having the potential to stun you. Thats why when you engage and she still has her E up you should try to have an ability up that can follow her.”
support_diff says “Syndra is a mage that deals a lot of damage without much effort (she is really fun to play btw if you want to try her out). All of her abilities have a range longer than your auto attack range, which makes it impossible for you to poke her with auto attacks. Focus on your farm and try to dodge her poke. Ask for gank, not much to do here”
BrMario1011 says “Isnt also the worst matchup but just annoying ass fucking boring, her E cancels ur W and she pokes u too much, thats it, if you get on to her and she cant E you shes in danger, very easy to gank, late game you can pick her off if she dosents get fed
go electrocute, second wind and tp lol, can go dorans ring ”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[Fleet] Syndra E makes it really hard to play Akshan vs her. She can safely trade you from distance with her Q and W in lane, and if you ever try to E in to get an extended trade she just presses E and knocks you away. Play fleet footwork and try to bait out her spells, if she ever uses E carelessly you can E in to get a good trade or kill her.”
sick204 says “Respect Syndra's poke and burst potential with her abilities, especially her Q and R. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Syndra's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Syndra's stun potential with her E, which can set up kills or peel for herself. Utilize Wind Wall to block Syndra's E in trades and team fights to reduce her damage output and crowd control potential. Engage on Syndra when her abilities are on cooldown or when she's low on mana, as she can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Hexdrinker to mitigate Syndra's crowd control and magic damage.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “This matchup is very dependent on the how good the enemy is at Syndra. A good syndra is very very hard to beat, still beatable but very hard. A bad syndra is still fairly hard to beat. Plus, her ult is scary. TAKE TP! At this matchup you rely on your JG to help you.”
otaliz says “Trading with her will be hard, especially when she has E. Teleport and Spellbook are a good choice against her. Be careful with her level 6 all-in. Mercury's Treads is a good option against her. Focus on farming and roaming.”
Foxirion says “Syndra’s high burst damage and crowd control can be a major threat to Swain, as she can quickly eliminate him and disrupt his positioning.”
PhantasmEUW says “[Fleet] Syndra E makes it really hard to play Akshan vs her. She can safely trade you from distance with her Q and W in lane, and if you ever try to E in to get an extended trade she just presses E and knocks you away.
Play fleet footwork and try to bait out her spells, if she ever uses E carelessly you can E in to get a good trade or kill her.
Laimaudeja says “I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.
Your first few Levels are stronger than Syndra's so try to bully her with your Qs. Position yourself in a way so that you, Syndra, and one of her orbs don't form a straight line to not get stunned as easily. ”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Flat HP.
She has less range than you, except with her E+Q combo. Be prepared to dodge it when you feel she's stepping forward and usually you're free to poke her when her stun is down. Post level 6, don't try to go for passive procs because you will instantly lose the trade if she ever has the range to ult you.”
awawa says “Outranges you and WILL bully you out of lane most of the times. Get boots early so you can dodge her balls. HER R BURST WILL ONESHOT YOU IF YOU'RE 50% HP OR LOWER.
After laning phase she just dies to your R. ”
MageSept says “Syndra is one of Veigar's hardest matchups, if not the hardest, according to Veigarv2.
According to him, the only way to play this matchup is to take Mercury's Treads and hope for good ganks. ”
ShokLoL says “Syndra is a slightly favored 1v1 matchup to Orianna, but will mainly come down to how good you are at dodging skillshots. She has very good gank setup and this lane is extremely snowbally, so be very careful not to die. Merc treads rush are extremely good in this matchup because the movement speed, tenacity and MR are all very valuable.”
ShokLoL says “Syndra is a very strong laner and if she holds her E defensively you won't have any windows to trade onto her. If she wastes E, you can sometimes look to melee Q a creep next to her and chase her down with phase rush. erc treads are especially OP because the movement speed, tenacity and MR are all crucial to going even or winning lane against this champion.”
ShokLoL says “Syndra matchup is pretty hard, you need to take fleet and rush merc treads. Try and dodge as many Qs as you can and look to poke with WQ autos whenever you can. She is very gankable at 6 so she might start to play safer at this point, if she doesn't then try play for a gank.”
Soft Headpats says “Syndra is a strong lane bully with her low CD Qs, but your poke is just as strong if you trade and dodge properly. I highly recommend rushing Merc Treads against Syndra, since it'll often let you dodge follow-up spells if she lands a stun on you. Her stun is her main tool to pressure enemies and without it, she becomes significantly less threatening. Try to bait it out before you go for any trades. She can be difficult to pin down since she can cast while moving, so play patiently.
Once she hits level 6, she can kill you at about 50-60% HP with proper setup if you don't have Mercs or your shield. Her damage will only continue to increase as the game goes on due to her passive stacking mechanic, so be ready to get Verdant Barrier/Banshee's Veil if needed.”
ShokLoL says “Syndra matchups are mainly about how well you can dodge her Q as well as punishing her E cooldown. You mustn’t give any kills to Syndra so rushing something like merc treads or null magic mantle can be very useful. Merc treads are especially OP because the movement speed, tenacity and MR are all crucial to going even or winning lane against this champion.”
ShokLoL says “Syndra is a very strong lane bully early, but she is also very gankable and you can dodge her skillshots with your W movespeed. It can be a good idea to rush merc treads in order to survive.”
Deceiver_euw says “Similar to ahri matchup, it is a lot about avoiding syndra E cancelling your W. Do not do obvious W-s where she can cancel it and win the trade hard but rather wait for her to waste her E. You can also use your W sidways and look for Q+E trades. Always give yourself options to dodge her spells with your W and RW snapbacks and keep in mind that she becomes way stronger in lane when she reaches 40 splinters (usually lvl7 or lvl8)”
ShokLoL says “Syndra is a very strong lane bully early, but she will have trouble killing you since you ward her off with QQ. The key to this matchup is to play to setup ganks (normally with EE) and it can be a good idea to rush merc treads in order to survive.”
vSomnia says “If she missed Q try to look to make a trade. Always try to dodge her Q E combo since getting stunned gives her a free W aswel. Play agressive and don't get harassed. She cant really kill you since your ult counters hers. If you manage to dodge her E always trade and go all in.”
InTaggar says “ENG: Skillmatchup, try to avoid his Q and stay away from that habilitie. Normaly she plays with his jungler so pay attention to the map.
Runes: Aery with Gatherin Storm.
Spells: TP
ESP: Skillmatchup, intenta evitar su Q y mantente alejado de esa habilidad. Normalmente ella juega con su jungla, así que presta atención al mapa.
Runas: Aery con tormenta creciente.
Spells: TP
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Syndra focus on farm, dodge her Q, if she's smart, she will use her E only if you go on her trading back a lot making not worth, try to bait her E and spare some dmg with your W when you can't dodge her q”
Kikife says “Syndra can easily out poke you here. With her typically also taking electrocute, it means that you're really unlikely to win a trade-off when she can just stun you and proc electrocute then run away. Try and bait out her push stun first, then E into her following up with a full combo to proc your runes and poke her down. Then juke out her second stun and run back to your side to secure good free poke.”
vreiki says “Syndra tem um poke muito forte no early game, e o stun dura muito tempo, o bastante pra ela ultar. Mas, sua ult bloqueia a dela e ela dificilmente escapa de um gank.”
gaarrett says “You can either E away from the stun or time E2 to pull yourself through Syndra's E knockback. [3/5] ult, you only get three balls and you won't get the execute even when she gets enough stacks. ”
MukiiBaa says “IF you cant side step her Qs and CC combo you are doomed.
Dont give her free kills and you are better champ in team fight than her.
Catch her in river as often as you can coz collapsing on her if she miss E is very easy”
149Gray says “Bait her Q's and try to dodge them. Cdr boots help you a lot early to sustain and dodge her Q's. You can also sidestep her E, though you can't really do it consistently if she's good, so pool it if you're in lethal range.”
ImVoxxX says “Bait her E, don't get poked early and buy Hexdrinker.
Impossible match if she knows what she's doing.
Try to roam, you'll lose the waves anyway.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Mix between Ori and Lux, she can constantly poke, and you to respond with all-in, you need her to use her "E" otherwise if she decides so, you'll never reach her. And in late-mid game if you fail your "E" and you don't have zhonyas she will be able to kill you.
This match up depends a lot in how good the syndra is with holding her "E" as always as she has the "E" you shouldn't be able to kill her, of course it has HIGH "CD" 17SECS.
Mezcla entre Ori y Lux, ella puede pokearte constantemente y tú para responder con tu all-in, necesitas que ella use su "E", de lo contrario, si ella así lo decide, nunca la alcanzarás. Y en late o mid game, si fallas tu "E" y no tienes zhonyas, ella podrá matarte.
Este matchup depende mucho de qué tan buena sea Syndra holdeando su "E", siempre y cuando ella tenga la "E", no deberías de poder matarla, por supuesto, tiene ALTO "CD" 17 SECS. ”
KazunaSan says “HORRIBLE, injouable, elle vous poke, vous cancel votre dash , vous stun , vous empeche de jouer, et stack son passif super facilement, must ban si akali n'était pas broken.
jouez comete et essayez de contre attaquer son poke, ou go electrocute et all in sur des combos flash.
je go TP cookies comete perso”
Desc069 says “i put syndra in major but it depend on if she has brain or not, if she just perma poke with Q and keep E for ur all in then yes its really hard to play , if she just E like a donkey on wave then its pretty ez matchup”
FrostbiteMW says “Hard, she out ranges you, has a far stun, and can burst you. Take barrier to maybe survive her ult damage, Zhonyas could also be a good alternative. I recommend Banshee's Veil and other MR items. Call for ganks since she has bad escape. If you would like to try to all-in her wait for her E so she can't stun you and turn the tables and just Q, R you.”
FrostbiteMW says “Matchup can be super annoying. You can abuse her early game and perma poke, try to stay out of her stun range tho. After 6 be even more careful since she can all in you. Just hold your distance and poke.”
AzkloX says “Its hard but try to dodge her Q E combo. Max Q. You can all in after level 6 if her E is on cooldown and if she is below %80 hp. Higher pick rate than anivia so you can ban her.”
FrostbiteMW says “Matchup can be super annoying. You can abuse her early game and perma poke, try to stay out of her stun range tho. After 6 be even more careful since she can all in you. Just hold your distance and poke.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Try to outrange and poke her. If she gets ahead the game will be tough for you.”
SYROBE says “Syndra is by far the hardest match-up for Hwei. It takes almost zero skill for Syndra to win because not only is she already one of the strongest mid laners in the GAME, she out ranges ALL of your abilities and you can never trade with her without guaranteeing that she lands her full combo on you. You never win any trade against her, there is almost nothing Hwei can do in this match up besides go even at BEST and pray his team carries late game, but even then she hard out-scales you LOL. ”
Shinbae says “Синдра сама по себе не особо мобильная, однако у неё в арсенале поук абилки и стан на 1,25 секунды... тут игра от ренджа и доджа, при правильной игре, у вас появиться возможность даже ваншотнуть”
MasterGamer0115 says “Syndra has a big range advantage on you making it hard to zone her off the minion wave or take good trades, as well as doing a large amount of burst damage level 6 and up.”
Wizboy73 says “The nerfs did their job she is fine now, take default or experimental runes. Poke her with E so her first strike is never up. be carefull cause scaling is even. ”
Hexeria says “[Try to dodge her Q and her E as best you can.] [Dont engage her head on, because she will just shove you away with her E.] [Play with your Jungle and wait for her E.] [Save your W, if she throws her Ult at you to reduce the damage.]”
Halkem says “This matchup is tricky. You need to have good movement otherwise she'll take over lane phase. Just try bating her spells as best as you can and spawn voidlings to match her push when her spells are on CD. Your ult + flash is really good at picking her off. Her stun can buffer through your ult, so care.”
Iceyou says “Easy game early . She needs some time to scale and get a second q charge . Till then her q cd is kinda long and you can even walk in her range to poke her . Key things to be carefull : Her stun into gank potential is problem she will cc you before you take your e and you will die . Play this like all long range mages and give her the push even when you win . Second thing to pay attention is her execute limits post 6 . If you both close to die get ready for selfcast R to counter her R .
The Milelator says “Hella annoying. Her E-Q interrupt your push and damage. She can easily stack on you and once she has liandries, she does a ton of damage. Survive pre 6 and try to dodge those E-Q's. Lvl 6 try to hit E and all in, she either flashes or dies.
If you cannot kill her, push wave and roam.”
Hikkinnado says “Another meta matchup, syndra just outscales you, after 6 try to dodge her e and all in her. Tp is good for healing, but you can go ignite and buy refills.fleet is good, also first strike ”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Skill matchup. Try your best to dodge her stun. She is weak early which is your best time to punish her, especially if you can space well between her orbs. Her ult is BS though, that shit does way to much dmg for a point and click. Buy Zhonya's and make sure to be ready to hit that shit when she R's you.”
FrostbiteMW says “Lane bully who outtrades you easily. You have a hard time earlygame, so try to be safe. Midgame you can just outpush her and roam. If you do fight against her try to dodge her E, afterwards you can win.”
FrostbiteMW says “Shes a hard lane bully, being able to perma harrass you. Just try to play safe early and farm up, afterwards you can always go for poke with your R - Q. But if you get too close youre basically dead.”
Tokiyami says “respect her early game poke just like any other control mage champ respect her poke and survive until lvl 6 and then you can run her down at lvl 6 just wait for her to waste her E ability and run at her.”
FlopQueenEra says “Syndra's main source of damage is her (Q) ability. Sona should focus on dodging Syndra's skill shots by constantly moving and positioning herself behind minions to avoid getting hit. This minimizes the damage Sona takes and reduces Syndra's ability to set up her combos. Proper positioning is essential to avoid Syndra's crowd control abilities. Sona should stay out of Syndra's (E) range, as getting stunned by this ability can lead to a deadly combo from Syndra, Plus she can win the lane without jungler help so call for ganks so that you can push her turret.”
Glitchgun says “Lots of annoying damage and knockbacks in the early laning. If you wanna farm, you have to give in to her poke. Prepare to farm under turret or buy tear as first item.”
Lindroganti says “If she has hands she cannot be jumped on. Block her ult, do not get stunned by her pushing an orb into you. If she does and misses, that is your only chance to jump her. Just because she can cancel your W, it does not mean you shouldn't try, oftentimes they fail to stop you in lower elos.”
stormraided says “You can kill Syndra pretty easily if she uses her E. Just Q on a dying minion and hit both your W proc, wait for your Q to come up again and just Q AA her. Baiting her Q is quite easy, estimate her Q range, act like you're walking in it and walk out. If you can't find a kill just shove and roam.”
support_diff says “Syndra can push you away if you try to trade, her poke also makes it harder for you to farm. Her ult is pretty much useless as you don't have her orbs”
Fuzzmonkey says “She deletes your packmates with one Q, so don't let her get a cantered Q on you. Her push back also counters your W, so wait for her to use her E aggressively and miss on you, then go in.”
Shark of Void says “Because of her E, you can't approach her, so you have no chance against her. Roam and believe that you will be able to get the kills.”
Wraithlander says “Heavy poke matchup. Her E is her only defensive spell and can prevent you from getting onto her for trades so if she uses it on the wave make sure to all in her. Early mercs are a must especially if she's saving her E and using it effectively. One trick can be to time your chain with her E but this is unreliable and can be quite tricky to pull off consistently.”
sullyyylol says “Annoying lane but manageable. If you shunpo onto her after she Q's she wont be able to stun. Find good angles to enter 2v2's against her so she doesn't stun both of you.”
Exxidara says “As an ranged matchup i think one of the hardest one you can play because she has perma poke but you still have roam opportunity or chance to kill if she misses e or if you dodge it”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Throw another ball at me bitch. I FUCKING DARE YOU. This match-up involves the thing that my randoms in Summoner Rift queues love doing. Dodging! If you get hit by a rotational combo, GGEZ clap, shake her hand you're going to Venezuela. Just try to poke and survive in the lane as best you can. ”
tangerrine says “Personally I take electrocute, and try to engage when she wastes E. Post-6, just play safe until you hit and E, then follow up with an QR and back off with W to avoid getting one shot. Her E CAN counter your R, so be careful about that. She will scale harder than you however, so talk to your jungler and dont let her play the whole game. ”
TheBougis says “Syndra is very strong thanks to her very fast scaling, allowing her to max out her passive within about 5 rounds. Make sure to E her ult as it will execute you when you get below 15% health.”
Zero macro says “Syndra outranges Caitlyn her autohits and most of her spells easily, thereby laning phase will be hard. Caitlyn should try to dodge most of the Syndra combos, and respect her oneshot potential once poked down on Syndra level 6.”
Zero macro says “Syndra is a control mage with a lot of range on Q/E. Thereby it becomes impossible for Kog'Maw to keep prio.
Be aware of Syndra her Burst potential once she reaches level 6. Later on Kog'Maw has an easy time keeping up with Syndra.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3
just avoid her push spell ”
Actt says “Insane poke and lane control. Dodge her Qs and play around her E if you wanna kill. Electrocute Inspiration and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.”
anniebotna says “It's dificult to even walk up to her as her E knocks you back and she moves while casting spells. She also outranges and outbursts you. This matchup is very difficult unless you have a lead from ganks by your jungler. ”
ITSHOT says “Another high range mage with burst
MR and Tenacity goes a long way
Get Doran's Shield and Second Wind
If the game drags out long enough you eventually outscale her but early and mid game she's a nightmare”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Unsealed Speelbook]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield]
[Dodge her Q and avoid her E stun]
[Pay attention on her small orbs on her ground]
[Don't get too low or she will execute you with her ultimate]”
freuio123 says “Rein Laningphase betrachtet finde ich Syndra nicht so dramatisch.
Ihre burstlastigen Trades nicht unangenehm, aber du kannst mit deiner W die meisten Trade Offer von ihr einfach dodgen und Wave spielen.
Lategame hilft Banshees in Teamfights ungemein um nicht von ihrem E getroffen zu werden.
Du kannst Syndra in lane mit Jungle attention bis ins Nirvana snowballen, da du selbst nach ihrer Q E noch hinterherkommst mit Ulti Charges.”
Anguish333 says “- Dodge her Abilities (Rush boots to get Movement Speed for that)
- Don't get hit by her Stun
- She can easly escape if we waste everything on 1 engage (her E, or Q+E)
- You can bait her to push wave, by standing in your wave and then dodging Q
- Be careful when on low HP, and she plays with Electrocute and Ignite,
- She Transcends when Collecting Splinters, her Abilities gets upgraded when she has (40 - Q, 60 - W, 80 - E, 100 - R) Splinters,
- Her Q will gain another charge
- Her W will deal True Damage
- Her E has increased Size, Slows after you get hit by It (Right after getting Knockedback or After Stun Ends)
- Her R becomes Execute on 15% of max HP or Lower (each ball on her ult can proc Execute)
Zeusman00 says “Avoid Q poke in the laning phase, if you can dodge the Q E combo you can heavily punish her. At an even state, you can beat her 1v1 at most points.”
uwuimsocute says “Unplayable.
You can try to get a lead early, she is one of the champions that can match your scaling.
Consider taking Cleanse + HoB or First Strike in this Matchup, if you want to be stronger in lane. Otherwise go for usual setup.
Mercs are good her.”
qkthr1 says “as with most cc mages, easy w dodging. Out dmg out sustain her almost the entire time and her abilities arent oppressive in the slightest.”
Painters says “Rush Zhonya's against her. She out ranges you and presses R to win. Do not try to 1v1 her. Roam for kills instead. Can take barrier for survivability.”
Cryniu says “Focus on dodge her stun. Your ultimate counters hers but it's very important to dodge her stun. Use Mercury's treads if you are suffering.”
SanyGame says “[Arcane Comet] Good candidate for banning in midlane.
Try to go even early, as Syndra needs to snowball to become a real threat. Place your turrets further behind minion waves to avoid her stunning or destroying multiple turrets at once. Be cautious when placing turrets, as she can easily pick them up with her Q and E to disrupt your setup. Only place them when you really need to, and aim for a combo with E + W if you're low on turrets.
Early boots are helpful for dodging her skillshot. Prioritize Ult, W, or E in fights, as Syndra can displace your Ult Q with her E. A Banshee's Veil later on can help block her burst.”
Krzychu678 says “If she stun you with her E your probably will be dead so try to bait it first, land your Q on her and do a fake all in (Q and W on minion immediately after)”
darkezmond says “I think, Syndra - counterpick all AD champion and oddly enough Ezreal, beware of her E and R, try to trade with her only in cases where she makes a mistake or has cd skills, her E makes our trade with her problematic. At best, stand under the tower and farm the minions until your jungle comes”
kaiba77 says “Good Syndras make this hard. If she wastes E go in and kill her for free. At level 6 if you land R E combo she will die. Rushing Rocketbelt is imperative for gapclose.”
ardizzle says “This lane is like being at your uncles house when you were a kid. Nothing but balls in your face and no adults to help you.
Take Doran's Shield and Second wind and dodge. If she wastes her E, go for a trade if you are healthy enough to survive her ult. ”
Caganos says “My only ban. Her E is very hard to deal with and she has great damage potantial. Without her E, you can easily kill her. Since Renekton is best at below half HP, her ult can easily execute you.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “Extreme threat in lane, she can zone you, harass you, toss away your boxes. You can ult to deny her ult for a big part unless she stuns you first. This matchup gets better as you scale. ”
Edwwardo says “Her shockwave can stop any attempt at gap closing and she can easily oneshot you with her ult if you go in. If her abilities + ult is up dont even think about going in even if she's low as she can turn things around quickly. She has good range as well though it is thankfully a bit predictable. Make sure to keep track of her balls relative to her position as if she shockwaves it onto you then she can easily finish you off.”
Nooldles says “Recently Syndra has been the premier Mid lane pick and for good reason. Right now she is very overtuned and doesn't really have a point in the game where she is weak. If Syndra is good, it is very hard for Sylas to trade into her and Syndra also scales extremely well into the game. Only thing is she is an immobile mage so when she has no flash she is kind of susceptible to ganks but again she is just a very strong champion in general. Another thing is her ultimate is pretty bad for Sylas to take.”
slendoooo says “Syndra is not often picked as ADC, but she can be kinda problematic for Draven. specially after Level 6, because of her One-shot potential. So just look for long trades in the early levels, and make sure to dodge her E.
Easiest way dodge her E is by making her panic and waste it. By pressing W and going a bit forward she will use it, so fall back to easily dodge this and then re-engage on her till her E comes back up, this has a relatively high cooldown.
A video example of Syndra-Draven
AnxialSociety says “Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Manaflow transcendence.
Spellbook tonic biscuit cosmic. Manaflow transcendence.
TP or Cleanse.
Rush Merc's.
Consider banshee's.
Punish her weak early game and zone her off(early), or push and roam to help your team(early-middle)
You need to get your team ahead. She WILL outscale you.
Don't let her land her q-stun and you're good. Punish her cooldowns, and don't approach her past around level 10 or you will die. ”
Deru says “Another very hard matchup. Try to ask for jungler's help since u can lock her down early on. Conq is useless and solokilling her is impossible unless you goo flip her early. She outshoves you and if you try to push the wave her trades will chunk you very hard, pray.”
Deru says “Another very hard matchup. Try to ask for jungler's help since u can lock her down early on. Conq is useless and solokilling her is impossible unless you goo flip her early. She outshoves you and if you try to push the wave her trades will chunk you very hard, pray.”
MiniLuxi1 says “She can just spam poke you, she can stun you instantly, if you are in a straight line with her and her (q) ball is between you, step back and make an angle so that she does not stun you, when recharging her E, which can also throw away.”
StralekS says “Not Kat Favored but Can win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish her with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended Sunderer rush with Doran Shield start.”
Mayuushii says “Syndra has great range to poke you out and bully you out. Care her Q or W and avoid getting chunked out too much. Care her Stun cause you will get run out of lane. Care lvl 6 cause her kill pressure rises when you get poked enough. Stopwatch is pretty standard into her maybe better earlier”
Samikin says “EXTREME THREAT!
Syndra does what Zoe does, but a lot better. More range, easier to hit stuns, consistent easy high damage poke, and point and click burst. If Syndra goes Aery instead of First Strike, you won't be liking the laning phase at all. Outside of lane is more manageable, but can still get chunked easily.
Electrocute (+ Biscuits / Cosmic Insight)
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane
Standard Luden's One-Shot Build
Would consider taking Teleport or Cleanse in this lane. ”
basrty1p says “Not a threat but also not an easy target to kill too.
She can stun easier than you but in early game, her damage is so low.
Try to harness in lane to deny her exp or gold for she'll get her full upgrade skill. If you sure that can oneskill her, do it.”
AkuAku says “a good syndra is very annoying, take second wind and d shield for sustain against her annoying poke.
she has no mobility and if she misses her self peel she's a free kill”
TheAfricanDream says “Syndra is very similair to Viktor. She will outrange you in lane and will combo trade with you until she can burst you with her R. Syndra will always try to Q you when you are about to last hit a creep. Try your best to predict her Q E combo to delay her passive powerspike. She is one of the hardest scaling champions in the game so you have to look to shove mid and roam either top or bot lane. Just like Viktor take Second Wind as your rune in resolve and start the game with Dorans Shield to survive her poke in lane.”
ThatsKindaSwaggy says “Anything that can pop you like a baloon is a threat really. Neeko's strong advantage is the early game poke. When something outranges you/outdamages you or BOTH, it's gonna be hard to deal with. ESPECIALLY when you can't really protect yourself from her with exhaust, it works on Zed just fine but some champions are just a pain to play against.”
Cjtheawesome says “Pre level 3 syndra just don't take excessive amounts of her Q poke and you should be fine till level 6. once you hit 6 keep farming comfortably and avoid her E landing at all costs.”
Atemporal says “Este é provavelmente o confronto mais conhecido para Ekko. É um confronto fácil, mas longe de ser um dos mais fáceis de Ekko. Um bom jogador de Syndra pode intimidá-lo com força no início do jogo, e contanto que ele segure seu E, há Não há muito que você pode fazer
puni-la no início do jogo. Ekko começa a ser um contador de Syndra adequado após o término da fase de rotas, quando as rotas laterais e o teamfighting começam e quando Ekko tem Proto e provavelmente Merc Threads. No início você tem que se esquivar dela Q/ficar de fora
de sua faixa Q. A única maneira de Syndra acabar vencendo esse confronto é se ela bater em você com força suficiente na pista para fazer uma bola de neve no meio do jogo. E se esquivar toda vez que ela for para um stun em você, não seja ganancioso. Não pule nela a menos que ela
E está em cooldown. Se ela perder o stun, você tem uma janela de 18 segundos para puni-la. Divida-a do cs ou faça trades, se possível, sempre que o E estiver no CD. Um bom jogador de Syndra sabe como atordoar pessoas que estão no alcance corpo a corpo
usando Q atrás e depois empurrando você para ele com seu E. Trocar ults com Syndra é bom, mas certifique-se de não fazer ult muito cedo ou as bolas R de Syndra vão te acertar depois de seu R. Apenas jogue para farmar mais cedo, pegue Protobelt e então você começa a ganhar. Depois
você E nela, instantaneamente use Protobelt para ir ""dentro"" dela. É extremamente difícil para Syndra te afastar se você estiver dentro dela, pois ela pode acabar empurrando você para o lado errado. Não vá para W de longo alcance contra Syndra, pois ela apenas fará Q - E você
toda vez e você sofrerá muito dano, e em lutas posteriores você ainda corre o risco de morrer. Encontre ângulos em vez disso, salte sobre paredes ou embosque-a se você quiser pousar W. Essa mesma regra se aplica a lutas de equipe contra ela. Correndo de cara em direção ao seu
W apenas o deixará atordoado e morto. Jogue com a visão e jogue no nevoeiro da guerra. Eventualmente, na pista lateral, seu waveclear é muito mais forte que o dela. Você só precisa de 1 Q para empurrar as ondas enquanto Syndra precisa de seu Q e E para limpar as ondas.
Use essas janelas para procurar por trades ou all ins. ”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard
S: Tp/Barrier
Syndra Rework kommt bald aber bisher musst du Early einfach ihre Q dodgen auch wenn es dich etwas CS kostet. Syndra muss snowballen sonst outscalest du sie. ”
Lucid Walking says “She won't kill you if you have good movement. Obviously the fact that you rush Ionian Boots of Lucidity means you can more easily dodge her abilities.
Your barrier and ult together nullify her burst potential from her all-in combo.
If you see her closing in to Q on you, Q back. If her Q hits you, your Q heals you back and ends up you winning the trade.”
Balinthun873 says “While walking torward her weq her and if she want to trade back and casts her q, then use w2 before the explosion. If the explosion from her q hits you she can e you away from her.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “She is squishy and inmobile so you can poke her easily, not much to say there, if she is level 6 and ure <40%hp recall as she can finish you off with ultimate.”
sapphire__lol says “The worst matchup for sure. If she holds her e she can perma harrass you in lane and take prio. Try to farm safely and wait for your jungler to punish her while pushing. Once youre ahead it is for sure playable. ”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “New syndra loses early power for late game destruction making it easier for vlad as surviving lane is easier. Any rune setup works but i'd take tp with anything second if you are nervous otherwise any setup works with my preference being ghost flash. She will spam q so either walk up and walk back to bait it out or sit on the wave. If she e>q only pool if the wave is pushing torwards you or if you are in the middle of the wave. If its pushing torwards her stand in your wave and bait the e q to pool otherwise just tank it especially post 6 as no pool means she can just r. If she goes phase rush or no ignite this MU is a joke. Just scale, can fight on rocketbelt though harvester is fine in this matchup. Tough to fight her in teamfights as usually you just die to her R out of pool so zhonyas isn't a bad buy here. Rush boots buy when footwear lands in your inventory and also go aether wisp early if you are going cosmic drive though I'd suggest against it. Dont get me wrong shes broken as fuck right now so its a bit doomed but as a matchup itself its not terrible”
GoodMangoes2war says “Also, not as dangerous as Lux. The long range threats are the first concern. Big damage from extreme range. Senna needs to hide/use minions to stack tear and Senna wont equal the range/output until after well Manamune is built.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “After Syndra’s first back, she will have a lot of pushing power. Make sure you match her damage on the minion wave so she is unable to get early plates and roam priority. Syndra’s Scatter the Weak(E) has an incredibly long cooldown. If she uses it to trade with and misses, use this timer to play aggressive and poke her down. Post 6, if Syndra has lots of balls on the floor, do not commit to a trade as her Ultimate Unleashed Power(R) will deal lots of extra damage. Commit to trades when she has no balls on the ground.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “After Syndra’s first back, she will have a lot of pushing power. Make sure you match her damage on the minion wave so she is unable to get early plates and roam priority. Syndra’s Scatter the Weak(E) has an incredibly long cooldown. If she uses it to trade with and misses, use this timer to play aggressive and poke her down. Post 6, if Syndra has lots of balls on the floor, do not commit to a trade as her Ultimate Unleashed Power(R) will deal lots of extra damage. Commit to trades when she has no balls on the ground.”
Adamonias says “Xerath Favoured. Take barrier it will block almost her entire ult damage early. She can animation cancel Q with E so just assume she can stun you when she has E up. You will again be slightly on the back foot till lost chapter, then you can just sit and farm/poke her. You hard outscale her. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “After Syndra’s first back, she will have a lot of pushing power. Make sure you match her damage on the minion wave so she is unable to get early plates and roam priority. Syndra’s Scatter the Weak(E) has an incredibly long cooldown. If she uses it to trade with and misses, use this timer to play aggressive and poke her down. Post 6, if Syndra has lots of balls on the floor, do not commit to a trade as her Ultimate Unleashed Power(R) will deal lots of extra damage. Commit to trades when she has no balls on the ground.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “After Syndra’s first back, she will have a lot of pushing power. Make sure you match her damage on the minion wave so she is unable to get early plates and roam priority. Syndra’s Scatter the Weak(E) has an incredibly long cooldown. If she uses it to trade with and misses, use this timer to play aggressive and poke her down. Post 6, if Syndra has lots of balls on the floor, do not commit to a trade as her Ultimate Unleashed Power(R) will deal lots of extra damage. Commit to trades when she has no balls on the ground.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “After Syndra’s first back, she will have a lot of pushing power. Make sure you match her damage on the minion wave so she is unable to get early plates and roam priority. Syndra’s Scatter the Weak(E) has an incredibly long cooldown. If she uses it to trade with and misses, use this timer to play aggressive and poke her down. Post 6, if Syndra has lots of balls on the floor, do not commit to a trade as her Ultimate Unleashed Power(R) will deal lots of extra damage. Commit to trades when she has no balls on the ground.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “After Syndra’s first back, she will have a lot of pushing power. Make sure you match her damage on the minion wave so she is unable to get early plates and roam priority. Syndra’s Scatter the Weak(E) has an incredibly long cooldown. If she uses it to trade with and misses, use this timer to play aggressive and poke her down. Post 6, if Syndra has lots of balls on the floor, do not commit to a trade as her Ultimate Unleashed Power(R) will deal lots of extra damage. Commit to trades when she has no balls on the ground.”
SkyBanana says “Syndra is an early dominant mage. Q spam to force you to miss minions and take damage as well. Issue is that is all she offers and she will be out traded by Seraphine since her damage and utility skyrockets as the game goes on. Syndra still has some decent CC but it makes her dependent on her Q placement. If she misses or if you dodge them then it is free for you to win.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “After Syndra’s first back, she will have a lot of pushing power. Make sure you match her damage on the minion wave so she is unable to get early plates and roam priority. Syndra’s Scatter the Weak(E) has an incredibly long cooldown. If she uses it to trade with and misses, use this timer to play aggressive and poke her down. Post 6, if Syndra has lots of balls on the floor, do not commit to a trade as her Ultimate will deal lots of extra damage. Commit to trades when she has no balls on the ground.”
TB Azir says “1 levelda dümdüz dürtmeye çalışmak yerine üstüne koşup 1-2 side step atarak Q’sunu baitleyin, kullanırsa dürtmek için tekrar üstüne koşabilirsiniz. Bunun dışında ormancınız punish atmayacaksa Syndra'nın wave’i üstünüze yıkmasına izin vermeyin ve mümkünse Syndra E’sini kullandığında ormancınızdan mide gelmesini isteyin. Yani Lux matchup'ının benzeri ama bir tık daha kolay versiyonu gibi bir şey de diyebiliriz aslında. Zaten adam iyi oynuyorsa ve ormancıdan yardım alamıyorsanız ct matchup oynadığınız için zırlayıp first item'a kadar farm atmaktan başka çareniz yok.
Rün: Fleet, Aery”
NegativePhoenix says “Dodge her Q poke and position yourself at an odd angle that makes it hard for her to stun you with her wave ability, also recommend barrier for her. If she can't land her stun combo she can't do a ton to you, and you'll do decent against her in lane. Just get help as well, her burst is nuts once she has her first item.”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is pretty much just dodging simulator. You have to dodge her Qs or you will lose the lane. Sometimes I like to walk forward at her; a lot of Syndras will predict me to walk backwards to dodge the Q. Keep track of her orbs and her position because she will try to use her E to stun you so be ready to dodge or bait it out. Pick up an early Null-Magic Mantle so she can't one shot you after level 6. If you're not confident in this matchup, you can rush Mercury's Treads to lower her burst and stun duration. Banshee's Veil is also great into her if you're not snowballing the matchup hard. Wait to all-in her after she uses her E or she'll just push you away during your E and cancel you. Look to poke her down when her Q is on cooldown or when she is last hitting a minion, Azir has a slight range advantage.”
Bughans says “Can push you away, but if you hit her she's dead meat, she's not that OP right now
HikariWoosh says “Syndra is difficult for Neeko due to her super safe spacing and self peel, making it impossible for Neeko to get close. Don't try to contest the wave and just clear it as it comes to you, try get your jungles help, or sack a wave to roam if needed.”
KayyeN says “Syndra doesn't have to stop moving to cast anything, so hitting daggers can be challenging. If you use your mobility to avoid her Q and W, she can't really kill you. Dodging her E and E-Q is almost impossible if she doesn't mess up, but once that's out and you still have another E up, you have kill pressure.”
Zarasaras says “She pokes you a lot, you need to dodge her Qs, just farm she can only kill 1 of your carries late game you can kill her entire team but respect her strong lanning phase
After rework she scales a ton so you need to dodge her combos”
Super08131208 says “Syndra is pretty annoying. She'll Q everytime you try to last hit minions. Play safe and try your best to farm. If she walks up past her minions you can actually trade while your minions help you. Try to avoid her Qs and he stun.
Uberizm says “Syndra players must have a chip in their brain that forces them to spam Q and auto harass every 2s bc I swear they are more annoying than any other players. Just live long and prosper at 6”
Zoose says “Her main threat comes from her long range E stun. Stay back and focus on poking her until she uses E. You have potential to kill her after some poke. The only reason she isn't a hard matchup is her immobility. Even if you can kill her, she will almost always return damage with her click target ultimate, so pay attention to how many balls she has.”
CaptainBattlaxe says “She will zone you from cs, super difficult to get on top of. Outplay button at level 6. Orange the stun or to save yourself from oneshot.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Unsealed Spellbook]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge her skillshots]
[Don't use your E when her E is up]”
spicy ricecaker says “The only way syndra outtrades you is if she his her qe stun. You can ww this stun along with her r, and dodge her qs with your e. Therefore in lane, play around her stun and your windwall, fish for it with EQW and go in hard when it's down.”
DabiDabi says “Syndra is pretty annoying. She'll Q everytime you try to last hit minions. Play safe and try your best to farm. If she walks up past her minions you can actually trade while your minions help you. Try to avoid her Qs and her stun. ”
Esrucnl says “Can poke you while moving so she can space you whenever you want to walk up and use your Q on her. Usually wait till level 6 unless she messes up.
You want to always save your E for her ultimate (R) because you can completely soak it, however if you know you can kill her by all means go for it.
If are ahead you can just use your E to dodge her stun and run at her with R and kill her easily.”
Azurio says “Tough matchup in lane, dodge her stun with E and try to farm as much as possible. if she waste spells on wave, you can fast trade her, but don't commit too hard, her Q couldown is low. Mercs fast.”
ddieguito_es says “If you manage to hit your stuns, which won't happen usually, you're fine. She has too much range for you. Please get Arcane Comet and MR if she's a bit too annoying. Great ban imo.”
beansoce says “Outranges you very hard, try to get a feel for dodging her qs early so you don't get hit by her q e combo. Buying early boots is good to counter her, and you can pool her ult dmg.”
Ludwig RageQuit says “Pick Poke Rune and starts with Dorans Ring. Rush Magic Resist Boots and try dodge her every second. I hate this matchup, and you hard need jungler help.”
Lavishmouse1032 says “Syndra is an annoying matchup for especially since she has so much poke and can one shot you quite easy so I normally go nimbus cloak so I don't die to her early game and is pretty useful later on in the game”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge her Q]
[Don't get stunned by her E or she will burst you down]”
donidaking says “The chick with BALLS.
Level 1 if you dodge her Q's you can poke her pretty well but after that it s kinda cancer if shes GOOD.
Syndra outranges you and will perma Q and auto you, you have to see her Q pattern and try to dodge as many.
Remember she can E you and Q you when you are stunned she can do the same at level 6 when she has R which means you die.
If she wasted her E and R's you just pool her R(works with veigar R as well).
And if she misses E on you just go ham on her.”
TheKingUltra says “Her q and e are pretty annoying, and the fact she can cast q while moving, will also lead to many misses. The new item shadow flame, which she will build. Is going to be hella annoying. But thats it, she has still no huge mobility and can be punished.”
Dustyacer says “Your e blocks her q,w,e,r damage. Her r is really telegraphed. She'll poke you endless with q. Can engage if she used her e. If u just run at her when she has it, often times you'll w onto her at the same time she'll be e'ing you and she just wins the trade.
Consider corrupting, biscuits, tp. rush mercs. Consider conqs for scaling/all in.”
Autolykus says “She can spam multiple abilities that will make it impossible to push or keep your passive up. Wait until 6 for a gank or play the anti-carry in teamfights and focus ult her.”
Ahri Simplord says “She's not at good spot right now, she can always oneshot you but with your W mobility you can dodge most of her Q's. I would not advise playing 1v1 but rather shove and roam as always, Space yourself well and don't get hit by stuns after 6 since you're probably dying.”
InfiniteStack says “According to V2, Syndra is your hardest matchup. She beats you in all levels, she outranges you hard. Your best bet with Syndra is to buy Mercs, and spam jungle for ganks. You can win if you get ahead through that method. It's generally out of your control.”
Xalt says “While versing Syndra, try to avoid standing in the wave so you don't allow her to Q you and the wave at the same time: that is what she wants. You can try to Q E a back wave and catch her with your ult pull in, but keep an eye on her E; if she uses this to shove all in she can't stop you from dashing to her.”
Bundif says “The purple ball lady is an annoying one. The wave control and the simplicity of her Q damage is enough to make you go bald. Play around the sacred lvl 3 rule and try to fish for Electrocute procs
Watch out for her Zhonya's ⭐👀”
DaffeLaffe says “Syndra can be annoying but, while versing Syndra, try to avoid standing in the wave so you don't allow her to Q you and the wave at the same time. You can try to Q E a back wave and catch her with your ult pull in, but keep an eye on her E if she uses this to shove all-in she can't stop you from dashing to her.”
FyreRode says “She outranges you pretty hard and can scale into the mid game a bit better than you. If she plays properly and bullies you early you're pretty much getting no farm.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge her skillshots]
[Don't get stunned by her E or you are pretty much dead]”
Juon says “Dodge her stun, win. She has heavy burst but she lacks mobility so can be setup well for combos. Lots of poke so run comet and max W second.”
CuteNakedLoli says “Out damages you in every scenario, for this matchup I recommend taking nullifying orb instead of transcendence so u will be able to survive, also building shieldbow is really good against syndra .”
DabiDabi says “DON'T GET HIT BY HER Qs!! She can push you out of your Q. I suggest roaming more than trying to fight her. If you are sure you can kill her, you can Flash+Q and combo her”
OTP Toxin says “She is annoying! Try to keep moving and kiting even while farming, so you can try to dodge her stun combo. You have to use GotU to survive her ult as well.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Cleanse]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Dodge her skillshots]
[Don't get stunned by her E of she will burst you down]
[Play safe until you get Mythic Item]”
Fake Supp says “u must use poke build and go Doran's Shield in this matchup she can push u out when u E and Poke u veryHard and oneshot u with her combo and ult you are not very safe but you can only play with ur hooks if ur hooks connect u can combo her and win the trades . Roaming is the best way to play the game vs her”
desch3445 says “There is absolutely no way in hell you can engage on her, outdamage her, or even make it out of the lane unscathed unless the Syndra you're up against is a Kindergartener with no fingers and a late stage terminal illness.
Take the First Strike or Conqueror page; You're not gonna be doing jack shit to her in lane or out of lane, so you may as well just try to win from other lanes.”
ThePieBeam says “This champ can stun/displacement you from across the lane and that is not okay. Thankfully her early abilities are on middling cooldowns and she can have mana issues if she spams all of them all the time. Just play slow and if she misses a ball-push post-6 try to fight it. You might get egged but without her jg you should survive.”
UnxRuly says “Her poke early is insane. Early game jungler or hope to be more valuable to your team than she is to her. E her ult and dive when her E is down.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] BUY BOOTS FIRST! This matchup is a lot of baiting going for farm to bait out her abilities. ANYTIME Syndra uses her E go all in on her. It is hard to go in when she has it up because she pushes you back. Play aggressive to bait out the E and if you are healthy enough go for the all in.”
mrmundo says “Annoying champion that luckily you won't see a lot. But if you do, get fleet or domination because you won't be fighting her much thanks to her safety. If she doesn't have her balls up (hehe), go in. If she does, try and dodge them. ”
Desperate Nasus says “Against Syndra all you have to do is pretty much sidestep her Q by pretending to walk up for Cs then backing off. First back buy Boots of lucidity and try to stack as much as you can. If you manage to survive till Sheen and Boots of lucidity the lane is over. Overall the laning phase is easy for Nasus the only bad thing is that after her Void stuff her damage starts to increase a lot.”
BlockPad says “Syndra can oneshot you without problems at lvl.6 so take care. She got a huge pressure lane. Safe early game then poke a lot and try to be annoying to her but dont greed.”
Lowkii_d says “Syndra's push back stops Akshan from having an aggressive laning phase which he does best in also good wave clear and not much mana issues”
ShokLoL says “Syndra can be difficult but is certainly winnable. Go for ignite and E max and play aggressively to try bait out her E. When this is on cooldown you should be able to E forward for an easy trade. Rush Wit's End.”
Miscake says “É uma matchup difícil mas ainda assim é jogável. É de certa forma semelhante à Orianna com a diferença de que aqui a sua poça é útil já que cancela a ultimate dela.
Você também escala melhor e ganha na side, então sobreviva no early e ficará bem.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Dodge her lvl 1 Qs and try preserve your hp for level 2. If you get level 2 at the same time as her, do not go on her. If you go on her without windwall she can easily stun you and proc electrocute/phase rush and just walk away. Wait till level 3 in this matchup to windwall the stun and you will easily out trade her. Save windwall for her ulti post 6 or she can end up killing you if you have no MR. Grab an early magic mantle if you really struggle with her damage.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is one of the more annoying mage matchups. She will Q you whenever you go for cs. When
you E, she will just E you in return. To counter this, try to be more erratic with your movement to dodge it.
You can only all-in or trade with her if she misses her E. Early mantle is good so she can't 100 to 0 you
when she hits level 6. Play to scale and set up ganks with your jungler because she's very immobile.”
Katawina52 says “Hard early if she pokes you out with Q without autoattacking (minions wont aggro her then). You can look for basic combo trade when she goes for a Q. Once she does you should look to E>W her. This is the best opportunity to trade as her combo rotation will be on CD. Also good to do the short trade pattern (tip 2 on general kata tips) Make sure to not use ult if she didnt use her E yet. Mercs are really good aswell vs Syndra.”
eiensiei says “I'll farm and poke safely with E while being mindful of the balls on the ground and not being at an angle where she can E me into a stun. When I land a Q I'll go for the E-R, but I won't step up for any passive procs unless I'm 100% sure it will kill her (if it doesn't, my position/movement will be telegraphed and she'll have an easy time stunning me, possibly costing my my flash/barrier/life). Zhonya's can be a helpful too in denying her R damage, but as a general rule I'll avoid being that close for her to R.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Start Doran + 2 Pots if 1) You think you can outplay her and hit your W's to generate a kill at levels 3-5 or 2) You think she will burst you down post 6 (get an extra ring).
Start Corrupting if you think you will not hit your W's (or you will get poked down) and you rely more on wave clear/spammy poke (you will be way more squisher but more durable -- this is recommended if you are sure you will not get hit by CC spells and instantly die).
Go for the kill pre 6 - try to predict her E's but if she's good she'll know how to instantly E you and that'll be difficult and next to impossible to dodge. Good thing is that happens only at the highest elo.
If you dodge E levels 2-5 you have free time to do face damage so work around that. Post 6 if you are not super ahead or she IS ahead try to get some magic resist because her ult will just melt you.
If she has no R (she used it somewhere else or used it before without killing you) she becomes a relatively easy to kill target - just be careful of her E ! If you dodge that it's over. Her level 1 matches yours on Q poke (might even be better if she sticks behind minions properly), but on a close fight if you position properly your full Q's will triumph. When using WE expect an E to come from her to negate your damage followup and kill potential.
Pick Barrier if you feel you are going to get outplayed by her R.”
Avucado says “Start Q and look to hook them and get autos. Post 3 just walk or W up to them then hook or stun them, release your hook asap because they can cancel it with their shove. Immobile, susceptible to ganks and squishy. Roam if they play under tower. May want to take hexdrinker later in the game.”
Polarshift says “Very strong champion. She has more range than you and is really good in 1v1's vs squishy, immobile targets like you. Do your best to dodge her abilities and buy Zhonya's or some MR later so she doesn't oneshot you with her ultimate. She's pretty immobile so if you can bait and dodge her E (stun), your jungler can gank very easily. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “High dmg, hard to dodge cc. While her cc is difficult to deal with, if you do dodge it you can often force a flash or kill with W slow if you have decent HP.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “It might be quite surprising, but Syndra actually is not that hard opponent to deal with. Be careful if she is too aggressive early and try to make short trades against her if she misses her abilities or if she uses them for farming purpose, but respect her. Once when you get your negatron, she shouldn't be able to oneshot you with single stun and R combo, which will allow you to farm up your early magic penetration. Once when you have it, you should be able to win any kind of long-distance trades versus her and once when you hit level 16, you will be able to kill her before she even manages to reach you.”
Yeager says “Take cleanse or barrier. Syndra is very oppressive and has very high kill pressure in lane. Keep track of her dark spheres and how she moves, so you can dodge her stun. Rushing merc treads against her is a must! ”
RezoneVerified says “Dont place turrets close together due to her having strong AoE. Prioritise Ult W or E against her due to her being able to throw away your Ult Q. Banshees as a 5th or 6th item can work well.”
Callmebee says “This is pretty much a farm lane for both of you, although you can probably poke a little bit more early game. Always try to position yourself so that she can't hit her stun. If you struggle against her, consider MR Boots or Banshee's Veil. Take Barrier.”
LunarVortex says “Make sure to time your spellshield very well so that she doesn't break it before attempting to stun you. If you fail at doing so, she can oneshot you. Get early boots to make dodging her skillshots easier. Most junglers can easily gank and kill her if you spellshield he E onto your jungler. Get an early Verdant Barrier.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: Mercs is a good first buy in this matchup. Trading with her will
be hard. Consider going Teleport/spellbook. Careful for her lvl 6.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Syndra is early mercs and you can avoid her poke. Just watch out she can push you back after your dash and so you can't catchup with her. also some of them run phase rush so they'll outrun you no matter what.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Skill/reaction match up for Syndra. If she E's your W when you're going in for her. She'll beat you, otherwise if she wastes her E, go hard on her.”
Yeager says “She's also a lane dominant champion like Orianna. Rush mercury treads right after lost chapter, and have cleanse as your secondary summoner spells so you don't get comboed to death whenever you're stunned. Her Q cooldown is short even early game, so play around that and don't give her free hits. She MUST win the laning phase because she gets outscaled, so your only job is to play passive if you can't win. ”
Urpog says “Can be annoying but dodging her abilities is pretty easy even without mercs, her damage on you can't really bring you down to her execute threshold and then at that point you should just watch the VOD and see how many Q's she's managed to land on you for free. Cull start is a possibility against Syndra for that extra shove potential but go the HP build route against her, not AD unless you're giga ahead, ignite syndra can probably delete you in one combo at level 6.”
Dj Memelord says “Very limited manapool. dodge a few q's and she loses kill potential very fast. Hold your W for her ult or stun. Out of laning phase just run at her”
ShokLoL says “Syndra favored but definitely not unwinnable for Zoe. Take spellbook TP and look to dodge as many skillshots as possible. You should normally rush merc treads in this matchup which makes surviving a lot easier. If you're ahead, you can sometimes greed and buy chapter first but you will always want mercs eventually.”
angeLoon says “lethal dblade In Resolve Second wind and Unflinching.
if she doesn't have elecrocute you can get E lvl 1 to have a good trade against her.
you can block her W,E and R.”
Kords says “Syndra is a skillshot based champion, and your movespeed as a whole makes it hard for her to hit you, a good Syndra will stun you as you press W to push/not waste the E on the wave, a good Sol will dodge clockwise/anticlockwise, making her skillshots miss while still damaging her with stars, her strongest part is her combo, which is why you need to dodge the majority of the Q's and W's, exhaust her as she presses R, if you don't do this, you most likely die. You are able to trade with a Syndra so long as you get MR, otherwise you are punished more heavily if you are hit by her skills. She has HUGE teamfight potential with the ability to eliminate an ADC or you. You have to be prepared to exhaust or kill her during a fight, a good combo can delete her just as well. Her abilities somewhat weaker than it used to be but she is still a threat with her big range and one shot potential”
King Turtle says “Syndra can poke you from distance, push you away from her with E, and her R is entirely point and click, making avoiding it virtually impossible. Try to play safe or have your jungler take advantage of her lack of mobility.”
ShokLoL says “Definitely Syndra favored in the 1v1 but similar to Orianna you can look to setup ganks and snowball. This matchup is all about how well you can dodge Syndra Q's and punish cooldown windows. Make sure to W from an angle rather than just straight on otherwise she will cancel it with E. Consider rushing merc treads unless you find a big lead pre 6.”
Elite500 says “She outranges you, you HAVE to dodge her balls on the ground and play mindgames or else you'll get pushed out of lane, BUT ELITE YOU CAN POOL HER ULT XDDDDD NO YOU CANT IF SHE STUNS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Dr Eggmund says “Dodge everything! Or your screwed. Build boots first or if you're confident build dark seal for sustain + Spirit Visage if you are unconfident which I don't blame ya. Poke her with Q's as this will signal her to use her abilities. What I tend to do is pressure with poke and dodge her AOE Attacks to make Syndra use mana. If she has no mana, it means no damage. Simples!”
iZianni says “Orianna favored due to range advantage, Syndra can one shot us unless we build Merc treads. At which point she loses this match up, team fights are Orianna favored due to utility.”
Ambitieux says “Syndra has always been a rough matchup, what she lacks in mobility she makes up for in damage. Try to get lvl 2 faster than her in this lane by shoving wave and weaving her q's out of minions. If you can succeed and get early trades with pressure of charm or landing it, roll with ur advantage and go for an early kill. If not you may have to play the lane very safe until a jungler can come due to her naturally pushing the lane. I suggest Negatron TECH into this matchup or even Merc treads. It will go wonders”
iZianni says “Low mobility means you can punish her, but if she ever lands a Q/E you will literally die.
Verdant barrier rush if you fear for your life.
Otherwise go full AP and try to one shot her from range.
kindo says “Take Doran's Shield and Tenacity Rune. They are extremely important in this matchup - it becomes harder if you don't. Like Orianna, almost any poke pre-6 can be mitigated by DShield and your W passive. Use your Q to dodge her early Qs before lvl 3-4. Play around her E cooldown more than her phase rush. It's more difficult for Syndra to activate phase rush than other champions if her E isn't up. Since you have Q, it's tricky for her to land Q a lot as well. Play the lane to farm, but go for trades to try and bait her E but not all in. Once used, look for a window to engage (if phase rush is down it's better). Rushing Merc treads is a strong tool - combined with tenacity rune, it makes it so that if you get stunned she cannot guarantee a Q during the stun. Along with her ult, merc treads make it able to survive it without using your ultimate. Overall, the matchup is pretty annoying in laning phase and you can fall behind - however it's not that difficult. Once you hit 4 marks it also becomes extremely easy to bait her stun because of increased range to trade from.”
Zethal_Na says “Not really an extreme threat, but the early game can be tough if you can't dodge her abilities. EDIT: With the recent Syndra changes, she does have more late game power. If you are able to dodge Qs and her stun in laning phase, you are CHILLING!”
Zethal_Na says “Dodge the qs and try not to get poked. Null magic mantle is a great early buy if you notice the Syndra is landing her qs. If you're better, then build normally. ”
Coldsong says “Syndra has a weak early game, however she still has decent damage and her long range stun can still be deadly as it can interrupt your engage. Make sure to not stand in the minion wave so that she cannot poke and farm at the same time. Roaming is key here as she is super immobile and cannot keep up with you.”
King Turtle says “Her easy to land Q and Point n Click R make poking you down really easy and she can be hell if you're not watching her Q placement. ”
resetwice says “Usually you'll be poked a lot so be careful (if it's hard buy boots to avoide her Q or hexdrinker if very very hard!). All win when she wastes her E so you won't be stunned and never go if you're low HP because she can R and ignite you. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “Syndra is just usually a problem because she can just avoid getting traded and do a lot of damage in return. Hold bush, use it, E on her, proc elec asap, and get out. She's still squishy so don't be scared to ult. Reminder that you don't really need to trade all the time. Just be sure you have the right timings for when you do. I recommend Mercury Treads or Mobility Boots for roaming”
King Turtle says “her abilities are at a range where she can evenly trade with you and kite you away if you try to chase pre 6. Add on your low survivability and her Ultimate can become a major problem if she gets ahead.”
ParkboyYT says “Don't expect to touch her. If she plays her lane right then she will bully you. Just push wave then roam if you are going into this matchup.”
Sylvan Lore says “Lots of people struggle with this matchup but it isn't too bad. You should take E level 1 if you are unsure of your ability to dodge her Qs. You can win trades with her early since overall your abilities are easier to land than hers. The only way to really lose a trade is to allow her to land a stun on you. Late game is much easier for you than it is for her as well. You can Ult her whole team and she can only Ult one of you. Respect her level 6 greatly and wait for jungler pressure. Even at full health a combo from a level 6 Syndra can just kill you.
Recommend: Barrier and Vs. AP Assassin Build”
Saddest says “Really easy if she uses her E incorrectly or misses it. Jump on her if that occurs and you're usually guaranteed a kill or a summoner spell. If it's a good Syndra, she will not let you near her.”
Impossible2Gank says “She can grab your boxes and get rid of them and her ult can't be entirely dodged. Stick your boxes on the sides and you can also put some points into E if they make strong efforts to focus them down. You should be fine as long as you stay healthy and wait for her to use up all her mana. Magic resist is recommended (hexdrinker is very helpful here).”
VyoS says “Try to dodge Syndra's E or wait when Syndra's E is on cooldown, you also can try to dodge her ult but that's difficult ,because she mostly will ult you when you're stunned. Also, play save in early game because she can harass you really hard if you position wrong,”
King Turtle says “This annoying bitch can AND will spend the entire laning phase making your life a living hell with Q spam that'll make you wish this was only a nightmare. Plus she can just shove you away with E if you get too close, and your W shield isnt strong enough to negate any damage from her Ult. This is hell.”
duhnx says “High poke and one shot potential. Hexdrinker is a good buy. Kill her once she uses E and it's hard to get in when she has ult and you don't have Hexdrinker shield up.”
King Turtle says “Her kit makes it difficult to get in close with E, and your early mana issues are going to keep you at a disadvantage if you aren't smart about your poke.”
richardlized says “When laning against syndra, you have to abuse how much more mobile you are compared to her. You have the ability to dodge her damage fairly easy (you can R her R) , so you have a theoretical advantage in this lane. Mind that she can pressure you very hard early levels with her stun and constant Qs so make her waste her mana. You want to freeze the lane and threaten with your strong all ins.
Katasandra says “[1] Try to dodge Q, keep moving.
[2] Takes precedence over [1]: avoid lining up with her balls & her so she can't stun you with E.
[3] Can self R her R when things get spicy.
[4] Difficulty depends on whether she takes Elec or Phase Rush. Noticeably more manageable if she takes PR.”
Nanelol says “This is not going to be fun. She out-ranges you by a LOT. This is a really difficult match-up and you will need ganks to gain any kind of advantage. I generally rush Banshee's Veil in this match-up. Play as safe as possible but remember she can even hit you when under your tower. You will need some MR ASAP .. Syndra can pick Tibbers up with her (W) Force of Will and throw him out of the fight or back onto you which will deal damage to you both. On the plus side, she is also squishy and immobile which makes her susceptible to ganks.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Syndra can be very hard but you can dodge her Q's early quite easily, just care about her lvl 6 1 shots, you dont really have a lot of kill pressure either because of her E but if you play around her CD's well you can kill her and shes really easy to dive with your jungler, would recommend Barrier/TP or cleanse.”
tozosi says “Avoid her Q in lane as best as possible, she'll usually use it on you as you walk up to auto attack a minion to guarantee a hit. This lane in my opinion revolves entirely around whether Syndra has her E up. If it's up, play safe since if you Q into her, she'll just use it instantly. If it's down, then you have an opportunity to get a trade on her or even kill her.”
TheSecretsWithin says “Syndra's Q balls early on are really annoying zoning tools, but you can absorb most of the damage with your Q shield. The main issue with this matchup is her E knockback which doesn't allow you to stick on Syndra for very long even if you have your R since it can stun you after the knockback if a ball hits you when she cast her E. But other than that, the matchup is quite simple, Q to absorb the damage and punish if she mispositions like every other immobile mage, but the second you get R, you just need to wait for her to use E. When she does, you can just run her down. Do take note, how many balls are on the ground. If not, her ulti will randomly deal a lot of damage. Just cause she spammed her balls onto the ground without you realising.”
Nanelol says “Longer range, more burst, and better scaling. Syndra is all around a scary champion to deal with. Her lack of mobility will make it easier to lock her down.”
TheDuskWalker says “Any Summs. Phase Rush.
She outranges you and will constantly harass you with aa's and q's. Try to predict when she will e (usually after she q's) and pool it to negate most of her damage when she takes electrocute. Pool her ult if she randomly uses it without pairing it up with qe. Try to farm up and one shot her later with mobility.”
Nanelol says “Harmful and disgusting lane to go against. The most annoying thing is she can stop your E and R by pushing you away so you deal no damage. In lane dodge her Qs and try to bait out her E before engaging. ”
Nanelol says “Very annoying lane. Focus on farming and ask jungler for help. Her Qs are very easy to land and she gets to have an easy stun. Beware when your HP is below 50% as she can potentially kill you with her ulti. Exhausting her just as she casts her ulti reduces the damage significantly, so consider taking Exhaust.”
seemes says “she can poke pre 6, she will peel herself if you get on top and she can kill you post 6 with her r. but she can be bursted and should be.”
Sanctuar says “Syndra's combo is all about hitting her E on you. Dodge it to avoid an all-in by her. Zhonya's is the ideal item to mitigate her ultimate ability.”
Vispectra says “A burst mage vs the anti mage.
She's a spammy ability champ so while I usually would say max E it won't work that well into her as you might need Q to help survive her trades. Hoping onto her will usually result in either you being pushed back which is fine , or you being stunned which is a lot less fine. Respect her damage but remember to show her that you're no push-over. If her W is on CD hop onto her and she will not be able to do anything about it. Late game a well timed R + Flash W will be enough to kill her.”
StarTundra says “Syndra is able to burst anivia down very easily if she can land a stun. Alternatively so can you if you can land a stun. However syndra can one shot you regardless of stun if she has a big ult, whereas you cannot do outplay button.”
SeptikYT says “Stay away from the range of her orbs as Q + E is guaranteed stun and free burst for her. Take Grasp once again and run Ghost so that you can run her down when she wastes her abilities. You can W to reduce the duration of her stun if ever you get hit by it. At level 6, avoid fighting when you are 25% HP as her R has the potential to kill you.”
cookanarities says “Take Doran's Shield and Tenacity Rune. They are extremely important in this matchup - it becomes harder if you don't. Like Orianna, almost any poke pre-6 can be mitigated by DShield and your W passive. Use your Q to dodge her early Qs before lvl 3-4. Play around her E cooldown more than her phase rush. It's more difficult for Syndra to activate phase rush than other champions if her E isn't up. Since you have Q, it's tricky for her to land Q a lot as well. Play the lane to farm, but go for trades to try and bait her E but not all in. Once used, look for a window to engage (if phase rush is down it's better). Rushing Merc treads is a strong tool - combined with tenacity rune, it makes it so that if you get stunned she cannot guarantee a Q during the stun. Along with her ult, merc treads make it able to survive it without using your ultimate. Overall, the matchup is pretty annoying in laning phase and you can fall behind - however it's not that difficult. Once you hit 4 marks it also becomes extremely easy to bait her stun because of increased range to trade from.”
TheWerefloof says “Boring, but not particularly hard. Harass her whenever she's on cooldown, and beware her 6. Even if you can't get her to use her stun, long as she doesn't have her damage abilities you'll win trades with her. I've never lost to her, but every time I play against her I wish I wasn't.”
DarDarThePenguin says “Syndra is an annoying poke mage. Because of her E, you rarely can engage on her, but she cannot kill you in lane because of your sustain from runes/items. Be careful of her level 6 spike. Take the Fleet page and MR.”
A55AILANT says “She beats everyone in lane.
She won't match you in the sidelanes.
has more range than you and is really good in 1v1's
She has good burst early on, and she can use her CC to keep you from getting any big damage off.”
Oxydation says “Its just a Matchup where you have to dodge and she has to hit. Thats all.
Also after she used E, you can try to fight her, if she dont play to passive after her E.”
Daers says “Get your boots as soon as possible, and go on her to proc electrocute whenever you can. Her stun has a long cooldown so all in her whenever she uses it. ”
Neekolai says “Suuuper scary as she is nearly impossible to hit ulti on, because she knocks you away and out ranges you. Again try and dodge her skill shots and play around your team, since she also out scales you.
Against these kind of champs I tend to try and flash behind them when I ult so they fail the knock away”
Little Planet says “You can never engage on her due to her E and she outranges you/outscales you.
Don't pick Sej into Syndra, if you get counterpicked, just play safe until mythic.”
Joseph Evanss says “This champ has been basically gutted at this point, she has a small bit of poke early bit eat it because of how high her mana costs are. Try not to use your e until she either has no mana or already used hers, or use your e to dodge hers. After Beserkers + Zeal its free kills. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield”
7daysko says “Very annoying lane. Focus on farming and ask jungler for help. Her Qs are very easy to land and she gets to have an easy stun. Beware when your HP is below 50% as she can potentially kill you with her ulti. Exhausting her just as she casts her ulti reduces the damage significantly, so consider taking Exhaust.”
Ryank30 says “Fleet. You have to be careful around her early poke, up until you have enough to get Berserker Greaves, then it becomes easier with extra movement speed and more attack speed to stack up your Q's. Play it safe for the first few levels and give up farm if you need to. A good Syndra player will definitely make if hard for you but if you play it safe you can take it from there.”
xoonaka says “Annoying poke, and her E can push you back whilst your Q is on her. Her ult can be quite dangerous whilst you're demounted but that's about it.
XD001 says “levels 1-5 can be rough if you have a problem dodging skillshots. After level 6 it becomes impossible to get solo'd by her if you have your R up. If she uses scatter the weak (the force pulse) and misses her stun you should all in her and try to kill her as she has no self peel after that. In teamfights and mid/late game she is an easy 1 shot.
Even scaling
take Elec + sorcery page”
Luciiid says “As long as you make sure not to step in range/vicinity of her q's then she cant stun you. if she misses her stun, then all in and its free. If she gets ahead she will one shot you. Take electrocute.”
Noodles912 says “Play safe, give up cs, and look to punish her poor positioning. Keep Moving to dodge those Q's. Try to roam a lot as well. Avoid 1v1 when she has a lot of dark circles on the floor, or her ult will kill you unless you use your E. Zhonya's is a must rush, and mercs is a great choice.”
elnino9 says “Dodge her Qs, she'll poke you when you are walking up to last hit minions so keep an eye out for that. If she misses stun, take advantage of it. After 6, don't get stunned. Farm safely and make her use crucial spells such as W and mainly E, then you can all in. Merc treads and hexdrinker are both great items against her.”
Wunsch3957 says “As in any mage matchup try not to get poked down. If she starts Q, you start E to trade and if she goes W level 1 start Q. Before 6 you can block her E when you engage but after 6 try to save it for her R. Fleet.”
Lot of Wind here says “Yasuo can be a great pick into Syndra : you can block her R as well as stopping her balls at the beggining of your wall. However, a good Syndra will be tough to fight in the early game. Try to avoid getting hit by her Q and freeze the wave. Don't dash directly into her if she has her E.”
Wunsch3957 says “Champion's very nerfed and bad at the moment. Don't get poked down, all in when she misuses E. Fleet/domination with flash/ignite. Another lane where you want to go galeforce.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Video : https://youtu.be/UM55-R4UKiA
A really good syndra is 1 of the harder matchups,. Rush mercs, dodge her Q's (3sec CD) and stun.
even if you go 20 CS down, you outscale her hard, she is the AP pantheon so don't worry too much. Easy to gank her with your jungler.”
ReYkoTheLord says “Diffcult matchup, syndra is one of the lane bullies for Cassiopeia, this is one of the lanes I take sustain build into, as long as you don't die and go down on some cs you should be fine. If you have decent dodge mechanics you should win this lane.”
The Jhin Cena says “Her poke is insane, give her 1 kill and she will scale infinitely, she has a click ult that 1 shots, overall really really annoying to fight against and I'd highly recommend perma banning her. If you don't have a good jungler that ganks regularly, you will likely either die a lot to her, hardly get any CS, or both. ”
JEAFlashSword says “Avoid as much as possible her Qs and W you can windwall her E and R
don't trade her level 2 if the syndra is good you can regret it seriously :)”
BigBushMan says “Dodge or lose.
Syndra has more burst than most other midlaners and can stop your entire engage with Q+E while also removing at least 3/4 of your health.
Goodluck. ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Syndra can be very hard but you can dodge her Q's early quite easily, just care about her lvl 6 1 shots, you dont really have a lot of kill pressure either because of her E but if you play around her CD's well you can kill her and shes really easy to dive with your jungler, would recommend Barrier/TP or cleanse.”
Gtoxer says “runa recomendada: Cometa ou colheita. Feitiço de invocador: ignite ou tp ou purificar(caso comp inimiga tenha mt cc) . 1)tente chama seu jg para te ganka uma ou duas vezes, porque ela é muito fragil!. 2)o E dela tem um colldown muito grande, tire aproveito disso, se ela erra o E, va para cima! 3) tente puni ela antes do nivel 3, e depois do nivel 3 fique meio defensivo para não ser gankado e morrer.
4)Faça item de resistencia magica!!! exemplo:Véu de banshee”
Tamatamo says “If you haven't faced a poke champ yet in this game then you'll be shown what a poke champ can do. However, if she is bad it can be a pretty easy matchup. Though always think that she'll be good to be safe.”
Remmacs1 says “Similar to other AP match ups make sure you take magic resister and understand that you will outscale AP champions no matter what. Look to trade her aggressively when she wastes cooldowns in lane.”
Hiimkata says “Hard early if she pokes you out with Q without autoattacking (minions wont aggro her then). You can look for basic combo trade when she goes for a Q. Once she does you should look to E>W her. This is the best opportunity to trade as her combo rotation will be on CD. Verdant Barrier extremely good if they have an ap jgler else I'd suggest rushing Bork for easy oneshot potential on her. Make sure to not use ult if she didnt use her E yet. Mercs are really good aswell vs Syndra.
ShadowSlayerMain says “She has long range thanks to her kit so just last hit minions, Hexdrinker is optional in Early Game, try not to R on her Zhonya's”
bboyxje123 says “Try to dominate the lane from lvl 1-3 and push/poke her into her turret. To win this lane you will need fancy feet to dodge her stuns and poke.”
ParkChnm says “If you can't dodge, start E and trade with her. She's pretty easy to beat early and late, but she can kill you if you get stunned by her. Banshee's and Merc Treads are recommended.”
ParkChnm says “Bully her into her tower. I would suggest staying away from your minions since she'll be wasting mana if she Q's you alone rather than hitting minions and you. Double MR runes and Mercury Treads are an option.”
Jnewbringspain says “Syndra is difficult due to her E ability. It will push you back away from her. She is very difficult to approach early on because of this. She also has a lot of poke and burst potential. You'll want to play this one safe early on, and try to go all-in after you get your movement speed boost items.”
Yamikaze says “You can go aggressive whenever her E:Scatter the weak is on CD, because this is the only way she can reliably land her spells on you. Without it she won't be able to keep up with your mobility. Pre-level 6 you can use your wind wall to dodge her E:scatter the weak. Most of her abilities can be dodged with Sweeping blade. After lvl 6 do not use Wind wall to block her Scatter the weak, when her ultimate is up. She gets a huge damage spike when she hits 6, so you always want to save your wind wall for her ultimate. ”
wildersovereign says “This matchup is pretty even, but it's still painful to play. She will do her best to get you to ragequit early with constant Q poke, so do your best to stay resilient and dodge. Her raw damage is enough to break your shield before she goes for her E, so make sure you're using it at smart times. She can one-shot you pretty easily once she gets R, so do your best to ensure that doesn't happen. She'll start falling off soon enough, though, so just survive and start scaling for the late game. This is one of the few matchups where I would genuinely consider picking up an early Verdant Barrier, especially if she has a few kills. The item can help you a lot in terms of surviving her burst. It's not something you should grab every time, but at least consider it if she's giving you trouble.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Tends to be either pretty hard or pretty fun. Dodge or pool the stun pre6. Past 6 pool the ult. You should outburst her past 1 item. Make sure that she wont get fed or else youll have a baaad time. Predator works really well since you can engage on her when her stun is down, electro works too”
rajsovsky says “Cringe. A lot of poke, mental damage, very high potential to kill you in early/mid/late. Only way to win is taking wraiths and dodging her E/R with your pool. You can buy boots of speed (300G) as first item in this matchup so it's easier to dodge her Q's.”
invalidd says “She can do well against you if she uses her E properly, if she messes it up you can run up to her and trade her, her Q is really low cooldown
early on so she'll try to harass you with it at lvl1, you have to throw the hook quick before the stun goes through to pull her in. Complicated to gank.”
lkycch says “Many players misunderstand her role, thinking that she is a poke mage. She is actually an upgrade to Veigar, a mage assassin type champion. That's why Exhaust is so good against her. She has short range to deal her burst combo, so make sure you E+Q+W+Q her as punishment! Syndra is very good at shoving in the wave and bursting you down post-6. This means that you need to farm the best you can pre-6 and ensure that you don't fall too farm behind. Use TS+GLP to setup Q+W+Q stuns from afar; you can't afford to get close and let her stun you. If she focuses your ally, revive them quickly as her ult waits for no-one! Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
SkellyBirb says “Syndra's big threat is the fact her stun is very quick so you might see her start her combo and shield, but then have your shield be broken by dark sphere just to be stunned. Be careful of her combo and play safe trying to poke her when you get the chance.”
lkycch says “Many players misunderstand her role, thinking that she is a poke mage. She is actually an upgrade to Veigar, a mage assassin type champion. That's why Exhaust is so good against her. She has short range to deal her burst combo, so make sure you E+Q+W+Q her as punishment! Syndra is very good at shoving in the wave and bursting you down post-6. This means that you need to farm the best you can pre-6 and ensure that you don't fall too farm behind. If she focuses your ally, revive them quickly as her ult waits for no-one! Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs Syndra: Tienes que pockearla, a lo extremo (Y cuando esté a 2/4 de vida lanzarte), luego esperar tu lvl 6, maxeate la Q de primeras o segundas para cuando te tire la R recibir menos daño de ella. (compra hielo eterno)”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Try to avoid as much poke from her Q onto you as possible
- Use your W shield efficiently to soak up as much of her mana as possible
- Match her waveclear with your Q, while trying to hit her with them aswell
- She's very hard to kill early because of her E
- But you do win most 2v2's with your jungler
- At level 6, try to outroam her ”
Big Shawn says “Syndra can be outplayed easily if the opposing player isn't smart. But she can easily punish you for your potential silly mistakes. What makes you strong against her is your quick and flink leap and rapid engage on her.”
Scyrine says “Harmful and disgusting lane to go against. The most annoying thing is she can stop your E and R by pushing you away so you deal no damage. In lane dodge her Qs and try to bait out her E before engaging.”
BCota says “This is a very easy matchup. Yes, her Qs hurt, a lot. But if you play around her orbs and make sure you are not in danger of being stunned you are chillin. Trade with Q+Autos and you should be fine use E whenever shes close enough and you feel like you can poke her safely. If you see her ult you just pool and it doesnt do damage
Chili Dog says “she outranges you, you HAVE to dodge her balls on the ground and play mindgames or else you'll get pushed out of lane, BUT ELITE YOU CAN POOL HER ULT XDDDDD NO YOU CANT IF SHE STUNS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Both Runes are viable.”
Doctor Yas says “Longer range, more burst, and better scaling. Syndra is all around a scary champion to deal with. Her lack of mobility will make it easier to lock her down.”
Niqkl says “Heavily dependant on how good the Syndra is at hitting skillshots. Consider getting t1 boots first back to dodge the Qs and Ws better. Her ult does a lot of damage, when you get stunned with half your hp its game over.”
FalleN3 says “This is not going to be fun. She out-ranges you by a LOT. This is a really difficult match-up and you will need ganks to gain any kind of advantage. I generally rush Banshee's Veil in this match-up. Play as safe as possible but remember she can even hit you when under your tower. You will need some MR ASAP ..
Syndra can pick Tibbers up with her (W) Force of Will and throw him out of the fight or back onto you which will deal damage to you both.
On the plus side, she is also squishy and immobile which makes her susceptible to ganks.”
vCraze says “Syndra is an easy matchup as you have the range advantage. Make sure you don't allow her to get the early lead because she is strong early and don't position in a line between her spheres and her as she will stun you. Scale up and wait for Ludens and then poke her out with Q every time it is up.”
Sadkid says “Syndra is weird. A good one who hits all her Qs is scary however, if you can tether the Q range you outrange her and win. Early skirmishes you win. ”
SkellyBirb says “She has a good amount of poke but you can easily burst her down. She has a decent disengage and an ultimate that can deal massive damage.”
PedrinhoXD says “I suggest you to start boots, as if you dodge her poke, you won't have any trouble before 6, but if you find it hard to dodge her poke, start doran's ring and trade back with her, as she is weak without her ult”
WolfRider01 says “Fairly straight forward: Don't get hit by her balls, and you'll be fine. She is poke heavy, and VERY VERY BURSTY. Additionally, she is also very mana hungry, so she will likely use a decent amount trying to farm or poke you. You can block her E (where she shoves the balls) with your W, though if it is close enough, it may still stun you (similar to how Irelia's stun may stun you still, through the W)”
Hqzz says “Syndra is easier to play against and more even with Ryze. She can however slowly poke you down with her W, or her stun then W. Don't try to fight when she has ult, hers is much better than yours in 1v1s.”
Lavishmouse1032 says “if you can always or most of the time dodge her stun you could poke her and i recommend either barrier or cleanse to go up against her ”
MINISE says “Lucian's laning to Syndra is a bully lane, take cleanse to counter the stuns and you will really have to back off her damage when harassing. She outscales if played properly and fast in which leads to a full build/s.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with ignite. She used to be a hard matchup before her nerfs, Now she can't harsh you without running out of mana. If she misses E run her down with ignite. Get mercs if you are behind.”
economistastonks says “Wait until she wastes her mana to go in safely. Buy hexdrinker in between the first lethality items. Also go merc treads for extra tank and you won't fear her. ”
Bobbab says “Skill matchup favoured Syndra. Waiting for syndra to use her e is the only chance. Try not to get poked down too much and survive early. Getting a jungle gank can help you snowball off her and if you ever get a lead she is easily killed with no mobillity.”
sweodigaming says “Hard, she out ranges you, has a far stun, and can burst you. Take barrier to maybe survive her ult damage, Zhonyas could also be a good alternative. I recommend Banshee's Veil and other MR items. Call for ganks since she has bad escape. If you would like to try to all-in her wait for her E so she can't stun you and turn the tables and just Q, R you.”
NightSoar says “Dodge Balls, Remember not to line yourself up for her to stun you. All in after she's used her abilities to harras (and missed). Ult when her Scatter the weak is on Cooldown.
Your E helps to withstand her Ult.”
Magical Rock says “Ah Syndra, one of the most annoying people to go against. Her stun is quite dangerous, so look out for that against her. If she makes a ball, assume that she will try to stun you with it. Consider taking Exhaust.”
Nazrat says “A lot of people think that Syndra counters Ekko but its vice-versa , just E forward , if she casts E and u are able to hit her even if she pushes you away you still teleport on top of her and run her down.”
ZeMoller says “Playing against syndra is very hard, since you have to catch her off guard or she has to fuck up so hard to die in lane, try to freeze the wave infront of ur tower and call for jungle ganks (i know i say this a lot but it is very important for Cassiopeias laning.) try to farm out this lane and call for jungle assistance, a Nul-Magic Mantel helps you greatly in this matchup.”
Yeager says “Ekko can easily win this matchup. Syndra struggles a lot against mobile champions like Ekko. Your E cd is really low compared to her stun, so you can constantly jump on her over and over. You can also deny her ultimate damage with yours. It becomes even harder for her when we get to midgame, because she CAN'T survive against you in the sidelane. ”
FalleN3 says “A good Syndra player will make this a very difficult lane to play. She has decent range and using her (E) Scatter the Weak can land a nice combo on you that will hit pretty hard. Use your (E) Command: Protect to soak up the damage from her early combos. She will try to bully you in lane and it will be difficult to trade with or zone her effectively. Prioritize farming in this lane and try your best to avoid her abilities. Make no mistake, this is a difficult lane at the best of times, use your head and play safe. Starting boots & health pots is a solid option here and taking barrier will help against her all-in combo after lvl 6.”
Haywyre says “Lots of poke, I hope you're wide awake for this matchup. Go resolve: Second Wind + Overgrowth/Unflinching. Play it slow and make sure to dodge her stun.”
SkellyBirb says “Syndra has a lot of burst and can push you away from her if you try to engage. Roaming effectively is likely the best option to counter her.”
Frixen says “She outranges you, outpushes you, the only way to beat her is to get cleanse or barrier, and look for out of lane plays. Keep cleanse or barrier to make sure you don't die, and try to get as much as possible while keeping her in lane, and after 6, just get out of there ASAP. Later on, splitpush as much as possible against her. You don't want to be teamfighting against syndra and pulling her out of the enemy team stack is more useful than anything else.”
FalleN3 says “This lane is a NIGHTMARE pre level 6. She massively outranges you so try your best to avoid her skill-shots. Avoid giving her free harass. She can still hit you hard even under your tower. Farm as much as you safely can and you can try to abuse her cooldowns [especially her (E)] should she miss a spell on you. After level 6 this lane become a lot easier as you can now burst her down 100-0, especially with some jungler help.”
SkellyBirb says “She has a good amount of poke but you can easily burst her down. She has a decent disengage and an ultimate that can deal massive damage.”
Bouhhsolene says “Against Syndra, take electrocute and try to take small trades when her E is on CD. Take cleanse to avoid dying if you take a stun, and play safe until you hit an E post 6. Just care about her E when you R, as it might get your R away from her. Normally the matchup is even, she can one shot you, but you can one shot her. Play safe and wait for your jungler if you don't have vision, but you can go for an all-in if you have vision on the enemy jungler.
She will outrange you a bit, but not that much if you can dodge her Q.
She scales harder tho, so try to end as fast as possible.”
FalleN3 says “This lane is a NIGHTMARE pre level 6. She massively outranges you so try your best to avoid her skill-shots and therefore giving her tonnes of free harass. She can still hit you hard even under your tower. Farm as much as you safely can and you can try to abuse her cooldowns [especially her (E)] should she miss a spell on you. Try to keep your (E) to use in order to avoid her ultimate, but be sure to time it after the balls are moving to ensure it consume it's cooldown. After level 6 this lane become a lot easier as you can now burst her down, especially with some jungler help.”
Forscythe says “Another crazy lane pusher like Seraphine. Don't try to trade with her if you don't have level advantage or lead. Just push lane with your Passive + Q and push lane under her turret. Then poke her.”
Reason97 says “This matchup can be tricky, and come's down a lot to who's more comfortable on their champ. technically, Syndra has more poke then you, but you're Q+E combo has the potential to be a more lethal poke, so try to just avoid her ranges unless you're abilities are up. Also, her R can melt you, but it has a super short range. Same tip, just stay at a distance until you're ready to put some hurt on her.
xAsuta says “One of the hardest Threat since she can keep you on distance and has high damage. Try to build hexdrinker early to get some MR and AD. Maybe you should rush Mercs right after.”
Fadedreformed says “Pretty even , try avoiding getting hit by her q's but the major concern here is to not get hit by her e or else she is gonna chunk your hp . Mercury's is good here also if you want to win the lane, you outscale so don't worry”
Shock_101 says “Dodge her qs, bait her to use them early game. She gets her first power spike at lost chapter, so abuse her before she gets that. Her spells cost a lot of mana early, so I would heavily consider going in in these scenarios: No mana, low hp, level 3. At level 3, you win fights, just bait her e first with a q auto or something. ”
DaggerTV_ says “Syndra can easily outmanage you with her balls, but if you manage to position yourself out of stun, you can deal major damage. Be careful for late however, since she can outdamage you with just her ult”
Yuki H. says “She isn't a difficult matchup if you're able to dodge her abilities, but it's obviously easier said than done. If you can, though, it's a really easy lane- just watch out for junglers. You can dodge her ult and/or stun with your ult, making it easy to win duels at level 6.”
Veralion says “Buffed, but weak early. Just don't AFK in her face and you'll be absolutely fine. Her spells are easily jukeable with W, and if you get hit a bunch, it's really no big deal. Respect her ult a little more than you used to and you'll be good. She's a complete non factor until level 9. Vore her at your leisure. ”
Man0Vit0r says “[Eng]: Syndra can easily poke you to a safe distance, besides using your stun to drive you away and make you more vulnerable to ganks
[BR]: A Syndra pode facilmente te pokear a uma distância segura, além de usar seu atordoamento para te afastar e te tornar mais vulnerável a ganks.”
vuty2002 says “Although you can block her E with your Wind Wall, it's very unpredictable so you should save it to block her Ultimate instead.
You should play safe mid-game as her Q damage is very big and you can't block it”
xSealed says “Syndra has a better ability range against Lissandra and also a poke/burst type. Meanwhile, Lissandra can avoid taking damage from Syndra's ult by casting Lissandra's ult to herself but doing that will only mean a death as well. Having that Banshee's Veil and Mercury's Treads might help you to win against Syndra.”
LinCass says “Should start Q and put 3 or 4 points of it early on instead of E, to make sure you have an easier time in laning phase.
Similar to orianna, learning how to space/tether around syndra's q is going to be vital, always watch where she has her balls on the ground and be conscious of when she can land the Stun(E) onto you, try to bait it out, and then abuse her as you may when its on cooldown, dont just let her play up when her E is down.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Definition of not fun.
Due to her range, She forces you to build a campfire and have a tea party under your tower yet she still gets to poke at you, this doesn't let you roam which is a big part of Annie's strength.
If you're struggling, go for a Banshee's and beg for ganks since she's immobile and can't really do much about it other than E and run.”
snukumz says “Play safe when playing against Syndra, her Q's do a lot of damage and it's a lot easier for her to land her Q than it is for her to land yours.
If she does pretty you then try to Q her, or even knock her up and combo her, she'll take a ton of damage and have to play more carefully.
Try to push waves and make her wave clear since that'll make her use abilities on waves and not on you.
Watch out for her stun, if she stuns you she can combo you before you have a chance to respond.
Run barrier and you should be able to survive if you aren't too low on HP.
You can combo kill her but her long range stun can stop your ultimate. ”
GrayRiver says “"This lane is a NIGHTMARE pre level 6. She massively outranges you so try your best to avoid her skill-shots. Avoid giving her free harass. She can still hit you hard even under your tower. Farm as much as you safely can and you can try to abuse her cooldowns [especially her (E)] should she miss a spell on you. After level 6 this lane become a lot easier as you can now burst her down 100-0, especially with some jungler help." FalleN3”
1256 says “very annoying in lane, has enough burst to kill you, q q q q, you outscale so play it smart, her cd on e is very high at first lvl (18) so you can run her down after 6 with abit of help from your jungler maybe, she scales well too though so be careful
FROMENXD says “You won't win this lane easy. She can deny any all in you make with her e. Look to play around vision and shove her in and dodge abilities, if not possible call your jungler to help you.”
AZIR MEN says “Honestly, fuck this champion. I myself am very inconsistent against her. Try to dodge her balls and her stun. If you get stunned say bye to half your HP or even a one shot.
Take comet or conq”
Pentakai says “Tough lane. Block her Q damage with your Q. Try to get as many minions as possible. After level 11, you win and outscale her. Start Doran's Shield.”
PepeOnDrugs says “This lane is a NIGHTMARE pre level 6. She massively outranges you so try your best to avoid her skill-shots. Avoid giving her free harass. She can still hit you hard even under your tower. Farm as much as you safely can and you can try to abuse her cooldowns [especially her (E)] should she miss a spell on you. After level 6 this lane become a lot easier as you can now burst her down 100-0, especially with some jungler help.
gonzales1 says “This is pretty hard matchup also always start corruptions and try to bait her E always. Her E lvl 1 is 20 second so you can make a play while it is on cdr. Build edge of night 2nd item might help u vs her for your all in. Always keep in mind where enemy jungler is because with syndra you are a free kill p much.”
Lobban says “Syndra has extreme early poke. But at 6 you pretty much counter her with your ult. For example, when syndra goes for an all in ult her to cancel her ultimate. But she can also shut your all in down by E+Flashing away.”
Hyu Mungus says “Extremely annoying and unfun to play vs. Go D shield and try to not get stunned. If you get stunned you can't dodge ult with pool. Play for late, you outscale.”
Gageowago says “You can avoid her stun by watching where she moves relative to her orbs. It is easier to avoid when you are directly mirroring her since being on the opposite side of the map will allow Syndra to clear the wave while also hitting you easily. If you are too close she will still knock you back and microstun. Watch for her E Q W combo because she gets an instant stun that will half health you. Keep your distance to avoid being hit by it and keep your eye on her orbs. If her stun is down you can win trades with standard E Q W. Past level 6 you should be very cautious about being low in lane. If you get stunned and you are below 40% health then I would not recommend flashing away since you'll just end up wasting it, and ulting away gives you a chance of avoiding her ult while saving your flash, or at least getting her to pop flash to reach you with her ult. At level 9 her Q does increased damage so take greater care to avoid her orbs. Consider purchasing an early Null-Magic to survive her all in combo.”
topal says “it might feel super hard to play against her. but after you get your protobelt you can roam and problem's solved!She has good kill pressure on you so be carefull and don't E onto her cause she can E you back and get an 100-0 trade.”
Papapostolou says “Same much up. Try to just avoid her R with your W (Sanguine pool) but still don't understimate her damage. If enemy jg gank, try to keep your w (Sanguine pool) for Syndra's R.”
Lil Tidepod says “Going against a Syndra is either you win or you don't. If you dodge her stun, engage on her. If you don't, you're probably dead after she gets level six. Just constantly side step anything that you think she might throw. If you're aware, you win this lane. If you're not, you lose it. Nothing you can do about it other than pay attention.”
Fhizzikx says “Syndra has lots of burst and poke. If she gets a lead then she can oneshot you sooner or later. Look to flash her e if getting hit by that will kill you. If you manage to dodge it then look for an all in since her e is the only thing that can put you into cc.”
Capparelli says “No matter how well you play this lane Syndra presses R and you're dead with enough spheres, after she uses E you have an opening, don't miss it, Hexdrinker if you think you'll need it, Tiamat if you just plan to avoid her and roam.”
Giurg says “I personally hate this matchup. She has very good CC and high burst damage with her ult. Try and avoid her stun, poke her and go all in when she's low and you should kill her just alright.”
BigBushMan says “Syndra is really busted atm due to the damage she puts out, but making sure she can't control the wave is large as if she has lane control she can look to oneshot you under turret, so try to match her waveclear, as you are really one of the only champions in mid who can. Poking and avoiding her E is the main way to win. ”
ahrienthusiastmain says “Ahri vs syndra is a skill matchup. you have to dodge her skillshots and shove in the wave because she outranges you. Your mana sustain is better than hers before lost chapter. ”
TJ3030p says “Not Hard to kill just annoying. Never take trades unless you hit your q and just try to roam if you can't seem to get on them. If they blow their e just murder them.”
serruh says “one of the top meta mid champions, S+++ tier after half a year, out ranges you, out damages you, etc
not really much you can dodge either since she can easily burst you with a couple of Qs and ult(even with mercs). look to buy mercs early, get banshees if she keeps hitting stuns on you. also get catalyst fairly early as well since every bit of hp helps”
Miandros says “Syndra's only a threat to you if she lands her stun. Use your E to dodge her ult or her stun depending on the situation and just remain mobile. She's all skillshots except her ult.”
Kami_EU says “Even matchup, a good Syndra won't die to Yasuo.
With unsuspecting dashes Yasuo can dodge the damage of Syndra's Q.
Mercury's Treads for Yasuo mean that Syndra can't chain her Q E combo with her R, since the stun duration is cut and you can W to negate her R damage.
kujosrevenge says “Easy peasy matchup. You can W and outsustain her poke with your corrupting pots, biscuits, and time-warp tonic. Should be easy level 2 kill and you should snowball way past her from there, but past level 6, still do care for her R ability.”
SQBv2 says “You need to fight her at a distance, dont get in range of her ult, harass her down with your E, place your W, R and walk away and let the ult do its damage over time, before landing the E as a finishing blow.
Dodge her E, as long as she misses her E, you are fine to go for an all in.”
KC_Toxic says “You can chase her half the game and destroy her hopes for life. care for e stun and all ins with her jungle. Because her e is a great way to setup ganks.”
ur_mom_gay says “Similar to Orianna matchup. If you dodge the stun you can all in and pick up her summs if not a kill. Don't get poked down, or you may be forced to back. Her damage with R + ignite can be deceptive.”
chrisloths says “Not super difficult. As long as you avoid her stun, you can out-poke her in lane. If she full engages with a jungler, counter engage with your ultimate.”
Witchxry says “Syndra isn't too bad as long as you dodge her orbs when she shoves them at you, otherwise you will be stunned. She lacks mobility, so harass that if she steps out.”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
HottestFapper NA says “You need jungle to do anything in this lane, but even still it's better to just take the dicking and help your team out. You're not killing this bitch.”
Gogicha55 says “Her poke and range is insane, if she's good and doesn't come too close and die like most syndras try to shove and roam cuz there's not much you will be able to do”
Daedralus says “Has more range than other champions and a very fast stun that can get you off guard. If that happens, you are likely to not have your E up and thus be bursted down by her following up combo. If you manage to ult her when she ults, your life steal can be enough to save you, but as most champs are now likely to build morello, you probably will die. So press E ASAP if you see her ult coming and ult her in any case. A follow up Q might just be enough to save your HP and even burst her down but avoid trades and only go for all ins. This should be your playstyle in most situations anyway where you go fo the Ult + Q + AA + gunblade (keep to last as it is ranged and slows for potentially catch up). Any squishy or non tanky champ is very likely to die from this if they have no one around to back them up. ”
CyanBlade says “just play like a girl under tower, this match-up is so bad that i can't actually think of worse match-up for Talon, she will stun u, poke u and it will be a pain in the ass :/
Tehqo says “It's sad that she actually outranges you. She has no mobility though which is a plus. Use that. You probably won't be able to outpoke her, she'll most likely be the one outpoking you.”
NebuIa says “Syndra is extremely oppressive early. If she plays it correctly you shouldn't be able to trade into her level 1, so don't try. Corrupting pot helps a lot. Try barrier, as most Syndras in solo queue go ignite. Just very oppressive.”
TheBlueImperial says “Incredibly hard to get onto because of her knockback, if you manage to bait it out though you have a window of opportunity to kill her.”
Je Suis Azir says “She is a great foe for you. You need to rush Merc Treads so that her combo doesn't fuck you up too fast. Be mindful of her Qs because she can E and set up perfectly to get ganked, or just combo you to fucking death. Plus side is, after about Mid Game, you just fucking ruin her if you play well.”
Henriksen says “Easy to kill, just R bubble, then paddle star her ass and ur good.
Be careful if ur only doing it for trades cuz if she lands her stun after your done poking then you can get fked”
vaske_lol says “Don't try to ult on top of syndra if she has her E up. You will take a large amount of damage and she will be able to back off for free. Try to stall untill you get your powerspike. She is immobile so if she burns her flash and her E she is a free gank for your jungler.
If you are chasing her, you can buffer your ult while she is throwing her E onto you to gapclose on top of her through the knockback. Never underestimate her burst!”
Aizenvolt says “Its a skill matchup she has insane burst and quite a poke. Play safe and poke her from distance. Dont be too aggresive after 6 in laning phase because she can kill you in an instant with her combo if you make a wrong move. Save your ult and when she has 30-35% hp and you have at least 4 stacks on e go in with a full combo(ult on her then e then q and last w). ”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite matchup.
Levels 1 and 2, bully her like how you got bullied in 2nd grade playground. Don't let her farm. W AA for one Q trade is ALWAYS worth, as you have higher kill potential pre 6. After 3, make sure you're not infront of both her balls and her, or else she can throw balls harder than Team Liquid could in CSGO, and stun you for big burst trades you can't match.
You win by small W Q AA poke trades, dodge her stun. Past 6, you can't 1v1 her easily, but she's free 300g when you shuffle to jungler.”
Mid Win Repeat says “I've personally never had any trouble with Syndra. Its a very basic match up it wouldn't hurt to rush mercs here. If you land your combo you win if she lands hers she wins simple as that. If you go banshees as well than its GG.”
HeisendongNA says “Her strong early game, good waveclear and ability to move Heimer's turrets make her perfect counter to Heimerdinger. Best advice is to max W first and leave Q at rank 1 and use them defensively: place them in the bush like a ward; take barrier or exhaust and build MR: mercury's treads and banshees offer enough MR to make you almost unkillable for Syndra until she gets her Void Staff. If you play safe and don't let her kill you you can survive this lane. Also ask your jungler or support for a gank, most Syndras push lane and Syndra can't escape ganks without burning her flash. After that she is a free kill every time your jungler have time.”
spark2 says “I actually haven't played against many Syndras recently. Her E can mess up your Q-Es and her harass is constant, but you can rewind through her ult and cause it to completely miss--watch for when all of her balls go towards her (as seen in the Champion spotlight!)”
Cloud375 says “She has the better range and damage, especially when she hits 6. Better to ask the jungler for help if you don't think you can do it by yourself. Otherwise, if the Syndra dies to you early, you can attempt to snowball hard on her. Still not an easy matchup post-6.”
SirZeros says “Syndra is pretty much the same as Orianna, but she is harder to lane against, since she has a much tougher early-mid-game than Ori. Don't try to fight her too many times, unless you're ahead. Against Syndra, don't try to counter her ult by ulting yourself, since your ult is way slower than hers, but keep in mind that Barrier can be very to counter her ult!”
Euphoric Toaster says “Everyone thinks Syndra is a counterpick to Heimer, but shes really not. She can use W + Q to kill 2 of your turrets but that costs her 100+ mana compared to your 40, so she will just run out of mana doing this and it leaves her without some cooldowns for a short while. In lane, just don't stand behind her Dark Spheres and just be wary of of her looking for all-in attempts with her combo. Once she gets some items she can likely flash stun oneshot you with her combo, so a second item Banshee's Veil is a great buy if she starts doing this. Cleanse is also a good option, but i tend to just prefer the Barrier + Banshee's Veil (if needed) combo. Also, if Syndra is picked AFTER you pick Heimerdinger, it is likely someone trying to counterpick you, which usually results in a free lane for you because they don't know how to play Syndra and they think its a free lane for them, which it isn't.”
J Husky says “This bish has a lot of range with her abilities so she will be harder to trade. Use your W to dodge her ulti, but that won't save you in late, because she can oneshot you with a combo. And if she ults you and your W is on CD, say goodbye.”
Chromuro says “She can Q (or QW) your passive and oneshot the voidlings (and they can be targeted by the W too), E has too much range and R is a death sentence; my standard ban. If it happens to have this matchup, stay 50 meters away from the balls, stay under tower and pray whatever god you believe in. Your best chance to kill her (without trading kills) is when her R is down.”
Full Metal Jayce says “Syndra Is without a doubt the hardest matchup for Jayce mid because she can control lane with ease and has a disengage / stun combo that a good Syndra can never miss if done right allowing her to setup her combo nuking you.”
SeeEl says “Space her q's and fake out auto attacks to dodge them. Use your e to trade into her abilities and you should just stomp her if you know your ranges and play your luden powerspike correctly. If you die in this lane you will suffer kind of badly”
Big Shawn says “Normally should be a win. Save your W (Windwall) for her E Ability and her Ultimate. You will save yourself a lot of damage and will affect the enemy mentally, meaning that the enemy could get titled.”
Fox1ne says “Syndra is my second main,mostly even match up i would say,she can roam and trade you,what you have to take care of mostly is her level 4 trades she has enough damage to trade you,but her early is weak. After 6 her q<r<e combo is really strong so take care of it,you dont want to see yourself in base,re-locate yourself to the same side of her sphere so she won't be able to use q<e or e<q on you and get damaged from all her spells.”
hoppyscotch says “Syndra is just not balanced at the moment, even if she isnt she still does well into yasuo she can q e you and chunk you out and get you off of her. This matchup is good for fleet.”
Patoxic says “Ugh, Hate Syndras they are a very exclusive Heimerdinger ARCH NEMESIS, they can pick yours Turrets and trow them away, like it's nothing even your R, they also burst you with a easy stun and R, very hard lane against need gank pls.”
ZenonZeni says “Syndra a champ that can be outplayed, punish her if she uses her E but otherwise do not try to face her at full HP when she has her ult. She will outtrade you in any 1 vs 1 at full hp. Land a charm and outplay her that way but if she lands her stun you're pretty much died. Banshee's will help cut down damage but that's it.”
Wizboy73 says “try to avoid the stun, take barrier against her ult. if you can stun her shes dead, you can also run her down after she uses her E, but only with a finnished hex core.”
Best Akali Fra says “Syndra isn't really showed for the moment... but is Syndra can counter Akali it's because she have a really good poke with all her spells, then she can stells away from you (so you can't try trades on her) and farm with no problems.
Same as with Sylas, ask to your jungler !!”
Xavier Senori says “Syndra is easily Cassiopeia's hardest counter. She outranges, outharasses, and out CCs you in practically every way. She can burst you down before you DPS, and any attempts at following up a Noxious Blast with some Twin Fang's are always met with a stun and a lot of damage. Avoid direct confrontation with her throughout the game, and call for ganks. Late game you will outscale her because you have higher DPS.”
Zeprius says “Also a pain in the ass and i dont think i ever won a lane against her unless the enemy jungle trolls and feeds me..... i would start DShield against her”
kilgta says “frustating lane, you will usually kill her than die to her ult. try to farm and dodge her abilities. Zonhyas very useful. Move a lot and avoid her W early, get to level 3 ASAP and shove lane. start corrupt or sapphire.”
RagexAddict says “Syndra is one of your more easy matchups to take on in lane. Your E can dodge her ultimate as well as any stuns she throws at you. If her stun and/or ultimate is/are on CD, you can take her on easily.”
poolooto says “She can stun you through your minions while you can only charm her when there are no minions. It will be very difficult if you cannot dodge her spells, especially her E. Don't stand behind her balls. ”
LyndonK9 says “Try not to be scared of her. If you play to back she will zone you away from minions and harass you. Build banshee's if you need, and stop-watch or barrier can negate her ult.”
hipstersora says “Long range spells, but shorter autos. Poke with Q and W as much as you can. Watch out for ulti burst, she can kill you if you walk past a bush unsuspecting, BUT IF YOU SEE IT COMING BLOCK IT WITH SERAPH'S MANA SHIELD.”
YourBestSenpai says “Shouldn't be too hard in lane, just try to dodge all her skills and then charm her, or just poke her until she is low enough. Look out for her crazy damage on ult though, would recommend barrier here.”
QuickChicken says “As long as you avoid her stun combo, you should be able to take extended fights with her. Play around your soldiers and sidestep her balls.”
Shderen says “You can actually do quite well against her. Consider Merc treads and constantly watch for their opportunities to stun you. As any of their abilities are down, you can trade with her reasonably well with a Q+E combo. She will be trouble later, so watch out.”
HerrSolahri says “Skill Matchup. Not as easy as it seems. I like to buy sweeper then pretend im roaming against her. Wait in a Brush like Garen Mains and OS her.”
SmokeyEggs says “Very immobile but has a lot of cc, avoid her Q's and try to pay attention to the angles of where she's at because she might E the balls and you will get stunned, your E goes through her's so once you get in and get a good trade.”
BicBee says “Hard to predict her Q. Whenever she misses E is good time to go in and harass/fight. If you're having a hard time look to build magic null into banshees (replaces Zhonyas). She won't be able to 1 shot you if you have early MR. ”
BicBee says “Taking E lv 1 vs Syndra let's you win trades if you have trouble dodging Q. Syndra's E is on a pretty big CD so whenever she misses is a good time to be going in for trades. Try not to stand behind her balls in a linear angle from Syndra because it'll be an easy stun for her. Don't fight her post 6 if she has a lot of balls on the floor. If you're having a tough time buy an early magic null and she won't be able to 1 shot you. Turn that into banshees eventually. ”
AzureArmatt says “Syndra is considered to be Ahri's counterpick, but why? Her point click nuke that can deal insane amount of damage if you let her stack balls about her. She's control mage what means she will try to force you to play her game. Good Syndra will save her stun to the moment you will never expect it or won't be able to avoid it and her balls create constant pressure on you. her kit is so diverse that if she's behind she can play as second support that has dmg too. Overall very dangerous lane that can do many things without making people realize it until it's too late.”
Shaawn says “You can go aggressive whenever her E:Scatter the weak is on CD, because this is the only way she can reliably land her spells on you. Without it she won't be able to keep up with your mobility. Pre-level 6 you can use your wind wall to dodge her E:scatter the weak. Most of her abilities can be dodged with Sweeping blade. After lvl 6 do not use Wind wall to block her Scatter the weak, when her ultimate is up. She gets a huge damage spike when she hits 6, so you always want to save your wind wall for her ultimate.”
Enfurnal says “Against Syndra all you have to do is to dodge her Q, E and W. She might Q E so stay away from her Qs laid down. Careful for her Cheeky Q+E Fast combo. If you are around 25-50% HP try avoiding getting too close to her because if she Q+E fast combos and then R........ RIP you. Okay actually if you have Zhonyas or Banshees that'd be helpful but usually when you are alpha Ahri you should be the one making the plays.”
thedonk says “Going against a Syndra that knows how to use their E against you will be annoying. Make sure you aren't right behind a ball she could E. She can E you before you finish your W animation, so try to bait the E and then jump in. Buying Zhonyas can help with her ult a lot.”
Dudstrol says “Não abuse dela na faze de rotas e nas TFs. Caso perceba que ela vai ultar use seu combo de escudo e em seguida a barreira caso precise. Depois que tiver o escudo do cajado a ult dela não sera tanto problema, mas seu combo sim, então tome cuidado.”
Padrepio says “Long range, but actually low damage champion. If you think she is going to kill you, try to launch everything under her feet: during her R she is immobile.”
Tipurrs says “1 of the 2 Hardest Match-up for Annie. She outranges you hard. She can hit you behind turrets. She's immobile and squishy though so use that to your advantage and call a gank. It is really needed in this match up. Play safe under tower. If she has low MR, wait for her to use her W and then all-in her. Rush boots and Banshee's Veil for more survivability.”
Finish Flash says “You can dodge each of Syndra's abilities with your E, especially her ultimate. Avoid large amounts of harrass when necessary and timing your all-ins well by either using ur E to negate/dodge one of her abilities or initiating with Q if she walks within range. ”
MaybeHope says “This matchup is not that hard as it looks like. It might seem like AAAH WTF ITS A SYNDRA IM GETTING ONESHOTTED, but it's not that bad. Since you have a huge shield on Mantra E you will most likely absord too many damage for her to oneshot you.”
moutenn says “Poke with your basic combo. When she tryes to stun you take your W and start AA her. Then when she R's you R. Also try and engage when she has no balls on the ground.”
qasddsa says “Oppressive laner because of her ability to poke you from long range with strong abilities. Be wary of getting caught by her full spell rotation -- even if it's at low level it can still chunk you for a lot of health. After level 6, the match up becomes a lot easier but you still need to be wary of her stacking up her balls and using a full rotation + ultimate on you. Respect her damage.”
Draczor says “Syndra is very hard to deal with. Basically, dodge all her abilities and especially her stun. It's best to keep a safe distance against her and poke her with your laser. On levels 1 and 2 you should try getting yourself a health advantage by trading with her. Use your abilities against her and run away. If you keep doing this you will have pressure over her. If she is low while you aren't then try to deny her farm by poking her every time when she tries to last hit a minion. If you are able to manage this then you can kill her but it's also quite difficult to do all this while dodging her abilities. If you aren't confident enough then just play it safe while poking with your laser. After level 6 you should not try and trade with her or come close, just farm safely and keep a good distance. If you do end up fighting with her don't stay too long if you can't kill her quick enough, even if you dodge most of her abilities her ultimate will only grow stronger with every Q she does. I recommend taking barrier to survive but teleport is just as good to get back in lane so you don't miss a minion. Buying mercury's treads in this matchup is also recommended unless she sucks.”
Exiled Heretic says “Skill Match-up. If you can flash her stun/Push you can kill her but if she lands it she can kill you. play slow early, she will spam her Q look for your opportunity.”
rimzaki says “Save ur sanguine pool for her ultimate she can harrash u with ur Q u can lose early trade but she is squishy u can down her easily with ur ultimate combo”
Sozzoh says “Syndra is pretty annoying. Pre-6 is when you should play more aggressive, although she can outpoke you. If you somehow outpoke her and push her under tower, Roam for some kills. Post-6 is when you should play the most passive. Other than that, be careful of her stun.”
Katapullt says “A HEXDRINKER is a good Item choice against her. You can build it 1st and keep it (don't upgrade until she gets very fed). Don't line up with her Q's -> she will E and stun you and will try to iniciate a gank.”
Prenora says “Syndra can be a real pain, with her long range harass, strong wave clear, and the ability to knock you out of your ult, best thing to do is again just farm from a distance and keep your wave centered. she is pretty squishy so you can poke her down as much as she can you, look to out lane her, because in a battle of ultimates, she always wins”
undeadsoldiers says “Syndra is an annoying lane bully, but if you manage to land your bubble she's absolutely screwed.
She'll push you in and poke you with Q spam and W, and try to combo you with QE. Punish her if/when she goes OOM.
After level 6, watch her orbs on the ground. The more she has, the more her ult hurts.
Suggested: Nullifying Orb, Barrier”
macspam says “Very strong champ, quite similar to Veigar in fact, except her CC is a little less reliable. Buy MR and just try to keep an eye on where her spheres are.”
ZF.PandaYang says “Her Q allows her to prepare for her other abilities and poke you freely out of your range. her W slows you down and sets up for an easy E which will stun and/or slow you, try not to get ulted, get Hexdrinker and Mercury's treads ASAP”
wo xiang zhaoo says “Buy MR Boots and she is no problem anymore, if you dodge her E while R to her, she's dead. If you don't dodge, she can't kill you, but you get unnecessary damage.”
Eccentrik says “Let's say she's annoying because of her Q's poking you down to size. Just predict her movements and be cautious if she's overextending, its never a good sign for you if she overextends.”
AQRC Turtle says “Stay away from your minions she's gonna try to harass while farming the waves. Also be patient using R. It can deny most of syndra ult.”
Smol Jelly says “Balls everywhere. Syndra's a lot to keep track of, and her stun is fast. Her skills have range comparable to yours. Keep track of the amount of balls she has summoned, so you can use your W to negate some of her Ult damage accordingly. Take another defensive spell, like heal or barrier.”
ShokLoL says “Syndra has a pretty good laning phase if she plays comet or aery, but if you dodge a lot of skillshots you can win. Play comet E max and you should win trades when your E is up. Make sure to play defensive and try avoid damage while E is on CD. You do very well against her in teamfights and have great gank setup so as long as you don't get blasted 1v1 you should be fine.”
Chuleex says “Syndra has a bigger range than zed, on onzed on words "this matchup is pretty much who is the first to burn his abilities", if she missuses her stun you can go in, you can dodge her ult and even bait her whole trade, she can do the same tho so beware, and she can even poke you harder bc of her range, go dshield and look for plays by dodging her cc, hexdrinker is also very great against her burst”
ShokLoL says “Syndra can be pretty rough but if you dodge enough skillshots with fleet movement speed you should be okay. If she wastes her CDs you can try chase her down a little or zone her off the wave. Once you get merc treads you should be ok.”
zolamalo says “tay behind minions to avoid her Q+E combo and poke her with your E from a safe distance. Play carefully post-6, as her ultimate can quickly burst you down if you’re caught out of position.”
ShokLoL says “Syndra is winning 1v1 but if you don't dodge enough skillshots it can be difficult. She also has very good gank setup even early in the game so you have to make sure to ward and hug to your safety. Merc treads can be good but buying them too early can neutralize yourself as well, and if you're greedy you can skip them altogether.”
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