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Kayn Counter Stats

Kayn Counters
Discover all champions who counter Kayn. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Kayn in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,047 Tips for countering Kayn below

In the Jungle
50.5% Win Rate95% Pick Rate Kayn In the Jungle Counters: 46 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Kayn in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

HIKOL says “Escape artist who snowballs hard, however most if not all of my games were won against him. More annoying than difficult to play against.”
Yorick - King of the Jungle by HIKOL | Yorick Player
chillhowl says “The runes tell you which kayn will be. rlue kayn = Easy matchup, punish his bad early game and with little advantage he won't be able to play against you. red kayn = Really complicated, try to punish as much as possible in the early game and get his marks as quickly as possible. You need the 7th mark to be able to deal with the red kayn.”
daiben kindred by chillhowl | Kindred Player
FiletedMinion says “Kayn will hop into your soul, heal all the damage you did and just run into a wall while you flail about helplessly.”
Got Supp under wraps by FiletedMinion | Amumu Player
kittygore says “Free pre 6. Fight and invade early. When he goes red form try to dodge his W and get anti heal early. You still win every fight. When he goes blue form you can oneshot him in almost every stage of the game. Try to not get caught. Camp in bushes to kill him offguard.”
Bella Ciao says “Take approach velocity and roll him AD can be superfun into him, but be aware of his ult consider orb vs red kayn Be aware that his r can ruin your awakened q.”
DontStealMyMark says “abuse him early game you win the skirmish pre 6 if u get a single kill he wont do shit to u rest of the game”
[UPDATED 14.23] the only kindred guide you need. by DontStealMyMark | Kindred Player
DEG310 says “just auto him and alpha strike him if he tries to escape with q or e. and if he ults you you can just use your w and meditate away all his kill potential”
Master Sigma by DEG310 | Master Yi Player
SelfLOL says “Extremely easy to invade early. Blue Kayn is better for Rengar than Red Kayn. Can root him when he's inside walls and he will pop out instantly. Your root stops him from ulting.”
SelfLOL's Rengar Jg Masters + Guide by SelfLOL | Rengar Player
Kema says “Blue kayn is probably the biggest low elo threat for Taliyah. He's easy to pilot (not a lot of room to outplay kayn + not a lot of room for the kayn player to make mistakes), hard to punish early cuz Taliyah can't invade early. If he gets fed off your botlane it's gg.”
shiifox says “try to dodge his W with your W1, Q him when he Es into the wall to end it, and E if he Rs you”
Durable Crit Briar 14.20 by shiifox | Briar Player
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