In the Jungle 50.5% Win Rate95% Pick RateKayn In the Jungle Counters: 46 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Kayn in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
HIKOL says “Escape artist who snowballs hard, however most if not all of my games were won against him. More annoying than difficult to play against.”
chillhowl says “The runes tell you which kayn will be.
rlue kayn = Easy matchup, punish his bad early game and with little advantage he won't be able to play against you.
red kayn = Really complicated, try to punish as much as possible in the early game and get his marks as quickly as possible. You need the 7th mark to be able to deal with the red kayn.”
kittygore says “Free pre 6. Fight and invade early. When he goes red form try to dodge his W and get anti heal early. You still win every fight. When he goes blue form you can oneshot him in almost every stage of the game. Try to not get caught.
Camp in bushes to kill him offguard.”
Bella Ciao says “Take approach velocity and roll him
AD can be superfun into him, but be aware of his ult
consider orb vs red kayn
Be aware that his r can ruin your awakened q.”
DEG310 says “just auto him and alpha strike him if he tries to escape with q or e. and if he ults you you can just use your w and meditate away all his kill potential”
SelfLOL says “Extremely easy to invade early. Blue Kayn is better for Rengar than Red Kayn. Can root him when he's inside walls and he will pop out instantly. Your root stops him from ulting.”
Kema says “Blue kayn is probably the biggest low elo threat for Taliyah. He's easy to pilot (not a lot of room to outplay kayn + not a lot of room for the kayn player to make mistakes), hard to punish early cuz Taliyah can't invade early. If he gets fed off your botlane it's gg.”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Rhaast could be a problem, so build thornmail and run him down before your team dies. He will farm very quickly and will try to take your raptors frequently. Try your best to avoid this.”
Le Korvo says “Jungle: Knowledge check matchup, if he tries to gank early you can punish him.
For blue: You can't 1v1 him when he has ult.
For red: AP and Bruiser can deal with him, consider Anti-Heal.”
Jackiewawa says “This matchup is only hard if he gets ahead and gets a lot of lethality to one shot you and your team. Kayns like to cheese by stealing your raptors/blue side so placing wards and having your team watch jungle entrances will be good (he can Q over baron pit). He can look to do his/your raptors -> your blue + gromp and cheese gank bot/mid so warding blue is important. Use E/W to dodge his W.”
Mr_kodeo says “Blue kayn is hard to lock down because of his E, allowing for wall traversal. If you dont have ghost, then you're probably not going to catch him. This can be annoying because he can avoid you and kill your backline.”
DoxxTheLeague says “kayn is all about timing if he uses his r when you r you insta lose that fight but if you save your r after he uses his you can win the thing about kayn is that he has high burst and a strong escape that you cant catch up to since he can go through like 5 walls.”
kimijebac123 says “Red:
Hard matchup. you cant really do anything against red kayn, if he has more then 60 abiliy haste he can just spam his w and you can only try to dodge also antiheal and antishield can make him a bit less strong in 5v5
easy matchup. you win easily dont worry
y every name taken says “Fastest clears in the game. Be active on the map - if he's getting fed you should be trying to get a laner or yourself fed with your own ganks. Afk farming will only put you behind as he snowballs out of control. Your ult is great for chasing him if he tries to run away with wall hacks.”
Nyxxx says “You beat him early game. You win scuttle fight if it's a 1v1 and both of you are around the same hp. Once he gets form he becomes annoying.”
ScytherKhaZix says “Kayn loves starts on your raptors and try stealing your Red with smite. kayn before he has the form is a very easy kill for you, use it”
Neekster says “This champion clears the same time as you. Kayn might be a very hard matchup cause of his high damage, sustain and mobility. This champion will be able to wash you and your team out if played properly. Very good spacing and patience is required when you're up against Kayn. I suggest you do full clears and countergank when you are able to track him down.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Kayn: Can dodge your r, dash, cc your ult, oneshot, can run away. So its op vs you..... HOW TO PLAY VS: Its not that hard but his whole kit counter your otherwise just play normally”
lurutin says “Blue Kayn: You can W his damage, and if not you can dodge with your Q.
Red Kayn: just dodge his knock up and be careful with his ult, in my opinion Yi will win this but in pratice could be different.”
masrigod says “One of the easiest early game match ups pre his form. Be careful after form as the matchup becomes Kayn favoured (especially with red kayn)
Yomu says “If he full clears into omega it’s rough, Generally speaking you want to Q him when he’s in walls to force him into a bad spot Good E damage reduction matters W to dodge his W”
huncho1v9 says “Easy/Medium Matchup. Kayn is a special jungler in terms of ways to counterplay him early with invades, but it’s pretty easy. As long as Kayn can’t start your wolves or raptors, you win early game and can out tempo. Use your W to dodge his W, and use your E to dodge his Q. ”
Darkoey says “When Kayn is in terrain near you, you will get a visual warning on the edge of the terrain he's in.
Umbral Trespass requires Kayn to damage a target first. Try to dodge Blade's Reach to deny him a long range cast of Umbral Trespass. (Care for early invades)”
VainTaka says “I get it. He is strong but why does either form of Kayn do so much damage. Play it safe and fight more with team against him. Never can solo him but you can shut him down with good stuns. ”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy/Medium Matchup. Kayn is a special jungler in terms of ways to counterplay him early with invades, but it’s pretty easy. As long Kayn can’t start your wolves or raptors, you win early game and can out tempo. A good kayn will have good tempo but Hecarim is more useful early as long as we track Kayn properly. Masters and below, Kayn is looking to cheese early game and win the game through that, if you protect raptors/wolves, matchup is easy.”
Mignognium says “Kayn est vraiment très loin de la menace pour Viego. Éviter la tentative de vole de votre blue ou de votre red et tout ira bien pour la suite. Même si Kayn se feed énormément vous devriez toujours pouvoir compenser autre part sur la carte. Et alors si vous avez de l'avance il ne pourra rien faire. ”
astral 1v9 says “imo one of the worst matchups u can get as karthus. Its belveth matchup pretty much but weaker early. has 2 invade paths can raptors to your gromp or start your raptors and split map. You dont want any of those things to happen so ward his raptors vs kayn so u can anticipate what u need to do depending on his option. Once he gets form u are completely useless vs blue kayn. he one shots u and can take over game. If he goes red its chill the game is winnable”
tradtrad says “Hard matchup in the sense that he is very hard to punish especially in the lower ranks. As blue Kayn there is little you can do against him without being ahead and he outfarms you comfortably aswell.
The onus is on you to get a big lead in this matchup and ruin the lanes or put him behind yourself.
The difficulty of this matchup is consistently getting a lead and converting it fast.”
IvernGott says “Kayn is a highly mobile Assasin jungler that can look for spicy invades where he can oneshot Ivern. Kayns ability to dash forward or walk into walls making it almost impossible to hit Iverns Q (rootcaller) or knock up. Ontop of that his Ultimate can execute Ivern almost everytime and at the same time dodge Iverns and his teammates Damage!”
ItsSpd says “Yeah just go next honestly you cant block his ult if he goes red he out heals your damage if he goes blue he just oneshots you unless you go tank your better off not playing against him and keeping him as your perma ban”
FiletedMinion says “He just wins. He can hop around you and run away when he feels like it. If you need to fight him, it needs to be in the middle of a lane away from walls. If he goes to a wall, hit him with E to delay his attempted escape.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Always ward your raptors, because he can try to start your raptors into doing your red. He has slower first clear, you won't be able to invade him but you can easily do crab before he arrives.”
Cookiemanman says “I've always found Kayn a somewhat annoying champ to deal with. You do win most of the early-game fights if you are able to reach him. As the game goes on he scales harder than you and it can be annoying to kill him.”
Mabujo says “The Sasugay Stereotype (really rito ?)
A bump in red kayn and speed in blue kayn. With the new meta, this one (who used to be clapable with your eyes closed) now breaks your neck at all stages of the game unless he's 0/6 and even then... If competent and in red kayn, he will bump you out of ult and siphon. When he ults, zhonya is the greatest item in the universe. Only a question of timing now. But, officially, an anoyance beyond words now. ”
astral 1v9 says “you have to start raptors against this matchup regardless of lane matchups against kayn and belveth. These champs can get onto your raptors and create a map split which is aids for you. Start raptors and fullclear, u can 1v1 the kayn easily but u need to ward your opposite side (blue) jg and start raptors. Blue counters olaf, u cant do anything against it to help your team. Red is alright but hes gonna be more useful prob, just aids champ in general”
Fessor ivern twitch says “ENG:
HawkSP says “Early game, Kayn is manageable, but if he's allowed to reach his power spikes unchecked, he becomes a significant threat. Stealing his raptors can hinder his progress, but be wary of his scaling into the late game. It becomes a mental game as much as a mechanical one, with early invades being critical.”
XGrievousX25 says “Kayn himself can vary. Personally, Red Kayn will be your worst nemesis, but that's assuming you're on a team full of tanks. If he's on Blue Kayn, you can be a good challenge AND you can stall him pre-6 like most champions can. Doing this gives you objective priority and victories. ”
X3mHills says “It all depends on their form. If they are red, it's considered "EVEN", but if they are blue, it's considered "EXTREME". Rhaast is relatively easy to kite but has sustain and some crowd control. An assassin is your worst nightmare, so never leave your carries unattended for a second and always be prepared to counter-gank. Regardless of the situation, it is recommended to purchase Zhonya's Hourglass as a third item.”
PuppyDontPreach says “anyone who says this is a counter is a liar and a puss. you outscale hard and can outdamage, you can q+r while he's in a fucking wall for crying out loud, you can even e him when he's phased into a wall as long as he's only just entering it and the wall isn't thick. not a hard matchup whatsoever. saying he's a hard matchup is absolute copium, just don't let him get fed. ”
RuinedJG says “Another champ that you play to space Q's against, his minor before he gets form, then based off what he chooses, red or blue, it goes to 3 or 4. Blue kayn is harder for hecarim if you go assassin, making it a 4, red kayn is easier to deal with since all you have to do to not make him 1 v 9 your team is: Dont let him snowball, you are stronger than him early with 3 Q stacks, i like conq into kayn no matter what so i can duel him with red or blue kayn, build early anti heal, it negates his E healing even if he goes blue kayn, and track him in the jungle/know what side of the map he wants to play for based off your team comp compared to what runes he took to decide what kayn he is going this game, IE. First strike generally means blue, while conq generally means red. But nowadays they take Aery so it can be more complicated, just use your best judgement.”
Tortizzy says “I love playing against Kayn you win all 1v1's before level 6, if you catch him in the river you can beat him.
The only reason why I put him Minor and not Tiny is because if he goes red Kayn it'll be slightly harder due to the cc he gains.”
MhmYepSope says “Extremely easy to invade early. Blue Kayn is better for Rengar than Red Kayn. Can root him when he's inside walls and he will pop out instantly. Your root stops him from ulting. ”
kcjackal__ says “ Can be really annoying with invades. Don't let him farm free form pts off you and try to create a lead while he is still in base form. Blue form is really strong rn because of the new assassin items.”
jajkopajko says “In my experience this is a skill matchup. He is weak until he gets his form, you can win scuttle fights since you should be lvl 4 while he is still 3. Before 6 you can try to harass him but it can go sideways so i wouldnt rely on that. Once he gets ult and form, you cant 1v1.
If he plays blue form, you always need to be the one to hit your abilities first so you can slow him down with relys and he cant get on top of you as fast, once he is close you are pretty much dead, i would recommend buying zhonyas.
If he plays red kayn, your focus should be on dodging his w, if he lands it most likely you are dead, if you dodge it, try to kite but most of the time we just end up running away since he is too tanky to burn down on just 1 rotation of spells.
Generally you should be at least 2 levels ahead since he needs to gank a lot early. If you manage to create this advantage, your value mid-game should be higher than his and you should be able to win teamfights if you play it right.”
shatteredekko says “Both forms are annoying. Kayn players are super cheesy so make sure you cover entrances at the start of the game so not to lose a whole quadrant. If you really struggle build hourglass 4th if they don't have MR. If they do build fifth and the matchup becomes 10x easier. You will never die to kayn if you reach that point. Very easy to kill pre form but once he has form watch out.”
RainyLabel says “Abuse your early game strength. Until he reaches his transformation, he is no better than a glorified minion. Gain a lead big enough and you won't have a problem. If he transforms without losing too big of a lead, play around his cooldowns and try to dodge his abilities. ”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Try to figure out if he wants Blue or Red Kayn and use that as a extra template for invading him or ganking.
you always want to be aggressive early game when he is at his Weakest.”
loganrichards says “If he full clears into omega it’s rough, Generally speaking you want to Q him when he’s in walls to force him into a bad spot
Good E damage reduction matters
W to dodge his W ”
OakIgu says “Red Kayn is very hard to deal both AD and AP/TANK builds will have a very hard time with him because Red Kayn is just good against tanks and he can easily avoid your awakening and scape you very easily by jumping wall with Q or walking them with E.
Blue Kayn in the other hand is just slippery and not hard to deal at all. Flash is a great option instead of Ghost against Kayn, both Red and Blue. Also do oblivion orb instead of bramble vest against Kayn.”
kornelllll says “he got evrything to out dmg you and evrything to move away from you if you are wininig well its just anoying he cant 1v1 you as good as khazix youcan kill this guy if you are very good”
aS1lenT says “
Abuse his early game or he will kill you 50% from the 2nd form. Red Kayn is hardmode, but you can antihealkuafen again and Blue Kayn EZ mode. Recommend Bruiser against Blue kayn”
garbocan says “Extremely free early, even to the point where you can invade and kill him as early game Ivern. If you can afford to, invading his raptors is very strong, since they're by far his favorite camp.
In the early game, just make sure not to give him opportunities to farm your jungle on the opposite side of your gank. As long as you avoid giving him a massive cs lead, it's a free matchup.
Also, deny his R with bushes, especially if he's planning on using smite + R.”
bgkay says “Kayn can easily steal your jungle without you being able to do anything, if you don't have a team to help you, you will lose your entire early game”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Kayn is a jungler that you can only kill earlier in the game. Later on he will have his form making it a lot harder to kill him. Don't over do it in the early game as you're giving him free orbs.”
MachDawn says “A good Kayn will make either blue or red work extremely well against you AVOID HIM IF POSSIBLE! Best way to counter is to rush deaths dance and steraks after tri!”
Valkidol says “Blue kayn 4, red kayn 3. You can never touch a blue kayn, you will need to get ahead in the earlygame, which shouldn't be a problem. Red kayn has tons of cc and untargetability, but you should come out on top in the 1v1.”
Exxidara says “Quite skill matchup for jungle no specific trick to kill him but if you have better items you automatically win fights but you need gold thats mean you have to out cs him and take his jungle camps as much as possible”
Rhaast is the decent against Briar as Rhaast is able to brust and out heal Briars damage and kite her with his W knock up and E away through walls. Rhaast W knock up will always make it hard for briar to ever run him down. Rhaast can also use his R to turn the fight if he gets low and hide in it for the duration of Briars W. He cant really duel briar as Rhaast but if he can space her out he will win most fights.”
Zero macro says “Briar has decent time into Kayn, Thereby Shadow Assassin and Darkin: Rhaast Kayn both have different dueling into Briar.
Formless Kayn:
Briar has a really easy time into Formless Kayn, thereby Kayn has a strong jungle clear still.
Shadow Assassin:
Briar has to be aware of Kayn his insane burst combined with Kayn R that can execute Briar without using Snack Attack to recover + Kayn his E mobility increase.
Darkin: Rhaast:
Briar has to be aware of Kayn extra CC on W combined with max Health Damage output on Q and R —> R also benefits more HP gain from Briar HP.
Coccaa says “Sort of like rengar he kind of just gets fed off your teammates and snowballs but in a 1v1 you should be able to beat him every time unless hes giga-fed. You can cancel his E if he's close enough to the wall but if you place it too early he'll just walk right through it.”
MusicJG says “He is really useless early game until he gets form.
Ward for a raptor/wolves late invade level 1.
Once he gets form he is much stronger and can contest, but if you snowball you're stronger.”
Clolas says “IF he is playing red kayn, he can cast his w on your w and block you. But this is in 1v1 situations. In team fights he will be in front ,if you are flanking your enemies it wont be a problem. But I usually ban him every game ”
AstroAlf13 says “Red Kayn is pretty strong right now, you have to beat him very early to stand a chance, or hope its a blue kayn build which is a lot easier to deal with.”
Pyrobot says “A good kayn will be tough to beat - he can kill your dogs easily, can ult you if you're bursting him down, and is also just hyper mobile. Serylda's is a must into him to slow him down, and you should be able to duel him at most stages of the game. Hope he's dumb and goes blue kayn”
TheBougis says “Kayn is very strong in Arena in general. Kayn players usually go Red Kayn so they do a lot of max health damage, which you have a lot. there is not too much counter-play against him except trying to tank it.”
Turnupthetoaster says “Invade and bully him while he's weak, because once he gets his form he becomes far more problematic, especially if he's going into his red form. Blue Kayn isn't that big of a threat since he's very fragile and will never be able to kill you by himself, but Red Kayn is very disruptive, and almost impossible to 1v1. If he's in blue form, he remains a 2, but if he goes red form, his threat level increases to a 4.”
theloaf says “When he passes through the wall throw a Q at him, and even if you miss, the cooldown will be halved. Use your E to keep him away from teammates.”
Zero macro says “Nidalee has a way stronger early game than kayn, but Kayn has good scaling and jungle clear speed. Thereby its recommended for Nidalee to take advantage of the early game, which is fairly easy to do into Kayn.”
Zero macro says “Kayn clearspeed is way stronger than Shen, and its easy for Kayn to avoid Shen. Once Kayn has form and items without being behind, it will be hard to deal with him. Red Kayn is harder than Blue Kayn.
Kayn can buy Serpents Fang as well.”
ImAndreikaTrap says “If kayn is red, its pretty hard to do something with him after early game. But you can easily bully and counter gank him early. Same thing with master yi. Jungle matchups aren't that matter for voli. Its all about whole enemy comp. What matters that if enemy team could easily kite you or disengage your ult.”
Zero macro says “Shred Zed is favorited into Red Kayn, but it can underperform into Blue Kayn. Both junglers have good clear and aim to do so. Whenever Shred Zed falls behind on Blue Kayn the game will become hard ---> prevent this from happening. Zed has the mobility and can dodge Kayn W with it. Zed has a stronger early game strength which can diminish depending on the game state.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Kayn: Can dodge your r, dash, cc your ult, oneshot, can run away. So its op vs you.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Its not that hard but his whole kit counter your otherwise just play normally ”
Scratchyerik says “Red Kayn is Turbo Cancer For Tank Sion. I've still won this matchup though. Skip the Sunfire. Take Anathemas to help your team kill him if he's a problem.”
17qiyana says “red or blue doesn't matter if he's good and gets fed you lose almost every fight unless you're also fed. Try to bait his W and you win don't let him E so he can heal.”
Karhuslol says “Same as Kindred, Kayn loves to invade. Blue kayn will always one shot you and theres not much to do. He will always go for cheese invades to start your camps and prevent your full clear. ”
metalhydra273 says “Kayn can be tricky to deal with. His early game is generally fine for you, but both of his forms give you some sort of trouble. Blue Kayn can still burst you pretty significantly as well having the speed and range to slip around you. If you do catch him in this form though, you have a good chance of scoring a kill. Rhaast is generally the scarier of the two forms. He sits on you hard with his healing, and he tends to survive ult and get his health back by ulting. Pick your ults very carefully against Red Kayn; if he heals off the damage it'll all be for naught and you and your team likely wasted a lot of time and resources trying to kill him.”
NegativePhoenix says “For blue Kayn I'd put him as minor for Hybrid/Tank Rell, but Extreme for AP Rell. Red Kayn however will be a Major for all builds. His blue form is easier to handle if you went Hybrid/Tank if you can keep him from rushing around and off your backline. Red Kayn you need to keep him still and do your best to avoid his engage if possible. Your team NEEDS to focus a fed red Kayn or it's game over.”
MrFerrot says “While Kayn can ult us to counter our ult, he is difficult because his champion is broken all the time, and he will become strong off your teammates.
To counter him countering your ult, try to land an E if you see him leaving a wall. Run out of his ult distance, ult him, and then run back and W him. GHOST RECOMMENDED to do exactly that.
Also try to predict which form he will go before the match starts, based of your team comp. If you think he'll go red, take conqueror, and for blue take DH.”
Ezikko says “If he gets a heavier lead on you, best of luck. If youre even, youre winning. You solo kill him everytime in early game so take your chances (after ensuring its safe, otherwise you just give him free form stacks and gold). Shadow assassin is very easy to deal with if he doesnt have a strong lead, and rhaast is like fighting any other bruiser, except dodging his abilities is very easy, recommend antiheal.”
Ukantor says “If he build an assassin it's easy, if he build a tank, build Mortal Reminder, avoid throwing your improved Q from the beginning because if you don't kill it it will get into you and it will heal all your life, start with normal Q and then the improved Q , if you run out of abilities and he just came out of you, walk away for a moment while you have the Q again and fight.”
BradJr says “You can basically kill him at any point in the game in an even fight. The only real threat is dodging your ult with his. (clone rating 6/10 for red and 5/10 for blue)”
ajcarpy says “I perma ban this prick because my team dies to him and I can't react to protect them. He basically farms kills for free and then escapes through a wall so yeah that's why I perma ban this prick”
ttvRegedice says “You win very hard versus Kayn early. Make sure to save your W for both parts of his Q dmg as that's his main source of damage and is on a decently-long cooldown early. This matchup changes when he gets form, so make sure you win early fights against him otherwise you will lose hard later on. Red kayn W is the main offender that you want to dodge and Blue kayn as a whole is super annoying as he can smite R you mid-air to dodge your combo. However if you get fed you can always stay on top of him. Careful taking fights you know you won't kill him with as he wants orbs. Make sure to buy antiheal if he goes bruiser items + red form. Keep in mind his ult lasts just long enough to stall out anti-heal proc so that he gets full heal upon exit. With that said, still want to pick up antiheal if he's building bruiser.”
Borinn says “His clear speed same as you so try to counter gank him early. He outscales you either form so don't fight him alone late game. Get objectives and you can win.
You can go either AD or tank.”
MaaaRaaG says “Big bad boy. He will carry his team to victory by feeding of your overextending teammates. People will blame you and use the bait ping: Keep calm, mute them and pray.
Kayn is very slippery and has lots of healing. I had some success by using R on him after his R and try to CC him to death.
He is my usual permaban (I mean when I'm not banning Aurelion Sol mid). ”
Virizion says “Kayn tends to show what form he wants to go in loading screen. Conq= Darkin, First strike/ Dark harvest = Blue. Disrupt him early by looking at the lane he wants to get his form the fastest from. Hitting him with an early Q and E forces him out of the wall before he runs away. Later stages of the as red he just takes over as he wins every fight he takes. As blue kayn pray he doesnt have 7+ kills and just explodes the entire team with a combo.”
xRengarMaster69 says “easy match-up early game,
match his farm or you'll get gapped
when he gets blue, he'll get fed anyway because if your adc so try to match him.
You're a melee so abuse trades with him to not let him get blue fast.
Red = gg ”
Purecactus says “He's an extreme threath in his "Blue form" but managable in "Red form". His way of speeding around the map with his E and the fact that he's able to move around whist casting W makes him a very hard matchup for Kindred since he usually tries to catch you of guard and one shots you. ”
Hazardist says “His high mobility and either strong sustain or burst damage make Kayn hard to deal with. In this matchup you're always better off building deffensively with Rod of Ages and staying on par with him during the game to make sure you're not useless in teamfights later on.”
Lusimus22 says “You can cheese them hard. If they dive as either form? Just instantly R them when they come out. At low levels in your own area you shred them.”
DJBASSANGEL says “Annoying ass shitwad champ, the ULT is cancer and he is super slippery. Unless ur fed it will be tough, but if u get fed (which u should be with this build) its ez”
ShinyEmo says “Based on your reflexes. You must use your Q to dodge his W or Q, but if you are not confident just Meditate but it will result in his Ult becoming more powerful against you. If you are able to dodge, attack him and Meditate his Ult. ”
Intropingman says “1vs9 champ, as assasin not a big threat but as healing darking sometimes even thornmail grevious wounds doesn't prevent from him killing everyone in your team and healing to full hp if he is fed.”
Majd1 says “This is an extremely simple matchup, with the opponent being highly vulnerable in the early game. It is difficult to miss a spear on them, and you can easily kite them with your ranged auto-attacks. However, if they happen to get fed and take the blue form, the matchup becomes quite challenging for Nidalee. To counter this, it is crucial to take advantage of the early game by punishing and invading them as often as possible”
1Strike says “If he gets fed he can carry but you still freely scale. if you get fed you mess him up and he cannot fight you.
You dash his W and can kite him. From behind you still manage him from ahead you destroy him.”
Dabgren says “I personally will ban this if he goes meta again, most toxic champ you can go against if he gets snowballing, especially a good Assasin Kayn, holy damn.”
PerfectPower says “You beat him early, but can't really kill him without CC from your team. Try to force fights before he transforms. If he gets a free early lead, you're screwed. ”
Rasta Mouse says “Kayn is annoying to go against in the jungle. He has way more damage than you and a lot more mobility. Late game in team fights you can't hit the enemy backline as he can just peel and kill you quickly. You can't cc him well either and he heals to almost full HP once he comes out of his ult. Try to get more ganks than him before level 6 and possibly counter-gank him to set him back.”
checca says “As of 12.23, Kayn is no longer a threat to Zac. In past seasons, he used to run Zac as soon as he got red form, no matter the items. Now, Zac will almost outheal and outscale him at any point in the game as long as he is even or ahead in gold. His W can cancel Zac's E once he gets his Rhaast form, so be aware of this. Besides that, Kayn doesn't really pose a threat to Zac.”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level and his form. If he's Rhaast form, Avoid his W and buy Morellonomicon to Anti-heal If he's Shadow form, buy Zhonya's and Banshee to counter his damage. You can cast your E to counter his Q and stun him. No matter what from he uses, take Zhonya's everytime to deny his R.”
lovicoaching says “Depends on what he goes, builds, laners, ... These players often cheese invade you level 1 and try to steal your raptors for example. Kind of an easier but more cheese version of Hecarim tbh.
Too situational to tell you how to play vs due to forms, items, ...”
Davecraft16 says “Kayn is really weak early, try to do a 3/4 camp clear starting from the same side of him and then invade. You have a strong level 3, just try to use your q to kite him. After lvl 6 remember to use your r only after he use his r or it's useless.”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] If Kayn decides to go Rhaast, it's Kayn favored, and if Shadow Assassin, Hecarim wins. Ward your raptors, so he cannot do the cheese.”
BeanybumBag says “If Kayn is fed and the rest of your team is underperforming, theres not much you can do. His health will always be higher than your and will kill for before you can get that health bar down. If he goes blue you usually win unless he's 15/0 and sending mages to the shadow realm with his W.”
firetaliyah says “skilled for the most part. Try to lay your e on your carries if he is blue and just e your team when he is red he'll get stunned when he trys to Q. If you ever interact with him you can kite him.”
Blubtastic says “His insane amount of healing and generally slipperiness makes you a walking heal-stick. Hard to hit with CC and is hard to stop late-game. ”
Bhyure33 says “If he goes blue, it is harder to catch him, but you can kill him easier. If he goes red, he is harder to kill and thus can often kill you before you kill him. Because of this it is recommended to abuse him before he gets a form, as you actually can kill him at that point.”
ErniBurni says “Abuse sein early game oder er wird dich ab der 2.ten Form zu 50% töten. Red Kayn ist hardmode, aber man kann wieder antihealkuafen und Blue Kayn EZ mode. Empfehle Bruiser gegen Blue kayn”
RedNBlue says “Kayn is obviously someone you don't want to feed. Counter gank him, get the drakes. If he uses ultimate into one of your teammates just maul him before he can kill someone when he exits. ”
zotet says “Very annoying to kill when he gets his blue or red form. He can gank you frequently and catch you out of position. Make sure to cc him as this makes him very vulnerable. If he is out of position he has no escape tool other than his q. ”
RaidenKaos says “Red Kayn is not funny, raises to 4 once form acquired. It's just another bruiser you have to avoid. However, you can very easily outclass Kayn early game. Just don't give shutdowns to a Red Kayn.”
Riccardo126 says “Red or blue form doesn't change much for you, block his dmg with E shield(unless R dmg) and hold W to block him from escaping with his E”
MythicalMinute says “A good kayn will be a pain but you can just go utility and keep him away from your team in fights, if he has his form before you have liandries never counter gank him.
AP is good here due to zoning.”
ItsSplash says “Kayn players are the biggest cheesers on the planet. Make sure you have your level 1 placed in such a way that it covers both Raptors and Red path level 1 if you are starting blue.
If you are starting red then while doing it move back a bit to check if enemy kayn is doing your raptors level 1.
Good Kayn players are complete psychopaths so respect them but not too much that you don't punish their psychopath plays.
Other than his cheeses, he isn't a problem in the early game.”
spuki97 says “Hard matchup since you don't wanna fight him early and give him free form. After ult he can "outplay" you easily. Make sure to win other side of the map. If you see Kayn + Yuumi dodge the game. Best build: All”
Kao_Oak says “I know some Kayn mains say that yi counters him, but he is a pain to face aswell. You must tempo his R with your W and dodge his Q with your alpha strike. The issue is that he can tempo you for a long time with his R once he realises he lost the 1v1, which might prevent you from getting a kill , therefore denying you your resets and preventing you from snowballing the fight. However he is an easy target in a strict 1v1.”
RengarNBush says “If it is with yuumi then dodge game is literally unwinnable. Rhaast beats you with the new lethality build. Otherwise kayn is a minor threat”
Doubtfull says “Kayn is a not a great match up for udyr. He can drain tank our damage and unless he is in blue form we will likely never be able to kill him.
If he is playing Blue kayn, look to stun him when possible. Avoid fighting red Kayn unless he is out of position or very behind in gold.”
BattleCatsRoyale says “Shadow Assassin Kayn completely negates the slow effect from Rylai's, so no extra damage from impairment effects because you also likely won't be able to hit charm on him either with his 80% movement speed. Rhaast is strong in general, and heals back any damage you may do if he's in a teamfight. In general, a good kayn player will win 99 out of 100 games against you, consider Kayn as a permaban.”
MaximusWillCarry says “Kayn can press Q on your blobs a single time and take out every single one. My jaw dropped the first time it happened. He has mobility, dodge your E with his Q and ult/cancel your E with his W if he is going Red Kayn. Red Kayn heals full HP after ult consider banning. Blue Kayn is freelo because you CC him once and he gets melted.”
Atemporal says “Kayn mid não é o confronto mais normal, mas eventualmente você pode se deparar com ele. Você passará os primeiros níveis sob sua torre porque Kayn exclui absolutamente as ondas de lacaios no início. Deixe-o empurrá-lo e evite trocas aleatórias
porque ele pode facilmente empurrar ondas e lembrar de se curar sem perder nada, e ao negociar você também dá a ele progresso em direção à sua forma. Por volta do nível 5, você começa a ficar forte demais para que ele o ignore. Durante os primeiros níveis Kayn
pode simplesmente fazer spam de Q na onda para limpá-la, mas depois do nível 5 você pode puni-lo pulando em cima dele se ele for para pushes gananciosos de Q. Os jogadores intermediários de Kayn costumam vagar muito para tentar progredir na forma, fique atento aos seus roams e faça ping em seu time.
Quanto mais você atrasar a forma dele, melhor. Se ele for Red Kayn, você pode superá-lo usando Protobelt para evitar seu W e a velocidade de movimento passiva para empinar. Blue Kayn nunca vencerá Ekko 1v1 porque seu ult contra-ataca o dele
ult. ”
The Love Below says “Kayn in general is an annoying champion to verse. He can run through walls, knock you up, deals massive amounts of damage and can heal. Depending on how fed he is you can easily burst him down with Q combo. ”
Der Bestimmer says “Like Lillia he can outmanouver you and has more mobility in fights and on the map.
He is weaker early on and can't gank that well. Track him and invade, when your laners can help so you to keep him under control.
If he gets ahead he will outscale you in both forms.”
Jitty says “Kayn in shadow assassin is pretty rough to deal with, he can go through walls and slide right past your daisy. Don't ever try to fight him after he gets shadow assassin because most of the time it's losing!”
Kuriboh says “Depending on Blue or Red Kayn he can be a nuisance to your Jungle clears and teamfighting effectiveness. Watch out for Kayn looking for early jungle invades.”
JeffJoehnsen says “Should be pretty easy you can just e him out of the wall and your passive procs even when he activates his ult on you. Just be careful of red kayn he can heal pretty massively”
Coach Myga says “Kayn can be a really large issue with Blue Form. His pressure running through the map terrain is very high. You must play in a way that forces him to use his Ultimate before you use your Ultimate as Kindred otherwise he will ALYWAS kill you unless you have stopwatch. ”
Yuki H. says “Can go either drain tank or mobile assassin, both of which you struggle against. His weakest point in the game is pre-form, and is most likely the only time when you should look to skirmish.
Post-form, his blue form can allow him to navigate the map quickly and dodge incoming skillshots easily. His red form allows him to out-duel you and even cancel your jump with his W. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Placing wards over walls near lanes instead of lane bushes will be more effective at spotting Kayn as he can use his Shadow Step(E) to avoid common warding spots. Kayn will look for early skirmishes so he can get his form as quickly as possible. Expect him to invade or gank a lot in the early game. Because of Kayn’s Ultimate Umbral Trespass(R) and mobility, make sure you watch yourself as you recall, and make sure you stand in the middle of the lane so it’s easy for you to escape if he springs up nearby. Don’t give him easy kills by window shopping when you recall.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Placing wards over walls near lanes instead of lane bushes will be more effective at spotting Kayn as he can use his Shadow Step(E) to avoid common warding spots. Kayn will look for early skirmishes so he can get his form as quickly as possible. Expect him to invade or gank a lot in the early game. Because of Kayn’s Ultimate Umbral Trespass(R) and mobility, make sure you watch yourself as you recall, and make sure you stand in the middle of the lane so it’s easy for you to escape if he springs up nearby. Don’t give him easy kills by window shopping when you recall.”
toddlerslayer says “make his life as miserable as possible. if you have good communication in team, invade him non-stop. red one can easily outscale you, blue one is a mosquito for you”
Hazardist says “Used to be my recommended perma ban but luckily his power levels have fallen off enough for him to no longer be such a threat. Most Kayn players nowadays go blue form and won't be able to do much to you when you build tank, and Rhaast loses against Skarner by virtue of getting perma crowd controlled. Just make sure to not let his W interrupt your E channel, and don't throw your ultimate first unless he's stunned for a guaranteed hit.”
Porjn says “Kayn has a lot of tools to help him harass you. He can steal your camps quickly and run away before being punished. You can slow him in teamfights by channelling your w to catch him as he leaves his ultimate.”
lumihehe says “ i really despise kayn, but the matchup is fairly even. if he gets ahead off your team, you physically cannot win. there is no coming back from a "today i will feed kayn" incident. assuming all is well and he doesn't get giga fed though, build zhonyas. its his only counterplay”
ihydead says “Out damages, out classes, faster farms, red kayn will beat you up, if he chooses blue kayn though you should be able to hold him for sure with your R and Q ”
Salmon Kid says “Kayn clears better than Lillia, but loses to Lillia early. Blue kayn can be problematic because he has a lot of ways to avoid Lillia's abilities, but his ult doesn't negate Lillia sleep. I've always felt stronger than kayn in this match up, but good Kayn's can sometimes be problematic. ”
Darksword255 says “Blue Kayn is ez. Red Kayn which is 99% of what's played is impossible to kill. He can buffer his W to knock you out of your R and can out sustain you. the only way to beat him is to crush him early or hard CC him and have your team burst him. Dodge if he's picked.”
TennisJJ says “Not as bad as the other “extreme” champions, but very annoying. Not terribly difficult, but very tilting. You will never kill the assassin Kayn or the Bruiser one. The bruiser one will just outheal your whole combo and blue will just run away or out burst. May be worth a ban ”
Lawiss1 says “Evelynn bat kayn en early game seulement.
Kayn est menaçant pour Evelynn car il est extrêmement facile à jouer et est souvent pick surtout a bas elo, une fois la forme de kayn atteinte red comme blue, evelynn ne gagne plus le 1v1 ”
Dojyaan says “Shadow fucks you. Rhaast fucks your team. I don't know why I was allowed to lose against this champ while being 20/5 while he picked up literally 1 shutdown and turned objectives after I got soul point. Moral he outscales you also very slippery”
rhvse says “Oh man, I don't like that guy. There are 2 versions of him.
[Blue Kayn] - Easy matchup (hard: 2), you can kill him anywhere, dodge his W and just kill him, he can't dodge your E, even if he use his R.
[Rhaast] - Oh man, very very hard matchup (hard: 5), just don't 1vs1 him or you dead, maybe you can dodge his knock-up but still, he have his Q and R. Rush him before his form.”
Prizum says “He will outfarm you over time and if he goes Red Kayn he will do quite well versus you because of his healing and percent hp damage. While he farms though you might be able to snowball some lanes and if so he'll probably be irrelevant if you focus him down with your stun in a teamfight and buy a bramble vest.”
Nik7857 says “This champ is absolute cringe and Elo inflated trash. He will most likely full clear however he can invade to counter jungle or pull of cheesy lvl 3 ganks. His aoe damage makes 1v1s annoying but you should be able to just beat his weak early game. once he gets items in Shadow assassin this MU becomes very difficult. Rhaast is also difficult.”
ItsAydam says “This matchup is extremely hard if he goes assassin, and even harder if he gets prowler. He can out farm you heavily and out scale until he can completely one shot you. A good kayn would hold his R until you ult, if they use R on you before you ult, you can turn the tides and win. Punish him early and you can make the game really hard for him.”
NegativePhoenix says “Kayn early game is weak, you could possibly beat him then. Late game after he gets his forms it'll be hard if not impossible to 1v1 him unless he's behind. Blue Kayn can nearly one shot you since you're squishy and Red Kayn has healing to challenge yours. Blue Kayn is easier to fight. Be careful of his engage damage. If he ults you, move towards your team and under tower then W him the second he comes out. Red Kayn do not fight alone, he's towards extreme level of threat. Take grievous.”
Blakbor says “Now, Blue Kayn cannot 1-shot Graves (before he nearly couldn't, too).
And Red Kayn has nothing to do vs you, you can dodge all his W with your E”
HadesxLH says “Apesar de varios viegos acharem kayn bem chato de se jogar contra, e o Kayn vermelho ser mais facil de se enfrentar que o Azul por causa da mobilidade, pessoalmente eu nao acho Kayn um pick tao forte assim, o early dele é bastante counteravel em invades e couterganks, apesar do mid dele ser relativamente mais forte acredito que a força dessa matchup é atrasar o powerpike dele o maximo possivel e apos o patch 12.10 tomar cuidado pois o kayn vermelho está bem mais forte.”
SunLongGod says “quite Ez if he is blue, dodge his WQ easily, his ult can be reduced with your W. Red Kayn is quite a problem with his healing and knock-up. Priorities dodging his W than his Q ”
Gobby says “A good vertical jungler that can force Nautilus into a lose-lose situation by either having him go deep into his opposite side of the jungle for farm, or just have 10x less farm which Naut really needs.”
NegativePhoenix says “Red or Blue, he can easily 1v1 you in the late game however blue is easier to fight if he's caught off-guard. 12.11 shows a very small nerf to his Q damage, .5% so it's not too major to notice off hand. Blue form just don't get caught out, if you can catch him you can normally win. Red Kayn you need help with. If you manage to find Kayn early you can normally 1v1 him if you're smart.”
Fapas16 says “easiest matchup for fiddle, kayn cannot do anything to kill you, if he goes blue assasin just one shot him with 1 w and if he goes rhaast just out-heal him till he dies, also you can force him out of walls with your drain”
Puddingb00m says “Will invade you. Buy pink wards and start opposite side of the jungle. Tell your laners in low elo to help and keep an eye out. You won't be able to kill him pre-11 without a laners help.”
One Stab says “Pre Kayn-form is free. you should always win skirmishes, so don't let him get into the game. If he goes red form you need to make sure to dodge is W after jumping in. If he goes blue form, you should win as long as you jump on him first, if you don't have enough dmg to oneshot him, wait out his burst to double W it. ”
duowithdeath says “You can easily outjungle and outfarm Kayn, if you’re confident go invade Kayn can’t fight u before form. If Rhaast just build to kill and kite, if SA Zhonyas and treat like khazix; SA is quite weak atm though but is getting buffed next patch and this placement may change.”
OfficerVi says “Putting at a 4 only because is a bit too strong right now. Look to invade or fight him before he has his form. Antiheal is a must if red Kayn.”
Shro says “Kayn is a problem for Morde to deal with. Kayn has wicked mobility that allows him to move through terrain, even in your ult (though not the walls of your ult). What Kayn typically does is Ult you within your Ult, effectively stalling you out.”
Cpt. Maelstrom says “Possible to win 1vs1 in early, but he can just run away easily. Can gank much easier than you.
If you dont believe in Ignite yet, you will.”
IamFafa says “pretty strong jungler at the moment across all elo's. Definely a must ban for hecarim. Reason why he's so op is because of the healing from red form and goredrinker + black cleaver build which makes him unkillable.”
evil in says “Kayn is also a skill match up try to flash combo him in teamfights before he can get his R off. Other than that your jungle clear is much faster than his.”
[Kayn is an interesting champion, he can have 2 different gameplays. He can either play for you, if he chooses red form, and you'll need to be aware, but he can choose blue form if there are many squishies in your team and in this case, he doesn't deal damage. You can Q his Q to cancel it, your E messes up with his E, your W can tank his combo. You can also use W and even Gargoyle to tank his R.]
GrayJinxed says “Kayn has a slow (W) which can be avoided using Kindred's Q. While fighting Kayn, kite by using W in the direction you are running then use your Q's to avoid Kayn's Q's.
When he ults, simply walk into the centre of nowhere if you know you can win, if it's close, find a wall and try playing mind games with him and choose to jump the wall or not accordingly. ”
TimothyFly says “Pretty dificult matchup. Since he has so much sustain its hard to one shot him as sion. You basically never win any 1v1 after lvl 6. Play around ur team and hopefully u have a lot of cc so u can just 1 shot him before he can move.”
WONDR says “Red kayn is harder to play as he can W you when u jump and then you might not have enough dmg to outscale his healing, get anti-heal vs red kayn. Blue kayn (more common in S12) is easier to play with as he can be one shotted. if he E's over a wall you can jump to him if theres a bush.”
Majd1 says “Very easy matchup, he is very vulnerable in the early game. It is near impossible to miss spear on him and you can kite him easily with your ranged auto attacks. However, if he does get fed randomly and takes blue form the matchup becomes very unplayable for Nidalee. Make sure to punish him early on and invade him as much as possible.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Early game you need to take advantage of this guy. Try to make the most of your early game against him, but try not to give him too many souls.
If he goes Darkin. dodge his W and you can take him on.
If he goes Shadow Assasin, try to engage while you have vision on him. It is a pretty much case of kill or be killed but most situations you should smash him if he goes assasin easier than Darkin.”
OPPMAN says “RED KAYN IS VERY STRONG AGAINST NASUS, EVEN FED NASUS HAS A HARD TIME AGAINST RED KAYN. Not impossible, just annoying. If Kayn builds death dance, black cleaver, and healing. It becomes a battle of the Gods. Kayn typically wins the 1v1.”
ioprocessing says “Shadow Assassin is hardly a threat, but if (and likely when) he goes Rhaast, he becomes a monster. If you try and fight him, he will win with his max hp damage and healing, and if you try and pick him off, he will AoE heal off your team then ult and get the rest of his health back. More of a teamfight threat than Olaf, but a weaker early game, which you should ideally take advantage of. Like Olaf, play for picks, don't try and ult him unless you are sure your team can kill him while suppressed”
APigHunter says “Depending on the build, Kayn can be annoying but ok or a bursty squishy type. It all comes down to individual skill and outplays to solidify this matchup.”
geek_not_found says “God Kayn is boring. Bully him as much as you can before he's fed as balls. You can take his shit and perma invade but if he's ahead with blue form, it gets tricky. Force his ult before yours and try and focus your CC on him.”
YoungTact says “Champion clears faster than you so if he plays to just farm he can definitely build a lead on you. Can W his Q and E him even when he's in the wall. Careful after he gets form as he becomes a whole new champion. Can play to invade him if you know where he's gonna be. Anti heal is worth building here esp if red form. ”
wyjebnik2zuk says “it depends, kayn in both forms can easily farm your jungle and escape with E. Red kayn its not that bad but blue which builds serpent fang, kills your carry from wall is really frustrating. Into red kayn remember to get chemtech putrifier
(red kayn- even: blue kayn- extreme)”
Katszu says “ kayn has no way of winning against you early, but when he gains blue form early try to make yourself not a target when he goes red form you can easily kite him just dodge his w's
SeptikYT says “Red Kayn is just a nightmare to deal with; you can't kill him nor outsustain him, he just has so much healing in his kit. Blue Kayn, not a nightmare for you but probably a nightmare for your ADC, he will oneshot almost anyone as get away with it, so you have to peel for your team if ever there is a blue Kayn coming for you.”
Madabc says “Pre-form one of the easiest matchups. Post-form its determent on the form he goes in the game. Blue Kayn - can be easy if you get your combo off before he can get to a wall or w-r. Red Kayn is a little more difficult in the way of him building Gore-Steraks-Deaths dance which makes it almost impossible to kill him unless you have Lord Doms. ”
ARealFakeIdentity says “As long as you are able to keep tabs on Kayn's position, it should be easy to keep him off your team, if you believe the Kayn may go for Shadow Assassin then bring cc items or Glacial Augment if possible.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “It's Kayn. The essence of 200 years. His early damage is surprising and can burst down your shield health. His E sustain can stuff up early kills, and gives him mobility you cant keep up with. Go Aery Domination. For AP, go CotSQ. For Support, go Shurelya's. If he is blue Kayn, go Zhonya's second. If he is red Kayn, run Chemtech or Morelo, or else he will 1v5.”
Consolo says “Unbelievably hard to peel off your carries as shadow form, doesn't care about your peel as Rhaast. If he gets behind, he isn't worth much, luckily. Track him and ping your teammates off when he's nearby them.”
ShuffleTM says “Se ele estiver sem conqueror você ganha facil o early game dele, cuidado que ele pode desviar do seu W e você não conseguir procar a passiva. Se ele transformar no vermelho você não mata ele facilmente, se ele transformar no azul quem se achar primeiro da IK.”
OTP Toxin says “Use the anti-gank mushrooms near the walls where he always can come when ganking, almost all times he will give up the gank after hitting one or two mushrooms :D”
Zehmox says “Early game you destroy and prevent him from walking up. in the mid/later stages off the game his slippery and annoying to deal with because he can prevent your ult with his ult
blulemon says “Blue kayn is no threat, red kayn on the other hand out CC and heals you. You must get an advantage early with dragons or ganks, otherwise he will steamroll.”
Tiger-Moose says “Has insane tempo potential and mobility. He can easily carry the game by getting kills and objectives while avoiding you unless it's in his favour.
//Red Kayn is much harder for you to deal with than Blue is, obviously.
//Try to avoid spamming max hp into Red Kayn, as he has a lot of ad-scaling %max hp damage and his R heals based off the max hp of the person he ults (though it will always be a ton of healing because Kayn funni champ teeheehee).”
0rphan13 says “I find kayn as one of the easier junglers to beat, his only advantage on you is the W, the ability that knocks you up. his ult isn't that scary, as he ults, either use E, or use R, both gonna catch him of guard.”
MrMeem45 says “It's technically skill based, but he's an annoying prick and worth a ban anyways if you don't think that Rek'Sai will get picked. He'll farm faster than you and toggle noclip, and if you just sit there and let yourself get hit by his abilities you could lose at scuttle, but also he just can't do anything until his transformation. In the meantime, bully the hell out of him and get the objective lead. He's terrible at contesting objectives if he's red and terrible at fighting you if he's blue. Don't let him get fed, though.”
b0n0 says “I think this is pretty even. Avoid getting cheesed and protect your invades/vertical jungling. He can easily outplay us with stupid clearing mechanics and is a faster clear. Good thing we beat him early in duels. if you see even level'd kayn early fight him. If you track him early in jungle go invade if it's safe to do so. Take control of river with scuttles as well.
If he infests you with ult, charge q and when he jumps out punch him in the face. Rhaast is harder to deal with than blue kayn as sustain, plus the knockup can be annoying.
pretty even. He will outscale us so set a good pace early and get early drags/rifts as kayn's objective control is very trash. ”
Elekktro says “Red Kayn is much easier to face than Blue Kayn. If it is Blue Kayn, his mobility is too hard for Viego to keep up with. You can usually beat him 1v1, but a good Kayn won't give you that chance.”
J98TheGreat says “If he goes red Kayn, this will be difficult, but not impossible by any means. The better player still wins, but keep in mind that he has 2 abilities that allow him to go through walls and that when he is doing that your knock-up can knock him out of the wall and stun him.”
Brosinex says “Ambas formas son un problema para ti azul, uno te dispara y rhaast simplemente lo cura todo. Si se pone azul, puedes hacer una cometa con tu E y puedes dispararle, ya que es muy blando. Es cuestión de quién dispara primero al otro. Red es básicamente otro Jarvan que se cura más y tiene más CC que tu jodido allí.”
King Fidd says “Usually he dies to a single fear in blue form, but his e sees over walls and can spot out your ultimate. He can also get fed and run away with the game. Red kayn is hard to solo kill, but you can work with someone else to kill him usually.”
Ghionova says “Rhaast (Red Kayn): Impossible to kill once ahead. If you fight him with your ult, he gets double the healing than usual. Dont ult unless you need to dodge something. Dont fight him without your team.
Blue Kayn: If he builds full assassin its easy. Its either you who onehits him, or he who onehits you. Always bait with your ult first. Kayn will go for an all in combo because he has low cd. Just pray he wont notice that hes attacking your clone, his passive gives him bonus damage and your clone receives more damage in general so he can probably kill your clone just with a w and q.”
NMFO says “My perma-ban. I honestly don't even know if he's good anymore, I have banned this champion since preseason 10 so I haven't actually played against him in a while. Way too versatile, too much healing, too much damage, too much mobility, too fast of clear, too good of ganks. I just hate this champion and refuse to play against him. We all get one. ”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “You beat him in the early game. You can out clear him and out gank him easily. Things get harder when he decides to get Rhaast. Build a Bramble vest. If he picks Shadow Assassin Kayn it should be an easy win for you.”
Da Mastah says “Very easy to harass on his first clear, i would always recommend going ignite in this matchup. Also prioritize invading him if possible.”
necromancer142 says “build antiheal and divine sunderer if he goes red kayn or you will suffer, watch out for his counter jungling hes faster than you in early to mid game”
KafueLechwe says “Kayn is not that scary, but he is very slippery so be cautious when engaging. His R lasts long enough to go through your R (most of the time) and he can exit behind you.
Later game no matter what form he takes he can't really 1v1 you.”
Zyvran says “He's not a threat pre form, and not a threat if he goes red, but everyone goes blue, and if you don't have Shieldbow up, you just gonna die because he runs at you through the walls.”
Citric says “One of the more annoying matchups because of his clear speed and his map mobility. Watch out for level 1 cheese on your raptors. Kayn's kit can dodge a lot of your damage so try your best to hold and use them at the right time. ”
Tchouvline says “Most likely a skill matchup. his Red form W is annoying for you.
If you use your W on Kayn and he decide to ult you, the W will keep going !”
Pusi Puu says “Free matchup pre 6, look for skirmishes, scuttle fights and invades. You win everytime. When he has blue form make sure to not get caught by him. The one who engages first usually wins the fight, similar to the kha'zix matchup. When he engages on you heal his q-w burst combo and when he ults you run to a bush as fast as possible, so you are able to counterengage the moment he jumps out. When jumping onto him make sure to use your combo and don't get hit by his w midair, otherwise he can counterengage. When Kayn goes red form make sure to get anti heal asap. Unless he is super fed and hits every single w on you, you are most likely to win the fight.”
IMissedMyQ says “Kayn is a very easy matchup for you. Make sure you apply constant pressure by invading and killing him/pushing him off his camps if you have the laner advantage. If you don't have the laner advantage, look to gank more than invade. Be careful of him post form. He will be able to 1 v 1 you if you miss cocoon, and he's also much stronger in teamfights.”
Doubtfull says “Blue kayn is scary, red not so much. Consider red smite to avoid one shots, you win fights pre 6 so look for these if you can. Might want to go deadmans 2nd in this match up. Remember he can dodge your ult with his own, and he can go through walls to safety as well. relatively hard match up in my experience. ”
LordGrox says “Pre-Form Kayn is pretty weak. Try to screw him over early and ruin his day. Be careful if he goes Red form, as his W knockup will ruin your day as well. If he does, consider getting at least an Executioners.”
SnowballBarrage says “Red Kayn is a great counter to any tank. Against full AP, he's still annoying but if you hit him with W first you can burst him. High sustain, can interrupt your R with his knock up, hard to pin down, and can threaten objective steals. Great clear speed as well.”
NixLychee says “50/50 matchup. Try to coordinate with your laners to prevent his ganks. If his passive orb gathering is staggered, he is basically not a threat. Don't underestimate his early damage, and ping your laners if you see him walk through a wall towards their lane. Somewhat predictable ganking based on what form he wants, which you can mostly tell from his Runes and your teamcomp.”
KamiKZ says “This is a 50-50 match up, who ever gets fed or hits 6 first usually wins this match up, but there are loads of different ways to play this match up”
Polarshift says “Both great at clearing the jungle. Remember that some Kayn players tend to clear from birds to krugs first. If you see him do leashless you might want to invade his blue. You will outdamage him and can kite him for most of the early game but he definitely scales better into teamfights, if he goes Rhaast. If your team still doesn't have Grievous wounds by then, be sure to get it. Ward for invades, so he doesn't sneakily take your raptors and then your red after it while you're doing it!”
Veralion says “Kayn has been buffed substantially in the last few patches and is now troublesome to engage in the early game. The slow on his W now gives him plenty of control to kite out your W and E mark. Conq means he's going red, DH or Electrocute means blue. Avoid needlessly trading with conqueror Kayn unless you know you can get the kill since you don't want to give him free orbs and evolve him faster. That could mean all the difference in a big fight. Itemize armor quickly if he goes blue, Orb if he goes red. If he ults you, try to place him away from a wall and away from your carries. The worst thing you can do is let him dash into your team and get a 3+ man knockup, which will probably full heal him. Wait for his follow up dash after he exits his ultimate to fire if he's a viable target.
If blue Kayn gets super fed, don't give up. He will inevitably try to 1v5 and throw the game with Baron up. These people are lunatic psychopaths and have no self control at all. ”
Goldenstinger says “Very annoying match up - dont let him scale. He wont bother you early game but just make sure to get on the map early. This is a skill match up. If it goes late, win vision and avoid him. ”
Doubtfull says “Kayn will probably leave you alone in the early game and this gives you time to hit 6 and take over the game. No matter which form he goes you're definitely going to want to have zhonya's for this match up. Your W drain will finish even if he ults you.”
Arfreezy says “After 10.25 Kayn nerfs, this matchup has become easier. In this matchup, you can bully him before transform to try and establish a jungle and lane lead before he hits transform. Ignite and Phase Rush can be helpful to establish an early lead or you can opt for a more scaling build path like Crit or Bruiser to contest his powerful late game, but this will require strong/winning lanes that can survive pressure while you scale. Grit stacking for first scuttle is essential to pick up a free lead if Kayn contests at scuttle.”
Tormentula says “Kayn is pretty annoying for Elise. While she does stomp him early game, Kayn can farm leads way bigger than her and if he goes Rhaast (red form) he can be too tanky for Elise to kill. Kayn's ultimate also ignores untargetability, so unlike most champions Elise actually can't Rappel his ultimate to evade the damage, only to prevent him from clicking on her. Blue Kayn used to not be as bad, but currently he just farms so massive even from behind while being a bruiser assassin with the new goredrinker build that its a huge problem as well. Right now, Kayn is my perma ban until something gets adjusted about him, he's just too good in the right hands, and sometimes even that isn't a requirement with how hard he outscales Elise despite how big she can get early off him.”
Doubtfull says “Kayn is extremely easy to bully in the early game, but if he gets ahead of you he can be a real pain. Try to counter gank and keep him down in the early game. Be hyper aware of moving in a way that will help you dodge his W's, as that is a core part of his kit. If you build lethality and are a little ahead, you can 1 shot him with your combo before he can ult you. ”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror or Phase Rush.
ITEMS: Zhonya's is a must here, viable even as a first item if absolutely necessary. Plated Steelcaps are also a good option.
Morellonomicon if he transforms into Red.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Lillia's worst matchup in my opinion, Kayn has a tough early game, but it's still better than Lillia's. Blue Kayn is impossible to pin down, while Red Kayn is harder to kill, and both forms have A LOT of damage to dish out. Kayn can ult to avoid your own ultimate, so only use it after him or use Zhonya's as fast as you can after pressing R so he can't get inside you. Try to play safely and close to your team if against Blue Kayn so he can't kill you easily, and focus on dodging Red Kayn's knockup on W with your movement speed. Since Lillia is a ranged champion, she grants Kayn blue orbs so he can transform into Blue if he hits her.”
Zekrow says “Red Kayn Knockup = Cancelled Ults and W
His ability to roam through walls will grant him vision of you preventing your ULT fear going off in teamfights.
As a side engager, he does the same as you, half the time he will find you hiding behind that wall and ruin your engage.
Additionally, he's very oppressive in the jungle, as a farm heavy jungler, they isn't much you can do early game if he invades.”
Whynotbefriends says “Look to punish early with strong invades, track him and take away his chickens/krugs respawns. Red Kayn requires you to play carefully around his W, Zhonyas amazing if he goes Blue kayn.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Graves favored. You should always be able to 1v1 Kayn as long as you are not staying next to a wall so he can surprise you with his E and that you always dodge either his Q or W with your E. Tip try to hold onto your W untill after he used R on you. ”
Insightful says “Kayn can farm as fast or even faster than you can, and once he gets blue form he can just easily one shot you, the best you can do is to get zhonyas early and try to land a Q on him somehow.. but he has a lot of movement speed from E”
poopyOCE says “Pretty strong this patch. Try to avoid 1v1s and try to snowball by counterganks and early invades, but if you must fight, use E when he R's, and use R if he is engaging your teammate. Also same as Xin Zhao, use hold Q to ignore knockup on Red Kayn.”
Slash And Dash says “Tricky champ. Blue Kayn can one-shot you and Red Kayn can out-sustain you. Catch Blue on your W Stun and Build Anti-Heal vs Red. No other way.”
SaltCat says “You lose early game, blue kayn is annoying because he is going threw walls most of the time and oneshotting you, red kayn is a tank, you really cant mess with kayn either forms”
sonminh says “Going AP control is probably the best. You can beat him early if you have the first attack and if his abilities are on CD. Going AD is too difficult because of his ult and bruiser loses to his red form. Forcing him to ult later in the game is good, try to get a pick on him if possible. Play front to back if possible. If you're strong, play back to front.”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “A very powerful Champion this Meta with Goredrinker. Even Blue Kayn is scary to play against. Beware of his R and Damage invulnerability. He can pop up through walls unannounced.”
halomanonfire says “Kayn manages to move around and stay away from attacks, yet still do a lot of damage, it tends to yield negative results to your life steal”
Dreadscythe95 says “My personal ban. He clears much faster before lvl 6 and clears faster even after lvl 6 when your clear becomes very fast. His red form also counters yorick in every way. You can't possibly lock him down, your cage means nothing to him and he counters bruisers with lifesteal and knockups. He also forces you to go for grevious wounds quite early.”
Coorowko says “Same as lillia, fast clear, great damage, and annoying speed. Because Kayn wants to gank early to get his second form you generally want to be keeping an eye on lanes so you can counter gank or trade across lanes. Deny him his resources and you'll save your team a lot of pain. ”
Jinx_48 says “Early game u slow him in fights of crab he have to flash to run away in river bc his E wouldn't work when he is slowed or cced ( if he haveblue form he can use his E when he is slowed). Try to fight him early game.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Blue kayn is no threat at all as you can cc him without him being able to do anything, and he is easy to beat early game through invades not allowing him to farm and scale like he needs to. Only chance Kayn has is when he goes red Kayn and outscales Warwick around 3 items. Try to push lead to end before then”
ak521 says “Not bad until he hides in your ADC.
SHADOW: He's really annoying with his super mobility. Hard as hell to outplay, Q him if you're lucky enough to hit it otherwise just cry on him.
DARKIN: Much easier to outplay, he's immobile. Easy to land Q's, don't 1v1, either of 'em don't feed.”
Frozerlol says “To be fair its easy when hes without a form or assasin but hard when he is darkin try to avoid his w and you should be able to burst him if hes not tanky ”
Rhoku says “Kayn is a very slippery jungler that will avoid confronting you if possible early on, as you straight up beat him no matter what. Contest ganks and objectives. If he fights, he dies.”
AST Raposo says “Even because is a confortable matchup for you early. he is not a big deal to you until his transformation. After the transformation,the fox is dead. But keep in mind if he chooses blue kayn,you will also do more than he late game.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Be aware of posability that Kayn can invade your Raptors at level 1. If you get cheesed game is probably much harder and falling behind as Hecarim is never good sign if you want to win!”
Believe Weiss says “This is very 50/50 for me. He can be a big problem sometimes for me depending on enemies playstyle. You usually do not want to try and duel him.”
Insightful says “kayn beats you at all stages of the game, outfarms you and if he goes red, well then there's nothing you can really do about it, falls into the good ban category”
izzlelol says “Both forms are a problem for you blue one shots you and rhaast just heals everything back. If he goes blue you can kite his w out with your E and could one shot him since he's very squishy. It's matter of who one shots the other first. Red is basically just another Jarvan that heals more and has more CC your kinda screwed there.”
ChirasaTheQueen says “free game, early is yours, deny him ganks and skuttlers, W his Q. When he's in a wall you can target and E him and isntantly stun him.”
Lambda Diana says “With Kayn you have to win early as both red and blue kayn can scale really well into the mid and late game. If blue kayn get hourglass 2nd even if ahead since it fuck over his burst and can save you from his ult damage. If he goes Red both hourglass and void are great into Red kayn and if no one else will get anti healing ( orb ) to help deal with his healing. ”
OsakaSatang says “Conc+inspiration
Just dodge his W when fighting him and you will do fine. Just make sure to build heal cut if he goes red kayn becuase the lifesteal is insane. can fight for crab”
ItsSkoob says “Im putting Even because this matchup depends on the player and the form. Blue kayn you can win easily against because you can easily kill him and ult him out of walls if he tries to run. But Red Kayn is harder because he can W you out of your Q. Both forms can also Ult to dodge your ult if they are good. So its hard to say with this matchup as it will vary.”
Sammystinky says “Not ideal. He can invade and kill you, but Kayn players don't do this as much anymore. Pinning him down late isn't easy either. Red heals off you as well, Blue is hard to stop from killing your friends”
RedNBlue says “Even with your early dueling Kayn will just heal back all the damage you do to him level 3 and if you get close to killing him he will just bust through a wall.”
Stratogos says “I think he is the only champ that would be really easy againg him.You should always farm raptors cause he will try to steal them.If he stays behind it is gg for him ”
colingogo says “You both afk farm and are useless first 6-7 minutes of the game. After your level six you can usually kill him for free until his form, where if he goes blue you still keep killing him. Red gets a bit tanky.”
SketchtheHunter says “It doesn't matter which kayn we're talking about. Shadow assassin is crazy slippery and a pain in the ass to pin down during your ultimate. If there's any part of the arena you can't get to he will run to it and hide there for the whole 7s. Raast on the other hand, does incredibly well into you. High damage, hard cc, and good sustain make him a nightmare to fight. My go-to ban.”
Very Rxre says “Kayn can be shut down early but your team has absolutely no idea what they are doing vs him. He has unique gank paths and will gank your teammates and avoid vision in common spots. You win 1v1 and can invade him but he will always get kills off your teammates. Rhaast late game beats you 1v1 and will bully you in teamfights, sa will just kill your carries and you have no counterplay. Will prob camp bot, look to countergank. Basically you need to use your better early to snowball the game and if you can’t gain a lead ur screwed. ”
Suseri says “Press W if he uses his Ult on you to safe your Ult and E Duration. Blue Kayn's Damage can be Meditated however if he is very ahead it could be hard to react you can also dodge his spells with your Q. Red Kayn can be harder to deal with the later the Game gets, try to avoid his knockup or fight him after he has used his ult.”
FrostForest says “Look to punish him and invade early
Farms faster then you
You get outscaled if you let him reach form for free
He can dodge your combo and beat you 1v1 if you miss”
Maintained says “Not too bad of a match up until he transforms into Rhaast, however, it is hard to punish Kayn outside your spires so avoid fighting him then so as not to give him free transformation stacks. If he transforms to Rhaast you won't be able to fight him, but he is vulnerable to crowd control as he can't heal if he is stunned and becomes very squishy. Look to CC lock him if you have your team around, otherwise avoid fighting him.”
Irmike78 says “RED KAYN - Alot of healing, can lead to some problems. In terms of healing its very 50/50 as to who will out heal who, build morellos to ensure you win
BLUE KAYN - as long as you Gwen E or W Kayn W then most fights can end up in your favor ”
RichMrFork says “Extremely snowball matchup. Mostly comes down to who has better jungle fundamentals. Whoever impacts lanes more, balances farming and ganking as well controlling objectives. Just remember to get grievous on your team for red form and stopwatch/Zhonyas is an option against blue form.”
manco1 says “Kayn is weak, punish his early game and you will win every game. Kayn specializes in counter jungling so ward well and keep tabs of where he is. ”
LilPaniniUwU says “You'll usually win if he goes Blue, but if he goes Red, you will always lose. 50/50 matchup. Try not to let him get fed, if he does, the game's practically over.
WillowSprout says “Hahahahahahah XDDD BOY BYE dis boi be dying when he fights you unless he knows how to avoid your combo or when you don't hit him with your combo you're pretty much dead. but from experience you'll be fine.”
metalhydra273 says “Blue Kayn isn't too big of a deal since if he can't 1 shot you you get him killed very quickly, but his speed and w range can give him opportunities to poke before he looks to burst. Rhaast however is another issue. That champion heals way too much for you to deal with as well as adding hard cc to the mix. Ideally you can kill him with your ult, but in many cases, he survives and ults to get back into the fight. Win while you have the advantage in the early game, where Kayn is weakest, otherwise you'll likely have to play for your team.”
Fennixas says “Early game he is no threat to hecarim, but in later stages of the game he will get annoying so try to get bramble as fast as you can, in late game hecarim hard loses to full build kayn 1v1.”
MrMeem45 says “As a rule of thumb, anyone who clears faster than you and who you can't really invade due to either dueling strength or escapes is considered a 5. ”
AggroBeat says “Blue Kayn is more dangerous, since he has too much mobility, and his ultimate is really strong against you. But if you time your ult correctly, you can kill him.
Red Kayn just can't get to you. Dodge his W and you're good.”
PulseBeat_02 says “Try to dodge all of his abilities. Know that he will be roaming a ton (and may counter jungle). Your ultimate forces Kayn out of his. I suggest to build hourglass earlier so you can block is damage if he tries to use his ultimate on you.”
KhaZix Mains says “[6/10] You need to abuse his weakness in the early game and snowball on him before he gets one of his forms. He can assassinate you with Shadow Assassin or just outright tank your damage as Rhaast, so you need to grab a lead and use it against him as soon as possible because you’ll lose the matchup after he transforms especially into Rhast.
He becomes a lot harder to deal with in the mid-game so try to shut him down before then. Suggested to go Challenging Smite with Q evolution to ensure you'll win every duel, or R evolve if you want to snowball off of ganks while he's weak early-game.”
Gamyeon says “One of the easiests matchups for Experienced Kindred Mains. Whoever ults first in this 1v1 loses. Just melt him in Max Range and once he ults you, if needed you ult back (always in the last second, you never know what your teammates will do and it is good practice). You should be looking for a cheese invade level 3 jumping through the pit into the opposite buff. If played properly you should win 10 out of 10 1v1s level 3. Flash to kill if needed during invade, your power spike comes much sooner.”
Nanelol says “His E is your biggest problem because he can see you through it and invade you. If its blue kayn its much worse for you since he will be able to oneshot you through out the whole game. Also he can dodge your spells with his R or follow up your ultimate.”
Nanelol says “Most elo inflated champ in the game right now. Kayn got not enough damage to kill you early. You can easily win trades if you play this matchupe while staying on range. If he gets close to you try to dodge his damage output with your rappel. If he gets ahead somehow you should prevent fighting! You should end the game before he gets his items otherwise he will solo carry.”
emin4ikeres says “Ну чет такое , если дать киллов и он собереться в леталити , то несдобровать , но если он пойдет в леталити и буде тбездарем , то всё впорядке”
Rotieh654 says “contra o kayn azul não é preciso se preocupar (vc é um trundle, um tank no final das contas :/), mas o kayn vermelho pode dar trablaho, dano baseado na vida e knock up você deve jogar muito bem em cima das skills do kayn, sempre lutando no seu W e ultando ele caso ele seja seu foco, se ele estiver protegendo um membro do time inimigo vc deve tentar ignora-lo e lutar com os seus carrys”
Nanelol says “Kayn is very strong against tank and Zac is not different. Kayn has very sustain and damage, you can never trade with him. He can stop your E with his W if timed correctly. ”
Coed Red says “Red kayn isn't the worst for viego but due to the nature of season 11 kayn you will probably have to deal with blue which is a nuisance more than anything.”
Heccie says “Red kayn the knockup and he just never dies, bruiser one shot blue kayn is also pretty bad for rengar but if kayn goes assassin full one shot kayn then you can one shot him if you jump on him first. r e w q q”
Kelies says “**Applies to red kayn only**
Red kayn will most of the time group up with his team and negate you in teamfights, He can easily start to 1v1 you when he has Goredrinker Steelplates and Death dance. Your chances to win easily this match up, would be to invade him before his form.”
Eagzey says “Red Kayn: just ff. Na I don't mind playing against Red Kayn because early game you will have chances, just make sure you avoid him mid-late game and dodge his W.”
HVfun says “Tough one. You out gank him early, so make sure you get at least one of your lanes a bit ahead before he hits 6. He's a nightmare in teamfights late game since you can't really CC him off your backline, and he heals close to full health after he comes out of his ult. You have to win the early game in this match up.”
uSgSello says “Kayn got not enough damage to kill you early in my opinion. You can easily win trades if you play this matchupe while staying on range. If he gets close to you try to dodge his damage output with your rappel. If he gets ahead somehow you should prevent fighting!”
uSgSello says “You are definitely stronger than Kayn in the early game. You can try to countergank him or fight him in the jungle. After he reaches 6 and transform you should prevent fighting against him because he will be definitely stronger than you.”
Maverka88 says “His E is your biggest problem because he can see you through it and invade you hard. If its blue kayn its much worse for you. Also he can dodge your spells with his R or follow up your ulti.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “Kayn is week early but there is no way for you to kill him, as he can just E away. He can get free passive orbs from you and run away.”
MrMeem45 says “Not a big deal in low elo, but if you're higher in elo it might be a good idea to give this guy a ban. Try your best to keep him from getting ahead by counterganking him and invading him early on. Try to avoid fighting him early if he has Dark Harvest, as you want to delay his transformation as long as possible.”
cfoxtrot8 says “This matchup is just annoying. You will probably win againist him until he turns Blue Kayn and after he evolves Blue it will be probably too late for him to win but it is annoying. Don't try 1v1 if he is red and you don't have a lead.”
theceasrsalad says “it's a "who gets ahead first matchup" but if you hit everything you should win the early fights, he really dangerous when he gets form so be careful”
Doubtfull says “This match up depends on the form, but isn't terrible either way. Kayn pauses slightly after his Q and that is a good time for you to land your Qs.”
PK Noob says “If Kayn goes his blue form expect to see a gray screen for half the game. Try to get your top lane fed so that he can survive Kayn's burst damage and destroy him in fights. If Kayn goes his red form you should be fine. Just prevent him from getting to your team by throwing your cc at him.”
legendtomi1 says “Blue kayn is no threat at all as you can cc him without him being able to do anything, and he is easy to beat early game through invades not allowing him to farm and scale like he needs to. Only chance Kayn has is when he goes red Kayn and outscales Warwick around 3 items. Try to push lead to end before then.”
RedNBlue says “Kayn can really annoy a Master Yi when it comes to just being able to destroy. Kayn can be untargetable and he has a good early game and he can easily get around and kill Master Yi.”
Scintior says “Pre his form just abuse him. Dodge spell with q and e him so he slowed and cant run away. When he becames blue kayn, try to dogde his w and q with yours. Slow and kite him. You can use galeforce at the end of the fight for dmg or at the beginn for better kiting.”
RedNBlue says “This is a sloshy matchup, you can beat him 1 v 1 pre-6 most of the time but once he gets his ultimate it will get a bit annoying and close to kill him.”
Riyad101 says “You will always beat Kayn unless he is fed. Red Kayn go LDR and anti heal but blue Kayn is a 50/50 whether you who gets the first punch thrown in first.”
Cryastro says “Shadow Assassin: Has lots of mobility to dodge your E and can insta kill you.
Rhaast: You can kite him pretty easily just make sure not to let him get in range to hit you and ult you.”
EUWRATS says “pretty strong jungler at the moment across all elo's. Definely a must ban for hecarim. Reason why he's so op is because of the healing from red form and goredrinker + black cleaver build which makes him unkillable.”
Strike1 says “Kayn is kinda even matchup whoever gets fed ends up winning.
Shadow assassin does way better into kindred than rhaast (simply because you can kite rhaast easier and do a lot of damage to tankier champs)
Fed kayn messes you up (kinda like the kha'zix matchup) but a unfed kayn poses no threat to anyone on your team with your ult.
He can't really command early game either you can beat him in duels early on. and you outscale him too with a good comp.”
SoSheolH says “While Blue Kayn is struggling due to lethality items being nerfed and won't really be an issue for you, Red Kayn is dominating with Goredrinker buffs and can out-sustain you extremely hard. As long as he doesn't get too ahead though, you should be fine - and that goes for both Blue and Red, even though the latter is the better pick in general right now. Current permaban in my low elo due to his strong carry potential and high presence.”
Kindredgarten says “Rhaast (buy grevious wounds) you can just kite and pre-form Kayn is so easy to fight. Free win if you can snowball off his weaknesses. Shadow Kayn is more dangerous if he gets fed, but you can peel his damage with your ult. ”
GuillaumeP84 says “Really don't like this matchup kayn is not bad in the early game and if he takes red form he will win every 1 vs 1 but if he takes blue form you can kill him if you engage.”
Bingolyzed says “You may be able to out 1v1 him early but he can walk through walls. He scales very hard and destroys you if he goes Darkin form. he is hard to shutdown early so try to out gank him or counter jungle..”
liserith says “5 for Shadow Assassin, 3 for Rhaast and 1 for regular Kayn. We'll put him at 3 to balance it out. Shadow Assassin can one shot you with his combo, and his W is very very hard to avoid. The bonus damage can prove very lethal, and his low cooldown E makes chasing him very difficult.
Rhaast can't move nearly as much, and you were BUILT for duels. He can't do much if you Q after his W.
Regular Kayn is super weak. Abuse his early game. Don't let him get scuttles. Make sure to ult after his ult if you're about to die.”
TheInkKingLoL says “Fight him early especially if he's trying to go blue form (this gives him red form stacks because you are melee). He often starts on raptors. Mid game is his strong point. Giving objectives is fine early.”
Gumipapucs says “You can really abuse Kayn in the early game until he turns into an actual champion, you can invade him, steal camps/kill him easily, answer to his ganks, and if you succesfully abused him early game, you can abuse him all game long, unless you F up something.”
Rudas2 says “You win with him in early and when he goes blue but if he goes red it's even duel. Anti heal is super important here so go as soon as you see he turned darkin”
ShadowCross says “He can outfarm you easily. Early game you should be fine but once he gets blue form(red kayn is fine) your unplayable and you should probably build a stopwatch into zhonyas.”
Shinkutsune says “Kayn is super weak early so dont hesitate to invade.
If he goes blue, it becames a major threat as he will have a far better map pressure than you, if he goes red well you should be still able to deal with him.”
chevy the sloot says “Tempo match up like Ekko. Dueling him early is winnable but I wouldn't hard recommend it because he has easy disengage. He likes your raptors and blue. Shadow assassin is stronger as of right now and more annoying to deal with. Rhaast can be charmed late game and bursted by your team.”
Al Groz says “Has a fast and healthy clear. Try to kill him before he gets his form. Both of his forms are strong and doesn't matter witch one he goes for. If you got the early lead try to find him in his jungle and kill him while u can.”
Sahalio says “ez kill. Dodge his W. You Q out of his W. You Q out of his Q. Only way he can counter you is if he ults you in your ult. Wait out his R then use your R or look for fights. You would win most of them.”
lemurs0cks says “Kayn is a weird case, just try not to feed him and make sure to team up to kill him. If he's going blue form you'll have to be careful of him popping out of the wall and one-shotting you at any moment”
Shroomen Rider says “Kayn clears really fast and can get fed off your team. Mid to late game his ulty can ruin your chances to capitalize off his squishy nature.
Dueling him early game is pretty even, though, especially if you catch him from stealth.
Try to counter-gank him and don't let yourself fall behind too much. ”
ShatteredMinds says “Due to base Kayn being weaker than a caster minion, bullying him out the ass is your best play. Take early fights where you can, but make sure you keep an eye on his icon to know when he changes forms. No matter what form he chooses, as long as you play well early his impact on the game will be small.”
Tinjus says “You need to abuse his weakness in the early game and snowball on him before he gets one of his forms. He can assassinate you with Shadow Assassin or just outright tank your damage as Rhaast, so you need to grab that lead and use it against him as soon as possible.”
Udyr uber says “Invada ele no inicio que você ganha as lutas contra ele.
Se ele fizer azul
Se ele fizer vermelho
Raizins says “I really hate playing against good Kayn players, as they have so many tools to stop you from dealing with their spells. Make sure you don't waste combo if they can R, and also don't get interrupted by RED Kayn's W knock-up. Blue kayn is easier to deal with if you can reach him, but that's another issue.”
Heavens Door says “both of u are farmers, you can kill him at 6
it gets a bit hard after hm getting form
Blue is burstable
Red is tanky
He can solo kill you easily late game
Raion - Shere khanv2 says “BLUE KAYN - LETHALITY/CRIT
You beat kayn early game, but RED kayn is a very strong 1v1 lategame champ”
HickDevil says “Kayn is not really effective against you, but u can't really save anyone from his ut, and you can't kill him early game, cuz he can pass through the walls and you don't have flash.”
Bel37 says “You win 1v1 pretty much all game. He is only a real problem if he gets form early/ kills early. If he goes red kayn build an executioners.”
Mod Walsh says “Un dolor de cabeza si logra su transformacion en early, junto a tu equipo pueden dejarlo atras a puros invades y wardeando sus campamentos.”
KingFershid says “If he takes Rhaast you're just fucked, unkillable even with antiheal and 600 armor. BUT if he goes Shadow you might have a chance to do something.”
JunglerBuilds says “Kayn is a new champion, he's quite interesing as in if you stomp on him early, you'll win. He won't be able to transform quickly and will be stuck in this weak human form for a while. Try not to fight him in the jungle if he invades, so he doesn't get his transformation more quickly. Also late game Red Kayn is really strong and will wreck your entire team, with his healing and %HP damage, he's quite the pick against a tanky team composition.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Avoid letting him hit you early on, you won't be able to burst him out. It's best to counter gank him whenever he burns his E, the ability when he runs through walls. Pressure him as much as possible early on since you both scale, with a Thornmail and Deadmans you will deny most of his damage output. ”
Tofolo says “Lui è il vostro farm. Se non vi ha bannato è folle. Ripagatelo usando la W quando vi "possiede" con la sua R e in pratica non subite danni. Poi inseguitelo in giro e usate la Q per stargli addosso nei passaggi tra le pareti. VI odierà, ma sarà divertente. Se perdete il confronto o giocano di squadra meglio di voi o lui è un jungler nettamente superiore a voi. Non ci sono parole dovete vincere.”
waayWest says “As long as hes not super fed you can take him on relatively easilly, if it's a fair 1v1 it's normally better to jump vertically towards him when you dodge his attack, otherwise you run the risk of him escaping with his wallhacks. Don't ult when he does, you'll just throw away your ult.”
sonminh says “Going AP control is probably the best. You can beat him early if you have the first attack and if his abilities are on CD. Going AD is too difficult because of his ult and bruiser loses to his red form. Forcing him to ult later in the game is good, try to get a pick on him if possible. Play front to back if possible. If you're strong, play back to front.”
Hxriis says “This matchup really depends on who plays his cards beter. Make sure you gank, farm and focus on objectives. There is not much to say, you have to play it smart and aggressive. The longer he takes for his transformation, the easier the early game becomes.”
Get Ricked says “Kayn is very strong in 1v1. You can take him before he has evolved after that he usually wins. Depends on who is ahead. Blue kayn can oneshot you and red kayn outsustains. ”
NathanPyke says “Depends on what form he uses if he uses shadow assassin its a race of who gets killed first darkin kayn is a bit of a challenge to kill but without W you can kill him easily”
G Spot God says “Unlike WW, Kayn can be a problem late but is squishable early. Look to play in his face all game, scuttles are yours. drakes are yours. its all yours and make sure he knows that. ”
EvoNinja7 says “With Kayn you just have to stun him with a full or half charged W so you can land a Q. Try to stun him before he casts his spells. Easy to beat pre form but can get tricky when he does.”
MetaSolaray says “Shadow Assassin - Any rune is preferred on this, as long as you don't fall to behind a bruiser build will allow you to stun him once he exits his ult and burst him down with your team. Make sure to get armor items to reduce his potential to one shot you.
Rhaast - Avoid health stacking builds and if you're team refuses to get grievous wounds prioritize picking up an early bramble.”
Thos the Jackal says “If Kayn transforms into Rhaast. he becomes very difficult to deal with. His knockup alone can kill you if his team is there to capitalize.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “You can beat this guy at most stages of the game and just about always while he's pre-form (unless he somehow gets fed). If he goes shadow assassin you just go for Shieldbow and it's pretty free. If he goes Rhaast, Kraken Slayer and early executioners will help you fight him, but bear in mind it's not an easy fight. You both drain tank so it's pretty crucial you land all your hits and preferably dodge his knock-up.”
ZaneL says “EDGY EBOY WITH TALKING HOE!!!! BE CAREFUL OF HIM!! HE MIGHT BE POSSESSED BY EVIL SPIRIT>??????>>>>. 在他达到等级5之前杀死他! after that u need play safer!!!”
Tanzer22na says “Can be outplayed but more often than not out assassinates you and your team as blue kayn, or cc's you til death as red kayn. Invade heavily to kill early especially with that first dirk.”
Sheathblade says “Kayn's in between. His mobility and jg pathing is one of the best, but early, he doesn't have the dueling capabilities like Aatrox does.”
ANTHONYEVELYNN says “Now this is a threat because of how easy it is to play him. Assassin Kayn = extreme hard. Tank Kayn = minor. You beat him early at least.”
Shukori says “Kayn has a good Level 1. He is able to do very cheese pathings with the help of his Q and E, making it really hard to track him in the jungle. He also has an insane clear, so same thing applies here, use wards and act accordingly. You can countergank Kayn if you have a Laner with CC, making it easy to burst one out with Karthus Q but if Kayn is ahead or has his Form early on, then you won't be able to do more than try to do as many crossmap plays as possible.”
Snap0ner says “Strong guy. Nice clears, nice duelling and strong invades. CHECK OUT HIS KEY RUNE. If he uses Dark Harvest you should be with electrocute camping the sh1t out of his jungle and kill him, like, 3 million times per minute.”
Hidon1 says “If he can go red form for free, you are just a free stack for him. He can not help his laners since he is super weak pre form upgrade. So do not be afraid of him counter ganking you early as he is mostly looking to farm up. ”
NiroMcnuggets says “while u win in the early game, if he becomes red kayn u cant do much in 1v1s (ur W cancels his Q, but pretty hard to execute correctly).”
Simon The Shaco Main says “Kayn can run in, use W > Q combo (as shadow assassin) and oneshot you, your clone and all the boxes you place. So you gotta fight Kayn before he fights you.”
Linkay says “If he goes blue Kayn against you, its a free win. Red Kayn is the one of the worst match ups because of his knockup and healing. Still not hard to win against, but annoying.”
Schadenfreude says “You're going to stomp him in the early game, but once he gets red form, he is going to become a hassle since he has good cc, sustain, and damage. Thornmail will help with the healing but once teamfighting comes around, he will disengage you everytime and set his team up for the kill. ”
Watsonthe8th says “Great mobility and scales hard. He deals damage mostly through his q and w and he is a threat to you the whole game except for maybe the very end. Tldr Screw kayn. screw both forms”
Lazlum says “Kayn isn't that big of a problem,, his main damage early game comes from his W, which you can easily avoid with Q, not to mention if you absolutely need to you can tank with W, he might invade, but Kayn normally doesn't want to take fights with other jg champs at full HP
Credit to /r doubleaxle”
Aurelius2142 says “UGH. Watch for invades, and try not to ult him - he has THREE ways of dodging it. If he goes blue Kayn, E early, then destroy him. If he goes red Kayn... good luck. It's broken rn.”
Karthus man says “Kayne can beat you in the early and good Kaynes will try to fight you early while you are week. Try not to get him fed and you should win late unless he gets fed. Be careful if he goes blue Kayne because he can 1 shot you. If he goes red though, get grievous wounds to try to stop the healing.”
Ghettodragon says “He wont be able to kill you per say however if he goes red this will be a very hard matchup due to his healing and tank slaying kit plus how many times has a kayn gotten fed from your team? just ban ”
K Finch says “As for many of the faster clearing champions in the game, treat a jungle with no vision with the highest regards of caution, these junglers can and will be anywhere they want to be. Kayn's early game is definitely better than yours, but let him take prio's if he takes it, and you should be able to out-scale him (unless you go like 0/10 or something and he starts getting fed. Then you're a useless mini rift herald). Just a general statement though; be careful with champions with faster clears and the ability to traverse the jungle quicker than you, you will be invaded, and you will have to fight or run. Depends on if your team rotates or not.”
Maile says “Another annoying power farmer. As long as you can find him early in his pathing and shut him down early, you will win. Kayn is a cannon minion at best if he is behind. ”
Connweasel says “Build grevious wounds early if Kayn goes his red form. However if he goes his blue form, you should be able to deal with him. Try to find him on the side in the fog of war. Most Kayn players are using there E on cd to rapidly travel around the map, so you should be able to spot him.”
McSushi says “My permaban, even harder scaling as well as early game fighting/farming than graves.
you CAN beat him at every stage if you're more skilled, but it won't matter usually. that's why I permaban him.”
REXAI TurboSmurf says “kayn? better like food for you, you dont have any problem of destroying that thing. and if he escape with E just cath him with your E.”
ShlongDong44069 says “Kayn is fast and can hit hard. Out jungle him and you can potentially single him out to get blown up. Bad 1v1 because he could move around your CC.”
CalicoCactus says “Kayn can be annoying to play against, his Rhaast form is super good right now, just be sure to grab a bramble after he transforms and take good fights in the early game.”
b4kk0n the Gold Jungler says “Kayn tends to lose to Shen on early game skirmishes, dominates the mid game, and falls down hard on the late game compared to the Ninja.”
ogilabadabahamdala says “If he comes close try to q him and stay out of distance or throw your e and stay close until it explodes so you can do a good trade”
Ardent Deceiver says “Counter him early, you'll be fine. If he gets ahead and goes red Kayn > Goredrinker though, he's unkillable and now owns your camps.”
White Cr0w says “Strong guy. Nice clears, nice duelling and strong invades. CHECK OUT HIS KEY RUNE. If Dark Harvest (thus blue kayn) you should be invading him a lot. If he's red, stay away and get fed/feed your lanes.”
Einsteinium99 says “Kayn is very strong against tank and Zac is not different. Kayn has very sustain and damage, you can never trade with him. He can stop your E with his W if timed correctly.”
lolgavin81 says “Might as well just dodge if this champ doesn't get banned, as he will always go Red Kayn and you can't do much, outscales you at every part of the game and is unkillable. Blue Kayn is doable however.”
Andygumy says “Press W if he uses his Ult on you to safe your Ult and E Duration. Blue Kayn's Damage can be Meditated however if he is very ahead it could be hard to react you can also dodge his spells with your Q. Red Kayn can be harder to deal with the later the Game gets, try to avoid his knockup or fight him after he has used his ult.”
VirulentCabbage says “Kayn has been very strong for a while and unless you bully him out of the game early he will continuously gank your most vulnerable laners while you're elsewhere and snowball till he's unkillable. Especially Blue Kayn with new Duskblade. Absolute filth.”
Minase says “Kayn wants to just powerfarm early-on and scale as do you, however Kayn is really good at invading and cheesing camps away so you need to make sure you start on the same side of the map with him. Post-buff Evelynn will beat the 1v1 against him on crab. If your laners won't have any prio you can skip Krugs and just run to the opposite side of the map's scuttle so you don't get double-crabbed.”
BoyWonder00 says “Super over-tuned champion right know. He can burst you down in blue form, and in red form he just heals and heals and heals. He can also interrupt you W and dodge your CC with his R. He is also very mobile.”
ACE4291 says “Not hard but Kayn is OP so don't underestimate him after his Transformation. Hourglass is big if he ults and if he goes red Morello and Liandry's is recommended ”
LoL destroyer says “Kayn is a major threat. He is a difficult champion to chase down due to his ability to walk through terrain. Also, your kit relies a lot on hand to hand combat, his ult makes him untargetable which can be very annoying in late game fights.”
Holessando says “This matchup is okay, you shouldn't have any problem here. Kayn is mostly played as Darkin (tank form),
but if played as Assassin, he can flank your adc and you could lose the fight.. he could carry the team, but I don't see that much.. just play as usual.”
metalhydra273 says “This is more about Rhaast than anything else, as kayn's early game is very poor. Shadow Assassin could pose a problem with his ridiculous mobility and damage but if you catch him he's usually dead. Rhaast on the other hand chunks you reliably, heals incredibly well, and can sometimes be tanky enough to survive your ult and ult himself, giving him a second wind and his team the opportunity to turn around the fight. Just time your ult well and avoid 1v1. It shouldn't be too bad if he doesn't get ahead.”
SkaterKidd says “Red Kayn Conqueror make long fights unfavorable for Warwick since Warwick's Passive takes longer to kick in. Kayn can easily Escape when in Danger and Re-Engage when Favorable”
brSL7 says “Kayn sempre quer buscar gank early, sabendo disso faça sempre caunters ganks e evite que ele pegue a transformação cedo.
Kayn azul não é um poblema caso você esteja na frente dele.
Kayn Vermelho é um problemão pois ele vai tankar e curar nas habilidades. Com o Kayn Vermelho faça trocas com seu time apenas, 1v1 ele ganha.”
AKScorched says “Both Kayns could be a problem to you, especially Shadow Assassin. Don't ever fight him and steal some of his camps if you can like raptors and wolves. That's basically the only tips I could give, just make sure to Zhonyas on time when you feel like he's about to oneshot you.”
Xe0N says “He will probably counterjungle you a lot (because you are just a free kill for him in the early game) Just stay in your jungle and if he comes to counterjungle you try to escape with your phase rush”
gurubashi35 says “Pre-transformation Kayn is incredibly weak, but can counter-jungle you, so keep defensive wards at the entrances of your jungle so you can collapse on him.
Try to invade him as much as possible early on to delay his transformation and clear.
If he goes Shadow, you always win the 1v1 so that's not a problem. In teamfights, try to peel your carries in teamfights and walk away from your carries when he R's you to avoid them taking damage.
If he goes Rhaast, as long as you continously dodge his W with your Q, you beat him in a 1v1. In teamfight scenarios, peel for your carries and lock him down so he can't heal.
Buying executioners greatly reduces his dueling so buy it if no else is going to.”
TrainerPasty says “He just slaughters you and your whole team. Whether it's blue or red form he's bound to dish out loads of damage to your backline. Good kayn players will often be able to gank more than you to get a quicker form.”
CinderTheSnake says “Generally stronger than you at every stage of the game. Make sure to gank at your level 3 power spike because that's the only spot where you can really get ahead.”
Coccaa says “Kayn is another jungler that relies on ganks to hit his powerspike. His clear is relatively fast, so most likely he will go for a level 2-3 gank to get his form quicker. Once he gets his form, he becomes a big threat. Your best bet is to kill him as many times as you can early to make him struggle to come back as he falls behind. He will usually start raptors first because of his Q, but you can invade in order to prevent him from doing so. Note: as long as you catch him and unload a full combo on him, he will most likely back with low hp, burn a spell, or in the best case scenario, die.”
KaRMaX says “same as evelynn in an esier way somehow : you can tank his burst with Meditate
He is annoying (easy escape)
it depends about who can feed himself the most in earlygame”
chasemyman1 says “Simply depends if you get ahead.
Rappel his ultimate so you dont take damage. Cocoon after he uses his dash it means your cna lock him down easier.”
ALKHEMIA says “A good Kayn will exterminate you. It's better to dodge this match up. But it's still winnable. Just be aware because it can be really dangerous for you to fight him.”
reganakers says “Kayn's early game is not a problem, but you may struggle to kill him because of his broken E ability. Late game Kayn may be an issue for you especially if he goes red Kayn. as he will deal alot of damage to you and heal a bunch. Blue Kayn will not be a problem for you however it will for your carries, so try to keep him off of them.”
JustNeko says “Early ganking abilties of this guy kinda good, so try to invade and get him fed, you'll be fine to fight him, but not the laners when 2v3”
CinderTheSnake says “You win this matchup at almost every point of the game. That being said, He is VERY slippery and is much more forgiving for bad plays. It really depends how skilled the kayn is. ”
McSushi says “you beat him pre 6. then, late game, you can die to 1 combo since his q is so imbalanced at farming, he can get ahead of you in items fast. so just counter jungle him and take early heralds.”
Depresso says “''Why is Ivern 1v1ing my Kayn''
Kayn can't win pre-form against you unless you're caught in a bad spot, he also can't win AT ALL at 6 alone, he needs people or he just dies.
He becomes even at form, but you can easily put him in combat to beat his wall-walk and q him inside the wall making him leave early and get clapped by your nearing Darius or w/e.
Unless fed I don't think it's worth to do the Kha'zix/Rengar double armor strat, but if he's somehow ahead, do consider tankier options.”
PsiGuard says “Kayn is quite weak before his transformation. During the early game he has really poor dueling and his ganks can be tricky but they don't have much punch. You should have a sizable advantage in 1v1s and countergank situations. Most Kayn players will transform into Rhaast in this matchup, at which point you're at a disadvantage. If he for some reason goes Shadow Assassin, focus him quickly in team fights. Against Rhaast, avoid being alone with him since you'll rarely be able to kill him through his healing. Remember Rhaast's W can interrupt your tunnel. Make sure someone on your team gets Grievous Wounds against Rhaast.”
PsiGuard says “Kayn's early game is too weak to bully you and he can get obliterated during your charm later on. Have a teammate watch your Raptor camp at level 1 (or ward it) since some Kayns will start at your Raptors and try to steal your red.”
Freyhacks says “Kayn with recent buffs can get his red form faster so you want to fight him before than and take note of his ability to ult you to heal back to full. Unfortunately Xin is not the same as he used to be. ”
classicnoob says “His damage is insanely high Early->Mid->Late he can Deny most of you're damage with his ult Shadow form is strong against yi,Get a thornmail.”
bluelunged says “Has a fast clear, so try to avoid invades. That said, he doesn't have enough damage or heal to kill you early, so if you see him at scuttle you might get a kill.”
Sinister Buffoon says “This match is stupid with both Kayn's stlyes. The red one is inmortal vs shaco. Build anti healing but anyway he will farm you. if he has no R then you have a chance to win him because you can easily dodge his w+Q casue normally is pretty obvious when he will uses it so you can use your R. But if he has R then you will dogdge his combo, he will R you and after that he will have full combo again and you wont have enough dmg to kill him.
Vs the blue is easier but still really hard cause same reason. If you dont dodge him then you're dead and if you dodge and he uses R on you after it he combo you again and you're again dead so is really meh. Try dont fight him unless you go hyper feed and still take care”
Happty says “Kayn isn't really that much of a threat to you, he's more of a threat to your ganks, since he can go through walls, he can easily countergank you and kill your laners. But, since you can see that he's coming, try to use your R, so you can surprise him and slow him.”
KillyOne says “He will be looking to fight you as early as possible to stack his passive and gain transform as soon as he can. If he goes for Red Kayn transformation, then he will be pretty strong against you due to his heals, CC and mobility making him really difficult to shut down.
The Blue Kayn on the other hand is a glass cannon and often will just look to assassinate your squishy teammates like ADC or Support.”
KillyOne says “He likes to fight, from the start. You can outrun him if you land your Q properly and kite him to death. If he chooses blue form it makes it harder to deal with because of his mobility and burst.”
League Of Cursed says “If he goes rhaast, he can actually stop your drain. If he goes blue kayn, then he's probably setting himself up for failure. Either way, try to dominate him and his lanes once your 6. Your drain will stay on him if he ults you while you starte drain, so whatever you do don't cancel your drain.
Dopamine_influx says “You can contest everything from kayn pre form, you need to be in his face ! Double scuttle him with the reverse full clear, then look to invade all his camps when he's on them and perma fight. You are stronger till he gets tabi, redsmite, and BC with redform, and you are always stronger if he goes blue.”
Stiwy says “Kayn isn't a big threat.
When he is not transformed he doesn't get all his fancy upgrades from passive on abilities.
Red form is tough to deal with BUT Urgot is considered a ranged champion so, unless kayn travels to another lane he will become blue kayn, wich is an assasin, wich is countered by tanks and Urgot is a tank.”
Xeldom says “Favorable match-up. He has zero kill pressure early game against you. Make sure the 1v1 or skirmish against him is worth it early otherwise he wins by getting closer to his form. Rengar excels at 1v1 and skirmishes against Kayn.”
AsparWild says “His escapes though walls can be annoying to get a Q hold on and would likely kill you if he knows how to play well. do not use root till he ult you, or use it early to wait for tis cdr.”
Jogress says “Assasin Kayn is a big pain in the ass!
You can't outrun him, and he can dodge your ulti by getting into you by his.
Raast is a bit less of a threat, because he is slow and it is easier for you to dodge him. Still, beware of his ult!
Until level 5 he isn't much of a threat, but midgame will be hard, get ready
He might take ignite - keep that thing in mind”
MattB040 says “Only a threat if he gets ahead of you. I've personally never had an issue against him, purely because he is horrible in fights before his form change. Make him irrelevant early and you grant your team a 4v5 in most cases.”
AWierdShoe says “Kayn's early game is much weaker compared to yours, so you can look to invade him early. Kayn is known for being a late-game monster, but as Graves you can outduel both Shadow Assassin and Rhaast with your heavy burst damage. The key thing you want to dodge is his W slow/knockup. A good thing to do is to pop your W on him AFTER he uses his ult.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Kayn is pretty weak early, so try to invade him. if he gets ahead just try to play around his cooldowns and kite out his abilities.”
0rphan13 says “i find kayn as one of the easier junglers to beat, his only advantage on you is the W(?), the ability that knocks you up. his ult isnt that scary, as he ults, either use E, or use R, both gonna catch him of guard. ”
Sheepchu says “Will bother you on the early game, invading your jungle and triying to 1v1 you. He can dodge you pretty easily by entering a wall. Big threat.”
DoughnutFeel says “Shadow assassin can one shot combo Yi, alpha strike as soon as he comes out of his wall. Rhaast is generally weaker and you can duel him easily lategame. Careful of his invades.”
Omega Zero says “Kayn can be a mixed bag. On one hand, you farm fast with Alpha and you can take buffs and Gromp faster, but Kayn not only takes camps fast, he also roams fast thanks to Shadow Step AND he clears Krugs/Raptors extremely quickly too. I'll dedicate a specific Chapter for Kayn since he's my 2nd main and is arguably on-par with Yi amongst my favorites.”
QuadNut420 says “Kayn is broken in the current meta and is an S tier pick in my opinion, his clear rate is very high as well as being able to pressure lanes the whole time as well. Just ban him. Even if you are confident playing against him, he counters lillia being a bruiser with high ms as well as he will bully your team more than you can bully his. ”
TimRhabey says “Kayn e parecido com a evelynn no early game, invada bastante ele e tente matalo na disputa pelo arongueijo ele nunca vai ganhar de voce numa troca direta antes do level 6.”
nickname3110 says “Before transformation he is pretty harmless. Rhaast is the threat here, as he does %-HP damage and can use your tankyness against you.”
GhostReaper87 says “In the early game he is useless, has no dmg to kill you. You can invade him and it will take him time to get his orbs to transform. He will most likely run red kayn which is a nightmare for you becashe his w and ult basically cancels your w and ult. He scales well and will heal alot. Build Bramble west and later down the line upgrade it to thornmail.”
Hide on Nidalee says “Invade him and try to let him behind as possible you can, no matters if he picks Assassin or Rhast, if you don't let him behind u can't beat him after his transformation”
Kamisore says “You could look for early invades, although he can E away and call his teammates for backup. You win early but if he is going Rhaast you need to be more careful. Healing reduction is recommended.”
DarkPit59 says “Kayn dispose de très lourds dégâts et de quoi vous poursuivre ou vous fuir dans toutes les situations. Il peut également estimer le moment où vous allez utiliser votre ultime pour le rendre inutile avec son propre ultime.”
RZEMgub9r says “Team fight runes
Make sure to have vision on him around his red buff
Red form : Forces you to have morello
Blue form : Forces you to have zhonya, focus on his team mates rather than him”
Gizmotron says “Seriously just ban him.
Late game he can make your life heal as rhaast he deals entirely too much damage and has way to much sustain unless your as super fed with a death dance he will smash you.”
Flux31 says “Kayn can be annoying to deal with because of his Shadow step. If your comp is bruiser heavy he'll go Rhaast and can easily push you over.”
WickedPoppet says “If he goes rhaast, he can actually stop your drain. If he goes blue kayn, then he's probably setting himself up for failure. Either way, try to dominate him and his lanes once your 6. Your drain will stay on him if he ults you while you starte drain, so whatever you do don't cancel your drain.”
SavageFy says “Kayn's damage, healing, mobility and clear time are an extreme threat for Amumu. You want to avoid him early game. Kayn often looks to invade Amumu's jungle early.”
Sorrowful Prince says “He will powerfarm and then try to get his form fast. This one is difficult to play because even if you get ahead early and delay his form as soon as he gets it he is way stronger for a long time. Personally I think blue Kayn is easier to deal with as Camille but both are hard. After Steraks and ideally Guardian's Angel you outscale. The midgame gap is really hard and can't be helped. As always in this case stay relevant by making crossmap plays and play for your strong side. ”
TrevorJayce says “Kayn simply doesn't do enough damage fast enough for Rengar to have an issue with. Unless you're 0/20, you shouldn't have much of an issue of dealing with him regardless of Red or Blue.”
Mowser says “If he goes darkin you will never be able to kill him one on one. just hope you can peel him off of your team. if hes fed then be very careful as he can easily steal your jungle”
Fabosch is Love says “Hard to catch but you have better early damage. His Rhaast form denies you. His Assassin form in harder to catch too but he can't doing anything to you. ”
AsarWeth says “You will mostly win this matchup, you can 1v1 him with your spellshield, counter his main damage skill or her Ulti, and he is a free kill.”
Morzanoth says “Kayn clears a lot faster than you do but he's pretty weak until he gets his transformation. You can match the pressure he has early but you cant clear as fast so only counter gank if you are sure you can win a 2v2. Once transformed, his red form is going to be more of an issue than his blue form. You can dodge most of his damage in blue form but red form he becomes very tanky and annoying to deal with. If he is ahead just be careful, but you should still be able to take him on.”
Nico449c says “kayn is a really hard matchup he can easily escape you or dodge your cocoon you can win lvl 3 fights if you got red buff and hits your cocoon otherwise you wont. when he gets a form and if your not fed/snowballed you will lose all fights. Red you should try outgank him and punish him with cocoon in teamfights. Blue form you should get a stun on him and let your teammates with you burst him down before he can do anything.”
ImPrettyTerrible says “Only if he goes RED, Zac is so weak if Kayn invades in early or forces u to fight, probably u would end up dying or dead in an instant and giving him more charges to become red.”
Ryttar says “Your CC will annoy him as much as his heal in red form will annoy you. Never played against a blue Kayn so, can't tell, be careful of his burst as you're pretty squishy I guess.”
briguy1109 says “Kayn loses 1v1's against you at all stages of the game unless extremely fed. Watch for raptor cheese level 1.
Blue Kayn: With Tabi's and death's dance, he is no threat to you at all. Stick near an ADC to pick him off after he R's.
Red Kayn: He is tankier and harder to kill. Dodge the knockup, focus the squishier targets before turning to him.”
TSMyth says “Kayn is also a very easy matchup in my opinion, but this also varies if you're going against a good Kayn player, then it'll be a little difficult, since his damage whilst he's in either Darkin or Shadow Assassin it does alot of damage. Since Shadow Assassin can one shot, and I'd recommend you to W once he comes because he'll try to W+Q you and try to one shot you, but he'll just do it on your clone which will do nothing and then you can take your time to defeat him.”
TSMyth says “This matchup is veryyy easy, you can easily ult one of your teammates when they've gotten ulted by Kayn. If he goes Shadow Assassin it's good for you because he'll do no damage unless he's fed. But if he builds Darkin it'll be a little bit of a problem, but you should be able to take him out.”
The Top Bear says “Fight this guy early. A common start on Kayn is to go raptors to red, so ward up his raptors before monsters spawn, and if he is there, meet him at his blue side and stomp him down before your crappy bot lane ints to him. Post-6 he can beat you if you miss your spear. Don't miss that stuff, be a clean nidalee player. ”
Dunk Master Jax says “This really depends on how good the Kayn player is. If he knows to invade your camps early on & pressure lanes, you will probably have a rough time. Rhasst form can actually somewhat go toe to toe against Jax thanks to the vamp he gets, but if you use Counterstrike properly you should be able to do well.”
Liibron says “This is a very easy match up. Keep your distance and be sure to Q out of his W. His ultimate should never be able to kill you as long as you have your own ultimate up.”
RaptorDre says “Skill matchup, u can cancel his Q with CC and you can put a Q on the ground beneath you if he R's you. He does out clear you since he is kayne west.”
LikLikLik969 says “He's weak early, you should invade him! If he tries to fight you he's trolling, and if you don't kill him you're trolling. Give him a little more respect when he gets form though.”
urrb says “This champ can either be a major problem or completely irrelevant. He has a very weak early game that can be abused if you can catch him, but he has the advantage of not needing a leash which can lead to unpredictable pathing and you losing a lot of camps if you don't pay attention. Make sure to guard your top side entrance and ward around the minute mark to prevent this. If he is going Rhast, try to be as active early to mid as you can. Gank often, invade, take any camps you can, etc. If you fight him make sure to get the kill or at least force a back, as you don't want to give him free orbs for his form. ”
SeekerPTK says “Try not to let him get free hits on you since it will allow him to transform a lot earlier in the game. When farming out against a Kayn, it's best not to do pointless trades or fights with him. As long as you dodge his W, his stickiness is greatly reduced. Pay attention to walls so you can spot his marker and be ready to Flash the W if needed. Without his transformation, Kayn is weak in fights. Look to duel him - especially if his ult is down. Kayn's early game dueling and ganks are quite weak. You can easily turn on him by dodging his W - it's his major source of damage and CC in the early game.”
OGPOTATOJEFFSHACO says “his team fight is way better but you should win 1 v 1 as long as he isn't too fed. abuse his weak early start. if you pay attention you pull off good invades and counter ganks.”
PokeBen6551 says “Before Level 6 and his Transformation you should be able to 1v1 him. Depending on the Transformation you will Need your teammate`s help. Shouldnt Ruin your Game though.”
ElBelmo says “You are definitely stronger than Kayn in the early game. You can try to countergank him or fight him in the jungle. After he turns 6 or hes getting his form you should avoid fight him and focus on counterganks.
Luthy2278 says “You can counter his Ult using your W to reduce the damage taken by alot then killing him while he is vulnerable. You can dodge his spells with your Q if you have good reaction time. Red Kayn is a bit harder to deal with, but dodge his knockup and you are fine. If he knocks you up, you might be able to be killed if you go all in 1v5.”
0kruemlmonster says “Don't fight him too much, you don't want him to get his form. When he doesn't have his form, dodge his Q, if he has, dodge his W. W his Ult.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “Both blue and red kayn are annoying for shaco. He will outfarm you and beat you in a 1v1. Look to punish him weak early game by either taking his blue buff or ganking before he can.”
2SG_noArmorr says “With his red form, he can heal up to full HP if he uses his ultimate, also he can fight with you 10 min straight. So you cannot kill each other if both players are expirienced”
Mkcls says “Depends on form. He can be just annoying or have ultraburst. He wins early, try to go for late game outscale. Keep your distance. Don't chase him.”
Simphoria says “Farms hard and often. Cannot duel us at all early, our Q can cancel his E or can be used to follow his Q. There's really nothing to be concerned about with Kayn other than the threat of being counter jungled. If he goes Shadow Assassin he cannot do anything to us (unless extremely ahead) and Rhaast is annoying but manageable. ”
LFS_aXent says “Probably who I played against the most while testing this build. A well versed Jhin can easily counter this divey one shot man. You can dodge his Q and his W after your crit. If he ults you, crit a nearby champ or creep to bring him towards a tower or your team. ”
shaundasschaf says “Red Kayn: Strong teamfighter, but actually can't 1v1 you. Blue Kayn: Assassin, can't oneshot you, can't fight you.
Always try to Q his W and Meditate his Ult.”
McDank says “High burst so be cautious in 1v1 fights, immediately after he shadow walks when he is still at the edge of the wall pillar him and it will cancel it. Otherwise don't use pillar because he can just use it to gain more health.”
spark2 says “You don't often see Kayn mid, but if you do he's not so bad. You should out-trade him until he picks a form, and even then he's winnable. If he ults you, throw a W between you and safety--he'll likely dash out of you towards safety, which will let you catch him in your bubble.”
Laverenz says “If Kayn goes blue form, you have the advantage, as he will buy Duskblade of Draktharr, but fear not. You can block his Duskblade basic attack ;)”
MarkTheHipster says “Kayn is only decent vs Ornn if he goes Darkin. Shadow Assassin will pop like a balloon, but Darkin's sustain and % max health damage make him particularly lethal to Ornn. He's very weak early however and Ornn can duel him no problem pre-transformation.”
Foodex2000 says “He can be dangerous only when he gets fed.You kill him 1 vs 1 all game in Assasin or Darkin Form.He is also weak before form so you can countergank him as much as possible.
DarkSeraphiam says “Early game you can eat him and steal his jungle, later on he can out burst you in blue or potentially out heal you in red, youll probably want thornmail to stop him.”
CryAwake says “A very easy matchup for Poppy stop his Q with your steadfast pressence and hold your E until he tries to escape through a wall it will pull him out and stun him.”
Yuki H. says “Kayn has two forms- red and blue. Blue is relatively easy to combat due to how squishy he is. However, red Kayn is very difficult to duel as he heals a good amount from his abilities including his R, paired with cc that could be used to stall time until help arrives. All in all, before he transforms, his threat level is very low, however, post 6 and transformation bumps him up to an "even"matchup.”
AaronStonne says “Ele vai ficar usando o "E" dele o tempo todo pela jungle para te caçar, apenas farme a jungle, não vire nele, apenas se você estiver com vida cheia e você estiver próximo a alguma lane que possa te ajudar”
TheLightSilent says “Low elo players like him, suggest you ban him most games cause when he gets fed he is broken. You can't 1v1 him cause he be a p*ssy and run through walls like harry potter trying to get on a train in a rush.”
Chromuro says “you can capitalize on his weak early game and on his poor pre-transformation ganks to get a significative lead on him. The later he gets his trasformation, the better is for you. Shadow assassin can be countered by your shield, while rhaast... it could give you more problems, you can't really do much to him, protect your carries and block him when he exits his ult”
4by3 says “Skill matchup pre-form. If he goes Rhaast he will be hard to kill. If you get a lead before he gets his form you can abuse him, some scenarios you can duel him 1v1 but after his form its tough. Blue Kayn he can kill you easily, if he's fed and you try and engage on him he will turn pretty easily.”
DVL CHALLNGR says “Kha'Zix is the best Lethality Champion against Kayn. He can deal much damage with his Q and can follow him by jumping walls with his E. Also, if Kayn is in his body with his R, Kha'Zix can go into a safer position to calculate him”
KhaZix Mains says “[4/10] You need to abuse his weakness in the early game and snowball on him before he gets one of his forms. He can assassinate you with Shadow Assassin or just outright tank your damage as Rhaast, so you need to grab a lead and use it against him as soon as possible because you’ll lose the matchup after he transforms especially into Rhast.. Suggested to go Challenging Smite with Q evolution to ensure you'll win every duel, or R evolve if you want to snowball off of ganks while he's weak earlygame.”
MrPuggles says “ Kayn is a roughly even matchup, it really depends who gets more fed. If Kayn can get his transformation early, then you might have a problem. However, Xin Zhao can beat him 1v1 before his transformation with ease. Try invading and killing him when possible to get yourself ahead. Be sure not to take too much damage as it will fill The Darkin Scythe. Your ability to fight him after transformation depends how fed you are.”
Aoefa says “If he goes Rhaast form, you can't 1v1 him. He will outgank you early probably because he wants his evolution. AT the early levels you can try to fight him.”
Maltz says “Outfarms you, extremly slippery and almost impossible to kill, avoid fighting him so he dosent get free stacks and gank before he gets form.
If he goes blue form he is a dirty inter and you should win”
Intello says “Kayn is another interesting champion. Before his transformation he isn't terrible.
If he goes Rhaast (Red) he'll become tankier and have knockups.
If he goes Shadow (Blue/Black) he'll become a high burst assassin with A TON of mobility.
The main focus is to root and burst him with a teammate. If you manage to do that he'll be pretty easy to kill.”
EvilOranges says “You can fight him before he transforms, and especially post-6 with evolved Q. Once he gets shadow assassin you can one-shot him, but he can as well, and can pop out of nowhere. Darkin is easier, just dodge his W.”
Yzroma says “Kayn blue form is easy to fight with Vi as much as Kha'Zix, but Kayne red form can be very complicated, he will regenerate more HP than you can inflict to him. If you're not ahead, try not to fight him and focus on peeling, killing others.”
vanchovski2002 says “You beat him early game so hard that he can't even expect.
If he go Assassin form you can still 1v1 him
If he go Rhaast then don't even try..”
Yzroma says “Achète de l'armure, peu importe la forme qu'il prend tu en auras besoin. N'essaie pas de le 1v1 la plupart du temps il gagnera (sauf en forme bleue lorsque tu tombes dessus). Charge ton Q lorsqu'il utilise son R sur un équipier et lâche le lorsqu'il sort.”
SlasherGamer says “Kayn is one of the champs that can 1v1 a Hecarim (in both forms). Kayn needs to get some kills in the early game to pressure Heca a lot. He is better than other 1shot champs because he can also dodge Hecarims ult with his and he can pick the Rhaast form if he falls behind to be usefull anyways.”
Bombabo says “Be careful of him early game, but you have methods of dealing with each of his forms. You will likely not even need to charm him if he goes assassin, and you can safely pick him off if he goes Darkin”
Killerbacca10 says “If he goes rhaast you have a major problem. Late game rhaast will be a difficult matchup for you(You will need thornmail!!!!). Early game kayn you counter so try to counter gank and abuse him as much as possible. If he goes blue kayn you can destroy him. Just stay on top of him do not let him kill your back line.”
Tonga Ragnar says “Lethal Tempo is the best option to disable his early. You will punish him very hard. Don't let him reach late yf he picks the blue transformation.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A pretty hard matchup if he takes the lead, as long as you don't let him take the lead then you should have a relatively easy time against him. It also depends highly on how your team plays against him, the more they push the faster he will transeform and the harder it will be, it good to have good vision against him and play defensively.”
Jungle Kings Rage says “Blue Kayn: Crit Build Red Kayn: On Hit Build Invade And Put Alot Of Pressure On Him. Recommend Lethal Tempo Vs Him As He Is Very Confusing”
xMalcho says “I don't like this matchup not because its hard it's because my team feeds him everygame and then he one shots me with his q auto r.Just try to get ahead of him in levels and gold.When you have your tiamat you can kill him if you dodge his w.”
TheLandlos says “During the early game you can abuse him. Try invading and you will see that he won't be able to scale as fast as you, and since your late game is so insane, it will be hard for him to catch up.”
FupiDupi says “His early game damage isn't very threatening but do not underestimate his ability to take your entire jungle and gain an xp lead. Ward and don't leave your camps up for very long”
lolWillieP says “Pre-6 you'll shit on him. Blue kayn you also shit on. However, if he goes red kayn, good luck. If you don't have a lead by the time he becomes red kayn, you're fucked”
sutrauboju says “Ashe suffers when playing against Kayn due to her low mobility. When playing against Kayne, you should ward diligently, and avoid at all costs going in if you're not sure if you are a gank target. You won't escape Kayn.”
phayilgaming says “You can normally catch him at his Blue early game as he will want to go Raptors > Red > Blue. Either take it or wait for him there.”
Runner runner says “Ah Kayn, the bane of some Yi players' lives. This guy can instantly burst you while singing "I'm blue ba da dee dow dee dum" or become monstrously tanky yet powerful enough to basically 1v1 you long enough till you die unless you are ahead...I think. ”
Marihuanaman says “kayns base form is terrible except he clears the jungle pretty well and you dont. Try to annoy his laners as much as possible, dont fight him or he will turn into rhaast and you will lose LP for free”
tashy1711 says “En los primeros niveles Kayn no representa una gran amenaza contra udyr, si este llega a transformarse en Darkin el cc que este pose resulta una gran amenaza al momento de counter-junglear”
bluejaypig says “Kayn is pretty broken right now, he screws your team in teamfights if he has red form and he can surprise one shot you if you're not careful enough when he's in blue form. If he goes on you try to dodge the knockup with alpha strike and meditate when he ults you.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “Kayn is weak early game, but after he got a form he will start to hurt, I recommand taking cut down and mortal reminder in your build against that matchup (if you know he will choose darkin). Cut Down will increase your dps overwall against champions with more max hp than you, and mortal reminder will reduce his sustain.”
Bielu1337 says “He's very weak in early game, just catch him with your Q and try to kill if he's going too far into your jungle.
In late if he's going assassin, he can oneshot you, just use your Zhonya.”
Twist21 says “He will try to do a full clear most of the times so try to have a higher impact on ganking at early levels.Bloodrazor is amazing vs him but if he goes assasin he won't be a threat.”
BigBadVoodo says “Pretty even matchup. The only difference is that we win early on due to running ignite and having boxes. Pressure him early, if it works keep it up, if it doesn't stop.”
xTheUnlimited says “If he decides to transform into the shadow assassin the matchup is like against every assassin: You can keep up with his damage on early levels, at mid game you shouldn't 1v1 him (that's where he powerspikes) and in late game you counter him due to your high amount of CC.
If he transforms into Darkin the mathup is way harder. You cannot 1v1 him - never - and he is a big threat in teamfights due to his high damage output, extrem healing and still his tankiness. You can try to gank a lot in early to help your teammates out in getting control over the lane so his ganks are easier to manage for them. ”
MrPeach301 says “If hes Shadow Assassin, meditate when he comes for you or try to alpha dodge his burst that's all i can say. If hes Rhaast its easier to deal with him but just watch out for his knock up in team fights, it can really screw you over.”
ApexZulu says “One of the few matchups that I feel changes every time I play it. Unless Kayn gets ahead of you, he wont have much kill pressure on you, however a good Kayn can have massive impacts on the map after his transformation, and due to his unique ganking angles, its important to track him and warn your team of his whereabouts. ”
LePlay says “Depending on his current form, killing him can be as easy as landing a Master Yi Q or a living nightmare. While his Shadow Assassin kit offers nearly no CC and focuses on a squishy playstyle, the Darkin form is truly terrifying. Not only does he have a powerful kock-up with his W, he is also uncatchable once in his E and his R can´t be blocked”
MaRtOOOOOOOOOOO says “You 100% beat him lvl 3 if you hit Q but try not fighting him that much or he will get early form and he will snowball hard. His ganks aren't that good without form so you win 2v2 or 3v3 against the enemy team (before taking the 2v2/3v3 fight you should consider the strenghts of your and theyr lanes too. If theyr lane is a lot fed than yours he can carry the fight and you will lose.”
SubSequence says “Play around him, if he's in a teamfight, hang in the far back and stealth after he goes in, jump the backline and assassinate the other carries before he can get to you. ”
CjFletch says “The versatility of Kayn is scary on it's own, but when he goes red you're in for some trouble. His ability to go through walls and cc with his w will cause problems, not to mention his %hp damage and heal. ”
Violzandre says “If he's darkin, be careful with her R.
If he's shadow assassin, just avoid his W (and he will use his Q in the same direction that his W, so, you'll avoid everything xd)
In any way, he can't beat you alone if you have the advantage.”
Wulfery says “Kayn is a strong pick, especially with his buff recently of ultimate and form change. SA shouldn't be able to shatter you, since you can dodge his W and then retaliate with your E - combo chain, but if he goes Darkin, you may find yourself in big trouble especially 1v1.”
LordTamaki says “You beat kayn at almost every point of the game as long as he doesn't snowball off you. His clear is on par with yours so try to pull off clever kills to take a lead over him.”
Yasuo Comunica says “To be fair its easy when hes without a form or assasin but hard when he is darkin try to avoid his w and you should be able to burst him if hes not tanky
Slykku says “His early game is not good at all, until it is transformed. Unless you are fed you can't 1 vs 1 Red Kayn. With the blue one you still have a chance. The best thing that can happen is literally making him R into your clone, then the fight its pretty much done.”
TricolorStar says “You and Kayn are evenly matched at the start, with you becoming more powerful as the game goes on. Until he picks a form, that is. Shadow Assassin will be a battle of the bursts, while Rhaast will be constantly interrupting you as you try to take his team out. This is a skill matchup, although Evelynn has a slightly easier time transitioning into the lategame.”
GamingGaodzilla says “In blue form, Kayn can beat you if he's ahead, and in Red Form, you can't really even kill him. Just try to get more fed than him by ganking lanes, and watch out for invades.”
Hunterlogic says “I underestimated Kayn. He can beat you in a duel in both forms if your ultimate is down. You need to get him low and make him waste his ult in order to kill him. If you don't get his ult he will most likely use it when your using yours and kill you. Can go either way, just outplay him.”
OddOwl says “Another highly mobile champion which can pressure you hard early game. If the Kayn plays well he can easily dodge your E and R with 3 of his abilities.”
SStax says “does a lot of damage as blue and red form but if he is in RED FORM just avoid his W, when he's in BLUE FORM he wont really like to attack you but if he does you will kill him easly”
Exhiled says “Kayn is pretty broken right now, he screws your team in teamfights if he has red form and he can surprise one shot you if you're not careful enough when he's in blue form. If he goes on you try to dodge the knockup with alpha strike and meditate when he ults you.
VincentDowel says “Very high damage jungler, Rhaast can shut you down, and same with shadow assassin if he has dark harvest. Kill him in the early game as much as you can before he gets his form”
0 Ganks Given says “Kayn is a pretty good match up in general he's early is weaker than your's and if you don't drop off you should be fairly ok late aswell. ”
Morzanoth says “Kayn is pretty annoying to deal with. His red form is rather tanky so you cant fight him outright and his blue form is tough to deal with since it can one shot most carry champs on your team. You either have to pressure him out early or snowball your lanes well enough so they can deal with him as the game goes on.”
Salmon Kid says “Blue Kayn+edge of night is basically unplayable since he gets your max stack MS for free and can go through walls (XD), but Red Kayn is super playable so it's a 50/50 based on form/team comps.”
SUPERPENGUIN69420 says “Kayn is just horrible to play against and mostly because of hi E and R, even if you can Q him whe he is inside of a wall, you can't when he R you and it makes you loose focus on him.
You have a way better early game than him but he will snowball really fast with his form.
Blue : be carefull because he will never be alone against you if he know that he can't one shot you, and he may perma gank bot and mid.
Red : probably the worst because depending on how he is in the game he could ban able to 1v9, you him a free healing and stun when you are frenzied towards him and can kite you really easily because of all his kit, fighting him alone could be a great choice if you know he is alone too but always be careful, it's still a red Kayn. ”
MannerlessNG says “Not too Bad.
Blue Kayn is easy, Red Kayn is harder. It's best to avoid using W until after he ults because otherwise he will just ult you and that's it.
He can also ult when you ult to him, so yeah, annoying, but despite his damage, if you go for smart engages, he dies pretty fast, especially if you stun him in a team fight.
He's mostly an issue for your team tho as he's excellent at ganking. If he's too far ahead, it's usually over.”
Hazardist says “Rhaast makes for an almost unwinnable matchup as he has unlimited AoE and dashes and, most importantly, sustain that no damage Yorick can dish out will outpower. After the recent buffs to Kayn he is back to being a ban-or-dodge matchup, unfortunately.”
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