As a Support 51.28% Win Rate60% Pick RateMaokai As a Support Counters: 31 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Maokai as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Kirkwardo says “You win poke trades all day so biggest threat is ganks which is the only time I am worried if he ults. ”
JVS8 says “he difficulty of the Maokai matchup depends largely on your experience playing against him. Maokai is considered strong into Bard due to his superior objective control and slightly better laning phase. However, there are ways to counter him. One effective tactic is to bait out his W and then quickly use your portal to take him with you to your turret. Once there, stun him immediately—this can either secure a kill or force him to flash to escape.”
BabyCuddlePunkin says “A great Maokai is a bit of a skill matchup, but will punish ANY mistakes you make. He can buffer your stun to avoid it with his warp. He can really throw you out of position.
The key to this matchup is poking him outside of his warp range. If he gets onto you and you aren't extremely ahead in the lane, you're probably dead.
You need to also beware if he goes on your ADC. You'll have to decide between a trade on him, using your stun after he warps, or walking right past him to make sure his ADC is CC'd or threatened to de-pressure your ADC that is engaged on. Very nuanced decisions here.”
mUI0g says “His long range E poke applies heavy slows, his ulti is a strong engage tool that is difficult to avoid.
If he catches you with W, it is best to just all-in and die.”
Aerenax says “Maokai has tools to get on your carry without you being able to do anything. You can block his R easily with your E, so look for these opportunities. ”
Aerenax says “Maokai is annoying as he gets on top of you easily and he can CC you very long with his W and Q. However he has no way of getting out easily so you can punish that.”
JVS8 says “The difficulty of the matchup largely depends on how well you know how to play against Maokai. Maokai is considered strong against Bard due to his superior objective control and slightly better laning phase. However, there are strategies to counter him. You can bait out his W ability and then use your portal to transport him into your turret range. After that, use your stun quickly—he will either be eliminated or forced to use his Flash.”
Arctic Arrow says “Maokai can be mildly annoying due to his ability to disrupt your engagements with his Q (Sapling Toss), which can make it harder to land your E (Crimson Curse). However, if you wait for him to engage or use his cooldowns, you can focus him down or target the enemy ADC effectively.
His overall impact is manageable, and once his abilities are on cooldown, he has limited options to turn the fight in his favor.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Can use his roots and poke to counter Senna in trades, and his durability makes it difficult for Senna to beat him in extended trades.”
Abarame says “In his prime a few patches ago, he was the top counter to Milio. Currently, despite being less picked, the matchup remains unchanged. He's exceptionally difficult to punish due to his W functioning like Master Yi's Q, making it challenging to peel him off your ADC with Q. His entire kit provides strong crowd control to keep his team on top of you, making it a nightmare for Milio. The only advantage is his low pick rate, but if he's chosen, focus on playing even and avoiding early game deaths.”
TnDD says “Maokai sana W ile atlarsa onu geçidinle uzaklara götür. Bard koridoru Maokai'ye karşı kazanıyor. Onu kolayca dürtebilmenin sebebi portalınla birlikte güvenli alanlara gidebiliyorsun. Sana engage atamıyor.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “he can make you miss your E with his Q so its a bit annoying but if you wait him to engage you can focus him down or the enemy adc and he wont be able to do much,”
Foxirion says “Maokai's crowd control and tankiness can be a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's mobility and engage potential can help him disrupt Maokai's engages and pressure him effectively in fights.”
glimppi says “Set up defensive boxes, and use Q under turret to pull Maokai in when he tries to jump on you. You can also pop up his kids with your boxes.”
TTV_h3x0rcist says “More of an annoying matchup more than anything, limits bush access with saplings, can be negated with W shield still annoying because Skarner has heavily predictable skills we need those bushes.”
Thefrenchkefta says “The kit is very good agaisnt you, his W cancels yours and is point and click so unmissable, his Q can cancel too. His ult in late is very good for teamfight.
If he is ahead, he is going to be a pain in the ass”
schizoslvt says “annoying lane and difficult depending on the state of maokai and how broken he is in the patch.
IF he W's you wait till he goes half way then E so you guarantee stun.”
Velkyann says “Maokai is very good right now but he cant get to you very easily the major problem is for the rest of your team because he has alot of map control and teamfight power. In lane you can E him without him being able to W but only if you have Footwork, his ult is very easy to dodge with your W but it can move you away from your team so you can take his ult on purpose.”
Razing42 says “Maokai is really overtuned as of late and will be really effective at roaming or killing your adc in lane. It's quite difficult to peel him off because of his W making him untargetable.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Maokai's saplings detonate on minions, so drag them through the wave if they're chasing you.
Every time Maokai hits a champion with a sapling or gets hit by an enemy ability, his heal cooldown is reduced, so poking him with low-damage abilities is futile. Feel free to smack him with your shield, though.
Cyndakyu says “very annoying, since you can't tornado his cc
make sure to go mikaels into maokai and don't instinctivly waste your tornado when he goes onto someone
past level 6, ult him away when he engages”
sillycatslover says “Eversince season 14 has started Maokai is major threat for almost every support out there. If you are able to never let him get close to you you win.”
Arcadia06 says “This is currently my permaban, this champ is insane. Forces you to play super super patient and he controls every part of the lane and bushes.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “A lot of cc, it's horrible. And super tanky. However, he's nice and slow, a great target if you're running low on mana and are running Presence of Mind. Careful of his R though, it sucks.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Maokai is a super annoying support. The guaranteed way to win is by playing safe in lane phase. Try to make opportunities for your ADC to poke the enemy down while not over-extending. He is better than you at engaging a teamfight with his ult.”
Lurs says “Don't walk in bushes. If he w's in you kill him. My best trick is that if he w's you then you can dash under your tower and he will follow you.”
Loggit says “Most hard-engage supports have less combat power than Xin and not enough peel to deny his engage, so it is generally not too hard to beat them. Don't get careless, make sure you play around their cooldowns.”
MusicJG says “You out dps and out clear him.
Be careful of him late invading your raptors with his Q.
He is annoying to deal with once he has demonic but he can never deal with you 1v1.”
Boptimus says “Maokai is also hard to stick to unless you can time your W to avoid his Q. If Maokai can land W before you can use your W he can easily disengage with Q.
Maokai doesn't have any threatening damage but if you take too many bad trades he can out sustain you through his passive. Over all very easy lane.”
Boptimus says “Maokai Top is pretty much going extinct. Look to out CS early and take short W-E trades if he tries to get on you. You'll have a hard time killing him without Oblivion Orb but he should also never be able to kill you. CS and outscale.”
quecck says “Maokai is a super annoying support. The guaranteed way to win is by playing safe in lane phase. Try to make opportunities for your ADC to poke the enemy down while not over-extending. He is better than you at engaging a teamfight with his ult. ”
mazewalk says “He is really annoying whenever he is AP or Tank. It is hard to disengage his W because he is untargetable during its animation, it is hard to pressure him from fog because of his Maokais juniors. During teamfights let your team tank ultimate if you are escaping and throw them lantern or tank it yourself if you are willing to fight. Luckily, his heals procks off autoattacks so Thornmail counters his Jungle/Top version.”
TheBougis says “Maokai is more annoying than painful, he may have a lot of cc and some healing, but he doesnt have too much damage (depending on his build). He can be easily out-sustained.”
Jasic says “Bit off-meta in the top but you see it here & there. Really hard matchup, virtually zero kill pressure. He outsustains and peels himself. Dodge, farm safely, or play another champion. 75/25 odds favoring Mao.”
Rebaulten says “Good Maokai will Twisted Advance your charms and push you out of bush control. Try to avoid getting engaged on and look for positive trades early.”
Lunar Empress says “He can go untargetable so avoid getting hit by your tornado. His saplings in the bushes can also do major damage when you don't notice. Great all-in champ and you should go Aery here. ”
mazewalk says “Three simple CC skills will not allow you to do anything on lane and during teamfights. If he uses W you can time your E to get him deep into your backline, when he'll die or root your whole team. Rush Mikael's Blessing to peel for your carry, when he ults, hide behind your teammate and then use cleanse on him.”
RobinValentine1 says “Once he is on you there isn't much you can do. But his W range is tiny so use your Q W to zone him off. His saplings are no threat, use your E the moment he throws them to completely negate the sapling damage.”
Dotje says “Most often played as Jungle these days. Pay attention to his saplings, since they are empowered when thrown into bushes, you don't want to get hit by these.”
Aerenax says “Maokai is an angry tree that loves to hang around in your face with his saplings behind him. He has full bush control and can interrupt your engage with his Q, while you can't stop his engage when he uses W. Be patient in this matchup and punish mistakes. When he ults you can safely get hit by a root and use your ult to start the offence again. ”
Cyclic says “Very annoying matchup. His point and click CC counters you pretty hard and he can blow flash to set up a gank early on. Make sure you don't get caught out and ulted by him after 6 and try to be wary of bushes filled with saplings. Other then that try to punish him levels 1 and 2 as he is relatively weak and can't beat you until he gets his full combo or a jungle gank”
ZharMeny says “He can pretty reliably cancel your W with either his Q or W, you gotta play safer and don't be too close to bushes as his E Saplings are empowered when placed there. Recomended Stance: Unmounted.”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “[ Patch 13.3 — Season 2023 ]
Perma-Ban (if our Team is not seriously planning to get Maokai at 1º Pick — Blue Side only possibility), the Champion is currently overwhelming especially as a Jungler. There is nothing that can be done against its Brushes' Potatos, longe-wide and multiple-targets Rooting Ultimate, and insane AP Damage (especially on its First Strike Keystone mining strategy) and Tankiness. Thanks Riot.”
WolfDelt4 says “Look out for Maokai E, his W root range is not that big so you can outrange him easily. Look out for big all-ins with his ult. If you are ulting he can push you with his Q.”
Toches says “If he saves his W to juke your E, you can be in for a bad time, but mostly this matchup goes even and you outscale him, your ulti is stronger and at best he neutralizes it with his, but your base kit is better.
poke maokai is garbage as support due to season 12 changes, you easily outheal it and he basically will be a glorified shaco support.”
mellorwastaken says “similar as Leona and Amumu, you can win with short trades, if he goes ap his lane will be much weaker since you can heal with passive and hes much more squishy. His W-Flash combo is hard to react so be careful. Always go unflinching.”
iveye says “Maokai is a lane you have to play by his rules, if he throws his E bait it with your high move speed. You can get to him so you have to counter engage on his carry, and always make sure to tank a root from his ult for your carry or else you will most likely lose the fight. His R also shuts most of your engage down but it moves so slow that you could get what you wanted in time before it reaches you anyway.”
GG Cannon says “While it isn't too easy for him to get you, his root while turning invincible for a split second can already be enough for him to turn a fight on you and on the other hand, it is really hard for you to kill him. He can also easily stop you when you try to engage on his team and even ult you if you hide on your smoke in a bad spot.”
Amelioratelol says “Maokai can dodge your hook with his [W] and is fairly tanky so you will need an evenshroud to be able to kill him as most tanks. Grevious will help and someone with black cleaver will drop his armor.”
WhiteLotus says “They will look for early Bot gank most of the time, care about his Flash W. Else he is only a useless Tree, that you can Poke out of lane if u keep your distance ”
T1vladimir says “Throws Saplings with ETips into side bushes as damaging wards. ETips is stronger if placed in bushes. RTips can only hit one target with each bramble; stay in line with your tank on the front rather than scattered around. Grievous items are effective against his PTips healing.”
gizemdeniz says “He will drop minions in the bush and jump on you. When he jumps on you, you have to lock him with a charm and inflict some high damage with a good combo. With a good ADC he can be dangerous.”
NegativePhoenix says “Try to avoid the brush if you know he throws a sapling in it or that poke will build up on you. You should be able to W his root pretty easy but he'll still Q you away before hand, but it wont be far enough to make him lose the fight if he isn't careful. If he ults you can easily W it too, just be careful his jungler isn't coming since a random ult most likely means they're planning to gank”
mazewalk says “He also has good CC and tons of sustain, but he has E, which will annoy you a lot. Escape his ult with your E, keep your distance so he doesn't get you with W+Q combo. Pray he won't build AP items and max E.”
aRhesty says “Obviously try and NEVER get hit by his W, his W counters you. However, as long as you space correctly you'll find that you can win more often than not. E early while he's chasing you so he doesn't get in that critical W range. ”
KeisariKarma says “If maokai engages on you, you are most likely dead, he can also control your essential bushes with his sapplings denying your early game pressure.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| This pick is technically in the extreme category, but you'll rarely see good Maokai players, so you won't actually need to dodge it. The main problem is that he beats you in every aspect except roaming and general map pressure. He has a more oppressive laning phase and controls bushes and key FOW locations that Janna players like to Q from, by using his sapplings. He also doesn't fall off, but you can't cancel his engages early on. Take Glacial if the enemy has enough AP for you to justify rushing Mikael's in lane, otherwise run Aery and play purely for scaling. If you have a rather diveable ADC you should probably just dodge it.”
PypoulaPyp says “If he reach you, you can't escape him. Maokai is one of the best support on this game and if you don't aknowledge him like the Tribal Chief, he'll show you nightmares. Always respect him. ”
L9NunuChillump says “He is tanky and easily stops/gets in the way of your snowball but if he uses his ability to root you it can allow him to easily be hit by your snowballs”
zotet says “He can easily catch up to you and slow you down, his ability to tank for his ADC is very annoying. When you attempt to play from range in most cases he will W over to you and create space for his ally. Make sure to dodge his moves to shut him down and play more towards the back of the lane.”
unhben says “Maokai is very strong individually after his rounds of buffs. Pray he goes tank and doesnt max his E so. Your turrets are good for taking his saplings in bushes if youre not sure what to do. Max W and poke and go nuts here. Barrier is recommended incase of flash engage. ”
NotAragami says “He acts the same way as you, harass people with E and has a point-and-click CC combo. He will not let you play bushes as those saplings hurt. Keep your distance from bushes AND him, ward them is optional but recommended if you have wards to spare. ”
OakuMarai says “AP Maokais are useless. Guardian. If he starts E level 1 poke the hell out of him and his ADC. If he picks Q do the same but be cautious about it. If he levelled W, respect his engage threat. Other than that he's more or less Treeona. CC his ADC if he engages.”
OakuMarai says “he's got good poke and he can engage quite easily. try to engage onto his ADC if he engages onto yours. if he engages onto you, wed him to your turret with W and pronounce them dead treant and wife.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Maokai is at his weakest during the early game. Look for an early advantage to force him to miss out on gold and XP. Once Maokai is level 3, he can start trading with you once he has all of his basic abilities. Try and get him low so he is unable to look for a favourable trade. Avoid standing towards the top side of the lane if you know he’s placed Saplings Sapling Toss(E) in them. However, you could walk towards it before running away to “bait” out his E.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid standing towards the bottom side of the lane as Maokai will place Saplings Sapling Toss(E) inside the bushes and they’ll deal a lot of damage to you if you’re caught by them. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time or before Maokai as he has great all-in at level 2. At level 1, if you’re unsure what ability he has taken, make sure you stand back and out of range just in case he starts Twisted Advance(W), he can’t gain an early health advantage. In the early game, try to use your range advantage to poke and harass him down. Try and stay at max range though so he cannot get on you with his W.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid standing towards the bottom side of the lane as Maokai will place Saplings Sapling Toss(E) inside the bushes and they’ll deal a lot of damage to you if you’re caught by them. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time or before Maokai as he has great all-in at level 2. At level 1, if you’re unsure what ability he has taken, make sure you stand back and out of range just in case he starts Twisted Advance(W), he can’t gain an early health advantage. In the early game, try to use your range advantage to poke and harass him down. Try and stay at max range though so he cannot get on you with his W.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid standing towards the bottom side of the lane as Maokai will place Saplings Sapling Toss(E) inside the bushes and they’ll deal a lot of damage to you if you’re caught by them. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time or before Maokai as he has great all-in at level 2. At level 1, if you’re unsure what ability he has taken, make sure you stand back and out of range just in case he starts Twisted Advance(W), he can’t gain an early health advantage. In the early game, try to use your range advantage to poke and harass him down. Try and stay at max range though so he cannot get on you with his W.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid standing towards the bottom side of the lane as Maokai will place Saplings Sapling Toss(E) inside the bushes and they’ll deal a lot of damage to you if you’re caught by them. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time or before Maokai as he has great all-in at level 2. At level 1, if you’re unsure what ability he has taken, make sure you stand back and out of range just in case he starts Twisted Advance(W), he can’t gain an early health advantage. In the early game, try to use your range advantage to poke and harass him down. Try and stay at max range though so he cannot get on you with his W.”
M4DN355 says “Save your E for when Maokai engages on you and you can turn fights around easily. If he uses his full combo on you, just E away since his damage is so littler and Q him into your teammates if there are no minions in the way since he'll be on cooldown for a moment. Laning phase is really easy, but later game (after level 6) will become a bit more difficult due to his ultimate.”
Mr Jamba Juice says “Type: Support - Any Tank played in the Bot Lane is somewhat easy for Taric. Tank Maokai Support is actually more of a Level 2 Threat, as he's more reliant on his Engage (W) and R rather than his Saplings (E). Don't play in the bushes in this matchup, you will get poked to death. Play Parallel to your ADC when the wave is Pushing towards you, and in front of your ADC when pushing Towers to prevent them from being W'd by Maokai so far away from safety. If Maokai tries to engage in this way, you can Stun him and punish him harshly.”
Navn says “Laning phase won't be too rough, but there's also not a whole lot you can do with him putting sapplings into bushes, and it'll be hard to find opportunities to engage since he'll have a lot of vision control too.”
Jageiko says “Maokai Support is your bane. He will break your spine. Perma keeping you from bushes with his E, his W goes through yours, he is too tanky to kill and has too much CC for your ADC to follow you. You got counterpicked and Its gonna suck a lot.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Mao'kai actually is quite the nuisance in lane, but not great at following up your roams so look more for those. It's very hard to engage on to him or his ADC because of his W and Q (which of course cancels your mounted W), and his saplings also make it very hard to play around bushes. After 6 his disengage gets even better, but he is quite slow and one dimensional, leaving you with a lot of opportunities to find some game winning fights, playing peel or engage. ”
LordZaneLP says “i dont know this matchup, but you can tank him for sure, since most maokais support go ap you outtank him easily and kill him if he engages you, never engage him tho. Thats what he wants.”
LordZaneLP says “he makes so much dmg like blitzcrank and also heals himself and has poke and engage, rly unbalanced champ, but in mid late game you can beat his teamfight potential. Just dont try to win lane against him, its kinda impossible but after minute 10 you already outscaled him.”
Demonsedge90 says “Maokai's passive gives him a heal, so you must watch this and not overcommit to him. Instead, please pay close attention to his bot lane, focus on them, and always respect him when deciding whom to target.”
SunnySneezer says “You're both ranged but the diff is he just spams saplings that apply constant pressure until they die while you have to actually hit your skillshots to do that. ”
Nozul says “Há quem ainda faça Maokai suporte. Compre Mikael e teu jogo ficará mais fácil. Não se posicione mal, senão ele te acerta o W, te enraiza e te deixa vulnerável para que o time dele te mate.”
TheBlueImperial says “He's a major counter to you purely because he almost impossible to engage on. However, you can counter his engagements pretty easily or counter engage onto his carry. Absorb his ultimate for your carry if he tries engaging with it, you will survive it but your carry wont.”
beefyylol says “Really tough matchup. It is virtually impossible to get bush control versus Maokai and his engage is super reliable with his W. Maokai ult is also great for peeling his team or counter engaging whenever you ult. ”
PumpkinMatters says “Eu botaria essa árvore chateada em "menor ameaça", mas acho que precisamos respeitar o que um Maokai consegue fazer. Existem outros sups que fazem tudo que ele faz, só que melhor, mas ainda assim esse champ apresenta algumas ameaças. Há duas builds possíveis pra ele: AP ou tank. Se seu oponente for pra dano, qualquer iniciação nele garante uma eliminação para seu adc, mas você precisa ter cuidado com o E do Maokai, que joga as cria dele no mato, porque elas dão muito dano. Caso vá para tank, o cuidado tem que ser redobrado, mas segue os passos das outras brigas com sups de iniciação. Quem começar, perde”
PumpkinMatters says “I would put this upset tree on "minor", but we need to respect what a Maokai can do. There are other sups who do what he does, but better, but still this champ has some menaces to us. There are two build he can go to: AP or tank. If he chooses AP, any engage on him can guarantee a kill to your ADC, but be aware of his children inside the bushes, because they HURT. In case he goes tank, you need to watch out, but the matchup will be similar to other engage supports: whoever starts, dies”
TheAngryJacket says “Tank support, poke early for gold and damage, if he all ins target the adc, watch for bushes, e to lead saplings into the wave to control the push”
Winter Nicole says “Maokai: He can be annoying his his Q that he throw and his ult where he can trap us for awhile and he can be a annoying champion when it comes to him being a tank supp. (Recommend playing it safe and stunning him and heal your teammate the second your guys are stun and ult them so his adc doesn't do damage on your adc and Q them to do magic damage on them)”
pastelzia says “Maokai is a engage tank but can also be played as an engage mage.
Maokai's Bramble Smash allows him to release an arcane shockwave that travels forth in a line in the target direction, dealing magic damage to all enemies it passes through and slowing them by 99% for 0.25 seconds.
Maokai's Twisted Advance allows Maokai to dash towards a target, becoming untargetable during the dash, and rooting enemies upon arriving to the area, canceling You and Me! and refreshing it's cooldown.
Maokai's Sapling Toss allows him to fling a Sapling to the target location, granting sight of the area. Once landed, Saplings remain stationary for 30 seconds or until they react to the first nearby visible enemy, chasing them for up to 2.5 seconds. Saplings explode upon colliding with an enemy or when they expire, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies upon detonation, capped at 300 against non-champions, and slowing them by 35% for 2 seconds. Saplings placed in a brush instead last 30 (+ 2.5% bonus health) seconds and deal double damage to struck targets over 3 instances as well as revealing them for 3 seconds. The first instance of damage is dealt instantly and the second and third instances occur each 0.75 seconds thereafter. The total damage is capped at 600 against non-champions.
Maokai's ultimate, Nature's Grasp, allows Maokai to summon a colossal wall of 5 thorny brambles that slowly advance in the target direction, accelerating over time, each stopping when they collide with an enemy champion. Each bramble deals magic damage to enemies caught within and roots them for 0.8 − 2.6 (based on distance traveled) seconds.
Overall, Maokai has a lot of crowd control, making him a good counter to Yuumi.”
Discord231 says “Maokai suele ser el soporte con mayor win rate vs Rakan, y tiene razones para hacerlo, pues puede cancelarte los combos, y pokearte desde gran distancia, además de que será amo y señor de los arbustos, haciendo que no puedas presionar a su adc.”
beeinthefranxx says “I havent been against maokai before as senna but im going to assume he will be a tough matchup. E poke in bushes, point and click cc, and fast moving ult.”
Quinncidence says “Immobile!
Maokai will never kill you.
Focus on farming and you will be a monster,when maokai had enough of the laning phase and he decides to join his team, bonk some towers.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “I prefer to call this the lumberjacking lane,literally outpoke his pansy ass and soon you'll find yourself wondering what to do with all the wood you just piled up.
neuroplasticity says “
One of few champs that can rival you in terms of synergy with Imperial Mandate even though most Maokai players prefer tanky builds nowadays.
He is surprisingly scary in lane and annoying as hell ontop since his saplings make bush control Impossible.
His engage is point and click making it a pretty reactive matchup where you have to keep your distance.
His flash-W has little counterplay when setting up ganks for his jungler. That being said Maokai similar to Leona has no tools to escape once he engages and from 6 onwards you can disengage reasonably well with your ultimate.
In lane you want to save bubble for the enemy ADC and just scale up. You provide more utility for your team later on.
Redemption and Mikael's are both reasonable options depending on how fights play out.
Mr buckets says “How hard the matchup is really dependant on your experience playing against Maokai, Maokai is listed as a champ great into Bard since he has way better objective control than Bard has, and his laning phase is a tad better, but there is ways to counter him. Bait out his w and quickly enter the portal to take him with you into ur turret, and then quickly stun, he will either die or be forced to flash.”
Aerenax says “Maokai is annoying as he gets on top of you easily and he can CC you long enough with his W and Q to avoid you from dashing or running away from him. Also have to be careful on face checking bushes as the sampling brigade is waiting to blow up in your face.”
LimTheDestructor says “Engage his adc. Don't greed for killing Maokai when you aren't 100 % sure it's freekill - respect his health, healing and Aftershock.”
warmfishu says “Sap Magic (P) gives him a lot of sustain. Bramble Smash (Q) will stun and knock you back if you are near him. Twisted Advance (W) is a dash root. Nature's Grasp (R) is a large-scale root, though slow. Sapling Toss (E) does percent health damage, so watch out for brushes.”
Rasta Da Masta says “This may come as a surpirse, but this is a skill matchup. He has tools to sustain through lane, zone you out of bushes, juke your kit with untargetability, and set up ganks with his long ranged R.
Use your range to your advantage, don't take even trades, and”
Korippo says “I don't really know where to start with this scratching post. He has self heal, his tiny tree minions are really annoying, and he has quite a number of ways to CC both you and your ADC thanks to his ult, Q, and W. Mid to late game he will mostly heal off any poke or peel damage, so it's very hard to get to him with his team around thanks to his number of ways to setup around them. I don't generally recommend playing Yuumi into this.”
Distinger says “Maokai is a joke of a champion. All he does is staying AFK in a bush waiting to Flash W on you if you get any close.
Just perma ward bushes so you have vision of him and his traps.
Same as Blitcrank, if he engages on you wait for him to use Q so it doesn't cancel your E.”
0Banda says “ Maokai hard counters you so hard, he's W counters your combo as he can stop you and root you mid-air, and in teamfights he's R is really difficult to escape from
Against Maokai you should build as usual, but in the rune section you should take Unflinching in order to counter some of Maokai CC. You should also roam as much as possible since you have 0 kill pressure against him”
Idleangelo says “His point and click engage is manageable, but damn the saplings are annoying to deal with, especially mid game, when you're trying to set vision down for objectives”
Jowoey says “This is only really picked with something like Samira or Lucian because of how annoying the root is. Lane phase is really hard to play against him but you can almost certainly outroam him. Never extend too far into the lane to poke him. Wait for him to try to last hit a minion for his Relic shield and then maybe get a W on him if it's safe.”
King Crow says “He can deny bushes, which is what you do. His engage range isn't the best, but the amount of zoning he creates naturally counters Fiddlesticks.”
Topazor says “His lockdown is a tad worrying, but if he dashes on to you he leaves himself completely open to being counterstruck and autoed from there.”
Naut1Trick says “Tree man. watch his saplings. Keep an eye on them. Keep an eye on his ult in team fights, become a wall for that to prevent your team from being rooted and then dying.”
DanNS12 says “Don't stand near the bush and be careful when harassing him he can flash all-in you and watch out for his lvl 6 he can cover the whole lane in vines and all-in you. Also in the later stages of the game, it's extremely annoying to contest objectives or ward because he just throws his garden gnomes in bushes which chunk you for half hp lol.”
Jaori says “It's easy to lose in this one if you hadn't played it before. Whenever he uses his W, wait with your E until the root goes off. If you use it before, the body slam will not cc him, neither will it damage him. You'll be left with no escape and a wasted ability.”
Bardificer says “Rush warmogs and you're chillin. E and second wind / revitalize means you're unpokable for him. Get that warmogs too, and he's useless.”
qosmox says “Position your blade, make 1-2 emp. Q auto’s and apply your grasp whenever it’s up, and back out, and repeat. You’re simply so much stronger all early levels than he is, abuse it to the max with short trades. The only thing you should be careful about is taking longer trades inside a minion wave, since he can lock you down for a long time with W + Q, while healing himself up with the passive. So keep short trading him down for every CS he goes for until he’s low enough for you to all in him.”
Alenich says “На линии он сильней, поук урон у него сильней, сустейн огромный, дизэнгейджит отлично. Советую не наглеть против него на линии и фокусить его постоянно. Можно так же собрать порез лечения.”
HerYandere says “Positioning is KEY here for you and your ADC. This lane is going to be tedious and painful, but if he engages first you win (granted the enemy ADC has not engaged simultaneously with Mao)”
DasNerdwork says “Very hard to play against. Too tanky to kill and too much CC to play it easy. I suggest mercurys and magic resist if his damage is too high, also mikael's crucible to protect your adc from his easy-to-disable ultimate. ”
Daraysen says “He is pretty open to you but he is tanky, he will try to use his saplings in the bushes, use it against him, activate them and pull them into your minions to make the wave come to your tower.”
KeleiX13 says “Maokai excels at brush control with his saplings. Keep brushes warded to keep yourself from being hit by one. If you know there is a sapling in a brush, either wait for it to die by itself or lure it out and try to out run it with your E. Maokai ult doesn't usually hit unless you are already CC'd, be it soft or hard. His W range is rather small so you can still slap some powerchords onto his without worrying too much.”
Discord231 says “Maokai suele ser el soporte con mayor win rate vs Rakan, y tiene razones para hacerlo, pues puede cancelarte los combos, y pokearte desde gran distancia, además de que será amo y señor de los arbustos, haciendo que no puedas presionar a su adc.”
LilRidge says “Maokai's (E) Sapling Toss is going to be a big problem in this lane. They make up for a lot of his poke, so you will want to avoid walking into unwarded brushes as they get stronger when in brush.
Try to get the saplings out of a brush by checking the brush and moving away from the saplings as you are faster than them when mounted.
Play to Counter-Engage as he will stop your engage with his.”
Starchase says “Care of his E, his poke with that ability can cath people off guard most of the time, sustain all the damage with your E.
Tell your ADC to stay away from the bushes, there is where his E becomes much stronger.
Care about his lvl 3 and lvl 6 all in, he has great setup for ganks.
Rush Mikael's Blessing.
You outscale him pretty hard.”
Takitsu says “Great matchup for Thresh. If maokai jumps onto you, flay after he lands, he won't be able to hit you back towards his team. If maokai jumps onto a team mate, hook or flay works.
If your team can click lanterns, you can bait maokai into tower shots with a well timed lantern.”
losolkos says “He is tanky but very slow also he have
seeds that make him anoyin this seeds deal much dmg also he have jump to you and push and stun you need to deal him dmg and run when he try to jump in tou you when he jump adc just use w and e to help him escape. ”
Discord231 says “Maokai suele ser el soporte con mayor win rate vs Rakan, y tiene razones para hacerlo, pues puede cancelarte los combos, y pokearte desde gran distancia, además de que será amo y señor de los arbustos, haciendo que no puedas presionar a su adc. ”
Kadiyarch says “Focus the adc, use your plants to kill his E. If you push the lane, you have to be 100% sure the enemy jungler isn't there because he is very efficient to slow and cc you.”
Bear Gummies says “I would either go Comet to whittle him down, or Guardian to stay alive/ kill the enemy ADC. You can poke him easily, so just be careful of his all ins, because his W can enable him to move through your tornado. ”
WinterAardappel says “Since you roam a lot in lane, you are likely to walk into his sapplings. I ban him every time since hes just really hard to lane against”
mscocca says “High defenses and too many Crowd Control effects - that Nidalee fears the most, are going to give you a very hard time.
Plus, he is going to abuse and get you out of the bushes where you should be staying the most during the laning phase.
vnillz says “He's not really played as a support anymore, but I have seen him occasionally. Watch out for his sapling toss, because they can easily burst you down and he has the upper advantage with it to harass you. Try to out poke or trade evenly as much as you can. ”
Jexeff says “One of the cheesier supports. Although Maokai is starting to lose popularity, it is still a pick that you will run into. Keep track of his saplings in order to avoid unnecessary damage. A good Maokai will also place sapplings in bushes that will cutoff jungle paths and bushes you will pass through in your rotations. You can always try to drag saplings from lane bushes towards your creep wave to control the wave closer to your tower. This can be beneficial in some cases where it will be ideal to have the wave closer to your tower. Other than that, hold your flay if you see them approaching to prevent wasting it during their twisted advance. Once they have used twisted advanced it is important to flay away from you so that they cannot combo into bramble smash. If they have used twisted advanced they become fair game for all of your CC. Definitely one of the harder and more annoying matchups you will encounter.”
icebombhunter says “Stay away from brushes, he has a good engage so try to grab him away from your adc. He can stop your e with his q and avoid your r with his w. Roam and play safe.”
fishbully says “ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: You can poke Maokai easily, however his "children" are the main factor that makes him a difficult opponent. Take aery or guardian, relatively passive lane.”
Find0 says “Mao sup has fallen off a bit but basically he doesnt get to jump on you otherwise you send him to the nether realm into your team. He can also bait his team into thinking you are cc'd and you can get a fat engage for your team
Frank6264 says “Actualmente uno de los mejores soportes del meta y uno de los peores enfrentamientos para una Karma. Eviten entrar en los arbustos sin visión porque puede pokearlos con su E y bajarles mucha vida sin siquiera acercarse, además de que su engage no se puede esquivar. Traten de pokearlo en línea para que no pueda entrar ya que es un personaje cuerpo a cuerpo principalmente.”
nZk01 says “(AD/AP) should win with both playstyles, if he W on you you can Q away and he will follow you so you can just hard force him to flash out etc, into box/turret”
Dannala says “Maokai has some sustain and some mobility with an untargetable ability which makes making a proper Cocoon engage difficult if he has a nearby target. Most likely will be a farm lane as he's too tanky and slippery in most cases, but poking him early is simple and with little risk but low reward. ”
Titans Revenge says “Maokai support is, well, broken at the time of writing this guide. He is definitely annoying for Thresh players as he can simply just dodge your hook by pressing E and engaging on you with an instant root. Even as full AP he is hard to kill due to his passive healing on auto attacks.”
RedNBlue says “He is sort of wonky, he will use his sapling toss and bomb you as you take wraith stalkers from him. You just have to hope while your slowed you don't get rooted and jumped on by everybody in bot lane and die. That will be very hard and troublesome.”
ANC Bence says “Position on the left side of the lane no matter what, in this match up you can use bushes because of his E, but with a strong adc on the left side of the lane you can win all ins. Just don't walk into bushes. ”
YourCut says “Conq+Dom, Electro+Inspiration/Electro+Precision. Pretty bad early on, try to cut losses. Stay away from bushes, you outscale pretty hard.”
Borusky says “O poke das batatas dele vai ser chato pra você, mas, se ele der engage em você... DESÇA A PORRADA EM FORMAS DE LÍNGUA ÚMIDA E LEVE NELE.”
GMGZ2 says “A skill match up, whoever hits there abilities better wins. Sadly for Shaco I say Maokai has a slight advantage, both of you have something that can be used in bushes to deal DMG to anyone that gets close. Also, both of you have good poke and CC. Maokai has better sustain though so that is the difference.”
fm Mac says “Maokai can get on you or your adc easily meaning you have to stay on your adc, it shouldn't be the end of the world if he gets on your ad and your ahead but if you get behind he can perma 1 shot you if his adc is there.”
just_juniper says “Imagine Lux. But with way more CC. And instead of being a Demacian noble, it's a literal tree. Avoid bushes like the plague and always stay out of his W range whilst poking. The matchup is winnable, but so annoying.”
InsaneWind says “Does it really need to be said? Saplings! you can use your W to eat them up, at level 4 when you put your second point into your W you wont take much if any health damage from them. Late game thou AP Maokai struggles to survive but deals TONS of damage, be mindful of bushes do not blind check them or you will fall victim to 3-5 little saplings that can take you well below half hp or kill your carries.”
bandeide10 says “Um pouco dificil pois possui uma ótima habilidade de harass ( platinha infinita) e engage quase que inevitáveis. Procure sempre ficar longe das bushs durante a fase de rotas.”
White Cr0w says “Skill matchup.
An smart Maokai will ward his jungle, and ask for help when he is countered so they destroy you in 2v1 with his CC.
When invading, avoid taking common paths, and going 1v1 him isn't a good idea if he has everything up. Focus on feeding your lanes and securing all drakes. Since his ganks are epicly strong earlygame due to jump-stun, make sure your lanes are warded so enemy jungle is, so your allies can predict his ganks.”
moon827 says “Maokai support is not very common, but when you see one, you should not be super afraid of him. Given he does have a lot of cc, he can't do much, unless he has a strong burst adc to follow up.”
Vahlok says “Just try to disengage him as much as you can, so he can't use W on an ally. Depending on the situation, maybe it is a good idea to tank his R to save your allies.”
glorious7678 says “Maokai can wait out your R with his cc. He does alot of damage and will win most short trades, If you take an extended fight you will win.”
Twist21 says “Maokai is one of the tanks that is killable for you in the late game if you itemize properly but for the most part you will have to play for tp roams aswell as against any tank matchup.Standard runes for this one.”
Wicked Cherry says “I've seen it happen and at that time I hated it but he's not really that much of a threat. He can only root you with two of his abilities. So stay out of range or silence him. He's too tanky to kill but great to harass.”
orbiterpluto says “Loads of tankyness and cc. Building enchanter would be the better option as he may target the carry instead of you. Once he roots someone you root him back. Pop your ult when he engages. Keep in mind that Daisy can shield you from him ult so stay behind her when he uses it.”
Stiwy says “He has good early damage so avoid trading at early levels.
When you're level 6 you can try to all-in him, but be aware of his healing passive.
Bramble vest/executioner's + mercury are good items for this lane.
Conquer is your go to rune here.”
TotallyEclipse says “Small window pre-6 where you can maybe kill him if he has zero tank items. His cc however is super annoying you'll never catch him, and his life steal keeps him healthy.”
McConnell2111 says “Depending on their skill they can solo win lane with their cc but you can go in on their adc while he is on yours. Tough trades with his passive but later on you should come out on top with your cc ult.”
HeyItsLeemo says “This guy is just really annoying and tanky, don't rush lane against him, as if he is smart, he will root you under turret and you'll die horribly.”
Daedralus says “This guy can be quite annoying due to his rather stupid damage compared to how tanky he is as well. His hard CC abilities are your main problem as you cannot heal off during these time periods and will really hate the game due to your Q having a delay on its damage and heal proc as you might die during that time interval (personal experience here). His ultimate is also annoying as it provides him damage reduction which also means heal reduction. But overall, if you simply get a sprit visage at one point, his damage will be greatly reduced and your healing increased, that you shouldn't have a problem. Keep your ultimate as a last result and do not engage him with it as it is better to keep it for a 100% heal from a low percentage.”
EnchantedCat says “One of Kayle's easiest matchups since it's practically a free farm lane as Maokai is just a CC-healing machine. Beware of the enemy jungler since if Maokai can get close to you it's probably a free kill and can easily towerdive you with his jungler, however apart from that this lane should be pretty free and you should be able to scale nicely.”
Quezel says “Maokai does a deceptive amount of damage especially in short trades but you win the all in easily just be careful of his w as he can use it to dodge your q.”
SNOBOY says “He has a lot of natural sustain, good base damages, and gets really tanky. Hard to poke him down, and near impossible to kill unless he really messes up.”
Xelaadryth says “This is just awful. Incredibly tanky so he'll outsustain you, teleport even if he gets low, and he can snare you out of your Energy Ball. Just try to push back and cs and land Qs on him when possible.”
Mr. Nyahr says “You can easily outrun his saplings and ultimate, especially with your W. He builds a lot of health, which you shred. Dodge his Q when possible and burn him down. ”
aimez says “Maokai support is not very common, but when you see one, you should not be super afraid of him. Given he does have a lot of cc, he can't do much, unless he has a strong burst adc to follow up.”
PandaSenpai101 says “Never facecheck bushes as his E does more damage if it comes out of a bush. You should look to poke him with Q and vitals. His sustain can become annoying, but it's not too big of a problem. His E costs a lot of mana early, so look to all-in him when he doesn't have mana.”
bluejaypig says “After the rework he is more broken with his ultimate root being very annoying, don't fight him in tight spaces and buy sweeper or ward to not get cheesed by his saplings.”
SawyerNelson says “Thresh's abilities don't stop him much. ULT helps against him like most tanks. But if Maokai is weak it's easy to solo him out and kill him.”
The Lost Drawing says “Se cura mas porque su pasiva depende del daño que reciba por habilidades, y tu daño en mayoría es eso. La 'Cota de Espinas' es buena pero el pega AP y se arma 'Capa de Fuego Solar' que es AP, un 'Yelmo' o de perdida una 'Mascara Abismal' si es conveniente para tu TEAM”
TheComicalBiker says “Let minions take the Saplings (E) and do not let him get close. Be ready to peel for your carry post-6 when Moakai uses hit ultimate.”
drunken hunter says “Maokai is a very tanky champ that doesnt get picked really often. But if he gets picked you have to be careful. He can dash to you, slow you and he takes almost takes 0 dmg when he activates his ult. You can try to do the lvl 2/3 engage but this champ is almost unkillable.
L3gislacerator says “His point-and-click CC makes him tough to peel, but you can do it regardless. Just make sure to stun him after he roots a target because if you try to before he can dodge it with his untargetability.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Maokai: Simplified Tips
Early Game (Levels 1-6):
Avoid Poke: Maokai has strong poke with his [Q] and [E]. Stay behind minions and avoid unnecessary damage.
Engage Carefully: Maokai can root you with his [W] and burst you down with his [Q] and [E]. Wait for him to waste abilities before going in.
Roam: If lane is tough, roam to mid or help your jungler. Maokai is weaker when alone.
Mid Game (Levels 7-12):
Pick Off Squishies: Focus on catching out squishy targets with your [Q] and [R]. Maokai’s poke can’t save them from your execute.
Vision Control: Use sweeper to clear his wards and deny vision for his team.
Late Game (Levels 13+):
Flank and Execute: Look for flanks to catch carries with your [R]. Maokai’s poke can’t stop your burst if you catch him off guard.
Focus on Carries: Ignore Maokai in teamfights; he’s not a threat. Focus on eliminating his carries.
General Tips:
Bait His Abilities: Maokai’s [W] (root) and [E] (saplings) are key to his poke and disengage. Bait them out before committing to a fight.
Vision Control: Keep key areas warded to track Maokai’s movements and set up picks.
Avoid Maokai’s poke, bait his disengage abilities, and focus on picking off his carries. Use your mobility and vision control to outmaneuver him.”
Top Lane 49.28% Win Rate22% Pick RateMaokai Top Lane Counters: 8 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Maokai in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
liucan says “more of a Gank set-upper than an actual champ against u: normally he bully lanes because high dmg and disengage with Q, if he uses W from long use E into a wall, W/Q after Q, remember Q has low CD and only knockup in short range, he has cc and slow, build the boots depending on the rest of the team. beware of gank, his W let him behind u so try to buffer E so u E him instantly as he appears, so he doesnt Q u to his jungler. A minion after ur first item, another one that suffers from ignite.”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Grasp. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
He can deny your dashes with his Q. Get prio and punish him early. Buy Grievous Wounds.”
Dom1nus says “He has good sustain and survivability, he cant kill u but after a point u can kill him, shove lanes as he cant farm under turret and roam/steal enemy junglers camps.”
a_k_z7 says “very cringe match up
before a recall you can kill him but after that he will just ultra sustain with his passive even with anti heal he still heals so much
his q can either slow or stun but it has a very short range so play around it
his w makes him untargetable so he can dodge you passive or even dive you under tower
your early chance it to bully him early try to zone him from the 3 minions of exp so he can be always behind and try to look for an aggresive early kill if you do tht the match up becomes playable but later it is hard to kill him unless your team has good burst that out damages his heals
as poppy try to take the ult so you can save your adc since you are a fronline anyway”
parker3n9 says “This is an incredibly free lane for Swain. Maokai doesn’t pose much of a threat in lane, and once you have your ultimate, you can even turn many 1v2 situations to your advantage. Focus on consistent harassment with Grasp of the Undying and maintain pressure to keep him on the back foot. As long as you don’t allow him to scale uncontested, this lane should be easy to dominate.
Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport or Ghost and Teleport”
Spartaniko says “He has good sustain and very good gank setups, however, your Q poke and short trades are better. Track the enemy jungler and you will be fine 1v1 against this champion. E his Q.”
ABL Pantheon says “Never seen in Top, only in the past, but it's a a bit rough. You win early but lose as the game goes on. You can poke with Q and engage with W when he has Q, he can cancel it. He can also use W to disrupt your Q or W and E when he is going on you with Ultimate.”
Banzi says “Farming lane
hold e and if he is close to u then also hold q
after he uses his dash then just poke him as much as possible
Start Wit's end”
Frankoloko says “Pick Demolish and start Dark Seal. One of the easiest match-ups. There is absolutely nothing he can do to win this lane. Never settle for a short trade and always use your E (directly below you if possible) as he W's onto you so that it guarantees the hit. Try ulting after he used his ult so that you make it disappear, but this is not necessary usually. Don't ult him later on, he will be too tanky to kill.”
forlid says “Maokai relies on short trades and doesn't want to take long fights. He lacks mobility, so you can basically always full combo him. After level 6, you become much stronger than him.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
you outscale him and he has no kill pressure on you. Just dont waste your time exclusively trying to kill him, perfect farm is more important. He's one of those pure tanks that you can just ignore while hitting tower. Grasp”
Belle19 says “his q disengages really hard and the champs impossible to tower dive. You can potentially outscale teamfights but he actually will outscale the 1v1. Dont go near his tower without a big wave as he can w q you into turret. If you can get a freeze off you can look for a kill but its very hard to freeze against maokai and he can easily get his jungler to kill you with him. Only look for plays off of a freeze if you know where the enemy jungler is.”
deathbypotion says “He is surprsingly strong now, especially his heal, but you will outscale if proxy. He will remind you about Vietnam. Your W stops him from dashing”
PPlongcook says “Maokai isn't really the problem. He's very easy to beat by himself. The problem is that he is NEVER by himself, the jungler WILL camp the shit out of you because his gank setup is insane.”
MYCATRENGAR says “First Strike
This is my permaban. I can't find another champion that stalls my snowball more than him.
If you play into him, I tend to either split the map or or start opposite and avoid interaction. ”
Akuzai says “Easy to deal with, a little hard to kill but that doesn't mean you don't outscale him. If he wastes his q and is low you can look for an all in. If you get a good freeze and his jungle doesn't break it he's stuck for the rest of the game.”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror + Divine Sunderer]
[Ignite/Flash + TP]
Tank farm lane. Divine Sunderer and win. Unless you're playing vs Aizo you should be fine.”
Lukajs says “Maokai matchup is amazing for Gwen, since he has no way to counter your poke damage. If he uses his W on you, you can just run him down pretty easily.
Play around poking him and taking advantage of mistakes.”
GheeseEmpty says “Maokai's effective range is about as much as yours, and while he dictates trades with his Q, he should under no circumstance beat you 1v1 in a fight to the death. Once he burns his W, he pretty much has no agency in the trade anymore. Typically Maokai players in top will take Grasp, but Phase Rush makes trading into him much more difficult. Still, he should almost never kill you solo, and your value lategame is usually higher than his.”
ThelpixG says “Free Lane
How to Beat?
- Take scaling setup with TP because this lane is just boring and you scale freely on top of him;
- Try not to waste too much mana poking him because he has infinite sustain;
- Buy a cull and farm alot;
- Beware ganks because he has great setup;
- Avoid his sapplings when he throws them into the bush;
- If he tries trading with you in melee range try going for a double/triple passive reset so you can melt him;
- You can also take the antitank setup if you want to beat this guy even harder.”
xXazzer says “Again really easy, he has no kill potential on you. The most he will do is maybe W one of your Q's and push you away. You can bully him all day long, but he can setup ganks pretty well”
X_TRM says “(Start W) Rush Executioner's Calling. He can push you out with his Q if you try to engage onto him and he can dodge you W with his root W. he will win short trades and long while out sustaining you. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Chempunk Chainsword”
LilliaFanBoy says “Don't stay around brushes.
Poke until he uses his passive. Once that is down you can try and Q him.
Once he uses W you can try a W of your own he tries to continue trading with you.
Just don't let him use his Passive on you.”
WhendZ says “Lidar com Maokai é chato, ele não tá mais tão firme no top, mas eu recomendo usar a laranja no R dele, ou para tirar o Slow do Q. Ele pode ser frustrante se deixar ele curar.”
LegacyOneTap says “Hes relative to the gragas like playstyle, you're just better though, make him blow his blast and he can't negate your jump stun trade and back off. repeat, you can also just farm and keep it near your tower but its a little difficult, also small reminder every ability you land on him reduces his passive heal by 4 seconds which adds up quickly against us but its not too much of an issue, avoid his bush saplings or pull them out onto your wave for strats. overall watch his jungler and after 1 item or two hes not too much of a threat besides the amount of cc'ing he does for his team.”
JPGamer10BR says “Sempre deixe um cogumelo em baixo de você, quando ele usar o W em você bata o máximo possível, recomendo fazer corta cura, pois ele cura muito na passiva, cuidado com ganks, recomendo máx. E+W.
Runas> PTA, F.F, Aery ou Grasp.”
WarwicksSimp says “Maokai has a weak laning phase vs warwick but a strong teamfight with lots of shutdown. Be wary and deny maokai as much cs as possible.”
RivenCarriedYou says “We win early but he becomes hard. A lot of disengage, lots of damage once he starts scaling and a lot of sustain. Be careful as he's really good at setting up ganks. He can cancel your 3Q with his Q and dodge our ulti with his W. use your abilities slowly. you will need black cleaver after early game”
Chaddouk says “Maokai looks easy on paper, but it's actually pretty frustrating to face. Indeed, he has a decent sustain in lane, he will buy a lot of armor and be unkillable, he has ways of stopping ur all-in especially with his Q that cancels your E, and even if he falls behind he will always be useful because his kit is tank/cc and will always work like malphite. The good thing is that he is not supposed to have any kill pressure on you and you're still stronger in a 1v1, look to go for long trades whenever he used a Q and you still have your E. Look to buy antihealing if you have a big lead in gold, go kraken quick, call for jungle ganks whenever he pushed the lane (and use his aoe damage to make him push), and later against this type of champ you're not gonna dive him so if he has no damage you can push a big wave and just hit the turret and ignore him or bring him on side and outrotate with superior mobility.”
BaotoGame says “Maokai has a lot of CC and with a spammable Q as well as a passive that heals him, it can take a lot of time to kill him. Still a good matchup as Yorick demolishes tanks.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: PTA with Cut Down + Riftmaker/Rageblade]
Play aggressive and abuse Maokai's weak early game. Watch out for ganks because his gank setup is insane, especially with Ult. Stay away from bushes when he throws his saplings in there. Don't get hit by his Q, it can deal a lot more damage than you think.”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very tanky but not too much of a threat. Fire Wizard is especially good into this champ as it does a lot of percentage maximum health burn.”
OmegaDelta000 says “Great sustain, but other than that you should be fine taking long trades. Don't Q before he Qs, though. Or before he Ws. Basically save your combo for when he uses his.”
bocchicken says “Maokai does NOT like this lane. He has no way to escape besides flash or Qing you away. You can buffer your E to make it so his Q does not knock you back and then stay on top of him with your Q slow and W auto attacks. Be careful when using R that he is not too close to dodge it with his W, but not TOO FAR to just dodge it by walking ”
ToplaneProfessor says “
[Grasp] [demolish] [conditioning] [ overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items :start ruby crystal-> CORE
care for sapplings from inside the bush , and dont fight close to them in general, he can knock you inside the bush with sapplings inside”
lordimboutabust says “Don't see him much anymore since he got relegated to a support/jungler. If you do he is extremely easy matchup just fuck him up and you win | Second Wind | Dblade - Divine”
Twogrand says “just keep autoing him everytime he goes for creeps and dwindle his hp. his only engage is a flash W so if he burns flash ever you will have a free lane. conq ignite goredrinker, snowball early easy match up”
SRoseD says “His Q cancels Lillia W and he has a slow that is a little annoying, but aside from that I have the range advantage. You win lane but his ult is easier than yours to land in team fights and if he touches your tower say goodbye to it.”
LeyzeHP says “(My permaban) Maokai is surely one of the biggest threat for Rengar, since his E is stronger in bushes so he counter Rengar's passive and it's really hard to snowball into him, so it's pointless to play Rengar aganist him. ”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Although his E saplings are very annoying, you can easily outrun them, the only problems may come from his damage output or an ult, but these can be countered by items.”
YorickTopOnly says “We are in for a tank meta. Even though he has been nerfed in recent patches, along with embrace being nerfed, Mao is still strong, as a top and a jg. ”
Vixylafoen says “He can do a lot of damage, but you will always outtrade him and he's forced into getting into your barrels if he wants to have any hope of killing you”
Reines Kokosfett says “Like all drain tanks, your Q has insane value and you can just statcheck him. Be careful of him knocking you into a bush with lot's of sapling, especially when dismouted. He can dodge your Q with his W if he has good timing. Without his empored saplings he doesn't have enough damage to finish you off when dismounted.”
stefanko says “Never q on him first, wait for him to push you away and then you can q. Make sure to not get baited by Maokai pulling you into wave when you dont have e up. (grasp, teleport)”
Ulamog says “Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Parry one of his Q's or his E. Post 6 hold parry for his R. You can even Q+W it.
Grasp trade and don't let him Q you for free ever. You also bait it out before Q-ing in OR sidestep it.”
Galactities says “He's just another one of those champs where you build that same anti tank crap, rush black cleaver if he rushes armor or rush bork if he rushes health. Merc treads and Conq are best here. Careful of his saplings. His gank setup is great so be careful of that. You win early trades.”
Zeffie says “Maokai is in a decent place at the moment champ wise, into Sejuani he can dodge CC with his dash and throw you about as well as chip you away with his bush friends. His ult can easily set himself and any jgl ganks up really well while completely negating most reactions from you.”
dzsama says “Can be semi-difficult to kill as he has built in sustain and he can just Q you if you try to jump on him. After 6 and with a couple items he shouldn't be a problem to you though. Again, be careful since he can setup ganks quite well.”
Tonho says “Your Q stays on him even if he uses his W. You pretty much always win the trade, as he can't properly deal with your E. BORK is effective here.”
lorensj81 says “Very easy lane, just trade alot and he will run out of mana before you run out of health. You should win this hard early. Later he will just become to tanky to kill.”
Pep_Shin says “Maokai is an annoying matchup pre-6. He can easily disengage with his Q.
Just wait for your R and run him down.
His strength is his spam CC.
You can't get CC'd so just kill him.”
Puyi says “Very easy matchup. You outduel him at every point in the game, you should never get rooted by his ult, and your %max health damage is very effective against him.”
ananesever69 says “Try to avoid the brush if you know he throws a sapling in it or that poke will build up on you. You should be able to W his root pretty easy but he'll still Q you away before hand, but it wont be far enough to make him lose the fight if he isn't careful. If he ults you can easily W it too, just be careful his jungler isn't coming since a random ult most likely means they're planning to gank”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Ring.
Hey Futak. Very easy matchup, you don't even have to try to win it. Maokai on top is just weak. Kill him whenever you have a chance, just watch out for the saplings left in the bushes because they can hit quite hard.”
Night Guy says “I feel like Mao'Kai can't do much to you as K'Sante he can dodge one of your abilities then what? I should be putting him at Tiny threat but I'm keeping him at Minor because of his potential at setting his jungler up.”
SrMolinv says “We win early but he becomes hard. A lot of disengage, lots of damage once he starts scaling and a lot of sustain. Be careful as hes really good setting up ganks. He can cancel your 3Q with his Q and dodge our ulti with his W. ”
AlyssaTennya says “Ruins your teamfight and pick potential, and you can't kill him very easily. Not worth dodging, but my winrate against him is awful.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with resolve and POM, and ignite. Walk up to the third bush near his tower and wait for the minions to lock then you can walk up to him but don't start the trade with your e but try to space his knockback. Farm as good as you can and after Divine you can do whatever you want.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Don't start trade or fights with E, since he can just knock you back and disengage. Start by walking up and hitting him until he Q's you, then E after him. Play aggressive in early before he gets armor items.”
RandumPersin says “One of the easiest matchups in the game for Renekton. Take conq, build cleaver at some point, and you never need to worry about this guy. If the Maokai is cracked he can W our Q, but even then we still win the trade with E aa W aa E; it's 100% unlosable. Maokai scales super well, so make sure to lock in an early freeze between levels 3-9 and maintain your dominance into midgame.”
SrMolinv says “Le ganamos en early. Pero tiene un 4 porque es dificil de snowballear. Mucho disengage, mucho daño base conforme escala y mucho sustain. Este matchup depende mucho del jungla que tenga Maokai. Farmea todo lo que puedas, obligale a gastar mana y se mas util que el. Puede cancelar nuestra 3Q con su Q y evitar la R con su W. Cuidado con el arbol”
Smudey says “Maokai kinda sucks early game, even after the rework. You are way stronger than him early so try going for as many short trades as possible. This keeps him from sustaining through you with his passive if you did long trades. Don't overpush though since he has a really good gank setup and can stun you under tower so try to freeze the wave under your tower if possible.”
Fizzy says “Tive poucas experiências com maokai porem digo que é consideravelmente facil se conseguir encaixar seus parry dentro do combo dele, podendo stunar ele”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “He was absolute dogshit against you befoer his buff/mini rework, and i think he still is but not as much as he got much stronger. The only problem with him is his sustain, his passive lets him heal with aa every now and then, and every spell you hit him with refreshes part of its cd, it counters gp as you would want to spam Qs so in this matchup focus on faming and dont braindead poke without rune stacked and opportunity to kill him soon. It gets better and better for you as his sustain doesnt matter when you hit some passive resets and barrels later on. Past7 is what you aim for to stomp this guy, dominic really helps.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Maokai is easy because he has very little kill pressure and you'll win pretty much at all stages of the game. Be careful of the bushes though as his empowered saplings actually do lots of damage. Also, he has really good gank setup with all of his CC so try not to overextend or dive him. Slowpushing is great as he has pretty weak waveclear.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Maokai is also weak in the early game. It's hard for him to kill Nasus. All you need to do is safely farm until your level 9 powerspike. With 150+ Q's stacks you can start to play agressively. ”
Thrandor says “By the end of season 12, Maokai fought his way back into the meta. However, this matchup is super-free, You can easily ult through his ult to deny the cc. or travel with him quite big distances when ulting away as soon as he W's you to set up a gank.
You can skip his Q knockback by Qing him first, this will win you any basic trade”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Same as Malphite, but he can heal a bit. Just farm him for Grasp procs and once the wave is pushed in you can all in and run him down with Ghost. If you're really smurfing you can eat
him when he Q's you so he's in your stomach when you get knocked back, and will come with you. Bramble is good vs him too since he needs to auto to proc his heal. ”
Taiquyorah says “MU à l'avantage de Maokai car il peut esquiver les barils grâce à son dash.
Il ne peut pas vous tuer et vous non plus donc c'est une farm lane, vous serez plus fort en late game sur le stuff critique et le stuff bruiser.
Il vous out-sustain donc ne chercher pas à trade sauf si vous pouver le tuer.”
7EyesNoSkills says “His damage is not enough to kill you, he have to wait for his jungler and play safe. He got 2 rooting, 1 airborne and 1 slow, but their duration is really less.”
WildSamu says “Dblade + Red Pot.
One of the easiest matchups for Yone.
You can zone him or freeze on him.
Steer away from bushes and he is useless. You can denay his ult with a good E or R.
Very easy to gank if he has no ult.”
wooverbo says “?????????? who plays this top lane still... He is not strong enough to have any kill threat on you. Just spam Grasp procs and kill him. Just keep in mind his cooldowns when trying to run away from a gank with your Abyssal Dive since he can cancel it with most of his kit.”
kurbart says “Maokai aka groot
Maokai is annoying in lane he is so much sustain you can just stack your passive on him but if its a maokai you aint killing him no time soon he can escape your wall with his dash so play safe stack up and wait for jungle ”
VituVonDoom says “Usually, tank matchups are difficult for Jayce, but Maokai... Just does no damage. Run FS or Conq, and cut the tree down with your hammer. Stay away from the bushes, his potatos will hurt you quite a bit, and make sure to rush antiheal”
Galactities says “The only reason this is even is because of his buffs from a bit ago which made him stronger. Even then you literally cannot lose a 1v1 against him. The major issue is just his gank setup and make sure to be away from bushes so his saplings don't delete you. He has ZERO kill pressure into you aslong as he isn't fed, zone him, watch for JGL ganks”
NegativePhoenix says “Maokais rework has given him some backbone and brought him back into power. Full tank Maokai even can 3v1 a good team and come out alive. Early game due to his buffs his power is a bit stronger than yours but as the game progresses you obviously scale better especially since he is going full tank. If you know he has a sapling in a brush, stay away from it or bait it out and have it chase a minion instead. He has to be in your face for trades and will use his saplings to poke so avoid that as best as possible. You can W his ult as well if he isn't close enough so keep that in mind. His passive is great sustain so he doesn't always have to worry about losing too much health if he waits around long enough. He's just a CC machine so be cautious when getting ganked since he has enough to keep you still. His passive sustain isn't as strong now but still be mindful of it.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Freeze and beat him up.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater > Freeze
Rare matchup but really easy, you win any form of trade as long as he doesn't get his empowered E with bush on you.
Both his Q & W are reactable and parryable very easily, same for his ultimate.
Abuse him in lane, look to freeze and deny him xp and cs as he cannot commit as you win if you fight while the wave is pulled in towards you as you can chase him down.”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] Super easy. Not much needs to be said. Ideally you use your E + Q + R combo right after he uses his Q so he can't knock you back.”
Trundledaddy says “idk who plays this shit but lane is free
champ is garbage, but be careful if
they have carry jungler, he can lock
you down easily, and towerdive with
his W, ofc sapplings in bushes bad”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
Super easy. Not much needs to be said. Ideally you use your E + Q + R combo right after he uses his Q so he can't knock you back.”
Federals1 says “Very easy matchup. Not really much to say here. He can never engage on you or he loses. He does outscale you in teamfights, but he cannot do a single thing against you on lane. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. First rune page should be used. You can build whatever you feel is suitable for the enemy team comp. You don't have to worry about Maokai.”
PandoraPanda14 says “U never even see Mao top anymore but he cant do anything. Stay away from bushes and care for ganks, thats all he can do to kill you, Punish him hard.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Destroy him, you can react to any of his stuns, and he can't 1v1 you, so just don't let him farm and kill him, you also outscale him.”
gazibulle says “No one plays him top and you win by just existing. You hard hard hard outscale him. Be careful of jungle ganks as he has an insane point and click setup. If you want to totally remove his fun just take Ignite and he stands 0 chance. You don't even need to kill him, you can just chill, farm and you will win. The only issue with Maokai is the time you take to kill him, since good players will kite your Q2 with both Q and W, so be wise in your Q recasts.”
MHLoppy says “His Q makes it difficult to deep trade him without your ult, and his passive will probably keep him healthy enough that you usually can't brute force past that disengage. His level 6 doesn't do much in lane against you, so if nothing else that's a good power spike to get a kill with. Remember to be wary of bushes, as empowered saplings can really hurt if you get in range of them. He has extremely strong gank-assist if your ult is down or it's pre-6, but his damage without saplings is quite limited these days.”
Cryniu says “Al inicio veo muy viable jugar agresivo.
Compra hábito del espectro y/o botas de mercurio.
Prioriza tener tenacidad.
Considero vesta espinosa muy importante, su pasiva lo cura con ataques básicos.
Prioriza atravesarlo con la Q, es tanque y acumula mucha vida.
Que no te cancele tu E con su Q.”
Helzky says “I don't think people play him Top anymore but if they do, they lose to this build. Level 3 and onwards you win. Just don't go near bushes.”
havy says “maokai tends to use abilities often and run short on mana, go in whenever he's low on it, easy lane zzz, just keep his ult in mind for gank potential”
Your Desired Username says “One of the easiest match-ups. There is absolutely nothing he can do to win this lane. Never settle for a short trade and always use your E (directly below you if possible) as he W's onto you so that it guarantees the hit. Try ulting after he used his ult so that you make it disappear, but this is not necessary usually. Don't ult him later on, he will be too tanky to kill.”
boboderaffe says “Nobody plays him top anymore but he can avoid your Q and ult burst with his W. You can’t really outtrade him because of his passive heal, you’ll simply drain your mana. Worst of all, his ult is a huge cockblock in teamfights.
If you’re unlucky enough to face a good maokai player just chill and farm as long as you can and look for tp plays past 6. ”
AlexFL7000 says “Maokai can be a bit annoying. Just try to keep your distance as when he gets on top of you you will be cc'd to hell. Recommended Items: Void Staff, Recommended Items: Oblivion orb/Morellonomicon”
Rayli36 says “i don't know much about this matchup but try to time your W when he uses his W(the thing that dashes under you and stuns you) or use your W when he uses his R
LunaticDancer says “Has good CC and sustain but the damage is mediocre. Gambler viable if you can dodge his saplings and do some tethering against his dash. D Blade if you're confident. You should be melting him no problem from level 6 onwards.”
Eduardocwalle says “Poor maokai, is just a bag of meat for you. U can just jump over his R and keep spanking his wooden ass. Best option for him is just build full HP.”
ToothlessKnight says “Maokai is deceptively strong after the tank buffs. He has very good sustain and can win most all ins until Urgot is lv9. Rush an executioners and look to scale. Be careful because he has insane gank set up with all of his CC. It's important you track the enemy jungler during lane phase to avoid this. Play to bully/scale and he cannot match you in the sidelane. ”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Avoid his es in the bush, he will rarely have kill pressure on you. You can build whichever build you'd like, just dont get cced for gank setup”
Stinkee says “Maokai is a very unpopular top laner right now so you will not see him often. He will beat you in mostly every way. His Q will cancel your Q, he can W to dodge your Q or E, his saplings do percent health, his passive gives him a ton of sustain. It is very difficult to come out of this lane with a lead. He will rarely have enough damage to kill you ever though without a gank. Just look to farm. Rush Abyssal Mask here.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Plain and simple, Maokai counters bush harass which is our main form of cheese in the support role. While normally building full AP with Imperial mandate. It's devastating. You'll want to never use bushes to harass, and survive the lane with your ally until you can get out.”
Anoying bro5 says “More of an annoying match up. You can parry his Q and his E to stun him. Beware of ganks often as Maokai is easy to assist his jungle. Maokai is fairly easy to kill early if you play around his grasp proc and stuns. After he gets bramble, just focus on farming and possibly freezing to get your jungle to secure the kill.”
BoilTheOil says “Take trades against him during the first few levels because that's when he's weakest. You have to combine E and W together or else he's going to dodge W's damage with his W. After he gets his first item component ( armor boots, bami's cinder, etc) it becomes hard to trade against him because he can disengage super easily. Be careful of his ultimate, it's practically impossible to dodge so make sure their jungler isn't around before you push up.”
Phrxshn says “This is a fair match-up for Singed so not too hard nor too easy. Dodge his Bramble Smash(Q) by avoiding the front of Maokai. Avoid his Sapling Toss(E) as it deals "Maximum Health Percentage". Dodge or get out of range of Nature's Grasp(R) to avoid snare. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Demonic Embrace, Mercury's Treads or Sorcerer's Boots) (Mega Adhesive prevent Maokai from casting Twisted Advance or his snare) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Maokai has tons of crowd control and is impossible to kill. By WQ'ing you or your adc he can deny your entire engage. His ult can counter your ult, but only if you get caught by it. His saplings can also provide vision for incoming ganks, can deny your engage (they also slow), or can just poke you or the ADC from bushes.”
quinn adc says “First, Maokai players will use their W, Twisted Advance when you use your Q on him to dodge your Q.
His W is 525 range, which is spot on perfect with our auto attack range.
However, our Q is 1025 range, so the goal for maokai is to try to land longer ranged Qs on him.
Legit the only way you'll get this ability off because if you walk to close then he will dodge your Q with his W every time.
If you blind Maokai, he cannot W you since it is a lock on ability, but make sure he is actuall nearsighted first before walking up so that he doesn't get his W off before the nearsight de-buff applies.
Maokai actually does incredible damage, but he relies on his all-in combo to really ever do damage to you.
His Qs are easy to dodge in lane, which makes his sapplings his only form of threat, which aren't that easy to land.
If maokai Ws you, just retaliate with vault insantly and consume a harrier proc to out run the rest of his combo.
Be careful of entering bushes top lane becasue maokai will likely stack those with sapplings. You can't really outrun Maokai R, and so just watch out for his engage post level-6.
If he iniates with his R, and you can't get out of it, save vault for after. Let the R root you, then when Maokai Ws you, vault away after his W to allow you to escape his engage.
When you get 3 items you will SHRED maokai.
I'm telling you guys, this build on the left is hands down the best tank shredder build for Quinn.
You COULD get away with bork into mao, but I still prefer IE- Runaan's - Lord Doms because Bork just delays your Lord Doms spike.
You want this item ASAP to shred their armour, and bork just simply delays this 3 item spike.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “This guy has quite a lot of self sustain and high base damage and in about 7-8 min, he can get pretty tanky. Kraken Slayer + BORK will leave Maokai no chance of survival.”
PH45 says “Can be semi-difficult to kill as he has built in sustain and he can just Q you if you try to jump on him. After 6 and with a couple items he shouldn't be a problem to you though. Again, be careful since he can setup ganks quite well.”
iZeal says “Very mana hungry early so you can just permapush him in and there is little he can do. Later on he becomes much harder to deal with since he shrugs off your damage with his passive sustain and has insane teamfighting capabilities. Be aware that his W can dodge your Q3 easily and his Q can displace your knock up sweet spot.
Once he has bramble trading becomes more difficult, so you might want to just push him into tower so he has to exhaust his mana if you can't fight him anymore.”
Phrxshn says “This is a fair match-up for Dr.Mundo so not too hard nor too easy. Dodge his Bramble Smash(Q) by avoiding the front of Maokai. Avoid his Sapling Toss(E) as it deals "Maximum Health Percentage". Dodge or get out of range of Nature's Grasp(R) to avoid snare. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Force of Nature, Mercury's Treads) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
slogdog says “Maokai is a tank that Yorick smashes. However he has a lot of CC and with a spammable Q as well as a passive that heals him, it can take a lot of time to kill him. Stil good matchup as Yorick demolishes tanks.”
Xerath gaming says “No one plays Maokai on top anymore but he can dodge your E and Q with his root so if u do fight him on top just let him engage you and you should win it. When you get R there's no way for him to win”
SaltCat says “Tree, you win level 1, level 2 also, level 3 it becomes hard but you still beat him, be carefull of his saplings, rush blade of the ruined king and you will melt him”
Phrxshn says “This is a fair match-up for Maokai so not too hard nor too easy. Dodge his Bramble Smash(Q) by avoiding the front of Maokai. Avoid his Sapling Toss(E) as it deals "Maximum Health Percentage". Dodge or get out of range of Nature's Grasp(R) to avoid snare. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Force of Nature, Mercury's Treads) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Another meta tank that can't do anything to do. Ignore him, and if he wants to fight bring down the hammer. Take his tower the first time he TPs bot for a teamfight. ”
Justkb says “Poke with auto's and run him down at level 3.if he dodges your Q with his E, press ghost and end him. if you get far enough ahead you can easily 2v1 the jungler as Moakai becomes a stacking tool.”
MythicMike says “Maokai is a very immobile tank in lane that you can and have to harass early before he gets his tank items. He can dodge one of your Q's with his W, but that's about all he can do. You want to constantly all in until he's low enough.”
Phrxshn says “This is a fair match-up for Maokai so not too hard nor too easy. Dodge his Bramble Smash(Q) by avoiding the front of Maokai. Avoid his Sapling Toss(E) as it deals "Maximum Health Percentage". Dodge or get out of range of Nature's Grasp(R) to avoid snare. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Abyssal Mask) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
Phrxshn says “This is a fair match-up for Warwick so not too hard nor too easy. Dodge his Bramble Smash(Q) by avoiding the front of Maokai. Avoid his Sapling Toss(E) as it deals "Maximum Health Percentage". Dodge or get out of range of Nature's Grasp(R) to avoid snare. (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King, Mercury's Treads) (Primal Howl or Infinite Duress prevent Maokai from casting Twisted Advance or his snare) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Warwick)”
PanthrickTV says “Not hard, not easy matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Don' t go into the bushes!
(3) Try to all in him at lvl 2/3
(4) Since he buy some items you can' t really kill him. Show the lane and roam.
(5) I recommend Teleport here when you want to roam a lot, but if you want to kill him early take Ignite.”
Sporkintahn says “ANNOYING!!! --- You won't see many Top in the current meta as he is a pretty OP support at the moment. --- If you do find yourself against one he is extremely annoying to deal with, is very tanky, has lots of sustain and a lot of CC that will lock you down in fights. His gank assist is extremely high so don't overextend too much in lane so keep tabs on the enemy jungler. --- He doesn't deal a lot of damage overall throughtout the course of a game but his base damages are still very high early in lane. Most will go tank which will make him very hard to kill as the game progresses and on top of that his sustain with his passive will make him even harder to kill in lane when trading regularly, many times he will just sustain back up any harass or trades you get into him. Be careful of the Brush as he can still deal a surprising amount of damage with his Saplings when they are placed there. --- You can win in lane by playing smart and around his cooldowns, don't take bad trades, be mindful of the brush and his saplings and don't overextend. You should be fine but you may not get ahead.”
Kacto15 says “Elo gratis, tristemente nadie lo usa en la toplane ya pero el 0.0'001% de las veces que te toque en contra te divertirás mucho con sion tanque con rompe cascos, campeón mas inútil que las intruscciones del champú y está en un peor estado que los ADC's en esta season 11 XD”
Phrxshn says “This is a fair match-up for Maokai so not too hard nor too easy. Dodge his Bramble Smash(Q) by avoiding the front of Maokai. Avoid his Sapling Toss(E) as it deals "Maximum Health Percentage". Dodge or get out of range of Nature's Grasp(R) to avoid snare. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Wit's End, Mercury's Treads) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
Drake6401 says “This is a pesky laner because of his sustain and CC. He's very good at buzzing you off every time you want to fight and is amazing at setting you up for his jungler to gank.
The best way to beat this lane is treat it like most tank matchups and zone him off the wave by establishing early kill pressure. Because of how easy he makes ganks to be, heavy warding is recommended and pray you are on blue side of the map because it's harder to gank than red side. Later in the game, you will want to invest in a Mortal reminder if he's an issue in fights.”
Even if you miss ALL of your abilities and just auto attack him, you will probably kill him. He is very shit at extended fights. A Maokai will be looking to safely farm with his abilities and keep trades with you short, damaging you a little and then disengaging, with him healing off of his passive later. Just don’t leave yourself in a position where he can easily knock you back without you retaliating. Q spam poke him off of minions. If he roots you in order to dodge the Q, just W/E him in order to stop him from escaping. If possible, time your E/W (whichever one is left) same time as his knock back so the slow lets you catch up. Maokai is VERY GOOD at setting up ganks.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp w/ Conditioning, Doran's Shield, W > Q] - I think Maokai is pretty easy since you both can't really kill each other. Given you maintain good HP.
- He's basically free Grasp procs for you. Be aggressive and keep stacking your grasp.
- Fight and trade away from bushes!
- Get MR for sure, your goal is to farm and proc grasp as much as you can.
- One thing to becareful is that he has very good jungle gank setup, so let him push you in!
- If your jungle ganks for you even once this game, you should win the lane. (Same for him though if his jungler gets a good gank off of you)
- Problem is, he's also playing hoping his team is going to carry him just like you...
- So winning or losing literally depends on which team's other 4 members is more fed
- You don't want to feed Maokai... he's pretty crazy with the sustain later on..."”
Rhoku says “Similar to any tank matchup, you just crush him. Bonus points if you Ult him as he ults as this will basically just make his ultimate meaningless. Not that you need to. He stands no chance ever. He is good at sustaining through his passive and cheesing damage through his saplings but when the cards are on the table, he can't stand up to you. Rylai into Lyandries and then just kill him over and over again.”
YasTilt says “He is Tanky and have a lot of CC, try to take a QSS against him since his damage scales with AP. he is not that strong during Laning Phase so take advantage of it.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Conditioning+Magic Resist+DBlade) Maokai matchup differs from other tank matchups a bit. Out of all of them he probably has the least kill preasure on you. Although, Maokai is great at setting up ganks and extremely hard to kill after he gets Steelcaps, so your main goal in lane is to outfarm him.”
jmp_01_ says “Go Conqueror or Grasp of the Undying. To be honest, I haven't seen a Maokai top in a while so I don't know about this match-up very much. He usually builds tank which means you can ult him into the enemy's back-line. Try to outfarm/outscale him and E + W him so he doesn't dodge your Haymaker with his W.”
lulw says “Best duelist world - Me and Whazh.
He can w your nado and interupt your e with it. Hes pretty strong but in teamfights save your W for his R engage. ”
Psychopathic Top says “Even more free than malphite. lucidity boots + kindle, sit afk farm, 300 stacks at 12 min, come out of lane a god and crack his entire team. ”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes] Just never go near bushes for any reason to avoid his empowered E entirely. Be careful when he comes back with his first item as he can chain slows and kill you slowly but surely if you underestimate him.”
Alan234 says “Go PTA (Take cut down) and attack speed.
Maokai just sort of w's you and you die. Dont go close to bushes because of his e (unless early game to zone him away). Dont go for harass when he wants to cs with his q (you will probably get hit by it). Look at their junglers pathing because maos gank setup is crazy. If mao all ins without his jungler commit with ignite and try to kill him (doable with agressive build and PTA). Be alpha”
aurus666lol says “Tank with cool damage, but now he changed his role into Support, so I will call this matchup as tiny. If you meet him on topside, try to avoid getting hitted by his E from bushes, and always cast E when you see him casting W. It is tricky but still make-able”
JaxIsAHobo says “Don't use your leap to leap to him to engage, as he can disengage easily with his knockback, and your Q costs far more mana and does less damage than his knockback. Instead, try to engage on him by walking up and auto attacking, and using your Q to leap back on top of him after he's used his knockback to deal more significant damage to him. Build Botrk or Sunderer first here, depending on your preference. I personally prefer botrk.”
Vandenelis says “don't stand between him and your minions, so you don't get hit by his q. Generally in lane you will get equal trades, and both of you will be able to back up and recall without getting killed, so the only way to kill him is by getting ganked by your jungle. I recommend using your ult on cooldown on minions to get free stacks”
Bombabo says “Maokai won't beat you in damage, but he will likely win a war of attrition. Keep in mind that each of your passive procs will lower the cooldown of his passive healing, making him hard to kill. In laning phase, He will likely play passively and keep his health topped off, until his jungler comes”
RTO says “He struggles to trade with you at level 3 and for the rest of the game you should be able to press your dominance. Shove lanes because he is really bad under tower. ”
Fryx says “Tank Matchup. He will W you once you use your Q so use it wisely. You are more useful later but the laning will be hard, try to push hard and reset every time you can.”
wff010 says “Haha funny tank low damage. You may not be able to kill him, but you can easily freeze and win lane off cs unless he tries to walk up and dies once you're ahead enough. Just remember he can dodge your w with his root.”
SanLourdes says “Maokai has tons of CC that can disrupt your Q and his passive gives him in-lane sustain. His saplings deal damage based on percentage of max health as well. However, as long as you don't make big mistakes, you should be fine because of your tankiness. You outscale him in the late game.”
Drygur says “Start Doran's Shield, you won't really be capable of winning trades with Maokai because of his passive.
So you should focus primarily on farming and take short trades when convenient for you.”
Jaori says “It is worth to go grasp in this match-up. The amount of sustain both these champions have is so enormous, that at the end of the laning phase you will probably have over 40 stacks of grasp.”
SavagePridestalker says “Tank Rengar into Maokai is very strong in the early, the Grasp+W max counter are very strong if he decides to build armor. In most parts of the game you should be as tanky as he is, while also dealing more damage than he does and healing more than he does.”
Marwaii says “This champion does nothing to you. You can kite him endlessly and if he does W you, you can just E on his head and continue kiting. Hard push to deny CS and you win.
Take Divine + Plated.”
Breadcrumbs says “Slightly easier than the Ornn matchup as he is more squishy. I run Unflinching into this matchup for the free 10-30% tenacity, don't try to dive a Maokai, try and kill him around the centre of the lane with your fully stacked passive.”
SethPRG says “This tree is very weak early, and you can bully him. Try to freeze as best you can, because punishing him can be a bit of a struggle when he litters saplings in all the lane bushes. Just make sure he can't W your W to dodge it and you should win. Now eventually it will become almost impossible to kill Maokai Mid-Game because of his tankiness and general sustain. Hopefully, your early bullying of him will have a deep psychological impact, allowing you to keep punishing with him not fighting back. You won't be able to kill him most of the time, but in team fights, he is basically a free nuke onto the enemy team with your ult as he prefers HP items over armor stacking. It's best to ult him over his R into his team so you avoid the root, and the enemy team is too focused on you RKOing Maokai on them to be worried about your rooted team. It's in your best interest to build Divine Sunderer if you want to be able to solo kill him a lot, but Goredrinker is better here if you think there won't be much going on till a team fight, and you have a tank killer like Vayne. Go Executioners early and build Abyssal Mask eventually.”
joelspaho121 says “Darius favored.d blade start with sorcery tree.maokai cant flee from you so if you engage on him use that to your advantage and assert lane dominance by lowering his hp every chance you get.his rooting ability only works as an engage and if he doesnt use it properly he will die.he can set up ganks really well so dont underestimate him.freezing is great because he cant really farm that well from afar.
Play this lane as aggressively as you can because he has reliable sustain thanks to his passive which means that he might just outsustain you at some point if you dont fight him. Never use Q if he has his dash up.”
El Leon Gnar says “Even though Mao is basically a support at this point, I'll still include him in this list. This lane is basically free for you, abuse him with your W procs and jump away after he lands his root on you. You will have kill pressure on him in lane and outscale.”
I am so chill says “With the new item sets this guy is not a problem for you.You can go executioner for this guy.But you dont have to.You outsustain him you outduel him.Easy to lane against.”
ApollonATH says “Boring lane . You can kill him early game he kind of outscales. May need antiheal. Dont go in bushes without vision since his plants can demolish you. You should win the lane if you play good enough”
top is high impact XD says “hes a real scary tree person, he's hard to engage on and he's got good sustain plus he deals that annoying magic dmg, but he doesn't do to well in all ins and a lot of the time mao'kai players misuse his q”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “You can start Q and look to stack passive early to fight him at level 1 or cheese at level 2, you will have no issues in this lane as long as you respect his minion wave and that he sets up ganks really well. It is also extremely hard to dive him if it is post 6 and keep in mind that your character will auto him when he roots you so spam S if you are under his tower (if you have auto attack enabled in your settings). He is hard to fight when he has bramble if you haven’t gotten ahead of him before then so you might need to wait until botrk.
AmericanNut says “Stay away from bushes, and you win early. He will tank all the damage you try to deal. And he will lock you down with his CC, keep distance and fight his squishies before focusing him down.”
Noodles912 says “He has a lot of CC, but no damage. Pool any CC you want to avoid. Safely farm and outscale him. Make sure to be careful about his sapling traps. If he goes AP, mercs is almost auto-win.”
Maokai is pretty easy to deal with if you parry Q/E. But he can poke you with the little seeds, so just try to farm as he will try to poke you and will stay safe. ”
Urgodzilla says “Very annoying passive. In my opinion Maokai is actually the only tank who can win against Urgot: each shotgun will reduce his passive cooldown and even healing reduction will not help you. If he builds Thornmail or at least Bramble vest he will most likely win 1v1. Sounds weird but trust me.”
Spligam3r says “Will cc you until your ult runs out or you die. Also has very good healing, and takes very little damage. Farm lane, black cleaver early.”
Draconic56 says “Similar to any tank matchup, you just crush him. Ult him as he ults because this will basically just make his ultimate meaningless. Not that you need to. He stands no chance ever. He is good at sustaining through his passive and cheesing damage through his saplings but when the cards are on the table, he can't stand up to you. Rylai into Lyandries and then just kill him over and over again.”
negoZoma69 says “Maokai has a weak laning even when he gets his broken tank items. You can just harass him and take his turret. Always push and don't waste abilities in his E engage, be wary of ganks.”
Dorom says “Maokai has no chance against you. He heals a little but if you get Executioner's calling he just doesn't, the trade goes = passive, barrel, passive, auto, Q, and if he goes in again after a while you should probably kill him.”
pioj12 says “This is just a ez lane if you want to kill him you could bring the Blade Of The Ruined king runes to abuse him but overall he doesn't have a lot of kill pressure on you”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Ok; it's not an obvious matchup... Nowadays Maokai it's not a common pick at top lane, but it's a real strong ap/tank that can be a pain to kill. Like Malphite and other tanks, he will play for his team, looking for good team fights to win the game. Again, be smart and help your team so he won't be able to give advantage to other lanes.”
HoesBeforeBros69 says “As one might think, a dull weapon like the hammer is not the optimal way to fight a tree. As a more learned academic as myself I do know that trees are mostly harmles creatures. While being harmless they also are really cruel and bloodthirsty creatures. Mostly their thirst for blood is satisfyed by the nourishment dead bodies provide. When angered however, they are no diffrent from a pack of ravenous wolves rampaging. Also they hunt in packs.”
Erenando says “Stack. Tree is falling sooner or later. You won't really kill him, but he will also not be able to kill you once you got spirit visage. Once again feel blessed Summoner.”
SpyDaFX says “Annoying, stay away from bushes, look for an all in before level 6. your conqueror gives you alot of advantage against him so play around it. go Conqueror”
Ravenborne says “Ever since the Bami change and the Mana increase on Darius, it is really hard to kill him. He is way too tanky and you are forced to go Trinity Force in order to keep trading because you run out of Mana quicker. Black Cleaver does not really work here as you will run out of Mana too quickly during Lane Phase, but it'll be good out of Laning Phase. Do not stand close to tower as he can Q you into tower and then R for a easy kill. You can also get easily ganked so watch out for that. I'd say just keep pressure on him so he can't TP gank and play for farm.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Singed really struggles with killing Maokai, as do all champions. If you fling him he'll just W Q you and win the trade, he has super high sustain so whittling him down isn't an option, his R allows him to be relevant in teamfights even if you fling him away from your team. Your W cancels his W.”
kingchas2 says “Maokai doesn't have too much kill pressure on your early, but he can continually W on to you and just be annoying. Farm up and wait for teamfights and you will be much more useful.”
ModelitoTime says “Very tanky and annoying aswell, just poke at Maokai and wait for him to engage on to you. Buy an early Executioners Calling because he heals alot from his passive and RUSH BLACK CLEAVER.”
xxskipskipxx says “Try to dodge his Q by dashing to the sides! He sustains more than you can harm him try to farm and shove the wave and look for roams!”
Raideru says “Very hard to kill a good Maokai, the only way u can kill him if he wastes his q and the second he does that just engage him with jump and run him down and repeat process, otherwise I'd advise just going Tiamat, one tapping waves, using demolish on tower and proxying to roam. I advise Grasp into Dshield.”
sauronkaiser says “Maybe you will be able to take him down with an all-in at lvl 3-4. After that it will be nearly impossible to kill him. Just ignore him as his damage is also very low. He is pretty much a threat in teamfights, not in 1v1.”
EU_Toxicity says “One of the easiest tanks to deal with, just stay away from bushes and he'll never outdamage you as long as you can stick to him. Save your CC for after he uses his Q knockback and pull him back in. He can use his W to dodge your Q although in a 1v1 he should still not have enough damage to kill you. He has great gank setup though so be very wary of jungle ganks.”
iZeal says “Run him down, only use your Q once you have a couple of bleed stacks on him already or else he will W to avoid it. W or E his Q so he can't disengage. Be wary of ganks as this is pretty much the only way for Mao to "win" this lane. His teamfight impact is huge however, so hope that your botlane did not int.
DBlade, Mercs/Phage”
DarkNavarre says “Can punish him fairly easily. Just be aware of where he puts his saplings and you should be fine. Don't step too close for his twisted advance and abuse your range advantage.”
NoxianBlood says “Maokai is a sustained tank but you can easily out trade him every time just get some magic resist, and stun him with few knock-ups and don't make him root you and Q you, he can interrupt your channel, and watch out for late game he will incredibly out sustain you but overall Maokai doesn't really pare well against Sion, so if you play this correctly you should win.”
UnMaskedDeity says “Maokai has very dangerous poke especially when your aren't tanky yet. Try to poke at him and you can start to go after him after you get your R.”
Leukasdf says “You destroy early game but he can be a problem in team fights. Try not to push up too hard or else he'll bring you under tower and maybe a jungler will appear out of nowhere.”
AWierdShoe says “Position your blade, make 1-2 empowered Q auto’s and apply your grasp whenever it’s up, and back out, and repeat. You’re simply so much stronger all early levels than he is, abuse it to the max with short trades. The only thing you should be careful about is taking longer trades inside a minion wave, since he can lock you down for a long time with W + Q, while healing himself up with the passive. So keep short trading him down for every CS he goes for until he’s low enough for you to all in him.
TrinityForceYasuo says “Maokai is really annoying for yasuo, he can cancel your Q with his or dodge it with your W which snares you. Try to stay away from the bushes because most likely he will have put 1 or 2 of his E's in there. Early game is the time to try. Contest EVERY SINGLE CS and trade with him to make an all-in possible bit later. If he gets too tanky i would suggest go for a bork or some early crit and when you have the space for an extended trade the crit will give you 50% armor ben from R. Bork will help you take bad trades (sustain after trades AKA lifesteal) and kill him too. Also his R is blockable with your W. Freeze against him because he is a tank and he won't gonna win extended trades.”
Scoothare says “You should win this lane. When his little treefriends run at you, just run away. You can easily bait them. Save your shield for his untargatable dash thing.”
StrikeX114 says “Maokai's threat is primarily through his Twisted Advance (W) and his ultimate due to the engage potential they provide. Flash when necessary to avoid being set up.”
Saarlichenbog says “Maokai's sustain rivals yours but his tankiness is unmatched. He outscales you later and seemingly sticks on you like glue later in the game with the short CD of his W which sets up a sequence of CC which chains you to a single spot and rendering you useless. However, you can absolutely take over the laning phase against him in a 1v1 scenario with his sustain lacking until he gets Spirit Visage. With his early game being his weakest point, taking advantage of his low damage early on allows you to outduel him and possibly stall him off his items until much later on in the game which isn't feasibly reliable for him in the fast paced meta we are currently in. It's a little difficult to play into this matchup later on but it's generally not a one-sided matchup.”
TheMightyNinja says “Poke him when he tries to last hit minions.
Notice that his Q can counter your E if timed correctly.
Watchout for ganks since he can pin you down for his jungler.”
Klappy says “- Tradeos de Q+Pasiva en early
- Ganas los tradeos siempre y cuando no esquive tu Q o tu E con su W
- Alejate de los arbustos, si no, tendrá mas daño en su E
- Usa tu E cuando salga de su W para seguirlo y continuar un trade
- Ten cuidado en apuntar la Q cuando use su W en ti”
RankOneZesin says “maokai? yeah i know is broken
the only think you can do vs him rush ingite and perma trade him early lvls dont let him get a head of you or let him build the sun fire you need to kill him early and after tabis stay on lane farming and push to help your jungler to invate enemy jungler or to kill mid lane or take herald with your jungler”
GLP1 says “Kled is very good against tanks for his high damage and because he will always have the free passive because they can't kill him without the mount”
wolfclaw3812 says “Maokai can shrug off most of your damage, even at the early levels. The amount of healing and CC he has is enough to kill you many times over. On-hit or tank. ”
Raphi0216 says “Rush Executioners Calling. You can't lose trades if you don't get hit by empowered saplings, so play away from the bushes and you win easily.”
daito Okami says “Maokai is a tank that's barely killable because of his passive healing and his overall build path u can pick ignite to try and cheese him early and try to snowball or asking help from your jungler but if it doesn't work just try not to miss farm he cant really kill you either unless he pokes you down too much and try to look for bot tp ”
Frostyfps says “You can start Q and look to stack passive early to fight him at level 1 or cheese at level 2, you will have no issues in this lane as long as you respect his minion wave and that he sets up ganks really well. It is also extremely hard to dive him if it is post 6 and keep in mind that your character will auto him when he roots you so spam S if you are under his tower (if you have auto attack enabled in your settings). He is hard to fight when he has bramble if you haven’t gotten ahead of him before then so you might need to wait until botrk.”
OmegaDelta000 says “Just. No. Even if you're Rhaast he can outheal you in the right situation, so get Grievous Wounds and Spirit Visage as soon as possible.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Maokai cannot fight you head on, and if he tries, he will lose, the problem arises in how good he is at setting up ganks. His ult can give a massively long root if you aren't careful, and his E can be used for a quick root if just jungler is close. He can then proceed to Q you towards the jungler. ”
TangoVallhala says “Should not be too hard, try killing him before 6, poke him, keep your distance from him and bushes. He will rush bramble most likely just like any other tank match up, he heals as well so grab exe, he becomes a problem later.”
Luceris says “Standard Grasp Runes
Build CULL Manamune or Black Cleaver
Fairly easy lane phase. His hop onto you is 525 range and his Q (displacement) is 600 range. So playing at your max range for the full lane leaves him nothing to do but attempt to farm. Maokai is also SUPER HARD TO KILL as Senna. That is the only reason it is a 50-50 matchup. If you do not farm properly then he will spike harder than you and he will just hop onto you and ult you to death XD You can get loads of stacks in this lane due to his passive healing him, this causes him to feel more comfortable taking poke THUS giving Senna WRAITHS AND GRASP STACKS!!! Manamune is great for scaling but if you dont cs well it stops your first item spike by a huge amount. Going Black Cleaver is a sager option that allows you to stay in your lane and keep maokai there too.”
ArmandChad69 says “Really easy to beat in laning phase, and isn't as apparent of a problem with tank items like Malphite and Ornn is. Still hardly advice getting at least Cleaver, but more so both Cleaver and Serylda.”
Panwiler says “E w mega formie jest dłuższe, przez co ciężko cię złapać, niestety zwykle w inicjujemy za jego pomocą. Więc trzeba robić to rozważnie, patrzeć gdzie są OBIE drużyny. Jeżeli złapiemy tylko 3 z 5 osób a dwie pozostałe robią najwięcej DPS i mogą łatwo uniemożliwić uciecze lepiej poczekać na drużynę albo wiedzieć gdzie jest ta dwójka. ”
YoungTact says “Rush execs and build MR if their team has more ap. Play around his mana bar when looking for trades because his abilities cost him a lot. Your W doesn't work on his W. Remeber that his Q outranges yours so be cautious. Vid here:”
qasddsa says “Remember to not get into melee range and build a Blade of the Ruined King against him. I recommend taking either Press the Attack, Conqueror, or Lethal Tempo.”
Maokai is one of the easiest matchups for Nasus, remember Nasus was used in WORLDS by Longzhu Gaming as a COUNTERPICK against FNATIC Maokai last pick, Longzhu was able to win the game with a clear Top lane advantage as Nasus was 2/0/0 even . This is one of the most realistic lanes that you can ever have as a tiny threat to Nasus. Maokai simply lacks of Mana sustain and Damage to outpoke Nasus, farm behind your minions and look to predict his Q to reduce his damage and once you get lvl 6 and Sheen he can't stop you unless he has his jungler but with the Conqueror setup, you can pretty much do 1v2's. Later on to the game you should have kills from laning phase and look to either teamfight if the enemy team has little CC, or look to setup a splitpush in case they have a lot of CC. This lane you will only lose it if you are either trolling or you got permaganked.”
PH45 says “He will sustain a lot in lane but also runs out of mana extremely quick early on. Poke with Q and save your E2 for after he has used his Q. Keep vision up since Maokai has a ton of CC so he can setup ganks quite easily.”
Theknight31 says “Actually maokai is a very good champ he is a tank and he do some damage you need to dont die on your lane and roam for gain an advantage and try to kill all the enemies for being fed and end. Dont be aggressive in lane and dont stay always in the same bush because is e counter you”
mscocca says “Maokai is going to abuse and get you out of the bushes where you should be staying the most during the laning phase. He's probably the best tank in the game so it will be very hard to win the lane and give your lead from the Top Lane.”
SubHuman Filth says “Maokai just presses w and perma cc's you till you're dead.
Dont walk near bushes, his saplings will kill you quickly.
Get PTA and start Cull. Focus on farm.”
Grayified says “Conqueror or Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. The biggest thing about maokai matchup is sticking onto him with his ways of disengaging with his Q. Maokai can actually cancel tryndamere's spin with his Q knockup if he times it correctly, so you need to always look to start trades with an auto attack or wait until he q's minions to look to spin on him. Make sure that if you are doing an extended trade that you move your character in between auto attacks to stay between maokai and his escape path (usually his turret.) Maokai wants to take short trades with you, but Tryndamere wants the long trades. So make sure when you pressure him that you are manipulating your wave so that it is in a position where you have plenty of room to run him down. When you dive a Maokai after getting him low enough, make sure that you save your spin to stick onto him rather then just for damage. Always start a dive off with an auto attack if its possible that way you can save your spin to better stick onto your opponent. In the mid-late game Maokai gets really tanky, but on the splitpush if he is overextended past his turret you can still run him down. Maokai usually won't have enough damage to threaten a 1v1 solo kill against tryndamere. If you cannot dive maokai, use your mobility to outrotate him and look for spots to flank his team after pushing him in.”
I Am Goliath says “Another favored matchup for you atleast in lane just because your W and poking abilites are so good against tanks and champions that can't get to you, the only thing Maokai can do to get onto you is W which then you can just E away and keep on kiting him.”
Nabura says “Only way he ever gets anything done is if he calls for ganks constantly, be careful to not take free poke as losing this matchup should be embarrassing.”
STIERNACKENTYP says “This Matchup is usually ok since u can freefarm. If he plays well with his jungler, you will have a tough lane since they can always dive u for free.”
EntxRecoil says “Conqueror or Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. The biggest thing about maokai matchup is sticking onto him with his ways of disengaging with his Q. Maokai can actually cancel tryndamere's spin with his Q knockup if he times it correctly, so you need to always look to start trades with an auto attack or wait until he q's minions to look to spin on him. Make sure that if you are doing an extended trade that you move your character in between auto attacks to stay between maokai and his escape path (usually his turret.) Maokai wants to take short trades with you, but Tryndamere wants the long trades. So make sure when you pressure him that you are manipulating your wave so that it is in a position where you have plenty of room to run him down. When you dive a Maokai after getting him low enough, make sure that you save your spin to stick onto him rather then just for damage. Always start a dive off with an auto attack if its possible that way you can save your spin to better stick onto your opponent. In the mid-late game Maokai gets really tanky, but on the splitpush if he is overextended past his turret you can still run him down. Maokai usually won't have enough damage to threaten a 1v1 solo kill against tryndamere. If you cannot dive maokai, use your mobility to outrotate him and look for spots to flank his team after pushing him in.”
Darrkescru says “Runa : Grasp ou Aery
Abuse muito lvl 1 , 2 pokea ele grátis que ele não consegue responder se ele ir pra cima Ignite antes de ele usar a passiva e se curar
Rushar : Nashor ou Liandry's”
Swaim says “his hard cc can stop your q animations and lock you down so you wont be able to reposition and his tankiness and team fight pressence is also worth mentioning ”
ZergDood says “You'll rarely kill him, so farm AND poke. Rush executioner's blade and get some good trades against him, try to force him out of lane, because he'll outscale with or without the gold. Remember, he HEALS, so he'll out-trade you. Try poking! Don't enter bushes, respect his dash thing, your W does NOT stop it.”
qazx1427 says “This is one of the cases where Liandry's can be nice. His saplings can kill your ghouls quite easily, and it's very, very hard to kill him regardless. While he doesn't have much kill pressure on you, you don't have any on him. Just chill and wait until Trinity Force.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Nuclear bomb for enemy backline, weark earlygame and doesnt really armorstack as well as ornn or malphite.
Use your W only if he cant W you to dodge it and its ez.
Buy executioners eventually.
Take MR.”
wallobear53 says “Maokai will plant his E saplings in the lane brushes and the river brushes both as a way to provide vision as well as allow him to avoid gank due to the E slow. Be careful about them and let your Jungler know about their location beforehand.
Maokai can tank up a lot of damage and then heal it back up with his Passive. Rely on your Auto-Attacks for damage and make sure you go for short trades and don’t give him enough time to heal a lot of health with his Passive.
After his first back, take a good look at which item he has taken as it can allow him to win extended skirmishes with ease. If he all-ins you, CC him immediately and then back off after landing whatever amount of return damage which you can possibly land.
ClanBlade says “In theory he should counter you as his W makes you hard to Q him but his early game is garbage as he need items to scale and suffers from mana problems, abuse this to win the early game but beware, he outscales you hard. ”
Fiora Pogjet says “Maokai doesnt have much damage and in the early game you can outtrade him very easy. You can predict his Q with prarry which isn't that hard but you can also prarry his W if he goes for a trade which should be easy. At lvl 6 u have more pressure on him and can kill him easily.”
NullPC says “Annoying unkillable tree that will make supression look like soft cc. Overall his sustanin makes your poke negligable and is super tanky, watch out for ganks and only go for all ins when hes low on mana”
ModxLoL says “Despite what every other low elo Riven main claims, Riven actually beats Maokai in lane when played correctly. The most important thing is to not get knocked back by his Q when you're trading with him WHILE YOUR SHIELD IS NOT UP. His Q and W are what you have to watch out for in this matchup. It's why W into 3rd Q is a really important combo in this matchup. If you don't 3rd Q immediately after your W, then he can use either his W to cancel the damage and knock up(which means another auto) of your 3rd Q, or he can knock you out of your animation with Q and disengage.”
Dantheman81 says “Maokai isn't too difficult to lane against. He has to get close to you to attack and his saplings got nerfed so don't do nearly as much damage. He will eventually become extremely tanky and have an unreasonable amount of cc so if you get ahead don't get cocky.”
Xplor says “I played a few times against Maokai on top lane as Yorick and probably is one of the easiest games. As Yorick, you should never have a problem to take him down, but don't go under his turret as he can root you in place and you will easily die then.”
Darrkescru says “Eu geralmente uso colheita contra ele, builda ap normal sempre puna ele dando AA + Q e tenta ao maximo desviar do Q dele, de forma geral e uma lane facil pois ele não tem dano pra te matar e vai buildar tank, pusha a wave rapido e tenta ajudar seu jg se ele ficar jogando safe”
Angela du Seithr says “Malgré l'énorme puissance de Maokai ces derniers temps et sa tenue de lane extrêmement puissante, il souffre de sa haute base de points de vie face à Lillia. Certes il favorise les ganks, mais il n'a que très peu de chances de pouvoir gagner un 1v1 si vous vous positionnez correctement, même une fois le Casque Adptatif complété.”
Alzeidx says “He struggles to trade with you at level 3 and for the rest of the game you should be able to press your dominance. Shove lanes because he is really bad under tower.”
Delvoid says “Hes a tree set him on fire.. if only it was that simple. Rush morelo and punish him early game. He has alot of CC and healing be careful of this and ensure you have the correct vision”
ForOrion says “The Tree is a force of nature a shark can't really compete with. Early is possible, but overall just dont get into this matchup without understanding you'll be in the dirt under your tower if he gets ahead. His early is somewhat strong, but your damage can out trade enough to secure a execute once you reach 6.”
MateuszNH says “Skill matchup in his favour.
On highest elo he is almost unbeatable for you but without as much pressure to deny your CS as extreme thread champs, In lower ones you can all in him lvls 1-3 and you should be fine after 6 if he doesn't stack too much armour or buy black cleaver (don't do it if no one else is tanky though). Avoid trades in lvls 4-5, his Q is too strong punishment.
Try to jump on him with E everytime he uses Q, otherwise he can use it to disengage(if he doesn't just melt him and it's free game), try to bait him away from bushes and do get yourself cheesed into them by his Q. Keep good vision because he set up ganks extremely good.
Buy executioner”
report singed ty says “Boring lane because you're never going to kill him and he's never going to kill you. You can just proxy farm laning phase and neither of you are going to come out on top unless he's bad. I marked it as easy because as long as you don't try anything stupid you won't lose.”
WatchersGrim says “Mao is a great tank jungler with lots of cc, though can not withstand a lot of dps as he doesnt have high burst to boot in his kit. So take action on cd's and fight him with items.”
Kingarthur720 says “maokai isnt too big of a threat as are most tanks but he does have the cc in his kit to make your life miserable if you arent careful. Hes more of a MR tank than armour but can easily transition into armour if necesary. Build LDR and BC after RFC and PD. Yuoll be able to kill him easier that way”
VIP Titan says “Honestly, with you maxing E first than Q. Maokai is no threats at all and just waited to be killed in lane.
Only things to remember is to dodge his Q and thats the only burst and don't stand to close. You rather let it slow you than knocks up for one second. ”
Shoqi says “Contra Maokai é apenas quem consegue ficar com mais CS na frente, sempre economizando Mana e setando Gank pro próprio JG. Caso não faço burrada, é tranquilo.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “You can't kill him, he can't kill you, but he scales pretty well and his CC is kind of nuts. He can set up ganks decently well too, and if you are not careful he can whittle you down without you even noticing. He is also kind of annoying because of his empowered E on bushes, which means that you might eat free (if not crippling) poke for trying to abuse your strengths. That's not to say lane is hopeless however; far from it. You can deal with him easily at levels 3-5 and if you get a kill or two he will never be able to do anything to you on his own. The only real problem is that, if the lane goes even, he will just facetank everything you have because of armor and his passive, which means that trying to kill him on your own is a complete waste of each other's time. To try and get a lead, get charges early, begin poking him down, and at levels 2 to 3 you can try to go for the kill if he is around 50% HP and you have ignite. You can save up W for his Q damage, it will reduce most of it without issue and if he isn't careful he will run out of mana fast trying to bring you down. BotRK + BC makes this matchup considerably easier, if only because you will hurt him enough to reconsider (if he didn't get bramble vest, ofc).
Ignite and TP are both valid options, but don't get the former if you think you won't be able to kill him for whatever reason early game. Conqueror is the way to go, it just allows you to fight him at any time without issue.”
Rivenetto says “Make sure you get executioners in laning phase.Dont go into bushes and dont fight him after level 3,try to get level 6 first and all in him.After that u cant really kill him,similar to Ornn matchup.Use ur wave clear advantage and roam on other lanes.”
The Ryann Kingg says “Tanks do really badly against Conqueror Shyvanna, they just don't have the damage to beat your sustain. So you should be able to beat Maokai no problem. ”
AkaiAsura says “Like Malphite, Maokai isn't really trouble in lane, but in the same way, if you can't manage the lane, he can beat you during trades because of his healing.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “Maokai is very tanky and has a lot of sustain. He can chase after you very easily and still do a lot of damage to you if you W. Keep your distance and ask for ganks.”
hephephepeEPEPE says “Take conqueror and you can all in him this is very boring lane since you cant kill him after his second back neither he can kill you so basically jungler wins this matchup”
AkenoSenpai says “Maokai isn't really able to fight Irelia as she out dpses him and also has the sustain to heal throught maokai's poke. There is not much to say about this match up really.”
lugzinho says “The invulnerabilty is kinda cancerous but he can still get pulled by your Q while on his W
The Grievous Wounds buff also made this matchup better since he doesn't get much healing from his passive.
If it gets too tanky to the point he wins fights, just push the leane and look for roams with your R or TP (if you brought it)”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “You should be able to win this lane since you can out sustain him during the laning phase and poke him out of lane. Be careful for ganks and pushing up too far as his CC can kill you when paired with a jungler. Don't try to flay him when he uses his W as it makes him untargetable and you will just waste your mana and cooldown. Late game he will be very tanky so you are probably not going to be able to kill him late game so just focus on squishier targets and stick to your team.”
6MillionBreads says “He doesn't really have kill pressure on you at any point, you can't kill him either because of his passive and Grasp sustain. Just focus on efficient farming and wait for ganks or just roam. You outclass him in teamfights imo”
Braddik says “Small window pre-6 where you can maybe kill him if he has zero tank items. His cc however is super annoying you'll never catch him, and his life steal keeps him healthy. ”
Pedrokis says “Não é um tank tão chato de se jogar contra que nem o Malphite. / O maior problema dele é a cura; recomendo buildar Chamado do Carrasco e Cutelo Negro de first e tomar cuidado com os ganks do jungler inimigo, visto que o Maokai tem um tanto bom de CC.”
TheBiskoppen says “Like all other tanks Maokai will out scale, get a exe or bramble west early and you should be able to duel him till around level 13.”
TheRevenantsHand says “Besides the fact he refuses to die, Maokai isn't to be that scared of. That out of the way, don't just let your guard down against this tree. He'll do quite some damage early, and will heal a lot. To kill him better, Cut Down should defeat him good. Morellonomicon and Liandry's should end him. Ult him only after he ults.”
ozmankaan says “Another unkillable, bt he cant kill u too. just farm calmly till 6 n get BC as soon as possible, he is doable then, he is easy to trade against just hard to kill coz too tanky, u will win lane easy.”
Split King says “You probably won't kill him if he just stacks tank stats, but he really can't kill you either in 1v1's. Maokai can, however, lock you down, and will often do so combined with a gank. This matchup is mostly about avoiding ganks. ”
Big Belly Bop says “You will need to keep away from bushes and get wards out ASAP. Maokai doesn't have lots of damage in his kit but he does have CC, which is a jungler's favorite thing. People love to camp this ol' guy due to his Slow, Root, Snare, Knockup, etc. Poke him early on and be ready to have a tent set up! Flash + TP, Corrupting Potion, Sustain rune page. You can trade out Bloodline for Tenacity if you prefer.”
ExfIamed says “So basically our "juggernaut" ( juggernauts are suppose to beat tanks btw) gets one shotted by maokai at pretty much every stage of the game regardless of how far behind he is and how ahead you are, but you can in laning phase once you get cleaver and executioners MAYBE beat him in a fight. Pack a lunch though cause you'll be at it for a couple days.”
Loevely says “I see this champ so little that I honestly have no clue how good he is. Conq / Fleet / Grasp and beat his ass. Get grievous wounds early to stop his healing. ”
oscarlotus says “Your worst matchup by far. If he lands his W on you once you will 100% lose the trade no matter the level. He even wins over you early game by that point you know its a losing matchup.”
mightydylan101 says “Maokai is a rarely seen champ but he is more now then the past few months. Be sure to just outfarm and outscale him because if you get caught too close he can combo you and easily dominate lane if you dont stay back.”
ProgettoYorick says “I have practically no more than 2 games against maokai, but I can tell you that its damage is zero against you want, in this case you will be the bullies of corisa
OTP tip: prioritize the farm, don't waste resources hitting it.”
AlienMV says “While by himself he is not threatening, he has significant CC for ganks. Be sure to ward up and be wary if he starts running towards you.”
Bajnok says “Don't get near bushes. Simply farm lane. Try to poke him and get him in the early. Take teleport in this case or ignite if you are sure about you gonna kill him during the early game.”
Atlascrower says “Maokai can reset you poke with his Passive, has tons of cc, but early mana-problems. Its not difficult for you to get into the Game, but you cant kill him. Be aware of Ganks, His CC is enough for you.”
AsomeSonic says “he's not a mjor threat but prob beats you more than even in lane, just his passive keeps him up on you, your much better after lane in team fights, his w goes through your w”
EpicDan01 says “His damage is very low and our cleavers can chunk him for good damage. Try not to dive him as he has good peel and can let the turret kill you for him.”
Poppu says “He heals alot, strong CC, AP, and tanky-ish. Even match up IMO, play for the team. Disengage him from backline. Stack Grasp as much as you can.”
Lynboe says “Maokai ne peut pas vous approcher. Et si vous gérez votre vague de sbires correctement il se fera sévèrement punir s'il essaye de farm, le Doran’s shield rendra ses trade insignifiants, les bottes de Mercure sont également très efficaces face à cet Arbre.
Essayez de freeze la vague de sbires proche de votre tourelle afin de l’empêcher de faire faire quoi que ce soit.
Jnewbringspain says “I hate this guy. His tankiness and sustain is simply too great. He still manages to do damage without any items, so just get out of his way and try your best to farm.”
messketchup says “Similar to Malphite: he has a good engage for ganks and teamfights. His sustain could help him but it should be pretty a straight forward lane.”
Sonny2o9 says “He doesn't have enough damage to kill you. Be careful as he can dodge your damage with his twisted advance (w). Trade with autos and q until you can one shot him. Free kill if he doesn't have flash. Remember you can Combo through his twisted advance and ultimate to escape a gank or to all in him. ”
Devitt45 says “Maokai is a tank, and doesn't do enough damage to Garen that he can't heal through his passive. Just farm, you will eventually be able to kill him.”
Zestysquid says “You probably won't kill him ever unless he jumps into your boxes early on. If it happens later in the game he'll usually survive even 4+ boxes. His Q can knock back boxes and briefly stun them. Best option in this lane is to push him into tower and try to kill the jungle if they gank.”
Prince Afghan says “Maokai will be very difficult to kill but also does next to no damage as you can sustain almost all of it back up. Just focus on warding and not dying to ganks and you will be set.”
M2 Jizu says “Aunque el Maokai vaya full tanque, comprate resistencia mágica, revisa el equipo enemigo para ver si necesitas las Botas de Mercurio, si ves que las necesitas compralas en el primer back.”
veroverse says “This guy sucks. CC is your enemy as Urgot, as you can't walk around them to proc passive. Additionally, his W can make him immune to your R.”
Bombabo says “Maokai will most likely play passive and ask for lots of ganks. Don't overcommit on him unless you know you're alone, in which case you can kill him fairly easily.”
RainbowNova says “Maokai isn't annoying against Tankmo. If he uses his passive on you while you have Thornmail, the healing will be demolished. His abilities aren't that annoying, they're more cc-based than damage based.”
Lil Tidepod says “Maokai is really tanky, and his passive can turn the tides of a lot of fights, as the heal he gets from it is insane, but he really shouldn't be a threat to you without his jungler. He simply doesn't do enough damage. His W makes your Q easily avoidable, as he goes untargetable when he uses it and he'll root you when he gets to you, but good timing will allow you to hit the majority of Q's. ”
DrMoneybags says “Maokai does pretty solid damage, but after his non-stop nerfs after his rework he's not much of a threat if you play well. He's only as much of a threat as his jungler is, so be sure to ward efficiently against ganks. Cleaver+Mortal Reminder+BotRK will help you fight him when he stacks HP and armor lategame.”
Big Boy Matty D says “He pretty much can't kill you unless he has help. You have a few windows to kill him before he gets too tanky, at level 3, 6 and when you complete Trinity Force. Try to engage when he uses abilities to waveclear. If you can't kill him look to push up and roam using your ultimate.”
TheNinjaRoid says “Can't really kill him early, unless you get ahead. He's fairly tanky, and he has good sustain. Ask for ganks to get kills. Mercury Treads and Sheen and you'll be fine.”
ElleryTheViking says “Pretty boring match-up. Two tanks bludgeoning it out. He wont ever solo kill you though. Q W E spam can definitely do some work, but with his cc and passive he's pretty hard to actually put down. Best bet is when he overextends post 6 is to ghost ult and all in him. ”
E61K says “Make sure to keep pressuring him since he has very good sustain in lane. Other than that it's important that you Q him instantly after you pull him otherwise he will just dodge it.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Tanky, Sustain, CC heavy. Weaknesses: Predictable CC, Sustain matched, Out-scaled. There was once a time where Maokai was a menace in the top lane, but now that time has passed. He is a much easier matchup than he once was considering you match him in terms of sustain and He’s a tank and you’re Fiora. You should be able to handle him throughout the early game if you do not feed him as you will scale much harder than he does. You can riposte his bramble smash and his root to get a free stun off and same applies with his ultimate. His sustain does make it difficult to all-in him so you are essentially focusing on farming and gaining items where your passive begins to shred him and the HP he is starting to build. Also, he shouldn’t be able to match you in a split push later in the game as if that needed to be stated any more.”
Funkihunter says “Not too much of a problem. His passive healing can become an issue. Instead of building Sunfire Cape as 1st or 2nd item, swap it out for Morellonomicon.”
Proxxecube says “Tree, also known as Groot, can be slightly dangerous as his sustain from cannibalism can make him a pain to push out. But, he is a tank, and you can simply shred down his enormous health and resistance pool.”
Tvoi_clop says “Основная проблема Маокая это его пассивка. Старайтесь харасить его как можно больше с помощью вихрей. НИКОГДА НЕ ПОДХОДИТЕ К КУСТАМ! НИКОГДА! ”
Trixelkour says “Counters you with more health and sustain than ever. Rush Adaptive and Merc threads to survive. Get Ghost and Flash just to play it safe. Makes you very susceptible to ganks. Don't even think about solo killing him, you have to be extremely ahead.”
undeadsoldiers says “Maokai - Conqueror
Early items (in order) - Tiamat, Mercs, Phage
- NO all in lvl 1-2 (even if passive stacked)
- Play safe in lane (avoid trades)
- Stay away from the bushes where he hides his saplings and never faceheck them when entering lane (he can early cheese you by rushing to lane and filling a bush with saplings)
- NO all in alone until Trinity
- He can dodge your ult with his burrow
- Ult cooldown: 120/100/80
Zachlikespizza says “He is very similar to Malphite except he is very spooky early. Maokai brings a very suprising amount of consistent damage early game and may be able to out play you by w'ing through your q's. Always be on guard against him and keep an eye out for the enemy jungler.”
TakeLPlease says “Maokai has tons of armor and health late game. Use their health and armor early game as an advantage. Late game will be hard to take them down. They will also deal lots of damage if you don't take them out early game, so beware. Also be careful of his exploding minions as it does massive tons of damage and keep you out of brushes.”
OrangeBeard says “He cant do much to you, because he cant build against your e true damage and slows so just max that and rush frozen gauntlet and he cant escape you”
Dacnomaniak says “Now that he doesn't do percentage health damage with his W theres not much he can do against you. His sustain is annoying but just try to out push him in lane to win.”
galvapheonix says “ Maokai isn't too difficult to lane against. He has to get close to you to attack and his saplings got nerfed so don't do nearly as much damage. He will eventually become extremely tanky and have an unreasonable amount of cc so if you get ahead don't get cocky.”
thedunkening111 says “He's not too bad. Can get tanky, but always killable. Even if zenith blade puts you behind him, he'll still be able to knock you away with how his own Q works. Look for long trades, and all in him when he is in lethal and can be bursted.
Take Conqueror”
Cyti says “Very even match up, since you cannot kill him but mid-late game, he can kill you. His passive makes his laning very easy against Veigar and so you should not poke him. Focus on getting cs instead. ”
Thoir says “Maokai is one of the easiest match up for Irelia. You can zone him from the farm and try to push the first wave and the first minion of the second wave to get a fast level 2 and kill him.”
Haxorr says “Maokai is a free lane, just be careful of ganks but other than that you should be able to farm really easily. I like Conqueror with Sorcery page here as it scales really well, can also go Demolish if you want to just play for plates but Maokai can definitely lock you down under tower so care for that. Doran's blade start good! Sometimes you can q+w slide into Maokai and he will q reactively so you get a nice stun off”
Bourne212 says “look to trade early but don't trade after he gets HP or Armor items as he has high base Q damage and will trade harder, shove and roam after those items.”
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