Top Lane 48.89% Win Rate87% Pick RateTryndamere Top Lane Counters: 36 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Tryndamere in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
kayle1v9 says “I hope Trynda players step on some Lego at night trying to go take a piss”
Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush
Early: E start and go for manaflow procs
Tips: You want to trade by Prepping W, walking into melee range and using full combo, then walking out.”
liucan says “RNG based: if u get bad rng and get crit too much early u lose, after that u win even with his ult. ext ign and start E if u arent comfy first 2 lvls, wait for lvl 3. If he gets ahead just play safe, he cannot win u at fast trading and even less dive u alone.”
Dom1nus says “Go for as many early kills as possble. when he arrives in lane he will auto a lot the minions to build his fury, aa him whenever he goes for a hit and trade him whenever he wastes his e, at lvl 6 drop him an ignite when his ult ends and he gonna die, be careful when he e into u, aa q aa w aa and e off. He has good sustain from his q which heals depending from his fury.”
a_k_z7 says “very easy
you deal a lot of damage if you poke right
he cant engange on you since you block his e and if you manage to get a good e you will get very good trade since he cant escape with his e
try to poke him enough for him to ult then look for a kill if he does stay”
quenzo says “Is a disgusting pig try Grasp and poke him in the early with your Q.
Serylda's must Item to slow this Brain rotted maniac down.
Flash or Ghost + Teleport”
Nithril says “If you keep him off the minionwave his threat is minimalized a lot, Fleet + Swiftness Boots and W max will work wonders, Grievous Wounds can help, if you get slowed by his W and he Ghosts and runs at you Wait for him then E, he will dive you with R but you can outplay with Q and some smart movement”
juangepeto says “Your fury passive gives you a lot of chance to win all the GP at the beginning of the game. The ideal thing in this match is to keep farming with what is rusha the gracinatas' gauntlet item”
ballhog2dacore says “Wins in all ins pre 3. Harass him before his rage fully stacks and respect him when it is fully stacked early game. You have e for his dash and you are undiveable with shroud up. ABUSE SHROUD IN THIS MATCHUP!”
parker3n9 says “This can be a tough matchup if you don’t manage your wave properly. If the wave is in a bad spot, Tryndamere can simply run you down with his mobility and sustain. Be especially cautious between Levels 3 and 6, as this is when he has the most kill threat. At Level 7, you can begin poking him out consistently and keeping him at low health, preventing him from engaging effectively. Focus on maintaining a favorable wave state and playing safely until you reach your power spikes.
Recommended Runes: Aery
Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleport”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Do trades and keep up high health. Punish him when farming and kite back. Abuse W for his E. Careful with his R. ”
Raideru says “In this matchup, respect his lvl 1 and don't flip all inns vs his crit rng, always hold your hookshot for disengaging and perma do short trades with your passive, remember after 6 if you ever jump into him he can always ghost + ult and run u down so make sure to keep an eye on that. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush & Ignite + Teleport AND REMEMBER TO NOT TAKE FOOTWEAR SINCE U NEED T1 BOOTS BFR 12 mins.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Tryndamere REALLY hates you, you're too tanky to 1v1 so he'll try and farm out the lane. Spam Grasp procs early and then freeze the lane in front of your tower. When he ults stun him,
get 3 stacks while he's stunned and eat him so when he's spat out he'll instantly die. This takes some practice but if you learn to do it well it'll make him alt-f4 really fast." ”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Lane muito chata, o boneco pode andar pra frente depois do 6 e te bater, ele cura praticamente todo o dano causado a ele no early, porém ele depende da fúria, jogue pensando nisso.”
Beetlebug says “With most builds Trynda isn't a huge threat, but due to Paramedic Sion's reliance on early short trades, the coinflip to not get critted and his W instapopped is quite bad. Trynda will often also splitpush and has a fairly easy way to recover HP after a trade, making the early game harder to get through for this build.”
Fenharion says “A problematic auto attacker with a crazy ult. He is really strong in 1v1's (maybe even stronger than you) and also splitpushing. So just be careful overall and don't let him get fed.
(basically same as Trundle)”
Skaarlschloch says “VERY Easy matchup like many other meele autoattackers you just kill them from range
Probably even better to go Tank with Grasp and Tear start as you can punish him even early levels”
SemenDrinker says “Bone plating Blade or Shield (take ignite)
Tryndamere is weird. You want to respect him a bit early because of his chance for crit but you dont want to at the same time. At level 4 thats when you want to start beating him down but not for extended fights obviously. Level 6 is scary however especially if you're low because he can just dive you under tower and get away. Rush plated and with ult you can sustain through his auto attacks and ignite him so he cant heal and he dies. But do it near the end of his ult of course. ”
IvanBeifong says “Annoying matchup, he'll always stick to the side lanes, though you'll be able to burst him more quickly, remember to always use your ult AFTER he uses his, that way, you'll be able to kill him faster.”
PetriciteLoL says “Has insane early damage so be careful and try not to take too many bad trades as Trynda loves diving and its for him to do. You can do any item/rune/ability combinations, up to preference.”
LilPicky says “(50/50)(1st rune page start blade) trade with passive up only, dont go for extended trades and try to save your E or W for when he ults so he cant chase you, rush wardens mail, then when you get your boots delivery buy plated steel caps asap, matchup becomes free, finish randuins omen after you get triforce and ravenous hydra, you can also E his E if he does it towards you, his E wont do damage to you and its a great way to stun him while you walk back, try to look at him as soon as you do this since he will press W, this so that you dont get slowed ”
Lanec says “Basically, every champ who can engage and kill you very fast in early are hard to play against with Aurora. You need to be really carefull”
Frankoloko says “Extreme SKILL matchup. Your shield is VITAL to beating him. Try one game starting W and fighting him if we wants at lv1 (if he doesn't have ignite) because I think you win. Conqueror, bone plating, passive stacks, level advantage, his fury. If you can get these things lined up you easily win an all out brawl. But if not you easily lose it. Get Rylai's first since the slow is vital to stopping his AA damage (kite him, don't give him free AAs).”
Body Those Fools says “His sustain is incredibly annoying like Nasus. Q Heal + Doran's Shield + Second Wind = he will never get poked out of lane. Don't walk up level 1 because he will try to RNG all-in you with his crits. Pay close attention to his fury bar. He will try to W you when you face away from him, so pretend you're running away then turn around when you think he will W. If he tries to all-in you before level 6, just E away. Try to Ult him away after level 6 IF he's diving you and is getting ready to Ult, you'll want to create space and buy time for his Ult to expire. I always left click on him to see his HUD in the top left corner of the screen so I can watch when the 5 seconds are up on his Ult and this allows me to finish him off with perfect timing. If he's losing, anticipate that he will E away and you can have your soldiers chase after him with a Q or drift on him if you have it.”
smrgol says “Same strategy as jax and renekton, pre lv 6 if you land a W root when he engages, you will punish him hard and potentially kill him. After 6 play around/on top of your traps and try to root when he dives, because he will tower dive you.”
Zagreus16 says “Pre 6 you can kill this bum if he doesnt have a lot of fury and you have ignite. start w cause trynda players always think they will win but you can outplay him if you flash for your true dmg on ur w with ur ignite on top of that. once he gets lvl 6 hes just gonna run you down cause hes a fair champ clearly”
LDaL says “Prefer fleet. Skill mutchup. spells flesh +exhaust or ignite. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh. The problem about him, is his passive, the more passive he has the more likely he will crit( just imagine all his auto crit at lvl 1-3). So when you are facing him you need to play agresive first 1-2 lvl, don't let him get minions for free. because at first lvl he does not have enough of his bar, without it he is not a threat. After 6 never all in if he has ult
( have long cd) as long as you: does not have good hp advantage over him; he is very low;
you know that you will not die to him and can escape from his ult.”
Raideru says “Respect his lvl 1 because he is stronger than you but after that you win the lane through short trades, whenever he goes for an auto makes sure to auto + W him back and if he tries to e away pull him in and then run him down, you stat check him as long as you had more hp than him at the beginning of the all in, after 6 justt make sure u don't waste your e so he doesn't run you down”
Azzin says “50-50 matchup, the one who snowballs will hard win the rest of the lane, go full damage if ahead, and build zhonya 1st/2nd to avoid dives if you feel like you are behind.
Still rengar-favored as you can emp W his W and run out of any interaction.”
Haxorr says “People commonly mistake Tryndamere as as really easy matchup, but a good Tryndamere will make the early stages of laning really hard until you get your first item. Tryn has more damage early, better sustain, and his ult makes him really powerful in 1v1s. I would take Grasp and Teleport in this matchup, though you can run Ghost if you would like to be able to kite him out better. Starting DBlade is good and building Trinity first is best, followed by plated steelcaps. After your first item, you should win the matchup pretty hard, but you are vulnerable during the laning phase for sure. Give him prio.”
Arthapsic says “Start E level 1 since he will most likely stack his passive level 1 and E onto you. Do not trade as he will simply outsustain you. Focus on farming and give him priority. Only fight him after plated steelcaps. Use ghost and ulty to kite him when he has ulty. You hard lose the 1v1 on 3 items because he will just oneshot you during ult so either look for 5v5's or rush zhonyas. ”
TeiWasTaken says “Ah yes, Kled vs the more braindead Kled xD You beat him pre 6, but then you have to fight like this: Fight him, bait out his ult and disengage with E, Flash or anything else. Fight him again when it is on cooldown and kill him. If you have trouble with him, rush Warden Mail.”
DuckQc says “Poke him early and don't trade with him when he has full fury,farm from a fair distance if he has full fury, when he activates his R just q him and run away for 2,3 seconds then come back to kill him, until you return, his R will expire so just finish him. In late game maybe even some time during mid game he can kill you easily so be careful,don't fight him solo, if he get's enough items he can dive you quite easily ! It heavily depends how good is he just like Yasuo.”
Baby_Driver says “Make sure to get onto lane as soon as possible and don't let him stack his fury. Start trades with auto-W and save pull for later.
Do not fight him with his fury stacked.
If you're both lvl 6, It's totally fine to ult him immediately after you get 5 stacks on him as it will make him waste his ult faster.
Ulsur says “You win this if you don't get cheesed with his full rage auto attacks, level 6 don't go in for trades unless you're certain you'll win it, after 6 he'll try to tower dive you if you're less than 50% HP, you can basically win if you space correctly and poke him out, his E is fairly easily interruptible, you outscale him but he's an annoying sidelaner so be wary.”
DioSett says “take tp , doran blade,conq, rust warden mail and boots , after lvl 6 try to run from him as much as possible when he ults , keep W for insta kills or to survive his ult”
Hotch says “He zones you lvl 1-3 so allow the wave 3 to crash while avoiding his all-in. When he hits 6, you will have to play around your W, it's the only way you might win. Do not give him the opportunity to engage you without using his dash and you generally want to place W around yourself, then ring around the rosie.
Take flash. ”
KingJoeyy says “you can hurt tryn early with Q but its difficult when he hits 6 if you get low enough you will get tower dived this champ is not afraid to pop R.”
Aerospce says “Unkillable, D Shield with Pot is quite effective. Most likely an E start. Rush Steelcaps first and when buying BORK you'll have a fighting chance. Don't fight when his rage bar is maxed. If he has ult 9/10 you will lose the 1v1. Find opportunity to kill like always, otherwise not winnable.”
forlid says “Tryndamere is a monster duelist with insane diving potential after he gains his R. However, his all damage is from auto attacks and as such he is fairly easy to predict. While his sustain is very oppressive he can only fight you so long as he can proc his E, as without it he loses. Late game he will pretty much kill anyone in a fair duel as long as he has his R. You can try to escape from it by using E but he can catch you pretty easily. Focus on playing for other lanes rather than winning your own as it is much less volatile when his team isn't strong.”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*skill matchup*
While fighting him combine AA with Q
And stun(W) if he E to u.
Avoid fighting when he uses W by E back or stun(W) and backing.
(add some AA and Q to maximize your DMG from this kind of quick trades).
*(JJK reference)*
-In a 5 seconds following a ult activation tryndamere is effectively immortal- empowered E or ult from him if possible. in other cases he probably gonna kill you if u waisted your E/R so watch out for it.
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/ign/tp. Spellbook
He wins early really hard. Dont risk losing lane to 3 rng crits. If he e's onto you pull him behind you. Rush tabi and bramble if you didnt take ign.
R usage is key here. You cant use it late when he is low. You are fucking yourself over. He will use his r and you have nowwhere to run and kite him because of death realm. You need to ult super early so when he is low and has to r your r Times out, allowing you to kite. Alternatively save your r till the end of his r so he cant run away.
Randuins third or second item.”
Steinuhu says “You can build Randuin's Omen, and he will basically deal no damage to you. Plated Steelcaps are also a good option if their jungle champion is AD as well.”
conqiyana says “would be impossible but most of them are braindead.
most of them will try dive you with ult at 6, just take grass q and play slow and they will die”
MaesePerez says “Don't fight him level 1, if he gets 2 random crits you can lose lane right there. For some ungodly reason his ult can be used through cc and silences so don't try to ult him if his own ult is up. Aside from that though, just buy frozen heart and you'll be fine, he only does physical damage through autos, so stacking armor makes him useless. Late game he does become somewhat of an issue if he can run your backline down, but after 1 item you should be able to fight him easily. Watch your sidelanes and don't let him take towers. ”
Guldkarameller says “Build some sort of armor or run Ghost / Exhaust. Will most likely tower dive you lvl 6 so be prepared!
Can easily be killed pre 6 with 4 ghouls. ”
depends on the player and the build. If he doesn't respect mundo and just randomly all-ins you in lane (in which case just poke with cleaver and farm) its a very easy matchup, hunker down and scale up where you hard beat him later on both in a side lane and in teamfights. Keep w turned on as long as possible. Against a good trynd with good macro who just goes the bs ravenous build, I'm pretty sure you need to do the warmogs build to match his split before 3 items. Until these trynd players stop going demolish I'm gonna be honest I don't really know how to stop him from just taking your turret at minute 10 by walking up every time demolish is off cd, your zone power in lane is so bad. I think your best bet is to try to thin the wave as much as possible but in doing so he'll probably poke you out. Just keep in mind whatever the situation you do outscale very hard, I'd say he's a less annoying version of kled. Phase rush + resolve funnily enough, since the dude constantly trades”
EvilRavioli says “Unplayable match up AFK farm and hope that you can contribute more to teamfights than him and that your mid or bot can stop his split push. DO NEVER FIGHT HIM AFTER 6.”
Artszy says “Evitar trocar com ele quando estiver com o ritmo fatal stackado. se conseguir faze-lo gastar a ult, big wave e dive. Teu W cancela o dash dele.”
hamgi says “not much u can do against his passive stacking. he out sustains u no matter how many trades u take, so freezing is the best option. do not all-in/dive him post 6 unless his r is on cd (120s. they typically dont lvl it past r1 until late)”
forlid says “Quite an easy lane as his engages are very easy to predict. If he uses E to engage you should always kite towards your own turret and punish him once he tries to disengage. His R makes it so that you won't heal from it so don't waste cooldowns on it.”
GarenOTP says “he's my perma ban , a good trynda will R in time , very problematic , only hope you have against him is to go phase rush and somehow bait his R out then go back in and execute”
GwenMain says “Winning lane against tryndamere is near impossible. I suggest to get second wind and start e to dodge and poke him as much as possible. It’s possible to kill him prior lv6 but if he has ult and you are half HP you are most likely dead.”
PlayCabex says “Must rush tabis vs him and then it’s a Really easy match up as well since he doesn’t have any ability to interrupt your drain. Whenever he engages at you pre 6, just use your Q into E into W and you’ve won the trade. If you’ve poked him enough, then you can even look for dives. After 6 you can still kill him quite easily, just keep your Q up for his ultimate. Whenever he Rs then just q him, you’ll have enough damage and healing with your E and W. Feel free to Q if you’ve ulted out of vision since then your fear was used either way.”
Belle19 says “I would just avoid fighting early because if he gets random crits he'll win the fight and if he gets a lead early the champ is complete cancer. If he e's into you, you can all in him though. Post 6 you dont win if you just stand there hitting him but you can force the ult out pretty easily and then run away. Stridebreaker is a must. Rush tabis warden. Keep in mind an even trade is bad for you since his sustain is a lot better. If you are really low and he has ult just back, his tower dives are really strong. Still an extremely easy matchup though just dont hand him a free kill early and you win.”
zwartebliksem says “If going even in lane, he becomes a major thread when reaching level 6. You should win early, as long as you don't extend the fights too long. Try to go in when his Fury bar is low.”
AWierdShoe says “You can poke him level 1, but avoid contesting the wave as he takes Lethal Tempo and can easily run you down if you space incorrectly. Around level 4, we can fight back and look to trade. Punish him for walking up to CS and don't let him stack his fury. Watch how he uses his E in lane; he should use it to avoid our combos. If he uses it aggressively just kite him out. Level 6 can be deadly for us, make sure to poke him down while staying healthy so he can't run us down with R+Ghost. Tabis rush in this matchup.”
Haearnbleidd says “Recommended Ban.
You scream loud but he screams louder. You win with him early if he doesn't get a lot of crits. When he gets ult he can do whatever he wants. But this season there is one build that can help with him, hexplate > iceborn gauntlet/frozen heart. In this build you can kite his ult and wait it out, second item iceborn gauntlet is better if you want to better kite him due to slow and frozen heart is good for tanking his damage.
But another problem with trynda is that he is kind of like trundle. If you win lane he will just afk splitpush and end the game if you aren't careful enough.
Pick exhaust and ghost so you have any chances.”
PPlongcook says “Do not fight him level 1, and do not fight him will full fury until you get blade. Force very quick trades and hope RNGesus is on your side. After you get blade what you do is burst him down and then ult him when he uses R to keep him at a distance then go back in when its over. If he gets ahead its pretty much done though and he will always be a huge split push threat no matter how many times you kill him.
I permaban him just for peace of mind.”
Short trades until he gets low.
He's going to R, just R in counter until his runs out, burst him down.
He wins the level 1 if you eat all the autos. You can win with proper bush kiting.
Exhaust isn't an awful idea, you can also rush Omen if you get smacked. ”
Akuzai says “Rush boots. Kite as much as possible and try to get him to shove in all the time. If he ults to dive you keep calm and try to kite. You win in teamfights.”
hoflol says “Tryndamere is a low range champion who needs to chase with auto attacks. Rush swifty boots and rylais, and tryndamere can never touch you. Flip with poison and run away, rinse and repeat. He will be unable to get any damage on to you without chasing.”
GheeseEmpty says “Not that big of a deal. Try and prevent him from extending a trade early game with Lethal Tempo and high fury. Stay high HP at all times in order to avoid his signature towerdive. Will usually look to splitpush all match, but Bear build does not do very well against him considering what his ultimate can do. Phoenix provides value to a teamfight that Tryndamere cannot match. Frozen Heart and Plated Steelcaps are good items to rush if you are building tanky.”
exoticT says “Should be a free matchup before 6, do not jump on him instantly as he can e away, try to walk up and e then q him if he runs, do not fully commit without e when he ults”
NegativePhoenix says “Tryndamere players love to try and get early fights when their passive bar is filled up for constant crit damage, and even more so when they hit 6 for immortality.
Once he hits 6 if you feel as if he's gonna all-in you, stay near tower. If he tower dives you and you have your abilities up he's either gonna need to flash or die because you'll have way too much CC for him to even fight you”
X_TRM says “(Start W/E) You can destroy him in lane before 6. It will be very hard to kill him due to his Q sustain and he can gamble trades or all in you with very minimal counterplay. Recent buffs made him extremely annoying to deal with him because of his AA range and his Passive Crit. Randuin's Omen is very valuable into him, especially the "active" slow. You will need to itemize Anti-heal and Tabi in order to mitigate most of his strength but they will be useless if the match goes to lategame. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Chempunk Chainsword/Randuins Omen”
LilliaFanBoy says “Frozen/Randuin + tabi's is a must here.
Sure he heals but often you'll just redo the damage. Don't buy anti-heal early as it's useless into a Tryndamere.
Try and face him when you think he's gonna W you. Ghost-Exhaust is great in here.”
WhendZ says “Sem CC, mas com alto dano e fica imortal por 5 segundos. pokeia ele com o barril tentando farmar junto. W no W dele se ele engajar. deixa um barril no seu pé sempre.”
LegacyOneTap says “Semi-even early levels, lethal, flash ghost, dorans blade. Be careful of his random crit generator that allows him to 5x crit you in a row, just try to get sheen asap into sunderer (maybe trinity better?) and he no longer bothers you. play with ability trades, save your e for his ultimate if you can survive it long enough to make him actually use it. early just trade trade he slowly gains hp back though once the first 3 waves crash. easy mode after laning phase you just out scale him by existing and not inting into him.”
tawangab says “You can build Randuin's Omen, and he will basically deal no damage to you. Plated Steelcaps are also a good option if their jungle champion is AD as well.”
JPGamer10BR says “Upe o Q de primeira skill, Máx. Q, caso ele tente te matar em baixo da torre, dê o Q e fique parado para ativar a passiva, assim evitando a morte, caso ele tenha purificar ou tenha feito bandana, faça Zhonya de primeiro item.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Trade with Q when tries to hit minions. You can win at level 1 but if he gets lucky crits you lose. Rush thornmail. You can block his E with your W. If he uses R to towerdive, stun him with E and slow him with Q. If you are even you should neve lose to him.”
Denied20 says “This champion is a ticking time bomb. Once he has enough damage and beyond level 6 he threatens to execute successful dives on you even if you hold full health and ready summoners.
You need to gain substantial lead and even then be careful. Late game you can build against him actually, with Randuin and Death's Dance plus regular buys e.g. Infinity Edge, he will likely never be able to 1v1 you again.”
Crossing Calvin says “Phase rush
Start E if he level 1 spins on you. Try not to die. You are better in teamfights. Don't pick get tempted to pick ignite. You won't kill him early on. He has high base stats and alot of sustian.”
BurritoTopKing says “After buffs it can be a bit harder to play this matchup, just be careful with his all in's and play the lane safely if possible, warden's mail + tabis helps a lot”
LimesC3 says “You are basically useless against him give your jungler a phone call b4 you all in him (watch for his red bar)
To beat him
- Flash and Ghost
- Watch for death bar
- Use your ult to stall his ultimate
- Try to trade as best as possible
- Pressure the him super early and give him no minions”
WarwicksSimp says “Good ban.
Champion is broken idk
Go exhaust or ghost or tp and just play smart, you can't do a whole lot here, just try answering his every move for your team unless someone can reliably deal with him (which is unlikely.)”
xskyswitch says “If you die early it will get pretty unbearable. If you are even or ahead it isn't much of a problem. Q poke and engage when he is low on hp. When you all-in, use your E to stall for the majority of his ultimate duration.”
Tronnes says “Tough matchup especially with his attack range buff. Just respect his rage bar and R. Don't use W carelessly because its really the only thing in your kit that can peal for when he goes on you with full rage.”
Brb3535 says “sometimes he can t deal more dmg than u if he knows what he s doing be careful specially after he hits 6 . my advice is to use r and wait for its whole time and pull automaticly don t press r and u might execute him . but also if u don t use r don t stay near him to take all the dmg from him bcs he will kill u”
RivenCarriedYou says “You need to be aggressive since level one. dorans blade, BE VERY CAREFUL with trading while he has his rage. The RNG on crit will make you lose a trade. You have a chance until level 5. At level 6 Trynda with Lethal Tempo + Ghost + Last Stand is really broken. He can dive you at level 6 so be careful. A little trick is to dash in the opposite direction he dashes.
and to be fair, the experimental Phase rush riven could work, but not optimal.”
Bonkyou says “I always go EXH, this allows you to win at every stage of the game.
Your E counters his R and he cannot win against you unless you overstep and he has level lead. Do not stat check.”
BaotoGame says “Tryn can spammable his E with low cooldown and Yorick has no CC to deal with him when is ult turned on.You must kill him 3 times before he 6 to buy plated steelcaps and components triforce ”
daitolol says “TOP // - Used to be even matchup but after the New item changes he is forced to go Gale into PD, early you should try to be careful as he will perma try to e on top of you and his base stats are higher so you will always lose, after level 4 you can start consistently trading with him and maniuplating the wave
- Use your e/shroud to stall out the ult
_WhiteSnow_ says “Cannot trade into you. If you unburrow first you win the trade as you can disengage afterwards with a tunnel. If he uses e first you can cancel with unburrow and just walk away as theres no e to worry about. You have better sustain and damage, and when he gets low enough you can hold your r till his r is about to run out and your r will almost always kill him even through q healing.”
vexxed04 says “{phase rush ignite flash} Not an easy matchup he will stomp you if you all in to early. Take the free minions and give the rest you can take some hp hits but try to stay above 50% when minions hit the turret to avoid tower dives. Play safe and scale he can't take over the game if neither of you dies.”
RipAMC says “His crits can hurt like crazy, and he's got that annoying ultimate that makes him almost unkillable for a few seconds. Be careful when fighting him, and don't let him get ahead!”
TheBougis says “Tryndamere can be decently strong, but he is a melee champion so you just get free Q hits on him.
You can ult him when he ults to deny him as much death immunity time.”
DebRiX9 says “As usual wait for level 3 power spike, poke him down and harass with Q every time you can, the secret to this matchup is keeping him on his toes all the time after level 6. Keep you E to yeet him away when he ults and use your W at max charge to wait out his 7s of invulnerability. Rush rylai so you can slow him in his ult.”
Zylsa says “This one could depend. Haven't gone against him myself but I imagine his ultimate being a pain.
BUT. You might be able to out sustain/out heal him even if he activates R.
Otherwise you could use ghost to kite him out and then run back in when his R runs out.”
BezMemow says “Go steelcaps or swifties, use your ghost after he uses his. Get nimbus cloak and celerity. Go zhonya's and tanky, pretty easy matchup in lane but he outscales you.”
Antecc says “When fighting Tryndamere, hold E until he presses E and follow him with your Q. If he never E's, you'll lose the trade by simply auto attacks. Eventually you'll be forced to jump out/walk away after a certain amount of hits. Don't all-in a full hp tryndamere with R, you will die if you have no significant advantage. Short trades with W and E while using Q if needed to run if possible are recommended. Late game tryndamere becomes harder and how to play into him fully depends on his build and your armor count. The more armor you have, the easier time you'll have.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Was much easier when trinity into half bruiser was more viable. You outdamage him hard in short trades if he doesnt have fury stacked. Dont let him stick to you with lethal tempo and W his slow and ad reduction. Try to zone him from cs if you are winning and stay near turret if youre losing, as with fury he is much stronger. After ult you need to use your passive and barrels/ult slow correctly to kite him. ”
ABL Pantheon says “Really hard matchup. Level 1 he can run you down with his passive. He is a bit weak during laning phase so try to poke with him Q, engage with W when his abilities are down or when he is low and use E when he engages on you. After 6 you don't win. When he uses Ultimate stun him with W and stall with E. ”
lordimboutabust says “Very annoying champ. Be careful early levels as soon as you walk up he will E through you and run you down with ghost. Try to avoid melee fights with him and be careful not to be caught out at 6. Best thing to do past 6 is to poke him and force his ult out then fight him when its down. Also try to freeze the wave close to your side of the map so he doesn't have the opportunity to run you down | bone plating | Dblade - steelcaps - tank mythic”
Bernardian says “TABIS TABIS TABIS. i cannot stress enough how much darius players i see in this matchup not rushing tabis and going dmg. Tryndamere has VERY low defensive stats but has a lot of dmg to back it up so going tabis is so free as it takes away almost all of his dmg until he gets his first item. randuins second is a MUST buy if your looking to contest/stop him on a split. pre 6 he will try to all in you with full rage so auto w is the tec as it will force him to spin onto you if he wants to continue the trade. post 6 kite him as much as possible try to save your e for when he ults so you can stop him when he tries to all in you. Once tryndamere is shut down in this lane it is impossible for him to comeback and he must either farm really well to get his lead back or play safe.”
Waqql says “Another king, huh? Tryndamere is easy to handle. Make sure to keep Gnar's facing towards Tryndamere at all times. Even if Tryndamere dashes, as soon as you perform your movement action away from him, throw a Q towards him, which automatically reorients Gnar towards Tryndamere. At that moment, Tryndamere should have used his W. If not, wait and kite until he does. Don't engage in melee combat unless you're in Mega Gnar form. Then just unleash your attacks. When Tryndamere dashes towards you, use your boomerang and relish in his suffering.”
PeanutTime36 says “keep distance if you are worried then take phase rush but I don't recommend it here, if he is stunned in your ult or W then he cant ult so save one for when he is almost dead.”
Lukajs says “Tryndamere is a very difficult matchup, since he heals, slows and dashes on you with invincibility. You can trade him level 3 if he walks into your Q range, but otherwise you want to keep your E up so you can escape.
Play around poke and farming. ”
demirkaiser says “Dodge the game. He trades way better than you. Buy Warden's Mail early. Take ignite. You can try level 2 trade. After Warden's Mail, he won't really damage you. Be careful post 6 tho.”
SirGRC says “Tryndamere is my perma-ban champion. One of two things will happen when you play against him. First, he wins lane and carrys the game and becomes and unstoppable menace. Second, he loses lane and spends the entire game split pushing and wins the game for his team because of how mobile he can be. So, its hard to be a threat when you are always banned.”
CypherRL says “He can sustain through all of your poke and is only playable pre-6. Once he has ultimate he can dive you very easily.
Be aware of your wave-state as Tryndamere can chase you down the lane for a kill early if you aren't careful.
His split-pushing capabilities in later stages of the game are also difficult for Karma to control. ”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with ignite and dblade start. Do not leash in this matchup, you want the push LVL 1. Use your E at the start of the trade and try to recast it when he dashes away. LVL 2 You can follow his dash with your Q. Do not start a trade with your Q unless you know he doesn't have E or you can kill him.”
Twogrand says “COMPLETE RNG GODS HATE JAYCE. this match up is annoying he can heal for free non stop and he can kill you level 2 so be careful anytime trnda tries to Spin onto you try your best to knock him away to cancel the damage and his gap close. conq ignite eclipse fight early snowball”
KaiOverHere says “Farm Lane -> Outscale
Reason this matchup is not in "Tiny" is because he still pushes you in with his early statcheck which can lead into invade shenanigans ”
RykonZ says “Tryndamere is a strong duelist with high damage output and sustain. He can quickly take down Mordekaiser if he's able to land his critical strikes and sustain through Mordekaiser's damage.”
Nurakami says “Skill, fighting good trynda is skill test this matchup is slightly on your side but his rage ,ghost and r will make cry if you sue your e bad”
KamiKZ says “Tryndamere is really hard to kill later into the game when he has r and crit items since he can kill you with a few autos and he can tank your damage with r. I recommend sneaking up on him by walking into a bush with R evolved and burst him, when he presses R you R or E away from him and try to kill him when his R is expired”
Smauggy says “you can poke him easiliy, his slows is ok but your a passif is better
you hav 2 strats after levl6, or you hold your ult for his ult, but you let him makes you dmg, risky but you wont let him escape
2. ult him cirectly to make him use ult as soon as possible, after that he cant really fight you anymroe, so or hell die trying, or he will just run away, safe but not so much reward ”
LocaLAM says “He's too squishy and if you have antiheal you can power through his lethal tempo with your ult. He's gonna be annoying until your bramble's tho.”
rilxy4u says “1 shots boxes with spin, R makes him able to tower dive with no repercussions, heals a lot.
Outplay: try to bait out his R, place boxes behind you to get away or zone. Anti-heal and ignite necessary.”
Loweloexpert says “You hardwin lvl 3 even if he crits 5 times. Je aot for his ult then ult him like2 sec after. Take ghost if you want so you can run while he is in ult and then chase. Not free but easy enough. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “His ult counters your's VERY hard because of it's nature. It's meant to be a death preventative. So your execute won't work. He'll just use it a bit early and stop you in your track. UNLESS you time your silence incredibly well, that won't work legit at all”
sinatra1633 says “Just all in him till he is low, then when he ults, run away with W and dragon away after he spins at you, then kill him. Can be tough if he is fed but you should be able to not let him get fed.”
Quinncidence says “A very tough matchup, really hard to ever catch Tryn as Yorick and he will usually go Ghost/Flash so be aware for his all in potential.
Phaserush helps alot in this matchup!
ARealFakeIdentity says “Extremely annoying due to his ease of sticking to enemies, however as long as you have enough movement speed you may even be able to dodge his W ability, which can be followed by easy kiting.”
Boptimus says “Respect his level 1 RNG crit all-in and you basically win the lane for free. After level 2 you can use E whenever he tries to E on to you, and if he hits his slow you can full combo to Phase Rush out. If Tryndamere tries to dive you with ult make sure you have your tools available to kite him out.”
Boptimus says “Tryndamere must be respected early on because if he gets a few lucky crits he can kill you very easily.
Rush an early Warden's Mail and eventually you should be beefy enough that it will take a lot of effort for Tryndamere to kill you. Just CS as much as possible, keep from from getting too many plates, and stay healthy.”
uSgSello says “Tryndamere will farm up the whole early game. His ganks aren't strong. Concentrate on ganking. You can try to kill him in his jungle but in my opinion trying to help you team getting ahead due to ganking would be better.
Normally he won't counterjungle you.”
SesaPrime says “Pre-lvl 6 you cook him. As Bruiser Camille (Grasp), you season & devour him.
However, don't try this after lvl 6. Its like eating that spicy pepper you knew was going to burn. He's screaming for about 6 seconds straight while still swinging critical strikes. Stack up on armor. ”
primate nefasto says “He will destroy you late game, try to end fast. The key of this match up is to save your W while he is in his ultimate, thats the moment he is stronger and you need to make time until it ends, use W and R, everithing you have. Also early game he will sustain pretty easily so fight only if you can kill him fast, or you will get dived at 6.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp/First Strike + Divine]
[Exhaust/Flash + TP]
Start Q. Get to lane first to stack up your grasp. You pretty much win trades if he doesn't have his rage bar stacked. Try to prevent him from auto attacking the minions to prevent him from stacking up his rage. If his rage bar is full, stand back and have your passive ready so if he spins onto you you can block his damage and E away. You'll often be trading farm in this matchup. You win levels 1-5 generally. He wins level 6+ until you get 3 items with one of them being Randuins omen. Never E onto him while he has his R. If you can bait out his R without using your E you can win. He's pretty much useless without his R.”
1Yamato1 says “NÃO TROQUE COM ELE SEM SEU W, procure trocas curtas e usando seu W pra fazer com que o trynda perca AS e MS. All win ele vai ganha quase sempre.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Bring ignite or buy antiheal.
Just W an AA of him and you will outtrade him.
CARE if he gets a lead early he will just dive you over and over again so don't let this happen at all costs.”
stefanko says “Don't let Trynda get into your body, so he can't dash back through you. Level 1 look to get prio on the wave, level 2 you can start trading cause you can follow up his e with your q. (grasp or lt, tp)”
Pushtrick says “You have to bully Trynd early game because he will be very difficult to 1v1 in the mid game. Try take ignite and E max and keep the wave in the middle, harassing him with autos and looking to punish if he wastes dash.”
PraefectusMace says “Depends on how good he is. Before he hits 6, you can punish him pretty hard whenever he gets close. And while he DOES hit harder the lower his hp gets, he could end up dying exactly due to that. Rushing in low hp then you hit him with fear so he won't have time to land a hit or use his heal. However, when he gets his ult, you might want to force him to waste it before truly going all in.”
RWN Pop says “Tryndamere is not that much of a problem pre 6th level. You can deal with him easily with E and trades. He's a threat only when he gets 6th level. Max E when against Trynda.”
dzsama says “Don't get cheesed early by his crits. Save your Q for re-engaging him after he spins away. You outscale him, especially after you get Steelcaps and some levels. Early Sheen helps your burst trades a lot, after 6 you can just auto a creep, then Q on him and auto + W to chunk him. Most Tryndameres run Ghost so be careful of them running you down after your E runs out.”
Pep_Shin says “Tryndamere is able to withstand your R by not dying with his R.
There's an emergency plan against tryndamere : Rush steelcaps and frozen heart. Warden mail and steelcaps should be enough to tank him during his R.
If it's not, finish building randuin / Frozen heart and he should become useless against you.
In early game you should be able to beat him up with short trades. If you take a long trade, crit + lethal tempo will beat you.
He can snowball and outsplit you, be careful. Get ahead and build the emergency stuff and you should be fine.”
NegativePhoenix says “A full rage bar Tryn thanks to free crits will usually always beat you in trades. Take Ignite against him. If he hits 6 and tries to tower dive you, your W can hold him still for a good while. Ignite him when he's about to be out of his ult so that when he gets out, his healing can't save him and the ignite executes. Do it too early and he'll live easily. Just don't take prolonged fights against him.”
lorensj81 says “[Season 13] One of Garens worst counters. Watch out for him stacking fury on first 3 melee minions, spinning through them and between you and your tower, if he gets lucky with crits you lose flash or die level 1.
This is a matchup I always build [Plated Steelcaps] because its very worth vs him.”
Puyi says “Don't underestimate his all in potential early. Run bone plating. He wins unless you dodge his E with your E, denying him some fury. You can Q-AA afterwards. Get early steelcaps and rush warden's mail.”
Irelius says “Champ is kinda dead, but still. Bone plating is crucial. Wave control is crucial. Play safe lvl 1, give him the push, but dont allow him to crash the wave.
When he has no rage, zone him. After 6 fight him only at minion wave where you can kite out his R.
Randuin's is big.”
JustSad42 says “Against a high elo Tryndamere OTP (Master+), you will want to run Second Wind and Doran Shield. Otherwise, you’ll want to go Bone Plating and Doran’s Blade. Generally, Tryndamere can sustain this matchup with his Q healing and his quick trade pattern which consists of him Autoing you while he’s right next to you, not at max auto range, then Eing away and damaging you with his spin. You will win any early all-in into Tryndamere if he does not have fury stacked. If he has his fury stacked, avoid fights with him. If you see Tryndamere walking up to a minion or you without fury, know that he will auto-E away. An easy way to counter this is by Q-W following his E and forcing onto him. In the early game, that’s a consistent way to win trades. If both of you don’t have to help the jungler with the buff, you want to heavy trade with Tryndamere level 1 and zone him off the minions before he can generate fury. If Tryndamere has to help his jungler, push the wave early so he can’t get the chance to stack fury. If you have to help your jungler, then wait for the wave to push back into you.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Ghost+Ignite or Ghost+Exhaust.
Trynda, like Gwen, likes long fights, but in this matchup he is the favorite. Rush Bramble Vesta and Tabi and also don't fight him in the first levels or you will lose. If you're playing Exhaust, use it after he activates his R. His ult lasts 5 seconds, so if you use your spell right, this ability will be completely useless against you.”
SrMolinv says “You need to be agressive since level one. You have a chance until level 5. At level 6 Trynda with Lethal Tempo + Ghost + Last Stand is really broken. He can dive you at level 6 so be careful. A little trick is to dash in the oposite direction he
IzallithofChaos says “really and i mean really annoying to fight as he just makes himself invinceble for 5 seconds. that is a big problem if you have him in the realm of death as that is like locking yourself in a cage with a lion unarmed.”
Akalimetall says “He's not that big of a threat in laning phase if you play accordingly, but you will miss some cs and your tower because is waveclear and splitpush-abilities are huge.
IN GENERAL: Every splitpush-champion is a major threat for bard, as he will lose a lot of xp and gold if you leave the laning phase with no positive outcome for your team (e.g. getting drake + 1 kill)”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Doran's Shield]
[Play safe and ask your jungler to camp him]
[Build early armor so he cannot kill you easily]”
LeyzeHP says “Conqueror/Fleet
He has really high sustain, after he gets tabi it will get really hard to kill him. Lv.1 you can kill him with conqueror and LT but it's a slot machine. To get an easier amtchup you can play sorcery secondary with nimbus cloack and scorch, hold your exhaust/ignite for when he's low so you get MS from runes and space him out, press R and jump back on him when his R is running down (if you are afraid to not have good timing wait for it to run down, it might not be a problem as well).”
Atemporal says “Muitos jogadores principais de Tryndamere o jogam no meio, e ele é realmente difícil de punir porque ele usa Second Wind + Doran's Shield e spams Q para curar. Não desperdice mana negociando com ele cedo. Tryndamere não se importa. Ele está no meio caminho para a fazenda e escala.
Você tem que aceitar que você e ele vão apertar as mãos onda após onda, você não pode machucá-lo o suficiente para que seja relevante. Se ele E está para frente, E para longe. Lembre-se que Tryndamere W pode ser esquivado como Cassio R. Se Trynd usa E para frente enquanto ainda
tendo W up, vire-se quando seu giro E terminar. Ele também irá W logo depois dele, então fazer isso permitirá que você se esquive. Tryndamere escala muito bem, mas você também. Vs Tryndamere é possível estourá-lo rápido o suficiente para ele não ser capaz de reagir
com R. O que eu gosto de fazer é lançar meu Q, esperar até que meu Q esteja prestes a retornar, então E em Trynd para redirecionar Q em um proc passivo instantâneo em um Protobelt instantâneo. Este combo acabará por causar uma tonelada de dano, especialmente porque Trynd geralmente
não recebe itens defensivos até o final do jogo. Você pode vencer Trynda na pista lateral com trocas inteligentes. Normalmente você precisa de 3 itens para poder vencê-lo se estiver empatado. Ele é basicamente impossível de atordoar com W se ele tiver E, então você quer E Q auto
então W seu caminho de fuga. Fuja, combo-o novamente para forçar seu R, e ele deve ser matável. Trynd nunca pode persegui-lo se você conseguir evitar o W lento dele, sempre tenha isso em mente. Faça reviravoltas rápidas quando você acha que ele vai W."”
RandumPersin says “Take PTA and ignite and this lane should be pretty easy. Tryndamere is rather squishy early and folds pretty hard to most forms of cc; Renekton has one of the strongest point-and-click stuns in the entire game. It is crucial that ignite always be up past level 6 in this matchup so Tryndamere can't dive you on a whim with his several seconds of immunity to death on a one(ish) minute cooldown. Rush steelcaps and you should win any fight all the way through 2/2.5 items. Respect his fury and level 1-2 critical chance garbage and you should win lane handily, however he will hard outscale you in a sidelane as a pure duelist. Play for teamfights/objectives and treat this guy similarly to how you play against most permanent splitpushers (like Trundle, Nasus, or Yorick) and you should put your teammates in a good position to carry.”
Smudey says “You win the early levels due to your empowered Qs and your W. Try to abuse and maybe kill him early. Don't push the wave too hard lvl 6 or he will ghost, Ult and kill you. He can be quite annoying later on with his splitpushing but other than that he's isn't that hard to deal with. Warden's Mail will be super valuable in this matchup (especially since you want to build Randuin's against him later on).”
Fizzy says “Play "never give up" and in faith. Trynda is a very troublesome champion in general, against him you may not have so many problems because of his speed, but always try to use exaust and use it when starting fights against him, so to always get the best of the trade, and don't be forget about it he will give E to escape.”
Cheeseypops1 says “levels 1-2 he will stomp you, Once you get to level 3 you can't all in him but you can short trade with him unless he has no fury then you just beat him, At 6 it gets rough, You need to hold your e for when he uses Undying Rage (R) and then use it to push him off you, and try to maintain a distance where he can't hit you but you close enough to finish him off when his R expires, Also rush Steelcaps and wardens if you're behind, if he is at a point where he can just dive you just go Zhonya's first item and Riftmaker second”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game. Tryndamere has lots of kill pressure and if you push, he could easily all-in you and chase you down the lane. Look for fights when he has little Fury in his resource bar. The more Fury he has, the stronger he will be. Whenever his Ultimate is down, try to abuse the cooldown and look for kills. Once his Ultimate is up, his kill pressure and survivability increases a lot.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “I know you are propably suprised beacuse many people think trynda is one of the biggest gps counters, well i dont think so. You outdamage him hard on short trades if he doesnt have his fury. You can easily zone him from the wave with barrel, and when he E on you just blow it up, auto with passive and run. I know it seems strange but build wardens mail, i had a huge problem with trynda before i saw that some challenger players do it and its actually huge as it makes his damage much smaller and you can easily tank his damage when he is in ultimate. The only problem in this lane is the moment before your wardens mail and after his lv6.”
hamgi says “tryndamere players are very one-dimensional, as is the champ. his passive gives him up to 60% crit level 1, and they will all-in u in hopes of getting a crit off and a cheesy first blood. and if they dont get the crit, u get first blood and a free long sword. besides that, up until level 6 is pretty much just a cs'ing game as u have all the control. he is very auto-attack heavy, therefore u automatically have more range than him. his w slows u, so be ready to q3/r/flash away if absolutely necessary. post level 6 is dive galore where they will pop ult and dive u under turret off cd. try to keep him locked up with q3/r, use e to run him around, or flash, if necessary. in the event that u are one more aa from death, he will be forced to choose: continue going for u or trying to get out. at that point, either an ignite, a turret shot, or e recast damage should be enough to kill him when his r ends. rushing a warden's mail against him is the meanest thing u can do. and if u want to be even meaner, build frozen heart/randuin's omen”
StingingChicken says “Always keep spacing, hold W for when he spins into you so you can keep kiting away unless he's really out of line in which case you can E his E and turn with your W. Rush Tabis unless you get a big early lead. ”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “tryn fav. he outsustains he wins shorter trades and overall has a rly good kit against darius rly mobile and has an R to deny ur reset really important u need to keep ur E in trades till he presses E so u can catch up after W slow”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Tryndamere will look to split push during the mid-game and he’ll rarely join team fights. You can use the numbers advantage to force objectives or look for favourable fights to gain an advantage. If Tryndamere is split pushing in the bottom side in the mid-game, avoid sending lots of people to stop him when Baron’s up. It will take you some time to kill him even if you commit 5 champions to kill him which could give his team lots of time to take the Baron. Try to fight when Tryndamere doesn’t have his Ultimate up. This will make it incredibly difficult for him to dish out lots of damage in a team fight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Tryndamere will look to split push during the mid-game and he’ll rarely join team fights. You can use the numbers advantage to force objectives or look for favourable fights to gain an advantage. If Tryndamere is split pushing in the bottom side in the mid-game, avoid sending lots of people to stop him when Baron’s up. It will take you some time to kill him even if you commit 5 champions to kill him which could give his team lots of time to take the Baron. Try to fight when Tryndamere doesn’t have his Ultimate up. This will make it incredibly difficult for him to dish out lots of damage in a team fight.”
kajinator says “Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are mandatory here. The gameplan into Tryndamere is rather easy on paper but harder to execute in game. You should follow the main Phase Rush trade pattern and keep poking him down until you are good enough to all in. When he gets to that sliver of health and pops his ult, in response you pop W and you have to kite the fuck out of him with Q for about 2-3 seconds, ignite him, and then kill him since his ult only lasts 5 seconds and Ignite lasts 5 seconds in total so you have 2 seconds of ignite and a good amount of health to kill him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Tryndamere will look to split push during the mid-game and he’ll rarely join team fights. You can use the numbers advantage to force objectives or look for favourable fights to gain an advantage. If Tryndamere is split pushing in the bottom side in the mid-game, avoid sending lots of people to stop him when Baron’s up. It will take you some time to kill him even if you commit 5 champions to kill him which could give his team lots of time to take the Baron. Try to fight when Tryndamere doesn’t have his Ultimate up. This will make it incredibly difficult for him to dish out lots of damage in a team fight.”
BreadyToCrumble says “I personally ban this every single game. He has advantage early game with his crits, he can dive you at any stage with his ultimate, and you can't poke him out because of his heal. He WILL run you down so be careful. If you need to play into Tryndamere, then take Ghost and pray!”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Tryndamere will look to split push during the mid-game and he’ll rarely join team fights. You can use the numbers advantage to force objectives or look for favourable fights to gain an advantage. If Tryndamere is split pushing in the bottom side in the mid-game, avoid sending lots of people to stop him when Baron’s up. It will take you some time to kill him even if you commit 5 champions to kill him which could give his team lots of time to take the Baron. Try to fight when Tryndamere doesn’t have his Ultimate up. This will make it incredibly difficult for him to dish out lots of damage in a team fight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Tryndamere will look to split push during the mid-game and he’ll rarely join team fights. You can use the numbers advantage to force objectives or look for favourable fights to gain an advantage. If Tryndamere is split pushing in the bottom side in the mid-game, avoid sending lots of people to stop him when Baron’s up. It will take you some time to kill him even if you commit 5 champions to kill him which could give his team lots of time to take the Baron. Try to fight when Tryndamere doesn’t have his Ultimate up. This will make it incredibly difficult for him to dish out lots of damage in a team fight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Tryndamere will look to split push during the mid-game and he’ll rarely join team fights. You can use the numbers advantage to force objectives or look for favourable fights to gain an advantage. If Tryndamere is split pushing in the bottom side in the mid-game, avoid sending lots of people to stop him when Baron’s up. It will take you some time to kill him even if you commit 5 champions to kill him which could give his team lots of time to take the Baron. Try to fight when Tryndamere doesn’t have his Ultimate up. This will make it incredibly difficult for him to dish out lots of damage in a team fight.”
SrMolinv says “Desde nivel 1 castigale, si pilla furia te funde a criticos. hasta nivel 5 gana Riven y a partir de nivel 6 el matchup se complica bastante. mucha paciencia con los dashes.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Tryndamere will look to split push during the mid-game and he’ll rarely join team fights. You can use the numbers advantage to force objectives or look for favourable fights to gain an advantage. If Tryndamere is split pushing in the bottom side in the mid-game, avoid sending lots of people to stop him when Baron’s up. It will take you some time to kill him even if you commit 5 champions to kill him which could give his team lots of time to take the Baron. Try to fight when Tryndamere doesn’t have his Ultimate up. This will make it incredibly difficult for him to dish out lots of damage in a team fight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Tryndamere will look to split push during the mid-game and he’ll rarely join team fights. You can use the numbers advantage to force objectives or look for favourable fights to gain an advantage. If Tryndamere is split pushing in the bottom side in the mid-game, avoid sending lots of people to stop him when Baron’s up. It will take you some time to kill him even if you commit 5 champions to kill him which could give his team lots of time to take the Baron. Try to fight when Tryndamere doesn’t have his Ultimate up. This will make it incredibly difficult for him to dish out lots of damage in a team fight.”
pura4 says “"[Mortos vivos, Escudo de dorans, E > W] - Farme o máximo possivel e faça trocas apenas com trynda vier para cima, jogue seu combo e corra, essa lane começa a ser mais fácil após você finalizar a bota de primeiro item (CUIDADO antes de fechar a bota no inicio da lane o trynda pode te matar com o critico desbalanceado dele lvl 1)"”
KaiOverHere says “(Phase Rush + Flash Ghost or Exhaust if you want to be a terrorist)
Play to Outscale, press Ghost when he does, not much to say about this matchup you really shouldn't be dying ever since he can never catch up to you. For some reason a lot of Garen mains seem to think that this matchup is a lot harder than it is. I think the reason for this is that this matchup just feels bad, especially if trynda gets jungle help as it's just really boring and uninteractive. For this reason I recommend you get a spotify playlist and buy cull so that you can cope with the pain that is Tryndamere.”
zimz says “U kill him early
lvl 6 u need to play it good only r when he r then q him and wardhop away so he doesnt get to you then q2 and ez kill
Duwiiton says “Save your stuns, then when he ults just stun him for the entire duration. Protect your team from him in the same manner. Don't play recklessly, as he can still kill you if you don't win any trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Tryndamere will look to split push during the mid-game and he’ll rarely join team fights. You can use the numbers advantage to force objectives or look for favourable fights to gain an advantage. If Tryndamere is split pushing in the bottom side in the mid-game, avoid sending lots of people to stop him when Baron’s up. It will take you some time to kill him even if you commit 5 champions to kill him which could give his team lots of time to take the Baron. Try to fight when Tryndamere doesn’t have his Ultimate up. This will make it incredibly difficult for him to dish out lots of damage in a team fight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Tryndamere will look to split push during the mid-game and he’ll rarely join team fights. You can use the numbers advantage to force objectives or look for favourable fights to gain an advantage. If Tryndamere is split pushing in the bottom side in the mid-game, avoid sending lots of people to stop him when Baron’s up. It will take you some time to kill him even if you commit 5 champions to kill him which could give his team lots of time to take the Baron. Try to fight when Tryndamere doesn’t have his Ultimate up. This will make it incredibly difficult for him to dish out lots of damage in a team fight.”
Kreyah says “He can Activate his R while your Reeling him in to the grinder. Learn to navigate around his ult and let it run out then kill and hes easy work. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game. Tryndamere has lots of kill pressure and if you push, he could easily all-in you and chase you down the lane. Look for fights when he has little Fury in his resource bar. The more Fury he has, the stronger he will be. Whenever his Ultimate is down, try to abuse the cooldown and look for kills. Once his Ultimate is up, his kill pressure and survivability increases a lot.”
BRUNATOR1.0 says “You're basically a buffed version of him, you may be scared for his ultimate, but if you're able to out-damage and out-heal him, you will kill him with no serious trouble”
Elresser says “I'd take Q into tryndamere lvl 1. in case he tries to spin on you with full rage bar, critting 4 times and a row you know how it goes. If you rush Randuins omen the lane is as good as won.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game. Tryndamere has lots of kill pressure and if you push, he could easily all-in you and chase you down the lane. Look for fights when he has little Fury in his resource bar. The more Fury he has, the stronger he will be. Whenever his Ultimate is down, try to abuse the cooldown and look for kills. Once his Ultimate is up, his kill pressure and survivability increases a lot.”
Animate Dead says “Easy matchup. Your Rappel counters his R. Wait it out until he tried to move away then go down on top of him and Q him. I like to experiment with optional builds in this matchup, but Sheen into Hullbreaker is safe.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game. Tryndamere has lots of kill pressure and if you push, he could easily all-in you and chase you down the lane. Look for fights when he has little Fury in his resource bar. The more Fury he has, the stronger he will be. Whenever his Ultimate is down, try to abuse the cooldown and look for kills. Once his Ultimate is up, his kill pressure and survivability increases a lot.”
Thrandor says “Easy matchup unless he gets very lucky with his crits. I recommend fighting him lvl 1 before he can fill his rage bar. On later levels don't forget to use your E for the full duration to benefit from the damage reduction. When Tryn gets away using his ult there is nothing to worry about since you can hunt him down with an empowered W after his ult runs out.
You can fight him well at every stage of the game BUT the very late game!”
Racz says “Don't fight him when his fury is fully stacked. If he E's punish him with taunt and trade him. When he tower dives you, use your W at the last second and E + Ignite him. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game. Tryndamere has lots of kill pressure and if you push, he could easily all-in you and chase you down the lane. Look for fights when he has little Fury in his resource bar. The more Fury he has, the stronger he will be. Whenever his Ultimate is down, try to abuse the cooldown and look for kills. Once his Ultimate is up, his kill pressure and survivability increases a lot.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Tryndamere REALLY hates you, you're too tanky to 1v1 so he'll try and farm out the lane. Spam Grasp procs early and then freeze the lane in front of your tower. When he ults stun him,
get 3 stacks while he's stunned and eat him so when he's spat out he'll instantly die. This takes some practice but if you learn to do it well it'll make him alt-f4 really fast." ”
tacowo_ says “Tryndamere is a champ badly in need of a rework. Tabis + Warden's Mail and he wont deal damage to you until he gets Infinity Edge, but by that point you've upgraded your Warden's Mail and he's useless again.”
DragonMaster45 says “Tryndamere is a very tough matchup, due to his passive and his high potential on early-mid game. Though if you are patient enough and if your team has enough cc, he will mean no danger.”
Polkadog says “The greatest lane bully to ever exist against Kayle, so much so that you'd think Riot should rework him faster and remove his ultimate. Never engage him, he will win.”
CFCryo says “Early game poses less threat, but as he reaches 6, he can not only chase you down, but potentially dive if you have no cds. Play defensive after his first back.”
wooverbo says “The only way he becomes a problem early is if you intentionally die against him. He'll split-push all game after the laning phase to make your team's life hell though. However, if you get Warden's + Tabis, his damage goes into the negatives. The best trick to abuse here is to wait a bit after he uses his ultimate, and then use your R > Q combo to execute him.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Зависит от мастерства игрока. Его R может сокрушить вас с яростью 100-0. Приходится кайтить и избегать ненужных сделок. Он тоже ваш контр пик, просто слаб в мете. Используйте это.”
Lost Chapter says “With ghost this match up becomes many times easier at lvl 6. Try your best to poke him down until he uses ult. When he uses ult try to have your last ult prepared when he gets out of ult to slow him and run him down.”
Taiquyorah says “MU impossible si GP part sur un build Critique que ce soit ER + griffe ou Trinité, avec un gosht, Tryndamere pourra cyber-bully le Gangplank, tourelle ou pas.
Mais avec un build spécial anti-Tryndamere, le MU devient "Skill dependent", le but du build est de forcer le Tryndamere dans un 1v1 pendant tout la partie et d'avoir un build totalement adapté pour être tanky et réduire ses dégâts. Vous pourrez survivre sans aucun problème et même dominez la phase de lane. Faites juste attention en early lane, de ne pas vous faire kill par ses crit RNG puisque s'il réussit à proc sa rune léthal tempo, qu'il gosht et ignite, vous êtes 100% mort.
Il faut W son W pour ne pas subir de slow/réduction de dégâts.
Kitez correctement, out-timé le sur vos barils et vous devriez gagner.”
NegativePhoenix says “12.11 will see an increase in aggressive Tryn player as his Q heal has increased and his ult has a lower CD by 10 seconds. Be mindful that the major threat only applies to lane phase. Get grievous early and take ignite. He'll always attempt to tower dive you if you're half or low. Knock him up and ignite him halfway through his ult. Bait out his ult if possible with yours if you have to remove it early. Late game he's usually squishy so unless he prematurely ults, you can execute him at nearly half health. He's more of a backline danger if anything.”
gekigami says “Tome cuidado ao puxar lane, tryndamere normalmente joga com ghost, então uma vez que você puxar a wave e ele estiver com fúria no maximo, ele vai puxar em cima de você e vai te pegar.
como evitar isso? use exaust (ou ghost.. mas prefiro exaust) e builde o mais rápido possível a botas Galvanizadas de Aço, quebra passo e randuin, use tudo que tiver disponível de 'slow' pra evitar ter contato com ele.”
7EyesNoSkills says “He can't slow you with his W because you will kite him while AA, so you will never turn your back. You can guess where he is going to dash with E and go away from there. Pre-6 is really easy, after pre-6 he can be a problem for you.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
He's way stronger than you if he has full fury. use your E to kite or stack Q on the wave when he E's onto you.
He will look to dive you, so be prepared an dont take free damage. He outsustains you by a longshot.
When he ults look to outplay him with E and your cc on Q3 and R, you can take exhaust as well if you dont feel at ease enough.”
JungleMoney27 says “I find that Tryndamere is not much of a threat. Yeah his ult keeps him alive but if you keep you passive at 5 stacks his coward slow will not allow him to catch you. ”
VituVonDoom says “Trynd is idiotic, one of the most toxic desings in all of league, but jayce does have a good matchup into him. Whenever he gets onto you, full combo him to force him to use his Q to heal. Once he is out of fury, poke him out of lane, make him use his ult to survive, and create so much pressure he can't ever force the "lvl 6 trynd dive incident". Go phase rush page, and pop it whenever he engages on you, he won't be ever able to get to you.”
KrazyKid1024 says “His R makes him really annoying, so I like to save my R, bait it out, root him, and run. Then once it runs out, I jump on him and get the kill. His constant splitpushing does get really annoying though.”
SilviuGarg13 says “Trynda can be outplayed easily, just poke when he hasn't got his passive stacked and keep your distance after level 6. Any build with the mentioned items can play in your favor IF you know how to kite a Trynda”
Michcio says “Another very hard matchup. Never fight him if he has a lot of fury or minion wave nearby (if he uses his E through them he can easily recover fury) W his slow and play around your barrels to slow him down. Avoid ulting other lanes if possible beacuse your ult is very helpfull to kite him during his ultimate”
Baby Sona says “Basically he beats you in every single fight. You'll have to play very safe and really back, once he's level 6 even that's not an option. He'll just start to dive you and get away. He will bully you trough the game and even deny you of XP. Just don't pick Mordekaiser on Tryndamere.”
Aberrant Demon says “He slaughters you during the first few waves regardless of how much fury he has. After level 3, you can go for short trades if the wave is on your side of the lane AND he doesn't have much fury. If the wave ever gets stuck on his side of the lane, good luck. Post 6 you get slapped unless his R key finger malfunctions. You can finally think about killing him when you have Stridebreaker to stick to him/run away with Phase Rush.”
NegativePhoenix says “Most Tryns I run into these days run Heartsteel tank because their damage doesn't drop off in the slightest. However early stages, try to get some good poke in with your Q and be careful when he engages especially with a full rage bar because early crits. At 6, the chances he just tower dives and rushes you is 100x higher so always keep ignite ready for then. If he tower dives you, wait for a good while, THEN ignite him. The chances he survives a tower shot and ignite is small, but still possible.”
RanDomGuY060 says “You can go HOB to cheese him. Very problem matchup, beat him before level 6 and wait for him to use his E or when you W he'll E and dodge it. Open E first when there is a minion, stun him and you can win trades before 6. Do not press W when you know he has E or R.”
TheKirkendall says “His ult throws a wrench in your burst and feast play. His slow will punish your already poor escape. Be aggressive with Q's early. But after lvl6, you'll have to bait out his ult before you can truly fight him.”
IcunoX says “Bodyslam him when he E's at you and drop a quick combo. Poke him down with Q's and kite around him with your phase rush during his ult. If you get behind you are kinda screwed cuz he wil dive you over and over again with his rediculous crit.
Got nerfed tho so might not bet a problem anymore, haven't faced him since.”
over_clouded says “Try to dominate early and just stay under turret after lvl 6 (if enemy trynda is braindead just f*ck him up) also if you can ban it imo worst match up”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Freeze and punish him with short trades.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall > Freeze
In this matchup, discipline is really important, you need to be patient!
As long as you play for poke and don't all in without parry you are fine, you can sort of kite him if he engages you with your move speed, if he dares to E in your minion wave to fight you, you will destroy him, just care not to fight when he has the wave pulled in as that is how he wants to fight to run you down with ghost.
In this matchup exhaust or ignite can help compensate for the ghost, although I still think going TP is better.
Leashing is not good in this matchup as he can stack up rage and get lucky crits on you.”
Scallywag says “Very annoying matchup. Crit RNG will make or break the matchup for you.
He can run you down when he's 6 when you are even.
Try to kite him with your barrel slow and passive movement speed.
You can build Randuin's Omen to make this matchup bearable.”
MAD GAREN says “PT-BR- Tryndamere é uma das lanes mais chatas, por que mesmo 0/7, ele tem pressão de kill contra você. Garen tem um lvl 1 muito acirrado contra Tryndamere, por isso é recomendado evitar long trades por conta da passiva do Trynda, Garen PRECISA matar o Trynda lvl 2/3, pois caso não consiga uma vantagem de lvl, os dois lvl 6 fica muito dificil pro Garen. Geralmente quando o Garen pega uma vantagem, ele consegue destruir o Trynda, por que sua ult tira quase metade da vida, e o trynda é pego de surpresa. Mas caso não consiga pegar vantagem e a lane fique igual, o Garen começa a ter uma vida dificil a partir do lvl 6.
ENG - Tryndamere is one of the most annoying lanes, because even 0/7, he has kill pressure against you. Garen has a very tight lvl 1 against Tryndamere, so it's recommended to avoid long trades because of Trynda's passive, Garen MUST kill Trynda lvl 2/3, because if you don't get a lvl advantage, both lvl 6 is very difficult for Garen. Usually when Garen gets an advantage, he manages to destroy Trynda, because his ult takes almost half of his life, and the trynda is taken by surprise. But if you can't take advantage and the lane stays the same, Garen starts to have a difficult life from lvl 6”
Black Demon Ezel says “Tryndamere. Such a primitive champ for people to play. His refusal to die makes it impossible to do anything to do him when he gets low enough and then decides to ult. My last tip for you about fighting tryndamere is to fight him from range as much as possible early before 6 so he doesn't ult and kill you instead of killing him”
Atmoist says “Has very good dive and escape with high early damage. At 6 you have to be careful of his ult but if you farm well you can beat him with divine/ult/boots”
queen_rane says “[DODGE] [Ghost/Exaust + Flash] He beats you throughout the game. You have to play really safe and pretty far back. Jdon't pick Mordekaiser vs Tryndamere.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: He is funnily enough most dangerous level 1-5 since he has more damage and sustain than you. Your E is also higher CD than his E so don't talk up without having up. At level 6 the matchup just becomes free since you can permanently Q him and if he Es onto you then you just E him and E back and shroud him , all you have to do is hold your R2 as an execute for when he his ult runs out, to try and space him throughout his ult so he can't just E away.”
Trundledaddy says “Lane isn't very hard but if he gets
a lead it's almost unplayable, get
divine hull fh if kinda even divine fh if very behind, divine hull botrk if giga ahead, frozen heart is strong here”
michaelaa says “out trades you always, negates your ult or literally any pressure you provide. its best to go all in with your jungler when he has no ult.”
LoucasTitan says “Tryndamere is really hard since Tryndamere has one of the best early game champions and you can't really beat him. You can kite him and try not to push the wave and let him push you and get to your power spike as fast as you can.”
powerfullgeo says “Don't let him get fury and control the wave. Pre level 6 you win hard, post level 6 try to kite as much as possible when he uses his R”
Kurose0027 says “This matchup is tricky, it is free if you're good at spacing/kiting the tryndamere, otherwise this can be hell matchup for Fiora. You beat him very hard lvls 1-5. Try to save parry in the all in vs him and only commit parry onto him after he has ulted post 6.”
KyleTheConqueror says “Tryndamere players are the most annoying. He'll farm under turret if he is smart, and then he'll try to fight you with ult. You'll win 80% of the time. that remaining 20% is when he gets lucky with crits. He's faster, strong in the short run. You may be slower, but you're stronger for the long run, meaning you'll beat him the longer you two fight.
Dawn Break says “En este enfrentamiento debes esperar al nivel 2 para empezar la pelea, usa Extenuar y Conquistador, luego compra Espada del Rey/Blade of Ruined King. La Espada del Rey/Blade of Ruined King obliga a Tryndamere a activar su Ultimate más rápido lo cual hace que te de ventaja y puedas ganar la pelea. Nunca lo dejes solo en línea, una vez que le ganes solo splitpusheará.”
Dannala says “He sustains your poke and got his spin to escape but besides that he does not have a lot to show for until he gets some items. He does however hit hard if his rage is filled up so try to pick fights right after he uses his Q. You can Rappel the most part of his ultimate and then fight him but it's gonna be tough in both lane and the jungle. If you play with ignite and a burst build you can poke him easier to trigger his ult earlier then ignite rappel as late as possible then land when the ult ends and Q.”
qosmox says “Here you wanna abuse him every time where he’s not stacked up his rage-bar yet, starting level 1. Place your blade up the lane and pummel him with Emp Q’s when he goes for a CS abusing your superior range. He can and will chase you if he gets the chance, so don’t let him. You win short trades lvl 1-2 if played correctly, but lvl 3+ it’s impossible to lose the short trades utilizing your W. Just position the blade, walk up and trade with Emp. Q’s and W and then walk back when W ends. If he tries to extend the trade by E’ing into you, then just deny him with a disengage taunt. He’ll lose trades so hard he can’t even close to heal back up. NEVER TAUNT IN FIRST.”
lolkayleee says “[DODGE]
[Exhaust + Ghost]
He beats you throughout the game. You have to play really safe and pretty far back. don't pick Mordekaiser vs Tryndamere. But if you do, try to get to lane first level 1 and Q him when he tries to go for minions. If he spins on you level 1, immediately exhaust him and run him down with your passive. You can slow push the wave and recall for a slight item advantage. Rush Plated Steelcaps and build Iceborn Gauntlet or Sunfire Aegis.”
Federals1 says “Tryndamere can cheese you down at level 6 with Ghost, but Volibear is one of the champions that can survive it. If you also have ghost, you just need to w him on cooldown as you run away, also stunning him when you can. There is no way he has enough damage to kill you unless he is really fed. Warden's Mail into Plated Steelcaps into finish Frozen Heart is very good against him. You destroy him early and mid game once you get those. If you want to skip on the full Frozen Heart purchase you can go into Iceborn Gauntlet and then finish Frozen Heart up. Third and second rune page should be used. Ghost+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Q max is best into him. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him.”
PandoraPanda14 says “U beat him early. Punish him for farming melee. Dont let him build up rage. Care lvl 6, lower his health is, more AD. He has very dumb built in crit chance but first iteming tabi if ur behind is good. U can outsmart trynds to ult instantly once u get 5 stacks for his reaction time with ult.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
If he has more minions don't fight him, but if he uses his E in your wave you can fight him. Just parry one of his AA. Take steelcaps and bramble vest, you can also take exhaust if you want. After lvl 6 you might suffer a bit since his R makes him inmortal, but the most important thing is not giving him early kills or you lose, you just need to kite him.”
KiroChuong says “Just build tank with Randuin is your core or lethality with 2nd/4th rune. Play under tower. If he reaches 6 and ghosts, you better run”
desch3445 says “Shove him in for the love of god do NOT let him crash anything into your tower. Poke him down and pray.
Take Phase Rush, he'll murderize you if he gets a sustained trade.”
darkintaki says “The ''RNG God'' it's just an skill matchup, don't let him kill too many minions, keep step forward and try to spacing some auto attacks while he lose minions, you can Cancel his E with your E. Do Steelcaps.”
Lazarus Sleigh says “Do Not Engage the Champion Levels 1-3. You will most likely die or get chunked and wont be able to farm. Use Skirmish Bear Runes. Try to only fight him when his fury bar is empty. He will always try to fight you to the death Knowing he wont because ULT. Bait out the ult and use ghost to run away until it is over, then reengage ignite and fishish him.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “pre 6 he will bully the s*** out of you. E rush has little to no affect due to his Q sustain. Phase rush or fleet is ideal but his 6 spike is way stronger than yours. So after sunderer you can try to force an ult W and Q (if you have phase rush E aswell) to avoid him.”
havy says “ALWAYS start with E, Tryndamere will always try to Q into you, stun + 1 auto attack him whenever he tries to do it, and try your best to kill him at least once in lane, because when he hits level 6, he will try to tower dive you! ward your jungler's camps, as tryndamere can easily take them without you even noticing, thanks to his wide range Q!”
Agatrium says “This guys is pretty much your hard counter. Lots of consistent fast damage, and way to heal quickly after a trade, an AD reducer, and gap closer that deals a pretty good amount of damage, and an Ult that basically makes your Ult pointless vs him. He will push all game and be better at it then you, so your best bet here is to TANK TF UP. Bramble and Steelcaps should be your first 2 items. From there, an early stopwatch isn’t a bad idea, as you can pop it after he Ults so you can wait it out, then kill him after. Overall though, pretty miserable matchup. Not a bad idea to ban him. ”
MHLoppy says “You have a moderate advantage early but he can just farm and outscale, spamming a mana-less heal to stay in lane long enough to get some last hits. If he gets you low he can easily dive using his ult's invulnerability, so overstaying in lane is always a risk. Once you have a lead, convert that into a team-wide lead ASAP and accelerate / close out the game so that you don't get stuck into a losing 1v1 split-push later on. You may find attack-speed reductions are a particularly valuable defensive itemisation path later on, and Randuin's in particular is an excellent pickup as a 3rd or 4th item if you're heavily focused on the 1v1. You can also add Bramble Vest (unupgraded) into the mix if he's built life steal.”
IoannAzerot says “Any extra auto-attack outside the tower and once you get to level six you will be killed under the tower and won't even be able to do anything. Ultimates will not save you from this. Count on fighting as a team.”
Gassid says “Commence au Q, Va rapidement sur la lane pour stack ta Poigne. S'il a sa rage stack, reste derrière avec ton passif s'il te E in alors tank les dégâts avec ton shield puis E out. Fais attention a son R ne pas E in”
Rymdskora says “Tryndamere is a hard counter, pressure him with E and try to prevent him from building stacks of rage. He will dive and kill you on repeat.”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral, por lo general veo más oportunidades agresivas para Shen.
Tu W es clave, tryndamere ataca mayormente con básicos.
Trata de predecir cuando él se lanza con su giro y ahí activas la W.
Por lo general la gente juega fantasmal o ignición con tryndamere, respeta esto.
Atención cuando usa su R, Shen no tiene dando daño constante.
Él no tiene nada para cancelar tu R.
Casi no sirve la tenacidad, te recomiendo solo llevarla en runas o no usarla.”
XtheZ115 says “Trading with a Tryndamere is a skillmatch. If he can time his ult or his Q just right, he will kill you first, but your poison should kill him after his ult ends. Be wary of his snowball, though.”
Helzky says “Tryndamere is a permaban for a lot of people, and used to be mine until Irelia. You cannot contest him level 1, Level 2, you are allowed to poke him, and Level 3-18, he wins. But seriously, the outplay potential is quite minimal here. The only way you can outplay him is either wait for him to E onto you, in which you W him and get out, or he's stupid, tower dives you, and dies under tower because somehow his R ran out. Take executioners here and hope that he roams so you can take his turrets. Make sure you take TP + Ghost here.”
ZomB2446 says “Being unkillable with a short cd dash. Like Jax, he also happened to have 2 tool against you. But at least 1 of his tool is his Ultimate”
OliveeGarden says “take shield bash and ghost so he cant run you down and take second wind otherwise he will auto once then dash away. Take W lvl 1, and look for an all in with E + W lvl 2. play around you W/E cool down and he cant win an all in. save you R till his R is almost over to guarantee the kill ”
TheSixtyFreezer says “DO NOT fight him if REALLY behind, his RNG crit is too strong in early game, use your E to block his AA dmg, play safe, you can maybe win pre 6.”
GG Cannon says “You can easily escape his whole ultimate with your rappel and your cocoon will make his life hell.
As long as you don't dive him under tower, you will win laning phase.”
Ghidorah says “He got really popular recently and is super strong right now, try to completly obliterate him pre 6, after 6, engage with Q, not E, and E away if he uses E at you.”
magician4444 says “Passive Tryndamere players are super easy to abuse. Bring Ghost in this match up to match his if you'd like. Aggressive Tryndameres are difficult though. The one way he beats you is if he is perma aggro on you. Building Rylais really helps to stop him sticking onto you. Honestly a skill match up, slightly favoring Tryndamere or you depending on the skill of each player. ”
TheChoz3nOne says “Not hard match-up. I could even put him in the minor threat lvl but he has a high dmg and his stupid ult. Can't really trade with him especially with high rage but tryndamere players are always go to our boxes so they easy to kill even with their ult. You can also build Zhonya to survive his ult.”
Mushroomuwu says “Start E and avoid fighting him at level 1, if he runs at you stun him when he autos so he tanks minion damage. Once it crashes to your tower, stack up your passive and look for fights since his rage will likely be low since your minions are at your tower (he can’t auto them safely).
You should have lane priority now and can win all ins granted that he can’t stack up his rage bar, basically look for all ins when rage bar is under half and you have full passive, wait his bar out if not. Same goes after level 6 however make sure you always have full passive before fighting and have at LEAST 3 minions you can Q reset on. Bringing him to ult is the easy part, the harder part is kiting him until his rage wears out but as long as you have minions its generally straight forward. You can fight him until 4+ items as long as you have minions, avoid showing yourself to him without minions even if you are 3/0+.”
Xarmat says “Kite, E and Traps. The smarter guy will win. just don't allow him to come to near. Place traps behind you and walk through them (they have a short activation time when placed)”
Your Desired Username says “Hard match-up. Rush seekers armguard and use it during his ult. Get zhonyas immediately after. Keep trades short early. All you have to do in this lane is farm and, most importantly, SURVIVE, so don't go for risky last hits. If you ever let this guy snowball it will haunt you for the rest of the match. If you ever happen to catch him without his e you can get a decent trade. Don't force all-ins post-6 unless you're super ahead. The most realistic outcome of this lane is that you will have 20 to 30 less cs than him and are just trying to outscale him, which is what you should do. You can outperform him in teamfights and with randuins and steelcaps (and zhonyas) he won't be able to dive you in a late game split push situation anyway, so this is your best bet.”
boboderaffe says “The goal is to punish him before 6. You can definitely kill tryndamere if he underestimates your damage with conqueror. Ideally, you want to poke him with E+Passive and AA and keep your conqueror stacks up so he can’t walk up to farm. You can slow push the wave under his turret once he backs off and harass him under tower. Once again: beware of junglers and unexpected early roams!”
AlexFL7000 says “Tryndamere is not too much of a challenge to face, make sure to use your Q only when he is on top of you, don't waste it. All of his damage comes from auto-attacks. ”
Princeps says “You win early so try to cheat recall and buy a dorans blade. Never engage with your Q because he can just disengage with E. Never fight him when he has fury. If he doesnt have fury walk into him and use your Q when he uses his E.”
Hoosteen says “it's easy to kill him before 6 but after that even if you are ahead you shouldn't go back to lane unless you need to defend a tower. His thing is that he can split push and run escape if he over extends. Pantheon's thing is that he can help his teammates get again else where on the map and kill towers/objectives.”
Rayli36 says “You can take exhaust or ghost against him try to proc his r and never use your r when you now that he has ultimate. Buy exe + your q can clear his w slow.
AD dmg
DanteBlaire says “Volibear ganha o early game mas Trynda é bem perigoso, talvez seja interessante colete espinhoso cedo. Pós lv 6 a match up deve ser jogada com cautela.”
Atomragnar says “You win pre 6, play aggro and if you feel confident play with nimbus cloak and run him down. Rush steel caps even if you are winning.
After level 6 you can still fight him, but save your R until his R runs out. You have to try kite him while he is in his R.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Run Frozen Heart/Randuins, get Plated Steelcaps, Bramble Vest is optional early. Get Stridebreaker or Frostfire, hybrid tank(Both HP and Resist's) is a great choice. Go Grasp.”
Hecki says “Very cheesy laning phase so be careful where you position yourself in the early game. Tryndamere player usually try to start a fight by dashing through your minion wave with E and running you down with full fury. Never let him freeze the wave and go Plated Steelcaps first for maximum safety.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “While this lane is pretty easy,if RNG goes into his favor,you'll be in for a bad time,as early crits are quite huge.Let's hope he doesn't get too lucky.
Dshield or Dblade.”
Polartech says “Nightmare, Ops... I meant, "Tryndamere" is a real Nightmare in lane!!! He does a lot of damages, can slow you, can dash forward or behind, and his ultimate is stronger than yours in lane... You absolutely will have to preserve your Radiant Blast for him when he tries to engage you. I really suggest to have Galcial Augment in this Match-Up and to close Berserker's Greaves earlier as possible, and after it go for Bilgewater's Cutlass to slow him and keep him more distant as possible during fights.”
LunaticDancer says “Gambler viable, starter based on confidence. Don't let him stack fury early. Ideally, you want to bully him pre-6. He's always dangerous post-6, be ready to kite him away while during his ult all in. His E can ingore your wall, but needs him to be attacking to regain the cooldown, so wall him AFTER he dashes with E.”
COJA says “Tryndamere is currently very strong with the new Lethal Tempo. Any trade early on will result in you losing a massive amount of health. Freezing the wave is very important as Tryndamere will be forced to walk up and let you poke him. His ultimate also forces you to play very careful. If he takes ghost/ignite you will die and that's okay. You should use your teleport to maintain exp advantage. If you can predict it, your Q will also stop his E.”
Sveti Petar says “abuse him till lvl 6, if u have 2-3 kills, and he is 0/2-0/3, u can all-in him every fight if u have ult. ult him when he activates ult”
Adventfaith says “Avoid engaging until level 3. Once you do, poke with q's. W him when he engages and kite with your E. rinse and repeat. Bait out his R and avoid fighting him while it's up.”
Eduardocwalle says “Ah yes, the classic, im getting spanked but i´ll press R and win anyways. Bait his r under tower and play with ur e, u should make enough time until his R ends and he gesta ggro, moment where he is trapped inside ur R and dies. ”
NAGlTO says “Tryndamere R is a huge middle finger to your W, proc passive on him under your tower if you can when he runs in. Hitting a Q knockback will probably push him far in enough to die once his R is up. Slightly stronger than you in trades.”
MCSwavest says “Good god this champ. You can't fight him pre 6, you can't fight him post 6, your best chance is to get lucky with the jungle coinflip or pray to god he fucks up royally.”
InYourWayToHELL says “You can kill him anytime.
Suggest you build stridebreaker in this matchup or Serylda's Grudge.
Makes him unable to kill you and the rest of your team in fights.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Tryndawhack as I like to call him is one of my least favorite matchups. He's so annoying with his refusal to die for 5 seconds! When you ult him he just says NOPE and presses the R button. So uncalled for every time but there is a caveat, he won't have much health left when he tries to do that if you deal enough damage to him so make him use it then prevent his escape with your ult. Also please try to fight him early game so he's not as much as a problem to deal with”
N64Master says “Similar to Yi, does what you do with this build but way better because of his passive 40% crit with his rage bar. In pair with his ult, he'll out live, out heal, and out push you in my experience.”
Prof Harambe says “Tryndamere is actually quite easy early game for you, but later it becomes much harder. At 6, you usually win because its hard for him to actually get on you with your root countering his telegraphed dash, which you can chain into your e slow to stop him from resetting it with crits. If he gets a galeforce, he gets another burst mobility option which can be troublesome. Eventually his splitpush will be really hard to stop since he just 2 shots you. His burst mobility becomes really good, rendering your e slow useless and your ability to run away is hampered by his w, a core part of this playstyle.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Skill matchup that snowballs in either direction. If he gets fed he just dives you on repeat, but if you get fed you can constantly threaten his r and re-engage with your own. avoid his aa+e trades best you can and look to return w/ full ferocity combos.”
lenithebot says “Pre 6 he's manageable but after level 6 and a few items, you get one shot and dived constantly without being able to kite because of his w and e.”
xPetu says “Tips: He's weak without Fury, so zone him from the wave when ahead. If you leash and he gets to stack up Fury, don't even walk up. Timing your W well is the deciding factor in this matchup.”
Stinkee says “You need to be very careful in this matchup, especially early game. He's going to try to auto attack you then E away very often, even under your tower. Most Tryndamere players will E behind you while you channel your Q so you may need to let go of your Q earlier than normal if you notice him doing that. If you time it right you can cancel his spin/dash with your Q as long as you channeled for at least 1 second. You can't really beat him in a 1v1 but if your jungler comes you can likely kill him. If you are ever low-mid health under tower you have to be very cautious of tower dives. His ult gives him 5 seconds of invulnerability, which is plenty to dive you and kill you. If you are vulnerable under tower, you have to save your abilities for when he dives you. If he's bad he will use his dash right away, allowing you to just CC him under your tower. You can walk around your tower to try and evade his auto attacks and stall out his ult but if his E is up he'll dash through. If you really have to, you can ult away from him when he tries to dive, but I think it's better in most situations to ult him instead to CC him and setup your Q. Just make sure his E is not up before you use your abilities or it will be a waste.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Tryndamere has been a very easy match-up for a long time. It would be wise for you to start (Q) to prevent his all in level 1 and 2 (E) cheese, keep maxing out your (Q) after you have invested (2) points into your (E) for CS’ing realibly. Once he gets level 6, he will try to tower dive a lot or he will simply try and catch you out in the lane. You never want to be extended into a Tryndamere unless the lane is one sided and you are winning hard, because again all it takes is for him to (E) > (W) and run you down with his (R) to prevent his death, long enough to kill you or while he is getting ganked in a 1vs2 scenario.
PH45 says “Can chase you down, especially if he gets the slow on you. Get tabis and warden's and just farm the lane out. Save your Q when he spins on you.”
Anoying bro5 says “Optional to take ignite plus Nimbus cloak rune. Personally i stick with tp and standard runes. Do not fight him when his rage bar is full and you win. When you land a riposte he will stare at you like an idiot and you just demolish him. When he ults make sure you ult and riposte when he has ultd, not earlier. Pre 6, riposte whenever he spins on you as you insta win. If you have ignite, use it when he ults and run around in your ult until his ult ends.”
BoilTheOil says “Cringe champion, how hasn't he been reworked yet? Level 1 don't let him get fury off minions, if he gets fury don't fight him. If he doesn't have any fury you can take trades with him. If you waste W in this lane he will run at you and bash your head in. Rush Plated Steelcaps into him, and if you really hate Tryndamere buy a Warden's Mail as well. Don't ult him unless it's towards your side of the lane because he will kill you. Once he gets Kraken Slayer don't fight him unless he's behind. Try to prevent him from getting tier-1 tower because he will counter jungle a ton if he does. Match him in a side-lane later into the game and don't bother fighting him because he will heal / run away / kill you. If he decides to teamfight ult him away from your team, he's pretty shit in teamfights so you will probably win if he tries to.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Tryndamere's annoying because he can spin on you and chunk a lot of hp with his autos (especially if he crits). He also has a pretty good heal that allows him to survive most of your poke. Still, you beat him very hard early (like Garen) so poke him constantly and flay whenever he tries to go in. Once he's 6 ult and flay him away. Then re-engage once his ult is down - or is about to run out - and kill him. He's a splitpusher so you want to get significantly ahead so he can't powerfarm and catch up.
Grasp or aftershock build with bone plating works fine. Build a frozen heart and thornmail. They will block a lot of his auto damage, reduce his attack speed, reduce his Q healing, and give you CDR to deal with his low spin CD (from navori quickblade). Anathema's is really good here.”
quinn adc says “Trynd will go Q max and likely fleet most games into you, and if he does, he will legit have perma sustain early on so you don't have much kill pressure unfortunately.
Important to note that Quinn's vault in fact cancel's Trynd's spin, so legit just save your E every time to cancel his spin.
Phase rush and boots rush are important to always outrun tryndamere.
Constantly punish him with auto attacks and Qs, and save E always to counter his E. By doing this, he can't play the game.
Post 6, if he Es you, he needs flash to even come close, buth PR with boots and nimbus cloack effect on ignite makes you faster than him, always. He can't ever out run you.
If you go galeforce, use this dash to help escape as well.”
Veng Shotz says “Grasp+ign+brambles+tabis shuts him down, dont get cheesed level 1-3 and his gameplan crumbles. Without a clear lead tryndamere just straight up loses till late game where he gets to spam e to run away from you. This is one of the few match ups where you're forced to side lane all game to force him to stop split pushing. Just be aware if or when your team needs you for objectives. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Care for the level 1 spin onto you and RNG crit. Those can screw you up pretty bad. I've had no issues going BORK rush against him, but if you wanna be absolutely safe, go shieldbow first.”
Feedaboi says “has high dmg due to his passive giving him crit chance, in this lane look to trade with him when his fury bar is low, lvs 3-5 is when u have an advantage in this lane, look to punish him when he wastes his e or if he has low fury. Once he hits 6 you have to be careful since he can turn a fight very easily with his ult. ”
King Turtle says “Tryndamere is a pretty one-dimensional champion but he does that one thing EXTREMELY well. And that one thing is being a fucking pest. You could kill him 3 times before 6, get a herald, but if you get low and he has ult it's over. The only ways to really counter him are running away and hard CC. And gwen has no hard CC. ”
Phrxshn says “Save Fling and Mega Adhesive to prevent trades. Kite out his Undying Rage(R) then kill him. Avoid fighting him with full stack of Battle Fury(Passive) aka red indicator. If you're proxying beware of Tryndamere's Mocking Shout(W) as it will give him a bounty. Make sure you are not facing away from Tryndamere to prevent the slow from his Mocking Shout(Fling override his Spinning Slash or his E) (Mega Adhesive prevent his E from being cast) (Outscaling Edge: Tryndamere) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
Amphawn says “The new lethal tempo is insane on tryndamere, do not fight him early no matter what, wait until 6 to do anything. He has dive, he has slow, and he has big damage. He can also tower dive you once he gets ult, but you can play around it with yours. This matchup is very difficult early game, and if he gets on top of you late game, you are probably dead. Keep in mind that he can just dash through all your minions and slow you early game. Just play it safe until 6, and if he wastes one of his 2 dive abilities, then you can poke him a bit. Remember that he has a heal, but using it makes him a bit weaker until he regenerates his fury. You may want to consider buying GW especially if the enemy team has any other healing champs or if he buys any lifesteal.”
PH45 says “Don't get cheesed early by his crits. Save your Q for re-engaging him after he spins away. You outscale him, especially after you get Steelcaps and some levels. Early Sheen helps your burst trades a lot, after 6 you can just auto a creep, then Q on him and auto + W to chunk him. Most Tryndameres run Ghost so be careful of them running you down after your E runs out.”
At_Tar_Ras says “he's quite dangerous. in my experience i don't lose against him as much but when i do i really feel how painful it is. update: LT has made this matchup unplayable :) dodge. rush tabis if you can as that item alone can shut him down quite well early. watch out for his ignite and rage bar, when it's full simply stay away. engage when his rage bar is low and when he ults kite away by Q'ing away or using W to negate damage as your last option. try to win lane or at the very least NOT lose lane as hard cause if you do, you will get DESTROYED for the rest of the sidelaning of the game. i say sidelaning game because at the end of the day your job is to just ult+flash the enemy backline and kill that mf. but, read the guide completely to know what im talking abt.”
iZeal says “He boasts a lot of sustain and if he gets ahead he will towerdive you relentlessly. Do not overextend vs him and force his ultimate as fast as possible. In teamfights you make him useless, so just make sure he never gets in the position to dive you.
Respect his Level 1 and 2 and proceed to keep your distance from Level 3 onwards, abusing your CC to keep the trades short and in your favour. E'ing into Tryndamere can be devastating if he takes the chance to all in so keep it mostly for disengage.”
SunFalk says “He has an invincibility. He has a dash. He has sustain. He has a lot of crit. - Tryndamere is very hard to kill, he has a lot of mobility and survivability even before lvl 6. Play very safe behind minion close to your tower because Tryndamere will deal a lot of damage even early. If you don't feed him, he's not gonna be that bad late game except if he split push.”
slogdog says “Tryndamere has a low cooldown spammable E and Yorick has no CC to deal with him especially when he ults. The only way to win this matchup is to kill him 3 times before level 6 and to get a massive amount of armor and components of triforce, before he hits his powerspikes. Build Steelplates.”
Phrxshn says “Save Infected Cleaver to prevent trades. Kite out his Undying Rage(R) then kill him. Avoid fighting him with full stack of Battle Fury(Passive) aka red indicator. If you're farming beware of Tryndamere's Mocking Shout(W) as it will give him a bounty. Make sure you are not facing away from Tryndamere to prevent the slow from his Mocking Shout (Recommended Items: Thornmail) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
Raen says “Rush Tabi in this match up also Deathdance/Randuin's Omen/Frozen Heart is strong item vs Tryndamere. Be careful at 1 lvl cuz of his crits, remember that your E got same CD than his E at 1 lvl. Always keep your Q after he will try to make AA+E away from you. Be careful when diving him cuz of his R making him immortal for 5 sec. Always try to bait his R and then go in. Ignite vs Trynda can help. Keep an eye for his Fury if hes full try to not fight him at all. Try to keep ur E for his R bcs then he deals the most dmg when on low hp.”
Hijitori says “Tryndamere is rather annoying then hard. You have troubles with getting your stacks, because when you use your ulti Trynda uses his ulti as well. You can't stop him from using his ultimate with your silence or Q airborne. Be careful with his early levels passive critical strike, that can reach up to 30%. Sometimes Trynda gets lucky and hits you constantly with critical hits on first level, dealing around 150 hp per hit (easy first blood for him). In mid/late game you can try to kill him so fast so he doesn't even react ot use hir Ultimate (happened to my enemy tryndas) because you deal around 900 true damage then, which Tryndameres can't expect :D”
SaltCat says “Disgusting really, level 1 play passive, level 2 also, level 3 you can win if he has no fury, you want to fight him when he has no fury or none, also try to freeze around your side of the lane”
Phrxshn says “Save Pillar of Ice to prevent trades. Kite out his Undying Rage(R) then kill him. Avoid fighting him with full stack of Battle Fury(Passive) aka red indicator. If you're farming beware of Tryndamere's Mocking Shout(W) as it will give him a bounty. Make sure you are not facing away from Tryndamere to prevent the slow from his Mocking Shout (Recommended Items: Thornmail or Executioner's) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Some more nightmare fuel for you. Trynd can easily spin out of your wall. He wacks the Maiden and your ghouls to get even more crit from his passive. He wins short and extended trades fairly easily. ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “If this is a bad matchup for you then bring exhaust. If he doesn't have rage built up then go level one all in. If he spins at you try to W > E away. Freeze the wave. You lose extended trades . ”
LoLReal says “Skill match up. You can win early, respect his early all-in capabilities. Early tabis and bramble vest are essential here. One of the few match ups where ignite is arguably better than ghost.
Punish him when he trades with you and make use of your mid game before he outscales you in the side lane.”
Justkb says “This is free for Darius if you can zone him from the wave as soon as possible. Make sure you land all the Q's you can so he has to heal with his Rage. You can abuse your range with W and E allowing him to be kited and poked inside both waves. Try not to fall behind in CS and make sure you rush Plated Steel Caps and Stridebreaker. If you fall behind purchase an early Wardens mail to stop you getting dove.”
MythicMike says “Before level 6 you can poke tryndamere down and if he spins on you, place a W on him and position yourself better. You want to get a lead before level 6 because his ultimate can be a bit troublesome. If you can make him use his ultimate while surviving, he loses all of his threat and is easily killable.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Trynd will beat you pretty hard 1-6. Make Trynd spin on top of the minions, so the lane will push. A very tough 1v1 matchup without items, but I actually enjoy this later one. If he spins in be sure to Wither, and after you stack for a while you should chunk him down pretty hard. ”
qveenevelynn says “Easy to fight before lvl 6, then u have to be carefull , dont hesitate to slow or charm him when he is on ult, u can ignite him too at the end of his ult”
Phrxshn says “Save Seismic Shard and Ground Slam to prevent trades. Kite out his Undying Rage(R) then kill him. Avoid fighting him with full stack of Battle Fury(Passive) aka red indicator. Make sure you are not facing away from Tryndamere to prevent the slow from his Mocking Shout(Unstoppable his Spinning Slash or his E) (Recommended Items: Thornmail) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
Fan22 says “I don't personally think tryndamere it's really a hard matchup for Maokai, only in the early and if he gets anti-tank items, after you get a Bramble vest, Sunfire aegis or items like Frozen heart he can't do much damage to you.
The problem with trynd it's that if he get's early kills from his random crits it can be difficult to deal with him and his splitpush, not much for you because you are very hard to kill for a tryndamere, but for your team, since most of the times Tryndamere will just ignore tanks and go to kill the Supp, mage or Adc.
Trynd its a splitpusher so you can most of the times just smash the enemy team inTeamfights and get a lead, but always be aware of the map to stop him from getting free turrets and inibids.
Phrxshn says “Save Primal Howl to prevent trades. Kite out his Undying Rage(R) then kill him. Avoid fighting him with full stack of Battle Fury(Passive) aka red indicator. Make sure you are not facing away from Tryndamere to prevent the slow from his Mocking Shout(Primal Howl or Jaws of the Beast override his Spinning Slash or his E) (Recommended Items: Thornmail or Executioner's) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
PanthrickTV says “Not hard, not easy matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Don' t let him stack his passive at minions.
(3) Try to all in at lvl 3.
(4) After he hits lvl 6 you can't really kill him. You need to push the lane and roam.
(5) I recommend Teleport or Exhaust in this matchup”
Fan22 says “Whit some armor items trynda isn't a big problem, but whit a BoTRK and other items he can still kill you no matter how much armor you get and splitpush.
Early game try to farm and dont be in your tower with low hp if he has R, since he can dive towers very easy and you don't have any escape tool outside of Flash.
Remember that he can cast R even if he is under the effect of your Q and W.
A little tip it's that, using your R early in a Fight against trynd can force him to use R more quickly, this can be good if your jungler ganks so that he is bursted sooner and killed soone, since the more time you take to kill him its probable that trynd can turn around the fight.”
Kacto15 says “Puedes buildearte Tabis de Ninja y comienza con la W, ralentízalo cuando gaste su E (DASH) y le das con tu Q cargada, si usa su R usa la tuya y kitéalo”
Phrxshn says “Save Facebreaker to prevent trades. Kite out his Undying Rage(R) then kill him. Avoid fighting him with full stack of Battle Fury(Passive) aka red indicator. If you're farming beware of Tryndamere's Mocking Shout(W) as it will give him a bounty. Make sure you are not facing away from Tryndamere to prevent the slow from his Mocking Shout (Recommended Items: Thornmail or Executioner's) (Outscaling Edge: Tryndamere) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
montybucket says “Tryndamere can easily beat you with his ultimate. Buy bramble and Ninja tabis early. It will make the lane so much easier for you. He'll want to split mid-late game and you cant really do much about that. This is the only lane I'd might consider ignite over tp, but I'd still use tp most of the time against tryndamere. ”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] I dont really see Trynda being played top anymore, but you can allways Counter his R with your own, as you wont have a hard time hitting all vitals after he clicked rightclick one time. start fights with W to get the attackspeed slow and you win fights. from lvl 6 on you should play it safe. Deny Rage early to take a lot of pressure away.”
LegitLechner says “Depends on the skill of the player. His R can 100-0 you with fury. Have to kite and avoid uneccassary trades. Not illaoi friendly but Good illaois dont care. *Moved to 5 with lethal tempo changes. Harder lane”
SaltCat says “He is strong early when his fury is up, you can win it before 6 with smart trades, try to finish him with your q2 damage in a way that he wont expect the burst”
OTP Toxin says “I use a special build for him. Max Q first, rush Randuin's into Plated Steelcaps, he won't be able to kill you, but you will kill him. :D”
SilverAvalanche says “Exhaust instead of Ignite and rush Steelcaps, ult when he ults, his ult should have 1.85s remaining, so just E away.
Tryndamere needs to get ahead early or he is not very useful. So just play the lane slow and don't let him CS, so try not to use your Qs directly into all the minions but instead stand beside the wave so if he walks up you can Q diagonally into him.”
Tryndamere is a champion that is very oppressive when ahead so try to make sure that you win this lane. Luckily, Darius is able to give Tryndamere a hard time in lane. Don’t fight him too much level 1 when he has fury stacks, as he can kill you really quickly with Ignite and a few lucky crits. Try your hardest to kite him. Do not EVER just stay up in his face and trade auto attacks. You WILL lose. Go in, apply your damage and then walk around him. This will be especially crucial when he gets his ultimate, as you will have to kite him for 5 seconds and then apply a single bit of damage to kill him. To help with the kiting, I recommend taking Phase Rush. Conqueror is nice but it is not going to help too much against Tryndamere. Tryndamere is one of the easiest champions to stack Grasp on but Grasp is not optimal. If you want to give him a hard time, you can opt to buy an early Steelcaps or even a Bramble vest but I’d recommend stopping at the Steelcaps and going for your Stridebreaker. As a good rule of thumb, try to make sure he does not touch the wave too much. His fury bar, once fully stacked, makes him very difficult to trade with. And going even in trades is what Tryndamere WANTS. Think about it. You are both low HP, only one of you has the ability to be unkillable. Try to fight him when he has no fury and don’t let him stack it up. Try to kite him if he has lethal tempo up.”
Drake6401 says “You will typically win lane against this guy but it doesn't slow down the good ones. He's a born split pusher that is faster at it than Renekton.
In lane, he can run you down level 1 so give him space super early. You out burst him in trades. Run after him instead of dashing until you have him chunked because he will chase you after your combo if you only have one dash left.
His random crits make early trades very unpredictable. So keep in mind that not all fights will go as planned.
If you get a good trade on him, keep him off the wave. Like Renekton, he builds fury so you both share weaknesses. Desoite this, You have to close the game quickly because he will just build all damage and split.”
RivalOCE says “Look to take short sharp trades post 3. Once Riven has 45%, look to space your spells out and kite him out, especially when he's ulting. Tabi rush isn't bad here either. When he spins on you, you need to W, auto, E away and keep Q autoing him as you kite back. Never go for brute force fights against Tryn, the RNG is scary.”
Chease says “You should win lvl 1 if his RNG isn't godly, if he tries to escape with his E just interupt it with your E. After lvl 6 hold your E and R till he ults and just CC him for duration of his R.
If he gets ahead don't even dare to walk up to him.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp w/ Bone Plating, Doran's Shield, E > W] - Start E lvl1 so he can't auto you down lvl1
- Max E, make sure you don't take extended trades
- E everytime he tries to trade with you
- Don't push your lane. Let him push and trade with him near your tower.
- He's just a bs champ design, you can't do much to him and he can't do much to you
- In teamfights, your job is to make sure your carries stay alive before he kills them!"”
Wawza says “With his E being on a short cooldown due to his autos, he can just chase you down if you engage at a bad time and his ultimate buys him enough time to all in you if you havent poked him prior.”
Kampsycho says “Won't Die, Dashes over your wall, Will out DPS and Outrade you almost always, just rush Tabis with HP item, and slowly finish ur mythic followed by an Omen, or get sheen and rush Omen.”
maxlid3 says “Like the other champs, he will try to engage you early with his E. Keep distance and maybe skill W on Level 1 to be extra save and stop his early engage, also watch out for early cheese in brushes.”
Rhoku says “Tryndamere is a very tough cheese matchup. He basically AAs the wave, gets his passive and prays to god that he crits. Yes, Tryndamere players do make the lane an RNG fest every damn time. Annoying but manageable. Ignite is very good into this lane. Rylai's is nice. Basically, don't fight him if he has his fury stacked up. He WILL crit and do INSANE damage with those crits that win him the fight out of NOWHERE. It is so cheese. Your basic way to beat him is to kite him out. Don't stand in front of him and let him AA you do death. Q, AA, AA and then just kite him with your superior movement speed. Tabis are great into him but get Rylais STRAIGHT after as it makes kiting him SO easy. Save your E for when he disengages or when he is on top of you and you need to disengage from him. Poke him down with your Qs. In Death Realm, you simply have to get him to low HP and then just kite him for 5 seconds. AVOID FIGHTING for this duration of time. He can legit 100-0 you in these 5 seconds of his ultimate. And you WON'T be 100% HP now will you. Ignite helps a lot in this lane because when he ults and he is at low HP, you can put your ignite on him and this will pretty much just kill him even if he heals. Your sustains are pretty even as its his Q vs your W. You are also higher range than him. Overall, your playstyle should be to keep him at a distance, use your abilities, kite until your abilities are back up and then use them. Be sure to sneak in an auto or two to make sure your passive doesn't go off. He outscales you SUPER hard so don't let the game go to lategame.”
YasTilt says “Take Anti-Heal against him becuase he'll be really annoying. Mind taking Exhaust because he has high Attack-Speed. Try taking fights before LVL 6 when he wastes his Rage.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade) Punish Tryndamere pre lvl 6. If he ever E's in, just fling him to your minions and shred with W. Note: when Tryndamere takes fatal damage during his ult - Urgot pulls him instantly (Urgot can't execute Tryndamere during his R). Stop Trynd from splitpushing later in the game. Your midgame is stronger than Tryndamere's. ”
PK Noob says “Tryndamere can easily close gaps between himself and you then auto you down. The only way you will win is if he doesn't have his Ultimate. Don't engage him unless his ultimate is down or you know you can stall for 10 seconds.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. This champion is just cringe. At level 1 - don't let him get furry off minions. Don't even bother fighting him when he has fury stacked with 30-40% crit chance for whatever reason. Rush Plated Steelcaps and buy Randuin's Omen as second item to reduce a lot of his damage. Don't ever let your Tier-1-Turret fall. He will counter-jungle a lot and you can't do anything about it because he is immortal for 5 seconds and can easily kill you, your jungler or just run away. Tryndamere is pretty shit in teamfights, but if he teamfights - keep him away from your carries. ”
FantasysAhlong says “He is slippery and has sustain in lane. Trade with Q and Grasp auto, farm until Bamis and Bramble, then you should be able to win 1v1s.”
Avelon6698 says “Kill him pre-6, post-6 bait his 6 before killing him. A skilled tryndamere will win after 6 usually though. Just get a poppy jungle though and you'll be fine throughout the whole game.”
Psychopathic Top says “Very player dependent lane. Good Tryndamere players will harass you under turret with their auto spin away. Doing this actually prevents the turret from hitting them, and also getting an extra 150-200 damage onto you. In lane, try to survive and scale into sheen. Try to stay at high hp to not get dove. Post sheen and level 6, try to see if he uses spin (E) in the wrong way, and if he does, all in him right away to punish. It is hard to kill him, due to his R, so do not force necessary plays. Mid to late game you outscale tryndamere, but at this time the trynd will be looking to split push and be annoying. Force teamfights mid and force the tryndamere to back and fight with his team.
Olaugh says “Poke him early and don't trade with him when he has full fury,farm from a fair distance if he has full fury, when he activates his R just q him and run away for 2,3 seconds then come back to kill him, until you return, his R will expire so just finish him. In late game maybe even some time during mid game he can kill you easily so be careful,don't fight him solo, if he get's enough items he can dive you quite easily ! It heavily depends how good is he just like Yasuo. ”
Gospodin Bure says “Pre 6 you wipe the floor with trynda, post 6 just kite him with barrels and buy Steelcaps ASAP (running stopwatch is also reccomended)”
DippyDan says “Strong early damage if rage is stacked, has good sustain in lane with Q healing, and very good at diving at level 6. TIPS: [1] Don't let him stack early, go for early level 2. [2] Land riposte pre-level 6 and you win the fight.
[3] Use R to counter his R and get all 4 vitals. You can out heal his damage and kill him once the duration ends.
[4] Get an early Steelcaps and get Randuins for late game.”
IvernLover74856 says “Buy DBlade at the start and cheese him lvl 2, then recall. Your ult kinda counters his, but he has his funny heal ability up for when it ends. Build exe's early. Try serylda's, maybe that lets you kite him out. Bork too.
Otherwise, he just out-kites you and bashes your head in.”
DemonicTrail says “Fairly easy match up, just Proc W grasp on him when you can, if he ults, kill the vessel and run, the slow will allow you to escape and he will have to dodge the passive after his ult expires”
KoKoNwoo says “WATCH OUT FOR HIS ALL IN. Level 1 I highly recommend getting E first to stop him from jumping on you and autoing you to death. If you get to stay alive to levels 6-9 then you are chillin. He will be really strong so make sure to get Steelplate as soon as you can to reduce his damage. Late game he will be strong enough to 1v1 you so be careful and play for teamfights instead.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes ; optional ignite] As long as you get to the wave early and stack your passive before he fills his rage bar you win 1v1 with ignite. Ignite also allows you to negate many of his all-ins, especially cutting his dive potential. As a classic counter to Kayle, Tryndamere is very good at chasing her down with his W. If his rage bar is full do keep max distance. If on the other hand he has no rage, go for a trade.”
IAmStryker says “Starting Items:
-cloth armor/Boots + 4 pots
His slow and high mobility forces you to go Phase Rush.
You will never win an all-in in any circumstance. Play safe and farm as far away as you can without giving up 2 much EXP. DONT TRAIT FARM AGAINST HEALTH. Nothign is worst than a fed Tryndamere. Play safe until lvl 6 and win off of another laner. ”
SunOak says “Extremly hard to play into border line irelia. You can however win this matchup if the tryndamere is very bad. Dont use your W wall untill he has used his E (spin) and try kite out his ult.”
Alan234 says “Used to be an easy matchup. Now even. You have two options: 1. Stand your ground with ignite and PTA and try to kill him. 2. Go Fleet Footwork and kite him. I prefer the second option. Use your q once he e's into you and kite back into your tower. Place defensive shrooms so that you can kite him. Go seekers armguard (into zhonyas later on) and sorc/tabis (preference). Do 3 points into Q, followed by E max. If you max q you can go into a bush and legit stealth in front of him if he used his e. Lategame try to kite him and get his ult out, then go into zhonya to refresh your Q cooldown. This way you can legit win mid/lategame.”
Mr. Popper says “Tryndamere relies on lucky crits to win the early game. Respect his Spin and the chance of him Critical Striking you and the lane is easy. you can kite him easily until he gets a lot of CDR in which you shouldn't try to fight him anymore unless you are very far ahead. I love taking phaserush into this matchup because he can never really kill you unless you let him.”
aurus666lol says “Buy three RB and go PTA. This guy can easly kill you are lvl 1/ 2. All what you want is to play safe and wait for ganks. Remember about his sustain too, so dont let him stack fury to heal more.”
JaxIsAHobo says “This is a pretty self-explanatory matchup, no offense. Don't let him hit minions for free healing when he expunges his Q, and use your E when he's trying to auto you. When it hits level 6, try to pop his ult, and then use either Q to run away, or use your E to mitigate his auto attacks. It's pretty easy, imo.”
RhinoStar says “Very difficult matchup. Your passive is pretty useless against him so be careful with doing trades. After level 6 it will be a bit easier to escape death, but you should really ask your jungler for ganks.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED EN VOTRE FAVEUR. FAITES ATTENTION A SA FUREUR ET NE LE FIHGTEZ PAS SI IL EST FULL FUREUR. SI POSSIBLE EMPECHEZ LE DE STACK EN VOUS POSITIONNANT PRES DES SBIRES POUR QU'IL SE RETROUVE DANS UNE SITUATION OU SI IL FARM ET LAST HIT IL DEVRA PEUT ETRE UTILISER SA FUREUR POUR REGEN VOS DEGATS. PRENEZ CONQUEROR + MANTEAU NUAGEUX. VOUS POUVEZ PRENDRE TABIS RUSH SI VOUS ETES INSECURE OU SI IL VOUS BULLY. Tryndamere est un champion qui est très oppressant quand il est devant, alors essayez de vous assurer que vous gagnerez cette lane. Heureusement, Darius est capable de donner du fil à retordre à Tryndamere. Ne le combattez pas trop au niveau 1 quand il a sa fureur de stack, car il peut vous tuer très rapidement avec Ignite et quelques crits a 40% :) . Faites de votre mieux pour le kiter. Ne restez JAMAIS juste face à lui et échangez des auto attaque vous perdrez. Appliquez vos dégâts et essayez de le kite. Cela sera particulièrement crucial quand il obtiendra son ultime, car vous devrez le kiter pendant 5 secondes, tout en maintenant vos 5 stacks pour le finir. Si vous n'avez pas confiance vous pouvez rush tabis et armure roncière ce qui reste intéressant même si ce que l'on veut est forcer trynda a r le plus tôt possible pour qu'il fight le moins longtemps possible.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Special and unique. Tryndamere is the king of the unbalanced Champions. He can kill you at 1lvl just by landing a crit with his 3% crit chance. Do your job before he hits lvl. 6. After that, there are a few things you can do defend the lane such as buying Thornmail. You can't win.
"Yes, Tryndamere! I am the cause of your suffering! See if you can cut justice from me!"”
SemPelo says “A skill expression matchup only from your side since the only thing Tryndamere has to do is run towards you and basic attack you.
Play has usual but take care for his level 6(maxing W second on this matchup is necessary since he can just dash behind you with his E and so ignoring yours).”
Vandenelis says “can kill you in a single all In in levels 1-3 if playing with ignite and gets lucky with crits. rush tabi and bramble vest, to make him useless. don't ult him if he is in his ultimate, you can try to save it until it ends, or you can use it at the moment it reaches the threshold since a lot of tryndameres don't expect the damage”
Bombabo says “This lane is a total coinflip which leans in Trynd's favor. If he runs in level 2 and crits you a few times, you will lose with little hope of coming back. If you win an early fight, you MIGHT be able to hold your own against him. His passive lane sustain will also force you to engage in fights rather than waste mana on poking. The worst part about this matchup is the interaction between your ults, in which his trumps yours no matter how you use it. If you ult him before he ults, he can activate it even during the suppression to save himself. If you get him down to minimum hp and ult after him, there is a bug which causes your ult to automatically reel trynd in if you ult him at his minimum hp threshold, giving you no opportunity to stall it out. It is just not a fun matchup
DarkyTheReal says “Make sure you don't fight him level 1 and 2, after level 3 you can do a lot of quick trades and the matchup is pretty much easy. Another advice I can give is keep the wave frozen on your tower, so he can't trade you back. If you have problems get Plated steel caps”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Hes easy pre6. After six, he can be a hard matchup, because he can dive you easily and deals a lot of damage. Parry his e and try to get a lead. Most imporatntly, dont fall behind.”
SettVEVO says “Tryndamere is an outdated champion with an outdated kit. Which means counterplay is pretty stupid. He can get lucky and crit you with low rage or get unlucky and not crit you at all. Just don't fight him when he has high rage, and don't let him get rage easily. He will walk up to autoattack you and E away so pull him back before gets away. Early he isn't that scary as later in game. Build tankier than usual, wardens mail isn't a bad buy, as you might have damage but he will have ult. It's much easier to damage him than to tank him. So tank is the way. Sett is a good staller against tryndamere, with a 1 second stun on E, a suppress on his ult and his massive shield on W. So when he has ult don't use any of those abilities until he has his ult active. You can't burst him as even under cc he can ult. The reason why he's a major threat is his splitpushing, he is a soloqueue monster, so try to teamfight hard and fast before he takes your base.”
Byku2506 says “Easy matchup, you can beat him by freezing lane and bully him from stacking fury. If he active R just run away from him and poke only with Q if he slows you, just drag him and use aa W. If you will play perfectly you beat him at 1v1 always.”
RTO says “Level 3 on if you keep it to short trades, you will win. Do not do extended trades on him. Once you have level 6, you can bait out his ulti with how much your burst is, back off then all in him after it is over. ”
Fryx says “He will try to beat you early but once he uses his rage to heal himself you can easily destroy him. Take care of his all in with lethal temp and ult but usually this matchup ends up with him going 0/10 and being flamed by his team. Max E here and he wont be a problem.”
wff010 says “If he gets to snowball on you, you're fucked. But he shouldn't get to do that. Get e level 1, e the first three minions AND him at the same time to get the stun and then AA AA him to get lane prio. Get level 2 first and get w and just keep fighting him because you win. If he's smart, he'll try poking by going in and then out with his e. Take the initiative by stunning him before he can e out and then Q. Your E QQ combo does way more than his auto E combo so just keep doing that and win the lane. If you waste w in this lane you're going to die. If you fall behind, don't bother laning. Roam mid/jg and force shit elsewhere because nothing will happen top.”
LoLReal says “This lane is hard, not only does Trynd always take ignite, which is really effective against Morde, but he trades hard against us. He's also capable of fighting us post 6 and winning. Focus on an early ninja tabi pick up and avoid his early all-ins with a full rage bar. If he spins into you to trade, stand in minions and pull him back in on the way out and punish him with Q + minion damage.”
Vispectra says “This won't go well at all for you for obvious reason. Not only does he do AD damage but he also cannot die and crits! So uh ping jungler and hope for the best. Later on you can potentially use R to confuse him and wait out his R. He is rather squishy but it isn't a good lane to play into.”
SanLourdes says “Tryndamere is extremely strong in his early game. Do not fight him with max fury or he will crit you to death. Building Frozen Heart is actually a good idea against this matchup because he is heavily reliant on attack speed. The real annoyance with him is that he can easily dodge your Q or ult with his E, or run away from your passive. Try not to waste your abilities if he has his E up. Try your best to CC him when he is in his ult, it will be your best chance of delaying the time he has to duel in the effect. Tryndamere usually builds Kraken Slayer, meaning that he can deal massive damage to you through true damage. Farm safely and don't feed him.”
CucumberSandwich says “Braindead champ just auto's you to death. Try to bait his spin out and look for poke. Can't really win after he hits 6, and just try to out farm him. You can also try to CC lock him under your turret if he tries to dive you.”
Dbthegamer74 says “Dodge this shit honestly, will beat you early levels if bad trades happen. You can kill him with Q poke. if he try's to all in you use ghost and flash to dodge his ult for the 5 seconds its up and kill him after if your alive.
Get tabbies to survive and build into your items.”
calbino says “Tryndamere is pretty bad, he always has been. His famous "50% crit" level 1 is unrealistic, and he can't put up much of a fight at level 3 if he doesnt land his W AD reduction. Take bone plating into him and his engage is basically screwed.”
RareParrot says “EXTREMELY misunderstood matchup, teemo loses if trynd runs ghost flash because teemo cant get away. start q to avoid cheese and try to get e before you start poking, start boots.”
Jaori says “Your Q steals his AD and makes you win every 1vs1 in the game. He can't cheese you, and after 6 you are way too tanky to be killed by him. Easy match up.”
ForgottenProject says “This is a stupid Match-up where all he will do is force you to split against him. The only way you can actually make him useless is by stomping him in lane or Praying to god your team Rotates.
[1]Watch his Rage bar and dont engage him when it's near to full or full.
[2]He will probably have Conquerer so play around that. Never intiate without your Conquerer and it's better to fight him when you have your Conq ready and he doesnt.
[3] Rush Tabis after getting your Tiamat if you feel like you're losing lane.”
epic blitz top says “Rough matchup, look to beat him pre 6 with short trades. Warden's mail + Plated Steelcaps take away most of his damage, but still try to kite away with the Phase Rush page.
You can cancel his spin dash with your E or Q.”
dissociate says “Pretty much an annoying matchup in all situations, but is not completely dire. When he engages on you with E + W, you should AA him once, Q at him, and E backwards. If you rush the passive procs, you can get enough movement speed to just evade him.
Fight him between levels 3-5, then avoid him at 6, as he will simply press the funny "R" button and kill you anyway. If you play the fight perfectly, by kiting behind him for proper clone manipulation, you can potentially kill him right at the end of his ult duration.
I recommend the Sunderer build currently.”
Sopachi says “Tryndamere is RNJesus, and HEAVILY relies on early trades level 1-3 to try and crit you to win lane or kill you for an early snowball. Hold your W level up for his all in and then blast him away when you get dismounted. Post 6 you just run him down with your R and can bait out his R before charging at him again. If he ever goes on you use your Q/W to burst him and then use E to disengage. ”
Savage_XZ says “Tough to kill after 6 as you can't finish him during the duration of your ult. Try to kill his ghost for slow and kite away to buy some time when fighting.”
SavagePridestalker says “Tryndamere is super easy to beat with tank Rengar, he can't kill you at all unless he's super ahead. Level 2+ you should be easily getting grasp procs every few seconds while damaging him quite a lot. Try not to stay on lane if you are super low and he has R.”
Bricks N Chips says “Built in sustain, dash, slow, and invincibility. It doesn't matter how well you position if a spinning beyblade of rage comes flying at you and you can't kill it.”
Marwaii says “He's just really annoying to fight. Ensure that you don't fight him when he has fury. Do not fight him if he has full fury and ghost. You'll eventually reach a point in which you can kite him to death and he can't really do much.
Take Trinity + Plated.”
oogoogerson says “This champ does a lot of damage and can win most 1v1's throughout the whole game. At level 6 and beyond you can kill him because you have caught up to him in kill pressure. All you need to do is run away from his R with your R and your Ghost. Take Teleport or Ignite.”
MachDawn says “SUPER SUPER ANNOYING. If he can farm to full passive he can both heal half his HP and STUPID lucky Crits. Trynd is abusive and annoying matchup.”
Safolet says “This matchup is quite fun if you play it well, because at level 1 it will be impossible to farm well with the excellent potential that Tryndamere has at this level, but if you wait a bit to reach level 3, you will most likely beat him 1v1 since you will have the E to jump, the Q to slow down and the W to run faster and do percentage damage. When you are in Mega form, you just have to wait until you are together to use your combo and escape with the E. You have to be a little careful with Tryndamere's R, but if you walk away with the Q, W and E, it will not reach you and you can wait until he runs out of R and kill him with Q.”
Dimitrisbabas1 says “ Outdamages you in close combat cant poke him he can heal a lot more and you cant escape if he lands W last your R is usless if he has his R open”
laoshin3v3 says “Try to not get slowed by his W and go in for a short trade when his E is on cooldown, if his ragebar is low because he healed or came to lane u can fight”
AlanVenator says “His ultimate straight up counter yours. Good thing, he is quite squishy so you can do a lot of damage to him. Be careful when the minions are pushing to you, since he will charge his fury. Try to punish him when you are pushing the lane since that is when he is most vulnerable.”
Breadcrumbs says “If you fail to kill him 2+ times pre 6, you will almost certainly lose this lane. He basically out-trades you in all stages of the game. In addition to this, he is very safe thanks to his E making him difficult to gank.”
SethPRG says “Bush cheesing is a good thing to do here, try to force him off the wave after that. If he builds up rage early you won't be able to beat him. Catching him mid dash is KEY in this matchup. If you can't do this 50/50 then you probably won't win the matchup. They will usually dash away somewhere around 1/3 to 1/4 HP, so be prepared. Some Trynd players go ghost and or ignite, so also be wary of that. Past 6 it gets rough unless you have a decent lead and can live through his ult. It's best to save your R for when he ults, then walking towards where you think he will go to try and reduce the time left on his undying rage. It gets pretty hard late if he builds a lot of damage, it's best to go anti-burst like 3rd item Sterak's Gage and maybe 4th+ item Gargoyle's Stoneplate if the enemy team comp has AP. You will want to rush Bramble first, and Plated Steelcaps if you're not having a good time. Trinity Force or Stridebreaker are your best options here. Death's Dance is a good buy to delay a % of his damage as DoT. If he splits it's hard to match him, he's way better at taking towers, but if that's all he ever does, if you don't let him take too many you will hard win team fights and steamroll the game off that.”
joelspaho121 says “Slightly tryndamere favored. D blade start with sorc tree. Tryndamere is in a rough spot this season(as of patch 11.13) so you shouldn't really have any difficulties killing him. Try to ask your jungler to not leash them in order to have priority in this lane. You want to deny him the ability to last hit creeps because if he does his fury bar going up can be really problematic. Freezing is insanely effective into trynd. Save E when he E's so if you manage to time it well you should cancel it and he should be dead. Post 6 try saving your ult or use it when he doesnt expect it.Tabi rush is effective too. His early damage doesnt match yours so always try to fight him to deny cs and fury stacking. ”
El Leon Gnar says “Trynd is the scariest level 1. Level E second and just jump away whenever he tries to dash onto you, you win trades by hitting Q's while he retreats, and by kiting with W procs when his E is down.”
DaSticks says “Buy ninja tabi and zhonyas if you aren't stomping him. Morellos is also very strong for heal reduction. Be careful for his level 2! (There is a strategy on Tryndamere where you spin through the creeps into the enemy champion killing the creeps and levelling to 2 putting a point into W to slow you)”
Sailor MOwOn says “Similar to Garen & Darius, I fear Tryndamere as any other champ other than Morgana. You can root him while he is spinning, and if he ults, just time it and place a W under him and he will die instantly.”
Kaizin says “This matchup is fairly easy, from level 3 onwards you can take win short trades, even extended trades with your W2 healing. Just watch out for RNG crits and if he takes ignite, you need to respect that. Level 1 start E and you can take a short trade, but once your shield has worn off, I'd recommend not trading auto attacks because he'll win those trades especially if he crits you. Bramble vest early, level 6 you can't exactly all in, but if you can make him waste his ult for yours, you can dive him with your jungler. Tryndamere struggles with killing you after level 6 due to your "death delaying" potential with Q stun, W2 heal, E shielding and R health gain.”
I am so chill says “You poke him so hard that he cant do anything about it.If you get a lead early you win the lane so hard.Avoid long trades and you will win.”
ApollonATH says “Good lane for you. You can kill him level 2 and 3 . After 6 you can kite him until his R runs out by using your W and R to heal with E shield to stall him out .”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: Yes
Looking at your kit, you have no forms of hard cc so he will run at you and will kill you. Plus, he is such an annoying champ he got a quad kill after being 0/6 and then won the game for his team. Do not be afraid to build an hourglass. Also, remember it is better to be down 20-30 CS than to be up 2-3 deaths.”
deathwalker7119 says “Tryndamere is almost worthy of going into the extreme tier. You need to make sure he doesn't dodge your parry with E or by just sidestepping it. You MUST land the parry or you will just lose. You need to ult him early on so you can get your healing while he is in invincible mode. Once he pops ult, just start running around in your healing until it wears off. Don't 1v1 him if he has ult up and you're are low at all (even while you have a hefty lead, he can 1v1 with ult).”
Humitaxx says “it's known that Tryndamere can be a giant threat for any champion if you don't have enough stuns to keep him away after he Ults, but with the Tank build he won't deal enough damage to you to kill you, but he will deal enough so you can kill him with a E + W true damage combo, even after he Ults, you'll be able to Tank the damage until you have your E back to run away or kill him afterwards. Just beware of his jungler, since he can just sit under tower and wait for you to walk by, if he does this, just freeze the lane and let him miss everything, if he roams, just push the lane, since Tryndamere's strong point comes from splitpushing when he gets ahead, if you notice things get difficult after he roams, just tp and help.”
XPRflew says “You do not really want to fight Tryndamere when he his red bar which means he will have 35% crit chance so it's just better to play safe under tower ”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “I generally find this matchup straightforward but I put it as hard as it takes a lot of getting used to. Start E and avoid fighting him at level 1, if he runs at you stun him when he autos so he tanks minion damage. Once it crashes to your tower, stack up your passive and look for fights since his rage will likely be low since your minions are at your tower (he can’t auto them safely).
You should have lane priority now and can win all ins granted that he can’t stack up his rage bar, basically look for all ins when rage bar is under half and you have full passive, wait his bar out if not. Same goes after level 6 however make sure you always have full passive before fighting and have at LEAST 3 minions you can Q reset on. Bringing him to ult is the easy part, the harder part is kiting him until his rage wears out but as long as you have minions its generally straight forward. You can fight him until 4+ items as long as you have minions, avoid showing yourself to him without minions even if you are 3/0+.
tibs2 says “Bramble rush optional, CDR boots rush is really nice too. Because you can w Tryndamere e it is rather hard for Tryndamere to get on you. Still, due to the insane amount of sustain Tryndamere has it can be rather hard to poke him out really. Most of the time this lane ends up being perma fights that do not really result in any kills. Late game you shut him down really hard and can disable his ability to function in teamfights with your ample amount of cc from all of your abilities. If you are in a 1v1 with him late game try to burst him and then r him away when he r, late game you do lose 1v1 pretty much no matter what unless you r him away.”
shinsuky says “Verry good match up but IN EARLY GAME, don't waste, trynda is really strong at level 6 ! After his 2 items, he would be abble to beat you, so try to harassing him the most possible in early game !”
svjade says “He is invincible when he is in undying rage, however it is best to get him to low health before he goes into rage and then avoid his attacks with Akali's E or W skill. Once Tryndamere is out of rage mode, Akali needs to attack him immediately to finish him off.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Tryndamere will win regular trades, but later on when you both hit 6, he'll go for towerdives most likely, this is where Thresh shines, he won't be able to leave tower range fast enough and not die if he goes for the towerdive kill.”
Ponkstronk says “You win hard before lvl 6. At 6 if he ults and tries to all in you, try to stall time as much as you can. Even use your own ult in his ult just to stall, and then kill him.”
Pupupipiru says “This guy doesn't die, has infinite sustain and can 1v1 you at any point in the game, try to play a little safe, as he will, most likely, in the early levels, push waver to get his fury up, and farm under tower.”
god of bronx says “1-doran
2-w cuando se tire xd
4-mete los 4 puntos rapidito
5-corre cuando active r
6-ojala no llegues a late
7-tabis si te caga mucho”
painkillertop says “This is one of the toughest lane oppenents you can come up against.
You have a small window to kill Trynd pre 6 however try not to fight when he has a full bar of rage. When fighting post 6, try not to use your Ultimate as soon as he uses his R (Undying Rage) as this will not execute him...however it will bring him closer to you thus enabling him to crit you to death. Try not to get too close to tryndamere, the only way to win the trades are by kiting him long enough to the point where he has used his R and you are free to use your ultimate in order to execute him. In terms of items rushing a brambles vest doesnt seem to counter his early game damage. I would recommend Plated Steel Caps>Bramble then continue your standard build”
Noodles912 says “He can't do anything to you early on, but man is he annoying. Bully him pre 6, and after that, save your pool for his R. When he is low, he will R, and w will let time tick, until you kill him when his R is up. If he sticks by, then a stopwatch can burn all of his R. Rush zhonyas, and look to outscale him. Late game, use protobelt to clear his sidelane waves, as he will splitpush all game.”
PiscesPomf says “HARD LANE
His R is really annoying, you can try to take Ignite. Poke him, and outscale ! During laning, he can go under tower so take care. If he goes under tower, you can run around the tower with your Q and parry his damages so he will die of the tower.”
kohyss says “Early dont let him stack his rage, just zone him from farm. Later build early stopwatch and then zhonya to wait out his ult. Try to kite him when he ults. Rush bramble+plated caps.”
SPJohnWD says “Easily freezable on, you win duels if you take them in small skirmishes playing around Sylas W, Watchout for trynd Ignite and trynd R will be up before your own R.”
teemodumbstupid says “This matchup can be very hard early game for you. Fleet can help against his heavy trading. You can build randuins second item vs him.”
Urgodzilla says “Braindead champion, very frustrating to play against. He can cheese you lvl2 with ignite. Use your R to kite him when he uses his R: in this case the slow will be really strong because it depends on target's missing health. I've noticed several times that Urgot's R is sometimes buggy in this matchup: it instantly and automatically recasts second time for no reason. But if you are lucky and this doesn't happen, remember timings: his R duration is 5 seconds, you have 4 seconds between 1st and 2nd casts and 1,5 seconds to drag him into the grinder. Use it properly to execute him.”
Oskarl3 says “if you stand back there isn't much he can do, he might try and dive you but with phase rush and your stridebreaker slow you will almost always get a 1 for 1 trade. just farm and survive the lane.”
jmp_01_ says “Insanely strong 1v1 and split-pushing champion. Do not fight him when his fury-bar is full. He deals unnormal amounts of damage. He has a slow, a dash and his R - Undying Rage that grant him a lot of safety from dying. Take Plated Steelcaps and Randuin's Omen and pray to god that he won't run you down.”
negoZoma69 says “With AD Neeko, as soon as you get boots you will be able to kite him well. But with AP Neeko you can lack in dmg to kill him, so try to poke from distance and never give him good trades because he may dive you after one of them.”
Draconic56 says “His high mobility makes it hard to hit him with your Q.You don't want to fight him when he has fury because he will eat you. Poke him with your Q and ult him when he is low and try to kite him when he ults ghost is good in this matchup.”
SanLourdes says “A pretty even matchup in my opinion. He can just go in for a combo and then spin away. Do not fight him with max fury or you will be eating up a ton of crit damage. The good thing about Tryndamere is that he has to walk up to you to deal his damage. This is where your passive come in. Stack it and then kite him, hitting him occasionally to keep it active. Do not directly fight him when he is in his ult. If he decides to use his E to spin or his ult, use a reverse E to pull him back to buy you time. Once his ult is out, just ult him and kill him. If he decides to use his ult in yours, don't eat up his damage. Just kite him with your passive and damage him with your Q. Once his ult is over, you will have about 2 seconds left of your ultimate if he used his as soon as you used yours. Build Plated Steelcaps and focus on getting Rylai's.”
Kokob5 says “Playing against Tryndamere is always a battle against RNG. The best option is to allow him to push you in so he can't run you down if he all ins. Delaying mythic for armour is recommended as fighting Tryndamere is a battle of endurance, not damage.”
Hesychia says “The king of splitpushing.. If you cast w, he will get inside of it using his E. he can easily dodge your Q skill using his E. He can chase you using his E and W. Try to trade him if his Rage Bar isn't full or loaded.
He can see you even if you are inside of a bush that doesn't have any vision because of his "W". His "W" shows nearby enemies even if they are staying at areas that tryndamere doesn't have vision, His "W" becomes castable if they are enemies nearby in its range so beware of that because most tryndamere's know that.
SleeplessX says “Very annoying, your E is useless, he has crazy RNG damage, you can fight lvl1-5 if his rage is low but post-6 you'll have to respect and he will only get stronger and stronger”
Dorom says “Tryndamere is an easy matchup early for Gangplank, pre level 6 Tryndamere is horrible and if you take ignite he cannot fight. Punish his weakness by putting a barrel to the minion wave so he can't CS, hit the barrels so you get grasp and just bang him to base.”
OctavePlayer says “A huge threat to AD Akali due to his w and his massive healing. Grab grievous wounds as soon you get a chance. Until then, farm safely because he can close down distances.”
gladiatorrr4 says “You can poke tryndamere very well when he is trying to get some cs.
Take advantage of him being meele.
Pasherush is very good to counter his slow. He can't really fight you below 6.”
raede says “You bully Trydamere early but don't let him free farm and split. If you just deny him CS and have more of an impact in teamfights you will be fine.”
bocchicken says “take points in E early instead of extra points in Q. Tabi + Bramble = free win. look to all in at level 6. Care for his ignite and early cheese.”
CaptianMike says “Since he is auto attack based, you can counterstrike nearly all his damage. You should be able to win most fights after the early game. He scales very hard so take late game fights with caution, but otherwise you should be able to duel him
ChaseMorePlz says “Trynd pretty destroys Riven but if you manage to kill him early on you can get a lead. Avoid feeding him, set up a gank pre 6 and bait out his E. Later on it's very difficult to kill him without the help of your team. ”
Lunarisen says “He's no threat to you, his only mission is to split push and if you decide to stand in his way; he'll either try to fight you, waste his ult and die or run away.”
Alekra says “Can be tricky, if not unbeatable if he gets fed. You might want to take Perfect Timing and Bisquit Delivery. You can go Ruby Cristal + potions for starting itmes + E at lv 1 to counter his all in. Only trade when he is low on rage.
Plated Steelcaps are pretty mandatory.”
Erenando says “He is easy pre 6. Just stack as much as possible, stack armor. Thornmail, Frozen heart, ninja tabis. Stay cautious after 6. You'll have enough sustain at a certain point.”
ToinoEscaca says “Tryndamere has one of the best early game damage in LoL. Do not engage on long fights, he'll win. Wait for any mistakes, wave of minions favorable or for Bramble Vest.
You'll win mid-late game if your mechanics are on point (and early if you are ahead).”
GrGamingTeo says “In order for Tryndamere to become a beast early is to stack up his rage bar. All ou have to do is get a Doran;s Blade and W start and every time he even thinks of attacking your minions you AA, W him and fight him. He will look to stack his rage once you recall, you can use it to your advantage so after you recall his minions will most likely be under your tower so you can freeze on him, his rage will go down and yo can start trading hi mand even kill him. Another thing Tryndamere will do is AA then spin away and deal damage while spining. In this situation you can AA, E him and counter his dash then trade a little bit with your W and your Q then walk away and you won that trade.”
Kristofu says “Tryndamere has a lot of sustain in the lane and is an early bully, also, watch for his lvl 6, since your R will drag him as soon as he hits 1HP without you clicking the R button again. Also, since he doesn't die from your ult, it will not fear him when after you grind him. Wait to throw your ult when he has 2 seconds left on his R, since the drag take 3 seconds, it will kill him.”
HoftheGreed says “Rushea Tabi y abusa de el lo mas que puedas antes de nv6, forzandolo a acercarse a farmear por lo que hay que evitar pushear agresivamente.”
Olaf Only says “You can't win 1v1 after lvl 6.
Before 6, go for trades if he has 0 fury.
You have to close out the game as fast as possible because Tryndamere can dive you if he gets enough items.
Olaf is better in teamfights.”
LunaticDancer says “A champion that can turn off damage and build full attack while also being kinda slippery? Not really fair for you. Can kill your summons then proceed to kill you. His W debuff also affects your summons. Your best bet - W him after he dashes at or away from you, then proceed to beat him down. In lane, watch out for his Fury meter, if it's more than half full, that can mean serious trouble. Also, stomping him early is a thing you're hoping to do, because once he hits 6, he becomes stupidly powerful. You can trap him in your W when he ults and step away, so he doesn't unfairly kill you. If he runs away, that's at least his R wasted, if he runs at you, your minion damage will fuck him up when his R runs out. Anathema is amazing in this match-up.”
SpyDaFX says “at level 1, try to zone him from cs, if he gets close, W him when u have 50 fury and walk away, do not go for extended trade or he will kill you level 1 if he gets enough fury. at level 3 u can go for short trades if he have fury, care for his W, if he doesnt have fury go for extended trade if u 100% sure u can kill him. press the attack is recommended but go conqueror if u have to (enemy comp), and rush tiamat and tabbies.”
Ravenborne says “Phase Rush is mandatory. Keep going for trades and rush Phage into Tabis. If you want to ult him E him and R him during the Pull so he can't react to your R. If he has R on keep AA'ing him so he dies to the bleed after his R runs out.”
Mr.Kovacic says “If he gets his passive up, he will hit you non stop and crit you for every single hit. In the fight, he can just ult and not die and kill you. Thats Tryndamere 101 for you”
Kil4fun says “Seriously bad news. He can tower dive you with his ultimate and get away with it for free. Try not to pick Kayle into him. You can win a level 1 trade if he doesn't get lucky crits but as soon as he hits 6 he just wins into you. Exhaust might be a good rune to take to escape his heavy damage.”
DoubleQ says “He can harass you early game but once you get level 6, you can kill him. If he ults, you can get ignite from your unsealed spellbook and kill him with it.”
TheMrDarkness says “Try to not get slowed by his W and go in for a short trade when his E is on cooldown, if his ragebar is low because he healed or came to lane u can fight”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Your W cancels his E. If you're proxying against Trynda beware that he only needs to get his W off on you to get the kill over an execute. It's stupid coding but it is what it is. Play passive against him because if RNGesus decides to give him 4 crits in a row you're stuffed. Bramble works well here.”
Whobick says “Tryndamere can be pretty challenging to face. I find it easy early game because Reckless Swing does a huge amount. After 6 though, he can't be 1v1'd so you just have to play it safe or ask for ganks.”
Devilofthewest says “You can win pre level six before he gets his ult, however do not underestimate him. If you just stand there and trade with him he will win. To defeat him you need to try to keep his passive down by poking him away from the CS. So play aggro but safe. In this fight take ignite, try to time it to hit before the ult expires when he will try to heal. ALSO just a tip you can try out, people who play this guy tend to want to go for the tower dive then ult. IF YOU GET a early STOP WATCH you can out play his dive and he will die to tower. Against tryndamere you will want to buy guardian angel at some point.”
J0hnny Joestar says “Tryndamere isn't tanky enough to trade with you early, but he can use his R when he sees the animatron of your R, so only use your R when his ult ends. ”
kingchas2 says “Watch out for early Cheese. If he has lethal tempo + ignite you have to sit back to avoid getting first blooded. His ulti is better than you in the 1v1 and if you aren't careful will let him dive you. Building an early stopwatch can really mess him up as it allows you to wait out his ulti. ”
ModelitoTime says “Tryndamere can either be really annoying or really easy, remember that his ult counter yours so it would be best to hit him with your ult about 2 seconds into his ult, his ult lasts 6 seconds and Urgots last 4.5 seconds long, so if you ult him about 2 seconds into his ult *DO NOT PULL HIM IN WITH YOUR ULT. WAIT FOR THE TIMER ON YOUR ULTIMATE TO RUN DOWN AND IT WILL DO IT FOR YOU* take notice of his split pushing late game too.”
ChevalierArlo says “Um bom tryndamere ganha tranquilamente essa lane. Foque em freezar sua onda de minions (Manter 3 guerreiros/5 magos inimigos vivos) e em manter sua torre de pé até receber um gank. Use a build 2.”
chokoryu says “Tryndamere is pretty difficult. Even if he has one health left, he burst you down to no health and heal it back with his heal skill. His dash acts as a counter to your Q. Try to get level 5 W quick to get easier Q hits.”
Csapi says “When he reach 3 is a little bit hard to play againts him and when he reach 6 its almost imposible so you need to make youre moves before 6 in order to win the game againts him”
ineptpineapple says “Awful matchup just everything about him is awful. Just try to do the same thing we have spoken about with people like pantheon kite back if he engages and poke and ult him to try and kill him. Remember about his stupid undying and try to take that into account before trying to kill him.”
Otp Fiora Sorry says “Ganhar early game caso ele nao tenha furia max... tente sempre fazer o ult rapido ou vai morrer para o trynda msm que teja 0-4 ... usa a build mais tank que vai ajudar a aguentar o dano”
Defensivity1 says “Grasp page required rush warden's mail or tabi preferably get both and then just rush tri
Keep W to match his E when he tries to all in you at level 4-6.”
Hyzerik says “His Fury and Crit are very annoying. Bring ignite to this match for his ult, use it near the end of it and try to survive. Rush bork to kill him before his ult and try to zone him so he can't get his Fury up.”
Vielia says “His R makes him dangerous, when he R, use your in him and E him after landing to keep him stunned them most time while you wait for it to end.”
BloxNaderYT says “Same concept as Fiora, Tryndamere's ultimate allows him to dive Ornn under turrets and not allow him to shove wave and heal back with Warmogs in the late game. Not as much as a threat as may be susceptible to outplay if Ornn hits his Crowd Control. Tryndamere's potency to make Ornn need more teammates to help Ornn resulting in a 1v2 or more can allow him to split push and gain numbers advantage for his team on other areas of the map especially when neutral objectives are online.”
Nonoo says “tryndamere can approach you and start hitting you, use your Q to try to hold a few blows, but when it's over you will receive a lot of damage from him, try not to disturb him too much and when he moves away from you hit him a couple of times”
JannaMainOTP800K says “cancel his dash with your Q and if he ults a R + Q towards him will help you
consider taking Phaserush to compensate for his slow or if you feel confident in your prediction skill take Arcane comet for extra damage. ”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “You can win easily pre-6. Tank out his ult with E. Ignite him as his ult is ending. CC him during his ult and you shut him down.”
Raideru says “Trynda lvl 1-3 is really powerful so I generally try to not trade with him at all on the first 3 waves, the way u want to trade him is only go for the trade if he can only auto u back once and u have to do auto w on him or when he hits minions jump on him and auto w e auto away so basically u play for trades u have 2-3 autos extra on him to make the trades even after he heals this matchup becomes very jax favored after sheen reset so make sure u don't int before that. I advise Grasp with Dshield start, sheen rush with boots.”
LeSocair says “Avoid him filling up his passive rage. Crits are mad, avoid fighting him with his rage up. You can win before 6 fairly easy if you play right, after that it'll be very hard to kill him unless he's tilted.
He's a Major Threat with Ignite, if not, you can trade more safely, remember not to extend the trades though, unless you have already poked him down with Q/E.”
sauronkaiser says “Just next to jax and irelia, biggest Yorick´s counter. If he is good, you are fucked. I usually dodge if i see this in the enemy team after picking yorick.
Try to respect his damage, poke his mobility and calculate correctly his ult timer.”
TioKirb says “He hits hard, but he's not dangerous until level 6. After that, time your ult to kill him after he sleeps while immortal. If you can't deal with him this way, use a Zhonya's Hourglass and see how he's useless.
Then again, Oblivion Orb is really useful against him.”
FoxyGrill says “Your ult doesn't really work against him since his ult is longer, you cant farm minions without E before you get level 6 since you'll need to lower the distance between you, you beat him only with good positioning.”
Mord3kaiser says “You do mostly burst damage so it is hard to win in longer trades with
Tryndamere early on. he can also easily 1v1 you in the death realm.”
EU_Toxicity says “Rush tabis into phage to kite out his lethal tempo proc easily. Beware of his fury meter. You usually have enough damage to kill him in a 1v1 to the death if you're both full HP before 6 . After level 6 make sure to ult him early (as soon as you have 5 stacks) since the E into ult trick will not work here (Tryndamere can activate his ult during any cc) . If you have to match him in a sidelane get tabis cleaver and randuins.”
The Hentai masta says “Noob champ,ult and screaming, at level 6 your trade are never worth, maybe if you have a good jungle but be carefull and build healing reduction, use your w for The slow or when you are really low”
Letal-plank by The Hentai masta | Gangplank Player
bocchicken says “he cannot engage on you. if he spins in, you can Q him away without taking damage. if your Q is down, don't move within range unless you have some armor items already.”
iZeal says “If you get to lane first, zone him from building up his rage, otherwise concede early game until Level 3. Don't stand still when fighting him, abuse your superior auto attack range by kiting him with your W and your E. Later on you can trade ult for ult as you are much more useful without it than he is. If you are really struggling with this matchup you can either take Phase Rush into Tryndamere for stronger kiting and nullifying his W slow or Aftershock to facetank him more easily.
Tryndamere becomes hard later on when his E has basically no cooldown and if he ever gets ahead he may dive you under tower.
DBlade, Tabis!, later on Randuin's Omen.”
Timesoul977 says “It's mainly his R that counters Pantheon and many other champions if you want to poke him don't let him get farm because his E will regenerate his health and would be a wast of mana.”
NoxianBlood says “Tryndamere is known for his intensive split pushing and destroying objectives, and when he gets infinity edge and Statik and phantom dancer, he might one-shot you even if you have a lot of resistance, don't fight him when he has a lot of fury it will give him more critic chance and heal a chunk back, he's annoying to deal with, so if you lose because of him just ban him the next game.”
byThiagus says “Ganas desde nivel 1 al 5, podes usar ignite, espada de doran. desde nivel 6 a 18 te puede ganar all ins aunque si tenes fantasmal podes kitearlo y ganarle. Rushear tabis obligatorio, le podes ganar1v1 y sos mejor en team fights.”
AWierdShoe says “
Here you wanna abuse him every time where he’s not stacked up his rage-bar yet, starting level 1. Place your blade up the lane and pummel him with empowered Q’s when he goes for a CS abusing your superior range. He can and will chase you if he gets the chance, so don’t let him. You win short trades level 1-2 if played correctly, but level 3+ it’s impossible to lose the short trades utilizing your W. Just position the blade, walk up and trade with empowered Q’s and W and then walk back when W ends. If he tries to extend the trade by using E into you, then just deny him with a disengage taunt. He’ll lose trades so hard he can’t even close to heal back up. NEVER TAUNT IN FIRST.
I Am Goliath says “Shouldn't kill you in lane unless he takes ignite then he may be able to, try to punish him hard early. You're gonna want ninja tabi's and a thornmail because he is going to be splitting all game and you want to be able fight him.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Level 1 contest cs and poke with Q -> Space correctly, stay at Q range distance all the time -> Poking will result into you being able to go for the all-in -> Start ignite to have kill pressure early on -> Level 2-3 you can win the all-in -> Careful of how much fury he has -> Do not let him just trade favorable trades for him because he will just sustain it out with his Q and be full HP in no time -> Level 6 bait his R and dash away immediately to wait for it to expire. You need to kite and if he is killable right before his R start chasing/following him”
eBrixton says “Tryndamere used to be a very easy matchup for Warwick and he still is early game. Unfortunately, due to the item changes, he becomes a late game overlord who you're better off dodging on sight”
NickCola Tesla says “You are one of Tryndamere's counters! The lane should be a skill matchup heavily in your favor.
Tryndamere is one of the easiest champions to proc Grasp of the Undying, so use this to your advantage in lane and poke at him with your AAs!
Tryndamere is typically referred to as a "stat check champion." This means that his viability in and out of lane depends on him comparing his stats to that of other champions. If he manages to get ahead slightly, he has the potential to take over the entire game. If he falls slightly behind, he essentially teeters on the edge of uselessness.
His entire kit revolves around random crits, which you can negate by purchasing a Randuin's Omen or Frozen Heart!
He's particularly annoying in the fact he can use his spinning slash to escape your Q's hitbox, but at least you know that he won't be able to use it to trade with you if he has his fury up.
When level 6 hits, as long as you're above 25% of your health in lane, you should be good to go! If you happen to fall too low on health, you risk being dove by him and his Jungler! It's better to just bite the loss and recall.”
StrikeX114 says “Always ban him. Once he hits level 6, you can do nothing but watch him win lane. Even though other champions are arguably harder to lane against overall, his ultimate single-handedly makes him the greatest threat to your survival.”
Saarlichenbog says “Tryndamere doesn't get to lane against Kalista or at least he shouldn't be able to walk up to a wave without some form of punishment as there's literally nothing he can do to respond until he hits level 6. If he engages on you before 6 with his E then it's almost a guaranteed kill with almost no way to disengage unless you don't properly know how to utilise Kalista's passive which is crucial in this matchup. Once he hits level 6, you just have to be a little bit more cautious about the extra survivability he instantly gains and he will try to gain back some gold to scale by running you down with ghost during this time. This is where you just need to manage your wave under tower and proceed to scale up.”
Captain Dantems says “Não avance quando ele tiver com fúria. Grasp com chamuscar ou inspiração. Poção Corrupta ou cristal de safira com 3 poções de vida. ”
FoxyGrill says “You can survive lane against him but its Tryndamere so he xan just ignore you and hit the tower all day, if you get tilted easily better dodge.”
ItsPaulygon says “He relies on auto attacks, you win. Still, be careful when he reaches 6. But he can't be much of a problem for you as you have your E.”
Biko14CS says “Always ban him. Once he hits level 6, you can do nothing but watch him win lane. Even though other champions are arguably harder to lane against overall, his ultimate single-handedly makes him the greatest threat to your survival.”
pedrohnasc says “Don't trade with him lvl 1, he'll autoattack you to death. Stack some armor (Armor Boots + Bramble) than you should be kinda fine, but be careful anyway.”
Nicklstherealone says “Youre too tanky fir him if you All In him he will Ult if you do but you can run into turret our just in a positions where he wknt get away. Then he has 1HP and is stuck without rescue. ”
Raphi0216 says “Tryndamere is very weak on the preseason patch. You can still get very unlucky with crits so never underestimate him. You can rush Plated Steelcaps if you just want to survive, but he will beat you in 1v1 on sidelane.”
Frostyfps says “I generally find this matchup straightforward but I put it as hard as it takes a lot of getting used to. Start E and avoid fighting him at level 1, if he runs at you stun him when he autos so he tanks minion damage. Once it crashes to your tower, stack up your passive and look for fights since his rage will likely be low since your minions are at your tower (he can’t auto them safely).
You should have lane priority now and can win all ins granted that he can’t stack up his rage bar, basically look for all ins when rage bar is under half and you have full passive, wait his bar out if not. Same goes after level 6 however make sure you always have full passive before fighting and have at LEAST 3 minions you can Q reset on. Bringing him to ult is the easy part, the harder part is kiting him until his rage wears out but as long as you have minions its generally straight forward. You can fight him until 4+ items as long as you have minions, avoid showing yourself to him without minions even if you are 3/0+.”
Sylrath says “Al igual que con Garen y Darius, si llevas ignite, la amenaza eres tú. El problema de este personaje radica en la duración de la partida. Si es listo, jamás dejará de splitpushear, obligándote a tí mismo a ir a pararle. Freeze to win. Dependes de acabar la partida pronto o de que tu equipo vaya bien.”
Defensivity1 says “Difficult lane, Grasp is a must try to get short trades with 4 ghouls, E W auto Q to proc grasp and disengage,
If low at level 4-5 base and teleport buy some armor.”
Colbasz says “Play safe close to your turret, don't let him get kills and harass him when he goes for minions. If he uses his R, use your W's speed to disengage and use your R if it seems like you might die. Poke him whenever you can when you get lvl 6.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Early on, even though he is a strong champion early, he actually isn't that hard for Morde early on, and you can do a good amount of damage to him. The problem arises when he hits level 6, and can ult to completely counter yours. ”
TangoVallhala says “Just poke him out of lane similar to nasus, but trynd still has good early trading power so watch out for his fury, watch out for his ult.”
SlukDog says “Hard bully, but if you are able to poke him to bait out his ult then he will try to kill with it. So save your one to negate damage taken”
crepezeee says “With Riven being not very much a tank and Tryndamere having undying rage with random crits it's safe to say that Tryndamere will not stop until you are dead”
Penguinoverlord1 says “The hardest counter Yorick has. I usually perma ban him or teemo in ranked due to his ability to stomp lane against you. You should always keep track of his ult as it saves him in any all in attempts that you could throw at him. Never engage with him unless you know his R is down.”
MisterDerpFace says “Just watch out early game, and make sure u rush Randuim's Omen and Ninja Tabi. After Level 9, you can just permakite him, just like sett, mord and any other meele top laner. If he uses Ult, wait it out and try not to die, and also, HIT YOUR R. DONT EVER MISS IT ON HIM. ”
YoungTact says “Rush bramble, respect his lvl 1-2 cheese esp if he has ignite. Apply basic lane combo and build tabis and the lane is yours. W his E when approriate. If he is splitting, match it by clearing wave with Q, Sunfire and iceborn gauntlet. ”
qasddsa says “Very snowbally champion. Don't let him get any kills and don't let him farm. Harass when he goes in for minions. At level 6 and after, he will be able to duel you if you don't play it correctly. His ultimate is 5 seconds long, while Kayle's is only 2-3 seconds long, putting you at a disadvantage. Late game, you can 1v1 him if played correctly. If you're going AD, I highly recommend getting a Death's Dance and going full crit. If you're going AP, Rylai's is highly recommended.”
Tryndamere is one of the best Splitpushers and Duelist in the game, but for a duelist, he lacks of other types of damage since he only mostly Physical Damage (AD basically). In case you see an AP Tryndamere don't get baited into building MR, the AP scaling is for his Spin damage, which deals Physical Damage, and his Q heal. Early on you must not greed to get stacks, he can extend a trade and get you to half HP or even kill you in a single extended trade, let him push the wave and don't let him find a chance to poke you with the Auto attack + Spin out of torret range trade. if he builds Tiamat, look to farm under torret safely while he permashoves. I highly recommend going for Iceborn Guanlet instead of Trinity force (in the Spellbook setup) since it's way cheaper and it provides a lot of armor which stops him from killing you. Also look to be always above 50% HP and DON'T WASTE WITHER, THAT'S THE ONLY ABILITY THAT IS STOPPING HIM FROM DIVING YOU 100-0. Later on to the game, once you have decent ammount of armor, Tryndamere will struggle a lot to kill you if he went even in lane against you, so you can match him in the Splitpush, look to do consistant Short trades where you are just hitting him with Q every time you have a Grasp Proc available you will get him low enough to the point he has to back off or you can kill him or force his R. Remember that for winning a 1v1 he must have his R, or else he will lose since he doesn't build any sort of defensive stat. Look to match his splitpush and force his R and then join your team in a 4v5. The later it goes is better for Nasus since he can oneshot Tryndamere more and more easily and it gets harder for him to time his R. Randuin's omen is a must go item if the enemy team has a Tryndamere and a traditional ADC.”
PH45 says “Tryndamere will just straight down beat you down for most of the game unless he makes a big mistake early on. Try to poke him down and zone him of creeps to keep him from stacking his fury, since if he gets it stacked he will crit you down to oblivion. When running away from him try to predict when he uses his W and turn towards him for a splitsecond so you don't get slowed.”
SkellyBirb says “While you can poke him, never all in him. He will use his ultimate and be able to kill you quickly. If your ultimate is down he becomes a large threat.”
SubHuman Filth says “go eiher phase rush or electrocute. i prefer ghost in the matchup.
Max Q first and just kite him.
Sometimes you can Q him and go invis in the bush quickly.
Keep in mind not to poke with q, because then he just all ins you.”
sionsionsionsion says “very similar to yasuo , you either get ahead and armor up beyond his kill range or you die a bunch of times and unlike yasuo who gets free armor pen you can always armor up beyond his kill range ”
I Am Goliath says “This matchup is so hard for the tryn, you can kite him out so hard and he really can't do anything about him, just poke him down and kite him if he ever tries to get on you or even cs a minion. bramble vest rush can also be good in this matchup if he is super agressive.”
Nabura says “It's all about freezing and baint his W's. Turning towards him and AAing him will throw off his Ws and will let you kite him. HE HAS TO ULT FIRST IF YOU WANT TO WIN.”
orangepenguinhead says “Tryndamere might be annoying, but just rush a Zhonyas with Stopwatch being the first component. If he presses R wait until he comes close to you then press stopwatch. He can't do anything after that. ”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Phase Rush, Nimbus, Transcendence, Gathering storm + Triumph, Last Stand or Conquerer, Triumph, Bloodline, Last Stand + Shield Bash, Bone Plating.
Sub Runes: CDR, Damage, Armor or Damage, 2x Armor
Summoners: TP, Ignite, or Exhaust
The Trynda lane is all about macro. Because eventually you won't be able to fight him. The moment you realize that, try to roam to other lanes. This is why i recommend TP in this lane rather than Ignite. You could also go exhaust if you want to delay his scaling a little bit more. For the most part though, you want to freeze the lane on your side so he cant chase you down lane. Also, randuin's is a great item against Tryndamere. Focus on farming until you can roam or he missteps for a free trade. Match up is winnable early but not once he gets a decent amount of crit.”
qazx1427 says “Great, this guy. He'll spin out of your W, constantly contest your splitpushing, and the moment you've caught him with his spin on cooldown, he ults. Just buy Tabi, Warden's Mail, and wait. You can't do anything against him.”
ZergDood says “Rush WARDEN'S MAIL, NOT BRAMBLE VEST. You want him to hit LESS, so Randuin and thornmail is good. He'll try pushing waves and he's amazing at it, so try to match it with Bami's. During laning phase, DO NOT ENGAGE until first back (avoid his level 1 cheese) unless you poke him enough. You counter him with ease if you scale, keep farming and take care of your team. He won't deal a lot of damage to you, but your teammates will suffer. His ul lasts 5 seconds. Your W stops his dash.”
Ayanleh says “Tryndamere is a hard matchup, hes one of the few champions that can actually 1v1 you in the death realm and early on you dont have the sustained damage to kill him and he also has more sustain than you.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Can be a bit rough, respect his combat summoners (trynd usually goes ignite flash, ignite ghost or flash ignite) and keep them in mind, bully him early and stay ahead.
f you time your E right, you can pull him if he tries to dash away.
Take armor.”
AfroNinja542 says “Trynd will end your puny life at 6. Play aggro for the first few levels and try to get a couple kills in, or he will just all in you under tower and win.”
Wizbe says “Obnoxious champion, especially if he takes ghost it's very easy for him to run you down. Grasp rune page for scaling and allowing you to survive. Never E onto him past level 6 as he will just run you down and beat you to death. Save E for escaping after short trades”
Tiggy004 says “now this is some counter play but very little. that r will destroy however if you count the 5 seconds he has of r and r him at the last second he will die as he lands and won't be able to damage you for 1 second obv.”
yAssasinn says “Be very careful.
he has a lot more damage than you do at the beginning, always ask your JG for help if you are going to offend him.
always try to kill him before level 6”
Shumair says “Experienced tryndamere players will always win this matchup but some players will have a lack of knowledge in the matchup and you have to use that to fool them. At level 2, he might try to all in you with full fury. You can Q-Aa-E backwards to proc your passive and disengage. This will even out the trade or if he continues to chase, provided you have ignite, you can tether him with your passive then quickly finsih him off with Q-Aa-Ignite. Since this lane is all about cheesing, another way to catch him off guard is to save your E until the very last second if he decides to tower dive you. This can displace him and cause him to mistime his ultimate duration and may cause him to die to your turret. if you get the first kill you can play aggressive for a bit but eventually, at two items, he will outscale you.”
ItsmeKenny says “Skill match up. Save leap incase he all ins you. If he has no fury, you can E wait for his spin and leap once he spins to stun and outtrade him. (Do not waste leap if he has fury, as he can run you down).”
wallobear53 says “At any stage of the game, try pressuring Tryndamere off the wave so he cannot stack his rage (Resource bar) effectively. This will reduce his Q healing by a lot and will allow you to go for regular short burst trades.
Avoid fighting Tryndamere when his rage bar is fully charged up as it grants him bonus stats and heals him massively with his Q. Let his rage run out first, or use your abilities to keep poking him which will, in turn, force him to use his Q to heal himself.
When skirmishing Tryndamere, avoid turning your back to him as his W taunt will slow you if you are not facing him. If you have any kind of mobility spell, it would be better to use it after you get slowed by his W.
BaiacoolFAKE says “If he knows how to pressure you with the lvl 1 vantage, he'll punish will by rest of the game denying ur first 3 minions and getting lvl 6 first”
M.P.C says “Pre Lvl 6 you can harass him to your hearts content, but once he reaches Lvl 6 focus on Cs'ing and don't stray too far from your Tower unless you know he already used his Ult.”
BebsiMax says “early damage and above, his undying ult can dive you at level 6, his E for laning and getting closer to you and W is dangerous when you are squishy
always ban if unbanned”
aegiswings says “Tryndamere is a great matchup for Teemo. He thinks he can tower dive you with his ult, but simply wait a couple seconds then ignite him. The combination of your poison, shroom DOT, and ignite should get him every time. ”
Fiora Pogjet says “Just don't fight him if he has much rage. Apart from it, you can outtrade him and prarry very ealry in a trade to slow him and his atk speed.”
Murderman5 says “Tryndamere's R can block Cho gath's R which can be really troublesome. decrease Trynd's health slowly not all at once, make sure you save that Q in case he leaps towards you and go's all out you can slow him down with your Q or E. try to use w as the finisher attack q w r [although you can obviously use w for dmg as well].”
ModxLoL says “This matchup is similar to Jax in the sense that I believe Riven wins this matchup if she doesn't make mistakes, but that's not always realistic, and I think Tryndamere can capitalize on her mistakes harder. Short trades are a must in this matchup. Don't fight him the first two levels. Trade into him normally, but save your 3rd Q to knock him up when he goes to E onto you are you trade vs. him. It's worth noting that it's worth it for you to throw your second R to get his ultimate out of the way early. When he ults, just try to stall as long as you can, but remember not to let him get away after if you can.”
Flagoony says “Poke him down early into the lane and when he spins at you stun him and run away. Fight near the walls top lane so you can tunnel away to your tower if he tries to kill you. After he hits 6, ult whenever he ults to stall his ultimate duration and set up an easy kill.”
CptTeemoOnDuty says “Early levels you bully him out lane, just be careful later on try and slow him and kite him so you can dart him and basic attack then move again. (More dangerous after 6), most of all do not let him all-in you. Check more info below. ”
Stiwy says “IIt happears that by screaming loud enough you can become immortal and Tryndamere is really good at this.
The first 5 levels are a good time to kill him ONLY when his rage bar is empty or else, 3 shots and you are dead.
Your ult is countered by his ult so don't put your hopes in that ability but you can use the time of your ult's animation to waste his immortality time (basically, if you can drag him in, he will lose 2 to 3 seconds because of the long animation your ult has).
Start D.Blade and this is a good matchup to try the level 1 kill strategy (given he does not start E).
His splitpushing power will make your team suffer but you are a better teamfighter than him.”
Doktora says “Tryndamere is easy to poke him and kill him.He cant do noting and for that waiting jungler to help him for that you need to ward.Mostly wait to use his E then use your W and easy to make him 2 basic attack and one Q and he lose 40-50% hp”
Fourpaws33 says “All he can do it auto and E. When he goes all in and uses his ult, use your ult and hold off fighting till his goes away. Care for early cheese by him in lane.”
FallenAngel149 says “Tryndamere isn't too terrible. He can get his Lethatl Tempo off quick and his spin is annoying, but if you play your trades right he'll be easy to beat. If he goes even you can still scale into mid or late with your 2 knock ups, 2 slows, and Tenacity reduction”
Hypnosa says “only thing irritating about him is when he becomes THE ULTIMATE SPLITPUSHER. Try snowballing instead of playing safe. because after level 11 he starts to grow stronger while you going weaker”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up très simple, ne l'affronte pas dans les 2 premiers niveaux, et ensuite c'est totalement gratuit, freeze la lane pour le forcer à s'avancer, et si il se positionne mal, ou pire utilise son E pour venir au CAC, détruit le tout simplement.
Une fois qu'il est niveau 6, sont R lui fournit une invincibilité durant 5 secondes, pendant qu'il est invincible, ralentit le avec ton Z, et maintient une distance à laquelle il ne peut pas t'auto attack, tout en le suivant, quand il reste 1 à 2 secondes avant la fin de son ulti, utilise ton A ou une Auto attack pour remettre le passif, cela devrait le finir malgré le heal de son A.
Astuce : Les tabi ninja et de l'anti heal rendent le match up très simple.
A noter : Plus la game progresse, plus il devient dur de le 1 vs 1, prend beaucoup d'avance en début de partie pour éviter ce problème.”
Dantheman81 says “Tryndamere is tough to play against from my experience. He can match your splitpush ability and dueling with his ultimate. If he takes ignite do not attempt to fight him without jungle help or you will more than likely die. However, if you get an early lead, make sure to rush tabi or bramble vest and you'll do fine until he gets a lot of items. This will be a pushing game for sure.”
Twiggymocha says “As long as you play smart he will not be able to kill you and you can zone him with your kit. He has the ability to spin out of your q which could be annoying so pay attention if it is down and take advantage of it.”
Xplor says “I played too many times against Tryndamere on top and rarely one beats me down.
He will have to be in meele's range to farm, therefore, you can poke with your Ghouls and your E as much as possible.
Don't go all-in after level 6 when he have full hp, full rage bar and ulti on because he can take you down.
On mid and late game, you can win against him but he can take you down in seconds if he managed to take some kills and build some items.”
Darrkescru says “Tryndamere e quase irelia se você bobear você morre, use impeto gradual e mantos de nimbus sempre compre tabi ninja e so troque com ele apos lvl 2, sempre que ele te dar all in corra para tras de um cogumelo proca o impeto e caita ele ”
Omega Zero says “Unlike Jax, he can't dodge/stun you, but instead he can survive your onslaught of attacks for at least 5 more seconds (Assuming he activates Undying Rage in time), if this happens, run away but not too far so you can actually kill him the moment he runs like a chicken after calling you one. Alternatively you could just meditate if you can survive/chase down Trynda so you can keep your E @ R active.”
light_at_night says “ALWAYS BAN TRYNDAMERE! This is NOT a drill! No, but seriously: Tryndamere HARDCOUNTERS you. No champ is a bigger Threat to you than a Tryndamere top.”
Magginator says “With Rage he can beat you before 6 but without rage you own the lane. once he hits 6 gl you need armour and sustain or a way to escape when he ults.”
Alzeidx says “at level 1, try to zone him from cs, if he gets close, W him when u have 50 fury and walk away, do not go for extended trade or he will kill you level 1 if he gets enough fury. at level 3 u can go for short trades if he have fury, care for his W, if he does not have fury go for extended trade if u 100% sure u can kill him
TotallyEclipse says “He'll rng crit you, you outdamage him early, especially if you can trade him while his fury is lower. If you get ahead early, you'll snowball. Trynd players like to play hyper aggressive so don't let him auto you for free. Save your q for when he spins away then run him down. ”
MarKoXGOD says “Tryndamere is one of the hardest match-ups you can get.
With his Q, he can heal back the damage you can poke him from afar.
With his W, he can slow you while retreating and also hinder your damage.
With his E he can close the distance so you are stuck in melee range and also can damage you with it, and don't even get me started on his ultimate...”
Dedrick says “He's able to heal through your poke with his Q. He beats you in extended trades. He'll easily dive you with his R unless you're able to get and Empowered W on him under tower and hope to outlast his ult.”
MateuszNH says “Skill matchup.
Volatile lane, you can lose even if ahead so does he. Fight him lvl 1 before he proc his fury, nice to buy tabi asap. Ignite works well for him.”
HermezAraBird says “Even if you are winning him, his split psuh and scaling in mid game is stronger than yours, even if you have a lead over him he will always be a threat, try to get early kills, help your team with objectives and dont let him snowball.”
JuarezLOL says “very tricky match up because he can get over you if you make 1 mistake just do not trade at lvl 1 trade at lvl 2
without using your Q for gap closing before using E just stick close to him do not let him get cs and freeze the wave”
Walnut25 says “Highly Tryndanmere favoured matchup. Your only chance of winning lane is to get 6 before him and then immediatley all in. You are far better in teamfights.”
ACE4291 says “this is only minor due to his Ult
he can heal which is annoying but his ult is the biggest issue.
i recommend swallowing him when he ults... wastes time and saves your life. OMEN is recommended for items”
DirtyDishSoap says “Take ignite, maybe rush an Exec too for good measure. You want to wait for him to spin to you, but it likely won't matter if he runs Ghost and Flash. You can beat him early, but once Trynd starts getting items, it's unlikely you'll ever win a duel against him.”
report singed ty says “Can't win this one. If you proxy he gets insanely strong off of farm. If you roam he takes all your towers before you can even recall. If you 1v1 him post 6 he will win every single time. If you try and lane he gets to decide when he wants you to die and you can NOT get out of it.
This isn't to say no singed player wins against tryndameres, just that they only ever win because the tryndamere wasnt good. You are completely at the mercy of their bad plays to get by this one.”
Shoqi says “Caso o Trynda venha correndo para cima de você. Use o E para correr do E e W dele. Se ele continuar use o W para se afastar e dar um dano considerável nele.
Na TF é só combar ele com CC e ele não faz muita coisa. É trabalho seu para-lo durante a TF com seu CC.”
ShaharKarisi says “Try to burst him pre-6. After level 6 it's very hard to win 1v1s, simply because bursting him with E + Q isn't viable. Definitely take ignite. ”
Subject3 says “trynd is easy to build against, simply get omens and see his damage fall enough for you to never worry about him again.
but while tahm kench out counters him early to even late game, he can still be very scary if he somehow got more kills by roaming or even by killing you thanks to a gank.
LloydOrchid says “Since he's an AA reliant, build Randuin's since he builds crit items and get help on your jungler to kill him. Don't try to kill him with his ult up.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Snowball lane, but tipped significantly in his favor. Early game is somewhat manageable, since you can be just as aggressive as he is and he can't do much to retaliate, but if he gets a lucky crit you will instantly begin losing the trade and you will have to retreat, which is annoying. He is also very safe because of his E+Q, which means that if he has enough Fury he can just use W to reduce your AD, fight you a bit, E away if he is losing the trade, heal with Q, and repeat. The MOMENT he gets 6 this matchup starts going downhill and it doesn't stop because his R is just 5 seconds to freely fuck you over, and when he gets essence reaver and stinger he will beat the absolute shit out of you. The problem with tryndamere is that his crit mechanics make it a very random matchup early, and if left alone he can just splitpush to his heart's content, and since as rengar your peel is limited and your W only really counters burst, if he isn't super behind in the late game he will always win. You can set him behind if played correctly though, so there is that.
Ignite works fine but you will have to time it well after 6, if you really want to screw him over in general just use exhaust, which will significantly decrease his DPS. Runes depend on whetever or not you think you can reliably kill him early game, but conqueror is good and grasp gives you good early but allows you to go stasis.”
VictorDelRey says “Bullshit matchup. He is stronger than you on dueling, he is stronger on splitpushing and will mop you on lane. Pray that he is bad. Focus heavily on teamfighting and relying on your team. Or simply dodge.”
Itreallyhim says “Dodge, He will crush you after level 6. Hes more mobile and will crit you to death. You can remove him to remove his threat from your squishies.”
LycheeMochigome says “Take good trades with him at lvl 1 and prevent him from going on the wave with your hook, if you land your e you can stick on him”
bushman847 says “A easy champ to deal with on paper yet in game can be impossable for so champs, but here you come in, when he ults, you e him, next ult him do not proc the e, after you ult ends proc the stun on you e, after all this you e should be low cd or up e him proc the stun BOOM thats over 4 secs of hard cc now his max rank ult has less than 1 sec till its ends.”
Beashy says “smack him down, when he activates ultimate, smack him up and run away. keep in range to pull him and ult his ass away!
Never forget to punish him for every minion he wants too hit.”
Asoreth says “I really despise Tryndamere, but he really isn't that hard to win against. A Trynda player will look for plays under your tower with his ult, Shen luckily has one of the best kits to counter that, just be smart, and do not underestimate. Always take Teleport against him, he'll look to splitpush as all Trynda players do.”
Anyerlaw says “Si el tryndamere aprovecha su furia para pokearte con los criticos y no te deja farmear, no vas a poder ganarle la línia. Pero si el tryndamere juega safe o te tiene miedo, aprovechas eso para pokearle y conseguir la primera kill y ya sacarle ventaja.”
Anonbroh says “Tryndamere has an amazing early game, since most of his items are very expensive he won't snowball very well if he doesn't get early gold
Never go in on Tryndamere as he will usually win a 1v1 on you.”
ShinyEmo says “My ban %95 of the time. His ultimate and crit damage is annoying. You will have more damage but be careful. If he ults, just flee but make sure he is in your Q's range. When his Ult finishes, use your Q. ”
Loki029 says “I hate this Champ, don t even bother slencing him before ult he can use it while stiun silence thro up etc, (Hint: try to poke him early-DON T trade he will win them, try to surprise him with a jungler and a ult so he maybe will misspredict his ult and do it too late or too early, 3th bann after irelia or olaf”
hephephepeEPEPE says “If the enemy is good on tryndamere he is a major threat if not hes even or minor rush ninja tabis and try to proxy on him i reccomend taking aftershock against this matchup”
BDundead says “you want to ban this champ every game if possible, you either go even in lane and lose late game or crush laning phase and lose late game. you do not want to play vs this shit.”
AkenoSenpai says “this guy is literally a diceroll. this match up is basically a wave management game, if he has stacks up you won't beat him. let the wave push to you, build up ur stacks and slowpush. if his rage bar gets down, do not let him touch the wave and just all in him with your 5 stacks whenever he gets close. Match up is still in favor of tryndamere as its more about him messing it up then you outplaying him really. Also even if you manage to kill him early and build up lead, he can eventually still be able to kill u once he gets enough dmg.”
StephanBJ says “Push hard but watch out for his passive and try to kill him before lvl 6 if you don't then you should call for help from your jungler because his Ultimate (Undying Rage) let him becomes immune to Death for 5 seconds”
lugzinho says “Trynda just needs to pray for the crits that his passive gives him randomly and he'll either win a trade with a triple crit at level 3 or just loose a trade hard if his RNG isn't good.
Just all-in him at level 3 and your W should do the work for early game damage (or not...)
Randuin's is a good buy into Tryndamere.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “This is one of those lanes where you will win early game, but as soon as he gets level 6 you are screwed. . . Even though you beat him early I recommend taking a Cull since you are only going to be farming once he gets level 6. He scales insanely well into both mid and late game so try to not fight him as far as possible and hope your jungler ganks when his ultimate is on cooldown. This is definetly one of the harder matchups for Thresh so be careful.”
ForgottenProject says “Watch his rage bar, and don’t fight him if it’s close to full
Parry is a MS and AS debuff, so Parry one of his AAs and then bully him
Take Nimbus Cloak vs Tryndamere in order to kite his R
If he has ghost with sorcery tree be safe, he has nimbus cloak and will get really fast”
Blakespeare says “main threat is his own ult counters yours but when proked the animation still occurs so can be dealt with by using your ult as temporary cc and finishing with KNEEES. DORANS BLADE”
Braddik says “He'll rng crit you, you outdamage him early, especially if you can trade him while his fury is lower. If you get ahead early, you'll snowball. Trynd players like to play hyper aggressive so don't let him auto you for free.”
superacewolf says “Don't go near him early because he can crit you down and they usually bring ignite. Grasp is good against him since you don't want long trades, try getting some HP and Armor to get effective HP. W max is pretty good against him. Try to freeze the wave on your side. ”
Deadly_Kitty says “Because of his ultimate he is unstoppable monster at level 6.If he decide to bully you in the early game u won't be able to stack so u wont deal much damage with your Q.”
The Lost Drawing says “Le cancelas su escape o iniciacion.
No le pelees cuando tenga furia llena
Si vas bien armate daño
Si vas mal armate full tanque
Si vas normal armate 'brillo' y 'botas tabi'”
Trash Collector says “Tryndamere has decent trading power due to it's passive and W critical chance and damage and he can lower your damage with his W. After level 6 Tryndamere has high kill pressure on you due to his R the best way is to play safe dont take bad trade and kite him as much you can take iginite instead of teleport if you have to.”
Pedrokis says “Ele pode ser realmente chato já que ele pula em você com o E e pode te dar slow se você tiver de costas pra ele e ele usar o W. / É uma lane que deve se jogar no poke com o Q e no harass, evitando ir pra cima muito doido, principalmente se ele tiver com fúria perto de uns 60% pra cima. / Quando ele usar ult, você só ganha dele se você tiver Dança da Morte quase fechada e também tiver ultado, por que a cura aumentada da sua ult é a única coisa que pode salvar ali. / Recomendo que rushe Colete Espinhoso e Tabi caso ele pegue vantagem.”
EnchantedCat says “dodge
On a serious note, Tryndamere is a hard match-up because he will be able to kill you at mainly all stages of the game. He can pressure you off farm just at Level 1, can kill you post 6 since his R duration is longer than yours, has better sustain and scales well with CDR. This matchup is ban worthy since Tryndamere will always be a better split pusher than you are and will just run you down. You can win this by playing off his mistakes but otherwise it's a really difficult matchup.”
Zhygop says “Tryndamere's early crits are dangerous for you, especially if he plays ignite. Try to not trade him until level 3 and then heals with your Q on next trade.”
Split King says “You should treat tryndamere a bit like you treat yasuo. He is hard to deal with early, but if you make sure not to feed him any kills you will eventually become too tanky for him to handle.”
ozmankaan says “easy to kill champ, just keep on aa regularly when he try to farm, dont stand n fight u would lose, kite him as much as possible, beware of his ult, he can dive in tower too.”
BeautifulWinter says “Save ult for him to all in you. If he does try to land an E/break his spirit. This should give you enough time to begin running away.
A Phage is a really good first back against him for the extra speed it grants. Using Fleeted Footwork will also grant additional speed to be used to flee his ult.
He has great trading early and will be able to lvl 1 kill you if you play too aggressive.
Wait until 6 to fight him.”
XRVG says “This is a matchup which requires you to focus. You have to time your abilities and dashes well. Playing around his ultimate is key. You have to bait his ult and keep distance and then kill him with burn/Ignite after it runs out.”
feederfromelohell says “Can't survive without building tank on lane and staying under turret. Snowballs too hard if you feed and out split pushes you. If you play normal he is not a problem.”
Big Belly Bop says “High damage, can chase, Low CD gap closer, long slow, invulnerability. Poke him and try to get as much stacks as possible. Don't walk up too far and keep watch on his fury, if he's high on fury he will probably all in you. E out and root him. Flash + TP/Exhaust/Barrier, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Gotta Blast! rune page. ”
R3action says “If you want to survive him, you can rush Guardian Angel, lvl 6 dont fight him. A good tryndamere can win you 1v1. Safe your walls incase he dash to you”
ExfIamed says “As long as you take bone plating and W his autos in a fight, try to hit level 6 first and keep him off minions and away out of exp range if its possible, if he doesnt have his rage built up he cant touch you. But if you went even with him and he hits 6, watch out you're more than likely just gonna get dove by him cause his ult has 0 counterplay, however if he doesnt i find myself flash q ulting in an incredibly fast manner before they have time to react and they dont expect it.”
3rr0rL says “So easy lane but don't forget about the stacked fury and his R. Keep his jungle in mind too, dives can be easily for champions like Tryndamere!”
GenuinelyPolish says “Late game he can shred you 1v1, but w/ max cd you can easily stun lock his ult in jungle. They super nerfed Poppy's e, but it still offers a 2 second stun every 7 seconds so really that's 5 seconds of down time.”
9690 says “This lane is hard, not only does Trynd always take ignite, which is really effective against Morde, but he trades hard against us. He's also capable of fighting us post 6 and winning. Focus on an early ninja tabi pick up and avoid his early all-ins with a full rage bar. If he spins into you to trade, stand in minions and pull him back in on the way out and punish him with Q + minion damage.”
Loevely says “RNG champ that I hate. Personally I have never struggled vs Tryndamere. I go Fleet and make sure to abuse him when he doesn't have his E or Q up. He's hard to kill but you have the tools to lock him down and kill him. Ignite is recommended, too. ”
Dualemi says “Easy matchup. Go for AA+Q+AA = You activate Phase Rush + You slow him with Iceborn. Keep repeating this. He wont have a chance to fight back. You kite him with speed + slow.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “meh, if hes not fed hes not problem, if he comes for dive try to q him before he attack you, i cant say exactly when, usually depend how he will do it, is he alerdy close to you, he need to use his E to get close, he probably will die even with his ult anyway if you play it good, maybe you will need and ignite in last seconds of ult, cause the coward will E away when realise he can't kill you.”
Defensivity1 says “Against tryndamere the grasp page is a must, if you do not base at either level 4 or 5 to buy yourselve 2 cloth armors and then tp back to lane he could towerdive you as soon as he hits 6, potentially worthy of a ban.”
Quezel says “It may be controversial but I think Tryndamere is quite easy. Early game you respect his fury bar and use your shield to get favorable trades into him. After you get seekers tabi and wardens mail he will do absolutely nothing to you until a few more items so use this time to walk all over him. After he gets a few more items finish randuins and zhonyas if you need to 1v1 him in the sidelane as without them he will go back to slaughtering you under tower. High flat AP is good here as tryn will build no defensive items so the faster you can burst him down to force his ult the less time he will have to bust through your armor.”
SNOBOY says “Very fun =) He is toast. Just smash him. Your E slows his attack speed, and q slows his movement speed. Both of those are what Tryndamere needs to do damage. You will love it. ”
oscarlotus says “Pretty bad matchup thinking about his E to close distance and W to slow. He negates your poision damage with the healing he uses as he gets low.”
mightydylan101 says “You can punish trynd for CS but be sure to be far enough back as he can spin through the minions and use his slow to easily kill you. Watch his fury level as he will attempt to trade/all in once the fury gets full. Don't put your self into risky kills as his ult can easily turn the fight. Never try to tower dive because again, his ult will ruin you. Be sure to remember he can be invincible so even when you think he's going to die he wont.”
ProgettoYorick says “tryndamere is doable to beat. Since during my journey with yorick I met few of them, I can tell you that at the beginning you will be on par, use the strength of your hits with intelligence.
OTP tip: At level 6 you will make the difference, never engage without your r. Time his R will lead you to certain victory.”
ScythedS says “Trade with him when his fury is down.He relies on lucky Crits early on to beat you.Poke him early levels and try get lvl 6 before him and attempt an all-in.If you've been poking well early on,you should kill him easily.Before attempting the all-in,make sure his E is down.If it's not,you can try and stop his dash with your E but its hard to pull off”
Tophatant says “So tryn gets crit the more damge he takes and hes a short ranged boy same with you so he would win 1v1s against you after dying a couple of times he'll be fed and you team gets pissed”
Xelaadryth says “Trynd can't close with you since you'll just stun him out. Auto attack him a lot and he'll be sad. Once you hit 6 though, you have to be a lot more careful of his all-in since he can dps for so much longer. Keep a mark on him to make sure you can slow him with Rylai's and W when he decides to chase or escape.”
Skarner Main says “If you go for 45% cdr this guy will have a rough time just e stun him run away repeat
if he ults and still got his q up wait abit til his r is about to fall of then just ult him your r will kill him”
Karnan says “Strong post 6, make use of level 1-5. Don't let him auto waves for free and build his rage. You easily beat him without his rage. Be mindful of ignite.”
JuiceMoose says “He's not incredibly popular, so you don't have to ban him. His ult is very annoying, it lasts for awhile so make sure to stay safe when he's using it.”
Lasoor says “[General] Tryndamere can beat Yorick easily. Everything about Yorick's strategy is countered by the fact that Tryndamere can get out of Yorick's traps, deal massive damage, and refuse to die. The best way to fight him is to kite him. You poke with your Q, keep him off you with your W and E, and use your ultimate to hurt him over time. Eventually he will lose if you can keep him off you. Never try to just slap fight him, you will lose. ”
Mr. Nyahr says “Bait out his ultimate and spam your laugh emote. Keep in mind if he is ready to heal, and remember that he has a slow. Not a big deal, he's just a split-pusher for 80% of the game.”
OneMustFall says “You actually win trades early pretty hard. Ignite at the end of his ult to finish kills on him. Just make sure you kite properly and respect his range cause you don't want to go melee form against this guy.”
Kalrex says “Pre level 6, if he hits 1 or 2 crits on you you'll lose the trade. Post level 6, his ult straight up negates yours. Not very fun to have in the game against you. I ban him quite often. ”
The Apex Dealsman says “his chase can keep up with you easily and he can ult to counter your ult. if he engages you E away and try to play off of his aggression as he cant cancel his E”
TerryTheWolf says “The key to lane against this guy with Yorick is to retaliate when ever he tries to auto attack you with an AA+Q in order to equalize the HP level of you and him as much as possible and making to make less pokes and bullies.”
BearRider says “After some experiences against Tryndamere, buy Randuin´s omen, Ninja Tabi then Thornmail as soon as possible. With Heil Blades, W and shields you are much stronger than him. You do not have to be feared of his critical strikes. I recommend to take Exhaust to just keep him from killing you after he uses his ultimate. But if you do so, he will split push when you gank someone with your R and you canˇt come back to lane so fast. The thing you should be afraid of.. is his E (jump) which still deals damage when you press your W. You need to think twice before you press R to help someone.”
Hamstertamer says “Snowbally matchup, but it advantages you. Watch out for his full rage bar and stay out of his dash range, play more aggro and trade him at low rage so he can't stack it up on creeps. Kite his ulti with your slow and/or ghost which is great in this matchup. Items like frozen heart and early randuin's are pretty solid here.”
AsomeSonic says “don't let him hit you early, crits hurt early, bamis into ninja tabi into randuins omen takes care of all your problems, if he e at you press w, press w near walls to block his escape, forces flash or death, q him during his ult to wait it out while keeping him at bay”
Polkadog says “I can't tell you how much I hate this Beyblade, Nordic edition. He can just spin out of your W and most likely will come towards you. He can kill your ghouls faster than anything so they will just give him EZ gold. His W will be a death sentence to you since you can't do ANYTHING to get him off you. Spare your W if he decides to engage you with his spin. Play safe and pray for ganks.
I'd prefer you'd most of the time ban him, since he's not very dependent on skill unlike Garen or Renekton”
Chromuro says “The ulti is just infuriating and free crits ruin your life. The less you trade with him the better, not even your ulti can help you. Stay safe.”
blunderr says “Tryndamere can be scary because of his invincibility but if you save your Q for when he's going to run you down you should be safe, you should also use your shrooms to slow him down as much as possible for you to get to your tower when you notice he's going to all in you.”
EpicDan01 says “Tryndamere has very high damage throughout the game. Early game be very careful of a level 2 all-in as he can kill you and snowball. You will be more useful late game as long as you watch the side lanes for his split pushing.”
sir monsieur says “Same thing as Pantheon with the difference that his approach ability E is a skillshot and he has no ranged pokes but has healing from his Q. The only way to survive his tower dive is to land your R and Power Chord E correctly and most probably also use your Flash.
Read matchup details below.”
Poppu says “Build and stack Armor and HP items, Tryn with ignite is usually dangerous and they tend to hard shove to get to your turret, I suggest freezing waves and don't trade when his bar is red because he will have higher DPS due to crit passive.”
MeliMeliDH says “Tryndamere can be a difficult matchup, seeing as he has good sustain. If he gets rolling early with a jungle gank, he's going to be very difficult to deal with.
In this matchup i'd recommend getting Ninja Tabi -> Kindlegem immediately, and get a bramble vest to reduce the healing from his Q.
Utilize your early levels to poke him down and get him low, but be ware of ganks, as a Tryndamere lane is very often duo with jungler, or gets a lot of jungle attention.
Put 3 points into your Q, then max your shield. You should focus your trading around his W(chicken slow) and E(spin2win). These are his tools to gapclose. If he runs at you, you should try to kite him back without using abilities, as you want him to use his first.
Once he uses his W on you, immediately W him once he's in range, but don't mantra W, then kite back with your q and aa's.
If he spins at you, you should speed yourself up, as he will most likely try to slow you with his W right after. This is where you should start your root on him, and Mantra Q him. Since his E has around 8 second CD, this is your window to poke him down.
I'd recommend running Exhaust in this lane, unless you're very confident against Tryndamere.”
SoulHero says “EASY MATCHUP IF YOU CAN PLAY WELL. Dont let him build rage by zoning him lvl 1 or poke him if he goes for minions, your flip can cancel his, so flip him at an angle, outtrade him lvl 1, YOU MUST ZONE HIM or he gonna start scaling, DORANS BLADE BONE PLATING. Later into the game, you get outscaled when he reaches full build. The best way to win >lvl 6 fights is to ULT HIM WHILE HE IS ABOVE 25% HEALTH. GET IT TO AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO 25% WITHOUT GOING PAST. THEN YOU DMG HIM TIL HE ULTS, AT THE END OF YOUR ULT, IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY PULL HIM IN, BY THE TIME HE ULTS, YOU SHOULD BE PUTTING DISTANCE, YOUR ULT LAST AROUND SAME TIME AS HIS, IF YOU PUT ENOUGH DISTANCE, HIS ULT WILL RUN OUT WHILE YOU ARE PULLING HIM IN AND YOU KILL HIM. If you ult too late it will instant reel and be useless. Second alternative is get him low run away and snipe him with ult.”
litboijustinx says “Pre-6, Jayce should be able to trade rather easily as you are able to knock him back when he uses E to get near you. After 6 is where things start to get a little tricky. If you didn't get a lead in the earlier levels, it becomes much harder to win this matchup as his ult lasts long enough to rip you apart”
MamaDuck says “Really hard to fight against. He has pretty good poke, great ingadge and you have nothing to stop him. I would recommend playing safe until your jungler comes and ganks.”
Vodka4Gaben says “Try not to all in him from point blank distance because he will melt down your hp with his passive. Just be careful and try to hit a five stack with some minions around you”
CrimsonAngel1 says “Tryndamere can only all in you. He has to choose to fight or run away. Try to fight him when his E is on cooldown and when he has low fury. RUSH TABI,”
Petethebossch says “Get frozen heart and bramble vest to win 1v1s. Get him to low health then w and run away while his ult is on.make sure you are in range to e him to death when it runs out.”
Super_Cat says “Tryndamere can dash to you which makes aatrox's first 2 q-s hard to hit.
If you ult in a fight with him he'll just proc his ult and most likely survive until your ult ends and then he'll just slap you to death.”
FakkerJackson says “He is not a threat in laning phase particular, but it is very annoying to play against him. 24/7 pushing 1 lane and almost unkillable with 2 maybe 3 Items.”
Lynboe says “Tryndamere est un cas particulier qui au fur et à mesure du temps passer à jouer Darius vous paraitra insignifiant.
Trynda ne peut s’épanouir lorsque vous créé un freeze proche de votre tourelle cependant s'il arrive au maximum de sa fury, il pourrait vous all-in et à ce moment seul la RNG des crit déterminera qui sortira vainqueur de ce duel.
L’attraper lorsqu’il essaye de vous trade avec sa balafre, à ce moment il n’aura plus aucun moyen de s’échapper.
CEPENDANT il faut faire attention à son ultimate, mais lorsque Tryndamere utilise son ultimate il suffit d’une simple AA après 1,5 seconde avec votre passif au maximum pour qu’il se vide de son sang une fois son ultimate terminé.
Le rush Tabi Ninja est fortement conseillé face à lui.
Protector Keppo says “Good gap closer.High damage form a small distance.His ultimate counters your passive heal. Laning against a tryndamere is impossible. Bramble vest first item is a good choice to minimize his healing”
Jnewbringspain says “Tryndamere is easy since almost all of his damage comes from basic attacks. Counter Strike counters him hard. Beware at early levels though, he will crit you if his fury bar is full. I would take Counter Strike first in this matchup. ”
messketchup says “Be aggressive early, maybe ignite or ghost flash to stick to him, also sitting in a bush you know he will walk into before minions spawn is great. Before 6 is obviously when you want to kill him.”
EvilOranges says “D-Blade. Very easy matchup. You have disengage with Hammer Form E, engage with Hammer form Q, and so much poke. When he engages with Q combo him in melee form then E him away and cannon form him.”
PandaSenpai101 says “Against Tryndamere, you have to get a minion lead, and bully him off of cs, as his Fury is the only way for him to deal major amounts of damage. If he starts stacking his Fury, and especially if it's at full. do not fight him. He has a 35% crit chance level 1, if he has full Fury. The best thing to do after he has R, is to use your R, and then burst him down quickly. After he uses his ultimate, run with Q, and flash in, or Q in when his R is over.”
Devitt45 says “Bait how his slow, heal, and fight him when he just used his dash. Try to stop him from csing, but also try not to get hit. If he ults, don't use your ult, and just start running and stalling, and if he stays, use your ult to finish him off just in case. Getting a bramble vest early will also help, but you WILL have to sell it afterwards.”
Jnewbringspain says “Would be manageable if he didn't have so much sustain. You can survive a lot of skirmishes with him with your W, but his cooldown is lower than yours and you'll never be able to kill him due to his sustain and ultimate.”
Portray says “Skill match-up. Similar to Master Yi, suffers a lot from your attacks early but becomes harder to kill over time. Proper use of W and Q in the mid to late game will save you.”
Prince Afghan says “Tryndamere can be one of the hardest matchups. He can spin onto you and destroy you in the early game and has the potential to dive you with the jungler after 6. Your main goal should be to survive early and try to match his splitpush. If it comes down to a race, A Yorick with Maiden and ghouls can push faster than a Tryndamere with several items but you never want to risk it.”
Lil Tidepod says “Tryndamere is the kind of champion you'll want Randuin's Omen against. Early, he won't do too much damage, but it can stack up really hard late game, especially if he has a few items. If his rage is up, I don't recommend fighting him too much, as he'll win all long trades. He can dash out of your Q with his E, can heal as long as he keeps up basic attacks on minions for his rage, and his ultimate makes him unkillable for a short time. Not to mention his pretty strong attack damage decrease ability (W), too. Keep in mind if he uses his W and your back is turned it not only decreases your attack damage but also slows you. Call for jungle help as much as possible before level 6. The earlier you can mess him up and get a CS lead, the better you will fare.”
Tior123 says “As with pretty much everyone else vs tryndamere winning this matchup is dependent on luck and luck alone. Does he crit 3 times in a row at level one? ”
zygiux says “If you feed him you can already just FF at 15 because at this point the way to win this match is hoping that ur mid or adc gets fed or your team has a ton of cc. But if you actually go in and he ults try to get near minions and dash as much as you can so he would waste his R and you could kill him.”
iam2sxy1 says “deny early game as much as possible. when reaching level 6 you'll be able to deny his ultimate as if he comes in with his e you can place a trap and blinding him which allow you to deal damage while he is slowed you can use your w to move further to deny him further damage and it should be easy game from there =]”
ImpossibleLogic says “You can poke him and disengage perfectly early game meaning you can zone him really well and he shouldn't be any trouble. Just watch out for his all in potential at 6 and you should win against Tryndamere most times.”
Brentard says “Forget the OG build and rush thornmail. Then continue the build as normal. He really can't do much after that. Save Q for when he puts a chicken over your head or turn around w/e. ”
GrGamingTeo says “This is all about early level aggression. If you non-stop farm he wil have his rage bar full and he will absolutely destroy you. So the secret here is not to push the wave but spam your auto q combo on him the run to the brush to drop the minion aggro and repeat untill you she a kill apportunity. Don't push the wave under his tower because he will have a full rage bar ank come back an kill you”
BurstTheBots says “Not very hard to deal with all you have to do is snare him and you should be fine. But if he turret dives you and ults then be sure to snare him under tower (assuming he's jungle)”
DrMoneybags says “Tryndameres will almost always take ignite into games, so I suggest you do the same. Early on, try and force fights when he has no fury built up. If you can pressure the lane harder early and get lvl 2 or 3 before him, you can grab an early kill or blow his flash. Lategame Trynd will be very annoying to splitpush against unless he's very behind, so I suggest you get your support and ADC do deal with him and kite him out while you get objectives elsewhere.”
Arcthunder says “Tryndamere only becomes a problem when he fills his rage bar. Avoid trading with him when it's full, and be wary about him diving once he reaches 6.”
Qubert64 says “Trade when he doesnt have his rage. Make him burn it to heal. Repeat. Block autos. Wait for inevitable turret dive. stall. Dont even bother taunting if he dives you. Use it to keep him under turret whne he tries to disengage.”
kubsak26 says “You are a counter to him. He have only on movment ability witch you can easily interrupt. Also this ability has longer cooldown than your e q combo because of that you can abuse him with unavoidable poke. And despite his sustain you can poke him effectively because of how squishy he is.”
Speedy the dart says “Go aftershock-ghost. His R is pretty effective against yours. Your goal is to delete his healthbar then stall out his R duration with aftershock and ghost. Go randuins late game.”
OnionMilkshake says “you can poke him and disengage perfectly early game meaning you can zone him really well and he shouldn't be any trouble just watch out for his all in potential at 6 and you should win against Trynd most times
(Recommended: Electrocute)”
Jomppe says “ [General] Tryndamere can beat Yorick easily. Everything about Yorick's strategy is countered by the fact that Tryndamere can get out of Yorick's traps, deal massive damage, and refuse to die. The best way to fight him is to kite him. You poke with your Q, keep him off you with your W and E, and use your ultimate to hurt him over time. Eventually he will lose if you can keep him off you. Never try to just slap fight him, you will lose.”
F0gelberG says “If he plays well youre screwd but if you get him pertty low with Q should be easy. Ult at the and of his ult then recast it when his ult over”
Khazem says “Another champion that you should look to abuse as hard as possible early on and will have to completely avoid once he gets more items. At least for a good while you should have a big edge on him and regardless of whether or not you can kill him, you can still build an experience and gold lead big enough to stay ahead for a long time. Push him under his turret and pressure him while he's trying to pick up farm.”
GameKillerzCrew says “Depending on enemy runes and how good the player is, Tryn is a beast. Go in against him with everything up. When you have him all the way down and he uses his ult to stay alive, simply meditate, then start attacking again. ”
Maverickov says “His ult is better than yours before level 11. He also out-sustains and out-damages Mundo early. Hard to kite as well due to his E. However, if you rush a Randuin's and a tabi's he's completely useless.”
ApexDresden says “He shouldn't be much of a threat in all honesty, you just poke him with your abilities and out-trade him. You have a similar ultimate ability towards him but yours is better so you should generally win.”
Tokor says “Vous vous en sortez bien, très bien même. C'est simple, Tryndamere fait la même chose que vous sauf que c'est un mêlée. Vous avez donc l'avantage du poke et de la range. Soyez juste prudent en early mais ça, vous commencer à avoir l'habitude x)”
The Lost Drawing says “Le ganas el 'early game' facil pero en 'late game' corres riesgo de que te mate por su alto daño y curación.
>>> En TF no puede hacer mucho (solo que no tenga tu equipo CC ahi si, estan fritos alv)
>>> Le 'poqueas' con tu 'Q' y tu pasiva, y le cancelas su 'E' con tu 'W'”
ElleryTheViking says “This can really go either way. To reduce that risk, I generally just run straight for tabis and thornmail then into my usual build. Sure you'll do less damage, but he wont be able to kill you, while you'll still have a chance. Pre 6 dont let him cs, if his fury is low he cant fight. Every time he runs up to auto just abuse with Q and E and freeze lane. Sooner or later he'll have to come up to cs, and you'll dish out the hurt when he does. If he has full fury, try avoid contesting him until he shoves the cs under your tower and is forced to Q. ”
Samas says “All of his damage comes from his auto attacks, and you have a perfect tool to counter that - your E. Walk up and start bashing him, when he uses his spin, go in on him and stunt him, dont activate the stun early as it will give greater ammount of time for you to block his autos. Play aggressive.”
E61K says “Go Doran's Blade and Phase Rush. In this matchup you can't leash your Jungler top because you have to contest Conqueror and his Fury. Tryndamere usually tries to shove lane and get his Conqueror + Fury going and will try to spin on you once he has hit level 2 to trade with you. If he does that, disengage. Other than that the key to winning this match-up is to always force him to use his fury for sustain, rather than additional trading power. By trading with him and knowing wave management. Freezing the lane right outside your tower will leave his Fury bar depleted and Conqueror unready. I recommend Phase Rush against him since it allows you to choose if you want to fight him or not. Also go Nimbus Cloak against him so you can kite him after you ult him and he uses his ult.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Splitpushing, 1v1, Burst damage, Crit based. Weaknesses: Kitable, weak early, squishy. Not that difficult of a match up if you fight him while his rage bar is low. He doesn't have any major CC other than his shout which only last for a short period anyway, so your riposte should only be used to block an auto attack and apply your attack speed slow. In this matchup, obtaining an early lead can be done, and if so, the lane is essentially won and he won't be able to stop you for quite a while. Trouble arises when you fall behind and when the 5-6 Item late games rolls around where his crits might prove too much in an extended fight. If you block his Auto attacks and land your W, you essentially win every trade, if you miss and he’s on top of you, he wins pretty much every trade. Kite him post lv 6 because of his ultimate then come back in to finish the job.”
Miracle Matter says “Play safe when his Ulti is up and yours isn't. Respect his early E+Auto crit harass. Other than that, this is a fairly easy matchup. Keep him on a leash via your E-Slow, stunning him whenever he tries to engage on you, poking him whenever he attempts to go for farm. If he ever dives you, just use your own ulti, and bomb him. You can actually leave a bomb on him to kill him after his ult wears off. Once you have armor from Zz'Rot, the matchup is laughably easy. You can literally slow Tryn and then stand there laughing. If you feel like he's still too threatening, feel free to go the tanky alternative build, with Iceborne after Archangel's Staff, and even Tabi's if you'd like.”
NOH giel says “Early game no problem. When you both get to 6 he not only counters your ult, but also can run you down easy, and when used wisely, Tryn can use your own ult as a gap closer.”
Saiyan02 says “Pre level 6 you win traits unless he gets very many lucky fury crit shots. After level 6 be a litle bit careful with Tryndamere. if he ults and your both low R away him when he E into you and run away until his ult is gone and then you can E into him and he´s dead”
NOH giel says “Tryndamere is a hard matchup, he has a lot of early game damage just like you and counters your ult. If you ult him and he uses his ult, your ult will go on cooldown and he won't die.”
Crippen says “This Guy can do nothing to stop the king, your raw damage is high enough to make him cower under tower, eat him and spit him out when the time is right when he activates his ult”
xafemode says “big damage, big crits, scales hard like you, big dives, and late there is 5 seconds where you wont be shredding him like a vayne on cocaine.”
tristan125 says “Undying rage makes him invulnerable
to all attacks, giving him the chance to kill you easily without losing even a bit of health ( Use ki burst if he opens his undying rage, and run away until the duration ends)
drunken hunter says “Do the lvl 1 poke as i described in my Table of Contents, then the lvl 2/3 engage - but watch out for his passive crit that he gets by doing auto hits, if the red line under his health is low you can do better engages and take less dmg”
kkiskk says “It's an even match up, the one gets killed first will lose. Don't trade with him when he is full health AND has full rage bar. Try to fight him when his rage bar is not filled. If he wants to AA minions to fill the bar, punish him hard.”
Sion says “He outscales you but cannot peel for backline. Holds similar to matchups like Morde. Fight pre-6 and then roam. He cannot stop you and you can stop his splitpush by merely clearing the wave and then leaving.”
hrisimiriliev says “He can delete you with 3 hits. Teemo counters Trynda in low elo. Good trynda can make life rly hard. Just poke and wait for your Q when he engages you. Don't poke with Q.”
TSA_Exotic says “With his W to slow you, his E to gap close, and his ultimate to keep him alive a little longer he has a lot of potential to make your game a nightmare, especially if he gets ahead on you.”
Moccamasterpro says “In the early game you maybe can trade against him 1v1. but after 6 he can't die and might win any 1v1. farm afk and you should be fine.”
TheNecromancerr says “Such a terrible matchup for Irelia, actually it's winnable, but you have to play extremely smart and safe and usually wait for jungler's help. The most important thing here is to make him waste his ult and make sure to fight him only when you have minions around you that can allow you to disengage and re-engage if needed.”
SkullNatoR says “Get tabi, omen pd and mallet in this game if you face him, post level 6 don't even think of pushing
ASK for gank, also you might get camped a lot in this matchup so take care and buy control wards
be aware of tryndamere infamous level 2 cheese. What he will do is fast push the first wave spin on the 7th minion get level 2 auto attack you twice ignite you and get first blood.”
Proxxecube says “Tryndamere, like Jax, is a scary late game hyper carry. Not to mention his free crits can screw you in a trade. Just stay safe, let him push to you and freeze the wave; try to deny him and CS, and call your jungler if he get's aggro. Late game in a 1v1, ult no matter what, then go for the vitals, don't try to kill him with it active. If he ults, your ult healing will keep you alive until it wears off. If you don't think you can fight him, don't try, because he can just make your day awful.”
mcasterix123 says “With Conqueror and Ignite, you need to, I repeat, NEED to give him some space the second that rage bar gets half way or so. Avoid letting him snowball, farm safely, and just wait for when you have enough durability to start trading with him. ”
Cstrange says “He is harder to kill because of his ult and sustain. You need to respect his ability to lung at you but you should still be able to kite him so long as you have your boots.”
TrickyMK27 says “Can Escape Yorick's Trap, Kite him.
Poke with your Q and keep him away with your W and E. Use Maiden (R) to hurt him and to keep him away while draining his HP over time. (Man Literally To Angry to Die) (Consider Ban)”
polarehare says “This build focuses on burst (some good after damage from W) so when this clash of clans troop busts his nut and ults, prepare to run, zhonya's, barrier, Q and dip. On the other hand, he relies heavily on his auto attacks, your E is your insurance there.”
Tvoi_clop says “Без фарма и убийств Триндамир бесполезен для своей команды.
Не давайте ему фармить и убивайте его как можно больше. Не деритесь с его полной шкалой ярости.”
Trixelkour says “Illaoi may be the queen, but Trynd's the King of 1v1. You're f*cked if you see this monster in your lane. Get Phase Rush or Glacial Augment to get away from him, also Protobelt if you're desperate. Play around team fights and stop him from spliting. You should be able to win if you pay attention to the map.”
heyitsRainex says “An auto attack champion can easily be countered with armor items such as Randuin's Omen, Thornmail, or Deadman's Plate. Stack armor and force Tryndamere to heal from his Q and that'll be your window of opportunity to tear him down.”
SirDeRp25 says “Anther Easy Match-up for Teemo, kite him and you should be fine, punish him when he last hits. If you do not manage to get ahead of him, he will be able to tower dive you lvl 6 onwards.”
E61K says “In my opinion the Yasuo against Tryndamere matchup is the definition of a coin flip lane. Almost all Tryndamere players take ignite instead of TP to have more kill pressure in lane. He shares a lot of similarities with Yasuo. Crit, based on auto attacks, resourceless, feast or famine champion and the list goes on and on. He will try to rush level 2 and then cheese you by using his E on you and praying to the RNG gods that he crits often enough to kill you with ignite. When he ults disengage and try to kite him, then reengage. When you build Frozen Mallet against him it will make it very hard for him to get to you. Tryndamere is a godly splitpusher when he is ahead and when he gets your tower he will steal your entire topside jungle with tiamat. So make sure to get the best out of your TP advantage and certainly make sure to have good back timings. If Tryndamere gets your tower before you get his he will most likely become a big problem.”
Omega best says “By far easiest matchup, use ignite and start long sword call early gank and try to kill him early, if so you will win and will be fed. build armor & attack damage and playsafe if low health and call for ganks if needed. Be careful once he gets lvl 6 he will 1v1 you but dont fall into his trap.”
Zachlikespizza says “The lane all depends on who gets the first kill. So look out for early cheese and you should gradually be able to out fight him. Make sure to e away instead of walking away so that he doesn't get the slow off.”
Mouadyam says “easy early on, just will be unfortunate if he gets a lot of early lucky crits. save your R lv 6 until his runs out, and try to kill him early as a tryndamere that is behind is very irrelevant. get a tabi to make things easier.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “Tryndamere can out damage you very easily, and dodge your tornados with his E. And once he does, he will engage on you with E and then W. Turn to Q+AA him once he does so you don't get slowed. The real issue with him is that you can't kill him after he gets his ult. So your best bet is to poke him as much as you can. Once he uses his Q for sustain you can trade, but be careful.”
Mr Regular says “Give up hope
Either bait his ultimate, or sit under turret and ask for ganks
Either way, he will still outdamage you late game, and if your team doesn't have a consistent way to shut him down or lock him in one place, he will shred your armor like it's nothing
Somehow worse than Fiora”
HunterFreddy says “Tryndamere's biggest threat is his ult. When he uses it just E him away and wait it out until you can go in again and kill him. Beware of his spin because he can use it to get close to you.”
Rading says “If you play it good he cant kill you as he has to walk into your boxes. When he has ult try to bait him into each box seperately so he waists time and ignite him as late as possible to get the kill.”
mrmundo says “Gains free crit, gains free AD and sustain, spins to win, and has an ult that makes him live longer. This matchup is hell. Don't engage 1v1 and ask for ganks often.”
Eagled says “Because of Tryndamere's ulti and him taking ignite 99% of the time, it's very hard for Irelia to win a duel against him. I recommend combating fire with fire and taking also Ignite with you. Once he ults, try to kite his ult out by dashing through his minions. Not permaban-worthy since his pickrate is pretty low, still a cancer match up.”
joelblack says “Basically Jax but more damage and AS. He's harder, but the same strategy applies. Once he ballerina's in, jump away and chase him. A smart Trynd will slow you with W and then spin in, so keep your distance. As long as he doesn't get ahead, you will fuck him in the late game as Mega Gnar. Build tank and be safe. ”
Ashnard says “Trynd is pretty much an rng based lane early on, but post 6 its really important to force his ult at least 2 seconds before he forces your revive. Once he completes phantom dancer its pretty hard to outduel, so avoid laning against him unless there is no better alternative”
DERPFISHrejects says “While he can output a lot of damage, he has to deal with yours before he can output it. Play safe until level two, then harass him until he feels unsafe.”
galvapheonix says “ Tryndamere is tough to play against from my experience. He can match your splitpush ability and dueling with his ultimate. If he takes ignite do not attempt to fight him without jungle help or you will more than likely die. However, if you get an early lead, make sure to rush tabi or bramble vest and you'll do fine until he gets a lot of items. This will be a pushing game for sure.”
Cyti says “Very dangerous adversary, because of his reliable long ranged dash and his high damage and wave clear. He is able to easily push you under tower and dive you at level 6. I recommend taking Stopwatch for your rune instead of Magical Boots to avoid being killed under tower. ”
DuskTheGolden says “Trynd is a Really simple matchup for you due to his reliance on AA's. You can harass him without taking poke in return, and he can't really do anything about you. You may want to max Q into him to be safe, but it shouldn't matter.”
Thoir says “Tryndamere is really hard to kill with Irelia. Before 6 you can't trade with him or he will wreck you. After 6 you will have to proc his ultimate and then survive until it finishes.”
kagaroo says “🔴Skill Matchup🔴
Threat Scale: 6.5/10
➡️A mix between the Yone & Warwick matchup. The matchup can suck really hard if tryndamere gets a lead because he can run you down. Similarly to warwick, our attack range is higher than tryndamere so he is prone to getting spaced. To win this lane you need to master spacing and playing around your cooldowns. After 6 it can be hard but you can reduce the risk of getting run down by respecting him and not getting chunked low enough to get dove. You should play aggressive early game because you win, if you don't get a large enough lead you can tiamat rush and escape laning phase by proxying. Randuins is insane against tryndamere and i would recommend this item 3rd. Plated Steelcaps are also fine but not necessary. Pay attention to tryndamere's build, it will show how he wants to play the game.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad tryndamere vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average tryndamere vs Average Trundle ➡️trundle favoured
Good tryndamere vs Good Trundle ➡️ 50/50 skill matchup”
Alice princess says “Tryndamere will always prefer to split-push alone, while Tank-Teemo's build is much better suited for teamfights. This difference in playstyle can create a lack of synergy, as Tryndamere focuses on side-lane pressure, while Tank-Teemo excels at zoning and absorbing damage in team engagements.”
Fanatical Goose says “You will win easily level 1, DO NOT LET HIM GET FREE FURY ON MINIONS. Just don't miss your q, if he dashes into you pop ghost and run him down. Once he gets enough fury he can fight you with 50% crit rate. Get E second to chip him down more. If you got a kill before level 6 you can win even if he has full fury. After level 6 be wary of his ult, mainly around either tower, he can dive you for free and he can bait you in while under his tower.”
Haxorr says “Tryndamere is a pretty easy matchup for fiora, as your movement speed and abilities allow you to kite him pretty easily. I would take a combat sum in this matchup, either exhaust ignite or ghost. Save your parry for after he e's, and use baby qs to harass him without him being able to hit you back. Once you have your ult and boots you should be able to kite him out pretty easily with your movement speed. Steelcaps are obviously pretty good into tryn. PTA with doran's blade best here”
Bourne212 says “Trade if he dashes toward you, combo and walk away. DO NOT auto attack fight him after unless you can kill. If you fight him 1v1 try to get him to ult before your ult so you can wait out a portion of his ult timer and auto damage in your ult.”
CactEyez says “Hard to kill with his in-built sustain and ravenous hydra, but he cannot kill you after first base. Just don't get cheesed pre 6 and you can just stack him.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Plated Steelcaps -> Warden's Mail -> Bramble -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
tteokkaebi says “Do not underestimate Tryndamere's early game, he can easily kill you if you loose your guard. After lvl 6, he is especially annoying. Save your ult for when he ults and wait it out as much as possible. Rush anti-heal.”
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