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Azir Counter Stats

Azir Counters
Discover all champions who counter Azir. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Azir in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,014 Tips for countering Azir below

Mid Lane
46.3% Win Rate94% Pick Rate Azir Mid Lane Counters: 38 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Azir in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Vladmidir says “This matchup is turbo aids, but 100% winnable as long as you understand the trade patterns. Play around your empowered Q and try to space his Q. The matchup gets hard once he starts to hit lvl 8, but if you spam ping for a gank then you can kill easily with your jungler. ”
[14.14] [Vladmidir] Vladimir Top/Mid Guide by Vladmidir | Vladimir Player
GreenReapers says “Any page viable. If Azir is played properly, you probably won't get to use first strike, so keep that in mind. D-shield start if you aren't playing with resolve. Isn't much of a problem most of the time, however a good azir will perma poke you while keeping you slightly out of distance. Poke him yourself and if you find an opportunity strike. Care for his E dash, it also gives him a shield. Post 6 becomes harder, as he can use his R to knock you away after you R. Either set up your shadow so you can get back to him easily or use it after your R to gapclose onto him.”
In depth Zed Guide [14.13] by GreenReapers | Zed Player
esluz says “Go Fleet and D shield his early game all ins are not very good but his poke is try to use the W to engage trades while not taking a lot of damage and be carefull of his R into the turret after level 6”
i have no idea what im doing by esluz | Akali Player
Kazari says “対面の習熟度にも因るが、All-Inの拒否手段がRだけなので比較的楽なマッチアップ。 手下の攻撃範囲から離れつつ、タワー下に仕掛けさえしなければ基本的には勝てる。”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[Fleet / PTA]Pokes you out of lane with double your range, outscales you, can Sidelane and his R is annoying to play around as you cant E into him because of this. Overall hard to play vs this Champ try to bait out his W lvl 1 and then hard trade him lvl 1 and 2 to get a lead. Alternatively just play very passive and hope for an early gank / skirmish.”
Akshan Mid Guide (Patch 14.10) by TwTv Akai_Tv | Akshan Player
sick204 says “When facing Azir as Yasuo, certain strategies can help you navigate the matchup more effectively. Respect Azir's poke and zone control with his abilities, especially his Q and W. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Azir's soldiers' attacks and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Azir's ultimate, which can disengage or isolate Yasuo in fights.. Engage on Azir when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on mana, as he can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Hexdrinker to mitigate Azir's magic damage.”
[14.10] YASUO BUILD MID by sick204 | Yasuo Player
PetriciteLoL says “It's okay until he gets ult, however, really hard but it is possible to buffer E2 to his ult. Either Q or W max works.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “Azir relies on his soldiers, when you get close to his soldiers its a no brainer hed use them to damage you. Use this advantage, your abilites outrange his, I always E him first for the slow and double Q his tiny bird ass, rinse and repear and boom I win lane. TAKE IGNITE! He dives to you? easy, just root him and run away. You're goal is to survive and get the CORE items anyways who cares about this bird? Once you get the holy trinity the enemies dead. Although I had been noticing that in my majority of Sera vs Azir lanes, Azir always has the CS upperhand so yeah just to point it out if youre insecure about your CS dont be, this bird is just built different when it comes to killing minions.”
Seraphine Mid Guide~ (Patch 14.10) by MelodiesOfLIfe | Seraphine Player
Thien Vu says “him hav great poke skill , when u R , maybe im also R to get a spacing , ur can flash to approach or just buy rocket belt Hextech ”
Kennen Mid Build by Thien Vu | Kennen Player
SkandalloTV says “Can punish well if you miss your abilities. Has way better range then you. However, you can land your ultimate if patient and make a difference in team fights.”
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