Bottom Lane 50.42% Win Rate96% Pick RateLucian Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Lucian in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says “Always be wary of lucian with nami or yuumi speed / healing. He will probably win the lane. Use your R as follow up CC with your support/jg engage and he should die even if fed.”
FroszTyzada says “Lucian se torna um problema com Nami e outros suportes que buffam ele, mas sua mobilidade e bom dano dificultam sua lane phase, porém, seu scaling é melhor.”
BigBallsLarry says “powerful, aggressive early ADC, which is twitchs worst nightmare. play for surviving the laning phase and outscaling him. You can also take exhaust in this matchup.
be aware as he can E into you to deny you stealth, and his W can reveal your stealth aswell. try to not get poked by his Q through minions, always be aware of his positioning and know when hes trying to go in to counter it. ”
BrunkageManden says “Skill matchup. He has early game dmg as well. Not as much as draven, but you should win the all ins (or 2v2s) at any EVEN point in the game. ”
Avarosa says “ele pode snowballar facilmente em você, se ele pegar purificar você não tem muito o que fazer em resposta se ele dashar em você, se ele for do tipo agressivo fique safe que voce provavelmente não vai morrer”
Major Alexander says “You pretty much win against lucian especially if he dashes on top of you with E+W. But care because if he has a nami then you are kinda free gold for him with correct space”
Avarosa says “Desagradavel, mas ainda jogavel, voce toma pressão pra ele mas não morre lane phase, apos isso cuidado com o expurgo, ele vai sempre mirar em você e voce morre muito rapido”
Dr Yoshili says “don't duel him, be careful of his support, you'll outscale him, and outrange him, if he gets a lead he will be really hard to deal with, else it is okay, your range will be your biggest advantage ”
gaarrett says “Stronger in lane but Nilah massively outscales Lucian. W his passive autos and use E to reposition accordingly. Don't let him snowball and you pretty much win the game at three items. ”
Devilbuny says “Resety autosów, dośc duże obrażenia oraz możliwość ucieczki z walki czynią z Lucka godnego oponenta. Jednak wystarczą ci 2 itemy aby go zdominować ”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Huge burst with combos / Good mobility / Huge snowball potential
| WEAKNESSES - Hard to comeback when behind / Support dependant / Short range
| WHAT TO DO ? - Surprisingly enough, Lucian isn't an hard champion to deal with. Similar to Kalista, you just have to slow him with W if he tries to dash into you and then back away. Mid/late game is a bit different since he doesn't need minions to dash, you need to pay attention to him because he could easily one shot you with a high burst combo.”
Avxm says “Against lucian if possible i often run ghost barrier as barrier severely negates his all in potential and burst trade pattern. Dont be afraid to use barrier even at high HP if he e's into you. You do not want to let him repeat his e burst trade pattern and poke you out into lethal range. You want to take all ins when you are above 70%hp and dont let him freely e in without getting ran down”
Kociokwik says “You outdamage him in early if you hit your q also he is small close range adc. You outscale him hard, remeber that if lucian uses passive it reduces his e cooldown so he might use it 2 times during fight.”
Latte9969 says “Lucian is the same as Vayne, he has the ability to dash in and trade whenever he wants, so you have to stand in lane in a way where he'll never be in auto attack range even after he dashes. Just like Vayne, Lucian lacks any kind of range so as long as you space and poke with Q, he should never be able to touch you. Lucian is usually played with Nami Milio and those lanes have absolutely insane burst so keep that in mind when you decide to step up.”
Foxirion says “Lucian's mobility and burst damage can make him a major threat to Kog'Maw. His ability to dash in, unload his combo, and kite effectively can be challenging for Kog'Maw to deal with.”
afr0rk says “Lucian is a completely different champ depending on the support he's paired with. You need to respect his burst a lot if he has a Nami or a Milio, to the point where taking Exhaust is most likely optimal. You outrange him and can easily avoid taking his full combo, so you will outscale him and are relatively safe from him early as well.”
loaderdragon15 says “Ezreal's poke and range advantage allow him to harass short-range ADCs safely from a distance. He can kite them effectively with Mystic Shot and Arcane Shift, making it challenging for them to engage or trade effectively.”
nzan says “A strong burst ADC, Lucian is also quite agile and is happy to avoid your skillshots. His Q is also an ability that cuts through a wave, so be careful of your positioning. If he runs at you, Starcall on his approach so that your escape is easier. Leading your shots is important against this bully!
His ultimate is a consistent ability, so Equinox is a great counter for it if you place it just right on him! Even if he steps in it for a brief second, his ultimate will stop!”
Bobalegre says “He has a stronger early game than you, similar to draven he needs to get fed early to scale, poke him down, only trade when he does not have his skills available.”
Vapora Dark says “The threat of the Lucian matchup really depends on what support he's paired with. Nami for example can make him tremendously bursty. But regardless, Exhaust also helps greatly with managing him, since ideally he wants to be dashing into your face to burst you down which makes his burst rather telegraphed. The only truly problematic thing about this champion is his potential to 100-0 you from outside of your range with his ult, but aside from that he has to get into your range to fight you which makes him manageable with most support archetypes.”
Undefinedwolf says “he does more damage early and with his dash fast combo is hard to land, but if you poke him with the lethality q-e or just q-a-e with essense reaver he can lose the trade or even get slain”
Dove666 says “Here we have a situation where even for a skilled player, this is a problematic champion. But only if they have Millio or Nami as support. :P"”
Aspect of Cancer says “Lucian with PTA will kick your shins so hard in the early phases of the game. Luckily once you grab first legendary, it's now a skill match up.”
NegativePhoenix says “Second Perma-Ban Choice. His damage output early is insane, and if he snowballs he's not coming off his throne for a long while
If you get a game against him, try to play back toward tower where he can't get as much value, and use your E to get away from him when he dashes.
Later stages should be yours as long as he isn't insanely fed or so high on CS that it doesn't matter if he snowballed or not”
Leaf no Kitsune says “in my opinion this matchup is not too bad. you just need to respect his short trades. let him push into you and don't take short trades early game and you are fine.”
leoismissing says “Deadly early, he can match your mid game but late game you destroy him. Watch out his quick combos and save the fleet footwork to dodge it, he can do 1/2 of your hp in a second. Now he hits his spikes even faster, and he can delete you in a second, he's my permaban now.”
iiExploit says “This champion is strong in the early game but you outscale a ton. Just farm up and poke him while avoiding his poke. Eventually you can kill him before you're bursted down.”
mydesires says “He isn't OP in this patch but be careful if he comes with Nami. His cooldown is long in early game so just try to poke him while his skills are on CD. // TH : แพทช์นี้ลูเซียนไม่ค่อยโหด แต่ถ้ามีนามิอยู่ก็ไม่แน่ รอลูเซียนใช้สกิลหมดค่อย trade กลับก็ได้ คอยนับคูลดาวน์สกิลของลูเซียนเอาเพราะว่าคูลดาวน์มันเยอะอยู่”
LustAndSpite says “One reason this matchup is hard is because Lucian relies on casting abilities to do damage. If you hit him with your ult, he will not do full damage against his teammates.
The other is that he is very aggressive in lane. With Nami, he can do whatever he wants, and your weak early will not be able to stop him.”
the hood says “Lucian with Milio/Nami is a Extreme Threat. Dont get poked by his q and give him angles to All in you. Keep in mind Lucians biggest dmg is at the beginning, once his Abilities are on CD, he is easier to fight back. If he dashed in and used his entire combo and u are still healthy you should fight back. Use your E to cancel his R.”
support_diff says “Lucian has one of the best early damages among all the adc's on the rift. His combo damage is pretty much unmatched as with his passive it is possible for him to nearly oneshot you at level 3. If he dashes to you, just E away. Farm safely early, he will fall off late compared to you”
DreamOfValhalla says “Pretty easy matchup you can counter his E and R with your E, you deal much more damage and you can all in him. You need to dodge his Q to do all of the above”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “Lucian is undoubtedly the most oppressive adc that exists in the laning phase, his lane is extremely strong and any mistake from Sivir can be fatal, always use his E Skill to recover life when he uses any skills that Lucian uses against you.”
Reptile9LoL says “Lucian is a tricky matchup as his trades in early are way stronger than Vayne's, you want to keep your Q to dodge his Q while trading. Try to avoid him getting PTA stacked on you and in general try to play for the wave instead of trades as you will outscale him lateron in the game”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat.
Somewhat of a skill matchup, but Zoe favored due to higher range + more kill potential with combo if Lucian ever engages with E. Zoe can E Lucian every time he dashes in for a trade. Lucian still has some kill pressure if you end up missing the bubble, though.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Huge burst with combos / Good mobility / Huge snowball potential
| WEAKNESSES - Hard to comeback when behind / Support dependant / Short range
| WHAT TO DO ? - Always watch what Lucian's support is doing. If he walks in or buff Lucian, that means he'll dash in with E to combo. Keep this in mind in your lanning phase. Your R doesn't stop his since it's only a root. Lategame is balanced. Varus can win if he lands his skillshot but Lucian can win if he dodges and get close to Varus.”
Kamilek_owo says “Your E cancels Lucian's ult so save it for when he uses it. Lucian by himself is not that bad but..
..if he is with a Nami I would not move up at all when Nami has her E up. If her E is on cooldown then you have a chance of killing them”
Hidden Ghoster says “Avoid taking bad trades with Lucian as the lane will not go towards your favor. Lucian's burst will mess you up real bad. Can take exhaust VS this lane and use Sniper to outrange.”
LoLEnryu says “Just hold onto your W for when lucian dashes into you. There isn't much Lucian can do into Nilah as a big chunk of his damage is in his auto attacks. You also completely out-scale Lucian, so just be patient and wait for the Lucian to slip up as he is the one that HAS to do something in order to not lose the game.
Only thing to watch out for is Lucian R.”
VrNtv says “Lucian with Nami/Sona can still burst you lvl 2. Make sure to take exhaust into this and when he gets E from Nami and dashes forward instantly exhaust him, negating all his damage. You win extended trades because of Lethal tempo, he will probably run PTA or HoB. Don't contest lvl 2 if you leashed and they haven't, they might punish you and then roll the lane. If he doesn't get ahead he is useless late. When your exhaust is down, make sure to not risk dying over few CS, it's not worth it.
VrNtv says “Lucian has ridiculous amounts of all in potential and he has way better short trading potential than Kai'Sa. Lucian has a super strong early game, where as Kai'Sa doesnt. Take Exhaust into this one.
RandomNPC777 says “Lucian has a very high threat when paired with engage supports or his best partner, Nami. He has an incredible amount of burst damage, and aims to snowball. You outscale him HARD.”
Xr3ad says “Lucian has quick burst trades making it hard for Vayne to trade with him, play it save and try to punish him on his mistakes and wait for ganks”
support_diff says “Lucian has a very good early game as his burst damage is just too much for most of the champions. If he approaches you with his dash, use E to prevent him from dealing damage to you. He is surprisingly easy to kill if you hit your W”
wungus says “Lucian's early game is extremely strong compared to yours. Preserve you HP and look for xp leads. Exhaust is great for dealing with his damage.”
SheriffADC says “He easily pokes you through minions with Piercing Light because you cannot block it, also a bit harder to all-in if he has Relentless Pursuit ready to go. However if he wastes it he becomes an easy target for your support.”
Lachoni1 says “Lucian is only a problem if she is paired with Nami. Without her he is useless. If he has Nami you want to respect his damage early game and play back.”
Amberdragon says “Lucian is a threat if he's allowed to get prio and jump on your face. Use your range to get lane prio and bully him, his auto range is very short. Stay at max range and zone him. If he has a good support synergy, be on your toes.”
Smudey says “Ranged matchup. Take TP and play for ults. You can try fighting him since his range isn't as big as other ranged matchups, but his mobility makes up for it so I would only recommend this if the Lucian player uses his abilities mindlessly, giving you a free taunt, but proceed with caution if you try it.”
moso says “If Lucian Nami the matchup is much more even and depends a lot on your support as Lucian + Nami each have enough damage to sustain a fight for Lucian's cooldowns to come back up. In general, you want to force Lucian into a longer fight and never get caught by any CC. If your support matchup is losing I typically consider this matchup losing unless he makes a mistake, in which you can kite him out. Later on in the game if he doesn't have cleanse, you can R his attempts to all-in for bursts as he will dash forward, allowing an easy arrow to punish him.”
slendoooo says “Alone Lucian is not a threat at all but, he's often paired with Nami (95% of games), one if not the most broken botlane combo there is.
If you’re fighting against NAMI + LUCIAN, do not be in his range if NAMI has her E up, the ability that buffs him. Her E has a 6-7 second cooldown early game so your only chance of killing them is if you managed to make her waste her E and then go for an all-in.
For Lucian alone it's pretty simple, all you have to do is trade with him, he will never end up killing you. And after he is level 6, save your E for his ult (it cancels it if you hit it).
A video example of Lucian-Draven
(To be made)”
Santoryo says “Lucian has so much potential of all ins and he is much better into trading with you, he has very strong early game and you should take Exhaust against him.”
xJappa says “Lucian is an extreme threat only when he's paired up with Nami since it's just disgustingly broken. You'll just have to survive laning phase or hope the enemy Nami/Lucian missplay. Lucian with any other support is very easy to beat. ”
Corpselover says “Just approach him like Kai'Sa. Note that you can't block his Q or his W if you are not close enough for it. You can kill him at level 2 or 3.”
Atemporal says “Esta pista é extremamente difícil no início. Dependendo da agressão do Lucian, você pode ter que se sentar sob sua torre de nível 1 e tentar ficar no alcance do XP. Bons jogadores do Lucian começarão E. Eles auto-automatizam você, então E auto para proc
Pressione o Ataque. Não deixe que eles façam isso de graça, mas acumule o dano se precisar para não perder XP dos lacaios corpo a corpo. No início do jogo, você provavelmente não terá chances de negociar com ele. Mesmo que ele use E para frente, você normalmente
quero afastar-se de E em vez de ir para cima dele porque ele causa muito dano no início. Mesmo que ele corra para frente, seu aumento de velocidade de movimento W fará com que seja super fácil para ele se esquivar de seu W, e se seu W errar você está
basicamente morto. O E de Lucian tem um cooldown de 22 segundos, reduzido em 4 segundos toda vez que ele ataca você automaticamente com seus tiros duplos. Depois de um combo completo, seu dash terá um cooldown de 10 segundos, então você raramente terá janelas para pular nele
sem ele ter seu traço para cima. Você não está jogando para ganhar esta lane, então considere pegar uma armadura de pano inicial, ou até mesmo uma Armguard de Seeker inteira se o jungler inimigo também for um campeão de dano AD. Se Lucian lhe der uma boa oportunidade de negociação
neste ponto, pegue-o se você não estiver muito atrás. Você quer lutar com ele assim que terminar seu Protobelt. Mesmo que ele tenha seu E para cima, você pode usar o Protobelt ativo para fechar a lacuna e ativar sua passiva.
Você não poderá dar 100 a 0 nele, mas 2 combos serão suficientes. . Após a conclusão do Protobelt, você será mais forte que Lucian durante todo o jogo. Com Rocketbelt e Sorc Shoes é possível basicamente 100 - 0 nele, especialmente
se ele for uma construção frágil como galeforce ou kraken slayer.”
Tolis slayer says “pretty bad matchup for you. he is really strong in lane and has quick and powerful trade combos so be careful about fighting him. he also is really mobile and can dodge your w easily.since he has shorter range than you try to zone him so he doesnt get in your range. Also try to poke him and play passively by capitalizing on his mistakes. If you see he is better than you dont fight him and just scale up since you out scale him”
Cheeseypops1 says “Just a Worse Jayce, You can't kill him early but at 6 ghost on him, Rush Steelcaps and take ghost, also save your E for when he uses his R to cancel it”
KnobHobbler says “Can one shot you if they have a nami.
You lose 1v1's against him.
Try to trade when his E is down.
Dodge his Q and you should be fine.
Farm under tower.
Try to predict his Q.”
franksterzz says “Careful with his all ins. He has low range but his burst is crazy and he can get on top off you. Try to play around his cooldowns. You scale better but his burst is always very high so try to space him.”
NotAragami says “Black man is exceptionally strong and fighting him at close range is a complete no, he has good mobility, good at both short trades and all-ins. Keep your distance.”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Poke/Scaling] Lucian is ultra deadly when he comes in range, but the thing is his range isn't long, so you need to be far away and use abilities against him. He also has a dash, so make sure he can't use it if you're gonna ult or use (E). ”
Banana Pirate says “Lucian is not too hard because of his short range. Remember he has a dash so he can push you pretty hard. When Lucian uses his R stand behind a teammate or minions. Try
to buy Galeforce and boots as quick as you can. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch out for Lucian’s Piercing Light(Q) as he will try to line it up so it hits the minion wave and you at the same time. Lucian is very strong in the early game and will look to abuse his strengths to get a lead. Avoid dying to him so he doesn’t get ahead. Wait for Lucian to use his Relentless Pursuit(E) before initiating a fight or trying to land CC. Whenever his E is down, he is much weaker and will find it harder for him to defend himself.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch out for Lucian’s Piercing Light(Q) as he will try to line it up so it hits the minion wave and you at the same time. Lucian is very strong in the early game and will look to abuse his strengths to get a lead. Avoid dying to him so he doesn’t get ahead. Wait for Lucian to use his Relentless Pursuit(E) before initiating a fight or trying to land CC. Whenever his E is down, he is much weaker and will find it harder for him to defend himself.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch out for Lucian’s Piercing Light(Q) as he will try to line it up so it hits the minion wave and you at the same time. Lucian is very strong in the early game and will look to abuse his strengths to get a lead. Avoid dying to him so he doesn’t get ahead. Wait for Lucian to use his Relentless Pursuit(E) before initiating a fight or trying to land CC. Whenever his E is down, he is much weaker and will find it harder for him to defend himself.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch out for Lucian’s Piercing Light(Q) as he will try to line it up so it hits the minion wave and you at the same time. As Lucian is a ranged AD champion, when playing as a melee champion, be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Dying to Lucian in the early game will make it very hard for you to come back. Wait for Lucian to use his Relentless Pursuit(E) before initiating a fight or trying to land CC. Whenever his E is down, he is much weaker and will find it harder for him to defend himself.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch out for Lucian’s Piercing Light(Q) as he will try to line it up so it hits the minion wave and you at the same time. Lucian is very strong in the early game and will look to abuse his strengths to get a lead. Avoid dying to him so he doesn’t get ahead. Wait for Lucian to use his Relentless Pursuit(E) before initiating a fight or trying to land CC. Whenever his E is down, he is much weaker and will find it harder for him to defend himself.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch out for Lucian’s Piercing Light(Q) as he will try to line it up so it hits the minion wave and you at the same time. Lucian is very strong in the early game and will look to abuse his strengths to get a lead. Avoid dying to him so he doesn’t get ahead. Wait for Lucian to use his Relentless Pursuit(E) before initiating a fight or trying to land CC. Whenever his E is down, he is much weaker and will find it harder for him to defend himself.”
Amberdragon says “Don't feed him and respect his stronger early game. Bring exhaust. Use W to negate his autos befween abilities and farm as well as you can to get a level lead. Mid-late game you beat him if you are not behind”
Kronaa says “His early damage and his punishing ability is too oppressive for your W to be anywhere useful. You can't usually walk up to farm in most lanes, but you will literally sit under tier two if its Lucian”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch out for Lucian’s Piercing Light(Q) as he will try to line it up so it hits the minion wave and you at the same time. As Lucian is an AD champion, when playing as an AP Mage, avoid going for extended auto-attack trades with him as he will always win them. Wait for Lucian to use his Relentless Pursuit(E) before initiating a fight or trying to land CC. Whenever his (E) is down, he is much weaker and will find it harder for him to defend himself.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch out for Lucian’s Piercing Light(Q) as he will try to line it up so it hits the minion wave and you at the same time. Lucian is very strong in the early game and will look to abuse his strengths to get a lead. Avoid dying to him so he doesn’t get ahead. Wait for Lucian to use his Relentless Pursuit(E) before initiating a fight or trying to land CC. Whenever his E is down, he is much weaker and will find it harder for him to defend himself.”
Devour333 says “One of the easier matchups, he doesn't out scale you and wants to fight but you just out brawl him. Dont let him poke you down with q thought.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch out for Lucian’s Piercing Light(Q) as he will try to line it up so it hits the minion wave and you at the same time. Lucian is very strong in the early game and will look to abuse his strengths to get a lead. Avoid dying to him so he doesn’t get ahead. Wait for Lucian to use his Relentless Pursuit(E) before initiating a fight or trying to land CC. Whenever his E is down, he is much weaker and will find it harder for him to defend himself.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch out for Lucian’s Piercing Light(Q) as he will try to line it up so it hits the minion wave and you at the same time. Lucian is very strong in the early game and will look to abuse his strengths to get a lead. Avoid dying to him so he doesn’t get ahead. Wait for Lucian to use his Relentless Pursuit(E) before initiating a fight or trying to land CC. Whenever his E is down, he is much weaker and will find it harder for him to defend himself.”
1akai1 says “Tome cuidado com as trocas, se você erra algo ele te pune muito, não se preocupe com early você ganha dele depois, se tiver oportunidade de all win, mas apenas se preocupe em sobreviver.”
m1NEEX says “Lucian with Nami/Sona can still burst you lvl 2. Make sure to take exhaust into this and when he gets E from Nami and dashes forward instantly exhaust him, negating all his damage. You win extended trades because of Lethal tempo, he will probably run PTA or HoB. Don't contest lvl 2 if you leashed and they haven't, they might punish you and then roll the lane. If he doesn't get ahead he is useless late. When your exhaust is down, make sure to not risk dying over few CS, it's not worth it.”
ARCTIC33 says “Lucian will try to trade alot and make himself a way to get kills, does mostly safe engages just q aa and e to run, poke him with W dont let him all in you. Punish him for taking minions and keep safe distance from him.”
Xedavion says “Extremely bad lane for Varus,he has high poke and a very good early game,he has some mobility with his E but other than that you need to play the lane safely,if he has Nami as his support DO NOT fight him early game,play safely and wait for your jungler to gank you.”
Amberdragon says “Lane bully, nasty trading, and you are squishy. Late game he falls off and you do better into longer teamfights, but early game is hell and he can still kill you in one combo late game.”
Felino says “If picked with Nami, you lose this lane. Farm what you can and hope your support either applies pressure elsewhere or your jungler decides to sit on your dick force feeding you resources.”
7EyesNoSkills says “Basically stronger than you, if he got peeling support you can't win trades against him. But if your support is hard CC, i.e Nautilus, you can win the laning.”
7EyesNoSkills says “Basically stronger than you, if he got peeling support you can't win trades against him. But if your support is hard CC, i.e Nautilus, you can win the laning.”
LewisTheRat says “bursty, he's a strong lane bully. He can quickly close the gap, making your q irrelevant when running away. He's a short range champion but he'll most likely build galeforce. He can combo you pretty easily at almost every stage of the game. Easily beaten with a peel in the late game. Don't try to fight before 6.”
killpyroxen says “Lucian has a strong early, look to bait and dodge his abilities for a hard poke. Focus on farming and not dying, use your q if you need the extra range. Once you have a lead you will easily win the match.”
quinn adc says “This matchup sucks. Level 1 you must fight for 2 first.
If you see lucian is winning in the push, then back off because his 2 spike is strong.
If you get 2 first, instantly jump on him with E for a big trade.
A good lucian will save E to dodge your Q, which is why this matchup sucks.
Dont stand behind minions in this matchup because his Q range is longer if he hits a minion.
If you are on the side, his Q range is only 500 range, which is less than your AA range if he uses Q to click on you.
Ideally, only do long range Qs in this matchup so if you miss, he cant punish you for it.
If you want to engage, Use E first to slow him.
If you E first, lucian might panic and E away, which gives you a free blind.
Be careful with this though because if lucian holds onto E, he can punish you.
It really depends on how lucian plays, but overall just take short trades when you land Q, and if Lucian Qs the wave, you can engage on him with E for a trade.
His Q is his bread and butter combo.
Post 6, save E to cancel his R, but stay in E range of him post 6 so if he jumps on you to engage, you are in range to cancel his R.
Going even in this lane is a win for you because you outscale lucian in 1v1.”
Alvatorz says “Ningerun dayoooooo, SMOKEY. (wait is that is a jojo ref ??)
Lucian is so hard for Zeri, all in potential, huge burst, can be played with lot of different supports, huge snowball. Really hard, that's a ban I recommend for new and advanced Zeri players.”
BraveLeaderIsSoBrave says “He has a lot of burst and will destroy. It is doable though if you have a sup that can stun him and do a little damage plus tank.”
2saif4u says “If this champ is paired with nami or worse MILIO you will see how broken this dog champ is. you will get 100-0 in most unfair way when you have item advantage. farm it out and let him play like the bonobo he is”
Demonsedge90 says “This matchup isn't hard, but bait his dash out before channelling your ultimate. Make sure to poke him often using make it rain for good damage, and avoid taking long trades with Lucian unless you get the upper hand.”
leozinGO says “Lucian é seu contra-ataque mais forte. Ele tem as ferramentas necessárias para combater você na pista. Ele te danifica em todas as entradas, pode facilmente vencê-lo em trocas curtas e pode empurrá-lo. Você o supera em cerca de 2 itens, mas se o Lucian estiver no mesmo nível que você em termos de habilidade, ele deve vencê-lo na lane. Seu objetivo é cultivar e pousar Q's nele sempre que puder. Se ele errar, você pode procurar acompanhar seu suporte e tudo.”
MeechyDarko says “He's basically early game Vayne. Will outduel you early and potentially midgame. 1v1 only with ult and only if you know you can hit the condemn. ”
Alvatorz says “If he has a Nami along side with him, he will be a bit of a threat, but apart from that, it's an easy matchup. You can counter everything from him, even Q, remeber it !”
KeNaNFoR says “He will punish for every approach to creeps and around them, he has an excellent poлу potential, survive the early stage of the lane stage and in the future you will win the game”
Valhalla Coach says “Don't trade early, especially lvl3, he will Q+AA+PTA proc for 40% of your HP. Concede lane, he will win pretty much every trade when paired with Nami. Even after lvl6 you don't have much threat because he can dodge your ult with E or galeforce. You outscale him late very hard though and in teamfights you are much more useful”
Agatrium says “Lucian top is a pretty tough laner for almost any melee top. I will say this, however, if you catch him with Stridebreaker slow and get a full E and Q off, he dies very quickly. The biggest threat here is getting poked down hard during laning phase, which will happen, so try to obtain what farm you can and play back. ”
Dazlirn says “Lucian with a Nami could be very scary. Lucian is a very bursty champion and could match Draven's damage in lane. Exhaust would be a nice summoner spell against him.
But he isn't a very hard match up if you dodge his skillshots and cancel his ult.”
Sellsword says “Major with Nami but even then he's beatable. You must play safe and make sure to spellshield his Q. He's not that hard to outscale. There isn't really much more to it, if he has a support that doesn't work with him though (mostly mage supports), you can easily abuse his lack of range with your Q.”
King Turtle says “he has a similar style of play with his dash and weaving autos, but his chemistry with enchanters and tank supports alike will make early trades difficult if you're not careful of his sidekick.”
JustMTK says “This is just an extreme bully lane early, you won't be able to CS so don't even try and go for CS until you are lvl 3. Even if you have to drop two waves, whatever you do don't walk up. Make sure to be healthy and go for that level 3 trade.”
bive says “He can dodge Q, so save it. If u dodge his q u can force a short trade or zone. When his q is down, u can use E to force him to use E, then you can zone or he will take your Q when he goes for cs.”
koggywoggy says “RUN EXHAUST. Only use it if he burns his dash, then run him down. Extreme threat if he has a nami or a yuumi. An early wardensmail or steelcaps are really potent against him.”
Hocus Brokus says “He can dodge your abilities. Take w second because he will find an opening to proc his PTA. Farm and freeze if possible so your jungle can gank and put you ahead. (DO NOT GO IN FOR PASSIVE PROCS IF HE HAS E)”
PancakeKittiwake says “He can engage on you with his e, but once he uses it he’s vulnerable to your root where you can stay out of his range and poke him down.”
Nom212 says “If Lucian has the balls for it he can mostly bully you out of the lane. You can block his Q Piercing Light but it doesn't impact his damage out-put greatly since a lot of the burst he has comes from his passive Lightslinger. He can proc Press The Attack almost instantly and overall has greater single target damage than you. You have a good chance to fight back if he uses his E Relentless Pursuit to get to you since he won't be able to use it to dodge your Q Boomerang Blade anymore.”
Alvatorz says “If Lucian is with a Nami, this could be much worse than if he's alone. Lucian is a lane bully that can bully poke champs like MF by forcing her to commit into bad trades. You can't really win a matchup against Lucian either 1v1 or 2v2. So be carefull, stay behind and keep poking him and wait for your items. He can easily go away from your ult with his dash tho.”
Heszo says “Very strong in lane, can easily dodge your feathers with e and flash. If the lucian is good it is pretty much impossible to 1v1. Play around your support to beat him. You OUTSCALE!”
Amberdragon says “Lane bully with very strong trade, similar to Draven. As long as he is doing decent in the meta he is an bad matchup for Kai'sa. If you can survive the early game you can beat him though.”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Lucian is a very feast or famine early game ADC, but funny enough Jinx is pretty good against him in lane and you’ll learn why!
◉ Lucian will try to jump and combo you constantly whenever you walk up for farm by using [[Relentless Pursuit]] in succession with [[Ardent Blaze]] and [[Piercing Light]]. Anytime he starts to look jumpy just step back and wait a bit.
◉ The reason why Jinx is pretty good against him in lane is because he’s very short ranged sitting at 500 range and also very predictable in the way he plays the laning phase out so just keep chugging rockets at him with [[Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher]] and you’ll be bullying him in no time.
◉ One very important thing to do is to make sure to poke him with rockets starting at level 1 if possible then secure level 2 and start poking him at level 2 as well. You can look back at the trading clip earlier in the guide because it’s the perfect example!
◉ Win Condition: Don’t let Lucian snowball. Play aggressively with your range advantage via [[Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher]]. Keep that distance between you and him and you’ll not only find him easy to deal with in lane, but outscale him very fast into the game.
Breathly says “Lucian nami is the strongest botlane in the game currently, that clearly means that Lucian will be a major threat for you. So here is the same deal with Draven, you out scale him throughout the lane but its way easier to lane against him than Draven.”
I Am Not u says “DO NOT LET HIM GET FIRST BLOOD ON YOU. Lucian snowballs like crazy. He has a dash, so he can escape you pretty easily, and his passive can be hard to fight against. You have to play the lane pretty passive if you wanna fight this guy and win. But if this guy doesn't take the early game, it's free EXP and gold for you.”
Vixylafoen says “Very strong and very aggresive, especially with an enchanter like Yuumi, Nami, or Lulu. Play as safe as possible until you hit level 6.”
Franke VI says “Lucian is probably your biggest threat right now in the bot lane. His all in potential can really mess you up in lane phase. Take Exhaust in this matchup and watch the Lucian cry.”
ImVoxxX says “Pega exaustão e você ganha qualquer troca longa ou troca até a morte, desde que seu sup te acompanhe e ele não tenha uma Nami de eletrocutar com ele”
koog says “Gravitum is very good against him because he is so short ranged. You also outdamage him with chakram and severely outrange him with calibrum. Just don't put yourself in a position where you can get run down by the culling and you will be fine. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Not a fun matchup at first. Lucian can dash away or in, and pound you with his extra passive shots. You'll outdamage him after 2 items. Don't ult first, or he'll just dash away and smack you with his ult.”
Callmebee says “After losing his wife, the guy is seeking revenge. Mobile, bursty and he can dodge your Q easily, as his dash is on a low cooldown. Use your max range to farm and charge your Manaflow Band and play for teamfights or wait for jungle ganks as he will be squishy enough to one shot. Take barrier as it helps with his ult and RUUUUN!”
tokyodamonsta says “Very strong in lane, can easily dodge your feathers with e and flash. If the lucian is good it is pretty much impossible to 1v1. Play around your support to beat him. You OUTSCALE!”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Lucian has one of the best lanes in the game and his high mobility counters Ziggs stationary playstyle. Although he is mostly played in solo lanes, botlane Lucian is still a threat to Ziggs.”
LostFishEU says “Lucian's early game outmatch Vayne's early game by quite the amount. Lucian has one of the strongest short trades in the game with his combos. Lucian can dash from the wall when you use your Condemn. The only chance you will have vs Lucian is a longer fight and when you get a stun on him with Condemn. Why I put him at Major and not Extreme is because you can dodge Lucian's Q if you time your Tumble well, making the fight more even.”
Coldsong says “Lucian is annoying to face, but he has shorter range which means engaging on him is not too bad. If you bait out his E and his support has no CC up, go for an all in. Even though Samira falls off, she is still way better late game than Lucian as well. Make sure to save your W for his ultimate and try to get out of his line of sight.”
Zulp says “If you go for the bomb and miss, he can use his dash and do some big damage. This match-up is almost all about whether he uses his dash or not. ”
Quinncidence says “D-Shield + 2nd Wind is key.
Lucian will bully you early, safely farm as much as possible and if you land a E on him later on, just run him down pop maiden and kill him.”
Vapora Dark says “On paper, Lucian is one of the harder matchups for Jhin. Endless mobility, great poke and can all in on a whim. But in practice, with proper spacing and usage of your 4th shot you can outrade him and because he has less auto range than you he'll usually be dashing in to trade, meaning his mobility is cut AND your movement buff from whisper allows you to disengage. Never try to 1v1 him though, he can still destroy you if he's not behind. In lane, avoid getting Q poked down so position awkwardly behind creeps and don't take extended trades. Lucian is one of the best champs to use fervor on and if he can stack that up he will destroy you. Play a slow game vs him and you'll come out on top”
Amberdragon says “Always annoying regardless of his strength in the meta. Special attention to support matchup.
His laning phase is ridiculously strong. Look to play safe and play for the late game, you outscale him. Don't trade with him unless he wastes his habilities. You can poke him with Q and E because of his short range, but don't commit unless you have a strong support to back you up. If he focuses you, back away. Just farm and scale. Consider taking exhaust in this matchup. Use your ultimate to dodge his. Respect his early game.”
Simon Uchinora says “Lucian has less range than you but the thing is, he have a easy burst damage, because the reset of Auto Attacks, the tip is to wait he waste his Dash, and go carefully to kill.”
Odysseus The Warmaster says “Can pretty much burst you all early game and dodge any hooks your support may have. With having an early lead, he should always eclipse you in farm and it's so annoying to always be playing catch-up. Should fall off late game but still a total pain ngl”
Rihh says “Support dependant. Not much to be said other than that, respect his potential burst and dash range but also be ready to punish greedy dashes. Overall not too difficult.”
TismoTheTilted says “Destroys you in trades, don't even try it. Even if you build Galeforce, he can chase you down without issue, and you have no way to dodge his R.”
Chaeha says “Lucian is another volatile champion with lots of level 3 all in potential that can target Kai'Sa's subpar early game and shut her out before she gets to any of her spikes. ”
MouayadD says “he's susceptible to poke at level 1, abuse that to gain lvl 2 advantage and pressure to get a cheater, he's a pain at lvl 2 when he has enchanters so watch out”
angata500 says “Be careful if you are ever alone in lane because he wins the 1v1 100%. Take in mind his dash as he will usually use it in lane to punish you . Another thing to watch out for would be his Q as it can pass through minions for a longer range, try to stay to the side of the minions.”
R3Veal says “Really annoying to play against as he can easily dodge your W. You can't escape his ultimate so easy because of your lack of mobility. His dash lets him trade with you and then retreat really fast.”
Urason says “Both of you are looking to deal a lot of damage early on. This is a game of who can land more of their abilities. It favors Lucian but it's not hard to win it. Just be careful and don't give him a lead or he may stomp you. ”
LilPaniniUwU says “As a traditional online bully, Lucian sacrificed his mid- and late-stage powers in exchange for putting everyone in the line phase. Lucian has excellent wave clearing ability, excellent drive, excellent trading, excellent all-in, excellent commitment tracking ability, and excellent mobility to ensure that he is protected from confrontation. In addition to clearing the waves, he is in most respects. They're both a bit worse than Draven, but his added mobility makes him safer, and he's better at abusing his clues when he has clues, especially when he generally breaks the wasted king's sword, which also allows him to slowly force a kill and . When his line cannot be easily forcibly involved, Lucian will generally lose to a line further away than him, or he may lose to a stronger all-in duo.
yers says “Almost like vayne, he can easily dodge your abilities, usually initiating as he does so. Keep your E unless you are making a long range poke combo on him so that in case he does close on you, you can push him away or stun him. Earlygame his dash has a long CD, so if he uses it early catch him with a stun combo. You can pressure him to use his dashes earlier by using W, has basically the same psychological effects like E”
cakiens says “most of Obama's damage comes from his q and his autos. stand in places where his q cant reach you and farm to your heart's content and when he goes in q him and make his double tap useless.”
Inoriboob says “Passive is important to avoid, trade will out damage you if don't wait for passive or q and e combo. Late game he continues to be a monster as the changes made him stronger w enchanters.”
HyroPyro says “Lucian has high base damage with his abilities and can poke you down with his Lightslinger (Passive) and Piercing Light (Q) through the minions. Make sure you and your support capitalise on his Relentless Pursuit (E) cooldown if your support has a hook or cc. He highly relies on weaving his passive Lightslinger and abilities for damage. ”
im_zeno says “He's already cringe to play against in mid lane. You CANNOT wind wall his Q but only his autos and ult, he has a dash to dodge your E Q and can easily punish you for it so save it till he uses his E. His damage is WAYYYYYYY higher than yours. Overall just hard to deal with. Play safe till you have berserks and zeal, the only thing you can do is to rely on your support. DO NOT be the one to engage in lane, remember that.”
Vispectra says “Rough , very rough lane. Don't advise Kassadin into this unless you're sure you know what you're doing. I'd start Doran's Shield into this match up. However , once you hit mid game he won't be a problem anymore for you as you'll be able to burst him down. Don't hesitate to ping for help or slip into side-lanes later on to make up for the lost CS and EXP you'll have suffered in lane. Any adc will make your life hell in lane.”
snowcard says “Lucian is also a primarily auto-attacking champion (surprise) so his passive is devastating for Sivir. He can dash your Q easily, so I would reccomend a support with CC to lock him down (or bait his E so you can hit him).
What you can block: His Q, W, and one bullet of his R. ”
qosmox says “Contest the push early on while soaking some of his dmg with your shield. Avoid getting close to him every time his double-shot is available. He’ll only have really scary dmg if he uses his E to chase after you, but that’s also when you have your chance to go back at him. If he dashes forward while you have both W and E up you can taunt him and use W to deny him while pummeling him with emp. Q’s and you should win the trades. And if he doesn’t E onto you, then just farm. He’s the one that wants to punish you early on and if he’s not able to do that you’ll have more impact later on.”
singed best adc says “On toplane he is pain if you play Singed, but with a Yuumi on you he's an easy target at level 6. Your E stops his ultimate, he cant dash on grounding and Lucian player always go mental if you shittalk them.”
Pengwan says “Beats you easily in early game, good at zoning and scales pretty good, needs to get kills and since Ezreal is the safest adc its not gg after champ select. He is one of the adc that is easier to duel due to his his nature of using e to engage a fight. You only need to worry about Lucian if he has a Nami support”
LBmyBB says “Lucian no matter what lane he is in is a lane bully. He will outdamage you levels 1-5, and by the time you get to lvl 6 he will have way more creep farm than you do”
Trieuloo says “We have to be careful of this lane due to being able to dash across veigar cage. This causes you to need very good ability management to be able to win this lane in higher elos. However, in lower elos you can just cage and the lucian can not react fast enough to dash out.”
Ekezun says “Many of his long range abilities are skillshots so try to avoid alot of damage by dodging said skillshots, try to stand on the same side as him so he has a harder time to harass you with his Q”
IM NOT TOXIC says “This lane will generally go even. Lucian's dash makes it very difficult to land your W. Once Lucian hits 6, he will have the advantage. ”
FunkyBeagle says “Lucian has ridiculous amounts of all in potential and he has way better short trading potential than Kai'Sa. Lucian has a super strong early game, where as Kai'Sa doesnt. Take Exhaust into this one.”
lenithebot says “Although it seems like this matchup would seem impossible for Jhin since Lucian has a lot of mobility and great early game burst if you play around your fourth shot and abilities you can even out trade im in lane. If the Lucian makes mistakes try and punish them but dont over comit and give him a lead. Just farm up and out-scale him. Make sure though to never duel Lucian ever unless you are insanely ahead you will just get destroyed.”
KoZee says “Lucian is somewhat weak to Varus due to his low range in comparison. You should be able to zone him. However, if he gains a lead he can burst you fairly hard due to his synergy with Kraken Slayer. Overall though, he shouldn't be a huge threat unless fed.”
Jurassiq says “Lucian is imo your strongest counter. He has the tools needed to counter you in lane. He out damages you in all ins, can easily beat you in short trade, and can push you in.
You outscale him around 2 items, but if the Lucian is the same level as you skill-wise he should beat you in lane.
Your goal is to farm and land Q's on him whenever you can. If he does mess up, you can look to follow up on your support and all in.”
ThreeEyed says “put lucian at the top because i dont want to put that many adcs flash is mostly the only way you kill these guys early
if its a good lucian you are fucked he is gonna hold his e as long as possible but if he wastes it to proc pta go hard on that motherfucker”
FaceLikeAStreamer says “One of the hardest lane. U can't outtrade him unless ur 2v1 or 3v2, Hard to gank , heavy damage, dont trade against him unless he has all spells on coldown.”
T0nn says “Depends on laning phase. after he gets few dmg items in worst mythic before you. You cant do much. You outscale but you need to get there. Early threat after your 2 items he shouldve been dealt with.”
XD001 says “Annoying, but playable. Levels 1-5 just play passive, don't force any plays that can possibly back fire. You will be able to 1 shot him soon enough. Once you get hextech rocketbelt you can kill Lucian on cooldown. In teamfights its the same thing. Squishies that have little mobility are Ekko's favorite.
Ekko outscales.
electrocute + sorcery + ignite”
Xayaphelia says “This is another matchup I enjoy playing. Lucian has a lot of tools to mess you up in lane but you can play around them and still do very well against him. Even if Lucian gets fed you can just power farm and out scale him. GG EZ”
ooftheiii says “His ult can be used while he's moving, so watch out as he may try to kite you. His damaging skills have long range and are mostly skill shots, so awareness and good dodging skills are important. Lucian cannot change the aim of The Culling. Take advantage of this by avoiding the angle of the bullets. Attempt to stay on the same side of the creep wave as Lucian, e.g if he stands to the left, stand to the left. This will give him a much harder time with harassing you using Piercing Light.”
kingamazin says “Lucian isn't really that great of a bot laner right now, and his extremely low range makes it easy to harass him with rockets. Focus on playing on one of the sides of your minion wave and continue to reposition to avoid getting poked down by his q through the minion wave, which is his only reliable way to poke you down. If he dashes into you, switch to minigun and try to hit him with your w while he's locked in his q animation or while he's autoing you. Once you get more levels in your q, it becomes increasingly difficult for lucian to lane against you as you continue to gain a greater range advantage. ”
Bluestrat says “Lucian is not often seen on the botlane anymore, but he is still a strong laner. His short trades are extremely effective, which Kai'sa can't keep up with at first. However, Lucian is not (yet) a good 1v1 champion in the early game. With our Q-EVOLVE we can create an advantage and defeat Lucian in the lane. ”
Trampedach says “Hard early on but post six you're evenly matchup. Don't try to auto q trade early because of his superior early game trading but you will be able to stomp him if you don't lose too hard early on. ”
Bluestrat says “Lucian wird zwar nicht mehr oft auf der Botlane gesichtet, jedoch ist er immer noch ein starker Laner. Seine kurzen Trades sind extrem wirkungsvoll, bei der Kai'sa zunächst nicht mithalten kann. Lucian ist aber im Early Game (noch) kein guter 1v1 Champion. Mit unserem Q-EVOLVE können wir uns einen Vorteil schaffen und Lucian in der Lane besiegen. ”
Atrickster says “Husbando?`why you hurt me ree?
well you hard out range him its not even funny get past 40 stacks and be carefull of the E galeforce range it can be really scary ”
ctm20141 says “He's a nightmare pre lv 6: he has too much burst for you to handle. His AA-Q is a bit stronger than your AA-Q-EMP AA. Careful to not get poked by his Q. Careful for lv 2 sudden all ins: Lucian is famous for having one of the strongest lv 2 all ins in the game. At lv 3 is when he gets his W: it's a spell that may seem weak damage wise, but its utility is very strong for chasing you down! You WILL SUFFER HARD PRE LV 6 IF HE'S GOOD. At lv 6, if you aren't already too far behind, you can look for an all in. All ins vs lucian are always pretty risky: YOU NEED TO "CANCEL" HIS ULTI from the equation, either by using your Q or by using your E. IF YOU EAT A FULL LUCIAN ULTI HE WILL KILL YOU WITH JUST THAT SPELL ALONE! On the contrary, if you can dodge/cancel his ulti and you Condemn him on the wall, he's 100% dead.
Give him one kill and your lane is over.
He's Draven 2.0: he has huge kill pressure. Watch out!”
Tifforma says “Depends on the player. If Lucian is good, he will be hard to deal with, since he has a dash and good damage. Try to catch him off guard and kill him.”
NathanPyke says “He can be beaten if you manage to bait his E in a fight but in general if he has PTA and a good cc support your pretty much in a hard lane”
Remmacs1 says “Lucian is pretty good at catching you off guard when you don't have the right gun setup. This means that he can look to punish you whenever he feels like it. Look to only fight him when you have good gun set up for combos.”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror + Trinity Force]
[Flash + TP]
Doran's Shield. Okay normally this lane would be pretty hard. But unlike Vayne or Akshan, Lucian doesn't scale very well and doesn't provide anything other than damage for his team. For Lucian to be effective he has to play aggro. If your jungler ever comes he's just dead. You win when you have Tri Force. ”
McNugglz says “Farm lane. Cull start. Another champion to take exhaust against. Taking exhaust can lower the difficulty you have against Lucian. Avoid Q poke through minions and look to engage when he uses E. ”
Zammey says “Heavily out trades you in lane and can easily burst you mid game, avoid 1v1s play for farm early and focus on scaling to 2-3 items only taking fights if you have a number advantage lane outcome almost entirely based on the support each player has”
Dank672 says “His early damage can prove difficult to deal with if his supp can force an all in. However you can poke him out and without an aggressive supp you can usually just walk away from an all-in should he try one. You also outscale him.”
DSpinz says “I would ban this champ nonstop if he was more commonly played, he can freely engage you and win trades. your best bet is to just dash away as he dashes towards you. Wait for ganks and shove waves out as they come to you.”
Dannala says “Top/Mid: Squish and semi-weak early, if you got Electrocute you could easily snowball on his mistakes. Rappeling as he dashes will deny a lot of damage and gives you your biggest chance to retaliate, if not best to retreat.
Bottom: If you got a burst combo bot your best bet is all inning, if he survives you will be in trouble so might be safer to farm, especially if he got something like Lulu with him.”
EvoNinja7 says “Lucian can literally just kill you in two abilities and two auto's pre-level 6. When level six comes along, you have more survivability with your ultimate but he can kill you in about three abilities (including his ult). He has a decent amount of mobility with his E dash, making it hard to all-in him or even gank him. Try to position behind minions, minimising the amount of damage his Q can do and try to poke him when you can. Don't misposition or your dead.”
CastratedSeal says “Lucian can dodge your bubble with his dash. If he's paired with an aggressive support, his early lane power can easily bubble over into multiple kills in lane. Start Relic Shield, and consider taking Guardian if he's being supported by something aggressive.”
Scrimm says “Lucian can be scary early on, since his passive with Press the Attack allows him to win many trades early on. Don't stand in a line with minions so you don't take free Q damage, and if he uses his R just use yours to get behind him so you don't take damage from it.”
AmericanNut says “Range will eat you alive. All there is to it, be careful of his kit. He will dodge your with his dash tongue lash. He will only ult when you're within critical condition. Your E should help, if he ults while close, punish him by walking behind him.”
SkittleBtw says “I rate this dude as extreme, if he's played by someone with a brain, you will be molested off your creeps all day long, or die trying to get them. If he doesn't know how to play Lucian, you might be gucci, but still be careful. This dude poops out damage early.”
pandorelol says “Skill match up, be aware of his positionning in lane so you don't get poked down by his Q. The first to get Kraken usually will win the game, as it will deepen the scaling difference between the 2. Do not fight him alone.”
KingRavenZ says “Big burst damage can easily win most trades, let your support lead the lane and play passively unless he wastes his E, then attempt to capitilize with a trade.”
MasterBoom says “Another ADC with a good mobility. Waste his "E" first before facing a 1 on 1 battle. Remember that you can use "Galeforce" for fair trade.”
Slev says “Lucian's early game is much, much stronger than Xayah's, you won't win trades and even if he's a bit behind he'll chunk you easily. Play safe and farm, you outscale him hard.”
jhoijhoi says “Lucian is a harass heavy ADC who uses skill shots to trigger his passive for two attacks. His short range dashes can allow him to get in close or dodge your ultimate. However he has 100 less range than Ashe letting you auto-attack him when he wants to farm creeps.”
Veloxus says “Lucian will out DPS Jhin in early game fights. Try not to let Lucian proc his passive and PTA on you often or you will be in big trouble. Use your longer range to poke him from a distance.”
GodMulti says “It can be hard to lane against him in the very early game. I would suggest you to pick comet against him and try to bait his dash before ulting. If possible ask your supp to play a Cc/Hook supporter.”
SINKEMALL says “Lucian can easily all-in you because of his passive, so try to stay at max distance and E out if he's going in on you. Be wary of standing in line of his Q, as he can Q through minions to poke you. You will outscale him provided he doesn't also build manamune. ”
Frixen says “One of the worst matchups. Sit back, wait for him to overstep, gold card, unload your damage, and get out before he can return it. This is extremely difficult to win against simply because you get outdamaged, outpushed, and he can all in you whenever he wants to. You can't even roam against him, simply because he has the full control of the wave. Please go Bone Plating and look to split push later, and if he tries to stop you, leave and regroup with your team. Exhaust could be game-changing into this matchup.”
Bouhhsolene says “He might win trades early/mid game, but you generally win late (except if he's really fed). Just survive his all in and you're all good. Also try to W if he used E, then you win trades.”
Cam1304 says “His extreme burst will kill you 90% of the time if you don't care for it. If his support root or stuns you, you can say goodbye to your health bar.”
SweatMeALake says “Lucian is high in burst damage, and is very mobile. Avoid exchanges with him in lane as he wins almost every trade. Punish his positioning if his E is on cooldown and make sure you don't get caught out of position as well. He can also dodge your ultimate with his E ability. ”
SweatMeALake says “Lucian is strong early game, and can punish you pre 6. Watch for his dash, which can easily dodge bladecaller which is your only damage early game. ”
ultrafen says “Lucian does ridiculous amounts of damage early, which will prevent you from getting fed early, which will then delay your Rod, and thus ruining your chances at getting fed.”
Spection says “VERY COMMON. Lucian is kind of a strange ADC. Boasting worse damage than Ezreal and one sort of dash, a watered down miss fortune ultimate and no CC, he can't really deal with Pantheon. Just lock him down with the help of your support and you should get fed really really fast.”
ShroudedBRH says “Use your range to poke and deter him from trying to all in he will try to land his full combo on you and bully you in lane just play back outside his range. You will out scale him later in the game”
Camelorry says “A smart Lucian player can play around your w and kite you very effectively, plus you can't block his q and that's his main poke resource during laning phase, which will hurt you a lot due to your short range. Try your hardest to block his r or his combo with your w.”
Kdrama says “Most lucians are really bad and he's not that good right now in the bot lane, so you shouldn't be worried about facing him. If you do happen to face him, just wait for him to waste his q on the wave, then you can e in and just win the trade. ”
StriveHD79 says “
High burst ADC, he has a dash and abilities that let him weave in many autoattacks which other ADCs cannot do. Do not let him get close, keep your distance otherwise you will get run down.”
StriveHD79 says “High burst ADC. Make sure to do your normal trade pattern, AA + W or W + AA then back off. He should not be able to all in you. If he tries to just slowly kite back while using your Q Autos + W. You should be able to keep your distance with your volley (W ability). He will have very high burst if he does manage to get on top of you.”
StriveHD79 says “Another low range ADC, this should be a fairly easy lane again, you want to try to harass him whenever he goes for last hits on creeps. He should realistically never be able to get ontop of you as long as you do not waste your net (E abilitiy). His dash (E ability) is his only way of getting to you so save your net for that. Do not let him all in you from full hp.”
StriveHD79 says “High burst ADC, he has a dash and abilities that let him weave in many autoattacks which other ADCs cannot do. Do not let him get close, keep your distance otherwise you will get run down. You will outscale him after 3 items.”
StriveHD79 says “High burst ADC, he has a dash and abilities that let him weave in many autoattacks which other ADCs cannot do. Another support dependant matchup, but you should win 1v1s at all times against him before he completes first two crit item.”
StriveHD79 says “Another ADCarry that out damages you in most stages of the game, his all in range is smaller than Tristana but still a great threat that will kill you with ease. Keep your distance from Lucian at all times and you will out scale him and be more useful for teamfights. ( If you are both at 3 items you will be much more useful in teamfights )”
KXNGLXXVII says “he can straight up murder you level 2 so just respect his early damage and try not to get too crazy. w one of his abilities or the passive after to lower his damage output by quite a bit. wait for your support to land cc and its not too bad. ”
Spider Shaped says “Много урона и неплохая мобильность,лучше старайтесь не нарыватся на него. Если вдруг что,то перепрыгивайье с помощью e через стены,враг как минимум потратит флеш что бы догнать вас.”
GiAEcchI says “Lane bully, buy doran shield or life steal. Q and fall back when he tries to dash to you, so you can dodge his passive and W on his face to trade back.”
Stiwy says “I hope you will never face him in toplane, really, he can poke you, chase you, dodge all you can launch, you just have to sit under tower and cry while trying to CS.
Jokes aside, buy tabis and try to stay as safe as possible.
Take conquer and aim to be a useful tank when teamfights break out.
Start with D.Shield for a little bit of sustain and consider taking Second wind instead of bone plating.
You can't do much in this lane, just hope the jungler remembers that toplane exists.”
eyh4sxdf says “He's a hard engage lane, Kindred can compete with this. His scaling is really good but you can contest by bullying him early game (poke) if you have a good support.”
StriveHD79 says “High burst ADC, he has a dash and abilities that let him weave in many autoattacks which other ADCs cannot do. Do not let him get close, keep your distance otherwise you will get run down.”
LettArcticFox says “Early/Mid adc, he outscales you in laning phase, you want to take Fleetfoot work if you are against him, play safe and ask for ganks”
snukumz says “If he's good then he's very annoying because he can easily dodge your skillshots with his dash.
His Q poke has a deceptively long range so watch out for that.
If you snare him he's an easy kill because he's squishy and you do a lot of burst damage.
Be wary of his ult since you have no way of getting away from it on your own except for flash. ”
Terrific says “Lucian is in Extreme because it is a Skill match up. you most likely want to take Exhaust against him if you actually always wanna win on 1 on 1 trades but eitherway the one that gets ahead will win.
Keep an eye on his cooldowns and that way you might be able to win.”
KuuHaKu_OtgmZ says “Lucian has become a quite strong opponent due to his burst potential. Stay together with your support and trade when Lucian's skills are on cooldown”
Twiggymocha says “In lane you can win fairly easily because you have much more range than him. But be careful of getting burst down by Lucian, especially against a support like Lux or Zyra.”
Trisien says “His early game power is nothing to sneeze at, especially when paired with a good support, however you can use his low range to your advantage and cancel his ult with your E, so he becomes a bit more manageable.”
MarksmanBL says “A bit of the same as Draven but this guy can also more effectively dodge the CC of your support. It's easier to poke him out with rockets though so he's not an extreme threat. ”
NediHere says “If you won't pick Hail of Blades - there's about 0% chances to win your lane. Try to go in, when your support has some CC or can peel you, and when Lucian is out of his Q or R.”
xSEASeahawks12 says “Some argue that Kalista counters Lucian, but I personally disagree with this opinion. His all in's are second to none among ADC's, and that coupled with hard CC is Kalista's kryptonite. Freeze in front of your tower, and only try to trade if he uses his Q to farm, as that drops his damage significantly. If he ults, use Pierce+Martial Poise horizontally to try to get out of its way. Unfortunately, if he has his E still, this maneuver is rendered useless and you get to soak up everything if no one wants to peel.”
Zoodyacc says “You can Tumble [Q] away from his Q and W, or R. Respect his early level trades, you out scale him easily. Engage after hitting level 6.”
TwentyOneShadows says “If you have agressive support (brand, vel'koz, etc.) it's very easy to poke him out of the lane, but if you don't, in most of games it's gonna be pain in the ass.”
just Ashe main says “Because of his passive! Lucian only needs 2 or 1 attack speed item and he can go full ad with ninja boots that it'll be so hard to play against him! But wait till he uses his Q then start fight him and remember!! Stay behind your minions cause minions helps alot ”
atonementblade says “Beware his level 2 powerspike. It can easily drop you past 50% hp. Try to deny his all-ins by not standing behind minions, as he can poke you with his Q through them.”
atonementblade says “You can Tumble out of his Q if you do it fast enough, but generally you don't want to duel him unless you're ahead or you have some items under your belt.”
HeyItsLeemo says “This guy is really strong in early. Just don't fight him in levels like 1, 2, 3 and 4, he will outrade you extremely and kill you easily. Yet in late he kind of falls off.”
LupinTheCat says “write in chat: you're just a bootleg Ekko, plus your wife is dead
He might quit the game or carry the game
wait senna is out of the lantern? say it anyways”
MayeLeven says “He can poke you with his Q, W or with his passive auto-attacks. You can try to trade with him, but do it carefully, becouse he can make a big damage becouse of his passive. Try to fight him after level 6, becouse of his E.”
Midorima says “This is a skill match up if you have the reaction time and prediction of a god. But on an even playing field, Lucian's lane pressure and lane bully status will usually destroy Vayne.
To win this match up: You have to always be conscious of where you stand in lane to avoid Q and W. You have to perfect the dodging of his Q with your Q. And Its also very support match up reliant.”
black wolfr22 says “Be careful if you are ever alone in lane because he wins the 1v1 100%. Take in mind his dash as he will usually use it in lane to punish you . Another thing to watch out for would be his Q as it can pass through minions for a longer range, try to stay to the side of the minions.”
UffieMeisteR says “Lucian is a really strong early game ADC. Play cautiously and buy Ninja Tabi before dying to him, since he snowballs hard, from just one kill.”
Mericat says “For many builds hes a very dangerous threat, same as Draven, but our quite tanky building allows us to stay a lot safer against him while getting stronger than him in mid- and endgame. ”
Quezel says “Lucian is seeing a lot more play top and like any other ranged bully top he is really brutal to lane against early game play as passively as possible and just farm safely with q after seekers and tabi you can march him down with your ult just make sure to save your q and e until after he dashes.”
ZERO Destructo says “He can poke you through minions with his Q, and avoid your traps and stun with his E. Try to bait him to use E before you start the trade. Safest play against him is to just avoid fights and farm, until you get a gank. However, in late game you will easily two-shot him.”
Nik7857 says “Lucian is good at short quick trades. He will q aa and then get out before you even get an auto in. Luckily your late game is pretty much just as bad as his. Play this one safe and be extra careful if they have engage support.”
ReallyBoring says “He is weaker, however if hes with a hook champion it doesn't really matter. He wont try to trade so try to hit him with a quick W auto when he goes for farm. Try not to get hooked because if he gets ahead he can snowball just as fast as you.”
Eccentricks says “Lucian is an Early/Mid game monster whose only weak point is later in the game when he falls off a little. Sadly, your early game is when you suffer the most. His casts will have no mercy and if they connect, you consider yourself dead. Just be sure not to get destroyed and punish him later in the game. Only fight him if you have help from your support AND jungler. They only reason isn't a 5 is that late game (which I have said quite a lot now, just to drive the point home).”
Falllol says “A Vayne consegue abusar do Lucian pois ele precisa chegar nela para bater por falta da range , e ela consegue dar desengage , alem de poder desviar do Q dele e escalar muito mais a longo prazo .”
dravenplayer99 says “Because of Lucians high mobility this is a bit of a pain in the ass. He can easily dodge your ult if hes fast to react, and with a hook champion he will without a doubt win trades against you. ”
lolThe1master says “Lucian has a very high dmg output. Twitch has a very low health pool and no escape. Twitch has no escape which makes him an easy for high mobility champions.”
Mr. Nyahr says “If you can dodge his skillshots, you should be absolutely fine. Don't let him abuse Piercing Light, and be sure to juke his ult when you can.”
Laverenz says “Farm up early, try to make your jungler gank your lane. He will overpower you early-game so don't try to fight him. After level 6 you will have a 50% chance of winning a fight. If you dodge his Q and his Ult damage, you can win, but be comfortable.”
philsopaoto says “Lucian excels in early game damage and his mobility can make rooting him hard. Play smart to avoid being chunked and you should have a smooth laning phase. ”
haloboleon says “Although Senna has a weak early game, strong early champs are very weak vs her since she can just out sustain their trades and make it very easy to get by the laning phase without dying a single time. Just play passive and go for cs.”
MewlingRavenPaw says “Farm till you reach your one item power-spike and then use your ultimate to engage into grabbing dragon. Another thing that prevents this early game bully from going to a Major threat or Extreme threat is your ability to dodge his Q by sidestepping with your passive. Play around him engaging on your support by forcing him to get antsy by staying out of his AA range. His dash is a 22 second CD as well so he's pretty easy to shut down believe it or not. ”
corvy says “lvl 2 PTA fighter like you. be carefull here, he has more dmg then you and its guaranteed unlike your W
he will look for PTA trades where he double auto attacks you and you will lose almost all your health.
talk to your duo look for the pic early but if it doesnt work you need to kite it out well. you can also bait their early agression so they take minion and then look to go in
be cautious of him at all times”
minepro221 says “He does a bit better in lane, as his full combo outdamages your's if he does not face tank your W. However, if he tanks your W, you can kill him. He does fall off later on, so play passive and only fight when it is free.”
Kynaz0071l0l says “Lucian is not very strong himself but if he has a hook support like thresh with him he can easily snowball you and kill again and again.”
mhsmhs123 says “Lucian can hurt Xayah in the early game because of his Q and his dash because and be cause of this he can both waveclear and chase Xayah in the early game especially.”
Eucalyptus says “Just run. Just hide. You are gonna have to play safe and scale while wishing you picked Vayne or Jinx. Once you do reach 3 items he gets absolutely molested, so if you can deal with 15-25 minutes of aids, then you can have some fat freelo.”
Lincoln878 says “Same as Draven, there isn't much outplay potential when you face Lucian, you have to wait for your support to make plays or wait for you jungler.”
Fruxo says “Using your E as much as possible to avoid his Q and extra damage that comes along with it thanks to his auto attacks. Try to avoid taking to much damage from his R aswell.”
The Jhin Cena says “Lucian isn't too difficult to deal with. The only thing I can say to watch out for is when you ult, make sure he cannot reach you with his since that'd put you very vulnerable to soaking up the entire ult.”
Ni14 says “This matchup all you want to do is scale. You can't outtrade lucian unless youre support is catching him first. Tear first because once he gets lifesteal he can outheal your poke. ”
MrDecoy says “His lane phase is really really good, can snowball early leads really well, you 100% outscale him so worst case scenario just wait for that”
HikariGames says “Lucian can either be a free lane, or your biggest counter. I consider this one a skill matchup personally. His biggest advantage over you is his chase potential with his dash+ult. He rely's on winning lane to win out versus Jhin in the late game though, so just don't feed and you're good.”
Zach IWNL says “Watch out for his lvl 2, and lvl 3 all in. Lucian can really struggle against CDR Ashe, as his auto range is short.
He also falls off in the late game.”
Fruxo says “Using your root as much as possible to avoid his Q and extra damage that comes along with it thanks to his auto attacks. Try to avoid taking to much damage from his R aswell.”
IPodPulse says “Stay away from angles that can get you hit by piercing light. Press the attack will make his damage more significant, so take that into consideration when trading with him. He has a dash, so you can try to predict it, or you can bait it out with hail of arrows.
Press the attack will increase his ability damage by a lot, take that into consideration when trading.”
Righteous Maniac says “You can probably one shot him late game and kite him into oblivion. However, he will make you his bitch early game if he and his support catch you out of position. So hold your E and farm through the early game till you outscale him.”
GORE Klabok says “Lucian is the kind of Adc like draven and jhin. he can blow-up kalista once lvl 3 in only 1 spell rotation, i mean in 1v1 actually , he can burst more than any Auto-attack base champion (Adc/Fighter) at lvl 3. some people gonna say im wrong but its all about how fast he can cast then disengage.Always remember that lucian require his every cooldown ready to Actually takedown kalista each time. Best way to prevent lucian from beeing fed is to get him lvl 1 - 2 even 3 if you took him low. once you get a kill before his first Attack damage item and his lvl 3. you should win lane.Lucian very late game also have a powerspike of hell once he build cleaver bork and any other lethality or armor Penetration item.Once he get health left % dmg from blade of the ruined king , Blackcleaver whish is removing 30% of total armor and also lethality item or lastwhisper/Lord dominik regard. none can even 1v1 him anymore. i mean exept in Rare Case when top laner is TFblade playing Irelia or jax beeing 10/0/0. Even at thispoint you can win. All about Ruining lucian lane phase. Extreme threat because of his late game Win rate. Would say Major threat level once lvl 3. The worst lvl 1 Adc Due to long Cooldown from (Q). if you see a player starting with dash (E) at lvl 1 , its even worst for him, janna can even beat him at this point.”
SimbaADC says “As long as you are careful of his all in damage and avoid his supports CC abilities you can shove him in, landing poke and getting tower plates.”
Math Eon says “Lucian is probably the most difficult match for Ashe. He wins short and long trades due to his passivem and Press the Attack. Make sure to punish him with W+A when his E is on cooldown. ”
SlashLion says “Lucian has much more mobility than you and can make his level 2 advantage count for a lot with his passive double shots and press the attack. Very dangerous lane but if played right can result in a win for you.”
InfernalFox says “Hard lane. He can burst you pretty easy and can dodge your W and you have no way of escaping his R. Farm on lane and try to hit him with Q and 4th's.”
MallisTheGreat says “If you get your Lethal Tempo winding up while he engages you, you are pretty much gonna be alright. Remember to quick-cast Q to poke him off, else he is gonna take you down.”
MallisTheGreat says “The most Lucian can do is dash to you with his E then walk towards you while damaging you (either with basic attacks or his ultimate). Just cast your E between you two whenever he is engaging and poke him down so that he doesn't engage and you are pretty much set.”
Vortiris says “He hurts, he is mobile, and he is out for some fried chicken. Watch out for his Relentless Pursuit before pulling in your feathers mid and late game, as he most probably already maxed it out. He will be quite tanky late game, making him close to impossible to kill. End the game as early as possible, or ban him.”
Numresunw says “He can be a little annoying but as he has double auto he will come close to try to hit you once every time, make sure you give an auto too and try to stack the poison before exploting it.”
sutrauboju says “One of the worst matchups for Ashe, Lucian is a lane bully with high mobility and damage. Be careful in this lane, play conservatively.”
Dayum Draven says “Lucian requires alot of help. You can poke and out damage him but position yourself correctly, but Lucian has been pretty strong in the meta so be careful”
Shacolada says “Lucian is a hard counter to Jhin. His ultimate can be utilized while he's moving, so watch out as he may try to kite you. His damaging skills have long range and are mostly skill shots, so awareness and excellent dodging skills are vital.
Watch out for his Q in the lane as it can pass through minions for a more extended range, try to stay to the side of the minions.
Attempt to stay on the same side of the creep wave as Lucian, e.g. if he stands to the left, stand to the left. This will give him a much harder time with harassing you using Piercing Light.”
Gun God Mike says “For Lucian the major risk is when he angage at level 3+, his combo can kill you in few seconds,to caunter him and stack safely just wait your support for an engage and put e under him.Late is lesser than early against him.”
BL00dY3nD says “This dude can just do so much against you. If he R you cant run behind him. His passive will deal so much damage to you. He can dodge with his E and can get out of your range with his E. I got big problems egainst him maybe you do better...”
HELL JUMPER says “Avoid getting all-in'd, and poke him with Q's and autos as much as possible to try to keep his HP below yours. Stay even in CS, and outscale him out of lane.”
Niculae01 says “It's a burst champ, which means that you will take a lot of damage against him in early game. If you get scared and don't fight you will have to play under the tower for the first 10 minutes. Play safe and wait for level 6 to out range him with your ult + flash to dodge his ult.”
Fruxo says “Using your E as much as possible to avoid his Q and extra damage that comes along with it thanks to his auto attacks. Try to avoid taking to much damage from his R aswell.”
Axemania says “You just can't trade against Lucian in the early game and he can dodge your W with his dash. Rely on your support to poke him down and find opportunities to deal free damage.”
Pointrunner Cane says “Try to isolate him by letting him dash to you behind your caster minions and maybe you will outrade him, otherwise don’t trade with him. ”
DimmyJimmy says “Play far back so he can't dash on you and heavily out trade you early. Late game he is still a threat if he's good because he can dodge the auto attacks from your ult.”
Xerxes Is ADC says “he's nothing, his abilities will hindering his auto attacks and you'll be able to out trade him. Try to get your items before he does and you'll win lane. predict where he dashes when you cc him. ”
xTheUnlimited says “Right now he is pretty dangerous with his high all-in damage. You can poke him with some auto attacks, but take care - he can use the fact that you have to step up to auto him to all-in you. ”
xTheUnlimited says “Lane bully. Got a bit more dangerous for Tristana after her early range got nerfed in 8.5. Dont trade until Level 4 where you got a good range advantage over him. ”
NocUout says “A rare matchup, but with a ton of early damage. He does outdamage you pre6, but you can win after that. Just let him waste his mana and try not to get poked down too far before that. ”
xTheUnlimited says “He has a strong trade off. You have more range so you should use this fact. Try to stay away from him and dont let him combo you. ”
FelipeGustavo says “avoid standing on the backs of the footmen in your direction, the Q
Lucian ability will hit you.But you can counterattack using E And when he uses your R. Punish him whenever he is in his range.
NorToXz says “Fairly stronger than you. Early-game and late-game is dangerous, but outplays will make Lucian go down (dodge skills and abilites). You can for excample jump behind him and ult him to your turret if he tries to ult you.”
KinkyGaren says “Lucian is a very high meta ADC right now and as such needs to be respected, he has a very powerful early game as opposed to your weak beginning. He pumps out more autos and damage than you in trades so beware engaging his low attack range.”
B34STLYG4M3R says “Lucian is very similar to you, except he is strong early game and weaker late game. He wins every single trade, and even makes better use of your first couple of items then you do. Do not duel him unless you are far ahead or about 4 items in. ”
Statix20dan says “His entire kit lets him get extra MS when attacking marked enemies (from W) and extra dmg after every ability used. His ult can be extremely difficult to dodge as Jhin is quite immobile early-mid game.”
qasddsa says “Be careful of his strong level 2 powerspike with his support. He has close to your damage mid game, but late game he starts to fall off to your damage, since it's not as consistent. He can be a teamfight threat with his ultimate, but as long as your team has CC it can be quickly shut down.”
Komrad says “Lucian, al ser un ADC de Early con daño en rafaga masivo y una excelente capacidad de duelo, puede hacerte la partida bastante dificil, sin embargo al Late no llega a ser tan fuerte como tu”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, his e lets him dodge qs kinda ez but think of it this way instead: he either has to save his e/get his minions or take a bunch of damage. ALMOST scary to fight mid to late game 1 on 1 unless you wait for him to e first. you should probably wait for him to use his e before poking/poking back. (unless you wanna zone him off or something)”
Best Tactics EU says “Lucian does have an edge on you, you won't be able to win 1v1's and sometimes you will die and he will snowball. However if you play it right he is a good example of how you can push and go even against him.
First of all you outscale him, so you got that part down, what you want to do is W every wave, ideally u have a support that also helps pushing. If he depush with W or Q you can Q the minion wave too, this way you push faster then he does. If he doesn't use any speels you still push faster with just W alone. If you repeat this you will slowly poke him down. Also at some point he will get frustrated because he wanna win the lane, so he will E into you, but you will still have your E/Q up, so it should be an even trade.”
MeSad says “It sort of a skill match-up. Normally Lucian dashes in and procs his passive on you but as long as you Q he shouldn't be able to get his press the attack off and you can weave in a few autos yourself. ”
EagleBlades says “"Countered you" but most Lucian aren't good so don't sweat it. Post lvl 9 its your game to win. But, be careful of his all in at lvl 6 it is really good.”
satancurls says “Você consegue desviar das skills dele usando o seu rolamento, aproveite disso. (Pode parecer difícil executar esse desvio mas sempre tente.)”
undeadsoldiers says “Stay away from your minions to avoid Q poke.
He can use his E to dodge your E, but its cooldown (barring lots of passive procs) is really long so you have a window to punish him for blowing it if he uses it aggressively or defensively.
Careful of his ult when you're low.
Suggested: Armguard rush if having trouble”
3n3ida says “its not too hard to play against, but his Q and W are really annoying. he just pokes you with them and you cant really farm in my opinion.”
Seigemaster035 says “Wins the early game very hard. hard to trade with and bursts you down easily. Fleet is highly recommended in this matchup. Although you out scale be careful of where you go out of stealth because if given the chance he will kill you.”
Robin Banks says “Even lane before his cuitlass/bork purchase. After that you'll need to rely on Q/W Poke. Save E for when he slows you. Do not use E to proc your w. He will murder you for it. I think you outscale Lucian, but some other people may disagree. ”
Nittwerp says “You won't be able to duel lucian untill you hit your core items. Don't ever try to solo him if you haven't reach your powerspike because when lucian rushes BORK you can't win. So I advice to fight either 2v2's or don't fight him at all.”
koyomilikesbloods says “He can all-in you pretty well, but you can poke him out of lane completely as long as you position correctly in lane. If you can't stand between then ranged and melee and or poke with q then don't get too close to him. If he can dash to you, you are too close.”
TianDaMan says “Wait for him to use his Q on the minion wave before looking to step up. He will all in you any chance he gets when he has it up. Poke him down with Fishbones when he has his Q or E on cooldown.”
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