As a Support 51.04% Win Rate59% Pick RatePoppy As a Support Counters: 30 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Poppy as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
ShriekingMammoth says “Should not be playable for Shen. She has good damage and engage that Shen cannot block and whereas Shen can counteract other tank support engages, he cannot with Poppy. Her W interrupts dashes (your taunt) and grounds you, giving her and her carry free will to kill your adc.”
FreljordFrog says “If you lane against Poppy, always have your W ready to polymorph her whenever she engages a fight. The sooner you can get proper spacing between you/your adc and her, the better.”
Demonsedge90 says “Poppy can prove difficult in lane if she activates steadfast presence to shut down Leona's zenith blade engagement (causing you to be stunned on contact). For best results, try to bait out steadfast presence before activating zenith blade, potentially giving you a leg up in the upcoming dive.”
Thefrenchkefta says “My perma ban.
She can stop dashes, and she is absolutely goated in supp cause too much damage in early too much tanky and useful in late game.”
Smaugyon says “Poppy has been broken for a while now even though i rarely see her in soloQ. She will kill you solo. Her laning power is completly broken you realy cant do much aside from playing safe and avoiding walls. If she pins you you are dead. Trying to match roams is very hard due to her mobility and the deadman's plate rush ”
The Stabbio says “Her W is a direct counter to your E. I found out that you can actually bait her E by standing next to a wall then E-ing fast to avoid her stun, then Q her easily.”
Lumutheslime says “Even if poppy support is rarely seen, she his one of the few who can completely shutdown shen thx to her Steadfast Presence making dash impossible around her and giving extra movespeed to follow up on any roam.”
Aerenax says “Poppy can disengage easily using her W or R. An aggressive Poppy will also be a problem as she will use her W to make you unable to disengage using your Q.”
zSharpFire says “You can easily poke her out with Q. If she's hyper aggressive you can keep R for her engages to R-W and tank all the damage. Be aware of her big gank setup. Always ward.”
Arctic Arrow says “Poppy poses a major threat with her ability to disrupt engages and peel effectively. Her Q can knock you back and her W provides a strong defensive boost, making her difficult to deal with in skirmishes. Play carefully around her cooldowns and avoid getting caught by her wall or being knocked into unfavorable positions. Focus on avoiding her engages and try to capitalize on her mistakes.
Coordinate with your ADC and team to burst her down quickly when she overextends, especially when her cooldowns are on cooldown.”
SighKek says “The queen of mobility cucking. This champ does SO much dmg, is pretty damn tanky AND will shut down your mobility. If she engages on you, be mindful to wait out her little cage that stops mobility before you escape with E.
Also, stay away from walls as she can slam you into them.”
xpwnz1337 says “This is NOT an Alistar's counterpick.
Poppy is free after you read this.
Counterplay: To not die lvl1 dont stand close to wall as it can burst you. Dont get baited by Mini Mundo passive.
Now look. to win every all in vs Poppy you must press E when she Engages. Wait 2 seconds so her anti dash zone goes away. Now you have all of your abilities and Poppy has nothing. Never engage because it takes 1 braincell to cancel your W as Poppy.
LA COLORADA says “surprisingly fucking tough! not only she can deny your engages with W and poke with her passive, but her own engage is no fucking joke either. she can dish some unexpected damage with her Q, and later on she can just flip fights with a good R, so don't underestimate her by any means. ”
Abarame says “Overextend and ur dead. Q her E but do NOT flash during her W. Let it finish before you cast F. that way you can escape. Also, avoid getting ulted mid teamfight. You need to be present throughout the skirmish so flash or E away to dodge the knockback.”
Foxirion says “Poppy's tankiness and crowd control can be a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's mobility and engage potential can help him pressure Poppy and disrupt her engages effectively in fights.”
schizoslvt says “Terror matchup.
This is the matchup where you wake up in the middle of the night and realise it was just a dream.A matchup every pyke otp fears hopes he never gets to verse.
I cant tell you any tips for this :D:D:D: good luck bro”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “She's a tank, kite, stay away from walls she can charge you and whack you into them. Annoying, but not too bad.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
Aerenax says “Poppy's W will stop you from jumping to your ally using your W – Stand behind me. Play around this and you will be fine as you can nullify her kill threat.”
mazewalk says “She cant counter your dashes since you dont have any. But you can cancel her target dash and help your teammates get back in teamfight asap after she uses ult. Despite building tank and ms items, Poppy sup might build Umbral Glaive so it will be impossible to win vision.”
azaleaaa says “In team fights the can R you away from your team, leaving your team to often die. You play a big role in your team by being an AP shredder.”
mazewalk says “Rakan W is really hard to disengage, because you need to cancel his dash, which is possible only with mind games.. or picking Poppy who has a button, which denies Rakans' whole kit. Consider dodging if you see her.
W cd = 24/22/20/18/16”
Aerenax says “Poppy's W will stop you from engaging as it blocks all dashes including your W. Play around this or you will insta-lose your lane, because you can't play the game. ”
ZharMeny says “It's probably a Go-To Support pick against Rell, while not being as annoying as Janna, Poppy is much more tankier and so be careful when engaging her, also who even plays Poppy Support..? Recommended Stance: Unmounted”
Toches says “Not commonly seen in support, but she has really good disengage with her R, so its a 1/1 trade, and she can really make fights annoying by stealing objectives by shooting you away from them, or making fights uneven.”
mellorwastaken says “Another noob bait, her W can cancel your E but if you know Poppy and avoid playing near walls she has really low range and no engage at all. You just need to be patient and dont use E randomly when fighting her.”
gizemdeniz says “Poppy's biggest trump card is to knock her opponent against the wall and disable him. If we take this into account and position carefully, there won't be much she can do. When we come across a tank with the support budget, we will easily melt it with Ahri's shock damage.”
Fenreee says “|||TOP||| Literally does nothing to you ever. You can cancel her dash with Q and R but beware that it follows flashes if you don't. You can flash out of her W. Roaming tanks on top is pointless.
|||JUNGLE||| As a jungler she poses a slightly bigger threat as she can be rough to invade if you're not confident in your ability to cancel her wall-stun, however you still block every gank from her. Make sure not to facecheck bushes from unsafe angles.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “She only answers you if you play to engage, Rell wins if you play to peel. Even in lane you can still find winning fights through your unmounted W, so look for those opportunities.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “As she can launch you away with her R and block your Q with her W, Poppy ends up being a problem, even though you can out skill her she ends up changing the way you play, meaning you need to be more wary.”
TheBlueImperial says “She is very rarely played support but if you ever see her you best start crying, her W, E and R all shut down your W. She is pretty much impossible to engage on in lane, play a more peel focused role against Poppy and protect your carry.”
PumpkinMatters says “Poppy, Poppy, Poppy. Eu odeio essa yordle com todas as minhas forças. Eu ainda acho que Lulu é a pior situação pra Rell, mas Poppy tá ali pertinho, porque não só ela tem um engage super agressivo, como ela bloqueia seu W como se não fosse nada. Ela não é a melhor opção de suporte no geral, mas se você puder escolher, não vá de Rell contra ela”
PumpkinMatters says “Poppy, Poppy, Poppy. I hate this yordle with every atom of my heart. I still think Lulu is the worst for Rell, but Poppy is close, because not only she has a super aggressive engage, as she blocks your W as if it was nothing. She is not the best support in general. but if can choose, don't go Rell against this hell”
KalelPeique says “Cancela todos os Seus Q, Poppy suporte ja é coisa de corno, como ela é um tank, tenta focar o adc, matar ela não vai te trazer vantagem, cuidado POPPY TA SOLTA MULEQ
Cancels your Q, Poppy support is already a cuckold thing, as she's a tank, tries to focus the adc, killing her won't give you an advantage,”
pastelzia says “Poppy is an engage champion that is designed to counter mobility champions, including Yuumi.
Poppy's Steadfast Presence allows Poppy to gain 40% bonus movement speed 2 seconds and generates an aura around herself for the duration, causing all enemies who attempt to dash into or within it to be dealt magic damage, knocked up for 0.5 seconds and, if they were successfully interrupted, grounded and Slow slowed by 25% for 2 seconds, all of these effects cancel You and Me! refreshing it's cooldown.
Poppy's Heroic Charge allows Poppy to dash to a target enemy, knocking them up canceling You and Me! and refreshing it's cooldown, and bringing them with her, and if the target collides with terrain, the target is also stunned for a duration, canceling You and Me! and refreshing it's cooldown.
Poppy's ultimate Keeper's Verdict allows poppy to charge up a big attack, slowing herself by 15% during charging, all of the time charging allows poppy to charge up bonus range for the ability, and distance. Poppy then can release the charge, if she immediately chooses to release the ability, she only knocks enemies up for 0.75 seconds, canceling You and Me! and refreshing it's cooldown. If Poppy charged for at least 0.5 seconds, she then smashes the ground, knocking back enemy champions towards their fountain a certain distance based on charge time, canceling You and Me! and refreshing it's cooldown.
All of these abilities make Poppy a huge counter for Yuumi.”
Mystral says “Trying to kill her would be useless, so just play passive, poke her when she gets close to minions, Q on her when she walks in to engage. Fortunately, you don't see many Poppys support.”
Aerenax says “Poppy is niche support pocket pick that is really bad to play against. Her W cancels your W and E so when you dash in you can’t get out, which will result in you dying. She will also ult you away if you do find a window to engage. Poppy is not worth banning but do consider dodging if the enemy plays poppy support.”
LimTheDestructor says “Engage on Poppy's adc only when she's far from him or when she doesn't have W (antidash ability) ready. Engage on Poppy only when she doesn't have W or Aftershock. Don't stand in front of your turret or walls when she wants to engage you.”
warmfishu says “Heroic Charge (E) is a knockback dash that will also stun you if you are near a wall. Avoid going near her while Steadfast Presence (W) is active, as it will cause a 2.5 second CC that will reset Yuumi's W, leading to a 7.5 second cooldown. Keeper's Verdict (R) is also a knockup and/or knockback.”
freddy66623 says “Normally not too much of a hassle but be careful when she activates her zone around herself, this will stop you from jumping to a teammate and activate the cooldown on your W”
Jowoey says “This really isn't picked that often in NA but be careful around walls for sure. Her CC combo is almost always deadly unless you took exhaust for their adc. You can poke her down pretty easily otherwise.”
Go Getter says “On paper she's Zac's counter and normally would be if she was in her own lane and you were jungle, but as support Zac you can just wait her shield out and E her anyways.
I find Poppy as a jungle not that threatening if you can see her coming.”
Daraysen says “Do we even need to talk about her? She is possibly one of the most annoying champs to play against, she can slow, knock you up and around, send you away and even block your engage when you try to pull yourself to the enemy.”
anionPositivo says “Ninguém joga mais de Poppy suporte mas vamos lá... A Poppy cancela seus pulos e deixa bem díficil de chegar perto do adc deles, é só esperar ela dar o engage pra você contra-atacar ou ficar sentadinho de baixo da torre.”
LilRidge says “You won't win this if you lane against her. Play super safe, and play to counter engage on her ADC when she engages. Do not be near any walls whatsoever, or you will likely get chunked and/or die ”
Starchase says “Poke her all you want, even if she E's into you, as long as she doesn't connect with a wall, you'll be fine.
Tell your ADC to position right in the middle of the lane, to not get wall stunned by Poppy.
Care about her wall stun into the turret, it can be pretty deadly for dives.
And care about her R in teamfights, it's the best ability to disengage in the entire game, and if she hits you with it, it will hit your ADC as well, because you're attached to him, so it's gonna be a 3v5 situation that instantly creates a lost teamfight for your team.
You hard outscale her though.”
Bear Gummies says “You don't have any dashes, so it's kind of weird to be up against a Poppy support. my best advice would be to stay away from walls, but even in the bad scenario where she has the opportunity to stun you, you can use your howling gale to interrupt her dash.”
Wounds2 says “Poppy makes Rakan useless, since he can't dash anywhere while in Poppy's W. However, her W has a long cooldown and can be baited out pretty easily.”
fishbully says “ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Poppy is severely out-ranged in the support role against Janna. Because of this, Janna will win at all levels in lane.”
itizhelia says “Never really see her but she can cuck your dash and smash your face into the wall which results in a painful stun with high damage on top of it.
Play differently whenever facing poppy support and by that I mean don't engage when she's close to her ADC or when her W is up in general.”
thunderlocus3 says “Her Keeper's Verdict can disengage you early on or she can use her Steadfast Presence to stop your Dredge Line from locking on a target. ”
CastratedSeal says “All tanks/immobile juggernauts are free Starcalls in skirmishes and later game fights. Consider buying a Crucible to use on whoever Poppy stuns into a wall.”
IbnBattuta says “You and Poppy can stun using walls so you both have the same strength but Poppy is more Tanky than you so you can't kill her easily and she can use her Ult on you to escape.”
AnnakinVader67 says “Casi no se ve de support, pero su W no te deja utilizar ni la e ni la W. Comparable a Veigar, pero con mucho menos rango y más cd (a parte de que no te deleteará tras darte la W)”
JLAD2701 says “Her ult can take you out of a teamfight and she can stun you in situations and is also tanky have your team help you kill her unless she is low hp ”
Hanjaro says “Poppy has a lot of control near walls. Avoid positioning next to walls against this champ. Her charge into Q will set you back a lot of health if not allow for a 1 shot combo on you or your carry. DO NOT STAND NEAR WALLS. Poppys other threat is her W, her W will cancel your E dash if you try to use it while its up. If Poppy gets to you use your W to run away until her W breaks. This should give you enough movespeed to kite away and then you can dash afterwords if necessary. Punishable when aftershock and W are on cooldown. Try to abuse enemy carry but AVOID WALLS.”
Kian987 says “Shen and Poppy support are both out of role but when you met her in bot lane she has a clear advantage. First off you can't make use of brush since she can smash you on the wall. Secondly she can negate your E that is you only source of engage and disegnage.”
TheComicalBiker says “Poppy is not normally played as support, but her Steadfast Presence (W) can stop Thresh from jumping to enemies when reactivating Q as well as preventing allies from getting to you using your lantern (W) if she is in between you two. She is also able to stun you is you stand next to walls.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Poppy
Early Game: Avoid her [Q] poke and [E] wall stun. She’s tanky but lacks damage.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on squishies. Poppy’s [W] can block your [E], so play around it.
Key Tip: Flank to avoid her crowd control.”
FunnyBunnyH says “Her early game is pretty strong because of her insane base damage, but outside of lane, you generally outperform her. You also scale much better on a support budget than her.”
beefyylol says “An extremely cheesy early game support pick, Poppy has many good interactions against Bard. You'll pretty much always be lining yourself up for a stun if you're looking to tunnel and her W prevents you from using your tunnel as well. Very easy to die early in this matchup, but like many other engage support matchups you will outscale hard.”
Top Lane 51.47% Win Rate25% Pick RatePoppy Top Lane Counters: 10 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Poppy in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
liucan says “Rush cleaver and u win, dont use W or Q in her W, remember W has a long CD so trade after it. if u had good reflexes u can use E to stop his E and put her into the wall, side step Q when possible to stop Second Q from dmg u, dont understimate her, she has really high dmg.”
Dom1nus says “Dont dash into her w as it will stop u and she will win the trade. dont stay near walls with low hp and step on the cicrcle that pops to reject her from getting a shield.”
Maniaxx says “Poppy’s engage relies on W (Steadfast Presence), which blocks dashes, but Mundo’s Q (Infected Cleaver) is a ranged poke that can harass Poppy without needing to dash.
Poppy lacks the burst to deal with Mundo’s sustain, and Mundo’s Sadism (R) makes it hard for her to execute him.
How to deal with Poppy:
Be cautious of her W: Poppy’s W can stop your dashes, but you can still poke her from a distance using Q.
Build resistances: Poppy deals mostly physical damage, so focus on stacking armor and health.”
Houcs says “Good matchup but note when you are pulling her into your tower she can escape easily by just E'ing out on your minions.
Also your E counters her E.”
parker3n9 says “This is an incredibly easy matchup. As long as you position properly and stay away from walls, you should never die, and you’ll have consistent kill threat throughout the game. However, you’ll need to either be excellent at dodging her R or consider picking up a Zhonya’s Hourglass as a third item. The stasis can prevent her from knocking you away during your ultimate, ensuring you maintain control in fights.
Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying or Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “The Fiora vs. Poppy matchup can be EXTREMELY difficult for inexperienced Fiora players but becomes manageable with practice and patience. Take Teleport as your summoner spell and focus on playing carefully. If you plan to fight often, go with Conqueror as your keystone, but if you’re playing defensively, Grasp works well too.
You can parry Poppy’s W if she uses it recklessly. You do this is by using a slide parry combo (Q+W) to stun her. Avoid getting hit by the second part of her Q at all costs, as it deals massive damage and can turn the fight in her favor. Near walls, always be cautious of her E; most Poppy players will try to pin you when the opportunity arises. Predict this and attempt to parry it, but don’t let her bait you into wasting your Riposte. If she gets dangerousily low, she will most likely try to R you away. You can either expect this and Q to dodge it, or dont go in deep when she has her R up.
If Poppy builds Bramble Vest, avoid fighting until you’ve completed Ravenous Hydra. The Grievous Wounds effect will significantly weaken your sustain, making fights difficult even if she makes mistakes. Cutdown”
sprdlol says “Bully you in lane and out of lane. Poppy is just a menace for high mobility champions. Take grasp and try to farm up. You can out perform her in teamfight if plays well.”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Grasp. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
A good Poppy will make this unplayable.
Against bad Poppy players, try to get prio from level 1 and play very aggressive. Remember Poppy's W CD is 20s, trade in this window.”
Raideru says “This matchup, u play without hookshot or you only use it if she can't react fast enough with w, when u go for minions always look to q her so she can't damage you with her q and look to perma poke her with w, this matchup is rly annoying if the poppy plays properly but later u outscale just don't fall behind in early. I advise Ravenous rush since the level of poke is rly high in this lane even go vampiric scepter firstt reset with sustain runes. I advise Conqueror with Resolve here.”
Spartaniko says “She can stun you if you W while she has her aura ability. Don't stand next to walls, she can stun you with you E as Vayne does (except that Poppy is melee), don't use your E against her ult, use it against her Q, instead. Poke her to death with your Q and go Conqueror.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Her Q does a significant amount of %HP damage so avoid getting hit by both portions. Other than that spam Q+Grasp procs. When you swallow her don't spit her backwards since she
can insta charge you to ""escape"" towards wherever she needs to go, so consider spitting her sideways instead. If you're a smurf you can R her when she ults and take her with you" ”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Poppy pode andar reto e te matar caso vc esteja sem sombra, n vacile e tente deixar ela meio low na lane e procure ajuda do seu jungle pra matar, e tente pegar a kill.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
Carefull not to use W, when she has her circle - W around her, she will cancel your W automatically, you will get damage and get stunned.
Don't play around walls, so she cannot stun you with her E
Her Q does the most damage with the second proc, so don't walk into it.
ABL Pantheon says “Poppy is not the best matchup but you can win early. Never W first she can cancel it with W. Use W after she used first her W. Q poke her and E her if she's going to stun you with her E in a wall. Try to sidestep her Ultimate when you are very low or use E and when you are about to get ganked.”
SemenDrinker says “Shield 2nd wind
Stay clear of walls, Poppy wants you to be near walls so she can just insta stun you and pop her full combo onto you. Never stand in her Q as it deals max health damage and this lane should be easy. Whenever she pokes you with her shield always try to pick it up before she can or use that opportunity to poke her down. Her W passive gives her resistances when she is low health and the active stops your dashes. But honestly that isnt much of a problem since you can just bait it out easily. Respect her Q max health damage and don't stay inside of it for the next burst of damage. ”
IvanBeifong says “This is the reason why not every tank matchup is easy, this mongrel has a lot of damage, and is really tanky, the problem arises because of her W, you have to be careful or she'll negate every damage you have with it, as Sylas has 3 dashes, if you want to fight her, save your E until her W wears off, if you W close to her, it won't count as a dash and it'll land.
Her ult is pretty bad, situational at best.”
PetriciteLoL says “Just don't W max against her. You need to Q max but otherwise you can go any other combinations. Liandry and Q will be the most successful one although.”
LilPicky says “(take 1st rune page start blade) your E is useless, max Q, 3 points W, then max E, R her R you cancel it, dont play near walls, she can stun you against them, wait for her to use W to use E if all in”
Zagreus16 says “the only time you will win against a poppy top is if you somehow kill her early the first few lvls. If you do then rush black cleaver cause her armor is insane for someone so tiny with a hammer,”
step1v9 says “Use short E so that she can't react with W. Avoid standing next to walls. Avoid skirmishes where this champion is present at all costs. This champion makes yours completely useless. Not as bad as malphite though.”
Raideru says “In early levels u always want to wait for her to waste her passive and then look to poke with q, a good poppy is hard to kill because she will use her e to gap close away from you so the lane is going to be just a bunch of short trades but it doesn't really matter since u beat her in all stages of the game with or without a lead”
Haxorr says “Poppy can be very challenging to play against as Jax, but not impossible. Her laning phase isn't as strong as some of the extreme matchups, but it is still hard to play into and you will lose if you don't respect her.
Run DShield + Grasp page in this lane and play to go even with Poppy, as killing her is really challenging on your own. Rush Trinity. In lane, you should be able to get prio early and should only really be looking to trade with your grasp w empowered autos. Never q on Poppy, as if she hits her w on you, you're screwed. Avoid standing near walls and don't get chunked as she pushes in to you, as she is really good at diving with her jungler.”
TeiWasTaken says “Unplayable matchup. She has very high base armor, so she beats you at any point in the Laning phase. She outscales you hard, so there is no point in trying to fight her. Either ping your jg to help you in lane or dodge the game.”
eXC4l says “As you may know, Poppy's W blocks every dash. This really doesn't help you when your main mobility and damage abilities are both dashes (W and E). Try to not engage with W and use your E unpredictably while engaging/disengaging.”
Hotch says “You out damage her but her lvl 1 is better. Let her take prio for first wave and play it out like normal. Don't be afraid to all-in. She can stun you in your own W. ”
KingJoeyy says “if you are up against a good poppy it can be difficult due to her w can prevent your dash and avoid all in potential with her R. ALWAYS PLAY AROUND COOLDOWNS! cs better than her play around waves.”
forlid says “Poppy is extremely tanky throughout all game and you will probably never kill her if she plays even a bit safe. Her W blocks all dashes for a few seconds, which means that your Q3 and E are entirely useless. Your R won't be stopped however, although you'll take damage. Terminus is very good against Poppy in extended fights.”
conqiyana says “can cc chain you for 5 seconds and completely lock you down late game, plus use her w whenever you try engage on her.
dont try fight her, you WILL lose.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp. Conq
A good poppy is a nighmare.
She hard wins early, you need to really respect. You think she is a tank but she is an assassin. She can kill you from full health lvl 3 if she hits you against a wall. In General her e hitbox is bullshit. If you think you are far enough away from your tower and the angle doesnt work for an e, you are wrong and dead, that shit always Connects. You outscale her, so you just need to survive early. If possible dont walk up if she has passive or w it. ”
MaesePerez says “Weird matchup, you lose super hard early but after 2 items you should outscale. You don't lose the 1v1, but because of her e dash and w speed boost it becomes very hard to run her down, since hitting q is pretty hard. Do not get chunked level 1 so you can avoid getting flash stunned into a wall and one shot when she hits lvl 2. Her q is max hp damage so as long as you can avoid getting hit by both parts of it your trades should be even and will allow you to scale. ”
Angryappleseed says “She can cancel your W, and make it impossible for you to jump on her. Hold your W until she wastes her W. Never engage with W when you think her W is up.”
Aopiah says “Strong ashell and counters your dashes (VERY annoying and strong)
Is very tanky and still does tons of damage and cc so definitely a very hard pick to play against, even in late it is still a very solid champion.”
PlayCabex says “You wanna start W in this matchup. You pretty much have full control over the lane - you win close to every part of the game. Make sure to build zhonya’s 2nd as poppy can yeet you away from teamfights. Try to avoid walls since that’s the only way she can really outtrade you. The only damage she has is from her Q so try to not run into it.
Runes: Aery”
Belle19 says “Poppy does an insane amount of damage while also being relatively tanky, look for all-ins where you'll win, but you lose short trades. She doesn't have a real escape so if you freeze she is forced to have an extended fight. You outscale in 1v1s, in teamfights it depends on how much her w is doing. ”
zwartebliksem says “This is a really hard matchup, arguably an Extreme thread. However, I believe she's not as bad as Jax or Fiora. Poppy can block your dash, so once you go in, there's no going back. Don't stand near a wall, since she will stun you into it. You will win the all in, if her W is down, since you will be able to dash away. Early, it has a high cooldown (20s), so take advantage of it. Take second wind + doran's shield. ”
AWierdShoe says “Poppy is a tank with a bit of pushback. Her kit has a lot of CC in it and deals a good amount of damage. Avoid walking up when her passive auto is up as it does a decent amount of poke to you (especially with Grasp). Do your best to step on the buckler once it lands on the ground to avoid giving her a shield, otherwise just wait it out. She will Q you when you walk up for minions so do your best to avoid them by faking your movement out/sidestepping it. Be war of all-ins as her W can stop your E dash in your tracks. Stay away from walls as to not get stunned by her E. Black Cleaver is a great item into her to shred her armor. Respect her tower dives and just don't take too many bad trades; you have the tools and damage to dominate the lane if you play patiently and correctly.”
TeknoBeat says “Her W makes it hard for you to engage with E, go with shorter dashes so it doesn't give her time to react to it and watch out for her wall stuns. She trades with you pretty good ”
deathbypotion says “She have surprisingly high damage and she is very fast. Can harass you with her passive in lane and you can proxy against her. You will outscale”
MYCATRENGAR says “Conquer page / Build depends on confidence.
Poppy is a cuck, Her W stops our leap, Her Q does too much damage, Passive shield + Auto is ass, her E gives her a good counter to bush play.
You win by keeping the trades long. She wants to lock you up, combo and end. Save WW for her E. Dodge the Q damage and keep autoing.
Akuzai says “I am so glad this champion isn't played anymore. Her poke is out of this world for a straight up tank. try avoiding sticking next to walls and poke back with melee q into using e to dodge her own. Late game is you're even you beat her.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine Sunderer]
[Flash + TP]
Grasp + Second Wind. Start Doran's Shield. Poppy is considered a natural counter to Camille and other fighters who have dashes (Riven, Fiora, Irelia). You have to play as if you don't have your E. Just play safe and try to avoid her passive poke and wait to walk up until she uses it. Once you have Divine Sunderer you actually have a chance and further into the game you can easily fight/kill her.”
hoflol says “Poppy slows can be frustrating and deal more damage than you expect. Play smart around her Q and she should have no kill pressure.
Once she gets Divine Sunderer, trades can be difficult to win.”
GheeseEmpty says “The main turning point of this matchup is how knowledgeable the Poppy player is. If you are unaware, your Ram Stance auto attack counts as a dash to the target it hits, so poppy can cancel this with her W, which not only cancels this auto attack, it also slows you, which pretty much prevents you from stunning her for the remainder of its duration. She can also zone you exceptionally well with her Q, and she forces you to play consciously around terrain with her E. Her ultimate also makes it exceptionally difficult to all in her at level 6, so this is a matchup where it's best to look for mistakes from her rather than attempt to make crazy plays.”
VroomVroom229 says “After personally experiencing this matchup, all I can is that poppy is so annoying to the point where you'd go as far to say: "Rat champion", but joking aside let me explain.
Poppy passive = free auto attack, so if you misposition she gets free damage on to you every couple of seconds, it's especially annoying when she has a grasp of the undying ready, she will do more damage to you and not only that, heal off it too. --> Make sure to back off when Poppy has passive ready and let her use it on a last hit, if she doesn't she lose gold and you benefit.
Poppy Q = Max health damage physical damage + physical damage, completely counters K'Sante when you trade q's.
--> Because of this reasoning, you want to bait out her q, before looking to poke Poppy with your q and possibly trade auto attack with her.
Poppy W = Counters your w dash + e dash, pretty self explanatory.
--> Keep in mind that, Poppy can easily cancel your w with her own w, so make sure that when you plan to trade with your w, that poppy does have w herself.
That's pretty it for Poppy's threat against K'Sante.”
NegativePhoenix says “Her kit overall is a big menace to you, and it's hard to trade against her properly.
In addition to her Qs max health damage, her W stops your W mid-air and her E can stop you from landing too
Your best bet is to try to find some way to bait our her W so that you can use yours properly, or catch her off guard”
ThelpixG says “You're probably one of the hardest Poppy counters.
How to Beat?
- Just don't be stupid at level one, avoid getting hit by her Q and use bushes so she can't easily proc her passive on you;
- Take the Anti-tank setup or scaling setup with TP if you want to just scale for free on top of her;
- You can take the grasp setup with ignite if you want to try and kill her early but i prefer scaling;
- You outscale her in every situation;
- Use your passive to melt her since its true damage;
- Try preventing her from catching her shield.”
Murfz says “I honestly don't mind the lane, i've heard its really shit though, Grasp and W'ïng her is kinda op, sunderer great vs her too. Might move poppy to Major/Extreme if I face her again and struggle, for now I think it's decent though.”
LilliaFanBoy says “Not a hard match-up. Only annoying when you W before she uses her W. I recommend you just not use W less the Poppy player does first. Try and poke her with Q-E, if she jumps on you, you will out-trade her 9/10 times.”
LegacyOneTap says “grasp, dshield, tp flash. Level 1 cheese. Go for decent trades and don't jump on her like ever unless she runs from you previously and the timers matchup. you wont really be killing her here if shes smart but she cant really do anything about you so it turns into a farming matchup where its jax favored. you win the short trades and later on in the game she just doesn't fight you.”
JPGamer10BR says “Poppy é muito tank, jogue no poke, fique longe das paredes, você pode dar AA+Q quando ela for te acertar com a passiva.
Recomendo Grasp, F.F, PTA ou Aery.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer
I hate this champ. Don't short trade with her when her passive is up. You can never Q on her. You outscale but shes easily dives you. Range form alot in this matchup”
WarwicksSimp says “Poppy is a poke lane with a decent burst all in, just take dshield and you should have zero issue. Play smart and time your abilities in response to her r.”
xskyswitch says “Might be an unpopular opinion putting poppy in minor threat, but you outdamage her significantly in the trades and sometimes you don't need to use your W at all to win trades or all-ins. If you do W, wait out her ground and you can just all-in kill her after.”
Tronnes says “Watch out for sunderer spike and if she stuns you into a wall and pops W just run and wait it out then when her W runs out first q e away from her then hit your combo. Just don't self ground yourself. ”
RivenCarriedYou says “Doran’s Shield is recommended here. A very difficult matchup, but not impossible. Do not get hit by Q, it’s a very easy spell to dodge by even just clicking without abilities. Try to shield her passive ranged attack & step on the buckler on the ground to stop it from giving her a shield. Space away from walls as to deny her stun & don’t cast Q/E while her field is up or you’ll get grounded. Trade hard at level 1, and short sharp trades beyond this. Level 6 is where you look to fight as Poppy’s ult isn’t really a combat ult, but yours is therefore giving you damage while she stays the same mostly. Don’t try to cancel the channel of her ult, focus on dodging it as it’s quite easy to dodge. Beware her dive setup for her jungler, try to thin the wave often and stay healthy, in late game she will get to a point where she will kill you just by using her base damage. soo yeah. good fucking luck mf”
Meleedeft says “Ban worthy.
If she plays to perfection you can never kill her.
She can poke you from afar with her passive auto.
Every time you engage her she will lay her Q between you and her.
Every sigle of your Q will be blocked by her W but she will usually try to block your third Q.
After all of that if you are close to kill her but you dont have your W up, she will just R you away.
Bonkyou says “This match is so free, it makes dollar store look like Ikea. She has insane amount of damage in her passive and Q pokes. Her W works against her most of the time, Q buffer or R buffer over her ult.”
Chaddouk says “Poppy is a pretty hard matchup for trynd if played properly. But as always, there are ways to get a lead. You need to keep in mind a few things : her passive CD and the fact that you can walk or E on the hammer to deny it, her E angles to not give her free angles for a stun, and ofc the W because she can just cancel your E with it. So early on you can win long trades as long as you don't fight her when she has her passive shield and you don't take the Q full damage. The second tick of damage is actually what hurts on her Q so you can manage to take the first tick of damage as long as you are confident you can get out of the zone after that. After level 6 keep in mind her ultimate especially if your jungler comes, do not stay at an angle where she can ult both of you make her have to chose. It's a tank and tanks are OP so you kinda need to get a lead early to be relevant.”
daitolol says “- You have to play around your sustain a lot on this matchup, try to look out for grasp procs with her passsives. Your q is longer range then hers so you can go for short trades pretty easily, be very patient with her w as will completely nullify you both in lane and in teamfights
- Your ideal engage is when she is around 50% use r1 when she doesnt expect it and then be as patient as possible to use r2
- if she tries to r you away you can try to attach e1 and come back with e2. Standing on top of her passive destroys it
_WhiteSnow_ says “Prevents your outer track tunnel network with her e, and cancels your tunnels with her w. only way to escape her when out of position is by tunnel unburrowing when she doesnt preemptively w. You can win short trades and have better sustain but be careful of her passive cooldown as it lets her win trades as long as she plays around it properly. If you can survive till later in the game, you should be able to win side lane at 3 items.”
X_TRM says “(Start E). Dodge her Q and don't stay close to walls. Very important to not let her get grasp + shield AAs. Use your ult to block her ult. She will outscale you if you don't use your early agency. She also has a very obnoxious trading pattern with virtually no counterplay (E + Q + W). Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
At_Tar_Ras says “she's just a better champion than you. not much to say here. you cant really kill her and she can't really kill you. the only way someone dies here is if one of you makes a mistake. play your game patiently, poppy is a tank, you don't have to commit to DESTROYING HER 1v1 GO 5-0 AGAINST LANE OPPONENT. in this lane, just get good farm, take what you can get and focus on blitz'ing enemy squishies.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: PTA + Riftmaker/Rageblade]
Bully her all game. Don't trade with her if her passive shield is up. Don't get hit by free Qs. If you stay away from walls, she won't be able to do anything to you.”
DebRiX9 says “She is annoying. She has way too much damage and way too much MR. You don't win early and do not try to bully her because she will bully you. That said, her buckler early is a lot of damage especially with grasp. If she uses it on a minion walk up and Q her from almost max range so that she can't trade back with Q. Use E max range then Q and walk back as soon as you have level 2 to poke. At level 3 try to trade with shield. As soon as you hit 6 either you kill her in 7s inside your ult or deal so much damage to force her out of lane. If you ult her ar MAX HP you won't kill her, not even in 1000 years. So try to poke her down and ult when is safe. If she's charging her ult R her so that she can't yeet you away.
Once you build Demonic she can't win anymore.”
OmegaDelta000 says “Your Q is pretty much a core ability, and she can block it. Outside of that you go even early on and you absolutely shit on her once you get Rhaast.”
BezMemow says “You beat her in sidelane, laning phase is a bit tricky but you should be able to get prio, don't trade Q for Q as she wins that trade early so use your range advantage. You can ult her fallen shield away, Rylai is really strong but they often run Phase rush or go swifties so if you see that there's no point.
Ulting her away from the wave lowers her mobility as she can E to a minion to dodge one of your abilities.
You can go Ability haste shard to get your ult earlier than hers and abuse that timer to kill her without her being able to ult you away. ”
Antecc says “You need Black Cleaver, Divine Sunderer and Bramble Vest to deal with Poppy. She out-trades you in lane and can't be traded with solely because of her W. Don't stand near walls so you don't get pinned to them. Be wary of flash + E. Never use Q on her if she has her W up. She will always be able to react to it and cancel your jump instantly. This is primarily why the matchup stinks. You'll never solokill a good Poppy, so play for your team or splitpush accordingly to the situation.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You counter her hard. Place a barrel next to yourself and poke her, if she goes in destroy the barrel auto passive her and you win every trade, if she doesnt just enjoy free farm and shitting on her. Just watch out for jungler and avoid getting hit with her ult in teamfights and you gucci”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items : start dorans shield-> CORE
Poppy does illegal damage in lane but you still oneshot her if you pull an ult combo undertower.”
lordimboutabust says “Poke her down. She can't do much about it and stay away from walls. If she goes in on you save your dash until her W is done and make sure to avoid the second part of her Q, then you should be able to win the trade. She outscales you at BC/bramble so watch out for that | Second wind | Dblade - Divine ”
Bernardian says “While Poppy is a great staple pick against champs like Renekton , Riven, Irelia she isnt good against darius and theres really 1 reason why. Darius has ZERO mobility spells, no dashes, no movement speed buffs, not even good movement speed but this makes the Poppy matchup even better because Poppys job is to stop mobility users and prevent them from either running away from her or committing to an all in on her. her w grounds any user that dashes inside or outside her range and grants her bonus resistances, her e dashes users and if it hits a wall it stuns them and her Q is a slow. shes a anti-mobile champ but not an anti-Darius one. Her damage against you is good if she runs corruption pots but you can still shit on her pretty hard. save your e for when she W's away, when she Q's try to sidestep the 2nd part of the q, you have more raw power than she ever will so getting 5 bleed against her is a auto win. Most Poppys will use there passive+ Grasp to poke you down, this is where you go second wind+dorans and make her cry also her passive shield only comes back to her when it kills something so when she hits you try to find where its going to land and step on it as if she picks it up she can get a free shield.”
Riceyboll says “Flash + TP
Stay away from walls so her dash doesn't stun you. Also try to stay out of her dash range and poke her down untill you can kill her.”
Lukajs says “Her Q and Passive with Grasp proc can outtrade your E + Q4 + AA damage. Wait for her to engage on you, and then Q. Once her W is down, you can engage and trade or all in her.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo or Grasp, and ignite or TP, start dshield. E his Passive. and try to bait out his Q before going to trade. Most poppy players won't react to your Q so try to do it randomly. You outscale at 1st item.”
LocaLAM says “Yeah she has CC, but honestly this is an extremely easy matchup since she can't shield for too long + she does nowhere near as much damage as you do.”
EinfachPingu says “Has super high base stats and can 100 to 0 you early on if you are not carefully with her passive autos + her q. She also can negate your E with her W which will cancel the dash and silence you. Look to q farm early on and last hitting minions, and try to freeze waves near your turret. You need help from your Jungler
Black Demon Ezel says “You have no mobility so her W is stupidly useless for all scenarios against you. And you have range so unless she comes too close, you literally chomp her soul in the process of devouring her flesh.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “The redirection on her E can prove to be very scary, but due to your movement speed you can easily avoid her charging you into walls.”
illestboy_ says “D Blade + Second Wind OR Sorcery Free Matchup. Tether Her Q. Track her passive usuage. Do not hover on a wall as she can E you into it. Save your E as she can ult ( R ) you away during a mid-fight to cancel it.”
SesaPrime says “Poppy is one of the original all-around counters to Camille. 3 of her abilities disrupt Camille's decision making process on her Hookshot usage. If Poppy is too close to you or charged in for engage, you cannot use Hookshot until you create distance from her or she will activate Steadfast Presence in response to the sound of your Hookshot. I've seen it happen to me plenty of times to know.
Her charge takes priority over your Hookshot jump. However, your Hookshot takes priority over her Ultimate's knockback when its well-timed.
Stephjmillz showcased the E buffer animation many of times against this match. ”
Reines Kokosfett says “Her W can interrupt your E and your dismounted Q. She has solid damage and she can kill you before you remount. She can disengage you after level 6 with her ult. You can't really kill her. I recommend building tank and playing for team fights.”
Tonho says “You don't have E against her. Her CC lock don't let you have the chance to answer. Has max hp damage on Q, one really good poke on her passive and builds Divine Sunderer. Try to farm and play for other lanes.”
stefanko says “Try to bait out her q's before trading, wait for her to use her ranged passive on minions and then walk up. On sunderer you win. (grasp with inspiration, teleport)”
PraefectusMace says “Annoying with her shield and the wall stun. So stay away from walls, but like the other chonksters, she won't appreciate being hit with your Qs over and over when she moves in to last hit. As long as you avoid her own pokes you will be fine. Just unlikely to kill her once she hits 6.”
dzsama says “Her W will deny your jump so try to bait it out and jump on her when it's ended. She will get quite tanky and still deal good amount of damage so she might be hard to deal with especially early with her shield and stun. Try not to stand near walls as she can stun you with her E if she gets you against the wall.”
Nnorio says “Another anti-dash champion.
You can lvl 1 all in if you step on her passive before she can pick it up.
If she takes E(targeted dash) you can lvl 2 all in her.
Once she has W you have to make it your mission to play around that cooldown.
1v1 tips:
Just step on her passive whenever u see it.
If she all ins you just W all the dmg.
Try to keep her in lane when she is low on mana (will happen a lot).
When u R her she will try to R u just dodge lol.
You can carry harder than she can so at minimum go even in lane.
lorensj81 says “Such an annoying lane. Never stand close to walls because then she can CC you and hit both her Q damage procs and deal alot of damage. She will become to tanky to kill.”
Pep_Shin says “She's tanky and deals a lot of damage. Don't underestimate this annoying brat or she will kill you pre 6.
Once 6 you should be able to run her down.
She can become really tanky so don't do anything stupid.”
Irelius says “Не находимся рядом со стенами. Блочим её бурст при помощи W. Не используем рядом с ней Q. Пассивку стакаем следующий образом — Q в крипа, E в Поппи, пока она в контроле жмем в неё Q, затем W. Против хорошей Поппи играть сложно, но вы на таких едва ли наткнетесь.”
Puyi says “You cancel each other out. She prevents your E with her W, and you do the same to her. Lane is a bit of a stalemate (stand on her passive shield so it disappears), but you're very good against her in teamfights, as you can get near her and W her while she charges up her ultimate.”
Irelius says “Avoid hugging walls, block her burst with W. Dont ever start Qing around her. Wait for her to throw W first.
Good Poppy will hold W and thus deny you stacks to fights her. If this happens matchup is really bad
But average Poppy will throw W for seemingly no reason. ”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Ghost+Teleport or Ignite+Teleport.
Poppy is outdamaged by you, so she's no problem. Try to stay away from the wall so she doesn't stun you with E and use her own E only after SHE USES HER OWN W. Her R can be very easily dodged from her W (if she is outside of it.)”
Night Guy says “Poppy isn't that strong against you at early levels she might have a chance of killing you but if you get ahead she isn't a threat at all and won't be able to kill you.”
SrMolinv says “Poppy ranged auto with grasp hurts a lot, make sure to shield it. You can win it early but she will reach a point where she can tank you and kill you with base damages. Really annoying to play against in lane + fights.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite or Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Free lane]
[Don't stay near terrain or she will stun you with her E”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Don't get hit by both Q procs. Don't move near walls so she cant stun you. Try to avoid her passive autoattack. Be aggressive earlygame when shes squishy.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Wait 6, dodge q, dont e into w, dont give free grasp procs, unlike other tanks she cant 100-0 you, but her poke is rly cancer.”
RandumPersin says “Take conqueror, TP, and build Cleaver in this matchup. Poppy is a difficult champion for us to beat due to her solid all-in as well as ability to keep us engaged in trades longer than we wanted to be there. She builds divine sunderer (which is a very good item against our HP scaling) and has an ability that completely neuters our dash if used properly. It is very hard to trade with the champion in lane unless it begins with empowered W; She scales harder than we do in teamfights but does NOT offer the pure skirmishing potential Renekton has from levels 6 to 13, so look to use that 7 level window to your advantage. During lane, use empowered W to break her buckle shield (if you didn't already step on it) and you should be fine - your kill pressure against this champion is rather low, so look for jungle assistance when attempting to all-in her. Try not to hug walls too much (you give her a FAT stun if she knocks you into a wall) - I generally look at this matchup as an exact opposite to Fiora; longer trades are better for us (although still not great here) and use empowered W basically whenever you can (again, ideally on her passive shield) for free trades.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “She hurts. A lot. Has ranged auto, has max% Q that does a ton of damage, it's absurd. Good gank set up, and has absurd zoning tools for anti-gank.”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp
Pretty free, just bait her W and W her Q, after you get Divine she should never be able to kill you. She can only kill you after 6 if she does a perfect cc chain combo. She might become a real threat if she builds glacial gauntlet and peel for her team.”
Smudey says “Either bait out or wait for her to use her passive shield before trading. Her Q does a big chunk of damage so try to at least avoid the second hit if you can't avoid the first hit. Stay away from walls so you don't get stunned by her dash. Don't taunt in too predictable or she stuns and grounds you with her W and you take a ton of damage from a bad trade.”
Fizzy says “Because of her W and R, she ends up being quite a problem if you don't know how to deal with her in trades, always try to trim so that you don't expose yourself against the poppy. Always use Q where there is no range on W, preventing her from throwing you up and canceling your Q”
hamgi says “poppy is another anti-assassin, but unlike pantheon, she scales pretty well, especially when taking dark harvest. tho, most, if not all, top poppy's take grasp. dont not q3 or flash with her w up, u will get stunned, and if u have no other means of escape, u will probably die unless u can 1v1 and win. u can e-recast or r away, however, iirc u will be stunned after cast time. stay away from walls as she can charge u into them and stun u. she's a pretty tough matchup because she's anti-assassin, and 90% of poppy's will treat u as such. remember, yone is also a skirmisher, u will have the dmg and sustain to fight her for a prolonged amount of time. they build quite tanky, and their damage comes from dark harvest (if applicable) or out-sustain. when building shieldbow, bork and any other armor shred item is essential. otherwise, eclipse, or even kraken, actually goes extremely well against poppy. u can proc the shield easily (on top of the shield from ur w) which helps u mitigate a lot of the dmg she dishes out and provides the survivability that u usually get from shieldbow. kraken is self-explanatory, she's a tank. respect her in team fights and try to skirt around her if u have another frontline, especially if u have no other assassin. if u have another assassin, keep her on u so they can deal with backline”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “she can bully in lane, she wins short trades hard as well u need to try to deny her passive thing u need to step on it so that it disappears, u can cancel her R with ur E try to not stay close to walls in lane”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you’re never near a wall otherwise Poppy will be able to use her Heroic Charge(E) and push you into it. Whenever Poppy throws her Buckler and it lands near you, try to step on it. However, do not over commit to destroying it as she may use your positioning to play aggressive. Post 6 it’s going to be difficult for you to kill Poppy as she will probably use her Ultimate to knock you away. Keep this in mind and hold on to any CC abilities until she starts the channel.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you’re never near a wall otherwise Poppy will be able to use her Heroic Charge(E) and push you into it. Whenever Poppy throws her Buckler and it lands near you, try to step on it. However, do not over commit to destroying it as she may use your positioning to play aggressive. Post 6 it’s going to be difficult for you to kill Poppy as she will probably use her Ultimate to knock you away. Keep this in mind and hold on to any CC abilities until she starts the channel.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If you meet Poppy when going through the river or if she invades your jungle, watch your positioning and avoid being close to a wall so she is unable to pin you against it with her Heroic Charge(E). Do not do any objectives if Poppy is nearby as she can knock you away with her Ultimate Keeper's Verdict(R) and potentially steal the objective. Poppy has quite a healthy clear, so it might be difficult for you to invade her in the early game. Keep this in mind if you intend to invade or try to fight her early on.”
Evandabank says “Poppy is generally just a really strong champion into bruisers and Kled is no exception.
She counters Kled because Kled's dismounted Q does actually function as a dash. If poppy has her W active when Kled dismounts, he will be forced into not pressing Q because her W will go off.
She also has incredibly high damage and can easily dismount Kled with a singular combo. Once dismounted, Kled typically can't remount against Poppy because of her W as stated above.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Remember about Poppy’s mechanics to stun enemies by pushing them into walls behind them. That’s why you should not stay close to a wall in the angle that would allow her to stun your champion. Don’t try to get epic monsters while Poppy is around since she can throw you away by her R and steal the monster.”
SrMolinv says “El auto ataque ranged de poppy suele doler cuando lo usa con grasp, merece la pena usar el escudo para pararlo. Es matable en early pero llega un punto donde nos mata a base de tanquear todo.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you’re never near a wall otherwise Poppy will be able to use her Heroic Charge(E) and push you into it. Whenever Poppy throws her Buckler and it lands near you, try to step on it. However, do not over commit to destroying it as she may use your positioning to play aggressive. Post 6 it’s going to be difficult for you to kill Poppy as she will probably use her Ultimate to knock you away. Keep this in mind and hold on to any CC abilities until she starts the channel.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you’re never near a wall otherwise Poppy will be able to use her Heroic Charge(E) and push you into it. Whenever Poppy throws her Buckler and it lands near you, try to step on it. However, do not over commit to destroying it as she may use your positioning to play aggressive. Post 6 it’s going to be difficult for you to kill Poppy as she will probably use her Ultimate to knock you away. Keep this in mind and hold on to any CC abilities until she starts the channel.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you’re never near a wall otherwise Poppy will be able to use her Heroic Charge(E) and push you into it. Whenever Poppy throws her Buckler and it lands near you, try to step on it. However, do not over commit to destroying it as she may use your positioning to play aggressive. Post 6 it’s going to be difficult for you to kill Poppy as she will probably use her Ultimate to knock you away. Keep this in mind and hold on to any CC abilities until she starts the channel.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Poção Corrupta, Q > E] - Jogue seu POke sempre que estiver com fluxo de manda ativo e a poppy não estiver com escudo dela, jogue longe das paredes, sempre que ela usar E para chegar em você, primeiro desvie do Q dela e em seguida use seu combo e corra, tente jogar de acordo com a sua passiva ativa, faça isso e pode solar ela early game. "”
Oogaboogaga says “Typically a very easy matchup but one trick poppy players that can fully utilise grasp are very scary. Watch out for electrocute early damage and buy some cloth armour if she goes lethality. Otherwise very easy.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you’re never near a wall otherwise Poppy will be able to use her E and push you into it. Whenever Poppy throws her Buckler and it lands near you, try to step on it. However, do not over commit to destroying it as she may use your positioning to play aggressive. Post 6 it’s going to be difficult for you to kill Poppy as she will probably use her Ultimate to knock you away.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you’re never near a wall otherwise Poppy will be able to use her E and push you into it. Whenever Poppy throws her Buckler and it lands near you, try to step on it. However, do not over commit to destroying it as she may use your positioning to play aggressive. Post 6 it’s going to be difficult for you to kill Poppy as she will probably use her Ultimate to knock you away.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you’re never near a wall otherwise Poppy will be able to use her E and push you into it. Whenever Poppy throws her Buckler and it lands near you, try to step on it. However, do not over commit to destroying it as she may use your positioning to play aggressive. Post 6 it’s going to be difficult for you to kill Poppy as she will probably use her Ultimate to knock you away.”
Thrandor says “Avoid standing next to walls (unless you want to ult her the moment she uses E on you, hitting Q to deny the stun is pretty much impossible). You can avoid her R knockback by holding down Q onto anything”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you’re never near a wall otherwise Poppy will be able to use her E and push you into it. Whenever Poppy throws her Buckler and it lands near you, try to step on it. However, do not over commit to destroying it as she may use your positioning to play aggressive. Post 6 it’s going to be difficult for you to kill Poppy as she will probably use her Ultimate to knock you away. Keep this in mind and hold on to any CC abilities until she starts the channel.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Her Q does a significant amount of %HP damage so avoid getting hit by both portions. Other than that spam Q+Grasp procs. When you swallow her don't spit her backwards since she
can insta charge you to ""escape"" towards wherever she needs to go, so consider spitting her sideways instead. If you're a smurf you can R her when she ults and take her with you ”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “В ранней игре поппи очень не до оценена. Ее урон очень велик, в то же время все зависит от ее билда. Уважайте ее буст урон.
Она контрит вашу игру от стенок, ее W сбивает вашу w, в остальном это обычный милишник с огромным мув спидом.
Танк поппи очень легкая. Вы доджите ее R с помощью своего R, давайте свое E в ее E. Отходите от второй Q.”
Taiquyorah says “Difficile à tuer, possède un peu de poke et une tankiness importante,
Ne cherchez pas à la trade puisqu'elle gagnera la plupart du temps mais vous pouvez farmer sans grande difficulté puis vous pourrez l'outscale plus tard.”
NegativePhoenix says “The most she can attempt to do is CC you, but she's only dangerous at the early game. Respect her Q since it's off a bit of max health damage and stay away from walls. Mid-Late game she can't hurt you and even if she builds full tank, she doesn't tank as well as you do. Just be mindful of her CC and you're fine.”
gekigami says “Evite ficar na parede, não deixe ela colar em você 'andando' e evite usar seu E proximo a ela pois ela vai tentar te anular com seu ''W''.”
7EyesNoSkills says “You can't dash, knocks you and stuns, slows, has alot of damage, armor and shield. If her W is on cd, you can try 1v1 her, but don't forget to play far from walls because she can stun you.”
WildSamu says “DBalde + Red Pot.
Depending how aggresive she plays, this lane can be a nightmare.
Dont stand near wall or she will cc you and chunk you. Dont Q3 into her, she will ground you and you have no escape.
Her passive shield makes it hard to trade with her, if she uses it on you use W to mitgate some damage. If you can, walk over the thing she drops once she uses her passive.”
kurbart says “poppy aka Poopy
poppy is another chap that their pre-rework would of destroyed Vegiar but that's the past this new poppy is light work now, Stay away from the walls and poke her out with q she also has a mild answer that is her knock back but she gets stunned if she dose do that should be easy win on this one ”
King Turtle says “Poppy is an anti-mobility Tank top, meaning you naturally counter her as she's a tank, but her W and E can make it hard to get around her. Try to stay ahead in farm and try to bait out her W as it's on a decently long cooldown early. Without her W you can beat her. Move around her as you trade so it's harder for her to land her Q and don't trade when you're next to a wall as she'll just pin you and go to town. I usually bait her W by pretending to walk up and then either dashing a very short distance or just dashing in place. Early on you can get a few Ws as long as they aren't expecting it. Just don't do it too often because you'll end up wasting more mana than it's worth and the Poppy might start catching on to it. Outside of lane phase it's just about scaling harder than her and being wary of where you're positioned so you don't get pinned and focused in teamfights. A big thing you can do as well is use your W to avoid her ultimate.”
Kreiselficker says “Poppy, another annoying matchup for jax in top lane.
It is possible to kill her in early game if you play it correctly.
You should try to always E her passive Autoattack( The Range autoattack, unless she decides to throw it on a minion) In close combat you want to position yourself, so that she cannot hit you against a wall and stun you.. Her Q got 2 instances, if you got hit by the first you should definitely not get hit by the second one!
If you manage to survive early on and get your divine sunderer this matchup becomes more playable aswell!
You should also keep attention to her shield in close combat, try to pick it up, UNLESS you could get hit against a wall by her OR if it was just a short trade, then just walk away!
VituVonDoom says “Fuck her W. That being said, try to step on her coin whenever it is safe to do so, stay away from the walls, and do not, I repeat, DO NOT hammer Q when she uses her W. You will get stunned, be tilted, and she will easily murder you. Similar to the GP matchup, when she has passive, use bushes to avoid getting smacked in the face by a grasp powered coin.”
KrazyKid1024 says “Poppy can deal with you easily. Bushes are near walls. Poppy E's you for a free stun. Her W counters the jump entirely. And she can get you off teammates super easy with her R or E.”
Aberrant Demon says “Treat her like a ranged champion while her passive is up. Don't let her get the shield after she uses it on you unless you don't plan to trade with her shortly after. When she uses her Q, use your Q to cleanse the slow and avoid the second part of her Q. Avoid walls but if she is going to use her E, start your E so you continue to do damage while stunned. Post-6 your all-ins are far better than hers, just have to make sure to dodge her ult. Your Q doesn't stop her Ult from hitting you away.”
Galactities says “She cant really do much to fight you, she has decent quick trades but she has to sit infront of your face to actually do anything which leaves her super vulnerable. Stay away from walls because of her extended stun, and you literally just destroy her. Also be wary of her gank setup.”
NegativePhoenix says “Poppy can be a bit tricky at times but you still have better shots at winning the fights. Her passive will let her poke you but it won't do enough to really be a threat. Avoid being near walls so she can't E stun you and be mindful that her ults stun time has increased by a bit so she's got even more CC potential. Don't dash at her if her W is up as it'll just knock you up and stop you from chasing, even then she's still faster with her w. As long as she isn't fed or building full damage and is ahead of you you'll win nearly every fight later in the game”
IcunoX says “Actually quite annoying if he goes sunderer, interrupts your E and has surprising damage. Not the hardest matchup at all but don't be cocky.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Punish her as much as possible as you win early, but lose hard after a few recalls.
Wave 1-4:
Look to get a lead in the early levels as she will beat you up later.
Rough matchup, poke her down with Q's, try to bait her Q out before looking for Q's or do very short Q's and look to dodge her Q afterwards.
Obviously avoid going near walls unless you want to bait her E, hard to react to but very possible. (Depends on how far away she is)
Now comes the mindgame in this matchup, if she uses W before you engage just QW into her and stun her for free, care as they might try to dodge so shoot it accordingly.
If they try to react to you Q and press W mid Q, you have to either go for very short not reactable Q's or QW with a predict and then get a juicy stun.
If they hold their W then u need to care as they will bait you out.
Typically Poppy mains will bounce between these 3 things and try to juke you out, so its all about who can get the upperhand in the mind game.
Once she gets points into Q and bramble vest her base damage and tankyness is too high, with tabis she has so much movespeed you can't really all in her with R so try and play for scaling.
An ap jungler helps a ton vs these high tankyness high base damage bramble vest abuser champs.
You can also parry her R by reaction which is beneficial but overall this matchup is pretty bad, I'd try to avoid it.
Scallywag says “She's tanky with a lot of damage and can kill you if you don't watch out.
You can zone her with barrels, but watch out she doesn't just defuse them with her passive ranged attack.
If she stuns you just orange and walk away.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Poppy is stupid easy to fight, she has a mobility shield that never works on Yorick and even if it did on someone else, it's wasted on Yorick by then. Just mark and heal with Q and wreck shop right afterwards.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: You should just Q her to death and avoid walls, your usual Ult E combo won't work because she will just ground your ult, what you wanna do is hit her with an E and ult onto her and then she will W and after you are grounded then you just E onto her and R2. If she does not W your R1 then you get to E2 for free if you just use R1 in max range so you end up standing beside her, at that point she won't have the reaction to W your E2 and you can shroud to hide your R2. But in general you just wanna get ahead early by spamming Qs and being creative by how to maker her use her W, for example using your E to for her W is good if she is low since you can then just force onto her with your W movement speed and then R her for free. One thing you don't wanna do ever is dive a Poppy. ”
LoucasTitan says “Poppy could win early game, that's pretty much it, once you reach level 4 its down hill for poppy or you fed Poppy too much, idk your the one playing.”
powerfullgeo says “Yeah so, stay away from walls, don't engage while her W is off cooldown or when she has her shield up. Your timing to engage is tiny and the planets must align for the conditions to meet. Have I mentioned that her E can stun from miles away? ”
Kurose0027 says “Another Stonewall matchup. Do short Lunges so that she can't react with W. Play for scaling and be aware of your positioning against her.”
KyleTheConqueror says “A mess. she's got a lot of damage, shields, range, and speed. Oh, and a stun. watch out for that stun. ask for ganks.
Federals1 says “Poppy is a bigger threat to Volibear than people might think. Her damage is actually quite high, and a lot of Poppy players go Divine Sunderer or Iceborn Gauntlet, so you need to match it with your own. Her w can stop your q lunge if you are hitting her from the max range q. If you are next to her it won't as you don't lunge at all. It if very buggy most of the time though. First rune page should be used. W max is best here. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Cosmic drive rush or Iceborn Gauntet rush work well, and then do second item whichever you didn't do first. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into her.”
Kat_Alien says “Sooo POPPY XD. What kind of champion it is... But when we play Fiora it's not that hard in the late game to eat her with our VITALS. Keep in mind that the early game will be painful. Try to dodge her Q and DO NOT use your Q if she uses her W. You can bait her E while standing next to the walls so you can easily predict her E with your W to stun her and finish up with basic abilities. Remember that the MID and LATE game is ours!”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Don't stay near walls, poke her a lot, she hits a lot and is also tanky, so have care, try to QW so when she uses W you stun her, if she doesn't react to your Q then try to bait her W so you get a free stun”
gazibulle says “Counters you at all points of the game, but just as Darius it's still manageable. She hard denies your teamfights, but you can win on sides with Divine. Don't go Dblade, your goal is to survive the lane, so for the runes you should go Second Wind or if confident Conditioning. Grasp helps much in this matchup, but you can take Conqueror if you really plan on avoiding the laning phase and scale. Early levels start W to trade back her passive poke with Grasp. NEVER hookshot onto her because of her W, and NEVER stick next to walls or she will do the 100-0 combo on you and you will lose 60% of your HP bar. If for some reasons you can bait her W (if she is bad, or else...) you can E on her, but be quick as good Poppy players will insta E on you when you hookshot on the wall, thus you will be stunned (but if Poppy is good her W should never be down at the first place). Just perma spam W for sustain once her shield decays, so you don't W for no damage. A trick is to cheese in a bush (when trying to fake a recall for instance), then E onto her as she will have no time to react to it with her W. If you get on top of her with passive up and you manage to dodge her Q, you can try to kill her if she is low enough. Otherwise really just farm the lane up, with Divine you destroy her by poking her down with the basic trading pattern; Q a minion then W-Q2 her. Be careful of her disgusting damage even though she is a tank, so don't ego her. At 6 you can dodge her ult with yours if you time it well. If you are chinese enough you can buffer your E when she ults you, so you will return to the wall you casted hookshot upon once her ult goes off.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “She will try to harass your weak early game with her really strong engage, either freeze or E rush. Avoid her passive and espically if she has grasp up”
MHLoppy says “Her early trading is limited, especially if you deny her angles that let her wall-slam you. Whenever she doesn't have any two out of: passive attack / passive shield / Q you will win most trades if you avoid being wall-slammed. (Other than being wall-slammed) The biggest problem 1v1 is that she'll stack heaps of armor and become difficult to kill, but you do at least have Conqueror and E providing some true damage to help with that.”
Gassid says “Prendre Second Wind et Start au Bouclier de Doran. Tu ne peux pas E dans ce match up à cause de la zone anti dash de Poppy. Attends de scale pour pouvoir la tuer”
LimitlessHavoc says “Don't let her land her passive enhanced auto attack for free, stay out of range or E it.
You can win level 1 if you Q extend and break her bone plating with your 3rd Q prior to trading.
Your shield still activates within her W even though the dash is cancelled, this can save you!
Don't underestimate Poppy's dive potential on you when you're low.
Stay away from walls/tower to avoid being stunned.
You can cancel her ultimate with 3rd Q and W however the timing is quite hard.”
Cryniu says “Aléjate de los muros.
Usa Q+W cuando lance su escudo.
No uses E si ella tiene su W.
Juega tranquilo, no tan agresivo.
El combo E + Destello rápido te sirve mucho si tiene su W.
Lleva tenacidad como mínimo en las runas, ella aturde si te estampa contra el muro.”
Helzky says “Poppy does a lot of damage for being that tanky. Don't stand near walls. You win Level 3 and Level 6. Take Ignite with TP here. Also make sure she doesn't W your prowlers claw.”
Ulamog says “Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
NEVER stay in her Q2, always sidestep it. Stay away from walls or at least parry her E.
The whole matchup consists of walking up to bait her W and then Q+W into her to stun her. This way you will always win trades. Post 6 you can also parry her R.”
OliveeGarden says “go cleaver 2nd item. she does alot of damage and tanks alot, play around her Q and passive ranged auto, if she hits her E stun she wins so avoid walls.”
magician4444 says “Just kite her out. Don't W her while her Steadfast Presence (W) otherwise you'll get grounded and it'll cancel it. Simple match up. Don't stand close to walls and kite her out and you'll be fine. A good Poppy will W just as they fall asleep so you may have to just settle for a Q rather than a W when she falls asleep.”
GG Cannon says “Poppy's wall slam is a serious issue and her area of no movement skills can block your bite, but your E allows you to escape even through her movement skill denial, which mitigates her threat to you a bit.
Most of the time, neither will you kill her or she kill you. ”
Your Desired Username says “This matchup might be harder than you expect. Her early game damage is menacing, to say the least. Tabis are a good buy if you're having difficulties, otherwise just rush liandry's. Pre-3 you should be careful because of her damage, just farm and poke during this time. Try to not stand next to a wall and do your best to destroy her passive shield when possible. Don't ult her later into the game, she's just too tanky to kill at that point. Considering that her lategame is not good anyway, this is not a problem.”
boboderaffe says “Poppy is one of those tanks with way too much damage. If she stuns you there is a high chance you’re going to die. So, stay clear of walls. In fact, stay out of her way during laning phase and you will survive.
If you’re unlucky she will kick you out of teamfights with her e or ult, which is not a good thing.”
Princeps says “Poppy is similar to Malphite. If you survive lane , you will outscale. Dont go close to walls and dont use your Q if her W is not on cd. Use your E on her passive AA and try to avoid small trades.”
Xochii says “Skill matchup. Hitting your E without being blocked by her barrier is kind of a mind game, so when you engage, just walk up to her instead of dashing right away.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Decent mobility and hard engage. Block her dash and Q with your E as that can deal a lot of damage, even early game. Take Grasp or Lethal Tempo. Stridebreaker, Goredrinker, Divine, or Frostfire.”
GastlyLoL says “Her W stops your E spin, and she can trade with you very well, especially if you let her get a wall stun. It's really easy for you to get ganked against poppy, so be aware of that. Try to fight her just using auto attacks, and use short spins so that she can't react in time to pop her W and knock you up. She can also get very tanky very quickly, preventing you from being able to realistically create windows to kill her if you don't get ahead.”
LunaticDancer says “She's an early cheeser, just don't fall for it and watch her fall off. Gambler viable, D Shield is a must. Destroy her shields unless they set you up to get stunned against a wall. Always leave her Q area before it detonates. Her most annoying property is that she can use W to block your ghouls from jumping in, but it's a long cooldown, so you will eventually get her if you hit 2 Es in a row. Might be a no kill lane.”
COJA says “Skill and mindgames, although you are a bit favored. Try not to let her use her buckler throw against you, and step on her buckler if possible. She has no range, so you can poke her when she walks up to the wave. Try not to fight her in the jungle or near walls, where she will have an advantage. ”
Eduardocwalle says “This little bastard will make u suffer, probably ur biggest counter if she knows how to play. Literally u will be a champion with 2 basic abilities because you will not be able to use your e. You should fear the jungler too with this toplaner since u are weak af against ganks.
Take always flash in this matchup”
Night Guy says “Poppy is hard to lane against just because of her W that denies your E which is a pretty good way of trading or escaping also avoid playing near walls at all costs one stun and you're dead don't forget you're an squishy top laner in the end of the day so you have to play safe. If Poppy uses her E and W then she is easy to pick so she whenever you can poke her down and sooner or later the chance to kill her will appear. She is not an extreme threat just because she has no way of leaving if she uses her W.”
MCSwavest says “As Akshan, you play primarily around walls. Poppy is the best character to exploit this, especially if she removes your E with her W and you're stuck fighting her. Hold your E until you're absolutely certain you can escape or kill.”
InYourWayToHELL says “You cant kill her.
She will make your team lose almost every teamfight because of her R.
Just splitpush to force her to match you so she cant create 3/4v5 scenarios
ToothlessKnight says “Has high base damage and she counters your dash. Take poke trades and avoid getting hit by her buckle passive. If she uses it on a minion you can threaten her by walking where it lands to prevent her from grabbing it and getting a shield. Can be annoying but she isn't much of a solo threat.”
MrZoltannn says “Poppy can be troubleful if she traps you in her W zone, i recommend going Boots of Swiftness against her. Poke back when she goes up to you with passive. lvl 6 all-in is winnable.”
ShungiteKnight says “It is physically impossible to lane against Poppy, and with a lead she can demolish your team in no time flat. Ban at slightly less cost than Fiora.”
Stinkee says “Poppy has a very good laning phase and plays like a bruiser. She does very high damage for a tank and will try to bully you. Her abilities are for the most part, very close range so you can easily retaliate when she tries to bully you. Don't stand next to walls or she'll pin you against them and stun you. As long as you don't let her stun you, you should be okay. If you are smart about it, you could even bait her E by charging your Q, but I would only do that if you know you won't be stunned by it and you have minions to attack her. Her W does not stop your ult as it is not a dash so there's no need to worry about that.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Poppy hasn't seen the light of day in quite some time as a laner, and her Jungle presence is pretty good. The biggest thing you want is to simply stay away from her wall stuns and her ultimate. If she can't land either of these she tends to be very easy to take out due to the fact that she is mostly played as full Dark Harvest burst damage.”
Anoying bro5 says “Try to dodge her Q or parry it if you don't plan on going in on a fight. DO NOT Q if she uses her W (gold circle). You can bait her knock back by hugging a wall, and riposte to stun. You can also Q+W her W to stun if you are outside her circle. This is a tough matchup as once she has bramble/ tabis it is not worth fighting until you finish your mythic.”
BoilTheOil says “Go Grasp of the Undying. Her kit is supposed to be good against dashes, yet she beats you for some reason. (why does her Q do 16% max health damage rank 1?) She will just walk up and Q level 1 so don't bother fighting her. Don't walk up when she has her passive up, wait for her to use it on a minion. If she uses her passive and it doesn't kill something it will drop to the ground, you can walk on it to make it disappear and she can't get the shield off it. Don't stand next to walls or you will get E'ed and half healthed. I would say bait out her Q but the cooldown is so low that it doesn't really matter. You are best off just farming out the lane because you are a bit better than her in teamfights and she is a good ult target because she's a tank. ”
Phrxshn says “Avoid being in front Poppy if you want to trade. Also avoid walls to prevent Heroic Charge(E) from stunning you. Try to save fling for her Keeper's Verdict(R) to prevent use. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Recommended Items: Demonic Embrace, Rylai's Scepter) (Mega Adhesive prevent casting of her Heroic Charge) (Fling overrides her Heroic Charge) (Fling cancels her channeling on Keeper's Verdict)”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Poppy can be challenging because of her high amount of crowd control, tankiness, and damage. Don't force too many trades and avoid getting knocked into a wall and destroyed. She can pull off some frustrating towerdives. ”
quinn adc says “Honestly, it's not that bad of a matchup contrary to popular belief. In theory, Poppy should hard counter Quinn because Poppy can use her W (the forcefield ability) to cancel your vault, which will then knock you down, slow you, and also ground you. However, We are W MAX QUINN BABY!!!!!! We have speed.
Poppy gains 40% MS while under her W active, but we get 40% MS from our harriers too! :O So, essentially, NEVER use vault on Poppy unless her W is down.
Next, avoid being near walls so that Poppy can't stun you against them. Play the middle of the lane whenever you can.
Also, since we are so fast, if Poppy ever wants to chase us, she MUST use her W during the chase because she legit will not catch up to us without her W movespeed.
Now, Poppy uses W and is fast, you use your harrier proc from Q or passive and you match her move speed, and all you have to do is wait for her W active to expire, and now you have 2 choices: Either you INSANTLY vault Poppy. if she used her dash ability earlier to get onto you. Or, if poppy has her dash still up, you wait for her to use her dash to catch up to you, then you IMMEDIATELY vault after since her W is down. By doing this, poppy has no gap closers after you retaliate with vault, and you can now kite her quite a bit.
Fun fact: if you E poppy when she presses Q, poppy will use her Q hammer smash backwards lol. Also, you can cancel poppy R with a well timed vault (you must have smurf timing).
Do not stand in her Q after she presses it because it has a delay, and will deal extra damage.
Finally, Poppy's passive shoots out a buckler on the ground, just make sure to step on it if you are close enough because she can't pick it up if you do :)
At 3 items, you will be able to shred Poppy when you build your lord doms.
If Poppy uses R, instantly vault it to cancel it.”
Veng Shotz says “While she may be registered as a tank she still outputs heavy amounts of damage, be sure not to stand close to walls, never let her q double proc on you, dont let her flash e you into a wall if your under half health, and make sure to land your q when she tries to trade with her passive +grasp so you can trade before she picks up the shield.
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Poppy could be a pain in the ass, but you can shut her down quickly by getting BORK > Kraken Slayer. Just avoid standing near walls so that she cant burst you down. Shieldbow rush if the enemy team has no more tanks.”
Feedaboi says “Has super high base stats and can 100 to 0 you early on if you are not carefully with her passive autos + her q since her q does percent health damage which counters kled due to his and skaarl's hp bars making him having the highest base health in the game. She also can negate your e "jousting" with her W which will cancel the dash and silence you. She is also very tanky. Look to q farm early on and last hitting minions, and try to freeze waves near your turret in order to setup ganks.”
PH45 says “Her W will deny your jump so try to bait it out and jump on her when it's ended. She will get quite tanky and still deal good amount of damage so she might be hard to deal with especially early with her shield and stun. Try not to stand near walls as she can stun you with her E if she gets you against the wall.”
At_Tar_Ras says “typical experience: poppy is busted and u should dodge. my experience: most poppy's that pick poppy into you are just counter-pick-wannabes meaning they don't actually know how to play poppy, meaning it should be an easy matchup. in ALL my irelia games versus poppy, i've never met one that actually beat me or made my life miserable. i actually end up stomping lane, hence why i put this matchup in MINOR. don't get me wrong, i bet a good poppy will make me cry but i've yet to see that so i can't say much about this matchup so i'm sorry about that. anyways, i'd recommend being ultra patient with your Q in this particular matchup. expect when poppy is expecting your Q so you can either bait it out and watch them use W for no reason or in some situations don't wait and use it immediately, you have to play mind games here. mid-late game poppy CAN get slightly annoying if your dash gets cancelled, but like i said most of them have no clue how to actually play the champion, so.”
iZeal says “Poppy has one of the strongest early games out of all tanks. Never stand next to walls or you will get chunked, be wary of Grasp passive autos. Bombard her with Qs to sustain and get Black Cleaver asap.
Do not Q3 into her or she will use her W and ground you (instead consider using Flash to kill her). Back off when she gets her shield or she might E into a minion to close the gap and q spam you.”
SunFalk says “She has a dash. She his tanky. - To play against a Poppy, you just need to stay away and don't face her with a wall behind you because she will dash on you and do a lot of damage.”
PH45 says “She can make you useless in fights as she can just ult you away so you won't get to use your ult to full potential. Her W will also stop your E but you can negate her E with your W timed right. In lane should't be too much of an issue but teamfights are a different case.”
MrDomian says “She counters your E and R.
Try to counter her R with your W.
Stack W when his shield runs out.
In team fights, she can negate your R or throw you out of the fight.”
slogdog says “Poppy can E Yorick on his cage, and also use E to get out of the cage and can therefore be a little annoying. However, she doesn't do enough damage to threaten Yorick so it's alright.”
Raen says “Try to all in her at 1 lvl with your E. Don't get close to walls or other structures cuz she can easy stun you up with her E. Be careful with your Q because her W deny your jump. Later on you should win 1 vs 1 vs her. Remember that your E blocks her empowered autoattack from passive. You can cancel her R cast with ur E. ”
Xerath gaming says “it may seem as an ez matchup due to her W not doing anything to you but her amount of cc and how tanky she is can just rekt you, she can prob even beat you in your own R but luckily no one plays her that much anymore”
SaltCat says “Level 1 you beat her with your passive, level 2 also , level 3 it becomes tricky due to her W, i would suggest you play safer until you get bork, after that you beat her!”
MagicallyDelish4 says “Walls are you enemy in this matchup. level 1 all in if she uses her passive on a minion. Your E still gets a shield so its sometimes ok to use it during her W. If the poppy Qs as soon as you approach her then engage with E.”
laoshin3v3 says “Conqueror or Grasp
Sometimes poppys are very baitable if you stand near a wall to parry her E. If you stand outside of her W and she runs towards you, you can Q+W to dash into it and stun her.”
P1Legend says “while her kit does naturally counter you, which can be incredibly annoying, the matchup itself it not a big deal. bait her into building armor, take trades with W - W while building Ap components early. Later in the game, if shes looking to only counter your leap, get banshees and this problem will be solved”
MythicMike says “Don't stay near any walls and don't dash recklessly into her because she can just press W and ground your ass. Poke her down until you can all in since she has no escape.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Just like Ornn, this champ does way too much damage for being a tank. She'll poke with her passive and Qs early. Stay behind creeps so her Q pushes the wave. And stay away from walls or she'll stun you then chunk you down before you get a chance to react. ”
qveenevelynn says “If you take advantage in early you can easily destroy her. Avoid the walls, and wait she don't have her shiels anymore to fight. Wait to use E, she will use her anti dash thing.”
Phrxshn says “Avoid being in front Poppy if you want to trade. Also avoid walls to prevent Heroic Charge(E) from stunning you. Try to save Primal Howl for her Keeper's Verdict(R) to prevent use. (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Recommended Items: Opt for Defensive Items) (Unstoppable Force cancels her channeling on Keeper's Verdict)”
Phrxshn says “Avoid being in front Poppy if you want to trade. Also avoid walls to prevent Heroic Charge(E) from stunning you. Try to save Primal Howl for her Keeper's Verdict(R) to prevent use. (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King) (Primal Howl and Infinite Duress cancels her channeling on Keeper's Verdict)”
Sporkintahn says “ANNOYING!!! --- Poppy is a fairly easy lane but she can get pretty tanky and has good disengage and utility. --- Don't stand between her and terrain as she can stun you by knocking you into it. --- You can cancel her R with your Apprehend (E) so try and save it for when she charges it up. Don't stand in her Q AoE either so keep moving. --- Just run circles around her and kite with Ghost.”
Kacto15 says “Puedes morir todo lo que quieras, agruparte, splitpushear, si ella va full tanque solo ármate el rompecascos y tírale la base, si va con cercenador divino ve full tanque y agrúpate, empieza a buildearte tu mítico y luego decides que buildearte acorde a la build de ella, esquívale su Stun alejándote de las paredes”
MythicMike says “Poppy can be tough. Her Q does percent max health. Her W cancels and grounds Kleds E. Punish her when she doesnt have W up and don't get baited into using your E when she does have it up”
montybucket says “Tank champion with MS boost and a passive that gives her decent poke vs you plus a shield to mitigate your Qs in lane. she also has her ult to get you off her in your ultimate. I'd suggest sorcs and void staff for this match up, maybe even protobelt but I don't think its that good on Mordekaiser in general. ”
TroviStyle says “[Grasp] Bramble + Steelcaps will give her enough power to dive you with her jungler. Play it safe, dont trade and wait until lategame.
OTP Toxin says “Just punish her when she goes for the minions and run away when she turn on her W, try to be always in the middle of the lane, far from the walls, so she can't flash + E you.”
duckling213 says “I can see this matchup being aids if she gets a lead early, watchout for walls she will smack you into them and the most annoying thing is she can cancel our e with her circle crap. So yeah just try and ask jg for a gank early to get a lead.”
SilverAvalanche says “Honestly I don't see how you are gonna stack your passive when she can just block your Q with her W.
Just farm it out and hit her with some Ws. she has and scaling compared to you so eventually she will not be worth much at 3+ items, since you have her ult as a Q.
try and roam early levels and make your jungler path towards you so you can invade their jungle after chasing third wave. since she will not have her W up before level 3.
What hits really hard, is her Grasp Passive AA every 8 seconds.
So I would take tear if I was you, go Flash instead of Ignite and max E into W after level 3, the first 3 levels are QWE.”
Drake6401 says “Poppy is pretty even because you both have an answer for each other's trades. Poppy can stop your dashes and you can break through her passive shield. Make sure to keep in open spaces around her so that she can't stun you against the wall.
Your odds of mobility are very low against her so this leans in her favor slightly. After level 6 you gain a slight advantage but she can easily just get rid of you. Kill potential is in your favor though.”
Poppy is not too difficult of a champion to fight. You don’t need too much special knowledge. Just don’t stand between her and a wall, try to stop her from taking her shield but keep in mind that she might use it to bait you into a wall stun, try to be aware of how she can flash and wall stun you and lastly, be wary of her ultimate. If possible, try to save your e in order to cancel her r as it is one of the best disengage tools in the game. It has been a while since I’ve seen a Poppy utilise an ultimate correctly but the potential for her stopping your rampage in a teamfight is there. ”
RivalOCE says “Doran’s Shield is recommended here. A very difficult matchup, but not impossible. Do not get hit by Q, it’s a very easy spell to dodge by even just clicking without abilities. Try to shield her passive ranged attack & step on the buckler on the ground to stop it from giving her a shield. Space away from walls as to deny her stun & don’t cast Q/E while her field is up or you’ll get grounded. Trade hard at level 1, and short sharp trades beyond this. Level 6 is where you look to fight as Poppy’s ult isn’t really a combat ult, but yours is therefore giving you damage while she stays the same mostly. Don’t try to cancel the channel of her ult, focus on dodging it as it’s quite easy to dodge. Beware her dive setup for her jungler, try to thin the wave often and stay healthy.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp, Corrupting Potion, W > Q] - You can take Grasp here as well, if you are good at side stepping her Qs
- She can chunk you hard lvl2 at your tower if you let her stun you at your tower! Becareful! If she takes ignite, you're dead!
- Do not stand behind or hug walls! Position yourself in the middle of the lane! Easiler said than done because you're not used to this in regular match ups
- Bait out his Qs, if you don't let the second part of her Q hit you, you win the trade easily
- If you want to Q max, go Comet and buy Doran's ring first, poke when her shield is down."”
Rhoku says “Much like other tanks, Poppy can't do too much into you. In order to participate in lane, she has to walk up to your melee range. If you use your pull properly, you can just kill her over and over again. She can't farm or do anything in lane. If she somehow cheeses a kill, don't worry, as level 6 you can just win the lane back and destroy her in death realm. Tabis if she beats you but she REALLY shouldn't.”
maxlid3 says “Keep your distance. May be weak in the early stages but has a really big dash = easy engage. Keep away from walls since she can stun you if she throws you into them. Stacks armor so it will be hard to kill her in the late game.”
YasTilt says “She is Tanky and she deals a lot of Damage. Take The Collector if you want. If she is Building Full Tank, you can build Kraken Slayer. Disengage when she uses her W and don't stand beside walls.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade) Don't stay near walls and try to farm as much as you can. Poppy has a lot of damage for a tank champion. Don't try to bait her E by standing near wall to fling her. You just won't react for that. You can E when her ultimate is about to hit you, if you time it correctly - you will not be thrown back.”
PK Noob says “Stay away from walls and she won't be able to stun you. Her Ultimate can problem because you'll get sent flying and your Ultimate will go on cooldown if you used it. She's not much of a threat otherwise.”
jmp_01_ says “Go Conqueror or Grasp of the Undying. Her Q does way too much max. health damage, don't even bother walking up to get some CS. Don't fight her when she has her Passive up (the shield). Don't stand next to a well because she will just dash at you and you lose 50% of your HP. Try to farm as much as possible - you are a bit better than her in teamfights and since Poppy is a tank she's a good ult target.”
Nodrog says “Her passive shield makes it hard to trade with her. Her incredibly base tanks stats makes it harder for you to trade with her and she has a stun. Run Doran's Shield. Ignite or TP.
Avelon6698 says “She's pretty fast and does a lot of damage early for a tank. Freeze near your turret and hope for a gank. DO NOT get a gank from a kayn she will eat him like a piece of pie. Keep her underfed and her midgame should be rough. She does not scale but her cc in late is still something you should be cautious of. Specifically R since she can knockup your entire team if grouped up too close”
Black Demon Ezel says “Lots of tanks give morde problems but not this one, he has zero mobility so her mobility shield is useless and she doesn't do enough damage to stop you whether you build deadly or tanky.”
Psychopathic Top says “n lane, focus on surviving her Q damage, and be very careful of her wall stun, as that will do half your hp bar immediately. Stand in the middle of the lane (like the Camille matchup), and do not get slam stunned into a wall at all costs. Scale to level 6. With sheen and level 6 it is possible to kill her, but only if her R is on cd or you are confident enough to flash her R. It is recommended to just stack and scale, as you outscale her in teamfights. But if feeling confident, can attempt to kill her if she missed plays or steps up too far in lane.
DippyDan says “Underrated champion, every dash champion's nightmare, and unkillable if played correctly. She makes dives VERY EASY for the the jungler. Once she builds bramble and armor boots, she will win trades. TIPS: [1] Trade level 1 and stay away from walls. [2] bait out his W by doing a short Q or just faking a Q. [3] Try to watch for dives, ping jungler to counter.”
Hecki says “Good Poppy players will definetly be hard to play against. If you don't manage to get an early lead be very cautious with trading since Divine Sunderer Poppy with bramble is able to 1v1 you. Look for teamfights than side laning since you will get more out of it.”
KoKoNwoo says “Avoid walking close to walls. When she hits her stun, she gets a lot of free damage in a trade. Her early game damage is nothing to worry about because her Q is on a 8 second cooldown. If you get 4 stacks and you're level 2, hit E on her then dash. She most likely upgrades her stun second so you won't have to worry about her W stopping your Q. Wait for her to use W before using Q near her. There's a trick where you use Q right next to her in her W. If you do so, it will give you the Q reset but still ground you. This is optimal because you get the heal from using Q and you still have the reset for when her W goes down.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard] Be very careful around walls to avoid her stun. Respect her damage, it's insane early. Just survive to level 11 then you can destroy her.”
SunOak says “I have never played against her in season 11 but last time I faced her you can just all in her level 6+ and she cant stop you. Dodge the R if she uses it to push you away while you try and kill her. She has suprisingly high damage early. Start cpot.”
Alan234 says “Go the standard PTA build.
Poppy is deceivingly tanky, so she is difficult to kill. Try not to trade when her passive is up. Dont get close to walls or she will e you. Otherwise you can poke her out, however you will end up scaling about the same. If she all ins you just shroom the wave with ignite and you probably win it”
aurus666lol says “Her W blocks ur E. Suprising big damage as a tank. her W has bigger cooldown than ur E so you can easly poke her and she wont be able to block as much E as u use ur E.”
JaxIsAHobo says “I find that a lot of Jax players seem to struggle against poppy, but I generally don't really have a hard time vs her, even in masters/gm. sidestep/tether around her pound(Q) harrass, and never leap on her to engage. Look to trade with her by walking up after she uses her Q and it expires and start autoing and using W while having your counterstrike(E) up. don't stand next to walls and get stunned, and only use your leap to disengage or after she's used her ring. Build Sunderer first, or if you're extremely ahead, you can rush BoTRK as well.”
King Turtle says “She can cancel your early combos with W and completely negate you unless her W is on cooldown or you catch her off guard. Her R allows her to get away even if you R her first. Not to mention she can pin you to your own wall. She's going to be extremely difficult to fight and is my perma ban at the moment. ”
Vandenelis says “you win trades against her as long as she does not pick up her shield or not throw you into the wall early. Late game you win 1v1 against her and are more useful than her in team fights”
Bombabo says “Poppy does not outdamage you overall, but she can match you in trades. She will most likely farm and rely on her bulk whenever you engage on her. Try to make fights last as long as you can”
DarkyTheReal says “This matchup is kinda similar to Renekton's matchup because you need to outplay level 1 to win it, you should fight her when she has no passive, and you should take her bone plating off first. After that, you can win 1v1 level 1 if you fast q fast enough. Otherwise, you need to play with the cooldown of her passive and her W. Anyways you out scale her in the late game so playing safe is not a bad idea as well.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Her q is her main damage source, so dodge it. Her w stops your q and roots you, so its hard for you to hit vitals after your ult. You will have to bait her w, dodge her q and then all in. But its still not an easy kill, because shes a tank and can stun you on a wall with her e.”
SettVEVO says “Poppy is a little scary if you are near a wall, if you aren't then you are fine, always contest her passive shield if she gets it don't trade just wait it out. Her W is pretty useless against you so she essentially only has 3 spells against you in lane. Do not get hit by the 2nd part of her Q as it deals massive damage, so always move between punches.
Mid to Late you can ult her onto her team as it will do good damage.”
Fryx says “Poppy is strong. Her Q Poke and her passive shield can be very good against you. Try to step onto her passive and punish her with Qs. You must not win this lane so just don't feed and you will eventually outscale her.”
wff010 says “ She matches your damage early game for some reason so you want to dodge Q as much as you can and stay away from walls or you'll die. Farm up, she's a tank, you can use her against the enemy carry later on to prevent her from fucking up your team. Run grasp she's a literal wall.”
Jaori says “Poppy is very easy to beat. Her W doesn't affect you much because you haven't got any dashes in your kit. Do not stay near walls, fight after 6 and bait out her ult to cancel it with pillar so she cannot escape.”
ForgottenProject says “She does a bit too much damage Early despite not building any damage.
[1]She will try to Wall-stun you which you can parry, but it's better to steer clear of Walls.
[2]Her early-game damage is stupid so try not to trade with her pre-level 6.
[3]The Light Ball that drops on the ground is her passive that gives her a shield, you can step on it to deny it.”
SavagePridestalker says “Tank Rengar is pretty decent into Poppy, she deals mostly physical damage, which you can counter by building a lot of armor. Your W will deal a lot of damage while also healing you for quite a lot.”
MachDawn says “SUPER SUPER ANNOYING MATCHUP. She can cancel Q and make it go on cd with one ability. This can shutdown a quick and good combo leaving you with nothing while she cant leave you very low or dead.”
El Cucaracha says “Ohh, Poopy, Poppy rất khó chịu với cái nội tại ném khiên cùng lượng giáp cộng thêm, và Poppy sẽ cố tình để trúng E sau đó cô ả sẽ bật W lên và chặn hết đường bay của những con pet”
AlanVenator says “This matchup got harder due to Poppy now rushing sheen and poking with passive with recent buffs. You should outrade her in extender trades, the only thing you have to worry about is her W, which can cancel your dash (can be annoying in team fights). Try to avoid the Q and passive poke and stay in the middle of the lane, don't get close to walls.”
Breadcrumbs says “Although her lane isnt the worst, she can make your life a living hell in teamfights. Work around her CDs and engage only when she cant knock you up.”
SethPRG says “The number of times I've fought a Poppy can be counted in single digits, and they were all in Season 10, so I don't have the best advice or knowledge here for Pre-Season, but here goes nothing I guess? Just be careful of fighting near a wall. They can build super tanky with Trinity and still do more damage than you for some reason? Be careful of letting them pick up their shield thing as they well, get a free shield. I'm not sure if you can dodge their ult with yours, probably, but I haven't ever found myself in a situation to test it without throwing away a game lol. You might be able to cancel it if you ult them before they cast it though. Divine Sunderer or Goredrinker is probably best here, probably the latter, as in team fights you'll want to stay alive for as long as possible, just like Poppy. I would build boots based on the enemy team comp and I would get Black Cleaver into Steraks as my 2nd and 3rd item in this matchup.”
joelspaho121 says “Straightforward matchup.d blade with sorc tree.Darius is a classic poppy counter however she has reliable cc and can set up ganks perfectly because of it.Since shes immobile and doesnt have a lot of damage you easily win her.freezing is a great option because she cant farm reliably from afar putting herself at a rough spot.also never stand close to walls because she can probably kill you if she catches you on a rough spot.if she picks up her shield her passive cd goes down by an amount so every time she tosses the shield she will be looking to pick it back up.use this to your advantage by predicting her movement and dragging her with your E, try to also step on top of it during the trade so it disappears, this will make a huge difference for you during the trade.This is a really simple darius matchup and theres no way you can lose it.”
Kaizin says “Poppy is only a little harder than even because of her Q being spammable. It deals % max health physical damage and slows. Her W cancels your Q because it's coded as a dash. But sometimes if you're close enough to Poppy it will still stun. I'd recommend building health against Poppy so she can't burst you down, yes I know she's a tank, so is Volibear :))”
NPGRiven says “Poppy is a classic counter pick if you've first picked Riven. She's relatively easy to play and she counters Riven extremely hard. She's tanky, deals a lot of damage and her W will negate any of your dashes, meaning you can't escape or deal damage to her. Your best bet is trying to all in her level 1 with a fast Q combo, killing her in the early levels is your goal, but be careful of her W.”
deathwalker7119 says “Poppy is a very hard matchup. She has extremely high burst and can cancel your Q. You pretty much need to make sure to dodge the 2nd part of her ground slam. Avoid walls at all costs, it is pretty damn hard to parry her wall stun and not worth the attempted bait. Look to parry her ult, while dashing around. Early game you can Q - W to parry the Q cancel and stun her. She will rush armor so expect to have little healing.”
top is high impact XD says “once she gets a lot of armor you just cant trade with her, she can deny your all in really hard with her w and r, be careful that you don't get stunned on a wall”
JeanMichelBambi says “Poppy is really tanky and can easily stop your chase, but she can't really fight you one on one which makes the lane matchup neutral”
Excuruseh says “You can look for early trades and you will probably come out on top if you are able to negate some damage with E and heal with W. This matchup is a bit hard because Poppy does maximum health damage and is a tank, so watch out for her sudden burst.”
TwoKingzz says “Do not trade early game, go riftmaker and ionian then tank. Take conq and dont give her many grasp procs early game. second wind D shield start. You will outscale if she does not get fed pre 6”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “She isn’t that bad in lane but she will make your life miserable in team fights due to her R and W. In lane you can start Q at lvl 1 or E depending on how you want to play. I recommend going with Q and going for passive stacks early to try and fight lvl 1-2 because she is generally pretty squishy before she gets items and levels. However, do keep in mind that she has quite high base damage and you must avoid her Q to have the best chance of winning. Avoid sitting near walls/towers after level 3 as she can stun combo you and you can easily lose more than ½ your hp. Avoid fighting her when she has bramble until you have botrk. With her high base damage and tankiness you don’t stand a chance when she has bramble so you have to wait until you get botrk. You can fight her later on if you’d like but you’d have to counter build her (eg. building botrk cleaver and wits end but this might gimp your team fighting, use your best judgment when building, take into consideration the whole enemy team rather than just your lane opponent).
Satoyo says “This matchup forces you to play safe, because she basically hardcounters riven with her w. She also is tankier and outdamages you early game.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Poppy is just as tanky as you and has percent max health damage, she can even counter your main form of engage, stopping your hook second cast.”
AmericanNut says “Her W will block your W outright, stunning you and allowing free damage. She is seeing a small pick up in pro play as an off tank, or juggernaut. Positioning is her win condition, stay away from being between her and a wall, and when she throws her passive buckler out, try to step on it like you would a bard shrine.”
Noodles912 says “Annoying but easy lane. She can push you around the lane, but does not no good damage. Just farm, and outscale her. Your W can block her R.”
PiscesPomf says “HARD LANE
She counters your dashes with her barrier, but you can parry her R or her charge. The problem is that if you ult her, she can E OR R to push you away and then she just runs away. It's pretty hard to deal with her, but if she does not have her CDs you can beat her.”
teemodumbstupid says “Take Conqueror with Bone Plating and Unflinching. This should be a very easy matchup when you have Sheen and Lucidity boots because you have enough tenacity to counter he e CC. Try to stay away from walls so she can't combo you.”
Urgodzilla says “Very tanky and hard to kill because of her spammable shield. She deals surprisingly high amount of damage for a tank. Stay away from walls and use your E to outplay her E or R. Don't waste your E in her W.”
Draconic56 says “Much like other tanks, Poppy can't do too much into you. In order to participate in lane, she has to walk up to your melee range. If you use your pull properly, you can just kill her over and over again. She can't farm or do anything in lane. If she somehow cheeses a kill, don't worry, as level 6 you can just win the lane back and destroy her in the death realm. Tabis if she beats you but she REALLY shouldn't.”
Kokob5 says “Tank match ups are Mordekaisers dream, even one as damage heavy as poppy. So long as you don't repeatedly let her slam you into walls you win trades and fights.”
negoZoma69 says “Farm, push lane and harass. Avoid walls, after she gets bami or sheen she can oneshot u so be careful. Should be a breeze with proper spacing though.”
pioj12 says “If she gaps close into you and manages to stun you will take a really bad trade.
Just try to farm/survive and try to look at all ins with jungle and remember not to E on her E
aSmolSharku OwO says “Dash to her, he'll block and knock you up. her health and armor is also bad for you in early game, especially if the poppy enemy knows how to play well.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “A real good Poppy can be a pain in the ass just because she can counter your E. But it's kind like a skill matchup that favors Urgot. I find hard times only against "mono-players" and i almost always win anyway. But a good Poppy it's a good game to play, it will be not an easy lane.”
Alekra says “Really annoying, She is really tanky and has alot of dmg. You will most likely not be able to kill her often but neither will she if you play around her E and run out of her second Q.”
Erenando says “Pain, Pain, Pain. Even though she is a tank, her smashes against the wall hurt badly. Just avoid standing near walls and don't force dives or unnecessary trades. You'll be able to stack up if you don't mess up. If she plays really good, then things are gonna be quite harder and you'll be stressed for sure.”
GrGamingTeo says “If Poppy even thinks of killing a minion you can kill her, there is nothing she can do. Stay away from walls to avoid her stun and you are good to go.”
Olaf Only says “Easy after lvl 6.
Never trade if her passive is up.
She can do a lot of damage you if you are close to a wall or turret.
You can all-in after lvl 6.”
LunaticDancer says “Not really a threat, as you're about even as solo characters, but your Maiden gives you the anti-tank edge. And you don't need to worry about the anti-dash field.”
SpyDaFX says “Super annoying matchup if you decide to go press the attack somewhy, and still very annoying if you go conqueror (you want to go conqueror), dont die before level 6, if your lane doesn't really progresses and u don't get a lead try to roam, when u reach 6 you should look for an all in, but still be careful, her damage is insane, avoid E'ing or trading when her W is up because u cant dash to her. (looks like a big yellow circle that's around her). go Conqueror”
ModelitoTime says “Really annoying matchup. Dont ever E into her because she will just W and push you away. STAY AWAY FROM WALLS. lvl 9+ you can start to hit her hard and get some kills in this matchup, if she Q's you dont stand still move out of it. If she throws her buckler, E towards it to prevent her from getting a shield. ”
nvckxwsky says “Her kit counters your kit in any single way!
Play aggresive lvl 1 and dodge her "coin" (idk how i can name that :/) and fight with her in early game when she uses her w (that grounding thing)
but after just push your lane, roam and ignore her!”
xxskipskipxx says “Take Dorans Shield!
Watch out for her Passive AA and block it with your E !!
Dont stand in her Q since the 2nd part also deals DMG!!
DONT STAND NEAR WALLS OR TOWERS!!! If she catches you with her E into a Stun she will deal alot of DMG!!
Advanced: you can dodge her E into walls if you time your E correctly!!”
I Am Goliath says “This is one of camilles hardest matchups in my opinion, her W blocks your E which means it's really hard to get stuns and if you ult she can ult you out of it. My best tip for this matchup is to roam and try to get your team ahead, the only advice I can give for 1v1ing her is to E and sit on the wall so she uses her W and then go in on your next E while her W is on cooldown, basically most poppy will cast W right when they see your E so you can just bait out the W, once you have 3-4 items you should be able to splitpush against her but she will still win if she plays it right but you do have the potential to win it if she palys it poorly (if you get your E on her and she doesn't ult you out of your R you can win it.)”
Heckin says “PROMISE ME YOU WILL CALL HER POOPY FROM NOW ON. And no this isn't a joke that i put her as an extreme threat, she f**** you up even in a tank build. So try not to tilt. ”
ineptpineapple says “Resistances are annoying, and poppy does alot of surprising dmg, just try to stay back a little and be careful of walls you should be fine.”
Hyzerik says “Another tank, just try to get bork asap and farm then go in. She won't do much damage and walk over her shield that falls on the ground so she doesn't have one. Watch out for getting slammed into the wall.”
Raideru says “This matchup is unplayable after 2 items if u don't get ahead in early, usually lvl 1 u should try to avoid tanking her passive if she has grasp up or tank it with e and try to transition it into a fight, the way u play this lane is u want to bait her q and if she misses it try to pressure her by making her think u will jump on her and only look to jump when you're so close to the point it's impossible to react with her w. I advise Grasp with sheen rush and hp components.”
LeSocair says “She's annoying, but you can manage naturally. Just take her of her damage, it's unexpectedly high, the rest comes naturally to you, no big brain needed to fight her.”
EU_Toxicity says “You're a good counter to tanks, Poppy is no exception. Before level 6 you can turn most of her trades into favourable all-ins. Stay away from walls and save your E and W for when she uses her W to gain movement speed. After level 6 hold your E to cancel her R so she can't knock you back to fountain. Cleaver is also helpful here as she gets very tanky later on.”
iZeal says “Poppy has strong early game damage but unless you let yourself get slammed into a wall or get poked down by her Qs she will have a hard time. Be aware that she can E into your Q so if you really need the heal, you have to set it up with an E. Otherwise do not get hit by the second part of her Q. She has huge problems disengaging from you, W her during her W or pull her during it, you can use your E to cancel her R. Darius is extremely strong against Poppy throughout the entire game.
DBlade/DShield, Phage/Tabis”
DarkNavarre says “There isn't much Poppy can do against you. Even post-6, because your ult isn't a dash, her W doesn't stop it, so you still have a reliable escape.”
byThiagus says “Es lo mismo que el match de garen pero mas facil, no tiene potencial de kill en vos en ninguna circunstancia, no la dejes farmear, El problema es que asu nivel 6 puede hacer disengage. segunda pagina de runas y espada de doran”
AWierdShoe says “Shield or avoid her passive auto’s. Trade when her passive shield is on CD. Bait out her Q’s by walking up and back again so they don’t hit you. Don’t stand near walls. Do short grasp trades and basically never use your E except if her W is cooldown or you’re winning a trade and you’re already inside her model so she doesn’t have time to react. If played cleanly you should be winning trades in this match-up.
TrinityForceYasuo says “Poppy is really annoying to face, Try to poke her with your Q early game stay away from the walls. Be in the center of the lane so you wont get stunned. Her W is really annoying since it can stop one of your E's but thats it only one and afterwards you can dash freely around. Avoid getting hit by her Q. Freeze pretty much in lane and wait for jungle ganks because most likely you wont be able to do a lot against her, farm up and scale but give it a try to see how the trades go. Her R is blockable with your W so it can make the difference too in the teamfights. ( Only when charged enough to knock you away but dont stay too close to her when she charges R because it will knock you away just keep a medium distance and it will be blocked. Bork here helps again if u cant sustain in the lane”
Scoothare says “She's pretty lategame so just poke her down, when she tries to pick up her passive thing to get a shield just fall back and don't trade. Don't run close to walls.”
viktoreeu says “Hard counter.
Farm and try to be useful.
Ban her if your team hovers another champion with dashes.
You can try and cheese her early, if you don't want to risk being low hp and her tping back, just go ghost and farm.
win the macro game
tempo ignite”
Saarlichenbog says “Poppy fits the criteria of all of the others listed in this category. She has great sustain in her runes and passive, she outscales you at level 6 as well as at 3 items, and her W completely immobilises you. In tandem with her E which allows her to stick onto you like glue, you end up feeling completely zoned the entire game.”
ItsPaulygon says “She can deny your Q, so as much as possible, when trading, Just try to E beside her. Avoid using your jump if she has it up. Also try to trade if she doesn't have her shield. Once she uses her shield and it runs out, that's the best time to trade. ”
llametekudasai says “hay una pequeña probabilidad de cancelar su e, las mains poppys hacen siempre lo mismo que tradean y suerte, con el item le puedes cortar la huida rápida de su w, pero también es un arma de doble filo, ya que te puede parar el dash ”
Nicklstherealone says “You always will be able to kill her if she engagds you. The problem in this Matchup is your cant engage her because of her W (Dashblock). If she pushes you against a wall you can trade back. ”
OffmetaPancake says “Don't let her smack you coming out of a tunnel. Aside from that you guys bonk eachother all game. Play the side lane, if you group she will just bonk you out.”
Raphi0216 says “Try to survive this lane without giving up too much cs. She counters your entire champion with one spell, so don't even try to engage her with E. ”
Frostyfps says “She isn’t that bad in lane but she will make your life miserable in team fights due to her R and W. In lane you can start Q at lvl 1 or E depending on how you want to play. I recommend going with Q and going for passive stacks early to try and fight lvl 1-2 because she is generally pretty squishy before she gets items and levels. However, do keep in mind that she has quite high base damage and you must avoid her Q to have the best chance of winning. Avoid sitting near walls/towers after level 3 as she can stun combo you and you can easily lose more than ½ your hp. Avoid fighting her when she has bramble until you have botrk. With her high base damage and tankiness you don’t stand a chance when she has bramble so you have to wait until you get botrk. You can fight her later on if you’d like but you’d have to counter build her (eg. building botrk cleaver and wits end but this might gimp your team fighting, use your best judgment when building, take into consideration the whole enemy team rather than just your lane opponent).”
Time1Save says “Dodge the game if you playing against Poppy, she can kill you lvl 3\6 she will punish your for every mistake you made. And in teamfights, Most likely it will be much more useful than you.But as long as you play with an advantage, you have to give your team an advantage as well .”
canokum123 says “You can't use your skills in front of this. So just trigger his w and then attack him (be careful about his e, do not stay close to walls.)”
Delvoid says “She will never out trade but is a pain to kill as super tanky. Be careful of the stun into wall + ulti nock up. Makes it easy for her to setup ganks. avoid using E during her W”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Poppy is annoying to go against, but is not a very tough lane to go against, you completely out damage her all game. Just stay away from walls to avoid her stun, and you will do great. ”
TangoVallhala says “Early game damage is insane, look out for her passive and try denying it, play safe, play away from walls, she can shut you down easy, play for 6 and poke her.”
Liko888 says “If the poppy understands how to trade into you, you're pretty much totally fucked. However, you can survive lane by positioning properly and not getting pinned to a wall by her e. You outvalue her levels 9-13.”
qasddsa says “Try not to stand near walls or else she will stun you. Otherwise, she is an easy champion to deal with, just very tanky. Recommended to buy Blade of the Ruined King or Liandry's Torment.”
Poppy is the type of tank that can straight up beat all the duelist, like Tryndamere, Jax, Fiora whenever they are full build, and somehow she is super strong early on. Look to survive his Q poke in lane but stay in the middle of the lane, avoid the walls at all cost since she can dash to them and if she hits you, she can beat you up early on. I highly recommend just farming and get as many stacks as possible since even with lvl 6 + Sheen powerspike is really hard to kill her. Later on to the game due to the fact Nasus Q has infinite scaling, you will outscale her but she can hold you really well even in late game when she gets some CDR, it's a really hard matchup to survive early on and you must respect her until you get some resistances or else she will run you down.”
PH45 says “Don't stand near walls, as she will stun you on them and deal a ton of damage. Also make sure to not use your leaps when she is in range with her W as that will screw you over hard. She will be quite tanky and deals a lot of damage early on so mostly a farm lane, you can poke her with your Q though since she is pretty low ranged.”
SubHuman Filth says “not a hard matchup, dont stand near walls. Any rune is fine really dosent matter.
She is very tanky, expect it.
Dont go for trades when her passive is up.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Poppy is one of the hardest counters in the game to Tryndamere all throughout the game. She is a tough lane bully to play against and in the mid-late game she can deny you from getting onto carries with her W which stops dashes (including your spin.) Her E can knock you back and if you get hit into a wall it deals double damage and stuns you. She is close to impossible to dive unless you got her low before hand. She gains a large shield with her passive auto attack on a 16 second cooldown (you can stop her from getting the shield if you step on the buckler that appears on the ground.) Very early levels though, usually just level 1-2 is your one chance to look for an advantage against her solo. Look to use and abuse heavy trades after building fury on the wave to get good trades into her. Poppy is tanky but does not have sustain. Her q deals 2 ticks of damage so make sure that if she hits her q on you that you side step the 2nd instance of damage. When trading with Poppy or if she is shoving you in, try to avoid being close to walls (when farming under turret make sure to not give her too big of an opening for her to slam you into your own turret.) In the mid-late game against Poppy assuming that you are even in gold with her, you can win allins when she is shoved deep into your side of the lane (after you are 4 items or more), but it is pretty much impossible to dive a poppy. So if you do get the ability to push a poppy in try to rotate and make a play while Poppy is stuck under turret farming the wave you shoved in. If Poppy is a part of teamfights, make sure that you look to focus carries that are not close to Poppy or wait for Poppy to blow her cooldowns before engaging.”
I Am Goliath says “Poppy is really hard to kill because she is so tanky but she shouldn't really kill you either unless she stuns you against the wall somehow and then W's your E, other then that just farm up and try to deny her cs, you might be able to get a kill or pressure her out of lane if she gets greedy for some cs.”
Nabura says “Let her use her passive AA on minions and wait out the shield. Stay away from walls. She should never be landing the 2nd Q damage portion.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Poppy is one of the hardest counters in the game to Tryndamere all throughout the game. She is a tough lane bully to play against and in the mid-late game she can deny you from getting onto carries with her W which stops dashes (including your spin.) Her E can knock you back and if you get hit into a wall it deals double damage and stuns you. She is close to impossible to dive unless you got her low before hand. She gains a large shield with her passive auto attack on a 16 second cooldown (you can stop her from getting the shield if you step on the buckler that appears on the ground.) Very early levels though, usually just level 1-2 is your one chance to look for an advantage against her solo. Look to use and abuse heavy trades after building fury on the wave to get good trades into her. Poppy is tanky but does not have sustain. Her q deals 2 ticks of damage so make sure that if she hits her q on you that you side step the 2nd instance of damage. When trading with Poppy or if she is shoving you in, try to avoid being close to walls (when farming under turret make sure to not give her too big of an opening for her to slam you into your own turret.) In the mid-late game against Poppy assuming that you are even in gold with her, you can win allins when she is shoved deep into your side of the lane (after you are 4 items or more), but it is pretty much impossible to dive a poppy. So if you do get the ability to push a poppy in try to rotate and make a play while Poppy is stuck under turret farming the wave you shoved in. If Poppy is a part of teamfights, make sure that you look to focus carries that are not close to Poppy or wait for Poppy to blow her cooldowns before engaging.”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Conqueror, Triumph, Tenacity, Last Stand + Second Wind, Unflinching.
Sub Runes: CDR, Damage, Armor
Summoners: Teleport
If not played correctly Poppy will make the lane feel like playing against a scripting Morgana. Staying sway from walls is #1 priority, I cannot stress this enough. Also, a strategy that I use to beat Poppy is this: tank the E, most likely she will W immediately after to which you will W to stun her, Once she is stunned you can either auto and walk with her until her W falls or you can walk away and trade before her W comes up again. If she gets ahead early look for TP plays to help you have an impact on the map. ”
Darrkescru says “Runas : Aery , Grasp
Você pode counterar a passiva dela com a cegueira fique longe de paredes depois do level 6 você pode baitar ela numa parede pra estourar um cogumelo aplicando slow e kaitando facilmente”
Swaim says “Poppy is just plain annoying. She’s incredibly tanky, has decent CC with her E- Heroic Charge and her ult. And she can block your Q- The Darkin Blade + E- Umbral Dash combo with her W- Steadfast Presence. Her Q- Hammer Shock damage is also really high and her W- Steadfast Presence passive resistances make fighting her really hard. Try to poke her as much as possible before fighting her as she has no sustain besides her Grasp of the Undying.”
qazx1427 says “Since your E hastes instead of dashing you, Poppy doesn't have any gimmicks to deal with you. She still does a good amount of damage, though, so you do have to be careful. Also, she can charge into you when you're approaching to land a W, so watch out for that.”
Wizbe says “Annoying champion, if you get ganked you can't really escape with your E because of her W. Rushing Ravenous Hydra into this lane allows you to survive and scale. You won't kill her with Trinity Force rush anyway.”
chloe666 says “Hard matchup. It's impossible for you to kill her in lane, as she can stop your dash, thus denying your whole combo.
Poke her in lane, push and roam. She won't ever die.
Don't underestimate her damage, and stay away from walls so she can't stun you. ”
wallobear53 says “She can stop dashes with her W, so try to get as close to her as you can while trading with her and use your dash only when her W is down. Just make sure you don’t position near a wall or it will be really bad for you.
The Passive buckler she drops will give her a shield if she steps on it, but you can do the same to get rid of it. She will be relying on it to win early trades so make sure you step on it to avoid her from getting her shield.
After her quick burst, she has no damage aside from her Auto-Attacks, meaning that taking extended trades (where you don’t get pinned against a wall) will reduce the effectiveness of her burst and give you an advantage over her.
Riot911 says “Not a fun champ to go against toplane, her dashing, shield passive, and blocking your jump means you can't really expect to get any kills on her or win lane. Yet even while building tank, she still has the capability to all-in you. I personally ban this champion when i go toplane with kha'zix”
ClanBlade says “Tanky and deals lots of damage and has a way to dash up to you and stun you which makes it hard to get you Q knockup, but after she uses her combo she is useless so use that to all in her and poke her whenever she tries to get her shield. Stay away from walls to make her not stun you. Skip Cauldfield's and rush cleaver to deal with her armour passive on her W.”
Fiora Pogjet says “This lane will be hard in the early game. She will stack armor but does Damage with her Q poke and E. You can try to go for trades if her W is not up. Her E isn't that hard to prarry since she only uses it if you stand next to a wall. As soon as you hit lvl 6 u can win fights easily and prarry her R.”
ModxLoL says “This match up ranges from a 4 to a 5 depending on how meta she is, and if the enemy player only picked Poppy to counterpick you. Similar to Maokai, you have to use W into 3rd Q very often in this matchup if not more. If you don't, she will react to your 3rd Q with her W which will damage you, knock you up, slow you, and ground you. It's also likely you get combo'd into the wall with her E after. It's very important to not let her react to your 3rd Q with it, so only 3rd Q her if she's either out of mana, or you have her stunned already. If you do have to pop her W and get it over with, so you can use your other abilities, use your e, so that it shields the damage from her W and whatever comes after. And obviously don't stay close to walls or you're just asking to die(sadly this includes your own turret too, especially if she has the shield from her passive active).”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Poppy is one of the hardest counters in the game to Tryndamere all throughout the game. She is a tough lane bully to play against and in the mid-late game she can deny you from getting onto carries with her W which stops dashes (including your spin.) Her E can knock you back and if you get hit into a wall it deals double damage and stuns you. She is close to impossible to dive unless you got her low before hand. She gains a large shield with her passive auto attack on a 16 second cooldown (you can stop her from getting the shield if you step on the buckler that appears on the ground.) Very early levels though, usually just level 1-2 is your one chance to look for an advantage against her solo. Look to use and abuse heavy trades after building fury on the wave to get good trades into her. Poppy is tanky but does not have sustain. Her q deals 2 ticks of damage so make sure that if she hits her q on you that you side step the 2nd instance of damage. When trading with Poppy or if she is shoving you in, try to avoid being close to walls (when farming under turret make sure to not give her too big of an opening for her to slam you into your own turret.) In the mid-late game against Poppy assuming that you are even in gold with her, you can win allins when she is shoved deep into your side of the lane (after you are 4 items or more), but it is pretty much impossible to dive a poppy. So if you do get the ability to push a poppy in try to rotate and make a play while Poppy is stuck under turret farming the wave you shoved in. If Poppy is a part of teamfights, make sure that you look to focus carries that are not close to Poppy or wait for Poppy to blow her cooldowns before engaging.”
BloodyDream81 says “Un tank à contrôle de plus, tout comme les autres soit vigilantes du jungle et il n'y rien de spécialement compliqué dans le match up, juste deux choses à noter.
Évite les combats proches des murs, cela lui permettrait de te stun, et garde ton E pour son ulti, quand tu la vois charger l'ulti, tu peux l’interrompre en utilisant ton E ce qui la condamne plus ou moins à la mort !”
ChocoChurro says “It's a tank with a high burst damage when she gets to hit her E against a wall. As long as you're able to avoid that, you should win the lane and trades. Her W counters yours but you can anullate her W additional MS with your E.”
Dantheman81 says “Poppy can get difficult as the game progresses as she gets very tanky throughout the game. However there are some good ways to kill her early and some stuff to watch out for. Whenever she runs towards her shield, you can trap her. She can reflect away your ghouls with her w so wait until she uses it before you try to use your e. Against hi would recommend the black cleaver build, as your damage will be nonexistent later in the game.”
Xplor says “You will not have a problem at all playing against Poppy. The annoying thing is that past-6, when you are about to kill her, she will kick you so hard that you will find yourself far away on the summoner rift. (quoting only).”
Darrkescru says “Geralmente ap top ferra ela pois ela quer começar de capa solar e você e ap então fica relativamente facil de jogar, (Nunca fique perto de paredes) e coloque seus cogumelos perto das paredes ”
Angela du Seithr says “Poppy revient un peu à la mode ces derniers temps et pour cause, c'est un très bon Tank. Toutefois... Elle n'aura pas vraiment la possibilité d'être un problème pour vous. Malgré sa forte capacité de duel, le seul de vos sorts qu'elle peut empêcher étant votre W que vous placerez quand elle sera endormie, jouez loin des murs vous vaudra l'incapacité pour la Yordle de riposter efficacement et votre grande mobilité naturelle lui rendra la vie difficile, même une fois Gantelet Givrant complété.”
Alzeidx says “Ultra annoying matchup, she is very tanky and has a huge amount of damage in early,Focus on trading only when you are full RAGE, you might be able to stomp her in early. Go Conqueror and try to wait for her mistake. ”
Alzeidx says “Very hard to kill her, dont trade with her, you cant outrade her and she has a huge sustain, be careful in early, ask for ganks, just farm until lvl 6, then you might have a chance for kill.”
iTzToniOP says “Poppy was created to make me cry, to be honest. I suffer a lot when facing Poppy. If I try to get closer she runs, if I do it, she will q on the ground and hit me with her passive, slowing and making me lose the trade. Even if the lane phase is over and the game reaches minute 40, she can make you lose the whole game by hitting a home run when you try to engage.”
Nyx Adachi says “Te bloquea tu e, puede sacarte de la tf facilmente si ulteas, tradeos potentes en linea, recomendaría iniciar si ves que gasto su w o de lo contrario puede baitearte, ojo si se aleja mucho de su team, deberias focusear al adc en tal caso debido a tu dmg alto con la hidra titanica o defender a tu adc de lo contrario”
JuarezLOL says “its a hard match up and a lot of people are losing to poppy as jax because they dont know that they have to surprise poppy in the laning phase in order to do that you have to fight at lvl 2 and staying close to poppy in all levels but not very close to take his Q dmg done when you are close she cant react in time with W for your Q and if you land your Q you are good to go for a decent trade ”
MateuszNH says “Skill matchup in her favor.
Her tools are literally counter to you but you can beat her if you make your all in unpredictable. If you wanna win this lane try to jump on her in random moments and pray she doesn't knockup you. Safer option is to play around it, she won't use it while u have your E ready to use. The best way to kill her is random all in under your turret after 6, don't forget to be careful if she is low, she get's tankier and can outplay you.”
DirtyDishSoap says “Poppy is shockingly difficult. She does a stupid amount of damage early, can keep doing insane damage with just base stats, and has the ability to dash out of your wall thanks to your mist walkers. Keep her at a distance until you have your core items and only then should you start dueling her.”
Sq_09 says “Scary. She can kill you if she stuns you. Her W and Q make her hard to kite and she has some strong CC combos. You can poke her carefully tho. ”
SabinX says “Play around her W, it can stagger both your W and E, but if played around you will be fine. Also care about her W passive, when she is low hp she gets tankier so respect that.”
Kingarthur720 says “funnily enough shes not a big threat, her W isnt too big a counter to you if you just wait for it to end and then its easy kiting, if she e's you shes most likely going to W in, and if she doesnt just wait for W to run out, if you have PD chances are you wont even need to use your E”
Discord Rengar Mains says “This matchup used to be one of the hardest in the game for Rengar back when she got reworked, since you didn't have your cleansing W back then and her damage were pretty insane for what she was. Nowadays the matchup is more manageable, but beware that the moment you fall behind she will make you useless for the rest of the game.
Simply put, Poppy in the laning phase will seek to bully the crap out of you since her kit counters your to an insane degree since she knows you depend heavily on your snowball to be relevant. You can try fighting her level 1 if you have grasp, but be careful since her passive and Q deal deceptively huge damage and if she picks up the shield then throwing yourself at her is pointless. Lane gets more annoying as soon as you both reach level 3 since she can just stop you from jumping at any time if she pleases, and if she gets you pushed into a wall without you having emp W ready, that's at least 30% of your HP away. However, that's basically ALL she can do: be a meatwall who is a good early to mid game tank who suffers in the late game because of a lack of reliable engages and not great damage (but who is still an issue because she is a great peeler). The only real problems with poppy nowadays is the fact that she sets up ganks super easily in the laning phase and that she is very VERY tanky from very early on. Never go for prolonged trades with poppy because she will win them through facetanking, just hit her a bit with Q and E and save W for when she tries to engage. Never ever use your 4 stacks for anything other than Wing out of her ground or E, because you will just hard lose the lane that way.
TP is recommended since your kill pressure on her is very low even with ignite. Grasp is the best choice overall since it allows you to go stasis, but you can try going conqueror and attempt any bruiser route.”
Itreallyhim says “She can ult you away and carry fights, The walls in your ult serve as walls aswell, She has a shield and is also very strong in 1v1 Situations.
Play smart, Go for long trades and do your best, You can ult her to stop her ult.”
Rivenetto says “Poppy is good against Riven but bad Riven players dont know how to play this matchup.Early game even if she manages to stun you and get Q on you,she will get you to 40-30% hp and 90% players will back off,just run for trade back becouse early game Riven have more damage. After first back dont fight,farm and try to get some sweet teleport on bot lane.Do something else on map when u get lane priority.”
Wolfychu says “Honestly that's the matchup that most hate to play. Poppy just cancel your dashes all the time and you do no damage to her. But you can try to kill her level 1 or play safe and try to waste her abilities so you can try to kill her with or with not your jungle.”
Anyerlaw says “Poppy, uno de los match ups más difíciles. Te para tu q con el escudo, tiene mucha vida y te pokea con su pasiva. No intentes ganarle, juega safe parkea su e y intenta swapear con el medio o que tu jungler te gankee. ”
Cats4lyfe123 says “Poppy's Steadfast Presence essentially negates your E and ultimate, so try to bait it out before going in. Try to poke with Q and empowered auto attack and don't go near walls.”
ShinyEmo says “Guinsoo's Rageblade is a must-have. Blade of the Ruined King works very well too. Forget about killing her in early game and stay away from the walls. After 1-2 items, she is a tiny threat. Use your Q to dodge her Q's and R. ”
FadeMini7 says “Fighting against a Poppy is hard because of her W and it counters your E if you're against one try to bait her W and pretend you're about to E so when her W is on cooldown you can now use your E and auto her or call your jungler for a gank”
lugzinho says “Haven't fought many Poppys but i do know some things:
If you Q (dismounted) when she E's, you won't get knockbacked by her E.
If you try to Q (dismounted) and she activates her W you will get a big beatdown since you are now grounded.
If it gets too tanky to the point she wins fights, just push the leane and look for roams with your R or TP (if you brought it)”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “Playing against a Poppy is a really good matchup for you. You can poke her out of lane and can cancel her dash. It is basically instant so you are going to have to predict when she is going to use it, but if she does use it you can punish her for not getting the wall stun and just auto attack her while she tries to disengage. Poppy scales well so late game you will have a tough time killing her so rather poke other champions and try to keep her away from your ADC or midlaner.”
ForgottenProject says “Don’t get hit by both parts of her Q, walk out of the 2nd part if you don’t dodge the 1st part
Don’t let her stop your Q with her W
You will almost always lose the trade if you let her Block her Dash
If you are between her and a wall, she will try to use her E to stun you
In this case, Parry the E to stun her
Poppy’s main damage is her Q and her Grasp
Q is a Skillshot so focus on dodging it, and cut her damage by more than half
Like most tanks, she can build Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabis and if she does, she’s unkillable for all of laning phase, so just farm what you can”
Speez says “OH GOD, IF YOU EVER SEE THIS THING IN YOUR GAME GOING TOP GOOD FUCKING LUCK, she can w your jump and does so much dammage and can peel for adc, i dodge into this thing”
SirVermillion says “Poppy's kit literally counters yours, but you still outdamage her easily because most Poppy's just build tank items. Just build lethality and bait her abilities then engage with your E. ”
Somoko says “If you're to meet a Poppy at top lane, it's very hard to try to get a kill against her because of her W. If she dash-blocks you, expect to die if she's at an item advantage.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “May be hard to kill but her kill pressure is nothing compared to your oranges. Play aggressive and be wary for enemy jungle ganks.”
Pedrokis says “É um pick muito safe contra o Aatrox, ela não vai ir tanto pra cima mas fica difícil de dar engage nela. / Se o escudo dela cair no chão, tenta campar ele com o seu Q pra não deixar ela pegar e dar um dano de graça nela. / O W dela pode sim ser um baita problema, cancelando o seu E tanto pra um engage ou pra uma recuada, então fica atento. / Ult muito chata pra te dar disengage; tenta usar o E pra baitar ou desviar.”
Joaking says “She can dive you easily in early game, so don't stay in lane if you have 30% hp or less.
She can break your combo with her W, so try to bait it and go back. Her W has more than 20s cd. Thats the chance you have to long trade against her.
She stills can break your third Q with her E, so, don't fast combo that fast, and be a little patient. ”
TheBiskoppen says “Poppy only has the upperhand when she has w up, remember she has a lot of base armor because of her passive. Once she has some items use dice on her to shred her armor”
BeautifulWinter says “I like Poppy and Poppy doesn't much care for me so what to do is stay away from walls and play passive prior to level 6. Once you are 6 you can dodge Poppy's ult with yours as well as kill her very easily.”
Big Belly Bop says “You have range, poke, and can deny her from CS. She has no mobility so look for coordinated ganks with your jungle/mid. Don't stand next to walls and try to get as much stacks as possible. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade, Sustained Damage rune page.”
ExfIamed says “Aside from being a tiny rock shes pretty easy, just dont get near walls and W when she slams the hammer down on you, or bait her into slamming you into a wall while you're E'ing and also W the stun so you can Q her afterward.”
Loevely says “Why did they buff this hoe? Another really hard matchup. She doesn't have the same kill potential as Darius, but she has the tank stats and CC tools to completely dump on you. Grasp and W max only. ”
Defensivity1 says “Be carefull before level 6, once you are level 6 feel free to lock her up in your cage and all in her avoid trades before level 6 and throw as much ghouls at her as you can.”
mightydylan101 says “Poppy can kill you early but you should dominate this lane through the poke and you can dodge her abilities pretty easy. Make sure to punish her for farm and you should win the trades.”
ProgettoYorick says “Poppy is strong, unfortunately our W benefits her as well ..
Don't lose too much life in earlym, it's up to you to hit it with the ghouls. In late if you play well, you will be able to do them fair damage.
OTP tip: Stay away from the walls!”
MrDenone says “Her "W" blocks your "E" + If you jump on a wall and you're in her range, she can just stun you and put you into a horrible situation. You have to play safe against her. Also her "R" can push you out of your ultimate so be safe. ”
Karnan says “Rarely seen picked. Just a brute tank who has a strong 1-5. Consider just taking Conqueror and scale. Poppy scales poorly and her kill pressure is low. Don't fight, just farm. ”
yetusek says “Fleet Footwork Runes. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Poppy is one of the hardest counters in the game to Tryndamere all throughout the game. She is a tough lane bully to play against and in the mid-late game she can deny you from getting onto carries with her W which stops dashes (including your spin.) Her E can knock you back and if you get hit into a wall it deals double damage and stuns you. She is close to impossible to dive unless you got her low before hand. She gains a large shield with her passive auto attack on a 16 second cooldown (you can stop her from getting the shield if you step on the buckler that appears on the ground.) Very early levels though, usually just level 1-2 is your one chance to look for an advantage against her solo. Look to use and abuse heavy trades after building fury on the wave to get good trades into her. Poppy is tanky but does not have sustain. Her q deals 2 ticks of damage so make sure that if she hits her q on you that you side step the 2nd instance of damage. When trading with Poppy or if she is shoving you in, try to avoid being close to walls (when farming under turret make sure to not give her too big of an opening for her to slam you into your own turret.) In the mid-late game against Poppy assuming that you are even in gold with her, you can win allins when she is shoved deep into your side of the lane (after you are 4 items or more), but it is pretty much impossible to dive a poppy. So if you do get the ability to push a poppy in try to rotate and make a play while Poppy is stuck under turret farming the wave you shoved in. If Poppy is a part of teamfights, make sure that you look to focus carries that are not close to Poppy or wait for Poppy to blow her cooldowns before engaging.”
OneMustFall says “Stay away from walls and you're good. :P You probably won't be killing her once she starts getting tanky but she won't be killing you either. You should still be able to poke her out and take her tower without a ton of trouble.”
Nightblue33 says “If she doesn't have her passive shield, then you should be able to trade pretty well. Try to bait out her W because it can stop your dash.
Ze mentira says “Max Q. Rune: Comet Page.
start corrupt potion and back with dark seal and doran's ring to a good poke.
//if she does magic resistance items, you will never kill her.”
Hamstertamer says “Absolute skill matchup, and by that I mean total stat check. Build armor (she desls %HP physical damage), typically IBG/frozen heart, kite or deny her shield, and you can 1v1 her.”
Chromuro says “She brings the battle to you, so it's all ok. Maybe when she goes full bruiser can be a nuisance, but there aren't that many poppys in the world, even less bruiser poppys because tanks disappeared (I wonder why-). Make her waste her shield attack and stay away from walls if you are not sure of what you are doing.”
HKRV says “Her early game is insane. Will poke you a lot with her shield. Stay away from walls as her E stuns you. Keep in mind W can block your E if you chase her or her chasing you. Keep trades short. ”
Aizo says “Difficult for you to kill her, in the earlygame she will dump on you because of her Q's %max hp damage that is quite easy for her to spam on you, she can also turret dive pretty safely due to there being many walls to stun you on. Be very careful of her earlygame threat”
litboijustinx says “She does get quite tanky which is why its best to run Conqueror into this matchup. Like any other tank matchups, I would focus on getting Black Cleaver ASAP.”
Lynboe says “Cette mignonne petit guerrière ne peut survivre face à tant de cruauté une fois le niveau 4 atteint, un simple rush Tabi Ninja et elle ne pourra plus vous battre, si elle essaye de vous avoir n’oubliez pas qu’elle perd les longs trades et qu’elle n’a pas d’escape, évitez simplement de combattre près des murs car vous n’aurez pas le temps de l’attraper sur le trade et vous gagnerez à 100% le un contre un.
Afin d’éviter de se faire trop agresser par le passif de cette petite yordle il est conseillé de commencer avec un Doran’s shield.
messketchup says “Despite having to play passive, pick a Doran's blade to enable you to lasthit properly under tower. Don't go in his range just to get those 1-2 minions and ask for ganks. Stay away from walls so she can't stun you and don't let her get her shield. Poppy is bad at farming and Darius is great at punishing her for it. Her passive can't stop the dunk.”
LiquidBlyr says “Everything about this champion is cancer. Stay away from walls so she can't stun you (note she can also stun you on towers much like your E). Do not dash away when she uses her W (movement speed with dash-stun-ring) and try to not let her Q proc twice on you.”
Angela du Seithr says “Une bonne Poppy ne vous laissera pas la stun, mais il est facile de la bait si vous jouez intelligemment. Si vous avez un duo jungler AD, ne vous acharnez pas à essayer de la tuer et aidez les autres lanes.”
Sukay says “Very annoying to get kills against. Do NOT jump on her when she has her circle up. Walk over her shield thing if it doesn't put you into a situation where she can stun you against a wall.
Mainly, don't ever get stunned agains't wall.”
zuiop21 says “Poppy's extreme CC and toughness can make Kled's work a bit hard.
Try fighting and getting the lead early.
Poppy usually outscales Kled.”
M2 Jizu says “No se que decir contra este Matchup, no es muy complicado, no te pegues mucho a las paredes para que no te stunee y recuerda que no puedes usar tu E cuando su W está activa.”
mahlightning says “She will win if she fights you in almost every situation. Her W will stop your dash entirely and she can count with a dash of her own with a very similar effect. Her percent of max health is also easier to land. Your main advantage is you have better aoe. But that is not quite as useful in lane ”
ImpossibleLogic says “An odd ball of a pick. Poppy is a CC controller if you allow her to get ahead of you. If she rushes you, you can easily stop her rush with Q and continue to follow up with the other Q's and W for an easy kill. Allow her to rush you and stun, your going to have a difficult time.”
Brentard says “Really annoying to lane against. If she builds armor there isn't much you can do to damage her. best to try roaming early and coming back topside to spin farm under turret to reset/push lane. ”
NoobLikesGames says “She negates your e, she gets you off of her backline, she pokes you endlessly, and her Stubborn to a Fault (W passive) can make her really hard to kill sometimes.”
DrMoneybags says “Poppy is very good at making bruisers useless. She can't normally kill you unless you mess up, but you also can't kill her very easily. Once you get some armor-pen along with conqueror, it shouldn't be too bad of a matchup midgame. Just make sure you don't eat too many Q's from her or get wall stunned when you dismount.”
Arcthunder says “Poppy top is also rare, but possible. Don't line up near walls, and keep in mind the she can block your Jousting and the aftermath of Chaaaaaaarge!!!”
The_CuItivator says “Your everyday tank who can easily set up ganks and is a pretty well rounded champ. Keep in mind to stay away from obstacles as his e can wreck you.”
TheNinjaRoid says “A good Poppy will destroy you. You can't really kill her, but don't underestimate her burst. Just farm up and you can win late. Stay away from the lane walls.”
Khazem says “Tougher than she seems, she is incredibly durable with a lot of base damage. Look to abuse her early on before she has any magic resistance and generally try to shield her ranged passive spam (the one where she tosses her shield at you)”
ElleryTheViking says “Pretty free lane as long as you stay away from walls. Same as usual, poke her down with E and Q, she has no escapes so if she oversteps you should be able to kill her cause all she can do is tackle you back bringing her with you. Post 6 just ult ghost and all in with e q w and her ult will be worthless. ”
SynergyXO says “i put it as even, because ive had time where i stomp poppy, and times where poppy stomps me. skill match up in my opinion. dont let her pin you into wall. dodge her Qs on the ground. try to get her to waste passive auto on minion.”
Naniboi101 says “Has a w that prevents Fiora from dashing to or away from her. Poppy's q has a good slow and really spammalbe making her good at skirmishing with you. E is pretty hard to parry and if you do she might go through you and then you can't stun her. ”
E61K says “Start Doran's Blade and go for Conqueror. Hopeless matchup for Poppy. Just make sure you don't stay near wall so you don't get stunned. Other than that your Kit completely destroys her. Your E cancels her ult and she has no real escape she can only go in. Save your pull to cancel her Ult post-6.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Tanky, W cancels dashes, Great disengage. Weaknesses: Melee, out-scaled. Pretty tanky and has a dash that can push you into walls and can be chained with a potent combo. Even though the dash is fast, it is possible to riposte it. Once you are able to riposte her dash she becomes a lot less of a threat. Btw, if you see her charging up her hammer for her ult, be ready to riposte it as well. This makes her waste her ult and leaves her with little disengage. Another tip is the Q+W combo or “Slide Parry” where you can purposefully Lunge into her W and Riposte at the same time to reflect a stun back to her. If you want to see a demonstration of this, there is a video down towards the bottom of the guide in the “Tips” Section. One last note about this matchup is that tower diving her is never a good idea especially if you get pinned into a wall. At that point you're essentially dead. Only do this if you are 100% sure you can kill her and come out alive.”
Miracle Matter says “This champion is just annoying. You will notice that, without any skill expression at all, never stunning you against a wall or landing Q2, she can still just point-and-click beat you up while shrugging off most of your damage. What's more, her W movement speed makes landing your stun very difficult.
However, once you have Zz'Rot, you can 1v1 her fairly easily. Just respect her threat until then. Would recommend a Liandry's Torment versus her last.”
SeaWeeb says “Her tankyness combined with her stun can shove you out of lane hard but she lacks constant/reliable gap closing. She can throw her shield at you and poke you if you are not careful. Keep back and play safe. Stay under tower if you need to.”
Sion says “You can destroy her pre 7. But after 7 her shield CD decreases meaning that you cannot outdamage her Q spam. Just start roaming at that point and before that just shove her in.”
TheNecromancerr says “It's a hard matchup because of her tankiness and also her damage can be insane. Make sure not to stand close to the walls. Engage her once she wasted her W since otherwise you can't dash on her and try to deny her from picking up her shield. ”
Proxxecube says “Still kinda stupid, but less so. The only truly annoying part of Poppy's kit is her ability to block your dashes. However, if you can manage to do a Q+W, then you can stun her, and continue fighting.”
heyitsRainex says “You can't win her. Her W denies your entire combo starter (your E), her Q shreds HP and her passive can nullify damage (if she picks the buckler up).
Try helping your team secure kills on the other side of the map.”
E61K says “Get PD, build Bork and then finish IE. As long as you ult asap you will kill her doesn't matter if she is full armor. Avoid dashing around her when her W is up to avoid getting cucked, avoid being near walls, windwall her ult and if she doesn't have ult windwall her passive shield. Deny her the shield if you can. If you think you can fight her Ult as soon as possible to get your bonus armor pen. Otherwise building some armor and health will make it so that even with her good base damage she will have trouble killing you and it will buy you enough time to DPS her. That matchup used to be harder, now it's just whatever.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Whenever I lane against Poppy I always underestimate her damage! Stay away from the walls otherwise she'll push you in and you'll be stunned. Also be aware of her passive, it's a ranged attack. If she has it up she can poke you pretty well and she'll also get a shield to negate your poke, so wait for her to use it on a minion before engaging. Also let her blow her W before you try to hookshot onto her for the stun, as it'll completely block your E.”
ReformedLavahit says “Can be beaten if you play the matchup well. Just try to bait her w and you should be fine if you position yourself nicely in order to not be stunned with her E.”
Zachlikespizza says “You should be able to out damage her once you get black cleaver. The only problem is that she can ult you away when you ult, overall giving you less kill pressure.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “You can't E through her W, and for that reason she can shut you down very hard. In lane poke her with Q, rush Bork with Tabi and just try not to get stunned into the wall. She can't outdamage you in the late game, but she can set you up for an easy kill on you”
joelblack says “Tanky as a bitch, with a ridiculous engage. Her base damage is pretty shit but if she gets her abilities off she will cunt punt you to death. You can either fight tank with tank or just be safe and poke her, but you won't get far. Go tank and keep your distance.”
Ashnard says “Poppy is one annoying tanky midget. You have very low kill pressure on her and she can chunk you pretty if you position near walls.You can force trades on her thanks to superior range, but you can only really go for all ins if her w is down. Dodge/Cancel her ult above all else since it gets you out of the fight and wastes your revive.”
CamilleN1 says “You will be unable to use your E for engaging or disengaging and missing that microstun, attack speed and a spot in the enemy backline”
galvapheonix says “Poppy can get difficult as the game progresses as she gets very tanky throughout the game. However there are some good ways to kill her early and some stuff to watch out for. Whenever she runs towards her shield, you can trap her. She can reflect away your ghouls with her w so wait until she uses it before you try to use your e. Against hi would recommend the black cleaver build, as your damage will be nonexistent later in the game.”
kagaroo says “🔴Trundle Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 4.7/10
➡️Similar to the Shen matchup, Poppy has a lot damage from her Q and can dive you/trade easily if you stand next to walls. Try to position yourself away from walls unless you are trying to bait her. Another matchup where you can outscale her by just farming. You completely stomp her after hydra+botrk and you should play laning phase to get these items.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad poppy vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average poppy vs Average Trundle ➡️trundle favoured
Good poppy vs Good Trundle ➡️ 70/30 trundle/poppy but poppy can win if she gets ahead and stacks armor.”
Denied20 says “Have patience. Her dash interruption is a 2.0, so hold out... you can stall your use of E and escape being stunned. Good build incorporates extra movement speed, Yasuo never only relies on his E. These could be: Fleet, Zeal, Swifties, or Kraken.”
Haxorr says “Poppy is a rough matchup after she has reset once or twice, so you need to punish her before then. You can take either Conq or Grasp in this matchup, I like both. Grasp can allow you to poke with baby qs and outrange her q which is nice. Using good movement to bait poppy qs is very strong, and using Fiora q+w slide whenever she uses w works like a charm. Overall just try to maintain decent farm and don't be afraid to play decently aggro early on, as you should win trades. Later on in the game, always shove side lanes but I wouldn't recommend trading with her too often unless it's free as Poppy is very good at stalling until her team can collapse onto you. I'd go Doran's shield in this mu personally with Conq + Resolve second wind”
AdeptDrax says “unplayable matchup all across the board, she counters all dashing champs, thank god nobody plays her like at all. Why? hard counter to all dashing champs while being super chonky with ridiculous dps, your only chances are during lvl1 fight.”
Bourne212 says “Wait for her to use shield then walk up to melee range to trade, DO NOT dash to her with Q unless her W is down. She will knock you up with W and cancel your Q damage and the passive stack resulting in a losing trade.”
CactEyez says “Very strong, can cancel your W with her E and R, and does Max health. Try to not trade into her passive shield. If the timing is right you can R her as she Rs you and she will flying along with you.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
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