Mid Lane 50.74% Win Rate77% Pick RateVeigar Mid Lane Counters: 38 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Veigar in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Zewrocktumbler says “E start early doesnt matter what he his runes are you win early”
Divine Azir says “He will try to last hit with Q, so harass him when he does. Don't let him fam for free. He also gets stacks whenever he hits you with an ability, so just play outside of his range. Don't ty to shuffle him when he has E up.”
AuroraAddict says “Veigar is really easy to play against just be carefull of hes E cause while you are in hes E you wont be able to use E or W cause you will get directly to the stun if you are not directly in the middle of it + dont let him Q both minnions and you and you will be in a good spot to kill him. both electrocute is really good against him.”
BesXbola says “Se o Veigar fizer qualquer item de tank voce nao vai mais dar dano nele. Nao tente mata-lo e tente garantir vantagem pro seu time em roams e invades pois ele vai dar o mesmo dano que voce e vai tankar o triplo.”
TrianglularRose says “In low elo, this is actually really easy, since you can just save your mana and dodge his abilities. In higher elo, getting caught in a bad cage can be the end for you.”
blobster says “dont walk into his cage and you’re fine
try to take as little poke as possible
make him choose between the wave and you. dont let him hit the wave and you at the same time”
zSmoke says “Playing against Veigar is quite easy, you just have to worry about the jail, from level 2 you can beat him by trading him and sending him to base very quickly and taking advantage of him (Recommendation: Try to prevent him from scaling because he's a hypercarry)”
3nfy_no3 says “if you are playing mid this needs to be your ban. Veigar cage counters your main engage and since he has a targeted high damage ult you cannot dodge it with burrow or your own ult.”
xumi_k says “The earlier you kill him, the better. He has less than 20 armor on lvl 1, no mobility. You need to be careful of three things while playing vs Veigar:
1. His Cage blocks dashes, you can’t Q out from it, don’t even try. I usually walk in circles, it makes it harder for him to land all parts of his genius combo.
2. His R. You can’t help it. You just die. It’s not a skillshot, he just clicks on you and a magic ball flies into your face, dealing significant damage. It probably won’t one shot you, but it’s painful
3. His late game. Veigar has an unlimited passive. Each time his ability hits a champion he gains AP, so imagine how much AP he’d have further in the game. He’s still squishy, though. You can try Maw of Malmortius, by the way, or any item with spellshield (Edge of the night)
Tamikaze says “Veigar would be considered a minor threat, but his E alone makes him a major threat. His gank setup is one of the easiest in the game. Be very conscious of where the Jungler is on the map and almost always expect him to be hovering mid. Veigar can not match your DPS, especially with Conq+Nashors. Don't let him free poke you and look for opportunities to ult him into your jungler. ”
j4ss says “He's annoying and will just perma scale for free, he can't bare your poke but if the game passes 30 minutes he'll just take over and it'ss gg.”
Yuhkis Ribs says “good movement in his cage pre 6 is really only needed here and its not much to ask for, you outscale him with ease, look for short trades ”
Tatsurion says “This, is a very confusing one.
he does scale a lot, very well too. but he just isnt a threat to you.
IF you get trapped in his cage, simply focus on dodging his incoming abilitites, if he misses them, you will be able to not only trade, but turn it around on him completely, from INSIDE the cage, your danger range is far bigger than his, and he really struggles to stomp you. He WILL lategame, but he stomps everyone lategame, early game is yours and frankly a good setup for a nice lategame for you.
Burst and conq work nicely here”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Gathering Storm]
Summs: [Flash][Teleport/Ghost]
Counter with: [Banshee's][Lucidity boots]
*you have prio early but if you don't have flash be careful he can stun you for long long time*”
Xc1Mare says “Матчап против вейгара неиграбелен 1 - Любая ваша агрессия через W заканчивается гарант станом об стенку которую вейгар ставит под себя
2 - Из-за своей пассивки он становится сильнее вас в поздних стадиях игры + он может фармить стаки на ваших собачках .Вы должны булить его на линии ,НО смотрите пункт 1
3 - Вейгар очень хорошо пушит волны ,но даже если вы безопасно заберёте волну и уйдёте на роум ,с фри фарма он получит болше чем вы за один килл
Против вейгара нужно играть по кд флеша с лесником и то не каждый способен его гангать ,есть вариант роумить и выигрывать лес и топ/бот ,но не факт что вы возьмёте его числом”
BrMario1011 says “you destroy him pre 6, after that just make sure to not get full combo in his cage, if you can hold ur wave near ur tower and ur jg is playing with u he is done
CAN shut you down late game with his cage and massive damage so beware
electrocute dark seal ingnite”
Vladmidir says “Veigar will never be able to kill you, but if he spaces correctly its hard to kill him. He has a big range advantage but once hes below 70% HP you can just all in and kill him.”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable. I like electrocute.
Long Sword start.
Dodge his abilities as best as you can to not give him passive stacks for free. Actively poke, if he overextends he's an easy kill. You should be able to roam a lot here, since you can snowball this matchup rather easily. His only counterplay to you is placing his E and running through it or standing in the stun zone, while you are in your R. If he gets enough time he can get to a point, where he will kill you with 2 abilities as soon as you come out of your R.”
sick204 says “Respect Veigar's burst potential and zoning with his abilities, especially his Q and R. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Veigar's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Veigar's stacking passive, as it increases his AP and damage potential over time. Utilize Wind Wall to block Veigar's Q and E in trades and team fights to reduce his poke and crowd control potential. Engage on Veigar when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on mana, as he can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Hexdrinker to mitigate Veigar's crowd control and magic damage.”
otaliz says “Both Veigar and you will want to scale, but you can do this faster with your passive, so focus on farming. Be careful with his E and buy Banshee's Veil as your third item if you feel like you need or if the enemy team has more magic damage. Veigar is a very easy champion to gank, so if you have the opportunity, when he doesn't have Flash for example, ping your Jungler to gank him.”
Foxirion says “Veigar’s high burst damage and crowd control can be a major threat to Swain, as he can quickly eliminate him and disrupt his positioning.”
Laimaudeja says “I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.
Stand behind minions, as his main ability only damages the first 2 targets it hits. Play aggressively, as Veigar doesn't have a lot of upfront damage and has very little self-peel in form of his cage, which has a massive 20 second cooldown, giving you very long windows to fight in. Note that your Satchel won't let you dash through the cage, so try to use it pre-emptively, or try to fight Veigar while in the cage.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HPs.
Veigar is usually a free matchup for Lux, before level 6, you can go for passive procs. However at lvl 6, try to stay as far away as you can or he'll nuke you. He is easily one-shottable due to your range and damage, so play for chunks with long range combos.”
xXOoMcNastyoOXx says “Veigar's stun is the only thing that makes him a threat. If you wait to engage till his stun is down you will be fine and win this very easily. You will find yourself commonly using Q, E, W, R combo quite often against him. and can focus him very easily in team fights.”
awawa says “Hes gonna outscale whether u want it or not. Your team WILL walk into his cage and give him kills ALL THE TIME. Stomp in lane, finish the game early. His comeback potential can be scary.
DONT R if his E is on the way, its gonna stun you. Otherwise you easily kill him at all stages of the game.
Also if u ever get stunned by his E, you die. Live with it.”
ShokLoL says “Veigar is extremely abusable in lane and in early skirmishes. He has to use his Q to farm which means he won’t be able to trade, and even with Q up he doesn’t do much damage. When this is down you can look to get aggressive onto him. The only thing you really need to be careful of is not lining yourself up with the creeps so he can easily hit the creep and you. He does have some gank setup so you may want to build merc treads if they have a ganking jungler.”
ShokLoL says “Veigar is extremely abusable in lane and in early skirmishes. He has to use his Q to farm which means he won’t be able to trade, and even with Q up he doesn’t do much damage. When this is down you can look to get aggressive onto him. The only thing you really need to be careful of is not lining yourself up with the creeps so he can easily hit the creep and you. He does have some gank setup so you may want to build merc treads if they have a ganking jungler. In teamfights you outrange him and you should also easily outfarm him on the sidelane.”
ShokLoL says “You should be able to build a solid CS lead against Veigar in lane, but you're going to have difficulty engaging onto him or his team because of his cage. Just focus on playing front to back teamfights and hitting him with WQ autos.”
Soft Headpats says “Veigar is forced to use his Q on minions to stack his passive, giving you plenty of opportunities to punish him while it's down. Avoid standing behind low-health minions since he'll get another stack for free if he hits you. His E (cage) makes it easy to set up ganks, so be careful of playing overly aggressive without vision.
Veigar players are starting to build Shurelya's to give him more safety and setup, so keep track of its CD once he finishes building it.
Overall, your waveclear and poke are better than his, giving you more agency in the lane phase, so build up your lead before he scales too hard. ”
blacklikeblack says “One of the best matchups for Kassadin. He cant kill you early game. After lvl 6 you can jump out of his cages and oneshot him. You can also Farm first strike of him after lvl 6.”
ShokLoL says “Veigar is very weak early and can't stop you from pushing him in, but it's quite hard to actually trade with him. Just focus on pushing and moving around the map (especially post 6) to snowball before he scales out of control.”
ShokLoL says “Veigar early game is very weak and lacks waveclear. The only thing you really need to be careful of is not lining yourself up with the creeps so he can easily hit the creep and you. He does have some gank setup so you may want to build merc treads if they have a ganking jungler.”
Deceiver_euw says “LeBlanc is much stronger than veigar in the laning phase so beating him in lane is very simple. Just keep in mind that he can still cheese you with kills early on because of his R and if you do mess up once, he will take over the game.”
ShokLoL says “Veigar is pretty abusable early, he has to use his Q to farm so whenever that's down you can look to force trades on him. The only thing really to be careful of is his gank setup so try keep track of the enemy jungler. He has low waveclear so you can target that as well if you can't find a way to trade with him.”
InTaggar says “ENG: Normally is an easy matchup, poke him and if he use his E try to dodge his W. Don't let him farm and play with your jg to denegate his scale.
If he go out of control buy banshees and mercury boots.
Runes: Aery + Gathering Storm or First Strike.
Spells: TP/Cleanse.
ESP: Normalmente es un matchup fácil, pokealo y si usa su E intenta esquivar su W. No dejes que farmee y juega con tu jg para que no escale.
Runas: Aery + Tormenta Creciente o First Strike.
Spell: TP/Purificar.”
vSomnia says “Has no escape and no reliable cc. Trade when he uses Q or W on the minion wave or missed it. You can use second e to go through his portal since its a portal (sometimes handy). Be agressive and don't get harassed.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Veigar just avoid is Q to hit you so don't get a free stack of his passive and the cage, but if you avoid that you can fight him easly making the trade worth for you”
Kikife says “Both Veigar and Smolder scale, but Veigar out scales Smolder and you must be aware of his minion farming. When he early game goes to Q farm minions, E, W, Q and poke him. He will most likely E you here, so play around it and dodge his W to take reduced damage.
If he E's you when you're far enough on his side, flash out because you'll probably die too quickly to secure a kill as you will be either be getting ganked or you'll take too much poke to sustain in lane.”
gaarrett says “Outscales but has no lane, so this is pretty fun. Level 1 trade should set up a kill at level 3 or at the very least his Flash. E2 cannot be buffered through Veigar's cage stun, so just play dodgeball when you're in there waiting for it go down. [3/5] ult, Sylas doesn't really get to the levels of AP that Veigar does so but it's still a nice point-and-click Hollow Purple.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
FREE MATCH UP! He can't really do a thing without the help of the JG, early is free, if you play to scale, you lost.
¡SENCILLO! Realmente no puede hacer nada sin la ayuda del JG, el early es facil, si juegas a escalar, pierdes.
KazunaSan says “Match up très rare, one shotez le et dodgez ses spells, go tp contre lui et gardez la lane, vous aurez toujours la décale ne premier car il voudra stack sur les waves au mid”
FrostbiteMW says “Super easy, he does zero damage early game so try to harass and poke him as much as possible. He is very squishy so just delete him late game, when is at his most powerful stage. If you can deny farm and keep him away from lane, he won't even be able to come to that late game power spike.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. He has lower range and cant rly do anything against your constant damage. Only be careful when he tries to cage you.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. You can outpoke him in lane, but if he catches you with his cage you can die easily.”
Wizboy73 says “Take snowball or poke runes, He is soo easy to abuse early, he will never reach his powerspike and kill you because you demolish him at every point of the game. ”
Shinbae says “У меня много противоречивых чувств насчёт Вейгара...
С одной стороны он очень тонкий и медленный
С другой стороны имеет тонну урона и стан, его клетка
Ах да, его таргетная ульта....
Тут всё как сложно и просто, держа дистанцию ты сохраняешь как своё хп так и его, Вейгара не так уж и просто выцепить с помощью сна, скорее под клетку сбежит, а пока заряжается сон, так ещё и накинет пару скиллов”
Carpincho sex0 says “This is a big problem because of the extreme damage it has, and if it locks us in the e we won't be able to escape in any way. Even if it is veigar he will have a better Erly game so we must play carefully, once the late game arrives we must avoid that he gives us any ability, it is advisable to keep distance from the e and buy the rylai, and not fight with him during the erly game if you are not sure that you will win because you will be giving him charges of his passive, Be still with the Q we'll be an easy target for your w and q”
Hexeria says “[Stop him from stacking, be careful around his E, and dodge his Q and W.] [W if youre low and he casts his Ult, but besides that, he has nothing and can be killed pretty easily.]”
Prefexx says “Due to the recent nerf to veigar, his stun now shows where it will be before it pops up. Use this to dodge it and all in him as he is very vulnerable without it. If somehow you are stuck inside of it, wait in the middle and shunpo either to him or away from him to easily escape his burst.”
Halkem says “You are permastuck in his cage. Your voidlings are free AP for him and he can clear them easily with W too. Abuse your push early or lv6 gank to make plays and try to snowball before he takes over the game.”
Iceyou says “useless . go ignite , poke him , your e can get you out of cage defensively and offensively and your selfcast R can counter his R . Just win lane win game situation . Be carefull ganking him when he is 6 your jungler will be level 4-5 and he can get oneshotted and that would be extremely bad . ”
liqulabouse says “He gives a big gank setup so be carefull, also it's hard to snowball, but not to hard to win the matchup. But it's hard to play the rest of the game if there is a veigar in ennemy team”
The Milelator says “He will stack on you, but you have superior wave clear and better early trades. Try not to get stunned by his cage when charging Q. If you know how Veigar's cage works, try to have the exact space between him and your champ in which he can only imprison you, but never stun you. Your ult goes through his Cage (all in possible).”
WarwicksSimp says “Easy to deal with and you're usually not gonna have an issue with him. A good veigar will force you in spots where you will just die because hes good at setting up ganks and plays with cage in lane and outside of lane. He will one shot you with R a lot, but later on you can outscale him IF he isn't more fed than you are.”
DivineButterMan says “The only thing you need to watch out for is not E'ing into his wall, other than that your R completely counters everything he does ”
javiiergrd says “Me esta dando mucho problema este match, su combo es demasiado facil y fuerte a la vez. Ir con First Strike para escalar igual que el, no es lo mejor. Siempre terminara escalando mas, mejor ir con Aery Trades e iniciar agresivo para mantenerlo controlado en linea.”
FrostbiteMW says “He is weak early-mid game. His only strength against you is his cage. After 6 you can easily all-in him if you dodge his cage. Once hes stunned/slowed he has no way of escaping.”
FrostbiteMW says “His early game isnt that great, making it easy for you to poke him and snowball in lane. After 6 you can still easily poke with R - Q. His only threat is his cage. Dont use R if he is in range to cage the spot you ulted from, or you can easily be killed.”
Tokiyami says “Can usually bully him if you see him going for Q stacks, pretty annoying matchup but his range is pretty large now so just respect that and you can either just bait his cage and get free trades off or wait till lvl 6 and bait his cage then all in him.”
Budgizee says “if you dodge all his spell early and dodge his cage ( most important ) it will be easy. dont let him stacks on you or creeps, harass him with q early
-Dring start
take barrier if you want to survive his R.”
FlopQueenEra says “Veigar is relatively weak in the early game. Sona should take advantage of this by applying pressure and denying him as much farm as possible before he can stack up his passive. And if he always got gank, always ward and Sona should stand behind minions or maintain a safe distance from Veigar to avoid being hit by (W) and (R). This minimizes the risk of taking significant damage.”
Lindroganti says “He can only stop you with his cage, but he needs to cage between you and him. If you can jump over it do so. Most Veigars just cage themselves, and you can hop in. Block his W or Ult. Essentially if the cage is directly at his feet and will pop up to stun you when you're engaged on him, do not jump. If you can jump on him before the cage pops up, do so.”
support_diff says “Veigar is a really annoying matchup as his poke also gives him permanent ability power. Try to bait his cage and if you do, go for a trade as he has no chance of winning you without his cage. His ultimate is a great damage dealer so if he goes low use it to secure a kill”
Fuzzmonkey says “The most difficult part of this matchup is Veigars cage. You cant go in if he still has it up. Make sure to bait it out, wait for it to be gone and then engage. That is your only win condition. ”
Wraithlander says “When he cages you just dodge his W and you will win any trade afterwards. Avoid letting him stack his Q on you and try to take advantage of his lack of mobility.”
support_diff says “Veigar's cage fully counters you as you can't get close to him while he uses all his abilities to damage you. Additionally he gets ability power every time he hits you with his abilities”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Don't worry, just dodge the abilities and poke him to death. Prevent him from farming and win lane with your sustain. It'll be easy! Wait, what's that? He killed your bot lane once and now his ult one shots you? Huh, bummer. ”
tangerrine says “Veigar is always an annoying champ. Early game, you do pretty well against him, as long as you go Comet and try to poke him. If the team has other CC champs, then probably go cleanse, otherwise stick with ignite to kill him early. Try to push him in and mess up his early game farming and delay his powerspike until late late game.”
Zero macro says “Veigar is a short ranged mage that wants to farm early on, Kog'Maw can pressure the lane very easily with enough range. Recommended to take cleanse against Veigar Cage setup.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3
jump on his E and GG”
DepresedEef224 says “You are kind of an assassin, Veigar hates facing assassins. Viego wins lane, but Veigar scales, so he might become a problem. Just shut him down early so he can be a problem later, much much later.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Don't let him free scale and play aggressive]
[Dodge his Q and W]
[Avoid getting stunned by his E]
[Don't get too low or he will delete you with his R]”
freuio123 says “Mein persönlicher Lieblingscounter in Ahri. Veigar hat alles was man von einem stattlichen Mann haben möchte: Eine dunkle Persönlichkeit und eine dicke Ulti am Ende.
Du kannst recht free scalen UND hast immer kill pressure mit deinem Cage gegen Ahri, wenn dein Jungler kommt.
Der Cage ist Ahris Kryptonit und Veigars Burst Batmans Robin.
Corrupting Potion + Cookies, schön die Qs in ihr Stacken bei den early trades und gelegentlich im Cage töten. Ez.”
Anguish333 says “- He will look to use Q on dying minion and you (hits 2 targets), so either stand behind 2 minions atleast or stand completly somewhere else so he has to choose to poke you or farm Gold+AP from passive)
- When he uses W, but you are not in danger of anything you can E, get stunned and then followup with E2 to poke him. If he cages you on gank, or its really hard to dodge spells, wait it out in Shroud)
- If you get stunned by his Cage once, you cannot get stunned again by same Cage
- His Ult deals more DMG if target is on Low HP (not execute but kinda works like it) Make sure to not stay low vs him, or atleast have Zhoniya to Use on his Ult
- Don't let him scale for free, try roaming or getting picks early”
NickLeVlach says “Ahhh... The tiny guy. Veigar is looking to scale so we want to punish him early. Don't let him stacks. RUN HIM LIKE THRE'S NO TOMORROW. ”
VrNtv says “Take Cleanse or Exhaust into this, you can cleanse his cage or you can exhaust him when he tries to all in you with R and then try to run him down, but it's not easy since he has low CDs on Q and W. You need MR runes into this no matter what, since he has high AP thanks to his passive stacking quickly just from farming early. He has infinite scalling, but he doesn't bring much to teamfights, so you outscale him. He is still a big threat for you since his R is point click and will probably try to run you down with Predator.
Zeusman00 says “Avoid giving away free stacks when he uses his Q, biggest threat is his babycage but you generally have more lane prio and can look to roam in this lane.”
uwuimsocute says “Cringe character, since Veigar players have a lack of braincells, they cannot utilize their champ correctly so you will win this matchup.
After Everfrost it becomes a bit hard, just make sure to have Exhaust since he wont be able to oneshot you for a long time then.
Mercs are good her.”
Painters says “Be cautious of his stun, because if he catches you in it, it is very easy for him to get a free kill on you. Taking barrier is very helpful against him, especially early game since it will eat up the damage from his ult. Can also build a stopwatch early if needed.”
Sosan says “Safe laning, unlimited scalling and his E is very powerful. Try to push the lane, after minnions collapsing under his turret try to roam as much as you can to get the lead and snowball the game.”
Asturic says “Abuse your early game, if he tries to cage you, you can even stay inside, because you can deploy 2 soldiers and outdamage him (in laning phase ofc)”
Cryniu says “Veigar is very strong in 13.6, poke him in early game but keeping your distance. Take advantage of early-mid game because he outscales you in late game with bestial damage. Use Mercury's treads if you are suffering.”
SanyGame says “He is quite weak in the early game, in late game he can easily be "Major". Try to harass him and don't let him CS easily. Don't let him [Q] your turrets as he will get free stacks. Place them behind minion waves closer to your tower. Also, place them far apart so he can't [W] them all. If he uses his cage against you to set up a gank, place all your turrets and your ultimate turret so that you are more safe. This is why you should be more aware of enemy ganks while facing him, and it's a good idea to take Barrier and buy Banshee's Veil in the mid-late game.”
KamiKZ says “Avoid picking Kha into veigar (mid) because veigars e stuns you and stops you mid air and makes it difficult to one shot enemy squishy carries”
TB Azir says “Riot 13.4 yamasında Veigar'ın Q'sunun 950 olan range'ini 100 artırarak 1050'ye çıkarttığından beri basit olan bu matchup inanılmaz sıkıcı, sinir bozucu ve oynamak istemediğim bir matchup olmaya başladı. Bunun sebebi Veigar'ın karşısında oynaması zor bir şampiyon olmasından değil, Riot'un işbilmezliği sonucu ortaya çıkan illegal Q range'i. Yani çokta takılmayın zaten attığı her Q'yu range farketmeden yiyeceksiniz ve tilt olacaksınız o yüzden karşısında oynayamıyorsanız içinizden Riot'a bu yaptığı dahice hareketten ötürü sağlam bir flame atıp, banlayıp geçebilirsiniz. Onun dışında Q'ları dodgelamaktan ziyade minyonlara kullanmasını bekleyin veya en az 2 minyonun arkasında durup adamı dürmeye çalışın. (evet bu aptal skill bi de 2 birimin içinden geçiyor :D) Bir şekilde E’sine yakalanırsanız da panik yapıp hem Q hem W’sünü yemek yerine sakince 1 tanesini dodgelayıp sadece 1'ini yiyerek alan bitince dümdüz yürüyerek çıkabilirsiniz veya adam kötü atar ve biraz dodgelamaya çalışırsanız 2'sini de yemeden kurtulabilirsiniz.
Rün: Fleet”
South Z says “Veigar can be pretty hard to lane against, especially with his incoming 13.4 buffs ! Once again, Cleanse is extremely good against him and you can snowball on him early on.
Beware though, as he matches your scaling too.”
darkezmond says “Easy matchup, his E is out of reach of our positioning, get away from E with your E, evading his W and Q will not be a problem, poke Q and auto attacks from the first minutes”
Glitchgun says “I want to put him here, because laning with him is not that hard, but because it's Veigar, he can still oneshot combo you late game if you get caught up in his cage. Oh also one wrong step and it's over :/”
slendoooo says “He completely outscales you, no matter how much magic resist you buy, you won't be able to survive his late game burst.
You will have to punish him early, just look for a longer early trade so he uses E on you, if he catches you in it, it's fine just don't panic to stun yourself.
After his E disappears you will have a 15 second window to kill him or burn his flash.
A video example of Veigar-Draven
(To be made)”
AnxialSociety says “Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Absolute Gathering.
Consider banshees.
Veigar has very weak waveclear so it's really easy for you to poke him heavily under his tower or look for roams/kills in the river. ”
Deru says “Very annoying champ for singed because of his cage which counters your engages. If the veigar is good with cage placements you can't really get on him easily mid to late game so try to outroam him early on since you can shove better than him.”
Deru says “Very annoying champ for Singed because of his cage which counters your engages. If the Veigar is good with cage placements you can't really get on him easily mid to late game so try to outroam him early on since you can shove better than him.”
MiniLuxi1 says “A nasty guy who always scales. Try not to let him farm. but be careful, he can catch you with his E, and even if you are inside the "cage", his forester can still catch you, or he himself can almost shoot you at 6 lvl (R), it all depends on his stacks (passive), but it's better not to let himself be hurt, and also don't let him poke himself with his Q, because he gets stacks from that, too.”
StralekS says “Free ASF: Electrocute/ Sorcery: Short Trades, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. You can escape Veigar's E by pressing your E outside on minion or Veigar himself.”
Mayuushii says “Poke from behind enough minions to where his Q won't go through. Care his cage poke with Q. R away from his abilities and care 6 cause his R is dangerous”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat (It is a short joke)
Veigar has a lot less range compared to Zoe. After Level 6, stay in the cage and just use R to dodge Veigar's W damage instead of trying to run out if you think you won't make it out. Veigar won't kill you by himself if you dodge his W.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “Easy scaling in lane, but his e hard fucks you with zoning late forcing you to either flash over and int 1v5 or pool under and int 1v1 to his ult. It's free scaling though so I'll say its not bad”
Pulgontes says “Dificil matarlo, pero también es dificil que el te mate a vos, aprovechá que es muy inmovil para rotar a otras lineas y sacar ventaja.
MathematicallyCorrectGold says “Veigar E = a curse upon your lineage and he gets free farm = he scales = he will instakill you
ACTIVE: Veigar forms a cage at the target location that erects after a 0.5 second delay, remaining there for 3 seconds. Enemies that collide with the edges of the cage are knocked down and stunned for a duration”
AkuAku says “should be easy as long as you don't keep walking into his E,
his E covers your entire shroud but it's playable as long as you dodge his W and Q while you're inside of it
overall really squishy and if his E is down he's just a walking 300 gold”
TheAfricanDream says “Veigar will always be inside Swain's E range which makes him an easy kill in lane. Veigars' abilities are very telegraphed which makes them easy to dodge. Do not let him get free stacks onto you and Veigar should be very easy for you kill.”
Cjtheawesome says “As long as you avoid being in his E range you should honestly be able to scale up and burst him before he can get in range for anything.”
Demonsedge90 says “He is the scaling machine in the mid-lane. Veigar is only a big problem for you if he's having a blast farming minions. You can harass him with dark sphere and scatter the weak early on, though if left unchecked he will scale incredibly hard, making it harder to trade with him.”
Atemporal says “E começar com HoB é possível neste confronto por agressão inicial. Você vence este confronto quando você tem permissão para perma all nele. Você pode fazer isso quando você tem um empurrão lento em direção a você, então tente avançar cedo para fazer o salto da onda, ou
apenas deixe Veigar empurrar, se possível. Você já pode começar a negociar no nível 2 neste confronto. Veigar E CD fica 18 segundos no rank 1, então você tem grandes janelas de pressão se ele tiver que usá-lo. Tenha cuidado com o caçador inimigo, porém, você será um
gank target se você for perma all-in. Se o jungler inimigo estiver acampando em você, você pode simplesmente começar a limpar as ondas perma enquanto se mantém decentemente seguro. Veigar não pode seguir seus roams ou igualar seu waveclear desde o início, então este é um estilo de jogo viável
se você não pode desligá-lo na pista inicial. O E2 de Ekko pode passar pela jaula do Veigar, seja para pular no Veigar ou nos lacaios. Veigar não pode igualar você na sidelane mais tarde, desde que você não esteja atrás. Mesmo que seja ideal obter uma vantagem cedo
vs Veigar, tudo bem se isso não acontecer. Veigar será forçado a ficar com sua equipe, ou ter reforços para poder sobreviver contra você. Merc Threads são bons, mas de preferência apenas se o time inimigo tiver outras ameaças AP/CC também. Bom Veigar
os jogadores vão E em cima de si mesmos para que você fique atordoado quando você correr sobre ele. Se você entrar com W, seu escudo absorverá a maior parte do dano dele, mas, caso contrário, tome cuidado para que ele atire em você mais tarde no jogo. Pegando algo
como um 4º item Banshee's Veil pode ser uma boa ideia contra ele”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard
S: Cleanse
Bully ihn early, Veigars laningphase ist super weak. Wenn er Predator spielt willst du ihn einpushen damit er nicht roamen kann”
OSG Rewynd says “Veigar is fairly easy. It's harder if he knows how to make your E stun on his cage, but hes easy to kill, especially after rocketbelt.”
Lucid Walking says “If he puts a cage around you, he's gonna be so tunnel visioned on hitting you with his Q and W. Therefore you can easily land your own Q and use that movement speed to sidestep all his abilities. I swear its an ez matchup. Just visionate so that Veigar's cage isn't an opportunity for their jungler to gank you.
You can also just silence him when he puts the cage so he won't be able to use his abilities for a while. At the time he steps out of your E, his cage probably already has dissipated.”
AriFr0mThe3nd says “Annoying. As Shit. Try to avoid him as much as you can. If you get trapped in his cage, try to dodge any incoming attacks (except for his ult, which is just point-and-click, you're defo gonna be screwed if he ults you). Also build magic resist, since he mostly gains a lot of it from attacking you (passive).”
Balinthun873 says “Wait until he uses his cage (E) and W out towards him. Don't ult if he has his cage because he will stand in the wall of the cage and instantly stun you.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “you fuck him early, the more you dodge the easier it is. You can go through his cage with W. Even late its pretty hard to solo oneshot you as your barrels have more range than his ult, so you can oneshot him faster.”
Spoomk says “Not terribly difficult if you bait his cage. He does deal a lot of damage, but you should be able to outdamage him on engages if you play it right. Just don't jump when his ultimate can one shot you.”
Lord OnlyRells says “It's never a good idea to fight against Veigar as a melee champ. If you want to do Rell mid, ban him. His walls seriously mess you up”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Veigar is at his weakest in the early game. Try to abuse him to set him behind. Delaying his stacks will make him less effective in the later stages of the game. Whenever Veigar uses his Event Horizon(E), try to abuse the cool down as it’s his only defensive tool in the early game and once it’s down, he is rather vulnerable. In order to get ganks or kill the Veigar, you need to bait out his Event Horizon(E) first. You can do this by constantly toggling in and out of range of him. Make sure you always bait it out before committing to the all-in.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Veigar is at his weakest in the early game. Try to abuse him to set him behind. Delaying his stacks will make him less effective in the later stages of the game. Whenever Veigar uses his Event Horizon(E), try to abuse the cool down as it’s his only defensive tool in the early game and once it’s down, he is rather vulnerable. In order to get ganks or kill the Veigar, you need to bait out his Event Horizon(E) first. You can do this by constantly toggling in and out of range of him. Make sure you always bait it out before committing to the all-in.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Veigar is at his weakest in the early game. Try to abuse him to set him behind. Delaying his stacks will make him less effective in the later stages of the game. Whenever Veigar uses his Event Horizon(E), try to abuse the cool down as it’s his only defensive tool in the early game and once it’s down, he is rather vulnerable. In order to get ganks or kill the Veigar, you need to bait out his Event Horizon(E) first. You can do this by constantly toggling in and out of range of him. Make sure you always bait it out before committing to the all-in.”
Adamonias says “You outrange him, if he cages you play the fancy footwork game, and if his E is down go ham. Care the Predator heal veigar which means he will run at you so fast and EWQR you. If you dont put him behind he will 1shot everyone. otherwise whoever snowballs wins.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Veigar is at his weakest in the early game. Try to abuse him to set him behind. Delaying his stacks will make him less effective in the later stages of the game. Whenever Veigar uses his Event Horizon(E), try to abuse the cool down as it”
ZiegenZelu says “Early Lane ist einfach. Das Ziel von euch beiden ist es ein Setup für den Jungler zu ermöglichen. Hohe Vorsicht geboten falls er Predator dabei hat. Im späteren Spielverlauf ist jeder Positioning fehler tödlich.”
SkyBanana says “Veigar is annoying with his E, yes... but that is all he offers. You beat him with range and consistent burst in most of the game parts that it is VERY easy for you to win. He can't team fight unless you give him the opportunity to and most of the time that is not possible. Your range coverage will most likely pick him off and you instant burst him down and you can work on his teammates. He is a huge AP nuke yes but he isn't good unless you keep giving him free AP.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Veigar is at his weakest in the early game. Try to abuse him to set him behind. Delaying his stacks will make him less effective in the later stages of the game. Whenever Veigar uses his Event Horizon(E), try to abuse the cool down as it’s his only defensive tool in the early game and once it’s down, he is rather vulnerable. In order to get ganks or kill the Veigar, you need to bait out his Event Horizon(E) first. You can do this by constantly toggling in and out of range of him. Make sure you always bait it out before committing to the all-in.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Veigar is at his weakest in the early game. Try to abuse him to set him behind. Delaying his stacks will make him less effective in the later stages of the game. Whenever Veigar uses his Event Horizon(E), try to abuse the cool down as it’s his only defensive tool in the early game and once it’s down, he is rather vulnerable. In order to get ganks or kill the Veigar, you need to bait out his Event Horizon(E) first. You can do this by constantly toggling in and out of range of him. Make sure you always bait it out before committing to the all-in.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Veigar is at his weakest in the early game. Try to abuse him to set him behind. Delaying his stacks will make him less effective in the later stages of the game. Whenever Veigar uses his Event Horizon(E), try to abuse the cool down as it’s his only defensive tool in the early game and once it’s down, he is rather vulnerable. In order to get ganks or kill the Veigar, you need to bait out his Event Horizon(E) first. You can do this by constantly toggling in and out of range of him. Make sure you always bait it out before committing to the all-in.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Veigar is at his weakest in the early game. Try to abuse him to set him behind. Delaying his stacks will make him less effective in the later stages of the game. Whenever Veigar uses his Event Horizon(E), try to abuse the cool down as it’s his only defensive tool in the early game and once it’s down, he is rather vulnerable. In order to get ganks or kill the Veigar, you need to bait out his Event Horizon(E) first. You can do this by constantly toggling in and out of range of him. Make sure you always bait it out before committing to the all-in.”
NegativePhoenix says “Better poke than you if he can land them. If he gates you just dodge what you can and obviously don't walk into the gates edge. Later in the game though he's easily gonna beat you. Just don't let him get ahead in the laning phase.”
InfinityZero93 says “Can be dealt with, but Veigar players will initiate and plop a cage on your head as you try to make a run for it, completely nullifying your Heroic Swing. Also it's just Veigar, dude's a pain in the ass in general.
You'll out CS him quite easily, just watch for the burst.”
Body Those Fools says “You outrange him, so harass him with Q+AA+Arcane Comet; don't let him get stacks for free. Freeze the wave near your tower; he's very susceptible to ganks without his E. Dodge his Q and W poke so he doesn't get free stacks. After you poke him down to around half HP, you can look to all-in him with your Ult. If you want to engage on him or on his team in teamfights, wait for him to use his E or while hes occupied (like in the middle of casting a different ability) so you dont drift into it and get stunned. If Veigar takes Predator, warn your team of his roams. If he uses it at you, just walk or drift away and wait it out; it's one of the only ways he can get on you. His ideal combo on you is to Predator to close the gap and Everfrost you to set up his all his abilities.”
Bughans says “CAN cuck but mostly won't, can't quite poke you hard enough due to your ability to Q for heals and your passive shield. Plus he's immobile and SO squishy. ”
Bunan says “First Strike-Magical Footwear-Futures Market-Cosmic Insight- Bone plating - Unflinching
Sapphire Crystal Refillable
Flash TP
Q max->W->E
Poke with Q
Don't try shove; He has easy gank setups with E
Trade when he wastes Q(6s CD) or E(8s CD)
Use E to dodge Q/W
If he wastes E(20s CD) and is 60% HP he is in lethal
Consider mercs if enemy has lots of CC otherwise E is easy to avoid
He outscales so you need to snowball early/midgame and end early
Can one shot him post 6 if you have his R
R 7/10 Huge single target DMG
KayyeN says “Probably the easiest matchup for Katarina. His cage is useless because you just jump away or onto him. He can't his Q or his W and if he doesn't get you to low HP, his R doesn't do anything either. Completely free.”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “Veigar is pretty strong this patch and can mess you up when you get trapped in his cage. Just perma shove the wave so Veig would miss stacks to tower and Snowball the sidelanes
Tip: sometimes its ok to run into his wall, either to trade even harder or to run away from a gank.
Mid/Late Game will depend on how well you kept him from stacking early game, so always try to keep him from doing so.”
Arzun says “I don't think I have to explain this one
Forces you to buy Zhonyas, can erase all of your mejai's progress with an R and his E counters your only dash. Always ban
Errevandare says “Фармящий матчап. Скиллшоты легко доджатся. Но клетка является хорошим сетапом для ганга, по-этому не забываем про варды и трекинг вражеского лесника. ”
ze kraken says “You should rule this lane. But late game he will become a god. It's unavoidable. You out roam him. You out poke him and you out farm him.”
NightSoar says “Depends on skill. you can easily kill bad viegars, but good ones will be more difficult, just try to avoid his stun as much as possible”
Zoose says “Go for hard trades early. If you don't know where the enemy jungler is, stick to Q poke. Avoid taking his Q damage as he gains AP from every hit. His Cage keeps him safe, so don’t all in him unless you can 1 shot him. His E cage is also his main threat, as it can be followed up by the enemy jungler. Look to all in him at lv 6, but make sure you engage at close to full health, as his ult can finish you off at around 30% health. ”
spicy ricecaker says “Early game he's very weak, you can freely poke him if he over steps. After 6, all inning him is really easy if you hit a knockup. ”
basrty1p says “Just play around his cage and harass with your Q.
You should be fine in lane before he'll be level 6.
He'll outscale you after 30 min but your skill has a long range, better than him. So you're better to kill him with your W+E+Q quickly.
Esrucnl says “"I will swallow your soul." This is actually not a quote by Veigar but by the SHARK from Fizz his ultimate :^)
You can dodge EVERY SINGLE ABILITY: yes even his ultimate! So it's pretty easy. You can also just E out of his cage just make sure you don't q to it since it will stun you.
Should also be easy to gank because he has no mobility.
Azurio says “Push waves and ward around mid to stop his roam with predator. Always keep your E for his cage. You can pressure him early and have solokill potential with dirk and ignite. Go nullifying orb and mercs.”
ddieguito_es says “You can use Q without being in his range for his cage. In any way, he's got more poke than you and can be annoying. Buy MR if you're struggling in lane and watch out for his R in lane. ”
beansoce says “Try to dodge his qs early, only trade with empowered Q. You can use pool early to get out of his e early but once level 6 try and save ur pool for his ult. Very immobile so you can kill with rocketbelt very easily if you dodge e.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “You can beat him by roaming and impacting your side lanes. He's likely to take predator and try to cage you for a gank so don't over-extend.”
words cannot describe the amount of counter he brings to the table in lane
"oh but just stand behind some minions" NO
he will just go everfrost and wait for a gank, when a gank comes around, you are dead
e, root, w, q, ult youre always dead unless you for some reason take cleanse
but there is no reason to take cleanse because it is a 150 second for a 15 second”
Melyn says “Especially if you're against an AP support, consider buying merc treads. The MR is really good and the tenacity means he can't get a W for free with a stun.
If he boxes you in, remember you have some room to dodge, don't walk into the stun! You can also flash out.
He's short range, but deal with his Q like MF (beware when minions are low he'll try to get you both). He can be bursted but once he's 6 he can start returning the favor.”
Lavishmouse1032 says “Veigar would be a tricky fight but I think its a doable and easy fight. As long as you don't get stuck in his cage and die to his one shot abilities”
ARealFakeIdentity says “As long as you do not get caught in a bad situation with his cage, you can easily approach and stick to a Veigar as he has no movement abilities.”
Dazzther says “Don't E/R in when his cages' up. Let he farm, and roam when you can't kill him. Once you buy your protobelt, you can juke with him, baiting him on the W usage. So then you can go in.”
Airflected says “Very annoying, will use the cage to trap you either for a gank or to stop your E2. Other than that he can't do much if you play it right.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Don't get stunned by his E]
[Don't use your voidlings, he will use his Q to stack]
[Let him push and ask your jungler to gank]”
donidaking says “FREELO in my opinion.
Dodge his Q and poke him hard with electro.
His cage is useless against you as you can just pass through it with your pool and his W is pretty easy to dodge.
At level 6 you can all in him but be careful if you are low hp as his burst is pretty high.
Tip: Don t use pool unless he uses R since your pool makes his R useless.
He can be pretty strong if he keeps stacking but if you play this right it won t get to that.”
Dustyacer says “If allows us to W onto him while not getting stunned then it's a pretty easy mu. If he does good wave management and plays safe he hard out scales us. If you can't punish him in lane, then roam.
We have free roam post 6, care of letting him free farm though.
Try to block his r (or others) with your e. If u get stuck in cage, can e to block the q/w/r. It is very hard for him to full combo you as you can very easily block his w which is a vital ability to hit.
Care if he plays safe all game and suddenly walks up, it's probably a gank happening.
MU probably harder in higher elos, and easier in lower elos.”
xIXWrathXIx says “You outrange him and can abuse your Q's AOE by using minions to poke him under tower. I find Veigar can't do much to you unless he traps you with his cage.”
Grogroda says “Same logic as Ahri, yes Veigar deals a lot of magic damage, but his E hurts your combo a lot, it's difficult to pressure him in lane and he will outscale you even harder than Ahri.”
Ahri Simplord says “He's pretty safe early because of Corrupting + TP but you can definetely harass him. Dance around his E so you dont get hit by his W and not get stunned. Shove and roam,he's pretty killable cause he's squishy but you need to be careful not to jump into his E.”
Malzahar MID says “Unfortunately, Malzahar has done a below average job of countering Veigar. On average, he wins a acceptable 49.2% of games the champions face one another in. In Malzahar against Veigar games, Malzahar’s team is 0.0% more expected to get first blood, implying that he most likely will be able to get first blood versus Veigar.”
Bundif says “Should be a walk in the park. Poor lil guy has to walk up so close to use his spells and his cage can be bypassed by both your W and your R. A smart Veigar will scooch his butt real close to his cage forcing you to get caught in it if you R him though so watch out for that.
⭐ >:C ”
DaffeLaffe says “Veigar is a pretty even matchup since he will easily die to Dianas burst. But he can be tricky with stun, if you get hit with his stun once he will half your hp. And then it will be hard to look for an all-in again. But if you are quick enough you should just one shot him, before he places his cage.”
Juon says “He is very immobile, relies on cage and jungler to ruin your lane. Can be easily killed post 6. Doesn't poke much as long as you dodge his q, can run electrocute or comet. Max E second.”
soulentt says “Veigar is pretty strong, but if you just poke him, and shield yourself in the right times you should be fine. Don't let him take minions!”
Magmora says “Veigar early is very focused on stacking, so cannot challenge you if you try and fight him. He has bad waveclear so you can force him under tower and stop him from stacking. If he ever uses his stun circle on you, try and move around inside it and dodge his abilities. Whatever you do, do not touch it.”
Zethal_Na says “Any immobile champs will be great for you. Easy all-in and have tons of kill pressure. Just don't get baited and get killed by their enemy jungler.
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Summone Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ignite or Cleanse]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Dodge his Q and W]
[Don't get stunned by his E]
[Get early ganks so you can have much easier time against him]
[Buy Mercury's Treads and Banshee's Veil]”
Fake Supp says “you can dodge all of his skill shots dont get cage stunned and be aware of his Ult cause it can one shot you at any moment other then that its easy lane”
desch3445 says “You can't engage on Veigar if he uses his E correctly, but he has no mobility, so if you can poke him down enough, you won't need to engage, just Q-E and he's gone.
Take the Aery page; The extra early poke will help push him out of lane, and the Eclipse + BC Aery spike will destroy him midgame.”
KafueLechwe says “The true infinite scaling mage, Veigar has a ton of damage. In my opinion, Sion scales harder, because veigar has to kill units with a specific ability to get stacks or hit champions, which cost resources. By the time Veigar has 200 stacks, Sion has well over 1000+ bonus hp, and Sion can just ult through Veigar cage.
Plus Titanic Hydra gives you infinite damage to.”
ThePieBeam says “Viegar can do some dirty damage and his gay baby jail is pretty much your effective range. The best thing to do is have good micro-positioning so you don't get hit by his W after being jailed. When your inside, focus on dodging abilities first (without running into his wall) and counter attacking second. His R isn't super effective since if he kills you, just egg and his ability cooldown usually makes it impossible to kill you.”
xmarksthesp0t says “Not much of a threat. He is also trying to scale. Play patiently until level 6 when you have the ranged autos. Go for AA+E trades when his cage (E) is on cd. If you get trapped in cage, stick to the side of it, since most good veigars use their W in the middle. in worst case scenario, use W after u are free to not take more poke.
Havnt played vs to many veigars latley, but when his E is down its somewhat easy to run him down with lethal tempo, burning his flash or getting a solokill.
fLeXeRlol says “Just make sure to not get hit by his E (the Cage thing). Wait until his E is on Cooldown to throw in a full combo with E W Q R and Ignite and you'll easily kill him.”
Epic_Semibold says “I personaly ban him. He is just annoying. Bait his cage and try to force him to fight or to stop csing. Other than that, yeah you can't do anything. You will die if you don't have R.”
TrueGIXERJ says “The cage will fuck you. hard. if you can get onto him before he uses his E, that's good, you can R out of it (you're unstoppable) and finish the fight, but it's not worth it if he's not already low. you can't really walk to him either because he'll get a free Q off. not the worst matchup but requires some good plays to win.”
Callmebee says “You and Veigar do similar things, he is just a bit more evil and well...shorter. Usually he will save his Q's to farm the wave so you should get a bit more poke early, care of his trap as it is very useful for ganks against you. If you struggle, Mercury's Treads + Zhonya's is a pretty fail proof way to ensure you don't get one shot. Barrier or Cleanse are both viable here, depending what you are comfortable with.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Veigar is annoying to play against because of his cage but there is little to no danger of death until 6. Play aggressive using your Q and auto attacks until he plants his cage. After he uses his E then grapple in for the all in. | NOTE | can grapple in early but it will do less damage because a good Veigar will put you in a cage. Once in it then dodge his abilities.”
lonestar1870 says “You win this lane hard, it's extremely easy as long as you play around his cage.
Don't need to do anything too fancy pre-6, just poke when it's free and push him under tower. You can also set up a freeze for your jungler to gank (he's a very easy target).
Get a 6 ball R and you oneshot him (unless he has extra mr/hp from items, but even then you still kill him easily).
You get prio when you want and can rotate first.
Comet/Aery are good since you outragne him, but you just kill him on repeat with electrocute. PR is still okay since you win lane without.
I like Teleport in this matchup, but ignite is good for more kill threat. Cleanse is okay if they have a lot of CC.
You can build Banshees or Merc Treads if they have a lot of CC and catch potential.”
Desperate Nasus says “Free stack pre level 6 against him . First recall buy sheen and Boots of lucidity. Wait for your level 8 so you have some points on W aswell. You can easily run him down, the moment he walks in range for your W, instant wither him and run him down with Ghost and R. Your main goal against Veigar is to finish the game before 30 minutes otherwise you are pretty much doomed.”
CashLOL says “Use minions early to negate his damage. You out trade him with your auto passive and Q. Bully him in lane but be aware of his cage as it can put you in a tough spot for jungle ganks.”
ShokLoL says “Veigar is very easy to 1v1, especially if you take cleanse and rush Wit's End. If you max E you should be able to punish him for walking up to the wave, especially if he wastes his cage.”
iZianni says “Only thing you have to remember is your ult is a dash which gets stunned by his Box, otherwise he will die every single time to your combo cuz he is so slow :(”
Miscake says “Sua poça countera o E dele e a ult também. Você é mais forte em todas as etapas do jogo e o único do jeito do Veigar ficar mais forte é fazendo skirmishes no mid game com o combo de E + Glacieterno. Matchup fácil de modo geral.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Pretty impossible lane to die to solo as long as you can press your W key. Only reason I put this matchup as a 2 is because his E is one of the most annoying abilities in the game due to gank setup and basically getting rid of Yasuos mobility for a good amount of time. Don't give him free AP by getting hit by free Qs and save windwall for his ulti. Go for an all in after he uses his Cage on you to harass because without it, he is very vulnerable.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is incredibly easy. You get to free farm and scale. Do your best to dodge his Q and W.
The only real threat he has is his cage, especially if and when you get ganked. Your E will stop the stun,
but you will be stunned when you return back. If you're in the cage, you can ult out of it since you're
unstoppable. Try to deny him his stacks, but don't overplay the trade.”
Katawina52 says “You can literally E out or in while he cages so if you lose 1v1 you're doing something extremely wrong. You can always look for basic combo on veigar when you're in E range and you cant lose. Just make sure to not get hit by his stun or you're fked, but with your mobility you really have to fk up hard. This lane should be perma kill pressure for you, only way to lose is if enemy jungler camps u and if he afk farms in his tower just roam, cuz u have the prio.”
PlayCabex says “Pretty easy matchup, your w can go through his ultimate , also your w can block his ultimate, you'll oneshot him, just watch when he uses his ult, when you are inside his w, dont just go awat with your w , just poke him and dodge”
eiensiei says “I'll poke him with E-AA early on and force out his TP. After level 3 I'll avoid passive procs unless I trust my happy feet to dodge his Q-W inside his cage. All in all, I out-range him and he's an easy target for a one-shot before he gets Zhonya's (I'll get a Zhonya's of my own for his R). He scales extremely well though so having a jungler drop by and shut him down early is a good idea.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Doran+pots or Corrupting, really your choice here based on how well you can dodge q/w and how well you can stay outside of cage-range.
Pick Barrier if you feel you are going to get outplayed by his R.
He has kill potential on you only post 6 when he gets his ult so before that you can do pretty well and even get a kill. Careful on when your jungler ganks/their jungler ganks YOU, his cage is extremely powerful. Cleanse might help in this case especially since you want to kill him (so he would basically have no CC spell if you Cleanse/Flash properly on his face early on). Post 6 if you have a stopwatch you can predict his R if he uses it without stunning you, nullifying his damage (even mid-late game - if someone zhonyas/stopwatch his R he lost a huge chunk of his damage -- a good Veigar will be careful about this). As always: ROAM - because Veigar is not that easy to kill on lane due to his E. Get MR if needed.”
Yeager says “Yone is great against immobile mages like veigar. His only CC (the cage) can be countered with your E2 since it makes you unstoppable, so you can basically go for trades already from level 3 and play really aggressive in this lane. This is a lane where you will be looking for kills early on. The only thing you have to watch out for are jungle ganks. ”
Hullos says “High dmg and that's all. If you can play around cage without getting stunned even when inside it then this match up is easy. Just keep throwing q's at him from inside the cage he will be focusing on hitting you, not the q's, making it easy to hit. A W will force out his cage easy. Watch for ganks as Veigar makes ganks on you easy.”
ISterbenI says “Easy to outplay. Veigar has an extremely easy kit to predict so use that to your advantage. The only problem is that he outscales you. But that is after a while.”
TygoVe says “He is stronger than you in lane, he is stronger than you in midgame, he is stronger than you in lategame, he will always outdamage you and have a low cooldown stun. The worst thing is, he stacks his passive of your voidlings. So do not use your W unless necessary, take Nullifying Orb, buy Zhonya's, and pray your team will just kill him when you ult him.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Veigar might be deadly if he gets ahead, but his early game is really weak. Main thing that you should care about is his E, when his jungler is around, except for that it's not problem to eat it, expecially when you have your negatron, which you should have really early. Main reason why you counter him is, that you basically outrange him quite badly and after you get MR (and unless hes not incredibly fed), you can even get to close fights with him, in order to utilize W damage.”
Avucado says “Very easy early game, start E and play very aggressive without taking too much damage or making yourself too gankable. Walk past wave and look for hooks if you can. If he refuses to walk anywhere near you then roam. You will NEED a hexdrinker this game unless he is literally 0/10. Stay aware of his cage if you're going after someone near him. Don't use flash for kills later in the game because you will need it to get out of the cage. QSS isnt bad but don't build too defensively. If you don't get fed early you will probably lose. ”
LunarVortex says “His kit is very straight forward and his cage is super easy to spellshield. He is also an easy Q target. Be aware of his burst damage with ult though.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Veigar is pretty easy to lane against, you just don't want to get caught in his cage otherwise he'll be able to trade with you. You will win almost every trade avoiding all of his abilities until late game where he'll just press R on you. Try avoid this too...”
Yeager says “Glacial augment veigar is really popoular atm. Normally champions lose out on damage when going glacial, and in exchange they get more CC. Veigar doesn't really lose out on that much damage compared to other users of glacial augment (Ahri for example) because of his passive.
Your counter against glacial augment build is phase rush. You also want cleanse if they have an oppressive jungler or someone with hard CC. Banshee's veil is a great item against veigar and his E.
In the laning phase, veigar is quite weak early on. He will always try to prepare 2 minions at once in order to kill them at once with Q, and get the most out of his passive.
You can bully him a lot early on and punish whenever he's walking up too close to farm. Against aggressive junglers, you can also pull the wave towards your side of the lane. Veigar has 0 mobility, so if he's forced to play at your side of the lane, he will be exposed to ganks. ”
Dj Memelord says “You can perma shove and controll the map all through the early game. Very important to hold unto W to walk through his cage or deny his ult.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Don't get caught by his cage and you'll win this easily. You outdamage him at any part of the game until late of course when he can just press R. But always stay out his R range and you'll be fine.”
XayLies says “He can really block your mobility with one good E - Event Horizon. Use wind wall to block Q + R and try to dodge his W by walking inside his E or moving freely with E - Sweeping Blade dashing if you're not inside of his E”
iZianni says “We outrange and one shot Veigar, he does the same to us if we get hit by box though :/
Should always win this lane, its just Veigar is looking to scale so we want to punish him early. If there's a jungle difference, the box is a nightmare.”
ShokLoL says “Veigar has very weak waveclear so it's really easy for you to poke him heavily under his tower or look for roams/kills in the river. Electrocute ignite, just be careful of getting cage ganked.”
King Turtle says “he's trouble in both mid and support, as you have nothing that can get you out of his E and as long as you're even a little hurt he can blow you up pretty easily.”
leonidas44 says “Be aware of his cage. If you get stun he can burst you really fast with all his abilities. if you trapped inside the cage you can e inside and then hit a target out of the circle in order to get out. You shouldnt have a taugh match if you do not get stun!”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade. In Resolve Conditioning and unflinching
try to poke him lvl 2 and all-in lvl 3,if you hit you tornado when he is out of E range,ult him to leave his cage”
Kords says “I've gotten used to playing vs Veigar so I find it easy. But again, a new Sol player will struggle. When he wants to win a trade, he will put his cage down, and a bad Sol will lose the trade/get stunned and combo'd. Move around in his E, then you cannot get stunned/hurt by his abilities. In teamfights, you NEED to catch him out otherwise your team will all die to him alone. Exhaust when you can or catch him somehow a NUKE him down. His cage alone wins most teamfights.”
ShokLoL says “Insanely easy matchup, you should be able to abuse his weak trading and lack of waveclear for most of the lane. Just be careful of getting caged and ganked, especially if you've already burned flash.”
ShokLoL says “One of the rare ranged matchups where you might want to take first strike. You out trade him pretty hard pre 6 and should be able to build a nice lead, but post 6 can be more difficult if you take random Q damage. You will want merc treads vs him eventually but you don't need them super early. Even if you can't trade directly, you can focus on pushing and moving instead since he can't match your waveclear post 6.”
Elite500 says “Try not to get hit by his q every time you trade with him, if he stacks magic resistances then you're in big trouble, he'll be unkillable and you will have to kill his team instead, he doesn't really outscale you but he can be a lot more powerful if he itemised correctly”
Dr Eggmund says “Poke this squirt with Q's until the bitter end. Remember that if you are stuck inside his stun then pool out of danger. The secret to beating Veigar is to Pool his Ult and his stun. Master these and you will beat him and all in's will be simple.”
Ambitieux says “Veigar is a pretty simplistic matchup. He can't really trade into you other than with his Q. So push him under turret and try not to get caught off-guard by his cage. He will try to setup easy ganks, which can be avoided. You out damage him almost every stage of the lane even at 6. Your roaming is also a lot better and you should mostly have control over him at all parts. Try to look to either roam or shut him down with ganks. ”
kindo says “Another tenacity/Mercs matchup like most mages. Because you're 500 range, he can just cage you any time you engage. You can still dodge freely, but you probably won't ever kill him in lane since he'll just farm with Q. Only problem comes when you get stunned from his cage and jungler comes. Matchup is pretty straightforward, just don't get caught in cage and railed by jungle. The 1v1 kinda sucks since you're just letting Veigar free farm, but that's how it is. Use your prio to roam and make plays that Veigar can't follow up on. If you ever get a lead, you can easily force onto him and maul him. Overall an easy matchup, just not a kill lane.”
Baion says “Easy lane. Just poke him and if you get caught in his cage (E) just use Whimsy on him. He will do less damage when compared with other matchups.”
Coldsong says “Veigar has a very bad laning phase, which makes him very easy to get killed by an early game assassin like Talon. All in him once he is low and his E is on cooldown, and keep denying him minions to reduce his scaling. Also, if you are stuck in his cage, dodge his W at all costs.”
resetwice says “His early game is very weak so one shot him as soon as possible to avoid his huge scale. Avoid his Q poke and you'll be fine. Never engage under his tower if his E is up or you'll be stunned. Pay attention on your HP to avoid his R. You can roam a lot at this matchup because his roams are very bad, unless he has TP. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “This matchup itself is not what I would consider hard since it's not like he punishes you for simply existing, but rather is really hard to get to him and not get insanely damaged back. The only thing stopping you from killing him is his cage (and probably he's also running barrier/exhaust). Besides that, he's really squishy, tho might wanna get kills in other lanes to make it easier.”
Aut0Lycus says “Veigar can be a problem, his cage can prevent you from diving onto him until you are level 6, even at that point his ult becomes a problem.”
ACE873 says “Akali counters pretty much all squishy immobile mages, so Veigar is a pretty easy kill for you. The only thing you have to worry about is his E, and without it, he's a dead yordle waddling against you.”
Sylvan Lore says “Veigar has a really strong late game due to his stacking AP, but it usually never gets to the point where he actually outscales an Orianna. You can harass him early since his W and Q are not that hard to dodge. Lots of people take barrier, but i find cleanse really counter Veigar, since 9 times out of 10, if i die to him it was because i got stunned in his cage and he landed a full combo on me. If you do get caught to close, just walk into the cage and cleanse out instantly to escape whatever damage he was going to land on you.
Recommend Cleanse and Dmg Build with a Banshee Veil as item 4-6 so that if he does get that the insane level, you have a shield to block high damage spells.
Recommend Cleanse and Dmg Build
Note: If he goes tank, opt into Liandry's Torment and Void Staff. ”
Saddest says “There is nothing he can do to stop you; everything he has can be avoided with ease. Abuse him in lane, put him behind, and put yourself ahead. ”
Avyxia says “Don't let him farm stacks off you and don't walk into his cage and you should be fine. Pretty easy lane other than that. If you do take poke he will try to execute with his ult ”
Mylan2122 says “Should be an easy lane and easy life. You stomp him early but don't give him 1000 Stacks. Punish him when he tries to stack with a Q and W”
Grayified says “[MID] Any Rune (not LT) - Cull if farming, Corrupting Potion if playing aggro - barrier or cleanse recommended | As soon as Veigar has no stun, you can afford to all-in him.”
richardlized says “Pretty easy lane, you wanna dodge his Q and W. His E is annoying if you are playing against a good veigar since a good veigar and can make him a lot harder to kill. After 6, most veigars will try to get a lucky rotation off and finishing with his R execute. You do have the chance to ult his ult but be careful since his ult has 25 more range compared to yours and it is point and click.
Katasandra says “[1] Dodge his W.
[2] If he uses his E, just dodge his W and if you're in danger, E out.
[3] Avoid fighting him when low on HP, his ult executes (but can selfult his ult).
[4] Either kill him or run around the map. He can't prevent you from doing the latter.”
Thresh Mid says “Veigar needs to be shutdown early game since he stacks harder than you do. His Event Horizon (E) can limit your movement pretty hard, and being low smells of danger with his Primordial Burst (R) essentially being an execute. ”
xMetix says “Veigar becomes really weak if you're able to bait out/dodge his cage. Be careful when trading because the cage can be a death sentence if he has help from his jungler. You can E through minions when his cage is down and force fights. Later on he becomes really easy to burst but his damage is equally high so try to play from fog of war and be the first to kill.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) very useless champ vs draven, you can easily dodge all his damage just try to not get caught up in the cage, would recommend Barrier/ignite or Cleanse.”
tozosi says “His cage is super annoying to play against. Do your best to avoid it if he throws it and dodge whatever he throws at you. Veigar is usually very squishy and very one shottable post-6.”
TheSecretsWithin says “In the early levels, stand behind the minion wave to avoid giving him free stacks. When he cages, he will most likely follow up with a Q or W. So just throw an early Q to prep your magic shield. Once you reach 6, it should be impossible for you to get hit since you can just R out of his cage. Try not to be below 20% hp in the lane. If you are just back, it's not worth your life for a couple of minions. Mid and Late game Veigar is unplayable against Kassadin since you just 1 shot him the second you get your Luden's ”
3Riptide3 says “not much a threat early. If he cages you don't panic and let his W fall on you. Pull a gold card and do your full combo on him to punish. ”
Nanelol says “His cage is the only ability that stops you. Don't let him hit you with abilities. He can only stack up AP if his abilities hit champions or his Q last hits. His R is good for skirmishes but lackluster in teamfights. Keep his stacks low and don't get hit by cage. Without cage he is deadmeat though.”
Nanelol says “It is very hard to engage on a Veigar because of his cage, your best option is often to shove and roam, and try and pick up early objectives to close out the game before he can scale. It is also worth nothing that his early game power is often underestimated.
TheDuskWalker says “Flash Ignite or Ghost Ignite. Phase Rush or Electrocute.
Play aggressive and try to dodge his q's and w's to make him waste mana and to stop him from stacking. He can't really punish you until he hits lvl6 where he can potentially full combo you. If he blindly r's you just pool it. You do outscale him in terms of teamfighting but he will outscale you in a 1v1 situation if he plays well.”
Nanelol says “When you have E you can always just trade with him, just dodge his cage and you'll be fine. When he starts playing safe and respecting you, just shove and roam. ”
Nanelol says “Generally easy to deal with, but you need to be extremely careful because he is a huge problem if snowballed. Consider Banshee's Veil if you are having trouble with his stun.”
seemes says “Try and get some pre 6 kills. hes annoying but you can roam, he will outscale you and he can carry teamfights post 20-25 mins if he has stacks and items.”
Vispectra says “One of the easier match ups for you , his walls pose no threat to you and his scaling ap might seem like a problem but believe me you'll kill him before he can do anything. He's one of the few champs you can take ignite against and kill as soon as you hit 6 or before with the help or a jungler.”
StarTundra says “anivia is a slow, easy target for master of the outplay button. Early trades should consist of 90% dodging 7% sighing and 3% bursting him down 40% hp. Late game consists of letting someone else deal with it.”
SeptikYT says “Annoying champion honestly. He isn't much of a threat though as you just need to waste his E then go in as he does not have any other self peeling abilities. He is a free kill pre-6. When he is level 6, do not approach him if you are below 33% HP as his ultimate will straight up kill you.”
cookanarities says “Another tenacity/Mercs matchup like most mages. Because you're 500 range, he can just cage you any time you engage. You can still dodge freely, but you probably won't ever kill him in lane since he'll just farm with Q. Only problem comes when you get stunned from his cage and jungler comes. Matchup is pretty straightforward, just don't get caught in cage and railed by jungle. The 1v1 kinda sucks since you're just letting Veigar free farm, but that's how it is. Use your prio to roam and make plays that Veigar can't follow up on. If you ever get a lead, you can easily force onto him and maul him. Overall an easy matchup, just not a kill lane.”
TheWerefloof says “The ultimate king of abusing cooldowns, without his cage he is just a small man with an annoying voice. Don't tower dive when he has his R (or cage), unless you're very confident.”
DarDarThePenguin says “Veigar is very hard to kill pre-6 as his cage stops you from being able to do a trade. After 6 the matchup comes to who can combo who first and Yone has more hard CC so he wins. Take Doran's Shield and the Standard page with MR.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “El único problema que puede generar Veigar es su prisión, si nos aplica su aturdimiento, seguramente use todo su kit y nos haga daño explosivo, ten en cuenta su posición, si empieza a acercarse seguramente es porque quiere usar su prisión, castígalo mientras farmea y cuídate de su Nivel 6 ”
TheMockingSnowman says “You can shove the wave and roam with ease as he cannot do much about it. His early game is weak and his E and W have delay which give you time to move away. He does outscales you in late game however.”
Boomblight says “xd, if he spaces correctly nothing you can do vs him... unless you have cleanse, in which case you have to only use it and run him down if he is low enough. Take Phase Rush and tenacity in runes. Ask toplaner to rotate if you see him as enemy mid on champ select.”
Oxydation says “A good Veigar can be really strong. He can just stay out of your Q/E range and farm or poke you out. If he use E, you have to do everything to get a trade on him. DONT E IF HE HAS HIS E UP!!”
SpartanDumpster says “Veigar is pretty rare to see, so I don't have much experience against him as Yone. The only notable thing to mention is how his E works. I don't know if this is just how his E works or if the stun lasts long enough for this to happen, but if you recall your E and travel through the cage, you'll still be stunned when you return to your body. Depending on how you both used your Es and your positioning, this means Veigar could follow up on you, plus if their jungler was waiting on the side or happens to show up any point before this stun, they can easily gank you while you're standing there stunned.”
Sailor MOwOn says “I think I only lost one Veigar game so far and Porofessor had given me the "Veigar Stomper" tag which I think says all I need to say. But, just in case - Veigar is pretty much a non-issue, you are usually out of his range and you are so, so small that you can run around his cage and not get hit by his general combo.”
VeneficusFerox says “Only dangerous when he gets ganks. His only CC is telegraphed clearly and early, so he needs help to pin you down. But if he does, you're dead. Squishy enough to delete early on.”
Excalibxr says “This is one of the very few lanes that Katarina straight up wins. Just use your e to dash to him through his cage. If he wastes it before you ult, then just use your standard ultimate combo. (E W Q R E) Make sure to fit in autos wherever you can. ”
Joseph Evanss says “If you fail to kill him in your e he will place it on your soul and when you go back to it you'll guaranteed be stunned. Most Veigar players don't know this tho so it is typically a fine matchup. Wit's End late game helps so you don't get 1 shot. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Blade or D Shield.”
ahspaghetti says “you can e out of his cage, use that to your advantage. and his early game immobility. but you do need to pay attention to enemy jungle locations, if you get perma ganked, then you lose.”
7daysko says “Generally easy to deal with, but you need to be extremely careful because he is a huge problem if snowballed. Consider Banshee's Veil if you are having trouble with his stun.”
JoshAy says “His cage is not fun. Don't let him hit you with abilities. He can only stack up AP if his abilities hit champions or his Q last hits. His R is good for skirmishes but lackluster in teamfights. Keep his stacks low and don't get hit by cage. Without cage he is deadmeat though. ”
harris tegas says “well he is problem only if he succeeds his E because he will do his combo and you will get oneshot. But if he will not succeed his E do your W to don't see you inside his E and as a result he can't see you and maybe he will try to predict where you are , that's good for you because you must wait his E go andthen you will kill him easily with the combo : R E Q E W R ”
The Jhin Cena says “Go either Conqueror Rune Page. Veigar is one of the easiest, if not the easiest matchup for Yone. His kit is built around his stun cage, which is pretty much impossible for him to land on Yone considering you can E2 through it, or Ult through it. This means that you can begin harassing Veigar very early in the game, and deny him the farm he needs to scale while also picking up some kills. Being that Veigar is squishy, you can all in him regularly and pretty much always kill him with your combo unless he has Zhonya's. To trade with him, stack up your Q and then go E > Stacked Q > Auto Attack > W > Auto Attack. If he drops his cage around you, try and poke him through it, but once he's out of range you can snap back safely. If he is low enough and you have ult, you can also ult through the cage to finish him off, though ideally ult after you knock him up with Stacked Q.”
Mpegial says “Veigar is very immobile, he is easy pickings as long as you are careful with his Wall stun, if you get hit by that? Pray your lord almighty.”
xoonaka says “Bait his E and he is dead, no mobility and no other form of peel, like other champs, always wait for lvl 3 before fighting, don't take too much poke.”
GabomanDeLegado says “Es necesario kitearlo cuando ponga la cárcel, así no tendrá cómo escapar una vez se acabe su habilidad. Lo mejor sería jugarle agresivo antes de que suba a lv.6 y jugar con nuestro jungla.”
HeroAronNavius says “No one likes Veigar only because of his R so what you need to do is take him on lvl 1-5. Try to avoid his E and dont let him poke you with his Q's and auto's.
XD001 says “Shove and roam. Veigar has a hard time stacking under tower. Also, your E2 blinks past his E/cage. Use this to your advantage to catch him off guard and 1 shot him while he is trying to combo you. Late game do your best to get a flank angle vs him and avoid CC.
Veigar heavily outscales Ekko.
take Elec + precision page”
Noodles912 says “He is easy to lane against. Save E for his prison, use engages when he is out of position, and look for extended fights. END THE GAME ASAP OR HE WILL ONE SHOT EVERYONE!!!!!! Respect his poke, so stay away from minions. PTA is a great rune in this lane.”
elnino9 says “Play aggressive pre level 6. If he uses his Q to farm, play aggressive as he walks up to last hit CS. Juke his other abilities if he cages you in. He's very squishy so punish his weak early, he will most of the time over-extend for CS to stack his Q.”
PASS10NE says “Really easy match up. Just avoid his E's stun and side step his abilities. You cannot jump over his E, even with the use of walls. Just wait for his stun to go away or flash over it then then all in him.”
Wunsch3957 says “You're fine as long as you don't get stunned by his E. Watch out for ganks and trade with him as much as possible. After 6 block his R and roam if you can't get kills.”
Lot of Wind here says “Veigar's E makes this matchup harder than it seems ; you have to dodge his cage at all costs with your E and R. On top of that, you can't block his W. But most of the time, you can kill him if you hit your R on him.”
Wunsch3957 says “Try to use your E wisely as he can use E on your body and stun you when you return. Other than that easy lane as long as you dodge his Qs and Ws. Conq with flash ignite.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Go cleanse, and keep pushing him from lvl 1. Stay at max range to avoid his cage. You can do whatever you want in this lane. Push>poke>repeat until he can't anymore. In teamfights just stay behind your front and it will be the easiest win of your life.”
Coldsong says “Veigar is really bad early game, so make sure to abuse him and get a lead, as he is still a monster late game. Taking Cleanse will ruin his chance for an easy combo or gank.”
SoraSan says “Essa matchup dura apenas o começo de jogo. Ele ganha no 1x1 mas você é mais útil nas Teamfight.
Ritmo Fatal é a melhor runa nessa ocasião, já que você irá priorizar lutas em equipe do que 1x1.”
Abbyca says “Veigar is extremely Meta right now, and hard to deal with, he will stun you and basically 2 shot you, i recommend hextech against him, and trying to go for a hextech E, R, E2, and finish.”
BigBushMan says “One of Akali's harder counters, Veigar can limit your mobility entirely by trapping you in his E, and outscales you with his Passive. Starve him early to make sure he doesn't get the lead on you. Cleanse is not entirely a bad idea here.
Other than that, he is actually a very easy target if he doesn't land his abilities on you. ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) very useless champ vs draven, you can easily dodge all his damage just try to not get caught up in the cage, would recommend Barrier/ignite or Cleanse.”
tomzieE says “runes - conq, triumph, alacrity, coup; taste, ravenous
its kinda easy matchup, u can block his q and r
just try to avoid his stun and its easy
dash through minions to avoid his abilities and trade”
Remmacs1 says “Take Magic Resister for this match up and play around his cooldowns. You will outscale him so long as the game doesn't go out of control.”
BigFatCat909 says “Slightly harder than some may assume, try to avoid ulting while his E is up as it results in a free stun for him into a free combo. I recommend Hexdrinker in this matchup and possibly Mercury Treads if their team has more CC.”
Hiimkata says “You can literally E out or in while he cages so if you lose 1v1 you're doing something extremely wrong. You can always look for basic combo on veigar when you're in E range and you cant lose. Just make sure to not get hit by his stun or you're fked, but with your mobility you really have to fk up hard. This lane should be perma kill pressure for you, only way to lose is if enemy jungler camps u.
ShadowSlayerMain says “You have the advantage to poke him in Early Game so try not to get stunned by his E, you can dodge any of his abilities by blinking except his R which can be dodged only by yours”
Justin58111 says “He is pretty easy to play against. You can always jump out of his cage with your E. But when he gots a full combo on you, you're dead. ”
chrissmunro says “High burst damage and Good CC. Personally always been a difficult match up, just avoid his box and you should be fine, otherwise you can say bye to a perfect KD Ratio”
KataTocDo says “You can shunpo out of his cage and just run him over. If you are in his cage with your shunpo on cd, dodge his W and Q. He can kill you engage him with half hp.
Runes:Elec - Prec.
Starting Items: D Shield or Dark Seal”
wildersovereign says “This champion poses zero threat to you whatsoever. You can just walk through his cage with your E up and proceed to kill him with no remorse. Don't walk into too many Q's and you'll be fine. If you're low on health, his R will still kill you, though, so be wary of that.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Take whatever you want and do whatever you want but there is no way you lose this matchup. You outtrade him, ourburst him and you are even more mobile + you scale better. Just remember to W his stun.”
invalidd says “He has no way of keeping up with your trades so you can walk up to him and hook easily, the only thing you gotta take care with is his cage
which you can't dash out of unless you do it at the start of the animation of the cage spawning around you, don't let the game go for too long since you
won't have as much HP in midgame and will get oneshot if he has enough stacks and items. Easy to setup ganks on.”
SkellyBirb says “Veigar's abilities don't deal insane damage early and you should be able to trade with him. Be careful of getting caught in his cage, and if you do, you might want to use spell shield to get out. He will be able to burst you late game even if you block one of his abilities, so keep your distance late game and burst him with Q.”
Rauschel says “Veigars cage isnt escapable with your jump, putting you in a bad position to deal with him. IF you react fast enough its ok to play against him, mbut without your E you have almost no chance.”
lordcrazypants says “early game you are stronger soo try to stop him from farming as much as possible. lategame he will outscale you. watch out for his cage.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Shove him in early and put pressure on him
- Veigar's early waveclear is bad so use this to your advantage
- The more waves you get under tower, the more minions he misses
- You win 2v2's early and can outroam him with your ult and teleport
- Be careful as his cage does cancel your E
- If you know you're going to be combo'd, hold W for the damage reduction”
Big Shawn says “Veigar's Ultimate can easily be cancelled by your stopwatch/Zhonyas or your Ultimate. Nevertheless never underestimate him. He is strong when his jungler ganks and can become a threat late game.”
Scyrine says “extremely squishy. apply full pressure on him especially after he uses his ring. after that he should easily be killed by any basic combo. just watch out for his CC and you should be fine. ”
BCota says “Not even a threat in my opinion. You can pool through his cage and you outdamage him early. Take DRing and just perma poke him, all in lvl 6 his cage and W are useless
Chili Dog says “Try not to get hit by his q every time you trade with him, if he stacks magic resistances then you're in big trouble, he'll be unkillable and you will have to kill his team instead, he doesn't really outscale you but he can be a lot more powerful if he itemised correctly. Both runes are viable.”
Sushi_Cat says “"Ah, Veigar. Such exquisite torment I gifted you."
Veigar is a minor issue if you can get yourself a significant lead on him in the early game. You can effectively ignore his E using Death Realm, and you can use a fully charged W to nullify his W. Be especially careful not to get hit by skillshots as to not feed his Passive. ”
Last Roar says “Very immobile. Main gimmick early is the cage which has a very long cooldown. He mainly wants to farm and teamfight.
Obj: Bait the cage. Beat him early. After 6 only look to poke him. Can look for roams if he's playing too passive.”
SkellyBirb says “Veigar can be a pain just because he has insane burst built in his kit. In exchange, he's also extremely squishy. You can out range his burst with your ultimate w Q, but that likely wouldn't kill him from full. ”
Snow Day Zoe says “if you dont feed him, you win, dont let the game go to late game, cuz he will r you. take cleanse or barrier, your choice depending on the enemy jgler.”
vCraze says “Veigar is an easy matchup as he is a champion that is also looking to scale towards late game but you have the range advantage. He cannot do anything to stop you from scaling other than calling for ganks. Be careful of his cage as this is his only chance to get anything on you. Once he is 6 just stay at range and poke him out, if he walks up to you just full combo him.”
Sadkid says “You outrange his most of the time. If he doesnt get into your range you are fine. Also remember you can ulti out of his cage to E him to delay his combo. ”
OxiteoMyst says “You two both have decent poke but the difference if he has a jg or not. You dont have any dashes and if you get caged you will have a flash out of it or die from the gank. If he doesnt have a jg you can just sit in the cage and dodge his W and you should win the trade from that, keep in mind that if you get cc'ed late he will nuke you. You also oneshot him late too though.”
PedrinhoXD says “Not much of a threat, it can be tricky to get out of a gank when he E's you in, but you can stun the jungler and walk out of the cage when it runs out”
WolfRider01 says “Aside from late game, Veigar is very, very weak. Don't get hit by his E+W+Q+R combo and you win lane. Avoid using W unless you're low and he presses R. He will likely bait out your W when you're low with a Q, unless it kills you, tank that so he can't kill you with R.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with ignite or cleanse. You have better wave clear, kill pressure and roaming potential then him. If he E's you E him as most veigars will stand still while doing their combo. You can easily kill him lvl 6 if u get a lucky w summnorr with one e. Rush tier 2 boots”
Akali go skrrrt says “Before lvl 6 the lane is even, try to bait out his E before trading or else its gonna hurt you. Leve 6 you can go all in. Later in the game he can probably Oneshot you if you get caught in his cage.”
economistastonks says “Just E out of his cage. He runs out of mana quickly, use this moments to your advantage. He scales really hard, so the game can go on a burst duel, beware. Merc treads is a must have in this match up. ”
sweodigaming says “Super easy, he does zero damage early game so try to harass and poke him as much as possible. He is very squishy so just delete him late game, when is at his most powerful stage. If you can deny farm and keep him away from lane, he won't even be able to come to that late game power spike.”
MetaKnight13373 says “It is very hard to engage on a Veigar because of his cage, your best option is often to shove and roam, and try and pick up early objectives to close out the game before he can scale. It is also worth nothing that his early game power is often underestimated. ”
Midlane God says “Annoying shit but u can outplay him,
Try to bait his E out and then go for a trade. But it is very easy to die when u are getting ganked.
Magical Rock says “You are also even with Veigar, as if you dont get stunned you are ok. Also, if you are locked in a box, just ult him because you go unstoppable. He will not expect that either. If you do not have your R, just stay to a side and dodge the W.”
neverwanted2be says “Strong AP but no mobility. Yone is very great versus champs like Veigar. Just make him lose his "E" and secure a kill with "E+QQ+AA+W+AA+ignite"
FF+Domination is a great choice”
ItzJavAgain says “Pretty annoying,killing him before he gets his E is an option,but from there is really risky,his E is almost like a guaraanted stun,and the worst of all,if you were dashing to him,and got stunned by his E,you lose your Q,your W is worthless against his W Q R combo and in late game teamfights is really dangerous since if he catches you with his E and you dont have flash/stopwatch, you are pretty much done,try to bait for his E,he has no mobility so hitting E is rather easy,once you stack your passive and get to melee range,he's pretty much dead,he outscale you”
Johan Paracelso says “I use Veigar on the image, but this is for every single mage, they can chunk you down because of the range diff, so be careful when walking to minions”
ZeMoller says “Somewhat even lane, which ofc means its a hard skillmatchup, and both champs have a very hard time killing eachother early game, while both scaling super well, going cleanse in this matchup to just run through the cage, will definitely give you the edge, and you will hard win on sidelane later on.”
Lunasta says “Yes, you can kill him in the early game if he is dumb enough. but it's really hard to deal with him since once you've used your E, you have no escape from his Prison, the best way to counter Veigar as a Qiyana, is pushing the wave and roaming, since Veigar doesn't have any good way of following you or roaming back, he'll just stay farming at mid”
Afro D Legend says “If he manages to get you inside of the cage without flash, it might be not so much of a fun time, but it's a low chance since you're going Mach 11.”
SkellyBirb says “Veigar can be really annoying to deal with as you don't have much mobility to avoid his cage and he can burst you from high health if he has a slight lead. Roam for your advantage.”
Frixen says “Be careful of the cage, but besides that, it isn't too difficult of a matchup. You outwave clear him and outrade him early. Push him in and force him to cs under tower. He cannot keep up with your roams one bit. ”
FalleN3 says “Very squishy champion and you should have no problem bursting him down after level 6. Annoyingly, he will be able to one-shot a carry on your team (including you) late-game regardless of what you do to him in laning phase :( . Kill him as much as you can, look for picks and help other lanes to win. ”
Bouhhsolene says “Against Veigar, I would recommend taking Ignite if he's the only hard cc of their team, or cleanse if they have others CC. You should go comet, and try to poke him, either out of lane, or kill him. Comet is better as it will be hard to proke electrocute, you will be able to hit E + Q but not auto attack.
Try to put as much pressure as possible, and get help from your jungler to try and ruin his early game. You should try to finish the game early because you lose late, but you will win midgame.”
FalleN3 says “Very squishy champion and you should have no problem bursting him down after level 6. You can use your troll poll (E) to leap over his stun but be careful as you may need it to disengage if help arrives for him. Annoyingly, he will be able to one-shot a carry on your team (including you) late-game regardless of what you do to him in laning phase :( . You are able to (E) his ulti and other spell if you time it correctly, with practice this will become easier. Kill him as much as you can, look for picks and help other lanes to win.”
SirGobogi says “Out of your many stuns and charm all veigar needs to do is cage you and you will die in one combo. He is a pain to deal with. just try to out poke and stay safely backed off. One stun can ruin your lane. He will burst you faster than you can to him.”
CreeniX88 says “Veigar is one of biggest counters to Akali cause if Akali hits her e, she cant just press it again, cause she would get stunned by veigar e and instakilled, also he has a lot of aoe damage so he can damage her even in her shroud.”
Reason97 says “He's gonna 100 to 0 you super easy if you mess up. You can walk out of his cage if your passive is up, but if your passive is down you need to give him space until it's back up. He's also gonna hit harder then you as the game goes on, so it's gonna be a matter of who goes to all in first and who's R goes off first. ”
Reason97 says “What he lacks in complexity, he makes up for in overall annoyance. Veigar is, in my opinion, half a skill matchup, half a test of who makes more mistakes. His cage will make you feel panicked, but if you can, stay in the MIDDLE of it. His cages power comes from it ability to stun you. A stun means he can easily land all his damage right on you, kinda like your own kit in some ways. however, staying in the middle, you'll be able to return fire. sure, you're probably still gonna take damage, but so will he if you can throw up a blizzard or a Q back at him. However, if he gets ahead, he will be a nightmare to deal with. Play smart and safe, and dont run into a cage wall if you're caught in it, just stay put in the middle and prepare to do your best. ”
xAsuta says “Hard matchup. He can place his cage between both of you and land all his abilities. The only way to kill Veigar is to bait out his cage and all in him. Don't underestimate his all in at lvl 6 since he has high 100 to 0 potential.”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. His stun cage or e is by far his most annoying ability. He doesn't have any mobility besides flash so just chase him down and watch out for his E. Outscales you. Take Conq.”
I count to seven says “Big damage for his W, try to zone him from stacks. Don't push too hard without vision because going into the cage will be a kill for Vei after his 6”
Godzillababy says “Veigar is pretty easy to win against but once he starts doing dmg just make sure to not get hit by his stun and watch out for jungle ganks”
sashadidntwalk says “You can play really aggressive into this lane once you hit level 3. His only CC can be canceled with your E2 and he is very immobile which makes it easy for Yone to land his abilities. ”
arcanejhin says “He is an overall annoying champ with that wall. You should be able to E out of it before it procs and catch him. Your kit can easily chase him down and smoke him after he uses his cage. Steraks gage is nice so his ult doesn't kill you.”
Fadedreformed says “One of the easiest matchups for Kassadin. You have a free lane counter his e with your ultimate and can absorb a lot of his damage with your q, you also outdamage him so it's pretty easy”
Shock_101 says “Dodge the cage and be careful level 6. Veigar ult is well known in the league community, especially if hes fed. Don't get hit by his abilities, and most importantly, don't let him farm. Sounds like a lot, but its really not a difficult matchup.”
ShockMaster says “Think is an easy matchup for you,just rush your aggresive build and when he land his E on you use flash to surprise him,and go all in”
Yuki H. says “Laning itself is not a very difficult task- especially because your W can dodge his stun cage. Make sure to play safe when your W is on cooldown since their jungler could gank you pretty easily paired with Veigar's cc. You can dodge every single one of his abilities with your ult, which makes it easier to outplay him in a 1v1 situation. Also, don't let him free farm too much with his Q (grants him AP when Q last hits or abilities hit champions). Don't greed for trades and let it happen naturally. For example, let him use his Q on the wave, then poke with W, E, Q, or just throwing out a Q. He is very immobile so try to freeze the wave on your side and ask for frequent ganks to completely shut him out.”
fwii says “Look for trades whenever possible but don't fight too close to his tower. Veigar is hard to approach early because of his E stun. Otherwise, he's easily killable at level 6. ”
Veralion says “Veigar is a late game scaling monster, but he is unbelievably weak early. It’s a free lane. He can do nothing to you. His Q tickles. He’ll be aiming it at your creeps most of the time to stack up and not you anyway. His W will never hit you. Even if you get caged, you can still dodge his damage unless you run into the walls like Doublelift. Poke him once or twice then all in and slaughter him at 6. He’s absolutely helpless and his short Q range forces him into ulting distance. Additional MR is unnecessary. Enjoy your free lanes, folks.”
Zak247 says “You can kill him early but he has high burst especially in the late game where a fed veigar can 1 shot you very easily so try and descale him early and not let him feed of CS or other lanes”
K3y5 says “Kill this dude lvl 2. His damage is laughable and his stun is basically nonexistent with Katarina E. Lvl 3 is also good for killing him, but just make sure Veigar isn't freezing too much.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “If you can bully him out of farming, you already won.
If you can't, you can usually outburst and outpoke him anyways before mid game so he'll be behind for sure”
Twistinfortune says “Veigar will try to poke and stun you in lane. He also has the ability to scale for the late game.
Use your range to poke him from a safe distance. You might want to build Abyssal Mask.
snukumz says “Pretty easy match up for you.
You out range Veigar by a lot so it's hard for him to land a stun cage on you.
Watch out for his level 6 combo but if he gets you trapped within a cage just avoid the walls and throw your combo on him and kill him. With barrier you should be able to survive his burst and you do more damage than he does early.”
AZIR MEN says “He has infinite scaling so you want to try to end the game as quickly as possible. Very immobile, but still dangerous. Avoid being low HP with him. Without his cage, he's a walking 300 gold.
Take comet or conq”
PepeOnDrugs says “Very squishy champion and you should have no problem bursting him down after level 6. Annoyingly, he will be able to one-shot a carry on your team (including you) late-game regardless of what you do to him in laning phase :( . Kill him as much as you can, look for picks and help other lanes to win.
Lobban says “Skill based matchup. Dodge his R with your R. But you have an advantage in lane, keep your W up at all times so he cant trap you and you get ganked.”
KataFlix says “Veigar is the easiest champion to fight against with, his E is pretty useless comparing to your E and his W is the easiest to dodge, only his Q and R can deal damage to you, which gives you time to finish him”
Debonair Karma says “Unless your team lacks an enchanter I wouldn't suggest picking Karma. He outdamages her heavily and scales really well into late game and Karma can't do all that much to stop him.
Get Roa+Seraphs and merc treads + Athenes/Banshees for mr.”
Gageowago says “Easy lane because his attacks can be avoided by standing behind minions or watching for his w. If he manages to land his e on you to trap you in the middle you can avoid his w and q, but if you know the jungler is ganking you should just flash out. (Keep in mind that you CANNOT ult out of veigar's cage.) Try and go for objectives and help the team if Veigar is behind because you need to end the game as soon as possible. Also keep in mind that his cage is on a lower cooldown now and he WILL abuse this.”
Ignix0 says “Free matchup. If he cages you can w out. Really easy dives. If hes scared even under tower (as he should be) just place your w outside of tower range and then (flash if needed) reqw and hes dead.”
Papapostolou says “Veigar. squishy and his stuns/damage are easy to dodge. try to just don't give him stacks by hitting you. his late is gonna be strong but you will still beat him. ”
Lil Tidepod says “If Veigar misses his stun trap, chase him to the ends of the map. It's on a long cool down and all of his damage is skill shot dependent. If he's getting away, root him. This should really be a piece of cake matchup. The only reason he's a 3 threat is because once he gets his ultimate he's incredibly strong, and his one shot potential is huge. At level six, play safer than you did before it.”
Fhizzikx says “Play from a distance away from his cage. If you do get caged then barrier his full combo and you might just live.
His early game is very weak to shove him in and get prio.”
Capparelli says “A good Veigar is scary, a bad Veigar is a joke, if he tries to stop you with E just E to reach him and hurt him, Veigar gets blown up early and his E has a long cooldown and high mana cost, get a lead and dont give him free farm, Tiamat to shove and cost him minions well also allowing you to roam”
Giurg says “Not a bad matchup but he is worth mentioning as when you W you can't pass through his cage so pay attention to it since a Veigar stun will often be fatal.”
BigBushMan says “Veigar is an easier matchup for Xerath, as long as you play your range advantage, don't get caught in his E, and end the game before 30 minutes, you should be fine. The only way Veigar wins is through his infinite scaling, so keep him behind for as long as possible. ”
ahrienthusiastmain says “You have better early game waveclear and sustain. The only way veigar can kill you is if he stuns you in his cage before ulting. If you land charm, he's dead. Dont use ult unless you're sure you can kill him as he can immediately cage you.”
serruh says “personally one of the matchups I hate the most, this champ will just farm and there's virtually nothing you can do about it. he also screws you really hard in teamfights, generally a pain to play against. can be heavily shut down if your jg comes mid with your root off cd, as his early game is extremely abusable”
Miandros says “Fizz just destroyed Veigar. He has no self peel, no slows. All he has is his cage, but Fizz can E out of it. The only reason he is not the lowest difficulty is because he can still stack and one-shot late if you're not careful. Try to get as far ahead as possible and entirely shut him down.”
Kami_EU says “Easy lane, Veigar's W damage is easy to dash away from.
Similarly Yasuo can deny Veigar's Q and R damage with Windwall.
Mercury's Treads make it really hard for Veigar to kill you.
The Venerable Racoon says “Not too bad if you keep poking and don't get too close. Ward and ask for ganks because even if he's behind he can still be a problem”
t3rminated says “Veigar is a pretty easy matchup. You outrange them and bully them in lane. Rather than trying to burst combo just try to poke them down in lane. Their cage can completely deny your combo so be careful. They do outscale you because of the passive so be careful and try not to let them farm too much. You can force them to constantly back because of your poke and you can roam other lanes as well. If they follow you, you can cheese them in a bush and just full combo them when they are walking around. ”
Polygon XVI says “Veigar has a lot of dps with his ult and can easily CC you with his cage. Remember to take Cleanse or a QSS
and build MR so that you aren't easily one shot by him.”
Zontasuna says “Real enemy or a clown for beating ? If he catches you in his E, while having R,W,Q ? You are done - recommended Electrocute with Magic Resistance Build
I recommend going E-W-Q-E-R combo”
chrisloths says “Maybe a harder matchup than most of the "evens", Veigar's advantage is that her can farm his Q off of your plants. Try not to spawn them unnecessarily, using them only at long range or in trades.”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
G7_Zeke says “Very squishy, and I mean very. You can dodge all his skillshots with ease. Just be really careful, and play around his weird stun gladiator pit thing. If he still has it up when you're towerdiving him, you're dead. Bait it out before you tower dive him.”
Gogicha55 says “REALLY ANNOYING LANE, Avoid poke and Bait out his E and try to kill him early if not do quick roams and don't let him get free stacks, he is basically nasus of the mid lane but ranged which is even worse”
8wolf says “Most times this is a farm lane. When you see his e dash away before it pops out. Be prepared to get oneshot mid to lategame if you are out of position. Zhonya is a good counter to his ult.”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Dark seal + Potion
Lets say you wont get trapped. Then its GG, Veigars toast.
Low HP and Resist.
Poke, outplay hes Wall/Stun. E W R Q”
Gettsuu says “Il joue juste sa late et ne vas jamais vous 1v1 sans jungler donc vous pouvez le combo one shot en 1sec mais ne tardez jamais le fight
N'oubliez pas de jouer votre range”
Tehqo says “Just avoid fighting him when he puts his E up, because it actually stops your dash. He's also prone to deleting you. You'll want to poke him and push HARD under turret, so that he has difficulty farming. Late game, if you get caught in his stun, consider yourself dead.”
NebuIa says “Careful for his cage to catch you when r'ing. Other than that it's pretty standard, can kind of be a farm lane if he plays it like that. Pretty annoying. Cleanse may help. ”
TheBlueImperial says “Really annoying, most will max E on you because they're a horrible person. Shove and roam because a good Veigar will not let you touch him.”
ApWuKong says “Most mages go to the minor, cuse they are easy to kill and your w is great for countering cc. But veigar can be bad cuse he's cage is hard to do anything against but it has a long cdr and he is very easy to kill early.”
Je Suis Azir says “IF you properly position yourself, you can basically fuck with this guy as much as you want. His cage is how he can take you down, so if you position yourself perfectly, you can do whatever you want. Slow push, Hard push, poke him, anything. You control this lane if you are positioned well. ”
TheSpark says “He's gonna act like you don't exist until he hits 6, then he'll recognize your presence and attempt to burst you. You can usually read his movement to tell when he's about to throw his cage down. If you get put in the baby cage, you can still move around in the little space provided for you, so you can still dodge his abilities.
If it's mid game and he manages to stun you with his cage, unless you have hourglass, you're dead.”
DirtyBellyDC says “As long as you don't get stunned, you should be fine. I usually take Cleanse so that if I get stunned, I don't take the full combo.
Get an early Banshee's Veil to help avoid the wall.”
Impswitch says “just dont get hit... duh. you have the movement speed so dont get hit by cage and he shouldnt be able to do much. you can push faster as long as there slow farming there Q so roam a lot”
Budoski says “Watch out for Veigar Mid, especially one running Dark Harvest and gathering storm as he will easily out scale you. Fortunately you out CC him so look to gank him early and set him behind and it will be easy kills all round. One problem is his AOE stun so make sure you and your jungler stay far enough apart that he can't stun you both when he does get ganked.”
cobbzy says “When facing a veigar with any champ, make sure to punish pre level 6. Try your best to dodge his E and make sure that when you're low enough, don't go in as his ult is just point and click. ”
ioannissid says “Veigar is dangerous when he has his e because he can stop your justice punch meaning you should always engage when he doesnt have his stun.”
Aizenvolt says “A generally easy matchup his abilities are easy to avoid. After 6 he is easy to kill, just make him use his stun and blink out of the circle. After he uses his stun he cant do anything to escape from you. just watch out, dont get cocky, his ult does more damage based on your missing health. Be carefull when you engage. Don't take free poke from him because he will get free ap.”
stupid katarina says “(E) No escapes, easy target if he doesn't flash. I recommend getting Mikael's for him, since his E stun is very long and can really f*ck your funneler up.”
DravensBukkake says “Waddle waddle. You know why Veigar waddles when he walks? Its because his dick is too big inside his pants, so he needs to waddle.
Cleanse. W Q AA spam him. Easy to shuffle, literally the most basic mage ever. Except very annoying and if you get camped you're fucked. This matchup is literally better jungler wins.”
Mid Win Repeat says “You can stomp him easily pre 6. After that just be smart about dodging within his cage and not getting stunned because he can and will kill you with his ult.”
MarkeleleYasuo says “This matchup alone is very easy, but he can really easily setup ganks for his jungler so always look for enemy jg in this matchup”
EvilBird090 says “Veigar has no kill pressure early game on you, try to stand behind your minions and poke him when he goes to last hit. Stand behind your minions so he does not stack off you. You are able to pool under his cage and kill him once you have level 6. Push him under tower so he will have difficulty last hitting. Later on in the game use your pool to dodge his ult, or use Zhonya's to do the same.”
spark2 says “Veigar is a nightmare if he gets ahead, so it's your job to not let that happen. Build Merc Treads to get out of his stun ASAP. If you're super good (and if so, why are you reading this) you can dodge his ult with yours, which looks super cool and negates almost all of his damage. He's relatively easy to kill when his E is on cooldown, so use those windows. Dodge everything he throws at you and whatever you do, don't let him scale. His ult has execute damage, so back early if you need to--don't let him get free kills!”
Cloud375 says “His ultimate and stun normally ends up beating you over pretty easily and it's not easy to stop him from getting stacks with his passive. An early Rod of Ages first item or a Banshee's will help to mitigate some of his burst. Zhonya's is ok in this matchup but isn't the best.”
Garybaldo says “Bully his early game, try to hit your combo and dodge his at the same time, don't let him poke you, don't ever get to late game, if this does happen tho build some mr”
SirZeros says “This Champion is special, since he scales pretty much as good as you do. The only advantage you have is your Ult -> Q-Stun. If you can manage to hit this Combo, you should win against him.”
Tchouvline says “Even matchup, avoid his E and don't get too low HP when his R is up and everything should be alright, be really careful about ganks, it can costs you alot.”
ZyDeDy says “A really easy characther to kill
The only thing that is the problem and why i m putting him at Minor is beacuse when he has to much abilty power well then you are fuc-”
Euphoric Toaster says “Veigar is pretty weak right now since the meta is more early game oriented so hes not that big of a threat but the matchup does have some annoyances. Veigar quickly gets to the point where he can stack off your turrets so position your them either behind 2+ minions or completely away from the wave in general so he to expend mana purely on the turret. His cage is a pretty good gank setup so use your passive to move out of the way in time, or to at least dodge within its walls. If he scales up he can be quite fearsome, so Banshee's Veil might be a good investment if he gets strong. Zhonya's Hourglass isn't a good choice usually since hes able to combo you for free when the stasis wears off. Veigar can have a good teamfight presence with his cage but you can impact the teamfight from further away and Veigar is also very vulnerable without his cage. As for summoners, take Cleanse if your not confident enough in avoiding his cage and if you suspect he will be going Teleport + Corrupting Potion and just farming/pushing nonstop, take TP to match his lane pressure. Alternatively just go Barrier as usual so you can play more aggressive early, since its a great for all-ins and 1v2s. If you dont go Cleanse, Mercury Treads can also be a nice safety net vs Veigar, it gives some MR and enough tenacity to avoid a potential ability if stunned.”
J Husky says “As always, you can dodge his stun and ulti with your W. The problem is he still has a lot of damage and when you use your W he can be prepared to harm you when you exit from it. In late he can destroy you if you are not careful.”
Chromuro says “He can't farm your plants, but he can still do damage. The only problem is that you have more virtual range, so you can poke him out of lane.”
Fox1ne says “The laning phase is going to be extremely hilarious and funny, you only harass him early levels try to gain control to your wave and zone him out, in other words multitask it.”
Sziro says “(ENG)He has w :
W Veigar has bloc e Akali.
(PL) Veigar łatwo kontruje E Akali.
Posiada on w krąg którym łatwo stunuje akali umiejętności : e , r .
DanDosXR says “He can stun you when you ult at him and he has a lot of poke. Make sure you play safe and bait his E or just ult away and abuse the fact that your ult has no CD to spam empowered E's and poke him down.”
OnlyCheeseBreads says “He makes engaging a nightmare.
The cage stops you from running in with ult, and even if you flash over it he can burst you down before you even jump.
Basically, you can't kill him in laning phase and you can't engage team fights if he exists.
My suggestion is to push as well as you can, reach lvl 6, and just roam. Be sure that he doesn't get to farm too much or grab any plates, or he might become a problem anyways.
Or just ban him.”
ShadowFox101 says “You are his worst nightmare. If he traps you with his E you can use your W to escape. If you have your ult you can ult on him and kill him when he walks up to deal damage. Cleanse is useful but you can do just as well without it.”
WonderFUllGuy69 says “You need fast reactions to E out of his E. You need to be very fast when you see or else you will be stunned and sent to hell. Just E out of his E as soon as you see him doing it and oneshot that annoying little black thing.”
Flygenring says “This matchup is very straight forward, get lvl 6, dodge his abilities. Use your ult to get out of his e, you oneshot him before he can kill you.”
quinniston says “Really squishy and easy to deal with, only thing you need to worry about is his cage, also be aware of your health, his ult can one shot you if you're low. ”
ARandomizer says “You might think why Veigar is a minor threat, he is at least before he gets stacks. Use cleanse to get out of his E don't let him stack, poke him when he is in range and you win the game”
Xavier Senori says “Veigar should never be able to kill you during the laning phase unless you get really far behind. If you rush RoA and Rylai's crystal scepter you will be too tanky for him to one shot you. Consider Nullifying Orb. Late game stay away from him and be ready to Zhonya's if he does catch you out.”
Pumparum says “Early he will mainly focus on farming and his manapool will not deplete very easily. His stun leaves very little room for error when you engage on him and when he engages on you. Eventually he will be farmed up enough to combo you.
Dodge or Ban.”
Zeprius says “A Bit like Syndra... if the veigar is good and understands what is Vladmir Damage he will be staying far back 24/7 and stacking his stupid passive”
kilgta says “You outpush him, he is squishy. Do not let him pop your shield and allin him as much as you want. Pre 6, he cant do anything to you, bully him and take control of the lane. Make it hard for him to farm and use your E Q to aggro him. Start sapphire or dark seal.”
MechaaZero says “Easy. Don't get close enough for him to land his R late game, and early game if you get stuck in his E just run around in it. He probably won't land much.”
maplecat21 says “If you run into the E, it can be a problem. Otherwise he can't do anything to you, since you can just dodge his W while fighting. All in city.”
EvilOranges says “Corruption Potion. This should just be a farmfest, which is good because you are a scaling assassin. Late game just kill him instantly before he gets his damage off. As long as you don't get stunned by his cage and get ganked, you will be fine. Stand in the wave so he doesn't get free Q stacks.”
RagexAddict says “This champion is yet another skill matchup. His stun can be a problem but overall, you shouldn't have to worry too much so long as you keep your distance and only go after him when it's down. Be careful at low health, as his ultimate does more damage based on missing health. You can also outroam him pretty hard, so if he is playing way too safe, take a trip to bot or top lane.”
hadi902 says “he is a very hard match-up because if he lands a cage or a W it hits hard and u have 0% way to win, but only if the veigar sucks or if you have a better jg you have a chance to win and if you think you can beat him just don't miss your dash's stun or your sooo dead”
The Jhin Cena says “Veigar is a really easy matchup and you should win the lane against one. If he drops his wall on you, you can E over it and that should screw up his combo. Starting level 6 you can kill him with R > Q > E > W, though only use the E to get over his wall unless he blew his CD before you engaged. Be cautious when using your Q, you don't want to accidentally charge into his wall and get combo'd on. Banshee's Veil is a good 3rd item against Veigar, especially with countering his wall in case you accidentally get caught in it.”
SrSuders says “Das einzige was ihn zum Problem macht, ist die Veigar E, jedoch hat man die einmal raus gebaitet, wird das One-Shoten von Veigar einfach.”
LyndonK9 says “Veigar is pretty lame, you can harass and all in him easily. If you get caught in the middle of his E try to charm him and he won't W, and don't get stunned. You can always tell when you're getting ganked because he suddenly starts walking forward. If you have to, ult to prevent getting caught in his E.”
PhoenixianSlayer says “Avoid his E and you are good to go. A highly aggressive veigar is a 4 or 5, simply because of his oppressiveness usually coupled with high ganking”
TotallySugoi says “Just watch out for his stun as his combo does massive damage. If you are scared of him, just take barrier as it will most likely save your life.”
Yenwai says “his damage late game could be a problem if you couldnt just R him and end it.
early avoid getting poke while pushing, make it harder for him to stack by getting minions under tower, if her throws his stun around you, you can actually just walk through it with your passive.”
Ec40494 says “Low mobility and can easily escape his stun with your w, or if it is off cd your ult. Burst and avoid being by abilities as it gives him ap.”
BL00dY3nD says “You can dodge his R. If you dodged it go all in. You can 1 shot him after he used R. Don't dodge his W (Stun/cage) it's useless. Just poke him and dodge his Q,E.”
Best Karth NA says “A good veigar will just farm safely until he can kill you at level 6. Consider taking cleanse for this matchup.
Abuse your early advatage by punishing him whenever he goes for farm. Consider who the enemy jungler is and keep track of them in order not to get ganked. A freeze would be ideal here, as you can cs freely and poke him whenever he tried to farm until he is low enough to kill. Very snowbally lane. ”
GlowingIcefire says “These champs, like veigar, lux, taliyah, etc. are easy to lane against. Simply dodge their cc and you can probably kill them easily enough.”
Siand says “A well scaled vaigar can zone you well, but often falls to a couple of well aimed RQ combos. Your range is greater than his when you have ult.”
AgreeableOtter says “You win this at every stage of the game. Your poke is stronger, you have enough mobility to make his E useless and your ult can be used to dodge his ult, which is his primary damage tool. ”
noolan says “I just hate Veigar, he is strong without even trying. Not sure what riot was thinking when they made this guy, but he should be pretty easy for you, just jump onto him if he traps you with his stun. But even if you manage to escape his stun cage, his ult will WRECK you. Always try to rush Abyssal against a Veigar.”
Shderen says “This comes down less to being a GOOD Soraka and more being a good League of Legends player. If you don't dodge a Veigar E that is 80% avoidable, you should reconsider doing something like Soraka mid. Other than that, you outdamage, outsustain, and out-utility him. Early on. If you fight him late game while he has his ult, refer to the reconsideration stated above. Revisiting this guide, the synergy between GLP, Twin Shadows and Glacial Augment, I am far more forgiving of getting hit by his combos, and perceive him as a bit more of a threat.”
HerrSolahri says “Take the Merc / Banshees Item Build if you didnt Snowball or he will do too much dmg. Prepare Freeze in front of your tower and wait for a gank / prevent him from farming”
Fruxo says “Don't get stunned by his E. And take help from the jungler if it's really hard. He's a scaling mage so he'll be scaling very well into the late game, try to not waste to much time and end as quick as possible.”
aButteredPoptart says “First rule: don't feed Veigar. Other than that this matchup is super simple. Don't walk into his cage. Don't walk into his magic missile from the sky. If you can do those two things, you've done a good job. Now that you've got him poked down, you'll want to be wary of his cage, try not to ult inside it, as your dash can't get out of it. Dash to its outside before it spawns and finish him off. Ping missing, because low elo players panic when they see a Veigar cage.”
SmokeyEggs says “The 2nd part of your E can go through his E and you out damage him in the early game, your ult can counter his, shouldn't be a hard matchup. Just freeze the lane in your favor and deny him cs.”
ryze4thewin says “dont let yourslef be poked and dont let him stack kill him if hes too deep or if he misses his e if he hits lvl6 just play a bit safer ”
BicBee says “You beat him early if you're able to avoid his cage. He will use cage when you're about to get ganked or when you're engaging him. Later on Veigar will be able to 1 shot Ahri. Getting banshees (replace Zhonya) vs Veigar would be ideal if you're having trouble.”
BicBee says “Only way you lose this is if you get too close and let him put you in the cage. You have a much longer attacking range than him with your Q. Put your ball forward and look to QW him whenever he walks too close to CS. Take cleanse if you're not confident about dodging his cage. He beats you late game and will be able to 1 shot you. Build Banshees vs him. ”
xispy420 says “Veigar always is going to E you when his jungler is about to come on your lane,pay attention to the map and you should probably get cleanse for this match up ”
vukashin.xyz says “Stand behaind minions so he cant land Q
W is easy to dodge
You can W out of his e
You can dodge his R with your R but you must be quick
Use 2nd rune setup”
xXMasterPro05Xx says “Veigar can be pretty hard to fight, If you get stuck in her E and if she uses her W right after, she can knock down a big chunk of your health. She is squishy so if she messes up, you could possibly get her. ”
AzureArmatt says “Veigar's only way to get strong enough to kill you is landing his Q on you in order to get AP from his passive stacks and if he wants to damage you he will have to place his stun barrier to land his "dark matter fall" that has really big scaling. When you fall bellow 30% he will try to use his point-click ultimate to kill you since it deals more damage when you are low on HP. How to deal with veigar? Zhonya to stop his ultimate and Mercury's treads to let you get away from him if he manage to stun you (also reduce magic damage a bit). While he's missing his stun he's vulnerable to your damage so fight him when he's missing it and avoid his poke (his Q can hit max 2 targets)”
NocUout says “He has a lot of burst, but if you time it right you can ult his ult to negate the damage. You should be able to fight him 1v1, and if he doesn't have his stun zone he is very vulnerable. ”
thedonk says “Very easy. A gank will mess him up or will force his flash. Go in when his E is down or use your W to avoid it. Same as Lux, you can buy Banshee's/Zhonyas to avoid some damage.”
Padrepio says “You deals more damage and you're building AP-HP early, so he cannot oneshot with his R. You can dodge his skillshots even when you are trapped inside his E, just don't hit the walls. Care of his insane lategame.”
Jammy158 says “Abuse his weak early game and be wary of his cage, which can set up ganks. You want some MR to deal with him. Be careful that he can 100-0 you with is ult if you aren't careful. He becomes a beast late. However, if you end up on top of him it's all over.”
Eli The Bat says “Just avoid his "E" and dont let him farm so much.... or you will die dramatically with just his little fingie pressing the "R" button.....”
Tipurrs says “Easy lane. He's a late game champion so just bully him in lane, dodge his skill shots and deny his farm and you're going to be ok. Burst him first down late game as he can literally one shot any squishies.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “light counter darkness, but if not, buy elementalist lux and rush dark from, darkness counter darkness.
On a serious note, Veigar is pretty weak early game, and his ranges are not so great, you can freely trade him without big consequinces. Pre 6 you should be careful just about his jungler and his E. the skill which do most damage is his W, and R when your life is below a certain percent, otherwise still W do more damage.
Also against champions as veigar and nasus you should be looking to end the game as soon as possible, cause once they get a certain number of stacks (on veigar basically 200) they will literally one shot you with a single skill. Ok, ok i lied, at 200 stacks he will get just 90% of your life with just a skill. (considering he had rabadon)”
qasddsa says “Extremely easy laning phase. Avoid his Q as much as possible so it doesn't stack as fast. If you ever get caught in his cage before you hit 6, you can juke his abilities relatively easy if you walk counter-intuitively to where you yourself think you're walking. After level 6, just Riftwalk onto his face and kill him.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, i mean he's SOMETIMES in the botlane so i put him here anyways. you can spell shield walk out of his stun thing and spell shield his everything else so AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. just don't get caught out/waste spell shields when he can do something guaranteed harsher afterwards.”
Gambinos says “If you're new, you're most likely gonna struggle with Veigar's traps. A tip to avoid them is to try to go the middle as soon as possible. Also the trap takes a bit to set up. If you don't think you can make it out on time, just stay in it.
You win early game as Veigar will not do as much damage as you will. You have a strong lvl 2-3. Use it wisely.”
Sozzoh says “Veigar can easily kill you post-6 if you get stunned in his E, so try to avoid fighting him when he puts it up around you and don't try and shuffle out. Early game, you'll want to poke him as hard as you can to gain a lead over him. If you find yourself a few kills from him, consider this lane won. Be careful of Veigar late game because his burst is INSANE.”
Prenora says “If you're catching the trend, AP lucian is very good against immobile mid laners, though veigar's stun wall can get very annoying when it's off cooldown, there's not much he can do against you, ”
Witwickies says “Vaigar is low health champion. It's very easy to burst him down or poke to death in early levels, when he also has problems with waveclear. Only danger here is yourself - your skills in dodging his abilities.”
Prenora says “Veigar is pretty immobile, one you're in his face do your best not to get stunned but otherwise you can poke him and harass him really easily”
undeadsoldiers says “He can't do a lot to you until 6.
If you're stuck in his E post6, portal toward him (out of the cage) and fire your E at him. This gives you time until the cage expires.
Suggested: Barrier, Nullifying Orb, Banshee after core”
Lasoor says “He is dangerous because you can't attack him. If you try you risk being hit by his CC and then bursted to oblivion. And playing safe against him doesn't matter because he builds up AP just by killing minions. You will want your jungler to gank him a lot. ”
Otakuguy_____ says “Veigar has a extremely high amount of AP. He can use his E (Event Horizon) to stun you and then drop his W (Dark Matter) on you and you instantly die or go into low enough health to AA you or Ignite you. His W can reach up to a stun of 2.5 second. The zone lasts for 3 second and stuns anyone who tries to come in the zone or get out. Your best bet is to stay out side the zone if your team is inside or, not touch any of the edges. Dark Matter is strong, very strong, it can half health tanks. It does 100/150/200/250/300 (+100% AP) Magic damage. His passive (Phenomenal Evil Power) allows Veigar to increase his AP permanently when he gets kills or strikes a enemy. His Q (Baleful Strike) increases his AP when he gets a kill with it. ”
Eccentrik says “Stuns you say? Always stay a bit far from his W, if you DO get caged, sidestep his E and Q, if he's in an open area, charm and deal revenge.”
Prenora says “veigar is very immobile and his abilities are all skill shots, jump on him whenever you can, you'll hit him before he has a chance to stun you, after level 6 though be sure you can kill him before committing to the all in, or he will turn it around on you”
Bengineer says “I am actually a Veigar main, so this is a very biased opinion here.
You can sanguine pool out of his rage cage, but, he can rage cage more often than you can sanguine pool. Be cautious. His ultimate is especially devastating, since, you will have many close calls, and this guy will be the guy who prevents you from obtaining them.”
Smol Jelly says “You have a larger range than he does, but if the game goes on too long, he's a monster. You can usually stay far enough away from him so that the cage isn't a major worry. Don't panic flash if you were caught in the stun, as you're probably already going to die. If you prevent him from stacking by poking him and zoning him away from the wave, it should be an easier match.”
ShokLoL says “Veigar is extremely easy, play apart from the wave so he can't Q both the creeps to stack and you at the same time. If he ever uses Q you can walk up and look to force a trade on him when it's down. He's also immobile and easily ganked, and the only real threat is his cage or if you engage too early in a fight and get one shot.”
4milKata says “as free as the lane gets xD just don't let him get ahead or it might be hard to kill him, if you are ahead he is a freekill every time
Chuleex says “Veigar overall is an easy matchup but he gets very strong late, his e is annoying but it has a great cdr, buying mercs can help you react to his stun and you can even risk a dive even if he stuns you while you are strong enough, if he plays passive look for early roams as he has very low mobility and is weaker on skirmishes, dodging his ult can make you win a one sided trade so beware.”
Zeekar says “ His cage is a death sentence if you get ganked, but you have time to W combo on top of him before the cage goes up. Just don't facetank his Q too many times if you don't kill him. ”
ShokLoL says “Veigar will mostly be a free scaling lane for both of you, but you'll scale a lot better. Try not to take too much Q poke for free and focus on pushing him in and farming well yourself. Merc treads are a must vs Veigar, although you can skip them early to just rush your item.”
ShokLoL says “Veigar is a weak laner but if you take too much Q poke it can add up. Make sure you stand to the side of the wave, if he Qs the creeps to stack you can easily punish by moving forward. If he holds it then just look to E spam him out. Careful when you have no wards/no flash vs his cage.”
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