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Veigar Counter Stats

Veigar Counters
Discover all champions who counter Veigar. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Veigar in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,055 Tips for countering Veigar below

Mid Lane
50.74% Win Rate77% Pick Rate Veigar Mid Lane Counters: 38 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Veigar in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Zewrocktumbler says “E start early doesnt matter what he his runes are you win early”
Iron qiyana (shouldn't be trusted) by Zewrocktumbler | Qiyana Player
Divine Azir says “He will try to last hit with Q, so harass him when he does. Don't let him fam for free. He also gets stacks whenever he hits you with an ability, so just play outside of his range. Don't ty to shuffle him when he has E up.”
The Most In-Depth Azir Guide Ever by Divine Azir | Azir Player
AuroraAddict says “Veigar is really easy to play against just be carefull of hes E cause while you are in hes E you wont be able to use E or W cause you will get directly to the stun if you are not directly in the middle of it + dont let him Q both minnions and you and you will be in a good spot to kill him. both electrocute is really good against him.”
BesXbola says “Se o Veigar fizer qualquer item de tank voce nao vai mais dar dano nele. Nao tente mata-lo e tente garantir vantagem pro seu time em roams e invades pois ele vai dar o mesmo dano que voce e vai tankar o triplo.”
TrianglularRose says “In low elo, this is actually really easy, since you can just save your mana and dodge his abilities. In higher elo, getting caught in a bad cage can be the end for you.”
Quick like a fox! - Movement Speed Ahri by TrianglularRose | Ahri Player
Badplank says “After 6 it's a hard lane. Buy MR and try not to get caught in his E. ”
Viktor Mid for Simpletons like me by Badplank | Viktor Player
blobster says “dont walk into his cage and you’re fine try to take as little poke as possible make him choose between the wave and you. dont let him hit the wave and you at the same time”
zacster builds by blobster | Zac Player
zSmoke says “Playing against Veigar is quite easy, you just have to worry about the jail, from level 2 you can beat him by trading him and sending him to base very quickly and taking advantage of him (Recommendation: Try to prevent him from scaling because he's a hypercarry)”
S14.23 GUIDE DIANA MID by zSmoke | Diana Player
3nfy_no3 says “if you are playing mid this needs to be your ban. Veigar cage counters your main engage and since he has a targeted high damage ult you cannot dodge it with burrow or your own ult.”
tank-sai mid by 3nfy_no3 | Rek'Sai Player
PetriciteLoL says “Constantly engage with E and you win If you keep hitting it. But mainly farm since they farm under tower and keep roaming.”
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