Top Lane 48.59% Win Rate96% Pick RateIllaoi Top Lane Counters: 26 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Illaoi in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
KarateciKagan says “Build swifties and try to not get hit by her E. nothing much you can do just try to farm and scale. (I ban illaoi most of my games)
Go bramble vest into dead man's into swifties into other armor options like sunfire, thornmail DEPENDING on the other enemies.”
Loocalol says “Runes: Comet/Phase rush
Early: Try to focus on Q's when she goes for last hits. Play for first reset
Tips: you are playing to not get too far behind so she cant just kill you on side later. Play inside the wave and look for Q's when she last hits creeps. You can never E onto her because she can hit er E onto you for free that way. Just play to poke her first and the look to combo.”
SpaceVader says “She will tilt you, you are fat and slow. A good illaoi will catch your soul and beat the crap hell outta you each time she can. And when you gonna flip her she will ult your face and splatter you on the ground like the butter your are for her.”
liucan says “HARD Skill match, if u Dodge E then u Win until lvl 6. Remember that his ult dodge cc so dont try to disengage with E if she has it. If u are even then she wins after 6, if u are ahead then u win dodging his E and shorttrading.”
Dom1nus says “dodge, but if you dont want to dodge do anything you can not to get into her e, take ignite pta and get first blood first back, after that you have some chances to beat this lane, but even if you go 5-0 she still can kill you. ”
Nithril says “This champion is stupid, Boots of Swiftness is key since you basically have to dodge everything, dodge E at all costs, dodge Qs by stayin near the wave but not inside, kill off tentacles from afar, E her Ult and DO NOT fight in her ult”
a_k_z7 says “i hate this match up
with illaoi it is just another game trying to sidestep he tencticals and her e
- look to trade when she does not have e
poke when she wants to farm with passive and q
you can w her w for some reason
ThatGing3rNuts says “This matchup is all about how you play it early. If you dont dodge illaoi e its game over for you as shen, but if she does waste her E, make sure to punish pre 6 by taunting inwards and saving your w for when she comes out of your taunt to block her W auto. Take ignite and TP with dorans blade and possibly run page 1 or 2 if you feel confident about this matchup, but if you dont, then just like darius go page 3 and support build to try and have cross map influence. Unlike darius she has unbelievable split pushing power, so make sure she doesnt get out of hand by you using ult in poor situations.”
parker3n9 says “This is a very easy lane as long as you avoid getting hit by her E—it’s the core of her kit and the key to her damage. If you dodge it, you’ll win at all stages of the game. Prioritize killing her tentacles to reduce her ability to sustain and trade effectively. Keep up the pressure with poke, and don’t give her openings for extended trades.
Recommended Runes: Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “DONT GET HIT BY TENTACLES! With the insane mobility fiora has, if you get hit a lot by her tentacles its a pure skill issue and you need to get better at it. pre 6 you can pretty much just run at her and win, if youre caught in a bad situation you can parry her tentacle slams or her W so the tentacles dont slam at all. Post 6, the best advice for any toplaner vs illaoi is to instant disengage when she ults, otherwise its a stat-check death sentence. Her E isn't as important as it is annoying, once she gets black cleaver you can start worrying about it more.”
Skaarlschloch says “Quite hard 1-3, For sure go TP, Presence of Mind + Boneplating Overgrowth secondary + Scaling HP shards.
Both Grasp Dring or Conq Dblade are okay if you only fight her lv. 4-5 onwards.
Get antiheal somewhat early.
You outscale her easily at 2+ Items because you heal too much
After lv6 Ult when she ults and walk/flash/dash away so shes outside of R blocking all damage”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Grasp or Conqueror. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Avoid her E and kill her tentacles, it is winnable early, but one error and she will snowball hard over you. Anti-heal is needed here.”
Raideru says “In this matchup whenever you can kill her tentacles do it so her w is useless, it's generally a mindgame matchup where if she hits e you lose and if she doesn't you win so it's all about how well u can play around that, also remember to ult her ult so she doesn't deal damage and spawns 1 less tentacle. I advise Conqueror in this lane.”
Basilli says “PHASE RUSH
"Very snowbally, but if you know Illaoi you can win. DO NOT GET HIT BY E and you'll be okay early, try and have the wave even/pushed into you, and as soon as she misses an E all in
her. Pre-6 she'll die to this. GHOST is insane here since it allows you to permadodge tentacles, Ignite also makes this way easier." ”
Spartaniko says “If you dodge her E, she is a minion.
Otherwise it's a nightmare. Just walk away with your E (stacked if possible) if she uses R. Only reason I don't put her in minor threat is because she can punish you if you missplay even if she is far behind and is actually a pain in the ass.”
Beetlebug says “Illaoi E easily hits Sion. Her ult can undo all damage you did in your all-in and kill you in the process. If she ults, just back off and let her have your spirit.”
Fanatical Goose says “Illaoi only wins if she lands her E or ults. Before level 6 bait out her E or get it to hit a minion then all in. Once she hits 6 your best bet is to chip her down to half then bait out her R with a fake all in. Make sure to get Botrk later. ”
Houcs says “Hold wave around tower and just perma grab her on repeat.
Pay attention that she can interupt your E with her R.
But also be vary that she heals alot whenever she hits her abilities.
Getting a early bramble vest would be good.”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Seu maior pesadelo, se ela pegar press em vc acabou ela n vai te deixar farmar e vai te dar um dive no lv6 100% caso vc esteja com menos da metade da vida.”
UrPersonalGod says “Really annoying lane.
Try to sidestep her E.
If she hits you run out of the circle to avoid the damage.
If she misses E you can fight her level 6 and 7.”
tictac9090 says “This could be put in the extreme section. Never all in her if she has hit her E. If you can do not let her push. After 6 you only win if she misses her E and has no tentacles around. Try and poke her with Q but make sure you are standing behind your minions as that way she can't hit her E.”
SemenDrinker says “This champ is dumb asl man.
Dodge E yadda yadda. I take 2nd wind and shield into her of course since if you get hit with E you have to heal it back somehow. Always try to get rid of her tentacles on the wall. Try to dodge her e with yours if you can or be very side steppy. Never match ult for ult with her if your soul is dragged as you will lose 9/10 times even if she's a little behind. Other than that she's just a side split pusher random. ”
IvanBeifong says “Major mainly because this champ can kill you without interacting with you, if you dodge her E you can engage her, if she hits you, try to get hit in a place without many tentacles.
Conq build works good.
Her ult is bad, don't take it unless you have no chice.”
y every name taken says “Never 1v1 her even if she's behind. You have to raid boss her with your team and make sure you are dodging her tentacles instead of just standing still to auto-attack.”
Belle19 says “do not try to do a conq build she outcombats you. Just farm in lane, her engage is very poor, and she cant do her signature 'under your own tower' bullying because your wave clear is incredibly strong. After lane run up, do your combo which will leave her at like half health and phase rush out. Immediately just run away if she ults. Illaoi is one of the few champs you can force teamfights against because her teamfight is actually worse than yours, but there is no need to since your split is also better”
Niemi says “You have to know how to play againts Illaoi in order to beat her. Refuse to get killed by her and play as far back as you can. If you can manage the wave to be as close to your tower as possible, she can't kill you without risking death herself.”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is easy, provided you can dodge her Qs and her E. You HAVE TO dodge her E or you will get forced out of lane and/or die. If you get hit by her Qs, she will heal and your poke is pointless. When she's level 6, she can Ult your Ult and she won't be pushed away because she is unstoppable. She can't ever get on Azir so just use your range advantage because Illaoi only excels when champions all-in her.”
Zagreus16 says “Why does this character exist you might ask? cause someone at riot has brain problems. if you get hit by her E early game you can zone her off your soul and smack her up cause you do win pre lvl 6. Once she reaches 6 tho this champ gets the biggest powerspike ive seen. You gotta make sure then you dodge her E at all costs if you gonna fight her then cause you will not win otherwise if she does. you can ult her away form her own ult cause the tentacles spawn behind you mostly so zone her off and give her that big W. Black cleaver does a lot to her so its a really good first item against her but do keep in mind this champ can go 0/15 and still easily 1v5 everyone. Yea this champ is dum dum.”
CrimsonL7 says “Your W guarantees her soul tether. You will never outscale her. Even if she misses her E she just R's and beats you to death with her tentacles. Dodge or sit afk under tower. One of the worst matchups for the 1v1.”
AGGaming says “Never engage onto her, not even with your jungle. You're far too weak to ever 1v1 her.
That being said, maxing W makes her do less damage with her E.
Take Grasp.”
Frankoloko says “Take TP to survive early. Buy Oblivion orb first. She ults, you ult. Easy win. You easy win after 6 but before it's a coin flip. Her E is her danger, stand behind minions to block it. Running away when she catches you is fine, but it costs you a lot of time dodging tentacles and waiting out the effect. You HAVE TO be in the team fights if she is in them. Without your ult she will destroy your team.”
Godzilla010 says “Play around her CD's. Never fight in her ult, bait it and run, you then have a lot of pressure with ult advantage. She stays strong even if you kill her so always respect.”
step1v9 says “Kill her tentacles before fighting her. Pay attention to how she uses W as that will dictate when you should R. When she uses R be aware that the tentacles slam down faster.”
SSTJoker says “The only lane opponent, i dont know how to play against.
No matter which lane I play, Illaoui always gets banned. From experience, your teammates also fail against her.”
Raideru says “Matchup is all about if you can dodge her e or not, you play around your q poke and trade with her in ways where she can't e you because of minions, never try to all in her past lvl 6 unless she misses her e ”
Azzin says “Tricky one i would say, dodging her E is key here, as well as going MS rune (either fleet for sustain or phase rush to try to escape her E) you should never try to stay in melee vs her, just do your combo and run out. You can kill if you dodge everything but it needs practice.”
Haxorr says “Illaoi is an interesting matchup. You have to play very aggressively early in order to kill her and get a lead. If you don't get a lead early in this matchup, it becomes very hard to kill her post 6, especially as she gets more levels in her e.
Take Grasp and play really aggro early on. Try to cheese her with your level 2 after getting prio on the wave, as most players will not respect it. It's also really easy to freeze on Illaoi and kill her after your cheater recall. I would recommend rushing Trinity. Need to dodge her e or else you lose trades. If you do dodge her e, feel free to all-in. Even if you trade ults and are both low, you are stronger at low HP than she is if both ults are down.”
DuckQc says “U will probably be recalling a lot because her q deals a lot of damage and when she takes your soul, that hurts a lot and especially if u don't dodge her tentacles when they follow you, be very careful, try to avoid her q by staying a bit away from your minion way because she will try to farm and poke you at once , don't let her do that, and don't all in her on level 6 if u aren't 100% sure that you can kill her. You should expect a lot of incoming damage when she ult's and she is capable to do a lot bigger turnaround than you, for example when enemy jg ganks you and you kill them both(when you 1 v 2 with half hp just by picking up your axes,healing with w and finishing them with e), so she can do that too,just on another and more powerful way so don't take her as easy enemy. Ask jg for help,if you both are lower level or half hp dont 2v1 her cause she pops R and outplays you both.”
Beeware says “Big, slow, can't engage you. Avoid getting tentacle slapped or getting hit with her E. Focus on poking her level 4-5, you will either bully her out of lane, force enemy jungle to camp top, or get kills”
TeiWasTaken says “This matchup is one of the harder ones. Pre 6, you beat her. But after she gets 6, you cannot do crap to her. Try sending her back to champ select pre 6 like with Garen, but then just ping your jg to help if she wants to fight.”
WIELKI B says “dodge her E, if get hit walk out of it. if u r good at dodging take first strike if not so take fleet, dont fight in her ult, i like to take ignite and try to kill her before 6”
The Cats Meow says “Honestly I want to put her in even, but since if players like you are new to rengar top I might as well put her here. Be aware of her E this is where she can dish out most of her damage, you can kill her just eliminate her surrounding tentacles and make sure you dodge em. ”
SVKGuardian says “Make her suffer.
You can dodge her E's easily, and without them, she has no way of killing you. also because of her range dissadvantage.”
Skaarlschloch says “If you are permanently on the backfoot stuck under your turret this matchup will be hard. Try to cheat prio where you can and oneshot her lvs6-9.
AP >>>> Tank”
Ulsur says “Don't get hit by the E, don't get hit by the E, don't get hit by the E, don't get hit by the E, oh, also try to push as much as you can and don't play for kills and ping your jungler the hell out of your lane if he wants to gank.”
Very simple, if u dodge her E go all-in on her, if not back off.”
Vamrine says “llaoi's tentacles and Test of Spirit (E) ability can zone Darius and force him into unfavorable trades. If Darius gets hit by Test of Spirit, Illaoi can easily turn the trade in her favor with her high damage output.”
forlid says “Illaoi is quite weak now but in spite of that she remains one of the strongest duelists and splitpushers due to her kit just being how it is. Our best windows to duel her are early as she is missing her E, and when we get her R baited out. Keep in mind that her E is basically all of her damage, and that if she misses it, she should NEVER win against you. I usually save my R in case I need it to escape. ”
PinkBlood says “Quite a easy lane but illaoi becomes hard when they just run at you level 1 with W and conq just be wary of her stat check and end up scaling. Her whole kit her is her tentacle grab so make sure to watch out for that.”
procatking says “Conqueror, ignite,D blade, take rune NO.2.
*Favorable for illaoi*
Stay behind minions so she won't be able to hit her test of spirit(E).
If she missed it engage immediately.
Destroy her tentacles time to time and if she ults you back with your E and wait for it to end. Poke her when she try to last hit minions and don't fight her till her E is on cooldown.”
YuletideGlory says “Don't try to fight her, she will out damage and out heal you. Rush Boots of Swiftness and hide behind your minions to dodge and avoid her pull at all costs. Your goal is to farm as much as possible without fighting.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp, conq. bramble early. Morde used to hard counter her but with the changes to her it changes from patch to patch.
Generally speaking fight her early in the wave, she is weak early. Dont let her freely push into you and harrass you under tower/take plates. Flash her r or use r after her r/e. Tentacles dont follow into death realm. Cosmic helps dodge tentacles. ”
SenSen_LoL says “Stay at a distance, clear her tentacles, dodge her Q spells and most important :
This is the only way she can win the lane. You win vs her at pretty much every stage of the game, if you manage to dodge her E consistently.
If you got hit by her E, I advise to either All in if her ult is down and her health is low, or try to run out of the range if you can't attack her from a safe place.”
mastershen says “High duel power best to use ad helaing setup for early game damage and look for snowball voli bear can win all melee matchups but this is a skill matchup try to engage when her E is down and ult on Q stun for damage better to rush antiheal”
Mikailx says “[Ban her]
Start spells vs Illaoi: Exaust + Ignite
Look for a early Cheese, wait in brush then start with (Q) and exaust her and QQ shes likely to flash. When ever you low on HP use (W) to regain health, you out sustain her. Buy Thornmail (Anti-heal)
at Lv6 bait out her (R) ultimate and use Exaust and then attempt to kill her while it's on cooldown.”
MaesePerez says “Dodge her e or dodge the game, she heals a stupid amount and when you start growing her e becomes harder to dodge. You outscale, especially if ahead, so calling for some jungle help pre 6 can make this matchup significantly easier. Buy early antiheal, and run her down with q and e when she misses her e. ”
KaisAWP says “poke her well early, and try to push as much as possible, she will towerdive you with ease. Position yourself behind creeps and shoot her tentacles, predict her E with your E”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
Honestly it depends on your comp, if your comp has high-range or other ways of dealing with her you can just turtle in lane. If your team is heavily melee she doesnt get outscaled though. Hypothetically if you dodge every e and land every cleaver you win lane, although this is incredibly hard to do as you dont even have the agency of blocking her e with minions since you lose an all-in even if she misses so you have to stand behind wave. Break tentacles when you can. Phase rush REQUIRED. Warmogs REQUIRED otherwise its impossible to match her. Build bramble eventually”
Angryappleseed says “This matchup is brutal. In lane, your one job is to dodge her E or hide behind your minions so she cannot hit it. If she wastes it, you can go in on her. Post-6, you literally can't 1v1 her. If she presses R, get away from her.”
hamgi says “dodge her e. trade when its on cd (16s @ r1, 15s @ r2, 14s @ r3, not applying AH). move perpendicularly to avoid q/passive tentacle hitbox. do not fight her in her r. her w is point and click so stay out of aa range while it's active or off cd”
forlid says “In terms of laning, Illaoi is one of the more easier ones, so long as you dodge her E. If she misses it, she basically loses all the source of her damage, allowing you to take the trade in your favor. After level 6 she becomes much stronger. If she ults, just run away. You will NEVER outheal her if she has E and R on you.”
PlayCabex says “Illaoi has nothing to contest your damage neither your poke UNLESS she hits her E. You mostly wanna fight inside your minions since her E is the only way you ever die to her and minions block it. You can even start W in this lane and zone her out from her minions. After 6 you win if as long as you engage first. I recommend going ignite VS her
Runes: Aery”
Belle19 says “she has no escape and she has a similar identity to you. You win pre 6, lose post 6 pretty hard. If you juke the e you win. Once she gets iceborn its physically impossible to dodge it though. Hullbreaker changes nerfed her pretty hard, if she's forced to teamfight you can do more than her. Save your pull for after she ults. Keep in mind she runs out of mana pretty quickly so you can outsustain mana in lane.”
zwartebliksem says “You can easily bully her pre 6, she's probably the weakest champion level 1, this is when she's considered a Tiny Thread. Once she hits level 3, it will still be considered a Tiny-Minor thread, but she'll gain a lot of kill pressure if you don't dodge her E. Once she hit level 6, and she isn't behind, this goes to an even matchup.”
AWierdShoe says “I find this lane rather obnoxious for me as you can dodge every Illaoi E in the world, but misstep once and get hit by one E you are chunked to half HP. However, the changes to the map's walls, Hullbreaker nerfs, and Iceborn Gauntlet adjustments have put Illaoi in a bit of a sour spot, making it a lot easier for us to deal with her. Contest the wave early game. If she starts Q do your best to sidestep it. If she starts W feel free to trade back on her if she W autos you. Dodge her E or dodge the game; level 2-3 if she hits an E trade back with her and don't let her deal free damage. Be patient with your Qs; just be ready to punish her if she oversteps and tries to CS. If you cannot dodge her E very well, do your best to play behind you minions. Do your best to not get forcefully shoved under your tower. This is one of the worst positions you can be versus Illaoi as it makes it so much easier for her to land her E on you. If she ults you, you can ult as well, but do NOT fight her by any means as she will just oneshot you before you can even fight back. The ultimate has a deceptively low cooldown so the moment you see her come back to lane after a short period always assume she has it (unless she just used it very recently). This champ outscales you in the sidelane and splitpushes very hard, so it may be you job to match her so that she doesn't get any towers for herself and her team. ”
Haearnbleidd says “Dodge e or dodge the game.
Pre-6 she is a little more than a cannon minion, but then hell starts when she gets ability haste and e has a few seconds cd, if you don't dodge, 1/4 of your hp is gone, and when you go back she has another e ready. Don't ever engage on her if she has ult unless she has 100hp and you know you can one-shot.
Best gameplan is to play safe and poke her with q, so she doesn't get fed and your team can deal with her. Just remember to ping your jungler to not try to go 1v1 her.
Best build for safe lane: Shojin > iceborn gauntlet.”
Panoonez says “Will always be a struggle to match Illaoi's split pushing.
You are stronger lvl 1-2 and lane is definitely cheesable early. Once Illaoi gets her E (lvl 3) your prio is to dodge her E-skillshot. Once her E is down you can go in for short trades.”
Akuzai says “A good illaoi can win this but if you can just bait out her e with your w and run her down it's over. Do keep in mind that if she ever hits e though she will kill you even if you're 8/0 so try to run away if she tags you with it.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Conq
Swifties helps with this stupid unhealthy to deal with champion.
If she hits you with E early, Trade with her. YOU HAVE TO DODGE THE TENTACLES.
Post 6 if she hits E, she's going to R. Just get out.
You win if you can dodge literally everything 100 times. ”
Bronzesuo says “This matchup is hard only before getting BoTRK, after that you should be able to survive ganks and 1v1s with her. Dodge all of her spells and don't fight her when she hit her E. You can also use ur W to block it.”
hoflol says “Illaoi is inherently a matchup that depends entirely on her landing her E in lane. If you dodge the E, you should be able to win trades.
Once she has 2 items though, dueling becomes next to impossible as she has Black Cleaver and good sustain.”
GheeseEmpty says “Pretty difficult to fight, regardless of your build. Your early game is much stronger, but the moment Illaoi hits level 6, it becomes basically impossible to trade on your conditions. This only gets worse when she builds Iceborn Gauntlet. The best plan is to bait out her ultimate and then attempt to kill her while it's on cooldown.”
exoticT says “Just a annoying champion in general, as long as you dodge e then you will be fine, dont fight when illaoi ults wait it out first, grevious is good, hit out her tentacles ”
ThelpixG says “You counter her.
You scale much harder and because of your range its pretty difficult for her to damage you in lane if you play properly.
How to Beat?
- Exploit her level 1 (its quite weak unless she has grasp and starts with W);
- Try to always kill her tentacles and never trade with her nearby tentacles;
- Stay behind minions so she cant land her E (try baiting her E aswell because its a pretty long cooldown early and its her best bet at dealing damage against you);
- Dodge her Q;
- Simply run away if she ults LOL;
- Try kiting her with your barrel slows and passive movement speed;
- You can also take the antitank setup or the scaling setup and just scale on top of her.
NegativePhoenix says “Honestly there isn't a ton you can do against her unless your jungler ganks before she hits 6. Once she has ult she is very hard to kill since her healing is scripted differently to where it doesn't get as affected by Grievous.
Just stand behind minions to avoid her E and avoid feeding her. If she can't snowball she can't be a huge mid game threat”
xXazzer says “Illaoi is strong in melee, but she's also like Garen is she is a pure melee champion. If you run ignite, you can ignite her during her ult. If she takes your vessel you can contest the vessel. She either has to hit you or the vessel, she can hit both with her tentacles as well, so try to dodge those and you will outtrade her.”
LilliaFanBoy says “Personally I think Illaoi is not much of a threat especially to a champion like Lillia where you can outrun all of her tentacles. Lanning is super easy as long as you kite around your minions so she can't land her E.”
WhendZ says “Desvia dos Tentáculos, não toma o E, builda bota cedo e não troca com ela na ult. Corta-cura é recomendável e se o jungle quiser te gankar tem que ser antes do 6. joga na falha dela que vai dar certo.”
LegacyOneTap says “I've had so many run ins and fails trying to delete this champion in my games but ive figured it out for the most part, side walk for her e or fake her out. you can basically win after that, but levels after 5 you save your e for when she fails to grab you and if you can potentially kill her with the 3 second timer your e gives you stay in and kill her if not use it to just run away and re-engage soon after her ult is over. Lethal tempo, bork, trinity,black cleaver, just all dps with like 2 damage/tank items you aren't dying to her and she no longer exists as a champion to you. i'd say you win hard first item and never have issues after as long as you are playing your best macro wise because she essentially just turns into, dodge e and all in her she never can fight back. ”
Wizboy73 says “[Conq or phase rush] take phase if you arent sure, you need to kite her ult a bit and use phase to walk out of it if needed, get zhonyas 3rd or second and you should be fine. ”
The Saucy Saurus says “Avoid her E by using minions or dashing out of the way with your E. If you dash into her it can avoid it but not always. You can block her W with your W and then trade with Q. If she ults press W and run away, it can cancel her auto and the movespeed is enough to get free. ”
Denied20 says “As of patch 14.4, you can no longer stat check her when she misses her E, due to Lethal Tempo nerfs. This matchup becomes dodging simulator, tentacles become increasingly hard to dodge during the 8 seconds of her ultimate, as they slam twice as fast. You never really win due to this as you should focus on dodging nearly all of them and god forbid you don't get hit by her E, at least you can wind wall it. Later on with your high damage you can stat check her in her ultimate if she casts it away from her preexisting tentacles, which she otherwise convert into empowered tentacles. That is why its important for her to chase you as this leads her away from them and results in fewer tentacles in the ultimate. You can also try to clear the area of her tentacles, but this it not subtle and signals to her possibly your intention, making her commit early and putting you in an awkward spot.”
Genneva says “The reason why illaoi would be your demise because early on she will just bully you and thus you don't have attackspeed early, she will be your biggest threat to survive.”
BurritoTopKing says “Do your best to dodge her E, also you can cancel her W if timed properly, careful when trading after 6 but as long as she doesn't hit E you should be OK.”
xskyswitch says “This matchup is completely dependent on dodging her E. As much as it hurts to say "just dodge", that really is it for this matchup. Even then she is quite annoying to play against. Usually I see Illaoi R at low hp. If you see that opening don't hesitate to burst her down with your combo into Q execute.”
Tronnes says “I personally think the laning phase of this matchup is more of a minor since illoai's entire champ is kinda based off pulling your soul and you can just dodge with e. Just respect her R because even in games where she has hard inted to me it didn't matter if I was 2-3 levels up because if she pressed R with your soul grabbed its not winnable. Remember to watch the map because she scales and split pushes.”
Brb3535 says “even tho if u play good u can win and i won a lot of times i would say to perma ban her, just unplayable sometimes, her kit is better than yours, she has more hp and dmg than u if any point bcs that is the hero u can t do anything. appears more than olaf so that s why perma ban ”
King Turtle says “This entire Matchup is similar to Cho'Gath where a single ability can determine who wins and loses. If you can avoid Illaoi's E you stand a good chance to win, but if she's able to land them somewhat consistently you're going to struggle. ”
Bonkyou says “Fun matchup, it is very hard against good illaoi players.
Don't Q2 into her E... There are a lot of tips I can give against this matchup. Drop by my stream... too much to include here”
RivenCarriedYou says “Dodge her E, win the lane. That's all there is to it. If she misses her E you can hard trade, if she hits it you lose. Riven has the mobility to deal with this matchup and also outscales. Try not to let her 1 shot the wave with Q or you're just going to be farming under tower dodging her E for the next 10 minutes.”
Meleedeft says “Your best window to kill her is before her level 6.
You must dodge her E and some of her tentacles hits.
After level 6 you can beat her if you dodge her E and bait her R before your all in.”
BaotoGame says “Illaoi useless without E but ghouls block her E.That means if you want to all-in with illaoi,make sure that you have 4 ghouls.Just don't make a stupid mistake.”
Chaddouk says “Get ready to dodge, and to click fast, in right angles. Keep your mouse close to your champion for better control. Illaoi is a favorable matchup for tryndamere as long as you keep moving, anticipate where the tentacles hits are coming from, and don't get touched by every E (you can easily bait it by playing around your own minions). You can also take down tentacles for free fury, and anyway when you can take them you should. Just I got surprised once playing vs exhause illaoi and the ms debuff made me get hit by tentacles despite good movement, otherwise move good win lane. After 6 the champ is supposed to be scary but tryn doesn't die for 5 sec, so if you have the damage to finish her within 5 sec just go for it, killing before getting killed. Be aware that your teammates do not have this kind of R and will need to respect range or R timer when ganking you. Can go D blade if confident. In lane should be careful when playing next to a turret because that's where she can have 2 tentacles active. If you fall behind you can proxy as it's hard for her to follow.”
daitolol says “- Extremely hard matchup, orb is a must her shoving potential is extremely high and you need to be permanently positioning yourself behind minions on the move as a land from her e will equal 30-60% of your hp, get out of her range as fast as possible if she lands it
- You can only go for short trades while her E is down, your best bet is to try and snowball early with the help of a jungle as being weaksided on this lane is painful
- Go for an all in after 6/obvilion orb by baiting her e on minion or trying your best to dodge it using r/e
Conq TP
Black Demon Ezel says “Those tentacles can be targeted and that's what makes them so deadly. They divert attention from Illaoi while she just spams you with more abilities. Whatever you do, do not get hit by that stupid E of hers. It will tear apart your health bar”
_WhiteSnow_ says “illaoi is pain for melees but if you can dodge her e really well you should win short trades. You can cancel her w with knockup so that's your main tool for winning trades early, as it puts it on cooldown and denies a tentacle slam. If she pulls your soul early and she doesnt have her knockup cooldown, you can look to just push her off the soul by just chuking her. Just make sure not to stack with your soul so its harder to hit both with her abilities.”
X_TRM says “(Start W/E) You can beat her early but it's very hard due to her W spam and tentacles. Always dodge her Q by walking in a 90° angle and stand behind your minions to avoid her E. She will probably get her first item before you since her Q one shots the caster minions around lvl 5 and she has prio in this matchup. and she also outscales you hard. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Chempunk Chainsword”
At_Tar_Ras says “unplayable. you should genuinely ban this champ if you play renekton and if you didn't and she got picked, DODGE. no matter WHAT her score is; once she gets her mythic + hull, its joever. try to sidestep her grab. when she ults, run away. extended fights with her = death. by her first armor item, you've unfortunately already been outscaled. unless she goes full AD, there is no hope in this matchup. yes. it's that bad. but if you sidestep grab, always go for the usual combo on her, then back out. again, when she ults, unless you genuinely kill her (watch out tho she thrives on 1hp battles), always run away.”
vexxed04 says “{phase rush ignite flash} Your goal here is to dodge as many E tendrils as possible and poke her down with phase rush escapes. Rushing iron spike is viable. She shoves waves super fast so make sure to be careful and ask for ganks pre6. Keep a ward down and track the enemy jungle to guarantee a kill. Use your phase rush speed combo to bait out her R and escape with minimal damage.”
Dew Master Flash says “Illaoi is a real sore for sion. Illaoi can even win early game and then there is truly no hope. Try to bully early, and if you can't do that, pray.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal/Boots + Refill]
[Build: PTA Riftmaker]
Boots can be viable to dodge her skillshots. Kill her tentacles whenever possible. Dodge her E and punish her super hard. If you don't dodge, just walk outside the circle, don't try to fight her. When tentacles attack you, dodge them by walking perpendicualr to the tentacles hitbox. For example, if the tentacle is on the right/left and tries to hit you horizontally, you dodge vertically (special thanks to xPetu).”
kenneking says “She just perma splitpushes. I would recommend going phase rush rune in case you get hit by e. Most important thing against illaoi is to get her behind as much as possible and avoid teamfighting. This means matching her in sidelanes and always trying to get first base/move.
credit to xPetu for making the video explaining how to deal with illaoi. ”
Pretzel Shiv says “you win pre 6, and depending on if you dodge her e, you beat her late game with Q poke. She has a better teamfight tho since her ult is damn annoying.”
TheBougis says “Even though Illaoi is one of the best 1v2 champions, her power is not as prominent as in Summoner's Rift. She is immobile so you can hit easy Q's on her, and when she ults you can ult her to make her sad.”
cillowlane says “get boots early to dodge her E and leave the fight when she ults. also let your jungle know not to gank if she has ult unless goal of gank is to bait out her ult/give her double kill”
ShadowStealer94 says “Will burst you early and will be quite hard to kill due to tankiness and large amounts of healing. Poison Wizard is Especially good into this champ. ”
ShadowStealer94 says “Excellent matchup for you just be careful early, rush antiheal and make sure to R her straight after she uses her R and the lane is yours.”
DebRiX9 says “Trade before 3 away from her tentacle, poke her down and wait for her to cast Q dodge it and cast yours. After 6 be carefoul. If she uses test of spirit (E) then you can try E her away then R, but best scenario is that she R first without E.
If she misses E you can run her down and force her to ult after 6 then ult yourself.”
ShadowStealer94 says “A fairly even matchup. Make sure to buy antiheal for this champ as they do lots of healing and this will shut them down quite effectively.”
Antecc says “No real Jax specific sauce to be spilled here. Antiheal is a MUST, paired with DS and Black Cleaver. Dodge E + all tentacles, run if she ults and dodge her W with E. You can react to the latter part. Hullbreaker is a great option, as this champion plays like Yorick; she doesn't leave sidelane, so you will be prompted to keep matching her. If you're the only hope of winning the game, force another teammate that is weaker than you, yet strong enough to match Illaoi so you can join the fray and carry yourself to victory.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Dodging her E is crucial to win this matchup (Q as well but its not as important as E). If she doesnt hit you can just farm and light trade with her. Stay behind minions behind minions to avoid being hit by random E. If you get hit by it walk away asap and W the slow. 90% of the times you dont want to fight in her ult, but fortunately it has some cast time so you can just run away with movement speed. You outscale but if she goes hullbreaker it might be a hard moment for you.”
ABL Pantheon says “One of your hardest counters. You can try to fight early, but you must dodge her abilities, if not you are doomed. After 6 dont really fight her she wins most of the times. Remember that if you are ahead, she can still kill you.”
Spoodersussi says “U WIN EARLY:
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [Cash Back] [approach velocity]
items: start dorans shield -> swifties->CORE
dodge e at all costs and run away when she ults she has no way to cancel your w
lordimboutabust says “Skill matchup. Stand behind minions and bait E if she misses you can all in 100-0 her. If she hits you its best just to run away to avoid the damage. Try not to let her get you pushed under tower as if she hits one E she can force you out of lane if she has a few tentacles set up. Even when you're ahead always respect her damage and bait her ult if you can as she will almost always have damage and healing to kill you| Second WInd | Dblade - Tank mythic”
Bernardian says “Very easy. Illaoi pre 6 has little to no dmg provided that you dont get hit by her tentacles. Hitting her E pre 6 could lead to you killing her or atleast poking her. She has ZERO way of stopping your all in as she has no dashes or movement speed buffs, however post 6 this matchup flips on its head. You ALWAYS want to look to sidestep her e and keep track of the cooldown(16 seconds- 12 seconds). Her ultimate is really hard to deal with but mostly its her W as it goes on a 2 second FLAT cooldown when she ults. sidesteping her E GUARANTEES that you kill her even when she ults. This entire matchup is literally around 1 singular ability and nothing else as long as you avoid it you dominate this matchup. Post lane amazing teamfight potential but shit skirmishing as she has no dashes and if she does get cc/kited she will just die.”
ardeluu says “Just dodge her E and tentacle slams and u should just win, since if she misses E u can all in or trade. Staying behind minions can help a lot to dodge her E or baiting it with ur own. Try to fight in the direction with less tentacles since ur Q has decent range and ur R gives u movement speed to dodge the incoming tentacles slams. She has no way to dodge ur combo (Q.W.Q.Auto,Q) so focus on it when she missplays by missing E or walking up 2 far.”
Waqql says “If Illaoi gets ahead, there's not much you can do. Once her E is on cooldown, you can engage. Avoid her tentacles to prevent her from healing herself. You can safely destroy her tentacles from a distance while baiting out her E. If Illaoi uses her ultimate, immediately disengage and wait for the ultimate to expire. Avoid getting help from your jungler. In my experience, junglers often struggle to deal with Illaoi, and attempting to fight together often leads to both of you dying.”
FaNTOP says “Борись с ней с 1-го по 3-й уровень. Стой за миньонами и трейди с ней, попадая Q и E, затем отходи к волне. Если ты используешь W, она использует E и выигрывает трейд. Также её рука не вызывает эффект треснутости от твоего W, поэтому будь осторожен. Всегда уворачивайся, и если ты выходишь за пределы её E, стой на месте и жди, пока появится щупальце, но не убивай его, дай ему ударить дважды, чтобы не появилось ещё одно, и уворачивайся от него.”
0xeaD5D18 says “Lethal Tempo or Press The Attack. Doran's Blade or Long Sword. Flash + Barrier or Ignite. Dodge her E. Early game you can have a little bit of an advantage. Buy anti-heal, and kill her before level 6. After level 6 the game gets way harder. The best thing you can do is to run away from her Ultimate. Flash, ghost, do whatever it takes. Be aware of her R in team fights. If she tries to dive under the turret, make sure you still have your Ultimate and Barrier. This is my underrated strategy for killing enemies. Wait for them to come, hit them with Q, fear them with E, get hit, and when the tower starts hitting them, if you are low, use also your Barrier, if not, use only your R. That will stun them and besides that fact that you deal damage to them, the tower will also do the same and in a blink of an eye, they're gone. My advice for you is to ban her every time you play top. ”
demirkaiser says “She isn't a problem until she buys QSS. Level 1 you beat her pretty hard. Don't get hit by Q's. Level 2 you can try fighting but be careful to not eat her tentacles. DODGE HER E ALWAYS. Post 6 wait her to use ult, then you can use your ult and beat the shit out of her. If she buys Black Cleaver and QSS, it's time to leave the lane. Also buy bramble in case you can't dodge her tentacles.”
Lukajs says “Illaoi is a lane bully, meaning you want to build Dorans Shield and Second Wind into her. You can make good trades with E + Q4 + AA if you dodge the tentacles.
If you can shut her down pre-6, you can go equal. Otherwise you lose.
Play for poke and farm.”
kayle1v9 says “boots rushand then you gotta dodge all her spells. R her R and run away. You start winning at 6. Poke when she's going for last hit and stay behind minions to not get hit by her E. Tentacles are also very easy to destroy with aa + E ”
Riceyboll says “Usually I love some good tentacle action... Not this time (This matchup is easier in lower elo I don't know why, but they just suck there)”
UmbreonQueen says “If you see Illaoi then you can kiss your ass goodbye. You can't fight her head on and if the enemy player has more than two braincells they won't waste any Es and just have a free lane all game. My permaban”
Twogrand says “ALWAYS BE MOVING!!!! never stand still in this match up you cannot be lazy once youre lazy you lose if she misses her E thats your time to do ur trade for 10 seconds and try to last that long while doing it AS I SAD ALWAYS BE MOVING shes gonna Q you and if she lands her q she will heal from ur trade so just be moving and dodge her abilities .
go conq tp and eclipse build”
TheGoobMaster says “I hate this champ she can be inting and 1v5 with black cleaver, hullbreaker, and R. Beat her up while her R and e are on cooldown. Dodge tentacle = ez matchup. I just suck at dodging/ baiting that ability and its easy af to land so I have a tuff time”
Althalosofsirun says “pre 6 dodge her E and try to fight you will win when her E is on cd when she gets her ult wait for her to ult and ult her away from the tentacles to stop her from one shotting you(buy anti heal)”
Spaget says “Try not to let her hit you with her E, Rushing Plated helps with that cause its reduces the damage and allows you to dodge more easily. Take Flash TP or TP Ignite if you're confident Rushing Plated is a good idea.”
Nurakami says “Old yone would screw her so hard.
But now without Lethal well its hard to dmg hell when she rush infamous tabi iceborn combo.
But there is one rule still don't get git by e.
Yea you will get bcs your dash is straightforward and she can just yoink your soul and beat the daylight out of you,
Your best choice is to poke her w and q and ocnasionally trade.”
BezMemow says “Her E is all of her kit, pre 6 its an even matchup, you win lvl 1 so cheese her and try to get lvl 2 before her. Lvl 6 make sure to ult when she is using her Q or when she's stuck in an animation like the E animation. Build anti heal and steelcaps early for mobility to avoid the tentacle hits.
She's way easier since she cannot build QSS anymore.”
LocaLAM says “This is a huge threat to you. You can definetly win so long as you have a good jungler and dodge her E. If she ults walk away and then engage when you poke.”
rilxy4u says “Outranges you, if she lands an E say goodbye to your HP, lots of dmg and healing, punishes hard for trying to cs.
Outplay: hide behind minions / dodge her E, if she uses R, just run. Destroy tentacles when possible but honestly good luck with that. Anti-heal and ignite necessary.”
Smauggy says “stays behind your creep, and even after you have enough ms to dodge her abilites, run perpandiculary to her
if she ult: ult and run away, ”
RanDomGuY060 says “Play behind the minions, beat her before level 6 and go bramble vest first item. Run away if she ults you. If she does snowball you, play around the team because you just lost the lane. If not play around your tower.”
Nico_Player says “She is so annoying, she can be 0/5 but she use her E and if she catch you will deal you lot of damage, try to avoid it and poke with you E.”
Loweloexpert says “You ult negates her, you can win lvl 3 too. If you dodge E its won, stay behind minions and poke with Q, if she misses E instantly engage and she cant do shit. At 6 all in her, wait her ult and after the animation ult her. Free matchup ”
sinatra1633 says “Stand behind minions to not get hit by her E.
If she uses her R, always run away and wait out the duration.
Without her ultimate she can't beat you in an all in.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Ah Illaoi, such a pain. She simply E's and ult's you and whoever else is in the lien of fire as well. That ult of hers not only heals her but allows her to summon more tentacles to pulverize you with. No fun at all to fight and since she's a common top laner, it's worth noting that Cho'Gath is not someone to play against Illaoi”
Nexon22412 says “Bait her E then all in her.
If she lands E + Ult on you try to walk it off. Oh and forget about getting ganks if she kills you and your jungler its GG”
Mnem says “Go with Conqueror or Fleetwork or Grasp (for a tank build), Second Wind or Bone Plating (to reduce her combo damage) Unflinching. Rush Phage or Bramble Vest and avoid Illaoi's Q and E. Press her before level 6. after 6 play on her mistakes and AVOID AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE DODGING FROM AND HER and/or wait for your jg's ganks. Rush Plated Steelcaps and build Trinity Force, Divine Surrender or Jak Sho.”
HSY12 says “Knowledge checker, you can E out of his dimension.
Respect his R, as you will just die if you're standing in it, especially if he landed his E
Try to bait out the E before short trades.
You can win short trades if you dodge the tentacles. ”
Nazcore says “Pre 6 even match up. Simply dodge tentacles and all in. Ignite goes a long way and be sure to stack e to win. Play around her grab and ult and you win. If you eat her pokes on a daily just take d-shield.”
SesaPrime says “You can best Illaoi pre-lvl 6. If you do have a lead on damage, pressure short trades on her. However, AFTER that, if she has items & been playing like a blind swordsman in the lane, you'll notice fighting her is futile.
primate nefasto says “I read everywhere that illaoi is a easy match up and you can explote her weak early only avoiding her E´s. Well, i haven´t ever do that but if you can, good. In late she will destroy you no matter what.”
Reines Kokosfett says “You can run her down level 1 and 2. After level 3, poke her with Q and stay behind minions to dodge her E. If she ever misses her E just run her down.”
TheGAMerboi says “just dont fed and you will be good wait till you have two items to really fight her and you can fight her with no item if you have ganks ”
Boptimus says “Illaoi is pretty easy to deal with as long as you aren't eating free harass.
Whats most important is to hold your E for her E, as much of her damage comes from hitting your vessel and spawning extra tentacles.
If you are taking an extended fight with her try to position near a wall so that if she Ults you can R her away from her tentacles for an easy duel.”
stefanko says “Hard matchup, look to trade level 1 by walking behind her, look to freeze her before she gets 6. If you don't snowball until 6 matchup is almost unplayable. Try to bait out her e before engaging, cause it's really easy for her to hit it if you q her. Play behind the wave if you can't bruteforce all in, so she can't hit the e. Look to kill her tentacles before trading. (lt, tp)”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
I always try to kill her once before 6 so i have a lead when we both have R.
Dodge her E or DODGE THE GAME.
As long as you dodge her E you still win all ins, even if she uses her R. She just doesn't have enough dmg as long as you hit your Vitals correctly and also make sure tu bring Ignite for antiheal and more dmg.”
Zeffie says “Trade with your W and chip away her health so that if she lands an E you can engage onto her instead of running away if there's only 1 tentacle and you have a reasonable health advantage. Good to save Q to escape her ult.”
ElMonumento says “try to remove the tentacles of his passive that are generated and get behind the minions so that the e does not reach you so you can trade him and win the easiest line
Nnorio says “Dodging Simulator.
All in if u have dodged her E at all stages of the laning phase.
This matchup can be easy or hard depending on your dodging capabilities.
1v1 tips:
You can Q past her Q.
Walk away if she uses R unless she is absolutely killable.
If hit by E walk out of the radius unless u can scare her into not hitting your soul.
Once again you outscale if even but DO NOT underestimate her R.
Side note: Kill her tentacles whenever possible.
Tonho says “Not that bad virtually, but she builds Divine Sunderer and her R reduces her W CD, meaning that she will spam Divine Sunderer on you when she ults. Translates to: Wins a trade post-Sunderer even if she misses her entire kit.
Don't play on her R. Your W helps destroying tentacles.
Bring ignite.”
PraefectusMace says “Nightmarish. Chances are she will keep trying to smack you with tentacles or try to hit the soul thing. Gonna end up under your tower all the time, and her ult is devastating. Positioning is the key, and forcing her to waste her ult before backing out, because you REALLY don't want to fight under her ult or you will just watch your hp vanish while hers go all the way up again.”
dzsama says “You need to play aggressively in lane early before she gets 6 since after that it's a lot harder to force on her. If you set her behind early you can keep abusing her. While playing against Illaoi it's important to dodge her Test of Spirit. After she misses that you are free to trade with her as she misses a good portion of her damage when she can't utilize the spirit from it. Your E also dodges her W, which can deny a good amount of damage from her. If she ults and you know you can't finish her at that moment Q away as she heals for a good amount when she deals damage in her ult. If you are having trouble with her healing buy a Bramble Vest or a Executioner's Calling.”
lorensj81 says “This is all about Illaoi E, if you dodge that, you can win trades, if you get hit by it you will lose trades. So every 12 seconds you have to dodge her E and trade after that.
She heals alot from her tentacles so Ignite/Anti heal is needed. When Illaoi uses R, you can NOT fight her, you will die! Just walk away. Her R cooldown is very short tho. She is a master to win 1v2 fights when getting ganked.”
Pep_Shin says “Hard matchup
Try to kill the tentacles as much as possible.
If you're hit by a E you can't fight her until you've back.
You can fight her once 6 if she doesn't have her own ult or if she misses her E.
If she hits her E she will out damage you and sustains.
She will build divine sunderer, when she hits it fighting her by yourself becomes nearly impossible.”
GannicusTTV says “She is weak pre 6. You can look for trades, but dodge her tentacle slams, and W her W (leap % hp dmg auto. Side step a lot and dodge her E, and force trades if she misses it as it is your chance to kill her. Ignite is really good to deny her some healing, but if you die or get pressured in lane ignite makes you lose it easier.
At lvl 6 she is a big threat if she lands her E. kill her tentacles around. Rushing anathema's 2nd is really good into her.”
Magmasmoothie says “Destroy tentacles asap and dodge her E. I feel like a lot of low elo players struggle against this champion, to these players I suggest that you don't have to force fights against her. Just farm and you will be stronger in teamfights.”
Puyi says “She won't bet you unless she lands her E, which you should be able to dodge with your E. You can take her away from her tentacles if she's near a wall, significantly reducing her damage. You can rush bramble vest if you want to play it safe.”
JustSad42 says “You will want to instantly kill any tentacle that spawns. Killing tentacles always takes priority over trying to damage Illaoi, even in the middle of a trade. If Illaoi has even a single tentacle up and she hits E-R on you, you will lose the trade no matter what. Illaoi is a champion with an inherently frustrating game mechanic. If she hits E on you, she will win the trade. She doesn’t hit E on you, she loses the trade. It’s very hard to W her E melee range, so you’ll have to try walking up past your minons and back to bait the Illaoi E and just always killing her tentacles. A big thing to note is that if you get hit by her E, you can Q-W of the E range and you do not get slowed. So that is a big help to escaping her range. You will outscale Illaoi at 3 Items. Never try to teamfight versus Illaoi when behind.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Ring.
Ghost+Ignite or Ignite+Teleport.
Free if you dodge her E. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to kill her, and her chances will increase dramatically. Try to stay behind the minions so she can't aim this ability and it should be easy. Illaoi is a strong laner, but overall is worse than Gwen.”
NegativePhoenix says “Be careful of Tentacle Ladys poke. She doesn't necessarily need to get close to you at all to do damage if she can aim her W to toss her tentacles properly. You can dodge her Q with your E pretty easy and odd movements can stop her from landing her E. If she ults, I'd heavily recommend ulting her AFTER she does and you W her first slam so you can toss her away from the ult zone, if you can't, just back out because she will beat you even if you almost have her dead.”
Night Guy says “Just dodge her E and when she ultis use yours and pull her out of her tentacles. It will be easier for you to make her useless when she ulties because most of the Illaoi's stick to a wall for the tentacles and just ulti her out.”
JustSad42 says “Kill tentacles as soon as it spawns.
Punish early.
Punish when she misses E.
When She R's, if you can't oneshot her, then walk out of her R, then go back in after her R is over.”
osckis17 says “If you use rengar top illaoi is the worts champs play Vs if you see a illaoi don't try fight him unless you are feed or have farmed a lot”
SrMolinv says “Dodging minigame. Riven wins from level 1 to 5. She lands E she wins, If she doesnt land E you can all in even if her R is up. Hard to snowball, even if behind champ has HIGH damage.”
YamiLostSoul says “Her E is the main problem. Dodge it and clear tentacles. Fighting her with 2+ tentacles or 1 tentacle and your soul is a lose. Divine angle. ”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with inspiration and start dblade with ignite. If she misses E you can jump on her and all in. Try to dodge her Q and E, and parry her W with your e. Kill her passive tentacles before you all in with ignite. If she misses e you can jump on her and kill her.”
OOBLEXX says “Skill matchup imo. She outranges you with her Q and the CD on E is real low so be careful. You can definitely do well here but it requires you play early game relatively safe behind minions so she cant steal your soul. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge her Q]
[Dodge her E or if you get hit, either back off or take a lot of damage and dodge her tentacles]
[Destroy her tentacles as soon as possible]
[Your R will remove her tentacles]
[Buy Bramble Vest]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “If you dodge her E, look for a trade. Avoid Q poke, kill tentacles on lane if possible. Her build is very op with a ton of armor so early snowball is heavily needed to win throughout th egame”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Win lane - lose game champ, however you have to suffer for 15 min straight to get lp.
if you think its not worth it, consider dodging this matchup.
Try cheese kill lvl 2”
RandumPersin says “Completely unwinnable. Take conqeror, TP, and accept the fact that you will NEVER kill her and will lose the 1v1 once she finishes hullbreaker. If she ever whiffs her spirit pull (E) before finishing hullbreaker, you have about 10-15 seconds to kill her. Keep an eye on her tentacles and use unempowered W to clear them quickly, this limits the damage she can deal to you through her passive. As a general tip against Illaoi, if she isn't capable of killing the spirit once ripped out, you can fight her on it and probably win, just be extra careful not to let her hit BOTH you and the spirit with an ability since it will effectively do double damage. Do not disrespect her Ultimate; she will completely destroy you, even if you have used your own AND had a large health gap in your favor going into the fight.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Dodge E, or dodge the game. Buy Swifties to dodge her E easier, and to get out of her E if she does hit you with it, lets the slow be easier to get out of and dodge things with. Ultimate her out of hers, after she's unstoppable. It will make it so she is outside of her spirit of you and from the apex of her ultimate.”
LeyzeHP says “Letal tempo/Conqueror
Lane is not too hard unless you don't get wave perma pushed against you. I used to go kraken into ravenous and then some hp, now it's different but i think you can easily beat her with kraken into eclipse.”
ToxicCannon says “Very tough matchup because she can out zone you with her tentacles. Ban her, ask for jungle help, or get insanely good at dodging her E/Killing her tentacles when they spawn. This is an unforgiving matchup.”
Fizzy says “Try to avoid both her E and her ult as much as possible, trim her E whenever possible so there are fewer tentacles hitting you during her ult.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Dodge E and you win every fight, if you missplay and get hit by it while she has ult never fight with her beacuse she will outdamage you hard and heal your damage. ”
Smudey says “Don't get hit by Qs and Ws for free. Dodge tentacles and destroy them if she lets you. If you dodge her E, you can taunt in and win the lane. If you get hit by her E or if she uses R, just disengage and wait the effect out. Bad Illaois will use E from range, so you can just stay behind your minions and she won't be able to trade. Against good Illaois, if they E you at melee range, use Q to short trade and then E out THROUGH her. She won't deal damage to you and you can disengage from her E. If you are comfortable, take ignite and try to win lane.”
hamgi says “a very annoying matchup for not just yone but any melee top laner. her passive creates tentacles in the lane which can be destroyed with 2 aa's. try to get rid of these as often as possible as they slam down after she lands a spell or in her tentacle realm (e). also they give 5g each. her q goes through minions, but it is a slow animation and a vertical line, so it is quite easy to side step or bait out. her w allows her to jump a short distance to an enemy unit. her e is a skill shot that pulls the soul out of a champ, allowing her to dmg it. if u leave the ring or if she 'kills' it, u will play a mini-game of dodging tentacles until it's over. a lot of illaois will run away to avoid being poked when they miss their e, so get on top of her with (e+)q3 gap close. be mindful of when she has it up as if u q3/r/e forward and there is no ally unit in front of u, she will land it. they will typically (counter-)poke with w as its the shortest anim if u walk up/q3 up to cs, and if they try to q as well, skirt around her and poke her back. dont fight her in her ult unless u have ignite or executioner's as even if she's low, she might regain enough health to kill u or force a bad recall on u”
MrSIrPops says “Illaoi can easily kill you with her passive w combo . Just break her passive when she places them and try to dodge her e . DONT fight inside her ultimate or she will just instantly kill you.”
BlessingPlate63 says “Again, counter to sett and knowledge check. The most important part of this matchup is to dodge her e. You have to dodge her e or else you cannot trade proprely. This is a bit easier than Kled in my opinion but it still is a problem, especialy if you don't dodge her e. Her ult is also a problem, so just get out of it if she uses it. Same goes if you don't dodge her e. Did i mention you had to dodge her e?
Dodge her e”
Cheeseypops1 says “Try to kill her Pre-6 since you beat her usually as long as you dodge her test of spirit (E) and whoever ults first loses, so hold your R for after hers, and it's usually free, Rush Steelcaps”
StingingChicken says “Zone her from first 3 minions of XP level 1 as if you were playing Darius/Sett. Pre 6 you stomp her, if you have a minion lead or HP lead you can stat check her even if she lands E in a lot of situations. After 6, juke her E and all in. Even after 6 you can kill her 1v1 with ignite if you juke her E, E the big slam from her R and you should be good. ”
JustCallMeVox says “Yes, Illaoi is in the minor threat category. Crazy, right? WRONG! When you play against Illaoi, all you have to do is avoid her tentacle slammy thingies, and you win all trades. If you see her going to all in you for maximized damage, just prepare a sand soldier for escape. ”
P: 20 > 7.25
Q: 10 > 6
W: 4
E: 16 > 12
R: 120 > 70
Runes vs Illaoi:
HIGH Econ: Tempo + CRIT 1 shot her
MID Econ: Conq + Sunderer
LOW Econ: Grasp + Tank
Strengths: GREAT at all-ins, enormous split potential, great teamfights when they go her way, statball goddess
Weaknesses: E and R reliant, has basically no level 1, feast or famine off her E/R, can just walk away from her big abilities, gets DOMINATED by zone control (Syndra, Veigar, etc.)
Notes: Kill her tentacles and try to set them up on BAD spots on the walls for her, Double W after her E gets some damage off, use the tentacles for fleet stacks + Ferocity if you have fleet”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “if u can dodge E u win every all in, if u cant dodge her E dont even try to trade, she can play ignite u can match ghost ignite u really need ignite in that kind of matchup yeah”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Test of Spirit(E) is essential when it comes to trading. Dodging this ability is the key as it will reduce her trading power. Ensure that you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion. Do not stand inside the minion wave though as Illaoi can use her Tentacle Smash(Q) to push the wave and poke you at the same time if you stand in it. Try and freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. Illaoi is weak early on and will try to freeze the wave and then zone you away from minions when she is stronger. By keeping the wave closer, you’ll limit her ability to farm and scale.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Test of Spirit(E) is essential when it comes to trading. Dodging this ability is the key as it will reduce her trading power. Ensure that you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion. Do not stand inside the minion wave though as Illaoi can use her Tentacle Smash(Q) to push the wave and poke you at the same time if you stand in it. Try and freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. Illaoi is weak early on and will try to freeze the wave and then zone you away from minions when she is stronger. By keeping the wave closer, you’ll limit her ability to farm and scale.”
kajinator says “You beat her pre-6 if you dodge E but its still hard. Bring Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite. Post-6 you can't really beat her if she misses E even if you have Executioners Calling and Ignite cause she will just heal way too much and if she hits E when you are going for a trade, proc Phase Rush and leave immediately. You are worse in team fights but most Illaoi players build Hull Breaker so you should be fine in that regard since they will be splitpushing most game. Just look to help your team out more in this matchup vs side laning.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Illaoi is a lane bully but she is useless if she misses her E so try to dodge that. Once you hit 6 you can destroy her tentacles quickly with Auto+E reset. Be careful though as if she hits her E you will lose the trade. Play back and wait until lategame. Be wary of her splitpushing and try your best to cut down the wave.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Test of Spirit(E) is essential when it comes to trading. Dodging this ability is the key as it will reduce her trading power. Ensure that you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion. Do not stand inside the minion wave though as Illaoi can use her Tentacle Smash(Q) to push the wave and poke you at the same time if you stand in it. Try and freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. Illaoi is weak early on and will try to freeze the wave and then zone you away from minions when she is stronger. By keeping the wave closer, you’ll limit her ability to farm and scale.”
Evandabank says “If you can dodge Illaoi's E than you can easily win the All-in against her pre-6. However if she does manage to hit an E than she can easily 100 to 0 you. Don't engage without minions to block for you. If you don't already have a lead established, she will outscale you hard once she gets her second item (hullbreaker). Keep in mind that her tentacle slams heal her based on her missing HP. For this reason, if you cannot one shot her. Do not go in. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Test of Spirit(E) is essential when it comes to trading. Dodging this ability is the key as it will reduce her trading power. Ensure that you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion. Do not stand inside the minion wave though as Illaoi can use her Tentacle Smash(Q) to push the wave and poke you at the same time if you stand in it. Try and freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. Illaoi is weak early on and will try to freeze the wave and then zone you away from minions when she is stronger. By keeping the wave closer, you’ll limit her ability to farm and scale.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Test of Spirit(E) is essential when it comes to trading. Dodging this ability is the key as it will reduce her trading power. Ensure that you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion. Do not stand inside the minion wave though as Illaoi can use her Tentacle Smash(Q) to push the wave and poke you at the same time if you stand in it. Try and freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. Illaoi is weak early on and will try to freeze the wave and then zone you away from minions when she is stronger. By keeping the wave closer, you’ll limit her ability to farm and scale.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Test of Spirit(E) is essential when it comes to trading. Dodging this ability is the key as it will reduce her trading power. Ensure that you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion. Do not stand inside the minion wave though as Illaoi can use her Tentacle Smash(Q) to push the wave and poke you at the same time if you stand in it. Try and freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. Illaoi is weak early on and will try to freeze the wave and then zone you away from minions when she is stronger. By keeping the wave closer, you’ll limit her ability to farm and scale.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Test of Spirit(E) is essential when it comes to trading. Dodging this ability is the key as it will reduce her trading power. Ensure that you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion. Do not stand inside the minion wave though as Illaoi can use her Tentacle Smash(Q) to push the wave and poke you at the same time if you stand in it. Try and freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. Illaoi is weak early on and will try to freeze the wave and then zone you away from minions when she is stronger. By keeping the wave closer, you’ll limit her ability to farm and scale.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Test of Spirit(E) is essential when it comes to trading. Dodging this ability is the key as it will reduce her trading power. Ensure that you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion. Do not stand inside the minion wave though as Illaoi can use her Tentacle Smash(Q) to push the wave and poke you at the same time if you stand in it. Try and freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. Illaoi is weak early on and will try to freeze the wave and then zone you away from minions when she is stronger. By keeping the wave closer, you’ll limit her ability to farm and scale.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Poção Corrupta, Q > W]- Ela geralmente empurra você e tenta puxar sua alma para baixo de sua torre enquanto você tenta farmar. Desvie de todas puxadas de Almas, jogue Sempre Q nela quando tiver fluxo de mana Ativo. Sempre que conseguir puxar a wave destrua os tentaculos. Peça Ganks e sempre após lvl 6 jogue para seu time, eles precisam ficar fortes para aguentar ela, foque no seu time e não no splitpush dela"”
Oogaboogaga says “Avoid E, quite easy to kill pre 6 if you do. Post 6 she is much scarier. Kill tentacles if they spawn while trying to bait her E. Do not fight in wave or around multiple tentacles”
Duwiiton says “Illaoi can short-trade you and win. However, you can hook her to an area without tentacles to win a short-trade. Don't fight her if she has your soul, just shield through it.”
zir zir azir says “A difficult matchup. She is very nasty, she is the main source of damage. Watch out for her E and R when you are on a small health.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Test of Spirit(E) is essential when it comes to trading. Dodging this ability is the key as it will reduce her trading power. Ensure that you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion. Do not stand inside the minion wave though as Illaoi can use her Tentacle Smash(Q) to push the wave and poke you at the same time if you stand in it. Try and freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. Illaoi is weak early on and will try to freeze the wave and then zone you away from minions when she is stronger. By keeping the wave closer, you’ll limit her ability to farm and scale.”
Kreyah says “Illaoi isnt hard if you keep minions between you and her. She cant steal your soul if it keeps hitting minions. Learn to avoid this ability and don't fight her when she ults and shes easy work. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Test of Spirit Test of Spirit
(E) is essential when it comes to trading. Dodging this ability is key as it will reduce her trading power. Ensure that you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion. Do not stand inside the minion wave though as Illaoi can use her Q to push the wave and poke you at the same time if you stand in it. Try and freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. Illaoi is weak early on and will try to freeze the wave and then zone you away from minions when she is stronger. By keeping the wave closer, you’ll limit her ability to farm and scale. Ask your Jungler for help before she gets level 6, because she will be able to 1v2 afterward by using her mighty R.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Test of Spirit Test of Spirit
(E) is essential when it comes to trading. Dodging this ability is key as it will reduce her trading power. Ensure that you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion. Do not stand inside the minion wave though as Illaoi can use her Q to push the wave and poke you at the same time if you stand in it. Try and freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. Illaoi is weak early on and will try to freeze the wave and then zone you away from minions when she is stronger. By keeping the wave closer, you’ll limit her ability to farm and scale. Ask your Jungler for help before she gets level 6, because she will be able to 1v2 afterward by using her mighty R.”
Larkana_ says “Illaoi can be quite hard to deal with if you can't dodge, whenever she misses her e go in and dodge tentacles while you trade, after 6 if she misses her e and ults just walk away”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Test of Spirit Test of Spirit
(E) is essential when it comes to trading. Dodging this ability is key as it will reduce her trading power. Ensure that you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion. Do not stand inside the minion wave though as Illaoi can use her Q to push the wave and poke you at the same time if you stand in it. Try and freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. Illaoi is weak early on and will try to freeze the wave and then zone you away from minions when she is stronger. By keeping the wave closer, you’ll limit her ability to farm and scale. Ask your Jungler for help before she gets level 6, because she will be able to 1v2 afterward by using her mighty R.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Poção Corrupta, Q > W]- Ela geralmente empurra você e tenta puxar sua alma para baixo de sua torre enquanto você tenta farmar. Desvie de todas puxadas de Almas, jogue Sempre Q nela quando tiver fluxo de mana Ativo. Sempre que conseguir puxar a wave destrua os tentaculos. Peça Ganks e sempre após lvl 6 jogue para seu time, eles precisam ficar fortes para aguentar ela, foque no seu time e não no splitpush dela"”
Elresser says “Idk what it is, but I can't figure this one out. There were times Illoi seamed very weak but then there were times when I got destroyed by an Illoi. I'll put it as even until I figure this out. maybe Anathemas rush.”
Animate Dead says “Like many top bruisers they can quickly get out of hand, but early when you dodge or she misses E, you capitalize on it and trade her down maybe even secure kill. I build Liandries, since she generally build high HP and building HP yourself will not negate her % dmg.”
dracondas says “whenever she R you R her away instantly to kinda counter her
and if she tries to walk there E her to you so she doesn't grab your soul there and kill her that way ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Test of Spirit Test of Spirit
(E) is essential when it comes to trading. Dodging this ability is key as it will reduce her trading power. Ensure that you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion. Do not stand inside the minion wave though as Illaoi can use her Q to push the wave and poke you at the same time if you stand in it. Try and freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. Illaoi is weak early on and will try to freeze the wave and then zone you away from minions when she is stronger. By keeping the wave closer, you’ll limit her ability to farm and scale. Ask your Jungler for help before she gets level 6, because she will be able to 1v2 afterward by using her mighty R.”
Thrandor says “Pretty fun matchup, play it correctly and she stands no chance. Run away when she activates her R, FIGHT HER WHEN SHE HITS E ON YOU! Dodge tentacles as well as you can”
Racz says “Illaoi can be challenging to some people, make sure to dodge her E. If she has R up don't fight her even with your jungle. When she hits you with E just walk out of it don't try to fight her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Test of Spirit Test of Spirit (E)
is essential when it comes to trading. Dodging this ability is key as it will reduce her trading power. Ensure that you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion. Do not stand inside the minion wave though as Illaoi can use her Q to push the wave and poke you at the same time if you stand in it. If you’ve been hit by her E and escaped the zone, don’t kill all the Tentacles. Stand next to one of them so another one cannot spawn. Try and freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. Illaoi is weak early on and will try to freeze the wave and then zone you away from minions when she is stronger. By keeping the wave closer, you’ll limit her ability to farm and scale.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Very snowbally, but if you know Illaoi you can win. DO NOT GET HIT BY E and you'll be okay early, try and have the wave even/pushed into you, and as soon as she misses an E all in
her. Pre-6 she'll die to this. GHOST is insane here since it allows you to permadodge tentacles, ignite also makes this way easier. ”
tacowo_ says “Every Volibear main I talk to says that this matchup is unwinnable. I disagree. Is it difficult? Yes. But when you stop meta-slaving a bramble vest rush, she becomes far more playable. Sheen->Tabis->Sunderer->Frozen Heart or Randuins. Use your E to zone her off when she hits her E, and use your Q to run away faster. Illaoi is countered by moving away from her.”
Maxpiku says “Скиловый матчап. Хента с тентаклями. Чем больше уклоняемся от ее способностей тем лучше. Держим позицию, просто убегаем из ее ульты. Собираем хилорез и скорость.”
Taiquyorah says “MU chiant mais ce pour tout les champion.
Il faut esquiver son E à tout prix, son Q également et si elle a son ultime, vous ne pouvez pas la tuer.
Il faut respecter sont kit mais si vous prenez votre mal en patience, vous serez récompensé car elle s'essouffle en teamfight alors que vous brillez dans ce domaine !”
NegativePhoenix says “Do not disrespect Illaoi. Early game she will just do her best to poke you with Q and E and rely on corrupting to top off her mana and health. Mid-Late game you need to respect not only her splitpush power, but also her ult power. Her tentacles INSANELY hurt and spawn more the more people her ult hits. Just make sure to poke her down and keep her behind. Once she gets to splitpushing get some help cause she won't be easy to fight, and make sure you have grievous.”
Yiphen says “Jungle Diff or Win Lane, Doran's Shield. Hang back in your minions and avoid her Q. You outrange her W. If she E's you, W her and use Q to dodge her Q's. She can attack your Spirit and take constant AA's or walk away, wasting her E. You can also get easy E procs. Your sustain will let you win almost every skirmish. Her Ult doesn't work well against you since you outrange her. Back when you're low. This is not a lane where you can sustain for 2k+ gold. Freeze wave near tower. Dance.”
wooverbo says “Illaoi is designed to screw you over with all her healing and damage... Ask your jungler to gank her before she reaches level 6, otherwise, she'll 2v1 if you don't have Ignite or some form of heal cut. Make sure to punish her heavily if she misses her E!”
PENTAKILL LETS GO says “I played only one time, but from what I could remember, early was really painful, even if you dodge everything, it's hard to win a trade, and if you don't dodge his grab, you are going to be punish really hard and lose all the avantages your earn with small trades. Also for his ult, even if you dodge his tentacles, he will inflict you ton of damages thanks to his AOE damages near his ult. Anyway you should outscale him and win late.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
Her base damage is really high, but her only real damage tool is her E, use your E to dodge it or try and juke it. She spike really hard at level 6. If she has ult she can kill you, never engage on her unless its down.
She has the potential to 1v2 ganks with ult, I dont reccomend ganking unless her R is on cooldown.”
HelloStranger says “PHASE | Flash + Ignite
Really scary matchup if played wrong. Key is to dodge tentacles which is ironic because I can never seem to dodge them consistently myself. Sacrifice farm and go for a fake all in and disengage with Phase Rush. Once her ult is gone go in for the kill. You still lose late though”
VituVonDoom says “Dodge the E or dodge the game. That's the matchup, there you go. Go any page you feel like besided Elec, and you should be good to go. Me, personally? I dodge the game, I suck at dodging her E”
Aberrant Demon says “Keeping the wave in the middle of the lane helps significantly against Illaoi. This stops the tentacles from being able to clump in a tight space. Until level 3, unless she wastes an ability, you just want to farm up and clear tentacles. Once you are level 3, you can win trades as long as you dodge her Q and tentacles well. If she lands her E and you are healthy, do NOT run away. If you play well, you can force her off of killing the soul. However, if you are at risk of dying, use your Q to break her E soul after you walk out of range. If she has her ultimate up, you trade whenever your Phase Rush is up and use your W if she decides to use her ult. You want to short trade enough times until you can burst her before she can start healing from her ultimate.”
Galactities says “This lane is all kiting and dodging, you want to dodge her soul grab at all points. Side step while autoing, cant tell you how many times illaoi's have missed their grab because of it. If she takes your soul and shes infront of you push her off of it, if shes far walk outside the range. If your going for an all in dodge her tentacles and try to fight her with the least ammount of tentacles around her. Build early grevious and when she ults kite away from the ult and wait it out. She also scales very well so be wary.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Dodge/bait out her Q and you can go for a trade level 1 -> Level 2 if she goes W try to react on it with your W so you can tank it -> Level 3 YOU HAVE TO dodge her E. It is the most important ability in her kit -> I think the match up is kinda aids. Still do not have enough experience -> Freeze waves, bait out abilities (mainly her E) and go for extended trades -> When she pops R do not risk it and go back/disengage”
NegativePhoenix says “Illaoi is a scary champ, at least in team fights. During the lane phase she isn't as scary as long as you can avoid her E and Q pokes, her E especially. Stand behind minions to deny her E grab so she has to sit at a weird spot and risk losing CS if she wants to E. Her Q at first wont do much, but it does stack after a bit so be careful. Once she hits Level 6+, if your jungler wants to gank, I'd advise against it since her tentacles from her ult will put her conq to max right away and heal her massively. She thrives in group fights so always be ready to back up if she E's someone when shes surrounded”
chedlol says “In my opinion this is the worst matchup. As Maokai you are completely just letting enemy push and collecting farm under tower always, waiting for late and waiting to bait enemy into gank or tower. This is absolutely what Illaoi thrives against. Getting shoved in permanently gives her free opportunity to E you, she excels in 1v2 if she gets ganked while ahead, she undoubtedly outtrades you in every single aspect. If you don't have a preferred ban, ban this champion if you're playing Maokai.”
The Kled Mob says “Stand behind your minions and make sure she doesn't hit her E. If she hits her E and ults RUN. besides that pretty free matchup illaoi is terrible.”
JORGE OMAGO 74 says “..............💀. If she misses her E you can trade. play safe avoiding her E behind the minions. Build antiheal or take ignite . late game is yours”
IcunoX says “The champ is made to be annoying, if she knows what she is doing you will want to die because of her E, otherwise you will be fine. Don't get hit by E and you win.
Use your Q when hit by E on your ghost so she might get scared to walk up.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Punish her as much as possible, Fiora wins this matchup, but can lose after she gets frozen gauntlet if not ahead.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater > Freeze
Take ignite.
This matchup is basically a ping gap, if you have around 30 ping you can react to her E comfortably, but otherwise it's very hard.
Use spells to dodge her abilites and tentacle smashes, but hold parry for E and kite her out when she uses Ultimate as she is unkillable.
Ignite works well in this matchup due to her healing and the extra damage.
Kiting is essential in this matchup, getting early boots is very helpful you stomp once you get Hydra”
Boptimus says “W Level 1 will negate her Q Level 1. Get lots of CS and if she positions poorly you can look for quick E-W trades. You need to avoid her E at all costs. If you let her hit E a lot this match up will become much harder.
100% of Illaoi's get too cocky and start trying to trade under your tower. Throw a Q on her for the slow and then R her back towards you under the tower (if you can clear the minions with this it is a guaranteed kill).
A strong Illaoi player can avoid this with her R CC negation, but once this happens shes open to getting ganked, and your R will be on a shorter CD.”
Scallywag says “Annoying matchup for all melee champions. A bit easier for Gangplank since he has his q and barrels.
Very annoying matchup since if you get hit by one e, you may lose half your hp.
Can kill her quite easily pre-6.
After 6 she can kill you quite easily if you don't watch your step.”
Shourdy says “Just dodge her E and tentacle slams and u should just win, since if she misses E u can all in or trade. Staying behind minions can help a lot to dodge her E or baiting it with ur own. Try to fight in the direction with less tentacles since ur Q has decent range and ur R gives u movement speed to dodge the incoming tentacles slams. She has no way to dodge ur combo (Q.W.Q.Auto,Q) so focus on it when she missplays by missing E or walking up 2 far.”
Trundledaddy says “If you're fluffy and dodging her e's, the lane phase is super free, you can
kite her really well, you outscale only way you lose is if you misplay early or fight in her ult + e + 50 tentacles, a bit of an ego matchup but slightly in your favor.”
LoucasTitan says “Illaoi is really good in the early game until level 6, where Illaoi becomes a nightmare to fight. If Illaoi hits you with e, you will get chunked out, and the only way to prevent that is to stand behind the minions and ghouls. I recommend going any rune here since you can win if you have a maiden and you have dodged Illaoi's e.”
davidbiton1 says “illaoi is tanky, deals % max health damage and can poke you from a far. so you cant really play against her, try to not lane against her at all costs.”
queen_rane says “[Ignite + Flash] Just dodge her Q and especially her E and you'll be fine. She can never because you can R her immediately after and she won't have any tentacles around. She has no dashes or anything to escape so you can just chase her down in your ultimate. If she gets a big R in a teamfight just R her so she doesn't kill your whole team.”
SilverAvalanche says “Outscale: You are much more useful in teamfights. In lane you are really just looking for your level 6 power spike and if she ever misses her E then you can kill her. It is also a net positive if you manage to trade your ult for hers since Illaoi is the most Ult dependent champ in the game. If you make her ult then you can easily gank her.”
Federals1 says “It is extremely difficult to beat her. You will win short trades as long as she does not use her ultimate, but if she does, you will hard lose it. Buying Anathema's Chains can be very good if you want to survive the lane. She will stomp you every time she has ultimate unless you dodge every single e she throws out. If you get hit even by one of them, you explode instantly. First rune page should be used. W max is best, but q can work if you think you can dodge her e with the extra speed. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into her.”
bigbearbiggy says “Unkillable gargantuan that nonstop harasses. Main problem is that she can shove waves into your tower and just hard push you in. Recommend that you buy GW asap and ping your jungler.”
lolkayleee says “[Ignite + Flash]
Just dodge her Q and especially her E and you'll be fine. She can never because you can R her immediately after and she won't have any tentacles around. She has no dashes or anything to escape so you can just chase her down in your ultimate. If she gets a big R in a teamfight just R her so she doesn't kill your whole team.”
Rodos says “So, lets see the prespective from the fact that im 4,5 years an illaoi main. I'll tell you one thing. Easies matchup against ornn. You wont EVER be able to win illaoi in 1v1 trades. She got buffed in the 12.4 patch. She simply takes conqueror, for the long 1v1 trades, has already huge healings, as a champion and damage, so dont expect much. You can only win the lane by your jungler, he has to babysit you. Unless, you want a fed illaoi who will 1v5 the whole game, especially if your team is mostly meele-fighting champions. Dont forget to bann her when playing ornn!”
PandoraPanda14 says “Do not let her hit u with her E. She has decent poke early but you should be able to beat her pre 6 if you dont get poked alot. If she hits you with E when she is 6, DO NOT FIGHT HER.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
If you have good ping, you easily smash her by parrying her E and then you just have to dodge her abilities.
If you do not have good ping, you can try to parry her E, it's just a bit harder, take ignite since it really helps for her lifesteal and you should easily kill her in all levels.”
gazibulle says “Skill matchup, Camille favoured. You outscale her. It is always difficult to beat someone who knows his champ, and Illaoi makes the best example: an OTP will literally smash your skull if you don't know how to play this matchup. Early levels you can start W to trade back her Q poke, or you can start Q if you both have Bone Plating or she doesn't, you will win with passive shield. After then you want to stay behind your minions, so she can't steal your soul with E. Remember that if she misses E, she is not a champion anymore, you just hookshot onto her and she is most likely dead. Never E onto her when minions aren't adjacent to her and the walls you are Eing onto: she will just E you and take a huge trade, while you can't trade back. NEVER fight in her E if she proceeds to hit it, you will always lose. Be careful when destroying her tentacles as there is an opening for her to E you, therefore you can bait is by AAing then moving backwards, she will E nothing and you can body slam her. You can ult her R so she doesn't spawn tentacles. You can use your ult to dodge her E too, but you have to kite out her R then since it will heal her for a big amount and you won't win (unless you take Ignite and sidestep her tentacles). Even though she heals for a bit, don't rush Executioner, it's a bait item in this matchup.”
WestRover says “Dodge e just try and ride out the storm, I recommend going barrier and tp against her as it stops you from dying to her e or suffering as much damage(this does fall off a bit late game though)”
darkintaki says “I Think This is one of the hardest matchups, even if illaoi is behind, she still can wreck you up, and even do 2v1, get Bramble Vest and Steelcaps, AVOID THE DAMN TENTACLES.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “Very annoying champ, If you avoid her E by standing behind minions or juking her she does no damage. After sheen if she wifs (misses) her E instantly look to hit her with Q dont chase for the hit tho. ”
alexionut05 says “She shouldn't be a problem simply because of how bad of a champion she is at the moment. If you can avoid her E (and you should, with all the mobility you have), you will have no problem fighting Illaoi. When she ults, simply run away.”
Desire Wisdom says “Don't engage wait always ask for a gank if possible and dont fight whe he ult get out of the ult zone don't fight her with many tentacles”
MHLoppy says “SUPER skillshot dependent matchup. Focus efforts on dodging Q and E while poking her with Q and still maintaining last hitting. It should get to a point where you have a meaningful health advantage over her, at which point her only play left will be to use ult to try to make up the deficit. If she does this, either immediately kill her before she can actually heal or deal damage, or just walk away - she has no CC to keep you in range so your fighting is always voluntary.”
Agatrium says “If she lands E on you, walk away. That's the only chance she has of winning the trade. If she misses it, fight her, you'll smash her without it. Same concept with Mundo where you want to be behind minions so that you don't get hit by her E. ”
erfanfz says “illaoi can out range you behind the minions and you can't keep up with her until you get jungle ganks if you get 2 level higher or get your items earlier than her you can do something”
Gassid says “Commence Z ou Q (si elle est nul). Il faut garder la wave loin de ta tour pour ne pas qu'elle puisse te poke sous tour. Ton E est un bon counter du sien : si elle te touche --> E en dehors du cercle, si elle ne te touche pas --> E in”
Cryniu says “Trata de evitar principalmente su E para que no haga tentáculos ni te pegue.
Compra botas para esquivar más facil sus habilidades.
Vesta espinosa si ves que se cura mucho.
Casi no sirve la tenacidad contra Illaoi, considera no usarla.
Trata de no entrar con tu E si tiene su R.
Es complicado matarla, te sugiero estar más a la defensiva.
Con tu W anulas la W de ella.”
ogilabadabahamdala says “really easy when she uses ult just run and wait for it to run out. Then kill her like she is nothing, or if you are a little risky just click your e. Buy bramble first or go ignite.”
Helzky says “Illaoi is terrible against Yorick. Take Ignite + Ghost or Ignite + TP and run her down. Level 2 all in, and level 3 all in. Level 6, make sure she doesn't leave her tower. If you end up not taking Ignite then buy executioners.”
OliveeGarden says “take ignite. you beat her pre lvl 3, but once 3 she wins trades IF she lands E. try not to fight her when she has a hp advantage. post 6, save you R till after she uses hers, to get her away from her e. ”
havy says “two of her abilities are skill shots, keep in mind that she'll try to wait for you to go for last hit on minions so she can either Q or E you, keep her ult in mind if you ask for a gank, as she has 2v1 potential with it”
magician4444 says “A good illaoi can make this somewhat difficult but for the most part, just dodge her E. If she ults don't stand inside near her tentacles. You can easily kite her down the lane because she's slow. Getting hit by an E is really bad. You're really squishy so you'll lose like 50% of your HP just from her destorying the spirit.”
Ujiyo says “It will be VERY hard to all in her and very hard to not get poked out. Consider dodging or asking for jungle help in the early game. Build antiheal or ignite and try to Q dash out of the fight when she presses R.”
Your Desired Username says “Mordekaiser's easiest matchup in my opinion, as you just completely negate her kit with your ult. You remove her e spirit and on average around 4 tentacles that would have otherwise beaten the shit out of you if it wasn't for your ult. Pre-6 is where you should be careful, though. She will be taking grasp and w spam you in lane, and these W's hurt, believe me. Post-6 you can just braindead run into her until she ults and you just ult after her, just make sure to not ult her during the animation of her ult as she is unstoppable for a split second. Ulting her in teamfights can be very useful, just make sure she already used ult so she doesn't spank you in Brazil.”
boboderaffe says “As long as you don’t run into her and dodge her Q&E‘s, you’re fine. Don't actively look to kill her, you’re better off going for „Perma Freeze“ to keep her at bay. This will be especially useful if she decides to join a teamfight and you can lock her in place and reduce her damage.”
Hoosteen says “she is such a pain to deal with. Similar to sett. she can shit on you and your jungler. unlike sett, you can beat her if you do everything right. you can block of lot of her damage with e but not a whole lot. if she misses her e feel free to go in for a short trade. Just get 6 and start to roam. it's less stress.”
Rayli36 says “I know i know it's hard but you need to dodge her E i have tactic against her and it's pretty crazy so you're rushing boots of swiftness and zeal and in 90% you will dodge E and after that you can engage and win before lvl6 and try to do short trades after lvl6 and if she's low enough you can go all-in
Black Demon Ezel says “Illaoi is much more dangerous to Yorick than she is to my morde gameplay. To beat Illaoi, you usually have to be fast enough to evade her tentacles which anyone can be with boots. But avoid grouping up on her 1v5 because it doesn't matter how weak she is throughout the game, too much grouping will just feed her. Try to get kills early on and then single her out to slaughter her”
Atomragnar says “If you dodge her E you will win. Poke her with Q. You need brambles before level 6 if you want to fight her since her healing from R is huge.
If you doesn't dodge her E you will loose the fight. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Illaoi is high sustain, unga bunga bonk bonk fighting style. She has 10 angles she can hit you from with her tentacles, so your shield is mainly used against her empowered auto attack. Buy bramble early. Go Grasp.”
ArshieMeBob says “Poke her down and hit her tentacles. If you get hit by E, you either just concede, or push forward on her, based on if she has tentacles or not. She's basically a cannon minion without E. At level 6 she upgrades from cannon minion to super minion. You can no longer win if she hits E. The best part is, if she ults, you can do something called walk away. Overall just an easy matchup”
LunaticDancer says “You can just walk out of her damaging skills, her E is an easily blockable skillshot. Buying armor cripples her damage. But really, the core if the match up is: WALK. AWAY. FROM. HER. DAMAGE.
Don't ever just stand in her ult. With a bit of micro skills, you're gonna beat her without a sweat.
Runes and items based on confidence.”
COJA says “If you dodge her E you will always win. Try to dodge her Q without using E, as you can punish her immediately after. Kill her tentacles if you can. If you get an early ironspike and she doesn't build tank, you can kill her with one perfect combo.”
N0kk__ says “Illaoi is an extreme threat/bully. If she can hits her Q or E you will vomit by the amount of the you will recive. When level 6 avoid asking for ganks as Illaoi will get two free kills. Anathema's Chains is good here as you will avoid her burst. The best thing to do is ask for ganks before level 6 and even then you don't know the outcome.”
UnderworldShun says “I hate this champ. As xpetu says, either dodge her E or dodge the game. On that note, he has a very informative video on Illaoi, so go watch that if you don't know how to deal with her. ”
space cat says “you lose trades with her if she lands her e, and you sometimes lose trades even if she doesnt land it. try to dodge her skillshots and be very careful of her ultimate. ”
Eduardocwalle says “Illaoi is the same for a lot of champs cause her kit is based on hitting E, so just play with the wave and she shouldn´t be able to trade u. BUT, if u want to engage her do it before lvl 6 cause u will suffer EVEN WITH IGNITE. Ur only option is ignite her and dodge some dmg of her R with yours.”
Polartech says “If you are good to dodge her soul stealing, it will be really an easy lane, otherwise could be a nightmare, don't try to trade when she catch Kayle's soul you will only loose life doing nothing, dodge the tentacoles and play safe.”
XxDarkMEGAxX says “Illaoi late game is very annoying and hard to play against. Zac doesn't move around at the speed of light, making it so that her tentacle can hit you pretty often, and her ult will be able to one shot you if you don't build properly. Early game you should try to fight her as much as you can to prevent her from getting CS, her first ability is usually Tentacle Smash, which is very easy to dodge. I recommend bringing Ignite and Flash, but be very careful past level 6.”
CEOofMicrowave says “Rush boots. Will be very punishing if you don't play this right. When the tentacle goes to slam, walk horizontally. If she pulls out your spirit or ults, just leave the fight. Anti heal is absolutely worth it here. ”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Okay so ms.olympia wannabe here can be a real pain in the arse for 2 reasons,if you get hit by her tentacle pull chances are you'll lose the trade and potentially an all in as she heals off hitting your pulled image thingy so generally you have to avoid getting hit by that,the 2nd reason is you can get apeshit dumpstered in a post 6 all in if you don't bother dodging her ult tentacles.Pre 6 assuming her tentacle pull is on CD you can dumpster the mma wannabe pretty easy,so don't be afraid for trades/pokes and potential all ins,as for the post 6 all ins generally just try to bother dodging literally any tentacle you can and you'll be fine in the long run.
Dshield or Dblade because it's skill.”
5Head Builds says “as long as you don't all in her with her Ultimate then you should be fine. Otherwise, with your kit, You win and you definitely outscale.”
ToothlessKnight says “Very annoying matchup as she can easily land her E on Urgot and bullys very slower champs. Urgot has a fat hitbox as well. Get lane dominance early and push her in, she isn't a champion until she is lv3. Rush an executioners and do not let her get lane control. She will make your life hell if she gets ahead. If your jungler doesn't come pre lv6 do not call for them to help. Illaoi is a monster at 2v1ing with her ult damage and healing. Once you're lv9 you have outscaled illaoi and should win most all ins even if she lands her e on you. Wave management is key in this one.”
Percychan720 says “bruh this is up to your skill level or you can just dodge her e if you don't either you are damned gg you are going to feed or you shall learn the dodgey art of dodging”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Lane will not be fun - dodge her e to the best of your ability and try to play for picks and skirmishes away from her. If you do manage to avoid her e, look to get a quick trade. Rush antiheal.”
MrZoltannn says “Her Q hits like a truck so try to dodge it, when she uses Q to hit you outside its range, poke back with your Q. look out for her lvl, since her E can damage you pretty well. for safe laning and fights, go stridebreaker or goredrinker, for more dmg go Prowler's and go lvl 6 all-in on her. Look out for her ult, since its her biggest heal source as well, so rushing executioner into your mythic is a good idea.”
Koboldjaeger says “Makes you want to unistall the Game is she get's some Kills . Dodge her E and All-In her instanly . Run once she uses her R
Build Divine Sunderer”
xPetu says “Tips: W her W-AA. Learn to dodge her E or dodge the game. If you get hit by E, instantly run away from spirit range. Dodge tentacles by moving straight at a 90 degree angle. When she R's, just disengage.”
Stinkee says “This is a skill matchup that can slightly favor Illaoi. The key to winning this matchup is to dodge the E and if she does land it you need to fight her to stop her from attacking your spirit. Stand behind the spirit and aim your Q infront of it so if she tries to attack it she gets knocked up. When she gets her ult she can be a serious threat, if she does ult, try to wait to fight her until her ult is over. If your jungler comes when she's 6 she could easily 1v2 if you and your jungler are stacked ontop of each other and get hit by her E. Rush Bramble Vest to reduce her healing then later upgrade into Thornmail. ”
Sovereign Kitten says “Illaoi has to be played through her passive. Keep taking the tentacles out as they grant you (5g) and prevent her from landing chain abilities, like when she uses her ultimate and hits a target nearby. That being said her ult needs to HIT a champion to activate. It's flashable and avoidable if you Zhonya. However, she is a very simple champion to deal with I would suggest learning to bait out her (E) and side step her tentacles (E) combo and her (Q). If you allow her tentacles to remain and they hit you, she will gain sustain for every tentacle that strikes a champion.
Anoying bro5 says “Early game dont worry about her E as it doesnt do a ton of damage pre 6. If you get hit by it, dont run away, fight her. Dodge her Qs and tentacle attacks with Q and walking. Pre 6 since her E is useless you can riposte any Q or W dmg, whichever is higher. After 6 be carefuly of her all in dmg. Try to bait out her ult and then disengage and rengage when her ult is down. She will be strong later in team fights due to her ult. Just play around it.”
BoilTheOil says “Go Conqueror. People that play this champion have brain tumors. You want to try to kill her before level 6 since that's where she's weakest. Make sure you have your best shoes on because you have to play dodgeball against this dumbass champion, and if you get hit by 1 E you lose half your hp. if she lands E after level 6 DO NOT FIGHT HER you will die. If your team gets ahead she isn't much of a problem, because in teamfights she's only useful if she gets to set up her tentacles beforehand or if 5 people run into her ult. ”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “You can't 1v1 her at any point but it's not the worst. Illaoi lacks any mobility and her spirit idol can be blocked by minions. Your cc can potentially interrupt her ult. Anathemas and thornmail are both very good items here. Redemption is not bad either since the AoE heal soft counters her AoE ult.”
quinn adc says “Illaoi's biggest weakness is ranged champions, so keep this in mind.
I believe that it is ESSENTIAL to run fleet into this matchup for sustain and MS to help juke Illaio's E and Qs.
I vs Dirtymobs (best illaio world) often, and so far I have beaten him every single time to the point where he fears the Quinn matchup.
The only time I lost against him was when I accidently ran PTA and also mr runes because I thought I was vsing their AP midlaner top instead of illaoi top.
From that experience, I've learned to value fleet for sustain in lane over PTA to allow you to control the lane.
First, DODGE HER Qs. Her Q range is 825 and will go through minions, which is much longer than our auto attack range.
However, it's quite easy to dodge when you get the hand of it because her Q animtion is delayed a bit.
In lane I like to pay close attention to illaoi, and usually she wants to Q low health minions, so anticipate this and try not to stand directly in a line away from her to make it harder for her to Q you.
If Illaoi Es you, don't fight her and just run away out of the range. When you are vesseled, just dodge one hit and stay near that tentacle.
Each tentacle only hits once and if you don't run around or kill it, no second one will spawn.
After the duration, you can still kill it. Now, this is how you win the illaoi matchup.
Make sure to stand behind minions because her E does not go through minions, but more importantly, if Illaoi misses her E, INSTANTLY use your entire combo on her including your vault.
Illaoi legit gets countered by ranged champions (Dirty Mobs agreed with this as well), and I see so many Quinn players make this mistake.
When Illaoi E is down she is useless against Quinn, so pressure her and punish her if she misses her E.
I like to bait out illaoi E by walking towards illaoi away from minions, and instantly stepping sideways or back because Illaoi thinks I'm walking towards her, but I'm really just trying to bait out her E.
When her E is down, I then combo her and get a big trade win.
Now, post 6 is more scary, but if you blind illaoi during her ult, then you mitiate so so much damage because she is unable to see to land her Qs and abilities on you/your teammates.
I go stormrazor rush because slowing illaoi is huge to help you out run her all-in, or punish her harder for missing Es.
Very easy matchup, just dodge Qs in lane and especially her Es! Legit the only way Illaoi wins early lane is by landing multiple Es on you.
If illaoi doesn't land E on you, then her R isn't scary at all!”
Veng Shotz says “Your only option in this lane is to properly mess with the players head, dodging, bobbing and weaving around so they cant guess where to throw out their e to land it on you.
Since her Q soft locks herself just like Aatrox always try to to dodge hers and land yours for free poke.
Make sure you have proper wave control and set yourself up behind minions so she cant e you for free.
you hard win pre 6 but post 6 all she needs is one e to force you out of lane, more so if she just instantly ults after pulling your soul and crippling you to about sub 25% health. It only gets worse the more ad + e levels she gets, so the name of the game is to dodge her e. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “BORK > Kraken Slayer rush vs Illaoi.
As per usual, she's very annoying to face, so avoid being hit by her E at all cost before going in for the trade.”
Feedaboi says “avoid her e if possible, it is her main source of dmg output, if she hits her e she can 100 to 0 you, but if she misses she becomes very easy to kill. You can play aggressive pre 6, just make sure to dodge her e.”
Phrxshn says “Destroy her Tentacle around her to prevent additional damage or awkward pathing. Dodge her tentacle as the tentacle attack pathing is pretty linear. Her Test of Spirit(E) needs to be dodge to be able to trade against her, but you cannot dodge, just run out of the tether. To be able to trade with her Tether avoid stacking on your Vessel and fling Illaoi away from the Vessel to prevent extra damage. You will have to most likely run out of her ultimate or use Mega Adhesive to delay it. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Illaoi, Without Tether then Even) (Recommended Items: Demonic Embrace) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Mega Adhesive prevents her leap from Tentacle Smash(Q) and her R)”
Amphawn says “Dodge her E and you can get some good trades in post 6. Your ult counters hers. Really easy matchup as long as she doesn't get a huge lead early. Although keep in mind that Kayle can't do much before level 6, so don't get cocky because I put her as a 1. You should never be seeking for kills before level 6, as your kit doesn't help you much if you're not ranged yet and get caught out. A fed Illaoi can be a disaster for your team, so make sure you still play normally. That being said she really can't do much as long as you dodge her E and her poke.”
PH45 says “You need to play aggressively in lane early before she gets 6 since after that it's a lot harder to force on her. If you set her behind early you can keep abusing her. While playing against Illaoi it's important to dodge her Test of Spirit. After she misses that you are free to trade with her as she misses a good portion of her damage when she can't utilize the spirit from it. Your E also dodges her W, which can deny a good amount of damage from her. If she ults and you know you can't finish her at that moment Q away as she heals for a good amount when she deals damage in her ult. Remember that post 6 if she hits E on you, she can definitely kill you even if she is behind.”
At_Tar_Ras says “sidestep her spirit-grab and you can all-in. whenever she Rs, just walk away. you will lose if you don't. she's one of those champs that can kill you despite being 0-6 and having 1 item whilst you have 2 and a half so beware.”
iZeal says “Dodge every Q and E thrown at you, abuse the fact that she cannot move during her Q and E by hitting her with a Q of your own, respect the fact her ultimate allows her to deal huge amounts of damage and just slowly chip away at her. If she hits her E, walk away and rethink how you are using your E. Illaoi is strong against champions who commit into melee range which Aatrox does not necessarily have to, so only all-in her once you have softened her up enough. Executioner's Calling rush can help at mitigating clutch healing from her tentacles.”
PH45 says “Can be pretty hard to face at times. Make sure to dodge her E or if she hits it to run away from the range. Also just back off if she activates her R as she heals a ton from it if she gets to deal damage with it. She has no escapes though so if your jungler comes just CC her and avoid her R and you should get a kill unless she is really ahead.”
SunFalk says “She has a very good wave clear. She is anoying to lane against. She his tanky. Her ult makes her heal a lot. - Illaoi will be anoying in lane, play safe and poke her, dodge her and CS. Don't forget her tentacles is free money.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
MrDomian says “Ban or dodge!
Avoid her E and run away from her R.
Attempt to hit when E misses.
Destroy her tentacles on the map.
Avoid team fights with her.
Don't get pushed under the tower.”
Phrxshn says “Destroy her Tentacle around her to prevent additional damage or awkward pathing. Dodge her tentacle as the tentacle attack pathing is pretty linear. Her Test of Spirit(E) needs to be dodge to be able to trade against her, but if you cannot dodge, just run out of the tether. To be able to trade with her Tether avoid stacking on your Vessel and kite the Illaoi away from the Vessel to prevent extra damage. You will have to most likely run out of her ultimate or use Infected Bonesaw to delay it. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Illaoi, Without Tether then Even) (Recommended Items: Bramble) (Outscaling Edge: Even) ”
Raen says “Try to dodge her E in this match up. If you jump on her make insta side step cuz most of Illaois do insta E and if she misses her E you can try to kill her then. If she ults and you will know that you won't be able to finish her with her heals just jump away, wait for end of her R and then try to go in. Get Executioner's Calling to reduce Illaoi heals. In short abomination of a champion, even if shes so bad cant really do much currently as Jax vs her.”
Xerath gaming says “ANNOYING to fight against, a good illaoi will just E you to death and there's nothing you can do till R, you should be able to kill her when you have R but if u fail to kill her in your R then gg. Pro tip: All tentacles even her R ones will disappear after your ult”
SaltCat says “Level 1 you win with your passive stacked, after level 2 you need to fight her ONLY if you dodge her E, if you go on her and she has her E you are doomed, thats all, also you can bait her R and then q away”
Phrxshn says “Destroy her Tentacle around her to prevent additional damage or awkward pathing. Dodge her tentacle as the tentacle attack pathing is pretty linear. Her Test of Spirit(E) needs to be dodge to be able to trade against her, but you cannot dodge feel to run out of the tether. To be able to trade with her Tether avoid stacking on your Vessel and Pillar of Ice Illaoi away from the Vessel to prevent extra damage. You will have to most likely run out of her ultimate or use Pillar of Ice to delay it. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Illaoi, Without Tether then Even) (Recommended Items: Executioner's, Blade of the Ruined King) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “You're not trapped here with her, she's trapped with you! Illaoi excels in close range fighting, but so does your Maiden. Rush a grievous early so she doesn't stay alive forever, and just dodge her E soul suck. You win almost all exchanges with ghouls. When she ults she's immobile. Simply wall her, hit her with E, and walk away for the duration of her ult. Ghouls will 4v1 her.
EDIT: Moved from 1 to a 3 as of Patch 11.13. Even with Grievous Wounds if you get hit by her E tentacle or the game gets late she has INSANE lifesteal and regen with Goredrinker, Conqueror, and her ult. It gets pretty annoying. Build Anathemas vs her and mark her before you start fighting.”
MagicallyDelish4 says “Start D blade and level one all in. wait for level 3 before trading again. Always dodge her abilities before trading. If she lands a single E the trade is lost. Post-6 she's killable around 60% hp. Executioners will help so much in this matchup. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Conqueror
Parry her E so her ult is weaker you earlygame run away as soon as she ults, lategame u will deal enough damage to kill her fast enough before she bursts with ult”
LoLReal says “Illaoi is a skill match up. You have to dodge her E, if you do, you should win the lane without too much of an issue. You outdamage her if she misses E.
Depending on the situation fighting her in her E early is not bad before she has levels in it. It allows us to not get hit by the second part of the spell and we can often out trade her early.
Respect her 6, especially if she gets an E off, never fight her post-6 when she gets a soul rip. Ignite is not bad in this lane, or executioners calling after trinity.”
Justkb says “This is very favourable to Darius before level 6 so you need to abuse this. Force jungle pressure and control the waves so that you can freeze and stop her scaling harder. when she is 6 make sure you instantly disengage if she hits you with an E, and even if she doesn't try to not fight her inside tentacles. I would recommend going executioners early into a Tri - Deaths Dance and forcing any mistakes she makes with your jungler.”
P1Legend says “This matchup is way harder in lower elo than higher elo. You can fight her if you dodge her soul grab. If she grabs you with it, just run away and wait it out. If she misses, you can fight. Most people in lower ranks try to fight her despite getting caught by it, and that is how Illaoi gets a Penta. in lane, you can use her tentacles as positioning tools against her. and if your jungler is coming to gank while her grab is up, spam ping them away or get double killed”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Logic would say that Nasus should enjoy Illaoi. Nasus is dog. Illaoi is fish lady that summons delicious tentacles.
However, logic is wrong. Illaoi bullies the living hell out of you. If you walk up to Q her tentacles for stacks she'll suck your soul out of your body for a giant burst of damage.
Get early grievous wounds vs her (executioners or bramble, your call) and also get Anathema's Chains to avoid her bursting you down hard. Let Illaoi push and ask for help from your jungler pre-6. Post-6 she can probably 1v2 you.”
qveenevelynn says “Her abilities are easy to dodge, hide behind minions to avoid her E, try to dodge it, if you do you can all in her but be aware of her tentacles and her ult. ”
TTVXiralid says “You have to play very aggro early levels 1-6 and if u dont get a lead from that then you will most likely get outscaled and bullied for the rest of the game.”
Phrxshn says “Destroy her Tentacle around her to prevent additional damage or awkward pathing. Dodge her tentacle as the tentacle attack pathing is pretty linear. Her Test of Spirit(E) needs to be dodge to be able to trade against her, but you cannot dodge feel to run out of the tether. To be able to trade with her Tether avoid stacking on your Vessel and Seismic Shard Illaoi to prevent extra damage. You will have to most likely run out of her ultimate. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Illaoi, Without Tether then Even) (Recommended Items: Thornmail, Plated Steelcaps) (Outscaling Edge: Even) ”
Fan22 says “She will make a lane against her a living hell.
For Maokai illaoi it´s really hard to deal, as she deals a lot of damague and % Max health damague and heals a good amount of Hp, also illaoi will poke 24/7.
Bramble vest and ignite can help you to reduce her healings and possibly kill her, try kill her pre-6
and when hits lv6 try to dodgue her R, dodging her E also helps you to not get destroyed.”
Autolykus says “You win levels 1-5. You can take HOB if you really want to try to kill her. At 6 she becomes a major threat. Save your ult for when she ults and lands. The tentacles always spawn behind you so ult her away from them and fight.”
Sporkintahn says “DANGEROUS---Illaoi like you is a lane bully. She will look to E you to take your spirit out and start whacking it with abilities and her tentacles to deal a portion of damage to you. If she does this walk out of range to negate the damage. It will slow you and spawn a tentacle when you do this so dodge those nor go near any other tentacles as they will try and slam you while under the debuff.---DO NOT FIGHT HER when she has a clone of you up as she will out trade you every single time. Just run out of the radius before she can deal too much damage to it.---Again watch out for tentacles and their slams, her W will proc a slam. Tentacles will slam Clones and her ult will make more tentacles and proc slams too.---Play heavily around her cooldowns and wait for mistakes. Don't take too many extended trades especially if she has tentacles around or creates a clone of you.---If she ults near you, flash away to either avoid the initial tentacle proc and subsequent hits or to miss the ult completely. If she misses her ult on you it fizzles out and deals no damage. There is a split second as her Ult casts you can flash away to avoid all the damage but it is hard to time.--- If you avoid her Ult this is also a good time to all-in her as most of her damage will be gone.”
Phrxshn says “Destroy her Tentacle around her to prevent additional damage or awkward pathing. Dodge her tentacle as the tentacle attack pathing is pretty linear. Her Test of Spirit(E) needs to be dodge to be able to trade against her, but you cannot dodge feel to run out of the tether. To be able to trade with her Tether avoid stacking on your Vessel and Primal Howl Illaoi away from the Vessel to prevent extra damage. You will have to most likely run out of her ultimate or use Primal Howl to delay it. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Illaoi, Without Tether then Even) (Recommended Items: Executioner's, Blade of the Ruined King) (Outscaling Edge: Even) ”
PanthrickTV says “Not hard, not easy matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) When she misses her E you can go for the all in (before lshe hits lvl6)
(3) After you both hit lvl6 your mission is to show the wave and roam!”
Kacto15 says “No hay nada que hacer, se buildea cerenador divino y es todo, juega pasivo, intenta outplayearla en peleas en equipo siendo mas útil que ella”
Phrxshn says “Destroy her Tentacle around her to prevent additional damage or awkward pathing. Dodge her tentacle as the tentacle attack pathing is pretty linear. Her Test of Spirit(E) needs to be dodge to be able to trade against her, but you cannot dodge feel to run out of the tether. To be able to trade with her Tether avoid stacking on your Vessel and Use the Show Stopper or Facebreaker Illaoi away from the Vessel to prevent extra damage. You will have to most likely run out of her ultimate or use Facebreaker to delay it. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Illaoi, Without Tether then Even) (Recommended Items: Executioner's, Blade of the Ruined King) (Outscaling Edge: Illaoi)”
montybucket says “Initially, i had an extremely hard time fighting illaoi. But then I realized her skill shots are easier to dodge than mordekaiser's, and that's saying something. You can seperate her from her passive tenticles with ultimate. You can remove her ultimate with your own. You can walk out of her E's curse without sustaining much damage. Its pretty much a free win. ”
MisterDerpFace says “Illaoi can do some magical things like going 2/5 and still being able to killl you and your jungler.
Kill the tentacles and dodge her E.
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] Bad Design, her E is the only way to deal dmg to you. Just respect her Ult, tell your Jungler not to come if she has it, as its just gonna help her and play a safe laning phase. Later in the game she is useless once she used her Ult.”
SilverAvalanche says “I think every toplaner has struggled with this matchup at some point and it takes probably 15-30 Illaoi games to get used to the play style.
You have better wave clear so use that to push waves clear her tentacles and be safe from her grab.
ult her ult obviously.
But to be honest this matchup is just about taking it slow and being as annoying to her as she is to you. never get hit by an E, run out if you do. clear her tentacles and farm up.
focus on dodging her Qs and outscale her hard.
Remember Illaoi is just a lane bully, she is one of the worst scaling champs based off win rate by time.
And if all goes bad, you can just send your ADC to side lane 1v1 Vs. her and she is worthless.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Illaoi can be a bitch to fight but she is very slow and you have to capitalize on that. Never attempt to fight her while she has your spirit and you in ult range. If she does ult, simply run away or drag her away from the spirit. The best time to fight is when there are little to no tentacles around and she missed her E. If you have a gank and she gets spirit plus ult on the two of you and the spirit, don't fight. Let the jungler die if they want”
MCSwavest says “While mostly even, the R will fuck you over late. Make sure you're breaking any tentacles with autos (they stack grasp!) before you go in, and you should be fine if you've been poking her enough.”
Drake6401 says “Her cooldowns are much shorter than yours so you get zoned off constantly. Keep minions between you and her and poke with Q if safe. She can't finish her E damage early on so you shouldn't leave the ring. Trade back very cautiously so not to let her hit two targets at once. back away when she uses her ultimate in almost every situation. The gross healing will always surprise you and not even ignite effectively cuts it down to a safe level. Try to dash when absolutely needed only because you have to back away when it's down.”
Illaoi is quite a one dimensional matchup. If she lands her E, she is in a position to kill you. If she misses her E, you are in a position to kill her instead. Against Illaoi, you need to be on your feet as there is going to be a lot of dodging involved. You have to dodge her tentacles if possible and you MUST dodge her E. Especially Post-6, as it will lead to her killing you. Keep in mind that without her ultimate, Illaoi cannot kill you at all. Pre-6, she has no kill potential on you whatsoever. Use this to your advantage to generate as big of a lead as possible. Do not miss your Qs. Bramble vest is a good pick up into Illaoi as it allows you to burst her down without her being able to heal back up using her tentacles. I’d recommend a Dblade start if you can force fights early or a Dshield start if you know that she is going to play passive. Conqueror works wonderfully in this lane as you need to put her down quickly. If she landed her E AND used her ultimate, then just RUN. Take as little damage as possible and RUN unless you are 100% positive you will be able to burst her down before she can start DPSing you. Do not underestimate her ability to destroy you at this stage.”
ObiW says “One of the real counters to you! Disengage if she hits E or uses R post 6. Try to dodge her skills and all in if she misses E. Consider to rush Steelcaps.”
RivalOCE says “Dodge her E, win the lane. That's all there is to it. If she misses her E you can hard trade, if she hits it you lose. Riven has the mobility to deal with this matchup and also outscales. Try not to let her 1 shot the wave with Q or you're just going to be farming under tower dodging her E for the next 10 minutes.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Corrupting Potion, Q > W]- She usually pushes you in and tries to pull your soul under your turret while you try to farm. She'll pull you when you go for a last hit, give up the first CS to dodge the pull and farm the rest.
- Get early boots 2, dodge his soul pulling skill!!! If you dodge it, she has no damage! Run away if it hits!
- Q her whenever you get a chance
- If you dodge her soul pull, take this chance to trade with her! If she pulls when she's low on health and you dodged it, all in her!
- Farm as much as you can."”
Amvill says “Her Tenticles are easy to dodge if you have movement speed and you can easily run away in teamfights. Watch out early and DODGE HER E. Rushing Deadman's is a good option but not needed.”
Wawza says “Keep her out of range and always try to dodge her E and poke her down, try to get your jungler to gank if he has CC. Clear your lane of tentacles when she backs.”
sock217 says “Care for hooks and you shouuuuld scrape past laning phase. Can turn the tides of a battle easily with her ult and her tentacles are a pain.”
Rhoku says “For the earlier levels, you pretty much just beat her face in. Ideally, you should be avoiding her E but even if you do, you still stand a decent shot at winning the all in anyway. Just make sure that she doesn't hit both you and your ghost with the same tentacle. Try to dodge them as best as you can. DO NOT FIGHT NEAR AREAS WHERE SHE HAS MULTIPLE TENTACLES SET UP. She WILL murder you. When level 6 rolls around, things change. You basically want to be patient with your ultimate. Yes, it does remove her tentacles but understand that if you ult BEFORE she ults, she will simply ult in Death Realm and still have a way to fight back. There are 2 circumstances where ulting is good. A)AFTER she lands her ghost. Now this might be a bit tricky to do, because good Illaoi players WILL try to predict your ultimate and ult during it. Illaoi is immune to CC during her ult which means that if she ults at the same time as your ult, she will just cancel your ult. You won't get the stats or anything and will just get creamed. The first condition is waiting for her to catch your ghost and then ulting her. This way, she will have her ultimate but Illaoi with just 1 tentacle is weak so you can actually beat her. The other way B) is to ult her AFTER she ults you. This way she is just free food. But it also requires a lot of patience and a bit of mind games. Keep in mind that Illaoi can kill you even when behind 5 kills. If you let her have her tentacles, she will be a threat no matter what.”
YasTilt says “You can block her E with your Wall but she is really annoying, her Q and R are really powerful and she is Tanky. Try to pick small trades when she don't have her R. Try to freeze and wait for a Gank.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade) Abuse Illaoi's levels 1-3. She is weak without tentacles. Move in lane - it's important to dodge her skillshots and they key thing is to dodge her E. Bait her ult and just run away. Buy healing reduction. She is unstoppable during her R so you will only stun her but won't fling, if you E in and she ults. If she's not fed - mid game is in your favor.”
PK Noob says “Illaoi is extremely easy to beat. Her animations are slow and easy to dodge. All you have to do is dodge or wait for her to waste her E. Once she uses it, she literally has no way to beat you with your mobility.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. Try to kill her before level 6 otherwise you won't be able to play the laning phase. Once you get hit by her E - Test of Spirit you lose half your HP and then need to play dodgeball against her tentacles and cry because you have no mobility at all. Try to ult her in teamfights away from her tentacles you don't take too much damage.”
Avelon6698 says “Kill her pre-6 with the help of your jungler. Otherwise, she will end you with ult. Dodge E when you can too, it's one of her main damage sources, especially mid-late game”
SqualoBaffo says “against illaoi it is really difficult to matchup, you care very much, and makes us difficult to get close to her, because of her ultimate and her e ability, i recommend to play safe and farm, only engage if his failed his just, wait or take kills through tp, but beware because illaoi push a lot!.
contro illaoi e' veramente difficile il matchup, si cura molto, e ci rende difficile avvicinarci a lei, per colpa della sua ultimate e la sua "e", consiglio di giocare safe e farmare, ingaggiare soltanto se ha fallito la sua e,attendere il jungler oppure predere kill tramite tp, ma attenzione perche' illaoi pusha molto!”
Black Demon Ezel says “Illaoi is still Illaoi and that's annoying in itself but her tentacles don't come with her in your own ult. That's your best chance to beat her senseless”
Psychopathic Top says “One of the hardest matchups for Nasus in the game at all stages. Illaoi is an extreme lane bully against Nasus. If she hits a single E and pull your soul, you are out of the lane. There is no counterplay because of that patch where Illaoi’s E got buffed and cannot be removed by damaging her anymore. The only outplay potential is to “JUST DODGE OMEGALUL 4HEAD” but her E is spammable especially when they rush cdr items and max the ability (about every 10 seconds). Post level 6 she is not only ungankable but also impossible to duel. She will destroy you in cs and take your turret plates with no punishment, Nasus will be put too behind to do anything in the early, mid or late game. Ban worthy champ, but is seen rarely. She can also be easily countered by a cc heavy team, so if your team looks decent (that can deal with illaoi), can try to play the matchup. ”
Olaugh says “U will probably be recalling a lot because her q deals a lot of damage and when she takes your soul, that hurts a lot and especially if u don't dodge her tentacles when they follow you, be very careful, try to avoid her q by staying a bit away from your minion way because she will try to farm and poke you at once , don't let her do that, and don't all in her on level 6 if u aren't 100% sure that you can kill her. You should expect a lot of incoming damage when she ult's and she is capable to do a lot bigger turnaround than you, for example when enemy jg ganks you and you kill them both(when you 1 v 2 with half hp just by picking up your axes,healing with w and finishing them with e), so she can do that too,just on another and more powerful way so don't take her as easy enemy. Ask jg for help,if you both are lower level or half hp dont 2v1 her cause she pops R and outplays you both.”
Gospodin Bure says “Illaoi can one shot you quite fast but thats where your movement speed comes into play, the experienced player can dodge all of her skillshots and move in for a few flaming autoattacks pre 6.Post six just keep your distance and farm and kite. If you don't feel confident in your ability to dance around her tentacles then just keep your distance and go to farm when her E is down.”
DippyDan says “Needs rework, only does good damage if E lands, but damage and healing is broken if it does. Can 1v3 with E and Ult. TIPS: [1] Try not to get hit by e (Parry if you can't dodge). [2] Rush executioners
[3] Bait our R and wait for the duration.”
Hecki says “Very annoying match-up. Kill all tentacles that she spawns, dodge her E at all times if possible and harass her from a safe range with Q. If you get hit by her E you should go out range since she will get free damage on you.”
fishybearo says “This champion is really annoying to play against in general top lane, she has high poke damage from her E and can do massive damage to multiple targets at level 6 with her R. The best way to play this lane is to go in once she misses her E, however she can still possibly beat you so make sure you know your damage.”
Rocking Masterock says “Is this even a champ?
Tries to harass in lane, but can't without hitting E, just move and she doesn't deal damage to you, she might try to negate some CS but it's nothing deadly, get your sunderer as she will do and take her down without mercy.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard build] It is very important that you dodge her E. Whenever she ults, just WALK BACK and wait the effect to end unless she's very low and you can kill her with your R burst. Poke her down with PTA.”
bobokoks says “If she doesn't hit her E's then she's not a problem at all. Run away from her R and destroy her passive tentacles. If you have trouble dodging her tentacles, then build antiheal.”
Beecai says “RUNAS RECOMENDADAS: PTA - ESTRATEGIA OFENSIVA.---------Contra Illaoi el Resultado y tu forma de Juego dependerá de las intenciones que tenga, si ella decide jugar agresivo tenes que esquivar su E y podras castigarla constantemente, si quiere farmear no vas a poder hacer mucho por matarla, pero tampoco te mataran.
Trata de no pelear dentro de su R *Inserte meme hentai*, en caso de pelear dentro de su R porque su vida es muy baja, guardate el ignite para cuando la use para denegarle curación de los tentaculos, y comemos rabas toda la semana.”
Nepy says “Vá de Conquistador ou Chuva de Lâminas. Pessoas que jogam com esse campeão têm tumores cerebrais. Você tem que matá-la antes do nível 6 ou não poderá mais jogar. Certifique-se de estar com a melhor bota, porque você tem que jogar queimada contra esse campeão idiota, e se você for atingido por 1 E, você perde metade do seu HP. Se ela ultar, fuja dela e lembre-se de que você não tem mobilidade. Se sua equipe ficar forte, ela não será um grande problema, porque em lutas de equipe ela só é útil se ela conseguir ultar (ou se 5 pessoas se chocarem com seu ult).”
Alan234 says “Go the standard PTA build. Put three points in w before you max Q
Go boots refillable potion into swifties or berserkers. Dodge her skillshots, kill her tentacles and youre fine. Sounds a bit idioticly simple but as long as you respect her and dodge well its not a difficult matchup. Dont call your jgl, in low elo she will just kill both of you.”
Mr. Popper says “Illaoi can be difficult due to her insane damage from her tentacles. Dodging her E (Test of Spirit) is very important in winning lane. I recomend Fleet Footwork into this matchup and getting a healing cut item (Executioners Calling or Bramble Vest)”
Kartagoo says “Really annoying lane I recommend fleet ghost ignite to stomp your lane. And dont get Sunfire or Frostfire early go straight for Bramble Vest and Titanic Hydra. Illaoi isnt a threat pre lv 6 so you have to get early kills so you dont lose later. When she gets 6 you can just fake all in her so shes ulting and then you just ult and run out and later you can just run her down when u get your chance.”
aurus666lol says “So rare; build Exe and do not get hitted by her E and passive. If you prefer playing safe, take Phase Rush and you are winning 75% fights with her.”
JaxIsAHobo says “Difficult matchup, if you play the early game poorly. Her level 1-5 is her weakest point, and as a result, you want to abuse that as much as possible. Let illaoi shove into you, and freeze on her and deny her CS by standing next to her caster minions while avoiding her pull and tentacle slams. Punish her whenever she tries to go for CS. If you let illaoi get a lead early, you will suffer horribly in the late game as you won't be able to really ever duel her. Never use your Q post level 6 to engage on her, use it as a disengage tool instead. Remember to kill her tentacles, and build executioners. Have fun playing DDR against this dumb thing :)”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED. ESSAYER DE LUI METTRE DE LA PRESSION AVANT SON LEVEL 6. ESSAYEZ DE NE PAS VOUS FAIRE TOUCHER PAR SON E. ARMURE RONCIERE FONCTIONNE BIEN CONTRE ELLE PRENEZ CONQUEROR. TOUCHEZ VOS Q. ATTENTION SI VOTRE JUNGLE VOUS GANK SON LEVEL 6 EST TRES DANGEREUX. Si illaoi touche son E elle est en mesure de vous tuer mais si elle le rate vous pouvez la tuer. Contre illaoi vous devrez être réactif car il y aura beaucoup de chose a esquiver. Vous devez esquiver ses tentacules si possible et vous DEVEZ esquiver son E. Surtout après le 6, car cela la mènera à vous tuer. Gardez à l'esprit que sans son ultime, Illaoi ne peut pas vous tuer du tout. Avant son level 6, elle n'a aucun potentiel pour vous tuer. Utilisez cela à votre avantage pour générer le plus de leads possible. Vous pouvez start doran blade si vous comptez la trade mais si elle va jouer plutôt safe partez plutôt sur bouclier de doran. Si elle touche son E et son ultime COURREZ vous n'avez aucune chance de gagner a moins d'avoir énormément d'avance sur elle. Ne sous-estimez pas les dégâts qu'elle peut vous infliger même si elle est derrière. ”
King Turtle says “In the early levels she'll be annoying, but not impossible to beat. Once you get to level 6 she becomes more of a problem and her ult can make close up fights hard to win.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Broken as she is, she will take a double-kill if she gets ganked, Be careful and have your distance. Try avoiding her E.
"I kill gods, priestess. Let us continue this fight... until all things stop!"”
SemPelo says “The worst nightmare to any fighter, Illaoi. Dont fight her much, focus on roaming and farming. Avoid getting hit by her E by standing behind minions.”
KillMeKillMe says “If she pulls your ghost thing with her tentacle thing, don't bother fighting her unless she's low and you think you can kill her, just run away. If you get far enough away the effect ends before she can deal all her damage.
Remember your minions block it, and failing that try to dodge. Respect the ult, especially in a team fight, and don't just leave the tentacles laying around, get rid of them whenever you have the chance.”
Bombabo says “Most matchups against illaoi revolve around her E. Unfortunately for you, you're big and slow, so she won't have trouble landing it. Stay behind your minions, and wait for her to waste it. You crush her without it, she crushes you with it. *Note: The timer on her spirit no longer goes down by attacking Illaoi, making it that much harder to fight her.”
DarkyTheReal says “This matchup is either very hard or very easy, because you can destroy her in lane because of you high mobility to dodge her spells, but if you make a mistake, and she gets 1 kill, it's going to be tough to deal with. Get Executioner's calling if you have trouble.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “It depends on the Illaoi. Dodge her e!! And dont all in when she has ult / already ulted, if she ults during a fight, just q away and run. You cant fight her with her ult!!”
David Perry says “Not good matchup for Poppy, all you can do is defend your turret and dodge her pokes. Stay away from her while she uses her R. In teamfights you can save your team from her R if you Knock her away.”
SettVEVO says “This might be the most boring matchup of the bunch, just dodge E lol. That's the champ, annoying to play against and no real counter play or special tips. Cool thing about this is as Sett your passive removes tentacles really fast. Bait her E by hitting a tentacle once, then dodge it and finish off the tentacle. Keep in mind if she ults you run away unless you can ult her away from her tentacles, don't ult when she's ulting cause she is unstoppable during the animation. After laning phase if she's fed she's a huge menace but she has no cc so you still can be more useful than her as long as you get her away from your team.”
Byku2506 says “She is good against you but not too much, before she goes back. she deal 0 dmg to you. Destroy always her passive and dodge her every E and you will be able to kill her. When she hits 6, be carefull at trading, she can easily 1 shot you with R and 2 tentacles. When she catch you try to attack her when you are in move, this is only way when you can beat her.”
eramsorgr says “You will struggle but it's viable. I recommend banning. She is a 1v9 raid boss if she gets fed (most champs I mean) but she has a great poke and a great sustain as well. Pretty annoying for us.”
RTO says “You need to try to kill her pre 6 and you need to learn to dodge her tentacles. If you can't do those, then you will really struggle after 6. The key is dodging. ”
Fryx says “She will push 24/7 and you have nothing to answer to that. Dodge her W at all costs since it will chunk you hard. Dodge her tentacles it is really not that hard just fake one direction and go to the other side. Go for bramble Vest and go for all ins with your ult. Run away after your ult immediately since she will ult too. But you will be out and her ult will be wasted. Keep that in mind. Help from the jungle can be helpful but take care of her extreme heal.
wff010 says “This shit is not ok you win levels 1-5 but the second you hit six, no matter how fed you are, no matter what you build, no matter how much shit you dodge, she will somehow find a way to kill you and then move on to your entire team. The only way to prevent this is to get enough early pressure to completely force her off cs for basically an eternity. It's weird to me how hard she shits on sett considering Darius shits on her but that's just how it is. If she ults, literally just run away. Don't fuck w/ that. Saving grace is that illaoi is actually a bad champ and this is just a hard counter matchup. Go boots and play DDR with her abilities FTW. If you can't dodge you lose.”
LoLReal says “This lane is pretty easy. Dodge E and you win all trades. Lane proceeds to get easier post 6 where we can all in her at almost any point. Morello 3rd is a good pick up here, can also run ignite in this lane.”
qosmox says “It’s possible to win trades if you bait out her E without getting hit, but once you get even a bit low trading vs her becomes risky since her hitting 1 E can mean you get pushed out of lane. If you hide behind your minions it’s also possible to do short 1-grasp-auto trades when you got your shield up, since your shield will eat up her W (but you have to dodge her Q’s)”
SanLourdes says “Watch out for her E and take out her tentacles whenever possible. If you do get hit by her he, use your Q to zone off your ghost for a few seconds so that you don't take so much damage and reduce the risk of her killing it and you being slowed for an eternity while spawning tentacles. Do not fight her in places where she has many tentacles set up, do not fight her in her ultimate. You will always lose. Once you stun her and follow up with damage, you should be fine and might even be able to kill her despite her natural tankiness.”
calbino says “Illaoi's 5 MS "buff" doesn't really do much in lane, as she stands still spamming W and Q in fights against you. Immediately disengage from her if she hits you with E or R. Watch for her deceptive hitboxes, though.”
ForgottenProject says “W her E and use E to dodge as many tentacle hits as you can.
Remember Illaoi is OP in low elo because no one respects her when shes behind.
Play smart, dont let her hit E and you will win. ”
ForgottenProject says “This Champion has a trash Design. All her damage depends on hitting her E. Her whole Kit Revolves around a Gimmick.
[1]All her damage is from Tentacles and they are All skillshots.
[2]Parry Her E or her Ultimate and you should be fine.
[3]It's Possible to bait her ultimate out and run away. Her Ultimate is all her damage after the Laning Phase.
[4]Kill her tentacles when possible without getting hit by E.
[5] She falls off late-game so you can play safe until then as well
[6]Don't ask for Ganks if you're losing or she will get a double kill.
RedNBlue says “Illaoi is later game power spike but she can still be annoying to you but you can also just hook her and get her away from her tentacles and you will be safe.”
Sopachi says “Illaoi is not in a good spot right now but can still be a challenge for Kled. When you all in her (if not in a minion wave) she can use her E to grab your soul and get free damage on you, also causing slows when you break out of it and other tentacles to spawn and slam down on you. At 6, fighting in her R is still a death sentence as it provides her with a lot of burst damage and sustained healing. Only look to take small trades with her when W is up to snowball your lane and bait her R out without committing to the fight. Early anti-healing is recommended as well. ”
SavagePridestalker says “This matchup is very easy if you manage to dodge her E, very hard if she hits you every time. If she hits you, you need to get out, if she misses, you can fight.
Marwaii says “Push the lane constantly. If she does push into you she'll just spam her E and you will lose. Make sure to ward constantly with controls and normal wards. Dodge her E or you will lose.
Take Divine + Plated. ”
a1a7s45 says “Illaoi is a knowledge check and here's the knowledge that will win you the lane. Whenever she misses her E, go in. No matter where you are just go in. Flash if you need to. When she does hit Test of Spirt, just run away and take down the tentacles for some free gold.
She is a great split pusher but so are you. Go split push items like Hullbreaker, Blade and Ravenous to match her. Whoever wins the duel wins the game.”
MachDawn says “Not hard at all fairly easy matchup. At lvl 1 2 3 4 5 you can EASILY 1 v 1. If you stall and for some reason dont 1 v 1 till then she can kill you if you play it poorly.”
RedNBlue says “Even though Illaoi is more a late game and that is malphites item jam time as he will just keep getting tankier the more team fights he wins but early game she can be quite annoying and if you don't get any help she will kill you. ”
Ganii7 says “Her q is a problem lots of poke and can clean almost the entire wave with one. Try to doge his e with either e or w's move speed. If she hits the e is a no no to trade.”
AlanVenator says “Just dodge the E lol.
Jokes aside, this champion is so unfun to play against. Try to contest the wave early levels, if you give her lane priority you are doomed, since you will be stuck under tower and she can hit E very easily. Executioner's calling is recommended.”
Breadcrumbs says “Illaoi is the ultimate 1v2 champ with her ult, I always run ignite into Illaoi as I can stop her ridiculous healing. Never engage an illaoi when she has ult up and she has E on you. Hide behind minions and try and kill her pre 6 (especially around about level 2-3)”
SethPRG says “Another Divine Sunderer abuser, yaaaay! This matchup is pretty easy at the start, this is where you want to make a lead. But after level 6 you will almost always lose unless you're way ahead. If you are under your turret and go to cs, they will pull your spirit and hit it for free. If you shove them, they will pull your spirit (although easier to dodge here) and hit it for free. This isn't too much of a problem pre 6 as you can walk up to them and push them off it with your sheer damage, but if you ever try to fight them off of your spirit past level 6 you will just get ulted and most likely die. If they miss their E you’ll want to engage hard, even past level 6. Your only hope early-game is getting a pre-6 lead and then playing aggressively. This will get the enemy team to have their attention drawn top so your team can make good plays elsewhere. Now in order to win against Illaoi after 6 while being aggressive, you will need to destroy their tentacles and try to dodge their E. If they ever ult you, your best bet is to ult them away from their grouped tentacles, but you will still take a lot of damage from it, which can result in many things, such as dying mid R, losing the trade, having to blow flash, somehow killing them, the list goes on. Mid/Late-Game you want to peel your team from Illaoi, if they ever engage just ult them into their team. They will be forced to ult you, and even though you might die your team can finish the engage without worrying about Illaoi R. Start with Doran's Blade, and rush Bramble if you’re even or behind, but you'll need it at some point. You might want to build a Black Cleaver if they’re armor stacking, and a Sterak’s Gage to be able to survive their ult better. ”
joelspaho121 says “D shield start with second wind. Do not keep lane even because if she hits 6 you won't really have a chance to do anything. Always try to force fights and freeze before she gets the chance to do anything with level 6. you cant approach her and she can damage you from afar. Before trading always try taking her tentacles down if possible as youll significantly lower her damage output.dont fight her post lvl 6.your best shot is killing her before she hits this autowin spike by freezing. bramble vest early buy is also a good idea as she heals for a lot.denying her an extra tentacle by dodging E when shes about to ult will notably lower her damage output. keep in mind that her tentacles become untargettable and strike instantly when she ults so if you manage to flee away but you have her e effect be careful of the instant tentacle slam.”
El Leon Gnar says “You should be able to easily take down her tentacles as they spawn. Stay behind a minion wave to hide from her E, and if she ever lands it jump out of range to avoid taking more damage. She shouldn't be able to trade with you without hitting it.”
Kaizin says “The most important thing in this matchup is to avoid getting hit by her E (Soul Rip thing). If you can avoid this most of the laning phase you'll do fine. Build bramble vest early, boots to help with dodging her q and tentacle slams. At level 6 you can all in if she's at about 60% health. As long as you have bramble vest and in this matchup Press The Attack is much better than Conqueror. That way you can take short trades and your all in is much more explosive.”
I am so chill says “You must Dodge her e and avoid getting hit by tentacles dont get close to her.If you can take a lead before 6 you may snowball but allways be carefull and respect her damage.”
UlisesFRN says “Her early is nuts. Dont try to fight her if she catches you with the E. Side step the tentacles and never fight during her Ult. If her R is down and misses the E its a free kill for you”
CaptianMike says “Annoying, but you shouldn't be dying too much to her. Stack armour ASAP then you can begin to think about fighting her. Do NOT get hit by her E. If you do, you might as well engage.”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: No
"Dodge E or dodge game"
It will be very hard to fight and trade with her because of her tentacles. She will also heal a surprising amount from them too. Be super careful post-six when you are getting a gank because the more people she has around her the stronger her ultimate will become. Do not be afraid to build an hourglass. Also, remember it is better to be down 20-30 CS than to be up 2-3 deaths.
ApollonATH says “Really annoying lane . You need to build as much armor as possible early on . After 6 she can kill you any time she has R . You can win before 6 but after that it is really one sided. Try to get an early lead and kite her R ”
deathwalker7119 says “Simply parry or dodge the E, and let her R. When she Rs, you MUST run at all costs. It does NOT matter if you lose your ult in the process, if you fight her as full hp and shes half in her ult and you have no lead you will just get 2 shot and she will out-heal you. You have to leave the R ASAP.”
WarwicksSimp says “Good ban.
Dodge her E.
If you can't dodge E you die.
You die, you lose lane. GG.
This champion has been broken for the longest time and people still cope saying to just dodge her e. All this champ has to do is walk at you with W to hit E accurately. With her going iceborne gauntlet too this matchup is just impossible. Beg your jungle to never gank you, perma farm, roam when you have titanic and put the wave in a good spot for yourself. Best you can do here.”
XPRflew says “Stay behind minions to avoid her e and farm under tower and run away when she r if you don't you will take a lot of damage and she will heal a lot
gps1mx says “Hell on Lanning, then it becomes manageable, dodge her E and when she ults either escape or ult her so that she doesn't gets extra tentacles ”
TwoKingzz says “Need to kill her before 6 - ask for ganks go pta + ignite or exhaust. Get damage and armor and grievous wounds. Bait her E she is weak if she misses.”
Womsky says “Scaling runes, ignite, Illaoi is a strong champion vs melees, but you are the melee that illaoi does't want to face, you have a huge upper hand vs her pre 6 if she ever over extends and misses a E, you can spin with fury to lay down the hammer on her, she is not a champ pre 3, so u can shove her in no problem and let the wave shove into you and freeze it on her, also if illaoi is bad and stands in the middle of the lane, even if she lands an E on you, you dont have to worry, cause her tentacles will be so far that they wont slap you, post 6 just respect her, you can't just spin into her anymore, she can ulti you and kite, which can lead to your death, you can spin into her if you have fury plus ignite, if you play it right she dies easily, you just need to learn to dodge her tentacles so u can win every trade, or spin in, bait her ulti then walk away, heal up, and set up a dive on her, later on it becomes very hard to 1v1 her if she stacks tons of armor, you can let your adc deal with her or flank her team, over all a very easy match up, but give her respect and dont turn your brain off while playing against her.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “This lane isn’t too bad. I start Q in this lane and last hit minions to get my passive stacked (don’t be afraid to auto her to make sure you don’t lose your stacks). When the wave is about in the middle, when you hit level 2 (preferably before her), land your E and try to all in her, you will either get her flash or kill her. This setup will give you a large advantage in lane, she will likely be passive after this and if she is chunked enough don’t be afraid to dive her). After level 3 it is a bit harder if she lands her E on you but it is generally a slow skillshot and you should be able to avoid it. As long as you avoid it you will have no problems beating her granted that your passive is stacked, however, I would avoid fighting her once she has cleaver even if you are super ahead of her. The reason for this is even if she misses her E it will be up again as you are fighting her and if you die and give her a shut down its BAD news for you and your team and if you aren’t ahead of her, all inning Illaoi is a good joke.”
SadmanV3 says “At this point, Illaoi is a rare champion to see, however against an Illaoi, she is one of the few juggernauts with base stats that can match nasus. Her tentacles deal significant damage, and her ghost projection can also deal significant damage from afar.
*Tips for laning Illaoi
1. Good wave management
2. Last hitting her tentacles with Q
3. Withering her whilst your projection is up.”
CertifiedTrundle says “Easy to kill easy to get killed
Dont rush the 1v1 make her miss her grab then engage
If she 1v1 u and she miss the grab u are 100% victorious”
AmericanNut says “She is WAY too strong, she is a strong lane bully, and can actually 1v5 a team. It's ridiculous, play tower and ask for ganks to shove her into negative KD.”
Noodles912 says “With proper timing, you can dodge her E with your W. Stay away from her as much as possible. This means behind and away from minions. You outscale her. Recall if you are low, and watch out if she manages to curse you (E). Make sure to use AA to kill her tentacles.”
Cayteer says “Try to dodge her tentacles and her E. At 6 you can pull combo her to your tower but you need to be careful since she can actually kill you under your tower.”
ThiccCheese1066 says “It''s just fuckin Illaoi, man. Avoid the E, the W, the ult, the Q. The E and Q are easy to avoid but her ult and W cannot be dodged unless you have her accidentally click minions”
PiscesPomf says “HARD LANE
Illaoi is such an annoying champ, but if you know how to play against her you will beat her. First of all, DESTROY THESE TENTACLES ! When you can, get these tentacles, but don't be greedy. You HAVE to dodge her E, use your Q if necessary. You also have to dodge her Q.
Yes, there are a lot of things to dodge, but you know what? There is another ! Her ult is REALLY strong : You will have to run away when she ults, don't even try to fight her. If she does not have her ult and if she has no E and she is not near a turret, you can all-in her with you R. If you are getting kills and more CS than her, it will be easier. But saty patient.”
teemodumbstupid says “Both E max and Q max work this matchup. You can last hit her tentacles for free stacks. When she ults, run until it is over. Then you can re-engage and kill her if you have sheen.”
Urgodzilla says “The only reason I don't ban Illaoi is her low pickrate. When I play against her I find myself to be extremely miserable. It is very easy for her to hit her E due to your huge hitbox. I believe her tentacles are bugged: they hit you if you are outside of the indicated zone, they hit you if you stand on the opposite side, they hit you if you destroy them but for some reason Riot Games don't care about this shit.”
AyeJa3 says “A pain in the ass to say the least. Always try to dodge her Q's if possible and reposte her E and R. When she ults you need to escape quickly as it will kill you very fast.”
jmp_01_ says “Annoying champ. Make sure not to fight her when she has hit her E - Test of Spirit or her R - Leap of Faith. Clear the tentacles from her passive - Prophet of an Elder God.”
Draconic56 says “Illaoi is a very easy matchup if she E's you just walk out and you will barely take any damage. Try to kill her tentacles. Once you hit level 6 ult after she ults to completely negate her ultimate. If you don't she can ult inside the death realm and kill you.”
SanLourdes says “Illaoi has a very poor pre-level 6, so just bully her in lane and take down her tentacles ASAP. One golden rule with this lane however is to always avoid her E. If she can be consistent with landing her E, she will force you out of lane early and regain control. Try your best to stay behind minions when she has it up. After level six you really want to be careful with yours. Always ult her right after she does, it will leave her tentacles behind and you will be able to kill her easily. If you do not have your ult and she ults you, GET OUT OF THERE. She will completely smash you like a tin can under a car tire. The same goes for fighting her when she has multiple tentacles set up. This is why it is extremely important to destroy them when you can, as trading somewhere where she has many of them will always end badly. Build your regular items.”
Kokob5 says “Really comes down to if you can dodge her E or if she buys Qss. If she buys Qss it'll come down to you baiting out her ult and walking away like other champs do.”
negoZoma69 says “You can easily kill her tentacles and harass her but you need to be able to dodge her abilities. If she maxes E and hits you'll need to go back to base so be careful. ”
idadees says “Illaoi è un coinflip, dipende come sempre dal player, evitare di combatterla nella sua ulti, e il rush di ferite gravi sicuramente aiuta contro illaoi.”
SleeplessX says “Dodge her stuff, most importantly her E which is quite slow and blocked by minions. You can fight her pre-6. Post-6 just disengage when she ults and/or juke tentacle slams.”
SanLourdes says “Despite what others think about Illaoi vs. Jax, I think that she is a really easy matchup because of her terrible early game. Keep destroying her tentacles early and watch out for her E. If she can constantly land her E, she will be able to push you out of lane. I cannot stress enough, do not get hit by her E and do not initiate if she has it ready. That is the most important part about playing against Illaoi. Her R is the only other ability that you have to worry about. Completely back out of range with your Q if she uses it, you will not win even if you use your R. The good thing about Illaoi is that her tentacles can be jumped on. She is very easy to kill early game, so take advantage of this to get ahead. It is easy to dodge her tentacles as well, so try your best not to get hit. Do not feed her or you will lose every time you fight her. Build Tri-Force and Black Cleaver”
Nerkas says “If you dodge every tentacle, you should be fine, but you both like, when you are close to your targets and she deals more damage, so try to keep your distance with Phase Rush”
OctavePlayer says “My go-to ban. Her tentacles can restricts your movement in lane and she can poke you down with her e. Best bet is play safe. You scale better. ”
pioj12 says “Try not to eat a lot of poke from her kit and destroy the tentacles as often as you can.
She kinda wins you the lvl 6 as mega depending on the tentacles.
Ward The Sky says “This champ is just plain annoying to face top lane. She can shove super hard, always lands her poke due to it being nearly the size of the freaking lane.
Stay back and just farm, wait until she shoves you hard and try to all in her while you can near your tower. Be very careful if your jungler shows up to help, many times she can and will get an easy 1v2 double kill.”
TwistedDemon says “Not that hard of a matchup, especially early game. You must take advantage of your dmg, try your best to kill her lvl 1, or make her B/use all pots. Very easy gankable, ask your jungle to come top and get the free kill.”
KingNklaus says “Dangerous pre 6 but after you can kill her by ulting after she ults all tenctacles will stay out of the Death Realm giving you a free kill ”
Lunarisen says “She kind of hurts early game if you let her, deny her from using her E on you and you should be able to outscale her in no time; just don't try to fight her early.”
Reformed Ravi says “really annoying because her e fucks you up and she can w out of your w. Try to poke her down and force her out of lane but avoid all ins.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “If a good Illaoi lands her E, she can do 1vs5 easy. So make sure to avoid her skill and you will be fine. It's an even matchup. Just dodge her E and be happy.”
RetiredPykeMain says “Take standard runes and ignite to prevent her early game healing as much as u can for all ins, but of course to reach that point u either dodge her E or u lost. If you are hit by her E just run away you cant fight her.”
timeinabottle says “you can't say that you can win this matchup, you only survive because of her E and passive she zone you out of the lane a lot so try survivng till level 6 and try to roam to other lanes and help them with your ultimate”
Rime101 says “Proto → morello asap.
Turn brain on in this matchup and take those caffeine pills. Need to do lots of dodging. Not that hard of a matchup but I put it even because if you fk up once your lane is doomed
Alekra says “Can be tricky. Kill her tantacles when she has to lasthit minions to negate alot of damage. If she misses her E, you can trade with her and win. Use your Q to dodge her tentacles and do not fight her in her ult. I repeat, do not fight her in her ult. Just go away and reengage after it is over. Buy Bramble Vest to deny alot of her healing.”
Erenando says “Her damage hurts a lot. Make sure to dodge all her E's in order to survive. Stay behind your minions and give up on some creeps. I would'nt rely on ganks since she can probably 1v2 with her ult. She must be oom or at least very low if you want a gank. Other than that you should have a even game against her in late. I'd also say it's more about wether she mechanically plays better or not.”
lulw says “Nasty champion. You need to survive her Q poke and NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER GET HIT BY HER E. YOU CAN TRADE OKAYISH INTO HER. AT 6 SHE IS MEGA CANCER. IDK WHAT THE HELL HER R IS STILL DOING IN THE GAME. ONLY WAY YOU CAN BEAT HER IS WITH EXCECUTIONERS + BORK ALSO ULT AFTER SHE ULTS (when she lands on the ground). If you ult her mid way of her Ult she is unstoppable. ”
GrGamingTeo says “Illaoi currently is one of the most useless champions in the entire game. Before lv6 you win no matter what, even if she lands her E. After lv6 all you have to do is dodge her E.if you dodge her E she dies if you don't then you die. Simple as that.”
Drumastermunch says “Skill matchup, corrupt pot here as she always go for it too. You both have good poke, you have a better all in pre 6 though, that's your time to shine. Post 6, your goal is to bait her ult.”
Olaf Only says “Buy Executioner's Calling first.
Difficult to kill and you lose 1v1 if she has R up.
Stay behind minions and dodge her E.
She outscales you HARD in mid-lategame.”
LunaticDancer says “Skill match up. Basically, build armor and don't get hit. Her ultimate absolutely destroys you, so be wary of that, but generally you outtrade her in a 4 ghoul set up. When cursed with her E, try walking close to the tentacle spawn points and then walking out of the damage zone, so you can attack into Q the tentacle.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine]
[Ignite + TP]
Start Q if she's bad and walks up to the wave. You can also start E if she's in hookshot range. Otherwise take W.
You win level 1-5. A good Illaoi will almost never use E until you E. She will try to shove the wave under your tower, poke you, and you'll just be permanently stuck under your tower and your jungler probably won't come because it's Illaoi and she might 1v2. If she ever pushes the wave to where it's under your tower you basically lose lane. TRY YOUR BEST TO KEEP THE WAVE IN THE MIDDLE OR ON HER SIDE OF THE LANE. If you're stuck under your tower just try to farm and be more useful in teamfights. She should never kill you, only take your tower at most. You can dodge her R with yours. Dodging her Qs is easy, especially with the movement speed from your Q. If she misses E you can E in. If you get hit by her E just E out of the circle. ”
SpyDaFX says “you must kill her or not die to her before level 6, try to dodge her E (when she pulls your spirit), ask for ganks, start doran's shield. You can pick either conqueror or press the attack. but press the attack is better for the early game. (conqueror if they have a tank mid or a tank jungle for example).”
Ravenborne says “Just hug your minions so she can not E you. You have Kill Pressure pre 6, but when you are both Level 6 she can fight you even from behind. Be sure to bait out her Ult and then kill her on the next trade. Do not fight her if she has Goredrinker and you do not have any healing reduction.”
Kil4fun says “She will win into you early game. Try your best to dodge her E. If you get ganked she can more than likely 1v2. You out range her and if you dodge E mid to late, she's pretty much useless and you can just blow her up.”
BigManYam says “Will harass with Q and E. So just play safe and if she does E just back away from her and stack from he tentacles which will make up for some of the minions lost.”
Aufdgosch says “she is so god damn annoying with her tentacles. she deals so much dmg and is tanky at the same time. avoid her E and try to outplay the tentacles.”
Bear24 says “When she ults you just ult away or flash. kill her as many times you can before 6. Dodge her tentacles. Even if you are ahead 1 item she can win soo... If she misses her E smack her a bit ”
TheMrDarkness says “YOU JUST NEED TO RUSH EXECUTIONER'S AND STEELPLATES. or you can just try to kill her lvl 1 with ignite, but if it won't work this puts you really far behind. cuz you don't have tp, always try to dodge her E and you should be fine”
MarkFromSingedMains says “If you can dodge her E's you'll go even, if not you're in for a world of hurt. You can bait her into ulting by running right into her most of the time and then running straight past her as she ults, but it's risky business. A few too many tentacles can ruin your lane so always be looking to AA her tentacles to death.”
Whobick says “Can be very difficult is Illaoi is fed. Dodge those hentai tentacles early and you should be fine. When you all in, use Undertow (Q), then dodge her Q, Reckless Swing (E) a few times while auto-attacking, and if she is smart, he will ult. Just run from her ult while continuing to poke her down with Undertow (Q) and then go back in to last hit. Generally easy lane.”
Devilofthewest says “This matchup is annoying , there will be tentacles everywhere and when you try to cs she can poke you. To safely cs use your tap Q so that you can stay out of her range . Alot of this matchup has to do with dodging her kit and trying to get them to use their ult (as in "act" like you are going all in but use your E when they ult then back off till its over ) when their ult is down your chances to beat her 1v1 are pretty good so long as you dodge the skill shots and go all in while they are on cooldown . when her ult is down it also makes it so she cant 2v1 if you call your jungler up to gank”
kingchas2 says “Once you are 6 you can kill her tentacles from range and she loses a lot of her ability to bully her. Make sure to dodge her E. If she uses R and is about to heal from the tentacle smack, use your R to prevent the damage as it will also prevent the healing. ”
ModelitoTime says “Take a Dorans Shield and DONT even try solo fighitng her until you are lvl 13+ and 2+ items with grievous wounds. Before engaging try to poke her a little bit and once you enage with your E she is 95% of the time going to ult, so once she ults just back off and be ready to dodge her E. After she has burned her ult just all in and its a free kill.”
nvckxwsky says “Illaoi matchup is pretty straight-forward. Just dodge her abilities but especially her e (that "weird tentacle thing that just sticks to you"), rush executioner, play with ignite.
you have stronger lvl 1 and 2 (in most scenarios)
this matchup is preety good for improving because u need good fast q combo and play with ur q's to dodge her abilites and deal damage.
You can improve a lot playing vs her.
chokoryu says “not impossible, but you must avoid as many skillshots as possible and juke every octopus slams otherwise disengage. Rush plated steelcap (so take biscuit/time warp or alacrity/last stand)”
xxskipskipxx says “Dodge her E AND Q!
Whenever she misses E you can go for a trade ! Try to trade/fight her away from her Tentacles!!
If she uses R step back and DONT fight her!”
Dannala says “High amounts of AoE and low CDs kills your spiderlings easily and makes it difficult to dodge when in Spider Form, however they can block her E. Baiting her ult with Rappel is one way to turn a fight.
She can out sustain you and has incredible range and damage. You are simply too squishy early on to handle her hard hitting spells and she can do almost full combos through your stun if timed well.”
ineptpineapple says “If the illaoi is bad this is the easiest thing ever, if she is good stay behind minions and pray. You will most likely be able to kill her when you 6 but she is just annoying with her constant BS with the soul pulling.”
Heckin says “Op champion, but she isn't an extreme threat because with enough kiting skills and time practises she can't touch you. You can simply cancel her W with your Q. ”
Hyzerik says “Try to get her early, it is very hard to lane and get in close as she just ults and you are pretty much dead. You can try to Ult her away when she grabs your soul so she can't deal damage to it.”
Deathwizard778 says “Early game top against her is almost impossible if they know what they are doing, best to camp turret so she doesn't get fed late game nightmare never focus her.”
OmegaDelta000 says “Just dodge her abilities, specially her E. If she does land her E, ult her immediatly and aim to kill her. Even if you fail to kill her, you should be fine.”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “Dodge her E and we win most trades. Take ignite, leave her ultimate zone, rush steel plate boots and bramble and its very winnable.”
Raideru says “The matchup is hard depending how good the Illaoi is, the way u win this matchup, u have to fight her whenever she misses e and when she does u want to jump on her and fight her till she uses w and then e the W so her tentacles can't hit you. You win all ins vs her as long as U DODGE THE E. I advise Lethal Tempo with DBlade. You can also zone lvl 1.”
LeSocair says “Always try to dodge E and Q, your lane will complicate a lot if she lands E and she can even kill you if she has 6. Kleptomancy procs on your spirit, by the way.
With how fast you get as a Gangplank (Specially with Celerity), dodging her skillshots should be easy enough.”
TioKirb says “She can get fed easily, but you can punish her for every mistake she makes and it's not hard to destroy her tentacles, just make sure to run when she ults.”
sauronkaiser says “This can be hard or easy depending a bit of luck. Your pets can block her E wich is the most dangerous spell in lane. If she uses ult, most of times just escape the zone and wait until the effect is gone. Remember she is useless without tentacles.”
CattoNuts says “Side step her E immediately as you jump in to trade. Have executioner's by the time she has ult. When she ults, hold W and empowered W to recover from tentacle smash. Can dodge tentacles by jumping to minions from bush.”
RedNBlue says “Her slow and grab will be very annoying for you so you have to bash her up pre level 3 for her or your going to die really fast. You don't want to feed her.”
AmericanNut says “Beat her up. It's easy, you can't Devour your spirit when she pulls it, but kite and bait her skillshots. If she's behind, you can bash her skull in with your tongue even when she ults.”
Ramixx says “She is annoying maybe you can beat her pre6 but after that your just gonna get killed by her ult. Not even rammus W can save him from her E > R combo.”
EU_Toxicity says “You can bully and zone her before level 6. Even if she hits E before 6 you can still fight her and try to all-in. After 6 if she ults you, back off and wait it out.”
KillMeMyFriend says “Free win lane if you safe farm early. On lvl 6 kill her tentacles from far way and poke her from max range. Try Hiding behide minions so you don't get hit by her E.”
jimaboi says “impossible. cant dodge everything. only hope is to kill her before 6 and use lead to destroy her. if shes smart that will never happen. dodge if high elo. not played often
iZeal says “While this matchup is definitely in Darius' favor pre-6, Illaoi can just stay back and last hit with her Q while fishing for Es. After 6 getting hit by an E while her ult is up means instant disengage. All-in if she misses her E, but be careful about her ult especially when she already has tentacles around her.
Pretty much at any point you have to dodge her E to have a chance at fighting her. Boots can facilitate dodging her skills.
DBlade, Ninja Tabis, Phage”
DarkNavarre says “Similar to Mundo. So long as you manage where the minions are relative to the two of you, you should be fine. but she will hit hard if she ever gets a hold of you.”
NoxianBlood says “This matchup is pretty even, just need to know how Illaoi works and this matchup will be easier than you think, if she gets your spirit don't run away, actually you can land a full Q stun at her, cause she will tend to stay there hitting your spirit to take away as much health from you as quickly as she can, so get thornmail, and armor plus health items, and don't stay in the zone of her ult while she's ulting you just reposition and engage once her ult is over, she does mostly physical damage so armor is quite a good counter.”
UnMaskedDeity says “Illaoi is always a dangerous top lane but with all of the mobility Kayn has you shouldn't have a hard time avoiding her tentacles. ”
byThiagus says “Segunda pagina de runas, espada de doran en este match el ignite es recomendable sobre ghost. Pre nivel 6 darius gana muy fuerte. a nivel 6 podes matarla si usa mal su e, SINO NO PELEES. este champ es muy bizarro puede ir 0 3 y oneshotearte de 100 a 0 si te pega la e. Incluso puede hacerse un 1v2 estando behind XD RIOT 200 YEARS”
Stijnzxz says “Fuck her i cant say more i always ban her cuz she just wants u to figth her and then she turns the table.. she e's in ur face and her passive helps her alot so she R and BOOM deletes u with her fucking tentacles or something so just perma ban her or dodge.”
RocketD1no says “Illaoi is one of those champs who can destroy you almost no matter who you are, dodge her whip and only get ganks level 1-5. Her ult gets better with more people attacking her.”
Leukasdf says “Dodging her abilities can be quite hard since they're so big. Try dodging her abilities as much as you can and ask for a gank since you don't beat her lvl 6.”
AWierdShoe says “It’s possible to win trades if you bait out her E without getting hit, but once you get even a bit low trading vs her becomes risky since her hitting 1 E can mean you get pushed out of lane. If you hide behind your minions it’s also possible to do short 1-grasp-auto trades when you got your shield up, since your shield will eat up her W (but you have to dodge her Q’s). Do NOT fight her if she's level 6, unless you're very ahead. Contesting her in sidelane post-laning phase is an even bigger challenge for you as you don't have the tools to handle her properly once she has items.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Level 1 poke wth Q when she walks up for cs. Dodge her Q. Level 2 it is risky to go for trades because if she goes for E and you do not dodge it you have to immediately back away. Level 3 trades are quite favorable for you IF you dodge or block her E with your W. Let the wave push to you and freeze. Level 6 go in and fake an all-in. Once she pops R back away IMMEDIATELY! Let her R expire and then you can go back for trades/all-ins.”
eBrixton says “Play safe vs Illaoi unless you can find an opportunity for a clean kill after a couple pokes. For starters and intermediate Wariwick players, I reccommend you do your best to kill her earlier on before she hits 6, and focusing on farming after that. If you can't handle switching to a more passive playstyle, dodge on sight.”
NickCola Tesla says “This is a skill matchup for most of the lane! As long as you avoid her Test of Spirit, she should have close to zero kill pressure on you in lane up until Level 6.
At this point, you have to be aware of how quickly she can shred your resistances and health. She can easily turn a gank into a double kill, as her tentacles will be attacking at a much faster rate, allowing her more consistent DPS along with healing from Conqueror. I would not ask for a gank unless you know you are able to outplay this! Illaoi landing her Test of Spirit + Using her ultimate = IMMEDIATE disengage. As long as you stand behind your minions, she should have no way of tagging you with her abilities!
However, this is all Illaoi is useful for. Her poke is easily predictable, her sustained damage is a joke, and her Test of Spirit does little to nothing outside of lane. Without her ultimate, she's hopeless! ”
StrikeX114 says “As should be incredibly obvious, her tentacles are her main threat. Be sure to dodge and eliminate her tentacles to remove her from being a threat. However, due to the high burst damage she can provide, going even with her in lane may result in her being fed and leading to a snowball for the enemy team. Due to this, you and your allies must be constantly aware of Illaoi's positioning and attempting to keep her from farming solo lanes.”
Saarlichenbog says “Illaoi's entire kit is based of the fact that she can land her E on you. Due to the amount of ease of kiting around minion waves, by learning how to dodge the skillshot is your entire focus. If she manages to hit you, the advantage is you can get out more easily than others as you already are more spaced from her than a melee champ would be with the addition that you can kite out of it fast, basically denying her bread and butter combo.”
Captain Dantems says “Cuidado com o seu E, pois você vai tomar muito dano com os tentáculos e vai ser um saco ficar com isso, se esquiva do Q dela e não estenda a luta se ela tiver ult. Compre corta cura pois ela se cura de mais. Grasp com inspiração. Comece com poção corrupta.”
LOLArfopi says “Easy lane, as long as you dodge her Qs and Es. Play around her skillshots. Q onto her and immediately E to freak her out while auto-ing and spamming W. When she R's and you see tentacles shoot up from the ground FAST, walk out or Q away if you have it up. Never stand still.”
ItsPaulygon says “A fairly easy match up for you, she can't do much to out damage you unless all her tentacles hit you, just make sure not to get hit by her tentacles, and if she tries to W you, jump on her and unleash hell. But if she reaches 6, you're going to have a hard time especially if you can't dodge her tentacles.”
TheMightyNinja says “Try to bait her E, if she misses it you can take short trades. Note that minions can block her E.
I think getting boots on the 1st back against her is a good ideea since beating her requires a lot of dodging and cheesing.
Don't fight in her ult. ”
Klappy says “- Q+Pasiva en early
- Si falla su E o Q puedes hacer all in
- A lvl 6 puedes matarla si está a un 60% de vida
- Alejate si logra darte su E, usa tu R si estás 100% seguro de que puedes matarla”
wolfclaw3812 says “Poke Illaoi down. As long as you hide behind your minions and don't let her walk up to you/don't walk up to her, there is nothing Illaoi can do about you. ”
Nicklstherealone says “Normally you lose but you can just deny her Ult if you E her in Air. It sounds hard and takes some practice but if you get it right you win the trades. And as every Illaoi Matchup dodge her E (Soulthing) and Q (Tentacle Slap). Everytime she W you can punish her by trading simply. ”
pedrohnasc says “Dodge her Q and E, destroy her tentacles at laning phase, than you should be safe against her, but be careful in late game, Illaoi is a monster. Conqueror is the best choice.”
jackss72 says “dodge her q and e and kill her at lvl 2. she is basically a minion if she misses those spells early game, your best chance is pre 6 and after that short trades until she is low enough to one shot. never 1v1 with her full hp if she has ulti and even gold”
OffmetaPancake says “Don't get grabbed by e = you live. Play wherever she isn't and look for early roams once she gets 6. Pre 6 Rek'Sai wins out on trades.”
Raphi0216 says “Rush Executioners Calling. Clear her tentacles with AA-Resets. You're fine as long as you can dodge her Es. If she hits one, run out of range as fast as possible. Try to bait her R, before you engage her. ”
Frostyfps says “This lane isn’t too bad. I start Q in this lane and last hit minions to get my passive stacked (don’t be afraid to auto her to make sure you don’t lose your stacks). When the wave is about in the middle, when you hit level 2 (preferably before her), land your E and try to all in her, you will either get her flash or kill her. This setup will give you a large advantage in lane, she will likely be passive after this and if she is chunked enough don’t be afraid to dive her). After level 3 it is a bit harder if she lands her E on you but it is generally a slow skillshot and you should be able to avoid it. As long as you avoid it you will have no problems beating her granted that your passive is stacked, however, I would avoid fighting her once she has cleaver even if you are super ahead of her. The reason for this is even if she misses her E it will be up again as you are fighting her and if you die and give her a shut down its BAD news for you and your team and if you aren’t ahead of her, all inning Illaoi is a good joke.”
Time1Save says “Dodge E, Poke and u destroy ger on lane. After 6lvl, when she Ult, press the E and retreat, your E is 20 sec cd, her R is like, 180 sec. If u playing well, u always win, even in late Game.But as long as you play with an advantage, you have to give your team an advantage as well .”
Colbasz says “Dodge her E as best you can. You're not a very mobile champ, so your best bet is to stay behind your minions. Hold onto your ult until she uses hers, so you can use the invincibility to negate the damage. ”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Illaoi is a very easy matchup for Morde, Morde will win fights against her as long as he has his ult up to counter hers. pre level 6, Morde can easily kill Illaoi since she has a fairly weak level 1 and 2 and Morde can pull Illaoi away from her E and turn any of Illaoi's attempts to damage him into a good trade for you. ”
TangoVallhala says “You have to dodge her skill shots, if not say goodbye to top, watch for her cooldowns and try killing her pre 6, her ult is very hard to fight if she ever ults just run, but if you think you can kill her go for it.”
Luceris says “Standard Grasp Runes
Build Executioners Calling early on. Trinity Force might be useful.
We all know how an Illaoi lane goes. Dodge her E and you win, get hit by it and it is night night. Luckily with Grasp you can poke her through minions and by CSing, which is great, chipping her down before a gank is crucial. If you cannot poke her but are not losing lane hard then try to keep your jungler away. It is dangerous to gank an Illaoi before Grievous Wounds due to her healing.”
SnarkyAlpaca says “As of S10 Illaoi's kit completely counters you and it will remain that way.
The only chance you have to stay farming with her in lane is if you "W" (Riposte) her "W" (Tentacle Grap ability).
There's likely no chance you outlane her unless you are far superior mechanically and the Illaoi player isn't good. DO NOT ASSUME THIS IS THE CASE! ALWAYS RESPECT ILLAOI!
Focus on dodging/riposting her "W" and passive farming creep waves. Only engage her when your JG is ganking or close by.”
HoesBeforeBros69 says “Seeing Illaoi in action gets everyones juices flowing. Her immense strength - physically and verbally - make her a strong opponent to face. As you would imagine for the sheer monstrosity Illaoi is, she has more muscle in one finger than Nick in his whole body. Her only weakness is her love-hungriness, which Nick can easily turn into an advantage for himself. Everyone facing Illaoi definitely should be aware of the possibility of death by snu-snu.”
YoungTact says “Skill matchup that relies on dodging her tentacles. Apply general lane harass combo here but it is VITAL to dodge her E as thats how she gets her really good trades onto you. You can also W her W to catch her offguard and get a nice trade in. DONT R DURING her R animation because she is immune to CC during it. ”
qasddsa says “Dodging her spirit pull is a must, since it can do a lot of damage to you; rush your Tier 2 boots to help you dodge better. If you want to fight her, you need to kill the tentacles around her first. But, if she uses ult, you NEED to immediately use your own ult to negate the immediate damage that she'll do. After that, you're able to fight her if she has used her full spell rotation.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Illaoi is a pain to lane against, and very hard to gank once she reaches level 6.
If you can just keep even with her and don't give her any kills you'll be fine.”
Illaoi is a hard matchup for Nasus since she can poke him a lot and outdamage and outheal your Legend Bloodline + Passive Lifesteal, I tried in the past going for the Grasp (Scaling) Setup but its not the best, she can poke you really hard, i think its worth sacrificing you lifesteal in order to survive in lane. Illaoi main damage source are her tentacles which you can stack really easy, just whenver hitting them be careful since she will try to hit you with her E and poke you a lot. Because of how her abilities coordinate with the tentacles, the wave will almost always push towards you so just once farming under tower look to dodge her E and you should be able to survive. After Trinity Force and before Steraks Cage, go for Bramble Vest to cut down her tentacle healing. Illaoi R is also really dependent on her hitting her E first making it deal more damage so in mid/late game, if you survived lane, you can all in her if she misses her E, if she doesn't just back off. Its a really hard matchup to survive in laning phase but its not impossible and its not the hardest, just play it safe early on, don't try to all in her early unless she is 1 HP. Remember you can stack her tentacles with Q.”
nicomaster9000 says “A lot of people will disagree. Illaoi is very dangerous if not dealth with correctly. Nasus can kill her in a 1v1 if he dodges first and attacks after. Inside a teamfight dont even think about it she does tons of damage even without ult. The less people you let fight against illaoi the better. You learn to dodge her skills over time so don't tilt because of it.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. The biggest learning point in this matchup is knowing when to preemptively dodge her e (the thing that rips out your soul) and dodging tentacles. A couple of tips I have for dodging is keep your mouse cursor close to your character in laning phase (good tip in general to be honest) that way you don't have to move your mouse as much to move in a different direction to dodge an ability. Also pay attention to where illaoi could potentially use her skillshots. What I do is bait out her E (which has a 16 second cooldown level 1) by walking towards one of her tentacles and then preparing myself to move to the side the instant she throws out her E or even doing a stepback preemptively to dodge. When her E is down early you can crush illaoi. Post 6 with ignite you can beat illaoi even if she hits her E on you. As long as you dont take too much poke before you set up an all in you will crush illaoi. In the mid-late game split push she will almost always be able to burn your ulti early with her ulti but you can burst her down with ignite. Sometimes if she ults too early, you can just back off and wait until her ulti expires and then re-engage on illaoi with your ultimate advantage.”
Rakuretto says “Illaoi is a major Threat to AD Shyvana top as it is very hard to get close to her. In the case the ennemy toplaner picks her, I go for AP Shyvana, and perma poke her with my E. But as I always ban her, I don't play AP Shyvana a lot anomre.”
Nabura says “Quite similar to Xerath, and Heimerdinger. You will enjoy this matchup if you are good at juking and you will hate it if you can't dodge. If he hasn't killed you by your first item then you've won.”
Swaim says “illaoi is just really REALLY hard her e can poke you down if you go to 2v1 her after 6 she can beat you with ult the only way to win is thourgh hard cc to not let her use her abilities ”
qazx1427 says “I remember one time, a few months ago, I went against an Illaoi and ended the lane 5/1. She trash-talked me for the entire game after, calling me a coward whenever I just walked away from her ults, and said she'd 1v1 me. I 1v1ed her after and won 3/0. Illaoi is a disgustingly free lane; you just W her when she ults and walk away, then harass her with your ghouls. She relies on you being in range of her tentacles, and since you can just send your ghouls, she's forced to approach you and walk right into a full combo. Easy as anything.”
ZergDood says “This matchup is tricky, try to practice it beforehand (ask a friend to duel or try her yourself) and it'll become EXTREMELY easier. Rush Bramble Vest and avoid her tentacles from hitting you. If she hits her E, you're in trouble, get out of there or avoid her from killing your soul to the best of your ability. Her cooldowns can doom her, so engage on her as soon as she misses her skillshots. Ducking into minion waves when you are suspicious of her using her E is a really good idea. Beware of her ult, she's inmune to CC when the animation comes up, so don't waste your own. Your W can stop her 'dash'.”
Ayanleh says “It depends on the illaoi player, if she is good, she will cancel your ultimate channel with her ultimate and if shes not good she will get ulted by you and she will lose the 1v1 due to losing nearly all of damage.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Pretty easy until lvl 6, but at lvl 6, she will just E and R as soon as you get close to her, you can't realistically dodger her E and you'll just die to her R. Try to bully her as much as you can earlygame and win off that.
After 6 you can ult her away from her tentacles but they're still gonna slam your spirit and youre going ot have taken alot of dmg when your ult finishes anyways so it doesnt really do enough, you can beat her if she wastes everything but if shes good, she wont.
Build executioners or bramble.
Take armor.”
Twist21 says “This matchup can be tricky , as everyone knows in order to beat Illaoi you need to dodge her E and then she won't do much.For this I would recommend to keep your mouse cursor as close as possible to your champ so you can react in time.Standard runes and sums for this one.”
MatsumiYT says “illaoi is just an overall bad matchup for sett you just have to try and get some outplays and not die as this build scales really well”
make alistar great again says “Illaoi is a very strong top laner, and Alistar is only a very strong Alistar. Avoid this matchup – consider switching lanes with mid if possible.”
Dan Sley says “En top es demasiado fuerte si no le ganas antes de 6 level y trata de esquivar Q y E y R
Cuanto la illaoi llegue mid game si es buena no la podrás matar ya y tendrás que romear o ser muy abusivo para que ella no se arme”
M.P.C says “Harass her with your Q when she goes to last hit during early game. When she uses Tentacle Smash side step and the Q + E her. When she uses Test of Spirit on you and you have your R up drop it on top of the spirit so she'll take damage if she goes in to hit it.”
Fiora Pogjet says “Illaoi is not that hard to lane. You can try to go for early trades and you should buy executioners when she ll hit lvl 6, so she can't heal up much on her ult. You should just care about her e which makes a lot of damage.”
NullPC says “Illaoi dosent really lose lane and she dosent lose if she hits her E, her mana problems are awfull and has zero hard cc and cant split push for her life. Play around her E in lane and punish her lack of cc in team fights.”
Teemain says “Really depends on how good of a MOBA player you are in general.
Dodge her Es.
Dodge her Qs.
Dodge her W... You can't. So just try your best to dodge her Es at least. Her Ultimate isn't that strong in the early game, so 1v1ing her
isn't that hard and if she is NOT
running Ignite and she already used Flash, then it should be a free kill. Unless you are VAD at dodging.(피지컬 ㅊㅇ. ㅌㅊㅇ)”
Teemain says “Really depends on how good of a MOBA player you are in general.
Dodge her Es.
Dodge her Qs.
Dodge her W... You can't. So just try your best to dodge her Es at least. Her Ultimate isn't that strong in the early game, so 1v1ing her
isn't that hard and if she is NOT
running Ignite and she already used Flash, then it should be a free kill. Unless you are VAD at dodging.(피지컬 ㅊㅇ. ㅌㅊㅇ)”
ModxLoL says “A good Illaoi can definitely be obnoxious for Riven. Her kit is lame where her power is overloaded into her one ability, her E. If she ever hits you with it in the lane phase, and you don't already have a significant health advantage, or if she isn't in a huge minion wave of yours, you just have to leave, and kill the tentacles that spawn. Do your best to hide behind minions, so she can't E you. But don't play too passive though. If you let her push into your turret, you won't have any minions to hide behind, and you will be pressured for every minion you try to last hit by her E and Q. The good news here is that Riven is good about dodging her passive tentacle slams with her Q and E. Riven also scales better into the late game than Illaoi. So if you have a bad early game, just DO your best to farm what you can and wait until teamfights where Illaoi gets kited easily, and DO NOT call your melee jungler to come gank her when you're already behind, or you guys will get 1v2'd. That's what Illaoi wants. She excels when people come to her, but struggles when people just avoid her.”
Stiwy says “Her levels 1 and 2 are weak so you can try to exploit this by going PTA + D.Blade into an early kill.
From level 3 she is stronger than you and you should avoid fights if there are tentacles nearby.
You can beat her in later fights but it will not be easy.
Don't ask for ganks too much since her ult gets stronger based on the number of people hit.
Lastly, try to dodge her E as much as possible because a lot of damage comes from that. ”
gsaeyx says “Fuck this tentacle pussy up with a rushed Executioner's calling and a full AD Sion. Juke her e, and if her e is down walk up and charge q. If she tries to ult you keep charging. CC her and run. ”
Mohid97 says “One of the few champs that Illaoi has a hard time going up against. you need to rush bramble vest to counter healing or go ignite and need to stay behind minions to avoid her E but if you go in go in balls to the walls. ”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up un peu spécial, car tout dépend d'une habilité de Illaoi, son E !
Si jamais elle le rate, tu la tue à coup sur car elle n'aura pas les dégâts de t'inquiéter et elle n'a aucun sort pour s'enfuir une fois à ton CAC, en revanche, si elle te touche, back tout de suite, car tu n'auras aucune chance de la battre, surtout si elle possède son ultime, tu es sure de mourir ! Reste mobile en permanence sur la lane, essaie de bait son E et son A, et si tu les esquives c'est gratuit pour toi ! Ne sous estime cependant jamais le E de illaoi, même si tu as de nombreux kill et de gold d'avance, si elle touche son E et que tu l'affronte au corps à corps, elle te massacrera.
Astuce : La bramble vest couplet au tabi ninja t'aideront énormément dans ce match up. Prend également conquérant.
Dantheman81 says “Since you can destroy her tentacles easily with auto resetting your Q all you have to do is dodge her pull and attack the tentacles and she is pretty useless. If she ults onto you try your best to get out ASAP as no matter how behind you are that thing does so much damage.”
Twiggymocha says “To new sion players she will be hard to face, but after a few games you will be able to play vs her with not too many problems. Just follow the normal rules when playing vs illaoi, stay behind minions and do not stick around when she uses her ultimate.”
Xplor says “Illaoi can be annoying as hell in special with his "E" and his ultimate after level 6.
Poke him as much as you can and control the lane on your side of the turret. Don't push too much and stay away from the walls in special after level 6.
I strongly don't recommend you to go all-in past level 6 as he can easily take you down.”
Darrkescru says “Feito mordekaiser desvie do E dela a todo custo, sempre tente quebrar os tentaculos dela, e quando ela for te acertar o W use sua cegueira pra counterar, o jeito para ganhar e pokear ela ate a morte e não deixar ela se curar no R dela com o conquer”
Lintaar says “You have to avoid her Q. Kill her tentacles when you get a couple passive stacks because you will outrun her if she tries to stop you. and you can do some damage while she does. Just remember to run from her ult like any other champ”
Angela du Seithr says “Ne vous mettez jamais en range du E, jouez derrière vos sbires pour la poke, ne la laissez pas régénérer ses points de vie et elle ne sera pas un danger.”
Alzeidx says “Hard matchup, you have to kill her before lvl 6, dodge her tentacles and E. stack full rage and all in, you should be able to outrade her if you dodge her abilities. Go conqueror.”
iTzToniOP says “No one will judge you if you dodge this champion select. But if you don't try to trade just once you have cleared the tentacles. If you get cursed, stay frosty, just kill two tentacles and keep playing defensively. Try to bait her ult by making him think you're going all in but running out as soon as the opponents uses his R.”
Alzeidx says “Dodge her tentacles, try to get lvl 6 before her and all in. She is very tricky champ with high burst. Be careful in early, ask for ganks, get Dorans shield and Conqueror, you should be able to kill her when u get Phage and Stinger.”
TotallyEclipse says “Dodge if you see this champion, but if you really want to play it, dodge her E and then look to trade her. Dodge her W with your E, and make sure to walk away from her when she ults so her tentacles dont slam you. Rush executioners calling/bramble vest”
darksage1234 says “Even to major threat. Do not engage her under tentacles and always remove those whenever you can. She has decent sustain and will push you to tower. Ask for a gank, but be careful during level 6 because she can easily get a double kill with her ultimate. ”
ForOrion says “Illaoi has the self-sustain you keep you constantly on your toes and worrying whether or not you will even get out of the lane with 10 cs. Again, Pykes early game is super strong. But once she scales its almost impossible to contest.”
MarKoXGOD says “Illaoi is also a hard match-up for Aphelios, since she can poke you early with her Q, your slow movement speed can cause your soul to be grabbed by her E, and so on. The best thing you can do against Illaoi, is try to juke as much of her abilities as you can, and poke from safe distances as much as it is possible.”
Wamson says “Survive the laning phase at all costs! Don’t get bullied out of the lane! Freeze creeps on your side of the lane and farm until mid game.”
ACE4291 says “dodge her Q as well as her grab and you will be fine. she cant do much againt you.
also make sure you take out her squids safely as she can grab you while you are busy. Since you are a big guy its easier for Illaoi to hit you but building full armor will allow you to tank her attacks, Make sure you are pressuring her Tenticals count as i said before she wont be able to do much. ”
DirtyDishSoap says “Respect her damage and her ultimate.
Just run away when she ults. Pretty easy to do if you don't mess up your wall. She pretty much loses to you at every point after that when you have Maiden out.
The only reason why this is "even" is because her ability to 100-0 you if you DO decide to all in her when she has her ultimate up.”
Javu767 says “This lane will be so boring. She will throw her E all the time at you and poke you while denying your cs. You can win her but not that easy.”
Sq_09 says “If you're good at dodging her E she's fine and you can poke her. If you get hit by it tho there's not much you can do. You can stay out of her AOE tho since you're ranged. ”
Beatport Expo says “Hard fight, you cannot really tank the damage from her Tentacle Slams when you fight her. The best thing to do is run away when she ults and recover some health and If you can, re-engage.
You however, can still survive the lane.”
Kingarthur720 says “illaoi one of the hardest matchups for graves. She out damages you at melee range, her sustain is downright unmatchable, i do not recommend you pick graves into her. Same with darius, build cost effective items and safer rune pages”
gabriel5ben9 says “With your W you can fight her even if she ults. If you manage to dodge lots of tentacles it's actually very easy to fight her. Just go for some early armor, like tabis and chain vests.”
Shoqi says “Caso ela acerte o E e esteja fazendo Cutelo Negro, a melhor opção é sair de perto para que ela não bata tanto em sua alma e quebre sua armadura.
Nas TFs a Illaoi quer ficar parada batendo com os tentáculos e se curando, como Ornn não tem muita mobilidade, ele se torna um alvo fácil e é derretida por ela”
VIP Titan says “Illaoi is basically Female Darius. You need to avoid her E and Q as much as possible. When in 6 you need to play it safe.
Bring ignite rather than Teleport if necessary
Get your reduce healing in to fight her
Dodge E and Q are a must!
Max E not Q! ”
ShaharKarisi says “Play safe CONSTANTLY. All her abilities have good reach and utility, which counters Shyvana's kit. Try to Q on the tentacles to instantly kill them.”
SirDrPotato says “Another lane bully that is very easy to play and consequently very hard to lane against. Dodge/riposte her E - the ability where she throws a ghost tentacle and steals your soul - and back off as soon as she uses her ultimate. Her ultimate does A TON of damage and heals her. She will easily kill both you and your jungler after 6 so be careful when you ask for ganks. Try to clean her tentacles unless it is to risky. ”
Starci says “As long as you dodge her E you should be good. It's not that hard a matchup tbh, you just need to pay attention and really dodge her tentacles. If you don't, she will win everytime.”
Auntbetsie says “Illaoi is a weird one as you either go up against a really good illoai or a really bad one. She can deal a lot of damage to you but you can return it but when she starts to build tank you are kind of useless against her.”
thelaser_6000 says “illaoi is always a ban when you play irelia toplane because illaoi does a lot of damage that it is hard for any irelia player to avoid.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “You win this matchup before 6, after that if you are not ahead she will show you why people think Japan is so goddamn weird with their tentacle fetishes. She can't do much to you early game besides landing her E on you and if you manage to bait it out she can't do jackshit to fight you besides getting close to walls, W+Q you, and hope she can heal just enough. Always respect her tentacles, try to kill them asap (leap + q AA reset will instakill them) before jumping to her so she doesn't have too many retaliation options. If you handle this lane well enough early game she will be left behind and you can roam at your leisure to secure a lead, and if you leave her VERY behind, she is just free gold. ”
Gwndimi says “Illaoi likes running klepto so do we but we got Range AA he cant kill you
farm game ! look for good R
with ignite you can kill him but pref barrier here”
VictorDelRey says “You counter her with your mobility. If you have ult up, you are a threat to her. If you use her minions while you are dueling her, there´s a high probability that her tentacles will not even touch you.”
Itreallyhim says “Breeze, You can remove her tentacles from the game by ulting her, If she ults you ult her back in return and show her whos in charge, If she E's you, E her while shes slamming it and return some damage to her.”
Circas says “This is marked even because before 6 you can probably kill Illaoi whenever you have 5 stacks and hit your abilities. However this lane does get much harder as the game progresses because of how she builds and just how Illaoi's damage scales.
Easiest way to dominate this lane is to bait out her Test of Spirit (E) since that is where all her damage comes from. A true Illaoi main will always level this ability first making it much harder to go in on her later because even if she misses it will not be on a huge cooldown.
You need to try and go in on before 6 and you are most likely on your own in this match up becasue I wouldn't trust a jungler to know how to gank this lane and it will end up in being a double kill for her.
After you get BOTRK make sure to get either executioners or bramble to stop her healing so you can actually fight her. Even with healing reduction she will start to hurt.
I have done a LOT of limit testing in this match up before and even when severly ahead of her as long as she hits Test of Spirit (E) she will win.
You can get a lead off her early but do not fight her past level 11 to be safe unless you are confident you can outplay it.”
LycheeMochigome says “Not getting hit by tentacles is key for this match up, especially after 6. If youre even or behind, you dont win against her ult unless you e away and she wastes it”
classicnoob says “This champ is anooying start with a cloth armour and go resolve secondary path to possibly win.
Watch out for her thingy where she pulls you in.
Play safe Upgrade W lvl 4.”
DobbieTheElf says “Horrible Matchup. She out all-ins you, and can easily poke you early. Luckily, she isn't picked too often, but is worth a ban if you know enemy plays them.”
I Play Blitz Top says “This matchup is less about skill and more about not playing aggro. Any good Illaoi will punish you for even thinking about playing aggro.”
Dejuronto says “Illaoi, just like Irelia, can kick you out early. Luckily at lvl 6, if you see her slam into the ground (A.K.A using her ult), banish her to the realm of death so she can be isolated from her tentacles. She'd be useless basically.”
SOVIET IRON says “it is very hard to beat illaoi,this champion is good in poking using its Q and E and you cant just go and attack this champion easily killing it.This champion has a lot of tentacles that can break darius using its W.It is very hard to challenge this champion when you are using fighter champions like darius.”
Loki029 says “F*ck her. Leave Game. Ban Her. FF. Report her.
This Champion is Bullshit. Just *try* too farm, don´t get killed, *try* too stay alive, pray for her greedyness when you r under a Tower.”
hephephepeEPEPE says “Kill her tentacles because its going to get annoying later on make sure to dodge her E and if she ults just run past her and you can kill her once ult runs out”
AkenoSenpai says “I don't play this match up very often but its pretty easly doable for Irelia as long as u dont get hit by her E. When Illaoi cast her Q on you, you can Q into her making u go behind her = dodge the tentacle. Once she is lvl 6 be careful for her ult. try bating it by engaing on her, while keeping atleast 1 Q up for escape in case she ults. Overal this match up isn't very difficult, basically all about dancing around her tentacles. Just remember that even an Illaoi going 0/10 can destroy you as long as she hits her abilities, so dont underestimate her at any point of the game even when your really fed (not to say you need to be affraid of her, just keep doding her at all time)”
Bourbon says “Never fight in her ult, dont engage when she didnt waste her E you can try to bait it out jumping in and sidestepping fast this only works tho if she is not too good.”
Just a Scarecrow says “Illaoi Could Punish you taking cs Very Dangerous if you tried to 1v1 her with her R open side stepping his E would be her end Just Sidestep and you can Kill her 4 times before getting very tanky ”
lugzinho says “Another example of a matchup that got fairly easier since the GW buff.
Just dodge the E and STAB her, she'll either die, get very low or have to flash since Illaoi doesn't have great mobility and depends on her E and R.
Also watch out with the 1V2's she can pull off with her R.”
MagrelinOnFire says “Runa: vs Lutadores
Spell: flash/teleporte
Cara essa lane é um desperdício de tempo, illaoi está muito bufada e como não possue muitos jogadores, vai ficar assim por muito tempo, farme o máximo que conseguir a distância, desvie do E, sempre que ela utar corra para longe, reze para o seu time te ajudar a mata la.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “This lane will be determined by how good YOU are. If you keep dodging her Q's and don't get hit by her spirit grab then you will win her quite easily. Make sure you take Ignite into this matchup and as soon as you guys start fighting use it to cancel out most of her healing. Late game you want to save your Ignite for when she uses ult and you can easily kill her in a 1v1 once you have your core items.”
ForgottenProject says “Dodge her early game Qs and poke with your Qs
Bait out her R and dash away
Parry her E to reduce a lot of her damage output
Her tentacle skillshots are all her damage, so you can win the lane if you focus on dodging them!”
TymekOne says “She isn't really that much of a thread, as long as you avoid her R and tentacles. At any cost dont fight with her after she casts her ult.”
Braddik says “Dodge if you see this champion, but if you really want to play it, dodge her E and then look to trade her. Dodge her W with your W, and make sure to walk away from her when she ults so her tentacles dont slam you. Rush executioners calling.”
FlopyWeiner says “Illaoi is the hardest melee matchup for Garen. Beware that a Illaoi E can go through minnions. I know it sounds crazy but if there is a thin line of minnions between you and her it can hit. Kill tenticles and get ganks honestly.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “I used to have a really hard time against Illaoi back when I first started. But as I kept playing I realized she's actually not a very hard match up. You mainly got to dodge her E and poke her and when you push be sure to destroy her tentacles.”
Trash Collector says “Illaoi is strong after level 6 kill and its difficult to kill her after level 6.Destroy her tentacles to lower her damage and avoid getting hit by her e and ask jungler to gank before her level 6.”
Pedrokis says “Evita tomar o Q e o puxão de alma do E, já que eles dão bastante dano. Quando ela tiver sem essas skills e sem muitos tentáculos por perto, a troca é quase sempre sua. / Tenta ao máximo destruir os tentáculos dela, abusando do combo de AA + E com pouco range (reset de auto attack) + AA pra destruí-los. / Se ela ultar só sai de perto, por que a cura e o burst são ridículos, daí depois você vai pra cima quando ela voltar ao normal.”
Joaking says “If you're skilled as Riven, you'll easily win against illaoi.
-Dodge her abilities (E mainly)
-Short trade her until she has 60% hp.
-Full combo her.”
Pickle Pick says “Don't fight under her tentacles or when she has your spirit. Play behind minions so you don't get E'd by her. She usually can't kill your spirit if you do get hit by an E, so just run out of the range for it.”
Daedralus says “You can definitely beat her, but you really have to dodge everything. She can burst you down very hard in a ridiculous manner that is simply broken. BUT, if you don't get hit by everything and avoid feeding her, once you hit 6, you ult is a very hard come-back source as you go rather to head to head in duels. If done well, you should end up Ulting her, either killing her in the meantime, or getting your Q back in the duration and using that as the execute. While doing this, you will get back pretty much your entire HP back, thus you will survive her burst if she didn't have like 10 tentacles around you.”
Askio says “It's Illaoi. Either you'll beat her to death, or she'll tentacle you and your whole team because they want to fight her as 5 when her ult is up. Tease out her ult, get bramble for grievous wounds, and your cc should be able to out damage her. ”
EnchantedCat says “This champion is just annoying as hell, though you should just be able to avoid most of her skillshots with your W. You don't have any major kill pressure on her until you are Level 6 and you can sustain most of her damage with Corrupting pot/Biscuits/Fleet/W. After 6, try poke her down, then kill her, since she can't kill you with your R and kiting.”
TheRevenantsHand says “Do not engage before your ultimate. Harass her as much as you can, but if she catches you with her E, go close to a tentacle she spawns as she cannot spawn more nearby but watch out for that tentacle hitting a 2nd or 3rd time. Ult her as soon as she ults you as there will be no tentacles in the Death Realm, and thus no defenses or offenses for her.”
ozmankaan says “Illaoi is a prob for any one :O i mean her pokes are good, huge heals and damage n tanky too :O her 'Q' has great range but dodge-able try to dodge it, destroy her tentacles as quickly as possible, her 'E' is dodge-able too try to dodge it. stay away from her ult, your CS should be greater than her, fight her near your turret, try to disdain her into your turret, poke her with your 'AA' and 'Q' dont go for full fledge war till her health is near 50% , when her health is at 50% apply your full combo.”
Valorkyrie Quinn says “High damage, waveclear, and teamfight potential. Her only weakness is mana-hungry early game.
Tip: Dodge her E. It is her main damage dealing ability to ranged champions.
You can boost movement speed by auto attacking with Fleet Footwork stacks, or units marked with Harrier marks.
In late game teamfights, you will look to splitpush in other lanes, this can avoid Illaoi from arriving in teamfights when clearing minions, while you can arrive teamfights and kill their team first.”
XRVG says “She can be very annoying to play against if she lands her grabs. You can beat her in 1v1s but she will slow you down and prove to be a pain regardless just based on the fact she is illaoi. ”
feederfromelohell says “Can be as difficult as darius but for experienced Sion players she is quite average difficulty. Proxying is easy due to her being immobile and the tentacles are nice hp for W.”
Big Belly Bop says “Her range is minimal and you can abuse that very well. You won't see this champion being played often in Diamond+. Dodge her Q's, get free stacks, and deny farm. If she happens to land an E on you, E out and walk out of range of her E and kill the tentacles. NEVER EVER fight when she ultimates near you. She will obliterate your bum. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Gotta Blast!, Freeze!, or Sustained Damage rune page. I prefer Sustained Damage but if you're not good at dodging or want to kite easily, take Gotta Blast! or Freeze!”
ExfIamed says “If you're able to dodge her E (the thing that takes your soul) you just all in every single time because it has a long cooldown, if she ults just run away from her and go back in, just make sure you keep dodging the E as long as you do that you auto win every single fight.”
9690 says “This lane is pretty easy. Dodge E and you win all trades. Lane proceeds to get easier post 6 where we can all in her at almost any point. Morello 3rd is a good pick up here, can also run ignite in this lane.”
Loevely says “Difficult post 6 but you can somewhat keep up with her during early laning phase. Avoid getting hit by her shit
(mainly E) and you should be fine. DO NOT fight her post 6 if both of you are comparable in HP, you will lose 10/10 times. Grasp / Fleet with a focus of MS.”
numpadddd says “Very annoying, cant trade or kill (unless she is very bad), dont try it, she will probably completely destroy you, espacially when she gets ahead, dodge Qs and Es and dont ask for ganks when she hits 6 because she can easily 1v2 with her ult”
Luthy2278 says “Illaoi can cancel your ult by using that shielding ability and it's over for you if she ults, you just can't do much except kill her with your jungler ganking you, since your ult is pretty much useless against her.”
Noc7urnalz says “It can go both ways. She can punish you pretty hard before level 6 and even harder after 6.
In trades before level 6 you can easily bait out her E as you walk in straight line to her and being ready to spell shield it. Then you can Q and go for a trade thats gonna be in you favor. After 6 be carefull for her R , you can bait it out then fear her and walk back without even looking for a trade.
NOTE: If you just fearead her but she popped R , DO NOT continue to try to kill her , chances are it will result in you death.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “as long as you dodge her E you should be okey, most illaoi players are .. what is the non-toxic word to call them id*ots.. and even if they are losing will try to all-in you, as long as she not use her ult try to kite around her (always dodge E no matter what), when she ult just go back and wait like 5 seconds, or if you can kill her with ignite do it and flash aways (she will heal a lot from tentacles, dodges is important)”
Defensivity1 says “Against illaoi the grasp page is advised, however conqueror will also do a good job as long as you dont get hit by illaoi's e or ultimate so try to keep some distance and poke her down with ghouls to 40% hp before you decide to all in her, grievous wounds against illaoi is a must.”
Quezel says “Illaoi can do nothing in this matchup her spells lock her in place making it very easy to hit your q or e and if she ever uses r you can r her and remove the spirit and all of her tentacles then just kill her becomes slightly harder after she gets qss but she still will struggle into you.”
Ends says “Can use her e to be able to attack sett from a range and if sett tries to walk up she can deal nearly double damage. and she wins fights if she has her ult and out heals his damage. the only way sett can outplay her is if he ults her right after she ults him.”
mightydylan101 says “Pretty annoying with her tentacles but she is super squishy early so you need to win the early game. Be careful and prioritize dodging her tentacles as they will hurt and make sure she doesnt hit her skillshot as she makes a clone of you and can damage it until you leave the circle”
ProgettoYorick says “Dodge the shots of illaoi his slowness is his weak point against your ghouls. At level 6, just close it and dodge its shots. OTP tip: Try not to get gank from your jungle after level 6 of illaoi”
ScythedS says “My least favourite matchup.Poke her a lot early game,but try not to run out of mana.Start corrupting pot and take the safe laning rune page.Dashing onto Illaoi is very dangerous as she can easily out damage yo with Ult and tentacles.If you ever think about an all-in,make sure to kill her tentacles first”
Ga44moker says “Illaoi is 50:50 matchup, all you need to do is to dodge her E. Basically if you can do it you will win lane 100%.
Since her mobility is 0 and your is 10 with brushes.
hotdog93 says “She can deny you a lot of cs with her e, dodge it at all costs. Don't fight her if she has even 1 tentacle as 2 is enough for her to 1v1 you with R. Always be careful, even if you snowball she can still one shot you. Consider taking a second armor rune instead of adaptive force. ”
Greekamol says “parry her e or you will get destroyed. You will beat her but the one time she hits e on you you lose a third of your health. When she misses e, play very aggressive.”
ThisIsJustSad says “1. Get Vampiric Scepter.
2. Don't get hit by his E.
3. W his E.
4. Run if he Rs.
5. The only fights you win are fights where he doesn't have his E on you and his R is down or you're pre-6.
6. Currently, Illaoi is not a balanced Champion due to how much damage her E does relative to how safe she is when she uses and how spammable it is.”
linsher19 says “She lane push super hard with her Q so you have to dodge everything that comes in your way, but the good side to this match up is you can stack her tentacles, but in lane make sure to dodge her e if you get hit you're doomed”
Karnan says “Make use of the minion wave. If she cannot land her E you will always win the trades. Kill her tentacles when you can, they are the source of her strength. Be mindful as her 6 beats yours. An early executioners helps alot, Illaoi relies on getting huge healing to win 1v2s etc. ”
Doinky says “Make sure you don't let her hit you with her e. Just stay behint minions and you should be good. And also try to kill her before she gets her ult. Otherwise she becomes more of a threat.”
NasusIsMyBoy says “just watch out for her tentacles and stack them and you will be fine. best idea is to stay near tower and stack of the tenacles so she cant damage you as much in her ult or use them to poke”
CrimsonAngel1 says “This champ makes the lane her's. If you stay behind minions, you should be fine. Dodge her tentacle attacks and you can survive. If you ask your jungle for a gank, you can possibly win lane.”
picklehater77 says “Before, if she ran Klepto, you had no hope of pushing her out of the lane. Nowadays, you can deny her very easily with smart usage of your E before turning to kill her. Take your PTA tree. Once she gets her first tank items, play a little safer.”
Kalrex says “Before level 6 when she steals your spirit, you can E in and trade pretty well. She wins all-ins after level 6, so be sure to get jg help on this one. Laning phase is pretty easy so long as you just dodge her slaps. Not too hard to lane against, just tough to get solo kills post level 6. When you run away after she pulls your spirit and the tentacles start spawning, just use your W and you'll rapidly destroy the tentacle before it can even slap you. ”
Nightblue33 says “You need to try to kill her pre 6 and you need to learn to dodge her tentacles. If you can't do those, then you will really struggle after 6. The key is dodging.
Siren Senpai says “She does big dmg in erly game and will try not let you farm if yu go in to take cs she can use her E and you lose wery big part of you HP.”
MordeStar says “As long as she doesn't dodge your R with her's, you'll be fine. If she Es you and ults, while the tentacles dont slam at you in death realm when she uses W, THEY SLAM YOUR SOUL OUTSIDE so take into consideration.”
Hamstertamer says “Illaoi against melee champions is unfair. You can't go on her, just play safe, stay behind minions so she can't E you, and farm under tower. If you get hit by her E, use your own E on her, it reduces the duration drastically since it's a DoT. She'll have trouble ever killing your spirit so at least there's that.”
Pacal Votan says “Tough lane.. she has tons of damage and very tank too... Try to avoid her E rushing Boots of Swiftness. It's good to buy a doran blade in the first recall. Invest in health here. Start with boots + 4.”
Jezzzir says “Don't just dodge her E (the pull ability that puts you in the water realm), but try to actively bait it out. Without tentacles, you can often fight her off your spirit with Q at earlier levels. With tentacles it's usually better to run and lick your wounds. Save ignite once she get's ult. All-in-all an easy matchup. ”
Polkadog says “Really annoying but still winnable.
Just avoid her tentacles and you'll be fine. Don't let her get to your turret because she can just smack that like no-ones business. Since she's melee but her abilities are ranged, she'll try to poke you if you try to farm. Just stand behind your minions and avoid her tentacles. Once she tries to engage, land your W and your E if you have your ghouls up, then poke with Q. She'll try to fight back but back off if she still has a big chunk of health after your poke.
Always have your ult up when you can since The Maiden can help you out really well, especially with your combo.”
DVL CHALLNGR says “You MUST build Doran's Shield 1st and when you get lvl 6 you must try your best to hit ALL Q's. W will make it hard for her to escape because she doesn't have any MS advantage from her kit”
blunderr says “Illaoi does a lot of damage and you cant really do anything against it, just play very safely and let her push so your jungler can come gank.”
Assonice says “Nothing counter this shit. Stay out of range of her E and don't trade her. Bramble vest rush and ninja tabi.
She is hard to gank so take care”
Weakling says “If you dont know how to escape her Q's and predict her E, you will constantly be slowed throughout the whole laning phase. No chance at winning lane. Low-Elo HELL.”
EpicDan01 says “Illaoi can simply shove the wave under turret, then E you as you try to get some CS. Expect to have a large CS deficit. However, if you can deny her getting fed, your influence lategame will be greater than hers. If your jungler tries to gank you, make them back off unless the Illaoi has low HP. If you can poke her with cleavers then you can kill her midgame with 2 items.”
Weakling says “If you dont know how to avoid her Q and E you are dead man. Illaoi for Low Elo Nasus is Hell. If you can dodge some abilities you can expect to win lane.”
HKRV says “Hard matchup, but not unbeatable. Keep distance and freeze the wave. When she rips your soul out go out of the range and stand in one position to dodge the single tentacle. (if you move more will spawn) then you can trade with her. Early game it has a big cooldown so it's helpful. When she hits lvl6 DON'T EVEN THINK TO ALL IN ALONE!! If ults on you then go away immediatelly as standing still or standing in it kills you quickly. She can 1v3 easily too, so keep a memo on her ultimate. ”
Poppu says “Illaoi is a stronger Juggernaut than you, has built-in sustain, and annoying harrass. You can still outplay her. If you dodge her soul grab, I would suggest trading with her afterwards in a span of 8 seconds near a tentacle spawn. Reason is, you block her E with your W, and you can stun her against the wall if she doesn't watch her positioning.”
Aizo says “You can be 7/0 and she'll be 0/7 and she will still beat you in the 1v1. You don't have the ability to fight her 1v1 at any point in the game, and if you get a jungle gank you don't have the damage to kill her unless if you have a high damage jungler.”
SoulHero says “Tentacle lady, Straight up lose. Dodge her e's. I used to play illaoi so here are some tips: DONT ENGAGE HER IN ALL OUT UNLESS YOU ARE 100% SURE YOU WIN. IF SHE PULLS YOUR SPIRIT JUST WALK AWAY. IF YOU ENGAGE WITH SPIRIT PULLED SHE ULTS AND YOU DEAD. btw the after effect of her spirit pull spawns tentacles. You can shred them with your w, but they will still slam down after death due to new buff. Fight her once you get executioners and she MISSES HER SPIRIT PULL. Try to destroy tentacles midfight too.”
AvatarDaniel says “She isn't played to much but if you lane against her, just farm as well as you can and hope she isn't over Iron 5 because if she is then you are F******. ”
Vodka4Gaben says “You can't win 1 v 1 against her, your best bet is to dodge her E's and poke her with your Q, you will lose to her every time unless you start the fight with a 5 Stack (5 bleed)”
notlmaze says “stay away from her R and tentacles dodge the E with SPEED and you should be good. Do not engage in long fights, Camille loses them with Fleet.”
Petethebossch says “Can't Outscale Illaoi in 1v1's until super late or with heavy jungle assistance. She can also pressure your stacks heavily but is skill shot reliant. Try to bait out her ult and quickly run away. If you have ult and she doesn't then you can win the fight.”
PhoenixianSlayer says “Her skills are good if she can get to you. If not, then she gives you extra gold. Just don't let her get you with her soul pull because it is super annoying. Also, don't be near her when she ults. ”
Lynboe says “Afin d’affronter Illaoi, il suffit de la respecter suffisamment, il ne faut pas la laisser toucher ses E, si elle réussit à vous toucher il vaut mieux lui rentrer dedans si elle n’a pas d’ulti / si elle n’est pas proche de sa tourelle, si elle utilise son ulti alors, reculez et attendez.
Étant donné qu’elle ne poke pas beaucoup il est conseillé de commencer avec une Doran’s Blade. Freeze la vague de creep est une bonne stratégie face à elle étant donné qu’elle n’a d’autre solution pour l'empêcher que d’utiliser son Q, ce qui signifie qu’elle doit avancer, ce qui vous donne une occasion en or de la go-in (toujours en faisant attention à son ulti). Si elle n’a qu’une seule tentacule vous pourrez go-in sans crainte au vu des peu de dégâts qu’elle vous occasionnera.
Il n’y a pas d’objet particulier à acheter face à elle.
Jnewbringspain says “Try to fight her early, level 2 or 3. Avoid her Test of Spirit and Tentacle Smash at all costs. If you can make her miss these skills, go ahead and engage her. If she ults, Leap Strike out of it immediately and live to engage a different time.”
messketchup says “Don't get your spirit pulled, and she can't do jack to you. If she ever uses her ultimate, run away. Don't try to fight her when her ultimate is up or you will die, even if you get 5 stacks.
Illaoi is less than useless outside of lane phase. Just farm and don't die and you'll be far more useful than her late game.”
LiquidBlyr says “Hide behind minions to dodge her grab. if she does grab you walk out of the area. if she ults you run away. farm under tower and freeze, if she misses a grab all in her (if she is pre-6). if you cant pull of the combo within 3 sec ie. shes walking away ignore her (don't fight her if she has a huge minion wave likely accumulated from freezing).”
ShockTheWave says “illao is a strong champion we all know that so when you going to attack her make sure that you destroy her tentacles and Dodge Her E ”
Forseti Brusketi says “Big woman noticable problem for every slow champ , you jump she rips your sould you poke she tentacles your head, you can pull this fight out but late game is really hard to impossible”
EvilOranges says “D-Shield Start. I HATE this lane. She has more health, more damage, more zoning, and an actual ultimate. Freeze the lane and poke her while you are under your tower. Dodge her tentacles, and hold out. She is one of the few champions where if she does not pound lane, she does not scale. DO NOT GIVE UP KILLS, BACK WHENEVER YOU ARE LOW, and DO NOT back near her tentacles.”
PandaSenpai101 says “Go Grasp against her, and poke her with Grasp and Vitals. Stay behind minions for her E, parry it, or dodge it. She can become very annoying when maxing E. Pre-6 shouldn't be too hard, just parry her E. Post 6, you should aim to parry her ultimate, as she has no way to get damage from the ability, and it is pretty telegraphed.”
Zestysquid says “Don't let her land the curse on you for baiting purposes, it's too dangerous. If she does, exit the range of it. If she ults, Q away because her tentacles will obliterate your box setup. It can be easy to kill her if she's willing to jump on you with her auto attack empower if her ult is on cooldown.”
TheWils says “Illaoi has to depend on the character she is fighting to not be able to take hits and regen back from it, poke her and take advantage of your 1v1 advantage.”
Personally, for some reason I have a talent to play against Illaoi. Maybe I am not into hentai lol...
How to play against her:
1. - Always kill her tentancles if you can, but only when she is away and cannot jump or spell you.
2. - Never engage near more than 1 tentacle.
3. - You are mobile, dodge her spells, either with movement, or your E-E.
4. - After dodging her spirit pull with E, she will think you are scared, little she knows you will (flash +) E-back into her face and fight. You will win the trade if you dodge her tentacle smash.
5. - You see her animation moving her arm back -> you make a circular movement with character, that will instantly dodge her linear attack.
6. - You hear tentacle splash? That's her overpowered ass ultimate. You E away instantly, dont even trade it anymore. Possibly ping for teammates to do the same.
7. - Her sirit steal is LETHAL, dont. If she shot you with it, you run away and around a little. You'll lose CS but in return you can win against the lane bully.”
FarrisReformed says “Both of you are lifesteal but she has more sustained damage and will keep poking you when you farm. Play safe and go in on lvl 7.”
Prince Afghan says “Illaoi's threat is based solely on her E. If you can dodge it and use your minions and ghouls to block it, you are going to be in great shape.”
Ryako the Exile says “Dodging is the key to win the 1v1 against her, dont let her push the waves under your turret. If you cannot really do against her pushing potential go for tiamat it will help you out”
M2 Jizu says “Yep, otro Bully en linea.
Esquiva todos sus tentáculos, atraviesa tu Q para pelearle, y lo mas importante. ESQUIVA SU E Y SALTE DE LA R CUANDO LA UTILICE.”
0mega best says “Shes strong, just farm and call for ganks, be extremelly careful when she hits 6 and destroy her tentacles as soon as possible, try to bait her E and then engage, still, be careful.”
RainbowNova says “Illaoi is tanky, does tons of damage, has her E every 5 seconds or so and heals a lot. She's an annoying laner in the early game and a beast in the late game. Your Q isn't going to save you from this tentacle onslaught.”
Lil Tidepod says “Illaoi does a LOT of damage with her tentacles and with her ultimate. If she lands an E on you and you're low, it can be a big threat because her tentacles will just keep freaking coming. Pro tip: after the first tentacle pops up and you dodge it, simply stand under it, as it will not hit you again and because you're stationary no more tentacles will spawn. Be careful of her ultimate, as it will help her turn the tide of any fight, sometimes even 5v1s that were originally in your teams favor. Once you get tanky enough, just keep matching her push. She'll be able to push harder than you early but if she sees that you're matching her push and not giving away any free towers, she'll probably switch to team fighting until the side lanes open up again.”
MoreLoliconThee2nd says “Note that Illaois grow stronger in Late Game so try to destroy her and her lane as fast as you can so that you don't need to deal with it later on.”
zygiux says “I really hate this matchup. Try to not get hit by her E in farming phase because when you get hit by her E the time you come back after you are done with the tentacles, she is going to E you again...”
ImpossibleLogic says “We've all been there facing Illaoi the god forsaken lane bully that will zone you and kill you endlessly however if you can just avoid dying in laning phase you will be a lot better in team fights later on. Its best to just sit behind your minion wave and strap yourself in for a long boring laning phase.”
Plank4Life says “Just Run, or AFK for remake, you cannot win alone... Or you can, only if you poke and farm, and never get caught by his E or it's over for you and your mates.”
MasutaKokoBot says “Illaoi should not be able to get to you. Just heal your team as they fight her for you. if she grabs someone soul, just place your silence where she's standing. She will either continue to attack the soul to do damage and get stuck in the snare, or she will back off. Either way is a win.”
FunkySoul says “She has the worst Level 1 in the game by far! Punish, punish, and punish. Her only kill pressure is R, so you want to avoid getting destroyed out of nowhere. She does less damage than you with her E, so punish her and don't get hit by the Tentacles.”
Scuz Rat says “Illaoi bullys every champion in the game but Poppy is one of the more resilient laners to pick into her. Get your jungler to gank before 6 and farm with your passive. Dorans shield is a strong first recall purchase here”
TechnoRenekton says “Be aware for her ( E ) Test of spirit.
Go in on her If she misses it.
Has stronger lvl 6.
Has 1v2 potential so don't fight her when she has her ultimate up.
Try to bait her ult and dash out.”
GrGamingTeo says “Be very aggressive early because you have better early game than her. Although a very good Illaoi main will probably know how to outplay you that's why i gave her a 3.”
DrMoneybags says “Illaoi is a juggernaut that can easily bully immobile melee champs. Fortunately you are pretty mobile and can E past most of her tentacles. If you manage to bait out her E, you should be able to win an all-in with ignite. Executioners Calling will make this lane a bit easier as well. Baiting out her R and disengaging is another great way to put her at a disadvantage in future trades. Always remember to kill her tentacles when you can, and dodge with E.”
Arcthunder says “Illaoi is a tough case. Her difficulty is actually fairly situational, but her healing is nothing to scoff at. See more in the Tough Matchups section.”
Qubert64 says “Annoying but fightable. Pre 6 you shred through her. After 6 try not to fight her without a gank by jg. Back up when she ults and you will be fine. If she doesnt have ult but rips your soul go in with a taunt and block some autos to keep her from killing it.”
The_CuItivator says “Actually depends on the skillset of the summoners. Darius shouldn't win against Illaoi. But if you dodge her E, break her down and make sure her tentacles are always down. If she gets the control over the lane it is over.”
CrackenZap says “Not actually necessarily a threat alone, the problem is, I find Junglers feed this top guy... Good footwork keeps you out of trouble from him but goodness forbid the jungling goes to hell, everything then falls apart and you have to shroom/defend tower and poke last hits on minons and damage enemy champion.”
OnionMilkshake says “we've all been there facing illaoi the god forsaken lane bully that will zone you and kill you endlessly however if you can just avoid dying in laning phase you will be a lot better in team fights later on so its best to just sit behind your minion wave and strap yourself in for a long boring laning phase
(Recommended: Comet)”
TheNinjaRoid says “Can't kill her easily and can't gank her easily. She's really hard to beat, unless she's bad. Just farm up, and try not to die. Best of luck. Oh yeah, avoid her Q, E, and R. She heals off her kit. If you manage to get ahead, you can still win lane. Can't really stop you from farming, outside of killing you. You can stack off her tentacles.”
TheBoltLord says “Its illaoi....... enough said? lol but no illaoi isn't tooooo bad you just have to dodge her tenticals and her grab ram her into a wall and get good trades. Shes squishy enough to where you can take her. By the way... your w cancels her ult and puts it on cool down <3
MediocrePolk says “You can use her tentacles to get away from her by using your passive, she is ok until 6 and after that point play safe. D blade start”
Bkorven says “This can be frustrating to play against. I win this lane by baiting out illaoi's E by preteding to last hit minions but i side step instead”
Carlosm04 says “Illaioi é muito complicado, a sua ultimate causa bastante dano, quando ela for ulta, tenta sair da zona dos tentaculos depois vai pra cima dela .tenha cuidado com E dela .”
ApexDresden says “She can be a considerable threat, however just trade with her and you should be okay, you mainly want to engage once she has used her E, but don't underestimate her damage. Continuously poke her with Q and W and when she's low you should be able to all-in her, just be careful of her ultimate - R.”
The Lost Drawing says “Algo como Darius relacionado con el tema de ventaja.
Le cancelas su 'R' con tu 'E' o tu 'R'.
Tiene mucho daño con su 'Q' y su 'E'. Compra botas para esquivar sus habilidades”
ElleryTheViking says “Not a good word to say about this matchup. It's winnable, but difficult. Since you're melee it's difficult to move into E and auto range without her using the Soul Pull and combo. Post 6 it doesn't get any better, she can one shot you and your Jungler. Best bet is to just slowly poke her down with Q and when soul pull is on CD move in for E and potentially an all in. ”
BlackguardRaven says “*sigh*, this champ, if i have to say, is annoying to play against, but you should be able to handle, just remember to abuse you passive invis and hide from her tentacles”
francodm says “Use a passiva e ativa do W para desviar do W dela, se você conseguir desviar constantemente não terá problemas contra ela mas se tomar o W dela você vai ser forçado a ir base ou morrer. Aery e aperto dos mortos vivos são bons”
E61K says “Stupid champion design. You auto-win pre-6, especially level 1-2. Her whole kit relies around her tentacles and her whole 1v1 basically relies around her pulling your soul and then ulting you and hitting you with her tentacles. Once you realize that all you have to do when she ults is either disengage and then reengage or dodge the tentacles she becomes easy to deal with. Make sure you dodge her soul pull then you win. Watch out for tentacles slamming down as they can hurt quite a lot when stacked.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Built in sustain, Early game damage, Team fighting. Weaknesses: Low mobility, slow attacks. She can punish you for being too reckless, but she has no mobility at all. If she decides to overextend once you've hit 6, easily dance around her and pop your vitals. Also, once you hit a vital you gain decaying movement speed, and this should help you when dodging the tentacles she tries to hit you with. Once again, she's not a cakewalk. She can easily punish anyone with her high early game damage if you go too ham. Another option is riposting her Test of Spirit so that she won't be able to rip your spirit out of you or her Harsh Lesson when she leaps to auto attack you. The last tip is just running away from her when she uses her ultimate, early on this does a pretty good chunk of damage and heals her back up so don't fight her in it unless you are sure you'll come out on top. Buying boots early is recommended.”
Suthafru says “Illaoi - one of top jhin's best matchups, an almost guaranteed win in lane.
she can't respond to your poke in any way and due to your crit you can easily dodge a large majority of her damage, at a certain point she becomes helpless to you as you run circles around her slowly killing her. ”
Saiyan02 says “You will have a hard time against Illaoi. Try and take down her tentacles and dodge her E, But if she lands and E its almost over to be honest and don´t fight her when her R is up. Definetly go exhaust in this matchup so that you can run away when she presses R”
drunken hunter says “You can jump on her tentacles, destroy them and u have a really easy game if you dodge Illaoi's skill shots.
But watch out for her ult - it does retarded dmg and gives her life steal”
kkiskk says “Dodging her tentacles is extremely important. If she don't have any tentacles, she's nothing. Try to be a dick that back off every time she use her R. Her Q is super good at wave clearing so wait until she's out of mana before fighting her. If you fight in the place where she has 2 or more tentacle, you die . Her tentacle hits heals her. Get executioner's calling first. Be careful as she will always come back after mid game.”
Sion says “Annoying lane, dodge her Q/E at all costs, she's easy to kite around and you can use your CC combo on her in teamfights to nullify her completely. As long as you survive the early game, you win.”
TSA_Exotic says “Illaoi definitely has potential to burst you out of nowhere. But if you can kite around her abilities and take out her tentacles when you can then you greatly reduce her damage and will help you win trades and ulimately lane.”
Vincheelo says “You cannot win a fight against her when she uses her Leap of Faith unless you are super ahead of her. Kill her when she doesn't have her ult. Avoid her Test of Spirit and Tentacle Smashes.”
MatatuMayhem says “Her ult does nothing for you, she can poke you from range, and she builds very tanky while still dealing lots of damage. Try to make her push and force her to overextend in lane. ”
1ceLoL says “Irelia wins this matchup before lvl 6 as long as you doge/bait her E. The matchup gets trickier after lvl 6 though, due to her insane ult damage.”
Proxxecube says “Illaoi can be annoying, but treat her similar to a less oppresive Darius. Respect her damage, but don't let her bully you out of farm. When it comes to her ulti, once she has it, if she gets your clone, don't fight. If she ults, and unless you parry it, she will do a lot of damage. If she gets it, just run. She may seem scary, but you scale significantly harder than her.”
VdeathSpartan says “She can be a challenge if you're having a hard time dodging her tentacles, stay out of her grasp and you're fine. Keep Q up for her ult when engaging.”
sylas1tr1ck says “Really the only counter i can think of to sylas. Her ult is useless and she is impossible to kill. its best to not even lane against her cause she will tower dive you. just help bot lane farm.”
Zahkar00 says “Either would work.
With Bravado you can clear her tentacles pretty easily. Dodge her pulls but if she does pull her you can punish. At lvl 6 is when things become risky. Her ult does a lot of damage so if you dont ult at the right time it wont save you.”
Bakiraka says “You can poke her, but if she's smart she'll be able to deal with it. The worst part about this lane is that she can dive you super easily and can easily 2v1 you and your jungler post-6.”
Tvoi_clop says “Также как и с Атроксом - уклонения. Ваша стена ветра блокирует E Иллаой. Если она вытащила вашу душу то не бейтесь с ней, просто выйдете за пределы круга.
Если вы попали во вместилище, то не сносите щупальца. Если Иллаой использует своё R, то просто убегайте. Зовите лесника и фармите. Это очень важно.”
Trixelkour says “The Queen of 1v1s, she will completely destroy you if you get to close. Get Grasp or Fleet Footwork and do not let her slam you in any way, or you're F*cked. Go for a Tanky build and tell your jungler to camp. Make her fall behind and do not let her snowball.”
heyitsRainex says “Do not engage unless she does not have tentacles around her, because her Q and W will instantly win trades. Her E also makes her an annoying champion to deal with. Look to outsustain her and burst her before she kills you with her R.”
E61K says “Whenever I see this creature she always seems to snowball out of control. The key to winning this match up is windwalling her E and juking her tentacles with your own E. The thing is that if you deny her your soul by blocking it you drastically cut down her damage output. If you fail it expect to get chunked. You can also hide behind minions. Her ult is basically disengage and then reengage once it has worn off or dodge tentacles. You can do both. You have enough mobility to choose between those 2 options.”
undeadsoldiers says “Illaoi - Conqueror
Early items (in order) - Phage,Tiamat, Boots (into Tabi if she's ahead)
- All in lvl 1-2 (passive stacked AND if she doesn't have her pull)
- Play safe lvl 3-5 and very safe lvl 6+
- Stand behind minions to avoid getting pulled (you can also dodge it with Q)
- Save your W for her W empowered auto and subsequent tentacles
- ONLY trade when she misses her pull
- DON’T all in alone until Trinity and/or level lead AND her ult is on cooldown
- Try not to get pushed under tower, since she can easily pull you (Tiamat helps)
- She’s a beast in teamfights so aim to splitpush better than her
- Ult cooldown: 120/105/90
BreadyToCrumble says “She's really annoying. I hate laning against Illaoi and I ban her nearly every game. She can bully you into your tower. If you find yourself against Illaoi, ask your jungler to come help you before she hits 6 because of her tentacles. If she gets ahead, be careful.”
Omega best says “She is hard. Just farm, never rush illaoi at all costs and play safe and build armor and wait for you being gank by your jungle before she is 6 then flip her and you 2 kill her before she gets fed”
Zachlikespizza says “You are basically Illaoi 2.0, the only difference is she has way more raw damage. However you can dance around this with your e. Remember to avoid her q at all costs as it is very punishing to the trade (for you).”
Mouadyam says “dodge the tentacles, kill her tentacles whenever you can and dont get E'd into her minion wave, if you are ahead give her false hope by backing off when she E's you then go back in and beat her up, careful for her ult, back off until it finishes. she has mana problems so waiting until shes oom is a good idea.”
Testqment says “Build an early tiamat so she can't push you in that hard and E you under your tower the entire laning phase. Just wait for ganks BEFORE LEVEL 6!”
Demon Lord AC0 says “Windwall her E and dodge her tentacles. She can't be opressive in lane like she used to, but she still does a metric f*** ton of damage if you allow her to. Unless you keep getting hit by her Es and Qs she's not an issue. The Standard build path of this guide will do just fine. Start Doran's Shield”
TheCrocodileGuy says “If Illaoi hits her E on you, you will lose the trade 200%, so if you notice her hitting the E, just run away as fast as you can from the range and come back to lane.”
JosephV says “She constantly pokes with her tentacles and her E. You will need help from your jungler. Farm near your turret and you should be alright. DON'T overextend. ”
iam colorblind says “You need to dodge her E or u will pe poked very fast down!
With your Q + AA u can kill her tentacles.
Try to bait her Ultimate out!
Use Wardjumps for it.”
mrmundo says “Nothing but damage in her kit. Her ult can just instantly slam you to hell. I'd say DO NOT engage, especially if she is 6. Try and poke her, and take down tentacles.”
Skullsunderer says “Illaoi can do what Darius does, just a little more safer the the range her abilities have. Leave when she ults and execute her whenever possible. Her abilities are super slow and telegraphed, this should make it easier to dodge her skillshots.”
joelblack says “Illaoi is hard depending on your reaction time. Early game, you should be able to get some pretty decent poke out, but avoid her Q always. Titan or Marksman runes will do well, but depends on how comfortable you are in your reaction time and mechanics. Post-6 she can be pretty scary, but as long as you poke her down to about 50% health, you can all in her and get the kill. Ignite can work as well if you really wanna be able to kill her early game. ”
CaioOP1985 says “Yeah, Nasus can stack Siphoning Strike on her tentacles that keep spawning. Add that to your superior sustain, innate tankiness and damage later in the game and Illaoi should be pretty simple. But do not think she isn't a threat at all, because if she gains an advantage on you, be ready for a world of pain.”
Ashnard says “Illaoi is immobile and easy to combo down, but getting hit by her E will hurt you badly and give her free klepto/grasp procs, so avoid it above all else.”
JefferXpr3ss says “Illaoi can be a massive threat to almost any Ornn player as she is incredible at dueling due do her high damage and somewhat decent CC making her almost unbeatable in a 1v1 against Ornn. The only way you can survive this matchup is basically staying under tower and even then if she is ahead, she can still sometimes dive you.”
shinysnivy says “no la puedes conterear a pesar de que dice que eres conter, pues no, solo bloqueas una habilidad de ahi juega pasivo, si te atrapa con el tentaculo mejor quedate a pelear”
DuhBrandon says “illaoi is very dangerous because fighting her is all about lane control and your W does not help much when she pulls your soul or she hits her Q. Illaoi is a tank that can destroy you early game and definitely late. It will be difficult but your best bet is to see if you can beat her level 6 (which is the only time you can win on even terms.) and snowball. If she gets ahead you lose.”
galvapheonix says “ Since you can destroy her tentacles easily with auto resetting your Q all you have to do is dodge her pull and attack the tentacles and she is pretty useless. If she ults onto you try your best to get out ASAP as no matter how behind you are that thing does so much damage.”
thedunkening111 says “Before six, easy. After six, hell. Try to get some lead before level six, as you'll win trades before then. She'll most likely take klepto, so abuse the fact she'll greed on thos and go for trades where she needs to make the choice of either hitting you OR her clone. (For the love of god don't position yourself so she hits both!)
After six, you can fake an all in so you can take her ulti threat way, but you might take a lot of damage for doing this.
Take Conqueror”
kagaroo says “🔴Trundle Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 5.5/10
➡️Illaoi is a hard matchup for those who have little to no experience. To win in this matchup you need to respect illaoi and realise your window of opportunity to punish her. Try and eliminate as many tentacles as you can and side-step her E. Keep in mind that Illaoi W is a tiny dash and you can auto+q her as she does it and step back without her getting a second auto off. Play for short trades and back away when she ults. You can re-engage with ult or fistfight her when you KNOW you can win. Because this matchup is experienced based, I would place it as an even matchup but if you know your limits it will be trundle favoured easily. It's also great to sit on an executioners after hydra + botrk because she heals a lot. Keep in mind you ALWAYS have first move in fights because of your wave clear + movementspeed.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad illaoi vs Bad Trundle ➡️ illaoi favoured
Average illaoi vs Average Trundle ➡️illaoi favoured
Good illaoi vs Good Trundle ➡️ Trundle wins but illaoi can win if trundle makes mistakes or doesn't dodge her poke.”
L0ganJG says “This matchup could be a ban. If you ever engage in a basic way, she will E confirmed then body you. If you build damage, you aren't tanky enough. If you build tank, you aren't damaging enough.
Try and buffer E into a wall when she ults then prayge to live and fight another day”
Haxorr says “Illaoi matchup is not very hard. You are much stronger early game especially before lvl 6, and your mobility + parry allows you to mitigate her E pretty easily. The only way you lose this is if you trade into a stacked wave on a bad timer or get hit by every E, otherwise you're chillin. You outscale as well. Doran's Blade + Conq & Sorcery page good here”
Bourne212 says “DO NOT get hit by her E, look to trade if she misses. If you all in after 6 use your ult move speed to dodge her tentacles when she ults then combo her afterwards. Avoid trying to all in unless you have ignite up to negate her healing or she may out sustain your damage and kill you.”
CactEyez says “Disgusting champ. If you get hit by her E (Soul grab) do NOT fight her, either wait at the edge or leave the area. Do not think she wont one shot you because she will. Take phase rush, if you land Q, use W and phase rush her under your tower BEWARE she can still one shot you under tower.
Start Items:
- D.Ring -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel”
FeaRLesS Da says “take ignite
all in her lvl 1 only when she is away from her tower or when you know she has started q instead of w
with good reaction time you can dodge her e with your r but overall same thing as kled she pushes and u have to punish her with you jungler”
Althalosofsirun says “Beats you lvl 1 you win lvl 2 as long as you dodge the tentacles since they heal her per hit at level 6 you have to insec her under tower unless you are fed”
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