In the Jungle 51.46% Win Rate96% Pick RateNocturne In the Jungle Counters: 44 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Nocturne in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Jooshuaaa says “Dependant on gamestate, Viego is favored when Nocturne is unable to secure a pick before large skirmishes as you and your team may be able to burst him down when he goes in and you can use his reset. If Nocturne is able to manage his time well he will oppress and often kill your lanes before objectives, denying it entirely.”
HIKOL says “Use W when He tries to fear you so you can escape(block him with outer walls, not inside). Will gank lanes 24/7 so you will get flamed by your team.
He will dispose of your ghouls quickly.
Avoid 1v1 at all cost”
kittygore says “Cleanse his fear. Dont get cought by his R. Try to be in a bush when he ults. Try to invade and get ahead early since Nocturne needs level 6. You can build Conq + Bruiser against him if the other enemies have 1-2+ Bruisers/Tanks.”
Bella Ciao says “Approach velocity needed to reach him,early fights are risky unless you get a good isolated q or solid w off
Try to consider where he will ult and play around it
Dont stun him in a 1v1 as he will just spellshield/grant him attack speed
Hold awakened q/stun till after the 1.5 spellshield
SelfLOL says “Keep track of his Ult timer. You can cleanse the ult nearsight with W. Can also see his Q after he ults if you F-key your teammates. In fights, save your empowered W for his fear.”
Kema says “Again, easy to pilot. He can be difficult to play against because he full clears (so you can't steal his camps) and he wins 1v1, 2v2. Avoid skirmishes, look for teamfights.”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Beats you pre 6 and possibly does a bit after that, however you can always run/kite him and realistically he will never kill you. You out scale him insanely hard.”
Jackiewawa says “Nocturne is a pretty strong duelist early on with his fear + Q, avoid fighting him 1v1 early unless he wastes his spells. Dodge his Q and W before his fear goes off. You can use your F keys to see which teammate he ults on based on the puddles he leaves.”
DoxxTheLeague says “similar to briar you want to rush rylai early so you can be faster then him if hes bad its an even matchup if hes good and he saves his spell shield for you r makes him extremely op since you cant ult him.”
DarnuS says “I just hate this champ in general, but if he uses his shroud of darkness (W) right you just cant win. Gragas loses almost every match up against a brusier if you play bomba build, they simply outsustain you.”
Nyxxx says “His W is an eternal counter to you. You don't win against him until late game or unless he inted early game. Use your E the moment he uses his R to dodge it.”
ScytherKhaZix says “when playing vs this match up the most important thing is to baited his E if you manage to do that the trades against him will be in your favor”
orka4.sandraj says “1st ban candidate, barely killable, a first time noc can effortlessly counter your whole kit by pressing W. ALWAYS catches you with Q and you cant do shit about it. Dont duel him, dont contest scuttle, if you really want to take it sacrifice your gromp/golems and take it first.”
y every name taken says “His W shield can easily be procced by smite dmg once it's available. The bigger problem is his E fear when dueling and of course, his ultimate. Use F1-F5 keys and look for a Q trail to see who is ulted. Similar to Kha'Zix: be active on the map and spam ping when you see him.”
Neekster says “This champion clears the same time as you. Avoid Nocturne at early stages of the game, you will lose 1v1. Beware of jungle invades, counterjungle when he ganks level 3. Once you have survived the early game. Play with your team together so that his [R] won't be much of a bother. Make sure to time your skills well after his Spell Shield.”
lurutin says “Many Yi mains will discord but imo isn't a hard matchup. It's boring cause he can gank a lot but when facing him 1v1 you can just do damage and then use your Q before his fear, then you maximize your damage and keep safe while under cc. Yi loves to abuse the chaos Noc's ult creates, the enemy team try to all in then you can pick their carries.”
solummmmmmm says “Perma ban this champ try to clear ur jungle as fast as possible everytime do not trade with him without ur team, and clear out vision so u wont get darknness”
Yomu says “Nocturne kinda bodies you from even or behind. His R can make you drop frenzy, if your 1v1ing his E is a timer for him to destroy you He can W your W2>E>R and chases well with his Q”
lolWillieP says “Skill matchup. Whoever messes up first loses. Hold bear stun for after the spellshield, and just try to q him while his fear ios charging on you”
DarkMareOfficial says “If you don't manage to keep your distance, his fear will proc and betray your real position even in R.
Place your traps well and avoid straight combat until you can finish him off.”
Maciejson says “He beats you with fear and lethal tempo. Path around him and don’t engage.
Try and countergank his ult as it’s usually telegraphed. Still don’t 1v1. His spell shield will put your R on CD! Careful. Can R inside before fear goes off and wait it out inside.
Either form is strong here. Take his spell shield with smite if you can, then fight. His spell shield will put your R on CD! Careful.
huncho1v9 says “Medium/Hard matchup. Nocturne can stay on top of you easily with his fear. Really hard to duel Nocturne early game, but once you get Nashor’s spike it becomes a lot easier. Use your W to avoid his Q. Make sure to use F keys to see where he R’s. ”
VainTaka says “You can beat him as long he doesn't snowball early game but besides that, you will be fine. CC him when you don't see his spell shield is up. Play to peel unless you have another tanky support to protect the backline. ”
Foxirion says “Nocturne poses a moderate threat to Viego. While Nocturne’s spell shield can block one of Viego’s abilities, Viego’s crowd control and damage can still pose a significant threat to Nocturne”
huncho1v9 says “- Medium/Annoying matchup. Nocturne always wins 1v1 if he plays it properly. If you have phase rush you can kite out his fear and space him but it’s pretty hard. Nocturne has an invade window level 3 cross map and can also level 1 cheese on your buff or raptors. Typically Nocturne just plays for 6 and full clear tho. Phase rush is easier to pilot against noc, conq provides better dueling power, but ideally you aren’t gonna be dueling him much anyway.”
Churrasco builds says “Perma-ban recommendation. Always will win the 1v1 with letal tempo, more map impact tha you, and a perfect counter for your gouls, since his PASSIVE ONE-SHOT YOUR GOULS EVEN LVL 1, ANY OTHER SKILL ON THE GAME COULD DO THAT, BUT NOCTURNE, OH HE CAN. Absolutelly disgusting to play against, if you play against that and you dont eat your keybord at the end of the game you're already a winner.”
Mignognium says “Le retour de Nocturne Crit nous arrange, il est maintenant encore plus simple à affronter même si rester sur vos garde les joueurs de [Nocturne]reste des OTP souvent. ”
tradtrad says “Pretty even matchup where you have two different playstyles. Nocturne is actually an incredible dueling considering he is a farming jungler. Anything you can do to disrupt his clear cycles will be better for you than for him, whether it's stealing his camps, killing him, forcing him to contest objectives etc.”
IvernGott says “Nocturne is very predictable champ. His ganks are always counterable by you tracking him down and following his ganks! He can invade you but with daisy you most likely to win the 1v1 depening on the gamestate”
ShadySceptile says “Very hard to 1v1, if you go assassin you can easily get oneshot. just try to not fight 1v1 but in teamfights
edge of night is recommended ”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Counters you a little bit at crab fight, considering his spell shield which will always prevent you to get passive proc, so be careful, also he has really healthy clear, so maybe do not contest him at crab.”
Cookiemanman says “Nocturne isn't too much of a threat to Volibear. As long as you save your Q (stun) after he uses his W (spellshield) you should be able to win fights.”
Mabujo says “The counterfit scary champ.
His fear interupts. High Damage and high attack speed. fighting him early is unwise and he can tank your fear with his spellshield.
Fear and run (if possible).”
Fessor ivern twitch says “ENG:
Velz says “I wouldn't consider this much of a threat since I've face a lot of nocturne players and I would always have an upper hand due to how they just stand still and hit (I usually counter them by disabling their spell shield with Q and if they were to fear me i would E them back)”
HawkSP says “Using bushes can prevent Nocturne from targeting allies during his ultimate, but timing and positioning are crucial. Counter his darkness with well-placed vision and preemptive counterganks.”
bbtgangsta says “threat more to your team then yourself. his ult allows him to quickly appear on top of your carries. otherwise he is useless. You can q first to burst his shield then r or e. ”
Jhingle says “Commonly nocturnes are very bad,but when they ult u cannot see a thing, which makes you a worser teamfighter, banshee can help.U can oneshot him in late game.”
Roo5021 says “Hard to peel for your team with the blind if he is ahead. Not too big of a problem though. Stay close to your team, and pick him off when he goes in.”
X3mHills says “Avoid fighting until level 6, and even then, only engage after he uses his W ability. Consider purchasing Zhonya's Hourglass to prevent the effects of his E ability. You will outscale him over time, but it is important to protect your carries throughout the game.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Noctrume: His cc is annoying and my teammates never know how to play vs him so he gets easy fed but it should be even matchup.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: You need to get his shield off first so if you roll ball on him you can stop rolling before it hits and spam E him so it knocks him up.. And he can R on you to objective if you didnt clear vision so always oracle it”
RuinedJG says “Spacing Q's is harder against him since his fear outranges your q range, when he E's just use your E to gain speed and run outside, then continue spacing, his passive makes his auto range bigger, it also heals him, this is the only time where he has the best chance to auto you if you mess up spacing. His spell shield will block your E knockback, your Q damage, or your R fear. Any runes can work into him, make sure to remind your team when he is getting close to 6, and try to get deep wards in places he can R from. Early game his R range is low, so he has to get pretty close to a lane he wants to gank, late game it is basically half the map.”
Tortizzy says “Nocturne is nuts in the current meta, he will kill you at all times, he has better ganks than you, his ultimate can easily disable your entire kit.
This should be your perma-ban until he gets nerfed or something”
lheydebreck says “High winrate. High playrate. Ban him. If you have to play against him: Play the opposite side of the map and ignore him early game. Go ap and play around your boxes. ”
xTechikaze says “Vision Vision Vision. He ults from halfway across the map. the only thing you gotta do to beat this guy is keep track of him and do your best to warn team mates. If he gets fed its usually cause your team doesnt respect his ULT and his damage.”
Leonashe says “Basically, any champion that has a passive spell shield would be an annoyance for you, as they can block your charm from going off, thus making it trickier to get the timing right. Against these champs, you would want to either wait till their spell shield is down or break it yourself before charming them”
XAmityX says “Can ult past your team/daisy, and is immune to your first cc (Q), meaning no way to stop him from killing you if hes fed enough or your team doesn't peel. Daisy gets abused by lack of vision. Make sure to constantly reset daisy's agro on champs that are within your nearsight. Use your bushes to deny him vision from ulting you during team fights.”
MhmYepSope says “Keep track of his Ult timer. You can cleanse the ult nearsight with W. Can also see his Q after he ults if you F-key your teammates. In fights, save your empowered W for his fear. ”
kcjackal__ says “More of a threat on EUW than NA because of pickrate. There is some nice tec with this matchup where you can roll your snowball at him then let go of w and use your e to proc his spell shield knocking him up.”
puzzler1s says “This is my ban in platinum elo. Hes not that problematic to fight as much as his ulty just causes confusion in a teamfight and generaly people dont know how to stay safe from his ganks so he gets to snowball.
Kazuo Murasaki says “Gank or invade him pre 6. When Fighting, you bait his W Spell shield out with your E and don't let his E Fear go off on you so W ward hop out of it or R him off you if needed. Typically Nocturne will R you then you E his W then you can R him with no risk. note if he has edge of night you will have to choose to use your Q or R with your E to take out both his shields. ”
veipz says “Dodge e with ur e u win. early game he hard beats you care about his r and make sure u track him all game he can invade u and he wins crab fights till 9.”
loganrichards says “Nocturne kinda bodies you from even or behind.
His R can make you drop frenzy, if your 1v1ing his E is a timer for him to destroy you
He can W your W2>E>R and chases well with his Q
Pullks says “Nocturne relies on auto attacks: if he is not fed, you can kill him quite fast. Watch for his spell shield though so it won't eat your taunt.”
SesaPrime says “Nocturne is part of the rare breed of champions that have a kit Camille just cannot match with in the lane. He is a jungler in the nature of the game, but some move him to top lane & even pick him to counter play Camille.
He has a spell shield, a fear that channels when in melee range, & Q with range to harass & gain movement speed to engage.
He only has a super strong early game against yours, if you can get passed it then he cannot outscale Camille. Tenacity is recommended to counter his fear. ”
kornelllll says “this guy always 1v1 you... and he wins,.... also very good ult... better clear than you better movement than you better dps than you.. do i need to say more?”
thetruearab says “his fear gives him the advantage and spell sheild blocks stun. So use your awakened E to block his fear. After that easiest 1v1 of your life.”
garbocan says “If he doesn't immediately recast R, you can use bushes to prevent him from targeting your team.
It's a bit more difficult than normal hovering, but if you can predict where Nocturne will R, it makes for a very easy countergank.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “His R blinds you from seeing where he will gank. By the time it wares away it's usually too late to follow up with your R for a countergank. His spell shield also allows him to block your R. His E fear gives him a solid disengage/engage tool. All around avoid this champion.”
Valkidol says “His spellshield is extremely annoying to play versus, and he can turn the game around after lvl 6 no matter how ahead you think you are. He doesn't beat you in the 1v1, but you can never catch him with his W and E.”
OakIgu says “His Ult will make him a hard guy to deal with, also he can avoid your stun and fears you very easily but nothing that a FH can't deal with.”
didohimself says “Hate playing against him because he can shield (W) your knock-up (W) and also time his E with your E , completely destroying you. I dont have any tips just try to snowball better than him.”
Zero macro says “Briar into Nocturne is a complex matchup, however Briar has overall the upper hand —> especially on high Briar W levels and R access.
Briar and Nocturne have similar early jungle clear speeds, Briar will get an edge of it later in the game.
Trade of spells in this matchup;
Nocturne W spell shield will most likely be used against Briar E (into Terrain) or Briar R.
Nocturne E Fear (1.25 - 2.25 sec) into the end of Berserking Briar’s W.
Briar’s goal is maintain a Berserking window into Nocturne, combined with a good Snack Attack W(2) —> This is done by forcing Nocturne Spell Shield with Briar E into Terrain (When no spell shield is used, Briar gains a free R due to the Crowd Control).
Thereby Briar R will be enabled to hit,
(1) Briar starts with W and uses R to remove the fear duration.
(2) Briar starts with R and uses W as an effective execute tool + dash.
Briar should avoid Nocturne before level 6 and W levels.
SYROBE says “Hes you but stronger and better. He can save his Fear for whenever you press your W and out trade you. Same play style only his ult is lock on”
Coccaa says “Early game is a bit questionable. Take last stand. Late game you outscale so hard you destroy him. He may have edge of night so your best bet is to just Q his EoN spellshield because your other abilities are on a much longer cooldown. Make sure his W shroud is on cooldown before you R because trunde R has a slight cast animation which good nocturnes will see and instantly W”
MusicJG says “He will look to afk farm until 6.
He has better ganks so try to counter-gank it.
Don't facecheck him or you die, he will have Lethal Tempo and run you down.”
Hyxoun says “Minor if your mates aren't onehead. Even if they are, you can make just as much of a mess of TFs as he can, and your scaling is much better.”
Pyrobot says “Nocturne's an easy matchup. You 1v1 him at pretty much any point of the game, and if he ults onto you and immediately Es you should be able to get out of range of the tether by popping ult and Eing away. After that, you just melt him, spell shield or not. His ult makes counter ganking hard, but if you're aware of where he is stay near by and you can try to W in and counter-engage as soon as possible. ”
TheBougis says “Nocturne is rare to see mainly because he is just not that good.
He is very easy to hit with your Q and doesn't have enough damage to kill you. Do be careful for when he ults, as he will probably ult your duo so just try to mitigate as much of his damage as you can.”
Turnupthetoaster says “You out-scale him, but his early game can be every bit as potent as yours, if not more so. If the two of your are roughly full HP, chances are you won't win the 1v1 during the early and mid game. If you're going full damage chances are you can just one-shot him but if you're going bruiser he becomes a bit more threatening. Regardless, just make sure to get deep vision in his jungle, and be sure to hover your overextended laners. As long as you can deny him a lead, he won't be an issue since he falls off extremely hard.”
theloaf says “If he gets on you, break his spell shield with your E, then W+AA, then Q away from the fear. If he ults a nearby ally you can use both Q and R to CC and at least one of them will hit through the spell shield, then AA to root and keep your teammate safe. ”
Zero macro says “Nidalee has a way stronger early game than Nocturne, however Nocturne Spellshield combined with level 6 can be hard to deal with for Nidalee. Thereby Nocturne Fear can still be in range due to the extension of it. Nidalee has a safe time playing around hoping walls or prepoking Nocturne. Nidalees goal is to dominate Nocturne early on, combined with shadowing Nocturne Ults.”
Zero macro says “Nocturne litteraly shutdowns our R. We cannot Save our teammate from afar from Paranoia. Recommended to always ban Nocturne. Even as jungle matchup we cannot win if he Spellshield our E. Outclears our clear. Nocturne can buy Serpents Fang as well.”
Zero macro says “Nocturne has a good stat check, but low mobility. This should be taken serious for Shred Zed. Nocturne will have a hard time forcing fights on Zed his mobility, and thereby he will focus towards laners. Zed should try to gain the curve on the jungle clears while shadowing his teammates from Nocturne. Shred Zed will become stronger later on, be careful for Nocturne Spellshield into Zed R.”
metalhydra273 says “Nocturne has a similar problem as Hecarim in that he has to go in and hope he can dodge your cc. Stick to your carries and mind his spellshield and he'll have trouble making a big impact. Though he'll likely win 1v1's, you may have a chance if you can fight him under spire. If your ult is up, try to time it with his e fear to negate free damage he'd get onto you. Make sure to break his spellshield with a q before going for the cc kill.”
NegativePhoenix says “Hard, but not impossible. He's a hard threat for AP Rell but not an impossible one. As for Hybrid/Tank, he's more manageable but still dangerous. If he's good reflexed he'll save his spell shield for your Q so bait it out before using W or Ult if possible. Your job is to get him pinned down if he tries to backline ult your team. If he can't get fed, he's useless and goes to a minor threat in any build you choose”
BigodeOfLegends says “Nocturne pode se encaixar no mesmo caso do Kha'zix, caso ele fique muito a frente no jogo dificultará sua vida porém no 1x1 é fácil de certa forma de o enfrentar.”
MrFerrot says “Another great ban option. In lower elos, Noc will get fed off your teammates very quickly. He is hard to beat in a 1v1, and will invade you, steal camps, and kill you.
Play to avoid him and scale”
shacolovesyou says “hes afk pre6 but still a good duelist so avoid him, u can countergank him as long u know where is he so ward his jungle and track him, if he ults u i recommend press Q away inmediatly”
Apari1010 says “He will outgank you, that is a fact of life. If you try to fight him, he will fear you with E, then Q you and then W to spellshield your most important damage tool (including your R). if you catch him at low HP, he will fear you and Q away from you. You will never kill him early. Try to gank where he's going to gank and try to be wherever you think he is going to R. With a solid enough lead, this character turns into a joke late game. But this champ will give you a hard time early.”
BradJr says “He can and WILL kill you at any point in the game. Only way to win against him is to get your tank to engage him (very hard in soloQ). (clone rating 9/10)”
FaeBytez says “Nocturne can be a difficult matchup for Diana due to his spell shield on his W (Shroud of Darkness) which can block Diana's Q or R. He also has a fear on his kit (E) which can be devastating for Diana in a 1v1 scenario. However, if Diana can bait out Nocturne's spell shield or dodge his fear with her E, she has a good chance of winning the duel with her burst damage.”
ttvRegedice says “Make sure to hold emp W for his fear. He gets bonus AD while sitting in his Q made by his shadow so dodging that can be huge. Try avoid throwing E into him because burning his spell shield gives him a huge attack speed steroid. If nocturne gets fed he doesn't shut you down too hard but he can force you to play defensively and forces you to make decisions faster with the lack of vision you'll have when he ults. Cool things to note are that you can empW cleanse his global blind over the map or leverage Edge of Night spell shield to cancel it out too. His scaling caps out (meaning he doesn't get considerably stronger) after 2-3 items, so you're only concern if you fall behind is winning teamfights.”
Borinn says “He can win 1v1's early so don't fight him and start opposite side of him. Your team fights and scaling are much better so wait it out.
You can go either AD or tank.”
MaaaRaaG says “Big bad boy. He will carry his team to victory by feeding of your overextending teammates. People will blame you and use the bait ping: Keep calm, mute them and pray.
They often go assassin, so you'll eventually survive if you're tanky... ...your teammates will not. Try to peel for them and cover your vulnerable lanes. ”
Hazardist says “Nocturne will be hard to fend off in the early and mid game, especially if he manages to rush to you with his ult. Try not to waste any resources while his W spell shield is up, and save the Dark Shield for when he's channeling his fear onto anyone.”
DJBASSANGEL says “Scary champ, he can dodge ur abilities (E) so thats yucy and his ult is just nasty asf, usually a slightly tricky matchup but u generally dont get too fucked, ur laners do tho”
ShinyEmo says “His early game is stronger than us because of his fear. Also his ganks are better, especially after Lv6. He won't be an issue after 2-3 items as you will most likely melt him in a second or two if you aren't too behind.”
Majd1 says “Nocturne is easy to deal with in the earlier stages of the game due to his lacking movement speed and also because he is reliant on farm to get his ultimate. Make sure to kite him and play around his spellshield and you should have the advantage in this matchup. However, if he does get onto you he wins.”
1Strike says “50/50. Don't facecheck him and look to outscale. Plated steelcaps is your best friend against this heavy autoattacker. Once you have a few items and levels, you can kite him. Make sure he doesn't fear you though (through your usage of W E and R). Also don't blow your Q R into his spellshield.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Nocturne is able to avoid your engages, engage faster than you and also use his fear ability when you want to engage, making him an annoying enemy to face, however him aiming you causes 5v5 fights to be more or less fair as long as you position well.”
Smudey says “He literally counters us because his ult blocks our ult, he destroys us in longer fights, spellshields our taunt and clears much faster than us. My go-to ban, but you can ban something else if you don't think the enemy picks him.”
checca says “Fight Nocturne in the later stages of the game, as he has one of the strongest level 3-4 in the game. After your first full clear, you will be even with Nocturne. Be aware of his spellshield and fear range and duration. As Nocturne has an instantly breakable spellshield, once you get 20 stacks on your smite item you can break it. When casting your E on Nocturne, they usually will think that their spellshield will block your E knockup, which it does, but little do most players know, you are casting two abilities to break the spellshield. When you are about to land your E on Nocturne, use smite before you hit the ground. Most of the time they will spellshield last second. I would say this has a 75% chance to work. If you are ahead or even in gold after level 6, you will be able to beat Nocturne in a 1v1 if you destroy his spellshield with smite or your W.”
basrty1p says “If he uses his ult, there's nothing you can do about it since it'll make your map near sighting. Try to regroup with your team and don't go alone.”
lovicoaching says “Classic example of a champion you will win a lot versus but might lose to when you're smurfing. If all his laners are winning it's really hard to make picks vs this. These people often play with Twisted fate also so in that case you can only front to back.
Do anything honestly, biggest thing is just not letting him ult for free kills to lanes, but you can sit in a lane with invis and countergank it. Do that 1 or 2 times and game is freewin.”
L1x123 says “He can abuse you in the early game, and if he does he will definitely get the lead. If he doesn't get the lead you can easily kill him in the late game(especially as Rhaast). ”
Davecraft16 says “From my experience it's easy for nocturne to get ahead thanks to his r. if he gets near you try to block his fear, use flash if you need to. This is one of the few matchup I recommend using Galeforce, so it's harder for him to fear and kill you.”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] He's a major threat, unless he has CONQ then it's even. You cannot ever 1v1 him before 3 items. Tip: QW Smite activate phase rush and run away from his fear range.”
Kukiziuu_ says “its hard matchup because if he snowballs early you almost cant do anything against him. Try to play near objectives and counter gank as much as possible. Both form cant 1v1 him either.”
Bhyure33 says “Nocturne beats you in 1v1s before lvl 6, but after that you can beat him almost always, unless he gets too far ahead of you. Try to counter gank, especially after lvl 6 as he becomes a huge threat to your teammates.”
RedNBlue says “Nocturne is a lower 3, almost 2 but just to be safe a 3. Nocturne won't be able to duel you early game, but you won't be able to kill him alone as he is just fast. Be careful to not over extend an over extend as if he kills you, you have lost your whole team the game.
Note - Try to counter jungle and keep him at a lower level, it will help you out a lot when it comes to fighting him and keeping him off your teammates. ”
ErniBurni says “R Evo countered Nocturne seine E. Deswegen sollte das Matchup Ez sein. Mit Bruiser Kha Zix counterst du sein Kit, weil Frozen Heart in hops nimmt”
Grakala says “This is the hardest jungle match-up.
You cannot fight him and you will need to keep an eye on where he is all the time in order to not get invaded, bc his W keeps you away from cc chaining him and his E can cancel your Q3 if timed correctly and he can also just ignore your winds lash bc of his W. ”
Riccardo126 says “Dueling with him is dangerous, as he can avoid your W or charged Q with his W, plus his R removes you the vision needed to countergank his R with yours”
Der Bestimmer says “Can dodge your Stun and ramp up his DPS doing so.
Bait his Shield and dodge his Fear as with Jax Stun above.
His Map Mobility is another big threat. Try to punish him with cross map plays every chance you get.”
MythicalMinute says “This matchup is odd. Nocturne has 2 main builds, lethal tempo with lethality or lethal tempo with onhit stridebreaker. If the Noc goes on hit lethal tempo, go AP and play out the fights, if he has gone lethal tempo with lethality, go Bruiser (Tank Oriented)
Bruiser (Tank Oriented) is preferred.”
RiaAllure says “I just hate this guys R tbh, mobility is another weak spot for evelynn especially if you're in low elo and you are just starting off as a new evelynn. ”
GiAEcchI says “You can not fight him pre-form, he clears as fast as you so try to start from the other side of the jungle. He cannot chase you through wall early game tho.
Ward inside his jungle after lv6, look for counter gank.
With red form you have to monitor the minimap a lot, your countergank is super strong against him.
His ult makes your E blinded inside walls.”
Unfortunate 7 says “Purmaban this stinkshit cloud of bullshittery, has more macro pressure somehow, has a faster clear, has hard cc this mf will ruin your life faster than that one drug addicted aunt.”
spuki97 says “Annoying but not impossible matchup. It's hard to fight him as you need to save your jump for when he uses E to jump away. That gives him a chance to run away. Make sure to spam ping your team to be careful about his ult angles. Best build: All”
RengarNBush says “Skill matchup, do not proc his W shield since it gives him attackspeed, his ult counters your ult so be careful about your timing. You can cleanse his nearsighted, so if he ults and you can't see anything while farming, use your emp W and you will be able to see like normal. Items make him pretty tanky try not to jump on him if you can't leave his fear.”
MaximusWillCarry says “He spell shields your E and oneshots you. His ult makes it hard to see who to E. Tough champ to fight against in teamfights. You gotta rely on your team to deal with him but just peel your team when he ults.”
Atemporal says “Semelhante a Nunu, Nocturne irá empurrá-lo com força no nível 1 e você não pode fazer muito sobre isso. Felizmente, Nocturne não pode realmente vagar como Nunu. Você está feliz apenas em cultivar sob a torre e relaxar. Considere a pista de proteção antecipada para veja de que lado
Nocturne se move, geralmente para saber de que lado ele está. Respeite o poder inicial absurdo do Nocturne, especialmente o nível 2-3. E longe de seu medo se ele for agressivo. Ao jogar Ekko é muito fácil configurar ganks no Nocturne. Enquanto
você sabe de que lado ele está adiantado, ping seu jungler para vir. Nocturne sempre fará Q e então caminhará até o meio da onda para eliminá-la. Esconda-se fora da visão e W em cima de sua onda. Nocturne tem um escudo mágico, mas é completamente
inútil para bloquear o W de Ekko se Ekko for quem está se envolvendo. Como você está prestes a entrar em seu W, Nocturne usará seu escudo de feitiço, mas seu escudo de feitiço absorverá seu E e não seu atordoamento de W. Você também pode fazer isso mesmo que seu caçador não seja
lá, mas é meio inútil porque ele apenas auto a onda e cura mais de 100 HP com sua passiva. Jogue para sobreviver e escalar. No seu pico de Protobelt você já pode vencê-lo 1v1 se você jogar corretamente. Sempre W em seus lacaios quando
ele vai para limpá-los. É assim que você quer lutar com ele em geral. Se Nocturne atacar você com seu R, FIQUE PARADO. Uma vez que você ouvir o ""Darknesssss"" pare de se mover (a menos que haja muitos outros inimigos ao redor ou você esteja do lado de fora do seu
alcance da torre). Coloque um W em cima de você assim que vir Nocturne voando em sua direção. Seu W forçará o escudo de feitiço dele e, como você não está se movendo, significa que seu R estará em cima de você e dele. Ele não deve ser capaz de 100-0
você através do seu escudo W, então uma vez que você pressionar R a luta será completamente virada. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nocturne will look to power farm early so he can get level 6. Try to invade him and take away his camps to delay his level 6 power spike. Nocturne will try to get ahead early by ganking lanes that are immobile or are overextended. Try to track him in his jungle and counter gank lanes that are being ganked. If you cannot counter gank, try to gank a separate lane or steal his camps. Deep wards inside his jungle or around the entrances to his jungle will help your team spot him before he activates his Ultimate Paranoia(R). Try and get deep vision in his jungle whenever possible.”
Saltu says “HARD to kill in the early game. But you should be able to RUSH AND KILL in late.
Very good at farming your team and his jg, still not as good as you so you still have that, don't lose your advantage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nocturne will look to power farm early so he can get level 6. Try to invade him and take away his camps to delay his level 6 power spike. Nocturne will try to get ahead early by ganking lanes that are immobile or are overextended. Try to track him in his jungle and counter gank lanes that are being ganked. If you cannot counter gank, try to gank a separate lane or steal his camps. Deep wards inside his jungle or around the entrances to his jungle will help your team spot him before he activates his Ultimate Paranoia(R). Try and get deep vision in his jungle whenever possible.”
domjakf says “Nocturne is easy to deal with most of the times, but he becomes kind of tough after he gets Maw. Somewhat similar to the Viego matchup. He counters your spear with his W which is really annoying. Make sure to kite him, or jump away with cougar when he has his E on you.”
lumihehe says “i'm not sure why because i'm not familiar with this matchup, but nocturne has a 42% winrate against gwen in the jungle? O_o this is new news to me. going by the data alone, i'm gonna put him in tiny catagory, although the sample size is low at only 88 games.... interesting”
Salmon Kid says “Noc w helps him avoid Lillia ult and his e is hard cc so paired with his ult he can get onto Lillia, but his damage output is too low to pose a huge threat. Furthermore, Zhonyas and frozen heart nearly invalidate you as a target for him. You outscale and out pace nocturen late.”
Farmer Cleetus says “Blue Kayn is a dangerous pick against a noc who plays bruiser, make sure to know which path you choose when meeting the noc by checking his commonly build items. If he's going bruiser then I recommend you to go rhaast, if he play lethality noc go rhaast or shadow assassin (dependant on the team comp). Also, Noc will for sure out gank you and much more, do not face him early because of his fear and free shield.”
Very Rxre says “u win 1v1, tear him apart. noc mains have downsyndrome so they will think they win 1v1. u have to save w after their stun because if your w is running while you are stunned ur griefing and deserve permaban. don't e when he has spellshield up as well”
Darksword255 says “Extremely difficult to 1 v 1. Play around his E, early it will fear you and you will not have time to recover to heal. Try to break his E or Hold ur E duration to mitigate damage. Hes tanky, Heals a decent amount and does assassin lvl damage.”
Dojyaan says “Outduels you. Very scary jungler. Doesn't have that much mobility tho. You could potentially win by baiting spell shield and then iframing his ult.”
Nik7857 says “Nocturne is really strong right now. To beat him make sure you dont waste cocoon on his spellshield. You can rappel his fear duration fully if you time it right. This matchup is similar to evelynn”
ItsAydam says “The reason nocturne is a major threat is because of lethal tempo and his fear. If he catches you or flashes on top of you he can beat you easily. Try to catch him off guard and keep your distance. Flash his fear if you have to and do not under estimate his damage. Galeforce and Tabi are really good against him and can help you beat him after your ult expires.”
NegativePhoenix says “Really good at challenging you mid-late game. His ult is a gap closer and his spellshield+fear make your W useless to gap close from him. Early game is your best bet to get him behind. Counter-Gank if you know he's going for a lane gank and hope your team can keep him punished for it. If he can't stay caught up or snowball then his power drops off insanely. He just has a good kit to fight yours overall.”
imminences says “Late game he isn't as much of a problem, but Nocturne can abuse you early and mid game. His stickiness in combination with his bruiser build make him difficult to get away from if he wants to fight you.”
CommanderRexy says “Any champ that can out gank/pressure you like Ramus, Nunu, Warwick, and Nocturne will push their team ahead of yours. Your mobility is what makes you a threat, and as your Q cooldown goes down your mobility around the map goes up. Because of this, you out-pressure a lot of junglers through your presence and skirmishing ability. Nocturne out skirmishes you a lot and out pressures you post 6 so I ban him (voli bear now cuz he is just broken). You can still skirmish if they are dumb, but otherwise, be careful and ping your team for ganks from them.”
[Nocturne is a big AAer that doesn't even build crit, so that's easier for you. He's like an ADC with less damage, and still has a lot of attack speed. There are still some things to be aware of : His clear is better than yours ; He has the possibility to gank from far away in a matter of seconds with his ult ; his fear is long ; his spellshield counters your taunt. If you manage to adapt to all of those, he becomes a normal ADC.]
Turbotailz86 says “Can be a menace when using ult. He's not an enemy you wanna face 1v1 all the time early game. You have to get this champion by surprise and initiate with a E wall hit.”
resetwice says “His passive gives him a good sustain. You can avoid his Q using your Q on a minion or jumping a wall. If he R you, wait he comes and jump a wall to avoid an wall wil if he's stronger than you at the moment. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE/PHASE RUSH”
SunLongGod says “just annoying, unlike fiddle, he can actually follow you and deal high damage when you're being feared. Save your Q to avoid his fear at the last moment so you can reduce the fear duration. Qss if he is fed, or just avoiding him until you have core items”
Gobby says “Spellshield on W can block your first Auto attack from your passive and give him free attack speed steroid, Q trail hard to get out of even with your Q dash away. You both have a huge level 6 powerspike but Nocturne can easily countergank you at level 6 and outfarms you early to get to 6 faster. you outscale though.”
Krast666 says “Get oracle lens agianst him, when taking epic monsters or doing about anything, use it and enjoy a life without jumpscares. Just watch out for his early game and his spellshield.”
NegativePhoenix says “Depends on how good the nocturne is at reacting and how fed he is. If you W him and bait out his spell-shield he'll rely on his fear to get you off of him or keep you still if you charm him. Predict him if you can to help your laner if you know where he's going and after a bit you'll realize how much he's lacking.”
Fapas16 says “say goodbye to your adc, nocturne has a spellshield and fear with really makes it hard for you to deal with him and he also has a lot of map pressure and teamfight durability”
Puddingb00m says “He will outgank you easily. Focus on reaching level 11 asap and keep warding. In low elo keep track of his ultimate and warn/ping laners who overextend. ”
quinn adc says “Pre 6 he can't do anything. The only thing you need to keep in mind is if Noc tries to engage on you, you MUST Q-E-AA instantly.
Q first becasue your Q will eat his spellshield.
If your E hits his spellshield, this is terrible becasue he wont be knocked back or slowed, which means you will get feared every time.
PR is op because if noc fears you, with PR MS, his fear makes you flee super fast (the interaction is the same as if you fear Master Yi in R if you ever saw Fiddlesticks Fear a Yi in his R) You actually live with PR even through fear becasue of that.
Save your combo to counter this engage and you are golden.
Noc has HARDCORE mana problems, so he cannot combo you much.
The matchup is free in lane, and if you Q-E-AA his R combo, you will live throug his only chance of ever killing you.”
Sammystinky says “His ult is pretty annoying since you want to E from distance so keep track of the last location of allies. Also, be aware of the spell shield, don't let it block E and you peel him pretty well. You out gank and out teamfight.”
duowithdeath says “Terrible matchup, he can block your R with spellshield, after 6 every time u show u die, honestly just dodge, otherwise perma avoid/ group with team and try to outscale.
BullwhipGriffin says “Nocturne isn't too hard to fight for diana once you get items, however his spell shield if timed well can negate a lot of your damage and it is also very hard to gank vs a nocturne because he can counter your ganks very easily”
OfficerVi says “He is a lot stronger early game since 12.17. Use R to avoid most of his fear. Blue smite can also be used to break his shield before Q hits. It is very important to track him in his jungle so you can be ready for counterganks. ”
Shro says “Nocturne isn't usually a problem, however, it should be worth noting that Nocturne does have spell shield and will use it to block your Ult! Try to bait out his spell shield before you Ult him!”
Boptimus says “I was debating leaving Nocturne in because his meta in lane was fairly short lived this season. That being said he has great early sustain through his passive and can poke you and waveclear well with Q.
A good Nocturne will hold his W until he sees you try to E them. A good way to keep yourself from getting Spellshielded is to walk close to him and see if he panic spellshields. If not he wont have time to react to a melee range E. If he does panic spellshield keep in mind that he might do it again and wait out the shield.
Use your Phase Rush to break his E tether.”
TimothyFly says “Build edge of night so u don't get blind when he ults so when u counter with ur r u can see where ur going. You can never 1v1 him, just play off counter ganks.”
Majd1 says “Nocturne is easy to deal with in the earlier stages of the game due to his lacking movement speed and also because he is reliant on farm to get his ultimate. Make sure to kite him and play around his spellshield and you should have the advantage in this matchup. However, if he does get onto you he wins.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Nocturne is quite strong. If you don't manage to kill him quick the whole situation turns around while he manages to dodge 1 of your abilities gaining attack speed and fearing you for 2 seconds. Care against a nocturne player.”
WONDR says “His W is very hard to read and can be hard to play against. Both tank and assassin nocturne is a pain. Try to get out of his fear with your empowered W.”
ISwearImNotPolish says “Honestly, this matchup can go either way depending on who gets the jump on who. Look for early kills and secure objectives. Edge of Night works wonders. Maintain vision control and try to catch him away from his team if he ults one of your teammates and decides to dive them. However, he has strong gank potential early and his fear is annoying to deal with, so be careful and play around your team and you'll probably be fine.”
OPPMAN says “Nocturne is a great and strong roaming champion. His ult is a massive win condition for him. Nasus Beats nocturne in damage, but Nocturne beats Nasus in the game. You can still win, if you help your team as much as you can.
But other than that, I would BAN HIM.”
YoungTact says “Try not to face check him as he usually has an easy time sticking onto you with his fear, spellshield and Q. Would recommend the phase rush build. Note ur W doesn't work on his R but because it is still a dash will still do Damage to him if he R's on to you. Worth considering for all in's as it makes the difference. ”
Xyllow says “There are, I think, in total 4 junglers that can solo kill WW 1v1 early, on equal terms. This is one of them. Lethal tempo nocturne is very strong, and his spell shield will very likely block either your Q or your E, if he times it correctly. If he does not do either of those, you win. If he does either one of those, he probably wins. Be careful early game, as you do outscale him, if you accumulate the same amount of gold as him, so there is no point to force. If they are playing nocturne and tf however, it can be very hard to survive when trying to protect your laners. ”
x6Arnau says “This matchup is tricky to play basically because Nocturne with her kit can make you bulnerable for quite a few seconds during a teamfight.
(He beats you in every 1v1.)”
horror_in_dark says “Опасный противник, выживаемости меньше чем у Грейвза, но его испуг в 80% дуэлях позволит вас побеждать. Играйте против него с фазовым рывком.”
Madabc says “I can safely say I've rarely lost this matchup. Nocturne can be pretty annoying, but full crit items can make this matchup super easy. Most of the time you will kill him before his E goes off. If hes a lil tankier just sandbag till lord doms. ”
Agatrium says “Not a very strong pick into Garen. You are just too tanky and do too much damage for him to deal with. Once you have Berserker's, you'll kill him no problem. Just W his fear and fight him. ”
Janooobi says “To you doesn't pose much threat, you will have enough armor to take him on in a 1v1, however dealing with his ganks are tricky, get deep wards in and try to read where he will use R and counter and it should be a win from there”
DuckT says “Cethal Cempo
Similarly to Warwick, this guy's worth banning out. Pre-6 he statchecks you for approaching him. Post-6 he statchecks you for existing. Wouldn't blame you for going Shieldbow into this.”
officialwiseguy says “If you think you have enough damage, try to burst him before he can fear you without using your Q or use your Q before he starts his fear animation to get the most damage out of the situation. If you think you won't kill him before his fear hits you can use your Q as late as possible as he trys to fear you to reduce the CC duration afterwards. Qss can be a big help otherwise.”
Consolo says “Use chilling smite to break shield, stun. You can roughly figure out when he hits 6 and try to stay on his side of the map. If your lanes are obviously pushed up when he is on that side of the map, be there for the countergank. He is useless in teamfights, so play for your objectives.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “His ultimate directly counters yours, and can counter-gank you if he's on the same side of the map. He also easliy beats you in an early 1v1.”
Scythe Prince says “He beats you with his fear and Lethal Tempo keystone. Path around him. care for his ultimates you have to be there to countergank your lanes. both forms are strong mid and late game. Take down his spell shield through your smite and you will be good fight him.
Zehmox says “he has a spellshield and fear that prevents him from getting killed. but if you catch him in the early game in a knockup you are able to kill him. but if you dont kill him in your knockup and get feared by him you are most likly getting outattacked to death ”
blulemon says “Although he has a spell shield, he can only block one of your 3 CC abilities, take advantage of that. Make sure to match him with his ult by tracking him and keeping vision.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Nocturne is another jungler that can pressure you early game a lot, can never really fight him alone because he can block your CC”
Zero macro says “Nocturne litteraly shutdowns our R. We cannot Save our teammate from afar from Paranoia.
Recommended to always ban Nocturne.
Even as jungle matchup we cannot win if he Spellshield our E.
Outclears our clear.”
Elekktro says “Nocturne is much more of a threat to your team than to you. He can only beat you in a 1v1 pre 6 but he doesn't have a way to force a 1v1 with you pre 6. Do your best to counter gank his ult and it's a pretty easy matchup.”
sonminh says “Nocturne is hard to 1v1 because of his spell shield and fear. His ultimate makes it hard to respond to enemy engages. Get Banshee's or Edge of Night into him.”
J98TheGreat says “Nocturne is strong, but you are as well. Be very careful as he does have a fear and have a spell shield. He is very good with Axiom Arc, so this will be quite a challenge. Protecting your team will be difficult, but you have an advantage if you have a teammate that can defend your backline. Someone like Taric would be one such example as he can heal, shield, and stun to ensure safety.”
Brosinex says “Bastante mal emparejamiento, especialmente si se vuelve más duro. Básicamente, puede elegir cuándo quiere matarte cuando te ataca de inmediato para que tengas una mejor oportunidad de derrotarlo en 1 contra 1 si te lanza una lanzadera y queda aturdido.”
Da Mastah says “Has a strong early game, so try to out farm him and track his pathing to predict threats and warn your laners with pings. In 1v1 you can dodge his ult with q by striking another target with q, also try not waste q immediately against him since he can just spellshield and fear you, instead use your q to reduce the fear time.”
The Elysian1 says “Another babysitter... His clear speed is good , can say better since the last Q nerf on Qiyana. He can have a good control of your jungle and pretty much dominate you in a 1v1 scenerios. He is weak in 2v1s - 3v2s so atch him of guard. The moment he hits 6 , try counter ganking him and play for more obj. His late game is weak since you can just root him and do your R combo.
okynest says “all his skill set is countering shacos skill set if he Q you before you get invisible he can still track you also can cancel shacos fear or E with his W”
LoneDevils says “Nocturne is hard to fight especially with his fear you can't jump away and even if you jumped away he can still catchup with you, you cant 1v1 him because of his shield he can easily block your cc”
Zyvran says “The fear makes him impossible to fight, and the ult just lets him decide to one shot you at any point. Go Zhonya's and Shieldbow (not in that order)”
Pusi Puu says “You lose vs lethal tempo nocturne, make sure to kite him when he procs it by cleansing his fear and with your E. You win with full ferocity but cleansing his fear is a must do.
Don't get caught with his ult, make sure to stand in a bush when he ults. Make it as hard as possible for Nocturne to get lvl 6 so invading is really good vs him.”
Doubtfull says “Nocturne can spellshield your abilities messing up your q stacks, and one shots you later in the game with his ult. Take double armor runes and play very safe.”
SnowballBarrage says “Not a threat until level 6. By then you've had hopefully impacted the game to control the map. He may steal a dragon early if you aren't careful. As long as you take phase rush he cant chase you. ”
NixLychee says “Nocturne counters Lee Sin, due to Spellshield blocking Q or E, so you can't chase him or kill him, and he can also Spellshield your ultimate, making it pretty much impossible to deal with him. Don't let him fear you. If you kick him away, his tether will break and you can deal with him. Basically, just break his tether and you win, although he has pretty good speed to chase you, so you'll probably need to ward-hop.”
KamiKZ says “Nocturnes kit is very annoying when you are playing Kha Zix, I would recommend to try invade him solo early and wait for him to use fear and q on the jungle camp and then jump on him. When you are in a 1v1 vs Nocturne, wait out his spellshield by ulting become invisible and then when the spellshield is gone you can use your full burst combo on him AA > Q > W etc.
Both Q and R evolve are ok vs Nocturne”
LordGrox says “Dangerous as a good nocturne can deny either your W or R. The fear is also dangerous, but can be dodged with your R. Will usually out-tank you, while still dealing crazy damage.”
Polarshift says “This matchup is way worse since Nimbus Cloak was introduced. His fear just absolutely ruins you if you can't dodge it by getting out of its range. Also his damage is quite high with Lethal Tempo.”
Veralion says “Do not ever attempt to fight this champion without your ult to either break his fear tether or partially immune it. He does an insane amount of damage and you will probably die before it expires. Don't contest a thing. Post-6, float around the most action-packed lane or the lane with the most kill pressure in conjunction with Nocturne's ult and look to countergank him. Tell your team to communicate with pings where he is headed. He can take away your vision, but not your ping buttons. You can see his Q on the ground through his ult, so look for that to figure out where he is and aim your ult accordingly. Wait for someone else to pop his spell shield before using E if possible.
Exhaust absolutely RUINS this champion. In fights, stay parked on your most fed carry and immediately pop Ex on his head and combo him when he tries to dive in. He'll be a free kill and you and your fed Jinx will mop up the teamfight. ”
Riealone says “Another champion you can't duel early. But there is a counter play. Bait him to waste his E and run out with yours. Then you can try to duel. And of course don't use Q into his spell shield
Doubtfull says “I've never played this match up before either, but if you rush a Zhonya's it shouldnt be too difficult. Just be careful walking around alone when he hits 6.”
Arfreezy says “Nocturne has a relatively slow early game, but a powerful 6 item spike. Phase rush is very powerful here since you can negate the fear in the 1v1 by proccing phase rush and you will kite him while feared. Try to establish a lead before level 6 so you are in a position to counter gank or punish the first ultimate.”
Tormentula says “Nocturne struggles in the early game and Elise can gank way better than him. Save Rappel for to stall out his fear since the tether pretty much gives you free reaction timing, or alternatively stall out his Lethal Tempo with Rappel. Careful not to waste Cocoon on his spell shield, try baiting his Spell Shield with Q or W first so his shield pops on those instead of Cocoon. You can also Smite the Spell Shield later on when its upgraded. ”
Doubtfull says “I've never had too much trouble with this match up, but I know other people have. When you go underneath Nocturne he will use his spell shield, break it with your burrowed Q and then combo him. Use your ult just when his fear is about to land and you will dodge that. ”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror or Phase Rush.
ITEMS: Zhonya's is obligatory, Plated Steelcaps is also a good choice.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: The demon of nightmares should be one your worst matchups, but there are ways to deal with him. Avoid contesting him in a 1v1 early game, but you can kill him with the help of allies. RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN away from him once he uses his E to break the tether, you can't afford getting feared by that, Phase Rush and dodging his Q should help with this, then bait out his spellshield with Qs, E and autos before ulting to make sure he'll get CCed.”
MiningRicK says “His Spaceshield isn´t effective vs you so go for E and then his Spaceshield is gone Q and do damage with your PTA. But with his fear he is dangerous.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is actually 50-50. You can win this match up by kiting nocturne properly with E R and fleet footwork movementspeed and if that´s not enough, you can buy a Quick silversash to remove nocturne´s fear and then you should be able to fight him 1v1 even after 6 as long that you are either even or you as the graves player are ahead.”
Insightful says “nocturne falls into the same category as olaf, he can deny your crowd control while having a lot of damage aswell and keeping up with your tempo in the jungle, on top of that his ultimate is a very strong teamfight ability”
poopyOCE says “Use your E before his Fear is proc'ed (and lethal tempo is he is running it) as it will deny a lot of damage after. You should win 1v1s due to your passive and you can chase with your bloodtrail, always commit to the fight. Annoying matchup.”
Akotanya says “TIP: You can take both tenacity runes to reach higher tenacity level. Either with Legend: Tenacity or MR boots. Or simply escape from fear by running.”
SaltCat says “Annoying champion he can block all your spells, and then he just e you then aa you to death, he wants to you lose early game , and later you lose if he got the fear on you ”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “You can simply use your CC to stop him from using his fear. Try and wait for him to blast his W magic shield. Beware of his high gank potential and insanely fast clear.”
VukatornunazFan says “Nocturne isn't as bad as Hecarim but if the enemy Nocturne plays right it will definitely make your life hard with his heavy CC and high damage. ”
poopyOCE says “Skill matchup. CC his CC so he can't get the value off his CC. Wait for his CC before Bountiful Harvest. Be careful of his global presence via R. You have better teamfight potential.”
Karasmai says “Whether you go blue or red nocturne isnt too bad, he will afk farm and ult to gank so just try to get form early as possible if you’re rhaast you will easy win teamfights if you are shadow assassin wait for him to go in on you smite q W r to break his shield and one shot immedietaly”
MexBookMaster says “Limpia bien la jungla y tiene Ganks muy fuertes. Te mata sin duda en 1v1 cuando no tienes tu forma. Cuando tengas ya a Rhaast o a Shadow Assassin (Azul) puedes pelearle.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Nocturne ficará puxando a lane frequentemente no início, momento o qual a Katarina deve usar seu Q para tirar dano dele. No nível 3, Katarina pode agressivar com QEW (jogando as duas adagas trás dele) e dando alguns AA e depois voltando nos minions atrás, deve realizar esse combo até ter certeza que irá matá-lo sem morrer para ele devido o fear dele do E (Unspeakable Horror) que irá parar a Katarina por alguns segundos. Nocturne é excelente para acompanhar os roamings da Katarina ou para fazer por si próprio. Por isso se atente bem ao posicionamento dele, e evite que ele mantenha controle sobre a wave dos minions na lane depois do nível 6, pois assim ele não irá gankar outras rotas com frequência. No início é difícil negar o wave push, mas depois ficará mais fácil. Um pouco de defesa já é o suficiente para vencer, como por exemplo com o item Armaguarda ou Ninja Tab. Evite ser morto em lugares sem visão ou lugares expostos a wards inimigas se você não tiver possibilidade de fuga ou de defesa com Zhonya ou não for capaz de matá-lo nessa troca, pois poderá morrer. Nas teamfights Katarina sempre será melhor que ele, mesmo que esteja mais forte. Foque-o com todo seu burst, pois até ele ter reação de usar o fear e ativar sobre a Katarina, você ja deve ter matado ele. O potencial de perigo de Nocturne é de igual para igual visto que ele possui muito dano e tem potencial muito forte para eliminação em pick-off devido sua ultimate.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Nocturne with any runes will beat you 1v1, his shield blocks your "E" or "Q" you lose the fight, if you can somehow get both abilities off without him blocking them you can maybe win a 1v1. However try not to fight him without ult.”
ak521 says “He counters your close melee range and abilities because of his fear. Once he gets lethality/armorpen, he also is able to shred you in duels or your squishies in fights. He can dodge your Q with his spell shield. His R also sucks, you don't know where he's going. In short he can rush past your front line. Stridebreaker makes him deadlier. Little counterplay aside from baiting his spellshield. GL. You'll need it.”
Frozerlol says “He's strong 1v1. Try to get him behind early set up vision in his jung and try to outjungle him throught cs or counter ganks/objektives.”
Rhoku says “Nocturne is tough to deal with without Ghost. He can actually cheese you early on if you can't kite him properly. You do outscale him hard and you will snowball on him even harder if you beat him though. The problem is that beating him is very tricky early on which is when he is going to be taking fights. And you HAVE to beat him. If you don't before he hits level 6, he is in full control of he game as there is no way you can outjungle him with how strong his ultimate is. You can either go tanky and peel your carries or straight up try to fight him and beat him in counterganks. He is VERY weak against invades vs you however, as he will have used his fear and his movement speed skillshot on the camp, leaving behind a free kill. His spell shield is annoying but make sure you trigger it with your W, as your Q and E are wayyy too important. He is also not the best at 2v2s without his ultimate so look for early counterganks.”
Kayncer says “HUGE Threat, try to counter gank a lot on this one and always keep track of him, otherwise he will 1 shot everyone if he gets fed, he can fight Blue and Red, the survivability on Red is higher tho!”
DjapeFromSerbia says “You are weaker than Nocturne on level 3/4 in River unless he's low hp. You should be able to outscale him and you are stronger already on level 6.”
Insightful says “he has a fast clear, very strong duelist and his ultimate is equally annoying to yours, he also can easily play with sidelanes, this matchup can be very hard, best thing to do is group as 5 and try to get a good ulti”
izzlelol says “Pretty bad matchup especially if he goes bruiser. He can basically choose when he wants to kill you when he ults just immediately w yourself so you have a better chance at 1v1ing him if he does ult you and gets stunned.”
Lambda Diana says “He beats you in melee range has a spell shield can go ad fighter items. Just not a great match up for Diana best you can do it ward in spots where he will use his ult but never try to 1v1 him. ”
OsakaSatang says “if he has lethal tempo, don't ever get caught by his fear pre 6. You will hard lose the trade. Always keep W to interrupt his E. try to counter gank him.”
ItsSkoob says “Most will take Lethal Tempo and out duel you. His W can block your Q and Ult and his Ult provides insane map pressure. The best chance you have is if they go full assassin and you can one shot them. If they go bruiser the game becomes a lot harder.”
Ellesmere says “Nocturne is another one of those late game monsters, like Udyr. The reason Nocturne is so tough for Udyr is that his damage output is pretty much the same, but he can cancel your stun with his spell shield, and if he shields it properly he gains double attack speed which will almost certainly kill you. On top of that his chains can fear you if you don't break them. Ultimately if he plays his champ well, you will lose 1v1. On top of that, his ult is essentially a guaranteed kill every time it's up, so once he's 6 try and keep his jungle warded so you have an idea of which lane he's going to ult so you can countergank and turn it around.”
SketchtheHunter says “Ban either him or Kayn as they are your hardest counters. Noct loves to invade early and with his spellshield and massive attack speed there's not a lot you can do to stop him. I don't see him a lot so I usually ban Kayn but he's definitely a "dodge if you see" champ.”
Raggy69 says “Nocturne will hunt you down, ignore your root and cut you down literally and metaphorically. His Shield cancels your root and with his gap closer speed he will chase you down.”
Soulreaperjin says “The trouble starts as soon as he has the E and Passive in early game, but long as you have help to kill him in early game, then he wouldn't pose that much threat in later parts of the game.”
Suseri says “Avoid throwing your Q out while he is casting his fear. Either use your Q right away or after his fear. You outscale him so don't force too much early on.”
FrostForest says “Out damages you but can only spell shield one of your abilities
Look to collapse on him with your team
Don't 1v1 unless you are higher hp”
Irmike78 says “His CC can give him an early lead in a fight and even kill you. His CC is a channel so popping Gwen W wont save you. My advice is to use summs as soon as he ults onto you and mash u R button on him so that you can heal back up. ”
RichMrFork says “ Nocturne's ultimate is extremely powerful as it makes it almost impossible to setup your combo with W and correct positioning because of the restricted vision. Nocturne is one of the few champions who can absolutely run you down if he catches you with missing cooldowns. If the Nocturne player is skilled he will always save his spell shield for your stun and continue to run you down with autos and Q. His ultimate is extremely hard to countergank as the range allows for so many gank paths and opportunities. He becomes more of an ult bot the later the game goes and falls off when your backline starts to build items like Zhonyas, GA, or Stopwatch. Look to punish him when his ultimate is down in teamfights as he is almost useless and has no reliable way to engage without it.”
Kayn Mains says “Do not engage on Nocturne early on. He beats you with his fear and Lethal Tempo keystone. Path around him as best as you can.
Watch out for his ultimates during mid game as you want to be there to countergank your lanes. Pay extra attention to vision and your minimap.
Either of your forms become fairly strong late game. Take down his spell shield through your smite and you will be good to go and fight him.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Interestingly, Nocturne actually hard counters Lee Sin, due to Spellshield blocking Q or E, so you can't chase him or kill him, and he can also Spellshield your ultimate, making it pretty much impossible to deal with him. Don't let him fear you.
metalhydra273 says “Nocturne has 1v1 potential, but that's it. Get around his spellshield with q ideally and if he fears you, ult right before the fear goes off to stall out his buff he gets from it. Like Rengar, sit on your team in fights and let him engage, play it right and he should die easily.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Do not engage on Nocturne early on. He beats you with his fear and Lethal Tempo keystone. Path around him as best as you can. Watch out for his ultimates during mid game as you want to be there to countergank your lanes. Pay extra attention to vision and your minimap. Either of your forms become fairly strong late game. Take down his spell shield through your smite and you will be good to go and fight him.
PulseBeat_02 says “If you are jungling against him, try to avoid 1v1 fights as much as you can, because you won't win them. He has a spell shield which can interrupt your ultimate. His mobility when he uses his ultimate is too fast and makes it nearly impossible to hit your Q, added with the blindness effect.”
Aqua Dragon says “Malzahar's suppression is much harder to successfully use against Nocturne due to their spell shield. Not only this, but because Nocturne can prep their fear from a distance, Malzahar's suppression will often be cancelled. Worse still, the silence does very little to stop Nocturne's rampage. The big saving grace is that Nocturne doesn't generally gank too early, giving time for Malz to farm safely.”
limeia says “Il a également besoin de son R pour de bonnes ganks. Farm jusqu'au lvl 6 et gank. Prenez attention a son W. Il peut esquiver votre charme avec lui
auileta says “Nocturne has just received buffs, so be wary of him. Sometimes he will ban Evelynn since you can, essentially, one-shot him and dominate. Keep safe from his (predictable) ult.”
Nanelol says “Nocturne is beatable but you will have to try to avoid him when he has his fear up or you will need to R when his fear is close to proccing.”
Sephix92 says “If his all in dont fk you up you might have a chance but he can cancel your cc and crazy all in you. His clearspeed is also on a fast level very strong pick against you.”
uSgSello says “Losing matchup.
Fighting Nocturne as Elise is not the best decision. Elise often win trades after only after landing the cocoon. Nocturne can easy dodge prevent your cocoon with his spell shield. Also he has a high damage output combined with his fear and movement speed.”
Vispectra says “You cannot win this match-up. Q does a lot of AD and gives him bonus AD. The spell shield will block your E which means you can't use it to slow him and escape , his fear has a long range and duration , his R hits like a truck. Of course you out-scale him but reaching late game might be a problem given how he will not only trash you in lane , but will roam and trash others. Ward and Ping often.”
qosmox says “His passive heals quite a lot, so you either need to take super advantageous trades or make sure to keep trading to stop him from healing up. Lvl 2 onwards you can trade with emp. Q's and use your E to disengage once he tries to prolong the trade. Use your W early in the trades.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “Right now, Noc is meta because stride breaker, making it hard for trundle to follow. Still, this muchup shouldn't be hard has you win in early game and you tank through late.”
MrMeem45 says “Another champion you can't duel, nocturne gets so many stats for free that it makes your Quickdraw look like a free cloth armor. Avoid him at all costs and stay nearby your low-health laners to try and countergank his ultimate.”
Doubtfull says “If he gets ahead he can ult onto you for free kills at pretty much any time. When he ults it can be hard to see and shield your team mates. Don't shoot your Q unless its pointblank range or his spell shield is down.”
PK Noob says “He has a spell shield which will completely negate one of your skills. You'll most likely never kill him unless you can survive long enough to get your ult off.”
legendtomi1 says “Nocturne with any runes will beat you 1v1, his shield blocks your "E" or "Q" you lose the fight, if you can somehow get both abilities off without him blocking them you can maybe win a 1v1. However try not to fight him without ult.”
RedNBlue says “Nocturne is about even with Master Yi and if they were to duel it would really depend on who was higher health and has buffs and items.”
Jhanthem says “Can be insanely tough to deal with, but not unbeatable. Make sure to INVADE early and don't let him snowball no matter what you do. He will typically ult your mid laner on CD and get a kill if he is super ahead.”
Amatzu says “A good Nocturne will keep your whole team afraid of him with his map pressure. Almost like Shen, every player in the game has to be aware of when this champion hits level 6. You can take Riverwalking to help mitigate this, but a good Nocturne will make sure to keep everyone in their lane or in their fountain.”
Cryastro says “His ult is a big gap closer and his abilities allow for him to stick to you well. Try to stun him when he jumps on you and kite him out.”
Strike1 says “Nocturne...this champ is really overloaded right now. He can stick onto you and your dash never really seems to get you far enough to avoid his fear.
This may be an instance where you wanna check out the galeforce build. the dash can save you vs him
The good news is, he is getting slight nerfs.
I was hesitant to put him higher threat because I think the champs just broken that's why he does well into kindred not because his kit counters you hard
(although the fear and ultimate really is a problem for kindred especially if he has red/stridebreaker to slow you down more)”
geek_not_found says “Early game, if you kite him well enough, you should be able to kill him. It is worth burning flash to escape his fear then chasing him down for the kill. Worst case scenario is he burns flash as well. Deny his late game as best as you can. R halfway through his fear.”
GuillaumeP84 says “Very hard matchup, this champ can cleanse your ult and your w. His fear still works even if you ulted. Don't try to fight him. Focus on ganking”
The Lass Isolet says “in the early game he beats you if you don't get out of fear, in the rest of the game he is the one who is stronger, if he does lethality it is very easy.”
Loul_60 says “A good Nocturne (and trust me it's not too hard to be that good, I used to main Noc) can easily beat Kayn.
Just like Fiora, he has an instant spell shield, which can cancel your ult at any point, or block your W.
Apart from that he not too strong, try to W him just before his fear kicks in.”
litecrunch says “He wins early dueling. It is very important to communicate to your team when fighting against a nocturne. He can one shot any squishy in just a fraction of a second. Try to stay together if possible. He is squishy so he dies quickly.”
liserith says “It's low-elo, and he's an assassin. The only reason he's not more of a threat is because you can react to his assassinations. If you notice him flying towards you, ult so you don't get fear-combo'd. His mist makes it hard for you to kite away from him. ”
shadowbloodedge says “His fear is what will tear you apart. A well timed fear combo into his Q and spellshield and he will eat you alive. But if he messes this up hes easy to deal with.”
Rudas2 says “He is good in 1v1s in general. You need to land your Q but he can just shield it away. His ganks with ult are faster so it's hard to counter gank in time, especially because you can't see where to accurately ult. It's not permaban, but just try to avoid duealing with him”
ShadowCross says “He's just really annoying to play against since his ult makes it so that you cant see through your own bushes making it hard to shield your teammates in a teamfight. Also don't fight him early you will not win.”
HeroAronNavius says “Nocturne can easily take you levels 1-10. He can fear you with his E which buys him time to burst you down with a ton of DPS. Try to avoid Nocturne as much as possible in early game. ”
chevy the sloot says “Low elo stomper. You usually never want to 1v1 him and his press R to gank is pretty annoying. Anyways he's useless in mid to late team fights.”
c0st0m says “Horrible matchup for lillia he can block all ur important abilties, q stacks e snipe r sleep etc
he will also easily one shot you with his r, buy zhonyas early and dont try to 1v1 him”
Tinjus says “He can obliterate you if you aren't careful. He is able to spell shield your Q, which negates a lot of damage in the early game. However you should be able to 1v1 him later on even if he spell shields your Q simply because you should have a high amount of CDR. If he gets the jump on you, you will take a lot of damage and die quite quickly if you choose to fight.”
Udyr uber says “Quando for trocar com ele, tente correr com seu E para fora do range do E do nocturne, e espere ele gastar o W dele antes de ir pra cima com o stun.
AyeJa3 says “Do not ever attempt to fight this champion without your ult to either break his fear tether or partially immune it. He does an insane amount of damage and you will probably die before it expires. Don't contest a thing.”
Rubenvt3 says “A little harder than the Rengar matchup. Try setting him behind in the early game and play safe whenever you don't know where he is.
Try fighting him when you can surprise him.”
Bel37 says “his all in is similar to reksai. If he is even on gold with you pre 2 items he wins. you can trade ults and w to get out of range of his fear. After you get a defense item ( Steraks, Death Dance, or Guardian Angel) he should no longer be a problem.”
lolX9J says “Really disgusting matchup, If you Q into him you cant dodge the fear. Only counterplay you got is if he got no fear, or you can use your Q to get out of E range. otherwise the fear will always go through...
His ult can tell him whos the real Shaco if you ult after he ulted..”
ChaseMorePlz says “A true nuisance until you group and burn your spellshield. His post 6 can cause more impact around the map, so when he uses it be sure to group and make picks on him or his teammates. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Does a lot of damage with his autos and has a great spellshield to block your E do it's pretty hard to CC him with it. Grab another source of CC to peel him off of your team and focus him down when he flies in.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Statistically speaking, Nocturne is one of Vi's hardest matchups. She only has a 47% win rate versus him in Platinum+ games. Don't allow him to catch you off guard, he can easily ult, fear, and kill you. Be sure to be prepared for him to do this to you and respect him especially when he is ahead, he is pretty strong.”
g0g0buffal0 says “His spell shield counters your q very hard. If the nocturne has half a brain, you can't win a single fight against him early. He sees your bandage coming, presses W, and you just gave him an attack speed boost.”
bolun says “this guy can blind you , you may ask : " bro if he blind me what can happen?" , well you see , you are chasing a ad , he suddenly turn on his R , well , that time you also have the R , you cant see the ad , so you cant R the ad”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Invade but wait untill he uses his E for camp so he can't fear you away. Save empowered W for his fear.
Nocturne will gank a lot but you will need to secure your laners by counterganking.”
Get Ricked says “Who gets ahead can kill the other. pre 6 nocturne beats you, after that you can win. Be sure to stealth when he fears you so he doesn't get those free hits on you. ”
G Spot God says “Cheese champ, even if he gets ahead, you hard outscale just damage control and try to counter gank where you think he will R. Don't let him spell shield your R, and if he does don't rq. (speaking from experience)”
DarkAuraLOL says “such an annoying matchup, avoid fighting him at all costs ,even if he's lower hp than you, just try to steal camps and get out, try to play on opposite side of map, only counter gank if your laners are strong , go for scaling , outfarming, once you get items and form you can manage , try to use your smite to negate his shield .”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Nocturne isn't the hardest match-up for Fiddlesticks, but don't underestimate his damage. He has a tough time getting on top of people pre 6, but he is still a strong duelist. Try not to fight him early on and keep track of his position.”
EvoNinja7 says “He can destroy you in the early game, because his W can cancel yours out. He has really good damage with his passive. His Q does a lot of damage in the mid game and gives him attack speed, so don't fight him in it.”
suprfxivsilkshot says “Nocturne, Malzahar and Sivir have spell shields that easily block your ult and your Q. If you know they have a shield up, target somebody else.
Also, Noc can 1v1 very well against any champion, especially Sion.”
DarkAuraLOL says “such an annoying matchup, avoid fighting him at all costs ,even if he's lower hp than you, just try to steal camps and get out, try to play on opposite side of map, only counter gank if your laners are strong , go for scaling , outfarming, once you get items and form you can manage , try to use your smite to negate his shield .”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Honestly really easy match up. You can charge your W and smite him to bait out his spellshield and get a free stun. You kind of just outdamage him unless he's fed and if you go Kraken you can even kill him before he gets his fear off. If things aren't looking hot, it's likely in your best interest to use your dash to break his fear chain because at the end of the day it is still like a 2s fear.”
Tanzer22na says “very scary, basically guaranteed to give him his attack speed steroid. play away from him and make things happen when he doesn't have ult.”
KaynPlayer814 says “You both clear really fast. He has better ganks at level 6 then you but at level 6 you win the 1v1 against him. Both forms are pretty nice against him.”
TheSoloNinja says “Can block your W with his W. Is an extremely strong duelist and has CC. Ultimate counteracts yours as he can get to the fight as fast as you can.”
Dannala says “LANE: Fairly safe to poke, don't get hit by his Q or he can easily turn around on you. You still trade really good 3-7 roughly and can easily bait his ult under tower and Rappel down on him. Rappel through his fear has a weird interaction where when you are feared mid Rappel but still able to pick your target to come down on and remain feared.”
Snap0ner says “Don't try to 1vs1 him, even if he misses Q. A shield to block your Shiv and increase his atk.speed, a fear to CC you, high damage with his passive and a nuke that increase his AD. This guy is strong. If you're ahead you may consider killing him if he misses the Q and you dodge his fear with your ultimate. Focus on gank lanes and making your team ahead.
Ivern OTP says “Nocturne can easily get to your backline and with no vision, it's sometimes difficult to save allys with a shield. He also can build that stupid shield burst leth item.”
ractick says “His W shield will not let you R into him and he will just fear you and shred through you.
He is a hard match-up, usually not easy to 1v1, unless you one shot him with Blue form.
b4kk0n the Gold Jungler says “The exact opposite of Olaf. Whilst an AD threat with CC and a spell shield, Nocturne's greatest power is in the fear people have of him, both in Lore and in Game. If you work around his shield cooldown and have grievous wounds, Nocturne is useless. Plus, his 'global' has range, whereas you can just ask where he's ulting and ult back.”
Mirarkane says “Nocturne outscales Elise, wins 1v1 thanks to his kit. He prevents you from getting the offense control mid-game and late game with his ult. Very annoying to deal with. Good ban.”
ogilabadabahamdala says “with his w he can block all of your abilities and with his r he can come close to you which you don't want. When he comes near you try to throw your e first and if he throws his w then he can't block your q so you can run away faster than him or you can place e on your daisy and she will take him down easily.”
White Cr0w says “Don't try to 1vs1 him, even if he misses Q. A shield to block your Shiv and increase his atk.speed, a fear to CC you, high damage with his passive and a nuke that increase his AD.
This guy is strong.
If you're ahead you may consider killing him if he misses the Q and you dodge his fear with your ultimate.
Focus on gank lanes and making your team ahead.”
KevinThyAsian says “Don’t come across him often, however, very annoying to peel away from. His shield removes E cast and his MS is quicker than yours.”
Andygumy says “f you think you have enough damage, try to burst him before he can fear you without using your Q which is possible after a few items. If you think you won't kill him before his fear hits you use your Q as late as possible to reduce the CC duration afterwards. ”
Embracing says “Need to track spellshield. If he shields your spear you lose. Otherwise just play to range advantage and only commit to cougar all in once you can one shot. He can run you down with Q ms bonus so don't position too upclose. ”
SnakeTastic says “If the enemy nocturne is using a life steal build or Mixed with attack speed hes gonna outheal you with auto attacks i usually ban him”
Fresh Diamond says “If he manages to spellshield your fear or first Q, he has the potential to outduel you. Bait out his spellshield and kite him out. When it's down, commit and you can win.”
Minase says “Super free matchup just powerfarm. He beats you pre-6, but other than that you win it. Look to charm him but use smite when he pops his spellshield so you can get the charm off.”
BoyWonder00 says “He can block your CC with his W, and can fear you out of your W. However, he is in a bad spot and is super level 6 reliant. You should be able to fight him if he wastes his E.”
FalleN3 says “Nocturne does quiet a bit of damage but you should have little difficulty to 1v1 him in the early game. If he gets a few kills or you fall behind, it will become very difficult to deal with a Nocturne. He is not played very often but in the right hands can be a decent assassin jungler.”
FalleN3 says “He does quiet a bit of damage and you will may have difficulty 1v1 him in the early game. If he gets a few kills or you fall behind, it will become very difficult to deal with a Nocturne. He is not played very often but in the right hands can be a decent assassin jungler.”
metalhydra273 says “Nocturne is great at 1v1 against you. You should beat him everywhere else. Just make sure you play the matchup smart and it's easy. Don't let him spellshield anything important by using q, and if ult him right before his e fear goes off provided it's good for the situation. Otherwise lock him down as soon as possible before he tears apart your teammates.”
Xidorian says “He counters your close melee range and abilities because of his fear. Once he gets lethality/armorpen, he also is able to shred you in duels or your squishies in fights. His R also sucks, you don't know where he's going. In short he can rush past your front line. Addition of Sanguine Blade makes him worse. Stay grouped and land a Bandage Toss when his spell shield is down.”
brSL7 says “Nocturne é um champ assasino e possui pouca vida. Sabendo disso a partir do Mid-Game com o item da jungle e o level 6 você já consegue matar ele. ”
Xe0N says “He is a 1v1 beast and has a fast clear so he will most likely counterjungle you. Try to escape with your phase rush if he counterjungles you a lot. Farm a lot if he ganks a lot and if he steals your farms a lot gank a lot.”
Maintained says “Stronger dueling early, and stronger ganking pressure at level 6. His ult stops you from getting off a counter gank. You outscale depending on their build. You have better teamfighting.”
Coccaa says “Nocturne's clear speed is possibly one of the best in the game, due to his damage amplification and his passive. He will not be ganking many lanes early on due to his lack of ganking power. Once he reaches level 6, he will get significantly stronger and gank lanes more often. He will most likely try to shield your Q or R, so expect that when trying to fight him. He can also fear you with his E, which can lead to heaps of damage or you even dying. To beat him, try to corner him into team fights, and always avoid fighting him 1v1, as he is possibly the best duelist in the game.”
chasemyman1 says “Quite tought to beat as his spell shield blocks one of your abilities and you need to make sure your cocoon hits. If he engages and your cocoon is blocked you will die. try and Rappel to give yourself some time. Invade his jungle early to prevent his scaling.”
CinderTheSnake says “Nocturne will be really annoying early and mid game because he can spell shield your Q and fear you. You can win this in a 1 on 1 fight but his map presence will be much greater than yours”
McSushi says “He will fullclear pre 6, then gank when he has ult, and take objectives when they're up. if you don't stop him. path opposite to him if you're new to shaco, or invade with EXHAUST, AND MAKE HIM WASTE SPELL SHIELD ON YOUR E AND THEN EXHAUST.
because, he will basically be like you, except building lethality and damage, not crit.(with lethal tempo)”
Depresso says “He can spellshield your engage so if you can try to proc e on the shield then q. Alternatively if you can try to cover your teammate or whoever he targets with a bush and shield if you're nearby so the enemies can't really follow him in if he took a risky ult.
He can burst you and invade you however, if you're smart with your abilities it's definitely more escapable than any major/extreme threat level champion.”
PsiGuard says “You can still charm him after he blocks one of your spells and he has no reliable way to counterplay your R. You can bait him into losing fights by hovering near overextended teammates and waiting for him to engage.”
PsiGuard says “You usually won't be able to 1v1 this guy since he can shield your knockup (or your ult) and Lethal Tempo gives him a lot of dueling power. Your main advantage is your superior gank pressure after level 3, so try to snowball the game before he can start making plays with his ultimate. Nocturne's weaker in team fights, so grouping for 5v5s is usually a good idea past the early game.”
classicnoob says “This guy is anooying.....
Everything about this dude i hate Busted ass fear insane damage,Get a thornmail. And you can maybe 1v1 him but you know him 2 shots and You're dead...”
bluelunged says “Has a lot of dps and if he Ws your Q or R you're more than fucked. Don't 1v1, and try to invade or countergank if you see him nearby.”
FrickLillie says “You can be five kills and two levels ahead of nocturne and you will still lose a 1v1. The problem is he can just walk into your jungle and catch up with his shadow trail then spell shield your stun and after that his Q is back up so your R isn't enough to escape. If he is in the game your team needs to be very fast to aid you.”
DixeyNormis says “ghostman is quite good and vs you hes also good... you could kill him but hes still tough my advice is to know the champ you are playing well enough to know kill pick once he gets ulti he will poop on you ”
League Of Cursed says “You both are looking to gank at 6 and power farm until then. The only time you'd see him is at skuttle, and unless you have back up just give it up. He can spell shield your fear, have a delayed cc so you can't just start to drain, and has high damage due to mostly taking lethal tempo. combined with his q bonus ad and passive.
Dopamine_influx says “If the nocturne is good, he will be lvl 4 on scuttle, with full HP, and he will win straight up 1v1, even with triple Q. If he's bad, that won't happen and you win scuttle fights, up to you.
Later on, he's annoying because it's hard to countergank with his R, since you lose all vision. He can punish your team mispositionings very easily. You one shot him if ahead though. You can also just ignore him and play around your strong lanes for dives/ganks/objectives, but care about countergank with ult.
Emp W cleanses his nearsightedness!”
reganakers says “This is my least favourite Jungler to play against. He has a ridiculous fear thats combines with lethal tempo to make nocturne a great dueler. FYI he can spell shield your knockup so be careful.”
Xeldom says “Even match-up. Do not counter gank against Nocturne early. You outscale him. Remind bot lane to play safe when Nocturne's ult is off cooldown. Once you finish your lethality item, you're able to invade him and one-shot him.”
Jogress says “Dangerous, but managable.
If he fears you in the early fight - he stilll probably won't kill you. I killed Nocturnes in scuttle fights quite a few times...
After 6 he is a much bigger threat. Consider buying armor. Consider sitting near your pushing teammates - Nocturnes can gank pretty easily - so it's harder for them to refrain from opportunity
Mid to late you often can just outrun him with your speed, and your armor won't allow him to kill you even if he tries. That is - unless he is fed”
AWierdShoe says “Skill matchup, but one of the harder ones. Nocturne can stick on you pretty effectively, but as long as you dodge his Q you can kite him. You can pop his spellshield (W) with your own W or your smite so it can be safe to use your Q and R on him. Don't let him get too close, as if he fears you with his E you're most likely dead. If he pops his ult, try and stay out of vision or with your team to react. ”
DarkArbalist613 says “Nocturne is very weak early, so make sure to try to invade if possible. If he gets ahead he will become very hard to kill, so wait for counterganking opportunities and kill him there.”
Dreadscythe95 says “He outgangs you and wins 1v1s with you so when you try to gang somewhere away from him to get a lead he ults. Also Lethality doesn't help.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “His fear lasts forever and he will literally right click you to death from 100 to 0 before you could even press ult. Avoid or ban him.”
DoughnutFeel says “Outduels you easily in the early levels. Dont fight him for scuttle. Note that you cannot dodge his fear in alpha, but you can minimalize the duration by alpha striking right before it.”
Murderman5 says “Do not go aggressive and have a duel with nocturne alone, Nocturne can completely block your fearing ability and use his instead, Causing him to win the entire duel.”
nextonetwo says “beats you 1 v 1, can shield your q and kill you early, late game you can just ult him after his shield and if he doesn't shield then he can just die ”
nextonetwo says “beats you 1 v 1, can shield your q and kill you early, late game you can just ult him after his shield and if he doesn't shield then he can just die ”
Zailent says “Go Rhaast against him, his oneshot potential is greater than your shadow assasin. his fear makes him win the fight, so in Rhaast form you can just knock him up and get out of his range, or just use ult into him with any form.”
TotallyEclipse says “He's pure autos, burn his spell shield with your Q then e his damage and look for all in. If you fight him in his Q he can probably win, so be careful.”
Hide on Nidalee says “Hmmm is like Olaf match but a little bit easier, kite him and dodge his Q and you win the trade. Pay atention to your lanes when he peaks 6, just be atent to counterganks”
aldeo says “Same what on sivir, im main nocturne and his W can be so usefull against AP shyvana
Btw all champions with spell shield counters ap shyvana.”
Heihro EUNE says “NOO! you never want to play against this thing, his waweclear is similar to your but he can solokill you any time and spamm more effective ganks, pretty much he does is invade your jungle every time, only way to fight him is never turn back if you run he scares you and he is already killed you, the way is to kill him is to turn on him and do it fast you got more dps and dont use your q on his sheild(w). but its still hard! i ban him the most of times!”
DarkPit59 says “Nocturne dispose de très lourds dégâts monocibles et ne doit pas être affronté seul. Il excelle en 1 contre 1 et peut placer des ultimes dévastateurs.”
Vodka4Gaben says “Stupid champion, If he hits an E on you, DISENGAGE IMMEDIATELY. Unless you are basically Full Build with Red Kayn. If he mistimes his W to block one of your Abilities, ALL in him because thats the only chance you're gonna have.”
WickedPoppet says “You both are looking to gank at 6 and power farm until then. The only time you'd see him is at skuttle, and unless you have back up just give it up. He can spell shield your fear, have a delayed cc so you can't just start to drain, and has high damage due to mostly taking lethal tempo. combined with his q bonus ad and passive.”
LightBright9213 says “Rarely played but very hard to fight. He has a spell shield to dodge your E, and tremendous dueling power. Just avoid him. Late game he isn't that useful.”
Ionia King says “Save your E when you go in for ganks if you know he's nearby and going to attempt to counter-gank. When he comes in Q him and then re-activate your E so he gets feared.”
Sorrowful Prince says “He is forced to fullclear till level 6 so these are perfect circumstances for you. Even afterwards you can easily fight him because Camille is one of the few champs that is able to dodge his fear. You win the autoattack war if he is going standard warrior and needs to spellshield your hookshot. After his terrifying midgame the game is won.”
GinWinsky says “Major farmer, has a lot of CC, a spell-shield, second strongest 1v1er behind udyr in the jungle. You cannot 1v1 him with basic attacks. Only go when you have clone + Ignite. Ward his jungle and take scuttles.”
TrevorJayce says “This champion will ALWAYS win a 1v1 against you because of his fear. Your only hope is holding onto your second W to cleanse it, but even then, he has a lot in his kit to completely deny you, while most Nocturnes will also run Lethal Tempo and melt you all the while. Handle with care.”
Nico449c says “You can win every fight if you bait out hes e then stun him otherwise you will lose he got barely no ganking potential until lvl 6 so try invade him or abuse him early. Eventually countergank him.”
Ryttar says “Quite a pain in the ass, his spellshield will completely deny your CC, he's more mobile than you and his fear will cancel your W so you can't fight him at all. Just farm and protect your camps and aim for late game.”
lheisse says “his mobility and spell shield make him a big threat. Your q is slow and your ult is telegraphed so he will easily spell shield those if you aren't careful. If he lands a q you will not be able to outrun him and you will lose a 1v1 fight.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Nocturne isn't the hardest match-up for Fiddlesticks, but don't underestimate his damage. He has a tough time getting on top of people pre 6, but he is still a strong duelist. Try not to fight him early on and keep track of his position.”
Coccaa says “Make sure to engage when you know his W is down (it has a 20 something second CD). If not, he can W your snowball, fear you, and AA you to death.”
briguy1109 says “Save alpha to dodge his fear. Wins early game fights due to his passive attack speed, as well as his Q. His R is a great ganking tool, but bad when trying to team fight.”
Soulreaperjin says “The trouble starts as soon as he has the E and Passive in early game, but long as you have help to kill him in early game, then he wouldn't pose that much threat in later parts of the game.”
TSMyth says “Nocturne is a really annoying champion, you cannot do anything against him if he's ulting. If he ults you cannot ult then that means you cannot save your teammates. Because you cannot look at the map then you're unable to ult somebody else.”
The Top Bear says “DO NOT FIGHT THIS GUY. Nocturne's spellshield counters you entirely, since he can easily cancel your spear damge, then fear you when you go in. He wants you to go in, and thats what you have to do to deal damage. Just gank lanes and farm hard.”
RaptorDre says “He can W your CC and fear you. Do not 1v1 him at any time of the game unless he is far behind. Keep in mind he can only spell shield one ability.”
urrb says “He wins the 1v1 unless you get a lead. Unless you can catch him with his fear on cooldown after he uses it on a camp, he will just all in you and fear you and you will be forced to either E or flash away. Be wary of early invades, as his early ganks aren't that great, so if he doesn't have any opportunities to gank, he will likely look to invade. You can countergank against him, so try to track him and be where he is. Once he uses his abilities on your laner he won't have them to use on you. ”
brickdaddy123 says “The only reason why noc is an extreme level threat is cause whenever you q no matter how you time it, you will get feared and thats really bad for master yi.”
SeekerPTK says “Before level 6, Nocturne has a decent 1v1 but is poor at chasing enemies down and securing camps. Abuse him by heavily invading his jungle early. Try starting the same camp as him and then take his next buff with Smite. Aim to be the mountain he has to climb to get level 6! Try keeping track of his ultimate CD for your team. He becomes lackluster late game, so as long as you track his major ganking tool for your team, you can farm away and outscale him. Nocturne will be looking to gank or dive lanes with his ult. Hanging around with low health while Nocturne is in game is bound to make you a target, so try to use this as bait when possible. Once he uses it, he cannot cancel halfway through and will be stuck on whoever he goes on with no escape. When behind, Nocturne isn't great at defending himself in the jungle due to his lack of execute for camps, and a lack of mobility. Whenever he has his Flash down look to duel him. If you manage to dodge his Q, or force him to fight away from the trail, he will do even less damage.
orangepenguinhead says “Nocturne's spell shield is annoying and his outplay ability is really strong. Try to bait out his shield before attempting to go in on him. ”
HalcyonFox says “The main thing about Nocturne is his spellshield and his fear. He's not too much of a pain to fight. He can't negate your charm due to your W being hella persistent. For example: If your charm is ready to be popped, you launch your Q and Nocturne spellshield's the initial spike, the shield goes down but the Charm will remain. You can now use the rest of your Hate Spikes to charm him and get your damage off. If you're not going to kill him with your Q's and E, use your Ult to finish him off. If your ult doesn't kill him, you'll at least have cancelled the fear he was charging on you.”
Luthy2278 says “His attack speed early game is hard for YI to deal with, he is an assasin and deals massive amounts of damage in a short period of time. You have to be careful, if he gets fed he can one shot you. It depends who gets fed first, if you are fed, you can easily kill him, if he gets fed, he will one shot you and your team. ”
Quezel says “Nocturne isn't too common in top but if you do find it be very scared nocturne does a TON of damage and can easily 1v1 you early game and even later on once he gets sanguine blade. Buy seekers tabi and you can start to fight him but until then just farm the lane out and make sure you spam missing post 6 to prevent his roams.”
TheDrKlord says “Nocturne is your worst nightmare, he has strong early game, spell shield(block part of your damage) and fear, you can't trade him pretty much in any game stage.”
Simphoria says “Alright so as of S10 this guy is definitely one of the strongest junglers. Good duelist, strong clear, good sustain, big snowballer, has a spell shield, you really gotta be careful. If the Nocturne is not good, then timing your abilities around his spell shield or out ganking him is fine. But if the Nocturne is good, his clear speed can easily make a cs/level difference, his kit makes you dueling him impossible and while you can Q away, he is definitely troublesome. Try to be active with ganking but be very aware of your pathing. A few bad ganks or wasted time can send you down a slippery slope. ”
HackedAccountlol says “Don't 1v1 him. Lethal Tempo and his E alone makes your life miserable, however he needs to farm up till 6 so that he can gank lanes easily and get a kill 99% of the time. Ward his camps pre-6 if you can. Try to help your laners push waves if they are low hp and he isn't nowhere to be seen on the map.”
LFS_aXent says “Nocturne will have a similar path to you. You will be faster than him, so only worry when his ult is up, because he may try to sneak kills away on you. Be very aggressive after your bloodrazor, and poke him out. Don't let his fear land, crit and run or he has a huge advantage.”
DemacianStandard says “Nocturne is extremely hard to deal with because of J4's lack of mobility. Unless your team is nearby, it will be hard to get out of his lifesteal and kiting potential. Best option to counter him would be to build tank and anti cc items.”
Laverenz says “Wait for him to engage on another or at least for his ult to be down. It is pretty unpredictable who or when he is going to use it and teleport right to you and kill you”
today ill feed enemy team says “Invade him early as much as possible or he will snowball with him R, his ganks are very much better than yours before lvl 6 so if you invade him you can snowball more easily.”
Doaenel says “Nocturne's fear makes it impossible to win fights versus him. You need to avoid Nocturne early game at all costs, and focus on farming the jungle. Never step into his side of the jungle unless you have vision of him on the other side of the map.”
SirZeros says “Same as Rengar, when you see him ulting, go near a wall and tunnel through him, when you see that he's ulting to you. BUT be careful about his spellshield, he can use it after going through the tunnel, so use your Q sooner, or first auto him with a meep and then stun him.”
CryAwake says “A good nocturne can completely ruin your day if he times his spell shield correctly he can negate your stun and almost always kill you I recommend attacking with surprise to make sure he doesn't cast his shield, I usually ban nocturne.”
Her0mars says “He will be farming pre 6, so you can just stomp his lanes. Make sure your laners understand his catch potential. This matchup gives you a chance to demonstrate your skills by blocking him mid flight with E or R.”
Yuki H. says “Nocturne is an ok matchup, given he doesn't really have a consistent gapcloser until level 6, and his Q could be dodged and kited away from to prevent him from fighting with his bonus AD while on his Q trail. However, if he does manage to fear you and proc his lethal tempo, the fight is pretty lost for Graves.”
Andante Tempo Jungle says “Spell-shield is very strong against Udyr, be wary of fighting him. If he has Lethal Tempo he can just fear you and deal obscene damage.”
YouLikedThat says “His E will block your stun or your tiger, so wait for it to run out and stun him, always wait for his E to pop up and smite it so you can stun or tiger him.”
Scantie says “A well timed shield can block your passive, but will still get obliterated if you land your E + Q combo. Use one or the other to bait it out.”
TOYOism says “Easy as pie, he ults in top lane? you gank bot or clear his bot camp. He goes bot? you go top, this noc will AFK for sure if you mess up his camps.”
MrPuggles says “Only just barely easier than Jax/ Olaf. Nocturne is an assassin and a duelist, and will beat you 1v1. His ganks are very very powerful, and Nocturne will easily carry if he snowballs. His ult is a death sentence to squishy targets. A good way to beat him is to tell your team to play safer and power farm. You SHOULD be fine if you snowball and he doesn't, as Xin Zhao's snowball is very powerful.”
Yzroma says “Si il utilise son W (bouclier) sur ton Q il peut te 1v1. Prends le par surprise et protège tes alliés d'un R de nocturne. Balaye la carte et regarde au sol si tu vois son Q, tu peux le voir même lorsqu'il a utilisé son R ainsi tu sauras où il est lorsqu'il engage tes mates.”
pixelhidef says “Nocturne is not in the same tier as Nunu, but his Ult is intimidating in low elo and he can win a game against you and never attack you, just by snowballing his ganks. Be present for re-ganking, as he seems to do this quite often.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “He will play very passive during the early game while powerfarming for lvl 6, its good to rush a QSS against him and try to have vision of him around the time he hits lvl 6 as he will be desperatly try to find a lane to gank once he unlocks it, quite hard to 1v1 without QSS but still managable, once you reach mid and late game that you are more tanky its a piece of cake to kill him and always be mindfull of him ultying your carries while during a teamfight.”
Jungle Kings Rage says “Fear Is Bs Though If You Just Build My On Hit With Titanic And Gage Build And You Will Demolish him. Extreme Threat If You Dont Though Also Rarely Picked.”
Lil Trash says “No point in trying to 1v1 him is stong even in early because of his high damage and attack speed and also his fear and w. If he starts trying to use his fear on you cancel it with your ultimate. Gank lanes and make sure you try to win the lanes you are ganking.”
LighterDay says “The main threat from Nocturne is the spell shield he is given. If timed right, he can negate Umbral Trespass. Bait out the shield with another ability or smite before trying Umbral Trespass. Until the shield is used, it's hard to fight him.”
Toad12138 says “He is much stronger than you early. Try to gank a lot early before he gets 6, after he gets 6, it becomes very hard, gank when he does not have ult as when he has ult, he can countergank easily and the fight will probably end in a 0 for 2. After you get form, you become stronger then him, just remember to ult his fear.”
Deltix31 says “Les duels contre nocturne sont assez compliqués. Essayez d'éviter si possible les 1v1 mais n'ayez pas non plus trop peur de lui.
Tips : Vous pouvez R avant la fin de son E pour éviter son CC et appliquer le votre”
Ricnnn says “Necessário comprar Tiamat pra dar counter na barreira dele, assim aplicando o stun e solando.
Também pode-se ser usado o smaite pra retirar o escudo.”
nZk01 says “His fear is very annoying and he can block your Q (Stun) and even block your W which will make him win fights.
Try to avoid him after level 3, before that get River control as he can't fight you level 2.
BigBadVoodo says “Must pressure early, he gets very strong with time so allowing him free farm isn't an option. It's pretty 50-50 for us. We can dodge his R with our R if we time it right.”
WiskeyANDGin says “high dps, dmg, he beats u with ease , u can outplay him hard with ulting before u get fear, get some items , get your spellvamp from passive/runes, in middle or late game he wont beat you”
xTheUnlimited says “Nocturne is in a loved state right now for a good reason: He just shredds. With Duskblade on him his powerspike starts and he will just R onto you and your allies and destroy them. Not much you can, because he can even block one of your stuns with his spellshield. Try to wait with your stun until he used it. ”
woofpack3 says “he's just gonna hard farm and you can't really stop him, he'll assassinate your carries late cause black shield doesn't stop the darkness and then your stun will mean nothing cause you followed this dumb guide and went off tank assuming that your carries could actually carry”
LePlay says “He has high dueling power, can block your E with his W, can easily fear you with his E and catch up to you with his Q. Oh, and you can´t do anything about his R either.”
PenguinOnStick says “Nocturne is annoying since he blocks your E with his shield. In the late game he shouldn't be much of a problem but care when you split push if they have a nocturne.”
MaRtOOOOOOOOOOO says “Don't try fighting him 1v1 if you see him just run he will 100% win. He will spell shield your Q and when this hapens he can just put his hands away from the keyboard and mouse and kill you with closed eyes. He will moslikely farm for lvl 6 and gank lanes with no flashesh or that are pushing too much. Try getting pre 6 leads for your laners and when Nocturne hits 6 try predicting where will he go and counter gank him. He wont be useful late game so if your laners are powerful than his you will win.”
Violzandre says “He's strong but not like a jax or a udyr, and you can easily avoid his fear, you can kill him (only if you have a GREAT advantage, or you AVOID HIS FEAR)”
Wulfery says “Only reason why you may lose is if he gets the fear off on you. Elseway you should be able to counter him easily. Dash E, hit him to remove his shield, then cast E, Q, W, his own ult and it's done.”
Yasuo Comunica says “He's strong 1v1. Try to get him behind early set up vision in his jung and try to outjungle him throught cs or counter ganks/objektives.
Elmunus - Udyr Only says “One of few champions that beat Udyr 1v1. Only fight him if you can dodge his shadow. your only hope is to out farm him, Look for counter ganks or permban like me.”
Loul_60 says “Nocturne is a very strong, yet weak jungler currently. (As a Nocturne 'main', although I don't play him as much now, I can give you a lot of insight on him...)
He has very good dueling potential with his fear and his spellshield both being strong against Kayn - He can easily block your Q/W/R with his W, so try to engage him when that is on cooldown.
Nocturne's Ultimate is the worst part, just assume that if you are seen by the enemy and he ults (Everything goes dark), you will be the target. Take advantage of him by teamfighting a lot: It will force Nocturne to build more of a bruiser type build to survive.”
GamingGaodzilla says “Outdamages you most of the time. If he spellshields your stun, you lose. You can attempt early fights with him, but after a couple items he just shreds.”
Markz says “He counters you in a thousand ways. Extreme mobility, more burst damage, spell shield, can fear you for forever. Ban him or don't fight him.”
OddOwl says “Can be dangerous if he lands his Q on you. If you dodge it he shouldn't be a problem, bait out his spellshield before you use your Q or R.”
TheGodKingSilver says “He counters you in a thousand ways. Extreme mobility, more burst damage, spell shields your stun, can fear you for forever. Ban him or don't fight him.”
Yi Guide says “Nocturne does quiet a bit of damage but you should have little difficulty to 1v1 him in the early game. If he gets a few kills or you fall behind, it will become very difficult to deal with a Nocturne. He is not played very often but in the right hands can be a decent assassin jungler.”
Abidd says “Singlehandedly Udyr's biggest counter. Screw this champ, he will out duel you, out damage you, and destroy you throughout the whole game. You can not stun him, and he has a lot more attack speed than you. Don't even try it.”
MetabuserEU says “Nocturne is in a loved state right now for a good reason: He just shreds. With Duskblade on him, his powerspike starts and he will just R onto you and your allies and destroy them. Not much you can, because he can even block one of your stuns with his spellshield. Try to wait with your stun until he used it.”
Castcade says “Nocturne is a champion i loved to hate and play his clear is obsurd you cant counter gank him or atleast you can try and if he can time correctly your e is nullified yes nullified I recommend playing safe and not to contest scuttles”
Salmon Kid says “Nocturne's spell shield is a top 3 Lillia counter, especially early, and he is extremely hard to fight against early because he can prevent a passive stack with his spellshield, and he gets Ms from his Q + you can't kite his E fear early.”
MannerlessNG says “Counter.
His abilities make it so you can't fight him with yours. He also deals a lot of damage and can single you out when your low.
He is also just a danger to your team and often becomes really strong because of it.
If you manage to get ahead, and consistently counter jungle him when he goes for ganks, he will fall behind and then he's your snack.”
Hazardist says “Nocturne, just like you, will prioritize hitting level 6 as early as possible, so you will probably have a relaxed early game not worrying too much about your laners getting spam ganked. As long as he doesn't have the damage to burst you within seconds, you will come out ahead in any duels against him.
Runeset to take: Conqueror, but Phase Rush is fine.”
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