Top Lane 48.79% Win Rate83% Pick RateAmbessa Top Lane Counters: 45 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Ambessa in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
liucan says “HARD match, try to bait some cds after she waste them u can trade and destroy her, shes like riven but her movement is more slow than her and her shield has more CD, so u can land E more easy. dodge second Q with W then trade. Her ult cannot be stopped or moved with ur E but can slam into the wall after it. I dont remember if her W is also Unstoppable. if he use E into u then u can buffer E to quick slam into wall. late game she destroys u due to how little her cds are and how much dmg she does, u cannot tank her also because she has armor pen in her ult passive.”
Sovereign Kitten says “She is currently being played as a fighter, not really too tanky or that overly difficult to really deal with as a solo laner, until players start playing her more effectively with itemization and proper understanding on the champions rotations. Regardless,, it’s when she catches you out while being backed up by her team that makes things extremely difficult due to her massive mobility that prevent you from being able to fully utilize your own mobility to side step and kite or at least try to kite her.
Her roams are pretty devastating especially as a support, so you’ll need to make sure you’re warding deep and keeping tabs on that mini-map, she can ult over terrain and potentially catch you out and really ruin your whole day.
permaban or suffer, you do you
seriously, you outscale (duh) but it's not worth the mental torture, just permaban ”
a_k_z7 says “the most readable champ for poppy
get w lvl 2 and look for short trades
if she wants to hit you w her dash and q her
if you want to trade with her auto + q and w her dash and go back
your w has a long cooldown so play around it
w max is good against her”
quenzo says “If you are a beginner this match up might be hard if she's not completly running it down.
Just try to poke her like b*tch and spam emotes to break his mental
jokes aside just try to play around your e and extremly important your W= cage because she CAN'T dash out of your cage.
Conqueror, Ignite+teleport”
ballsniffer112 says “Unfair champ, she outdamages and outheals in long trades, I recommend buying anti-heal relatively early in match. In lane try to make her push wave and freeze her, then poke with w q. If she is fed save e to escape when necessary.”
Smudey says “This champion is very new so it's hard for me to determine the difficulty of this matchup. It seems like she is weak early so you can abuse that. She is also very mobile and can dodge your E easly if you are too predictable, which is why you should stick to empowered Qs until you find a clear opening for a taunt (usually when she used her abilities).”
Anoying bro5 says “Try to predict her movement, similar to if you are chasing Kalista. Her directional changes will usually be parallel to your tower/her tower, so path according to her intentions (Chase you down or poke/retreat). Pre lvl 6 you will want to try and poke with your Q on vitals and Riposte her shielded W if she is engaging (it has the shortest and most visible dash). After lvl 6, her ult range is very long so if you are low HP try to predict it. If you predict succesfully, riposte behind you to stun her (similar to Yone Ult). Overall Riposte will make or break this matchup as your Riposte slows her passive attacks and dashes, but it is harder to land considering her dashes. Try to land Riposte early in lane before she can buy cooldown items.”
W4llaceK says “Take ring and ignite. You have to beat her pre 6, she is relatively weak early, especially if you short trade her so she doesn't get many passive autos on you. Post 6, and especially post 11 the free stats she gets on her R can become overwhelming if she isn't already behind, and her mobility can make landing Q and R very difficult, wait for her to use an ability and then Q her while she dashes.”
Houcs says “Be ready because this champion like to dash. And there is very likely she will dash into while being near your tower. Which gives you a good opportunity to pull her in.
She can be deadly however if you fight outside of your tower. If you see her using her shield try not to hit her, rather just try dodge until it wears of.
Also getting armor is a good counter to this because her Q does % hp dmg.
Crystal Lobster says “Laning phase is winable. Problem starts later on when she outscales you. Impossible to 1v1 in lategame due to her built in armor pen. Also too much mobility.”
parker3n9 says “Despite Ambessa being overtuned currently, this matchup is generally favorable for Swain. Focus on poking her with Q and Grasp of the Undying to keep her health low, reducing her threat in all-ins. Be cautious when your ultimate is on cooldown.
Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “Pretty tough but skill matchup, if she's not shut down early she can outduel and dive you perma with her CRAZY W shield. Take Conq with ignite if confident, otherwise teleport. Rushing plated steel caps gets rid of a lot of her damage. You can parry backwards when she ults you to stun her, however pre 6 parry timing are pretty tough. Try to parry her 2nd Q, she will usually try to combo it after landing her E slow, or instantly after using her 1st Q. If you are experienced enough with the matchup, you can dance around her abilities and space her with your vital MS. Coup De Grace”
magician4444 says “She's really squishy. Bring Ignite if you'd like. Rush Boots first. She has immense sticking power but lacks a lot of damage. Flash her ult or you're screwed. When you ult her be careful because she'll try to ult you back to negate the drowsiness. It's all about the spacing and dodging of abilities.”
forlid says “Ambessa is extremely oppressive in extended combat mainly because of the amount of dashes in her kit. Your best bet is to just farm and freeze the wave so that you can trade with her, eventually creating an opening with which you can kill her. Keep in mind that after lvl 6 she heals from all her abilities and that she gains armor pen. Building early armor against her is good since AD is all she can do. Take note of her W cooldown (basically K'Sante W) as she can negate an entire Q worth of damage off of you. Never overextend and try to keep the wave on your side and you should win.”
Haxorr says “I thought this mu sucked at the beginning when she was released, but it's not that bad anymore. You get prio really easily, just stand by minions so she doesn't get the bonus Q damage. If you can bait her abilities out and dodge them, you can trade aggressively as she has really long CDs early. After 1 item it can be a bit harder to win this. Start DShield and bring Grasp, maybe go tank jax if ur feelin it.”
L0ganJG says “This champion can FARM YOU but use matchup knowledge to find random kills. If she ever R's you, buffer your E to put her into the wall. Sideways W her E and Q when possible. NEVER take her Q2 for free. ”
kagaroo says “🔴Skill Matchup🔴
Threat Scale: 7/10
➡️Matchup is similar to Aatrox where you need to respect her mobility and play for super short trades. You cannot chase ambessa if she has all of her dashes up and you should play for perfect pillar placements because she cannot dash over it. The matchup is free if you can snowball but ambessa slowly outscales trundle in the later game where she starts building a lot of damage items. Easy matchup if you have experience and patience but it can be daunting the first few times.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad ambessa vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average ambessa vs Average Trundle ➡️trundle favoured
Good ambessa vs Good Trundle ➡️ 50/50 skill matchup.”
Raen says “SHe will roll head on her keyboard and you cant do much about it. Gotta move and predict her spells shortly before she will start casting them. Try to sidestep R. Antiheal + serpant fang helpful vs her. If she misses her combo and dashes close to you its ur sign to fight her.”
Marelack says “This champ has a lot of dashes try to play around bushes. I like cyclo first item vs ambessa u slow her and os. Try to play around bushes as i said before so maybe u can get cyclo proc multiple times.”
Zagreus16 says “This Champ in my opinion is another one of setts worst matchups. She has a dash, more dashes, oh and dont forget MORE dashes, has a block, armor pen, and a unstoppable ult. She is now my perma ban and is way more tough to deal with than Renekton in laning phase and late game. Its very hard to "correctly" build against her cause if you want to build defensive and buy a bramble vest well she has passive armor pen on top of the black cleaver shes definitely gonna rush so rushing armor is pretty much useless. Plated steelcaps boots help a good bit against her attacks since it counts as most auto attacks. Its better to just build normally with stride first to try and catch her but its pretty much going to be impossible since all fights are gonna be if she wants to due to her insane mobility. Just perma ban this champ if you dont want the headache.”
Haxorr says “I like Doran's Blade + Conqueror in this matchup with the Celerity setup. Ambessa isn't too big of an issue until later on in the game, but her early game is super weak so look to punish accordingly. Her CDs are really long early on. I try to parry either her ult or her empowered autos, if you just hit parry on her it usually will be a good trade, but that's hard to do since this champ is so mobile. Because of her mobility she's very good at kiting away from vital procs, so be wary of that and punish her CDs. Overall lane isn't too bad.”
SUPERPENGUIN69420 says “Ambessa can shred you but she needs to stay close to you and has no stuns so it's also your advantage, her R makes it a bit complicated because of it's passive that gives healing.”
Bourne212 says “Try to trade at lvl 2, afterwards it will become very difficult to land your W. At lvl 3 she has 3 dashes to dodge your W and avoid your stacks for passive, try and shove her in and look for roams after lvl 3.”
CactEyez says “This champion is very over-tuned, sticky, high damage and just broken. You are strong in team-fights against her if you peel, but 1v1s will be hard at all stages of the game unless you get a lead. Use R when she uses her Shield, so it times out inside your belly and can be ignored.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
Houcs says “She is a threat in lane but you outperform her in teamfight cause if Ambessa get's cc'ed she is doomed.
But have distance from her so you avoid her Q because it deals % hp dmg.
Also remember she heals alot and can shield incase you try to go and kill her.”
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