Mid Lane 51.39% Win Rate94% Pick RateVex Mid Lane Counters: 29 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Vex in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
PaciF1ka says “Люблю играть против нее,потому что это как рулетка,сможешь ли ты задоджить все и убить ее после фира?
I love playing against her because it's like roulette, will you be able to steal everything and kill her after being scared?”
ShokLoL says “Against Vex make sure you use your W movement speed to dodge her E poke, it's difficult to trade aggressively into Vex but if she wastes her CDs you can look to punish. Be really careful dashing into her if her fear is up.”
Divine Azir says “You win if she doesn't snowball. Weak early, strong all-in level 6+.
① Vex has insane wave clear, so abuse your range advantage to stack Lethal Tempo and match her push (unless vs a high-threat jungle). Position yourself outside of wave so she can't hit both.
② If she fears you, she can easily one shot you with her full combo or set up for her jungler to finish you off (similar to Lux). If you are not confident dodging fear, you can consider taking cleanse or Bone Plating. You can sacrifice damage to get an early null-magic mantle, as you will out scale her.
③Her Q and R are some of the easiest abilities to dodge in the game. That being said, you still may consider getting early merc treads if you are having trouble dodging her fear, you are vs a high-threat jungle, or the enemy team has a lot of CC.
④ When her passive bar is full, her next ability will fear and slow you. She will try to fear with E so she can control the direction you run. Use this info to bait out her E by feigning toward your minion wave or walking in and out of range.
⑤ When you flash or use E near her, her next attack or ability will do extra damage and her passive meter will charge by 25%. Don't engage on her unless her passive is low and you know you can kill her, or you will lose the trade and/or die.”
AuroraAddict says “Vex will be kinda hard on laning phase if she is able to hit you with fear and outrade you many times but you outscale her very hard so this wont be that hard.Also both electrocute and arcane comet are good against vex mostly play teleport.”
j4m.euw says “In early game, this matchup is quite hard and annoying. Her abilities always seem to have a counter to yours, so be careful. Her passive makes it so when you cast your E it fears you, making it very annoying. Most players would use all her spells on the wave to clear quickly and push, and when they have been used that is a good opportunity to go in and trade, due to her cooldowns. Vex has medium cooldown timers, so you have to be quick with trades before she gets her abilities back. When playing against Vex, you should finally consider taking Treads for the extra MR if it is needed whether or not the enemy team seems to be dominated by AP builds, but building Treads is not always the best option and you should stick with greaves most of the time.”
GAMING ACADEMY says “This is a relatively easy matchup, as her abilities are easy to dodge and you outrange her by a lot. Be cautious of her level 6 burst, as she can 100-0 you if you get hit by her ultimate. Rushing Merc Treads can be very helpful in this matchup.”
zSmoke says “Playing against Vex is a matchup where everything can go right or everything can go wrong, depending on how Vex plays. She can have all the lane pressure by poking with fear, but if she uses it, it will be very easy to get to her and be able to kill her since she does not have the E with fear. On the other hand, if you use fear on the E so that you do not trade to her, you can have the lane pushed and be able to help your jungler.”
Cepatrol says “ trade q perma when you can without eating minion aggro, if she takes ignite then care to drop low, you outscale the shit out of her in every regard”
xumi_k says “If the Vex is average, you will lose early game if try to fight her, however you will smash her mid game. If Vex is good, she will continue smashing you. However, she falls off late game A LOT, even fed. Vex is an anti-dashing champion that applies gloom(Vex’s next attack/ability deals additional dmg) the moment you use a dash. Telling you as an Irelia not to dash would be strange, however, you can wait till BOTRK to quickly stack on caster minions, as you one shot them, land an E, get full stacks and try to kill her unless she fears you. Don’t worry if you die to her early, just keep your cs above 5, get a BOTRK, dodge her abilities and you’ll be fine later. She has a fear, once a red bar below her health is full, her next ability would fear you. She's supposed to be a hard matchup, but to be honest I never struggled much vs her.
Tamikaze says “There is a place where Vex is a good champion, but I don't think I've ever seen that situation in my life. Vex is a burst mage, but her abilities are extremely telepathed and slow. You have plenty of time to react and dodge the ability. If you can dodge the fear, you automatically win the lane. If you are struggling to dodge the fear, buy an early boots to help with laning phase.”
MattStyle says “Su daño es alto pero sus habilidades son relativamente fáciles de esquivar.
A partir de nivel 6 su roaming es lo más problemático. Siempre avisa cuando no esté en línea e intenta wardear el río. ”
j4ss says “Rush mercs with maw, then collector into full crit. Her shield is annoying so bait your teammates in order to punish her engage, since her ult AOE fears everyone around.”
Tatsurion says “She does like walking up to you nice and close for the W so you can take advantage of that, shes also very immobile, and her passive doesnt cuck you THAT hard since you have only one dash in your kit, and its a long one
conq and burst are both valid here”
gimmelovej says “In short you don’t, push your wave when you can and roam the map for kills. She is a hard counter and unbearable sometimes.
Don’t, push your wave, poke with Q when you can, hold W to dodge her Q after. Roam. Don't walk into her AA-range after using W. Roam. Don't over commit to farm (Poking and dodging enough might lead to vex wasting e or w). Roam. If she doesn't missplay hard, don't get close. Also, try to roam.
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
Long Sword start.
Vex doesn't have enough poke to justify a D-Shield. To me a very unfun matchup if you mess up and she get's a lead. Focus on poking and roaming if you get the chance. If she lets herself get poked enough you can engage, but care for her fear, as she will combo you after you get cc'd, chunking you rather hard. You need to outplay to really be able to kill her by swapping to dodge her abilities. If she get's zhonyas first you'll usually won't do enough damage to kill her and late game it becomes really hard to do so, due to her instant fear with W into combo. Placing a W shadow to escape before engaging helps if she's not preoccupied with others and getting an Edge of Night will help you survive in those exact situations.”
support_diff says “Vex is a mage with many skillshots that are kinda easy to hit. She also counters champions with dashes and blinks, but that doesn't matter much as you don't have any of them. Her skillshots are easy to hit if you use the double attacks of your passive, so I suggest you to only kill minions with single attacks as otherwise she will be able to hit a whole combo on you. When farming, look out for her passive as if she has it up, it increases the chances of you getting "vexed" (haha I'm so funny)”
BrMario1011 says “just fucking annoying piece of shit lol, she cant really kill you if you go dshield second wind, and you cant really kill her, just impact the map more than her and be more usefull in team fights ig lol
go electrocute, second winds and dshield and tp”
Krmen says “If you play against her you will have to use as little as possible your E, wait for your jungler to come and try to kill her or play the roam as you can.”
MetalK1d says “Vex has very huge damage and can easily cancel your combo with her passive, but she is very squishy you can try to kill her when she does not have her passive.”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[Fleet] Play fleet and bait out her fear, try not to E into her for trades as she will get damage from her passive if you dash. Focus on farming and trading her with Q AA after dodging her E's. Mercs can be really good into her especially if you're playing vs more ap / cc aside from her.”
sick204 says “Respect Vex's poke and burst potential with her abilities, especially her Q and E. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Vex's abilities and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Vex's ultimate, as it can disrupt Yasuo's mobility and deal significant damage. Utilize W to block Vex's abilities and reduce her poke and engage potential. Engage on Vex when her abilities are on cooldown, as she can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building sustain items like Doran's Shield or Vampiric Scepter to mitigate Vex's poke and sustain through laning phase.”
SkandalloTV says “This depends on you dodging her skills and hitting yours. But you got the upper hand, since you won't dash as much as with AD Irelia. Play off her cooldowns. Don't dash for minions, prefer to AA or use your abilities to farm. ”
otaliz says “Don't trade with her in the laning phase. Play to farm and look for roaming opportunities from level 6 onwards. Bait her abilities and play on her abilities cooldowns. I prefer Shurelya's build here because of the movement speed, it makes it easier to bait and dodge her abilities.”
PhantasmEUW says “[Fleet] Play fleet and bait out her fear, try not to E into her for trades as she will get damage from her passive if you dash. Focus on farming and trading her with Q AA after dodging her E's.
Mercs can be really good into her especially if you're playing vs more ap / cc aside from her.”
Laimaudeja says “I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.
Vex is pretty easy to poke down, and her combo cooldowns are quite lengthy too, encouraging you to take extended trades if she misses anything. Don't get too close, as her self-shield deals damage surrounding her in a small area. Keep some distance while she has her abilities, especially if her passive bar is fully charged up, as Vex abilities are quite weak into long range and a stray fear can guarantee a lost trade for you.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP.
You outrange her before level 6, try to get your passive procs only if her fear is down. After 6, be careful with her ult, because she can 100%-0% you, just like fizz. To avoid it, I'd recommend to buy either banshee's or zhonyas depending on ennemy team. She is easily pokable in lane though.”
ShokLoL says “Vex can be bullied pretty much all lane phase. Make sure to punish her trying to CS with quick QW trades. The only thing to respect is when her fear is up, as she may be able to win a trade at this time. If Vex took ignite, it's worth buying a little bit of MR post 6 such as a null magic mantle. If she has TP you most likely don't need to worry and can instead just continue to bully her in the 1v1. ”
ShokLoL says “Vex isn’t the strongest laner pre 6 but has very good all in at level 6 onwards. Pre 6 try very hard to look to punish her cooldowns especially if she wastes her fear or W. After level 6 Vex may look to all in you if she ever hits an R on you so buying a small amount of MR such as a null magic mantle can go a long way in stopping her from being able to 100-0 you (if she has ignite). If Vex doesn’t snowball she will be heavily outranged by you in teamfights.”
Soft Headpats says “Vex's CDs are fairly long early on, allowing you to harass her without much repercussion. Keep track of the bar underneath her HP and Mana, since it'll tell you if her fear is up.
Once she hits 6, she becomes a bit more dangerous with her long-range ult which can set up for ganks. You can actually EQ her as she's flying towards you with her ult, which will fear her as soon as she lands if you timed it correctly. Always keep in mind where she can come from once you're out of the laning phase; getting hit by a Vex ult at the wrong time can result in you instantly dying. ”
ShokLoL says “Vex isn’t the strongest laner pre 6 but has very good all in at level 6 onwards. After level 6 Vex may look to all in you if she ever hits an R on you so buying a small amount of MR such as a null magic mantle can go a long way in stopping her from being able to 100-0 you (if she has ignite). If Vex doesn’t snowball she has a hard time teamfighting into your E, so make sure she doesn’t pick up random roam or skirmish kills.
Haze 8D says “Focus on farming, if you can bait out her passive you can take a short trade if she has fear up never E into her also try to poke a bit with Q”
Deceiver_euw says “Vex is considered as the number 1 LeBlanc counter but as LeBlanc you have ways to play around this matchup. Trading pattern is similar to Lissandra, where you want to not W into her W range since that will make you insta lose the trade. Instead play with Chain + Q and use your snap back to dodge her E and Q. When trading autos with her after you used your W, make sure to snap back after her autoattack hits so you avoid her passive bonus damage vs mobility. Also focus on dodging her E and Q, her skillshots are not that hard to dodge.”
ShokLoL says “Vex has long cooldowns and struggles with waveclear early so look to punish those pre 6. Post 6 you need to make sure you avoid getting hit by her R, if you do you can fear her as she comes in and she will be insta feared upon arrival allowing you a free ult.”
vSomnia says “Only trade when she has her fear on cooldown. Try to dodge her spam Q's and E's and when she uses ability with fear and you dodge it look to trade even if she has W. If she doesn't use fear hard shove and look for opportunities.”
OOBLEXX says “Diana's full combo burst with her two E dashes can just be cancelled out by this small annoying yordle. Wait out the fear and go in before the bar builds up again.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Vex just watch out for his passive, if it is up let her waste it for farming and after that fight her, but you third Q grant her a stack of passive so you would take dmg, when you are hitted by her R you can R back before she land her W and fear you, or you can R under your turret before she reach you”
Kikife says “Vex has a visual indicator for when she will be able to fear you. Wait for her to use an ability to farm the wave, and dodge her secondary fear causing ability to then engage and poke down.
Be wary of her R ganking other lanes, as you will be able to see this before it happens by utilising good jgl ward placements.”
gaarrett says “Vex can stack her passive off of your W, E, and E2. If she uses her passive to waveclear, you can take trades. If she wants to use it to trade, shove and roam. Land your Qs. [3/5] ultimate, if you can catch resets it lets Sylas fly around teamfights like a demon. ”
MukiiBaa says “Skill matchup, she is better at killing your botlane than you so respect her roams E W until you can all in her.
If you hit E cast R asap and run her down”
149Gray says “Dodge her Q's, there is a half-second-long animation before she throws it, so it's not that hard to dodge. Play around her fear (the bar beneath her health).”
XD001 says “Since Ekko initiates trades by using his E, vex will always be able to build fear and bonus dmg on you during trades. Spam W waves so you can tank her spells with your shield. If her meter isnt full and doesnt have fear up, you can W where you think she'll be and try to trade. The safest option is to simply farm up to rocketbelt and then start snowballing from there. If enemy team has lots of cc or you have trouble in this lane specifically, pick up an early null-magic mantle and merc treads.
take Elec + precision page or Hail of Blades”
KazunaSan says “insupportable, son Fear vous empêche de la E, elle vous punit instantanément si vous faites une erreur, go comete essayez de setup un kill une fois qu'elle est assez low et utilisez votre W pour sustain son poke, vous pouvez go bottes de mercure.”
Desc069 says “if u play assassins mid u already know nothing to say legit unfair to face just farm and try to roam on cd u will achieve nothing 1v1 anyway”
Austinluv says “Vex is always a threat against champions like Ahri but if you can shut her down early and keep her away from farm her ability to fear you and ult you easy isn't always gonna do enough damage for you to just dodge her at level six instead”
Wizboy73 says “You win the poke battle, so take poke runes or snowball runes. care for her 6 all in cause it chunks you out. Build zhonyas cause it FULLY NULLIFIES HER ULT. ”
LoveMid says “Not an awful matchup but not a fun matchup.
Her fear can set up gank's very well so stay aware and have vision and don't let her get fed”
Shinbae says “Векс сама по себе не опасна, против неё достаточно подобрать нужный тайминг задоджить её основные абилки, только если с ульты влетит, Зои, хоть и не всегда, но может отлететь”
Hexeria says “[Again, try to dodge her Skillshots, and dont charge into her with your E headon. She will just W and interrupt your Dash.] [Try to poke her low and finish her with your mates.]”
Vlasuo says “This lane is pretty uninteractive. The only time when you can punish her is when both her shield and passive are completely down and you can look for an all-in starting with your R.
EXTRA: You can windwall her Q, E and R”
Halkem says “Take minion demat. Vex will want to fist fight and roam nonstop, the opposite of you who wants the game to be as stable as possible to scale to 6. Try to get push in the first few waves and use demat to counter her push and roams. Stay away from the wave so she has to choose between using the spell on you or the wave. Track enemy jg so you don't get ganked while trying to keep her in lane.”
Iceyou says “The latest the release the more annoying it gets . Dont ever take e in unless you know you kill her . dodge dodge dodge . get the push , roam , force fights and objectives .”
SirZeros says “Vex is such a terrific Yordle. She's got everything she needs to get on top of you CC you and just get the damage out in no-time. Be really careful, respect her range and prepare yourself with the necessary knowledge about her.”
The Milelator says “Her fear is annoying. Although you have no dashes, so her damage isn't that high vs you. Trade her whenever her fear is down and try to all in her with E -> R. You have better push. Try to roam or get turrets if she does.”
WarwicksSimp says “This is a vex favoured matchup pretty heavily because she has reliable self peel and cc as an artillery mage unlike something like xerath or velkoz which you can kill easily. Vex is harder to kill but still squishy enough to deal with if you play it well, if she plays perfectly you're done for though, you can't deal with her in teamfights either until shes already done her full combo.”
FrostbiteMW says “She has no CC besides her passive fear. Because of her low range you can just be aggresive and try to combo her if her fear is down. Just be careful of ganks, since she has insane CC setup.”
Tokiyami says “One of Akali's worst matchups just be mindful of her fearbar when going for trades you always wanna make sure you're going for trades when its down because she will always win the trade if she fears you. Can usually run her down at lvl 6 after she wastes her fear just keep a note that vex R can reveal you in shroud.”
Glitchgun says “Vex is in a really good spot right now and has safer wave clear than you. Since you don't have dashes and you can dogde her ult with yours (plus barrier), it's easy enough to survive her as long as her jungler isn't there...The issue is just that she can scale quite easily as soon as she hits lvl 6 and can roam better than you. ”
Lindroganti says “Easy to dodge, they use their cc to wave clear. Your leap fuels their passive, but they can rarely use their cc in time if the jump is what enables it. You can get knocked out of the air by her W, don't let that happen. Block whatever, but prioritize ult recast.”
Exxidara says “One of the really bad mid matchup just because she has perma prio over you and she can meanwhile chunk you most of the time on laning phase”
support_diff says “If she misses her empowered ability, go in for a trade, otherwise she is really hard to outdamage. Dodge her poke with your E. You can outfarm her, so focus on cs early”
Fuzzmonkey says “Ask for ganks. Vex, the biggest problem for every assassin. She can use most of her kit to counter your dash, it will result in getting stopped mid dash by her passive fear. Using E around her also gives her extra damage. ”
sullyyylol says “A good vex never lets you kill her. Similar to fiddle, she can just shut down your engagements. If she blows passive you can look to trade.”
Zero Nexx says “I would recommend to BAN vex. She is not that bad to play against but in mid/late game you will easily just die if you try to push her. Generally I always ban her because you just can't kill her. If you push her with your E or Ult she will just do W or one of her abilities with her passive and that counters you especially with this build. So ban her or try to play a lot under tower with ganks”
nezumiichi says “Emo yordle scary. If you get hit by her fear, you're done. Try to get her to whiff her fear, and you can probably trade with her after that. Watch for her empowered auto-attacks though.”
BigDaddyPantheon says “Not quite as scary as Akshan, but Vex is still a tricky one. As long as you don't let her kill you you'll be fine. Stay safe and stay back when she has full stacks”
serrafim says “Her passive is an anti dash/movement passive, so when you see the red bar is filled on her, don't bother engaging. If she hits her ult on you, you can premptively throw down a W to stun her when she comes flying at you. If you don't have W, you can't trade damage with her. ”
AngeReaper says “A big lane bully try to combo( Q + AA + W then E out ) when she's on CD or she's gonna AA you to death
dodge her fear and bait her W ”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Annoying match up with her fear but you can kill her early if played well. Go comet. Make sure you dodge ulti mid game and dont be by yourself”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge her Q and E]
[Don't get feared by her passive]
[Avoid her R at all cost]”
freuio123 says “Der "Neumodische" Ahri Counter (Wobei bei den dunklen Klamotten ist "modisch" eher nicht so ihrs").
Vex tradet besser als Ahri im early und kann mit dem Push mithalten, leider ist Vex einfach in allem irgendwie... nicht gut genug.
Solange du vor ihrer Ulti aufpasst und sollte sie Ignite spielen die Laningphase etwas respektierst bist du hier fine.
Du kannst vex NICHT aus der Ulti Charmen.”
Anguish333 says “- Dodge her Abilities, especially when she will fear you (her passive is red)
- She can Proc her passive with Auto Attack or any other Basic Ability (everything except R). She get's it by hitting Spells, or whenever Enemy dash (yes on every dash it resets so on our E1, E2 , R1 ,R2 (: )
- when stacked passive (red bar) Her W Cancells every Dash (E1, E2, R1, R2), so you almost never engage on her, unless she wastes passive on wave clear, It's our only window to kill her
NickLeVlach says “Again, not hard of a match since you can actually deny her R with you E. SAVE YOUR E SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS. try to avoid any of her abilities when she has her fear passive.”
uwuimsocute says “Fair matchup, probably the most even one in this list.
She can oneshot you after 6, so pay attention to that. Otherwise just play for scaling, she can be a bit lane dominant.”
iHidePain says “This another lane bully but not fast based like Leblanc you can move around her skills, It will be hard to kill her 1vs1 unless she missed up bad It's also hard to bait her W since you will eat full combo from the fear so just farm roam or wait for jungle ( I don't mind playing against her).”
Asturic says “You can block her ult with yours, but her poking capabilities are very strong. If you dodge her e you can go for an extended trade with her.”
Wraithlander says “Another extremely difficult matchup due to her countering all your dashes. You can never trade onto her whilst she has her fear up so try and bait it out first. Even then she can proc passive after you dash in so be careful of her damage. Look to max Q as you will need to match her wave clear and it will also allow you to get the most effective damage from your kit against her.”
Xelikari says “She's not so much a threat as she's just difficult to kill. If you walk up at the wrong time she'll nuke you for half your life and there's really not much you can do; she can CS from range, and is just generally really hard to kill.
If she doesn't have her fear you can try to trade with her but it comes up fast. ”
Cryniu says “Keep your distance and poke her slowly. Although she is vulnerable to CC Combos and poke because her range, she can to fear you and damage a lot. Use Mercury's treads if you are suffering.”
Love us again says “There's really nothing you could do with a vex matchup. just cs and try to trade and pray to god that your jungler isn't a monkey.
just wait for them to make mistakes.
they most of the time get impatient on the laning phase and just throw out random skills or use it. look for a window to trade if they mess up.
TB Azir says “1 levelda E açıp outrange edebiliyor ama 1 levelda takas istemiyorum ve daha sonrasında menzilden dolayı çok rahat bir şekilde oynadığım bir matchup.(Q’larını dodgelamak kaydıyla)
Rün: Fleet, PTA”
Allyooops says “Need edge of night when youre playing into vex. She gets passive off your e and w the matchup is bad but its not as unplayable as others. You can start q in this lane and pray you get jungle help if you are shoved. ”
Prenora says “By far Nami's easiest matchup, like zoe she's skill shot reliant and immobile, the only difference is her skill shots are AOE. Dodge the fear, run her down.”
DaddyVladdy says “same range as you but more dangerous and easier to snowball with.Will poke you down during lane.Call jg for help.Go in once her fear is down”
vxnity says “Her poke is fairly easy to avoid but be wary of her roaming and her passive. Try not to get too close to her when you ult so she can't get Gloom off of you and damage you with her W.”
Katawina52 says “Go D shield and just farm, only go in on her if u get ganked which is easy kill or if she used her abilities on wave. Make sure to always move around a lot to dodge her abilities out. Dont bother trying to kill 1v1.”
kaiba77 says “Her R reveals you in shroud and her passive hard counters but this matchup is winnable. Take sustain runes and items and engage after she uses her fear.”
ardizzle says “Dodge her shit and focus on the wave. Level 6 she will be bored or apathetic and try to roam for easy kills. MIA ping when she leaves or lose. ”
AnxialSociety says “Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Manaflow transcendence.
Rush verdant.
Be conscious of her fear-meter, dodging back and to the side.
Can just kill you 6 if she lands ult
Watch fear circle into q electrocute
Merc treads?”
Deru says “Good champ into singed because she can counter your engage but you can solokill or goo flip her early on since vex is slightly better at shoving.”
Deru says “Good champ into Singed because she can counter your engage but you can solokill or goo flip her early on since Vex is slightly better at shoving.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Stand carefully and keep your distance, has a lot of damage from passivation and superimposing the same passivation removal. After the 6th, he can fly into you under the tower, at the expense of R, and survive under his shield W, and even without taking into account the fear of passivity.”
StralekS says “Not Playable: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish her with Q and if in good spot go all in. Full AP for higher win chances. Can go Sunderer but full AP better.”
Mayuushii says “Vex can hit hard enough and burst you as well as trade well. W away from the E fear to avoid getting chunked. Play more careful around the fear and the passive cause it works when you dash for extra damage”
Samikin says “Minor Threat.
In my opinion, Vex is a very easy matchup if you can play around her fear passive. You have more range and pressure than her if Vex has no Passive + E combo. Usually, you will also be able to R out of Vex's R if you have enough time to see it coming, which you normally will if you are expecting it.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Electrocute]
[Item: Long Sword]
[Mythic: Eclipse or Prowler]
[Dodge her spells specialy fear] [bait fear go in] [Dont let her roam with R]”
AkuAku says “annoying poke and the very funny and wholesome fear mechanic, she has very little mobility and you can jump on her as long as her passive is down”
TheAfricanDream says “This matchup will mainly depend on Swain dodging Vex's e in lane. If you dodge her e, then she is a free kill but if you get hit then she will chunk you out of lane. That is her only way to trade in lane so play around her E range and look to punish her if she misses. You can take Bone Plating in this matchup if you are not confident in dodging her abilities. ”
Shaco Mid Lane says “She shoves the lane, you cannot push against her. She clears your boxes easily, you cannot poke her because of her shield. Most annoyingly, her passive marks you when you ult, immediately revealing the real you. + Her passive is annoying for your Q. Ban her.”
Cjtheawesome says “Her R comboed with her Fear makes her a great target lockdown onto you. Try your absolute best to avoid her abilities and scale to mid game by playing around your team.”
Demonsedge90 says “You should be ahead in this matchup in most games, but the tipping point is all the crowd control that Vex possesses. Dealing the extra damage to her target happens when she has max doom and gloom stacks.”
Lizzykat says “Recomendable iniciar con [Escudo de Doran]. Tienes ciertas opciones como Dodgear, irte AFK o solo llorar desconsoladamente. En el caso que quieras jugar; te tendrá contra las cuerdas desde niveles bajos pero no te desesperes, evita que use su pasiva de [Fear] en ti para que la pierda e intentar lanzar tu Q y hacer un All-in, siempre ten en cuenta su W que despliega un escudo.”
angeLoon says “dshield first strike second wind unflinching
i don't really like laning against vex but when against her wait till she uses her passive and 1-2 abilities for you to trade.
punish her big cooldowns so its easier for you to win the trade.”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “Hard to win but doable, play safe scale and back the fuck up. While I do want to advise against going aggressive summs and runes since you can die so easily I will say that, while more difficult, having at least ignite makes it actually possible to kill her, your choice. Scale.”
pamiclo says “fucking idiot soul-sucking champ. she will harass you always, she has a shield and cc. dodge her ult always. wait her fault and kill her.”
Simelodeon says “I: Everfrost
R: Standard
S: Barrier
Ihr Early ist relativ weak wenn du nicht von ihrer W markiert wirst. Du hast mehr Waveclear und solltest sie einpushen um nicht outroamed zu werden. Barrier hilft gegen ihren All-In und da sie low Range hat kann dir Everfrost into W sneaky Kills geben”
IamBishop says “Shes just chill in lane, not too bad to play against, you don't really need to try and trade unless her little red bar isn't full. In fights you can look to ult her away and block her ult opportunities, or ult her as soon as she starts flying towards your team. ”
Lucid Walking says “Played twice against her. She's sooo bad against Soraka. Her ult barely gets resets, because of your ultimate and barrier
In lane, focus on how she's positioning herself. She's looking for opportunities to use her E at max range, in order to deal a lot of burst. If she misses her skillshots, get close to her and annihalte her with basic attacks and your own Q. You win the trade.
Still, don't underestimate her snowball potential. Do not feed her at all cost”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “This champion should be propably minor counter but i just hate playing against her. She needs to poke you before all inning so if you sidestep her Qs you should be fine. W her stun if you get hit by it and answer with your abilities. She can play very safely and avoid your poke so its pretty boring lane. ”
xblademojo says “Vex has an amazing dis-engage potential. However Laning against him shouldn't be that extreme. Possibly Electrocute and Corrupting Potion.”
sapphire__lol says “Takes Prio into you, can cancel your jump easily. It is still playable since if the uses the fear to push the wave you can hardengage or gank her with your jungler. Also her damage is usally not enough to bully you if you dodge some stuff. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid going into melee range when Vex’s Personal Space(W) is up as it not only shields her but also deals damage to enemies close to her. Standing outside of the minion wave at all times will help you counter Vex and prevent her from being able to use her Mistral Bolt(Q) to push the minion wave and poke you at the same time. When recalling, keep an eye on your positioning as Vex’s Ultimate Shadow Surge(R) could be used to snipe you and kill you. Try and recall behind minions or out of vision.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid going into melee range when Vex’s Personal Space(W) is up as it not only shields her but also deals damage to enemies close to her. Standing outside of the minion wave at all times will help you counter Vex and prevent her from being able to use her Mistral Bolt(Q) to push the minion wave and poke you at the same time. When recalling, keep an eye on your positioning as Vex’s Ultimate Shadow Surge(R) could be used to snipe you and kill you. Try and recall behind minions or out of vision.”
Adamonias says “Xerath favoured; Vex is countered by poke, she is an anti engage champion so as long you you stay out of her E range your fine, try sidestep Q aswell. but she often relies on autos as to save her fear passive so you can usually just WQ her then. Her R makes her a little scarier but she cant 100-0 you so just stay healthy and even if you eat a full combo you'll be ok. Ping her roams, they're better than yours and match with ult. You outscale but she will always have really strong engages bc of her W + Zhonyas. You can bully her for free when she has no fear, and you can just Q her or max range W her. If you can shove the wave you can force her to use abilities/use her fear to just not lose farm.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid going into melee range when Vex’s Personal Space(W) is up as it not only shields her but also deals damage to enemies close to her. Standing outside of the minion wave at all times will help you counter Vex and prevent her from being able to use her Mistral Bolt(Q) to push the minion wave and poke you at the same time. When recalling, keep an eye on your positioning as Vex’s Ultimate Shadow Surge(R) could be used to snipe you and kill you. Try and recall behind minions or out of vision.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid going into melee range when Vex’s Personal Space(W) is up as it not only shields her but also deals damage to enemies close to her. Standing outside of the minion wave at all times will help you counter Vex and prevent her from being able to use her Mistral Bolt(Q) to push the minion wave and poke you at the same time. When recalling, keep an eye on your positioning as Vex’s Ultimate Shadow Surge(R) could be used to snipe you and kill you. Try and recall behind minions or out of vision.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid going into melee range when Vex’s Personal Space(W) is up as it not only shields her but also deals damage to enemies close to her. Standing outside of the minion wave at all times will help you counter Vex and prevent her from being able to use her Mistral Bolt(Q) to push the minion wave and poke you at the same time. When recalling, keep an eye on your positioning as Vex’s Ultimate Shadow Surge(R) could be used to snipe you and kill you. Try and recall behind minions or out of vision.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid going into melee range when Vex’s Personal Space(W) is up as it not only shields her but also deals damage to enemies close to her. Standing outside of the minion wave at all times will help you counter Vex and prevent her from being able to use her Mistral Bolt(Q) to push the minion wave and poke you at the same time. When recalling, keep an eye on your positioning as Vex’s Ultimate Shadow Surge(R) could be used to snipe you and kill you. Try and recall behind minions or out of vision.”
SkyBanana says “You can't use gloom against optimism. Vex is designed to stop mobility along with dealing with champions close to her... Unless Vex misses her R she will never reach Seraphine unless Seraphine forces Vex to come closer with her R. But when that happens she is already dead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid going into melee range when Vex’s Personal Space(W) is up as it not only shields her but also deals damage to enemies close to her. Standing outside of the minion wave at all times will help you counter Vex and prevent her from being able to use her Mistral Bolt(Q) to push the minion wave and poke you at the same time. When recalling, keep an eye on your positioning as Vex’s Ultimate(R) could be used to snipe you and kill you. Try and recall behind minions or out of vision.”
Skowronekk says “Vex is the hardest matchup for kat. Go conq vs her, she shoves really fast, try to all in when she doesnt have her fear. But any good vex player wont use it before you go in.”
InfinityZero93 says “You know when I was saying about CC and Akshan? Vex is that exact issue. Not to mention she bursts like hell. Early game she can be kited down with some ease, but if she gets going, good luck...”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “>Ults you
>Dashes from Sydney to Florida to get you
>One shots you
>Refuses to Elaborate
>Leaves lane and ganks bot.
Vex is one of the few Mages that actually pose this much threat. Poke her since she doesn't have sustain and try to dodge abilities. Do not engage if you are low and she has ult. Hide and heal up in that case. ”
Body Those Fools says “You outrange her. Her abilities are pretty slow, so they are easier to dodge. Poke her down with Q+AA+Arcane Comet. When her Passive bar is full, don't get hit by an ability or you will get feared. Her Passive will affect you when you Flash or use your E. You can just Ult her away when she Ults you. You can get an early Null-Magic Mantle so she can't oneshot you with her full combo.”
Bunan says “First Strike-Magical Footwear- Biscuits- Cosmic Insight-Second wind- Unflinching
dark seal refillable
W max-Q->E
Dodge Q & E with E
When engaging use E2 & W Simultaneously to prevent her from getting 2 passive stacks off
Focus on Csing and poking with Q
Early Sorcs
You are stronger mid/late
R 10/10 Strong in teamfights”
Kova330 says “Vex is the hardest matchup for katarina, she shoves insanely fast and any good vex player wont use their fear until you jump in. The only time you can fight her is if she wastes fear on clearing the wave. run conqueror”
KayyeN says “One of - if not THE - hardest matchup for Katarina. She will poke you with basic attacks and Q all day. Your jumps constantly fill her passive meter, she can instantly fear you the second you engage, also hitting her entire combo on your for free while you can't move. Not much else to say, you can try roaming, but her waveclear is insane too. ”
DabiDabi says “If she has her fear up, you will never be able to kill her unless she really messes up. Wait or bait her fear. You win trade afterwards. ”
DabiDabi says “You won't kill her if her fear is up. Good Vex's will almost never use their fear. If it so happens to be down, you can go in for a trade. Otherwise look for a roam.”
Nooooouhhhhh says “Matchup sucks but her ult is good. Very rare I get a early opportunity for a kill. Shes also pretty popular so def a bannable champ.”
OSG Rewynd says “She counters you in just about every way. If she burns her fear, you can trade. If you can land a stun, you can trade. Besides that, its a difficult matchup”
DabiDabi says “Vex is pretty easy. Though she does out damage you, you can outtrade her since her whole kit is skill shots and the casts are slow. As long as you dodge her fear, you can quite literally walk up E+W+Q and proc Phase Rush which allows you to dodge more of her abilities. She'll almost never land a W on you since you're ranged. She can't really all-in you lvl 6 unless you are low HP or she's getting a gank. Your snare, low cd, and movespeed is your winning condition.”
Super08131208 says “I find Vex pretty difficult as most of them stay behind their minions so you cannot hit your E or walk up to Q. Just dodge her fear and you should win every single trade. Try to trade as much as possible until her fear comes back and then back off unless you can kill her. Her W can be quite annoying. If Vex holds her fear, just try to safely last hit minions, shove if possible, and look for roams as it'll be difficult to kill her.
feejee says “Extremely safe mage with good wave clear and an anti dash + fear and shield. Corrupting start, sit back untol 6 and cs with Q the best you can. Can't get on her, recommended ban while climbing in low elo”
Zoose says “You should especially try to dodge her skillshots while her fear passive under her health is red, otherwise you're free to trade up close and look for a main trade combo. She can negate quite a bit of damage with her shield. At lv 6, her kill pressure is higher, so push waves and roam, just be aware she can also enter the fight from range with her ultimate.”
basrty1p says “Avoid her fear and R in lane since her source for killing potential is come from her passive and R
If you're hit by her R and she'll just R to come into you, just press Zhonya's near your team making her get killed easily.”
DabiDabi says “I find Vex pretty difficult as most of them stay behind their minions so you cannot hit your E or walk up to Q. Just dodge her fear and you should win every single trade. Try to trade as much as possible until her fear comes back and then back off unless you can kill her. If Vex holds her fear, you can't kill her. Just try to safely last hit minions, shove if possible, and look to roam.”
Esrucnl says “She literally makes you depressed by punishing you when you use your Q or E.. Skill matchup but i'd say a bit favourable towards Vex. Better player will usually win.
Make sure you engage when she doesn't have a red bar under her HP bar (aka her fear ability)
And obviously don't take too much damage from her basic attacks and abilities. Again it is winnable but might be a bit more challenging than let's say a Lux.
She has little mobility so it is abusable for your jungler too.
Azurio says “Similar to Annie, trade her when she has no passive. dodge her E Q combo. Look for all in with R and ignite before she get mythic and zhonya's.”
Akamatsuu says “Tanto quanto o Pantheon, o kit do personagem foi feito pra counterar assassinos com muitos dashes, como a própria QiQi. Em contraste ao Pant, ela é bem squishy. Jogue em volta da passiva dela. ”
beansoce says “She's pre much impossible to kill, with her insta fear and shield. You can bait out her ult with your pool and ult right as she's on top of you. Try and avoid being on the wave as she'll just do alot of damage with her combo. Ward for your team so she doesn't roam with ult.
Bunny Kata says “AAAAH broken champ. Use W and E to dodge some spells but yeah gl winning against her, she'll OS your team every fights.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Doran's Shield”
icikz says “This matchup is one of the hardest in the game. She gets her passive on you every time you W, so be careful and try to dodge all her spells. Look for her passive, once its not fully loaded you can try to all-in. If you jump on her with her passive up, she will just fear you away and poke you real hard. ”
clytt says “PERMA-BAN 2. Her fear makes it nearly impossible to dodge w/ E. We can win by predicting her skillshots and trading while she's on CD. She has hard-carry 1v9 potential.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Her poke is annoying but not impossible to avoid. She's pretty easy to gank, and ward so she doesn't catch you by surprise with ult.”
IncursioOCE says “Vex is the hardest matchup for katarina, she shoves insanely fast and any good vex player wont use their fear until you jump in. The only time you can fight her is if she wastes fear on clearing the wave. run conqueror”
kindo says “Vex as first glance would seem like a difficult matchup, since she gets her passive proc every time you press Q.
This means, don't press q in the lane unless you're engaging, or dodging one of their abilities. She still needs to hit you with an ability or auto you to get the damage from her passive mark, and if she's in range of you then chances are you're in range of her.
The idea is to force all-ins instead of trading with Vex. Even with her shield, it's very easily to all in her with an auto/Q/auto/E, etc.
The problem then is getting in range - it's not too hard to bait out her passive fear. It's her only line of defense, and if she wastes it, that's your cue to find an angle to play aggressive.
If you're more experienced, it's possible to stack tenacity (mercs/tenacity rune/unflinching) and just run her down tanking the fear. With tenacity, the fear won't last nearly long enough to keep her out of your range to chase her down.”
PanthrickTV says “Vex is annoying but easily beatable if you know what you are doing. Max E and take ignite or cleanse. Never E forward when she has her fear up and wait for her to use it to poke. The ideal trade window is when she has no fear and just wasted an ability on the wave. Rush Wit's End.”
donidaking says “If you play vladimir it shouldn t be such a hard matchup.
Try to dodge her E fear and don t let her get her passive auto on you since it hurts.
Her other abilites can all be dodged with pool.
Level 1 just walk up and trade her hard and don t get hit by her fear.
Once you have protobelt you win really hard.
KyogoEntity says “Trade when her passive Doom is low and avoid as much poke as possible. Post-6 try to out sustain her with vamp scepter and make her stain in lane and waste mana to look for all ins. ”
Dustyacer says “It feels super easy ulting onto her because she often uses her fear on the wave when you aren't in lane (ie. you are backed and she is pushing the wave.) This is something that can be done to everyone, but it feels super effective against her because she uses up her cc to push the wave.
Normally, just engage after she uses her fear. Try to e if u are about to get feared or when she is going to land her r2 (although my reaction speed isn't good enough for that personally). Her fear knocks down ( which means cancels our dash and thus no stun), this and ahri charm are some of the biggest counters to our W in midlane.”
Ahri Simplord says “At first it looked like a counter to me considering her passive but its really hard for her to land spells on you and she's pretty slow. You can charm her mid-R and stop her but it's not exactly easy to do,take zhonya 3rd and try to end before you're all full items cause she's pretty amazing late game.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is a nightmare early. Her kit just counters yours. Her passive will fear you out of your E. Go on her when she uses her spells to wave clear and when her passive is on cooldown. You can't fight her when her passive is active. Early Null-Magic Mantle similar to Annie or Fizz will prevent her from oneshotting you with her full combo at level 6. You can Windwall her Ult after level 6; she relies on this ability to win fights, so disabling her Ult will win your team the fights.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is a nightmare early. Her kit just counters yours. Her passive will fear you out of your
Q3 and your E. Go on her when she uses her spells to wave clear and when her passive is on cooldown. You
can't fight her when her passive is active. Early null magic mantle similar to Annie or Fizz will prevent her
from oneshotting you with her full combo at level 6.”
Malzahar MID says “Malzahar has done a decent job of countering Vex. Typically, he wins a acceptable 51.2% of matches the champions face off with each other in. In Malzahar versus Vex games, Malzahar’s side is 0.1% less likely to get first blood. This indicates that he most likely won't get first blood against Vex.”
ROLVe says “Vex is very annoying to play against because of his constant poking. If Vex misses his Q or if you dont dash ariund too much, it should be a fairly easy match-up. !Use lethal tempo in this Match-up! Use Legend: Tenacity, Second wind and Unflinching.”
MrMeem45 says “I retract everything I said about Zoe, this is torture. If she plays well, she'll farm up, never drop her passive, and if you get close you just die. Then, she hits 6, gets a triple kill botlane, and at that point you might as well just kick back and listen to some tunes while you wait for your nexus to boom.”
Xalt says “Merc treads are needed vs this champion no matter what. Try to bait her fear with a Q before you E onto her because her shield pops instantly as you jump and will fear you letting her get a full rotation of spells for free.
Bundif says “Honestly some people thought Vex would be the Zed counter of a lifetime but I say NIET! Playing around her fear is key. She has little to no mobility and hard shoves waves. If your jungler has half a brain, they'll come help. If not, it's still not an issue. Whittle away my sweet shadowlad.
⭐watch OUT THO!”
DaffeLaffe says “Vex is not that hard given her small range but she does scale a lot better, make sure you try to get in position to burst her from the shadows, hard to dive given her w fear but you can play around the cooldown of her fear for your engages. Would recommend mercury threads for this matchup.”
Juon says “Another 200 years of fantastic kit design. She has big fat shield and lots of fears and apparently an infinite resource pool because she keeps throwing her abilities every 2 seconds. Comet, max W second”
soulentt says “Vex is right now pretty much unbalanced, she has fear and great damage. If you manage to safely poke her, it's winnable. Try to dodge her abilities and watch her steps, because she'll probably roam.”
DabiDabi says “Don't get over-poked, wait for her fear to go down and you can beat her. If the Vex holds her fear, you won't be able to kill her as easily, so just shove and look for roams.”
OTP Toxin says “I've played almost 20 games against her yet, for now, I can say it's kinda easy to dodge her skills, you just gotta pay atenttion to not be too close to her due to her W, but you can still burst her down.”
SadgeBoyK says “very easy matchup. just bait her fear then run her down. (note: same for pretty much every mage matchup, bait their cc, then run them down with assistance.)”
ITSDEBEAR says “Not a bad matchup at all. Dodge her fear and shes rather easy to deal with. Her abilities are not point and click making it possible to trade qs for free. Predator works reaaaallly well here but you can take whatever as long as you are confident”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Dodge her skillshots]
[Don't get feared]
[After you have bought Mythic Item, it becomes much easier lane]
[Don't let her free roam]”
Ara55 says “Vex is an easy match up, you just wait for her to not have fear up and insta engage. very early on you will have to give up some cs to make sure you dont get poked down to 1 hp.
Winter Nicole says “Vex: she is really hard to go against cause she can deal damage and also be a tank and her range is so far it can get annoying. (Recommend trying to deal damage on her while ganking top and bot to get items so you can kill vex in one shot once you E her)”
desch3445 says “God forbid you ever want to engage on this champ. She out-shoves you, out-pokes you, and you can't engage on her due to her shield & fear. However, in skirmishes she's not as great, so take any 2v2 opportunity you can!
Take the Conqueror page; Her poke is a tad too consistent, but the aforementioned lack of skirmishing power is what'll net Conqueror the better choice here, you can stack it up real fast in those 2v2s.”
ThePieBeam says “Her E+Q combo is basically your effectve range so you'll never be able to attack her unless you're better at baiting than Shaco. Just play it safe and you'll be fine but if you start taking attack you're probably dead, especially post-6.”
Xerathiel says “Waveclear Advantage for Vex. Prep the wave then WQ it under turret. Consider taking dorans. Obliterate her from existence after dodging her skills. (or get oneshot)”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Vex is a bit challenging when she is holding her Fear. You know her fear is up if the bar underneath her nameplate is Red. Once it is down you can go all in and try to dodge as many abilities as you can. Her damage cap is high so be careful not to get poked down too much. DO NOT GO IN IF HER FEAR IS UP.
| Go boots first in this matchup. I recommend Mercury's Treads. |”
Fuzzmonkey says “Again, not hard of a match since you can actually deny her R with you E. SAVE YOUR E SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS. You don't outrange her but, try to avoid any of her abilities when she has her fear passive up. Other than that, standard laning phase with Q+R+W trades.”
Exiled Heretic says “Vex is not that hard given her small range but she does scale a lot better, make sure you try to get in position to burst her from the shadows, hard to dive given her w fear but you can play around the cooldown of her fear for your engages.”
lonestar1870 says “Be careful of her fear, it's her main threat. If she uses it to push the wave then you can go for a trade.
You should almost never get hit by her Q, it is fairly easy for you to dodge.
Try to tether her E range and always keep moving if it is up. You can dodge it fairly easily if you are on the lookout for it.
You outrange her which makes it fairly easy for you to win. You should also have prio on the wave.
Be careful since she is the 200 years of mages. Don't let her get ult resets and be careful of her aoe fear/damage.
Elec, PR, and Aery are all decent into Vex depending on how you want to play the lane.
I like Teleport, but you can go ignite for more damage.
Mercs and Banshees are okay if they have a lot of magic damage and CC.”
Coldsong says “Vex is annoying but since you do not have a dash, she is much more manageable. Make sure to poke with autos since it out ranges her and dodge her abilities at all costs. Wait out her fear before you go in.”
Desperate Nasus says “Similar matchup as Vel'koz. Use your Fleet footwork and Second wind to survive against Vex. Wait for your level 8 so you have some points to your W, making it really hard for her to run. First back buy Sheen and boots and look for a solo kill. You have kill pressure against her after she uses her fear. Overall a fine laning phase for Nasus.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Try to avoid dashing into her at all (Vex's passive gives her enhanced auto damage + fear whenever a champion near her dashes/blinks). Whenever she has her Fear passive up she'll combo it with her W to negate your W, also negating damage due to the shield she gets too. Try to wait for her to use a fear ability before you want to use W on her.
Your best bet is to just try and use your chains with Q combo to do damage to her (this also applies past level 6 too). Use your W to get away from her if needed.”
CashLOL says “Abilities are slow. Easy to dodge at your range. can also set up your abilities preemptively if she happens to hit her ult on you. Be careful when he fear is up because she is most likely looking to trade.”
King Turtle says “Vex is incredibly annoying to play against as her early base damage makes her hard to trade with and she can poke you from a distance, the only upside against her is you can cleanse her fear. ”
ShokLoL says “Vex is annoying but easily beatable if you know what you are doing. Max E and take ignite or cleanse. Never E forward when she has her fear up and wait for her to use it to poke. The ideal trade window is when she has no fear and just wasted an ability on the wave. Rush Wit's End.”
ShokLoL says “Vex isn’t the strongest laner pre 6 but has very good all in at level 6 onwards. Pre 6 try very hard to look to punish her cooldowns especially if she wastes her fear or W. After level 6 she has a guaranteed ult on you if you R forward, so you may want to buy some magic resist or hold your bubble defensively so she can't go onto you.”
TorvusDog says “Still testing this matchup but it feels even. Both of you have strong poke but hers is easier to dodge. Try to stay out of her "W" range when her fear is up. Lastly be careful of her ultimate since it is a really good setup for her jungler.”
ShokLoL says “Pretty easy matchup, her skills are easily dodgeable and you outrange her significantly. Be careful of her level 6 burst as she can 100-0 you if you get hit by her ult. Merc treads go a long way in this matchup.”
Juplicate says “She is long-ranged, has good CC, a long-ranged dash ultimate, and counters dashes. Don't dash around her when she has her passive almost up/up or w, or she will CC you and get a shield.”
rCadeKing says “learn how to fight vex, misplaying vs vex is just as punishing as losing early to kassadin except vex is a much easier to play champion so you will fight "good" vexes more consistently than good kassadins”
Callmebee says “Vex is not an easy match-up. She's an edgy teenager with a taste for kills and it shows - she does a lot of damage with her combo. Try to not stay behind minions and keep max range to farm/poke. However, bait her using her passive for your jungler ganking and she is a free kill. P.S. : Boots early might be a good investment as her ult goes through minions, so the extra movement speed helps you dodge sideways. Don't let her catch you in a tight spot! Take Barrier or Cleanse.”
Thresh Mid says “Vex, a small champ, with big waveclear. Vex will be able to out waveclear you at any point of the game and will roam to get a lot of gold to just flat out beat you at any given point. Her fear is a turn off for any engage onto her, and on top of that she has her shield is pretty beefy when it comes to trading. Otherwise Riot Games still needs to nerf Vex down so expect her to be annoying to deal with for a while.”
angeLoon says “Lethal Dshield In Resolve Unflinching and Second Wind.
vex is definitely beatable but its just my personal counter. in this lane just dash if you're looking to all-in her.
she can use her W to stop you with her passive and she can also punish you for using your dash
it's pretty annoying to play against vex.
you can block her Q and R”
Kords says “Burst mage with a fear in her skillshots in every 25 sec (reduced with passive). At lvl 6 if she lands her R she can kill you with full burst+ignite on sight. She is a threat to your team as a single fear landed well can change the course of the teamfighting and with her R she can engage from somewhat safe. Dealing her is a difficult task. If she is behind she wont be able to come back into the game (excepth by huge throws).”
ShokLoL says “This matchup is easier than you think. You can never W onto Vex while her fear is up, but you can poke her with Q and eventually she will use her fear on the wave if you keep autoing it. While her fear is down, try go for QW or WEQ trades. She is also very gankable so very often you can walk out of this lane with a lead (or at worse even).”
Coldsong says “Surprisingly enough, Talon does pretty well into Vex even though she is an anti-dash champion. Make sure to dodge her Q and E in lane and play the lane like any skill-shot reliant matchup. I would recommend standing away from the wave so she cannot poke you and clear at the same time, and also bait out her W before going all in. In teamfights make sure to dodge her ult at all costs since it resets on kills, however this is not too hard since it is rather slow.”
Marxismo says “This matchup seems really really unpleasant so far. Don't ask me how to win vs her, just hope shes bad. Use W to dodge her e combos, get boots early and rush wits”
King Turtle says “her fear applies on you every time you W and her large abilities make it difficult to avoid her poke. Once you hit 6 you can start poking her back more but she's just an issue overall.”
lkycch says “Good waveclear and strong all-in potential post-6, meaning that Zilean struggles to do much in lane against her. The lane will be in a farming state early, so try to get your jungler to gank. The problem is that her ult will always result in you having to Chronoshift her target. Therefore, make sure to always follow her roams. She's a mid-game monster, but you will outshine her in the lategame.”
Saddest says “Extremely punishing, make sure to use your dashes sparingly and smartly to avoid taking too much damage from her passive. Always be aware of when she has her empowered ability/fear. She will almost always hold it for when you jump on her + W. If she uses it, that is your window to go in/trade. I like running electrocute in this matchup, but it is also up to preference.”
ShokLoL says “Vex is strong when she has fear up but weak when it's down. At later levels you can just trade W when she tries to use her E or Q with fear. Early on though you will probably just have to tank it and then try play more aggro when it's down. You outscale Vex pretty hard so even if you don't get a lot done early you should be fine.”
Chuleex says “Vex has great counters to our mobility and extreme pressure thanks to her long hitboxes, she is easy to dodge tho and you can prevent her stuns watching out for her passive bar, play with her mechanic and dont engage if you are low, if you have struggle with her poke go dshield and wait for ecplise so you can out trade her. also once you have w try to only poke and not tp so she cant use her passive.”
Zeekar says “I get on all four and I start to bark. I start salivating, drooling on the floor beneath me. Mommy! Goth mommy! I need milkies! I yell out, puppy eyes active as I pathetically stare at Vex standing in front of me. Please mommy, I have been very naughty, I need you to punish me. Eugh! You pathetic loser, where did you come from? Did your master abandon you? Heh. Yes! And I am in desperate need of a mistress now. I am a puppy that swings both ways! Woof, woof! Bark bark bark! You're gross, has anyone ever told you that? I roll onto my back, salivating down my cheek as I stare at her upside down. Almost instinctually, she walks forward and places her bare foot on my face. I start licking the underside of it. See what I mean? Eugh, gross! Getting your disgusting dog slobber all over my feet and toes. Hm. Hey... I've actually had a pretty long day, why don't you give me a foot massage? But you can only use your mouth. Seems fitting for a pathetic dweeb like you. She lifts her foot gently off my face. I only get to let out a single whimper before it's cut out by her foot entering my mouth. I roll around, her foot still in my mouth, and get into a plank position with my arms. Mmmphh, oh mistress, mpphh, your sweat tastches sho mammph mlem, sho good... She quickly takes her foot out of my mouth, placing her flat sole up against my nose, smearing my own saliva on me. Eh, dogs aren't exactly known to talk. No more massage for you. As she lowers her foot, and starts to talk away, I start incessantly whimpering, dropping onto my belly and rolling around from side to side. Please, please mistress! She looks back at me over her shoulder, initially with disgust in her eyes, but then she looks away, a focused expression growing on her face as an idea forms in her mind. Hmmm... Why don't you... Roll around? I take a moment to process what she asked of me, and then immediately start doing it, rolling from side to side while maintaining eye contact with her the best I can. Ok, now stop. Sit! I get back up and sit, patiently awaiting my next order. Spin around! I quickly do so on the spot. Other way! I spin the other way. Ok, for this next trick I'm gonna need you to close your eyes and look up. Only open them when I tell you to! A few seconds pass, the only sound filling the room is a gentle rubbing of fabric against fabric. Are you looking upwards? I let out a confirming bark. A few more seconds catch. I sit in tense anticipation. Suddenly, she yells out. Catch! I open my eyes, and above my head is flying a dark mass. I quickly turn around and bolt after it, attempting to catch it with my mouth but failing and resulting to using my arms instead. I take it away from my face to get a look at what she threw. Wait a second. This is... This is her shirt! I turn around quickly, and see her standing completely nude in front of me. Is this what puppy wants? My jaw drops as the sight fills my heart with a thousand butterflies. M-m-mistress- I attempt to form a sentence, but she is quick to shut me up. Nuh uh! Good doggies don't talk! I lower my head, ashamed to have let my voice out. Do you know what good doggies DO do though? Good doggies have loooong tongues, sharp teeth... And I have heard rumours that their saliva has healing properties. Do you know anything about that? My eyes dart around my head, trying to process what she said and that her naked yordle body is in front of me. Uhhh, well- I begin a sentence, but I quickly stop myself. Instead, I look up and meet her gaze while nodding, letting out an affirming woof. I thought so too! Good that we share an important belief like that. A few seconds of silence pass. Hey puppy? She suddenly says. My whole body jerks as I stare at her again, awaiting her words. You remember how I said my feet were sore, right? I bark and nod once more. And... You wanted to help me ease the pain, right...? I very enthusiastically nod, barking several times. Maybe you're not such a bad puppy after all. A smile spreads across my face as I start to pant, tongue hanging out of my mouth. Now, puppy. She says in a suddenly strict tone. My body freezes as I prepare myself for my next command. Roll... I start movement, but I realize she hasn't given the full command, and so I remain in an awkward pose. Several seconds pass, my awkwardness clearly bringing her excitement. ...On your back! I very swiftly get on my back, tilting my head back to continue viewing her. Now stay there puppy. She slowly starts walking towards me. Her large hips swinging seductively as she does, her beautiful, well proportioned breasts bouncing up and down on her way over to me. The clothes she wore before were so baggy, you'd never have noticed such a beauty was underneath them. Now lay flat on your back, she commands me, one finger pointing my way, her other arm resting against her side. I stretch out my body, putting my arms down to my side. And puppy! My heart jumps from hearing her say my new name. Close your eyes. I take a second to process her command, and then I swiftly close my eyes, keeping them shut as I focus on listening. She walks away from me, her soft soles gently pressing against and releasing from the floor, again, and again. She opens a drawer in the other end of the room. She fumbles around for a bit. What could she possibly be looking for?? The excitement is killing me, but I resist the temptation to open my eyes. I must be a good doggy for my vex mistress foot mommy! Eventually, she finds what she has been looking for, accompanied by a faint "There you are..." The drawer closes again, my heart starting to flutter once more. She slowly starts walking towards me, the excitement nearly killing me. What has she found? A treat, perhaps? Does she think I'm a good doggy? She comes to a halt beside me. My heart is nearly pounding out of my chest. Her full, nude form is standing directly beside of me now, and here I am, simply laying on the ground, unable to do anything until she allows me to! My whole body itches for action, but I must not let myself disobey her words! Seconds feel like hours as I simply lie there in anticipation. Suddenly, she crouches down, and places her bottom directly onto my stomach. My heart jumps. She moves her leg over to the other side of me, leaning forward, and... A soft but solid sensation wraps itself around my neck... A collar. A collar!! She- She's leashing me! My excitement overflows my boundaries, and I let out a single muted "woof". I can feel her body hesitate for a moment. Huh, she says. I guess you must not want your rewards for being a good puppy. I almost let out another bark, a disagreeing one. But I hold my tongue. I can't allow myself to disappoint my mistress once more. She sits in silence, contemplating, and observing my quivering fra”
ShokLoL says “Vex is very strong when her fear is up but it has a long CD and you want to play aggressively while it's down. Try stand away from the wave so she can't AOE you and the wave at the same time. You outrange pretty hard so you should eventually poke her out with E spam.”
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