As a Support 51.91% Win Rate95% Pick RateTaric As a Support Counters: 11 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Taric as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
ShriekingMammoth says “You can beat him as you have good damage and your W blocks his Passive autos. However, he does have more dps as he can keep on going with the passive + Q whereas you are locked behind your Q cooldown. He also has a bit more utility with his heals and shields.”
Zileanaire says “I don't care for him, nor am I scared of him. We should win this most of the time but it will come down to both ADC's. He will flash stun you. ”
mUI0g says “(Limited experience) If you and your ADC can't punish Taric for walking up to minions, he can easily heal up himself and his ADC.
I have played games where I felt I was doing no damage to taric and his ADC.”
ZedAway says “painful passive, his heal isnt something to worry about in the lanning phase, his E is easy to dodge, his ult is the biggest problem and could flip the fight, which is why he is in the major tier.”
Aerenax says “Taric]][/color] has a lot of sustain and will fight back at you when you all in him. Dodge out on his E otherwise he will chunk you really low. His ult will mitigate your all in potential so back of when he pops the ult and go back in when it has timed out. ”
Arctic Arrow says “Taric is a major threat due to his strong sustain and peeling abilities. His healing and invulnerability (with his ultimate, Cosmic Radiance) can make him difficult to deal with. However, you can still capitalize on his positioning—try to engage when he's close to walls to maximize your crowd control effectiveness. Bait out his E (Dazzle) to force him to use his stun, then use your W to dodge it and go for a decisive play against him or his ADC.
Managing his cooldowns and positioning can turn the tide in your favor.
Serpants Fang and Anti Heal is good because of his W.”
LA COLORADA says “scaling monster. target his carry and sidestep his E. he can't really outheal your damage early on, but you'll have to get bramble eventually. you can dissapear his carry before his ult activates.”
TnDD says “Onun E'sini dodgelamaya çalış ve onu uzaktan dürt. NOT: E+Flash yapabilir. Dikkat.
Eğer Ultisini açıp kaçmaya veya yakalamaya çalışırlarsa rakibin üzerlerine ultini at. Taric'in verdiği hasar göründüğünden çok daha fazla onla 1v1 atmanı tavsiye etmem.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “Hard matchup in general since he also has great sustain and peel however you can still oneshot him if he gets close to the walls or try to bait him into wasting his E stun so you can dodge with W and going for him or his adc.”
Foxirion says “Taric's sustain and crowd control can be a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's mobility and engage potential can help him pressure Taric and disrupt his engages effectively in fight”
Velkyann says “Taric is very strong early and you cant win against him in a fight before third item. Dont get near him before level 6 so dont try to farm close to him or try to poke him from close range, if your adc is kinda of melee like Nilah or Samira i recommend buying Redemption to heal as much as Taric.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Taric has a nasty stun and buffs on his attacks after casting an ability.
Bait his stun and engage without losing too much health in the process.
His R has a massive delay which is hard for Taric to correctly time, so once you see it trigger either burst down one of the enemy laners or disengage.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Watch out for his spells, but they're pretty easily avoided. Typical tank. Don't get cced and you'll be fine.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Really strong enchanter [but melee tank]. I have dueled him and watched his hp just not change because of his massive q heals.-_- Build antiheal”
Lurs says “Go spellthiefs and play as agressive as you want. As long as you E when he has 3 stacks you're literally invincible. Taric gets absolutely danced on by a good Rakan.”
Razing42 says “This fabulous man scales very hard and is still fairly strong in early fights (if he has the mana). Punish his E if missed and hope he burns through a lot of mana to recover.”
Aerenax says “Taric is a strong opponent into melee supports, because when he gets to auto attack, the damage ramps up quickly. Play around his stun and find engages. When he ults in a teamfight, try to create space with your ult to slow the enemies down and when his ult runs out try to look and continue the fight.”
Ryecheria says “Karma hard wins
You can poke out taric and your shield gives move speed to dodge his stun. during team fights, use your Defiance to disengage from the all in of taric ult or to bait it out in a faux engage.”
mazewalk says “Taric players tend to cheese you this way: engage with E>Flash>Ignite to get your or your ADCs spells. To counet this I suggest warding middle lane bush and back off when he starts casting it. His ultimate makes everyone in it radius immortal, they are srill vulnerable to CC. When he casts ultimate try to pull enemies out of its radius and buy Thornmail since Taric relies on his autoattacks.”
TheBougis says “Taric's cc is possibly one of the most infuriating things in Arena, besides that though, he doesn't have any damage.
His ult may block damage, but is doesn't block the healing from your Q.”
Fear The Jester says “Skill matchup. place boxes on your adc since most of them like to flash stun engage, try bait him to stun you since you can just Q to escape it”
itstsuk3 says “You want Electrocute. Just Poke him Out of Lane and use your W to Dodge his Stun. After he hits 6 it can get tricky during Team Fights if your team cant Burst People Down Before his Ult Goes Off”
jmp_01_ says “One of the weird champions that somehow outheal you while you damage them. He can be a threat, and if he is as good as you, he will probably win. Play smart and think about making trades against him.
Take Aftershock.”
mazewalk says “Taric is actually a pretty decent and even dangerous character. Usually Taric players cheese their opponents lvl1: sit in the bush and then jump on a victim with stun and Ignite. He becomes even scarier after 3 level, when he can just press M2 on you and mash Q, till his out of mana. His passive gives him 2 empowered autoattacks, which reduce skills cd. Pay attention to enemy adcs' position, if you're playing against Tristana or Ezreal, be ready for their dashes with Tarics' E. His ultimate has a really long animation and makes everyone in its area immortal (they still take damaged and ccd). Try to deny him getting closer to his team and don't waste Ignite if you're late.”
support_diff says “Taric is a good support with a great disengage and heal, his ult also counters all damage which is really good for him and bad for you”
King Kirbilogus Toadstool says “Very easy matchup. Poke him out of lane, and dodge his E as much as possible. He cannot reach you easily, so it really depends on Taric's team comp.”
Aerenax says “Taric is a strong opponent into melee supports, because when he gets to auto attack, the damage ramps up quickly. Play around his stun and find engages. When he ults in a teamfight you can knock enemies out of the ult range so they don't get the invulnerable effect. ”
Cyclic says “He scales extremely hard with ult and can get cheese kills with E but overall I do not find this matchup very challenging. Save flash for his flash E and you will be able to farm souls and scale super hard”
ZharMeny says “In lane he is really annoying but Late he is only useful for his R invincibility, just play lane safely as he can slap the hell out of you and get ton of Q and E resets. Recommended Stance: Unmounted”
Smudey says “Idk how you lose against him. The only things he can do are sustaining through your trades with his heals and setting up a gank for his jungler so try to freeze the wave if possible to kick him from the game. You could even take TP while still winning against him so you can maybe kill him AND make plays around the map since winning the lane isn't that big of a deal because he is a supporter.”
iveye says “Truthfully Taric nothing to be scared of as his only true "outplay" potential is his R negating your engage completely but other than those niche moments that rarely happens. He can use you as Q farm but he will most likely die for it, and without a lead Taric is bad into Rell.”
mellorwastaken says “he is hard to kill and outscales you, try to look for short trades and not all-ins when he can spam heal with passive. If the adc matchup is bad, the lane is kinda doomed so look to roam a lot.”
FunnyBunnyH says “Probably the only "pure" hard counter to Maokai Support. He basically neutralizes you in every phase of the game. In lane with his tankiness, sustain and counter-engage. And later stages of the game with his ultimate. The only reason why he isn't a must ban, is because it is a very unpopular pick.”
WhiteLotus says “Care lvl 1-3 about his E all in. Play with your Range and try to get kills with Poke or all in while they are low. At lvl 6 disengage if he uses his R and wait for it to fall of.”
T1vladimir says “Kite him constantly to deny his PTips. An ETips cast from afar may indicate a Flash dive. Poke him when ETips is down since it’s his only engage tool. Usually, his team engages first. RTips is a channeled ability; you can still damage until it’s fully formed.”
gizemdeniz says “He will not be able to reach us because his spell range is quite short. We have to do considerable damage to him with our shock combo so he can't use his ultimate effectively.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Taric is really strong but firstly: He's very reliant on having a teamcomp that works around him and secondly: he's incredibly difficult to play. Oblivion Orb rush is pretty nice, and be sure to watch out for any allies he may have, that can dash.”
Roltu says “Igual que muchos de los personajes engage, es una partida en base a skillmatch y aunque su E es predecible no quita que esta pueda golpear a ambos, prioriza corta curaciones y elimina primero al adc lo más rápido que puedas después de lvl6”
zotet says “His ability to help his ADC with both shields and heal can make the ADC quite hard to deal with. His CC is also pretty good and easy for him to hit. Though in duels he is very weak due to his lack of damage, he is also a short range character which makes him easy to deal with, you can play from long - medium range due to his short range kit with no mobility.”
NotAragami says “You can't stand between minions and harass because he will stun you and harassing is kinda useless as he provides one of the best sustained healing in the game given he has something to smack on. He can turn the whole game with ult. Good thing Taric mains are rare. ”
huirats says “Engage supports typically ban Morgana, and I tend to pick Annie when the enemy bans Morgana since they're kinda similar. He can stop Tibbers from killing with his Ult, but it's pretty easy to avoid his stun. ”
PykEugeo says “It has sustain and cc, and its ultimate counts your X, miraculously use your ultimate immediately after its ultimate or at the end, otherwise it will waste it
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid putting yourself in choke points to make it harder for Taric to land his Dazzle(E). Stand towards the middle of the lane and away from the walls to give you more room to maneuver and dodge the spell. If Taric activates his Ultimate Cosmic Radiance(R) during a skirmish, you have two options to take. You can either try to blow him up and kill him or his ADC before they get the protection, or you can disengage and wait for it to disappear before fighting again. Look to harass and poke Taric down as much as you can during the early game. His abilities have high mana costs and he will be unable to spam his Starlight's Touch(Q) if you fight often.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid putting yourself in choke points to make it harder for Taric to land his Dazzle(E). Stand towards the middle of the lane and away from the walls to give you more room to maneuver and dodge the spell. If Taric activates his Ultimate Cosmic Radiance(R) during a skirmish, you have two options to take. You can either try to blow him up and kill him or his ADC before they get the protection, or you can disengage and wait for it to disappear before fighting again. Look to harass and poke Taric down as much as you can during the early game. His abilities have high mana costs and he will be unable to spam his Starlight's Touch(Q) if you fight often.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid putting yourself in choke points to make it harder for Taric to land his Dazzle(E). Stand towards the middle of the lane and away from the walls to give you more room to maneuver and dodge the spell. If Taric activates his Ultimate Cosmic Radiance(R) during a skirmish, you have two options to take. You can either try to blow him up and kill him or his ADC before they get the protection, or you can disengage and wait for it to disappear before fighting again. Look to harass and poke Taric down as much as you can during the early game. His abilities have high mana costs and he will be unable to spam his Starlight's Touch(Q) if you fight often.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid putting yourself in choke points to make it harder for Taric to land his Dazzle(E). Stand towards the middle of the lane and away from the walls to give you more room to maneuver and dodge the spell. If Taric activates his Ultimate Cosmic Radiance(R) during a skirmish, you have two options to take. You can either try to blow him up and kill him or his ADC before they get the protection, or you can disengage and wait for it to disappear before fighting again. Look to harass and poke Taric down as much as you can during the early game. His abilities have high mana costs and he will be unable to spam his Starlight's Touch(Q) if you fight often.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid putting yourself in choke points to make it harder for Taric to land his Dazzle(E). Stand towards the middle of the lane and away from the walls to give you more room to maneuver and dodge the spell. If Taric activates his Ultimate Cosmic Radiance(R) during a skirmish, you have two options to take. You can either try to blow him up and kill him or his ADC before they get the protection, or you can disengage and wait for it to disappear before fighting again. Look to harass and poke Taric down as much as you can during the early game. His abilities have high mana costs and he will be unable to spam his Starlight's Touch(Q) if you fight often.”
M4DN355 says “Taric's E can stop Pyke from engaging in fights and his Q can heal him and his allies a bit which may deny Pyke kills, although the biggest threat is the invulnerability from his ultimate that completely counters Pyke's ultimate and denies him resets.”
RVanisHed says “Im gonna be honest with you. I dont remember playing against him, so im placing him in even. BUT he's rather strong as of now, so be aware. Theorycrafting-wise, you should hold advantage but I really can't be 100% sure”
Navn says “Can be pretty troublesome since he's looking to get into melee range, on top of his ultimate being able to ruin the follow-up of your big play. ”
Jageiko says “Jewels actually counters you pretty well. His E counters yours, he can shield and heal and he wont die.
Your R can counter his pretty well, but its a hard matchup overall.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Taric has been underrated for a while, and he's a pain to play Rell into due to his high sustain, potent stun, and his ult being such a great teamfight survival tool. His laning isn't the greatest though especially considering his mana costs, and he can't stop you from taking a fight if you want to. Consider maybe going Evenshroud and Zeke's if your team has the burst potential to kill a couple people before his R can go off.”
Mindartis says “Any hero who is in some way the opposite of Thresh is a problem.
He doesn't like magic damage, and therefore any support that deals magic damage causes trouble for him.
Also, Thresh gets closer to the opponent, so he is vulnerable against control.”
MorBidMike says “like taric he keeps his allies alive so it's only good when you can burst. unlike zilean, he is balanced as a support so take your time.”
Navn says “Just respect his flash stun with your flash, and he can't touch you. But don't get too close. He does a surprising amount of damage if he manages to get on you.”
AscorbicAcids says “Ult him out of teamfights before his ult starts, or ult his team back if he gets it off. Slightly easier with the ult charge time.”
Tqnshi says “He has a stun which is scary but it's easily avoidable. His R makes his allies within it's range invunerable, however I have yet met someone who's good at using Taric's R.”
Demonsedge90 says “It's a skill matchup versus Taric. He can soak up your damage and heal it out, so you need to attack him when all his skills are on cooldown. Also, watch for his ultimate when you decide to all in a target since it makes all his nearby teammates invulnerable. As stated before, it's a coin flip, so play this one safe.”
Cordiall says “Another drearily even lane. Neither one of you can do much to the other. I would almost give a slight edge to Taric in this lane, if only because he can heal his ADC and let him sustain through any poke, but for the most part neither side can do much to the other one.”
Brizz Valentine1 says “In my experience I don't consider it a big problem, usually taric suffers against ranged champions, if he can't give you his E you should be safe you can stop him with your E, if taric is capable of giving many auto attacks he can heal a lot and do a lot of damage, but with your range you should be comfortable, he has one of the strongest ultimates in the game although he has a very high cooldown much higher than that of sera's R.”
hampenguin says “He has many different qualities of supports, such and tankiness, healing, CC, and utility. His only actual strength is in how he can counter-engage with an extremely meaningful R.”
Ionia King says “Taric is a late game only type of champ. His early game is extremely weak, you can punish his lack of mobility early with your outstanding mobility and snowball with your ADC to stop his late game scaling.”
DtNikk says “Poor Taric cant get a rest. You counter him very nicely. Poke him out of lane and use your E when he walks up. If an ally gets stunned put your E ontop of them so taric cant follow them.
Either support item works but Spellthieves is good for poking!”
TheBlueImperial says “I want to put Taric as a tiny threat but two things prevent me from doing this. He can use you (the slow and immobile champ) as a way to farm his passive for Q spam and his R can completely nullify your team fight engagements. During laning phase however you can freely engage onto him or his carry and there is little he can do.”
PumpkinMatters says “Ele não se dá tão bem contra suportes de iniciação, mas isso não quer dizer que ele seja fraco. Respeite o poder de cura, o atordoamento e principalmente a ult de Taric, se quiser ganhar essa rota. A ideia aqui é fazê-lo usar o E e errar; a partir daí, antes do nível 6, dá pra você iniciar e ganhar a troca. Depois do nível 6 a história é outra e depende muito de seu adc, porque existe um tempo considerável entre a conjuração e a imortalidade ser ativada. Se vocês estiverem bem, é possível matar o adc inimigo antes dele se tornar imortal. Caso não, vá embora e inicie novamente enquanto a ult de Taric estiver carregando”
asmrtoelicks says “Taric excels at being in the fight and constantly healing and eventually ulting his team for safety. You counter him because he can easily be shut down with (E) equinox.”
PumpkinMatters says “He doesn't go very well against engage supports, but this doesn't mean he's weak. Respect his heals, his stuns and principally his ult, if you wanna win this. The idea, here, is to bait his E; from there, before level 6, you can engage and win the fights. However, after level 6 the scene changes and it depends a lot on your ADC, because there's a considerable amount of time between him pressing R and the immortality hitting. You if you're doing well, it's possible to kill them before this. If not, just disengage and fight only when he's on cooldown”
Discord231 says “Recomendaría el Solari para mitigar daño durante su R, pues durante 2.5 segundos los enemigos serán inmunes al daño, eso no significa que te debas armar mas tanque ni nada por el estilo, de hecho el Filo de Roba Hechizos es excelente en su contra.”
GuanaTv says “Utilize os Leveis de 1 ao 5 para criar uma vantagem na rota. Após isso, procure criar jogadas quando a ultimate de Taric estiver em tempo de recarga!
(Use Levels 1 to 5 to create an advantage on the lane. After that, look to create moves when Taric's ultimate is on cooldown!)”
Gobomo says “Dodge his E and don't get into melee range, it's that easy. He primarily exists to punish hard engage, which luckily you don't really need to do as your "engage" is just a medium-range burst combo with Q and a few meeps. His heal and stun drain a ton of mana, so you'll have a solid 30-45 seconds to roam while he backs and walks back to lane.”
Mooncurve says “he tanks, makes enemy adc tanky as well, pretty annoying, but you can still do trades with him. Not a lot of people plays him, if he's here, do two fights with hooks landed on their adc and they should die.”
eiensiei says “Probably unkillable due to his sustain, but keep poking for a fast stacked Spellthief. His stun is telegraphed and should be easy to dodge. Not a very interactive lane overall, you can roam.”
Goldenstinger says “Cancerous ult - try catch the adc and him split with ult and play around his huge R cd early. Dont force anything in this lane - you both scale well, just a skill and timing match up”
Doglightning says “don't get too close cuz 1 stun with glacial you are dead but use W to dodge. other then that poke him over and over he cant do much but his ult does counter yours if you dont time well”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Just focus the carry, Taric is too tanky to die. Don't underestimate his damage, he will melt you with his auto-attacks. Locking him down in teamfights is a good idea because it will force him to ult himself.”
LeeTV says “Taric dampens thresh's engage as he will stun you if you go in on a hook/flay. He can also shield and heal resetting his auto attacks which make him quite oppressive in comparison to thresh's damage.”
Doglightning says “take ignite/barrier. Pretty easy lane just poke him and after you auto walk away as he is slowed so he can't stun you. His ult can save teammates from your bubble but a ult for a bubble is worth.”
Aerenax says “Taric has a lot of sustain and will fight back at you when you all in him. Dodge out on his E otherwise he will chunk you really low. His ult will mitigate your all in potential so back of when he pops the ult and go back in when it has timed out. ”
eiensiei says “Probably unkillable due to his sustain, but keep poking for a fast stacked Spellthief. His stun is telegraphed and should be easy to dodge. Not a very interactive lane overall, you can roam.”
LimTheDestructor says “Engage situationally. Don't greed, respect Taric's stun and healing. After level 6, engage only enemy champions that you can burst before Taric's R saves them. Remember that Taric's R has much longer cooldown than yours.”
iKonek says “Avoid his stuns, and be prepared to peel if your carry is caught in one. His only real difficulty is past level 6, when he can save himself or his carry from an all-in with his ult. Try to bait his ult then engage before it's back off of CD. Bring ignite to counter his healing sustain.”
freddy66623 says “He has a stun so he's automatically slightly dangerous. On the bright side his stun is heavily telegraphed so you should have no problem dodging it with your W”
Rasta Da Masta says “His only threat is E + Flash. Poking him is easy. Pushing against him is easy. And having him blow his resources is easy.
He's strong in a 5v5 fight where he can R his team to ignore damage. Save your damaging spells after it goes off & look to use your W to CC him (or his team) away from each other.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Taric is strong if he is able to land his auto attacks but that should only happen if he lands his E stun. Avoid getting in melee range of him to let him auto attack. Flay is your best friend here. Lantern your ADC to safety if he is looking for a stun on them. After 6 try to burst their ADC before Taric can get his ultimate off, making them both invincible, if not then re-engage once it wears off.”
lin00 says “Provides early armour but his skills are high mana cost. Poke him out with Flay's passive and force Taric to spend mana on healing. Avoid getting stunned.”
Flackojodye says “Taric loses versus all ranged supports. He should only be picked in response to an engage/melee composition, since most of his strength relies on hitting Autos with passive and Q, which can be hard vs ranged champions and kiting.”
Arcurath says “Pretty free matchup, you keep him out of range with E slows and he cant get to you without flash E stunning as engage.
Just perma kite him with slows and later on in fights with Taric R just shurelya your team away and wait it out then go back in.”
0Banda says “Your matchup against Taric will be skilled, Taric is a very weak champion alone, and before level 6 he doesn't make a real difference, when engaging, focus your enemy ADC and not him. If Taric engages your ADC cast your W behind him, if not you may be hitted by he's E
Other from that, roam a lot, since he can heal with his Q and takes off some of you kill pressure
Against Taric you should build as usual, go the usual runes, also try making him wasting his R on small fights, as it has 180 seconds of cooldown and will cause you problems in 5v5 teamfights”
SlippStream says “You can outrange him and largely outheal him. Be wary of him diving your ADC, but your Q and W will help mitigate that threat. Unfortunately, he does stack armor so an early last whisper is a decent idea if you're ahead.”
Luiscencias says “Taric will not get you killed unless you get yourself stunneded. So dodge that and you are fine, but don't expect to kill him in lane. Consider roaming.”
Melyn says “Max Q and have a very strong early game. It is extremely important to dodge the stun and watch out for a flash stun. Back off when his ult is running out and don't commit too hard unless you can take him/them down fast.
Additionally, he can do a LOT of damage with his autos, so don't ignore him in fights. ”
Biotic says “You can keep him on range and scale for free vs him. Be carefull if he hits a E you loose 70% of your HP. In late game Zilean is really insane to kite Taric. Build Shureliyas instead of Locket to kite him as soon as he uses Ult in fights. Respect dash Taric E. ”
TheBestestBork says “Early game is free, just dodge his stun. Once he hits 6 though it becomes VERY dangerous, brambles can be veyr valuable to ruin his healing but his ULT will hurt your engage alot.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “1. almost never played
2. he's very predictable so you poke him down and bait his long CD e. your ult is way easier to use, and your team just disengage for 4 sec and then fight again”
Guoblide says “Taric is a skill matchup as both champs are defensive Warden supports with not a lot of reliable engage. Taric is an Enchanter/Warden support hybrid who can provide AOE healing over a large distance with Bastion and peel reliably as well. Taric powerspikes at Level 2 when Bastion gives him better support for his ADC and more reach for his Dazzle, Level 3 where Starlight's Touch gives him better sustain, Level 4 where he puts a second point into Starlight's Touch due to 2 points in it grants a really good heal to mana cost ratio (He then maxes it last as the mana cost from upgrading it can be too much), and Level 6 where Cosmic Radiance gives him an AOE invincibility aura. At Level 1 Braum should abuse his range advantage with Winter's Bite by poking [{Taric]] and his ADC and zoning them off of the wave. Dazzle only has a 575 range (Compared to Winter's Bites 1,000 range) so Braum is pretty untouchable in the early game. Try to abuse this range advantage throughout most of the laning phase. Once Taric hits Level 2 Bastion makes Taric and his ADC significantly tankier and harder to kill. It also lets Taric get a second Dazzle beam that can help him land it easier. Try to be more cautious about Dazzle but still poke and try to develop an HP lead. If Taric or his ADC get low enough then try to bait out a Dazzle and then engage on them to proc the Concussive Blows stun. Once Taric hits Level 3 Starlight's Touch makes it hard for him and his ADC to get poked out of lane. It does cost a lot of Mana to use though so if the Taric player spams it too much than he can be forced to back to refill. Continue trading and looking for opportunities to attempt a short trade. All-ining Taric is difficult due to the damage and healing he can output with Bravado and Starlight's Touch combo. Only all-in Taric if he is low on mana and won't be able to spam his abilities. Once Taric hits Level 6 his Cosmic Radiance can become an amazing peeling tool. Try to bait it out by faking an all in and then Stand Behind Me away from him if he uses it. Try not to fight into his Cosmic Radiance unless you know you can kill him once the invulnerability wears off.”
DanNS12 says “Watch out for E + Flash combo and don't let him auto you it will perma heal his ADC also at lvl 6 he unlocks godmode for a few seconds. If you see him paired with Master yi DODGE!”
LilPaniniUwU says “take ignite/barrier. Pretty easy lane just poke him and after you auto walk away as he is slowed so he can't stun you. His ult can save teammates from your bubble but a ult for a bubble is worth.
RayTeamStrategy says “Snaring him is child's play in a teamfight but he's still pretty tanky. Nevertheless, it might be enough time for your team to take out his allies and he's probably not going to win if outnumbered by enough healthy enemies.”
Jaori says “We all know that taric is the DPS god of supports; it doesn't mean that you can't kite him. He is pretty useless in this match - up. go for his adc.”
Tiilisk1v1 says “Camp bushes and play aggressive. Target taric to get The adc weaker. Take boots as your first item. Buy spellthiefs and upgrade blinding dart first.”
DasNerdwork says “When his stun is down or if he accidentally stuns a minion, punish him hard. Also he is weaker against magic damage than normal damage. You could also try to time your abilities (especially your knockup) to use when his ult is active. It provides the enemies only with invulnerability, but not with CC-Immunity!”
Daraysen says “He is your living nightmare, unless you stomp him completely, he will be annoying. He shields, heals, stuns, gives bonus armor and makes him and surrounding enemies immune to any damage. Best advise, try to poke him and wait for jungler, if possible poke the enemy adc as well and when it seems possible, hook the enemy adc to force a fight, when you think that the risk is low.”
Dotje says “You can easely harass him with your range. But try not to get stunned, especially as he can try to do a flash stun. You should be able to live trough his engage, but he does too. Your Q slow should make kiting rather easy.”
KeleiX13 says “Taric gives his team a lot of survivability and tankiness, but he is vulnerable to poke and it's rare that he lands his E against a ranged support unless they are already CC'd as the animation is so long. Be aggressive in lane and doge his E's with your E. Try to burst his allies down quickly so they can't be ulted by Taric since it takes some time to take effect.”
anionPositivo says “É só desviar do E dele, sério, e pula no adc direto, não deixe ele bater em ninguém pra ele não stackar a cura dele, porque num tapa-a-tapa o Taric ganha fácil. Depois do 6 se ele ultar espere a ult acabar, mas não há necessidade de recuar muito, porque num jogo normal onde o suporte não tem comunicação boa com o resto do time, muitas ults dele podem ser em vão, por exemplo, se ele ultar e o colega for pra cima, parece até que não sabe que a ult é limitada.”
Discord231 says “Recomendaría el Solari para mitigar daño durante su R, pues durante 2.5 segundos los enemigos serán inmunes al daño, eso no significa que te debas armar mas tanque ni nada por el estilo, de hecho el Filo de Roba Hechizos es excelente en su contra.”
LilRidge says “Taric is heavily reliant on his ADC to have any impact in this lane. Try your best to disrupt his ADC if Taric decides to all-in your ADC. Be very careful about Taric's (E) Dazzle into Flash combo. You will want to immediately engage on the enemy ADC if Taric manages to land it on your ADC. Once Taric gets his ultimate Cosmic Radiance, you will want to be very careful about your all-ins.”
shadowbloodedge says “Tarics armor buffs, heals, and long range stun are going to be an issue. With his armor buff he can shield his carry and just walk right past you. It will be hard to bring him down when he has hit his health apex.”
Tauricus2017 says “Taric isn't dangerous most of the times. His E has low range, his healing is weak and he has hard time engaging. Keep your distance, poke and you will be fine. Don't focus those that are invulnerable thanks to his ultimate.”
Rainuu says “Taric is a huge threat to Lillia as his cc can lock you in place, preventing you from doing anything. His ulti makes it impossible to burst anyone down as well. All in all, not fun to play against,”
Ruiner of Fun says “Flinging him out of position from his team can easily win you the fight since his stun is a skillshot and his ult only gives invulnerability to those who inside his circle. Flinging his funnel partner is always better though.”
Starchase says “The contender of the easiest matchup for Yuumi.
Poke him all you want, even if he stuns you, he can't ever kill you.
His stun is very short range and has a cast timer, so it's very easy to dodge.
His lvl 6 it's a powerful ability, that if used correctly can change the turns of a teamfight, but it has a cas timer as well so you can just burst him out before the ability is casted or just wait until his R expires.
Rush Oblivion Orb.
You outscale him reaaaaaally easily.”
Meewah says “Taric is almost even with thresh, however the issue is that in late game, Taric can easily kill Thresh if thresh commits too hard, forcing thresh out of melee or following his hooks.”
Takitsu says “Straightforward matchup. Dodge Taric stun and avoid getting autoed by Taric. Taric has a lot of damage if allowed to auto attack with his passive. Fighting Taric with his stun down is optimal timing. If Taric does stun you or your carry, focus on disengaging.
Post-6 Peel anytime he ults, and wait for it to expire.”
unhben says “If you can walk sideways away from his E you will win lane. Just bully him and bait his R all the time. He will OOM early so just be patient.”
Discord231 says “Recomendaría el Solari para mitigar daño durante su R, pues durante 2.5 segundos los enemigos serán inmunes al daño, eso no significa que te debas armar mas tanque ni nada por el estilo, de hecho el Filo de Roba Hechizos es excelente en su contra. ”
unhben says “Early executioners, maybe even after your mythic if he isnt doing much. Just be careful of his level 6 dive if theyre pressuring you too much. ”
Bear Gummies says “He is the easiest support to beat in my opinion. Just keep poking him and you should be able to beat this guy with little to no difficulty.”
Jannito02 says “Taric has a stun easy to dodge, but he has good sustain, his W gives bonus armor, and his Q, weak if he doesn't have much charges. He uses a lot of mana and his ultimate makes him and all nearby allies invulnerable, but without this, Taric is easy to fight against.”
EionThePepega says “He's quite easy to fight against, and his stun is quite slow and should be easy to black shield it. Only bummer is his ultimate which can make your all ins useless, but oh well.”
Gryndall says “He is walking Zhonia hourglass. Do you really want to lose vs walking hourglass?...sorry its not up to you its depends on ur "godlike" teammates.”
The Lotus Queen says “Taric has no threatening abilities besides his E stun, though this ability is easily dodged, especially if you stay out of his range.”
Jexeff says “Pre 6, this matchup is not anything special. Just avoid his stun and you will be okay. Post 6, you will have to play around his ultimate which will make him and his allies invulnerable. Also, try not to stand in melee range as it will give him the ability to quickly reset his heal and keep his teammates alive.”
itizhelia says “Pretty easy to dodge his stuns.
You can easily poke him since Taric players tend to walk up often and you should have an advantage over Taric at any phase of the game, but be careful with his ultimate since it is a major cuck block for your all-ins.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Taric can be a hard lane to get kills once he hits level 6 due to his ult. Try to get kills before he gets his ult or when he has it make sure you and your ADC focus on the same target.”
Xeptron says “Taric is the only melee enchanter support in game. He is good at disengaging and his ultimate is a counter to a lot of the damage coming their way but other than that he is very underwhelming during the lane. If the stun misses, he has very hard time of running away, doesn't have a dash or any other tools to escape a hook. Once it lands, you can kill the GEM MASTER. Additionally, Taric struggles against a poke, so any poke champion will have easier time against Taric, especially with huge range.
Most of the Taric players prefer playing a bit agressive, so they use their stun first. Let them do that, dodge it and engage on him. ”
Frank6264 says “Actualmente uno de los campeones más débiles en el rol de Soporte. Taric tiene poca movilidad, poca curación y su CC es fácilmente esquivable con Karma. En juego temprano, hostíguenlo para que le sea complicado farmear súbditos y poder sacarle ventaja. La única consideración a tener en cuenta es tener cuidado con el combo E+Flash y en Teamfights priorizar matar a los objetivos más relevantes antes de que Taric pueda salvarlos con su Definitiva.”
nZk01 says “(AD/AP) depending on adc you can win or hard lose, he has crazy damage output bcs of his passive so care, otherwise going even and just outscaling on AP is fine”
jessuva says “Taric is not a threat in my opinion. Silence him so he can't stun you. If your silence is down, his stun is fairly easy to dodge as you can see it coming. His ult is annoying, as it gives immunity, but overall, he's fairly easy to deal with. ”
Lykzar says “Similar to Braum and Tahm Kench. It's a pretty easy matchup. You can ult the enemies when Taric is ulting to essentially shut his ult down.”
Pixel Pocket says “BULLY ZONE! Most melee champs are very easy to deal with but Braum and Taric especially so due to their low threat of engage, just poke the heck out of them and don't get caught. Unlike Braum though you don't scale better than Taric so you need to make sure you bully him hard and get ahead! ”
CastratedSeal says “Taric's lane phase is really weak and he runs out of mana even easier than you do. When he ults, you can ult to slow his team down.”
YourCut says “Conq+Dom and Electro+Inspiration are both viable. He's way too tanky to oneshot at any stage of the game, if you try to all in he can just press R and either kill you in those 2 seconds or just disengage. Try to go for juicy short trades, he isn't very good at all against burst.”
IbnBattuta says “Getting to close to Tarek means that he will have a clearer shot to stun you easily till your Ult time end causing enemy Team to catch up with you so he is gonna be annoying since he won't die fast since he is a Tank.”
Borusky says “O level 6 dele vai ser o maior problema, antes disso, pode bater nele a vontade, tenta baitar a ult dele e em seguida, vire. Lutar em 2 tempos é uma boa opção pra ganhar dele.”
RASKODILA123 says “He cant do much if he doesn't stun you just go on his ADC end forget that he is there unless he has ult then you need to be more careful.”
Guoblide says “Whenever you are matched into Taric then just dodge. This matchup is by far Sett's hardest and there isn't much counterplay outside of having your jungler spam gank you. In lane Taric wants you to engage onto him so he can stun you with Dazzle and out-sustain and out-damage you with massive healing from Starlight's Touch and the damage from Bravado. He will also try to engage onto you with his Dazzle + Flash combo. Taric's ultimate, Cosmic Radiance, stops his ADC from being killed even if Sett does a long flank and The Show Stopper's him into your team. Even if you try to stand far away from him and farm then he outscales you past the mid-game. The only time in the laning phase where Sett can attempt to fight Taric is if he runs out of mana which is kind of common due to Taric needing to spam his abilities in fights to make the most of his Bravado passive. Engage onto Taric's ADC (Not Taric himseld because he is way too tanky to kill) and try to burst them down with your ADC. Taric wont be able to heal or peel with Dazzle due to him being out of mana. Look to roam and put pressure around the map by roaming mid and helping your jungle secure objectives. Buying Bramble Vest early is very important in this matchup because it significantly cuts off the healing Taric gets from his Starlight's Touch.”
Jum3h says “If taric stun one of you, you will have a problem. you can just give MS to the one who stuned, maybe disengage with your R/Q. Easy to kite but be careful from flash+E.”
0mori says “I feel like his kit is over-all better than yours especially with the R. I haven't really played much against him but I think he can be a problem too. Again, skill match up. If you play it right, you can beat them :)
katt5 says “Avoid his stun and you'll be fine. If he's too slow you can usually kill him or his adc before his ult finishes resolving, but don't waste your abilities if you think you cant. ”
Kilo Khaos says “Avoid his stuns, and be prepared to peel if your carry is caught in one. His only real difficulty is past level 6, when he can save himself or his carry from an all-in with his ult. Try to bait his ult then engage before it's back off of CD. Bring ignite to counter his healing sustain.”
moon827 says “Taric is not an extremely difficult support to deal with pre 6, but after he hits level 6, he can basically save his adc at any given point”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Taric is one of the most difficult match-ups you can encounter as Thresh post level 6. This is simply because of the fact that his ultimate can completely deny your all-in potential.
Another thing that makes Taric a hard lane match-up is the fact that he offers decent sustain because he can heal up his AD carry.
In the early game Taric's cool-down on his abilities is rather high and his abilities cost a decent amount of mana.
This is why, in this match-up, you should really try to abuse Taric's weaker early game ”
Bouhhsolene says “With your passive movment speed, you can easily escape his E. In lane you should win trades, but in teamfights he has better presence so care.”
sashadidntwalk says “If the player is very good you might be in some trouble but he is fairly similar to you, his ULT (the same as Lulu) can make it appear you're winning a close fight but make you lose it, he provides CC but you can dodge it easily and can turn as tanky as you. Play around his ult, dodge his CC and try and poke him out in the beginning of the game since your Q is a perfect tool against him.”
KeleiX13 says “Dash back to your ADC when he is trying to stun you as if you get stunned by yourself, you're probably dead. Poke him when his stun is down.”
Spection says “UNCOMMON. The new reworked taric is a considerable challenge for you to fight. He highly discourages all ins whether it's on him or his ADC. His stun is nearly impossible to dodge, especially when you've just A'd in and are channeling E. All ins are further discouraged by his damage immunity, but your combo is generally faster than the invulnerability onset of 2.5 seconds. Try to bait out his stun before going hard. Watch out for his sustain and max Q first to bite through it.”
NixLychee says “He's very annoying to play against as Pyke, but so long as you can land your Q + E + AA combo, he'll start to run away, with enough time for you to Q him again and get a kill or assist.”
Wicked Cherry says “Taric shouldn't be underestimated but you should be able to dodge at least most of his stuns. You can harass him but it won't be as effective as harassing other tanks because he can heal his allies and himself again.”
Wicked Cherry says “Taric shouldn't be underestimated but you should be able to dodge at least most of his stuns. You can harass him but it won't be as effective as harassing other tanks because he can heal his allies and himself again.”
Wicked Cherry says “Mr Sparkles will try to kill you without an attempt to make you look glamorous.
Evade his stun and safely wait out his ult. He got somewhat long ability CDs so use that knowledge to poke him and his ADC.
Positioning matters.”
QueerJunk says “Taric is broken ATM, a good taric player will stun you, contend with your healing, and outperform you with his ult. Nami has the lowest winrate against Taric, be careful!”
TheMistCollector says “[NOT ENOUGH DATA] His E has a very bad range, so if he wants to engage, use your W.
On teamfights, try to use your R before him, to make full use of it.”
xlouis31 says “He has to get close to stun you, use your W to block the damage and Q afterwards. If he runs away, use R to follow him. You should be able to kill him as long as he doesn't have R.”
ShanksMeister says “Weak early but has one of the best late games. Harass as much as you can and juke his stun or you're dead. Make sure to burst down whoever as fast as you can before his ult procs or else they can turn on you. If the adc is half and Taric hasn't ulted, ult him so he can't cast his ult then focus the adc down until they die. If they initiate with ult, haul ass away so they can't take advantage of it. His ult has a really long cooldown so keep in mind you get yours back before he does.”
Crippledtoot says “He is only in Major for his late game. Past 6 he is just a late game Taric and isn't an issue. If Taric is smart he can punish you for trading with his E.”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Avoid his flash e and kill him before he gets level 6 if you're able to at that time, otherwise this lane is very easy.”
snukumz says “His shield and heal can negate a lot of your poke.
You out range him so you can poke him safely.
Be careful of him trying to stun you when you go up to harass him with your Q.
He's beefy so once you get to later levels he will be hard for you to kill. ”
snukumz says “He's not a big threat because he's melee and has short range, but he's very very beefy, and thus hard to actually kill.
The good news is that you should be able to Q stack off of him all lane and get tons of free AP.
Abuse him as much as you can with you Q. ”
thesophieset says “Sidestep his E and keep track of his ult timers. It has insanely high cooldowns early and his spells are Mana intensive, so once he's out of Mana, you win trades and fights. As with all other melee supports, stay out of their range and use your range advantage to poke them down.”
snukumz says “He's melee and has short range on his abilities so you should be able to abuse him with auto attacks and your abilities.
He can heal his ADC, and shield himself and his ADC so this negates quite a bit of your poke.
Taric is just beefy in general so he can be tough to kill.
Try to poke him down as much as possible so that if you all-in him and his ADC it will be easier to kill him.”
Virtuos0 says “I know what you might be thinking,, really Taric, come on. But actually taric has a lot of utility. First is after you land your stun on Taric or his ally, he can land the same stun right back at you. Taric has high armor and an auto attack buff himself. A good Taric can actually be quite scary. A key element to playing against Taric is being mobile enough to avoid his CC. This means placement of Shrines and E's so Taric can't land anything on you.”
Thats a OOF says “E Flash. Bad Taric's will use Q to heal. Good Taric's will use Q for his passive. Altough he is not that popular right now he is very sleeper (op?) Taric is a good pick overall but not that hard to win lane.”
Dinga Dong says “Weak early, however after 6 lane is too hard to force
Can't really do much unless you land a good hook early, his peel potential with heal and his ulti makes it hard to make a pick in lines.
Abusable Yuumi says “Slightly scarier than Tahm Kench, but still not much more than glorified bonus stats for his ADC with a stun.
Kind of scary with Lucian/Draven and the stun for all ins, but beyond that he's extremely kiteable and not someone to be scared of.”
HoneyQT says “You'll rarely ever see him, and as useful as his ult is, Nobody really knows how to utilize it aside from Taric OTPs. It's a free laning phase for you.”
Cat Elf says “Taric ult can counter your ult. While they are still rooted your ADC does no damage so you have to back off. The good thing is that when Taric ults , you can just ult to counter him too and they won't be able to move. ”
Epic Striker says “Taric hes a not bad support just his dps is bad the only thing he can do that you cant is heal just out dps his heals and you should be fine and watch out for his stuns.”
PayyBack says “A matchup that Rakan favors, use your E to dodge his stuns.
During team, fights make sure to instantly charm/knock-up him so there's a bigger delay for him to activate his R.”
Flint124 says “Similar to other enchanters, just a little bit worse since Taric himself isn't very hard to kill, and % armor reduction has some real value against him.”
Kefochka says “Умный Тарик будет тоже собираться в хил и мана реген, потому что ваш харас будет лишать его здоровья и маны. Если он собирается в танка, то просто харасьте его адк, пока он не потратит всю ману на сустейн.”
Hanjaro says “Taric has surprisingly high damage, along with a telegraphed (potentially double) stun, and a heal. He has a high mana pool, and no gapcloser, try to abuse this. Disengage when he has his ult up, otherwise you're going to lose.”
Beeee says “Taric's stun range is pretty short, and his ultimate doesn't last very long. He isn't going to be a big problem unless you're getting too close to him.”
Ghionova says “Immortality and alot heals, weak heals but a high chance to avoid you executing them. His E can be dodged very easy and after that he can only use aa.”
MeatFeast says “A good Taric will wait for you to go in before using his E stun, if E also hits your ADC then you will lose the trade. Position yourself away from your ADC to avoid this where possible. His ultimate also negates most of your burst. Play around this and try and bait it out where possible. ”
supersuavebro says “Gem boi is pretty annoying both pre and post 6, but as long as youre away from stun range you still have an easy time zoning out his adc ”
aimez says “Taric is not an extremely difficult support to deal with pre 6, but after he hits level 6, he can basically save his adc at any given point”
Dragfla says “Always watch out for a Taric, he mostly counter your kit, except for the fact that you are mobile and can dodge or escape most of his abilitie.”
maxtenj says “Taric's armor, stun, and immunity ult can be annoying. His ult takes a good amount of time to cast the immunity so remember that you can still kill him during that time.”
Ahpulzz says “While he has 0 poke, he has sustain and shields for both his partner and himself, and sports an incredible combat-oriented passive. Don't fight for extended periods of time against this guy or you'll get smacked. Poke him or his partner down gradually and burn his mana till he can't fight effectively.
His ult can be very scary to deal with during teamfights, so think twice before diving into the enemy team unless you're sure you can kill your target fast.”
Ahpulzz says “Both of you excel versus other melee supports, making this a skill-based match up. His passive can trade decently well with you while he also has a shield and heal for his carry. Make sure to keep him away from your carry and out of stun range. Additionally, pay extra attention towards ganks as Taric can cast his stuns off of his jungler.”
samuraiPepsi says “Only ingage if you have item/cooldown/health advantage or if your ally laner or jungler is bot with you and theirs isnt or if his R is on cooldown.”
Vermeio says “You´ll have a fun match, trust me. Your armor stack more, but you don´t share. Play defensive against him. He got a more reliable stun. Even invincible, you can still stun or send away him or his adc. Don´t worry about him too much. Try to counter his adc somehow. ”
Appler says “I dont think anyone plays him, but if someone does than you kite him, W whenever he comes close. You will probably have to ult if he flashes with his stun. Nothin particular tho. If he ults just dont fight :/”
Axeloy says “Taric isn't much of a threat for Nami. She easily harasses him in lane, and out-heals him by a ton. She slips away from his stun like it's nothing. If he ult-engages, her disengage gets you and your ADC out of the fight without breaking a sweat.”
Sona Aria says “Taric is a free lane for Sona. But it's also a free lane for Taric as well. You get to farm spellthief freely, but you won't be able to kill him. Taric is the only other support who scales as hard as Sona, but his utility is burst centered, and you will win longer fights. Taric's engage is extremely simple: walking up with Dazzle, and flashing. E chording him is a pretty good solution, and walking away. Be aware of his flash cooldown and you shouldn't ever get caught by him.”
Haezard01 says “A lane with more pressure than yours, the shields and heals will block all your efforts to burst the enemy, pulling them might put you in range from his E. His ult will give them 2.5 seconds of no damage in which you will lose damage output for your Demonflare. Must play safe and make picks around map and play around Taric's R cooldown.”
FRIZFOREVER says “pretty annoying champ to play against as yuumi. he have heal as yuumi but he can heal a lot more in allin. His R is also pretty annoying.”
DBtheKnight says “Better sustain and protect than you, but he'll never catch you with his stun. Try to wear him down, he runs out of mana pretty quickly. ”
SawyerNelson says “Taric is one of the easiest lanes for Lux. His only threat is his Flash E, if you dodge that you win. Poke him level 1 with auto attacks. ”
Hanjaro says “Not much fear of being engaged on by Taric, relatively slow champ with short CC range. Getting into Tarics range however grants him his strength which is early game duels with melee champs. Taric gets his cooldowns back extremely quickly when he can spam auto attacks and will smash you in a straight up duel. Look to abuse his guardian being on cooldown if hes running it and go for the carry here every time.”
BurstTheBots says “As long as you can dodge his stuns then you should be fine. If he ults when him or his ADC are at low health you can still snare them but they won't take any damage. I know this from experience and be sure to ult them if they flash away.”
Rozyrade says “Since you can poke him out, and his sustain mostly consists from auto attacks, poking him out is possible. His e is easily dodge able and his R can only mitigate so much and is less useful vs poke.”
Drlazerbeam says “Taric has a hard time vs Nami before he is able to upgrade his heal. When he is able to he becomes a much more legitimate threat. Before that happens Nami should be fine unless she is caught by Tarics stun and bursted down by his passive. ”
Fruxo says “Whenever you see him moving forward, try to avoid being in his E range. Whenever you trade with him and the ADC and he uses his R, then back off and let it run out before going back in again.”
SawyerNelson says “Taric is mega terriable in lane. If you land a hook his retaliation sucks so you can likely run him down. Even approaching with flay first as he channels E you can buffer hook as his E stuns you.”
TheLuluMain says “Easy as pie. His only kill potential involves him slowly walking into you which shouldn't be easy due to your q slow. Poke him hard and watch his mana drain fast. When his ult lands poly his adc and wait for it to run out then go ham on him. Free lane.”
juztie says “Taric is a support with alot of sustain which comes from heals and shields, both you and taric are melee champions, which in the end he will win, because of the passive, same goes with Taric ultimate, which can denie the all-in engage + damage that you and your time can do within your time frame.”
inglese says “He can also peel-off people from himself and his AD carry with his abilities and his Ultimate can completely save either himself or his allies. Because of his healing abilities poking him is also not very effective.”
heyitsRainex says “Taric is an all-round support with heals, shields, CC and 2-second invulnerability.
However, his weaknesses are mana and lack of dashes.
Ganks and frequent trades can beat him.”
Zefirez says “The one support that can outduel you damage wise. One does not simply go duelling vs Taric. Even 2v1 vs Taric can end up being his double kill.
His two weakspots are his mobility and mana pool. Taric fights (and stomps) you when you let him.
Key to winning with him is to not let him get into melee with you or your adc - except for his stun with a huge tell, he has no natural way of gapclosing and staying on you, while you have tools to stay away from him.
If he is going for a stun you can try to flip him or his adc to make one of them miss, still the other will be hard to stop.
Your best chance however is him burning his mana pool. When he has to heal his adc, his mana pool will burn like a forest. Once he depletes it (very easy in early game) it's practially a 2v1 for you.
Beware however, as late game Taric is an absolute beast and you can forget about mana pool leeways once he gets his items. Due to his ult, if things get to late game, your team has two choices - go for splitpushing, trying to separate his team and avoid 5v5, or get stomped.”
revelador says “su ulti una total molestia niega el daño, siempre corre si vez la ulti encima de alguien, en línea evita el stun si te stunea es muy prbable que mueras fuera de eso solo espera al late asi no podrá savar a nadie”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Taric
Early Game: Avoid his stun ([E]) and sustain ([Q]). He’s tanky but slow.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on squishies. Taric’s ult can negate your burst, so flank carefully.
Key Tip: Bait his [E] before committing to fights.”
HotSunGG says “taric is a simple just dont get hit from his E's try to bait his R later on get lead in lane punish him before lvl 6 when walks up or he missplay, dont get baited and waste all ur cc b4 he uses his R big mistake if he plays it well he always hold his R longer against you”
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