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Cassiopeia Counter Stats

Cassiopeia Counters
Discover all champions who counter Cassiopeia. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Cassiopeia in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,494 Tips for countering Cassiopeia below

Mid Lane
52.03% Win Rate64% Pick Rate Cassiopeia Mid Lane Counters: 30 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Cassiopeia in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

AuroraAddict says “Cassiopia is more of a skill match up not hard not easy if you want to play with jgler or really safe you should consider going comet e max vs this match up just try not to overextend too far cause she will be able to kill you with her slow and dmg you can also dodge her R with your R so that makes it a bit easier both ignite and tp are good vs her ”
BesXbola says “Um bom jogador de Cassiopeia vai tentar te zonear dos minions des de o comeco, se voce conseguir acertar seu E + Passiva com frequencia nela voce pode acabar matando-a, mas a partir do primeiro item dela qualquer Q dela que voce tomar voce vai tomar 300 habilidades de brinde. Tente fugir dela utilizando sua passiva se possivel.”
minutua says “Eh soh dar um click pra tras antes de ultar assim vc n toma o R, mas o W dela atrapalha bastante na partida.”
Katarina guide by Minutua by minutua | Katarina Player
zSmoke says “Playing against a Cassio is trying to beat her in the first levels, since she needs her first item to hit, when she gets the R she usually wins her trades, so if you are ahead she should not beat you if she throws the ultimate at you.”
S14.23 GUIDE DIANA MID by zSmoke | Diana Player
PetriciteLoL says “Really hard early, dodge her Q with your own E then keep trading before lvl6 then mainly gl hf :3 It is free food for jungler if they gank”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. Pretty difficult matchup as her abilities just barely outranges yours. Very reliant on baiting out her Q and dodging her ult later in the game. The matchup is much easier with better movement. Boots first buy is very good, Swifties or Merc's depending on enemy team helps out. FoN will be massive. Your goal is to shove constantly, your waveclear is better than hers. ”
RYZE by v0ltage38 | Ryze Player
Cepatrol says “have to play mindgames with her Q, it's hard but vlad favoured if both are robotically perfect, you have to sometimes walk straight into her to dodge Qs and have big balls if she has roa enjoy never killing her”
Vladimir Mid/Top Guide (Updated 14.21) by Cepatrol | Vladimir Player
xumi_k says “Wait for lvl 2 and kill her with landing your E. try to move and dash a lot as you fight her, so that she misses her abilities. Her ground (W) is quite dangerous though if you won't dodge it. Don't chase her without a minion wave.”
[14.21] Blade Dancer Guide (FOR BEGINNERS) by xumi_k | Irelia Player
Tamikaze says “Cassiopeia can win lane if you let her close the gap on you. However, since Azir has so much range you should be able to win. Dodging her Q is high priority, this gives her the ability to close the gap on you with the boost movement she receives. If you can maintain your distance and just W+Q+W poke her out that's the ideal play. She will always win the 1v1 in close range due to her low cooldowns. After you have Nashors, its a close fight, but you can win the 1v1. If Cassio lands Q or W, her E (Twin Fangs) does increase damage and heals her. Ideally, your best bet is to just dash away by W+E+Q. Be mindful that her W will prevent you from dashing. Besides that, you can win lane easily if you space her correctly. ”
[14.18] [Masters] Azir Guide: In-depth Guide for SoloQ by Tamikaze | Azir Player
MattStyle says “Si acierta su Q sobre ti puede ponerse agresiva, pero nunca debería ser capaz de matarte. Buscará escalar. Es necesario que tu JG intente anularla.”
Zilean MID - Guía completa y definitiva 2024 en español by MattStyle | Zilean Player
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Top Lane
52.85% Win Rate28% Pick Rate Cassiopeia Top Lane Counters: 10 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Cassiopeia in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

liucan says “HARD Skill match: Dodge Q with W, then trade. Remember that his W stops ur W and Q. U can use ult to engage then W behind for bait his ult, but if this fail ur cooked. buffer E whenever u can, u cannot outrun her if she lands Q. She can kill u in a few E if u are low hp and get poisoned, so dont rely on shield + second wind too much.”
Briar Top bad english by liucan | Briar Player
parker3n9 says “This matchup is quite difficult for Swain. Cassiopeia has significant kill threat and excels at running you down with her sustained damage and mobility. Generally speaking, she can out-damage you in extended trades, making it crucial to play cautiously and avoid overextending. Focus on farming safely, and use Fleet Footwork or Unsealed Spellbook to sustain and adapt as needed. Keep your distance and look for opportunities to poke her down while staying out of her range, especially when her cooldowns are up. Recommended Runes: Fleet Footwork or Unsealed Spellbook Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “VERY tough matchup, especially if you're inexperienced with it. she can run you down with and without rylais and scales very hard. You can expect her R to parry it but its pretty tough, so it might be better to parry her Q, to basically halve her damage, BUT make sure to hit the SLOW PART of your W, otherwise you might not be able to catch her. Be aware of her W, as it will stop your from using your Q and can be a death sentence. if she uses her W wrong, you can run her down level 3. Play very patiently and you can beat her, don't get run down and expect her to deal a TON of damage. Last stand”
Skaarlschloch says “Really easy if you go Aggro Conq/LT + Ignite and rush Maw”
Secretly OP XinZhao Toplane by Skaarlschloch | Xin Zhao Player
Spartaniko says “Annoying poke and you can't W if you're in her pool, try to look behind to predict her R so you don't get stunned. I'd go TP to roam as you can only kill her if she actually missplays hard.”
Basilli says “FLEET RUNES If she takes Conqueror then it's ok, but with Phase Rush this is very hard. Avoid getting poked down early levels, then look for a Q>W combo, if it lands you should proc Ghost and take an all in, it's your best shot. Try predicting her ult and either dodge it or Devour her to mitigate the CC. ”
1v9 Frog (All Matchups) by Basilli | Tahm Kench Player
4eadami says “She is ranged , she slows , she is basically a nightmare. Proxy.”
Loading screen Singed guide by 4eadami | Singed Player
Fanatical Goose says “Refer to the Guide Chapters ranged strategy. Specifically against Cass you can out speed her but she does get free MS on her Q so try to dodge it. ”
Olaf Guide since I got banned from the discord (WIP) by Fanatical Goose | Olaf Player
Houcs says “Rarely picked but insanely annoying when actually is. Try avoid her W at all cost since it interupts your E. Also careful going for an R on her because if she see's your R animation she can use her R and you will be stunned. ”
SKARNER TOP (Challenger 1252lp peak) by Houcs | Skarner Player
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “cassio é algo mais chatinho, porém da pra dale, só toma cuidado pra n tomar o W dela quando vc for pra cima pq se n vc fica de xereca e n faz nada.”
ZED TOP ( Skill Matchup) by Epilef - ThxSoMch | Zed Player
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