Mid Lane 52.03% Win Rate64% Pick RateCassiopeia Mid Lane Counters: 30 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Cassiopeia in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
AuroraAddict says “Cassiopia is more of a skill match up not hard not easy if you want to play with jgler or really safe you should consider going comet e max vs this match up just try not to overextend too far cause she will be able to kill you with her slow and dmg you can also dodge her R with your R so that makes it a bit easier both ignite and tp are good vs her ”
BesXbola says “Um bom jogador de Cassiopeia vai tentar te zonear dos minions des de o comeco, se voce conseguir acertar seu E + Passiva com frequencia nela voce pode acabar matando-a, mas a partir do primeiro item dela qualquer Q dela que voce tomar voce vai tomar 300 habilidades de brinde. Tente fugir dela utilizando sua passiva se possivel.”
zSmoke says “Playing against a Cassio is trying to beat her in the first levels, since she needs her first item to hit, when she gets the R she usually wins her trades, so if you are ahead she should not beat you if she throws the ultimate at you.”
PetriciteLoL says “Really hard early, dodge her Q with your own E then keep trading before lvl6 then mainly gl hf :3 It is free food for jungler if they gank”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. Pretty difficult matchup as her abilities just barely outranges yours. Very reliant on baiting out her Q and dodging her ult later in the game. The matchup is much easier with better movement. Boots first buy is very good, Swifties or Merc's depending on enemy team helps out. FoN will be massive. Your goal is to shove constantly, your waveclear is better than hers. ”
Cepatrol says “have to play mindgames with her Q, it's hard but vlad favoured if both are robotically perfect, you have to sometimes walk straight into her to dodge Qs and have big balls if she has roa enjoy never killing her”
xumi_k says “Wait for lvl 2 and kill her with landing your E. try to move and dash a lot as you fight her, so that she misses her abilities. Her ground (W) is quite dangerous though if you won't dodge it. Don't chase her without a minion wave.”
Tamikaze says “Cassiopeia can win lane if you let her close the gap on you. However, since Azir has so much range you should be able to win. Dodging her Q is high priority, this gives her the ability to close the gap on you with the boost movement she receives. If you can maintain your distance and just W+Q+W poke her out that's the ideal play. She will always win the 1v1 in close range due to her low cooldowns. After you have Nashors, its a close fight, but you can win the 1v1. If Cassio lands Q or W, her E (Twin Fangs) does increase damage and heals her. Ideally, your best bet is to just dash away by W+E+Q. Be mindful that her W will prevent you from dashing. Besides that, you can win lane easily if you space her correctly. ”
MattStyle says “Si acierta su Q sobre ti puede ponerse agresiva, pero nunca debería ser capaz de matarte.
Buscará escalar. Es necesario que tu JG intente anularla.”
j4ss says “Scaling mages are good matchups, she can outscale you but if you win lane, it'll be very hard for her to be useful in time. Don't get stunned by her ult and avoid long fights. Just trade with your W and back off until she's low enough for a all-in. You can for ganks as well, play with your jungler whoever is strong in your team and snowball quickly.”
Laimaudeja says “Aurora has a hard time into certain battle mages, as their stickiness makes it difficult for her lower-mobility kit to disengage from extended trades.”
Tatsurion says “This character will run you down early. And WILL out dps you mid game. the only time you outshine her is HYPER lategame, and even then its very risky.
The only reason shes not in EXTREME is because if a couple of people gang up on her, shes not allat, but 101 shes going to beat your shit in. steer clear
Conq and burst are fine”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Scorch/Gathering]
Summs: [Flash][Teleport/Ghost]
*If you want strong earlygame you can go scorch. Treat her early game with respect tho, 1 Q trade can cost you your life lol*”
Vladmidir says “This matchup is rough if Cass knows what she's doing. Try to side step her Q's and look for all ins with your jungler. Solo killing her is pretty hard but if you manage to dodge every single Q its manageable. Then again, get hit by 1 Q and you're cooked. ”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
D-shield helps if you aren't good at dodging her qs, as the passive re triggers on every tick of her q.
Dont stay near her too long if you get afflicted by her poison, she will deal a shitton of damage to you.
Look out for her W as it can completely shut down your mobility.
If she holds her R until you R her, spamclick behind her to instantly turn away while you are in your ult, otherwise you might be able to bait it by pre placing and swapping to it.”
BrMario1011 says “BRO, CANCER PDF CHAMP
her w cancels 3 of ur skills, if u get hit by her q she runs you down, you can maybe kill her level 1-2 but after that never lol, also shes too tanky for u to one shot, her ult makes it nearly impossible to pick her off and her ms late game makes it easier for her to dodge ur skills
Go phase rush, second wind and tp
Dorans ring”
Viktorias Secret says “Respect early and don't go for 1v1 unless you really know what you're doing.
She has a way better dueling kit, but free mid/late if she misses Q and R.”
esluz says “Cassio is always tough to play against but if you can dodge the Q her E wont deal half as much damage so dodge that and then go for the all in while it isnt up. and always rember to over commit to long trades as thats when she is strong”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[Fleet / PTA] This matchup is all about dodging her Q's. If you get hit by her Q you need to disengage right away by E'ing out before she puts her W on you. Can play fleet to help with spacing her Q.”
sick204 says “Strategic positioning and timing are crucial. Respect Cassiopeia's E and trade wisely when it's on cooldown. Utilize Yasuo's E to dodge Cassiopeia's Q and E abilities. Save Wind Wall for blocking Cassiopeia's E. Look for flanking opportunities to engage her from vulnerable angles. Be cautious of Cassiopeia's W. Consider split pushing to create pressure and engage carefully in team fights, waiting for Cassiopeia to use her R. Build items like Mercurial Scimitar for cleansing and magic resistance. These strategies enable Yasuo to handle Cassiopeia effectively and capitalize on his strengths throughout the game.”
PetriciteLoL says “A known hard counter, maybe the hardest but with electrocute it is quite easy pre 6. Wait her Q out then go in, chances are you will win the trade hard. Either Q or W max works. ”
SkandalloTV says “Like Vex, if you go for the Long-range build, you'll rarely be punished by her anti-dash (W). However, she usually builds tanky and is harder to burst. Also, if you miss abilities, your cooldowns are long enough for her to kill you.”
otaliz says “Try to avoid trading with her when she has her poison on you. Be careful with her W, as it reduces your mobility even further. Besides this, focus more on farming and looking for roaming opportunities.”
PhantasmEUW says “[Fleet / PTA] This matchup is all about dodging her Q's. If you get hit by her Q you need to disengage right away by E'ing out before she puts her W on you.
Can play fleet to help with spacing her Q.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Try to poke her down a bit Level 1, and do your best to dodge her poisons from Level 2 onward, as they make her immediately win trades. Buy boots early if you must. Keep in mind that Satchel can't be used as a dash while grounded by Miasma.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP.
If she has good movement, this matchup is super hard. Play from far away and she won't kill you. Just look for very very short trades/pokes with q+e or ulti just to chunk her. You will never 100%- 0% her, get prio and play with your team!”
Fienny says “Wow, nice design champ, better dodge this. Take defensive runes, survive the lane, roam. She will hard outscale you, don't even think that you will win only playing on lane”
awawa says “TAKE BARRIER OR TP
Good Cassiopeia is nightmare. Its dodge Q or die. Try to get prio lvl 1-2. If you succeed, play like normal.
If not - play safe, farm from distance and pray. Get banshees and zhonyas.”
ShokLoL says “Cassiopeia is really good at running people down but you have a lot of range and many disengage tools. Keep the wave closer to your side so that you can set up ganks and be safe from her chasing you down the lane. Poke her down as much as you can with WQ auto and be respectful while your Q is on CD.”
ShokLoL says “Cassiopeia is really good at running people down if they waste cooldowns or if are pushed too far up in the lane. If you play it well, you should be able to consistently poke her down with QW and avoid getting her by her Q if your W is down. Try keep the wave in the middle or on your side so she can't run you down the whole lane.”
ShokLoL says “Cassio is pretty good against Jayce in lane, it's very hard to engage onto her without taking huge punishment and she can harass you easily from inside the creep wave. Don't ever go melee onto her unless she is missing all cooldowns (Q, W, R). In mid game look to poke her out before fights and she will find teamfighting very difficult.”
Soft Headpats says “Take E at level 1 or 2, or else you'll potentially lose lane from getting hit by a single Q and getting run down. Other than that, you completely outrange her and are safe as long as you hold onto E to disengage from fights.
Outside of the laning phase, you have a lot of zoning/spacing options built into your kit especially if you use WQ to dodge her Qs. Continue clearing waves and fending her off in teamfights with your range. ”
blacklikeblack says “Super annoying early game and she scales super well. Her W is a big cuck against you in team fights. You need second wind and D shield in Lane but If you dodge Q with R you can win trades after lvl 6. Make sure to dodge her ult and bait out her W.”
ShokLoL says “Cassiopeia is very strong 1v1 but if you hold your E defensively she will find it difficult to run you down the lane. Focus on setting up jungle ganks and be careful of getting caught by her ult or W.”
ShokLoL says “Cassiopeia needs space to run you down the lane. Keep the wave closer to your side so that you can set up ganks and be safe from her chasing you down the lane. if you hold your E defensively it can be difficult for her to capitalize on hitting a Q and you should be able to out trade her on the way out.”
Deceiver_euw says “A big portion of the matchup is baiting out of her spells. Dodging her Q makes her do 0 damage in trades so look for burst trades after. Her W and R are also spells that you can react to just by having low ping and paying close attention to her animation and sound. Cool thing is that you can still W over her Miasma. Do not extend trades vs her at all costs, unless it is very early into the lane and you know she will run OOM before she can kill you.”
ShokLoL says “Cassiopeia is pretty easy, you outrange and outpoke her so all you need to do is not be caught without your E to disengage from a trade. She'll find it very hard to play teamfights against you especially if you manage to build a lead in lane.”
vSomnia says “If she uses Q and misses go all in with Hail Of Blades and run. If she hits Q you lose the lane. Boots might be handy to help you dodge. Try to dodge her ult and don't get stuck in her W. Because you will not be able to use your R in it. As usual take control in the lane dodge her Q's and harass her. DON'T get Harassed.”
starfostarfo says “Cassiopeia is just awful. Trading is really bad into her because she can easily ground you when walking in range to trade and then just kite you to base.
Try to bait this ability and you have some space. ”
FelixMrChat says “Almost even but a slight disadvantage for Swain, the person who snowballs this matchup will have almost won the game, so be patient and don't make mistakes, it may be relevant to ask your jungler for support!”
Snow666 says “Cass is a horrible lane. W is the biggest cuck ahri can experience and you will hate your life if you go against her.
honestly just dodge if they pick it in high elo.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Cassiopeia just dodge his Q making her E do less dmg, stay safe always cause if her use W you wil get slowed and grounded letting her hit more easily her Q and a lot of E without trade back for the range, do short trade (E+3Q+W+AA+E) and kite her for avoiding the W, in that case you can make her waste her R”
Kikife says “Another hard ability farmer. Cassio is relatively easy to beat pre level 6. If you look for an early engage, make sure that you avoid her slow first as it's difficult for you to maneuver away in that situation. If you hit her with poke first and engage once she is mid health, you should be able to secure a kill. Post level 6 you should ask for a gank to secure the kill, as it's most likely she will only stun 1 of the 2 champions with her R.”
sethpls says “Tough matchup so just try and farm. She's run you down if you try and trade too much. Focus her in late game team fights if she's doing well as she's got good carry potential.”
vreiki says “Mais alcance, mais dano, velocidade, recarga muito mais curta, e o pior de tudo, o Miasma (E) te impede de usar ou reativar o seu E. Perder o E é fatal pra Lissandra. Chama o time.”
gaarrett says “Cassiopeia's Miasma prevents W, E, and E2 from being used. She can run you down after you use all your spells. Abuse her early, Cass burns through mana and her early levels are nowhere near as strong as yours. Poke with Q, shove and roam. [4/5] ultimate, AOE stun or slow can turn teamfights or set up an easy pick.”
149Gray says “Skilled matchup but harder on your end. You can buy boots early, so it's easier to dodge her Q's. Sometimes the right thing to do is to just walk into her like a psycho to dodge a Q since she wouldn't expect it (Elite talked about this) or pool her Q if needed. Pool her ult, or if you are really experienced, you can dodge it by clicking behind yourself so you're not looking at her while she's ulting.”
JackOfAllLanes says “One E miss and she will kite you back to your tower while all you can do is try your best not to die to her 20 attacks while being perma slowed. Hold your E unless you're either confident you'll hit it or you're confident you won't be in a lot of trouble if you miss it. ”
Lord Reeves says “This matchup is tricky is is Q dodging simulator, if you dodge her Q she will never beat you pre 6 and you can take trades with her. If she lands it wall her off and wait for poison to fall off. Once 6 you hard win this match up as long as you turn her ult. Be ready it for it!!!”
wundrew says “Farm with Q and try your best to dodge her Q's with shunpo or sidesteps. Before ulting, step back so your character is backwards which will make you immune to her ult.”
SurferKiller says “Play as safe as possible with this matchup. You might need your jungler's help to get a lead. If she wastes her W after you have Sheen and 200 stacks, ghost and all in.”
KazunaSan says “Une bonne cassio est EXTREMEMENT DIFFICILE A GERER mais une cassio moyenne (Master -) est gérable difficilement, son W vous empêche de dash et vous êtes donc mort si vous ne la one tuez pas en 1 combo, vous etes face à elle pendant votre E et elle peut donc vous R a 100%, idem pour votre W qui ne peut pas être cancel et qui vous force à être face à elle,
MUST BAN SI elle était + joué”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. You can outrange her, so poke as much as you can while not walking into her range.”
Wizboy73 says “Take Snowball/experimental/Default runes, whatever you prefer. You only need to care for her lv 2 since she usualy wants to go all out, burn all mana in an attempt to kill you. if you avoid it, you can bully her now the entire game, only care for her R.”
Hexeria says “[Cassio got just so much more damage than you, so dont even try to outdamage her.] [Go Phase Rush, and dodge her Q's.] [Try to poke her with your Q, and dont fight her alone.] [YOU CANT E AND ULT IF YOURE IN HER W FIELD.]”
KissKat says “She has her glue, which disables any kind of mobility, and you have to be very patient while all in her since she can petrify you and you're gone. You can avoid her ultimate by clicking away from her before ulting; this way, she will not be able to stop you.”
Herr Von Martinus says “Hard to deal with after level 3 after she gets hard immobilizing W, if You get ahead and do stupid plays, You'll stay ahead up until late game ”
Halkem says “On top lane its Major/Extreme. Don't get the wave on her side as she will easily run you down. If you get hit by Q immediately back off or she'll melt you. Care about your body language, dont make obvious that youre going to ult her as she can ult before your input and cancel your R.”
Iceyou says “Perma ban . The entire game is unplayable . There are higher threats like kassadin and vladimir but your strategy as lissandra player is to win early through constant fighting and skirmishing where kass and vlad suffer . This champion just completely neutralizes your entire existence not just your lane win con . ”
The Milelator says “Cassio is really good vs Sion. You must play significantly better than her to win your lane. Rush Mercs early and you can trade with her (only when hitting E). Post 6 push waves and roam, Cassio outscales you like most midlaners.”
DivineButterMan says “Yeah dont try, she completely counters Xin Zhao's entire kit, if you picked Xin Zhao against her plan to sit under tower the entire game.”
thenameholmes says “Shes very mobile and can poke you easily, once you miss your Passive she can kill you by just going all in. Very annoying matchup i would say.”
FrostbiteMW says “Matchup is super even in all states of the game. You can win tho if you keep a bit of distance. If you R between you both she cant chase you and has a hard time trading. If you want to all-in you have to dodge her R, otherwise youre dead. I recommend phase rush here.”
Allyooops says “Really hard matchup her w counters your entire kit completely. If you get hit by one q early she auto has kill pressure on you. Most of the lane is spent under tower. ”
FrostbiteMW says “You can poke and play aggressive at all parts of the game, just be careful when you get in her range. She can easily run and chase you down when you dont have E. So keep your distance”
Tokiyami says “Very easy lane, just respect her lvl 2 all in because if she hits you with a Q she will just spam E's on you until you die. We can usually avoid this by hiding in shroud if we get hit by a Q. Trade is very simple because her range is very tiny her E range is very short so if she goes for E's you can go for Q's.”
FlopQueenEra says “Sona needs to manage her mana carefully, as spamming her abilities can lead to running out of mana. Using her passive at the right time, when it's empowered by her Q ability, can help her deal additional damage and conserve mana, and Sona should focus on maintaining proper positioning to avoid Cassiopeia's (Q) and (E) abilities.”
Dr Yoshili says “Cauchemar vivant, son slow vous empêche de profiter de votre mobilité déjà bien faible, votre zap lui laisse une possibilité de placer son ultime.
Lindroganti says “Hide behind your minions. Her miasma stops your W. She has a lot of easy poke and she can has consistent DPS. You need to treat her like a ranged yas/yone, get free trades and use E to get out. Luckily you can juke everything in her kit.”
stormraided says “In theory Cassiopeia's kit seems like it would completely counter Talon, but if she missed her Q you can engage on that time frame because she is very vulnerable. You can dodge her ult with instinct by watching her movement (Her entire body will jolt up,) or just wiggle back and forth when you're engaging. Early game you don't quite have the damage to kill her so wait till you have your ultimate.”
support_diff says “Cassiopeia has a great damage, a ground and is a lane bully. She also has a great scaling. Wait for your chance, don't do stupid all-ins. Ban potential”
Fuzzmonkey says “Problem is once you've gone in, you cant get out anymore. she can cancel your W with her W. This will put you in an awkward position when trying to get out, since she can chase with Q+E. Try wait for her W to be down.”
sullyyylol says “MISERY
Cassio just runs you over in this lane, I recommend just going full AP into her. Make sure you're not griefing a free stun when you press r.”
J4SP says “This may be a hard lane if you don't dodge her poisoning abilities. When going all in with R try to face away from her and you can bait out her Ulti by switching to your W then using R to dodge her ulti.”
OOBLEXX says “She is very ssslippery (I had to), and her free MS per level is pretty annoying and makes it hard for you to catch her especially since she usually builds Rylai's and you will die to Liandry's before you reach her.
You also need to face her to use W which can backfire since she can ult you before you use it and then you will go bye bye.
Great ban overall.”
support_diff says “Cassiopeia deals a lot of damage early, outranges you and can ground you so you can't use your E. His abilities also have a poison which makes it impossible for you to hide in your stealth after getting hit by her.”
tangerrine says “Honestly not much to say, just dodge her abilities and hit yours, and you should win. Try to get ganks pre-6 to ruin her fun and she should be an easy lane.”
Zero Nexx says “If she is low you're going to Ult or E (second charge) on her she will probably do ult and you're dead so try to time your flash with you're ult to dodge it, basically you bait you're self. For example if she is low and you're going to do your E's second charge on her before you hit her hit flash behind her so you can dodge her ult and then do yours.”
TheBougis says “Cassiopeia is very strong with a lot of consistant damage from her E and much stronger when you are poisoned. Best counter-play is stacking magic resist.”
BigFatCat909 says “You may struggle to farm with her constant aggression before Hydra, but once you get it you should have no trouble shoving, roaming or even solo killing her.”
Just_Invalid says “Should be fine during lane phase, just be cautious of Cassiopeia's burst potential because an Everfrost into R can easily burst you down if you get too close without keeping it in mind.”
1st fizz on mars says “almost they take exhoust so hard , this way , but matchup is 50 50 , wait your jungler go dshiled if u have problems this matchup”
Zero macro says “Cassiopeia is an agressive mage with short range. Thereby she is easy to deal with as Kog'Maw. prevent Cassio Q and W in order to gain lower damage taken from her.”
serrafim says “Cassiopeia counters your E1, E2, and ult with her W (Purple Cum Pool) , does more damage than you early, and does more damage than you late, although not as bursty. Play to shove and roam, and post 6, be ready for her ult (and don't get stunned by it.”
whaz says “immobile but has lots of cc
late game monster if she gets a lot of cs and is fed
she gets very tanky too but early you can bully her a lot!
if she decides to trade she loses a lot of mana so take advantage of that”
DepresedEef224 says “Run. She murders you. Lane bully with grounding, plus chase and high damage. Depression runes and TP. Farm under tower and get carried
Actt says “Her W is more that overwhelming. Try dodging her poison before trying anything. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Can be little hard of match up but you can kill her with comet tree. Biggest thing is just dodging her Q but if she does land it she will run you down. Only use E if she tries to run you down and just simply poke her. ”
IggyBoom says “Cassio can be super awkward to play against, since she can make 3 of you spells useless. Yet she is quiet vunerable against the cc and good teamplay.”
TheGBabaYaga says “If you have this one you are in a tough spot, cause she spams all time and gains more speed when you get hit from Q. You need to get closer as much as you can at early levels you are faster, take this advantage. ”
freuio123 says “Die gute Nachricht: Es gibt kaum gute Cassios auf unserer Elo.
Die schlechte: Wenn du eine triffst wirst du wahrscheinlich Probleme haben.
Du verlierst early trades, Sidelane und ihr Miasma UND ihre Ulti können dich am ulten hindern, grade wenn du reinspringst.
Du schaust bei jedem Skill in ihre Richtung, selbst bei der W Drehung, sprich sie kann dich auf jedem Skill ulten und stunnen into Miasma.”
Aiytee says “You become an easy target to Q and R when you use Q. Just play outside her range. Your W flies over her miasma as long as you don't start in it.”
NickLeVlach says “Personally, I don't have many matches against Cassio. I think is like Ryze, a short-range mage. The olny ''problem'' is her Q. If hit you, make sure to use your E to push her away.”
uwuimsocute says “This matchup is a skill matchup, even tho in my opinion its Cassio favored. You have to space really well + need to have good movement to have success in this matchup, key is to dodge the qs and the ult whenever its possible.”
qkthr1 says “skill matchup. her range isnt great so as with all other CC champs just w then e to get away. biggest threat is her ult, but she also is relatively fragile and surprisingly weak to CC so use your W as well.”
Anguish333 says “- Basically just dodge her Qs with your Movement Speed / E / R etc., and if You get hit by it try not to tank her empowered E.
- Try baiting her W, this spell counters us pretty hard
- Most of low elo Cassio players will insta ult whenever u are facing them so try baiting her ult with backwards sidestep
- Matchup is okayish, her scaling is insane tho, and she kinda stat checks us later in game after building almost full defensive build”
Sosan says “Outranges you and outpokes. Her R is disgusting and the fact that she can tank as a mage is even worse. You cant go for a kill against her.”
Painters says “Skill match up. Avoid her Q's so she can't run you down with her E spam. When you use your Q, Taliyah's model will face in the direction you cast it, move backwards while casting it. Often times she'll ult you while moving back, which will not stun you.”
Cryniu says “This is a medium match, it could be difficult if she takes advantage. You can poke her a lot because she needs to close to you and when she try to surround you just use your E+W+E combo. Don't let her to take advantage! because she wins doing damage in late game.”
Wraithlander says “Extremely difficult matchup as her root on W completely negates all the mobility in our kit. Like Anivia you will be playing for jungle, skirmishes and looking to roam as lane is extremely difficult to win against a good Cass. Maxing Q can allow you to farm and trade effectively. Take D Shield and consider picking up boots early to dodge her Qs.”
bhakli says “Bait her W, this will kill you because you cannot dash while standing on it. Dodge her Q and kill her. Don't go too aggressive early, if you die you'll lose lane.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Dodge Noxious Blasts (Q) and Twin Fangs (E): Cassiopeia's Q and E abilities are her primary sources of damage. Avoid getting hit by her Q as it will trigger her bonus damage and make it easier for her to land her E. Side-step or move unpredictably to dodge her skillshots.”
Krzychu678 says “If she spit her W under your feet you can't fight. She has massive cooldown on this abilitie so if u bait it first she wont be a hard to kill.”
TB Azir says “Menzilini koru, Q'sunu dodgela(ola ki yersen de dümdüz kaç), sürekli dürt, canını azaltıp all in atıp kesmek için atladığında da ultisini predictleyerek arkana clickleyip dodge at, hepsi bu.
Rün: PTA, Fleet”
Zethal_Na says “Since I play alot of Cassio, I generally know how to dodge her abilties. However, if you aren't able to dodge her Qs or R, this matchup can get very hard”
South Z says “Possibly Jax's worst matchup. Beg your jungler, take the most defensive runes, ask for a swap, her whole kit counters all of Jax's abilities. I recommend banning her.”
DaddyVladdy says “dodge q or die .Q is on low cd be quick to punish her or she will run you down.Even lane.If you lose you fucked it up because you didnt dodge q”
vxnity says “Skill matchup. Try and make plays with your Jungler to kill her. If you try and go in chances are you'll die. Her W makes it so you can't ult away. Unless you're fed, late game you lose to her 1v1.”
kaiba77 says “This used to be a winning matchup, but her items are very broken as of late. Utilize your w to prevent her from using her E, its your biggest advantage in the matchup.”
Caganos says “Her W root will stop you from molesting her. She has 2 sources of CC in that regard. A good Cassiopeia (in high elo) is a good reason for a dodge. You can still deal with her though. ”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Presence/Triumph/Tenacity Cut-down.
Can be easy, can be awful. They can ult-flash you and kill you, or ult you while you r-forward and are facing them. ”
Deru says “Matchup depends on enemy knowledge of the champ since a good cassio can really make it hell to lane. Practice to juke her ult when engaging her and avoid trading when she hits her q.”
Deru says “Matchup depends on enemy knowledge of the champ since a good Cassio can really make it hell to lane. Practice to juke her ult when engaging her and avoid trading when she hits her q.”
MiniLuxi1 says “It can spam you with its damage, stand passively, wait for the ganks, after 6 it can catch you (petrification - R), you can avoid turning away from it with your face.”
StralekS says “Not Playable: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish her with Q and if you are in good situation go all in. Idealy go full AP. Recommended Sunderer rush with Doran Shield start.”
Wizardd says “She does a lot of Dmg. Just go even, while keep up vision in river. Poke her while clearing wave. Look for Roams if you get chance. Slow her so she can't match your push speed.”
Mayuushii says “Snake lady can run you down if not careful. Be aware of her Q cause that will let her run you down. Her W grounds you and doesn't let you R. Care going into her cause her R will stun you if you are facing her. Other wise use your better range and wave clear to harass and send her home”
Samikin says “Skill Matchup.
If you can dodge Cass' Q's, you got his matchup easily won. However, getting hit by even a single Q while you're going in for poke will make you instantly lose the trade. Cass' extra movement speed from her Q will make your E really hard to land. After level 6, you can easily outrange her and run away before she catches up to you.
Cassiopeia also tends to be very tanky with Rod of Ages, Rylai's and Gargoyle's Stoneplate if they choose that build path, so she is borderline impossible to kill after 3+ items without teammates. ”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Conqueror or Electrocute]
[Item: Doran Shield or Long Sword]
[Mythic: Prowler or Duskblade]
[Play very safe at start] [Farm till 6 then you can instakill if you hit every Q] [if she play pasive try to roam]”
SalSushi says “You don't see her that much, and often times they're bad. Don't be fooled, she's one of your biggest counters. Don't dash in when she has her miasma out. Dodge her q's whenever you can. You can fight her, but be careful to dodge everything.
TIP: If you look away from her when you ult, your ult counts as you looking away from her, so if she ults you it won't stun. ”
MAXimumCRUZ says “She's strong and can mess up your advance with her acid spit. She can farm very easily, and her ult can shut you down entirely. Maybe bring cleanse.
Important note, you can make her miss her ult by flashing during yours, or using it at max range. She will try to ult behind her to get you when you land behind her, but you can just flash during your ult to dodge it. ”
TheAfricanDream says “Cassiopeia will always be able to kite you and kill you if both of you are even in lane. Take Second Wind and Dorans Shield just like in the Syndra/Viktor matchup. Cass will look to poke you with her Q early and will repeatedly look to kill you with spamming her E. Respect that she will have priority mid lane and try to organize a gank onto her with your jungle. She has no mobility so if you have an engage jungler it will be an easy kill mid. ”
MetalK1d says “Cassiopeia is very mobile has tons of damage and 2 disengage abilities she can easily run you down. The only way to kill her is to poke with Q and all in praying you will deal enough damage.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “Your Q makes it easy to escape when she hits her poison. Your boxes can create space between you and her and you can use your ultimate in her W to escape with a Q afterwards. ”
hesentorki says “Annoying in my opinion. Always gotta predict her ultis and she can easily kite away from you. You do win all ins/trades tho if you play it well. ”
Lizzykat says “Recomendable iniciar con [Escudo de Doran]. Es terrible jugar contra ella ya que tu mayor ventaja es la E y tu movilidad en general, pero Cassiopeia se especializa en anclar gente al suelo, debes tener batallas cortas contra ella y buscar ventajas en el mapa o con tu jg o farmeando.”
quinn adc says “Cass matchup is Quinn favoured if you play it correctly.
First, let me make this clear: if you vault Cass the moment before she presses her ult, then Cass will ult backwards because Quinn's vault knocks the target in the opposite direction for a brief second.
This seems difficult to reproduce, but I have learned to recreate this mechanic almost every single time I vs a Cass now.
The reason it isn't as hard as you might think to do is because if you try to engage on cass early, Cass's from every elo's natural instinct is you ult you immediately, and by the time they press it, your E will hit them and make them ult backwards.
If you land blind on Cass in lane, go ham and proc PTA and combo her because class can’t retaliate with her E on you.
If Cass misses a Q in lane, this is your window to engage on her because she relies on that ability to spam her E.
Next, Cass W screws over your E since you are grounded, so the objective is to bait Cass W whenever you can.
If her W is down, you are free to use vault to combo her if it’s Pre-6.
Cass has lots of healing and will beat you up if she lands Q on you, so try your best to dodge her Qs.
Utilize the bushes in this lane because Cass is ranged, and the only way she can trade if you walk in the bush is with her Qs, which are hard to land if you're out of vision.
Forcing her to miss Q allows an opportunity for you to run her down.”
angeLoon says “dshield first strike second wind overgrowth (if you don't need the extra tenacity)
cassio is a bully champion against sylas,and you can't really win long trades against her. so you'll just need to level up your q and poke her until she has enough life for you to kill her.
her laning is annoying,she'll be trying to poke you with her q and e,try to always hit her first as you're playing with first strike.
Aria_Legend says “Level 1-5: You want to have good wave management so you join your jungler in early fights without miss-stepping and being exposed to Cassio's Q's (Noxious Blast) where she'll poison and chase you with E's (Twin Fang) and will deal a lot of damage.
Level 6+: You have slightly the upper-hand to assassinate her, but you MUST turn your back to her R (Petrifying Gaze) to avoid getting stunned, and taking into account her W (Miasma) which is an ability that will deny you from using your R or Flash. ”
BC1970 says “Cassiopeia makes you basically play a whole minigame inside the game. You either space well, or you take damage. Besides that, you need to incentivize Cassio to play passively, so try to punish her whenever you feel like it's safe to do so.”
Magmor says “Horrible matchup that I dodge every time she gets way too much ms and range they usually go exhaust too which just adds insult to injury D shield and 2nd wind and just try to survive lane as best you can.”
Demonsedge90 says “She is a terror for you if you get out-positioned since her miasma can slow you down so much that you could end up taking a full combo and not be able to retaliate fast enough. So make sure to farm and stay outside her range as much as possible.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard/Phaserush
S: TP/Ghost
Early Game ist Q Dodge Simulator da es low CD hat und sie Trades mit E gewinnt wenn sie trifft. Sie ist sehr anfällig für Poke und da du sie outranged sollte sie dir nie gefährlich werden können. Cassio wird schnell OOM also punish sie wenn sie low Mana ist.”
IamBishop says “Really annoying. I don't have much advice, you pretty much just have to be careful, pick your moments to trade your hp for the wave, and careful for her solo killing power.”
Lucid Walking says “FARMING LANE: This is one of those midrange matchups where the players' skill matter significantly. As Soraka, accept that this is a Farming lane. Minimal interaction is key and punishing her by throwing out those Q's preemptively is key.
(tip: although Cassiopeia has no "channels", silencing the ground aiming more towards your side, significantly reduces her DPS)”
Spoomk says “I don't care what discovery channel might say, this bird does not eat snakes. She has a lot of poke and poison will often break your shield. Play safely and try to bait her ultimate before engaging when at all possible.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Never take long trades against her as she stomps you. Dont trade if she hits her Q. You can poke her hard with Q and barrels, and due to her slow autos its unlikely that she will lasthit them. You can W her ult stun and that hurst her.”
Cheeseypops1 says “Don't fight this champ ever pre level 3 , She will beat you in melee range level 1-2 even at 3 unless you dodge her Q she will beat you even if you hit everything, At 6 you can beat her if you dodge her r stun which they usually do when they get hit by your E, So if you dont have the reaction when you hit her E do a micro look back and you'll probably dodge it in low elo.
If you get behind her just go Negatron Cloak and you should be ok, can run ghost into this champ but ignite is also rly good ”
xblademojo says “You win in terms of pushing, but make sure to dodge her Q. Never commit for long trades with her. Sapphire Crystal to be greedy is okay. ”
Veng Shotz says “Cass's w is cancer but she wont be able to all in you for free at any point pre 6 without either going oom or stalemating the lane, both of you reset afterwards if you chunked each other out. If she happens to land q she will chase you down with e's that will generally half health you with ease even before items. Dodge her Q and then make an attempt to trade with her, be aware of her w cooldown with yours as its about the same (24 seconds)
post 6 when you all in her try to backstep to avoid getting stunned by her when you eq1+w her as most of these players will instantly ult after you attempt to all in during 2nd q cast as you are softlocked into place and just staring at her for a full second during the cast time.
She scales slowly during lane phase but good cass's give me problems, she is my current permaban as i seemingly keep fighting against GM/chall smurfs with 70% wr each time she gets picked. this is mostly just a me issue. ”
xblademojo says “Corrupting Potion +Ignite, if she is bad you can kill her. If she misses her Q look for a quicktrade. Never Fully commit on trade against Cassio. She is quite weak before first recall. Later one respect is needed.”
J.A.K.I.E. says “She has way better sustain than you and more poke than you. As well as her ultimate stunning you, she'll never let you get too close. But that's ok since you have your E to keep distance and poke her down. But overall this lane is SUPER oppressive and you'll find it quite boring how fast she'll block you out of your own wave”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with her Noxious Blast(Q) and Twin Fang(E) spam. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce her ability to kill you. Cassiopeia has mana issues in the early game. If she is low on mana, it could be a good time to fight her as her damage output will be heavily reduced as she relies heavily on mana to trade. She is an immobile mage with no escapes. Let her push the wave and then call for assistance from your Jungler to shut her down.”
ZiegenZelu says “Skill matchup. Cassio Favoured, da sie dich runterrennen kann wenn du dich zuoft von der Q treffen lässt. Even bis lv 9, ab dann solltest du die trades gewinnen. Cleanse mitnehmen und nur kurze trades nehmen
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with her Noxious Blast(Q) and Twin Fang(E) spam. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce her ability to kill you. Cassiopeia has mana issues in the early game. If she is low on mana, it could be a good time to fight her as her damage output will be heavily reduced as she relies heavily on mana to trade. She is an immobile mage with no escapes. Let her push the wave and then call for assistance from your Jungler to shut her down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with her Noxious Blast(Q) and Twin Fang(E) spam. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce her ability to kill you. Cassiopeia has mana issues in the early game. If she is low on mana, it could be a good time to fight her as her damage output will be heavily reduced as she relies heavily on mana to trade. She is an immobile mage with no escapes. Let her push the wave and then call for assistance from your Jungler to shut her down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with her Noxious Blast(Q) and Twin Fang(E) spam. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce her ability to kill you. Cassiopeia has mana issues in the early game. If she is low on mana, it could be a good time to fight her as her damage output will be heavily reduced as she relies heavily on mana to trade. She is an immobile mage with no escapes. Let her push the wave and then call for assistance from your Jungler to shut her down.”
Aenimatora says “She is a aggressive lanebully which depends as you on skillshots. She gets movementspeed when hitting you with Q. You must play around her kit and farm up till Late
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with her Noxious Blast(Q) and Twin Fang(E) spam. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce her ability to kill you. Cassiopeia has mana issues in the early game. If she is low on mana, it could be a good time to fight her as her damage output will be heavily reduced as she relies heavily on mana to trade. She is an immobile mage with no escapes. Let her push the wave and then call for assistance from your Jungler to shut her down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with her Noxious Blast(Q) and Twin Fang(E) spam. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce her ability to kill you. Cassiopeia has mana issues in the early game. If she is low on mana, it could be a good time to fight her as her damage output will be heavily reduced as she relies heavily on mana to trade. She is an immobile mage with no escapes. Let her push the wave and then call for assistance from your Jungler to shut her down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with her Noxious Blast(Q) and Twin Fang(E) spam. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce her ability to kill you. Cassiopeia has mana issues in the early game. If she is low on mana, it could be a good time to fight her as her damage output will be heavily reduced as she relies heavily on mana to trade. She is an immobile mage with no escapes. Let her push the wave and then call for assistance from your Jungler to shut her down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with her Noxious Blast(Q) and Twin Fang(E) spam. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce her ability to kill you. Cassiopeia has mana issues in the early game. If she is low on mana, it could be a good time to fight her as her damage output will be heavily reduced as she relies heavily on mana to trade. She is an immobile mage with no escapes. Let her push the wave and then call for assistance from your Jungler to shut her down.”
SkyBanana says “I want to put her on a major threat level, but to be honest with you guys, she is a skill based match up. If you can just not get hit by her poison, her damage is useless. Issue is: your team can royally screw that up for you so as always it is based on who will scale more: The Serpent or The Songstress.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with her Noxious Blast(Q) and Twin Fang(E) spam. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce her ability to kill you. Cassiopeia has mana issues in the early game. If she is low on mana, it could be a good time to fight her as her damage output will be heavily reduced as she relies heavily on mana to trade. She is an immobile Mage with no escapes. Let her push the wave and then call for assistance from your Jungler to shut her down.”
NegativePhoenix says “Pokes you as much as you can her so it's a bit of a pain. If you can avoid her poison from her Q and W you're in a good spot, if she hits you once with either she's chasing you down spamming E which hurts cause most Cass builds Conq. Just play safe and respect her poison damage.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “A pretty easy matchup, when she tries to poke you down, poke her back then heal. Lower her to a low amount of health and perish song her ass.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Will scale late game and smack you to the ground.
Your only hope is to buy Mercs and MR items and try and kill her early game as much as possible. Dodge Q's W's etc whatever you have to do to survive.”
Body Those Fools says “You outrange her. Abuse your range advantage and poke her down. Be mindful of her W; it can stop your E Q drift. If you dodge her Qs, she has no kill pressure on you. You can bait her Ult by standing still and autoing; when her Ult animation starts, just right click backwards so you don't get stunned.”
Bughans says “Can REALLY fuck you over, if she places her W on you in lane, ALWAYS W out of it. Either on her or away. Don't ever fight her, she's deadly as fuck, and bait out her ulti so she doesn't hit you while you engage. ”
loldoppio says “Main thing here is to dodge her Q, if she lands her Q, disengage if you don't have windwall. Try to bait her to use her ult level 6, by walking back and forth.”
Bunan says “First Strike- Magical Footwear - Futures Market- Cosmic Insight - Second Wind - Unflinching
Sapphire Crystal Refillable
Q max-> W->E
Ask for early lvl 3 gank (Immobile)
Let crash first wave then shove for lvl 3 before her (She skills W at lvl 3; Ground disables your W, E & flash)
Good cassios will hold W
Try to E1 before her W to E2 out of it (onto her or minions)
Once she misses Q (3.5s CD) or wastes W(24s CD) engage
She is stronger early & outscales so you need to win mid game otherwise you automatically lose
R 8/10 Large AOE stun”
KayyeN says “Skill matchup, but she can make way more mistakes than you. Her W grounds you so you can't jump from inside it. Make sure to dodge her Q as best as you can, if you get hit by one, try gaining some distance so she can't run you down spamming E for free. Also dodge her R stun. Aaand if you don't mess any of that up, it's winnable.”
Zarasaras says “Against a good Cassio you can't do anything
Dodge Q outrade her Es with you QE
Multi man ult to win teamfights
You can W her R or W her W if you think you can dodge her ult”
Kluckadell says “Don't jump out while she has R up or when her W is on the ground. What you can do is W to an ally over the W mud without getting deattached”
Nooooouhhhhh says “Bad matchup with her ground but if you get on her its not awful. I also think her ult is very good not worth a ban as she is kinda unpopular. ”
OSG Rewynd says “Cassiopeia counters your E1, E2, and ult with her miasma, does more damage than you early, and does more damage than you late, although not as bursty. Play to shove and roam, and post 6, be ready for her ult and don't get stunned by it.”
Asaabye says “Avoid her (Q) into her (E) combo and try to turn you back to her (R) so you get slowed instead of CC. Try to poke her with your own (Q) when you have an opening.”
DabiDabi says “If you get caught in Cassiopeia's W you pretty much lose. You'll be immobile and she out-ranges you. You may want to go Ghost against her for extra movement speed. ”
Super08131208 says “Bait and dodge her Q. Don't go for a trade if you get hit by her Q first pre-4. Predict her Ult and face away from it or get behind her. Do be careful of her W, as it negates half of your abilities. This matchup is more in Cass favor.
Zoose says “Back off early when she lands any Q's, as it will be followed up by E spam, but she will still face tank your Q's if she does. Stay back while your E and W is on cooldown as its your only peel tool against her. At lv 6, be ready to either face away to avoid being stunned. Hard to kill her with her ult, so just push waves in and roam.”
CaptainBattlaxe says “She will run you down. Dodge Q. Only poke with autoattack barrel->Q, just Q will lose you trades. Orange ult stun or for healing.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Dodge her Q at all cost]
[Don't use your E when her W is up]
[Ask for ganks]”
basrty1p says “Both of you are DPS Damage Cassiopeia is best against melee champion while Taliyah can counter all dash champion which means there's no way Cassiopeia can kill Taliyah easily with her long range skill while Taliyah can't kill her either with her annoying Q W and R stun.
To play against her, don't get stun from her R at all cost. After that you should be fine now.”
lolzayno says “Personally hate this matchup because once you get hit by a Q you're pretty much screwed since her fangs are point in click. She moves extremely fast and difficult to hit. Try to avoid her Q then you will be fine.”
DabiDabi says “Bait and dodge her Q. Don't go for a trade if you get hit by her Q first pre-4. Predict her Ult and face away from it or get behind her. Do be careful of her W, as it negates half of your abilities. This matchup is more in Cass favor.”
Esrucnl says “If you get hit by her Q she can run you down so make sure you either dodge it or E out when she does.
Before nuking her with your combo you want to make sure you either have 1. enough damage to kill her when you hit everything or 2. she used her W (the miasma).
Use your E to dodge her R. Make sure you do this before she uses her W ability where you get grounded and can't use your Q+E. You want to go for a BURST kill. Moment you can't kill her she will finish you off with her insane DPS.”
Azurio says “Kinda hard matchup. You can't kill her in lane if she respects you. Try to bait her W by walking straight and E out. Chill farm like other mages and wait for item powerspike. buy mercs”
ddieguito_es says “Haven't played much vs her, but if you stay out of her poke (your Q outranges her kit) and her R, she shouldn't be a problem at all. Buy mercs if you're in trouble.”
Amigo121 says “If you miss your jump ('E'), then run for your life. Her abilities melt you really fast, try to bait her ult first (if you can't, then stay try not to look at her eyes when not necessary). ”
beansoce says “Just like syndra you'll have to dodge her q, the main abilty she'll get movespeed and you run you down. Boots early is good to weave her qs. You can use ur pool to dodge her ult or just play constantly turning back and forward.”
icikz says “Dodge her Q's and start trades with grass Q, try to bait her W. Once her W is on cooldown, wait for her to drop Q and insta E Q to dodge it and go all-in.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “A little tricky. You are melee and she will take advantage of that. Wait for level 3 to trade. Once you hit 6, land your R and she dies.”
OTP Toxin says “In theory, she counters you, but, with time you will know when she will uses her ult, so you can turn to the opposite way, You have enough movespeed to dodge her Qs as well, just don't be immobile in the lane and you will be fine.”
Bunny Kata says “When she uses W, just use yours and you're free to move. If you are able to react to her R, you should either turn your back or use W if she's outside of your W's range.
Low elo it's free matchup, high elo the cassio just plays melee and win.
One important thing to note is that when you use R, you'll face the way you use your ult, so NEVER use R when she's about to ult you or she can just stunt you for free without you being able to turn away.
Ghost-Tp + Doran's Shield.”
PanthrickTV says “Cass is one of your harder matchups but not unwinnable. If you start E with ignite normally you can get a really good trade level 1. If you get a big lead here you can look to max E and then E into her if she ever wastes W (which can cancel your E). If she respects and doesn't let you get a free trade and holds her W well, you will need to max Q instead which you can use to punish her low waveclear.”
Ludwig RageQuit says “Pick Poke Rune and starts with Corrupting Potion. Never try trade with her in case she procs poison in you. I really recommend Dodge or change with your top laner.”
Berdasco9 says “Cassiopea es muy dominante en linea y tiene su W para anular tu kit completamente, la unica forma de vencer a una Cassio es outplayeandole, no es imposible pero es dificil, intenta baitear su W y haz un all in y lo mas importante recuerda poner a tu personaje dando la espalda a Cassiopea antes de castear tu R para que no te la pueda cancelar con la suya.”
Chocodino009 says “She seems really vulnerable but dont fall into her tricks, be super carefull with her w, it just wont let you r and e. you will get killed faster than you think. Ask for ganks if possible.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Play safe early]
[Dodge her Q]
[Try not to die early and ask for your jungler to help]”
donidaking says “Run electrocute poke her level 1 as she can t do much level 1 and you can sustain back up.
From level 2 she becomes cringe,if she hits q on you she wins the trade unless you have empowered Q.
Take short trades in this matchup never do long trades since she wins super hard once she hits q on you.
At level 6 you should have the dmg to kill her but if you get hit by one q she ll chunk you and you won t be able to all in, if you dodge her Q (you can also pool her q) go ham on her. Her R only stuns you if you are looking her way and it doesn t matter if she miasma' s you once you are close enough to dash out your dmg.
How to dodge her R?
League champions have certain animations they go throught when they are using an ability ,some animations can be cancelled some cannot.Learning her R animation and paying close attention to her character when you all in might help you dodge it or just predict it.
Kurose0027 says “Respect her early on, save W for her R, and build maw + mercs 2nd vs this matchup. After you get maw, it should be unplayable for her because her dmg is not enough to burst through you without committing R.”
Dannala says “Her dot dmg will hurt a lot and occasionally kill you in your Rappel, her goop will prevent you from using half of your spells. In reality she's not a huge threat but she does counter a lot of your kit and can zone you efficiently.”
qosmox says “Most Cassio's use their Q's constantly trying to poke you as soon as you get into their range. Use this fact to bait out Q's and turning around at the last second before you enter her range so you don't risk getting hit. When she misses a Q, look for chances to go for a taunt into 3 emp Q's trade and then back off. If the cassio plays this matchup perfectly it's not much you can do, but almost everyone does a mistake eventually if you look out for it. If your jungler comes it's also a freekill if you just taunt-flash her. She can't get away.”
TheKingUltra says “In the early she is easy to kill for you and your jungler, you fully counter her ult with your ult, as soon as you see the animation go off, either drive away from here to safety or into her to punish her for thinking she can stun you. She has a lot of health and movement speed in the late game, making it hard for you to catch her, which is why i am putting her in even instead of minor.”
Whitelies says “Dodge her Qs and don't be scared of her E if you're not marked with poison. But your biggest threat is her W and R. Her R has a bit of delay, watch for its animation and look away or dodge it with your ult.”
pspmonster says “You have to play matchup early good to delay her late damage on you. Poke as much as possible. Dodge her Q to waste her mana. Then enagage with ignite with kill potential.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “She has dot damage, but also a high DPS with her E spam. Try to avoid her Q at all costs and if she happens to start chasing you, make sure you land an E+Q+W on her and just run away.
After level 6, if you dont get hit by her ult, you should win the 1v1, but it's still tricky!”
Exiled Heretic says “Her W makes it very hard to run or kill her when she gets in on you just get early MR if you can't seek an opportunity with your jungle before, she does. If you get behind you can't do much but try to look for picks in other lanes.”
Nighswan says “Cassiopeia can ruin your day with her W and R. With practice, you can dodge her R by quickly looking away but avoiding her W is crucial because it will stop you from using your R or flash and make you an easy kill. Try to push her in early levels because she doesn't have strong waveclear until later in the game.”
VyoS says “When you ult Cassio don't face 2 face her because she will stun you. So you have to Ult then stap back (She will probably Ult) then W -> Combo.”
Dj Memelord says “A good cassio can cut you off from csing in early stages of the game. One wrong step and you are dead. Positiong is key, once laning phase is over however- she is at your mercy.”
Dustyacer says “Care lvl 1-2 all in. Try to win lvl 3-5. Post6, when u do combo, run away, dont use e as u face her. If she still r's you for the slow, then u can use e if u wish.”
m0rfeazz says “NOPE. she can 1vs1 you early,mid and even late if she gets 6 items faster. In lane u lose badly as any heal you make she can deny it with her Q and then spam E, its a tough matchup,play safe and farm”
Xalt says “Hard shove Cass in early and back up if she hits her Q. When she uses her W, walk back and then Q E through her W. TIP: always click behind your character for the highest chance to dodge her ult! TIP #2: you can E through her W but not whilst being in it!”
EclipseMints says “Her ground(w) really is a massive counter to your combo and escape abilities as you cannot use neither your w or r.
p.s bait her ground with a convincing neeko clone.”
DaffeLaffe says “Hard shove Cass in early and back up if she hits her Q. When she uses her W, walk back and then Q E through her W. TIP: always click behind your character for the highest chance to dodge her ult.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Tear of the Goddess]
[Stay out of her range and farm as much as possible]
[Dodge her Q]”
Juon says “Turbo unfun, good cassi has good movement and can keep her range on you at all times. Her miasma counters you hard, the new cassi builds tanky so its difficult to burst her late game. Comet build may come in handy here. Max W second.”
soulentt says “Cassiopeia is hard matchup if you can't dodge. Dont let her poision you, or you are dead in 5 seconds. If she is succesful with her poision then try to atleast Q her and run away. Poke her with E and play safe. If you manage to kill her and not let her roam, it will be fine.
TrueGIXERJ says “middle of the pack, i've got quite good at dodging cass' R, but if you struggle with it, it becomes a much harder matchup. Her W grounds you which is quite a pain as it stops you using Q, but if you can stay mobile and apply consistent damage, you should be able to win.”
Fake Supp says “She can make u mad so easily by using that ***ing spell that get you Grounded make ur E and R unusable
if she Starts to chase u u will mostly Run only way to to down her is ganks and Her being a Noob u will want to play safe and Roam ”
NotGudAtGame says “Easy lane before 6 as she is immobile and doesn't outrange you as hard as other mages. Beware of her ult after 6 though as it is very fast and she will usually only use it after you alpha strike.”
ChrisWasTaken says “You win level 1. Doran shield + Second wind and maybe unflinching can be good here. Careful for her W and Ult. I've gotten the habit of baiting Cass ult by waiting for the start of the animation, takes some practice. Late game Cass is hard to deal with but you can still oneshot her if she's too cocky.”
ThePieBeam says “Scary AF champ to fight. Hit by Q? 90% of your healthbar, please. Hit by W? See 'hit by Q'. An exceedingly painful lane to fight since she's super fast and does way too much damage. Also if you're not doing some super wiggle movement gameplay her R is just the 'Kill Anivia for free' button. However, if you avoid the Q you can hard cc her to death since she's quite squishy early and doesn't have any mobility.”
PEST1L3NCE says “If you run into Cassio prepare to forfeit the game or your monitor. She has a ground, a long stun, and will destroy you if W hits. Dodge W with W if you wish to live.”
TrueGIXERJ says “Cass can ruin your day, her W will prevent your W and R, meaning you're shit outta luck when trying to combo her, you also have to face her to use W, which can get you stunned through her R. really really tough matchup here, unless you get the drop on her.”
Callmebee says “I'm gonna be honest, I'm terrified of snakes. Especially this one. Cass is easy to farm against on paper, however Phase Rush makes her a fast girl running you down and poisoning you in the meantime. Try to use your E for zoning if she does and Q her in place. CLOSE YOUR EYES! (aka don't turn towards her) Take Barrier for her damage over time.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Pretty annoying,be sure to make effort by dodging her poison q's as this is your #1 priority in order not get outlaned,once you get into pull range, she's a dead snake. Second wind - D-shield is a must here. ”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Cassiopeia has a lot of consistent damage and can cause problems if we do not play this lane well. Dodge Cassiopeia Q and do short burst trades while its off cooldown.
Cassiopeia W will stop you from using your Grapple IF you haven't started swinging yet, however if her W is already on the floor, you can swing through it without being stopped.
Should be able to win the all in if you dodge R”
lonestar1870 says “You should never lose this lane, but it can be hard to kill her depending how good she is at dodging and how safe she plays.
Her Q is also on a short CD, dodge it and hit your Q and you win. Don't fight her if she lands Q since she will win the trade
She will often go Barrier so don't get baited, but she is squishy
Try to dodge her ult by changing the direction you are facing (you have to guess)
You win the 1v1 if you play it right and have more kill pressure than her.
If she plays safe, just play to get prio and help your jungler.
Banshees can be good for some damage resist, but Zhonya's is good if her team is heavy AP.
You can go Electrocute, Comet, or Phase Rush depending on your playstyle and the rest of the enemy team.
Ignite, Teleport, and Cleanse can all be good options. I'd only recommend cleanse if the other team has a lot more CC than just her R.”
itakute says “You have to windwall her W. If you waste windwall cause she only hit Q then E's you then you can't go in until windwall is back up. Don't fight till level 3 minimum and always dodge her Q.”
Desperate Nasus says “The Cassiopeia matchup is one of the hardest. First levels Cassiopeia works like Anivia if she hits her Q, she will start kitting you with her E and the extra MS she gets when she lands her Q. The reason this matchup is hard is because of her R and W. After some levels, if she wastes her W (which has 24 seconds cooldown), you can take advantage of it and all in her. Worst case scenario you get hit by her R and she runs away with phase rush. If she uses Conqueror instead of Phase rush you might have some chances of running her down. Dorans shield as starting item Lethal tempo is gonna feel way better in this matchup if you feel confident. If they have AP Jungler i would suggest going MR boots.”
BiriRamen says “You get stuck in the pool, she'll basically 100-0 you from my experience. I usually go for trades levels 1 and 2 and hope I can get an early kill.”
Lowkii_d says “High Damage and Movement speed plus wave clear stops Akshan from being able to roam much. She also rarely runs out of mana so Akshan can't out sustain her early”
Camoox says “Shes somewhat predictable. Not a hard matchup. Just a Skill matchup. - Use your Windwall properly. Trade when you have Windwall. (W her Ground effect or E trades.)”
ShokLoL says “Cass is one of your harder matchups but not unwinnable. If you start E with ignite normally you can get a really good trade level 1. If you get a big lead here you can look to max E and then E into her if she ever wastes W (which can cancel your E). If she respects and doesn't let you get a free trade and holds her W well, you will need to max Q instead which you can use to punish her low waveclear.”
iZianni says “I've played this match up maybe 6 times and I either instantly win off level 1-2 or instantly lose. It is just completely dependent on the Cassio's skill level.
Traditionally this is a 100% win lane for Vex since you one shot her and she has no boots lol.
However if you mess up trading she can kill you off the back end so just play at max-range and wave clear until ganks or ult is available. ”
pwins says “Cassiopeia is a headache to deal with when you play Zoe since she has DPS that can kill you before you can even put her to sleep. Try to stay far away from her and take her short range to your advantage.”
livikattt says “You have more mobility than her, and as long as you can dodge her ult, you'll be fine. Keep tabs on her Miasma cooldown, since that will keep you from ulting to kill her. Be aware that her range is deceptively long, and her poison does a lot more damage than you'd think at later levels.”
Juplicate says “Her poke is high and is careful from her extremely high damage level two. She is very squishy and her ultimate will stun you if you are looking towards her. Her w also disables your dash while on it so be careful. She should be rather easy to kill as she takes a lot of items to scale. ”
Miscake says “Ela não deve ser um problema nos elos mais baixos porque nenhum player abaixo do diamond tem noção de spacing, mas uma Cassiopeia boa consegue te caitar sem dificuldades graças à diferença de range, além do fato de que você não tem como lidar com o miasma. Ela tem um DPS ridículo com a build de double mask e de modo geral é bem semelhante à Anivia, apenas vá para Banshee de terceiro item e tente explodir ela nas fights (impossível se ela vier de conqueror + barreira btw) ”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup depends on how good the Cass is. Do your best to dodge her Q
poke. You can never Q3 into her or she will just ult you. Her W prevents you from Q3'ing, E'ing, and returning
to your E. Use your E to dodge her Q if needed. She is very susceptible to ganks, so try to freeze the wave at
your tower and call for jungle help. Only go on her if she misses her Q trying to harass you. Max range ulting
is better than Q3'ing because she can't react to it unless she flashes.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This lane is definitely Yasuo favored early, but it gets harder after she gets items. The lane is basically just nonstop dodging her Q and Windwalling her E's if a Q hits you. Anytime you E forward through the wave, she can Ult you; it will always stun you since you are locked in the animation and can't look away. Throwing Q3 also forces you to face the direction you throw it. Try to angle your Es so you aren't dashing straight into her. Try going from the side of the wave or dashing at her when you knock her up. Cleanse can also be used in this matchup if you struggle with dodging her Ult.”
Katawina52 says “Skill dependant early game since it depends too much how you dodge her Qs. Never go for an all in if she hits one. You can utilize your dash to prevent her poke. If she is focused on poking you early her mana pool can be severly effected if you can dodge properly. Her W fks you really hard aswell so it depends how you can play around that (never Eing into a vulnerable position to get grounded). Once you have first item spike its a really easy all in (unless she has exhaust) because of the ult trick ill tell next. Important trick vs Cass: When you jump in and used your W-Q etc slightly look back really quick the opposite way cass is standing at and then u press R, this way you will never get hit by her R, really easy trick and useful one vs Cass if u go for an all-in.”
eiensiei says “If she hits her Q, I'll wait for the movement speed burst to fade before using my Q. If I hit, I'll follow up with AA-E-AA; if not, I'll W and walk away. Mercury's Treads are a good buy here if I'm losing lane, and can get them really early - Lost Chapter > Merc's > Luden's Echo. After 6 if she's trying to chase me down, I won't risk turning around to Q since she might use that time to stun me with her R. Also if I'm getting low on HP I'll Flash immediately and not give her time to cast W and ground me.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Start Doran + 2 Pots if 1) You think you can outplay her and hit your W's to generate a kill at levels 3-5 or 2) You think she will burst you down post 6 (get an extra ring).
Start Corrupting if you think you will not hit your W's (or you will get poked down) and you rely more on wave clear/spammy poke (you will be way more squisher but more durable -- this is recommended if you are sure you will not get hit by CC spells and instantly die).
Rather difficult matchup if it's a very good Cassio. Early try to get boots as fast as you can to dodge as many Q's as you can (since Q enables her). You can play the range advantage with your Q but if you get close be careful since her movement speed (phase rush maybe) can make you miss your W.
Her ult is highly predictable and you can dodge it if you turn around right when you see the animation starting. (You need some practice for this but in time it becomes easy). The impossible thing to dodge is the R->Flash ult - so keep in mind that a good player might do that to kill you. A good player might also try to kill you pre 6 and kick you out of the lane. If you hit your W E Q's combo you have a good chance at winning but otherwise I'd just push and roam because it's a rather annoying and difficult matchup (kind of like Azir).”
Yeager says “Cassio can screw you over with her miasma, making you unable to use any movement abilities/summs including Q3, E1, E2, R and flash. Her ultimate will stun you on the spot if you're facing in her direction, and she will shred you to pieces with twin fangs if you're poisoned. Rush tier 2 boots asap so you can dodge her skill shots more easily. If her miasma is up, you want to go for super short trades where it won't screw you over. Go in with E + Q3 and then hit her as much as possible before she's able to use abilities again, and BACK OUT with E2 before she uses her miasma. Her miasma has a 24 second cooldown early game. Cassiopeia maxes that spell out last, so your E will end up being on a much lower cooldown. With the second engage you can go for the kill. She will most likely use her ultimate when you're going for the knock up with Q, so MAKE SURE to turn around. It will only slow you instead of stunning. If you succeed in doing that, then you're going to win all the trades. If you get stunned by your ultimate, there's a super high chance that you're dead. She will follow up with miasma so you can barely move and then kill you. ”
xblademojo says “She is doing great against you, way too much damage with conqeuor. Try to utilize Second wind with Doran Sheld in this matchup. Requires good mechanics and a lot of respect towards her. Try to stay efficient and play around his mistakes or mana sustain. ”
Polarshift says “Slows, slows, slows. Counters you quite damn hard since you're insanely immobile and she outranges you with her abilities. Her W and R will keep you in place or slow you, even if you dodge her ultimate it will slow you. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “Can be a pain with phase rush and high damage. but you can keep them at bay with zoneing q's so long as you don't get hit by the ult. If you play well you can out dmg her. ”
ISterbenI says “The laning phase is annoying. She will do a lot of damage if she hits her Q so buy boots early. Try to punish her, with your wall (W) if she gets too close in team fights.”
Yeager says “You won't win extended trades against her, and she has built-in sustain. Try make the wave push towards you and farm for your core items. If you have trouble dodging her Q, you can get boots early.”
IncursioOCE says “Cassio W change to miazma makes it very hard to punish her mistakes if she holds it, can just run you down. Hard matchup have to make little to no mistakes.”
TygoVe says “She gets the better of you in the early game, has roaming potential and will also scale well. Annoying to deal with, as long as she doesn't get many early kills, you should be okay. ”
AP WormMaW Mid says “In this matchup it depends how good this Cassio player is. If he is just mediocore and he can't juke your skillshots, then you should win with ease. But against better players, that will walk around you while spamming all spells on you, it might be hard to do anything and early it's just better farm up. It's good though that if you hit your E, you can kite her over it, which should give you enough space to hit few ults off that and win trade. In lategame you should always make sure, that she is poked down, before you try to all-in her, because if you miss your combo on her while going face-to-face, you will just end up getting killed, so even if this snake is behind, never underestimate her damage potential.”
Yeager says “ You can win this matchup by baiting her Q and then go for trades. If she hits Q, she will run you down with her twin fangs + phase rush. When you get augmented e you can wave clear much faster than her and roam. ”
Vicksay says “Scary snake lady punishes mistakes really hard, if you miss an E while in range of her Q or make a mistake with your R you're pretty much done for without Flash. If she takes Cleanse she can also pummel you even if you do hit the E. Great at level 2, scales like a monster and hard to punish if she's good at her champ. However not 100% unwinnable, as she is still immobile and can be shut down by roams.”
Avucado says “ Look to E her lvl 1 as she doesn't have much range. Watch for miasma and her R, if you get R'd you will die if they have more than 5 games on that champ. If you get Q'd just W or E away because she wont be able to chase. If you get ahead this matchup becomes very easy because she is very immobile and has pretty low health. After Eing through them post 6, don't turn around immediately because I find Cass will R you most of the time right after you do it. ”
LunarVortex says “Easy matchup if she's bad, but very bad if she's good. Her constant DPS is just too much for you and your high cooldowns on Q and E. The second you miss your Q, she can just run you down. Try to predict her R because otherwise she will simply break your shield before using it. Call your jungler for help as soon as she starts to play aggressive and hope that she overextends. Be aware of her 1v2 potential at lvl 6 and afterwards though.”
Yeager says “She has a super strong laning phase against champions with short range and no mobility. Start boots and 4 pots if you struggle against her normally. You can survive this matchup by "baiting" her Q and then walk up to shove the wave. ”
Fuzzmonkey says “Cassiopeia is a ok match up. The only problem is, once you've gone in, you really need to commit for the kill otherwise she will out DPS you. Reason for this is when you go in with your W, Cassio can then place her W on your W image and will ground you. So, if you ended up going back on your W, this will allow her to get an easy Q-E spam on you. Either wait for her W to go on cooldown or all in her.”
Xelikari says “Very obnoxious, if she takes Exhaust you will NEVER win without jungle help. If she misses Q and W, you can likely all-in her, but it's rare. Do your best to farm without dying. ”
Yeager says “You have the range advantage, so you can kite her pretty well at all stages in the game. She's immobile if she doesn't hit her Q, so play around that, and get boots if necessary since it's a skillshot.
At level 6 you only have to watch out for her flash ult. Always turn your back when you see her ult animation go off, so you get slowed instead of stun. ”
Urpog says “Toplane: Cassiopeia's your second hardest matchup behind Anivia, the same can be said for midlane. Cassiopea's miasma completely disables your E from being cast and it's a large area which doubles the damage of her poison, personally I think hullbreaker is a necessity and you can look for all-ins with the flash combo but it's very risky it'll workout, if you start losing in this lane it's likely you'll be out for the rest of the game, ask for some jungle assistance but don't be decieved if you get ahead; a 0/6 Cassiopeia with Liandries will 1v1 you regardless of how ahead you are, HB/Mercs will give you fair standing against her but again, this is your second worst matchup, I would encourage dodging.
Midlane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qtNy_AvMT4&t Just watch this video and you'll have an example of how I pilot against her, it's very rough.”
Dj Memelord says “Her mana isnt enough early to kill you if you dodge her q or wait between getting harassed. She will be really annoying later on though and if you havent acrued a lead you will stand no chance. Second wind and dorans shield.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Short range mage like Ryze, shouldn't have a problem as long as you don't let her hit her Q. If she does make sure to use your E to push her away.”
iZianni says “You outrange Cassio making it an easy match up in the early levels but as with all scaling champions, she'll look to force you into extended trades where she excels.
Do your best with positioning, as long as you avoid her Q you'll be able to mitigate most of her damage and out-trade her to set up kill windows.
Ironically, this is one of the few match ups where the backwards Force of Will is optimal. ”
Akali187 says “Her W shuts you down. Try to get out of her W as soon as possible as you cannot use your E or R. She has great range and damage as well as movement speed. She also has constant damage, so you have to kill her first and fast. If you land your combo on her you should be able to win the fight.”
Folver says “When you start fighting, try to turn around every auto-attack so that you don't get it with the Super Skill R.
I recommend taking Cleanse and ghost but this build you must play clean
So just Cleanse and flash will be ok
MikeVix says “Take small trades until she uses all of her mana. Then you can all in and kill her. Try to dodge Q. Watch out for her R and you are going to be good.”
ShokLoL says “Pretty easy matchup overall, you outrange her pretty significantly and can easily one shot her in lane or in teamfights. The only thing you need to be careful of is when you ult forward at 6 getting ultied or W'd and chased down. Avoid that and it's free.”
King Turtle says “She's my current perma ban as she just cucks your entire lane phase. You have no mobility so if you get hit by her poison you either have to hit a fear or get ran out of lane. Her R will completely counter yours as long as she doesn't mistime it, and her E range outranges your W range so you won't be able to force her off you that easily.”
angeLoon says “lethal dshield in resolve second wind and unflinching
Her W makes yasuo immobile, try to poke her lvl 1 - 2 or wait till she have low mana to all-in or no W for all-in.
you can block her E,try to sidestep her R”
Kords says “Against Cassiopeia, when you walk forward to push, she looks to E you. You will get outtraded because it's guaranteed damage (unless you are experienced with Sol and you hit your stars, go ahead and try), just try and shove and roam vs her, when it comes to fighting her, you want to move as much as possible to dodge Q procs, you can damage her without facing her, this is the best way to deal with her, OR, you can predict her R, you can Q her as she ults you and it will be a similar stun length, so you can kill her with your R aswell. She likes to use a lot of mana, work your trades around that. You have a much stronger teamfight presence with all the cc you pack since hers is more outplayable, with experienced palyers. I would add that if you know you are going to get hit by her Q just instantly run for your life as "if" she procs her Phase Rush (they play either PR or ConQ) she will be able to chase you down and out damage you at the same time so prevent her getting Phase Rush if you know she will be able to proc it. Phase Rush can be considered into this matchup.”
TheoRut says “DON'T GET HIT BY HER Q OR YOU WILL LOSE EVERY SINGLE TRADE IF YOU DONT MANAGE TO ONE SHOT HER. When she walks up to ult you, just turn your back against her and try to dodge her ult.
Electrocute is suggested in this matchup but phase rush works if you wanna play defensively and dodge her Q more.”
SaltCat says “Fight for level 2 , or let her push to you and level 3 you go in, if you use r while you dont look at her then if he r you while you r you wont get stunned”
ShokLoL says “Heavily Syndra favored, you outrange her and have both 100-0 threat and gank threat onto her. If you're experienced you should take comet, but if you're a bit uncomfortable I'd recommend phase rush. Be careful of wasting your E as that's her only window to out trade you.”
Luxeul says “Vex lacks backward mobility which makes it easy for Cassio to run you down. Her E ms boost and miasma slow can put you in a bad spot extremely fast. Her R is a direct counter to yours if timed properly. Avoid using R2 unless her R is on cooldown.”
ShokLoL says “LeBlanc favored, take electrocute and ignite. You have really high kill pressure and gank pressure on Cassiopeia. Just be careful about getting ultied after 6, try punish her when she uses Q. If you don't manage to get ahead early this matchup can become quite hard, so snowballing is key.”
Yasukeh says “ This matchup goes from one of your hardest, to one of your easiest if you take phase rush. The entire point of this champion is to kite you, and when you have phase rush, you can't be kited. Her W is useless, as you can just run right past it easily and get your spin off. If you take Q poke in lane, back off a bit, so she can't follow up with Twin Fangs. ”
Dr Eggmund says “Try and dodge Cassiopeia's Q as this is what influence's her damage. If you can out kite her and avoid her Q's then her damage will be nullified and should help you win fights in lane. Poke her to death as much as you can until she get's sick of it. Try and all in her at 6 as she would have built mana items over damage or resistance so it is the perfect time to pounce on the viper.”
iZianni says “Cassio will E spam you into the ground once she has a mana pool, until then you're able to bully her.
If you're able to safely lane until Lost Chapter, you need to outrange her completely for the rest of lane or you'll be all inned.”
Ambitieux says “Try to focus her out with Q's in the early game, priotizing minions and then her. Her low mobility early game will get her punished from charm but if you miss charm you can be punished severely. Try to have a jungle setup at 6 where you have advantage. On top of this if she has no cleanse you have a VERY strong chance of one shotting her with ignite if she plays to upfront. Play cautious but don't be too afraid.”
iZianni says “You outrange Cassiopeia, but she scales really hard. So if you don't punish her properly, there is a possibility that you lose in the mid-late game.
The caveat here is if you fail at punishing her, she will likely kill you in a 1v 1.
It's very important to trade properly in this match up by taking advantage of your poke windows and avoiding her all-ins.
Always hold Q for a slow unless an opportunity prevents itself.
You can 100% one shot her if you land skill shots though!”
kindo says “Cass matchup boils down to dodging their Q (clearly) - but even if they land Q you can outdamage early until they put points into their E. Cass also has mediocre/low range for a midlaner that even Kindred benefits from pre-4 mark mid.
Grounded is less difficult to manage than you would think - you can either predict it (and q forwards to fight or backwards to disengage) or just wait for her to throw it and walk out. You won't die from it and she'll use a decent chunk of mana. The CD is long, so fighting between her Miasma CD is pretty easy. Q to predict her Q drops and orb walk between autos so it's difficult for her to land her Q.
She has no disengage other than Miasma, so if you're on her and she misses Q you can run her down.
As for her ult, Tenacity works well if you struggle predicting it. You shouldn't really get 1 shot through it anyways, so you can still ult after, dps her down, and E/ignite to execute out of your ult.”
Coldsong says “Cassiopeia's poke is really bad for Talon, especially with no magic resistance. Make sure to stay out of her W since you cannot use any dash while inside it and face away from her when you engage on her to stop her ult stun. Punish her if she pokes more than farms, as her mana costs are very high early game. I would recommend Phase Rush into her to help negate her slows.”
DemonDiana says “Her ground is inconvenient, but she's kind of a sitting duck if you can Q>E>R>flick turn away from her R. She'll win the extended fight if she can kite you, which she wants to do with her ground. ”
resetwice says “She can farm safe like most of control mages. Her hard CC is annoying and she can proc Conqueror easy (she’s very good against melee champs!). If it’s hard for you to farm go hexdrinker. Don’t get R under her tower. Ignite her during duels to soften her conqueror heal and get your nimbus movespeed. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “Cassiopeia will most likely be searching poking down her enemy. Which you have to avoid for the first 2 levels. It's ok if you lose some minions. Trade carefully with bush.
She will be killable with ult after some normal trades. W might get you killed, so also work around it's CD.
Go Mercury Treads for more Damage.”
Sylvan Lore says “Orianna is a common counter pick to Cassiopeia in pro play, but that is not to say that this match-up is easy. Levels 1-3 you can actually harass her quite well because any trading on her end is likely to make her run out of mana. Should she miss a Q on you, that is almost always a sign to go in for an advantageous trade. Levels 4-6 if you play it correctly you can slightly outrange her, but the most important thing is to not be falling behind in cs. She is immobile so in many fights in the mid game you will be able to zone her well, but if she gets a flash R off it will really hurt. When you have lost chapter and she is still on tear, you should win overall as long as you don't get hit by her Q. Once she gets her completed archangel, the matchup is Cass favored in my opinion. You will however be able to match her output in teamfights and it will come down to who is the better player. I like either taking teleport or barrier into this lane since it is pretty even and you can try to get your leads from other places of the map. Phase rush is essential due to her speed and needing a quick proc to escape a bad trade. She is usually quite healthy so both Morello or Liandry's work well as mid game items. Merc treads can also work quite well should you fall behind and they make sense against the enemy comp overall.”
Wholesomefrog says “Try to avoid getting stunned or slowed by her and your gonna have a good game. Buy Quicksilver Sash early. (Would be good if you buy it before lvl 6)”
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR MIDLANE
Your E is a death sentence for her. If she doesn't take phase rush then it's really difficult for her to play around Zilean. Don't all in her and you win always.”
Saddest says “You do not win if she lands a Q on you. Avoid the W at all costs. Be attentive once she hits 6, as you can tell when she's about to ult you. Only take short trades with her. ”
Kippari says “She does damage, is fast and no cooldowns. Take Fleet or Grasp and trade when she misses her Q.
Best tip is take Fleet and TP, start Doran's Shield and just farm until Sheen and beg your jungler for ganks.”
Impossible2Gank says “If they know what they're doing it'll be a hard time. If you get even a little behind say bye-bye to lane phase and welcome to pain city. Hexdrinker can help mitigate the pain and help you setup plays but if they see through your plans it's no dice. Play to bait her in around boxes and make sure to avoid ult as well as don't move too forward where she can throw down her poison to stock you from using your Q.”
roselol says “skill matchup. want to make sure you dont get poked down with her e's. if she chases you down, you can put e in your path so she gets punished.”
King Turtle says “She can pretty much hard nerf your lane phase and beat you like a dead horse repeatedly. Her W is a massive cuck and if she's good at hitting Q you're going to be getting ran out of lane constantly. ”
duhnx says “High poke and can kite you can ground you. Play safe and wait for ganks or until she uses W. She can be killed easily then.
Don't R or E close to her in teamfights, she may ground you and leave you open to attacks.”
Grayified says “[MID/TOP] Any rune (not LT) - Corrupting Potion - Barrier or Cleanse | Cassiopeia is a very aggressive champion. You need to avoid getting poisoned as much as you can, otherwise it is easy for her to do a LOT of damage to you. Once her root ability is down though, you can try to dash on to her and go for a kill.”
richardlized says “Early levels cassiopeia is pretty mana dependent, so you can make her waste mana and health. She cannot really trade with you unless you let her hit Q. You will win all trades unless you get hit. You can freeze the wave early and you kinda out range her after level 3. She also has a bad early which you can abuse. After six, you can dodge her ulti with a simple hidden shadow combo. Keep in mind, she has really good scaling so don’t let her farm up and become a menace. Keep in mind her W gives her free stun if you ult her. So make her use W first before all inning.
Katasandra says “[1] Dodge Q.
[2] Only all-in if you can 100-0, otherwise she murders you.
[3] When you use E: run away from her. (her W disables E recast, she can stun you with R).
[4] Vulnerable to jungle ganks, but can easily backfire if she ults jungler and shreds you.”
Thresh Mid says “Cassieopeia damage checks Thresh at most points in the game due to her healing and doubled damage with Twin Fang on poisoned targets. As well as having considerable disengage with Petrifying Gaze. ”
xMetix says “Dodge her Q with your dashes, you need to predict them not react, usually you can see when she's going to throw them by her movement. Abuse W cooldown and use Grass a lot, mainly to wait out her poison in case she lands her Q. Without the poison her E does little to no damage and she will run out of mana fast.”
Hienaa says “her W is annoying, but if you can bait it, and outplay her R, she can never win trades, just dodge the poision, and she's useless and one sided trades.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Cassio is very annoying after 6 or with a good jungler, otherwise the laning phase is quite easy for you to deal with because of max range HoB AA she cant really react to, you have quite a lot of kill pressure early, would recommend ignite/Exhaust.”
ok0goi says “Early game is annoying enough, especially being able to run you down with her Q + E, having a low CD of 4 seconds. If possible, you your e to stay hidden when this happens.
When you try to all in her, she can just ulti you, then kite you as you try to walk away. Dont pick solo fight against her in lane.
HOWEVER: You win 2v2 skirmishes with your jungler, so look for your jungle to play plays around the map and try to help from there.
You can also look to shove wave and roam bot/top to get fed
Not a ban due to weak 2v2 fights, and lack of roaming.”
Nanelol says “Slows, slows, slows. Counters you quite damn hard since you're insanely immobile and she outranges you with her abilities. Her W and R will keep you slowed. Opt For Banshee Veil in this matchup. ”
Nanelol says “A good Cassio will punish you hard, even in lane. Your goal in this lane is to bait her mana pool early hit an E and she is guaranteed to die. Otherwise, keep her pushed in and play towards the first move to skirmishes. Late game use your range to your advantage.”
TheDuskWalker says “MID
Flash Ignite or Flash Ghost. Phase Rush.
You have to dodge her q or else you'll lose your entire hp bar. You do outscale and can pool her miasma or ult.”
Sanctuar says “Cassiopeia's kit is perfect for zoning and harassing the enemy laner. Make sure you max Q and learn to bait out her Q, this way you will have an easier time laning against her. After level 6 her all-in is dangerous; if she has a Cleanse in her pocket, do not use Ignite too early, but stun her with a combo, E towards her shortly and you will most-likely bait out her cleanse. Then back off and wait for an opportunity to kill her in an all-in combo.”
Vispectra says “Shouldn't be too much of a problem. I max E in this match up as she has to spam her abilities often, resulting in free easy charges for your E and thus easy wave clear. When you're going to all in be mindful of her ground mechanic and always R and turn away for a split second in-case of her R.”
Astalfo says “You can't run from this one, her ground will have you stuck in place easily long enough for her to burst you down, build Maw against her and see if you can have your jungler help early once she's used her grounding ability.”
DebilekLaZe says “You win if you don't get hit by her Q so constantly try to dodge it, you can even use your pool, it's seriously worth it. You get slightly outranged so be careful and play smart.”
StarTundra says “Cassiopeia's high damage and fast nature can be trouble for anivia's slow moving skillshot and squish. Although anivia technically outranges her with all abilities, so if you can get her into your ult, she shouldn't be able to put up much of a fight due to her lack of movement abilities.”
ProdScu says “Cassiopeia it's a very hard counter for Katarina. She can poison you with a fast Q - E or W - E combo. Try to bait out her W and R to be able to fight her back as the W it's going to silence you and you wont be able to use spells/items/abilities.”
cookanarities says “Would say this matchup is hard but not after the divine sunderer build Cass matchup boils down to dodging their Q (clearly) - but even if they land Q you can outdamage early until they put points into their E. Cass also has mediocre/low range for a midlaner that even Kindred benefits from pre-4 mark mid. Grounded is less difficult to manage than you would think - you can either predict it (and q forwards to fight or backwards to disengage) or just wait for her to throw it and walk out. You won't die from it and she'll use a decent chunk of mana. The CD is long, so fighting between her Miasma CD is pretty easy. Q to predict her Q drops and orb walk between autos so it's difficult for her to land her Q. She has no disengage other than Miasma, so if you're on her and she misses Q you can run her down. As for her ult, Tenacity works well if you struggle predicting it. You shouldn't really get 1 shot through it anyways, so you can still ult after, dps her down, and E/ignite to execute out of your ult.”
TheWerefloof says “I haven't played against her more then once, and I imagine a better one could be an actual issue but I had little to no issues with her. Pre 6 she has no strong CC, and her mobility is lack luster to say the least. Crush her early, and don't let her slither back up.”
Aethlo says “Cassiopeia has the wave clear advantage. ||
Cassiopeia wins pre-3 (if she doesn't go OOM and conserves her mana properly) ||
Cassiopeia wins pre-6. ||
Cassiopeia wins post-6. ||
Cassiopeia outscales Annie. ||
TIP: Cassiopeia will have a hard time getting onto you due to her short range - this will not be an issue if you are in her w range obviously - or if you are hit by a q. You can rush sorc shoes to avoid q's more effectively. You need to play for level 6 - where you can one shot her, otherwise lane is all about keeping at range.”
DarDarThePenguin says “Casseopeia can easily DPS you down if you're not careful, while countering your engages. Overall she has little kill pressure. Take the Fleet page and MR.”
iamcasualty says “In short Dodge her Q and Ult but for more in depth info. After her recent buff she has a nicer level 2, (she got more damage on her twin fang E right off the bat and it scales higher) if she hits you with her Q she out paces you in damage early with her E twin fang, after 6 you can win as long as you dodge her gorgon stare ult. (you do this by pointing your character the opposite direction of her) you will still be slowed but its better than being stunned and having her ground thrown under you during the stun, preventing your flash (your only escape tool)”
A55AILANT says “Slows, slows, slows. Counters you quite damn hard since you're insanely immobile and she outranges you with her abilities. Her W and R will keep you slowed. Opt For Banshee Veil in this matchup.”
Daers says “Avoid this matchup, worth banning. If you're playing against one, play around her ground and don't get kited. She has mana problems early so if you get her to spam abilities you can be aggressive when she has no mana.”
Sailor MOwOn says “She has to run straight at you to get a good ult and her movement is really predictable. It's easy to Q, E and R her, or at the very least Q her to have your jungler finish her off.”
Little Planet says “Another skill matchup, your W forces you to "look" in the direction that it was cast, making it very easy for Cassiopeia to hit her R on you.
The key to winning this matchup is keeping your passive up so yoyu can easily get out of her W and using your own W backwards when close to her as the hitbox for W also hits slightly behind you.
Ling fights will always go in her favour, save E for when you want to disengage.”
Dvide says “if you are trying to kill her early then use your e to dodge her q because you will lose early if she q's you flash if you have too. When you are both lvl 6 before you ult look away from her and then ult so you wont get stunned”
Joseph Evanss says “She can make it so you can't take your e back so just keep walking forward then cast it if needed. You can kill her pretty often if she doesn't have barrier and if she does just farm until Berserkers + Zeal. Try not to get hit by q or she can chunk you really hard. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D shield or D Blade”
ahspaghetti says “you can rush verdant or wit end if their jungle is also ap. 2 things you need to track against this snake, her q hit locations and try to dodge them and her w as it is a ground which shuts you down instantly. laning against her is very hard, you can try to bait her in using a lot of poke that you dodge. when her w is down or when she is low mana, it is your time to strike. you also never want to all in when she hits a q. she is very vulnerable to ganks due to her immobility, when using your full combo into her with ult up, you want to e -> w -> turn away by pressing back, and then ult to avoid her stunning you.”
zeldimi says “Oneshot lvl6. Pool her Q if you can't dodge and ur not near tower. If you get hit by her Q, half ur hp bar will disappear. Pool or look away from ult”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “Because of her W and her R its a taugh matchup if she W you pretty mutch have no dash so be carefull apoint that you can get her caught in a bush or somewere and you can go all in or just poke early before that all in.”
BullRedHunter says “Her W makes u unable to use E or R and that counters you so hard, take care from her W and R and you will be safe and u can 1 shot her”
peytonqt says “[EVEN] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword/Tear] Do your best to dodge her Q's and if it hits you just back off so she doesn't trade with you. Watch out for her W because you won't be able to jump onto her or away from her if it hits you. If her W is down you should be able to trade with her pre-6. Post-6 be careful as if you Hammer Form Q onto her she'll probably just R you want you'll be a free kill.”
ChimpNA says “Skill dependent matchup pre 6. Be careful of her All in level 2 as she can all in you if she hits a Q. Level 6 is easy but one thing to note thats VERY important is instead of doing your normal E-W-Q-R Combo you want to do E-Q-R first as she will try to R you while you have your R active. By doing this combo you can W behind her while R'ing to avoid getting R'd.”
harris tegas says “she is too powerfull and broken because she spams you all the time with her E. but when she is low and you want to dive her do E again E and if she isn't at range do R E from your side and when you do again E do R from your side or is she will survive when you do your E look at your side because she might do her R that will stun you under tower and you will die , so if you look at yout side you will get only slow that isn't any problem because youwill have your R to kill her.”
iKrez says “Cassiopeia can be annoying because of her W and her ult, but you can beat her by using grass Q because her only way to make dmgs is to hit E which is targetable.
You can E-Q then go through her by using W to dodge her W or her Ult.”
Mpegial says “This is the type of game where you stay under tower and hug it like you love it, you will not be able to compete with her very easily she can disable your dash and flash and completely halt you, as well as keep on hurting you.”
Tauricus2017 says “Her DPS is absolutely insane, there is no way you can out damage her in longer fights. She also builds a lot of HP making it hard for you to one shot her. Try to sidestep her ultimate and don't join long fights. Roam and focus on other lanes, you don't have much chance here.”
eternalkuuseki says “Very scary for new players as she has extremely low cd on her e. she can and will run you down lvl 1 if allowed to. sacrifice cs if necessary and play safe. you can take short trades on her but only if she doesn't have her grounding ability,”
cauedg15 says “The last of Pyke's top three counters in mid. Cassiopéia has a potential to fill your *ss in the mid, because of her poke damage, but mainly because of its ability of COMPLETELY take away pyke's mobility in its W and R.”
mihaila says “Very hard matchup, u cant do much to kill cassiopeia. Her W is stoping ur W because it is a mini-dash. Fleet footwork and corrupting, play defensive.”
XD001 says “The key factor in this matchup is tracking Cass Q. If you get hit by it and get grounded afterwards you are probably dead or atleast chunked for a lot. E or sidestep out of the way of her Q and look for trades when its down. After 6, she can disengage and kill you if you E onto her with her R. Try to predict when she will use her R and look away. If you do end up jumping on her, play around the Miasma (W) pool's long cooldown and try to trade when its down. If you E on her and you miss Q and can't proc passive you will get kited and killed. If you are struggling look to buy early mercury treads. The most important thing in this lane is maintaining equal farm to her, since allowing her to free farm and outscale is a recipe for disaster. In mid late game, don't stand to close to your teammates and look for a flank in team fights. Focus on 1 shotting her or popping her Zhonya's in teamfights when you know her R is on CD. Cassiopeia outscales Ekko.
Take Elec + Sorcery page or hail of blades”
Luciiid says “If you get a jungle gank early then its a really free lane. Otherwise she will poke your ass to death and then with conq or phase rush will run you down and spit in you.”
Noodles912 says “This champ is broken in my opinions. Rush tear into mercs for best laning potential. Similar to brand, your Q can block damage over time. You scale a bit better. If she hits you with Q, get out ASAP.”
Noodles912 says “She has a lot of poke in this lane. Respect her at all times in this lane. Mercs is recommended. When you are level 3, you can look for trades. Dodge her Q. Remember her W makes you unable to E, Q or Flash.”
Rex160 says “She literally counters your whole Predator + Prowler's combo, but if u manage to get close to her and time your W correctly, then u can win.”
elnino9 says “Dodge her Q's, if it lands immediately fall back as she will follow with continous twin fangs. Careful for level 1 harass when you are farming. Passive farm early by Qing minions or Auto attacking at a safe distance from cass and get aggressive at lvl 3-5. Take advantage if she overextends or when her Q is on CD, she won't be able to trade well at 6, if she has no MR, you can burst her down as long as you outplay her ulti by showing your back to her.”
Dipto says “Miasma stops Prowlers dash, this whole guide won't have a purpose if this bitch is picked against you. I always ban it. The only mid- laner that can kinda unskillfully kill me. Q into E E E E Q E E E E. I love the snake lady honestly, but don't wanna be against her. It is a no brainer. ”
PASS10NE says “Cassiopeia can be hard to lane against when she hits her Q. Try your best avoid it. You can sometimes lose to her if she kites you and procs her conqueror or phase rush. Go corruption potion.”
NuclearAkali says “Don't get stuck in her W because you cannot use your E or W, losing any mobility to gap close her. If you are good enough you can predict her ult just try to weave your champ so that she turns around at the time Cassiopeia. If you can't do this just walk in her face and if she uses it in fear of your power than just go in the next time she steps up.”
Lot of Wind here says “Her W will prevent yasuo from ulting her and dashing out, so try to get out of it as fast as you can. If you dodge her Q, you will be able to winwall her E and win trades.”
Wunsch3957 says “Haven't seen one in a while, her W counters your entire kit so try to bait it out before trading. After 6 turn back when she ults so you don't get stunned and roam. Fleet/domination with flash and either ignite or cleanse.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Out scales the shit out of Talon and is hard to kill or one shot as she can either R or W you and you can't combo her. Early game should be fine but Late game you lose to this champ hard.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Very simillar to you, a hyper DPS mage, but less reliable ( skillshots ) and no mobility. She can win the lane if you are not carefull with her Qs (3s cd) Also keep in mind, that when you drift in she can stun you with her R. Won through dodging her stuff and ganks with your jungler, as she is an extremely easy kill.”
PsykerZeo says “Don't sit on her miasma and avoid being hit by her ultimate, I recommend you to try to keep her health low with your poke. If she ran out of mana you can just auto her to death.”
GeDBo says “Cassiopeia is weak early game. Not only she doesn't deal as much as you do, but your range is bigger then hers. Try and play aggressive early on so she is afraid do come near you and the minions. If she does then poke her. If she is less than 50% health you can allow yourself to go in with a Shuffle as long as you have vision and know her Jungler won't interfere. The Arcane Comet rune page would be perfect in this match up. Mid game I'd be careful around her since she is guaranteed to deal more damage than you are, unless you manage to get fed at that point. Remember to ward - vision will benefit you and your team. Team work makes the dream work!”
Modern Giraffe says “She will scale on you but if you bring cleanse you can still use e and ult when she grounds you. People will try to counter pick with her.”
Edg3Lord says “She is a threat if she gets to poison you. Although she has a good way to defend herself with her W in case you chase her, you shouldn't have extreme problems facing her on the lane.”
Coldsong says “Cassiopeia will poke you until you die. Do not face her for very long if she has ult up and burst her down as fast as you can so she does not kill you.”
Gloglito says “Always save your E to push her away in case she hits her Q on you. If you take short trades, never letting her all-in unless she is low enough you can burst her, you got this.”
SoraSan says “Cassiopeia é fraca no começo do jogo. Ela não vai tentar interagir com você, portanto, tente pokear toda vez que ela tentar chegar perto para farmar para que ela tenha medo de ir pra cima de voce ou dos minions. Se conseguir deixar ela com pouca vida, se atreva a usar o Shurima Shuffle para abate-la. Mid-game dela é mais forte que o seu, tenha cuidado com o Q dela, caso ela o acerte, ela irá te punir muito.
Cometa Arcano é a runa recomendada para essa matchup.”
13 yr old korean says “She can kite you out very hard. Go for trade after she uses her W as thats her main yasuo countering ability. (also just don't trade if u are 2 kills behind or 2 levels behind)”
BigBushMan says “Extremely hard to win, Cass has a huge mana problem early in the game, but once she has a Tear and Lost Chapter, she is a damage printer. Look to try to abuse her and snowball before she hits 2 items, because afterwards, she will just R, Q (or W) you and kill you in 6 E's or so. Watch her W, it will limit you in every way, as you cannot cast R, W, E, or Flash while in it.
Cleanse is a MUST, as her R sets you up to be killed instantly. ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Cassio is very annoying after 6 or with a good jungler, otherwise the laning phase is quite easy for you to deal with because of max range HoB AA she cant really react to, you have quite a lot of kill pressure early, would recommend ignite/Exhaust.”
l2ingeR says “Can faceroll and outDPS Jhin with no items. It's hilarious.
As long as we avoid fighting Cass head-on, things will be fine. If we build Bloodthirster, even better.”
Shazzaam says “Skill matchup tbh. You are stronger until she gets 2-3 items. After that it becomes harder and harder for TF to 1v1 her, especially if she has Cleanse.”
Remmacs1 says “This match up can be really hard for Aphelios because Cassiopeia can dish out just as much damage as you all while having a more consistent trading pattern. The best way to beat her is by using Grav and catching Cass when shes playing too far up.”
Cornifa says “She can be very annoying since she pokes a lot, use your ult to counter hers and be unpredictable. Try to trade and get out as safe as possible.”
BigFatCat909 says “Cassiopeia is quite a threat due to her ability to just stop you from teleporting towards your shadows. Try to play around her W and R and it shouldn't be too hard, make sure to avoid getting poisoned by her Q as it makes her E do ramping damage.”
Hiimkata says “Skill dependant early game since it depends too much how you dodge her Qs. Never go for an all in if she hits one. You can utilize your dash to prevent her poke. If she is focused on poking you early her mana pool can be severly effected if you can dodge properly. Her W fks you really hard aswell so it depends how you can play around that (never Eing into a vulnerable position to get grounded). Once you have bork/Verdant Barrier its a really easy all in because of the ult trick ill tell next. Important trick vs Cass: When you jump in and used your W-Q etc slightly look back really quick the opposite way cass is standing at and then u press R, this way you will never get hit by her R, really easy trick and useful one vs Cass if u go for an all-in.”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Medium damage in Early Game, Malmortius is optional, you can't blink when you are on her W, you can easily poke her from distance, the best way for a successful trade when she uses R is blinking with W after R-ing her”
mrsuits says “Cassiopeia's main damage comes from her Twin Fang (E) ability, which deals bonus damage to poisoned targets. Avoid getting hit by her Noxious Blast (Q) ability, as it applies poison and sets up her Twin Fang for additional damage.
Be cautious of Cassiopeia's Miasma (W) ability, which creates a zone that grounds you, preventing the use of mobility spells. Try to sidestep or flash out of the zone to maintain your mobility.
Cassiopeia's Petrifying Gaze (R) is a powerful crowd control ability that can stun you if you face her. Be aware of her ultimate cooldown and position yourself in a way that makes it difficult for her to land a successful stun.
Consider building magic resistance items to mitigate Cassiopeia's sustained magic damage.
Be cautious when approaching Cassiopeia, as she can kite and chase you down with her Twin Fang and movement speed from her passive, Aspect of the Serpent.
Try to disrupt Cassiopeia's positioning in teamfights to limit her damage output. Champions with crowd control or gap-closing abilities can be effective against her.
Avoid standing too close to your minions, as Cassiopeia can use her Twin Fang to harass you while also farming.
Ward the river and keep an eye on the enemy jungler, as Cassiopeia is vulnerable to ganks due to her lack of mobility.
Coordinate with your team to focus Cassiopeia in teamfights and burst her down quickly before she can unleash her sustained damage.
Consider taking Cleanse as a summoner spell to remove Cassiopeia's Miasma or her Petrifying Gaze if necessary.
Note: Cassiopeia excels at dealing sustained damage and can be challenging to deal with if you get caught in her poison and crowd control. Avoid her skillshots, disrupt her positioning, and coordinate with your team to take her down.”
CaptianMike says “You don't have any movement abilities so her W Miasma won't hurt your kit, but she does deal a lot of damage. Watch out for her power spikes at level 2 and 6. Otherwise, look away from her after you use an ability. If you're constantly turning you head around, the odds that her ult will hit are low. Ensure she doesn't get ahead; better to play safe and lose some cs than give up kills.
chrissmunro says “Difficult match up due to her extremely annoying hitbox. However once you figure that out the lane is easy, just watch for her poison”
UnoTrickCho says “Very similar to anivia, just run fleet/resolve and sustain for as long as you can. Her W is very annoying but you can windwall her e, which is pretty much all of her damage.”
KataTocDo says “If you do not get grounded, you will always win the 1v1. If you are stuck in her W, you will most likely lose 2/3 of your health or all of it. Dodge her ult by E'ing behind her or when you ult, cancel your ult by looking behind you as they will always ult you when you ult as you are not moving.
Runes: Conq-Dom. or Elec.-Dom.
Starting Items: D. Shield”
???????------- ?????bit????????!!!”
Celler says “If she uses her W your during the fight your entire play is screwed as most of Yone's damage is in his dashes,so try to avoid it or you're dead”
HeziEune says “Cassio W change to miazma makes it very hard to punish her mistakes if she holds it, can just run you down. Hard matchup have to make little to no mistakes.”
Yamikaze says “Dodge her Q with your dash and look to harass her whenever possible, until you can all-in or force her porting back. She cannot fight back if you have your windwall up, so use it to your advantage. Be careful of her W, if you stand on it, you will have 0 mobility in teamfights, as you can't flash or dash. Her ult is very predictable(Unless she R+Flash), so always be ready to turn away from her, so she doesn't land a free stun. ”
wildersovereign says “Cassiopeia is a very annoying matchup, and one of the only AP laners that can consistently beat you. Cling to your cooldowns as much as you can, because you'll need them the second she turns on you. Her sustained damage will kill you very fast and you don't have the mobility to deal with it. If you manage to get ahead of her, though, I recommend utilizing your advantage to spam shove wave and roam for kills and objectives, rather than dealing with her.”
Nevemlaci says “Even if she has TP its kinda easy. If she has exhaust or barrier its so much harder. You cant trade with her if she WQ you because you always lose the trade. Avoid her Q and R and try to get even farm. ”
ITSDEBEAR says “Skill matchup. Predator and Electro work really well here. Dont get qd or wd or else she will run you down. Trade q whenever you can. Once you kill her once you should easily be able to do so again.”
rajsovsky says “Respect her, cuz you know she's SCALLING MAGE AND THAT'S WHY SHE CAN KILL YOU IN EARLY GAME :D
Just don't fight till you have hextech. Try to use every occasion to poke her and try to dodge her Q is she hits it you are probably dead or very low hp after that.”
invalidd says “Go for trades if she misses Q, never commit too hard to an all-in when she has W up, pressure with W when she's low after lvl6 to force her ult
to dodge it, her W counters your E R and Flash. Easy to setup ganks on.”
NoizRain says “You lose if she gets Exhaust, if not you can win even with dark harvest.
just look to dodge her W without your W so you can use it against her.”
Aikairi says “Cassiopeia is hard to face against since if you get poison'd by her you cannot fight her. Only fight her if she misses her poison on you, or go in using E W and bait it out, or else you lose the trade. You also need to mind her W as it is very strong against you, in laning phase and in teamfights. One tip is that when you ult her, face behind her so that you won't get stunned if she ults back.”
RedNBlue says “Cassiopeia is annoying, she can zone you away from her with her ground forcing your e out to dodge it and you are pretty much being controlled if its a good cassiopeia.”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs Cassio: Ponte runas de sobre la marcha (y compra lyandri para parar la curacion de su conqueror), Lleva tp Y no trates de tradearle pues seguirá ganando, la mejor opcion es esperar tu momento para rotar con el tp hacia algun lado.”
TheHostileCat says “Scales better, better kit in some cases. She has more stuns and kill pressure but you have mobility so make sure to use shroud when she r's. ”
PrimeRex226 says “When she has her ultimate , get ready to turn around as soon as you go for an all-in. If she fails her ult go for it. Early game you probably want dorans ring so you can farm with your q as she will try and poke you.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- She can't kill you early without using up all of her mana
- Don't stand in her W as you then cannot E
- When charging your W into her, watch out for her ultimate
- Push the wave and roam to help your jungler
- She's quite easy to kill with your jungler as she's immobile
- Outroam with teleport and ult”
Big Shawn says “The 1v1 trades should be yours unless she hits you with her Q-Ability which allows her to gain Movement speed. She's then eligible to melt you down with her E-Ability.”
BCota says “big scary if you get hit by anything that poisons you, you will get absolutely destroyed. Dodge her Q when possible but you can ez outrade if she misses Q. Late game shes oneshot candy with the adc even if she build tanky”
Chili Dog says “Can be oneshot at level 6 but dare you get hit by 1 q sacrifice half your hp, try pool qs and dodge ult w ricardoflick. Phase Rush is recommended but both can be taken.”
Xiphire says “She can block your E really hard with her E grounding and slowing you. Though if she misses her E she gonna have a hard time hitting her Q and you will have an opportunity to kill her. ”
JustGalaxy06 says “this thing is extremly powerful against all sort of champs but if she catches you with her w ( not sure ) you'll be grounded and you won't be able to dash anymore . Her r is a powerful stun . She isn't that tanky so if you catch her off-guard she's dead . You'd better call your jungle to help you to win lane (if you lose ) ”
Niqkl says “Cassio mid is my permaban at the moment. She can chunk half of your hp with as low as level 2 and she also scales very well. I really hate this champ.”
Dafioske says “La pretemporada le hizo un bien porque ahora aguanta más y su ráfaga es más dañita aparte que es distancia pero está fácil ganar el juego porque puedes ignorarla e ir a gankear otra linea”
FalleN3 says “You need to avoid her skill shots (Q) Noxious Blast and (W) Miasma and try to keep your distance from her while farming.
You should ask your jungler to gank in this match-up and take advantage of any time that she overextends.
Boots and Health Potions can be a good start against her.”
Sushi_Cat says “God, Cassiopeia. Fuck this champion. A good Cassiopeia player will never let you get near them without chunking half your health. Try to stonewall the lane and hope for jungle ganks. ”
SkellyBirb says “Cassiopeia will scale but you can do a lot to her early game to set her behind if you play right. Use your early game to gain an advantage by poking her down. Be careful of her twin fangs while poisoned. ”
vCraze says “Cassiopeia is an easy matchup because of the range advantage. She can do lots of damage early but she will burn through her mana in doing so, just make sure you don't take damage for no reason early. Poke her out when comet and manaflow are up and scale towards your Ludens and then punish him.”
Sadkid says “A good Cassio will punish you hard, even in lane. Your goal in this lane is to bait her mana pool early hit an E and she is guaranteed to die. Otherwise, keep her pushed in and play towards the first move to skirmishes. Late game use your range to your advantage. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Im pretty sure you still win even if she q's you, just run phase rush and get out of there until the poison wears off. The shield should block one E from her and you can just run. Dodge her Q's and just bully her to death. Try to oneshot her before she stuns you late.”
SkellyBirb says “Cassiopeia isn't very good early game and if you can get the jump on her she doesn't have much to stop you early game. However, she will be dealing a lot of damage late game so be careful of that.”
S4V4 says “Yet another skill match up. Cassiopeia's kit is really strong against Yasuo is he has no windwall. All she has to do is hit her Q and run him down spaming her E. If you dodge her Qs or windwall her Es, you win this matchup”
WolfRider01 says “I normally take fleet to negate a lot of the poke from poison+E. Play around her Q, you can W her W if she's going to all in you. Also if she is going to R, click behind you to look away, and thus preventing you from being stunned.”
Katfire says “Cassiopeia's W has a grounded effect which renders you quite useless because you will be unable to use your E. Try to avoid it at all costs and try to bait it out. Trade when its down.
At 6 Cassio can ult you if you all in. A good trick to know is if u E W R after you E moveclick to face away from Cassio and continue your combo. This will take many Cassio's by surprise as they wouldn't notice that you aren't facing them so they would expect a stun.”
zee160 says “Her poison early game is very, very strong against you. She can easily bully you away from minion wave, which is the only thing you can rely on to counter her. Do not expect to get a kill from her unless you get a very good gank.
Beg the jungler to gank you more often, too.”
Hqzz says “Cassiopeia will almost always win trades with you. She deals a lot of damage with very low cooldowns, you are mainly burst. Any type of engage is a bad engage with her. Wait for a gank and play safe. ”
hickeyo says “Careful with the E damage. She is a machine gun and can run you down especially if she has ghost or phase rush. If you don't land your Q goodbye LMAO so be careful. Be smart with the R timing, just like brand she can break your shield easily.”
MartyBG says “An easy matchup for Lux. As long as you dodge her q try to land as much dmg as you possibly can on her. She's really squishy so she can easily die from a combo, but try to not to miss your q because in that window where you don't have your q she can easily punish you.”
MINISE says “Cassiopeia's all ins are deadly, you might not have a way to get outs to her cc and slows. Push and harass minions to extend lanes and leverage.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with ignite or cleanse. Slightly Cassio favored matchup. You have better Harsh, Waveclear and kill pressure on her early on. If she doesn't take cleanse its going to be hard for her to survive this lane. After 6 if you R forward she can R you or W and run you down. She will outscale you after 3 items and wins in a 1v1 unless you get a bubble on her from a far. She can side lane don't side lane against her in mid to late game she will always run you down.”
Akali go skrrrt says “Dont get caught in her W as you will be useless if you get silenced. You can dodge her R with your E if your reaction is good. Her R reveals you in your W”
Bobbab says “Cassio is a very difficult matchup if the cassio is good. Her W basically counters your whole kit and it makes it hard to escape. Try to dodge her q/w and fight her. Make sure to turn around before ulting so you dont get stunned. Cassio has no escape so jungle ganks makes her really weak when flashless.”
sweodigaming says “Early game she is weak since her mana runs out quickly, and yours does not. Care when she comes back to lane with Tear of the goddess, she is just going to spam abilities and harass you since she also out ranges you.”
Glasletter says “Depends on who gets the better ult off and when you shield. It's more in her favor over long periods, but you can kill her when she least expects it.”
Midlane God says “Cassio has a strong kill pressure on u almost all the time.
If u face her wait for her to use Q and watch out for her W
U also need to know how to dodge her R
Manzey says “Cassiopeia will be a very hard matchup - you should never go close, even for a trade. If you do, you risk getting killed. Just play passively and farm and only go aggressive if getting a gank.”
Magical Rock says “Cassiopeia can do a lot of damage if you are not careful, as if she hits you with her Q, she will spam E. Luckily, other than that, you are free to jump on her.”
neverwanted2be says “FF+Domination+Doran's Shiled.
I think Resolve is a very big affort to her, Coz she is very weak w/o her mana and "Q+W". This madam ll control her lane and try to freeze it, so instead of trying "breake freeze" and gets few AA to ur face, u can accept it and fast push her, be focused on early roams and securing kills. Ur midgame mobility is her biggest fear.”
Grayified says “Cassiopeia can ground you, making you unable to escape, and giving her or her team an opportunity to kill you. I would recommend banning Cassiopeia in Mid or Top.”
ItzJavAgain says “My permaban,biggest threat to Irelia outside top,really high damage,better scaling,and most importanly her W prevents you from using Q,talking away your mobility and a lot of healing since u cant jump on low hp minions to heal or into marked enemies”
aL3x888 says “This matchup is so dependent on the Cass, you got play it slow, farm what you can, give farm, get your items and u can all in. I would place a W first and R her then 3xQ, or R her and turn my back (so the ult does not cc you) then 3xQ her.”
KormitLeFrag says “Her damage is insane, but she can run out of mana very quickly - and due to the nature of your W, you won't be facing her often so her ult isn't a problem. Her W can really hurt you though.
Shove and roam otherwise.”
Simp4DuCouteau says “Cassiopeia's main damage source is her Q, as it amplifies her E. Because Corki has no snap mobility, it's easy for Cass to land her Q, making trades negligible. Her W also prevents you from using your W, including The Package, gimping your survivability and dive potential. ”
Siderman5 says “She's a hard one, if you want to stay alive, you have to outrange her and focus on charming her before she ults you. If you can charm her, turn back instantly after the charm is down, because there is a chance that she will try to ult you. Her W will make your situation really bad, because if it is under you, you can't ult away, and have to walk out of it slowly.”
Yeager says “Skill matchup. Her W makes you unable to use E or R if you stand on it. If you want to engage, it has to be with W first.
The main thing you need to do, is rush boots EARLY. If she lands her Q on you, she will win all trades, as she will follow up with E and proc her phage rush. It makes it almost impossible for you to hit any spells.
This part mainly comes with experience. But most of the time you will know when a Cassiopeia will use her ultimate. That's when you turn your back against her, so you don't get stunned. ”
Yeager says “When playing against Cassiopeia you have to be good at baiting out her Q. If she misses that ability, her twin fang won't deal any damage because the target has to be poisoned first. Play around her cooldowns and go aggressive when she misses Q.
Getting boots early makes the laning phase much easier. The glacial augment build is strong against Cassiopeia because she has no mobility, so she's pretty easy to lockdown when caught with CC.
Lunasta says “Cassiopeia is a really hard champion to deal with, since she can cancel your whole combo and can Kite you really easily, There's no good way of countering her as a Qiyana, I'd recommend just staying safe and try not to get too far behind”
FalleN3 says “This one is a skill match-up and can go either way depending on your knowledge or the enemies skill/familiarity with her. She deals a lot of damage early game so you need to be careful at all times. If you do not start with boots, be sure to pick them up as an early item as they will really help you to avoid her skill shots. If you turn your back to her when she uses her ultimate you will be slowed instead of stunned. She is very immobile and vulnerable to ganks, because of this playing the lane slowly and not pushing it can work to your advantage and allow you to call for some help from your jungler. Try not to give her early kills as this will make her difficult to deal with.”
TheCatOfCheshire says “It's a really dangerous one. Level one she can last it with her spell so she's better than you. Lvl 2 she got the poison + mass claw so she's stronger than you. Lvl 3 you can no longer escape. A good cassio can beat a great ahri, you have to play smart and use the fact that you outrange her to poke her. use the charm flashed to engage her. And if you dash on her, look behind instantly after the dash cause she'll try to ult you. You're a better roamer then her so use it to get some free kills and kill her.”
Yeager says “Lane can go either way. Focus on dodging her Q skillshot. If she misses that, she won't be able to run you down. Get boots early if you struggle and cleanse if they have a jungler with hard cc as well.
She needs to base for a tear and stack it, so she will lack damage at the early stages of the game, so you can abuse that.
Basically, you can win trades if you dodge her Q as her damage will be nonexistant early.
Focus on farming and getting out of the laning phase, where it will be much easier for you because she has short range, so you can easily poke her down. ”
Frixen says “Take Cleanse into her to not get all-inned. Stay as far away as possible, you don't want to take extended trades with her, poking doesn't even do much as she has insane sustain, you just have to wait for your jungler.”
FalleN3 says “This is a skill match-up but you need to lane against her with caution. She will use her range advantage in order to zone you off your CS and bully you out of lane. You need to avoid her skill shots (Q) and (W), this can be easier said than done. Her (W) will stop you being able to use your (R). Assuming you can get to her without taking an ultimate to the face, after level 6 you should have the ability to 100-0 her, especially with some jungler help. She packs a lot of DPS though, so if you get stunned by that ultimate - you are in trouble.”
SkellyBirb says “Cassiopeia isn't very good early game and if you can get the jump on her she doesn't have much to stop you early game. However, she will be dealing a lot of damage late game so be careful of that.”
FalleN3 says “This is a skill match-up. Try your best to out-roam her and you will need to out-play her. She will use her range advantage in order to zone you off your CS and bully you out of lane. You need to avoid her skill shots (Q) and (W), this can be easier said than done but your kit certainly gives you the ability. Her (W) will stop you being able to use your (E). After level 6 you should have the ability to 100-0 her, especially with some jungler help. ”
Shazzaam says “Cull start and farm it up. Dodge her Q and watch out for her all in since if she lands her R onto you she can probably kill you after she gets some items.”
Reason97 says “Casseopia is a mostly skill matchup. A good cass can get in your face and kite you out hard, but a good stun will stop her kiting in her tracks, and your all in does a lot more immediate damage than her's. She depends a lot on her ability to kite an enemy and widdle them down over time with her fangs and poison, so if she try's to pick at you, stun her and dis-engage from the fight. Now, if you get the drop on her, you have the advantage, but always keep a lookout for her slowly inching her way up lane towards you, and always be aware of when her R could be ready to use. ”
xAsuta says “Your early game is much stronger than Cassio's so bait her near your tower and all in this snake. If you know her r is ready, turn away after jumping on her to avoid getting stunned.”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. With her new way of playing and her w buffs she is a veryyyyy hard matchup. She has amazing self peel and wins all long trades. Outscales you. Take Conq.”
sashadidntwalk says “Her poison smoke can stop dashes, along with her R. Try to bait it out if you can and go all in. Get QSS or cleanse if you keep getting hit by her ult.”
arcanejhin says “her posion smoke that stops dashes is a PAIN, along with her R. Try to bait it out if you can and go all in. Your time to trade is right after she misses the small circle ability.
Get QSS or cleanse if you keep staring into her soul and get CC by R.”
Fadedreformed says “Skill matchup. Try outplaying her q's by doing weird movements you can actually get out of her miasma if you are quick enough. Dodge her ult and you will be fine”
Shock_101 says “Master the art of the fadeaway. When you see her coil back, shes gonna ult, and you only have a split second to react. Abuse her pre-6, and abuse her heavily until she gets tear. Fight her when she has half or no mana, as she starts with something along the lines of 300, and her e costs about 20 - 30 early game. Fight her level 3, and dodge the poison.”
TiamatOnRiven says “make sure to bait her w,soshe has no way to stop your all in during firsts levels,or try some mini trades and when half hp rush all in”
DaggerTV_ says “Casiopea will be extreamly powerful if she lands her poison, always move around and try to e onto her to doge her q. Also remember to look away from her before ulting. If you are looking away from her and ult, you can't get stuned”
Arrgh Matey says “If you dodge the Q she won't get hasted, deals less damage and can't heal off you so it's perfect timing to trade. To dodge the Q just don't stop moving and play evasive. You can easily poke her out early as she has no movement speed.
Buying boots and sheen together is perfect for this match up. Just beware of her cool down, keep trades short because she can Q about every 3 seconds. Otherwise fairly easy match up if you don't get kited and can bait the W (long CD early) and Q. You can easily W her ult. ”
xXkillercrackXx says “Very strong laning and trading due to the power of presence of mind. Boots start is recommended as dodging her Q and being able to run away from her level 2 E spam will decide the lane. You can gold card her to try and create some distance, but the speed boost she gets from Q and the slow from her W will allow her to still chase you down. If you're ever below 70% health and she lands a Q, she will outright kill you if she has cleanse.
Can't ever follow your roams so we're good in that regard.”
Yuki H. says “Once again a skillshot reliant matchup where victory sways towards the one who is able to dodge most. Cassiopeia's E damage is minimal when the target is not affected by her poison. Therefore, avoid trades after being hit by her Q or W unless you have confidence. Additionally, note her W renders your W and R useless while standing on top of it since it "grounds" you. Prioritize purchasing a hexdrinker, or qss if hexdrinker is not bought. Two MR items may be a bit redundant especially if Merc Treads are bought as well.”
BEYBLADE NOXIANO says “Com a mudança do Miasma, de uma match up fácil, passou a ser uma hard match up. Ela pode abusar de você no early, mas você ainda tem potencial pra matá-la no começo. Procure Snowballar contra ela no early. Se você virar pra trás antes de você ultar, ela não consegue parar seu R com o R dela.
Proma says “Dshield.
Very poke heavy lane If you can engage on her you should win as she has very low armor. Post 6 watch for her ult and try to avoid getting stuck in her puddle.”
Chiefsnake says “just keep moving and don't let her hit her Q. Even if she does hit her Q you can easily just run back so she can't hit her empowered E. Most the time you aren't even facing her so you just end up not getting stunned by her ult.”
Tocsam Vladimir says “Just farm and pay attention to her Q's, don't fight early, with protobelt you stomp her, this match is about recognizing you are a lot weaker than her so you need to focus on avoid her Q's or her W, if you get hit by one of theese, just ran away from her and maintain distances, farm the best you can and wait for you 6 to have a chance on nuking cassiopeia, if not, rush protobelt and then the lane changes a lot, because you can stick to her to deal your full combo while you can avoid her R with your pool. ”
Defensivity1 says “Dont let her damage you for free, she uses an e? q her, she uses a q? w her if you run away from her she will outtrade you do not be affraid to kill her.”
Veralion says “Surprisingly easy. Burnout carries you out of E range if Q ever lands, so she can't really do any damage to you before Rylai's. Just don't walk up to her while your W is unavailable. You can’t solo kill her at 6 on even footing since your ult guarantees her stun and full combo, so don't try to take her alone unless it's down or she's out of mana/health. She is very vulnerable without her ult and you can squish her quickly like any other champion; pounce at first opportunity before she gets it back up. Best bet is to call for help at 6 and hope to burst her within whatever CC your jungler brings. Try to turn away for her ult, you can usually intuit when she’ll go for it. Cass players are typically very bad at using it unless they're mains or onetricks and miss it frequently. Failing that, either roam and look to take advantages elsewhere, or spam ult to farm and poke her from a safe distance. ”
I1oveZombie says “This one is hard, cuse if you poke her she can get back up but if you doesn't she has a free lane.
So what do you do? One thing is to play glacial, the other thing is to perma shove the lane making it at least a little bit harder for her to farm, and lastly you can poke her and play with jungle.”
vuty2002 says “When you are hit by her Q, prepare to use your Wind Wall because she will definitely attack with her E. After her Q is out, don't try to approach her just yet as she will make sure you cannot dash with her W”
RikudouDovahkiin says “Cassiopeia's damage and sustain maybe not much of problem at 1v1, keep an eye on her ultimate, then she is easy. But be aware of her damage when she gets fed. She can melt you away. As her spell casting range is farther than yours, play around her spells, baiting W shouldn't be that hard also remember that she's unable to W her very near, so it will probably end up on a Petrifying Gaze cast, you should be dodgin' R at this moment to leave her disarmed.”
Tom4tenmark says “Hard Early Game
Start to poke at lvl 3 and get your advantage
Farm up and you win lvl 6 fight easy against her!
If she bullies you in Early Game just farm and try to roam to get your Teammates ahead!”
Stiwy says “A pain in the back.
Lots of damage, can prevent you from using your E, can stun you, can chase you and the list goes on.
Mercury threads and adaptive helm can be really useful.
Jungler can try to help you but still she will remain useful during the whol game.
Very hard matchup overall”
Nooldles says “Her W is the thing that makes this matchup hard and her R depending on skill levels of players. Her W disables your W and E1, which are both of your defensive abilities and allow you to duel. If you get caught in one of these the trade will always go bad unless you are extremely fed and even that doesn't look too good. To counter her W, try E1 before her W and pray you land the E2 onto anything that isnt on the W preferably her. Post 6 you can also use her ult when she W you to give you time to walk at her and unleash some combos onto her face. Despite this, she is an extremely difficult champion to face as her DPS levels are much higher than yours in an extended fight. You can burst her when fed but being fed against her is unreliable.”
Omega Zero says “Cassiopeia has an extremely strong slow and can kite you rather well, though she's very skillshot reliant. If you get Grounded you will not be able to return to your body, so be very careful during trades. Even if she does not land the stun on her ult, generally she'll just have enough DPS and pressure against you.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Easy match up until she gets a tear, She'll be able to win any trade you take with her most of the time and doesn't let you run around with your E so don't go Phase Rush build against her.
Basically just try to not let her get ahead.”
The PaIe King says “Sustain Karth
Summoner Spells: Teleport/Flash----
Build Path: Rod of Ages, Sorcerers Shoes, Liandry's Torment, Rabadons Death Cap, Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass.
----Rune Page: Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transendence, Scorch, Prescence of Mind, Last Stand .----
maxtenj says “Her poke can easily destroy you. This is a personal ban for me as if you miss your ult and don't get help from your jungler, its pretty much GG.”
orangepenguinhead says “Her W prevents your Q which is your main source of stacking up. She is also really good at kiting so once she uses her W, you need to make sure you time your Q so that she doesn't get away”
snukumz says “She is hard to hit but you out range her by a lot.
Keep your distance and combo her if you hit your knock up.
Her ult will cancel your ult so try to keep your distance when combo'ing her.
If she gets on you and you miss your knock up you're probably dead. ”
nguyenbautroi says “Cassiopeia is extreme annoying because of her W, make you hard to combo, and her R make you stun when you E straight to her to make a combo”
1256 says “scales good, can run you down if you fuck up, has better early but cant kill you w/o tear+6/jg, go for quick trades play around q/w cooldown and you can allin her then
fleet+dom, electro if confident”
AZIR MEN says “Be careful of her Q, if you get hit by that, say goodbye to half of your HP. Do not do long skirmishes with her. Watch out for her flash R, taking cleanse isn't a bad idea.
Take comet or conq.”
Pentakai says “A good Cass will be cancer. Beware of her W, since you won't be able to ult/flash. If you expect her to ult, turn around so she doesn't stun you.”
LightningTemplar says “Short trades early only. Mid-late game she will undoubtedly outscale you, especially as she builds Zhonyas. You can't swap places with your W, nor use R when standing in her W.”
PepeOnDrugs says “This is a skill match-up but you need to lane against her with caution. She will use her range advantage in order to zone you off your CS and bully you out of lane. You need to avoid her skill shots (Q) and (W), this can be easier said than done. Her (W) will stop you being able to use your (R). Assuming you can get to her without taking an ultimate to the face, after level 6 you should have the ability to 100-0 her, especially with some jungler help. She packs a lot of DPS though, so if you get stunned by that ultimate - you are in trouble.
gonzales1 says “U never win long trades with her try to always short trade her and dodge her Q. And always dodge her R. If she hits R and W on u, you are pretty much dead. The thing is most of cassios will probably run exhaust also so keep in mind when exh is on cdr so u can make a play. When u get your tiamat and dirk you can oneshot her. She wouldnt have her seekers yet.”
Lobban says “Cassiopea can shut you down with her ult. What i suggest is you put a W down a couple of inches away from her. Then when you go for the death mark you can switch to dodge her ult. Keep in mind that you should not be too hasty with switching.”
xXAhriXx69 says “Cassio is only a problem with her ground since it makes it so ahri can't use her ultimate which is one of her biggest tools in her kit.”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Cassiopeia is a tricky one. Her W blocks out your E dash or even blink and your ultimate completely. She has much constant damage when she hits her Q's and is super fast, so long trades are basically a death penalty for you.
But when you E on her, she won't have the ability to ground you, because of her minimum W range. Additionally, when you have good reactions, you can negate her ult with yours.
evilforreal says “Cassiopeia can deal extreme levels of damage from an early point in the game. Focus on dodging her poison and disengaging with E if she tries to go in to harass you. Try to bait out her ultimate by tethering to her, and turning away right before your root activates”
KataFlix says “Cassiopeia is a dangerous champion against Katarina, as soon as she lands her Q on you she can take you out easily. Also her W can disable your E and so does her ultimate on you, in order to win Cassiopeia as Katarina in a 1v1 situation, use your ultimate looking back in order for Cassiopeia to burn her Ultimate unfairly”
MaxskeProductions says “This is one of my favorite match-ups. You can easily kill cassio and take her out of the game if you dodge her poison. Make sure to keep turning your back to her in a fight so she cannot ult you! But if you die, she will become scary.”
henxs says “First levels she will poke a lot try not to lose much healt at before lvl 3. At lvl 3 you should engage and trade damage or kill her if possible.
You can Windwall his W E.
Try to e behind her if your engaging you will have a nice chance to dodge her R.”
panger 174 says “es un champ de autista, NO LE PELEES juga a pokearla si queres pero no es una ahri que gasta la q y ya esta. te va a llenar a habilidades y te va matar una banda (elec/dh)”
Gageowago says “Does a lot of annoying poke but you should outrange her with q. If you get hit with a q and she starts moving towards you back off to avoid getting shred by her e. Her w stops your ult and flash and opens you up to a ton of damage. If she walks up like she might ult you try and turn away in order to avoid being stunned. If she runs low on mana in lane try and keep her off of minions to deny her mana sustain. -------(Patch 9.23) Cassiopeia is actually the biggest current abuser of Conqueror. Watch out for this champion and never fight her when she has 10 stacks of Conqueror. Taking Cleanse is a decent option in this matchup.”
BigFatCat909 says “Cassiopeia is a struggle of a lane, thought i find it easier to win with Electrocute than Conq against her. My only advice is to not ult her if she has her w, it's fine to ult her if she has her ult aslong as you turn away after ulting.”
Papapostolou says “Dodge her Q and you should be fine, always have on your mind for her R. I have won this match up many times, but i have lost some too.”
Kataspina says “Impossible to lane against cassio because of her W and E + conq is broken on cassio so the combination of her E spam and conqueror is insane. Look for opportunities once she uses her W and try to dodge her Q since her E does no damage if she miss her Q.
Doran's shield start.”
ZombieZack1 says “Cassiopeia can be Out ranged when Playing Lux so use that too your advantage, Cassiopeia will only win if u Are playing with Poor Positoning”
Lil Tidepod says “Cassio is a relatively difficult matchup for Ryze. Her ultimate really ruins a lot of your combos, and the fact that she can just spam her Q and do tons of damage is really annoying. If you avoid her Q, take a short, quick trade with E Q. If you're trading and avoid two of them, all-in her, because you will kill her or get really close.”
Fhizzikx says “Depends on how you play the matchup. You have more range than her so don't be scared to trade. However if you get hit by her r then you're most likely dead.”
Capparelli says “Hexdrinker, engage when W is down, and try to just all in her at 6, best case you kill her and have a lead worst case she has to flash away, the first means a free back the second is a free roam”
roskataka says “If she's able to time her Ult or acid you're pretty much done for, if you land your Second cast of E you've won the fight since she has to run otherwise she's dead.”
zeno smurfer says “This matchup is hard but still winnable. You can kill him until he don't buy mana if he buy tier you can't win the trade. Just try to dodge his q and stay out of range farm with q. If you go in you can't press w or e in his w go out then w and win.”
TJ3030p says “Let's hope your faker because the only way you win is if you spam ping for your jungler and have the best reaction time to dodge his ult. Take short trades in lane then look to roam when you get either revolver or protobelt.”
BigBushMan says “Cassio has a severe mana problem early on but once she gets a couple mana items under her belt she is a damage printer. Look to harrass in the early stages as it is her weakest point, afterwards, just dont get caught by her W or R, as it will mean certain death. Cleanse reccomended. ”
MartinMorningstar says “Outscales you, has more consistent dmg than you, but has definite counterplay in terms of her ult reliance on solokilling you. Either turn around or use E. Cass is vulnerable to all ins when you have ignite.”
serruh says “Basically anivia, except she's actually a lot stronger and it's actually just tilting me thinking about how long she's been like this. she's a better version of ryze in a lot of cases(not all), idk what else to say. potentially ban her”
RockitoAhri says “Outscales you hard. You can't really abuse her laning phase that much either.
Don't charge straight up with R. Go from the side. Makes her ult much harder to stun you. ”
Kami_EU says “Cassiopeia can chain a lot of damage by landing her Q, try to dodge it inorder to negate her E damage.
When running at her you can take sharp steps back to dodge her R stun.
Similarily when using your Ultimate on Cassiopeia you should immediately step back after every AA > Q rotation to dodge her R stun.”
AriyaIsTheBest says “Cassiopeia is a surprisingly strong AP hypercarry, so be warry of her. Make sure to take care of your early game edge on her by poking her down and denying her farm. The only time where you can efficiently fight her is in the first 10 minutes of the game or when you have a Trinity Force.”
Sismanski says “Cassio is your archenemy, your nemesis! The pool will totally kill your flow, which basically stops you from using your W, E, R, Snowball and your Flash. This is total madness, which will make you moan many times when facing her.”
t3rminated says “[[cassiopeia]] is one of the few champions that I would run heal on. Her kill potential is mainly from chasing you down and killing you with sustained damage rather than burst. The movement speed from heal would be very good against this matchup so you can run away from her. Most Cassio players don’t use ignite so the heal from would have full effectiveness. You can also choose to run [[nimbus cloak]] here as well. You should stomp this matchup since cassio has limited range and you outpoke her. She has no dash abilities so your combo should land easily. If you get a little bit ahead of her, you should be able to 100 to 0 her every combo. You can watch this video here, which is Azzapp’s tips and tricks when facing a Cassio in lane.”
Loki029 says “Youl could be 3 Levels under her and you still would kill her, Use Silence to avoid her E Spam, use W to survive E Damage ( she will heal less then) Consider Building Banshees ( very effective)”
jster131 says “Low-key counters you because her w prevents you from dashing. Play this lane safe and wait for her to mess up or for your jungler to gank
PrettyPinkPutin says “She can W herself or you on a wall, essentially stunning you for the entire duration you are on the wall, be VERY cautious of her R and dodge accordingly, she needs some time to kill people and her R enables that well, don't rely on your own R to dodge it as she may W herself with you in there before pressing R.”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “She have more DPS than you think she does, If she rush zhoneya's she's un killable unless you are sure you can do a play
Bait her R before ulting her and never tower dive her
she's squishy and don't look for trades when her Q hits you
she can hard poke you
Witchxry says “Again, Cass isn't too troublesome, but she can be trouble if you don't know how to play against her. Like Azir, she has no mobility, so try to harass her in lane and deny her kills and CS.”
Sloyr says “Her W that makes you grounded is a big problem. Her damage are really good when she's able to get her Q off. You have to dodge her Qs and try to bait her W, and remember to turn around when you think she's gonna use her R.”
66lew says “Difficult lane match up because she most players which play her have good mechanics. Cassiopeia has very mechanics and this the reason to be careful because it becomes who can lane mechanics better”
Gogicha55 says “Pokes, Poisons, Has Hard CC, You can't jump on her easily cuz of her W and she's actually pretty mobile and can get away easily with phase rush. you can try to kill her early or just roam.”
8wolf says “Pretty short range, but scales extremely well. You can abuse her in the laning phase but be very careful for her W. If you sit in it, you can't dash away and if her jg is around you're a sitting duck.”
Daedralus says “Her W is extremely annoying as you won't be able to cast Q as a dash or your R at all. Once in this zone, she will simply spam E on you and then potentially R to keep doing so. Yet again, this only applies to laning phase as once you get your items, you are capable of one-shotting her. ”
Tehqo says “You really want to be careful of her W. It stops you from doing any sort of dash or blink. Other than that, she isn't an issue. Don't do any extended trades with her because she will always win those. Make short trades and push lane.”
NebuIa says “I hate this character because she can just run at you and kill you. However, like most champions, you should be okay. Avoid her R, trade with q's and auto's, you'll be okay. Phase rush is great in this matchup.”
TheBlueImperial says “Hard counters you, out-ranges you, out-sustains you, out-damages you and is overall a huge pain. You have to shove lane and roam.”
Je Suis Azir says “The game is going to be about awareness. If you don't let her hit you with her Q, and you don't let her trap you with her W, you will win. She is just like you, a Hyper Carry Mage, but her kit is much more reliant on poisoning you than your kit is on your soldier placement. You can beat the shit out of her if you are better. ”
Tartertoot says “Cassiopeia is a hard matchup, she can spam her Q to gain speedboosts which make her very difficult to land a snare on, and she can out dps you in most situations.”
TheSpark says “Stay away from this snake thing, if you're in her range she will kill you. Her DPS is crazy even with only a tear.
Stay back and poke her early game, espeically before she gets tear since she'll run out of mana fast.”
GalioPlayer says “Cassiopeia counters you in every way possible , her miasma disables 2 of your abilities so you literally cant engage on her in any way , and galio really hates champions that have constant damage in his lane , and cassiopeia is like the biggest dps mage . ”
KitsyMamori says “She will poke you till death. Avoid being poked too much as it will be hard for you to fight back against her. When fighting her, try to look at her and spot the split second animation of her ult. When you notice this TURN AROUND for 1 sec then fight back. If you failed this you're most likely dead.”
cobbzy says “Take Doran's shield. Try your best not to get hit by her Q. This match up is really difficult if you don't dodge her abilities. Her ult can ground you which means no shunpo so make sure to punish when she doesn't have ult up. ”
vaske_lol says “Avoid getting hit by her Q and W and getting poked out of lane. She will have control over the lane if she plays it smart. Play this lane to scale and don't give her a lead of any kind. If you can't quickly burst her down, DO NOT ult on top of her!”
Aizenvolt says “She can be tricky and she has insane damage. She can poke you out of lane really fast if you aren't careful. Try to avoid her q and w otherwise you are dead meat. Ask for gank and roam after 6 dont underestimate her damage. Her w stops you from using any mobility spells(blinks, dashes).”
stupid katarina says “(R + W*) Pokes you really hard in laning phase, make sure to always push her in. Make sure your Twitch is good enough to dodge her R.”
yoink my r now says “Wenn die Cassio gut ist, dann kann man ff 15 go next. Wenn sie nicht gut ist, dann hofft man auf den Jungler und man bringt sie behind. ”
LONERlSM says “Farm Lane your q range is about the same so its a game of dodge ball if you dodge her q and lane yours look to extend the trade for 2 or 3 seconds.”
Quezel says “What do you even do to this champion as a melee top lane? dodge this lane if you can but if you can't run Second wind in your secondaries and try to farm the lane out. You generally won't win all in but if you are fighting her dodge every q and use your r to get rid of her miasma if you do this she won't do any damage to you and won't get her movespeed buff to dodge your abilities learn to dodge her ult as well by turning around other wise she gets a guaranteed q on you and will start to shred through you.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite/Cleanse/TP.
Level 1, play insanely aggro and get her half hp, and shove the wave. Level 2, freeze the wave and W Q AA her from a distance. Make sure you don't get hit by her Q, or she'll run your ass down. Play around your ranged minions when you use Q to harass her.
When you W E Q shuffle her, as SOON as you ult, turn around. Boom, you dodged her predictable ult, now kill her ass as she's easy pickings past 6 for shuffles.”
Mid Win Repeat says “Rush Hextech GLP-800. She is immobile and you will be able to 100-0 at will. Try to dodge her R as she will cast it once you walk in after using Hextech GLP slow.”
MarkeleleYasuo says “This lane is all about one thing, can you dodge her q because if you do you instantly win almost every trade, but you also need to be careful about her w because it can really screw you up, after ulting her turn around so she doesnt get to ult you ”
Marumo says “Threat level 10.
Before the changes to Conqueror, Cassiopeia took Phase rush which made this a skill match up. The additional AP and healing from conqueror just make her far to oppressive to put her as anything but the highest threat. If she can get on you, she can kill you and it stays like that for the entire game.”
Rider0 says “Generally an even matchup, however cassio is incredible in the extended fight if you dont kill her in one rotation of spells she will destroy you, early take trades and force her to use mana, get early boots to avoid her poison, and note you cannot pool in her w.”
spark2 says “The grounded effect from her W messes up both your E and R, which is basically the only thing you need to worry about. If you think she's about to ult, click behind you to face away from her fast so you just get slowed instead of stunned. Once you hit level 3 you're much stronger so you should be able to abuse her in lane.”
Cloud375 says “She has a longer range than you and can burn you down with the poison and damage, it's not very easy to win this lane, but it's not impossible.”
IceBite says “Easy matchup when you know how to do it. Simple trick is in a all in to e to her and then look away from her and then cast your ultimate, she will try to R you but you are not really spinning in katarina R so she wont stop your R with hers.”
paykanishe says “In theory Orianna is a good pick into Cass, but this matchup can fall apart quickly if you fall behind. Her main weakness is that she has to come at you in a straight line to deal her damage which will allow you to land your combo for free. You can trade relatively evenly early and late game. If in a fight she ever misses a Q, you should win the trade.”
Novok says “Outscales you hard. You can't really abuse her laning phase that much either. Don't charge straight up with R. Go from the side. Makes her ult much harder to stun you. ”
worddog says “She can ground you with your W, making it difficult to reposition and also prevents you from casting your ultimate. Keep this in mind when fighting her.”
Novok says “Cassio is the same as Syndra. Really annoying matchup if you don't dodge her poison. Try to pull her towards her and Q+Autohit her since you outdamage her with your passive and autohits+conquerorheal.”
SirZeros says “Cassiopeia is pretty hard for you, due to her dealing so much consistent dmg. But if you hit your stun in the late game, she shouldn't be a problem anymore.”
Tchouvline says “Cassiopeia's recent buff (9.14) made her a huge threat for Fiddlesticks, pre-6 you should be fine but after-6 you'll have some troubles if you're not ahead.”
SpringCoffee says “She out-trades you unless she misses her Q. Also Glacial Augment is really good against her because of her lack of mobility, so don't feel pressured against her.”
Plastique Tiara says “If your opponent plays it well, it will be difficult for you to win the line. Cassiopeia will steal your E and W at the most inopportune moment”
Chromuro says “Cassiopeia is hard to manage, she dispel easily your passive and she does too much damage. Farm and play safe, you must ask for help vs. her.”
Big Shawn says “This is a champ which you do not really want to face with yasuo, but the chances that you win against her are not too low. Her W Ability is the most annoying part, as she disables your whole mobility. So the best way to defeat her is saving your W for her W or when it comes to a 1v1 Situation when she bursts you with her E Ability.”
Fox1ne says “Her w blocks your from sidestep,dodge,or use ulti with any kind of dash movement and her kit is extremely heavy to counter,her sustain is as well dangerous to out-trade her. Look for possible roams stay safe and try to let her behind by roaming.”
hoppyscotch says “This is a high skill matchup, if you can dodge her ult and block her E's with W. You can't really do much early game she will just bully you, I recommend using fleet into this matchup.”
ZenonZeni says “Try not to use up your mana or abilities in a cas matchup and if you miss your abilities she will punish you. Also try to avoid her q and passive because she can burst you down.”
DanDosXR says “Cassiopeia can poke you a lot and ult you once you try to dive her with your ult. Keep your distance early game and rush Banshee's to be able to ult her and not get stunned and damage by her ult.”
Wizboy73 says “she deals tons of damage and outtrades early, only if you poke agressive with e, will you win the lane. get upgraded E asap, to oneshot waves, then you can roam cause fighting her is kinda difficult.”
TruePvPYT says “This may be hard for you , because she counters your ult and your lvl3 powerspike. Stay away from her and roam alot. Maybe look for all in's but don't all in under turret, beacuse you will get W'ed (Grounded) and problably cause death.”
Best Akali Fra says “Cassiopeia can easily counter Akali in lane. This is more difficult to trade her because you have low mobility (Cassiopeia W/Z = can't dash) and Cassiopeia's poison is really dangerous !!”
SepekuAW says “Very easy matchup for syndra if you don't tank the cass Q's. Her q is slightly less CD than yours and about the same range BUT! you have a stun which wins you every trade. don't be afraid to lose a little hp, in order to take a lot from her. You can trade with her by Q'ing melee minions once then setting a stun up by positioning around the ball on the ground. E her then q + w her.
Even if she lands q, when she starts running at you to e.. just Q her.. then pick it up with W
throw the W + e her
then follow up with 2nd Q, you win the trade EVERY time.
if she doesn't take cleanse or barrier you can one shot her at level 6, with 5 ball ulti. Just hit her with ONE q before you go all in.”
DaykareLeL says “Shes really annoying at lane and her W makes impossible to chase her in lane phase. but she gets into your range and you can try to abuse it with a outplay.”
Pumparum says “Damage wise, you will be melted. Only jungle ganks pre-6 will give you an edge, but it will all be irrelevant after 6 since you will have no way of getting onto her without being stunned and melted. Best thing you can do survive early, roam after 6, and bring the goons back mid with you.”
Zeprius says “Simple to play against... dodge her Q and if she extends the fight eat up a bit of damage... even if you lose the trade you will gain health from Qing minions etc...”
ClemexD10 says “Cassio is a very difficult matchup for Ahri, you can't poke her because she will spam her E. Wait until you have R and cast it on the sides to dodge her R.”
unownreality says “Faster then you and more deadly. She can out-kite you, and kill you mid burst. Reccomend banshees veil as soon a possible. Avoid close range if possible. Use singularity to stack minion waves to farm under tower. ”
MechaaZero says “Free lane. Recognize her ult. timing and move constantly. Make it hard for her to land her poison, and E her when she steps out of line. By far one of the easiest match-ups here.”
CC Diana says “Avoid this matchup if you can. As a melee champion, Diana is incredibly easy to abuse for Cassiopeia especially when she hits level 2. Going up for CS can be dangerous since it makes landing her Q extremely easy where she can just instantly follow up with E spam. She also doesn't experience mana problems if starting Doran's Ring since last-hitting minions with her E refunds the cost. Ask your jungler for ganks and play it safe. Once you hit 6, you can use your ult to avoid hers if you are close enough to her since Lunar Rush puts you on the opposite side of your target.”
GaspiNinja says “She moves way faster than you'll ever do. Try to bait her into your tower and stunning her right under the tower range. Or wait for ganks. otherwise you prob won't be able to do much.”
maplecat21 says “She'll have pressure on you pre-6, and will output more raw dps than you in a teamfight super late. She's never straight up stronger than you though, and there's always room for outplays.”
RagexAddict says “This champion, when played well, will give you a hard time in the laning phase. Her miasma (W) can make your Q and E as well as your flash useless as long as you stand in it. It also slows, so it makes you a sitting duck for her jungler to come in and gank you. Hold out for your first back and try to all in her then. If you feel too far behind, just wait for jungler ganks or concede the lane.”
Envel says “She Outrange you with her Q that you cant land your Q on her.
Good Dodge Mechanics required.
+ Dont ever Use Spirit Rush(R) to Obvious on her because she will R you and kick your ass :D
And never forget if you see her R Animation turn around with your Champion because then you don`t get Stunned. ”
SrSuders says “Die Cassiopeia W verhindert Talon's Q und Talon's E, was einen Escape mit den Fähigkeiten schwer macht.
Sobald Cassiopeia Zhonyas holt. wird es schwer Cassiopeia sie i-wie in 1v1 zu oneshoten.”
borsamalac says “No chance to win, farm and ask for jungler help. She probably wont roam botlane because she is slow without boots so play with teleport and scale.”
Yenwai says “Her Q and E constantly damaging you make your passive non-existent and because Malzahar looks where he casts E and Q it opens opportunities for her to ult you and kill, she cant out push you so use that and your teleport to your advantage.”
YourBestSenpai says “Very hard to deal with. Annoying damage, poison, just wait for ganks and farm when possible. Try to poke her with your q, and when is low enough, engage, but look out for her ult!”
Bughans says “You know, i realise... I've never played in lane agains't Cassiopeia before. Not in, what, 400-500 games? Welp. I know her kit though, so let's just say, don't get poked, you won't win the trade. She can prevent your W from even existing, so watch out. Same with your E. Ask for ganks.”
QuickChicken says “Watch out for her ultimate when you are shuffling forward.
As long as you consistently poke her and have an idea of where the junglers are on the map.
Make sure you can rotate to your jungler quickly.
Watch out for her W ground ability as it will not let you dash around.”
Helnakensbrorsa says “Farm with Q and try not to push. Dodge her Q. If she hits you with Q, Q her back for the sheild. After 6 you can kill her if she misses Q, otherwise you're dead. ”
Best Karth NA says “Completely skill based matchup. Look to build a lead and shove the wave in and roam. She has very good waveclear early on, and if you don't harass her enough she will zone you off of csing the caster minions. ”
AgreeableOtter says “This is a coinflip matchup. I would always go Cleanse against her, even if she doesn't have exhaust. Try to dodge as many Q's as possible. After Lv 5 you should win because of your damage output. Dorans shield is a great item against her if you are not confident at dodging her Q's.”
Shderen says “Quite a scary mage to lane against, due to her relentless damage and chase potential. Your silence is ESPECIALLY useful considering that her damage comes from bashing the Q and E keys. Your utility will often outscale her damage if you survive lane.”
HerrSolahri says “Her W is really annoying and the Fact that Leblanc always automatically looks at her while W'ing, but apart from that the Matchup is fine.”
SmokeyEggs says “Suprisingly, this matchup is harder than it seems. I have never faced bad Cassio's and all of them space their W properly forcing me into a bad situation. Always fight in Melee range, avoid her W and bait out her ult. If she doesn't have ult and flash, you go in every chance you get and you'll win”
BicBee says “Look for fights when her W (grounded pool) is on CD. Her weakest range is up close between her and her pool. Stay away from minions to make her choose CS or harass. She stuns you easily if you ult towards her so ult side to side. ”
Header_FX says “If you manage to have ward control and know that you can 1vs1 her, try to dodge her q and then w into her so she cant use her w. Also try to predict where and when she ults and turn around quickly. (it is harder than it sounds)”
Hatzo1vs9 says “you both need to scale , cassio's late game potential is bigger than yours try to ask for ganks and punish her no mobility pick , your jungler can get a lot of kills and can snowball all around the map
OmegaSquadVeigar says “She'll zone you off and won't let you cs early, don't let her all-in you and try to farm from as far away as possible.
Try to get the jungler to gank her due to her being an easy target to gank.
You outscale her but until like 2 items you she'll do more in skirmishes and teamfights.”
Shaawn says “Be careful of her W, if you stand on it, you will have 0 mobility, try to dodge her Q with your dash and look to harass her whenever possible ill suggest you to start dShield if you never played this matchup.”
NocUout says “Very annoying with her able to ground you. If you ult her, try to immediately flash behind her as she will usually try to stun you with her ult. ”
RemainingUchiha says “Her ground kind of counters you, and she can harass you out of lane. It's kind of a difficult matchup but you should be able to burst her at 6, just tread carefully against her ult. ”
thedonk says “Play around her W. Go in once its on cooldown. Don't go in with W unless you can kill her as Cass can just W where you used your W. Once you are in her W, the only source of damage you can use is your chains and Q. She has constant, painful, damage if you fight her, so make sure you trade quickly.”
Dudstrol says “Cassio tem alto DPS e um sustain considerável, por isso evite troca com ela pois so ira gastar mana e perder vida sem necessidade. Faça umas trocas pequenas quando ela errar o veneno e tente fazer ela gastar a ult, sem ela a troca vira a seu favor.”
Jazzmonkey says “pretty hard level 1-5 but if you survive till level 6 its free try to use your combo fast enough and positionate yourself with ur R behind her so she always fail her ultimate”
overweight_zoe says “You'll usually be the one deciding trades and engagements. Be careful though as this champ puts out insane damage that can easily kill you if you screw up. ”
Conceit says “She bullies you super hard early and can burst you before you can ult if she lands her stun after 6. Just make sure to dodge her q in lane and farm. If you somehow get a lead though you can start to bully her with q and e burst.”
kkiskk says “If you want to win her pre-6, be sure to E in before she uses her W. Try to farm safely post-6 because you can't win her if you can't dodge her R and Q. Get adaptive helm first item if you lose more than 1 kills”
Junix L9 says “If she hits her Q she will out damage you, so try to avoid getting hit by that.
In teamfight, wait for her to waste her W, then you can go in.”
Eli The Bat says “Avoiding her ult is a difficult thing....
but if you achieve that, its relatively easy for you to do the necessary damage to kill her.... (squishy champ, even with her healing "E" ability)
Tipurrs says “She outranges you hard. and her DPS is just insane. Her early poke with Q is insanely strong especially with Comet. Rush MR against her.”
LionLifeSteal says “She is a very good champion overall and she can run away from you however most of the time she is very squishy and has to walk up to get damage.”
moutenn says “Q her as much as posible. But level two you back of. This matchup taking w lvl 2, is a must. You can do stuff against her lvl 3, but lvl 2 if she hits a q on you, you just w-w out of there. She can kill you if you dont flash (if you took e lvl 2) Her ground (w) is hard to deal with, but she cant place it everywhere. So play around her range. Its mostly fine to just engage with w. Time it to jump over her q. Then ult her. Most Cassiopias, know that you apear behind them - therefor they will ult behind themselves - however it only stuns if you face her. Så start walking away right after you have ulted. (Ofcouse if you have the reactions, just ult over her ult to avoid it completly.) (Hexdrinker is also fine here)
qasddsa says “Lane goes pretty even, maybe even in your favor depending on other factors. Once you hit level 6, however, you should still be wary of her since she gains so much more kill potential over you with her W grounding and ultimate. Respect her in teamfights and don't dare to Riftwalk in her face.”
LCAU says “idk how to play against this cancer. ask for ganks and hope for the best by poking her down and look away when u see green lights everywhere.”
MattBrnr says “Cassiopeia can easily block your mobility since you have to jump almost always to your daggers to deal all your damage. But is not that hard to avoid it, just play around her cooldowns.”
Draczor says “Cassiopeia is a strong lvl 1/2 mage so do not try to trade too much early on and keep a good distance. If you do trade make it a quick trade and walk away as you don't want to prolong it. Focus on pushing rather than fighting her and try everything you can to dodge her poison. Poke her with your laser and if she is low enough you can try and kill her but make sure to dodge her ult as that can turn the fight around. It is also better to bait her W out before fighting her. If she is too low on health you can easily pressure her from farming.”
RYZE number one says “A nova build em que se upa o Q tornou muito dificil jogar contra Cassiopeia, antes do 6 é uma skill match-up, após isso, a match-up vira para a Cassiopeia”
Gambinos says “This champion is just op very op.
Her poison is very dangerous, and she can make you grounded, which you cannot E out of. Yasuo has low mobility without his E and this is just one of the reason why she counters you hard.”
rimzaki says “U need good reflex for her cuz She can disturb early game with Q E combo Dont try to trade against her early game she always win even u in bloodrage but she no match u in late game try to wait ur sanguine pool against her ultimate ”
Sozzoh says “Cassiopeia is better at duel's than you are, so this lane should just be a farm lane. Early game, Cassiopeia has INSANE level 2-3 damage, so try and avoid extended trades with her at all costs. Try to avoid dashing when she throws down her W, and face away from her when she reaches 6. Azir is better in teamfights than Cass since she's mainly single targeted, so if your jungler ganks mid pre-6 or if her ult is down, Cass will probably drop dead. If she's too much of a problem, get Abyssal Mask.”
Superior current says “Challenging matchup. Take a level 1 Strut and try not to get hit. DO NOT USE ULT WHEN YOU ARE NEAR HER OR YOU WILL IMMEDIATELY TURN INTO STONE!”
Witwickies says “I think that it is skill match-up that can go either way. You can kill her, and she can kill you. Junglers presence can be crucial in this line. Just remember to try predict places where she will use her Q.”
undeadsoldiers says “Cassiopeia will probably attempt to bully you at level 1 by spamming E. If she does, stay back, let her push you in, and retaliate when she's out of mana.
If she plays aggressive enough, she's a free kill for you and your jungler because she has no escapes.
If her Q hits you, back off.
You can dodge her ultimate by ulting backward!
Try not to let her get a kill. If she does she can snowball pretty hard.
Suggested: Cleanse”
pokeball says “You have to be conscious of her W at all times. It prevents you from using 3 of your abilitys. It is essentially an anti Ekko ability. She is also a lane bully so if you get hit by 1 q half your health bar is gone.”
macspam says “Relatively free laning phase as long as you dodge her Q and don't stand in her ult range. She will have a really hard time escaping the cage in the early game since she can't buy boots.”
Itsyaboyorchid says “Cassiopeia will stay safe in the early stages of the game. You can try to get a 1v1 pick pre 6 or around 6 but once she obtains her Archangel's Staff power spike, she can engage in a 1v1 fight. Try not to engage in a 1v1 fight once she gets her Arch Staff. Farm with Q/W. Save Q/E combo to keep her away/avoid ganks.”
Itsyaboyorchid says “Cassiopeia gets 1 good Q-E-E-E-E-E-E off on you, chances are you're dead regardless of what you do. Avoid her engage/Q. When she hits 6, avoid hard engage, as this can ruin your game with 1 clean Cassiopeia R.”
Eccentrik says “She can make you "grounded" with her abilities. Poke her down hard until she can't deal the damage. Also, if she ults, turn back at the exact moment, it takes practice, but its life saving.”
GeneralJ0hn27 says “She has great poke with her poison and at level 2 its even stronger when she has her twin fang (E) to harass. But you can go for an all in play at lvl 3 when you have your spell shield because you can block her poison cloud which will save you from a good portion of her damage because her E resets if it hits poisoned targets. then just spam kill her until she's to far behind then start roaming”
dumb lucker says “This is by far the hardest matchup i encountered with this pick and my tip is just not try to fight her unless she is very low on mana or you somehow got her low enough with just q poke ”
OUTGOINGSHARKY says “Laning against Cassipeia is tough. Not only because of her poison but because her W. Her W will ground you making you E useless until you walk out of it or it disappears.”
Smol Jelly says “Cassiopeia has good zoning potential against you. Her miasma is wide, and she's got decent sustain with her heals. Watch out for her miasma, and try to poke her down from afar. If you stay at your max range, she won't be able to stun you out of your combo.”
ShokLoL says “Cassiopeia is a very volatile skill matchup. If you overextend too far without having either W or E available she will probably chase you down the lane. If you want to be ultra safe you can play comet E max and just play from range constantly, but I think you can get away with electrocute Q max. Always make sure you have either E or W to disengage from the trade and don't get caught too far up the lane.”
Zattand says “Cassiopeia es un enfrentamiento que puede ser difícil para Yasuo si no gestionas bien su habilidad Q y las oportunidades de acortar distancias. Su daño a largo alcance y control de zona hacen que este enfrentamiento se vuelva muy complicado una vez que se escala. Sin embargo, Yasuo tiene ciertas ventajas que pueden inclinar la balanza.
Consejos para enfrentar a Cassiopeia:
Esquiva constantemente su Q (Mordisco de Serpiente):
En los primeros niveles, es importante esquivar su Q en la medida de lo posible, ya que es su principal herramienta de daño a distancia. Si Cassiopeia consigue acertar una Q en ti, puede ser muy difícil responder sin perder mucha vida. Siempre mantente en movimiento y usa tus E para esquivar o reposicionarte de forma segura.
Usa Windwall con cuidado para bloquear su E (Toque Petrificante):
La E de Cassiopeia es peligrosa, ya que puede aturdirte y dejarte vulnerable al daño adicional. Si sabes que va a lanzar la habilidad, usa Windwall para bloquearla, lo que impedirá que te atrape y te permitirá seguir peleando sin tanto riesgo.
Controla tu E y lanza la Q3 con precisión:
Usar tu E (Hoja Cortante) cuidadosamente es clave, ya que *si eres predecible, Cassiopeia podrá atraparte con su R (Veneno Sibilante) al estar en su animación de E. Para evitarlo, es mejor intentar usar la E desde los costados de la ola o atacando cuando logres levantarla con tu Q3.
Usa tu Q3 para asegurar los intercambios favorables en pelea de uno por uno, ya que al infligirle daño se compensa el control de área que ella puede provocar.
Juega alrededor de la recarga de su R (Veneno Sibilante):
Cuando Cassiopeia tiene su R, se convierte en una amenaza mucho más grande. Evita pelear directamente si ella tiene su R activa, ya que su capacidad de daño será brutal y muy difícil de mitigar sin objetos adecuados. En lugar de eso, juega para desgastarla mientras su habilidad esté en recarga.
Haz presión y escala para los combates:
En esta línea, tu enfoque principal debe ser sobrevivir y escalar hasta que tengas suficiente daño para igualar o superar a Cassiopeia. Si puedes presionarla en los primeros niveles y mantenerte siempre dentro de su rango de habilidades, podrás obtener una ventaja para las siguientes etapas.
El enfrentamiento contra Cassiopeia requiere que juegues con mucho cuidado con tus intercambios. En los niveles más bajos, esquivar sus Q y bloquear su E con Windwall son las claves para no caer fácilmente. A medida que escale, tendrás que evitar ser atrapado por su R y usar tu E y Q3 cuidadosamente para obtener ventajas. En resumen, evitar daños innecesarios mientras escalas es crucial, y con algunos objetos, podrás pelear de manera efectiva contra ella.”
Zeekar says “If she w's you her, you have a very short duration to W onto her. If you don't make that timing, you can choose to simply walk out of it, if it isn't a life threatening situation, or start ult sprinting in a direction. If you go towards her, expect her to ult. That's a way you can bait out her ult. other than that just focus on dodging her Q. She is short range, so if she is within E range of you, you should be able to reach her too. ”
ShokLoL says “Cassiopeia in lane can be scary but she'll really struggle into you in teamfights. Keep the wave in the middle or on your side and don't let yourself get run down the lane, be willing to trade E to run away if necessary. Rush swiftness boots.”
ShokLoL says “Cass can be poked out from range but be careful going up too far, especially at level 3. Once you're level 4+ and have a point in W you should be able to poke from range and as long as you have either your W or your R she shouldn't be able to chase you down.”
Top Lane 52.85% Win Rate28% Pick RateCassiopeia Top Lane Counters: 10 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Cassiopeia in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
liucan says “HARD Skill match: Dodge Q with W, then trade. Remember that his W stops ur W and Q. U can use ult to engage then W behind for bait his ult, but if this fail ur cooked. buffer E whenever u can, u cannot outrun her if she lands Q. She can kill u in a few E if u are low hp and get poisoned, so dont rely on shield + second wind too much.”
parker3n9 says “This matchup is quite difficult for Swain. Cassiopeia has significant kill threat and excels at running you down with her sustained damage and mobility. Generally speaking, she can out-damage you in extended trades, making it crucial to play cautiously and avoid overextending. Focus on farming safely, and use Fleet Footwork or Unsealed Spellbook to sustain and adapt as needed. Keep your distance and look for opportunities to poke her down while staying out of her range, especially when her cooldowns are up.
Recommended Runes: Fleet Footwork or Unsealed Spellbook
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “VERY tough matchup, especially if you're inexperienced with it. she can run you down with and without rylais and scales very hard. You can expect her R to parry it but its pretty tough, so it might be better to parry her Q, to basically halve her damage, BUT make sure to hit the SLOW PART of your W, otherwise you might not be able to catch her. Be aware of her W, as it will stop your from using your Q and can be a death sentence. if she uses her W wrong, you can run her down level 3. Play very patiently and you can beat her, don't get run down and expect her to deal a TON of damage. Last stand”
Spartaniko says “Annoying poke and you can't W if you're in her pool, try to look behind to predict her R so you don't get stunned. I'd go TP to roam as you can only kill her if she actually missplays hard.”
Basilli says “FLEET RUNES
If she takes Conqueror then it's ok, but with Phase Rush this is very hard. Avoid getting poked down early levels, then look for a Q>W combo, if it lands you should proc Ghost and take an all in, it's your best shot. Try predicting her ult and either dodge it or Devour her to mitigate the CC. ”
Fanatical Goose says “Refer to the Guide Chapters ranged strategy. Specifically against Cass you can out speed her but she does get free MS on her Q so try to dodge it. ”
Houcs says “Rarely picked but insanely annoying when actually is. Try avoid her W at all cost since it interupts your E.
Also careful going for an R on her because if she see's your R animation she can use her R and you will be stunned.
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “cassio é algo mais chatinho, porém da pra dale, só toma cuidado pra n tomar o W dela quando vc for pra cima pq se n vc fica de xereca e n faz nada.”
ABL Pantheon says “Hard matchup. You can try to poke with Q, dodge her E to not get a lot of damage, avoid getting hit with her Grounded and side step her Ultimate, otherwise E her, but both of them require proper timing. Engage with W only when her W is on cooldown.”
Frankoloko says “You NEVER win this. You fucked up in champion select. Sit under your tower and hope she's dumb enough to never freeze the wave on you. Pray your team carries like crazy. The best you can do is at least not get her fed.”
Belle19 says “(cassio top) rougn matchup. The main thing you have going for you is that to poke she has to poison you, which if you stand in your wave will also make her push. There you can somewhat farm under tower or ask for a gank since she gets obliterated by a gank if she is too far up”
NASAO says “For me, a hard lane, because she has lane pressure against you and good range. But you can kill her in a All-win situation, with ghost and ult. But be careful if she has ultimate, her W and flash, because you might be kiting by Cassiopeia. At a certain point in the game you can attack her if she doesn't have the w which has a long cooldown.”
CrimsonL7 says “honestly never played this matchup (no one plays Cass top) but it sounds like ass in my head so. cant dodge her r since you are berserked, cant cast W or Q in her goop. Prob can kill her if you hit R and have enough health to tank her R. ”
LDaL says “Hard, Fleet or PTA. Prefere flash + ignite. The thing about her to dodge her q, without it she want be able to chunk you hard with eq or qe combo and you can go for a trade. Just remmember she usually use w close to her, so you can't use your spell and she can deal dmg to you. So try to bait it and then instantly e back, wait until it's end and go for a trade. She can't stun you with her ult if you turn back to it.”
Azzin says “Just like every range matchup it's just a matter of patience. You win lvl 1, don't get caught into her W as it cancels your jumps. Get MS early to dodge her Q and you'll be fine.”
Haxorr says “If you notice by now, there's a bit of a trend when it comes to hard Jax matchups - they're mostly all AP ranged champions who are really hard to trade on without dying.
Same as the other ranged AP matchups, Start DShield and run Grasp in this lane with Second Wind. You can q start vs. Cassio and jump on her level 1 to get some nice auto attack trades. Rush Trinity and look to kill her with your jungler, as she has rather low ability to escape. If you ever dodge her qs and she is low on mana, you have a timer to look for a trade/all-in.”
DuckQc says “Try too survive pre lvl 6é When your 6 Land your Q and run her down. I hate this match up cassiopeia is very strong vs most of top laner. U CAN ACTUALLY PLAY PANTHEON VS HER IF U KNOW HOW TO PLAY HIM. gET HEXDRINKER”
step1v9 says “Tryndamere wins at all points. Try to all-in when she misses Q. You can use ghost to walk over her W as well since it prevents you from using E. Try to proactively dodge her R by keeping your cursor close to your champion then clicking away from her.”
Ulsur says “Definitely winnable but pretty hard, after level 2 just play safe until you get your first recall, she has a lot of consistent DPS but you can win the duel if you dodge one of her Qs, don't use your E until she does or else you'll be stuck in place taking spits after spits from her until you die without touching her, rushing Hexdrinker into Profane or Eclipse is a really good option.”
Angryappleseed says “Her ground counters your W engage. Your W is also very predictable, she will ult you in the face while you are dashing. She will also perma harass you.”
KingJoeyy says “your w is only useful for her R but other than that you will get poked by her q e it's disgusting you can try to e q when she doesn't expect it.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Rare matchup. Ghost/tp spellbook. She wins till 6. Her miasma wont follow in death realm. Force of nature second item can be good. You dont need rylais/cosmic first item. You wont be able to kill her without ult or ghost. ”
SenSen_LoL says “Skill matchup. You should win easily pre-6 as you can harass and jump out to dodge her Q, but be careful when you engage if you lack the damage to kill, she can sustain and trap you with her W. Make sure to poke her to around 40% health before trying to jump in for the kill.
After she gets her 6, it gets even harder to jump in for the kill, so just chill and poke.”
MaesePerez says “Take comet, with a bit of jungle help you can kill her early, and as long as she isn't very ahead she can't kill you if you stack MR. They tend to build Seraph's embrace, so be careful with your ults, dont eat the shield. ”
W4llaceK says “Nobody plays this toplane, but it's super common mid lane. If you're mid lane I'd perma ban this, and if you see it top, dodge. If somehow you end up playing it, do D Shield Second wind and just don't give her kills. beg for JG attention and kill her 2v1. Do not fight her solo until late game where you can burst her down from fog.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
broken, atleast her AA cost mana tho. You win late fights, unlike most champs it really isnt a signifier to go in if she misses poison as its a really low cd. Always go swifties here unless the enemy is literally 4 AP. Usually top laners are in a position where they have to bully cassio in lane or they are doomed, you have the benefit of being able to having a scale gameplan as she cant match your split properly later on. Still though cassio is blatantly just overpowered. Phase rush + resolve”
GwenMain says “take doran's shield for survivability. I hate seeing a Cassiopea top. Just play safe and farm near tower when possible. Use W to dodge her abilities while you try to farm, if she takes you with miasma you are most likely dead.”
SchloppyPoppy says “Yes she's ranged, yes she's AP. But that just makes it more fun. In my guide I have a very specific piece of text that explains how to play against ranged matchups. This one is easy, rush Spectre's Cowl and follow my instructions. Let her waste her mana, and when she's low on mana engage on her.”
zwartebliksem says “Cassiopeia's W is hell. You will never be able to go in when it's up. The cooldown is very high early, try to bait it there. Once she uses it, you will be able to go in. This is a horrible ability to play against in later teamfights. Once you're dismounted, there's not much you will be able to do.”
Vin Livesel says “She has insane early damage, she can def kill you, be very careful
Once you get resistances, you can win
Outscaling: Idk
(If they bring ignite this can go up in difficulty)”
hoflol says “Cassiopeia out-damages you at almost all parts of the game.
The upside to this matchup is she has very little mobility, so it is an easy matchup to proxy and to gank if you work with your jungler.”
ThelpixG says “Toxic matchup, she wins poke and long exchanges.
Your best bet is trying to bait her for a gank but this champ is just ass to play against since she'll become quite tanky once she gets liandry's and other items she might build such as ROA and Archangel's.
Take the heavy poke setup with doran's shield and buy a cull.
Try to just survive and get a gold advantage by farming with your Q.”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) Even if she is ranged you can still beat her up if she tries to walk too close to the wave. She can stop your W + Flash combo if you step into her W. She can be very hard to deal with if she buys Rylai. Stride - Trinity - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks”
Steinuhu says “Dorans Shield Start \\ Dont Q3 into her if she has W up \\ Always trade with E \\ If she wastes W you can just R into her \\ Always space her Q's she deals basicly no dmg without her Q. This matchup depends on how good the Cass is. Do your best to dodge her Q poke. You can never Q3 into her or she will just ult you. Her W prevents you from Q3'ing, E'ing, and returning to your E. Use your E to dodge her Q if needed. She is very susceptible to ganks, so try to freeze the wave at your tower and call for jungle help. Only go on her if she misses her Q trying to harass you. Max range ulting is better than Q3'ing because she can't react to it unless she flashes.”
JPGamer10BR says “Não tem muito o que falar, tu não ganha dela, ela te dá muito dano, apenas sobreviva e tente farmar o que conseguir, no pior dos casos peça ajuda do JG para quebrar o freeze.
Runas> Aery ou F.F”
The Saucy Saurus says “Very dangerous, nigh unplayable. Ask to switch with midlaner if facing cass. If they do not switch try and farm under tower until plates fall and then never go back top again.”
joke7813 says “Dogde worthy. Poke/Burst damage is insane even with D-Shield you cant hold against it.
Her trail counters you complete.
But one tipp.
With MR boots, Volt. Cyclosword, Ignite and a good ult you can MAYBE kill her. Your ult makes you unstoppable so the trail doesnt matter. ”
Murfz says “Mercs are overrated vs her I think since the only actual CC she has is her ult (Still go mercs if good vs her team). I'd recommend wits end second if possible though since you need MR vs her. Lane is rough but try to avoid fighting her close to her turret since her ult and W are really strong vs you in trades where you can't run.”
BurritoTopKing says “Outscales you heavily and can space you easily, either look for early ganks or just play for teamfights, MR items can help survive lane easier.”
inviskretur2 says “D Shield+Revit
-Her Miasma will not allow you to Ult
-Look to punish at level 3 and dodge her Q
-Use bushes to deny vision
-First back Null Magic Mantle+Refill
-Try to get push level 1 if allowed”
Bonkyou says “Top visitor, don't fight her when you get Q'd, use common sense and you can easily beat her in all stages of game.
If she ever kills you however it is just going to get harder.
Buffer over her R with E or your own R, Threaten all ins with your E and she will feel like shit trying to time R on you.”
Chaddouk says “The big issue with Cassio matchup is that it's winnable, but it requires a lot of focus and you can not let your guard down once. Basically if you're in a world where you can dodge every Q there is no way in the world you lose it, but she has Q every 3.5 sec so it's like a minigame. Early on she has mana issues so you can look to abuse the first few levels. Typical trade would be : dodge a Q, dash in to her, hit her for 3.5sec, do a random movement to dodge next Q, keep hitting if your still in range or go back. Then ofc her W is a big part of the matchup, when she has it up it can be very tricky to go for a trade, yes it cancels your ability to E but also it slows you so even if you E in she W and can kite. Often the best way to close distance when she W's is actually to step back out of it into E through it. Then ofc regarding the ultimate, try to dodge it but don't "overdodge" it and stay on place, observe how she uses hir first R, most likely she's gonna keep using it this way (like fiora W). She has strong scaling, and is close to unkillable 1v1 when she has zhonyas (so check her items). So try to set up the lane for ganks to abuse weak early, and go galeforce if you can to grab a few kills before she has zhonya's.”
Saitamaro says “Dorans Shield Start \\
Dont Q3 into her if she has W up \\
Always trade with E \\ If she wastes W you can just R into her \\ Always space her Q's she deals basicly no dmg without her Q”
Smudey says “[DODGE]
[Starting Item: DShield]
[Build: Fleet + Liandry's]
She is the definitive Teemo Counterpick. You can't to anything in this lane since she has more range than you. Rapid Fire Canon can help in this lane. Ask your Jungler for help. Honestly, just dodge if you think they might pull out the Ultimate Couterpick.”
LeyzeHP says “Fleet
You should always win, she should be able to say something only after 6, but you can dodge her R if you don't jump on her W, just don't try to give her free E poke or she melts you.”
Antecc says “Pretty bad match up, depending on her skillshot hitting abilities and your feetwork. You can cheese her weak level 1. You lose any trade she hits Q in. Anticipate an R when you press E, so try and dodge it whenever you do use E post-6. Wit's End recommended 2nd.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “She is very squishy so lategame after lv13 you will shit on her but early might be very difficult. Only thing i can recomend you is to focus on dodging her Q and most importantly respect her W beacuse if you will get in her smegma she will melt your ass”
lordimboutabust says “Plays like most ranged matchups, you can try and full combo at lvl 3. At 6 if you manage to dodge her ult its usually a free kill. Just make sure to remember when you are going to be grounded during the trade, usually you can just walk up and tank through it if you aren't too far behind | Second Wind | D-shield - Evenshroud”
Bernardian says “Another counterpick that is barely picked but when it is it is very tough to play against. pre 6 try to look for smart engages with your E same as the vayne matchup if you hook always ghost play mostly around your CDs and post 6 play around your ult. She can run you down easily and actually heals a lot from doing so if she runs conq. Good thing about this matchup is unlike vayne once you do have her in your melee ranged its kinda hard for her to get away unless she flashes but still very hard nonetheless.”
Babuleh says “Завоеватель/решительное наступление щит дорана второе дыхание тринити
Крайне сложный матчап для игры 1х1 из-за ее w, r и q из-за которой невозможно убежать если вы уже влетели. Все это подкрепляет экзост/барьер, которые часто берутся игроками на кассиопее чтобы всегда выигрывать драки 1х1, контрится лесником ”
FaNTOP says “Купите Вармог и попытайтесь фармить. У вас не будет потенциала на убийство хорошей Кассиопее, если вы используете на неё свою Ультимейт, отойдите назад, чтобы она не смогла использовать свой W или Ультимейт, чтобы остановить вас.”
matma says “Avoid her (Q) into her (E) spam and turn your back to her (R). If you are not familiar with her animations I would advise to check some Youtube videos related to it. Against her I recommend you to work on kiting and baiting out her poisons while Csing and NEVER trying to trade. She is relatively fast for a champion that can't wear boots. The second you get struck by (Q) or (W) she will follow up with her (E) that can be spammed over and over, which really hurts! They tend to run Conqueror which heals her for a lot. You can't really dodge her (W), but you can build a bit more defensively while building into damage to make up for her damage. The good thing is, she isn't played much anymore so it's rare to see. If you really want to increase your ability to CS and poke her early game without feeding into her combos I would highly recommend Rapid Fire Cannon rush.”
kayle1v9 says “Dorans Shield + Second Wind and Lethal Tempo. You have to dodge her Q or she will just run you down with ms + E. You can go cleanse for her R. Qss works too. It's all about small poke trades with Q + auto + E”
stefanko says “Very hard matchup for Jax if you are isolated in 1v1. Generally easy to gank Cassio on top, but in case your jungler doesnt help, its really hard matchup. Go phase rush, and go for short trades where you proc phase rush and just run back after. Try to dodge Cassiopeia Q's as her posioned E's are all of her damage. If you go lethal tempo you win all ins if you dont get stuck in middle of her w, and if you dodge her q's, also you cant allow to get kited, so if she uses w on herself go away, if she uses it aggresively you can look to kill her. If you however go phase rush and proc it after she uses her w, you will easily be able to outrun her, so i suggest learning to play this matchup with phase rush.(Phase rush, teleport) or (lethal tempo, ignite)”
CXFYTOP says “REALLY HARD MATCH UP FOR JAX. Iceborn build doesnt work against ap.
Cassio W is really annoying for jax to play against. and since jax need to auto cass a lot, the Ult is hard to dodge too.”
Federals1 says “Her Miasma will stop you from being able to use your ultimate. Avoiding her ultimate stun is key to winning the matchup. If you get hit by it you are most likely dead. She does absurd damage so you really need to gain momentum and snowball. Like other ranged matchups you can try to set up a dive at level 6. Third or second rune page should be used. Doran's Ring and Blade both work well into her, but you can also take Doran's Shield if you are afraid of getting poked out. Q max is needed. Anathema's Chains rush can work or Force of Nature and even Cosmic Drive if you get a big enough lead. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices.”
vreiki says “Mais alcance, mais dano, velocidade, recarga muito mais curta, mas o pior de tudo, o Miasma (gosma roxa) te impede de usar ou reativar o E. Perder o E é fatal pra Lissandra.”
Loweloexpert says “Flash ignite, dark seal 3 red pots. Bad matchup, she can just dodge everything BUT not unplayable. At lvl 3 wait when she is immobile doing the W and E her during that, follow her flash to not get kited and proc passive for the increased movement speed. If you kill her lvl 3 its won, if not its lost cause even if you hit 6 and you are even with her, she can beat you in your ult. If you kill her lvl 3 and you base with boots+blasting, you kill her lvl 6 and go back with rylais and thats gg. If not im sorry, you will have to play the game as an humble toplaner like Shen or something like that instead of being a 1v9 machine boss monster king of death. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Cassiopeia's pure poison damage resembles that of a annoying flippin Teemo. But her miasma is useless against you because the grounding doesn't affect you at all with like no mobility whatsoever”
illestboy_ says “D Shield + Sorcery. Punish her weak early. Dodge Her Q When All In. Good Cass's will Use their ult when Darius grabs them as during that small frame Darius will face directly towards them. ”
lorensj81 says “Early game this matchup isn't that bad. She has very long range and if she hits her Q she gets bonus movement speed for 3 seconds, here she will try and kite you and spam her E on you.
You want to save Q to remove her W slow when engaging. It's possible to kill her level 6. Make sure to turn your back to her when she uses R, that negates her 2 second stun. If you dodge that it's easy kill.”
Pep_Shin says “Against Cassiopeia or most ranged champions, go doran's shield. Rush earthbound axe. Once lvl 6 you can run her down, your ult gives you the damage you need.
Hit a Q, press R and ghost and annihilate her.
Be careful, if she hits a Q lvl 2 or after she will badly damage your health. Dodge the Q spell. If you didn't just run far away for as long as you're poisoned.”
Irelius says “Не получаем слишком много поука. Если доджим её кухан – изи победа. Если нет – поражение БЕЗ шансов. Байтим W, отворачиваемся от ульты. Мачап ОЧЕНЬ сильно зависит от Кассиопеи. Впрочем, хороших игроков на ней не так много. Потому и "легкий" мачап. ”
JustSad42 says “Go Doran Shield and Second Wind. You have to dodge her Qs with your movement speed or your Qs or parry her R. This is a very annoying matchup since she has the potential to 100-0 you at every stage in the game even if you start the fight melee range.”
Azekar says “Conqueror/Fleet+Second Wind.
Start Doran Shield.
Hey Huntervault. A very difficult matchup. Stay away from catching the exp and try to just lasthit the minions. Cassio can deal massive damage in a short amount of time just like Gwen, but the former should be in charge of the lane. Her W blocks your dash, so your mobility is severely limited. Don't fight her if she has Conqueror - you will lose. In the case of Phase Rush, She will just run away. ”
JustSad42 says “This champion can randomly oneshot you even if you're melee range. You can only go in if she misses Q, if she doesn't miss Q or uses it on a minion, the fights will be very very close.
Otherwise, you can use the long top lane to create a freeze and make it very hard for her to walk up without dying.”
Night Guy says “She is able to cancel all of your kit and outpokes you easily. BUT if you can play it smart and dodge skills she isn't hard to deal with and you can actually win the fight.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo or Grasp, if you go Grasp take TP and lethal tempo go ignite, Start dblade with LT and dshield with Grasp. If you have lethal tempo and ignite you can start Q and run her down. With Grasp just wait until LVL 2 and jump on her to proc grasp then stun her and the minions while you are running away. Dodge her Q's and R.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Dodge angle.
PTA, e start lvl 1, sit in lane bush and hard trade, doesnt matter how much dmg you take - as long as you dont die and get her to 70% hp.
If shes % hp, get 50 fury and flash w ignite her lvl 2 = shes dead.
Her q is 3 sec cd, so when you want to trade, try to bait it and e over it.
AdventurousBoldJourney says “In midlane or top lane, this character is gross. Fast movement speed when they land abilities, can constantly poke you so doran's shield doesn't get it's good value unless you completely walk off the wave, she does so much damage and outscales you.”
bemix95 says “Play laning passive. You should always stay healthy against cass. Second wind and dorans shield will help you a lot. Wait for level 6 and then try to all in with ghost.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Never take long trades against her as she stomps you. Dont trade if she hits her Q. You can poke her hard with Q and barrels, and due to her slow autos its unlikely that she will lasthit them. You can W her ult stun and that hurst her.”
Smudey says “The most annoying part of this MU is her W, which can prevent you from using E. If you can bait it, you can go for a taunt. Make sure to dodge her Q at all time or you'll eat a TON of damage. She is weaker early so capitalize off of that.”
Veng Shotz says “Cass's w is cancer but she wont be able to all in you for free at any point pre 6 without either going oom or stalemating the lane, both of you reset afterwards if you chunked each other out. If she happens to land q she will chase you down with e's that will generally half health you with ease even before items. Dodge her Q and then make an attempt to trade with her, be aware of her w cooldown with yours as its about the same (24 seconds)
post 6 when you all in her try to backstep to avoid getting stunned by her when you eq1+w her as most of these players will instantly ult after you attempt to all in during 2nd q cast as you are softlocked into place and just staring at her for a full second during the cast time.
She scales slowly during lane phase but good cass's give me problems, she is my current permaban as i seemingly keep fighting against GM/chall smurfs with 70% wr each time she gets picked. this is mostly just a me issue. ”
BreadyToCrumble says “When picked toplane Cassio will be a huge lane bully to you. You can never get onto her with her slow and her ult, and she has great sustained damage so she'll win long fights. Your best hope is to burst her down when you get items. Try to trade when she misses Q or W as her E will do less damage then.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with her Noxious Blast(Q) and Twin Fang(E) spam. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce her ability to kill you. Cassiopeia has mana issues in the early game. If she is low on mana, it could be a good time to fight her as her damage output will be heavily reduced as she relies heavily on mana to trade. She is an immobile mage with no escapes. Let her push the wave and then call for assistance from your Jungler to shut her down.”
Irelius says “Dont get poked to much early, Bait her W, use your mobility to dodge her Q. Dont forget to turn your back to her when you think she's going to ult.
If you dodge her qs, lane is free. If you dont, you die. Simple as that. ”
desch3445 says “This matchup really is just about dodging her Q, and keeping your map awareness sharp so you aren't snared by her W and turned into a free lead for the enemy JG, and depending on how you are, that could be not-so-easy.
Take the Phase Rush page from the Toplane category. This is one of the few matchups I'd take PR Midlane in, because it could save your ass running through her W, and while she likes long trades, you can just take short trades with that keystone.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “If she takes Conqueror then it's ok, but with Phase Rush this is very hard. Avoid getting poked down early levels, then look for a Q>W combo, if it lands you should proc Ghost and take an all in, it's your best shot. Try predicting her ult and either dodge it or Devour her to mitigate the CC. ”
Inoks says “Dshield/Second Wind setup, she can be easier in midlane since it's a shorter lane, its abit harder toplane since she can run you down easier, but the matchup stays the same. You dodge her Q, try to bait her so she uses her w and when she doesn't have it you can kill her easily, in lvl 6, it can be tricky, just be careful and don't underestimate her damage output. Force of nature/maw is super effective against her.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Сильно поукает, если пойдете в олын и промахнетесь E, то вы труп, ибо ее заземление и Ульта просто убивают вас очень быстро. Купите зев и дождитесь кд ее умений, можете давить ее под вышкой если позволяет ситуация на карте или пачки крипов.”
Taiquyorah says “MU difficile, bien qu'elle soit fragile et qu'elle n'ai pas de sustain, sa mobilité et ses dégâts sont important.
Rush Brillance puis ER + 2 cape d'agilité.
Pour l'all in il faut l'avoir entamer avec des barils avant.
Le MU dépendra de votre capacité à esquiver et bien positionner vos barils”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Cass top is disgusting. Take Frostfire and play with Q to get CS. Run Second Wind and Doran's Shield. Go Grasp with Frostfire and Force of Nature. ”
HelloStranger says “CONQ | Flash + TP
Low Testosterone incel. I would consider leaving because the amount of shit you can do VS this champ is as abysmal as a caster minion in the late game. Her entire kit counters you and if the Cassio is half decent you will be lucky to get even half of her CS by 10 minutes.”
WildSamu says “DShield + Red Pot.
Dont Q3 into her, she will ground or ult you and chunk you.
Try and dodge her poke.
Play safe and to scale.
If you can freeze she's easy to gank.
meduselolol says “hard matchup if she wastes w you can kill her by flashing but poison but generally you just want to farm outscale and hope for a chance where she wastes basic abilities trying to poke you”
Black Demon Ezel says “Cassiopeia can be played top lane but her grounding means nothing because it may not let you dash but she has no added mobility so you should still be able to reach her with your greatsword”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Horrible opponent. She is much stronger early and scales well too. Quick Silver is a good item to counter her ultimate. Doran's Shield and Second Wind will help you a lot to survive her poke early on.”
VituVonDoom says “Dodge the Q's or you're fucked: The lane! But seriously, try your best to dodge her Q's, and try to bait her W before engaging, as her Miasma can cancel your hammer Q. Go Phase rush page, she runs fast, you'll need to run faster”
Baby Sona says “Survive early game and rush magic resist boots. Cassiopeia can kite you super hard so you should be cautious of your plays. Call your Jungler for help multiple times. You can even use your R to trap her inside your Death Realm and set-up a gank. Afterwards she will be suprised when your Jungler is behind her.”
Aberrant Demon says “As long as you don't let her land a bunch of Qs, it's manageable. W any poke that you have to take and farm up until level 6. Once you have ult, you can all-in with Ghost. You either need to dodge her Ult or W through it to reduce the stun duration. Post Stridebreaker it's really straight-forward.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Level 1 play it safe -> Stay healthy -> Let the wave push to you -> Dodge/bait her Q -> React on her W with your E to dodge it. If she hits you with her W you are up for a bad time -> When you have Q3 stacked up let her use Q on the minions and immediately E+Q3 -> Can also R when she uses R/ react on it looking away or react on her R with your R on her if you have enough damage to win the trade after both of you are off CC”
NegativePhoenix says “This matchup isn't seen often anymore, but it's a pain when it is. Even when you W she can still be a pain regardless of most situations since a good Cass will save her W for when yours is down.
Her W stops dashes so your E will be useless and you'll sit there until she can get to a comfy spot to chase you down and spam E with hard Conqueror procs as well. Overall this is always treated as a ranged kiting matchup and I'd honestly recommend not picking Gwen into her if possible”
947ytb says “- La win condition est de build des bottes
- son auto est trop lent pour casser les kegs
- tu l'outrang avec des kegs
- si tu prend ignite tu ne meurs jamais cassio , meme si le jungler vient et que tu meurs plusieur fois ses point de vie de base est trop bas , avec sheen et boot ces free win
-Joue first strike”
MorgottTheKing says “Cancer. Play safe and dont try to make short trades or else she will wittle you down with q+e spam. BACK AWAY when she uses her W miasma, and only engage when its down. You can either turn your back towards her when she starts her R animation, or you can simply time the parry. Look for jg help if possible. ”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Outplay her, punish her on freezes and deny her resources.
Wave 1-4:
Poke with Q, don't trade for too long, proc your PTA and back off, you can match prio, but you can't push that hard either.
Dorans Shield + Second Wind.
In this matchup you need to have good knowledge of Cassio cooldowns to dodge her Q.
Early boots work wonders in this matchup as she cant buy boots as well so the movespeed diff is hiuge.
Hit vitals and try to kite her out dodge her Q, if she uses miasma for slow to guarantee a Q in that case you have to parry it.
This will give you time to get out of the miasma and dodge the upcoming Q, as long as she doesn't hit too many Q's she will lose too much hp and mana making it really easy to win.
If she does manage to hit a Q, use bushes to remove vision and similarly to a lot of matchups, your jung will get free ganks if she wards bush.
Thankfully due to the nature of her poison dot, Dshield + Second Wind is very effective as you can heal up hard.
You want to pull in waves and stay near minion while dodging her Q so she pushes in while trying to poke.
With a pulled in wave you can sort of run her down while dodging her abilities and kiting her, it requires practice as you have to balance dodging and damaging her at the same time with movespeed.
Once you hit level 6 you need to either parry Q if you will take a lot of poke then move back to dodge her R, or you simply wait for her to R and parry it, you can run her down with ultimate , you completely outdamage and outheal her.
If you don't have low ping, I'd recommend trying to juke her R by going behind her or predicting it.
This matchup is very skill based and can go both ways.
If you have good mechanics and mastery with Fiora you win it! GL HF
queen_rane says “[Ignite/Flash + Ghost] Survive early game, call jungler, rush magic resist boots, call jungler again cause she's a free kill, chase her down in your ultimate. Cassiopeia can kite you super hard but generally speaking, jungler like to camp Cassio tops because most Cassio tops play super aggressive and they have no abilities to escape ganks. Once you're level 6 you can easily set up the gank for you jungler because she's stuck in your death realm for 7 seconds.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: You land E; you win. just freeze and stand in a bush for zoning, you can legit just run her down and you jungler can eat for free if he ever paths toplane. ”
lolkayleee says “[Ignite/Flash + Ghost]
Survive early game, call jungler, rush magic resist boots, call jungler again cause she's a free kill, chase her down in your ultimate. Cassiopeia can kite you super hard but generally speaking, jungler like to camp Cassio tops because most Cassio tops play super aggressive and they have no abilities to escape ganks. Once you're level 6 you can easily set up the gank for you jungler because she's stuck in your death realm for 7 seconds. ”
TheDeadliestMacarena says “Machine-guns her poison ability (E) which can also heal her. Cassiopeia is The Floor Is Lava. Do not step on her abilities. If she misses, that's your time.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Dorans Shield + Second Wind. You need to perma move so she can't hit you with a Q, when fighting try to parry her Miasma so you have some time to run out of it. Boots really help in this matchup and if they have a lot of ap you can even take Force of Nature, you can also take stridebreaker if you like it. Try to always hit vitals to dodge Qs easier, if she hits you with one Q hide in bushes.
Unless you have low ping i'd recommend baiting her R, or you can try to predict her ult and parry it but you would need to get used to her playstyle. You should try to freeze so you can run her down the lane while dodging.
This is a really skill depending matchup, whoever is better with the champ wins.
Escudo de Doran + Fuerzas Renovables. Necesitas moverte todo el rato para que no pueda darte con su Q, cuando le luches intenta ripostear su Miasma para que tengas tiempo para correr fuera de el. Las botas ayudan mucho y si tienen mucho AP puedes comprarte Fuerza de la Naturaleza, también puedes comprar Cortasendas si quieres. Intenta golpear vitales para esquivar su Q más fácil, si te da con una intenta esconderte en un arbusto para reducir el daño. A menos que tengas ping bajo recomiendo que baites su R, o puedes intentar predecirla y ripostearla pero para eso necesitas acostumbrarte a su estilo de juego. Deberías intentar freezear línea para poder perseguirla por toda la línea mientras esquivas. Este matchup es 100% sobre quien es mejor con su campeón.”
Raen says “Try to dodge her Q to not let her bonus ms and not get kited. If she used W you got fewish secs to go in. Remember that you cant use Q or Flash while stepping on her W. D shield helpful vs her posion ticks. Mercs rush. Be careful at 6 for her R + Flash combo, try to move up to dodge her stun and then back to fight her.”
RYKKAI says “Do not fight her head on post 6 or when she has her w up. This is a shove and roam lane where you want to abuse fleet ms in trades and abuse reload cancel eq to safely harass her. Burn your w if she ever pools you so you can stop her from melting you with e.”
gazibulle says “Skill matchup. You outscale her as long as you get unto her face. If she has no Bone Plating you can start E and cheese her and you will most likely chunk 70% of her HP bar, as long as you don't overextend too much into her minion wave. Careful when Wing her since you are locked into the animation and she will have a free trade with Q-E. If you manage to get on her face and dodge one or two Qs she is dead. NEVER go for a long range E, she will just W the wall you are Eing into, cancel it and kill you. Keep in mind Cassiopeia with Conqueror does a HUGE amount of damage, even in early game. If you plan on Eing her, just stick the wall so you can do a fast E. Tell your jungler she is extremely easy to gank as she is a battlemage, and you play Camille (insane gank setup). At lvl 6, it's just a question about dodging her R stun, either with your ult or by backstepping it. Good Cassiopeias will fake their R animation by throwing AAs randomly so be sharp.”
MHLoppy says “Even in lane you both have the potential to deal crazy-high DPS to each other. Her power lies almost entirely in landing E on you *once you're poisoned*, so if you can prevent that prerequisite then you can roll over her. Focus super hard on dodging her Q, don't fight on top of her W, and you should be good to go.”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral tratando de sorprenderla con tu E.
Considera hábito del espectro y botas de mercurio.
Prioriza tenacidad, ella aturde con su R.
Cuidado cuando estés en su veneno de la W, estarás anclado y no podrás usar tu E.
Dos de sus habilidades cancelan tu R.”
Dekar173 says “P: -
Q: 3.5
W: 24 > 16
E: 0.75
R: 120 > 80
Runes vs Cass: LT, Fleet, Conq, First Strike
HIGH Econ: BT > Kraken > Crit, Vamp Scepter prio (Q MAX)
MID Econ: Eclipse, Hullbreaker
LOW Econ: Goredrinker, Stasis (W max); Anathema's + Everfrost
Strengths: Insane carry potential, very safe if played correctly, giga scaling, Crown + Exhaust OP vs Rengar atm
Weaknesses: Immobile mage, only low-mid range damage, Hard CC is very telegraphed on R, W CD is huge, CANT BUILD BOOTS this includes Merc treads, which means Anathema's > > > her
Cass is a super free lane, you can go for Ignite + Damage builds (Crit, Lethality) or even AD Bruiser and be fine, as she has low move speed (can't build boots) and no good peel until level 6 in the TOP LANE which is much less forgiving for immobile mages.
Your passive in brush can outrange her damage + W if you walk behind, or ahead of it, just position in the middle of brush instead of the very edge, BUT if she uses W like this she's wasting it anyway.
Pulling wave level 1 is optimal in this lane, but be careful for her guiding the wave as she will get free ~200 hp poke off against you.
Longsword + 3 pot start
Protobelt/Galeforce can be used to bait her R during your ult [VIDEO SOON]
GIGA FREE LANE, prio a little sustain + damage and you're set.
MID GAME she becomes a threat with Crown, especially if she goes Conq + Exhaust, which means you need to go in, disengage, maybe re-engage or simply walk entirely away. Crown 😒
Usually you can walk through her W if you have stacks, otherwise run away and out and WW 2 of her E procs.
Build vs Conq: Q > 3E > W > 45E
Build vs Phase: Q > W > E”
Helzky says “You stomp her. The only way she'll be able to win this matchup is if she is Faker or quite possibly Dopa. You E her when you have ghouls and trap her, she can't do anything to you if you dance around her Q's.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Let her push and look for all in's once she is overextended in the lane. (OR wait for your jungler to gank)
Try to predict her W and sidestep it since it basically counters your whole champion.
Dodging/parrying/flashing her R means make or break in this matchup so pay close attention to her trading patterns and try to play it perfectly.”
ChowJunior says “This sucks a lot. This matchup is possibly Voli's worst. You will lose early levels because she'll deny you CS and out-kite you and then snowball to ruin the rest of lane. I recommend trying to get a level 2-3 kill with ghost or just set your jungler up for ganks.”
Your Desired Username says “Super frustrating and painful match-up. Rush mercs no matter what. After that, try building damage rather than tankiness. Take Ignite. If you both are on a roughly equal skill level, she will never let you kill her, not even in Brazil. She gets her perma BS speed up from q, which allows her to keep a safe distance from you AND dodge all your spells, seriously, hitting E on her is virtually impossible. You need rylais to hit your stuff. If you hit all your ablities, use ult and ignite, you can win the fight.”
Black Demon Ezel says “I've seen Cassiopeia in the Top lane only once and I'm glad honestly because she's stupid annoying. Just mark her and she's dead but be careful because she's toxic and stunningly rude with her ult. This Medusa will kill you if not careful”
Atomragnar says “You wont have any kill pressure because of her w. GO shield and second wind. If her W is down you can kill her. Try to freeze wave and run her down when her W is down. Rush mercs.”
LunaticDancer says “I'm Getting Bullied runes recommended. D Shield big time. Try hard to dodge her Qs. If she hits two in a row, you're most likely dead. She can quickly clear your ghouls with her E. This match up is pain, be ready for it.”
peepoHappy says “Only time you can kill her is by using passive close to her turret and waiting for her to pass by to go farm, only during that you can 1v1 her and get easy early kill since she can't outdamage you lvl 1, just make sure to ignite her, after that its GG until lane phase is over and you just afk under turret”
space cat says “if she dodges your Qs you will die very easily. if she isnt a good Cassiopeia you can out trade her if you land Qs and dont take needless damage. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “TOO MUCH DAMAGE!!! I like being a offensive dream-crusher but this is a little much? Try to only face her general direction when attacking her and never look her in the eye past her lvl 6 for more than 1.5 seconds or she'll ult you and freeze you for like 3 seconds”
xPetu says “Tips: Don't E In unless she wasted abilities. Passive shield her E's. Always try to dodge her Q. Turn around when Taunt durations ends to dodge her R if she's spamming it. Her W stops your R.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Cassiopeia's main problem is her (Q) into her (E) spam which is impossible to avoid after being poisoned. Turn your back to her (R). If you are not familiar with her animations I would advise to check some Youtube videos related to it. Against her I recommend you to work on kiting and baiting out her poisons before trades. She is relatively fast for a champion that can't wear boots. The second you get struck by (Q) or (W) she will follow up with her (E) that can be spammed over and over, which really hurts! They tend to run Conqueror which heals her for a lot. You can't really dodge her (W), but you can build a bit more defensively while building into damage to make up for her damage.”
Anoying bro5 says “She scales hard and she is fairly strong against Fiora early game. Attack when lvl 3 and and try to riposte her Q or any of her venom damage. She is very fast and good at kiting so try to land the riposte mainly for the slow. Predicting her ult with your riposte will come naturally. You can also see her turn around before the ult fairly easily.”
Phrxshn says “3 of her skills are skillshot based. Will be up to you if this will be easy or hard match-up. Noxious Blast(Q) which is a poison blast, must be dodged to be able to trade. Miasma which is 5 second AOE that should be avoided as it can apply slow + grounding. Petrifying Gaze(R) can be avoided if you face away from Cassiopeia. (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Force of Nature or Cosmic Drive) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Cassiopeia or Singed if he dodges all skillshots) (Outscaling Edge: Cassiopeia)”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “This lane is absolutely brutal. Since the removal of adaptive helm there's very little to mitigate the high damage burn of Cassio's abilities. Focus on surviving. A good Q can knock her out of the fight since you can follow this up with flay ult, and another Q provided some CDR. Anathemas and Mikaels are good items vs her.”
quinn adc says “Cass matchup is Quinn favoured if you play it correctly.
First, let me make this clear: if you vault Cass the moment before she presses her ult, then Cass will ult backwards because Quinn's vault knocks the target in the opposite direction for a brief second.
This seems difficult to reproduce, but I have learned to recreate this mechanic almost every single time I vs a Cass now.
The reason it isn't as hard as you might think to do is because if you try to engage on cass early, Cass's from every elo's natural instinct is you ult you immediately, and by the time they press it, your E will hit them and make them ult backwards.
If you land blind on Cass in lane, go ham and proc PTA and combo her because class can’t retaliate with her E on you.
If Cass misses a Q in lane, this is your window to engage on her because she relies on that ability to spam her E.
Next, Cass W screws over your E since you are grounded, so the objective is to bait Cass W whenever you can.
If her W is down, you are free to use vault to combo her if it’s Pre-6.
Cass has lots of healing and will beat you up if she lands Q on you, so try your best to dodge her Qs.
Utilize the bushes in this lane because Cass is ranged, and the only way she can trade if you walk in the bush is with her Qs, which are hard to land if you're out of vision.
Forcing her to miss Q allows an opportunity for you to run her down.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “This matchup will either be very easy or very hard. Avoid her Q's when you go in for trades and at level 6, try not to use EQ to knock her up for your ult (unless she's at like 20% hp) because you will need to use E to dash through her and avoid getting stunned right after your ult. Just rush shieldbow as fast as possible!”
At_Tar_Ras says “her DPS is disgusting. side step her Qs and she'll do no damage to you. at midlane she's prob a harder matchup but at top lane she's at the mercy of a longer lane meaning more space for YOU to run her down or a jungler to come gank her. make the call for ganks if you need. it only takes a few pings.”
MrDomian says “She can dominate you by countering your skills with its stain.
Build first Warmog or Anathema's!
Play defensively and dominate her in late game with your team.”
Phrxshn says “3 of her skills are skillshot based. Will be up to you if this will be easy or hard match-up. Noxious Blast(Q) which is a poison blast, must be dodged to be able to trade. Miasma which is 5 second AOE that should be avoided as it can apply slow + grounding. Petrifying Gaze(R) can be avoided if you face away from Cassiopeia. (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Cassiopeia or Dr.Mundo if he dodges all skillshots) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
Xerath gaming says “If u are in this matchup, beg that your team carries you. You can beat her easily but if she kills you once your lane is over. Farm till 6, get the MR rune and when she presses W on you ult her so her W disappears, try to dodge her R else you are dead most likely”
Phrxshn says “3 of her skills are skillshot based. Will be up to you if this will be easy or hard match-up. Noxious Blast(Q) which is a poison blast, must be dodged to be able to trade. Miasma which is 5 second AOE that should be avoided as it can apply slow + grounding. Petrifying Gaze(R) can be avoided if you face away from Cassiopeia. (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Force of Nature) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Cassiopeia or Trundle if he dodges all skillshots) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
MagicallyDelish4 says “Get Lane prio and break freezes. She'll lose mana by farming. Avoid her using Q. Only do short trades because she can stack conq faster and she can just poke you to death. Her ult has a decent cast time to try to have fast reflexes. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Fleet
Try to bait out her W cause u can't Q while standing in it. If u parry her ult u should win hard. Mostly farm lane since none of you can kill each other.
Justkb says “This is a hard lane for Darius as Cassiopeia can poke from range and stay out of combat with Phase Rush. Make sure you dodge her Q as then she will have to waste her W to stop you from trading. Make sure that you start Doran’s Shield and rush Mercs treads! When looking to trade make sure you have some Jungle prio, if not wait for her to push the wave and after she uses a Q you can look to engage. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “You don't really ever see this top anymore, but you MUST swap with your mid laner if you do. This lane is literally impossible. She kites, has a 0 cd ability, and also can slow or stun you in place with her poison field. Bad news bro, bad news.”
Phrxshn says “3 of her skills are skillshot based. Will be up to you if this will be easy or hard match-up. Noxious Blast(Q) which is a poison blast, must be dodged to be able to trade. Miasma which is 5 second AOE that should be avoided as it can apply slow + grounding. Petrifying Gaze(R) can be avoided if you face away from Cassiopeia. (Recommended Items: Abyssal Mask, Force of Nature) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Cassiopeia) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
Fan22 says “cassiopeia it´s very annoying in lane and can poke you a lot, and if you try to fight her and then back off she will deal a lot of damague with her E.
But maokai benefits a lot from this matchups, because if you make an adaptative helm she will deal less damague to you and remember, your passive reducces it´s cooldown when hited by an abilitie or when you cast one, which means everytime she spams her E twings fangs, she will quickly chargue your passive and let you sustain for free, if you can AA her meanwhile you are fighting she is in trouble.”
Phrxshn says “3 of her skills are skillshot based. Will be up to you if this will be easy or hard match-up. Noxious Blast(Q) which is a poison blast, must be dodged to be able to trade. Miasma which is 5 second AOE that should be avoided as it can apply slow + grounding. Petrifying Gaze(R) can be avoided if you face away from Cassiopeia. (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Wit's End) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Cassiopeia or Warwick if he dodges all skillshots) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
DooDooSlayer says “Mid Lane:
There's a unique interaction with Cassiopeia where if you ult her and she reacts with her ult, you won't be hit by it since you're technically turned around (this is why you're able to walk normally even though you're faced backwards). When fighting her you need to bait out her W so that you're able to quickly close the gap and deal with her. Recommended to play safe until level 3, otherwise 6.”
Kacto15 says “rara vez te tocará contra ella en la toplane, si te la topas solo espera a nivel 6 le das con tu slow > R > pa su casa, puedes intentar ir sion full Letalidad, cede la presión en early déjate gankear”
Phrxshn says “3 of her skills are skillshot based. Will be up to you if this will be easy or hard match-up. Noxious Blast(Q) which is a poison blast, must be dodged to be able to trade. Miasma which is 5 second AOE that should be avoided as it can apply slow + grounding. Petrifying Gaze(R) can be avoided if you face away from Cassiopeia. (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Force of Nature) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Cassiopeia or Even if he dodges all skillshots) (Outscaling Edge: Cassiopeia)”
LegitLechner says “Slippery snake. Usually goes phase rush. Play for teamfights unless you see the enemy cant cs. Skill matchup but good illaois dont care.”
OTP Toxin says “In theory, she counters you, but, with time you will know when she will uses her ult, so you can turn to the opposite way, You have enough movespeed to dodge her Qs as well, just don't be immobile in the lane and you will be fine.”
SilverAvalanche says “Ranged champ that will not let you get close to her, her grounded ability has a 24-16 seconds cooldown so try and bait it out by standing close to a wall and then E'ing out when she uses it.
a little tip about Cassiopeia players is that, they will first use their ult when they are in danger, so as soon as you do your full combo (E towards her, W slow and Q her) you should instantly ult, it is like a feeling in your stomach, when you should ult, trust it.”
SwordCoast247 says “Cassiopeia shuts you down entirely and prevents you from moving forward to engage 9 times out of 10. Be careful if you fight her and make sure you dodge her poison before engaging. Take advantage of early game to block her damage with W and her early CDs. Otherwise, wait for teamfights and good flanks/ults.”
Koboldjaeger says “Buy Sheen , Mercs , Wits End/Maw and hope your jungle ganks you . If you try to fight dodge her Q and R . Don't try to e to a wall . A good Cassiopeia will use her w under you and kill you .
Build Trinity”
Drake6401 says “Her W is the biggest issue because you can't dash from it. It has a 24 second cooldown and she maxes it last so baiting it out is an effective strategy. Beating her ultimate is extremely hard since your engage is so linear. Your Q actually turns your back on her and will avoid the stun though timing this with the moment you turn is so hard, it's not worth leaning on. She will need to be shutdown early because her damage scaling is ridiculous and she heals like crazy when she takes Conqueror. ”
Cassiopeia is a nightmare to deal with. She has movespeed, she has annoying poke, she has a difficult to counterplay ultimate AND, thanks to new Conqueror, heals up a LOT in all ins AND has early AP. Not to mention how she can ground you which stops you from using your ultimate. I’d recommend taking Conqueror with Second Wind and Unflinching if you wanna be safe. Resolve seconary with Nimbus can potentially work but it is SO risky. She will try to use her Q to poison you and then run you down with her Es. If you get hit by her poison, back off IMMEDIATELY. You will NOT win the fight. If she MISSES her poison, you have an opening to all in her. Try to walk back and then run towards her as she walks towards you to hit her abilities. If she takes Phase Rush, she will be more difficult to stick to but on the other hand, you will actually be able to kill her in an all in. If she takes Conqueror, her missing her Q is your only hope. She is weaker pre-6 so try to get on. Let her push the wave and then run her down with ghost. Having a Jungler helps a lot. Lastly, Force of Nature helps a lot into Cassio so if you are getting your ass beat, get an early Negatron Cloak and then build it into a FoN after Merc boots + Stridebreaker. If she is bad and allows you to kill him then just build normally and snowball on her. Be sure to give up minions and play the ranged matchup properly. You are gonna need almost ALL of your HP to beat her. Stridebreaker is REALLY great vs Cassio so if you are losing, try to play safe until you can get it.”
Amvill says “Her ult is very hard to play around since you have to run at her to tag her with Q. Try to flank around in order to catch her off guard. ”
Rhoku says “One of the worst matchups for Mordekaiser. Your only hope is to ult her after she uses her miasma after which it should no longer be a factor and you might be able to edge out a kill. Cassiopeia is not only a complete counter, she is also braindead easy to play into Mordekaiser so you can't even rely on mistakes. She is the only lane I'd strongly recommed a Spectre's Cowl rush. There is not much you can do as she will dodge your E with her crazy movemetn speed. and if you do catch her, she will just Miasma you and walk away while chunking you down. Just play safe, don't get hit my her Qs EVER and try to chunk her down with a Q or two if you can. I'd save them for csing however. Ask for Jungle help if possible. Protobelt rush is good here. Wait for R with which you can kill her in rare cases. But if she is good, then its gonna be tough. D.Shield and Second Wind are a must.”
jmp_01_ says “Go Fleet Footwork - Playing against her just doesn't make sense, you are unable to play the game, pray to god your jungler will do something, ping him as often as you can so you can actually be useful in later stages of the game. You can't farm or take trades. Play for teamfights and good luck.”
lulw says “Pretty good laning phase, make sure to look away every now in then when going all in to dodge her ult. Windwall autos and her empowered autos. Idek what it is. If she gets fed you can't 1v1. Whenever your all ining when you e try clicking away to maybe bait her R. Shes actually really strong if you let her stack conqueror. ”
Psychopathic Top says “The Cassio matchup is much easier with lucidity rush, but still really hard to punish nevertheless. The only real way to kill her is to side-step her R (predict when she will use R, and turn around to avoid getting stunned), and that takes a lot of practice and even more practice to do it in a real game. Early game focus on side stepping her Q so her twin fangs (E) does not do extra damage. Her Miasma (W) is 24 seconds so she cannot spam that. Can try to all in right after she uses Miasma if you are confident you can sidestep her R. Worse case scenerio, neutralize the lane and try to flip better team, if you are not confident with side steping her R. Late game, she will provide more value for her team, but positioning is everything for Cassio, so it would be easier for your team to punish her than for enemy team to punish a Nasus. (easier to execute/maneuver Nasus than Cassio) If the Cassio doesn't run phase rush (IDK WHY SHE WOULDNT BUT), can first back sheen and try to kill her.”
DippyDan says “Probably my worse fear. You lose split and you become useless in teamfights, unless your team can lock him down. Sure you can try to outplay his ult, but he does not need it to kill you. TIPS: [1] Ask to swap, play opposite map of her. [2] Bait W before going all-in, but this is VERY risky.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Dshield] Respect her movement speed buff from hitting Q. Cassio is very easy to gank in the toplane so try to ask for jungler help.”
Sidrome says “Against cassio you need to have a few things in mind:
Since this is a poke lane, try to perserve as much as HP you can until lvl 3;
She has a good lvl 1 with her E damage;
Until level 6 you can all in on her easily with phase rush+ nimbus cloak+ghost(runes you should take). When she reaches six when u all in try to dodge her ult as much as possible
Alan234 says “Fleet Footwork with liadndry will give you the best chance to survive and be useful midgame, dont fall for rapidfire cannon, its bait
If cassio knows how to play, youre doomed. Dodge q's and r's obviously by turning around, run away from her E if she lands a q and try to poke her with your own q when you have an opening. Try to perma splitpush so that she doesn't take over the game, but really - you can't play the game EVER.”
Cassiopeia est un cauchemar en lane. Elle a de la vitesse de déplacement du poke un ultime difficile a contrer et merci au nouveau conqueror énormément de heal sans parler de la flaque qui vous empêche d'ultime , si vous vous faites toucher par son Q reculer immédiatement elle va vous mettre énormément de dégâts avec son E. En revanche si elle loupe son Q vous avez une ouverture pour tenter un all in. Si elle joue phase rush elle sera plus difficile a attraper mais vous gagnerez l'all in alors que si elle jour conqueror le fait qu'elle loupe son Q est votre seule chance. Elle est plus faible avant le level 6 donc essayer de la fight laisser la push et ensuite courez lui dessus avec le ghost,si vous avez un jungler c'est encore mieux. Force de la nature est un très bon item contre elle il aide beaucoup dans le matchup. Si elle vous explose alors vous pouvez rush un manteau de negatron pour faire une force de la nature plus tard après les bottes de mercures et l'estropieur en revanche si vous la tuer faite un build normal est go snowball le matchup vous allez avoir besoin de beaucoup de pv pour pouvoir l'all in alors éviter de vous faire poke. L'estropieur aide également beaucoup dans le matchup donc si vous perdez jouez safe jusqu'à l'avoir”
Vandenelis says “farm, while getting the least poke possible, you can sustain some dmg. don't fight her late-game since she will melt you, to beat her late game you need the unkitable chogath build, because of her slows”
SKRELAX says “Look for early trades, your lvl 6 is more stronger than hers. Quick tip: If you E W behind her, quickly turn back against her, and ult. If she decides to ult at you, then she can't stun you, but only slow you. Use this to your advantage, and outplay her at level 6, go in if you are healthy enough.”
wff010 says “Filthy ranged champion. Buy boots, max and spam E with Q. She's fast as fuck too so use your cc wisely to land as many autos as you can. Try to freeze to force her to overextend for cs. Dodge her Q lest you be shredded like cheddar fucking cheese.”
LoLReal says “Really tough lane early. Can trade into us and we have no answer unless we hit a lucky E. Can win post 6 after an early cowl and conceding some CS. All-in post 6 if you haven't taken too much damage. ”
Viego99 says “skill match up in viego favor.if you catch this snake with w shes dead .but you need to dodge her q . dont eat her r or use your r to dodge stun. use your r to his e ”
calbino says “Cassio has a lot of poke, and her ground can be lethal at times. If you manage to get magic resist early, you'll have some breathing room. Try to all in her post level 6.”
Jaori says “This champion is heavily overrated. Yes, her kit is really broken, but you can learn to fight her. Avoid her Q's, and go ghost to stand any chance in a 1vs1. Without that, you won't be able to stick close to her.”
ForgottenProject says “Stupid Damage Early Game and Constant Kiting. Plus Hourglass are Broken which is the main reason you even see Mages Top-Lane.
[1]Start with Corrupting Pot and Play Passive.
[2]Parry her Ultimate/Turn Around(Comes with Practice)
[3]Rush Mercury Treads. Get Quicksilver Sash if you don't want to get Mercury Treads against their Team comp.”
SethPRG says “Not too bad early game, go in for a heavy trade level 1. Just make sure to dodge their Q early-game and you should win. Rush Mercury Treads to have the movement speed advantage and additional Tenacity. After level 6 it starts to get tricky, to win you'll need to either face away from their ult or use yours to dodge it, but both require good prediction, it's easier said than done. After they get their first 2 items it's very hard to play this matchup, they will run you down and you can't flash/R them when grounded. They melt you in team fights and run your team down too all while abusing Conqueror as a mage, it's not fun. In team fights focus your CC on them, and try to catch them out in sidelanes with your team if possible. Go Executioners and rush Abyssal Mask, or Spirit Visage if you have an enchanter.”
Godidi says “You just got counterpicked. Your blind is useless on her, she can poke you better, she is faster than you, she has cc and she even has sustain. You cant do anything in this matchup because she will bully you to oblivion. Stay under turret and try to get as many ganks as you can. Take your bad matchup or speed runes and take teleport to try and roam to get kills”
Lok0mina says “Cassiopeia can Attack you from a really big distance, enough distance so YOU can't attack her and even if you find a window to attack her, her move speed will take her to the safety of the tower. Just try to farm as much as you can, and let her advance into your tower so you can ambush her from the river when you get to level 6.”
majororange77 says “Full info in Guide.
Very safe APC. Has mana regen and healing in her kit. Try to avoid giving her free farm under tower. Take Cleanser for her Ultimate.”
NPGRiven says “Make sure to get lane priority to stop her from punishing you easily. Do your best to avoid her Qs, use your abilities. You are able to dodge her ult if you sidestep backwards as she uses it.”
ApollonATH says “Winnable lane . You need to beware of her poke and play safe until 6 . After that if you just ult to dodge her ult cc you can smash her in. Visage is a great buy vs her ”
Womsky says “Phase rush setup, doran's shield, believe it or not, she is actually a fine matchup if you take phase rush into her! She is the first champ who l test phase rush on and the results were mind blowing, her kiting abitlity drops so much cause she can't slow you with her W, and u get that nasty speedy steroids when you go for trades, what u want to do is the following, get fury level 1 and spin into her if she over extends abit, or rush level 2 and trade, u can harashly chunk her early, and sustian back up cause she has no sustain in mana or hp, after rushing tiamat you can even do better trades cause your tiamat active with spin and one AA will insta active your PR and make you run her down, she will have such a hard lane vs you, dives are extreamly easy after few short trades to drop her lower than 50% hp to ensure an easy dive, in the mid to late she will scale for sure cause she is the broken cass that we all know but your 1v1 vs her isn't so bad you just need to suprise her from fog of war so you can get on top of her quickly, consider taking tinacity if her team has so much cc.”
tibs2 says “D shield(cosmic>tonic) second wind. Its rare that people play this match up but it is one of Poppy's worst. Only reason its a 4 is because the champion is not that strong top and can be ganked easily. Try to dodge her q and then try to trade during the q cd window. Its annoying but play it right and you can make it out alright.”
SadmanV3 says “Rather bad matchup, but not impossible. Try your best to freeze the lane, but you will often find yourself either being denied minion kills or farming under turret in this matchup. Slowly build up stacks, and all-in her at 12 minutes once you have gotten boots, additional armor and your ultimate.”
Noodles912 says “Your W does not help much in this lane. Avoid being hit by Q, and never be in range to get hit by her W or R. Rush mercs. She scales as hard as you, so you need to play picture perfect late to win, since she is strong at all times. (Cancer?)”
Buszman says “I don't know what it's doing here, but with Phase Rush it's really annoying, build magic resist faster and wait for a mistake without exposing yourself by being stupid.”
kohyss says “She can kite you well. If you hit E you have a tiny chance to kill her. If she uses miasma ult her and the miasme should vanish. Rush spectral crowl. Definitelly take second wind.”
SPJohnWD says “Cassio is one of the worst matchups for Sylas as her W blocks Sylas's W (unless melee range) E1 E2 and flash.
Without jungle this lane is hard to get ahead against.”
teemodumbstupid says “E Max is great vs Cass since you can't really run at her because of her ult. If you are confident in dodging her ult, you can go Fleet. ”
Urgodzilla says “Still not nerfed for some reason. Insane damage, 0 counterplay, outscales you, runs faster than you despite of not being able to buy boots. Magic resist will help you a little bit.”
jmp_01_ says “One of the worst matchups possible. Has insane damage output, CC, a lot of movement speed and with her W - Miasma you are grounded and can't do anything. Pray that your jungler will do something if you lane against her.”
Kokob5 says “You'll need to play it safe early, Wait till six. At six you'll need to make her use her ground before ulting so she can't slow kite you.”
negoZoma69 says “You outrage her slightly and if you stay safe enough she can't run you down. You can oneshot her after lv6 but most cass players take cleanse and have good movement so just poke with Q and try to be annoying to delay her scaling”
SeptikYT says “She cannot do much until late game as she is a scaling champion. Just dodge her ultimate, aka her only form of CC, by just turning away from her ultimate direction. Kind of a freelo game.”
Zaloufi says “Cassiopeia is the kind of matchup where if the opponent makes a mistake she dies : if she misses her Q, W or R you have an opening to kill her. But it is not up to you to initiate the duel, you have to wait for her to make a mistake.
If she takes Conqueror she'll be hard to kill due to the healing and she'll dealing more damage but you can (probably) escapes her. If she takes Phase Rush you can kill her with an all in but you will not be able to follow her movements.
Her W stops you from using your R and if you get hit by her R you'll probably die.
Buy Mercs and Negatron Cloak then build it into a FoN.”
The_Real_Wickd says “Cassiopeia is almost impossible to lane against top 1 versus 1. Luckily she's extremely easy to kill with jungle ganks due to how immobile she is. Setup ganks with your jungle. Let your jungle get the kills as him snowballing is more important in this matchup.
Generally focus on playing safe. Let her push and use your passive to shield her damage. Don't be greedy for minions. You don't need perfect CS.”
Ravenborne says “Very boring lane, but managable. She will try to E you over and over again, so simply walk back and when she follows you to get extra Damage off step back in and pull her in. Nimbus Cloak and Celerity probably mandatory for this matchup due to her extra MS she receives and the Miasma slow that can make her quite slippery.”
mobsterplatypus says “This is another extremely poor matchup for mordekaiser. pretty much the same thing applies here as it does for anivia, but cass has more kill power, meaning in the event where she doesn't have many resources left, she will still prove hard to kill. Merc treads help.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Ground gang. She slaps hard and her passive/phase rush means she can keep up with you. Dodge her Q and stay out of her W to have a fighting chance from my experience. Rylai's is really useful here to slow her down when she chases you.”
asconakos says “Same as Annie but even more annoying, Punish her Level 2 if she walks up too much for farm, dont fight her after Level 3 unless she wastes W”
xxskipskipxx says “Take Second Wind and grab yourself a Dorans Shield!
Farm with your E or 3rd Q.
Dodge her Q.
Keep in mind whenever you go for an all-in to face backwards after getting close to dodge her ult or go through her with your Q ”
SQU1DW4RD2 says “It's a though one early on, but at 6 she should always be dead if you dont missplay. Try to avoid her miasma (W) and constantly run back and forth, so that she isn't able to predict your movement and rarely hits Noxious Blast (Q) & Petrifying Gaze (R)”
TioKirb says “Only twice I've been against a Cassiopeia on toplane, it is a hard matchup, but if you avoid her Q and get to her without being ulted, you can kill her. But in most cases, I advise against direct aggressions. ”
PinjaPJ says “She's great at melting tanks, you included. If she is fed/going even, it's best to just W her since she already doesn't have legs and she'll move extra slow. Beware of her ULT.”
Ramixx says “Can and cant fight her kinda. If she hsa snowballed you probably wont be able to fight her but if she isent it is pretty even. It really depends on how good the cass player is and if she understands how to play around your W Slow.”
EU_Toxicity says “Try to conserve health as much as you can and all-in with ghost. After level 6 try to orbwalk behind her when all-ining to make it harder for her to land the ult stun. Adaptive helm is a must (usually right after cleaver/triforce).”
iZeal says “A matchup that is very hard to play as Cassiopeia deals a lot of damage even in the early game while scaling much harder than Darius. Dodge her Qs or you will die, but even then she has to waste her W. If she ults, turn around so you don't get stunned. If she gets Rylais, you are doomed.
DShield or RejuBeads, Merc Treads, Phage, make sure to get an Adaptive Helm later on.”
DarkWolfDavid says “Other than her W, She wont do good against you. Be aware of her R, and dodge it with multiple Qs. If you dont forget about these, you will have an easy time killing her.”
byThiagus says “Matchup Complicado pero ganable, es viable la segunda y la tercera pagina de runas, escudo de doran si o si. cassiopeia top es un champ muy vulnerable a ganks. la unica chance de sacar solo kill es que tire mal su q popeamos ghost y hacemos run down”
Darius Darius XD says “Same as Akali but a little bit less cancer, before she has Liandry's, she doesn't deal much damage, you can fight her. Dodge her R obviously. You can fight her level 3, until then play safe. If you dodge her Q, you are pretty sure you kill her if you have both summs (even if she does aswell). After she gets 1-2 items, be careful, see how much damage she deals to you, honestly if she deals more than 250 damage a E, don't even try lmao.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Bait out her Q and go for clean trades or dodge it. Last hit minions -> let wave push to you -> freeze -> let her walk up to the wave and run her down. You can block her W and E with your W. Windwall has to be placed properly and to position proplery as well to utilize it as good as possible
Level 1 bait or dodge her Q and you can go in with your E -> AA+E+AA
Level 2 Bait Q out and go for a quick trade
Level 3 Bait out her Q out and go for a quick trade -> Do that 2-3 times and she will be low enough for an all-in
Level 6 You have enough time to react on her R and turn around
When you chase her and she uses W if you are right in front of it ( not on top ) and you have minions close you can dash on them BEFORE getting on top of her W. This way you go through it faster.
viktoreeu says “Thanks god nobody plays her top nowadays.
Fleet resolve + doran shield, she won't poke you much in early so this is your chance to run her down if she doesn't respect your damage, has mana problems until her first back.
Otherwise soak xp try to farm as much as possible while being as healthy as you can.
Pray for ganks.”
StrikeX114 says “Although Cassiopeia Top is rare, her venom is no less potent. Be especially wary of her Miasma (W) and ultimate, as they can set you up for getting ganked.”
Nicklstherealone says “You cant reach her. Tips? Ask for Ganks or try to play Agressive as soon as your reach 9. Still she is a lategame ranged AP Hypercarry. You cant dash in her W (Area Silence). If you catch her she is dead. ”
Randombeastmode says “A squishy mage that can be destroyed by simply spinning onto her and landing your W.
A2Tap says “This lane goes even as well. Dash and take short trades, to bait Cassiopeia's w, of which you can then all in after her escape tool is used.”
qasddsa says “Cassiopeia is easier to deal with in Mid Lane than Top Lane due to the length of the lanes. However, she is still a huge threat to you when it comes to pre-6 trading and killing her after level 6. You'll want to go 3 points into Q and then max E, building a Hexdrinker or QSS early and/or a Banshee's Veil later on.”
Cassiopeia is one of the hardest matchups for Nasus, she can poke you and destroy you in a lot of ways even full build, she even doesn't need boots so she can afford to go a 6th item without losing on movement speed since her passive gives her movement speed per levels. In this lane your looking to survive thats why we swap to Second Wind + Revitalize. Always when going in try to bait her ult whenever you are about to hit a Q, cancel the animation and turn backwards, usually Cassiopeia will hit you with the ult as you are Q'ing her to sort of "mitigate" the damage, so look to bait her R or use Cleanse. Spellbook is obligatory in this matchup since you will need a lot of summoners to beat her, TP to survive in lane, Flash to gap close or dodge her Ult, Cleanse to get rid of the ult in case she hits you with it, Ghost to laner on get closer to her, Heal/Barrier to tank her. This is one of the hardest matchups but luckily, she's more of a midlaner since she doesn't have a lot of mobility and Top lane is a longer lane than midlane where low mobility is punished really hard, but if she is top, ask for a lane swap for with your midlaner in case he can deal with her. Don't be upset if you are 40+ minions behind her early on, it's the nature of this matchup.”
SubHuman Filth says “This is impossible matchup.
Go for dorans shield. Buy early MR and Health.
Go grasp with second with and just get the CS possible. Dodge q's at all costs.
Just scale and start participating in river and dragon fights.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Cassiopeia especially with phase rush can be a huge bully to Tryndamere in the top lane and can also deal huge damage in a short period of time however she does have a set of weaknesses that allow a melee character like tryndamere to kill her. First punish point for Cass is that she will have mana issues before her first back, if you are able to dodge enough of her q's in lane or you take a big trade with her she expends her mana and does not kill you and you sustain back up, you can find an opportunity to fight her. With the buffed nimbus cloak for season 10, you have 2 ways to proc nimbus cloak pre 6 that werent available before. Ignite + flash. This is a huge change from season 9 where you couldnt get nimbus cloak activations until 6 and even then it was only at the last second when you ulted. Another kill point in the matchup vs Cass if she takes phase rush is to find a spot to all in her if she wastes her phase rush activation. Phase rush has a 15 second cooldown that you can punish. Post level 6, Cass can stun you with her ultimate as a means of disengage however if you turn your back to her during her cast animation you will be slowed instead which can sometimes get you a kill (must have good reaction time.) If you fall behind against Cass look to farm as best as possible and soak exp, keep yourself high enough hp where you can help your jungler kill her if he decides to gank. ”
Nabura says “Take fleet + resolve. Very difficult the higher elo you go and requires a very good sense of how tethering works in melee vs ranged matchups. You need to be baiting all her Qs, back stepping her ult and surviving until 2-3 items.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Cassiopeia especially with phase rush can be a huge bully to Tryndamere in the top lane and can also deal huge damage in a short period of time however she does have a set of weaknesses that allow a melee character like tryndamere to kill her. First punish point for Cass is that she will have mana issues before her first back, if you are able to dodge enough of her q's in lane or you take a big trade with her she expends her mana and does not kill you and you sustain back up, you can find an opportunity to fight her. With the buffed nimbus cloak for season 10, you have 2 ways to proc nimbus cloak pre 6 that werent available before. Ignite + flash. This is a huge change from season 9 where you couldnt get nimbus cloak activations until 6 and even then it was only at the last second when you ulted. Another kill point in the matchup vs Cass if she takes phase rush is to find a spot to all in her if she wastes her phase rush activation. Phase rush has a 15 second cooldown that you can punish. Post level 6, Cass can stun you with her ultimate as a means of disengage however if you turn your back to her during her cast animation you will be slowed instead which can sometimes get you a kill (must have good reaction time.) If you fall behind against Cass look to farm as best as possible and soak exp, keep yourself high enough hp where you can help your jungler kill her if he decides to gank. ”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Eyeball, Ravenous + Null Orb, Transcendence or Conq/Fleet, Triumph, Tenacity, Last Stand + Second Wind, Unflinching.
Sub Runes: CDR, Damage, Magic Resist.
Summoners: TP or Ignite
This isn't an impossible matchup, even though it might feel like it. You have to watch her W usage, if you get caught in that, you're dead, period. Best case scenario, you bait out her W and either Q dance around her to avoid her ult or turn around just as she presses R. You also want to see what runes she runs. Phase Rush? you will most likely have to flash to catch her. Conq? Avoid her Q's so she can't E you and you should win the trade. If she gets ahead then there is a small chance of outplay but better to apply map pressure. ”
Ayanleh says “Cass matchup has become easier morde now, it was impossible before rework as morde had no ways of gap closing. Now morde has E pull and passive movespeed and cass struggles against stuff like this also she can't do much in the shadow realm just make sure to turn your back towards her when shes about to ult or you will turn to stone.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Very squishy earlygame, she can't buy boots and she buys tear first item = no combat stats. You shouldn't struggle in this lane unless you take alot of poke for no reason, giving up some CS early is fine.
You can dodge the stun of her R with your R if you time it right.
Take MR.”
Cassiopeia deals an insane ammount of damage, the fact that she doesnt even need boots, so she can go 6 full items makes her really hard to deal and outank her, in this lane, we are only focused on surviving lane as much as possible, i recommend going also Barrier + TP in case you cant survive till your next summoners change. Its a skill matchup, a good Cassio will make your lane a living nightmare, and try to dodge her ult at all cost, if you dont, you are most of the cases dead (you can also choose to go cleanse as a summoner spell from you spellbook).”
Shumair says “Cassio is hard to play against in a unique way. Shes a bit like Ahri in the sense that she can poke you down and kite you out in your ult. I think the most essential thing is to focus on CS early on as her poke won't be too strong so you can W it. After first back, look to gain the advantage as she'll probably have tear, which provides no powerspike whilst you'll have an early powerspike from hextech revolver. Also get early boots to match her passive speed. Ult after she uses miasma to remove it from the ground.”
NullPC says “Super hard matchup, she will poke you constantly and out maneuver you with phase rush her W will stop your dash so their is no escape. Pray to the god of junglers or accept your tower as your only friend.”
Nytefall24 says “Cassio's grounding with her w, interrupts your ability to snap back to your spirit and keeps you from doing alot of your combos while she hammers you with hers.”
Sir Obliterator says “I know, she's ranged AP caster with no need to spend gold on boots. That's as positive as it is negative. Sure she saves gold and her movespeed per level will outscale boots but that means if you rsh boots you're straight up faster than her. If she has phase rush she can gap-create really well, if not she's not that good. What i can say is, she stutter steps too often which is enough for you to be able to pull her. So she isn't the worst because she will be in pull range. If you have ghost then you'll be able to match her speed assuming she too kphase rush in the all in. so to summarise: Dodge her Q, pull her during E animation and look away when she's gonna R
Kryptonite: Maw off Malmortius, Adaptive Helm and Mortal Reminder”
9690 says “D-Blade. With her new way of playing and her w buffs she is a veryyyyy hard matchup. She has amazing self peel and wins all long trades. Outscales you. Take Conq.”
izack2654 says “Range on a melee champ is already a bad mix, but Cassiopeia can push lane from afar while Mordy prefers to keep it close, I recommend Farming under turret and constant harassment attacks. ”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Cassiopeia especially with phase rush can be a huge bully to Tryndamere in the top lane and can also deal huge damage in a short period of time however she does have a set of weaknesses that allow a melee character like tryndamere to kill her. First punish point for Cass is that she will have mana issues before her first back, if you are able to dodge enough of her q's in lane or you take a big trade with her she expends her mana and does not kill you and you sustain back up, you can find an opportunity to fight her. With the buffed nimbus cloak for season 10, you have 2 ways to proc nimbus cloak pre 6 that werent available before. Ignite + flash. This is a huge change from season 9 where you couldnt get nimbus cloak activations until 6 and even then it was only at the last second when you ulted. Another kill point in the matchup vs Cass if she takes phase rush is to find a spot to all in her if she wastes her phase rush activation. Phase rush has a 15 second cooldown that you can punish. Post level 6, Cass can stun you with her ultimate as a means of disengage however if you turn your back to her during her cast animation you will be slowed instead which can sometimes get you a kill (must have good reaction time.) If you fall behind against Cass look to farm as best as possible and soak exp, keep yourself high enough hp where you can help your jungler kill her if he decides to gank.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up impossible, du moment que le joueur de cassiopeia possède des bras tu n'as aucune chance, à aucun moment de la partie, si elle est top, demande à ton mid laner d'échanger avec toi, ou prend un autre personnage que Darius, si jamais tu es forcé de faire le match up je vais essayer de te donner quelques conseils.
Premièrement joue Rush phasique impérativement, ensuite fais très attention à garder un niveau de vie décent, toujours au dessus de 50% sinon elle peut te tuer en te flashant R dessus, et tu ne pourras pas réagir, enfin essaie push le plus vite possible les waves de sbires avec ton A et de reculer sous ta tour, enfin demande de l'assistance à ton jungle si elle s'avance trop et utilise ton fantôme dès qu'il gank, c'est la seule possibilité pour la tuer.”
Hunter Frenzy says “DODGE |
1v1: E & Pre |
vs Burst JG: E & Res |
vs MS JG: PR & Dom |
Boots: Swift / Beserk |
1st Core Item: Nashor's Tooth | Optional Item: Null-Magic Mantle”
kurbart says “They say gorgons have the power to turn men to stone with just one gaze i guess that's true cause my heart turns to stone when im fighting this animal i have no feelings for how much times i send her back to base looking at a grey screen”
Angela du Seithr says “Cassiopeia est certes faible en early, mais elle vous dépasse sur tout les points. Votre mobilité n'est pas un soucis une fois qu'elle a mis ne serait-ce qu'un proc' de poison et son DPS au E et sa mobilité est largement supérieur au votre.”
zer3000 says “run it down the game will end much faster
on a serious note: go celerity(not mandatory) buy tier 2 boots and dodge her Q's since 80% of her dps come from it. ”
JuarezLOL says “this match up is only playable at lvl 1 she will crush you in every stage of the game you need hex drinker and a lot of help from jungle remember to only farm and not fight (1v1) under any situation”
Narghuls says “Watch out for grounding and healing in trades. Only go in with ignite and stacked passive. Build wits end asap.
Try to bait out miasma and or ult.”
Walnut25 says “Deals tons of damage, grounds you and has sustain unlike any other mages, so she is harder to bully out. Very squishy though so abuse that.”
MateuszNH says “Skill matchup in her favour.
If she is good you lose the lane, otherwise just snowball and she is done. Avoid her slow because it makes your skill unable to use.”
KrazyKid1024 says “Start Doran's Shield and take second wind + revitalize secondary to help mitigate the poke. Cass top isn't as common as it used to be but it still shows up. Phase rush is necessary to win this lane as she can kite for days with her Q movespeed steroid and her passive. Get an adaptive helm to cut her damage down, but play this lane safe or try to kill her in a level one cheese.”
Beatport Expo says “Not really an easy fight, RUSH Spirit Visage to survive the lane with your Thick Skin. Don't engage her without someone's help or you'll get kited”
Shoqi says “O W dela te impede de usar o segundo R da sua ult e o E para fugir de ganks. É sempre bom rushar Elmo Adaptativo e ficar de olho no minimapa para ver onde está o Jungle Inimigo.”
SirDrPotato says “Super hard laning phase and she also scales. She doesn't have a lot of mobility and isn't taky at all, ask for ganks. Try to riposte her ultimate (or even dodge it, turning your back to her, but that might be rough). Late game you should be able to kill her when she has her Miasma on cooldown. -Miasma is a skill where she releases several clouds of poison, slowing, grounding enemy champions. Grounding means you won't be able to use your Lunge.”
Starci says “Her W makes it impossible for you to do anything, If you get caught in it, all you can do is parry and hope you stun them. Horrible counter.”
VictorDelRey says “Can pretty much block your mobility and her DPS is pretty good. Dodge or rush Tiamat to push and roam. Rush Adaptive Helm after Triforce.”
Itreallyhim says “Super tough lane, High damage high movespeed and kiting potential, After level 6 be careful, Shes still very squishy and killable, But be ready to sidestep her ultimate.”
SuperPopo7 says “Playing against Cassiopeia is both easy and hard, the reason being is that you can dive her pre-level 6 if you get her at least 75% hp before the wave is under her tower and if you are still on Skarll. Also, you can easily dive her level 6 with your R along with your jungler”
hephephepeEPEPE says “Cassiopeia is very annoying try to rush mercs and adaptive helm so she deals less damage to you i dont reccomend to proxy on lvl 1 since she can kill you”
MagrelinOnFire says “Runa: vs a distância
Spell: flash/teleporte
Essa matchup recomendo começar com cristal de mana e farmar safe, você só poderá mata la na lane com a ajuda do jungler, rushe sua trindade, troque a Sterak por Elmo adaptativo. Se a cassiopeia estiver de conquistador, recomendo você pegar 1 carrasco no começo do jogo. Late game você consegue fazer 1v1 contra ela, se você acertar os barris, caso contrário ela te mata.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “Cassiopeia will most likely win this lane if she knows what she is doing, however you can still win the lane if you consistently dodge her Q and punish her mistakes. She can kite you extremely well since you have such a small auto attack range and her sustain matches yours when using Fleet Footwork. Try and play safe and farm up. If the Cass over extends while she has no mana you can kill her so if you see the opportunity then take it. She scales a lot better then you so don't try to 1v1 her late game as you will most likely just end up dying. ”
AGKH says “Heavy dmg in short period of time
Take advantage of her mana issues before her 1st back
Keep yourself high enough hp so you can help if jg ganks
Give up minions and soak exp only if needed
Lethal Runes”
TheBiskoppen says “If you play against a decent Cassio lane is over, all you can do is soak exp and gold and try to do stuff with tp, or go for a all in level 2.”
Scintior says “She can duel you very effectively and heal all your damage. To win, look for flash ult picks on her during mid game team fights allowing your team to shut her down.
BeautifulWinter says “If she is top lane?
Dodge the game :)
If she is and you already dodged once today just ask mid to swap lanes to avoid Cass.
There isn't much counter play to her but if you do E her back off and try to Flash ult on top of her and the spirit to burst her and the spirit down quickly enough to finish her.”
Big Belly Bop says “Focus on dodging her Q's. The lane itself isn't too bad since you can E her W and out sustain her. She will out damage you most of the game so coordinate ganks with your jungler to get ahead. Stay even or ahead in farm. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Burst rune page.”
9690 says “Really tough lane early. Can trade into us and we have no answer unless we hit a lucky E. Can win post 6 after an early cowl and conceding some CS. All-in post 6 if you haven't taken too much damage.”
3rr0rL says “This is almost the exact same with Vayne but CASSIOPEIA CAN DIVE U EASILY ON LEVEL 6! Her burst and ultimate makes her so dangerous against Darius. The options are to dodge or ban this champion, if you can't do both, you will need serious roams from mid and jungle to escape her!”
Loevely says “One of the easier ranged matchups in my opinion. You can trade pretty well into her early and sustain
very well with Dorans + Fleet. Gets harder once she has items. ”
Defensivity1 says “Snakes are scary, dont get bitten ok thats a joke, feel free to all in her with some ghouls and the maiden, once locked in your w she really has no escape or way to outtrade you as long as you have the maiden and some ghouls, however before level 6 she could do a lot of burst damage forcing you to base even at level 2 or 3 already. The conqueror page is recommanded.”
ScythedS says “Very annoying champ as she can ground you,which stops you from using dashes.Also when you dash onto her she can instantly stun you with her ult if you are facing her which makes it kind of hard to all-in her.Get double Mr in your rune page”
ThisIsJustSad says “1. Have room to fight her.
2. W the R.
3. Dodge the Qs.
That's about it. She can 100-0 you faster than you can 100-0 her, and she has more MS than you + the W that lets her kite you easily and stops you from Qing. This matchup is not fun if the Cassio is good, and it mostly relies on you dodging her Qs, dodging the R, or using W on the R.”
Karnan says “A unorthodox toplane pick but it can happen. Really nasty to lane against. Get early executiones to stop the conqueror and ask for ganks. ”
Aizo says “You won't see this matchup a lot, but when you do, ADAPTIVE HELM must be your first item. I don't care that you want increased healing from spirit visage. Adaptive helm will reduce Cass's damage by 20% and while that still likely won't be enough for you to be able to 1v1 her, at least you won't be getting 1 shot by her.”
SoulHero says “I don't know much about this matchup as I rarely see this now, but dorans shield, use flip from the edges of the root pool, you can dash through it, you outscale, I DONT BOTHER BUYING ADAPTIVE, in teamfight rather heal a sht ton. GET SECOND WIND. You can win with righteous.”
superkind says “Matchup is pretty ok if she plays with comet. Just don't waste your spin offensively if you can't killl her, because she will run you down. If she has phaserush play around it and then go for a allin.”
messketchup says “Rare to vs Cassio in top but if it happens then: Start with Boots and 4 pots. Never stand in her Noxious Blast (Q, 4sec cd). Just dance around, hit her with the edge of your Q. If you can bring her down to ~50-60% you can combo kill her with ult. Get Spectre's and Hexdrinker or Quicksilver for her ult.”
Zestysquid says “If you happen to be against this in top, you should be aware that her pool will prevent you from using your Q. You can sometimes use this to your advantage if your laner figures this out and thinks they can dive your boxes since you can't escape. Post 6 try to bait out her ult with your clone.”
RainbowNova says “Cassiopeia is a midlaner and her abilities rely on poison, meaning Adaptive Helm can protect you against her, The most annoying part about her is her ultimate, but it's usually not very hard to predict when she'll use it.”
Nicram says “Cassiopeia is able to poke you easily and can scale better than you. Try to priotize Adaptive Helm as a vast majority of her damage is placed in her Q and E. A good item that you can consider buying later on is Righteous Glory. This item should close the gap between you and her so that you can potentially kill her. ”
KruixTV says “a skilled cassio is a pain but you should be able to either get her oom if she builds too much dmg or just go even by farming if you stay passive”
MediocrePolk says “Ranged Matchup. Try to play in the bushes like all of the other matchups, hard because of the ground that she has to get back to the bush. D shield with MR and go Second Wind Revitalize, try to get Hexdrinker first item and go from there. Take TP”
Khazem says “Outranges you and has a stronger all in. It should be almost impossible to deal with a good Cassiopeia player. Build MR, max W second and play it safe.”
E61K says “Go Doran's Shield + Second Wind and take Phase Rush, Nullifying Orb, Celerity, Gathering Storm and Unflinching. Also take Ghost. Cassiopeia is a DPS mage and a hypercarry. Nearly her entire kit counters you in some wy. Her Q gives her movement speed which she can use to kite you, her W slows you AND grounds you which means you can't ult on it, her high DPS melts everybody and she has a stun/slow in her ultimate effectively making it extremely hard for You to get to her. Add to all those things that Cassiopeia's core items grant her a large amount of HP which Darius hates and Rylai's being a core item for her and You got yourself a hard counter match-up. Requires experience. Pre-6 it's much easier to do something against her since she won't have Rylai's, a lot of Movement Speed and she won't have a lot of damage. Try to force a big lead pre-6. Dodge her Q while dodging her E. There are 2 approaches to this match-up as far as I am concerned. You either shove her in as hard as you can so she is forced to focus on farming and can't harass you OR you let her push and then use the entire lane to run her down with Ghost (my personal approach). If you don't get hit by her Q you potentially get the opening to pull her in and run her down. If you get hit by her Q back off instantly as you wont be able to pull her in because she will outrun you. Also get Adaptive Helm.”
Sion says “AVOID HER PRE-6.
She WILL kite you, and outdamage you. If she's running ignite she will win anything even post-6. Your best bet is to land an E slow into an all-in with R, don't get stunned by her R, then go for a 1 for 1 kill trade. You out-midgame her to an extent so just focus on your CS and roaming.”
Zahkar00 says “Take Glacial.
It's possible to kill her but you have to have a good feel for both Taric and Cass. If you dont land your stun just back off. If you do land it you have a chance to kill her.”
Trixelkour says “Pokes pretty hard if you don't dodge the Q or W. Take Exhaust and Ghost to chase her down and preventing her from escaping. Get Adaptive and Banshee. You should win this match up.”
lunarstaff says “You need a shield, because a good cass will ult you as soon as she sees you, even before you land, meaning you won't have your Emp. W ready to cleanse the stun.”
E61K says “Even though Cass is an immobile squishy mage I set her higher up on the list because she actually can match the dueling potential you have in lane by level 2. If you get hit by poison back off. Build Hexdrinker first. Her W denies you the opportunity to use your E and R. Her W and E can both be windwalled. Try to use your E to dodge her Q. If you manage to make her miss or manage to bait it out go in for trades or even an all-in. Be ready to turn away to not get stunned from her ultimate.”
ThebestGP says “Super strong character, and never in range to actually fight you. If she goes in for a kill face her don't back off, your a bruiser you destroy ap burst mages. You don't rely on long cool downs to fight.”
FIux says “Cassiopeia has her W that renders your Shunpo useless. However, using Shunpo immediately would get you beside her, and out of range of her W.”
LivesforOnlyOne says “She's really weak if you stay on top of her. Honestly don't bother trying to parry her stun, save it for a slow on an all in or just save it for if you get ganked. Wave control is key and you should just beat her after boots and tiamat. Take Conq and all in her constantly, you will not win any poke/sustain wars here.”
CaioOP1985 says “Cassiopeia can deny your extra mobility (even Flash), has a stun and a shitload of damage later on. Add the fact she normally has a Seraph's Embrace at some point and she easily becomes one of the most irritating champions to kill.”
Ashnard says “Cassiopeia can be slippery with her high speed and dps, as well as stun/grounding to prevent you from fighting back. However, you can still punish her early if she misses a q and will typically opt for a tear which gives you a window of superior lane pressure.”
T1 Lilou Senpai says “Cassio isn't a big threat she's also not played top lane alot, but can be annoying. Playing against good cassio is like playing against that annoying teemo mains. Par her ult to win.”
L0ganJG says “Your best chance to win is wait for her to try to Q you, dodge it with W then go for a FULL Q tons of autos and W2, then re-engage on your next W cooldown to kill. Need to catch her lacking to win. If you take too much poke on accident, your lane is pretty cooked. Try to bait her ult by R'ing her then W'ing behind her. Buffer E whenever you're in range.”
kagaroo says “🔴COUNTER MATCHUP🔴
Threat Scale: 7.5/10
➡️ Similar to Aurora matchup, except a lot more skill based. Cassio can punish Trundle really hard and can be EXTREMELY oppressive especially in season 15. However, if you can dodge her Q it becomes a lot more playable. Furthermore, she is prone to ganks and this is her weak point. I would recommend swifties and we outscale after a few items.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad Cassio vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average Cassio vs Average Trundle ➡️50/50 skill matchup
Good cassio vs Good Trundle ➡️ cassio stomps Trundle.”
Haxorr says “Hard matchup, she beats you in all-in pretty convincingly unless you dodge her qs after lvl 1. The ground is really annoying to play against as well. I recommend taking Doran's shield and second wind with PTA page and playing safe early in lane. You can try to abuse her weak lvl 1 but I think it's not great to get prio in this matchup currently unless you take a really good trade lvl 1. For parry usage, either use parry slide to slow her or try to parry her ult. You outscale and Maw again is pretty good 2nd if they have more than 1 AP. Cass is also very vulnerable to ganks so use that to your advantage”
CactEyez says “With Second Wind and Doran's Shield her poke is very weak. Q -> W can force her W then she is easy to run down.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Hollow Radiance/Swifties -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Rocketbelt/Swifties -> Heartsteel”
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