Bottom Lane 52.65% Win Rate93% Pick RateKog'Maw Bottom Lane Counters: 20 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Kog'Maw in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says “Try to kill level 1-3. Once he gets ult he just outpokes and outranges you its too much. Try to ult him off cooldown even if its for poke. Then avoid his passive which cant be slowed by your passive.”
FroszTyzada says “Troque com o Kog quando ele tiver gasto seu W, muito do seu dano vem dessa habilidade e desvie do seu Q para não perder armadura e resistência mágica.”
rowzkit says “Avoid trading unless you're ahead by a substantial amount (and can 100% win the fight), as he will always be able to beat you in an extended fight if left alive long enough. The standard build does a decent job of 100-0'ing Kog'Maw, so if possible play to reach at least 2 items before trying to take a fight with him.”
Umatcha says “Igual que Jinx, sólo que el problema es su daño y rango, además de que Kogmaw AP no tiene mucho counterplay a menos que tengas un support con gancho y un asesino que pueda oneshotearlo.”
Dr Yoshili says “Difficult matchup, he scale really hard, and also out damage you at all stage of the game, his E slow will be a real issue too (he also has the same range as you late game)
never duel him (except if he burnt his W), and wait him to W before trading in lane, else he will always win the trade
Your passive will be a big advantage to escape from his passive”
gaarrett says “Kog'Maw plus an enchanter is NOT fun to fight. Your opportunities to take the lead are during lane with an engage support or when you hit your two item spike. Save W for when he uses his range extender and use the minion wave to get in Q range. ”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Strong early / Long range / huge snowball
| WEAKNESSES - No moblity / Weak to CC / Support dependant
| WHAT TO DO ? - You can abuse him as much as you want early game, your trading power is way better, be worried about his range, he can outrange you and kite you. Once you're level 6, you can easily one shot him again and again. Late game is in your favor if you're good at Varus.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Huge range / Big damage in early / Huge snowball potential
| WEAKNESSES - Support dependant / Weak to CC / Easy to abuse
| WHAT TO DO ? - Kog'Maw is a bit scary for Smolder since he can abuse him in early game with his big range and good damage. Don't try to trade him or you'll lose more hp than he does. Mid/late is even. I would try to 1v1 a late game kog'maw since he will be stronger and will hit faster than you.”
Latte9969 says “Kog'maw is a very predictable champion, he has to trade with his W (he glows) which lasts only a few seconds, after that his damage is incredibly low. His W has a very high cooldown of about 20s early so if you can bait it out, wait until he stops glowing and then trade with him, you should win most trades. Kog'maw is usually played with Lulu which is a lane that can prove to be an issue if it gets ahead so try to chill, not die and hope your support punishes their mistakes.”
afr0rk says “Pretty volatile matchup. Whoever gets ahead first should be able to dominate for quite a bit, however Kog'maw scales better so you need to be careful about letting him scale. Make sure to bait out his W before you fight him, he is not a champ without his W.”
loaderdragon15 says “Ezreal's poke can disrupt the rhythm of attack-speed-reliant ADCs during laning phase. He can consistently chip away at their health with Mystic Shot, preventing them from freely stacking their damage output.”
Bobalegre says “Simply stay out of his attack range, you can easily win trades if he misses his Q, so try to bait it or dodge it, if he hits it try to disengage because you are going to take a lot of damage. if he doesn't have his Q and W available you can easily all win.”
Vapora Dark says “Like Jinx, Kog'Maw doesn't unlock his full W range until level 9, meaning his range isn't too crazy early on, though you'll still want to mostly avoid trading with him while it's active since it can put out quite heavy DPS right from the start of the game.
An important thing to note is that the cooldown on Kog'Maw W is 9 seconds, which is a lot of time for you to threaten him with trades and take control of the lane. Without his W active he only has 500 attack range, same as Sivir, making him quite abusable.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “Be mindful of his W, when he uses his W make sure you have a way to vision cancel or walk away, if he ghosts towards you and you have no-where to go, your best bet is to just fight him and hope to 1 shot him”
NegativePhoenix says “Kog'Maw is another hyper carry, and against someone like Smolder, he could easily just run at you and auto you to death because that's just what he does
Use your W to slow him when he uses his to get in close [as long as your W isn't down], just farm up, and try to get your team to focus him if you want him dead since he can outrange you”
Sxd42069 says “kogmaw really is dependant on what support he has with lulu hes much more diffucult to play but all around if you avoid his poke and make good all ins should be winnable”
BioGuyverGanyu says “This is just really hard to go against especially with the extra range he has. If you can easily close the gap and are easily able to dish out damage in a short amount of time then he's not too bad.”
iiExploit says “Bait out his W and engage. This champion literally does zero damage without W and is super squishy and immobile. W is base 17 sec cooldown.”
mydesires says “"Mmm... food!" - That's what he said while facing you in botlane.
But he is soooo weak in early game so you still have some chance to win him. // TH : ต้นเกมค็อกมาวไม่โหดมาก เทรดตอนที่สกิล W ของมันคูลดาวน์อยู่ แต่เลทเกมก็ตัวใครตัวมันนะ พึ่งพาตัวล้วงในทีมเราเอา”
Paramo_ says “You can't kill him early game and his passive can be a problem since he dies.. But kill you. Go galeforce against him and try to pick off him. ”
LustAndSpite says “He may have high range and high damage but his early is weak in comparison to the other threats.
You can shield most of his skillshots so you'll be relatively safe. His Late Game is terrifying, which is why your ult works wonders against him.
Just don't let him get too ahead in lane.”
the hood says “You should avoid All-ins or Trades once his W is activated or not on CD. Without his W Kog maw is not a big threat but with his W he can all in or outspace u. ”
support_diff says “Kog'Maw is a champion that can deal surprisingly much damage in the early for a late game champion. Try to bully him early or you might find yourself in a really bad situation with a Kog'Maw that has got fed from just farming peacefully. You can E out of his E to prevent him from dealing damage to you. If he manages to get fed early, it is time to write ggwp to chat and ff, there isn't much you can do”
DreamOfValhalla says “If he has Lulu it is unbeatable otherwise be wary of his long range W but if he is chained CC you win fight, Personally recommend taking exhaust this matchup”
DreamOfValhalla says “If he has ghost and lulu you are done for, hope for some heavy CC from your team and try not to feed early. Use purple for when your ganks come to root him and get easy kill”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “Kog'Maw is incredibly a counter to Sivir and quite dangerous, its range increase with the W Skill leaves our Sivir in trouble, usually Kog Maw is accompanied by Lulu, which makes the laning phase and even the game hell.”
Reptile9LoL says “Kog'Maw wins trades and pokes you out easily whenever his W is up, but since its really high cooldown early, what you have to do is bait it out, wait until it ran out and look for trades after (about 10 sec window), Kog'Maws range and damage is way lower than Vayne's if his W isnt up.”
Hidden Ghoster says “Don't Trade VS Kog'Maw while his W is activated, you will lose. This is somewhat similar to the Jinx matchup. Save your Burst for him when you can All-in him.
Jhin and Tonic says “Before first recall you beat him but afterwards he outscales you really hard. If he has lulu or milio support your lane is lost the moment he gets first item.”
VrNtv says “Try not to fight him when he has his W active, it gives him % max HP magic damage(8sec). Same as Karthus, you can easily get out of his passive thanks to yours. You both scale really well, it's pretty much a support/jungle diff, so if you have engage support you can try to burst him, but he will probably have Lulu support since its by far best synergy for him. If he has Lulu support leaving your lane pushed is not a bad idea, since he is immobile and can die easily when ganked.
VrNtv says “This lane is only even if you dont respect his W. He'll use it often to either farm or poke, so just back away, wait it out and he's free game till its back up.”
RandomNPC777 says “Kog'maw can win all-ins against Twitch, but is very weak when his w is down or when he misses q. The two champions have very similar play patterns, kog'maw just has slightly more range in lane. ”
support_diff says “Kog'Maw is an immobile that isn't very good before level 6, try to punish him early in order to not to play against a hard carry 1v9 Kog'Maw in the late game”
wungus says “The only problem with Kog'maw is closing the gap due to his range, which can be solved with items, dashing through minions, or engage supports.”
SheriffADC says “Just instantly back off when he uses his W, wait for it to run out and look for a possible fight. Extremely easy to all-in with a CC support if he has no peel.”
Lachoni1 says “Kog'Maw has better dps and has great range. Beat him in lane and you want your team to target cc him as he has no dash or escape tools.”
Tolis slayer says “Until he gets about 3 items+boots he is incredibly weak. in lane in order to beat him play as aggressive as possible and poke him since he not only is incredibly weak early but also has no peel or mobility”
ChadKarthus says “Usually a free matchup if he has no Lulu, you can perma kill him, try not to trade kills with him, he can rush Wits End and go Ghost”
moso says “If it's Kog Lulu it's nearly unwinnable as Ashe. Ashe + a Mage support may be able to warp the matchup but Kog is able to slow you in return and burn you with his superior DPS. But the lane is not unplayable, you just can't fight. He will severely outscale you though.”
slendoooo says “The main problem with Kog'Maw besides the fact that he outscales and outranges you is the fact that he is one of the few ADCs in league that can also buy Armor, like randuins, frozen heart, etc.
But on the bright side his W ability has a relatively long cooldown early game, so use that to your advantage. If he uses it: fall back and re-engage once it runs out. You will have a 10 second window to punish or kill him.
A video example of Kog'Maw-Draven
(To be made)”
Estowitch says “The worst ADC to play against outranges your entire spells with just W and Lethal Tempo. You can only make a play with Flash W + E + R and hope it kills him”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
Pipimatz says “Very Long range, but as long as he doesn't have a lulu you will scale booth equally strong. But if he has a lulu then pray to jesus or just dodge.”
Corpselover says “Kog'Maw is really is to deal with since he has no mobility. Try not to get auto attacked when he used his W and you can kill at level 2 and 3.”
LionelOCE says “Kog'Maw can be quite annoying to play against in SoloQ because he excels vs dive when paired with certain champions. Typically he is paired with Lulu and other peel champions and requires your team to play well around waves. It is important to fight a lot early against Kog'Maw and try build a lead to avoid being outscaled.”
Atemporal says “AP Kog'Maw ficou muito forte depois de seus buffs, mas felizmente Ekko se sai super bem nele. Tenha cuidado nos primeiros níveis, não deixe que ele o atropele com Phase Rush e W. Se ele desperdiçar W, ir até ele assim que o W terminar, ou
pelo menos pressione-o se ele ficar muito para trás. Não fique dentro da sua onda de lacaios para que ele não consiga empurrar a onda enquanto cutuca você. Seu empurrão é mais forte que o empurrão de Kog do nível 1-5 e depois do nível 7 em diante. Após o nível 6 será
difícil punir Kog adequadamente, pois ele pode ficar bem longe e cultivar com segurança. Em ondas de canhão você pode considerar mergulhar nele com seu jungler, mas normalmente você só quer empurrar e procurar roams e pressionar o mapa. Você será capaz de vagar
livremente, Kog'Maw não pode sair da pista. Você precisa analisar como o Kog'Maw reage depois que você empurra as ondas. Ele tenta te seguir ou apenas senta e espera a próxima onda? O jogador Kog pode se sentir pressionado a vagar com medo de que
você assumirá o controle do jogo constantemente em roaming, abuse disso para sentar em um arbusto e pular nele se ele subir. Kog precisa confiar muito em sua equipe nesta partida, porque ele nunca será capaz de igualar você. Ele tem que jogar com cuidado, e
muitas vezes ele precisa ser agrupado com alguns de seus companheiros de equipe para que eles possam protegê-lo. Use isso para obter uma liderança através da agricultura de energia na pista lateral e coletando acampamentos na selva. Não tenha medo de mergulhá-lo se ele aparecer na pista lateral. Você pode
facilmente destruí-lo 1v1 mesmo se você estiver mesmo em ouro e xp.”
LionelOCE says “Kog can out dps you in teamfights but he is quite an awkward champ to execute in soloq because he lacks utility. Try provide more to the game with your E and R and you can also often punish him in lane with the right matchup.”
IEnjoyPlaying says “Plays defensive in lane and outscales you. doesnt matter if u win lane. And i dont know why this game allows it but he usually buys tank items too so i literally do negative damage.
Pray he has a Braindead Support”
Sanz_Moonshidder says “Don't have much experience against him but he can definitely be a problem for you if the lane ends neutrally so either stomp him or farm to outscale him.”
franksterzz says “This can go either way. He's a late game monster, but is half a champion if not paired with an enchanter. You should be able to beat him early if he isn't and after that he becomes fairly useless.”
NotAragami says “Very immobile hyper carry. Kog needs a lot of babysitting in early game to actually kill people, trade with charged zap and dash out if he tries to engage on you with the slow goo. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kog’Maw is rather squishy in the early game. Try to abuse his weakness and look for fights to set him behind. Post-6, Kog’Maw will deal lots of damage in a trade thanks to his Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) and his Ultimate Living Artillery(R). Try to bait out his Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) before committing to the all-in. Forcing Kog’Maw to overextend for farm is a good way of winning the matchup. As he will be overextended, this will allow your Jungler to gank your lane. This will also force him to use his Ultimate Living Artillery(R) or Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) to farm with- which you can capitalise on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kog’Maw is rather squishy in the early game. Try to abuse his weakness and look for fights to set him behind. Post-6, Kog’Maw will deal lots of damage in a trade thanks to his Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) and his Ultimate Living Artillery(R). Try to bait out his Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) before committing to the all-in. Forcing Kog’Maw to overextend for farm is a good way of winning the matchup. As he will be overextended, this will allow your Jungler to gank your lane. This will also force him to use his Ultimate Living Artillery(R) or Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) to farm with- which you can capitalise on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kog’Maw is rather squishy in the early game. Try to abuse his weakness and look for fights to set him behind. Post-6, Kog’Maw will deal lots of damage in a trade thanks to his Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) and his Ultimate Living Artillery(R). Try to bait out his Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) before committing to the all-in. Forcing Kog’Maw to overextend for farm is a good way of winning the matchup. As he will be overextended, this will allow your Jungler to gank your lane. This will also force him to use his Ultimate Living Artillery(R) or Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) to farm with- which you can capitalise on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kog’Maw is rather squishy in the early game. Try to abuse his weakness and look for fights to set him behind. Post-6, Kog’Maw will deal lots of damage in a trade thanks to his Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) and his Ultimate Living Artillery(R). Try to bait out his Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) before committing to the all-in. Forcing Kog’Maw to overextend for farm is a good way of winning the matchup. As he will be overextended, this will allow your Jungler to gank your lane. This will also force him to use his Ultimate Living Artillery(R) or Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) to farm with- which you can capitalise on.”
Amberdragon says “His poke is annoying but as long as you don't feed him early if you get on top of him there is not much he can do. He relies on autos, use W when he uses his W. Support matchup will dictate how the lane will go a lot of times”
Kronaa says “I pray for the day this champion gets a VGU and becomes super gigachad.
Just dash on him he cant do much. Do not eat poke or he will win somehow. (learned the hard way. Like I still won the game cuz I dashed on him a bunch but like bro was fed)”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kog’Maw is rather squishy in the early game. Try to abuse his weakness and look for fights to set him behind. Post-6, Kog’Maw will deal lots of damage in a trade thanks to his Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) and his Ultimate Living Artillery(R). Try to bait out his Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) before committing to the all-in. Forcing Kog’Maw to overextend for farm is a good way of winning the matchup. As he will be overextended, this will allow your Jungler to gank your lane. This will also force him to use his Ultimate Living Artillery(R) or Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) to farm with- which you can capitalise on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kog’Maw is rather squishy in the early game. Try to abuse his weakness and look for fights to set him behind. Post-6, Kog’Maw will deal lots of damage in a trade thanks to his Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) and his Ultimate Living Artillery(R). Try to bait out his Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) before committing to the all-in. Forcing Kog’Maw to overextend for farm is a good way of winning the matchup. As he will be overextended, this will allow your Jungler to gank your lane. This will also force him to use his Ultimate Living Artillery(R) or Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) to farm with- which you can capitalise on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kog’Maw is rather squishy in the early game. Try to abuse his weakness and look for fights to set him behind. Post-6, Kog’Maw will deal lots of damage in a trade thanks to his Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) and his Ultimate Living Artillery(R). Try to bait out his Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) before committing to the all-in. Forcing Kog’Maw to overextend for farm is a good way of winning the matchup. As he will be overextended, this will allow your Jungler to gank your lane. This will also force him to use his Ultimate Living Artillery(R) or Bio-Arcane Barrage(W) to farm with- which you can capitalise on.”
NorVillain2 says “Kog'Maw is very easy to kill. He doesn't have any stun, you just can land your Q and kill him (he's not Veigar people's). But clearing your waves can be problem for Kog'Maw W.”
m1NEEX says “Try not to fight him when he has his W active, it gives him % max HP magic damage(8sec). Same as Karthus, you can easily get out of his passive thanks to yours. You both scale really well, it's pretty much a support/jungle diff, so if you have engage support you can try to burst him, but he will probably have Lulu support since its by far best synergy for him. If he has Lulu support leaving your lane pushed is not a bad idea, since he is immobile and can die easily when ganked.”
Kamicali says “He has deceptively high damage, try not to fight him without your support. Bio-Arcane Barrage allows Kog'Maw to kill Baron Nashor extremely early. It can be valuable to ward Nashor when Kog'Maw completes his Blade of the Ruined King. Kog'Maw doesn't have a good escape ability, so he is especially prone to ganks.”
2saif4u says “When he is coupled w/ Lulu it can be very annoying. Don't trade while he has Hail of Blades up and his W. Just play around its cooldowns.”
Amberdragon says “Same as Jinx and Twitch, overall he outscales you and he also has a higher range, plus slows. It is hard to get on top of him and survive.”
Dravenhalal says “He can be pretty scary if he's with a lulu but otherwise he's a tiny threat.
Make sure to use beast hunter Draven so you can roleplay monster hunter. Exhaust if against lulu + kog otherwise heal works fine.”
V1gorous1 says “long range , has a slow and is incredibly strong in all ins trading 1 for 1 early with this champ in the early game is almost inevitable because of his passive however its not worth because he outscales you hard ”
Kitqsune says “Easily the absolute worst matchup for Samira. outranges you and deals tons of damage from early - late and never falls off, hard to get onto due to slows and can easily melt you due to attack speed steroid and armor/mr shred. If you're facing kog i'm so sorry ”
7EyesNoSkills says “Usually you can win trades against him, but if his support is something like Lulu or Janna, you can't. Also he can poke you from far behind.”
7EyesNoSkills says “Usually you can win trades against him, but if his support is something like Lulu or Janna, you can't. Also he can poke you from far behind.”
2saif4u says “When he is coupled w/ Lulu it can be very annoying. Don't trade while he has Hail of Blades up and his W or lethal tempo stacking. Just play around its cooldowns.”
TangsterinE says “Target the Enchanter support helping him and kill him. He needs 3-4 items to even come online and you can kill him many times before he reaches that point.”
Demonsedge90 says “Kog'Maw is easy to take down, so just don't let him kill you too much. The big thing to do is poke him down in the lane often before level 6.”
wardinbush says “It depends more on his build and support, but other than that be careful of his w range and pokes with his e and q armour reduction in lane. He will most likely build kraken slayer for more dps so be careful and play around the team when you see he has it”
Krilep says “Although Kog'Maw is not a high priority pick in this patch, play the same way as you would against Ashe. Wait until Kog'Maw has used his W, you will have 10 seconds to trade with him before he gets it back up and that is his only threat of damage.”
Valhalla Coach says “Normally this matchup is easy but he is broken right now. He outscales you incresdibly well and his trade early is also very strong. Your best bet is trying to freeze in front of your tower post 6 so he has to overextend and you can ult him. If you ult him in teamfights and you have a decent team he is probably dead”
Sellsword says “Kog'Maw is rarely played and whenever you face him, he will be 90% likely played with a Lulu. This makes the lane very hard because Lulu can shield your Q poke and if you push them under their turret, they can easily run you down by using their W's. Sivir has no escapes so this trade usually ends up favoring Kog'Maw. Try to spellshield his Q if you can because it reduces your defenses if it hits.”
Amberdragon says “Kog'maw is squishy and immobile. After 6 his poke and long range will be a nuisance, but if you can get close enough to him you easily kill him unless he has a Lulu. Lethal Tempo rework made this matchup a bit harder for you though. Overall, easy to deal with in lane unless he has a Lulu or a strong peel/disengage support.”
Nom212 says “He's immobile and takes some time to get his damage out. You can mostly blow him up by throwing a Q Boomerang Blade. Respect his additional range from W Bio-Arcane Barrage. Combined with the slow from E Void Ooze you might end up being out of position. If his abilities are on cooldown he is much weaker and easy to pick off.”
Axelent says “Kog can actually win this matchup pretty easily its hard for draven to reach kog if he plays with his W correctly and his e slow makes it hard to run him down in lane.”
Amberdragon says “Same issue as Jinx - can out-DPS you from range. However, if you get on top of him he is easy to burst if he doesn't have a Lulu at his side. He is also easier to shut down in the early game.”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Kog’Maw is pretty similar to Jinx as he’s a long range hyper scaling ADC that wants to chill so the way you want to interact with him will be fun.
◉ Kog’Maw ’s default range is 500, but [[Bio-Arcane Barrage]] will increase it to 710 at max rank. Similarly to Jinx who goes from 525 range to 775 range. The biggest difference is JInx can switch whenever she wants while Kog’Maw ‘s is gated behind his ability that lasts 8 seconds.
◉ After his long range wears off then that’s when you want to poke him with [[Fishbones, the rocket launcher]] and bully him.
◉ Don’t try to trade or 1v1 when he has [[Bio-Arcane Barrage]] activated because it’ll shred your hp since it does a % of your max HP.
◉ Look to land [[Zap!]] into [[Flame Chompers!]] combos because Kog’Maw is extremely immobile and you might be able to make things happen!
◉ Win Condition: Abuse Kog’Maw when you find the right moments to. He’s very immobile and easy to catch so let your teammates know you’re ready to setup ganks with ease using your abilities.
I Am Not u says “This little bugger is really irritating. He pokes like a coward and you can't really do anything about it. Just hope your support is anyone with a grab, really. He's immobile, so if you can get the drop on him, you're good. Have your support tank the damage, also. You do have the upper hand in most 1v1s because of how you are, but make sure to save your W for when he's about to explode after he dies.”
Amberdragon says “He's very vulnerable early on, trade with him and you'll win. Be careful with his support though, you may need to take them down first.”
Vixylafoen says “Lots and range and damage. He can follow up his Support very well and get fed very easily. His passive though is near useless after the beginning of the match and he can't do much if you manage to put him behind, which can be done easily if you isolate him.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Although Kog'Maw is not a high priority pick in this patch, play the same way as you would against Ashe. Wait until Kog'Maw has used his W, you will have 10 seconds to trade with him before he gets it back up and that is his only threat of damage.”
Callmebee says “A rare sight but I can't say I want to see more AP KogMaw's in mid. He pushes in really easily but you can one shot him if you do catch him and he is pretty easy to gank as he has no escape. Take barrier.”
LostFishEU says “Kog'Maw doesn't really have any threat against Vayne. You win vs him by sustain and 1v1. Kog'Maw doesn't have any kind of all in and rely on his support to make the plays.”
ELOSANTA says “Kog'Maw is not a big problem for Lucian in the early game, as Kog'Maw hasn't ramped up his attack speed by then. Matchup is in Lucians favor pre 6, post 6 mostly losing matchup unless your support can dictate the lane. Late game avoid him at all costs as he is a demolishing machine late game.”
Coldsong says “Kog'Maw is only a threat with a Lulu or sometimes a Yuumi, otherwise he is a piece of cake for Samira. You can easily dodge his ult and E since they are slow and telegraphed, and also his W may outrange you but is a long cooldown and his base attack range is 500 just like yours. However, he will demolish you late game to try to end as soon as possible and buy early armor penetration since Kog'Maw likes defensive items like Randuins”
Vapora Dark says “Late game god, but requires his team to keep him safe. Early-mid game, he's incredibly weak and can easily be pushed around. Early game always force fights and grenade bounces. Thanks to his low mobility, you can easily set up your E, W combo and show him his Curtain Call.”
NikkiTT says “Wits End rush just really enables this champion hard, your best means to win this lane is to have a hard engage support, trying to oneshot him and snowball early game, even better if you try to do that after he has already wasted W. Also going exhaust is a really big must on this matchup.”
Simon Uchinora says “Kog'Maw is a curious one, he will have more range than you with his W, and his Q break armor and the E will give you slow, you can easily kill him, but if you do in the wrong way, he is gonna turn the lane against you easily, try to make an ambush.”
Rihh says “Support dependant. Typically Kog'Maw will be paired with a Lulu, in which he becomes a siginficantly stronger threat, however if not paired with Lulu or you have a good poking support, Kog'Maw will not be much of a threat until post-3 items. Positioning is key in this matchup as mitigating his DPS while his W is up is critical.”
Melyn says “Be very careful about his attack steroid (listen for the audio queue and/or visual) which greatly increases his range and damage. Force trades outside of that.”
Chaeha says “Kog'Maw has a temporary range expanding ability with his bio-arcane barrage, however just wait out the cooldown of this ability and you can win the trade, so overall it's an even matchup. ”
Swearing Roomba says “Kog'Maw may seem like a late game hyper carry, but in reality you lose early. Your best bet is trying to focus him in teamfights.”
angata500 says “Honestly he can only match your range when he uses his W. At all other times you can poke him for free.Pretty weak early so u should definately go aggresive and trade often ( when he goes for a cs usually). Stay behind minions so you dont get him by his Q. Beware of his late game power spike. No mobility = always follow up on ganks or rush him if he is out of position.”
R3Veal says “Late game god if fed. He can also poke you in lane with his W and his passive lets him make it out with a kill for a kill. Trade when his W is on cooldown.”
Urason says “So you would think that Akshan would murder Kog'maw because he's so immobile. Well, you're kinda right. The issue is, Kog'maw can often out DPS you in a 2v2 and he also out scales you. Not to mention the high amount of range and harass he can provide. That being said, if you get ahead, you can keep farming him for gold (unless he has a Lulu :( )”
King Turtle says “Tank'Maw was already a pretty widespread issue in bot a few patches ago, his recent AP scaling buff on E could bring some concerns back depending on how he plays into the pile of ADC buffs and mini reworks we've had in 11.17 and 11.18”
SopTop says “Oh hey, it's your hybrid-damage brethren, the one that dies! Yeah Kog'Maw cant really do anything past the laning phase, and even then, he kinda just has the support do everything.”
yers says “Just like you, he has no mobility at all. Highly squishy, usually the support would also know he can be easily killed level 2. A Q-E-STUN-AA combo should be enough to allow the support to catch the koggers and score a kill.”
Lightfeather says “Try to avoid his W dmg.
Kog'Maw always comes with Lulu so ehm yea either your support/jungle helps you shut him down or its just game tbh.”
HyroPyro says “Kog'Maw's damage early game comes from the Bio-Arcane Barrage (W) and Lethal Tempo. Make sure that you are not getting auto attacked for free due to his increased range during Bio-Arcane Barrage. Otherwise, Kog'Maw is a late game carry that can be easily killed with Kai'Sa's early burst.”
Kenzo1 says “You need to win lane vs Kog as most ADCs but for Kai'Sa this is especially true. His non mythic build is especially irritating to deal with for you.”
Pengwan says “Easy to hit, doesn't have any engage, reliant on Lulu as support. Just don't go into his attack range and you should be able to beat kog quite easily”
lookingforguide says “Kog'Maw's W is annoying and can keep you out of range to last hit, you really need a good poke/engage support to effectively deal with early Kog'Maw”
Ekezun says “He has no escape so poking him and letting your support engage and killing him will most likely not be a problem, just make sure to remember if he has W up or not”
Harambe Homie says “Kog maw, similarly to Twitch can really make you work for the win. Luckily Kog isn't picked often but he is a rough matchup at times. He can basically just stand still auto and kill you so be careful”
MiningRicK says “Kog´Maw isn´t that good in the current Meta and you can one-shot him after one powered Q. But doesn´t underrestemate his machine gun mouth.”
FunkyBeagle says “This lane is only even if you dont respect his W. He'll use it often to either farm or poke, so just back away, wait it out and he's free game till its back up.”
DoublefeedOP says “Kog'Maw is pretty easy alone, but with a lulu he's pretty oppressive. You can poke him, but do so when his W is on cooldown. All-ins are easy against a kog'maw so taking an aggressive support is a must vs Kog'Maw”
DoublefeedOP says “You won't really see a Kog'Maw unless it's a Kog/Lulu lane so I'll just talk based off of that specific lane. If you go an all-in comp (Jhin/Pantheon) You should be able to easily score a few kill just like the Jinx lane or freeze the lane and deny them CS. Take advantage of their weak early game and make Kog'Maw useless before he can ever scale into the monster he is late game. Slow pushing for dives in higher elo is great if you've got a jungler and can poke them down enough to make them viable.”
CheeselordMax says “a really insane kog'maw/kog'maw with a lulu is absolutely one of the worst things to deal with in the game.
a good kog can land maybe 1-2 autos in for free before you can get in range, and combine that with his q and you could be in for a world of hurt if it lands.”
KoZee says “A good Kog'Maw has some counter play into Varus, but usually isn't a big issue. He has little mobility and will struggle to dodge your poke consistently, while also being super squishy. The key to winning this lane though is going to be playing around his W cooldown, as that is going to be his main key to winning a trade, so baiting it and then punishing while it's on cooldown can destroy him. He's especially strong with Lulu, who can provide him survivability and shields while buffing his damage overall.”
Delta eGirl says “You both scale. In lane you should be able to bully him, although if he's paired with a good support that may not be the case. Watch out for his damage, it will catch you by surprise.”
FaceLikeAStreamer says “Strong laning due to W. U lose trades against him. Wave control is huge vs him due to his positioning wait for his W coldown and try to all in him or his support (most likely smomething squsihy - lulu,nami,janna etc.)”
Xayaphelia says “If you cannot play around his W cooldown good luck with this one. If you find a good opportunity to burst him out with your E then the matchup is pretty easy. But the potential is always going to be there to get out spaced and burnt down from range.”
TheGronne says “His E can be quite annoying, and his R can't be blocked. His W has long aa range, so if you want to fight him, wait for your support to engage.”
ooftheiii says “Kog'Maw does not have any escape abilities, making him an easy target. Try to focus him in teamfights first.Run away from Kog'Maw's corpse as it will explode shortly dealing a lot of true damage. ”
kingamazin says “Kog'maw is a fairly easy matchup. Try to bait out his w by going for an auto trade with rockets, and back off. Kog'maw is extremely weak without his enhanced autos from his w, so use this time to harass/trade with him.”
Bluestrat says “Similar to Jinx, Kogmaw only becomes dangerous after level 7/9. Before that, we can simply fight him. We just have to make sure that his W is on cooldown.
Once we have the Q-EVOLVE, we can easily fight Kog in 1v1. ”
CiverSkyx says “Kog'maw has a lot of range and attack speed, it can leave us badly stopped, but it does not have much damage at the beginning of the game and that is where we can get an advantage. but it doesn't mean that we can beat him later on if we don't fight him at first”
Bluestrat says “Ähnlich wie Jinx, wird Kogmaw erst ab Level 7/9 gefährlich. Davor können wir ihn einfach bekämpfen. Wir müssen lediglich darauf achten, dass sein W auf Cooldown ist.
Sobald wir den Q-EVOLVE besitzen, können wir Kog im 1v1 bekämpfen. ”
Atrickster says “Use your E to avoid his heavy W dmg and you should be fine if its a kog lulu he will outscale but you should be fine if your jgl and mid have a brain and roam”
ctm20141 says “If you have an aggressive engage support you will be 8/0 at 10 mins XD. He is pretty threatening IF he has a Lulu support, otherwise he is dead meat most of the times.
You win 1v1s vs him, but in late game teamfights you will generally lose if your team can't kill Koggy fast enough :D.”
ComradeElmo says “Super weak early just stomp him early and he's pretty useless until he gets 3 items but once he starts to scale he becomes a menace.”
Remmacs1 says “Kog'maw is a surprisingly annoying match up for Aphelios do to the nature of Kog'maw's kit. Kog'maw does a large amount of magic damage with his abilities and also has the range advantage on Aphelios. Look to out dps him with chakrams when he wastes E in lane.”
Dank672 says “Literally just a superminion early, easy to poke out and unless they have a lulu u win all-ins. Like jinx keep pressure and poke while denying cs and you win lane.”
Profesor APH. says “kog'maw is bad adc (not in meta) he got upgrade but he still need to be feed to do something in game
he dont have any dash any higher movement speed his r is pretty easy to dodge even when it hits you, ur life steal do all work”
EvoNinja7 says “Kog'Maw has a powerful slow with his E, and it can easily allow an engage on you. But this does cost a lot of mana for him. His Q can also slow you but it's really easy to dodge. His W is what you need to scared of though, since it gives him one of the highest auto attack ranges in the game and increases his attack speed heavily. He can shred through you if he gets Kraken Slayer. He is immobile and easy to gank. Another thing as well, his ult can slap your health from a insane distance away, so be careful if your backing on low health.”
Scrimm says “Kog'Maw is a walking bag of gold for Kai'sa. No mobility, no ridiculous healing, just dodge his skillshots and assert dominance on your weaker Void ADC.”
RegalFlash says “Don't underestimate him and play around your support who hopefully can engage on him. If you get close range you should win an all in.”
SkittleBtw says “If he has a lulu this could be super bad, seriously, don't die to them. Ask your jungler for a gank, play safe. If he doesn't have a lulu, it's free real estate. Just look out for his W, back off when he uses it, try to mess him up when it's on CD.”
Kalista Monster says “He is a little harder to face early because he has stronger poke, slow on his e and is almost always with a Lulu. Without lulu is isn't a threat at all though.”
ApheliosMain62 says “Some of the easiest kill for an Aphelios, abuse him on the early and you will be fine, he only do something when he get his 3 item”
jhoijhoi says “Kog'Maw is a hyper carry and deals tremendous damage mid and late game. He is easy to gank with his lack of mobility, relying on his Void Ooze to slow enemies. However, he has incredible range while Bio-Arcane Barrage is active, and will attempt to poke you down during this time. Keep moving in lane, as Kog will attempt to hit you with Living Artillery; if you are hit by this ability, sight is granted to the enemy team, meaning he can keep landing them on you if his prediction skills are good enough.”
LIKKEaBOSS says “Kog maw has longer range, and he will poke you on every last hit, he is really annoying, and play against him just if you have hard cc support to take him down”
GariKun says “*plants versus zombies like this element*
jokes apart, he's very vulnerable in early.
Use well your e in late and he wont couse any trouble.
If he's fed, pick fights only if helped by some cc ally champ.”
Bouhhsolene says “His slow and his ranges are quite annoying, just like his attack speed. You can't 1v1 him with his high attack speed, the time for you to cast one auto, he 1 0 you. ”
SweatMeALake says “Kog almost has no lane presence, though is a late game hyper carry similar to Twitch, he is a team wipe champion, so it is your job to slow down his ramping. Your ultimate is a big shut down to Kog. When his W is activated he has more range than you. He is immobile so you can catch him out and get a pick on him. ”
ShroudedBRH says “Kog'maw has access to extremely high damage output later in the game. Try to abuse him early during lane phase depending on what each of your supports can do. However avoid feeding him unnecessary gold and accelerating his power spikes”
Camelorry says “He outranges you with his w and his e can be a pain in the ass, but you should be able to kill him pretty easily unless he is paired with a Lulu or Yuumi. In that case bring with you an engage support. ”
EvoNinja7 says “He has a few dangerous slows but like you, he also has a pretty bad early game, so don't be scared of him when he is forcing you in a bad position. Be careful of him when he gets his Blade of the ruined king though, because from there he can snowball hard.”
Spider Shaped says “Ког'мао получаю первый предмет,тут же может наносить огромный урон врагам,особенно с его w. Лучше уходите от него,пока как минимум он не потратит w впустую.”
EvoNinja7 says “Out ranges you with his W and out scales you. Once he hits level six his R can snipe you from half a screen away and it has low mana cost at first usage. Try to poke him and drive him out of lane, don't give him time to scale.”
snukumz says “He has low mobility so it's easy for you to harass and snare him. He's super squishy so burst him down is easy for Zyra. Watch out for his damage late game but early game he should be your bitch.”
Alonixlol says “Kog'Maw is best known for being a mid-late game hypercarry and respectively his laning phase is appropriately weak to compensate. He can't push very well early on, has very weak trading in lane, very weak poke until level 6 when it becomes okay, very poor followup to engages, and is himself highly vulnerable to them.
When actually in a winning matchup he won't have a hard time exerting pressure between his massive auto-attack range during Bio-Arcane Barrage and his long range poke with Living Artillery, but he doesn't bring much kill potential to the lane. When in a bad matchup he won't have a problem farming safely while avoiding trades but can be easily divable by a strong enough all-in duo.”
Terrific says “I think a good Kog'maw shits on Draven if he uses his W correctly in laningphase, but you most likely win against him if he does not have a Lulu or anything to back him up. Care for his late game he hurts a lot but is very immobile so go abuse that.”
SuPIeX says “You can burst him down way faster than he can respond, even late game. He's also very immobile. Coordinate with your support to engage on him over and over. The only danger is in letting him scale and become a serious threat to the rest of your team.”
xSEASeahawks12 says “I actually love seeing Kog'Maw being locked in on the other team. He is absolutely allergic to sticky champions with his complete and utter lack of mobility, and if you land one basic on him you can follow him around the rest of the map if needed. Just dodge his E, as the slow hinders your ability to jump, and you're golden. For the late game, don't let him go full-artillery in team fights, as that's when he can actually hurt. Instruct your support to target him off of your Fate's Call, and he should be quickly disposed of.”
Zoodyacc says “He can outrange you easily, however you can trade against him early. If there's a Lulu with him, respect your damage and try to focus him down.”
atonementblade says “Kog'Maw has no mobility, so if your support can land cc, you can follow up with a Q and easily force him out of lane. His W allows him to outrange you, but an engage support can nullify the threat if they can gap close reliably.”
atonementblade says “Without a dedicated team to peel for him, Kog'Maw's lack of mobility makes him an easy target to blow up. In lane, you can be aggressive with your support because you can outdamage him if you proc Press the Attack.”
LupinTheCat says “Kog'Maw is a pest, pre lvl 6 he won't do THAT much damage, so you should poke him down, when he gets his ult just look at his mana and you should have a decent idea if you should engage or not”
MayeLeven says “He can poke you with his Q or E, but it's easy to dodge, and it makes a little damage. After level 6 he can poke you with his R, but you can easily dodge it. He can't really escape from you, especially with your passive, so he is an easy target for you during the early game. After the mid-late game he become a hypercarry, but you can kill him with your R.”
Deathfeather says “people play kogmaw in 2019? well, the couple that do are in for it because hes bad. watch out for the passive and dont take long trades and you win lane.”
Szauronmester says “If its W is down you can kill him, he is useless. Otherwise, don't cs while he uses it and you will be fine. He outscales you, but you can 1v1 him lategame.”
ZERO Destructo says “If you can dodge his ultimate well enough, this lane should be a piece of cake. Get some Dancing Grenades on him and snare him when you can. Just be aware of his passive. He is really weak early game, so try to punish him if he engages into fight with you, since he has no escape except flash.”
Nik7857 says “You can easily win lane, but you can also fuck it up. Don't underestimate his damage when his W is activated. When you trade with him as soon as he activates W hop back E and wait for it to end then decide whether you can go back in while it's down. Pray you end the game before late game.”
Eccentricks says “Unless its the dreaded Kog'Maw + Lulu, he isn't too bad. He just got a buff, which he really deserves, and Kog'Maw mains wanted. But, he still can't really fight Twitch well. Just don't get stuck in the vomit and watch for artilery puke. ”
Deathfeather says “I dont think sane people play this champ in 2019, but in case they do, end the game fast because he scales hard. Respect his damage too.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Kog can be either pretty easy or extremely scary depending on the player's skill. He has literally no escapes, so he can't run from you effectively. Keep an eye on his W cooldown and dodge his Q. Do not let him get ahead, or you're in for a long game.”
MewlingRavenPaw says “Make Kog'Ma scared of you then disengage once he Pops his W. Rend early if you must to make sure he can't get multiple free auto attacks off since HP swings can lose you the early game. Then re-engage with your support once his W wore off. Synergy with your support is key and thus why it's a harder lane in soloQ than it should be. ”
minepro221 says “His strength is punishing you on cs when his w is up. So don't go for cs if you can get punished. If his w is down, you get to punish him with auto q. you also win all in fight if you hit W, as he have no escape. Late game, you should be able to sort him out, as you have a assasin adc that can dive and kill him if his team have no cc. In short, later on, unless they have a lulu mid, kench top, and blitzcrank sup, you should be good to go. ”
Kynaz0071l0l says “If you have a tanky support with you he will tank the damage kogmaw sends out. Kogmaw does no damage in lategame so he shouldnt be a problem there.”
Eucalyptus says “It depends, you abuse him early-mid but if he scales you're likely fucked if they have an enchantress. His late game without shields is terrible and he is extremely easy to kite, just a shit Twitch.”
Fruxo says “Try to harass him down early on, you want to deny him farm as much as possible as it denies him getting his powerspike items. During the late game it's way better to stay with your team as Kog'Maw will be able to spike during this and will really hurt at this phase of the game.”
dravenfizz says “His W gives him damage and attack range, play around this ability early on and after you get a kill or two just run him down , late game this champion is very strong.”
Fruxo says “Try to harass him down early on, you want to deny him farm as much as possible as it denies him getting his powerspike items. During the late game it's way better to stay with your team as Kog'Maw will be able to spike during this and will really hurt at this phase of the game.”
IPodPulse says “Be cautious of his Bio-Arcane Barrage and try to keep your distance when he uses it, maximum % health damage is a threat to everyone. When Bio-Arcane Barrage is down, look for a trade or an engage, he is at his weakest during this period.”
Righteous Maniac says “Another annoying matchup (see a trend?). His E slows and does a decent amount of damage as well as helping push the wave. Try not to trade if he has W up. His Ult after 6 becomes pretty oppressive too. You can generally one shot him if alone but he normally has an e girl sucking him off so watch out.”
Exs Xena says “Kog'Maw, unless played with a Lulu, doesn't have any early presence in trades, make sure you punish him for this and try to build an early lead, you'll need it, because he'll outdamage you every game once 4 items come in. ”
Potato95x says “When you kill him, RUN. His body will run and manage to kill you depending on your health. His Q weakes your defenses (and gives him AS as passive), his E deals a lot of magic damage as it forces slow on you. His Ult takes some time to get on you. Try to avoid all these abilities and you'll be fine.”
GORE Klabok says “Easy Matchup i Guess , You can Dodge all the skillshot with dashes and kog'maw is pretty slow and weak.
Even with a tank Peel support Kalista Should Win lane”
FrankynFood says “Solid hybrid damage and he also has higher attack speed than you early on or maybe even the whole match. He has armour shred so try to dodge his q. ”
SlashLion says “I don't see Kog'Maw very often. But when i do i want to tear my hair out. if he gets fed its GG, I honestly haven't played enough against Kog to give many solid tips. Avoid his passive if you score a kill as it can usually result in him getting shutdown gold. Aside from that, best advice is the simplest answer; Just don't feed.”
lonely Xatu says “has greater range than you and can be a problem when he gets frozen mallet. however, he is very fragile, so take advantage when you can.”
MallisTheGreat says “Mostly a pain, wouldn't suggest playing against him. If you happen to be playing against Kog'Maw, just make sure to poke first and dodge him poking.”
MallisTheGreat says “Wouldn't personally play against Kog'Maw because of his poke potential. No big deal though, just try to dodge his pokes and block his way of escape while engaging with your E, because he doesn't have any escape.”
Vortiris says “Quite squishy, but make sure to dodge his Caustic Spittle when dueling him. Once you kill him, watch out for Icathian Surprise. You can beat him mid and late game if you play it right.”
Gun God Mike says “Kog'Maw not have so much mobility so when your supp engage him put e and w him and you get him.The reisk become major when he gets fed or when he finish core items.”
Shderen says “While you're often on the good end of a trade, his E can deal a surprising amount of damage if he's maxing it and going AP (very likely in mid). Also, it can go to SHIT if he starts pinging them long range ults on you. Be wary. He is SUPER immobile though.”
Fruxo says “Try to harass him down early on, you want to deny him farm as much as possible as it denies him getting his powerspike items. During the late game it's way better to stay with your team as Kog'Maw will be able to spike during this and will really hurt at this phase of the game.”
jster131 says “You shitstomp him early, but if he is good, he will massacre the late game with strong peel and decent kiting skills. You need to take control of the game and try to end before Kog'Maw starts to snowball”
xTheUnlimited says “The second on-hit ADC on the list. You got an advantage over him in laning phase since you have the better poke damage and chance to waveclear and pressure the lane. If it comes to late game damage he will easyly outscale you, because his W works way better with on-hit than your kit. Don't let him get into late !”
xTheUnlimited says “Depending matchup. If you can snowball in lane, you win. If he farms through safely he can outscale you in late game. Due to his mobility it should be easy to catch him though. ”
xTheUnlimited says “Actually an easy lane. Even though he isn't weak in lane you have alot more early power and can prevent him from coming into mid to late game where he deals alot of Damage. Go aggro on him. ”
Vaedelive says “If kog'maw plays lane safe, he will 100% outscale you and win. You HAVE to win lane to have a chance to win the game. Be very aggro.
try to keep the wave in the middle or close to your tower, so you have a lot of space to all in him on.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, this champion is pretty weak in lane, considering caitlyn (someone who is known as decent in lane) has the same niche of big weiner attack range but gets spanked you can assume correctly that kogmaw gets spanked the same way. his ult is usually used to zone u/catch u off guard for free damage but u can spell shield it ez mode (obviously). ”
EagleBlades says “"Countered you"
but it really is a close match-up. Just wait for his w to go on cooldown and you press your w and watch as his cs gets punished heavily.”
Hers Wolf says “Kog'maw is a reaaaaaaally lategame champ, and he's reaaaaally easy to kill, keep on poking him and its going to be the easiest lane in your life”
Seigemaster035 says “Early trades can go either way. The only matchup I would recommend taking Press the attack 100% to win early trades soundly. Just engage on him late and burst him before he dishes out his damage.”
Nittwerp says “Once you hit lvl 6, it will be easy to win against Kog'maw (If he doesn't have a janna or Lulu) you can just simple engage on him when his W is on cooldown and you will win. However don't underestimate the power of kog'maw when his W is up.”
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