In the Jungle 49.54% Win Rate40% Pick RatePantheon In the Jungle Counters: 44 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Pantheon in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
kittygore says “You can cleanse his stun. You cant oneshit him when he got his E shield. Overall you beat him in fights.”
Nyxxx says “Please get Edge of Night, it screws his passive up. He hurts a lot. If he E's, use your E or W to get behind him. After that, he dies quite fast.”
ScytherKhaZix says “Now Pantheon is really bad pick vs you because his dmg is not really op and if u jump behind him if he using E u can give him normal dmg because he cant block your attacks”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Pantheon loves level 3 ganks, so again counterjungling is very important. Once you see him ganking, try to countergank as well. Be sure to play your Clones [W] correctly against him or else he will lock you down with one combo. Time your skills well after his [E].”
Yomu says “Some parts of this matchup are skilled based. Like you can buffer your E into his WQ combo. He will then E your WQ combo so it usually just turns into a stalemate unless one is more fed than the other. EQ-QE combo is usually good
Mignognium says “Enfaite la version Jgl est pas trop un soucis, vous allez pas souvent le croiser, il ne devrais pas invaid trop souvent, vous avez un meilleur clear. Mais les autres versions sont complexe à ganker. Et Panthéon a trop de capacités horribles contre vous comme son invincibilité sur son [E][Égide Impénétrable], ou son CC auto loc sur son [Z][Assaut Martial]. Tenter de le tuer quand il se bar contre quelqu'un d'autre et éviter de toucher votre [R] quand il est sous [E]. ”
Velz says “One combo from this and you are gone unless you time his jump and your E perfectly (Exhaust comes in handy with this one)
Shield also blocks your burst damage on the W so be aware
[If Angryappleseed is your matchup - note that he would most likely be camping a bush to W, to prepare for such an encounter immediately use exhaust and E to counter his one shot instantly]
jajkopajko says “1v1 you always lose, but you outscale him, try not to die to him a lot early so he cant snowball, once you are on 2-3 items you just bring more value to the teamfights.”
Daawwnn says “he isnt able to engage you ever because you can press W when he uses his stun and actually cancel his stun with it making the 1v1 basically won for you”
Pullks says “Pantheon's early game is obscenely strong. If you won't die to him, you'll outscale him quite hard: you can kill him pretty fast with Thornmail on you, but don't try to do it pre-thornmail unless you are absolutely sure you can kill him.”
garbocan says “Very easy to deal with as Ivern. Shield the ally that he casts W on and there isn't much that Panth can do. Pantheon is very easy to bait an engage out of in lane, making most Pantheon players easy to gank.
If it's Pantheon mid, be careful of his ult when going for extended plays in bot/top lane, since he can use it to arrive to the fight first.”
OakIgu says “A good pantheon will punish you without being on your range you can kill him early and if you do it will be a much easier lane, as allways abuse your lvl 1 against him and try not using your awakened Q during his E invulnerability, early warden mail is key here, if you win lane he won't be able to sidelane against you and its free towers specially when he goes roaming with his R.”
Turnupthetoaster says “Very strong duelest at all stages of the game. If he has anti-healing he can 1v1 you no problem. Not to mention he can match your rotations with his ult. Be very respectful of the Aspect of War.”
Zero macro says “Nidalee is good at matching Pantheon his early gank pattern and should do so, thereby Pantheon has a mitigation tool against Nidalee her burst window, which should take account for by Nidalee. ”
Zero macro says “Pantheon has a strong early game, which is hard to answer for Zed. Due to Zed preferring to make full clears due to his clear speed. In this matchup Zed has to try to prevent early presence from Pantheon, thereby skipping camps or gaining vision is recommended. Zed can punish Pantheon his weaker clear early on if he wishes to.
Pantheon has a very punishing kit to deal with for Zed, this is due to Pantheon his point to click stun combined with a huge burst + invulnerability towards the shield. Zed can deal easyier with this due to using different angels for his shadows, combined with W teleport after R.
Be aware of Pantheon his global presence (R)”
metalhydra273 says “Pantheon has his full combo and flank potential and that's about it. His e can be annoying, but getting repositioned is a death sentence for Pantheon, and if you can survive burst and get an e tag, you should survive most encounters.”
Ezikko says “Point and click stun, TONS of damage and invincibility on E, avoid fighting him unless you are leading and have a team. Get shieldbow 2nd”
ttvRegedice says “He can buy time with his E and lock you down with W which forces your empW if you can even get it in time in group fights. His Q has a long range so he can tap it for tons of damage on you if it's stacked outside of your auto range. Make sure to build steelcaps after 1st item and play for root when you jump him to bait his E and keep him from running. After some items he can do tons of damage, so you always want to respect panth unless you have bushes and nearby teammates to help.”
ShinyEmo says “Pantheon is much weaker against you after rework. You can dodge his W with your Q. Even if you can't dodge his W, you can still win as you outdamage him. Be sure to meditate one Q, especially if it is empowered.”
Intropingman says “Without black cleaver you beat him. You can block his W dash with Q and also avoid his spear with your Q speed. Try to predict his ults so you use your speed and help your alone ally faster than anyone.”
checca says “In my opinion, Pantheon is one of the weakest champions against Zac. His full combo barely does half of Zac's health at level 6. Past level 6, you will beat Pantheon in almost every 1v1. You can peel him off your team or just throw him around, either way, you will always have the advantage over this champion.”
rianflqmes says “pantheon is an assassin bruiser that can destroy you with one stun. his w is on a 6 second cd always and if he builds damage and empowers it, you're a goner. play around his cooldowns and try to bait his w before you duel him.”
Davecraft16 says “He has a really strong early. Never 1v1 him early unless your are ahead. He will become much weaker late game, so your goal is to outscale him. ”
RedNBlue says “Pantheon jungle has been increasing in popularity. I have played it myself and it is worth putting in as a possible opposing Jungle threat. Don't let him get too fed to the point where you can't get him off your teammates.
Have a peel support to cc him please. Or you will be having a horrible game that you want to just afk.”
Xerath gaming says “No one plays panth top anymore but if u see him, E when he W's, it pushes him further behind and you will rekt him due to long trades being better for you. R = auto win if you're not behind”
Der Bestimmer says “If he gets his Stun on you, he bursts you hard. Try to dodge it with A-E. Circle him in his E as well as you can.
His Map Mobliity can outplay your Macro pretty hard.”
Kao_Oak says “Respect this champion. Lot of burst, hard to dodge cc and he can tempo you with his E. Be careful during ganks because his R makes him the king of counter gank.”
MaximusWillCarry says “Oneshots you late with his Armor Penetration every ult level up. Oneshots you early 1v1. Ganks are pretty easy but he can E your E and take no damage.”
Geomine says “you outrade him, just poke him down and position well on wave so even if he jumps on you or your adc will get burst down and die, you cant match his roams but ping when he gets R at your team, if he doesnt snowball he is just usuless”
Atemporal says “Esta pista é realmente difícil no início. Você não deve morrer para ele cedo ou ele vai se tornar uma bola de neve como um louco e você não poderá vencê-lo por muito tempo. Deixe-o empurrar. Se ele iniciar o nível 1 do Q, você pode relaxar Se ele começar com W então você tem que ser super passivo.
Apenas obter XP dos primeiros 3 lacaios corpo a corpo é suficiente se o Pantheon subir muito. Nunca deixe ele te ligar de graça. Afaste-se de E antes que ele chegue ao alcance porque seu Q e E ainda o atingirão, mesmo que você afaste-se após o atordoamento. Você tem que aceitar que você
não pode ganhar cedo. É por isso que eu gosto de pegar o Conqueror neste confronto apenas para escalar, mas perder Minion Demat torna mais difícil para você se mover pelo mapa antes do nível 9. Se o Panth estiver jogando muito agressivo, você pode lançar W antes que ele o atordoe,
e ele provavelmente ficará atordoado se você colocar W corretamente em cima de si mesmo. A coisa mais importante sobre este confronto é que você TEM que pingar seus roams. Você não pode seguir um Pantheon R. Solte as sentinelas na pista para ver de que lado ele anda
em direção, então SPAM PING seus laners. Se ele enviar R para um roam e falhar, a lane é ganha para você. Conseguir uma Guarda de Braço do Apanhador é bom nesta lane, e é uma obrigação se o jungler inimigo também for um campeão AD. Você já pode começar
vencendo 1v1 quando você tem a Guarda de Braço + Alternador do Seeker, e então para cada conclusão de item você se torna cada vez mais forte em comparação com ele. Quando você tem Protobelt você pode E - Q nele e então Protobelt atrás dele quando ele
usa seu escudo E para tirar o dano.”
Eagzey says “R his W and try to bait out his E. Remember his E won't block damage from behind, so use that to your advantage. Might have to be a little careful of him early invading.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Post 6, place vision inside Pantheons jungle to spot him before he is able to gank a lane with his Ultimate Grand Starfall(R). Pantheon is a strong early game Jungler. Avoid fighting him if you meet him alone when moving around Summoners Rift unless you have a clear advantage as he will probably come out ahead. As Pantheon is strong in the early game and can gank frequently, having vision in the river and around his jungle entrances will make it harder for him to get ganks off.”
Salmon Kid says “As previously mentioned, champions with hard point and click cc counter Lillia insanely hard. Pantheon's W make's Lillia's life extremely difficult.”
[Pantheon is a good assassin, however he relates on AAs and on dash so you basically cancel his kit. Your Q cancels his W and his R while casting, your E and Q+R also cancels his R while casting. He maybe has a shield with his E, but you can Q to go behind him, or even taunt him without caring about his activated E. His empowered W little hits all react with your W, so that's 3 free fast AAs.]
resetwice says “He is tanky and can do a lot of damage! Don't all win when he E or your combo will be blocked. He can follow your roams with his R, so be careful. Try to flash/jump a wall to attack him at back if he E. Most times he will survive better on fights than you so take care on some extended trades. BEST RUNES TO GO: CONQUEROR”
YoungTact says “Look to dodge his spears and respect his strong early game. Try your best to W his W but it is a fairly fast dash. Punish him for csing as another melee match up. Build armour to outscale.”
Alchemilla says “The baker is more stronger than he seems on the early-game, stay away from him, try to farm with your Q and never engage in a fight with him on early-game.”
Da Mastah says “very strong early but he is merely a former husk of what he used to be. Jungle track and ping laners, as long as you make it past the early game you hard outscale him.”
Pusi Puu says “You win early game all ins. But he is kinda broken right now, so there is not much counterplay when he has his items. Later on he just wins everytime. Try to countergank early game when you are stronger and look for skirmishes then.”
KamiKZ says “Can be one of the more difficult matchups due to his early kill potential and shield passive. His passive will block both your auto attack and your passive (unseen threat) and since he can reset his passive in the middle of a fight it may be difficult to duel him. Be careful of his gank presence after he reaches 6 (and let your team know when he´s lvl 6 too) as he can appear anywhere on the map and snowball from there. One of the better ways to deal with him is to purchase Challenging Smite and Evolve Q so you won´t have to rely on auto attacks to DPS him.”
nZk01 says “VERY overrated champion, if he doesnt snowball once again champ is useless as fuck, doesnt scale that well and has quite the horrible early clear, ganks are obvious as well and if u wanna fight him just set a box on you when he wants to jump on you, otherwise just Q away.”
IMissedMyQ says “His level 2 can match yours effectively, and he is also much stronger than you until later in the game. Do not pick camille into this.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Pantheon favored. I recommend starting on the opposite side of the map and not fight Pantheon by yourself, since his passive can block your auto attacks and he has point and click stun which makes Pantheon hard to kite as Graves.”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “Just busted this patch overall. Beware of his stun and damage block. You can likely stun him to get some damage in, but he will blast his E and get away just fine.”
Frozerlol says “His clearspeed isnt that good but his ganks are reliable. Early fights should be close try to cheese him at a crab orso. And try to not q its his shield or he will win the skirmish.”
Rhoku says “Pantheon is tricky in lane. But in a jungle environment, you have more hope into him if you are healthy after your clear. You can use your E to cancel his stun and guarantee your Q hit. The bad part is that he is quite hard to kite so Ghost is somewhat necessary. And you need to make sure he does not block too much damage with his directional damage blocking ability. Ghost helps you deal with it much more easily as you can just walk into him and behind him, continuing to kill him. He will snowball HARD off of you though. If he beats you once, try to tank up a bit before going after him again. Armoring up helps but he will build Cleaver.”
Ellesmere says “A good Pantheon will keep very good control of the map. His ult makes him extremely mobile and his kit is all about ganking between his hard engage and his cc. Your job this game will be less about farming and more about counterganking and establishing your control over the map before he does.”
Scooltefan says “Especially considering how strong he is right now, you need to play this right. If he stuns you, he will probably dump all his Damage next. Counter his Jump with your Q and block his Damage with W. ”
Suseri says “Outtrades you unless you can dodge his point in click stun with your Q, which can be difficult. When he has his passive stacked try to W or Q his next attack. He still wins most 1v1 situations duo to his kit so play it safe and wait till you outscale him with at least 2 finished items.”
FrostForest says “You don't lose or win the 1v1
It just depends on who gets the jump on who
You outscale if you are both even
Take Red Smite into this matchup”
metalhydra273 says “You outscale Pantheon, hard. Even if he gets fed early he's a champion that has to go in, and you can get him killed in most fights unless he snowballs his team to a point where fighting becomes impossible. Counterganks and setting up objectives are key here, just watch for where he ults in and peel where needed.”
Nanelol says “This one is really extreme. Longer and shorter range for Q, stunning W and invincible from one way for few seconds with E. Escape away if you can if he ults.
SoSheolH says “Doesn't have enough damage to burst you, obviously, but his point and click CC is a problem, and his lethality midlane build is still very strong and your squishies will die if you let him get to them. Work with your team to take him down and keep him out of the backline.”
liserith says “Pantheon is better known for his top and mid lane dominance, but his jungling is no joke. With fully stacked Mortal Will, his W will completely evaporate you. That, and his E cancels your E, he can countergank from basically anywhere on the map, and his Q gives him an easy way to snipe you at low health. Avoid him, trust me.”
Udyr uber says “Um pouco irritante de se enfrentar, pois ele consegue te combar facilmente, NÃO INVADA ELE SEM VISÃO.
Recomendo pegar conquistador, dar stun com o E, e quando ele usar o escudo dele, corra para as costas dele e encha de porrada com o Q”
AyeJa3 says “ His tools are better than yours, so don't look to fight early. He also will not take very much damage from your abilities, so it would be best to have an ADC with you in combat with him. ”
TowerShieldDude says “Pantheon played in the Jungle, will destroy you in the important early stages of the game. You simply can't beat him.
He'll block your abilities with his E, while his point and click cc. Will be what spells your doom as a Lilla player. Though you out scale him, any good Pantheon player will have snowballed all his lanes. Quickly killing Heralds and Drakes with his Q execute and Smite. combo. ”
KingFershid says “Invades you, counter ganks you and since most Pantheon players run PTA a fully stacked W will almost oneshot you, but you easly kill him alone with R.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Be sure to ward your blue buff early and ask your top laner to watch it for you. If he comes to stun you, evade his invade by throwing your Bandage toss to a minion or a camp. You will lose to him early, however stomp him when you get your items since you scale WAY harder than he can. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Counters you pretty hard, wait until his abilities & passive are dropped to focus him down and make sure your team sustains through the early game.”
bolun says “If you see this guy , dont fight him until you have R , he will deals alot of damage , the reason why dont combat him when you don't have R is he will deal ton of damage , shock him to death while you still have the R form.”
Get Ricked says “Very strong early game, unlike yours. You can kill him after lvl 6 but it requires you using your R well to get behind him when he is in his E so you dodge out that dmg. ”
JackM says “One of the toughest matchups, pantheon has a great early, he can almost fight you at all points in the game, just try to play it really safe around him, whenever you invade make sure he doesn't see you, or you have a way out, try to outclear him and get fed by ganks then you can manage with him.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Don't ... Just don't ... That's the best advice I can give for this match-up. Pantheon has disgusting early game damage and, if he is a good player, will be invading you all the time. ”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Following the nerfs he got he shouldn't be overly difficult to deal with. Combo him before he combos you and when he uses his E, you ult behind him. Do be careful in the early game because he is still Pantheon. Kraken game.”
KaynPlayer814 says “Pantheon is really strong in the early game, you want to avoid him in the early game. You outscale him really hard if you go RedKayn. Your goal is to get RedKayn as possible to match him and outscale him. You can also go BlueKayn, but it could get hard because he can Plated Steelcaps and something like Dead Man's Plate.
CalicoCactus says “He can just press W and shut you down, easy point and click CC on top of an execute Q and his ability to just not take damage from you, be very patient and watch his passive stacks and cooldowns.”
SuperMajorPain says “Pantheon has a medium early game , but has a stun that counter your stun, you must wait for him to have used at least 2 of his abilities (his stun and shield) to then use your Q auto W E combo , if hes in Jg you can Counter Jg with ease and Panth has a Harder time Farming the Jg than you do. ”
Holessando says “you don't see this matchup much anymore, so... pantheon is most of the time on some other lane, but if he is, you can fight him and kill him easily, save your E for his E, press E and attack him from his back, so you get the hit, make sure to hit him with ult (and dont press ult when he has E, only if you really need hp and you're dying).. this matchup shouldn't be any problem ”
brSL7 says “Pantheon não é muito usado na jungle.
Mas caso você tenha a sorte de achar um tome muito cuidado.
Pantheon tem um early game muito forte, e pode matar o Mundo facilmente. Se você conseguir sobreviver ao Early-Game, no Mid-Game você já pode fazer trocas com ele (tenha pelo-menos 2 itens). ”
usoy says “HARDEST COUNTER TO TEEMO: his q range is longer than your auto range his passive allows him to take a hit without taking the damage as well as w. his e will do a ton of damage on you overall near impossible champion to beat as teemo as pantheon counters teemo in every way. he has: a gap close, an aoe attack which dosen't require a target, a way to dodge/reflect your attacks, and really high damage suggesting a ban if you will play teemo”
Xeldom says “Difficult match-up. Can negate all of your damage and out trade you. His weakness is in his clear however he'll look to gank often. Make sure to invade due to the nature of his unhealthy clear.”
AWierdShoe says “Very hard to fight early due to his point-and-click CC and his high burst damage. His E can also mitigate your damage entirely, so avoid fighting him early. Pantheon does fall off hard, so you'll want to farm more and scale to your advantage.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Pantheon is extremely problematic for Kindred because of his Burst and Tankiness. To beat him wait for him to use his W on something then go on him, dodge his Q and E dmg and you should win, but his W is a target stun so you need to watch out for it.”
If I not forget, Pantheon normal build have 30~40% cooldown
Pantheon have lock stun that will stop you and his stun have low cooldown in last level, He will kill you if you can't run away from him
(I don't know that much champions but If you face the champions that have lock stun just beware of it)”
nextonetwo says “Panth can just block your q damage, I don't think he can block your w damage though, just lock him down and your teammates can deal with him after his w is done”
nextonetwo says “Panth can just block your q damage, I don't think he can block your w damage though, just lock him down and your teammates can deal with him after his w is done”
DarkPit59 says “Pantheon peut aisément vous counter-gank avec son ultime, et ses lourds dégâts (augmentés quand vos PV sont faibles) le rendent assez difficile à éliminer sans y laisser des plumes. Prenez garde à son bouclier et tentez de lui faire face que vers le mid-lategame.”
IbnBattuta says “Pantheon can block your first hit which make your ambush useless so just AA him then quickly stun him so better use the element of surprise and you will beat him easily.”
Sorrowful Prince says “Whatever you do, dont let him snowball or it's game over. Avoid him as long as possible and play to your strengths. The matchup turns as soon as you got Ninja Tabis + Triforce and ideally a bit of hp. At this point you can just get behind his shield with your Hookshot and win the trade.”
Nico449c says “You will win most fights if you hit e you will maybe have a rough time if you dont hit it but hes r is slow and are of no use in 1v1 fights. Hes other abilites are not really scary for you he got a decent gank potential but if you countergank you about always win hes weaker potential scaling and teamfight makes it great for you. Invade or outgank him and you win”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Don't ... Just don't ... That's the best advice I can give for this match-up. Pantheon has disgusting early game damage and, if he is a good player, will be invading you all the time. ”
LFS_aXent says “He has an auto block as his passive. Best way to fight him is poke it out with your first shot, farm creeps, poke him with your fourth shot. Rinse and repeat any time his passive is back up. Pantheon's combo is very lethal, so play back under your tower if he starts getting ahead. This may require jungle's help, but you will out damage him.”
Alessa Beaumont says “Ban this Leonidas cosplayer as much as you can or ask some of your teammates if you already have someone to ban in your mind like you know, Yasuo. Lee Sin and Leonidas pretty much shares the same early game though he lacks the mobility. He has a point and click stun which is really annoying and a bootleg Fiora parry as his E which both makes him a strong early game duelist. Pretty much what you'd do is either outfarm him and fight him if your ahead or just totally avoid him because he has a broken Q that acts like a skill shot and also as an execute, by the way.”
HKRV says “Since recent buff to his JG kit, he can be annoying for you as clears monsters fast. Mostly roaming lanes to gank, but when you face him, time your W well and bait his E out so you can have a clear road ahead. ”
yasinpg says “As hashinshin says he is a win by default pick, so be careful not to 1v1 him early. Lategame is super easy and extremely in your favor so prolong the game by playing safe.”
Jadiac5 says “watch out for his stun. You can just run out of his ult and then punch your W in his face. If he uses his shield which blocks all dmg, get behind his then do dmg and / or ult.”
TheFalco62 says “If you are against a pantheon that knows how to abuse the lane, there is absolutely no way to win in the laning phase. You can start cloth armor + pots OR Dorans shield+pot and hope to survive the laning phase with jungle help. You do not want to trade half your hp to get some few cs. Early levels it is important not losing EXP, so it is OK missing out on few cs, as long as you get the EXP! If you get poked too much, he will go for the all-in kill or dive with his jungler, and your game is over. Be sure to stay healthy, and recall if you think he might dive you!”
wolfclaw3812 says “His Q shouldn't hurt too much. His stun doesn't do enough damage to kill you. His E is a bit annoying to deal with, but it should be fine, since your pillar and charge isn't where the damage comes from. After his shield goes down, finish your combo. And if he wants to ult out? You have a total of three knockups in your kit, stop him! ”
TheLord110 says “avoid his jump and stun and he has no chance.
try to open as much distance as you can and kit around.
if he jumps on you use your W and Q to run away and then start hurasing him from a safe distance.”
NightmareBug says “Can be one of the more difficult matchups due to his early kill potential and shield passive. His passive will block both your auto attack and your passive (unseen threat) and since he can reset his passive in the middle of a fight it may be difficult to duel him.”
Anathema49 says “Another early cheeser, be careful of his early game pressure and invades. He doesn't have good movement speed/gap closers tho so if he invades and doesn't kill you in one stun you can easily run away”
LighterDay says “Pantheon's passive is good against Vi since she relies on basic attacks and it can block from her E and from her passive. However, once Pantheon's shield is down, he is easy to handle. Vi's Q can also disrupt Pantheon's W.”
Sarutobi says “Early game don't fight him. His passive will keep blocking y our autoes and his burst will melt you early. Play safe and farm up and get to late. You win 11/10 times late.”
Deltix31 says “Il est très peu probable que vous gagnez un duel contre. Essayez d'éviter au maximum les 1v1 et gankez là où il n'est pas si vous n'avez pas d'alliés vous permettant de 2v2”
BigBadVoodo says “Right now he has a very dominant jungle. His shield makes him a very big counter to our initial burst. Winning early is very important, but we need to play around boxes a lot. After 6 it's pretty easy in 1v1's, as we can dodge his stun with our R and burn his shield with the clone.”
WiskeyANDGin says “early game is a pain in the ass, in late game u can beat him with ease,build a couple of items and its all good.Try and w before his w, so u can stop him, ult when he e, this will prevent u from getting some dmg”
xTheUnlimited says “Pantheon isn't seen that often in the jungle, but if he is in it, he wont be a great thread to you. He has a lot of damage, but exspecially in early game you can duel him with a red buff. His ganks also aren't as powerful as yours. He most likely builds lethality, but that should not bother you, because he wont deal any damage to you in late game at all.”
silverowner4 says “Pantheon can leap on you and can block your ferocity attack
so if he haves shield remove the shield by auto-attacks and then use your attacks.”
craY13 says “He is quiet annoying, The early game is your weakest phase of the game. It´s just getting better. But he is a very strong early champ. He will counter jungle you. Try to avoid fights in 1vs1, you will lose.”
Predium says “He might be hard to fight, but not really, Q + E him if he engages, take cover and do a lot of damage of him, best fight will be at LvL 6 with ultimate on.”
Predated01 says “Can get ahead early a lot through cheesing and once he's ahead he has point and click one shot you and make you useless while stunned.”
Yasuo Comunica says “His clearspeed isnt that good but his ganks are reliable. Early fights should be close try to cheese him at a crab orso. And try to not q its his shield or he will win the skirmish.
Loul_60 says “Pantheon is better in the Toplane currently. His jungle clear isn't great. Just watch out for his early trades as he will win pretty much all of them.”
GamingGaodzilla says “His passive is really unfun since it will put your E on cooldown if he blocks it. Pantheon will generally win most 1v1s against you until late game.”
Abidd says “One of the few champs that can destroy you at the early rift scuttle. If they are good, they can easily block 90% of your combo, don't duel him early. Focus on ganks.”
Jooshuaaa says “In and out fighting patterns completely thrown out the window if you're anywhere near this man, his E makes it nearly impossible to finish him off in time for you to pop off with the reset.”
MannerlessNG says “Dangerous.
He's much worse as a Support than a Fighter, easily zoning you from ganks and leading to quick turnarounds where your the one who's dead.
He isn't easy to kill, deals a decent amount of damage, can harass you from range and survive much of your burst.
It's best to try and get his E out, then slam him into a wall and combo him from there. Failing that, he'd probably win if he's ahead.
His ultimate is consistently great and destroying your crap team and wonderful and backing up his when going for objectives.
The mans a dick.”
As a Support 49.37% Win Rate31% Pick RatePantheon As a Support Counters: 37 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Pantheon as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Zileanaire says “Point click stun. Why does that still exist? I don't need to write any more. Luckily it's barely played support anymore. ”
mUI0g says “His W stun is a strong engage. Typically you will be behind your ADC (opps), so its your ADC that gets engaged on. However his E shield is strong against your E projectile as well”
Aerenax says “Pantheon has a lot of damage. You should play around his W and either try to cancel it mid-air or immediately when he is on top of your carry.”
Arctic Arrow says “Pantheon can be managed easily with some caution early on. As long as you play carefully at levels 1-2, you can win trades once he engages. Build some armor to mitigate his damage, and he’ll struggle to be effective. If he engages first, you’re in a strong position to handle him. Just focus on surviving the early game and then capitalize on his lack of sustained damage.”
xpwnz1337 says “ADC IQ TEST MATCHUP.
Counterplay: Peel. You cancel his W dash with your W. Can do same with Q (Hard). After 6 can eat his ult into free insec.”
LA COLORADA says “all pantheon support players i've encountered so far are dogshit tbh. still, the champ can't do much against you. watch out for his roams post 6 though.”
Abarame says “Similar to Leona. He does good dmg but is still quite frail. Q his W and punish him hard in every trade. Dont ego for anything when hes level 6 as he will definitely look to ult low hp targets or just to roam in general.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “If you are carefull level 1-2 you will perma win when he goes in, you can also just chill until you get a bit of armor and he will do 0 damage to you, as long as he engages first you are just chilling.”
Foxirion says “Pantheon’s high damage and crowd control can pose a significant threat to Nautilus. His ability to block attacks with his E can also make it difficult for Nautilus to deal damage to him.”
Foxirion says “Pantheon's early game pressure and burst damage make him a major threat to Rakan, as he can quickly take down Rakan in the laning phase and snowball the game out of control.”
glimppi says “You want to box inside your wave, so Pantheon can't catch your ADC. Use boxes defensively, and don't force fights. Only go for kills if he steps in too deep into your boxes.”
schizoslvt says “This is a matchup you will see only if you have picked the champ of another pyke otp.They know what to do vs you.
very scary early levels and dependant on Adc's. you are both equally oppresive”
Velkyann says “Pantheon is very strong early but only continues to be a problem if he builds correctly. Try to stay out of his W range and if he jumps try to punish him, recommended to upgrade Q second against him.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Pantheon is fairly fragile and wants to ambush your carry from the bush. Keep vision in your nearest bush and stop him from jumping on you or your carry with W. ”
sillycatslover says “Pantheon has very short range and you can always flank him out of his E with your tornado and he doesnt have much to work with when you do so, make sure to play aggresively.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Will jump on you and kill you, and his q has a really long range and it's stupid.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Honestly it's always cool to see a Panth sup. (bros unite) However, this is a bit of a skill matchup. You have to watch his E because it can cancel even a fully charged W. However, you can catch him off his guard with E. He also has own stun with W, you should save your W for the damage you will take. If ADC gets W'ed E the enemy right away. Honestly easy matchup in my experience.
TheSkyLrd says “He can be annoying but this is where you employ the classic. Use your teammates as bait for his stun, and then jump wither onto him or onto his team behind him and ult. This will typically lead to your team getting a free kill and the team fight being a 5v4.”
ohsuko says “You should never be in Pantheon's ability range, but if he's really pressuring you he's a major threat. Otherwise, it's an even match-up. Really just skill dependant.”
quecck says “Honestly it's always cool to see a Panth sup. (bros unite)
However, this is a bit of a skill matchup. You have to watch his E because it can cancel even a fully charged W. However, you can catch him off his guard with E. He also has own stun with W, you should save your W for the damage you will take. If ADC gets W'ed E the enemy right away. Honestly easy matchup in my experience.”
Aerenax says “Pantheon will use his W to start an engage. You will have a hard time getting him off your ADC, but you can start stacking your passive when he gets close to you.”
Ryecheria says “Look to poke if you can, but prioritize not dying and staying out of lethal range and ranges for critical abilities. If you can cheese them and poke them so that they are unable to engage then the match up is playable.
Karma outscales.
Shield his Q, he can never poke you out. Just survive.
Ping out roams, and gank his own lane. ”
mazewalk says “He will try to abuse bushes to burst you or your ADC during laning phase. If timed correctly you can cancel his W animation and then punish him. Use lantern to get your teammates behind his E and ping your mid/top if he is absent. Pantheon sup might build Umbral Glaive so its impossible to win vison.”
Fear The Jester says “Skill matchup, bait him to stun you and displace yourself with Q when he stuns you so he cant triple auto you and will most likely miss his Q stab since youll be invisible, place boxes defensively on your adc so he cant engage them”
qaffqa says “He outtrades you quite hard at any point. Undodgeable point-n-click stun followed by big damage and a damage redution abiltie, flawless combo. Try W-E'ing out as fast as possible and hope he doesn't one-shot you. But for the most part, just dodge his charged Qs in laning phase and do fast short trades whenever possible.”
jmp_01_ says “Pantheon Support can be a really strong pick, but if he doesn't get ahead in the early game he will just fall off. His early is quite strong so think twice if you want to trade against him. Take Aftershock.”
azaleaaa says “Pantheon is broken this patch, he counters almost everyone with his insane damage. He can also go invincible for a moment using an ability meanwhile still doing damage.”
mazewalk says “Yeah, it's really fun to play against statchecker who says some bullshit about Gods and never giving up. Don't facecheck unless you're sure he won't kill you. Pantheon players usually like to sit in the lane bush and wait untill someone comes close enough. Ward bushes so he'll be less dangerous, ping your teammates if he's absent.”
Dotje says “Pantheon deals a lot of damage try to keep you and your adc on high hp, consider taking the rune "biscuit delivery". If he plays too aggressive and wastes his E shield, he can be killable.
Keep an eye on him hitting level 6, since he may roam mid as well.”
Aerenax says “Patheon will use his W to start an engage. If he jumps on your adc you knock him away or land a full combo on him, if he jumps on you who cares?”
Cyclic says “Even matchup but I think it is slightly senna favored. I would recommend taking cleanse as his only real play is W stunning you and going for an instakill otherwise he will take a bad trade. Cleanse fixes this issue but with an aggressive ADC sometimes you can still die. Play careful and poke him before he has level 3 combo and you should be able to take wave control”
WolfDelt4 says “Pantheon is very strong, he takes a huge chunk of you health with the combo W + Q + E. you outrange him but he does too much damage and if you look away for a second he will have solo killed your ADC 70% of the time.”
Toches says “lvl 1 he has kill power
after lvl 2 if you put a point in Q he really doesnt
after lvl 3 he needs to start roaming or he'll just lose.
you outscale, no more to be said.”
iveye says “Pantheon can be an early lane stomp support but with Rell you can counter engage against him or shut him down with ease, and just remember he will almost always only go for your carry so be sure to protect him.”
mellorwastaken says “The champ is just bad and you can beat him in lane if you dont engage first. Ofc you can lose if adc matchup is really bad.
Also its the only champ you will outscale. Always go unflinching and boneplating.
gizemdeniz says “Pantheon's shock damage and dive ability are decent. However, after the latest updates, he has become quite fragile and is not played as much as before. We can win if we make good decisions with charms and play carefully.”
Sorakas says “Runes: Aery
During the laning phase, keep a safe distance to avoid Pantheon’s W, which applies a stun. If your allied ADC gets hit, use Soraka's E (Equinox) to block the enemy ADC, interrupting Pantheon’s quick and powerful combo.
An essential advantage Soraka has against Pantheon is her ability to cancel his ultimate with Equinox. Position the E in the direction of Pantheon’s arrival when he uses his ultimate to interrupt it. In specific situations, the E can also cancel Pantheon’s Q, mitigating some of his damage and control.”
SighKek says “Panth players are pretty predictable.
You can actually cancel their W stun with your Q... and 9 times out of 10, if you get up close to a panth while you're winding a Q, they almost always go for the W. It takes some practice, but you can time it where you just throw them over your head without them landing anything on you. Follow up with an E through them and its a good trade.
One thing to be careful of: his E shield can block your Ult, but not if you ult behind him (hitting his backside).
Practice that or just simply wait until his E animation is done before ulting. ”
mazewalk says “He might stun you after you land your E, so pay atention to your allies position. His E ingnores only damage, so you still can land Q or R.”
aRhesty says “if you're good you can interrupt his W leap, ruining his game plan. Never let him within range, you will get bursted and die. Just wait for laning phase to be over and hard outvalue him”
Fenreee says “|||ANY||| Skill matchup. This champ has one useful ability and the entire matchup relies on your ping. If you're good you can cancel his W with Q consistently. The same is doable with R but a little easier since you don't have to press twice, thus giving you shorter delay. A big problem is when good panths figure out they can flash and W to deny you the delay of his leap animation, as it gets shorter the closer he is to you. A move i particularly enjoy is cancelling his leap under tower, then flashing behind him and using R to shove him under and watch him suffer. You can technically do this without Q, but i like to open the cancel with Q as flashing preemptively can sometimes make the distance-leap-animation thing kinda awkward. If you take Glacial with stopwatch rune, you can use the stopwatch in lane while he does his W leap, to burn his CD mid fight.”
Roltu says “Pantheon es inútil contra un thresh ya que su unica iniciación en early es demasiado predecible y son solo usar la E el campeón termina siendo demasiado vulnerable.
Recomiendo llevar coraza osea para aguantar los 3 básicos potenciados de su W”
thunderthighs says “Pantheon E can block Jhin's 4th AA, so make sure to capitalize on his slow movement during his E to land your W, then follow up with your autos afterwards. Make sure to use your E to control bushes as usual and try to stand behind your traps in case of his engage.”
Sellorio says “Like Ali, this fella can end you if you go into poke range. How do you handle him? When I know, you'll know. For now just keep your distance and poke the other enemy if you can and don't push up once he's 6, you do not have enough mobility to make it out alive if he ults behind you.”
Take guardian.
Ward lane brush.
Play VERY defensively and cautiously. If he can't get a kill early he'll be a stunbot late.
Concede the wave and lane to him if needed, better than letting him kill you.
Spam ping when he goes missing, when he hits 6 and if you see him ulting. Helps to ping danger if you think he's going to ult somewhere.”
TreezNutz says “His heavy engage combined with high burst damage is extremely difficult to deal with early game, and his ability to poke away your bubbles (particularly crown) with his long-ranged Q can be very detrimental.”
huirats says “Engage supports typically ban Morgana, and I tend to pick Annie when the enemy bans Morgana since they're kinda similar. Pantheon does a lot more damage than other engage supports, and even if you think he's not in lane, he can show up easily with his Ult.”
OakuMarai says “storng damage early, just keep away from him early, give him the lane if you need to, as long as he doesn't get fed he'll be a minion lategame”
LimTheDestructor says “Don't underestimate his early damage and movement speed. If he jumps on your adc, at the first phase focus his adc to make him unable to follow Pantheon's engage. Your CC has much lower cooldown so you try to make fight long, whereas Pantheon wants one quick burst and kill or getting out.”
PykEugeo says “If pantheon has full stacks you should stay away from him if you don't want to get a full combo that takes more than half your life. Engage it carefully and grab it as little as possible because of its w.
Don't be left with too few HP or it will kill you by q
renuri says “Pantheon makes it hard to proc your passive because a good Pantheon will wait for you to jump off and instantly focus you with his point-and-click CC, this will reset your W timer and make for good trouble, keep a distance and try to only use Bop'N'Block when he is not in your immediate range.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look out for an aggressive level 1 play. They can easily try and take you down if you overstep. Try your hardest to poke and harass the enemy, but don’t over commit to it as they can turn around an exchange easily. The enemies level 6 isn’t very strong in 2v2 fights as their Ultimate Grand Starfall(R) is a utility tool. With this in mind, use your level 6 advantage to play aggressive and take them down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look out for an aggressive level 1 play. They can easily try and take you down if you overstep. Try your hardest to poke and harass the enemy, but don’t over commit to it as they can turn around an exchange easily. The enemies level 6 isn’t very strong in 2v2 fights as their Ultimate Grand Starfall(R) is a utility tool. With this in mind, use your level 6 advantage to play aggressive and take them down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look out for an aggressive level 1 play. They can easily try and take you down if you overstep. Try your hardest to poke and harass the enemy, but don’t over commit to it as they can turn around an exchange easily. The enemies level 6 isn’t very strong in 2v2 fights as their Ultimate Grand Starfall(R) is a utility tool. With this in mind, use your level 6 advantage to play aggressive and take them down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When playing as a ranged champion, try to stay as far back as possible while using your range advantage to harass him. Staying at max distance will make it difficult for him to jump on you with his Shield Vault(W). After he hits level 6, be careful when moving back to lane if he’s not already shown. He may use his Ultimate to get behind you and all-in you as soon as you get back to lane. At level 1, be careful of Pantheon's early pressure as he can often cheese a kill and force you to blow Summoner Spells or health potions.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look out for an aggressive level 1 play. They can easily try and take you down if you overstep. Try your hardest to poke and harass the enemy, but don’t over commit to it as they can turn around an exchange easily. The enemies level 6 isn’t very strong in 2v2 fights as their Ultimate Grand Starfall(R) is a utility tool. With this in mind, use your level 6 advantage to play aggressive and take them down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look out for an aggressive level 1 play. They can easily try and take you down if you overstep. Try your hardest to poke and harass the enemy, but don’t over commit to it as they can turn around an exchange easily. The enemies level 6 isn’t very strong in 2v2 fights as their Ultimate Grand Starfall(R) is a utility tool. With this in mind, use your level 6 advantage to play aggressive and take them down.”
M4DN355 says “Pantheon has a lot of high damage in the early game and his E can block your ultimate execute, making him extremely dangerous in laning phase. Despite this, his late game is extremely weak and he'll usually fall off pretty hard (unless you're against Spearshot, but he doesn't play support so that shouldn't be an issue).”
Jageiko says “Pantheon's stun is super fast, its one of the few spell you need to predict more than react to. Take W lvl 2. If you can manage to stun Panth, keep W as he will try to stun your ADC to stay alive. R as soon as he lands from R to negate the impact.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Engaging onto him is often difficult because his turn onto you can be quite lethal, but if you play to peel Pantheon can't do much and you start to outscale him very quickly. Make sure to let your team know when he can roam though because his R is a good tool early.”
HachchickeN says “Could be hard with wrong runes, with armor it's easy.
If enemy has karthus adc the difficulty increases cuz u cant go double armor in runes”
PrismaticShield says “Pantheon can be facing you as a support or as a top laner. In any case, his ability to dive you can be a very dangerous factor in your matchup. You want to play very defensive against this champion, otherwise he will punish your every mistake.”
lumiumi says “Yes, you can just cc pantheon and easily stop an engage. Though if an engage does work, you have a high chance of being focused especially as Lux. Early game you're squishy and he does tons of dmg even early game. As Enchantress your job is to keep your adc alive but also yourself. If you get focused you may fail to do your job. Mostly just keep your distance and be careful of poking !”
Demonsedge90 says “Although he is not often chosen as a support, when he is, it is crucial to anticipate the moment when he will engage with a point-click W. If you can retaliate after his engagement, take the opportunity to be as aggressive as possible.”
Eu como Miilena says “O stun dele é forte mas ele precisa chegar perto para fazer isso então abuse disso para dar poke nele. Proteja seu adc e você das lanças dele que não tem dano o suficiente para quebra seu escudo mesmo com a passiva. Se ele estunar seu adc use W e R+Q na nas costas dele para ele tomar o dano e proteja seu adc com seu escudo.
Ionia King says “Point and click hard CC is painful to deal with. Either engage hard onto him, then R and flash into the backline, or wait for him to jump on someone and do as you please.”
Saethwyr says “oh noooooo, please don't W on either one of us, it makes it soooooo hard to hit stun and decimate the ADC while he can't turn back reliably.”
Nozul says “Totalmente desfavorável pra você. Não se posicione muito à frente da rota, ele pode simplesmente te atordoar e te dar toneladas de dano. Você pode cancelar a canalização da ultimate dele com o teu E. Tente dar poke quando sentir segurança e também quando ele não estiver com a passiva.”
TheBlueImperial says “He struggles incredibly hard against you because he is a support focused on just jumping on your carry at every opportunity and you can cancel or counter engage every single time.”
PumpkinMatters says “Pantheon fica aqui no meio, quase pendendo para "menor", porque, apesar dele ter uma iniciação boa e um dano alto, você consegue neutralizá-lo indo em cima do seu adc. Ele vai ter que escolher entre se manter na luta ou tentar proteger seu próprio parceiro. Em qualquer uma das opções, se você fez o combo certinho, ele perde”
PumpkinMatters says “Lil' Panth is almost "minor", because, even though he hase quite the engage and a high damage, you can neutralize him by jumping on his ADC. He'll have to choose between fighting your ADC or protecting his. In any option, if you don't make mistakes, he loses”
The Wands says “poses no danger for you, but for your adcarry yes, damage potential and engages against it, try to counteract confrontations initiated by it, possibly it will kill your adcarry alone but it is not difficult to deal with.”
revu says “Good pantheon will always W you. If he W your adc for some reason, you just disengage by zoning his adc with your Q. You can also try to bait him into jumping onto you lvl1 if you are running Electrocute especially and chunk him down pretty hard.”
Discord231 says “Si nunca has enfrentado a un Pantheon Sup, juega con Escudo Reliquia, pero cuando ya sepas enfrentarlo veras que el Filo de Roba Hechizos es mejor. Si se te lanza a ti, como que es mas probable si le estas pegando básicos para ganar oro, tendrás un mejor tradeo a que si se lanza a por tu adc.”
Gobomo says “You can't exactly bait out his W, as it's a point and click stun, but you can still Q-Auto safely if you don't go anywhere ahead of your minion wave. Play wary, as his all-in is strong, and you'll poke him out of lane. You want to aim to scale towards lategame against him, as he falls off while you get stronger.”
keohxo says “Although rarely seen as support, Pantheon can make your life very difficult, because of the point n click cc, as well as the damage output and the immunity shield”
neuroplasticity says “
Fortunately not a popular support anymore, Pantheon offers a ton of damage and point & click CC in lane.
Guardian is a must here, especially if the Pantheon is paired with a strong early game ADC or jungler. You basically outscale as long as you don't die, although you should alert your teammates when he hits 6 due to his global ult.
You can consider running mobis to match his roams but make sure not to get picked off yourself while doing so.
Run double armor when it's a double AD botlane and get an early kindle gem just so you're not as squishy.
Depending on the enemy's positioning it can be more valuable to bubble Pantheon when he jumps onto your carry since he does insane damage early, especially running PtA.
Doglightning says “just dodge he will kill you over and over and there is nothing you can do. Usually I would say roam but his ult will just follow you”
Aerenax says “Pantheon is a champion that can one shot either you or your ADC and is considered a hard matchup. Try to stay out of his W range, and if he jumps on your ADC try to W him immediately. ”
Rasta Da Masta says “If there was ever a matchup you could describe as "200 IQ VS 200 Years" then it would be this one.
He has decent poke with his low mana Q. His point-click W can setup an easy engage so look to interrupt as frequently as possible. Don't attack him with his E up & ping your teammates if he has R as he can match your roams.
His kill pressure is REALLY STRONG. DO NOT TRY TO FIGHT AN ALL-IN! He will most likely win or escape mostly unscathed.”
Korippo says “Point and click stun, extremely good sustain and the ability to poke with his Q as the range is pretty far. He also is extremely good at roaming with his ult and you will need to be aware of where he is at all times and pinging when he's missing. If you're lucky he will perma roam and allow your ADC to pressure and/or kill his, but most of the time he is just going to be a CC bot and poking you out and just being an overall nuisance.”
Distinger says “Fuck this broken-ass champion. He can build full lethality and still be tanky due to Eclipse's shield and omnivamp and his E.
Do not interact with him in any ways if he has his passive stacked or close to stacked.
If you hook him with his passive up he will jump on your ADC's head and instakill him with his full combo.”
brugh_ says “pantheon is always a strong pick into katarina I feel like, he has 2 ways to say no to your ult in the stun and shield; also he can execute you with his q because pantheon.”
Frappessb says “Has an insane early game, DO NOT pull if you land an E, instead use your W and stack your passive that way. He can and will become immune to damage so avoid fighting without jungle.”
Arcurath says “Unplayable until after level 6, his W outranges your E so will just jump on and kill you whenever you walk up.
Can block double bomb damage with E.
Play safe farm until 6, careful his roams can be very good especially after 6.”
0Banda says “ Pantheon abilities are not so though into you, he can stun you with his W so keep away from this ability range, other from that he won't cause you much problems, but hes R is a global ultimate, and after level 6 counters your roaming, so abuse your roaming before level 6
Against Pantheon you should build as usual, same with the runes, try roaming as much as possible before level 6 and when you get your ultimate, you can all-in into the enemy ADC as you get a nice powerspike”
Jowoey says “Depending on who his adc picked this lane can be either a nightmare or it can be pretty simple. Your Q interrupts his W though so don't waste it. It's a skill matchup but his champion falls off hard later.”
Biotic says “One of the worst Matchups in the game before Level 3. His W range is 50 Range higher then your E so you have technically no counterplay at all to stop him from gapclosing. His damage is absolutely absurd. You outscale. Roam sometimes. Call your jungler. Probably very easy matchup in low MMR because Pantheons dont push to there limits level 1-3.”
TheBestestBork says “Its pantheon, and with S11 he hurts more than a truck on a highway. You counter him hard once you get some armor into you though.”
Lugos says “He has good roaming possibilities with R, good dmg and unmissable stun which is a good setup to try and pick you off, but you are aware of him, place E under you waiting for him to jump in, you can catch him instead.”
Naut1Trick says “I hate playing against Pantheon support. He jumps on you combos you with his or hers ADC and your dead. If you go against a Panth use tenacity runes and try and engage on the ADC first. Stun the ADC absorb Pantheons attack and move on. FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE!”
DanNS12 says “Avoid getting too close when harassing he can all-in you with W point and click cc. Also, wait out his E invulnerability before using the rest of your spells on him he can also be hit from behind during the E animation. Scale-up he doesn't scale well you win late! :D ”
Billehz says “You can Interrupt his stun with charm, but it is quite hard to time and if you miss time it you cannot do much against him. He can also block incoming damage, making your full combo practically useless if you charm him after he jumps on you or your ADC.”
Jaori says “Block his W jump with your E. if you'll manage to do so, you instawin the fight. If you won't, well, you are still going to win. Just don't let him one shot your adc.”
yorkshire says “Is really annoying since he can just W you when you try to get souls.
Just play safe and let souls time out, that would require you to step into his range”
Go Getter says “Really annoying to fight, his Q is crazy strong and he can poke you safely. Everything in his kit can stop you from diving him and securing a kill.
Just wait till level 6 and try your best to keep him from pulling his shenanigans on your ADC”
HerYandere says “If he engages on you, go onto their ADC with yours. If he engages on your ADC, get on him and punish him. You have to have a competent ADC or you might as well never go botlane except to get gold and xp from time to time.”
Fornicate says “This guy beats you in lane, there's nothing that'll stop it other than sheerly being a better player. Focus the ADC and then hope to get out with both of you alive. He'll usually escape.”
DasNerdwork says “His point and click stun can disable your whole engage. Very annoying and disrupting. If he keeps stopping you that way, you can consider bulding a banshees for a spellshield. As he often builds mostly ad, some armor and poke damage to compete will normally do it.”
terrybogar1 says “Panth is a hard matchup, point and click stun combined with that frontal shield can do numbers to your health. W his point and click if you can react fast enough, use it pre-emptively if he's walking up to you menacingly. Also, use your Q when he does the shield as it still slows and puts up the rock, then go for E.”
MyOnlyBrand says “Any support that brings out Pantheon will attempt to cheese you early. His damage is absurd this early on and being caught is death. Aside from the damage, Brand can reliably hit stun him when he jumps in. Another potential problem is Pantheon's movement speed, which lets him dodge skillshots easier as well as roam quick. You will match him.”
KeleiX13 says “Staying out of Pantheon's W range is essential in this lane. Keep track of his passive stacks and only go aggressive if he has none to two. The rest of the time, just poke from far away. If he chooses to go in on you without his passive fully stacked, punish him. His E does not block your ult. Ping his level when he hits 6 so your teammates won't be surprise ganked.”
Hive Mind says “in a certain way you have the same function as him, with the difference that after W he does not do much more than give pure damage.
as soon as he uses W you just need to fuck him or his adc”
anionPositivo says “Pantheon sola... E sola você e o seu adc ao mesmo tempo, não vai pra cima se ele estiver stackado, coisa óbvia, e tente ver quando ele pular no seu adc, caso isso aconteça, NÃO PULE no adc inimigo, porque o Pantheon dá muito dano sem precisar do adc, as vezes dando até mais dano que o adc no early.”
Discord231 says “Si nunca has enfrentado a un Pantheon Sup, juega con Escudo Reliquia, pero cuando ya sepas enfrentarlo veras que el Filo de Roba Hechizos es mejor. Si se te lanza a ti, como que es mas probable si le estas pegando básicos para ganar oro, tendrás un mejor tradeo a que si se lanza a por tu adc.”
LilRidge says “Pantheon will always try to all-in your ADC with his (W) Shield Vault. You should stay close to your ADC so that you can counter-engage on the enemy ADC should Pantheon decide to go for an all-in. If he does when you land on your ADC, immediately (E) Attract and Repel to stop his engage.”
Rainuu says “Pantheon is an even matchup for Lillia as he can't do much after his initial stun cc. Just wait out his invulnerability and you're golden”
Ruiner of Fun says “To cheese Pantheon just throw your goo on him. He cannot use his high damage stun. Flip him away at a sideways angle when the goo expires. You need to prevent his jump or fling him off your ADC right away.”
Starchase says “Don't detach from your ADC, he will W and combo you to death.
Most pantheon players doesn't poke with his Q, so only sustain with E when he engages.
Ping your teammates whenever pantheon is missing on the lane, with his R he has a lot of capacity to roam.
You outscale him but tell your ADC to buy an armor item, lethality items are OP this season and Pantheon abuses from this quite well.”
Takitsu says “Used to be an easy matchup, but they made Pantheon stun lightspeed. Difficult to flay, one of the weird instances where it is better to flay towards yourself rather than towards the enemy. Focusing Pantheon in this lane is actually good since he has no escape and you can hook him rather easily during his shield. If you cant flay the stun, this matchup is extremely Pantheon favored. Try to roam before he does.”
AvengingAvacyn says “You can outrange Pantheon in nearly every way. If he manages to close distance on you, you could have a problem... but if you stay far back and bomb him from a distance, you should be fine.”
losolkos says “Phanteon on early game can be annoying but if you punich him wich passive and make him stay away from you and your adc you can make him much easier to
defeat him but you must dodge his q its gonna hurt you alot also his E can make you live hard but just use slow it works even when he use it. atack him when he use W.”
Discord231 says “Si nunca has enfrentado a un Pantheon Sup, juega con Escudo Reliquia, pero cuando ya sepas enfrentarlo veras que el Filo de Roba Hechizos es mejor. Si se te lanza a ti, como que es mas probable si le estas pegando básicos para ganar oro, tendrás un mejor tradeo a que si se lanza a por tu adc. ”
Bear Gummies says “Although he may be really popular right now, Pantheon is not a big deal for Janna. You can interrupt his W with howling gale, and well, that's kind of it. I would go Guardian and Relic Shield because Pantheon can still take a chunk out of you if he manages to land even a single stun, so just play it back and watch and he falls off during the mid to late game.”
Jannito02 says “Pantheon is probably the hardest out of all in the Even section. Wait for him to waste his W on your ADC to 1- damage the enemy ADC and try to avoid Pantheon as dealing damage to him won't do much, because of his E, or 2- in case you have ult, use it to escape Pantheon/get your ADC and you to hit the enemy ADC and kill him.”
Gryndall says “Don't be stupid and don't go near to bushes and him. We don't want get stunned. Here is good thing to take tank runes but remeber you need to land ur Roots on him or its not work too much.”
MagicPOwDer says “Remember that you can still stun him will his shield is up. Stay out of his W jump range and throw your Q through him to hit his ADC to bait out his E.”
EionThePepega says “Pantheon will burst you out, with his point and click CC, his damage reduction E and his Q which has execute properties. Ward Bushes and expect him to out Roam you, but you'll outscale.”
The Lotus Queen says “Pantheon can easily kill you if you are caught by his CC followed by high damage. Make sure to stay out of his range so he can not leap to you resulting in your death.”
Jexeff says “Build mobi's to keep up with his roaming. The hardest thing is being able to proc aftershock prior to his damage burst. The thing is, that this champ has been adjusted quite a bit and is not really that much of a threat anymore. Just be mindful that he becomes pretty vulnerable after he has used everything. Nothing too crazy here.”
itizhelia says “Pantheon used to be one of the best Anti Rakan picks to make him useless but that's not the case anymore after he was gutted around Support Role.
His damage isn't massive as it used to be and just engage onto his ADC if he jumps on your ADC. Or all in him after he jumps in if you've Electrocute page because then you'll most likely leave him 20% HP or kill him with ignite.”
Navn says “Play very safe and wait for him to use his empowered Q on you, then you can step a bit closer as he needs his Empowered Stun to really dish out the damage. But otherwise, always respect his flash all-in potential. If he doesn't have flash, then you can W as he Jumps on you and you can then just walk away.”
CanadaJay says “Try to stay out of his stun range. If he does stun you or your ADC, try to fight back with your E and Q. Your E can also interrupt his stun animation while he's jumping onto you. Note that if you flash while he's going to jump onto you, you'll still be stunned.”
Frank6264 says “Con los recientes nerfs a este campeón, Pantheon en línea ya no supone tanto problema. En lo posible, traten de baitear la E de Pantheon ya que puede absorber todo el daño proveniente de ustedes y su ADC. Una vez hecho esto, pueden jugarle más agresivo. Tengan cuidado de acercarse demasiado ya que les puede meter mucho CC y daño con la W y la Q combinadas. Dependiendo del ADC enemigo recomiendo o ignite o extenuación y/o runas defensivas.”
Sunedayz says “This matchup is heavily decided by the early levels. Take safe W's at level 1, and then always have your tornado ready for when you go to poke in the future. You will have to launch it a little earlier since he'll still stun you if he clicked on you already. ”
sssky says “Can kill you in an all-in with a competent ADC. CC is Support Kindred's biggest weakness.
Pantheon in particular can point-and-click stun you, burst you, then walk away while taking no damage. Just very unfavorable trades most of the time.
Recommend Guardian and a very passive playstyle.”
jessuva says “Pantheon is melee so he is easy to poke, but if he goes in and stuns you, it can be really really tricky for you. If he isn't going in on you, though, he isn't much of a threat. His ult lets him travel and help out all across the map, so he has lots of map pressure after 6. ”
YourCut says “Conq+Dom. Not that good support anymore but still a good counter. He cancels everything Swain wants to do. You want to fight early? He wins that. You want to scale up? He can force fights and 1shot you or shove and roam mid. Ban worthy.”
IbnBattuta says “Countering Pantheon is hard with most champions and with Camille it isn't an easy task so play carefully and don't play aggressive against him or you gonna feed him.”
Moderne says “If you are stunned, you will die. If he ults behind you, you will die too. Is a threat in lane and can pop out from anywhere late game and just kill you.”
EmpressBee says “Pantheon's early game click point CC is deadly to Nami because she and her AD are squishy. Nami is also vulnerable to Pantheon roaming as she cannot easily roam with him due to squishiness and less reliable CC.”
NEED WATER says “Kind of a skill match-up for your W's work the same. Your build path can counter him relatively early into the game if you do not snowball him. ”
fm Mac says “Pantheon can 100-0 you from bush and you can't do anything because your w will be on cd. You have to stay in your adc until he uses w which can be restricting because he will have w up unless he used it on your adc which should make lane unplayable until you base again.”
just_juniper says “Even after recent changes aimed at forcing him away from the support role, this bare-chested spartan is still an issue. Play REALLY defensive. His E completely negates your burst, instead try to poke him down. His R roams are extremely strong, and there isn't much you can do to counter them.”
Wike says “Pantheon does not scale well into the late game if he has no kills.. Just play safe and stay out of range of not only his stun but even his flash stun. If you can drag it out of laning and ping your teamates off with missing calls, you should be fine.”
bandeide10 says “É muito fácil jogar contra ele por causa da extrema facilidade de poke e parar seu avanço. Guarde sempre seu q para poder parar seu w !”
orogenz says “Just stand back and don't let wave crash for a dive. He'll out damage you at any point in lane. Long as you don't die you out scale. Warn your team if he roams. You can try to counter roam with your ulti range. ”
Gyrrog says “Tank supports, especially Pantheon, can go-in on Twitch's ADC with very little recourse available for the small creature. While Twitch melts tanks in late-game, he performs miserably against them early on. Prefer a CC support in this situation.”
Vailorn says “Early-game is yucky against a Pantheon support but you'll very quickly out-class him if you don't forcefeed him kills in the early game.”
SolarSupport says “Pantheon will often block your ADC's attacks with his E even while you're behind him ccing him. He's also one of the few supports that can successfully tower dive Leona.”
xlouis31 says “If he wants to deal damage he has to get close to you, Q him once he used his E. You should be able to devour him with your ADC by using W when he engages. ”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Pantheon support players are usually duo, or they're in masters+. Either way, either dodge or be prepared to get w'd on and almost die levels 1-5. To counter this, get an early ward into your nearside bot bush if you're being pushed in and then stay across from where pantheon is positioning. Otherwise, put your ward where you think he will be if the bot wave is pushing back to your side (either enemy bush nearest to their tower or the mid alcove bush.”
JSKF says “Pantheon support can shread you to death, his stun will take your W and then follow up with a bunch of attacks. If you are under tower he can still dive you, kill your meager health pool, and E to take no turret damage, he is an absolute monster and there is no way to counter his stun unlike Nautilus' hook, beware he is the hardest match-up for Yuumi, just don't go Yuumi into this. please.”
GoBucket says “Pantheon support is stronger than you think. Point and click stun-engage that far outranges yours. His E is great protection for both him and his ADC. Great map pressure after 6. Does pretty good damage as well. DO NOT get stunned with his full stacks. Good thing is, once you get 6, your 2v2 is better your ult is more relevant. Play safe until then. Prioritise engaging onto his ADC.”
Vermeio says “As a Jg. he never stops being a threat. Lance got good dmg, and his ult can force you to move. Still, you can deny his main engage with you W. That´s a case i would recommend ult him when you can, but he got high damage and can take some hits, armor up to hold him.”
revelador says “no lo vas a ver de soporte pero si en el equipo enemigo su pasiva bloque el daño de tu básico potenciado ten mucho cuidado NUNCA le hagas 1vs1 a menos que no tenga su defensa.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Pantheon
Early Game: Pantheon has strong early burst. Avoid his [W] stun and [Q] poke.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on squishies. Pantheon falls off late, so outscale him.
Key Tip: Bait his [E] block before committing to fights.”
FunnyBunnyH says “Similarly to Pyke, you can outplay his combo with your kit, but unlike Pyke, he has to commit with his engages a lot harder (so you can punish him harder). He also scales very poorly into tanks.”
Top Lane 50.55% Win Rate21% Pick RatePantheon Top Lane Counters: 39 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Pantheon in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
liucan says “What is the problem with him, he can fast trade u with lots of dmg and then run with E, and u cannot use W to go behind him. buffer E to his W into u to slam or get him away, then use Q and W if he E or use W and Q after he slam the shield to stop his fast escape. Beware of his Q when u are low hp, ur E will not save u. Ext really needed here, u can go tp ext to scale, u scale better, dont fast trade him then use E to move him away, after it u are vulnerable to his combo. ”
a_k_z7 says “his eraly is strong but after that can fight him
dont stand close in early levels in his q range since a q with passive hits hard
stay at good distance so you can w his e since it is a short dash and a fast one
try to trade when he does not have q in the wave so you can have good trade
both of you dont get good powerspikes level 6 but yours can be chanied a full cc combo but he cant use it in a 1 v 1 unless he want to escape
try to time your ult when he lands with his ult so you can deny his engange
if n ally is near the point ff his ult where panth will land ult where you think panth will e into your ally”
Nithril says “While melee, watch his Q range, only engage if his passive is down, he can Q during your E, watch for ganks with W, Edge of Night massively decreases his kill pressure if you space well against his Qs, note that he can and will oneshot you, care for his Ult, he can roam too.”
ballhog2dacore says “Try to buffer your E with his W stun. If done correctly you should be outside of your passive range whilst he hits you. Respect his burst dmg and do not underestimate his burst pre-6.”
parker3n9 says “Pantheon poses significant threat early due to his strong all-ins and burst potential. However, once you hit Level 6, you can turn fights in your favor. When he all-ins, activate your ultimate, and you’ll typically come out ahead in extended trades. Be cautious if he’s running Ignite, as it increases his kill pressure. If he has Ignite, it’s best to play defensively and wait until you have your first item before looking for prolonged fights.
Recommended Runes: Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
Coke Rat says “Skill matchup. Early game Pantheon is strong and early game Ambess is weak. Don't die and you will be able to trade back after 6. Die to him and he will kill you with a WEQ combo.”
Raideru says “In this matchup, u can't really do anything vs him before first item since he simply stat checks you so I just advise W spamming the wave to collect cs and avoiding all interactions and staying high hp while waiting for jng it's not worth to flip vs him if you auto win perma after 1st item. I advise Conqueror + Second wind & Dshield and perma afk and rush Tiamat if bouncing waves is difficult if he is perma hitting q.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Very annoying for both of you. If he's good then he'll poke you down so you can't win the 1v1 hard. Just don't lose too much health level 1 before you get your E at 2. Once you're at
HIGH HP you can look for fights and all-ins. Don't fight when you're 60% hp or lower or you'll lose. This gets easier at level 5 onwards if you didn't feed first few levels" ”
Fanatical Goose says “If Pantheon is going phase rush you need to dodge his Q, if he doesn't you can trade Q's and all in him. Fairly simple matchup as long as you can avoid his empowered abilities. If he ever presses R to help his teammates and you can't reach your team, hard shove the lane. ”
UrPersonalGod says “Lore accurate lane.
He will try to all in you with his W then Q and run away with E.
You can try to buffer your Q3 when he uses W then e to the side to try to dodge Q(rarely works great but worth a try) and then W him to prevent him from getting away.
If you dont go to low HP you win fights after level 6.”
SemenDrinker says “2nd wind Shield
You must play safe early. Pantheon utterly outdamages you and bullies you hard almost the entire laning phase. However there will be some chances that you can beat him. Level 6 being the obvious spike. Try to see when he will E your q's, Most will try to E your q3, however there is a work around this. When he tries to E your q3, you want to behind you and e towards him so you get right behind him and the q3 damage procs. Or you can always just wait it out if you think your Q will hold long enough (it wont). Just try to stalemate this lane and you will outscale at 20 minutes. ”
IvanBeifong says “His early is too strong, most go with ignite, don't try to fight him in the first 3 levels, afterwards you should outheal his damage.
Good ult for roaming.”
Skaarlschloch says “Rather easy matchup. Dont die early panth exectue with W Q ignite is very high. Once you get Rylais you run him down after he uses his spells on you”
OliveeGarden says “take shield bash. Pantheon's q poke is the bread and butter of his laning, if you can space around it and avoid getting low he can never kill you, Never use W and Never use E. care his very strong lvls 1/2 but post 3 if he's too close to the minion wave you can walk him down granted you dont eat and empowered Q. alot of pantheons dont know that they cant just E your W if you stun them and you NEED to stun him for W or you lose.”
LilPicky says “(take 1st rune page start blade) hard laning but try to E when you know he wants to W you (E his W), auto him on the back when he uses shield, later he loses hard”
Lanec says “Basically, every champ who can engage and kill you very fast in early are hard to play against with Aurora. You need to be really carefull”
Niemi says “Pantheon is a strong champions, his kit has alot of damage, not to mention the shield that will block your attacks... You have to completely outplay him if you want to win your lane. I wish I could say something more helpful.”
smrgol says “You can't win your lane without your jungler, Don't go after farm in the middle of the lane because he WILL stun you and proc PTA ignite you and press empowered Q, not to mention he doesn't even need to dodge your R when he can just press E. Farm under tower and roam to mid as much as you can and help out with your R if he freezes.”
Zagreus16 says “the burst dmg from this guy is crazy, along with his Q poke. only try to trade with him when he doesnt have full passive stacks. Save your W when you have your E and pull him in for a stun and W so he cant block ur w dmg with his own E.”
step1v9 says “Avoid trading early especially if he has ignite. His Q executes when you're below half HP, so stay healthy. You can E through his W CC. Walk into the W range then cast E as he hops on you to waste his mana and CDs. Can all-in when you're 6. Don't try to fight him if he uses empowered E as he won't take damage from you and he gets an MS boost so he can disengage right after into another W. Spam ping his R so your teammates don't die.”
LDaL says “Fleet. spells flesh +exhaust. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh or revil. Hard matchup, but winnable. First 2 lvl you win all in with your passive up. Hit him every time he going for last hit, but try to dodge his empowered q, if you would be able to dodge, every fight first 3 lvl in your favor. I ususally try to bait his w lvl 2 and timining it with exhaust or passive and all in, especially if he used his w on my passive, when he use e just dash behind and kill him. Before lvl 6 all my game is around to dodge his q and bait w and all in. You can't play passive or safe with him, because he will just jump on you on cd and kill you, with few kill you won't be able to contest anything. After 6 easier, because his ult pretty useless in 1v1, so you can ult him just to deal dmg, if you know that it's 1v1 for sure(no enemy around), or 2v1 in your favor, ult and go for all, you can kill him, especially if you have bork and exgaust. Hard ping when he reach lvl 6 and whenever he is not on the map, his ult has huge roam potential, and your tornado can interrupt his ult.”
Raideru says “Matchup heavily dependant on whether your jungler helps you or not, you can never land your q on him without using e neither can you outtrade him with e + q, all you can do is dodge his q and farm up and scale, Make it so your lane is gankable and prioritize just keeping yourself even with him”
Azzin says “Second wind+dshield to survive the lane, don't get baited into trading him, just try to sustain the most of his dmg to make him run out of mana. He has more burst than you at almost every stage of the game but if you take xp and farm correctly you'll be more usefull in fights than him.”
Haxorr says “Very challenging matchup. Pantheon outranges you, has great poke, can stun when you jump on him and kite you out, and has much stronger all-in in the early game. Basically, you are screwed in this matchup and I think it's a good ban if you are lower elo.
Start DShield, run Grasp page and rush Trinity Force. Do your best to survive lane and look for kills with your jungler. You will have TP advantage in this lane, so look to use your TP when you are in a bad lanestate. Focus on dodging his qs as it will (slowly) drain his mana pool. You win after a few items.”
Arthapsic says “Let him shove you can't beat him until at least level 6. Sustain lane with second wind dshield. Only go for trades if his passive is not fully stacked. If after 6 he wastes W or E and ur both full HP you can win an all in if you hit everything. Preferably don't fight until nashors. If he uses his E either E behind him ( if it's up ) or save your spells until the duration is over. Use W to dodge his spears to sustain the lane. Ping when he is missing as pantheons tend to roam a lot.”
Serrvant_of_Christ says “Can jump on you with W, and Q you for quick execute, be careful early, wait until 6 and you should beat him by poking him, Dodge his Charged up Q's when poking him.”
Beeware says “Respect his all in and don't get too close. If he gets desperate and tries to R behind you then put the border of your E cage where he's going to land and walk away. Don't get poked.”
TeiWasTaken says “Yet another hard matchup, Pantheon is one of the few champs that have a stronger early game than Kled. Do NOT fight him unless one of his abilities is down. A good Pantheon will save his W until you dismount to oneshot you, try to bait it out first. You outscale him with sorcery tree, so use that to your advantage in lategame.”
Ulsur says “If you somehow don't die before you reach level 6, you just run him down, he has no escape but has high burst, let him burst you after level 6 and just Q1 + W, Q2, and wait for him to use his own E, even if you reset your Q it's fine, you'll outdamage him if you're above level 6/7 and let him go in first, if he has ignite just play a little safer, rush Eclipse into Tabis.”
NegativePhoenix says “Varies on how aggressive he is and how much he plans to just spam Q on you. You can't really trade back with him since he will just usually use his E to escape trades without damage”
forlid says “Pantheon is one of the most popular counterpicks against Yone due to his kit completely countering ours. In lane you don't have much to do other than trying to freeze the wave and hope for a gank. Pantheon is semi susceptible to ganks as his only mobility is his empowered E which grants him extra movement speed. Don't get poked down early by his Q, he can burst you down level 2 with Ignite. If he misuses his E you can try to kill him but try to keep track of his passive stacks. ”
KingJoeyy says “really annoying early game champ especially if Pantheon goes PTA try to dodge his stacked q and maintain cs if you have to give then give it's not worth losing half your health for a couple cs. You should definitely be stronger at level 6. can go ghost to run him down or ignite if you're not sure you can secure the kill.”
PinkBlood says “Pantheon is very scary early levels just make sure to go dshield or respect really heavy early on apart from that if this champion does not get on a roll you will roll it. ”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp. Spellbook
He wins early pretty hard but after 6 its free. Use w to deny q execute. If he uses e walk into him and e to pull him behind you. Be mindful of his roams”
conqiyana says “will point and click stun you and do half your health with 1 q.
only counterplay is hold grass q and if he engages run.
usually take exhaust in this matchup or u will get cancer”
AilZar says “A good pantheon will hold e for you to fire your WQ, a bad one will use it prematurely post Varus R- if this happens, Varus Q charge lasts longer than his E. Don't attempt to 3AA WQ, he'll all in with w. He can also lock you down in the lategame and pick you off. Best to not fight the matchup and farm, target others in the lategame, only R him if you need to peel for someone desperately.”
MaesePerez says “You lose hard pre 6, don't fight him. Take bone plating and you should be fine, post 6 when you can buy some armor the matchup becomes significantly easier. You outscale very hard and should be better in both teamfights and 1v1 post lane phase. His shield can be annoying, so remember to silence him before you ult to avoid getting denied a stack. ”
forlid says “An extremely oppressive lane early. His Q outranges you hard and deals insane damage. Try to dodge it if possible, otherwise just farm under tower. Your goal here is to stay relatively even up until mid game where you can win him. Most Pantheons also go Ignite so respect his first few levels. He is much weaker in mid game than you but gets a powerspike in late game. Bait his E and you can possibly fight him”
Belle19 says “PREFERENCE
as long as you dont eat abunch of free spears and w before his w lands, he cant really kill you and you hard outscale. If you have an unlucky death or get ganked though its a nightmare. Phase rush + resolve”
Artszy says “Ficar alerta se ele vier para cima de repente quando estiver stackado. cancelar com stun dele com W e ir para as costas dele quando ele usar o E.”
hamgi says “avoid going for trades without e as short trades (and extended trades) are favorable for him. also avoid trades when he has max stacks. timing ur e2 is essential as u can cleanse his w stun. always move perpendicularly to dodge his q. do not q3 into him as he will just block ur entire trade with e. when his q, w are on cd, get on top of him to hit him from behind to avoid e dmg and invulnerability. let ur team know when he's 6 and as soon as he's off map”
Belle19 says “you can actually juke melee pantheon q's if you predict them with a sidestep, if you dodge like 3 of them in a single fight you win an all-in, otherwise you just lose. The main angle you have is cancelling his jump with your e. Play defensively and try to not eat poke, if he has to spam long ranged q's to poke you out he'll run out of mana compared to how much damage he's doing to you assuming you can dodge half of them. You outscale teamfights incredibly hard, if you have a steraks you'll probably win the 1v1 late game. Beyond tabis id avoid buying armor and instead just look for more health, It feels like armor does nothing into panth”
Gogyz says “Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bone plating, Revitalize
Sorcery: Manaflow band, Scorch
D shield > Sunfire
W his W, bait his E, fight him when is on cd, outscale.”
Haearnbleidd says “He will try to poke you lvl 1, trade with stun lvl 2 and all-in lvl 3. Play safe until 6 and kill him.
Build: Rav/Sundered Sky/Shojin > hexplate.”
AWierdShoe says “Pantheon has oppressive early game in the laning phase with his high damage, and most of them will take Ignite. You can contest his poke with your Qs early on (just make sure you dodge his Qs). You'll most likely be pushed in which is good for you as it will allow you to farm at a safer position. You can go for the occasional Q-poke if he walks up for a minion. Never trade when he has 5 stacks of his passive, as he may be looking at an angle to all-in you with his empowered W stun. Most Pantheons will block our Q3 with their E shield, however this ability has an insanely long cooldown in the early game and we can exploit that around level 5. Do NOT use W on him or commit to an all-in if he has E up. Once he uses his E we can look for a full combo with our W (assuming we are healthy enough). You level 6 is MUCH stronger than his in a 1v1, just be wary once he gets his ult as he may ult back to lane or roam around the map (ping for your team). Tabis rush is EXTREMELY necessary to survive the early game, but once we get haste on our Q fighting back will be much easier.”
VigsenGaming says “He can easily match your early game power. Wait for him to waste his E or W the try to go for all in. Take bone plating in this matchup ”
Akuzai says “Avoid interacting at all costs. If he's good he will just tap q and never die to you with good e usage. Do not combo your abilities when all inning and pray he doesn't rush mr. You beat him later.”
deathbypotion says “He can run you down early, can survive on very low and he can roam with his R. His mid game is trash, but he spikes hard later. Support your team and end before late”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror + Trinity Force]
[Flash + TP]
Doran's Shield.
IDK I don't play vs Pantheon anymore but he's just a lane bully that falls off super hard. Just try to cs and survive and you'll outscale him and be more useful. When he's level 6 you have to ping when he's MIA so he doesn't get too many kills or help out his team too much. ”
hoflol says “A high damage laner who can snowball pretty hard. Play smart pre level 6, because after this you should win most duels as his ult doesn't help in 1v1 combat.”
X_TRM says “(Start W) Abuse him Lvl 1 and stack grit while punching him until he Flashes or leaves the fight completely. His E counters your W. He can poke you out of lane and if you try to walk up he will stun you. Run ignite and and use your E + W efficiently. He will run ignite every time because his Ult can allow him to roam or get back to lane extremely fast. He is also very durable and can tank most of your AA even with his E down if he has Ninja Tabi. You outscale him but he will have WAY shorter CD than you. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
GheeseEmpty says “Not a matchup I've played against a lot, but when he goes for a stun, try and extend the trade for as long as possible. His W and E cooldowns are very long early, and as long as you keep your health high while trading, you should win. Be wary of the crazy amount of poke he has as well.”
xXazzer says “Pantheon has a lot of damage in his kit. And has a spammable Q. He can deny you a sweetspot with his W and E out as well.
In this matchup you don't usually want to Q3 unless he has used his E. He doesn't have a 1v1 ult unlike you, so if you really want you can wait out until 6 to start winning against him. Dshield is good against him. Also when he jumps on you you can time your W before his stun connects. He won't be able to get out and then you can extend the fight, and you'll mostly win out if you do. ”
ThelpixG says “His early/mid game is very strong.
How to Beat?
- Avoid eating Q's in laning phase;
- You can match his early game if you take the grasp setup with ignite;
- Try not staying low hp against him since he has executing damage on his Q and he generally plays ignite;
- Keep a barrel on top of yourself and try baiting him in, if he jumps in cleanse his stun and all in him with barrels and passive resets;
- His E blocks everything including your passive damage, so try moving behind him if he uses E so you can actually deal damage;
- You outscale him;
- Abuse his downtime between E and W cooldowns.”
Murfz says “Be aware of his Q damage, especially when you're low or he has 5 stacks, he stomps you in short trades if you let him decide how the trade goes, make sure to save hp until you're comfortable with all-inning him.”
LilliaFanBoy says “First levels are hell if you try and close the gap.
Poke build >>>>
If you can hit your W center whilst trading you will come out on top.
Dodge his empowered Q by moving in an unpredictable pattern.”
biurifull says “Be careful in the early game, especially if he has ignite. If you are going to engage, don't use your E immediately, wait for his E (shield) and use it after. Be mega aware of his Q, mostly after trades, he can kill you easily if you are distracted. Post level 6 you should win this if you didn't give him too much, just farm.”
Wizboy73 says “[Grasp or Conq] be sure to take boneplating since it hard counters his empowered W. He can shred you especialy with Ignite, however he cant deal with you permanently stacking HP, get a frozen heart and demolish him after level 6”
JPGamer10BR says “Pantheon te da uma tonelada de dano, tente jogar pelo poke, sempre que possível de o Q nele, caso ele avance sobre você de o Q na hora do pulo, pois irá counterar os ataques do W, tente desviar do Q a curta distância, quando ele não carrega o Q tem menos CD, não de o Q toda hora nele, ele pode aproveitar que tu não tem a skill e pular em você.
Recomendo Aery, Grasp, F.F ou PTA”
Quidney says “You can cancel W with E.
He can block all your combo with E.
so either throw skills one by one, or flash behind him and send him to oblivion”
The Saucy Saurus says “Can be very dangerous early. Do not trade level 1 unless you avoid his Qs. If you react fast enough you can always block his W stun.
You are likely to lose most trades if he lands his W. Thornmail recomended.”
Tronnes says “Can easily be in your favor if you can play around his max Q. When he jumps on you and Q's then runs that's your time to first Q then W 2nd Q with E and gets pulled back and if he's good he'll probably E your 3rd Q. ”
Bonkyou says “Sometimes runs IGN, you almost always want to take combat sums in Soloq Against this.
1. Dodge Qs
2. Dodge empowered Qs
3. You will still lose if you don't fight in your wave and avoid getting poked.
4. Start W if you feel like you will get poked / if he tries to deny minions
5. Cheese him, your lvl 1 is better if he walks into you..”
quecck says “What a pain. Do not use your abilities when his E is up, waste of resources. He can easily poke you with q throughout the whole game, so watch his spears. He is also way more mobile than you with his ult. Do NOT fight him if you are 50% hp or less, he beats you with his combo.”
Chaddouk says “Pantheon got buffed recently and it made the matchup no different in terms of how to play, but way harder for sure. I played against spearshot multiple times and here's my take : pantheon is actually a poke champion. His goal is to poke you to 40% health with short Qs into an all-in. So obviously to counter only way is to dodge poke, but it's now giga hard to do because his Q is lower mana and longer range. Try not to make your movements obvious, fake going for last hits and move sideways shit like that (just like yone/yasuo), you can win all-ins if you have ghost, the wave on your side, fury, high hp, but most important if he has no phase rush otherwise you will never kill him. When he gets lvl 6, be aware of 2 things : 1. He can go straight to bot or mid from base if he has a good wave or a tp. 2. He can use his R as a tp back from base not to lose a big wave. Pantheon has actually a really good scaling especially because he neglects armor, but you're fine in the 1v1 on side later if you are even or ahead.”
BaotoGame says “Very very strong at the early game with PtA and ignite so try to play safe early game, and you will outscale him at your sheen item. Don't Q him when he E's in your direction. ”
daitolol says “TOP // - Really hard matchup due to him being extremely opressive early. Early levels you should try to avoid as much dmg as possible as he will dive you otherwise missing out on gold is completely fine as long as you can get the XP and preserve your XP
- Use w/e to prevent him from getting 3 stacks. Your qs have almost identical range so try to bait out his q by going fron and back
-You can go for an all ins after 6 just be mindful of his e
Conq/ you can vary summoners depending on comps”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Difficult due to his ability to poke you down from out of range with his spears. Your w can cancel his but it's very hard to react, and try to avoid putting damage, especially your e, into his e. Your main hope is cancelling his w or baiting him into knockup range and playing for short trades as your trades hurt more than his do and disengaging afterwards, sustaining up with passive.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Cloth 4pot]
[Build: Fleet/Grasp with Bone Plating + Liandry's]
Don't get hit by his tap Q poke. Q him when he wants to go for a W (this will deny his 3 autos and therefore 3 passive stacks). Don't go for trades if his E is up. Post 6 you can win with shrooms and ignite when Pantheon doesn't have 5 stacks.”
RipAMC says “This guy is all about early aggression. His spear poke hurts, and he can jump on you and stun you up close. It's crucial to be cautious and avoid letting him dictate the lane.”
BezMemow says “He's stronger than you pre-6, lvl 6 you can kill him. Be mindful of his E, don't use your abilities if he uses it. He's very strong later in the game and he will roam so you're doomed to push him to the tower so that he can't ult away from the lane.
Start D Shield”
Antecc says “Really bad lane. Try to not tilt and dont get chunked by his Q. You can't ever fight Pantheon if he has a brain. Assuming he doesn't, your windows are if he long range Q's
or wastes W/Missclicks a minion. You only ever so slightly outscale Pantheon; he's really not a weak champion later on anymore despite what people say. This matchup is significantly easier if he goes Goredrinker instead of Eclipse, as you will actually outscale him much harder if he does go that item.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “[TOP] His damage is big but he is kinda squishy for a toplaner as well. Avoid being hit with his Q especially the empowered one as it deals massive damage. Try to have a barrel underneath yourself so if he Ws you you can orange it and blow the barrel to win the trade. You outscale really hard, but you need to know his damage to survive early on. Early cloth armor is very helpful especially if you will go tabis anyways.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [Cash Back] [approach velocity]
items : start dorans shield ->steelcaps-> CORE
You can ult him while he has his shield up (e) and keep him inside until it runs out so he takes damage like normal”
lordimboutabust says “Poke him down never go in an extended trade he will win. If you go even you will outscale so play safe early. You can cancel his jump by E - Q1/Q2 backwards but you have to be quick at which point you should win the trade. If he ever wastes E you can all. You also win at 6 if you havent gotten too low | Second wind | Dshield - steelcaps - (executioners if they have other healers) - tank mythic”
Bernardian says “Skill matchup. You do not have prio lvl 1 and 2 after that its free game STOP GOING BONEPLATING AND GO SECOND WIND most of his dmg is going to come from poke with his q so second wind dorans is really good for stopping that. try to save your e for when he empower E's away from you or if your trying to hit him with your ult do the R+flash combo so you can flash BEHIND him and kill him.”
Denied20 says “Height of danger. His combo, together with his ADC, brings your hp low, or finishes you off at reasonably high health. More passive approach is necessary, be lucky to have a good support!”
FaNTOP says “Только короткие Обмены, не совершайте обмены автоатаками, только умениями. Дайте приоритет на 1 уровне. Сохраняйте свой хрупкий стак для момента, когда он использует свое E, и просто убегайте. Атакуйте полным комплектом на 6 уровне, набирайте броню, и Пантеон никогда не должен убить вас.”
Lukajs says “Pantheon will take half of your health bar and get invulnerability and walk out. Play around his E and Passive being down, and you may be able to turn the lane around into a more favorable position for you.”
demirkaiser says “Do not, I mean do not try to fight him early. He is a monster. Don't eat free Q's. Poke him with your Q. Rush steelcaps because his stacked W counts as auto attack. Pre 3 he will obliterate you. Post 6 is easy. Wait him use W or E and ult him.”
kayle1v9 says “tenacity broken vs him. you gotta r right before he stuns you with his W. I like going exhaust or barrier. second wind is super nice since his Q is really low mana cost and cd.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with ignite and start dblade. Cheese him LVL 1, and try to dodge as many Q's as possible. Jax outscales Pantheon at LVL 6.”
Althalosofsirun says “on the rare chance you run into this demon take dblade and cheese him lvl 1 with W he will take Q you want ignite and when you both have ult you can win buy bork if you have to but if you can stun him into the W before he Es you win. you can stun him out of his stun if you have good timing.”
Smauggy says “he can gape close you, burst you and he outrange you, he can negate your dmg.
there just try to farm, if he engages you you can trade a little bit but the early game he wins, after taht you can make a better job in tf ”
LocaLAM says “He can do a lot of damage and completely block your Q (main damaging ability). If he all ins however, you have your ult and you win that tbh.”
Nico_Player says “Try to use W before he uses W to get less damage, try to farm and if you fight with him try to stack your Lethal Tempo and punish him.”
Loweloexpert says “At lvl 3 he will empowerd W double aa Q E you. Q while he jumpes, then auto during the end of his Q and E his E to keep up the trade, ign auto Q and chase. At 6 he become usless, kill him. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Pantheon is susceptible to damage but wait till his E is down before assaulting him with your abilities. That will make things all the easier. His Q is a major execute, goes fast, and has incredulous range. If you get lower than about 20% health, just back off. No point in sacrificing your life to this guy and making him way too strong”
SesaPrime says “A brutal pre lvl 6. He will be aggressive, he does outdamage you early, & he has a counter kit. You can time your Q with his stun animation jump to proc your passive before he combos you.
Pay close attention to his passive stacks. At 4, he will look to engage on you almost every time or Q harass you. His E can be side stepped or you can find yourself just walking behind him during the animation to damage him.
Watch for his roams across the map after 6. You heavily outscale him. ”
Reines Kokosfett says “If you get dismounted early he can burst you with W. Try to rush Steelcaps. You win all ins if you are both full health, but if you are at half health or less he can brust you.”
lorensj81 says “He has very high damage, so be careful fighting him early. Armor and HP is needed to not get killed easy. Do not use your Q+E+R into his shield if you stand infront of him because that negates all damage. So silence with Q before using R to be sure he can't shield it all.”
stefanko says “Look to cheese him in third lane bush, and get behind him, so he cant space you with his q's. Try to get prio level 1, you win trades if you manage to walk up to him, ideally you wanna get behind him to start the trade, so he has to run into you. Once you get level 2, make sure to not q him if he has w, or he is gonna w you and walk out of your e range. Once you get 6 you win all ins, cause you have combat ult and he doesnt. (lt, teleport)”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Blade.
Second wind since he can poke you with Q'S, but we still wanna go aggressive in this lane with D Blade + Ignite. We want to parry his W ofc.
After 6 you outdamage him big time, since he cannot use his R in the fight.”
Zeffie says “Pantheons can be stopped quite easy, even if he puts his invuln towards you you can still proc W and E stacks with your autos leading to an easy stun once he finishes, just be cautious for the empowered dash”
dzsama says “Be careful about his empowered W as that can hurt quite a bit when he combos in his other abilities. When he uses his E, Q behind him to be able to deal damage to him. You still outscale him so you should be fine if you don't int the lane. Early armor helps a decent bit.”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp/Conqueror
Lv.1 you hard win, after keep W2 for his W and go behind him when he uses E, using minions if necessary. He's not a big threat but might be dangerous if he has his jungler nearby. He might win if you are both low since his empowered Q scales off with missing HP.”
Pep_Shin says “His Q is a pain for you.
He has a good early game and can outdamage you.
However he cannot get away from you with your R.
If he doesn't get any lead before 6 you should be fine.
Otherwise he will kill you and you won't have fun as he can poke you while you farm under turret.”
Irelius says “Пикаем костяные пластины. 95% Пантеонов будут вливать весь свой урон в них и в ваше W. Мачап ПРИНЦИПИАЛЬНО зависит от того, как вы используете W. Не дерёмся в начале игры, даем ему пуш. Блочим его прокаст, Далее попадаем ешкой и даём кухан ему за спину, когда он кастанет свой щит. Если вы Фейкер, то жмите кухан за его кухан. БОЙТЕСЬ ПТА+ИГНАЙТА. На лвл 6 Ирелия аутскейлит. ”
Puyi says “You can dodge spears with E and stop his very telegraphed stun with W. He's still very strong early game, but you outscale him relatively fast.”
Irelius says “Pick bone plating, W when he jumps at you. 95% of Pantheons will throw all their damage into your defensive dance and bone plating. Then hit E and kill this guy. BEWARE PTA+ IGNITE COMBO. You outscale him at 6. ”
JustSad42 says “This is a little bit of an annoying matchup. Pre-6, you want to spend most of your time baiting out Pantheon Qs by walking in and out of their range, otherwise you’ll find it difficult to CS in the first place without dying. After 6, you can easily force all-ins on the Pantheon as long as the wave is on your side and he hasn’t chunked you too hard before it. However, you need to be aware that his E stops you from proccing vitals, so always be ready to move to the other side to keep damaging him if necessary. Something to note is that Pantheon can just R back to lane, so it’s difficult to get plates against him even if you’ve killed him. Also, if he has pushed the wave and left lane, ping your team since he might be roaming to try to get a kill.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Pantheon has a very strong early game so watch out for him. Don't use your Q or R while his E is active or he will block all your damage. His Q can be easily dodged with E or W. The matchup is pretty straightforward overall, but you still have to be wary of Pantheon's early game damage. Fortunately, he is no longer seen on top.”
JustSad42 says “You win after 6 because you effectively have an ultimate in the fight and he doesn't. You can win before, but you need to get passive stacks and hit E, and pantheon easily pokes you out early game if you screw up.”
TheHellKing says “Unless that Panth is SpearShot then you should win easily. Conq is best choice. Don't walk near him without bone plating, if he W you W away. After his combo you can run him down.”
SrMolinv says “Bone plating helps a lot in this lane. Riven has a really easy time at level 6. Be careful with his Q damage, he hurts. You can go exhaust in this lane but theres no actual need, i leave it to player preference.”
Zorroh says “Pantheon can be really oppressive in the early game because of his point and click W stun and insane burst. Try to stay outside of his W range and focus on farming as Mini Gnar. You can poke him down with Q to look for a potential kill but don't let him W you because he will burst you for a ton of damage, it isn't worth the 2-3 autos you can land on him and he will win every trade. As Mega Gnar try and also take short trades, but you can walk up to trade more aggressively especially while strongside. When Pantheon recalls, be careful taking turret plates and hold your E because he may try to ult behind you on his way back to lane for a cheese kill. With armor boots and mythic you should be able to take longer trades and win as Mini Gnar. The main objective is to survive and not die before you get this spike. When you're finally able to kill Pantheon you can use your E during Pantheon's E to get behind his shield and finish him. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Avoid his Q poke]
[Be careful of his W stun and gank setup]
[Warn your team when he is lvl 6]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Can be difficult in earlygame. If he wastes his Passive and other cooldowns, you can look for an all in. Avoid Q's. Lane gets easier past lvl 6, and overall you will eventually outscale.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “He is all about outplaying his shield. If he Es your shield, you have lost the trade. If you bait it out, you win the trade. R his W, so you don't get stunned. Watch for Q poke, very similar to Yone, so space it out.”
Smudey says “He wins the first 2 levels so stay behind unless he lets you push for free. You can go for trades at lvl 3+ if he doesn't have any passive stacks. If you do so, wait for his E to see in which direction he used it and try to apply damage during that time. it's kind of difficult to win longer trades like that so if you aren't comfortable, just take TP and play for Ults since his scaling isn't the best and you don't need an early lead.”
Elresser says “His early game is strong but if you don't fall behind you will outdamage him in trades with your W. Also his E can block the damage from your E but it has a much higher cooldown.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “If u manage to survive to lv7 you pretty much won the lane. Be carefull tho as his damage early is massive and if ure not careful he can easily kill you. His ult is not combat one so in fights you have some advantage past6. try to place barrel underneath you and if he jumps on you, W the stun, destroy the barrel, passive and run away if you wont kill him.”
hamgi says “pantheon is a mean early game champ, but u outscale so hard, it doesnt really matter what happens. yone is an assassin, which pantheons are great at shutting down, but he is also a skirmisher. he has amazing 1v1 potential, and pantheon has 1 combo. when he blows it, if u are not below 40% hp, fight him. u will win, meaning he dies or u force a bad recall. respect him in team fights as even if u live through his combo, his instance of cc and burst can help his team jump on u and kill u. he's not scary at all in lane, but play smart from level 3-6 as ur trades will be even. post level 6, u win as long as u play smart and dont get overconfident. try to follow his ults with tp if necessary, otherwise get shit done by taking plates, tower itself, rift herald, enemy jg camps, or roaming/counter-roaming to mid”
UnderworldTF says “W is same range as your autos. E makes it hard to chase him down. Gold card if he jumps on you, wait out his e, and get in a few of your own autos. Beware his q range. Take Phase Rush”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “early g ame panth fav, later stages good for darius he still has the E tool to deny passive/R MAJOR mechanic is if u try to cancel his W with ur E, in lane rly important to use ur E as late as possible or as a cancel for his W”
kajinator says “Conqueror and Flash + Ignite will turn this guy into a walking bag of gold. Just wait out his W and you can W it or his E if necessary and then hit him with your Q + full E spin and just kill him with ignite + ult and level 6. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Once Pantheon hits level 6, communicate with your team whenever Pantheon recalls or leaves lane as he may use his Ultimate Grand Starfall(R) to roam and help another lane. It’s not uncommon for Pantheon to recall and run bot with his Ultimate. Take care in the early game as Pantheon will try to skirmish frequently and go for kills. Keep this in mind and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re weak in the early game. Avoid trading with Pantheon when his Passive has lots of stacks as he will deal lots of damage in a trade. The best time to fight him is when he has no stacks and an ability on cooldown.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Once Pantheon hits level 6, communicate with your team whenever Pantheon recalls or leaves lane as he may use his Ultimate Grand Starfall(R) to roam and help another lane. It’s not uncommon for Pantheon to recall and run bot with his Ultimate. Take care in the early game as Pantheon will try to skirmish frequently and go for kills. Keep this in mind and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re weak in the early game. Avoid trading with Pantheon when his Passive has lots of stacks as he will deal lots of damage in a trade. The best time to fight him is when he has no stacks and an ability on cooldown.”
SrMolinv says “Contra Pantheon es obligatorio llevar Bone platin. Al principio Riven gana all ins, pero ten cuidado con su Q, puede sorprenderte. Usar el escudo reaccionando.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Once Pantheon hits level 6, communicate with your team whenever Pantheon recalls or leaves lane as he may use his Ultimate Grand Starfall(R) to roam and help another lane. It’s not uncommon for Pantheon to recall and run bot with his Ultimate. Take care in the early game as Pantheon will try to skirmish frequently and go for kills. Keep this in mind and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re weak in the early game. Avoid trading with Pantheon when his Passive has lots of stacks as he will deal lots of damage in a trade. The best time to fight him is when he has no stacks and an ability on cooldown.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Once Pantheon hits level 6, communicate with your team whenever Pantheon recalls or leaves lane as he may use his Ultimate Grand Starfall(R) to roam and help another lane. It’s not uncommon for Pantheon to recall and run bot with his Ultimate. Take care in the early game as Pantheon will try to skirmish frequently and go for kills. Keep this in mind and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re weak in the early game. Avoid trading with Pantheon when his Passive has lots of stacks as he will deal lots of damage in a trade. The best time to fight him is when he has no stacks and an ability on cooldown.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Warn your teammates when Pantheon gets level 6 because his Ultimate is a threat for them. Pantheon is very strong in early game so be ready to sacrifice some CS and XP to save HP and life of your champion. Don’t fight him when he has stacks, most probably he will out damage you.”
Oogaboogaga says “Pantheon will full combo you and shield away. A good pantheon is horrible for a garen to play into. Post 6 you outscale him if you can survive his initial combo. Do not give him kills and respect his stacks, similar to renekton.”
NegativePhoenix says “A pantheons strategy is more to just try to Q poke you until level 3, then jump you with his full combo since he can just back out with his E unpunished. If you wanna trade back, wait for his E to wear off then go in. HIs CDs are very long besides his Q [unless he threw his spear], so don't be afraid to take a trade if you have the health. Just don't engage on low health, his Q gains massive damage if you have too low of health. He should be manageable later in the game if he gave you lane phase trouble.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Once Pantheon hits level 6, communicate with your team whenever Pantheon recalls or leaves lane as he may use his Ultimate to roam and help another lane. It’s not uncommon for Pantheon to recall and run bot with his Ultimate. Take care in the early game as Pantheon will try to skirmish frequently and go for kills. Keep this in mind and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re weak in the early game. Avoid trading with Pantheon when his Passive has lots of stacks as he will deal lots of damage in a trade. The best time to fight him is when he has no stacks, and an ability on cooldown.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Once Pantheon hits level 6, communicate with your team whenever Pantheon recalls or leaves lane as he may use his Ultimate to roam and help another lane. It’s not uncommon for Pantheon to recall and run bot with his Ultimate. Take care in the early game as Pantheon will try to skirmish frequently and go for kills. Keep this in mind and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re weak in the early game. Avoid trading with Pantheon when his Passive has lots of stacks as he will deal lots of damage in a trade. The best time to fight him is when he has no stacks, and an ability on cooldown.”
Thrandor says “Not easy. Avoid ulting against his E, if you feel very confident you can Q through him and then ult- note that your Q won't deal any dmg that way. Pantheon is pretty predictable, when he runs towards you (or is in his animation already) to hit his stun, go activate your E to win the trade. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Once Pantheon hits level 6, communicate with your team whenever Pantheon recalls or leaves lane as he may use his Ultimate to roam and help another lane. It’s not uncommon for Pantheon to recall and run bot with his Ultimate. Take care in the early game as Pantheon will try to skirmish frequently and go for kills. Keep this in mind and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re weak in the early game. Avoid trading with Pantheon when his Passive has lots of stacks as he will deal lots of damage in a trade. The best time to fight him is when he has no stacks, and an ability on cooldown.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Very annoying for both of you. If he's good then he'll poke you down so you can't win the 1v1 hard. Just don't lose too much health level 1 before you get your E at 2. Once you're at
HIGH HP you can look for fights and all-ins. Don't fight when you're 60% hp or lower or you'll lose. This gets easier at level 5 onwards if you didn't feed first few levels ”
UlisesFRN says “I havent played against Pantheon in lane, but he is rather troublesome as an opponent. His shield can negate your full mCombo if did correctly, so be careful when all-in him, Edge of Night is good against him, just dont let him proc it with his spear”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Хороший Пантеон будет играть от Крипов и делать идеальные короткие трейды.
Покупайте таби и выкуривайте его из за крипов. Если он не задефает все своей Ешкой, вы легко победите”
Taiquyorah says “De gros dégâts en early, mais vous pouvez l'outscale en mid/late si vous survivez la lane.
Il n'a pas de sustain, pas bcp d'HP et peu de range donc une fois la période compliqué vous pouvez le poke et le tuer.
Attention toute fois à son Ult pour revenir en lane ou pour roam”
gekigami says “Pantheon tem uma lane phase muito agressiva. preste atenção em sua barra passiva da qual suas habilidades vão dar mais dano. e cuidado pra ser pego em seu ''W'' quando estiver com vida baixa. pois ele da ainda mais dano quando você esta com hp baixo.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
Very difficult matchup for Yone, his kit counters yours. You never want to engage on him or you will get chunked or even die. Play safe, drop farm early if necessary and look to scale. ”
GodOfNoxus says “Make sure don't get you hit him by his passive and don't waste your skill when he used 3rd skill ability otherwise your ability get dodge and poked you”
kurbart says “Pantheon Aka Baker
This spartan is another easy match up you can poke him from afar and has no answer for your wall hold your ult until after blocking is done or walk around him and hit him from the back with that move he can block 100% of damage 180 degrees IN front of him for a few seconds ”
7EyesNoSkills says “He can poke you with his Q, can stun and instantly kill you with his W, can dodge your E damage with his E. You have a chance in lv1 to kill him. Since there is nothing else he wont use his W so you can't attack him 1v1. Wait for your jungle and don't attack him until he uses his W. Ask midlaner for swap.”
VituVonDoom says “Spacing is the name of the game vs this guy. Position well enough, and he can never get to you, take one wrong step, and he might just one shot you with no counterplay. Wait for him to use his E whenever he combos you so he doesn't eat all your damage, and ping his roams like crazy. Stay in minions to avoid his chardged Q full damage. Go Conq Page, after his burst, he is quite useless, so abuse it(If you're not dead, that is). Also, look at his passive at all times, he is way less of a threat with 2 or less stacks”
Aberrant Demon says “He falls off really hard so just farm safely and outscale him. Try to dodge his Qs if you can and stand in your minions so the aoe hits them. If he starts to W onto you, respond with W and E while he is in the air. Until 6 he's pretty tough to kill but after that you just have to make sure he can't block your Ult with his E. If he has Ult up, look to keep the wave pushed or have a ward deep enough to show if he tries to roam. You have the advantage as long as he can't get any roams off.”
Galactities says “W his W, Wait for his E to run out then Q onto him, then just spin ontop of him. Its not difficult, though a good pantheon player will widdle you down with his Q poke and hold his E for your Ult.”
Galactities says “Heavy lane bully, can literally delete your R with his E. Try to bait out his E then go in on him. If he holds E for ult you're done. He also excels at quick trades so you can E his W. He can also W your Q. Lots of back and forth in this lane. Watch your spacing for his W. Stacking armor and not allowing him to roam is the best you can do, you dont really scale better then him if your even as he can build health and one shot you so it'll be rough. Try to dodge his Q poke and go for an all in level 6”
IcunoX says “Try to E his stun and you win, you outheal is damage with his mana so as long as you respect him you will win or go even, you outscale him.”
Potent213 says “Recommend:
Aha The old classic Fiora counter, even worse now that his Q has gotten buffed,
Take Second wind for his Q poke.
Look to poke him down and bait out his Q's, often times they will use Q on minions so you want to Q him when he doesnt have empowered Q.
If possible parry his W (reactable from far away but not form close, so you need to predict).
You can run him down going for extended trades is nice, as long as he cant get his W or another empowered Q off on you.
Once you get Hydra the matchup is way easier as you can run him down, especially with level 6 as his ultimate is useless in lane.
Often times when you Q they like to insta W so try and see if they have this habit so you can parry and hard punish them.
Don't int early as you will win on 6 with pulled in waves.”
Scallywag says “Niche top lane pick.
He has a lot of damage early with ignite and pta, so watch out you don't die early on.
After 6, spam ping your team because he will roam to them.
He does not scale that well, so try to safe farm and help your team with ults.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Pantheon's shield makes him annoying to deal with. But if you can get behind him his shield is worthless. As slim of a chance as that is, one must always have a backup plan. That's to bait the shield and then go with the ol plan T. Take em by storm”
SilverAvalanche says “Outscale: You are really just looking for your level 6 powerspike since at that point you can just all-in and combo him down. You should use your E defensively when he tries to stun you and then you can E back to him and extented the trade using your shroud to dodge his Qs. It really depends on you reaction time to E his stun but post-6 he should not be an issue.”
FlayMan says “Pantheon can create a pretty strong threat, as he can shut down your early game and make it hard to impact the game. However if you can outplay or survive the lane with good cs, you can still do things.”
Trundledaddy says “Haven't played it a lot, isn't very hard
can use pillar to stop his stop if you
time it propperly, just be careful of his oneshot with ignite + q execute”
Federals1 says “Pantheon got a lot stronger into Volibear, and has become a very hard lane to win. If you bait out his e properly he will never win all ins. Most of the time however he will look to q you from max distance and keep you at bay. You need to get a hard all in on him when his e is down, as that is the one time he cannot block your ultimate. Try to also push the lane more than normal, as he can look to roam with his ultimate, so you need to punish him quickly if he does. Bone Plating+Doran's Shield is a very solid start for beginners who take bad trades early on. Frozen Heart Rush, Warden's Mail as a component especially, can help out a lot to prevent him from snowballing. If he tries to fight you right after you buy the item fully he will not win the 1v1 unless he is very fed. After that you can look to get Iceborn Gauntlet, or skip Frozen Heart and buy Gauntlet first and then Cosmic Drive. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. First rune page should be used. Q max is needed to be able to catch up to have enough speed and do your rotation.”
PandoraPanda14 says “His E can negate ur stacking ability but you can easily beat him level 2-3. U can pull him when he Ws to cancel his stun. If he E's try to get behind him and care for Q poke. Care jg ganks”
MCSwavest says “This champ hard counters you. The most you can do against a Pantheon is beg jungle to come help or just slow farm and wait to start roaming.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Take boneplating + unflinching, have care with his empowered Q, you can poke him when he uses it, try to parry his W, you will have to predict it if you're to close, you should win after lvl 6 unless you int in early game, so you can just outscale him by farming.”
MHLoppy says “Whenever he walks up to Q you, counter with your own Q and/or walk backwards a little so that he takes minion damage when the spear hits you. Survive his spear harass pre-6 with okay farm and no deaths and you'll be golden. His ult does very little for him in a 1v1 with you, while your ult destroys him.”
IoannAzerot says “Your worst dreams come true - a targeted stunner. You are advised to collect the guardian angel first item.(Just kidding. Bear with me.)”
Cryniu says “Pantheon fue mejorado en las últimas versiones y se ha vuelto una amenaza grave contra Shen. Es un campeón que generalmente te jugará muy agresivo y no puedes evitar su W que te aturdirá. Prioriza una herramienta de tenacidad, ya sea runas o las botas de mercurio. Juega defensivo y al sustento. Pon mucha atención cuando Pantheon desaparezca o cuando tú uses tu R ya que Pantheon te seguirá. Un enfrentamiento muy difícil que recomiendo jugar de forma tranquila.”
Kocykek says “He has pretty good early game which you should not understimate. You block his W. Go for short trades. Get Sheen and poke him. You outscale him pretty fast.”
Helzky says “Pantheon wins Levels 1 and 2. However on 3, if you have ghouls, you can all in and kill him quite easily. If he roams make sure your team knows about it. ”
magician4444 says “Brain dead W stun. He's also very squishy just like you. If you can ult him when he's low you'll have a good chance of bursting him down to death.”
TheChoz3nOne says “Dodge his skills, trade with him when his abilities is on cooldown and it won't be that hard. Wait for him using his shield then trade.”
Your Desired Username says “This match-up is easy IF you respect his early levels, and I mean that. Pre-3 he will absolutely obliterate your HP bar if you even dare to cs, so just stay back and get the xp until level 3, at which point you can start fighting him, although even this would be risky as his damage is still extreme then. You will obviously need to rush tabis here. Post-6 fights become very easy, as his ult can't really be used mid-combat. You outscale him pretty hard and you can ult him later on into the game as he won't build as tankily as most other top laners.”
Atomragnar says “Early you loose since his strong early game. Around level 4 you win. Dont R when he uses E. You outscale hard, only reason Panth is a "even" matchup is because of his early game.
Steelcaps are great. ”
GastlyLoL says “Pantheon isn't too hard as long as you don't take too much free damage early. Try to force out his Q's by faking going for a CS, then you would be able to CS freely. Pantheon is very easy to gank for, so be careful of that.”
LunaticDancer says “Annoying, but ultimately a cheese lane. Gambler viable, just keep in mind you likely won't proc it early (which is fine, it's pretty low value early). D Shield. Your plan is to punish him after his uninteractive combo. Your priority is to step away from his volley, prefferably wall him in and get behind him to start dealing damage again. If you don't get cheesed, you hard outscale him.”
COJA says “Bone Plating and patience until level 6 where your all in is much stronger. Try not to get poked with his Q to deactivate your Bone Plating. His E can also easily block your Q damage, but he is very vulnerable without it. Armor is very useful against Pantheon.”
ToothlessKnight says “He's a big lane bully but you win after you hit lv6. Take his early game abuse and focus on farm. Do not take too much poke as his q executes low health targets. Ping your teammates whenever he goes missing and has ult. Save your tp if possible to match his ult. If your tp is down, get turret plates and farm. To punish his roams. You hard outscale this one. ”
Stinkee says “Pretty easy to beat the reworked Pantheon. You are too tanky for him to kill you. He could win if he goes anti-tank runes/build and is good but otherwise it should be pretty easy and you will quickly outscale. Watch out for the first few levels though. You can also stop his W in midair before he reaches you if you time your Q right. Just try not to die early game and you will outscale him and be way more useful.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Just like dealing with a Pantheon in the top lane, you'll want to throw your (Q) down on him if he lands a stun on you or your ally. If possible, however, it would be much more reliable to blind his ally if they are someone like Draven, Vayne or any other basic auto attacking ADC.”
Anoying bro5 says “Keep an eye on his empowering bar as his Q and stun will do a lot of damage. He is pretty predictable when using his stun or Q since the bar displays this to you. If you land riposte you win after lvl 3. You are also stronger lvl 6 so you can all in him. His W shield denies you vitals so move to his back side.”
lol Wero says “if i had to be honest for this match up, AD Neeko isn't worth versus the pantheon match up, AP Neeko does way better into this match up. The trading is very poor for AD Neeko. But if you want to give it a try, build early lifesteal and try to poke him down with your Shapesplitter (W) empowered autos. Avoid his Shield Vault (E).”
BoilTheOil says “Try to bait out his Q, then you can look to grab cs. He can block your W with his E so either combo W with E or use W for the shield. He beats you really hard in short trades so try to take extended fights. Buying early armor helps a ton since he deals no magic damage and typically rushes lethality. After level 6 he will look to roam so if he's missing from lane shove the wave. He needs early kills to be useful so try not to die against him, you outscale him. ”
Feedaboi says “Does a ton of burst damge with his q when he has full passive stacks, also can block your autos with his e and has good dive potential with his jungler. Build D sheild and look to farm under your turret and poking him with your q. ”
Phrxshn says “Beware of his stack of Mortal Will(Passive) as it will enhances his skills based on his indicator. Dodge his Comet Spear(Q). Watch out for his Shield Vault(W) or stun for setting up his full combo. Stay behind Pantheon whilst he is using Aegis Assault(E) which is a frontal cone attack. Push or follow his Grand Starfall(R) if he sets up ganks. (Outscaling Edge: Singed) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Pantheon) (Recommended Items: Demonic Embrace, Plated Steelcaps) (Mega Adhesive prevent casting of his W and R) (Fling overrides his W)”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “This lane is already hard because Pantheon's kit is strong (base stats are too high, damage is too high etc.). It becomes harder because of his ultimate, which you can't do anything about. Take demolish and bone plating and ping him whenever he's missing post 6. Thresh will outscale him.”
quinn adc says “I really like this matchup after Panth's rework. First, panth was a hard Quinn counter because he had lock on Qs, and his passive meaning that you legit cannot trade with him because he will block your autos.
Now, the rework made the matchup Quinn-favoured (Thanks Rito!!) First, Quinn's E can actually interrupt and cancel Pantheon Q if he is charging it up, but I don't recommend to do this unless his W is down of course lol.
W max harrier procs to side step his spears (which isn't that hard to do since Quinn is so fast under these haste buffs).
Next, the most important interaction to note is that Quinn E CAN cancel Pantheon's W stun, but it's harder to do with new panth.
How it works is if Panth is mid jump, immediately press vault,and if you vault him while he's in mid air, you will cancel the stun and be pushed back to safety.
However, even if you mess this up, it's not that bad because other times, you will still get the vault off even if his stun lands, which is fine because you are still pushed back to safety.
If you anticipate panth using his W and you want to be ready to smurf, (ideally when no minions are near), what you do is hover your mouse cursor in between you and pantheon, and you legit hard spam your E key.
By doing so, since no minions are near, Quinn won't vault anything since you're clicking the ground, BUT, if pantheon uses his W while you are spamming your E between you and him, whenever he uses his W, you will instantly vault him mid air and cancel the jump :) After you vault from his W, you should retaliate with autos.
Panth will likely use his E right after, and that's ok.
Let Panth wear out his E and DON'T auto him when his E is up because not only does he cancel the damage, but also, if a harrier mark is on him when his E is up, you will consume the mark and do no damage, which wastes the mark.
Instead, if your mark is on him while his E is up, just be patient and wait for his E to expire, and since his W is down already, NOW go in for a thiiiicccc trade and you will hard win it.
Quinn hard outscales panth, his only chance is laning phase.
At 2-3 items, you hard DPS him, and with ninja tabis, you mitigate most of his nuke anyway!”
Veng Shotz says “He outdamages you early game and completely negates you with an e press. Your best bet is to make sure you dont die to him and stalemate the lane. When even, you outscale him at 20minutes.
Theres not much on how to play the lane, he will zone you as soon as minions crash with empowered q, which will out damage your entire q rotation even if you hit it (you wont, its level 1.)
he'll immediately push for lvl 2 and look to all in you with w+q, and level 3 he can completely negate all form of retaliation with e, take no damage in the process, so you cant heal. It depends on the pantheon player but good ones wont let you play the game.
As stated, try to play safe and farm, and out teamfight him mid game. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Very VERY annoying matchup. Shieldbow rush and good trades is the only way you'll have a chance of killing this guy! Play the laning phase very safe!”
PH45 says “Very tough matchup as he will just keep poking you with his Q and if you jump on him he will just stun you and back off from your E range. You do outscale but its hard to get through lane phase. Grasp + DShield combo is the safest way to go about this lane. ”
PH45 says “Can be tricky to deal with especially early. Build armor and try to farm to your best ability. Pantheon has no escapes outside his summoners so he can be a fairly easy gank for your jungler.”
SunFalk says “He has a point and click stun. He has a global ult. He has a shield that can block your attacks. - Pantheon isn't hard to play against. Just use his weakness, that his that he will fall down. If you don't feed him or make him be in an advantage, Pantheon in teamfights isn't the best right now. If you lane against a Pantheon, just stay save and don't let him have a lead.”
Phrxshn says “Beware of his stack of Mortal Will(Passive) as it will enhances his skills based on his indicator. Dodge his Comet Spear(Q). Watch out for his Shield Vault(W) or stun for setting up his full combo. Stay behind Pantheon whilst he is using Aegis Assault(E) which is a frontal cone attack. Push or follow his Grand Starfall(R) if he sets up ganks. (Outscaling Edge: Dr.Mundo) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Pantheon) (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps)”
slogdog says “Pantheon is the ultimate early game brutaliser, being able to deal insane damage and have tankiness with the E. Play safe early game, and outscale at your sheen item. Don't Q him when he E's in your direction.”
Raen says “Get D shield bcs prob he will sit under your turret poking you with Q. You can try to get some his HP at lvl 1 its good chance for you to win trade. Try to go ahead of him when hes making E to deal dmg to him. Try to press E right before hes in middle air with this W with 5 stacks to dodge all his W extra auto attacks. ”
Xerath gaming says “No one plays panth top anymore but if u see him, E when he W's, it pushes him further behind and you will rekt him due to long trades being better for you. R = auto win if you're not behind”
Phrxshn says “Beware of his stack of Mortal Will(Passive) as it will enhances his skills based on his indicator. Dodge his Comet Spear(Q). Watch out for his Shield Vault(W) or stun for setting up his full combo. Stay behind Pantheon whilst he is using Aegis Assault(E) which is a frontal cone attack. Push or follow his Grand Starfall(R) if he sets up ganks. (Outscaling Edge: Trundle) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Pantheon) (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Similar to Renek early with kill pressure, but more telegraphed and without an escape. Just play this one out real nice and patient. Beware early 2v1s and tower dives with Panth blocking tower shots.”
MagicallyDelish4 says “He's very annoying in the laning but you outscale him. If he starts W then don't level 1 all in. Post 6 you can kill him. Play safe before level 6. If he uses E then try to trade him after and when its on cd. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Conqueror or Grasp
Parry his Q if you don't have the reaction time for his W. After lvl6 you have one offensive spell more than he does. Wait for Nerfs :D:D”
LoLReal says “Pantheon shouldn't be a problem for Darius. He can't trade with us efficiently and will end up under his turret. If he goes in to trade, pull him back in and punish.
Alert your team as he will try to roam in this lane. Demolish is a good option vs. Pantheon to punish his roaming with strong siege.”
Justkb says “Pantheon is heavily favoured early game, but he falls off hard. If you manage to dodge his empowered Q you can engage him. Try not to use your ult until he has used his E, bait this out with Q’s and you E to get him in close. I would recommend waiting until level 6 to hard engage or waiting for a clear ganking opportunity.”
MythicMike says “He has no escape, but is pretty powerfull early on. Watch out for his empowered W and try to poke at a safe distance. He wins the all in early, but if you chunk him down he has no escape once you all in.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This matchup is rough early. He will poke you down with Q, and wins trades. He will probably push you under tower, stun you with his W, then block turret shots with his E while walking away. Ask for jungle help, or back when below 1/3 health. He will easily execute you every time.
Luckily Pantheon falls off pretty hard, and you'll be tanky enough after 2-3 items to run through him. Ping for MIAs, as he'll try to roam and ult mid. ”
qveenevelynn says “Quite easy if u're carefull to his shield thing. Use your charm when he use his shield, and proc it when his shield is over. Be aware of his stun and Q when you're low”
Phrxshn says “Beware of his stack of Mortal Will(Passive) as it will enhances his skills based on his indicator. Dodge his Comet Spear(Q). Watch out for his Shield Vault(W) or stun for setting up his full combo. Stay behind Pantheon whilst he is using Aegis Assault(E) which is a frontal cone attack. Push or follow his Grand Starfall(R) if he sets up ganks. (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps)”
Phrxshn says “Beware of his stack of Mortal Will(Passive) as it will enhances his skills based on his indicator. Dodge his Comet Spear(Q). Watch out for his Shield Vault(W) or stun for setting up his full combo. Stay behind Pantheon whilst he is using Aegis Assault(E) which is a frontal cone attack. Push or follow his Grand Starfall(R) if he sets up ganks. (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King, Plated Steelcaps)”
Sporkintahn says “DANGEROUS!!!--- Pantheon deals absurd damage and with his recent buffs he doesn't fall off in the late game nearly as hard anymore.---Try and bait out his Aegis Assault (E) that blocks all damage from a give direction for 1.5 seconds before going in.--- You want to heavily play around his cooldowns to win lane. Never stay in lane with low HP as his Q acts as an execute dealing massive damage to low HP enemies.---- Good new is you can win this lane, just trade with Q and avoid his own Q poke and thrown spears. Spears aren't as dangerous when thrown as they deal much less damage after going thru any subsequent enemies after the first so hide behind your minions when he is looking to thrown one at you. He can also thrust with his Q in melee as well and this will deal full damage so be careful.---- A common trade combo for Pantheon is to get max passive stacks, W to stun, use his empowered Auto from W, then Q you and finish up with his E to block most return damage to him as he backs away.--- Whenever he is MIA after 6 PING IT. His ult can allow him to get to almost anywhere on the map extremely quickly so let your team know when he's gone from lane.”
Phrxshn says “Beware of his stack of Mortal Will(Passive) as it will enhances his skills based on his indicator. Dodge his Comet Spear(Q). Watch out for his Shield Vault(W) or stun for setting up his full combo. Stay behind Pantheon whilst he is using Aegis Assault(E) which is a frontal cone attack. Push or follow his Grand Starfall(R) if he sets up ganks. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Pantheon) (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps)”
LegitLechner says “A good pantheon knows how to kite your dmg. hard to get away from if you miss e. can also block ult dmg with his shield. Win by playing around his e and avoiding as many stuns from him as possible. Tip: you can cast e when you know hes w'd. Your soul will cast even while stunned. Making up for lost time.”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] if u manage to dodge or parry 1 or 2 of his abilities you win fights against him. other than that try to rush steelcaps and sustain him on lane. Push to punish him whenever he uses ult to roam.”
OTP Toxin says “Just blind him when he goes for the all-in while his passive is stacked, he will you his W on you, if you hit your blind, all his 3 attacks will miss. :D”
SilverAvalanche says “He is not that much of a problem compared to the other lane bullies, since he cant run you down.
honestly if you just don't die to him you should be able to make up for the CS difference that was created in laning phase.
just E away when he walks up to you to try and stun you.
Also go either Exhaust or Cleanse, really anything but Ignite in this matchup.
Pantheon usually will build Eclipse, so he will always be full health with the omnivamp so be careful with your health bar or he will dive you.”
Drake6401 says “By a Tiamat early to prevent him from ult roaming.
Keep an eye on his progress towards an empowered ability. Baiting and dodging an empowered Q from him puts you in a favorable position.
Be very careful not to stun against his shield. This is the main reason this matchup is not in the Tiny spot. You both have outplay potential but it favors Renekton.”
Pantheon can potentially be a difficult matchup if he is the better player. You want to not eat too many free Qs from him, as that is how he wins the lane, by poking you down and then all inning you. A smart Pantheon will almost never use his Ranged Q. He will just tap it as that gives the same damage but is better in every single way. It might be a good idea to play safe early on, at least until level 3 because you can start properly retaliating against him. D shield along with Second wind are a MUST. You beat him in all ins but properly counterplaying his E and landing your Qs are crucial to doing so. Try to make sure you stay healthy in lane and not take too much damage. In terms of rune choice, Conqeuror and Aftershock both work depending on your playstyle. In terms of items, Steelcaps are a good pick up and are mandatory at times. If thats not enough, pick up a Chain Vest as well. Try to make sure you stack up some health though. Ping like crazy when he is out of lane as he is very good at ganking others due to his ultimate. This will be bad for you too because once he gets fed off of your teammates, he might be able to beat you. A good trick to know is to use your E when he tries to stun you. If you time it right, you will cancel the stun and even if you screw it up, he will be stunned to. If he uses his shield to block damage, just walk around him and start hitting him. This should be easy to do with ghost. If he keeps it, try not to ult when he is using block damage.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - If he takes ignite, becareful of his damage before your first back, after your first back, he can't kill you anymore
- Just build early armor, I like 3 cloth against him, then get HP.
- Try to stand away from your minions, bait out his Q by walking back and forth. His fast Q should be easy to avoid and short range.
- I like Doran's shield, corrupting potion is also fine
- When you're escaping from him, don't run in a straight line, try to dodge his spear
- Q him constantly then all in him"”
The Real Fake says “Too oppresive early game. Considering Hecarim spikes hardest mid game, being denied the ability to farm delays your crucial item spikes.”
Wawza says “Baiting out his E should turn the tide entirely in your favor for this match. Avoid engaging when you both are low since his execute on his Q will win him the duel almost every time.”
Rhoku says “Similar to Kled, you want to play safely up to level 6. You win hard in the death realm but he is just a nightmare up until then. His Q has such a low CD when he uses the short range version than in all ins, he will get like, 3 or 4 of it out which will lead to him just being able to destroy you. His E also lets him avoid quite a bit of your Damage if he uses it to block a Q. D.Shield, Second Wind, Ninja Tabi, Seeker's Armguard. After that you can pretty much build whatever you want as you outscale him hilariously hard. In Ultimate, you beat him straight up so play safe till 6 and then dominate him.”
maxlid3 says “Keep your distance. He has a pretty easy engage by just jumping onto you and stunning you for a moment but you outrange him in every stage of the game. W him if he engages and you can even get a free root if he ults and you shoot a W at the place where he lands.”
YasTilt says “Dangerous counter, take exhaust and take Runes against Burst and Assassins (see higher). Pick fights before level 3. You outscale him late game and don't take 1V1's. Freeze Lane and wait for a Gank.”
PK Noob says “Pantheon can just keep forcing quick burst trades against you and you can't do anything about it. If you try to engage him he can easily zone you off with his E that blocks all damage. If he stuns you in a team fight that can become troublesome too. You'll win extended trades against him though so try to bait him into taking an extended fight.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror and Bone Plating. Try not to get poked by his Q - it deals a lot of damage and has low cooldown. If he misses it, try to grab some CS. He can block your full-charged Haymaker and you can't do anything. Buy early armor (If he has Conqueror - go Bramble Vest and Plated Steelcaps because he has no magic damage in his kit except his Ultimate which has a really high cooldown.) After level 6 he might roam so hard-shove the lane and follow up with Teleport if it isn't on cooldown. He needs kills in early game so try not to die - you outscale him.”
lulw says “Ban or dodge. Same as renekton, bring exhaust, when he jumps on you, and does half your health, if he doesnt have dirk or anything all in him when he shields e through him. Then back out. ”
Avelon6698 says “early game he can be a threat, careful of his lvl 2. He doesn't scale well however so just make sure he stays under-fed till midgame. Should be fine after that.”
Black Demon Ezel says “This guy is a wall that Morde cannot break no matter how much damage you do, he stuns like crazy and any attempted counterattack he just blocks”
Nodrog says “His w allows him to get a free combo with no retaliation against you. You cant use your w as he can just E it to block all that true damage. You can win past 6 because his ult isn't as beneficial in dueling as yours but he can still have an edge if he builds eclipse.”
Psychopathic Top says “His current Q is very hard to miss, and the radius is insane. Also you must watch out for his damage, as his Q may crit and 1 shot you if low. One of the worst things about the new pantheon is that his E can tank turret shots, which makes it disgustingly easy for him to dive you with enemy jungle. Early game focus on farming, scale to level 6 and call mias across the map so your teammates know that his 6 and has access to ultimate. You will be really behind in lane, but outscale hard if you aren’t too behind.”
DippyDan says “Very strong burst damage and can poke you for every CS you try to take. Hard to predict stun and has good roaming potential. TIPS: [1] Don't fight early. [2] Rush steelcaps [3] Try to Parry his stacked Q or stun.”
Hecki says “Rarely seen in the new season but if you should encounter a Pantheon top he will most of the times go assassin/bruiser. You should go Plated Steelcaps first item to screw up his laning phase since having more movement speed is a key factor in this matchup. Go Bone Plating and avoid getting poked so he doesn't procc it. If he goes for a short Q, retaliate him with first Q and if he decides to jump on you E backwards with 2nd Q and W so he has to use E. As soon as he wastes his E you can pretty much all in him with ult, as long as your other cooldowns are up.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard; consider bringing TP + a combat spell like ignite or exhaust or barrier] Play around his passive stacks. When he doesnt have stacks, bait his W. Bad pantheons will take the trade and lose it. Do not get jumped at when his passive is stacked or he oneshots you. Buy armor to deny his oneshot potential.”
IAmStryker says “+ Starting Itmes:
-cloth Armor + 4 pots
First Item :
-Immortal Shieldbow
Take Bone Platting to evade some of his MASSIVE eraly game burst.
You can 100% win lvl 1 and 2 because you out damage him with your passive AS. A lot of Pantheons will try to kill youa s early as possible, use that to your advantage. Exhaust is a viable Summoner Spell in thsi scenario, due to Panteons going Ignite a lot of times in higher levels of play.
Build Armor like seekers armguards or even bramble so he cant just one-shot you.You are always stronger then him when he doesnt have hs stacks up., so try to fight him then.”
SunOak says “Only played this matchup one time but i recommend you run grasp page 2. The unflinching is very important against his W which will make him win any trade. His early game is also very strong so dont fight till 6. Start with a dorans shield.”
Alan234 says “Go grasp with boneplating so that you dont lose early trades.
Dont go for trades because his e makes him win all of them. Q him when he w's on you because your q blinds his auto attacks. Lvl 6 with ignite you can go for an all in once he w's you by throwing a shroom on yourself. Be careful of dives and ganks (you dont have many options so just manage waves correctly and track their jungler/call yours)”
TXK_ says “Keep range and sacrifice farm early as his all in is very powerful. Typical Pantheon's look for fights at level 2 and 3. You outscale this champion very well and in fights use your E to position yourself behind his invulnerability. ”
Kartagoo says “I recommend going Fleet Footwork summs doesn't rly matter. The only scary thing about Pantheon is his empowered Q that he gets after 5 attacks so try to sidestep it by going for fake minion last hits. Get Plated Steelcaps early and then go Frostfire if they have a lot range poke that you have to chase or Sunfire if they have a lot of melee champs. Ping your team when he hits 6 that he might roam when u have no sight of him.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED A SON AVANTAGE. NE L'AFFRONTEZ PAS EN EARLY EVITEZ DE VOUS FAIRE POKE. FAITES DES TABIS PRENEZ CONQUEROR. A NOTER QUE VOUS POUVEZ CANCEL LE STUN DE SON W AVEC VOTRE E. ESSAYEZ DE VOUS RETROUVER DERRIERE LUI LORSQU'IL E LA VITESSE DE DEPLACEMENT DU GHOST AIDERA BEAUCOUP. N'OUBLIEZ PAS DE PREVENIR VOTRE EQUIPE SI IL N'EST PLUS SUR VOTRE LANE UN R PANTHEON EST SI VITE ARRIVÉ. Panthéon peut potentiellement être un match difficile s'il est meilleur que vous. Vous ne voulez pas vous faire trop poke par son Q, car c'est comme cela qu'il gagne la lane, en vous mettant low life et il finira le travail avec un burst et le finisher de son Q. Un panthéon intelligent n'utilisera presque jamais son Q, à distance car au cac le Q fait les même dégâts et possède un cd plus court. Attendez le level 3 avant de tenter quelque chose contre lui. Le bouclier de doran et second souffle sont nécessaires sur cette lane surtout depuis les buff pantheon en s11 il peut spamer son Q. Comme dit plus haut la clé du matchup et de ss après son 6 toutes ses décales cancel son W avec votre E et lorsqu'il E profiter de la vitesse de déplacement du ghost pour le frapper derrière.”
Vandenelis says “currently, he is op you win trades only if you cc and then hit him and run away. Try to farm up and play for late game since you hard outscale him. don't stay in lane if you are low since his q does more damage to low hp targets”
Bombabo says “In the early game, Panth will almost always beat you in fights. His Q gives him very good damage in trades, and his movespeed during his E is very close to yours during w, allowing him to manuever himself to prevent you from getting behind his shield. You will outscale him, so play passively to start
SettVEVO says “This guy is scary when fed, but he needs to get fed, so don't feed him. Watch out for his E he can block your W damage with it, so he needs to be stunned to guarantee it. Always ping his ult and keep it in mind that he might roam. Pop your potions earlier then you like cause he does more damage the lower you are. Mid to Late game just depends if he's fed or not, if he is ult him away from your team once he Ws, if he isn't just ignore him unless there are no better ult targets then just ult him onto the enemy and collapse with your team.”
Byku2506 says “Very difficult matchup, this guy will try to poke you down by spear and stun you while you are use Q to heal yourself or just poke him. Just try to outplay him and force him to use W.”
Fryx says “His Poke is annoying and his E can block all of your damage so keep that in mind. Unfortunately you can't do too much if he roams so keep your tp in your pocket and countergank him. You will outscale him so don't force the win too much on lane.”
RTO says “You're going to get poked down with his spear constantly, try to farm as much as you can, rush armor and post level 6 you should be fine. He's generally immobile, so ask for ganks, especially if his flash is down. Start doran's shield pref.”
SanLourdes says “He will at most be annoying. His W can stun you and stop your Q, but you can stun him in midair and stop him from completing the ability. His E is the only other ability that you have to keep track of, thankfully it is on high cooldown. It won't deny you stuns, but it will deny you damage. Bait it out with a Q and then try to use your ult whenever he has it on cooldown. Your tankiness will be too much for him to deal with, even if he builds anti-tank items. ”
calbino says “Pantheon is notorious for his early game damage, and it's pretty much unavoidable. He will abuse your Q cast time to close the gap for his W, so try to rush steelcaps. If he gets ahead, try to avoid walking up.”
RareParrot says “pantheon is easier post rework but still bad considering he has a point and click stun with free damage and an instant pta proc, blind him as hes about to jump on you.”
Jaori says “High burst damage, hard to trade against. You fight him the way you fight Renekton - avoid trades at all cost. He always wins with his empowered W, luckily he doesn't get much stronger after his ult, which is a good thing. You win after 6 if you manage to ult quick enough.”
ForgottenProject says “The Main Reason he was broken beyond reason was his Old Passive which no longer exists. The other reason he's still so high up is because his kit is still Oppressive in lane.
[1]Get Armor in your runes
[2]Play Around his Mana, if he doesn't have enough to All-in you, you can All-in him.
[3]Parry his W, especially if it's empowered.
[4]Ping your team the moment he leaves the lane and keep scaling.”
Sopachi says “Pantheon just wants to jump on with Empowered W and proc Press the Attack for high burst damage early, but at no point is he ever a threat. All in him when CD's are up and take optimal small trades and he won't ever be able to lane. You run Pantheon down easily, you shouldn't have a problem in this lane.”
SavagePridestalker says “Pantheon on lane will be very weak on lane due to your W healing and you building armor. Once you get an item and a boot, you'll be able to fight him without any problems.”
Marwaii says “Take shield. He will destroy you early game but you outscale. Keep an eye on the map for roams and ping. You can only fight him at level 8+, until then just farm and kite him.
Take Trinity and Plated.”
oogoogerson says “Pantheon does so much damage. Do not get combo'ed. Try and bait his leap and then flip his Q. Let him chase you around. Take teleport to try and follow him when he R's into your team.”
AlanVenator says “His early game is really strong. After a few levels the only annoying thing is his E, which blocks all your abilities. Punish him if he roams.”
Breadcrumbs says “He can be a pain, he'll likely try to spam Q and stun you when you are low enough for an all in. Once you are 6 you can start turning the lane around and win as he doesn't have any way of escaping.”
SethPRG says “His on hit is pretty scary, and his shield can cancel your damage, so you can do 1 of 2 things to hit your abilities: ult him during his shield and walk behind him when he's slowed, or E stun him before he shields into your high grit W. Try not to hard push or get caught out by others (baited into 1v1, etc.) as Pantheon will most likely ult in. Overall he's very weak now with the nerfs, may even bump him down to a tiny threat depending on how things go. Dodging his long-range Q is easy if you sidestep, but up close not so much. You win pre 6 if he doesn't block your W, you hard win after 6 unless he's ahead. Take Bramble early, building a Sheen here is nice. Late game you smash Pantheon even harder. Trinity or Goredrinker are the best Mythics to go in this matchup, other don't really have an edge over those 2 in this matchup. Death's Dance should be a buy if the enemy team comp has another AD.”
I am so chill says “Skill matchup.With the recent changes to pant he has a respectable damage.You have to count his cooldowns and you should position well to avoid his E.”
ApollonATH says “Dont let him first blood you and you have free lane . If you take tp you can play safe and beat him after level 3 . with ignite you win level 2. Build zhonyas if you get behind and play safe so he doesnt snowball”
deathwalker7119 says “A pretty fair matchup, very annoying champion though. You need to parry his stun for a pretty much guaranteed win 1v1. Watch out for his relatively short CDs later on, and do not greed for plates as he will R on your head from base and if you're low he will simply 1 shot you with a Q.”
XPRflew says “auto attack first so Pantheon blocks the auto attack after that you should q and rush armor. Tell your team if Pantheon is lv 6 which means he has r”
Womsky says “Lane survival set up, he is a lane dominant, can beat u up so damn hard if u play into his hands, but if u keep chill and farm and ignore him, he is a joke, he doesn't scale, just keep your hp high and rush tiamat, and spam ping ur team if he is missing post level 6”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “This guy is a pain in the ass. He will likely try to spam Q’s on you early on and make your life miserable. I just give up a lot of cs and let him push the lane and farm safely under tower. Even under tower he will still poke you down, so try to only go for the melees that are directly under your tower. You should be focused on getting to level 6 safely because his ultimate does nothing for him in an all in. After level 6 you can start beating him if you are over 90% hp and before he pokes you down. Try to fight him before he does otherwise if you get poked down it will be impossible to all in him. The later this lane goes, the easier it gets for you but he is still going to be annoying due to his E.. I heavily recommend rushing tabi against him as his base damage with penetration is pretty high.”
tibs2 says “Respect his q damage and burst a little bit early but if you can get on a bit of armor/ hp he cant kill you making him worthless. Keep him under tower so he cant roam with r and be sure to w his w. ”
SadmanV3 says “Pantheon is quite an annoying top laner to go against, his agility to poke you with his spear, and block you with his shield means that aside from prolonged fights, Pantheon tends to win skirmish trades.
*Tips for laning Pantheon
1. Avoid trading often in the early game
2. knock off his shield before hitting with empowered Q
3. Good wave manegement.”
Ponkstronk says “Just don't fight him if he has ignite. He has more dmg than you early. You will outscale so no need to fight him and give him potential kills.”
Noodles912 says “If you have the skill, you easily win this lane. Do your best to dodge his Q. If timed properly, your W can negate pantheon W, which is his engage and CC. Don't try to kill him, keep your health up, and outscale him.”
Draconic56 says “Pre-level 6 he is a nightmare he can poke you with Q's and use his E to disengage play safe pre 6. You hard beat him in the death realm. Rush plated steel caps and you should squash him. ”
Kokob5 says “With the mini-rework this one became a bit tougher. If he goes in with W use your E to put him behind you when he tries walking away with his E and smash him with Q. Remember to use your shield before you get low enough for his Q to deal the bonus damage or your shield will take more damage than needed. ”
negoZoma69 says “Rough matchup for both AD and AP Neeko. Armor is good vs him but it will just delay your powerspike. AP is still recommended because at least you have enough range to not be repeatedly jumped on and killed.”
SeptikYT says “This is an extremely skill-based matchup as they are both early game bruisers. Avoid his empowered skills as his empowered W gives him 3 additional auto attacks, so it can proc PTA if ever he runs it. Also avoid Q as it does quite a bit of damage.”
Spacix6 says “Don't miss E or you will have a bad time, Pantheon players takes Ignite often and this is a direct counter to you since it is anti-healing.”
SanLourdes says “Pantheon will be able to outlast a duel later during the game once he has his abilities leveled up. Even early game, you might need help from your jungler to take him down so you can get ahead and mitigate his threat. Wait until he uses his W to make sure that he can't stun you and run away from your initiation. Try to go in for a combo when his passive isn't close to being stacked.”
nichovsky says “pantheon is the perfect counter to gwen because he can resis your poke by or blocking it or even jumping on you with W then combo, if you try to turn on him with ult chances are he will have E for your last ult and will have more burst unless you are fed or have alot of cdr.”
gladiatorrr4 says “Try to dodge Panthoen's spears.
Watch out on his roams when he reaches level 6. Warn your team as fast as possible. Its really hard to lane against him, Play safe and around ganks or roams.
If he W's you try to cancel it with ur E. You can then trade back.”
raede says “Although we don't really see too much of Pantheon toplane anymore it is a real lane counter as his Q damage lands way for your E shield can and if he uses HIS E shield correctly he can block a huge amount of your damage. But this is an example of a matchup where you outscale him.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Basically Pantheon is a hard counter to Riven, the skill cap of the champion is very low and Riven's is very high. Therefore it generally goes the same every game: Q, Q, Q , over and over again... Get the timing down for when the spear is about to hit you and E right before it does, you'll soak up a lot of his damage. The goal is to out sustain him, start E and bait out his Q's to drain his mana in lane. Prevent him from roaming with his Ultimate and keep tabs on when he has it with your team. Additionally it's very similar to the Tryndamere matchup. ”
Lunarisen says “Although he's played support alot because of his kit, be careful of Pantheon since he can lock you down and peel you to nothing for his team.”
Reformed Ravi says “careful of his early levels and use a basic cpmbo when like level 5 or 6. try to have ghouls on one side of him and you on the other when he is in your w so he cant e all of your dmg”
Erenando says “Thanks god he got reworked. His pokes in early game are weak and you'll be able to farm up quite nice but don't underestimate him. His E is going to be a burden since your Q's will deal nearly no damage, but at some point you can probably dive him.”
SeptikYT says “Skill-based matchup here but still Tier 4 threat as his early game almost never loses. His empowered W will proc PTA if ever he runs it, meaning your shield pops and you also take in damage. Run the Conqueror with Bone Plating and Overgrowth rune page.”
Olaf Only says “Easy if you survive until lvl 6.
Go for poke before 6.
Pantheon can roam very efficient so make your team aware and freeze
Push him in all the time so he cannot afford to roam.”
TheMegam5 says “Before lvl 6 he has oneshot potential on you. After 6 he becomes useless at long trades. If he jumps at you just press "R" and punish him. ”
SpyDaFX says “skill matchup, try to kill him after level 6, but dont die before 6, you need to auto attack him when u E to prevent him from dodging ur W, if you dont auto attack u might be dead (his passive is when he uses a ability he blocks the next attack, so AA to remove his passive). go press the attack and doran's shield, long sword is an option if you're good with renekton and you'll think you might win against him.”
Ravenborne says “Will try to poke you down before fighting you. When he goes in for the stun either E to cancel it or keep chasing him. If he starts E'ing walk beside him and start Ghosting because there is no way he gets back out. Annoying lane because he will get fed off of other lanes.”
Kil4fun says “Don't walk up and sit behind minions. That spear will hurt, and his jump is ranged enough where he can walk to you then jump while you're mid AA animation. His burst will destroy you if you're not careful”
DoubleQ says “Dodge his Q, don't get stunned. And bait his E when you fight him. Don't fight him under 100 stacks without sheen and ASK YOUR JUNGLER FOR GANKS.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Extremely oppressive early lane but you outscale. Play the lane passive and try not to get too close to him, take some Q's whilst farming closer to your tower if you need to, you'll start winning by roaming midgame. Your W cancels his W, unless spaghetti code interferes. ”
ChevalierArlo says “O dano desse cara é obsceno. Leve Osso Revestido de runa e escudo de doran, tome muito cuidado com as trocas iniciais e faça o máximo de armadura que você puder. ”
xxskipskipxx says “E his Q! Watch out for when he is 1 skill off of his Passive maxed! He can do Q empowered W AA E Q!
Do not go near him when he is about to have his passive stacked !!
While trading try not to waste your DMG/Spells on him when he uses E!! You either want to go behind him or wait for it to expire!!!”
Hyzerik says “You do your combo and he uses his shield and blocks most of it. Just go in and try to get him to use his shield, once it is down try to go in again and go for the kill.”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “After the nerfs, you can win this lane a lot easier. If they have PTA all in lvl 1 if you see they started Q. After that rush bramble and steel plate boots and you win trades easily until they have eclipse. You can outscale him if he goes full lethality. If you cc chain him in fights in can be an easy lane.”
JannaMainOTP800K says “Block his W with Q or R wich will be hard .
Also if he uses his shield to block your W use an AA to bait his E and destroy his honor after it ends”
Raideru says “Very hard to kill in early if he is human, jungle help is needed here to kill him before 6, it's also possible to solo kill him via predicting his w jump and activating the e in the exact moment he does the jump since that allows u to block most of the dmg and outtrade him otherwise it's very unlikely u will kill him and all u can do is just scale, dodge his qs and farm till first item where u beat him in all ins. I advise Fleet with Dshield in this lane.”
LeSocair says “He's an even matchup, but a Major Threat if he runs PTA, if he does, try not to screw up. His Q does like no damage if it passes through minions first. Poke him, obviously, and don't let him land Q's on you too often, and by all means dodge Empowered Q's.”
sauronkaiser says “Since the last changes he has become another early abuser, wich is the worst for yorick. Play safe in early and launch him ghouls all you can to lower his hp.”
TioKirb says “He can get fed easily and he has some serious damage on early. Make sure he doesn't kill you and you should be fine. If you are able to kill him early, it can be easier.”
EU_Toxicity says “Stay out of melee range early on as his Q poke will be twice as deadly because of the 50% shorter cooldown on short Q. You should win hard after 6 if you didn't fall behind. If he's in dunk range and didn't use his E Pull him and spam your R.”
Lectiica says “Only a threat because he can attack and defend all at once. This can be countered by letting your teammates help gank him. As always, stay cautious.”
iZeal says “Pantheon favored early game, but he falls off hard. Do not use your ultimate when his E is up (set it up with E, hit him from behind or wait it out). You can fight him early if you dodge key Qs (especially the ones that gain execute bonus damage) but in general you want to wait for at least level 6 for added ultimate power.
DShield, Tabis, Phage/armor item”
DasGrauen_ says “Pretty annoying and for me one of the best lane bullies in the game right now. (Patch 9.20) His Poke. Point and click all-in and the fact that his kit is pretty easy to play makes him to a pretty extreme threat.. Also, if he looks in your direction and uses his E ( Shield ) He can block your whole ultimate.. Thats just insane. Try to farm up and look for roams!”
DarkNavarre says “Jumps on top of you and bursts you down. High 100-0 potential while you are still squishy early. Also sets up ganks exceptionally well. Avoid at all costs. Recommended ban unless your team can pick him early in champ select.”
byThiagus says “Esta linea depende en como de bueno es el pantheon. No dejes que te outradee forzale peleas largas. escudo de doran Segunda pagina de runas. Si el pantheon tiene ignite no tradees con el hasta nivel 6 o que te gankee tu jungler”
Stijnzxz says “Ok to deal with but he can wombo combo ur ass pretty hard and DONT figth him when ur low cuz he waits for hes cd and stuns and execute u with Q so look out for that.”
Pusan says “Watch out for pantheon. He's strong and you can't possibly fight him good. But use chance when he don't have stun and his shield. And don't have his passive stacked. Then you can use all abilities and attack him.”
AWierdShoe says “Level 1-2 is hard. If he lets you have the push early, then push, but he can stop you from doing that if he knows how to punish you correctly. If he knows, then just let him push and try to survive level 1-2. Try to force trades extended trades level 3+ if his passive isn’t stacked up, since his empowered Q is very scary poke. When doing this, remember not to taunt before he uses E, so you can taunt behind him to do damage (if you use taunt and he still has E after you’re screwed). He’s easy to gank if your jungler comes. Your R is also better and more reliable than his for roaming.
TrinityForceYasuo says “Early game respect him, he can fuck you up big time. Stay safe and healthy the first few minutes of the lane. Afterwards when you get boots with an item like noonquiver you can trade with kill potential. Try to block at least one of his Q's with your W if he charges it. If he doesn't then bait it by walking in and out of it's range or just let him use it to cs. it can make the difference in the 1v1. After you get 2 to 3 finished items thats the moment when you absolutely shit on him. Again here we also freeze so we can stay safe and healthy as i mentioned above, missing few minions also is not a big deal in case he freezes, at least try to be in xp range and all gucci. The wave is gonna come under your turret and you should be able to freeze or even perma freeze if done right”
Scoothare says “Really annoying. WHEN he gets close to you... you're dead. This should be a perma ban. If you choose to not ban him, blame yourself when you go 0/10.”
Saarlichenbog says “Another Prowler's Claw user but also tends to swap in for Eclipse, Pantheon recently received a buff which made him top tier in 3 roles meaning this matchup won't always be this difficult. At the moment however, most champions cannot keep up with his laning pressure and roaming potential which always makes him a threat. He also scales much better this patch than he used to but as long as he can't get too far ahead in the beginning then you tend to outscale him quite easily.”
ItsPaulygon says “Don't underestimate a Pantheon. His passive shield is cancerous. Even if you stun him, he can just proc his shield again and again negating your damage. Take Doran's Shield and play safe. You can't win lane. So ask help from your Jungler.”
Klappy says “- Tradeos de Q+Pasiva en early PERO evita su Q, pega feo
- W/E su Q, asi no logra dar los 3 AA de su pasiva
- Guardabrazo si la estás pasando mal
- Puedes usar tu R sobre su E para hacerle daño por la espalda, o usar tu E y esperar a que se acabe su escudo”
GLP1 says “Pantheon right now is broken in these patches and can make you a half-life all in or even kill you if you're disassembled, it's similar to Renekton's match but even worse for you, I'd recommend playing safe or if you have the option not to pick up Kled Vs Pantheon.”
FearMyJustice says “He can really trade you back hard, it's not unbeatable so if you see an opportunity don't be afraid to go, but keep in mind that he can outburst you a lot and not let run away afterwards.”
pedrohnasc says “In my opinion, the easiest matchup for Aatrox. Try to bait his empowered Q and you'll be fine. He won't be a threat to you at any stage of the game.”
Randombeastmode says “You kind of just smash him until he cries out in the horror of the matchup. Start Dblade and just walk up with some fury from minions (or not, it honestly doesn't matter, 1 auto on a minion + a proper spin over him and them, should give you enough to kill him early.)”
Frostyfps says “This guy is a pain in the ass. He will likely try to spam Q’s on you early on and make your life miserable. I just give up a lot of cs and let him push the lane and farm safely under tower. Even under tower he will still poke you down, so try to only go for the melees that are directly under your tower. You should be focused on getting to level 6 safely because his ultimate does nothing for him in an all in. After level 6 you can start beating him if you are over 90% hp and before he pokes you down. Try to fight him before he does otherwise if you get poked down it will be impossible to all in him. The later this lane goes, the easier it gets for you but he is still going to be annoying due to his E.. I heavily recommend rushing steelcaps against him as his base damage with penetration is pretty high.”
Legal Loli Lulu says “Medium-Hard / Hard matchup. Pantheon passive blocks AutoAttacks/Garen Q and Turret shots, you need to AA him once before using your Q. If he walks towards you to engage, use your W and E right before he jumps on you.
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Pantheon is probably the most infuriating lane for Mordekaiser, pre level 6 he can easily lock you down with E (or is it W?) and do a ridiculous amount of damage to you, this matchup is hopeless early, play very safe until at least 2 items.”
Plasticpear says “The same thing goes for pantheon.
Only trade when you know he doesn´t have W. Also don´t take the tower protecting you for granted, since Jhin is really squishy and pantheon has a way to protect himself from towershots while doing demage to you. Jhin lacking any kind of dash, you won´t be able to get behind him in that situation either.”
LoL destroyer says “You will hate yourself fighting this champion, He will jump on you and stun you, deal a mass amount of damage and use his shield to run away from you after finishing his combo, all without you getting a single hit on him.”
YoungTact says “Look to dodge his spears and respect his strong early game. Try your best to W his W but it is a fairly fast dash. Punish him for csing as another melee match up. Build armour to outscale.”
Pantheon since he got reworked he deals an impressive ammount of damage early on but he scales super poorly, as a Pantheon player myself I fell like the moment he fully maxed his Q, he's already outscaled in all his matchups. As Nasus you can look to bait him to shove you in by making him use his empowered Q lvl 1 on your minions. He will always try to hard preassure you since he will get outscaled, so just play it safe. Once you hit lvl 6 and you get your Sheen, you can start looking to do short trades into him, if he overcommits to the trade with all his cooldowns, you can kill him, since his E, slows him down allowing you to reposition your character behind him so you can deal damage and it has a 22 second cooldown lvl1, his W also has a 13 second cooldown lvl1 making it really hard for him to outdamage you from there on. Be really careful early on since he can do great dives due to his E, try to have some vision to prevent this and if you see the enemy jungler, back off your torret inmideatly. Also whenever he fully charges his Q, its a small hitbox that you can easily dodge but be careful when you are low enough, it deals more damage to enemies below 50% HP. Similar to Galio/Shen Matchup, ping your teamates once he hits 6 to counter his roams, ping whenever he is not in lane and whenever he has his R. Later on to the game he doesn't stand a chance against you, so look to teamfight, you will be way more usefull than him. ”
PH45 says “Your best bet is to build early armor and wait for your jungler to come top. You will outscale him so if you can't make early lane work, you can always steal his R and just roam with it.”
SkellyBirb says “Just make sure you land your charm while his shield and stun are down. If you do this, it's pretty easy to avoid him. Beware his spear poke.”
Yasuo Comunica says “Pantheon is strong for his Stun and his critic damage to short life can also get you a deadly reminder and win the line easily.
Pantheon is Tier E”
SubHuman Filth says “he will outtrade you in every single trade because of his e. so dont even bother trying to kill him.
go armor early. maybe even cloth armor start if he has ignite.
you hard outscale tho. so farm.
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Pantheon is an early game bully who can follow you on roams and can effectively stop you from all in diving because of his E. Early laning will mostly be dependent on how the pantheon is using his abilities. If he is hitting his q's on you early then don't look to trade and just farm. However if you dodge enough Q's and are able to build up fury you can trade a bit. Can be hard to all in the new pantheon though because of his E blocking damage for 2.5 seconds, but he only blocks damage from one angle so if you are able to get behind his shield you can damage him (and also avoid his damage from his E). Keep health pool high because pantheon gets an execute on his Q if you fall below 20% hp. You can lose this matchup if you over commit into one of his combos, his all in is actually decent even early on. Later on in the game he can be difficult to dive so make sure that you try to bait out his E before committing to a dive or he can turn it against you.”
I Am Goliath says “Pantheon can be hard but the main tip I can give you in this matchup is to start dorans shield! it's going to help so much with his Q poke you may even be able to win trades, the problem is a lot of pantheons take ignite so this matchup is most likely going to be pretty hard if you ever make a mistake, but it should be survivable if you play well and maybe even in your favor once you get an item or two.”
STIERNACKENTYP says “Panth used to be the GP Counter #1. But times have changed. For me there is no problem with panth anymore, go Resolve Tree second -> Boneplating -> Second Wind and start with Dorans shield and his Q Poke isnt that bad. After 3+ Items u outscale him hard.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Pantheon is an early game bully who can follow you on roams and can effectively stop you from all in diving because of his E. Early laning will mostly be dependent on how the pantheon is using his abilities. If he is hitting his q's on you early then don't look to trade and just farm. However if you dodge enough Q's and are able to build up fury you can trade a bit. Can be hard to all in the new pantheon though because of his E blocking damage for 2.5 seconds, but he only blocks damage from one angle so if you are able to get behind his shield you can damage him (and also avoid his damage from his E). Keep health pool high because pantheon gets an execute on his Q if you fall below 20% hp. You can lose this matchup if you over commit into one of his combos, his all in is actually decent even early on. Later on in the game he can be difficult to dive so make sure that you try to bait out his E before committing to a dive or he can turn it against you.”
ZergDood says “His early game is really good, don't underestimate him. Play around his Q range, and avoid the spears when he throws them. Be aware of his passive, try not to get in his W range, specially if he has 3-4 stacks. You have your W, but his W is really fast, so you might end up triggering it on prediction more than reaction. Take care of yourself and don't let him roam, you'll outscale. Your W stops his dash.”
Ayanleh says “He's pretty squishy early and you hard outscale him. Try to play safe till you get atleast lv6 and blasting wand + tome and then look for aggressive trades and kill him the shadow realm.”
Amar4Amke1 says “This matchup changed with the Pantheon rework, although it still remains Pantheon sided for the lane phase. Be careful about his empowered W as that can hurt quite a bit when he combos in his other abilities. When he uses his E, Q behind him to be able to deal damage to him. You still outscale him so you should be fine if you don't int the lane.”
Mrobby says “Pantheon jungle is a joke, if they picked it they are absolutely trolling, if he gets fed just build some armor and make his damage irrelevant. he falls off at 20 min anyways. this champ is only good on support now.”
chloe666 says “Pantheon top is in a very weak spot right now. He outdamages you early if you take his empowered W. Play safe until level 6 then All-In him, you should win with ult all the time.
Take Resolve secondary if you're scared of him early, think of Pantheon as a weaker Renekton.
Be careful of facechecking bushes against him, if he doesn't show up in lane early he's probably hiding on a lane bush waiting for you to get close and take a one-sided trade with his stun. ”
wallobear53 says “Avoid casting damage abilities when Pantheon puts his E shield up as it negates all incoming damage from that direction. If you have a gap closer up, you can use it to go behind Pantheon as you can do damage from behind his E.
Push in Pantheon after level six as he will attempt to roam and pick up kills with his Ultimate R. If he does use his Ultimate R from the base itself, then shove the wave in and make him miss as much Experience and Gold as you possibly can.
Avoid standing near the minion wave as Pantheon's Q tap does full damage through all targets. However, be careful when staying out of the minion wave as Pantheon's ranged Q will do reduced damage when hitting multiple targets. You will need to keep an eye out on which kind of Q he is going for and react accordingly.
Fiora Pogjet says “This lane is really hard. Pantheon can stack up his passive and then throw a Q at you. And if he wants to trade he can stun you and just get out wiht his e. You should focus on when he jumps at you so you can prarry him. At lvl 6 tho he will be much weaker because his ult does nearly nothing in the laning face but your ult does. So after hitting 6 u should always be able to fight him.”
CptTeemoOnDuty says “Teemo's old counter which can still be very difficult to win against if the enemy is decent, being able to block your basic attack gives him an advantage and if you are squishy you will probably die when he jumps you. Especially if he plays with ignite. ”
9690 says “D-Blade or D-Shield. This matchup is pretty much unwinnable if he knows how to abuse you in lane. Don't attempt to poke, he will all-in you. You may be able to live this matchup if you all in as his ultimate doesn't help him in 1v1's in lane. Take Fleet.”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Pantheon is an early game bully who can follow you on roams and can effectively stop you from all in diving because of his E. Early laning will mostly be dependent on how the pantheon is using his abilities. If he is hitting his q's on you early then don't look to trade and just farm. However if you dodge enough Q's and are able to build up fury you can trade a bit. Can be hard to all in the new pantheon though because of his E blocking damage for 2.5 seconds, but he only blocks damage from one angle so if you are able to get behind his shield you can damage him (and also avoid his damage from his E). Keep health pool high because pantheon gets an execute on his Q if you fall below 20% hp. You can lose this matchup if you over commit into one of his combos, his all in is actually decent even early on. Later on in the game he can be difficult to dive so make sure that you try to bait out his E before committing to a dive or he can turn it against you.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up à son avantage dans les premiers niveaux, soit vigilante de son poke grâce à son A, évites en un maximum et surveille sa mana, n'hésite pas à prendre de long trade si il t'engage, mais évite absolument les courts trade qui l'avantage totalement. Une fois tes tabi ninja obtenu et ta trinité obtenu tu devrais pouvoir le vaincre relativement facilement !
Astuce : N'ulti pas quand il a son E d'actif, car ça l'immunise de tous les dégâts venant de face, ou alors passe d'abord dans son dos avant d'ulti.”
Dantheman81 says “This is not a fun lane, Pantheon does a lot of damage, has great roam, and can dive you without taking damage. If you are forced into this, play very safe, build Ninja Tabi early, and make sure to auto him once before you use your Q so he doesn't block the bulk of the damage. If he takes ignite and uses his ult to roam, that is your opportunity to farm up and regain what you lost in the laning phase, maybe even get first tower or rift herald.”
Alzeidx says “Play safe before level 6, go dorans shield. dont let him stun you with his full stacks, play safely before lvl 6, then stack some rage and Wreck him.
It will be very hard for you if you die in early against him.”
Wamson says “Survive the laning phase at all costs! Don’t get bullied out of the lane! Freeze creeps on your side of the lane and farm until mid game.”
ACE4291 says “made a mistake with this champ. he is easy to beat. A lot undervalue you.
tahm can stick to heroes pretty easy and pantheon cant handle tahms Slow. watch for his spears tho ”
CourtesyD0Prata says “You can't beat him in lane phase, play Safe and wait your power spikes, you can only kill him by outplaying most of time /Você não pode vence-lo na fase de rotas, jogue safe e espere seus picos de poder, você só consegue matar ele dando outplay, geralmente.”
Sq_09 says “Pantheon can jump onto you and try to burst you or trade with you when you come too close poking. You are able to safely countertrade but your damage doesn't fully match his. As soon as you have some sustain he becomes way easier. ”
Beatport Expo says “No trouble, stop attacking him upfront when he puts up his shield and go to his back. You can still throw your Q even he still has shield up to slow him and his shield DOES NOT prevent you from gaining stacks (From basic attack I mean), It's prevents you from damaging him infront though”
Kingarthur720 says “very hard champion to deal with early game, you may have a chance at beating him late game but otherwise just play to scale and build crit into him. Then you might be able to burst him or kite him around enough to kill him.”
Laika says “Annoying and medium-high threat if he's good. Start Dorans Shield, rush Jaurim's Fist, Boots of Speed & 2x Null-Magic Mantle, and after that proceed building your core items. Get Adaptive Helm instead of Spirit Visage if he goes full AP. Don't engage him with Q since he will just blind you, rendering your ability useless, instead just use your E while blinded and then Q when his blind expires.”
yAssasinn says “Pantheon stuns you, blocks your AA and does a lot of damage with your Q.
don't try to trade too much with him, only if your JG is a gank”
VIP Titan says “Pantheon is op in term of his early rush but you can definitely fight him if he hasn't got press the attack in level 1.
Make sure don't use your E into his E. Because than you wouldn't do any damage.
But when hits 6, you got one more abilities than him so you will be just gucci
MAX E not Q! ”
ShaharKarisi says “Pantheon can't really escape Shyvana's R without Flashing or using his ultimate, and as you have a smaller Flash and R cooldown, consider burning one of them a successful all in. His stun can be annoying but you can win.”
Subject3 says “pantheons think they can jump at you, stun and then poke some before disengaging with his negate damage shield poke ability
but what they dont think about is how strong tahm kench can stick to you before you die.
q slow him go around his shield poke and then auto lick him to death, make him regret going sparta mode on your butt.”
Starci says “If you can parry his W you should be golden, since you can just Q in a different direction when he uses his shield. The only thing is, at times it's pretty hard to parry his stun, and if you use your parry on nothing, he will stun you after it's over and stomp you.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “His early game is insane and unless he is completely retarded he will win trades from very early on, and he can stop you from retaliating because of his E and W. The fact his R allows him to instantly go back to lane from 6 onwards also means he will almost always pick ignite to be super aggressive and win the game early. It's not entirely hopeless however, you can play around his E and if you have 3 to 4 stacks you can just jump, use W twice, wait for him to miss his Q, then just wail on him since he doesn't have stacks just yet. However, he can just CRUSH you if you misplay at any point, and if he gets ahead the game is over until at least 30 minutes, unless your ADC managed to snowball.
You might want to consider exhaust here, but tbh it's down to personal preference and whetever or not you think you can kill him. Grasp is good if you are going for short trades (which you want to); if you don't, just get conqueror.”
Itreallyhim says “Skill matchup, You can ult him to remove his threat from the game, But hes a solo target champ so just crush him.
Immobile, but be wary of his Aegis.”
AkaiAsura says “Pantheon got more poke than you, plus he can beat you easily in trades. Also he has a lot more pressure than you on the map with his R.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “Pantheon does a lot of damage early game, so be careful. Once you're level 6 you can dash around his shield and dodge his spears so you should be okay. Just play safe until level 6.”
ShinyEmo says “Pantheon is much weaker against you after rework. Both Conqueror and Lethal Tempo works well against him. You can dodge his W with your Q. Even if you can't dodge his W, you can all in him and kill easily. ”
AkenoSenpai says “Be careful of pantheons early as he can be pretty opressive. After 6 he is pretty easy to beat as his ult doesn't offer much when it comes to fighting while your does. When he is charging his W, you can Q to him get behind him and ignore his blocks. ”
lugzinho says “How quickly he stacks Conqueror and his execute which can screw up your remounts.
When he uses his E try to get behind him with your E and stab the guy.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “You are going to have to get used to cancelling out Pantheons stun if you want to win this lane. You can poke him, but that causes you to be in range of his W. If you cancel out his stun you will win the trade since you can just fall back and auto him while running away. If he your flay is on cooldown and he is about to W onto you then just cast Q as you can still cancel out his stun or at least mitigate the amount of damage he can do to you while you are stunned. Pantheon scales really well into mid game, but starts falling of late game so be cautious of him mid game and then late game you can kill him.”
ForgottenProject says “D Blade Start if ur good, D Shield if ur new
Do NOT get hit by his empowered Q, dodge it at all costs
Get all the CS that you can, but be really careful not to die
Spam MIA if he is missing after Level 5
Pantheon has really good roams, and you don’t want him to get ahead off your Bot Lane
Mid-Late game, you can start to stand up to him
You are much more useful in 5v5 team fights than him”
Braddik says “High burst but if you don't get hit by too many Qs you'll win the all in. Respect him when you're low hp as his Q does damage based on missing health. If he trades you early, All in him and you should win.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Pantheon's tower dives are very good and his E can block tower shots which means he can definitely kill you. He also has practically a free teleport and has great pressure he also does a metric shit ton of damage.”
Pedrokis says “Ele só vai ser um problema se pegar muitas kills e fazer bastante AD, mas de resto você ganha a lane. / É bom guardar seu terceiro Q caso ele venha com o stun do W: o bicho grita e pula pra cima de você, fazendo com que fique bem fácil de prever o W; se ele vier pra cima, deixa o W nele e troca. / Quando ele começar a dar o E, ele vai negar seu dano (e provavelmente você vai tar na frente dele); usa o seu E pra chegar atrás dele e pelo menos dar um hit, principalmente o da passiva.”
Split King says “Poke champion vs poke champion. An early back to get your corrupting potion can really help you. Stay healthy and you should win this lane.”
BeautifulWinter says “He can burst you pretty well however you should be able to crush this dude.
He might be able to poke a lot with his spears but after level 6 you will be able to crush him.”
feederfromelohell says “Build tank and stay under tower or he will poke you to death and also has a lot of burst & can cancel your abilities. Easy to gank and outscale.”
Big Belly Bop says “All in, burst, and invulnerability. Even more fun in the top lane! He will most likely be playing aggressive since you have no way of escaping him besides E but there's really no point since his combo already took out half or 2/3 of your HP. Flash + TP/Barrier, Doran's Shield, Survivability rune page.”
ExfIamed says “Incredibly easy, you dodge his spear and then run up behind him when he uses his shield and spin on his ankles and he just dies cause hes insanely squishy just like achilles was.”
MadYordle says “The target stun is dangerous and pantheons crit on 25% health targets can be rough when your looking to be low health for damage output reasons.”
Loevely says “Cancer matchup. Takes no damage and deals 10000000000 damage every time his rotation is up. Short grasp trades with D-shield and W max make this matchup more fair. It's entirely up to the Pantheon player. If he sucks, its a lot easier, if he's good, prepare to sit under turret. ”
ENX Kai says “THIS IS SPARTAA! The sky is falling with a massive threat. High damage, point-and-click stun. Damage invulnerability. Good at setup ganks. Play extra safe and try to bait his E.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “Well after rework he's not as cancerous as he used to be, his Q now not guantee him killing you in 4 spears or force a recall, but he have other cancerous mechanic, that being his invicinbility on E (which is not really invicinbility cause you can hit him from behind but let's be honest you will never do that in lane phase), His Q is now a skillshot which both long range and short range, but long range is usually doing less damage as long as you are behind your minions. His ult is also easier to miss, btw pro tip, most of ult damage is in center (that apply to his fall direction center too, not just the circle, kind of like Senna ult if that help making an image)”
mightydylan101 says “Staple Teemo enemy. His entire kit counters Teemo the biggest one being his shield as it blocks Teemos first shot. Ban this champ if you are an early pick and if you are picking later ban someone else and hope they don't random pick panth. (Not many people do)”
ProgettoYorick says “Phanteon is really strong!
in early you will be candy for him. Trust wait for level 6 for a fight you will have the victory in your hand!
OTP tip: Prioritize Ninja Tabbi will help you a lot against pantheon. If you can close it and mark it, the damage will be noticed :D”
AlienMV says “Watch for his passive stacks. If he's not maxed out on stacks, you should be worried about his melee Q poke the most, otherwise once he's maxed out get worried about his W range.”
CrimsonAngel1 says “His spears can poke you out of lane, but so can your Q. If he tries to jump on you, just W it. Then follow up by pressing Q and smacking him a few times.”
Mr. Nyahr says “His early game just stomps you. He'll poke heavy with spears and his combo might just outright kill you. Wait until you outscale and punish him late game.”
Generally Break says “The rework made this match a lot easier. Use minion cover against his spear, and he'll have to W to fight and E defend himself; he'll burn through his mana fast to keep even.”
Kalrex says “Once you understand the matchup, quite easy to outplay. Force him to farm near your tower if you can. When you go in to trade pre-9, E then Q to slow- hold your W until after he uses his shield. Most pantheons will immediately use it in a panic. If you hold it, you'll be able to use it after his shield is down. Post 9, just spam your W into his shield who cares you have infinite machine gun. Great times to initiate are when he walks up to try and stun. Like so many other champs here, you outscale past the laning phase so long as you don't let him get ahead. Build frozen mallet first after bc against him. ”
Ze mentira says “Max Q. Rune: Comet Page.
start corrupt potion and back with dark seal.
//Sunfire cape or Iceborn Gauntlet were good items to fight him.
//just poke and back. Make he spend his shield, back, wait your Q cooldown, and poke again.”
Hamstertamer says “Everybody hates laning against Pantheon, but Nasus can sustain from his poke, stack HP and armor, and fight him with his ult. Use Q as an autoattack reset so he can't parry it. Iceborn gauntlet into another armor item like dead man's plate. Definitely not a bad lane.”
Atlascrower says “He can block your Barrel-damage with his E. Be aware of his high kill pressure and his easy engage with his W on you. He also wants to poke you back with his Q if you try to poke him.”
Pacal Votan says “Very mana hungry. Just max your E and poke him. Be careful with his ignite. Rush a doran blade here for sustain. Start with doran ring”
EpicDan01 says “He will beat you until you have rank 2 R. His early damage is very high, but later on his lack of a combat ultimate means you can beat him. Avoid going near him if his passive has at least 3 charges.”
Rhinoface says “He excels at short trades; going bone plating is helpful and following him down autoing after his combo. After you're 6 shouldn't have any issues.”
sir monsieur says “All the major threats for Top Sona are champions with no skillshot guaranteed approach skills, pokes, stuns and no mana, so Pantie is the most one who can execute you after lvl 3-4 by just hitting buttons right. He can block your Passive empowered pokes with his E, instantly approach with his W and poke you with his Q infinitely. All of his kit is designed to abuse you, so I prefer to ban Pantheon if only he's not my team jungler.
If you're unlucky to face him, read matchup details below.”
Poppu says “(9.16) Panth's new reworked kit is actually a bit easier to play against now! His Q is a skill shot, his W is the same, and his E is now a Braum Shield (he only negates ALL damage the direction he faces, so if position yourself behind him [flash, movement speed, dash, etc.] you will deal damage!). Stay wary of his passive when he charges up his stacks, as it deals extra dmg for his next ability. A bit more bruiser than before, but less tricky to play against!”
Aizo says “Your job is to not be in range of him if you are below 50% HP because Pantheon has an execute on low health enemies and it is quite easy for him to execute you at low levels due to your relatively low HP pool. If you let him get ahead of you earlygame with kills you are going to have a rough time. It is more effective to give up a few CS in order to not die ”
SoulHero says “Really annoying this patch, but they are nerfing his q in 9.20. Defensive build, YOU DESTROY HIM MIDGAME-LATE. Once you get BC and Deaths dance, you sht on him hard. I WARN YOU AGAINST LVL 1 E TRADE ON THIS ONE. He can outdmg you with his q. play safe, don't get poked by q, lose cs if you have to, you outscale, flip when he e's. He will most likely engage on you with w, save ur flip till his e or u need to run away. If he ults u can flip him as he lands.”
ShroudComplex says “I wouldn't consider the new Pantheon a threat to Akali anymore as you can now see when he's blocking damage, and you're able to stun him through it, though that's not that important since it's micro anyways. Don't attempt to kill pantheon under his tower alone, as his kit is perfect for avoiding dives. If you're going to dive at all, make sure you have the support of your team as well as a gap in Strength & Ultimate. *Zhonya's Hourglass Helps*”
Vodka4Gaben says “You should be able to win every fight against him, your 5 bleed is too much for him, but you should watch out for his damage. Don't auto attack him when he uses his E, walk around him and wait for it to expire, than use your combo and fight him.”
Petethebossch says “Build Armor against him and you will be fine. Ask for jungle assistance pre 6 to be abel to roll over the lane. Eventually you can just tank his damage and sustain it through your q's just dont overextend 1-5.”
MehmetPower69 says “Try to prevent pantheon from landing his stun and go for a return w.
You will have to either wait until lvl 6 where your ult is more powerful and useful than his or you try to poke him down with Q and bully this lane as much as possible.”
Super_Cat says “I'm not 100% sure about this, but on paper pantheon should be stronger.
Pantheon can easilly poke you with his q.
He can block all dmg you do with your q with his e.”
TiuHiikou says “One of the worsts matchups for u, his passive fucks all your combo, but with a gank and him missplaying something, u can kill him. Go Dorans Shield and Pot.”
Lynboe says “Il est recommandé de faire un Doran’s Shield ainsi que de prendre Second Wind afin de diminuer le poke qu’il inflige avec son spam Q, mais dans tous les cas vous allez l’outscale.
Il pourrait potentiellement représenter un danger jusqu’au lvl 6 mais vous pourrez ensuite lui courir dessus, faites attention à ne pas vous faire bloquer le W pour faire plus de dégâts, cependant même si son passif bloque les dégâts à l’impact, votre passif s’appliquera tout de même.
Respectez le et patientez jusqu'à votre premier power spike niveau 6 et tout devrait être simple.
Jnewbringspain says “Take Cloth Armor and x5 Health Potions. You will not kill him early, so just try to outlast his mana. He has a small mana pool so as long as you aren't taking basic attacks with his spears, you will survive it. You outscale Pantheon hard as the game goes on, so just wait for your opportunities to pop up.”
messketchup says “Play resolve secondary with second wind + Doran shield start. If you can possibly trade your Q with his Q and you should come out ahead in trades. Don’t be greedy with your backs if he can dive you.
If you guys go somewhat even, post six you will beat him in every 1v1 because of his lack of an actual combat ult, assuming you don’t waste your W on his passive. You end up being more worried about your teammates more than anything.”
Smartest2 says “An EXTREMELY difficult lane for Teeto. Max Q in this lane to poke Pantheon with. At rank 3 Q you should be able to start out poking him. Take the cs hit early levels instead of feeding.”
Sukay says “Stay in bushes so he can't harass you 24/7. When jumping on him, don't pre-use Q, so that your jump auto takes his shield off, and then go in on him.
You can also empW his stun and go behind him to dodge the AoE he always casts after stun.”
Rikimarox2 says “His early game, Just like in lane, Is extremely painful. Don't fight him pre-6, once you reach level 8-9, and get sheen and enough stacks, you should be able to defeat him. that's if he isn't fed. Also, always AA Before Qing him, because his Passive can block your Q.”
Jnewbringspain says “Pantheon bypasses your W with all of his casting abilities. He will simply poke you down. His passive also blocks your basic attacks, and his W will refresh it, making it almost impossible to damage him.”
Prince Afghan says “Pantheon's strength lies entirely in the early game. If you can survive till Level 6 without dying, you have won the lane. After lane phase Pantheon can't keep up with your splitpush and will lack the tankiness to survive your attacks.”
BlankBR says “ Yasuo is really weak against point and click displacement and (W) Wind Wall has a long cd at all levels, blind picking yasuo can be dangerous against these matchups.”
M2 Jizu says “Antes de atravesar tu Q quitale el escudo con un ataque básico normal.
llevo bastante tiempo sin jugar contra un Pantheon pero no es muy difícil. :)”
Yisuo says “Same as jayce, if he knows the limits of panth, u cant win without a jungler, shove when he roams and hopefully u can make it to 25 mins, then its easy, get tabi and u can duel him”
Lil Tidepod says “Pantheon can be a really big irritant because of his point and click CC, poke with his spear, and the fact that he can jump. He can do a lot of damage and can kill you early. His passive makes it really hard to kill him and it also makes it easy for him to dive, because it can take a tower shot and he can walk away with no damage. I recommend trying to start off any trade with your E, which will take down his passive block. Be careful and take short trades. If his stun is down, ulti him into a knockup Q. He'll take a ton of damage from it. I'd say farm up, push hard, and call for jungle help if he's too strong for you.”
Rage Shadey says “Pantheons kit makes it EXTREMELY difficult to land a stun on him. If you find yourself against him then the best chance you have is to knock him down before lvl 3 so you can be fed enough to sustain his onslaught without your stun since he can block it and as soon as he uses his gap closer his shield is back up to block it again stunning you and giving him time to do enough damage to bring it up once again.”
BrvndonLmao says “I would consider pantheon as a pretty hard matchup, take tenacity rune into this matchup, and try to play smart, as his shield blocks your autos, and nothing else.”
ARandomizer says “Yeah, Pantheon is a much lower threat the Garen. Avoid his stun and his Ultimate. Be agile in game, use living forge for merc threads, and standard items. If he can't land a combo he can't win”
LighterDay says “Mordekaiser can interrupt Pantheon's jump by using Death's Grasp. Mordekaiser's passive will keep Panth at bay since it is an AOE effect.”
Plank4Life says “Hm ... Pantheon, never, never, NEVER try to 1v1 in early, he can destroy you hard and you will be reported for int by your team. (hahaha)”
ImpossibleLogic says “Oh boy. Pantheon has the best early game of any top laner other then Vayne. Not only does he have wave clear, he also has a longer poke and can stun you. His passive also means that if you hit your passive when its up, no health returned. Just hope enemy jungler doesn't pick him.”
Brentard says “Spin and W when he all ins. Try to be mindful of his passive. Most of my Panth fights look like this AA>W>AA>Q>E>AA. He likes to stun this one. ”
LoadScrenn says “ilk safalarda sizi habire qyla dürtecektir yapmanız gereken safe durup 6 level olmayı beklemek latesi garene göre güçsüzdür pantheonun yeteri kadar kasıldığınızda yada 6 level olduğunuzda direk pantheon alabiliyonuz rahatça ama ginede ilk dkklarda 6 levela kadar koridorda safe durun ve sadece minyon yapmanız ve xp geri kalmamanız lazım”
DrMoneybags says “Taking Dorans Shield in this matchup is key to surviving early. He can't kill you very easily, so just try to play passive until you get some items. Just recall if you get dismounted and TP back, its not worth dying. Much like Quinn, always ping MIAs to prevent him from snowballing.”
kubsak26 says “Easy matchup. Wait untill you will have all 3 of your abilitis and start poke. Surprisingly your poke ist much better then his. The only thing you need to be worry is his w you need to counter it with your q so don't be greedy with it and use it as fast as u can stun with it. If you don't you will lose a solid chunk of hp or he can even kill you with burst in early. Try to interupt his farm as much as posible with poke don't die and he will be useless in mid and late.”
Shroom101 says “pantheon is an easy match, in this match up you have to max Q and try to trade Q with his spear, once your Q goes on cd you have to back off until you have your cd's up again and go trade again, rinse and repeat”
Zdenster says “Take Arcane Comet. Max E straight. Rush Phage or Tabis. Insta-ping when he is MIA. You will outscale him, because he is early game champ. He is almost all time using Ignite so remember that.”
TheNinjaRoid says “You'll probably always lose this matchup, unless he's bad or you're far ahead. Ask for ganks if you want to have a chance to win lane. His Q crits if you have low HP and his E makes him invincible for a short amount of time. Beware of dives in this matchup.”
Jomppe says “[Top] Pantheon Is very powerful in the early game, try to farm lvl 6 before you try to kill him. With Ghoul's you can poke damage to him, but look lvl 1 trade”
MrFakeHero1 says “Take resolve secondary and this becomes quite an easy lane. blind him after his combo so his autos will miss and the trade becomes even. once you proc conqueror you will out heal him and out damage him.”
Khazem says “Whatever you do, do not let him keep spamming Q on you for free. Try to stay out of his range when your shield is down and whenever he does Q you, retaliate immediately. Try to shield as much of his Q spam as possible.”
Carlosm04 says “man jogue safe , n lute contra ele ( se o jg for ganka lute) jogue safe, farma oq tu consegue . fechou a trindade, vai pra cima dele q nem maluco”
ElleryTheViking says “Easy. His passive shields are useless. Your Q and E both go through it. All he's doing is restricting one auto. Post 6 if he leaps to stun you, ult ghost and all in. He's dead no matter what. ”
BlackguardRaven says “Personally, this man is really annoying, and whenever his shield is up, make sure you aa him, blind, mushroom bait maybe, and ignite+aa's if really low. You should be fine. Just don't mess up. They should rage quit in lower elos lmao”
kingkang2 says “Tough lane. Play like a Nasus early and hold off on summoning ghoulings until he jumps on you. Get armor and hit 6 and you will win the 1v1s as long as he is not crazy ahead.”
SynergyXO says “Lane bully, if you dont kill him level 1-2 its pretty hard to kill him. i play this lane passive until he is out of mana, then all in, or wait for jungle. dont let his passive beat you”
Samas says “Bullies you until you uninstall, trading wont be that fun either because of his W. Has no escapes - try to set up ganks to punish if he overextends ”
Naniboi101 says “Oppressive in lane has a block for passive takes ignite and out pokes from far range. Hard to parry his cc and if snowballs you should just farm somewhere else.”
francodm says “Pantheon é um dos personagens mais difíceis de se jogar contra. Sua passiva cancela o dano do autoattack do Teemo e do seu veneno além de ter um gap closer e um allin bem forte. Pantheon é a única matchup que eu recomendo que maximize o Q. Use a página de runa do Aery”
E61K says “This lane is frustrating. He will constantly poke with Q's and punish you for trying to CS. Start Doran's Shield and go for Second Wind to deal with his constant poke. Also go for Conqueror. Invest into some early armor and play it cool until you're level 6 since pre-6 there isn't much you can do. Post-6 though, provided you tanked up enough to survive a full all-in + Ignite, you'll beat him without a problem. Pantheon has no combat ultimate and is very weak in all-ins since he isn't a champion who thrives in prolonged fighst. If you aren't careful enough Pantheon can shut you down pretty hard. He is extremely reliant on snowballing since he falls off extremely hard. Darius isn't as reliant on snowballing as Pantheon is. As long as you get XP, stay somewhat even in CS and don't give him any kills you are doing fine in this matchup. The pressure is on him, not on you. TP can work well here but personally I take Ghost against him.. ”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Early game poke, High base damage. Global presence. Weaknesses: Out-scaled and Falls off, no built in sustain. One of the only matchups I recommend not taking Doran’s blade is against this guy (Although it is still possible to). You need to mentally prepare yourself before the game starts and make yourself realize no matter how hard you try you are not winning the laning phase against this guy. Just take Corrupting Potion or cloth armor plus pots and play the waiting game and just farm. It is perfectly fine to miss CS if you know you will tank a Q for it. The less of a lead he has coming out of laning phase, the better. This is because he is much weaker in the late game so once enough time has passed you should be able to deal with him. It is possible to win lane against him, but that is only if you know the matchup like the back of your hand, your reaction time is great when parrying his W, or the Pantheon player just sucks.”
Miracle Matter says “Please note: Pantheon starts as an 8, and becomes a 4 once you have some mana.
During the early laning phase, he can harass you endlessly, and walk you down/kill you if he lands a stun on you. Do not attempt to slow+stun him early on as harass. This will drain all of your mana and he'll just heal through it. Instead, let him shove while you attempt to poke/last hit from afar. Once you have Tear and Lost Chapter, or at least Tear, you can start destroying him. Just slow+stun him anytime he attempts to come near you at all. You'll quickly find he can't come anywhere near you, can't weather all of your harass, and can't match your waveclear. So start shoving him under tower.
Last tip: When he ults a location, double-bomb the center of his ulti radius. He will stun himself instantly upon landing, giving you a bit longer to walk away.”
Saiyan02 says “Very hard poke matchup and his passive makes him quite tanky as well. He has so many things which stops your all in so play passively against Pantheon. He will try and q you a lot but don´t worry he can´t burst you down.”
Hootsman says “Pantheon's passive blocks Warwick's Qs and autos, making it very hard to deal with. However, with Warwick's sustain and E, you can survive his burst and maybe win in a fight.”
NOH giel says “A extreme lane bully is very hard to deal with. Pant is the best example of a hard lane bully. If you miss your E you are going to have a hard time in lane.”
xafemode says “Can make your life incredibly difficult. Blocks autoes, pokes you out, and can do reasonably ballsy dives to mess you up. Also kayle's lack of mobility can come to bite you with his high base move speed and ulting behind you”
MedicineBall says “Pantheon used to be extremely strong vs Kayle, now I am not so sure. Pantheon can stunt Kayle early, but when Kayle gets range and starts to build up, Pantheon should fall off and be more of an even to minor threat.”
Sion says “I'm not sure what's worse. A melee toplaner who relies on poke before engage, or a melee toplaner who literally puts himself in a situation to get a full charged Q by Sion.”
TSA_Exotic says “Pantheon's poke with his Q in to his stun and AoE is a lot of burst damage, even more so when you can only return 1 auto even though you shot 2 because of his passive. You have to play safe and, again, pick your opportunities and make the most of them because it will be in favor of Pantheon to begin with.”
SkullNatoR says “personally one of my worst matchups
all he needs is 0 skills (spams q) and all in you with w e q
get doran shield+raptos cloak
then pd or pd+fist for survivability
after you kill him, you might push and forget he can ult behind you while you are pushing, take care
Proxxecube says “He's stupid and I hate him. His passive negates any of your vitals, and his only stun is also pretty hard to predict. Ban him every game.”
mellemonsterr says “pantheon can block an auto attack or turret shot with his passiv and alof is much about auto attacks but if you poke him with Q so he gets lower than you can easaly kill him ”
Predederp says “Probably one of the hardest top laners to face, he will jump on you and kill you, play defensive against him and try to bait under turret”
NDarKnight says “dont go in fight with him cause his passive will block your blinding dart, if you want go in fight with him just go basic then go blinding dart so his passive dont block blind.”
yingwaiwastaken says “Pantheon is an easy lane. Be aggressive (but don't overextend) and take ignite. You generally won't get your passive damage off but you will win most trades. ”
matthew0465 says “His poke is super annoying. You might be able to outplay him but I highly doubt that. Roaming might not be as useful because Panth is gonna always poke and trade better.”
Trixelkour says “If he blocks your stun, just back off and harass with Q and W when you can. Abusive early as always, but falls off late game as you build more HP and Armor. You should win with Ignite and Heal at hand, throws him off a little for you to counterplay.”
heyitsRainex says “Pantheon's damage falls off pretty quickly after dying 1-2 times during laning phase. You can engage when his passive is not up yet. Pressure the lane to prevent Pantheon from roaming with his R.”
WhispeRCZ says “hes gonna throw a spear at ya, and then again, and another one, just buy dorans shield some potions and ignore that poke, and when he does his wombocombo do yours and you will be fine”
RReag says “Try to lvl 2 all in him without taking too much damage lvl 1.
Fast push first wave and hit lvl 2 before him, bring ignite. Don't get him a lead. ”
SirDeRp25 says “Extremely Difficult laner for any Teemo to face. Start Doran Shield, and rush a Frozen Mallet then proceed with core build. Attempt to freeze the wave and ask jungle for help.”
E61K says “A good pantheon keeps nearly everybody down in lane. At least for pre-6. Start Doran's shield and invest into the resolve tree for your secondary path. Take Second Wind and Bone Plating to deal with his constant barrage of Q's in lane. Pantheon is dependent on snowballing. You aren't. Rush Tabis as your first item. Wait for ganks. Ping your team when he hits 6. Pantheon's post-6 roams almost always turn out successful if they remain unaware of. You outscale him hard, so there is no rush. Just don't die to him and you have already done your job in this lane. If Pantheon snowballs on you you're in trouble. Your windwall isn't really of any use since his Q has such a low CD. Also take a look at which summs Pantheon is running. If he is running ignite tell your Jungler to punish him for not taking TP. If your jungler refuses to gank play super cautious and passive. You can't afford to mess up this match-up.”
Omega best says “Pantheon is super annoying, he has a block, he does alot of damage early game and pokes you very easily, build armor, try to bait him while being ganked by an ally and flip him in your minion wave when his shield his removed, dont fight him at all cost even tho he has more minions than you and play extremelly safe”
Xozec says “Panth deals most damage with his Q. Jax cant really block it in any way. Also there is a chance that Pantheon's passive will block your W or third more powerful attack from R passive.”
L4stG4mer says “DON'T MAX TOXIC SHOT. You'll need Blinding Dart and Move Quick badly if you want to survive lane, and Pantheon can block your AAs while smashing and stabbing your face in. Blinding Dart is a MUST if you want to poke from a distance. Still, be careful.
As teemo tower hug this match up, cs behind the tower so he cant Q harass, if he does AA him to knock off passive tower will also hit me tag him with Q, and start with the flask and pots if you b always stock up on pots”
Zachlikespizza says “Pantheon is very annoying early in the lane, his q spam can destroy your health bar and his passive will nulify your passive when he jumps on you. Try to survive to level 6 and then you'll have a bigger advantage.”
Mouadyam says “hard matchup, ideal way to win is to wait for him to go oom early, or just farm safely until 6 and dunk him then since he has no "while fighting" ultimate, some early armor is helpful and start dorans shield.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “Pantheon is a dick. Since he will rush Lethality, you'll get bursted by him eventually. And also will spam Q's at you in lane until you're low enough to be killed. He is useless in the late game tho.
Start with Doran's Shield and rush Vamp Scept. for sustain”
TakeLPlease says “Pantheon, much like Jax, can block instead of dodge. His block will make your brush hop or ultimate do no damage, so be aware of this. The way to counter is to waste his dodge first, or use your auto as your main attack.”
Teemo Mochileiro says “Comece com Anel de Doran e maximize o Q. No lvl 1 você ganha a troca, depois disso fique recuado e tente não tomar lanças pois você perde muito fácil.”
iam colorblind says “Start with Cloth Armor!
Play very safe and dont push!
Build Ninjatabis for sure!
Go for Roams but dont get cheesed at
your way back to top! ”
Trixelkour says “Unwinnable lane most of the time. Take out his block before engaging, and you might have a chance. Will poke you out of lane every chance he gets, but if you get your taunt on him with more than half health, you win. Sunfire or Omen is good for duels. Take PTA for maximum kill potential. Peel for team late game.”
Coelinha says “Não morra antes do 6,Provavelmente tu vai morrer,não fique triste//depois do 6 a lane fica even//Level 11+ o jogo fica mais gostoso pra você.”
Cyl1nd4 says “You can start cloth armor + pots OR Dorans shield+pot. But even with help of your Jungle the Laning-Phase should be really hard. Don´t force fights you will lose! If you notice he gets lowmana and wants to dive try to bait, without mana you can outplay him sometimes.”
FlakNShrapnel says “If you take Doran's Shield this will be an easy lane. You heal so much from poke damage you won't even feel it. Once he jumps into stun just run him down and eat him.”
Skullsunderer says “His passive blocking a AA makes it so you have to fight longer, this provides him the chance to Stun, stad and spear you if he has half a brain. Just poke it out and make some plays. Don't no matter what you do fight him while low, he has a pseudo execute with a passive crit on people below 15& health.”
TheSuporter says “A poke lane. If you can shield his spears properly he will burn his mana like crazy and have to leave. Watch out for his crit passive and roams.”
joelblack says “Sparticus can cheese your ass early game. Titan runes are your best friend in this matchup. Just avoid poke as much as possible and wait til 6 to jump his ass. Even with a kill or two lead, you can still crush him when you ult in. Don't let him get too far ahead tho, or he'll get all that scary lethality and murk your ass. ”
CaioOP1985 says “His spears are the most annoying pieces of crap this game has to offer, period. He can stun you and his early game damage is a pain in the butt, so play as safe as possible and do not engage him at all. Later on, pop his passive with a normal auto-attack and smack the hell out of him after that.”
OrangeBeard says “You can almost w whenever he has his q up so when he does, e him before he stuns you then engage onto him as long as you have river warded or you have ult up ready to stop him from dealing damage to you, and early clth armour stops his massive poke and makes it something you can sustain much easier.”
Ashnard says “Pretty is a pretty easy matchup for aatrox as you outdamage his trades at any stage and he can't poke consistently due to mana issues. Just be mindful that your passive damage will almost always be blocked and he will roam with ult a lot which gives you free space to build a gold lead.”
CBonez says “Pantheon's passive blocks your q (your main source of damage) and because of the hard cc and the constant poke it's going to get really hard to farm. So you should just try to switch with someone if you get this matchup. But if you're forced to play agaisn't him just play under tower.”
DNAGCPL says “Consegue cancelar seu Q com facilidade e tem uma rotação melhor que a sua, mas seu late game é mais forte que o dele e você é mais útil em team fights”
galvapheonix says “ This is not a fun lane, Pantheon does a lot of damage, has great roam, and can dive you without taking damage. If you are forced into this, play very safe, build Ninja Tabi early, and make sure to auto him once before you use your Q so he doesn't block the bulk of the damage. If he takes ignite and uses his ult to roam, that is your opportunity to farm up and regain what you lost in the laning phase, maybe even get first tower or rift herald.”
thedunkening111 says “Not too bad. Triple bead start can prove really useful here, especially since you just want to avoid fighting the guy until you get some items. Even you outscale pantheon, I'd like to think.
Take Aftershock”
T1 Lilou Senpai says “Pantheon is a really strong champion right now, playing against him might be a challenge for you, but shouldn't be too hard if you use your w properly to par his stu. ”
THEUnknownPlayer says “pantheon"s passive gives a Block skill that if you first him it will block my tips is remove her block shield then if she jumps's you: Dash him before she E you and make sure you have a Creeps that can help you down her Easily”
kagaroo says “🔴Counter Matchup 🔴
Threat Scale: 8.5/10
➡️Very similar to Sett matchup except a lot more oppressive. This matchup relies heavily on your side-stepping ability and knowing your limits. Pantheon has a LOT of damage and its a hard matchup for Trundle. Pantheon is one of the matchups where I would recommend Barrier + Flash to win. If you KNOW you are better than the enemy pantheon, then you can win with teleport + flash, but if you struggle/lack the confidence then barrier+flash allows you to win
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad Panth vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average Panth vs Average Trundle ➡️50/50 skilled matchup
Good Panth vs Good Trundle ➡️ Panth wins but Trundle wins with Barrier + Flash”
Haxorr says “Very hard matchup for Fiora in the early game, if you can get to your Ravenous you should be chillin. His w is easy to react to with your w so you should be able to parry that throughout the game with decent consistency. Start Doran's shield and bring Conqueror or Grasp with second wind in this matchup. Main goal is to just survive lane and not lose too hard”
Bourne212 says “Avoid his Q poke. Try to bait his E by canceling your auto after Q, or wait until it's down so he doesn't negate your passive damage.
CactEyez says “Second wind + Doran's Shield are required to avoid his q spam. You can kind of just run him down as long as you haven't taken loads of poke. Beware ignite, most pantheon tops will take this, so play safe for the first 6 levels then look for kills.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Plated -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
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