Discover all champions who counter Mordekaiser. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Mordekaiser in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
Top Lane 50.94% Win Rate90% Pick RateMordekaiser Top Lane Counters: 47 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Mordekaiser in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush/Comet
Early: E start and play for cs so you can get a good first reset.
Tips: Dont just E on top of him unless his E is down. If you do, then he will just buffer his E with yours and. Poke with Q's and look for full combo when he's low.”
Tomuuko says “Conqueror Garen wins lvl 2-3. Ofc if is proxy position possible, take it no matter what.
Run Conq Sorcery (Axiom Arcanist),
Conq Resolve (Second wind hp) or Conq HexF and Ignite. ”
SpaceVader says “I always ban mord, AP damage is a cancer and like you he want to engage close fight asap. he can ruin your game because he will take control of the farm early if he get ahead and without jg help you will have to hugh turret and build some dum item like AP resistance and quick silver stash. it will make you totaly useless in all context.”
liucan says “Stat checker i really hate since ult change: so u cannot escape ult, but his ult will always put a wall close to him so u can stun him, then run and cast ult to counter trade. U win pre 4 and after that is really hard, the real problem with this match is that he can build tank and still outdamage u. try to delay ult so he lose stats when his ult expires. fast combos here.”
a_k_z7 says “very hard even if you build mr he does so much damage
try to bait his q and sidestep his e
dont ever fight in his passive and save your R for when he ults you cause you lose anyway unless he is very low
stay in your wave so if he q you you dont take the full damage from it
quenzo says “You will be caged in his R and have no kids or a Wife but if you build the HP stacker build and poke him down with your e you should be easily able to kill him just try not to get near his R range. Conqueror, flash + teleport”
Nithril says “Mercury doesnt clear his ult but chances are there is some CC somewhere else so I go for it second item, the Life Steal gives valuable sustain and MR means he can rarely solokill you, W max, kite him down, stay in a safe distance, and W against ganks when enemy jungler is topside”
Crystal Lobster says “One of the major AP matchups you will see on Toplane. His ultimate makes him useful till the very end no matter how hard you won lane.”
parker3n9 says “Mordekaiser is a straightforward matchup. The key is to avoid getting caught in a bad R at Level 6. As long as you manage his ultimate properly, you’ll be fine. Once you have Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, you can kite him endlessly, making it difficult for him to stay on top of you in fights.
Recommended Runes: Aery or Grasp of the Undying
Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleport”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP or Ignite + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Use passive to avoid his skills. W can be used as disengage or if you get caught on EQ. Kite him while on ult. Stack conqueror before him and should not be a big problem unless feeded.”
Dragonyx says “Be careful of his e he can stop your dashes and punish you for acting carelessly. Don't let him hit you more than 2 times with abilities. If he does, do not trade and wait.
You can dodge his abilities pretty easily but be careful, especially at the early game.
You can stop his R with your R.
the moment you see his animation, R.”
maiathemagical says “You can really just bully mordekaiser early on. Once he has his ult and access to slow through Rylai's you need to be careful. Try to bait the E and then just poke him. Consider buying Liandry's second for damage, or cosmic drive to outrun him.”
Raideru says “This matchup is completely unplayable for Camille since you can't really kill him post 6 anymore cose he pure stat checks u, I usually start w and try to poke him down and if he misses one of his skillshots I try to short all in into looking to kill him again, after 6 never hookshot into him since u will instantly die. If you are even with him after 1st item you always lose so remember to just collect waves and call for jng help and roam. I advise Conqueror with Trinity or Tiamat rush depending on lvl of morde.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Not easy if he knows what he's doing. Careful not to fight him with proc'd passive/Conqueror unless you know you can win. If you can juke a Q/E then his passive will be slow to proc
afterwards as he'll have to auto twice. He's way too hard to fight fairly so just look for Q spam poke and tower kidnaps. If he shields and has 3 stacks on him, then you can swallow him and let the
shield time out inside of your mouth, negating it. Best chance to kill him is Ulting him under your tower. (Optional to take Phase Rush in this matchup if you know how to play it)" ”
Spartaniko says “Your Q poke is better than his. E his isolated Q and avoid fighting if he can ult. Not that hard matchup, but he can punish mistakes easily.”
Beetlebug says “A Mordekaiser with Rylai's will permaslow you to your death with passive. Due to Sion's enormous hitbox it is nearly impossible for a Mordekaiser to not trigger his passive even after a short trade. If you can bait his E, go for trades while it is on cooldown, your Q outranges his. Wait for him to miss E, then if he last hits with Q go for a trade or stun, proc grasp and possibly pop shield, then back off. Extended fights are not good for Sion.”
KakiOLYMPGod says “I have never lost against Mordekaiser before as Akali. When he E's you just use your E. When he Ult's you W and don't let him hit you with his Q. Don't let him stack up his passive! Or else you lose every single trade. Hide in bushes and your Shroud (W).”
Fanatical Goose says “Mord is pretty straight forward, level 1-5 Dodge his Q and E, avoid his passive and you win every fight, watch out post 6. Mord should be building a rift maker first against an Olaf. If Mord builds a rylais and ults you, press your ult and go all in while dodging his Q and E. If you are not in your ult when you get hit by rylai's he will kite you out and kill you. Build Botrk later on. ”
Houcs says “Easy to pull into tower, make sure you to never fight this outside of your tower because he is very strong against you and you dont really have the dmg to win.”
Yordleswaggins says “must take PTA for mord. play aggressive. this lane is like the Darius lane. if you win its a stomp. if he beats you. there is nothing you can do. ”
Wafflerush says “Mordekaiser is one of the few champs who can make it very difficult to prosper as Nautilus Top. Rushing Rylai's and forcing you into long fights is how he will win early on. As another champion without mana, you need to be cautious and reserve your mana for primarily usage of your W to shield against any Q's he will throw your way. Also, you will want to reserve your hook for escapes rather than engages. Only exception is for under tower hooks. Recommended to get Spirit Visage after Eclipse.”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Não tome o E do mordekaiser se não tiver a sombra se não vc vai tomar muito dano, principalmente depois do 6, faça jogadas com o jungle por perto.”
UrPersonalGod says “Respect his level 1-3.
Sometimes they run ignite against you but that can really backfire at them if you abuse that by keeping him stuck under tower.
Never get between him and his turret when he has R.
If he ults you also ult and try to doge his E and Q with sidestepping and E.”
Althalosofsirun says “If he knows what he is doing you dont win take PTA with ignite and at level 6 cancel his ult with yours otherwise you can concede lane entirely and pray your team can kill him when he has an item and 2 levels on you
wApMorty says “Matchup is even until level 6. Hit E when he uses Q. From level 6, you must keep W and cage yourself whenever he ults and dodge at least one Q to survive. Need Conqueror”
AShovelMan says “Very hard matchup, isolation q does a good bit of damage, can't go for extended trades against him as conq beats fleet, not to mention the un qss'able Brazil Ult.”
Ninjauberkill says “He really counters Vlad's W max build because of how much we are spamming W on CD. He will just walk up, ult you and that would be your end.”
tictac9090 says “Matchup highly dependent on how much you dodge his abilites. In early Mordekaiser is very weak. Before his level 6 powerspike you MUST form a lead or he outscales you pretty hard. Try to all in him after he uses Q on the wave and sidestep his E.”
Skaarlschloch says “Quite easy matchup both Aggro & Safe build are fine depending on your confidence.
DBlade, TP, Conq with POM, Legend Haste, is ideal (dont wanna give him free attackspeed & haste is good anyway)
If you are behind or vs double AP Top Jngl rush Maw, Otherwise can really go anything Essence Reaver first feels REALLY good if youre really ahead (he cant steal the crit and you can poke with infinite mana before needing to go in)”
SemenDrinker says “Bone plating Shield or Blade
Morde is actually a super fun and expressive matchup. Avoid his Q's or stand behind the minion wave and use your Q at the same time since Morde Q needs to be isolated to do more damage. Take note of his W and that's when you can go for the all in. When he has ult you want to save your W and Ult until he does so you can use those to kite away from him and then after you will run him down. If you struggle heavy you can always rush hexdrinker. ”
IvanBeifong says “Here's a tricky one, the matchup is usually easy, but if the morde's good and builds oblivion orb, it becomes a skill matchup, in early dodge his Q with your E, and trade with him, short trades.
Good ult, REMEMBER TO ALWAYS ULT AFTER HE ULTS YOU, that way you recover some stats.”
LilPicky says “(take 1st rune page start blade) Always side step his E, if youre going for trade dont let him hit auto you 3 times or hit 3 abilities because his passive will make you lose trades, dont recast Q if he has W shield because you will waste your ability ”
Skaarlschloch says “Very easy lv.1 can even zone from XP if you get in third lane bush!
Its only a good matchup because after 6 you wanna safe your W for his R and react to it. If you can do that this matchup is easy”
Niemi says “Mordekaiser is an interesting champion, you destroy him earlygame, so try to get as many kills as possible or force him to back as much as you can. But once he gets level 6 and Rylai's, you have to be really careful. One mistake could lead to you meeting the respawn screen.
You have to be able to bait or dodge his E and then you're pretty much free to poke him. Also you can use your ult inside his death realm to juke him and possibly escape with minimal damage taken.
Luckily Liandry's is a good item againts Morde. and depending if he buys magic resist, Void staff can also help alot.”
Niemi says “He gets significantly more dangerous after level 6 and after/if he builds Rylai's
You have a chance to survive his ult, if you burn everything you've got.”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is easy. Just dodge his E and Q and he has no kill pressure on you. I pretend to walk up to farm a minion to bait out his E and then walk back. He has long cooldowns in the early game so poke him and abuse him hard with your range advantage. He will only ever kill you post 6 if he Flashes on you and Ults, but even then you can just Ult him away, and EQ away; this will buy you enough time to out-last his Ult duration and escape. When he Ults, any placed soldiers or the wall from your Ult will disappear and not be taken into the Death Realm. ”
TentiTiger11 says “He is AP so your natural armor doesn’t benefit you, he has a shield for anti burst, and can trap you if you don’t kill him with your normal combo. Ideally just don’t pick malphite but if you have to just poke with Q when his E is down or you can dodge it and try to kill when he is low. You could opt for more of a split pusher build to force him to match you but i still wouldn’t bother.”
IngvarE says “Rush specteres cowl, take swifties
Annoying but he's low mobility and generally a bad Morde will misuse his E a lot which is his only disengage and threat to your E.
Look to punish him when his E is on cooldown, be careful in all ins after 6.”
CrimsonL7 says “just maul him to death, only hard if he buys MR. Care that if you disengage with E he can get a pull with his E to make you fight again (the only way he can kill you) ”
Zagreus16 says “You hard bully him pre 6 but once he gets ult and sends you to brazil its a nightmare and you will lose. a good trick is to watch him closely when your fist fighting him and when he lowers his mace to cast his ult and you hear the noise casting, ult him immediately. This will cancel his ult which will go on cooldown and you will be safe and win the fight more likely. ”
step1v9 says “Use your wave to remove his iso Q. Hold your E until he uses his E. Best time to all-in is when his W shield is not stacked or he just reactivated it for a heal. Try to avoid standing next to walls so that when he R you he can't use them to kite you.”
Suki545 says “He is nerfed and u can farm faster and gank better than him,but if he ults u he beats the shit out of u untill u get maw/qss.Also u can ult while hes ulting and u will cancel it and probably win the teamfight.”
Raideru says “This is mostly a skill matchup, it strongly depends on how much you dodge his skillshots, if he ever misses q you look to trade with him while trying to sidestep his e, he is very weak in early and that is your only window to get your lead on him cause he outscales you otherwise, Try to make the lane state so your jungler can gank you cause Mordekaiser is quite a useless champion in early and he's really easy to abuse”
Azzin says “Similar to riven,camille,garen, if you engage close to his tower post 6 you'll just die. So make sure to have huge HP advantage or just let him push if he takes it, otherwise if you're really fucked try to comeback by roaming/invading enemy jgler.”
Haxorr says “Mordekaiser can be hard like a lot of other matchups if you don't play aggressively and build a lead early game. Before level 6, you are way stronger than him and should play accordingly.
Take Grasp. Play aggressive early and do a standard crash, looking to chunk him. Recall with item advantage, come back, and try to kill him as he's crashing the wave or get a freeze. After level 6, he will win the matchup if you ever get ulted at a bad time. Save your r until after he uses his, and try your best to dodge his e. Rush Trinity in this matchup.”
TeiWasTaken says “This is another skill matchup. Fight him pre 6, you beat him. Do NOT fight him at level 1 because his passive trade-winner 3000 will automatically kill you for him. After 6, if you are ahead you can beat him, otherwise try to bait his ult, recall and engage when it is still on cooldown.
ArmedDad says “Good lord. this man gains 1k shield mid-late game which will tank 1 full q2.... In case that was not clear, you will not beat him late game, but until then, enjoy slapping him.
his q hits harder than your dad's belt.
if he press r, u ded.
you do win early if you can dodge his e and q well. use your r to dodge his q in a fight. he does do more in teamfights sorta as he can ult priority target and he can frontline. just annoying cuz all of his items give him so much health which makes camille a literal bug. ”
WIELKI B says “take bone plaiting. very hard since u cant W his R anymore, stay under tower after 6, if cant dodge Q then stay with minions so he deals less,”
Skaarlschloch says “Dodge/Dash out of his E
Respect his Ult at all times so dont just dash in if he has it. When he ults you you need to do EVERYTHING to dodge his Qs either Flash or predict it with a Q Dash you cant react to it in time. He will get lots of AP/HP/Resists from you with his ult in later fights but with your team you should be able to kill him. You are often quicker to move to fights and if you dodge his spells well you can kill him in the 1v1. You can also try to win this matchup early by dodging some Qs and outtrading him with W + Comet”
Baby_Driver says “I like to run nimbus cloak in this matchup as it allows you to dodge his Q's inside realm more easily.
You should try to play more aggressively pre-6. After his lvl 6 just try to dodge his spells inside his ult (it's very easy when you are close to him and you pop your ghost)”
DDemonJesters says “Just try to poke him after he uses any skill. and try to charge your E when you think he's gonna bonk you (try to predict) if he's at lvl 6 freeze lane in your side and try to push him with W+Q+AA+E (charged facing towards your tower)”
DioSett says “take ignite , start doran blade , you must kill him before he can go B , if u manage to kill him first go for ruined king , after lvl 6 be carefull about his ult ”
Angryappleseed says “Maybe get an early hexdrinker. Stand with your wave to not let his Q crit on you. Just poke him down. He will run you down with rylais and statcheck you after level 6, ”
Hotch says “You can trade 1-5 but he's really annoying at 6. Your Maiden or ghouls do NOT come with you to the shadow realm and if you spawn Maiden in it she will die after its over. Hold your W until after he ults you, then ring around the rosie. ”
Jabuti Trevoso says “Se você deixar ele crescer, acabou sua Lane Phase, mas se você souber os momentos de atacar, e tem 100% de certeza que vai matar, pode ir firme. Mas foque em farmar, freezar sua wave, e esperar o seu Jungle gankar.”
KingJoeyy says “Use your Hallowed Mist (W) wisely. It can block Mordekaiser’s abilities and prevent him from hitting you with his passive. Always be attacking. Gwen’s attacks empower or reset many of her abilities, so weave in auto-attacks during trades. take FLASH.”
forlid says “Mordekaiser is one of the easiest champions to predict. Don't fight level 1 as his passive and Q outdamage you. If he uses all his abilities on you with no effect, don't hesitate to engage. If he uses R on you while you are in your E, just recast it and you will cancel his R. You scale into mid game much better, but late game his sustain allows him to duel you unless you are well ahead.”
conqiyana says “unplayable. on qiyana top you have to play for a lead early and this champion just beats you so hard at any stage of the game. half of them just rush bramble vest and youre useless. pdfiles who play this need to be put in the ground”
procatking says “Conqueror, tp, D blade, take rune NO.2.
* Hard matchup*
This matchup is pain in the a*s, but there is a way to win it.
Try to max range poke with Q, and dont let him "Obliterate"(Q) you aspecialy an isolated one.
engage only after he's Q on cooldown and take short trades .
best u can do is to kill hit pre 6 just help your jg or mid when possible.”
Steinuhu says “Garen dislikes every champion with a shield, and this abomination is one of them. Consider taking teleport and playing around objectives. Also, consider buying QSS; it helps when he ults you.”
SenSen_LoL says “Easy matchup, Always keeping a good distance will allow you to dodge his Q and E easily. Be careful when he uses ult, it's the only moment he can kill you. ”
mastershen says “You will hard win early but you will lose to ult try to pickup kill early with flash ignite and doran ring start go riftmaker and look to ignite him after he use his W to deny W healing of mordekaiser you win if use your lead correctly”
Mikailx says “[Ban Him]
Get Qss and call your jungler to assist you.
Tips: Runes:Phase Rush
Items: get Quicksilver sash, Mercury treads and build force of nature then adapt and improvise on which items you need. ex: trinity force,etc”
MaesePerez says “Horrible matchup, you lose long trades and he can shield your damage in short trades. Go comet and try to salvage as much farm as you can before laning phase ends. After 20 minutes or so just push sidelanes and never 1v1 him, eventually you outscale in teamfights, but he will always be an issue. ”
DjapeFromSerbia says “One of the hardest matchups, thankfully no one is playing him in jungle, early game is easy, but he becomes problem on his 2core. Just try to stay as far as possible from him.”
Guldkarameller says “This matchup is not even if you can play it correctly. Always save W for when he uses R. Don't trap him in it, but place it between you and kite around it. Ghouls and maiden don't join you in his R.
Serpent's Fang is a good against him.
SpoonSlayer says “Can depend. If you can use your unstoppable ult when he ults, you won the 1v1. If not he makes every tentacle your ult spawns outside of the death realm disappear.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
Dodge his stuff and you hard outscale. He will look for a kill window from 6-10. At 11 you can tank him for 7 seconds in his r. If you never get hit by his e, he can never ult you anyway since your passive blocks it. Try to bait q's by walking just into range and then walking out. Easier now that phase rush is better”
Sugenrift says “Mordekaiser (The Rigged Game): Facing Mordekaiser feels like playing a rigged game due to his realm of death, where he seemingly has all the advantages. Twisted Fate can "rig" the matchup in his favor by purchasing an early Quicksilver Sash to escape Mordekaiser's ultimate, effectively neutralizing his "cheat code" and turning the duel into a fair fight.”
Bard_Enjoyer says “Do not 1v1 him. I played much morde and I bet you won't kill him even with 1 item ahead. He can get you out of your q and out-tank your dmg. Try to 2v1 him or even bait him for diving your ass.”
Artszy says “Para um mordekaiser perder a lane para uma poppy, ele tem que ser o pior do mundo. Faça-o gastar o Q e depois vai para cima, normalmente um moderkaiser sempre usa E+Q, usa o W para desviar do E e então lute. Sempre que ele tiver 2 stacks da passiva antes de você bater nele , você vai perder a troca. Só recue.”
hamgi says “dodge his q. short trade only in e. do not trade him with his w active or up. avoid extended trades as he can just run u down, esp with rylai's rush. timing ur e2 is essential as u can cleanse his r.”
Brot says “Thresh has basically no MR so are strong AP Matchups really hard, i would build an MR Item against them like hollow Radiance or Kaenic Rookern”
forlid says “The gigachad of toplane, and quite possibly the only respectable toplaner. For me, Mordekaiser is kinda the AP version of Aatrox, since he also has a lot of healing and is a great duelist, while commanding shitty splitpush. During laning phase, you can dodge his Q and E quite easily and try to take trades. If he uses R on you, just R away as well. The movement speed can be the difference between living and dying. If the jungle is also AP, I'd consider going Kaenic Rookern as first.”
Belle19 says “It used to be unplayable in his jaksho mythic era, but now that he builds a lot of AP you can actually win the 1v1 later on if you just eventually build force of nature and maybe a spirit visage. He outpokes you in lane but he is pretty short range. Bait out his q's, they are really easy to dodge by stepping back. Dodge the e its extremely slow. If he has ignite he wins early fights. His 6 is better than yours, your 11 is better than his. If he wastes an ability and then walks up look for an all-in. Lvls 3-5 you want to get a cheesy kill, if you are even by 6 its unplayable til 11”
AWierdShoe says “His Q and E are very easy to dodge once you get the hang of them. You can contest the wave as long as you dodge his Qs, however playing for level 4 is a safe bet as this gives us more reliable fighting power and doesn't risk taking bad early trades. If he misses E, punish him hard with a full combo as that ability has a long cooldown. Mordekaiser has no mobility as is very easy to hit with our entire kit. Do NOT ult before he ults as he will steal a lot of the bonus stats you gained in the Death Realm. Early Hexdrinker and early boots are very good into him.”
lbc1506 says “His E is a problem but your Q allows you to walk away if he tries to all in you,
If he ults you, just kite his spells and allow your ult and wall to slow him down.
Haearnbleidd says “The only thing he has to threaten you is his q which is easy to dodge. You hard counter him. Just remember to not be overconfident, dodge his q's, don't dive him when he has w up, and if he has ult and you don't play safe.
Build: Rav/Shojin/Hexplate > BC, buy null-magic mantle early game.”
PPlongcook says “Used to be an annoying matchup before the conqueror nerfs but now he is rather weak. You can just start all inning him at 3. At level 6 he can kill you though. He also powerspikes hard at level 8-9 as his Q starts doing big damage. Buy QSS as soon as you can afford it in a single back as it makes him a cannon minion. Don't get baited if he rushes armor though because he will actually out damage you if he does that.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Conq
Pretty easy lane, you have to dodge skill shots and you win. There really shouldn't be a time he beats you 1v1.
You can WW his ult as well. ”
Akuzai says “This used to be easier last season... but now that there are better mr options and liandry's and riftmakes are perfect on him, you gotta pray he doesn't just build mr and ult you every fight. If you're all inning him do not w until the death realm is up and when it is, do not panic, try to dodge his q while landing yours.”
TeknoBeat says “This matchup is fairly even, it can go either way, try to dodge his pull and ask for ganks pre 6. Post 6 he ults either you or the jungler and its suddenly a 1v1”
deathbypotion says “You just can`t trade with him as he will burn with his passive. He abuses same items as you. Just proxy, he is useless in mid-late”
Pusi Puu says “You always win early game and can cleanse his ult with your empowered W. Always contest and bait his ult to cleanse it. After you cleanse his ult try not to fight since he still has the stats he gains from ulting.”
hoflol says “Mordekaiser is very immobile but can be a hard lane if he has rylais, as he is perma slowing you when you try and damage him.
Within his ult, you can easily avoid him with a goo fling.”
Lukajs says “Mordekaiser has a lot of poke to give from with his E + Q combo, however it's completely avoidable with your W. When he has used it, you can poke him for a lot of damage with E + Q4 + AA.
Play around dodging his E + Q, and his W being down.”
GheeseEmpty says “Like Aatrox, this matchup is all about movement. you should focus on trading early before he hits level 6, and avoid trading him up to full Conqueror stacks. Abyssal Mask is a good first item into Morderkaiser.”
ThelpixG says “A little bit volatile
How to Beat?
- Dodge his E;
- Take the antitank setup;
- Try to not get hit by his Q's sweetspot and stand nearby minions to reduce his Q's damage;
- Try to force him to use his W;
- Once he's level 6 never waste your W, if he ults you just cleanse it and run away (wait for his ultimate buffs to run out);
- Once you get some crit and LDR he just dies.”
xXazzer says “Morde can beat you but his mace is short range, his E is easily dodgeable by your E. You can also time one of your Q's with his pull to get a free sweetspot hit on him. If you are experienced on Aatrox thats doable.
Don't ult before he ults unless he's close to dying. Maw completely ruins him unless you are really behind. He can be annoying if he goes bramble tabis.”
NegativePhoenix says “Mordekaiser is definitely an annoying champion due to his entire kit basically
His ult basically removes a good chunk of your stats making it hard to stay beefy even with your passive so it's best to get help before hand nearby
Remember: Your Q shatters his W shield meaning he can't heal at all if you can save your Q for his W but most good Mordekaisers will just back away and use W to heal out of your range”
Murfz says “Jax is great vs morde, you get push lvl 1 always, try to avoid his Q by either dodging or standing on a minion so it doesn't get the bonus isolation damage. If he E->Q's you, you can E and trade back since he won't proc his passive while you're in your E. Try to ult after he does if possible since his ult takes your resists.”
LilliaFanBoy says “If you don't win early levels this match-up will give you troubles, especially if he goes Rylai's first item.
Try and poke him down with E.
Granted if you have 4 Passive stacks you should be able to easily dish out damage.
In his realm try and kite to the opposite side of him and on he's really close move along the arena wall to distance yourself as much as possible.”
WhendZ says “Sua laranja é o pesadelo de todo main mordekaiser. Sempre que ele ultar você você come aquela laranjinha gostosa. Puna ele sempre que você desviar do Q e do E,”
LegacyOneTap says “Abuse his shield cd, cheese level 1, lt, dblade, ghost flash. Early levels you just kind of kill him, as long as you're not taking extra damage and doing half health trades on him into diving him on wave crash. easier time after divine, just be careful about his gank potential.”
tawangab says “Garen dislikes every champion with a shield, and this abomination is one of them. Consider taking teleport and playing around objectives. Also, consider buying QSS; it helps when he ults you.”
zacklynier says “ultisinde ulti atmayın, pezevenk yorick buildi ile oynayın, mana yüzüğü bağlayabilirsiniz. ilk item cıvalı kuşak sonra seryldia alın 2 build türüde işe yarıyor.”
JPGamer10BR says “Para ganhar dele, tu precisa desviar do Q e E dele, se você não tome o Q dele sozinho, você toma menos dano, então se for tomar, tente ficar perto dos minions, tente desviar do E dele, após ele gastar essas skills, pode punir ele.
Runas> PTA, F.F ou Aery”
Denied20 says “Ticking time bomb. Once this champion acquires level 6, his kill pressure sky rockets. As Yasuo you must never be hit by Mordekaiser's E as this allows him to place the R right on top of you, along with ready passive.
At certain point Mordekaiser also becomes tanky. Opting for armor as his base damage can carry him far. Making him a nightmare to duel late game.
Once Mordekaiser shields, it is best for you to disengage as you lose more from taking his autos than trying to break the shield. You must let it expire.
Outside of his ultimate, he is generally easy to deal with or even pitifully weak.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Trade with Q when he does. Disengage when his passive activates. Try to avoid his E, use your E to dash away if a minion is nearby. When he hits 6, if he Rs you, charge your R and hit him with it. It will give you about three seconds as he is knocked away. Sometimes the R does not move him because of the limitations of his R. Use W movespeed to avoid isolated Q.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer
Short trade so he never gets his passive off. Don't get hit by his E. You can use your spells on the minnions while also doing damage on him. His wave clear is really bad.”
BurritoTopKing says “Avoid getting hit by his E, not hard before 6 just avoid dying, if he misses his E you can maybe look for an all in.
after 6 careful with his ult, if you build hullbreaker second and he ults you during a teamfight you get the buff in the ult, cool tech.”
Autolykus says “Abuse him early levels. If he backs without you killing him you lose. If the enemy team has 3 aps top side you have the option of going wits end. Lethal tempo is good if he doesn't counter build you.”
Shazir says “When he gets Rylais it gets harder to deal with, but you can kill him with lethal tempo in early and you can dodge his ultime easy with your ultimate”
SpookyKing says “Mordekaiser can be easy or hard depending on if he takes ignite and if he builds tank. If he goes tp and builds AP you roll him. If he takes Ignite and Builds armor he will just statcheck you.”
xskyswitch says “In my opinion, the second hardest matchup behind Malphite. He is a huge statcheck. Q poke and disengage when he has his passive up unless you feel comfortable enough to kill him. Play around his W cooldown. Serpents Fang isn't a bad buy into him since later in the game he can have a large shield.”
Tronnes says “Its an even matchup if this morde is good, so out space his e and q. Respect his passive in the earlier stages. If I get a lead on him I actually like to use his e to hit one of my Q's. ”
Brb3535 says “be very careful how u play he can easily take lead, if he kills u 1 or 2 times u lost the lane. if not u can kill him even when he r you. don t r after e in his r cuz it will expire but if u hit with r after he is half hp u will see u can execute him if u are 9 also toggle off and on to increase the chance of executing him. also until lv 3 bully him as much as u can u will deal massive dmg from shotguns p . get 2 kills until he hits lv 3-5. (or until he has the shield/hp regen) . ”
Bonkyou says “You win but he has enough damage to kill you 2 times over.
Your spells are better than his, currently you can cancel his ult by E as the animation ticks but you cannot recast E inside his realm at all.
Skillmatchup hugely favouring Yone”
quecck says “You guys are pretty even pre-6 but its the best chance you have at getting a lead on him before he gets ult. You can always build Maw early against him, it works great.”
BaotoGame says “Try to avoid the Q and E and you will completely outscale him. But at level 6, when Yorick reaches his power threshold, Mordekaiser will extinguish it within 7 seconds in his death realm.You have 2 ways to win this match
1. Rush QSS
2. When you get caught in his Realm of Death, try to place a smart cage that can block him from touching you. You should not summon the maiden while in his Death Realm because when you do that,the maiden will dissapear immediately after the death realm end”
Chaddouk says “Actually not that hard of a matchup if you follow some pretty simple rules : Mr rune, respect his passive it's actually what deals the most damage, don't get hit by isolated Q's, keep in mind you have an E to dodge and it's pretty easy to do so (sometimes it's good to get hit by it. Engaging by dashing through a Q can be really big. Be careful later of his R when you're close to his turret if you guys are even or if he's ahead. You beat him on side with kraken I believe, but you need to dodge at least one or 2 abilities. Morde scales hard because he can R whoever is carrying in your team so try to force him to face you. Boneplating is pretty good vs him also.”
daitolol says “- Use your Ms from passive to go short trades both his q and e are easy to dodge in most cases and he needs to hit them to get the passive proc
- Use e to dodge his e
-Can start D ring if you are confident
_WhiteSnow_ says “He wins longer fights and has the tools to keep you trapped near him. Dodge his e whenever you unburrow on him and be extremely vigilant post 6. Don't trade with him post 6 if you think he has kill pressure on you with r as you have very poor tools to stall long enough to survive death realm.”
X_TRM says “(Start W) You can kill him lvls 1-3, but you didn't mange to do that, you've just lost the lane because he get's really tanky by leveling up and he doesn't need any ap items in order to kill you. He can also block your W damage with his W. He will stack a lot of armor and make your AAs useless against him. He beats you even if you are ahead due to his stat check nature with is Ult. He also outscales you insanely hard. Use early agency and try to keep up the cs up at all times. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Chempunk Chainsword”
At_Tar_Ras says “E out of his Q if you have to or backstep it. really important. also do the usual trades into him until you can commit to an all-in. use emp.W to shred his shield. NEVER use W on him unless it's to shield break to unless using it can straight up kill him. level 1 if you AA+Q properly you can easily set a cheater recall and maybe even kill him and there's your potential to win the lane. if they have morde and it ends up that you're solo carrying this game, it's prob best to buy QSS. never R until he Rs or he'll get more free stats from you. if u want to R early ensure it'll be a kill for you then. he's on major right now cause your MR sucks.”
Dew Master Flash says “Morde is the biggest problem in the 3 category, but he can be beaten with proxy farming and clever play. Don't be afraid to buy qss in the late game.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Boots + Refill]
[Build: PTA with Cut Down + Riftmaker/Rageblade]
(Alan234 advises a Cull buy on your first recall). Boots early help you with Morde's skillshots. As long as you dodge his isolated Q and E, you should be good to go. Buy QSS to negate his Ult. Simple matchup where it comes down to your movement. Getting hit will probably lose you the entire lane.”
chewy378 says “With your movement stacks, you can dodge his abilities and constantly land hits on him. However, he is very strong in his ult since there isn't much room for you to move. ”
RipAMC says “This dude is a juggernaut with crazy sustain. His passive and Conqueror can heal him up quickly, so prolonged trades might not be in your favor. Keep an eye on his Death Realm ultimate too, as it can turn fights into 1v1 duels!”
TheBougis says “Most Mordekaiser players will also go full healing builds, so you are pretty equal, except your shields can be bigger and you can heal more often.”
bocchicken says “The only reason I'm saying this is a skill matchup is because you can W Morde's ult and it will completely cancel it.
Morde points his mace at an opponent when he channels his ult, so when you see this character animation just press W! Free LP.
Rush Jaksho into Force of Nature in this matchup!!!”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very tanky but not too much of a threat. Fire Wizard is especially good into this champ as it does a lot of percentage maximum health burn or, due to tankiness and large amounts of healing, Poison Wizard is Especially good into this champ. ”
SVKGuardian says “If you play it around minnions (His Q hits for much more on solo targets) and trade with him that way, you should outheal his damage and should win trades that way. After 6 you better hope you got enough lead, otherwise i can't guarantee that you are going to survive his ult.”
bocchicken says “You can chunk him out lvl 1 with a good E cheese before laning phase, and you win lvl 2 with E + W. After that, it becomes harder. You can win this matchup if you have ignite at lvl 6 if he is low. Early Grevious or MR does help in this matchup. (I like Jak'Sho)”
Antecc says “Fight after he uses Q and E. Bonus points if you dodge them. Back off whenever he presses W. Do this on repeat and you win. DONT GO BLADE OF THE RUINED KING INTO MORDEKAISER!!!!”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Past 6 you shit on him if you kite correctly. He statchecks you hard early but he shouldnt be able to come near you. Save orange for his ult and only come close to use your passive then run away to kiting range. It gets worse for him every minute past 6 except his rylai powerspike, then you need to be carefull as his E means death for you. Dont get baited by his low hp bar if you want to all in on melee range to secure the kill.”
ABL Pantheon says “Mordekaiser just stat checks you unless you are very far ahead. Try to poke him with Q and avoid getting into extended trades, you will lose because of his passive and his W shield. Try to dodge his Q and E, they are very telegraphed. If he uses R you can fight him only if you have a lead, otherwise you can use Ultimate while you are inside Brazil to escape at last second.”
lordimboutabust says “You win before 6 then he outscales you at steelcaps and bramble. Never be in melee range he will win. If he wastes his Q or E give him a rotation until he is low enough to all in. Never use your R first as he will gain extra stats from you and you can use the movement speed to get away from him | Bone plating | Dblade - Evenshroud”
Bernardian says “I was going to put this in the easy matchups but i keep forgetting all mordes run ignite like betas, its a skill matchup. Playing around your minions is good because you reduce mordes q dmg if he decides to hit you, hexdrinker is optional if you dont want to make this lane more snowbally than it already is but you can also go negatron cloak then finish with FoN second. post 6 he will all in you with ignite if this happens kite him as much as you possible using ghost while your in his ultimate. if he is very low and your looking for the killing blow save your e so that you can E+R him before he can W and block the dmg. A good way to start the trade with him or all in is to wait for him to use his e and while his e is active you walk into it and Q. This makes it so your Q will ALWAYS hit him. Pre 6 hes kinda weak however with ignite this makes him a decent duelist.”
Babuleh says “Завоеватель тп игнайт доран блейд
В этом матчапе единственное что стоит знать - вы сильнее лвл 2 3, до тех пор пока вы стоите в миньонах/не ловите кушки. Игроки на мордекайзере зачастую считают что их персонаж достаточно сильный на первых уровнях и пытаются агрессировать , на что вы отвечаете кушкой лвл 1 и ешкой лвл 2, стараясь вывести все в алл ин лвл 2”
Waqql says “Playing against Mordekaiser can be a love-hate relationship. You can manage well, but sometimes you just want to kill him and can't. Avoid getting caught by his pull and poke him as often as possible. Rush QSS (Quicksilver Sash) and laugh at him when he ults you. If you notice that Mordekaiser is reading you like a book, try dodging in the opposite direction than usual or incorporate random movements into your gameplay. If you're really struggling against the mighty Kaiser, let him push you and ask for assistance. Ping your QSS if you have it.”
AlmightyNoxian says “This is pretty much a skill matchup which favors Darius. If Darius knows how to play, then Darius can just smash him into the ground.”
FaNTOP says “Вы побеждаете до 6-го уровня, и в этом матчапе есть один трюк: когда вы используете свою ульт, он попытается использовать свою ульт против вас, верно? Ну, вы можете просто не нажимать ульт и вместо этого нажать W, вы лишаете его возможности использовать свою ульт, и у вас есть преимущество в нанесении урона обоими способностями (2>0). Кроме того, у него будет проявляться явление "хрупкости" (brittle), или вы можете просто отойти, пока овца не догонит вас, и ваши обмены до 5-го уровня должны выглядеть примерно так: Q E АвтоАтака, отойти, он использует E, и вы используете W в ответ и продолжаете атаковать.”
Nico_Player says “You can also go ignite against him, but Ghost will help you more depends the situation.
try to stack your passive and don´t waste your q.”
BetterGoGrevious says “If he pulls you from the farther side of his E, Q and it will most likely crit. If you both are even at Lvl.6, you can kill him in his ult with ignite.”
PeanutTime36 says “try to run away post six if you just get out of mega mode. If you are mega when he ults you, you can throw him against the edge and cancel the ult if there is nothing behind the edge. if you are baby in his ult, start praying and kite like crazy. NEVER JUMP OVER HIM WHEN RUNNING IN HIS ULT, YOU WILL DIE EVERYTIME.”
TheGBabaYaga says “The game with him is easy, bait his Q and block his 3rd attack with E so he cant activate his passive. If he uses R there are 2 choices depending your damage and Hp:
1) If you cant fight him, try to kite and dodge his attacks until you are free
2) You fight him hard, use your R and start killing him
You can dodge his Q with your Q and go behind him”
TheGBabaYaga says “Very hard to beat him, cause you cant pretty much spam him or get close, you buy Bambis vest and bramble to counter his heal and you wait, he cant dive you thats for sure. And a good mordekaiser player can easy play 1v2 with your jungler cause of his R, you need to bait him near your turret to waste his R and you need a good jungler to kill him”
kayle1v9 says “Its all about doging his E. Just perma poke at lvl 6. If he Ult you, try to ult his isolated Q. Zhonyas is a really good item vs him. also ignite goes kinda hard”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with ignite and dblade. Cheese him LVL 1 but don't allow him to get his passive. After LVL 6 try to have the wave on your side, if he randomly uses W you go all in him.”
UmbreonQueen says “Many people think of Mordekaise as your counter but it's actually a skill matchup. If the enemy second picks Mordo then you know they are getting too cocky. Punish them for underestimating you!. Go for short trades and poke him through all the laning phase and ALWAYS hold on your E or he'll ult you and you're basically dead. (Pop your ghost whenever he ults you so you can kite and run circles around him until his ult runs out)”
Twogrand says “This champ is just all about short trades and making sure you dont take free EXTRA damage for iso Q's of mord. Take conq tp, go eclipse build”
Althalosofsirun says “Beat his ass lvl 2 lvl 1 he can kill you take ignite and run him to his tower you win till 6 once he is 6 you need to bait him under your turret and use your ult to stall your death in his for a trade. build fon 2nd if the jg is also AP”
SRoseD says “Don't be afraid early as you have the range advantage. Even if he hits 6 before you, you can run around him because you are so fast; I usually try to kill him lvl 3-4 though.”
KaiOverHere says “Farm Lane -> Outscale
Reason this matchup is not in "Tiny" is because he still pushes you in with his early statcheck which can lead into invade shenanigans
Matchup is harder if you struggle mechanically. ”
Nurakami says “You can kill him early on if you lose vs him is only your mistake he is pretty ez to deal with just avoid his e and be in minions when he q.
Care for his 1st r bcs he will kill you if you are low enough”
tommytaxfraud says “Once he has his ult he'll just drag you into Brazil without all your goobers and just straight kill you. Still worth banning Irelia, though.”
Smauggy says “its even, he got a good range with his abilities but they are slow, if he gets you youll have a rough time, but if not then its in your favor.
if he ults u, just ult or run around ”
LocaLAM says “Believe it or not, this is actually pretty easy. You deal more damage early game and you can build against his passive. Just dodge E so that your passive can counter his ult and you can bully.”
rilxy4u says “Runs you down after building slow item + melee passive, his R takes away all preplaced boxes, all the while takes 0 damage.
Outplay: ummmm... try not to feed to hard? Poke with E, save your R for his R, dodge his Q, stay out of range of melee passive as best you can. Anti-heal and ignite necessary.”
Nico_Player says “Use E and other abilites to poke him and avoid his abilites going backwards with E again, very easy champ if you fight him correctly”
Black Demon Ezel says “I main this guy, but I almost wish he never existed. His ult is the most dangerous CC in the game in my eyes, literally making his Q eternally stronger as long as you remain in there. And if he has ability haste, then say goodbye. There is a flaw in his programming you can exploit. It will take some pro maneuvers though, if you can keep him slowed and build enough MR, you can mitigate his damage potential long enough to deal enough damage and then eat him”
Roothor says “My personal permaban. If you are facing him, build quicksilver as your first item. If you are highly skilled, Illaoi´s R makes her unstoppable. If Mordekaiser uses his R when she is in the air, it will not work”
Nazcore says “CS, dont lose lane. This daddy always dominates you. You might be able to out play if his passive is low and he's recently used his shield. Other than that, this man stomps even under tower.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “If he uses his R, you are virtually dead, no matter how much movement speed you have. Try to annoy him at range as much as possible, and keep safety tools at the ready.”
Boptimus says “Level 1 your W completely negates his Q poke. If he pulls you in, W and E to disengage. Once you build Lost Chapter you can start going for fast combos if he positions poorly. Save your R for his R as it will help you create space and stay alive. Once he wastes ult hes an easy gank and free kill.”
Boptimus says “Mordekaiser can easily stat-check you but shouldn't have an easy time hitting you with abilities.
you can use your E to avoid his Q damage and you can use your W to avoid being pulled by his E. If you're stuck in his ult stack up your Q3 and try to CC him to avoid taking too much damage. Once you get some MR you should have an easier time duelling him.”
YorickTopOnly says “Mord can go 1v1 almost anyone in the game. Especially with his R lockdown potential, and walking damage, combined with embrace, long trades are hard. Definitely sit back, farm, and don't get to close. If you are going to fight, make sure his E is down, and you have your maiden with you at all times. ”
SesaPrime says “Your Hookshot can counter his E pull. But it cannot counter his ultimate activation. Your Hookshot will disappear mid pull & if already on the wall, the jump will be nulled out & not grant attack speed.
He will frequently pressure you with Q & if not next to minions, you will take increased damage every hit. You must be durable enough to survive him in his ult or dodge every ability to reduce his damage output and prevent his passive from triggering sooner. ”
zap and you die says “Without 4 items(boots exluded), it is IMPOSSIBLE to win in his R if you go with same HP.
HIS E: do not melee fight him if he didn't E recently, you can't fight his MAX HP passive dmg aura+conq without big HP advantage
IF HE HAS IGNITE:prioritize walking away after W when you're under 50% HP
HIS Q: if you're isolated (only target hit with his Q), it will heal in 10s, if you're not, in 4s
HIS W: he will melee preparing to W against your W, entertain a fight, and after W hit 2AA before trying to walk away, hit him on the way out if he follows.”
primate nefasto says “Really hard match up. if you are ahead you can fight 1 vs 1, or at least survive in his R (you need to dodge his Q or you will die). Always look to dodge a Q with your W. If he is ahead you can´t do anything 1 vs 1, try tf. He will spam abilities while you try to farm under torret.”
Fedthjelm says “I dont like him if i got to be honest. If you get behind just a little he ults and your cant have a slap party with all your tentacles.”
Reines Kokosfett says “He can snowball extremly well but his animations are very slow, so you can easily dodge his Q and E if you are in a mele fight. If he has Q and E on Cooldown you can eaily remount. You can take Nullifying Orb for extra safety. If he ults you try to dodge his Spells with E and then kite him with your Q slow.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Dodge his Q and parry his E. Don't let him proc his passive in early lvl's or he will outdamage you.
This matchup is free. Bring ignite and post 6 parry his R. If you mess up you still win if you play it correctly and at least parry his E.”
stefanko says “He cant proc passive level 1 cause of your e, so look to force trade level 1, you hard win until 6, you can freely q on him, and then look to side step his e. Once you are both level 6, try to have wave on your side, or he can easily all in you if you are not ahead. (lt, ignite)”
Zeffie says “His passive will burn you down and he can shield your e damage if he procs it quick enough, you lose to him most of the time unless he gets really behind”
Biba or OTP Kled says “Tank base:is that you Papich?,kill him before lvl 6 and you gonna be alright,bait his Q and dodge his E with your E take mercs if succ”
Galactities says “He's like garen lane but 100x worse. Literally play safe and farm. If the mord is stupid you can make use of that and try to get him behind before he hits 6.”
killer2325 says “Same as Aatrox he have weak first lvls. Try to trade with him when his W and E on cd. After 6 he becomes really strong, so try to freeze under tower and scale.”
Tonho says “Very sensible matchup. Anything you do wrong here will cost you. Post-Riftmaker he ALWAYS wins. Run conquer if you are confident on getting fed. Run lethal tempo if you wanna play safe. Full combo him, walk back, repeat. Avoid dying to him after he hits his spike.”
PraefectusMace says “Not a particular dangerous one if you can avoid the Q smacks. Like many of these chonky lads, your Qs will make his life miserable. And whenever he tries to engage, you can force him out with his E to prevent his passive from triggering. Get some MR and if he tries to send you to Brazil you can solo him.”
Phantom_Ashes says “A good Mordekaiser will keep you poked to low HP, then finish you off in his ult. You can Q-attach or R to "parry" his ultimate, however it's a very small window and you have to react fast.”
RWN Pop says “Also always a problem. Save your Q to dodge his abilities or to run away after a trade. Walk up for trades instead of getting to him with Q.”
dzsama says “Mordekaiser is a pretty simple matchup for Jax. Don't get chunked by his Q too much. You can deny him his passive proc with your E since he needs to damage you 3 times in order to proc it. Keep in mind his shield stored on his second bar when engaging. Main thing is to dodge the E so you can stay on top of him for the trade. You probably want to try and chunk him and back off bit by bit early since his passive is really strong. Also remember to ult only after he has ulted, otherwise he steals your extra resistances.”
Pep_Shin says “You're the perfect counter of Mordekaiser. You overwhelm him once lvl 6.
He just can't ult you. If you Press R you either can't get ulted or you cleanse his ult.
However he can play really safe and become really tanky so be careful and respect him.
Your R allows you to do whatever you want to him, but be careful because if you don't have it and he does he will beat the shit out of you.
Just get a lead and stomp him.
If he gets too much of a lead you're never going to be able to down him.”
NegativePhoenix says “Yeah there's no doubt this man is gonna beat you at mostly every stage. His damage is overall better, his realm reduces your power and even his passive is good for fighting against tanks when it's built up, and you can't run because of it. Just take caution and try to play safe because he'll do much better than you at most stages”
GannicusTTV says “He is pretty weak pre 6. Just dodge his E and some Qs and all in him and you should be able to get some kills early. respect his W and do not waste your empowered Q on his shield. At lvl 6 even fi you are 2/3 kills ahead, he could still kill you if he has W up. you can maybe all in him if he wastes his on lane for healing. Ignite offers a really good kill pressure early, but I favor TP since he outscales you really hard at lvl 6 by just existing. ”
lorensj81 says “This is a rough lane but you can win if you outplay him before 6, he needs 3 attacks/abilities to proc his passive AOE, so especially if you dodge both Q and E it's a great spot to go allin. After 6 he steals stats from you when pressing R, here I like Phase Rush to proc it in his ult and kite him. If he has W (his shield), don't use your R unless you Q silence him first. When he backs and gets leeching leer/riftmaker it becomes really annoying because he heals alot.
Do not let him hit Q on you isolated because that deals alot of bonus damage, taking a Q that also hits one of your minions is much less bad.”
Magmasmoothie says “Hard matchup. You outscale him but early game he is stronger than you. I would say level 11 you are stronger than him if he doesn't have a lead”
Hedwin says “You can't beat him
Avoid fighting except if your jungle comes before lvl 6
If he's not fed, you're able to survive his ult with 30% hp
Rush Spirit visage or force of nature”
Hijitori says “Cruel. He can be not as fed as you but can still defeat you if he uses his R on you and you kinda have to chance to win this. He gets similar AP and Hp to you, but he also steals your stats when using R on you and gets additional shield/healing etc.”
Irelius says “Он жестко статчекает на лвл 6. Линию НУЖНО сноуболить. Благо, против него можно брать прио Возможно использовать темп и игнайт. Доджите его кухан, нажимая свой ему за спину или в крипа сбоку. В крайнем случае — жмём W. Важный совет — тыкайте E и R на дистанции и после того, как он улттанул. Потому что в противном случае он заберет вас в Царство Смерти, а ваши скилы останутся на обычной карте.”
Puyi says “Farm lane. You can avoid his E and Q with your E, and prevent his pull (and even his ultimate if timed right) with your W. You can't duel him at any point in the game. You should be able to survive the laning phase with a tiny CS disadvantage, but a single mistake can cost you your life and the lane.”
Irelius says “He hardcore statchecks you at lvl 6, you NEED to get a significant lead before lvl 6. Consider going lethal tempo and ignite. If you buy QSS to survive his ult–you are already fucked. Buy QSS only when 0/6 Mordekaiser denies you to kill enemy team.
Important tip, dont engage right away with E or R after 6. He can cast R and your R or/and E will remain outside of Deaths' Realm. ”
ananesever69 says “His damage is overall better, his realm reduces your power and even his passive is good for fighting against tanks when it's built up, and you can't run because of it. Just take caution and try to play safe because he'll do much better than you at most stages”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade or Doran Shield.
DO NOT FIGHT HIM IN THE INITIAL LEVELS. Mordekaiser is very strong in melee due to his passive and Conqueror. Play it safe and avoid his E. When you both reach level 6, your chances increase. But be careful when he pulls you into his ult. You don't stand a chance against him in the early game.”
JustSad42 says “This is a relatively easy matchup for Fiora. You can Q to dodge Morderkaiser’s Q, and if he ever tries to E a minion to CS it, you can Q-W and stun him using his own pull. If you want to fight that Mordekaiser, stand in the same direction as your minion wave when he Qs so you take reduced damage. Never try to take short trades with Mordekaiser after level 5 because he has higher initial burst and a shield to win those short trades. Unless you have been poked out, or outsustained in lane, you will beat Mordekaiser in the all-in in lane at any point during the game if you’re even. When you get R’ed my Mordekaiser, you want to draw out the fight by Q-ing away from him in the direction of his vital, and kiting him out so he doesn’t get his passive. Do that twice, and you’ll always be able to win the fight even if you’re a bit behind. You can W Mordekaiser R pretty consistently if you’re focusing on the champion model.”
Night Guy says “Now Morde is always a 50-50. If you get ahead of him at early you have won the lane but if he gets ahead he will bully you a lot and you won't be able to do much without a jungler and if he gets 6 first there won't be any jungler to help you out. ”
JustSad42 says “This matchup is heavily dependant on how you can dodge Morde's Qs and Es. If you can, it becomes playable, if not, this matchup becomes "Major" difficulty.
I recommend getting flash ignite and going Lethal Tempo + Bork + shieldbow + wit's end. You can get Wit's end second if they have heavy AP.”
SrMolinv says “Without the shield his quite squishy, abuse that. He gets really strong with Riftmaker + Tabis. If he goes tank hes also a pain for Riven. Abuse your movility to dodge his things, Q dance around him baby!.”
Riceyboll says “When he uses his ulti your ghouls/maiden can'h heko you, but with a smart W placement you can get out of there without getting beaten up.”
Grakala says “The 2nd hardest match-up in Toplane, because you can only fight him if you dodge his Q all the time and use your E to dash into his E in order to gap close and still dodge his Q by using Q directly after. ”
Der Bestimmer says “He outtrades you hard and when you go in, his E is hard to dodge.
Use a poke Build in Lane and stay out of his Reach.
His Ult let's him shred you even faster.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Very easy matchup as your kit counters him hard. The only way for him to do something to you is with his E, if you get hit by it u wont have a great time but its easy to dodge and it has a long cd so play around it. Early on focus on farming and dont stay in Q range, He cant do anything to your poke if you do it wisely, he is very good at 1v1 at close range but after 7lvl you can kite him hard. Save W for his ult as it just lets you out, past6 if you want to heal use your W only when he cant go in so u wont get ulted with cd on it. ”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Do short trades so he doesnt proc his passive. If he uses Q or E without hitting you, go for a trade and walk out before he procs passive.
Mordekaiser can easily build lots of Armor, so if you were unable to snowball, wait for Kraken Slayer.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Doomed if dont stomp, him early.
Hexdrinker rush.
Dont hold your w, your trades must be quick. E1 - auto W - auto Q - escape with E2. This way he can never get value of his shield.
Atemporal says “No início do jogo você quer deixar Mordekaiser empurrá-lo. Você pode ficar atrás de seus lacaios, então se ele usar Q para te cutucar, ele também empurra a onda. Você já pode começar a negociar a partir do nível 2 se ele não tiver E. Mordekaiser E tem um CD de 24 segundos.
Use E para evitá-lo se for bater em você. Você pode E 3 vezes antes que Morde tenha seu E novamente. Sempre que ele usar seu escudo, proc passiva e pipa até ele expirar. Morde é grande e lento, se você deixar ele te empurrar é super fácil montar um gank
ele por causa de quão fácil é acertar W nele. Quando Morde mirar em você com R, não use R para tentar evitá-lo, a menos que você esteja severamente fora de posição e o time inimigo esteja desmoronando em você. Esquivar de Morde R não faz com que ele entre em cooldown.
Lembre-se de que o R de Mordekaiser remove seu W. Seu W também permanece no Reino da Morte se você o usar logo antes do R de Morde terminar. Uma vez que você tenha Proto e Nashor's Tooth, você poderá facilmente vencê-lo fora do Death Realm. Durante
Morde's R você quer correr e se esquivar de suas habilidades, não lute com ele durante este tempo, a menos que você esteja extremamente à frente.”
RandumPersin says “This matchup is pretty hard. Neither pta or conq is particularly good here since morde is a better extended fighter than us AND burst resilient with his massive shield/heal. I like to take conqueror and W level 1 here as well as ignite to cheese kill him at level 2 with a full all-in. If we fall behind, quicksilver sash is a solid buy if he isn't the only ap on their team as it completely mitigates his ult and allows us to fight skirmishes over objectives more effectively. It is important to note that Mordekaiser outscsles us pretty hard as a frontliner, trade with this guy like you would Darius in lane - no aggressively dashing in unless his E is down or you are 100% sure you kill him during stun in combo”
LeyzeHP says “Conqueror/Fleet
Right now i prefer conqueror, it's more consistent for scaling and you can all in him, things that will happen soon since his passive forces you to if you fail to dodge his abilities or make a longer trade). If you dodge his Q you usually win (early game), if he goes tank he's a really bad human being abusing broken meta, BUT almost anyone does it, so nothing new right? I never went divine on him, because basically you just need damage to kill him. After future buffs memento mori will be godly into this matchup and also serpent fang can be good. Use empowered W for his R when you know he has it. Qss can be good because even if you W2 his R he still keeps the stats until the time his R should have went down. Example of build: Eclipse, Serpent Fang, Malmortius, .... (if winning, otherwise hexdrinker first) i tell it's good but i don't think it's a must, i usually play lord dominik and once i used to play BORK second, so it's not that rigid.
Now i can end this threath, idk why did i write so much on this matchup but i hope it will be more useful now, have fun summoners <3 ”
JT Andrew says “When your opponent is mordekaiser, you are immediately bought by Qss or Wit's end so that you can fight well with mordekaiser. Can you dodge mordekaiser abilities With your E easier. because mordekaiser's only offence is his Q and E .so you have to dodge it”
Smudey says “This matchup is all about dodging his skill shots since his passive isn't that scary, especially with your passive shield, unless you go for a long trade or all-in, which you should definitely avoid. His Q only does meaningful damage if isolated, but not if he hits you and your minions, but still try to dodge them. His E is a bit scarier, but if he misses, you can punish him even harder. You should also be careful of his W, which gives him a big 'ol shield. You can ignite him when he shields to negate the heal afterwards. If you get a BIG lead early, you can even fight him post 6 when he has his Ult up, but if you're even or behind, you should stay away from him. If you are really, REALLY bad at dodging skillshots, you can take TP and play for Ults, but I highly recommend learning the matchup since he is a hot pick and there are other bans more worth than him. Buying Spectre's Cowl early (or even Kaenic Rookern first item) will make this matchup a lot more bearable.
(You can theoretically take Lethal Tempo and fight him lvl 1 if you feel greedy)”
Fizzy says “At the same time a person who knows how to play a lot of mordekaiser can win the lane, newbies in mordekaiser end up wrong against fiora so always use the W on your E so you can stun him and maybe kill him, inside your ult her corners are a problem for Fiora, so try not to ult him inside the Realm of Death, as his ult will be inside the realm”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As soon as Mordekaiser activates his Indestructible(W), disengage as he will block the damage you deal to him if you continue to fight him. Mordekaiser is quite immobile. If you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, you will force him to overextend for farm. You can then capitalise on this and get assistance from your Jungler. Once Mordekaiser hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane grows. Keep this in mind and be wary with your positioning when low as he may try and catch you out with his Ultimate Realm of Death(R).”
hamgi says “mordekaiser is really scary for jungler's, but not really the enemy laner. yone is quite good against him because u have means of dodging his only real combo (e+q) and in his realm, u have the mobility too despite the boundaries. try to engage with him when his w is down as he has no way to shield or heal himself and will be forced to soak up any damage. keep in mind his cd's, especially his ult because if u ever try to dive him and u get ulted, ur fucked. try to only ask for ganks pre-6 or when his ult is down as it can fuck over u or ur jungler if he plays it right. he is ap, so try to look to build mantle/negatron early and spirit visage later (fon if absolutely necessary)”
MrSIrPops says “Mordekaiser has a really easy kit and he can use it to abuse you especially in the earlsy state of game. Just poke him and choose a damge build instead of a tanky one against him.”
StingingChicken says “Your Q is both faster and longer range than his, abuse this. Dare him to throw abilities pre 6. If he misses something run him down, if not E and back off. Need a lead pre 6, use E to block his Q, preferably an isolated Q. ”
AnestisGR says “I personally perma-ban him. I don't want to play vs this lane. He vanishes your ultimate and your ghouls with his ultimate, he is extremely tanky and he does max health damage with his passive. His W allows him to have lots of survivability in his lane and he can easily turn any ganks in his favor. ”
AnestisGR says “I personally perma-ban him. I don't want to play vs this lane. He vanishes your tentacles with his ultimate, he is extremely tanky and he does max health damage with his passive. His W allows him to have lots of survivability in his lane and he can easily turn any gank in his favour. You can counter his ultimate by pressing R because you become immune to CC when you jump but it's pretty hard to pull off as it requires fast reflexes.”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “in my opinion heavily mordekaiser fav since he can rush bramble and tabi and still has a lot of dmg what u need to do in that matchup is that u role in that juicy ghost ignite and u need to try to avoid the Q's otherwise it might get nasty”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As soon as Mordekaiser activates his Indestructible(W), disengage as he will block the damage you deal to him if you continue to fight him. Mordekaiser is quite immobile. If you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, you will force him to overextend for farm. You can then capitalise on this and get assistance from your Jungler. Once Mordekaiser hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane grows. Keep this in mind and be wary with your positioning when low as he may try and catch you out with his Ultimate Realm of Death(R).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As soon as Mordekaiser activates his Indestructible(W), disengage as he will block the damage you deal to him if you continue to fight him. Mordekaiser is quite immobile. If you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, you will force him to overextend for farm. You can then capitalise on this and get assistance from your Jungler. Once Mordekaiser hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane grows. Keep this in mind and be wary with your positioning when low as he may try and catch you out with his Ultimate Realm of Death(R).”
kajinator says “Mordekaiser is a very strong champion at the moment and very annoying to fight. Your passive should help with how good he is at poking you in lane. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite is mandatory since you need to kite the fuck out of this guy in his ult and that's the only way you can win the level 6 all in. If he's targeting you in team fights due to you being super ahead, Silvermere Dawn is not a bad buy.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As soon as Mordekaiser activates his Indestructible(W), disengage as he will block the damage you deal to him if you continue to fight him. Mordekaiser is quite immobile. If you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, you will force him to overextend for farm. You can then capitalise on this and get assistance from your Jungler. Once Mordekaiser hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane grows. Keep this in mind and be wary with your positioning when low as he may try and catch you out with his Ultimate Realm of Death(R).”
Evandabank says “Mordekaiser is a really strong duelist in the meta right now. He is also a champion that can rush an early Steelcaps/Warden's Mail without taking any considerable hit to his damage output.
In the early game, you can take aggressive trades with morde. If you both hit your Qs, the trade goes in the favor of Kled because you can dismount and remount. Poke him down Q and you can always look for an E-Q combo into an All-in Pre level 6. At level 6, you need to be a bit more careful of Mordekaiser. His ultimate is a big problem for you because, if you don't already have an advantage, you cannot one-shot him. Instead, when Mordekaiser ults you, allow him to dismount you only use your Q and E. You have to save your W so that you can remount in his death realm. If you do not have a W, even if you dodge Mordekaisers Q, his auto attacks and passive alone will be enough to kill you before you can remount.
Do not rush black cleaver in this lane, always rush goredrinker even if he bought Tabis/Seeker/Bramble. This is super overkill from him and he cannot kill you.
Mordekaiser will outscale so be mindful of that. You have to dodge his Q's late game or he will win the 1V1.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Mordekaiser is an easy matchup so long as you use your W to kite his E. If he ults you, use your ultimate to block his Q. Be careful early levels as his damage is quite high and he'll totally run you down but you'll win after level 11 so long as you dodge his E. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As soon as Mordekaiser activates his Indestructible(W), disengage as he will block the damage you deal to him if you continue to fight him. Mordekaiser is quite immobile. If you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, you will force him to overextend for farm. You can then capitalise on this and get assistance from your Jungler. Once Mordekaiser hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane grows. Keep this in mind and be wary with your positioning when low as he may try and catch you out with his Ultimate Realm of Death(R).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As soon as Mordekaiser activates his Indestructible(W), disengage as he will block the damage you deal to him if you continue to fight him. Mordekaiser is quite immobile. If you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, you will force him to overextend for farm. You can then capitalise on this and get assistance from your Jungler. Once Mordekaiser hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane grows. Keep this in mind and be wary with your positioning when low as he may try and catch you out with his Ultimate Realm of Death(R).”
SrMolinv says “Siempre tener un ojo en su escudo, dejarle que pushee y buscar trades cortos cerca de tu torre. Cuando tiene tabis y riftmaker/creagrietas se vuelve bastante fuerte. Riven le gana. Usa tus Q's para esquivar las suyas y la E tambien.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As soon as Mordekaiser activates his Indestructible(W), disengage as he will block the damage you deal to him if you continue to fight him. Mordekaiser is quite immobile. If you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, you will force him to overextend for farm. You can then capitalise on this and get assistance from your Jungler. Once Mordekaiser hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane grows. Keep this in mind and be wary with your positioning when low as he may try and catch you out with his Ultimate Realm of Death(R).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As soon as Mordekaiser activates his Indestructible(W), disengage as he will block the damage you deal to him if you continue to fight him. Mordekaiser is quite immobile. If you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, you will force him to overextend for farm. You can then capitalise on this and get assistance from your Jungler. Once Mordekaiser hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane grows. Keep this in mind and be wary with your positioning when low as he may try and catch you out with his Ultimate Realm of Death(R).”
pura4 says “"[Ímpeto Gradual, ou Cometa, Poção Corrupta, Q > E] - Um counterpick clássico contra Malphite, mas honestamente ele é mais fácil do que você pensa - use Incendiar e TP, desvie de todos E do MordeKaiser, tente baitar o Q dele sempre que possível, dê poke nele sempre com fluxo de mana, não fique trocando dano por muito tempo, sempre recue e espere sua passiva e habilidades voltarem. É possível solar o MordeKaiser, para solar ele, use bastante poke, assim que mordekaiser estiver metade do HP e usar W, espera o W acabar e use FullCombo com incendiar, você provavelmente irá mata-lo antes que o W dele volte. Quando a lane acabar jogue focado no seu time e Lutas, dificilmente vc irá sola-lo após acabar a lane.”
TriggerDinger says “This champion is pain in the ass for Heimerdinger simply beacause once he ult you. Your turrets dissapear. If u play against him rush Quicksilver sash to counter his ultimate ITS A MUST HAVE ITEM AGAINST MORDEKAISER U HAVE TO BUY IT otherwise once he has his ult he will kill you easily.”
Oogaboogaga says “Unplayable if he has a keyboard. Bring TP and try to farm. Otherwise you can go grasp and try to outpoke him pre6. Another potential ban as he is a common garen counterpick.”
KaiOverHere says “(PR, Flash Ghost, I'm currently experimenting with Ghost + Exhaust you can have one defensive summ ever time he ults) Here's the thing: Post 6, you can't duel Mord. You're really just looking to be a brick wall in the sidelane, and then try and dominate in teamfights, usually with flanks on the backline. It doesn't matter how strong Mordekaiser is in teamfights if his backline is dead.
You can also try and use your MS advantage to get stuff done on the map and he simply won't be able to keep up, it's very funny. Take jungle camps, make the enemy jungle fall 3 levels behind. Roam mid. Be kind of like singed.
Also don't be afraid to proxy in this matchup, that's a thing Garen can do.
As of writing this I'm experimenting with Stridebreaker -> Zeal -> QSS to see if I can brute force waveclear even if he contests me. ”
kam1k says “All you need is dodge hes Q and E in minions.
You're actually in big trouble if he buys the "bramble vest" for reduce you heals, tabi boots and puts the tank into sunfire. Then you need to buy QSS so as not to delay the fight with him in his ult. If you don't, he'll just dominate the lane and win any fight when you get the moment to punish him, even if he misses all the spells.”
zir zir azir says “Not the easiest of matchups because of his ulta. Keep an eye on his lvl, do not substitute for e q. It's very easy to kite it without an R.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As soon as Mordekaiser activates his Indestructible(W), disengage as he will block the damage you deal to him if you continue to fight him. Mordekaiser is quite immobile. If you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, you will force him to overextend for farm. You can then capitalise on this and get assistance from your Jungler. Once Mordekaiser hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane grows. Keep this in mind and be wary with your positioning when low as he may try and catch you out with his Ultimate Realm of Death(R).”
Kreyah says “if he ever gets his passive rolling, his damage is deceptively strong and he will shred you. learn his CD's and don't let him get his passive and he's easy work. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As soon as Mordekaiser activates his Indestructible(W), disengage as he will block the damage you deal to him if you continue to fight him. Mordekaiser is quite immobile. If you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, you will force him to overextend for farm. You can then capitalise on this and get assistance from your Jungler. Once Mordekaiser hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane grows. Keep this in mind and be wary with your positioning when low as he may try and catch you out with his Ultimate Realm of Death(R).”
Elresser says “My personal permaban. If you find yourself playing into a Mordekaiser, an Anathema's rush is recommended with phase rush. His passive shreds you his Q outdamages your W and you can't engage with your Q because he will pull you with E afterwards and run you down.”
Animate Dead says “Mordekaiser has a kit that forces short trading with him. He is expensive to build against if behind, since his sustain and shield has to be countered with two items. Let him push wave to your tower, farm close or under said tower and set up for ganks to get ahead of him.”
lenithebot says “his early game is worse than yours due to his high cooldowns and lack of poke and if he chooses to ult you orange will take you out of his ultimate.”
pura4 says “"[Ímpeto Gradual, ou Cometa, Poção Corrupta, Q > E] - Um counterpick clássico contra Malphite, mas honestamente ele é mais fácil do que você pensa - use Incendiar e TP, desvie de todos E do MordeKaiser, tente baitar o Q dele sempre que possível, dê poke nele sempre com fluxo de mana, não fique trocando dano por muito tempo, sempre recue e espere sua passiva e habilidades voltarem. É possível solar o MordeKaiser, para solar ele, use bastante poke, assim que mordekaiser estiver metade do HP e usar W, espera o W acabar e use FullCombo com incendiar, você provavelmente irá mata-lo antes que o W dele volte. Quando a lane acabar jogue focado no seu time e Lutas, dificilmente vc irá sola-lo após acabar a lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As soon as Mordekaiser activates his W, disengage as he will block the damage you deal to him if you continue to fight him. Mordekaiser is quite immobile. If you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, you will force him to overextend for farm. You can then capitalise on this and get assistance from your Jungler. Once Mordekaiser hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane grows. Keep this in mind and be wary with your positioning when low as he may try and catch you out with his Ultimate Realm of Death.”
Thrandor says “Fun matchup. You can let him hit you once or twice early so that his little Mordekaiser brain gets overconfident and fully commits. Thats where you kill him. Also, during his ult he is fightable, make sure to dodge his Q by Q-ing through him. NOTE THAT YOU CAN FULLY CANCEL HIS R by holding down Q onto anything when the animation starts and he reaches for you!! ”
Racz says “Strong laner in this patch, make sure to dodge his Q's. Don't fight him when his passive turns on. If he E's you in use your Q so u can passive shield his Q and use W after so he can't AA you either.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As soon as Mordekaiser activates his W, disengage as he will block the damage you deal to him if you continue to fight him. Mordekaiser is quite immobile. If you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, you will force him to overextend for farm. You can then capitalise on this and get assistance from your Jungler. Once Mordekaiser hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane grows. Keep this in mind and be wary with your positioning when low as he may try and catch you out with his Ultimate Realm of Death.”
GarenteedDamage says “The major counter for Yorick is his (R) as it makes you lose your ghouls. I suggest, once he gets level 6, that you save your (W) until he uses his (R) on you. The kite around your (W) and try to prevent him from getting damage off on you. Also, a simple fix for Mord (R) is to build an item called Quicksilver Sash.”
Ban1shed says “Level 1 your W completely counters his Q poke. If he pulls you in, W and E to escape. Once you build Lost Chapter you can start going for speedy combos if he positions sadly. Save your ult for his ult as it will help you create more room and stay alive. Once he wastes ult hes an easy gank and kill.
CosmicTurtle88 says “Not easy if he knows what he's doing. Careful not to fight him with proc'd passive/Conqueror unless you know you can win. If you can juke a Q/E then his passive will be slow to proc
afterwards as he'll have to auto twice. 1v1ing in the Death Realm is hard but doable. Overall just get Bami's and take ignite if you want to make the 1v1 easier, not necessary though.
Best chance to kill him is Ulting him under your tower. ”
Alachiel says “Morde is such a lane bully, but with your E move speed, and your high poke, it's managable.
Try to stay far enougth so he can't auto you, and just poke with your Q.”
tacowo_ says “For AP, you're kinda screwed. For tank, you don't win in his Ult, but you can actually fight him. However, if you do fight him, nobody wins. Boring lane.”
Tentacle Pinkman says “One of the biggest counters, I perma ban this, its winnable but really annoying my most hated matchup, you can dodge his R with yours”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Первый бек покупайте кушак. Ну или если вы верите в НАГАКЕЙБОРОС, то доджите ульт Мордекайзера с помощью своей R. До лвл 6, с помощью щупалец и ешки вы его легко гнобите. Бойтесь его комбо E + R, это сложно и прочитать и задоджить, кушак можно взять в мид гейме, ибо там ульту уже не за доджишь.”
I Twisted Hate MyseIf says “If you dont buy quicksilvers early, you will lose hard post 6, but if you do, and can dodge his e, Mordekaiser is a very very easy matchup.”
Taiquyorah says “Vous pouvez le tuer si vous esquiver tout ses sorts que vous jouez correctement avec vos barils.
Garder votre orange pour son R.
Sinon vous pouvez également farmer tranquillement car mordekaiser à plus de sustain, ne dépends pas de mana et peu aussi rush de l'armure en early ce qui nullifie vos dégâts.
Farm lane conseillé !”
Lost Chapter says “at lvl 2 if you traded him well and are confident in yourself. Ghost and all in him. If you don't dodge all his Q's you will most likely lose if he has ignite.”
SulkingKING says “Stay near walls after level 6 so that you can juke using E and W. If you get caught in his ultimate you're probably dead more than half of the time.”
Yiphen says “Win Lane. Rush Wit's End and Quicksilver Sash instead of your boots. You need to Q his E + Q combo to win trades. Position yourself so that his Q also hits a minion. When he W's your E, kite him for a second or two so his shield decays. Freeze near tower. Do not dance.”
NegativePhoenix says “Really doesn't matter what you do, he's got superior power. His Q does bonus damage if hitting an isolated target and his passive over time does more damage based off an enemies max health. Late game is iffy depending on what goes on. Be mindful of his massive shield he gets off his W before going for the execute. Wait for him to heal or lose it, damage him a bit more then go for the ult execute otherwise make sure you're careful about what you do against him.”
ActuallyTox says “He beats you in extended trades thanks to his passive so opt for the Grasp Runepage and take short trades. Save Empowered W for his ult.”
7EyesNoSkills says “Just AA him, if possible dodge some Q, his E is really easy to dodge. Don't get too close to him because of his passive. Beware his shield, don't process your E like a dumb.”
PENTAKILL LETS GO says “From my experience, you lose early, even if you dodge or W almost all his spell, if he can land one Q he may win this with his sustain and passive but you can rekt him level 1 if you dodge with E his Q and go melee. Late game you completly destroy him if you take MR like Spirit Visage and Shadow Flame for his shield.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
Try and dodge his E+Q and his Qs in general.
Only trade with E or he will run you down, optimally only trade when his W is down.
You can cancel his ult with E as it has a pretty long cast time.
If there is other CC on the enemy team, go QSS.
HelloStranger says “You shit on him early but once he gets 6 you never win again. Shut him down HARD EARLY, or have fun explaining to your teammates why your trip to brazil ended up with you dying 10 times. Beg for jungle assistance and if they don't come you may have to buy a QSS.”
wooverbo says “In my experience, rushing Anathema's Chains into Mordekaiser is really good. He won't be able to kill you, so if he ults you instead of one of your carry champions, it's wasted. Try to cheese him by freezing the wave near your tower to swallow him and spit him there, he'll trigger turret aggro if his passive is dealing damage to you. Remember you can interrupt his ult cast if you swallow the person he's trying to send to the death realm!”
kurbart says “Mordekaiser aka Papa?
when it comes down to morde its a full on skill match up his kit is overloaded if he lands 1 q your about to lose more then 50% of your hp keep up your foot work and poke him down he has healing but its not perfect you can chip him down i repeat do not get hit by him ”
VituVonDoom says “Make sure you dodge his E, and stay in your minion wave to not get hit by his iso Q. Use the top bushes to your advantage when he ults you, force him to waste time face checking every single one just to hit you once. Go Conq page for this one, as long as you play it right, it's a win every time. ”
Michcio says “If u dodge his E he literally cant do shit. You can kite him very hard and W his ult. If he hits it he destroys you tho but i believe in you amigo”
Aberrant Demon says “Starting Ruby Crystal with 2 Health Potions is better than Doran's Shield in this matchup. You shouldn't be benefitting much from Doran's Shield in this matchup because your goal is to avoid early trades as much as possible. Level 1, stay behind minions and use your W to block his Q damage (if you can't dodge it) when you step up to last hit. His Q does more damage if it hits only one target so you will be avoiding that and it will cause him to push faster than he wants to when his Q aoe hits the minion(s). Level 2, same thing but you also want to try to side-step his E (assuming he takes it level 2). If the E is going to land, W and start your E to block the damage from his E into Q and your spin will keep hitting him while you are CC'd. After that you can auto, Q to proc Phase Rush and run away. All you want to do is stay as healthy as possible while trying to stay as close to even in farm as you can. After level 6, you generally want the wave on your side of the lane because without that you are at risking of getting ulted and you would not be able to hide behind your turret. The only chance you will likely get to kill Morde is if you get him to waste his W by going for a short trade with Phase Rush. Do NOT go for all-ins against Morde with his W up unless you know you have a very big stat advantage. Don't buy QSS to get out of his ult, just play well and you do not have to compensate your early Stridebreaker purchase.”
Galactities says “I find that hes not much of an issue early game. W start and take an early fight with him and he will 99% of the time lose the fight. He will sit ontop of you the entire game so you get free bleed stacks. Just make sure to build early MR, and also dodge his Q's at all costs.”
AbyssaLegend says “Mordekaiser has some healing and a grab, these are the only 2 things you have to watch out. Pyke has an high movement speed so dodging abilities is not that hard. If Mordekaiser uses R you can just dodge or killing him, depends on how are you fed.”
NegativePhoenix says “Mordekaiser is a weird case. You both can do insane damage to each other, but he scales better in the early game so be cautious of that. Standing in waves helps reduce his Q damage by alot. Patch 13.24 he gets a 10% AP ratio buff to his Q so be careful of that. You also cant cheese his ult now by running into brush as the cast animation now gives vision”
RanDomGuY060 says “You could go HOB but definitely go malmortius first item. Open W first in case he goes to trade. E+W Him but if you can't stun him you are screwed! R when he R's you. Very hard matchup. If he builds tank items like Jak'Sho or something like that its very hard to beat, i recommend banning him if you are struggling with him.”
IcunoX says “I don't know exactly why but this lane just feels absolutely impossible to me, he deals more damage while close, has no mana and his shield screws you over. Aswell as if you ult, and he ults after your ult wont push him away.
would be my ban but nobody plays him”
over_clouded says “only ignite against him also rush grievous wounds (not the full item) if goredrinker build you should be good try to dodge his attacks”
NotPsix says “for me it's 50-50 as the only threat is the ulty and q when you can't hide behind the creeps.try to play close to your creeps as his q will deal minimum to you”
MeechyDarko says “Pre-6 you beat him with proper micro. Post-6 QSS is your best friend. Nothing to special about the matchup other than don't get hit by his highly telegraphed abilities, and don't fight him in his ult unless you are 100 percent sure you can kill him in it. ”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Freeze and punish him, as you win most all ins as long as you poke him down a bit before hand (60-80% hp is all in window)
Wave 1-4:
Cheater > Freeze.
This matchup isn't difficult as long as you respect him, be wary of long trades especially once he gets bramble vest and a conqueror stacked, he can kite you out and tank so much while having insane healing and DPS.
You can parry his Q or E, typically parrying his E is better for the stun, although it is harder to hit as they can move while using E, often parrying Q, and dodging E with Q is a better option.
Once he hits level 6 you want to parry his ultimate if possible (it requires you to have lower ping, but if you do, it is very reactable).
As long as you don't trade carelessly, and you win early, you should win this matchup.”
BiriRamen says “this stat ball mother fucker. basically, you just need to go grasp, slap him up a bit, get a caufield and lucidity, and shit on his peppers. basically bruiser stasis build works for me on this.”
Scallywag says “Mordekaiser relies on hitting his q's, so this matchup is easy if you can dodge his q's or insanely hard if you get hit by all of them.
You can orange his ult away.
Black Demon Ezel says “Morde's ult is lethal to Yorick because of it's nature. It literally renders your support useless because it leaves them outside the death realm. Simply avoid being too close, mark him from range and allow your subordinates to do all the damage. If you need health back, Q a minion”
verikukko says “Volibear is one of the biggest counters to Mordekaiser, no matter what you do you will pretty much always win him in 1v1:s, inside and outside of his R.”
Gnar Rule34 says “Одни считают его одним из самых неприятных матчапов на Гнара, другие - одним из лёгких. Мой же взгляд таков, что да, попасть под прокаст Морды - больно, но и не попасть под него не особо трудно. Помните что E Мордекайзера перезаряжается 18 СЕКУНД. За эти 18 секунд он никак (до 6 уровня) не сможет до вас добраться, Е, обычно, не максится в первую очередь. На 6 уровне да, очень больно, но побегать от него, все таки можно. Будет очень хорошо, если мега форма настанет в ульте Мордекайзера, так как его можно всё это время продержать в контроле, не подпуская к себе”
LoucasTitan says “You win once you got your power spike, just run in circles when Mordekaiser ulted you, you should be fine since if you can just let him push to you always, its a auto win.”
powerfullgeo says “Shields, Heals and Stat Stealing. Yeah this match up sucks. Try to dodge his Q and E and short trade him while not losing health. If you manage to get him low enough you can kill them. ”
Kurose0027 says “Fiora is very mobile and will easily destroy a mordekaiser through mobility. Save parry for e unless you need to mitigate damage on single target Q. After 6, you can look to deny his ult by reacting to it with parry. Free matchup.”
KyleTheConqueror says “Anti-Tahm Kit:
Hard to 1v1, hard to poke, hard to push against.
Forced to play safe, ask jungle for ganks.
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: this champ is about playing super agro from level 6-11. You just have to land a Q and use your passive to gap close, then you do your entire combo (remember to ignite him when his shield is running out) and then he should be dead. Remember to save you shroud for his ult, but it is worth using the shroud if you manage to dodge everything before Mordekaiser ults.”
Trundledaddy says “Use your W to juke around his Q and E, ult when his ult is close to ending for maximum effeciency, champ is a bit obnoxious but it isn't the worst”
TheKingUltra says “If he ults you in a team fight, he renders your build useless. His target will be your adc though or your top laner, depending who is more fed. Try to convince them to buy quicksilver.”
Federals1 says “This is a skill matchup that favors Volibear very slightly. You can cancel Mordekaiser ult with yours if timed properly. However, if you use your e before he uses his ultimate and you don't have a way to cancel it, you will be stuck in his Realm Of Death without your e damage and shield, as they do not get carried over into it. Q and w maxes work here, but there is a tradeoff to both. If you max q you will be able to dodge his e a lot better and take very little damage back in a short trade with your combo, but you do not have the damage or healing to beat him in a 1v1 unless you poke him down that way a lot. If you max w you can win the 1v1 without really needing to poke him down first, but you can never catch up to him, especially if he has Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Third rune page should be used. Cosmic Drive rush and work well, or a Force of Nature rush should shut him down but you will lack damage. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices.”
raindropscyn says “I see Mordekaiser as an insta-ban whenever I play a support toplane, tank or not. He can take you out of the fight and if you haven't used your cooldowns yet, that's a waste of a fight. If you have, well then you better hope you can kite him!”
Hawkkiller105 says “Just trying to find out how to trade will be the difficult part, Mordi has an easy time just bullying champ in extended trades so finding the happy spot to trade, and back off is what is needed to be learnt. ”
TheDeadliestMacarena says “Has a shield (generally bad for mages), AOE damage after he hits 2x and steals your stats. Stay away from his grab. If he misses it, try to poke him down. If you have no summs, don't even dare. ”
PandoraPanda14 says “Morde is AP Darius. U both are extremely strong early and at 6, try to dodge his abilites and you should be fine. QSS is very good against him.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Have care with long trades against Mordekaiser, try to parry his E or his Q, and after lvl 6 his R if you have good ping. You shouldn't have any problems if you don't take long trades against him, antihealing helps in this matchup,”
gazibulle says “Hard matchup. You should outscale him. You have to kill him pre-6 to get a lead on him, or you won't do anything until you have some items. Early levels start W so you can poke him back. Do quick Es so he can't cancel them with his E. If he ever misses his E-Q poke, just hookshot him and he is dead if you are both equal HP or he has less than you do, his shield won't save him. Make sure not to engage when he has Bone Plating up. W spam will win you the lane early, as long as you never get hit by his empowered Q, so always stand in your minions. Ignite makes it so you have a greater early potential to take a lead. Once he is 6 you have no realistic chance to kill him, as you can't EVER hookshot on him. If you do he will just ult you and you are dead, don't bother fighting in his kingdom you won't win. Henceforth you should only trade with W-Q-Q and juke his E. If he Rs you in that case you can kite him by using your E, and ulting his empowered Q. If you catch him off guard with him not having ult up, you can kill him if you have items. Later into the game just buy QSS so you can't lose and he cannot ult you to prevent you from teamfighting. If you plan on side laning against him make sure to kite him as he will stat check you otherwise if you just stand still and AA him.”
darkintaki says “Take ignite if you don't believe in yourself, it's a hard matchup, you need to snowball, if don't, he gonna just outscale you just by farming, he does 2v1 and even 3v1 with his passive, dodge Q's and watch out about his W, your R doesn't give damage if he gains too much shield.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “One of my least favorable matchups by far. I pick morde if enemy locks in nasus simply do to the fact that you might never outscale him and you simply do not beat him lane, he has great sustain and damge. He also has soo much max% hp damage and true damage from rift maker. Try to survive and you will need jungle help to kill him. Don't have your jungler gank post 6 he will just ult them for a free kill.”
Shewapa Dapa says “Pre-6 is your game
Post-6 is tricky
→you'll want to always have your empowered abilities ready, when he deathrealms you, just shield and stun throughout the duration”
MHLoppy says “Mord has low range and no CC. That makes it virtually impossible for him to kill you unless you do something dumb, but his passive shield + Q damage + W healing can make it difficult to reliably out-trade him because your range advantage becomes basically irrelevant, while his Q damage can get close to matching you in melee range. Even if you slightly out-trade him through the shield, he gets W healing. On the plus side, using that forces him to push so you can either gank him easily or use your own W on minions to heal yourself.”
Jellyjaneo says “Mord is def a strong champion but against Kayle I think she wins by a landslide but every champion can beat Kayle if they know how to play them so it's hard to share my threat experience as it will differ from yours. Whenever vsing any tank your best playing card is to poke the hell out of them. It annoys the shit out of them but when you do enough they tend to stay in the back lines which allows you to get ahead in farming.”
Agatrium says “Some see this as a direct counter to Garen. I don't personally, as I think it's winnable if played right, but it is difficult. The problem is during an extended fight he'll get a massive shield and heal from his W. Also, if you get pulled into his ult, it will become very difficult to fight him and you can't escape, so most of the time you just end up dying. QSS rush is sometimes viable, but don't just immediately do it. Look at the rest of the team and determine if it's right for the game. Otherwise, don't bother fighting him and just farm, and do your best to dodge his E or he will be able to force a fight on you. ”
Bigfella0117 says “you CAN outplay him, but it takes a lot of perfect timing and distancing. he deals a lot of burst damage with his Q, but the real threat is the sustained damage with his passive.”
youmamaleftu says “before 6 dodge his e with w and after dodge his r with your w. Go ignite and you win.Not really hard match if you dodge his r and e ”
Scarhawk says “Mordekaiser's damage output is more than you do, so don't go into a prolonged fight with him. Whittle him down with Q to get him to use his W, then engage him.”
Rymdskora says “Buy QSS early, do not use your ult in death realm (Your tentacles will despawn after his R ends). QSS his R once he uses it, then fight him afterwards.”
Cryniu says “Compra Hábito del espectro.
Compra botas de 300 de oro al menos.
Intercambios cortos.
Usa tu E para escapar si él te atrae y activa la pasiva.
Usa tu Q para amortiguar el daño cuando él use Q.
Casi no sirve la tenacidad contra mordekaiser, considera no usarla.”
Kocykek says “Mordekaiser can be deadly early on when he can pull you but if you play smart you can win it easily. Make sure to dodge his E and short trade with him. After Divine you can pretty much outdamge him.”
Helzky says “This one is a tricky one. You won't be building bruiser so you cannot fight him head on, you have to dance around him. Level 3 and 4 are your chances to kill him. Wait until he uses W, which will be on a high cooldown, and then all in him. In his ult, use W and make sure you DO NOT trap him inside the W. You must play ring around the rosie with him in his ult until you get out. Also make sure you don't spawn Maiden in his ult as she doesn't come back with you. Executioners is a good buy here.”
Lunar THICClipse says “Same as Urgot, your only option for atleast being even with him is rushing spectre cowls and mercs and divine sunderer, try to dodge his qs too”
OliveeGarden says “first buy bork but only if he is not stacking armour early. look for early trades and try to save E for W so you cant shield you W. You can kill him post 6 if you cancel his R with you R, but if you're not confident in that then don't fight”
magician4444 says “If you can dodge his abilities this is a very easy match up. Once he ults you, just like Camille ult him straight away and wake him up at the last possible second, try to kite him with Q's and dodge his abilites. Another tip for this matchup, opt for more damage over getting your tier two boots because once you're in his ult, your move speed doesnt matter too much.”
TheSixtyFreezer says “Don't get chunked by his Q too much, and if you can't dodge his Q's then be close to minions because his Q deals a lot of dmg on single target, don't fight him early because of his passive, and don't ult before he ults you because he steals your stats.”
havy says “if he ever hits his pull, E him before he can finish the combo and walk away
be mindful of his ult, consider buying a Quicksilver Sash if you're having issues”
Ujiyo says “Difficult but not the worst out of the extreme threats. You can avoid losing to him by buying QSS to cancel his ult.
You can also duel him any time before 6. Remember to dodge his Q with your Q dash.”
FyreRode says “Dodge the E, but even if you don't you still win trades with him up to level 6, and even then you can still win if you're already ahead.”
TheChoz3nOne says “Problem with Mordekaiser that makes him Major threat lever opponent is that he can R on you and all your boxes will disappear and 50/50 - you either dead or alive.
A similar to Aatrox since you're forced to dodge his skills. But his skills are easy to dodge comparing to Aatrox so you really can outplay him but his problem that he has a really major damage. I played as him and I could even killed Malphite 13 0 8! When I was only 1 2 1! Just imagine. And his damage is always high. You need to stomp him so he won't do any damage that's why he is major threat-lvl.”
boboderaffe says “Go “Perma-Freeze” or “Normie” and keep him at a safe distance.
He can’t do much against your range and usually ends up getting kited.
Shadowflame might be worth buying as a second or third item. If you do purchase it early, you’ll have to get a stopwatch before.
In teamfights he can save his team from you with his ult. Either wait for him to ult someone else or (if you go “Perma-Freeze”) bait him toward you and lock him in place.
You do not want to get stuck in his Ult while yours is active. You lose a ton of damage that way and it may cost you the teamfight. The only way this is tolerable is if you’re so fed you can kill him with 2-3 Q’s. ”
Hoosteen says “This is less of a skill matchup. You can beat him every time if you play perfectly. he has sheilds heals, damage. He can really mess you up. You should win in short trades though. go in with w get an auto e then q if he hasn't popped his shield yet and run away. If he opens you may want to use e to run away. the dude is scary.”
Xochii says “This matchup is playable, but the main reason I put him up here is because of how long trades are bad against this guy, and this is a mistake I've seen multiple people make. Watch out for his isolated Q and make sure you're safe enough so he doesn't just kill you in his ultimate. Try building items like Sunfire, FoN and Wit's End - if you're feeling quirky.”
Rayli36 says “try to get lvl2 faster and try to engage
you can win 95% of enagages when he doesn't have his W up even in his cage but either way try to dodge his Isolation Q
DanteBlaire says “Skill match. Muito difícil ter vitória em uma troca longa contra Mordekaiser com os buffs recentes nele. Aperto dos Mortos e trocas curtas podem te fazer ter vantagem nessa match up.
Atomragnar says “Pre level 6:
Dodge his Q, poke him with your Q, don't stand in his passive.
If you manage to do this you can all in pre level 6 without any problems.
After level 6:
Keep dodging and poking him.
If he uses R on you and both you and him got full HP you will never kill him in his R. Just try to kite with ghost to survive his R. If you manage to survive his R with a decent amount of HP left you can keep the fight going and kill him.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Use your E to block him Q. He will take your armor at lvl 6. So try and let him use it before proccing your passive to buy some extra time in his R. But still, this might get you killed. Poke him down and play it safe. Quicksilver Sash is a must. Take HoB for early pressure, or Grasp. Frostfire, Sunfire, or Goredrinker.”
GastlyLoL says “In this matchup, New morde is a complete stat check champion. You are either stronger than he is, or you aren't. You should win this most of the time if you are even, and it's fairly easy to gank him pre 6. Post 6, he is very hard to gank as he can just ult one person and make it a 1v1. Think about saving spin so you can dodge his pull, as that's his strongest ability.”
LunaticDancer says “In theory, he should be the bane of your existance (which is the reason he's a frequent counterpick), but in practice, he's freelo. Gambler viable, D Shield. His R isolates you from ghouls and Maiden so be ready for that. NEVER use R inside his R, your summons will be annihilated the moment his R ends. Don't dive him unless he burned his R. Save W, so you can use it in his R to kite him around it (this is crucial). Long story short, his R is the only real danger he poses against you, so play around it.
Also, maxing W second against him is a viable idea.
Anti-heal is a neat idea.”
COJA says “Your E must always be saved for dodging his pull. Never Q3+E into him unless you are very ahead. Try to stand in the minion wave if you think he will Q you, as it means you take less damage and he will lose minions. Make him look stupid as you kite away from him as he tries to trade with you. ”
N0kk__ says “Another great threat. Morde has no mana so he will keep harassing you. His abilities and passive deal TONS of dmg so avoid him, until you get grevious wounds. Ask for ganks before lv-6.”
Larkana_ says “If you dodge his abilities and play hit and run playstyle hes very easy to beat pre 6, afterwards the stats you lose inside his ult is too much for you.
Outscaling edge teamfights/duels: Skarner [Medium]/Skarner [Low]”
Panda650 says “Buy QSS and try and dodge his attacks then sell QSS after laning phase and stay away from him. Hard match up but experienced players won't care”
Eduardocwalle says “Just dodge his e and u are fine, but if he hits u once and u dont have ur R up to dodge his ultimate...u are pretty much done. Welcome to Brazil. Always ignite to stop his stupid healing.”
Quinncidence says “A tricky matchup after 6
If u go Conq and get level 2 with cats ready you can look for an all in.
If Yorick has cats/maiden out and Morde R's him, the cats/maiden will not follow Yorick to the death realm. And if Yorick spawns R while being in the death realm, as soon as the realm breaks the cats/maiden disappears.”
Polartech says “This lane is similar at the lane against Darius, just Dodge and Hit, You will win this lane if you play well harassing him after dodging his abilities and preserve your ultimate for his ultimate. I really suggest to close Wit's End as first Item.”
NAGlTO says “It's an absolutely MISERABLE lane, but you can win it if you don't DC half-way through. Dodge E and immediately look for openings to make him waste W.”
InYourWayToHELL says “You can kill him before 6.
You can aim your ultimate to the outside part inside his ult which makes you infinitely be in ultimate animation until mordekaiser ultimate ends.Basically if you have your ulti he cant kill you.
Do that if you cant use your ultimate to stop his ultimate since it makes you unstoppable.
Sandor Clegane98 says “Very squishy,trades are in your favor,all in whenever you can and shut him down early because he can get really bursty in the late game.
Dshield or Dblade.”
5Head Builds says “His abilities are easy to dodge and you can just get anti-heal early to negate his W. If he ults you though you may lose, or if he successfully lands his abilities you lose lane and get chunked.”
lookatherizinosaurus says “Mordekaiser is hard to deal with because of his Ult that leaves you without tentacles. Safe route: build QSS. Alternatively but a tad more risky: Rush Divine Sunderer (pick up Null Magic Mantle if you can), and ult AFTER you're in his ult. There will be 2 tentacles spawning when u pulled his spirit which will be enough to survive and maybe even kill him.”
MrZoltannn says “He has a good amount of damage at lvl 1 with his Q, so try to dodge it as often as possible. You can freely poke him with Q since he has a quite big hitbox, and i recommend rushing qss to avoid being sent to brazil, lvl 6 can be played well.”
Prof Harambe says “Morde can go both ways. On paper, its a good matchup. Morde is extremely kitable, your e slow and q stop him from ever catching you in lane. You can harrass him, his range is not too good and if he e's you, just respond with yours and mitigate the damage. HOWEVER, once morde hits 6, he can physically stop you from fighting with daisy. He can just slaughter you. You have tools to stall, but a lot of the time it isn't enough. You can summon daisy in the death realm to help, but she gets deleted, or summon her before and she is left in the overworld. You should tackle this two ways, either ult and tether outside of his ult range and keep placing shields on daisy, or wait for his ult, try and stall then ult and kill him.”
ToothlessKnight says “Good luck early game. He should win every trade and should control the wave on you everytime. Try to get your jungler to gank him before he hits lv6 otherwise you will get zoned hard off the wave because of his immense kill pressure on you. You outscale Morde but you need 2 items before that plus an executioners to counter his healing. He is countered hard by adaptive helm.”
xPetu says “Tips: Don't All-in unless you know you can kill him. Passive shield his Qs. Never get hit by isolated Q. Dodge his E by E'ing in (if possible).”
Stinkee says “Mordekaiser is very strong against Sion. Mordekaiser will essentially win every trade and rush Liandry's to shred your giant health pool.
Try to freeze and ask for jungle ganks, watch out for when he hits 6 though as he will turn the 1v2 into a 1v1. Get some early magic resist and health, if you survive the laning phase you will be able to make a large impact on the map.
You can dodge his ult if you press R at the exact time he uses it. You CANNOT ult outside of his ult though.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Mordekaiser can be quite a pain to deal with in most cases. However, he isn't that bad to fight in lane against. The objective is to avoid not getting hit! I know that this is probably wishful thinking, but you have to understand... This champion is a "catch" lock down & run down type of champion. Keep on your toes and dodge all his skill shots and you should be fine as he won't be able to activate his passive. If Mordekaiser uses (R) on you, you have 3 options. Buy QSS, fight him (most likely lose) or take advantage of your passive in a nearby bush, while waiting for his ultimate to end. Teemo loses once he is caught.
Anoying bro5 says “Fairly easy if you avoid most Qs in lane. You want to parry is E if he uses it recklessly. He might use E to bait your parry so dont use it if you dont need to. You can use your Q to dodge his Q, remembering his CD is helpful. You can also parry his ult if you get a gank. Beware that your ult does not go into his ult, so if you ult early, save your parry to cancel his ult. ”
lol Wero says “It really depends if you're able to dodge his abilities (of course not his ult). if you can dodge his abilties, the lane should be on your favor.”
BoilTheOil says “You have to get a lead on him someway before level 6. Make sure you attempt to dodge his Q in fights, during his ultimate you will likely have to flash his Q if you want to win the fight. If he hits level 6 and he's not behind be careful about where you position yourself, only walk up to the minion wave when it's on your side of the lane. ”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Mordekaiser is annoying for Thresh to deal with. He is just as tanky, does more damage, and is hard to itemize against. He is also difficult to gank post 6 and can force you to trade with him via his E (which also gives him magic pen) or his point and click 650 range ult. Poke him early levels in between his Q and E and ask for a gank. Ult when he ults, it will keep him away from you allowing you to survive. He's like the AP version of Darius, but with lower kill potential.
Knight's Vow can be good against him since it should mitigate damage allies take in the Death Realm.”
quinn adc says “You guys seem to hate Morde, but he isn't that bad.
I classify Morde as an "easier Darius." Why? Because Darius and Morde's win cons are landing their E pre level 6, right? And both of them have a similar E ability.
But, Darius builds CDR while Morde does not, so Morde's E is a long cooldown (24-12 seconds).
However, Darius runs ghost almost every game and phase rush some games, while Mordes, even in high elo, seem to always run TP and conq against me, which means he isn't as brutal as Darius is at punishing you for mistakes.
Now, to play the lane, keep in mind that Morde's Q range is 625.
This is important because our vault range is 525. Make sure to try to side step Morde's E if you can, and if his E is EVER down, go ham on him becasue he can't gap close pre 6 without his E ability.
Now, play a bit back to avoid being hit by Morde's Q because it out ranges our Vault push back and auto range.
If morde presses E, most times it's ok if he pulls you in.
Just retaliate with vault, and try to side step his Q that he will follow with.
Then, reengage since his Q and E abilities are down.
Pre 6 is heavily quinn favoured, so be aggressive, and proc PTA whenever possible.
Be cautious of using a "clapback fadeaway" ignite all in kill on him because I have been baited by Morde's shield/heal from his W too many times, where I flash ignite combo him, and I miscalculate that Morde has his shield/heal up, and he would then live off my ignite.
NOW, post 6 is fun lol. kk so, Firstly, if morde isn't substantially ahead in lane, then he CANNOT 100-0 you in his death realm.
Morde requires you to be kinda low to kill you in it early game.
IYou should get low ever if you play early laning phase like I recommend, but if you make mistakes, just back and fly back to lane.
Now, if Morde death realms you, he ONLY hard wins if his passive is up.
Morde's passive comes up by hitting you with 3 aas or abilities, so our goal in the death realm is to juke his Q and E to delay his passive coming up! Vault over terrain if you're in an area to do so, otherwise just try to use W max speed to kite him.
Early game, try not to fight him, but focus on trying to run and kite his abilities to prevent his passive from going off.
I typically don't build QSS ever into morde simply because late game, you actually hard beat morde in his R when you have your items lol, so being in his R is actually a safe zone for you.
I run stormrazor rush to help slow him in his R to kite him a bit.
Morde's spike is level 6-13ish, but when you get about 3 items, then you should find that, even in his R, it isn't that bad.
NOW, this is hard to do, but if you press your Q right when morde ults you, then you can actually cancel morde's ult and put it on a few second cooldown! Check side clips :D and watch vods for how I play the matchup ^-^”
Veng Shotz says “Just rush mercs, hex, cowl, or completely negate his entire champion with silver sash.
He may beat you in lane but come mid/late game with riftmaker he will certainly out 1v1 you if you dont have any mr or silver sash to cleanse his ulti.
If you go d shield + second wind + cowl you can regen from his passive damage so you can fight while in it. if you go hex then you win when the shield procs. Mercs afterwards for MS+more MR.
after lane phase mordes will generally win teamfights by taking out either the jungler during objectives or whoever is the biggest issue on your team, (usually yourself) as his team will 4v4 yours. If you get silver sash his game plan severally gets punished and he's forced to either ult someone else and then lose the teamfight because he's not pulling you, or abolish the teamfight all together and die when he comes out to a 1v5.
be aware of his build path and react accordingly. if he's rushing armor, rush mr. dont be greedy and build ad. ”
Feedaboi says “can easily dodge his e with ur e. Make sure to go for short trades since his passive does a lot of dps if you take extended fights. Pre 6 you can look to play aggressive in lane but after 6 you have to be careful because of his ult since it takes away some of your defensive and offensive stats which will make it hard for you to remount against him.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Death's Grasp(E) to avoid his full combo. Dodge Obliterate(Q) and you avoid majority of his damage and you can out-trade him. Use your Fling and Mega Adhesive if you're in his Realm of Death(R) to mitigate his debuff. (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter and Demonic Embrace) (Outscaling Edge: Mordekaiser) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Mordekaiser)”
Amphawn says “Pretty easy matchup if you can dodge his abilities. If he misses his E post 6, you get free poke. When he ults you, just try and dodge his abilities while poking him, and you can use your ult on one of his Q's. This may be a tougher matchup due to the MR nerf, so you may want to buy Wit's for the MR as well as the move speed.”
PH45 says “Mordekaiser is a pretty simple matchup for Jax. Don't get chunked by his Q too much. You can deny him his passive proc with your E since he needs to damage you 3 times in order to proc it. Keep in mind his shield stored on his second bar when engaging. Main thing is to dodge the E so you can stay on top of him for the trade. You probably want to try and chunk him and back off bit by bit early since his passive is really strong. Also remember to ult only after he has ulted, otherwise he steals your extra resistances.”
At_Tar_Ras says “change this to extreme if he's carrying ignite cause that "level 6 press ignite" auto win canx that morde has is unbearable. backstep morde's Q if you can. new irelia's Q MS and MR got gutted so morde has surprisingly become a really bad matchup. get QSS if you're gonna be the main carry in your team otherwise he'll ruin your carry potential by pressing R on you. otherwise you have to play super safe and just play for mid-late game and dive their backline/look for TP plays on bot as in lane he will steam roll you. jungle help when morde is pre-6 is preferred as post-6 it'll be pretty dodgy to coordinate a dive when he'll take one of u to brazil. ”
iZeal says “Aatrox has to play without mistake to take on Mordekaiser or else he will get autoattacked to death. Mordekaiser's Q matches yours in range but locks him in place for an easy combo. Dodge his E so he can't extend the trades. Try to use your ultimate after he uses his so he doesn't steal additional stats. You won't win extended fights and Mordekaiser can rush armor to nullify your impact but your relentless pressure can still poke him down over time.”
SunFalk says “Tanky and does a lot of damage when he comes gank, try to not fight and if he ults, use your ult or flash or even use both if you know you can survive (survive even after the ult because your laner will be waiting for you)”
MrDomian says “Don't get into long fights.
Build first Warmog or Anathema's!
Use mostly Q and W.
He can bypass your R with his R.
You can break R animation with your brittle.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Death's Grasp(E) to avoid his full combo. Dodge Obliterate(Q) and you avoid majority of his damage and you can out-trade him. Use your Infected Bonesaw if you're in his Realm of Death(R) to mitigate his debuff. (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Force of Nature) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
slogdog says “Mordekaiser's Death Realm removes ghouls and maiden, as it transports Yorick to a different place, making Yorick useless. However, Yorick can survive with smart W placement, and fighting him after ult is over.”
Raen says “Try to make short trades. Good movement is kinda important vs Mordekaiser to dodge his E/Q and use your E for his autos so he won't proc his passive. If he proc his passive try to not fight with him at all unless you see that you will win trade anyway. You can get antiheal later for his Riftmaker and seprant fang.”
Hijitori says “You need to destroy him early and mid game. Mordekaiser post level 11 will sometimes be still able to kill you with his ultimate, despite your advantage. Also he wins 1v1 if he uses his ultimate even though you are equally fed (avoid his R or stay close to turret!).”
SaltCat says “Dodge ball match up, level 1 you win with stacked passive, level 2 also, level 3 you will lose the trade if you are equal hp, try to use your Q to dodge his abilities, use your E when he Q for free land”
A_Drunk_Carry says “I rush QSS against this champ tbh. If you don't then your Maiden + ghouls don't come with you when you are taken to the shadow realm. An early executioners is very good as well, as his sustain is annoying. Immobile champ that's easy to beat w/items though.
MagicallyDelish4 says “Level one all in with D blade. Always dodge his Q. If he has passive procced then dont trade him. If he has W up don't all in him. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Conqueror or Grasp
Matchup is mostly okay if you only do short trades in earlygame to ensure he doesn't get passive and runs you down. You have to be very carefull when you use ur ult since the heal field does not come with you into morde's R. If you fight him in his R sidestep his E and parry his Q since its his only damage ability.”
LoLReal says “Mordekaiser surprisingly does very well into Darius. This is one of the few match ups where you will want to take Ignite instead of Ghost.
You have to snowball in this lane. Punish him early. We win before 6, and if we've established a lead, should win after 6 too. When he ults ignite and fight him.
Very hard lane if we go even or get behind, he'll simply kill us on cooldown with R.”
Justkb says “You win this matchup early, but you have to be able to get a sustainable lead otherwise he can come into the game post level 6. Make sure you get your passive as soon as you can and try to avoid his E, as this can ruin your Q hitbox. If you can cast your Ult early to avoid the shield and kite back the trade until your Q is off cooldown.”
P1Legend says “You never beat him in a duel, take short trades and avoid fighting on his terms. The biggest advantage this lane provides is that you can cleanse his ult, which sounds like a hard counter on paper, and it is if he lets it be, but most good morde players know this, and they will save their ult and run you down until tower while you hold your empowered ability. short trades are king here, and try to avoid being pulled back into him as you will have nothing to deal with that once you use your full combo. Ganks are great here if your jungler is healthy/tanky enough to survive the duration of a morde ult.”
MythicMike says “Dodge his E and you can stay safe at the perfect distance to poke him down with Q. Don't go in when has E available because if you get dragged in, you're gone.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “He'll keep shoving you since he has no mana. His passive AOE does deceptive amounts of damage too. I wouldn't fight until you get grievous wounds. Ask for ganks pre-6.
I've had good success going the unsealed spellbook rune path here, refer to earlier in the guide for that. Having things like exhaust, ignite, etc are really nice for dueling Morde. Get grievous wounds early, executioners. ”
qveenevelynn says “U can dodge his comps easily, u can also use his E to help you to get closer and make him regret that. Dodge his passive, dont forget he can shield, and be carefull to his ult.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Death's Grasp(E) to avoid his full combo. Dodge Obliterate(Q) and you avoid majority of his damage and you can out-trade him. Use your Seismic Shard if you're in his Realm of Death(R) to mitigate his debuff. (Recommended Items: Abyssal Mask) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
Sporkintahn says “DANGEROUS!!! --- Like you he is a lane bully. Also like you he thrives in extended trades and fights. where he can ramp up damage with his own Passive. --- Avoid his Q slams especially isolated one as it will deal massive amounts of damage especially since it was recently buffed. --- KIte him 24/7 as you do not want to stand in his passive or eat isolated Q's. --- You do not want to fight him inside his ult period; just kite him and stay alive. You can kill him after his ult ends. If you are having serious trouble against you can build a QSS which will completely negate his ult.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Death's Grasp(E) to avoid his full combo. Dodge Obliterate(Q) and you avoid majority of his damage and you can out-trade him. Use your Primal Howl and Infinite Duress if you're in his Realm of Death(R) to mitigate his debuff. (Recommended Items: WIt's End, Spirit Visage, Blade of the Ruined King) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
Kacto15 says “Súbete la W de primera, puedes tanquearte una Q, después te farmeas los primero tres minions y activas la garra perpetua, esquívale la E siempre, de esa forma ganarás, no intentes cargarle tu Q en su cara si el tiene R porque te la puede esquivar con la suya, puedes ir sion LETALIDAD y le ganarás si el no se buildea armadura”
MisterDerpFace says “Dodge his E, and if you can't, E him instead and run away if you can't kill him or win the fight.
Antiheal is a good option since everysingle Mordekaiser will eventually take Riftmaker.
Hitting your E on him is pretty important.
He's almost like AP sett now that i Think about it...”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] Punish him whenever he uses his E by jumping in it with Q + W and stunning him. You permanently have the advantage while your W is off CD so just zone him off the minions. Really easy to win this matchup. Despite all that, Mordekaiser will allways find his way into the game, so try to impact your other lanes”
Wambowama says “You can outrun him all you want he will always win in his ult, he dosent even need to hit his Q or E in his ult.
Trades are bad becouse of his W shield but if you can dodge everything and his ult is on cd you will win.”
LegitLechner says “Morde is one of illaoi's biggest counters. If you know why morde counters illaoi. A morde that eats e's will lose. Qss is a Bruiser item now as well so not as much a counter if you know how to play against it.”
mec908 says “No es muy difícil ganarle a morde, solo hay que movernos bien, en late se pone fuerte asi que procuren tener un fajín de mercurio y eviten el 1v1”
duckling213 says “I think this is another skill matchup like garen, he is fine early toi face up until 3. After 3 till about 9 he wins I think unless u outplay. Once it gets a bit later in the game tho if we are even we win hard on this silly goose. Also he will pretty much always in the fight if he ults and we are even with him so just be careful of his ult and we win. ”
SilverAvalanche says “He is not as bad as people make him out to be, but that is because you two are more alike than you would think. And you can use that to your advantage, he has two damaging abilities that are AOE, so all you need to do is walk into the wave and he will use his abilities and you get free farm.
Once you get Red Kayne you can just make him waste his pull with your E and then go in on him, he will then ult you and you will then ult him when he Qs you, once you are out of your ult you walk really close to him and when he Qs you just Q though him and his ult is now down and pretty much dead.
Remember that it is okay to give up farm, if you just stay healthy so he cant tower dive you.
I recommend going Tear so you can spam Q to dodge his Qs when he will inevitably spam Q on you under tower and go flash or exhaust instead of ignite.
Also if I did not make it clear, do not try and fight him like i described before you transformation, his passive hurts like a truck. so if he pulls you towards him, just E away and don't go in. Also his E has a 18s cooldown level 1 which goes down to 10s.”
King Turtle says “With his isolated damage on Q, and his ability to perform in CQC trades, getting good trades in and keeping up with his damage may be a bit of a struggle early.”
pokeyminch5236 says “In the times I've fought Mordekaiser I've always had a bad time, so I rank him high. Early is alright but it's such a pain when he reaches level 6”
MCSwavest says “Mordekaiser is another mostly even matchup, if not for the R. Bully him until 6 so you have more gold, then hug your tower's outer range for the rest of lane. If you play it well, he can't get ahead and you'll win every fight outside of dimension. Even if you are extremely ahead, unless you are a thousand percent sure you can kill him in dimension, don't even try.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Mordekaiser não tem um controle de wave melhor que da Katarina, mas tem um kit de dano capaz de matá-la, por isso é necessário cautela, evite levar o Q (Obliterate) do Mordekaiser sem minions por perto, pois assim diminui o percentual de dano que seria aumentado caso recebesse o Q sozinho. Use Q todas as vezes que puder para tirar vida dele, caso ele esteja com a runa Osso Revestido, jogue um Q e aguarde o timing da runa para agressivar sem perder dano do combo, com os combos EW+AA+QE+AA caso ele tenha gastado o Q ou QEW+AA correndo para a adaga atrás dele, enquanto desvia do Q dele com o W da Katarina que dá velocidade de movimento. Caso Mordekaiser ative o seu escudo W (Indestructible), saia de perto até o escudo acabar para poder atacá-lo. Se possível, compre uma Bandana para negar a ultimate dele, assim ele não drena seus atributos, pois ele ficará muito forte no Reino dos Mortos e a chance de você ser morto é alta, principalmente se você usou alguma adaga antes de entrar no Reino, pois elas serão perdidas e você ficará sem elas na luta. Abuse do roaming para que ele não possa abusar de você na lane, caso não consiga solar ele. Consiga kills nas outras lanes para poder ficar forte contra ele. Em teamfights, só foque-o se for para matá-lo, ou se você tiver bandana, para ele desperdiçar a ultimate em você, caso contrário, mantenha seu foco nos outros inimigos e deixe seu time cuidar do Mordekaiser. Na maioria das vezes o Mordekaiser ultará outra pessoa, ciente da sua bandana, por isso, recomende seu time a comprar o item para interromper sua ultimate e caso ele consiga ultar alguém do seu time, aguarde o retorno dos dois para poder finalizá-lo e o puna por ter ultado um de seus aliados. O potencial de perigo de Mordekaiser é de igual para igual visto que a Katarina levará muito dano e corre o risco de perder as adagas na troca dos Reinos com a ultimate do Mordekaiser.”
Drake6401 says “Mordekiaser is a very deadly foe because his ultimate locks you in fights while your cooldowns are up. You have to play a little bit passive early because of his poke but his hard engage isn't as bad as Darius is. Pre 6 favors you, but his ultimate can be very troublesome because he steals away your damage which means staying at low HP is extremely risky and he will ult you while your abilities are on cooldown. Quick Silver Sash counters his ultimate, but it's very expensive. Stay high in lane near the bushes so evading him is easier in the death realm. Taking Ghost is a good option as well.”
Mordekaiser is a somewhat tricky champion to deal with. His kill pressure goes up a lot if he takes Ignite but most Mordekaisers take teleport instead. The trick to beating Morde is to not stand in his passive and eat his Qs for free. You have to be quick on your feet as in an all out fight where everyone lands everything, Mordekaiser wins. But as Darius, you are a bit more mobile than him due to being able to move while using Q. If he pulls you in to trade, just run him down and kill him. The general idea should be to do your combo, walk in front of him(towards his tower) while kiting him, and then going back in once your Q is back up. Outmaneuvering him should be a breeze with ghost. Try to make sure you have a lane lead before level 6. If he uses his ultimate on you, try not to fight him. You will not beat him inside of his ultimate. Even if you are ahead by a kill. The idea should be to apply your stacks and kite away from him. Once his ultimate is over, you are free to go back in and just put him down. He is somewhat like Nasus in that he needs his ultimate to be able to beat you. Mordekaiser DOES outscale you eventually though. But the point he does should be the point where he is going to be looking to ult someone in your backline. And worst case scenario, if you are the only carry, a QSS can go a long way. The idea to using it is to get 5 stacks in his ult and then QSS so that you can murder his entire team. Upgrade it into Silvermere Dawn later on. I recommend Conqueror as you really need to punch through his healing and his shield.”
Chease says “You win lvls 1-5 and. After 6 you perma lose in his R if you are not super ahead. If you fall behind in this lane just hope that he uses R on you insted of your feed teammate.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Phase Rush, Corrupting Potion, Q > W] - A classic counterpick against Malphite but honestly he's easier than you think
- He doesn't have a lot of kill pressure pre 6, he just keeps poking you but you just try to dodge and farm as much as you can
- First back, get MR and now even after 6 he can't kill you as well.
- In his ult, you want to Q and run away to the border of his ult asap, then he should be very close to you autoing you. Focus on dodging instead of fighting him. Your goal is to stay alive after his ult ends!
- Max Q and you can juke his skills very easily.
- A tip to juking is to make small directional movements and move in opposite direction when he finally uses his skill.
- It's scary to gank him if you don't have a high damage jungler like Nunu. He can actually 1v2 you guys. If you get low damage jungler, tell him to not come top
- He forces you to build MR so that's not good if rest of his team is AD heavy"”
Amvill says “Playing the early game against him is simple enough, short trades and dodging skillshots are key. teamfighting is another story however. If he Ults you in a big teamfight, prepare to lose it.”
sock217 says “Skill matchup. Engage if he has no abilities. BTW His passive still hurts you if you devour him. Easy to kill if he doesnt bap you with his mace.”
maxlid3 says “Keep distance. Usually an easy lane if you can dodge his E. He won't be able to reach you with his Q. After level 6 he can just ult you into his death realm to get a free kill. Try to W him if he engages hard.”
YasTilt says “Annoying Champion, try to dodge his Q and his E. Take Anti-Heal to reduce his W and Item Healing. You will also need a QSS so you can escape his Goulag (R)”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Conditioning+Magic Resist+DBlade) Don't fight Mordekaiser, when he has stacked W up. Generate lead before lvl 6, he is also a good gank target. If he lands everything he can kill you even on lvl 1, so poke him first and all-in only after you have HP adventage. After lvl 6 you won't have ANY chances against him and even if you managed to win lane somehow, he will scale back fast. You need Magic Resist in midgame to duel him in Death Realm. When you both have 2 items - you'll 1v1 Morde, even in his ult. However, he snowbolls hard and will beat you after third item (usually it's Zhonya's, so take care). Urgot has splitpush advantage.”
PK Noob says “If you use your E to dodge his Q you'll always win fights. Mordekaiser's DPS mainly comes from his Q and it's easy to dodge once your used to the timing. ”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. After level 6 the game isn't playable anymore. He'll just go Bramble Vest and you can't do anything. Try to kill him before level 6 as often as possible and snowball him if it goes well. If you are even or behind - play for teamfights, build QSS (Quicksilver Sash) so Mordekaiser doesn't get free stats and a free kill. Max Q, he can dodge your W's damage by his W and you simply lose the trade. He got buffed in Patch 11.14 so the match-up is even worse now. Just don't get poked too much by his Qs and ask your jungler to gank (before level 6) your lane because Morde lacks mobility.”
LippyDarren says “Against a good mordekaiser, it is pretty tough because morde is like darius, a huge lane bully against melee champions. He is so strong when he has 3 stacks, so as Garen, go spin into Q. If he pulls you back in, you may have to flash away, or just walk it off and try to regen as much as possible and farm safely under turret. If he wastes his pull, go spin into Q against onto morde, this time you will be able to even out the trade. Remember to W his Q. Try not to fight him if his R is up, and you are far away from your own turret, or else you will face death as punishment. Morde can snowball pretty hard off of 1 kill, and you may not be able to kill him rest of the game anymore in a 1v1 due to the very fact that his kit is made this way, oppressive”
Psychopathic Top says “Morde buffs made him hard to deal with. In lane, He auto shoves the wave with his aoe Q and passive, so just dodge those if you can and let him shove in. Post level 6 and sheen, do not engage him as he will kill you unless you stack perfectly (around 120 stacks at 7-8, extremely hard to do in higher elos). Try to scale into mid game where you will have the advantage in a 5 v 5. There is a special Summoner spell choice you can run into this. It may sound troll, but through my personal testing it works, just not so well mid game. This is the barrier ghost summoner choice instead of flash ghost. Barrier gives even stronger duel power in the early game, and it also prevents turret dives that much better. Going barrier actually makes Nasus able to fight Morde a lot easier and earlier. He cannot even escape with flash, as he is very immobile and can be chased down with only ghost. Downside is mid game it would be harder to fight 5 v 5, but you are more likely to win lane hard.”
Naut1Trick says “If you let him win early game he will beat you. Most likely he will space you out and build AP and tank. In this case, your best option would be to build Gale Force to close the gap and burst him enough so that he will be forced to use ult and he's already low.”
DippyDan says “AP Bruiser that can be pretty annoying to deal with. Should be easy to run away and can easily outplay. TIPS: [1] If E is ever used, you can Q into it and Riposte to stun. [2] Try to Parry his ult to negate the effects. You can hear the sound animation before it casts. [3] Bait out his W and back off, then go back to fight.”
Hecki says “If he misses his Q and E you can try to give him a full combo and do this until he is low enough to all-in him. If he immediately sends you to Brazil (uses r on you) use your R to gain movement speed and dodge his Q since it his is main source of damage. After he misses you can fight him again.”
IvernLover74856 says “Take DBlade if confident. He's actually rather squishy with your E, but he also does a lot of damage. Maybe DShield is good if you're playing too passive.
Once you get 4 marks, you can auto from outside Q range.
Use your Q to dodge his Q or E.
His ult lasts 7 seconds and yours lasts 4. Your life realm disappears when you transition into or out of his ult. Try to fight him in W.”
ArshieMeBob says “He has really good all in potential early, but it's gated around his E. If you dodge the E, you win the trade. You also cannot 1v1 him in his realm, UNLESS you have red white. Otherwise you just die.”
Rocking Masterock says “After collecting more and more data about this matchup, the final result is even.
Make sure to max E, start dorans shield and take fleet footwork, it will give you enough sustain to survive and even trade if you manage to dodge his Qs abusing your Q movement speed buff.”
DemonicTrail says “People say mord is a hard counter, i think not, If he ults you, just push R while his ult is channeling (you are unstoppable) and will not be teleported into his ult, if you cannot time this, maybe just ban him”
Truculent65 says “Wave management is key to survive laning phase! Let the minions push and try to freeze it. If you let him freeze on you, you're a dead priestess.
Don't try to E him unless you know you are safe from getting ulted because your spirit will disappear in his realm. Leap of Faith has a small window to cancel Mordes ult if you time it perfectly but don't rely on this.”
Yumi Project says “Fun Matchup but not hard. Use your W and E to dodge his spell. Engage when he waste the grab or the bonk.
Your output dmg and sustain is better.”
KoKoNwoo says “Before he reaches level 6 is the best time to fight him. Mordekaiser's ultimate will take some of your core stats and give it to himself. This gives him a HUGE advantage in a one versus one. His passive can be scary early on, but your passive will outdamage him by a ton. Use your Q to get behind him when he uses Q. This will give you a huge damage advantage. If you can't avoid his E, use your W to block his damage. He will most likely try to combo his Q with his E.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes; build an MR item] As long as you dodge his E you should never lose to morde. His only real way to outplay you is ulting you before you finish your first item. Assuming you are near full hp, you can survive that by ulting his first nuke. Low elo mordes will immediately E Q you right after ulting. If he takes Ignite the matchup becomes way harder but still manageable as long as you keep dodging his spells.”
IAmStryker says “Startign Item:
-Dorans Blade
-Wits End
-Tank Shredder
You can easily dodge his Q and E. At 6 you just out kite him so hard that you will literally break his ankles IRL. Wits makes you unkilllable against Mord and Itemizing AD will diminish the usefullnes of his Ult gainst you.
Mord will go tanky after you destroyed you in lane, but you already itemized against that. Game over”
Beecai says “RUNAS RECOMENDADAS: PTA - ESTRATEGIA OFENSIVA.--------------------------------- Trata siempre de esquivarle la E, ya que es tu única forma de ganarle el trade.
Nunca le pelees a un morde con la Pasiva si no te irá desgastando y con su escudo no podrás bajarle la vida, con lo cual perderás el trade.----- Los Mordekaiser de elo bajo suelen tirar la E para asegurar Q + Basico y activar su pasiva.. No obstante un morde elo alto intentará guardar su E hasta el final para asegurar la Kill o forzarte el flash.-- Teniendo en cuenta esto deberás pokearlo con tu Q, esquivar la Suya y ahí intentar darle básicos solo si se mal posiciona.------ Podes armarte Diente de Nashor o Al filo de la Cordura dependiendo que tan confiado estés en el matchup.”
SunOak says “Mordekaiser is a special one you win untill he ults you. Thats why I always rush QSS into him the reason you cant kill him in his ult is beacuse the maiden and ghouls will be left outside of it. Dont forget to bring MR defense runes and start cpot.”
Nepy says “Vai de Conquistador. Você tem que conseguir uma vantagem sobre ele de alguma forma antes do nível 6. Você vence em uma luta antes do 6, mas ele pode te jogar de volta com o E e acertar por último com Q. Tente desviar do Q dele. Depois que ele atingir o nível 6 e o colete espinhoso, você provavelmente deveria ir assistir o youtube porque você não joga mais. Certifique-se de obter Qss em torno do segundo ou terceiro item para que as lutas de equipe sejam jogáveis.”
NeroZYN says “I have recently learned how to play against Mordekasier, however struggled alot before because of his immense damage with his Passive and durability with his ultimate. It is important to play around his cooldowns and to fight early in the laning phase. This is because you can do alot more damage early than you can do in the middle of the laning phase where mordekaiser can start doing alot more damage to you.”
Alan234 says “Go PTA (Take cut down) and attack speed. Take boots + refillable and cull on your first base.
It sounds simple, but as long as you dodge his e and q youre gucci. However if you get hit by it you die. Have fun dodging! Get qss for his ult and just splitpush all game”
Mr. Popper says “He is a melee champ that relies on landing his E (Deaths Grasp) to do most of his damage. Kit him hard and try to abuse him. Healing cuts dont work well because he can wait out the healing cut as a shield until he is safe. I recommend taking Fleet Footwork into him and if you are having trouble you can build QSS to get out of his R (Death Realm)”
JaxIsAHobo says “Super easy matchup overall, Avoid getting hit by an auto attack after being hit by his Q E. Your level 6 is stronger than his, and you want to trade into him using E -> Q -> auto -> W, and then keep auto attacking while your E is up. Disengage once you hit your stun. Rinse Repeat. ”
RhinoStar says “It is not hard matchup unless you completely mess up or get camped. Try to poke him with q and when you can, just go on him, he cannot push you away with his E unless you lost your passive. Also, In case you will be losing fight, he won't be able to catch you with your passive activated. Also you should not fight against him if he has R and you dont. ”
Catlover765 says “You can easily dodge his E and Q but you're going to have a bad time if he sends you to Brazil. Moreover, your shrooms on the Rift won't appear in Brazil and vise versa.”
SmollJon4s says “Skill matchup. You can nullify his only damage-output by using your E and punish him for it. However you will not deal any damage to him thanks to his W. Serpents Fang recommended.”
Vandenelis says “His passive should never be on you. You never go in on him. You wait till he gets on you with his pull, then you hit him with knockup and 1e+grasp then walk away out of his passive. Then go back in while it's down. Never extend the trade for more than 2 auto attacks. It's Q auto-Ereset walk away. Repeat. Rush QSS first item. Then norm tank items. Don't worry about trying to kill him, just feast minions on CD to build HP.”
Bombabo says “This matchup is ENTIRELY dependent on which of you gets an early lead. You are both good in close-quarters fights, and each have the potential to out-raid-boss the other. Until you hit your first powerspike, He will have the advantage if he ults you.”
Kartagoo says “Pretty much the same as Darius except not that Lethal like him. Also try to get him low before either gets his Shield (W) or if he has full Shield stacks. If he's 6, don't Push too hard or you perhaps ending up getting ulted and can't reached your Turret and perhaps die.”
apkibum says “Mordekaiser is a perfect perma ban for a Teemo top lane, Morde surprisingly has better stats then teemo and is extremely hard to kill or bully in lane. His E closes the gap between you and him very well. Hes hard to fight and is super good at 1v1s, most of the time you will comeout dead. He is the Teemo Top lane Perma Ban Pick.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Just buy merc treads. You can parry his ult,. If you ult him, try to stay in the heal for the whole fight.
Dodge his q´s!! Its his main Damage and its easy with fiora q.”
SettVEVO says “The matchup is entirely dependent on him landing his Qs, so try to be like Mike Tyson and bob and weave, never stand still when punching him, that just makes you an easy target. Circle him around and sometimes change direction to juke him out. Try to keep trades short once you used your W as his passive hurts. Dodging his E is nice, he will always W to shield your W damage so try to always stun before you W. Easy on levels 1-5. Once he gets ult he steals your stats so you might have some trouble. You can actually ult him while he ults to cancel it but his ult has more range than yours so its hard to do. Mid to Late he is a great ult target just do it fast before he ults himself or you'll miss out on damage on the enemy as well as peel for your team. BORK rush is good against him.”
Rodos says “For those of you who are now starting to learn illaoi i will advise you to bann morde with no further hesitation. If you wonder why is he such a huge counter, its because when he R, you lose every tentalce you have, leaving you helpless in his ulti. Illaoi with no tentacles its like trying to play league without a keyboard. Im illaoi main for the past 4,5 years and i still get a hard time beating a morde, sometimes. If you ever happen not to bann morde, and enemy picks him, just take flash and ignite. Its much more usefull than the flash teleport. ”
Byku2506 says “Hard matchup, but winable. If he miss Q you can easily win 1v1 even if he send you to Brasil, dont freeze lane, just slow push and you probably win against him.”
eramsorgr says “Mordekaiser is a teamfight boss, you actually don't want to play against him in any game as he can just ult you or an ally and 1v1 them. Especially if Morderkaiser is playing moonstone, he will be difficult due to his healing but it's viable. ”
Spiderfork says “Easy to deal with as mini, can be a major threat if left to heal. Poke down. Neither of you have mana, so just be careful. Your levels of sustain are very similar.”
Fryx says “Mordekaiser is AP and his Abilities are hard to dodge as Malphite but your Q can make it much easier to do that. Watch his passive he can not shield and heal your damage all the time. Go for all ins before he ults you so you can fully make use of your burst. Just relax he is a lane bully but you are made to win teamfights. Don't die at any costs! Buy Doran's Shield and go for Grasp + Second Wind in this matchup. Proc Grasp once he pulls you in and run.”
wff010 says “ If you must fight him, you can ult him as he ults to cancel his ult, and you win levels 1-6. Use those early levels to build as much of a lead as possible.”
RTO says “Poke him with short trades, or take continuous damage. Watch for his pull, disengage with E. He won't ult you in teamfights, take advantage of him being out of the fight.”
Vispectra says “Big ouch this is not a fun lane. For now I can't really say how to exactly play against this guy, he will lock you in R , out damage you with his passive and has a W that makes him a lot tankier and harder to deal with.”
qosmox says “His Q windows are kind of telegraphed, so make sure not to get hit by it too many times. Either shield it or juke it. Try to force extended trades with 6 emp. Q auto’s. And if he misses /his E-grab at any point you can force trades even harder. He’s also one of the easiest champs to gank, so if you call your jungler up there he’s got no way out. The matchup can get tricky if he ends up ahead of you, but until then you should be winning trades if played correctly.”
jussup says “He's winnable until lvl 5, if you kill him before that you can have a good game. If you can't kill him I don't recommend fighting at least until lvl 9”
SanLourdes says “He will win all extended trades especially if he builds Riftmaker which will shred your magic resistance. His E disrupts your Q. If you get caught in his passive, try and use your Q or E to stun or slow him so you can run out. You can't use your ult to run out of his and he will prioritize killing you with his ult for your tanky stats. The magic penetration from his E will be a huge problem as well. A great ban considering how much he is played. Your only hope for defeating him is when his ult is on cooldown and you engage with your ult first. If you don't feed and scale, your tankiness should protect you against most of his all-ins, but you will still need help defeating him outright without your ultimate.”
CucumberSandwich says “Mordekaiser is hard, as his passive counters our W. Try to poke with your E and dodge his Q and E. Only engage with your Q if he misses everything and you have corrupting potions available.”
Saesame says “Easy Lane (84% WR). As if he is an "AP Darius" you can Q his E. You can also kite him very well. You can cancel his Ult with your Q (When timed right). Learn to dodge his Qs and Es with just movement (Obviously easier with boots).”
Dbthegamer74 says “Avoid taking damage from his Q at all times. Take D shield to survive lane. All in him when his q and W is down.
Level 6 Morde will bitch slap you with his passive plus death Realm.
Get merc's to survive.
Just punish him always.
calbino says “Mord has really good early game, and good mid game as well. He beats you in a duel at levels 1-3, but after then, you can keep your distance and bully him. If he ults you, ULT AFTER HE DOES. Quick tip :)”
Jaori says “Killable before 6. After 6 you can't really beat this thing (Unless you bait his ult before using your abilities). You win 1vs1 in late, but if you don't get two kills early on, it will be a struggle to fight him.”
ForgottenProject says “He's not that strong but if he gets ahead it's near impossible to Punish him for Over-extending in Lane.
[1]Don't ask for Ganks He will Ult the weak person, get a kill and walk back to his turret. [2]You will need Executioner's but don't Rush it after Tiamat. [3]Easy to Dodge his Q by using your own Q. [4]Don't trade into his W shield and don't be fooled by his Low HP, His W Shield adds on to it.”
Sopachi says “Mordekaiser is another skill matchup except this is an AP based duel. The key to winning against Mordekaiser early is abusing your levels 1-3. At 3 successful attacks from Mordekaiser he gets a passive rings around him that deals constant magic damage and can dismount you early on. If you take MR runes with Nullifying Orb you can cheese this by letting him dismount you early at level 3 and holding your W level up to get Skaarl back and run him down. If you don't die to him early and snowball your lead, you will always out scale him even in his Deathrealm (R) you don't have anything to be worried about as long as you play the trade right.”
KarmaChamelion says “Tanky and does a fair bit of damage to you early but is especially dangerous once he gets Riftmaker as the true damage is not fun. Plus unless you have a QSS he can ult you, making ganks harder to set up and possibly killing you or your JG making it a fair or even lost trade.”
MrRUHEigerTyp says “Mordekaiser is very strong against Pantheon. Mordekaiser will essentially win every trade so play safe and wait for ganks. Get some early magic resist and health.”
SavagePridestalker says “Early game is super good for you, you should beat him very hard on lane and come out ahead. Once he gets 2-3 items, 1v1 with him is super bad, cuz he'll always beat you.”
Marwaii says “The True Lord of the Living and the Dead is incredibly easy to beat as long as you are able to kite him. Save your E for his E. Do not ask your jungler for help or he'll take him to the realm. Be careful when he has ulti and you are mini Gnar.
Take Divine + Mercs. ”
a1a7s45 says “Mordekaiser is a mixed bag. He could be really good or really bad. There's no in between. Just rush a QSS and force him out of lane any chance you get. Beware of jungle ganks. Be as aggressive as yordlely possible, taking advantage of every mistake he does. All four of these rune pages go well against him but you might want either Fleet Footwork or Grasp.”
NxMate says “Keep your distance and poke him down. If he ults you confuse him with your W root him with E and hope for the best that he won't kill you.”
oogoogerson says “Mordekaiser is purely a skill matchup. Bait out his shield and flip his Q. When he ults you use all of your movement speed items and abilities to dodge his strong attacks. Take Ignite.”
Safolet says “I think that this confrontation is among the 5 that I like the most, because Mordekaiser cannot give you abilities, since it is melee and has no mobility and gnar has the jump of the E to wear it from a distance with basic attacks or with the Q. To counter the R of Mordekaiser, you can buy an item called "Quicksilver Sash". This item is an activatable that frees you from any CC, it also gives you magic resistance, so against Mordekaiser it helps you a lot. At the end of the item, it gives you health, attack damage, and magic resistance, still having the anti CC activatable, so it is a situational item with Gnar, but useful, as well as being a perfect counter against Mordekaiser.”
J4un says “One of the most difficult matchups, due to the fact that wukong's passive is only anti AD, try to dodge most of the q and e's, buy heathbreakers and sunderer divine and the matchup will be easier”
AlanVenator says “Try to dodge his E, and avoid being poked by his Q. His damage once he activates his passive is insane so be careful. Try to get some jungle help pre6. After that it is very difficult to gank him. Some MR and antihealing is highly recommended if you ever want to fight him. If he is good he will time his shield just before your ult threshold (that's why it's a difficult matchup). Try your best to scale, nevertheless, you can kill him early lvls if he missplays.”
SethPRG says “You can all-in him any time level 1-5 and win. If you fight level 1, just make sure to cancel his AA animation with your E to delay his passive proc. You can either walk away before it activates, or go all in. You'll want to watch for his E because he can use it to displace you during your W animation, causing it to miss. Make sure to stun him with your E before you use your high grit W to avoid that, as well as preventing him from using his W to soak up your W true damage. If you can, when he uses his W, try to walk away, brute-forcing through it isn't that ideal, but it can work. Past level 6, you can make a trade with him, and try to predict his R and time yours just before you think he will use it, then you will cancel his death realm. Most Mordes will take a trade down to around 50% HP then ult you, or save it when you are trying to getaway. Sometimes they may also start a trade with R but that is only if they are super fed and can kill you during it. Going QSS early is kind of useless in 1v1s because he steals your stats anyway, and it just delays your item power spikes. However, it is somewhat viable later in the game if he wants to use his R to separate you from your or his team. Building Goredrinker in this situation isn't ideal, Mordekaiser will be able to isolate you in team fights, making it useless in a lot of situations, and his general burst damage you'll need to match with a powerful burst Mythic item. You will absolutely want to build Trinity in this Matchup unless you get behind, which in that case Stridebreaker is probably your best buy to slow him down from catching you or your team. You'll want to play aggressively in lane early and build a lead in any way possible, whether it be through CS, kills, or taking JG pressure. You want to match him in team fights, and if he ever ults anyone but you, take advantage of that and destroy his team, your team fight utility with him absent you must use to your advantage. Even if you or your heavy damage teammates get ulted and die, it's still not the end of the world, Mordekaiser will probably be on low HP when he gets out unless he is giga fed. Splitting is decent in this matchup because Mordekaiser will be forced to match you and in that case, he won't be able to isolate one of your teammates with his ult for a potential kill. Now vice versa, if he splits, you will want to match him, this scenario is usually good as well for the same reason, which is avoiding the threat of his ult. Executioner's is a good early buy here to reduce his W and Conqueror healing. Abyssal Mask is decent to help burst him down because of its passive, Force of Nature is great also, better in fact if there is more AP damage on his team. If he builds Hourglass and Bramble Vest, you will probably want to build Black Cleaver as a 2nd item if you are ahead, otherwise build your core Magic Resistance item first. Mercury Treads is ideal in this matchup, but not 100% necessary if his team comp doesn't have a ton of CC. ”
joelspaho121 says “Skill matchup.d blade start with sorc tree.mordekaiser is one of the few champions that can match your extended trading.his passive w and r are really op and you need to respect them.dont ult mord if he has W shield as it will deny you ult reset which in teamfights is huge and it can easily help mord turn fights over.Always make sure to fight close to minions so he doesnt get any extra damage off his Q. If he R's you try to waste his time and dont take the fight becaues he will most likely win. Take the fight only if you know you will win it.grabbing executioners calling with merc treads is not a bad idea if the lane goes even post 6.he snowballs really hard so no room for mistakes.”
El Leon Gnar says “Morde will be able to snowball if he gets kills on you early, but more often than not you should be able to dodge his abilities and outtrade. I sometimes build QSS v.s. this lane just for the survivability, but if he doesn't have a lead on you early just build Stridebreaker and kite him.”
Lucas9000 says “Mordekaiser is like so free, just dogde his Obliterate (Q) with your Lunge (Q) and use Riposte (W) for his Death's Grasp (E). Post 6 is the same thing, but if you are skilled enough, then you can just parry his Realm of Death (R).”
Xarmat says “Early you have the chance to poke him down. As soon he gets Level 6, you have to watch out. Try to fight him near your tower and stay save until teamfights. QSS is no option, you will need the money for other items.”
Helix128 says “if you win early, you can win late.
if even, he wins late.
avoid his Q and E and use your q when he autoattacks so he does not stack his passive. Get grievous wounds when possible (Riftmaker grants him Omnivamp + W healing).”
Kaizin says “In this matchup you can only take short trades, Mordekaiser is a walking stat ball, basically if he has more items/higher level, he'll win. Building bramble vest early is actually good against Morde even if he deal magic damage. Simply because it reduces his healing from his W (shield) and Conqueror as well. Early game avoid letting him get 3 stacks and activating his passive, it grants him movespeed and % damage. At level 6 if you have the reaction time, you can cancel his Ultimate with yours, if you time it correctly. Otherwise only use your Ultimate after his, as his Ultimate steals your stats. If you Ult first, he'll gain a portion of that bonus health.”
I am so chill says “Skill matchup.Similiar to darius matchup.Avoid his passive.Poke him alot.Avoid all ins.You beat him early but stay away from him late game.Dont use your R before he uses R unless you are about to kill him.
UlisesFRN says “His passive is a hard counter as you need to stay at melee range for a long time to do your full damage.His W can counter your R so try to bait him out. Poke him pre 6 and try to dodge his E and Q. Later on try to peel for your carry otherwise he will Ult him. ”
ApollonATH says “You beat him in the early game and late game is kind of even . Only way he can get a lead is if you use your ult early during a fight after 6. Dont get too greedy ”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: No
Either when he tires to ult you to cancell it or W after his ult cuz he will take your defensive stats. Build a Quick Silver Sash, it is his nightmare and your best friend. ”
deathwalker7119 says “This matchup is fiora favored overall, but mordekaiser can definitely win it. You need to dodge as many Qs and Es as you can. If possible, you can try to predict his R and parry that. If he is low enough where you know one stun will kill him then parry his E and hit him with it (You can Q + E if you need to land it easier). If he is full hp all-inning you and you know you can't dodge the Q about to hit you, then parry it or tank half ur hp. You need to r pretty early here, and respect his W shield bar, as if it is full he will shield a LOT of dps. Run away after you proc ult if you can, then re-engage when his passive is gone (play around his passive as much as possible).”
Humitaxx says “As a Tank you will be able to endure the damage of any Mordekaiser you lane against from level 2, just get any trades to continue as long as it can (TRY TO GET ALLY MINIONS CLOSE TO MINIMISE HIS Q DAMAGE SINCE HE CAN MAKE YOU EXPLODE IF HE HITS YOU ALONE) and then try to stun mordekaiser before he can get his W shield and then use yours to deal massive true damage, most of the time Mordekaiser's only engage against you will be his E, and that will help you to get close to him so you can all in, be careful about letting him get ahead, even with a couple kills he can outdamage you, so get a quicksilver slash and a thornmail as soon as possible.
A cool trick you can do to outtrade him, is to wait for him to cast his ultimate, since when casting his, you can cancel it by using yours, just hold on to your ultimate and use it as soon as you see him casting his ultimate, you can notice by his animation of holding his mace up towards you.”
top is high impact XD says “wukong has trouble with ap matchups, if you can dodge his e with your w you can fight him though, play safe when he has his shield fully stacked and try no to get poked by his qs”
WarwicksSimp says “Really just depends. If you lane vs him, you can go exhaust barrier or flash barrier or flash exhaust, any of these three help.
You should usually be able to 1v1 him until late game. Late game your only option vs morde is anathemas chains and bork.
Nekosett says “Use your R to cancel his r it takes a bit of practice but if you can get it down you will win every fight go divine into QSS and you will be able to outplay him in teamfights and will win 1v1s so he cant do much till them suffer when he buys plated and bramble”
Womsky says “Scaling set up, doran's shield/long sword, its all up with how the morde plays this matchup out, if he agro and walks up for minions early on u can punish him by spinning into him with fury level 1, try to fake going for minions to bait Q from him, if you feel uncomfortable and u think his jungler is top side just try to make him Q u with the wave so u get pushed in, over all not an easy matchup if the morde rushies tabies plus seekers armguard cause its a 2200 gold, god mode power spike, if he does that, just chill and scale, later on you can beat his ass with ghost/ignite plus good items, running ignite gives you a very high kill pressure early on, you outscale by the mid/late game.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Fairly doable lane if you beat him before level 6, start q and start stacking passive and looking for fights early on. Be careful of his passive as it is quite strong early on but the ability to dash around on minions and your auto range gives you an edge until 6. If you fight him post level 6 be careful as he can use his ult to dodge your E and R. Once he is 6 just avoid fighting him all together unless he is close to your tower and you can run to it safely in his ultimate. He is quite predictable so don't get caught out too far from safety when he has his R since he will beat you if he has bramble even if you are very ahead of him. QSS helps a lot later on so I do recommend it as a 2nd or 3rd item.”
tibs2 says “Aids coinflip match up where you do not really get to play the game. Take conq and rush cdr boots and hope he misses everything and you kill him. Not really anything else to it.”
SadmanV3 says “Mordekaiser is an absolute beast against Nasus. This one of those matchups where strong wave management and farming very close to turret is key. Avoid getting pulled in at all cost, but if you do immediately Wither him and run away before he can do additional damage with his aura. With Mordekaiser, understand that even though Nasus scales really hard, the matchup with Mordekaiser is roughly even at level 6. If you want to start snowballing, either make sure you have an item advantage or you have gained the power spike from 12 minutes.
There are 2 trains of thought when using your ultimate against Mordekaiser. You can either use it early to maximize the ultimate's benefits, but put yourself at risk for he can steal some of those stats with his ultimate. Or you can wait until he uses his ultimate before you use yours, to prevent this.
This choice usually boils down to how much health you have.”
Kaiteklis says “He's decent early game and his ult is very annoying, I'd suggest building a qss as he hits level 6 to negate ults far away from your turret, rather than that be very careful of his super high damage e-q combo”
svjade says “With Morde, it is slightly a Russian Roulette, sometimes it is extremely easy to counter him once Akali gets her ult at level 6, however that is only possible if he is not fed at the early stages of the game. Late game it is a hard champion to counter for Akali because of his ultimate, however it is possible if Akali scales a lot.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Mordekaiser is extremely vulnerable to ranged champions, but given you're practically immobile he might be able to land his combo on you.”
Ponkstronk says “You win from lvl 1-5, he gets a huge powerspike at lvl 6. You can win every 1v1 after 6 if you go an early negatron cloak and wits end after. He will build a lot of armor, but it wont help vs wits end.”
XD001 says “Never fight him. He wins levels 1-18. Shove lane in and look for roams around the map. Mid/Late you can't split. Look for flanks and try to 1 shot back line squishies.
Equal scaling.
Electrocute + inspiration + tp
If the enemy team has 2 more tanks/bruisers take Conqueror + domination”
Cayteer says “Try to dodge his E , don't go for a trade since he hard wins against you. If he ults you , try to run him around his ult , then pull combo til his ult ends. ”
Noodles912 says “Play away from your minions, so morde needs to chose damaging you or minions. W can be used to cancel his ult, but he will use it again on you after the pool. Safely farm and outscale. Watch out for his passive, because it can do a good chunk of your health.”
PiscesPomf says “VERY EASY LANE
Mordekaiser is really easy to face with Fiora if you know how to face him, BUT if you don't know how you have to face him, it will be a pain in the *ss.
First of all, you have to stay out of the range of his Q, as he will poke you with it. You will have to parry his E, but he won't launch him if you are too close of him. You have to do this :
1- Stay far so he wont reach you with Q and he will E because you wont hit a W, you are too far
2- Jump in his E with your Q or just walk in, walking to him, and parry while you are using Q to get close of him so you can have the range to stun him
3- Launch everything you have ! If you can, keep you Q to dodge his Q as it is easy to dodge. If you are failing because you have not stunned him by parrying a E or even if you stunned him he lands Qs, run away ! His passive does a lot of damages.
If he ults you, it's great because he can't run away so use your R and eat him.”
Fra660 says “you can dodge his Q and his E, so you can kill him quite easily, but he still remains a very strong champ for R and passive so when you are inside his R be very careful”
Wolyoo says “You can't really can't beat him at 1v1s, and if the jungler gank he can use his ult and beat both of you, so try to play safe and not to feed. You can beat him if you get a lead but to get that you need to call your jungler and gank you before morde gets level 6.”
teemodumbstupid says “He beats you easily early game. You can win with Conqueror and when yo u have Divine Sunderer. He might ult you in teamfights to stop you from getting into their backline, so you can build QSS for that.”
Urgodzilla says “Try to abuse your lvl1 E and lvl2 E+W: this is actually the only moment in the game when you are stronger than him. Smart Mordekaiser will get Tabis, Hourglass and Thornmail against you and in this case you will lose to him.”
AyeJa3 says “Depending on the matchup this guy can either kill you all the time or cause a stalemate in lane. It depends on the elo that you are in, but if you don't know how to play against Mord, don't try to fight him often unless you have help. Reposte or dodge his Q, if you get a gank you can parry his ult. Your ult does not go into his so be aware and ready to reposte if you ult early.”
jmp_01_ says “Strong champion. Make sure not to get poked low by his Q - Obliterate. Also fight him level 1 and 2 before he gets his W - Indestructible. Do not fight him if his white bar is full - he can nullify your W - Haymaker and you simply lose the trade and die in the worst case. Wit's End is a good first item option in this matchup. And if you want, buy a QSS and wait the 7 seconds after he ulted you, to make sure he does n't have the stolen stats anymore.”
Yago77 says “Well, is a champ to stop to to fight in team, you obv can hit him easy than others but when your champ is 80% teanfights and he can says "NO" and send you to the limbo you just lose a lot of time”
Paramythian says “If you know your limits on illaoi you can easly supress mordekaiser pre 6. If you cant kill mordekaiser pre 6 you just have to get QSS (Quicksilver sash) to cancel out his ult”
negoZoma69 says “Really dependent if you can dodge his abilities, if you get hit by E post-6 you're probably dead. It's tough to get past his sustain and tankiness so you'll need to be more useful in teamfights. You can cancel his ultimate with your W if well timed, but it can be difficult for most players.”
Docoda says “Mordekaiser might seem like an easy matchup, but if he manages to safely farm till 6 you won't be able to win anymore.
Your goal is to hit a bunch of perfect E+Q combo's and W's. Give him a good back or don't hit enough spells and you're done for.”
SleeplessX says “Juke his skillshots to get close and trade. When he ults you you can waste 1.5s with E, and some more with your own R if his E is down. If you want to fight in his ult, stay very close to him, it actually makes dodging his spells easier”
Dorom says “This guy did get buffed, but he is still hot garbage against you. You can easily poke him and he's immobile! Just spam Q and barrels on him and you'll make him go AFK with a sheen.”
kduudsz says “Um matchup que a gwen bate muito early game, recomendo pta para solar o morder lvl 1 e abusar disso, cuidado que um certo ponto ele vai te matar mas depois vc toma a liderança denovo”
OctavePlayer says “Don't engage him until his grab is on cool-down. You dominate him until level 6. After he hits level 6, farm safely under turret. Only engage him if jungler is nearby, preferably a Nocturne.”
pioj12 says “He wins early mega trades bc he's Q makes A LOT OF DAMAGE and his passive also, he has a gap closure that is the E.
He can kill confirm you with his R. Overall you can poke him out of lane but one bad trade and you are done.
goblinKappa says “While Morde is tanky and a pain early game, he is much more managable compared to the other three. He can pull you towards him just like Darius and Sett, but unlike them, you can potentially run away and survive. Morde's Q and E are both skill shots unlike the point and click adventure of a champion Teemo, this makes him much easier to deal with, while still posing a threat”
raede says “Morde did just get buffed a couple of times but he's still pretty easy to deal with. Just don't get isolated Q and try to get a W on him before going into the death realm. Also don't use your E if he's running to ult you as it won't follow you into the death realm.”
Lunarisen says “You can't fight this guy in a prolonged battle, he has his passive and his empowered Qs to wreck you in all stages of the game; but you will be able to bait his ult since by mid game, you'll be the threat he needs to deal with.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “A good Mordekaiser want long trades - and you want it too, lvl 9 and after -, but his long trade, after lvl 3 will be stronger than yours... so if you didn't kill him before and he's not playing badly, just keep calm, farm and wait to lvl 9.”
SirPandus says “Farm matchup, it is possible to get a kill pre-6. After 6 you're gonna have a really tough time beating morde 1v1. Call jungle only if morde ult down or can burst him down. Early Exec makes it possible to beat him but his W and ult helps him survive your ult. Only mistake Morde can do is not W'ing before you land your e and bursting him down to the point your ult can easily execute.”
Reformed Ravi says “save w for his r and cage him. if you miss it then walk kite him around it and you should be good. buy hexdrinker if needed but you should be ok. take conq”
RetiredPykeMain says “Standard and ignite. just make sure to dodge his Qs, if you see a E from his is impossible to dodge just E away. Or all in if you know you can kill him.”
timeinabottle says “well as you can see mordekaiser rely on his abilities so much and you can avoid them only by dodging them ,try to fight before six, after six don't fight him as he can easily win the trade with his ultimate”
Godalane says “Requires Matchup Knowledge.
Go For Conqueror.
Mordekiaser is the most dominating champion on the top lane I think.
Your level 2 is more powerful than his level 2. But his level 3 is more powerful than you because his W's shield could absorb all your ghoul's critical damage. In this lane, you can take 1 kill before level 3. After that, the laning phase is being a little bit boring. You cant take many kills, you should take farms with your E otherwise he can punish you even though you had first blood.*** BUT WHEN YOU TAKE QUICKSILVER (OF COURSE AFTER THE TRINITY FORCE) ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS, USE YOUR ULT AND FIGHT WHEN HE USES HIS ULT, BAAAAM! USE YOUR QUICKSILVER AND THEN HIT HIS FAT HEAD.
Rime101 says “Morde isn't that hard of a matchup he's just very overtuned right now
When his shield is on cooldown look to all in (Dont all in if he has lots of MR)
If he is consistently ulting you in fights rush a qss. You don't need it if he's been focusing other people with his R in teamfights.
When he uses E (claw grab) run away from him to dodge not to the side, its hitbox is huge but its very short distance
HoesBeforeBros69 says “HAVE YOU SEEN THE SIZE OF HIS MACE? Some say the mace is a disgrace of the arts of the hammer. But seeing his skill this man cleary underwent a solid training with blunt weapons. He might be a formidable foe for Poppy. Or just another communist spy. Cyka.”
Alekra says “Really hard lane to beat. His passive and W makes it almost impossible for you to win long trades. You can win trades if you engage with his W-bar low or E down and keep it short. He is really easy to gank so you might want to get help from your jng.”
Erenando says “Absolute pain in the Ass. He is as painful as Darius. He won't let you get any stacks in early game and he doesn't need items to destroy you. Doran's shield and conquerer is all he needs to fuck you up pre 6. Sometimes I think about building qss against him, but this would also be a waste on your item build. Just get your sheen, spirit visage and adaptive helm. Make sure to dodge his E's and don't force unnecessary trades with him.”
Mainling says “Both your Q and R will cancel his ult. You will win off this alone, but you have to do it every time or he will kill you in his ult. Try to bait his R while autoing him and not using abilities so you can instantly cast Q or R. ”
czrmtz24 says “Skill matchup. Treat Morde as you would Garen. Just sustain yourself through lane and do not give him a chance to kill you with his Ult. Do not push Morde into tower, or you will get trapped in his Ult, taking tower shots. ”
Dark Star Deku says “Mordekaiser is a pretty easy matchup in the early-mid game, but if he ults you under his tower and you don't have much space to kite it can be pretty rough.”
GrGamingTeo says “Think of Mordekaiser as the AP version of you. You HAVE to dodge his single target Q or else you die. The moment he uses his Q to hit only you, activate ghost and run around like a madman while getting your 5 stacks on him. Also if he ults you and hits you with his Q you are 100% dead.”
Smallflame000 says “Easy to take care of, take a lot of trades when he doesn't have his Q, when his Q is up just stay around minions so he doesn't deal bonus damage. If they have conquerer, run away from them if their using the area of effect damage.”
HoftheGreed says “Aunque no es tan peligroso como Fiora, sigue siendo una gran molestia en manos de alguien que sabe rockear con Mordekaiser, ya que este al igual que nosotros, tiene un escudo que puede aumentar según el daño que le hagamos (además de que también aumenta si el nos hace daño o a nuestros aliados) y el lo puede utilizar para mitigar daño o curarse, así que para el no es tan peligroso un enfrentamiento con nosotros. Su Q y su E son habilidades que hay que tener en mente en todo momento para evitar que nos de la mayor cantidad que nos sea posible en un trade ya que hacen BASTANTE daño (precisamente la Q), y sumado todo eso, Mordekaiser es un campeón que puede ser armado como un AP Bruiser, por lo que perfectamente nos puede aguantar todo un intercambio sin desgastarse tanto, y sumado a todo eso con su R nos robara una cantidad considerable de estadísticas, que si bien, normalmente lo estamos castigando, llegada su R puede invertir completamente la situación.”
Drumastermunch says “The MS steal in his ult hurts more in this build. But beside that, the matchup is still skill based. Buy boots to dodge, and keep your E to block 1 Q spell. Totally winnable, even more after 1 item”
Kristofu says “Since your hitbox is huge, Mordekaiser will hit every single skillshots against you. Do not try to 1v1 him, you will lose early game. Buy mercs early and do not overpush, your e and flash mean nothing when he can just ult you.”
LunaticDancer says “Don't get hit and you're more than fine. You outtrade him. Try to bully him as much as you can pre-6, post-6 hold onto your W so you can separate him from you within his ultimate when he inevitably uses it on you. Don't get low near him or he'll murder you. Other than that, he's easy to stomp.
IMPORTANT: Your summons don't travel into or from his shadow realm, so don't ever cast your R in his R realm or you'll waste your most important cooldown.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine Sunderer]
[Ignite + TP]
Start W. Try to dodge his abilities. He will usually use them when you go to cs. It's fine to give up cs to keep your hp bar healthy. Once he's level 6 never hookshot onto him because he will kill you 99% of the time even if you are slightly ahead. If you never hookshot onto him though after level 6 then you can usually just farm up and scale for free. You can stand in your minion wave so when he Q's you it will shove the wave to you and you get to scale. ”
SpyDaFX says “ Mordekaiser became a much easier matchup for Renekton after his rework (despite his winrate), your game plan is to gain an hp lead and gold lead in this matchup, you will outtrade him with your sustain, dont take extended trades unless you're 100% sure you can kill him. go Conqueror/Lethal tempo, rush a death dance and bork.”
Ravenborne says “Gets you free kills by pulling you into him. Just do not let him get free trades off and if he does ult you, just kite around him so his R goes off before you die and he does not have the extra stats for the rest of the fight. Has no escape except his E which is easy to dodge.”
Kil4fun says “Rush A QSS. Try to not get your jungler to gank and die. If he ults you you QSS, and walk back to turret. He's really weak if he can't get you into death realm, just dodge his pulls afterwards.”
Doc Morning Wood says “Mordekaiser is a big threat too. He bets on an aggressive play by the enemy, so he can get his passive working and mess things up. This Cho'Gath is all about that, so you will have to be patient and farm well.
To be honest, you'll feel like you will never be able to have a chance against him.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Relatively easy laning phase if you know how to dodge his Q and E, but will keep you on your toes the entire time. His passive + Conqueror is ridiculous and will destroy you if you let him proc it. During his ultimate if you can't goo fling him you're most likely dead.”
kingchas2 says “Use your W to dodge his E and you win every fight. He has no way to get on top of you and once you finish Bork you can easily 1v1 him. If you are having trouble build wits end and you will crush him.”
ModelitoTime says “This is my favorite matchup for Urgot, Mordekaiser is very hit and miss depending on who is playing him. Morde is a tremendous lane bully and he beats you mid lane phase hard. It's about even first 3 or 4 levels so whoever gets a kill early on usually determines the fate of the lane phase. Lets say he gets the kill and you end up behind, play cautiously and avoid his E (the pull) until you have black cleaver first item then you can fight him. Now lets say you get a kill early on do not get cocky because lvl 6 you do not win into Morde especially if he manages to hit lvl 6 before you and ults you. Always build Black Cleaver first into this matchup and you win against him.”
ChevalierArlo says “Crie o máximo de pressão em cima dele sem tomar as skills ou ficar vulnerável a ultimate dele e você ganhará tranquilamente a rota. Use conquistador.”
xxskipskipxx says “Lvl 1 trade him if you get in AA range dodge his Q and retreat right after Q3 him!
You can easily dodge his Q and E!
If he E you after Qing the wave take this opportunity to get a free gap closer and trade him!!
Consider getting Stopwatch for teamfights or even a QSS to make his R useless !!”
Dannala says “LANE: High amounts of AoE kills your spiderlings easily and his passive ap damage on hit and the aoe hurts you a lot when in Spider Form.
Rappeling out of his passive AoE helps negate a lot of his damage as the rest are dodgeable skill shots. If you have to Rappel before his passive it's safest to back off until it's back up. You can also use Rappel to wait out a lot of the Ultimates duration if you need help.”
Heckin says “Hard early game, but gets easier later on, dont take trades, cuz he will f you up. If he goes all in just run. E and run. Hard to poke him cuz he can heal some of it back up with his W.”
Hyzerik says “You need to get close to do damage and when you are close you are in his passive. It isn't that fun but if you try and avoid his passive as much as possible then you will win.”
Vielia says “Lots of care when he activates his pasive, also he can outpoke you easily and his ult make him superior to you in every way, play safe and be usefull in team fights”
RedNBlue says “Its a bit hard to kite him sometimes due to his E pull. Of course he has to hit the skill shot so if he doesn't then it should be easy.”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “A natural born tank killer with his passive and isolation Q damage. You can kill him early, but once he has ult and riftmaker you will always need to 2v1 him to kill him.”
Raideru says “Very simple matchup, whenever he misses q then u jump on him but do not pop e until he starts to auto then while you're running him down try to dodge the e if you do you outtrade him very hard. I advise Lethal Tempo with Dblade.”
LeSocair says “Keep your distance and dodge his Q and E, it's not hard.
Don't fight early, just poke, he has too much sustained damage.
Don't get fooled by your W's ability to yeet his R, he can win without it.”
TioKirb says “This is a hard matchup, I mean, it can be easy if certain conditions are met, but Mordekaiser is a threat even when he's behind. If you can punish his mistakes, you will be able to break him.”
sauronkaiser says “I really hate how they turned my previous main into this abomination. He wastes no resources, is extremely strong in duels, has free sustain and his ult is just incredibly toxic and can isolate you from your pets and your wall.
Once you both get 6, just
try to evade trades until lvl 10 and at that level get wall to 3. Then NEVER use wall before his ult so you can use it after he ults and poke him inside the death realm. Also DO NOT summon maiden in the death realm or she will be lost after mordes ult is gone.
or just buy quicksilver, whatever, now you can do it with the new items.”
AmericanNut says “Build Mercury Treads, easy to kite his Nightfall and Death's Grasp. You should win pretty easily, when in realm devour him so he can't do damage. (His passive does poke through though.)”
Ramixx says “There is not much outplay to this champion. He pretty much just runs at you and wins for no reason. But if you do manage to snowball a few kills by roaming or getting ganks then you cant beat him before he scales.”
Malol67 says “Hard matchup after he gets seekers and bramble,go for pokes with q and little trades,run away when he gets passive.
Avoid him after he gets these items and look for roams.
If you have phase rush you can poke till he's very low and hasn't got W up.”
EU_Toxicity says “Stay high health, Q if he Qs. If he tries to Q poke you early, trade back and try to get some stacks. You should win all-ins as long as you don't get poked down beforehand, however bear in mind that if the game drags out long enough he will outscale you.”
KillMeMyFriend says “Treat him as a Daris with Ghost, but be even more careful early. You outscale him so don't worry a lot after you have 3 or 4 items”
Lectiica says “Mordekaiser is a tough counter, especially after he gets his Ultimate. He can trap you, and deal constant damage to you with his damaging aura. Be wary, and try not to get caught in a 1v1 with him.”
iZeal says “You win early levels, but once he has gotten seeker's armguard, his ultimate and a couple levels in his Q it becomes very hard to deal with him. You want to get your passive up as fast as possible while denying him his passive so being proactive is very helpful. You should not really get hit by his E. Be aware that Morde can ult you after you proc your passive and he is going to steal 10% of your total AD reducing your damage output. If he doesn't use his shield early enough you can E into ult to burst him down. Adaptive Helmet is very effective against Morde.
DBlade, Phage, later on Adaptive Helm.”
Randomwest says “First 3 levels you lose by default, he has a lot of aoe spells and in his R its not fightable if you are even/behind
try to trade slowly when his Q is on cd”
DasGrauen_ says “This champion got rlly weak in season11. Really easy to kill him tbh. Just run away when he has his shield and try to get time when you are in his ultimate.”
DarkNavarre says “Early game you should be able to bully him fairly well provided you can dodge his abilities. you'll need to be a bit more careful at six as his ult is a bigger power spike than yours is, but you scale faster than he does, so your mid game is stronger in general. Try for an early lead as he will eventually outscale you as the game goes on.”
NoxianBlood says “Morde Is Kinda strong, but if you stack allot of Magic resist he's not going to burst you down that easily if he ults you, you can Charge a full Q Stun since he wants to attack in the death realm before it ends. Keiser only CC is his grab, so try to Q once he just used it. don't stay too long in battle cause he might have a Liandry and his passive will melt you down pretty fast, few knock-ups and jungle assistance will kill him for sure.”
hahadead7777 says “As with most other champions in this list your mobility is a must against Mordekaiser. Stay with minions when possible when fighting as his Q does more dmg when you're alone”
UnMaskedDeity says “Moredekaiser is pretty good early game so just don't agro him to much. When he tries to hit you just Q out of it. If he Ults you and there is a Wall in the Arena play around it.”
byThiagus says “skill match, espada de doran segunda pagina de runas, Pre 6 muy favorable para darius, siempre extender peleas. Si no tenes ventaja y ambos son nivel 6 te gana1v1 Salvo que le dodgees algunas habilidades. En este match es viable el ignite Porque necesitas matarlo pre 6.”
Stijnzxz says “Very hard to deal with due to hes great dmg output in 1v1 so if he stacks hes passive u are taking a shit ton of dmg and hes Q does heck of a dmg in 1v1 so keep the cd in mind and hes R cuz if he R u there is no way out!”
RocketD1no says “Mord is a enjoyable matchup. He will try to pull you in and then Q. Try to poke and use your W passive as much as you can to speed in and out to dodge his abilities.”
Leukasdf says “You beat him early game but he can be a bit of a problem if you don't keep harassing him with your q. Try and save your ult when he ults you and kite kite kite. Q e backwards and force him to use his barrier. Stay out of his passive ring and dodging his abilities should be fairly easy.”
Dmcd7290 says “Make sure when going against a morde, that you have your ult ready before you engage, as when he ults you, all tentacles will disappear.”
AWierdShoe says “His Q windows are kind of telegraphed, so make sure not to get hit by it too many times. Either shield it or juke it. Try to force extended trades with 6 empowered Q's. And if he misses his E-grab at any point you can force trades even harder. He’s also one of the easiest champs to gank, so if you call your jungler up there he’s got no way out. The match-up can get tricky if he ends up ahead of you, but until then you should be winning trades if played correctly. However, if the matchup is even once you both hit level 6, there's unfortunately no way of you solo-killing him when his ultimate is off cooldown.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Start Q, bait his Q/dodge it or let him use it on the minions -> Let wave push to you and make freezes-> Do not let him pull out his passive with when going for small trades. Later for the all in it will not matter -> Once he walks up for cs, go and trade -> His E is very easy to dodge-> Once in his ultimate if you do not win this, KITE as much as possible dodging mainly his E, and then Q -> When going for trades and he pops his W. If his W shield is big, disengage. If not keep on fighting.”
Scoothare says “This guy is really annoying. His ult is pretty much useless though since your E is pretty good against it. Just max your E ability to have a shield often and you should be good.”
StrikeX114 says “His primary threat is his E-Q combo pre-6 due to the high amount of damage it deals. With this build, you can generally survive three consecutive combos. Maintaining a distance from him will ensure that he cannot successfully do so. In addition, his ultimate is highly potent. When in the Death Realm, be sure to kite away from him as much as possible, using your ultimate and Commencing Stopwatch as necessary to survive. Executed well, you can survive upwards of three ultimates in laning phase by stalling him until his ultimate ends.”
NickCola Tesla says “This is a skill matchup slightly in Mordekaiser's favor! Feel free to go whatever runes you feel comfortable using. But as someone who has a decent amount of Mastery on the Iron Lord himself, I can assure you that Mordekaiser really isn't as much of a threat as you would expect. A few patches ago, he was performing rather well in the meta. However, ever since the Blade of the Ruined King changes, he's lost his throne as an S tier pick, and suffers from a lack of early game power.
Yes, he has passive magic penetration, but you need to understand that it's only 5% when he first levels the ability. The penetration caps out at 15% at max rank, and he levels the ability up second. Compare this to the massive 35% granted to Darius, and it's quite measly. You can easily make favorable trades before this happens!
Mordekaiser's abilities are super predictable, and the damage from a non-isolated Q is quite lackluster. As long as you stand behind your minions, and don't get hit by every last one of his abilities, there should be no way for him to kill you! If you manage to avoid his E, remember, it's on a 24 second CD when first leveled. Keep a mental timer in your head, so you can perform a strong trade!
Even after he hits level 6, remember, your ultimate makes you unstoppable. Save it for when you see him perform the animation for his Death Realm, so you can use your ultimate to prevent him from activating his!
If the Mordekaiser understands the matchup properly, he will end up rushing Liandry's Torment. You can negate this damage by rushing a Turbo Chemtank.
If you're having a rough time, which you honestly shouldn't, stacking resistances will go a long way, since it counters all his percent max-health damage. ”
Saarlichenbog says “Mordekaiser is borderline a minor threat alongside Renekton and Teemo. Although not entirely a free matchup, a decent Kalista will be able to dodge every single skill shot seeing how slow all his abilities are with a 0.5-1 delay. By the time he hits 6, accumulating enough gold to buy his one counter item, QSS, completely nullifies any chance he has of winning the matchup to which all you need to do is farm and outscale him.”
GARDENZE says “Mordekaiser aprisiona a Donzela dentro ou fora de sua ult, é sempre preocupante trocar com ele de Yorick, evite. Buildar Bandana e Elmo Adaptivo.”
Bradybattlemask says “His ultimate will take you away from all minions and maiden, and then remove them from the game if summoned in the shadow realm. Past that, not very mobile and doesn't have an escape from W besides flash.”
Captain Dantems says “Evite o Q e E dele de resto fica fácil, quando ele ultar em você use o W para sair e espere os atributos que ele te ''rouba'' e o mate. Grasp com chamuscar. Poção corrupta, cristal de safira com 3 poções de vida ou com refil.”
ItsPaulygon says “This will be a tricky match up for you, he has no mana, has sustain, and a shield. You can still outscale him for sure, but you lose early game. If you outscale him, you win. Just focus on getting your core items.”
Klappy says “- Tradeos de Q+Pasiva en early
- Esquiva sus Skills con tu E o simplemente caminando, no es tan dificil
- Ganas all in al 6 si está a 70% de HP”
llametekudasai says “con el item puedes dodgear la q y la e, ademas de que te puede salvar de una situación desfavorable si te gankean, depende solo de ti ganar linea, puedes pedir ayuda a tu jg si no puedes dodgear o no tengas confianza en ganar solo.”
jopexd says “Not really a bad lane, but YOU need to buy qss or you can FF the game, If morde ults you first, then you kite him and ult him after death realm. But without qss you can never ult first. NEVER.”
GLP1 says “Skillmatch in favor of Kled before level 6, try to get a minimum of 2 kills so you can make sure you'll keep beating him for the rest of the game, a Malmortious or a mercurial Fajin could help.”
wolfclaw3812 says “Pre-6, Mordekaiser is a weakling. Once he hits level 6 and ults you, your mushrooms all vanish and he can run you down. Poke him down from a safe range. On-hit.”
Krankheit333 says “Best match up for gangplank such as against darius and garen is because you can easaly poke and get out of his ult with W so be shure to have it ready”
Nicklstherealone says “Pretty Even you can kill him pre 6 and then in Lategame if you Sidestep. But All in All its just your Skill of Sidestepping with an immobile Champion. ”
Pyroen says “Put a couple points in W early, gain movement speed and dodge his skillshots and once you get level 6, constantly poke him with your auto's and be quick to retreat when he inevitable tries to use his Q or E on you.”
Raphi0216 says “This Matchup get's really ugly after lvl 6 if you haven't a huge lead already. Try to stall his R with E and your own R. Don't take long Trades with him. Never try to fight him in his R, it won't work unless your really fed. ”
IJustWannaCuddle says “If you can side step his E and force fights after he burns his shield on his W you can go in and out before procing his passive. Do not burn your ult unless he is out of range to ult you. If you ult he can pull you into spirit realm and nullify your ult completely. ”
daito Okami says “dark seal conq second wind start. Pretty easy matchup as long as you are not going for long trades early on after 6 u can most of the time kill him on cd”
Frostyfps says “Fairly doable lane if you beat him before level 6, start q and start stacking passive and looking for fights early on. Be careful of his passive as it is quite strong early on but the ability to dash around on minions and your auto range gives you an edge until 6. If you fight him post level 6 be careful as he can use his ult to dodge your E and R.”
Time1Save says “At 6 LVL you are finished if you don't Dodge all of his Q's. Try to kill him up to 6 LVL and focus on taking the Herald. But as long as you play with an advantage, you have to give your team an advantage as well .”
localroman says “You should be able to survive for a while but he will kill you over time considering you need to be directly next to him and he will outdamage you over time with his passive.”
Defensivity1 says “My way of playing against Mordekaiser is going Biscuits Footwear secondary with conqueror and then rushing a negatron cloak after get Tri, then get Wit's end.”
Colbasz says “Rush Tier 2 boots so you can dodge his E. Everything depends on you dodging his E. Max Q first so you can poke him easier. After lvl 6, poke him with autos constantly. If he uses his R on you, use your Q and W to get away from him and dodge his pull, and then use your R if you need to to survive his damage. Easy matchup if you can dodge the E.”
ArmandChad69 says “Extremely easy at early laning, becomes more difficult after he gets access to Seeker, Tabi and Bramble. Also scales rather well into Mid game, make sure to not commit fights that aren't guaranteed win.”
McSoupape says “mordekaiser's kit isn't good for illaoi, illaoi is good when there is lot's of enemies but mord ult will force you to 1v1 him, if you used you'r E before he ult you and you don't have qss, it will be very very hard to survive.”
Penguinoverlord1 says “Hes not the worst matchup ever, but his R can seperate you from your R, or even cancle it if you use maiden during his R. Wait for his R to come out before placing Maiden in order to maximize her usage.”
MisterDerpFace says “You are gonna want to rush Quicksilver Sash, and then proceed with your build. if you want you can upgrade Quicksilver shash to Mercurial Scimitar. Also, mercury treads would be nice. If he uses E to grab you, you can E him, proc a passive or 2, and then run or kill him if you can. Also, a good mord will save his W shield so that you cant pull him with your ult, and try to kill you, make sure to wait out the shield if you manage to bait it out, and THEN ult him to pull him in. He COULD be worth banning but theres worse champ than him.”
Panwiler says “Niby masz ten swój skok
Ale do momentu jak się nie odbijesz od miniona to jest całkiem krótki. Wolny i przewidywalny, przez co łatwo go anulować. (Celarity jest kox, bo speed z W i jeszcze pasywna R to buffuje, bardzo lubię) Ma też spory czas odnowienia i daje attack speed
co wiąże się z tym że jeżeli źle przewidzimy sytuacje przeciwnik może wykorzystać fakt, że użyliśmy go w formie ofensywnej. Po kilku meczach powinniśmy mieć wyczucie kiedy co zrobić pomocne może być też wardowanie, postać z junli często w bardzo łatwy sposób nas zamykają. ”
LoL destroyer says “Fighting against Mordekaiser as Garen is extremely easy, you can silence him and spin on him easily, you are more mobile than him and do more damage early game. Play smart and avoid leaving yourself open to ganks”
YoungTact says “Go for extended trades and when he procs his passive, E to a minion behind you to disengage. Rush double dorans blade & try your best to constantly dodge his skillshots. You win levels 1-5 but he does outscale you. If ulted by Morde run to edge then channel a Max charge ultimate to hit him with to stall the duration of his ult. Vid here:”
qasddsa says “This lane matchup is very boot-dependent. It's highly recommended that you rush Tier 2 boots because it is essential that you dodge his grab, as he can hit you for a lot of damage if you're pulled. I also recommend maxing your Q and just poking him down because he cannot outheal it early on. If he pulls you into his Realm, kite around with Q and W, making sure to not get pulled in. If you succeed in doing this, the matchup is very easy and he won't be able to kill you.”
Mordekaiser is a really annoying toplaner, He can poke you a lot with his Q so look to stay nearby minions so you reduce his damage (remember it does more damage to isolated targets). Because of how he will try to poke you with Q, the wave will usually be on your side of the lane, so look to farm undertower, be careful also when asking for ganks since he can 2v1 you because of his ult, if he ults your jungler, you can see on the normal map 2 dots, the Blue one is your Jungler, the Red one is Mordekaiser, so by the time his R ends (5 seconds) look to be ahead of him and kill him. Look also to use your R inside his R if possible, since he gets bonus stats of the enemy when they are being ulted, so if he uses R when you already casted your R, he will get some percentage of those resistances. Later on to the game you outscale him but he becomes really annoying with his ult, since he will just wait till you are really low in a teamfight, the ult you and if he is losing the fight he will just use Zhonyas Hourglass and wait for his R to end and then his team will kill you, similar to the Malzahar matchup, only Mercurial Scimitar will get you out of his R, so if you really want to, you can build a Quicksilver Sash right after Trinity Force + Boots and then finish the Mercurial Scimitar as a last item. You will outscale him unless he gets some kills early on. Grasp will not poke him out of lane since he has so much sustain with W and his all in potential can only be matched with Conqueror, or in late game with Fleet.”
Tauricus2017 says “Mordekiser is no thread against Poppy. Your E + Q combo is much faster then he is able to stack his abilities. His ultimate does not make any difference in the game since you can use your E to launch him under your tower If he gets close.”
SkellyBirb says “He has decent range for a melee champ and can hurt you with his ultimate. You can build a Quick Silversash to get out of his ultimate if you're struggling.”
Theknight31 says “Mordekaiser is weak before his level 6 Abuse your advantage if you want to win. When he his level 6 use your w improved for counter his ult. Dont push your lane and wait for the jungler for fight”
nicomaster9000 says “Mordekaiser can punish you a lot and sneak in a lot of damage if you are not careful. Try to save your ult after his so he can't steal your stats.”
SubHuman Filth says “Get PTA. Dodge every one of his E's and poke only when you dodge them or he wastes them.
Go attackspeed boots and you should win if you dodge his stuff.
If behind, go Qss and survive.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Mordekaiser has really good damage early, but our all in is just slightly better. When you look to trade with him try to dodge his abilities while fighting and that will improve your odds of winning an allin significantly. When mordekaiser ultis you he gets 10% of all of your stats and also all minions are not a factor. Be careful when pushing close to Mordekaiser's turret because if he pulls you into turret range that can be a way that he beats you. After about 2 items you have outscaled mordekaiser and will beat him 1v1 on the splitpush for the mid-late game. When Mordekaiser ults someone else, his location will be revealed by a floating red dot so if you are looking to chase him down, make sure you follow the dot.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Mordekaiser has really good damage early, but our all in is just slightly better. When you look to trade with him try to dodge his abilities while fighting and that will improve your odds of winning an allin significantly. When mordekaiser ultis you he gets 10% of all of your stats and also all minions are not a factor. Be careful when pushing close to Mordekaiser's turret because if he pulls you into turret range that can be a way that he beats you. After about 2 items you have outscaled mordekaiser and will beat him 1v1 on the splitpush for the mid-late game. When Mordekaiser ults someone else, his location will be revealed by a floating red dot so if you are looking to chase him down, make sure you follow the dot.”
Darrkescru says “Runas : PTA (Darrkescru) Aery (Cuei)
Tem 2 estrategias a primeira a minha e buildar full AD usando itens como arco recurvo pra fazer rei destruído ou limite da razão assim você abusa muito antes do lvl 6 e depois de 1b fica facil
A outra (cuei) forçar ele usar tp top e ficar pushando a wave safe sem morrer”
Swaim says “Mordekaiser is skill depended try baiting his q and e and never use your r UNLESS he doesnt have ult other wise he will just run away and all in you while you lack your ultimate ”
qazx1427 says “Just buy QSS. It's helpful since a lot of champs have stuns and roots, so buy QSS as soon as he gets L6. It's not a waste of gold as long as you have the reaction time to use it. Keep throwing ghouls at him, then go in with Maiden. He'll think, "Oh, I can ult him, then he'll have no Maiden!" He'll ult you, QSS, W, E, win. Takes a little getting used to, but it works.”
Maltchiana says “Mordekaiser is a hardcounter to illaoi.
You can't win fights if you dont have ult and he can ult you to make your tentacles disappear. Buy Quicksilver sash to counter his ult, and dont use your ult before he uses his.”
ZergDood says “He likes to kill tanks, that means he's a fan of extended trades. Avoid his E with your E or just walk away. He'll eventually outscale you, so end laning phase in the best way you can. Avoid his passive and poke him. Be wary of his Q and try to duck into it with your shield on. If you kill him, rush doran's blade and build a little MR, and he's out of the fight for a while. Remember to farm, he'll push and try to level up fast.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “You win early quite handily but after lvl 6 he wins the allin, get an advantage and stay ahead and you can 1v1 him in his ult.
Take MR.”
Ayanleh says “Morde is honestly kinda easy, you can easily dodge his abiltiies with Q movedspeed, take phase rush so when he gets rylais he cant slow you.”
Twist21 says “Mordekaiser is a strong champion in teamfights but he lacks 1v1 power against fighters with good mobility like Tryndamere.I would try to take short trades vs him , chunk him down and then maybe dive him when I get 6.Standard runes and sums for this one.”
Dreadscythe95 says “Morde doesn't let Kayle room for counterplay and his scalling after his first 2 items is very strong. He never stays behind her in priority if he plays decently. QSS is also not a great pick for Kayle early game since it puts her behind is scailling. If you manage waves well though you outscale him in the late game.”
Twist21 says “One of the easiest matchups for jax , avoid his e or block his passive and then q away , repeat and then all in him when he is low enough.”
wallobear53 says “His main damaging abilities are quite linear, so dodging side to side rather than directly forward or backwards can help you avoid them easily. Just make sure you react in time else he will be able to get you close to him and kill you.
He has a lot of AoE damage, however, he needs to hit some of his abilities or Auto-attacks before his Passive can proc. Once the Passive is activated, it can be a large source of damage, so try to avoid extended fights.
His Resource bar allows you to know how much shielding he will get from his W. Keep an eye on this and avoid trading or fighting him if that bar is more than half-filled as it’ll give him a massive shield as well as a heal.
DankFlyingCow says “His passive still works when hes in your mouth, so unlike any other matchup, you are taking damage 100% of the time. Also, hes AP. ”
OverCookedFish says “Morde is an even matchup, and the win typically goes to who gets the first kill. Just beware the one item power spike and use your R for unstoppable while he is attempting to R you, as it will cancel his and put it on CD.”
ClanBlade says “This is really a skill based matchup. Similar to Darius, E away to try dodge his E then all in as it also has a long cooldown. Don't stand still as he can easily Q you and keep moving and stand near minions to avoid the bonus damage if it hits a single target.”
M.P.C says “In his current state he is very unstoppable. If you know that he'll be going top lane don't pick Rumble, in the off chance that you pick Rumble first I suggest you rush Morellonomicon to stop his sustain and farm under tower to discourage him from sending you to the shadow realm since tower interactions still remain the same inside the shadow realm”
aegiswings says “Mordekaiser is the toughest matchup Teemo will commonly face top lane. He isn't very reliant on auto attacks so your blind isn't that useful. He also has a grab, healing, and does insane damage early game. I recommend usually banning him.”
Fiora Pogjet says “The lane is very skillbased. in the early game you can trade him with your Q and he can trade with his Q. You can always go for short trades with Q and E but get out before he gets his 3 hits for his passive, because then he wil outtrade you hard. You can also prarry his E very easy and with your ult at lvl 6 u should be doing more than his ult. ”
ModxLoL says “Mordekaiser shouldn't be too much of an issue as long as you dodge the ability that pulls you in. You also need to try to dodge or at the very least shield his q's. Try not to fight him in his ult if you both are full health he has lots of stats. Just do your best to run around stalling his ultimate; do this by utilizing your shield, 3rd q, and stun. This is one of the few matchups I would recommend taking ignite against so that you can have a better chance fighting him in his ult if running isn't an option. Essence reaver can also be a nice choice into Mordekaiser. ”
Flagoony says “Not a difficult matchup. Dodge his E and poke him down. Heal from his poke with your W's. Collect chimes when you are low on mana. Since he will usually build items that make him tankier, I recommend looking for roams around the map to get leads.”
Stiwy says “Go for conqueror build here.
It's important that you dodge his Qs as much as you can and when he pulls you with his E you use your E in the opposite direction.
Don't fight him if you don't have your ult ready and even if you have it will be hard to take him down.
When his passive is active you have to disengage as fast as possible or you will get destroyed.
Ganks are not that useful because of his R that can isolate your jungler in the Death Realm and give him a kill.
Buy QSS to surprise him (and possibly waste his ult).
From level 13 you should be able to 1 v1 him more easily.
Start D.Shield and try to get a spectre's cowl ASAP.
If he gets out of control consider buying an adaptive helm too.”
gsaeyx says “What build you go doesn't matter you lose anyways. GOD JUST fucking dodge please cancerous champ. When he ults point blank ult him so you stun him and cancels his ult. It might take a bit of practice but thats the only way you can win. Legit cancer champ.”
Fourpaws33 says “Careful of trades before 6. He will out trade you with his Q and passive. You can win the fight inside his r if you play smart. Build dirk first for the stats and try to keep an advantage.”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Mordekaiser has really good damage early, but our all in is just slightly better. When you look to trade with him try to dodge his abilities while fighting and that will improve your odds of winning an allin significantly. When mordekaiser ultis you he gets 10% of all of your stats and also all minions are not a factor. Be careful when pushing close to Mordekaiser's turret because if he pulls you into turret range that can be a way that he beats you. After about 2 items you have outscaled mordekaiser and will beat him 1v1 on the splitpush for the mid-late game. When Mordekaiser ults someone else, his location will be revealed by a floating red dot so if you are looking to chase him down, make sure you follow the dot.”
Space69420 says “You're E gives a really nice amount of movement speed as long as you dodge his pull with your shield and respect his gap close and ult you should be able to win”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up qui peut s'avérer compliquer, mais tout à fait gérable en t'y prenant bien. Contre lui prend le conquérant c'est décisif car le combat va se faire dans la durée, lorsque tu l'engage pense à te déplacer entre tes sorts et Coup blanc autour de lui, ça lui compliquera grandement la tâche ses sorts sont lent et difficiles à placer sur une cible mobile !
Une fois niveau 6, si jamais il t'ulti ne chercher pas à l'affronter gagne du temps en courant un peu, et fonce lui dessus une fois l'ulti fini !
Astuce : Une source d'anti heal comme l'excutionner peut grandement facilité le match up. ”
Dantheman81 says “If they pick Mord, DONT PICK YORICK. He will beat you in nearly every way all game long. Unless he doesn't know what hes doing, this will be very difficult. You ghouls give him so much healing and he can 1 shot them as well. Just don't do it!!”
ChocoChurro says “Not as hard as it seems. As long as you're able to dodge his E it should be an easy, or at least a safe lane. But he can counter you by building Rylai's Crystal Scepter.”
Twiggymocha says “His e pulls you in both stopping your q and giving him the chance to get some stacks making life twice as hard for you. I suggest building Adaptive Helm vs him and also take mr runes.”
sexyman46 says “Bullshit champ. You should rush boots so you can dodge his skills, but his hitbox is broken and after 6, even if he missed all his skillshots, he will still manage to kill you with his ult. Be careful under his turret!”
Xplor says “Mordekaiser in general, should not be a threat against you, as you will outdamage him most of the times. The only threat with him would be if he manages to have some kills (from other lanes) before you. If he gets feeded even a bit, you lost the game against him.
Keep him on-short and poke him as much as possible with your ghouls.”
Lintaar says “You can dodge all his abilities really well when your passive is stacked. And he honestly shouldnt even be able to hit you when he Ults.”
Darrkescru says “Antes era uma das matchup mais dificeis mas e so fazer teemo ad que fica bem facil, desvia do Q dele a todo custo mesmo que custe seu flash para matar ele, quando ele te pushar e acertar o Q cegue ele para ele não conseguir procar a passiva ”
Angela du Seithr says “Contentez-vous d'éviter son E et Mordekaiser est doux comme un agneau. Il est plus lent que vous et même sous ultime vous pouvez facilement lui courir autour ou utiliser votre propre ultime pour neutraliser le sien.”
Magginator says “Early lane bully, early spectre's cowl and if he builds protobelt first you should be fine.
If he rushes Liandry's like I do Adaptive helm may be better”
Saturnyourube says “dodging his E will be very useful
try to poke him in a way that he cant activate his passive.
dont stay in lane with low hp because he will ult you. and u will probably die.
Nyx Adachi says “NO LE TRADEES
Generalmente los mordekaiser aprovechan su dps para sacar ventaja y denegarte farm, conserva la calma, rushea mercury threads y yelmo adaptable, a lvl 6 intenta sacar ventaja con otras lineas si o si para que el morde reduzca su utilidad y si es necesario vuelve a linea con tp luego de ayudar. Trata de dejar de tradear en el momento en que este cargue su pasiva e incluso puedes armarte unas runas con phase rush para poder salir del tradeo facilmente.”
TotallyEclipse says “If he rushes ninja tabi bramble vest you will get outscaled by lvl 6 if he doesnt, all in him every chance you get, dodge his Q and delay his passive while you smack him. going for early dorans is very good here. Put a wits end in your build and you'll win for sure later on”
ForOrion says “The metal giant is squishy underneath his W shield early game plus as long as his health under the threshold Pyke can still execute. Dodge and zone his Q and bait out his W for good trades and potential all ins, get cs advantage/tiamat advantage and you should be able to out trade always.”
MarKoXGOD says “Mordekaiser is somewhat of an even match-up. Early game he is weak, his only combo that can break your morale is E - Grab, Q - Slam, AA and then passive. If the Mordekaiser builds tank, don't engage alone, because you surely won't have enough damage to pull it off all alone.”
Dedrick says “He is able to beat you in all early trades with his passive, mid and late game he can ult you to take your stats, killing you easily and using your tankiness to kill your team.”
JuarezLOL says “be careful against mordekaiser because this champion has everything for killing wukong and your match up is very hard but there is 1 escape route which is you need to trade with him in early game like lvl 1 or 2 when he used Q or E for minion you can go for a quick trade and back off ”
MateuszNH says “Really hard matchup.
My second ban option.
I found playing aggresive early and trying to miss his skills with clone pretty good for him so he is beatable, much stronger after 6 though. Your only chance is if he ults your W. If he has both shield and ulti then don't even try.”
Wamson says “Survive the laning phase at all costs! Don’t get bullied out of the lane! Freeze creeps on your side of the lane and farm until mid game.”
JuarezLOL says “its hard because of his W but you can easily win over him in 2 moments
1 early game at lvl 1 because your E will deny his passive he cant proc it with auto attack
2 after you get your ruined king first trade with him to get a good chunk but do not use your R or Ruined king
second trade with Q E and ruined king
after he used his R use your R”
ACE4291 says “You can tank him with a full magic res rune. not the hardest champ to beat with you leanr to dodge his Qs but this champ is one of the strongest when it comes to 1v1 you. Just watch out for Morde and bully him as early as lvl1 to lvl6 ”
MrClockWorks says “You are stronger than Morde early but he will outscale you pretty fast as he has the power to tank your full combo and then have the consistent damage to kill you. try to get a lead early and then buy qss so he can never lock you down.”
DirtyDishSoap says “Stay away from him when he has passive out. You win with 4 ghouls.
The problem with this lane is his ability to take away your maiden.
I saw another guide that says to "wait" but to hell with that. You want to try and wittle him down as fast as possible before he ults you. Maiden will be there to greet you AFTER the ult ends. Not if you summon her into Mords world and then after.
Pro tip - Save your wall UNTIL he ults you. After that just kite and survive. Congrats - You basically win after that if your maiden is still out.”
report singed ty says “Bring ignite and conqueror and rush protobelt and you can win the 1v1. Focus on juking his stuff, and PRESS ULT AFTER HE DOES.
His R steals your stats, so always hold your R until he uses his first or he will steal your ult stats instead of your normal ones.”
Beatport Expo says “Not really a trouble but you'll have to consider when is the time to fight him. You can easily win against him in the early game, you're unlikely to win late game though, unless he's way behind”
Kingarthur720 says “Mordekaiser is a very strong mid to late game champ with his high carry potential being very difficult to match. With the runepage they usually build on him having a lot of healing, the trickle healing from his passive with ravenous hunter makes him live a lot in the long run. Bield grievous wounds against him and maybe consider building adaptive helm into him.”
TentiTiger11 says “If he gets ahead, don't fight him. He can tank a lot of hits, heal a lot, and deal tons of damage. If he is ahead, try to fight him 1v3 if he used his ult lately. Be quick because it has a pretty short cooldown.”
VIP Titan says “Mordekaiser seems hard right?
But its actually easy if you plays it right and harass harass harass him in level 1. Use your Q chase him down like you do for most champion. But make sure dodge his E. Than it will be greatly reduces the time he can stacks his passive.
Your R can get away from his R!
Remember MAX E not Q! ”
gabriel5ben9 says “Stun and run. That's it. Sometimes you can outdamage him. If we ults, just stun and run as much as you can. if your W deals damage to him you'll have bonus MR for the entirety of his ult.”
ShaharKarisi says “You'll win most 1v1s past level 6 and most trades after level 3, just farm safely and poke from time to time to ensure a strong level 6 all-in.”
Subject3 says “morde is a menace if you dont pick magic res in your runes, but when you do pick magic res, he is so easy to fight just bully him hard.”
KayleMachine says “Never has kill potential on you if you properly dodge his abilities Q/E.
When he ults you your Q+W help you to just run the duration out.”
Starci says “Before level 6 you have some chance of beating him, but after it's impossible to 1v1 him, even if you are fed. Just buy QSS and don't fight him.”
Vodka4Gaben says “If he ults you, its really bad just try to dodge everything unless you have a tentacle ready in your passive then if u place it down, E him and ult, you will still kill him, but ONLY if you have your passive ready.”
Destroya777 says “Avoid trading with him. Don't let his E cancel your E when you run away. You can use W to avoid the pull of his E. If you can react fast enough you can W to avoid his R.”
Auntbetsie says “Kind of the same as illaoi but less annoying. Very easy to dodge his Q and E and can punish him for it. But when he hits 6 since his R steals damage etc he can deal a lot of damage to you so you might even have to alt it if not near a tower or team. Best thing to do whilst laning is stay behind your minions as his Q does less damage if it hits minions at the same time as you, so don't get caught out in the open.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Snowball lane. If you get an early lead he will be unable to do jackshit about it, but if he manages to get seekers + liandries soon-ish, he will hurt, A LOT. He is also AP, so defensive options are limited. Do note Morde LOVES extended trades, so try your best to avoid his passive proc, else you will lose every trade because outhealing his DoT with W is impossible. Do remember your emp W cleanses his ult, but if he is smart he will wait until you have used your stacks to send you to his death realm. Also asking for ganks after 6 is wasting your jungler's time, since he will just ult one of you and either manage to survive or even kill one of you. Take into account his ult does NOT affect BotRK's stats, so if you get botrk + mortal reminder + maw/sv he can't deal with you at all. Overall manageable, if volatile lane. Either ignite+flash or TP+flash works well enough. Conqueror is preferable.”
Gwndimi says “just be carefull he cant kill you realy fast rush Redemption + Merc boots
Lane phase should not be a problem but you will fall behind in damage so wait for ganks buy a QSS because he will ult you mid/late game”
CounterBlad3 says “This is a very gold based matchup, if you have the lead you free win. Just make sure you dodge his 'e' so you can run at him afterwards”
Rivenetto says “I never knew to play this matchup good. He have armor,he have shield,he slows,he deals damage,he outscales you. Just so broken champion. Try to get some early level kills and trades.When he uses his Q thats ur window for some potential trade.All in him if he uses his E”
classicnoob says “Skill Matchup If the morde plays wrong punish him Don't go in extended Trades. As his passive will counter you and outtrade you easily. Banworthy.”
The Ryann Kingg says “Mordekaiser is by far my easiest match-up with Shyvanna. Once you reach LVL 3, LVL 6. It should be pretty hard for him to kill you if you have ignite up. Early in the game, only fight if you have Ignite up. Once you reach LVL 6 and also when you complete Death's Dance, and especially after you complete Spirit Visage, you beat him easily. Just Ult onto him and run him down. He won't able to keep up with you sustain. ”
Asoreth says “Another annoying lane, Mordekaiser is a caster so your W is almost useless here, he excels at long fights so try to dodge his E so he doesn't prolong it for too long.”
I Play Blitz Top says “Just don't be stupid and play safe, playing next to tower will make mords ult useless and you can probably get in a few undertower take downs. ”
GreeN1337 says “Counters You in almost every posible way. His Q does absurde damage when hitting a single target so for Your best try to fight in minnions. His pasive is also busted You will die trying to kill him becouse of it. If you didnt ban Mordekaiser then you can pretty much just give up the laning phase.”
SuperPopo7 says “fight early game as much as you can. This is like if a Nasus fucked Vladamir and this is the spawn that came out. just make sure to fight and HOLD YOUR W IF HE HITS 6 so you can get skarll back instantly”
Anonbroh says “Mordekaiser has the best laning in Top-lane with his amazing ultimate and ability bully you in lane without mana, try to get a gank top before level 6 while he doesn't have his ultimate”
TRAMANOSIA says “Ye this is a hard matchup because of his passive.
I would recommend that you avoid all ins and rushing one of these items (Wit's end, Visage, Adaptive Helm).”
zendo33 says “Es un pesado de libro,quizás en late podrías ganarle o que el morde sea un reverendo manco .
Jugar con resistencia mágica en early y esperar alguna ayuda del jungla.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “You should be able to out-trade Mordekaiser as long as you stay away from his passive unless he builds Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Don't try to fight him in his ultimate unless you are far ahead, just dash around him or use your W until it's over.”
OakenshieldXVI says “Too much DPS and magic crit. Try to avoid his Q and E and only then you'll be able to trade damage with him. Be wise and use your W to escape his E and his R when timing correctly.”
ShinyEmo says “Try to all in him early, especially at levels 1-2. If you are ahead, you can kill him even in his Ult. If you are behind, buy Quicksilver Sash. After 2 items, it is impossible for him to kill you in a 1v1 even in his Ult. ”
Oblak says “He is not a threat if you consider making for first item some magic resistance, or atleast a spectre. You can bully him a little then comeback to farming, just, don't make a direct 1v1 with him and you will be alright.”
AkenoSenpai says “I personally perma ban this guy every game since the rework, so i cant say to much, but the way i used to handle him him was making my adventage on him early on (pre 6). After that despite being behind he can still easly beat you.”
StephanBJ says “A good Sylas will kill a good Mordekaiser but a bad sylas will die from a bad Mordekaiser. Watch out for his passive and his E that pulls you to him (should doge with your E ) .His ultimate is quite usefull so try to take it and when a team fight starts you should use it to kill an adc or to take a tank from the fight so your team can win”
omicronouroboros says “If you can dodge his E, he can't hit you, so just play safe and last hit minions. May want to build Mercurial Scimitar to escape his ult.”
lugzinho says “Morde doesn't have much mobility so it's easy to stick to the Iron Revenant, and the GW is really good to counter his W.
But try to get ahead before he gets Seeker's Armguard, otherwise you'll be having a bad time trying to kill him.”
miniRAGE says “Mordekaiser's passive will shred you if you stay in it too long. There's almost no good way to get around this as Sion, and you'll probably have to wait for your jungler most of the time if your opponenet knows what he's doing.”
mac.moba says “You beat him at every level. I love to let him get his passive off at level 1 so that he thinks he wins the all-in, so that I can then just kill him at level 1. Later on in the game it’ll be harder to kill him once he gets tanky, but he shouldn’t be able to do anything to you early. Also, your ultimate cancels his ultimate so use that to your advantage. If you ever do get ulted by Morde and you don’t have yours, remember that if you throw out a Q just before he ults you, your Q will be on cool down and you won’t be able to pick it up, and the same thing happens when you throw a Q in his death realm just as it’s about to end - you won’t be able to pick it up since it’s in a different realm so you’ll have to wait for it to come off of cool down. Where possible, try to save your Q if you think he’s gonna ult you, and also try to save your Q when you think his ult is gonna finish. For the most part, that’ll be the hardest part of this matchup. Exchanging flashes with Morde is always worth, rush Phage and run him down the lane over and over. If you do fall behind in this matchup, a Spectre’s Cowl or Hexdrinker will be good to pick up early.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “You can win this lane by getting a lead before level 6. When Mordekaiser gets level 6 he suddenly gets a major advantage in this lane since he steal your stats. Before level 6 you can poke him to death. but just make sure you dodge his E and Q combo. If he gets low enough you can go in for the kill, but just make sure he doesn't hit you with E as this will tip the fight into his favor. Getting close to Mordekaiser will make you loose every trade so always try and ensure you keep him at a distance. Brush control will be really important since he can walk up to you from the fog of war, so check the brushes with your lantern if you are unsure where he is and make sure you have river warded so that you can play to the bottom of the lane and away from the brushes.”
6MillionBreads says “Unless you get ahead early, you probably won't be able to win trades against him and you're basically out of luck if he ults you unless you can fake him out long enough for it to expire and yeet yourself out of there with your E”
Epic Striker says “Morde is probably only if he gets fed if you keep him away from you and spam your q you will scale and destroy him if hes fed its over.”
SirVermillion says “He will counter your Q's true damage with his W shield. Only way to win this matchup is to show early lane dominance and abuse him before his level 3 and 6 power spikes. After level 6, play safe and farm, do not look to engage, build magic resist items like Hex drinker. And only engage with your jungler if he already used his ult. ”
Colgatepot69 says “Same notes from AAtrox apply here...
Basically any bruiser will crush you early game, so play safe until you start to do damage and can take more than one hit.”
Braddik says “If he rushes ninja tabi bramble vest you will get outscaled by lvl 6
if he doesnt, all in him every chance you get, dodge his Q and delay his passive while you smack him. going for early dorans is very good here. Put a wits end in your build and you'll win for sure later on”
FlopyWeiner says “Honestly he used to be insanely OP and was a one pick one win champ but now I would recommend to wait it out for him to come to you. You can 1v1 him in your minnion wave and you win”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Poke him and only use oranges for his death realm. Believe it or not Gangplank's oranges get you out of the death realm instantly. Also try and avoid his pulls.”
The Lost Drawing says “Es un counter, sobre todo a nivel 6, ya que tanquea en su 'R' y tiene mucho DPS aparte que no gasta mana y tiene algo de rango para farmear
Con un 'Yelmo Adaptable' le paras mucho daño”
Pedrokis says “Você ganha o early facilmente se colocar bastante pressão nele. / O seu primeiro Q tem mais range que o Q dele, abusa disso. / Quando ele gastar o Q o dano dele é bem limitado, mas não subestime a passiva dele quando ele tiver fechado Rylai ou Liandry. / O E dele pode ser usado ao ser favor: Se a troca for boa pra você e Se você tiver seu segundo ou, preferencialmente, seu terceiro Q, ele vai tar te ajudando ao te puxar pra cima. / Cuidado com a ult dele no fim do jogo caso você esteja muito forte. Mesmo que talvez ele não te mate, ele te impede de impactar a team fight, então compre QSS (Bandana Mercurial) o mais rápido possível e depois feche Lâmina Mercurial (que também acaba ajudando no life steal e no MR).”
Joaking says “Short trades against mordekaiser, dodge all his abilities or you're death. They're easy to dodge with your Q and E. Fight him when he has his W in cooldown.”
Daedralus says “Due to his triple Q hit mechanic, he does have a strong burst, but also a delayed fighting system. This is your ally as you are capable of restoring quite a decent amount of HP between his auto attacks. It is also wise to back off before his 3rd Q, and then to ult back at him in a timing that will have his 3rd Q expire during the suppression, making him even weaker as his Q will be down for a longer time. ”
Askio says “The final of the top 3 bans for top. Not as extreme as Darius and Renek, but his ability to isolate you in duels and steal your stats makes him frustrating to gank around. Lower level threat however, since you can bully him pre 6 or if his ult is down. ”
VicGal96 says “Snowball lane. If you get an early lead he will be unable to do jackshit about it, but if he manages to get seekers + liandries soon-ish, he will hurt, A LOT. He is also AP, so defensive options are limited. Do note Morde LOVES extended trades, so try your best to avoid his passive proc, else you will lose every trade because outhealing his DoT with W is impossible. Do remember your emp W cleanses his ult, but if he is smart he will wait until you have used your stacks to send you to his death realm. Also asking for ganks after 6 is wasting your jungler's time, since he will just ult one of you and either manage to survive or even kill one of you. Overall manageable, if volatile lane. Either ignite+flash or TP+flash works well enough. Conqueror is preferable.”
BeautifulWinter says “This should be a pretty even match up with the most recent nerf to Mordekaiser. However due to his ult you should probably buy QuickSilver Sash. Wait until he uses his ult on you before ulting because it removes your tentacles from the map as well. Your ult can technically stop Mordekaiser ult if you time it right however don't bet on it.”
feederfromelohell says “Absolutely defenceless against your CC train and burst. Don't directly trade with him just poke and get out if u can't finish him. He can't escape you or ganks and can't scale.”
IvaoManeirao says “Tricky. You can win this and this matchup pends more to the "even" side, however, he has just amazing trading ability in laning phase - i recommend you play this just like Darius; play it safe with poking and farming and buffer your E when he tries to pull you in.”
Big Belly Bop says “Dodge his E's, Q's, and abuse your range. If he lands his pull on you, E out and W him to secure the root and get some autos off. He is very tanky for what he builds and will be able to easily win extended trades. Think about building an early QSS if he keeps ulting you! Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.”
ExfIamed says “Now this matchup actually is pretty easy EARLY ON, but if you die to him once you just lose the lane, if you get ulted even while ahead you lose, he outscales you and even if you're 90/0 you cant fight him late game, but hey you kept him away from your team for a few seconds :D”
Verdehile says “This guy is actually a b*$^@ to play against sometimes because all he has to do is build armguard tabis and 1 armor item. You can easily beat him later with armor pen and wits or early game if he misplays by using e randomly or q at lvl 1 while full fury and hp.”
GenuinelyPolish says “Because of Poppy's q and e you can punish him for using his ult but he's so tanky you have to kite w/ Titanic Hydra and shield toss for any luck 1v1, but likewise he doesn't pose a significant threat to you.”
Baxiboxi says “
When traveling with Pantheon thanks to his extremely thick shield from the Mordekaiser Undying Armor, he will not be afraid of Pantheon's Q-Comet Spear. Even if you don't own any dive or dive moves. But Mordekaiser can confidently balance Pantheon before rushing into 1 vs 1 with colleagues on the other front.
Finally, the last part. What makes Mordekaiser a god when confronted with Pantheon. When Pantheon began to power the Realm of Death, he immediately interrupted Pantheon's R beat and locked him in with the Mordekaiser in the Kingdom of Death.
Besides, Mordekaiser's E also interrupts the key of Pantheon's most important skill in combat, making it impossible for him to interact with the whole map so comfortably. However, like Pantheon, Mordekaiser needs a lot of skills to master because the skill set is easy to get used to but also highly oriented.”
numpadddd says “Dont get hooked, you cant get out of his passive and he also has his ult, so watch out extremely, altough you can still threaten him and maybe also kill him, but be carefull”
ENX Kai says “SEASON 10 META pick, can out damage you at any point in the game. Big damage and ultra tanky. has a broken ult that change the tide. Can punish you real hard in lane. Play extra safe. Get Mercury's Threads and Adaptive Helm.”
SirLudan says “If you use his ult to ult him after he ulted you, you win. Otherwise run. His abilities are pretty easy to doge and you can oftentimes trade with him well.”
Ends says “Can be an issue post lvl 6 but aatrox can out heal mordekaiser inside of mordekaisers ultimate and kill him as long as they are even in lane or as long has mordekaiser does not rush a morello.”
Defensivity1 says “If he ever hits his e on you before 6 or even when you are level 6 he is extremely dangerous to fight, he outdamages you and he outshields you and on top of that its an ap champion so you cant itemize cleaver or iceborne to counteract his damage and there is simply no mr version of these items. i simply decide to ban him every time i intend to play yorick”
Taliyehn says “Seriously, Mordekaiser is like Urgot, but with a lower range, and he has an extremely easy-to-dodge "hook". Just kite him, Q his face and that's basicly it. If he ults, no panic. Maybe he's going to kill you, but that would mean he already has a lot of items and he has other guys to ult at that moment.”
oscarlotus says “If he lands an E you're dead, but that being said it's really hard to land as morde. You can just space out his E and he shouldnt be much of a problem”
mightydylan101 says “Morde can be hard to deal with as he can get pretty beefy so play safe and farm so you can beat the squishy targets mid game and full build he can be beaten with your magic pen.”
ProgettoYorick says “mordekaiser personally is the champion who i ban most often. literally in early you can't do anything, the farm will be difficult initially, its E-Q combo literally destroys you, try to dodge it. Also in late it is a big problem his R will counter you a lot, separating you from your R. You can decide to keep it only during the phase in which he uses his R, only to not die inside. OTP tip: 1) after the end of Mordekaiser's R your R will disappear
2) I personally try to keep it only in extreme cases”
YeeDS says “Very strong champion, try to snowball early because you will lose at level 6 if you are not ahead. Dodge as much as you can and avoid him when his ultimate is up.”
Fluddah says “Morde is kinda just op rn, and i really hate facing morde, so honestly this is more of a personal score on him but yeah hes kinda an issue, you dont damage him much and you might as well just poke with W”
potataroll says “Any type of CC is deadly to you since it puts your W on cooldown and a detached Yuumi is a dead Yuumi. Mordekaiser takes this to the extreme in that, after he hits that level six, you'd never be able to peacefully proc or detach ever again. If you go for a heal relic, make sure he's far, far away.
Also, if it looks like he's eyeing your host, then jump ship while you can. If he R's your vehicle, then you're going to be left detached, probably in the middle of a team fight and you probably won't be able to get that channel off to W into your nearest teammate.
He is a monster.”
Karnan says “This fucker is just broken at the moment. Conqueror synergizes so well for him and he can easily take on 1v2s past lvl 6. Be very mindful of Morde and if you wanna shut him down try to do so before lvl 6. ”
miltos11 says “You better pick electrocute and play safe until level 6 where you can use electrocute to do damage to him while using the biscuits and the potions from your starting item which will give you 50% immediately. However the Time warp tonic just give you the 50% of the hp and mana immediately it will not give you any extra healing and it will not be useful if you dont get in a fight ”
AlienMV says “Similar to Darius, watch out for his E and you should be fine. Unlike Darius, he doesn't have any more CC aside from his E, so it should be simpler.”
OpticR says “Wouldn't go aggresive on him, playing against him I would recommend try to get a lead by roaming, while preventing him from getting any plating of course.”
Asothin says “With the recent Mordekaiser changes if he gets to you he will destroy you. On top of that he has some sustain and his shield can block your poke. Be careful when playing against him.”
picklehater77 says “He can be pretty nasty as an AP matchup. You don't have much ways to fight him directly once he starts putting more ranks into his Q, use your E smartly and you can come up ahead. ”
Kalrex says “Use your E to engage and dodge his Q by kiting, you'll win the lane every time. Hitting you with his Q is the only way he can come out ahead. ”
Koulh says “No inicio você consegue vence-lo, mas ao passar dos níveis, deverá ter comprado o Catalizador das Eras para continuar vencendo. Se caso perder, aguarde a runa de armadura ativar, juntamente com sua Tabi Ninja para entrar em combate.
Ze mentira says “Max: Q-->W. Rune: PTA page.
start: doran shield. and do spectre's cowl as soon as possible. This isn't a winnable lane, JUST SURVIVE.
//first do adaptative helm and later do attack speed items to duel him better. ex: Wit's end or trinity force.”
Hamstertamer says “You can sustain from his poke and disengage whenever you want so basically a farmfest, there's no fight in this lane unless you want one. Either play the farming game or run ignite (counters his healing) and all-in him with ult.”
Atlascrower says “Your barrels help much to slow him, if he wants to engage you. Don´t trade, he is much stronger as 1v1 Champ. Safe your Orange for his Ultimate if you arent away already. Dodge his E and you can farm pretty well while laning from distance.”
AsomeSonic says “morde can be scary if he gets ahead in a 1v1, try to avoid 1v1 and beat him in the teamfight, in the sidelanes stay healthy so his ult doesn't kill you, you can buy time with your ult in his ult, once your get adaptive he still can hurt cuz of liandrys”
Chromuro says “He has only aoe spells ffs. The only single target skill is the one that you have to avoid at all costs. He hits like a truck, but you can compensate his ult damage with your ult healing. Stay safe.”
blunderr says “Play safely try to avoid his Q's and E's and you'll be safe. If you do happen to get caught in an E and he ults you use your shrooms to kite away from him and use your flash if necessary, use your Q aswell to prevent him from hitting an auto attack and prevent him from activating his passive, if you do those 2 things you should be able to easily survive Morde's ult or even beat him in his own ult. I recommend Doran's Shield.”
EpicDan01 says “He has free damage at no cost and good percent damage on his passive, while having good healing through runes. When he uses R he steals some of our stats, which lets him win every time. Never fight him, instead try to split push or be more useful in teamfights.”
Weakling says “His constant poke with his passive is making him a very hard matchup against nasus early game. If he doesnt let you stack early you wont be that useful. If you can dodge some abilities you can expect to win lane.”
HKRV says “Skill matchup. Don't all in on him and just poke on him. Can't do much against it. Easily kiteable. Worth notifying your jungler if he has ult as a 2v1 fight against him can turn around quickly. Freeze wave if you struggle he will get bored and ults you under your tower. ”
Poppu says “(Patch 9.12) Reworked Mordekaiser is stronger now with his new kit, however he is simply easier to play against than before, as he could no longer spam damage abilities every 4 secs. Take Grasp and poke him down with short trades, the longer you fight him, the more damage you will take. His early game is not as strong as his mid-late game, be careful when trading as he can proc his passive with 3 hits/autoes, and that aura he uses deals %dmg continuously.”
SoulHero says “You outscale once you get spirit visage in my build. Go the shield and second wind. Your dash can cancel his e, TO WIN FIGHTS, FLIP HIM AFTER HE USES HIS SHIELD. For some reason i don't win if I flip early as he shields most of it. Once you flip him when his shield is gone, you do a ton of dmg and you win.Dodge his q's and you outscale.”
I1oveZombie says “You can poke him down and evade hes abilities to win fairly easy. However when/if he gets Crystal scepter hes q will slow and dodging hes Pull will not be as easy and you will lose those trades.”
Petethebossch says “You SMASH post 6 if you stacks your q's where you can. Also very gankable. just don't try to fight him before you are ready and you will be golden”
empoleonz0 says “The bane of my existence. He shits on you early and you don't even outscale him either and the worst part is that his ultimate separates you from your ultimate which is a huge part of your dueling potential.”
Dorwu says “Thats a never ending story, so you better dont waste your time trading because you will most likely end up dead or you will lose a lot of cs for no reason”
Super_Cat says “Morde's q deals more dmg than Aatrox's early game, has 2x lower cd (legit) and it doesn't have to be hit 3 times in a row.
His hook is way stronger and easier to hit than Aatrox's.
His sustain is almost as good as Aatrox's early game.
If you get hooked it's hard to run away from his passive.
The only thing Aatrox has that could give him an advantage is his dash so use it to dodge his abilities.”
homxr says “With the changes to Dark Harvest (even post-nerf), they're still really strong on Mordekaiser's R. Your best bet is going anti-heal, into Maw. Keep an eye open if he goes bot and the dragon is up.”
TheOsKaRoO says “You out-trade Mordekaiser from the very beggining of the game, and even if he manages to get to late you still easily win due to your passive heal.”
messketchup says “Just chill until lvl 3 and then all in him. Allow yourself to get hit by his E to bring you closer to him
If he ults you then you can just stack off him and be ready for when you pop out you’ll have full passive to apply to everyone else.”
WTMudkip says “Don't try to lvl2 cheese him. Even if you're a level ahead his passive will out beat your combo and then you'll int :). Oh and you won't win in his R unless you're very fed.”
Angela du Seithr says “Très dangereux en duel, Mordekaiser est une machine de guerre qui peut vous rouler dessus si vous le sous-estimez. Bien positionner le E pour éviter les dégâts de son A et attention à son E qui peut vous repositionner.”
PandaSenpai101 says “You can easily parry his E which is very easy to see. His R is better for you, as you have a greater dueling potential against him. Make sure to look carefully for vitals, as his passive and his R can make it hard to see.”
Zestysquid says “Pushes very hard and does a lot of early damage. It can be hard to keep up but you should be fine as long as you don't feed him. Once he's 6 don't get in range of his ult unless you have Q up and boxes nearby.”
best teemo says “Start: doran ring, magic resist runes
How he will try to trade against you:
Mordekaiser will try to either q you if you're in his range, or pull you then q you and auto you to death with his passive. after lvl 6 he will instantly ult you then kill you.
How to win trades pre6:
The only thing you need to focus on dodging is his pull, do not attack him if he has his pull off cooldown, once he uses his pull, try to sidestep it, then hard trade against him until his pull comes back in 24 seconds, even if you get hit by his q, it doesn't matter. just make sure you don't get in his auto range so that he doesn't proc his passive.
on your first back, rush qss
How to win post 6:
You should have been winning lane against him pre6, every time mordekaiser tries to ult you, instantly qss him, side step his pull and auto him hard, q when he gets too close then w away.”
Jnewbringspain says “You can do everything right and he will still come out on top and simply out damage you. Avoid fighting him entirely and pick up early magic resist.”
Prince Afghan says “Mordekaiser only poses a threat to you if you underestimate his healing. Otherwise he has no escape from your W and your all in potential is quite strong at Level 6. Executioners calling could be worth it if he follows you when splitting.”
Ryako the Exile says “Try not go get poked from his Q or E so he will not go as fast as he can go for the 3 stacks for his passive. Riven will win early game against him but still go for some MR and if you both are lv 6 Riven will still win against him, but Riven will lose a 1v1 if Morde has ult and Riven not”
Bombabo says “Bully him early. You can punish him hard when any one of his abilities are on cooldown, and you will win fights (even in death realm) until he finishes his core items and gets some levels under his belt. He is easy to snowball off of, which you will need to do to win this matchup”
0mega best says “New Mord is the most powerful top laner right now, and he really does counter you alot. Ban him at all time, didnt ban, then farm and call for ganks, never 1v1 him, he will destroy you.”
RainbowNova says “I haven't played against Mordekaiser post-rework, but if your shrooms stay when he ults you, you'll be safe. He's pretty broken imo, but not unbeatable as his grab is a bit wonky. ”
DrMoneybags says “Wait until he uses his W and then all-in with ignite! Stack damage and snowball like crazy. You shouldn't have much trouble at all with this matchup.”
kubsak26 says “He has no range and movement if you play correct he will not gonna hit you at all. But if he hit's you it gonna hurt alot. just poke him low and all in with ult. you have enough range to not let him farm at all. and don't worry about his sustain to much it will help you proc dark harvest more often.”
TheNinjaRoid says “A good Mordekaiser will destroy you. Ask for ganks if you need help. Get a Sheen and Magic Resist and you'll be fine, as long as he isn't fed. QSS cancels Mordekaiser's ult completely.”
Khazem says “One of the more difficult champions to deal with if you're not careful. Generally try to stay away from your own minions so he can't get free damage on you by using his W on them, go for early flat magic penetration and try to stop him from stacking up his shield too much. Never let him get in melee range as he does a ton of damage when he does.”
The Lost Drawing says “Es algo asi como un Darius. Te recomiendo que hagas los 'trades' solo cuando no tenga sus enfriamientos.
Pudes jugar con 'Conquitador' o 'Aliento del Agónico'
>>> Usa tu 'Q' para 'kitearle' como a Garen, y tu 'E' solo para 'stunearlo'”
LonerFKS says “almost the same as vladimir but he have the shielding which is annoying and even if he build full MS then your adc or jungler is the best chance of survival. Keep distance and poke him as much as you can ( if he pushes you run because the jungler could be lurking around)”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Built in sustain and shields, High burst damage on his Q, Poke. Weaknesses: Squishy without shields, No escapes. He has a decent early game with his shields and healing. With that being said, look for trades once he’s used his E (Siphon of Destruction) the cone shaped ability. This makes it so he can’t retaliate as efficiently when you go in for vital procs. If you have a level advantage or have your ultimate, you can chunk him down and sustain through his damage with your ultimate heal. As far as Riposting goes, use it on his Third Q auto attack because it does the most damage compared to the two autos prior. Either that or you could riposte before he starts up his Q so it takes him forever to get the damage off in the first place. Don't be afraid to ask for ganks as he has no escapes. Lastly, a Hexdrinker and Mercury's Treads would be good buys into him at least early game but I suggest only getting one or the other because both would be too much. Or you could build into Tiamat per usual.”
drunken hunter says “Watch out for his third auto hit (hurts badly) - play safe or else his dmg will rekt you. Try keeping the trades as quick as possible to prevent taing too many auto hits. ”
Daniloooo says “U have more range then him and your Q blinds his Q. After you see him use his Q use yours and you will block almost all his DMG. Watch out for his W cus it heals him so try to kite him away from minions and wait for it to go away. Mord has no CC or slow so he cant really chase you down.”
kkiskk says “He has no escape so let him push the wave and all-in him. Be sure not to fight him in your minion wave as his shield will be charged super fast by dealing damage to multiple enemies. Try to avoid his E poke . Kill the minion that has his W on ASAP.”
Sion says “Just don't fight him. He has no CC and no means of catching you. Let him shove you in and start farming then roaming later on. He can turn fights like it's nobody's business so once you see him picked just get it in your mind that you will 100% dive backline very fight as he cannot peel for them or engage on yours.”
TSA_Exotic says “I have only had this matchup a handful of times. With those, I have found a little trouble in being able to kill Morde because of his shields he generates for himself, forcing me to eventually back off because I'm no longer winning the fight. Be respectful of a Morde and poke when you can.”
SkullNatoR says “get 2 doran blade, berserker then wit's end. It's one of the very few matchups where you need the early mr asap, push the lane in early same you are better vs him in early game”
VdeathSpartan says “You're essentially boned. Dodge his abilities with Q and try your best to farm, if you get ganks you can get ahead. You can SOMETIMES kill him level 1 which will make the lane a lot easier but still a challenge.”
Predederp says “Morde has the weakest early game of any top laner from my opinion, so bully early game and try to snag a level 2 kill, after level 3-4 he will gain a powerspike and be able to duel you”
Trixelkour says “Deals damage , heals back the damage you deal and tap R to kill you. Get an early Adaptive/Banshee/Wits End (Wierd Flex but Okay) to deal a little more and take a little less. Poke with Grasp or move around with Phase Rush.”
heyitsRainex says “He outsustains you with his W heals and shields. Stack up your MR and try to stay in lane as long as possible until you can kill him with a gank.”
Aldebaran1918 says “Uuuuugh, he zones you way too much, he is a pusher and will kick you out of lane if you dont play well. Wait till level 6 and trade him only if your ult is up.”
SirDeRp25 says “Hes slow, Hes melee, His main source of damage is enhanced autoattacks. Block the 2nd and 3rd Q with Blind and you are good to go my friend!”
E61K says “Nobody plays this champion aside from die hard Mordekaiser OTP's. Can't tell much about him aside from baiting out his Q and forcing him use it on minions and then going in for trades. Obviously hexdrinker is the way to go here.”
undeadsoldiers says “Mordekaiser - Conqueror
Early items (in order) - Tiamat, Mercs, Phage
- NO all in lvl 1-2 (even if passive stacked)
- Play safe in lane lvl 1-5
- Play very safe in lane after lvl 6 (especially if he he is using us ult)
- Avoid his 3rd Q and play around his W cooldown
- Only trade when his shield is down (W increases his shield)
- You can all in him after you have Trinity (if his shield is down and he has no ult)
- Ult cooldown: 120/105/90
Zachlikespizza says “His E has a very similar range to your q, allowing him to out trade you. Just make sure you don't face tank his q or fight him while he's using his w. Despite being a very annoying person to lane against you should be able to come out ontop. Mr also helps here.”
Mouadyam says “start dorans shield, dont let him get free poke off of you, all inning him should be easy as he has no escapes, fighting him outside of a minion wave is ideal, just be careful for his R + ignite combo, and his healing. an executioner's calling is a good buy”
Demon Lord AC0 says “Morde does a lot of damage, you gotta mind and respect that. In lane, he will constantly try to poke you with his E and Harass you with his W, so you should start Doran's Shield. If you can manuever around his abilities you'll probably going to win. It's best to rush BORK for the sustain, and Merc Treads. If his healing is a problem you can rush Executioner's”
Skullsunderer says “He isn't see very often and can be weird to deal with because most people don't know what he does. Passive sheild, 3 hits extra damage, and some damage. Just poke out shield and kill him, he has absolutly no escape.”
DERPFISHrejects says “His lane phase is like yours without as much range or mobility. Fight him outside of his range if you can, and he will be completely unable to retaliate.”
galvapheonix says “ If they pick Mord, DONT PICK YORICK. He will beat you in nearly every way all game long. Unless he doesn't know what hes doing, this will be very difficult. You ghouls give him so much healing and he can 1 shot them as well. Just don't do it!!”
thedunkening111 says “Guy get's shields on shields on shields. It's impossible to burst him, his poke is mean, and his own burst can become ungodly. The good thing? You're definitely more useful than him. Stay safe, wait for JG, and it's a win.
Take Conqueror”
MaroonFire says “Do not let him take off. Save your blind and melee shroom for when you're ulted and you should survive in hilarious fashion. If you can manage to save the shroom until his ult is almost up, drop it right before to nuke his team and escape safely.”
kagaroo says “🔴Enemy Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 8.7/10
➡️A cross-breed between Sett & Tahm Kench. This matchup is hard for Trundle in my opinion. It's playable but it relies on scaling to three items (hydra botrk cleaver) to win. You can also cheese with terminus rush but it is a hard matchup because Mordekaiser can stat-check you. To win this match-up you need to play waves and make sure you W after his Ult and Ult after his Ult. Respect him and you can win.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad Morde vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Morde favoured
Average Morde vs Average Trundle ➡️Morde Wins
Good Morde vs Good Trundle ➡️ 50/50 skill matchup”
Haytham says “Mordekaiser can finish you quickly when stucking inside his r ability, if the zone has the hard terrain, his ability is not the big deal enough, otherwise, consider going cleanse and anti cc items”
Haxorr says “Very easy matchup for Fiora. Can use your qs and movement speed to dodge his qs, he's very immobile so it's easy to stick to him. Save your parry for his e, as it's pretty much a guaranteed stun. Other than that, just be careful if he takes ignite as he may be able to kill you at lvl 6, but as long as you play aggressively in the early game you should be chillin. Conqueror + Sorcery page with Doran's blade start good here”
WhoLetTheCANEout says “Early game is not that bad in this matchupp, but after level 6 he giga stomps your ass, try to shut him down early on and don't fight him unless your under your tower (TAKE PHASE RUSH) ”
Bourne212 says “Wait for him to use Q on the wave or dodge it then look to trade, DO NOT fight him after 6 unless your sure to kill him. His ult makes him very hard to fight 1v1 and can cut off your escapes.”
CactEyez says “Very common counterpick, he will always win in his R, do not try and trade, he will E you back and win every trade. BEWARE if you R him and his ult ends he will be cleansed of your ult!!! Wait until after the ult to R him if you can, it will do more damage. Take phase rush, play for small trades and running, your teamfight should be better.
Start Items:
- D.Ring -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Rocketbelt -> Heartsteel”
kesuu says “Hard match up after 6. Only time u can kill him is pre 6. Just try to farm waves and poke him with ur w. Ask jungler to gank you and roam around map to other lanes. CONQ with trinity or tiamat rush.”
Zcizorz says “You can easily 1v1 mordekaiser even if you're lvl 1 just make sure to dodge his skillshot and if he ult you just ult him and wait it out”
FeaRLesS Da says “take ignite
wait out his r with your
hes much stronger after first item and kinda outscales you but can do nothing against proxy/roam
u also win lvl 1”
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