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Mordekaiser Counter Stats

Mordekaiser Counters
Discover all champions who counter Mordekaiser. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Mordekaiser in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,423 Tips for countering Mordekaiser below

Top Lane
51.45% Win Rate90% Pick Rate Mordekaiser Top Lane Counters: 48 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Mordekaiser in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Niemi says “Mordekaiser is an interesting champion, you destroy him earlygame, so try to get as many kills as possible or force him to back as much as you can. But once he gets level 6 and Rylai's, you have to be really careful. One mistake could lead to you meeting the respawn screen. You have to be able to bait or dodge his E and then you're pretty much free to poke him. Also you can use your ult inside his death realm to juke him and possibly escape with minimal damage taken. Luckily Liandry's is a good item againts Morde. and depending if he buys magic resist, Void staff can also help alot.”
TentiTiger11 says “He is AP so your natural armor doesn’t benefit you, he has a shield for anti burst, and can trap you if you don’t kill him with your normal combo. Ideally just don’t pick malphite but if you have to just poke with Q when his E is down or you can dodge it and try to kill when he is low. You could opt for more of a split pusher build to force him to match you but i still wouldn’t bother.”
Best AP Malphite Top Guide by TentiTiger11 | Malphite Player
IngvarE says “Rush specteres cowl, take swifties Annoying but he's low mobility and generally a bad Morde will misuse his E a lot which is his only disengage and threat to your E. Look to punish him when his E is on cooldown, be careful in all ins after 6.”
[14.13] Low Elo Illaoi (WIP) by IngvarE | Illaoi Player
smrgol says “Pre lv. 6 its easy, post lv. 6 wait for your jungler to engage, try not to get ulted and if you do pop ghost and try to kite it out. ”
Jhin is 4 top by smrgol | Jhin Player
Zagreus16 says “You hard bully him pre 6 but once he gets ult and sends you to brazil its a nightmare and you will lose. a good trick is to watch him closely when your fist fighting him and when he lowers his mace to cast his ult and you hear the noise casting, ult him immediately. This will cancel his ult which will go on cooldown and you will be safe and win the fight more likely. ”
14.13 Top Lane Sett Guide by Zagreus16 | Sett Player
Soundeer says “This match is 50% / 50% he can heals himself more than you. You can punish him when he waste his E.”
The Hybrid God (Top/Mid/Apc/Support) by Soundeer | Swain Player
CrimsonL7 says “just maul him to death, only hard if he buys MR. Care that if you disengage with E he can get a pull with his E to make you fight again (the only way he can kill you) ”
Crimson's Master Briar Top Guide by CrimsonL7 | Briar Player
Suki545 says “He is nerfed and u can farm faster and gank better than him,but if he ults u he beats the shit out of u untill u get maw/qss.Also u can ult while hes ulting and u will cancel it and probably win the teamfight.”
step1v9 says “Use your wave to remove his iso Q. Hold your E until he uses his E. Best time to all-in is when his W shield is not stacked or he just reactivated it for a heal. Try to avoid standing next to walls so that when he R you he can't use them to kite you.”
Step1v9 Guide Patch 14.12 - FULL MATCHUPS FOR EVERY CHAMPION by step1v9 | Tryndamere Player
Lukenzoo says “He can take you but not your ghouls,maiden to his ult. Save W until he ults ”
Lukenzoo's Yorick guide by Lukenzoo | Yorick Player
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