Bottom Lane 51.5% Win Rate98% Pick RateSivir Bottom Lane Counters: 21 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Sivir in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Moosicel says “If you face a good Sivir player, who has precision with the Q and goes full damage and speed, things can get troublesome. Especially, when Kog'Maw W is on cooldown and Sivir has a Support like Lux or Morgana with stun.”
Moosicel says “If the enemy ADC builds the usual Iron stuff like no shoes, Collector, Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Youmuu's Ghostblade ... well ... the Q will delete you.”
Shindeiruwu says “You win hard 1-3 and again when you get ult just watch for her spellshield. She also mega outscales everything and can solo carry late game even when not fed early. Just dont let her farm afk in a side lane and try to farm her early.”
Avarosa says “a lane phase é dela, vai ser dificil pokear ela no meio dos minions. fique de boa e espere, ela vai fazer algo errado e voce vai acertar a ult”
Dr Yoshili says “You outrange her, you outscale her, you might want to W her before ulting, to make her burn her E
try to avoid getting hit by her Q, and that's all”
gaarrett says “Counters Nilah by keeping her under tower with superior waveclear. The spellshield can also ruin your engage with ultimate. Dodge her Q, save W for important fights or to farm safely. ”
RatHound says “Annoying combination of wave clear and spell shield. You can't even leave your ADC alone because Sivir will poke and shove them under tower, making them vulnerable to dives.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Spellshield / Huge teamfight potential / High DPS / Good mobility / Insane waveclear
| WEAKNESSES - Weak in early game / Hard to comeback if behind / Needs a lot of items to be usefull
| WHAT TO DO ? - Weak champion, she just has a better wave clear than you and can trade easier but it's not a threat at all. Keep in mind that she can spellshield every single one of your ability. Mid/late game she still isn't a threat because she has no range and will take an eternity to do damage to your frontlane.”
Avxm says “Before sivir gets atleast 1000+gold you beat her extremely hard. Once she gets some AD however she can easily spam clear the wave and you must accept this. Try and force all ins and play very agressive in the first few levels. Do not level E against sivir as she can block it with her spellshield, and never use your q until she has wasted spellshield. You do not need to unlock R against her either you can just put points into q and w strictly until midgame”
Kociokwik says “Coin flip matchup, she outpushes you and you both scale well. She will push you all game so you wont have a window to kill her just stay bot and scale. Look for ults to help your team, I would recomend tp in this matchup.”
Latte9969 says “Sivir is a very easy lane for Ezreal, her Q does a lot of damage if it hits no minions first so be sure to position in a way where she can't hit you with it but you should win every all in early due to her very low damage. She can also only spellshield one ability and ezreal's cooldowns are so short that it doesn't necessarily matter.”
Foxirion says “Sivir's spell shield and ricochet damage can pose a challenge for Kog'Maw in team fights. Her ability to block crucial abilities with Spell Shield, provide AoE damage with Boomerang Blade, and enhance team mobility with On The Hunt can disrupt Kog'Maw's positioning.”
afr0rk says “Sivir's entire kit kind of counters Ezreal. Her Q let's her match your poke early, her W let's her one shot waves which doesn't let you get push, her E let's her block one of your spells and heals her, and her Ult gives her movement speed to catch up to you. She outscales you, so your best bet is to play to win your lane and make sure she never reaches the point to become a threat. Consider getting early boots to dodge her Qs”
fuckingrathatxdd says “Half of the Sivir players in the game either autopilot or are braindead. Punish that,
Threats n' Tips: her W and Q poke can get pretty rough sometimes. Vamp Scepter and maaayyybe Second Wind if you're terrified. E after her shield goes down. W her. You need to W her or she will run away.”
Bobalegre says “She is much more of a threat to your support than you. You don't really have to worry about her spell shield but it can screw a engage from your support. Unlike Ezreal, Sivir can control the wave very easily, try to bait her Qs and engage when she has no mana.”
Vapora Dark says “Tied for lowest attack range ADC, Sivir is easy for Aphelios to bully with his abilities and basic attacks. Her Q helps her play from a bit further away, but is very weak early on until she builds a few crit items so it doesn't help much for winning the lane from outside Aphelios's range.
Additionally, her spell shield is quite bad against Aphelios since half his abilities are hard to react to, and others can't be fully blocked because they work off of multiple hits.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “champion doesn't pose a threat to anyone, just stay away from her W on wave and don't let her scale. Force her E before you R and you're good.”
NegativePhoenix says “The only really annoying thing about her is her spell shield since it can eat your ult and W to just give her health back.
Her W poke isn't super strong early but can be annoying. It's mainly her Q that hurts the most
Your E makes you slightly faster than her when she ults but only briefly, so use it as an escape tool over a wall really. That'll force her to chase, flash over the wall or just give up and have wasted ult”
Leaf no Kitsune says “easy matchup. she is no threat to you at all. harass her out of lane. you can run her down all game long. dodge her q. if you go even in lane just wait for bork and run her down.”
leoismissing says “If the Sivir is bad, this match-up is the easiest for Aphelios on this list, but if they know how to space, try playing around your green gun so she can't outpoke you.”
mydesires says “She's easy just dodge her boomerang. The only thing that she's better is her waveclear and pushing turrets. // TH : หลบสกิลบูมเมอแรงให้ได้ก็พอ เอาจริง ๆ นางเหมือนเป็นทอปเลนในคราบเอดีอะมีไว้ดันครีปแล้วตีป้อม”
support_diff says “Sivir is a less-played adc that is also criminally underrated. She has a good wave clear and a great poke damage. She is also hard to kill with a cc support as she can spell shield herself. However, none of these tricks really work against Ezreal as you can provide more damage against the minion wave with your Q's and autos combined so she can't push the wave if you don't want her to. She mostly can't hit her poke on you as you will be farming from further than most of the adcs. You don't have any cc and Ezreal doesn't pair very well with cc supports anyways so she can't use her spell shield effectively against you. Stomp her early and you will get an easy late game as she will fall behind really fast”
Reptile9LoL says “Sivir matchup is really chill as you both just farm, only downside is her massive waveclear advantage.
Avoid her Q's and you're fine, Sivirs return damage is very low so as soon as you get on top of her you will win the duel 99% of cases”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Spellshield / Huge teamfight potential / High DPS / Good mobility / Insane waveclear
| WEAKNESSES - Weak in early game / Hard to comeback if behind / Needs a lot of items to be usefull
| WHAT TO DO ? - Play for trades in early. Try to dodge her Q and play arround her shield. Level 6 is favorable for Varus but Sivir's shield could be a huge threat for you. Lategame is even but favorable for Sivir. More DPS and mobility for her and her whole team. ”
Hidden Ghoster says “The Matchup is pretty easy actually. Dodge the Q's and you win. Also after Sivir's E change, I'm not sure if Grav Auto into insta Q roots her anymore.”
LoLEnryu says “60-40 Skill matchup but favored towards Sivir.
Sivir can free-scale against Nilah as Nilah has little tools to catch Sivir in lane or outside of lane. Sivir buffs her entire team with kiting ability (movement speed) and hard-scales into the late game. Because Sivir has more range, she has more room to perform in teamfights while Nilah is forced to either front-line or flash engage on the backline.
If Nilah gets ahead early, she can make plays to get her team good tempo in the early-mid game and look to close out before Sivir fully scales. Do NOT take inhibitors against Sivir as she will clear the minions instantly and accelerate her growth.”
VrNtv says “Latest patch made her viable again, but it's still an okay match-up for Jinx since you outrange her hard(she has only 500range). Her Q has faster animation now, try to dodge it, try to punish her when it's on cooldown. Overall she isn't very oppressive and you both want to scale. You outrange her really hard (500), so abuse it.
VrNtv says “There isnt much of a threat Sivir has. Especially this season, she only has 500 AA range to your 525, abuse it. Use Q to get rid of spell shield and then W. Really EASY to bully.”
RandomNPC777 says “Sivir is Twitch's best matchup. Twitch can PREY on her, she can't spellshield any of his abilities, and can't match his damage at all. Her poke is okay, buy this matchup is incredibly favored for Twitch.”
wungus says “While Sivir isn't long range, she is fantastic at kiting, has constant harass, and can counter your engage with her spell shield. Coordinating your engage with your support can overcome this, and holding a lead over Sivir can put you in a great spot.”
SheriffADC says “Really annoying to lane because she just oneshots waves and then you can get bullied under turret. However her Spellshield doesn't deny Style-grades even if it blocks an ability so you can all-in her with the one second S-tier combo if she steps up too close.”
Lachoni1 says “Sivir is very strong during team fights and has great aoe damage but 1 vs 1 she can't do anything. If she uses her shield look to go in on her.”
Amberdragon says “Sivir is a rough matchup for Caitlyn, despite her much lower range compared to yours. Sivir can clear waves very fast to prevent Caitlyn from pressuring her. Traps are free HP for Sivir and she can spell-shield all of Caitlyn's abilities, making her combo much less effective. Caitlyn ult is also useless if Sivir E is up.
It is hard for Cait to shut down Sivir in lane when she is the weakest, so she gets a free pass to scaling into the late game.”
ChadKarthus says “She counters you as a Champion, movespeed on her ult to dodge your qs, E to counter your ult, good wave clear, often times they take Ghost as well, however you can still 2v2 kill her if she oversteps or you can scale up and still be impactful”
moso says “Don't use W for poke if she is missing HP as she will just spell shield it to gain HP. If looking for an all-in you can use your W to bait her spell shield out or get off her if it's already on, allowing you to hit your R. Lane is winnable but she outscales your damage pretty well. Your slows can help lower her DPS in teamfights though.”
slendoooo says “Sivir's only issue is that it's hard to engage on her since she will just E your E, to counter that just look for engages after level 6 or pre level 3, after level 6 she can E your E but not your ultimate.
And pre level 3 she just doesn't have her E ability, so if you end up getting level 3 before her you can look for an all-in.
A video example of Sivir-Draven
Matchup: ”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
Corpselover says “Similar with Caitlyn and comet MF, very annoying to deal with. You should try to stay alive until level 3 and if you have a bit less or the same hp you can probably kill her if you she doesn't have her spellshield.”
Tolis slayer says “sivir is a pretty difficult match up for you. she outranges you and outscales and her spellshield makes it easy for her to fight. so if you pair her with a support that can help her survive lane like a soraka she absolutely destroys you. if early game you are able to bait her spellshield it will be easy to fight her but if you cant do that she probably kills you.Alos due to her q and w she pushes waves very fast so you can try to go d ring in this matchu to push your waves faster ”
General Nougetobi says “If Sivir knows both Ekko and her champ', she can black-shield your Q / R / Passive, cancelling your major source of damage: She will take that opportunity to kill you.”
Abo5olod says “Sivir will always be pushing the wave under your turret and poking you which means you can never land an isolated Q on her
However after you evolve your Q you can start matching her wave clear and maybe Roam/Help Jungle instead of being stuck under turret
KnobHobbler says “If you can dodge her Q you should be fine but another OP champ.
Don't poke with Q or R her as it's free sustain for her.
Skill matchup.
Keep wave centred if possible.
franksterzz says “Very much a skill matchup. You both have the same objective which is to scale into the mid-late game. She has better waveclear but you can deal with it with infernum. She's low ranged so try to poke her as much as possible. Beware of her spellshield, she can heal off of it and block your ult as well. Her shield blocks only the first part of your ult so it's not that big of a deal later, but early it can be decisive.”
NotAragami says “Sivir usually try to both shove lane and poke you with Q + W. Her E outrights deny your W but has a very long cooldown of 18 seconds, you can spam more W. Get a Doran's Shield for sustain. ”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Poke/Short Trades] Sivir can push waves very quickly, but luckily so can you after a Lost Chapter. You need to bait out her (E) with poke, and then take a Short Trade.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand away from the minion wave when possible. This will make it harder for her to poke and harass you with both her Boomerang Blade(Q) and Ricochet(W). Post level 6, avoid overextending when low as Sivir’s Ultimate On The Hunt(R) can be used aggressively to catch you out while you’re overextended.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand away from the minion wave when possible. This will make it harder for her to poke and harass you with both her Boomerang Blade(Q) and Ricochet(W). Post level 6, avoid overextending when low as Sivir’s Ultimate On The Hunt(R) can be used aggressively to catch you out while you’re overextended.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand away from the minion wave when possible. This will make it harder for her to poke and harass you with both her Boomerang Blade(Q) and Ricochet(W). Post level 6, avoid overextending when low as Sivir’s Ultimate On The Hunt(R) can be used aggressively to catch you out while you’re overextended.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand away from the minion wave when possible. This will make it harder for her to poke and harass you with both her Boomerang Blade(Q) and Ricochet(W). Post level 6, avoid overextending when low as Sivir’s Ultimate On The Hunt(R) can be used aggressively to catch you out while you’re overextended.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand away from the minion wave when possible. This will make it harder for her to poke and harass you with both her Boomerang Blade(Q) and Ricochet(W). Post level 6, avoid overextending when low as Sivir’s Ultimate On The Hunt(R) can be used aggressively to catch you out while you’re overextended.”
Amberdragon says “Sivir has really good harass and lane push which makes it hard for you to get advantage in lane. She is also pretty slippery because she has great kiting and MS. However, she has a weaker early game so if you get a lead early you can keep her in check for a while. ”
Kronaa says “New Sivir is so unbalanced, and you cannot keep up with this damage she magically has, it's incredible. Matchup is usually support dependent though kind of maybe?”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand away from the minion wave when possible. This will make it harder for her to poke and harass you with both her Boomerang Blade(Q) and Ricochet(W). Post level 6, avoid overextending when low as Sivir’s Ultimate On The Hunt(R) can be used aggressively to catch you out while you’re overextended.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand away from the minion wave when possible. This will make it harder for her to poke and harass you with both her Boomerang Blade(Q) and Ricochet(W). Post level 6, avoid overextending when low as Sivir’s Ultimate On The Hunt(R) can be used aggressively to catch you out while you’re overextended.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand away from the minion wave when possible. This will make it harder for her to poke and harass you with both her Boomerang Blade(Q) and Ricochet(W). Post level 6, avoid overextending when low as Sivir’s Ultimate On The Hunt(R) can be used aggressively to catch you out while you’re overextended.”
m1NEEX says “Latest patch made her viable again, but it's still an okay match-up for Jinx since you outrange her hard(she has only 500range). Her Q has faster animation now, try to dodge it, try to punish her when it's on cooldown. Overall she isn't very oppressive and you both want to scale. You outrange her really hard (500), so abuse it.”
Kamicali says “Not much of a problem for Xayah unless she holds her spell shield for your E. If she uses her shield early you can either wait for it to disappear or you can Q to poke it out. When laning against Sivir, it is possible to throw off the timing of her Spell Shield by faking an advance, then backing off.”
ARCTIC33 says “Really annoying to play against same as MF she has good poke, her goal will be farm and harrasing you, paly around her CD and harras her when Q on cooldown.”
Amberdragon says “Sivir can't outrun you if you manage to keep her within your range, avoid her Q and you quickly kill her. Even if she spellshields your R you still get the movement speed”
SrBroccoli says “ Sivir is very hard to deal with because of her CC shield, and lots of poke.
Wait for support to CC her and activate the shield, or else you will be able to do nothing.”
Dravenhalal says “Poke can be annoying and she can run away with ult but before 6 if you manage to get on top of her she's dead 9 times out of 10. Go heal.”
Kitqsune says “Crit sivir is no issue but if she goes lethality you have to dodge her q. It will chunk and maybe even oneshot you late game. Laning should be easy, simply dodge her q and do everything you can to get ahead early to stomp her and slow her gold amount. Overall, be mindful of her q! ”
BigBoyBen69 says “dodge her q, and try to trade with more autos rather than abilities especially if her spell shield is up, since she gets mana back if a spell hits her.”
LewisTheRat says “She'll poke you with her q / w so stand away from minions and try to avoid her boomerang. When engaging against her, remember that her ult gives her bonus AS and MS so try to cut off her path and keep your stacks on her until her spell shield expires before E'ing.
You outscale, she'll try to farm a lot to be relevant, try to shove her under tower. ”
Alvatorz says “Not hard at all, she can't block your Qs, be carefull tho, she can block your Auto attack with her spell shield xD
(I got surprised one time)”
AbyssaLegend says “Sivir became one of the most annoying botlaner in this game after her "buff". Now she is played only attack speed so you can't dodge her attacks anymore. But you still outrange her.”
Gank Scorpio says “Can spell shield your ult and negate a lot of your burst. The lane will most likely shove so play it safe and farm up.
Try to bait out her spell shield by using E instead of ult, sometimes they will misinterpret the skill animation for ult and use their spell shield. ”
Deathstroke5277 says “Don't let her get the advantage over you. She scales well and deals a lot of burst dmg. Try to avoid her poke because it will hurt.”
Demonsedge90 says “The easiest way to beat Sivir in fights is to avoid taking too much damage from her q poke and be mindful of her positioning and her itemization. Apart from that, she's easy for you to deal with in the lane.”
leozinGO says “Sivir é difícil. Tente evitá-la q e ficar longe de minions para evitá-la w. Sivir é bastante inútil sem nenhuma de suas habilidades. Tente esperar suas habilidades e depois empurre. Pegue seu sup para atordoá-la e então coloque armadilhas. Tenha em mente que o E dela cancela uma habilidade inimiga, então antes de usar sua ult certifique-se de que ela não tenha seu E ativado.”
Krilep says “Sivir will try to push you under tower by using her W and Q on the minion wave, by doing so, you can easily take advantage of her spells being on cooldown and winning the trade BE SURE TO USE YOUR W WHEN SHE SPELL SHIELDS TO ALLOW YOUR Q TO DEAL DAMAGE.”
Alvatorz says “Sivir is very easy for Samira. She Qs you ? Press W. She come to put some autos ? E on her or a minnion to get to melee range and harras her. She presses R ? Dive her.”
Valhalla Coach says “Kinda like Seraphine but worse in every way, she will perma push with W+Q. Dodge her Q and she has no trade nor damage in the 2v2. If she uses spellshield on anything else it's your moment to ult her and make her even more useless than she already is
Beware if you get too close and don't space well she will melt you with W bounces (but you deserve it for being at 500 range honestly)”
irelia support says “Sivir's W that goes off of minions and her spellshield make it hard for Neeko to play against her, not to mention Sivir's ult speed boost can be used to get out of Neeko ult and since lethality Sivir is meta and Neeko is squishy it's just not a good match up overall.”
mashamouse says “She can spell shield your traps and your ult. Avoid minions when she uses her W, and try to bait out the spell shield before you go in. ”
OTP Toxin says “Keep hitting her with your AAs, she WILL use her E sometime, then you blind her after that, don't get flustered! otherwise you will miss it.”
PancakeKittiwake says “Dodger her q and get souls off of her. If she spell shields your auto q you still get the healing and soul. Be weary however, because your w will be spell shielded if you don’t get rid of it first.”
DatKawaiiBunny says “Sivir can shield (E) every ability of yours, including ultimate. It doesn't consume Headshot though. They will most likely poke you with Q, then shove the wave under your tower. Avoid taking damage from Q, and keep track of her shield. Also, Sivirs tends to lose in waveclearing early, because of mana. I suggest taking Fleet Footwork for the healing. ”
Alvatorz says “Sivir is not even a champion at the moment, it's really easy to face her, she can't counter your R and E but still can counter your Q, care about it and everythings gonna be fine.”
Markcelzin says “Long range in her Q that hit harder than yours. You'll need fo play with your suport, since Sivir's E can block your Qs and recover her mana.”
Amberdragon says “Be watchuful of her spellshield as she can block your Q and W. Avoid her Q with your E or R. You can burst her if you get on top of her but beware of her kiting you”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Sivir is an extremely short ranged hyper scaling ADC sitting at 525 range, but also has a ton of self-peel!
◉ Since Sivir is such a short ranged ADC that means you win the laning phase pretty hard by default. As long as you make sure not to get hit by any random [[Boomerang Blade]]s then all you have to do is constantly be up in her face with [[Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher]] and bully her with tons of auto poke.
◉ This also extends to teamfights where you’ll have no problem outranging her every step of the way and you should be able to zone her out pretty hard or even kill her if she tries to help her teammates!
◉ Sivir’s [[Spell Shield]] can block your W [[Zap!]] and R [[Super Mega Death Rocket!] so keep that in mind when trying to use these abilities on her!
◉ Sivir’s ultimate [[On the Hunt]] is a big movement buff to all her surrounding allies so becareful about this when you’re over-extending alone as she can use it to catch you with her allies and eventually kill you!
◉ Win condition: Bully her short range in lane as you win the laning phase hard because of that. You outscale her technically because of the fact that in teamfights you’ll be zoning or killing her very quickly with your range.
I Am Not u says “Ever since her minor rework, she hasn't been too bad of a matchup. Her Q is annoying at first, but as long as you can walk to the side, it's not too bad. Bait out the spell shield, go in, and you're good. Don't eat Qs.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Sivir will try to push you under tower by using her W and Q on the minion wave, by doing so, you can easily take advantage of her spells being on cooldown and winning the trade BE SURE TO USE YOUR W WHEN SHE SPELL SHIELDS TO ALLOW YOUR Q TO DEAL DAMAGE.”
koog says “It's pretty difficult to deal with the lethality sivir build. She will usually be spam wave clearing and throwing Qs at you out of your range. Try to constantly hit the wave, and if you ever end up hitting her with gravitum, make sure you wait out her spellshield before you root her. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This lane is extremely easy. She's both out of favor of the meta, and just not that strong. Also her spell shield can be dropped with your E or Q, ensuring that your full ult will hit in teamfights. ”
Urason says “A lot of people dislike the Sivir matchup. Personally, I think it's fairly winnable as long as you dodge her Q's. Again, per usual, if you can survive and then get on top of her, she's dead. It takes practice so take your time to learn your limits!”
tokyodamonsta says “She can only outplay you with her spell shield, but you out range and out damage. Try not to focus on getting big E damage and just the simple root from 3 feathers.”
LostFishEU says “Sivir has a lot of poke with her Q and her W, but you out sustain her by utilizing your life steal. She doesn't have any all in ability's that deal a lot of damage. The only thing she can do against you is to use her Spell Shield against your Condemn.”
Santoryo says “Try to dodge her every Q and get away from W on higher levels. Other than that she shouldn't be that much of a pain as long as you deny her from CS and not let her spike.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “She gets free mana back from her spell shield whenever she feels like it. Outranges you with her Q and W. Play the lane very conservatively at first. Ezreal is a much stronger pick overall, you just have to get there. ”
ELOSANTA says “Pretty basic lane, Sivir aims to farm early game for her 3 item power spikes so abuse that by constantly harassing her and engaging in small duels / trades.”
Coldsong says “Sivir is annoying but easy for Samira. As long as you dodge her Q you demolish her. Bait out her E spellshield and go in, you WILL kill her. Just make sure to W her ricochet basic attacks.”
Vapora Dark says “Sivir is weak against auto attacks, strong against abilities and stupidly powerful at rushing down teams/targets. Avoid her Q at all costs as it will deal a lot of damage, and try and bait her spellshield with a W or direct Q to then set up a snare or a bounced Q. Her ult makes it a struggle to properly set up your Ult, so it should pretty much exclusivly be used as a follow up to a teamfight rather than one during/before. ”
NikkiTT says “Rocketbelt into the slow, and just take your time starting with EQ, she uses spellshield and you can R, if she doesn't you just kill her. ”
Banana Pirate says “Sivir is a tough one. Try and dodge her q and stay away from minions to dodge her w. Sivir is pretty useless without any of her abilities. Try and wait out her abilities and then push. Get your sup to stun her and then place traps. Keep in mind that her E cancels an enemy ability, so before using your ult make sure she doesn't have her E up. ”
Amberdragon says “Sivir has better push than you, long range poke/burst, movement speed on her ult, and her E nullifies yours. Not the prettiest matchup. She will get mana hungry if she tries to harass you too much, and will try to bait you into using your E to get her mana back. When going all in on her, use your W and Q to pressure her into using E before you, and once it's down you can look to turn on her using flash, galeforce or R combined with E to finish her off. Avoid getting hit by her Q.”
Simon Uchinora says “The only annoying thing about sivir is her Q and E, is easy to kill Sivir, she has no escape skills, just becareful to not ult when she has E, because caitlyn's ultimate get canceled by sivir E, waste her E after ult on her.”
Melyn says “Hard to win but hard to lose. Stand away from minions to not get hit by her W and learn her spell shielding tendencies. Does she block the first spell you throw or always a specific one? Max your skills and throw them accordingly.”
Penguto says “Sivir very easy matchup. You can root her whenever you want so its hard for her to put shield. Her R wont be a big deal cause you can just use Severum Q and run away. But overall you can out life steal her easy win.”
blazkoo says “Annoying poke and showing power, and spellshield, and MS... really difficult. Watch her CDs for a good time to poke. Fortunately not often played well.”
Swearing Roomba says “This is the champion you want to take Doran's Ring/Boots 4 pots against. She will shove the wave, she will poke you, you can't do anything against her for the most part.”
R3Veal says “She can poke you with Q and W and It's quite hard to dodge and not to lose creeps. Spell shield is a really good counter for your W. When your jungler wants to gank her wait till her spell shield ends and then cast W. Also her ultimate makes her fast enough to kill you.”
Urason says “Okay so, you can easily kill Sivir in most cases. But the reason she's in the Even category is that if she goes lethality, she can simply Q and W the wave and you can't kill her anymore. Try to hold the wave if you can and look for the kill. She's weak but man, can she clear waves. ”
yers says “Her spellshield can negate one magic attack from you. Slam your keyboard once you stun her. If she negates the stun, you can still do some serious damage with Q-W-AA-Q, and ult once you're 6.”
HyroPyro says “Sivir is a mid-late game wave clear AD Carry. In lane she has almost no kill pressure against Kai'Sa, but can poke her quite effectively using Boomerang Blade (Q) and Ricochet (W). She uses a lot of mana early game, but her Spell Shield (E) restores mana if it blocks an ability. Make sure that you throw your abilities after you see the Spell Shield (E) being used. At level 6, she gains high mobility with her ultimate On The Hunt (R), so make sure that you save your Killer Instinct (R) to chase if needed.”
SaintsBeast says “Sivir will bully you lane. She has the long range Q and her bouncing crossblade will poke you to the point where you want to rage quit so if you can avoid going up against Sivir as Draven, do so. ”
im_zeno says “Only thing that's hard about this matchup is her spell shield. DON'T go for E Q nado when she has it up, wind wall her Q (which is her main ability). Play safe till lvl 3 since she does a lot more dmg than you think.”
banewastaken says “Can spellshield your ulti, so bait that first or remove it with a Q. It would be a lot less dangerous if she wasn't so good right now.”
m0rfeazz says “Sivir will also poke you with her Q,try to dodge it no matter what,try to make her use her Ult for defense, and abuse it,otherwise she will just play smart with her E(spellshield)and will out damage you”
Trieuloo says “Used to be the hardest matchup for veigar, however with the new addition to everfrost there is a lot of outplay potential to be had. However, until that item you have virtually no kill pressure unless she griefs. ”
shrekLegend27 says “try your best to not gives stacks of dark harvest . just base if your health gets to the point were dark harvest can be activated. just play to farm and get your items.”
Ekezun says “Try to bait her E by waiting a bit after attacking her so she uses it and wastes it completely, the cooldown is quite long and she loses mana if you dont break it, try to get your jungler to gank when she's hardshoving”
FunkyBeagle says “There isnt much of a threat Sivir has. Especially this season, she only has 500 AA range to your 525, abuse it. Use Q to get rid of spell shield and then W. Really EASY to bully.”
KoZee says “Sivir can be very difficult to deal. Her Q is long range poke and she has a spell shield. This gives her time to react when you're charging your arrow. However, I often find Sivir players will use this early while you are charging, and it only is up for a couple seconds, so you can often wait it out. It also has a long cooldown, which gives you a bunch of time to engage and poke her down after she uses it.”
Vexxar21 says “She can just poke you down with Q and her ricochet to force you back. Try and wait for her Q and then get damage in. Don't E until she spell shields. ”
Xayaphelia says “Despite what the online stats say, this matchup feels very skill-based. If you dodge her Q and play around her E properly the matchup is very easy in lane. The poke build will be able to threaten you if her Q lands but other than that the matchup should go to the better player. Also you can still root her through the spellshield if the feathers are not hitting her at the same time. So a varied spacing in your feather position, as well as casting E mid Q will still enable you to get your E through her shield.”
LilPicky says “With Sivir, you have to be away from minions sometimes, because she can ricochet to hit you. Also, avoid close contact with the opposite support”
ooftheiii says “Try to wait a split second longer before trading with her, as a lot of Sivir players will turn on their Spell Shield pre-emptively. Sivir players usually stay in lane forever and push waves continuously. Try setting up a gank if she pushes blindly without wards.
kingamazin says “Sivir is a low range adc so poking her down with autos should not be too difficult, but you have to keep in mind that she can still hit you with her q when you go to trade with her or cs. Stand in your minion wave to avoid getting hit by an isolated q, and never throw random w's at her as she can just regain her mana by blocking them with her spell shield. If she goes the lethality sivir build, you need to completely focus on dodging her q's as the deal an insane amount of damage. For that reason, I would recommend buying berserker greaves and a refillable potion on your first back to avoid her harass.”
Bluestrat says “Kai'sa counteres Sivir by using Sivir's Spellshield to block only parts of Kai'sa's Q.
Once we have gained an advantage in the lane, it is always possible to defeat Sivir in 1v1. ”
Bluestrat says “Kai'sa countered Sivir, indem das Spellshield von Sivir nur Teile des Q von Kai'sa blockt.
Sobald wir einen Vorteil in der Lane erzielt haben, ist es uns immer möglich Sivir im 1v1 zu besiegen. ”
Atrickster says “she can 1 shot you after 1 item if your not carefull Im thinking of leathality sivir ofc and she can shove waves super fast and you cant do anything about it. her E can remove your W at 2 points so its impossible to use it on her”
ctm20141 says “Her Spellshield can block your E, but her timing must be almost frame perfect. Give up lane priority vs her pre lv 6, you will NEVER outpush her. At lv 6 go full rambo with your support XD! Dodge the second part of her Q if you can!”
Tifforma says “Sivir is annoying. Her shield is the problem. Her poke is really good too. FIght her, when she has no shield, and you will be able to nuke her.”
Remmacs1 says “This match up can be bad for Aphelios if Sivir is able to permanently shove you under tower. Look to constantly counter shove your wave and out dps her with chakrams after her poking her out with infernum / calibrum”
McNugglz says “Not really that good in the current meta, not terrible but not good. She will look to shove waves and poke with Q, looking to refresh her mana with E. Try and bait spell shield by walking up to her, Sivir player are pretty spazzy and will use E at the slightest instance of engage. She can kite really well but if you're ahead then it doesn't really matter.”
MilkshakeGuru says “She seems to build Lethality items lately. This means it's possible for her to end up having 2 spell shields. 3 if Morgana is supporting her. You can see why this would be a issue for your W Gold Card.
Shut her down early and you have nothing to worry about. Early game you can bait her spell shield and go back in when your W is off CD since yours is lower.”
boopthesnoot says “Pre-level 6, Sivir is pretty weak, putting her at a greater disadvantage against your level 2 mini power spike. Bait out her spell shield and use your passive + auto attacks to proc root.”
Zammey says “Early game likes to shove last hit under tower and avoid q poke early and out scale saving your e for after her spell shield has worn off is the only major thing you need to keep track up”
Profesor APH. says “her e is annoying but she can only use her e on yourself she cant give it to her support and its pretty easy to take off this sheild by ur 2nd weapon calibrium, severum just keep gravitum cause if she use her r (buff) you just can scare her and run away”
EvoNinja7 says “Although she isn't very meta, she has a spell shield AND has a good amount of poke in the early game. She can 1v1 you easily if she's fed and she can block poke with her spell shield. Try to bully her early to prevent her from getting a lead.”
BluMistah says “Sivir can time her E to block your E so dont go all in if she has E ready or else you are dead. Plus her poke is very dangerous against you.”
Scrimm says “Sivir isn't really a threat, but she can be very annoying in lane since she can block your W with her spellshield rather easily. Even if you commit to her with ult, she can trade ults with you to get away, so try to only commit to her when you know both her shield and ult are on cooldown.”
BluMistah says “she will poke you a lot, but timing her E against yours would be difficult at best, so you still have a decent chance in ambushing her”
SkittleBtw says “Everyone laughs at Sivir, she's actually an incredibly strong ADC, she's just unplayed because she's boring. If she gets a lead on you, you will really struggle to come back into the game, she can instantly shove waves whenever she wants with Q W.”
Ledeni123 says “Personaly this is easy but this is possible to lose because she have shield, and long range q, you still got poke but Sivir is pusher you gotta out push her. Her ulti isnt a problem sense you can just use e+ trap/or just run and stop her”
jhoijhoi says “Like Miss Fortune, Sivir is often chosen for her utility. Her ultimate, On The Hunt is a massive boost to nearby allied movement, making her a superb tower pusher when coupled with Ricochet that can clear minion waves very fast. Her Boomerang Blade is often underestimated; getting hit once on the cast, and then again on the return can deal heaps of damage to an enemy champion. Lastly, her "bread and butter" ability is Spell Shield; this allows Sivir to mitigate ECA or Volley, so always use ECA after Sivir has popped her Spell Shield.”
Akariine says “She hurts in extended fights. Stay away from your waves. She can easily catch up to you when you're running away, so your best bet is to force her spell barrier and THEN root her.”
Manzey says “Sivir will be a problem since she can spellshield your stun and poke you with boomerang, so you'll have issues with her unless you or your support baits her spellshield pre-trading.”
Ultrama says “Sivir is a skill match-up. Both Sivir and MF have good early and late. It all depends on the Supps and your skill. She wastes a lot of mana in early so use that for your advantage.”
Bouhhsolene says “Her E is annoying because it stops your W. You won't really be able to kill her. in teamfights you outrange her. Just don't try to 1v1 her, you lose.”
Cam1304 says “Although Sivir is very weak right now she should still be able to beat you in lane as you can be very weak early. Saying this she is still beatable in lane but can be difficult. Late game you should beat her most of the time depending on how fed she is. ”
SweatMeALake says “Sivir has more raw damage than you, and has more pushing potential. Her Spell Shield and Ultimate make it rather hard for her to kill. Always keep her spell shield on a mental note as it can easily counter your ultimate. If she uses her ultimate aggressively, and you are forced into a 1v1 situation, you have to be able to land ultimate, or have 5 stacks of Q already charged, other than that avoid any exchanges. ”
SweatMeALake says “Sivir has her spellshield, to block almost any of your abilities, it is going to be hard to lock her down, she matches your range with poke with her Q. ”
SweatMeALake says “Sivir has a decent mid to late game like you do, but has high aoe with her ricochets. Always keep her spell shield cooldown in consideration because if she blocks your bladecaller you may be in trouble, and if you are behind she can constantly bully you. ”
Spection says “RARE An ADC who's pretty irritating to deal with if she knows what she's doing. She has powerful long range poke that hiding in minions will not help you avoid. She can avoid your all in combo with her spell shield, making her exceptionally hard to lock down. Her ultimate can serve as a powerful engage tool but also serves as a powerful escape tool. Ask for a lot of ganks.”
ShroudedBRH says “Sivir has short range but much better waveclear then Ashe and can shove you into tower. Her E allows her to absorb you ult and/or W poke. Extend the game out of laning phase”
Camelorry says “Block her q and don't let her kite you with her passive, might be hard to kill her if she has a defensive support, in which case look for extended trades where you can ult. ”
EvoNinja7 says “She is decent Early game, but stay away from your minions. She is squishy and useless when she is not fed, so target her a lot more often. If she is paired up with a Lux, you have basically won the lane over. ”
Kdrama says “Buy cull early to beat her through trades. She's really weak early so just try to fight her as much as possible. Bait out her spell shield and then use w. ”
StriveHD79 says “Very little threat, watch out for her Q long range boomerang, it will do big damage if it hits you and it will return towards sivir and hit you again.”
StriveHD79 says “
Very little threat, watch out for her Q long range boomerang, it will do big damage if it hits you and it will return towards sivir and hit you again.”
KXNGLXXVII says “W or dodge her Q. dont stand too close to minions when her ricochet is active and you should be fine. it doesnt matter if she spell shields anything if ur trying to kill her but she can delay your passive stacks.”
snukumz says “Her boomerang hurts, she has a bouncing attack that hurts and out ranges you, and she has a spell shield that blocks your poke and gives her mana.
Sivir has great wave clear to match, or exceed your own.
The good news is your poke has a much lower cooldown than her spell shield, so try to use Q to get her spell shield down, then use your snare and try to kill her.”
Alonixlol says “Sivir is probably the most underrated laning phase ADC there is. She has the best waveclear of any ADC at later levels and still really good waveclear earlier on, great poke, decent trades, is okay in all-ins, is relatively safe from being engaged upon by basically any support that isn't Alistar, and is really good at helping her support engage with On The Hunt. Her short range however means that she's easy to poke and is vulnerable to engages that don't rely on CC that she can spell shield.”
Terrific says “You shit on her in laningphase, she is pretty alright early game tho so becareful don't think it can't do DMG. her late game is extremely obnoxious. You'll most likely get outscaled”
SapphireLoL says “Her Q is easily dodgeable and you can out wait her spell shield by auto attacking instead of using abilities. The only threat is her w which is guaranteed to hit you if you are near her and her ult so she can outrun you.”
Surp1Clone says “Depends on how good the Sivir is if she is good then major threat if she is not that good its even but her Q and E makes her pretty strong into TF so watch out and never underestimate her. ”
xSEASeahawks12 says “I have never found this lane to be particularly difficult. Hop around her Q when she tries to poke, distance yourself from your wave when she uses her W to clear, and wait for her to pop her E early before Rending her. Her only chance of spell-shielding your Rend comes from a hard prediction, since your E has a very fast cast time. Add in the fact that your ult arguably has a bigger impact on your team's success than hers, and you have an ideal situation to succeed.”
Zoodyacc says “Dodge her Q's, avoid staying near minions so that you can avoid getting hit by W of her's. If you have a support with some heavy CC's such as Leona, Thresh or Blitz you might want to use Condem [E] earlier to bait her Spell Shield out. She might be a threat early.”
atonementblade says “You can always out-duel a Sivir. She can Spell Shield your Condemn, but other than that, you can dodge her Boomerang Blade and finish her off.”
PaciCz69 says “Sivir is extream threat. I recommend to ban her because she has spellshield that blocks even your traps, your E , your Q and Ult. it blocks everything.”
MayeLeven says “She can poke you with her Q or W. If you want to trade with her, you must dodge her Q. After level 6, try to get close to her and then you can kill her with your R.”
Midorima says “You will lose push but at any moment the wave is even or you have the bigger one. You can all-in/trade and win. 100%
To win this match up: Fight her with PTA, you win. ”
RoadDGM says “Pretty easy matchup she cant really block much from you just make sure you time your e around her shield and you can easily out damage her more worried about your supports.”
Mericat says “Same as Ezreal - a very strong poke, able to give 0 fucks about your trap placement while harassing you. Probably a very good ban, if you meet her more often!”
ZERO Destructo says “If you're up against a good Sivir player, he will probably negate your W with his E. Since it protects her from only one spell, try to land a Q ond her, then use your W to stun her. As far as trade is concerned, you can easily outtrade Sivir. Also your bonus speed from crit can help you run away when she ults. Oh, and give your best to avoid her Q, since it will deal a lot of damage if it hits you two times.”
Jima says “Sivir might be a pretty hard lane due to her Q and W that can poke you down. Depending on your support this might not be that big of a problem.”
Eccentricks says “She is Sivirly weak. SEE WHAT I DID?! LMAO!
Anyway, in all seriousness, her spell shield isn't an issue if she blows it early, as she may forget about your E. Even if she remembers it, chase her until it goes away and then shoot. You will get the cheap kill. As for an offensive Sivir, you may have a hard time with Richochet, but there isn't really a good way to dodge it and pick up your CS at the same time.”
EzVeryReal says “Sivir CAN be a very big issue but it depends on her support. Sivir herself isn't too bad considering you can pop her spell shield with every ability. Just be sure to poke her out before you decide to fight.”
Mr. Nyahr says “If you can bait out her shield, she has no defensive abilities to stop you from harassing. Dodge her boomerang both ways, and avoid standing with your minions to avoid her bounce damage. Stay aware of when she has her ultimate, and make use of her poor range. Sivir players love to push, so if she overextends, call for a gank.”
Laverenz says “Sivir has even less range than Vayne, making it easy for you. Make sure to wait with your E, until she has used her spellshield. Your E is the only ability she can spellshield. Just all in level 6”
Pacu says “Beware. New sivir is broken. Her E now punishes kindred's ability use way harder, which means you'll have trouble of getting on top of her.”
philsopaoto says “Sivir has really good wave clear but is very underpowered in the meta. Xayah's Q can break her spell shield twice, and root would be easy to land after baiting it out.”
MewlingRavenPaw says “Dodge her Q and wait out her Spell Shield before rending. It's a straight forward match-up. When it gets later into the game use Blade of the Ruined King to pop her spell shield or rend early if you can land your Q with PTA active. Nuking her down to ~300 hp and a few auto attacks till she dies. ”
corvy says “Her push potential and waveclear will shutdown you getting lvl 2 almost every game.
try and stay up in cs and be carefull of the bouncing blades because of your low range.
getting onto her with your supports is hard due to her shield but you sould look to shut her down if possible.
farming to midgame and playing river fights is important to keep you relevent dont ignore the team for 3 cs if its crashing tower its best to make sure she doesnt get her crit items by picking up free dragons and kills in river”
Kynaz0071l0l says “Sivirs poke is really annoying. Her Q does ton of damage early. If she has a cc support it will be hard to farm against her but if not you can win in 2v2. ”
Eucalyptus says “Somewhat rough to deal with but you have enough tools at your disposal to fuck with her spell shield during your combo and catch her off-guard. You outscale past one item so she can only really goon squad with ult and her team.”
Fruxo says “Try to bait out her spellshield or she will block your W. Should otherwise be quite an easy matchup, just dodge her Q poke, and take short trades to avoid taking to much damage.”
MrDecoy says “sivir's will mainly try to just perma shove the wave into you because they cant really lane as well as xayah so if you can match her wave clear in the early game you should be able to keep up with her during every stage”
dravenfizz says “All this champ does is push, literally just fight her, that's all you gotta do. Try to get her spell shield with your W so you can chunk her with your Q.”
Fruxo says “Try to bait out her spellshield or she will block your root. Should otherwise be quite an easy matchup, just dodge her Q poke, and take short trades to avoid taking to much damage.”
IPodPulse says “Spell shield is a fairly big counter to Varus, so try to bait it out by either using hail of blades or getting your support to use one of their abilities. Never try to engage when her spell shield is available.
Her boomerang blade can deal a lot of damage if it hits a single target, try keep your distance and only close the distance when she wastes her boomerang blade.
Her ultimate is both a good disengage and engage tool. Expect it to be used when the enemy jungler ganks, or if the enemy bot lane is losing the fight.”
Righteous Maniac says “Not horrible to fight per se, but the fact that she can ignore laning phase after the first back by pressing 2 buttons hampers you severely. Not to mention she counters many CC supports and your spells. Try and put her behind or get your jungler to gank.”
GORE Klabok says “-just Like Kog'maw, Kalista Can dodge the Sivir skillshot (Q) .Without Her (Q) she Drop at 50% of her Optimal Damage. If you Bait the spellshield before engaging you always win.
-sivir need to build On-hit effect and shes a late game champion.
Unless sivir reach late game and beeing fed, she can't Hypercarry against a late game Kalista.
If sivir by Any Chance can Spellshield Kalista rent (E) all the time, Whish is actually Impossible to predict That Skillshot, So Rent (E) is actually gonna be enought to takedown sivir on first engage.
SimbaADC says “This matchup is quite support dependent, but if you manage to get the push advantage and keep shoving the wave in and poking Sivir you will pull far ahead.”
IsseiDxD1 says “Sivir is hard match up since she can poke you with her Q and W, she can push you under turret pretty fast and her E can "consume" your R”
SlashLion says “Her Q and E can make for a lot of poke damage and means you have to take time to avoid it which can mean losing some cs. Her spellshield can prevent you from rooting her with your W, try to bait it out with Q or have your support throw an ability out. Be aware of her splitpushing, even if Sivir is behind, her splitpush game is very good and can gain her team the advantage due to the extra lane pressure.”
Vortiris says “Bait out her Spell Shield and you'll be fine. Her early game sucks, but don't get cocky. If you can catch up to her when she uses On The Hunt, go in for it, and root her. 1v1ing her should be easy.”
Numresunw says “It may be hard to kill her becuase of her push and range, but you can take her down easily if she goes for a trade just try not to use your E when her shield is active”
SmoreEater says “Don't be scared about this match-up, even though her kit may seem scary to you, it's pretty easy to avoid getting countered by her. You can bait out her spell shield by waiting for it to go away then throwing a Q, or even looking like you are about to go after the support then immediately Q the Sivir. You will also have to run towards her without staying right next to the minions, or else her bouncing attacks will hit you and do a good amount of damage to you, removing the 70% health damage bonus rune's effect.”
Shake the Shade says “A decently difficult matchup. If the enemy has fast reactions, hitting abilities will become a chore. Try to sneak Qs on minions while autoing to confuse her to pop her E early.”
Levi Senpai says “She has really nice poke and the best wave clear , can scale also really well and in late game shes really hard to kill , try to stomp her early ”
Fruxo says “Try to bait out her spellshield or she will block your W. Should otherwise be quite an easy matchup, just dodge her Q poke, and take short trades to avoid taking to much damage.”
Somoko says “Sivir is one of the highest threat ADCs you'll ever play against. She does everything fast, better and above all can block your Q / stuns. You can't really play around this so try to have your support make an opening for you when they make her waste her spell shield.”
NMFO says “Sivir's spell shield makes your job landing hooks difficult, especially because her blocking them helps her. However, the cooldown is noticeably longer than yours, so you should be able to bully her pretty well. ”
jster131 says “Pretty bad champ imo. She will either play two ways; farm all game, or she will waste all her mana trying to poke you with her q. If she does the latter, be sure to dodge the q and all in her with your support as soon as she runs out of mana. Be careful for her e spell shield, because it will give her mana back.”
Xerxes Is ADC says “will win lane if he manages to poke you down, i recommended doran's shield unless you have a support like soraka/sona that can you. If he has shield up engage with R first then E. ”
xTheUnlimited says “Really good waveclear and late game damage. She gets oom pretty fast, so you can take that to your advantage. You also have a higher auto attack range than her so you can bully her with auto attacks. You should use your mid game powerspike to end the game before she can get into late. ”
xTheUnlimited says “Can pressure your lane hard. Has no early damage, but a good disengage with her Ultimate and her E. Has some strong late game damage too. ”
xTheUnlimited says “You can outdamage her early / in lane, but the problem with her is, that she can push your lane really hard, well thats what sivir does. Its pretty bad for you since you need an early back to get your Tear and she can prevent you from that. ”
B34STLYG4M3R says “Sivir is another really hard matchup. You lose every all-in until about 4 items in. She is extremely good at farming and clearing waves, so she can shove you under tower, take your tower, and be up 50 cs on you. There really isn't much you can do here.”
SpicyAdCurry says “Sivir blocks Caitlyn Abilities and traps with her E and Sivir's Laning phase aganist Caitlyn is stronger cause of Sivir's w she got a huge wave clear using W and Q ”
qasddsa says “Champion that prefers to play passively during early game and CS to scale. Don't let her CS; have your support zone her and pressure her with Fishbones or all-ins. During late game, you easily outdamage her.”
TruMediaMix1 says “Sivir can slice through you and your entire team very quickly in the late game, and her Spell Shield can easily block any attempt to kill her using Ace in the Hole.”
undeadsoldiers says “Sivir has great poke that does very high damge. You are squishy so taking all that damage won't be fun for you. Generally I'd go for the tankier build against her.
Sivir is reported to be doing great against Miss Fortune (spell shield from E to block her Q, movement speed from R to dodge her R, at least equally good aoe dmg) so maybe play that, she is also easy to play.”
ExcalibursMight says “Sivir can be difficult if you are always on her toes or hanging behind minions when she uses her 'W'. You would want to have her CC'd or at least half before you burst”
satancurls says “Graças ao seu escudo se a Sivir souber jogar ela vai te counterar várias vezes. Fique na frente no farm e espere uma boa call do seu jungler ou suporte.”
whybother34 says “So supports hate fighting Sivir because of her spellshield. Trundle goes "Time To Troll!" because you can't spellshield a pillar. You slow and displace her, but it doesn't consume her spellshield and give her mana. Let her poke you and get no mana back from her spellshield and call your jungler for a nice gank when she is drained. ”
Robin Banks says “You have the range advantage but sivir outscales you pretty hard. Even lane pre-6 and first back. Just dodge her Q's and rely on your Q poke. Her spell shield CD is very long early ranks so she'll only use it for a CC ability or if shes low HP and needs to block one of your Q's. ”
Im_Demolish says “The only threat Sivir offers is her spell shield, if you get that out of the way she's a pretty easy kill with your range advantage.”
TianDaMan says “If you stand in minions she will slice you with her Ricochet so stand to the side. This means you are weak to her boomerang doing significant damage. Don't try to poke her with W as she has a spellshield that can heal her up. ”
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