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Sivir Counter Stats

Sivir Counters
Discover all champions who counter Sivir. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Sivir in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
595 Tips for countering Sivir below

Bottom Lane
51.09% Win Rate98% Pick Rate Sivir Bottom Lane Counters: 21 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Sivir in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

afr0rk says “Sivir's entire kit kind of counters Ezreal. Her Q let's her match your poke early, her W let's her one shot waves which doesn't let you get push, her E let's her block one of your spells and heals her, and her Ult gives her movement speed to catch up to you. She outscales you, so your best bet is to play to win your lane and make sure she never reaches the point to become a threat. Consider getting early boots to dodge her Qs”
fuckingrathatxdd says “Half of the Sivir players in the game either autopilot or are braindead. Punish that, Threats n' Tips: her W and Q poke can get pretty rough sometimes. Vamp Scepter and maaayyybe Second Wind if you're terrified. E after her shield goes down. W her. You need to W her or she will run away.”
RatXDD's Silver Elo Premium Asshat Twitch Guide! by fuckingrathatxdd | Twitch Player
Bobalegre says “She is much more of a threat to your support than you. You don't really have to worry about her spell shield but it can screw a engage from your support. Unlike Ezreal, Sivir can control the wave very easily, try to bait her Qs and engage when she has no mana.”
[14.4] Ezreal The Absolute Spellcaster (IN DEV) by Bobalegre | Ezreal Player
Vapora Dark says “Tied for lowest attack range ADC, Sivir is easy for Aphelios to bully with his abilities and basic attacks. Her Q helps her play from a bit further away, but is very weak early on until she builds a few crit items so it doesn't help much for winning the lane from outside Aphelios's range. Additionally, her spell shield is quite bad against Aphelios since half his abilities are hard to react to, and others can't be fully blocked because they work off of multiple hits.”
The Book of Aphelios by Vapora Dark | Aphelios Player
2saif4u says “As long as you punish this hard earlygame you are shilling. Only use your E when her E is on cooldown.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “champion doesn't pose a threat to anyone, just stay away from her W on wave and don't let her scale. Force her E before you R and you're good.”
Red Ashe Redemption says “Natural counter. She pokes you from a safe spot. Her shield may cancel your ult, her ult cancel your chase.”
ASHE- 2024 [AD Carry - Global Pressure] (quick guide) by Red Ashe Redemption | Ashe Player
Joshhh says “[Fleet or Conqueror or PTA] Dodge Q and you should win the poke battle”
14.2 Aphelios Build by Joshhh | Aphelios Player
Devilbuny says “Rzadko idzie spotkać Sivir. Nie jest ona dla Caitlyn problemem”
Snajper idealny by Devilbuny | Caitlyn Player
NegativePhoenix says “The only really annoying thing about her is her spell shield since it can eat your ult and W to just give her health back. Her W poke isn't super strong early but can be annoying. It's mainly her Q that hurts the most Your E makes you slightly faster than her when she ults but only briefly, so use it as an escape tool over a wall really. That'll force her to chase, flash over the wall or just give up and have wasted ult”
[14.3] Smolder, Heir To The Camavoran Bloodline by NegativePhoenix | Smolder Player
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