Top Lane 49.54% Win Rate92% Pick RateRenekton Top Lane Counters: 41 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Renekton in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
relise says “sunfire/sundered > any boots > fimbul (early bramble can be good)”
liucan says “Another stat checker: u win lvl 1 or if he waste something, use he if u know hes gonna use W, u win long trades, he can dodge ur E with his E. Dont understimate his ult and burst, use ext ign. E E champion.”
Maniaxx says “Renekton has strong early lane pressure, high sustain, and crowd control. His E (Slice and Dice) allows him to gap close or escape quickly.
His W (Ruthless Predator) can stun you, allowing him to set up a trade.
How to deal with him:
Play safe early: Renekton is very strong in the early game, so focus on farming and avoiding extended trades.
Build armor and health: Renekton's damage can be mitigated by early defensive items like Sunfire Aegis or Steel caps
Wait for his cooldowns: After Renekton uses his W and E, he becomes more vulnerable. Take advantage of those cooldowns to trade back.”
sup3r7una says “if you are playing renekton you have a very low chance of winning. try to not engage until level 3 where you have your e and make short trades with your e-w-q. in the early game you should keep your distance because of his q and his w which will stun you. place your e in a safe place such as behind your front line of minions or behind the turret. the w will give you a shield so you won’t take as much damage. as soon as you hit him with your attacks press e and escape. if he uses his r you can use your e to escape and when it runs out press e to return. if he uses his e on you then you should just press your e facing backwards to run away and then e back and q-w and retreat immediately. in this match up you should take immortal shieldbow first and then proceed with the life steal build.”
Only Tip: Play around your e to last hit minions stay under the turret with you minions and try to buy the executioner sword and after this or a bit later have you a tiny % chance to fight against him. Concqueror and ignite teleport is needed”
a_k_z7 says “he breaks shields which can counter you every time you kill a minion with your passive or get a fimble proc
try to make him q when you are in the wave so the waves psuhes into you
stay at a safe distaance so you can w he e since it is kind short
dont ever get close to him his w is point and click stun and he can have a good trade with it
ult his ult since you cant win aginst it unless he is low”
Skaarlschloch says “You need best earlygame runes:
Ignite, Dblade, Conq, POM, Alacrity, Boneplating, Overgrowth secondary
If he has Ignite give prio minimize trades try to fight on the push. If he has TP then go for Prio.
If he has R never go for All-In only play for short combos”
parker3n9 says “This is a rough early matchup, especially between Levels 3 and 6. Renekton has strong kill threat during this stage and can burst you for 75% of your health in one combo, especially if he’s running Ignite. Play cautiously, focusing on poking with Q, and save E and W to kite him and disengage if he tries to engage. Once you reach your first item, the matchup swings heavily in your favor, and you’ll dominate him in 1v1 fights.
Recommended Runes: Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
sprdlol says “I think this is the worst lane for Ambessa. His kit counters you and have less CD than you. Try to survive with grasp and take W lv1. You outscales him tho. ”
ExtoiK says “Just a busted champ over all, Play around ganks and dont let him get fed.
as long as you have CS lead and he isnt 11/0 you should win late game”
Coke Rat says “Ignite + TP or Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Shield.
His W denies your W shield. You have two options: go full agressive from level 1 and get advantage against him (ignite setup) or play passive and wait for your JG mercy (flash setup).”
maiathemagical says “Any tank/melee champ with low mobility or who is easily kiteable will just melt. Don't be afraid to be aggressive within reason and always contest minions when it's safe to do so.”
Raideru says “This matchup is really hard for Camille BEFORE first item since the trading windows are really limited, lvl 1 you try to get grasp proc and look to trade him with your passive into walking back and using your w on him, afterwards when he gets lvl 2+ he will probably lvl e in order to dodge your w so keep that in mind whenever u use it make sure it's awkard for him to jump in, this matchup is all ab short trading and taking the least amount of dmg and staying high on hp so u don't get dove since junglers love to dive with renekton. After u get your first item you just perma short trade him with your speed and chip him down slowly he can't do much but MAKE SURE to not fight for fun in early. I advise Grasp with Sheen start with Trinity rush.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"He has tons of damage+tankiness+sustain+mobility, so you CAN'T take bad trades else you'll get outsustained and all-inned. Hard matchup but once his burst is done you'll win if you
can stop him from disengaging. His ult is very scary, try to kite it out if he uses it. You can eat him after his E1 and his E2 will usually time out inside of you." ”
Spartaniko says “E if he dashes to you, if you are in melee range try to predict his W. Your Q poke outranges him (except for his E, which you can block with your own E and disengage with W+Q). Respect his tankiness, burst and healing after lvl 6 even if he is behind. Steelcaps help a lot in this matchup.”
Fenharion says “His E is a really great skill to engage or disengage and his R is a steroid.
Go for anti-heal early and be careful about his empowered W since it gets rid of shield.”
Wafflerush says “Renekton hits hard and he trades fast. He will use your minions against you to dash through them to trade with you (often winning the trade). DO NOT SHIELD if he has his full combo up and his rage is at least 50%. His W destroys shields, making you waste mana and take unnecessary damage. Best case against him is to exercise caution and only trade when his rage is low. Most trades will be equal, but you at least have to have the gall to not be bullied early otherwise he will hold the wave on his side and you will lose.”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Horripilante, n desejo essa experiência pra ninguém, não fique avançado depois do lv3, n tente trocar com ele caso ele tenha fúria stackada, a janela de troca aparece quando ele n tem W e nem Q.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “make sure to get push early, if he gets to push into you he will constantly have high fury and level advantage, making you get punished whenever you walk up to minions
your E is worth everything in this matchup, make sure to use it to actually block damage with it instead of only using it as a stun. your E also reduces AoE damage by 25% which counts renekton Q
his ult is extremely broken, so make sure to choose your all-ins carefully and try to bait out his abilities before doing so
keep spacing in & out of his range to bait his Q. getting hit by his ferocity Q alongside your minions = very bad”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
His main engage is his E, when he starts to dash towards you, you can always decide
- Either stun him when he dashes to you
- Use your E when you see him pressing W, it has a little animation and a sound effect and that is his main damage source
His E has such a long cooldown early, that if you play it correctly when he tries to engage, you can then just freely bully him.
You have so much range on him with your Q that his Q cannot even hit you.
wApMorty says “Renekton feels weak from levels 1-5 but need to be respected from 6 to 11. Yorick wins 2 items to 2 items with Conqueror and enough tankiness”
SemenDrinker says “Blade Bone plating
Space yourself from him so he has to waste both E's to enage on you.
You want to poke him down a lot while he goes for cs so that you have a fighting chance whenever he wants to all in. I recommend plated rush as it guts his W damage heavily. If you have good ping you can also cancel his Dash with your Q's while e'ing backwards. Know his ult lasts longer than yours and to never be right up close to him to tank his sandstorm magic damage. You have to respect him early and not take extended fights. He will out damage you and it will hurt a lot. 1 kill and the lane is basically almost over for you. Very volatile. ”
IvanBeifong says “Rougher matchup if Renek has PTA, take bone plating, and as always, start engages at levels 4-5, he will not have enough burst in those levesl to kill you outright.
His ult is decent, usually, Renek's ult gives him Rage, but for Sylas, it gives you Mana over time, so it works for that.”
LilPicky says “(take 1st rune page start blade) trade with bone plating only, he will E towards you when you W so walk back a little so he cant stun you and you will also hit your slow , when you get sunderer you can try to go for an all in if you have your bone plating/passive and he doesnt have bone plating. If he ults as soon as you go in walk back you can even stay in the wall for a couple second when you E so that he panics and presses R, after his R is gone its a free win.”
Skaarlschloch says “You can run him down lv.1, check first if he has boneplating and proc it beforehand (even before lane) if he lets you. Then you can force the lv.1 trade even in his minions.
Dont let him get a second Q off tho!!
Afterwards play for your spikes and get your team ahead
Watch out for his 6 where he can run you down with right setup”
Lanec says “Basically, every champ who can engage and kill you very fast in early are hard to play against with Aurora. You need to be really carefull”
Niemi says “One of Thresh's worst matchups. He is too slippery and deals too much damage. He has to make serious mistakes if you wish to kill him without your jungler. You need to play carefully and exploit mistakes he makes.
You need to be able to run as far away as possible when he pops his ult, because there is a very high chance you will die. Even if you get under tower he is capable of diving you, so make sure to use your Q and E wisely”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is annoying because of his sustain + his E double dash. If he ever has more than 50% Fury, don't bother walking up to the wave because he'll E+Fury W you and you'll lose a lot of HP. After level 6, you can just Ult him away. Similar to the Darius matchup, all you really have to do in this matchup is not die and he's pretty useless later on. Do your best to farm and scale, then group with your team. Spacing is really important in this matchup especially if he goes Prowler's Claw since it will allow him to 1 shot you before you become unstunned. ”
Sc00n3z says “Renekton has strong early game trading potential with his empowered abilities (especially Ruthless Predator). He can engage on Illaoi, trade effectively, and then disengage before Illaoi can retaliate effectively. His sustain and burst damage can also overwhelm Illaoi in prolonged fights.”
Zagreus16 says “The biggest and hardest counter to you. Jax is close but this guy is a must ban if you wanna have fun in the game. if you do somehow find yourself in this situation then theres 2 things you can do. First you gotta get TP and play so safe cause no matter what you do the lane is his control and he gets to decide if he wants to trade or not. you gotta rush bramble plated boots so you can actually kinda fight him and live. Its way better to play for team fights cause he cannot team fight well unlike you can, so abuse this as much as possible. Second thing you can do is uninstall and refund if you get this guy”
step1v9 says “Tough matchup. You win trades where you have more rage. You cannot avoid empowered Q, it has too much range so just try to auto trade or not be in it when he casts it. When he W, you ideally want to cast E to buffer the CC and disallow him to follow-up with more damage. If he follows that with E keep running. If she following with double E then all-in. Avoid all-in into his ultimate. Try to disengage when this is active.”
LDaL says “spells flesh +exhaust. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh. Hard matchup, but winnable. Good Renekrom is rare, especially on mid. And it's easier for you because lane is shorter then top. Always try to stay in the middle between enemis melee and range minions so if he try to engage on you, you can easy q+e out, and then go for a trade. You want q every time he going for last lvl 1-2, but keep track of his rage bar, more than half and he has enhanced abilities, be aware of that. If you know how to kite on first 1-3 lvl you can try and go for a trade, just remember he's passive heal him, so you need to have constant trades in your favor. After 6 when he ult it's better just wait until it's run out, than fight it, but if you are ahead you can try, but remember his ult gives him good sustain,heal and dmg, so even if he has 20-30% hp he still can one shot you, if his bar is full.”
Raideru says “Take w or q lvl 1 and zone him off the wave since you stat check him, in this matchup you want to poke with q a lot and do short trades and only all in him when you're sure u can kill him and that there isn't a jungler covering him becuase junglers tend to play for Renektons a lot, if he ever jumps in with e you have to try to catch him with e when he tries to jump back if you do u automatically kill him, matchup is very easy even if notthihng happens in early bcs u outscale him hard”
Haxorr says “This matchup is very Renekton favored, at least for the early to mid stages of the game. However, you outscale Renekton and are much more useful later on in the match, so the main objective in this lane is to go even and not fall too far behind/give Renekton too big of an advantage.
Take DShield + Grasp and rush Trinity Force. Renekton will be able to get prio on the wave level 1 if he is good, as his Q just has too low of a cooldown for you to compete with him. I recommend Second Wind over Bone Plating in this matchup, as he can pop your Bone Plating very easily with his Q. Trading on Renekton has to be very short, and usually is NOT worth it. Unless you parry his W, you will lose the trade, and if you commit too hard after level 6 he will beat you anyway just by stat checking you. After 2-3 items you can start to win the 1v1, or if you really play it well, but before that you need jungler help.”
DuckQc says “Avoid trading with him if he has full fury, farm with q from fair distance so he cannot e+e get you and run away or make you trade with him in his minion wave. Poke him a lot and you will just easily smash him at level 6. If he has ignite and he is dodging ur Q it could be tricky”
Arthapsic says “Don't fight level one and give full priority ( he can start W and destroy you with PTA ). If he starts Q you can walk up and stack q and win trades. Be very careful after lvl 3 he is very strong. Be careful as junglers tend to camp renektons and can dive you so save your W to try and outplay dives. After 6 you can win an all in but make sure you have ignite up. After 2 items you hard destroy him on sidelane. Seeker's rush is really good”
Beeware says “Double dash and stun will always come out faster than your E. His sustain allows him to ignore your poke. Focus on being safe, you will outscale him. If he won't let you farm minions, poke him when First Strike comes up.”
ArmedDad says “Buddy will bead you even if you are 1 item above. Sometimes even 2 :).
If you are below dia, you can honestly win by just being better tho.
Why is he a bad lizard?
1. with red rage bar, his w breaks your passive shield.
2. his e (two dashes) can dodge your e and your w healing cone.
3. his ult makes him juiced up like steriods while yours does nothing for 1v1 combat (a little extra magic damage)
4. You have nothing to dodge using your ult. You can dodge yone q3 or ult using your r even so its usefull there. Not here. only for gank setup
5. His items just spike faster and harder(eclipse is fun).
6. He stacks conq fast, and pta with 1 w.
What to do? spam jungler... you have better teamfight and gank setup, and scaling. Just the laning and game until 3-ish items is genuine pain.”
Skaarlschloch says “He has lots of Gank Setup and early pressure. Also his E -> E gives him long engage range so it can be hard for u. Play like you would any other matchup”
Baby_Driver says “Skill matchup.
Bone plating is amazing here.
You can zone him from exp for the first 3 melee minions (if he has no furry stacked!).
Do not waste your E.
try to start trades with auto-W.
Whenever u want to go all-in on him make sure to go to the side of him so that he doesn't double E to his turret.”
Ulsur says “Fun matchup, you take turns doing your combos, you can buffer your Q if he tries to stun you, avoid his beefy combo after 6, as he can pretty much drop 70% of your health or more in an instant, play at a distance and only try to Q1 him without E, if he dashes in you dash back and Q2 into W, if he has no dash you win the trade, simple but still he can surprise you with a load of dmg on his level 6, he also has great gank setup so beware, rush Eclipse and Tabis and you'll win, you outscale him pretty hard, oh by the way, if you're less than 40% HP under your own turret and you decide to farm instead of trying to Q him, you're dead.”
DioSett says “take tp and doran blade , conq , rush plated steelcaps , if u managed to win lane early buy ruined king otherwise buy sterak first item , try to e+w if u have the occasion , his E+W+Q+E combo is annyoing ”
Hotch says “Respect his rage meter. You can look for trades early if he doesn't have empowered abilities but avoid his lvl 3 all-in. Play safe and outscale.
Take ignite. ”
KingJoeyy says “renekton would upgrade Q first so do the same. he has 2 dashes you have one. take ignite in this lane he definitely should stomp you in lane well if he plays it correctly. when he does renekton combo try to e q when he runs away with his combo he dashes out at the end of combo don't let him punish you without him getting punished.”
blacklikeblack says “Super annoying matchup early and lategame, because he can always oneshot you if he touches you. Go second wind overgrowth and D Shield.”
forlid says “Renekton alongside Pantheon is one of the most popular counterpicks to us. That's mainly because his early game damage with fury is very high and he can easily zone you. His kit also allows him to play very safe with E, and unless you gap his HP early you can't really kill him until your early items. Remember that without his fury his damage and abilities are much weaker. His R is much stronger than yours and it also grants him extra fury, so don't fight him during it unless you're ahead. Kraken is good first item.”
PinkBlood says “You usually just want to go even into renekton you can't really kill the croc in lane until 1 item so make sure you stay even in farm and just place barrels to create space and farm with your passive. Sometimes renektons will run ignite or start e level 1 so watchout for that. ”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.3,4 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).(Bone plating recommend)
*Favorable for renekton*
Put a eye when he uses his E(dash) and W(stun) because they both have 16 sec cooldown at ability level 1.
When he engages on you be ready to block his W with your E so u only get stunned, and if you're lucky even his Q
Pre 6 you can win him easily.
after 6 it's hard.
But at 2 items consider to focus on farm and help your team when possible.
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp. Conq
You outscale him and can play it safe but early is winnable as well. You need to deny him empowered q hits on you and poke him. If He uses e onto you, use your e centered on yourself. Since he aims to Dash through you to get his second dash this will always hit him. Dont use your w if he hasnt used his. His w will destroy your shield, this is the only way he can win.
If you absolutely have to use it, use the heal immediately.”
conqiyana says “same as pantheon, point and click stuns you, chunks you for half health then disengages.
you win level 1 with ignite and w start, only time you will kill him”
MaesePerez says “Don't die to him pre lvl 3, and you win lane. Easy bruiser matchup, you have enough sustain for his short trades to not be much of an issue, just be careful of missing your ult execute when he activates his own ult, but aside from that its an easy matchup. Buy antiheal”
Sanderrsol says “Skill matchup, but one that favors Shen. Block his stun with W you win. Don't, and he'll win. Don't let him snowball on you, and you should be good. You outscale him if he doesn't get ahead.”
forlid says “Renekton has a strong all in, but once he uses his E, you can poke him down as much as you like. Try to bait out his E recast by holding onto your Q, and then engage when his mobility is down. His R wins against you in an all in, so don't fight him in it. ”
SpoonSlayer says “Just be careful levels 1-3 and you're done. We counter him very easily as he has to get close to the minions to farm. Harass him under tower.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
He has some cheese but if he ever dashes into you just cleaver auto e and run away. If he activates w, walk into him right after activating w, so that the main grey health portion is during his burst combo. Reactivate and you basically had 90% damage reduction against him as renekton uses his entire kit in 0.1 seconds. You outscale incredibly hard in all areas of the game besides peel. Phase rush + resolve”
hamgi says “weak level 1-2. take extremely early trades. post level 3, play safe. space his empowered q or wait until he uses it before going for a trade. short trades only. always avoid all-inning or diving post level 6. early tabs or warden go a long way”
PlayCabex says “Quite difficult matchup, but not impossible. There are two ways to approach this lane. First way: You go ignite and wait to see what ability he has started (just walk into his face and keep AAing him). If you’re sure he hasn’t started W and he isn’t playing ignite, you go for W start and fist fight him lvl 1 and play for lvl 2, you win it. From there you can even look to tower dive and have a bounce back. 2nd way to approach is to keep your distance and max Q. Your goal is to not die and let him snowball. Whenever you see him E towards you, just insta fear him because if he gets too close to you he’ll be able to stun you even through your fear. You can kill him if you’re just so much better than your opponent.
Low elo - Aery
High elo - First Strike”
Belle19 says “His burst is scary but you win extended fights very hard. Dont get deterred if he chunks you out, all of his damage is frontloaded so for like 9 seconds afterwards he doesnt do anything. His ult does more than yours at 6, yours does more than his at 11. Rush a bramble and tabis, or if you are behind warden tabis. Try to pull him out of e2, or if he is too far up just ghost on him if he dashes greedily. You need to play the lane reactively but aggressively, if you just eat his poke you lose but if you initiate a fight he'll poke you and get out with no counterplay. Look to outscale but if he plays aggro fight back.”
Gogyz says “Resolve: Grasp, Shieldbash, Bone plating, Overgrowth,
Inspiration: Biscuit delivery, Time warp tonic.
Corruption potion > Bramble vest > Sunfire
Lvl 1 take q, level 2 you can take w or e, depending how scared you are of an early all in. He can oneshots ur passive shield, but you can W his E, he makes your life a hell before min 20. but you can outscale him.”
zwartebliksem says “You naturally counter his Q with your Q. However, he still has a lot of DPS. Try to use your Q when he dashes in. Only go in yourself when his abilities are down.”
AWierdShoe says “Renekton has the ability to stat check us level 1 with Q start. He will most likely get the push early game, as his empowered Qs heal a lot more that ours if he hits you with a full minion wave. Be respectful, as he has the tools to dodge our skillshots and outtrade us with his high base damage. Bad Renektons can be easily punished, so if you see him waste his E you can chase him down and follow up with a trade (his E has a long CD). However, good Renektons can stonewall the lane and potentially make it miserable for you as junglers favor pathing toward a Renekton often. You will not win at Level 6; his ultimate is much stronger than ours. Scaling is in our favor at level 9 with max-ranked Q. ”
Haearnbleidd says “He has better burst and trades, but you have better dps.
Try to not take many trades with him on full fury, he can dash away from your r, so try to bait his dash.
Build: Rav/Shojin > hexplate.”
Akuzai says “Rush boots, fight him early if his rage is low since you can win pre 6 if he's not running ignite. After 6 try to not interact with him til you have your spikes. You hard outscale.”
PPlongcook says “Do not fight him. Period. It doesn't matter how good you are, one mistake and the lane is over. Scale up instead. Sometimes you can get lucky and they will get bored of you playing passively so they will overextend and take bad trades, dives or get ganked.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Conq / Fleet
He wins long trades, so play around his fury.
You can WW his W, and that's the real game plan. Don't fight when he ults, and trade when he has low fury. ”
Bronzesuo says “Use Second or Third build against him. Try to kite him when you can and don't attack him when he has his W and Fury. You can also try to kill him lvl 1-2. This is type of lane where you will try not to die and it will be impossible to fight him after lvl 3-6”
Joy17 says “Renekton tem um forte potencial de troca, mas Warwick, com suas habilidades de cura e durabilidade, pode resistir às trocas e eventualmente superar Renekton.”
hoflol says “A strong early game champion but if you respect this, the matchup is very even.
He is easy to disengage off of you with fling, and you will win extended trades with ultimate.”
GheeseEmpty says “Not much of a threat. Keep your health high in order to discourage the famous level 6 oneshot. Your early game is by far stronger than his, but he can easily prevent you from trading with him fairly.”
xXazzer says “Depends on how he plays. If it's a good Renekton he is definitely a threat. I think of Renekton as very similar to Aatrox as a champion. He will usually get prio over you because his Q level 1 is spammable. His stun lasts longer now and he can extend the fight and probably win out vs you if he does. You can W him as soon as he dashes on you then if he wastes time stunning you he will probably get pulled if he dashing away. Make sure to do damage to him after his combo ends but don't over commit because his CDs will come back up and he will beat you. Tabis and execs will eat alot of his power against you.”
NegativePhoenix says “Renekton is a lane bully, so it's your job to deny him that pleasure.
Most Renekton players will just try to poke with Q to remove bone plating, then rush in with E, empowered W, Q and then E out until he can just kill you.
Do your best to avoid letting him snowball. If he can't snowball, his usefulness to the team drops considerably unless he's a god late game”
ThelpixG says “Dangerous matchup
How to Beat?
- Take "Maokai Runes" (Bone plating is crucial in this lane);
- Play very passive and try to just stack gold from first strike since;
- Beware his engage from E;
- Even if you cleanse his W the damage still goes off;
- You can try to kill him early if you take ignite, specially if he messes up or waste his cooldowns;
- Once he's level 6 he's very strong at diving you so beware ganks;
- You outscale him;
- Buy antiheal so you can win trades or prevent him from healing on the wave with his Q.”
LilliaFanBoy says “Renekton is only scary if he has E-W up. You outrange his Q with yours so once his E-W-Q combo is done just chase after him and be wary of his E cooldown.”
WhendZ says “Psicopata. Quando o crocodilo vem pra cima, não adianta dar a laranja, o dano do w dele ainda vai acontecer. usa sua laranja depois do W e antes do Q, que você cura mais. é um ban sólido.”
LegacyOneTap says “Lt dblade, flash ignite. Level 1 cheese, you can do decent trades, watch his rage meter and dont get poked by his q, when trading try to make him dash and use his stun by using counterstrike, if he runs away in the other direction and lets you walk up to him without needing to jump, as long as his dash didn't touch you, he gets caught and if you're healthy, you can kill him or make him burn a spell in trade. divine into executioners just so you dont need ignite every 2 minutes. ”
Alumaner says “Other Threats are any top lane riven counters, most champs with fast clear speed and junglers that must start blue or red depending on Spawn”
JPGamer10BR says “Puna ele o máximo possível quando ele for farmar, caso ele esteja com a barrinha quase vermelha cuidado ele pode só dar E nos mínion usar o Q em você e sair com E, tente cegar ele quando ele for usar o W, corta cura é interessante, mas se você tiver de ignite não é preciso.
Acho que a melhor runa dele é PTA, mas pode usar F.F, Aery ou Grasp.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Block engage or escape with W. If he walks at you when his dash is down trade with Q. Very dangerous at early levels, try to avoid until 6. Rush thornmail.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer or phase rush.
If he starts you start E aswell to knock him away. If he gets 2 E off with pta he can kill you early or dive. If you don't get killed early this matchup becomes jayce favored because of the scaling.”
BurritoTopKing says “Lethal tempo + double tenacity and bone plating.
Buy tabis and bramble vest into stridebreaker and sterak, relatively easy to win if you don't get solokilled early, careful if he runs ignite.”
WarwicksSimp says “Should always be able to win, this mu should be you freezing wave, and e'ing everytime he e's in to take a trade. This is the one thing warwick is good at, beating a meta champ like Renekton with relatively no issue. You just have to react to his action.”
xskyswitch says “I take high damage build into the croc. Play around his fury meter. Poke with Qs. Don't underestimate his R when you fight if you aren't ahead. He can combo you down very fast. When behind, he can still be a threat if he can get to your damage carries so try and peel for them when he is in teamfights.”
Tronnes says “50/50 Matchup be careful for his burst potential especially with his R and if he runs ignite. Renekton is one of those champions where you know exactly what he's going to do but you cant really do anything about. So, get CS and try not to get bursted. When he goes up for a CS try and poke him with Q. ”
Brb3535 says “press the attack is far more dangerous than conc he will stun u and will deal even more damage so be careful to his trades he will want to stun u with that extra time and proc press and deal more dmg to u and then double e and run away”
Bonkyou says “Please learn spacing. If you are having trouble against him it is probably because his jungle is camping you. Play away from his E1 W range, your W and Q can space his Q...”
RivenCarriedYou says “this matchup is one of Riven's hardest., start dorans blade and try to cheese level 1, you're stronger at that point. He has all the tools necessary to highlight Riven's weaknesses. Try to E his Q damage now, take bone plating to tank his W. If you can stop him from building Fury by controlling the wave you can win. Abuse long E cooldown.”
Meleedeft says “Ban worthy.
You can win level 1 if you play extremely aggressive while preventing him to stack his Fury.
You can win after level 1 if you block his W with your Bone Plating and dodge his second E cast if Its empowered, but its very hard to pull off.”
BaotoGame says “Like Riven,this crocodile has an insane DPS and very mobile.Try to W when he wastes 2 dashes and looking for the all-in.Rush Plated Steelcaps is not a bad idea.”
Chaddouk says “Early vs Renekton, it's about who gets fury first, Tryn can actually hard beat Renekton lvl 1, it becomes harder from level 3 and until tryn has 2 items if even. He is a lane bully indeed so be very careful of who the junglers are (you have karthus and they have elise ? You might have to concede multiple waves at some point). Do NOT trade hp if there is a chance that you get weaksided. It's really all about early game cuz later tryn beats the shit out of Renek (need kraken at least). You can still try to get an advantage early from level one and jgl pressure (his E is a long ass CD). Also try to space in and out of his Q if you can it's somewhat predictable when they will use it. But most importantly if you're looking to all-in and feel strong enough, try to space out his E, meaning that you don't want to stay on top of him or he gets an E reset by dashing out. If you can auto and walk back he might E and not get the reset then it's free kill.”
daitolol says “TOP // - Really hard matchup as you lose every trade due to stat checking and his sustain from q. Personally I go secondary sorcery with tp for the idea being if he stomps the lane just don't play for it. This playstyle is really hard to pull off as you give up all of your defences and have to give up a lot of gold, only play for XP. You do outscales and are able to 1v1 him around level 8 but before that you should not engage whatsoever
- You can e his e, try to shroud to cancel his w, try to isolate his trading outside of wave so he doesnt get extra healing from empowered q ”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Kind of the same as jax, you will get massively chunked if you trade against renekton aggressively while far from turret. If you unburrow and go for a trade of any length, he will e after you and lock you down with w to guarantee the rest of his combo, and wins all long trades with r. You will need to set up a tunnel preemptively under turret as an escape plan in a spot where he can't just deny the tunnel. Take short trades in front of turret and avoid as many full combos from him as possible. You will outvalue him in the side lane later in the game if you don't fall too far behind before then.”
nomidlaner says “Even with executioners or any healing cut, he can outsustain you and out damage if you even fall 1 lvl behind.
Plus the buffs incoming to goredrinker makes Renekton a TOP TIER TOP LANER.”
X_TRM says “(Start W/E) You kinda beat him early lvl 1 but he will out trade and out heal most of your damage. He can break your W shield with his W point and click stun you and dash away. Hob as keystone is also an option if you REALLY want to win early because you get outscaled hard early - mid game. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Chempunk Chainsword”
Dew Master Flash says “Renekton is only in the three spot because of how good he is right now, usually, it would be lower as I like playing scaling tanks into renekton.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: PTA with Boneplating + Riftmaker]
This is a skill matchup, which depends on Renekton hitting his W Stun for him to win. When he dashes onto you with E and you anticipate a W, Q him preemtively. If he uses W and you dodged, great! Punish him for it. If you got hit, say goodbye to most of your health bar. If the Renekton is good, he can also predict your Q and wait it out before using W. If that's the case, just run away until his W runs out or he disengages. Spacing is very important in matchups like these.”
Pretzel Shiv says “this is skill based, I really don't have any tips other than when he uses e to get to you, use your e to run, then poke him down and just pray. You can impact more in late game, much more useful in teamfights, he just beats you with ult, or if he's fed. other than that you're chillin”
RipAMC says “Watch out for this croc! He's got this fury mechanic that amps up his abilities, and he can dash in and stun you with ease. His burst damage is insane, so if you're not careful, you might find yourself on the receiving end of a beatdown.”
TheBougis says “Renekton is very strong and can take plants very fast allowing him to cast his ult multiple times in one round.
His W can destroy shields so make sure to use your E after you get stunned by him.”
ShadowStealer94 says “Will burst you early and will be quite hard to kill due to tankiness and large amounts of healing. Poison Wizard is Especially good into this champ. ”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat.
Has no kill pressure on you before first item or level 6. You poke him out super hard and can sleep him if he ever tries to jump on you with dash. Has good gank setup, though, so be careful of that. Going Crown will make it so he never is able to kill you. Also, he is somewhat tanky and has sustain so he's a little harder to kill than most.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
BezMemow says “He's very scary lvl 3, he can all in you, be ready for it. Lvl 6 you win, don't build Tank cause you won't deal enough damage to kill him. His empowered W removes shields so be careful with that, heal yourself with your full shield instead in your ult if you have to.
Start D ring”
Antecc says “Dodge W with E (reactable), then follow his E with a well timed Q + E2.
Don't fight into a Renekton with 50+ fury. After the removal of the mythic iteration of prowler's, he can't even opt for a one-shot build. You outscale incredibly hard, so don't grief lane too hard.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You should stomp his early on, typical sit on the barrel matchup. The problem starts when he hits his ult as you need to be extra carefull after that beacuse of his burst potential ESPECIALLY if he goes prowlers. Space him if you know he has ult. It would be harder if not the fact that he is shit later on so just take care after lv6, and past13 you will propably win every scenario”
ABL Pantheon says “Most of the times you win this matchup. Your Q has a longer range than his. Watch for his W stun and the E double dash. You win early. E his Empowered W and avoid getting hit with Q. Just be careful after 6, because he gets his Ultimate”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [bone plating] [ overgrowth] + [Cash Back] [approach velocity]
items : start ruby crystal ->steelcaps ->CORE
play very safe earlygame
care when he has rage bar high”
lordimboutabust says “Always keep your distance from him and the wave. If he ever wastes E you can try all in him. Be very careful at 6 as he is much stronger than you. Just try and poke him out during lane and outscale him later | Bone plating | Dblade - executioner - tank mythic”
Bernardian says “Laning is pretty standard try not to get poked out while farming by his q. With the recent renekton buffs Conq + ignite makes him a really good duelest early game, he is more mobile than he ever was before so try to time his e more frequently as it is on a lower CD, his in lane sustain is really good so if your even rushing bramble is really good, post 6 make sure to save your ult for when he ults and try to time your e for when he uses his second dash.”
Zombzn00b says “Pretty hardcore lanebully, but should never be able to kill you unless you misplay or his jgl comes. Use your W to block his W, and try not to let him Q both you and your minions. If he has R while you R him, you need to play carefully as he might 1v1 you.”
ardeluu says “Abuse him before Lv3 and watch for his fury. Bone Plating is key, allowing you to tank his empowered W and trade back. You can cancel his E with your Q sweet spot allowing for a huge trade in your favor. You can also Q before he W's allowing you to do dmg while CC'd. Kite him and use your superior range to poke and go for a trade when your Bone Plating is up. Avoid trading while his fury is above 50% and always W him when he uses E on you.”
Waqql says “Look forward to your crocodile leather shoes. Poke Renekton with your autoattacks as often as possible. When he shows signs of engaging, throw your boomerang and proc your W. If he can recast his dash, jump away immediately. Don't let his combo hit you, and if it does, try to punish him for it. Don't underestimate his self-heal and damage.”
AlmightyNoxian says “This is a skill matchup. If renekton knows how to play well, you are in trouble. He is going to take PTA trade and go back. To stop that make sure you predict his E-W-Q Combo and press on E and you win.”
FaNTOP says “Не сражайтесь с ним на ранних уровнях, лучше фокусируйтесь на фарме. При покупке предметов, рекомендуется приобрести "Бронированные сапоги" для уменьшения получаемого от него урона. Ваша основная тактика будет заключаться в использовании комбо Q-W, а затем отходите, когда он фармит миньонов. Держите дистанцию от него и избегайте лишнего противостояния.”
Denied20 says “Beyond level 3 or even 2, this monster becomes and unkitable mess. Also his combo drops you to no HP, hence zero opportunities for Yasuo to respond to Renektons onslaught. Accept Renektons lane priority and grab CS when you can.
Not worth your BAN ultimately due to low pick rate (which is subject to change) and Yasuo easily outscaling the crocodile after 1 or 2 Items.”
PeanutTime36 says “watch for his e if he has used it then just kite and jump if needed, if you have good reaction time and he E then you also need to E away. you can win in mega if you hit your stuns and get in-between him and the tower.”
demirkaiser says “Just like Pantheon, respect his early game. Don't eat free Q's. If he attacks you with empowered W, don't use your W. If you see him use E to you, use your E to pull him towards you. Don't use ult if he doesn't use ult. Rush steelcaps.”
Kampsycho says “Lane Bully, Dashes over wall, Heals off your pets, double dashes so you can't catch him, you outscale him, but he snowballs harder, just be careful early on and give up CS.”
Twogrand says “This is another match up if you go even you win. but if you do screw up early game he can snowball very hard so try your best to make good trades when his fury is out or make him waste a double dash to blow his fury and his only escape. Take conq, ignite, go goredrinker path”
Sephix92 says “Hes a counter for your stun and he will kill you faster as you can deal or move on start very hard for ya on toplane. Dont play against him with skarner.
If you wanna tryhard start up with Sunfire Cap.”
Althalosofsirun says “rush bramble and steelcaps learn pain try to ult him under tower you can cheese with Dblade lvl 2 with E and W otherwise stay back and let him farm he falls off harder than you do.”
Nurakami says “What can I say he will nerly oneshot you lvl 2 has 2 dashes he goes now full dmg so you will never outdamage him but if he don't have rage and you can go small trade always take bone plating.
You can bait out his r or w with just fake enagge with e and after this go in but only after 1 item.”
Riceyboll says “The Florida gator is annoying because of his healing, dashes and that stun. If he plays too aggressively you can cheese him into the turret and get a kill that way otherwise poking him until he has to recall is the only option”
LocaLAM says “Ignite and branble can deal with him + you won't get stunned for 3 years, but his PTA is a big problem. Play safe until he's low then all in.”
Loweloexpert says “One of the few matchups that you loose lvl3. He can just E W aa Q E out, you can E him back but its not easy and risky, wait 6 and ult his ult, ign and gg. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “This one has mobility, strength, and CC. The ultimate of his is a Nasus ult but deadlier because he has zero resources. He just spams his abilities endlessly and annoys you to death. There is a way to kill if you can bait his E, and then knock him up”
sinatra1633 says “Able to beat you with short trades. Try to fight him whenever his cooldowns are used.
You outscale him easily and eventually you can even beat him in short trades but before 2 items it is very tough.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “As his Q deals a lot of damage and his dashes send him quite far, this becomes a very difficult matchup relying on your ability to kite him and not get hit by his stun.”
Boptimus says “Renekton is pretty weak nowadays. You should be extra careful if Renekton has a PTA/Ignite build because they can nuke you very early on. Once you have a good chunk of Armor Renekton will struggle to do damage to you. W should be used to avoid his W and E can be used to avoid his Q.”
illestboy_ says “D Blade + Bone Plating. Contest wave level 1. Tether his Q. Watch out for his Fury with empowered W. You can grab him during his Dash ( E ) to cancel it”
SesaPrime says “Renekton's shield break mechanic almost made this matchup impossible for Camille to do anything to save herself from his engages. His kit was designed to completely dominate many top lane champions & has huge powerspikes before he's even lvl 6.
He could be banned to save yourself the struggle & risk of dealing with him. ”
zap and you die says “Due to whole build being around healing, it's very high treat if you have no experience, so go ahead and int one game just to try and learn how to paly against him (need to practice hitting W on this son of a)
do not try to abuse healing near him when you're under 30% max HP
you can 1v1 him till death and you both die at lv 3 if you land W perfectly, you win if you baited ignite before that fight that starts with even HP(landing stun is needed)
2 questions, same answer:
Does he have R?
Is he a threat?”
DJCraz says “Renekton is a personal hell to me. Point and click cc, burst damage, sustain and worst of all dashes. Best I can give you is don't let him get easy fury on minions and definitely don't fight while at full fury. Also ult after he ults as it does more damage. (He gets bonus health) Play for teamfights as you have better potential for that than he.”
primate nefasto says “It used to be a really hard match up, now it´s okey. He has much more sustain early so trade only if you know you will win. In late you should win easily”
Zorroh says “Renekton is one of the textbook easy matchups for Gnar. This matchup you should just be playing to scale and take only short trades. Renekton with no rage is a lot weaker and can be fought. Buy boots and HP early and just E away instantly whenever Renekton uses his E1 forward. ”
stefanko says “Look to trade away from the wave level 1, so Renekton cant stack fury on the wave, force fights when Renekton is out of fury, you hard outscale.(grasp, tp or conq, ignite)”
Galactities says “I don't have much to say about this lane as I never go against any good renekton players. I like to E his W. If he tries to E into you just W him and trade, PTA or Conqueror both work, PTA is better if hes going lethality and conq is better if hes going bruiser so use your inner senses to predict what build hes gonna go. You can actually go Boneplating into this so his W has no effect on you but it is quite redundant as you do have the E for that. Careful of his lvl 6 power spike. Any build goes into him really I think eclipse into bork or black cleaver is good.”
Yasuo Is Sexy says “Such a PEST. Like you literally can't do anything about him. Just try to farm and, if you can, get your jungler to come gank him pre-6. Afterwards he's too much of a menace to deal with really.”
dzsama says “Lane bully, but winnable even during early parts of lane and you eventually outscale him. Be careful at early levels since if he has fury built up his w and q deal a lot of damage. Block his W with E and you should win the trade if you back off after. After 6 you should have quite an easy time against him with poking him with your ult + W proc. Tabis recommended in this matchup.”
Nnorio says “Perma ban :D.
Q start lvl 1 all in, after lvl 1 dont fight till 6 unless he wastes his w(stun).
1v1 tips:
W his W.
Wait out his r.
Good Luck :D.
Be nice to ur jg (prayge gank).
lorensj81 says “This is a very easy lane. Just remember that he can kill you easily especially level 3 with PTA. If his rage is above 50% his next ability is stronger , his W will stun you for longer, and if you let him dash onto you, hit W stun with autos and Q and E away he will probably kill you. His empowered W will also destroy shields so your W shield is useless vs that.
But as long as you bait out his stun, you can kill him.”
Pep_Shin says “You can kill him early game as long as you don't get hit by his enraged W.
He will sustain a lot from his Q too.
Steelcap is really good against him.
Respect him, especially when 50+ rage
If he has no Rage once 6 you can run at him and kill him.
You can snowball or get snowballed really hard in this matchup, be careful of his jungler.”
NegativePhoenix says “If you can stop his W with yours, the trade will be still towards him since if you start to do good he can still just E away and act as if nothing happened towards him. He's a lane bully so just do your best to avoid letting him get ahead off of you. If he can't snowball he becomes pretty useless in the longrun.”
Irelius says “Можно драться на лвл 1, но осторожно, Крок может стартануть с W. брать лвл 2 прио.
W его бурст, затем продливаем трейд.
Ренектон сам по себе мусорный чемпион, но игроки на нём всегда будут брать самые чизовые руны и саммонерки. Потому, БОЙТЕСЬ ПТА+ИГНАЙТА. ”
Puyi says “You can win trades if you block his stun with your W. Run bone plating and get an early bramble vest. You outscale him, so going even in lane is good for you. You can get an early bramble vest if you want to play it safe.”
Irelius says “You can fight lvl 1 and take lvl 2 prio especially with bone plating.
W his engage, then fight back.
Renekton himself is a trash champion. However, players on him will take most greedy and agressive rune and summoner's speel combinations. In short, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE PTA + IGNITE”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp
Easy matchup for Rengar veterans, might be one of the hardest ones for Rengar newbies. Play around grasp procs, and don't waste fourt stack, otherwise he AA W you and start to oneshot you with his whole combo. If you don't waste the stacks you can W2 his W and run away spamming it.”
JustSad42 says “Don’t try to push the wave level 1 against Renekton. It will never work. This matchup is pretty much a stat check unless you manage to W his stun. I would recommend just CSing and just getting sustain runes overall. Wait to outscale him at 2 items and don’t bother getting an early Grievous Wound item since you shouldn’t normally be able to kill him. Just rush your core items.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Ghost+Teleport or Ignite+Teleport.
Rush Tabi and the crocodile won't be a challenge. You easily win fights with him and you should have a prio in your lane. Be careful when he's full of fury so you don't get a full combo from him. Then you are realistically able to lose the fight with him, but otherwise there is little chance of it.
Night Guy says “If Renekton gets ahead he pretty much won the game now if you get ahead you can win the lane easy but still have a chance to lose it as well. So be careful and play it smart.”
JustSad42 says “I've had varying level of success with this matchup, running ignite + LT trying to cheese, or looking to scale up safely to 2 items (don't get shieldbow into him). My best advice:
Maintain HP, all in and don't back off unless you can bait his R for free. The only fight you can win is an extended fight since he will outsustain you in lane and win in short trades due to his W.”
TheHellKing says “Big scary croc. I prefer Conq for late game. You can't walk up to wave since he'll just all-in you. Stay back, cs with E and Q when possible and don't take stupid trade. As long as he doesn't get a huge lead you will come back.”
SrMolinv says “Even if Renekton starts W we win level 1. From there we start losing when he gains fury. Short trades and try to bait him with cooldowns. Its really common to dive Riven with jungler, be careful of dives. This is my go-to ban.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Survive his early game and buy some Armor Items]
[Use your R when he uses his R first]
[Buy Bramble Vest]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Use W before u walk up for trades, reducing his damage. You will always lose the start of the fight due to his burst, but your damage only ramps up. Try to make him waste his cooldowns and look for an extended fight.”
Atemporal says “Confronto realmente difícil. Renekton pode te tirar do XP na pista inicial. Não sofra dano desnecessário, desista de lacaios se Renek puder puni-lo por isso. Ele irá facilmente mergulhar em você sozinho ou com seu caçador. Não negocie cedo . Ele vai lidar muito
mais dano do que você mesmo em trocas curtas, e o Q dele curará o dano do seu combo completo. Pegue a fazenda que você pode obter, considere obter um Armguard do Seeker antecipado se você não estiver muito atrás. Se você está realmente muito atrás, é só pegar
Proto o mais rápido possível. Ele te vence no início do jogo e ele também te destrói quando ele tem Goredrinker. Chame a ajuda da selva e tente desligá-lo. Renekton vence 1v1 contra a maioria dos campeões, mas perde contra equipes.
Pegue a fazenda da pista lateral como sempre, mas tente forçar as lutas de equipe e o agrupamento se Renek for muito forte no 1v1. Nas lutas ele
pode facilmente ficar kited. Há uma razão pela qual Renekton se tornou um meme. Ele luta contra muitas composições de equipes diferentes. Você começa a vencer Renekton eventualmente. Você geralmente precisa de 3 itens para vencê-lo 1v1.”
Smudey says “Play aggressive early when he doesn't have fury stacked up, but respect him when he stacks it up. You can keep him from stacking it by punishing him when he goes for CS. Post 3 you should only go for short trades and block his W with your W. Save your taunt to disengage unless you can kill him with 1 taunt. ”
Fizzy says “I've seen on many lists that Renekton counters Fiora in many ways, but I've never had a hard time stunning him and getting a win over him. Whenever he is going to use the stun if you are far away he will use the E to get closer and you will see his blade turning red.”
Elresser says “Renekton is known as the early game top lane domination champ, but besides his Q he has very long cooldowns, so if he uses W or E you can go in on him. Poking with your W is very helpful.”
Cheeseypops1 says “At level 1 try to poke him with Q's and use your auto attack range advantage to get free auto's on him when he goes to build fury on minions or when he goes to last hit, however don't trade auto attacks with him directly because his aa + Q is better than yours early but your aa+q is better than just his aa, this matter alot becuase if you build a hp lead on him before level 2 and you both hit 2 around the same time when he dashes onto you pull him beack behind you and if you have a hp lead and he has E+Q you will beat him all in, However if he doesnt dash on you DON'T go near him his empowered W ( his stun is his W) will destroy you, Once you hit level 3 you cannot use your W ever unless he has no fury or has used empowered W because you will instantly lose. Bottom line try to Q poke him when you can, If he dashes onto you pull him behind you while he is mid W animation (if he used W) then use your W and force the all in. If he didnt use W and he is behind you try to just walk away and take the winning trade. Rush Steelcaps, even though i have put this down as a hard match up i almost never lose to renekton once you get used to it it's pretty easy ”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Not a threat before lv6, past that he wins hard if you wont pay attention. Its not that bad though beacuse before that happens he will propably be fucked by your barrels and constant Qs. He can easily kill your barrels with his W but its very painful for him as he loses his important spell. The real problem starts when he gets prowlers and botrk as he can jump on you and oneshot before you can do the same to him. If he goes bruiser its free lane.”
hamgi says “a tough match up for yone in the early game as renekton is super mobile (e) with a really good stun (w). most renektons take pta and rush bork, which gives him amazing 1v1 potential. try not to stand too close to minions as if he e's through an enemy unit, he can recast it. respect his fury bar and don't engage if he has a full bar with w up. his r gives him health, more ad, and creates an aoe around him like morde passive, so if u want to fight him, ignite him (if applicable). otherwise, rush executioner's and match his atk spd/1v1 potential by building bork first urself. their mythic option is typically prowler's, however into tankier teams, they sometimes go gore”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Renekton is a tough match up when you play it fairly. Doing a level 1 fight outside of your guys wave is very good, as Renekton's weakest state is when he is level 1. Go and when the game starts walk into the enemy brush and wait for him to come. If he is there already, fight, start W and beat him until he runs with his tail inbetween his legs. If not, wait until the wave touches and fight him outside of it, kite him towards his tower. You should get a summoner's spell if you're really lucky.”
StingingChicken says “Your Q outranges his, need to space correctly. Try your best to E his W. Most Renektons will use it right after dashing in, and you can listen for the sound effect of them turning it on. It's a huge part of his damage especially if he has [[Press The Attack]]. His ult is fucking ridiculous though, all in after 6 is unwinnable”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “pretty easy, dont disrespect lvl1-3 if he has ignite/PTA try to keep ur E for a quick E Q combo in a longer trade so u get 100% Q heal off”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered Ruthless Predator(W) or Cull the Meek(Q) off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range with his Dash Slice and Dice(E). He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered Ruthless Predator(W) or Cull the Meek(Q) off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range with his Dash Slice and Dice(E). He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you.”
kajinator says “Be careful of his early trading since its extremely good. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are fine into this matchup since Phase Rush will help you keep up with his strong trades. At level 6 you can just abuse his long cds if he goes for a trade by responding with an all in and you should win. Bramble/Executioners Calling are extremely good into him.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Renekton is very, VERY strong early but falls off like a truck and has very long cooldowns. Abuse his cooldowns and trade when they're down and just outscale. Play slightly safely once he hits level 6 as he can quickly burst you down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered Ruthless Predator(W) or Cull the Meek(Q) off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range with his Dash Slice and Dice(E). He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered Ruthless Predator(W) or Cull the Meek(Q) off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range with his Dash Slice and Dice(E). He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered Ruthless Predator(W) or Cull the Meek(Q) off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range with his Dash Slice and Dice(E). He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered Ruthless Predator(W) or Cull the Meek(Q) off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range with his Dash Slice and Dice(E). He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you.”
SrMolinv says “Aunque Renekton empiece con W ganas el nivel 1. A partir de alli empieza el a ganar cuando tenga furia. Tradeos cortos y escalar. Renekton divea a Riven muy facil con jungla.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered Ruthless Predator(W) or Cull the Meek(Q) off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range with his Dash Slice and Dice(E). He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered Ruthless Predator(W) or Cull the Meek(Q) off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range with his Dash Slice and Dice(E). He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Poção corrupta, Q > E] - Essa lane você precisa jogar recuado, dê Q no renekton sempre que estiver com fluxo de mana ativo, fique longe do renekton sempre que ele estiver com furia vermelha, caso ele vier para cima solta seu Full combo e corra, dê tente começar seu combo com E W antes que ele te stune e use o Q para correr após o stun, termine a bota de primeiro item e a lane começa a ficar mais tranquila para você"”
KaiOverHere says “(Phase Rush, Flash Ghost) Fighting Renekton won't really be a possibility until mythic, so take Phase Rush, Ghost + Flash, and sit on a cloth armor. You can also take an extra armor shard in your runes. If Renekton has an aggressive jungler with him, take bone plating so you can't get dove.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered Ruthless Predator(W) or Cull the Meek(Q) off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range with his Dash Slice and Dice(E). He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you.”
Duwiiton says “You can't kill Renekton in 1v1's. However, if you can bait him into going under your tower, you can Q him and then use your passive to almost kill him, as he'll have used his mobility trying to engage on you.”
kam1k says “don't let him use an empowered W (stun for 1.5s) on you. if he combo E-Q-W (with 0.75s stun) you should go forward after his E-Q and pull him back right after the stun when he tries to come back with second E. Let him push the line if he playing aggressively. Be care with his 6lvl. he can dive you under you tower if you less then ~50%hp. always buy armor boots first. He goes snowball if you make mistake”
CupcakeDinosaur says “High damage and AA stun are highly dangerous, recommend either fighting level 2 and making good use of your W and ignite or begging your jungler for an early gank. after level 6 he wins most 1v1s unless you are ahead”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered Ruthless Predator(W) or Cull the Meek(Q) off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range with his Dash Slice and Dice(E). He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered W
or Q off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range of his E. He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered W
or Q off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range of his E. He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered W
or Q off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range of his E. He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered W
or Q off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range of his E. He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you.”
Thrandor says “Try to predict his W and E before to benefit from the damage reduction. When Renekton has an empty rage bar you can position yourself between your wave and him to zone him away- fight him if he approaches. You both dont scale very well but if you aren't too far behind you should be able to kill him at any point of the game.”
1akai1 says “Gosto de joga de grasp e fica dando Q no vital e usando ms pra sair das skills dele. Se você conseguir da W no W dele você ganha a troca.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Renekton is an early game dominant champion. Expect him to play aggressive and go for kills. Whenever Renekton is above 50 Fury, his next ability will be empowered. Stay at max distance so he cannot get an empowered W or Q off on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Do not underestimate Renekton range with his E. He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and trade with you. ”
CosmicTurtle88 says “He has tons of damage+tankiness+sustain+mobility, so you CAN'T take bad trades else you'll get outsustained and all-inned. Hard matchup but once his burst is done you'll win if you
can stop him from disengaging. His ult is very scary, try to kite it out if he uses it. Other than that just get Bramble/Bami asap and use your fundamentals well. ”
wooverbo says “Difficult matchup because he can completely invalidate your E shields, he's tanky, has high mobility and sustain. Rush Bramble and try to spit him under your tower. Not sure how this matchup goes after the adjustments he received, I haven't played against a single Renekton in a good while.”
Rage Shadey says “Sadly you can only ban one champ but renekton is a close second. The major issues with dealing with him are just that gap closing combination of his. Outside aa range he can quickly dive in, stun you, do a whole lot of damage, then dive out before the stun ends. Even if you stun him mid dive it doesn't count because it's an attack animation and he can still proc his stun on you. so that little bit of stun time is now gone and he still has a dash if he is so inclined to keep going in on your. Not to mention if he has conqueror it instantly fills up from this combo of his much faster than we can stack ours in such an exchange.
ONLY HOPE is to somehow predict his diving to back out and hit him with a stun first before he can stun you then poke him. That will at least hopefully make you even on the conqueror stacks. But the danger is still there.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Матчап уровня Камиллы, он дает E вы даете E, только не дайте Ренектону выдать прокаст без наказанным, доджите его W свой R, в случаее нужды.
В ранней игре он все еще силен как раньше.
Большая ошибка в этом матчапе это выдать весь прокаст в Ренектона и наблюдать как он убегает на своей ешки.
Играйте от пачки крипов, от стен и старайтесь прочитать его комбо и выдать Е в его комбо e+w, тогда по итогу в будите всегда в плюсе.”
Taiquyorah says “En fonction de sa situation dans la méta, soit il a les stats pour tuer facilement, soit il manque de dégâts.
Son kit permet d'être facilement au CAC de GP, il a du sustain et des dégâts non négligeable, surtout avec son R.
Farmer tant que vous pouvez, ne pas le fight s'il a son R, mais une fois en late, vous pouvez le tuer facilement sans son R.
Farm early puis outscale.”
NegativePhoenix says “He's more known as a snowballer if anything. He'll try to go in at level 3, poke you down with his full combo, and get out which will normally put you at or just above half health. He's hard to hit with Q since he can just dodge with his E. Pretty much just do your best not to feed him and Mid-Late game he's gonna be practically useless if he cant snowball”
SunLongGod says “dogshit champ worse than Jax, no mana, two dashes, unavoidable stunt, healing bs. Building brable vest and armor, as well as building tenacity to reduce stunt. Waiting for gank, you should either avoid his second E to avoid reduce armo or his empowered Q.”
7EyesNoSkills says “He got CC and double dash. Before pre-6 you will win against him, after pre-6 he will win against you. Be sure to freeze lane and don't let him farm exp.”
SKRELAX says “Unplayable. Rito nerf this champ already. Farm under the turret and buy a Cull on first back. Also go TP + Ig, since you will only play under your turret. HEHEXD”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
Similar to the Pantheon matchup, his kit counters yours.
Play safe, dont engage on him, drop farm if necessary and look to scale.”
kickman2334 says “Its kinda of a 50/50 you cant win the early game easily you need to poke him down kite him with Q and try to use your W to parry his W”
FuzzyPopkins says “Hard to survive lane but you outscale. Never use your E to block his W; use it to block his Q. Manage your wave accordingly to prevent him from stacking fury.”
kurbart says “Renekton aka Gator golfin good time
This is another skill match up you can wall combo him then run away early game just watch out for his dashes he can do the same to you so its kill or be killed ”
King Turtle says “Renekton is a double edged sword as he's a strong early game bully, but his fall-off between mid and late game is so hard that you can take him on and win easily even if you're behind. All you have to do to beat him is play safe and win in CS and gold terms. It is nearly impossible for Renekton to keep up with your late game scaling. Worst case scenario you can just buy dorans shield to make up for lack of early defense and do your best to soak xp.”
VituVonDoom says “Similar to Pantheon, space well and watch his fury meter closely, and it should be a breeze. Bait his ult whenever possible, and you will outscale him like crazy granted you don't fuck up. Hammer E his dash(Or if he hits you, the recast dash), and rush antiheal. Go for the Conq page, and make some crocodile skinned boots. Or is it an alligator? I'll ask a renek main later”
Michcio says “very easy to play against beacuse its shitty champion right now. W his stun and place barrel underneath you and u will be fine. He can easily smack your barrels with his double/triple auto from W but its important ability for him so wasting it on one barrel will hurt.”
Aberrant Demon says “Level 1 you can Q for Q but yours needs to go second. Doing that causes him to miss out on the heal (assuming he was full HP at the start of the trade). Try to tether his Qs when you can and E, W whenever he looks to W you. Avoid trades whenever he has close to 50 fury unless you are very confident that you win it. The easiest way to deal with him building fury is to let him push the wave and while you are clearing under turret his passive will go back down. Post-6 your goal is to force him to ult and then run away with your Phase Rush (unless you have lethal anyway). Afterwards, the all-in is simple since you should have ult advantage. ”
Galactities says “Its fairly even. Though you have more dps then him. Get early grevious and try to time your W while he W's to reduce his DPS when he stuns you. If he hasn't used dash then its a waste to E since he'll just dash away from it.”
NegativePhoenix says “He's a good lane bully if played right but hasn't seemed to be as threatening as he usually is. That doesn't mean he's still not as dangerous, if a good renekton player comes around he can combo you into hell with little to no retaliation. If you're able to Q poke without punishment go ahead, but for the most part as long as he can't snowball his late game power isn't going to be effective. A short but good indicator he wants to go in is if you hear/see his Ws aura”
Galactities says “Again he has to sit ontop of your face and just take an extended fight with you to kill you. Thats where you literally just destroy him. If he tries to go for a quick trade with his Dash, E, W, Q, and dash away. Try to E him back when he dashes away and he has very high early CD's so he wont have anything to use”
MeechyDarko says “Take grasp/bone plating in this matchup. Trade with him as often as possible lv1, and look to all in him lv2 with ignite, while his fury is low. Post 3 until completed Sunderer/Steelcaps, you want to just survive the lane. If he dives you, make sure your passive shield is up and do not activate it before he uses his W. After he W's, immediately unload your whole kit into him in order to potentially come out the victor. After Sunderer/Steelcaps/Bramble, this matchup is cake. ”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Go even and outscale him, do NOT GO BEHIND ELSE HE CAN SPAM DIVE YOU.
Wave 1-4:
Use your early advantage to get prio, you need to beat him as much as possible in the early game, he beats u when he gets level 6, so then u will need to wait until you get 2 items.
This matchup requires good itemization and runes, especially considering how buffed he is atm.
Going bone plating is amazing here
Once he gets level 6 with bramble vest/steelcaps he becomes a big menace due to his sheer overwhelming stat diff, it literally becomes a Statcheck.
You just need to scale and wait for Hydra or 2 items and you destroy him
Contrarily to many misconceptions, you can completely dominate a Renekton in early game leading to a huge lead later on, just don't underestimate his powerspikes.
Look to parry his Q or W if you can especially if empowered.
Leashing is very bad as he gets free fury.”
Boptimus says “Another early bully that can be survived through your Passive/W sustain. Use your E to disengage whenever he looks to trade. Once you get Lost Chapter you can start looking to throw Q's and combos at him.
His Lethal range is very low HP as he can regain HP with R+Q very fast, but more Renektons will be greedy and try to outplay you. Only go for a kill if you can burst through his R&Q heal.”
Scallywag says “Not that hard of a matchup, but watch out you don't get bursted to death early with pta and ignite.
You can zone him with barrels, but watch out when he has bork (if he builds it) because he can kill you quite easily.”
Black Demon Ezel says “He's a combo machine and can get half his health bar back with Q and Goredrinker. Simply stay outta the way of one and he'll miss the other because they have the relative same range. Then hit him with your walkers and maiden and he loses maybe”
verikukko says “Overall a very easy matchup. If you get an EQW combo on him before he uses his stun, you can back off by abusing the slow from our E and the lingering MS boost from our Q and win short trades quite hard.
Also, Renekton is very weak in level 1 so try to look for all-ins with a Q start. Don't have to kill him level 1, it's already a win if we chunk a lot of his HP like this.”
LoucasTitan says “Renekton is one the hardest in the early game, make sure to get your conqueror to fully stack before fighting Renekton, you win once you got your power spike.”
Kurose0027 says “Renekton is weak lvl 1 compared to Fiora, so try to beat him out of the push at level 1. Rushing tabis and just playing for scale will make him not a threat to you as you win after 1 item. Save parry for Q or W.”
KyleTheConqueror says “He has really good poke, speed, and damage, but not enough to push you out of the lane fast enough. Push the lane harder than he can push and you should be okay. Care for his ult, heal whenever he stays too long after stunning you, and repeat.
ShacoMagicTrick says “The strongest melee pick against Shaco. He can engage and disengage pretty quickly with his dashes. He oneshots your boxes and is really tanky. If he plays Flash+ Ignite you are doomed. I've never won a lane against renekton. Ban or dodge if possible.”
queen_rane says “[Ignite + Flash] Play safe early, the only time he can beat you is during the early game. Rush armor boots and try to poke him down a bit with your Q. If he ever uses his dash you should look to use your E to pull him in. NEVER use your W shield if he didn't use his W yet! His empowered W removed your entire shield and deals damage to your hp bar.”
SilverAvalanche says “Outscale: if Renekton dashes towards you then you E him, this gives you a window to Q him and use your passive AAs to chunk him down. Renekton is far more ult dependent than you are so if both of you have no ult then look to trade him aggressively, especially if he has no fury since Renekton is not a champ without fury.”
Trundledaddy says “Usually has ignite, early game bully but ult his ult and you're pretty good to go unless you misplay a lot early and taking bad trades, you should win this one.”
gazibulle says “Very hard matchup when the Renekton knows what he is doing. This could both be the freest lane ever, or the worst. You outscale him. MAKE SURE to play Grasp in this matchup, as you cannot take long trades by any means. Start W and use it after he Qs so your W-AA with Grasp up will remove about 20% of his HP bar. Don't bother AAing him if he has fury as he will win the trade with empowered Q since he will regen the damage if he hits you with it. NEVER overextend the trades. Taking Teleport / Ignite is the only way to kill him if he knows what he is doing. Don't bother trading if he has more than 40 fury. However if he only has a few you can trade against him, either with E-Q-Q then backing off with W, or even with Q a minion then E-Q2 (always with Grasp up or it's pointless). Make sure to do quick Es by standing next to walls so he can't react to them with his E. It is possible to do these micro trades even if he has fury as long as he can't double dash, since you can kite his first dash with your Q mov. speed while going away. If you are good / lucky enough you can cancel his E with yours if timed extremely well. Don't do long Es since just like Darius he can cancel it with his W, as well as you can buffer it: bad Renektons have predictable stuns so you can E when they W you, and then hookshot back onto them (as long as they didn't have 100 fury). I repeat you MUST concede minions if he has fury as he will just double dash to you with minions nearby then 100-0 you. At level 6 it becomes extremely hard for you, as one mistake means he runs you down, which means instant death. It is still winnable if you poked him down enough so he is low, meaning you can Ignite him and kill him with Sheen procs (but DON'T be tempted by the Renekton funny with full fury and 40% HP with ult up). Oh and if he plays PTA / Ignite / BoRK you can't win 1v1 ever before 2 or 3 items.”
Federals1 says “Renekton can take down your shield with his empowered w, which can be a very deadly tool against you. He wins short trades, but not by much. If he doesn't have any empowered spell he doesn't win it. It is hard to chase him down due to him having 2 dashes. The best time to try it is when he goes for the classic e+w+q+e back. You can try to use your ultimate to close the gap on him try to get a kill, but it's not always optimal. If you already chunked from him doing that a cuple of times, your best bet is to recall and try it when you are full hp. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him, but if you are afraid of getting poked down out of lane because of his constant short trades Doran's Shield works too. Both q and w maxes work, but both with their drawbacks. If you max q and he wants to dash into you to do his trade combo then dash out, you can always stun and run out of his w range, forcing him to give up the trade or commit with his second e. That usually means that unless he has 100 fury his one empowered spell will be used on e and his w will be a lot less threatening. On top of that, he will also have no real way of avoiding your e and w so you can trade back with your own combo and even it out. However, it means that should he decide to sit face to face you will not have enough damage and healing to kill him. If you max w you can kill him in an all out all in but you can never ever chase him down and almost never escape the first e, or if you do get out of his w range, his q will most likely hit you. First or second rune page should be used, preferably second. Frozen Heart rush, specifically Warden's Mail into Bramble Vest can shut down a lot of his early game healing and kill pressure. If you feel confident you can also skip Warden's Mail and just get Bramble Vest into Iceborn Gauntlet. You lose the big spike Warden's Mail provides but you get to your mythic spike a lot quicker. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices.”
ProbablyPlatform says “Like Nasus but doesn’t need farm and goes super saiyan. Pick your fights when he has no charge and poke him with tongue to annoy him”
lolkayleee says “[Ignite + Flash]
Play safe early, the only time he can beat you is during the early game. Rush armor boots and try to poke him down a bit with your Q. If he ever uses his dash you should look to use your E to pull him in. NEVER use your W shield if he didn't use his W yet! His empowered W removed your entire shield and deals damage to your hp bar.”
Kat_Alien says “Renekton is really strong in the early game. The only way to survive or win the lane is to predict his W (stun). If you miss that opportunity try to use your w to stop his stacked Q damage. Keep in mind that he can dodge your W Riposte with his first or second E. Remember that the late game is ours. We will eat him with our VITALS.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Renekton all in with ignite can hurt very much but you should be able to punish him lvl 1-2 for farming. Dont let him build up fury and he cant do much. Care for his lvl 6 health and fury gain.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Take bone plating and rush steelcaps, parry his empowered Q or his W, you can poke him and then fight him, after he gets bramble, he will start being a harder matchup, so you can just wait to get 2 items and you demolish him.”
JordN1121 says “take grasp runes with gore build he beats you in everything early to mid game so survive and get as much farm as possible you shit on him late game”
Hienaa says “You cant win trades, he can always stun you if u try to go for a trade and win it, will always have pressure on you and you wont be able to roam”
roadtopenta5 says “Just go afk xD.
pretty much unwinnable unless your oponnent is lagging. take exh play passive using ur q's max range to cs, perma ping for help he dives you once he hits 6, with exh u can somehow still outplay him if he dives you and you are almost full hp.”
darkintaki says “This match up is Renekton favored assuming he plays it very well. Renekton wants short trades, try to position yourself where he cannot hit his Q. Build Steelcaps and Bramble Vest, stay safe and don't trade when he have Rage Stacked up.”
MHLoppy says “Renekton has a lot of tools that ensure he dominates short trades - good damage, sustain, hard CC, mobility. Rounding that out, his ult provides him with durability and better sustained damage, so at every turn he has only a small weakness to exploit. Fortunately you can probably just brute force him if required - your ult will negate his hard CC advantage, and although you lack mobility you do have better sustained DPS. Problem is he'll probably know that and will try to deny you opportunities that are favorable to you.”
Jellyjaneo says “I don't know why but it's always the animal like champs that I really hate vsing. When taking PTA, this man can hurt like a mf. I usually have a hard time fighting him one on one but I usually win lane if I don't die too much.”
Agatrium says “Skill matchup entirely. If you W his empowered W, you can win the trade. Be mindful of his Ult, however, he is fairly strong while in it.”
Gassid says “Start Z, fais attention a ne pas lui laisser le contrôle de la lane sinon il va pouvoir jouer autour de sa furie. Le jungler qui viendra le plus gagne la lane”
LimitlessHavoc says “You hard win level 1 even if he starts W, just make sure you run ignite, don't give him opportunity to build fury, Q extend and break his bone plating with your 3rd Q prior to trading. If he respects your level 1 then hit the wave more than he does to ensure you get level 2 first.
Don't use your shield when he has 40/50+ fury and hasn't used his W since your shield will be negated.
Post level 6, short trade him continuously and all in him with ignite if he is <60% and you're relatively healthy as well.
He sets up ganks really well so make sure not to take bad trades to avoid getting dived.”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral.
Trata de predecir cuando use su W para anularla con tu W.
Juega a intercambios cortos, es otro luchador.
Si te ves en problemas usa la E hacia atrás.
Lleva como mínimo la runa de tenacidad en el caso de que no anules su W.
Ten mucho cuidado especialmente con este campeón debido a su capacidad de romper escudos con su W. Ten en cuenta esto para cuando Renekton comience a moverse por el mapa ya que si usa su W con furia puede romper el escudo de tu Definitiva antes de que llegues.”
Kocykek says “Renekton is pretty much an easy matchup. Be careful of his early levels and then you are good to go. Grab Sheen and poke him. You outscale him quickly. You can also buy Bramble Vest if you think he heals too much.”
Helzky says “This is a skill matchup. You have to E only when Renekton goes in on you, because he can Q ghouls if not. You have to dodge and weave with his all-ins. Taking Executioners and/or Ignite here is really useful and could help you in trades.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
If you go in for a trade in early lvls, make sure to make full use of your Bone Plating. (Play around the CD)
In extended fights post lvl 3 you try to predict his W OR his empowered Q.
This is a skill matchup and who ever gets a lead first will most likely win the mid+late game.”
OliveeGarden says “Take bork, shield bash and ignite. He has shield breaker on his W and armour shred on his E. Play around his rage as its the source of the shield breaker and armour shred and try to avoid fighting him while he's in ult. ghost is viable into renekton but it means you have to build grievous early”
magician4444 says “Pain. Double dashes. Stun. Tanky af in ult. If you don't play this perfectly you will lose. Hope he makes a mistake. You can kill him, its just very difficult. He can burst you super quick. Bring bone plating and rush Frozen Heart. You can also bring ignite too. You won't win the early game but after frozen heart, you at least wont die instantly and can either fight or use that time to stack your passive and run away. ”
GG Cannon says “Only be careful about his stun on you. If you can time your Cocoon for his engage, his threat is almost entirely nullified and you will always outdamage and outheal him.”
Ujiyo says “Renekton is just one of those champions which have enough tankiness to not be bothered by your early game damage and enough damage to 1 shot you and dive you. I recommend rushing plated steelcaps and wait to outscale him. He becomes killable once you get Blade of The Ruined King.”
Your Desired Username says “Easy match-up, rush tabis. You beat him in all stages of the game except for levels 2-5, where he can take insanely good trades. Always retaliate when he goes for a short trade. Post-6 you should already have steelcaps, so you should beat him. One thing to look out is that his empowered w removes your shield, meaning you have to use it early or AFTER he W'd or instantly consume your w if you see him waiting for you to use W. Feel free to ult him in team fights, although he might be a bit hard to kill. You outscale him hard.”
boboderaffe says “Just go for the “Normie” and play lane safely.
Alternatively, you can go “Perma-Freeze” and make his poor target access even worse.
Basically, as long as you keep your distance he can’t do anything to hurt you. Mind his double jump if he dashes through your wave. If somehow, he still manages to catch you by surprise, just spam your ult and W on top of yourself and stopwatch, if you’ve already got it.
He can definitely kill you but if you’re smart he won’t reach you. ”
DanteBlaire says “Match up tranquila. Dá pra fazer tank e o Renekton não consegue ter dano suficiente em ti. Volibear com vantagem e build de dano dá 100/0 contra Renekton depois dos nerfs que ele recebeu.”
LunaticDancer says “Early lane bully that falls off as the game progresses. Will likely build to be a bruiser, which you can reliably melt with a combo. Gambler not recommended, D Shield mandatory.”
COJA says “Be respectful until you have tabis, then you can deliver a beatdown. His ultimate causes you to heal more from your passive, and his lack of good disengage means once you are ahead it is impossible for him to trade with you. However, be careful still, as his early game and gank setup are still decent.”
N0kk__ says “Early game Renekton Is pain the ass. He will always to to E-Q-E and then repeat. I would go E first here so you can kill the back minions. You outscale him late game.”
UnderworldShun says “Respect him but do not fear Vector. (Catch the reference?) He out damages, but these days they are far and few in-between. If you are comfortable with Samira, you will probably go even.”
Night Guy says “Renekton is an extreme threat to Akshan because of his 2 dashes, his W that breaks your shield and his high healing on Q also after 6 you can't really fight him so you have to play safe and kite him or wait for a gank otherwise he stomps you. If Renekton happens to be bad take that advantage and poke him hard, once he uses his dashes and stun he is pretty much a sitting duck so abuse him with your E and kiting but a good Renekton won't allow that so be careful.”
Eduardocwalle says “Poor renkton, right now he is absolute trash, so nerfed. But, in a normal situation he is a really dangerous champ. Just bait his w letting him trade first so u can proc ur passive without wasting it, cause yes, renekton´s W nullifies ur passive. When he gets fury is a beast so be carefull. But dont worry, u will pee on him when the game advances.”
Polartech says “bad match up for Kayle only if he freeze the lane, instead if Renekton push your lane, your Jungler's Gank will be really easier giving Kayle really more advantage in lane. If Renekton want to reach Kayle he will do it, pay attention to his pirouette followed by a good amount of Damages, try to stay more distant as possible, and recall if you go low life.”
MCSwavest says “If you respect his E distance, there's nothing he can do. Poke with autos until he feels he has to all in, then grapple out while he's left looking like a chump for trying to combo you.”
InYourWayToHELL says “Dont randomly dismount in this matchup or he will wait for his cooldowns and one shot you while dismounted.
You are stronger before level 3, all in the renekton if he tries to contest the level 1 push.
Black Demon Ezel says “The meta Renekton build is to go Goredrinker. But that's a problem for you because he just activates it and gets half his health back not to mention the new omnivamp on it. Stay clear of his Goredrinker range but be wary because he may just E on topo of you then slaughter you. Be especially careful of his deadly combos as they will slice you in half”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Well hes pretty much the top toplane bully,even I admit it,hell hes my second main.This champion is another cooldown-reliant champion,much like riven,small time windows where hes done trading you with his EQW combos is generally where you pull your pants up and strike back,because his abilities have high early cooldowns thus meaning that after hes done with his combo hes left with nothing but his auto's for the next solid 10 seconds,this is your time to beat him up and potentially even all in if you managed to stick to him while his E is on CD,his general strategy is bullying as much as possible from his passive,the red bar thingy.You'll see this bar being either full or half full,half of the bar gives him extra dmg on any ability including boosted effects,a full bar means 2 enhanced abilites,first off we have his Q,the regular q deals normal dmg and normal healing while the empowered one deals bigger dmg and increased heal,his heals are bigger the more creeps he hits them with it,his W is a basic stun ability that adds damage in forms of 2 auto's,the empowered stun gives him a 1 and a half second stun while the regular one is 0.75 and he deals dmg equal to 3 autos instead of 2.This ability can easily be countered with steelcaps or mercs, his E ability is a form of a gap closer,2 gap closers actually that deal minor dmg compared to the rest of his abilities,he can get another gap closer off the first one if hes hit something (you or the creeps)which is pretty nasty,the empowered version gives his second E an armor shred and extra dmg.Theoretically speaking pre 6 you can cheese him pretty easy when hes done with his combo trade,be sure not to stick around if hes winning trades cuz he can potentially all in you in moments you wouldn't expect it.
Dshield or Dblade”
lookatherizinosaurus says “Renekton is easy to deal with if you know how to play around his dashes. Don't miss your E or you'll probably end up dead. Be patient.”
davidbiton1 says “pretty easy lane because you can either buy anti heal, take ignite or relay on your ult to anti heal him and build some armor to resist his damage and you can win. ”
ToothlessKnight says “Can be tough early but good trades are key here. Avoid trades when he has enough fury to empower his W. It breaks shields and does insane damage early. Mind your spacing and manage your poke and trades and this ones fairly easy. Rush armor if you fall behind or die early, because he can snowball very hard early game. Tabis are a great buy vs Renekton.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “W nerfs made this matchup much easier. You should win most short trades, and long trades pre-6. Post 6, disengage when he uses ult, as it makes him much harder to fight. His cooldowns are low, so do not fight him in a long fight if you're out of cooldowns.
Buffs made his longer trades especially better so watch out for those.”
MrZoltannn says “You need to look out for a lvl 3 all-in, so when he dashes forward you, just hop away and Q at him. go E at lvl 2. At lvl 6 you can play well against him. go goredrinker against him for survivability.”
Koboldjaeger says “He was one of the biggest counters to Camille the past few Seasons but Riot made Renekton weak this season . Play Safe early and win after Divine Sunderer ”
xPetu says “Tips: Don't give him free Q heals. It's a skill-based matchup because of your W. If you can block his Ws then you win. If not, you lose. Disengage when he R's.”
Stinkee says “Renekton is a tough matchup for tanks. His empowered W (if his bar is red) will destroy shields then apply the damage and stun.
This is rough for Sion as the shield is so crucial for trades. The best thing to do against him now is to always have an eye on his fury bar and get a feel for when he wants to engage on you.
If you think he is going to all-in then save your shield till after he uses his empowered W. ”
Sovereign Kitten says “Watch and listen for his signature glow. This is his stun! You also should never be trying to go for poke harass, while he is at 75%/max fury. The second you get too close will be when he dashes twice shreding your armor for 4 seconds and stunning afterwards with the empowered (W). You must respect him at full fury. He has a lot of kill potential against you, when you are in this position. You can, however, keep your lane shoved up to your tower where you can try and manage your waves to keep him back so you can stay safe near your tower. Remember he can dash twice if he hits a target with (E). He heals with (Q).
Anoying bro5 says “If you are new, use Grasp rune page. This is a harder match up as Renekton is really strong early game. If you are comfortable with Fiora, you can take conqueror/pta. Dont fight him if he gains lane prio. Look to trade when you have the wave pushing and he has no rage bar. Look to riposte his stun or Q if u miss the stun. Be careful as he can dodge your riposte with his E. If you cant find a good opening, play lane safe and outscale. Renekton is a very snowbally champion so play slow if you are struggling in lane and cant find a good opening to win trade.”
BoilTheOil says “You can fight him and win hard levels 1-3. Once he has fury it becomes a bit harder to fight him but it's still playable, just respect his burst potential. Make sure you combine E and W together, otherwise you most likely won't land the W. Save ultimate until he uses his because he gains health from his which makes yours deal more damage. Make sure you ult him away from your backline in teamfights.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Thresh has some outplay potential on Renekton. His dash animation is extremely fast but if you anticipate it you can deny his entire engage. Your autos slightly outrange his Q and Renekton is very weak level 1. You can poke him a bit during this time. At lvl 2 he wins all trades unless you flay the engage. Thresh will aftershock will beat him but grasp Thresh can do so as well (although it is riskier given the lack of defenses for his engage). Bone plating is essential to mitigating his engage.
The main thing about this matchup is denying him early kills. If Renekton can't pop off early then Thresh outscales him in the fights.”
quinn adc says “To start off, Quinn is the notortious counter pick to Renekton in LCS and competitive.
Why? Because Renekton has no counter play to Quinn's kit. Level one you can use vault aggressively into him without any fear.
Level 2, only vault AFTER his second dash, and then he can't ever do damage to you.
Renekton's Q range is 450 and your auto range is 525, which means he can't get his Q on you if you maintain auto attack range.
At level 6, the matchup doesn't change too much because if you save vault for his second E like I recommend, then he can't get onto you ever.
Save E for his second dash. The second he does the second dash, instantly vault and he will never be able to land his W stun on you.
Let me make this clear, Renekton's ONLY way to kill you is Flash - Empowered W - Combo you.
This is why pros ran Cleanse into him, to cleanse this combo. However, if you position correctly, you don't even need cleanse tbh.
If his bar is red and he's level 6 with flash, just play a little bit more back until his fury expires.
He can't one shot you unless he has empowered abiltiies with flash.
If Renekton tries the Flash W combo, I like running bone plating to eat up a lot of the damage and save your life so that you can vault to safety afterwards :)
Boots rush in this matchup makes the matchup unplayable for Renekton because he can't ever cath up to you.”
Veng Shotz says “Play lane phase smart and space yourself properly with the minions to either force him to double e to get to you or eq+ walk back for free trades. If you time q right you can completely nullify his stun by throwing your uninterruptible q out while stunned, and then eq right after it wears off. If you have a good reaction speed you can invalidate his all in by cancelling his dash, or even cancelling his w animation before it finishes to stun you. (this is assuming you eq back in time) the knock up will stop his stun from going through but he will still have it, so if you walk up into him you will obviously get stunned.
this is a skill match up so play accordingly. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “This is one of those matchups where you just sit back and farm and wait for your jungler to come. Doesnt matter what you rush, he'll probably outtrade and kill you anyway.”
Feedaboi says “has high base dmg, need to be careful for his fury bar since he does a ton of dmg with him empowered w, look for short trades and poke him out with q. Look to free the wave near your turret and setup ganks for your jg.”
Phrxshn says “If you can try to avoid trading with Renekton with full fury as all of his abilities will get enhanced damage and effect. Juke out his Cull the Meek(Q) to prevent Renekton from healing himself whilst damaging you. If you see him activate his Ruthless Predator(W) kite it out or get stunned. Save Mega Adhesive for Slice/Dice(E) and avoid minions as if he can hit any enemy units he will gain extra dash. Try not to trade him under his ultimate "Dominus" unless you have the item or ahead. (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Plated Steelcaps) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Renekton) (Outscaling Edge: Singed) (Mega Adhesive prevent Slice/Dice from being casted) (Fling overrides Slice/Dive)”
Amphawn says “He beats you pretty hard in lane, but you out scale him very hard. Keep in mind that he has a dash. Try not to prolong trades or poke him while minions aren't present, as he only loses his passive while out of combat. When he ults just try to stay away from him, and don't group on top of him in a teamfight, as he will likely have goredrinker along with his Q for a lot of healing.”
PH45 says “Lane bully, but winnable even during early parts of lane and you eventually outscale him. Be careful at early levels since if he has fury built up his w and q deal a lot of damage. Block his W with E and you should win the trade if you back off after. After 6 you should have quite an easy time against him with poking him with your ult + W proc. Tabis recommended in this matchup.”
Skysolitox says “Renekton can burst you easily. he has two dashes and Flash. always keep your distance from him and poke as much as possible. if he tries to dive you, ask for your jungler to be ready to help. i suggest picking a cronometer early to help you in case he dives.”
At_Tar_Ras says “lvl 1 you win really hard if you're ontime to lane and manage to be at least 1 or 2 autos ahead of him in the wave. abuse your lvl 1 as it's stronger (need stacks tho) and from there you can get lvl 2 advantage. if he's smart though and trades properly, you will unfortunately get forced out of lane. it's kind of a gamble depending on how the lane looks at the start. you gotta make the call.
W his stun if you can, wait for renekton to hit 50 fury and he'll prob stun you so that's your queue to pop out your W. if his abilities are on CD and/or he has relatively low rage, go for trades/all-in.”
iZeal says “Trade before he gets to level 3. Use Bone Plating. If you CC him during his E and cancel his E1 you can get a huge trade. If you have Bone Plating you can trade against his empowered W, without it you get chunked too much.
Kite him as much as possible and abuse the long E cooldown, though be mindful that he can sustain off minions and you can only heal by dealing damage to champions, so never get low enough to die to his all in combo.
Your Q1 outranges most of what he can do. If he E's in, W him immediately so he has to choose whether he wants to extend the trade and potentially eat your entire combo or not.”
SunFalk says “He has a dash. He his a lane bully, He has a wave clear. He has an AOE ult. He has some life steal. - Renekton will bully you in lane, so just CS and don't feed him in lane phase, don't worry he will fall off if you don't.”
slogdog says “Insane early game. High DPS, very mobile, and very beefy with healing from his Q. Play for scaling, and play for W's when he wastes both his dashes. Also full ad, so buying armor is a good idea.”
Raen says “Try to all in him at 1 lvl with you E, also your E blocks his W so remember about it. Be careful at his 6, he can easily 1 shot you with full fury from his R. Always wait with your Q for his E. ”
Hijitori says “Stand back from minions, as he can use his E ability to come up to you. Good Renekton will take a chance every time you miss your Q (or use it on minions), and will punish you hard for this. Have on your mind that his E cd is 18 seconds in the early game.
- Your strategy is to poke him and when he is low enough for your combo, surprise him from the bushes. Use your W so he can't use his Ultimate giving himself HP and miss you a feast stack.
Even if you are far ahead, Renekton can still go all-in and kill you without a problem (just like fiora).”
Xerath gaming says “After his All in you can kill him if you have a shield worth of 75% of the bar, as he wont have anything to damage you except with auto attacks. So E him when he engages and should be free kill. At 6 he is free kill unless if you miss every Q”
SaltCat says “Another broken champ, if you get your passive ready at level 1 you can kill him, level 2 you still win, level 3 you hard lose if he plays it correctly , after that you lose until you get bork, then you can kill him ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “For a while this was my least favorite matchup. However, after going for the tank runes w/Grasp and playing conservatively I've had much more success than failures in this lane. 90% of reneks will go aggro and shove the lane early. Let him, and count your small victories. You outscale renek hard later. Many Renektons will go ignite in this lane as well, expecting for you to try to fight early. Don't give them the satisfaction. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Grasp
Renekton is hard lane bully but if you can parry his W or empowered Q you have a good chance to outplay him. You only have a very short window to all in him if you aren't fast enough and he gets his cooldowns back up he will outdamage you”
LoLReal says “This match up is Renekton favored assuming he plays it correctly. Renekton wants short trades, try to position yourself where you can pull him back in to trade once he uses his cooldowns on you.
Don't allow him to use his rotation on you and get out for free, or you'll lose the lane. Tough match up. Early tabis are very good here.”
Justkb says “Level 1 and 2 favour Darius, but at level 3 he can dodge your Q while also stunning you and escaping at the same time… try to poke with Q and bait out his E by stepping back inside the wave. If you manage to get a freeze off in lane it is very favourable for you as he must push up and burn his cooldowns to do anything. You do outscale Renekton but it is harder due to the Blade buffs. Try and fight him when you have at least Tri-DD alongside bramble and Plated Steel Caps.”
P1Legend says “Yeah this is another Seekers match, he will burst you down much easier than you can burst him down, and his sustain is better. Look to Roam and farm, you can fight him until level 5 if you are careful. HE WILL DIVE YOU IF YOU FALL BEHIND, SO JUST FARM (11.18 his W stun was nerfed by 0.5 seconds, we will see how it goes) - Edit: Turns out the changes made this matchup way easier, so changing this from a 5 to a 3”
MythicMike says “He outtrades you in lane so keep your distance and poke him down with Q. Watch out when he has empowered abilities. Once he's used his dashes, you're open to use your combo in him.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Very tough lane. One of the strongest early laning phase bullies of the top lane. A good renekton will hit 2 first, then zone you off the wave. Sadly there's not much you can do about it. Consider going E level 1 so you can catch the ranged minions for exp and gold. You severely outscale him. ”
Phrxshn says “If you can try to avoid trading with Renekton with full fury as all of his abilities will get enhanced damage and effect. Juke out his Cull the Meek(Q) to prevent Renekton from healing himself whilst damaging you. If you see him activate his Ruthless Predator(W) kite it out or get stunned. Save Seismic Shard for Slice/Dice(E) and avoid minions as if he can hit any enemy units he will gain extra dash. Try not to trade him under his ultimate "Dominus" unless you have the item or ahead. (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) (Unstoppable Force prevent Slice/Dice from being casted) ”
Fan22 says “Early game he is better than you, once you get enough armor Renekton shouldnt be a huge problem, in the mid-late game CC him and peel your backline since renekton will always go for Squishys, and don't forget his insane healings.
Afterhsock can help you in short trades, corrupting potion gives you sustain and mana, the mana its very useful to farm with Q.”
wDesired says “Very hard matchup for Riven
I recommend not playing Riven in to this matchup but if you do buy executioners to reduce his early healing”
Autolykus says “He has a shield breaker. He has 2 dashes. Learn pain. Build plated steel caps/bramble and play safe. Play for teamfights. You can try to cheese him with dorans blade/ignite/hob if you abuse him lvl 1. Then kill lvl 2-3.”
Sporkintahn says “DANGEROUS!!! --- This Croc means business. He has a dash, a stun, an AoE that heals and an ultimate that can negate yours. --- This is winnable but trade accordingly. He does fall off harder late game than you but his early-mid game power spike is just as powerful as yours. --- He can deal a lot of damage very quickly with a few combos of his so be careful. --- Many Renektons will rush BotRK. It along with his empowered W will deal massive amounts of damage so BEWARE! --- Steelcaps and Bramblevest are good buys into him.”
Phrxshn says “If you can try to avoid trading with Renekton with full fury as all of his abilities will get enhanced damage and effect. Juke out his Cull the Meek(Q) to prevent Renekton from healing himself whilst damaging you. If you see him activate his Ruthless Predator(W) kite it out or get stunned. Save Primal Howl for Slice/Dice(E) and avoid minions as if he can hit any enemy units he will gain extra dash. Try not to trade him under his ultimate "Dominus" unless you have the item or ahead. (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Primal Howl and Infinite Duress prevent Slice/Dice from being casted) (Jaws of the Beast follows Slice/Dive)”
PanthrickTV says “Good Matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Let him dash to you, bait his W, block it with your shield, when he is dashing away jump on him and go for the all in.”
Kacto15 says “maxéate la Q en este matchup, este campeón destruye escudos así que nunca nos maxearemos la W en ningún escenario, como siempre la armadura no viene mal, hacer disengage cuando use su R, el matchup es mas sencillo si eres TANQUE”
montybucket says “Renekton as of patch 11.19 has died as a champion. The only thing he can do to you is bully you early, but even if he wins early, you still beat him mid to late game with your superior damage and agency. ”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] You can trade him as long as he doesnt have fury. He is really strong in lane and will probably try to bully you out of it. If he ever uses E to get close to you Q away and run. he will E after you and stun you. If you activate E after dashing away he will be even more likely to go aggressive, so turn around and W onto him right after your AA hits him, as he will try to stun you at exactly that moment. You can either try to kill him at that moment or walk out depending on your HP. This is a really fast move to pull, but once you know how to do it you will be able to reliably pull it off to get an early lead against a hard matchup.”
LegitLechner says “Strong Mobilility, strong dmg, and strong healing. Skill matchup. Play around renekton fury while using q to farm. Use E if you know his dashes are down or if he dashes toward you. ”
SaltCat says “Really hard match ups, i suggest you perma ban it, if you for some reason dont then
1- cry
2- Play super aggresive levels 1 and 2 your only opening early game
3- If you dont do that then just farm whole game until you reach level 11 with 2 items”
SaltCat says “Crock player wins early game, do not fight him early just farm, dont even trade him only if you are gonna get ganked, this will make his mental go boom and he will do a mistake, focus on farming”
SilverAvalanche says “Stay as healthy as possible at all times. Go Exhaust instead of Ignite.
Farm what you can and just play to scale.
Like against every other lane bully, you wanna just work towards that red from and turn the tables.”
King Turtle says “Naturally, he has tons of early power and some of his skins make it hard to see the indicator that his stun is active, so timing parry may be harder. He's going to win most trades super early, but falls off as you're spiking in power.”
pokeyminch5236 says “I haven't fought or even seen a Renekton for quite some time, but from the past times against him I've always been destroyed by him. He has a lot of burst and he can break your shield with his stun. Bone plating is a good choice but even then he still does lots of damage”
Gamile says “Early champ who can make Viego struggle in lane, but he decay in later stages, so make sure you play around your jungler and don't expose yourself too much so he doesn't get fed. Just focus on out-farm him so his late-game will be practically useless.”
This is purely a skill matchup slightly in Renekton’s favour. It has become MUCH easier with the removal of Spear though. You essentially don’t want to let him go in on you, get a successful trade and then get out with his E. He is very good at short trades and his Q healing minimises the damage he takes from the trade. Not to mention how his stun just stops you from being able to react. Ideally, you want to use your E to cancel his second dash but that is not always the case. You simply need to take smart trades. Don’t eat his Qs in lane for no reason. His general approach, much like all other champions, is to get you low enough for him to all in and kill you. You want to give up lane pressure when he has stacked up fury, as he is just going to destroy you in trades. Consequently, if he has no fury stacked up, you want to try to get a good trade off. The trick is to simply try to get him to push into you, and then just run him down with ghost. Do NOT let Renekton to be up in your face the whole time. You MUST kite him. Especially when he has his ultimate activated. It is slightly easier to land Qs on him a he will grow in size but the amount of fury he gets is ridiculous. Be VERY careful of his level 6 powerspike and respect his burst, especially when he has PTA. With Conqueror stacking better on literally every other bruiser than Darius, you might want to invest in a Bramble Vest against him on top of Steelcaps as this will give you enough tankiness during all ins. If all else fails, try not to die to him too much. You kidna outscale him so dw if you fall behind. I’d recommend Conqueror vs him.”
RivalOCE says “After his W buff, this matchup is one of Riven's hardest. He has all the tools necessary to highlight Riven's weaknesses. Try to E his Q damage now, take bone plating to tank his W. If you can stop him from building Fury by controlling the wave you can win. Abuse long E cooldown.”
Chease says “Sett outscales Renekton but this is hard match up early game, E him if he tries to E away, if he goes in with his E try to E+W him. Build Grievous Wounds ASAP!”
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp w/ Bone Plating, Doran's Shield, W > Q] - Right now, I prefer to take grasp and max E than W but maxing Q also makes sense
- He usually pushes early game to build up his fury, let him do that and trade grasp Ws and E with him near your turret. Trades should be pretty even when your passive is up.
- You will be down a few CS before first back, once you get a few components, you can win quick trades with him and get him low enough to all in.
- If he dashes to you, try to E before he stuns you.
- Watch out for his fury bar of course.
- Bait his Q out by fake walking toward and away from him.
- Sometimes you might not get an auto off because he can cancel your auto with his stun... So just fake the auto and E him before he stuns you."”
kimmothy says “Empowered w breaks your shield. If you are both level 6 and you e into him, he can pretty much 100 to 0 you if he has enough fury. Grasp bone plating”
The Real Fake says “Renekton beats you in 1v1's throughout the whole game if you are relatively even, you do stand a chance if you get extremely ahead. However you split better than Renekton and can regroup faster. You are also generally more useful in teamfights. You could possibly kill Renekton solo Pre-6 if he does not have any fury ready. Goal of this lane is to not feed kills and be more useful for fights later on. If Renekton can't get fed early, he is won't be a powerhouse mid game and will have trouble scaling late. He either won't do enough damage to be a threat, or not be tanky enough to get to the back line before he dies. ”
Wawza says “Lane Bully City, taking tankier Conqueror runes is recommended here and trying to stop him mid dash with your Q to deny his combo, otherwise not being very aggresive is recommended also.”
Amvill says “Same deal as Fiora since he can run you down with extreme prejudice. Once you hit 6 is when you can finally start surviving his all in's with your ult.
Wit's end enjoyer”
Rhoku says “Level 1-2, you dominate. Level 3-5 he dominates, Level 6, it is even in your favor. 3-5, He will cream you. You can do better in shorter trades and SUPER long trades but everything in between, he will destroy you. He just has so much better sustain, can take out your shield with his W, and an escape. If you can't get a lead in the first two levels, just wait until Level 6 and kill him in Death Realm. You do straight up beat him there. He can't stand up to you. If you can help it, Ult him AFTER he Ults but its fine if you can't in situations like a gank or something. Tabis are great in this matchup. You also outscale him so if he wins early, just wait until you get your items.”
maxlid3 says “Same as Darius, keep your distance. Can engage you pretty easily. Keep your W ready to stop his engage. You can punish him when he has cooldowns and poke back.”
YasTilt says “Less dangerous than before but still a counter. Take trades if he uses his W. Otherwise, Play safe, farm and Freeze until you get a Gank. Pick Ignite or Anti-Heal to reduce his Q's Healing. He'll be less stronger Late Game so try to farm, to OutScale him the fastest you can.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade) Play safe until lvl 9. Steelcaps are nice into Renekton so is healing reduction. At 75% of his passive he can W to break shields. Urgot outscales Renekton.”
Heansuh says “He can easily run away with his E, or even dash forward and let your E hit the enemy minions. He heals more than you just by Q-ing on minions. Try not to give him the range for Q (which is really hard), and don't give him range to E on you and use angry W. Once he builds BOTRK, run.”
PK Noob says “You can easily beat Renekton. If he's really giving you a problem, build grievous wounds and you should be able to beat him then. Renekton is better at short trades while your better at extended trades. Keep this in mind.”
jmp_01_ says “Go Conqueror and Bone Plating. You can fight him level 1 - 3. Once he has enough fury you won't be able to do much because he can break your shield with his empowered W and dash away from your W. Level 6 - 11 becomes pretty much one-sided for him because his ult just deals too much damage. Try not to die during that time because he will fall off. Also ult him in teamfights after he used his Ultimate to keep him away from your carries and for big damage since his level 3 Ultimate gives him 550 HP. ”
FantasysAhlong says “Renekton can't easily outtrade you every time, but you will eventually run out of mana. Try to save your mana and farm until you can wave clear with Bamis.”
lulw says “Ban or dodge. Okay but if you really want to play it out, go exhaust and D shield start. As for ganks, prolly only way to kill him unless hes bad. ”
Brotharock says “Try to hit with you're Q when he his using his E, and don't use you're W defensive. Though match up pre 6, when you buy bami i'ts a lot more easier”
Psychopathic Top says “Very hard matchup, but also very skill/player dependent (renekton is a hard champion to play imo). You can tell a Renekton one trick from just a Renekton player, as their combos and animation cancels will be a lot more smooth and confident. This matchup is extremely hard if Renekton takes press the attack + ignite, as that makes it easy for him to 1 shot you pretty much entire lane phase. In lane, focus on trading with him when your boneplating is up, so he aoe Qs the wave and shoves it into your turret. Make sure you are at full hp most of the time, or enemy jungler can turret dive you (or he can even just dive you by himself). Do not fight post sheen and 6, as you will not win. Must stall to around two cdr items (sheen kindle lucidity) to fight him. Ping junglers off ganks, as Renekton is also one of those champs that can 1 v 2. You outscale hard, and out teamfights as long as his not too ahead.”
Olaugh says “Avoid trading with him if he has full fury, farm with q from fair distance so he cannot e+e get you and run away or make you trade with him in his minion wave. Poke him a lot and you will just easily smash him at level 6. If he has ignite and he is dodging ur Q it could be tricky”
DippyDan says “Renekton wins almost every matchup Pre-level 6. Has a super strong stun early, healing, and 2 dashes that win him trades very easily. TIPS: [1] Trade with him whenever he doesn't have fury
[2] Predict W (Will wait for atleast 50 fury or more to use).
Hecki says “Avoid going near him in the early game when he has at least 50 fury since he will try to run up to you to get a free empowered Q with amplified healing. Rush either Bramble Vest or Executioner's Calling depending on your playstyle. Respect his level 6 and look for trades if he wastes his E since it's his only escape tool. ”
IvernLover74856 says “You can all-in him level 1 handily. Wait for the lvl 2 slowpush if he hangs back.
You need ignite to fight him if he has ult. Play passive until it's up if so.
Build executioner's vs this badboy once his healing starts getting annoying.
If you play this right, you can kill him throughout the game.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes] Skill matchup. Renekton is on a clock to kill you before you outscale. Respect his rage bar. Whenever it's red, do not stay in his engage range. This mostly means do not stay in the same screen as he can double jump using minions and oneshot you. His level 4 freeze is scary but you can avoid it by pushing first wave level 1 if he is late on the wave. At 6 the matchup becomes way easier but still watch out for his engages and punishe him when he walks back.”
Val3n says “This. He deals way more damage than you (at least early). He can cancel your ultimate with his W. And he can gapclose you easily. Permaban if you don't want a bad time.”
SunOak says “Renekton is an easy matchup if you dont give him an early lead. Try and farm under turret till you have level 6 and grievous wounds otherwise you will die. Start Cpot ”
CFCryo says “Honestly a good Renekton can destroy you. Defensive Runes like Fleet Footwork (MS and Heal) and Aftershock (Reduce his combo damage) can help a lot, or outright dueling him/harassing him with Press the Attack can work if they slip up a bit. Try and use Q before you get stunned so you're both stunned, and Flay can stop his retreat dash after the usual trade pattern OR push him back after second aggressive dash to make distance and safety. Also try to shield after his W, the small delay on your W throw is useful for this. Range is your greatest ally, and simple mistakes can spell the demise of you, and your whole laning phase. If behind, farm up as safely as possible and itemise defensively like Sunfire Cape.”
Alan234 says “Go the standard PTA build. Buy a ruby crystal early.
Be careful of dives with their jungler. Use your q when he wants to use w to completely block it. Lvl 6 he will want to all in but you can kite him. Try not to be in his q range (atleast dont let him q and kill minions at the same time). Most renektons in lower elo will move incorrectly so you can poke him down and he wont get realistic openings to go in without the jungler. Respect his prowlers claw spike, his all in midgame is very strong and he outstats you.”
TXK_ says “Renekton's early is incredibly strong and thanks to BORK buffs, he can scale relatively well into the late game. An early Bramble Vest limits his burst and sustain. During fights predict how he'll spend his fury. If he tends to use an empowered W, DO NOT use your W while he has fury due to the shield breaking mechanic. Either immediately heal using W, or await for him to use the stun.”
Mr. Popper says “Renekton is scary. his double dash can match your hop and bounce. He can punish you more often then you punish him. If he takes ignite, level 6 and further he can easily oneshot you if you dont build HP and armor. I recement getting frostfire gauntlet and a healing cut item into him.”
aurus666lol says “If you hear and see that he is using W, try to not fight, and when he is using E, you have like 0,5 -1s to use ur E to slow him and go away.
Renekton is destroyable, but you always lose all-ins. Call your jungler and always ignite first :)”
JaxIsAHobo says “Renekton players cry when they see Jax, tbh. You outscale, you do more damage, you counter 80% of their kit, what else is there to love? The biggest caveat with this lane is that you must, at all cost, block his W, his stun, with your E. Otherwise trades are extremely inefficient, as he has built in healing with his Q, and you don't. Rush Botrk into him if you're winning, if you're not, get plated steelcaps and build sunderer into botrk. Pretty easy matchup, amongst one of the easiest altogether.”
RhinoStar says “Fairly hard matchup, you have to play against him basing on the passive. Be careful of his damage from the combo. Around mid game, he should not really be a problem unless he is fed.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED. ESSAYER DE CANCEL SON 2EME DASH AVEC VOTRE E. FAITES ATTENTION A SA FUREUR. ARMURE RONCIERE EST TRES BIEN SUR CETTE LANE VOUS POUVEZ PRENDRE PLAQUE D'OS EN RUNE EGALEMENT QUI AIDE ENORMEMENT CONTRE LES DEGATS DE SON W ET PRENEZ CONQUEROR. Matchup en faveur de renekton même si vous pouvez également le slay hard. Ne le laissez pas vous all in ou il va vous burst et s'enfuir avec son E comme dit plus si jamais il vous all in si vous avez le temps de reagir car le stun dure assez longtemps utiliser votre E pour cancel son 2eme dash. Il essaiera généralement de vous mettre plusieurs short trades pour ensuite pouvoir vous all in et vous tuer en un burst surveillez donc sa fureur. Faites attention si il joue ignite il pourrais vous oneshot level 2. Attention a son level 6 également qui lui donne énormément de fureur essayez de le kite tout en attaquant durant le fight vous ne pourrez pas face tank tout les dégâts. Pensez a l'armure ronciere et les tabis vous allez l'outscale de toute manière.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Renekton has the abillity to out-trade you at any point of the game. You can still win the lane with some Armor and an Anti-heal item.
"Renekton! In your madness, you know my suffering! Though I shall end yours."”
SemPelo says “You can easily win the lane by blocking his basic combo(E-W-AUTO-Q) with your E. Go in with the empowered W to stack conqueror faster since he takes a lot to bring down starting at level 6.”
Shourdy says “Abuse him before Lv3 and watch for his fury. Bone Plating is key, allowing you to tank his empowered W and trade back. You can cancel his E with your Q sweet spot allowing for a huge trade in your favor. You can also Q before he W's allowing you to do dmg while CC'd. Kite him and use your superior range to poke and go for a trade when your Bone Plating is up. Avoid trading while his fury is above 50% and always W him when he uses E on you.”
Vandenelis says “bullies you hard in the early game. You should outscale him, but in team fights your goal should be to peel your team from his prowler combo Oneshot.”
Bombabo says “Thanks to his nifty shield breaking mechanic, your previous best method of dealing with him (Use your E to negate his stun) is significantly less effective. Play safe in the early game, and only engage if he is getting overly aggressive. You will be able to beat him once midgame comes around”
DarkyTheReal says “In the Renekton Matchup you need to have ignite and win level 1 all-in, if you can't fight level one because he got his rage sooner, just stay under the tower until level 6. At level 6 you can all-in with ignite if he uses w or q in a bad way. It's the worst matchup for riven. Get plated steel caps if you are having trouble.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Really hard matchup! Use GRASP! He is insane strong since its hard to parry his w stun. His rage bar can tell you when hes about to use q so parry it! And dont fight him in his ult!! This matchup will get easier the more you play it.”
SettVEVO says “You were countered by renekton cause of his W but he has been nerfed so much that now he is either a BORK prowler user or just kinda useless if he isn't fed. Just pay attention to his fury bar and fight around it. Don't let him hit minions if he is low fury, and respect his high fury. Play around his unfair trades by predicting when he will E in. After level 6 you want to ult after he uses his ult as you deal more damage to him that way. Good ult target.”
RTO says “Renekton is just a machine of damage, stuns and self healing, that only scales up as the game goes on. Take armor and play safe, executioner's calling works well vs him.”
Fryx says “His early game hits like a truck. Buying Bramble Vest will make it a lot easier but don't invest too much on this lane since you can help your team so much more with your ult so make use of that botlane.”
wff010 says “You REALLY need to disable his ability to play at level 1. Cheese him level 1 however you can and deny him cs from the first three lane minions/kill him. Then you'll have pressure over him for the next three levels so he can't set up a dive on you with him jungler.”
LoLReal says “Skill match up that is Renekton favored early. Do NOT trade with him early. Post 6 we can fight him and win with tabis. You have to be passive early or he will snowball this lane.”
Vispectra says “Bruiser mid means bad news like I've said before. He'll jump into you as soon as he hits level 3 and could kill you right then and there. Most of the time Renekton will jump in and with his stun be able to pick up a free trade without you being able to catch him only for him to E out.
I don't advise Kassadin into him as even later on he can STILL kill you quicker than you can.”
Viego99 says “lane bully if he is good you never win lane .if he is bad you win lane and game over for outscale him and your tf is better”
Saesame says “Easy Lane (100% WR over 8 games). Utilize your W-auto-E-Q and Q-auto-E combos to poke him down/finish him. Very winnable. Shaco is a good matchup into him in my opinion due to your Q.”
calbino says “Even though Renekton is in a pretty bad spot, he can still win early game due to his high AD ratios and quick Conqueror stacking. Rushing steelcaps is very effective against him though.”
RareParrot says “bring pta and dont let him cheese you with stun, dont let him hit enraged q off you and poke him, you should win if enemy jungler doesnt camp the living shit out of you.”
Jaori says “You may think it's easy, but laning against Renekton is the opposite version of fun. He is going to dash in, hit you with a combo for half of your hp, and dash our with full health. Doesn't change the fact the you beat him after 6.”
ForgottenProject says “Alright Riot Threw him a Bone and being the Crocodile he is, he made full use of it. Extremely Strong Early-Game due to his Burst Combo that lets him take negligible damage if done right.
[1]Don't fight him when he has more than 60% rage.
[2]He can reset his dash Timer by hitting a target with it so if you're low HP stay a good distance away from the Minion wave
[3]You will need Bone Plating. Conqueror/Grasp is all up to you but Grasp is better here. If you take Conqueror then take Resolve Secondary.
[4]Don't Fight him early unless he has a low Rage Bar.
[5]Only Q Front Vitals no point Trading Pre Lv.6 he heals too much from his Q.
Sopachi says “Renekton is an early game bully with a high damage output. Both Renekton and Kled want to all in, but in this case if you wait for him to use an ability (such as Q on the wave) or him going for the all in on you, you will win the trade. If you attempt to all in Renekton he can just E away and then come back while you have no mobility and win, but you can harass him early and he has to always be wary of you. You shouldn't have a problem winning this lane. ”
SavagePridestalker says “Renekton is a full physical champion, which is easily countered by armor. Once you finish your boot and Bramble, he'll always lose this matchup.”
Marwaii says “Play safe early and poke. Kiting is essential to beating him and you need to make sure he doesn't land his W. E after he dashes through a minion.
Take Trinity + Plated.”
NxMate says “He has enough movement to surprise attack you. His stun is annoying and if he hits you with it you're most likely dead. Try to keep your distance and play save.”
oogoogerson says “Renekton does too much damage similar to Pantheon. Do not let him build up his fury. Bully him early game if he doesn't have Press The Attack after you burst his bone plating if he has it. After 6 he wins against you most of the time. Take Ignite.”
Safolet says “Fighting Renekton as Gnar is quite entertaining. When you and Renekton are at level 1, you can annoy with Q and basic attacks, making it difficult to farm your enemy. At level 2, you will have to play a bit safer, moving up one point to the E, so that Renekton cannot get close with his E and make a trade. While you are in the lines phase, you will have to try to hit with the 3 points of your W to wear down Renekton a lot and escape with the E if necessary. In MegaGnar form, in case Renekton wants to trade you and both are Renekton and you are level 6 or more, you only do the Gnar combo: R, Basic Attack, W, Basic Attack, Q, Basic Attack and you escape with your E.”
AlanVenator says “He shouldn't be a problem unless he gets pretty ahead. He can setup ganks very easily so be mindful of that. Try to survive until your powerspikes. ”
Breadcrumbs says “Very difficult matchup, W his Stun and his Dash and rush Grievous Wounds and Shoulderguards to stand a chance. If you catch him out, he's fairly easy to kill, however, if you die to him early, your lane is almost certainly over.”
SethPRG says “NOTE: I AM REWRITING THREATS FOR PATCH 11.13+, EVERYTHING FROM THIS POINT ONWARD IS NOT UP TO DATE! Bully him early game by being aggressive. At level 6, you should be able to kill him or get a flash if you play it smart. Let him W Q then try to E away from you, by the time he starts his dash you will be able to catch him with your E, then unleash a massive W. Assuming you did it into a wave and stunned him, you can Q AA. When he tries to recast E to get away again, just ult him to cancel it. He will lose this trade and be forced to flash or else you most likely kill him. Going Stridebreaker here would help confirm a kill on him, but Trinity Force is way better for its sheer damage, he won't be able to all-in you on equal gold unless he has a build meant to burst you or his JG is present. If you're not ahead, don't think you can escape, you're not even safe behind your minion wave, he will just dash through. His potential to dive your backline easily, especially with active items like Prowler's Claw, you will want to be peeling your team from that as much as possible. Be careful of Renekton's rage W in fights or 1v1s that can get rid of your massive W and/or Sterak's shield. If you're in a big fight, you can ult him into his team and give him little to no chance to react. Start Doran's Shield if you don't think you'll win, go Blade if you at least want to try to make an early lead. Take Bramble Vest if you're equal on gold or behind, and either Plated Steelcaps before your first item completion if there's another AD champ on Renekton's team, especially his JG. Go Resolve Secondary, take Bone Plating and Unflinching.”
joelspaho121 says “Skill matchup but slightly renekton sided.d shield with bone plating on resolve tree.renekton feels like a chore to deal with.abusing his cds early is the only way you deal with him.alteratively you can look to trade with him while his fury bar is low so his abilities wont have extra effects and damage.respect his damage and try to freeze because it's going to prove really effective by not letting him gain fury.after 6 he gets really hard to deal with because of his ult being really powerful so if you get to that point while lane goes even it might end up really horribly for you so look to build an advantage over him before he hits 6 by grabbing tabis and bramble earlier on.”
El Leon Gnar says “This is a very strong lane for Gnar, but Ren can still be a problem later on in the game. Trade outside of his dash range so that he can't get the second cast, and try to spam Q and W procs whenever he gets in range. When he's on high fury back off and start trading primarily with Q, then go back in when he eventually uses an ability.”
doozy99 says “Has alot of kill potential in lane. Play safely and look to play around your team until you get a lead. He can break your W shield if he uses the empowered W, you can go for Legend: Tenacity and Unflinching in this match up (if you do, you'll have enough time to E him if he disengages after he stuns you). Keep your ultimate until he uses his, that way you'll deal more damage.”
Brotharock says “Try to hit with you're Q when he his using his E, and don't use you're W defensive. Though match up pre 6, when you buy bami i'ts a lot more easier”
Xarmat says “Position yourself in bushes and place traps in fornt of you. Avoid to stay in your minions. Look at his rage bar to check when it is save to poke.”
Kaizin says “In this matchup Renekton will try to hit you with his Q at level 1. Try to move unpredictably to avoid this. At level 3 you can short trade, just keep in mind his empowered W will break your E shield instantly. At level 6 you will win the all in if you have bramble vest, I'd suggest building this first item. All of Renekton's damage is physical except his Ult DoT which is low anyway.”
NPGRiven says “Ban Renekton. You will regret not banning this champion. For some reason if you decided not to ban him. Take Shield Bash and Bone Plating in the resolve tree, even DShield, and hope you can get some jungle assistance. Once he is 6, he will just dive you.”
I am so chill says “Skill matchup.One of my favorite matchups.Avoid getting hit by empowered w you beat him at lvl4 so badly he might use his empowered q on minions.Stay away from your minions as he can heal more.Poke him to death if he uses e badly punish him hard.”
UlisesFRN says “He must get an early lead in order to be useful. Unlike other Early champs( Illaoi,Sett...) Renek is not a thread if you do 2 simple things. Use Bone Plating and your W when he goes all in. The damage you will take isnt enought for him to get ahead. Dont get Bone Plating triggered by a random Q, punish him with E when he is out of skills and trade when he has not Fury. Post 6 you are too tanky for him to kill you ,and your R gives you the edge. Dont make mistakes and trade only with bone plating up(Key to win)”
CaptianMike says “You outscale him so hard. If you don't die to him pre-6 you DESTROY him. Be very careful however if he has ignite. If you're going to trade, make sure to keep attacking him after he uses his abilities. He has high cooldown abilities so you will beat him if he cant use his abilities. Silence him first, then use knockup. otherwise he will get away.”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: Maybe
Just play safe and he should fall off. He has some pretty big healing so look into taking ignite or building some early grievous. Do not be afraid to build an hourglass. Also, remember it is better to be down 20-30 CS than to be up 2-3 deaths.”
ApollonATH says “Better player wins here. Buy anti heal and dont let him take short trades then E out . Whenever he goes in you need to force a fight.”
top is high impact XD says “trading with him early on is really hard his sustain and burst make him a piece of shit to deal with, play safe and take trades when he has low rage, make sure to try and abuse him lvl 1”
JeanMichelBambi says “Renekton will most likely beat you at first, but an early grevious can solve that issue. Dragging him back towards you with E is a good plan after he goes in for his combo”
Nekosett says “Many people would say that he is extreme but i believe that due to him being overnerfed and having really bad scaling you will outscale and out perform him in teamfights but be really careful as one w from him and your teamfight is over when he ults run from him in lane and you will out perform him late ”
Womsky says “Fighty lane setup, a good ban option, he is a strong lane bully and a counter, in early levels u are stronger than him with the fighty set up, cause u have bone plating to counter his burst when u spin into him, so whenever it is up, look to fight, there is different ways to play this match up, you can go for fighting set up with dorian blade and try to ur way in the lane, but its a skill based match up then, u might fall on ur face few times before u figure it out if u fail, especially if he running PTA ignite, or you can run doran's shield and try to farm and accept that the lane isn't yours, its a weak way of playing the lane but he might be dumb so he get bored and do stuff that leads into him intting his ass off, but i recommand to pick fighting set up and follow the build that i gave, really good way of sustaining ur way against such a champion like rene, if you prevent renekton from snoeballing on you, he is really really weak when the midgame comes, cause he is that type of champs who really needs to snowballs to be useful, one problem, if he gets jungler pressure in this matchup, it could turn into god mode dives survival game, that's why this matchup is considered extreme.
You outscale him later in the game if you don't fall so behind and reach around 3 items, ER and IE with boots, even then he is pretty annoying to deal with... PRO TIP : if you find him splitting in a sidelane alone away from his turret and you both are even in items "u both item and half for example" and u got your ignite up, you can kill him if you do a trick that even good renektons fall for, which is spinning abit below him "with fully fury for sure" his normal reaction will be stunning you, AA, Q, E away, but what you want to prevent is his double dash from his E, he got 2 parts "dashes" on his E, he only gets the second dash if he uses E through an enemy unit, jungle camp, or anything the E can actually do damage for, if you prevent him from stepping close to you and double dash away, and make him fail by giving him only 1 dash, that gives you the chance you need to run him down, land a W slow and lay down the hammer on him, you will 100% get him this way.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Avoid fighting him at lvl 1 since you won’t have passive, start e and let him push you in. E him after he autos you so that your creeps target him. Stack your passive under tower and look for fights if you land your E on him. Look for fights right now, especially since it will be pushing back and you will have exp advantage over him. Try to W after you go on him since usually they almost always react with an auto> W when you are on top of them. This usually works a couple of times then they will hold on to it, it becomes a mind game but if you get an advantage it won’t matter as much. His level 6 is super strong so avoid going for an all in unless you can chunk him out when he has no fury or if you W his W. You almost always win if you W his W! This matchup is also a race to botrk so if you get the item first you basically auto win, later levels he has an advantage but you can still win if you outplay him with W and have minions to heal up with.”
Satoyo says “If you are an unexperienced Riven it might be the worst matchup for you, because he basically beats you everytime due to his high early damage and powerspike. It´s also hard for experienced Riven player´s, but they could handle him if he makes mistakes.”
tibs2 says “Most of the time I play this match up I go even a scale. Renekton has a really hard time killing you with because he cant e onto you so you can always just kite. If you are not confident in your ability to kite and want some safety you can rush tabis and then he really cannot kill you.”
SadmanV3 says “Nasus's brother is a far less extreme Juggernaut than Nasus. In the early game, Renekton can easily bully Nasus out of the lane, and approaching the mid game, he can still do so, with him having what is essentially the same ultimate as Nasus at level 6.
* Tips for laning Renekton
1. Avoid early game trades, forgoing a few minions if neccessary
2. Freeze close to tower to avoid getting excessively harassed.”
Ratakor says “He's really strong early so safe and farm early and you will outscale him, W just before he W to cancel the damage and lower the stun, take ignite to prevent is healing”
svjade says “His life steal is hard for Akali to counter, overall he is incredibly strong early and late game. The best way to deal with such match up is to have the jungler help Akali in lane.”
DunkinDumpling says “renekton is a skill matchup, your kits do similar things. as darius though, you have to play around his fury stacks and fight him when he dosent have any stacks of fury. rush tabis agianst renekton. You do outscale renekton so you can farm agianst him, but hes very oppresive in lane with PTA and ignite so i would be very cautious laning agianst renekton as darius. this matchup takes practice, so playing games will help you alot. ”
JeanMichelBambi says “Renekton heals from his Q, making trades with him practically useless, and poking him wont do much since he'll most likely just dash through to wave to you to deal just as much if not more damage in return.”
XD001 says “Never walk up or fight him. Just like with some other bruisers, like Darius and Fiora, you lose every single trade, short and long. CS safely and look to roam if you can shove your wave in. Mid/Late game try to ignore him and focus on diving the back line.
Even scaling
electrocute + inspiration + tp
If the enemy team has 2 more tanks/bruisers take Conqueror + domination”
AmericanNut says “This is a clash of the early game, don't shield when he has his dashes up, as he will just dash behind you, W, Q combo him when close to tower, but if its middle of the lane or closer to his tower, stay back.”
Noodles912 says “FREELO! Just freeze and farm for 30 minutes. Your pool cannot do much in this lane, but you can keep taking his health. Avoid being close to minions, and take home some sweet LP.”
SPJohnWD says “He has high kill potential on you forcing you to play safe and fall behind early. Late game Sylas outscales him but requires assistance early.”
teemodumbstupid says “Care about his double E dash into stun. Take Conqueror, and you should win with Sheen + Lucidity boots. Buy bramble because he heals a lot”
Urgodzilla says “Watch out his rage bar, don't forget that his empowered W destroys your E shield. Build Tabis and Bramble vest. If you don't feed Renekton in early game, he will not be that scary.”
Laserholic says “Short-trade fighters are really good against gwen when they have a way to back out. Renekton is generally a hard champion for most top laners to deal with early, so that's just how it is. You definitely outscale him.”
Oskarl3 says “you cant hit him with your q because he will just e out, and his stun will break your w shield, which is a large portion of your damage. his ult makes him hard to burst. go goredrinker and farm, you will outscale him eventually.”
ZeruelOP says “Really Hard Matchup Early since he wins most of the time but when you go for a trade try and W his W but overall dont fight him unless you are sure you can win early”
AyeJa3 says “Use Grasp. Renekton is very strong early. Do not fight him even if he gains lane prio which is a given at level one. Reposte his stun or his Q, he can dodge repostes however, play safe and just survive laning phase as you outscale. ”
jmp_01_ says “Strong early game champion. He can break your shield with his empowered W - Ruthless Predator. Take Bone Plating and be careful of his level 6. He can 100-0 you in seconds.
SirGRC says “E shield you just got? GONE. The damage you did to him while he was stunned? GONE he healed it back. RIP life but if you can make it through laning phase without inting then he falls off. ”
negoZoma69 says “AP Neeko can struggle a bit vs Renekton and it will depend on your reflexes to not get killed in all ins. AD Neeko can harass him harder and retaliate his engage. Also his lv1 is a bit weak so you can abuse that and prevent him of getting fury. Always run away when he ults, don't get baited into a low hp renek bcs with ult he heals a lot.”
Miata 181hp says “If he is an idiot, you can E all his dmg and then attack him using your combo. Most of the time let him dive you so you can E most of his dmg. You can leave your passive 1 hit before max so when you E you can use your passive with W.”
Draconic56 says “Try to not fight him pre 6 and poke with your Q's. If he E's to you just W his W and slap him with a Q and walk off. I'd advise taking ignite and buying bramble to help against his Q healing. After level 6 you will destroy him in your ult. If possible try to ult after her ults so you gain his ult stats. You will outscale him so if you fall behind farm up and get your items.”
SanLourdes says “A lane bully that you can punish. Respect his burst and CC and you will be able to win short and extended trades. Your ult > his ult, but try and bait it out before you ult him so that your fight isn't so drawn out. You scale harder, but he has the advantage of in-lane sustain, so keep that in mind. Build your regular items.”
Kokob5 says “Play passive early and go for poke with Q when you can to charge your W. When he or you go for all in's WAIT for him to use his stun BEFORE popping your shield or he'll destroy it. So long as you do that and are even in lane you'll win fights. ”
Rojakas says “With this lethality build you look to snowball your lane, but since Renekton is an extremely big threat early on in top lane, you can't be that aggresive”
not normal says “*Full combos you while you're stunned and can't do anything.* Maybe it makes him angrier and more aggressive but try and punish him for being in lane. You don't want him in the lane at any time, unless you're super fed and monch him up, like Veigar munches adc's.”
Docoda says “Cast W before his W cast can go off on you and you'll win the trades he tries to make, if not his cast will go through even when you're in stealth.
SleeplessX says “Poke him and space him, try to predict W and E it, if you do you win the trade, if he Ws successfully you lose the trade. Respect his lvl6”
Dorom says “Even though Renekton is very broken, Gangplank can easily manage him in lane. You just sit under a barrel that is in the minion wave so he can't farm and he falls off, remember though, he has 2 dashes and a shit ton of damage, so he can turn around at you and do a "mechanical" outplay and W Q you for half of your health, always keep an orange in your pocket.”
SpartanDumpster says “Same with Garen, Darius, and probably a lot of other champs high in the threat list. There's nothing for your W to block from him, and his all-in's are A LOT stronger than yours.”
raede says “Prime example of a champion you need bramble vest for. Renekton is the all in machine and if you just W him and make sure your E is ready to hit both of you when he goes in, the lane is yours.”
bocchicken says “Renekton has potential kill windows on your lvl 3-6. Most renekton players will back for a Null-Magic mantle or early merc treads which WILL cut their damage, but make them more annoying to trade with.
I recommend E max in this matchup w/ grasp runes. If he dashes into you to stun you, press E before he stuns and it will mess up the timing for his combo. Then just Q him to run him down for a W+Grasp Auto trade and you should win HARD. Do not over-chase though. Early steelcaps rush is OP here. ”
CaviThatsMe says “Nice joke riot games. Pretty hard to kill him, since he can stun u and proc conq faster. Hes got healing as well and hes transforming into living demigod on 6 lvl. Strike him as fast as u can, avoid fighting if he has right amount of rage and after lvl 6 dont fight when he pops ult just run as fast as u can. Worth banning.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Hard matchup, starting E is a viable option and you generally DO NOT want to fight him levels 1-2. Roam to snowball your bot lane, with Teleport this can be played very strategically if you survive the lane. Ignite is a risky option and I do not recommend it if you are not experienced.”
ChaseMorePlz says “On paper Renekton dumpsters Nasus. This means that statistically, Renekton shouldn't lose this matchup early game or he will have problems. The key as playing Nasus versus this matchup is to sustain and survive laning phase. Aim to scale by farming your Q Siphoning Strike.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Easy once you hit 6, poke him down and all-in him; he can't CC you once you're able to catch him overextending so use that to your advantage. ”
Lunarisen says “He'll be super aggressive early on, so when you face a Renekton; build Bramble's vest before Bami to deny him healing from his abilities.”
Sasdos says “kinda dangerous just afk farm and outscale if he doesnt take ignite rape him! just make sure to ignite early instead of late so u reduce his healing with r and q”
Reformed Ravi says “annoying matchup wait for him to use both his dashes and land the w. the moment he tries to hit you q bonk him and hit the e. might need antiheal”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Ok, besides his early power - that you can easily avoid - you must be able to outplay him almost in every stage of the game. If the early it's difficult for you and the trades is favoring him, rush tabi and gauntlet... just be ready to use your E as soon as he dashes into you, and if the trades is not bad, it's something balanced for you and for him, executioner's calling might be a good option to rush.”
RetiredPykeMain says “Pure skill matchup tbh, if you can block his W with your W well you are almost always going to win, do not fight the crocodile in his ult.”
stygiandesolation says “He can avoid your E easily thanks to his double dash. In an all-in his ult makes him stronger early but you can still win if you block his W with your E and hold your Q for his dash.”
Alekra says “Renekton is not the most difficult matchup, but do not underestimate his damage. Thanks to Garens natural tankyness renektion does to have the tools to straight up kill him, but you will loose early trades if his Ragebar is high. Hitting your W to counter his W can turn around a trade completely so try to time it correctly.”
Erenando says “He is a lane bully who will always go to kill you pre 6 and after lvl 6. Maintain a huge distance between you and him. Armor isn't very useful, since he will rush black cleaver and he will probably go conquerer for more damage. I would still recommend Frozen heart and ninja tabis as a save option. If you dislike this idea, then at least sacrifice trinity force and go Iceborn gauntlet. Else I see no point of winning this lane. Most renektons also pick ignite to give them a higher win condition (which in my opinion is just overkill). However in late you can kill him, if you stack up a bit.”
ToinoEscaca says “Carefull for his combo, it can one-shot you easily early game. Late game it's just annoying, can take you off the team fight and be a pain in the ass. Or kill the ADC, it's 50/50 :). ”
GrGamingTeo says “Th eonly time Renekton is strong is when he has 50 or more fury. If he has less than that fight him, he cannot kill you. Never leash the jungler if you have a Renekton top or else by the time you get to top lane he might even have 100 fury and he will most likely get the first blood. A lv3 Renekton will do his little E, AA, W, Q, E and you will not be able to react and he wins the trade. Never lead a trade with Q. The only time that you can successfully land a Q is when he is running away from you with no E or you E and Q combo really quickly. If he watses either his W or his Q you can fight him and even all-in him and kill him.”
SeptikYT says “Disgusting animal here. You can't trade early. His W pops your passive shield. Avoid him when he has a red glow in his eyes as it means he has his empowered skills up. ”
Drumastermunch says “You really need to trade back every of his attacks, you both have the dmg. Struggle hard early to take lane prio and lvl 2 first, and try to take a good trade here, that's really your main window to build a lead.
Respect his ult, you just can't, even 2v1.”
Olaf Only says “Renekton is very weak until level 3, so try to fight him here as much as possible.
After level 3 he will win all short trades, so continue to poke or go for All-ins if he is low enough.”
LunaticDancer says “A hard start, he can be very swingy and slippery, you gotta play very safe until level 6. As the game goes on, he falls off harder and harder. about level 8 you should outpace him even if you were slightly behind.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp/First Strike + Divine Sunderer]
[Ignite + TP]
Start Q or W. Dblade. Look to play really aggro early to control the wave. You don't want him to have control over the wave or else he'll just stack his fury and the lane will be very hard. Try to crash the minion on the third wave to recall and get a doran's shield or a cloth armor + refillable. OR you can also start W, auto him with grasp procs and try to out sustain him. In order for him to sustain in lane he HAS to Q the wave which makes the wave push to you which allows you to farm up and scale for free. Don't walk up next to him when he has 50% rage because his empowered W does a lot of damage and removes your shield if you auto him first. Just try to survive this lane, you outscale him pretty hard. Whoever's jungler comes more wins this lane TBH. If you want, you can rush armor boots as it reduces his empowered W damage by a lot! As long as you survive this lane you pretty much win. Feel free to give up minions in order to stay healthy. You outscale him SUPER HARD. You beat him in a side lane late game and you're more useful in 5v5s. The only time he can win is from level 2 to when you get your divine sunderer + armor boots. There a good chance you get dove in this lane if his jungler plays topside because his R gives him so much HP and his W stuns you for easy setup. Just back off the turret and lose the wave. It's better to just lose the wave than to lose the wave AND die.
This matchup changed a lot after he got buffed like 4 patches in a row... they increased his healing, his damage, and his scaling. If they go the RTO build with Sunfire Aegis and proxy between waves and farm jungle camps you basically lose and it's really hard to come back because he's funneling himself and Camille has zero waveclear and no sustain and the minions just hit her tower and after Renekton is done farming her jungler's camps he just comes back and gets gold from the plates. He doesn't even have to kill you or lane, he just takes resources from your jungler and gets a massive gold/item lead over you. Hope and pray your bot/mid win hard if he decides to do this because it is unplayable from the Camille side. He could also do the Bork + Prowler's Claw build which is also really annoying because and borderline unplayable because he can just 1 shot you with empowered W.
I would ban Renekton but currently he isn't picked very much.”
Ravenborne says “Skill matchup. Cancel his second dash after his engage. Get Mercs so you can actually pull him back in after he dashes out. Go for trades only with E up. Do not let him Q heal for free off of you.”
Kil4fun says “I want to say he's really difficult but he only snowballs if he gets a kill. Play insanely passive if he takes ignite. I recommend taking exhaust into him. If you can survive pre 6 you can probably go even into him with antiheal.”
BigManYam says “Just like Darius he will all in at level 3 and burst you down to a very low health either forcing your flash or out of lane and not mention will freeze lane so you can't get near wave to gain XP or stacks. ”
DoubleQ says “Has a point click stun, a double dash, a Q that heals and an ult that counters your ult, just pray in lane and build armor and he should fall off later in game.”
TheMrDarkness says “Very hard matchup for Riven I recommend not playing Riven into this matchup but if you do buy executioner's and ninja tabi, so that you can at least survive the lane”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Smash your keyboard and punch a hole in your monitor. Renekton can all-in and kill you at level 3. Your E cancels his E but generally speaking your lane is always lost. Hug tower and pray to God in this lane. Bramble mandatory unless you get an early lead.”
Whobick says “Isn't hard; just poke with Undertow (Q), and use your ult after auto-attacking a few times (this allows you to take some damage so your attack speed increases.)”
kingchas2 says “This is a matchup you need early assistance. If your jungler is weak early (like yi) then you are double screwed as Renekton can pretty easily 1v2 you if he takes ignite. You have to play really far back as his E range allows him to bully almost all of the lane. If you play far enough back his main combo will be E+E+W+AA+Q. After this combo he will have nothing off of CD so you can then bully him pretty hard.”
ModelitoTime says “Really annoying matchup early game, however there is have counter play at lvl 1. If you can fight him at lvl 1 try to do that. But if you cant kill at lvl 1 play as safe as possible, take a doran shield with you. Keep your distance from him because he has 2 dashes along with a stun. Once you hit lvl 9+ you start to outscale and win this matchup.”
asconakos says “If by any chance the enemy picks Renekton Mid (Or you play Yas top) Either Dodge or trade lanes, Horrific matchup for Yasuo and against a decent Renekton you never win lane”
nvckxwsky says “It's pain in the ass to play vs renekton!
Just ban him!
But if u wanna play against him:
Take TP, Doran's Shield, Freeze waves under a turret and look for jg ganks or play around other lanes!
He spikes hard at lvl 6
You can try take ignite and cheese him at lvl 1 but if he takes W don't EVER do that”
Dannala says “Has a high Stun Burst which will eat you early on. On top of that he also has strong sustain and AoE to handle your spiderlings and decent mobility. Not sure about s11 I've not struggled against any Rene so far, potentially weak atm. (12/06)”
ineptpineapple says “Normally he is pretty bad but he is dash heavy all you need to do is root him before he stuns you its pretty alright. Just dont get caught off guard he does a load of dmg.”
Heckin says “Very strong champion, good lane bully, so for this one i have one thing to say: if he fucks you up, it's a champ diff. I mean he has two dashes, a stun, a SHIELD BREAKER, and a heal. Woohoo!”
Hyzerik says “He can do a shit ton of damage early and take it to late game as well if you feed hard. Try to watch him without a dash and if he uses his R wait it out and don't go in.”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “Surprisingly easy lane pre-6. He will do his Dash in WQ Dash out combo, but they tend to lose their lunch if you engage on them pre-3. Take ignite, rush bramble and steel plate and you can win a lot of trades. ”
JannaMainOTP800K says “Be Sure to stay in maximum distance so you can block the second Jump. If you manage to do that then he will have the full Lane bully experiece new players have playing against him.”
Raideru says “This matchup is all about whether you can predict his w with your e and how much u can bluff him that ur gona use E, lvl 1 it's important to push to get lvl advantage and every time he uses q on u you have to trade back vs him so he never gets one sided trades or if you have the chance auto w him or just w. This matchup is all about how many qs you can dodge and trade back. After lvl 6 I advise u never all in him unless u have like a 60% hp advantage, the most optimal way to play this lane is to perma chip him down with short trades and then kill him. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush in this lane.”
LeSocair says “You will not out-trade him, ever, just try to get away from him asap with your passive when he jumps on you, remember W'ing his stun, otherwise you're either dead or near.
Try to poke with Q to keep him low enough that he won't want to commit to a fight.”
sauronkaiser says “Counter in laning phase. If he demostrates to be a good player, play very safe until late game. You outscale him, but not if he gets too many kills in lane.”
AmericanNut says “Difficult champion, his ultimate is tough. But you can devour it. His dash's can be a nuisance. So wait for him to use those for tongue lash.”
Ramixx says “He can 1v1 you especially with his R but rammus usually wins especially since he out scales renekton. Just remember to use your W if you think he's gonna try to use his stun!”
EU_Toxicity says “You're stronger before 6 so take advantage of that and look to extend trades. A lot of renektons e in, do their combo, and e out. Spam your E while you're stunned to pull him back during his dash (get some tenacity if the stun lasts too long and he just dashes out while you're still stunned). At level 6 he becomes stronger than you because of his constant fury gain. You outscale him hard in a 1v1 from level 11 onwards. The person to engage first into a 1v1 to the death will usually lose.”
doorknobber69 says “Ignite and tp are good here. Either way start long sword with ref pot and rush grievous wounds. You will out trade him most of the time unless he brings ignite which will make this a bit harder, but still winnable.”
100KILAGORILA says “THIS GUY,YOU JUST CAN'T PLAY AGAINST HIM.I tryed laning against renekton and you never kill him 1v1.He will kill you early game and freeze and you can't to anything about that.”
iZeal says “Your level 1 and 2 is much stronger than Renekton's, but after level 3 he can take very favorable trades while not having to worry about mana and enjoying great sustain from Qs. Try to zone him from the minions so he cannot gain fury which he needs to deal significant damage. If you pull him out of his E2 he just dies as he really does not want extended trades. His level 6 powerspike is huge though and can allow him to just fight you from full health. Ninja Tabis also help immensely as almost all his damage is physical and his W is treated as an empowered auto attack and also the main source of his damage. It's much harder to outscale Renekton now with the stronger Blade of the Ruined King allowing him to deal massive amounts of % current health damage so stack armor if possible to mitigate it.
DBlade/DShield, Tabis!”
bocchicken says “watch out for his lvl 3 all in, early tabis will save you. let him push you to your tower and then try and last hit until you can afford your bamis/ glacial shroud”
NoxianBlood says “Renekton is quite strong in the early game, his combos can kill you very quickly, don't fight him when he has a lot of rage since it will give him extra damage and stun duration, if Renekton snowballs he can pretty Oneshot every single one in the game, so try to don't feed him, stack armor since he won't be so effective late game, just try to protect your teammates since he won't be focusing you in team fights, Renekton's power comes to focusing squishies and killing them leaving you alone, even though he builds cleaver he won't deal much damage to you late-game.”
hahadead7777 says “Renekton is a very high dmg in your face champion. If you cannot stay ahead of him by poking him down then stay at least 1 dash worth of distance away so you can E away if he engages”
UnMaskedDeity says “Renekton is a big bully who will tie you into a knot and throw you into the void below ARAM. His level 3 power spike is insane so try not to engage him ever. Get the bramble vest and pray that whoever your fighting is a garbage player at Renekton.”
byThiagus says “Skill match, darius gana trades largos Trata de extenderlos siempre aunque este champ puede tradearte y salir, primer pagina de runas Ignite es viable, haces outscale. a partir de nivel 11 no puede hacer nada el renekton 1v1.”
Stijnzxz says “He is an insane lane bully so u wanna ban him but if u do play aigenst him wait for hes Furry to go down and ask ur JG for help if u are behind u cant do shit if ur winning lane u are happy cuz he cant do shit then so depends on what u do.”
Leukasdf says “His mobility and stun will make it difficult for you to play against him. There is a slight chance you can win this but in most cases you probably won't. Just try team fighting and poke him with q early game. If he goes in on you just run.”
TheSIanko says “Your most famous counter pick. Probably you will stay all game under turret, because he can dash to you every time and make you a lot of damage.”
AWierdShoe says “Do a lot of short grasp trades, while trying to block his Q poke with your passive shield. Position your blade up a lot. If he ever dashes onto you level 3+, then press W and keep trading with empowered Q’s and be ready to instantly taunt out when your W ends (through him if you can). Try to exploit your slightly superior range with empowered Q’s while he goes for last hits.
I Am Goliath says “I usually win this matchup but it can be semi tough in the very early game just because of renektons raw damage in his kit. He can cancel your Q with his W and also E out of your Q so it can be challenging to land Q's on him, once you get some armor though he doesn't really have enough damage to all in you or even kill you, sunfire plus ninja tabi's should allow you to win 1v1's and renekton falls off pretty hard mid to late game so I think this is a pretty easy match up.”
I Am Goliath says “You will lose this matchup early most likely, try to dodge his Q's and Q poke him as much as you can. The reason I have this listed low is because once you get ninja tabi's and sunfire cape he simply doesn't have enough damage to kill you and you can always win trades or all ins and he falls off pretty hard, outside of lane you can always answer to his split and your TP to teamfight is much stronger than his because of how much you out scale him.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Level 1-2 Space properly -> Poke when he walks up for cs -> Take ignite -> Look for early game kills -> Get the push lead for level 2 and look for a kill/good trade. If he goes PTA lane will be VERY rough. If he goes for Conq then it is easier -> Freeze the 3-4 levels -> Level 6 go for a trade and once he ults disengage IMMEDIATELY if he isn't easily killable
eBrixton says “Renekton can do his full combo in a trade, then dash away before you can even retaliate. This makes laning phase a sustain game for you. He can snowball out of control vs you if he ever gets a lead so play as safe as possible and ask for help! You can consider banning Renekton in champion select as he's one of the only melee champions in the game, who is frequently played, that can ignore what Warwick does and slaughter you.”
NickCola Tesla says “This should be a skill matchup in your favor!
Renekton relies on his early game base damage to chunk you out of lane. His levels one and two are extremely lackluster, so you can absolutely zone him off the wave at this point! However, you must respect his damage after level three until you stack a decent amount of armor.
If you see he has fury bar filled, I would recommend just backing off the lane and giving him the lane priority he deserves. His full fury combo is enough to do more than half your health worth of damage! If his fury isn't full, and you're performing a freeze against him, don't be afraid to be aggressive and go for a strong trade.
Because of this, Renekton will be looking to snowball the early game, with his high base damage, so he can fair against you in the mid game. What you have to understand if that he gets impatient and dies to a gank, the lane is essentially over for him. At this point, Sion will begin to stack way too many resistances for him to be able to itemize against.
Once you finish Plated Steelcaps, Bramble Vest, and build the components to Frozen Heart, he will have a difficult time playing against you: even with fury up!”
StrikeX114 says “Renekton is much faster than you due to Slice and Dice (E). Even playing from a distance is unsafe due to this, so constant jungler intervention may be necessary for survival, as winning lane is highly unlikely.”
Saarlichenbog says “Renekton is borderline a minor threat alongside Mordekaiser and Teemo. Kalista top is commonly used as a counter to Renekton in high elo but for the sake of Kalista top as a whole statistically it is an even matchup. However, there's not really any way Renekton should be able to get on top of you as his E can be read easily allowing you to kite before he can get in range and essentially nullify his damage completely.”
Bradybattlemask says “Big bully early in the game.
He is an early game stomper, get xp and safe farm and outscale him. Stupid fights is how you lose lane.”
Captain Dantems says “Pokeia ele, mas quando ele estiver
level 2 com fúria cheia cuidado ele pode te explodir. Grasp com chamuscar ou inspiração. Poção corrupta ou escudo de Doran.”
FoxyGrill says “Spacing against him is pretty hard, if he manages to cast combo on you, use R + W to heal some of the damage, then use E to create space and then Q for slow, after that throw as many basic attacks as possible.”
MKUlra_Ronin says “Farm lane.
Your Q and empowered AA keep you just about 25 units outside his all-in range. Utilize that advantage and poke him every chance you have. If you don't bully him, he will make sure to bully you.”
ItsPaulygon says “Renekton won't be much of a problem for you unless he is super good. If he engages, just press E and negate his stun. Once you do that, you win. Once he reaches 6, be careful. If he becomes a beast late game, you are screwed.”
llametekudasai says “rushea una vesta espinosa, juegale al pokeo con la q, ten cuidado ya que si no das la q puedes perder el trade o morir. pero con la Vesta Espinosa puedes ganar el 1 vs 1. ”
RankOneZesin says “Rene? match up kill him early game with the ingite perma trade him on early lvl 3-4-5 before he gets 6 get executioner and you win every trade vs him”
aiSky says “Some people consider Kled an earlygame champion, but he can't really deal with truly earlygame champions as Renekton (or at least not easily). You will have to be patient and wait for oportunities (ability cooldowns, jgl ganks...) and since its an even matchup, you can get ahead.”
Whackguy says “Renekton is really over-powered right now (tank), so don't let him poke you out in the laning phase. Once he gets a lead, he will snowball, and it's gg.”
GLP1 says “Renekton right now has a lot of damage always trying to make him better trades than he does to you, he can kill you with the W loaded when you're disassembled, at level Renekton can beat you most of the time, try to play him aggressively at levels 1,2,3,4,5 at level 6 try to play passive if you didn't get more than 2 kills.
Remember that you have healing reduction.”
Nicklstherealone says “His Shorttrades will definitely hurt in early stages of the Game. But if you keep farming up till you first Item/s you will easily trade back amd win. ”
pedrohnasc says “Use Bone Plating. When he uses his first E towards you, use your W against him. Try to "kite" him with your Q+E. Try to trade with him in lvl 2, after that you should be careful.”
Pyroen says “Especially early, Kayle does well to stay far away from this croc. Farm when safe, and farm under tower, late game you outscale him 100%, but he will try to make it so you don't have a late game.”
Nodon says “be carefull VERY carefull but it is not a hard matchup if you know how to position in your lane however it will still be a mainly farm focused matchup unless he's stupid and let's himself be poked down for free ”
OffmetaPancake says “The matchup is scary due to renekton being one of the strongest laners in the early game. These champs function similarly, but renekton has a more straightforward way to sustain in lane. It is a skill matchup that will take time to learn.”
Gwoky says “If Renekton takes Ignite, he can be scary. At level 1, poke Renekton with E while keeping distance. When Renekton reaches level 2, back off of wave to avoid getting killed. If he shows both abilities and hasn't taken stun, continue to poke him down with E and get a Q in to kill if applicable. After level 3, play safe. Once you hit your level 6 spike, you can look to slow push and poke with e and get a kill with ult.”
daito Okami says “Poke him down before he gets his fury running grasp is optional try not to fight in your minion wave because of his healing.Rush Plated Steelcaps as soon as possible and don't get baited if hes low his ultimate and q can heal him to full in no time”
Frostyfps says “Avoid fighting him at lvl 1 since you won’t have passive, start e and let him push you in. E him after he autos you so that your creeps target him. Stack your passive under tower and look for fights if you land your E on him. Look for fights right now, especially since it will be pushing back and you will have exp advantage over him. Try to W after you go on him since usually they almost always react with an auto> W when you are on top of them. This usually works a couple of times then they will hold on to it, it becomes a mind game but if you get an advantage it won’t matter as much. His level 6 is super strong so avoid going for an all in unless you can chunk him out when he has no fury or if you W his W. You almost always win if you W his W! This matchup is also a race to botrk so if you get the item first you basically auto win, later levels he has an advantage but you can still win if you outplay him with W and have minions to heal up with.”
Time1Save says “Block it with W, this is its main damage, you must kill it up to 6 LVL, with R it becomes a very difficult opponent. But as long as you play with an advantage, you have to give your team an advantage as well .”
lillia spam god says “he will try to burst you down with his stun combo a lot. to counter this, wait for him to use his stun, his head glows when he is gunna stun you so when he goes into to combo you, used your w to mitigate the damage, remember that irelia w cannot be stopped by cc. after he uses his combo you should be able to run him down
Colbasz says “This might be a bit personal as I suck against Renekton with most champs, but he seems particularly good against Kayle. He's a tanky lane bully with CC, engage, and selfheal, he's Kayle's worst nightmare. Your best bet is to ban him, other than that, play under turret, poke whenever you can, stand far away from your minions so he cant dash you easily, and ask for your jungler to gank.”
Delvoid says “Hes a lane bully can easily out trade you if you do not pay attention. Poke with Q then commit when he dashes in try to get W off before he stuns you”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Renekton has a kit that is very good against Morde, for example he can easily lock you down with a good E + W combo and do lots of damage, and he can dodge your E with his, and if it hits an enemy, he can then dash again towards you and proceed to do lots of damage. Be very careful early. If the Renekton has no idea how to use his combos properly, the matchup is easy. The main problem in this matchup is whether or not the Renekton really knows how to use their abilities.”
Whinit says “If you find Renekton main be a little bit careful but if you learn how to parry his cc (It has a green glow when he uses it) you can counter him easy.”
SlukDog says “Renekton is really hard, he will bully you hard you have to time your ult corectly to block his combo.
You need to play safe dont await a jungler to help you because he will kill u both”
skunzila says “Honestly this is a bit personal, only thing u have to worry about is his dash. Play safe, take PTA and poke the hell out of him with slow from q, aa, e, aa. Two or three times like that and you can all in him with your ult and corrupting potion.”
SnarkyAlpaca says “Renekton is another dangerous champ vs Fiora. His Stun ability is near-instant and you shouldn't intend to react to it.
Typical Renekton Behaviors: The typical Renekton player (Diamond and down) will primarily stun you when he has his red rage bar full. Don't be on edge and nervous about the stun unless his rage is full, in which case you respect it and can only hope to guess when he's going to use it. Most players don't lead with the stun even on full rage so let him Auto-Attack you once or twice and then preemptively Riposte and hope he stuns you on accident (this frequently works).
Renektons entire advantage over you is based around his stun. Learn to anticipate it and you can overcome this champion in lane.”
crepezeee says “Renekton is tanky enough to live through Riven's cc combo and come back stronger with his ult you will never run away because of his E and W you will not live.”
EternalBadPlayer says “Ahh Renekton. This champion is strong, like, really strong. His passive that can heal gim with Q or W stun is crazy + E dash is annoying too. If you can somehow catch him with E when he is trying to E, go all in. He has no escape except E and Flash so if he wastes E you better punish him for it. ”
Plasticpear says “You´ll have a hard time when facing Renekton, since he can dash to you, stun you and get away again, without you being able to do much demage to him. Only trade with him when you know he doesn´t have have his E up.”
LoL destroyer says “Renekton will be very difficult to face, he can stun you and has a lot of life steal if played right, he also becomes very tanky very quick.”
A2Tap says “A simply impossible matchup. Renekton will try to zone you off the level one wave, where the best you can do is poke with Q. When Renekton hits level 2, he is able to oneshot you, if he has 50 fury. Do not underestimate his early 1-6. ”
YoungTact says “Rush bramble vest. Punish him for farming as any other melee match up and look out for his dash to W it. Watch his fury meter so you get a sense of when he's going to try to trade you. Build armour to outscale. ”
qasddsa says “Tough lane and enemy if you do not position correctly. He's a lane bully that can trade very well against Kayle level 3 and onwards. If he uses his dash twice to trade with you, run backwards and trade back when he turns around. Try not to stand too close to your minions, as that will give him an easier time dashing to you. Freeze the lane, harass him when he goes up for CS, and wait for your jungler to gank.”
Renenkton is a really hard counter to Nasus since now with the buff to Blade of the Ruined King, Its a really broken item on him and even Lethality on him is still a decent purchase into squishy enemies. This matchup used to be way better since he didn't have that much sustain and he usually buys tiamat so the wave will be always on your side, but now since he builds BORK into Cleaver its a really hard matchup for Nasus where he has a lot of burst even without items, if you go the Grasp (Scaling) setup it becomes a really difficult lane to survive lane early on but you can outscale him once you get 2 points in R, if you go the Grasp (Tank) setup you will survive better in lane but later on to the game it becomes really hard to kill him 1v1. His runepage is really influential since if he goes PTA, he will be able to oneshot you if you are below 50% HP but if he takes Conqueror, he will be able to match you even better later on to the game. As for laning phase, he will have 100% wave control and you must respect that or else he will snowball to victory. Also if he wants to deal damage he will push the first waves to get fury, but usually Renektons will always push to you since they want to have 100% Fury to get their empowered W and Q in one combo for maximun damage but by doing this sort of trade they push the wave really hard into you. I highly recommend going for Iceborn Guantlet instead of Trinity since it will make you tankier. Later on to the game splitpushing against him is sort of difficult since he can duel you really well, so look to teamfight and frontline for your team since you outscale Renekton once you get your R with 2 points.”
PH45 says “Don't try to fight him early on. When he has a lot of fury built up he will deal quite a bit of damage if he get's an empowered W off. Co-operate with your jungler but be sure you can take him down, as Renekton can 1v2 quite easily if he plays it right.”
SkellyBirb says “Renekton is a lane bully with a dash. He has sustain, a stun, and burst. He will likely deal most of your health in one jump and zone out of farm. Stay back and farm under tower.”
Theknight31 says “Renekton is very good in early you cant dash on him if you dont have the w empowered for his cc. when he has his level 6 stop fight its very dangerous you have to roam for still being ok in the game”
SubHuman Filth says “Renekton can be a hard matchup. ONLY fight him if you can setup your shrooms so he goes into them and you have ignite. you will outscale him in midgame.
Q him when he dashes forward.
get early seekers. its a must.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend Tenacity, Last stand + Boneplating and unflinching. Ignite + Flash. Dorans blade potion start. Renekton is one of the most annoying early game bullies to face as a melee top laner. Tryndamere has one opportunity to take control of the lane and that is with his level 2 power spike. Look to build up fury level one and take an extended trade with renekton, you can even look to take a trade with no fury as long as you use your entire boneplating then back off. Renekton doesn't have as much sustained damage as you level one, so if it turns into an all in you should win (especially if you get any crits.) Once you get level two, you can look to spin in on renekton as well and force a trade. Look to get the 2nd wave into turret before the third wave comes up then allow the wave to shove back towards you, depending on your trades early on will determine if you can play aggressive. With the new build setup, the double dorans will give enough sustain and hp so you dont get 100-0'd. Look to always make sure that if you take a big trade into renekton that you go for it with your boneplating available. Tryndamere can start fighting more actively with double dorans + tabis spike. In the mid-late game you can duel renekton 1v1 outside his turret range past 3 items if you didnt fall massively behind from early game. If you want to dive renekton you have to prepare him with short trades (auto attack + spin out) under his turret until he gets about 2/3 hp and even then it can be risky. It can be a better option sometimes to look to push in and rotate to look for opportunities for a flank rather then try to deal with renekton directly.”
I Am Goliath says “Pretty hard matchup since he has two dashes, you can still manage to kite him and poke him but he has sustain and a way to get onto you and stun you on top of having a lot of damage, I would play this matchup carefully and try to take value trades.”
Nabura says “Freezing outside tower will completely nullify his lane pressure, if he gives you the chance, you need to thin out the waves he pushes into you to keep refreezing.”
STIERNACKENTYP says “GP counters this champ. Although Rene is an early monster, u almost always win trades, thx to ur W. Make sure to only trade when u have a barrel up.”
I Am Goliath says “This lane is hard but renekton falls off and won't be able to deal with you mid and late game as long as he is not fed. You'll want to get an early ninja tabi in this matchup since it works against renekton's W as well, and you'll also want to punish him with your ghouls whenever you can summon them, don't worry to much about winning the early game though because he is stronger and has sustain, if you survive the early game you just win later because he doesn't have enough consistent damage to keep up with you.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend Tenacity, Last stand + Boneplating and unflinching. Ignite + Flash. Dorans blade potion start. Renekton is one of the most annoying early game bullies to face as a melee top laner. Tryndamere has one opportunity to take control of the lane and that is with his level 2 power spike. Look to build up fury level one and take an extended trade with renekton, you can even look to take a trade with no fury as long as you use your entire boneplating then back off. Renekton doesn't have as much sustained damage as you level one, so if it turns into an all in you should win (especially if you get any crits.) Once you get level two, you can look to spin in on renekton as well and force a trade. Look to get the 2nd wave into turret before the third wave comes up then allow the wave to shove back towards you, depending on your trades early on will determine if you can play aggressive. With the new build setup, the double dorans will give enough sustain and hp so you dont get 100-0'd. Look to always make sure that if you take a big trade into renekton that you go for it with your boneplating available. Tryndamere can start fighting more actively with double dorans + tabis spike. In the mid-late game you can duel renekton 1v1 outside his turret range past 3 items if you didnt fall massively behind from early game. If you want to dive renekton you have to prepare him with short trades (auto attack + spin out) under his turret until he gets about 2/3 hp and even then it can be risky. It can be a better option sometimes to look to push in and rotate to look for opportunities for a flank rather then try to deal with renekton directly. ***NEW BUILD*** Double dorans blade into ninja tabi into blade of the ruined king into essence reaver into Phantom Dancer into deaths dance into youmuus (could change a couple of things most important is late game u have 40% cdr) Clip 1 showing Important mechanic against renekton Clip 2 showing important mechanic against renekton ”
CensoredMercy says “In this matchup you are mostly counting on Renekton to mess up. This matchup can go either way, but initially it is much more in favor of the Renekton and it is much easier for him to snowball 1 vs 1.”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Aftershock, Shield Bash, Bone Plating, Unflinching + Triumph, Last Stand or Conqueror, Triumph, Tenacity, Last Stand + Bone Plating, Unflinching.
Sub Runes: (Aftershock) Damage, Armor 2x or (Conqueror) CDR, Damage, Armor.
Summoners: Teleport
One of Riven's toughest lanes, especially for new Riven players. His weakest point is at the beginning of laning phase/ Level 1-2. Try to out trade him before he builds up fury and makes your E useless. If he gets ahead early then just try and freeze the wave under your tower and wait until you out scale him.
Darrkescru says “Runa : Grasp , Eletrocutar
Lane difícil tente sempre acertar a cegueira no AA que stuna dele se ele partir pra cima com os 2 E vai atras dele punindo se ele der E + W + Q + E tente dar 1 aa + Q geralmente depois do lvl 6 e mais facil pro causa do slow dos cogumelos
Rushar : Tabi , Armguard”
glorious7678 says “Renekton has a very good 1v1 with gap close and cc, pay attention to his rage meter if you're trying to take trades. Only R him if you're very ahead or if you know he doesn't have R.”
Aas112mm says “Freeze wave, play safe and try not to give him kills early, dependant on which jungler you have on your team yuo can hope for a gank where he does not get double kill.”
qazx1427 says “Ignores your wall, combos you for half your HP and dashes away with little to no counterplay, and his ult has the Gnar effect of giving him a bunch of HP out of nowhere. Some people would put Renekton as Extreme, but there are legends of people consistently beating him. If I ever find out how, I'll let you know.”
Crossing Calvin says “Perma ban. This matchup is pretty must unplayable without a jungler or if renekton makes a huge mistake. You outscale him after cleaver , deathdance powerspike.”
Adolfie says “Renekton is similiar to darius, you cant fight him early on, even after 6th lvl, he is still stronger than you. But when you achieve some stacks, and CDR you can pretty much win the fights.”
ZergDood says “Interesting matchup. He gets a really big powerspike when he gets to level 3, try to harass him before that. Respect his damage, when he tries to engage, W away, and if you get his dash, poke him and disengage unless he got low. Don't dive him unless he used his R recently. Your W stops his dash.”
Rastub P says “He is Going to be hell to you if he knows how to play this champ if not then its not hard the best way to counter her is to play tank mode”
Ayanleh says “With renekton you need to play safe till lv3-4 and then look for trades. Old morde could not do much against renekton as he could trade with you and escape with E but now you can pull him into you if he trades with you.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Quite rough if hes good, you win before he gets lvl 3 but when he does, oh boy does it suck for you.
Quite winnable if you get a lead before lvl 3 and then stay ahead.
Tabi is useful vs this croc.
Take bone plating.
Take armor.”
Ayanleh says “Somewhat of a hard matchup, hes known as one of the strongest early game lane bullies in the game but you have potential to outplay later on in the game.”
Twist21 says “LT Resolve Runes for this one with standard sums.Renekton is a stack check champion so in order to beat him you need to outstat him.I would start dorans blade and buy another one on first back.After this just go for the standard build and you will win 1v1.”
Pikkachu Loiro says “Just rush bramble vest, you will make him get out of lane, the only major problem here is if the other team is highly coordinated and dives you under tower over and over in the early game ”
Wizbe says “Hard lane due to his ability to destroy your passive. Avoid fighting him when he has empowered fury. Take grasp build and go for small trades and heal with W. Beg for ganks and if you're really struggling rush Ravenous Hydra”
chloe666 says “Hard matchup. Take Resolve secondary, farm and outscale him. Keep the wave closer to your turret, DO NOT push against Renekton, he can just run you down if you do. ”
Twist21 says “Easy matchup for the most part , get executioners and you can 1v1 him at any stage of the game , block his w with your e and you win every 1v1.”
wallobear53 says “Renekton's resource bar shows when he can use empowered abilities. Play around it and avoid fighting him when it is red or close to being full. Wait for it to run out before you do anything.
He has strong abilities, however, they have long Cooldowns. When he doesn’t use them successfully or just wastes them, you can use that to engage and force a fight.
When he uses his Ultimate R, Renekton gains a lot more fighting power through more health and fury generation to empower his abilities. Be very careful as he is much stronger when his Ultimate is active and hence you should avoid trading with him.
DankFlyingCow says “His dashes mean that he can take short engagements and get away easily, which Kench hates. That being said, you win in an all out fight, even down quite a bit of health.”
Fiora Pogjet says “In this matchup you can go conq but Grasp will be better to survive lane. IF u don't go Grasp take resolve as secondary Rune. He can always outtrade you if he has more than 50%, so you shouldn't go for trades before lvl 6 since he can trade and heal upwith his q. Even if you manage to prarry his w you still can't kill him”
NullPC says “Hard matchup beats you bad in lane but you hard outscale him. Dont fight when he has rage and poke to force him to heal off the wave. You can cancel his dash with your E and is a great way of breaking his combo and puting lots of damage on him.”
Teemain says “Go for Grievous Wound items to counter his Q heal.
Honestly, Renekton's a pushover. Make sure you fight him 1 on 1 with his Ultimate gone.
Oh yeah.
Jebait his fricking E, so he doesn't just GTFO in the middle of a fight.”
Teemain says “Go for Grievous Wound items to counter his Q heal.
Honestly, Renekton's a pushover. Make sure you fight him 1 on 1 with his Ultimate gone.
Oh yeah.
Jebait his fricking E, so he doesn't just GTFO in the middle of a fight.”
ModxLoL says “You should just ban this champion ever since he got his shield breaker. If you are somehow playing against him, you have to fight fire with fire. The only way for you to BEAT him is to all in him after you bait out his abilities. It's generally going to be safer to just sit back and farm the best you can. You beat him after 2-3 items if even in gold. Don't forget to farm camps to stay even, and do your best to not let him get your plates.”
Stiwy says “PLaying against him will not be fun for the first part of the game.
Trying to trade with him will result in bad situations most of the time.
You have to farm safely and E him underr your tower if he overextends.
You will outscale him and at 2/3 items you can 1 v 1 easily and take your sweet revenge on him.
Start D.Shield or Cull (based on how safe you want to be) and rush tabis + bramble vest.
Take PTA if you want to try to have more interactions with him.”
Doktora says “Rene is not hard but most time people lost from rene.I have only 2 games vs rene and win 2 times is not easy you just need to farm and poke him when you use W 2 hits and go back adn that when he is less 20% only then you can try to kill him. My advice play save”
ratirl_cousin says “normally a docile creature sometimes the gator can become enraged, you will know this when he types
"/all I'm riot bruh btw what's up"
9690 says “D-Blade. Just be passive and get CS with your Q. There is no real way to win this lane. Call for ganks but since it is a top lane matchup you can't be relying on that. If they pick it mid you can easily win, they can't run you down as much and if you freeze you can call for ganks and run him down. Take Conq.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up un peu compliqué dans les premiers niveaux, essaie d'attendre le niveau 4 idéalement pour l'affronter, et essaie de le forcer à faire son E( le dash) vers toi, et lorsqu'il veut utiliser son deuxième dash pour partir, utilise ton E pour le garder, si tu le traines sur la lane avec le fantôme tu devrais pouvoir le tuer !
Astuce : Tabi ninja grandement recommandé. Surveille sa barre de rage en dessous de sa vie, et essaie de l'affronter quand elle à moins de la moitié ! Soit également vigilante, son ulti lui donne un boost de points de vie qui peut surprendre.”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend Tenacity, Last stand + Boneplating and unflinching. Ignite + Flash. Dorans blade potion start. Renekton is one of the most annoying early game bullies to face as a melee top laner. Tryndamere has one opportunity to take control of the lane and that is with his level 2 power spike. Look to build up fury level one and take an extended trade with renekton, you can even look to take a trade with no fury as long as you use your entire boneplating then back off. Renekton doesn't have as much sustained damage as you level one, so if it turns into an all in you should win (especially if you get any crits.) Once you get level two, you can look to spin in on renekton as well and force a trade. Look to get the 2nd wave into turret before the third wave comes up then allow the wave to shove back towards you, depending on your trades early on will determine if you can play aggressive. With the new build setup, the double dorans will give enough sustain and hp so you dont get 100-0'd. Look to always make sure that if you take a big trade into renekton that you go for it with your boneplating available. Tryndamere can start fighting more actively with double dorans + tabis spike. In the mid-late game you can duel renekton 1v1 outside his turret range past 3 items if you didnt fall massively behind from early game. If you want to dive renekton you have to prepare him with short trades (auto attack + spin out) under his turret until he gets about 2/3 hp and even then it can be risky. It can be a better option sometimes to look to push in and rotate to look for opportunities for a flank rather then try to deal with renekton directly. ***NEW BUILD*** Double dorans blade into ninja tabi into blade of the ruined king into essence reaver into Phantom Dancer into deaths dance into youmuus (could change a couple of things most important is late game u have 40% cdr) Clip 1 showing Important mechanic against renekton Clip 2 showing important mechanic against renekton”
Gnarcisist says “His E will allow him to dodge your abilities and he can usually do a full combo and E out before you can do anything. His healing will make it tough and his dive potential is high”
Dantheman81 says “Renekton is a fairly hard match up in my opinion. He deals a lot of damage, has a lot of lifesteal, can escape your trap and is naturally tanky with no mana costs. The best way to beat him here is to just build as much armor as you can and be sure to rush Thornmail. Wait for him to use ultimate before attacking him otherwise you will lose.”
Xplor says “Renekton can be an annoying little crocodile. He can engage you, he can escape you, he can stun and even over-damage you.
The best way to play against the crocodile is to poke him continuously. ”
Darrkescru says “Renatão, rusha tabi ninja , use qualquer runa , sempre que ele for te stunar com o W use seu Q para counterar fique atento que caso ele acerte o E ele ganha mais uma carga assim podendo dar 2 dash e chegar em você rapidamente, pokea ele fica atras de cogumelo”
Lintaar says “You have more consistent high movement speed than renekton, so as long as you are at max range when farming you should be OK. If he does stun you though... you will die”
Lair Riven says “Tiny lul
Ok.. To start, its a good idea to extend the first two Q's to the maximum, and try to start a trade with your Third Q and basic attack. This will make you have the Q again in a few seconds.(plus you will already have loads of conqueror)
Ok.. Para empezar, es una buena idea extender tus primeras 2 Q's al maximo e intentar iniciar el trade con tu tercera Q y un ataque basico.
Esto hará que tengas la Q de vuelta en unos pocos segundos.(además de que ya tendrás cargas del Conqueror)
Oh! remember that if Renekton has more than 50 fury, he will damage you 3 times and ignore your E's shield, which will do a lot of damage.
Oh! recuerda que si Renekton tiene mas de 50 de furia, te dañará 3 veces e ignorará el escudo de tu E, lo que hará mucho daño.
Aghhhh sorry I got tired of writing
I hope its useful to you, and if not... I'm sorry! :D
Aghhhh lo siento me cansé de escribir
Espero que haya sido util para ti, y si no lo fue.. Lo lamento! :D
btw I'll try to explain more about the lines phase against Renekton at another moment.
Por cierto Intentaré explicar mas acerca de la fase de lineas contra Renekton en otro momento.”
Crixaliz says “The first levels are very annoying and you can't outtrade nor sustain him, but after your first some items, he becomes less of a threat.”
Delvoid says “Bully the bully. Poke with E and dont allow him to farm with Q. Be careful of his quick trades using E W Q on you, use W to negate most of the damage”
Alzeidx says “Play safe in early game, he will outrade you easily, if you die early against him, it will be very hard for you to farm. Trade with him only if he doesnt have rage build up, wreck him on lvl 5-6.”
iTzToniOP says “It's not easy for us to win this matchup because we're getting outtraded at anytime. The key here is not to die so his utility decreases fast.”
Nyx Adachi says “MALDITO LAGARTO, early extremadamente fuerte, rushea cortacuraciones y no le tradees hasta que lleves cierta ventaja o tengas a tu jg cerca, recuerda bloquear su stun con tu w o de lo contrario perderás siempre los tradeos”
TotallyEclipse says “Dodge his W with your E and you'll win every trade, be cautious of his fury. Get him to use his R, then back away, and when its off cooldown hes vulnerable. You can kill him easily pre6 if you play it right”
MarKoXGOD says “Same deal as Sett. Renekton's E is a good gap closer, his W can stun you and he can cause some serious damage with his Q. Stay far, poke as much as possible.”
FirstBladeDancer says “This will be a hard matchup when Renekton is good. But focus with ur Q and dodge his W and Q. Stack ur passive and than u can trade. U must be ahead with items, because Renekton at lvl 6 is a threat!”
Walnut25 says “Again, another nightmare - do NOT fight him when his fury bar is full. When he uses his W, try and counter it with [icon=Defiant Dance size =30]as it cannot be interupted by CC. Just play safe in lane as you outscale him hard later on.”
MateuszNH says “Skill matchup
Play around his passive, he gets stronger at lvl 2 and 6 but you should kill him in later lvls and you outscale him so even being behind in CS is fine if you doesn't die. U can play aggresive though.
More soon”
Wamson says “Survive the laning phase at all costs! Don’t get bullied out of the lane! Freeze creeps on your side of the lane and farm until mid game.”
ACE4291 says “harder than nasus but you can bully him. watch out for his stuns and R.
his armour reduction isnt a huge deal for tahm
he can heal and dash away
can be even depending how your Early goes ”
MrClockWorks says “Renekton is really a skill matchup as Sett is definitely stronger early but Renekton can outplay you with empowered w on your haymaker shield instantly getting rid of it and dashing through it too to negate the damage. But if you get a lead early and fight him around his rage being low he can be a pushover.”
Numberjack says “Renekton won't struggle to style on Yuumi, and he can stun her for 1.5 seconds to prevent her from healing. He won't run out of mana, so Yuumi can't fight him that way either. Plus, again, he heals himself.”
CourtesyD0Prata says “Basically, impossible to win the lane. Play as safe as you can, you outscale him / Basicamente, impossivel de ganhar a lane, jogue o mais safe possivel, você da outscale nele.”
report singed ty says “GO AFTERSHOCK. RUSH SUNFIRE CAPE.
This is the only matchup where I switch from conq into aftershock and buy sunfire cape.
He wins every trade so just avoid him and proxy. Even then, he can tank minion waves after he does a bit of shopping.
He will run flash and ignite and then look to flash on you at level 3, and if he does he will kill you before the stun even runs out.
After 6 he's going to make you think you can 1v1 him and then he's going to ult and completely wreck you, so don't fall for it. He feels weak before he ults but he WILL ult and you WILL die as soon as he wants to turn it around on you. Pre-6 he flat out wins even without it.”
Beatport Expo says “Your biggest Nightmare when playing top lane Tahm Kench. Not only he can escape quickly after damaging you, he can also stops you from trading damage due to his Stun. His Damage and Tankiness alone prevents you from becoming a Large Threat to him.
If possible, avoid fighting him when he has Spear of Shojin”
SabinX says “You should be able to win a lvl. 1 fight with him, but as soon as he hits lvl. 2, you should start to pay attention a lot to his passive. Renekton seems a hard match-up at the start, but he becomes easier once you understand his power spikes.”
Kingarthur720 says “impossible to beat early game, very good mid game and late game he gets a little bit easier. You cant beat him early game, maybe you can beat him mid game but late game you definitely beat him if you play it semi well. Early game aply safe go grasp or sustain runes and just play to scale.”
TentiTiger11 says “High sustain and high damage. If they are good at rene, it's hard to fight him because of his great lvl3. Try to fight before he gets lvl 3.”
longcus says “REALLY GOOD LV2-3 SO STAY AWAY FROM HIM AND DON'T LET HIM KILL YOU EARLY. This is one of the hardest early game champs you'll have to face so play extremely careful. After early you'll out scale him really quick”
VIP Titan says “If you play Olaf well. Remember Harass Harass Harass in level 1! So make sure don't give this cord for a cheeky fury. You will then be sorted it !
Remember we are MAXING E so no melee is a problem in general!
Make sure you E him and try to baits his W because your E range is longer than his auto attacks range.
Watch video to see how to lane against Renekton. ”
ShaharKarisi says “Renekton and Shyvana are on a pretty even ground, just look for opportunities when his E is down to trade. Try to avoid his stun as much as you can.”
Subject3 says “renekton is a god of engage and disengage cheese, even tahm kench has problems trying to punish an engage with him, so what do you do?
make sure to predict his engage and play around it, get bramble vest so he wont heal the damage you do as you engage back.
if you do predict his engage and land a q before he falls back to his minion wave punish him as hard as you can! unless he got to lvl 6 and you arent in a gold lead against him in which case....”
KayleMachine says “A hard lane opponent, but you can easily avoid him.
His early game power makes him a threat for early levels, to win against him you need to force him to use his E twice and simply auto him after to death.
Never let him use his E on you, get his combo off and E away.”
Vodka4Gaben says “Really hard to deal with early game, just play passive and poke him until level 6, then you should completely stomp him as if he goes in, just pull in his spirit and he should be dead.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Snowball lane, similar to Mordekaiser, but you will feel it MUCH more if you are left behind. You have the advantage from levels 1-5, specially at 2, but the moment he gets his ult he can turn the fight right around at any moment. If you manage to kill him twice you will have secured a significant enough lead to not have to worry about him for a while, but the core build of Renekton makes him VERY strong mid game and still useful late game, so you might want to pressure other lanes as much as you can so he can't do anything to help. Never EVER get close to him if he has around 30-40 rage, because he can E to you, W you, use emp Q, and E away, making you instantly lose the trade. You can try baiting his W with yours, but a smart Renekton will just keep AAing if he has the lead, so for this to work, you will HAVE to be as aggressive as you can.
Ignite is good if you want to kill him before 6, else TP (but tbh, if you don't kill him before 6, you are boned). Grasp is good for an early game lead, but you can try your luck at conqueror, which will help you outscale him later on. It basically depends on how confident are you in your ability to win this matchup.”
Itreallyhim says “Skill matchup, Play safe until first back.
If you kill him once you should be fine, If he kills you once you can go get a glass and cry yourself a drink.”
Rivenetto says “Insanely broken but u can win against him easy if u play properly.Take bone playing instead of second wind.He falls late game. Take 2 armor and 1 adaptive force,if u shield his W with bone plating and your E,you can win the trade.”
LycheeMochigome says “Good renek players will burst you when youre dismounted, so having a good amount of hp (~60%) will prevent him oneshotting you, also be aggressive lvl 1 with hooks, careful at lvl 2/3 depending on whether or not you hit the hooks”
Quincy98 says “Renekton is a complete counter for Fiora. Don't even bother engaging, he will chew you up and spit you out.
Instead, farm under wave and force Renekton under yout tower to engage, other then his E, Renekton has no mobility, and only get's his second charge of E if he hits you.”
DobbieTheElf says “Not a nice matchup. BIG lane bully. Try to trade when he has little to no fury. NEVER all in when he has ult, unless he is about to die.”
Wolfychu says “Very difficult Matchup. You can by trying to kill him before level 6 with the determination runepage and ignite. Or you can play safe so your jungle can try to help you .”
Anyerlaw says “Por mucho que puedas parkearle su w, con la q en furia se curará más de lo que tu le puedes llegar a quitar. Así que intenta parkearle o la q o la w.”
SuperPopo7 says “Renekton is known to be the hardest bullies in the top lane, however you can slap him up fairly well as Kled. the combo to beat Renekton is to make trades while staying on your lizard and then all in him WHILE HOLDING YOUR W, then you get your Skarll back since you still have W while dismounted ”
OGIntel says “His Q can't sustain your E poke. If he takes ignite make sure you're near full-hp before you try to finish him off, he has a lot of burst.”
GreeN1337 says “Once again mobility is needed in this matchup. Baiting out his W should be Your priority then You have a green light to go in for a good trade or even a kill.”
Dejuronto says “Renekton early game is VERY, VERY busted. He can win trades often against Mordekaiser until lvl 6, and even then, he can still win them afterwards. If you're facing against this annoying piece of... then you might want to take double armor in your rune page for special measure. If the Renekton is being aggressive, try to stay distance to cancel his secondary dash on his E, and use your W for lane sustain. Build Zhonyas Hourglass first for the extra armor and bamboozle, and you have a fighting chance against him mid game.”
miniRAGE says “Renekton's empowered stun not only shreds shields but also allows him to escape with his dash. You have to wait out his stun to fight or outplay him. Be warned.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “If you get close to Renekton, he can stun you and pull of a combo which almost always nearly kill you. Don't go in for trades and ask for ganks.”
ShinyEmo says “A good Renekton will be pure cancer. You can not trade unless he is a beginner. Ask for ganks almost every minute of the laning phase. Or he won't even let you farm. You can crush him in mid to late game and your teamfighting is better. ”
Oblak says “Renekton is a tough opponent, he can easily win a 1v1 thanks to his healing and armor penetration from his buffed E, try to stay safe a little and use your dash to escape from his attempts to get close to you.”
hephephepeEPEPE says “early game is really hard do not die and you outscale him once you get tabi's and bramble vest he can only stare at you and he will still take damage”
AkenoSenpai says “Pretty comperable to Tryndamare match up, with rene being easier (if the difficulty level would scale up to 6 i would place rene on 4 and trynda on 5.”
Jays_v says “Really hard matchup, but if you can survive the laning phase, you should able to beat him. And you scale a lot better than him.Try to not trade with him when he has furies, just playing safe.”
miniRAGE says “Renekton is very much burst damage but if you can stack up a minion wave and pop your shield before he gets in, he'll take more damage from the minions as he's trying to trade with you, and you'll heal back up while his abilities are on cooldown.”
lugzinho says “This a skill matchup
You can go PTA to try and get a lead in the early game but I usually just go Conqueror.
And as most matchups; the GW buff made so Renekton doesn't heal so much from his Q and Conqueror but his little combo of E-W-Q-E stills hurts a lot so consider taking Bone Plating into him.
But if you don't win early it's just GG since he outscales you.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “This is the champion I always ban when going Thresh top. He is probably the best lane bully for toplane so your early game will just suck. Unless you are in-front of your minions you can't even cancel his E as he will still get the second dash afterwards. There isn't any point during laning phase in which you are stronger then him so just play safe and farm. If your jungler does gank early it might help, but be careful of asking for a gank and then giving Renekton a double kill. If you farm well enough you will still be relevant mid and late game so don't just give up, but do yourself a favor and just ban Renekton to avoid having to play vs him in lane. ”
ForgottenProject says “GRASP MATCHUP (unless ur confident on Fiora)
Q poke and use MS from Vitals to get out of his Q range
Most Renektons will W right after an AA, so if you see him doing this, then try to predict the stun with your Parry
Remember he has 2 Dashes because he can reset the first off of minions, monsters, and champions
Don’t fuck up early, just survive and you will outscale
Play a skin with Vitals that are easy to see because his model is very big
Use Ex: Use Default, IG, Project, Royal Guard
Don’t Use Ex: Heartpiercer, Pool Party”
Gunford says “Hes beatable, He has sustain and his stun is very dangerous for you. When you get once ahead he is no match anymore for you. Executioners Calling is your friend in this matchup.”
Speez says “This thing is somthing for sure, hes obviously an early game champion but if you can abuse him level 1 and 2 with poke and qs you can walk out of lane winning, but if you dont well he out duels you 3-18, just be careful”
Braddik says “Dodge his W with your E and you'll win every trade, be cautious of his fury. Get him to use his R, then back away, and when its off cooldown hes vulnerable. You can kill him easily pre6 if you play it right”
AGKH says “Early game bully
Trade Window lvl 2 power spike
If you can't get an advantage by the second wave, play safe for the rest of laning phase
Beat him at 2-3 Items
Lethal Runes, DBlade”
The Lost Drawing says “Muy pesado desde que le aumentaron la curación de su 'Q'.
Si te mata una vez perdiste un poco la liena.
Si lo matas aun no ganas linea, pero si lo matas 2/3 veces ya ganaste linea.
Botas tabi de 1° objeto
Trash Collector says “Renekton is a lane bully he has stun he 2 dash and deals pretty high damage with his q after level 3 Renekton trading with renekton is dangerous because of it's All in potential and high kill pressure.Play Safe farm under turret you can overcome renekton in mid and late game but early game is where renekton is most dominant”
enderare says “just respect the fury and when he empowered w's you just q back and itll give you distance but still stun making his all in more difficult, and possibly the trade going in ur favour. ”
Pedrokis says “Muitos falam que Renekton é o maior counter de Aatrox, mas eu considero que é uma baita skill matchup. / Quando ele tiver a fúria cheia, ele vai dar aquela droga de combo que todo Renekton faz: E pra ir + W (com fúria) + Q + E pra trás - Quando ele fizer isso, tenta dar um E pra trás e tacar o W, fazendo com que ele precise te dar mais um E pra bater em ti, perdendo escape e te dando uma troca boa. / Respeita o level 6 dele, visto que no 1v1 a ult dele tem maior duração que a sua (a duração da sua ult aumenta quando você pega kills). / Cuidado pra não feedar ele no começo do game: mesmo que ele não faça muita coisa e o seu late seja melhor que o dele, ainda assim da um baita engage, o que pode possivelmente ferrar os champions mais frágeis do seu time.”
Joaking says “I used to think that Renekton was the hardest matchup for Riven, but actually he is far from it.
Your lvl 1 is the key to win the matchup, just fast combo him at lvl 1 and keep hitting him until you kill him. You'll win always at lvl 1.
After that, you should only farm until having BC+Deathdance+Tabi. Then, you can kill him free.”
qtANG says “when versing renekton, don't get caught with his stun [[ruthless predator]] or you will be below half health or even die. Try to trick him to land his stun on your clone, then just E into him and fight him as he is bad at extended trades and your auto attacks does more damage than his.”
Askio says “With Renek's update to include a Fury Shield Buster, he is dangerous since he takes one of Naut's biggest advantages out of play. Ban either him or Darius as top 3. ”
ChocoChurro says “Skill matchup. But Renekton should win early trades and potentially kill you. If you can survive until the mid-game and he wasn't fed, you'll have the advantage over him.”
ozmankaan says “*preferred built: grasp of the undead* Renek, he can phuck u anytime he want. he can damage u stuns u n then back away n u cant do anything abt it, he will go out of ur range before u can do anything. be passive against him. n yeah mid n late game u OP him. so wait for ur time, passive early game aggressive mid n late game, just keep in mind early game u have to conc on CS not him.”
Split King says “He has some annoying sustain and very strong all-in potential. Do NOT stay within his double dash range if your blind is on cooldown. Try to whittle him down slowly, but make sure to stay healthy, if you lose even a tiny amount of health he can kill you in a single combo.”
BeautifulWinter says “He will be SUPER agro prior to 6. Just watch him flip out that you won't contest him then. play passive, and don't follow your minions too far into the lane if they start heading towards his tower.
After you get level 6 is where you cream him. ”
Big Belly Bop says “All in, burst, gap closers, tankiness. Senna's favorite thing to play against! Freeze the wave and try to get your jungler to gank. Flash + TP, Corrupting Potion/Doran's Shield, Survivability rune page.”
ExfIamed says “All I can say is make sure you E FIRST before you even breathe near him, W his stun and try to Q before he Dashes away. If you don't E first he'll just stun you and full combo and dash away, his stun even while you W'd it lasts longer than your silence and since you weren't spinning you lost over half your hp meanwhile he didn't even get touched.”
Valkymir says “Whether it is a good Renekton or a bad Renekton, this match up is extremely difficult. You should play safe and wait for a jungle gank and out scale blah blah blah. ”
Verdehile says “lvl 1 is the only chance of beating him if he takes q first, If he has w +conq+ign you cant beat him lvl 1. You will outscale later with items. You dont have to fight him early because if he gets you to half hp, he can dive you if you dont have r and he's at good hp early game.”
9690 says “Skill match up that is Renekton favored early. Do NOT trade with him early. Post 6 we can fight him and win with tabis. You have to be passive early or he will snowball this lane.”
Loevely says “Grasp is a must, He's tanky, heals a lot, and deals crazy dmg, but is weaker into Rengar than Darius. Use your empowered W's to cleanse his W and you should be fine.”
ENX Kai says “This Louis Vuitton material can slice you in pieces. Point-and-click stun. Manaless. Can dodge your Q and escape with his E easily. Good at setup ganks. Play extra safe. Get bramble early as he always will need to engage with his empowered AA (W)”
Heimerdongle says “You can demolish him and blind him and he got like 100 hp left and you think: cool i will get him. Nope he will rush half ur life down before you will take his 100 hp. rip buddy”
Luthy2278 says “Now it depends on how well the renekton plays. If he knows when to trade and when to go for the kill, he can easily kill you. There is not much to do against a Renekton. Just hope to hit level 6 before he does and kill him, or dodge in champ select.”
KimJongW says “Renekton is one of the worst melee champions for Sett to fight against. Renekton can heal and stun Sett. He can also remove the massive shield Sett gains from his W. He has a dash that can chase after Sett or run away from. He scales good, not as much as before, but still good.”
Defensivity1 says “Very scary champion to be up against, whilst more manangable than tryndamere he poses just as much of a threath as jax do not trade with him before level 6, and if you trade with him be sure to have your jungeler coming to gank.”
Quezel says “Renekton can be quite brutal rush seekers tabi as normal and save your shield until after he uses his empowered w as it removes your shield and dont give him short trades over and over post 6 you should win with your armor items but definitely don't underestimate this champ. This is the only matchup Boneplating is mandatory in.”
Lunasta says “A Lot of Irelia Players say Renekton is a major counter but i don't see things like that. Renekton Players are impatient much like Darius players stay safe, wait for him to make a dumb-move if you're having major difficulties wait for an ally gank.”
ProgettoYorick says “Renekton is a bully from the lane but the damage that at the beginning is almost nothing compared to the other champions, he can escape from your W and this is one of the few problems that from Renekton.
Advice from OTP:
Tabbi ninja will help you, wait for level 6 for a real fight.”
hotdog93 says “This is your #1 counter. He can beat you at *most* stages of the game, and can kill you very quickly if you're not careful. Exhaust, bone plating, Ninja Tabi, and W max are all the things you can put to use to win this matchup, but you must ALWAYS be careful of how fast he can kill you. ”
Greekamol says “Play for mid game as you just can't win lane against him even if you parry his w, his lifesteal from q and conqueror will just destroy you in lane. Play the wave correctly and farm. Call for jg too.”
KKLC547 says “good renekton player is hard to challenge he q or w you if you get close to him to counter him go e to creeps and q him and e back to be safe repeat it and you win lane”
Xelaadryth says “Hit him with tons of autos, he'll have to save his Q to hit your minions rather than you, so don't stand with your wave. When he dashes on to you, if you predict his final location won't be right next to you, energy ball to move away from his destination so he can't stun you, or just stun him and walk away. If he'll be in range to stun you, then save your energy ball for after the stun to use the max amount of movespeed increase duration if he's all-inning. If he's just harassing, you can Energy Ball to decrease his burst damage.”
Karnan says “Respect his lvl 3, especially if he runs press the attack. You outscale him so there shouldn't be a big worry, be careful that their jungler might try to give him a early lead to dominate the lane. ”
AlienMV says “Stay away from the minion wave. He will predictably try to dash through it in order to land his W and combo you. Staying away from the minion wave gives you extra time to react as he will need to dash once first.”
NasusIsMyBoy says “Renekton wont really be an issue if your farm is good but as with all the other people play it safe near tower so you dont risk feeding and making him even harder to kill”
CrimsonAngel1 says “This big guy isn't as much of a problem to you as others. His fights are easily read by his meter below his health. Like Vladimir, just back off when it's red. If he starts running at you, W away so he can't dash to you. He only gets a second dash if he deals damage with it.”
New Swain New Main says “Easily kited but he can burst you to death mid levels. You also cannot one combo kill him mid game. Early you will control lane easily til he has his ult.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Be wary of his rage bar and stun, as his combo does a significant amount of damage. Bait out his ultimate if you can, and scale better later into the game.”
Melloe says “His ability to trade with you without you being able to deal damage against his is extremely annoying, just play under your turret and try to flip him under your turret. A strategy I usually use is flipping him under your turret, and then walking away and waiting a tiny bit because most renektons will instantly try to dash away once you flip them in turret range, if you are able to instantly stop that dash with your e he will not get a second one and you can seriously burst him or even kill him.”
yetusek says “Lethal Tempo Runes. (Take resolve instead of Sorcery, Boneplating + demolish). Ignite + Flash. Dorans blade potion start. Renekton is one of the most annoying early game bullies to face as a melee top laner. Tryndamere has one opportunity to take control of the lane and that is with his level 2 power spike. Look to build up fury level one and take an extended trade with renekton. Renekton doesn't have as much sustained damage as you level one, so if it turns into an all in you should win (especially if you get any crits.) Once you get level two, you can look to spin in on renekton as well and force a trade. If you didn't get an advantage by the time you get the SECOND wave into turret before the third wave comes up then just play safe the rest of laning phase. Renekton will have a sustain and short trade advantage for the rest of laning phase and he should set Tryndamere behind typically. There are a few times when you can potentially take a good trade into Renekton pre-6 after the first two waves, but mostly thats dependent on the Renekton wasting his fury and not harassing the Tryndamere. Tryndamere can start fighting Renekton again once he has about 3 items, (essence reaver, tier two boots, and stinger.) If you want you can take tiamat into the Renekton matchup with lethal tempo if you are falling behind because tiamat allows you to waveclear and farm really fast which can catch you back up in the game. In the mid-late game you can duel renekton 1v1 outside his turret range past 3 items if you didnt fall massively behind from early game. If you want to dive renekton you have to prepare him with short trades (auto attack + spin out) under his turret until he gets about 2/3 hp and even then it can be risky. It can be a better option sometimes to look to push in and rotate to look for opportunities for a flank rather then try to deal with renekton directly.”
T_ired says “Renekton é bem chato earlygame, mas depois vai melhorando, não deixe ele te matar abaixo do level 6, pode virar um problema, jogue recuado e só avance com o jungle”
Bajnok says “Hardest match-up. This will be a hard sustain lane. Trade with your stun(W) then use your E for repositioning. Request some help from your jungle, but be careful, he can outplay both of you.”
DanteAyagawe says “Renekton's has high amount of sustainability and fair mobility, you'll be needing to keep it safe and cool, also Renekton's W can remove Mordekaiser's W(ONLY IF Renekton's REIGN OF ANGER is active), keep in mind timing is key.”
Hamstertamer says “Can bully you extremely hard early, and sadly there isn't much counterplay, just back off when he has >50 fury and itemize against him.”
Atlascrower says “Renekton is a Beast, early. Dont fight him, but poke him. He can heal much with his Q, and has 2 Gapcloser! No Chance to Kill him for you, but he can Kill you. Ninja-tabis are a nice Choice!”
AsomeSonic says “take short trades, if he has conqueror engage later when it's down, use your shield to trade and q, if he uses his dash once, get your w ready”
Polkadog says “Same as Garen. Miss your W and you just lost major chunk of your health. But unlike Garen, Rene can get out of you W and just Slice and Dice to you, R, Q, W, AA and you died in one second.
Renekton does require some skill but do not expect that the player will be brain-dead.”
Jezzzir says “Save Q for when he dashes in and you cannot lose. Wait out his ult when he pops it, but try to poke him out hard in the early game. He falls off hard, so even if you get behind with some ganks, don't worry too much.”
superbardock says “In all of my play testing, the champion I beat the least, if ever. He is as tanky as his brother but with a frustrating amount of mobility. A pure damage renekton can dash right through all of your defenses and kill you before you can even remember which button is the hourglass. Granted - in all of my play testing, once we reach the 30 minute mark he tends to fall off while I (even if feeding him all game) balance out so the game itself isn't a complete wash. Just don't be expecting to blow him up like most enemy top lanes. ”
P1Legend says “Stay back and build stacks when its safe, Leap > Q him at 3 stacks, and auto him until he decides to retaliate, Then Retreating W > W away and return to neutral. It is possible to win this match up, but DO NOT let him all in you”
Yotzuo says “This champion is also quite hard to lane against due to how disgusting strong his early and level 6 is. at level 1 I poke him down and try to get first blood because you usually win if you abuse your range. Against this champ after he gets level 3 usually, I freeze wave at tower so he cannot jump in on me and do a quick trade. I just proc klepto whenever he goes for minions and make sure he can't break the freeze. You can use your control ward for your jg to gank, but only if renekton is behind and you have a lead and if he can't 2v1 yet.”
Essela says “He has better sustain than yours and more damage you can try to kill him early lvl 1 or 2 but after lvl 3 he is stronger than u until u purchase your essence reaver.So try not dying.”
Rhinoface says “Has a shield break; has a trade with little counterplay. VERY hard matchup. Only tip is to ult him after he ults, if you're not already dead.”
sir monsieur says “Same as others, Renekton is a threat if he only manages to reach you and land a successful stun in a small minion wave.
Read matchup details below.”
Poppu says “Renekton, like Darius, is a strong lane bully. When he hits lvl 2 or 3, he will probably all in you with ignite. Best to play safe and build tank and peel.”
MeliMeliDH says “This matchup is quite straightforward. If Renekton dashes toward you, simply shield and run away, he can't do anything to you.
I would say this is mainly a skill matchup, that favours karma a little bit. The important thing to remember is that his W now breaks your shield, if he has above 50 fury. You should mainly use your shield to run away or block his Q. If you see him using his W (His weapon will add red particles to it on most skins), start your mantra w on him before he stuns you. Your second activation of the W will still go through, eventhough you're stunned, and will nullify all his damage.”
SoulHero says “Really annoying but you outscale. Get dorans shield second wind. For some reason my bone plating barely procked on this matchup. He just dashes near, q and e's away. NEGATE HIS STUN WITH YOUR DASH and you outtrade him, but make sure you are doing this MID GAME TO LATE. You don't really win this matchup early, unless he is bad, lvl 6 be careful, he might dive you with his jg. Remember, you outscale, so play safe.”
litboijustinx says “This matchup can be tricky to learn. Most renekton players tend to just build up rage and then go for their standard E-Q-W trades. Make sure to avoid him when he has his rage as he could 100-0 you. However, Jayce has the advantage as long as you're able to keep distance away from the Renekton and prevent getting stunned by his W.”
DivineShadows says “You're not going anywhere near this guy, too much of a bully in early to late. But you scale much HARDER than him, once you get full build and 16 you can 1v1 him, still be careful though.”
Vodka4Gaben says “Try to not fight him because he will just E in, Stun you, Q and E out. He will burst you down and you won't have hp. The moment you see him use his E, engage him because thats the only chance you got.”
jmothemtgahole says “Positioning is key with Renekton. Don't stay too close and space your turrets about 50 units farther apart than normal to maximize your MS buff and minimize the efficacy of his dashes. placing turrets in a perpendicular barrier line is suicide, stick with triangle formation with two in front, one in rear. ult with missiles instead of grenade in this matchup.”
Dorwu says “Outplayable, but you gonna really need to keep the range, once you get hit by his W and you cant run away instantly, youre most likely dead.”
MehmetPower69 says “Nothing really to mention he will beat you in every single trade so try to punish him when he makes mistake and farm over him. The least thing you want in a game is a fed renekton.”
TiuHiikou says “Dont trade him untill he waste his ult, early game he's too strong for u to deal by yourself. Farm, get big and make him waste his ult, after that, he's dead.”
Lynboe says “Renekton est l’adversaire le plus populaire de Darius, vous gagnez naturellement les trades au lvl 1, 2 et 4 mais il dominera naturellement le un contre un jusqu’au lvl 13, cela est dû à la capacité de Renekton à prendre des trades courts alors qu’avec Darius vous souhaitez vous battre sur de longs trades.
Il est conseillé d’éviter de vous battre à moins d’avoir l’opportunité de le punir tant que vous n’avez pas des Tabi Ninja ainsi qu’un Phage qui vous permettront de le suivre même si il dash-out.
Une fois que Renekton ne peut plus s’enfuir facilement vous pourrez le détruire en toute impunité.
Jnewbringspain says “Renekton is a pure skill matchup and it is all about landing Counter Strike at the precise time. When you know he is about to activate Ruthless Predator, this is when you want to Counter Strike. It dodges the skill and you should be able to out trade him. Be cautious with this matchup because the slightest mistakes will lose the lane.”
messketchup says “It's an easy matchup but you should still respect his 6. If he ults he'll kill you faster than you can kill him. Also his R does aoe magic damage so tabis won't be enough. He also has two dashes to dodge your Q and if Darius doesn't land Q... he dies. Other than that he gets outscaled too hard. Even if you're behind you'll prevent him from doing his things because you'll grab and dunk him whenever he goes aggro on your team.”
ThomasRemastered says “matchup défavorable pour sion, ce crocodyle va vous mettre midlife et vous aurez également beaucoup de difficultés à farm, vous ne pourrez jamais push dans ce genre de matchup”
LiquidBlyr says “Only do short trades with him. He has to build his attack meter off of minions (or you) in order to get bonus effects on his Q, W, E. You want to Q>W>AA E away,”
ShockTheWave says “with the new buff with renekton he can now Destroy Your shield in a instant and he will also Poke you a lot so just stay in your Tower and ask for help ”
Sonny2o9 says “One of the biggest counters to Jarvan IV Top. He out damages you and out sustains you. Only winnable if you abuse him levels 1-3. You win this matchup if you go even. ”
Angela du Seithr says “Renekton est un destructeur de lane, il est difficile de s'opposer à lui, qu'importe le champion que l'on choisi. Toutefois, grâce à votre E vous pouvez imposer votre rythme tout en le respectant.”
PandaSenpai101 says “This is a skill based matchup, as you have to try and predict his W. Good Renekton players will just wait for you to parry, and then use his W. Wait for your late game.”
Devitt45 says “Renekton has a stronger early game than you around level 2+ until you get your first Cloak of Agility or possibly even Infinty Edge. Just don't feed him early and try to survive till late game. You will eventually out damage him and be able to kill him.”
Jnewbringspain says “You must play this one really careful, especially after his empowered W was buffed to break shields. If he has over 50% fury, don't engage him. You can block it with your W though so not all hope is lost, but he is very difficult and overwhelming. Only engage if you know you have the advantage.”
Dr.G Killa says “Hard matchup. You need to be very skilled with Darius to win a Renekton, but you simply canno't beat this champion when he has Ignite or Fury Stacked, the early game Is even, but when he builds Shojin+BC he becomes unstopabble. Insane CC,Damage,Sustain and buffs.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “He has quite a bit of sustain so it won't be easy with this one. When you are charging at him, use your W when you get close because he'll try to stun you. It will lower the stun duration and damage as well.”
Prince Afghan says “Renekton is strong in the early game but falls off quite hard. Do your best to survive and get your cs and wait till you have Triforce to engage him without your jungle.”
M2 Jizu says “Meh, puedes bloquear su Stun con tu W. atraviesa tu Q siempre y no le inicies con tu E :)
No es muy difícil este matchup, tranqui, si necesitas las tabis compralas en el primer back y si no las necesitas entonces compra armadura. :)”
AmnesiaT says “Dont let him hit you with his high fury Q. Avoid getting into fight when he has high fury. Ask for help but if you follow my advice you can kill him.”
MadMaster523 says “This matchup isn't the easiest for gnar because if you disrespect him and get too close when his fury is a bit high, he can burst u down from full health to about half health. Only try to auto him when his fury bar is less than half.”
adzzb says “Renekton is one of those champs that still has kill potential even if he's doing shit in lane. Same as normal laning, trade constantly and make sure you try to trade when his rage bar is down.”
JosEffigy says “Killable early on. If he gets a lead on you, you can't do much in lane. Buying ruby crystals early helps with this lane.
Lil Tidepod says “Renekton can be annoying. Point and click CC, a decently long double dash, and his fury passive make Renekton an irritant in the top lane. When his fury is full, I suggest not messing with him. Keep in mind that your Q is easily canceled by his stun, and can easily get out of your Q with his dash. Once you build some armor, as long as Renekton isn't fed you should be able to push past him, and probably get a kill or two. The early laning phase is definitely most difficult against this champion.”
JosEffigy says “This is a skill matchup. You can almost never snowball this lane, you can stay even until about 2 kills. Make sure to shield his empowered W.
but once you get tanky enough, you can win.”
BrvndonLmao says “Pretty difficult matchup, try your best to just play it out and don't get all in'd as much, if you see he used his stun, try and then go for trades, or even possibly all in him.”
naejshaw says “Com a build de eletrocutar, Jayce deve se manter na forma ranged e buscar pokear o Renekton. No caso de all-in do renekton, alterar para a forma melee e afastar o oponente. Evitar trocas prolongadas, pois o intuito da build é dar mais dano em um curto espaço de tempo, e o cc do W do Renekton”
Kaydo says “All bruisers are pretty scary. You should dominate early but once they get 1-2 items it can get pretty scary since they can 1 shot you. If they can't kill you in a rotation of spells, you kill them”
iam2sxy1 says “an attack damage renekton will be a hard thing to beat especially when he gets his dash and gap closes his way and heals with q best option is to either go super agressive from start to end or wait for ganks”
LighterDay says “Renekton's stun ability can prove troublesome in solo fights, but what makes him even with Mordekaiser is that if in Morde ult, Renekton cannot dash away too far. Even out of combat, Morde's E can pull Renekton back to him.”
ImpossibleLogic says “The Stomper of Low elo. This monster will always out trade you when he goes for trades. Your safest option is to poke him and when he goes in CC him with your Q's and W and E away.”
LighterDay says “Renekton has the advantage in a lane match because of his passive, stun, high damage, and escapes. All of these make Renekton a difficult laner to deal with, but not an impossible one.”
GrGamingTeo says “Try to dodge his q as often as you can while trying to be aggressive level 1 and 2 with your q slaps. You will take over the lane with early aggression. The best thing to do is to try to time your w his his stun, is you can do this perfectly everytime then simply chase him with your q and spinn abd you will win every trade.”
GrGamingTeo says “He wil e on you, stun you, heal back and then e back making you look like a fool so deny him any chance to farm or even attack a minion because he will fill his rage bar. If he pushes the wave to your tower just freeze it nearby your tower and keep zoning him off.”
DrMoneybags says “The Renekton lane is basically a giant snowball lane. If he kills you early, GG. But if you kill him early, GG. Taking ignite will help tip the odds in your favor, so I suggest doing so. Ideally you want to force trades early when he has no rage and your W is up. Follow up his double dash with your E. Be warned though: NEVER stay in lane when you're dismounted against a renekton with rage and abilities up. A simple flash>W>Q>Ignite from him will guarantee that you die even if you have 99 courage. ”
kubsak26 says “He is surprisingly easy only thing that you need to be aware of is to hit your q before he jump on you but even if he does that he will not kill you instanty because of your w. You need to stay sharp in early and gently farm your minions until u get all 3 of your abilitis then start poking him carefully though. When you get some of your items youcan start serching some all in's. But remeber your main objective is to proc your dark harvest and stack w you will get kills eventually so don't do any risky play if you not sure you will succeed.”
Twitchtv Quash says “YOU WILL NOT WIN EARLY. YOU JUST WONT. RENEKTON LOSES TO YOU JUST GET OUT OF THE EARLY GAME AND SMASH HIM. Do not engage early you will die every time unless they are a horrible player.”
The_CuItivator says “The Croc is the bully of the toplane. You miss your Q he will jump in do his combo and leave there is nothing to do about it. Hurt him before he hits 3 then try to keep on the pressure and get kill before 6. JG help is highly recommended.”
Speedy the dart says “Start doran's blade, get an early bramble vest if you need to. Go Ignite.
Easier than people say. Bring aftershock, E him when he dashes in to trade, BEFORE he uses a combo. Land a Q after the E and you should win this matchup. Don't use Q unless you land an E, if he dodges your Q or stuns you before you proc aftershock you will die.”
OnionMilkshake says “The Stomper of Low elo this monster will always out trade you when he goes for trades your safest option is to poke him and when he goes in cc him with your Q's and W ad E away
(Recommended: Conq)”
BOOTSAKATSAKA says “renecton is dangerous too his health and his armor is high enough and its recommended to ask your jg too help u deal out with him in early stage after that garen can easily kill him”
Dr.Chrishock says “Trade him before you fight take care of his W let him push cz he cant escape use ur Flash E when he pushes tower
late ofc you counter him he is just a pain early”
Khazem says “Unlike other bruisers, Renekton is a bigger threat early on and will become a lot easier to deal with later on. Just play it a little safer early, save your shield for when he tries to engage on you with a red rage bar (if you can shield his empowered stun, that would be ideal), and always look to retaliate after one of his engages as all of his abilities will be on cooldown. Build some armor early to deal with the heavy damage.”
Ethereal Ezio says “Rene can get to you and get out with his combo while having okay sustain from his q, and great sustain with his ult. You can't fight him with his stun, so farm up and call for ganks.”
yetiwar says “DO NOT jump on him if he is over 50 fury! He can kill you with an W combo!
NÃO pule nele se ele está acima de 50 de fúria! Ele pode te matar com um combo do W.”
Tokor says “Plaque d'os et peut-être des Tabi Ninja suivant le jungler seront nécessaires pour survivre à l'early game. Une fois lvl 11, kitez le proprement loin de vos sbires et ça devrait passer.”
The Lost Drawing says “Letal a nivel 2 para casi cualquier 'top-laner'.
Necesitas reflejos demasiados buenos ya que su salto es muy rápido.
Tiene buen daño y normalmente llevan algo de robo de vida (eso como j*d*)
>>> La 'Poción de Corrupción' para aguantar su empuje, runas defensivas de preferencia 'Coraza de huesos' pero que no falte el 'Conquistador'
>>> 'Botas Tabis' si piensas hacerle duelos, sino te sale rentable comprarlas por la composición de su equipo compra las mercuriales y evita duelos con el
>>> Tu TF es mejor pensando de manera estratégica mas que nada que por tu 'R', así que usa tu imaginación”
ElleryTheViking says “Better player generally wins this one, but Olaf has the upper hand. Abuse him level 1, you have control, same with level 2. Just watch out for empowered Q's. Post 6 it's pretty easy. If his E is on CD, ult ghost and all in. He'll have to make a last stand and use everything but he's ability orientated, he can't match the DPS on your Q. However, if your ult is on CD and he has ignite, he could get a kill on you too, so be careful.”
godv4r says “Don't be scared when he has a lot of burst, rush nija tabis and when he used all of his abilities, you can just run him down.
Bring ghost”
kingkang2 says “Renekton has an oppressive early game. He wins trades by going in, doing his little combo, and going out. Play safe and ask for your jungler's help. Hit 6 and trading gets a lot easier if Renekton doesn't have a lead.”
SynergyXO says “you win level 1 and 2. after that, watch his fury bar, dont trade with him when he has it half or more. hard match up. play it patiently and dont let him cheese you with his early game damage”
Samas says “You can block his W with yor E, but that is pretty difficut to do, also he can have up to two dashes while you have one leap so you might get outraded by a good renekton player. Whoever gets a lead will win the lane if not thrown.”
Naniboi101 says “Renekton is pretty annoying. Like Riven he usually goes ignite and he can have 2 dashes in quick succession to out dash you. Like Riven this watch up depends on if you can parry most of the dmg or parry his w. One tip that I have is to build tank so you don't get bursted and just out sustain him.”
E61K says “Start Doran's Blade and go for Conqueror. An early-mid game monster. In the right hands, that is. The way you play against the Croc is you don't let him run away after he dashes in to trade with you, blowing all his CD's. It's a skill match-up that can go either way eary-mid game. Late game however you will naturally win against him if you happen to 1v1 him. Renekton is dependent on his abilites and can't do much if he doesn't have his abilities up. Darius on the other hand has lower CD abilities and a passive which makes his autos hurt a lot. Rush Tabis agaisnt him or if the enemy teamcomp doesn't really allow it go for Raptor Cloak. You need early armor against him since you don't want to lose more than half of your health off of a combo. Save your E to pull him back in after he dashes out. If he is quick you won't be able to but he basically zones himself off of farm after he trades with you and you save your E. Whoever kills the other in this match-up will be dictating what happens in lane. ”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: High base damage, sustain, Tankiness, point & click CC. Weaknesses: Out-scaled, Low defensive mobility. Similar to Riven in that he has pretty good early game damage potential, but he also has a stun but is much harder to predict and can out-sustain you. Typically, you want to try and poke with your Q frequently when his Q is down and focus on CS-ing. Typically, a Renekton will get on top of you using his E and once he's on top of you he will try using his W which is his stun. Be aware of how close he gets so you can prepare for the riposte. Also pay attention to his fury bar as when its half way his abilities become empowered and his W does 3 autos now instead of 2. This is what most Renekton's will use when their Fury Meter is ready as it is a great source of damage. If he goes Conqueror, build towards a Phage early, at the very least get a ruby crystal with your Tiamat. If he goes Press The Attack, go for a Ninja Tabi early on because most of his damage is going to come from his auto attacks and W after PTA is activated. TL; DR: Keep track of his Fury Meter as when it gets above 50% is when he’s most likely aiming for a trade or all in and he can 100 to 0 you with a near full Fury Meter.”
Miracle Matter says “Get armor for Zz'Rot early. He can one-shot you during the stun otherwise, not allowing you to ulti.
He will often feel like an impossible matchup for about 5 minutes, after which point he becomes useless compared to the overwhelming utility, damage and pressure you bring compared to him. If you aren't strong enough to 1v1 him, then just group and win the game via teamfighting, which is a skill of Zilean's he can *never* match.”
NOH giel says “Renekton can very easily jump on you to 'trade', when he does this, you can do almost nothing back before he jumps away except hit your Q. In this way he will always win the trades.
Also his ult is very irritating to counter your ult.”
LeGwadeloupeens says “Il sera votre crocodile de compagnie vous pouvez éviter son étourdissement avec votre W et en dehors de son combo, il ne représente pas une menace pour vous.
drunken hunter says “Renekton is just one of Rengars nightmares. He got the tankyness, he got the dmg, the (Q) that heals him if he has one full bar of fury, a 1.5 sec stun as auto hit, a dash that can be used 2 times if he hits one of your minions or if he hits you. When you think you almost got him he will activate his ult and get more health.
You can try to trade him if you are lvl 3 and he is lvl 2. Wait for his stun and that the fury bar is not filled to the half. ”
kkiskk says “The one that gets killed first will lose laning phrase so try to kill him if he drop his combo on you. He can E twice if he E on an enemy first so wait til he used his second E to chase him with your E. He is rather weak after his combo so always fight him when he has no W or E. Watch out when he has his rage bar half full, his damage will be boosted. His normal combo is wait til rage bar half full then E -> W ( stun you 1.5s ) -> Q -> second E dash out something like that or just E -> Q -> E dash out. He may all-in you once he reach lv 6 as his ultimate gives him HP / AOE damage / continuous supply of rage which is very annoying. Play safe after lv 6.”
SeaWeeb says “He will dash and stun you. Do not move forward unless you are attacking front line minions from your back line. Play safe, ward, and try to gank.”
Sion says “Massive lane bully, just farm and roam. Don't let him fight you, and sit a little further from minions when he has rage up because he can E+Q+E and take like 20% of your HP with just two abilities.
TSA_Exotic says “With his E to dash in, stun, Q and dash right back out before you can do anything he has the chance to force you to back a lot in a game, but if you can keep him in check and not give him a kill or two early then you will eventually start to win trades against him and from there you control him.”
TheNecromancerr says “Very strong first few levels. Don't fight him when his Fury is stacked. Also you can kill him whenever from level 3. And you out scale him pretty much.”
SkullNatoR says “a good renekton will make your lane nightmare, buy phantom dancer then mallet so he doesn't one shot you
your only hope is when he wastes either his e or w on farming, then you can all in him, make sure there is enemy minion behind you for disengaging which is specifically important in this matchup
Proxxecube says “Renekton's a big ol meanie, and should be treated like a temper tantrauming baby. Just leave him alone so he can't throw any baby bottles at you, collect yourself and your farm, and come back with a belt (please don't do that). His oppression early game can be enough to shut you down hard, so stay safe under tower and get the items you need to beat his butt.”
S4TAN ES MI DI0S says “He'll bother you in lane because he has a way to get close to you, make you a lot of damage and escape so don't try to fight him. Remember that Zilean is not very ressistant.”
Vonhoons says “Very strong early which is your counter. Play safe behind your wave and farm with Q. If you e's towards you e away and maybe try and trade with him if he doesn't have rage.
Build Iceborn first here if you're hard losing.”
Zahkar00 says “Take Grasp.
If he goes Conqueror than just engage whenever it isnt up, pretty ez.
If he has PTA than you will have to wait till you have some armor to fight him.”
polarehare says “This guy ans Nasus are just huge pieces of doo doo :/ his trades aren't as cancerous as his dog bretherin as his spins can be countered by your abilities, but, he somehow pull's damage from his croc a**. Trying to 1v1 him or Nasus is like punching a 4 meter thick brick wall, with spikes made of diamonds.”
Trixelkour says “Dominant laner but falls off late game as you stack up on armor. Take Grasp for poke and sustain, or Phase Rush to play around team fights and skirmishes. Get an early Tabi or Sunfire to duel him, but avoid 1v1s, as he can chunk you.”
Autoswitched says “difficult, just play safe and farm. If he jumps on you, e away, if he does a full combo, don't let him get away and fight him due to his cooldowns being down, so at least trade an auto, e and q.”
E61K says “The definition of a lane bully. Renekton will E into you, do his rotation of abilities to chunk you hard and then proceed to dash back out. You can't let him wait for his CD's to come off cooldown and do the same thing over and over again to you. You gotta trade with him when his abilities are on CD. He is extremely dependent on his CD's. Without his abilities off CD Renekton isn't able to do much. You have to play this lane passively since Renekton's damage is insane early and mid game especially when snowballed he can one shot you without building lethality items.”
Omega best says “Renek is hard, not much you can do but at least try baiting him toward your tower and just farm and call for ganks and build armor and you will be ok, but dont attack him early game because he is alot stronger than you so play safe and just poke him while avoiding not to get poked.”
Zachlikespizza says “This is the one. He will make your life hell. You cannot trade with him because he can e in when you go to q and then perform his stun combo. Play extremely safe and do your best to trade when his dash is down. AND ALWAYS MAINTAIN DISTANCE.”
Mouadyam says “careful for his short trades with his dash, again those are your weakness. save your e to bring him back after his second dash, and take some early armor, try to kill him level 2 / 3, and dont underestimate his damage later on.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “This damn crocodile will do his combo on you for half your health more than often. Start Doran's shield and rush Tabi. You can solo him after you get IE and some HP”
Randomletters says “He is one of your strongest Counters You'll want to play safe around him.
Do not engage with him He beats you in short Trades. If you can parry his stun You might have a slight chance
Cyl1nd4 says “He will destroy you in lane for sure. Farm safely and let him shove in the wave. If he goes in for a combo and chunks you, be sure to return some damage as his cooldowns are decent. If his redbar is full you should run ;) you will be dead in no time. Back if you get to low!
Mr Regular says “Annoyance
He can out-lane bully you, and has a more consistent way to poke and run to safety(especially when around minions)
Bait him into your tentacles, and smack his soul to oblivion”
Snaill says “hardest match-up for me, due to the fact that if he goes in you need to have your passiv up. when he dash in, auto attack him to nulify his burst, never stand near to him. if he waste his combo on your shield and dash out, take the trade.”
Rading says “Just unfair. He can OS your boxes at any time of the game, making it almost impossible to kill him especially with his dashes and stuns. Busted champ, i always ban him.”
Skullsunderer says “Hard engage, easy escape and high damage. Pull him when he does first dash to get at least one hit on him before he rolls out. Leave him alone if he has a full fury bar, red means stop on any champion with a Fury or Rage bar. He will mostly likely poke you with his Q when you go in to CS. He is a early game monster, his kit will lose damage as the game goes on.”
joelblack says “All about distance. American Crocodile will fuck you as Mini Gnar so poke him down before he can attack you. Mega Gnar will be an even match against his ult, just stunlock him and as long as he's low enough, you'll win. Mage or Titan runes will do well. ”
Ashnard says “You have stronger damage and sustain than renekton at any stage, but his combo is much quicker and easier to pull off than yours. Never let him get free trades as he can easily all in you early on with filled fury bar.”
DERPFISHrejects says “He's WAY more mobile than you. However, you have the damage and tankiness to trade back, as well as the ability to force him to respect you. Try to establish a health lead prior to level 3 and you can beat him.”
unkbugado says “you only win that if you're against a retarded renekton that don't know how to play against morde and makes long trades every time, just wait for some ganks”
DuhBrandon says “Other than Renekton's damage he isn't much of a threat considering your shroud is perfect kiting him and poking him until you can all in. All you have to do is get ahead and snowball.”
galvapheonix says “ Renekton is a fairly hard match up in my opinion. He deals a lot of damage, has a lot of lifesteal, can escape your trap and is naturally tanky with no mana costs. The best way to beat him here is to just build as much armor as you can and be sure to rush Thornmail. Wait for him to use ultimate before attacking him otherwise you will lose.”
thedunkening111 says “Guy's most likely going to e into you to do his bread and butter trade. When he dashes forward, q him and walk away. Really tough matchup because this guy is basically you, but is a top laner and has AD ratios.
Take Aftershock”
Thoir says “To beat Renekton in 1 v 1 you have to wait for his W. When its on CD you can do a fast trade, and, if his ragebar is low you can even kill him in a long trade.”
kagaroo says “🔴Counter Matchup🔴
Threat Scale: 8.7/10
➡️This matchup is very similar to volibear and darius, Renekton has a really toxic trading pattern and his kill threshold is insane. To win this matchup you need to snowball and establish lane control early before he gets his fury + spells. You NEED to respect his fury and a good renekton will have good fury control and stomp trundle. It is definitely winnable but it's a hard matchup and depends on how well renekton can space and cycle spell cooldowns. Try to buffer your Q for his W and kite backwards to stop renekton from E1+E2 out. Try to keep your ult until after renekton ults because he gets a lot of HP + resistances. you MUST respect renekton.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad renekton vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average renekton vs Average Trundle ➡️50/50 skill matchup
Good renekton vs Good Trundle ➡️ 65/35 renekton/trundle, renekton SHOULD win but Trundle can win.”
Haxorr says “I really despise this matchup. May just be a skill issue but I suck at playing vs Renekton as Fiora. Need to play aggressive early on before he hits 6, otherwise you will just lose every all-in. Very important to not die in this matchup at all, as if you die once you will never be able to fight him again unless you get a nice comeback from teamfights/skirmishes etc. Conqueror with Doran's blade is good here, can take bone plating with resolve tree and play aggressive early on, though I don't really think it's worth doing as renekton will just bounce the 3rd wave back into you and it's impossible to kill him then. Therefore, I recommend giving prio in this matchup and potentially taking a more defensive setup like grasp with doran's shield. Both can work, try to parry his w or his q”
AdeptDrax says “nobody plays him in low elo and if they do they mostly suck, in mid-high elo he's your main ban. Why? he breaks shields which is your main gimmick here and aside from that he outdps and outsustains you.”
CactEyez says “Strong early against you, play very slow and farm with Q is possible. His empowered W will break your E shield so use it frequently instead of one big shield. Wait until a couple items and then 1v1 becomes easier.
Start Items:
- D.Ring -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
GGG Seep says “[Grasp Inspiration/Sorcery] [Aery Resolve] ----
Grasp Inspiration is the safe option, Aery Resolve is if u are confident in winning the lane, swap Second Wind for Boneplating”
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