Top Lane 50.77% Win Rate81% Pick RateKennen Top Lane Counters: 33 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Kennen in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Loocalol says “Runes: Comet
Early: Q start, play for cs and manaflow.
Tips: After 1st reset you can look for poke but honestly just farm up and mark him in teamfights.”
GodKingwastaken says “Similar to vayne, take second chance and doran's shield, rush mercury and MR, try not to die and wait for ganks. you can try chase him with ghost when u got ur mercurys,”
liucan says “I played vs him 2 times in a row, both times i got ahead thanks to my jungle, he stills oneshots me. Rush some mr early, play safe, if he is close to tower to get towershot then fastrade him or if he waste E, u have to learn to dodge Q. After some items u win 1v1, but he still is a menace to teamfights.”
Maniaxx says “Kennen’s poke damage is reduced by Mundo’s health regeneration and Sadism (R), allowing Mundo to stay healthy even through his Q (Thundering Shuriken) poke.
Kennen can be hard to deal with in lane due to his range, but Mundo can poke back from distance with his Q (Infected Cleaver).
How to deal with Kennen:
Avoid his R (Slicing Maelstrom) combo: Kennen’s ultimate can be deadly if you’re caught in it. Position carefully during team fights to avoid getting stunned.
Build MR (Magic Resist): Kennen deals magic damage, so early MR can mitigate a lot of his poke damage.”
a_k_z7 says “ranged top lane treatment really
play safe early and just try to farm
after 1/2 recalls you can look to trade with her
he can stun poke and speed him self up really annoying hard to play around
with aery and ignite his early is so hard play safe and farm
even when you e him into a wall he can stun and ran away
the only way for you to kill him so try to poke him and avoid his skillshots
ganks are hard since he can r and stun both of you”
parker3n9 says “This is one of the most boring lanes you’ll play. Kennen will primarily stay back and throw Q to poke you while avoiding direct interaction. Your main goal is to farm safely and look for opportunities to land a good E when your jungler is present for a gank. Outside of that, Kennen can stay disengaged, so your focus should shift to teamfights. When looking to fight condsider grabbing exhaust with unsealed spellbook as that will make Kennen compeltely useless in teamfights.
Recommended Runes: Unsealed Spellbook
Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleport or Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “This matchup can be painful, so starting with Doran's Shield and Second Wind is a must for sustain. Take PTA and focus on short trades, especially when your parry is off cooldown and he’s already used his Q. Use your minions to block his Q as best you can, and keep track of his stacks to avoid getting stunned. If he has two stacks on you and hasn’t used his W yet, he’ll either use it immediately or wait for you to use your parry, depending on how experienced they are. In this situation, I recommend waiting a bit and trying to parry it quickly after (like a 0.5-1s window). If you miss, take note for next time. Hexdrinker is a possibility in this matchup, and can help you not get one shot when he ults. Last stand
Coke Rat says “Kennen will not get close to you and will poke you down until he can burst you. Pay attention to any errors and stick to him, you have enough damage to kill him.”
Raideru says “This matchup is basically just w spamming and only jumping on him whenever he wastes q so he can't stun u when you jump on him and run away. I advise PTA in this lane with Tiamat rush depending on how little mistakes he's making.”
Basilli says “FLEET RUNES
You're purely relient on him making HUGE mistakes, just try and scale. If you land Q>W you can bully him a bit but it's unlikely if he uses his E properly. Look for Q poke since his sustain isn't great but
don't pointlessly run at him, his disengage is too short CD. If you do get on top of him then eat him when he ults, that way you'll get stunned when he's in your belly and the stun won't
matter. ”
Houcs says “This champ has alot of stuns that can interupt your E so be mindful of that.
Wait for lvl 6 to be able to pull him into your tower but you could also look for Flash E but very difficult to fight that opportunity.
He is very deadly in teamfights too, so keep in mind that this champ also likes to flank.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “bastard champ >:(
avoid getting poked for free, drop minions if necessary in early-game to keep a high health. try to bait out his Q and go for a trade. avoid W auto proc. overall if he cant combo you with spells for a stun = go for trade”
SemenDrinker says “2nd Wind D shield Comet setup
Little mole guy. Rush mercs and hes worthless. Your arcane comet q1 q2 dmg does way more than this guy does. But when he E's into you start kiting and spacing backwards since he's going to look for an ult. All in all if you don't get poked out too much you shouldn't lose this lane. if you lose hard after Mercs you can go hexdrinker.”
IvanBeifong says “The champ is obnoxious, if you get to bait his E, you should be able to engage to him, you deal more damage and heal more than him, try getting short trades, you can go Electrocute against him.
His ult is one of the best in the game for teamfights.”
PetriciteLoL says “His ult is really good, however he is a pain in the ass in lane due to his mobility and high poke damage. Best bet is to Q max and try to trade but be careful his hitbox is small and he's fast making him hard to hit. W max could also work with Conq but Comet with Q is preferred.”
Frankoloko says “Take shield + second wind. Biggest tip is to E+Q push waves. Kennen sucks at wave clear early on. In team fights ult him because we will hurt your team. Rush Rylai's as it gives you a MUCH BETTER chance at sticking to him. Go boots (probably mercs) second to make his stun last less & give you more movement speed. After he uses his dash is a good time to ult & all in. His dash is the big problem in his kit.”
Body Those Fools says “You outrange him. Do your best to dodge his Qs or hide behind minions. If he Ults you, you can just Ult him away, use Zhonya's Hourglass if you have it, or drift away. In teamfights try to Ult him off of your team when he Ults. Poke him down and all-in him when he's low.”
Zagreus16 says “A lightning Rat that will just spam Q on you and melt you. D shield helps a lot but you wont do much until you can get stride so you can limit his mobility and stick to him. make sure you take TP here cause you wont cheese him early”
CrimsonL7 says “pretty easy matchup. Dodge his poke and buy mercs and you can just W on top of him and get a good trade then disengage pretty easily. (or just kill him lol) ”
step1v9 says “Hard matchup but winnable if Kennen is a bad player. Look for E+auto and later E+auto+tiamat trades to chip away and set up all-ins. Be aware his E gives him an AS buff after it expires, so try not to auto trade with him there. He will use his W to trade you so just back off when it's active.”
Raideru says “Farm till lvl 3 and let the wave come into you, poke him with q whenever he tries to auto and do short trades with your e, if his e is ever down try to run him down on that timer cause he can't escape you otherwise, matchup is relatively easy cause you just hard outsustain his poke and put him in bad position, keep in mind at lvl 9 you can one shot him with e + aa + w + q + r + aa combo if you are ahead or even”
Azzin says “Just go the magic shield rune (forgot the name) coupled with phase rush to get out of his R, outside of that it's a standard range matchup, prioritize XP and HP over golds, as the worst thing for you is being forced to recall.”
Haxorr says “Worst matchup in the game. I would strongly recommend permabanning this champion if you are in high elo, as he isn't played as much in lower elos. Your job in this lane is to survive until midgame and ensure that Kennen doesn't come out of lane with a huge lead.
Start DShield and take Grasp setup above, start q and take little q trades on him if he walks in your wave. Rush Trinity and do your best to farm safely and not get killed. For trades, you can jump on him any time he uses his q on a minion and has no stacks on you. e -> q on him -> stun -> auto + w -> walk away.”
Arthapsic says “Let him autoattack you once or twice while in your wave to let him push into your tower. Try to farm and scale but mostly if you get exp it's good. Trade only with fully stacked Q and W up so you can negate his damage. After 6 if he is on your side of the lane ( if the lane is long ) you can all in him and chase him down with ghost. If you R before his E he gets slowed and doesn't get that much movement speed. If he is ahead in kills don't try to 1v1 him and just farm. If his E is down and you are healthy enough you can almost always kill him if you hit your spells. First strike is good in the matchup but depends if you feel comfortable with it”
orka4.sandraj says “Freaks out the second you deal 1 dmg, runs around like a madman and strikes you in your worst moment. Be careful around da hamster. ”
TeiWasTaken says “This is one of the worse ranged toplaners. He will CC you then disengage with E, preventing you from actually killing him. Try to hit 3 before him, most Kennens do not level up E before 3, so if you manage to mark him with your E when he does not have his E, you win”
Make sure whenever u all-in him, to slow him down with W or E when he uses his E.
It's okay to ult him early in this matchup.”
Ulsur says “Annoying but winnable, you outscale him but he's on par with you in teamfighting, if not a little bit better, if you dodge enough Qs you'll be fine, rush Hexdrinker and Mercs and he'll have basically no damage, he still can escape everything you try to throw at him and he'll end up slowly eating away at your HP while his HP is full, so go for small trades until he uses his E and you can then punish.”
NegativePhoenix says “This little guy is very hard to catch out unless he used his E to chase after you so I'd just avoid trying to hop on him as he won't make it easy if possible to hit him. He isn't impossible to play against but his kit does hinder yours if he's able to get his passive stacks up when you try for an engage. More than likely if you want him dead you'll have to play around your jungle for this matchup”
Hotch says “Avoid poke to the best of your ability. Try to take prio early especially if he goes E first. Trapping him in W with ghouls is an easy kill. ”
KingJoeyy says “Doran's shield or Doran's rings me personally would go shield but you can go Doran's ring as long as you have second wind. you want to hide behind minions to not get hit by Q yes, he will poke you, but he will also take minion agro and lose cs, this is where u will have advantage with gold lead. take ghost here.”
forlid says “Kennen is one of the most annyoing lanes, as he is ranged, has mobility, no mana issues and a lot of CC. There isn't much to do in this lane but to just sit under tower and wait for your jungler. If your jungler ignores you, you are practically doomed. You might as well roam at that point. Early MR helps.”
procatking says “PTA, ignite,D shield , take rune NO.1.
*Skill matchup*
try to hide behind the wave and quick trade with W-Q combo.
its more of a annoying matchup rather hard. do your best to avoid getting 3 stacks on u and u good to go.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/flash, spellbook. I hate this rat. Buy mercs early. Dont use e or r until he used his e. Tenacity in runes. You can only kill him with r. Great target to r in team fights ”
SenSen_LoL says “Hard to trade with because of his Q and stun. His E helps him survive your all in easily.
Once he gets 6, he can obliterate you.
As for Gwen and Akali, I advice you to buy a Negatron cloak on your second back, as this will help you survive his burst.”
MaesePerez says “Take comet, silence him in teamfights and kill him before he gets his ult off, annoying in lane but second wind and passive should be enough for you to farm even and outscale. ”
X_TRM says “(Start W) Impossible Matchup. He can poke you to oblivion and he can point and click CC you. If you try to engage onto him he will E out. Not to mention that his Ult is literally just op burst machine and you will be forced to use your Flash in order to say alive. Recommend dodging or praying that your team carries the game. He's way better in teamfights if his flash is up. Stride - Trinity - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks”
forlid says “Arcane Comet is a must here as Conqueror offers zero value in lane. Hexdrinker early is a good option. If you let him push you should focus on punishing him always when he goes for minions but don't get too low. Poke him with Q whenever possible and look for an all in when he is low. Keep in mind that his E gives him an enormous mobility boost so don't waste abilities on him if he uses it.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS E MAX
little rat, but considering he's more of a mage than a dps marksman you can actually just eat his poke and farm, and late game you can run him down incredibly easily. Phase rush + resolve”
hamgi says “d shield, second wind, and early mantle. avoid poke by going for cs when he goes for cs. look for short trades only. otherwise play safe and control ur wave properly”
PlayCabex says “You outpoke him in the laning phase and perform quite well in teamfights as well. You can always deny his engage with your fear (unless he buys QSS ofc). He has a really hard time canceling your drain which makes him quite easy to duel with. Every single crowstorm should guarantee you a kill since he is quite squishy.
Runes: Aery”
Belle19 says “If he has phase rush just turtle in lane and farm, he is forced to only poke you in 2 hit intervals to not waste phase rush, if he has summon aery or fleet footwork you can kill off of a pull. IMO you outscale his damage late isnt good if you have a single MR item”
zwartebliksem says “A good Kennen won't let you go near him, this will mean he will just poke you down. Try to land your dash when going in, if you don't hit it, you will be poked when walking back.”
AWierdShoe says “This matchup is incredibly annoying for us. Kennen has good poke with Q and autos, good CC for gank setup, and can easily run away if he wants to with his E. The best thing to do is dodge his Qs and stay healthy at the beginning. Once we get levels, you'll have to catch him with his E on cooldown in order to go for an extended trade. Otherwise, your best bet is to poke back with Q+Arcane Comet. Unless the Kennen spaces incorrectly and screws up bad, we have very little kill pressure in this matchup. Hexdrinker rush is a must in order to survive if he all-ins us with ult. ”
lbc1506 says “Can poke you but if he ever tries to ult or dive you, just press ult and q and W to block him off.
Your passive also makes it nearly impossible to be dove under tower.”
deathbypotion says “He have CC on his passive, MS steroid and he is annoying. His R is better for teamfights, and he will torture in lane. Can proxy, but be aware, your W does NOT stops his steroids”
E down, take long trades. E up take short trades.
Save WW if you can't dodge the skillshots, or he manages to get an ult off. ”
hoflol says “Kennen has great range and your W does not stop his E move speed so can be very hard to catch.
If you can get on top of Kennen, you will win trades! But that is the hard part.
Rush mercury treads.”
exoticT says “Can poke you heavily and can kite you, dont try to even jump on him too much as he can just run out, can start Q lvl 1 to look for cheese”
ThelpixG says “Can be pretty annoying because of his poke and strong damage output.
How to Beat?
- I like the grasp + ignite and dblade setup or aery ignite setup so i can try to kill him early because he is very squishy;
- Try to not eat his Q poke;
- Beware his passive stacks because he might setup a gank or an all in from it;
- Try not letting him auto your barrels;
- His level 6 can be pretty scary.”
xXazzer says “He has no kill threat on you. But if he has half a braincell its pretty much impossible for you to win this lane.
In teamfights he offers more. You can try to approach him like Jayce, get him to waste his move ability without using W. You can try hexdrinker into him but it won't really do much except make the lane even more coinflip than it is.”
LilliaFanBoy says “If the Kennen is any good you will have a difficult time against him. I recommend going a poke build into them and just harassing while they farm. If they try to E into you punish them, usually after they use their abilities you can out-trade them.”
WhendZ says “Pega Aperto. Ele pode abusar do range dele, mas nessa lane você pode usar grasp sem medo. tenta evitar troca com ele e cuidado com o engage.”
LegacyOneTap says “he may be ranged, an angry hamster thing, and stuns, but you can easily play it safe getting some mr and health plus divine and then this little hamster cant play solo lane anymore. you can also try to snowball by trading your jump for his dash yours is lower cd so you have a small window to out trade him, do this like 1-2 times and you should be able to kill if played right. also watch for ganks this guy will call his entire team”
Wizboy73 says “[Electrocute or Grasp] His dmg is very easy to deal with, just be sure to get an early spirit visage and he wont be a problem at any point of the game. ”
JPGamer10BR says “Desvie das skills dele, cuidado com all win lvl 6, lane MUITO chata e difícil, recomendo comprar passos de mercúrio para te ajudar a tankar sobreviver.
Runas> Aery ou F.F
The Saucy Saurus says “Rush spectre's cowl. Let him push into you and trade with your passive. You can escape his R with yours but be careful he does not stun you whilst its charging.”
Crossing Calvin says “Phase rush
Farm lane in my opinion if both players are even. He doesn't wanna give you free Q but you also don't wanna give him free shurkins. Getting null mantle or hextrinker early works to not get one shotted.”
Murfz says “hate this creature, grasp dshield and just try to survive, I can't visualize a Jax killing Kennen but if kennen is bad it might be possible. Mercs rush is probably a good idea here.”
BurritoTopKing says “He can be very annoying, consider going double tenacity runes and rushing merc treads, stridebreaker is a must in this matchup and going some MR items later can help too, just be careful getting too poked down in lane and maybe try to go for an all in if he uses his E randomly.”
WarwicksSimp says “He outscales you but you can kill him he can't kill you if he makes any mistake. He can just choose to never interact with you though which makes things hard as he is really good at kiting.
This really depends on the kennen players actions.”
xskyswitch says “Annoying in lane to face if Kennen has any clue about what he is doing. Q poke when possible. If you W on him, he can stun and run away fast, be prepared to E this. Post 6 be prepared to E his R.”
Tronnes says “It would be more of a skill matchup if this champ wasn't so fast so be careful. Take shield as starter item and run wind instead of bone plating. If he uses his fast ability to dodge one of your q's your W is lethal. ”
RivenCarriedYou says “make sure you get legend tenacity, second wind and unflinching, you dont have alot of kill pressure, trade/all in whenever his E is down and on cooldown. and dodge his Q, he will mainly throw it whenever you’re going for a CS. (count down his E cooldown when he uses it, only source of all in potential)”
Chaddouk says “Kennen is Kennen, a range top with a cc and movement speed so it can be supra annoying for tryndamere, depending on his runes and his playstyle he can be legit never killable for trynd. If he has his E up (the lightning that gives him movement speed buff) you can't dash on him he'll just use it CC you and kite you, but you can look for opportunities if he uses it for nothing. Also really import part of the matchup is that if he CCs you it's gonna be a 1.5 sec CC, but for the next 6 seconds following that it's only a 0.5 sec CC, so if you can manage to make him CC you without using your E you can look to all-in. Also it's ok to go armor rune against kennen even if he goes ap because he will poke with autos. Later on Kennen is really good in teamfights so you want to look to force him on sidelane, and ping your team on his rotations. One last thing : the way I like to play the matchup is buy buying early tiamat and hydra first so I can not fall behind in cs, clear waves and sustain through his poke. Not saying it's the best, but it's how I do.”
daitolol says “MID // On mid this matchup is slightly easier as you don't get poked out as much however going for solo kills is almost next to impossible so try to look for roams with TP or getting your jungle to help you snowball. ”
At_Tar_Ras says “he'll outpoke you, out-trade you, out-dps you in teamfights and has more utility than you too with his R. this matchup is pure hell. VS idiot kennens tho, it's easy to E up, watch them use their escapes, walk away, then when they walk back toward you- you E2 upwards toward them to AA(if can)+W and AA+Q. that's the best you can do.”
[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: PTA/Fleet equally good]
Unflinching can help against his passive. You can try to match his poke with Fleet or match his lvl 6 all-in with PTA. Early Null-Magic Mantle or Ruby Crystal (which builds into Riftmaker) can help. Zhonyas can be very helpful against his Ult. Dodge his Q by juking or by standing behind minions. I don't have a lot of experience in this matchup so I can't really give any extra secret advice other than the basic Kennen stuff that applies to every champion.”
TheBougis says “I honestly haven't seen a single Kennen in my games. I can assume that he won't be too strong but I don't think he is too weak either. If you do find him, try to bait his ult or try to tank it for your duo, and only then engage on him.”
Samikin says “Non-Threat.
You have more poke, more range, and more outplay potential. If he tries to all in with E, you will most likely be out of range until the very end of it, then you can sleep them once the movespeed boost goes away. If they try to R you, you can R away outside of it to mitigate the damage. Overall, Kennen is too low range to be a threat to you until teamfights or if he get's the jump on you from a bush/Fog of War.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “He isnt very different from akali, but he is stronger past 6 and the 6 isnt THAT important for him. He can still oneshot you with it if you wont pay attention though. He doesnt have any sustain. Not much to say here, W his stun and if he is a problem buy hexdrinker. ”
ABL Pantheon says “Kennen has the upper hand in lane most of the times. He has more range than you, but it really depends on the skill level of Kennen. You can play aggro early to get lead. Watch for his Ultimate after 6, also dodging is important for some of his abilities. ”
lordimboutabust says “Annoying matchup. If he ever wastes his E all in him. Care for ult at 6 but if you aren't low you can generally face tank and spam Q's with your ult and kill him. A good kennen can be hard to deal with so avoid as much poke as possible. Also watch for ultimate gank setup | Second Wind | Dshield -evenshroud”
Bernardian says “A lighting squirrel. Your probably wondering why Kennen isnt apart of the extreme threats category and i can tell you right now: Pressure. Kennen actually gets weaker against you overtime whereas every single champion in the extreme tier beats you in every stage of the game. In a side lane it is literally impossible for Kennen to all in you/ kill you he MUST poke you down first. However Kennens true strength lies in his early game and teamfighting pressure later on and how hard he can prevent you from getting a lead before you can even retaliate. This lane isn't a loss however, rushing mercs or hexdrinker easily makes this matchup a breeze if you play optimally. try to bait out his E because wasting your E just for him to use his and run away isn't really worth it so try to get his E first then ghost and all in and shit. Try to last hit as much as you can because his poke is no joke.”
Waqql says “Even though Gnar is a ranged champion, he has the shortest range among ranged champions in the top lane. That means Kennen will poke you. Treat him like Teemo, but not as defensively. Dodge his Q and don't get caught off guard by his E. As Mega Gnar, you should engage when Kennen is low on health or when his Q is on cooldown. Try to trade as often as possible if you feel confident doing so.”
FaNTOP says “Постарайтесь первым делом купить Вармог и надейтесь на лучшее. Не подвергайтесь слишком большому количеству поуков, просто убедитесь, что ваше Доран щит перезаряжается каждый раз и проходит полный цикл, чтобы вы оставались здоровыми. Не вынуждайте себя вступать в схватки, когда у него есть "Е", бросайте их только тогда, когда знаете, что можете попасть своими способностями.”
Lukajs says “Kennen is a tricky matchup for Gwen, since you can't engage on him, because he has a movement speed boost, and a stun. Not to mention his poke and all in are both pretty strong as well. Second Wind and Dorans Shield all the way.
Play around jungle ganks and farming. ”
demirkaiser says “Another ranged. Dodge his Q. Don't let him stack passives. Bait his E and combo him. Don't use ult when he uses ult. Wait for the stun end and ult him. I usually take ghost but you can take teleport.”
Twogrand says “you can just go even with him and win the lane if you get a hexdrink you hard win the lane but no matter what it just gets easier and easier. Going even is winning in this matchup and if you get ahead you should snowball hard. conq tp i like eclipse both work fine”
KaiOverHere says “Farm Lane -> Outscale
Reason this matchup is not in "Tiny" is because he still pushes you in with his early statcheck which can lead into invade shenanigans ”
BezMemow says “Kite heaven for him, you will be perma CCd in your ult, build Mercs and Rylai. Go tenacity runes, ult him EVERY teamfight or he will 1v5 your team.
Start D Shield”
LocaLAM says “Kennen has way too much CC in his kit which he will proc. Unless you're confident you can win because of either item or level advantage, it's best not to try.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Massive amounts of stuns and crazy mobility. This dude is so annoying to try and beat up because he never stops his nonsense. He's not common as a top laner but he's still dangerous. Be careful with this one”
ARealFakeIdentity says “You are able to easily dodge his Q and in some cases even his ultimate, the only problem is him triggering his auto-attack stun in the early game, which can be prevented with your blind.”
Boptimus says “Kennen's early harass can be dealt with pretty easily with your Passive/W spam. It's important to not give him free Electrocute procs.
After Lost Chapter you should be able to bully Kennen away from you with Q poke. If he mispositions you might even be able to get a combo or too off.
Remember that Kennen can dodge your E with his E movement speed, and if you miss your E you are most certainly going to die to his R.
If he pops his R during one of your combos use Phase Rush to run away. In teamfights you can use your R to knock him away if he tries to engage onto your team.”
Boptimus says “Kennen isn't a horrible lane to deal with as long as you can keep sustained with Doran's Shield and Second Wind. You wont really have much of an opportunity to kill him because he has really good disengage, so just grab some MR and try to farm as best as you can.”
Reines Kokosfett says “Wait for his passiv auto attack before engaging. His stun can be very annoying but if he uses Q,W or E without getting a stack onto you, you can just engage him.”
1Yamato1 says “Espera ele gasta o AA bufado dele e sempre que ele te acerta uam skill saia do range do W. Pegue D Shield e foque em farmar que você ganha muito facil a side dele.”
stefanko says “Very hard matchup if Kennen is good. Q start and go grasp with scorch and make sure to proc grasp every time you q on him. If Kennen is playing aggresively look to cast your e before you cast your q so you can recast it as soon as you land on Kennen, otherwise he can kite your e with his e. Abuse playing around bushes when he doesnt know where you are, as its gonna be easier to get into a good position. Try to q on him when he is in auto attack animation to get into better position to trade and make it harder for him to kite you.(grasp, teleport or exhaust)”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Let him push and all in once he is overextended in lane. Try to parry his passive stun, if you mess up you can still go out and try again.
If he uses his R, you have to time your W pretty fast, but I always hit it, it is easy to learn.
If you follow these rules this matchup is no problem.
OFC never let him Q you for free.”
Tonho says “Extreme threat if Kennens knows this matchup. Otherwise, even.
This is, on my take, Kled's worst matchup. You won't kill him on lane. You won't kill him out of lane. He is better playing with his team than you. Also, he won't let you kill anyone on his team.
Just dodge that one, really. Not worth the risk.
If, somehow, you play this matchup, run double tenacity on runes and ignite. Pray that he lets you kill him at least once.”
dzsama says “He is really annoying and slippery. Will poke you early a lot so getting some sustain is a good idea. If you try to jump on him he will just stun you and E away. If his E is on cooldown and you are confident he can't kill you all in him then. Care for jungle ganks as his ult sets up ganks quite well.”
lorensj81 says “Kennen is an annoying lane, he is very hard to kill with all his mini stuns and speedups and he has quite good poke.
Haven't played this matchup in ages.”
Pep_Shin says “Against Kennen or most ranged champions, go doran's shield. Rush stridebreaker. Once lvl 6 you can run him down.
Hit a Q, press R and ghost and annihilate him.
It becomes tricky to fight him if he gets too much of a lead because of his damage output. Maw is a friend here.”
NegativePhoenix says “Since his CC is shown off on your head by markers, it's easy to tell when to use your W to avoid it landing. If you stay behind minions all he can do is auto poke you. Q3 should be easy to land if he oversteps for an easy auto and to bait out his E to run away, possibly flash if you're lucky”
GannicusTTV says “He is not too much of an issue. juse use passive to block his poke damage, but look for all in if you are healthy after you get lvl 2/lvl 3. once you have a little b it of MR he is not an issue at all.”
Puyi says “Skill matchup, Kennen favoured. Get early boots, you can dodge his Q with his E and block his stun with W if timed right. Very hard to get on top of him. Fleet/second wind recommended. You can Ult him away from your carries late game.”
ananesever69 says “Since his CC is shown off on your head by markers, it's easy to tell when to use your W to avoid it landing. If you stay behind minions all he can do is auto poke you. Q3 should be easy to land if he oversteps for an easy auto and to bait out his E to run away, possibly flash if you're lucky”
Azekar says “Conqueror/Fleet+Second Wind.
Start Doran Shield.
Ranged champion with very high damage in a short time. Avoid his Q and W at all costs when he has stacks on you. Don't take face damage for free. Your 6th level is the first window where you can kill him. It's best to do it when he doesn't have his E or you have a ghost - without that it will be difficult for you to catch him.”
JustSad42 says “Go Second Wind, Unflinching and Doran Shield. Kennen needs to hit you with three different abilities to proc his stun. Unless he procs his stun with his empowered auto attack or auto attack, it’s usually hard to react to his stun. The most consistent timing would be to W Kennen when he R’s and get an easy stun off of that. You want to treat this as a normal ranged matchup, focus on CSing and not losing too much hp. Get early HP or MR, don’t get any attack damage before you get MR or HP. If Kennen ever steps up into your range once you’ve bought the MR or HP, you can force an all-in and W stun him using his R. Since Kennen is low range, you will be able to find opportunities where he walks close enough into your Q range to CS or to poke you. You outscale Kennen in the side lane but not in the team fights. Something to note is that you can use Kennen R in teamfights to get a free stun off on one of his teammates ant not necessarily him.”
JustSad42 says “Take D-shield and second wind.
Wait for 6, run him down by hitting R and then hitting him with E after he presses his E movement speed steroid, loses it, and is still slowed by your R.
As long as you wait for that specific window, it will be much easier to hit your E on him. Using E1 after R-ing and holding E2 will make Kennen use his E early.”
Night Guy says “Kennen is just annoying af try to dodge his Q and if he rage E you because you dodged his Q then you just proceed to bush his skull in. But if you take enough damage the lane will be difficult.”
SrMolinv says “His main damage source is Q. Stay behind/near minions to block it or use dashes/shield. Never engage on Kennen if you have one mark of his passive, hard to kill champion.”
St0rmyss says “Go Grasp, Sorcery secondary width armor shard instead of mr and dshield start. Stack Grasp on the wave and Proc it with Q A on Kennen and repeat. If the second wave is close to Kennen then don't Q you will take too much DMG. When you have your E, use it before your Q so you can stun him when is trying to run away. Keep in mind his passive on you if gets 3 hit's on you with abilities you get stunned, so if he wastes Q on minions and you don't have a Kennen passive stack on you then you can look to trade. Also when farming under your tower look to E his empowered W passive auto.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “ In earlylevels, trade by using E auto, and walking out. Repeat this until hes low for the killing blow. Abuse earlygame before he gets Seeker's Armguard and boots.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “PTA, e start lvl 1, sit in lane bush and hard trade, doesnt matter how much dmg you take - as long as you dont die and get her to 70% hp.
If hes % hp, get 50 fury and flash w ignite him lvl 2 = hes dead.
Rush mercs.”
Atemporal says “Lutar com Kennen como Ekko geralmente é bem fácil. No início do jogo você precisa tomar cuidado com o auto poke dele, faça o seu melhor para se manter saudável porque você quer trocar contra ele toda vez que ele usar seu E. O E de Kennen tem um CD de 10 segundos que
significa que basicamente corresponde ao E CD de Ekko. Isso significa que você só pode negociar com Kennen depois que ele o desperdiçou. Kennen tem que usar E eventualmente se ele quiser igualar seu Q waveclear. Você poderá facilmente empurrar ondas e ir para
vagueia/relembra porque Kennen não pode realmente cutucar você enquanto você usar lacaios como cobertura. Considere Merc Threads para que você não fique encadeado com CC. Contanto que ele não atire em você durante o R, você sempre terminará no topo após a troca.
Quando você conseguir o Protobelt, poderá combiná-lo rápido o suficiente para que sua velocidade de movimento E não importe. Pule nele primeiro, depois W depois de ver onde ele vai com seu E e corte seu caminho de fuga.”
RandumPersin says “Super free matchup. Kennen is a much better teamfighter than us and his poke in lane can be annoying, but our sustain is more than enough to balance out his harass and we should look to transition into a major duelist/splitpusher in midgame since he is COMPLETELY incapable of answering us by himself. Take conq, don't do anything crazy, and you will be in a position to take over the game by yourself on 2 items after turret plates have fallen.”
Cheeseypops1 says “Take ghost, Play safe till 6 farm with e+q, once your 6 if you poke him abit with Q and hit E just ghost and R him and it should be free, you can rush mercs but only if they have only 2 or less ad champs”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “similar to akali matchup he has big lv6 powerspike, buy hexdrinker and he wont do anything, He is pretty squishy so if you hit some barrels and poke him you should be able to easily kill him. W his stun when he ults and insta auto him with passive”
hamgi says “kennen is a pretty even matchup for yone because he's ap ranged, which makes it a little difficult for yone to comfortably lane due to constant poke and stun. kennen is an energy champ, so even if he's low on it, he has means of regaining it. u should still engage on him when it's low as he won't have spells up and his aa are ad and won't do more dmg than ur aa (and spells). an early mantle and refillable will help u withstand his poke a lot better. he's fairly easy to trade as he has criteria to meet to stun, which if u engage with e, u can "dodge" it by recasting early (ur main body will still be stunned). his r can stun too, though he typically uses this in team fights. he is a great team fighter due to this (+ zhonya's) which is why they usually take tp, so take it as well to match. his r provides only one instance of cc, though it's long, so unflinching or even mercs is ideal against him. ”
MrSIrPops says “Kennen isnt a big threat just like all ranged champions he will try to poke you and stun you with his abilities try to just e q him and dont give him an early advantage or he will help a lot in teamfights by stuning all of your alllies.”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “kennen fav. good kennen players will make use of their ranged advantage & spacing potential. here second wind into dorans shield really op try to not lose too much cs and as soon as u see that he uses his E for last hits or what so ever u can look for an ghost into AA into W into AA into E into Q all in for example”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Kennen is a ranged champion, when playing as a melee champion, don’t let him poke you down with his Thundering Shuriken(Q) or basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP. Kennen has a versatile build path. Keep an eye on which build he is going for and build items to counter it accordingly. Extended trades will benefit Kennen. Try to fight him when he’s low on energy or has no stacks to stun you with.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Kennen is a ranged champion, when playing as a melee champion, don’t let him poke you down with his Thundering Shuriken(Q) or basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP. Kennen has a versatile build path. Keep an eye on which build he is going for and build items to counter it accordingly. Extended trades will benefit Kennen. Try to fight him when he’s low on energy or has no stacks to stun you with.”
kajinator says “Use the Q max ability order. Bring Phase Rush and Flash + TP. You are not going to kill him in lane ever if he has 1 braincell due to his E giving him 100% bonus movespeed and making him uncatchable even with Stridebreaker. He's one of the best team fighters in the game so look to put pressure in side lanes.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Kennen's poke is quite strong but with Q max and Comet you have excellent poke in lane as well. He has some kill pressure, but if you use your ult to block his, I find it's very very easy to kill him at level 11.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Kennen is a ranged champion, when playing as a melee champion, don’t let him poke you down with his Thundering Shuriken(Q) or basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP. Kennen has a versatile build path. Keep an eye on which build he is going for and build items to counter it accordingly. Extended trades will benefit Kennen. Try to fight him when he’s low on energy or has no stacks to stun you with.”
Evandabank says “Most people do not understand how truly awful this lane is.
Kennen's E gives him a massive burst of movement speed making it almost impossible to hit your Q.
Going for an E-Q combo into Kennen will usually miss and even if it hits, he can just disengage with his E (Only 8 Second CD)
The way to win this lane is by hiding in bushes, if you can hide in a bush and use your Q to tether him from range than you can use your E to follow him after he attempts to run away. DO NOT E INTO HIM. Just E really close so that you can auto him using your Q slow.
This lane sucks and Kennen will always outscale Kled in both the split and the teamfight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Kennen is a ranged champion, when playing as a melee champion, don’t let him poke you down with his Thundering Shuriken(Q) or basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP. Kennen has a versatile build path. Keep an eye on which build he is going for and build items to counter it accordingly. Extended trades will benefit Kennen. Try to fight him when he’s low on energy or has no stacks to stun you with.”
SrMolinv says “Lo han bufado en el parche 12.15. Su principal fuente de daño es acertar la Q. Siempre detras de los minions para evitar el shuriken o usar el escudo. Nunca iniciarle cuando tengamos una carga de su pasiva. Es complicado de matar”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Kennen is a ranged champion, when playing as a melee champion, don’t let him poke you down with his Thundering Shuriken(Q) or basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP. Kennen has a versatile build path. Keep an eye on which build he is going for and build items to counter it accordingly. Extended trades will benefit Kennen. Try to fight him when he’s low on energy or has no stacks to stun you with.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Kennen is a ranged champion, when playing as a melee champion, don’t let him poke you down with his Thundering Shuriken(Q) or basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP. Kennen has a versatile build path. Keep an eye on which build he is going for and build items to counter it accordingly. Extended trades will benefit Kennen. Try to fight him when he’s low on energy or has no stacks to stun you with.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Escudo de doran, Q > E] - jogue atrás dos minions para não tomar a shuriken dela, dê seu poke e fique fora do alcance do kennen até seu escudo da passiva resetar, tente não levar a shuriken Q dela, sempre que ela estiver com W ativo espera ela atacar algum minion, faça isso que com o tempo você ira sola-lo, fala Bota de MR para sair do Stun mais rápido"”
Oogaboogaga says “Kennen players vastly vary. A good kennen player is hell to lane against due to poke. He is very squishy and killable with flash combo. Bring sustain.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Kennen is a ranged champion, when playing as a melee champion, don’t let him poke you down with his Thundering Shuriken(Q) or basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP. Kennen has a versatile build path. Keep an eye on which build he is going for and build items to counter it accordingly. Extended trades will benefit Kennen. Try to fight him when he’s low on energy or has no stacks to stun you with.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Kennen is a ranged champion, when playing as a melee champion, don’t let him poke you down with his Thundering Shuriken(Q) or basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP. Kennen has a versatile build path. Keep an eye on which build he is going for and build items to counter it accordingly. Extended trades will benefit Kennen. Try to fight him when he’s low on energy or has no stacks to stun you with.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Kennen is a ranged champion, when playing as a melee champion, don’t let him poke you down with his Thundering Shuriken(Q) or basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP. Kennen has a versatile build path. Keep an eye on which build he is going for and build items to counter it accordingly. Extended trades will benefit Kennen. Try to fight him when he’s low on energy or has no stacks to stun you with.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Kennen is a ranged champion, when playing as a melee champion, don’t let him poke you down with his Q or basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP. Kennen has a versatile build path. Keep an eye on which build he is going for and build items to counter it accordingly. Try to fight him when he’s low on energy or has no stacks to stun you with.”
Thrandor says “I rarely play against Kennen but in my experience you can't really kill him because of his E/stun. when he gets overconfident and tries to finish you, you can use R to deny his stun and kill him. Otherwhise you rarely stand a chance.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Kennen is a ranged champion, when playing as a melee champion, don’t let him poke you down with his Q or basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP. Kennen has a versatile build path. Keep an eye on which build he is going for and build items to counter it accordingly. Extended trades will benefit Kennen. Try to fight him when he’s low on energy or has no stacks to stun you with.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Impossible if he takes Phase Rush, just try and scale. If you land Q>W you can bully him a bit but it's unlikely if he uses his E properly. Look for Q poke since his sustain isn't great but
don't pointlessly run at him, his disengage is too short CD. If you do get on top of him then eat him when he ults, that way you'll get stunned when he's in your belly and the stun won't
matter. ”
Maxpiku says “Зависит от того сколько насколько много раз мы получим стаков грома и сюрикенов. Берем сферу уничтожения, смерть разума ,часики и пытаемся выхить в ульте.”
Taiquyorah says “MU range mais peu de dégats, pas de sustain.
Il faut jouer avec la brillance, Grasp et vous pouvez le tuer s'il ne joue pas bien. Sinon vous pouvez farmer sans trop de soucis.”
NegativePhoenix says “I would only call him annoying early game because of his poke. His E lets him choose to run in or out of a fight. If he's dumb enough to use it to dodge your Q, punish him for it. He'll try to CC you but without his E he has no real escape. Later in the game you can easily kill him as most Kennens even with magic pen don't do much to you.”
Yiphen says “NEED MORE MATCHUP EXPERIENCE. Start Doran's Shield and build Merc Treads. You should be tanky enough to trade with him and he doesn't have good sustain. ”
Groovywelsh says “If he has W he is going to get away so try to engage on him once he uses his W because if he does not have it and you have R he is dead ”
7EyesNoSkills says “His damage isn't enough against you.
AA until he dies. If you got cleanse, he can't do anything against you. Also you don't need to do anything before pre-6, just AA.”
WildSamu says “DShield + Red Pot.
His poke is oppressive and he will look to get you to low health and then all in you.
Keep an eye on the stacks he has on you and try to not let him get the third one one you.
Play safe like you would in any ranged matchup, try to stay as healthy as possible.
When trading look for short trades.
Early MR is good, as well as exhaust.”
FuzzyPopkins says “You won't be able to kill Kennen early if he plays well. Do not trade if he has one stack on you. Try to bait him to use his E and reengage when it is on CD. ”
kurbart says “Another ninja here's the thing about Kennen he's a easy match up but don't engage if you miss the stun he can run you down but post lv 6 you can hit him like 4 times and ult and he would die quick”
Kreiselficker says “Dodge tbh I hate that matchup, if you still want to play it here are some useful tips:
Just jumping on him wont work unless his E is down, BECAUSE he would stun you instantly and E away.
I would run Conqueror triumph tenacity last stand and in 2nd tree I would go second wind unflinching for that extra tenacity (really useful).
You can try to cheese can lvl 1 in the bush, you would end up winning it unless you let yourself kite and dont stop the trade early.
I would recommend to get mercs, because they can help alot in that matchup too!
If you manage to not die in early you managed to survive the worst part in the matchup. You might have to sacrafice CS because you dont want to sacrafice your entire HP! ( You would lose it because Kennen would end up harassing you with autos q, w and so on)
Try to stand in your wave, because it makes it harder for kennen to hit his Q's.
Watch out for his Passive Autoattack because it applies one stack (he needs 3 stacks to stun you) so the autoattack q w would stun you! So keep an eye on that!!!
If you E his empowered autoattack it wont give him the stack but, he can apply it after your E is over (it doesnt disappear like Twisted Fate gold card for example).”
VituVonDoom says “Poor Kennen, can't even blow up Jayce for f's sake. Anyways, make sure to watch his W stacks to not get stunned, and rush hexdrinker so he doesn't blow you up with a wacky Flash-R combo. Run Phase rush page, you don't want him to stack that stun on you at all”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Level 1 to 3 play safe, avoid getting poked (can tank 1 AA when he is close to your wave so minions aggro him and trade back for you) -> Stay healthy -> Freeze -> Level 3+ bait his Qs, stack up your Q3 -> Go in with E, wait for him to use E and aim your Q3 then to have higher chances of hitting that Q3 -> Baiting his E before going for an extended trade is an option as well. Q3 towards him, bait E, go back, stack up Q3 again and run him down -> Do not step up when his W passive AA is up -> Level 6 you will get stunned twice within 2 seconds so preferably go in with E, bait R and go back to your E. Once that is done you have better chances of running him down -> Can use W to tank his AAs when he is walking up to poke you”
NegativePhoenix says “Kennen is a very good reason why you need to run tenacity due to his slow/stun kit. He'll auto and Q alot so try to stand behind minions to avoid his Q at least. More than likely he'll just E away if you get close so if he makes the mistake of using it randomly and is still close to you, abuse him for it.”
Aberrant Demon says “Stay behind your minions and farm safely until you have level 6. W if he is ever about to stun you. If ult is up, you have to bait out his E with Q and then you can look for an all-in once your Q and Ghost are up. Stridebreaker spike helps significantly.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Get a cs lead, and possibly some plates, as getting a kill in this matchup, is impossible unless the kennen is boosted.
Wave 1-4:
You can look for prio, but essentially you don't want to lose too much health, poke him down a bit, don't lose too much health for cs.
Similar lane to Jayce in terms of when you want to poke, only with front vitals, and use bushes to your advantage for aggro and to remove his poke.
If you can successfully poke him down and parry one of his stuns you get a guaranteed flash or Kill in this matchup.
When he uses ult you basically have a free parry but you just need land it, due to him having a lot of movespeed it's difficult but if you do he gets severely punished for it.
Parry any of his abilities pre6 as long as they proc the stun, often times they will E into you for the stun, if you can parry it onto them they are DOOMED with no escape.
So you can poke him down and look for a dive, with jungler as well, thankfully this lane is somewhat survivable so as long as you are patient and poke him down you can win it.”
Scallywag says “Very squishy and does not deal much damage early on.
May be annoying since he's a ranged champion.
He should not be able to kill you, since you can buy Mercury Threads and reduce his damage.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Just like most matchups, he'll just repeatedly stun you and annoy you to death. Unless you cage him when he rushes around there is no way to stop him. Simply put, avoid matchup if at all possible”
Rodos says “Kennen, one of the most annoying champions in the top lane. One of the main reasons, you will lose from him is your lack in movement speed. Kennen, has high mobility which will make your life a misery. Also, he will spam Q, on you and wont let you farm. Buy frostfire, for the slow, and of course aks help from your jungler!!”
ShacoMagicTrick says “His ult counters you very hard. If you are sneaky enough you can kill him but once he have zhonya's it will be very hard to 1v1 him. Ban or dodge if possible.”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] You would think this would be hard because Kennen is supposed to counter ranged champions but once you have Mercury Treads and you take Legend: Tenacity + Unflinching you can just press ghost and R him and kill him. You also counter him in teamfights where you can wait for him to begin his engage and R him away from your team and potentially kill him.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: He will just perma poke you, but as soon as you hit level 6 then you can just kill him as long as you hit your E. Just get merc treads after your needlessly large rod. You can kill him level 4+ but it requires you to hit E, which is lowkey impossible.”
powerfullgeo says “Yikes this will be terrible for you. Kennen has a lot of stuns and a way to run away from you when you get closer all the while he can kill you whenever. Stack Magic resist and Tenacity and pray”
Kurose0027 says “D shield second wind, look to save parry for when he tosses Q or passive W early on in trades to save hp. Play for scaling, hullbreaker/stride mercs and if you're even at 2 items, it should be really free to win vs him because you're too tanky.”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
You would think this would be hard because Kennen is supposed to counter ranged champions but once you have Mercury Treads and you take Legend: Tenacity + Unflinching you can just press ghost and R him and kill him. You also counter him in teamfights where you can wait for him to begin his engage and R him away from your team and potentially kill him.”
Federals1 says “Very bad matchup for Volibear. Unlike Jayce, he has a level 6 ultimate, meaning doing an all in on him then can be very risky, but not impossible. You can also use the stun to reset your q for longer speed, but usually it is not worth it. Anathema's Chains rush is very good. Q max is needed. Force of Nature will make him deal a lot less damage later on. Doran's Ring works best into him. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Second or third rune page should be used.”
PandoraPanda14 says “U can go phase rush or conq depending on enemy team comp. His poke can do alot and his all in can hurt. It should be an even lane or u destroy him. He excels in teamfighting, don't just let ur team die to him.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Dshield + Second wind and also Legend: tenacity + unflinching. As every ranged matchup, play around bushes and front vitals, try to farm behind minions so he can't poke you with Q, don't let him hit you with his empowered auto either. Parry any of his abilities as long as it is gonna stun you and after lvl 6 parry his R. You should be fine as he is probably one of the easiest ranged matchups for Fiora.”
gazibulle says “Skill matchup, Kennen favoured in lane (and even on side?). You should outscale him? I really don't get his absurd damage, I have bad experiences against Kennens. Start W and get the first 3 minions, and if he doesn't play Bone Plating or something with more than 1 pot you can start E and chunk his HP bar. Your all-in is far better than his if you both have the same HP. Taking Dshield and Second Wind will make you survive the lane. If he is good, you can never E onto him as he will dodge it and never stand close to walls. If you manage to hit him while he E'd, you can chase him down with W and you will most likely win. The key to this matchup is to bait out his E, once it's down (10s CD), you can go for a (long) trade. At 6 your all-in is good with your cage, but his is too. If you don't have your shield, never all-in him, he does too much damage to you. Prevent him from going in teamfights as his are very strong with his ult, so force him on side. Very late game if he has Rabadon's and you don't have Death's Dance or any MR items, he will always win (point and click ult stun into too much damage from him).”
JordN1121 says “Take the assassin rune page with stride farm till you get stride then burst him DO NOT FIGHT HIM he will poke you till your dead in laning phase start with Dshield and second wind”
darkintaki says “I Hate this matchup, he have escape, stun, poke, and so much damage on Ultimate, he can do 2v1 and even 3v1, do mercury boots, Second Wind, Doran Shield, and stay safe, wait for ganks, pray for kennen don't get an double kill.”
Agatrium says “Too much range and CC for Garen to deal with. With his ult, you'll take a lot of damage while being unable to move. D shield start, play safe and farm. ”
MHLoppy says “Pre-6 his harass is annoying (but usually not lethal), while his level 6 damage spike can leave you somewhat vulnerable because you can choose to either lose armor / MR by ulting or be CC'd without it. As long as you stay healthy before he ults you should be fine, in which case you can nullify his CC and generally win fights. If he goes for an AD split-push build you might not have many opportunities to fight him later on, but his team fight will also be mediocre so you just need to keep him at bay in the side lane.”
youmamaleftu says “dodge his w with your w and you win if you stun him. He pokes really hard and has a really good disengage. Go dshield and vs ranged runes”
Cryniu says “Juega defensivo, él desgasta mucho a distancia.
Trata de sorprenderlo con la E, es escurridizo pero frágil.
Considero muy importante el hábito del espectro, Kennen no usa maná y te desgastará mucho.
Prioriza tenacidad en alguna fuente, runas o botas de mercurio.
Juega a intercambios cortos pero muy agresivos.”
Kocykek says “Kennen can pretty much be annoying since he's a ranged champion. His CC is a pain as well. Try to scale, survive laning phase and play with your team.”
Helzky says “Kennen doesn't do enough damage to solo kill you. However, he is extremely fast, which makes it hard for you to land your E. Wait until you have 6 and Prowlers. However if you don't want to wait just make sure you hit your E to solo kill him.”
OliveeGarden says “take fleet, ghost and first buy swiftness boots. highly mobile and a massive team fight ult, you cant force trades with Kennen so just try farm as best you can.”
magician4444 says “Just play safe and respect until level 6. Poke with E's and if hes low enough, ult him and try to burst him down. You could also take electrocute to one shot him with ult WQ.”
havy says “more annoying than hard, will dash away if your engage is too predictable, dodge his Q's, and be careful to not get stunned if he's at level 6”
Ujiyo says “He will use his MS to dodge your E, your best bet here is to wait till 6 and all in him with your R. I recommend buying merc treads before bork early if he plays aggressively.”
Your Desired Username says “Boring but rather easy match-up, once you get Rylai's, that is. Mercs are great here if they fit into the rest of his team. Rush Rylai's. Try standing behind minions to not have him hit you with q. Generally, if the Kennen is good he will never let you kill him because unlike teemo he has a spell that gives him 100% move speed and it's extremely hard to hit e on him. Also he has his passive so even if you get close to him, which is already unlikely, he will stun you and walk away. Killing him in lane only really becomes a possibility once you have Rylai's. Ult him in teamfights because he will mess up your team otherwise.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
GastlyLoL says “He can very easily poke you out, and if you try to get onto him he can just stun you and speed away. If he doesn't take phase rush, it can be much easier to get on top of him. If he ever blows his E, you can fairly easily kill him. Heavily consider taking Legend: Tenacity into this matchup, as it will help not getting perma-stunned. Can be extreme matchup if he uses phase rush.”
COJA says “Kennen is very fast and difficult to combo. He will bully you until you can get mercury treads and ironspike, then you have a chance. Stridebreaker is very strong into him. Be wary whenever Kennen uses E, as it is his only escape. Also be wary of whenever Kennen's shuriken lights up, as it will do extra damage and potentially let him combo you.”
Eduardocwalle says “As you can see, most of the ranged toplaners are annoying but easy to kill with camille thx to ur e which allows you to engage him really easy and trap them in a permanent 1v1 with ur uktimate. Just care for his Ult+stunt.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Kennen is rare to see but he's annoying. He literally perma stuns you and there's literally nothing you can do about it. All you can do is avoid his Q at all costs and keep your passive active when he's on top of you. And bring ignite so you can keep the damage up when he's stunning you left and right”
King Turtle says “He's a good champion and he's ranged. He has plenty of CC and can kite you if you dont bait out her E first. You don't do much against her most of lane phase unless she tries to dive you post 6.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “This lil' annoying prick can get pretty obnoxious,consider mercs to deny stuns and get some extra speed,once his speed boost is on cd dont hesitate to all in.
Dshield and second wind is a must.”
ToothlessKnight says “Boring Lane. Max W in this one and keep the wave even or on your side until youre lv 9. Do not shove the wave unless you know the enemy jungler is not topside. Kennen can chain cc you keeping a stun lock even with mac tenacity and merc treads. Kennen is a much more useful teamfighter than you are due to his ult and speed. Focus on farm. ”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Dorans shield and second wind if going bruiser for sustain.
go for quick trades and cleanse his stun for trades
His teamfighting is just better though, so be smart when picking fights and try to burn his cooldowns or keep him separated.”
MrZoltannn says “Kennen is focused around his passive stun, so try to play around that. Go dorans blade lvl 1 for better dmg, his lvl 6 is tricky, you either want to bait out his ult or kill him before he CAN use it.”
xPetu says “Tips: W blocks his Passive W-AA. Dodge or Passive shield his Q poke. You can E him when he E's and he can't do anything except follow your champion (no AAs in Lightning form). This can be used to pull him under Tower.”
Stinkee says “Kennen has good poke and a good stun. Be aware of the stacks of lightning on you, that's how you'll know if he's going to stun you. Just try to use your Q outside of his stun window. Use your E before or during his E to slow him down a good amount. If you're ever in danger and in his ult you can easily just ult away from him and get to safety.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Playing aggressive against him early and shoving him under his tower tends to be the better option, as he suffers from the same effect we have when pushed in early levels. Side step his abilities and try not to get too close when you are hit, as he can stun you. If you are under your tower, and he decides to all in you with his (R) it would be wise to have a stopwatch in the early game, if you wanna be extra cautious. When he uses Zhonya's Hourglass and & tries to flash away shroom his feet immediately as he enters stasis as he nor any other champion can flash out of setting it off as they changed how it interacts.”
Anoying bro5 says “You can start Corrupting Potions or Dorans shield. In laning phase try to avoid his Qs and be mindful of how many shock stacks he has applied to you. Do not let him harass you early with poke. Farm and try to go for short trades and learn the pattern of his stun. Once you have 2 shock stacks, wait about .5 seconds to parry as he will most likely use his W then. Try to play for late game, and buy Quick silver sash for team fights”
BoilTheOil says “Go Fleet footwork. Annoying ass rat champion, you only kill him if his monitor is turned off. He beats you in lane and he outscales you. Play with the minion wave in lane, most of his damage early comes from his Q. Try to ult him away from your team when he ults. Pray your team is better.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Kennen lane can be hard but it's also winnable. He's fairly squishy and can be poked down with autos. The most annoying thing is his stun which, on top of his mobility, can make it hard to Q/Flay him. His ult is better than your ult and so items like Knight's Vow and Mikaels are advisable later in the game.”
quinn adc says “I hear about a lot of Quinn's who struggle into Kennen, but recently I've come to almost master the matchup and I hardly have trouble into Kennen now with this build/playstyle.
Read this section carefully, and if you can apply it, then Quinn will hard win the Kennen matchup during laning phase.
I will first explain Kennen's passive because it's important to know Kennen's objective in the lane in order for you to be one step ahead of him.
Kennen's passive functions where Kennen's abilities mark enemy champions with Mark of the Storm for 6 seconds that stacks up to 3 times, and if he stacks 3 marks on you, then he will stun you and restore energy.
To win the Kennen lane as Quinn, your objective is to bait out his Q either by side-stepping Kennen's Q in lane, OR wait for Kennen to wiff his Q on minions.
Now, when Kennen uses his Q ability and it does not hit you, then you should immediately engage on Kennen for a trade.
Your goal in the trade is to proc your PTA on him, and if you are able to land your Q blind on kennen, then go for a longer trade because he can't retaliate if he is blinded.
The reason we wait for Kennen to waste his Q before we go in is because Kennen will simply not be able to apply his passive on us during the trade if he doesn't land his Q, which will result in Quinn hard winning the trade.
Important to note is to try to not use your E vault on Kennen while Kennen's E, Lightning Rush, is up because us vaulting kennen with his E active will apply a mark of his passive on us, so keep that in mind.
If you want to play the matchup even more 5head, then click on Kennen's champion in lane, and on the upper-left corner it will say how many stacks he has on his W passive.
Kennen's W passive functions where every 4th auto is empowered that also applies a mark of his passive.
If you see that he wastes the 4th hit on a minion, then you can engage on him to go for a quick trade before backing off because you will be able to back off in time before he is able to reach 4 stacks to apply the passive mark on you.
Now, post level 6 is obviously the scary part.
Quinn's E, vault actually pushes you at perfect range outside of Kennen's ult, but this interaction is quite difficult to pull off because usually Kennen will ult you not directly in front of you, which means he will likely stun you and nuke you before you can vault away to avoid the stun.
Just play post level 6 a bit safely and don't take bad trades.
If you aren't super far behind, then Kennen's R shouldn't be able to 100-0 you with Nullifying orb rune.
Your goal though if he ults on you is to vault away when you can, and don't fight him inside his ultimate.
The cooldown is 2 minutes, so if he ults you, then you can play the latter part of the lane the way I recommended by engaging when he dodges Q.
Just don't play too aggresive when Kennen's R is up :) I recommend to watch youtube videos for how I play against Kennen on the side here so you can see exactly how I win trades against Kennen in action.”
Veng Shotz says “you cant ever all in him since he'll always run phase rush. Watch how he plays post 6 and be sure to never get caught in his ulti, otherwise this lane is stalemated.
Just spam eq with comet and try to poke him out of lane.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “A Kennen that knows what he's doing will never let you get close to him and that makes the match up extremely annoying. You better grab fleet here and try to hit him with nados as often as possible followed up by short 1-2 sec. trades and go back behind your minion wave.”
Feedaboi says “Kennen is able to pick fights whenever he desires with his range advantage in the lane. He is able to disengage very easily with his e + passive w stun and is a pain to punish since he can just sit back and q farm until his jungler is ready for a gank. In this lane look to q "bear trap on a rop" farm and freeze the wave near your turret until your jungler is able to assist you.”
King Turtle says “Kennen has a decent amount of early poke and his ult can be an absolute monster. It's hard to block it with W as it's pretty big and kennen wants to be on top of you with it regardless. He's just an issue overall.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Thundering Shuriken(Q) and you will be able to make even trades. Save Fling for his Slicing Maelstrom(R) and use Mega Adhesive to slow his Lightning Rush(E). Avoid getting stacks of Mark of the Storm(Passive) or it will stun you. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Kennen) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Mercury's Treads)”
PH45 says “He is really annoying and slippery. Kennen will poke you a lot and zone you away from wave, and quite honestly I feel that this matchup is just not playable if Kennen has some insight on how to play their champion. Either run Grasp for stronger short trades or just go Fleet and sustain up. You can chunk him with Q auto W but if you get poked out too much you are probably screwed. Care for jungle ganks as his ult sets up ganks quite well. ”
At_Tar_Ras says “a good kennen will make this matchup so sad as you watch yourself get outpoked and sometimes out all-inned. if you can get an early lead (which is only really possible if kennen isn't prepared) by Q'ing to him early (but not at the expense of a potential cheater recall), then do so, otherwise you should lay it back and let him push into you if you can't. if you all-in and fail at lvl 1-2-3, you're gonna have a tough time to pick a plan and commit to it according to the situation. ranged matchups ARE easier on irelia than on most other top champs so you have that going for you. go second wind and potentially merc treads first? (depending on enemy JG and comp too) but get vamp sceptor asap as usual so you can sustain his poke. also look into legend:bloodline for lifesteal if you can swap that out for tenacity. post-6 this dude will F your team up so try your best to get a lead, YOU DEFINITELY WIN once you get BORK but as said, you can win before that too, just don't get outpoked.”
iZeal says “He wins early game, but you start beating him after gaining levels in your Q and items. You have to hit Q1 into W into Q2 with your E to confirm your Q3 or else he will E out of every single one since it's on a 10 second CD as opposed to your 26 CD W.
Electrocute is very helpful in this mtachup and you might want to consider rushing Death's Dance after Kindlegem. ”
SunFalk says “He has speed. He has a lot of CC. He his ranged. - Kennen his a lane bully, to counter him, you'll need to cs behind minions and don't poke to much because Kennen his ranged too. Be careful for a Kennen ult or ingage because of that stun he has.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Thundering Shuriken(Q) and you will be able to make even trades. Save Infected Bonesaw for his Slicing Maelstrom(R) and Lightning Rush(E). Avoid getting stacks of Mark of the Storm(Passive) or it will stun you. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Kennen) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Mercury's Treads or Plated Steelcaps)”
Raen says “Get Doran shield and Mercury. Also take tenacity in runes. If you will try to jump on him he will E away from you over and over again. He will poke you all the time so the most optimum is to all in him. Get early sheen for kill potential Call your jungler for help. Try to time ur R right before his R.”
Xerath gaming says “So to win against kennen you need to farm till 6, he outranges you and can easily oneshot you. Normally you should win this when you press R but if he gets a lead its probably over unless the Kennen doesn't know how to keep his lead”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Thundering Shuriken(Q) and you will be able to make even trades. Save Pillar of Ice for his Slicing Maelstrom(R) and to Lightning Rush(E). Avoid getting stacks of Mark of the Storm(Passive) or it will stun you. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Kennen) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Mercury's Treads or Plated Steelcaps)”
MagicallyDelish4 says “Only trade if you have E up to leave. Level 3 trades are only worth it if he goes less than half hp. If they're decent you can kill them post 6. Drag a wave to a bush so you can go in it if you get poked or harassed. ”
LoLReal says “A little easier with Klepto out of the game but still a nightmare lane if the Kennen plays it properly.
We have to bank on him making a mistake, otherwise farm under turret. We get outscaled too and Kennen team fights better than us. Not fun. Get d shield + early spectres cowl to stabilize.”
Justkb says “When playing against Kennen make sure that you rush Mercs as soon as possible! Try and force trades after he uses E while also positioning behind minions to prevent his Q from hitting you. This makes it harder for him to free trade you with Q, W. If you can get a Kill early, you can snowball against him hard with an early Hearthbound. You can always run him down after he uses E with Ghost. You beat him hard late game as you can itemize very well into him, for example Force of Nature and Maw. ”
P1Legend says “Squishy range without the benefits that quinn gets when it comes to disengage. build Doran's shield first, and you will have a huge amount of lane pressure. Play this lane like AD Rengar until you get Hextech Alternator. After that, 2 short trades and ignite is usually enough to secure a kill in lane. Don't jump into his ult if you have nothing up, that's just int.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Another annoying gnat that will try to poke you. Hide behind creeps and don't take too many free autos. Your wither is a nightmare to Kennen, even with his speed-up. Very easy.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Thundering Shuriken(Q) and you will be able to make even trades. Save Unstoppable Force for his Slicing Maelstrom(R) and use Seismic Shard to slow his Lightning Rush(E). Avoid getting stacks of Mark of the Storm(Passive) or it will stun you. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Kennen) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Abyssal Mask, Mercury's Treads)”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Thundering Shuriken(Q) and you will be able to make even trades. Save Primal Howl for his Slicing Maelstrom(R) and use Jaws of the Beast to follow his Lightning Rush(E). Avoid getting stacks of Mark of the Storm(Passive) or it will stun you. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Kennen) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Mercury's Treads)”
PanthrickTV says “PTA Matchup!
(1) Take Press The Attack!
(2) Survive to lvl 3.
(3) After you hit lvl 3 go for the all in, you will win this 1v1, because Pantheon is really strong in the early game.
(4) Care if he has IGNITE!”
Sporkintahn says “ANNOYING AND DANGEROUS!!! --- I haven't seen Kennen much lately but he can be rather annoying to lane against. --- Good thing is that in the current meta he is generally weak in all phases of the game. He's just not that strong at the moment. --- Start Doran's Shield and take Second Wind to minimize any poke you take. --- With that being said just avoid his Q poke and try not to take free harass from him. --- If you're having trouble you can go Merc Treads for the additional Tenacity for his stuns and to cut down on his damage; further still a Spectre's Cowl is a good buy too. --- This will most likely be a boring lane as he shouldn't look to get anywhere near you if he can help it. --- But If he does manage to walk near you or Phase Rushes around or into you just Crippling Strike (W) to slow and Apprehend (E) him in if he's attempting to getting away; this will usually result in him blowing flash otherwise he's dead. --- He's very similar to Teemo but his poke is nowhere near as oppressive. If you can get on top of him and lock him down he's dead. Just be careful of his stun and his Ult as gives him tremendous gank assist and the ability to kite and get away from you if you're not careful. --- Later on in the game his team fighting and skirmishing with his Ult is good but once he expends his combo he's more or less useless afterwards. --- ”
Jewceratops says “He can NOT kill you 100-0 because his dmg is pretty low. Easy to run him down when he has no E. Rush Mercs and go Armor in runes for early lane.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Thundering Shuriken(Q) and you will be able to make even trades. Save Facebreaker for his Slicing Maelstrom(R) and to Lightning Rush(E). Avoid getting stacks of Mark of the Storm(Passive) or it will stun you. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Kennen) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Mercury's Treads or Plated Steelcaps)”
montybucket says “I've barely seen kennens, like ever. All i can say is that he's got range on you, but that's pretty much it. Once you get him in range of an ulti he's pretty much dead. But don't underestimate his damage, especially with his stun and ult. ”
TroviStyle says “[Grasp] Has annoying poke, but you have ways to deal with it. If you get into a trade, make sure he doesnt stun you with his W, but with his Q, E or R as you can react with your parry to those to get the stun off. If u can cancel his ult with your W you almost allways win, allthough he will often just run out.”
LegitLechner says “Slows, dmg, and stuns. If you can catch them their jungler was waiting for you to. Stay back farm as much as possible and pray for bot diff. Depends on the skill of the player. Not illaoi friendly but Good illaois dont care. ”
SilverAvalanche says “Scale and sustain, you outscale him and your ult counter his ult.
Just be careful since if you are 1/3 health with no mana he can tower dive you (speaking from experience).
Else just shove waves in since you have really good wave clear and use the bushes to make him waste his wards and not being AA down by him.”
King Turtle says “he's a ranged matchup and just an all around annoyance at the moment. He got nerfed a little in 11.19 but he'll still be a matchup to watch for.”
SavoryFX says “Really annoying. Try to get him when his Monitor is off. He easiely outscales you. Wait for a gank. Tipp in Teamfight: When he Ult, Ult him away from your Team.”
MCSwavest says “Kennen has surprise burst damage, even when you're building tank/shield. Before you have Vamp scepter you have to respect the Q poke, but afterwards the only thing to fear is his stun and E.”
Drake6401 says “His poke is dreadful even to her. This means hell for top laners. The mobility and poke Kennen has is metaphorical cancer. He also has a lot of stuns when he ults so Legend tenacity is a must pick rune. Mercs will help also.”
Kennen is notoriously known as being one of Darius’ hardest matchups and it is completely false in my opinion. In Season 11, Kennen is completely free because Stridebreaker turns this little rat into a 300g bag of gold. His poke is pretty laughable compared to other ranged matchups and his all ins are very terrible. His poke is moreso a Quantity thing rather than a Quality thing so just play back and give up a few minions while you are healing back using Dshield. Try to farm up while sustaining. I’d recommend a Merc boots rush along with tenacity from runes which makes you essentially impervious to his stuns. Conqueror is an okay choice and you should take it since we are rushing early boots and the extra AD will be helpful to us. Conq + Nimbus is the best. If he plays properly, this is going to be a very boring lane as none of you have too much kill potential on the other. Try to farm up and itemise properly. One thing to keep note of is that Kennen is a monster in teamfights thanks to Zhonya’s Hourglass. It lets him face tank your entire team and stun everyone while being invulnerable which honestly has little counterplay other than having a champion with good and fast disengage (Gragas, Lee, Janna). I’d recommend trying to splitpush into his team and force him to match you. This is only the case if you ARE NOT fed though. If you get fed, just run his team down. You scale much better as a duelist than him so keep that in mind. If the Kennen goes AD, the lane is going to be more difficult as he is going to have a 5 second CD on his E which makes him impossible to catch. But on the bright side, he will be much worse in teamfights. Overall, just be patient and keep an eye out for positioning mistakes. If all else fails, Stridebreaker will save you.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - He's annoying since his auto range and abilities are very long.
- He can also escape your all ins and ganks easily.
- If he uses his lightning rush to waveclear, this is the best time to try to all in him.
- Build MR of course"”
Quinncidence says “D-Shield + 2nd Wind is key.
Kennen has a really hard time to outdmg your sustain the later the game goes, farm well and Kennen will tickle you while push in a wave and go for jungle camps.
Very hard poke lane and he is covered in buttery lighting making him hard to catch. He can CC you in a teamfight giving his team time to engage on you. ”
Wawza says “Mainly his pressure stems from the fact he can poke you from a much farther distance than you can and can easily escape you if you can't follow up your W with a instant Q knockup, try to freeze near your turret and get your jungler to gank him, once you get the lead you can start solo killing him due to the way Aatrox snowballs early.”
Rhoku says “This is the only lane where Mercury Treads are a good rush. Your natural Tenacity stack should let you stand a bit more of a chance against him. He is just annoying. He is no real threat. Kennen has poke but it does so little damage that you have to literally allow him to hit you for 10 seconds straight for the trade to be lost. But the thing is, you will have a very hard time reaching him. Even if you pull him, he will just stun you and E out, putting himself at an advantageous range. Rylai's is great and so is a Protobelt rush into this lane. Lyandries isnt too much of a priority. Level 6, you beat him super hard so just get CS, trade your Qs with him, and then bash his head in. You also pretty much neutralize all of his impact in teamfights with your R.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Second Wind+Magic Resist+DShield) Kennen is good in laning phase because of his poke, CC and mobility. Stand behind minions to avoid getting hit by Qs. Look for any opportunity to fling him, that should mean a free kill, if he ever lets you to do so. In teamfights catch and R him ASAP before he stuns everyone. If you ult him, when he is in his E, he still WILL apply a passive stack and do damage to you.”
PK Noob says “Kennen can engage and burst you with his Ultimate. Be careful and use your W to run around his Ultimate when he uses it. After he does, burst him with your Ultimate and skills.”
lulw says “This squirrel is annoying af but pretty easy lane. As long as he isn't fed he doesn't have to damage to kill you unless you are half health level 6. Windwall his stun if you know what it is because I have 0 clue on what stuns you. ”
Avelon6698 says “His poke leads to burst. His burst can lead to all ins. Do your best not to get stunned and freeze lane near you turret. Have your jungler gank and it should be freelo. Do be careful teamfighting tho, he can pull a fiddle and zhonya ult, stunning your entire team ”
como ganhar: ele nao te da dano ( ATE O NIVEL 7 DEPOIS A SHURIKEN DOI) so farma e escala”
Psychopathic Top says “Kennen is no longer the AP power house he used to be in s9 (back when kelpto was a thing). The Kennen now is 1/3rd of what it was before. I actually think it's a pretty bad champion atm. Free farm to 6, grab lucidity boots (if he has phase rush- can't kill so farm), if no phase rush grab sheen and all in. Mid- Late easily out teamfight unless he lands a 5 men stun.”
DippyDan says “High poke champion with very good escape. Most likely will go phase rush so chasing will be very hard. TIPS: [1] Play around bushes and just go for a Vital+AA. [2] Parry 3rd passive stack to negate stun. [3] All-in and save Parry for Kennen Ult to get a free stun. ”
Hecki says “This match-up is almost as annoying as the Illaoi one. Take Second Wind with Dorans Shield and try to farm without getting harrassed to much. You can't really trade against Kennen if he knows what he is doing. If he wastes his E you can try to run him down since it is his only escape tool to your W.”
DemonicTrail says “Poke Poke Poke Poke and youre dead
Only saving grace is most people plat and below dont know how to play kennen properly
if he falls behind, you win”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Ranged matchup runes; Dshield; Second Wind; optional Fleet if you're unsure] Problematic matchup as early he is a better version of you. Punish his mistakes and don't get fooled by his lower R cooldown. If in doubt, just survive.”
Nepy says “Vai de Conquistador. Kennen é chato, você só mata ele se o monitor dele estiver desligado. Ele bate em você na lane. Certifique-se de usar bem seu TP. Tente ultar ele quando ele der engage no seu time. Ore para que sua equipe seja melhor”
Alan234 says “Go the standard PTA build, take unflinching and legend tenacity and build a ruby crystal early, consider a zhonya in your first three items.
Kennen is a weird matchup where he does have an all in etc, yet his poke can be unreliable (easy to dodge) and his all in can misfire. In general the threat is still very real though and if you're not careful you will get oneshot. This is why I recommend a tanky approach with tenacity in your runes. You want to be constantly pushing so that once kennen is lvl 9+ he can't just poke you with his q's”
TXK_ says “Kennen has high poke so focus on keeping your HP high by staying amidst minions and keeping your range. When fighting, look for an all-in. In teamfights deny a 5 man stun with your ult.”
Mr. Popper says “Kennen is a better mini gnar with the exception he has a worse gap closer. so you want to just Q poke him as mini gnar and then look for really big trades during mega gnar.
I recommend taking fleet footwork into him. ”
aurus666lol says “Quite annoying, be careful when he is using E to get closer to you, because he will ult in 100%
Take Phase Rush, nothing else needed to know
JaxIsAHobo says “Pikachu here is a little obnoxious piece of poo, but he's not really in meta for a reason. Nerfs to his free resistances that he received while using his lightning dash and his overall itemization being relatively gutted made him a far easier laner than in previous seasons. Don't eat free harrass from his auto attacks and shuriken throw, and take trades after 6 utilizing your passive. Use your E defensively to avoid auto attack damage rather than offensively.
Try to stack some tenacity early if possible. you can also take grasp or phase rush depending on your playstyle into kennen if you feel confident as well.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP ENNUYANT MAIS SKILLED. NE VOUS FAITES PAS TROP POKE PRENEZ SECOND SOUFFLE ET BOUCLIER DE DORAN OU 3 COLLIERS RAFRAICHISSANT. SI VOUS PENSEZ POUVOIR LE TUER LE RUSH BOTTES DE MERCURES EST COOL. PRENEZ CONQUEROR. SI KENNEN NE JOUE PAS PHASE RUSH PUNISSEZ LE LORSQU'IL PUSH. ESSAYEZ DE LE SLOW LORSQU'IL E (QUAND IL DEVIENT UNE BOULE D'ENERGIE) FARMER ET NE VOUS FAITES PAS TUER PAR LUI EN LANE. VOUS POUVEZ FREEZE LA LANE ET JUSTE LUI COURIR DESSUS AVEC LE GHOST L'ESTROPIEUR REND LA LANE TRES FACILE ET KENNEN N'A PAS ENORMEMENT DE DEGATS. Kennen est souvent décrit comme étant un matchup difficile pour darius mais a mon humble avis ce n'est pas le cas, en saison 11 kennen est une freeeee lane grâce a l'estropieur, ses dégâts sont presque inexistant surtout si vous le respectez et rusher un peu de résistance magique. Je recommanderais un rush bottes de mercures avec la ténacité des runes, ce qui vous rend essentiellement insensible à ses étourdissements. Conqueror est un bon choix et vous devriez le prendre pour l'AD supplémentaire qui nous sera utile. Conqueror + manteau nuageux est le meilleur. S'il joue correctement, ce sera une voie très ennuyeuse car aucun de vous n'a trop de potentiel de tuer sur l'autre. Essayez de farm, et de build correctement. Une chose à noter est que Kennen est un monstre dans les combats d’équipe grâce au Zhonya. Cela lui permet d'affronter toute votre équipe et d'étourdir tout le monde tout en étant invulnérable, ce qui, honnêtement, n'a guère de counterplay que d'avoir un champion avec un bon et rapide désengagement qui repousse l'ennemi. Je recommanderais de split pour le forcer a venir contre vous si vous n'êtes pas feed sinon juste courrez dans sa team.”
Vandenelis says “stay behind your minions and try to farm up, if he walks up to you you can win trades, but generally he outruns you, so you cant kill him unless you get ganked, I recommend just farming and ulting minions until team-fights”
Bombabo says “Stay behind your minions, wait for him to engage on you. Even if you are low, you can still beat him in a fight. Attempt to time your E so that it negates his stun”
DarkyTheReal says “This is one of the toughest matchups for riven because Kennen has a lot of stuns and can just E out your trades. Here you need to go for mercurial boots and hex drinker early if you want to get a chance to kill him.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Really hard. HIs stuns are hard to parry, even though you might think its easy. He has a lot of damge early but you can win early. Dont try to kill him, his e is a good disengage. But you should poke him and quickly move out again.”
SettVEVO says “Ranged matchups sure are fun :/
And Kennen is no exception, like most, it depends on your E hitting, be mindful of his E as it has a long cooldown. Try dodging his Q as much as you can to avoid getting traded on for free. The old D shield Second wind will keep you from dying all the time, actually not a bad ult target in the mid game, like Fiddlesticks the fact that you can drive them away from your team is really good. So try to always know where he is and get him away from them.”
Byku2506 says “This is horrible matchup for Darius, Kennen is very annoying and almost impossible like Heimendinger to get close to him without stridebreaker, so be carefull when he reach stacked aa and dont get poked too much from him. So I prefer to wait for jg to help you and engage him before jungler arrive to slow him and he will not escape. But if you want to engage really fast you have to waste ghost and flash to kill him but dont use flash too early wait for his passive.”
RTO says “Dorans shield start. He is much better in team fights. You might be able to kill him if he uses his dash, however you will probably lose every trade. Take advantage of his cooldowns if he makes a mistake. ”
RTO says “He is a slippery, stunning, little ball of damage that can wittle you down and keep you low. He's squishy, so ask for ganks, dodge his abilities, burst him down, buy MR.”
Fryx says “Annoying Poke, he is AP and his Ult is just as effective as your Ult in Teamfights later. Yes this lane is hard indeed. Approach this like the Heimer Matchup. Go for the Allin Trades with Ult and run away, he will not be able to punish you. Go for Dorans Shield and Second Wind.”
RTO says “Kennen is super annoying as a melee, he can poke you down, he's very slippy, he will stun you if you try to engage, be careful of ganks with his ult. Engage if his E is down.”
RTO says “Slippery, with good cc, and high range. Try to push him away from your team during fights, and play safe in lane, don't underestimate his early damage.”
LoLReal says “I find that the Kennen lane is pretty hard. He can harass us early and is also reasonably strong post 6 when we R him. He can answer with R. The key to winning this lane is conceding CS early and getting to 6 without losing much health. If you are 100% HP with R we can win all-ins every time. If we have taken damage Kennen can kill us in our R if we aren't careful. He also outscales and team fights better than us. This lane needs to be played smart.”
qosmox says “The #1 priority is to stay as healthy as you can during the early lvls. Do this by staying far back whenever there’s no minion to last hit, and to utilize your passive effectively whenever you walk up for CS. The only time you’ll ever have kill pressure on him is if you get a well-timed taunt on him under your tower. Then it can be possible to chase him down. If you get jungle help, make sure to start off with instantly taunt-flashing onto kennen to setup your jungler. If you don’t do that he’ll just be free to E / Flash away and he’s hard to catch”
RareParrot says “you lose at 6 so try to kill before then, dont trade without being behind a minion because all his damage comes from q early game cuz he cant E without getting low.”
Jaori says “Play around bushes. It is recommended to go for armour/mr runes, since he uses his auto attacks a lot with Doran's blade. Doran shield is a must-have in here. If you manage to get to him, you can one shot him easily.”
ForgottenProject says “Probably one of the champions that are best for teamfights. Even then he holds his own in Top-lane as one of the most annoying champions.
[1]Set up a Freeze and Farm the Lane.
[2]You can All-in him lv6 if he uses Lightning Rush to come forward.
[3]Don't Ask for Ganks unless he is over-extended due to your Freeze or he can just Lightning Rush Away and you'll waste everyone's time.
[4]You can now Parry the stun from his Passive which makes this match-up a bit easier.
SavagePridestalker says “Tank Rengar is pretty okay into Kennen, she won't have enough damage to kill you, but you most likely won't either. I'd stick with AD build.”
Marwaii says “She can outrange you and poke you.
Take shield.
You win with mega Gnar.
You outscale and one shot her after early game.
Poke with Qs so you win at lvl 6.
Take Stride + Mercs.”
a1a7s45 says “Kennen is ranged and has a lot of CC so whenever he uses his CC, answer back with a Mega all in with CC greater than his to lock him down.”
Breadcrumbs says “One of the more difficult ranged matchups thanks to his ridiculous ult CC and damage, but pre 6 he should be pretty easy to deal with. Do NOT get poked out by him.”
SethPRG says “Phase rush? Have fun! Just avoid fighting if possible unless he wastes his E to run at you, then you can walk up to him and punchy punch. Going Stridebreaker is very useful here, but you can alternatively go Trinity Force. If you want to fight you can get Mercury Treads early and probably just outplay them. Early Kennen can't really burst you down. He isn't really that useful in side laning, he just wants to electrocute your entire team with his ult, but it takes a second or so once connected with his enemies to actually stun them. This is where you will want to ult him away from your team. Take at least 1 Magic Resistance item 2nd or 3rd based on the enemy team comp.”
El Leon Gnar says “Kennen is also pretty far out of meta currently. While in range he will trade evenly, but you can outrange him with Q and win trades with a W proc before he can get on top of you. Don't go in while he has ult up unless you can burst with your own.”
joelspaho121 says “Kennen favored because of the range.d shield with second wind resolve tree.kennen is a lane bully that has high mobility and reliable cc which means he can keep you at a distance as well as be able to set up ganks perfectly so your goal should just be to play around his e cooldown. If he is in an unfavorable spot while his e is on cd dont hesitate to fight him.Also If lane goes even post 6 grab merc treads to lower stun effects and reduce dmg.the main thing to keep in mind in this matchup is that you want to let him have pushing advantage and to not over commit for cs. keep the area warded all the time because like I mentioned earlier kennen players can set up ganks perfectly. He doesn't have any all in potential so if you see the opportunity to fight him”
NPGRiven says “Early merc treads may help with this matchup. Do not engage on Kennen if he has more than one mark on you with his passive. Your best bet to kill him is post 6. A good Kennen will not be killed pre6.
I am so chill says “Skill matchup.You must bait his e to all in him.Once he uses it go for all in you win allmost all the time.Try not to get poked down because u regen so low.”
ApollonATH says “One of the easiest ranged top matchups for voli . If you E Q W him you can make him low enough to be unable to come near you and after 6 you can ult to dodge his R stun and smash him”
deathwalker7119 says “This matchup is a little harder, look to take front-facing vitals in for trades. You should always look to parry his stuns so you can stun him and burst him. If this isn't working because hes a smart Kennen and waiting for parry or he is stunning twice in one fight with ult then you can let him full combo you + ult, and then proceed to just all in him + parry on him and you will kill him as long as he burned everything already on you before.”
top is high impact XD says “wukong doesn't deal well with ap and if you're not careful he can poke you out of lane, you might be able to run him down at 6, but I doubt it, kennen is a next to impossible matchup if the kennen is good, but he might be garbage so abuse that fact and beat the shit out of him”
JeanMichelBambi says “Kennen has good poke and excellent crowd control, he will remain a liability later on but he can be dealt with in the early game”
Nekosett says “Not much to say but hes a ranged heavy cc champ with good teamfighting try ulting him in teamfights and in the laning phase just take fleet and keep good cs ”
Womsky says “Survival kit, another toplane rat, he is harder than temmo to catch out thanks to his 0 cd lightening rush, just stay high in hp and try to take trade with him if u have fury and u know u wont take too much damage, he got no sustain so ur trades can get u somewhere even if they are bad, later on in the game it can be annoying to 1v1 him if u have no MR, but if u catch him away from his turret it can be an easy kill”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Start Q and stack your passive, he will poke you but you have much more sustain. Once you have passive stacked dont be afraid to jump on him however I recommend not being overly aggressive because you can hit level 2 first and try to kill him that way. He can be pretty annoying once he is level 2 since its hard to hit abilities on him when he uses lightning rush. Avoid taking too much poke if you can and look for all ins when you are over 75% hp, if you are anything under that I recommend avoiding any all ins. Post 6 it is a bit simpler since you can ult him and go for the all in that way (him using e and stunning you can still kite you out though, be careful!). Have your passive stacked and go for it but keep in mind if you miss anything you WILL be in a bad spot. It generally gets easier with items but always respect his burst and his stuns. Rushing mercs is a must and makes the matchup MUCH easier once you have them.
tibs2 says “Optional d shield take second wind. Annoying lane for sure but if you can make it out fairly even you can w his protobelt in teamfight/ e him away/ r him away and kinda ruin his kit. Still this is rather inconsistent esp if he has flash so overall this match up is rather poor for Poppy.”
SadmanV3 says “Ever since Kleptomancy got removed, kennen's viability has dropped, but it is still a pretty bad matchup for Nasus. A strong Kennen will understand the correct times to stun and when to harass Nasus, taking large chunks of his health each time. Keep tabs on when he can stun you, space out the times when you get hit, and play close to tower. Whilst Kennen scales better than most, you scale even harder than Kennen towards the mid-game.”
Noodles912 says “Stay behind minions all game and you will be fine. Save your pool for kennen ult. Kennen does a lot of damage, but if you simply freeze, that ninja is useless. Outscale him easily.”
PiscesPomf says “HARD LANE
Kennen is really annoying and we free-poke you. You have to count how many stacks he has on you to parry his 3rd charge that will stun you. You have to wait until you can go out of this lane, you can't do a lot of this against Kennen during laning phase.”
teemodumbstupid says “Fleet or Phase Rush works this matchup, but I like Phase Rush because he can't dodge the damage and is squishy early. He is strong in teamfights, so try to zone him from getting to your team. He has a lot of CC and movement speed, so you might not be able to catch him in sidelane.”
Draconic56 says “He is just annoying. He is no real threat. Kennen has poke but it does so little damage that you have to literally allow him to hit you for 10 seconds straight for the trade to be lost. But the thing is, you will have a very hard time reaching him. Even if you pull him, he will just stun you and E out, putting himself at an advantageous range. Rylai's is great and so is a Protobelt rush into this lane. Level 6, you beat him super hard so just get CS, trade your Q's with him, and then bash his head in.”
Kokob5 says “Let him push you in and get jungler to punish him for over extending. Bait him in before the jungler shows himself so can't doesn't run away.”
negoZoma69 says “Kennen don't do much against you without his ult so you have the early advantage, harass him with Q and stay inside minion wave, he shouldn't be a problem.”
pioj12 says “Watch out for early trades because if he is a good kennen he wins it, try to all in at lvl 6, kennen is a squishy champion so probably you will one shot him but he can respond with his R so watch out!
gladiatorrr4 says “Make sure to farm up and avoid trades with Kennen. You can try short trades, but everything more extended will get you out-traded. You should farm up, and try to Q him before every trade.
Once he gets level 6, you dont want to force all-ins.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Jumping on him early is a good idea when his E is down, similar to Jax. You need to force his flash early. What I like to do is call my jungler and convince him to gank in order to get my snowball rolling. ”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Ok, Kennen is annoying but there's nothing too much that he can do against you - just avoid his stun -; and if the lane is favoring him early on, just rush hexdrinker and mercurys.”
RetiredPykeMain says “Absolute cancer lane, take sustain runes and teleport always. Try to dodge as many of his q poke as possible. I almost always permaban him.”
Alekra says “Not very difficult matchup despite being ranged. You out sustain alot of his damage so he wont be able to straight up kill you. If he engages into melee you might even be able to snatch a kill on him if you W his stun. ”
Erenando says “You can't fight him until your W is maxed. He is just to fast and he will outtrade you in any cases. Just farm under your turret and ask for help. Later on you should be able to deal with him. Get yourself spirit visage and adapted helm.”
GrGamingTeo says “Kennen does not post a big threat but he cannot kill you and you cannot kill him. If he gets too cocky and uses his E to clear a wave or whatever or if you get a nice cheese and sit in a brush and wait for him to use his E then you can all-in him and kill him, simple. Be carefull when he hits lv6 because he can stun you for infinity and eventually kill you with ease.”
Olaf Only says “Difficult to kill, especially if he has Phase rush.
You can kill him after level 6.
Kennen has almost no damage in the earlygame*
Kennen is really good in teamfights.”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror + Trinity Force]
[Flash + TP]
Doran's Shield. You can go Legend: Tenacity and Unflinching as it helps with his annoying CC. Start W.
Try to stay healthy and farm up. Kennen is really annoying but once you have Tri Force (getting buffed in 12.3) you just automatically win an all in.”
SpyDaFX says “literally so hard, only last hit, dont push, ask for ganks. go Doran's shield, try to trade with him when his E is down and you might be able to kill him, BEFORE HE IS LEVEL 6. (when he gets billion movement speed and turns into a lightning ball)
He counters you the most when he reaches level 6 so try to kill him before that. go Conqueror.”
Ravenborne says “Since Klepto is being removed Kennen will start going Phase Rush into you. There is absolutely 0 chance to kill him if he has Phase Rush. This lane needs the help of your jungler. Just try to farm and sustain through the lane with Health Regen items like Specters Cowl.”
Bear24 says “Don't let him stack his passive can one-shot him under the tower. If he doesn't max his e you can run him down. Otherwise, use your ult as a gap closer or to dodge his stun ”
TheMrDarkness says “It's one of the hardest matchups for riven, cuz once a year when you actually see a kennen, it's a really good kennen player. Get Hextrinker and Mercurial Boots to reduce his stun lenght bait his E and all in him afterwards”
MarkFromSingedMains says “OH GOD OH NO OH GOD OH NO
If you win lane you're a God or he's first time Kennen. Dodge his Q and try to play as passive as you can, no point trying to flip him because he'll zoom away.”
Whobick says “Possibly the hardest matchup for Olaf. He can dodge Undertow (Q) and most of everything you got which is a real butt-fucker. Don't try to 1v1 unless you are truly fed because you can't do any damage to him for a decent amount of the fight.”
J0hnny Joestar says “he will poke you alot, stun you and win run away if you close the gap. plus his R allows him to duel with you pretty easly. Ask jungler for help and if that doesn't work then he has to make a mistake in order for you to do anything against him. If he uses your E to chase you try to fight back because his greatest escape option is now gone, and keep your W for his stun.”
kingchas2 says “You have very little kill pressure on him, but if you play passive then he doesn't have much kill pressure on you either. Use your R to block the 3rd hit from his R as this is most likely when kennen will cast his Q on you as well. ”
ModelitoTime says “Like other ranged matchups just play safe, take MR runes into Kennen. lvl 6+ you get easy kills in this matchup. E+Flash works really well for securing kills in this matchup too.”
xxskipskipxx says “Consider Dodging!
You need Tenacity and a Hexdrinker !
Consider building Black Cleaver first Item!
Dodge his Q and W him whenever he activates E and tries to get ontop of you !!!
Consider Building Merc. Treads!”
Dannala says “Squishy early on and can be bursted. Easy to avoid his ult with rappel as long as you don't get hit by his Q which will stun no doubt lead to a stun. Beware of his W auto passive if you're looking to trade. Does have high stun burst and can be quite the threat with his mobility and AoE, however.”
ineptpineapple says “Pretty easy stand behind minions and poke him with your qs until you can ult him and kill him. If he ults you can ult him if you feel like you can kill him outright or ult yourself if you need the protection.”
Otp Fiora Sorry says “díficil mas dá para ganhar se fores bom de fiora ... tentar dar stun na passiva do kennen ... recomendo fazer botas logo e algum life steal ”
Hyzerik says “Really god damn annoying champ who stuns and runs away. He doesn't do much damage but he is annoying as fuck. Once you start team fighting make sure to ult him into enemy.”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “I wouldn't play Tahm into this match up. He will stun you and poke you out of lane and you can't really all in him ever after level 6.”
JannaMainOTP800K says “Dodge his Q and block his E.
Use your R if he does too .
Better ask for help from Yi.
If he stuns you youe are poo.
you dont need Yi as long as you dont get stunned but im already working 2h on this guide.”
Raideru says “One of the hardest matchups for Jax, reason being even though u outscale him the matchup is very difficult without jng attention if he is good at the game, what u want to do lvl 1 is q on him and try to fight him as much as u can so you're both somewhat same hp cose him being lower is scarier than u being low in the first 3-4 levels, if you don't manage to do that the trade patterns are basically if he ever wastes q you can jump on him to short trade cose he can't stun u bcs he doesn't have an ability for the 3rd stack. He wins all in still u get some MR. You need grasp in this lane and mercs rush.”
EU_Toxicity says “If he takes a damage keystone you can run him down early. If he has phase rush just farm it out in lane (easier said than done, but possible nonetheless) and outscale him in a sidelane 1v1 later on.”
KaiYugure says “Out ranges you, doesn't have to worry about running out of mana, and has multiple ways to stun you so you can't fight without your ultimate.”
iZeal says “Kennen has insane disengage with his E as well as passive stuns. If you manage to hook him you have to do so with no marks of the storm, then slow him during his E and not allow him to walk through you with it as otherwise his Q W stun follow up will allow him to just walk away from you anyway. Kennen has to screw up in order for you to kill him, but at the same time he has very strong gank support for his jungler and if he gets fed he can flank your team and 1-shot them with his ultimate. Try to pull him away from your teammates if he attempts to run through you during teamfights.
RejuBeads>DShield, Mercs, Phage”
Timesoul977 says “He can poke and run away from you (with a stun). But early game it is easy to kill him without his ult. Make sure he can't farm in lane. (You Should use Magic Resist)”
Stijnzxz says “I actually never play aigenst a Kennen anymore but he is ok to deal with no high dmg output and u can run him down just take some MR and AD and ur ok.”
AWierdShoe says “Just try to stay healthy during the early levels. He will try to poke you out with ranged autos and his Q, so just stay back as far as possible unless there are minions to last-hit. If there are, use your passive effectively. Don't engage unless under tower as he has better disengage than you and can stun you up as well. If you get jungle help, instantly taunt-flash him to set your jungler up so that this small rat won't get away with his E. ”
I Am Goliath says “Kennen can be either AD or AP. If the kennen is AP then this match-up is going to be easy for you, you're going to want to keep the lane in the middle if you can and try to poke him down with Q's, if he is ever in range to W you're going to want to do it because he doesn't have good all-in, he is mostly poke. If it's AP kennen then your first item should be spirit visage, once you get spirit visage he should do very low damage to you allowing you to win trades.
On the other hand if the kennen is AD then you're going to have a bit more trouble, he will push you into turret and poke you down while farming under it, try to get ninja tabi's on your first back since AD kennen is mostly all auto attacks. AD kennens usually buy a frozen mallet and blade of the ruined king, do not try to 1v1 him when he has these items because he will just kite you forever while doing consistent damage with his auto attacks, AD kennen is not very good in teamfights but is a pretty good split-pusher so you're going to want to try to have good TP's into fights and try to force things out of lane before he splits your lanes.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Let the wave push to you -> Stay healthy between lvl 1-2 -> Before you go for any trades you wanna bait out her Q or block it with W -> When looking to chase him make sure you have minions to keep up with her -> Do not walk up to him when she has impowered auto from W
Level 1-2 Stay healthy
Level 2 Bait Q out and go for a quick trade
Level 3 Go for a quick trade -> Bait out him E -> Walk back to your wave -> Let him walk back, dash on the minions and run him down
Level 6 He can one shot you. If you gonna go for an all-in make sure you have minions around to dash on. The other option is go in, make him use R and back away immediately.
Scoothare says “This guy is absolutey annoying. If I could ban two champions I would ban Pantheon and Kennen. He isn't that much of a threat though depending on his build, but GODDAM he's annoying.”
viktoreeu says “Super duper annoying. Coinflip game
Usually he shouldn't be able to kill you, play safe, farm it out, punish him when you can (if he wastes E, or is too cocky)
StrikeX114 says “Probably the most even match you can have. With a ranged attack and the only solid engage in his ultimate, you can effectively trade waves and hits indefinitely until someone else intervenes.”
Saarlichenbog says “Typically a very easy matchup for Kalista to out trade in lane and outscale towards the late game by outkiting him and reading his very predictable E pattern. However, he definitely teamfights better than you with his ultimate and builds Zhonyas relatively early. ”
Captain Dantems says “Cuidado com o Q e seus auto ataques, pois se ele te stunar a coisa vai ficar feia. Grasp. Poção Corrupta ou Cristal de Safira com 3 poções.”
ItsPaulygon says “A very hard match up for you. He will out trade you most of the time, and he can slip past your E. Take Doran's shield and play safe. Just hope for ganks.”
TheMightyNinja says “The Fleet Footwork build helps a lot in this matchup since you don't have the chance to stack grasp anyway, try to stay healthy and last hit minions safely. you cannot kill him in lane phase unless your jungler ganks or you manage to taunt him in your tower.”
Klappy says “- Puedes ganar a lvl 1 si se acerca lo suficiente
- A nivel dos/tres y 4 puedes hacer trades all in, pero solo es worth si sacas al menos el 50% de su HP
- No podrás matar a buenos Kennen antes de lvl 6”
GLP1 says “With Kled's magic resistance reduction patched back, I caused many duels that were favorable now to be a real hell like Kennen, try to play safely.”
pedrohnasc says “He has a better early than you and he can escape your W with his E, so try to combo him with Q1>w>Q2>Q3 to win trades. Electrocute is viable.”
Nicklstherealone says “Not often seen but if you do he is Ranged AP so it could be hard but he needs to engage agressive to manage anything so you will be able to grab him. ”
NoHesitation7 says “You have outplay potential thanks to your massive mobility however it's a difficult matchup on your side due to Kennen's passive stun & high speed mobility, can be difficult if they take Phase Rush”
OffmetaPancake says “Kennen can kite you, and in teamfights he can make insane ult plays. A bad kennen can be fed off of, but good kennens will require jungle presence to deal with.”
Raphi0216 says “Merc's are very good in this matchup. You can poke him with W -> Q2. If he Es, you can follow up with your E, which has slightly lower CD.”
NoHesitation7 says “Very annoying for a Jax to play against due to being ranged & heavy mobility with stun. you pretty much don't want to pick Jax into Kennen unless you are very confident otherwise you will find yourself in a tough position & unfun lane.”
daito Okami says “Pretty difficult matchup due to his constant poke u can maybe try to kill him if he uses e poorly or at 6 try to go for a r e combo but be careful not to be too low so u just get chain cced and die”
Frostyfps says “Start Q and stack your passive, he will poke you but you have much more sustain. Once you have passive stacked dont be afraid to jump on him however I recommend not being overly aggressive because you can hit level 2 first and try to kill him that way. He can be pretty annoying once he is level 2 since its hard to hit abilities on him when he uses lightning rush. Avoid taking too much poke if you can and look for all ins when you are over 75% hp, if you are anything under that I recommend avoiding any all ins. Post 6 it is a bit simpler since you can ult him and go for the all in that way (him using e and stunning you can still kite you out though, be careful!). Have your passive stacked and go for it but keep in mind if you miss anything you WILL be in a bad spot. It generally gets easier with items but always respect his burst and his stuns. Rushing mercs is a must and makes the matchup MUCH easier once you have them.”
Manzey says “Easy to survive, hard to fight.
Kennen got alot of damage but high cooldowns on his W and E, so if he uses them on minions go for trades, otherwise only poke with Q.”
Luceris says “Standard Grasp Runes + Unflinching (If more CC than just Kennen)
Build Duskblade is typically what I build so I can get that massive slow on him for a trade.
This lane is typically really hard due to him not letting you get wraiths off of him. This can really hurt your scaling so I suggest baiting him into pushing the wave and BEGGING for a gank from your jungler. You out scale him but he can impact team fights much more than you can mid game.”
Sa1tykid says “Annoying piece of shit, start doran shield and you should be fine. Freeze wave near your tower and wait for your jungler to gank, then go all in. ”
YoungTact says “Rush mercs and play to farm, he hard bullies you but you can outscale with an adaptive helm rush. D shield start and disengage with W/E/R.”
qasddsa says “He has VERY big teamfight presence and control with his ultimate. Do not get caught in it in teamfights and you will be relatively fine. Very annoying when he runs away with W, but do not chase.”
Kennen is a real menace to all aggresive melee range Top laners but surprisingly Nasus does really well into him and since Kleptomancy was removed from the game, he doesn't have a specific runepage, you can see Kennen players play with Spellbook, Phase Rush, Conqueror, basically almost every rune in the game. In this lane, farm behind you minion wave so he can't poke you with his Q, do this until you get lvl 6 and Sheen and then you can start playing slightly more aggressive by doing short trades. Since his core items are so cheap (Zhonia's Hourglass = 2.9k g and Hextech Protobelt-01 = 2.5k g) he will usually have an item advantage over you, but Nasus items are way better and more stronger since they provide more stats rather than some actives. Later on to the game, Kennen will outperform you in teamfights so look to set up a splitpush where he has to match you, while you are preassuring him, look to punish his cooldowns, if you see he just used his E or his W to clear the wave, look to use your W and force an extended fights, he doesn't have the sustain to match you so he either backs or he desesperately tries to hold you while asking for backup.”
PH45 says “Hard for really any melee champion. Max Q and start with Dshield. Good thing is his ult is a really good one to steal, but the he is a tough lane opponent. Merc treads are a really good pickup vs him. ”
SubHuman Filth says “Go aery with 3 points in q.
Dodge his q's and get early MR and health. Place shrooms in wave when he goes in and just play around them. you will win the all ins as long as you poke him down in lane.”
Grayified says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Dorans shield start. Kennen is a tough matchup early game. Its important to try and survive until we have the gold for our tiamat. Once we get tiamat, we can look to take small trades with kennen, a good kennen will only allow you to get the spin damage + tiamat, but worse kennens you can get a spin + auto attack + tiamat before they disengage with their stun. If Kennen has no phase rush, you can use ghost + flash to run the kennen down the lane if they stun you. Stuns past the first one only last .5 seconds so you can use that window to setup an allin. Kennen has no sustain in his kit and with all the sustain in ours we can take worse trades but still end up winning the sustain war in the end. Be careful not to trade below half hp because he can look to burst you and take away your ultimate which takes away your kill pressure. If kennen takes phase rush do not use your W until after his phase rush is on cooldown. Mid-late game splitpush against kennen you can beat him with 3-4 items. Still might be hard to dive him with his zhonyas but if he is just sitting under turret farming, just shove in and look to outrotate him with your superior mobility.”
I Am Goliath says “Fairly easy matchup in lane since you just do more damage then him unless you get hit by his Q more then you hit your Q, only thing that is scary about kennen is that he is a monster in teamfights with his ult.”
Nabura says “Dodge his spells or stand behind minions, let him use his empowered AA on a minion. Ult when he ults and walk into him to secure R damage, be confident.”
EntxRecoil says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Dorans shield start. Kennen is a tough matchup early game. Its important to try and survive until we have the gold for our tiamat. Once we get tiamat, we can look to take small trades with kennen, a good kennen will only allow you to get the spin damage + tiamat, but worse kennens you can get a spin + auto attack + tiamat before they disengage with their stun. If Kennen has no phase rush, you can use ghost + flash to run the kennen down the lane if they stun you. Stuns past the first one only last .5 seconds so you can use that window to setup an allin. Kennen has no sustain in his kit and with all the sustain in ours we can take worse trades but still end up winning the sustain war in the end. Be careful not to trade below half hp because he can look to burst you and take away your ultimate which takes away your kill pressure. If kennen takes phase rush do not use your W until after his phase rush is on cooldown. Mid-late game splitpush against kennen you can beat him with 3-4 items. Still might be hard to dive him with his zhonyas but if he is just sitting under turret farming, just shove in and look to outrotate him with your superior mobility.”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Electrocute, Sudden impact, Eyeball, Ravenous + Null orb, Transcendence or Fleet, Triumph, Tenacity, Last Stand + Shield, Second Wind.
Sub Runes: CDR, Damage, Magic Resist.
Summoners: TP or Ignite
lightning rat=bad. But seriously he is very annoying, especially if he takes Phase Rush or Ghost. If he misses his Q, you have a good chance to beat him. If he manages to get two stacks on you then just back off until they expire. If you can bait out his ult then its a free kill. If he uses his E on the wave then engage on him. If he gets ahead just try to make plays around the map. ”
Darrkescru says “Runa : Aery (Orbe anulador)
Ficar atras dos minions pra ele não conseguir acertar o Q e ficar pokeando ate ele ficar low
Rushar : Liandry's ou Dente de nashor”
ZergDood says “He bullies in an amazing fashion and your hope here is to outfarm and rush Adaptive helm. If you do so, you're capable of taking him out of teamfights and not dying whenever he's up. Play to farm to the best of your ability. Remember, you're a tank, you're useful.”
qazx1427 says “His speed-boost thing doesn't go through walls, so let's be thankful for that. He can kill your ghouls quickly and stun you an aggravating amount of times, but this is one of those lanes where a QSS will basically give you two, maybe three free kills. He's a ranged toplaner, and you know what we do to ranged toplaners.”
Ayanleh says “He has good poke, hes the king of lane and has no mana so it will be tough. Kennen does however get outscaled by you so you can play aggressive mid to late and just destroy him in the shadow realm with your damage and magic resist.”
Spection says “EXTREMELY RARE. I've never actually laned against this guy, but he has powerful escape and good poke, as well as stacking hard CC. Lock him down before engaging, but be ready for his ultimate!”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “If he takes phase rush you won't have that much fun, he'll just run like the rat he is and poke you down. Don't take free poke early and you should be okay, ult him away from your team in teamfights and its not that bad.
Take MR.”
Twist21 says “Fleet Runes , Triple rejuv start and TP are a must in this mathcup.Against kennen you want to play for tp roams since he can kite you with ease.If he wastes his e on clearing waves make sure to punish him tho!”
wallobear53 says “Use the minions as cover to dodge his Q damage. Make sure that you don’t get tagged by his Auto-Attack while doing so though as he will be able to activate his W to deal damage to you.
Try to go for short poke trades to whittle down his Health bar. Once that is done, you can go for an all-in and kill him quickly. Just make sure that you don’t get CC’d by his Passive while doing this.
Look to fight him whenever his Energy level (Resource) is low as he relies a lot on his abilities and won’t be able to skirmish you easily without his abilities. You can do the same if his E is on Cooldown.
Horu says “Yone's burst is able to win most trades with Kennen from lv2 onwards. Stay behind minions and try pull wave towards you. By the time he procs his stun on you, you should safely time E to cancel and go back to safety.”
Fiora Pogjet says “The matchup against Kennen is hard. He can poke you down and run away with his e, so it is hard to engage him. You shouldn't fight him without a jungler or before u get lvl 6. When u hit lvl 6 and u have ult u can win the fight but it will be skillbased then.”
ModxLoL says “You want to take the legend: tenacity rune and build mercury treads against Kennen. It will make this matchup significantly easier. Go Doran's Shield and farm up until you get your warhammer. You can look at all inning Kennen with a staggered E, R, 3rd Q as long as he doesn't have any stacks of his W on you already and preferably when his E is on cooldown.”
Stiwy says “Not very hard to deal with but, unless he messes up, you will never be able to catch him.
Good range, consistent CCs, good damage.
Buy early mercury threads and maybe even a specter's cowl.
Try to farm safe and engage when the jungler is going to gank.
After laning phase he will still be annoying because of the help he can give in teamfights.”
E_IS_POWER says “Probably one of the champions that are best for teamfights. Even then he holds his own in Top-lane as one of the most annoying champions. [1]Set up a Freeze and Farm the Lane. [2]You can All-in him lv6 if he uses Lightning Rush to come forward. [3]Don't Ask for Ganks unless he is over-extended due to your Freeze or he can just Lightning Rush Away and you'll waste everyone's time. [4]You can now Parry the stun from his Passive which makes this match-up a bit easier.”
Kingarthur720 says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Dorans shield start. Kennen is a tough matchup early game. Its important to try and survive until we have the gold for our tiamat. Once we get tiamat, we can look to take small trades with kennen, a good kennen will only allow you to get the spin damage + tiamat, but worse kennens you can get a spin + auto attack + tiamat before they disengage with their stun. If Kennen has no phase rush, you can use ghost + flash to run the kennen down the lane if they stun you. Stuns past the first one only last .5 seconds so you can use that window to setup an allin. Kennen has no sustain in his kit and with all the sustain in ours we can take worse trades but still end up winning the sustain war in the end. Be careful not to trade below half hp because he can look to burst you and take away your ultimate which takes away your kill pressure. If kennen takes phase rush do not use your W until after his phase rush is on cooldown. Mid-late game splitpush against kennen you can beat him with 3-4 items. Still might be hard to dive him with his zhonyas but if he is just sitting under turret farming, just shove in and look to outrotate him with your superior mobility.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up jouable pour un Darius expérimenté, mais un enfer pour un débutant, évite autant que possible, mais si tu es forcé de le faire, applique les même conseil que pour karma et cassiopeia.
Note : les bottes de mercures sont obligatoire pour éviter des morts bêtes.”
Dantheman81 says “While Kennen can do a lot of damage and should be respected early on. You will be able to tear him a new one as the game progresses as he will be very squishy. When he ults, just put up your wall and trap him in there!”
Hunter Frenzy says “1v1: SA & Dom |
vs Burst JG: E & Res |
vs MS JG: PR & Dom |
Boots: Mercury's |
1st Core Item: Nashor's Tooth |
Optional Item: Null-Magic Mantle | Spell Upgrade Order: Q 1st up to 3rd lvl”
SpedIsOn says “He has more impact on you during a teamfight. Try to R him when he R in a teamfight. Might end up as a farming simulator. Learn to wave manage so you can freeze at your tower and he has to walk up to farm. Get your jgler to gank.”
Alzeidx says “Dorans shield start. He is much better in team fights. You might be able to kill him if he uses his dash, however you will probably lose every trade. Take advantage of his cooldowns if he makes a mistake.
TotallyEclipse says “Ranged matchup but his burst isnt as hard as someone like Jayce or Gnar. If you can catch him while his E is down, you'll win every 1v1 pre6.”
ACE4291 says “stuns you at range. his E can counter your Q also he has high energy gain making
this champ broken ....he is very hard to kill.... unless he is very bad of course. you will be lucky to kill this guy.
Dodge his Q and play safe.
lucky hardly anyone plays him. ”
AskMeHowToGp says “Kennen while being mobile and a realy bad poke champ vs someone like gangplank he can be hard to deal since he is 20 miles from you and can out run a gank from your jungle poking him isnt an option unless you see an oportunity to deal some damage but it can be and will be risky so stay patient untill late game and focus his teammates insted of him.”
report singed ty says “You are at the mercy of his screwups but those screwups DO happen if you pay attention, so its not impossible. Unlike tryndamere, the mistakes of a kennen are actually punishable most of the time.”
Sq_09 says “Don't come close to him if he has his W-AA up. Else stay behind minions to not get hit by a Q. Same thing as with all ranged matchups. Not outkiteable. Kennen is even worse because he can also outpoke you hard. ”
Beatport Expo says “Can easily Tank all of his damage but annoying to due his constant harassing. If Kennen is building on hit damage, then that's a different story and is much harder to fight ”
Kingarthur720 says “Kennen isnt a huge problem laning phase, but he can be a nuisance. He outranges you and wil most likely poke you out of lane. Take fleet or grasp runes into this mathcup or the bursty builds in order to scale well without letting him snowball.”
ShaharKarisi says “His stuns and long range do counter Shyvana, but he is completely useless without flash, play safe until he popped his flash and then commit.”
SirDrPotato says “He has total control over the laning phase. He is ranged and he can use his E - Lightning Rush, the skill where he becomes a ball of lightning and gainst movement speed - to back off if he gets ganked or if you try to all in. This means you can't kill him and he can also harass you till you are low enough for him to all in. Also, he is a great champion for teamfights which means he'll have more impact later in the game.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Annoying, like most yordles (starting to see a trend here eh?). He is particularly annoying however because he is a jack of all trades; he has good poke, good escapes, good damage, and a great teamfighting ult. If he gets ahead he is a nightmare to face and the nature of his stuns means tenacity doesn't really help that much against him, so you need to man up and snowball hard or you will want to throw yourself off a window.
Laning phase is just fine, just be careful with his spell damage and always stay around bushes so he doesn't get free hits on you with AA alone. You can try poking him down in the first 2 levels, then going for an all in since he doesn't have either his W or E and force him to flash / kill him. The moment he gets 6 he becomes infinitely more frustrating and he can easily kill you if he gets you under 50% HP, so you want to get a lead before that for sure. If you manage to get said lead just push down his turret asap and roam, his waveclear isn't super good and he can't really follow you when you R. You will want to win the game early though, his teamfight potential is huge.
Ignite is good for the early pressure. As for runes, HoB and Fleet work just fine overall.”
Itreallyhim says “Skill matchup, Stay strong in mental, He will poke alot, and has good movespeed to dodge your spells.
Read Fiddlesticks.
Use your E to displace him when hes ulting, Unless he has Zhonya, Just ult him to remove his threat from your team.”
Circas says “Another ranged match up. A little slippery because of the stuns and move speed from Lightning Rush (E) but you should win this match up hard.
Irelia does well into almost every single ranged match up top because the lane is long and her sticking power is undisputed.
Kill the Yordle.
Just land abilities 4HEAD.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “Kennen can poke you out very easily, so try to stay back or hide in bushes. When he ults, you can ult through him and/or E away to a safe place. He's fairly squishy so if you get close, you should win trades. Good idea to take Fleet Footwork.”
Loki029 says “High mobility, good poke and ranged, just do the same as VS a Jayce, but Rush Spirit Visage and a Cloth early. On Hit Kennen is very very strong against a Team so kill him fast and ”
hephephepeEPEPE says “you can not fling him because he is too fast for you you migh want do max w second to catch up with him if he uses his escape you can kill him easily”
Poljca2 says “He just pokes too much. Try not to play Darius against him and if you are already in game, try to farm as much as you can (not a lot since he will poke) and go for magic resist as soon as possible (BOTRK and then Mercury's Treads and Spirit Visage)”
AkenoSenpai says “This match up is basically same as jayce, except for instead of pushing you away, this guy just runs away. Also here make sure to engage by Q'ing a low hp minion to keep resets for his escape tools.”
StephanBJ says “You do more damage than him so play aggressive he will try to run with his E but you can pull him with your E (play electrocute against him for better dmg )”
lugzinho says “Ranged, low priced powerspikes
You try to do anything against Kennen and you just get 1000 shurikens to the face and stunned for what seems to be an eternity.
Rush merc treads and Hexdrinker.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “Kennen is a threat much for the same reasons as Gnar, but he has energy so he is a little less threatening then Gnar. He out ranges you and can outpoke you if you don't dodge his Q's. If he misses Q you have a small window in which you can punish him. Doing this consistently will make you win lane. He gets a ton of kill pressure level 6 so be careful. He also scales really well, but will most likely try and force teamfights. If you can lantern an ally out of his ultimate and go in after his ult is used you can win the team fight so just play it smart and he won't be a problem late game.”
ForgottenProject says “Start Corrupting Potion
Stay away from his empowered W which applies the Mark of the Storm
When you go up for Q poke, make sure you do it in your minions
He can’t Q you back
Parrying his 3rd Passive Proc WILL stun him
He is a strong lane bully, so just play for Mid-Late Game, and don’t get too behind on CS”
Braddik says “Ranged matchup but his burst isnt as hard as someone like Jayce or Gnar. If you can catch him while his E is down, you'll win every 1v1 pre6. ”
The Lost Drawing says “Muy molesto, no le hacer counter pero si lo poqueas le duele feo lo cual puedes matarlo bajo torre con ayuda de tu jg (si tiene 'R' es muy arriesgado intentarlo) ”
Pedrokis says “Chato por ter muito poke e um escape fácil quando ele usa o E. / As trocas são suas se ele não fugir muito, já que ele não é tão resistente. / Quase nunca jogo essa matchup, já que Kennen não é muito pickado (pelo menos nos meus games).”
Daedralus says “Oh boy this guy can be pesky. The double stun can be a huge problem as you rely on dealing damage to stay alive. Spirit Visage second item right after gunblade does the trick here! Not only can you one shot him, but he can no longer one shot you! And you get to heal more! yay!”
TheBiskoppen says “This match up is okay, you need to poke him and when you hit 6 you can all in him, remember that tenacity doesnt do much so if they doesnt have a lot of Magic Dmg go for ninjas.”
Split King says “You are very similar champions in turns of playstyle. The better player wins here, and there ain't much more to say.
Kennen has better burst damage and you have better sustained damage, so the Wit's End can win you the lane if Kennen is troublesome. ”
Valorkyrie Quinn says “Kennen's main damage source comes from his Q, so you should avoid his Qs from hitting you. Quinn can beat him pre-6. His ultimate is good in teamfights, and your job is to avoid him from reaching teamfights during midgame, by splitpushing in other lanes to apply lane pressure.
Tip: You should look for more all-ins when he misses his Q or uses it on minions.
Bring Nullifying Orb and MR runes for this matchup.”
BeautifulWinter says “Hard to deal with due to his speed and his range. Max Q and wait for a gank if your jungler is willing. Build Maw of Malmortius If the Kennen is bad and you think you can win”
Big Belly Bop says “Dodge Q's, and E out when he decides to all in. This lane is easy as long as you don't get caught by too many Q's and you poke him out of lane. Post-6 you have to be careful if he flashes on you with his ultimate + protobelt combo. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.”
ExfIamed says “If for some reason you didn't ban this little bastard then you're in for a treat, you can't poke him down cause he has an ability that has double the speed of your Q at basically no cooldown and also no cost, and even if you did trade with him you more than likely lost cause he outdamages you at every stage of the game. Just wait for jungle assistance, thankfully hes rarely picked.”
9690 says “I find that the Kennen lane is pretty hard. He can harass us early and is also reasonably strong post 6 when we R him. He can answer with R. The key to winning this lane is conceding CS early and getting to 6 without losing much health. If you are 100% HP with R we can win all-ins every time. If we have taken damage Kennen can kill us in our R if we aren't careful. He also outscales and team fights better than us. This lane needs to be played smart.”
Loevely says “Ranged matchup that can all in you. Really annoying to deal with. Fleet is your best bet. Never engage without both of your W's available. ”
ENX Kai says “this Pokemon can be a nightmare in team-fight as you never gonna catch him in a second. He will poke you real hard in lane. Start the game with Doran's Shield”
Aizenvolt says “Watch out for his shuriken and stun. Poke from a distance and dont go in until you are sure you can oneshot him. Ask for gank if you are having trouble.”
Quezel says “Kennen is extremely obnoxious early game and can bully you out quite easily buy a spectres cowl and merc treads and get an early rylais to help stick to him later on in teamfights you can easily stop him from ulting your team with ult and kill him so he shouldn't be much of an issue.”
mightydylan101 says “Kennen early relies on hitting his skill shot so hide behind minions and dodge his shot. You scale better and do more damage later with this build and you should be able to kill him early if you poke him and punish when he misses his skillshot.”
ProgettoYorick says “Kennen in early is a bully, my advice is to last hit the minions, so he won't play under the tower, since yorick is too tank for him. So he will be forced to stay in lane during that moment I could try to mark it with the E and then close it.
Advice from OTP:
Kennen control i ghouls won't be able to do anything, just be careful in early, the late will be yours (in extreme cases the mercury do well as the first item)”
hotdog93 says “Very hard to kill, does more in team fights, pokes you out of lane. Try to just peel him off your team, or go lethality and kill his backline, as he *usually* can't kill your whole team alone. Go doran's shield second wind and you can survive lane at least. ”
Greekamol says “Play under tower, take a lot of potions (corrupting pot) as he will poke you under tower. Parry his stun when you know you can such as if he e's on you or ults on you.”
Karnan says “This guy is as safe of a pick as it gets. Long auto range and heavy poke abilities. Super safe dash and he scales well into the lategame. You will not outscale this guy. See if your jungler can help you get a lead, other than that you gotta try play out the teamfights well and hope your team respects him. A ban pick for me in alot of games. ”
AlienMV says “Stand behind minions in order to avoid Q hits. Try to only take liberal amounts of damage from his auto attacks.
Once he hits 6, be more wary of getting in auto range (even once you become ranged).”
CrimsonAngel1 says “The poke is insane. If he brings Klepto, he can get his items with ease. If he brings summon aery, Kennen can easily force you out of lane. To counter this, just get a Spectre's Cowl.”
Generally Break says “Kennen wants to all in this, so sustain runes won't help you. Take Press the Attack, try to pressure Kennen to Q. If he throws a Q and it doesn't hit you all in. Consider Wit's End/Hexdrinker if the enemy team has enough magic threats.”
Melloe says “I am copy pasting this to the other 3 orange-threat levels, since it's just a ranged matchup so you will be poked a lot but you are unstoppable once you have your titanic hydra.”
Nightblue33 says “Dorans shield start. He is much better in team fights. You might be able to kill him if he uses his dash, however you will probably lose every trade. Take advantage of his cooldowns if he makes a mistake.
SirZeros says “Don't let him get you! Stay behind your minions, to avoid his Q. If he wants to engage you with his E, stun him with his minions or a wall.
Call your jungler, before he gets to Lvl 6. If he ults you (or your team) don't hesitate to use your ult on yourself to deny his damage and his stun.”
Hamstertamer says “Depends on how the Kennen plays. If he plays passive, you can just sit behind minions, so he can't land his Q on you, only autoattacks, and sustain with your passive. If he uses E aggressively you should turn on him, counter his ult with your own and remember he has energy limits so you're better in a sustained fight. Your slow is a hard counter to his lightning ball escape. Adaptive helm and merc treads.”
AsomeSonic says “you can poke with your passive, stand in minions to avoid his poke, he can go ad or ap so build wisely, dorans shield is really good here”
rximv says “Pretty much all ranged toplaners are a huge threat for fiora. You cant really q their vitals because they can just auto punish you when you disengage.”
SummonedLight says “Only reason why he isn't higher is because his health bar is very low and you will be building damage. Low health + your high damage on it = K.O”
Chromuro says “2fast4me. A stun, ranged poke and movement speed, it won't be fun. Stay behind your minion when you want to farm, electric>water unfortunately.”
Raideru says “Will Poke you a lot in lane but try to engage him when he's e is down otherwise he will just run away from you very fast and you'll get out traded.”
HKRV says “Really annoying. All-in is a death sentence. Gank is required to have a chance. They mostly pick him to counter you so they mostly missplay a lot, if you see one extend the trade. Watch out for his passive, Bait out Ultimate, Adaptive Helm works quiet well against him. ”
Aizo says “Ranged matchup, somewhat difficult in the earlygame. However at some point you become a super tank against a kennen who is likely not building any Magic pen, all you've gotta do is stop him from wiping your team and he's no issue =)”
SoulHero says “Really bad matchup if the kennen is really good, Dorans shield + second wind. You can kill him if you are around his health and he e's towards you, you flip him and just kill him. Other wise, just outfarm him. You oustcale once you get spirit visage. You feed this lane = you lose. Put pressure, If he has klepto and pushes you in, you are gonna lose hard. If you can push really hard without taking too much poke, dodging enemy ganks, you make him lose cs and prevent him from having time to proc klepto. ”
ShroudComplex says “Kennen can make for a tough lane opponent, without help from the jungler. His stuns prevent you from bursting him. So try to beat him before you hit 6 if you can. After 6, try to engage with your team, and avoid fighting him alone, if his power isn't a joke compared to yours.”
Petethebossch says “Annoying early levels but once you get Triforce you're golden. Also doesnt have strong punish on stacks if you hide in the minions.”
TiuHiikou says “Easy lane for him untill 3. Then u can have potential to kill him, on 6, he's fucked, If he ult, E, then wait, recast, stun him, and go for the kill.”
PhoenixianSlayer says “His speed boost makes it easy for his to dodge your pokes. He can quickly run in, stun you, ult and deal tons of damage. He doesn't deal a lot early, but don't be exposed after lvl 8.”
Jnewbringspain says “Kennen has good range, mobility, and crowd control. Just try to survive early on. Leave some minion kills on the table if it means keeping your health up. Level 6 won't be much easier since his ultimate is very strong, but you will have a better chance once you have Sheen.”
messketchup says “Kennen has an easy disengage, engage, and poke. Try to get your jungler to help you. Pay attention if he has stopwatch or Zhonya's Hourglass because he will most likely kill you with his ult.”
Angela du Seithr says “Kennen va aisément abuser de vous en phase de lane, vous n'avez pas de moyen de riposter, pas de moyen de l'engage si il max le E et plus de moyen de le tuer au niveau 6 sans l'aide de votre jungler. Si en plus il rush Zhonya, abandonnez et partez aider les autres lanes quand votre ultime est up.”
PandaSenpai101 says “Hardest matchup for Fiora in my opinion. You can't actually stun him with your parry, which can make the lane even harder. His early levels are extremely strong, so be careful for that. His R is a great gank setup. Look to farm out the lane, and pick your CS wisely.”
Zestysquid says “Try not to get CC'ed by him - I don't like baiting with his stun because it's risky. They usually get frustrated and dive you with their speed boost. Generally a pretty straightforward lane.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Quite an annoying lane, but it's very winnable if you can manage to get to him with your Q charge. He can only outtrade you if he keeps his distance.”
M2 Jizu says “Sencillo, al igual que Gnar, no te dejes pokear tanto, tienes que darle a entender que te tiene que respetar.
esquiva sus Q. necesitarás sustain.
Este Matchup no es muy difícil ;)”
Ryako the Exile says “Farm yourself up as hard as you can and get hextrinker, after buying this you can go for trades but better watchout the jungler bc Kennen is a good champ to gank bc of his R. If kennen has no E and you are 6 befor him then go for it if you have that enought from health”
Bombabo says “Due to his Range and the speed from his E, kennen can harass you until you're low enough to die to his all-in. Ult and fight if he uses his E aggressively”
AmnesiaT says “"A lightning squirrel?! Hahahaha, thank you! Your death will amuse me.” -Aatrox
You can destroy him. Just dont let him stack up with klepto.
0mega best says “Range and can escape whenever you get close from him, extremelly hard and the only thing you can do is farm and call for ganks hoping he dosent get fed.”
RainbowNova says “Kennen's ultimate is annoying, but nothing a little Adaptive Helm can't stop. He can still destroy you early though, since he is an energy-based champion.”
Lil Tidepod says “Kennen can be really annoying, but typically doesn't do enough damage to kill you or really harm you that much at all. He's annoying with his little electric dash, and I will be the first to admit his ultimate can dish out some big damage, but he shouldn't be too hard to deal with. ”
Kaydo says “Ranged matchups are pretty good for you. Your gray health and doran's shield grant a lot of sustain and landing 1 Q on them means that you can go on them. Get aggressive, especially if they have kleptomancy, don't let them get too many free hits, but don't feel too pressured by it and try and force a stupid play/fight”
GameRage20 says “He can and will kite you to death, your advantage compared to ryze is that he cannot snare you and that you can hide easily behind minions. Rightoues glory will do the job in reaching him.”
ImpossibleLogic says “This evil little rat of top lane will constantly poke you with his Q's until your stunned when he can have his way with you ping as soon as he leaves lane as his ult can make for some disgusting double kills on bot DO NOT all in Kennen ever unless a good gank is coming and you are at very high health best way to win the game against kennen is to scale into team fights fight for objectives and corrode your enemy.”
FunkySoul says “As of patch 9.9, Kennen's E no longer gives him Armor Resist, but is instead on his Ultimate. This is great news as you can efficiently trade against this, but that does not mean your lane has become easier.”
TechnoRenekton says “Avoid trading with Kennen.
Will play aggresive, so you can ask your jungle for ganks.
Has unpredictable Crowd control.
Stun him and Dash out if he uses ultimate.”
Grewstadaroosta says “Kennen can poke a lot and if he builds damage then as soon as you have marks on you, and you get stunned because of how squishy you are you will more than likely just die.”
GrGamingTeo says “Kennen is quite a big threat, he has an easy disengage, engage and poke. Try ti get your jungler to help you or catch him with your e. If he has stopwatch/zhonya's becareful because he can use it in his ult and kill you.”
mlgn4ever says “Alright, kennen is in my opinnion the hardest matchup out there. Normally i permaban him, but nowadays i play Singed mid more than top!”
0mega best says “He is range so be careful, wait for a gank and make sure to keep it farmin, simply dodge his abilitys and block his escape, after that make a well timed flip and you should be good.”
DrMoneybags says “This matchup SUCKS. If you ever try to engage with E and Q, he just stuns you and breaks the tether. If you get dismounted, he pokes you and stuns you until you die without a chance to remount. The only chance you have to win early is hoping that he mispositions hard enough near your tower for you to stick onto him even through his stun. Try to just farm early and survive the poke. Stacking tenacity and MR will help you potentially beat him later in the game. Maw of Malmortius or Steraks can help you survive his Ulti if you get dismounted.”
Arcthunder says “Kennen is the lighting yordle of death. Packed full of CC, he makes unmounted Kled a pain to play. See more in the Tough Matchups section.”
Qubert64 says “Big threat if he is good. Taunt when he slips up and pop him. disengage after the first stun if you can. Second rotation is generally when they ult.”
kubsak26 says “Kennen isn't a terible matchup. He don' t have a lot of hp so your poke is very dangerous for him if you hide behind minions you can avoid shurikens and if you do E&Q fast you can hit him even during his E. End if you hit your Q's you actually win all in's even if he use his ult when you hit your. He may of course farm from range and you can't do much about that but in this situation you will get leed in cs all tho in this senerio you will not get him out of the lane because of energy. The real problem is his late because no matter what his ult will make him viable and there is nothing you can do about that so your only option is to bulid mr to don't get too much dmg from it. ”
Shderen says “Rare, but I reckon you could whoop his ass. He often has to get in your range, his Q is easy to dodge, if he wants to build MR he has to sacrifice building Protobelt or Zhonya's first, so he's not gonna have much early. Late game, get good ward coverage so he doesn't flash in with some tricky lightning shit.”
OnionMilkshake says “This evil little rat of top lane will constantly poke you with his Q's until your stunned when he can have his way with you ping as soon as he leaves lane as his ult can make for some disgusting double kills on bot DO NOT all in kennen ever unless a good gank is coming and you are at very high health best way to win the game against kennen is to scale into team fights fight for objectives and corrode your enemy
(Recommended: Electrocute)”
Zdenster says “Take Arcane Comet. Stand behind minions. Rush Merc's treads. Take 2 points into W. If he engages on you, re-engage or walk away if you see his Jungler.”
Fruxo says “Try to dodge his Q's to your best ability. Try not to let him get his 3 passive proc's since it'll stun you. Be careful of his lvl 6 spike (Ult). And ask jungler for ganks if in deep trouble against this matchup.”
TheNinjaRoid says “Sort of an annoying lane. If you get ahead, you win easily. If you fall behind, you get destroyed. Get Mercury Treads, and a Sheen and you should be okay, as long as you can farm.”
Khazem says “Outranges you and never really has to put himself in a dangerous position. Try to slow him down with your E and get some damage in when you do. Avoid taking too much free poke and don't underestimate his auto attack range. Also make sure to stay out of his range whenever his empowered auto attack is available.”
LosAngeloser says “You can do nothing against him, he has good range, damage and is too fast for you. His ulti also trumps yours in the late game. Your only hope is to go Comet and support other lanes.”
The Lost Drawing says “Tiene buen CC (Crowd Control/Control de Masas). Si lo 'gankean' estas en riesgo alto de morir o gastar tu 'Destello' por su CC y el de su 'jg'
>>>'Poción de Corrupcion' para meterle sus súbditos bajo torre (normalmente 'farmean' muy mal)
>>> Runas defensivas”
ElleryTheViking says “Rarely ever comes up. When he does, rush merc treads into spirit visage and you'll be unkillable. From there, wait till he uses his energy ball or overextends and then all in him.”
BlackguardRaven says “Just runs away too much and easy to poke down if they don't build tank, but they shouldn't build tank so your great. Remember, never forget HOW MUCH DAMAGE YOU PASSIVE E AND Q DOES.”
SynergyXO says “Dodge his throwing star things, you cant cheese him level 1, maybe 2. but after that, you need a jungler. his cc and kiting potential is too much.”
E61K says “Depends on how good the Kennen is and what he is running. It will most likely be Klepto Kennen. If he is decent it's gonna be very frustrating to deal with as it it's very hard hard to get ahead him on your own unless you get a gank. It's crucial that you start Doran's Shield and that you go for Second Wind. Phase Rush is great against him since, unlike other ranged match-ups, he has some form of mobility (his E). So you can use the extra sticking power to catch up to him even after he stuns you and tries to run away. Against bad Kennen players you can probably get them to overstep and get in your E range. Against good Kennen players you won't get any obvious openings in that case try your best to farm it out and get ganks. Ghost if you want a shot at winning lane with the risk of getting crushed if you fail. Teleport if you want the safe route and can handle getting poked for every 2nd creep you try to farm. This might be the best lane to rush Merc's in. You beat him in 1v1's later on should you split VS him but he outdoes you hard in teamfights. ”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: High mobility, AP, Cannot have stun riposted back onto him, Teamfighting. Weaknesses: Squishy, outscaled in 1v1. He is a difficult matchup to play correctly if you are inexperienced due to his mobility and the ability to poke you down from a distance. In the Matchup, try your best to dodge his Q's and don't let him get his passive stacks onto you as you won't be able to riposte the stun back over to him. You can prevent the stun but you will not be able to stun him back with it as the riposte prevents the 3rd passive stack to apply in the fist place. If he goes for an on-hit attack speed build rush ninja tabi and if he goes for an AP build, rush mercury's treads to reduce the stun duration.”
Miracle Matter says “This is a very challenging matchup. The problem here is two-fold: First, his speed boost will virtually always make him out-run your bombs' hitboxes, i.e. no stuns landing (even when he's slowed.) Second, he can ult onto you and one-shot you while you're stunned, before you even have a chance to respond with Ulti.
My advice is to hide behind minions while poking with isolated Q's, then, once you have some mana, keep a safe distance and abuse your superior waveclear. You can't handle him in a full-on 1v1, but you can shove him under tower to avoid the 1v1 entirely. Don't get overconfident. If he tries to ult at you while your abilities are on cooldown, you're in trouble. Keep your E ready to speed to safety at a moment's notice.
If you've successfully shoved him under tower, feel free to roam mid.”
drunken hunter says “Kennen is not that easy to outplay on the top lane, try to dodge his thundering shuriken (Q) and he will have much cc and at lvl 6 and he got even more and faster cc (his ult!)”
Sion says “This is a heavy skill matchup.
If he tries to fight you pre-6 and you manage to make him get in range of your E, turn on him and half-HP him.
Repeat this and you can flash auto Q ignite him level 3.
Post-6 you have to use your R before his or you lose the trade. Try to use it when he uses his W to waveclear.”
Proxxecube says “Kennen is kind of annoying, but he currently (as of patch 8.23) doesn't show up to often. The aggravation he brings forward is because you cannot parry his passive, and his THUNDER MODE makes him impervious to your vitals. Again, like most unfavorable match ups, just farm under tower, you are significantly stronger and will eventually dumpster him.”
VdeathSpartan says “Kennen is a very hard lane due to his burst, quick move speed and long lasting stun. He can run you down and stun you, once you're stunned there's slim to no chance of you surviving.”
Melloe says “You can easily get kited by Kennen, but when a Kennen engages with his ult and you survive, your nimbus and q will give you the movement speed to keep up with him and shut him down.”
Zahkar00 says “Take Glacial.
This is a tough matchup if you dont know how to outplay kennen. Stun whenever he mispositions and just follow up until you cant, then back off and wait. Rinse and repeat.”
Joxuu says “He is mobile, has CC and ranged poke. It's going to be rough trying to do anything against him unless he mispositions. Try to bait his E and then force a fight or simply wait until you get Shurelya's + ultimate to force something.”
Bakiraka says “I think I'm pretty biased, but Kennen is one of my least favorite matchups. He doesn't use mana, which gives him a lot of harass potential. He can also chase you down once the game gets later. During lane, just stand in your minions so you don't get hit by his Q and you should be okay.”
Captain1Night says “Very annoying to deal with because of the extreme mobility and stunlocking, basically wont kill him so go with the TP safe style of play as in the spells chapter”
Trixelkour says “Dodge recommended. Too painful and oppressive to lane against. Get early Adaptive/Banshee to have a better game. Crucible is optional but is pretty good. Go for Thornmail if he is going AD. Take Exhaust and Phase Rush to maneuver around his skill shots.”
heyitsRainex says “No sustain but a lot of poke potential. If you cannot reach him through your E, just farm until mid-late game and stack some MR. Drop his attack speed if Kennen decides to go on-hit.”
SirDeRp25 says “Pretty tough lane, considering he can outrage Teemo, stand behind minions to block his Q. I usually start Doran Shield into Kennen because his poke is very high.”
E61K says “This champ combines almost everything Yasuo hates. Strong burst, hard CC, easy escapes and great poke. You can only windwall his Q and the CC in his kit which can't be windwalled. Hexdrinker for sure in this matchup. Look to Jump on him when you don't have stacks on you. 3 stacks and you will get stunned, letting him deal damage to you while you can't do anything about it. Keep in mind that if he stuns you again within 6 seconds of the last stun it will only last 0.5 seconds instead of 1.25. Other than that I would just recommend to farm it out since you outscale him. After Greaves, PD and Hexdrinker you should beat him without a problem. Keep in mind he is a teamfight monster so be careful how you play if you're planning on split-pushing.”
undeadsoldiers says “Kennen - PTA
Early items (in order) - Sheen, Phage, Stinger (Mercs if you're behind and he’s building ap; Tabi if you're behind and he's building ad)
- All in lvl 1 (passive stacked)
- All in lvl 2 (passive stacked; when one of his abilities are on cooldown or you beat him to lvl 2, otherwise he can stun you)
- Play aggressive in lane (take quick trades between his cooldowns to deny his stun)
- If it's inevitable that he'll stun you, use W to mitigate the damage done during the stun then all in him
- Evade his Q by standing behind your minions or by Qing to a minion
- Be careful of his passive auto (let him use it on the wave) since he can use it to get his stun procs quickly
- Escape his R by Qing to a minion
- Ult cooldown: 120
Omega best says “Any range tops will counter volibear, play safe, farm and dont attack him until your jungle comes to help, or else he will kill you if you get too close to him since he has an escape and an empowered attack which is pretty op. Farm and playsafe, build mr and make sure to call for being early ganked to kill him first”
Thedoctor25 says “Apesar de ser ranged, você consegue lidar facilmente com kennen dando proxy de início(na T3), ele não vai conseguir tankar e vai sofrer para farmar debaixo da torre. Assim que conseguir vantagem você pode dar all in facilmente.”
Zachlikespizza says “His stuns will continue to mess up your combo. An early hexdrinker should help a lot in this match up. Otherwise try to get some damage items until you can 1-shot him”
undeadsoldiers says “Stay behind minions to dodge his Q. Generally poke him out and don't let him stack his passive on you.
If he ults and you're not caught, you can put him to sleep.”
Mouadyam says “one of the few counterpicks, he's ranged and has cc which is terrible, dont get kited like an idiot, buy mercs and spectre's cowl for his poke, ask your jungler for help and take phase rush and ghost with legend tenacity or unflinching.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “He's Annoying since he will poke you a lot, but the only threat he poses is bursting you with his combo once he gets level 6. You can rush PD if he doesn't rush HP. His build is not predictable because he can build anything. If he builds AD, go as if he was an AD Carry. If he builds AP, avoid his skills as much as possible”
iam colorblind says “You can't really reach him!
Buy Mercury's Treads and play safe.
Also start Dorans Shield to heal up a bit!
Set ur focus on Roams!
Stopwatch in Runes is a good choice.”
Trixelkour says “You're boned. Lose some LP and move on. You have 0 counterplay against this rodent that is more annoying than the Poison (TEEMO) Rat himself, not to be confused with Twitch. Get Adaptive and Spirit. Survival is crucial to not losing against Kennen.”
CaioOP1985 says “This rodent has one of the strongest Ultimates and his passive is a constant pain in the butt to deal with. Play safely until you can get some items and catch up to his irritating speed.”
Ashnard says “Don't let kenny poke you for free and you should be fine. He doesn't have enough damage to kill you in an extended trade and early mercs make his stun irrelevant.”
GOTG Ment135 says “Estate detrás de tus súbditos, y espera a que te inicie. Aunque estés mas bajo de vida que el, todavía podrás ganarle. Intenta cronometrar tu E para que anular su stun.”
galvapheonix says “ While Kennen can do a lot of damage and should be respected early on. You will be able to tear him a new one as the game progresses as he will be very squishy. When he ults, just put up your wall and trap him in there!”
Xplosion123 says “Kennen, acho que todos os Main Darius sent em uma raiva profunda por esse campeão, além de ele poder reduzir o dano, ele pode perder o target por alguns instantes, além de ser Melee e ter um atordoamento em área, tente tomar cuidado quando seu caçador for na sua rota para não entregarem um Double e não perder de vez a lane.”
kagaroo says “🔴COUNTER MATCHUP🔴
Threat Scale: 9/10
➡️ This matchup is extremely hard for Trundle, however it REALLY depends on how good the opponent is at spacing and spell control.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad Kennen vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average Kennen vs Average Trundle ➡️ 50/50 skill matchup
Good Kennen vs Good Trundle ➡️ Kennen stomps Trundle.”
Haxorr says “Very hard matchup. I like to take exhaust to nullify Kennen throughout the game. Other than that, go PTA with Doran's shield and second wind. Just try to survive this lane is my best recommendation, if you can correctly parry one of his abilities it's good but a good Kennen is gonna beat you up for sure. Maw isn't bad as well if they have 1+ AP champ other than him.”
AdeptDrax says “you will feed really hard if he plays correctly, you can go even if played safe, anticipate his skillshot and avoid with E, he will try to chip you down when wave gets under your tower.”
CactEyez says “Annoying but not unplayable. Kennen can dodge W even after Q slow. Don't just take poke for free, wait for the wave to push or look for all ins.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties/Mercs -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties/Mercs -> Rocketbelt -> Heartsteel”
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