As a Support 51.97% Win Rate99% Pick RateSona As a Support Counters: 31 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Sona as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Zileanaire says “I forgot she still existed. Never deemed her a threat though she can be a minor nuisance. ”
ZedAway says “squishy and easy to deal with, i dont think u will ever face her since now its a troll pick, why pick sona when u can pick seraphine, but yeah, hit her with a Q W and u should get a free kill.”
Aerenax says “Sona is an annoying poke champion but laning against her should be fine as she has no CC. Play around her ability cooldowns and care for her ult. If you do this you should win lane 9/10 times.”
Arctic Arrow says “Sona is a tiny threat, as she’s relatively weak in lane and can be easily pressured. Engage her aggressively or roam if she’s playing under her tower, as she struggles to counteract strong plays. Her primary abilities (Q, W, and E) provide utility and some sustain, but she lacks significant defensive or offensive capabilities on her own.
Serpent’s Fang is recommended to reduce the effectiveness of her shield from W (Aria of Perseverance) and to capitalize on her overall weakness in trades.”
xpwnz1337 says “It can go 0/20 lane and still outperform you because healbot.
Counterplay: Antiheal. W+Q. Dont let her scale free. play agressive and milk her.”
LA COLORADA says “free lane, but if she's smart she'll just play to scale, and oh boy she outscales the fuck out of you. end the game before she carries teamfights by herself.”
Abarame says “Sona is generally considered a superior enchanter to Milio. Dealing with her can be challenging unless she makes mistakes. Her poke is safe, she neutralizes the matchup with a stronger immediate heal, and she scales better into mid and late game. It's advisable to ban her once you're familiar with all your matchups, especially in higher elo games.”
lesbianqueen says “Not necesarily a "threat" but when late game comes shes kind of a better version of you. She isn't good in lane but once it gets to mid/late game her utility in teamfights really negates the impact of yours. Sure you can outdamage and maybe kill her, but shes a better healer and overall enchanter. Build full damage against her rather than trying to compete with her heals and shields. Your team must focus her and kill her early in teamfights to remove her impact.”
SchloppyPoppy says “Very squishy, low damage and only CC she has is in her ult. Her heals/shields also are not that good so this should be an easy matchup for you”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “Not much to say honestly, just all in her or perma roam if they are playing under tower, she cant really do much against you unless her jungler baby sits her lane(Serpents fangs is also recommended against her)”
BrokenSternum says “Has heal and actual support capabilities but you massively out damage her the longer the game lasts and she won't be a threat. Maybe bring anti-heal but again this needs more testing.”
Foxirion says “Sona's utility and sustain can be a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's engage potential and crowd control can help him pressure Sona and disrupt her in fights.”
glimppi says “She will out heal/shield your poke, so don't bother. She will also poke a lot, so try to stay away from her to prevent free poke. Sona is squishy, so you might be able to get a kill with a smart box or good clone usage.”
RangoFan2011 says “This lane isn't as difficult as it is extremely unenjoyable. She does more damage than you and heals more than you. You pretty much have to play patiently until you have items and chimes, then you outscale.”
1yanou says “Laning vs a good Sona should be really unplayable as Janna, but the Sona players are rarely ever good. Sona's poke outranges you, she can walk up and R you as you R, etc. I would honestly put her as a lower threat, but because of the fact she's actually a counter if played properly she is still in Major. ”
Kenma5319 says “She’s so tiny but you should kill her 2 times at early then she can be useless. But if you cant kill her and she gets some items. She turns into healing shielding machine.
But %90 times she’s free lane.”
Velkyann says “Sona is very easy to play against because all she can do is poke and ult. All you are gonna want to do is wait for level 6 or if she has no mana to engage, if she is healing to much buy anti-heal.”
MorePierogiVanya says “A lack of mobility and lackluster shields/heals make her an easy target to focus. She has alright, frequent poke, so be careful of that.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Her in-lane sustain is very good and her poke can hurt, especially if she builds AP.
Wait for her to misposition and burst her down when you can, otherwise stay out of her range and poke her down.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Kinda like an easier Seraphine. Take antiheal if you're having trouble and poke at her.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Not the worst sup to deal with, but she has decent poke and heals. She is however super squishy and is literally dead upon landing E. [scales on items]”
Xintero says “While I don't think Sona is that much of a problem in low elo, I can understand why she counters Renata. She is very squishy, so try to all in after she ults, or wait until she has no bars below her health.”
Prefexx says “Surprised to see Sona? The reason why i'm even bothering to mention her is because she does have a minor threat to you when there is an AP Sona. Don't underestimate her. Even though she is rather squishy, she out pokes you and has a quick and easy way to stop your ultimate. Do not engage her unless you are 100% sure you will kill her because her Q really hurts.”
Aerenax says “Sona does a lot of poke damage and sustains a lot. If you want to kill her or her adc make sure you all in on them, because when you get on top of her it will result in a kill. Her ult can also be blocked by your E, but be careful you get stunned in th process.”
Ryecheria says “Outscales you, but is punishable in lane.
Matchups are based on ADC matchup. How well can your ADC create space.
If you can't kill her before lv 4, she bases to get tear and the game is hard because Sona outscales you. ”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “Must be extra careful against.
The Shield and Heal potential is just overwhelming. Probably a game for Oblivion Orb, and sooner. May need help from teammates to Win the Lane Phase.”
🐾Nidalee SUP by Lulu Mushroom Teas | Nidalee Player
HumbleMundo says “Not hard to deal with in lane but she does have a slow and a stun which you cant tank for you adc, so just be as aggressive as you can till lvl 6 (if its allowed) I'd also recommend roaming against most enchanters ”
JezebelleXX says “Using your E to hit both ADC and Support won't work as effectively here due to Sona's W negating a lot of your early poke, but she is a mid-range champion who cannot roam as quickly as you early, or outdamage you. Harass freely with autos before she hits 6. Do not group on top of allies when she hits 6.”
Shadowcrushers says “
Sona can be considered a counter against Soraka due to several reasons, including her kit, playstyle, and overall effectiveness in the laning phase and team fights.
Poke and Sustain: Sona possesses excellent poke and sustain abilities, which directly counters Soraka's main strengths. Sona's Q ability, Hymn of Valor, allows her to poke Soraka and her ADC from a safe distance, slowly chipping away at their health bars. Additionally, Sona's W ability, Aria of Perseverance, provides her and her ADC with a burst of healing, allowing them to sustain through Soraka's constant healing. This poke and sustain combination puts pressure on Soraka and her ADC, making it difficult for Soraka to keep up with the damage and maintain her allies' health.
Crowd Control: Sona's crowd control abilities can be detrimental to Soraka's effectiveness. Sona's ultimate ability, Crescendo, is a powerful AoE stun that can catch multiple enemies off-guard, including Soraka. This can disrupt Soraka's healing output and prevent her from saving her teammates during crucial moments. Sona's Q ability also applies a brief slow to the targets hit, making it harder for Soraka to position herself or escape if caught out of position.
Burst Damage: Sona has the potential to deal significant burst damage, especially when paired with an aggressive ADC. Soraka relies on sustained healing to keep her team alive, but Sona's high burst damage can quickly overwhelm Soraka's healing capabilities, forcing her to choose between healing her teammates or protecting herself. Sona's Q power chord, in combination with her passive, can deal a surprising amount of damage, especially during the laning phase, where Soraka tends to be more vulnerable.
Lane Pressure: Sona's strong laning presence can create a difficult situation for Soraka. Sona's range advantage and poke potential can constantly harass Soraka and her ADC, making it challenging for Soraka to sustain her allies. Sona's ability to zone enemies with her Q and power chords can also limit Soraka's movement and prevent her from safely approaching to heal her ADC. This pressure can give Sona and her ADC control over the lane, denying Soraka opportunities to effectively support her team.
Scaling and Utility: While Soraka scales well into the late game with her healing potential, Sona offers a similar level of utility while also providing more damage and crowd control. Sona's auras and abilities provide enhanced movement speed, increased damage output, and healing amplification for her entire team. This versatility allows Sona to contribute significantly in team fights, while Soraka may struggle to have the same impact due to her more focused healing-oriented kit.
In conclusion, Sona's poke and sustain, crowd control, burst damage, lane pressure, and overall utility make her an effective counter against Soraka. By capitalizing on her strengths, Sona can neutralize Soraka's healing capabilities, disrupt her playstyle, and provide her team with a significant advantage in both laning phase and team fights.”
itstsuk3 says “Run Electrocute Sona is very Squishy. Pressure the hell out of her, Poke Aggressively to Force her Out of Mana and keep trying to Pick her with Full Combo (just be smart about it tho you dont want to be the one OoM'ing)”
Apos says “She likes to poke and she can't poke if you control the vision. Sion has really high health regen. I haven't lost against her this season yet.”
support_diff says “Sona isn't based on auto attacks at all, which makes her a worse opponent to face, she also has some damage, shield that can help her adc ignore some of your damage”
Lunar Empress says “She wastes so much mana and can die very easily due to her low hp. Go Glacial here and she can't escape. Late game however, she will have lots of health and can carry harder than you. You will have even trading in lane, so it's just better to leave your ADC and get other lanes fed.”
mazewalk says “She can't do anything against you, except her R. It's quite easy to roam, when you're plating against enchantress support, since they can't do much to your adc. ”
support_diff says “Sona is immobile and can't do literally anything to you because her abilities' range is low, be aware of her ult as it can easily get you killed if you get caught in it”
support_diff says “Sona doesn't deal very massive damage and also doesn't have a leap or dash but is still kind of hard to Q on. She is very hard to gank, so don't wait your jungler to do much.”
Yoshiking123 says “She out-trades you early and out-scales you. The only redeeming thing is you can cleanse her ultimate (assuming she doesn't Flash and ult you).”
Aerenax says “Sona does a lot of poke damage and sustains a lot. If you want to kill her or her adc make sure you all in on them, because when you get on top of her it will result in a kill. ”
Wounds2 says “Sona can't do anything about you running at her and flinging her. Her late game AoE healing doesn't matter because Singed's ult applies 40% grievous and can easily be applied to the whole enemy team.”
Cyclic says “You outpoke her early but to be honest, her shields and utility late game are stronger then your scaling unless you get to SUPER late game. Play to build a lead in lane and play for a strong mid/early game against sona so she can't get to her Archangels Staff and passive power spike and perma outheal all of your damage”
ZharMeny says “The only reason I put Sona lower than Seraphine is because she has lower range and you can punish her more easily, try to abuse her early on and don't let her scale, if she still does, start praying. Recommended Stance: Either”
Toches says “She outscales you in the late-late, but she's far too squishy and mana hungry in the early to be a threat, lvl 2 E-flash plus two autos takes half her health, can consider ignite, especially with an agressive adc.”
iveye says “Sona is often a lane where players let her control the lane out of false fear that she can either heal her carry back up after trading, or Q poke harass you to below half hp with roaming your only way to make an impact. This is false because if she uses her E you can engage on her because now she will not have the move-speed to not be collapsed on. Sona's R is realistically her main threat when her team follows up on it and shutting your engage down.”
mellorwastaken says “Easiest matchup i would say she has no tools do deal with you just walking in her face with W and hitting Q, but, she has the best scaling amongside supports so you will need to snowball your lead and look to close the game early.”
WhiteLotus says “She will outscale you pretty hard. Play early aggesive and tell your jungler to punish her for picking Sona with dives. If you are even and she is lvl 6, play it slow and care about her R.”
veeixin says “She's difficult and really negates your abilities easily. Her charm + heal + poke damage really puts a damper on your ability to do anything.
Though she isn't impossible, just take this knowledge if you ever go against her with Taliyah.”
DARKSTARR says “She's able to out-heal you quickly, giving the advantage to the other team. Her heal is also an area of effect spell, much stronger than your one-person-only heal.”
gizemdeniz says “She rarely played these days and players ignorantly buy AP items for this girl. She actually has good utility potential, but the fact that she was more fragile and slower than ours will make this match a lot easier for us.”
Igirl45 says “Sona is very squishy without any escapes, if you land a w on her you should be able to kill her with your adc. Anti-heal will also be useful this lane as her w gives shields and heals.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Sona is the hardest scaling enchanter in the game. If you don't have a strong early game ADC that can run them down with Glacial, then you need to roam this matchup. If neither of those are possible, then you should dodge. She's incredibly squishy so ignite has good value into her. Not much else to say since her kit is so basic.”
Roltu says “Sona no tengo mucho para decir más que seras pokeado por ella por mucho tiempo en early, pero en late al igual que el resto, terminas siendo algo fácil de lidiar.
Prioriza cortacuras y tira gancho hacia ella primero.”
zotet says “She is only strong when behind her team, she spikes in mid and late game due to the high amount of team fights that occur. She has no dueling ability and is hard to isolate. But when she is isolated she will be very easy to kill.”
OakuMarai says “Really annoying poke, can't do much if you get W bounces though. Aery/Electrocute.
If you can stun her she's as good as dead. Careful of her ult post 6.”
huirats says “Her Q poke is pretty annoying, and she can heal a lot. She can run away from you pretty easily with her E, and her Ult doesn't do much damage but if you get hit with it in a team fight you're probably dead. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Most Sona’s will run through their mana incredibly quickly through poking and providing heals. Capitalize on this by looking to fight her when she has no mana available. Sona is incredibly vulnerable in the early game. Before level 6, try to abuse her as much as possible. Once she is level 6, her kill pressure increases as her Ultimate Crescendo(R) is a great duelling tool and has great gank set up too. The best time to play aggressively is when Sona overextends to get stacks on her Spellthief’s Edge. When she is overextended, try to play aggressive and burst her down when she’s positioned forward.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Most Sona’s will run through their mana incredibly quickly through poking and providing heals. Capitalize on this by looking to fight her when she has no mana available. Sona is incredibly vulnerable in the early game. Before level 6, try to abuse her as much as possible. Once she is level 6, her kill pressure increases as her Ultimate Crescendo(R) is a great duelling tool and has great gank set up too. The best time to play aggressively is when Sona overextends to get stacks on her Spellthief’s Edge. When she is overextended, try to play aggressive and burst her down when she’s positioned forward.”
aRhesty says “Easy kill early and can't do too much into you as you should never let her in R range, only reason she's minor is her amazing late game.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Most Sona’s will run through their mana incredibly quickly through poking and providing heals. Capitalize on this by looking to fight her when she has no mana available. Sona is incredibly vulnerable in the early game. Before level 6, try to abuse her as much as possible. Once she is level 6, her kill pressure increases as her Ultimate Crescendo(R) is a great duelling tool and has great gank set up too. The best time to play aggressively is when Sona overextends to get stacks on her Spellthief’s Edge. When she is overextended, try to play aggressive and burst her down when she’s positioned forward.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Most Sona’s will run through their mana incredibly quickly through poking and providing heals. Capitalize on this by looking to fight her when she has no mana available. Sona is incredibly vulnerable in the early game. Before level 6, try to abuse her as much as possible. Once she is level 6, her kill pressure increases as her Ultimate Crescendo(R) is a great duelling tool and has great gank set up too. The best time to play aggressively is when Sona overextends to get stacks on her Spellthief’s Edge. When she is overextended, try to play aggressive and burst her down when she’s positioned forward.”
ShoDesu says “Lose all trades to Sona and you will most likely handshake lane which is bad because you will get out scaled. Need to heavily roam in this match up as Sona has bad 2v1 dive pressure. Rush Chemtech Putrifier.”
Jageiko says “Sona will expect you to bully her. She's used to it.
...Sucks to be her. Stun her and she's dead. Abuse it pre-6. Always look for a timing, your lane can snowball to infinity and beyond. If you do it right she'll be irrelevent even with her R.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Sona's laning phase is quite weak and the ball is in your park, but she does scale extremely well. Even when she's scaled though you can find the fights you want, so be careful. Good chemtank matchup.”
Mindartis says “Any hero who is in some way the opposite of Thresh is a problem.
He doesn't like magic damage, and therefore any support that deals magic damage causes trouble for him.
Also, Thresh gets closer to the opponent, so he is vulnerable against control.”
CALSHARKY says “you will stomp her.Very squishy 0 threat here. Just stomp her pre 6 and be cautious of her ult, build a mercs if that big of an issue.”
Navn says “Its not so much the lane phase that will be tough, but once Sona gets Moonstone Renewer, at some point, it will feel like shes out-healing you! And she is the best applicator for Chemtech Putrifier, possibly in the whole game, so she will likely out-scale you as well. Try to gain a lead early.”
Touka1 says “Very easy laning phase but after first/second item she will outscale you beyond belief since she is the best scaling enchanter in the game!
but it's very easy to punish Sona with strong ADC and jungler so you should always ask your jungler to path to you early game.”
WhoYouLookingAt says “For the same reasons as Soraka Sona, matchups are quite tuff. For these to champions you should rush grevious wounds and wait a bit later for your lost chapter as it will help your poking.”
FrostedSpark says “Slowly poke you down, her speed negates your minefield. Heals her allies after your burst and can deny you with her charm. Difficult to play against.”
GrumpyKyuu says “Good ult and decent poke, but her heal isn't the strongest and her cooldowns are kinda big early. Should be pretty easy to shut her down if she over-extends.”
Tqnshi says “This matchup really only depends on how good the Sona player is. If they know her ins and outs then she'll be annoying in teamfights because of her built-in dmg reduction and slow. She's easy to punish in laning phase though so if your adc is good then it shouldn't be a problem.”
Challenger Project says “Abuse early levels. The problem with all enchanters is all the same - if we don’t snowball early hard, we fall off and get outscaled.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Focus her in the mid to late game and you should be fine, you can dodge her R by casting your Ult or Q'ing away in time.
She is immobile so bully her or help your team catch her.”
Demonsedge90 says “Sona has a good poke you must respect before diving her with your team. Pre-6 is where you need to respect her unless she missteps, but after 6, you have complete agency over her and can eliminate her with good coordination.”
Bella Starlily says “Sona is very squishy early, focus her and try to kill her to set her behind. She takes a bit to scale but becomes a complete monster when she does.”
Cordiall says “Another enchanter that can't do anything to Braum. All-in her, kill her, and enjoy rolling around in the piles of gold she donates to your cause.”
DtNikk says “Sona will just be annoying in lane. You can poke her when her passive is not stacked, if it is try to not get hit as it will hurt. Merc Treads are a good choice, but either of the support items work.”
Nozul says “Sona pode dar alguns pokes chatos durante a partida. Esta lane é tua a não ser que você tome muito dano dela e do ADC inimigo. Você consegue acertar teu Q nela quando ela vier dar poke em você. Faça um corta-cura também, irá te ajudar muito.”
TheBlueImperial says “Sona only provides utility, healing and shielding which can all be countered with itemisation and your abilities. She has no way of stopping you from engaging onto her or her ally, just try to W1 onto her after she uses her E, the added movement speed can help her run out of it.”
HypoTheAced says “Sona doesn't introduce a threat unless she has a really good ADC. She basically isn't a champion before her lvl 6 and is really squishy. You should dominate the lane, especially with your Q slow for trades which Sona can't possibly outtrade.”
PumpkinMatters says “Hahahahahahahahahahaha uma Sona. Primeiros segundos de partida ela vai querer meter a cara pra dar poke, mas isso acaba na nossa primeira iniciação; depois ela chora até a partida acabar”
asmrtoelicks says “Sona will constantly go for poke with her (Q) hymn of valor and you will almost always be able to hit a (Q) starfall on her to outtrade. Very mana intensive earlygame.”
PumpkinMatters says “hahahahahahahahahaah a Sona. First seconds of the match, she'll want to get close to poke you, but this ends on our first engage. Then she cries till the end of the game”
TheAngryJacket says “has to walk towards you to attack, look for e into stun, later on she can be annoying, but as long as you dont run it down in laning phase and can dodge her ult, you should be able to handle her”
Harry132 says “This is about even matchup it is quite easy for you to get onto her but in return, she can poke you back and will most of the time just heal back up and win the trade by out sustaining you”
The Wands says “low aggressiveness potential against you but with defensive potential, be careful with positioning and the place where you are starting the fight.”
Winter Nicole says “Sona: She can be annoying when it comes to her speed ability and Q and her healing can be annoying to, just make sure she doesn't ult your adc and If she does than Heal/Shield your teammate and take the hits but also attack them to make them lose health. (Recommend Ult and E them and to heal and shield your teammate a lot from her)”
SirCaptFair says “from lv2 to 10 you have the upper hand as soon as she gets 11 you start losing the scale game. So make sure they prioritize the bushes with a red trinket. and find opportunities to flash w her whenever she tries to go for q poke. at 6 r early and do not run at her straight forward only run at her in diagonals.”
Discord231 says “"Que no tu adc estaba a 1 de vida" Implorale a tu adc que gaste 800 de oro en heridas graves (pues tu necesitas un ítem completo para aplicarlas bien), o si no, un 2 vs 2 no será posible de ganar. No le regales oro dejándote pokear por gusto. (Es como Soraka o Nami, pero menos problemática)”
alloposid says “She has healing which makes your poke almost redundant, can hit you through minions meaning she won't stand where she can be hit by Dark Binding, and her only cc is her Ultimate which is cast immediately so you cannot react to it and use Black Shield.”
GuanaTv says “As habilidades de Sona tem um alcance muito baixo e o fato dela ter pouca resistencia faz com que qualquer acerto da Sentence nela termine em abate!
(Sona's abilities have a very low range and the fact that she has low stamina makes any Death Sentence hit her to end in kill!)”
Gobomo says “She can sustain her lane, so you'll want to poke her or her ADC down to make her waste mana on her heal. When she backs to get mana (which is always before you, because you have chimes), or she's too low to help her ADC, full engage on whoever's in bot to get a kill, then back immediately for item advantage. ”
Petra Venj says “Poke as much as you can level 1, you will most likely always win the trade and make Sona waste her mana on W after. I suggest Oblivion Orb”
Mooncurve says “she outpokes you, has damage if goes ap, super squishy tho, but if you can't land a hook on her, you will feel pain. Flash flay her pre-6 (if you think you win 2 v 2s)”
yaemitskiuwu says “Bully her in lane so she's practically useless late game. She scales also but if your ADC gets really ahead, she's nothing anymore. ”
eiensiei says “If you're playing against a Sona support, you can sit back and enjoy the free LP, as she is probably wintrading. She is insanely squishy and if she ever goes for Q poke, you can both W and AA, winning the trade. Focus either her or her ally, never both of them, as doing that lets her get more use of her W.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Her poke is annoying but before level 6, she can't do anything if you catch her, she'll just try to run. She runs out of mana very quickly so taking multiple trades will force her out of lane.”
Mystral says “I find pretty easy to lane against Sona. You can shield her damage or just E > AA > Q on her to outdamage her and to make her waste mana to heal herself.”
Aerenax says “Sona is an annoying poke champion but laning against her should be fine as she has no CC. Play around her ability cooldowns and care for her ult. If you do this you should win lane 9/10 times.”
eiensiei says “Focus either her or her ally, never both of them, as doing that lets her get more use of her W. She's super squishy and you can often get a kill on her at level 2 or 3 when she overestimates how much damage she can withstand.”
warmfishu says “Has roughly the same utility as Yuumi. Her Hymn of Valor (Q) will hit both projectiles on your lane partner since you are untargetable, so they will get poked down faster if Sona gets the chance. Gains Ability Haste through her passive, so she will have smaller and smaller windows of opportunity, including with Crescendo (R), which is a one-hit AoE stun.”
iKonek says “Currently strong due to her poke makes for an extremely painful lane. Buy MR/sustain on your first back, and encourage your carry to invest in a Doran's Shield first item and an Executioner's Calling first back.
Rasta Da Masta says “I have yet to meet a Sona player smart enough to max W first... else, this matchup would be harder. But your poke out ranges her Q. Be careful when she has her passive ready & watch out for Flash+R.
Other than that this is an easy matchup. She wins late game though, so look to end fast.”
Korippo says “This is pretty much a skill matchup, but generally Sona can't do much early game and you need to abuse that as much as possible. Late game she is going to be a bit of a pain thanks to her AOE healing (similar to Seraphine) so it would be wise to build Chemtech Putrifier somewhere down the line. She's generally just a poker who doesn't do much otherwise; do note her ult is a pretty linear stun though, which her ADC will follow up on, so it's important to follow up with your ult afterwards as to prevent them from doing anything off of it.”
CorgiBorgi says “GOOD LUCK BESTIE SHE IS YOUR HARDEST COUNTER. Outscales, out pokes, can dodge your Q easily, and little CC to block. just dive her? It's your best option. (build moonstone)”
Distinger says “Seraphine 1.0, except she actually counters you.
She can perma boost the ADC with speed and heals, and her ultimate is almost instant.
Unlike Seraphine she will always be close to the ADC so she can speed boost if you channel your hook, heal if you try to R and stun you if you try to engage with E.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Sona ficará pokeando Katarina com Q+AA até matá-la, por isso, evite levar dano de graça, o controle de wave é da Katarina visto que Sona só tem uma habilidade de dano que usará nos minions (Q). Por ser suporte e ter pouca defesa, nos níveis iniciais Katarina pode agressivar com EW+AA+QE+AA até matá-la, mas lembre-se de não subestimar o dano de uma Sona AP. Tenha cuidado com ganks e garanta o mais rápido possível Hextech Gunblade para recuperar sua vida nos minions e puxar sempre para que possa dar roaming, o qual a Sona não conseguirá acompanhar. Para que não tenha nenhum problema, utilize a runa Lenda Tenacidade e você ficará bem caso ela te ulte. Em teamfights elimine-a rapidamente visto que ela recuperará a vida de seus aliados muito rápido e seu time poderá perder lutas por conta disso. O potencial de perigo de Sona é baixo visto que a Katarina possui alta mobilidade e consegue reduzir a cura com a ultimate em um percentual ainda maior (60%).”
0Banda says “ Sona is not that difficult to play against either, she can cure allies after trades with she's W which screws some of your trades, but taking away that, she won't cause you much problems
When engaging, you can focus her, as she is pretty immobile and has low health so you may be able to kill her
When you are playing against Sona build as usual, and if there are more champions that heal in the enemy team feel free to build Morellonomicon also play as usual”
SlippStream says “This is another matchup to rush Executioner's Calling for. Aside from her healing, Sona provides poke that can match your range, so play around her vital cooldowns.”
Hanjaro says “She can negate a lot of your poke with her heals, but they cost a lot of mana, run her oom. She's squishy, you can burst her down at 6 - but don't let her cancel your ult with hers!”
millysenpai says “Not much threat unless in laning phase you are focused. But your Starcall (Q) can be affective to gain back HP and slow Sona when coming in with her Hymn of Valor (Q).
High chance of Sona poking the adc from csing in lane.”
Cimcia484 says “Sona has a slight adventage later in the game with the amount of AOE shielding she provides. Try to punish enemy team for stacking on top of each other with your Everfrost + E combo. If you hit Sona with it she should be dead. If you hit 2+ people you probably won a teamfight.”
Jowoey says “Skill matchup. She can play very safely and scale up and be impossible to play against or she can die in lane and be useless. Healing reduction is not bad against her! Trades in lane are very even.”
Melyn says “She has a fair amount of sustain and poke, so bring your potions and be good with your E. Her E also gives a lot of MS. She will out-poke you but you win all ins early. Once 6, you must ensure you aren't in a position to get double stunned with your ADC.”
Hanjaro says “She can negate a lot of your poke with her heals, but they cost a lot of mana, run her oom. She's squishy, you can burst her down at 6 - but don't let her cancel your ult with hers!”
Hanjaro says “Sona can out trade you easily with her Q and heal up any damage with her W. She can stop your engage with her R, but she is very squishy, so you can burst her down.”
Biotic says “Almost the same as Seraphine fairly easy to stomp in lane but be carefull she outscales you. Call your jungler and dive her over and over post 6. Start with E and she cant dodge your double bombs.Level 3+ always free to kill.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “her q poke is kind of annoying but you should be able to poke her back easily, you scale better until she hits lvl 11 when her abilities don't have much of a cooldown.”
Guoblide says “Sona is a skill based matchup for Braum due to her being a hyperscaling support while her poke still enables her to force Braum out of lane in the early game. She is squishy though so catching her out can usually lead to a kill. Sona is an enchanter support who stays in the backline during fights and dishes out massive AOE healing, movement speed buffs, and damage. Sona powerspikes hard at Levels 2 and 3 where Aria of Perseverance and Song of Celerity can help her protect her ADC and get 3 stacks on her Power Chord much quicker. She also spikes at Level 6 where she gains access to Crescendo and get an ultimate passive that gives her 10% cooldown reduction on her basic abilities. She spikes again at Level 11 where her passive cooldown reduction gets bumped up to 25% and finally at Level 16 where her passive cooldown reduction gets bumped up to 40%. Since Sona is squishy and very susceptible to poke try to bully her in lane by poking her with Winter's Bite. Since both Braum and Sona are pretty defensive champions this lane usually comes down to who can get an HP and pressure advantage while still maintaining river priority. At Level 1 try to trade with Sona as Winter's Bite deals more damage than Hymn of Valor and applies a slow as well. If your ADC is aggressive and can follow up on your Winter's Bite easily then try to camp bushes and set up an early kill. Once Sona hits Level 2 her Aria of Perseverance gives her amazing sustain and lets her stack her Power Chord way faster. Try to play defensive when Sona has 2-3 stacks on her Power Chord and save Unbreakable to block her Power Chord empowered Basic Attack. Once Sona hits Level 3 she can poke easily by running in, poking, and running out quickly with her Song of Celerity. If you see Sona activate Song of Celerity and run up to you or your ADC then Stand Behind Me and Unbreakable to block her combo. Once she unloads her full combo she becomes incredibly vulnerable so use this 8-10 second period to pressure her and get some poke off. Level 6 is where Sona starts to take over the game. The 10% cooldown reduction passive lets her poke even more as well as easily sustain through Braums poke. Her Crescendo can let her catch your allies off guard and set up kills for her team. Crescendo is super scary in teamfights as the AOE stun can singlehandedly win fights for her team. Keep in mind that Unbreakable can stop Crescendo from going past Braum due to it being a projectile that can be absorbed.”
Spection says “Her poke is fairly strong and she is also quite fast. You will undoubtedly have some trouble trying to poke her. If you can catch her out, she dies incredibly quickly, being very squishy. She is oppressive if she gets ahead or has a lead of any sort. Treat her with respect.”
Billehz says “Poke can be annoying, but you should be able to out trade her and hitting charms on her should be pretty easy, especially if she has used her E already.”
Go Getter says “She can poke you a lot safely for most of the match and will most certainly harass you, she can also pretty easily save her ADC, but if you're good at predicting E directory you can land some satisfying punishes.
Survive till level 6 and trash her!!”
dragonmasterc says “Sona is extremely easy to bully in lane, but it's important that you do your best to avoid getting poked by her Q, as every enemy she hits with Q (and ally healed with W) gives her permanent ability haste. This makes it important for you to win lane and transition this into an early win, because otherwise she's perfectly content ARAMing regardless of how her lane went and buffing her teammates to victory. She will outscale you in ally buffing eventually, so stop that from happening.”
Hanjaro says “She's very squishy, but her heals and poke are annoying. Try to catch her out, she will die in one combo! Build morello's as she scales well into late game and can negate a lot of your burst damage in teamfights.”
DasNerdwork says “Do not clump in teamfights, extremely squishy at earlier levels but she can run away with her E, cancel your ultimate with hers and heal + harass just like you. Her powerchord + E even works just like an exhaust. Magic resistance and try to play with your range and quick E+W engages.”
terrybogar1 says “Sona is like lux matchup but no root, although she can run away from you and heal her adc a lil. Same rule as yuumi, don't do short trades, and be mindful of her ult and poke. ”
duusuhh says “Tempted to lower her threat level, she can use her Q when you go for yours, she can shield some of the damage but not all. Assuming you can shield her damage, you should have an advantage in trading. Her minuscule HP pool won't keep her around for long.”
Esoterica says “While Sona is extremely squishy and an easy target for ganks, she is known for huge damage in trades. Avoid letting her Q-AA you (especially with power chord available) and focus her, as she has very low HP and defences.
Post-6, be prepared to blink back at any point in a kill attempt when she ults at you to save her ADC or turn the fight. Never let her open a fight with it.”
DamselOfDistress says “Sona is a free kill, unless she has R!! It comes out very fast and lasts long enough for you to get killed. Respect that in later fights.”
Daraysen says “Sona is probably the worst supporter against you, she is extremely squishy and only has her ultimate to defend against you really, one decent hook engage with your adc and she is dead,
but do try to poke her first.”
MyOnlyBrand says “Sona will heal your damage, shield against your passive, increase movement speed to disengage/separate from her ADC, and ult to lock you down. You being locked down can ensure certain death. She's somewhat vulnerable when she pokes, but even that is difficult to deal with. Your stun is really important versus her, since she is squishy enough to be instagibbed. ”
Dotje says “Who even plays her at this moment? Never had a real problem against her. Her stun and damage output can be quite strong tho. If you can keep your distance from her Q casts you can try and poke back.”
anionPositivo says “Ela vai ficar só pokeando a lane toda, fique atrás e tente pegar os minions magos com o relicário, mesmo que eles deêm menos dinheiro que os soldados, assim, você não deixa ela ficar pegando stacks do item de suporte de graça em cima de você. Depois do 6 jogue em cima de fazer ela usar ults desnecessárias com engages falsos, pulando com o W e voltando com o E rapidamente.”
Discord231 says “"Que no tu adc estaba a 1 de vida" Implórale a tu adc que gaste 800 de oro en heridas graves (pues tu necesitas un ítem completo para aplicarlas bien), o si no, un 2 vs 2 no será posible de ganar. No le regales oro dejandote pokear por gusto. (Es como Soraka o Name, pero menos problemática)”
HalexUwU says “Sona is an easy laning phase but late game she's going to outscale you. Against her you need to either bully really hard early or take dark harvest to outscale late.”
LilRidge says “Sona is squishy and should be all-in'd with extreme prejudice whenever you get the chance to do so. The best time to do so will be when her (E) Song of Celerity is down or when she overextends for poke with her (Q) Hymn of Valor”
shadowbloodedge says “Sona is by far my biggest problem. Her magic damage scaling is astronomical and not alot of tank supports can afford to build heavy MR early. My advice is keep her under anchor and shield and take her out ASAP. ”
Ionia King says “This is a tough but even matchup, You and Sona both thrive in a teamfight. if you can avoid her R you should be able to win a 5v5 since your R can hit everyone and hers only hits in the line she aimed it in.”
GamingFrog says “Free lane. Just becareful of her level 6. She can easily turn fights around if you play poorly. She will outscale later into the game.”
Rainuu says “Sona doesn't provide much of a threat to Lillia her AOE buffs don't make too much of a difference. Her speed can be easily overtaken with your stacks and her healing is a little over barely noticable. Watch out for her ulti however, that can ruin your momentum and shut you down,”
Starchase says “Her poke is better than yours, so heal all her poke damage with your E.
Care at lvl 6, her ult it's instant cast and it's pretty long duration.
Rush Oblivion Orb and then Mikael's Blessing.
Depending on the ADC's you outscale her or not.”
Takitsu says “Hook = Kill
The longer you stay in lane with Sona alive the more poke she gets to do. Fight before she pokes you out, and before she heals up the damage you've done.
Post-6 Doesnt change much, just dont clump on your carry.”
AvengingAvacyn says “Seraphine had a lot of drama on release because of her similarity to another music-based Support champion, Sona. Many of Seraphine's abilities seem to be upgraded versions of Sona's and many people accuse Riot of using Seraphine as Sona's visual gameplay update. You can use this to your advantage, because if you encounter a Sona player, they often get bothered by how similar Seraphine is. If they get triggered, you can throw them off their game. You are the strictly better version of Sona. Abuse that. ”
unhben says “Her poke hurts early but you will eventually blow her up if she walks up too far and gets rooted. Be careful of her R while youre ulting though, she can be tricky.”
Discord231 says “"Que no tu adc estaba a 1 de vida" Implórale a tu adc que gaste 800 de oro en heridas graves (pues tu necesitas un ítem completo para aplicarlas bien), o si no, un 2 vs 2 no será posible de ganar. No le regales oro dejandote pokear por gusto. (Es como Soraka o Name, pero menos problemática) ”
unhben says “So squishy, even you building AP shields can just blow her up. Careful of her R when going in, but you can always just QSS it or zhonya's it. ”
unhben says “Her poke early gets completely overlooked after you have 2 points in W and force her to perma heal herself and her ADC. You dont need to worry about her ultimate because you shouldnt be that close to her or let her get that close. ”
Bear Gummies says “The only reason I put sona as a 2 and not a 1 is because she heals early game, but besides that, you outclass her. She is extremely squishy and her hymn of valor doesn't do too much damage without power chord, so make sure to shield yourself when trading against her and you will win this matchup.”
Jannito02 says “Sona is, in my opinion, the easiest matchup with Yuumi. Until Level 6, Sona will probably be useless. All the damage she does, you'll heal it with just one E, aswell as you poke her and get your passive easily. When she has level 6, wait for her to use her ultimate, and use your R to get her and easily get a kill.”
EionThePepega says “you normally win lane, but Sona shines out in mid to lategame. Seeing this, use the Moonstone Build and go Scaling Runes to become a "scuffed" Sona, but with much more damage and a bit less utility.”
Jexeff says “Unless you are planning to all-in her early on, she can be a real menace in lane. She will just continue to poke you from a distance and sometimes it feels like there is nothing you can really do. Just do your best to survive in lane and look for an opening prior to her hitting 6. If you do not manage to get a kill on her early on, she will out-scale you and make the game feel impossible to win.”
Wounds2 says “Due to her super long range poke and sustain, Sona makes laning phase hell, but she is so squishy that if makes a small mistake, it is easy to 100-0 her with the right ADC. Her ult is very good at neutralizing your engage, so it is important to avoid that by using flash.”
fishbully says “Sona will out-heal Janna early game, but because of Sona's low health this will be combatted the rest of the game. Focus more on poke/shield rather than pure poke.”
itizhelia says “Stand behind your ADC to not get inflicted with her POKE. This way you can cast your E while standing behind your ADC and shield her from her poke.
Pretty easy match-up but think twice about engaging since her ultimate can be painful if used right.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Sona has a lot of poke early, but she is so squishy. If she comes too close, go all in on her and 9/10 times she's an easy kill.”
Navn says “She scales better than you and you can't reach her very easily. But if she ever walks into range of your auto attacks, you should beat her up.”
Xeptron says “Sona is a very strong champio n towards late game but in early game - squishy and very vulnerable to a hard engage. Her poke is pretty annoying as it isn't a skillshot and can be easily landed but for her to do it, she has to walk up. If you have a chance you can flash and flay her, follow by a hook and burst her down. Sona is second squishiest champion in game besides Yuumi. While Yuumi can hide in someones belly, Sona can't which makes her one of the easiest targets to farm kills from. Losing a lane against Sona isn't acceptable as Thresh.”
Frank6264 says “Sona presenta un problema sólo a nivel 6 y en fases más bien tardías del juego. Por lo tanto, en fase de líneas traten de aprovechar el Early de Karma para poder sacar ventaja ya que sona no aguanta mucho ni aporta tanta curación o escudo. Recomiendo Ignite para este enfrentamiento y corta curaciones.”
Sunedayz says “Pre-6 this is an easy matchup, keep track of her power chord. You'll always outtrade her when it isn't up. Once she is 6, don't walk up and W her anymore. Doing so will put you at risk to be ulted by her. She will outscale you and negate some of your poke later on. It's usually better to take the "Safe Poke" build, unless your ADC is early game and you want to create more pressure with comet. Hopefully your jungler with come kill her a bunch pre-6.”
DracoMeteor_ says “Sona is a very good poke champion but is very squishy. Try to poke her out, but watch out for her Empowered Auto because it hurts a lot especially to you.”
Pixel Pocket says “You can shield her damage and even her ult but she outscales you hard and her cooldowns become so low that your shield can't do enough! Get ahead early or goodbye.”
CaptianMike says “Pretty similar to any other poke mage. Laning might be rough, but mid-late game you are stronger. Watch for her level 6 because her ultimate stuns and you cannot ult yourself while you're stunned! preemptively ult if you have to. Take GATHERING STORM”
jessuva says “She has a TONNN of poke that you can't dodge, and her empowered autos are deadly, but silence her when she tries to get close to you and she shouldn't be able to get a poke off. She has mana issues early, and her poke and heal are separate whereas yours are one ability, allowing you to poke more often. ”
Titans Revenge says “Sona is probably one of the easiest matchups you will face. In order for her to use her Q to poke you, she will have to step out in front of the minions. Her character model is wide and great for landing hooks. Wait for her to step up, then all in her.”
CastratedSeal says “You have a much stronger lane phase than her. Sona is one of the best scaling supports however, and will outscale you considerably. Ideally, your ADC will have picked someone aggressive and you can run Sona over.”
YourCut says “Electro+Precision. Make sure you get level 2 first and make sure you have your passive up level 2. If you hit her with an E+P+W+AA+Ignite combo she's dead solo. Don't group up with your ADC during lane.”
RASKODILA123 says “She has long range safe poke support but also the support with least amount of HP in the game so if you catch her with E or R go all in.”
NEED WATER says “Sona has high early game damage but loses to the amount of CC you provide in almost every all-in opportunity. Avoid her 5 man ultimates.”
Tartmeringue says “Early game she isn't very scary, especially if she isn't an extremely experienced Sona. If the matchup allows it, pick a fight lvl 1 to see if you can pick her off. She scales pretty hard tho so watch out for her R late game. Otherwise, as a tank she can't do much to you.”
kimjisoo8 says “Her poke his super annoying since you can't dodge it, and she is slippery with her E. When she gets Tear, she'll start spamming all her abilities, which is also annoying. Try to buy Tear yourself so you can also spam your abilities.”
Guoblide says “Sona is another champion that is extremely easy for Sett to lane against but can outscale him really hard. She is extremely squishy though so landing a Facebreaker on her is usually a kill unless she has Flash up. When Sett gets to lane look to rush level 2 before Sona and then immediately Flash + Facebreaker on to her to force her Flash. Then, use your Hextech Flashtraption advantage to camp the side lane bushes to apply pressure and make plays. Try to Hextech Flashtraption from bushes when Sona's Power Chord is down to avoid being slowed after engaging onto her. Sweeping bushes is very important in this matchup because Sona doesn't have any abilities to check bushes. When you crash your wave into her tower look to towerdive with your jungler, secure dragon, or roam mid to help your team. During teamfights prioritize killing Sona over her ADC in order to stop the amazing healing and utility that she provides to her team. Try to The Show Stopper a frontliner onto her or look to flank her and The Show Stopper her into your team for an easy kill. Also, try not to have your team group too close together to prevent a multi-person Crescendo.”
ElSindiLegolas says “Dicen q sona es un counter importante de pyke (supongo por su ulti o su movilidad ni idea), sin embargo, nunca pase por una situacion donde una sona me haya molestado pero igual, le pongo aca.”
rcyuumi says “Yuumi used to be better late game to a certain point but with the nerf to her E, Sona will be stronger than Yuumi in every regard but her R. The R's effectiveness is the only point where Yuumi could be argued to be better.”
ReignMargulan says “her healing is a lot more annoying than soraka's but unlike soraka she only has one cc which makes her an easier laner in the battle sense”
katt5 says “Super poke heavy and can out-damage you early, so be ready to let yourself get pushed in a bit. She's squishy so ask your jungler for ganks if they push lane. ”
Tauricus2017 says “Her HP bar is really tiny. Her Q prioritize champions and If you use safe guard to counter it every time - she will have no damage output - play aggresive.”
Adrichuwu says “Overall a stupid and Hard-to balance champion. She doesnt even need to click on anything except for her R, that is an HARD to miss, long aoe that has a 5 man stun potential.”
NirvanaBunny says “Sona out-pokes you, but she's super squishy. I have never not had trouble laning against her! If you catch her out she dies quickly, but she's also super fast and usually has an aggressive play-style, so watch out for her Qs.”
Bella Starlily says “I know she is an enchanter too BUT her range isn't that great and all her skills are not targeted and she is extremely squishy.. Unless she is full ap and you are fighting her alone you shouldn't break a sweat.”
Jovy says “Very squishy and has very little disengage before hitting 6. Kill her early when she's got like no health and when stunning her means certain death. It's very difficult to deal with her poke if she prioritizes damage with her skill order and items.”
Jovy says “Janna doesn't do well against Sona. Like Nami she outpokes and outsustains you. Her hitting her ult on you could result in your death or your ADs death. Try to stay out of her range when she's gotten AP items as her Q will definitely chunk you.”
Kilo Khaos says “Currently strong due to her poke makes for an extremely painful lane. Buy MR/sustain on your first back, and encourage your carry to invest in a Doran's Shield first item and an Executioner's Calling first back.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Sona is more of an annoying match-up instead of a difficult match-up. She offers strong poke and decent sustain, but she has no real mobility. Yes, she has a speed-up, but you should still be able to all-in her pretty easy.
Once you reach level 6 you can flash on top of her, follow up with flash and put up the box. If she tries to flash away, just reel her in with your death sentence and you will have a dead Sona.”
Bouhhsolene says “Sona isn't in such a good state right now. You do her job better, you poke better, you heal as much has her, your E is like her's but better and you outrange her R.
Trades are free against Sona if you hit W.”
Tauricus2017 says “Her poke is high however her healthbar isn't - pay attention level 1 to not get hit by her Q too much. Play aggresive and engage when she is out of the position.”
Zerz says “ Sona has amazing scaling so be careful of that. You outrange her by ALOT so she isn't that much of a threat in terms of kill pressure. But her team peel is still remains unmatched for now.”
SolarSupport says “Sona's poke leaves a lot to be desired and while she's decent at disengaging her terrible damage output virtually guarantees you'll win an all in”
Taric Support says “If Sona tries to poke you, then you have your shields and heals. And if she tries to play aggressive you have yout stun. This lane is just her poking you and you healing and shielding your ADC and yourself. It's quite annoying but Sona doesn't really have anything else to offer so when you engage on her you can easily get the better trade. Play safe when she hits 6 as it is her biggest powerspike.”
KeleiX13 says “You and Sona are both Mid-Late champs, so try and make Sona use up as much mana as possible early and harass her when her Q is down. Her heal costs the most mana so play aggressive, targeting their ADC.”
Spection says “COMMON .Son is relatively common but also relatively weak against you. She can poke you pretty well and her ultimate makes for powerful CC, but when she gets stunned she will generally panic and try to save herself. Wait for your support to engage and then follow up with your combo.”
ShroudedBRH says “Most of Sonas damage comes from her empowered auto attack after casting Q. Back up after she casts it and poke when she walks up to auto. Avoid her level 6”
Mickeystick says “Not much to say here. She will harass you and heal her carry. You will win all trades, but her heal prevents her from hard losing lane.”
Wicked Cherry says “She's an okay opponent. Try to stay out of her Q range, so she's basically wasting mana - especially early she'll have a mana problem - while you're shielding her damage for your ADC. Try to stay away from your ADC so she can't ult both of you.”
Wicked Cherry says “She's an okay opponent. Try to stay out of her Q range, so she's basically wasting mana - especially early she'll have a mana problem - while you're healing her damage for your ADC. Try to stay away from your ADC so she can't ult both of you.”
Wicked Cherry says “She can poke you and your ADC easily but you got more sustain. So try not to get poked too much by staying out of range and getting your HP back with Q when hers is on CD.
At 6+ make sure not to stick too closely and not in a straight line to your allies so she will not be able to stun everyone of you. ”
QueerJunk says “Nami has a 48% winrate against Sona, she has a similar kit, and wants to poke and heal, except her ult is easier to land and does more damage making her scary if she knows how to play. You outheal her but she out damages you.”
TheMistCollector says “She hits harder than it looks. try to bait her Q to then poke. try to E before her R. In late game, your W and R will be more effective because players tend to be close to Sona.”
Krynomi says “Yuumi cannot really punish Sona's short range but heavy poke so itll be really easy for Sona to outpoke you in lane. She gets a stun at level 6 so be careful for that”
Illumination says “Sona is more of a nuisance than a threat. Her base health pool as laughable and her healing is minimal during lane phase. Respect her Lv. 6 power spike though, as she can easily set up ganks. She will out-scale you late game, however. ”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Not as large a threat as lux, but still play towards either catching out her adc or her and then roaming to other lanes. This champion drains the life out of you and basically forces biscuit delivery.”
snukumz says “She is annoying because she will negate a lot of the poke damage you get off.
The good news is that you do way more damage than she does and she is extremely squishy.
Late game your ult will do 2/3's of her HP by itself.
Her speed up will make it very hard for you to land your Q”
snukumz says “Her poke is annoying but she is super squishy. Once you get a few levels you can stun her if/when she trys to poke and smash her to pieces.
Once you get to level 6 all it takes is one stun and she's a gonner. ”
sorakabro says “Sona is pretty even matchup for soraka. You want to try poke sona down with your e and q from a safe distance. Let your adc do the most of the poking and sustain the adc up.”
Allergic says “Sona herself isn't too bad, but she will constantly poke with her q, and it reveals you from demon shade, and if paired with a good adc makes you useless”
thesophieset says “She has a high damage output with her Powerchord Qs. Respect those, play safe, don't step up too far after she hits level 6 as she can lock you down for an easy kill with her R. You outheal her if you stay alive. Make her waste her mana and silence her when your jungler comes, then you win.”
Yuzu says “She can heal and what makes her so annoying, is the movement speed buff for her and her ADC. So even when you engage, it's so hard to kill them and the fight can turn around so quickly.”
Jesterbutt says “Both Yuumi and Sona are very great healing supports, however, Sona has the upper hand in terms of poke especially when you are not attached to an ally.”
snukumz says “Her heals negate a lot of your damage, however, if you ever snare her then it's very easy for your and your ADC to drop her very low on HP or even kill her. ”
SynLynx says “Could go either way. She counters much of your poke with her w and e, however, she is very squishy, especially pre 6, so you can try and kill her then.”
rquoe says “Even though she's a monster late-game, in lane Sona is just a healing bot. She has so little health that rooting her once will be enough to kill her. Try to stomp her early so she doesn't become too much of a nuisance after the lane phase is over.”
AnnakinVader67 says “Con la E puede hacerte fallar la W con la velocidad de movimiento. Además, E+aa es como un exhaust. Con la R te puede cortar las iniciaciones. Fácil de matar en early, cuanto más se alargue la partida mejor para ella”
Abusable Yuumi says “Annoying poke and good all in post level 6, but quite weak before then.
Can easily 2v2 her with Tristana/Lucian/Draven at level 2.”
iNotSushi says “Sona does no damage nor does she have a lot of CC, however, give her time and she will heal the enemy ADC you worked so hard to lower back up again. Engage twice within a minute and a half to try to secure a kill.”
tacotastic says “Heil-Schlampe.
Poke sie bis sie keine Mana mehr hat und sie ist useless.
Pass auf ihre Ulti auf, sehr starker Stun
GuidoNieuw says “She pokes but does not have a lot of HP so you can kill her by a strong engage. Unfortunately her W and ult make her a strong pick against poppy nevertheless.”
HoneyQT says “Sona outscales you hard, and once you hit Plat+ you will have a lot of difficulty beating her. Early on, she's very weak so try to win lane and stomp her before she becomes insane.”
DestroyerGaming says “Classifiquemos a Sona como um pouco mais difícil, você deverá tomar cuidado com o range de suas habilidades e também no seu AA e estar sempre atento a sua passiva, Sempre que ver alguma vantagem em relação a vida e a mana, aproveite, ela no early game é um dos suportes mais frágeis - Podendo até mesmo ser o mais frágil - Logo, ataque-a sem dó, utilizando a mesma dica que dei na soraka, porém, não vacile, qualquer vacilo pode ser o fim para você e seu adc.”
XJay11X says “Very, Very, Fast. She is so fast from her E, she can dodge your Q in a beat. If you are against Sona, always try to put your Q A little more ahead than normal. If you are lucky enough to bind her, it is game over for her.”
FlameOfHecate says “Sona is currently (honestly most of the time) a really OP Support because she can spam all of her abilities and she has a ult with heavy cc...Either ban her or play safe untill you can roam a little.”
Epic Striker says “Sona is tanky and is a good support she will heal and give buffs out to her adc dont let the adc or Sona kill you if you do they are going to carry the game”
locofachero8 says “The peel supports are usually very annoying because they do not allow the enemy to pock, but the good side is that they are very soft and easy to kill with a good play.”
Stee1Storm says “Sona is either strong or weak, depend on the player, if she plays passive, it will be easy, if she's aggressive, it will be hard, but remember, Q on her = kill before 6”
Kefochka says “Сона попытается поукать и харасить своей кушкой, но очевидно она больше пострадает. Моргана попросту сильнее, а в разменах Сона почти никак не спасёт своего адк, если тот попал в контроль Морганы.”
Jointed says “Sona is basically built to give us a bad day. She will out poke you. She is very susceptible to ganks so freeze in the danger zone. mid to late game its about an even match up. If she's ahead it will be a very hard game.”
LFS_aXent says “Sona is difficult because of her kit. To be honest, not much to say about her. Play the game like you regularly would as support, I'm sure if you know how to counter her easily that you will be fine.”
Hanjaro says “Try and stay out of her Q range, and keep poking her down while healing yourself with ebb and flow. She has high mana costs, and she's very squishy. Generally an even match.”
Hanjaro says “Same as Nami, she can heal up a lot of your damage, but she's very squishy if you can catch her and burst her down. If she catches you in her ult, you'll struggle. Late game take morello vs her, otherwise she will outsustain your damage.”
Hanjaro says “She has high mana costs, run her oom! Her damage is high and she can stun you in the middle of the enemy team when you ult. Take grievous wounds asap and focus her down, she's very squishy.”
ningen ouroboros says “As long as you watch out for crescendos and power chord burst, you win most of the time as her mana costs are pretty high, making it hard to rejuvenate the hp back after a trade.”
Beeee says “Sona is generally a very easy lane. You out-damage her and her heals aren't that big; her ult can be annoying but that's the only sort of engage/cc she has.”
Zer0XM says “Don't be scared by the Q just punish with your hook! the ult is powerful late game but you still don't have to worry about it. As a whole she is a very matchup that can be hooked easily.”
Taiack says “Sona is a complete joke of a champion. Auto her when she comes up to trade, E her lvl 1, ignite and follow up with 2 more autos(flash if you have to) shes dead. Solo. Sorry sona mains.”
ONICH4N says “Out trades you and out scales you so not a threat per say in lane as you can just play safe. However you should be roaming and playing the map so you don't get out scaled ”
suppdiff says “She hard outscales you, but you hard counter her in lane. Force all in fights whenever you can, especially levels two and three. Make sure you get an aggro adc.”
ThebestGP says “The harass becomes very difficult to deal with but she has very little mobility. Playing safe until you can get a gank will benefit in the long term.”
Urf Kench says “Sona can be really annoying in the lanning phase. She has poke, heal and movement speed. Just avoid fighting and avoid at all cost to get ult by her. You can easily save your ADC from her ult.”
WhiteGoliath says “dealing with [[sona]] is pretty eazy, she only has 1 stun and it's at lvl:6, she has a movement speed ability but that won't stop you engaging her or the adc. But be carefull though! Don't let her poke you down, otherwise you can't engage!”
NirvanaBunny says “Sona's poke is super annoying and very hard, but she's super squishy. If you can try to kill her early when her poke is the weakest it will be all game.”
Ahpulzz says “She can heal & shield reasonably well and her poke is very difficult to punish. Her level 6 is very good and can catch you out at a moments notice if she decides to go aggressive. The good thing is that she's both squishy and immobile, and she loses mana quickly if she spams her abilities. Definitely punish her with flay and auto-attacks if she goes too close, and if you hook her she should die easily.”
Ahpulzz says “This technically could go either way, but that depends on you for the most part. Sona's Q is a very annoying harass that adds bonus damage to the next auto-attack of every ally around her including herself. This combined with Power Chord can make for some big damage if you allow her to poke you. The key to winning this lane is having quick reactions - whenever Sona goes up to poke, answer back with a punch. She is squishy and lacks an escape, and will take loads of damage if you and your ADC jump her simultaneously. ”
Chromuro says “She can be a problem: healing, shields, movement speed buffs... she has everything. She could even poke you down... if she wasn't so mana hungry. Force her to heal his ADC by continously poking him and when your ADC feels ready, put your E under her and assault her. Easy prey.”
MoreLoliconThee2nd says “Standard support-with-decent poke. Heals as much as she trades blows - but if you keep harassing her she'll be forced to retreat a lot. ”
Vermeio says “A weak poke, but with good range, and a problematic ult. Even with this, Sona won´t stand all that well against you. Play defensive until you find a chance to burst. If you feel strategic, you can ult her adc out, and all-in her. Be careful to not take free shots all the time.”
Axeloy says “This match-up is just about dead even. You heal more than her, but she'll outdamage you a bit. you have the same mobility, and similar CC. Sona is practically DDR Nami. It all comes down to skill.”
mbo575 says “Sona has good poke and can give trouble with aiming your Q due to move speed. Her heals can also prevent you from executing an enemy using R if timed correctly. You can easily kill her but beware of her R.”
AvatarDaniel says “Sona is not hard to defeat but she is a eraser of dmg and because she heals (No dmg), speeds up (No Q) and her ult being at level 6 (no use for spellshield) ”
Haezard01 says “You can punish her if she tries to poke with your E. You bring to much damage on your kit that Sona won't be able to keep up with your R and heal everyone. Focus her on teamfights and remove her from the game.”
ZAZO says “She outranges you. Hitting her with abilities only is the best way to deal with her, otherwise half of your HP will be cone in a single Q-basic combo of hers...”
Kuronoh says “Is the most similar to Rakan because her heal, movement and ultimate. Play pasive against this one. She is easier in early game, use that as advantage for your team.”
Saethwyr says “Sona sucks pretty hard to lane against for the first few levels, but she lacks enough non ultimate peel to deal with an engage onto her or her carry.”
FRIZFOREVER says “annoying champ. she have more dmg than ur shield if she got Q+auto on u. also she will get 2 golder stacks. just w8 until she will use her Q and then go for passive. u will outtrade.”
DBtheKnight says “Her poke is annoying, but she's really squishy. Look to land W on he when she steps too close. Her super can also counter yours, so be aware of that when engaging. ”
RainbowNova says “Sona can give her allies every boost you would ever want. She can give you more damage, she can give you a shield and she can make you faster. Her R can CC an entire team, and has a big enough hitbox to cross the wall of China.
(I haven't lost to a Sona recently and am not writing this because I'm tilted, but because I have been playing Sona and have been surprised by how easy it is to hit her ult)”
SawyerNelson says “Sona is very squishy, laning a Q and full combo will kill her. Her advantage can be gained if she doesn't lose the laning phase and scales into the late game.
During the laning phase look to bait her into your ally when she is looking to Q.”
LighterDay says “Sona and Pyke play fairly well against each other. Pyke can evade her ult easily with his dash and Sona can harass Pyke with her Q. However, Sona's speed boost makes it difficult to land abilities against her, which is why she is an average challenge.”
Hanjaro says “Squishy scaling champ. Extremely abusable early game. Punish her 0 CC pre6 and try to establish early dominance. Fairly easy to snowball against this champ. Her biggest threat is if she makes it to late game her AOE utility can be overwhelming.”
Kian987 says “Be patient. She's can spam spells so frequently and effectively negating trades with heals and movement speed bonus. The key is that you need to engage only if you're sure that you can get something from it.”
Nunus Blueballs says “Apparently Sona counters Lux but I always win this matchup. She has a huge hitbox and it's easy to land Qs. Also most of them walk up to try and poke which makes it easy to catch them. ”
Pengu Cleric says “it will be a poke / sustain lane, if you and your adc dont go full retard mode. you just out sustain them with the teleport on the ADC”
Drlazerbeam says “Sona has a very similar kit compared to Nami. The difference however is that Nami has better range and better CC. On the other hand, Sona has better damage and better push. Nami should win vs Sona if the Nami player focuses on long term trading. ”
Fruxo says “The only best tip against this support is to try to dodge the R. She'll be poking you a lot and healing her support which you can't really do much about. But poking her down from time to time without taking to much damage back is good enough.”
NirvanaBunny says “Sona out-pokes you, but she's super squishy. I have never not had trouble laning against her! If you catch her out she dies quickly, but she's also super fast and usually has an aggressive play-style, so watch out for her Qs.”
SawyerNelson says “Your level 2 potetial is HUGE on Sona, she has the lowest base health in the game, start E , get the push on the minion wave, level W 2nd, approach with W, then land E ignite and any autos from your ADC and she dies. E Q Ignite probably kills just as fast, just walk into her level 2 and land E ”
1tephra1 says “Heals and shields for days. This match up depends more on the Sona than you. A bad sona will try to fight and die for it. A good one would play safe and outscale you :( ”
xxMyDixieRektxx says “With her poke, movement speed, and heal, you're gonna want to play safe, especially after her lvl 6. Whenever you do find and opportunity to all-in, however, you **** her up.”
FwuffyMilk says “Sona's sustain can be troublesome for you because it will negate a lot of your damage at first. She also does quite a lot of damage and will probably be harassing the hell out of your ADC.
Her downside is that she is very squishy so if you can poke her out so that she wastes all her mana healing you will take a lot of pressure off your ADC.
If she runs away with low - mid HP your ult will delete her.”
semisomniac says “Sona outpokes you but is so squishy early that you can win trades. She does scale super well though, so try to get your ADC/jungler to target her and shut her down early. Especially pre-6, if she makes a positional misstep, there's very little room for her to recover. You have to outright win this lane or else she beats you later.”
Yukkine says “Mute girl here will mute you into oblivion with her constant undodgeable poke and engage denying ult. Much like plant girl, top priority target to engage on!”
AkemiSen says “Kayle has good pressure but almost zero kill potential without the help of a jungler and this means a free laning phase for her. Going a melee support with poor engage into Sona is never a good option because it gives her too much space and her scalings are really powerful. Generally speaking, Kayle doesn't do well into any enchanter.”
TheComicalBiker says “Sona has very strong poke with her Scorch and Aery combo but is extremely squishy. Build a little magic resist early and burst her.”
Dudstrol says “Dano alto, mas uma defesa muito baixa, na hora de pokear use o escudo em você mesmo e depois bata nela, que será melhor. A partir do nível 6 tenha cuidado com sua ultimate.”
Rasta Da Masta says “If the Sona player is smart enough to max W first, this matchup would be harder. But your poke out ranges her Q. Be careful when she has her passive ready & watchout for Flash R. Other than that this is an easy matchup.”
R30p3r says “she's got a lot of pock in early but in late she will do nothing, she's slow, and very squishy so if you freeze her it's the end for her ”
TenshiQwQ says “She has decent poke and sustain. Really squishy so youre able to poke her down early and get an easy kill if you hit your Q. Care to not get caught off guard at lvl 6 by her ult.”
Jeroen R8 says “Sona has a lot of poke, however the range on her poke is limited. You can exploit this by moving away from the minion wave, forcing her to come up further. When she does this you can engage on her to kill her pretty much instantly.”
Guychk says “Sona is a high threat, as her poke has insane damage. Moreover she heals a lot not to mention the shield provided with her Summon Aery rune, even when you hook her, she is likely not going to die. Advice your adc to take Excecutioner's Calling as that will make your laning easier.
Against this matchup you might want to take bone plating and font of life.”
I love Lun Lun says “Not really a strong healer-Her base stats at lvl 1 is like looking on a minion.Her Ult is strong but she is very squishy and she will try to do damage on us with that.Try to keep your flash for her ult because she will most likely flash ult you in order to get close.Her Q-AA damage is dangerous but our R can save us from that.”
TSMSky says “Sona is super efficient against Janna because Janna can only shield one Champion, but Sona's Q hits two. You have to all-in her to win, as her W allows her and her ADC to remain healthy.”
heyitsRainex says “Sona's not scary in the early game due to her low damage poke and low heal + shield.
Since she has no dashes or hard CC, going aggressive on her would win the laning phase.”
Qwerty19 says “Care of her poke, I take coin to start because stepping up to targon proc is just free damage for her. Hopefully your adc realizes this and tries to keep wave right in front of your lane tower and wait for ganks and its ezpz”
SpicySkelleton says “Her constant healing and the healing spell her adc will have will make her and her adc basically invincible for early game and will make it hard for you to help push lane or get your adc fed. best option you can do is try to get the enemy adc as separated from her as best as you can and go for a grab, especially if your under a tower and you adc have some stuns and slows of their own.”
FearlessGames says “Sona can be a problem in the early game due to the strong poke with her Q. Later on, that becomes less problematic, but the most you can do early is just stay out of Q range as best as you can, or wait in the bushes when you think her Q is up.”
Lonxu says “She is quite good actually vs Zyra and I often pick Sona vs enemy Zyra.
Comes down to the trades. Can Sona land her Q+ auto combos without getting punished?
Zyra should out-range her, but Sona has some nice sustain.
Late game she has like the highest win rate of any support! So just going even vs her might not be enough.”
Saeh says “Although she is extremely squishy, she is also hard to catch with poke. Wait for her to be on Damage or healing form then E her so she cant change to movement speed form and poke her down.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Sona
Early Game: Avoid her [Q] poke and [E] speed boost. She’s squishy but has strong utility.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on squishies. Sona’s ult can disrupt, so flank carefully.
Key Tip: Bait her [W] heal before committing to fights.”
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