Mid Lane 49.41% Win Rate79% Pick RateAurora Mid Lane Counters: 42 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Aurora in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Bolivian bro says “Just dodge his q and e and all will be alright. Wait her to push and then push.”
cheerzinh says “A Aurora apesar parecer even a lane, a aurora tem mais pressão que a Neeko, além do push assim como o poke dela que é extremamente chato.”
Lunar1v9 says “I would say dodge this since if u make a single mistake in lane the lane is just over and it is not fun for u. After 11 you can beat but watch out for her high burst at level 6
zSmoke says “Playing against Aurora is being very patient and trading her when she doesn't have one of her first 3 abilities, it's easy to kill her especially when she doesn't have W try to kill her when she doesn't have it”
Zero macro says “Caitlyn Mid has a very easy time before Aurora reaches level 6, after this the matchup becomes pretty hard with Aurora R gap closer and cage. Caitlyn should be aware of Aurora's fast trade pattern with her Q(850 range) and E(800 range). Caitlyn's early shove and pressure under tower makes it very easy to get positive trades and deny Aurora’s combo with Caitlyn's E+Q/W.
v0ltage38 says “No idea. Aurora is usually played top so I haven't seen her once. They're reworking her in patch 14.23 so we'll see how that pans out.”
xumi_k says “I don't think she's much of a threat. She's quite mobile, so keep that in mind and land you E smartly. Need some more games vs her though.”
support_diff says “Aurora has a great poke so you should try to dodge it (it is hard tho). Her W is also annoying but has a long cooldown, so you can use your E in that time frame for a greater chance to hit her. You win Aurora in melee fights, but getting in close range with her can be problematic.”
Tamikaze says “Aurora is weak into Azir due to her short range and telepathed abilities. You should never let her get into range to free Q you without out trading her. Early game, her Q will proc electrocute for some hefty burst. If you manage to keep your distance and poke her down, she'll stand no chance into you. ”
Shaco Mid Lane says “The laning phase is rough, try to avoid her poke and farm safely. Once you have lost chapter, you can start poking her a bit. Good thing is you can escape her ultimate with both your Q and R. ”
j4ss says “Cringe champion, lots of damage with basically zero effort. Her cooldowns are shit, so start D Blade and rush your AD items to punish her interactions. post level 8/9 her cooldown will be lower so play wisely and go Shieldbow third or fourth,”
Coldsong says “Aurora is extremely slippery and does a lot of damage, but as long as you bait out her W, she is extremely easy to kill as she has no hard crowd control outside her ultimate. Avoid her Q and E poke in lane and make sure to care for her ultimate, as it can prevent you from using your E to escape.”
Hexeria says “[Only annoying in the early game, pre level 6] [Try to dodge her Q, Taunt her out of her W and hit her with an E, when she is going for her 3 passive proc] [A simple Hollow Radiance into Riftmaker should take care of her]”
GreenReapers says “All pages Viable. D-shield to keep up with her regen and poke. You can go for Long Sword if you pay extra attention to avoid her 3rd [Q] proc as often as possivle.
Very vulnerable to short trades.
You will mostly need to ult her ult, as it's high damage and area control. You can also use swaps to avoid her [R] slow. Her [W] dash into invis makes it hard to hit full combos, so avoid [Q] into [E] and mostly go for [E] into [Q] combos. Her [W] has a slightly longer cooldown than yours, so if you trade with your [W] as soon as it's up again you should be able to catch her easily.
A sweeper will help you if aurora moves too unpredictably during her Invis.”
Soft Headpats says “Her range is short aside from her E, allowing you to poke her if she oversteps. However, her waveclear is fast and safe, letting her neutralize the lane if she chooses to - especially if she's running Fleet. Once she hits 6, she becomes obnoxious to 1v1 so avoid doing so whenever possible. She can set up ganks for her jungler with her ult as well, so avoid wasting your E if you feel the enemy jungler is nearby.”
SurferKiller says “Like Diana, she will hurt early game, but you win after Sheen and Lvl 6. Play around her W (Leap) if you can, and all in when she gets too close to you.”
Demonsedge90 says “Fighting Aurora is more of a skill matchup. Poke her from a safe distance while making sure to avoid all her spells. Like Syndra she is also a scaling champion, with good mobility and sustain from spirit abjuration, along with invisiblity, making it hard to precisely land your ult or your skill shots. Tread lightly around her in lane and be mindful of her movements prior to unleashing your full combo.”
BrMario1011 says “outranges you ALOT, and she can dodge ur w if you dont hit her in the center, just annoying tbh lol, you dont die to her if you dont try to kill her, just try and be more usefull than her in roams and fights
go electrocute d shield teleport”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transcendence scorch. Blood eyeball.
She outranges you in short trades, and has a lot of mobility. Play back and hold your e for her w. Her R is a brutal catch tool, though you can flash it and maybe outrun it.”
Lusimus22 says “With the current patch (14.14) She outtrades your entire W AA AA Q E with 3 autoattacks, I recommend bannin if nothin better pops up.
But you scale and if you manage to prolong the game you can snap her like other squishies!”
ShokLoL says “1v1 is favored to Syndra, but you do have to be careful of her gank setup at 6. Try focus on being a build 1v1 lead in the early game by outranging and harassing her. Setup wards at 6 and don't overextend too far.”
ShokLoL says “Skill matchup 1v1, try your best to dodge her E and Q poke, especially when you go to CS. If you dodge these you should be able to regain some control over the lane. Most likely the lane will end up in waveclear wars eventually and then it just comes down to who skirmishes better.”
InTaggar says “ENG: I put her on EVEN bcs this champ depend so much of the player. She have practicly the same range as u, so, when u gonna trade her, try to bait his combo first or at least 1 habilitie bcs u decrease the chances to her to proc her pasive.
If she's good and know how to play against u, is a lane bully. Poke her with ur E and use ur W when she use her W. U have a good window to dealing dmg until she's lvl 6, at this point is more like an akali and it's dificult trade her if she's feed.
If she get advantage, the game become a nightmare bcs his dmg is absurd.
Runes: Aery + Precision
ESP: La puse en MID porque este campeón depende mucho del jugador. Ella tiene prácticamente el mismo rango que tú, así que, cuando vayas a tradear, intenta baitear su combo primero o al menos 1 habilidad ya que disminuyes las posibilidades de que ella active su pasiva.
Si ella es buena y sabe jugar contra ti, es una lanebully. Pockeala con tu E y usa tu W cuando ella use su W. Tienes una buena ventana de tiempo para hacer daño hasta que llegue al nivel 6, en este punto es más como un akali y es difícil tradearle si se fedea.
Si saca ventaja, la partida se hace imposible porque tiene un daño absurdo.
Runas: Aery + Precision
lkycch says “Aurora's mobility is a real problem for Zilean, because landing 2 Q's is near impossible. Focus on farming safely and avoid her poke; once you have Lost Chapter, it's time to push wave and roam. In skirmishes, use E to slow her, so that you immediately force her hop; this will mean she has to use her ultimate to reposition, if she wants to deal damage to your carries. Treat Aurora like you would any Assassin: Chronoshift whoever she is trying to assassinate. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
L0ganJG says “Aurora isn't as bad as people think. Always look to W when there are minions around so you don't lose frenzy. Always E when she E's it's her highest damage ability. Fast combo is INSANE HERE. W>Q>W2>R buffer is matchup winner. Mercs + BotRK is win”
ShokLoL says “Overall skillmatchup, if you can hit a bubble during her E you should win out on the trade. Try play carefully around her range and bait out skillshots. Post 6 be very careful of her gank setup.”
ShokLoL says “Pretty difficult matchup, you can't really go melee form on her unless she wastes cooldowns so try just play for range and bait out her E. If her E is on CD you can look to go for a bigger trade. Be very careful post 6 as she has extremely good gank setup.”
ShokLoL says “1v1 isn't too bad, you can easily deflect her trades by holding Q or E defensively for when she tries to move forward and her waveclear early isn't so strong. Be very careful of her gank setup post 6 though, especially if you have no flash.”
ShokLoL says “You crush Aurora in the 1v1 but have to be extremely cautious of her gank setup post 6. Focus on placing good wards and punishing the 1v1 as hard as possible.”
ShokLoL says “1v1 is slightly favored to you, you need to try bait our her cooldowns before you go into trade. Sometimes it can be better to just spam W Q auto poke (without Wing directly on her). If she ever wastes E then you can go for a harder punish.”
ShokLoL says “Skill matchup, you should be able to slightly win out if the 1v1 if you play on your range correctly but be very wary of her gank setup post 6.”
ShokLoL says “1v1 is favored to you, increasingly so as the lane goes on, just be careful of her strength in the first few levels. Post 6 be aware of her gank setup. She can also E to buffer your ulti and not get shuffled so be careful of this.”
Chuleex says “Aurora is very hard to get thanks to her invisivility and r but she has very long cds on them, look to bait her poke and then punish, go for hexdrinker if you feel uncomfortable with the matchup
d shield start is not obligatory”
ShokLoL says “Aurora is very easy to trade with 1v1. Try Q spam her level 1 and 2, once you're level 3 mainly poke her out with E and stay out of her range. The only difficulty comes from her extremely strong gank setup post 6 so make sure to play around your vision.”
ShokLoL says “Aurora is overall quite hard but against an inexperience Aurora you can actually win pretty hard. If you take boneplating + grasp and trade hard level 1 you should be able to build a pretty big lead. From here, you just need to try dodge as many skillshots and possible and punish her when she wastes them. If you can get a reasonable lead on your first base you should be in a good spot. Highly recommend rushing swiftness boots for the slow resist.”
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