Top Lane 49.54% Win Rate76% Pick RateShen Top Lane Counters: 35 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Shen in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush
Early: Q start and respect his early damage
Tips: Try to Q spam on him and hold E to react to his E. At some point in this matchup you want to perma push the wave so he has to lose minions when he ults. Ideally you proxy farm on him so it's even harder for him to find good ult plays. You can always cancel his ult with yours, but sometimes its better to let his ult go through depending on how the situation looks.”
liucan says “EVEN WORST THAN RIVEN BUT LESS POPULAR SO NOT WORTH BANNING: even if ur ahead he destroys u 1v1 and also he can rush bramble to cook u more, can freeze eternaly, outroams u with his ult, his empowered Q gives a free hail of blades + lots of dmg lvl 1 he can half hp u in a second, he can use ignite + tp, force u trade with his E and block all dmg with W, u can buffer E into taunt for slaming wall but his shield will block dmg and u cannot trade after it, also he can E flash u if ur are low to make it unpredictable, u dont win even with items. Pray and play for team, if he ults u can ult him to stop the tp, and dont let him tp since u are not good in taking towers, maybe ur team can win even with his shield, the only good thing is that he will not rush tiamat or he can lose 1v1 after items, so no waveclear.”
Dom1nus says “Avoid getting into him in tower range because he can taunt you and get turret aggro. dont waste ur w when he uses his w and try to bait it out, he gonna roam a lot with his r and be unkillable after a certian point cause he is going tank.”
Maniaxx says “Shen’s Q (Vorpal Blade) can poke and heal him, and his Taunt (E) can be a disruptive tool if you try to engage.
Shen’s R (Stand United) provides global presence, which can turn the tide of fights across the map.
How to deal with him:
Trade after his E is down: Shen’s taunt is dangerous, so avoid trading when it’s available.
Build sustain: Shen's poke isn’t as strong as other champions, so building items like Sunfire Aegis or Spirit Visage to heal through trades works well.”
Nithril says “Dont E into his E, and his W blocks all AA damage, dont stand between him and his Spirit Blade, and roam often, save E to punish him when he has no E, or to cancel his ult, he will help other lanes, so should you. Either punish when he is gone or also roam.”
parker3n9 says “This is a pretty easy matchup overall. Shen has some kill threat from Levels 2 to 5 with his E and empowered Q combos, so play carefully during this window. Outside of that, you completely dominate the lane. If he taunts you, simply pop your ultimate and run him down. From Level 6 onward, focus on pushing him under his tower constantly to limit his ability to use R effectively. If he does ult away, punish him by taking tower plates and applying pressure.
Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
Skaarlschloch says “Grasp Dring, TP, W start, let him push early and try to trim/contest the wave whereever you can, so you can fight him near your turret, where you outsustain him. Go Sundered->Hullbreaker->Titanic/DD/MAW/”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Shen can be troublesome, specially for begginers. His Q damage is way too high, his W negates our damage and his E lock us in place.
What you can do is play around his E cooldown and force trades after he uses his Q stacks. Remember that his W block our AA damage, but not the passive damage and energy refil, use this to be able to take on the long trades. ”
Raideru says “In this matchup, whoever uses E first will most likely lose the trade hard so keep that in mind, only trade when his shield is down and dont w before his passive so he doesn't tank it, this matchup I generally just advise going Conqueror with Tiamat rush and avoid laning vs him before 1st item since he is just too strong.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Your laning patterns are similar so it's not easy. He'll try and take short trades with Grasp just like you except he can proc his shield immidiately and win the trade, so play around his shield
cooldown when looking to trade. Don't fight too hard level 1 since he'll benefit from it. Create slowpushes because his waveclear sucks and then if he Ults anywhere he'll lose minions and
plates. You can W to interrupt his ult, but a lot of the time you wont want to and it's better to let him finish the TP." ”
Spartaniko says “You have to be careful poking him since that can put you in his dash range. He can follow your roams and is useful even when behind which makes him very annoying. E his empowered AA, disengage if he hits the taunt. Don't use your abilities inside his shield.”
Houcs says “Very easy, make sure you throw your Q instead if he activate his W. Keep in mind your E interupts his E aslong as its not pointed towards you.”
Althalosofsirun says “he is gonna try to cheese kill with ignite and his Q dealing max health magic dmg but you can counter buy taking dorans shield and letting him have wave level 1. level 2 you can kill and post 6 if he ever ults out of lane demo his tower with grasp build”
ZedAway says “tank counter tank, thats the definition of shen, his W basically stops u from getting stacks at all, and has really high damage and slow AND taunt.
walk in and out of his taunt range to bait it, then u might have a chance.”
SemenDrinker says “Blade and bone plating
Care for shen's early damage with q and grasp as they hurt like hell. But you will poke and harass him all laning phase like every other tank because at a certain point his damage does 0 to you and you outsustain him. Look at your map though and try to look to cancel his ult if theres a teamfight brewing elsewhere. (sometimes ill even flash under his tower to cancel the ult) But if you cannot cancel his ult just shove the wave into his tower so he loses some xp. ”
IvanBeifong says “Typical tank matchup, with the exception that it has a pretty good ult for helping the botlane, be careful with his level 2 because he deals a lot of damage there and usually they take ignite.
Very good ult.”
Frankoloko says “Super easy. Take Demolish for when he leaves lane. Respect his pre6 damage as he does deal a bit. What could help is if you ping his ult a lot in game and also ping your allies away from close fights. Care near his tower because of his taunt.”
LilPicky says “(take 1st rune page start blade) you always win, act as if you are going for a trade so he uses his shield, when shield is gone now you go for the trade, always try to have vision on him so you can cancel his R with your E, very important to save E after he is 6 so you can cancel his R”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is pretty free. You outrange him because he's melee, so he will never get on you unless he Flashes or you walk into his taunt. If he walks forward, just walk backwards. Ping him when he's level 6 so your team knows to pay attention during their fights. His W cannot block soldier AAs but you still want to respect his taunt all-in in the early game; use your range advantage and poke him. Be careful when you're near his turret because he will try to taunt you and make you take tower shots. If you see him Ulting, try to cancel him by drifting onto him and Ulting him to interrupt it. ”
Zagreus16 says “not a hard matchup so you can bully him easy. when he uses his shield where he dodges ur AA you can just E and W him cause that goes through it.”
step1v9 says “The most important thing in this matchup is shen Q. Don't let it pass through you, and when he uses it let him waste the enhanced autos on the wave, then you can look to trade. If he uses W then just auto the wave or run away/ in front of him depending on what you want to do. If he E you can E through the CC. Be careful for his E flash and spam ping his R so your team doesn't die.”
Raideru says “Respect his lvl 1 if he has ignite, poke with q a lot in the beginning cause he is only stronger the first few levels than you then you start to beat him,if he ever E in on you then you just run him down and kill him just care for jungle help cause junglers like playing around shen in early levels”
Azzin says “Shen is actually one of the few champs that can beat you early on, especially in short trades with his Q + grasp. Make sure to push + proxy + invade/roam so that if he use R you can just destroy his turret.”
Haxorr says “Shen is a really easy matchup for you. Just use your e to dodge his empowered q auto attacks and you should be good to go.
Take Grasp, DBlade and play for prio level 1. Rush Trinity and once you have that it really is easy to punish Shen in lane. Realistically, both of you should have very low kill pressure in lane which favors you as you scale harder and can split push way better later on in the game. Try to always be near Shen so that if he wants to ult his team, he has to run back into his tower.”
Skaarlschloch says “You used to go First Strike to farm gold off him but its bad now. Now the matchup is harder and if he survives he is shen and can help his team better than you i guess? But in the straight 1v1 you shouldnt die ever”
TeiWasTaken says “One of the few tanks that Kled has trouble with. He can bait out your W by taunting you in his W. He can also prevent Kled from getting kills by rotating botside with his Ult.”
Baby_Driver says “inspiration secondary or demolish with bone plating.
There is nothing much he can do vs you.
Try to always dodge to the side.
Do not get taunted under his turret.
Always interrupt his ult with pull.
Whenever he tries to play agressively and all-in you for no reason, it means that he wants you use your pull and tp to his team.
Don't get baited by this and observe what is happening around the map.”
Hotch says “His W blocks your damage and his early damage is scary, but you can pretty reliable out-damage him if he wastes his cooldowns or runs out of energy. Constantly push the wave so you can punish his R.
Take Ignite.”
forlid says “Shen is one of the more easier matchups in top. While his W may seem oppressive at first, it actually isn't AS useful against us since you can still stack from it. His E is kinda easy to dodge with your own E and you can prevent him from teleporting with his R by using CC on him. You far outscale him, both BORK and Kraken are good against him.”
PinkBlood says “A good shen will block your passive auto attack with his W. and match your q with his passive q. If shen ever teleports away make sure to hit plates and scale, your team mates might die but the gold lead you will get toplane will outweigh anything shen does if he ends up dropping waves to roam. ”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).*Favorable for pantheon*
shen can block you empowerd W
with his Spirit's Refuge(W) so bait it out. if he gets his sword through you back for abit if possible. He can E(dash with taunt) so Aegis Assault(E) backwards to avoid DMG.
BotRK is a good option here.”
conqiyana says “never had issues with this matchup.
the second they hit 6 they will try roam, make sure to ping his level 6 and try stop his ult if you can.
you will win level 6 most of the time since he doesnt have a real ultimate”
MaesePerez says “His q deals tons of damage to you, especially if he gets the empowered version. He wins 1v1 early, but you outscale. He won't really run you over in lane, but if he gets a few good ults off your team can be massively behind before you can scale. ”
forlid says “Shen is an easy laner to play against. His kit doesn't offer much defense against you, since your damage comes off of mainly your abilities. He can still dodge your empowered passive by using his W, and his potential to shift the tides of a teamfight with his R is huge. While you can't dispose of his R shield, you can make him unable to teleport by CCing him with Q. Don't stand in between his spirit blade and him, as he can call it to himself and empower his auto attacks.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
farm and outscale. He has no sustain so poke with cleavers is permanent. He'll do some ult stuff but you do so much tower damage that he cant ult out of lane without being severely punished. With that being said his trade pattern is pretty much impossible to dodge as mundo and does an ungodly amount of damage so a good shen will still hard win lane. This is much easier to deal with if the meta shifts in a way that he can't go an AD item first. If he can go titanic or sundered sky first its much harder than when he has to go heartsteel or something. Phase rush + resolve, not so much for the second wind but because demolish is needed into this shit”
EvilRavioli says “try to split push a lot and maybe pick up trinity secon to split better. Take teleport or you loose game, you can cancel his ult with e.”
Artszy says “Boneco não te faz nada, só tomar cuidado para que ele não use o E em você de baixo da torre dele. Quando ele tentar usar a ult no meio da lane para ajudar, só usar o E para cancelar o TP dele.”
hamgi says “short and extended trades are good. do not trade him with his w up. stay out of his e range or hold e for dodging. let ur team know when he has ult, and track his ult timer (200s @ r1, 180s @ r2, 160s @ r3; can be reduced with ultimate hunter:
5 UH stacks
138s @ r1
124 @ r2
110 @ r3
give or take. this does not include 1-4 stacks or additional AH)”
zwartebliksem says “Don't trade early, wait out his zone or go in when it's down. If the Shen has more than 2 brain cells, he won't use ult when the wave is slow pushing towards him. But even in Emerald, there are plenty of Shen players that do this. Free platings. His main damage comes from his Q, he will call his sword upon him. If his sword dashes through you, it deals so much more damage, try to avoid this.”
AWierdShoe says “Our level 1 is stronger than his if we land our Qs and he forces a trade. However, once he gets level 3 we have to be a bit cautious as Shen is quite the lane bully. Try not to overstep as Shen can easily punish a missed combo by dashing in with E and slapping us with his empowered Qs. Avoid passive autoing him when his W zone is up. As you gain levels and buy items, the matchup will start to favor you incredibly hard as Shen's scaling is very poor. Note that you can cancel his E with any of your Qs, but this may be hard to do intentionally. If he ever E's onto us past level 6, you can run him down with ult. Ping your team when he hits 6 as his global presence is very strong and can flip fights in his team's favor. You should look to cancel his ult ONLY when necessary, such as if you know your team will still win the fight. Otherwise, let him ult away from toplane and take the free CS+tower plates for yourself.”
Haearnbleidd says “He can try to cheese you early.
It's better to not fight him pre-6, and then run him down when he is pushed up.
Build: Rav/Bc > Hexplate/Shojin”
PPlongcook says “Very annoying lane, you cannot trade with him at all, because his kit is designed to out trade auto attackers. It will be a farm lane until you get blade. A useful strategy I found against Shen is to rush Bami's or Tiamat and then proxy his wave, he can't CS under tower very well and you can just run away if he tries to all in. If you pull it off you will have at least a CS ead if not an XP lead. ”
MYCATRENGAR says “Conq / Grasp
Bait the W CD and you can with the long trades. He wins lvl 1 if you just let him auto you down. Save your WW for his taunt, and watch for his Q shield to expire before trading. If you can catch him our outplay is cooldowns, you win the long trades. Best to not try and follow when he ults away, shove the tower down to punish. ”
Akuzai says “If he's not running ignite you can always kill him. Try to bait out his e, if you can dodge it you should win. If you're ahead perma shove to stop him from ulting other lanes.”
Lukajs says “Even though Shen's W counters your autoattacks, your Q counters the counter. You can still stack your Q stacks when attacking him in his W, so you can still win trades against him.
Play around poking him, playing inside his W and deal unexpected damage.”
GheeseEmpty says “The idea against Shen is to only trade when it's favorable for you. Oftentimes, this means taking one or two auto attacks from him in order to wait for his Ki Shield to be on cooldown. Avoid getting his blade dragged through you with good positioning and disengage early in order to keep the trade short and sweet. Always be looking to cancel his Ultimate when possible, or keep him low HP to dissuade him from using it. This is also a champion you outscale very easily, so keep that in mind when you are laning against him.”
xXazzer says “Early on he has surprising damage. But he doesnt really have a level 6 while you have a major spike at 6. You can go MR to lower his burst. You can E his E as well and if he goes in he has no way of getting out.”
NegativePhoenix says “The only really scary thing about Shen is his early damage. He will try to abuse you early if he sees an opportunity especially if his jungler is coming. Overall the lane phase will be in his favor but once lane phase ends you'll outdo him in almost every aspect of the game. 3/4 of your abilities stop his teleport but even if you can't see him just Q his teleport target and his massive shield vanishes making you a great counter to his ult”
X_TRM says “(Start W) He can out trade you if he plays correctly, always try to take him out of his Spirit Blade with your E so he can't block your AA. Don't use your W poorly because he will taunt into you and win the 1v1. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks”
WhendZ says “Dependa dos seus barris, por que dentro do W dele, ele não pode tomar hit básico. W no E ele sempre e assim que você sair estoura um barril nele tentando dar 2 passivas ou simplesmente espera o w dele acabar.”
LegacyOneTap says “this guy used to be an issue but now hes just a guy who taunts you and blocks autos with a strong lvl 1 but not better than yours, just run tp this matchup if you aren't try to stun him from getting into team fights, if he does tp to help his team punish him by getting his tower or making him lose xp on top side, if you dont your team just loses because he's unpunished for leaving lane. tell your teammates to watch his ult on 6.”
JPGamer10BR says “Cuidado com o lvl 2 e 3 dele, Shen tem um lvl 2 muito forte (um dos mais fortes), então cuidado, apenas bata nele quando ele já tiver gasto o E, quando ele pegar lvl 6, flood o chat avisando para o time ficar ciente e não se esquecer, quando você notar que ele está recuado para ultar alguém tente dar o máximo de dano possível nele.
Pode usar Grasp, PTA, F.F ou Aery”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer
Shen state is really boring right now since he plays a support role top. Get tower plates if he tp's bot/mid. Jayce can wave clear really easily. Be careful to not get taunted in his tower. You can E him away so his blade gets stuck in the old place.”
BurritoTopKing says “Not very interactive, just be careful with his taunt combo as Shen usually runs ignite, trinity hullbreaker can be really good as shen will leave side often to ult in fights, you can take a lot of towers.”
WarwicksSimp says “take tp and hope you can be more impactful than he can. FOLLOW HIS R AND TP WITH YOUR Q, PRACTICE THIS TIMING SO YOU DONT MESS IT UP.
He unironically is capable of solo killing you so don't play stupid.”
xskyswitch says “Shen excels at long trades. Play around his W and avoid his dash. If he lands a dash on you and uses his W to trade, you can W on him to reinitiate the trade, retaliate and use E to disengage. His real power is his R, if possible, interrupt his R with your W if he is using it.”
Tronnes says “Pretty easy matchup try and dodge his taunt and if he goes out of vision post 6 its possible he's going for an ult so try and knock him out of it with Q E. ”
wild overload lol says “Foque em baitar o E dele e não deixar ele usar a ult numa fight do outro lado do mapa. Farme e tente acompanhar ou atrapalhar ele”
RivenCarriedYou says “Short trades work most effectively against Shen. start doran’s blade or long sword 3 pots. If you trade too long he'll use his field to block your autos. His only real threat is using his Q over the wave to grasp auto you, or using his Q after you're taunted. Make sure you manage your wave correctly post 6 so you can punish him if he ults bot. Always chase him if he's walking away and there's a fight he wants to ult to. You can break his ult channel with 3Q or W.”
AimaReei says “He is not very hard to beat in laning phase but Shen’s W is a great tool at blocking incoming damage via auto-attacks. This will make it hard for you to kill a carry.
His Ultimate is a good tool at keeping high-priority targets alive in the laning phase and in team fights.”
Chaddouk says “Shen has surprisingly strong trades early, be careful when going for cs especially against ignite shen. You win on long trades tho if you play well around his shield (passive). Be careful as well whenever you are under his turret not to get taunted and get turret aggro. Macrowise, good shens will not ult early (especially when they have ignite) because you get so much for it as trynd, but most of the time they still do, so be ready to punish with plates etc.. Also when Shen gets 6 or has his 6 turbo ping it to your team, there's a high chance that they won't listen but still do it's your job. Later you win on side just make sure he gets punished macrowise for every intervention. If your team wins the 5v5 good, just be there first.”
daitolol says “- Wait out his shield before using qs(same applies for going for aas when he uses w)
- You can use e to dodge his e and get a good trade, the matchup relies on your short trades and playing around his passive/e his whole dmg is in q
-Personally like to run the sorcery setup here as well as having tp is nice and you can get away having no resolve most of the time
_WhiteSnow_ says “He will win trades if he taunts you while unburrowed so be careful for that - that's his only way to win the lane. otherwise, you can just sustain up his damage with passive and cancel his e with your w and bypass his w with your e. Don't play for longer trades and take demolish revitalise secondary tree. When he ults away push as fast as possible and become as big a problem as possible in the side lane. Play for split, not group.”
At_Tar_Ras says “he's not too bad. the thing is he's just more useful than you + you can't really kill him and he can't really kill you. it's super boring.”
Pretzel Shiv says “Lane is kinda iffy with this guy, you can poke him down, or bring tp and follow him with his R, you make more impact in late game than him. You might be able to use w on him while he ults like akali e.”
AlgoSobreJesus says “Very even matchup, play to outscale him and look to cancel his ult with your Q and W, or even ultimate post 6. Wait for him to miss an E to engage using your W, and stay on him to keep applying Bami's burn. Awkward to itemize against, as he deals both ad and ap, but early on he deals more ap damage.
Bami's rush into abyssal/mythic first item is good here. ”
DebRiX9 says “He win levels 1-4 do not contest the wave unless is to poke with Q but he can always dash and taunt to out trade you pre LV5.
After 6 you win.
yryb7 says “In lane, until you get liandry's, you will lose every fight and trade so try to stay back and just farm, no kill opportunity until liandry's”
BezMemow says “He's a really strong duelist especially earlygame. Avoid all trades early, lvl 3 you can start fighting but you need to position yourself to not allow him free Qs. Level 6 he cannot kill you without his jg, but you need to be mindful of his jg pathing. Liandry's is a really good buy as he buys a lot of hp, with Riftmaker a good buy also to outsustain his dmg later into the game. You destroy him on sidelane so play sidelane vs him.
Demolish is really good into him since you want to abuse your sidelane strength in this matchup more often than not.”
Antecc says “A good shen will never die to you 1v1. Never stand in the direction that Shen will taunt away into. If you do this and press E in the fight, You'll be taunted while he runs, making you unable to leap in time, miss your E and lose the trade. Kill him if he ever taunts onto you for whatever reason (assuming you're not getting ganked or low af). Short trades with W are the way to win this lane. You outscale and win every fight post Divine Sunderer.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Very straight forward and easy. Sit on barrel, W his E and try to passive him outside his W. You win pretty much at every stage of the game but the later it will go the better it is. His ult is useless 1v1, try to harass him and make him lose a lot of farm if he ults somebody. If he does prepare your ult to help your team and enjoy free farm/plates if he doesnt use tp to get back. Dont get between him and his sword as it grants him bigger damage”
ABL Pantheon says “You pretty much win most of the times early. Poke with Q, never W when he uses W and avoid getting taunted with his E. You can easily cancel his Ultimate with your W. Also don't let him Auto Attack you when he uses an ability, because it will deal more damage.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[grasp] [demolish] [bone plating] [overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items : ruby crystal-> CORE
save w to cancel his ult , dont trade when he has passive shield”
lordimboutabust says “Shen wins pre-6 at which point you stomp him. If he gets in front can be a problem. He can 100-0 with ignite between lvl 1-3 so be careful. If you auto through his W if your Q is down it gives conq stacks (unless its been patched). But try to save Q for his W. If he uses Q for farm try all in him and if he hits an E on you kite away and try return trade when you have spaced enough | bone plating | Dblade - Divine”
Bernardian says “Where Shen is most useful is in a teamfight his laning against you isnt good at all. You win EVERY single trade and even if he has ignite he is sacrificing map pressure for duelling potential that he does not have against you. shen lvl 1 and 2 with grasp is pretty annoying to fight in lane as he has a lot of poke and if he does take ignite he has some kill pressure but once you go past lvl 3 its a free matchup. Look to save your hook for when he E's away from you(if he taunts you and runs away your character will automatically follow him use this to your advantage you can cast ghost while taunted) auto W is very good to start the trade walking infront of him is also good but be careful as he will try to taunt you and drag you under the tower. Never walk up to get a plate or hit the tower unless hes not there or his e is down. Post 6 Shen's lane is basically over as he will ALWAYS look to roam for his team so either stop his ult with your e or when hes gone start to hit his tower and farm some plates for free.
FaNTOP says “Обращайте внимание на его меч и убедитесь, что он не проходит сквозь вас. Не сражайтесь с ним на 1-5 уровнях, просто собирайте миньонов, пока не получите ультимейт, затем вы сможете атаковать его полностью и одолеть в обменах. Не атакуйте автоматически, когда он использует свою навыков "w" на вас, просто подождите, пока она закончится, и кликните в последнюю секунду, это будет достаточно времени для активации и поддержания вашей навыковой "Хрупкость".
Не сражайтесь с ним с 1-го по 4-й уровень, он очень-очень силен на ранних этапах и легко может вас убить. Играйте с волнами и вам должно быть неплохо. Прилипайте к стенам, чтобы использовать E способность, когда он нападает, и всегда держите его вне поля зрения, чтобы прервать его ультимейты или телепорты.”
PeanutTime36 says “always bring tp against him and try to match roam if you aren't behind, if you are then take free farm and spam ping his ult and for your team to back up, then they cant flame you.”
demirkaiser says “Mordekaiser is the biggest counter of Shen. If he has ignite, he can kill you. I mean it. He is much more stronger at level 2 than you. Post 3 is easy. Post 6 is literally free kill lane. You can interrupt his ult with your E.”
kayle1v9 says “its all about dodging (or ulting) his E. You outscale him so just relax till 11 and poke him with Q max. really free lane at 6. early cull giga good”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo or grasp and start dshield. Space out his Q's and don't let him get free autos on you and start each trade with your E but don't start it with your q, he's gonna walk into you to E you into his tower but you can click back to prevent this by spacing him.”
UmbreonQueen says “A good Shen is a complete nightmare at early stages of the game. Respect his E range and poke him until you can run him down. Don't get too cocky or he'll punish you hard for not respecting his empowered Q damage and E”
Twogrand says “Dont die early to him level 1 - 3 but as long as you space well dont get taunted and its a easy match up. this is a spacing match up and make sure you stay outta range of the taunt and its a easy peezy lane.
i go conq but you can go phaserush too tp, eclipse build path”
vreiki says “Ele consegue absorver muito dano e ajudar o time dele mesmo em desvantagem. Mas, voce pode ter muita pressão e prejudicar o farm dele. Também pode cancelar a ult.”
Althalosofsirun says “take demo and grasp split him till he cant ult anymore everytime he ults get a demo proc and back you will slowly over take him and kill him over and over”
KaiOverHere says “SUPER easy matchup
Farm Lane -> You perma force him side and Q cancel his ult and he's REALLY sad now
You can literally ignore him and just hit tower, if he tries to taunt you break tower aggro and then keep hitting it”
Nurakami says “Rly strong more damage in early can make you aa useless a lot of armor and more pressure.
Just farm and wait for boots.
Go Kraken ,Hullbreaker and make use of his r to take towers and greet him on lane with gold advantage.”
Smauggy says “he will try to e you, just stack to run around, bait his e and poke him, if he touch you with e just run in the other direction where he stand and q him to the ground.
if he ults, put a mx dmg on him and ult him after he you cant trade with him,
if you can just q into r ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Shen can block a lot of hits, tank a lot of attacks and can do a lot of damage. I would know, because I hate him. Unless I am playing Mordekaiser, I can never beat the guy. And playing Cho'Gath, it's extremely difficult. Unless you knock him up for the duration of his impenetrable shield, he's a waste of time to strike during then”
ARealFakeIdentity says “His taunt can prove to be a massive problem, but if he doesn't hit this it becomes a fairly easy matchup even if you can't kill him.”
Nazcore says “Shen is a tough match up but he does not have much escape. Potential to outplay but is minor. If you dodge dash you can kite him back to his tower. Don't get hit by his abilities and you win.”
illestboy_ says “D Blade + Bone plating. Contest Wave Level 1. Tether his Q and passive shield. You can grab him in mid Dash ( E ) to negate the ability.”
SesaPrime says “Shen is a formidable adversary. He can support his team looking across the map at anytime. He have to keep close proximity of him to cancel his ultimate. Dueling him can result in a stalemate in lane as his kit is really good at countering Camille's engages. ”
primate nefasto says “or you get ahead and win every moment of the game, or he will. Avoid hit your W Q while he is in his W. Be aware of his ult, you can cancel it with your R, but be carefull, maybe it´s better if he goes around the map and you can take plates. That "good play" of him can lose him the line.”
Boptimus says “Shen has a decent amount of early damage but if you can avoid his sword passing through you and you don't give him free Auto Attacks with his Q you should have no problem stomping this lane. If you have the reaction or you can predict his E you can avoid the taunt with W and shove him out of his W if you're lucky. You have much better waveclear than him and you can duel him quite easily once you have R.”
stefanko says “Look to bait out his passive before trading by fake walking up, try to not let him get into your body, cause then he can dash through you and pull you with him and deal e damage. Once you get 6 look to perma have lane prio if your team is on the map, so you can punish him for ulting on the map by getting plates. (grasp, teleport)”
Ulamog says “Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Hold W for his E, and never let him Q you for free. You can go in for Q Grasp pokes without him hitting you for it and this is the main pattern you wanna do in this matchup.
Post 6 push him in as much as possible to punish him if he uses his R.”
killer2325 says “Be careful about his damage+ignite. Just poke him and keep him on low hp. Farm and tack enemy jungler. Get off when he uses his W. Wait till he uses Q on cs, than you can trade. When he ulted just shove wave as fast as you can and take the plates.”
PraefectusMace says “Early game Shen is a bit of a pushover. The issue begins at mid game and ahead, because he can just taunt you and take you away from whatever you were trying to hit. And they usually build a lot of resistance so not only it gets difficult to kill Shen, but also gives time for his allies to kill you.”
dzsama says “Shen deals a lot of damage with his Q so be careful about tanking too many hits from him. Also pay attention to his swords position as if he draws it through you he will deal more damage to you with his Q autos. Generally you want to E just before he taunts you so he doesn't get free damage on you. After 6 he will ult to other lanes and pressure in that way so either be ready to cancel his ult with your E or be ready to TP to help your team or if your TP is down the force down towers top and warn your team.”
Pep_Shin says “Shen is always strong but you should be able to outdamage his tankiness. He will be more useful for his team than you if you don't get enough of a lead.
You lose short trades but he can't keep up the long trades, so if he goes in and you have enough HP, spam your Q and E while his W is active and run him down once it is in cooldown.
Get platings if he ults away.”
Babuleh says “Завоеватель/хватка снос щит дорана тринити
Сама лейнфаза достаточно простая, если помнить, что вы всегда слабее до слота, вся проблема в том , что у вас не хватает зачистки пачек, чтобы как-то отвечать на его ульты.Руны-грасп”
Armorjacker says “Really easy matchup, dont go under his tower and always trade when you have e and w up. Always fight this guy and some shens like taunting from behnd you so dont be shy to e w alittle early even if you are not at full grit.”
lorensj81 says “Shen is quite a lane bully early. When he uses Q to drag sword to him he gets 2 empowered autos that do big damage, don't get hit. When he use W he is immune to auto attacks, but your E can still do damage. Make sure to not stand close to his tower so he can taunt you with E and make you take tower aggro. Make sure to ping when he is close to level 6, so your team is aware of his R, but as usual they probably won't listen or care :) If you play around his ability cooldowns it's actually not the worst of lanes, quite killable.
Remember, you can cancel his R with your Q!!!”
Magmasmoothie says “Even though statistically Urgot is bad into Shen I believe it is the easiest matchup for Urgot. All you have to do is get demolish,hullbreaker and split to win.”
Irelius says “Костянве пластины, опять же. Доджим его кухан, чтобы нож не проходил через наз. W на его влет, затем проводим долгий трейд. Если Шен тратит для ластхита, можно влететь в него на лвл 1. Можно драться за прио, поскольку большинство игроков на Шене — люди сабмиссивные. Тем не менее, линия может идти по-разрому. Особенно если у Шена есть игнайт. В любом случае, Ирка его дуэлит на лвл 6, собирает Смерть Разума и дуэли дальше по игре. Но, что важнее, у нас хороший вейвклир. Если Шен будет роумить (а он будет ультовать на другие линии), вы будете забирать пачки и плитки. Пингуйте команде, что у Шена есть ульт. Спам пингов творит чудеса. Ах да, E Ирелии сбивает Шену ульт.”
Kitming says “Shen doesn't like people who push a lot right? You may force him out of laning phase but his ultimate will always be extremely powerful.”
Puyi says “He can't do much to you. It's easy to block his taunt with your W, and you have plenty of CC to stop his ultimate if he dares to use it near you. It's hard to kill him, but you should be up around 10 cs by ten minutes if played correctly.”
Irelius says “Bone plating, again. Dont get hit by his returning Q. W his engage, then commit. Lane can go sideways, with ignite he can evel kill you. Matchup becomes Irelia favored after 6. Most Shen players dont give a f about toplane and they will ult whenever they can. However, you can easily punish such roams, as Irelia got insane waveclear. ”
ananesever69 says “You should do better in the trades since his CDs are pretty high and his W doesn't last too long, so you can just pull him back in with your Q3 and continue to fight him. If you notice he's ulting and you're close enough you can just also cancel it with a W or your ult. Try to W though if you sense he's gonna go for the dash taunt. He can't keep up with you most of the game unless you let him aggro you more than he should.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Ghost+Teleport or Ignite+Teleport.
Shen is very strong in the early, but his strength declines later. Be careful at the beginning of the game, because you can be surprised by how much damage he can deal. His W doesn't block your Q, which is a big plus and worth keeping in mind. In this matchup, you MUST have a teleport to counter his R. Then he has a choice - defending the turret or helping his allies in need.”
NegativePhoenix says “You should do better in the trades since his CDs are pretty high and his W doesn't last too long, so you can just pull him back in with your Q3 and continue to fight him. If you notice he's ulting and you're close enough you can just also cancel it with a W or your ult. Try to W though if you sense he's gonna go for the dash taunt. He can't keep up with you most of the game unless you let him aggro you more than he should.”
JustSad42 says “If Shen is running Ignite, you will only be able to win fights early against him if he E’s into you when you have full HP. Otherwise, you won’t be able to win the all-in. If he’s not running ignite, you will be able to win most all-ins he does into you if it’s not in a big enemy wave or he hasn’t poked you with Qs and Grasp procs. The main problem of playing against Shen is that he setups for his jungler really easily, so you will want to always have vision of the river and Tri-bush or even deeper vision if possible. When After Shen hits level 6, you want to ping it to your time, and whenever a fight is about to happen on the other side of the map, push the wave as quicky as possible. If Shen Rs, most of the time, the correct play will be just to crash the wave and get as many turret plates before he or the person that will catch the wave comes. At 2 items, you will easily outscale the Shen in side regardless of whether he’s running ignite or not.”
osckis17 says “Shen top can be a little disgusting because he use him w and you can't do damage because rengar do damage with basic attacks, q just upgrade your basic attacks ”
Akalimetall says “Possibly the best matchup with bard, as you have nothing to fear when it comes to splitpushing or anything along those lines. You have more impact than him and can just ult him if he's teleporting to an enemy. His Ult as a much higher cooldown so if you ever see a Shen on the enemy team, lock in Bard.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite or Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Don't underestemate his lvl 2 power spike]
[Be careful about his E and gank setup]
[You can cancel his R with your E]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Don't let him pass his sword through you. Shen is another cooldown based champion, so when he uses Q to last hit minions, go in for a trade after. If he wastes W or E, all-inning is easy. Avoid short trades if his cooldowns are up.”
RandumPersin says “Shen is a rough matchup not because of his lane but because of his ability to globally impact the map from level 6 onwards. Take conqueror, ignite, and look to beat him into a pulp in lane. Do not do any of the following: trade with this guy before level 3 (his levels 1 and 2 are very strong), let him get free grasp procs, let him pull his blade through you for free, OR dump your W into his W. If you can prevent these things from occurring, you should win every trade/fight. The nice part about Shen's ultimate not being a combat ultimate is just that - it's not a combat ultimate. Once we hit level 6 we can look to permanently all-in this champion since our R is extremely broken in lane and he effectively only has 3 abilities. Your main goal for the game against Shen is to become a massive splitpush presence since you can never match his value as a frontliner and teamfighter - look to snowball topside off of an early solo kill and carry the game through early rift heralds and taking turrets. Funneling gold onto Renekton is generally pretty weak, but against Shen I aftually really enjoy building Hullbreaker and playing for map presence instead of teamfight. Giving a drake or two is fine if we can get the wavestate midlane into our favor and take a couple turret plates (or even a whole turret) topside.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Take teleport, punch him hard in lane. R him out of his W if he goes for EQW, make him regret picking Shen. When he teleports, shove wave and teleport to where he is to impact the fight.”
Zorroh says “Shen is one of the more straightforward and easy matchups for Gnar since you win trades in both forms. Shen has no way to poke you at all, making spacing him as Mini Gnar very low risk high reward. He also has super high cooldowns on his W and E early game that can easily be punished with such a large window. As mini your main goal should be to poke and harass him as much as possible, don't be afraid to play agro early game but just keep a distance from his Q autos. In mega you will want to combo him and back off, trading autos with Shen is not favorable but getting your combo off and leaving or killing him is. Shen's only way of killing you realistically is 2v1 with his jungler, so be sure to ward whenever you push the wave past river to harass him. I personally like taking Conqueror into this matchup and bone plating is a must. You can also run Fleet or Grasp if you prefer those runes, but it might be slightly tougher to kill him with your mega all in. ”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp.
Divine or AP.
Shen is a menace if he can force extended trades, so keep W2 ready to cleanse his E during every trade, just focus on getting grasp proc and run back, a really good item is serpents fang but you can even go ap if you want to have an easier laning into him, also just buying dark seal and stacking it is really useful.”
Fizzy says “Annoying but killable don't try to fight with W is active, it will be a lost trade. Always use parry on the E of the shen, if he uses the ult on someone try to charge him by pulling the minions and taking the tower. Tiamat will be your best friend in this lane”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You stomp him, place barrel next to you but not directly underneath you beacuse if you do he can auto it before you W his taunt. Kite him when he gets his W on. The only problem with him is that you cant stop his ult and its very usefull, but then you can push him hard and take plates so its win for you anyways.”
hamgi says “early game shen is the scariest shen. he deals a lot of damage without taking a lot due to his q increasing his ad and providing him as shield. he blocks on-hit attacks with w (like jax e). and his taunt gives him back energy every time it hits an enemy unit. also, hes a tank, so trading him a lot of the times feels useless, especially since a grasp proc gives him hp and heals. what makes shen so difficult to lane against is his r, and knowing when to let him go or stop it. u typically want to let shen r if he decides to do it while ur wave is at his tower. if he didnt take tp, this gives u free plates or even a tower. if he does, u still get a crash and a good reset, maybe even a plate, too. if the wave is at ur tower, make a choice: stop his r if his presence will help his team or let him go if it won't. i like to hold q3/r every time hes in lane bc if i ever feel like i SHOULD stop shen r, i can. i categorized this as a major threat not based on the skill level of the shen player but of how every minute of this lane is crucial. do not waste time against shen; make his ults not worth the plates, tower itself, herald, or even the game”
Cheeseypops1 says “Shen can only kill you at levels 1-2 so be mindful of his sword, after level 2 you just start auto-winning, and at 6 even if you are 3 kills behind you still win. This is possibly Mordekaisers best matchup ”
StingingChicken says “Space properly and poke him down. If he ever dashes into you to trade walk him down the lane and kill him. E when he pulls up the block and be careful about him blocking your empowered W. Consider the fact that Shen can match your ult with his when its up before you go diving in too deep. ”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “Good Shen players can win it with grasp ignite, some shen players play grasp TP and just play for team u can rush hullbreaker and just go turbo, take demolish as well for SUPER sidelane”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shen’s early game is quite strong. Expect him to play aggressively and try to burst you down. Staying at max distance when your abilities are on cooldown will make it harder for him to kill you.Playing around Shen’s taunt Shadow Dash(E) will make the laning phase much easier for you. If you can bait this ability out, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force him to lose lots of health. Post 6, if he uses his Ultimate(R) to assist another lane, try to cancel it with a CC ability. If you can’t cancel the ability, ping and push the minion wave into his tower as quickly as you can.”
Elresser says “Your W is your main ability and Shen doesn't really have a way to interact with it. You can simply poke him down or combo him when his W is down. You also have many ways to cancel his ult.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shen’s early game is quite strong. Expect him to play aggressively and try to burst you down. Staying at max distance when your abilities are on cooldown will make it harder for him to kill you.Playing around Shen’s taunt Shadow Dash(E) will make the laning phase much easier for you. If you can bait this ability out, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force him to lose lots of health. Post 6, if he uses his Ultimate(R) to assist another lane, try to cancel it with a CC ability. If you can’t cancel the ability, ping and push the minion wave into his tower as quickly as you can.”
kajinator says “Shen is a tank killer. One of Garen's worst matchups. He outscales you and he's much more useful on the map due to his ultimate. Look to put pressure on side lanes, take Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite. You can stay ahead of him in CS. Not really worth fighting him at all during any point in the game.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Although Shen has kill pressure on you with his strong early damage and his taunt, this matchup is easy because if he ults and leaves lane, you just get to free farm. So play safe, buy Cull, and just scale. You'll win very easily.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shen’s early game is quite strong. Expect him to play aggressively and try to burst you down. Staying at max distance when your abilities are on cooldown will make it harder for him to kill you.Playing around Shen’s taunt Shadow Dash(E) will make the laning phase much easier for you. If you can bait this ability out, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force him to lose lots of health. Post 6, if he uses his Ultimate(R) to assist another lane, try to cancel it with a CC ability. If you can’t cancel the ability, ping and push the minion wave into his tower as quickly as you can.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shen’s early game is quite strong. Expect him to play aggressively and try to burst you down. Staying at max distance when your abilities are on cooldown will make it harder for him to kill you.Playing around Shen’s taunt Shadow Dash(E) will make the laning phase much easier for you. If you can bait this ability out, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force him to lose lots of health. Post 6, if he uses his Ultimate(R) to assist another lane, try to cancel it with a CC ability. If you can’t cancel the ability, ping and push the minion wave into his tower as quickly as you can.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shen’s early game is quite strong. Expect him to play aggressively and try to burst you down. Staying at max distance when your abilities are on cooldown will make it harder for him to kill you.Playing around Shen’s taunt Shadow Dash(E) will make the laning phase much easier for you. If you can bait this ability out, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force him to lose lots of health. Post 6, if he uses his Ultimate(R) to assist another lane, try to cancel it with a CC ability. If you can’t cancel the ability, ping and push the minion wave into his tower as quickly as you can.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shen’s early game is quite strong. Expect him to play aggressively and try to burst you down. Staying at max distance when your abilities are on cooldown will make it harder for him to kill you.Playing around Shen’s taunt Shadow Dash(E) will make the laning phase much easier for you. If you can bait this ability out, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force him to lose lots of health. Post 6, if he uses his Ultimate(R) to assist another lane, try to cancel it with a CC ability. If you can’t cancel the ability, ping and push the minion wave into his tower as quickly as you can.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shen’s early game is quite strong. Expect him to play aggressively and try to burst you down. Staying at max distance when your abilities are on cooldown will make it harder for him to kill you.Playing around Shen’s taunt Shadow Dash(E) will make the laning phase much easier for you. If you can bait this ability out, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force him to lose lots of health. Post 6, if he uses his Ultimate(R) to assist another lane, try to cancel it with a CC ability. If you can’t cancel the ability, ping and push the minion wave into his tower as quickly as you can.”
pura4 says “"[Comenta, Escudo de Doran's, Q > E] - SHen é uma lane fácil, use seu poke sempre que estiver com fluxo de mana e cometa ativo, use apenas após acabar a passiva do shen que é o escudo, se usar antes ele irá apenas tankar seu poke com o escudo da passiva, faça trocas rápidas e recue até a sua passiva voltar, fique assim que vc irá mata-lo após o lvl 6. Caso o Shen jogar recuado dê roamings para o mid e force ele a usar a ult”
KaiOverHere says “(Conq + Flash IGN) Intense pain and suffering is about to occur. You can look to trade if he doesn't have empowered Q or doesn't have a realistic way to setup his W. Shen is going to act like a brick fucking wall: You can never kill him because of his W, you can never dive him because of his E, and the second you think your team is winning, they aren't because he ults down.
Stride -> Hull (If your team is even/ahead) -> Mortal -> BC -> Sery
You need Hullbreaker so that Shen can't just ult away to a fight while you're splitting, you need BC + SERY core because it gives you 85% armor pen (remember Garen gets 25% from his E) and believe me you need that armor pen vs Shen. Mainly what you're going to be looking to do during this lane is brute force prio with your surperior wave clear and make the enemy jungler's life a living hell by invading constantly. You can't really stop Shen from doing his thing but you can sure as hell piss his jungler off.
If you do for some reason decide to dive shen, turn your E on THE SECOND he taunts you so that at least you're dealing damage to him while you're taunted. Also make sure to turn on your W for the tenacity. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shen’s early game is quite strong. Expect him to play aggressively and try to burst you down. Staying at max distance when your abilities are on cooldown will make it harder for him to kill you.Playing around Shen’s taunt Shadow Dash(E) will make the laning phase much easier for you. If you can bait this ability out, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force him to lose lots of health. Post 6, if he uses his Ultimate(R) to assist another lane, try to cancel it with a CC ability. If you can’t cancel the ability, ping and push the minion wave into his tower as quickly as you can.”
Voice44 says “берем завоеватель. если он влетает в вас с ешки то вы спокойно можете убить его, одно из самых главных это не давать свои усиленные автоатаки с кушки в его вешку. если он играет пассивно то ждем пока он подойдет к крипам . даем ему автоатаку, после чего скорее всего нажмет ешку назад и тем самым мы притягиваем его своей ешкой сбивая ему рывок и можем спокойно убивать его. но не забывайте про его вешку и вашу кушку, если он ультанул то начинайте пушить настолько сильно насколько можете и попытайтесь сломать как можно больше пластин для того чтобы выиграть линию”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shen’s early game is quite strong. Expect him to play aggressively and try to burst you down. Staying at max distance when your abilities are on cooldown will make it harder for him to kill you.Playing around Shen’s taunt Shadow Dash(E) will make the laning phase much easier for you. If you can bait this ability out, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force him to lose lots of health. Post 6, if he uses his Ultimate(R) to assist another lane, try to cancel it with a CC ability. If you can’t cancel the ability, ping and push the minion wave into his tower as quickly as you can.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shen’s early game is quite strong. Expect him to play aggressively and try to burst you down. Staying at max distance will make it harder for him to kill you. Playing around Shen’s taunt E will make the laning phase much easier for you. If you can bait this ability out, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force him to lose lots of health. Post 6, if he uses his R to assist another lane, try to cancel it with a CC ability. If you can’t cancel the ability, ping and push the minion wave into his tower as quickly as you can.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shen’s early game is quite strong. Expect him to play aggressively and try to burst you down. Staying at max distance will make it harder for him to kill you. Playing around Shen’s taunt E will make the laning phase much easier for you. If you can bait this ability out, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force him to lose lots of health. Post 6, if he uses his R to assist another lane, try to cancel it with a CC ability. If you can’t cancel the ability, ping and push the minion wave into his tower as quickly as you can.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shen’s early game is quite strong. Expect him to play aggressively and try to burst you down. Staying at max distance will make it harder for him to kill you. Playing around Shen’s taunt E will make the laning phase much easier for you. If you can bait this ability out, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force him to lose lots of health. Post 6, if he uses his R to assist another lane, try to cancel it with a CC ability. If you can’t cancel the ability, ping and push the minion wave into his tower as quickly as you can.”
Animate Dead says “Blocking auto attacks is a big problem, when majority of your damage comes from Spiderform. Relying on AP build with some durability or sustain seems to work the best for me.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shen’s early game is quite strong. Expect him to play aggressively and try to burst you down. Staying at max distance will make it harder for him to kill you. Playing around Shen’s taunt E will make the laning phase much easier for you. If you can bait this ability out, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force him to lose lots of health. Post 6, if he uses his R to assist another lane, try to cancel it with a CC ability. If you can’t cancel the ability, ping and push the minion wave into his tower as quickly as you can.”
Thrandor says “Unsurprisingly, Shen is hard to deal with due to his dodge zone (W). Take good care! Be sure to ping to your team when Shen reaches lvl 6. If he ults away in front of you you can follow him ACROSS THE MAP by holding down Q at the very end! Extremely fun to do and has the potential to win the whole game.”
1akai1 says “Você não consegue acerta o vital dentro do W dele nem AA nem Q, Você pode dar seu W no Q+Grasp dele ou no E. Mid/Late game sempre use seu W no E dele. Joga a rota usando seu Q nos pontos vitais e use o MS pra sair de perto dele.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shen’s early game is quite strong. Expect him to play aggressively and try to burst you down. Staying at max distance when your abilities are on cooldown will make it harder for him to kill you. Playing around Shen’s taunt E will make the laning phase much easier for you. If you can bait this ability out, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force him to lose lots of health. Post 6, if he uses his R to assist another lane, try to cancel it with a CC ability. If you can’t cancel the ability, ping and push the minion wave into his tower as quickly as you can.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Shen can be difficult to engage into, and has great map presence and roams, but on support economy he can struggle to scale well with his long cooldowns. You outscale him in the support role with either build, just be aware of roam timers. Your unmounted W also can cancel Shen's E.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Your laning patterns are similar so it's not easy. He'll try and take short trades with Grasp just like you except he can proc his shield immidiately and win the trade, so play around his shield
cooldown when looking to trade. Don't fight too hard level 1 since he'll benefit from it. Create slowpushes because his waveclear sucks and then if he Ults anywhere he'll lose minions and
plates. You can W to interrupt his ult, but a lot of the time you wont want to and it's better to let him finish the TP. ”
RivalOCE says “Short trades work most effectively against Shen. If you trade too long he'll use his field to block your autos. His only real threat is using his Q over the wave to grasp auto you, or using his Q after you're taunted.
Make sure you manage your wave correctly post 6 so you can punish him if he ults bot. Always chase him if he's walking away and there's a fight he wants to ult to. You can break his ult channel with 3Q or W.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Очень легкий матчап, вардите вражеский лес, гнобите его как танка, пингуйте врагам о тп Шена, ломайте ему вышку, берите себе тп и пробивание.”
Taiquyorah says “Un des MU les plus gratuit !
Il a des dégâts mais avec un W bien placé il ne peut pas les mettres, focus sur le FARM, si il R, vous avez juste à R en retour.
Farm lane et MU gratuit !”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very hard to kill at all stages of the game as the champ is too tanky. If matched against this champ just build normal Nasus - Its not worth inting your team and getting flamed. ”
NegativePhoenix says “Early game he does alot of damage and can use his W to block your E and autos so be mindful of that. If he's gonna ult and you notice, Q him so that his ult is wasted and he can't tp to his teammates. Later in the game you're the better tank, the most he's gonna do is dash in to take aggro for a very short time and block damage, but once that's down he can't do alot.”
Yiphen says “Go Doran's Blade and poke him. Save Q for his E. You trade roughly evenly if he E's you (factoring in your sustain), and it's almost one-sided if he can't. If he Ults, hard push the wave and roam or back. Otherwise, freeze wave in front of tower. Dance.”
gekigami says “Por culpa do baixo escalo do shen. a unica fonte de dano (alto) dele é a agide de fogo ou hidra titanica. resumindo. ele builda HP inevitavelmente, quade seu pulo (E) com o taunt dele (E). faça ruptor divino, BORK ou limite da razão. e ele não faz mais nada.
em casos de time full ad, faça cutelo junto com o ruptor divino.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
Hard matchup, his taunt is really strong, try and dodge it with your E. Try and kit him with E when you trade.
Dont get hit by his sword or he will get a lot of damage on you.
Dont fight him when he uses W.
Your team should know what Shen ult does, but ping him when he hits level 6.
HelloStranger says “Grasp | Flash + Ignite
A tank that outdamages bruisers whilst maintaining high armor stats and invulnerability to AA's? Who thought of this champ! He can't kill you but you can't kill him. The only issue is that he is around 400x more useful to his team than you are to yours. If he ever decides to ult in front of you make a judgement and cancel it with your Q. I always flash Q the Shen to make them mad. They deserve it for playing Shen anyways.”
meduselolol says “start doran blade the lane is either free farm or you play into shen willing to lose 3 cs to deny you 1.
you NEED to farm perfectly because he's going to affect the rest of the map and your team should be behind and expect to have to 1 vs 9”
kickman2334 says “you need a lot of tenacity and quick reflexes on W to win this matchup and carefull of his tower he can taunt you in there and you are dead”
Smoovifly says “He Blocks your Autos Attack and be careful when you dismount because he will save the Auto Blocker for your remounts. So you will die before even getting close to remounting.”
VituVonDoom says “A tank that has bruiser-like damage, Shen can be tricky if you're not used to facing him. Try do dodge his E, with correct spacing this shouldn't be too difficult, and don't waste your passive autos on his W. When he ults, get as much plates as you can, the gold difference will cuck him at some point. Run the Conq page, Shen is much more like a bruiser, and as such, the extra damage will help shut him down”
DimitriLSD123 says “Wait until his field is gone use W or run if he dashes pop ult with Exhaust and run him down I normally ban him so I don’t know how to play against him that well”
Michcio says “Easy to kite, W his E. He outdamages you melee but without E he doesnt have any mobility. The only problem is that you cant stop his ult beacuse you dont have hard cc”
NegativePhoenix says “His W shield is the only real effective thing against you since it stops your E autos but not your Q so if he goes into you while you have full Q it's not hard to give back a decent trade after his auto shield is down. Just know you can't do much if he ults to his teammates unless he's low enough to kill.”
Aberrant Demon says “If you can, stop him from setting his passive on your side of the lane at the start of the game. Don't trade until level 3 and avoid letting him pull his sword through you with his Q. Once you have your W, you win trades if he engages onto you AND his passive is down or one of his abilities is on cooldown. If you engage he'll just block your Q with his W and E to avoid your E damage. If he starts his E towards you, E and W to blcok the damage and pretend like you weren't taunted. Post-6 you win the all-in but you have to stop him from getting good ult opportunities. This can be done by crashing large waves under his turret whenever your teammates are in vulnerable positions.”
M81M1337 says “Shen is a very easy match-up. Before 3 you can't do much, just play passively. When you get Sunfire he's not even a champion. Just W him out of his W. If AlistarsW is on cooldown/you engage, wait to use your empowerd E auto until the shens W wears off. You can also stop his ult very easily with your Q and W so this matchup should be a breeze. ”
IcunoX says “You can interrupt his E with your bodyslam making him pretty much useless, he also block auto attacks while your damage doesnt come from that most of the time.
You have plenty of cc to stop his R.
Tip: when he has his E(dodging attacks), hit a minion with your W activated to get the damage on the shen anyways.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Punish him, bully him, beat him up, get more resources, he should not win this matchup.
Wave 1-4:
Get a cheater recall into a freeze, Shen has one of the worst waveclears in the entire game.
Taking demolish in this matchup is very helpful for early plates, especially when they take IGN as if they roam/use R you basically are guaranteed 1 plate if not more.
Try to poke him down with Q's especially when his Q is on cooldown, also when he has no shield is nice as well.
With front vitals you can bait him to use Q by faking that you will Q the front vital but holding it and waiting for later until he no longer has Q/Shield from passive.
React to his E when used from far away, often times they will walk behind you and E towards turret, so look for these habits and punish him. by parrying where he will dash.
The downside is if you fail you will get punished horribly.
Don't forget to sometimes parry behind you when he E's as he can go through you.
When he uses W you typically want to run but you can still proc vitals for True Damage and Healing, although the auto wont do damage. (W also works when he W's duh).
You can win this matchup pre-bramble, but after he gets it, it becomes very hard as he can just play for short trades and never commit so you will never have the option to look to proc ultimate.
Care if his Spirit Blade is behind you as it'll make it 10x harder to survive.
When he gets level 6 you want to spam ping your team.
The problem here is against Shen you would rather freeze and look for all ins.
But due to his ultimate he would rather you freeze than you get plates when he is away.
So what I would recommend is freezing when his R is on cooldown and building up a slowpush when his R is up as you can crash it and take tons of plates if he uses ultimate.
Sometimes they take ignite so punish with jungler or just recall and TP. if they use R take hella plates.
Care when skirmishing, you want to back off a bit before his Q will come back as he will win if you trade in his cooldown windows.”
LegitLechner says “Easy lane for illaoi if you dont int pre lvl 3. You win the 1v1 fight if you play smart and outclear him. Once 6 go full aggro and make it hard for him to tp for teammates. ”
gazibulle says “Skill matchup, it's a bit Shen favoured since he is a very strong laner and has much more impact than you with Teleport's nerf. You outscale him in a 1v1. Level 1 you can't really contest his Q start since it gives him a shield and buffs his AAs, so start W and poke him AFTER he just used his Q so he won't shield your W damage. Whoever Es first loses the trade. It's basically a farm lane as Shen shouldn't die if played decently, especially if he plays Ignite. However, you can make him have a bad time. Perma poke him with W when his shield is down. Basic trading pattern: W-QQ so he can't react to it with his W and you insta win the trade. A good tip to make him bait his W is to Q a minion then W-Q2; if he doesn't W it you have a free trade, if he does then you can all-in him once your Q is up. When his W is down, make sure not to miss your hookshot: in order to do so you either do a very quick E, or you wait on the wall so you can bait him and follow his dash. Don't overextend trades as he will win with his empowered Q, which doesn't have a long CD. If you manage to dodge his E with yours and his W is on CD, he is dead on the spot. At level 6, make sure to PING HIS LVL 6 / ULT TO YOUR TEAMMATES, so they can mentally be ready. For the sake of your team, you can take a bad trade or even sacrifice yourself by Eing onto him or ulting him, it will stop his R but you will probably need to recall if he is not dumb.”
Boptimus says “I have never struggled with this lane. You need to respect his E-Q all-in but you can usually disengage with a full combo and sustain back up. Every trade he takes he will end up slowly losing because you can use your Passive to heal back up. Play around his E cooldown and you will be all over him.”
Scallywag says “He can't do much against you since he has to get in range of your barrels to damage you.
If you don't watch out he can kill you with empowered q's and ignite, but this shouldn't happen unless you were very low hp to begin with.
Try to pressure him so he can't just ult away.
If he does ult away just match it with your ult (if it's worth it) and continue farming and taking platings.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Shen is much more difficult to beat with Yorick than he is with my morde gameplay. Here's the thing, I'm not often one to shy away from a challenge but I've finally gotten the chance to play this dumb champ and lemme tell ya, he's relentless. The range on his taunt is scary and unlike morde, Yorick's passive has nothing to do with autos so taunting screws you over. It does have a flaw, unless he decides to play rude and block it, you can Q as quickly as possible before he taunts and still heal yourself when you strike. Just make it quick, Shen deadly to waiting foes”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] Play safe levels 1-2. You don't want to get chunked out too much by his Q damage and his grasp procs. Be careful once he hits level 2 because every Shen will try to get a taunt off and drag their Q through you. You don't have to rush boots in this matchup you can rush leeching leer into riftmaker. You can go MR or Armor boots depending on the enemy team.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: Try and E his Taunt, if you fail then you will lose 30% of your HP, there is not more to this matchup. If you don't completely stomp him then he will beat you in both teamfights and in a sidelane so you better win lane and hope you don't get weak sided. Lucky for you he does not have a combat ultimate so if you manage to make him waste his taunt then you will outright kill him.”
Trundledaddy says “Lane isn't hard but he doesn't play
lane at all, he just gets 6, ults team,
he can "match" you in side lane and still have pressure everywhere,
super obnoxious, still winnable
though if he is walking back, check that he isn't ulting, if he is, cancel with pillar, dont waste chomp on his W, try to play around it, don't
get taunted under tower.”
LoucasTitan says “Just play passive until you got your power spike, and make sure to ward a lot since a lot of jungler would camp you when you are against Shen.”
KyleTheConqueror says “You'll win 90% of the time. You out sustain him very well despite his shields and Q damage. Once you get your ult, he won't be an issue.
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
Play safe levels 1-2. You don't want to get chunked out too much by his Q damage and his grasp procs. Be careful once he hits level 2 because every Shen will try to get a taunt off and drag their Q through you. You don't have to rush boots in this matchup you can rush leeching leer into riftmaker. You can go MR or Armor boots depending on the enemy team.”
Federals1 says “Shen can threaten Volibear quite hard until level 6. Level 1 he wins it no matter what. It is imossible for Volibear to win. Level 2 it gets better but he can dodge your e with his if he hears it fast enough. Level 3 he gets his w, meaning he has the ability to block both w and q. At level 6 however, the matchup swings hard. Volibear starts to win it very hard, but that's expected as he doesn't have a 1v1 ultimate. After 6 you need to constantly push him in so he doesn't safely ult without punish. This does leave you open to ganks, so you need to always check where the enemy jungler is, or try to 2v1 it, as Volibear can do it decently well. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him. Both q and w maxes work. First rune page should be used. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spells. You can build either speed or tankiness first, as Shen shouldn't be able to 1v1 you regardless of the choice later on. The time he can 1v1 is if he goes for a more bruiser styled build with stuff like Divine Sunderer and Blade of the Ruined King.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Shen is a team player but he can defeat u in lane. If he tries to taunt u pull him. Care of taunt flash for ganks. If he ws just walk infront of him so he cant get to tower. Pull him out of his ult if u can.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Demolish + Legend: Tenacity + Unflinching, so his E doesn't affect a lot, You can parry his E or a Q, fight him after he uses W, E or his passive since they have a lot of cooldown. Ping when he is lvl 6 so your teammates don't fight. Before lvl 6 try to freeze to get some advantage early and after lvl 6 start a slowpush so you when he uses ult you get a lot of plates and he loses a lot of minions. If he gets ignite have care in early game and don't fight him lvl 1.”
WestRover says “always bring tp and try when he ults push wave and either tp to where he is ulting or roam mid, try your best to not fight if he has his taunt up, best to bring tp and exhaust ”
Anothaoneforym6 says “Can bully you early game, has a top tier game changing ult that you cannot stop even if you are seeing him do it. E rush works well on him as he will most likely attempt to freeze and all in you as you overstep. if he does ult infront of you, push the wave in as fast as possible and try to take plates using ult.”
MHLoppy says “He has 3 moderate cooldown trading tools (passive, W, E), a low cooldown trading tool (Q), and then an ult which does nothing in lane. When one or more of his P/W/E are on cooldown, those are good times to look to trade. Obviously try to avoid letting him line up pass-through Q hits onto you. Your ult lets you win otherwise-even all-ins when you have it since his ult provides zero value in a 1v1.”
Agatrium says “Before his nerfs in 12.2, I would've put this as a Major, maybe even Extreme matchup for Garen. But his Q was hit fairly hard and his dueling against champs is significantly weaker. W his taunt and start spinning when he goes in so that when he casts his W zone, you're stacking damage and Conqueror. You'll win an extended trade against now no problem.”
Bigfella0117 says “he's strong, and he CAN kill you, however he's much easier to win a trade against and has more leeway for mistakes than someone like mordekaiser. his roaming is the real threat so make sure to shut him down in lane.”
Scarhawk says “You sustain more. Shen needs to utilize his full kit to do something to you. Coordinate with your Jungle to set up for when his E is down.”
Acimadamedia says “You won't be able to defeat him in lane easily, try to keep lane psuhed soo when he tps his teamates in other lines u can take some life out of the tower, be aware o the jungler when putting pressure on your line.”
Helzky says “Shen is difficult. Don't walk up to the wave during levels 1-3. Level 6, you can start to kill him. If he uses R on someone, you can go ahead and shove wave into turret, putting you massively ahead of him,”
OliveeGarden says “take shield bash. Shen is a matchup Sett wins but not by brute force, play around Shen's W. care if he has ignite if he takes it. take TP”
GG Cannon says “His immunity to basic attacks is really annoying to deal against. You can have a good damage and poke on him, but that alone makes him very tricky to deal with.”
Ghidorah says “Very hard as well, his W, Spirit Refuge, also blocks your W auto-attacks. Rush Black Cleaver and Q him anytime it's possible. Another tip, when you see a teamfight happening and Shen is running back to use his ult, chase him to deny him, if he still ults, ult him to cancel it.”
magician4444 says “If you dodge his E this match up is a walk in the park. Dodging it can be hard though and he does a lot of damage with his Q. Pretty easy if you play it well but can also be rough if he plays it well.”
TheSixtyFreezer says “His Q deals a lot of dmg early game, so try to block it with your E. His W blocks AA's. Try to cancel his ult with your E if you can.”
FyreRode says “His W and E make it really hard for you to beat him in lane, and his Pressure outside of it with his ultimate makes him have a lot more map impact than you. He probably won't solo kill you till bami's cinder, but be careful.”
Buseira says “-Preferred Rune Page(s) to take: Healing Yang
-Lv 1/2/3: Doran's blade or shield, doesn't matter for me really. Up to you. Start with Q. But sometimes I will consider W as well. Watch for Shen's Q especially if he pulls his sword through a minion or even you. They will hurt. I suggest fighting him and then backing off when he pulls his Q and 3 AA's and then re-engage after. W his taunt if you can. And also disengage/re-engage after his W.
If you start with W, W his grasp chop or wait for him to use all his Q AA's. Then engage, and slow him and then
run him down lane.
-Most of this match up I feel is more about if you can play mostly around his Q and W most of the time and W'ing the taunt or Grasp Q. If he manages to taunt you, I would disengage immediately as soon as the taunt ends unless you feel like you can take him. Like if he used his W and its on CD. But be careful because alot of Shen's will use xPetu's forbidden Q combo and that really hurts. ”
ChowJunior says “It is so crucial to know that Shen's W does NOT block the debuff applied from your first W. Despite this, it does block the empowered damage from subsequent Ws. His W also blocks your Q, which is horrible for you. If he blocks your Q stun, it allows him to dodge your E. If this happens, you cannot beat him.”
Mushroomuwu says “He can be pretty annoying and a lot of them run ignite. He is the last person you want to fight early levels. Start E and be passive however unlike the others once you have your passive stacked don’t look for fights unless you can weave in free autos (2-3) before you all in. If you can survive to 6 without falling too far behind you can beat him a lot easier (though it is still hard). Try to kite out his W and Q his taunt if you have a low hp minion if you can. When you are fighting him post 6 open up with ult when you have passive stacked and start autoing him, use your E after he dashes as it will be easier to hit once his escape is down and you should win as long as you avoid at ALL COSTS Q’ing him when his W is down (the force field around him blocks your Q and autos, when he drops it look to auto minions to have them low enough for a Q reset or kite him out). As long as you play around his W and his passive (kiting them out with low hp minions), you should win, especially post 6”
Your Desired Username says “This match-ups difficulty heavily depends on what summoner spell he took along with flash. If he took ignite be very careful pre-6, his damage output is already quite high early, but with ignite he can seriously chunk you down as you're rather squishy before your first back and level 6, TP makes him more of a threat to your team but not to you. Post-6, the lane becomes SO MUCH easier, he is just a free kill most of the time you take him to Brazil and he pretty much can't kill you unless you get ganked or fuck up big time. Itemising directly against shen is rather challenging as his damage split is roughly 50-50 between physical and magic damage, so don't even bother. An important thing to note here is, that you can cancel his ult with your ult (although you should still try cancelling it with e, this is more of a tip for when he is ulting but your e is on cooldown), he will still teleport, but only until he hits the wall of your ult. Taking demolish is heavily recommended in this lane as he will be roaming A LOT and every time he does, you will get at least one plating with demolish, maybe two if he doesn't TP back. ”
boboderaffe says “Shen falls off like a rock before coming back in late game. Be careful pre 6 (and post 6 if he runs ignite). Avoid standing between him and his blade. If he pulls it through you, His autos are greatly enhanced and he can (and WILL) kill you.
If you play well around your range and force him to trade aggresively with his E you can simply ult as soon as he dashes toward you. He has no means of escaping other than flash. Hold onto your E during laning phase, expecially if he moves out of vision so you can cancel his ult.”
Princeps says “Shen is one of the strongest early Toplaners. Dont engage into him if his W is up.Use your Q to dodge his E , or use your E to predict his engage. Usually you wont be able to match his R with your TP , so just get plates and deny him cs. Once you get Divine he cant touch you.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “A big threat. Good engages, good damage as he has max health damage, and INSANE map pressure. When you know he will dash, shield behind you and he might just use all 3 autos on your shield. When he taunts you, it'll just stack your passive, so it'd be funny to run HoB and have him proc it for you. Take Grasp if you wanna just be a good trade champion. BoRK for his tankiness, Frostfire is good too. Divine is also nice.”
just pick yone says “try dodging his E with your E, Shen mains like to hide in bushes when they are about to ult so if he does so stack up your q3 and cancel his ult.”
LunaticDancer says “Highly annoying. Gambler viable, D Shield recommended. Has cheese potential at levels 1 and 2. His W area makes both you and your ghouls deal no damage. You can waste his ultimate by displacing him with your W, the condition is that the edge of the wall bops his hitbox.”
COJA says “As long as you are above ~70% health you cannot die to him. Whenever he uses E into you, you can punish him massively. Simply be careful of lvls 1-2 and his good gank setup. Hold your passive auto for when his W deactivates. ”
Galactities says “You beat him in most all in's try to E his Q autos if you can, his early levels are actually quite decent so don't underestimate him. Conqueror is good here do not empowered W ontop of his W or you'll just miss the 3 autos. Don't shove wave into his tower as he can very easily outplay you and/or taunt you while jungler ganks. Rush black cleaver if he rushes armor and rush BORK if he rushes health.”
Eduardocwalle says “This is poppy but a little bit easier, he denies ur Q dmg and has an incredibly high dmg in early, but u can still use ur e and cut his R with ur ultimate and e. Be carefull with the taunt under tower cause u can die pretty easily.”
Polartech says “Easy lane, just press W and back if Shen sprint near you to taunt Kayle. You can start the game with Press the Attack and close Kraken Slayer followed by Guinsoo's Rageblade to crush Shen when he miss. ”
Prof Harambe says “If shen ults you literally take his entire tower. You can just disengage him quite easily, out trade him with e and poke him with autos. You don't really care about the fact he can mitigate autoattacks because you can just wait it out with your abilities to damage him, then use ranged autos to retaliate. Since he builds tank and will most likely build more ap resist, Daisy can use her AD damage to kill him quite easily.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Short trades until he uses w, then you can all in.
Save empowered stacks for his taunt (cleanse) or post 6 his r (root) if he's looking to ult elsewhere
In lower elos shen wont have much impact but in high elo try to root him mid-r whenever you can, as he can win the game for his team without interacting with you.”
MrZoltannn says “Shens E is hardly reactable and if his Q goes trought you, he is going to take a good amount from your health. Try to play safe untill lvl 6, and go all-in with ignite against him.”
ToothlessKnight says “Shen in theory counters Urgot due to his W. He also does insane damage from his Q if he drags it through you. Manage your spacing and use your autos to abuse him. Spacing is key for Urgot to win this as Shen's E dash is is about the same distance as Urgot's auto range. If he burns his W it's a long cool down especially early game, this is your window to E in and get your damage off. SAVE YOUR TP!! You have to save your tp to match Shen's ult. Always type to your team and let them know and remind them that Shen as ult. Do not let your team fight if you cannot match Shen's R or he will get his team rolling. It's about a 2 and a half minute cd lv1.”
Stinkee says “For a tank, Shen does very high damage, almost like a bruiser. His early game trades are very strong. If he's good, he'll use his Q right as his passive and Grasp are up to win short trades and slowly chip away at your health. Be aware of where his blade is, don't let him Q the blade through you as it will slow you and give him a lot more damage. When he's level 6, you need to shove minions to his tower nonstop, forcing him to miss a lot of minions if he wants to ult somewhere else. If you see him ulting, you can easily cancel it with your ult or your Q. Just be careful though, don't ult him if you're low as he'll just taunt you and kill you. He does counter your passive very hard with his W, just blocking all of your autos but this is not a huge deal as Sion passive isn't that useful in most situations anyways.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Shen will mostly build a bit tanky with Wit's End as his primary way to deal a lot of AP damage late game. It would be wise to never utilize your (Q) to poke him unless he has recently used his (E) dash and landed his taunt while in his (W) spirit blade which prevents our (AA) damage from landing, otherwise he can simply stun you and wait out the duration with his (W). He is going to often roam and help his team out a lot and be right back in the lane shortly after with his teleport, you could follow after him, but for the most benefit to your team, try to damage him as low as you can before he arrives, making him very weak.
Anoying bro5 says “Wait till lvl2. Riposte his first Q auto attack with Grasp proc. This is his core damage. If you are confident in parrying his taunt, go for it. If not, stick with Grasp proc parrying. You cant hit vitals in his W so dont aa. Try to abuse him early before he gets bramble. His taunt is his escape so if he uses it poorly and you can win, chase him down.”
BoilTheOil says “Make sure you take teleport into him. You can beat him level 1, but you have to take a long fight to win. After level 1 you can always fight him, you won't lose. If he walks up for a minion auto attack him, and if he tries to run pull him back with your E and keep hitting him, you can also use E to pull him in the middle of his dash but it's really hard to do. If he has ignite he can kill you if you're low hp. After he hits level 6 always push the lane so he doesn't have a good opportunity to use his ultimate. Be careful about being too close to his tower, he can taunt you while your under it.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Shen's taunt can be flayed but it has an extremely fast animation and you can't block it unless you predict it. That probably won't happen. And if you don't block it he taunts you and chunks half your hp bar with no counterplay.
His ult can be interrupted with hook or flay but doing so can cause you to die to a taunt combo - or he'll walk out of vision ult and you won't have a chance to interrupt it. Irregardless, even if you do interrupt his ult he still gets his shield off which can be huge in a fight.
Shen is also a better tank than Thresh and will be very hard to kill. His global presence with R is not something you can match and it's better to ban him because this champion is OP.”
quinn adc says “So first, Shen's E range is 600, which is 75 longer than our auto range. This is important becasue if we are autoing shen, he can easily taunt us to retaliate.
The most important rule is to BE CAREFUL when he's under tower because he can taunt you OR flash taunt you, and you will likely die.
First, in lane you can vault aggressively level 1 because Shen has no way to punish you. Level one is yours.
Level 2 onwards, be careful of aggressive vaults because a good shen will taunt you when vault is down and make you cry.
Next, it's important to understand Shen's W. Shen summons a barrier that blocks ALL auto attacks and damage for 1.75 seconds. When this is active, don't attack him and play back.
I recommend, like with Panth E, when your harrier marks him and his shield is up, wait for the shield to expire before consuming the harrier proc on him so the amplified damage isn't wasted, and when his shield goes away, you now have your attack speed steroid and move speed to DPS him.
The cooldown of Shen's W is 18-12 seconds. It is the only win con he has in lane, and if he uses it, immediately punish him for the next 18 seconds.
Don't let him walk up to CS and harrass the living hell out of him.
Play this lane aggressively because Shen can't really out damage you.
For the advanced Quinn players, what I like to do is consume a harrier proc on a minion, and then run towards shen to PRETEND that I'm engaging on him. The Shen will think you are trying to jump on him, and he will use his Taunt towards you, but since you're trying to bait this ability, you run back right away with your enhanced MS from harrier to prevent his taunt from hitting you. By doing this, you now have baited Shen's 18 second taunt AND made him dash towards you.
If shen doesn't land taunt, he is a tanky cannon minion, and you should auto attack him to death.”
Veng Shotz says “Watch out for his taunt early game, his empowered Q will out trade you early game, and he will use w to block your passive when he see's the auto for it. After a few items you outsustain him, so long as you dont eat taunts everytime its off cooldown, rush black cleaver into him and he wont ever be able to out 1v1 you. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Not much to say here. Avoid getting hit by his Q (don't trade with him if that happens) and if he misses a taunt, you can punish him hard for that. Go Kraken if there are more tanks on the enemy team. If not, just build Shieldbow.”
Feedaboi says “Look to q poke him early and try to bait out his w before looking for extended trades by either walking up with your q on him or by using your e onto him then kiting away with the move speed from your e and then e back onto him as his w is expiring. Look to rush black cleaver in this lane. ”
Phrxshn says “You will have to make short trades against Shen as he can out trade majority of top laners due to his immense defense and maximum percent damage. Dodge his Shadow Dash(E) to prevent him from trading. It is up to you if you want to let him use his Stand United(R) or not. If he does use it, do push. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Shen) (Outscaling Edge: Singed) (Recommended Items: Demonic Embrace, Mercury's Treads) (Mega Adhesive prevent casting on Shadow Dash) (Fling overrides Shadow Dash)”
Amphawn says “Just dodge his taunt, and be wary of his ult if you're fighting someone else. Apart from that he doesn't really have anything on you, just don't get cocky and all in early. If he gets on top of you he can win the trade very easily. He can block all basic damage while he is in his W, and he can slow you if you are in the path of his sword when he recalls it. He also gets a shield whenever he uses an ability, so he can trade pretty easily.”
PH45 says “Shen deals a lot of damage with his Q so be careful about tanking too many hits from him. Also pay attention to his swords position as if he draws it through you he will deal more damage to you with his Q autos. Generally you want to E just before he taunts you so he doesn't get free damage on you. After 6 he will ult to other lanes and pressure in that way so either be ready to cancel his ult with your E or be ready to TP to help your team or if your TP is down the force down towers top and warn your team.”
At_Tar_Ras says “shen isn't too much of a problem when you W his autos or taunt and kite away his shield (not letting him use that invulnerability to AA you). you NEED TP this matchup (u should be taking it in 99% of matchups anyways) to follow his TPs if you can. cancel his TPs with your stun if you can too.”
iZeal says “It's very hard for Shen to punish you since your sustain is incredible and Shen has to blow E to get onto you making him susceptible to a full combo into disengage. Don't be afraid later on when you have enough cooldown reduction to extend the trades since Shen's burst is impressive, but your healing will allow you to deal with his DPS unless he is too far ahead.
Do not let him pull his sword through you and dodge his E as this will leave him with no way of closing the gap any further, try to bait out his W by cancelling your passive auto attack since it blocks all the healing from it completely.”
SunFalk says “He has a shield. He has a taunt. He has a dash. He is tanky. He has a teleport in is kit. - CS until you see that he's leaving lane with his ult. When he is missing, ALWAYS ping and make your team know he's missing.”
MrDomian says “Wait for your R and hit it with all your skills.
Notify your team when he gets an R after level 6.
Control and interrupt R with your all skills.”
Phrxshn says “You will have to make short trades against Shen as he can out trade majority of top laners due to his immense defense and maximum percent damage. Dodge his Shadow Dash(E) to prevent him from trading. It is up to you if you want to follow his Stand United(R) or not. If he does use it, do push. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Dr.Mundo) (Recommended Items: Bramble Vest, Mercury's Treads)”
slogdog says “Shen is a rolling rat. He has high damage with insane tankiness, and the stupid ult that makes it so that he can win the game without even playing against you. You can use W to displace his ult teleport, but most of the time it's better to let him teleport so you can eat plates. Try dodging his E, and don't walk into Shen if the spirit blade goes through you, as he hurts very very hard when that happens.”
Raen says “Try to fight him at level 1 with your E. Rush Tiamat and try to keep him under turret to not let him R for free. Remember that his W blocks your auto attacks even your W. Be prepared with your E when he will be in air to taunt you try to press E and you will minimize all his dmg. Try to not let him make his spirit blade pass through you to not get slowed and getting extra dmg and giving him AS bonus from Q. If hes moving back follow him to not let him R but look on ur teammates if its worth and they will win even after Shen R let him tp and then you get plates. If you dnt want to risk you can play safe on lane and you will outscale him later.”
Xerath gaming says “Even tho you still get Passive stacks, that lack of aa damage just gets you killed if there's a big minion wave. Ult him when he ults so he cant help his allies except with shield”
SaltCat says “He is a extremely hard match up, you lose level 1 level 2 you can win if you have full passive, after level 3 you lose until 6 then you have a chance again, after level 11 if you are even you beat him”
Phrxshn says “You will have to make short trades against Shen as he can out trade majority of top laners due to his immense defense and maximum percent damage. Dodge his Shadow Dash(E) to prevent him from trading. It is up to you if you want to let him use his Stand United(R) or not. If he does use it, do push. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Shen) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle) (Recommended Items: Tiamat, Blade of the Ruined King, Mercury's Treads) ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Shen beats your ass early. He can just give himself an auto shield, his lvl 2 taunt pressure is insane, and his empowered Q autos > your Q early. It sucks but you'll be down farm early. Let it happen and wait for your chances. You can disrupt Shen ult with the edge of your W wall as well, which most Shens don't know/respect.”
MagicallyDelish4 says “If his passive is on CD then you can level one all in him. Post 6 you have to wait for his W to expire before using your abilities. If he doesn't have E just all in him. If he uses his ulti then shove the wave to deny him CS and to get plating lead. ”
Justkb says “This is Darius favored, don't underestimate Shen's early burst. You can start to beat him hard at level 6, try to pressure waves so he doesn't ult, look to run him down once he has used his taunt.”
P1Legend says “Shen is not a fast pusher, but he won't really die to you either. The best way I've found to fight against him is to Perma push him to tower and roam. Remember, he will Ult to where you are roaming, so make sure you aren't over committing. but because you are perma pushing him under tower, he will lose minions for trying to follow if his Ult is down.”
MythicMike says “Dodge his taunt and the trade should be yours since his W won't block your Q's but it will block your passive so watch out for that. There's never a point where shen should be able to ult in lane since you can easily cancel him. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Another split-pusher that can give you tons of problems. He will match you all game. Try to split and blow his TP, then he'll be forced to ult for his teammates later. Don't try to fight Shen early, he has too much in terms of dmg due to his empowered Q autos and his passive. ”
qveenevelynn says “Punish him when he fail his dash, try to do small trades, not that easy to kill beacause of his shields. (he can survive to ignite or your ult...) ”
Phrxshn says “You will have to make short trades against Shen as he can out trade majority of top laners due to his immense defense and maximum percent damage. Dodge his Shadow Dash(E) to prevent him from trading. It is up to you if you want to let him use his Stand United(R) or not. If he does use it, do push. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) (Recommended Items: Typical Armor Items, Mercury's Treads) (Unstoppable Force cancels Stand United and Shadow Dash) ”
Phrxshn says “You will have to make short trades against Shen as he can out trade majority of top laners due to his immense defense and maximum percent damage. Dodge his Shadow Dash(E) to prevent him from trading. It is up to you if you want to let him use his Stand United(R) or not. If he does use it, do push. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King, Mercury's Treads) (Jaws of the Beast follows Shadow Dash) ”
PanthrickTV says “Hard Matchup!
He can counter your empowered W.
Play teleport! You can't kill him and you need to be on bot-side when he is using his ultimate.”
Fan22 says “Shen W can cancel your E and AA, but aside from that he is not really difficult, altough his Q has Max HP% magic damage.
You can cancel his R with your Q or W.
If you poke him enough with some Q's and hit 6 you should be able to kill him, if not then do not give him kills and just farm, try to not let him roam for free with R, if he uses it push the line, or if you can use TP to help your team if the fight looks winnable.”
Kacto15 says “Este match es muy bueno para sion, comienza con la W y tradéale cuando el gaste el escudo de su pasiva, si le esquivas la E (DASH) ganaste, rompecascos es muy bueno, lo atarás a la toplane y no podrá rotar ni ofrecer utilidad a su equipo”
Phrxshn says “You will have to make short trades against Shen as he can out trade majority of top laners due to his immense defense and maximum percent damage. Dodge his Shadow Dash(E) to prevent him from trading. It is up to you if you want to let him use his Stand United(R) or not. If he does use it, do push. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Tiamat, Blade of the Ruined King, Mercury's Treads or Plated Steelcaps) ”
montybucket says “Shen can beat you early game with his taunt and W shield. But once you both hit 6, he'll be out of lane a lot, this is when you get get ahead in gold an xp. Side lane vs shen and win, but only do it post 6. Leave him pre 6. ”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] You cant really kill him if he plays safe. I recommend just farming, maybe even get cull first item and only fight him if u parry his taunt and stun him. Try to haev Tiamat by lvl 6 so you can punish him whenever he ults away. keep shoving waves to his tower and roam midlane or enemy top jungle to get as much value as possible.”
OTP Toxin says “Dodge his taunt, or blind him in his mid-taunt. Keep punishing him when he goes for the minions, he won't have his shield from passive all the time ;D”
duckling213 says “For me shen has not been a problem, like I would have had to try and throw to lose this match up, but maybe bad shens. I'll update if I have trouble in the future.”
SilverAvalanche says “He can ult if he wants, but it will never be worth it and you can ult him if you wanna join the fight. You can easily Q his taunt if you have space between you two. You can even see the desperation as they walk up towards you. Just be careful he does not go ignite so you can win level 1 against him. Also he will have a zone where you AAs does not apply, you can just E around while it is around him if he does not use it with his taunt. And never trade with him if he has shield up, unless you can catch him off guard by Q'ing into him as he is CSing, but only do this when his taunt is down.
MCSwavest says “Not a terrible matchup, but you do have to respect the taunt. Your passive will not apply to him when he is under his W, so keep that in mind if you're looking for the shield from it.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Shen's magic max HP damage from his Q hurts, especially after a good taunt, but after that he doesn't have much to defend him when his abilities are down. Only thing with Shen is that he will be all over the place with TP and ult, so try to keep an eye on him and flash or ult if necessary to stop his ult”
Drake6401 says “More of a game threat than laning phase threat. Shen also gets very tanky for no real reason so keeping a lead can be difficult. You can never shut him down because of how easily he can just leave lane.
His W is the biggest concern to advise as he can completely block your W with it. Your stun will easily break his shield since his first ability procs it. Not screwing up your W is important as usual here.
In team fights, typically just avoid him and target champions not protected by his W's safe zone. This means you cannot be the front liner of your fights and must work around him to reach your actual targets. He may use his ultimate to save them which your W breaks but it is unlikely that you will not have used it by then. If he uses it and your W is down, you may have to cut your losses and back off that target for now.”
Shen is not too difficult to fight per se. The difficulty in dealing with Shen comes in trying to outdo him, as his ultimate gives him a crazy amount of presence everywhere. Try not to fight Shen in a massive enemy wave as if you get taunted then, you are most likely dead. If you get taunted under enemy turret then you are also dead. Shen is great at setting up ganks, and escaping them. His zone of blocking around his sword does not block your Q or your Ultimate. Try not to stand between him and his sword, as that way, he will have the attack speed to outtrade you with his empowered auto attacks. You can take an early D shield in order to counter act the damage of his auto attacks. Wave control and map awareness are the key to figuring out this lane. You mostly want to keep the wave frozen in your side of the lane most of the time, so that if he walks up, he is putting himself at risk of you killing him. This way, you should easily build a solid gold lead off of minions. IF you know that the enemy jungler is about to gank a different lane, OR a decisive fight is about to happen Botlane or Midlane, then you should be looking to shove him in so that he cannot teleport freely. If he is backing off, know that he might be trying to use his ultimate so be ready to E him and then back off/fight him depending on whether you can kill him. Be mindful of where the jungler is by the way. If the Shen is teleporting to a fight that the jungler isn’t involved in/isn't GOING to be involved in, try not to do much more than just cancelling his teleport as you could die to a 2v1.”
Chease says “He has as powerfull levels 1-2 as Sett. Use your W+E combo if he uses W, if he looks for R try to interupt it or hard shove so he will lose as much as possible.”
Kreiselficker says “Shen is a fine matchup for jax, Shen has 3 empowered autoattacks on his Q(The blade that he pulls back), the most important thing is to not die early in this matchup, its possible to kill him in early if he fucks up and you play it well, but it is unlikely if you face a good shen player who runs ignite.
You REALLY need to dodge his blade, when he pulls it you DONT want to get hit by it or he does 3x the dmg and gets extra attackspeed. I would run unflinching in this matchup it helps alot!!
Once you hit level 6 this matchup should become quite easy, especially if you have Divine Sunderer. You want to push if he ults away and you cant tp to help (its the case most of the time because unleashed tp activates after 14 minutes..)
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp w/ Bone Plating, Corrupting Potion, W > E] - Taking Grasp probably doesn't make too much sense because he can dodges autos but it's better than Comet imo (since you E max)
- You also want demolish in this match up so that's why Grasp tree is needed.
- You E max to slow more atk speed and to clear waves faster so once he ults, you get to demolish his turret faster.
- Whenever shen wants to trade, they always want to run behind you before they do anything. DO NOT LET HIM WALK BEHIND YOU! If he can't get behind you, his blade will never pass through you!
- After he's 6, and you got your first few components, you want to somewhat aggressively trading with him whenever your E is up. You want to fight him to distract him from ulting his teammates. Stop when you get too low...
- You can take advantage of his slow wave clear and get a bunch of free recalls off. You can literally play really stupid sometimes, just to get the waves pushed in and recall to buy and heal.
- I don't think his dash can be dodged on reaction. You have to juke it to dodge it. If you do dodge it, you do a quick trade and run away.
- When he taunts you, you want to press E to slow his attack speed.
- Never trade with him if his blade passed through you. His autos hurt soooo much...
Quinncidence says “Vs really good Shen players, Yorick is not allowed to farm for the first 5 levels.
But most Shens plays it bad so they will be kind enough to let you farm.
After 6 Yorick wins lane, push lane and farm jungle camps and become a unstoppable splitpush monster.”
kimmothy says “He has a dodge to cancel your true damage, his q's do alot of damage early and has decent auto attack range with it. What makes it difficult is that he can be tanky to take hits and deal a good enough damage against you. Always watch his q tether ”
Amvill says “She has a very obvious range to dash in for a trade. You can fling him out of his W zone but his auto attacks still pack a punch. Also you W stops his Stand United so he can't roam. Dodge his dash and fling to disengage, easy right.”
Rhoku says “Shen CAN be hard to deal with but if you activate your passive early into the fight, he stands no chance. Just don't fight him level 1, as his empowered autos do a LOT of damage. Trust me. Don't stand between him and his spirit sword. If it goes through you, it gives him a lot of attack speed which he can use to melt you down. And also, make sure that your 1 auto that you need to activate your passive does not get blocked by his AA blocking ability. Thankfully, its the only thing from your kit that he blocks. Once level 6 rolls around, things change. He WILL look to gank his team so PING YOUR TEAM to make sure they are ready. If you find him ulting, use your pull or your R to stop him. Post level 3, you win all ins straight up and with level 6, he stands ZERO chance against you in fights. He is just a hard matchup because he will probably have much more impact on the map than you.”
maxlid3 says “Keep your distance. Usually an easy lane. His dash is not far enough to reach you and you can just W him to deny him his engage. He will stack armor so it will be hard to kill him in the late game since he just stacks armor. Ping to your teammates if he is missing since he will ult away.”
YasTilt says “Not that bad of a Matchup, He has no Wave Clear so you'll be pushing for sure. You can take The Collector to destroy his Armor. Wait for his W to go on CoolDown before taking FIghts with him. When he uses his R throw a Tornado at him so he won't TP. Otherwise, if he TP's shove your Lane and take Plates.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade). The hardest tank matchup for Urgot. Play around his Q's. Fling him out of his W to do damage with your W. After lvl 6, buy Tiamat and perma push him. E to stop his R, but ONLY IF NEEDED, LOOK MAP. If you can't - R him so he gets slowed, if Shen is low and gets below 25%, Urgot will pull him.”
PK Noob says “Shen's taunt and shields will make it extremely hard for him to kill. He also has his W that will block auto attacks which will put a dent in your DPS. Wait for him to use his abilities then all-in him and kill him with your true damage.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. He has better short-trades with Grasp of the Undying so you'd need to have a long fight to win the trade. Be careful if he has Ignite, he can easily cheese you. Rush Blade of the Ruined King. After Sunfire and Bramble Vest you won't be able to do much. Don't waste your Teleport so easily - you sometimes have to follow him when he uses his R - Stand United. You are better than him in teamfights but he won't ever be useless, even if he is 0/20 just because of his R. ”
Nodrog says “This is an even matchup. His W can block your Q but your base damage is better. You can use your R to pull him out of his W. He doesn't have the mobility to dodge your W as his E will most likely be his engage.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Shen's Taunt can be used against him easily because it procs your passive one way or another. It can demolish you if you don't have full attention of where he's teleporting but he won't do much if you smack him early on”
Psychopathic Top says “
Shen is one of those champs that you don’t expect the damage, but the damage simply exists. In lane, be extremely careful of his triple empowered autos. Those do a lot of AD and AP damage, and can chunk you out like crazy. Level 1, three autos from shen can chunk out half your hp. Make sure to stand away from him so he doesn’t taunt you as well. Scale to sheen and look to farm safely. He actually gets extremely hard to kill and can simply taunt out if he sees he cannot out-duel you. The worst is his global can be used to win a lot of early skirmishes, and impact the map in ways you cannot stop. Nasus does not have an ability that can stun or knock up Shen from channeling his R, which makes him extremely obnoxious to just R onto his teammates and turn the tides of a fight. Scale into teamfights, focus on stacking perfectly and shoving the wave into his turret when he Rs out of lane. With good stacks and Sunderer, it is possible to teamfight them even if they get fed as the result of Shen’s ultis.
Melyn says “His circle makes plants do no damage and he has a lot of kill pressure with taunt. Be especially aware of the possibility of him taunt-flashing. Try to poke with E (Q gets you dangerously close) and if he jumps on your ADC, try to kill/zone theirs.”
DippyDan says “A very strong tank to go with assassins. Can dodge AAs with W to counter vital procs, A dash with a taunt, and a passive shield. Also has a bigger impact on the whole map with his ultimate. TIPS: [1] Bait out his shield and trade after. [2] Parry his taunt to stun. [3] keep lane shoved so he will lose waves when ulting to a teammate. [4] You outscale and can kill him pretty easily in the late game so pressure the sidelane and force him to defend.”
Hecki says “Go Boneplating for this one. Play around his E and stay in max range to harass him with your Q. When he uses his Q to farm minions you can also go for a trade since he will have no damage when he E's into you but only do that immediately after he uses his Q since it has a low cooldown. If you get hit by his E save your abilities and run away until he disengages so you can try to get an even trade.”
IvernLover74856 says “Don't go for trades because he can block E proc with his Q+W (has to be near his sword) and has surprising dmg after pulling sword. Poke him maybe idk. Take MR rune, after Q his autos do % magic dmg or some shit. He can just do massive dmg lvl1, esp. if his sword goes through you.
Play safe forever, take DShield.
If he hugs you and makes you hit him, it's game over.”
ArshieMeBob says “Shen is annoying, since he can block auto's and get on top of you really easily. You can poke him, but be careful of his taunt. If you get hit, you will likely lose the trade, but if you dodge it you can chunk him for a lot of health. Remember to ping when he is level 6.”
DemonicTrail says “Not a huge problem, but his W stops your W from allowing your tentacles to SLAM, even on E's vessel, just be cautious of his Q damage”
KoKoNwoo says “He wins any trade as long as he hits taunt so look out for that ability the most. Also avoid being in between his sword and his champion. This will reduce the damage his q does as well as his attack speed. Most Shen players will opt to take ignite rather than teleport so watch out for his all in potential.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes] Lane is easy as long as you dodge his E. However, Shen is a roaming champion that brings value over the map, while you are chained to your wave. Try to pressure him post 6 with constant poke and zoning so he has less occasions to ult his teammates.”
Beecai says “RUNAS RECOMENDADAS: ALIENTO DEL AGÓNICO, PTA - ESTRATEGIA.----------------- Es un matchup facil, solamente tienes que tener cuidado con su E, y aprovechar el amplio cooldown de su ''W''. Tenes que castigarlo siempre que utilice su ultimate para que su presencia no suponga una desventaja post 6, y de esta forma conseguir en la mayoría de los casos una Asistencia, o que tu equipo no muera.”
SunOak says “This champion has ridiculous damage so dont fight him early. Focus on farming untill level 6 and then go all in if he tries to E you. You can cancel his ult with your W cage if you place it right. Start cpot or dorans blade.”
pumparumm says “Shen has been a good pick against Wukong for some time now. His W will block your Q, so try and wait out the shield before going for an all in.”
Alan234 says “You can go electrocute with the standard PTA build because electrocute procks through shen W.
Get boots first, however w max and swifties are optional. As long as you dodge his e youre gucci. If you cant dodge it q him during his travel time so that his q auto attacks dont deal as much dmg. Try to poke him in lane but never under the tower (free e for him). Hard shove him in so that roaming means that he will lose cs and exp. Spam ping your teammates once he is lvl 6 or they will die like bonobos.”
tonisco82 says “Very easy matchup. He cannot stand up to you without using W, and when he does punish him and force him out of lane. Easily stop level 6 ultimates with W.”
Kartagoo says “Shen damage is really crazy and most shens go ignite so be careful of his early burst. Go for farm early and just poke with Q. If you maybe winning your lane and he hits 6 try to perma push him in to deny him gold and exp in case he ults away.”
aurus666lol says “His W is so annoying, and he has good gap closer - E. Remember that you shouldn't give you free poke from passive, because he will get extra damage on Q+slow on it+ bonus attack speed when attacking.”
RhinoStar says “He has damage that you might not expect os it is better to play rather safe. It is hard to play against him since his skills are going to annoy you. Be careful when he uses his blocking skill, you won't be able to damage him by much.”
Iczere says “While Shen can block your damage with his W, just running away can force him out of the W if he wants to kill you, and then you can just blind and punish from there. Make sure not to get too caught up in trying to punish. Try to shove lane close to turret, but not too close, that way when he R's to roam, you can just easily push wave and take plating, punishing him for roaming. ”
King Turtle says “His W makes it extremely challenging to trade against early. If he rushes steelcaps you might as well just sit under tower and farm until end of laning phase. A good shen makes top lane absolute hell for you”
KillMeKillMe says “He's pretty solid but not overpowered. Try not to fight him at his sword and be aware of it's path back to him in relation to where he's standing.
When he ults, you can choose to try and stop it to help your teamates, or if you choose not to or fail to stop it, then push the lane and attack his tower, punish him for leaving.
Also remember at level six and onward you have an advantage, your ult helps you a lot in a fight and his doesn't.”
quinoa says “You outscale him. Just bait his W and win your trades. Focus on CS because he can't do anything about it unless he wants to lose a trade.”
Vandenelis says “he wins trades if he passes his sword through you early. you win against him as long as he does not all In you. you can stop his ultimate teleport by using your w on him. He does % of your max hp with his q empowered auto attacks. You scale evenly”
Bombabo says “Very tanky, and can easily dirsupt a majority of your combo, while shrugging off any damage you do manage to get off. Play more of a passive laning phase, poke him if he does not have too many defensive items, and apply constant pressure top to prevent him from ulting to another lane”
DarkyTheReal says “Here you just need to dodge his E and play with his Q, If his Q doesn't hit you, and he has no shield, you'll destroy him. Also, you hard out scale him after level 6.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Just stay in your minions. If you fight in his minions youre dead. His w blocks your q,e and AA just like JAX E so bait it or play around it. Fight him level 2, you win.”
SettVEVO says “Skill matchup, one of those champions that look for unfair trades with no counterplay. Hits you with his Q and Es away. Similar to Jax wanting to block your Q damage with his W so like Jax, don't start with Q or do a Q reset without him throwing it. It has a long cooldown like his E so keep both those in mind. Always try to extend the trades and not let him dash out although it is difficult. Avoiding his taunt helps a lot, and don't be near his turret cause he can taunt you under it. Similar to Camille where you play around his passive shield and you will win the trades. If you didn't die in early you will win fights once you get 6 since he doesn't have a combat ult. Once he gets 6 ping it so everyone remembers that he exists, and use wave management to have him always give something up for it, he has bad waveclear until bamis or tiamat so use it against him, slowpush so he has to choose between saving his teammates or get the CS, you can cc him to stop his tp but it won't stop the shield. Freeze against him so he can't get any CS. You can't stop him from ulting but you have to make sure he gives something up for leaving lane. As a team you have to play keeping in mind Shen is in the game, there are no 1v1s or 2v2s, it always will be unbalanced. A good ult target as he usually builds health.”
eramsorgr says “A good Shen player will be annoying to you for two reasons, one his W blocks your auto attacks which is annoying and blocks your damage and fury heal and two he has a taunt and a shield ult which will be annoying in ganks or teamfights.”
RTO says “Avoid trading with him pre 6. Once you are 6 you will be able to out trade him very hard. Make sure that you bait out his W prior to stunning. If you don't, then you will just waste your stun. ”
Fryx says “His Q and his Passive will deny you any chance to have a decent Trade. This is why you pick Grasp here and Max your W or even E. Once you get taunted he will he do brutal damage on you and his ult is obviously very useful for his team. Try to land poke once he uses Q on the wave since this will proc his Shield. Shen's weakness is his poor waveclear so if you actually manage to get lane priority stay on the gas and push as hard as you can. This will give you nice openings for harass and eventually an allin. Stay patient and react to his plays by hardpushing or Tping for your team. Don't TP on lane you will throw the game like that since Shen will outroam you. ”
wff010 says “He's as strong as you levels 1-2 but if you use e stun to trade in his minion wave and then walk away you get the lead. When he puts down his no-go zone, don't waste time auto attacking but prepare to use your q right after. Save e and w for when you have high grit to land a guaranteed w. Later, you can ult him out of his no-go zone. Plus, you can use goredrinker in it too. Keep watch around the map, if it looks like there's a place he wants to tp, hard shove the wave so that if he does he'll lose minions but save your e to interrupt his ult/tp too. You should win trades in general unless you keep hitting him in his no-go zone.”
LoLReal says “No threat, weak tank that can't trade into us. His W blocks nothing and he'll be pushed in and have difficulty roaming or ulting his team.”
CucumberSandwich says “Similar to Jax in that you can use your W and E inside his W zone. Can be difficult if he cheeses with ignite, and he outscales you in the 1v1 late game. The matchup is mainly about baiting out each others abilities. You should usually win long trades, because of conqueror.”
Drygur says “Shen is a lane bully, and will punish you heavily if given the opportunity. Anticipate his taunt (E) and take very short trades to avoid excessive damage from his (Q) and Grasp.”
Dbthegamer74 says “Avoid trading into him level 1, take Q level one to farm, take D shield.Take W level 2 to prep for his e and kill his ass with ghost easy.”
calbino says “Shen has a lot of early game cheese damage in his kit, and his passive makes actually killing him very elusive. He will usually poke you whenever you auto minions, or taunt you when you're getting ganked. If you don't hit your Qs, it's very possible that he wins a 1v1.”
RareParrot says “he cant really kill you at any point in the game but he is automatically more useful than you at 6 because of his cheesey global shield, easy lane just q when he empowers his autos.”
ForgottenProject says “Ay Tanks are good now, dont underestimate his early damage for it will be your demise. The reason he is good is not because he beats you, it's because he beats your teammates.
[1]Parry his Dash/Taunt.
[2]Do not get close to him under his turret, he will taunt you and you will die.
[3]Do not get close to him when he has a big Minion wave, he will taunt you and Minions will do a lot of damage Early.
[4]Keep track of his R, ping to make sure your teammates are aware.”
Sopachi says “A lot of people say Shen is a hard counter to Kled but I think the matchup is even and he can be played around fairly easily. His W can block your entire W passive, so make sure when you all in him with E/Q to bait his W first before committing to your second charge of E and then auto attacking with W up. You can also stop Shen's R with your R, preventing him from using it at a close distance or within sight, forcing him to back off if he wants to use it. Abuse his early weakness and you will be fine. ”
SavagePridestalker says “Shen is always a hard matchup. I think tank Rengar is better into Shen than AD Rengar. You need quick trades, proc Grasp as much as you can. Don't fight him for too long, his Q will outdamage you.”
Marwaii says “He can out trade you with his Q. Do not let him Q through you. Save your E for his E. Ping allies if his ulti is up and you outscale.
Take Divine + Plated.”
oogoogerson says “He gets way to tanky and is very hard to kill. He has more kill pressure than you have on him. Specifically at level 6 you get a small power spike on him and might be able to finish him off with Ignite. You probably want to take Teleport into this matchup however to follow him when he R's to bot or mid.”
MachDawn says “He is annoying with the ability to not let you auto however you can just kite and bait it out then force a fight which you can win if played right.”
Breadcrumbs says “Another very difficult matchup. He blocks all your autos, does more damage than your 5 stack, if you catch him out he dashes away, if you attack him he has a shield. Play it safe, most shens also run Ignite into this lane for the extra kill pressure so it's best to stay under tower so he doesn't snowball and carry. Keep track of him as it may be possible to cancel his R channel with your E and in turn save your team a bunch of hassle.”
SethPRG says “This is a super easy matchup. You win at all times by punching him, and when his shield is up to block your AA just Q and wait to hit him until it runs out, you will still out damage him. Past level 6 you win even harder, you can E and R his dash. All high elo Shen mains ban Sett, he counters Shen too hard. It is definitely harder now because of the buffed tank items, but this is only an anomaly for now, and you still beat him. His only threat at all is his R roams which really only matter high elo because of their deep understanding of the game, and Shen's ability to taunt you under his tower. Divine Sunderer is good into Shen if he's armor stacking, plus it has good sustain. Otherwise, Trinity Force is your best choice. Expect to be ganked here, especially in high elo, but you will most likely be able to win the 2v1 unless it's some champ like Olaf. You'll want to go Armor or Magic Resistance based on what champ the enemy JG is playing.”
joelspaho121 says “Darius favored matchup but rather annoying. D Blade start with sorc tree. Shen is rather annoying to deal with however you should know that he has absolutely no kill pressure on you. All the laning here is determined by the way he uses his E. If he uses it to engage on you without his jungler nearby he is inting and should be banned. Most shen players will always save it to get out if they find themselves in a rough spot. Freezing is your best shot here so that even if he uses E to get away he still has got a long way to go to safety. Permashoving can be a good idea if you are ahead because his waveclear is really bad and to prevent him from roaming with R.”
El Leon Gnar says “Don't let Shen get on top of you and you should be fine in lane. You can outrange his dash pretty easily, save your E for after his taunt to escape and if he ever ults bot lane just shove in lane to deny him xp. Only follow his ults if you know you can get kills out of it.”
Sinci says “Shen is really strong and can also counter your q and auto attack damage with his W which makes it hard to deal with, also you shouldn't underestimate Shen's damage because he can be surprisingly strong.”
Xarmat says “He can block your AA in his zone.
Don't be to greedy for kills. Better you try to stop his farming and push him out of the lane. When he dashes to you, use your E.”
DaSticks says “Easy matchup for Teemo. Just harass him non-stop early and don't get taunted under tower! Care for him E-Flashing on you when his jungler arrives!”
Kaizin says “Shen deals a lot of damage, the main points for this matchup are to use your E if he uses his W (blocking field), your W damage won't go through the field, but you'll still get the mark and the heal from W2. If shen is ulting from under his tower, don't be afraid to ult onto him and stun to cancel his teleport. His ult cooldown is higher than yours anyway. You won't initially win short trades because of his W (blocking field) but if you mark him and continue to fight him, you'll end up winning the trade once you use Q to stun and W2 for the damage and heal.”
I am so chill says “dont trade till lvl2 or 3.just poke.You can cancel his ultimate with ur q so use it wisely.You can beat him after black cleaver or goredrinker.Dont use your w before he uses e and avoid using ur passive when he uses his w.”
CaptianMike says “Shen is an interesting matchup. He deals %max hp magic damage with his Q which makes your trades bad. In addition he can block AA with his W. You can win trades if you manage to hit him with your E after his W. The good part is that you can Q or W him out of his ult!
ApollonATH says “Similar to jax matchup with his E . But you can 1v1 him if you bait his E then land your E Q W on him. If he ults to help his team you need to tp to follow if you are tank vpli or splitpush if you got your ap with nashors tooth”
Humitaxx says “Shen will not be a problem as long as you go Tank, since your most powerful asset will be your W, you just need to endure getting taunted and then use your charged W to drop his healthbar, he can only block your basic attacks, so it's an easy win as long as you avoid tower diving him while his taunt is up.”
deathwalker7119 says “Shen is overall pretty basic, parry taunt or empowered auto (either is fine). You need to spam ping his lvl when he hits 6 and tell your team he can ult since you have 0 cc. You can Q while he is in the anti-auto attack dome. Be careful of taking short trades, as if he presses an ability he will get a free shield and could shit on you in a short trade. Use parry to fuck his 3 empowered autos as they will come out way too slow for him to do the DPS he needs. Watch out once he has bramble/tabis since he will be harder to solo.”
top is high impact XD says “really hard to trade with early and has insane roam potential with his r, try to punish his roams by denying him cs and taking plates, you can cc him during his ult so that he has to stay in lane and cant help his teammates if you think that will get you more value”
Excuruseh says “Can block auto attacks and does huge damage early while gaining lots of shields with passive. Be careful of this matchup in the laning phase.”
Womsky says “Scaling/mixed set up, you gotta respect his early damage, past level 4 you can trade with him but not with spinning into him randomly cause he can take strong short trades with you, extended ones is where you beat him, dont ever go under his turret while him being around for any reason cause he will taunt you and kill you, in mid to late game if he too tanky just ignore him and always shove him in if he splits against you then take his jgler camps”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “He can be pretty annoying and a lot of them run ignite. He is the last person you want to fight early levels. Start E and be passive however unlike the others once you have your passive stacked don’t look for fights unless you can weave in free autos (2-3) before you all in. If you can survive to 6 without falling too far behind you can beat him a lot easier (though it is still hard). Try to kite out his W and Q his taunt if you have a low hp minion if you can. When you are fighting him post 6 open up with ult when you have passive stacked and start autoing him, use your E after he dashes as it will be easier to hit once his escape is down and you should win as long as you avoid at ALL COSTS Q’ing him when his W is down (the force field around him blocks your Q and autos, when he drops it look to auto minions to have them low enough for a Q reset or kite him out). As long as you play around his W and his passive (kiting them out with low hp minions), you should win, especially post 6”
tibs2 says “In theory this match up should also be free because you can just w his e but despite I always seem to do worse in this match up than I expect. You do not win auto trades and he is able to shield a lot of you poke damage combined with d shied and it is really hard to damage this champion. Id recommend rushing bami's cinder and CDR boots just perma pushing post shen 6. As long as he cant ult for free you are doing your job. If he ults under tower just ult him.”
Ratakor says “take MR shard, anti-heal can be good, Garen wins on long trade, ping when he is lvl 6, proc the W when he E, take demolish, E when he W, little inversion lvl 4”
Warwick do Brasilzaun says “Desvia de seus Auto Ataques e Habilidades Q e R. Além de ser um Tanque que aguenta muito dano, no Early Game você pode ganhar, mas ele tem muitos meios de sobreviver, ai fica mais difícil, além de ele poder proteger os aliados deles também de seus Ataques e Habilidades de Dano.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Shen is a tank with anti tank, with his percent max health damage on his Q, he suffers from the same issues as alot of top laners though, he's easy to poke out.”
AmericanNut says “His abilities allow him to negate all damage you try to put out, you need to play around his blocking and try to hurt him when he's not blocking. He will teleport around a lot, this will be the only matchup you may want to consider getting TP as a summoner spell.”
Noodles912 says “Freelo! Just farm under your tower and you are fine. Shen W is useless in this lane. Use W if he tries to taunt you, and never fight him 1v1, because Shen can take the biggest of beatings and live. Ping teammates when he ults.”
Cayteer says “Try to dodge his E. At 6 , if you see him ult in front of you , you can just proc your E on him to stop him. Without his E , pull combo him undertower.”
PiscesPomf says “EASY LANE
Just parry his taunt, and shred him because he's a tank. Ping when he is casting R ! If you can't parry his taunt, parry his grasp AA.”
teemodumbstupid says “He is very strong early, and you don't want to fight him. Don't get hit by his E or you will take a bad trade. When you get Divine Sunderer you should win the 1v1 even if he hits his E. You have no CC to counter his Ult. The best thing you can do is Q him and W him before he teleport. He will be slowed when he TPs which can help your team survive. Take as many plates as you can when he ults.”
Urgodzilla says “His passive shields are very annoyng, his W blocks your W. You should be fine after lvl6, because his R is useless in 1v1. If he teleports across the map feel free to take turret plates and make him lose a lot of farm.”
Laserholic says “Tank match-ups are VERY GOOD as the game goes mid-late. Your damage is insanely high with %HP and True Damage. Generally be careful of ganks against tanks, they will generally CC you inside your W such as Shen Taunt. Try to make it to mid game and play the side-lanes.”
Tsundere Tahm says “Misma situacion que Malphite pero este tiene mucho mejor rotacion que tu, recomiendo pokearle con q y jugar a tu lado del mapa, si te gankean y te pega una e es GG.”
jmp_01_ says “Strong early game. Make sure to avoid trades if his blade goes through you - he will win every trade. You can go for all-ins after level 6, since his R - Stand United is meant for his teammates. Also try to avoid his teleport on his ult. Care of his Taunt-Flash combo.”
Draconic56 says “A skilled matchup a good Shen player will be able to chunk you down. Don't stay in between him and his spirit blade as his empowered autos do a lot of damage. Try to ult him or E him when he ults so he doesn't get to teleport to his teammate they will still get the shield but Shen won't be there. You can demolish him in your ult try to W his Q auto attacks and you will kill him easily.”
Kokob5 says “A skill match up funny enough, a good shen will try to keep his sword between him and you. So long as you don't allow it you'll win fights. ”
negoZoma69 says “Always be ready to dodge his E, if he misses then you can chunk him hard so he has to be very careful. Push the lane and put pressure so he loses resources if he ults. Most Shen mains absolutely despise this matchup because you put so much pressure.”
SKRELAX says “Shen counters you well. Try to not fight him at all. Just poke him, and give him a little burst of damage. Easily killable with mage Jungler.”
Docoda says “Try to always keep your max range against Shen and you'll win the matchup. One misstep gives him a good trade on you though since his passive damage is just a little bit on the high side. They also often take ignite which makes him a little bit scarier, especially in Flash+E engages on you.”
Dorom says “You will make this guy cry by the time you get sheen. He can't trade you since his only damage comes from autoattacking and you can just blow up a barrel and run away from him then waiting for his Q and passive to run off and Qing him, and doing this over and over again... fun stuff.”
pioj12 says “If he uses E into you immediately use yours as soon as he is backing up Q him to slow and win trade.
Watch out with his roaming, when he uses R try to punish him in lane as much as you can while he is not in there.
raede says “Shen is suuuuuper annoying the lane against and he totally outscales you. His anti-autoattack area counters your Q and W and doesn't let you stack up your passive. The one saving grace is that your W, although it doesn't deal damage, will still mark him meaning the next one will heal you.”
jpaul2077 says “When going against Shen, don't be afraid to shove the lane aggressively. Shen cannot farm under tower very well, but be wary of being taunted under tower. When Shen hits level 6, look to either match his ultimate with your Teleport, or punish through split pushing your lane.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Rush Armor Penetration. In order to counter Riven, the enemy player has to know the champion they are playing better than you know your own. This is a thing to consider when playing against any foe 1 on 1, which is where Riven has the clear advantage.Shen is a general counter than will also be a challenge for me down the path of exile... ”
ChaseMorePlz says “I personally don't like laning versus Shen at all. If you're able to shut him down then it's very good, however if he is able to ignore your poke he can provide a lot of support to his team to get them a lead early on. Try to prevent this if possible, can actually snowball out of control for bigger advantages in Shen's favor.”
Sasdos says “his w useless against ur entire kit just dont get taunted under tower and bait his ignite. his ult scales off ap so u give shields so fat it makes me look skinny in comparsion. make sure to take ignite in this matchup since his ult is free tp”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Laning against Shen is simple and easy. Just make pressure and pressure, and pressure again. It's really necessary to give the call for your team when he reaches level 6, they must be aware of Shen ulti potential. Save your teleports to follow him when he ulti's (or try to stop his ultimate with your E).”
Reformed Ravi says “his w blocks your ghoul attacks and your q like jax. The trick to beating him is to use w once he uses his e and mess him up. Remember shen likes short trades with his e and q. if possible try and keep the trade going and you should win if played right”
Alekra says “He is very beatable. Since you max E anyways, his w is not very effective. If you manage to time it correctly that is. Build Black Cleaver first to counter his early tankiness. Take Demolish for free towers when he ults away.”
Erenando says “Easy lane to stack, but be careful. He has a huge powerspike with tiamat in early. After that phase you can stack easily. you can stack CDR easily by going hybrid (kindlegem, glacial shroud, sheen etc.)”
czrmtz24 says “Shen does a lot of damage, but he is pretty easy to deal with. Do not engage on him under his tower unless you ground him with W or you will int. Keep vision on him always, and remember you can cancel his R with your W or E. If he backs off the wave follow him and cancel his Ult, your team will appreciate it. ”
ToinoEscaca says “Like Teemo, Shen can cancell auto-attacks, causing the fight to go to his favor.
On this patch, Shen can build tank, ad or ap, make sure to respect the champion cause it can do a lot of damage.
Tahm Kench easily wins trades against Shen till lvl.3. Dont dive him because of the taunt (on Shen's E).”
GrGamingTeo says “Shen is extremely OP but you won't see him in elos below gold or ever platinum. You need to respect his enhanced AA. Shen will try to Q through you then get his enhanced AA in you. If he gets you with his E, AA, Q, AA, AA he will always win the trades. His lv3 power spike is even greater that Garen's because his W negates every AA including your W. Once he uses his W, you need to walk out, pull him out of his W's radius and then proceed with your AA, W combo. The only time you can kill him is if he wastes his E and his W, all-in him and he's dead.”
Drumastermunch says “Shen has really good trades, but completely exposed after he burst any of his CD. Use that, just be smart on your wave management. If he doesn't have a lead, you win at 1 item.”
Olaf Only says “Easy after lvl 6.
Don't go too close to his minonwave/turret as he can E you for extra minion damage/turret shots.
Wait for his Passive shield to fade before trading.
Difficult to kill if he has his W active.
Look to freeze after lvl 6 and kill/deny farm”
LunaticDancer says “A good Shen is nigh unbeatable for you, as his W nullifies all damage, making you and your ghouls absolutely inpotent. Avoid his taunts as much as you can, or better yet, force him to use it as an escape tool. He is an early bully and you outscale him later, so just be careful.
IMPORTANT TECH: You can use your W to disrupt his ultimate as long as a wall appears directly where he's standing.
Of course, while in theory he counters you pretty hard, in practice the match-up is pretty manageable, as long as you stay focused and fish for stupid mistakes on his side.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp/First Strike + Divine Sunderer]
[Ignite/Flash + TP]
Start W. He pretty much wins early game especially if he has ignite. Don't ever auto attack him early game because you will waste your passive shield and he can just taunt you after. Wait for him to taunt you first and you'll automatically get your shield and you can all in him after. Worst case scenario Just play safe and outscale him when you have Divine Sunderer. If you use your E first you will lose. He can block your Q2 damage with his W so you can fake out the Q2 auto attack and wait out his W.”
Dotje says “It really depends on how well you can kite and dodge. When he hits you with a taunt you can easily Q him when he's on top of you. Make sure to keep your E for when his aa shield is down.”
SpyDaFX says “avoid trading when his W is up, or avoid W'ing when he used it and you're inside it. you can easily kill him at level 6 if you play it well since his ult is useless against you. go conqueror.”
Ravenborne says “Do not start the trade off with E. Be sure to not get taunted under tower.
His new empowered Q's deal alot of Damage so his Level 1 to 2 hurts. You hard-win at Level 3. If he ults near you cancel it with E to deny his roams.”
Mr.Kovacic says “Just watch out for his stuns and you will be good to go. Shen players are very predictable. Also dont go near his sword. Thats how he can stun you.”
Kil4fun says “Will hard punish you early game for existing. Might take ignite to kill you level 2. You can't really fight him until level 11 where you can still damage him inside his E. At every point of the game he will be able to outroam you and generally be more useful in fights.”
GTGx says “go conquer and try to proc it when he taunts you, best you can do, he out trades you the majority of the time if not all of the time. One idea you can try is buy tiamat early and rush the tower when he ults, punish his cs as much as possible.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Your W cancels his E and cancels his R. Your E also cancels his R. He does a lot of damage and can be a real pain to play against, but so long as you can dodge his E you can get away with doing whatever you want in lane. Just make sure to fling him anytime he R's, if he's smart he'll try to hide but if you have good enough map awareness (There's a purple effect on the minimap when he's teleporting around a person) you should be able to find him and cancel him. Be prepared for the Shen to go nuts on you though.”
kingchas2 says “On paper this should be a horrible matchup. Hard CC to lock you down and keep you from using R. Mass AA-blocking. Good early dueler. I am honestly not sure why, but Shen always seems to fall off and be useless later. As long as you are safe and make it to the mid-game he won't ever kill you and you can kite him all day long. ”
ModelitoTime says “Pretty annoying matchup. You can start either Doran's Shield or Blade in this matchup, although i recommend running the shield. At lvl 1 this matchup is in your favor so if you start your E and try to get a early kill on him that would really be nice in this matchup. But after when Shen gets his taunt and hit AE block this matchup gets really annoying. Keep your distance from shen and if you can try to toss him out of his little circle with your E so you can land basic attacks on him. Other than that take TP in this matchup so you can contest when he ults into another lane. ”
ChevalierArlo says “Combine a build 1 com a 3 (Conquistador primário, inspiração secundário) uma vez que todas as suas trocas serão longas e provavelmente nem você nem ele vão morrer. Dica: Use a ponta do W bem em cima dele quando ele estiver usando a ultimate, isso irá interrompê-la. ”
I Am Goliath says “Hard matchup his empowered autos do a lot of damage and he can block all your autos with his W, try to bait out his W before you all in him especially if you're going in for an ultimate, later on you can outsplush him pretty easily but lane will most likely be a pain.”
Hippo Boi says “If he's good, he'll be a problem for you. Dodge his Q on trades, and always fight when he doesn't have his E. You'll probably won't beat him, since most of his abilities counter yours.”
Dannala says “Chances are you won't be able to do much against him. Super tanky, as long as you beware the taunt, try to farm. You can use Cocoon to interupt his ult or TP if he uses them near you. He can deal too much dmg atm to trade with him. Beware your positioning so you don't get hit by the sword when he calls it. Usually best to just farm, with a jungle gank you might be able to get him. Alternatively take everytime he ults to just kill a plating/turret/jungle camp.”
Heckin says “OK, listen, I know this champion is a tank, but he deals way too much damage. His trades are even scarier than Darius's but at least he can't one shot you after you are low enough. Practise your timing with your Q on his e and you should be fine, and don;t forget to f him up if he ults in fron of you.”
Otp Fiora Sorry says “Muito chato, tens de jogar bem early caso estejas a jogar meio mal e lento no W naoo fiques muito perto que ele vai ganhar as trocas e acaba por te matar e perdes a lane ... quando pushares contra ele lembra te que ele pode simplesmente pedir ele e usar o E e ja foste usar ward se possível coloca na jungle inimiga !”
Hyzerik says “Just don't get taunted as he will usually run after and it is a bad trade. When he uses his bubble to prevent AA use your R and get him out. Do your combo and you win the trade.”
Raideru says “This matchup is pretty Shen favored in early it's all ab how many trades u can do one sided without him dmging u when your e is down, also post lvl 3 u have to block his e with your e otherwise u will lose the trade rly hard. At 1 item u win all ins but before that it's a bit tricky. I advise Lethal Tempo with Dblade.”
LeSocair says “This is an easy and natural matchup, but take care of his Q as it will do more damage than you'll expect.
W the E and remember he can avoid AA with his W.
Warn your teammates once he gets 6, just in case.”
sauronkaiser says “He counters you. He has a good damage, can block autos (ghouls too) and still has a dash to escape if needed. Play safe and remember you can cancel his ult with your wall.”
TioKirb says “He can deal lots of damage in lvl 2 when he gets his dash. Be brave, avoid the taunt and give him the damned (I mean the damage, I really tried to make a good joke)”
CattoNuts says “The only chance that you'll get to kill him is pre bramble vest. Still, his opressive early game + grasp will be hard to play around. Focus on roams after six or wait on ganks, because you'll likely lose a 1v1 unless you have a HUGE lead.”
FoxyGrill says “Try to dodge his E and wait for his W and shueld to fall off before xasting your combo. You can outscale him pretty easily so as long as you dont die, you win.”
EU_Toxicity says “His Q early on has a deceptively high amount of damage so be mindful of that and play safe levels 1 and 2. Level 3 onwards you should be every all-in hard if you didn't get behind. Save your E for when he tries to run as extended trades are your forte.”
narsil reforged says “Evite ao máximo.
Você tem um campeão baseado puramente em aa aplicando efeito de contato. Esse cara GOSTA de campeão baseado em aa aplicando efeito de contato.
Um bom Shen que conhece o kit de Habilidades do WW não te permitirá pokeá-lo sem que você receba de volta, no mínimo, o triplo de dano. O W dele basicamente anula a capacidade de outplay da passiva, uma vez que nem mesmo nos minions protegidos pelo range da espada são alvos selecionáveis de AA. O dano do q dele causa dano baseado na vida máxima, e ele não tem problemas com mana. Sua Ult global pode facilmente virar lutas que, ao menos que você tenha tp ou consiga segui-lo conjurando o q enquanto o Shen canalisa, você não consegue interferir. Quando você puder dar roaming, o boneco vai apertar um botão e aparecer na luta dando um escudo baseado na vida perdida para o oponente, geralmente te destroçando logo em seguida. Depois que ele fecha Brasa de Bami e Colete espinhoso, esqueça trocar com esse coleguinha.”
KillMeMyFriend says “Perma poke him and try avoid his E.
Shove when he uses R.
If you happen to see him Teleport aa him and use Q just before he leaves so he will get some reduced armor and Mr and your team may have a better time wherever he goes.”
lordoftheyuumitopmidadc says “this match up is skill based if you dont know how shen works then you will most likey lose but if you know the champ well its not a hard match up dont fight him under his tower because of his taunt and his W doesnt block your sheid bash so you can always get some poke on him”
iZeal says “While this matchup is Darius favored, Shen's early game damage and durability from his shield spam have to be taken into consideration as well as the 225 range he gets from his Q sword. Darius gains the upper hand with levels especially at level 6 with his ultimate, however Shen's ultimate allows him to impact the entire map (which can leave you with 0 counterplay if you run Ghost Flash) and Shen's W completely nullifies auto attacks including your bleed stacks making it very hard for you to deal with Shen in teamfights or during ganks.
DBlade, Phage/Mercs/Tabis”
byThiagus says “Ganas all ins desde nivel 1 a 18 Igualmente respeta su early game, no podes iniciarle trades con tu e, espera a que te inicie el con la suya o pegale tu slow primero, a partir de nivel 6 no puede hacer nada. Primer pagina de runas y espada de doran”
RyvalAlex says “Shen a un meilleur early que vous et peu facilement en abuse. Vous pouvez espérer gagner les trades a partir du niveau 6 sinon jouer safe.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Avoid/Bait/Dodge his taunt -> Block his blade/passive with your W -> Contest cs early (poke with Q -> Let wave push to you -> Freeze -> Let him use W and dash away to wait until his W expires and goes on cooldown -> Level 6 PAY ATTENTION TO THE OTHER LANES, he will be looking for an R on his teammates so you can potentially look to cancel it ”
viktoreeu says “Contrary to the popular belief, Shen hard counters you.
Grasp Shen beats you in the early game, and can win your botlane some decisive fights.
You may beat him after level 4 if you play well.
Try to keep him in lane and low hp, if he R's on someone just push as fast as you can, if he dies bot without TP and R it's over
tempo ghost”
NickCola Tesla says “Playing against Shen in lane is not quite difficult at all! Your poke is able to rival his, and his CDs are considerably longer than yours.
The problem in this lane comes from the insane map presence he has.
You can try pushing lane into his tower to prevent his Stand United plays, but only do so when you have strong vision/ know where the enemy Jungle is. Also, make sure you don't get taunted under his tower, for obvious reasons. Your ultimate and Q are able to cancel his ultimate's channel, so keep that in mind if he's making a split second play! You might be able to handle his split push later in the game with Sunfire Cape and Titanic Hydra, but make sure you have TP up if you plan on doing this.
In lane, only use your Q if his taunt isn't up, or you see him at the outer range of its hitbox. His taunt is able to cancel your Q!”
StrikeX114 says “Spirit's Refuge (W) counters your passive and Grasp, Shadow Dash (E) provides CC, and his ultimate gives him a "Get Out of Jail Free" card. Less likely to kill you than he is to set you up for a gank, always play close to your tower for safety. ”
Saarlichenbog says “Apart from his W, Shen suffers from being able to sustain himself in lane which is why he will almost always take Doran's Shield with Biscuits in lane, already giving you the advantage in runes. Otherwise, he is solely reliant on landing his E to even have a chance at getting on top of you. If he misses this, he usually dies as his passive is ineffective at blocking all of the spears that are stacked into him regardless.”
Yume Minato says “Shen can be very deadly if he's good. But usually just prepare your W in case of the taunt and don't put everything in his block, you'll manage to win if you can trade him to ferocity, have W ready for his taunt and run out.”
ItsPaulygon says “He can negate damage with his shield-like skill. But you have a fairly easy match up as long as you don't get taunted. Be careful of ganks too.”
gamjatangisgood says “Shen is a champion that will win trades with you pre level 6 no matter what. A skilled Shen player can even beat you 1v1 late game if he has Thornmail and a wall to protect his vitals, so be wary of him all times.”
llametekudasai says “lvl 1 le ganas y por mucho, solo se te vuelve complicado cuando este lo gankean.
Puedes usar el item, cuando el use su e para alcanzarlo. y para dodgear su E, recuerda usar tu Q cuando el use su w asi no pierdes tiempo en daño y si no tienes Q usa tu e para mitigar su daño de los básicos potenciado.
yasuhoe says “shen's W makes him untargetable and makes it hard to hit your autos. You can overcome this by keeping your distance and winning your early game before he hits level three.”
Big Samuel says “tough to get kills onto him, but aslong as you play with your advantage of range theres no way in hell hes killing you either. make sure you ward though, getting ganked vs shen normally means your dead.”
Biko14CS says “Spirit's Refuge (W) counters your passive and Grasp, Shadow Dash (E) provides CC, and his ultimate gives him a "Get Out of Jail Free" card. Less likely to kill you than he is to set you up for a gank, always play close to your tower for safety.”
aiSky says “A good Shen is always gonna be a pain in the ass. He can use his taunt and become invulnerable to your autoattacks from your W, making you loose your most dmg ability.
The best way to deal with him is to get a lead in lane of farm and tower plates when hi ults. This way you will be able to fight him back and also destroy enemy carrys.”
GLP1 says “Try to be making short trades with your Q to make him an all in when he has 35% - 40% life.
you can cancel the jump and the ultimate with the pull of your Q and the knockout of your ultimate”
Demon o mono sett jojofag says “Esta lane é complicada para você, tente abusar de seus itens, uma espada do rei é um bom spike para suas trocas, não deixe ele acertar o E, se ele der o W, recue e espere acabar.”
Nicklstherealone says “You need to wait for his Autoattack-Shield and Grab him out of there. Then you shojld easily beat him and you also can stop his Ult. ”
Randombeastmode says “Start Dblade, try to bait out his E, if she saves it for when you spin on him, then you'll want to just farm the lane out. If he uses his W, you can all in, if he uses his E, you can all in, if he uses his R... Try to all in, unless it's for his jungler in your lane.
Why do supports like to roam top when a Shen is in your game?
Because they see free gold written on your booty, so make sure that you keep an eye on botlane for the random support roams that may occur with a Shen in your game.
Extremely boring lane, can be difficult, his q may make you rage(insane damage on tank)”
ichurboi says “This is fucking awful this man will ruin your day and cause you to do damage only the best trynda players have the skill to do 0 dmg when playing in this matchup”
Raphi0216 says “Care for Ignite. Dont walk between him and his sword. Try to dodge his taunt even if its really hard. Cancel his R with R and escape with E if he want's to help his team or follow up with your own TP.”
IJustWannaCuddle says “Pre 6 and early its a difficult match up. TO maximize your trade wait to use your breath until after he burns his W. Once the AA block is down you can win trades. Once 6 you can cancel his ults but Q-E combo and keeping vision. ”
daito Okami says “D blade conq dom/resolve with bone plating. Wait out for his shield to run out before q u can try to e his e its difficult but very rewarding. When trading you should also wait out his w before using your aa because he will just block it.”
Frostyfps says “He can be pretty annoying and a lot of them run ignite. He is the last person you want to fight early levels. Start E and be passive however unlike the others once you have your passive stacked don’t look for fights unless you can weave in free autos (2-3) before you all in. If you can survive to 6 without falling too far behind you can beat him a lot easier (though it is still hard). Try to kite out his W and Q his taunt if you have a low hp minion if you can. When you are fighting him post 6 open up with ult when you have passive stacked and start autoing him, use your E after he dashes as it will be easier to hit once his escape is down and you should win as long as you avoid at ALL COSTS Q’ing him when his W is down (the force field around him blocks your Q and autos, when he drops it look to auto minions to have them low enough for a Q reset or kite him out). As long as you play around his W and his passive (kiting them out with low hp minions), you should win, especially post 6.”
Time1Save says “As long as you play with an advantage, you win. That's just unlike other Champions, he calmly follows you on the roums. in a duel, you are on an equal footing, the best player wins. It all depends on who will win the roams.”
Defensivity1 says “Shen is not difficult because of shen himself, but when an opponent is low shen can ult them, he is difficult to beat in lane level 1-3 CC Tankyness and damage
Communicate his level 6 to your team and try to splitpush.”
Delvoid says “Hard to kill since he can stop alot of your AA based dmg. Wait for him to use his W to win trades. Keep him pushed under tower to stop him been able to use ulti cross map. Because of this make sure your vision is good”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Shen is pretty easy to fight all stages of the game, but if you let him taunt you and Q, he will deal quite a bit of damage, so if you can avoid that laning should be fairly simple. Also, your E will cancel his ultimate channel, screwing up his attempts to save an ally from lane. ”
NirvanaBunny says “I haven't seen a Shen support in a while. Be careful for his sword skills because it can do some damage. Also, he has some good all-in potential so please be careful!”
LoL destroyer says “Shen has a lot of Magic Resist and can teleport to you and away from you. A well times E-Q can help, but with a typical Shen build, your maxed out Q won't do much damage.”
aurus666lol says “His W is blocking our Q and E. If you want to win, take ignite and try to make one-way trades by using extra movement speed from passive.”
MisterDerpFace says “Watch his Q cuz it empowers his auto attacks, and his W because it blocks your W since they count as auto attacks. he can get tanky so careful.
And finally, if he ults try to E him or hit him with your R so that he gets slowed when he finishes teleporting.”
Penguinoverlord1 says “He is scary because he will out roam you all game with his R, but its nice if you can get a good push going before he can return to his lane since Yorick can take towers extremely fast. Be careful about when you engage as his W can block both your Q and your grunts and Shen is considerably tanky.”
Liko888 says “Shen is pretty dangerous, he trades even/positively if he is knowledgeable about how to play the matchup, and he has great gank assist and map control. ”
YoungTact says “When he activates his enhanced autos DISENGAGE. Punish him for every cs with the Q-Passive combo and look out for his taunt with W. If he taunts within your hitbox, it WILL go through even if you W it. PAY ATTENTION TO WHEN HE IS ULTING so you can cancel it with either E/R.”
qasddsa says “This is an easy lane; dodge his taunt as he can do a lot of damage to you with empowered auto attacks. You shouldn't be pushing much as he can get in good ganks with his taunt. Max Q and proceed to freeze the wave at your tower and farm.”
Shen is the type of "tank" that deals a lot of damage of his Q with Grasp Procs and overall his kit works really good against Duelist and Hypercarries. As for laning phase since his kit peforms better into agressive laners rather than Passive laners such as Nasus, he will struggle to find chances of poking you hard enough to the point that you are really low but this doesn't mean that you should go super confident, play passive and respect his Early game power. Once you hit lvl6 and Sheen spike you can start doing short trades into him since Shen lacks of sustain and remember Nasus lvl 6 is a combat ability where Shen lvl 6 is an utility ability, keep in mind you outscale him really easily, so if you can't find any scenario to kill him just farm and you'll be fine. Also Shen now builds Titanic Hydra most of the times, but you can see some that go for Sunfire Cape or even both, the point is that both items help Shen have a better wave clear, which means that the wave will always be on your side of the lane. Later on splitpushing is sort of not worth it since he can R to his team and force a 5v4 teamfight and Nasus can't stop his R animation, so its overall better just to teamfight, you will outscale him easily.”
SubHuman Filth says “Shen can also be hard. I go grasp and sometimes 3 points in q. You just q him when he goes in for a taunt, walk away from him and auto him afterwards.
Electrocute goes thru his W, so thats an option too.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Shen early game can take very good short trades with you. Be very careful about his sword positioning, if he pulls it through you he can get a lot of extra bonus damage and attack speed against you for a solid trade. You can start looking for allin trades with shen around level 4 (unless he wastes his q level 1 and 2 for farm instead of using it to trade with you.) When fighting against Shen what he will do is use his q, block auto attacks with his W and then taunt through you back to his turret, so in this matchup when you are going for an allin DO NOT position between Shen and his escape path if you dont think 100% sure you are killing him. If you put yourself between Shen and his escape path he can taunt through you dealing extra damage and disengaging from you. This will save you extra hp on each trade. At level 6 is when Tryndamere can start to really dominate Shen. Shen gets an ultimate which is USELESS for a 1v1 and Tryndamere gets 5 seconds of being unkillable. You can run tiamat with lethal tempo build in this matchup if you would like to put some extra pressure on Shen and his turret. One tip about Shen's W is that it blocks auto attacks but only on himself and other champions so if there are minions around shen when he W's and you have tiamat you can actually hit the minions or use your tiamat active and still damage him. If you are looking to dive Shen, try to bait him into taunting you under turret, this saves you from having to chase him down through his dash away from you, also puts him right on top of you and you start the dive with an auto attack which is what you want. Before you look to dive Shen, make sure you "prepare" him by taking short trades with auto attack + spin out (while dealing the spin damage on the way out.) In the mid-late game splitpush you outscale Shen in the 1v1, but it can be hard to dive him effectively because of how tanky he gets. Make sure that every time you shove Shen in that you are doing 1 of these 3 things, make sure you are looking for trade damage on Shen, make sure you set up deep vision to protect you on the splitpush, and make sure you look to take enemy jungle camps when you can. You can get leads on Shen in the splitpush without killing him, but always look to pressure him first. If his team is closeby and you dont wanna risk getting caught out just place some wards or take some neutrals. If it is pure 1v1 though you should always look to pressure Shen and look to get him low enough so you can dive him.”
GodMulti says “Shen is pretty damn strong against Sett. I would recommend taking PTA with you, because you only want to take fast short trades and don´t stay there for too long. His Field where he dodges every auto attack is his key to fight you. Try avoiding it at all cost. If he dashes to you, stun him while he is mid Air with your "E".”
STIERNACKENTYP says “Shen is a very good matchup for GP. Lvl 1-3 he is super strong but after that u always win trades if u play around ur barrels. U can powerfarm freely and always ult when he ults.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Shen early game can take very good short trades with you. Be very careful about his sword positioning, if he pulls it through you he can get a lot of extra bonus damage and attack speed against you for a solid trade. You can start looking for allin trades with shen around level 4 (unless he wastes his q level 1 and 2 for farm instead of using it to trade with you.) When fighting against Shen what he will do is use his q, block auto attacks with his W and then taunt through you back to his turret, so in this matchup when you are going for an allin DO NOT position between Shen and his escape path if you dont think 100% sure you are killing him. If you put yourself between Shen and his escape path he can taunt through you dealing extra damage and disengaging from you. This will save you extra hp on each trade. At level 6 is when Tryndamere can start to really dominate Shen. Shen gets an ultimate which is USELESS for a 1v1 and Tryndamere gets 5 seconds of being unkillable. You can run tiamat with lethal tempo build in this matchup if you would like to put some extra pressure on Shen and his turret. One tip about Shen's W is that it blocks auto attacks but only on himself and other champions so if there are minions around shen when he W's and you have tiamat you can actually hit the minions or use your tiamat active and still damage him. If you are looking to dive Shen, try to bait him into taunting you under turret, this saves you from having to chase him down through his dash away from you, also puts him right on top of you and you start the dive with an auto attack which is what you want. Before you look to dive Shen, make sure you "prepare" him by taking short trades with auto attack + spin out (while dealing the spin damage on the way out.) In the mid-late game splitpush you outscale Shen in the 1v1, but it can be hard to dive him effectively because of how tanky he gets. Make sure that every time you shove Shen in that you are doing 1 of these 3 things, make sure you are looking for trade damage on Shen, make sure you set up deep vision to protect you on the splitpush, and make sure you look to take enemy jungle camps when you can. You can get leads on Shen in the splitpush without killing him, but always look to pressure him first. If his team is closeby and you dont wanna risk getting caught out just place some wards or take some neutrals. If it is pure 1v1 though you should always look to pressure Shen and look to get him low enough so you can dive him.”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Conq, Triumph, Tenacity, Last Stand + Magical Footwear, Cosmic Insight.
Sub Runes: CDR, Damage, Armor
Summoners: Teleport.
Shen is a super annoying but manageable match up. A simple kit that counters Riven directly. However, on the off chance that you dodge his taunt, try to not to waste your autos while he has his W up. Wait it out and trade with a W-Q into fast combo once his W is down. TP is a must have because of his ult. Once he gets his tiamat he will try to shove lane and ult onto a teammate. Once you see him do this you have three options: 1. You ping him missing and keep farming lane for a gold/xp lead, 2. You teleport down with him for a counter gank, or 3. you ignore the wave and try to stop his ult with Q3 or W. Later in the game you want to avoid Shen as much as possible, dive the backline then get out. I suggest a Tiamat in this lane to match his push and contest his Ult or TP.”
Darrkescru says “Runa : Aery , Grasp
Tenta desviar do E dele se você for tomar ja usa o Q pra ele não conseguir te dar 3 hit's de graça se ele perder o E pode agressiva sem medo dele”
Swaim says “Shen is your only matchup i suggest you go ignite since most shen players go ignite.ALSO his e is a REALLY long dash which can escape your q or his passive sheild can make him survive so having ignite will kill him most times ”
Adolfie says “Shen is basically the same as jax, he can block your Qs with his W + he has a lot of dmg thru his Q. You will definetly have to stay back for the first levels, do not try to fight him early on. ”
ZergDood says “You're both tanky, you're both good at peeling, and neither of you are great damage dealers. Poke him, disengage when he gets the rare aura in which he strengthens his AAs, beware of his taunt and interrupt his R. If he goes in a bush, ward it or facecheck it, use your E/R to prevent him from ulting. Your W stops his dash.”
qazx1427 says “What is it with Ionians countering Yorick? Shen just blocks everything and never leaves lane, leaving you completely unable to do anything for the entire game. Easy pick on the ADC? Shen. Splitpushing top? Shen. Go off to get a sandwich? Shen. No fun allowed, shovel boy.”
Ayanleh says “Shen is medium difficulty. He has decent damage, has some good CC and can set up ganks pretty well but you outscale him so you can play safe early and get some items.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Strong lvl 1 and thats about it, if he ever taunts into you, just wait for his W to expire then hit him with your full might and he dies. If he doesn't, walk up, E Q AA AA and then walk away, he cant respond.
You win really hard after lvl 6.
You can cancel his dash with your R.
Take bone plating.
Take mr or armor depending on enemy jungler.”
Twist21 says “Against Shen it is all about playing around his taunt.If you dodge it and kite around him when he is in W you will win easily.One tip that I would give when playing vs Shen is be patient when you are trying to dive him since he has many ways to outplay you.Standard runes and sums for this one.”
Shumair says “He can't build MR due to Mordekaiser's magic pen passive and he can't build health due to your passive doing % health damage, along with Liandry's if you purchase it. Due to this, a good Shen will either go full support for teamfights and peel or full damage. In either case, ulting him in teamfights is always VERY beneficial. In lane you should always have eyes on him in case he decides to ult. In which case, your E or ult will stop him. He can only kill you very early on with a good taunt, after that it's free.”
wallobear53 says “Position properly and don’t let Shen’s Q pass through you as it will allow him to deal a lot more damage and will allow him to win the trade quite easily. Always kite away from him if he tries to fight you.
Trade with him every time his E is down. It is his main form of mobility and without it he is quite an easy target to kill during a gank.
Once he gets his Ultimate, he will be able to make cross map plays and ruin gank attempts on other lanes. Try to save your CC for such moments and if he manages to Teleport successfully, just look to shove in the wave and make sure you get some Tower Plates.
G0DHAND says “this guy can counter your 2nd skill if you don't focus on him. Make sure you get the first hit because if he wil.....well your probably dead!?”
Fiora Pogjet says “Shen is hard to play against. He has tankiness, will build armor but still has a lot of Damage in the early game. he can outtrade you with his Q and his W will save him from you Q on him. If you can prarry his E dash then you will for sure get a kill and win the fight. lvl 6 you will be much stronger than him, but care about his trades.”
NullPC says “Deceptivly tanky and can block your autos play around his taunt, if he misses it run him down if he engages then kite back with your w up to escape. ”
liggergolly says “these 2 are the only ones who destroy this champ in lane as their gimmicks so i cant say avoid one thing just beg for ganks i guess i dont get them so i wouldnt know if it helps”
ModxLoL says “I think Shen typically wins this lane right now just because he's a little overpowered as a champion, but with that being said, I'm putting it as even because I think Riven deals with Shen better than most champions, and when Shen isn't overpowered Riven wins this lane. Two important things in this lane is to 1)dodge his taunt and 2)don't fight him while his dodge ability is active. Be careful of his first two levels. He has a really strong early game especially since his new passive buff. Once his taunt and his dodge ability are on cooldown, you can look at all inning him if you have poked him down hard enough. This matchup gets significantly easier after you get your Black Cleaver. ”
Stiwy says “He can have preety good trades early with his all-ins + grasp procs.
After level 6 he does not have a real ult to fight you so you can try to get him low enough to be executed.
Remeber to ping your teammates when you hear him shouting strange words because he is ulting and he's trying to pressure other lanes. You should be able to cancel his ult with your E if he is dumb enough to ult in the middle of the lane or in some unsafe locations.
Don't try to dive him because his dash can screw you over.
Take Cull and aim to farm.”
gsaeyx says “Build full AD. You lose early game but win post 6 and you also outscale his entire family so no need to worry. If he ults in vision just charge up a full q as he have no way of stopping it. If he engages with e tank his burst before charging q.”
Fourpaws33 says “An early lane bully tank. Not a good combo. He will out trade you in lane and will make you feel useless if you roam. Avoid his e during a 1v1 or lose 100% of the time. Not a fun time.
Ban him or don't pick into him. ”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Shen early game can take very good short trades with you. Be very careful about his sword positioning, if he pulls it through you he can get a lot of extra bonus damage and attack speed against you for a solid trade. You can start looking for allin trades with shen around level 4 (unless he wastes his q level 1 and 2 for farm instead of using it to trade with you.) When fighting against Shen what he will do is use his q, block auto attacks with his W and then taunt through you back to his turret, so in this matchup when you are going for an allin DO NOT position between Shen and his escape path if you dont think 100% sure you are killing him. If you put yourself between Shen and his escape path he can taunt through you dealing extra damage and disengaging from you. This will save you extra hp on each trade. At level 6 is when Tryndamere can start to really dominate Shen. Shen gets an ultimate which is USELESS for a 1v1 and Tryndamere gets 5 seconds of being unkillable. You can run tiamat with lethal tempo build in this matchup if you would like to put some extra pressure on Shen and his turret. One tip about Shen's W is that it blocks auto attacks but only on himself and other champions so if there are minions around shen when he W's and you have tiamat you can actually hit the minions or use your tiamat active and still damage him. If you are looking to dive Shen, try to bait him into taunting you under turret, this saves you from having to chase him down through his dash away from you, also puts him right on top of you and you start the dive with an auto attack which is what you want. Before you look to dive Shen, make sure you "prepare" him by taking short trades with auto attack + spin out (while dealing the spin damage on the way out.) In the mid-late game splitpush you outscale Shen in the 1v1, but it can be hard to dive him effectively because of how tanky he gets. Make sure that every time you shove Shen in that you are doing 1 of these 3 things, make sure you are looking for trade damage on Shen, make sure you set up deep vision to protect you on the splitpush, and make sure you look to take enemy jungle camps when you can. You can get leads on Shen in the splitpush without killing him, but always look to pressure him first. If his team is closeby and you dont wanna risk getting caught out just place some wards or take some neutrals. If it is pure 1v1 though you should always look to pressure Shen and look to get him low enough so you can dive him.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up assez simple, respecte le jusqu'à ton niveau 3, et il ne pourra plus gagné les trades, gardent quand même quelques notions en tête.
Fais attention au placement de son épée spirituel, et ne te mets pas entre elle et lui si possible, car si lorsqu'il appelle son épée avec le A, l'épée te traverse il gagne un gros boost de dégâts sur ses trois prochain coup !
Attention également à son Z qui est un dome arrêtant toutes les auto attacks pendant 3 secondes, temporise pendant la durée en te positionnant derrière lui pour anticiper son E qu'il fera pour battre en retraite, et utilise ton A pendant son dome pour ne pas rien faire.
Une fois niveau 6 le match up est très simple, et si il se positionne mal tu pourras très facilement le punir.
Astuce : Pense à le garder en visuel, et si il essaie d'ultime un de ses alliées, utilise ton E pour cancel le sort. ”
Dantheman81 says “I haven't ever really had trouble with Shen, however I can advise never try to tower dive him at medium or below health as you will get taunted and die. If he ults to save a teammate either teleport and follow up for team fight, or stay and push out lane. The most optimal thing to do is to ult in lane and then teleport but if it isn't up don't worry about it.”
Xplor says “Shen is not a major threat, however, he can dash you, hit you with his Q, he can have his shield up and his W AoE which can block your burst attacks. This happens if you go all-in pre-6.
After level 6, things become better when you play against Shen as his ultimate is supportive only and not as offensive as your Maiden.”
Darrkescru says “Shen bem jogado e um saco ele vai te acertar o taunt usar o Q te dar 3 auto atack e você não vai ter como devolver a melhor estrategia e desviar do E dele fazer ele pisar em um cogumelo pra tomar slow e caitar ele”
Angela du Seithr says “Même si son E et son positionnement peuvent favoriser à Shen la victoire, il n'aime pas spécialement se faire harceler par des sorts. Toutefois, faites attention à son spike Au Bout du Rouleau qui peut grandement surprendre.”
Alzeidx says “He cant do much, if you are at 100% rage and have conqueror, bait his parry zone, then all in and wreck him, if he R to help his team mates on mid or bot, see if you can TP, if u cant, just push lane and get the plates, it is one of the easiest matchups u can get.”
TotallyEclipse says “You can probably kill him super early, save your e to block his damage after his w comes up and walk away. spam ping your team when he gets 6 so they dont die to his R plays. Once he gets some armor, you wont be able to kill him in lane, but he cant really kill you either. Outside of lane with a few items you'll shred him”
Dedrick says “He can negate your autos with his W, stopping your passive and winning any trade because of your poor damage outside of Ignite and Empowered Q/W. He's also able to match your ult with his so it's hard to make plays in the late game.”
JuarezLOL says “its literally hell in laning phase against shen as jax
but the moment you realize you will dominate when you get your ruined king
it will become paradise just wait for your ruined king”
MateuszNH says “Hard matchup.
He has stronger lvl 1 fight if he get's passive, otherwise you can try your luck. His power spike is at lvl 3.
Try to survive until lvl 6 without getting much grasp+q hits and you can try to beat him in all in, during his W don't even try to AA him, keep your ulti for the entire time.”
DirtyDishSoap says “Respect his early game.
He'll outdamage you heavily from the first few levels. Wait until Sheen and you start winning with 4 ghouls. I would suggest going all in first, but wait until he dashes before casting your wall.”
report singed ty says “Does a LOT of damage and takes no damage in return. The riot classic for tanks is they are best at both worlds, and shen is a good example of that lately. He will chunk you down early game with just 2 autos.
This lane isn't tough though, try and W him when he ults because it cancels it, make common sense trades, and proxy when it makes sense.”
Sq_09 says “Kind of the same as wih Sett. If he hit's an E, you take damage. If you play him on max range you can safely poke. Keep in mind tho, that his W blocks your slow, so don't try and kite him in his W. ”
SabinX says “He has a strong early but with ult you should be able to kill him. Also punish his ult to other lanes with pushing for plates. If sanguine is finished you may actually be able to take the tower in one go.”
Subject3 says “shen does counter you, his auto attack with his ability can do % hp based damage, and he has a barrier that blocks auto attacks, what do you do? bait it, after his 3 auto attacks he is rather useless so obviously he will try and disengage after, dont let him, make him regret going in, your q slow will help in that.”
Auntbetsie says “Shen can escape really easily with his E and with his passive just makes him a lot harder to kill. Remember to ping your lane for missing Shen as his alt lets him roam.”
thelaser_6000 says “he gets really annoying to face early game, and if you int early and die a lot and shen gets fed you immediately lose the game unless you have a plan.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Shen fucks over any melee in the game that isn't either a meaty damage machine from the early (Darius, Garen) or doesn't rely on autoattacks to do significant damage. You are neither, so the odds are stacked against you. The problem with Shen is that his passive shields make him naturally tanky, his W is basically an AoE Jax E for his entire team, and his global pressure is massive after 6, so you can only really rely on your W and E to deal with him and if he gets ahead he will win fights all across the map since you can't really stop him. If he ever misses his E he is fucked for a bit however, so you can try engaging then, baiting his W, and then going in again, but it's more likely than not that he will just withstand whatever you throw at him and then just walk away. Always keep an eye on where his sword is, if he hits you with it while calling it for his Q he can easily take half your hp away. The only reason this matchup isn't rated as 5 is that you can at the very least survive it and if you get a lead it becomes significantly easier, but it's difficult.
Tp + Flash is recommended, it's very hard to kill him in lane on your own, plus it can be used to follow his R channel. Either grasp or conqueror are good, and stasis works wonders if you are behind too much.”
Gwndimi says “Just silence his ULT yes that works keep him in lane and he is no useless
you can easy stack alot of health on this guy using grasp build”
CounterBlad3 says “His auto prevention is easy to play around as long as you simply wait it out or hook him out of the range. He can't beat Darius in long trades so don't let him get away”
Itreallyhim says “Skill matchup, He doesn't win trades unless he has Empowered Q. Remove his Ult from the game if it feels like it will make a great impact, If not then dont bother. It doesn't remove the shield, only his teleport.”
LycheeMochigome says “His W negates your w, one of the match ups where i would consider wasting my w on minions so by the time he goes in on me and uses w, skaarl's w comes back up by the time shen's w is over”
HeyItsLeemo says “Shen can be tough and annoying, but once his W expires you're allowed to get free hits and passives on him, not that horrible if it's a newer Shen player.”
Quincy98 says “Shen is another complete counter, but unlike Renekton his unique kit can keep him under tower for a little while at least.
Shen really struggles early game, so call for ganks often and as long as he does not flash out, you should be fine.”
Blazeofepicness says “He has a really good level 1, 2 and 3. Bait out his auto block shield thingy before you all in. Level 6 you are much stronger, but he can look for plays around the map. Buy an early tiamat and shove him in. ”
lugzinho says “His Q hurts a lot since it deals Max Health damage and it will proc Grasp.
His W just blocks yours
But just keep in mind that you can cancel his R channel with your "Chaaaaaaaarge!!!".
If it gets too tanky to the point he wins fights, just push the leane and look for roams with your R or TP (if you brought it)”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “This matchup can me quite difficult if the Shen is really good with his champion. He can cancel out your empowered auto attacks by staying near his sword and using W. The bonus is you can cancel out his dash with your flay and thus deny him from taunting you. This matchup will depend on how good the Shen is. Watch for when Shen uses ult as you can cancel it out with both Q and E so you are a hard counter for him in that way. If he does ult try and follow with a Teleport if you can and think you can win the fight. Otherwise just keep pushing your own lane and get turret plating. Midgame you are going to be stronger then Shen unless he gets a lead in another lane and late game you can just focus other targets and cancel out his CC.”
ForgottenProject says “Will outrade you level 1
Level 2 you hard win
Parry one of his empowered Qs unless you know you will parry his taunt
Don't try to hit vitals when he casts his W, you can’t.
If you’re behind don't try to fight early, wait for your rav hydra unless you know you will win
If he uses his E onto you, you can force, he has no escape”
Blakespeare says “trade when he has used his q or w, once he has used q force an engage away from the spirit sword to stop the w block. recommended starting item is Cull for you wont be doing a whole lot early.”
Braddik says “You beat him early, spam ping your team when he gets 6 so they dont die to his R plays. Once he gets some armor, you wont be able to kill him in lane, but he cant really kill you either.”
Pedrokis says “Skill matchup; caso o Shen for muito bom ele ganha, você só não pode deixar ele colar em você por muito tempo. / Se você for ficar muito avançado na torre dele, cuidado pra não chegar tão perto assim, ele pode te dar um taunt e um slow com o Q (puxão da espada), provavelmente te matando e tirando sua vantagem. / Você tem 4 skills que podem interromper a ult do Shen: os seus 3 Qs e o seu W (que é o mais difícil de se usar, já que o tempo de puxar é quase igual ao tempo da ult dele). - Abuse do seu E e do seu flash pra interromper ela ou acompanhe-o com o TP.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “A pretty easy match up. Orange out of taunts and poke him. Watch out for when he ults and ping it when he does. You win trades. Poke and farm and try to pressure him.”
BeautifulWinter says “Prior to 6 passive Post 6 Agro.
Super standard just ping his level to remind people of his teleport (his R).
Respect his early damage but once you hit 6 you win.”
Big Belly Bop says “Watch out for his taunt. Poke him freely, and E out if he decides to all in you, simple lane but can go very wrong in one mistake. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustained Damage.”
ExfIamed says “Shen wouldn't be a problem if his auto attacks didnt do 20% of your HP each auto, but if you go boneplating into that you should be okay, just E while hes doing his thing that blocks your Q and autos and then q afterward. Keep doing that until hes low then kill him.”
ElementalZyrus says “His whole combo hurts and stops you from doing any damage, especially with his dodge barrier. Avoid the taunt and you'll be fine.”
MadYordle says “The blind like effect similar to Teemo is very dangerous to you however his lack of range against you might force you to get good trade damage.”
Loevely says “Predictable and easy to play around. Grasp makes this matchup relatively easy. He does do a a surprising amount of damage so do be careful. Never fight in his W and always use empowered W to cleanse his E.”
ENX Kai says “Blue ninja, can block you AA and W effortlessly. Can global roam with his R. Never dive turret vs this ninja. Watch out for pre 6 gank. Play extra safe.”
Defensivity1 says “Shen isnt much of a threath in lane, other then being a great champion to lock you down so his jungeler could gank or burst you down withouth you being able to do anything against it against shen the conqueror page is recommended the main threath that makes shen an even matchup is being able to ult one of his allies, which might cause your entire team to die, if he ever ults away from toplane siege his tower to punish him for the decision, even if it turns out in his favour you will get a lot of gold for tower and potentially be able to roam if you set up a roam timer with the toplane minions. ”
Quezel says “Shen will beat you early game because of his strong early trades but after level 4 he becomes pretty much free just remember to spam ping his ultimate after 6 to remind your team and try to keep vision of him as often as possible to use your e and r to cancel his r and stop him from rotating to fights.”
GokuBurakku says “His W will take away your trial by fire if you hit him. So don't do it, if he taunts you orange immediately and walk away. Then go in after his W is down.”
SNOBOY says “Shen can block your poke with his shield. Laning against him is hard but you can do it. Get an early Liadry's to deal with his tankyness.”
mightydylan101 says “Shen is a pretty good champ because he is a tank but also does a decent amount of damage early. In this matchup just farm and then later on you can carry your team with the AP late game. Don't try to trade shen too often as he can hurt.”
ProgettoYorick says “Against shen it is feasible to stay in lane, put it as difficulty level 3 for this reason, in lane you will decide whether to push or freeze the lane. The only problem it can give you is its ability to block hits, it will block your hits including Q + the attacks of your ghouls, fundamental damage that yorick needs
Advice from OTP: no dive shen is very risky, even if he has few hp, and you are trying to do damage to the tower with him underneath, it will be an instant and your lane will be lost”
Skarner Main says “I dont see alot of shens but respect this guy if he runs grasp he deals a fck ton of dmg get 45% cdr and go for short trades with him
Karnan says “Only a big counter if you max W. Pressure his lane with autos and Qs and force him under turret. Then he has to make the choice of ulting a fight and missing chunks of gold and exp. ”
AlienMV says “Be wary of his E range. If he goes through you, he will get empowered Q and you will be significantly chunk with little choice of retaliation because of his W.”
OneMustFall says “Shen himself is probably not going to kill you. What he will do though is taunt you once his jungler is near and make it impossible for you to get away. He's annoying cause you'll have a very hard time killing him and because he has two teleports he can turn fights around the map and still prevent you from just taking his tower. Your jungler will likely need to help in order to do much in this lane.”
T_ired says “Jogo fácil, esquive de seu taunt, ele pode dar muito dano, não troque em cima de seu W, tome cuidado com ganks, maximize seu Q e mantenha distancia contra ”
TerryTheWolf says “DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE SHEN's DAMAGE! I used to not respect his early game damage output, but in the hands of a real Shen main, it could be deadly! You must wait for your ultimate to come up and try to trade with him since his ult can't be used in 1v1's.”
Her0mars says “Shen's update doesn't really make him any more of a threat than he already was to you, cancel his R with your E / R, or simply kill the person he's shielding. His new dodge circle doesn't affect you, but his new % max hp damage and more spammable shield might be a bother. Really if your facing him he'll be on your carries which you can easily peel him from.”
Hamstertamer says “He outtrades you pre-6, so just disengage. Respect his early game damage. But then you win the 1v1 at every point afterwards. When he ults away, take his tower.”
Atlascrower says “You cant Kill him, he blocks your AA´s, his Passive-Shield also blocks Damage. His Taunt is dangerous, but you have and Orange. You can farm safe.”
AsomeSonic says “yall are tanks, you slap each other, keep tabs on him in lane so you can cancel his ult, that's very beneficial to your team, shen will try to hide from you if he wants to ult to he might push waves in, just always look for him”
Chromuro says “He can't really do much, his natural tankiness is the only problem. If you can time your W with his taunt at least you'll do some free damage (+rune proc)”
EpicDan01 says “Shen has higher damage early game, so avoid fighting until level 6. When he uses his ult, you can grab some free turret plates with Demolish, and once you have Sunfire you can beat him every time.”
Poppu says “Proc your Grasp and Q together to poke him down, use W when you bait his dash and you can also cancel his ult with CC. If you aren't careful, his Q can out trade you if he plays smart.”
SoulHero says “He can outtrade you most of the time. LVL 1 E trick works. You can cancell his taunt with your dash. DONT FIGHT UNTIL BLACK CLEAVER OR LATER. You're not gonna do dmg until cleaver. Get whatever starter you want. Don't proc w until after his w, land ur q as he w's.”
Petethebossch says “Free lane. Watch for his shield when trading and ping your team to watch for his ult. He can have strong gank assist with his taunt if you havent warded for ganks.”
PandaSenpai101 says “His taunt isn't that easy to parry/predict. However, your sustain heals you for more damage he deals. Make sure to ping whenever he is level 6, as you don't have CC to cancel it.”
Ninchakii says “If he's good he will fuck you up, just go in with his W on cooldown, if he taunts you then it's no problem since you'll do the same without the taunt”
Prince Afghan says “The only reason Shen isn't a 1 is because you are unable to stop his ultimate ability. Shen will be able to simply ult right in your face and you won't be able to do anything about it. Otherwise, Shen is fairly weak in lane and his kill pressure is going to entirely hinge on getting a gank. Make sure you ward well if you are pushing and you will otherwise be safe.”
MadMaster523 says “This is a pretty easy matchup . U can easily poke him down. He doesn't have much burst and it's extremely hard for him to get up to you.”
Lil Tidepod says “Shen can be annoying because of his taunt and his sword. The sword can give him decent damage and attack speed, while you're forced to attack him. He has a dash which he can use to dash out of your Q. After one tank item, he really shouldn't be able to kill you. Do be aware of his ultimate if you're fighting him or a team mate, though: it can easily turn the tide of the fight because it shields them for an insane amount.”
ImpossibleLogic says “This is a big match up to Aatrox. Shen is like a better version of Tahm Kench. Not only can he force fights but he can also take zero damage from any of your abilities with his W. Not to mention he has a world ult that also grants shield.”
DrMoneybags says “Shen doesn't tend to be too hard to beat in lane. With conqueror on your side, he's pretty easy to chunk out in trades. Try not to use your whole W when he uses his W to block your autos. You can easily beat him in trades if he doesn't have his W up, so abuse that to snowball the lane in your favor. Otherwise, just be careful of jungle ganks.”
Arcthunder says “Shen is very scary to face. His W blocks your autos and his Q deals unrealistic amount of damage. However, if he misses his taunt, then you can punish. Also, your Q pull and cancel his ulti channel.”
Zdenster says “Take Conqueror or Kleptomancy. He can't kill you 'till his Jungler ganks or if you don't let him to. Rush Sheen. E him when he teleport with R or TPs.”
TheNinjaRoid says “Can't 1v1 you most of the time. You can't kill him. You win late if you don't fall behind. Just farm up, he can't stop you too much.”
NirvanaBunny says “I haven't seen a Shen support in a while. Be careful for his sword skills because it can do some damage. Also, he has some good all-in potential so please be careful!”
Khazem says “A fairly easy tank matchup. As long as you can avoid getting hit by his taunts by always keeping your distance, you should be able to keep abusing him, regardless of how much magic resistance he builds.”
Ethereal Ezio says “You can't kill him easily if he builds right. Just try to push lane hard when he ults away and ping when he is missing. Nothing worse than being flamed.”
The Lost Drawing says “Es el 'match' como medio equilibrado.
Depende de reflejos de cada quien y estilo de juego.
>>> Le cancelas su 'R' fácil con tu 'E' y tu 'R', y el a ti tu 'R' con su 'E'. Le cancelas su 'E' con tu 'W'
>>> Su 'Q' pega daño híbrido, pero las 'Botas Tabi' hacen la diferencia”
ElleryTheViking says “Used to struggle with this but now it's pretty easy. When you really look at Shen top, he's only got one damaging ability, his Q. Outside of that he's entirely defensive. E Q spam him every chance you get, just don't fight on his dodge circle or go near his tower. He'll use that to cheese for kills. Outside of that it's a pretty free lane. Don't all in unless his taunt is on CD cause its a pretty large leap. ”
SynergyXO says “SHen can out trade you easily. dodge his taunt, dont trade with him after he uses Q due to his passive empowered autos, and his W blocking your autos. skill match up but a little in his favor.. rush tiamat here to shove him in to prevent shen ults.”
E61K says “The only reason he is at Minor is because his ultimate can deny you your Ultimate Reset. Other than that the match-up is simple. Avoid attacking him while he has his Spirit's Refuge up and lastly use your E to hit your Q because he can use his Dash to dodge it.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: %Health Damage, Tanky, blocks Auto-Attacks. Weaknesses: Low Mobility, Out-scaled. With most melee matchups, you want to walk up to the minion wave early and start shoving so that it can crash into the tower and bounce back into you. This matchup is no different especially since it’s Shen who has trouble CS-ing under tower. The last place you want to be is under tower versus a Shen. His W can be a bit annoying because it blocks both auto attacks and your Q. He usually builds tank early game so the later the game goes, the less of a threat he becomes to you especially if you are even or ahead. Another tip is tower dive him with caution because of his taunt which could lead to your death. Never trade with him when his Q travels through you as it gives him extra %health damage on his autos. You will lose pretty much every trade when this is up in the early game. Focus on chipping him down and avoiding his spirit sword from touching you so he doesn’t get the damage bonus on it. When it comes to using Riposte, you can either look for the taunt or his enhanced auto attacks to slow his attack speed and prevent the damage.”
Miracle Matter says “Shen is annoyingly strong early, if he ever lands a taunt, but you always beat him afterwards. You can double-bomb stun him to cancel his Ulti, if you'd like, or otherwise let him warp into a teamfight across the map while you stay and casually backdoor their inhibitor with Zz'Rot+Demolish+Sheen/Lich Bane. He cannot keep up with your map control.”
kkiskk says “This ninja sees everything so he usually bring TP with him. Don't be afraid to trade with him. Don't waste your Q when he is in the aura. Watch out if he builds thronmail. ”
Trixelkour says “Out tank you and out damages you IF you let him. Play smart around him and you might just win. Pro Shen players (heh) will typically call for ganks and roam to other lanes to help his team snowball. E when he ults and you should be able to win rather easily after laning phase. Take Grasp for sustain or Aftershock for duels. If he goes PTA get Adaptive Helmet into a Righteous Glory to prevent him from dealing too much damage.”
E61K says “Wind wall the Q to deny him from using his W. It also denies him from making use of his Q. It's tricky to do because you have to position awkwardly but if you manage to do it there is absolutely 0 chance Shen is gonna out-trade you. Build BORK against him. I like to go PD into BORK when facing Shen in lane.”
Omega best says “You can kill him easily, if he uses his taunt before you flip him onto your minions you will win the battle, if he is good than play safe and attack him at the right moments, wait for ganks, build armor and try baiting him, you will win this matchup.”
Zachlikespizza says “You can straight up out duel him at any point in the game. Pretty easy lane. Only thing you need to worry about is using your passive in his w zone.”
Mouadyam says “easy lane, no tips needed here just run him down if he gets too close, you should win every trade, but be careful so he doesnt outrade you with his shroud that blocks autos, pull him out of it or use your Q when he does”
ninja8135 says “This guy isn't even a threat until late. Windwall his Q before you go in so he can't get a shield or the extra damage. The only threat he has is the cc potential and remember that his W blocks auto attacks, so jump out of his range when he uses it and go back for more when it expires.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “Shen can deal a good amount of damage while also being tanky. Tough he is very unlikely to kill you, unless you screw up. Rush BORK and Tabi. I'm not sure if you can windwall his Q, most of times you wouldn't be able to anyway since you'll be taunted.”
Rading says “Dont underrate his dmg especially when he has Tiamat. He has to walk into your boxes but he shields lietarally everything. When he gets ahead you will have a hard time.”
joelblack says “He's like Sion, but actually useful. Your poke won't be as effective and his ult can be a real troll. Just be a normal good boi and build classic tank and you'll do well in end game.”
DERPFISHrejects says “Incredibly good at negating your damage, as he's very mobile and can completely negate your passive, as well as gaining shields and outputting good damage. Try to harass him down, and you HAVE to dodge the E or he will demolish you in trades.”
CamilleN1 says “You have to get tricky with this one since he can block your precious Q's so i would recommend on using your first cast on a minion and use your E on him and second cast Q and while getting out of the harass cast W ”
galvapheonix says “ I haven't ever really had trouble with Shen, however I can advise never try to tower dive him at medium or below health as you will get taunted and die. If he ults to save a teammate either teleport and follow up for team fight, or stay and push out lane. The most optimal thing to do is to ult in lane and then teleport but if it isn't up don't worry about it.”
thedunkening111 says “He can do a bit of damage, but youll do more with your burst. Out fight the man, and don't let him land that taunt. Make him take a walk with you when he uses his circle thingy.
Take Conqueror”
kagaroo says “🔴Trundle Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 4.5/10
➡️In laning phase, Shen can be a nuisance to Trundle because of his toxic trading patterns (Q + W + E). However, in terms of impact of the map, Trundle stomps shen. Furthermore, Shen will likely run an ignite+flash setup and when he is 6 he will give up his lane to save the team. If you can position yourself for this (early tiamat), you can punish Shen for ulting away by taking plates and denying cs. Once you get hydra+botrk you can easily sustain on the waves and slowly chip at him. Shen has a lot of damage early and you might die a few times in lane but it's ok. Farm well and abuse his bad tempo.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad shen vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average shen vs Average Trundle ➡️trundle favoured
Good shen vs Good Trundle ➡️ 70/30 trundle/shen but shen can win if he gets ahead and the enemy team is ahead.”
Haxorr says “This matchup is pretty easy for Fiora, but can be risky if you don't space him properly and he brings ignite. Shen has a surprisingly high amount of damage. Either conq or grasp works here with Doran's blade. His e is very reactable, they often will try to e through you to disengage so if you parry that it's huge. You outscale hard so no need to go too crazy early on in the game, Fiora sucks for Shen to face bc if he ults to his team you will get a lot. Demolish good into Shen”
CactEyez says “Surprisingly high damage if you give him favourable trades. If he dashes onto you or tries to trade, run him down, he only has 3 empowered autos and then has no damage. Don't let him trade with passive shield constantly. Take demolish to better punish him when he Rs.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
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