Bottom Lane 51.49% Win Rate89% Pick RateTristana Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Tristana in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says “You lose basically every trade depending on support matchup until level 6 when you can just press R and delete her. Just dont feed her before then :)”
FroszTyzada says “Tristana tem um alto dano e uma mobilidade OK para um adcarry, o dano dela é maior que o seu em troca curta, mas em troca longa o Twitch ganha, guarde barreira ou exaustão para seu E.”
mythicdem0n says “Tristana is a difficult lane, having constant pressure on engaging with her support from across the lane, play safe until you can get your randuins”
Avarosa says “sinta a vibe da lane, se voce ver que ela pula demais em voce fique recuado e voce vai ficar bem, voce pode flashar antes dela cair encima de voce ja que a animação é lenta, se ela errar o pulo voce ganha”
millysenpai says “Watch out from being close to minions on low HP as his passive has a small aoe to nearby targets. When using your E just watch out for Trist's jump ability to get close to you.”
gaarrett says “Wants to jump on top of you, which makes your life easy because now you get to save both E dashes. Use W when Tristana puts her bomb on you and she loses the majority of her trading power. ”
thedanknepper says “While not as hard to play against as Yasuo, Tristana has all the tools she needs to deny Jhin everything he's got, from her W jump to her Ult knockback. She is very dangerous to play against, so use your brain and take advantage of any mistake she makes, and you will probably be fine unless someone else feeds her...”
EdenHoangKim says “Her W and her R can deny your engage. You can delay her E from exploding but catch her is a little bit hard. Take Ghost and have CC support will make your day.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Huge mobility / Insane burst / Great DPS / Great presure / Huge snowball potential
| WEAKNESSES - Vulnerable when jump in / Support dependant / Hard to comeback when behind
| WHAT TO DO ? - Play super safe during the first levels since you can get one shotted at any time. Tristana is a pain for Smolder because of her burst and mobility. Lategame is in Tristana's favor. She has more mobility, dps and range. Just try to Q her when Rapidfirecannon is up so you can try to end her life with the execute, otherwise, be super carefull about her.”
Avxm says “Tristana counters kogmaw as she outdamages him at basically every stage of the game, and can force all ins into you and then at 6 she can R you away if she is going to die and force your W to go onto cd. Against tristana try and be very careful with how you use your spells because if you miss one q or waste w once she will jump onto you and destroy you. Certain sups like lulu/braum/naut make this matchup more tolerable”
Kociokwik says “You outscale her but keep in mind that she can oneshot you on all in.
In early lvls her range is smaller so you can hit your q when she last hit minions. Short trades are better for karthus if tristana can't detonate her "e" and when it's on cd you can go for next trade. Tristana has good push but she can't freeze wave so keep it in mind when you think about wavestatement.When she jumps on you turn on e and use w don't panic and use exhaust when she is about to detonate her "e".”
Shoro Mota says “To win this match correctly you will use a lot of your support.
At the time that Tristana fully charges her bomb's passive on you, you're fucked, so you should play with this on mind.
For this you must wait for him to spend the bomb on another target like an idiot (which a good tristana player would not do), or somehow nullify the charges of the bomb by baiting it and then escaping using the bushes and/or with the help of our ultimate”
Latte9969 says “Tristana lane is relatively easy because as long as you're hitting Q's, her jump has around the same cooldown as your E, if she ever jumps to bomb you, E away to disengage and then trade after the bomb explodes.”
Foxirion says “Tristana's scaling and reset potential can make her a major threat to Kog'Maw. Her ability to jump in with Rocket Jump, burst down targets with Explosive Charge, and reset her abilities with Rapid Fire can quickly eliminate Kog'Maw in skirmishes”
afr0rk says “Tristana has arguably the strongest level 2 spike in the entire game, so respect it. Most of her damage comes from a fully stacked bomb, so don't let her fully stack it. Exhaust is also very good to reduce this damage.”
loaderdragon15 says “ Tristana's range increases as the game progresses, allowing her to outrange Ezreal later on. Her burst damage potential with her explosive charge can quickly take down Ezreal if she catches him off guard.”
fuckingrathatxdd says “Can W+E engage you by herself, and has way better burst than you. Either chain CC her immediately or cancel her W out with a teammate's displacement, i.e. Thresh Flay.
Threats n Tips: WEQ engage burst hurts like hell, outtrades you hard. Chain CC is your best bet.”
LBDB says “She is better than you as a ranged character. Don't leave tower safety and give up a large portion of early farm or you get out traded and forced to recall or die.”
Bobalegre says “She can easily jump onto you and burst you down. Poke her down and save your E for when she jumps on you, if she goes Lethal Tempo or PTA you have a chance against her in trades, if she goes HOB you can't trade against her at all, so play safe and outscale.”
Vapora Dark says “Though Aphelios hates playing against burst, Tristana's burst is extremely telegraphed (meaning easily countered by Exhaust), and takes a while to set up, which basically makes it function similarly to DPS rather than on-demand burst. When she's not landing high-stack bombs on you she gets destroyed in trades, meaning that while you have to greatly respect her and probably can't get away with not running Exhaust in the matchup, she's not necessarily a hard counter to Aphelios. You should still lose this lane probably, but have a chance to win it, and also greatly outscale. Note that Hail of Blades makes her a lot stronger early on than Lethal Tempo does, so your expectations for the lane should be set around which keystone she is running.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “This matchup is going to be entirely dictated on the rune/summoner-spells she goes. If she goes lethal your life is going to be a whole lot easier. If she goes HoB keep in mind her early trading in laning is going to be greater than yours. Once you have items you'll be able to dispose of her effectively.”
Devilbuny says “Kolejny upierdliwy champion. Tristana może za darmo cię pokeować kiedy zrobić głupi ruch. W dodatku ma świetne rozpoczęcie walki. Kiedy ona i support ogarniają, nie masz szans”
hellfirelord says “This matchup was more on the side of Trist in the crit meta but now you can oneshot her. Don't die before completing yuumu's, and only play for short trades in lane.”
NegativePhoenix says “She can easily jump on you, get her E to explode, jump on you again for kill then get right out.
She's one of the main examples of hard engage punishment, so just play safe towards your tower so that she can't just hop on you 24/7 and get kills”
unhben says “Smolder fears early all-ins by his enemy laners!
Though Tristana may not go in before smolder hits a minimum 25 passive stacks, it is still an imminent threat.
Let her push the waves under your tower and farm stacks for free while staying safe.”
leoismissing says “Watch out for lvl 1 and 2 all-ins, if you poke her down and then use red-white you can easily kill her, just posistion yourself properly because she can still kill you with a fully stacked E.”
mydesires says “She will definitely bully you both in lane and teamfight. Just make sure you wait for her to use all her skills and you can fight her after. // TH : นักบูลลี่ทั้งในเลนและในไฟต์ ทางที่จะชนะก็คือเข้าจังหวะที่สอง รอมันใช้สกิลกับคนอื่นก่อนค่อยสู้กลับ”
Paramo_ says “Easy with with your ultimate. Don't trade early because she can insta kill you with her bomb. Go exhaust so you can slow her and get her even if she jump away. ”
LustAndSpite says “This is a skill matchup.
You can catch her mid-jump with your Q, you can shield her bombs and ult her when she raises her attack speed.
She gets a reset on her jump, even if you are in your W, and she can end the fight whenever she wants with Ult, which gives you and your teammates no opportunity to chase her down.”
the hood says “Avoid fighting with her E being up. She can win All ins but Draven usually counters her. Try to cancel her W with ur E. Respect that this is a Snowball Matchup in both directions”
support_diff says “Tristana has a really good damage and a long range jump so you don't have anything to do but to farm from far and wait for a gank. If she jumps towards you, E away immediately or you might find yourself dead in a second”
DreamOfValhalla says “Play around her CD on E , if she has used it you can all in her and when she tries to use W for escape, you can easily counter it with you E”
DreamOfValhalla says “She can all in you in early stages of the game. Be sure if you fight her to use your RED+WHITE so you can outdamage her.In late game also be careful never go for 1v1 always with one of your teamates.”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “You can simply end Tristana's game using only her Skill E, however a tip: Use your reflex to use E on Tristana's bomb, because if you use it wrong, you will only counter her jump, not her bomb. Because Tristana's combo is basically her jumping on you and then hitting you with the bomb.”
Reptile9LoL says “Tristana is more of a farming matchup too, and Tristanas range is lower than Vayne's early, avoid getting all inned with E stacks on Tristana E and you're chilling. Try and abuse Q'ing on every lasthit tristana goes for and try to bait out E and look for trades/all-ins after”
meuble says “If the enemy has a Tristana in his team, pray for it be the first time for the enemy ADC trying Tristana, if she goes full crit, stay with your supp and bully her in early”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Huge mobility / Insane burst / Great DPS / Great presure / Huge snowball potential
| WEAKNESSES - Vulnerable when jump in / Support dependant / Hard to comeback when behind
| WHAT TO DO ? - Play super safe during the first levels since you can get one shotted at any time. Tristana is a pain for Varus because of her burst and mobility. Your R doesn't stop her jump and you apply your burst too slowly. Lategame is in Tristana's favor. She has more mobility, dps and range.”
Hidden Ghoster says “Honestly, The Matchup isn't really that hard. Regardless if she has lethal tempo or not, I highly encourage that you take exhaust to negate her all in burst. Trist matchup is similar to Lucian, wait for them to use their burst, then commit to an all in. Be mindful of her all in with W and E, you will lose the all in.”
Jhin and Tonic says “My perma ban. This match up is unplayable and she will destroy you everytime she w+e on you. If you don't have a tanky support that can peel for you (e.g. Nautilus, Leona) get RFC first and stay far away and just catch the wave.”
Haytham says “Tristana will be the high threat if she has the best synergy support champions, try not to engage her quickly if you don't have sufficient distance with her jumping W.”
VrNtv says “Tristana's whole kit is dueling and bursting you in few seconds, make sure to take exhaust into her. Be careful about her lvl 2 all in since she will probably W in your face, then AA you with HoB + Q combo. She is very dangerous and no matter how behind is, she can always burst you down since all her abilities are good when bursting, while you only have W which also takes long time to cast. She scales well, but you scale better, so just scale and don't contest cs if not safe, she can always jump in your face. Also your traps stop her jump, so if u know you are getting gank from your jungler, throw traps behind her.
VrNtv says “Tristana can be a really tough lane for any champion, not just Kai'Sa. This season, her all in ability with Hail of Blades just got even better. Take exhaust here and watch for level 2 all ins.”
RandomNPC777 says “Tristana is SCARY. She has the potential to burst you down at a moments notice in lane, and is an excellent adc at follow up. Just play safe and focus on outscaling. If she doesn't take lethal tempo you can sometimes win on the back end of fights.”
wungus says “Tristana cannot all in you because of your W. Killing her could be difficult because of her W and R, but playing with your team can help.”
ddmr says “Es una linea de All In , es mucho mas fuerte pre 1 item y es una linea con mucho mas control de linea que tu previo a tu Evolucion de la Q , si tristana tiene support como Lulu que prevenga sus puntos debiles o un support de engage que puedan hacerte 100-0 es una linea muy complicada ”
SheriffADC says “Try to block her Explosive Charge when she jumps on you since that's most of her damage. She is hard to all-in if she holds her ult for yours and she also has her jump to escape.”
Elmendin says “If she has Hail of Blades you can play around that. When she doesnt have Hail of Blades or E up she is vulnerable. Also you can stop her W (jump) with your E.”
Lachoni1 says “If you are vs Tristana and you take Exhaust and she doesn't have Cleanse you win the lane. If she has Cleanse you want to play safe and wait for her to misplay and punish her if she waists her W or E.”
Amberdragon says “Very dangerous ADC because she can jump on your face and burst you, but support matchup has a lot of impact on the lane.
Don't be alone near a Tristana especially if you are low HP and without Flash/Exhaust.
Play at max range and try to poke when you can. If she has no engage support, try to always have a minion advantage over her.
When she goes in, try to get away with E+W before she can get a reset. ”
moso says “If you can avoid a stacked bomb and continue a long fight, you will win. However, she will most certainly take cleanse since arrowing her when she W's onto you is the only counterplay. If the support matchup allows it, CC'ing her as she puts bomb on you, kiting away, then slowly continuing the fight by kiting her down is the primary way to win it. If she doesn't have E she doesn't beat you. The matchup is the most difficult in lane but teamfights are more even.”
slendoooo says “Tristana is one of the easiest matchups for Draven because her damage is mostly based on her E into W on the enemy.
To counter that all you have to do is not fight her level 2, and wait till you get E level 3, then just simply save your E till she jumps on you so you can cancel it.
A video example of Tristana-Draven
(To be made)”
Pipimatz says “Easy since you can block all autos after she presses e on you with her bomb. That will denie her almost all dmg she has so she's completely usless afterwards.”
Corpselover says “This matchup is interesting, you can block her grenade(E) and if you do that you'll most likely win the fight, but if you don't there's a high chance that she will so watchout for that E. Pro tip, they usually do it after they W on you.”
Atemporal says “Esse confronto é realmente muito difícil na fase de rotas, mas como Ekko, você rapidamente supera e fica mais forte se sobreviver à rota inicial com um bom farm. Tristana vai para PtA ou HoB. Contra HoB Tristana, certifique-se de não obter auto' d de graça.
Ela pode ir para um E em alguns autos rápidos nível 1. Alguns jogadores de Tristana também começam com W. Se ela fizer, Q auto automático para proc passivo e fuja. Fique longe de seus lacaios desde o início para evitar o dano inicial do E. Tristana pode realmente bagunçar
você sobe o nível 2, sempre E de distância se ela pular no nível 2, você não ganhará a troca se salvar o E para danificá-la. Apenas deixe Tristana empurrá-lo, spam W para se proteger ao cultivar sob a torre. Tristana provavelmente terá Ignite, então seu
A maneira mais fácil de ganhar esta lane é conseguir um TP antecipado de volta à lane. Quando você conseguir um 2º ponto no Q, sacrifique seu HP para empurrar a onda o mais forte possível. Isso pode ser feito desde que Trist não tenha cutucado você com muita força durante os primeiros níveis. Se forçando
um recall não é possível, apenas sente-se e sobreviva. TP de volta quando precisar, porque não é um desastre se você não vencer a pista inicial. No nível 6 você tem que respeitar o combo E -> R que vai te explodir e você não pode nem R para evitá-lo.
Se você não se mover muito e garantir que seu clone R fique em cima de você, é realmente arriscado para ela pular, porque você pode simplesmente insta R para evitar o dano W + lento e você também a fragmentará duro o suficiente para ela não ser capaz
para jogar agressivamente. Tristana tem cooldowns muito longos, então se ela pular em você e não conseguir resetar o W, troque pesado com W E e Q. Essas são as janelas que você tem que abusar para passar por essa fase de rotas. Tristana geralmente não atende
itens defensivos para que você consiga itens que você possa facilmente derrubá-la. Se você fizer uma emboscada em Trist, lembre-se de que ela pode proteger seu W para sair do seu stun. Eu gosto de segurar meu W para
prever seu W depois de I E - Q auto ela. É possível evitar o knockback do R de Tristana com um E. E1 bem cronometrado, espere Tristana chegar ao R, então clique com o botão direito nela para usar E2 ANTES do R te atingir. Você vai começar a ser derrubado, mas então
seu E2 dispara e você pisca para ela.”
delektix says “skilled Tristana players can deal a lot of burst damage and escape without getting scratched. Tristana can do such things because of her kit. her E ability allows her to put a bomb on you that increases its damage everytime she aa's you and to that her Q gives her increased attack speed which allows building E damage quite fast. last part, her W allows for a quick escape. if your support isn't fast enough and won't act she WILL escape, not only that but support has to worry about Tristana's R which pushes back enemies.”
franksterzz says “Pain in the a** to deal with. She bursts faster than you but you will outscale her eventually. Still, be wary of her burst damage as it is high across the game and she will look to all in you.”
NotAragami says “Hyper carry that heavily relies on bursting people with E. Some people likes to bring Hail of Blade on her and combined with that fire rate steroid to guarantee a winning trade because the burst so disgustingly hurts and sometimes even one-shot you. Farm at maximum Q range and you're good. If she isn't bringing HoB, murder her before she gets her items. ”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Poke] Tristana's range scales with level, so early it's fairly short. You can poke her from max range, and if she ever jumps on you, you need to have Exhaust ready. If you make sure she's low on health all the time she won't ever be able to jump on you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Her Explosive Charge(E) and Rapid Fire(Q) makes taking down turrets a piece of cake. Avoid letting her get free shots on your turret since the tower platings will give her a gold advantage over you. Avoid extended trades with Tristana whenever her Explosive Charge(E) is on you. The more auto attacks she hits you with, the more damage you will take. Tristana will often use her Rocket Jump(W) aggressively. If you’re strong and have good all-in, you could try to trade back with her and use her mispositioning to kill her. Take a quick glance at the minimap to see if her Jungler is nearby before committing to the fight though.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Her Explosive Charge(E) and Rapid Fire(Q) makes taking down turrets a piece of cake. Avoid letting her get free shots on your turret since the tower platings will give her a gold advantage over you. Avoid extended trades with Tristana whenever her Explosive Charge(E) is on you. The more auto attacks she hits you with, the more damage you will take. Tristana will often use her Rocket Jump(W) aggressively. If you’re strong and have good all-in, you could try to trade back with her and use her mispositioning to kill her. Take a quick glance at the minimap to see if her Jungler is nearby before committing to the fight though.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Her Explosive Charge(E) and Rapid Fire(Q) makes taking down turrets a piece of cake. Avoid letting her get free shots on your turret since the tower platings will give her a gold advantage over you. Avoid extended trades with Tristana whenever her Explosive Charge(E) is on you. The more auto attacks she hits you with, the more damage you will take. Tristana will often use her Rocket Jump(W) aggressively. If you’re strong and have good all-in, you could try to trade back with her and use her mispositioning to kill her. Take a quick glance at the minimap to see if her Jungler is nearby before committing to the fight though.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Her Explosive Charge(E) and Rapid Fire(Q) makes taking down turrets a piece of cake. Avoid letting her get free shots on your turret since the tower platings will give her a gold advantage over you. Avoid extended trades with Tristana whenever her Explosive Charge(E) is on you. The more auto attacks she hits you with, the more damage you will take. Tristana will often use her Rocket Jump(W) aggressively. If you’re strong and have good all-in, you could try to trade back with her and use her mispositioning to kill her. Take a quick glance at the minimap to see if her Jungler is nearby before committing to the fight though.”
Amberdragon says “You counter all-in with your W, you may even want to consider maxing it second. If your W is down stay away from her. Time W for her E and autos.”
Kronaa says “I hate this champ with everything I have her whole kit screams "my players have the Big C" (cringe or cancer, you decide), Her ult will make you pour snot out of your mouth I hate it I hate it I hate it. So I just looked at OPGG for matchup winrate because in my books this is a level 5, but it's because of past experiences.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Her Explosive Charge(E) and Rapid Fire(Q) makes taking down turrets a piece of cake. Avoid letting her get free shots on your turret since the tower platings will give her a gold advantage over you. Avoid extended trades with Tristana whenever her Explosive Charge(E) is on you. The more auto attacks she hits you with, the more damage you will take. Tristana will often use her Rocket Jump(W) aggressively. If you’re strong and have good all-in, you could try to trade back with her and use her mispositioning to kill her. Take a quick glance at the minimap to see if her Jungler is nearby before committing to the fight though.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Her Explosive Charge(E) and Rapid Fire(Q) makes taking down turrets a piece of cake. Avoid letting her get free shots on your turret since the tower platings will give her a gold advantage over you. Avoid extended trades with Tristana whenever her Explosive Charge(E) is on you. The more auto attacks she hits you with, the more damage you will take. Tristana will often use her Rocket Jump(W) aggressively. If you’re strong and have good all-in, you could try to trade back with her and use her mispositioning to kill her. Take a quick glance at the minimap to see if her Jungler is nearby before committing to the fight though.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Her Explosive Charge(E) and Rapid Fire(Q) makes taking down turrets a piece of cake. Avoid letting her get free shots on your turret since the tower platings will give her a gold advantage over you. Avoid extended trades with Tristana whenever her Explosive Charge(E) is on you. The more auto attacks she hits you with, the more damage you will take. Tristana will often use her Rocket Jump(W) aggressively. If you’re strong and have good all-in, you could try to trade back with her and use her mispositioning to kill her. Take a quick glance at the minimap to see if her Jungler is nearby before committing to the fight though.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Her Explosive Charge(E) and Rapid Fire(Q) makes taking down turrets a piece of cake. Avoid letting her get free shots on your turret since the tower platings will give her a gold advantage over you. Avoid extended trades with Tristana whenever her Explosive Charge(E) is on you. The more auto attacks she hits you with, the more damage you will take. Tristana will often use her Rocket Jump(W) aggressively. If you’re strong and have good all-in, you could try to trade back with her and use her mispositioning to kill her. Take a quick glance at the minimap to see if her Jungler is nearby before committing to the fight though.”
Pacu says “Press the attack damage can be too much for you. Resolve secondary is advised, after that if she jumps in trade onto her. Watch out as she can ult you out of your ult”
m1NEEX says “Tristana's whole kit is dueling and bursting you in few seconds, make sure to take exhaust into her. Be careful about her lvl 2 all in since she will probably W in your face, then AA you with HoB + Q combo. She is very dangerous and no matter how behind is, she can always burst you down since all her abilities are good when bursting, while you only have W which also takes long time to cast. She scales well, but you scale better, so just scale and don't contest cs if not safe, she can always jump in your face. Also your traps stop her jump, so if u know you are getting gank from your jungler, throw traps behind her.”
Kamicali says “Out damages you at most points in the game. If you see Tristana activate Rapid Fire in a fight, stun her and try to back off until the spell dissipates. Stand away from your creeps in a lane to take less collateral damage from Explosive Charge.”
ARCTIC33 says “She won't win trades unless she stacks her bomb, she has good all-ins and is kinda mobile, try to bait her E and than harras her, in the early you will outrange her really hard so try to get as many poke as possible while not getting striked by stacked E.”
2saif4u says “Try to play around Tristana's Hail of Blades and her bomb as, when they are on cooldown, she is very vulnerable and she loses all DPS. You can also cancel her Rocket Jump (W) with your E when timed correctly.”
Amberdragon says “Tristana jumps in, you E away. after 6 she can blast you to the wall to be careful about that. Fairly skill-based matchup, if you can survive her burst you can kite her forever afterwards and follow her if she tries to run away.”
Dravenhalal says “She has a shit ton of damage but if she wastes E it's an easy pick. It's winnable if her support likes cbt and if your supp is domdaddy54. Level E second and go exhaust.”
Kitqsune says “You can block her e and ult, so save your w for this ! Early game she might kill you so be careful to not let her snowball. Her late game is VERY strong and she can easily hop away from your ult and general combo, ensuring her safety. Be mindful when she has q up, try to let it run out and then reengage.”
LewisTheRat says “One of the few adcs I'd say is worth banning, she can jumps onto you and win hard with an agressive supports (naut, leona, blitz, etc.) She's a stronger 1v1 champ than you, try to bait her w and get a good angle on her before engaging. worth a ban.
You are stronger in teamfights”
killpyroxen says “Tristana has a strong early game, she will win trades easily and really fast. Keep your distance early game and focus on farming but not too far from your tower, wait for mid-late game to fully go in on her.”
quinn adc says “Push for level 2 first and start Q.
If trist Es you, W her to win the trade.
If you get 2 first, instantly jump on her with E to punish her.
When trist is 2, only use vault to counter her jump.
Your E cancels her W in mid air, and so use e only for this.
If she jumps, E her, then Q right away to go for a short trade.
Landing Q is critical so that she can't stack up her E charges to get her W reset.
At 1-2 items you hard win all 1v1s and can one shot her, so going even in this lane is a win for you.
Positioning is key and always be cautious of her W engage. If she ever uses W, do not let her breathe for 22 seconds since it is a long CD.”
Aut0Lycus says “Tristana's ability to dive and reposition on top of her ability to take towers easily can lead to her getting a few early kills and snowballing your lane. It doesn't always happen but it will on occasion. ”
2saif4u says “Try to play around Tristana's E (her bomb) as when they are on cooldown, she is very vulnerable and she loses all DPS. You can also cancel her Rocket Jump (W) with your E when timed correctly to break her legs in sky”
FiddlesticksChan says “Tristana can burst you very quickly with her E+Q+Hail of Blades and can negate your E stun with her jump. If she puts her bomb on you, run away and try to W to become untargetable so she cant stack it. Also use your hook right after she jumps to cancel it.”
Demonsedge90 says “This champion out-scales you if she gets ahead. Her all-in potential is very potent, so avoid being shoved too far. It's best to play safe and get your support to bait out her skills, thus giving you a window to pounce on her after she is on cooldown.”
KINGKAINIXYZ says “Nagy az all in potenciálja, próbáld körbe játszani azt mikor nincs fent van a HOB-ja és az e betűje olyankor sebezhető. Ha megfelelően időzíted betudod szakítani az ugrását.”
wardinbush says “Best thing you can do is to bully her sup so they cant do anything if tristana tries to jump on you. You out damage her early but she becomes a tank shredder in the late game if she scales for free.
Take exhaust into this matchup or cleanse if they have cc support. ”
Krilep says “Same range as you early game. Be cautions of her E hitting you while she's farming and dash out of her way when she is channeling jump. Once she gets 3 items she out damages you if she cancels your ult with hers. Trade her by baiting out her E and walking away because once she uses it you can easily out damage her with PTA and your Q W combos.”
Alvatorz says “Very skill dependant. If she's stupid, she will press W and then E to drop her bomb, so you just have to press W too to just block her bomb and take no burst at all. She will be fucked but carefull cause with a great support it should be harder.”
KeNaNFoR says “From an early stage of the game, you will be punished for any approach to creeps and not given a chance to win, in a leyte with 3+ things, you will be killed in 5 shots”
Valhalla Coach says “After lvl 3 trading is really hard, stay out of jump range, if she gets the slow you are dead. Late game she scales very well and will even outrange you. Run Exahust in this matchup. If she doesn't get the double jump she is stuck in a very bad position. If you have a Ranged support you can try to poke her out of lane. She doesn't really like to build lifesteal so the damage you do will stick and she won't be able to all-in you.
If you have a premade who can play Poppy you'll make her uninstall the game. You can also buy a stopwatch to surprise her and negate her damage AND double jump but it's a one-time use so don't waste it. If she gets an advantage in lane you are completely fucked and can never touch a minion outside your tower and even then she will try to dive you”
Biotic says “My personal 2. Choice of Ban after Thresh. She can just jump in your face in the laning phase and you have no way to trade back to that. Stand very safe until Level 3. And fairly safe until level 6. This Champ will still 1 shot Single target all the time but it gets playable post 6.”
Dazlirn says “Tristana can also match Draven's damage. She is also very bursty like Lucian and outscales you with her range late game.
Exhaust is pretty good against her and your E can cancel her W.”
Sellsword says “I'm not sure if Tristana deserves to be in Minor or in Even because the matchup is very easy to fuck up. There are a LOT of things that favor Sivir: you have full control over the waves because Tristana has an anti-freezing tool (an explosion happens around minions that she kills), you can stand near minions and spellshield said explosion for mana, you can spellshield her ult, you can poke her, you can block both the application and the explosion of her bomb. However, mistime one of those and one or two kills are usually enough for her to take off. Definitely go Exhaust in this matchup to weaken her when she jumps on you. If you want to spellshield her bomb application, try to press spellshield while she's jumping, since that's when most of them usually apply the bomb. Else, block the explosion.”
Tolis slayer says “Probably the hardest matchup can easily all in you with her bomb and jump and completely outscales you.Also since she is so mobile if she ends up getting fed or getting to a stage where she is stronger than you you cant escape her at all.The only easy way to defeat her in lane is to hope she makes a bad jump with her w and capitalize on her mistake by cc'ing her or bursting her down”
OTP Toxin says “She is really annoying playing the "tristana kha zix" style, so always hit her with your Q in her mid-air, that way she land her slow and start the encounter missing her AAs.”
koggywoggy says “If your exhaust/barrier is up, then she's a free kill at pretty much every stage of the game. LANDING YOUR Q IS VERY IMPORTANT HERE. SHE WILL OUT DPS YOU IF YOU MISS.”
PancakeKittiwake says “Not a fun matchup, try to root every time she jumps in and get to max range. Take exhaust and always be aware of her strong engage ”
Nom212 says “You can block her E Explosive Charge either when she casts it or right before it explodes. You can also block her R Buster Shot fairly easy. Her all-in potential should never be underestimated but if you respect her W Rocket Jump she can't threaten you much in lane. In the later stages of the game she will greatly out-range you but at that point she shouldn't be your problem anymore.”
Ruined-Yuki says “really simple lane, if she W's on you throw your exhaust on her to minimize her early burst dmg while you stack your passive on her ”
Vega03 says “She has more damage in longer trades than you, and her W outranges your E. If you are unlucky enough to play against a Tristana try to pick a support like Nautilus or Leona with lots of CC.”
Amberdragon says “This is more of a skill matchup and support diff, but Tristana is a high threat on her own if she is strong enough. If you are even, you win if she can't stack her E and you use your R to catch up to her if she tries to run away.”
Stella_Umbra says “Pick another champ or take the penalty timer. The only way you're winning this is a god send support that's waiting every time for her to jump.”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Tristana is an early-mid game ADC with one of the most snowbally and strongest laning phases in the entire game.
◉ Since you’re immobile then Tristana can all-in kill or all-in trade with you as early as level 2 or 3 with her W E Q combo which would be to [[Rocket Jump]] on top of you then set [[Explosive Charge]] on you and lastly increase her attack speed with [[Rapid Fire]] so she can auto attack and denote the [[Explosive Charge]] at full stacks which will not only do full damage to you, but give her a reset to use her [[Rocket Jump]] onto you again.
◉ Now that you’re aware of the crazy amount of kill pressure Tristana has you’ll need to know you want to farm far away from her and keep jumping distance between you and her because she’ll try to jump on you like a rapid animal at any given chance!
◉ For this lane I would actually not recommend trying to poke with rockets unless you’re 100% sure she won’t jump onto you because like I said she will play full on aggressive to ruin your day.
◉ Win condition: You outscale Tristana EXTREMELY hard. Tristana’s entire gameplan relies on her snowballing in lane. If you don’t let her snowball then she’s as good as dead!
Breathly says “This champion will always have the upper hand in fights since her kit is better for killing people in 1v1's but you out scale her at 3 items. Her laning is very hard.”
OneRandomADCGuider says “When paired with tank support she can easily engage on you. Her damage is too high for you, since u dont have any dashes. Take exhaust and use it when her jump is on cd.”
Amberdragon says “Tristana has high burst damage which is really bad for Kindred early on, but as if that weren't enough she can even use her Ult to get you out of yours. Don't pick Kindred into her. ”
Vixylafoen says “You can stun her if she goes in on you, but a good one will be smart and not unless you're low. Her E is hard poke and when she all ins you, she can jump out after you stun her since she'll start her all in with her E to reset her W.”
borshmax says “Has a lot of damage from her E, gap-closer on W(but you can stop her with a good-timed E) You should care about her R, because it can ruin your axes and lower your DPS because of it
bbenciak says “Tristana can kill you Level 3, without her support, her bomb do an a LARGE damage, wait her waste her bomb on the minions, and go to kill her, if she jumps away and stays on the lane, try to kill her again, tristana's jump has a considerable cooldown, if her bombs comeback, backup, wait the bomb explodes and try again, if you not kill her on this process, just try to survive a lane getting a better farm than her, beacuse you will not able to kill her alone, try to coordinate a play with your support or make an ambush.”
BlakeXStrider says “A good Tristana will absolutely jump on you and burst you as soon as they get their W. If you are good at predicting, send your Q in her direction when you suspect she is about to jump, this will shut down her plan and leave her in your wave to be burst by you instead.”
Heszo says “I don't get these sites saying that Sivir's a good counterpick to Trist (maybe I'm just bad?). Since this build is about keeping your distance, Trist has a huge gapcloser to burst you. You can only block one of her abilities, and even if you block her fully stacked E, Trist still gets her W reset off. If she uses all her spells at once she'll just burst you. What you can block: W damage, E, Ult.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Same range as you early game. Be cautions of her E hitting you while she's farming and dash out of her way when she is channeling jump. Once she gets 3 items she out damages you if she cancels your ult with hers. Trade her by baiting out her E and walking away because once she uses it you can easily out damage her with PTA and your Q W combos.”
koog says “Since her nerfs in 11.7, she can't really jump on you and win every time. Still, make sure you respect her jump range when you don't have the right guns to fight back. Exhaust is a good option here. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Play this safe early on. If they hit lvl 2 first RUN AWAY. She'll stomp on you like the Goomba that you are. This build will outdamage Trist in teamfights. Just never get caught alone. ”
Dealersz says “Play around her Hail of blades and her E, when those two are on CD she is vulnerable. You can also cancel her W with your E if you time it correctly”
Urason says “I personally find this match up to be even but it's most definitely Tristana favored. That being said, for a majority of Samira players, this match up sucks and may even place it as an extreme counter. Your only real way to beat her is to block her bomb with your W (most Tristanas use their jump and bomb at the same time, use that for timing!). You can also consider taking exhaust for whenever she jumps on you but honestly, it's all about being as safe as possible until she gets greedy and oversteps. ”
Callmebee says “SHE. WILL. ENGAGE. AT. LVL. 2. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Trust me, I learned this the hard way. Stay far, far away at all times (use your max range to farm). Remember, she gets a reset on her jump when her bomb detonates: do not assume you are safe after the first jump. As soon as she engages with her jump and you manage to deny her damage, feel free to go poke her as your range is much higher. You will be able to one shot her as long as you don't die early and fall behind in farm, so patience is key. Take Barrier.”
LostFishEU says “Tristana can deal huge amount of damage in a short period of time. If she jumps on you with her Explosive Charge and manage to get 4 autos and ult off you will die. You can however use Condemn just as Tristana uses her jump to cancel it.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Another champ that scales extremely well. Tristanas will jump in and try to proc their E stacks to get a 2nd jump. A lot of range once they start levelling up as well, due to the passive. ”
Coldsong says “Tristana is a lane bully like Draven, but his 100x worse. She outranges you eventually, and her W is way more effective than your E since it is longer range AND it resets on both kills and her E bomb having full charge. I would stay away from her at level 2 and try to bait out her W. Make sure to not stand too close when she has her E bomb on you, and get away from your tower if she bombs it since the radius is increased!”
daudr9 says “You have to watch out for it especially when it's paired with hooking/CCing support.
Once you get flashed on with CC by enemy support it just takes iron trist player to mindlessly jump on you and start spamming autos. THERE IS NO ESCAPE THEN”
Vapora Dark says “One of the few champions that can get on you from pretty far away, mid-late game she has impressive auto/ability range and her jump is one of the longest a carry has. Her main power is extended trades/duels. When she throws her E on something, stay away from it, if she throws it onto you make sure to back off as it deals a lot of damage once stacked. Poke her down and abuse the fact she always pushes hard. Late game setup proper traps and angles for teamfights and she won't be a major factor to you.”
NikkiTT says “Rocket Jump and R can be annoying especially in DRealm, this is where Nimbus Cloak/Rocket speed comes in handy, as well as having that support's CC to lock them down.”
dewdong says “When playing bot, always ban Tristana. Twitch has no escape and is very squishy, so tristana can kill twitch easily, quickly, and then rocket jump away from your support. ”
Banana Pirate says “Tristana is interesting. She has low health and a small range, making it easy to poke her early on. When Trist gets w then that's when you'll get problems. The best way to win against Trist is to poke her with q and passive to get her hp lower. When Trist is low push as fast as you can because she will w away. Always keep her w in mind because
when Trist jumps in with w she will demolish you. If you can also get a sup that can tank for you that will help a lot.”
Amberdragon says “Keep in mind I mostly consider her a very high threat if she is meta and if she has a good support synergy.
Overall her all in is much stronger than yours. Don't sit alone in lane against her and don't trade with her when her E is up. If you have a peel support, try to get away from her when she jumps on you. After she has wasted her abilities you can look to trade with your own abilities. If she jumps on your support, exhaust her or heal your support, while you all in her yourself. She has to play safer when you have an engage support, so you can look to play more aggressively in lane. Support matchup will make a huge difference.”
JohnScott32 says “you lose, plain and simple, she out ranges you at every point in the game and as soon as you get close enough she presses R and you die”
Simon Uchinora says “Tristana can kill you Level 3, without her support, her bomb do an a LARGE damage, wait her waste her bomb on the minions, and go to kill her, if she jumps away and stays on the lane, try to kill her again, tristana's jump has a considerable cooldown, if her bombs comeback, backup, wait the bomb explodes and try again, if you not kill her on this process, just try to survive a lane getting a better farm than her, beacuse you will not able to kill her alone, try to coordinate a play with your support or make an ambush.”
Odysseus The Warmaster says “Scary lady jumps and has burst to kill you or your wandering support, over and over again. Then they will use this to win the game while your team flames you. unfun consider permaban”
Rihh says “Dodge this matchup. It is unplayable for Jhin. If you absolutely have to play into it, buy a Shieldbow + Plated Steelcaps and pray your support is a god, also ask your support to take exhaust or even take it yourself.”
Melyn says “Her mobility and burst is a problem sometimes. Exhaust is great here for punishing her aggression. Otherwise, try to save your plants until after she jumps (unless you're simply poking) as it will often be on you!”
Chaeha says “Tristana is another one of those very volatile lanes where she will look for the level 2, 3, and 6 all ins, but if you go exhaust and respect the all ins, it shouldn't be too bad.”
Swearing Roomba says “Tristana paired with any engage support can completely ruin your lane, you usually want to ban her, as she can bully you in lane, and one shot you with her E (Explosive Charge), even through your Exhaust.”
R3Veal says “Quite high mobility lets her dash onto you really quickly and slow you down. It makes you really squishy target especially when she's fed.”
Urason says “Similar to Draven, she kinda hurts a ton and you have to play very safe versus her. If you bring exhaust, you can look to fight her early. Just be careful because if she get's ahead, she can make sure you don't come back into the game. ”
Nixxen47 says “she will try and all in you at level 2 with her W and E combo. so try and keep your range early because she can secure level 2 advantage faster than you. This is also where exhaust comes in handy, if she jumps ontop of you just exhaust as fast as you can and 40% of her dmg is just gone ”
SopTop says “Tristana has been dominating the meta currently, and soon she'll be on a dominating kill spree if you don't do something to stop her. Her mobility is far better than yours, along with some crazy tower and champion damage.”
Lightfeather says “If her jump is off cd dont try to all in except if she is low from your poke.
If your E is on cd and her jump is not, then just farm with your Q”
cakiens says “most of trists early game damage comes from her e but she cant trigger it if you have her blinded so be sure to save your q to counter her e.
play safe until you have you mythic. once you have mythic you can start to play a lot more aggressive.
Inoriboob says “Champion is broken early on level 1-3, HOB and e will half your hp be careful and ping yourself back and play safe until she over extend or do a mistake.”
Free4ngel says “Can one shot you if you support engages on enemy support and tristana jumps on you. Tell your supp to not engage alone or engage on trist.”
HyroPyro says “Tristana has high burst damage and can cheese you level 2 and almost always kill you. Make sure that you are prepared for the engage and co-ordinate with your support to outburst Tristana with your Second Skin (Passive), Q and W. You are usually the one who is waiting for the engage, which is why this lane is so difficult to dictate. To play around this lane, make sure you highly capitalise on her bomb cooldown as without it, you out damage her.”
im_zeno says “Respect her early game damage, play safe till you have berserks, you can cancel her W with your knockup, you can wind wall her ult but not her E. If she uses W to get away then go for a ranged nado instead, but you can go for E Q nado since it takes time for her to cast it. If she uses W to get onto you, save your wind wall to play around it, you can easily outplay her.”
Vispectra says “She will probably murder you in lane. She is an adc with heavy burst. The jump into bomb does a lot of damage and probably will get you killed. Later you one shot her usually but keep in mind she might R and shove you away from her. Her passive might poke you down a little bit.”
snowcard says “I don't get these sites saying that Sivir's a good counterpick to Trist (maybe I'm just bad?). Since this build is about keeping your distance, Trist has a huge gapcloser to burst you. You can only block one of her abilities, and even if you block her fully stacked E, Trist still gets her W reset off. If she uses all her spells at once she'll just burst you.
What you can block: W damage, E, Ult.”
Pengwan says “Outranges you, deals alot. Watch out for her all inn w e q combo as she'll easily out damage you. Make sure to not let her detonate her bomb fully as this will give her jump reset”
lookingforguide says “A good Tristana with a good engage support can bully you out of lane so fast unless you have a good support who can stop their engage, her early damage and attack speed makes her annoying to deal with in the early laning phase.”
Elresser says “Ban every game. She can easily match your engage and surpass you in burst. From level 6 she can use her ult to throw you out of your own, making you lose every ult fight.”
Tiilisk1v1 says “If she jumps on you she makes a a mistake. You can blind her and then take a "fair 2v2". Buy spellthiefs and play as aggressive as always. Upgrade blinding dart first.”
m0rfeazz says “avoid early trades cause The Yordle will always win,she has huge damage and good mobility,just poke and slowly trade her(just dont overdo it as in extend fights she wins)as jhin can only make 4 AA he pretty much loses,espeacially with trist Q that Give extra attack speed”
Lucifer6 says “Tristana can follow you with her Jump when you try to run away which can get you in trouble but its quite even imo comes down to who messes up first.”
Alvatorz says “Still super strong against you, the recent changes to Trist and Aphe made this matchup easier but still really hard. Exhaust recommanded ! :)”
nCuXaPq says “Tristana is on op adc since a while. She has a great mobility thanks to her w which is resetable with her e which can deal crazy amount of dmg in short amount of time. So i recommend you to ban tristana to have easy laning fase.”
Ekezun says “Don't stand close to your low health minions, play with a knockup or grab support to stop her from jumping away, try to push the minions under her turret so she loses farm”
Harambe Homie says “Tristana has really hard engage and when paired with a support that has equal engage this can spell trouble for Miss Fortune. Luckily in the current meta Trist is really bad, so she isn't picked often at all. Generally as it is right now you don't have to worry about this pick. On the off chance it is picked try your best to play back and not get engaged on!”
Harambe Homie says “Tristana has a lot of kill potential and hard engage potential. Try your best to not let her get onto you for free. Play safe early and outscale, you will do way more damage then her late.”
IM NOT TOXIC says “I suggest that your ban is used against Tristana. Because of Jhin's poor early movement speed and low DPS, Tristana will be very aggressive in her dives and trades. Will use her W and kill you very easily. ”
mousetrapslol says “Very hard match up for twitch. Exhaust is a must to have a chance at killing in this match up (you or your support). Avoid all ins unless its up and you are at a health advantage.”
DoublefeedOP says “Tristana scales just like you, except she has that all-in element with her W. Make sure that when you go against her that you're conscious about her level 3 all-in kill pressure that she gets. Usually she'll be laning with an all-in support so punish her if she fails her all-ins but for the most part give up the early game. At 6, Lulu can ult you so that mid W, you can all-in Tristana.”
FunkyBeagle says “Tristana can be a really tough lane for any champion, not just Kai'Sa. This season, her all in ability with Hail of Blades just got even better. Take exhaust here and watch for level 2 all ins.”
DoublefeedOP says “Tristana is only a threat if she can get on top of you, so keep your Arcane Shift unless she's poked out. The main threat comes once she builds Galeforce and runs you down even with your Arcane Shift so try to get an early lead by poking her out.”
DoublefeedOP says “Her scaling is the threat, early game even if you hop on her she can just W out so first blood is difficult and can bait you into a bad situation. Be careful with this lane and try to bait out her E before going in.”
APC Ziggs says “Propably the worst match up for us as an enemy adc. She has a jump ( so we propably will miss most of our ulties) . Lvl 2 with an agressive supp she can engage and win lane and she outscales you hard ( even at pushing power) top ban for me. Try to w her during jump ( put w on the path that you think she will jump and cancel it) , this helps in stoping her from escaping and stop her from all-ining you.”
nraxxr says “Tristana is a sort of kryptonite to Jhin, in low elo especially. If she gets a W on top of you and a bomb, you basically die before you can get all your shots off. I always 100% ban this champion because she's so aids to play against as Jhin. ”
lenithebot says “Tristana beats you n literally every pint of the game. Her dash gives her a great engage and disengage her dash also has a slow and her early game damage with her E is absolutely insane. If she has an engage support try and play safe. If you can freeze the waves to try and farm safely and ask for jungle help or try and make a play with your support.”
KoZee says “Tristana's strength lies in her burst and hard engage and mobility. She can jump in and burst you down with her bomb and hail of blades. Whenever she gets a kill or a fully stacked bomb blows up, her jump will be reset, leaving her with more mobility. This means you need to know when she has the ability to engage and be prepared to not let her burst you down. This can often be by baiting her jump but not letting her keep her engage to fully stack a bomb, leaving her jump on a long cooldown, which will let you catch her out either through your ultimate. Additionally, you have much more range to poke her down in lane. Be careful of standing in waves when she is clearing them, as she does AOE damage whenever she kills a minon. Overall, a pretty tough matchup but you can go even if you play well”
Delta eGirl says “She's going to shut you down early and make you unable to play the game. Do everything in your power to make sure she can't. Go armor boots, bring bone plating, anything to slow her down.”
XD001 says “Respect her range advantage levels 1-5. Once you have ult you can play a bit more aggro and farm safer. Reaching your hextech rocketbelt spike is huge here as it allows you to reach her once she immediately jumps away. Kill her on repeat when her flash is down. In team fights don't let her play the game.
Even scaling.
electrocute + inspiration + ignite”
Moodkaps says “Try to win before tristana reaches full build or pain against tristana i build crit. Once Tristana reaches full build FF Its going to be really hard fighting a full build Tristana. Since Tristana still a ADC you can just Essence Flux into Arcane Shift, and then mystic shot run awa. Sometimes you might kill her. Most of the tim you will die. Also Don't get into a auto battle not a good idea.”
Xayaphelia says “Yeah this champ is extremely strong right now. You can play safe and be more useful in the mid-game teamfights but don't try to 1v1 her if you are not absurdly ahead of her. She has kill pressure on you even if you have a gold lead. Just play around the fact that you are more useful in a 5v5 or skirmish in the mid-game.”
ooftheiii says “Avoid standing near low health creeps to not take additional damage from Tristana's Explosive shots. Tristana's jump can be interrupted by knock-ups and displacements.After she places her Explosive Shot onto you, stop trading because each successive auto will cause you to take more damage.”
BookOfJhin says “The same applies for tristana:
-She out DPS' you
-Jhin has no mobility so tristana can dive you with low risk of being punished
but this time you outscale a tristana by miles so unless you have someone else ban vayne you wont need to ban this champ but may need you or your support to take exhaust”
kingamazin says “This is a very difficult matchup for jinx. Your high range in rockets is basically negated by how far she can jump with her w, and she will beat you in all ins with her ridiculous bomb damage. Consider taking exhaust against her to avoid getting one shot by her bomb. If she wastes bomb on somebody else this would be the opening to trade with her, otherwise focus on simple poke with rockets. Play safe and scale up against Tristana, it is almost impossible to beat her 2v2 and you will never beat her 1v1. ”
Bluestrat says “Tristana tries to kill us with her W and E as often as possible. Unfortunately, Kai'sa doesn't have many options against that. A recommendation here is Exhaust, then you are quite able to defeat Tristan in a 1v1. ”
Trampedach says “Oof. If she lands w on you or if her supp ccs you say goodbye to your health bar. She will always outtrade you and she has easy disengage if you ever chose to ult onto her.”
Mothstress says “Usually can outdamage you UNLESS you block her E, making her instantly lose the all-in. Most Tristanas insta-press it the second they W, so if she tries to go for lvl2 cheese, level up your W lvl2 and watch her flash.”
Glqzer says “You are going to have to play extremely safe with Tristana's leap ability, and keep your shield on hold for when she decides to dive you.”
YoonaBoona says “Tristana has a very strong early game, especially level 2. Her all in potential to jump on you and blow you up with a bomb and Hail of Blades means that you can lose lane really fast. Keep your distance early game and secure cs near your tower. She will automatically shove lane with her passive so just look to secure cs and play for mid/late game. ”
Bluestrat says “Tristana versucht, uns mit Ihrem W und E so oft wie möglich zu töten. Dagegen hat Kai'sa leider nicht viele Möglichkeiten. Eine Empfehlung hierbei ist Exhaust, dann ist man durchaus in der Lage Tristan in einem 1v1 zu besiegen. ”
Atrickster says “if she is decent and you waste your W she can one shot you with her bomb really quickly keep distance and make sure your not alone in lane vs her and her support”
ctm20141 says “Tristana is a very snowbally matchup: she either oneshots you or you oneshot her. The big downside is that it's MUCH MUCH EASIER FOR HER TO SNOWBALL THAN FOR YOU, ESPECIALLY IF SHE HAS HAIL OF BLADES!
Pre lv 4 she has low range, so try to get an advantage with your support during these levels. BE CAREFUL OF HER ALL IN! If she does W-E-AA-AA-AA, prepare to get back to base to heal :D. Her lv 6 HEAVILY counters yours: if you ulti she WILL ult you away. Tristana without ulti is stronger than Vayne without ulti, remember that! She is designed to burst squishy targets, just like Lucian and Jhin.
You will never outscale her in 1v1. You outscale her in late game teamfights tough.
Against telegraphed all ins like hers I almost always take Exhaust :).”
TvojeMomJeGoiCam says “Another all-in champion. You win early levels. Poke her down and watch out for her support. She can't engage when low on health. ”
Marusann says “Tristana will stomp this matchup since this build is a slow burner and you don't have any mobility until you get gale force. She also has great trades with her bomb and health sustain is not the priority of this build. ”
Remmacs1 says “This match up is extremely hard for Aphelios because Tristana counters you in every way possible. She can ult you away when you try to fight her with Crescendum and jump on you when you don't have the right guns. Never go near bushes against her and don't get hit by her W. Wait for teamfights to out dps her, never 1v1 her.”
McNugglz says “Farm lane. Cull Start. When she jumps on you then you can exhaust her and run away. Wait till you get items and then react when she jumps on you. ”
MilkshakeGuru says “She also has a ATK Speed enhancer. This means she is capable of trading with you. Once she has Q and E available she can be quite the nuisance. Still winnable. Bring a hard CC support if you want to all in her early. Beware of trying to 1v1 her alone outside of lane phase as well unless you're fed. If she lands full combo she can outburst you. Side step the jump. Press Heal early into the fight as she might build The Collector. You need yours to proc first.”
boopthesnoot says “Her jump will easily close gaps during laning phase, and there just isn't a big enough window of time to place down enough feathers for self peel. Try to bait out her jumps and then punish her with your root.”
Zammey says “One of the core champs that can compete with you late game however she has a much stronger lvl 3-5 and even up to lvl 8 if you don't respect it and allow her to get kills 1v1s are a no go and should be avoided as you will not out burst her before she can ult you away”
Dank672 says “Can all in you if you try to poke her, and paired with an aggressive supp can even keep you from csing thanks to this threat. Early levels u can poke her out though, use this to keep a level lead and you should be ok. Remember it is impossible for a tristana to not push as long as she just last-hits, so if she gets a lead just sit back and the wave comes to you, just watch out for jgl towerdives.”
DSpinz says “Be very careful with tristana, she can run you down lane very akin to Ashe, and she can avoid your damage early with her W and post 6 with her ult. Avoid dueling her and avoid fighting her in general in lane.”
EvoNinja7 says “Try to bully her before she hits level 3, once she does, your in trouble, since she can burst you down with her E, then activate her Q speed up. She can jump on you with her w which resets on kills. Try to poke her out if she is in no position to be ganked.”
Scrimm says “Tristana all in is much better than Kai'sa's, but you can merely play the lane passively and freeze since Tristana's E passive makes her automatically push minion waves. Respect her W range so you don't get deleted early, and you will be able to win when you get a few items and your Q evolve.”
SkittleBtw says “Super strong early game with HoB or even PTA, level 3 she just puts a bomb in your brain, belly flops onto your head and starts throwing metal balls into your face until you die. Really try to avoid that happening, it's not great.”
Ledeni123 says “This is actual real threat, she got higher push, higher burst, so you gotta use q to push or have help from support, you will use a lot of mana but you are still superior in AA trades”
Kalista Monster says “She can easily jump on kalista at level 2 and just kill her. She is a similar problem as draven but slightly easier to deal with since she doesn't do as much damage”
MunixEclipse says “Tristana is able to jump on you and can bully you out of lane with her bomb. You need to root her before she can jump on you can kill her.”
MasterBoom says “You can't 1 on 1 her with full hp.
Try first to reduce hp to 3/4 or 1/2 before doing a face to face battle with her. You may use "Galeforce" to move away if you are slowed by her, This will proc "Galeforce" damage then an "E"+"R" combo for possible kill. Your "E"+"Serylda's Grudge's" slow will make Tristana hopeless in that trade.”
The dankest mom says “The only adc you should lose too. Douche just jumps on you and sticks her purple muff in your mouth. With a competent support you can win but goddamn it doesn't help she got buffed into a psychotic-freak-of-nature state.”
Katarevolution says “Sie hat durch ihren Kit einen Burst zur verfügung und hat auch einen jump reset nach einem Kill oder sobald Sie die bombe zum explodieren bringt.”
jhoijhoi says “Tristana is a hyper carry with a poor power curve. She has some decent harass early game with her abilities, but as these fall off as the game progresses, she needs to get to late game to reach her full potential. With her passive Draw a Bead, her end game range is among the highest in the game, and her team fight mobility via Rocket Jump is enormous, which resets on kills or assists. Unless she is coupled with an aggressive support, she will be content to farm all game until she can deal incredible amounts of damage from afar later on in the game. She tends to push the lane with Explosive Shot, which will leave her open to ganks. Her ultimate, Buster Shot can be used offensively (to push enemies closer to her team) or defensively (to push an enemy into their team).”
Archibold2 says “Tristana consists of using her E (Bomb placement on head) and in alling. You want to avoid fighting her knowing this ability is up. This is especially true if Tristana has exhaust, it's becoming a more common rune especially with assassins where they are at the point. So I would advise against fighting Tristana if at all unless you know she lacks her main damage sources.”
Glasletter says “Ult can pop you out of your own and her jump provides greater short-term mobility. The trick to this one is to bait her into jumping before really going all in.”
GodMulti says “You can easily trade with her until lvl 6. After LvL 6 she will outscale you.... Keep in mind that she can interrupt your Ult with her own Ult and that she can just jump out of it.”
GariKun says “Care to her all-in. Try to not pick random trades in early couse she will murder you. In late, attack her before she can even notice you and kill her.”
SINKEMALL says “She outdamages you for a good portion of laning phase and her all-in is very strong. Unless you have a cc bot to lock her down, she is very diffcult to beat until you outscale. ”
nraxxr says “Trist is a large threat to Jhin, who has a very hard time dealing with burst champs. Try and keep her at a safe distance and let her push the wave towards you during laning. ”
Frixen says “A very tough early game matchup, try to get out of the lane as early as possible, don't trade with her, as well as keep SAFER than safe distance as she can just jump onto you whenever she likes pretty much. Keep your gold card and please get bone plating. Roaming is hard due to her absolutely demolishing turrets, so only roam if you're 100% certain you will get something out of it.”
Bouhhsolene says “She will try to all in you, if she does, W her and disengage. She has a lot of range late, sho care for that. In lane, if you hit W, take trades, you should win.”
Cam1304 says “Care for her burst damage with her Q and E, and heavy engage with her W. She should beat you in laning phase but if you aren't too far behind you should be able to beat her late game.”
SweatMeALake says “Tristana has less range early game so you must punish that before she ramps up. She will have more range than you at level 18. Tristana often engages with W. This is good for you since her movement is fixed in this animation so it is an easy ultimate for you to land onto her. She has an attack speed steroid and has raw damage than you.”
SweatMeALake says “Tristana is rather strong, but lacks early game. Depending on your support you should win this lane, but she will outrange you later on in the game, as she scales really well, so try to keep her behind all game. ”
Ayanleh says “Tristana in my opinion is the hardest match up for kalista and is my perma ban. She can slow with her W and do huge damage to you since she has a pretty good early game.”
Spection says “UNCOMMON. Generally a pretty powerful ADC, but she crumbles against Pantheon. Squishy beyond reason when caught, but doesn't stay in your range for long when she does get caught, so pick a CC heavy support! Tristana has very powerful escape but almost no CC to speak of. Poking her down works best. Auto attacks will stack explosive charge even if they are blocked. Your shield will not block explosive charge.”
ShroudedBRH says “Because of her passive her waveclear will be better then yours and she will try to pressure you under tower. Avoid her all ins and consider taking exhaust to reduce her burst”
Camelorry says “If you are good enough to not get hit by her w and block her e with your w then you are good. But have in mind that she scales better into late game than you do and she can cancel your ult with hers. ”
EvoNinja7 says “She is very good for taking advantage of your squishiness, her E is very deadly, and so i recommend keeping your distance from her. If you want to poke her out, I recommend Calibrum and Infernum, since Calibrum has the range, and with infernum, you can hit a minion in front of her, and the flames will hit whatever is behind as well.”
StriveHD79 says “She will be looking for an all-in chance, a way to jump in and blow you up at any chance given. If her jumps land onto you, it will slow you down so keep your distance at all times. You will lose 1v1 every stage of the game unless you are ahead”
StriveHD79 says “You can bully her in lane, but you can also just as easily be blown up by her if you play incorrectly. This will heavily depend on the support pick. Play extra safe if she has engage support. Otherwise you should come out ahead.”
StriveHD79 says “This should be a pretty easy lane, you will out range Tristana pre-level 16. This means you can constantly harass her whenever she goes for CS, building a Health advantage for yourself. The only thing you have to watch out for is her all-in potential, you want to save your net (E ability) when she tries to jump into you. You never want to do it out of reaction, always try to anticipate it, there have been times where a Tristana jump onto me, and actually walked behind me to dodge my net (E ability).”
StriveHD79 says “She will be looking for an all-in chance, a way to jump in and blow you up at any chance given. If her jumps land onto you, it will slow you down so keep your distance at all times. If you are able to farm up well without dying, you will be able to 1v1 him once you have manamune stacked with iceborn gunatlet complete.”
StriveHD79 says “You will kill her 1v1 very easily, but
if you have the losing support matchup, you still have to respect her all-in as she will be looking for an all-in chance, a way to jump in and blow you up at any chance given. Try to avoid her jumps at all cost.”
StriveHD79 says “She will beat you in any given 1v1 situation unless you are 6 items. So make sure to keep a fair bit of distance away, enough that he cannot jump onto of you to slow down. If a fight do break out, make sure to save your spellshield ( your E ) for his explosive charge, either before it gets onto you or right before it explodes ( 4 auto attack and it will explode or 4 seconds when left alone )”
EvoNinja7 says “Another all in champion. She relies on her E a lot, since it now scales with crit and does a lot of damage. Try to poke her out when you have lane priority (in the early game, since she relies on level three to fully all-in). when you can see she is about to jump towards you and E, try to get away. Avoiding her E is pretty hard, so try not to let her hit you once she has E'd you, since it does more damage the more times she hits you. Overall, very hard match up and try to ban her.”
eyh4sxdf says “Early game bully for you as long as she has a good support, watch out for the jumps on top of you and the bombs. Ult to sabe yourself from bomb if you need to”
StriveHD79 says “She will be looking for an all-in chance, a way to jump in and blow you up at any chance given. If her jumps land onto you, it will slow you down so keep your distance at all times. If the support matchup favours you however, you will be able to bully a Tristana out of lane when she is not able to all in you.
snukumz says “She's not a huge issue to deal with in lane, but actually kill her can be difficult because she can just W away.
She is squishy though, and if your support has CC then you can both lock her down and ensure the kill.”
xIntangible says “Her early game is a problem as her level 2 all in is deadly, but past that and level 6 its a completely fine lane. However her range scales and she builds crit so when shes 100% crit and level 18, its hard to kill her in teamfights but 1v1 youre fine against her as long as you ult around her w and for her e damage proc.”
Terrific says “You lose against this late game and mid game depending on how early game went, she'll shit on you early game if your support is bad but you should be able to win early game.”
CALSHARKY says “Only person who can beat you 1v1 early and has potential to steamroll you. You can stop her rocket jump with standaside if time it right. wait till her timebomb runs out otherwise she will 100-0 you. Can also use her ult to shove you back.”
Trisien says “A pretty easy matchup, you can cancel her W if you time your E right, and she generally wont be able to do much early. Your Q also does a lot against her. ”
jmtl20 says “Don't play MF against Tristana, she is going to destroy you in lane by decing when and where she wants to fight and is going to scale more than you”
xSEASeahawks12 says “This match up would be an extreme threat if there wasn't such an easy solution to countering her. In lane, shove Tristana as hard as you possibly can until she's under tower. Because of her unique E passive, farming under tower is immensely difficult, especially against the caster minions. Of course, if she throws her E on you, you have to back out and hope she doesn't jump on you and proc everything. But if you can get her under tower, you can mitigate most of her threat in lane.”
Blue gumss says “many jhins don't think about her but she can jump right to you and aa and your already less than half health. Do not underestimate her. ”
Zoodyacc says “In my opinion Tristana is quite complicated to call her a counter, however she out ranges you, her W engage is quite huge against you, you will get outtraded by Tristana in any early trades. You will be fine during late game, and especially if you manage to hit Condem [E].
Beware of Tristana 2lv, any good Tristana will ALWAYS look for opportunity to engage on you as soon as she hits level 2.”
atonementblade says “Be careful of 1v1 in lane. She will outtrade you with her E and can surprise & slow you with her W. Doesn't have any skillshots, so you can poke her with your W and Q.”
CookieLoL says “Tristana has a lot of gap-closing and burst potential so naturally she is good against Aphelios, be careful of getting W'd by her at lvl 2-3”
MayeLeven says “She can't poke you, but she can easily trade you with her E. If she stack her E, it will make a big damage. You can't really get close to her, becouse of her W, but if she used it and you have R you can kill her.”
Midorima says “Tristana has innate pushing power which just naturally counters Vayne due to her lack of waveclear. Farming at turret for Vayne is indeed the safest spot however its also hard to set up the minion health properly. Tristana's all in also beats Vayne's early because Vayne needs about 12 autos to kill her. Tristana needs 5 with E and R.
To win this match up: it requires you to get to the cutlass spike and outplay her when she rocket jumps in. ”
akaCaptini says “Tristana can be vary hard to deal with since she just jumps on you and burst you down but if you have a good support the lane should be fine.”
mrPERISH says “Tristana is a tough matchup for you. She has lots of mobility and DPS. Play safe and wait until you have a good health advantage or a gank.”
Szauronmester says “If she has a support for early pressure for example, Pyke then watch out, she can win if you let her stack her E up on you, farm safe, she can't really freeze, cuz her passive so, farm up to outscale her.”
HyperFake says “Tristana can be quite a difficulty. The range in the late game will be the almost same but she can output more damage in the same time.”
ZERO Destructo says “Similar to Jinx, Tristana is also a strong late game champion. During the laning phase, aside from all-in she does not pose much of a threat for you. You can poke her with 4th shot and crits, and just move back before she manages to stack E on you. With that kind of trade, she will run out of mana quickly. But if you see her jumping on you out of a blue, consider moving back towards your tower, since probably her jungler is ganking.”
Nik7857 says “Despite being a hyper carry, she does crazy damage at the early levels. She will 99% all in you, if she gets level 2 before you. Dodge her W and then try to get those stacks on her heal early if enemy sup has ignite.”
Xelaadryth says “You wont' be able to get onto a Trist since she'll just ult you away from her, so focus the rest of her team instead and just zone her with your ult.”
ReallyBoring says “Not very powerful by herself, its just that her synergy with engage champions is so strong. Be careful and try to poke and push her in.”
Alchemisting says “Her agrssiv play style is just like yours so dont make mistakes ! :D even small ones can be punished.
But if u handle to cancel her rocked jump with ur Stand Aside u almost always win the trades.”
Eccentricks says “The only thing to worry for, is the Ult, which isn't bad really, because nobody knows how to use in low ELO's for some reason. Just watch for her bombs, they can actually be quite scary if used well.”
Lightdead69 says “Tristana is hard only due to a single factor. Miss Fortune has low movement and Tristana has her jump. Just watch out for her jump and time the cooldown in you heead so she doesnt pick you by surprise.”
Deathfeather says “She always scares me because the fact she has a pseudo flash and high burst. Her only problem is that she has very little health and cant burst faster than you.”
jhinners says “Tristana is a very strong counter to jhin. she can all in you very easily and one shot you. you need to play safe in lane and respect her engege.”
EzVeryReal says “You can either completely stomp her or she can just jump on you and you can't get away from her. To me, it's almost a skill matchup. ”
Mr. Nyahr says “Her farm under tower is horrible, so force her to do so whenever possible. Don't stand near low-health creeps to avoid her AoE damage. If you can bait out her Rapid Fire and avoid her, you will have a huge advantage. Be careful of her range and damage later in the match.”
Laverenz says “Also a big counter for Vayne, as she has the ability to poke you down. Also, Tristana has a long-range escape ability, countering everything Vayne stands for; getting up close to long-range ADC's. When Tristana hits level 6 she gets extra range because of her passive, and she gets her Ult... Her Ult is a big counter for Vayne, as it knock you away, countering your up-close-manoeuvre.”
MewlingRavenPaw says “Play at a range in which she cannot engage on you with explosive shot unless she's diving you under tower. Once it's used all in her. Or better yet force her to engage your support then focus the Tristana while your support runs away. ”
minepro221 says “harass on cs, and freeze, If he dare to hop in, EQ her to the face, and trade while she have no cool down. If you teamfight properly, you outscale. So dont worry.”
Kynaz0071l0l says “Shes really weak herself in earlygame. Her synergy with other champions is just insane. Try to poke her alot since she doenst have alot more than her bomb to trade with. Also before going all in bait out her w so she cant escape.”
Eucalyptus says “If she knows what she's doing she will delete you with level 2/3. If she's dumb then you outscale her so hard she'll be calling you a Hong Kong Pangolin collection.”
Lincoln878 says “I personally think this champion is just broken and impossible to play against, she just jumps on you and autos, when her E pops you healthbar basically vanishes, just wait for her to jump into your support or wait for jungle.”
Fruxo says “Annoying with her poke but you should win against her if you can CC her as otherwise she'll just jump away. Be very careful of her bomb burst too.”
The Jhin Cena says “She's kind of gross with her poke especially when you take into account her passive which increases her attack range. Look out for her W where she jumps on you and slows you, slows can be scary for Jhin and put him at risk for thirsty assassins. Her ult is weird and has actually saved me a few times where I'm too close into melee since it knocks me way back out of the fight. Though be careful with her ult too since if you're ulting, she can hop over near you and ult on you to interrupt yours. ”
Hardstuck Sona says “Tristana won't be afraid to gun you down when the opportunity presents itself. Focus on farming early game and then destroy her late game.”
dravenfizz says “Her all in is very powerful and you should worry more about her support, you can Q her in lane and out damage her pretty easily in quick trades, save your E for their support or if she is trying to go in on you, and DISENGAGE when she uses her bomb on you, it does zero damage if she doesen't max it out and can be easily abused after that. She has also good disengage with her ult, She outscales you pretty hard.”
Ryl Storm says “An AD Carry that can put out a lot more constant damage than Jhin, and one that is a lot more mobile and good at setting up ganks, Tristana will be a threat in the late game. Make sure your team focuses her and anybody peeling for her, while positioning well during teamfights.”
Ursake7no says “When facing Tristana is all about who gets fed first. Only then she can really be a pain in the ass, but if you play cool, in late game she should be an easy kill for you.”
Fruxo says “Annoying with her poke but you should win against her if you can CC her as otherwise she'll just jump away. Be very careful of her bomb burst too.”
IPodPulse says “She has a more heavy AD build in the early game, a built in AS boost, and a way to get jump on top of you. She can deal a lot of damage if she gets a maxed explosive charge. Try to keep distance whenever she places her explosive charge on you and wait for it to run out.
If possible, try and use chain of corruption to root her in place so she cannot rocket jump on top of you. Keep as much distance as you can and deny her the best possible use of her abilities. ”
Righteous Maniac says “Beats you in all ins every time, your damage pales to her earlygame. Try and farm it out and pray that she/her support doesn't catch one of you out. Scales evenly if not better than you as well. Vulnerable when her Q and W are down.”
Exs Xena says “Laning vs Tristana should go quite even. You both have damage burst with Q for Ashe and E for Tristana. Focus on having a strong, but not to active laning phase, you'll want to scale up to 2 items before really fighting hard. ”
Potato95x says “This thing's as dangerous as it's tiny. She's technically your counter. She buffs her range through her levels (you should build range buff items), has an AS buff (Q), gives slow and deals magic dam. (W), a bomb-shot (E) and her Ult knockbacks you.”
GORE Klabok says “-Tristana is another Easy lane matchup Wathever the support.
-Its a fearful champion playstyle because she need to scale into late game.Since she can Jump Across the map and reset that on kill/assist its pretty annoying
1v1 All the time with tristana when you can. She can't trade early game against Kalista (With any Rune/Build).
it's quite unlikely that Tristana HArd carry as much as Jinx but still a Late game champion that *can*carry.”
SimbaADC says “Trist is technically a good matchup for Caitlyn, but in my experience it often results in a win for Tristana. This is because she can punish slight oversteps so easily with her rocket jump. You MUST respect her all in potential when her jungler can be around otherwise you will probably get a CS lead for 5mins, then just get killed by a gank and be vulnerable for the rest of the game. If you play very well around the enemy jungle however, this can be an excellent lane for Caitlyn.”
FrankynFood says “Only escape is w which happens to have very long cd. Don't let her stack her e fully or her w cooldown will reset. When she does w to all-in on you, just wait and then when she tries to late hit a minion or something, ult her and kill her. ”
SlashLion says “Do not. and i mean DO NOT, give Tristana any ground whatsoever. She can engage extremely safely due to her jump resets and has the largest auto attack range in the game without the help of any items/abilities or stacks (referring to Kindred). If she gets fed, the game is over unless you or your team make a legendary comeback.”
lonely Xatu says “it is hard to spellshield most things in her kit and she can easily get out when she is low. try to play safe and spell shield her rocket jump.”
InfernalFox says “A really good Tristana can ruin your day. If you get stunned or don't keep your range, she will all-in you and kill you, because of her E burst and Q attack speed.”
MallisTheGreat says “If you manage to root her, she is pretty easily killed. If she jumps on you, poke her with your E while on air so that you get your Lethal Tempo as early as possible. The rest is pretty much up to your support.”
MallisTheGreat says “She may be able to jump on you, but your E stops her movement on the spot. After that she is pretty easy to burst (watch out for the off-meta runes of Tristana, like Hail of Blades).”
Vortiris says “She is just absolutely annoying. She has insane burst damage, and her Rocket Jump resets on every takedown, so don't let her chain kill. Her mid and late game scaling is better than yours, so end the game as early as possible.”
KawaiiNeko says “Don't let her get too close to you and try not to get poked down by her E push her into her tower, but watch out for an all in with her bomb and ganks.”
Shake the Shade says “Tristana is very deadly if you give her an opening. A mixture of burst with consistent autos from her Q and PTA burst makes this a really deadly matchup. You can win this but if she gets ahead, it's really hard to pick her off.”
BurstTheBots says “As long as you prevent her from powering up her E when it's placed on you or your ADC too much you should be able to shield yourself or your ADC preventing most damage. ”
Lydeer says “her poke is annoying, each time she put the bomb on you run away, low elo tristanas use to greed and jump forward, if you have enought hp, fight her with you support, never alone”
Gun God Mike says “For tristana you can go to stack by engage her support,if you have a winning early you can get she with lesser difficult than in a normal lane.For late watch out on her combo,that can kill you anyway.”
Niculae01 says “Everything that pokes / burst you is a threat for Twitch. Don't fight her, she has almost the same kit in early game than you have, but hers is better so play safe and you should win mid-late game”
Fruxo says “Annoying with her poke but you should win against her if you can CC her as otherwise she'll just jump away. Be very careful of her bomb burst too.”
xTheUnlimited says “At low Lvls you got a good range advantage. You can bully her out of the lane. Care of all in's if she gets an aggressive support. In late game she deals more damage than you. ”
xTheUnlimited says “Early decisions decide this matchup. Try to stay far away from her since her early range nerf makes her weak at early levels. Just bully her alot at early levels and youre fine. ”
LilRalle says “if you gonna play against trist, it's gonan be hard because if you use your ult she can easily jump behind you and use ult to the side where she just was and that would be an easy kill for her and her support.”
FelipeGustavo says “Abuse your snowball and hit it when in range, but be careful not to get wrong because the enemy bot lane will kill you. do not stand near the minions and creeps to avoid receiving damage from the explosion
Ch33syB0y8 says “Tristana's power spike comes after yours but that doesn't mean she cant hurt you, after your first item you will have to try and take aggressive trades.”
MrLewie says “If you are unfortunate enough to find yourself going against a Tristana, you'd better make sure you have a support that can stun / root. If she finds herself in any danger she can just peace out of there with a simple jump.”
AsterXI says “Tristana is a bit of challenge if she plays too safe and like a coward, jumping away. She can move away from your ult if she sees it coming with her jump.”
Statix20dan says “Her W hop can be used to chase or to get away from a fight with ease. Her E passive can make it hard to fight around minions and her E active is a burst of AD. And her Q can be difficult to deal with as she levels up, gaining range from her passive.”
qasddsa says “Very strong early game potential. You need to play semi-passively against her and not let her stack her bomb charge on you; you'll instantly lose the trade if it detonates at full stacks. Look to harass her with Fishbones' splash and Q whenever possible and let your support engage. Late game, you should look to shut her down immediately in teamfights. Winning this matchup late game mainly depends on your team and your ability to position well; if you get caught out by her she has a much higher chance of winning the duel if you're about even in items.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, this champion is sorta obvious and you can poke her a lot with ur everything, don't prime spell shield when she engages so u can spell shield when her bomb explodes (unless her support is looking spooky). also always keep in mind that she has a jump move that can chase u ez mode so u cant always poke and escape if ur pushed up hard.”
undeadsoldiers says “Tristana is a pretty big threat to you. You have to get perfect positioning, otherwise, she can just ult you out of your ult, so beware of that.”
Seigemaster035 says “This is a skill matchup. A bad trist will take bad trades and allow you to scale before she does. A good one will dive you in fights and out scale you since she basically gains a free firecannon. since she wins early trades just wait for late and avoid her all together.”
Robin Banks says “If you're pushed too far up in lane she can all in you and kill you. While I think this lane is even since you can stay safe and farm safe, her kill pressure on you is always there. Again, just make sure to land your Q's to dissuade her from taking an all in. Also, she outscales you. At Lvl 5 you guys have about the same range. At lvl 11 she out ranges you heavily (605 to 550). Post 6 if she finds you alone, she'll kill you. ”
Nittwerp says “Never 1v1 Tristana if she has her Q+E+R Ready. If you are alone in lane she only has to jump on you and unleash her combo and you're 100% dead. Your only chance to win 1v1's is to engage her when her E is on cooldown.”
TianDaMan says “Tristana can be hard for Jinx in terms of all-ins, but her laning phase isn’t as strong as other ADCs. She's unable to freeze the lane due to passive so look to get your jungler involved in their non-stop pushed lane.”
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