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Zilean Counter Stats

Zilean Counters
Discover all champions who counter Zilean. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Zilean in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
707 Tips for countering Zilean below

As a Support
51.36% Win Rate85% Pick Rate Zilean As a Support Counters: 25 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Zilean as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

ShriekingMammoth says “Dodge his bombs and you should be fine. Very weak early and is therefore a target you can easily punish. Becomes harder later into the game though as his E is up more often and his R has a really short cooldown as well.”
Noob does a guide on Shen Support in Season 15 by ShriekingMammoth | Shen Player
Kalakaua says “Zilean is very annoying and difficult to deal with if he is played correctly. Not for nothing he is the one champion who hasn't needed any buffs or nerfs in over 9 years, he is so balanced that he just wins. His E is the main issue, you can dodge his Q if he doesn't uses his E, you can fight back if he doesn't uses his E. You can play the game if he doesn't uses his E basically. So he has excellent poke, avoids fair fights thus dominates lane, and his passive gives his lane more exp so you will ALWAYS be underlevel. Not fun.”
Support Kayle by Kalakaua | Kayle Player
ZedAway says “annoying clock bomber, rush magic resist and try not to get stunned, there is no way to play around his ult if hes good enough.”
Aerenax says “Zilean’s bombs are annoying as he can stun you using the minions. His E can slow you and makes your life difficult. Play away from your own minions and look for him to overstep.”
zSharpFire says “Completly useless until 6, completly unfightable after.”
|S14| Karma SUPPORT Itemization+Matchups+Playstyles by zSharpFire | Karma Player
Arctic Arrow says “Zilean has a weak early game, which you can exploit by dodging his bombs with your W and putting pressure on him. Focus on taking advantage of his early vulnerabilities to gain an edge. However, if you don't build a lead, he can become a significant nuisance later with his time bombs and ultimate (Chronoshift). His ability to revive allies and deal consistent poke makes him more dangerous as the game progresses, so managing his early weaknesses and pushing for an advantage is key.”
Best Briar Support Guide u will find by Arctic Arrow | Briar Player
BigodeOfLegends says “His utility is useful in teamfights, but in 2v2 bot lane, he often can't handle Senna's poke. ”
[14.16] The true senna support guide by BigodeOfLegends | Senna Player
Ziulo says “Hir r will make your engages rather useless. Not easy trades vs his bombs.”
Neeko Support Crazy Damage by Ziulo | Neeko Player
xpwnz1337 says “Better range. More utility. Counterplay: Bait bombs. Dont walk into E range. W + Q + moo. After 6 you must make him waste ult on himself. Do surprise engages or insec. Care of his catch potential with E slow/speed.”
[All Matchups] Alistar guide 14.14 by xpwnz1337 | Alistar Player
Abarame says “I barely face this pick but if you do, care for the double bomb and his e slow late game. 1 mistep and ur dead. Consider Mikaels and look to roam often. ”
Milio Compendium (WIP) by Abarame | Milio Player
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