As a Support 51.36% Win Rate85% Pick RateZilean As a Support Counters: 25 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Zilean as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
ShriekingMammoth says “Dodge his bombs and you should be fine. Very weak early and is therefore a target you can easily punish. Becomes harder later into the game though as his E is up more often and his R has a really short cooldown as well.”
Kalakaua says “Zilean is very annoying and difficult to deal with if he is played correctly. Not for nothing he is the one champion who hasn't needed any buffs or nerfs in over 9 years, he is so balanced that he just wins.
His E is the main issue, you can dodge his Q if he doesn't uses his E, you can fight back if he doesn't uses his E. You can play the game if he doesn't uses his E basically.
So he has excellent poke, avoids fair fights thus dominates lane, and his passive gives his lane more exp so you will ALWAYS be underlevel.
Not fun.”
Aerenax says “Zilean’s bombs are annoying as he can stun you using the minions. His E can slow you and makes your life difficult. Play away from your own minions and look for him to overstep.”
Arctic Arrow says “Zilean has a weak early game, which you can exploit by dodging his bombs with your W and putting pressure on him. Focus on taking advantage of his early vulnerabilities to gain an edge.
However, if you don't build a lead, he can become a significant nuisance later with his time bombs and ultimate (Chronoshift). His ability to revive allies and deal consistent poke makes him more dangerous as the game progresses, so managing his early weaknesses and pushing for an advantage is key.”
xpwnz1337 says “Better range. More utility.
Counterplay: Bait bombs. Dont walk into E range. W + Q + moo.
After 6 you must make him waste ult on himself. Do surprise engages or insec.
Care of his catch potential with E slow/speed.”
Abarame says “I barely face this pick but if you do, care for the double bomb and his e slow late game. 1 mistep and ur dead. Consider Mikaels and look to roam often. ”
TnDD says “Zilean benim 2. mainim olduğu için en çok tecrübem olan matchup bu diyebilirim. Zilean'ı early'de yenemediğinde maalesef geçmiş olsun. Late'de iğrenç korkunç bir şampiyona dönüşüyor. Bunun bedeli de zilean belki de early'si en kötü support olabilir(sona da çok kötü). Bu şampiyonları erken oyunda engage ile cezalandırmadığın sürece maçı kaybediyorsun. Fakat Zilean'ın verdiği yavaşlıktan portal açarak kurtulabilirsin. Verebileceğim tek taktik bu maalesef”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “He has weak early since you can dodge one of his bombs with W but later on he will be a pain to deal with if you dont get ahead so try to abuse his weak early game.”
Yoshiking123 says “If they are good at Zilean you don't win Bot lane. He pretty much ensures you don't get any auto-resets with his slow and bomb-stun combo.
If they are not good at him: it becomes even.”
Thefrenchkefta says “It is pretty rare to see one but it can happen.
His slow is horrible for you or your adc, in both case you can't do a thing to protect your adc or to engage or to run away. His Q can zone you and your adc, has a good range and deals pretty good damage.”
Foxirion says “Zilean’s crowd control and ability to revive allies can be challenging for Nautilus, but Nautilus’ own crowd control can effectively lock him down.”
Foxirion says “Zilean's utility and crowd control can be a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's engage potential and mobility can help him pressure Zilean and disrupt his positioning in fights.”
glimppi says “Play aggressive against Zilean and poke a lot. Place a box on a target who died with Zilean ulti. They will be instantly feared upon revival.”
Velkyann says “Laning phase and combat aren't very hard, but his ultimate is very strong and you can't do anything against it. Just dodge his Q, and you'll be fine. Also, be careful about getting close to poke because of his absurd slow.”
MorePierogiVanya says “Strong poke that can zone well, very annoying slows/speedups for his teammates. His ult can turn a risky engage into a disaster for you.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Zilean's damage isn't great but he has great CC and peel potential for his carry. He can speed his carry up and slow you down, making your engage tricky to pull off without taking him out first.
Watch out for his revive, if he casts it, wait until it wears off to finish killing whoever he casted it on.”
Arcadia06 says “He can make it hard to get R value late, but early he is free unless you get doubled bombed, but if you get doubled bombed he is just better than you ”
iamfart12345 says “His ult CD is non existent, he will always revive either himself or the ADC fully countering your burst and your job in the game (to disable adcs)”
quecck says “Not the worst matchup for Sett. A smart Zilean however will mess up your engages with his slow/speed boost and Q stun. Care for when he applies ult. Do not attack until the ult duration ends or they will receive half their hp back.”
Pusi Puu says “The slow cucks you really hard since you can't chase or walk back into a bush. Also his ult makes your oneshot combo useless and you will most likely have to play every fight really slow.”
Nazebroq says “He can absorb all ur engage with his E or his R. Hard to hit a Q. He will perma bomb you, nothing to do. Like Bard try to move rather than him on the map and take vision (Zil cannot really face check in jungle and take vision). ”
Loggit says “Early-game poke champions can be painful, but if you trade around cooldowns you can still develop a game-winning lead without too much of a hassle. It's mostly about being proactive and using critical thinking. You hard win fights with your Jungler.”
Arrowmundx says “Hard to all in him, he can outroam you as well. Try to punish him when he uses his reset and misses his bombs. Your R can still win teamfights late game.”
Aerenax says “Zilean is annoying for the fact that he has a 99% on click slow in the later stages of the game and a revive with a low cooldown. You can catch bombs mid-air, but be careful as you will get stunned when he tosses two on your head. ”
Ryecheria says “Be aware of Zilean Time Warp range, dodge zilean Time Bombs and as long as you keep him in lane and stay even or ahead, you will always be able to help your team disengage or engage with Defiance in team fights. Almost always use Defiance in team fights and you can root and poke targets coming out of Chronoshift.”
mazewalk says “It is hard to play against an experienced Zilean since he can hit both bombs almost always: E himself>Q>W>E you>Q. Still he heavily relies on his team so if you manage to kill them worst what can happen is he escapes with 99% MS buffs. Exhaust might be a good counter for his speed ups, but if you prefer Ignite then I suggest holding it untill he uses ultimate.”
TheBougis says “Zilean alone doesn't do much besides slow you or speed himself up, but, he can survive very long in the zone if there are plants available (he ults himself, hits a plant three times to get his ult back, then dies to activate his ult. he can do that for as long as there are plants near him).”
Samikin says “Annoying Matchup.
Zilean can be pretty hard to kill with his movement speed, but he will also never be able to kill you solo. You have lane priority the whole game, higher range, and higher damage. He can stop an ally from getting blown up by you, but afterwards he's much more useless than you are.
Aery (+ Relentless Hunter) rune page
Standard Luden's One-Shot Build”
Fear The Jester says “Skill matchup. lead his bombs into your wave to make them push it into you so you can freeze it and call for your jungler to gank him”
shacolovesyou says “his R can makes ur effort useless, always put a box on top of the enemy who is reviving, his speed boost can easily set off ur boxes”
support_diff says “Zilean can hit you with his abilities easily, and he can also save allies from dying which is generally bad for any champion. With his movement speed boost he can also outrun you”
jmp_01_ says “Good Zileans will just diff you.
You need to get a lead before level 6 else it's kind of over since he has so much utility for his team, such as the revive.
Take Glacial Augment.”
mazewalk says “He can make your engage look goofy af, because his slow is really powerful. Don't underestimate his damage and DON'T KILL ADC WHILE HE HAS ZILEANS ULT!”
support_diff says “Zilean can literally revive his allies, so don't kill anyone he has ulted. A good Zilean can also stun you before you get to jump on him”
support_diff says “Zilean's ult is very good as he can basically revive his ally, he can also throw his both Q's to you and stun you when you try to hook him or his adc.”
Jg_diff says “Can't killean the Zilean. Or his ADC. Or anything else. He really makes your ultimate worthless and just ruins your game. Tell support to ban him.”
Aerenax says “Zilean is annoying for the fact that he has a 99% on click slow in the later stages of the game and a revive with a low cooldown. When you find a good engage, don't be tunnel visioned onto them as they will likely get ulted. ”
Wounds2 says “If Zilean maxes E and marks you the whole game, it is pretty unplayable even with swifties. He can also just ult whoever you make a pick on, and he scales just as well as Singed does if not better. ”
Cyclic says “A good zilean will scale really hard into the mid game and threaten double bomb on you when you walk up to poke. When paired with hecarim or maokai his 99% speedup is deadly so be careful of enemies running you down. Abuse his poor level 1 and low bomb damage to poke in land while avoiding ganks and double bombs and once mid game turns to late game you should outscale him”
ZharMeny says “He can easily land a double Q on you when you are crashing down, if he doesn't he will slow you and you will have like -200 speed and it's very annoying. Zilean is good counter pick to Rell if you think about it. Recommended Stance: Unmounted”
Danford01 says “Their is not a lot zilean can do apart from run away and and double bomb you and with all the health you get it doesn't matter mid to late game.”
Dayruiner says “A good Zilean will get wrecked by Nautilus early game but will ALWAYS win late game. A bad Zilean will get wrecked by Nautilus early game and refuse to group late game. ”
mellorwastaken says “Zilean is really painful to deal with especially if his adc is good at dodging and not inting early, his R is so strong and the ms is really hard to deal with. If you hit Q you can win but it might be pretty hard.”
iveye says “Zilean is some what like Renata in how he can flip a lost fight to favor him with his R, either wait out his R if he uses it or engage on him as he is not mobile besides the use of his movement speed.”
Amelioratelol says “Lane favors Zilean as he just has to wait till you miss a hook once to double-bomb you. You beat Zilean hard pre 6 if you can land the hook.”
T1vladimir says “If Zilean throws two QTips bombs next to each other, they instantly explode & apply stun. Stand away from allies when marked by a bomb. ETips has a long slow duration; try to stay away from his range to avoid it. Poke him constantly before Lvl.6 since he has no sustain. Wait for RTips to wear off before attacking the bearer.”
gizemdeniz says “Zilean also has good poking potential like Ahri. The biggest problem will probably be his ultimate. However, since our damage is sufficient, we can win this with a good ADc partner.”
mazewalk says “He can't do anything to stop you. His stun requires more time to pull of then your E, he might try slowing you down, but E is not affected by MS and you can get him with Q. Just don't kill him if he used his ult, otherwise he'll come back with more HP.”
Igirl45 says “Zilean's bombs deal a lot of damage when he builds full ap and can even stun you after you engage. If the zilean has glacial it makes it hard to engage on him. He can speed up himself or his adc, making it hard to hit your w. His ult is not really a problem as you wont be killing someone with 1 combo, make sure to wait it out if he has used it on someone. ”
aRhesty says “A good Zil can outvalue you, and if he focuses his CC on you you're really at his mercy. Best late game support alongside Sona. However, you can simply kill him in stun before he ults late game, if you build ludens.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Zilean is insanely strong and I'm not sure if Janna can apply any appropriate counterplay to him. His R makes him essentially outscale you, provided that his team has a champion that synergizes well with him. Even then, it's fairly difficult to play a laning phase against him without a premade, as you have to stall the fight while the guy with Zilean R is on 1 hp and trying to kill you. Janna can try to R to stall, but only if Zilean has used bombs. He can match your roams and beat you in lane, damage wise atleast. Use Swifties to avoid his disgusting slow, as it usually results in getting double bombed.”
L9NunuChillump says “Zilean can allow the enemies to escape your snowballs but is pretty easy to kill and you can camp his ultimate with yours for easy kills”
zotet says “Zilean is a very large nuisance and can be OP if fed, make sure to avoid grouping up and stay out of his range to kill him. Don't attack enemies affected by his ult when they are low or else you will be caught off guard and all your abilities will be on CD.”
Atemporal says “Zilean nunca pode machucá-lo, além de um pouco de puxão nível 1. Pegue um segundo ponto no Q nível 3, acumule seu dano se necessário e empurre-o repetidamente. Zilean é um dos campeões mais dolorosos para farmar com ele. sob a torre. Se Zilean usa Q em
você enquanto você está empurrando, ande em cima de seus lacaios para estragar o hp deles para tornar mais difícil para ele o último golpe sob a torre. Empurre-o repetidamente, a menos que nada esteja acontecendo no mapa, então você pode jogar para congelá-lo e zoneá-lo, mas
isso é difícil e pode ser arriscado porque você será muito gankável, e Zilean tem um CC decente para atrapalhar você cedo. Jogar contra Zilean pode dificultar o assassinato de carregadores mais tarde, então apenas jogue um estilo split push pesado contra ele. Fazendo o rápido E - Q
Proto - Auto combo pode surpreender Zilean para que ele não tenha tempo para R. Além disso, se Zilean ults, não mate o alvo, mas ult instantaneamente se você estiver no fundo. Este confronto de lane é realmente gratuito, Zilean provavelmente não morra 1v1, então jogue o mapa, jogue
para vagar e se alimentar de todos os outros, exceto o Zilean.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Zilean is a direct counter to Guardian as a rune, you don't really want to approach your ally, but the biggest issue derives from him granting movement speed, as you work somewhat like a control mage, dodging abilities can be a big problem.”
Roaming star by ARealFakeIdentity | Aurelion Sol Player
Joon0922 says “Pure CC fiesta and a resurrection ultimate to let you experience it again.”
PykEugeo says “He will pok you indefinitely by making you back up under the tower and giving you little room to act, but the biggest problem is his ultimate able to resurrect a teammate, try not to kill before the hourglasses run out, do not throw your X unnecessarily.
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Zilean is super squishy. Focus him rather than the enemy ADC in lane to increase your chances of getting kills. Once Zilean is level 6, it will be harder for you to get kills in lane. Whenever his Ultimate Chronoshift(R) is down, try to abuse him to get kills. One way of killing him when his Ultimate is up is by locking him down with CC so he is unable to use it on himself. When looking to trade, try and bait out his Time Bomb(Q) before initiating a fight. This will make it impossible for him to CC you if the first Q misses.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Once Zilean is level 6, it will be harder for you to get kills in lane. Whenever his Ultimate Chronoshift(R) is down, try to abuse him to get kills. Communicate with your Jungler to abuse his Ultimate cooldown. When looking to trade, try and bait out his Time Bomb(Q) before initiating a fight. This will make it impossible for him to CC you if the first Q misses. After Zilean has completed his first item, his wave clear will be pretty strong. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times so he is unable to push, poke and CC you at the same time.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Zilean is super squishy. Focus him rather than the enemy ADC in lane to increase your chances of getting kills. Once Zilean is level 6, it will be harder for you to get kills in lane. Whenever his Ultimate Chronoshift(R) is down, try to abuse him to get kills. One way of killing him when his Ultimate is up is by locking him down with CC so he is unable to use it on himself. When looking to trade, try and bait out his Time Bomb(Q) before initiating a fight. This will make it impossible for him to CC you if the first Q misses.”
Aenimatora says “He simply denies your Ult with one button. That´s why you should hate him. And his Lategame is insane ! He can onehit you with 2 precise bombs on your head.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Zilean is super squishy. Focus him rather than the enemy ADC in lane to increase your chances of getting kills. Once Zilean is level 6, it will be harder for you to get kills in lane. Whenever his Ultimate Chronoshift(R) is down, try to abuse him to get kills. One way of killing him when his Ultimate is up is by locking him down with CC so he is unable to use it on himself. When looking to trade, try and bait out his Time Bomb(Q) before initiating a fight. This will make it impossible for him to CC you if the first Q misses.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Zilean is super squishy. Focus him rather than the enemy ADC in lane to increase your chances of getting kills. Once Zilean is level 6, it will be harder for you to get kills in lane. Whenever his Ultimate Chronoshift(R) is down, try to abuse him to get kills. One way of killing him when his Ultimate is up is by locking him down with CC so he is unable to use it on himself. When looking to trade, try and bait out his Time Bomb(Q) before initiating a fight. This will make it impossible for him to CC you if the first Q misses.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Zilean is super squishy. Focus him rather than the enemy ADC in lane to increase your chances of getting kills. Once Zilean is level 6, it will be harder for you to get kills in lane. Whenever his Ultimate Chronoshift(R) is down, try to abuse him to get kills. One way of killing him when his Ultimate is up is by locking him down with CC so he is unable to use it on himself. When looking to trade, try and bait out his Time Bomb(Q) before initiating a fight. This will make it impossible for him to CC you if the first Q misses.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Zilean is super squishy. Focus him rather than the enemy ADC in lane to increase your chances of getting kills. Once Zilean is level 6, it will be harder for you to get kills in lane. Whenever his Ultimate Chronoshift(R) is down, try to abuse him to get kills. One way of killing him when his Ultimate is up is by locking him down with CC so he is unable to use it on himself. When looking to trade, try and bait out his Time Bomb(Q) before initiating a fight. This will make it impossible for him to CC you if the first Q misses.”
M4DN355 says “Zilean's Q+Q combo can stop Pyke dead in his tracks when he tries to engage, and the slow on his E can slow him down further, denying a lot of engage potential. Plus the amount of poke Zilean has against a squishy champion like Pyke can cause major issues in lane. But the worst part is his ultimate which can save allies from death and deny Pyke ultimate resets.”
Coach Sollaw says “His R revive one of his ally so he can denny all your engage. You got huge cooldown on your spell so you can't re-engage easily after.”
RVanisHed says “Generally speaking, you do have advantage in this laning. The issue lies in his R that's absolutely lane changing - Especially when you dont have time to swap aggro of your turrets and they proc his R”
Jageiko says “Zilean is one of my highest winrates and i have no idea why, i feel like It's a fair matchup for both sides. His E is super annoying when he slows your go in. Dodge at least one of his Q and you should be fine. Catch him lategame to make teamfight easier.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Zilean's very fast and hard to engage on, as well as guaranteeing that you won't have a level advantage, and is impossible to dive without 4 people after 6. You can win by taking advantageous teamfights, or by freezing/roaming in lane for kills, but it's not the easiest. Good chemtank matchup.”
punkahprincess says “His stun can be quiet a problem, since its easy to be caught off guard.
His ult can cause problems if ure low on mana or already ulted.
Tom3kk says “His Q is dangerous, but most zileans can't hit yuumi with two Q's, so if you see someone have a time bomb on them, either already be on them before they get hit with it or jump on them AFTER it blows up to evade any possiblity of a stun”
Challenger Project says “Abuse early levels. The problem with all enchanters is all the same - if we don’t snowball early hard, we fall off and get outscaled.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Zilean is not really an issue until he gets his ultimate / gets to late game.
His ult can save anybody from your traps and make all your preparation for nothing. The enemies can then turn those fights around so you need to keep that in mind.
However, his speed boost can help you bait enemies into traps and Zilean is an immobile champion so there is room to outplay him.
You can also place a box on an enemy who is reviving from his ultimate to instantly fear them. ”
Demonsedge90 says “Zilean is so easy to lane into unless he is proficient in managing his bombs and time warp slow effect. Overall, he isn't someone you need to worry about so long as you don't take too much poke from him.”
Cordiall says “Zilean is a huge problem for Braum. A point-and-click slow that gets up to 99%, bombs that you can't block with your E, and a free revive once every 30-45 seconds? He's just a consistent thorn in Braum's side.”
DtNikk says “Zilean is a skill matchup. Dodge his Time Bombs and try silencing zilean whenever one of his allies is going to die, as to not let him use his R.”
Hienaa says “Before 6 you can contest waves, wait for him to use bomb on wave so he cant stun you, and try to go for a trade, once he gets 6 lane isnt playable, try to shove and roam, but he can counter your shove and zone you, thats why its hard”
Saethwyr says “That slow is why. you will never be able to hit anything and it will be suffering. hope he uses it on the adc rather than you since you can make an adc survive through it, but you cant make yourself survive through it.”
TheBlueImperial says “Zilean is a major counter purely because of his R, he has the ability to completely undo any engagement you make on a priority target and you have very long cooldowns. In lane you can very easily jump on him, just make sure you don't run bombs into your carry...”
PumpkinMatters says “Zilean pode ser um problema se você não estiver com seu passinho pro lado em dia. O maior perigo dele é o dano chato que seus dois Qs podem provocar, além do atordoamento que acaba com sua iniciação. A velocidade de movimento que ele dá para aliados também pode estragar seu combo, mas é só lembrar que, assim como o escudo da Morgana, só um dos dois vai conseguir escapar. Se você acertar seu combo, no entanto, ele tá morto. Fique de olho na ult dele e tente esperar ela ir embora antes de finalizar o oponente”
PumpkinMatters says “Zilean can be a problem if your dance moves are not up to date. His biggest threat is the annoying damage double-Q have, besides the stun that destroys your combo. The move speed he gives allies is also a problem, but you just need to remember that, as well as with Morgana, only one can escape. If you land your combo, however, he's dead. Keep an eye on his ult and try to wait for it to end, before landing the killing blow”
Winter Nicole says “Zilean: His Q and W combo is so annoying and his ult just triggers me whenever he puts it on their adc when they were about to be dead which leaves me and the adc lose mana sometimes but he can easily be killed. (Recommend trying to kill the adc to waste his ult and than kill the adc again and than kill him the second you stun him)”
Discord231 says “"Le tire todo el cc que pude al adc enemigo, y este we lo revivió" Zilean es el peor counter de Rakan a mi parecer, es un mago capas de mitigar todo tu combo de cc reviviendo a la condición de victoria de su equipo, intenta rotar para darle ventaja a tu mid y jg, porque un 2 vs 2, sobre todo cuando el tenga R, es imposible ganarlo.”
GuanaTv says “Utilize os Leveis de 1 ao 5 para criar uma vantagem na rota. Após isso, procure criar jogadas quando a ultimate de Zilean estiver em tempo de recarga!
(Use Levels 1 to 5 to create an advantage on the lane. After that, look to create moves when Zilean's ultimate is on cooldown!)”
Mooncurve says “You can kill him with combos, do decide when to focus killing him vs their ad. Post 6 could become hard. But overall if your team don't hardcore lose you can win teamfights if you used your abilities well enough.”
yaemitskiuwu says “I haven't played vs Zilean as Lulu but I do play him once in a while. I think he's a good support but not enough to counter Lulu. Since he was seen at World's, we should expect to see him more in solo queue. ”
Doglightning says “run comet. If he lands double bomb you are probably dead and his ult counters your ult. You can find early kills vs him tho if you play well”
LeeTV says “Zilean's annoying as he throws bombs zoning you from landing hooks. He can provide movement speed for himself or his adc making it hard to land hooks. If you get caught in a bad spot Zilean can slow you making you an easy target to kill especially when getting ganked.”
Doglightning says “zoes range is the same range as zilean bombs. If you get caught in his stun you will die and you cant even just play for lvl 6 cuz his ult counters your playstyle. if you manage to get his ult with bubble still up then place it under the revive. ”
Aerenax says “Zilean’s bombs are annoying as he can stun you using the minions. His E can slow you and makes your life difficult unless you can dash on your allies. Play away from your own minions and look for him to overstep.”
LimTheDestructor says “Don't eat poke, don't get stunned. Be pacient, wait for a good opportunity to engage. Try to win pre-6, Zilean provides more later but often he can't bear your snowball.”
Rasta Da Masta says “You have push advantage since he isn't going to QWQ your wave since his partner might get mad at losing CS. His E has a big speedup/slowdown & his R can let him revive teammates... or actually let him self-cast QW then flash into a thrown bomb then R. I call that the suicide bomber combo on Zilean.”
Korippo says “Very obnoxious more than anything, if he lands two bombs on you, you will be stunned and he and his ADC can very easily all-in you. His bomb poke damage is also quite annoying, and his ultimate even more so as it revives anyone he's cast it on (which can include himself). All-inning him with your ult and your ADC shouldn't be too hard when all of his CDs are down, but when he revives it's best to back off before re-engaging unless your ADC saved their ult to kill them and/or his ADC again. Paired with a poke ADC such as Caitlyn this is a pretty rough lane, but it isn't unwinnable by any means.”
Distinger says “He can revive anyone you ult.
And in the remote situation where you got anywhere near Lightning McZilean he will ult himself and kill you with a double Q.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Use Q no Zilean sempre que houver oportunidade para reduzir sua vida, evite ser acertado com suas bombas (Q) e evite ficar perto de minions com pouca vida visto que Zilean jogará suas bombas e tentará executar os minions para que a bomba exploda mais rápido. A bomba de Zilean prioriza campeões, então mesmo que esteja no meio de tropas, a bomba irá te focar. O tempo de recarga das habilidades de Zilean é muito alto, por isso observe a utilização do W de Zilean (Rewind) que permite recuperar o tempo das habilidades Q e E em 10 segundos. Nos níveis iniciais, caso ele tenha usado o Q e não te acertou e esteja próximo, use seu EW+AA+AA e se reposicione para usar o QE+AA. Zilean só conseguirá te stunar se acertar duas bombas, por isso evite esse combo, lembrando que mesmo que ele não te acerte com a bomba. caso você esteja dentro da zona da bomba você levará o efeito de stun. Cuidado com ganks visto que Zilean possui também seu E que diminui sua velocidade de movimento, e caso não esteja com minions na rota ou algum aliado, dificilmente sairá vivo, a não ser que consiga matar, podendo assim ir para cima. Após nível 6, ficará difícil matar Zilean, por isso, não tente fazer isso, no máximo tente fazer que ele desperdice a ultimate, deixando ele com pouca vida e assim forçando ele a usar para não ser finalizado, assim expulsando ele da rota. A ultimate do Zilean possui um tempo de recarga maior do que a da Katarina, portanto fique atento ao tempo da ultimate para poder saber a hora de agressivar ou não contra ele. Em roaming, Zilean poderá te seguir com teleport ou com o E que fornece velocidade de movimento, por isso tente ser efetivo nos ganks o mais rápido possível para evitar que ele apareça e salve o time usando sua ultimate (Chronoshift). Em lutas em equipe, Zilean deverá negar o máximo possível de seus resets, mas ele não poderá fazer isso com mais de um, e visto que a Katarina dá dano em área e a sua ultimate atinge até 3 inimigos, se você conseguir entrar na luta combando mais de um campeão inimigo com dano suficiente para eliminar, Zilean perderá sua vantagem nas lutas. Evite mal posicionamento em locais sem visão pois Zilean possui muito dano com suas bombas e poderá te matar rápido com ajuda do jungler. Em partidas mais longas, o tempo de recarga da ultimate do Zilean poderá ficar em cerca de 36 segundos com itens e runas de redução de tempo de recarga, por isso evite lutas que não sejam constantes para evitar que ele possa recuperar o tempo de recarga da habilidade. O potencial de Zilean é de igual para igual visto que Zilean possui muito dano em área, controle de grupo com stun e slow e ainda pode ressuscitar aliados e a si mesmo, sendo necessário bom posicionamento e foco para não perder a utilidade da Katarina como assassina e dos seus resets.”
0Banda says “ Zilean is a quite easy matchup for Rakan, take Electrocute and play really aggressive early-game since he won't have time to escape from your combo with Time Warp. Don't let Zilean hit any Time Bomb into you, when you see he is about to hit you with one of this, dash backwards with Grand Entrance or Battle Dance. Once he gets to level 6, he gets acces to Chronoshift and as you are not likely to kill him or he's ADC you should look roaming midlane
Against Zilean you should buy Boots on your first back in order to dodge his Time Bombs without having to waste abilities. You can also buy Boots of Swiftness against this old man since his Time Warp will be slowing you by a lot (99% slow at level 5)”
SlippStream says “Immobile but able to give a speed boost or a slow. As long as you keep your distance and bully while his W is on cooldown, you'll be okay.”
Melyn says “Try to bait out the bombs and be very careful for his speed up and double bomb stun. Do not commit too hard level 6 unless you will win hard as he can revive himself or his teammates. ”
TheBestestBork says “Zilean can be kilean'd. But his ADC can, and if he wastes his ult on them just sit and wait with your Q up. Dodge those Q bois and you should be fine.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “if he lands his double bombs it's usually big damage or even death for you. other than that you can poke him easily. always look out for the wings symbol on an enemy so that you dont accidentally "kill" them and restore 1/3 of their health. you scale better”
Spection says “You trade much better than he does in lane, so look for autos and Q+E combos whenever possible. Silence his ultimate when he is about to use it.”
VyoS says “Never Ult first, if you want to land a solo-kill on him you have to proc his Ult without using your Ultimate. Only farm and Poke him. Try to land a good burst on him and wait how he react's to it, some will panic and R, and some will chill and wait for you. Just keep him in that lowlife state to proc his Ult with your Poke or to farm better in lane. ”
DanNS12 says “Dodge forward whenever he tries to hit you with Q and look for heavy trades because Zilean is pretty vulnerable without Q but don't get too close or he will 99% slow you.”
LilPaniniUwU says “zoes range is the same range as zilean bombs. If you get caught in his stun you will die and you cant even just play for lvl 6 cuz his ult counters your playstyle. if you manage to get his ult with bubble still up then place it under the revive.
Doody_tco says “Deals a great damage, and stuns your carry which in most cases leads to their death. Moreover, Zilean can save his carry with his ultimate ”
very hot says “Super annoying because he can slow you to oblivion and his ult will heavily reduce the threat of your engages. Overall, you should try to grab some free kills early in laning phase as the lane (and game) will be super hard if the Zilean is left untouched.”
Tatewari says “Basically any champion with abilities which provide large amounts of movement speed counter Brand.
Your Q and W become very difficult to hit on an enemy buffed by Zilean's E.
If you miss your Q and Zilean uses E on you, there is no escape.”
Vispectra says “Terrible champion that needs and update. Not only is he horrible to look at but he's annoying as heck with his outdated abilities. His bombs will go through your Q and honestly they just hit like a truck. I don't know what he packs in those timebombs but you'll feel a kick in the balls everytime they blow up on you. He can speed himself and revive which make him so hard to kill , honestly i'd say he's too hard to kill unless you have 40% CDR level 16 R”
HerYandere says “Annoying to lane against, and once he hits 6 it gets harder. BUT, his ADC won't be able to do anything after reviving since you'll be on top of them ready to cc chain all over again. The slow sucks, and he'll stun you after, so watch your positioning.”
DasNerdwork says “Be careful of his level 2 all-ins, as he has one of the strongest level 2 bursts in the game. Annoying bombs and ultimate, which can also make it harder to play together, but still catchable and killable.”
Daraysen says “Zilean is pretty even, he pokes with his q's and can make himself and his adc faster, watchout for his ult which could cause a comeback for them.”
KeleiX13 says “Zilean relies on hitting his Q to get ahead in lane, so always try and bait it out. If he has missed one Q, he can't stun you so go aggressive then. If you dodge both his bombs, he has basically nothing to keep you away except for a slow so punish him for it. His ult is pretty annoying since you probably won't be able to kill his ADC even if you ult and "kill" them. It's fine if you wanna take Guardian here, I personally wouldn't unless I feel like I have a slow reaction time that day.”
anionPositivo says “Ele vai te dar muito poke, e poke dolorido, e vai correr muito também. Não sei muitas dicas contra um Zilean além de tentar focar o adc antes do nivel 6, e depois começar a dar roaming porque não vai ter muito o que fazer na botlane.”
Discord231 says “"Le tire todo el cc que pude al adc enemigo, y este we lo revivió" Zilean es el peor counter de Rakan a mi parecer, es un mago capas de mitigar todo tu combo de cc reviviendo a la condición de victoria de su equipo, intenta rotar para darle ventaja a tu mid y jg, porque un 2 vs 2, sobre todo cuando el tenga R, es imposible ganarlo.”
LilRidge says “Zilean is a nuisance in lane. Try your best to dodge his (Q) Time Bombs as they will hurt and prevent you from engaging.
If one does land on you, move away from your ADC. He is going to look to throw another on you to stun you. When he is going to throw another on you, immediately engage on him as he will not be able to dodge your (W) Ferromancy - Crash Down during the animation and the shield you will get will negate most of the damage.”
GamingFrog says “Very rare pick to see, but when picked you will most likely lose this lane. He can toss his bombs over your E and his slow can be lethal for you or your ADC. Not only that, he is near impossible to be hit with Q since he has the speed up. Also outscales you hard. I would recommend picking up mobility boots and roaming a lot since he will outscale you. Bring exhaust to slow him down too.”
GamingFrog says “Pretty bad match up for Thresh. When he hits 6 you have to play carefully. When killing someone that has Zilean R, try to raise the edge of your R on top of them before they respawn. He outscales HARD”
The Last Rakan says “Zilean irá abusar de seu poke e provavelmente irá te matar, tente não entrar em suas bombas-relógio e use runas que de dê sustain”
Tauricus2017 says “Zilean is pretty bad champion that outside of his revive doesn't bring much thread on the table. His Qs can be dodged easily and his slow has low range.”
Rainuu says “Zilean is one of your biggest threats as his ulti will completely nullify everything you've worked for. After oneshotting anyone, he'll simply give them a revive and lock you in place afterwards. He is practically a reverse uno card.”
Ruiner of Fun says “Perma-Slow. His e is basically a stun at max rank. This is why I bring tenacity runes. His ult saves the ADC or APC you decided to focus. ”
Kefochka says “Зилеан может очень хорошо вас наказывать, его ульта эффективна в разменах 2 на 2, он хорошо поддерживает своего союзника и обладает контролем. Да и догнать деда не получится, лучше играть от объектов.”
Starchase says “Poke him all you can lvl 1, his poke is meaningless at this point.
Care about lvl 2 though, he can cc you and kill you if you're not paying attention.
Care at lvl 6, his R is literally a second life so try to not focus on the target he R'd and let it expire.
You outscale him pretty easily.”
Takitsu says “Simple early game advantage. Go for engages anytime Zilean misses his bombs/stun.
Post-6 Try to avoid doing all-ins when Zilean has ult up. All-ins can be used to force the ult and then back out for a reengage. ”
AriyaIsTheBest says “Watch out for his Q, as he can stun you if he puts two bombs on top of you. Try not to kill someone with Zilean R on them, as they will revive with more health.”
losolkos says “His Q is very good agains you it deals much dmg and stun you and his ult can make his adc or himself 2st try to run make sure to punish him with your passive and use ult on him to dont let him use his.”
Discord231 says “"Le tire todo el cc que pude al adc enemigo, y este we lo revivió" Zilean es el peor counter de Rakan a mi parecer, es un mago capas de mitigar todo tu combo de cc reviviendo a la condición de victoria de su equipo, intenta rotar para darle ventaja a tu mid y jg, porque un 2 vs 2, sobre todo cuando el tenga R, es imposible ganarlo. ”
unhben says “Post 6 he's a bit of a sitting duck for ganks. you will be pushed in really hard because of his Q poke. Just play around his R and go for him after he uses it on someone else and vice versa if he uses it on himself.”
Bear Gummies says “He really hurts when he lands his time bombs, and he can be really scary when he speeds himself up, and gets in range to slow you down. Keep your distance, use evasive maneuvering to dodge his bombs, and only go for him when his bombs are on cooldown.”
Gryndall says “Similar to Lulu. He can't save both. Let him decide whom or nobody :D
If u struggle to his bombs buy banshee or Abysall mask is handle here.”
mscocca says “The Stun on his Q is a threat but as Nidalee you should have no problems in dodging it. Still, his E is going to give you a hard time as it gives him/his allies a good engage/disengage tool. ”
The Lotus Queen says “Zilean can be annoying to lane against, as he spams his Q and getting hit by 2 will result in your being stunned and possibly die if the enemy adc follows up. Stay out of his range and poke when his abilities are on cooldown. ”
Jexeff says “Zilean can really be a pain in the butt. You will have to be careful throwing out hooks since he will be able to easily chain his bombs and stun you. They also do quite a bit of damage. In addition, he will most likely speed himself or his ADC up to avoid your already telegraphed CC. Post 6 it will be very hard to snag a kill due to his ultimate preventing an allies death. ”
Mugnas says “Deals a lot of damage and can speed up himself or a teammate by a significant amount. Or slow you by that amount. Watch out for his r so you don't waste your abilities.”
Wounds2 says “Zilean has great poke and utility to deal with Rakan's kit. His threat level might be a little biased because I absolutely hate playing against him. ”
fishbully says “ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Zilean will out-range and out-damage Janna. His ult means that Janna can most likely not secure/guarantee kills for the ADC. Not a fun matchup.”
itizhelia says “He can outrun your dash and poke you to death, but you can punish him by damaging your minions with his bombs to push the wave back to your tower and freeze it, etc.”
Find0 says “Zilean is pretty annoying if im being honest. If played correctly he can ruin your day with the slow and double bomb but you simply just have to keep spacing and you are good.
FiddlesticksChan says “His R can deny yours and the bonus move speed he gives makes it very hard to land your skillshots or chase. He also has good poke damage and cc with his bombs.”
Royal Shaco says “its not hard to play against him just dodge his clocs and watch his ult for who he used it in fight dodge his clocs so u can burst down his adc”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Just watch out for his double bombs, Zilean doesn't offer much else. When you engage, fake going on his ADC. When he ults his ADC, turn on Zilean. Or the other way around, depending on the situation.”
Xeptron says “Zilean can be very annoying to deal with due to his slows and bombs. While he has the damage and movement speed to run around the lane, he has no dash or jump to avoid the hook. As long as Zilean's Q ability is on the cooldown, it is easier to engage since he cannot double stack the bombs and stun you. To dodge bombs even easier, it's suggested to buy mobility boots. Once you have them, makes the laning phase even easier. Movement speed doesn't increase the chance of hitting a hook but increases your will to engage >:D”
Sunedayz says “Try baiting out his Q skillshot, once its down go and poke the enemy. Be mindful that he can slow you down, and stun you. Only go for isolated W's without the auto.”
DracoMeteor_ says “I hate this champion and is stupid annoying. But on a real note, He's a strong champion Especially when he can just Revive his ADC If they die. Not to mention the amount of poke he has with his Q and a 99% slow if he maxes E.”
jessuva says “Zilean has a lot of poke, and his ult is basically a GA. If he hits you with a bomb, silence him so he can't hit you with a second one and stun you. ”
Lykzar says “Dodge his bombs and try to catch him out with your ult. You can stun or ult someone by timing it right after he's done resurrecting them.”
Titans Revenge says “Lots of poke with bombs and he or his ADC will have to die twice at level 6. Dodge the bombs and land your hook. If you notice he casts ult on himself....wait it it slow. If you kill him, he will revive with a lot of health and use his speed up to just run away. keep him alive until his ult wears off, then hit him with the finishing blow.”
CastratedSeal says “Skill matchup. You have a stronger lane phase but Zilean has a stronger late game. Nami normally doesn't have a strong enough early game to punish Zilean.”
YourCut says “Take the 1shot page. Makes all-ins a nightmare, deals insane damage and his slow reduces you to 10 MS point and click. Try to bait his R, your damage is deceptively high and runs out fast. Either he uses R too soon or you can 1shot him or his ADC.”
EmpressBee says “Zilean is easy to poke and all in pre 6. Bait or wait for zilean to use a bomb and then attempt an all in since the stun potential is gone.”
NEED WATER says “Zilean is not only the king of time but also zoning/lane pressure. He throws off focus and can tilt you to the next realm, but look for roam priority and collapse on those lonely enemies. ”
GamingTy12 says “he is not really a threat just more of a champ that doesn't allow you to get kills after 6 in the lane but he also cannot really kill you unless you get double bombed which is hard to land for him since your insanely quick. ”
katt5 says “His ult can save him or his ADC from your combo if he uses it quick enough. He also has decent damage and getting double-bombed isnt fun. That being said his bombs aren't too difficult to avoid.”
NirvanaBunny says “I am actually not sure where to place him on this list because I have not laned against him before! Watch out for his bombs and if you have one on you, try to stay away from the minions and your ADC because when it goes off it'll do some AoE damage.He can also give his ADC levels and his ultimate let's them revive. So be careful.”
Kilo Khaos says “Zilean is extremely irritating to lane against. His Time Bomb (Q) will zone you, and will stun the target if two land on them. Also, his speed boost allows him or his carry to more easily dodge your hooks. These are inconveniences, but make sure if you all in to not kill whoever he ults. Keep them locked in CC until his ult has expired, then secure the kill.”
moon827 says “Zilean is going to be really annoying to deal with in the early game for you, due to the amount he can abuse you from his level 2 power spike. If you can avoid allowing him to get off his combo, it should be easier, but even if he gets 1 bomb on you, that is going to hurt.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Zilean is a rather hard match-up for Thresh because of multiple reason.
First of he has decent poke with his bomb and if he lands 2 bombs in succession on you there is also his stun. This can very easily get you poked out of lane.
Another thing that's hard about the match-up against Zilean is his ability to speed up himself or his AD carry, enabling both to easily dodge your hooks.
The last thing about Zilean is the most obvious, his ultimate, which can deny you from getting a quick kill very easy.
In this match-up it is best to start of your engage with flay, as this will make your hook more likely to land. If Zilean uses his ultimate, try to hold of on landing the finishing blow until it wears of.”
Terroronyou says “You can try and use your statis when he has ult'd someone to waste time on the duration. Tricky to pull off. Careful of double bomb + solo, will likely kill you.”
Taric Support says “If you ever meet a Zilean support you will have a REALLY hard time in lane. Zileans bombs are insanely frustrating in lane, as he will force you to use all of your mana on healing and shielding your ADC from those goddamned bombs. When fighting Zilean you should avoid getting hit by two of his bombs in a row, as it will stun you and deal a lot of damage. Focus on engaging when he overextends just a little bit, as you won't get any other chances because of his movement speed buff/slow. Zileans ult is way better than Taric's in lane because it can revive and has no casting time. Zilean will make time in lane pass veeeery slowly... OLD CLOCKMAN!!”
Reason97 says “Zilean's strength lies more in what he brings to a team then to his damage. Keep mobile to make it hard on him to land bombs, and keep clear of any minions that have bombs stuck on them, but other than that you have the advantage in pretty much every way in a 1v1. If he can land bombs consistently, he's gonna feel oppressive, but ALL of his damage demands he land those bombs, so make that hard for him to do, and you're aces. ”
Vahlok says “I hate this champ. His E can slow you 99% just like your ult. He can stun you if you try to approach him and poke you at the same time. And if you land the best hook of your life, his ally will revive every 30sec at lategame. It doesn't matter if he goes 0/20. Goodluck friend.”
Spection says “EXTREMELY RARE. If anyone counters Pantheon Anti-ADC, it's this guy. Zilean will punish you whenever you try to farm with great ease. Don't let him land too many bombs or you or he will stun you. His ADC basically gets a second life and he can speed them away from trouble if you manage to get off a combo. Do not pick Pantheon onto this nightmare of a support unless you want to get zero farm and zoned out of lane very fast. Thank god he's one of the rarest supports to deal with. Rush mercury's treads. If you do have to go ADC against a Zilean, buy boots of speed and be very fast and go hard so he can't respond to your damage. If you're fast enough, you can stun him long enough so that he cannot use his ultimate before he dies. He's weak before he gets his ultimate, pressure him and his ADC equally so he doesn't know who to use his ultimate on.”
ShroudedBRH says “Zilean will try to poke with time bombs or stun by stacking bombs. Avoid standing near the center of where the bombs land or walking into the center of bombs. You can bait out the R and disengage until it expires before finishing off the opponent. If you proc the R then he will most likely follow up with bombs to stun you that you will need to avoid immediately”
Mickeystick says “High poke damage, your trades mean nothing. I hate Zilean due to his ultimate preventing you from getting the one-shot you so desperately want with Nautilus.”
Wicked Cherry says “His ult combined with his time bombs can be annoying and deal a lot of damage but you can walk around them.
But be careful and try only to force fights when it's obvious you're going to win them because he's got more sustain with his ult that you do.”
Wicked Cherry says “His ult combined with his time bombs can be annoying and deal a lot of damage but you can walk around them. However, you should have more sustain than him with your heals.”
Wicked Cherry says “Mr Time-bomb is uncommon but if you play against him, watch out for his double time bobs because they stun. He can slow you but you can silence him so he won't be able to cast his ultimate. You got more sustain just beware of his bombs.
Mobility boots will help you with him as well. ”
TheMistCollector says “Your E will be very important in this matchup, because you can deny additional damage from his double Q engage, and you can dodge his E very easily. Bait his Q and you'll be fine. In teamfights, focus him in order to "waste" his ult on himself.”
xlouis31 says “Zilean will speed-up and escape your Q, so you should try to Flash + Q him. After lv. 6 he will be very annoying, so try to get some early kills.”
Mczrks says “He isn't of much threat to pyke really. His q is hard to land on someone as mobile as pyke is, also he's ult can at the very best make your useless”
Vexno says “He can abuse you very early from his level 2 power spike. If you can manage to dodge his combo you will be okay, but even one bomb will hurt.”
Axkuru says “if he dont have his revive its easy for you and its a free kill. If he has his Revive available try to stun both ( ADC And Zilean) and focus the ADC cause the ADC will be 1 Level ahead everytime.”
Crippledtoot says “Only extreme if he goes Glacial Augment. I would always go Comet against him just because you usually can't get close enough to him in the first place unless you are allin-ing.”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Kill him before 6, if you aren't certain of your adc playing well enough to have them under tower and getting kills then dodge. You need to have a giant lead over zilean, otherwise you'll lose bot fights over his R just being super clutch versus brand's timed damage.”
snukumz says “Watch out for his stun but you slightly out range him with your Q.
His ult can cancel out your ult.
He can speed himself or teammates through your slow wall.”
thesophieset says “Annoying, but doable. His bombs do a lot of damage if he goes for a Seraph's Embrace into AP build. As with all AP supports, he can very well build Morellonomicon against you – keep the Grievous Wounds effect in mind when you heal your allies, otherwise your healing will be significantly cut short. If you manage to avoid getting hit by his Q – or even more importantly, his Q > W > Q combo –, you win. Silence the resurrecting target roughly a second before they respawn so they get rooted right away.”
snukumz says “His bombs can be very annoying, and if he stuns you then you could take a ton of damage or be killed so be careful around this man.
He is squishy so if you snare him you should be able to do a lot of damage to him.”
Thats a OOF says “Pokean will poke with Q's. Avoid getting hit by his Q W Q combo. His R is a free GA. When he will walk forward aggressively go for a hook flay R combo when his R is on CD OR You are 6 and he is 5 OR neither of you are 6. But he will make you suffer. Besides all these hazards, without his Q he deals 0 damage.”
ThePandaEvan says “Double bombs can be a problem sometimes during fights and Zilean's ult can be frustrating to play against but, other than that, its fairly easy to do well.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Annoying with the bombs, but he isn't a threat. Easy farm lane. If you do get bombed, hop onto your ADC with Aery to shield most of the damage.”
netherlessss says “Zilean's poke, disengage, and ult are very annoying to deal with and there isn't much you can do against him other than try to CC him out of his ult onto himself or an Ally. ”
HoneyQT says “A very underrated champion, he deals a lot of damage and if played correctly can be one of the best supports in the game. When he ults, back off. ”
Cat Elf says “Zilean has CC and Speedup which is annoying because he can render your E basically useless, and AOE CC you and ADC. He also have 2 lives. ”
TheBeardedPickle says “Significant amount of poke, but if Zilean fails to land both bombs your shield will negate the damage. Can be a nuisance but shouldn't pose a massive threat. ”
PayyBack says “Really annoying poker, engage whenever his bombs are on cooldown.
To hurt Zilean is anytime you have a bomb placed on you, go next to your allied minions. If you're lucky some might die, denying CS for the opposing ADC. It'll also push out your lane, which makes ganks easier to get.”
Flint124 says “Zilean has the worst laning phase out of any support. Period.
That said, he's rather good against you later on, since Time Warp counteracts Wither and Chronoshift is always a problem.”
Kefochka says “В разменах старина Зилли не сильно поможет делу, но сбить ваш щит сможет, а после очевидно замедлить вас или вашего адк. После шестого уровня он становится очень полезным для своей команды, не давайте ему быть постоянно рядом с союзниками.”
Jointed says “Not a common match up, which makes it a rough one. He knows this match up WAY more than you do. Play cautious and pay attention to his cooldowns.”
Hanjaro says “Zilean has high poke damage, along with a very strong slow, a stun, and once he's level 6 he can revive himself or an ally, completely negating all your burst, and catch you out instead.
Bait his ult, or re-engage when it's on cooldown.”
ningen ouroboros says “His bomb stun hurts and ult revive counters your damage, difficult to play against, but if you play mindgames, you have the high grounds.”
Ghionova says “Only his ult is a bit hard to play against. Focus the other target until the ult mark of his ult is gone. Never kill an ulted target! Never!”
Zer0XM says “Zilean isn't that bad however his passive can get the opposing ADC ahead in XP, otherwise the MS increase is irritating for any hook champ.”
Vexno says “He can abuse you very early from his level 2 power spike. If you can manage to dodge his combo you will be okay, but even one bomb will hurt.”
suppdiff says “This guy outscales you incredibly hard. Be sure to get a lead in lane or else game is absolutely doomed. Be sure to abuse him level one and two. Ask for jungler attention before 6.”
Z-IKE says “Zilean is all about poking each laner down. if either you or you ally has a time bomb attached to them you shouldn't use your E because then your adc will take damage with you.”
spark2 says “He's insanely annoying, but not a real threat to you. Bully him early, then rush 30% CDR, shove the lane in and roam, you're not killing him after 6.”
supersuavebro says “The only reason he isnt free is due to his ult, pre-6 you shouldnt have any problem. Post 6, look to silence him with W before any attempt at a kill”
NirvanaBunny says “I am actually not sure where to place him on this list because I have not laned against him before! Watch out for his bombs and if you have one on you, try to stay away from the minions and your ADC because when it goes off it'll do some AoE damage.He can also give his ADC levels and his ultimate let's them revive. So be careful.”
aimez says “Zilean is going to be really annoying to deal with in the early game for you, due to the amount he can abuse you from his level 2 power spike. If you can avoid allowing him to get off his combo, it should be easier, but even if he gets 1 bomb on you, that is going to hurt.”
Ahpulzz says “His time bombs can be a nuisance but the real threat comes from his ultimate, which revives an ally who'd otherwise die. This single ability flounders any offensive play you try to make while he's around. On top of that he can both speed and slow targets at will, meaning less of his teammates getting hooked and a harder time to escape for you. Take advantage of him pre-six as he can still die easily if caught, but don't over commit past that point.”
flagnut says “Have not fought much zil, but in theory he could bomb your turret twice and stun everyone (bad news). Good news is he runs out of mana super-quick.”
Ahpulzz says “There aren't many skilled Zilean's out there so I can't exactly tell where this match-up lies. What I do know is that he's going to be chucking lots of bombs at you, and while they don't do that much damage to you they may make life hard for your ADC while they're farming. Do your best to zone him off or at least have his attention focused onto you so you can take the hits. Though he does have a range advantage on you, he's extremely squishy early on and a good pillar by you plus a reactive teammate could get him to burn his flash or better yet end up as a kill for you or your ADC.”
Aethlo says “Decent poke, peeling and engage and of course an annoying ultimate - try to out-poke him and all in pre 6 before his ult wastes your mana. You should out trade him on all ins but the cc and ult is a problem.”
Vermeio says “That bombs are annoying as f$@#. But his low health play at your favor. Play defensively against him. He got a LOT of range, and is not easy to catch, due to speed up. Armor up (MR) a little, and you will have a chance. Easy to burst, just care with his ult. ”
Axeloy says “Really just depends if he lands his Qs. He has no sustain, and you tend to win trades if they don't go catastrophically for you. She can slip past his Qs, but he can also prevent her from doing much else. A strange match-up.”
Haezard01 says “Early on you might kill him, but a good Zilean will zone you off and make it difficult for you. His E slowwill prevent you to get close to get your ult damage output and his ulti will prevent you to kill the enemy, making you waste your win condition to burst out enemies.”
Slick_top says “Zilean can be easy to lane against pre 6, but after leaving laning phase and reaching 6 he can make ulting your opponets sometimes challenging and cancel out its reset, due to his revive.”
Better Call Phil says “Literally has an Anti-Pyke kit.
AOE stun with a big range, a slow that’s almost as bad as Susan and revives an ally.
A good Zilean will wait at the very last second to ULT his ally so you don’t get a kill AND your ult goes on cooldown.
Extreme matchup late-game, but pre-6 is medium. Ask for ganks then.
Ancient Coin/Aftershock”
NirvanaBunny says “Be aggressive vs Zilean and you'll be fine. If he hit you with bombs stay close to allied minions that are about to die. DENY THEM FARM LOL”
hipstersora says “Hell hath no fury like a kill denied by Zilean ult. Good waveclear, good roaming, and he support his ADC well. Not much you can do specifically, it's more of needing a teamcomp who can deal with him. ”
RainbowNova says “Zilean has annoying CC with a long range and a big amount of damage. He can also slow enemies down or speed allies up by a lot, making it even more annoying to hit abilities or dodge his. Even if you manage to grab someone and kill them, Zilean can just press R and save them, reviving them with close-to-full HP.”
DoABarrellRoll says “Su CC Es impresionante y inituliza tu velocidad y posibilidad de focusear a un adc
His CC It is impressive and disable your speed and possibility of targeting an adc”
Hanjaro says “Zilean is extremely squishy and punishable in lane, he can be relatively hard to catch because of his E movement speed. Abuse this champ anytime he uses his q and doesn't land the bomb because he can't stun combo if his q starts on cd by using his w. Annoyance at level 6 his ult will consume your ult without giving you the reset.”
BurstTheBots says “Can poke you with his bombs and can make his ADC faster making it difficult to escape alive since the ADC can pick you off. (assuming that the ADC isn't a Yasuo) Also he can slow you and revive himself or his ADC with his ult if you try to pick one of them off with your ult.”
unownreality says “Zilean does massive damage at a range that leaves him safe. In addition, his slow will allow the ADC to kill you most of the time. You can try to damage him, but you take a high risk of a slow stun. ”
3ternalSoul says “This is just based on timing, but if he tosses a time bomb on you and you "avoid" it by hopping onto an ally, you're just gonna make an inconvenience. It's just a wasted heal, which is just plain ANNOYING.”
Drlazerbeam says “Zilean has slightly better range than Nami does, so poking back with Ebb and Flow may prove to be difficult for Nami players. If a Nami player just focuses on healing and does not play into Zilean's silly games, they should be fine.”
Shderen says “He can literally bring himself to life and you'll STILL outsustain him. You both serve the same purpose of early/mid game damage and late game utility stuff. Avoid his stuns and you'll pretty much always win. Be cautious of pushing up though because he sets up for ganks REALLY well with his E.”
NirvanaBunny says “I am actually not sure where to place him on this list because I have not laned against him before! Watch out for his bombs and if you have one on you, try to stay away from the minions and your ADC because when it goes off it'll do some AoE damage.He can also give his ADC levels and his ultimate let's them revive. So be careful.”
N0ZOMI says “Be aggressive vs Zilean and you'll be fine. If he hit you with bombs stay close to allied minions that are about to die. That's how you can prevent his adc from farming properly ;)”
NirvanaBunny says “Be aggressive vs Zilean and you'll be fine. If he hit you with bombs stay close to allied minions that are about to die. DENY THEM FARM LOL”
SawyerNelson says “Zilean mid makes Thresh's job very hard, hold your abilities for a long time during fights until you can get very high value out of them. Zilean support makes the bot lane play out a big slower but you can open up the game if you kill him pre-6.”
Ooze OG says “He will poke you down and negate your all in. If you commit to the all in, you're going to take a lot of damage. Avoid his stun and play for team fights.”
Yukkine says “Can't killean the zillean. Or any of his allies for that matter, if he plays his cards right. Extremely annoying with area denial, engage denial and being fast denial.”
TheComicalBiker says “Zilian's time bomb (Q) can be very good at zoning you and can potentially stun if he lands two on a target. His speed boost (E) helps his carry dodge hooks. When he uses his ultimate on someone try to keep them in CC until it expires so they do not get a health and mana rest. ”
Rasta Da Masta says “He isn't going to QWQ your wave since his partner might get mad at losing CS. His E has a big speedup & his R can let him revive teammates... or actually let him suicide bomb you with a self-cast QW then flash into a thrown bomb then R. I call that the ALLAHU AKBAR! combo on Zilean.”
oneandonlyDK says “Play safe around this guy. Try to ult the target he ults to waste the duration. Be really careful when he throws bombs at you since it will likely kill you if he stuns you.”
Jeroen R8 says “Zilean stops you from getting close to the wave or engaging on him by constantly tossing bombs behind the minion wave. Winning lane vs him revolves around going all in and focussing the person he hasn't used his Chronoshift (R) on.”
SimonEagle says “Zilean could stun you or your ADC by throwing two bombs on the target when Galio need to come closer to he enemy. And I'm not writing about others abilities as Chronoshift.”
styllEE says “Zilean is really annoying as he can slow you down, boost his teammates up with movement speed + use ult to save 1 guy, which makes ur ult flanks less usefull”
I love Lun Lun says “Zilean is strong however our silence can destroy his plans.It's way easier to fight against him rather than him fighting against us.His R is not enough to out-HP our allies and his stunbombs are quite useless if we stand away.We can't outrange him but we certainly can steal his HP away if he tries to combo us.An Equinox will suffice for him to die,he is squishy and old.”
TurnDaBeatAround says “You must respect the bombs early scale - if you get tagged, don't kill your ADC with the AoE on your head, and play conservatively - wait for him to setup first, then respond by Qing him.”
TSMSky says “No one really plays this guy, but when they do, they play him either super mediocre or insanely well. Maxing E and taking Coin is ideal here. Mikael's will mitigate his stun.”
Glasletter says “His ult is annoying. Two good things about this matchup is that they both burn a lot of mana when they try and burst your clone and they have to stand still to gain levels, making them easy hits for your abilities.”
SawyerNelson says “Zilean Mid or Support is hard for rakan to deal with, in lane bombs out range and deals with rakan very well. Outside of lane his ULT negates Rakan initial engage.”
MeTheFew says “Has annoying undodgable poke that deals a lot of damage, dodge his Q's and you will be fine. He's faster than you late game so watch out for that as well, and his ult on top of that.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Zilean
Early Game: Zilean is weak early. Avoid his [Q] poke and [E] slow.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on catching him out with [Q] and [R]. Avoid his ult revive.
Key Tip: Bait his [W] before committing to fights.”
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