Mid Lane 50.5% Win Rate93% Pick RateViktor Mid Lane Counters: 41 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Viktor in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Adamikcz2 says “VIKTOOOR, VIKTOOOR, Always ban this champ, extremely unplayable. Don't even try to trade him (he always wins)”
Divine Azir says “His E is pretty much impossible to dodge, but you can bait it out by pretending to go for last hits. He has a very strong 1v1, but no wave clear before he upgrades E. This is really easy to take advantage of by buying Blackfire Toch. The mana will let you poke him with Q often while still pushing hard thanks to the the burn passive. Don't ever try to shuffle him while he has W off cooldown. He will place it on top of you, then full combo you after you ult him.”
AuroraAddict says “viktor is very hard to lane against he has a really strong laning phase+scales pretty well so you get arcane comet max E vs him and try to play with your lvl 6 R against him ”
BesXbola says “Depois do rework o Viktor esta simplesmente impossivel de jogar contra, ele aguenta TODOS os seus pokes e 1 habilidade dele da o triplo de dano do seu kit inteiro, ele vai tentar te pokear ate o level 6 ja que o range dele e muito maior que o seu e ele vai ultar voce e voce vai sumir na hora, eu pessoalmente bano viktor na maioria das partidas.”
j4m.euw says “Viktor has very strong poke, so with this matchup you should definitely take second wind to heal from all the damage he can poke you with. Despite Viktor's E being a ranged projectile, it can not be blocked with your winwall because it is a laser, alike Lux's ult. Instead of wasting you windwall on his E and taking the damage, you should use your E to quickly dodge it. In early game, buy some MR and if the matchup is too hard and you are losing heavily buy Wit's end first item. Don't push the wave into Viktor but instead let the wave push into you so you can go in for trades level 3 and deal a lot of damage to him because he is quite squishy. Don't go in for an all in combo if he has his W up, or you will get stunned and won't be able to finish him off. When you are being slowed by his W, be very quick to E out of his bubble, or you will get stunned, opening a gate for Viktor to burn all his abilities on you. If you are low and have been hit by his W, if needed you should flash out of it. ”
PetriciteLoL says “Constantly engage with E and you win If you keep hitting it. But generally early he's strong bc of Q shield so wait for first back.”
Tamikaze says “[Recommend Fleet]
Viktor used to be an even matchup for Azir, but after the changes back in season 13 for his W on-hit, Azir no longer stands a chance in this lane. Your goal in this lane is to survive laning phase, if possible. You need to take priority in dodging his E, early boots can help with this. Notable tips for the lane: Level 1 his Q wins the trade, respect the early damage from it. The range for his Q and auto are slightly different. When he Q's you, you have a chance to out run his empowered auto. If you decide to ult him make sure you do it when he is down both his Q and E. Even if you do ult him, be ready to run from his ult right away. ”
MattStyle says “Tiene buen daño durante la fase de líneas. Puede presionarte pero nunca matarte.
Su E posee más grando del que parece y será su mejor herramienta de poke. Es difícil de esquivar.
Es un personaje que escala bien y en late se vuelve relativamente peligroso.
Carece de movilidad, es fácil de gankear.”
j4ss says “Not a big threat, but zero interaction lane with annoying kit. Full poke setup and standard build. You can swap shieldbow for Maw if you feel necessary.”
BrMario1011 says “go electrocute ingnite and just fist him, if you take phase rush and you combo him right you will never get stunned by his w, only way you can lose is if you get bursted by his r + evolved e or he takes aery and pokes you out”
Tatsurion says “He is not like the other mages, his Q will make sure you never get a fair trade with him, and his E actually outranges you, so for every trade you make against him he will make two back.
Late game you scale a lot harder but he reaches that stage a lot sooner than you do.
he should be an allright matchup, but in my experience he tends to be really difficult, might just be me
Burst and conq work fine”
Vladmidir says “There are small windows when you can trade with viktor. You can trade Q's with him, and as soon as he uses E you can trade with your empowered Q. This matchup takes a while to learn the patterns for so if you struggle with it then just wait for jungle ganks. ”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
Long Sword start.
Viktors lvl 1 is one of the strongest in the midlane if played correctly, due to his Q's high damage, as well as it giving him a shield, so you wanna play the default game of staying safe and poking, until you can kill or see a good trade opportunity. This will usually present itself, when Viktor wastes his W, as he can use it to disengage.
Post 6 using combos and setups that allow you to avoid his W stun are really useful, if you can't burst him down quickly enough to not eat a bunch of damage. For example R -> W on Target -> Flash away, QRWAAR, is my personal favourite, but of course something like RAAWWEQ or W away from target -> RWEQRAA will work very well too! It's all about kiting an knowing your range in this one!”
MetalK1d says “Viktor has strong poke with his E and can shield your early combos with his Q, but he is very squishy and immobile so you can easily combo him but remember to avoid his W.”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[Fleet / PTA] Try to go in with E if he missuses his Q on minions and try to get push to play for skirmish / roams. He will repeatedly E you in lane everytime its up which is basically not dodgeable so it can get annoying.”
sick204 says “Facing Viktor as Yasuo demands careful maneuvering and strategic engagement. In the early game, dodge Viktor's abilities, manage Yasuo's shield for trades, and capitalize on Yasuo's level 3 power spike. Transitioning to the mid-game, use Wind Wall to block Viktor's key abilities, engage when his skills are on cooldown, and watch out for his AoE damage in team fights. In the late game, split push wisely, flank to disrupt Viktor's positioning in team fights, and consider sustain items like Bloodthirster for survivability.”
otaliz says “Viktor has a better trading than Twisted Fate if he starts with Q. If he starts with E, he lost that potential at level 1, so try to abuse it before level 2. Be aware that Viktor's ultimate has a silence, so he can stop Twisted Fate's ultimate if he casts it on top of you. I also prefer Shurelya's build here to look more at roaming instead of trading with him in lane. Try to match his wave push, as he also has an incredible wave clear.”
PhantasmEUW says “[Fleet / PTA] Try to go in with E if he missuses his Q on minions and try to get push to play for skirmish / roams. He will repeatedly E you in lane everytime its up which is basically not dodgeable so it can get annoying.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Shield. The annoying piece of shit. Insane poke but squishy, just get to him with Q3 and E and he is dead. If he ults you run with E he will not be able to catch you because of the ghost you get from E.”
Laimaudeja says “I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Amplifying Tome.
Avoid trading with Viktor in close quarters as his shield and auto enhancer are too strong for you to beat. Keep your distance to try and have a higher chance of avoiding his laser. Use your Satchel to dash out of his gravity field before getting stunned. Buying and upgrading boots after finishing Lost Chapter is encouraged.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP
I think Viktor is the hardest mage matchup for Lux midlane, because he out trades you in every scenario : his E has more range than yours and if you try to get close, his Q shield + dmg will out trade you aswell. His damages are undodgable while yours require to actually hit your spells, that's why this matchup's so hard. He scales hard but you scale decently as well, play for picks cause he's still an easy target to one shot later on!”
awawa says “Difficult matchup. He simply outtrades you early and you can't do anything about it. He will buy zhonyas and ignore your ult. Focus on farming and build zhonyas/banshees. A good Viktor player is your worst counterpick. Good thing there are not many around, huh?”
ShokLoL says “Viktor is slightly stronger than you in 1v1, but he lacks any gank setup or skirmishing power which you have both of. Viktor has reasonably long CDs on Q and E but both are hard to avoid. Do your best to punish him with QW trades while these are down.”
ShokLoL says “Viktor is a very strong laner and you need phase rush in this matchup for the slow resistance. At level 6, on your first engage try bait out his ult, and on your second engage you can look for a kill if you've managed to land enough poke without taking some in return.”
ShokLoL says “Viktor is a very strong 1v1 laner and scales very well, but he’s extremely weak in early skirmishes and very gankable. In this matchup you will want to try avoid trading into his Q autos and avoid Es (if you can, it's hard to dodge). Post 6 you should be able to neutralize by clearing the wave and with the threat of your gank setup.”
Soft Headpats says “Viktor can be obnoxious with his nearly undodgeable E and mini-shield from Q. He tends to out-trade you in lane, but you perform much better in skirmishes and outside of laning phase. Try to match his poke when possible and keep up in CS. If you end up fairly even with him then you're doing well.
Viktor struggles with pushing the wave early on and is usually forced to constantly AA the wave to keep up with enemy waveclear. Use this to your advantage and push him under turret if possible. Once he gets his first item and upgrades his E, he can match your waveclear so you'll usually both end up deleting the waves and posturing toward objectives and whatever else is happening around the map. ”
ShokLoL says “Viktor is a very strong laner but definitely not as useful as you in a 2v2 or skirmish situation. Focus on trying to avoid trades and clearing the wave. Try lean him into your jungler whenever possible. Eventually you will have enough waveclear to completely neutralize.”
ShokLoL says “Viktor is a very strong 1v1 laner and scales very well, but he’s extremely weak in early skirmishes and very gankable. Keeping the wave in a gankable position or dragging Viktor into early skirmishes is also very beneficial. Be willing to concede prio in the early lane to stay healthy. Eventually you will have enough waveclear that you won't need to interact with him much.
SanyGame says “Try to be very aggressive before he upgrades any of his abilities, as he is weak early on. He can easily erase your turrets with his [E], especially if he upgraded it, so you must place them far apart or always keep a few turrets on hand in case you need them.”
Deceiver_euw says “Viktor functions similar to Hwei, because he can also bully you in the laning phase. Matchup will feel hard pre first base so look to go even with early game setup and then after lvl6 you can do burst trades into him and he cant answer much into them. His E is sadly an undodgable spell and its up to him to miss it so if you dont get help in this matchup very early on it can become very brutal with him spamming laser on you so request help early on from your jungler since viktor will die to ganks easily.”
plankbro says “Any champ with a stun that punishes your immobile Q is an extreme threat, but Viktor can poke you heavily early, and melt you late and he removes your ability to push waves because you are only ever allowed to get half-Q's off in exchange for being stunned.”
ShokLoL says “Viktor is a very strong laner but definitely not as useful as you in a 2v2 or skirmish situation. Focus on trying to trade back when his E or Q are on cooldown and worst case if you're too far behind you can focus on clearing the wave instead.”
vSomnia says “Be careful for his first levels he can harass you with his Q and E. If he misses E or use it on the minion wave. Go all in and perma trade. Try to not get caught in his W. ”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Viktor just watch out of his E for the poke, when you fight you do short trade cause he will do W under him to try to stun you, so do fast trade to avoid that”
Kikife says “Viktor's E is quite easy to dodge as you can see the direction before it hits the ground. When he pops W, then E out and charge him to poke pre level 6. Once he has hit 6, don't go for a full engage as he can pop ult and then kill you quickly.
Stack Q level and poke him down after you see his E get used to farm.”
vreiki says “Mais alcance, mais dano, um pequeno escudo, lentidão e atordoamento que te impedem de chegar perto e absorve seu dano. É counter pick forte, chama o jg.”
gaarrett says “Respect the Q --> auto poke Viktor wants to do all lane and let him shove early. Any E2 you hit will result in him putting down his W cage or Flashing if he's low enough. [3/5] ult, the damage is okay and it silences for a split second on cast which can mess up an engage in the early stages of a fight. When Viktor upgrades his version, any version Sylas steals thereafter will also be upgraded. ”
149Gray says “Let him use his Q1 on you and walk back, that way, you take no damage since you don't get hit by Q2, and he wastes mana. His E is not a real skill shot, so a good Viktor player won't miss it. Respect him if he has ignite. Also, his ult disrupts your E charge.”
JackOfAllLanes says “Not really a matchup you'll have to worry about until arcane comes back up. Viktor will have minimal poke in lane and mostly will stay back and try to last hit minions under his tower. Try not to get baited and fight him under his tower because he will ping his jungler and you'll get chain cced and killed under his tower while you try to poke him to deny him Cs. Try to push lane under tower and roam for bot kills/drake/voidgrubs/ jungler fight at scuttle. ”
Axsanea says “[EN]
You can play aggresive, but if you fail your "E" and you don't have tp, you are gonna lose due to the heavy poke, but if you have a ganking jungler play with him, and he is pretty dead anyways, later on you win.
Puedes jugar agresivo, pero si fallas tu "E" y no tienes tp, perderás debido al pokeo fuerte, pero si tienes un jungla que activamente gankea, juega con él, y de todos modos, en late tu ganas.”
FrostbiteMW says “Viktor is a hard bully champion, he has a very high skill-cap so it depends which Viktor you are playing against. But his kit has pretty much anything. However he is squishy so try to harass him early levels.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. He matches you in all stages of the game. You can outrange him tho, so use that advantage.”
Shinbae says “Виктор имеет целый пул контрящих абилок, кушка которая дважды наносит дамаг и даёт щит, вешка которая и противнейшая ешка, иногда не хватает скорости реакции среагировать на его скиллы, поэтому держите максимально возможную дистанцию.
Сам по себе тонкий, но ваншотнуть у вас его всё равно не выйдет”
Hexeria says “[Try to keep your distance, while getting minions, and know that his Ult can interrupt your W.] [Other than that, you can catch him and kill him pretty easily.]”
Halkem says “Try to not get damaged too much early game, he's really strong. Match his push as well as you can. Look to W the wave and stay away, so he has to choose between clearing your voidlings or poke you. If he wastes E you have a window to push. Care about his R, it cancels yours and good Viktors will reliably hit it on your ult.”
Iceyou says “Viktor clearly deserves a top 3 worst matchup spot just for the simple fact that you cant dodge his e but he can miss it . The way viktor e works its more or less up to him to hit or miss rather than your dodging ability . Again give him push call for ganks dont trade outside of manaflow band q and stay healthy with high mana as first prio . ”
liqulabouse says “Not that hard in early; but since he has his lost chapter you wont have priority anymore and he will out damage you/ However he will be really expose so call your jungle for this freekill”
The Milelator says “Don't get poked too much. You can trade him whenever you hit your E slow. His W takes 1.5 seconds to stun you. His ult cancels your Q charge. Once low enough, force flash or kill him with E -> R. You have better wave clear, until he has 1 item plus empowered E. Then its even.”
WarwicksSimp says “Decent ban.
Really hard purely because of his W ability so hard to maneuver against, it's very hard to avoid it stunning you as a melee champion most of the time and his poke damage is very high with low mana cooldown, so you're usually gonna lose this unless you get ganked.
FrostbiteMW says “He is also not that strong early game, but can poke and win short trades easily with his Q and E. So try to be careful. After 6 he usually wins fights with his poke. His R also cancels your R.
tip: go for phase rush. If he uses his W on you just attack him to proc it. This way you can run out of it and wont get stunned.”
FrostbiteMW says “His early game isnt that great, making it easy for you to poke him and snowball in lane. After 6 you can still easily poke with R - Q. Just be careful if he gets too close, since he can easily run you down. Besides that just keep distance and perma poke.”
Tokiyami says “Viktor is just ran down at lvl 6 so just survive his poke because he doesnt have any cc ability so you can just run him down after surviving his poke.”
Lindroganti says “Can and will outscale you. Gets practically free poke and is strangely tanky. You NEED to kill him, but it is extremely hard to do solo. This is made even worse since you probably want to go Dshield to survive his poke. Honestly ban this guy or hope your jungler helps. Too much work to beat a guy who will just scale up anyways. If you do want to try and beat him, you need to play aggressive once you hit lvl 2-3. He has long range, but his cds are decently long. He will always put down his stun trap when you go on him, to stun you back and escape, you might want to e right after stunning depending on what abilities he has up. You need to chunk him enough to the point where he is in flash-ignite kill range. Only then will you be able to play.”
Fuzzmonkey says “A pretty skill-based match up. He can use his Q shield and stun to make it difficult for you to engage on him. But a longer fight should be in your advantage, since you can use your E to dodge his W.”
Wraithlander says “Another heavy poke matchup which you can't do much against unless he mispositions. If his cage is down look to trade but if he saves it then consider rushing boots to allow you to move through it and continue trading.”
tangerrine says “This matchup HURTS my soul. You NEED to dodge all of his abilities or you just kinda are stuck, unable to engage anymore or you just die. Whenever you try and engage, Viktor will just place down his W(?) and the trade will just kinda fail. Try and bait it out and engage when it's down. Try and push in the wave and roam, as it will be your one good counter against a Viktor. If he gets kills, he gets stacks so make sure you try and not give him any. By late game, he probably scaled so just avoid him at all costs.”
TheBougis says “Viktor is more of a threat to your duo than he is to you.
Ult your duo from Viktor's ult and you should be ok.
Viktor also scales fast but you should scale just as fast maybe a little bit slower.”
Zero macro says “Viktor has a way stronger early than Kog'Maw, due to Viktor E lazer and Q trades. Later on Kog'maw will outrange Viktor really hard.
Recommeneded to run Teleport”
serrafim says “Viktor from arcane is just a perma-shove lane after lvl 7/9. You cant kill him, and he just pokes you out, so you have to get your kills and gold elsewhere. You can't all in him if he has his W (Yours but Better) and R (LTG Storm). ”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3 ”
DepresedEef224 says “Take poke runes and play aggressive at level 3. You win because he can't match your damage in lane. Shut him down and extend your lead to other lanes.”
Actt says “He has good poke, range and annoying CC in his W. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike Resolve (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.”
Yurox says “Outrange you and poke you to death.
Teleport is a good option.
You can also stay in minion if you want him to push when he E you. Might create gank opportunity”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Pretty even match up you do have slight avantage in early game damage department go comet tree. He outscales you in 1v1 but you do way better in mid game wiht your ulti”
Braimyy says “😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
Really, really, annoying.
Max e and afk farm. Don't ever try to fight him honestly unless you're super far ahead (and even then).
He can cancel your q and w with his w or r.
Kind of just counters you in every way🤷♀️
but like with corki nobody plays this champ so...”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Unsealed Speelbook]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield]
[Try to avoid his E, it does a lot of damage once he has few items]
[Don't let him poke you for free]
[Don't engage on him when his W is up]”
freuio123 says “Ich hasse Viktor.
Die early Trades verlierst du.
Das Scaling verlierst du.
den Push verlierst du spätestens nach E evolve.
Seine ulti kann deine Forcen.
Er ist nicht mal sooo einfach zu killen mit jungler.
Idk ich hasse das Matchup.
Wie du das spielst würde ich abhängig vom Team machen.
Dein Teamoutscaled? Ok fine, we chillin.
Ganking Jungler? Ok we kill vik.
Botlane braucht dich early? Fine we drop wave for bot roam.
Anguish333 says “- Don't get poked much
- You can actually take Fleet if you struggle vs his poke, we don't need other runes to kill him ( He is squishy already)
- We can all in him, if he missteps
- Don't get stunned (stuns on 3 ticks, 1.5 sec)
- Dodge 2nd part of his E”
NickLeVlach says “Not easy, nor hard. Make sure to Q him when his Q is down, so he doesn't negate your damage. Using Q-E when he decides to walk up to you to Q/E you and trade with him efficiently, make sure he doesn't get both Q's and his E off on you otherwise he will wins trades.”
Zeusman00 says “One of the biggest threats in midlane due to his poke. Very important to dodge the E and not give away free Q auto procs. Refillable potion on back recommended.”
uwuimsocute says “High range control mage, matches your scaling, can stun you, can interrupt your Q.
It is playable, but I would not recommend doing this. Even if you get ahead, this matchup is really annoying.
Try to get a lead before 6, after 6, it becomes impossible if Viktor knows what he is doing.”
Painters says “He has much faster wave clear than you. He also has more range and out damages you. Best to take Minion Dematerializer to try to match his wave clear. You probably won't kill him 1v1, so either wait for ganks or roam as much as possible.”
Cryniu says “This match is hard because Viktor's scale. He can keep his distance but try to poke him in key moments. Take advantage of your mid-game because he will outscale you in late game. Mercury's treads could help but I suggest you to dodge his W.”
bhakli says “He can poke you under tower/freeze but just dodge his Q and don't give him kills. Better safe then sorry vs Viktor. Try to kill, keep second dash for his stun”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Poke and Harass: Early levels are crucial. Use Neeko's range advantage to poke and harass Viktor, especially before he upgrades his abilities. Viktor can struggle in the early game, so zoning and trading effectively can set him behind.
Exploit Mobility: Neeko has more mobility than Viktor. Use this advantage to dodge his skill shots, especially his E (Laser), and try to engage when his abilities are on cooldown or if he misuses them.
Roaming and Map Pressure: Neeko has good roaming potential due to her crowd control and burst. Push the wave and roam to help other lanes or assist your jungler in invades or skirmishes.
Awareness of Viktor's Power Spikes: Be cautious about Viktor's power spikes, particularly when he upgrades his Hex Core and reaches level 6. His damage and utility significantly increase at these points, so adjust your play accordingly.
Love us again says “Viktor is a tough matchup. Not only does he have his poke his kit is just an annoyance to katarina on it's on way. same with vex but this time trading will be a little bit easier.
TB Azir says “Açıkçası Ryze, Orianna benzeri ve çok sıkıcı ama bir o kadar da skill bir matchup diyebilirim Viktor için. İki tarafın da hata yapmadığı sürece birbirini kesemediği, sürekli birbirini pokelayıp farma yatılan bir eşleşme. E'leri dodgelamaya çalışın ama dodge'dan ziyade range vermemeniz daha önemli çünkü iyi Viktorlar genelde belli bi rangeden E attıkları zaman kaçırmıyorlar yani sizin dodgelamanızı da aşıyor mevzu. Onun dışında E'si varken dürtmeye çalışmayın. Kısacası tüm oyunu adamın E'lerinin etrafında oynayın yoksa kaybedersiniz.
Rün: Fleet, Aery”
South Z says “Viktor is one of the worst matchups for Jax : he has a good range, infinite unmissable poke, matches your scaling, and can shut you down thanks to his W. You can consider banning him.”
darkezmond says “Perma-ban 4. The range of his E and W makes it almost impossible to trade with him or somehow contact him, avoid any clashes with your E, at best wait for support from your jungle and farm under the tower”
kaiba77 says “Take sustain runes and items and its fairly easy. Be patient and farm until level 6. Dont try to Q poke him as he will ignore it with his shield.”
ardizzle says “Fuck this guy.... Doran's Shield, Second Wind, Fleet Footwork, and Garen's Passive. All of that and you might be able to eat 3 lasers.
Really though, get some regen, focus on last hits and dodging lasers. Once he is out of mana, use that time to catch back up on farm you had to give up. ”
Caganos says “He also usually builds the item that shall not be named so good luck damaging him. He can poke you for a lot of damage and escape with Q MS and W. You can easily get out of his ult though. ”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Blood choice.
Alt (testing):
FS tonic biscuits cosmic. Nimbus celerity.
Hard push and roam.
Scales, will out-trade you, poke you out, and cage you.
Grab early cull?”
Deru says “Much similar to syndra but easier because you can dodge his w and get to him at some point. Play with the jungler in roams cause you can shove better than him before he gets items.”
Deru says “Much similar to Syndra but easier because you can dodge his w and get to him at some point. Play with the jungler in roams cause you can shove better than him before he gets items.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Try to harass him so that he can't farm creeps calmly, because he scales into leith, and at the expense of creeps can improve his ability, and almost bafat all the others. But keep your distance to escape in case they use W, I think you will understand by the specific field.”
StralekS says “You won't die 1v1 but can't win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended Sunderer rush with Doran Shield start.”
WayOfTheWlnd says “You can easily lose this lane as much as you can easily win this lane. Play safe and smart as he will be able to poke you down just like any long range match-up.”
qwertyMammonth says “Viktor uses much more powerfull and advanced technologies, such as lasers, electric fields and other things. Our axes are nothing compared to his tech things.”
Samikin says “EXTREME THREAT
A good Viktor will completely shut you out of lane with undodgeable E's and easy Q trades. However, most won't be as punishing, so I would rate this a 3 in elo's under Grandmasters. Extended trades are your friend.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “Hard matchup but winnable. If I could I would put him at a 4.5 difficulty. Let him Q you early but don't let him auto with the Q or you'll get fucked. You are also gonna get your ass beat if you dont at minimum go ghost ignite and he will just poke you down. theres probably not much more advice ”
TheAfricanDream says “Viktor will outrange you in lane and he will mainly try and poke you down with his E. Take Second Wind as your rune in the resolve tree and start the game with a Dorans Shield. Do not worry about giving him manaflow band stacks becuase he will naturally poke you in lane. Focus on trying to kill all the creeps and look for roams and plays with your jungler. Viktor will outscale you however you are stronger in the early jungle skirmishes.”
rachichu says “Prior to his mini-rework, the match-up was Vel'koz favored. However, I now believe it is slightly Viktor favored, but not too hard to keep even.”
Cjtheawesome says “A good viktor can easily E poke you out of lane do your best to avoid this as much as you can by weaving back and forth to bait their abilities. once you hit level 6 the match becomes pretty even as you can comfortably farm first strike gold from afar.”
Demonsedge90 says “Viktor has heavy burst damage in his kit, so trying to punish him can be rough in the early lane phase. However, playing this lane safely and coordinating with the jungle will make it easier for you in the long run.”
Lizzykat says “Recomendable iniciar con [Escudo de Doran]. Tu potencial para hacerle intercambios es dejar que utilice su W ya que es su mayor fuente de daño y tu debilidad es el control de masas(CC)”
Wizahd says “Pretty even, he outranges you, but your 3 stack combo does more damage than his all-in. Poke him as with every other match-up and try to stop him farming.”
Atemporal says “Viktor tem um early game bem fraco, mas seu nível 1-3 é realmente muito forte contra você. . Você só precisa sobreviver até sua primeira base que
deve estar em 750 de ouro neste confronto para Dark Seal e Doran's. A negociação é possível no início do jogo, as negociações são mesmo se ambos tiverem todas as habilidades em alta, mas se o Q dele estiver baixo, você pode ganhar negociações com dificuldade. É bom forçar as negociações cedo para ter certeza
ambos perdem hp e mana. Forçar Viktor a basear cedo significa que seu hexcore será atrasado, o que é enorme para você. Você pode congelá-lo no início do jogo e fazer trocas permanentes, ele é realmente muito fraco após a primeira base.
Se ele não tiver o E atualizado quando você atingir o nível 7, você excluirá as ondas enquanto ele lutará sob a torre enquanto perde a fazenda no processo. Viktor realmente não fica online até 2-3 itens, e mesmo assim você é Ekko, então você vai bagunçar
ele para cima. Seu R contra-ataca bastante o R dele, então trocar ult vale muito a pena para você. Costumo matar Viktors sozinho quando tenho meu pico de Proto Nashors. Nesse ponto do jogo você é muito mais forte que ele. Este confronto pode tornar-se
assustador se Viktor conseguir alguns itens, cuidado com o combo Q auto E que pode explodir você com força no final do jogo.”
IamBishop says “A lot of poke, but super immobile without phase rush, if he gets too cocky go for a trade. Otherwise trade hp for wave, roam, reset , repeat. ”
OSG Rewynd says “Viktor from arcane is just a perma-shove lane after lvl 7/9. You cant kill him, and he just pokes you out, so you have to get your kills and gold elsewhere.”
Lucid Walking says “Viktor has medium range and so does Soraka. If he tries to beam you with his laser ability, poke him back with your own Q.
Do not stand too close: you wouldn't want him to use Q on you (it gives him a shield, basically nullifying your own damage of your Q)”
Balinthun873 says “He can push the wave very easily and that makes this matchup hard. Take taste of blood and don't let the wave crash under your tower.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Very hard matchup if he knows what he is doing. His first E is pretty much undodgeable for you if he places it well and your Q is pretty much useless early on beacuse when you Q him he Qs you, dealing pretty big damage and denying yours with shield. Also after Q he gets laser auto so if u place barrel he can Q you and auto it and its very hard to outlasthit it. You can oneshot him late but its hard beacuse he can do the same to your whole team. ”
Xelikari says “Like a lot of control mages, he’s hard to kill but likewise has very little kill pressure on you. You definitely outdamage him early and before his first item you can run the lane. I recommend taking Predator here as you don’t need a true combat summoner for the lane and this lets you get out of it once he’s strong.”
xblademojo says “Corrupting Potion Start, take Teleport aswell. You rather gonna play with Electrocute or Predator. Jungler help would be needed due to his wave clear,and ability kit that counters you.”
sapphire__lol says “Even matchup. Good Viktor player bullies you a bit early but loses all ins. Try to not get poked too much and look for all ins or plays with jungler. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Before looking for the all-in, bait out his Gravity Field(W). His W is his only real form of defence and protection from an all-in and once it’s down, he is easier to kill. When Viktor has completed his first upgrade, which is usually his Death Ray(E), make sure you’re always outside of the minion wave so he is unable to push and poke you at the same time. Viktor will be looking to play safe in the early game. Try to abuse this to get ahead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Before looking for the all-in, bait out his Gravity Field(W). His W is his only real form of defence and protection from an all-in and once it’s down, he is easier to kill. When Viktor has completed his first upgrade, which is usually his Death Ray(E), make sure you’re always outside of the minion wave so he is unable to push and poke you at the same time. Viktor will be looking to play safe in the early game. Try to abuse this to get ahead.”
Adamonias says “If he goes First strike you shit on him, never let him proc it. If he goes Aery you can still easy poke him out of lane, the only ability you're ever in range to get hit by. If he goes ign, just care Flash Ign R, if your at 30% he can kill you with that. Otherwise, you scale equally. He hasa bit more tankyness/battlemage frontlining than you, but you can zone him out of fights.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Before looking for the all-in, bait out his Gravity Field(W). His W is his only real form of defence and protection from an all-in and once it”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Viktor’s Gravity Field(W) is down, he is defenceless and easy to kill. Before looking for the all-in, bait out his W.When Viktor has completed his first upgrade, which is usually his Death Ray(E), make sure you’re always outside of the minion wave so he is unable to push and poke you at the same time. Extended auto attack trades work against Viktor in lane.”
Aenimatora says “Viktor is early on no problem for you. But your task should be to dodge his E and poke him savely. In Lategame its a pure Skillmatchup. You and him are Lategamemonsters. You Pro and his Con: You scale infinite and you are still useful if you time your death right. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Before looking for the all-in, bait out his Gravity Field(W). His W is his only real form of defence and protection from an all-in and once it’s down, he is easier to kill. When Viktor has completed his first upgrade, which is usually his Death Ray(E), make sure you’re always outside of the minion wave so he is unable to push and poke you at the same time. Viktor will be looking to play safe in the early game. Try to abuse this to get ahead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Before looking for the all-in, bait out his Gravity Field(W). His W is his only real form of defence and protection from an all-in and once it’s down, he is easier to kill. When Viktor has completed his first upgrade, which is usually his Death Ray(E), make sure you’re always outside of the minion wave so he is unable to push and poke you at the same time. Viktor will be looking to play safe in the early game. Try to abuse this to get ahead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Before looking for the all-in, bait out his Gravity Field(W). His W is his only real form of defence and protection from an all-in and once it’s down, he is easier to kill. When Viktor has completed his first upgrade, which is usually his Death Ray(E), make sure you’re always outside of the minion wave so he is unable to push and poke you at the same time. Viktor will be looking to play safe in the early game. Try to abuse this to get ahead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Before looking for the all-in, bait out his Gravity Field(W). His W is his only real form of defence and protection from an all-in and once it’s down, he is easier to kill. When Viktor has completed his first upgrade, which is usually his Death Ray(E), make sure you’re always outside of the minion wave so he is unable to push and poke you at the same time. Viktor will be looking to play safe in the early game. Try to abuse this to get ahead.”
ZiegenZelu says “Even bis Semi Schwer. Early Lane ist Hart da er dich viel poken kann und Taliyah's early lane schwach ist. Nach dem Lost chapter hast du Prio, bis er sein Laser upgrade hat.”
SkyBanana says “Technology advancement is Viktor's strength and weakness. If he cannot evolve his skills fast enough he can't compete with Seraphine. Issue is that he is a good lane bully and his Q and E harass can wither her down. Once he gets E evolved it is instant wave clear. Punish him or you won't have a good game.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Before looking for the all-in, bait out his Gravity Field(W). His W is his only real form of defence and protection from an all-in and once it’s down, he is easier to kill. When Viktor has completed his first upgrade (which is usually his Death Ray(E), make sure you’re always outside of the minion wave so he is unable to push and poke you at the same time. Viktor will be looking to play safe in the early game. Try to abuse this to get ahead.”
NegativePhoenix says “Better poke than you overall and just better damage. If he walks up to you don't trade, his Q will just stop your Q and auto because of his shield so the trade will just be in his favor every time. He outdoes you later in the game as well so at the very least make sure you don't let him feed.”
Body Those Fools says “Viktor E is hard to to sidestep, but it doesn't do too damage much early game. You can bait it out and expect him to use it if you act like you're going for a cs. If he starts Q, don't let him get in range to AA+Q+AA you. Poke him down with Q+AA+Arcane Comet and all-in him when he's low. He has no waveclear until 100 stacks on his Passive; it's harder for him to farm because your poke is oppressive. He's very immobile, so communicate with your jungler and you can farm him for free when you have Ult or if he's low. Once you get Lost Chapter, you can bully him even harder. If he Ults you, try to make as much distance as possible; it does a ton of DPS and it moves slower the further away from him it is. Be careful when you all-in him because after you use your E Q and can place his W on you and Ult you.”
Bughans says “Foul evil champion, he pokes you so damn much and scales so damn much like WHO DESIGNED THIS but if you get a good gank he's dead cause of his lack of direct cc”
Bunan says “Conqueror-POM-Tenacity-Last Stand-Second Wind-Unflinching
Dark seal refillable
W max->Q->E
Ability CDs Q(9) W(17) E(12)
Engage if he wastes Q or E
Engage once the Q shield is gone
You win trades lvl 3
Try to dodge his E
only engage if safe (He has good gank setup with W)
Rush ionian boots
Go everfrost to combo with Q & R
You can 100-0 post 6 with his ult
R 7/10 AOE dmg
He outscales you but you are stonger mid game”
KayyeN says “He is useless until he has his first upgrade (E) and Lost Chapter, from which point onward, he will constantly abuse his range by poking with Q and E. His W doesn't allow you to stand close to him for longer than a second and his R interrupts yours. All in all terrible to play for you and free scaling for him.”
DabiDabi says “Pretty easy matchup. Don't get stunned. He is immobile. Just dodge his laser beam. Even better if you can bait his R with a fake all-in.”
Kurchina says “50/50 if hes smart he will scale it and poke u from distance, but once u get into hes face, hes dead. U should be able to kill him pre 6 pretty easily if u land barrel.”
jesterjedi93 says “Viktor is really powerful early game and will definitely play aggro for the most part. If he doesnt, then he has no idea what he's doing. Only fight him if he uses Q to farm. Later after 6, bait out his W before going all in or before ult-ing him bc he can cast W as you knock him up and have you stunned for a second allowing him to escape.”
Errevandare says “Наверное, самый сложный из поукающих матчапов. Вместо руны на хп возьмите маг рез и стартовым закупом щит дорана. Тогда у него мана закончится быстрее, чем у вас хп. Если хоть что-то доджить и не получать автоатаки. Не считаю, что стоит тратить на него бан.”
Super08131208 says “Viktor has been really strong lately especially with First Strike. Don't get overly poked out. You can win level 5-6. Akali has enough dashes to avoid his stun.
Zoose says “Respect his Q, autos and E lazer early on, as it's quite an even trade early game. Best to stay back and Q poke, otherwise try to push the wave. Keep your distance to stay out of his stun field. At 6, his burst is a threat, so stick to Q poke. You'll need to be almost full hp to survive his return damage. Unless you can land W's around fog of war, best to push waves and roam.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Unsealed Spellbook]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Doran's Shield or Corrupting Potion]
[Never use your E when his W is up]
[Try to not get poked too much by his E]
[Ask for ganks]
[Buy Mercury's Treads and Banshee's Veil]”
Esrucnl says “Annoying early game, but same as most of these matchups moment you have level 6 you can usually kill him with your entire combo.
Don't take too much damage early from his Q+E. His Lazer is also dodgeable and you can use your E for his ult to avoid some of the damage.”
Azurio says “Really hard to trade him all game. He will disengage everytime with his W and trade you back with Q auto E. Endure lane and afk farm until items. Buy mercs and play around your jungle and carrys.”
ddieguito_es says “You outdamage him. He'll poke you more often than you, but once you're in range you should be able to end him. He's a late-game champ, so don't let him get an early lead. If he gets Liandry's, get MR asap. If he goes Luden's / Everfrost, keep building default.”
beansoce says “He has a lot of mobility, wave clear and shielding, so only trade when you have empowered q. Try and abuse his mana before he gets his e upgrade he just oneshots waves off that. Just becareful of his ult, as it is a silence and can ruin ur combo.”
Bunny Kata says “His kit is quite strong, and you can't really kill him if he uses W correctly. If he uses W far away from him, just use W and get closer to him and go kill him if you can. He scales very well too.
Ghost-TP + Doran's Shield”
Groovywelsh says “Viktor has a very strong poke but you are stronger LVL1 so just engage on him and try to kill him. Viktor can kite you very well with his W and upgraded Q try to bait his W if he does not have it he can't do anything against you”
xblademojo says “Insane early game + Wave clear. He counters you with his Ultimate and Gravity Field, play with Corrupting Potion possibly, and try to be as efficient as possible with farm.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Try your best to dodge his E]
[Never engage on him when his W is up]
[Ask for your jungler to help]
[His ult can cancel your ult]”
donidaking says “Viktor is really strong right now and he outrades you unless you have empowered Q, try to not get hit by every E and don t let him get his Q auto on you for free.
You can kill him if you trade smartly be careful if he has ignite.
Tading smartly meaning:
if he s in your q range for example don t just q him, auto +Q him.
if he s not behind minions you can also short trade with auto+Q+tap E proccing electro on him.
another scenarios are where he uses his cooldowns on minions.”
KyogoEntity says “Poke with Q try not to give as much First strike gold as possible. Try to not shove the wave so much to have the wave on your side and all in him after he over extends. If Viktor is close to his tower he can just W on top of himself and walk away with no problem. ”
Sakuritou says “You have basically no kill-pressure against him and he perma pokes you out of lane. On top of that, he will outscale you hard.
Try asking ur jungle for a lvl 3/4 gank and hope it gets him behind. Once he is behind, he has a hard time of coming back into the game”
lilmeatgirl666 says “Vitkor's kit is simply built to fk up cass. Avoid getting in his Q range unless you land your Q on him. If you land your Q on him, do as much damage as you can until he places his W. Unless you can kill him, run away as soon as he places his W or Ult on you. My winrate against Viktor is extremely high just by doing these simple things.”
Dustyacer says “He can put down his w when we jump in for our w stunning us. His poke is really annoying. He has little wave clear early. When you trade onto him, he'll drop his w, after doing your combo, try to have your shield up when you get stunned (even better is to walk a bit back towards your tower to make it seem like you are scared and/or he'll want to get behind your shield by walking even further from his tower allowing for you to potentially kill with a 2nd Q. Try to get lead early by roaming (or killing if possible), he hard out scales us.”
Ahri Simplord says “His Q can negate most of your damage early when you try to bring him down to a certain point and his E is pretty much undodgable if he knows what he's doing, really good waveclear as well and will harass you even under turret if he pushes you in,builds crown and also has oneshot potential when his R is up. Likely the hardest matchup for Ahri to go into, most high elo Ahri players have Viktor as their ban choise.”
Malzahar MID says “Unfortunately, Malzahar has done a poor job of countering Viktor. Typically, he wins a lowly 47.5% of games the champions clash against each other in. In Malzahar against Viktor rounds, Malzahar’s side is 0.1% less expected to earn first blood. This implies that he probably won't get first blood versus Viktor.”
Bundif says “This sneakyboi has received quite a bit of love possibly due to Arcane's release. Indirectly at least. The new items are wonderful for him along with First Strike. He's chonky, he can build ⭐THE⭐ item, he scales crazily well into the late game.
If you don't hate Kat like me, I'd consider banning him. Play around his W and you'll deal the brunt of your damage.”
Xalt says “Viktor is fairly squishy try not to use your second E while his stun is on the floor he will try to stand on top and stun you for more ticks on his ultimate QE bait his stun then E and R for a easy kill. Shoving early is a nice way to deny viktor cs he will use a lot of mana trying to catch the cs under tower giving you more sustain than him allowing you to push him out of lane and roam to objectives easier.”
angeLoon says “dshield conqueror second wind unflinching.
viktor can poke you to death with his abilities but this lane is actually really easy! you just need to freeze and bait him to long trades.
viktor's ult is also very great to stole.”
FyreRode says “One of your most losing matchups, He scales similarly to you and can bully you in lane. Considering his popularity rn this is probably your permaban.”
SKRELAX says “Pick Fleet Footwork keystone page. He pretty much hard counters you, he scales as much as you, and his poke is ridiculous. Ban him, or learn how to play vs. him.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Never engage on him when his W is up]
[Ask for ganks as much as possible]
[Buy Banshee's Veil]”
DabiDabi says “Try to dodge his E's as much as possible. You can't really engage on him because he can just stand in the middle of his W and stun you. For pre-6, I suggest you only commit to fighting him when his mana is low enough that he cannot use his stun. Lvl 6 and up, I'd say to only all-in him if you know you can kill him. Viktor has one of the best scaling in the game”
Ara55 says “Early game you will get outpoked, but dont go fleet, just go dark seal, and aim to solo kill lvls 6 and up. also better 2v2's in lane. viktor is weak early without evolution. Electrocute or conqueror”
ChrisWasTaken says “Could be very annoying. Viktor is a staple in the meta now. Honnestly I'd suggest to pick something else than Xin for this one. Unless you want to play it to setup ganks for a zac for example where you only trade with 3rd Q.”
keneki ken says “most of his damage can just be blocked by yasuo's windwall so try to play around your windwall cooldown dont go for trades if your windwall is down you most likely wont end up winning ”
Fake Supp says “like all immobile mages Viktor's weakness is his movements
dont get poked lot and all in him and watch for his W placement its so easy to win but hard to dodge his E”
desch3445 says “Viktor can poke you from a mile away, but early on he's not that hot. Punish his weak early all-in & waveclear, but beware that with Season 12 really favoring Crown mages, if you get into lategame, chances are you just lose.
Take the Conqueror page; His poke will make First Strike worthless, but he's an immobile mage with an unreliable peel tool, Conqueror is perfect.”
ThePieBeam says “Vic is a major issue, mostly because of his Death Beam. It's got nutty range and he upgrades it first. Really the best thing you can do is be constantly on the lookout for his gay baby jail and run whichever direction gets you out of it the fastest. After you get out you can retaliate but not before because the cast time will make it long enough for you to get stunned. Also, watch out for his Q speed boost as it's reasonable he can dodge your Q at mid-long range.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Viktor is one of the strongest mid laners in this current patch, [Pre-Season 11.24]. Viktor feels extremely tanky and he is seeming to dish out more damage than Akshan. Lvl 1 you win the trade. A lot of Viktor players will walk up to try and harass using their Q. Take their challenge head on and all in with your grapple. Once he is Lvl 3 going all in before you get poked down is necessary. After he uses his E if you are above 60% hp go in. If not look to get a proper back timer and go back to lane. Fight him when you are healthy. Post 6 be careful of going all in because he can kill you with his R. Look to shove waves and roam.”
lonestar1870 says “Play for farm levels 1-2. Q if free, but Vik wins the trades if he gets his spells off too. Short trades are your friend since u outrange him (except his E).
Can play aggressive levels 3-6, use Q in lane to set up for E, then use W to previous Q to get good E off, then Q/auto.
You win the lane, but his damage outscales. Don't int early trades and you poke him levels 3-5 and maybe solokill at level 6.
You get prio whenever and can poke him a lot. Make sure you rotate first.
I like a rune page with TWT, but Electrocute is good too for more damage.
Teleport is generally the best vs Viktor, but you can go ignite if you really want.
Get Void if he goes Mercs/Banshees.”
Desperate Nasus says “After pre season12 started, the matchup got a lot harder for Nasus due to the new rune First strike, which is extremely good on Viktor. First back buy sheen and try to heal back as much as you can. Once you hit level 8, this is your only chance to solo kill him before he buys his Mythic item. After his Void staff and Shadowflame the amount of damage he deals is crazy. If you manage to take a lead against Viktor, your main goal should be to end the game Asap.”
Dorom says “Considering Viktor being very overpowered right now and the fact that he just fucks everything rn, I'd say that he's pretty good against Sylas. Don't go in when he has his W up, take fleet and only go in when he uses his spells like a moron, late game he outscales you HARD. Boring matchup.”
ShokLoL says “Viktor has really strong poke but is ill equipped to stop your E unless you get caught in his W somehow. Take ignite, E max and rush Wit's End.”
pwins says “Viktor can poke Zoe easily due to his Q and E, but Zoe can use this to her advantage and hit Viktor back. As long as you keep moving and dodge Viktor's spells you should be fine.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “One of Viktors best matchups. He can be a pain early game due to his constant unavoidable poke with q and e but after your first back it gets a lot easier. Let the wave push into you and don't get poke down too hard and start trading with him lvl 3. Its very very good to back early in this lane after pushing him in (800-850 gold). By doing this, it let's you get a decent back of dblade and dagger. Don't go for the all in until you bait out his w first, if you don't then you will get stunned during your ulti and kited and possibly killed.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Pretty much a farm lane. Just don't take too much poke from him and you're fine. He will look to push
you in when he gets his E augment. Use your W to shield some of his Q poke. If you ever Q3 or E onto him, he
will just W, so E out. At level 6, it's a bit easier, but he does a lot of damage so try to trade or all-in
when he uses Q or E.”
Katawina52 says “His early poke is unbearable. Go Dshield with Second Wind if you struggle a lot. If you're healthy enough and survived at lvl 3 and he doesnt have barrier/exhaust look for all ins IF YOU HAVE CONQ SWORD! You can win them, if he doesn't have exhaust, but make sure once again that you're healthy enough and that you don't let his W stun you. You could go for this regular conqueror runes and sword start flip style, but then you coinflip the fact that you're gonna kill him early on without being poked to oblivion or you can go d shield second wind and play it safe. so it's up to you and your playstyle. Also remember that his R cancels your R so dont use your R when he didn't use it yet.”
PlayCabex says “Viktor is slow, like vladimir. You can outdamage him in the early game since he needs his hex cores to do sth. Later, be careful, he can kite you with his slow (patches ago they changed his w, now spells slow instead) but if he gets into your range, you can delete him from the orbit”
eiensiei says “I'll poke him with E-AA. If I land my Q, he can't deal the same damage through my W. As he gets some items it's safer to stick to E poke and since he'll probably go for Barrier/Cleanse, harassing him out of lane is the most I can do. After level 6 I stop trying to fight him, instead just E-R-ing him after a good Q.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “The main stuff that you have to deal with is his Q E poke and Q E R combo after 6.
NEVER get hit by a Q and AA without using Q yourself too as you will lose most trades. He can stay behind minions and you can't really out-trade him if he positions properly so your best bet is a WEQ combo before he casts his Q. Try to move away everytime he casts W and in the mid game be careful not to get one shot'd by his full combo. Try to outroam him whenever possible.
Go Corrupting if you feel you get outsustained or go doran's if you want to go for easier kills (more ap = more damage, but less sustain).”
Yeager says “Doran's shield + full sustain page. He has one of the strongest level 1's in the game because of his Q, so respect it and don't sacrifice most of your HP to last hit the minions, just stay back. He is aggressive early game but afterwards he will transition into a defensive playstyle to stack up his hex core to get the wave clearing mechanic on E. You have to play this lane really aggressive after level 3 and try to deplete his mana bar by constantly trading as it will delay his power spikes a lot. He's a late game scaling monster like Yone but he's somewhat immobile, so you have plenty of chances to kill him from level 6 and on wards. The first part of his E is impossible to dodge if it's a good viktor because of its missile speed. The second part of his E is where most of the damage is at, and it has a delay too it so focus on avoiding that during trades and you should be fine. The only difficult part in this lane is the first few levels.”
Polarshift says “Viktor has the advantage in lane since he can keep poking you and gain a shield, which you don't have anymore. Try to dodge his laser (E). You can try to ask for a gank since he's pretty immobile. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “Great poke, shield and movement speed make trades hard, high dmg all game. hope he sucks as dodging, play safe and farm. TP can help, exhaust gives you a better chance to kill him. ”
Yeager says “Start doran's shield and don't trade with him level 1, because he will out-trade you hard. He also needs to farm passively after lvl 1-2 to stack his passive, so try ask your jungler for help. to mess up his timers. If you can force him to recall early game, you will delay his powerspikes and make him even more irrelevant. You don't really get to kill each other in the laning phase because you both want to farm and scale into the late game. ”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Good old Viktor - this guy can be painful for a lot of people, expecially for his ability to kite around his slow and as well because of his high damage output. When he has his augment, he can clear entire wave simply by using a single ability. Though to kill you, he needs to get on your face, which is when you need to abuse the fact, that you can kite him in your E and harass him from distance, because that is where he is a bit weaker.”
Avucado says “Start Q, E is too risky since he gets MS. Look for hooks at all times and try to avoid his laser. Don't try to e through him unless you just hooked him. Ask for ganks, he is very easy to kill with most junglers.”
RezoneVerified says “Viktor used to be very weak until the Klepto build became popular! He can be menacing to deal with but if you try yo keep him at a distance/nullify his Klepto stacks you should be fine!”
Callmebee says “Viktor does so much better in a 1v1, he is just a strong champion at any given point and you shouldn't trade with him. He will probably push you in so it will be a difficult early. Consider Teleport in this match-up as you will have to back a lot due to his poke or Barrier. You will find yourself farming with abilities a lot, so I'd recommend taking Biscuit Delivery as your secondary (see Standard Runes below). Poke only to charge your Manaflow Band and wait for ganks/teamfights.”
LunarVortex says “Viktor usually wins lane vs Morgana and also outscales her hard. In teamfights, he can also nuke you as soon as you start to R. Try to abuse his lack of mobility and get your jungler to gank him a lot early.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: If Viktor starts Q, avoid trading with him. If Viktor starts E the matchup is very much playable lvl 1. Keep in mind Viktor his R has a silence so he can stop your R if he casts it on top of you.”
Eriosunx says “Viktor is a pretty common matchup.
You need only 1 trick to run him down. Wich is giving up all cs until lv3.
When you reach lv3 you want his wave to be crushing under your tower and that's where you can all-in him and solokill / burn his summs.
With 1 kill in lane victor becomes very vulnerable and you laningphase becomes way easier”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Viktor outscales and runs liandrys so your shield will take longer to refresh, if you engage on him he can throw his W down and stun and he does quite a lot of damage at lvl 6 for a scaling mage as well.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Not an extremely hard match up, but can be a little tricky to kill during early laning phase if he can time his Q shield well with your burst attack. I'd recommend using a lot of extended chain combo's during laning phase whilst dodging his W and adding auto attacks in for more damage since he has high cooldowns as well. After level 6, your all in is stronger and his ult is pretty useless if you can bait it out with a W return.”
Yeager says “His level 1 is strong so avoid trading. You can start E to negate some of the damage but just focus on autoing the creeps so you can get level 2 first. It's mainly a farm lane but you should look to play aggressive so he doesn't get a hexcore from his first base. If you can delay his hexcore, he will be useless. ”
Fuzzmonkey says “Not easy, nor hard. Make sure to Q him when his Q is down, so he doesn't negate your damage. Using Q-E when he decides to walk up to you to Q/E you and trade with him efficiently, make sure he doesn't get both Q's and his E off on you otherwise he will wins trades. ”
MikeVix says “Extremely difficult-up. You need to watch out and dodge everything. You lose lane and probably game. But if you roam it is going to be a little bit better for you.”
mrmundo says “Early game you will take tons of poke. Try and dodge his laser watch for his W. After 6, it's pretty easy as long as Viktor doesn't scale.”
ShokLoL says “Difficult matchup overall but Zoe is a lot stronger than Viktor in solo queue. He has a lot of harass so it's tempting to take spellbook TP but I think you can get away with electrocute ignite if you avoid some of his harass.”
angeLoon says “lethal dshield In Resolve Second Wind and Unflinching.
try to have a long trade with him and try to force him out of the lane.
he can poke you a lot but sometime he will run out of mana and if he does not have tp is a free plate or roaming.
you can block his E and Q.”
Kords says “I have beaten Viktors, and I have lost to Viktors. He can match your shove once he upgraded his E, but you should be bullying him way before this, starve his CS count by shoving him in and roaming, once he completes his item, he can beat you with ease. His Q gives him movespeed and he can also slow you. So be careful of him.”
TheoRut says “He outranges you with E and he is super annoying. Play safe and wait for ganks, try one shotting him or the adc in teamfights since he can 1v5 if he plays it right.
Phase rush against this matchup.”
ShokLoL says “Favored to Viktor in the 1v1. Mainly a skillshot check so you need to be on point with your movement and hitting your abilities. Viktor is very gankable and you have much better skirmishing, so any 2v2s or 3v3s will normally favor you.”
ShokLoL says “Viktor is a very strong 1v1 laner and scales very well, but he’s extremely weak in early skirmishes and very gankable. Viktor has reasonably long cooldowns on his Q E and W so looking to trade when these are on cooldown is key (especially Q). Keeping the wave in a gankable position or dragging Viktor into early skirmishes is also very beneficial. Rushing T2 boots can be useful for dodging some of the E poke and looking to chase Viktor down the lane.
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Viktor usará Q (Siphon Power) na Katarina toda hora que puder para drenar sua vida, portanto, evite tomar dano do segundo ataque do Q do Viktor nos níveis iniciais e tente farmar o máximo que puder até o nível 2~3 para tentar agressivar na lane. A maior fonte de dano do Viktor é o seu E, portanto, caso ele não consiga te atingir com o segundo dano do Q, tentará com o seu E (Death Ray), fique atento ao posicionamento dele, caso ele não consiga utilizar o segundo dano do Q e OU tentar usar o E e estiver perto de você, pule para cima dele e faça o combo EW+AA+Q+AA+E+AA e tente fazer isso até poder matá-lo, nos níveis inicias, se você não tiver como escapar do W (Gravity Field) do Viktor, não desperdice suas adagas e espere sair do stun para ir para cima dele. Evite atacar enquanto o escudo dele estiver ativo (por 2,5 segundos é o tempo que o escudo ficará ativo após o primeiro Q do Viktor). Aproveite que as suas habilidades têm cooldown muito alto (o W e o E do Viktor tem cooldown muito alto nos níveis iniciais). Após nível 6, a ultimate dele só irá parar a sua, se ele ultar depois de você (silence de 0,5 segundos no momento da ativação). Use essa vantagem contra ele e aguarde o momento certo para ultar. Em teamfights, Viktor é muito bom devido seu dano em área e seu stun, por isso, é preciso matá-lo rapidamente, porém evite confrontá-lo sem apoio de alguém do seu time, pois pode morrer devido ele ser capaz de burstar muito forte. Assim como ele, Viktor te focará com todas as suas habilidades assim que houver oportunidade, por isso no momento que ir para cima dele tenha certeza se consegue matá-lo ou sair vivo sem ser prejudicado na luta. Roaming é essencial visto que Viktor é um campeão que se sobrepõe no late game com muito dano e cooldowns menores. Aproveite e consiga kills para evitar que ele se fortaleça em partidas mais longas. Atente-se ao posicionamento e evite lugares sem visão pois Viktor poderá te stunar e te matar, ou no mínimo reduzir bastante sua vida, evitando que você consiga fazer emboscadas contra o time dele. O potencial de perigo de Viktor é de igual para igual visto que a Katarina pode ser interrompida com a ultimate e suas outras habilidades e possui muita velocidade de movimento e escudo graças ao seu Q.”
Elite500 says “He will outtrade your Q to Q trade, he outranges you and outpushes you and has more mobility, start d shield and become invincible, you can solo kill him if you play really aggressive and smart with your own hp, care if he has ignite”
Dr Eggmund says “Viktor has low mobility which helps Vladimir stick to him and deal damage. However be careful of his damage output otherwise you can say goodbye to getting ahead early. All of laning phase like most other champs is not feeding your laner but in this instance it will be hard to recover if he gets the upperhand.”
iZianni says “Viktor scales hard, really hard. We win early though because our champ has an easier time laning, post 2 items he's a nightmare to deal with. We still outrange him though in team fights.”
Ambitieux says “Viktor I say the only issue you have against him, is the scaling of the champion. He reminds me of a tiny off breed of Kassadin, due to the fact if he is fed enough he will one shot your team. Try to take early trades with him before he has his upgraded ability. You will have your passive Q to heal up, as long as you have your mana item this is almost free trades. Try to call in your jungler for an easy 6 gank, if not push him out of lane and roam. Also his attack patterns will be obvious due to Q forcing him to auto you after, so save your charm and get him then. Don't be afraid to take some damage for the value of trades.”
iZianni says “You outrange this champion, he does have laser but your damage output is more consistent. The issue is he outscales you.
If you're unable to punish him in lane, you need to rely on your teammates to perform.
You can 100% one shot this champion.
A Wanblee Wasta says “This is a unpleasant matchup, because Victor outranges you and does not allow you to approach him. You are a mid-range mage, so when you approach to Victor, he will throw his shield at you and the trade will badder.”
Coldsong says “Viktor has strong poke, but he has a very weak early game and has horrible mana issues without his Mythic item. Dodge his E and burst punish him if he walks up after using Q due to his shield being on cooldown. Roaming is good too as he has really bad mobility.”
resetwice says “He will farm safe so poke him with W. Notice that he will scale hard so keep pressuring him. Avoid his Q + aa and E so this lane will be easier. Be careful with his R. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “Matchup could be hard as well it really depends on how good the viktor is, go aggressive before he gets his first upgrade. Viktor has a bad time if forced to recall early, careful of q/e poke.
Don't be scared to go on him, he'll most likely place his W right at his feet, so it'll be easy to avoid and you will get a trade off.”
Sylvan Lore says “Strong pick in competitive, but most games end too early and depend too much on the early game for him to be useful. You can trade pretty well evenly with him early and neither of you really has kill pressure unless the other makes a mistake. I usually like to trade quite heavily before level 4 because if we both back to buy anywhere below 1250 gold, i will get a useful item, and he will not be able to get his hex upgrade. This will delay his wave clear and make him quite weak. Other than that just respect his E range and it shouldn't be too difficult to deal with him.
Recommend: Barrier and Dmg Build”
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR MIDLANE
Viktor is one of those traditional counterpicks. He just out lanes Zilean. Nothing more, nothing less. He doesn't do anything specifically dangerous to Zilean it's just not a winnable lane. He will be up CS and Priority almost all the time.”
Impossible2Gank says “A tough matchup but you can easily handle him by taking resolve as your secondary tree and getting doran's shield for the starting item.”
duhnx says “Pretty strong but you can punish his early game as he has no mobility and crappy cc. Careful of his late though, he will one shot you even if you have Hexdrinker.”
richardlized says “Viktor has strong poke and is able to punish melee champions pre 6 easily. You generally just want to farm up with single Qs and get a solokill at 6. Mind that if he just used Q, stay away from him to avoid being hit by the empowered auto. Save your W to escape his W , and after 6 you can do the WERFQWAAR combo in order to not get hit by his stun. You can walk out of his stun since it takes 1.5 sec to fully arm itself but taking the chance isnt the best decision.
Katasandra says “[1] Avoid trading autoattacks because he wins with his Q
[2] Try to dodge his E, but if he's good it's undodgeable.
[3] Avoid standing in his W. If you go in he will use it on you and you probably won't be able to walk out before it stuns. Be aware of this.”
Nanelol says “Viktor is a hard bully champion, he has a very high skill-cap so it depends which Viktor you are playing against. But his kit has pretty much anything. However he is squishy so try to harass him early levels.”
Thresh Mid says “Immobile mage with high damage over time. Jungler required for you to win this lane. Death Ray outranges you, and Chaos Storm is devastating for you since you are also immobile.”
Hienaa says “Even tho they are ranged champions, if you hit 1 Q on them, they cant contest your insane damage output and they just have to take it. One tapped every time.”
xMetix says “His poke is pretty strong but before level 6 he is very vulnerable to all ins. If he has W on cooldown or if you can get through it before getting stunned you should look for a long fight and abuse his weak early. After level 6 make sure the trades and all-ins go fast so he doesn't get to melt you with The Storm.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Viktor can be annoying in the early game because of his range but you can just run into him and try to kill him, would recommend ignite/Cleanse.”
DabiDabi says “Viktor has been really strong lately especially with First Strike. Don't get overly poked out. You can win level 5-6. Akali has enough dashes to avoid his stun. ”
tozosi says “He has no movement abilities whatsoever. The only real way he can outplay you in lane is with his stun orb thing. Outside of lane, he's a super easy target to kill.”
TheSecretsWithin says “Q Max is recommended. Viktor is super annoying pre level 6, his zoning with W and E are insane, but your Q shielding can block most of his damage, try to keep him in lane and not feed him, so that he isn't able to get his passive stacks for no reason. But once you get your R, you can punish him for wasting his abilities and to burst him out in the late game.”
3Riptide3 says “He can bully you early if he knows how to poke but just tough it out for awhile and you will be able to shove before he can which will cause him to lose CS while you get your team a lead. ”
Nanelol says “Tons of poke and damage. If you try and fight him, he will just stun you and run away. After 6 it is nearly impossible. Avoid his W and only fight him when he is vulnerable.
Nanelol says “While he can poke down your shield a bit easier then some midlane champs, he doesn't have a ton of burst early on, and you should be able to avoid his stun cage if you aren't making silly mistakes.”
TheDuskWalker says “All Summs. Phase rush.
He outranges you and his lvl1 is insanely strong so respect his early dueling prowess. Before his e augment he can't shove waves efficiently so aim to outsustain and farm up. You both scale really well so it's all down to player skill.”
fanchessfan says “He's just really annoying. Make sure to take double MR runes and Q to dodge his laser and gravity field/chaos storm. Take cleanse just in case you get stunned by either his ult or Otherwise your probably fine. Take ghost to outrun his ulti. ”
Vispectra says “I rarely see this beautiful champion anymore. He's an even match up, his stun area is big enough to end up catching you if you try to R into him and his Q poke will be somewhat troublesome but just return the favor with your own Qs and you should be okay. He's a fairly squishy mage so killing him post 6 is very real option.”
qosmox says “Viktor lacks consistent dmg in longer trades, and want to whittle you down slowly, so this matchup is all about forcing trades as much as you can past lvl 3. Use W to block his Q-auto. Try to just farm while staying as healthy as possible lvl 1-2 and you should
be able to start hard winning trades lvl 3-5, since he can't really poke you without walking into taunt range. He's also an easy kill if you taunt-flash onto him when your jungler is ganking.”
TheWerefloof says “High damage, but his CC isn't that strong against you and basically useless against your swing. His 6 can be annoying however, so be careful about that.”
DarDarThePenguin says “Viktor has insane poke damage and can easily prevent you from continuing trades with his W. He has very good kill pressure from his burst damage, especially with a jungler. Take the Fleet page and MR.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Viktor es un campeón squishy sin movilidad al inicio de la partida, su mayor amenaza durante los primeros niveles es su "E", frente a este Match castígalo cuando este farmeando, y avisa del "SS" cuando no lo veas, si este campeón no farmea y no saca kills no podrá mejorar sus habilidades lo cual le quitara mucho potencial en lo que avanza la partida”
Oxydation says “Another matchup like Orianna. His W is his only selfpeel so if he use his W, you can look for a trade and get him low. Dont let him push you in, after his Item/Passive spike.”
Neekolai says “Super annoying because of his range, and he out scales you hard. You can try to outplay him early and kill him, but usually they play super safe. Try to help your jungler out a lot since you have the advantage early.”
Joseph Evanss says “His q and e poke is SUPER annoying before you get your Berserkers + Zeal but after that you can kill him on repeat. Try not to die and heal up with D Shield + Second Wind. You cannot dodge his e if hes good. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield”
ahspaghetti says “go d shield and second wind to bare against this insane poke. look for all in if he doesn't have barrier or exhaust. have e up to never get trapped in his stun cage. remember that his r will cancel your r. you can also try to give up all cs until lvl 3 so that the wave is under your tower and that you can start looking for an all in and run him down.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “Ask for a gank because its hard to kill a viktor because of his shield and slow/stun he can out trade you and solo kill you ”
JustMTK says “You lose this matchup, his shield will deny any burst. Also if he plays around his W you won't be able to hit him. Play it slow, stealth Q E in W out Q him again for electrocute proc. ”
Ryank30 says “Fleet. Take Resolve if you need. Most Viktor players don't really know how to abuse his early game, especially at low-elo. But a good Viktor main would understand how to abuse you early on and poke you out of lane. Completely avoid walking up level 1 if he has Aery because he has one of the best trades mid lane with that rune. Soak in the EXP and play for level 2 when you unlock your W. But if they do not respect your mobility and don't manage their cooldowns well, the game is yours.”
Lavishmouse1032 says “viktor for me is kinda hard especially with all the poke in his kit and hard to get on him if he really knows how to play viktor.”
xoonaka says “This really depends on the player, if the Viktor respects you and farms with his abilities, this matchup can be very hard. since he has a lot of range it's hard to separate him from his farm. He also can poke you enough for his jungler to 2v1 you and put you out of the game. If the viktor pushes up, he's a pretty easy kill, just be careful of his CC.”
XD001 says “Play around his cage and empowered auto. He gets a speed boost and shield from the empowered auto, so make sure to trade with your W when that is down. On the other hand, whenever he cages disengage immediately. The slow and stun are extremely long and you can die if you are unwary of them. It has a long cooldown, however, so use that to your advantage.
Late game you want to flank and try to get a stun off to 1 shot Viktor. Late game Viktor is basically god so trading 1 for 1 against him is usually worth.
Viktor heavily outscales Ekko.
take Elec + sorcery page”
Luciiid says “Easy lane until he scales. Bully him until that happens and getting a gank or two is always nice. his stun is very weird. Just don't stand in it. If you press q on him then he has nowhere to go.”
Noodles912 says “Play safe early, avoid his traps, look for all ins, and use E for his R. Simple match. His scaling could get a bit annoying, but it isn't too bad. Pop your corrupting potions when you trade, and stay away from your minions.”
elnino9 says “It's okay to get hit by his Q, just don't get hit by his buffed auto attack. afterwards. Dodge his lasers, becareful as it out-ranges your shunpo. Take advantage of his cooldowns, he is vulnerable without his Q shield. When he drops his W Gravity field, make sure you have your E reset/refunded so you can jump in or out depending on the situation. Viktor R will cancel your channeled abilities, this means your R. watch for that.”
NuclearAkali says “An assassin stopper. His W stun makes it easy for him to stay away from you and a great way for him to do a full combo and kill you. Try not to engage if his W is up.”
Lot of Wind here says “Viktor is hard to deal with because of his W and R that silences you ; he can deny your engage very easly. Additionnaly, you cannot block his Q auto. Try to stack a big wave to dash out of his E.”
Dorom says “This champion was designed to piss players off, his extreme poke and mobility (if he has phase rush) is insanely bullshit. Try to fight him early levels, after 9 you basically can't stay in the lane.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “You are simillar, but your advantage is mobility and better scaling. Set up ganks with your jungler for free kills. Also shove hard early.”
Coldsong says “Viktor has strong poke, but he has a very weak early game and has horrible mana issues without his Mythic item. Poke him and burst him once you hit level 6. Roaming is good too as he has even worse mobility than you do if you buy early boots.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Viktor can be annoying in the early game because of his range but you can just run into him and try to kill him, would recommend ignite/Cleanse.”
Tamatamo says “This is a very tough matchup. You can beat him lv2 but anything after that you'll for sure need your jng. Don't try to poke him because he'll do more damage back no matter what due to Thresh's shorter range. Just try to farm as best as possible. He'll roam a lot due to his waveclear that he has and because you'll always be under tower. Whenever he's out of your vision PING. No matter what. TL:DR Play very safe. He beats you in practically every way after lv2 and ping when he's gone. You'll always be under tower.”
Bwonsamdilol says “If hes good at viktor he will make you sit under all game and not be able to farm. Be careful when he gets first evolution take trades when abilities are down. Most viktors before higher elos will perma shove waves.”
Hiimkata says “His early poke is unbearable. Go Dshield with Second Wind if you struggle a lot. If you're healthy enough and survived at lvl 3 and he doesnt have barrier/exhaust look for all ins. You will win them for sure if he doesn't have barrier/exhaust, but make sure once again that you're healthy enough and that you don't let his W stun you. You could go for regular conqueror runes and sword start instead of resolve 2nd too, but then you coinflip the fact that you're gonna kill him early on without being poked to oblivion so it's up to you and your playstyle. Also remember that his R cancels your R so dont use your R when he didn't use it yet.
bboyxje123 says “Viktor is a very strong midlaner but in the early levels it shouldn't be a problem to dominate the midlane. Use this to your advantage. Get a lead and use this lead to roam if viktor becomes too strong in lane.”
KataTocDo says “Season 11 items made him insanely good. He does insane damage and his new rework lets him use gold on other things besides upgrading his laser thing. Dodge everything and you should be fine.
Runes: Conq- Dom or Elec. Prec
Starting Items: D Shield ”
Jnewbringspain says “I really hate Viktor. His laser is impossible to dodge and it has high damage with a bullshit hitbox. He get empowered basic attacks along with a shield and movement speed boost too, so he can be difficult to hit. Even if you do manage to hit him with Rupture, his Gravity Field can be thrown up quickly and stop you in your tracks, leaving you open for a bad trade. Avoid engaging with him, you will probably need to farm with Q this game.”
Yamikaze says “Viktor should always be able to bully you out pre 6. Start Q and farm safely and avoid taking too much damage from his Q. Take trades when his CD's are down and windwall the E. You can all in him at lvl 6, or wait for jungler gank pre 6. ”
SkyBanana says “Once he has his E upgraded, he will out poke/harass you and has more solo kill pressure. Even the slightest misstep can end up losing a game against him.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Play safe and trade emp qs. Watch out for his E and once you get him to about 60% hp you should be able to oneshot him. Dont trade at all if he goes electro/ign until you get items.”
invalidd says “Long cd mage who you can abuse early on pretty easily by walking up and trading with him, there's not much he can do about the trades but
you have to keep in mind his Q is not dodgeable and the E and R are not easy to avoid in some situations and that's about it. Easy to setup ganks on.”
KASSAW1N says “
Kass vs viktor: es un match de hard pockeo así que lo mejor es que te Maxees la Q de primera o segunda opción y así mitigar el daño recibido, lleva ignite y elec para acabar rapido con el, y recuerda, usa tu ulti para salir de la de el(no le pelees hasta lvl 6). (compra hielo eterno para que no se escape con fase veloz)”
ezmod66 says “Same as Vel'koz and other ranged mages. This matchup can go one of two ways.
1.) He will out trade you with q early and try to zone you off cs while dodging your q with his q movement speed.
2.) He will stand really far back and try to harrass you with e.
So far i have found the second playstyle to be never players on the champ. when he goes to proc his q passive on you look to q him then e and aa. This will proc electrocute. They will be slightly shocked by the damage with he doesnt play with his shield properly. He will then normally play passive and try e you.
once you hit 4 you can look to trade nicely with your w placement.
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- You have better waveclear than him until he upgrades his E
- Push him in and roam to help your jungler
- You win jungle skirmishes early
- He shouldn't ever be able to kill you - if he places his gravity field, just E out of it
- You can trade with him early game and win quite easily
- Just be careful if he has electrocute/ingite
- He will outscale you eventually in a 1v1 so you need to play around your team
- Roam at level 6 with your ultimate
- Use your teleport proactively”
bocchicken says “if you engage on him, he places his W underneath himself and you are dead. if you don't engage on him, you get poked out due to his range. give up CS, pick up an early MR item and call for ganks before he gets his upgraded hexcore/iceborn”
Ambitieux says “Although you win more early game due to his damage being lower. Try to get your trades out while you can. Other than that try not to get poked out by his E. ”
BCota says “Annoying ass champion to play against very oppressive. Trade with Auto+Super Q it hurts even through his shield. Try to dodge his laser when possible use pool if you feel like you are gonna get stunned by his W”
Chili Dog says “He will outtrade your Q to Q trade, he outranges you and outpushes you and has more mobility, start d shield and become invincible, you can solo kill him if you play really aggressive and smart with your own hp, care if he has ignite. Both runes are viable.”
FalleN3 says “It can be difficult to win lane well versus Viktor but this is a skill match-up. His laser can poke you quiet hard from a safe distance from him and if you take too many hits from it as you try to farm/poke him you can find yourself in trouble very quickly. If you can dodge his (E) laser consistently and not get yourself stunned you will make this lane a lot easier than if you can't. After level 6 he can burst you down quickly, just as you can do to him. ”
Sushi_Cat says “Whether it's Viktor Mid or the now rare Viktor Top, this matchup is easy. Due to VIktor's reliance on his fully upgraded Hex Core, you can seriously bully him before he can get it. That coupled with limited mobility and non-reliable CC makes for a pretty easy matchup. However, be aware if he gets ahead he will murder you and your whole team. ”
Snow Day Zoe says “he is annoying and he can out range you with the lazer. Also he can clear the wave extremely fast, which makes your lane management hard.”
vCraze says “Viktor is an easy matchup with the range advantage but you have to respect his early damage. If Viktor uses his W you need to make sure you walk out of it and not use any abilities as that will stop your characters movement. Play this matchup to scale and you should not have too many troubles.”
S4V4 says “His poke early game is really strong. Try staying away from his Q and AA range, it's fine if you get hit by his E here and there. Taking fleet footwork is highly recommended.”
MINISE says “Viktor is surprisingly major on counter. When its a defensive Viktor, freezes are not going to be good when you go back. He can perma trap and slow when leading into poke/cs.”
Bobbab says “Fast champ with shields and the abillity to stun on your daggers. His poke is hard to deal with too. Try to get a jungle gank and snowball or solo kill when his e/w is on cooldown. His ult cancels yours.”
sweodigaming says “Viktor is a hard bully champion, he has a very high skill-cap so it depends which Viktor you are playing against. But his kit has pretty much anything. However he is squishy so try to harass him early levels.”
Manzey says “This matchup can be very easy and also very hard. A really skilled Viktor will crush you if he wants to, but most Viktors try to poke with E and farm at the same time, this is no threat to you as you can Q farm and maintain mana with your W. But if the Viktor tries to trade with you alot, you'll be in trouble and have to back alot and get put behind.”
Yeager says “Stay away from him levels 1-3. His early game is one of the strongest because he gets a shield + empowered auto, so he can negate some of the damage.
After the first few levels, you should look to play aggressive and force him to base before he gets 1100 gold. If he can't get his hex core, his scaling will be delayed and you win. ”
Haywyre says “Start Doran's shield and beware of his E after his first back. If you struggle with him you can go Resolve: Second Wind + Overgrowth/Unflinching.”
Yeager says “Avoid trading level 1! His q will give him extra damage and a shield. Viktor wants to farm for his 1250g hexcore, so if you can force him to back by making favourable trades after level 1, you win the lane and he becomes useless. ”
Frixen says “3.5 threat level. He has good waveclear, but pretty big mana issues overall. He cannot keep up with roams, however you cannot all in him, almost ever. Follow the same pattern you'd do with Orianna.”
FalleN3 says “Viktor can be a tricky to deal with in lane since he is a strong laner with lots of damage, fast waveclear, and zone control with his (E) and (W). There's room for outplay since he has skill-shots. Play safe and farm during the first two levels. Once you hit level 3, you can consider an all-in since you have more damaging at this point than him. PAfter level 6 you should be able to all-in him with your ultimate and combo assuming he hasn't taken a defensive spell such as barrier. He lacks mobility so call for some jungler help.”
Reason97 says “While he can poke down your shield a bit easier then some midlane champs, he doesn't have a ton of burst early on, and you should be able to avoid his stun cage if you aren't making silly mistakes. ”
Reason97 says “You guy's both get stronger later in the game, so neither of you will really be at full potential in lane. It's gonna come down to who can get more poke damage in, and if you let him land his stun cage on you. ”
xAsuta says “He will keep you on distance with his slow and poke you down. If he freezes the lane you are fucked. Try to bait him on your site and all in him pre 6. He is very slow and cant escape. If you have problems try to build hexdrinker to get some MR and AD and rush Mercs right after.”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. You should just win this early. You can windwall his Q and E but he has better gank setup and outscales you pretty hard. Take Conq.”
Pentakai says “These are hard counters that you want to avoid. You can't trade well against any of them. Your only options are to build an early Magic Mantel, call for JG assistance at level 6, use E very carefully, sit behind minions, keep the wave on your side, and CS under tower.”
Fadedreformed says “Pretty easy matchup. Only played it twice but he really can't do anything since you outroam him and outrade him , after hitting 6 this should be free”
Yuki H. says “Viktor is a very tough match up, especially in the early game with his Q, which gives him a shield and an enhanced auto attack, as well as his E which can hurt quite a bit after 2 or 3 hits. However, this does burn through his mana quickly, so take advantage of your energy pool. Just make sure to bait out his gravity field because he can stun you after your ult if you do not have a W ready.”
fwii says “Extremely poke heavy matchup. His Mana cost is high on his waveclear so it's best to just spam push into him instead of trading into his Q shield. ”
Proma says “Dshield
Watch out for his poke and cc. Look for aggressive trades early on. Viktor only becomes a problem if he scales up so don't let him.”
Veralion says “Dodging E is very difficult and you'll take a lot of damage, but you'll reach equilibrium with shield/second wind at about half life. Avoid the empowered auto attack following his Q. Make sure not to ever let his laser hit you twice once he has it augmented. Burnout should completely invalidate his W, just make sure you don't let him get too close while it's on cooldown. He runs out of mana before you run out of life. To kill, ghost at him and either ult out of his field or use flash. Avoid the stun and he's a sitting duck. ”
RikudouDovahkiin says “Viktor's mobility may be a little problem, but building Proto + Mercury may help you against him, and you're stronger than him in dueling. He doesn't have a strong sustain and CC, beware of enemy jungler that has plenty of CC as it can give you on a silver plate to Viktor, his damage is serious to enough finish any carry off in general, so don't overlook him like Faker did.”
Dare366 says “This is a skill matchup. It's a farm lane where you have to find opportunities to hit your ranged e+q in between waves and get him low. When you go in for melee q+w he will w you so you gotta e right away and then run out of his w. Shouldn't be too difficult if worse comes to worse farm it out. You'll do more dmg mid game and probably win 2v2 with jg.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Low Major
Skill Matchup
He is a lane bully but that doesn't mean he can't be bullied himself, he'll try to run up Q AA E to poke so you can retaliate with your burst when the shield goes down, you should out poke him early.
Though he is a high skillcap champion so try to analyze your opponent and see how they play.”
snukumz says “His damage hurts you a lot and Viktor has shields that can tank a lot of your damage.
His stun cage will stop your ult, and his ult will cancel your ult as well.
His wave clear is very good, and his poke goes through minions, making it harder to dodge than your poke.
You win in teamfights but he is the stronger 1v1 champion. ”
1256 says “can be annoying in lane, you outscale, somewhat counter his kit, a matchup between 1,5-2, shoves insanely good after first hextech upgrade
fleet+dom, electro if confident”
LizzyElune says “otro match de skill.
no usar tu R hasta que el use la suya. tienen masomenos el mismo waveclear hasta lvl 6 asi que es bastante parejo.”
Debonair Karma says “You'll have a hard time poking him because he can stay far away from the wave and farm safely. On top of that, his Q wins him all trades. Try shoving him in 24/7 so he has to waste mana farming under tower. Take teleport/barrier”
Gageowago says “Other than the micro play strategies I will list, know that Viktor is easily gankable since he is immobile. Attempt to get your jungler to camp you to keep Viktor from his power spike as long as possible. Try your best to dodge his laser and try to back off when he throws a projectile at a minion because he can auto you for a free shield. You win all trades if he cannot get his shield off or land his only cc. -----(9.20+ Not sure of any strategies as of right now, but he can do an insane amount of burst with his combo now. Ult away if he ults you because it is actually able to catch you now. Your main advantage on him is in the mid game if you are ahead. He is better level 1-3 and as soon as he hits second item he will one shot hard. Banshee's is a very good item to get against him. Keep in mind that late game he scales as hard as Kassadin, so he will absolutely need to be focused down first.”
topal says “Slightly favourable for galio.Try to get a good trade pre-3 and after that try to bait his w so you can all in him.His w cdr level 1 is 17 sec so look to punish him.Keep in mind that his q gives him movement speed.”
Papapostolou says “Just poke him and you should be fine, he can poke you too but the difference is that you have the sustain. You can pretty much destroy his early just because viktor is mid to late game.”
Lil Tidepod says “Viktor can actually almost delete you late game. Early game, he's pretty weak. Push him under turret so he misses as much farm as possible. You want to delay him from upgrading his hex core as much as you can. If he gets fed off of other lanes, do NOT fight him. He will decimate you. If he misses his stun trap, take the opportunity to complete an extended trade.”
JacWilly says “Has insane poke, try to get an early lead as he needs quite a lot of mana, late game dont disrespect him as he can dish out a ton of damage.”
Capparelli says “You will probably want Hexdrinker...too bad. Without Tiamat you cant match his shove and you cant roam anymore, if he wastes his Q fight him, if not avoid poke and farm early, you can almost always one shot him at 6, you should win the lane, but you can always lose it if you fall behind even a little”
serruh says “shouldnt threathen you out of lane early as he is also quite weak, but he will outrange you. this matchup is a farm fest, you will both look to scale, not much to say here”
Malmortious says “He can be hard to play against in good hands because of his high skill cap and use of his W, but I have yet to meet a guy that wins his lane against me with Viktor.”
RockitoAhri says “Do not go for a trade LVL 1. He will most likely pick Q and win it. You only poke him with Q. Avoid going into auto attack range where he can use his Q. If he starts walking up on you, walk back and deny him the chance. Keep an ultimate charge to dash out of his W. If you have your Ultimate up and he is 60% HP or lower, you win. ”
ur_mom_gay says “Don't worry too much about dodging his laser, since it's hard to avoid. WEQ and you should outtrade him. Level 6 take the all in provided he doesn't already have too much armor. If he W's on top of you after your R, just W out of hit behind him.”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
s1rnasty says “A classic mage mid lane. Which to say is free real estate for morg. Every mage except those with early dps such as ryze and ori and cass is extremly morg favored lane. And even those 3 champions you can still just push and farm. Rest of the champions you have extremely high kill presure after lv7 while they have to react to you. You are the one deciding how lane goes. You are the one shoving and poking them while they need to clear after you. If they hide in the minion wave from q they take w poke dmg while you push. if they dont take poke dmg they expose themself to Q. At any point after ur w poke them to around 80% hp. A landed q should means a kill or flash because you follow up with ult + shield.”
HottestFapper NA says “Outpokes, out damages, out penis-lengths you. His W is the perfect counter to yours and his burst is the perfect counter to your existence.”
E_IS_POWER says “Viktor is really powerful early game and will definitely play aggro for the most part. If he doesnt, then he has no idea what he's doing. Only fight him if he uses Q to farm. Later after 6, bait out his W before going all in or before ult-ing him bc he can cast W as you knock him up and have you stunned for a second allowing him to escape.”
8wolf says “Nowadays he's more of a top-laner.
He's short ranged, but his q gives him enough speed and shield to catch up and survive fights. Poke from afar and be careful at his burst. Might want to take barrier/heal against him.”
Daedralus says “As a Viktor main, I might slightly be biased in terms of abilities in countering Warwick (and I encourage you all to check my Viktor Guide! ^^). If he is smart, he will place his W on top of himself, which can cause your ultimate to be cancelled and you stunned. In this situation, you are also not very likely to have your E activated, and thus, will be killed by his insane burst or by the following DPS if still alive afterwards. Thus, I recommend not to engage him with your ult if he has any chance of using his W. Other than that, he is also a champion that can protect his range at all times by relying on his lazer, making your chancing of using your Q much less. However, once you do manage to ult him, Q + gunblade and fear and all the good stuff will put him down. ”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Dark seal + Potion
I found this a hard matchup, but might have been goodplayers. Harrass and PoKE
Keep distance, poke hes shield, Q W E R”
Tehqo says “He's actually extremely strong, and you sometimes might think you have the upper hand when you really don't. Avoid standing in his stun and poke him out.”
NebuIa says “This matchup is really annoying. You just can't trade with him a lot of the time. Tough matchup but shouldn't be too scary. Try corrupting pot if you struggle.”
TheSpark says “Not played very often but is very scary once his hextech core is upgraded. His laser is annoying in lane but you outrange him with your E. Force him to use a movement ability to get to you, his Q + AA combo really hurts, especially if he has Sheen/Lich Bane.”
KitsyMamori says “Viktor can be shut down easily, but you have to be fast. When Viktor reaches his 1250 gold without backing, he reaches his strong part. So poke poke and poke him out of the lane before he reaches that early gold!”
cobbzy says “Just make sure to dodge his abilities when you can. He is a bit more of a lane bully so take Doran shield and play more passive and make sure to trade when his abilities are on cooldown.”
Aizenvolt says “Generally easy lane just trade with you q to cancel his damage. You will kill him eventualy but dont be too agressive. If you are having trouble ask for gank.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite or TP matchup.
If he starts Q, don't trade W AA for his Q. His shield will make him win those trades. You outshove him, and its hard for mages to farm under tower. Bully him with some AA's, and when he's under tower, W Q AA him to the dirt. Note his burst and mobility is kind of gay. He's easy picking past 6 for free shuffles though. If he hits a Q, chances are he won the trade. Bully him and play VERY aggressive until he manages to back with first hexcore. After that, just try to outshove each other.”
Mid Win Repeat says “Trading with him is tricky like Orianna. They can hit you from the safety of their own minion wave and have shields to negate your damage. I would focus more on just farming and roaming in this one.”
HeisendongNA says “Viktor can be a problem: his E almost clears a wave after he puts a few points with an upgrade for it, and it easily clears your turrets as well. You can't really place your turrets effectively because of that. With any usual turret formation he kills 2 turrets at least, so you have to spread them out. Also, his lvl 1 trades with Q are really strong, and he has dangerous burst after a few items and levels, so don't be too surprised if he oneshots you. Besides that he scales into lategame pretty well. Max your W after 2-3 points in Q.”
spark2 says “Your E lets you dash out of his stun, basically negating that move entirely. He's got good poke and a bit of mobility on his upgraded Q, but he's overall not bad at all. Just try not to feed him or he'll poke you out of lane and make you useless. He'll waveclear pretty hard with his E so try to get to 30% CDR ASAP to waveclear right back with your Q.”
Cloud375 says “When he upgrades his Q, he will normally be able to burst you down better than you can burst him. His Q+Auto does a lot just like you. Overall though, this is a skill matchup which depends on how the fight plays out.”
Tayna says “It's been AGES since i've seen a Viktor player. Anyway, his damage is really annoying so watch out. You can escape his cc, but he's pretty tanky and moves around a lot. Keep farming, don't give him kills and PLAY SAFE!”
Garybaldo says “Bully his early game and end the game fast, he's one of the best scaling champions in the game, try not to get hit by his E and don't let him hardpush you. Be careful as his spells will slow you whenever he's full upgraded Hexcore, his ult will keep chasing after he died too.”
Novok says “Do not go for a trade LVL 1. He will most likely pick Q and win it. You only poke him with Q. Avoid going into auto attack range where he can use his Q. If he starts walking up on you, walk back and deny him the chance. Keep an ultimate charge to dash out of his W. If you have your Ultimate up and he is 60% HP or lower, you win. ”
SirZeros says “Viktor is like Veigar. He scales into late-game pretty much as good as you do. Use your Ult -> Q-Stun on him to possibly win the trade. ”
Euphoric Toaster says “Viktor is a pretty weak pick, but he is generally able to put up a good fight against Heimer for a few reasons. He can pretty easily kill turrets with his laser, and will hit the wave + your turrets no matter where you put them. His Q + empowered auto also clears your turrets pretty quick, especially if he has sheen. Also, once he get his Q upgrade it can make him pretty annoying to land your stun against, but Viktor a lot of the time goes E upgrade first for better waveclear.”
ZenonZeni says “Victor is a even pick with ahri, only if he can poke and trade with you. If you do get picked against a Viktor poke till he is low and do a full engage save your ult to dodge the gravity well.”
Xavier Senori says “Viktor's shield and burst damage make him sort of a nightmare for cassio players. Harass him early when your burst is on par with him, but avoid him later on during the mid game unless you are confident you can land a solid ult. Remember his ult still ticks damage even when he is stunned by yours. An early negatron can really help give you the advantage in lane. ”
PandaSenpai101 says “Viktor top got nerfed, but it's still a hard lane because of the amount of poke that he deals. You can parry his W, but he will mostly stay out of the range. All in once his main abilities are down.”
kilgta says “a good viktor will annoy you level 1 and past, personally I find there are not many players that will do that, do not ult him while he W the ground and you should be fine to kill him all game, hes a battlemage that needs to be close to deal damage. you have wave crashing power so utilize this to get ahead, poke with linadries while his Q is down.”
unownreality says “watch for the laser. He can chase you down, but he is vulnerable to kiting. Dont get caught in gravity field, because his burst will kill you faster then you can react. ”
maplecat21 says “He walks all over you early unless he can't move his mouse to center his gravity field on you. You need tier 2 boots to handle him if he's competent.”
RagexAddict says “This champion can harass you pretty well in the laning phase. His Q will give him a shield and his E damage can be pretty substantial. The key to winning the lane will be to avoid his W stun. When that ability is down, you should be free to do some damage to him.”
SrSuders says “Die Viktor Q kann Trades sehr erschweren, abgesehen davon, wenn man mit der Talon Q engaged und die Viktor E plaziert wird, wird das Escapen sehr schwer.”
hipstersora says “Skill matchup. Walk towards low health minions to bait his laser, then pump fake in the other direction. Save E to get out of his singularity stuff.
Respect his early game to mid game damage and his mid game CC. Try to get ahead with a few ganks. ”
YourBestSenpai says “Annoying, annoying, annoying. Shield on q, small cd and high damage, w stuns, so get out of it if you are in range, care for his e as it might to quite a lot of damage. After 6 shouldn't be that hard as you can get away from is w and run away from his ult.”
Bughans says “I've legit never played against this robot fella. I've never seen him either. Idk man. But i know he's got shields, so yeah, chances are that you won't be able to oneshot him, and it's gonna be the other way around.”
AgreeableOtter says “Let him shove so you can get cs under tower without him poking you. Look to harass him whenever you can and all in him at lv 6 for a free kill.”
Shderen says “Skill matchup, but he obviously has a LOT more damage and utility. Keep him in lane, as he usually takes ghost and has good roam as a result of that. Playing into his range will often let him get a free hit of his Death Ray as it's much easier to get someone who's closer, so be prepared to silence him if he's standing like he's aiming his E.”
SmokeyEggs says “Viktor placing W upon himself can be very annoying, so Merc is a must in this matchup. Always freeze in your tower and deny him cs and so you can trade properly.”
AzureArmatt says “Victor is somewhat love/hate relationship for Ahri, his main tool to harass you in lane are two of his abilities, one is point click ability where he throws metal thing at you and on return gains shield and empowered basic attack and second one is directed AoE laser beam that will be shot in line. after upgrade expect the first ability to deal more damage and the second one to hit twice in same area. his AoE stun is just a zoning tool and his ultimate too since you can run away from it easily. if you find yourself poked really hard try buying magic resist like banshee's veil and if stun is your main problem, mercury's. otherwise build normally so you will be able to get past his shield. ”
Shaawn says “A good Viktor should always be able to bully you out pre 6. Start Q and farm safely and avoid taking too much damage from his Q. You can all in him at lvl 6, or wait for jungler gank pre 6.”
NocUout says “I don't see viktor too often, and most of the time he's pretty easy to lane against, but a good viktor easily will destroy you. Let him push as you can cs under tower and use your ult to dodge his stun field and ult. ”
thedonk says “Go in when his Q is down. Try to poke him in lane with your combos before you try to go all in on him since his Q has a shield. Dodge his stun field and ult with your W.”
Jazzmonkey says “Pretty hard to kill befor 6. Just farm up and try to dodge his Q. If you are able reaching level 6 with even farm its good and you can just kill him after going B and getting your items.”
Tipurrs says “He has a higher range and burst than you, has a shield and his q gives movement speed. But just like you, he's immobile and squishy. You can burst him down faster. I would suggest rushing Banshee's Veil on this match-up.”
Finish Flash says “It is too difficult to dodge Viktor's E with your E because his E has no cast time, so just play passive and farm during the first two levels. Once you hit level 3, you can all-in him since you have more overall damage. Post level 6, if he overextends away from his tower, you can all-in and kill him with your ultimate. Viktor is a bit more difficult to kill due to his Q shield and long lasting zoning ability with his W, so make sure he's overextended before attempting to all-in and kill him.”
apsonalol says “Viktor é aquela match up que você quer evitar, de ban nele, só assim você joga contra.
Brincadeira, realmente é muito difícil jogar contra o viktor, ele te da out range, out scaling, o cara é um pesadelo na vida de qualquer Sona Mid (se é que existe alguma sem ser eu né...) Contra ele recomendo fazer a build de AP Control e tentar não ser solado por ele, conte com a sorte e reze para alguem do seu time ficar forte para que você possa proteger, se tiver ganks early game ajudará a atrasar a build do viktor, se seu jungler não tiltar com a sona mid, peça para ele te ajudar com isso, assim você provavelmente vai ganhar a lane e o jogo.”
qasddsa says “A lot of poking power in lane. Definitely run Fleet Footwork and max Q here so you can at least negate his Q damage. After level 6, make sure to not get caught in his W field without having Riftwalk up.”
Skeptil says “Viktor is generally an easy matchup for Vladimir, and you will definitely be seeing him a lot due to the meta picking up the tank Viktor top lane. He won't be able to get his Kleptomancy procs off of you because you're ranged and he usually won't be in range to auto attack you if you're playing behind your minion wave.”
Exiled Heretic says “Do not blow your combo with his W field up, he will try to stand on it and you will be stunned left vulnerable. Try to chase him out of it or poke him down before.”
Sozzoh says “Viktor can be pretty scary if they play it right. In laning phase, be careful of trading with him level 1, since he does more damage, but levels 3 are when you should play just a bit more aggressive, trying to push him under his turret. Viktor can deal some scary damage, so try and get free trades off of him or just make this a farm lane. Post-6, you'll want to be careful in lane because his ult can follow you until you dash out of it, so if Viktor successfully baits out your W E Q, consider yourself dead. Try not to stand in his W, or else you won't be able to dash out and you'll be stunned. Kill potential for both sides of this matchup in laning phase is barely any, since Viktor doesn't have mobility to catch up to Azir, and Azir doesn't have enough early game damage to 100-0 a Viktor. Viktor is more of a burst champion, whereas Azir is DPS, so both champions should be careful of each other late game. ”
undeadsoldiers says “Viktor is better at sustained poke, so you have to look for an opportunity to chunk him down.
Viktor also has better wave clear than you after the nerfs, especially with evolved E.
If he tries to trap you with his W as you ult, evolved or not, you'll still blink out.”
AQRC Turtle says “walk left to right rather than backwards and forwards because he has good range on his E. When ulting make sure to W directly after it to insure you don't get stunned when he places it below him.”
Smol Jelly says “I've never had much trouble with Viktor. His kit is pretty straightforward, and you've got a greater range, so you can easily lock him down and poke him out.”
Saddest says “Be aware of his death ray, as he will use this to poke you and it deals quite a lot of damage. You can usually see it coming. He will only use his stun once you jump on top of him, so be ready to E out onto a minion or on to him if he is too close to the edge. Save your R until he uses his because it can cancel it. Trade him once he uses his Q on a minion.”
xumi_k says “Relies on his stun and damage. If you all-in him fast, he will never survive, especially later in the game. Played vs him only once after rework though.”
ShokLoL says “Viktor 1v1 is extremely powerful and also scales very well. Play comet E max and you should be able to trade a bit better, but it's still very difficult. He is weak to your gank setup and also not as effective as you in skirmishes, so try stay healthy enough to receive ganks and only trade defensively.”
Chuleex says “Viktor early is good bc of his poke power but we are stronger since lv3, our early is also better so look for kills once he missteps, you can "dodge" his w if you wait a little before he stunts you, but try to have your w to move sou you dont risk the stun, similar to mel baiting out his poke is essential and going dshield helps to, dont go hexdrinker as you delay your powerspikes too much and you become stronger than him early. he is pretty inmobile so look for ganks from your jg if possible, also he is weaker on early skirmishes so take that to your advantage”
Zeekar says “Funny poke and zoning man :) I didn't want to cs anyways
just focus on surviving lane. If possible, trade back with a Q so you can regain some health. Go refillable potion if the viktor is good. ”
ShokLoL says “Viktor is probably the hardest matchup for Smolder and I'd highly suggest banning him if you want to play Smolder as a blind pick. His Q outtrades you early in the lane and his E poke is virtually undodgeable. The best thing you can do is try to neutralize and hope you get some ganks. Rushing T2 boots so you can run back to lane quicker is good, it might even be worth rushing Symbiotic Soles for the quicker recall, but I haven't actually tried this because I avoid this matchup at all costs.”
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