Mid Lane 52.4% Win Rate78% Pick RateAnivia Mid Lane Counters: 38 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Anivia in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
AuroraAddict says “Anivia is kinda hard cause she is a lot tanky after 2 items you just need to try and get her passive on early levels
so you will be able to kill her in the next minutes, going comet max e and teleport will help you play against her.”
BesXbola says “A partir do level 6 a Anivia vai levar a wave em segundos com a ult dela e se voce estiver no meio da ult voce vai morrer tao rapido quanto a wave, a passiva da Anivia cancela qualquer tentativa de all in ou troca de kill, a melhor coisa que voce pode fazer e pedir ajuda do seu jungler para mata-la ou focar em roams, contestar objetivos.”
Badplank says “Anivia can bomb you, she's very strong, zones you out easily, and even if you manage to outpoke her, she has her egg which you wont destroy in time. She makes your passive harder to stack.”
TheRealYashas says “post 6 the matchup can be cancer because of R slow plus rylais. take care early dont get poked out too much and try and call for the jungler if needed”
zSmoke says “Playing against Anivia is complicated because although you can trade her and lower her life constantly, every time you go near to trade her she will punish you quite a bit.”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. Either Major or Extreme depending on your game knowledge and Anivia skill level. Must play around your bone plating cooldown. Most your spells are inside her wall range so you have to be very careful. Anivia has very low agency before she gets two items so you can use that to your advantage by ganking side lanes and speeding them up so they can deal with Anivia later. Boots first back is good. Try for a Null-Magic after Catalyst. Swifties or Merc's against double AP mid-jungle is good here. FoN helps out later in the game. Luckily Anivias are quite rare and they just nerfed her damage so there's a low chance to see one. ”
xumi_k says “DON'T FORGET THE EGG! (Her passive lets her turn into an egg after she dies. If you won't destroy it, she'll respawn). Don't dive her under tower if she has her passive up. Just don't dive her, okay? ”
Tamikaze says “Anivia is an even matchup for Azir. There is really no situation where you can kill the Anivia. Your best bet is to just farm and look for a good gank with your jungler. She is still an immobile mage who is vulnerable to an Azir ult. In the pre-6, if she misses Q, you have an opportunity to all-in her to DPS. Look for good quality pokes with your Q and play for the team. ”
MattStyle says “Mientras esquives el stun de su Q estarás bien. Puede ser un problema su capacidad de push una vez que tiene maná de sobra.
Buscará escalar. Es necesario que tu JG intente anularla.”
j4ss says “Her passive is very annoying and later on she can be a rock in the sock. But she still have zero escapes and it's squishy. She can run Rod of Ages and Seraph's, so make sure to have Crit and IE to kill her asap whe you have the chance later on.”
Tatsurion says “Istg this champ is being slept on so hard, one combo from her will chunk you HEAVY and you will NOT be able to trade it back with her early game, after 6 she will just afk farm and theres little you can do about it.
Conqueror is good here since you get the increased ap to deal with her egg form, which you can attack safely even if shes under turret.
Burst works too”
gimmelovej says “You absolutely need to dodge Anivia’s stun. You can do this with W or by placing yourself at an angle with the minions where you can E in close to the enemy while dodging so you can use your W for another passive proc. If you dodge the stun I promise you win the trade 100% of the time in lane.
Vladmidir says “DODGE THIS CHAMP. You will never win against her unless your team perma camps you. I have yet to win lane against a good Anivia player. ”
GreenReapers says “Conqueror works best in my opinion. First strike or Electrocute can also be fine but make the lane more difficult.
Start d-shield and play a safe lane. Early boots can help dodge Q. You can dodge her Q with your W if you've already set it up or are fast enough to get a combo in. She can chunk you very easy with Q+E AA into electrocute or after 6 with R AA E. Try to avoid that. Look for opportunities when her Q is either down or you are confident you can dodge it.
Once she's low enough for you to get her you should go for it, even if her passive is up. With conqueror you'll more than likely have enough damage to either straight up kill the egg or get it very low, with your extended trade damge.
If your mobility is down, don't play aggressively, other than baiting a bit. Her wall will fuck you otherwise.”
Viktorias Secret says “Depends on ennemy.
Early is easy if you dodge Qs, you can interrupt her R with yours or by placing a good W, you'll outdamage her pretty fast but be careful, she can still be a huge threat with her Q / R for you and your team.”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[Fleet] Try to play around her Q cooldown if she ever misses it you can E into her and try to trade. Otherwise just try to maintain push and look to play skirmishes which is where you're alot stronger. Keep her Passive in mind when trying to solokill her, if you proc her egg under her tower she will just get full hp for free cause you cannot finish her.”
sick204 says “When managing the wave, consider freezing it near your turret to force Anivia to overextend, as she has weaker wave clear early without her R. Build items that provide sustain, such as Bloodthirster or Hexdrinker, to mitigate her poke and burst damage.
Be aware of Anivia’s passive, and plan your all-ins around its cooldown. Aim to proc her passive and then secure the kill after she revives.”
PetriciteLoL says “Buffer your E2 with her Q. Either Q or W max works, she does stack HP so W max is more suggested but it is possible to get ahead early with Q max.”
SkandalloTV says “She has no mobility, so it's easy to hit her. However, if you go in, she punishes you hard. She usually builds more tanky, so building Liandry's Torment and going the poke route is the best.”
otaliz says “You generally won't beat her in the laning phase. As Twisted Fate is a champion that needs to use a lot of auto attacks and doesn't have escape abilities like dashes, she will easily hit you with her abilities. So try to farm using Q from a distance and when you have your ultimate, go roaming.”
Desperate Nasus says “Farm up to 6 try to avoid her Q by baiting that you are going for a minion buy Blasting Wand and try to take short trades. Sadly even on 11 you dont have prio against her so she is going to be always first on the rotates for objectives or some roam all you can do is ping it and Hard-push the next wave so she loses something atleast. You can win her on sidelane if you manage to dodge her Q unless she has phase rush. Doran's Blade as your starting item.”
PhantasmEUW says “[Fleet] Try to play around her Q cooldown if she ever misses it you can E into her and try to trade. Otherwise just try to maintain push and look to play skirmishes which is where you're alot stronger. Keep her Passive in mind when trying to solokill her, if you proc her egg under her tower she will just get full hp for free cause you cannot finish her.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Shield. Its Yone sided match up. You can go trough her walls with Q3, E and R. She is also scaling so you can trade with her anytime in early and mid game. If you will play it right she will be so behind its immposible for her to scale.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Amplifying Tome.]
Try to maintain distance as a few Anivia Q + E combos can screw over your whole laning phase and Anivia can re-cast her Q to detonate early, making it hard to dodge close up. Avoid using your Satchel until after Anivia creates a wall, if possible.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HPs.
Anivia to me is a worst version of Cassiopeia and Ryze because all of her dps comes from her ult, which requires her not move away from it. Considering that, you pretty much are free to hit your spells on her, and never to get into her range. If she just missed Q, walk to her to proc your spells and your passive because she's a minion. The sad thing is, you aren't really going to kill her a lot in laning phase, since you have to kill her twice. If you made her flash, call your jungler for a free kill.”
ShokLoL says “The main window to punish Anivia is pre 6, she has long cooldowns and relatively short range so you can look to punish her when she goes for CS. She is also very vulnerable to ganks, so try and get your jungler to come mid. Make sure you are ready to dodge her Q because if you do get hit you’ll take a lot of damage. Post 6 she is a bit harder to punish, but if you built a big lead pre 6 you should be able to keep extending your lead here.”
ShokLoL says “The main window to punish Anivia is pre 6, she has long cooldowns and doesn't have good ways to stop you from trading onto her. She is also very vulnerable to ganks, so try and get your jungler to come mid. Make sure you are ready to dodge her Q because if you do get hit you’ll take a lot of damage. Post 6 Anivia is too good at neutralizing the lane, and you will need to be careful of being too far up in the lane as she starts to do pretty meaningful damage at this point.
awawa says “You cant solo kill her with her passive early on without your junglers help. Farm more than she does, dont get stunned, dont let her setup epic cc chain on your team, and you easily destroy her later.”
ShokLoL says “The main window to punish Anivia is pre 6, she has long cooldowns and relatively short range so you can look to punish her when she goes for CS. She is also very vulnerable to ganks, so try and get your jungler to come mid post 6. Post 6 it can be hard to punish her in the 1v1, but you should still be able to get WQ auto harass and you heavily outscale anyway.”
ShokLoL says “The main window to punish Anivia is pre 6, she has long cooldowns and relatively short range so you can look to punish her when she goes for CS. Make sure you are ready to dodge her Q because if you do get hit you’ll take a lot of damage. Post 6 it can be a bit harder to punish, wait for her to ult the wave and then try force a QW trade, if you can't then you can just farm from this point. ”
ShokLoL says “Anivia is weak pre 6 so you should be able to get through this phase with a small CS lead. If she uses Q aggressively, try and punish her by Qing on to her while it's down. Post 6 it can be harder to punish Anivia because of her safety and waveclear, but in teamfights you heavily outrange her as long as you don't go melee too early.”
Soft Headpats says “Pre-6 you have the advantage, however, it's hard to solo-kill her while her passive is up unless your jungler comes, and attempting to do so often leaves you at low mana. Despite this, it's important to keep up the pressure and deny CS and prio, since she becomes much more threatening for you post-6.
You can EQ or EE her when she casts ult on you, but your E CD is much longer than her R CD. Focus on clearing the wave and matching her roams rather than 1v1ing her post-6. This matchup is more about who can set up for their team better without getting caught out.”
ShokLoL says “Anivia pre 6 isn't that threatening so you should be able to farm up relatively for free. She is also very vulnerable to ganks, so try and get your jungler to come mid. Make sure you are ready to dodge her Q because if you do get hit you’ll take a lot of damage. Post 6 Anivia is too good at neutralizing the lane, and you will need to be careful of being too far up in the lane as she starts to do pretty meaningful damage at this point.
Raksha-64 says “If Anivia wears her papercraft skin, you're done. Paper wins rock, ban her if you can, and if you find her in a match, surrender as soon as possible.”
ShokLoL says “Anivia is quite hard to bully out but she can't stop you from scaling for free, and post 6 as well as in skirmishes you should have the edge over her. Be very careful being caught too far up in the lane post 6 if you don't have ulti.”
Deceiver_euw says “A very hard champion to punish in the laning phase unless you outrange her. Anivia is strong enough 1v1 to survive early game into LeBlanc and also has the Egg to heal if she plays around it well. After lvl6 she will just clear waves in your face 1v1. Your only counterplay at this point is your jungler. Call your jungler to come mid since anivia is immobile and will die very easily to a gank and if she respects the gank, then you get first push and have a roam timer with your jungler.”
paynehunter says “She outranges you and can keep you away from minions if she is any good. Your best bet is to push hard pre-6. Once she gets 6 she will perma shove and you won't be able to do much. You have to kill her twice. Jump on her if she uses q randomly. E or sidestep her q and run her down. She is very dangerous later in teamfights.”
ShokLoL says “Anivia can be bullied pretty hard pre 6 but after 6 the lane will pretty much just turn into waveclear wars. Try and build up a lead pre 6 by looking for constant QQ and EE harass. If you get a better base you can spam push waves into her and she may run out of mana.”
vSomnia says “Be patient early, only trade when she missed Q. When level six you can go all in when she uses ult, try to dodge Q at all times. Don't get harassed by her auto attacks and E's. Always save your E if she uses R and her wall to block you, jump over the wall or you will die.”
InTaggar says “ENG: If the Anvia is good and not allow u poke her, this matchup is dificult and u just need farm. Anyways, always u need the jg help for the trade, u dont have the dmg on the first level to kill her and her pasive.
Runes: Aery with Scorch or Gathering Storm + inspiration / First Strike + sorch or gathering storm.
Spells: TP, if u feel uncofortable go with Cleanse.
ESP: Si la Anvia es buena y no te deja pockearla, este vs es difícil y solo necesitas farmear. De todos modos, siempre necesitas la ayuda de JG para el intercambio, no tienes el daño en los primeros niveles para matarla a ella y a su pasiva.
Runes: Aery con quemadura o tormenta creciente.
Spells: TP, si te sientes incomodo con TP ve con Purificar.”
OOBLEXX says “I usually find it quite difficult to get to her. Once she hits 6 its really hard to lane and kill her safely. Her passive makes it impossible to do a little level 3 burst surprise with ignite so I would just ban or build more defensively and take TP.”
Baxterstein says “One of the few other champs that can match your permapush. But, he goes OOM and you do not. Get demolish procs on his tower when he backs for mana. Your goal here is to keep him under tower while you influence the map (especially helping your jungle snowball), enabling your team to hopefully dogpile onto him in lategame.”
elite600.lunar bacca says “almost unplayable avoid her stun or w if you try to poke her she ll just wall and stun you if she gets liandry you re done focus on cs in low elo you can just out cs people with no problem”
Desepture says “I don't ban Anivia, but if someone locks her in i'll probably dodge.. if not... play safe and good luck bro. Keep distance dont get walled.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against an Anivia, the only problem that you should watch out is her Q, othe minor problem is the wall but you can avoid it with the third Q”
Kikife says “Anivia's stun is slow moving and easy to dodge. Like azir, anivia is relatively easy to beat in that she can be poked down fairly well whilst avoiding any CC. Her passive is easy for smolder to pop with a full ability combo. Like Azir, buy pink wards and watch for ganks as her wall ability is what will make you susceptible to dying / burning flash.”
sethpls says “Boring farm lane just watch out for her stun and CS. Poke her down level 6 and watch out for her wall. IF you kill her and her passive procs early don't bother - you're not killing that egg.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Her early is bad, but still her combo of "Q+E" hurts a lot, what you can do is use your "E" to dogde and engage with your "E2" and in that way you will win, also another tip is if she use "Q" and you use "E2" she won't be able to CC you cause' she will be CC and you will win again. Post level 6 just use your "E2" whenever she has "R" to cancel her "R", if you fail your "E" and she didn't use anything, then she can easilly kill you post 6.
Su juego temprano es malo, pero aún así su combo de "Q+E" lastima mucho, lo que puedes hacer es usar tu "E" para esquivar y enganchar con tu "E2" y de esa manera ganarás, también otro consejo es si ella usa "Q" y tú usas "E2", ella no podrá hacerte CC porque quedará aturdida y ganarás nuevamente. Después del nivel 6, simplemente usa tu "E2", cuando tenga su "R" para cancelar su "R", si fallas tu "E" y ella no usó nada, entonces puede matarte fácilmente después del nivel 6.”
gaarrett says “Walk at her until the stun comes out, then E to the side then combo. Whenever her stun is on cooldown, save E2 to get through her wall. [2/5] ultimate, you only get one cast and the slow isn't that useful.”
149Gray says “Stay far away from her and dodge/pool her Q's, don't be greedy for cs, sometimes you need to give up some farm so you don't lose half of your health. After lvl 6, you will be playing without waves and perma under the tower unless your jungler/support does something.”
SurferKiller says “If you get hit by her Q, you will scream IRL. So try to dodge it as much as you can. After you have Sheen, Lucidity boots and 100 Stacks, all in after she misses Q.”
CulturalYokai says “passive can be annoying, her damage and burst can also be annoying but you should be able to win this lane, skill matchup i would say”
KazunaSan says “Le passif n'anivia rend le 1V1 pratiquement impossible, vous n'aurez pas assez de mana pour la tuer, vous allez vous faire outrange et outpush, le personnage manque de mobilité donc profitez en pour appeler votre jungler et la tuer dès que vous en avez l'occasion, nous vous laissez pas faire outscale.”
Dustyacer says “Wall blocks us from running or engaging. Even if we kill her she can often times just revive through egg. Post 6 she just instant clears wave, and she also just outscales you. Try to get an ult ontop of her (hitting the slow), to be able to run a trade. Ideally you get some ganks early as he cc is relatively easy dodge, and wall is manageable. While it is possible to gank her post 6, she has only a short time window to punish her as she instant clears waves. ”
FrostbiteMW says “She is pretty squishy, but do care for her damage late game. Her abilities is easy to dodge and if you ever have played Anivia before you know how her combos work. Care not to get trapped in her wall, and to not do stupid dive when she has passive up.”
FrostbiteMW says “Get an advantage pre level 6, she cant do anything there. After 6 she can match your push but should still get poked down since you have more range than she has. Stay back and its easy.”
FrostbiteMW says “Get an advantage pre level 6, she cant do anything there. After 6 she can match your push but should still get poked down since you have more range than she has. Stay back and its easy.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Just outrange and perma poke her. Build an advantage pre lvl 6. If she tries to stun you just dash away.”
OwnerofHappiness says “Anivia does a lot of damage, but you can dodge snowball and Azir’s DPS makes her passive awful. Highly gankable as well.
Merc treads”
Shinbae says “Этот летающий петух ещё та заноза, однако, единственная абилка на контроль делает её очень уязвимой.
Тоже довольно тонкая, но с одним но, её пассивка, если собираешься её ваншотать, сначала сбей пассивку одними кушками, а там уже дело за малым”
MasterGamer0115 says “Anivia's by design is really good at long range zone control, and being an ADC with low heath you are always at risk of taking good damage from her constant AOE abilities. and if you are in Glacial Storm without flash you will have a very hard time getting out of it without taking a large amount of damage.”
AzkloX says “Hardest matchup. You can't kill her any phase of the game. You should't let her wall behind you on lane or she will take half of your health, or even kill you if she is 6+ level. Even if she has 0 mana she won't die if you all in because of her passive and will walk away. Ban if you play mid.”
Hexeria says “[Anivia will try to hit her Q on you so try to dodge that. You cant really engage her, because a good Anivia will just Wall your E.] [Max out Q to get minions and poke her as good you can. Try to E out of her Ult if she casts it.] [Other than that, she has no mobility so if her Q or W is out, try to make a quick engage to get some damage in and get back out.] (works better with Phase rush.) [AP is better into her, because most Anivia will go Lyandris, so your Tank build wont really work on her because of her DPS.]”
cyb3r1a says “Runes: Spellbook, Free Boots, Biscuits, Cosmic Insight, Absolute Focus, Gathering Storm.
Farm lane, you can't really kill her but she can't really kill you. Play patiently and wait for ganks and try to make impact in other lanes or in skirmishes since you have better skirmishing power than Anivia.”
Halkem says “If she's good she will zone you off the wave lv1 with auto Q and play really aggro. You just have to respect her. Most of the time you're gonna have to just try to keep up with her push as best as you can without dying. Avoid getting into her all in range and look to silence her ultimate if possible. Post 6 gets worse, but you can look to kill her with jg. ”
Iceyou says “Well this is a long range mage that can't really poke you as long as you dodge the q. However you dont have enough mana to kill her so just rush chapter and play for early fights that she is weak and wont be able to contest .”
liqulabouse says “If she's decent you will have trouble to get prio and also to keep your HP. Try to trade HP everytime she uses her ult on the wave, by this way every 4 wave you will have an opportunity ton kill her.”
The Milelator says “One of Sion's worst counters. Even though you can very often deny her Q stun by perfectly timing your Q and stunning her before being able to recast it, she has better waveclear post lvl 6, has a W which interrupts your Q and your ult and if she goes liandries, she does a ton of damage to you. A good ban if you want to blind pick sion. (Ghost good vs her)”
ELFREPO says “Quien juega esta cosa? Ni idea no veo una Anivia hace 2 meses. Solo esquivale la Q la cual te estunea o sino vas a comer un buen de daño y luego de eso va a permapushear con su R durante toda la fase de lineas. Sacale el mayor farm posible a este pajaro ya que nunca deberia de matarte a menos que te pegue la q 3 veces mientras te comes su r y tambien es terrible para farmear campamentos. si le sacas 50 de farm ya ganaste y deberias ser mas importante en las teamfights además de que la destruyes 1v1 si pegas tu R ya con varios objetos (a menos que vaya feed o te outplayee con el muro, lo cual no deberia ser el caso)”
FrostbiteMW says “Her early game isnt that great, making it easy for you to poke her and snowball in lane. After 6 you can still easily poke with R - Q. Just be careful if she gets too close, since she can easily run you down and perma CC you. Besides that just keep distance and poke.”
Tokiyami says “Can easily trade with anivia her poke early game isn't that bad so you can go for early game trades and pokes. Just be wary of her Q's because Q and E will do a bit of damage to you. You can usually avoid getting chunked by just using Shroud to not get hit by Anivia Q or use E to dodge it.”
FlopQueenEra says “Anivia's wall ability (W), can be a nuisance. Sona can use her abilities to clear the wall quickly, allowing her to maintain map control and prevent Anivia from isolating her from her team or escaping, and sidestep her (Q) so that you can survive.”
Glitchgun says “Anivia isn't much of a threat before lvl 6, since you just can poke from afar with your feathers, and if she misses her Q, try to go for an all in with your w. She can be a difficult matchup if dodging abilities is your weak point, cuz she hurts!”
Lindroganti says “Pretty annoying, she does a lot of damage and we can't consistently kill her passive early on, nor tower dive her. I've had a lot of success using W immediately as they cast their stun in order to leap over it and stun them before they recast to stun you. If you manage to do that, you're golden. Besides her passive, she melts under damage.”
support_diff says “Dodge her stun with your E to prevent most of her damage, she is very hard to kill due to her passive, focus on cs and trade when her stun is on a cooldown”
Fuzzmonkey says “Try to get her passive down as soon as possible (possibly with junglers help). She will use her Q to stun you while you try to engage as you are easy to hit at that point. Try to bait out her stun and you will likely win the trade. ”
FlopQueenEra says “Orianna can fight against Anivia, but the outcome of the matchup largely depends on player skill and strategy. AS WE KNOWN THAT ANIVIA IS A BURST DMG USING HER THIRD SO IF YOU SIDE STEP HER Q, YOU CAN SURVIVE.”
sullyyylol says “DSeal-
Jg help to break egg, can find solo kills in lane. I use my e reactively to trade whenever she throws a q. At 6 she has too many ways to stop you, so just push and roam.”
OOBLEXX says “She outranges you massively and her CC makes it a very safe lane for her. In other words its hard to eat her and she will have flown away before you reach her or gone into her egg.
Good ban but thankfully she is not as prevalent in low elo.”
N1comagno03 says “Her stun is a big threat for you, and stay away from her r zone.
When you kill her, remember to destroy the egg.
If she trap you with the wall, just flash through it.”
support_diff says “Anivia can block your swing with her wall or stun, she has as good farm as you (from level 6 onwards) and she can land her stun on you easily as your auto attack animation includes two auto attacks. If you see her casting her Q and you are auto attacking a minion, cancel the second attack to dodge it.”
tangerrine says “Just a simple farming lane, so take TP. She can easily poke you out if you try and engage, if she uses her abilities and misses, abuse it. Build Rocketbelt to try and get close to burst OR i've found that glacial augment works really nice on CCing her for engages. One of the matchups I recommend roaming with too.”
TheBougis says “Anivia isn't particularly too strong damage-wise, but her ult slow can be very annoying and her wall can lock you in the zone quite easily. Her egg is also good to outlive you in the zone (of course you can just Q it and heal a ton).”
Zero macro says “Anivia has good wave clear on her level 6+ combined with a decent gank setup. Thereby her Passive can mitigate early game pressure from Caitlyn very well.(Recommended to start Cull) Caitlyn should always respond with E into Anivia Wall gank setup + Q stun. Caitlyn traps work very well into Anivia Passive as well.”
Just_Invalid says “Her R is a bit annoying to work around and god forbid that you get hit by her Q, but relatively easy to kite out during lane phase.”
BigDaddyPantheon says “Anivia's massive stun and her passive are quite annoying but earl game you do way too much damage. If you can kill her early you're set. Start W and keep up the pressure.”
Zero macro says “Anivia will be annoying to deal with during laning phase and her wall/stun gank setup, after that Kog'Maw will deal very well with his increased range.”
Rarnetto2 says “Anivia is a great wave clearer, and so can often prevent you from roaming without losing xp and farm. Her egg makes her hard to all in effectively. Try to push hard before she has her ultimate at level 6 and get some early roams in. ”
DepresedEef224 says “Anivia egg is dumb. You have to kill her twice. She has a lot of damage, wave clear, a super long stun, a wall to keep you out or trap you in, and there AINTNOWAY you solo kill her.”
BradJr says “Skill matchup. Try not to get poked by W, especially after level 6. She scales quite well, but not as well as you. If she has first strike, track its cooldown by left clicking on her and looking at status effects. Use Q whenever she has it.”
AngeReaper says “(This is a tank guide)
Normally, just escape her Q and GG on assassin build, but you won't want to be stuck with E or Q in CD against her, play carefully cauz she scale well”
Actt says “Anivia favoured. Play around her long cooldowns and dodge her Q. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike Resolve and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Annoying match up because of passive and she just buys health item. Go first strike and just to play to farm. Likely hood of you killing her is so slim early game. ”
IggyBoom says “Anivia has quiet big problems here, since you can Dodge half of her spells with a single W. You can even tur on her while she casts Q to deal with her and interrupt her R also with W or Ult.”
Sword Dance says “Don't engage on her when she has her Q up. You can kill her once she used her Q, but it's not a priority. Make sure she doesn't get ahead, and beat her by outroaming and outmanouvring her.”
freuio123 says “Anivia kann deine early trades matchen und ab lvl 6 dich outpushen + ihre Wall kann gut gesetzt deine Ult in trades forcen.
Mit Jungle attention gut zu snowballen und du roamst von Natur aus besser.”
NickLeVlach says “So, the bird. Dodge her Q and you'll win. The reverse is also the same. When she has her passive just ask for help from you jg and then, you can kill her easily.”
AdrikN says “Anvia is a little rat she is so freaking annoying!! you can poke her early on and she doesn't do much dmg at the start. If you push the minion wave at the start she has a hard time clearing it due to her slow autos and once she is 6 she will be forced to waste her mana on the wave. TP Barrier and Exhaust work vs anivia.”
Zeusman00 says “Extremely hard matchup, levels 1-5 are easier if you can avoid her Q. Widdle down slowly with Q poke or ping for jungler to gank. Extremely hard to touch this champ”
uwuimsocute says “Unplayable matchup when Anivia knows what she is doing; try to punish her as hard as you can before until she hits 6.
Not worth a ban, since there are only a few of this disgusting creatures playing this shit.
Consider taking Cleanse, maybe HoB or First Strike worth a try.”
qkthr1 says “extremely awful to play against. her wall and revive will fuck you, prevent your escape, and then if you manage to kill her, undo all your work. possible permaban”
Anguish333 says “- Most important thing when playing vs Anivia is dodging her empowered E, there are 2 ways she can crit with her E and that is Q+E or fully charged R+E (just use your E to dodge Q, or worst case scenario use Shroud if you get hit by Q)
- When her ult turns off it goes on small cooldown, you can all in her in that little window”
Jg_diff says “Anivia is one of my personal favorite bans, as she is really strong and can become lethal surprisingly early. Prefer banning Annie, Yasuo or her.”
Cryniu says “it's a hard match, play with respect and try to roam and scale. Poke her slowly because she will try to stun and surround you. Her ultimate counters your mobility but try to run when she use it. Use mercury's treads if you are having problems or you are against Anivia + CC jungler.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Long-range control mage is hard for Azir right now. Kill potential is low because of her passive, so I typically play safe and farm waiting for a team fight to get kills on her. Recommend to build ROD against this champion.”
Wraithlander says “Disgusting matchup. Her ult is almost useless for us and she's honestly just a very sleeper broken champion with the only thing lacking from her kit being mobility. Against a good Anivia the laning phase was over in champ select so you will have to play for skirmishes and roam timings. Take TP and D Shield to minimise damage from poke. Only trade when her Q is down so try and bait it out. Past 6 don't trade as she flat out wins if you engage first. Max Q to allow you to farm and match her waveclear. Early boots can be really nice to bait out or dodge her Q. Would also consider building early mercs or null magic mantle to negate her burst damage as early on she will only have ROA.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Wave Management: Anivia is excellent at wave-clearing. Try to match her wave-clear by using your abilities. Push and roam when possible, but be cautious of her ability to punish you if you leave the lane.
Adapt Your Playstyle: Adapt your playstyle as the game progresses. If you find it hard to burst Anivia down, focus on team fights and catching out of position enemies instead of trying to constantly duel her in lane.”
Tigereye says “Anivia is another late-game scaling champ, and her passive means that she will likely able to out farm and out poke you early game as she will be incredibly hard to kill.”
TB Azir says “Q yeme, Q'su yokken ufak ufak dürt ve 6'dan sonra adam ultisini wave'i pushlamak için açtığı gibi sen de wave'e ölümüne vur hepsi bu.
Rün: Fleet, PTA”
Thehippyguy says “I mean yeah trade with her when you hit level 2 but then it's almost impossible afterwards to get a even trade if she lands q and then e on you. Level 6 it's like being in Russia so good luck surviving. Roam or Try to get an early lead.”
South Z says “Another high poke, high damage, high scaling champ, which Jax struggles against. Try to hold your Q to jump over her wall.
The good news are you should have enough DPS to kill her egg easily, unlike some burst mages.”
Aiytee says “she can easily punish your q and e with her stun and follow up with an empowered e and auto for a quick trade. Her ult heavily slows your W”
DaddyVladdy says “dodge q or die in 2 trades.Matchup depends on jg.You cant outpush her just try to farm and carry later on.Force her to waste mana on you early levels so she tp's early”
vxnity says “Whenever I fight Anivia, I try to farm up and play for teamfights. You probably won't be able to kill her if she has egg up, but if she doesn't then you should be able to burst her down.”
ardizzle says “This match up can get one sided really fast. You have advantage pre-6 due to being able to clear waves effectively without using mana. Use this time wisely, and you can get a strong enough lead to deal with her level 6. ”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Stay out of W range, and dodge her Qs and you can survive by farming with Q from a distance and roaming. She's also very squishy before she completes her core items, so you can burst her.”
Budgizee says “Anivia is sooo boring, her q is difficult to dodge sometimes and if she E you u get nearly OS, she can ult then wall so you can't get out bc cassio dont have dashes.
take barrier or teleport and ask for ganks or ganks other lanes”
Caganos says “Too much poke, slow and CC. A good Anivia will punish you for even getting close to her. Use your dashes at right places and you will beat her. ”
BlakC1 says “Same as Lux, pain in the ass. Except this time, don't take cleanse. Take exhaust or Teleport. Exhaust can win you fights at lvl6 while TP is a safety measure.”
Edwwardo says “Bird has no range and puts up a wall for you to kill her with. Abuse your range, exploit her walls against her with your W and keep your E up to evade her CC if you go in to Q minions.”
AnxialSociety says “Electrocute if you believe. Spellbook otherwise for roam.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Absolute gathering.
Spellbook tonic demat cosmic. Absolute gathering.
Very hard to kill. Poke into a push then freeze so ganks can help kill her out from her tower.
Watch for wall when you walk up, and the stun combo is brutal.
Can use her wall for bubbles.
Do not R up or she gets a free Q.
She will outscale for teamfights, but you roam better and can pick her off later. Don't die just to pick her passive.”
Deru says “Extremely annoying matchup, especially if the enemy anivia is otp or good at the champ. You have room of roaming before her 6 since she can't really fast push waves like you.”
Deru says “Extremely annoying matchup, especially if the enemy Anivia is an otp or good at the champ. You have room of roaming before her 6 since she can't really fast push waves like you.”
StralekS says “You won't die 1v1 but can't win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish her with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended Sunderer rush with Doran Shield start.”
GG Cannon says “Stun, slow and AoE DoT damage are three of the worst problems for Akali and she has all of them + a passive that doesn't let you just assassinate her and delete her from the fight.”
Mayuushii says “Will just look to kill wave and make lane unfun. Use W movespeed to try to avoid her Q and use Dashes when you have 6 to try to kill if possible.”
Samikin says “Skill Matchup. Zoe naturally loses.
Anivia does a deceptive amount of damage with her Q + E combo, especially since it's easier to land if you try to go in close to trade to her. Her wall is a great engage/disengage tool and Zoe has to rely on max range bubbles to land if she wants to survive, leading to usually death if she misses even one (or at least using a Flash/Ghost). Only play vs Anivia at max range or from Fog of War.
Silver lining: Anivia is easy to gank if she plays aggressive. If you survive the early lane, reaching level 7 or so, the lane get's a lot easier.
Aery/Electrocute are both fine
Standard Luden's One-Shot Build”
SalSushi says “I don't like this champion at all. Pre-6 if you dodge stun you'll win, but post-6 you have to dodge stun and oneshot her or you're screwed. Will outdamage you if you miss your combo and don't instakill her. ”
TheAfricanDream says “Anivia can completely kite you once she becomes level 6. Anivia was made to counter short range mages mid lane and Swain will suffer in this matchup. Try your best to dodge her Q and try get an early kill before level 6.”
MetalK1d says “She is very strong early game and it feels like youre doomed. But she is very immobile and squishy so once you have level 6 you can Q her to slow and try to toss your Ult so she bounces into you.”
hesentorki says “He is just gonna try to poke you. If he oversteps just go in windwall his stun and kill it. Careful tho if you int and he gets ahead its literally unplayable.”
Her Q (Flash Frost) got buffed. It is now speeded-up, it is hard to dodge, and if you don't dodge, she deals a really heavy chunk of damage and out-trades you, but you SOMEHOW are supposed to dodge it.
Be careful because good Anivia's will even use their R (Glacial Storm) to slow you, then W (Crystallize) so you can't run away, then Q (Flash Frost) so they have higher chances to hit their stun on you.
Since it is hard to 1v1 her due to her R waveclear and her Passive (Rebirth) I don't recommend prioritising in 1v1 and reccomend a secondary summoner spell like Ghost.
Just avoid her or be good at dodging her stun.
If you're not good, take ignite, it'll help you to take her down.
If you want to play your Faker-card, it is probably best to out-trade her in 1v1 to get priority to assist your jungler earlier in early fights, but it's uneasy due to her stun speed.”
Demonsedge90 says “The real issue against Anivia is that she has lots of poke at her disposal, coupled with excellent burst damage. So be mindful of your positioning when looking to push up on her.”
Bertsicle says “The matchup is annoying nowadays because of all the tanky mage mythic options. you have to kill her twice. Try to avoid poke early and go for trade combo in lane. Attempt to E her Q stun. Landing R on her when your jg ganks is easy so thats the one positive. Slow pushing into roam doesn't matter vs this matchup because her wave clear is unethical.”
Atemporal says “Este é um confronto de escale livre para Ekko, Anivia só pode punir você nos primeiros 3 níveis. Jogue os primeiros níveis lentamente, mas você pode pular sobre ela se ela fizer Qs na wave. Anivia rapidamente se torna difícil de matar através de seu ovo,
mas nesse ponto você deve estar por volta do nível 7, o que permite ignorá-la empurrando e perambulando. Ekko só precisa gastar 80-90 mana para limpar uma onda, enquanto Anivia precisa gastar algumas centenas de mana por onda.
Tente encontrar as ondas o mais próximo possível da sua torre na pista, de preferência fora do alcance da torre de Anivia, ela terá que escolher entre tentar cutucar você ou salvar seu R e Q para limpar a onda. Não hesite em desviar de seu Q com E. É super arriscado para Anivia correr cegamente para névoa de guerra por causa de quão lenta ela é e quão vulnerável ela é a emboscadas, então ela geralmente não será capaz de seguir roams.
Você ainda pode tentar “falsificar o roam”, fingindo ir para um roaming e depois esperando em um dos arbustos laterais da pista do meio por acertos W gratuitos. Mais tarde, Anivia lutará para acompanhá-lo na pista lateral.”
IamBishop says “Annoying, her kit counters yours in lane, later on you can bypass her range with your ult but otherwise shes a demon in lane, especially near level 6. Jungle and support roam tracking are super important in this match up cause she can set up ganks easily.”
pamiclo says “hard laning phase, just try to farm and dodge skills. sustain with tp. dont try to kill her until guaranteed. look for free kills in fights. you cant roam while her waveclear power.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens/Liandry
R: Standard/Phaserush
S: Cleanse/Barrier
Unterschätze ihren Early Burst nicht. Wenn sie Ignite+Electrocute geht will sie dich ab Lv.2 mit Q+E bursten also lauf nur vor wenn sie keine Q hat. Sobald du dein E Upgrade hast kannst du ihren Waveclear matchen, außerdem hast du mehr Range. Du gewinnst All-ins indem du mit deiner Ult ihre Ult cancellst da es ein Channel ist. ”
Lucid Walking says “SEMI-UNSAFE LANE: Anivia can wall your escape routes. Soraka does not have the mobility to escape a committed Anivia. Although Soraka has the ability to win those trades, do not force them as it's rather favoured for her (she sets up ganks way better than Soraka).
(tip: you can cancel her Ultimate channel, putting it back on cooldown. Her Q recast is also cancellable)”
Spoomk says “Most of the Anivia players that I have fought against don't know enough about how to counter Rakan, and while a really great Anivia player can destroy a Rakan, you should be able to avoid her most powerful abilities with a W or E. Mostly a skill matchup in lower ELO but more in her favor.
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You outdamage her hard and can W her important Q stun. She is very squishy and inmobile so you can hit barrels easily. The only problem is that gp has no dash so if she blocks you with the wall and ults you might die so care about that”
sapphire__lol says “Bit like Cassio/Ahri can take prio but easily attackable. Wati for misssteps or play with your jungler to kill her.
She also lacks dmg to bully you early. ”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “Your hardest matchup. Dodge. However while potentially much more cancerous than azir it is much more volatile than him. I've played hundreds of matches vs anivia and i probably win it about half the time. Generally just take ghost flash sit on the tower, pool her q and beg for ganks while she shits on you under tower. When her ult is up dont be tagged by her r w combo as thats the way to die, back up and hope she afk pushes. Her egg basically means you have to blow all summs and r to end up not killing her, this shit is fucked yo.”
Mvrshy says “[MID] anviva is fairly easy matchup, her range is slightly lower than yours on her e ability so if you see her waste stun, land q and all in.”
J.A.K.I.E. says “You're too slow to dodge her Q. Along with her level 6 clearing waves faster than you, you'll be getting outpoked, stuck going against massive waves since she clears them way better, and out-roamed as she'll notice how badly she's destroying you and look for another lane to murder.”
MikaeraKun says “Annoying, high damage champion, which will make you suffer while you're playing on the lane, possibly winning teamfights on their own later. If you dodge her Q, she still has her wall to stop you from going after her, from blocking you from engaging or blocking you under her turret if you're diving, making turret killing you. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Anivia has a weak laning phase and often has trouble farming and trading. If she uses any abilities on the minion wave to last hit with, make sure you abuse the cooldowns. Don’t forget about Anivia’s Passive. It has a long cooldown, so once it’s been popped, make sure you try to kill her while she is most vulnerable. Call for assistance and ask for ganks while it’s down. Try and hold off from using any dashes that can help you dodge skill shots. Anivia’s Flash Frost(Q) and Crystallize(W) can be deadly if you have no tools to get away from them.”
ZiegenZelu says “Schwere Lane, später aber relativ einfach zu flanken/catchen. in der Lane die W-Q-E combo respektieren. Mit dem Jungler zusammen versuchen sie zu abusen.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Anivia has a weak laning phase and often has trouble farming and trading. If she uses any abilities on the minion wave to last hit with, make sure you abuse the cooldowns. Don”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Anivia has a weak laning phase and often has trouble farming and trading. If she uses any abilities on the minion wave to last hit with, make sure you abuse the cooldowns. Don’t forget about Anivia’s Passive. It has a long cooldown, so once it’s been popped, make sure you try to kill her while she is most vulnerable. Call for assistance and ask for ganks while it’s down. Try and hold off from using any dashes that can help you dodge skill shots. Anivia’s Flash Frost(Q) and Crystallize(W) can be deadly if you have no tools to get away from them.”
Adamonias says “Xerath favored lane. Pre 6 you shove her in, once she gets 6 she will perma shove you in but you should be able to just farm to match.
You can E her when she Q's so she cant recast, not worth doing agressivly just something to know you can do. You can snowball hard into her; and unless you stand in R she can never really hurt you.
She will teamfight better into you, and melt your frontline. However she will allways be vulnerable to your poke.
She has negative MR when in egg form so keep that in mind and you can save ULT to confirm the kill etc. ”
Aenimatora says “Be patient of her Q and W, and just poke her with your Lay Waste. If you do so it should be no problem for you to deal with her. She stays squishy regardless of her standardbuild and your Kit counters her passive excellently. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Anivia has a weak laning phase and often has trouble farming and trading. If she uses any abilities on the minion wave to last hit with, make sure you abuse the cooldowns. Don’t forget about Anivia’s Passive. It has a long cooldown, so once it’s been popped, make sure you try to kill her while she is most vulnerable. Call for assistance and ask for ganks while it’s down. Try and hold off from using any dashes that can help you dodge skill shots. Anivia’s Flash Frost(Q) and Crystallize(W) can be deadly if you have no tools to get away from them.”
SKYTOP. says “Take First Strike and farm, look for good ults, try and back on boots and sheen. You can cleanse her q but not the damage buff, and her e will chunk you. Id personally say its very much a skill matchup.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Anivia has a weak laning phase and often has trouble farming and trading. If she uses any abilities on the minion wave to last hit with, make sure you abuse the cooldowns. Don’t forget about Anivia’s Passive. It has a long cooldown, so once it’s been popped, make sure you try to kill her while she is most vulnerable. Call for assistance and ask for ganks while it’s down. Try and hold off from using any dashes that can help you dodge skill shots. Anivia’s Flash Frost(Q) and Crystallize(W) can be deadly if you have no tools to get away from them.”
yahma says “Anivia can outpoke you like crazy and if you get on top of her she can just stun you, but her wall is useless against you and you do more damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Anivia has a weak laning phase and often has trouble farming and trading. If she uses any abilities on the minion wave to last hit with, make sure you abuse the cooldowns. Don’t forget about Anivia’s Passive. It has a long cooldown, so once it’s been popped, make sure you try to kill her while she is most vulnerable. Call for assistance and ask for ganks while it’s down. Try and hold off from using any dashes that can help you dodge skill shots. Anivia’s Flash Frost(Q) and Crystallize(W) can be deadly if you have no tools to get away from them.”
Kennyaverage says “Anivia is an annoying matchup because at 6 she will outfarm you and push you tower. You also have to kill her twice so only go for her if your jg is there.”
SkyBanana says “Anivia is just a broken champion. She is a very versatile mid laner with a large amount of area denial abilities and single target burst. Her QW combo in lane is very annoying to go against and she will all kill you in any stage in the game. An Anivia is basically a threat at all stages of the game. Your best chance is to hope that your front line CC's her so you can Encore and burst her down if she doesn't have egg form. If she does, quickly kill her because she will kill you... Her R is an instant wave clear button so you will be pushed against the wall a lot of the time. Ask your jungler if he can give you Blue Buff so you can push back.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Anivia has a weak laning phase and often has trouble farming and trading. If she uses any abilities on the minion wave to last hit with, make sure you abuse the cooldowns. Don’t forget about Anivia’s Passive. It has a long cooldown, so once it’s been popped, make sure you try to kill her while she is most vulnerable. Call for assistance and ask for ganks while it’s down. Try and hold off from using any dashes that can help you dodge skill shots. Anivia’s Flash Frost(Q) and Crystallize(W)
can be deadly if you have no tools to get away from them. Make sure your dash is always up so you can dodge her Q.”
NegativePhoenix says “If you can dodge her stun and stay out of her ult so she can't use her E to hard poke you, you have a winning shot in-lane. Just poke her with your Q and Empowered Auto when you can when it wont put you in a bad spot.”
InfinityZero93 says “One of my hardest matchups, Anivia's stuns, slows and walls prevent Akshan from using most of his kit and her burst will take you down hard. Dodge her Q and R at all costs.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “She's fine by herself, but her egg, OH HER EGG. THAT LITTLE FRIED OMLET SHIT. Try poking anivia to low then make her waste passive. once it's gone you and your team can collapse.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Dodge Anivia Q and E over her wall if she tries to wall you in. Early game you might only be able to kill her down to the passive.
Buy hex drinker or mercs if needed”
warmfishu says “If she lands Flash Frost (Q), Yuumi will get stunned and W reset. Her Glacial Storm (R) slows and does damage, so don't get caught out alone. Yuumi can W over her Crystallize (W) wall.”
loldoppio says “Windwall her stun so she can't follow up with bonus E damage. Bait out her Q(stun) before going in. After 6 she will have a huge advantage over you.”
Bunan says “First Strike-Magical Footwear- Futures Market-Cosmic Insight-Second Wind - Unflinching
Sapphire Crystal refillable
Q max->W->E
Impossible to kill early without gank because of your long CDs and her passive (Passive 240s CD)
Dodge her Q with your E
She will harass you early under tower so ask for lvl 3 gank(immobile)
Rush Lost Chapter
Poke with Q (Lethal at 60%)
R 2/10 Only good for clearing wave to reset
She outscales so you need to snowball mid game”
angeLoon says “lethal dshield in resolve second wind and unflinching. (you can get extra tenacity in precision runes if you need)
anivia is a annoying matchup,try to freeze and poke her.”
KayyeN says “Generally almost impossible to play against if she knows what she's doing. She has a lot of ways to interrupt your combos and hitting any meaningful daggers. She will always win trades by casting Q and/or R on your dagger location and cutting you off with W.”
BrainDeadJanush says “She outdamages you easily (like almost everyone else early). her poke potencial is huge, also her RWE combo is huge threat for you. ”
Body Those Fools says “All you really have to do in this matchup is dodge her Q. If you dodge her Q, she has no kill pressure on you at all. I like Lethal Tempo into this matchup sometimes so I can kill her after I proc her Passive. Comet is also great for poking her at max range. A good Anivia will use her W to keep the wave on her side of the lane so she can freeze or farm it safely, requiring you to walk up and be vulnerable to ganks. Be aware that her W can also cancel your Drift if she uses it on you.”
Arzun says “This champ is almost impossible to beat in early game , If she catches you with a stun, and you use your dash badly you will lose, and out ranges and out pokes you Ban or play under tower and hope your jungler ganks
Magmora says “In combat Anivia is quite like you, but less mobile and with more damage. Her Q is much like yours, but smaller and faster. If you can doge it then you are guaranteed to win the trade. ”
OSG Rewynd says “You cannot kill anivia. She has to make an absurd amount of mistakes to ever die to you. Pre-6, she just holds onto Q and Wall and you can't proc passive, and she outtrades you unless she misses everything. Post-6 she can just ult you and wall you and chunk you way harder. If you manage to kill her, OH WAIT SHE HAS BUILT IN GA. Play for scaling and to work with your team.”
Errevandare says “Фармящий матчап, если она хорошо играет, то доджить стан и стенку может быть сложно. Если стоять на расстоянии, то она ничего не может.”
ze kraken says “This should be a boring match up. Anivia won't be an issue pre 6. Post 6 she will only outpush you slightly. You can't kill her and she shouldn't be able to kill you. Late game she will outscale you, but you will have more utility for your team.”
Zoose says “His slow moving Q is the only ability you need to watch out for. Either Stay outisde or close to him to avoid taking his W orb damage. His main threat comes from wave clearing and roaming. Ward when you can and ping teammates when he appears off screen. You can match his roams at lv 6.”
Uberizm says “Can't really kill her unless she sucks bc you lack dmg to kill her twice through the passive. She can't really do anything but harass you though so its okay”
V1kt0r555 says “[Do your best to avoid her Q stun]
[Don't let her push your lane]
[Don't let her block your path with her W]
[Ask your jungler to destroy her egg passive]”
spicy ricecaker says “Be careful not to get hit by her q lvl 1-2, it's the only time you can really get outtraded or even die to her. After that, as long as you dodge her q or windwall it the lane is yours. EQW is a good tool to engage without getting stunned by her q. ”
basrty1p says “A good Anivia players is so dangerous.
If she presses her Q correctly, she can kill you easily in lane.
Her R can cast anytime that she wants, slow and DPS too.
Stay away from her range, focus on farming. May call your jungler to kill her twice since her passive is just like GA(Guardian Angel).”
quinn adc says “Anivia wins if she keeps ranged advantage on you, but like all mage matchups, top lane is their weakness.
Use E to dodge Anivia Q if she ever launches it, and if you do this, she is useless because her E does no damage early game without her Q to empower it.
Stay in E range of Anivia always so that you can E her if she launches Q.
Anivia wins if you play long distance because her range is longer than yours.
Post 6, use E to cancel her R if she uses it.
This is good to mitigate the slow that it provides.
What I like to do is freeze wave in front of my tower, and this puts Anivia in a tough spot.
If she walks up to break freeze, you instantly engage on her and run her down since you are faster than her.
With top lane being so long, you can chase her down all the way to her tower and kill her since the lane is long from her tower.”
Esrucnl says “On paper it should be free for Fizz right? You can press E to jump over her Wall, dodge her Q/E.
However in reality a decent Anivia is very annoying to face especially early game when she has her passive it's hard to kill her (or well kill her twice)
Should be easy to gank because she has no mobility. So ping ping jungler. Show up!”
Azurio says “Buy mercs as fast as possible, trade pre 6 by dodging her Q with E. After 6, keep your E for safety and avoid getting stunned in her R. Your ult knockback can also dash her wall, if you are in a bad situation.”
ddieguito_es says “Try to poke with Q and avoid getting walled in the face. If you get R and kill her, Eggnivia shouldn't be THAT big of a problem. She can outplay you in early and 6 with her W and get a kill on you, so don't give her early advantage and careful with dives.”
King Turtle says “Anivia takes advantage of you not having mobility by walling you off from tower and trapping you in her wave or in her blizzard at level 6+. A well placed wall can be absolutely devastating and her early damage is fairly high with electrocute.”
beansoce says “dodging her q is the most important part of her kit, learning how to dodge or buying boots is a good counter to anivia. Only try to take trade with empowered q, can rarely ever kill her without your jungler, either ban it or play passive til your jungler comes.”
icikz says “Do not move close to her at level 1 or 2, she will just poke you to death. Try to cheese level 3 with your jungler and either get her passive and kill her or burn flash. You can jump over her wall with your W.”
clytt says “Trades are OK here. Careful of her combo. When she roots (w/ the spinning ice-ball from hell) she will immediately follow up w an AA and E for an electrocute proc. Her E does WAY more damage when we're "frosted" or whatever. Play aggressive early, try to take down her passive (eggnivia) so our jungler can gank. ”
Eralta says “you have to be staying out of her range
these freaks will usually just sit in the middle of wave, when that happens, use your q to push/poke”
MrBlivious says “Passive is extremely annoying, do not tower dive because you will die and her passive will go off leaving her alive, unless passive has been used.”
Bunny Kata says “Your E is really important here, as well as your W. You need to dodge her Q with either your W or your E, and escape her ultimate with E or stay safe in your W. You can jump her wall with E.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Doran's Shield”
xblademojo says “You must Dodge her Stun. Stay Efficent and farm till 6. She can match your outpush without a problem. All depends on how good early game the player would be. Doran Ring.”
Boptimus says “You will find Anivia in the Mid lane the majority of the time, but you might get the extremely rare Anivia player that will counter pick your Gragas and follow you to whichever lane you go. You can move around her terrain with E but a good Anivia can cancel your E with her Wall if you try to engage. She out ranges you, out waveclears, and can put on some serious damage if she knows what shes doing. A very good Anivia makes for a very hard lane.”
PanthrickTV says “One of Akshan's hardest matchups. She has multiple ways to cancel your E, can match your waveclear and also makes it really hard to play short range champions in teamfights. I'd recommend banning this champion but if you do vs it, you probably need to take TP or cleanse, max Q and just play to farm then avoid her in teamfights. Rushing vamp scepter to sustain her trades will be your best bet.”
KyogoEntity says “Shouldn't be too hard, you can dash her wall if played correctly and wind wall her stun which is her damage amp tool at the beginning, later on wind wall her E if you're in her R. Avoid fighting without minions and in corridors, if played correclty she can perma-kite you.
Berdasco9 says “Relativamente fácil pero se puede hacer muy cuesta arriba si la Anivia enemiga sabe lo que esta haciendo evita el pokeo y busca momentos en los que hacer un all in ya que tu campeón tiene mas burst que el suyo.”
Dazzther says “Whenever you manage to E her, she'll just Q you in your face, than W in, so you'll get stuck. And never think of diving her, bc of her passive.”
donidaking says “This matchup is just straight up disgusting.
She outranges you,outpokes you and at level 6 she clears waves like blowing candles.
Don t let her stack autos and proc electro on you it will lead to her killing you.
Try to dodge her Q or pool it in case you can t dodge it you can also dodge her E with your pool .
Killing her is nearly impossible bcuz of passive.
At level 6 she is gonna use her R slow to guarantee her stun on you ,watch out for that.”
Sakuritou says “Just like LeBlanc, not really playable against. Ask ur jungle for help, if she gets behind early, it's an easy stack-farm on her (once you get everfrost).
Be carefull when she hits lvl 6!”
Supp Ahri says “Her passive makes her basically unkillable for you since you deal damage in bursts try to make her go into her egg form then back off since you wont have charm up by the time she's back into bird form if she stays wait for a chance to combo and kill her if she recalls just push the wave and make her lose xp this is not a matchup you will stomp play to roam other lanes ahead so they can win the game for you”
xIXWrathXIx says “High Damage from lvl1 and can mess you up lvl3. Stay back and poke and prepare an easy gank for your jng if you can. Once you get a kill or two off her it becomes a much easier lane”
Autolykus says “Pre-6 you can outpush anivia. Post-6 she can outpush you. Use your q to cancel her ult. This will allow you to walk up and cast a full combo E+W+R.”
Ahri Simplord says “Really hard champ to play. Early she is not a threat and she's pretty squishy although you don't have damage to kill her solo as she will revive with her egg, if you are caught with your ultimate and flash down you're likely dead but generally you can dance around her R and Q. You can win 2v2s with your jungler”
mrmundo says “Stupid birb that you can't touch. She will hit you with her poke and one shot you with her E. You can barely fight her because of her dumb wall and passive. Don't throw off all your abilities cuz she will come back to life and destroy you. Make sure she is set up for a perfect gank and go ham from there.”
Dj Memelord says “Laning phase is not playable. Neither is mid or lategame. You are completely outranged at all times. Consider dodging if you dont have a jungler or top that counters the anivia pick.”
itsnothung says “You can jump his wall, super fun! but this champ poke you like crazy. Q hit, your dead. U cant kill it cuz of the egg.
Nhảy qua tường nó, vui lắm. Dính Q thì sẽ chết đó.”
m0rfeazz says “She has CC and some sustain(thanks to her passive)Her ult is garbage to take so you are getting little to 0 benefition, try to farm and ask jg to help you”
doggo pup says “anivia with her slows, stuns and wall stops wukong from being able to actually fight her that much because she has enough burst early game to make it hard for wukong to fight her.”
Bundif says “Anivia isn't so much a threat as she is an incredibly safe nuisance. Her egg, her ability to build ⭐Zhonya's⭐and her VERY strong pushing power will guarantee that you can hardly poke her or even roam without losing all your turret plates. All-in her early and smack that egg before she becomes a late game carry.
Unfortunately these "late game" mages can go electrocute and become early game threats too. ”
officialwiseguy says “The good anivias that know how to use wall properly can burst you quite alarmingly, but with any decent frontline you can just sit back and do your thing
DaffeLaffe says “Just harass her and you will be fine. Make sure to break her egg or ask for ganks, so you'll be able to kill her as much you want for the next few minutes. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Tear of the Goddess]
[Farm lane]
[Dodge her Q]
[Call for your jungler to destroy her egg passive]”
Juon says “This matchup feels almost unplayable. Until level 6. She gets worst for you but she is immobile so you can ult her into you, fly with belly and one shot. Max W second here. Comet may be preferable.”
CuteNakedLoli says “She is beatable but you need to rush mercs to avoid being shredded by her R and E. Winable matchup if u don't get camped by enemy jungle and your jungler comes and helps you ”
OTP Toxin says “Get W level 2 and you will be able to dodge her Qs, rush Boots of Swiftness and if you want, go with Phase Rush, she won't be expecting so much move speed and kiting.”
SadgeBoyK says “her wall is the buggiest ability in the game, and her glacial storm will slow you and make you useless if you try to engage her. In fights look for a flank from behind and one shot her.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Dodge her Q and poke her with your E]
[Bait her egg passive before going for kill]”
lolzed5 says “avoid her stun with your shadow if needed, her e HURTS if she stuns you.
always respect her ult into wall and stun, you will die 100 to 0. ”
TrueGIXERJ says “I've never struggled with anivia; you have Q to dodge her slow, telegraphed stun, and to maneuvre over her wall in order to escape her AoE damage; as well as an execute on E to prevent her passive egg surviving. don't over-engage on her and it's a pretty free matchup.”
Fake Supp says “she can ones shot you easily and Out farm you so much easier ! the only way to win is to get her fall behind and Roam and Roam and Roam !
be aware that you will fall 1 or even 2 levels behind her in mid game cause you most of the times dont get to catch your wave”
Ara55 says “Just perma shoves you in and out scales you. if you have no jungler you will just lose the game as time passes. hard to solo kill. need flash tp
ChrisWasTaken says “Anivia is one of the champions I mental boom against. because no matter how much it's a lane diff, she somehow always gets fed by roaming around. In lane if she throws Q at you, you need to dash in to dodge it, or dodge it normally when she tries to punish you for CSing by spell baiting her. I'd say a difficulty of 3-5.”
Akaii says “like all major level threats , they can out poke you which makes them bad to go against since you'll likely never catch them even with speed! Aniva just sucks because even if you do good against her, her passive counters yer ult for the most part.”
Massim00 says “Match up molto noioso, la q a un range molto alto, una volta schivata potete andare in.
Più il tempo passa, più sarà difficile batterla se non si ha già preso vantaggio.
Con la sua passiva è più difficile ottenere vantaggio early e dopo il 6 potrebbe facilmente uccidervi.
(Consigliato terzo set di rune)”
fLeXeRlol says “Weak in early game but is a nightmare after Level 6. Anivia can stun you for a very long time and her Passive resurrects her. Her egg is hard if not impossible to solo kill if you dont have enough Mana left and your Abilities are on cooldown. ”
Epic_Semibold says “Wait for her wall to w. Also put it at the edge of her ult to maximize damage and to force her to back off abit. Destroy her early.”
Bairdd says “Take dorans shield if this is a rough matchup for you. Play to scale as she can easily outzone you, especially post 6. Don't try to fight 1v1.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.]
Anivia pre 6 can't compete with Akshan's high damage and aggression. Pre Level 6 you want to initiate every trade using your Q and autos to bait out Anivia Q. Once she uses her Q you can grapple in and win every trade. You can afford to grapple if you can apply your passive on her and hope she misses but it isn't as safe as baiting it out. Once she hits 6 she gets more kill threat. If she plants her R down you do NOT want to try to run away. Hard commit and use any walls around you to grapple towards her while dodging her Q. If you can get out of her R and manage to dodge her Q she is dead 100% of the time. If she is strong it isn't worth to fight so just use your Q to instantly shove back the wave and look for roams. Anivia can't match your roams and since Akshan can match her waveclear it is free.”
lonestar1870 says “Slow push early if you can, Q her for manaflow when it's free. You can really win trades once you're level 3 as long as you dodge her Q.
If she lands Q then she wins trade. You outrange her (assuming you dodge her Q), so play around your Q and move unpredictably.
Save ur E to cancel her R if you are going for a short trade (and not all in).
Be careful with agressive positioning, her wall can cheese you. Stand close to the center of lane if you're worried about getting ganked so she can't force you to path a certain way, but don't let her hit Q.
She is extremely squishy, you can kill her easily. Just remember her passive shows up on the top left of her health bar when it's up (4 minute cooldown).
Build a banshees if you need some more Magic resist.
You can go Electrocute or Phase rush in this matchup, up to personal preference. Teleport and Cleanse tend to be better than Ignite due to her passive and great waveclear.”
itakute says “Dorans shield + second wind, windwall the stun and all in her, wait till level 3+ to fight. Her wall makes it really easy to gank/punish you.”
Desperate Nasus says “Bad matchup on every phase of the game. I would suggest dodging the matchup in higher elos where every Anivia player is an otp. If the game is played in a lower elo it is still playable but hardly. Take Fleet setup With Dorans shield and try to dodge her Q by baiting that you are going for a minion after she misses the q her damage is not that big till level 6. Only window you have to kill her is if she uses her W but again her passive is kinda tanky and you dont have lethal tempo because you need the fleet movement and sustain for the lane. Really bad matchup you are getting outscalled in every way possible due to her items and her kit. Lastly against anivia you will never have prio.”
leonidas44 says “Super annoying all the time he doesnt let you farm and if she caugh you with the stun you are dead or you need to go back in base. Pre 6 you can out damage here if you dodge her q. BE CAREFUL OF THE R->W->E->Q COMBO”
CashLOL says “You both scale insanely well with great wave clear. She is much more squishy early. Do not get baited into stepping up too far and getting wall combo'd. Work on perfect farm in this matchup. Get her passive for free with your passive poke on the wave and then kill her either with jungler or after your first back.”
Urishiro says “With her wall and stun she can bully jhin out of lane. With jhin's low early mobility without gale its pretty hard to dodge it especially at lvl 6”
ShokLoL says “One of Akshan's hardest matchups. She has multiple ways to cancel your E, can match your waveclear and also makes it really hard to play short range champions in teamfights. I'd recommend banning this champion but if you do vs it, you probably need to take TP or cleanse, max Q and just play to farm then avoid her in teamfights. Rushing vamp scepter to sustain her trades will be your best bet.”
iZianni says “You both just perma-wave clear except she dies instantly in the mid-late game to your ultimate so it is meaningless.
Your wave clear is cheaper making this champion completely useless.
If you are struggling consider purchasing a null-mantle or playing for skirmishes rather than 1v1s if the wall is proving problematic for you.
If you try to fight her and mess up your combo you will likely die but you also shouldn't even be trying to trade since you have one-shot nuke potential anyways.
The only DOWNSIDE is that she can match wave-clear making it hard for you to roam if that's what you're trying to do.”
pwins says “Same case as Ahri, she outranges you since her Q passes through minions so she can hit you before you can hit her. Thankfully though, Anivia can be pretty predictable so always be mindful of your position and dodge!!”
livikattt says “Anivia's Q-E combo does a surprising amount of damage, but besides that, her kit isn't the most effective against you. If you really need to, you can just ult over her wall or out of her ultimate, and your w mobility will let you get away from her ult and q faster. be careful of her stuns, and remember that you won't be able to kill her without help in the early levels if her passive is up.”
ObeyRageRr says “Due to her range and tons of CC she is a horrible matchup in lane and in any teamfight. I do not recommend playing Lillia if she is on enemy team,”
Juplicate says “Her ultimate will slow you, she has a stun, her damage is increased when she stuns you, her ultimate is an AOE slow and wave clear, and her passive is a guardian angel. Take fleet or dodge.”
52hertz says “Difficulty may vary depending on the Anivia. I would go dorans blade if you are experienced on yasuo and this matchup, if not take dorans shield”
Miscake says “Range enorme e um wave clear muito opressor pós-6, além de ser capaz de punir a falta de mobilidade do Vlad e setar ganks com a parede do W. Nessa lane o melhor que você pode fazer é pegar TP pra acompanhar o tempo dela e rushar Barreira Verdejante pra sobreviver a lane phase. Você também perde na side no spike de 2 itens porque double mask tem um valor absurdo contra Vlad. Peça por ajuda do jungler ou você não vai jogar.
WayOfTheTempesst says “Anivia is annoying, but this matchup is even. You HAVE to dodge her Q or you will take her combo and
get chunked. Bait out her Q by E'ing and running to the side. You can also E forward when she walls you. Your
E will go behind the wall; use this to escape a gank or with your life. At level 6, most anivias will just
perma shove, so you can just play to scale and farm for your items.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Fairly easy lane since you can Windwall her Q and E. After that, she can't really do much against you. You can cancel her R if you knock her up when it's active. The only way you die in this matchup is if you just sit in her Ult. Do your best to E out when she Ults.”
Katawina52 says “Shouldn't be a hard lane and if u struggle with it try to avoid her in lane (she got a bit strong after buffs so try to wait for skirmishes and ur way stronger), because there's almost no way you can die unless you get hit a lot with Q. The only way she can kill you is by hitting the Q's. That's why dodging her Q's are key, if you go for a trade always look to move right/left/up/down just like Ahri's E. If she uses her Q for wave or to poke you and misses, look to play really aggro. Be mindfull of her egg when going for an all in while being low hp. She can use her passive to bait her jungler so don't go for an all in unless you know where the jungler is (if she has egg up).”
PlayCabex says “Its very painful to play against a good anivia ,(Good anivia) when she gets lvl 6 and starts using her combo things , Here you need to just farm but try to poke in 1-5 lvls after this , ask your jungler to help you, (bad anivia) here you just can go full in , she probably cant use her wall and ult which is disgusting”
eiensiei says “During early stages of laning phase, Lux can definitely outdamage Anivia, especially because Anivia's Q is telegraphed and easy to dodge (however if it does look like it'll hit, I'll W myself and still outdamage her). It's possible to have pressure in this lane before 6 and farm better, but she's still unkillable thanks to her passive. Once she gets RoA, I'll stay out of her W range, a good Anivia can Q-W into a stun and kill anyone with the sustained damage from her R. After 6 her waveclear is one of the best so I need her dead with no TP or a herald to push mid tower.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Start Corrupting because of her annoying push power post 6. Do not get fooled by her Passive and go for the kill only when you are 150% certain you will kill her in the passive too, proccing the passive is good too but you will rarely be able to proc it then kill her after she respawns (you will certainly use ignite to proc her passive the first time unless your jungler ganks and helps you).
Push first / Roam if you can, she can match your push easily but she cannot match your roam, so play around that. It is not necessary to kill her if you can't , she is too durable due to her passive and she can actually get kill pressure on you for her jungler with a proper W/Q combo. ”
Yeager says “She weak early game because of her high cooldowns and scaling items. Despite being "weak" early, her lvl 1-2 is disgusting when against melee champions. She has high auto attack range, and if she has electrocute, then she's going to nuke you with Q + E. Avoid engaging if her Q is up. Yone will always dash in a straight line so it just makes it easy for her to hit it.
In the early game anivia really struggles farming, so try to shove her into the tower over and over. After level 6 you have to be careful because she can shut you down easily with her ultimate and wall. Save your third Q or ultimate to cancel her ultimate channel and focus on depleting her mana bar. Yone is also weak early on but once you have boots and your first mythic item you can easily deal with her if you get within range. Until that you have to focus mostly on farming if it's a good anivia. She's just going to afk farm the wave entire laning phase so you can't do much unless she overextends. She starts struggling when you go to the side lane because that's the point where she gets absolutely destroyed. Her immobility and the extended lane makes it impossible for her to escape when you're going in. ”
Vicksay says “A first time Anivia? Free kills. Anything above that? Extremely difficult. Early game she is quite weak but without picking up some decent summoner drops with your W she can just survive your early all in with her Egg, and TP back to lane if she ever gets low from your harass. Once she gets 6 it's a very stalemate match-up, she puts her R on the floor to wave-clear then walks away, easily ignoring you. Bird bitch has a great kit and when utilized correctly one wrong mistake and you're dead, similar to Cassiopeia. Do not Portal Jump in front of her for a guaranteed Q > E > ult in the face, you're sure to die. Her immense pressure of abusing bad positioning combined with her surprising damage makes it a real toughie.”
Avucado says “Very annoying champion. Her R makes it almost impossible for you to roam without losing a ton of XP and gold, and she can easily punish you if you fail to kill her on an all in. It is not hard to survive in this lane but is very hard to kill her with her passive up (especially earlygame). Ping for jungle to come when she has you shoved in and it should be a relatively free kill. Take Doran's Shield and secondary resolve runes.”
Polarshift says “A champion without dashes who I can zone with an AOE slow, outdamage for most of the game and block with my wall? Haha easy go next lol. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “This big blue bird might be really annoying early on if you let her hit some stuns, which she will use to hit E off that. That alone, can take away even around 60% of your health level 2. Dont give her these combos for free. First try to bait out her Q, then you can go all in against her if you have decent vision around yourself to see whether jungler is coming or not. Post 6 it turns into farming lane until you most likely reach level 11 to be able to poke her down with your ults, or unless you are so ahead that you can all-in whenever she returns back in lane. Dont remember, that she can use her wall to block you in awkward position, so even if you are ahead, never underestimate her damage output and ability to lock you down.”
crabbix says “The good anivias that know how to use wall properly can burst you quite alarmingly, but with any decent frontline you can just sit back and do your thing”
Yeager says “Another scaling champion like Viktor. She does well into mid range mages like Cassiopeia, Ryze and Viktor because of her zone control. Her Q moves very slow so it should be easy to dodge with boots. You can win the fights by saving your ultimate, and then using it to cancel hers.”
Callmebee says “Another one which depends so much on the enemy's skill, you can try to kill her early but this should be mostly a farm lane as she can trap you easily with her wall + stun if you walk forward. Mostly a pretty dangerous lane if you're out of position and it can be difficult for you to kill her even early due to her passive. Poke until lvl 4-5, then stay safe. After 6 she basically pushes you in with her ult, so use your abilities to depush and ping if she is missing. Wait for ganks or teamfights and you will be a winner, winner, chicken dinner! Take Barrier.”
LunarVortex says “She outranges and outdamages you at any point in the game. When you ult, she will either just turn and burst you down or put distance between you and herself with her W. Try to coordinate ganks with your jungler early on. Abuse her weak pre-6 by shoving her under tower and invading the enemy jungler together with your jungler.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: Really hard matchup because anivia has an easy time hitting her spells since you have to go in auto attack range in order to trade. Start W -> Q and play safe and focus on getting good roams, you won't win the laning phase against her.”
Eriosunx says “The best option in this scenario is running TP+IGNITE and find windows to roam/tp on sides.
You cant farm even under tower, she will keep poking you out and eventually making you lose a lot of resources.
Curt Mcbeltpants says “I can't remember the last time I won against an Anivia, I don't know what it is but everytime this champ is in the game it's a loss.”
Fuzzmonkey says “I would highly suggest you get her egg off early as soon as possible (maybe with a jungle gank too). She will use Q-stun when you go in with your W so do your best to dodge. You will be using a full combo to kill her pre-6 and post-6. You won't have any extra damage to kill her egg. Also her waveclear is extremely hard to match up against post-6 once she gets her ultimate. Try get your jungler to gank as soon as possible so you can get the early snowball.”
Yeager says “You will struggle killing each other pre-6 so it's mainly a farm lane. You have the edge early on because of anivia's high cooldowns. Post-6 it becomes harder since she will just turn into a waveclearing bot. Farm up and look for kills on other lanes. She IS immobile, so if your jungler has hard CC, then you can setup a kill. ”
Urpog says “*NOTE: My matchups are based globally, for example: Anivia is one of your hardest regardless of the role she plays, so she's extreme. Dr Mundo (an urgot counter) is Major because he's less of a threat midlane. Anivia is the best Urgot counter in the entire game, it's highly advised you dodge this champion regardless of the role you're playing in.
Top lane: Play for your teammates, take teleport, rush the cull by hyper-pushing the first 3 waves in and look for teleport plays around the map while afk-farming against her, once she has Liandries it's unplayable for you and you should be proactive on the map, looking to cheese heralds, teleporting to dragons, doing anything in your power to avoid her while keeping equal or ahead in gold, keep in mind you do get outscaled.
Jungle: Camp her, don't let her play the game. Trade flash for flash and then keep revisiting the lane, Anivia needs to be irrelevant for you to play the game, once she has no flash she's vulnerable and it's absolutely your job to job to capitalize on that, aim to end games by 20/25 minutes.
Midlane: The strategy against Anivia to play hyper-aggressive level 1/3, you need to make an E+Flash+Ignite play on her and even though this is your worst matchup, you do have kill pressure on her before she gets her liandries, if they misplay you're on a timer to act and it's very important you do, the core gameplay of rushing the cull after getting the 3 waves pushed in remains but ask your jungle to play for mid as you will need help in this lane, Anivia can cancel your E with her W, she can delete you from a safe almost lane away from you and ignore your champion completely by oneshotting the wave with her R. ”
Dj Memelord says “She will wall you, slow you and build lots of hp and armor while being able to perma waveclear. Try and avoid this matchup. Second wind and dorans shield is advised.”
CashLOL says “Immobile mage. Just watch out for her q and you can win trades pretty easily. Bait her q with a w and if she throws it take the shadow back and kill. ”
XayLies says “Should be an easy matchup. her W can be dashed with minions, her Q and E can be blocked by Wind Wall and her R can't do much but consume all of her mana when she can't Q/E.”
iZianni says “Haven't seen this champion in 9 years, but Anivia is essentially just a zone control champion with low mobility meaning you can out-rotate her with your skirmishing ability. This alone should be an advantage.
However, your own lack of mobility makes walls and her abilities a nightmare to deal with if you make a mistake positioning. ”
Rermo99 says “Use your Q to dodge her Q and R, so she doesn't slow you down and deal a ton of damage. Also, her passive isn't really a problem for you since your damage is your basic attack. You can even jump across her wall with your Q.”
angeLoon says “lethal dshield - In Resolve Second Wind and Unflinching.
anivia is annyoing to play against because she have her passive,she can just tp before she dies and stay alive.
be careful with her q and E.
try to poke her lvl 2 so you can take off her passive.
you can block her Q and E.
Kords says “Anivia is personally one of my most hated matchups, a good Anivia can REALLY rough up your day, her gank set up and damage output is INSANE. Post 6. Before 6, you want to shove her in as frequently as possible and roam as much as you can, she CANNOT follow you without TP. At 6 she just beats your shove and gives you a run for your money with how much damage she can pump out without the effort you put into your noodle damage. Focus her in teamfights as she is a HUGE teamfight threat over 1 area, and you should be fine. Play her like you would play into Froggen.”
TheoRut says “Just no... If she hits a Q on you, you are dead. Bait out her Q then Q + E + W to make a good trade but i would suggest taking phase rush and playing safe.”
ShokLoL says “Anivia is pretty hard to kill 1v1 but she's extremely gankable and you should be able to consistently push her in both in lane and the sidelane. Just be careful using your W directly onto her, it's normally better to W at an angle to make sure you don't get stunned.”
Yasukeh says “
Good anivia players will wall you if you use your spin and get a full combo off on you. If you can dodge her stuns she is a fairly easy matchup. Make an effort to roam post 6, and don't blow your spin until she burns her Q.
Dr Eggmund says “The amount of times I tower dive this champion and her passive saves her... This matchup can be very difficult for Vladimir, her damage is ridiculous and her stun can be very devastating especially when being ganked. Focus on farm and don't feel forced to use the all in combo when her passive is up. With Vlad's high cooldowns early game you can't follow up with anything but Auto Attacks, so play your best to scale. ”
Elite500 says “Get a feel for dodging her stun, if you can't better pool it, if she tries to get the empowered snowball shit without hitting her stun (via ult) then just pool the projectile, it's not worth taking that crit. Almost impossible to kill her without your jungler, just endure it or ban it”
iZianni says “We're both zone control mages but Orianna is just better. Range is similar, Anivia has better laning phase if she's extremely good. Otherwise Orianna's skill requirement is a lot less to win this lane, just avoid Qs and you'll be able to farm safely.”
Ambitieux says “Anivia is a tricky matchup, although I've had experience playing against top anivia players I've never found my footing against them. Play safe in this lane and try to set urself up for ganks. Once 6 be very cautious of her ulting and walling you. You will take unneccesary amounts of damage. Roam early if possible it will be hard to after 6. I find you being able to burst her past 6 with ur movement options out weighing hers. But Id recommend Jungler help.”
Bughans says “A GOOD Anivia player can shut you down, however it'll require a lot of timing for the anivia player. Pretend like you're going up to farm, she'll guaranteed cast her Q, you can W through it and combo her from there, guaranteed kill if you're one item in”
kindo says “Extremely hard matchup, I honestly don't know how anyone lanes versus this champ. Low range pre 4-mark makes it impossible to get into her range. Even with Your +75 range post 4-mark, it's difficult to get into range without tanking her Q/E and her ult slow. Q is not fast enough to dodge her Q anymore, One plus is being able to Q over her wall if she tries to wall you into her ult, so save your Q if her ult is down.
Lane phase is hard and you essentially need to let her free farm. You don't really win in melee even if she misses her Q early, only chance is if she hard overextends away from her minions so that they don't hit you when killing her egg.
Matchup really only gets worse as the game goes on and becomes nearly impossible to match once she gets zhonyas. She's a good ban but isn't played enough to justify it.”
Baion says “Avoid her Q's, because it makes her easily burst you. And her clean wave is nasty after lane phase, so try to farm and clean at same time!”
iZianni says “This is ultimately a farm match up, Lux does have the advantage due to being longer range than Anivia initially. In terms of scaling, Anivia will be very strong in the mid game but with consistent jg pressure this match up is extremely free.
If you're able to play the match up normally, it will be Lux favored.
The only issue is if you try to force onto Anivia, she can create a kill window or initiate at max range with wall. Try not to lose early or you will have no control of this lane.”
A Wanblee Wasta says “She can poke you on lane stage and stop your initiation. If she hasn't wall or she spends Q, you can try to go on the attack. Game against she's will hard. Rocketbelt will be optimal item.”
Coldsong says “Anivia has a lot of cc and damage that makes it hard to lane against her. Her E when used on a target she crowd controlled deals a huge amount of damage without MR, so dodging her Q is key. Always check to see if her passive is up before engaging, and remember that you can E over her wall, so use it unpredictably to catch her by surprise.”
DemonDiana says “Anivia is good at laning vs Diana. She can punish your all-in style with her CC and terrain forming (Diana is weak to these). My advice vs Anivia is to limit her "tempo" and deny her backing and stay healthy in lane. Try to match her push. Her weakness is heavy pre-6 when she wants to back and may use her abilites on the wave to push. You can get passive or blow flash (or kill, here). Laning Tip: You can trade your R for her passive and it's worth it for you. Also, Anivia is generally weak in skirmishes due to her immobility and wide area where she can be attacked from rather than a short, linear area of the mid lane. You also don't see Anivia top-lane often and this aspect of her is a big reason. You can usually take Rift on CD vs Anivia and focus on objectives bc you'll win outside of the lane.”
Shikikashi says “Immobile mage. Just watch out for her q and you can win trades pretty easily. Just bait her into using her Q so you will not have no trouble killing her.”
Marxismo says “Really hard to deal with in lane, trying to CS in melee is impossible. Just focus on CSing with Q and E while lasthitting if shes already used her stun. Even at 6, if you knock her down she will get to respawn from egg and kill you.”
resetwice says “Her push is not the best but she can farm safe like most of control mages. Her hard CC is so annoying to lane against, go doran’s shield to soften her poke (she can proc electrocute easy) and try your best at roaming. If you’re behind break her passive (egg) will be hard. Talon can jump her wall so abuse this. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “Right now, as how Anivia is in the meta, she's pretty hard for almost everyone. She's really squishy & you can use her wall as your advantage, she will outpush you post 6.
I suggest Mercury Treads because of her constant CC but if you're ahead just go Mobility Boots. ”
Sylvan Lore says “Anivia is a very unique matchup. Her skill shots are slow and quite dodgable, but her wall can be really tough to deal with as an immobile mage. This compounds with the fact that most Anivia players understand he quite well and will punish you if you don't respect her wall range. you can bully her early and push her in but you have to respect how strong her jungler setup in. If your jungler does gank mid, you should be able to kill her even through egg as she is also quite immobile. At level 6 is really the first time she is a threat to you. If you get too close to her out of turret range she can land a wall-storm on you which will melt you very easily. In a worst case scenario you can ult her to cancel her ult and combined with your stun hopefully give you enough time to escape. Anivia is very good at holding positions but quite weak at attacking them. You can match her wave clear without spending too much mana and zone anivia quite well from objectives, just make sure you have position on her. Lategame anivia is also a powerhouse but you can usually zone a lot of your damage with your ball while your team focuses her frontline. Just really respect if you are within range of being wall trapped as it is a death sentence. Barrier, Ghost and Cleanse are quite useless in this matchup since you will die through them if she gets a good trap off on you. I don't find her to be too much of a threat so I personally like to go TP or possibly ignite if I have an aggressive jungler. Phase rush is very useful in this matchup to escape bad situations and highly recommended. Normal items are strong in this situation. A lot of Anivias go a quite healthy build which gives extra value to the passives of Liandry's Torment.”
Saddest says “If she's any good, you will not kill her at all. This lane will be mostly her shoving you into tower and then her doing whatever she wants. I would recommend finding windows to roam, or you can make an attempt at killing her, though her egg makes that very difficult.”
Impossible2Gank says “She can easily zone you out or catch you easily with her kit. Depending how good she is and how well you are at adapting to how they play it can be a rough time. Magic resist is recommended early.”
VyoS says “In early game try to push the wave as hard as you can. When she got lvl 6 go all in to proc her passive, she doesn't has much hp so if you hit your q's you got the passive, after that wait for your jungler or your Ultimate.”
Mylan2122 says “She can easily Q and wall you when you are slowed by your Q charge. Careful! Try and shoot your Q's out of her vision. Wait for ganks and mind the egg. ”
duhnx says “Her ult is kinda annoying and her poke is good, use Second Wind and Doran's Shield. Ulting to get rid of her passive is sometimes a good move because you get in range to auto her and you can move her egg with Q. Just make sure to close the game before she scales too hard.”
King Turtle says “Her early game is pretty iffy, and she goes through mana about as quick as you do, but the big coin flip is the wall usage. While she can use wall to block you and cancel E, you can also use her Wall to E around and get a kill. This is a skill dependant matchup and is going to be close.”
richardlized says “Anivia has superior wave clear, great survivability, and cc. If Anivia plays properly, you won’t be able to do anything pre and post 6. She has better wave clear (won’t let you roam), Survivability (Zhonyas, Passive, etc). Only can win if Anivia makes mistakes in lane (not properly spaced) or if JG helps. Prowlers claw needed. The only advantage you have is that you can W over her wall.
Katasandra says “[1] Dodge her Q.
[2] Don't stand in her R.
[3] After 6: just farm. All-inning her is only possible when you can 100-0 her, otherwise you kill yourself.
Thresh Mid says “Anivia poses a massive threat at any point in the laning phase. Anivia's abilities do a massive amount of damage, her displace on her wall can kill you more times than not. Along with her massive amount of her damage she outclears you level 6 and beyond, and can use her Glacial Storm (R) along with her wall to force a flash from you. Otherwise Death Sentence and Flay can cancel her ultimate.”
xMetix says “Anivia is a hard match up because of her egg. The double healthbar makes your all-ins much harder and potentially bait you into losing the lane. You want to bait out her Q, then trade with her. Without the egg she's very weak due to her low base health and armor. Her damage after lvl6 needs to be respected since she can stop your disengage and force a longer trade in her ultimate.”
Eoba says “Hard matchup because of the passive...it counter's Talon's early game potential to kill. TIP: You can jump over anivia's wall with Talon's E”
Akali187 says “Really annoying, if the Anivia is good it will be hard to get to her and even if you do she has her egg. You can dodge all her abilities and hop over her walls. I try to just push lane and roam for other kills unless she makes a mistake.”
MikaeraKun says “It's just impossible to play against Anivia because of her Q stun, because of her W wall, it can block you so you can't run away, and her R slow and damage.”
DabiDabi says “I rarely see any Anivia's in my games, but what I can suggest is to respect her stun, since she'll get a lot of damage out of it. Once her stun is down you can go in for a great trade.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) You can cancel her Ult and have way more early pressure but you dont really have solo kill pressure as she can just wall you out of her range or stun you if you try to walk up, you can cancer her ult though and with a good jungler shes very easy to dive, would recommend TP/Ignite.”
Nanelol says “I can suggest is to respect her stun, since she'll get a lot of damage out of it. Once her stun is down you can go in for a great trade.
tozosi says “Her Q is very difficult to dodge early meaning you can't really step up against her early in the game. You probably won't solo kill her in lane ever unless she doesn't have her egg up. Look for roams or kill her with a gank.”
TheSecretsWithin says “Early on use, your Q block her Q's damage, farm passively since she can't do much if you are just playing safe. Since Anivia is so immobile, you just have to wait till 6, then you immediately win the matchup. At level 6, you can just R over Anivia W. Your Q can cancel Anivia R, which really messes with her full combo. If you really want to show off while jumping over Anivia W, you can dodge Anivia Q too. Since it is so slow-moving. You basically countered her entire kit, besides her E, which does peanuts without the other abilities. But don't forget that even though you can R over Anivia W, your teammates can't, so don't go too ham during fights.”
3Riptide3 says “Annoying waveclear and can wall you so you can't run, play extremely safe and the worst she can do is flash W R. If she starts to zone you off ask for jungle gank.”
Nanelol says “She has a few ways to easily pop your shield, she can drop a wall to cut you off from safety, her R can easily kill your minions, and even if you do take her down her passive may save her life yet. However, she is SUPER weak early on, and her Q stun is slow. Watch her mana and keep moving, and just be conscious that after 6 she get's a lot scarier to face.”
TheEnglishman says “skill matchup similar to azir but importantly if you stun her her ult cancels which is the only reason this matchup is even roughly. She also has more cc than the other control mages of her type making it hard to walk up. Hard but winnable on two incredibly skill expressive champions.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
TheDuskWalker says “Flash Teleport or Flash Ghost. Phase Rush
You can't really kill her early game so don't go for early kills. Just cs up and make sure to dodge her q (if you have to you can w it). This is a matchup I would dodge.”
Nanelol says “The good anivias that know how to use wall properly can burst you quite alarmingly, but with any decent frontline you can just sit back and do your thing. ”
archelauslol says “Perma banlamanız gereken şampiyonlardan birisi. Eğer banlamadıysanız ve karşısında oynamak zorunda kaldıysanız, karşısında ghost flash veya tp flash oynayın. Lanede sürekli oynak olun ve q su için sağ sol yapın. Eğer yiyecek olursanız w ile mutalaka dodge atın, yoksa yarı canınız gider. Ormancınız olmadan öldürmeniz neredeyse imkansız.”
seemes says “hard to kill early but isnt a real champ until lvl6, try to fuck with her in lane and call jng for free kills. but she will outscale you so watch out.”
Sanctuar says “Anivia is a hard matchup due to her zoning kit as well as her passive. Most players will use the wall to trap you in her ult as well as a guaranteed Q hit. Max Q and farm yourself up into the mid-game, be prepared to get pushed up a lot until you get your first items done. ”
fanchessfan says “her wall is really annoying and her Q is very hard to dodge. So why isn't she extreme? Well her wall is sometimes a blessing in disguise. If your flash is up you can e-flash her into her own wall and subsequently kill her. MR runes and cleanse as always though. Honestly this is more of an extreme matchup so ban her away, dodge, or lane swap top if you see her.”
Vispectra says “An easy match-up really , you can stop her R and you can easily tell when she's about to poke you , block it with Q and send this bird back home once you have 6. You'll be able to dodge that annoying stun and most of the time she can't do anything to you if that doesn't land. I advise electrocute into this as it will probably be just enough to proc that passive and pick up a free kill.
I recommend boots asap.”
DebilekLaZe says “Just dodge. Otherwise, try not to get pushed in if possible, under tower she can easily zone you away from cs with all her abilities.”
cookanarities says “Low range pre 4-mark makes it impossible to get into her range. Even with Your +75 range post 4-mark, it's difficult to get into range without tanking her Q/E and her ult slow. Q is not fast enough to dodge her Q anymore, One plus is being able to Q over her wall if she tries to wall you into her ult, so save your Q if her ult is down. Lane phase is hard and you essentially need to let her free farm. You don't really win in melee even if she misses her Q early, only chance is if she hard overextends away from her minions so that they don't hit you when killing her egg. Matchup really only gets worse as the game goes on and becomes nearly impossible to match once she gets zhonyas. She's a good ban but isn't played enough to justify it.”
TheWerefloof says “A good Anivia can be a pain in the ass, her wall completely stops your E when used properly and her abilities do massive damage when landed. She'll most likely level her Stun + Damage first, so try to kill her then. If wall is down, abuse her for it.”
luminyan says “Anivia is a champ who's seen more play lately. I would take barrier against her, just to make sure, but make sure you abuse her early game. Poke at her whenever you can, and if she walls you, turn around and Q her so you can run. ”
Aethlo says “Anivia has the wave clear advantage. ||
Anivia and Annie are even pre-3 ||
Anivia wins pre-6 ||
Anivia and Annie are even post-6. ||
Anivia scales much better than Annie. ||
TIP: Try to bully her early - she will control the lane if you don't put pressure on her. At level 6 her egg is the issue - she has slows and stuns so it'll take a lot to get rid of it. The minute it is down is your chance to strike - one-shot her over and over whenever the opportunity is presented. Run her mana dry - she goes OOM very quickly, you can do this effectively by rushing sorc shoes to increase your efficiency at dodging skill shots.||
PRoli03 says “She does not have much killpressure on you unless you mess up. That being said this is probably the most boring lane in the game. (lethal tempo)”
DarDarThePenguin says “Anivia has poke damage that can easily force you out of lane if you aren't vigilant with dodging her Qs. On the bright side, if you dodge the majority of her Qs, she can't touch you in lane. Don't try to solo kill her much since her wall and R can cause you to take tons of damage. Take the Fleet page and MR.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Su Q le gana por mucho a tu E por poder atravesar oleadas y rango, su W puede dejarte en una situación difícil, antes de acercarte consigue visión en una parte de la jungla para tener tiempo de reacción en caso de que venga el jungla enemigo y Anivia tenga planeado encerrarte con su W.”
TheMockingSnowman says “You do not have any kill pressure on her due to her passive but as long you sidestep her spells and keep a good distance between you and her, you should be fine. It is best to shove waves and roam. You can buy Mercury's Tread early and/or use Unflinching and Second Wind rune if needed.
NigYone says “dont use E to start trades, first u must stack ur third Q and then close the distance, and if she walls u off thats when u E. E thru the wall and then all in.”
Robertonkartul says “Anivia is just very annoying to play against because she has an easy to hit stun and the respawn is hard to deal with. But since anivia is not very tanky you can burst her down.”
Oxydation says “Anivia is actually like Ziggs or something. Anivia can just Q you, if you use E on her, because you fly in a straight line onto her. Bait and dodge her Q and Engage after.”
SpartanDumpster says “Anivia's been on the rise a bit, and having more experience against her has made me bump her up. She is quite frail, and finishing her off in her egg form before she revives isn't the hardest thing for Yone (compared to other champs), as long as none of her teammates are around the corner to jump you. If you kite her Qs and trade properly, you want to get a lead before level 6, because her ult is probably the best zoning ability with a really low cool down (one of those 6 second ults). You can't just walk through it, and trying to dash through it leaves you open to being stunned since you'll still be slowed.”
Neekolai says “Annoying but pretty fair skill matchup. Usually you can try and get her passive, but be careful after popping her passive as you usually can't finish her off. ”
Little Planet says “It's more or less impossible to reach Anivia early on to break her passive, and if her passive is still up then blowing ignite and R to break it is a massive tempo loss.
Farm it up and try to roam if possible, you won't be getting much solo action in this lane.”
Dvide says “she has 2 lives dont use summs to get her to egg unless you know you can kill her, you remember you dont get reset for getting her into egg. Care when going in because you cant really dodge her q so wait for her to use it or wait for her to go on dagger”
Joseph Evanss says “Very annoying early so just farm and wait until you get your Berserkers + Zeal. Then you can spam kill her. If you get behind late game is the most annoying thing ever but it shouldn't happen. I also recommend Wit's End. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield”
ahspaghetti says “she gets to choose when to use her stun that goes through all minions, so either sidestep it or e into her to dodge that, then you can look for an all in or extended trade. you also want to be mindful of her passive as her jungle can be around to assist and turn the fight. she will perma push you under tower and you will not be able to farm, so either ask jungler for gank or just roam to get ahead.”
zeldimi says “Pool her Q whenever you can. The damage of her emp E isn't something to laugh at. You can't kill her alone cuz of the egg. Even if she's a bad anivia player it's still pretty hard to win lane.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “Beacuse of his passive id say he is pretty hard to kill and has alot of potential to kill you but a 2v1 wouldnt be hard to kill.”
BullRedHunter says “Hard to assassin her because of her Egg but you can win lane or make the lane equal, but starting from level 7 you can clear waves with 1 Q and try to roam you have to roam a lot in this match up or fight her when she doesn't have her egg”
peytonqt says “[EVEN/BURST FIGHT] [PR/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword] Look to harass her in lane without getting hit by Q. Dodging her stun is the majority of this lane. If you get hit try to trade back but she might have wall so be careful. Post-6 you can do the same, she'll just slow you and do more damage so you'll want to watch out. IF you can safely get rid of her passive egg then you should probably go for it, but don't waste too much for it. You should outburst her after mythic but mages are mages and should outscale you in the end.”
JoshAy says “Very hard to kill early especially through passive. Anivia was buffed making her Uber-broken. You have to play reactively to her wall/stun/ult. You are actually a decent champion to play against her because of your mobility.”
JustMTK says “You can go in using E into grass element. She'll react by using Q but since she can't see you her E won't be used. After you continue to go for a clean trade or kill. U can take it slow, get her half health in first trade & then go for kill in second one.”
iKrez says “This match-up is all about the wave management.
She will just try to push you every time to make you stick on the lane and avoid your roaming.
Be sure to not have your W in cooldown since it's pretty much your only tool to jump over her W.
Abuse grass Q to be untargetable, avoiding all her E's.”
Mpegial says “While she isn't a major threat, she is extremely hard to kill, ganking other lanes or trying to kill the jungler will prove easier and more beneficial.”
Tauricus2017 says “Her trades are quite a bit stronger and she can easily interrupt your Rocket Jump and throw you into a dead screen. Play safe and use spells to control the waves so she will not outpush your lane. Engage only when her Q is on cooldown.”
XD001 says “Use E to dodge her stun every time, it is not worth risking getting chunked for half of your HP and being forced out of lane. If for some reason she uses her stun on minions pre-6, don't be afraid to engage on her. For the most part it is a farm lane, but if she misplays you can put her behind and pop her revive. If she has no egg, clear vision, try to freeze it in front of your tower, and call for jungle to gank. In mid-late game, focus on popping Eggnivia or Zhonya's, and then 1 shot her in teamfights. Since most anivias build archangels, make sure to care for the shield that she gets when she's low. Anivia majorly outscales Ekko. Take Elec + Precison page or Hail of blades”
HeroAronNavius says “Anivia is really really bad early game. Most champions against Yone is really bad early game but Anivia is extra bad early game because of her high cooldowns and scaling build. Without any items Anivia doesnt do much damage so try to poke as much as possible early game and watch out for ganks. Anivia also had low health in beginning.”
Luciiid says “Hurts like hell if she hits stun. You can bait stun by stepping forward then using q aa w to proc electrocute and gtfo. Impossible to roam because she will perma shove into you with R. Just play for lane and/or jungle skirmishes. ”
Noodles912 says “Use Q to counter her Q, and stay away from minions. Farm peacefully, and don't try to secure a kill, because everyone hates the egg. At 6, use ult to go over her wall, and outscale her.”
Havenia says “You can't roam, you can't kill her.
You can't do much to Anivia because she has push potential and her CC is really good, you need ganks to kill her.”
Noodles912 says “Fizz's worst enemy. Continuous cc. This bird can stun, slow, and chunk you hard. Worst of all, she RESURRECTS FROM A DAMN EGG!!
Freeze, play safe, and Q onto her when she is poorly positioned.”
FerretInADurag says “Do I even need to explain? Tenacity and lifeline items will help you live a little longer so you can watch as this chicken freezes your pitiful body solid.”
elnino9 says “Dodge her Q stun and if it's on cooldown, play aggressive. Don't get frosted by her Q or Ulti because you will eat her buffed E. After level 6, it's pretty much a farm lane, she will push out waves like no tomorrow with R. Don't get baited by her egg, always left click her to check if she has it. Ignite her BEFORE egg is down if it kills. Her passive lasts 4 minutes, your ignite is 3 minutes.”
PASS10NE says “Anivia will harass you in lane with electrocute. Surviving in lane against this bird will be difficult. Anivia is a really squishy champion, but her passive can be troublesome. Do not be afraid to all in her when she's not at her turret or near her teammates, even if her passive is up. You can jump over Anivia's W with your E, so jump over her E when she combos you with R.”
NuclearAkali says “Anivia is pretty annoying if she lands her skill shots. Start W level 1 and play passive until you hit level 3. Then you can play off of her mistakes. Anivia can make her very own wall for you to ult on so if need be, you can abuse Anivia's wall if she decides to play around it.”
Wunsch3957 says “Anivia's a little OP right now but not extremely hard especially before level 6. try to wind wall her Q and all in, get her passive down and next time she makes any big mistake kill her. And get perma prio before 6 by shoving her in. Conqueror+Resolve.”
Lot of Wind here says “A good anivia will make you game a living hell. Early game, you can't kill her in her passive because of your lack of burst, and when she gets 6, she will zone you out very hard as well as dealing a lot of damage. Note that you can block her Q and E.”
Wunsch3957 says “Try to not get poked down and get her to waste passive revive. Then for the cooldown, ask your jungler to camp her. Fleet/domination with flash/ignite.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Anivia is very hard match up for Talon but dodging her Q is major for you so Dodge her Q and you should just try and all in. You can also just shove wave and look for roams bot or top or help jungle as Anivia can't really rotate well compared to you. You can also E over her wall if she ever tries to E R Q E.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “You are just the better bird :D
Superior range/mobility and damage. There is not much she can do against you. She gives you a free lane and you outscale her, while having the priority in lane. But you gotta make sure you are dodging the Qs!”
GeDBo says “Azir vs Anivia is a decently even match up. You both critically depend on your precision with your abilities and both of your early game is weak. I personally think that Azir has a better wave clear until Anivia reaches level 6. From there on out you must force her to spend more mana than she has to. Try and poke her but be cautious from her Q. If she catches you in either of her combos Q+E+R or R+Q+E she could instantly delete half of your health. Of course this is where I would use a Shurima Shuffle and counter her combo, resulting in me winning the shorter trade. Of course don't do that if you don't know where the enemy jungler is. Remember: Good vision almost always wins games. If you are troubled, don't be ashamed to ask your team for help. Electrocute or Arcane Comet runes pages are suggested in this match up.”
chickenandrice says “Unplayable (Personal Perma Ban)
- Better wave clear
- Too much-kiting abilities
- A lot of CC and slows prevent you from getting in melee range.
- Even if you get a kill on her, her passive just negates your ignite”
Edg3Lord says “You can't do too much to her without going all in, and despite you having a spell shield, she will continuously poke you from the lane with her Q. Place safe on the lane, wait for your jungler, and go roam other lanes once you get level 6 to gain some monetary advantage.”
The Jhin Cena says “A good Anivia, even a decent one, can be an incredibly powerful counter to Pyke mid. Being that her passive can save her from Pyke's ult, you will be left to finish off her egg by essentially just auto attacking it, and you can expect to not be able to kill the egg due to Pyke's burst and back off playstyle which isn't well suited for dealing with it. Additionally, Anivia has incredible amounts of poke damage and CC, both of which are heavily punishing to Pyke. It will be difficult to farm against an Anivia, however being that you're Pyke, this isn't the end of the game for you. My recommended strategy against Anivia is baiting out her abilities, most notably her stun, and then engaging with Q > E or E > Q to slowly chip away at her health. It is even worth ulting her while her passive is up, being that she will have to play much more cautiously against you without her passive, otherwise you can easily kill her while her abilities are on CD. Her lack of mobility makes her an easy target for your Q, and also an easy target for ganks, so if you have a smart jungler, it can be beneficial to camp her. Being that her ult allows for huge wave clear, it can be more difficult to push your wave and roam while facing Anivia. Though if you see a guaranteed kill in say, the bot lane, it isn't worth ignoring just to save your turret from some damage. Roaming for kills may be your only method of getting fed against an Anivia good enough to play safe as opposed to just vomiting out abilities and exposing herself to you. Against Anivia, I always rush a Hexdrinker after Tiamat which is absolutely essential in dealing with her insane amounts of damage. Though Mercury's Treads seem like a good pick against her, I still like to take Boots of Mobility being that they allow for you to roam and return to your lane quicker which will be repeated a lot against Anivia.”
Coldsong says “Annie can easily destroy Anivia, even through her egg. Dodge her Q and do not stand in her R, and make sure to roam as she is super slow and cannot keep up, especially if you get early boots.”
Gloglito says “After 6, she'll just shove the wave. Try to get pressure over her, shove first, and abuse your tempo lead to impact the map. As time goes by, and teamfightwise, she's able to be more impactful. Pre 6, you just abuse her hard.”
InkHeiko says “The problem with Anivia is that she is part of the few champions on midlane that can push easier than Seraphine, but she also is stronger in trades, even if her Q spell is hard to land, you don't have to be stunned anymore to take the full combo, so she can be really annoying to encounter since she is way easier to play.”
SoraSan says “Anivia vs Azir é uma matchup bem equilibrada. Ambos são fracos no começo de jogo e tem pokes bastante chatos e dependem muito tanto do farm, quanto da sua ultimate.
Azir tem uma pequena vantagem sobre ela antes do 6, tente pokea-la, mas nunca se arrisque muito, ela pode facilmente virar a troca. Se souber onde o jungle inimigo está, pode tentar usar o Shurima Shuffle caso ela te prenda.
Cometa Arcano e Eletrocutar são duas boas runas contra Anivia.”
Abbyca says “Aniva can be a threat it high elo if shes used correctly, try skirmishing around her ult, watching guides to study her, and using your E to get out of her stuns and abilities.”
BigBushMan says “You'll have to win early. Anivia's late game rivals other big name late game carrys like Veigar and Kassadin, so holding her down for as long as you can is your best bet.
Make sure her Q does NOT land and you should be safe in lane. ”
KingFershid says “With Anivia it can go either way: 1. you bully her and she ragequits, 2. she makes your life hell cause Anivia is totally not unbalanced and you quit.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) You can cancel her Ult and have way more early pressure but you dont really have solo kill pressure as she can just wall you out of her range or stun you if you try to walk up, you can cancer her ult though and with a good jungler shes very easy to dive, would recommend TP/Ignite.”
SamIAm12 says “Anivia was by far the hardest laner for me to go up against, when you try to go in on her she usually uses her stun and pokes you a bunch so be careful with her, if you bait out her stun then you can go in and taunt her and Q to slow her.”
Cornifa says “There really is not a lot to do against her, she will not deal a lot of damage though she will clear waves quickly and roam. Try to get to her early so she won't use her scaling to get the better of you.”
BigFatCat909 says “Not too bad of a matchup seeming as though you can keep a safe range and out poke with your W, though she is quite annoying if your team needs you to get early kills and snowball.”
Johan Paracelso says “Pre Level 6 she is a poke machine. Her E can chunk you down harder than you spect. Those ice shards will destroy you, and your W cooldown is way longer than her E CD, but, when she is out of mana, you can go in
Post Level 6, she has that no CD R. That can destroy your wave faster than you can charge up your Q, so, with the huge damage of her ult, the constant E poke, and that disgusting wall, she is a must ban”
Bwonsamdilol says “Make sure to not get hit by her stun of she can one shot you around lvl 4. Make sure always shunpo out of it and to watch if she has egg form. Can outplay her if she has no stun. Make sure to trade with her when she has no Q. #MattMcgillisadogonanivia ;)”
Hiimkata says “Always go for short trades, Aatrox will beat you otherwise. For example: Q minion > E on Q dagger > W out Go for short trades and E out always (look tip 2 on important kata stuff) until hes lower HP by your poke and then you can go for an all in. Walk left/right if he w's so you can get out easly. You can go Resolve second with Bone Plating and Overgrowth it's really good vs Aatrox.”
Tunabros says “Super annoying to lane against. If you see his stun go out just back off. He will stun you and wall you. If you get ganked, your dead.
Either ban Anivia or dodge the game.”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Heavy damage in Early Game so poke her with W, use your blinking to penetrate her W, use your R to dodge her Q while trading until kill”
mrsuits says “Respect Anivia's strong waveclear and zoning potential with her ultimate (Glacial Storm) and Crystallize (W).
Use your soldiers to poke and zone her, as Anivia is immobile and relies heavily on skillshots.
Be cautious of her Q ability (Flash Frost), as it can stun you and set up for a follow-up combo.
Consider taking Cleanse as a summoner spell to remove her stun and mitigate her crowd control.
Coordinate with your jungler to apply pressure and deny her farming and scaling.
Build some magic resistance early on, such as a Null-Magic Mantle or Mercury's Treads, to reduce her burst damage.
Utilize your shuffle combo (E-Q-R) to create distance and disengage if Anivia tries to all-in you.
Destroy her passive (Rebirth) egg form quickly if you can, as it grants her a second chance in fights.
Roam and impact other lanes to create advantages for your team, as Anivia's mobility is limited.
Note: Anivia is a resilient and high-damage mage, but her lack of mobility makes her vulnerable to poke and zoning. By utilizing your range advantage and avoiding her skillshots, you can control the lane and prevent her from scaling too quickly. Coordinate with your team to deny her objectives and roam to create advantages elsewhere on the map.”
UnoTrickCho says “Very annoying matchup but very easy to survive. Run fleet/resolve and just sustain through the lane and setup plays with your jungler.”
KataTocDo says “If you 1v1, you will always win as long as you dodge Q. Don't walk or stay in Anivia ult. If you get ahead, she is like an ant to you, but if she gets fed you are just worthless trash to her. Get your jungle to gank if possible as her egg(passive) is annoying.
Runes: Conq.-Dom
Starting Items: D. Sheild”
ParkChnm says “Anivia's mini rework makes her a lot stronger against Ahri. Pre-6 you should play safe and wait for jungle help. After 6, be wary of her W > R. If she wastes Q, you can do some major damage, if not kill her.”
bleapintosh says “You can get out of her shit thanks to your w, but her passive is so annoying especially when you just did your full combo. Just play around her colldowns.”
Aramigo says “Hier ist es wichtig nicht in die Nähe von Anivia zu gelangen und von Ihrer Q und Wand Combo fern zu bleiben. Ansonsten sollte es keine Probleme geben.”
Yamikaze says “Really easy matchup pre-6. You can windwall both her Q and E. Play smart-agressive and punish her whenever she tries to last hit a creep. If she plays too safe, you can shove her in. Anivia before lvl 6 is really bad at cs'ing under tower. You can use wind wall to deny her the cannon minion. Be sure you are not getting ganked when you do this. After lvl 6 you can't interact with her as she just shoves in the waves over and over. At this point, going sidelane vs her is your best shot as you have more space to work with.”
BubbaStudmuffin says “Anivia is a bitch. Lets just get that out of the way. Your main problem is her passive. You basically have to kill her twice which is hard for Akali early level because we lose all our energy pretty fast. By the time you kill her and activate her passive you will be dry on energy. This becomes much less of a problem after you get Sheen.
Here is what I suggest:
Option 1: Let her push. Lure her into a false sense of confidence. Most Anivias are happy to play like a coward until level 10. That is not what we want. If you can get her to push in you have a lot more room to chase her during your engage.
2) Same tactic but call for your jungler. Be sure to lead unless your jungler is mobile like Master Yi. Generally you stand a better chance of avoiding her stun than your jungler and if he cant get in it probably wont work.”
SkyBanana says “She has the ability to clear waves much faster and easier with one ability. Her ability to displace a team and CC them endlessly makes her a threat at every stage of the game.”
Splaty says “Can get Hard to deal with so let her waster her Spells when she does go in and for the kill. Try to let them push so you can run them down”
ITSDEBEAR says “Either a dodge or skill matchup if enemy is handless. You have no hope of pushing into her or killing her alone unless she fucks up badly. Predator or phase rush matchup”
rajsovsky says “At the moment Anivia is really broken. I ban her or akali so i try not to play against her as vlad, because she outranges you, outdamages you in early and has a lot of potential to kill you. How to play against her? Farm, don't fight. Ask jungler for wraiths.”
Deteki says “Its very painful to play against a good anivia ,(Good anivia) when she gets lvl 6 and starts using her combo things , Here you need to just farm but try to poke in 1-5 lvls after this , ask your jungler to help you, (bad anivia) here you just can go full in , she probably cant use her wall and ult which is disgusting”
invalidd says “Has long cooldowns so she's easy to abuse, lane becomes more obnoxious at lvl6 because she'll push you in with her ult and can proc bonus
E dmg with R. Easy to setup ganks on.
Would be minor but buffed.”
Aikairi says “She is very squishy and even with her recent buffs, she is still very easy to abuse in lane as she has no mobility to escape. Make sure you don't get hit by her stun, and try to shunpo over her wall if she uses it. Don't get baited by her passive revival, making you towerdive.”
SkellyBirb says “Sivir can just shield Anivia's stun, however Anivia's ultimate can still be a big problem for her. As long as you can get out of it and avoid getting trapped her wall, you should be fine. In this lane you more want to poke with Q and W after level 6 rather than trading with auto attacks.”
Penpiddin says “Anivia is a pain early while u are weak as u do not do enough damage to kill him and the egg. Just focus on farm. After 6 use your Q to silence his R farming and respect the stun / wall ganks. After 6 he can push hard but so can you .. Farm up, look for roams and play safe.”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs Anivia: El pockeo sera increible pero ten algo en cuenta: No gastes tu Q, maxeala de 2da habilidad. No gastes tu Q hasta que ella gaste su R en ti, con tu Q le frenas la canalizacion de su R, recuerda entrarle a pelear cuando gaste Ella su aturdimiento (Q) (hielo eterno o eco de luden)
DarthLaser says “Overpowered right now she can ult your E and stun you out of your W and your a melee adc with this build so she can just wall you off and force you to flash for the kill since your W doesn’t go over terrain”
TheHostileCat says “Control Mages (Syndra, Ori, Anivia) are harder to lane against, especially early. Anivia's and empowered autos/e makes it very easy for her to chunk your hp. If she walls off your engage, e out or shroud when you are stunned. (Or going to be)”
PrimeRex226 says “Really squishy champion , keep in
mind her passive. You can go really aggressive here and buy dark seal second back. Remember how fast wave clear she has.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Anivia has very little kill pressure on you but she makes it impossible for you to kill her
- Pre 6, try to shove her in with Q's and passive and roam
- Post 6 try to match her waveclear and look for roams
- When you E, she will just put up a wall
- You need a jungler with a gap closer to gank and kill her
- At level 6 she outpushes you and she will just outscale you”
Ambitieux says “Very strong character now but if you land a Q on her. You should be able to out maneuver her stun. Should just scale this lane unless you can land the Q for trades”
Scyrine says “so. annoying. SUPER squishy though, play agro against her pre-6 and if she's hiding under turret try to draw her out and hard engage, there shouldnt be a problem then.”
BCota says “!!!!!CANCER CANCER CANCER!!!!! Fuck this cockblock bitch. You could one shot her to oblivion but the bullshit egg will cuck you and the jg might come to rek you
Chili Dog says “Get a feel for dodging her stun, if you can't better pool it, if she tries to get the empowered snowball shit without hitting her stun (via ult) then just pool the projectile, it's not worth taking that crit. Almost impossible to kill her without your jungle, just endure it or ban it. Phase Rush is Recommended”
grebe1231 says “Her ability to self peel will stifle your approach and any attempts to make a play on her will be met with a ton of return damage. She also outclears you meaning you won't get the chance to roam and will outscale you into lategame. ”
Flarank1 Azir says “He is a control mage like you. So be careful when pushing and roaming because he can follow you take tp against him cause he will definitely take tp”
Shetlock says “Anivia can zone Ahri out with ease, and can also trap Ahri if she plays too far forward. It is best to call for early ganks in order to deal with Anivia.”
kimjisoo8 says “Really annoying, but you can win her easily if she misses her CC. Constantly autoattack while she's reviving and charm right after she revives.”
Dafioske says “Antes era un escalón abajo pero con sus Buff que recibió esta más molesto el no es mucho el problema sino su jungle por el stun que dura mucho recibirás mucho gank mejor gankear otra linea”
Last Roar says “Main gimmick, she dies twice. You outrange her, so Q her down. Save your leap to escape her wall trap.
Obj: Push and outroam her, no point looking for fight with her.”
Maverick809 says “A real pain in the ass. Anivia has great wave clear, a well placed wall can leave you very exposed for a gank and her wave clear is much better than yours. Plus her passive keeps her pretty safe also.”
Snow Day Zoe says “she is like ahri but immobile, she is cc heavy and no kill lane, but sometimes you can use her walls to increase your e range. take cleanse in this case.”
vCraze says “Anivia is a pretty easy matchup for Xerath as she has no dashes, is immobile and you have a massive range advantage. You don't want to be over confident because Anivia is still a strong champion and has a lot of burst early, if you are keeping your distance she should never be able to stun you with her Q. Once you hit Ludens the lane should be over as you just poke her out whenever she gets into lane.”
Sadkid says “Anivia lane is not too bad. Dodge her Q and use your range to your advantage. If she catches you with her wall/Q this lane sucks. Otherwise, later on in the game poking is the way to go. ”
SkellyBirb says “Anivia doesn't have too much to stop you. You can jump over her wall and as long as you avoid her stun you should be able to chunk her down quickly.”
WolfRider01 says “Fairly straightforward lane. You can win very easily. Beware of her damage, do not underestimate the frost bonus damage, but other than that, it is fairly simple to win lane. Dodge stun, and she has very little in the way of fighting you.”
Katfire says “Anivia is an annoying match up.
She will poke you whenever you try to cs and her passive makes it hard to kill her in lane.
If you all in her do your best to kill her (get her to eggform) before she gets in tower range. Unless someone comes to save her should be free kill from there.”
Hqzz says “Huge threat, can completely out range you with her Q. It is important to engage when she has used her Q and missed, if she gets too close to minions try and poke her down with your AOE E. Not necessarily worth fighting unless you can get a clean gank to proc her passive. ”
hickeyo says “Her Q goes in a straight line and it does not really rush at you, you can E it and throw your combo at her. But she does outrange you so you need to get some help with your jungler to ruin her early. ”
MartyBG says “A tough matchup. As long as you get caught by her you can't really run away. Try to play passively and poke her to the point where you can land your full combo and kill her.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Spellbook with Teleport. You win pre 6 if she ever wastes her q u can run her down. After 6 you can't do Anything to her. She will perma push with her R and won't give you any window to harsh or roam and will always have more CS then you. Beg for JG ganks to shut down this bird bitch. She outscales you in teamfights.”
Akali go skrrrt says “If you play decent she wont be able to Solokill you, but it will be really hard for you to kill her withouth help. Make sure to dodge her Q, especially after lvl 6!”
Bobbab says “Anivia will have the advantage in the early game. A good anivia will never let you e in as she will save her stun for that. She has an insane auto range too. Try to scale up into one or two items, you outscale in the 1v1 situation.”
sweodigaming says “She is pretty squishy, but do care for her damage late game. Her abilities is easy to dodge and if you ever have played Anivia before you know how her combos work. Care not to get trapped in her wall, and to not do stupid dive when she has passive up.”
NightSoar says “Can Be difficult due to huge burst and strong CC, Start Boots 4pots and just dodge her skills until she makes a mistake. BEWARE OF HER PASSIVE.”
Manzey says “Anivia is really easy to play against, just go for boots as starting item, or ghost as summoner and when a fight occurs, just dodge her Qs and she will be useless, she can't trade at all pre-6, after 6 care for poke from ulti+E”
Grayified says “Anivia has CC, but is immobile. If you keep your distance and poke, while avoiding any of Anivia's poke, then you should be fine. Anivia's walls aren't a threat, as you are able to just E over them.”
Daeydark says “She can counter most of your abilities with her range/crowd control, and if you somehow manage to kill her, congratulations, you have to kill her twice now. She has better waveclear, high burst damage, she's a ranged matchup so you will need to let her push to you, and her passive will counter your burst.”
Cahly says “Just like any mage, dodge her Q with your W as that is her main source of cc and dmg. It might be annoying that she can wall you off so make sure when you all in she has nothing up.”
Siderman5 says “Anivia mid can make your life really difficult as an Ahri player... If Anivia plays good, she'll have the advantage on lane because she can pust her wave under your turret really easily and she is able to poke you with her q even if you are standing behind the tower. I really recommend, to ask jg for ganks to force her passive out, or maybe kill her.”
FalleN3 says “Mobility is your friend against Anivia. Early boots into Merc Treads can go a long way against her. If you can avoid her (Q) Flash Frost, which moves pretty slowly then you should be able to zone her from the wave pre level 6. She is very squishy so you will have the ability to hurt her quiet a bit if you can land some harass on her. Be careful not to over-extend in lane because all it takes is a well placed (W) Crystallize when her jungler arrives to either blow your flash or kill you. Remember that her passive will turn her into an egg that after a few seconds will bring her back to life. Don't tower-dive her for a kill when it's up, unless you are sure you can get the kill!”
TheCatOfCheshire says “It's really hard to play against her. In early game, you don't have enough mana to kill her, and you have to kill her twice so you'll have to poke her A LOT. After the early game, she'll block your roaming by perma pushing which is really annoying. And don't underestimate her dmg, she can one-shot you in mid game. Try to ask a gank (her escape tools are quite limited), and try to kill her early. For the late game, she's way stronger than you, so ignore her and focus the ADC. To engage her, use your R to avoid her stun then charm her as fast as possible.”
Lunasta says “She is really a pain in the ass, try to push your wave and force her to waste mana, if you get invisible she will ult you, so try not to stay in one place, you can also jump her wall with your W”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Anivia isn't the hardest match-up out there. You have more than enough mobility to dodge her stun and she has no mobility to escape from your all-ins.
The most difficult part about this match-up is Anivia's ability to clear waves very quickly. Keeping you pushed under your turret.”
SkellyBirb says “Anivia can't really do much against Bard, but she can zone him from doing much against her. Try to roam to get your lead in this matchup.”
Frixen says “Anivia is a bad champion. But she's also bad for Twisted Fate. She outranges you, and prevents you from roaming as she has more range and insane waveclear that just pushes you in. She also hits skillshots fairly easy on TF due to the fact that champion is not very mobile. I suggest getting Cleanse to not die when she hits her Q, as well as getting RFC as soon as possible and looking to play on the side lane. If the Anivia is competent, give up the lane. If she isn't, you can constantly poke her out, attack her mana pool and win the long fights.”
FalleN3 says “Anivia is very squishy and mana dependant so you need to keep an eye on it's level during laning phase. You really need to dodge her (Q) every time and this will make the lane a little bit easier for you. Her passive is very annoying as it can be too late to secure a kill if the jungler arrives for her defense. She is able to push lane hard and easily clear waves from her turret with her ultimate. Difficult lane and difficult to secure kills on her after 6 if you are slow to burst her down as you will literally be standing in her ultimate as you try to kill her. Keep an eye out for easier kills around the map.”
SkellyBirb says “Anivia doesn't have too much to stop you. You can jump over her wall and as long as you avoid her stun you should be able to chunk her down quickly.”
Bouhhsolene says “Against Anivia, the best is to play Glacial Augment, as it will be hard to reach her later in the game, taking Glacial Augment will help you CC her.
In early, try to take short trades when her Q is down, and try to possibly kill her if she's not under turret. Farm enough to get your first item and try to make catches. You should try to roam on her timing back, and then go back mid.
In late, try to reach her and CC her with your Twin Shadows as help.”
FalleN3 says “Her long range Auto-Attack can be annoying as hell and she is likely to abuse it. You are able to [E] over her wall. She is squishy and you can punish her if she misses her [Q] as this is her hard CC. Please remember her passive and don't dive the tower having tunnel vision for the low hp kill if it's up. Your ultimate will interrupt her ultimate in a duel.”
Shazzaam says “Free lane. Take Cull and just scale. Watch out for her early all in with Q,E and electrocute with ignite. Although her Early game is really really bad, she can cheese you if you aren't too careful.”
Reason97 says “She has a few ways to easily pop your shield, she can drop a wall to cut you off from safety, her R can easily kill your minions, and even if you do take her down her passive may save her life yet. However, she is SUPER weak early on, and her Q stun is slow. Watch her mana and keep moving, and just be conscious that after 6 she get's a lot scarier to face. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Dodge or windwall her abilities and you chilling. Unless she hits all of her skill shots you really can't lose this matchup or even a trade. Outscales you. Take Fleet or Conq (Depends on team comp).”
Phoenizxxx says “Watch out for her stuns! She is harder to kill especially since her passive. Make sure when her passive is down to use it to your advantage!”
sashadidntwalk says “Very weak early game due to her items (they need to scale), but she will be very safe due to her passive. Try to shove her into tower early because she has trouble farming early. Save your third Q or ultimate to cancel her ultimate channel and focus on depleting her mana bar.”
shadowiyce says “*Anivia's passive (Rebirth) has a 240 seconds (4 minutes) cooldown to it.
*Keep your distance for WEQ trades and save your W most of the time as she can cast her ice wall on you if your W is on cooldown. ”
arcanejhin says “You have a lot of knock-ups to stop her R. You can easily dodge her Q with your E or E / R / Q2 through her wall to catch her and kill her. Save E to finish her off”
Fadedreformed says “Not hard you can always outrade her just care for her wall before 6 since she can just w + q you and set easy ganks for her allies”
xXkillercrackXx says “Anivia has a somewhat weak early game due to her lack of waveclear, and high mana costs early on. Try and farm up and look for roams once you get 6. She can't follow your roams as she lacks any mobility spells.”
ShockMaster says “Dreadfull skillmatchup..She s ranged and you can t go all in cause she have her Icewall.In teamfight s a good Anivia player can make the diference.Start with Doran Shield btw”
Yuki H. says “Not a tough matchup per se, but be wary of shadow (W) usage when in lane. If Zed's W is played improperly, the Anivia may punish with a stun+ult+wall combo depending on Anivia's level. Overall, do not become too greedy in lane and watch for ganks, as Anivia can set up extremely well given her kit. Otherwise, she should basically be a sitting duck.”
DarkM3tal87_ says “Try to abuse her before level 6, using your windwall to block her abilities. After level 6 ask your jungler to help you, because she will push so fast with her R, not allowing you to roam.”
Chiefsnake says “just avoid her stun and you're good. She probably won't be solo killing you unless you get stunned and trapped in her ult. If she takes electrocute you'll take a large chunk of damage from her combo”
AbhorRend says “Gets harder the better the anivia is, but in low elo they always just run up and try to q, so you can tp on her with e. She cant follow roams or shove well early game so take advantage of this”
Veralion says “Anivia is very strong right now, but is a surprisingly easy lane. You hard counter her for a number of reasons. Her Q should never hit you with how slow it is and how fast you are, and even if it does or she walls to help land it, you can sustain through two or three combos, and then she’s out of mana. It’s a free early game. After 6 it turns into a farm war while your ult is down. The one thing you must pay very close attention to is not to be within range of her wall while building fury. You can't avoid her WRQE combo without flash or your ult and it will almost certainly kill you or force you back. Once you can rawr, ult at her when she puts her ult down, cancelling it, then roast her while she’s helpless. Try to have your E deal the killing blow if possible. Your fire patch will hard boil her egg afterwards, so you should always be able to convert an egg proc into a kill. She's extremely slow and a good gank target, and any landed CC should easily turn her a very dead chicken with how much damage you do. ”
Bartoos says “She should never get close enough for you to damage her but she can't damage you back either. If you land a stun on her you can very easily kill her but other than that it's just a farm lane. Clear the waves and ask for your jungler to come or just roam.”
Veigarv2 says “Anivia feels like a broken champion when vs karthus. Let her push you in, if you try to contest she just R's and youre stuck in her ulti and die.”
RikudouDovahkiin says “This Birb is somewhat weak against casters, focus on killing her, for she's squishy before RoA/banshee/Seraph.
Brentonlop says “Even though she is very squishy and immoble, her passive gives her a free revive if you can't brake her egg in time. Ask jungler too gank.”
snukumz says “Pretty even matchup.
His/her wall is annoying because it can get you ganked, and because it will cancel your ult.
Hard to solo kill because of egg form.
Farm, shove, and win teamfights.
LightningTemplar says “ You'll have a hard time killing her pre 6 especially with her passive. Post 6 you'll wanna try to save your R to dodge her stun and you should be able to kill or proc her passive, should she place a wall, can you just W over. Basically if you are playing against a decent Anivia, you're going to have a hard time killing her without a gank. Also keep in mind she has to land her slow spells in order to maximize her damage.”
PepeOnDrugs says “Anivia is very squishy and mana dependant so you need to keep an eye on it's level during laning phase. You really need to dodge her (Q) every time and this will make the lane a little bit easier for you. Her passive is very annoying as it can be too late to secure a kill if the jungler arrives for her defense. She is able to push lane hard and easily clear waves from her turret with her ultimate. Difficult lane and difficult to secure kills on her after 6 if you are slow to burst her down as you will literally be standing in her ultimate as you try to kill her. Keep an eye out for easier kills around the map.
Ekko Rush B Guides says “If you play against a good Anivia, it is literally impossible to kill her. She will safe her Q until you E on top of her, and you are forced to chronobreak out if you lose the trade because she can easily block you off with the ult slow and W. Even if you manage to get her to 0hp, you will most likely not have enough damage to kill her while in her passive. The only way you can kill her is by predicting her with your W and get a free trade until she is low health.”
Debonair Karma says “Anivia's early game is extremely weak and Karma can just get all up in her bussiness and poke her down, without giving a chance to fight back. Take ignite or teleport. Make sure to end the game early because late game Anivia is way stronger than Karma and can solo carry the game.”
Gageowago says “You have no kill pressure on her when passive is up because your damage is too low and cooldowns too high. Poke her as much as possible without getting stunned or you lose trades. Call for ganks. Will perma push at level 6+”
BigFatCat909 says “Anivia isn't much of a threat, she can only really kill you if you try to kill her. I suggest roaming against her or even just out-trade her until she is forced out of her lane.”
topal says “it's hard to kill her if she plays well and since most anivvias are one tricks they usually know what they are doing.Her passive gives her 1 less death every 5 minits and her cc and wall are very annoy.”
ZombieZack1 says “Anivia is Another Situational Pick, she can Win in some Fights against Lux, but Even if Lux kills her with Ult she will Rarely finish Anivia Off because of her Decently Long Cooldowns”
Lil Tidepod says “Anivia is one of the biggest threats for Ryze, possibly even the biggest. Her auto range is insane, so insane you can't even get close enough for an E on her. Use your E on the minion wave to mark her as much as you can and just try and poke her down. Her passive will just revive her. Look to get fed off of roams and then if you avoid her stun you can fight her. I don't recommend fighting her alone at any point in the laning phase.”
Capparelli says “She hurts and can keep you away, not much more to say about her, just try and avoid poke, you'll need Tiamat to match her shove, look to roam before she hits 6 and get either bot or top a lead, solo killing Anivia is not logical especially if she has P”
ahrienthusiastmain says “Anivia has no threat. She can't ever land her stun even with the wall if you have celerity. It becomes a farm lane after she hits 6”
MartinMorningstar says “You dont have kill pressure as by yourself you dont have enough dmg to kill her then kill her egg form as well. You can E her stun and dmg. Its a boring lane. Position so that you can deal with her wall and ults and you should be fine. If your jungle ganks you and you play it right you can stomp her. ”
serruh says “Impossible lane. Outshoves you at 6, out damages you, can zone you from literally anything with wall/q/ult since it all outranges you and she also locks you down, meaning you basically cant even walk away without taking half your hp(or more). Rush mercs and become a believer honestly, this matchup is very hard.”
Malmortious says “Her passive will cause you problems. You can E over her wall, dodge her stun, and burst her in short windows. Roam lane, if you can't get kills on her shove and roam.”
The Venerable Racoon says “I haven't fought an Anivia in a good long time, but her all in is hard to stop after 6 since she can slow then stun you. Poke her as much as possible and try to avoid getting walled off”
Loki029 says “One of the most Annoying Top Laners against Garen, if she hits Stun you can be Dead try to use W if she will hit you; use your Q to run out of her Ultimate, use your passive and her high mana costs, the Moment she reaches less then 20% mana engage or farm like crazy while she is in Base. Always ping if missing she roams easy, fast and effective with her Wall. it is worth too ult her when she has egg, you can kill her in the meantime.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Anivia can give midlane Camille a horrible experience, she basically kicks back and waveclears the whole game leaving you to stick to the lane, she can double tap Q on your E and wall you off of her leaving you in her R zone, it's important to note that Camille R stops channels and thus will stop Anivia R on cast.”
ur_mom_gay says “Quite a good matchup. Once you hit level 4 you can expect to outtrade her easily. She will most likely buy a tear, so you can look to kill her or at least get her passive after you get dirk. When she walks up to R the minion wave, you can harass her with your combo and maybe all in. If you miss, expect her to delete your wave, so ward to see her roams. Don't R right before she dies since your mark won't apply to the egg.”
chrisloths says “Anivia's plants cannot block any of Anivia's abilities, however she will rarely be in a position to fully burst you as long as you keep your distance. She has a poor early game so you can out-poke her.”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “Well, nothing much to say here. a squishy Mage with no mobility should be easy kill if you freeze lane so she don't farm undertower, unless you need to roam shove the lane and deny hersince its hard for her to farm under tower ”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
66lew says “Difficult lane kill but attempt to kill her call upon jungler break her egg asap and kill her. There is poit get her into egg form and do nothing. If you play TF your playing against TF ij Midlane and accordly there is no point getting naive egg form if you don't get the kill so this becomes strategy because laning phase januvia is usually a draw”
E_IS_POWER says “Aniva is quite hard to deal with becuase you will almost never get close to her if the player knows what he's doing with the champ. If she uses Q to farm, instantly go for a trade and you win it 100%. After 6, it could be quite hard to outdamage her if you happen to be in the middle of her ult.”
8wolf says “Her range is very short compared to you and her q travel speed is pretty slow. Focus on dodging her stun and farming. Pre 6 your waveclear is way better, but after that the lane becomes a farm fest.”
Daedralus says “Approaching her is a bit more difficult due to slows and stuns and a wall. The wall can be jumped with your ult or flash of course, but considering the cast range, you are not likely to be in Q distance. But if you are, you will be able to travel with her. If you can put her in egg mode, it usually is your kill since one Q halves and the speed bonus finishes off easily. Do not underestimate her burst + DPS with her ult as you will be hurt without your E. Later on in the game, the tides do change and you practically become an assassin towards her.”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Dark Seal + Potion
Id say this is an even match, not hard to dodge. But a good Anivia is a good Anivia. The problem is the egg and doing enough dmg under enough time.”
Tehqo says “This matchup is kind of a joke. You might not be able to kill her unless she purposely wants to kill herself. But you can't really lose this lane. Push her under turret, and you'll simply gain an advantage due to the fact that she can't farm under turret. Roaming yourself in this matchup might prove to be extremely beneficial for your team.”
NebuIa says “I say this is major because this is something that completely nullifies Zoe, which really sucks. Anything that just waveclears vs. Zoe is a threat because you can't roam like you want to. (Malzahar is the worst of this.) She can even trap you with her wall and get huge damage. Just try to not over extend, call for ganks. She dies to them easily.”
TheBlueImperial says “Overall an annoying lane opponent because of the CC and Wall, but pre-6 she struggle CSing and you can exploit this by hard shoving her under tower.”
Je Suis Azir says “Dodge the Qs, punish her as much as you can, you have inherent dominance in this lane. You outscale her and you have better mobility, so even at level 6 you can ruin her life. Honestly, the whole game you have an advantage over her if you play well. Be aware of your and her positioning and your and her's jungler's positioning, you will never die and may even kill her solo. ”
TheSpark says “She can become a pain, especially when she starts scaling and getting tanky, try to poke her out with e and get your jungler to gank her.
Pre-6, you can shove the wave to her tower since she has trouble farming without her ult.
You can also take cleanse if you're scared of her q stun.”
Impswitch says “To much damage! you can go even and play safe... but she can push the lane so hard so you cant really roam without losing a lot of pressure”
KitsyMamori says “She's just annoying as she has so much wave clear. Dodge her Q's and keep in mind that your burst has to kill her TWICE as she has an egg.”
cobbzy says “Don't get caught in her R, make sure to dodge her Q as well. As long as you do that, all you need to remember is not to forget that your cooldowns don't come back once you kill her and she goes into her egg form. ”
i am a heron says “she has no kill threat on you, but after 6 she'll just push every wave to tower and farm for free, which isn't fun for you and will make her very fat. hope she plays up too far and coordinate with your jungler to gank her out, because you won't be able to roam against her waveclear.”
Aizenvolt says “Anivia does insane damage and has cc with her ice ball.Kassadins q interrupts her ult. Be careful in this lane and ask for gank. Also remember she has her passive that can bring her back to life so dont do any dives if you dont see that her passive is down, she can bait you easy with that. Ask for ganks and play passive poke whenever you can.”
ShockStrikes says “Go for an all-in after she uses her stun, better if you dodge it. The beauty is you can dash over her wall with your first cast ultimate. Make sure to get some nice poke before you go for the all-in. Go for cleanse if you wish.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite/TP matchup,
You bully her hard pre 6, make sure you either hard shove her under turret, or harass constantly. After level 6, she'll try to spam waveclear. If she uses R on wave, use W Q AA on her to punish her for destroying your wave. A little trick most Anivias won't expect is if they R and W to try trap you in her ult, is to just W E Q right into her. Most of her damage relys on her ult, you diving right ontop of her will catch them off guard. Don't use E if they haven't used W, as they can cancel it. If its already placed down, go use E. Free kills for junglers past 6, easy shuffle.”
Mid Win Repeat says “Be smart about your mana in this lane, you will need to balance farming and harrass. Dodge her Q and she can't do anything to you. Land your combo when you can but you will usually need jungle help to finish her off.”
Xelaadryth says “You can bully her around at level 1 for sure, at level 2 be very careful of her Q+E damage. Once you hit 3, it should be a piece of cake to dodge her Q with your energy ball. Once she hits 6 and gets blue though, she'll just push you out.”
LMHStudios says “More on the annoyance category, Anivia can block your E engage with her wall, and can easily stun you if you engage with her R's slow into her Q stun.”
Toyejo says “Even matchup, favorable for Yasuo since you windwall his biggest damage output (Q+E) and with your mobility you can exit his ult zone. This lane is more about crushing the wave and roaming since you will probably not kill her.”
spark2 says “Food. Her Q is super easy to dodge and her wall (her only real protection) is useless against Ekko and his double dashes. She can trade a bit better once she hits 6, and is a monster late game, but in lane she should be a three course meal for you.”
HeisendongNA says “You win early until she gets some mana items and lvl 6. Then she just clears your turrets and a wave all day. Try to spread them out so she can't kill them all with one ult cast. Max W and poke from a safe distance so she can't do the basic ult -> wall -> q combo that's impossible to dodge as a low mobility mage.”
Cloud375 says “Another hard matchup. If you can get past his stun and wall, then you stand a chance. If you get stuck in his ultimate, chances are you are probably dead.”
Tayna says “Ughhh, terrible champ.
Any good Anivia player will be a PAIN to play against.
Try to kill her in early game, but if she starts getting items she will become VERY HARD. Punish her mistakes, play safe, and FARM. ”
Asothin says “Low health and mobility. Harass hard. You can have some trouble once they have the ult as it can slow you very hard especially at it's biggest size. ”
Garybaldo says “You're immobile so you can't go through her W or escape her R, do your best on dodging her Q and try to cc her when she casts her R. She outscales you, never pick Swain into Anivia”
paykanishe says “Very easy match up. Punish her if she miss "q". Let her push, and stay between her minions and her tower, so she can't farm. Ask you jungler to set vision, so you can't be punished. After lvl 6 be careful, and don't stay beside the wall's, so she can't block you with "w".”
Tarael says “Liandry's is gonna be your best friend to kill her. Abuse her early game, and push her if you can't kill, she'll have a hard time last hitting under turret. ”
worddog says “While she does not pose much of a threat, neither do you. You won't be able to punish her mistakes very hard but she will be able to punish yours.”
SirZeros says “Is pretty strong against you, because you have a big hitbox and have not the greatest range and you are pretty slow early. Because of that, she can land her Q+E-Combo pretty easly. Concentrate on farming and dodging her Q.”
Tchouvline says “Playing vs Anivia is like playing lottery, you can meet the best Anivia in the world, and the worst one. But a better-than-average Anivia will be kinda painful to fight, as she can stop your from getting closer to her. ”
baldmidget says “1.Another pussy passive champion
2.To beat her in lane, you need to bait her stun,then q on a low minion(for dodging her stun) then u go her.
3.Focus on hard shoving the wave,get enemy jungle camps,vision,objectives,or kill
4.Its impossible to solo kill anivia,focus on making ur team ahead”
Euphoric Toaster says “Before level 6 you can shove her in and make her miss a lot of CS, Anivia is pretty bad until she has access to her ultimate. After level 6 shes going to be trying to shove you in constantly. If she ever tries to catch you out with a Wall + Stun theres not a lot of danger in the 1v1 because you have way more upfront burst than her so you have time to play with and burst her down.”
Fox1ne says “A control mage,really powerful on controling waves and zone you out,at this point you have to trade her early levels by baiting her q and pushing her under tower so you deny her some cs,making her recall multiple times can gain you enough gold and time to get ahead. But after 6 dont just go for her,go for roams instead.”
Flimshady says “Will be hard to get close to if the Anivia player plays the champion correctly. If you get a matchup vs Anivia i would max Q and try to poke down and engage with flash when i know i can kill.”
ZenonZeni says “When facing anniva try to get her passive down before level 6 otherwise. You can't kill her and its pretty much game over in your lane.”
KingKongca says “Her passive forces you not go for the kill early. You need to wait for your jungler to secure the kill. However, if you can be careful and not get disrupt by her wall and then get hit by her Q and E, you will be fine.”
EvilOranges says “Start D-Blade. As long as you dodge her Q you will be fine. Kill her before 6 and before she gets tear and catalyst of aeons. You can dash over her wall. The only way she wins is if she is Froggen and can predict anything. Fleet Footwork or conqueror both work. ”
Xavier Senori says “Approaching Anivia is almost impossible as cassiopeia, as she has a stun and a slow. Her harass is stronger than yours early game if she lands her skills, and she can easily chunk you. On top of that she outranges you. Try to just turn the lane into a farm fest. Roam whenever possible as you should outscale her, but realize that she is going to push your lane to tower incredibly quickly. ”
ClemexD10 says “The biggest problem of Anivia is her passive, do not cast all your abilities at once on her since she has a lot of health and her passive, that will waste all your mana instantly. Poke her until your jungle ganks you or her passive is down and you have the enough mana to kill her.”
kilgta says “shes your biggest counter, you should either ban her, dodge her or hope to have high cc on your team. she wants to do like you and rush lost chapter and level 6. your Q cancels her ultimate so when she R the ground, you should poke her. you dont have enough damage to solo her and her egg so usually you need jungle help.
the matchup is very annoying but winnable.”
unownreality says “she will out live you, but she will have trouble pushing you. Anivia relies on her fast push to win lane, but your waveclear is effective. Watch for her egg cooldown before you over commit. ”
MechaaZero says “Watch out for her stun. If she land that she will get alot of free damage but otherwise, this is an easy lane. You just have to kill her twice haha.”
CC Diana says “Laning against Anivia is an awful feeling because you can't out push her nor siege against her due to her insane waveclear. This makes roaming a very difficult task because if you do, you will be forgoing a lot of CS to the tower. Early on she'll Q you whenever you go for CS so it's a good idea to start W. Both her Q and W are on relatively low cooldowns so once you hit 6, try to bait out either of those spells and then go for an all-in. If you rush in recklessly she'll stun you very easily, place her ult down, E you, and put a wall behind you to prevent you from running away. At that point your only means of escape are flash or ulting to a minion. So BE CAREFUL. Also, do not towerdive her if she has Rebirth up. If you can proc her passive, great, but don't die for it. Naturally, Anivia also has the ability to zone you off of CS by using her wall and by simply having longer range abilities. Anivia players like to trap you in their ult by walling off your escape. If this happens use Moonfall to disrupt the channel and get some free damage or Flash away if you're low on health. As a side note, Ignite can be a good option to take against Anivia because it will let you proc her passive easily which allows for an easy kill later. Keep in mind that Ignite's cooldown is 3 minutes opposed to Rebirth being 5 minutes.”
RagexAddict says “I view Anivia as more of a skill matchup with Fizz. Other players might say she's tougher than an even matchup but the reason I believe she's an easy champion for Fizz to take on is because of a couple reasons:
1. She is very slow and has no escapes other than a Wall that you can Q or E through to stick to her when fighting.
2. Her abilities are easy to side step.
The best way to take Anivia on, especially early, is to go in on her "hit and run" style; Q into her, pop your W and hit her a couple times and E out or E on top of her if you're confident you can proc her passive.”
adzzb says “Anivia's kit means she dishes out a lot of damage if you have any form of crowd control. So when in lane, try to farm as much as possible under tower and only fight if the jungler is going to gank. Look to roam at 6 while bot is stll weak.”
The Jhin Cena says “Early game her poke can be annoying though you should win in damage and you can dodge her abilities pretty easily, as well as E over her wall if needed. If you're going for a risky kill, make sure to click on her and see if her passive is down, if it's up then avoid her unless it's a 1v1. In a fight with her try landing a fully charged ult and then Q > W. Only E if her wall is down, otherwise wait until she blows it and then you can E over the wall and kill her.”
SrSuders says “Ich sehe Anivia als starken Counter an, wenn man sich mit Anivia gut positioniert, kann sie einen ab Level 6 mit der Anivia R Probleme bereiten.
Jedoch ist sie sehr squishy und inmobil, was dir einen guten Weg für Roams bereitet.”
LyndonK9 says “Much like Zilean, she is pretty much impossible to kill especially when shes building ROA. Dodge her Q, farm and roam. Post 6 she has a ton of waveclear making it hard to farm under tower, but you won't die as long as you don't get stunned. She is very immobile so ask for ganks. ”
hipstersora says “Lol just kill her. You can E over her wall or out of her ult. Just play and you should win. Be wary of all-ins though because she has her egg. While she's in egg you should be able to burst it down quickly with your cooldowns coming up. Try to kill her without using your ultimate, as your ultimate is pretty instrumental in killing her egg alongside Q spam. ”
Nightshade17 says “Very difficult matchup, she will perma push you undertower. You need to dodge or pool her q or you will be chunked again and again. Dont underestimate the damage and cc her ult can do. Like Orianna her biggest weakness is being mana hungry so try and keep her in lane as long as possible without backing.”
TotallySugoi says “Nothing too bad about her, just poke poke poke and try to get a few early kills, but her passive is annoying. Don't smash her egg if you think their jungler might be coming.”
borsamalac says “Shove the wave , use wards to prevent jungler ganks (buy control ward every time u go back to lane). She cant farm under tower and its cost her lots of mana. After lv6 the "shove coin flips" u will be who farm under tower, learn how to do it mostly with AA . Dodge her E, use W to fly over her wall and kill her with jungler help since she has no escape she overstay under your tower. With trinity u can duel her if u dodge the stun.”
YourBestSenpai says “Shouldn't be too hard, you can dodge her ult, wall and q with your ult. When she transforms into egg, your true damage from q will greatly help you. However, if your ult is down, might be tricky.”
BL00dY3nD says “Not a easy matchup. When she gets her R and hits her Combos on you will be painfull. Try to CS and poke until level 5-6. Then try to kill her by getting ganks. This could work for you.”
Bughans says “Pretty severe matchup, can prevent you, (and every other champion that isn't zed or yasuo) from farming past level 6. If she uses Q, go in and get out again. You don't wanna towerdive. ”
Best Karth NA says “She counters you pretty hard post 6, so make sure you dodge all of her q's and harass her early on. Her W outranges your q and she can use it to push you into her ult and land an E off of that. Just be careful. ”
Charon25 says “Passé le niveau 6, difficile de jouer la lane : Anivia outpush Gragas sans soucis. Protobelt et Chasseur Ingénieux essentiels dans le matchup pour compenser.
Compliquée à tuer à cause de son mur.”
AgreeableOtter says “Also pray to god that you have a decent jungler. She will most likely take teleport against you, so you can't allow her to shove pre 6 in order to get item advantage. Just try to somehow bait her tp and outroam her.”
BoopForTheTroops says “Constant stuns followed by her spike so if you can dodge her stun you will be okay. She stuns longer than you so keep that in mind.”
Shderen says “You can cancel her ult when she's using it, but that's pretty much it. That being said, if she misses her stun/you dodge it, it's pretty much a free trade for you. Don't expect to kill her Egg though unless you've got your jungler.”
CharmingFeather says “Although she is one of the tiniest threats, any good Anivia will sit under turret in this matchup. If she doesn't have fun and get a few early ganks. If she does then just poke her down with Q until she backs, then Q so she can't back.”
SmokeyEggs says “Very immobile champion, her only saving grace is her Q and Build Merc to nullify that. Just get up in her face and don't let her farm too much”
ryze4thewin says “outranges you dont try to go for her unsless you are fed try get some kills with roams play safe, if you feel superconfident to always doge her q you can outrade her but if she hits once its way too much dmg to be worth ”
QueenBrie says “Anivia is really hard to play against, her wall pretty much stops you from escaping tower if you decide to dive her for some odd reason, she overall has a kit that seems like it's designed to stop you, if you aren't good at vladimir buckle up for a bumpy ride.”
AzureArmatt says “If you ever met good Anivia player you will be surprised how many times you thought u had her but she always managed to turn things around and kill you instead. She's great champion that has really big damage once she gets her items. Her "chiil & frost" mechanic increases her E damage every time you get CC'ed by her abilities + all of her abilities deal dangerous amount of damage. To beat her you need to win early as fast as you can where she's powerless. Roaming to other lanes for kills is your best tactic. She won't be able to catch up because she's slow but she will push wave really fast so you need to react fast too or she will take your turret early. mercury's treads can save your life if you miscalculate and get stunned by her Q or caught in her R”
OmegaSquadVeigar says “This matchup is just annoying, you should be able to poke her before lvl 6 but after that she'll probably back, get a tear and just permashove the wave, you can't do much about it until like 2 items without help of a jungler.
Avoid getting close to her after 6, despite her being a scaling/late game champ, she can just use her wall and just trap you in her R and deal a lot of damage to you if you aren't careful enough.
She can stall the game too.”
Shaawn says “Really easy matchup pre-6. You can windwall both her Q and E. Play smart-agressive and punish her whenever she tries to last hit a creep. If she plays too safe, you can shove her in. Anivia before lvl 6 is really bad at cs'ing under tower”
NocUout says “Her egg and stun are annoying, but as long as you dodge her stun you should be fine. After a while you should try and roam however, as she becomes quite tanky with ROA, archangels, and Zhonyas. ”
RemainingUchiha says “A very hard lane in terms of pressure, Pre 6 you really have to be careful for her wall into a gank. Keep your sides warded as best as you can.”
Gerrage says “Anivia is the only Champion you should be wary off. Her level 6 changes the laning phase hard! You should make sure that you can trade with her pre 6 as much as possible. ”
shuckhax123 says “If you get walled off it can be a problem post 6. Not terrible tho. Spellshield the q or if you dodge it then the e. Look to just waveclear vs her”
thedonk says “If she uses her Q to poke, you win that trade, but she still has her egg. It's okay to pop it and not kill her, they'll be more afraid of you once she doesn't have her passive. If you can, get ganks, as she is really vulnerable to those.”
Padrepio says “Anivia has not insane long range, but is able to keep you away thanks to her R. Usually you cannot kill her twice, so take care of her passive and don't overcommit.”
Jazzmonkey says “pretty hard lane you can't kill him befor level 6 and he got a huge wave clear if he got 6. You must farm under tower and wait for your jungler. If you are ahead use short trades, poke him down and then all in him if you can kill him.”
overweight_zoe says “Easy to dodge abilities and your wave clear is much more powerful than hers pre 6. More mobility and even after 6 your clear should still match hers with less cost. ”
Jenkinsu says “You outrange her, but she can do her things through the minion wave, something you cannot. Don't sleep on her wall to stun combo and you should be fine”
Eli The Bat says “Annoying champion....
Dodging her stun, whatever ability is, is not always enough....
I mean.... she can cancel your ult with her wall, and make you have a bad time with hers....
ALLLLSOOOOO she has her VERY ANNOING PASSIVE, so, its not worth to 1 v 1 her AT ALL....”
Tipurrs says “She's not that hard, just annoying. She hits hard and her Q and passive makes her annoying. She's really squishy though even with Rod of Ages. ”
apsonalol says “Muito controle da lane, chegar perto seria suicídio já que esse boneco tem 2 vidas, você pode matar ela até o lvl 6 depois disso fica bem difícil de você chegar perto dela, porém a sua ult faz com que a ult dela pare, lembre-se disso na hora de ir dar engage.”
bergqvistlol says “Kill potential reduced significantly since you don't have enough basic attack damage to finish the egg or even get close to. Meaning she is problem most the time cause of her natural ability of baiting peoples cd's without being forced to play a part in it & simply let you make those stupid calls on you're own.”
undeadsoldiers says “Anivia is an awful match-up as well since she doesn't die with her passive and if she ever lands that Q on you it's almost over, her waveclear post 6 is just stupid. Try to position well and don't over extend. If you know her passive is up try to pop it as soon as possible, before an all-in.”
moutenn says “Her having to rush tear, and her q being really slow, she is an easy kill early. Her egg is a bit hard to deal with. Try and engage when you see she will die right out of towerrange, so you can kill the egg without taking towerhits. Dodge her q with r and kill her. Thats kind of it. Late you really have to be carefull not to get stunned - her e will CHUNK you down. This also kind of counts for earlygame. Dont get hit by her q. You will lose the trait. After the new runes you cant get defenses.
qasddsa says “Oppressive laning phase, can be made easier if you dodge most of her stuns and punishing those misses. Don't really worry about her poke since you can just Q shield the damage. If she is channeling her ultimate, you can use Q to stop the channel.”
Skeptil says “A good Anivia will be able to combo you with no issues, meaning you're helpless and kind of stuck. Try to play it safe and hope that your jungler will come and help you.”
LCAU says “Yucky Matchup, you'll have to ask your jg for help. She pokes you a lot and her egg thing is straight cancer. Most likely you won't kill her a lot. Roam instead and get more ahead of her. Start Doran's Shield for sustain.”
Gambinos says “Avoid her stun and watch out for her wall. Most likely, a jg will try to gank when she walls you. Dash around so you can get them chasing as head straight to your tower if do. ”
ThePhantomPsychic says “Anivia will stunlock you till the end of time, also her wall will screw you, and her damage isnt something to be scoffed at. The revive passive doesnt help your ult either.”
rimzaki says “She too hard early game cuz she has passive If u dodge her Q with ur sanguine pool She can not be threat against u Also She has low movespeed like 325 u can hit her with ur bloodrage easily”
Sozzoh says “Anivia has an extremely bad early game with her being mana hungry and all, so what you want to do is play aggressive. BE CAREFUL! Anivia's passive is extremely OP and can be used to get first blood on you. If it looks like Anivia is trying to bait you into tower while she is low, don't fall for it. She'll most likely wall you off, then pop her passive. After her passive is down, play aggressive. A good Anivia is scary, and can outplay you hard. What I recommend is roaming, and pushing her under tower so she can't farm.”
Katapullt says “She can become hard when she is ahead but that will take her at least 2 kills or when she has Rod of Ages. Use your mobilaty spells (W&E)to dodge her Q's. Dont get greedy when she is Eggnivia and you are low on health.”
Zoose says “You out push her early on, so make sure to push her under tower and miss cs. You have low kill potential while she has her egg passive. You can still get some nice poke off. Very hard to lose this lane, when she's 6 she'll match your push and this will likely become a farm lane. ”
Prenora says “Nami's passive is great against the skill shots, If the stun misses you, all in that bird, After level 6 watch out though, the slow from anivia's ult make dodging the stun very hard.”
undeadsoldiers says “Anivia outpushes you hard, especially after level 6. However, with the lowest base health in the game, it's fairly easy to egg her once you land a bubble.
Take care to avoid her stun, though.
Anivia also has low base movement speed, so she can't do much to avoid a bubble coming at her except Flash.
Take advantage of her mana hungry pushing before she gets Tear or Catalyst. Go for her when she's running out of mana.
Suggested Sums: Standard or based on team comps”
iiCrispi says “Pyke's ult does not reset on anivia's passive anymore (I believe), which makes a huge counter. She has good poke, which is something that counters Pyke in the early game/laning phase. Then again if she is against a shoved wave, you can't do much. Make sure to clear as quickly as possible and ask for ganks whenever there is an opening.”
asffg123 says “Although she doesn't have a way out of your E, Anivia's wall -> abilities are very effective against Veigar who has no movement. That paired with her revive ability counters Veigar and you are likely to lose laning phase.
Warning - This champion can and will roam to counter a safe playstyle. Ping accordingly.”
Whoospnip says “She is tricky to deal with because her wall has a buggy interaction with your Justice Punch. It can cancel your e at weird angles because the wall has a strange hit box. ”
GeneralJ0hn27 says “It truly is a hard counter to this build because of (A) Her passive Is soooo good in lane, as it will preserve her KDA and not allow you to snowball. And (B) She has great CC and unreal damage, her Q(Stun) always hits, and her E, And R always apply constant damage. And her Wall makes it so hard to keep fighting her because you don't have a dash, just movement speed. so you NEED to roam and call for ganks that's just about the only thing you can really do. AND DONT FEED HER OR ITS GG.”
Canttouchthis123 says “Your only option is forward on diana and this can work decently on an anivia. Early game like most ranged matchups will be very ruff, but your ult allows you to hop right over her wall and ultimate.”
Smol Jelly says “Getting caught out by Anivia is rough for you. Plus, you don't have the damage to burst through her and her passive. Get jungle assistance, but for the most part, just farm safely and try to keep her from roaming.”
ShokLoL says “Anivia can be pretty rough if you let her through the early lane untouched. Your goal is to take advantage of her weak early lane to make sure that by the time she is 6 she doesn't have tons of items. Stand next to the wave and look for QE trades, you can trade W to dodge her Q if you need to. Post 6 look for ganks but be careful getting caught too far up the wave by her wall if you don't have W up.”
Zeekar says “Did you know her wall applies knocked down? Did you know a well timed anivia W can cancel your dash? She shoves MANY times better than you and outranges you by a long shot. If she Q's towards you (and she is within W range) INSTANTLY W at her. This allows you to get a great trade off on her (if you hit your W) without her being able to do much. You should only be able to do this a couple of times before the anivia player learns to activate Q slightly earlier than she normally would. After that focus on just keeping your distance until she has used her Q. ”
Chuleex says “A good anivia can be very annoying but you can dodge most of her damage early and win on the short trade, go for d shield and wait for items if you find it hard, once you have eclipse anivia gets easier to deal with, hexdrinker only if you feel she knows the matchup”
ShokLoL says “Anivia can be annoying in a couple spots but can't really stop you from stacking. Early game you have the advantage as long as you dodge her Q, but you will lose out on the trade if you get hit. Post 6 if you get caught too far up in the wave you will take a lot of damage, especially if you get your E cancelled somehow. Just try build a CS lead pre 6 and post 6 focus on farming, you'll outscale her for free. Mercs/swifties depending on enemy comp can both be good here.”
ShokLoL says “Anivia pre 6 is a free win, you can beat her in trades at any point. Post 6 if you get walled at a bad angle you can take a lot of damage, but you should be able to outrange her with E poke. You can cancel her ult with your ult as well which can win you a big trade.”
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