As a Support 51.89% Win Rate99% Pick RateJanna As a Support Counters: 35 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Janna as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
ShriekingMammoth says “Shen gets countered by most enchanters and Janna is the worst one. She has great disengage for your taunts and can easily kite you out.”
Ameruii says “I ban her 99% of time. Her E neutralize my Q poke.
If I ult and she use R, she can break my ult and if not ..then her R can heal them and my ult is wasted”
JVS8 says “Janna has a longer range than Bard, making the laning phase difficult. She's also quite fast, so you’ll need to focus on auto-attacking her first before attempting to land your Q or ultimate.”
Bound04 says “Almost as bad as milio, but her Q and ult can be played around much easier. Also consider going assassin w/ serpent's fang vs her if her team is squishy.”
Sh0ppe says “annoying but you pop her, once she uses nado all-in her. Highly reccomend building early serpents into her. Play aggressive when her nado is on CD.”
BabyCuddlePunkin says “If she's aggro and pokes just trade from behind wave. A good Janna is actually pretty rough because of poke negate/strong trades. ”
mUI0g says “Skilled matchup. Depends on your skills at landing skillshots.
Strong shields and higher mobility. Getting morellos is important against Janna.”
Aerenax says “Janna can be annoying as she pokes a lot with her W in lane and she can disengage easily by using her Q or R at the right time. If you are very patient in this matchup you should be fine.”
zSharpFire says “Incredibly easy lane. Until 6 you're basically her but better. If she tries to poke you out with W try to only go for R+Q on her until she's low. Either way your damage is too much for her to shield it out.”
Arctic Arrow says “Janna's threat level largely depends on the player, but she generally won’t respect your engage. You can use your W to dodge her Q and then follow up with a Q of your own to poke or all-in her. Her Q (Howling Gale) doesn’t interrupt your E (Crimson Curse), so after stunning her, you can use your E to further immobilize her against the wall.
Serpent's Fang is useful here to reduce her shield's effectiveness, making it easier to burst her down. Janna's impact can be minimized if you time your engages well and capitalize on her ability to be caught out of position. Also buy ”
LA COLORADA says “engage if she wastes her tornado to poke. R on her to deny her ult.
if she's good none of this is happening tho. she'll abuse you in laning phase, cancel every single one of your engages and outroam you, so play smart.”
Abarame says “Roaming is Janna favoured and her lane trades do pack a punch but if you focus the adc, she actually loses most 2v2s. Milios shield is stronger then Jannas so make sure to use it proactively.”
SchloppyPoppy says “A good Janna will counter you 10/10 times. Her whole kit is perfect for countering your engages, so if you're against a Janna that's good, make sure to wait out her Q before going in.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “This will mostly depend on the janna player, however they usually wont respect you and you can just W Q her when she gets close to poke you, so you will get a lot of opportunities to actually all in her
(Also remember her Q cant stop your E so after you stun her you can start using your E to stun her against the wall, and since she will stop for a second to use her Q you will have time to stun her again against the wall)”
Thefrenchkefta says “If she plays well, she is IMPOSSIBLE to play for the whole game, she has too much MS and slow you and when you engage she just instant cast her tornado and you are dead.
Not commonly played.”
TnDD says “Genellikle Enchanter karakterler Bard'ı ct'lar. bunun nedeni ise bardın menzilli bir supporta göre menzilinin çok düşük olmasından dolayı. Janna'da geç oyuna gidince barddan daha güçlü bir hal alıyor. Erken oyunda da malum bard olduğun için koridoru yenemiyorsun.”
Foxirion says “Janna's disengage and crowd control can make it challenging for Rakan to engage effectively, but Rakan's mobility and crowd control can help him pressure Janna and disrupt her positioning.”
RangoFan2011 says “Has a better disengage than you and helps her teammates kite more. Generally, you want to ult her to keep her from controlling fights too much. Her allies still benefit from tailwind, so keep that in mind.”
SighKek says “A good Janna can space you properly and make sure you never get close enough to do dmg.
Getting brush control is key so that you can potentially hook her and zone them off wave. ”
DIEINCRY says “Ее ульта отбрасывает врагов, т. е. если ты ультанешь она тебя просто отбросит и собьет ульту, ультовать против Жанны только со своей ешкой, либо когда у нее самой нет ульты; Сама жанна играется в основном через свой контроль, твой щит позволяет его игнорировать - в целом не слишком опасный пик.”
Lilander says “Janna can be a little bit better then Bard in some situations but you shouldnt have any extreme problems but all in all really strong for adcs (Janna).”
schizoslvt says “Throw hook fast or wait for her to use Q.if you hook her into you dont e immedietly since she can q insta and block it.E immedietly only if you can cast it while she is in the air.”
Velkyann says “Janna does basically the same thing you do in lane before level 6, but better. Try to poke her or her ADC before she can shield and dodge her tornadoes. After you finish your first item, she remains a big threat because she can outspeed you. Until level 6, be safe, and after that, play with your team and focus on her.”
Razing42 says “Janna can deny your travel with your hook if timed correctly, try to control bushes to throw out hooks before she can react with her Q.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Whenever Janaa applies a slow or knockup, her shield cooldown is reduced. Avoid getting hit by her CC or her carry will be hard to damage.
You can dash Jaana out of her ult, so save your dash if you think she's about to use it.”
Jonasbaki1 says “Janna is just Janna.
Early you don't really get to play the lane without being punished.
Late game tho, is where your teammates can catch up to Janna with your E. This makes Janna so much easier to kill.”
quecck says “eugh. No fun champ. She can poke you easily with W and get a knockup out of Q often, although it is possible for you to dodge it. Her E can make it somewhat hard for you to to poke and can backfire on you with the AD buff. R also completely messes up any engage you started. However, if you catch her with E, make her suffer <3”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Other than her wind thing which you just gotta avoid, but other than that she's pretty easy, mostly a disengage champ which is great news for you. ”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
akamanto says “The purpose of Janna is to protect her adc from any all in the enemy has but if you just cc her too then you cant easily beat her . Else you can just roam .”
Razing42 says “Janna scales stronger than you (like most enchanters), and has amazing disengage tools. Try to not stand next to your adc as she might hit you both with Q and don't stand too still when you see that she starts using her Q.”
Kamachamaeleon says “Janna's disengage tools, especially her Monsoon (R), can negate Thresh's engage attempts. She can push Thresh and his allies away, making it difficult for him to keep enemies locked down.”
Aerenax says “Janna's tornado is annoying, but you can block it with your E to be the only one getting hit. Be careful though as you will still be knocked up! If you try to get close to her or her ADC she will use her tornado or ultimate to create space, so a skill matchup in my opinion.”
Ryecheria says “ Janna moves fast and has great roaming potential. Try to keep Janna in the lane as her roams are better than yours. When she does roam, tell your team in advance and choose which roams you will follow carefully. Don't follow it if it's not worth your time as you could be denying or diving enemy carry.
Karma's kit outclasses Janna's kit until really late. ”
NiKa7PikA says “Any disengage weather it's Janna, Quinn that know her e cancels your w or faker on lulu ulting right when ur about to stun someone to knock u back Renata can also q to cancel ur w, u might think alistair w is good vs rell but after 6 ur ult cancels his w so just roam vs him or hope for ganks or for him to duck up keep that in mind, perfectly timed nami q can cancel ur w also but she can just ult for it too, disengage could also be Kayle ulting to survive being one hot, taric, kindred or stopwatch can also do similar things so knowing this u know u can't blindpick rell as most ppl do”
mazewalk says “She can disengage your Q2 either with Q or R. She is as good in making plays as you. Play calmly and punish her for wasting Q during laning phase. ”
JezebelleXX says “Janna can disrupt your ultimate and negate some of your poke, but Miss Fortune deals much more damage. She cannot do much more than Q you, as you will outtrade everytime she attempts to W + auto you. E on her whenever she ults, and do not be super-aggressive when she has ult. Take Aery.”
confuzed says “Once you land any cc on Janna, you and your ADC can pop her off easily. Your cc is easier to hit, and your 'E' allows you and your ADC to somewhat keep up with the enemy bot lane.”
Shadowcrushers says “
Janna is considered a major counter or match against Soraka for several reasons. Let's delve into the detailed explanation:
Disruption of Healing: Soraka is known for her exceptional healing abilities, which make her a prominent support champion in League of Legends. However, Janna possesses abilities that can effectively disrupt Soraka's healing potential. Janna's Q ability, Howling Gale, can knock up enemies, including Soraka, interrupting her healing spells and denying crucial sustain to her allies. This disruption can significantly reduce Soraka's effectiveness in team fights and skirmishes.
Crowd Control: Janna excels at crowd control with her Q and W abilities. Her Q, as mentioned earlier, can knock up enemies, providing a valuable window of opportunity to engage on Soraka or her teammates. Additionally, Janna's W ability, Zephyr, can slow down enemies, making it harder for Soraka to position herself properly and land her healing abilities. These crowd control tools give Janna the advantage of controlling the pace of the fight and preventing Soraka from fully utilizing her healing capabilities.
Shielding and Protection: Janna's main strength lies in her ability to shield and protect her allies. Her E ability, Eye of the Storm, grants a shield to a target ally, absorbing incoming damage and providing bonus attack damage. This shield can effectively nullify Soraka's poke damage and prevent her from whittling down Janna's allies over time. Furthermore, Janna's ultimate ability, Monsoon, provides a massive heal and knocks back enemies, making it difficult for Soraka to engage or disengage effectively.
Mobility and Peel: Janna possesses exceptional mobility, which allows her to swiftly respond to Soraka's attempts to engage or disengage. Her passive ability, Tailwind, grants bonus movement speed to Janna and nearby allies. This speed boost can help Janna and her team dodge Soraka's skillshots or engage on her more effectively. Additionally, Janna's Q and W abilities provide excellent peel potential, allowing her to create distance between Soraka and her teammates or disrupt Soraka's attempts to flee from danger.
Versatile Playstyle: Janna's versatility as a support champion makes her a strong pick against Soraka. She can adapt her playstyle depending on the situation, whether it requires aggressive engages or defensive peel. Against Soraka, Janna players can adjust their approach accordingly. For example, they can focus on denying Soraka's healing potential in team fights or play more defensively, protecting their carries from Soraka's attempts to burst them down.
In conclusion, Janna's disruption of healing, crowd control, shielding and protection, mobility, and versatile playstyle make her a major counter or match against Soraka. By effectively neutralizing Soraka's healing abilities and providing strong protection for her allies, Janna can turn the tide in team fights and secure victory for her team.”
itstsuk3 says “If you have no kill pressure in lane then take Glacial and look for roams, if not take Electrocute and look to get kills before 6. Her Shield negates your Poke and her Ult kinda Counters your Ult. Look for Early Kills and try to Roam as your adc can farm safely 1v2 vs a Janna.”
Jordan Bot says “This Champions entire job is to make sure you can't have fun, from lane to mid game your job is much much harder with this wind lady running around”
support_diff says “If you can dodge Janna's tornados, you should be fine. Her ultimate can be kind of problematic to you because it counters your burns well”
jmp_01_ says “Would be a Threat Level 1 but due to recent buffs I don't know how she really performs. But aside from that this match-up is quite easy. Avoid getting poked / bait her Q and just kill her once you land your Q. Take Glacial Augment.”
mazewalk says “She can easily disengage your R with her Q and R, so play patiently. Her Q's cd is always 12, and some Janna players prefer to poke with this skill, which gives you an opening during the laning phase”
Fireblaze1024 says “Her whole kit is dangerous to shaco. Her slow and knockup make you a sitting duck for her ADC. Additionally, her shield will negate a large portion of your damage from E and W.”
support_diff says “Janna is an immobile support without much damage. Look out for her tornados as they combined with her adc's damage are pretty serious. If you get hit by one, use E as fast as you can if the enemy adc starts damaging you”
King Kirbilogus Toadstool says “Not too bad, but watch out for her InSec capability and disengage potential with her Ult. Remember to keep your Ult as an answer to her own ult, because stunning her will cancel her channel.”
Drygur says “Her slow will make it very hard to find stun oppurtunities, and the Q can displace you aswell making it very unreliable to get stuns in this match up. The majority of enchanters offer similar struggles. Not as bad now unless she is running glacial and taps Q when you E”
RobinValentine1 says “Ult can disengage yours, Q can disincentivize poke. Luckily her E is on a long cooldown so if you can dodge her Q you have plenty of time to poke.”
King Kirbilogus Toadstool says “Not too bad, but watch out for her InSec capability and disengage potential with her Ult. Remember to keep your Ult as an answer to her own ult, because stunning her will cancel her channel.”
Lurs says “Her Q instantly cancels your engage, if they're good they should outroam you, her ult is insane for peeling, and she has very strong pokes. This is still ending up as a skill matchup, but it is very rough to try and play aggressive into Janna.”
KamiKZ says “Avoid picking kha into Janna because Janna can peel for enemy carries really well, which makes it´s almost impossible to one shot enemy carries. Because of her E R and Q and peel items (Locket, Ardent, Redemption etc.) ”
Aerenax says “Janna's tornado will interrupt every single engage you try to do. When teamfighting she will ult to create space between you and her team. This matchup is very difficult, but winnable if you manage to surprise her with a flash engage. ”
Wounds2 says “A good Janna will save her Q for when you want to go in, and her ult is also annoying when she uses it to peel her carries. Punish her in lane if she wastes Q. However, she can't really abuse you in lane and you become more useful than her later on.”
Cyclic says “Janna is pretty free as you outrange her autos and can dodge her tornados with relative ease. Landing a W on her early in lane can get you a free kill and just poke her and her ADC to build a lead and outscale”
ZharMeny says “Janna is a very difficult match up for Rell, as she can easily cancel your W with her Q. I recommend you to ban Janna every game, and if you are brave, Recommended Stance: Unmounted”
Toches says “She's brutal, peels better than you, pokes you in lane, and has better disengage than you have counter-engage, so you can press R and then she just negates the engage the enemy team started to put you back to neutral after you've burned R.
I do not have a solid winrate against her, and would consider banning her if not for the extreme threat in high elo.”
mellorwastaken says “A really good janna will often beat you, her tiny hitbox plus ms makes her a really hard target to land your skillshots. Thank god most janna players are bad and if you manage to hit Q you can kill her or her adc. Also you can free roam and she cant really dive your adc unless they stack 3+ waves.
Her Q cancels your E and Q windup.”
iveye says “Janna is the match up where mid-late she will mainly shut your entire engage down with her W or R so scaling isn't an option, but before level 6 you can do well into her if unmounted because it is a point and click.”
veeixin says “Janna is like Sona. She easily speeds up her ADC with her passive. Along with pushing you away with ult and healing her and teammates. Her shield is also a heavy problem.
Still not impossible.”
gizemdeniz says “With the recent nerfs, Janna has largely lost its former prestige. The mana costs of her skills are quite high, and her shield can only be greatly effective in the late game. Compared to her, our damage and utility are quite high in the early and late game.”
mazewalk says “Same as Thresh, but at least she's not dangerous for your adc. Fortunately, she need a bit more time to cast Howling Gale, so you can abuse short distance E.”
Igirl45 says “Janna's tornados and ult can disrupt your engage. When you go in make sure she doesnt have a tornado casting as your w can get canceled by her w. If you are deciding to ult when Janna is near, be careful as she can push you back leading to getting nothing out of your ult.”
Roltu says “Partida en base a skillmatch, janna es un personaje que, en buenas manos, puede hacer que thresh la tenga difícil al momento de querer hacer engage, de ahi janna no es gran problema realmente.”
zotet says “She can match your range and buff her allies more than you can, the main way you can beat her is to make her waste her Q and/or W as with her W on cooldown her passive is inactive.”
Uzonna says “I'm using Janna, but this goes for almost every enchanter.
If they ever walk in range, full combo. If your ADC actually does damage, this is a free lane and this Zilean build isn't supposed to do that well early. Also, this build is straight up keeps the ADC safer than most enchanters could dream of doing.”
AASDHFV says “Janna is useless against Zilean as long as you avoid her tornadoes. Her shield will block some of your dmg but as long as you land your bombs everything will be fine.”
OakuMarai says “Really annoying poke and slows. Aery or elec with celerity work well. She's mostly a disengage bot though. Do your best to dodge her tornados.”
huirats says “A good Janna is a problem, since she will know how/when to poke you but you out damage her buy far and your shield is better early on than hers. Try to avoid her tornados, since Glacial is the typical rune, she'll most likely only use it when Glacial is up.”
babyyspace says “Janna has many forms of CC and is a major threat to Yuumi. Do not detach or roam on your own if Janna is not on map or is close to you. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Janna will try to poke as often as she can with her Zephyr(W) and auto-attacks. She may wait for her Shied Eye Of The Storm(E) to be up before trading. This pattern is pretty common against champions who can return fire when she looks to trade. Use E’s cooldown time frame to poke her. When you can’t engage, stand out of range and in line with your ADC so she can’t harass and bully you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Janna will try to poke as often as she can with her Zephyr(W) and auto-attacks. She may wait for her Shied Eye Of The Storm(E) to be up before trading. This pattern is pretty common against champions who can return fire when she looks to trade. Use E’s cooldown time frame to poke her. When you can’t engage, stand out of range and in line with your ADC so she can’t harass and bully you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Janna will try to poke as often as she can with her Zephyr(W) and auto-attacks. She may wait for her Shied Eye Of The Storm(E) to be up before trading. This pattern is pretty common against champions who can return fire when she looks to trade. Use E’s cooldown time frame to poke her. When you can’t engage, stand out of range and in line with your ADC so she can’t harass and bully you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Janna will try to poke as often as she can with her Zephyr(W) and auto-attacks. She may wait for her Shied Eye Of The Storm(E) to be up before trading. This pattern is pretty common against champions who can return fire when she looks to trade. Use E’s cooldown time frame to poke her. When you can’t engage, stand out of range and in line with your ADC so she can’t harass and bully you.”
M4DN355 says “Her Q and R can stop Pyke from engaging, but that's pretty much all she can do. Pre level 6, fighting Janna should be easy once her Q is down and engaging shouldn't be a problem as long as the enemy ADC doesn't have hard CC.”
DamselOfDistress says “Janna´s peel can make it difficult for you to get close enough to get your stuns off. When facing her, make sure to always have vision control around bushes!”
urazevirgen says “Janna has %57 win rate against Morgana. Her hurricanes are hard to deal and if it hits you her ADC will kill you immediately espacially in early game”
Navn says “She can't really cause you too many problems in lane, but if she's paying attention in team fights, she can push you away with her ult before you ult. So keep track of hers, and be wary you might need to ult before she does.”
Jageiko says “Janna is a real coinflip. If you can E her, she's dead, but a double Q will cancel your E and slow you, you'll be dead in seconds. Her R can also cancel your R. Overall, she has a lot more tools to counter you but if you snowball you snowball hard.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “IMO worst matchup. Take sweeper level 1 and play to hexflash out of bushes with unmounted W, or by trying to freeze and asking for ganks. Roaming is also difficult because Janna as a champion is faster than you. Against her you're playing to peel; Janna disengages your kit too well.”
MorBidMike says “Janna is a very anti engage support which can be a thorn in your side. be patient and wait for proper engages when their Q is on CD. also the janna shield ad only exists so long as the shield does, so shattering it removes its buff.”
Navn says “She has very limited range, and if she tries to get really close to W or Auto attack you, return with your own Q and Autos, and you'll win every trade. ”
PrismaticShield says “Similarly to Pyke, Janna moves a lot. She cant toy around with you that much tho, but the support she gives to her adc makes both of them usually quite hard to kill.”
sssky says “Janna can use her ultimate to push all enemies outside of your ultimate, she's not really a threat by any means but her ultimate is an ability to be aware of when you use yours.”
Yoshiking123 says “You can only go in when her Tornado is down. It's a really annoying lane but if they don't save their Tornado you'll have small windows to look to kill.”
PR0M3T3O says “Litterally his tornado its the only annoying thing bout her, only that, since everyone plays her with Glacial Augment Rune it makes a hard lane if she constantly land that ability on you or your ADC”
TurtleEpic says “Her passive speed makes the lane annoying but play with patience and wait for her to mess up positioning when she tries to w you or ally.”
spirit legacy says “Reworked Janna can be very annoying because her Q's are mostly undodgable. Try to move around alot so she won't cc you with her Q. Be patient with your Q, you wanna stun her when she's casting her ult. Hard engages are farely easy and cast your R as soon as she ults so your ult can bounce off multiple targets. ”
Challenger Project says “Janna can easily stop our engage even when we hit the hook onto her pre 6. If she uses Q for whatever reason go in ASAP. The problem with all enchanters is all the same - if we don’t snowball early hard, we fall off and get outscaled. If you have a hard time getting a lead on this lane, focus on roaming mid/ with your jungler and get ahead this way. ”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Janna has a shield to mitigate your poke, a slow, a knockup and even a pushback which can work as incredible peel for her team.
Her ultimate can be used to push back your boxes or clone and giving an AOE heal which often completely saves her teammates from a well set up trap.”
HalexUwU says “Her disengage can make your job REALLY hard. However, roaming against her is usually fairly easy. Wait for her to waste a tornado and look for an engage.”
Demonsedge90 says “Throughout the game, you must be mindful of Janna's displacement abilities (q, w and r). In this fight, wait for her to misposition. She is immobile; you can root her with your ult if necessary.”
Bella Starlily says “Nami is a soft counter for Janna with her bubble and wave being able to cancel out Janna's R. Do not underestimate her though, she does an excellent job at enabling her allies.”
Cordiall says “Another champion who's not a threat, she's just irritating. Janna can keep you from doing just about everything your kit is designed to do, but if you don't let her poke you out she can't really do anything to you, either. Just don't let her constantly spam her abilities at you and you should be fine. Your E stops her tornado, too.”
Eu como Miilena says “Cuidado com os tornados dela sempre proteja você ou seu adc deles com seu escudo. ela tem que chegar perto para jogar o pássaro em você então se proteja com seu E e use R+Q nela. na hora de uma luta nao fique atras ou perto de seu adc para ela não levantar os dos no ar a mesma coisa vale em uma perseguição cada um de um lado para que ela não levante os dois. ”
PrismaticShield says “Annoying to grab or stun. Since she tends to move around real quick, she can be a pain in the ass. Make sure to combo E and Prowler's Claw to stun her good!”
SunnySneezer says “Avoid her tornado when trading by using one ability for example empowered E then move to the side if she started channeling a tornado and keep going. If she already has a tornado charging when she engages never stand in the area where she starts the trade make her come to you.”
lolkayleee says “Yes Janna top with smite is a thing - sadly.
[Conqueror + Trinity Force]
[Flash + TP]
This matchup would be a 1 but I list it as a 5 because you're constantly worrying about your team fighting a 4v5 as you afk in lane getting free plates and gold.
I recommend taking conditioning + overgrowth so you can use those runes to scale for free. Hope and pray your team doesn't lose as you afk push in lane while she roams around the map having impact as a "top laner" XD”
DtNikk says “Janna will outpoke you in lane. Dont even try as you risk getting hit with a W>Q. Your E can cancel her R though. Relic better, but if you can poke her adc go with spellthieves.”
hampenguin says “The best disengage champ right now, her tornadoes are fast, she's fast, her slows are fat, her shielding is strong, and her R is ungodly infuriating to deal with.”
Vindicater says “2.95 for a min? Lady, you are a gold digger for sure! Ah Janna, most hated anti-assasin support isn't she? Q after R, W slows, last sec E shield bruh.”
Nozul says “A única dificuldade que você tem contra a Janna é o poke dela com o W, além do slow que isto te dá. Evite tomar os furacões dela. Você pode cancelar a ultimate dela com o teu E. É um pouco difícil de dar poke em uma Janna por conta da alta velocidade de movimento dela.”
irelia support says “the slow can screw over irelia early if she has to run away after a trade however after a certain point in the game she's an easy solo kill unless she ults you off then you're out of q range to get back onto her”
TheBlueImperial says “Pre-6 you can very easily punish her for any misuse of her Q, you must play around your W2 not your W1. Once she is level 6 she can shutdown every engage you make with her R, wait for someone else to bait it out before engaging on anyone with her around or play around protecting your carry.”
HypoTheAced says “The new Janna can be a problem with her faster Q and if she's going Glacial Augment. However she doesn't have as much poke and movement speed as before, so it's still a pretty much even matchup.”
beefyylol says “Janna is a very skill based matchup. If the Janna is good, she is extremely slippery and provides insanely good peel for her teammates, making it hard for you to engage. However, if it is a bad Janna player, she will get one shot by your team every time you land a stun or ult. It is also very hard to trade versus Janna.”
PumpkinMatters says “Janna é simplesmente insuportável, por causa do furacãp dela que pode bloquear sua iniciação e por causa da lentidão que ela causa, mas fora isso é bem possível ganhar a rota. Você só precisa ter cuidado e acertar seu combo. Guarde seu flash para se jogar em cima da cabeça dessa elfa miserável e, se você acertar, é double kill pra seu adc”
asmrtoelicks says “Janna isn't really a threat in lane. When she comes at you to (W) zephyr you for poke just (E) equinox her and you outtrade. Hitting her with (Q) starfall in lane can be tricky so just make sure she's not getting too much poke off.”
PumpkinMatters says “Janna is simply annoying, because of her hurricane that can block your engage, and because of her slow, but apart from that is quite possible to win the lane. You just need to be careful and get your combo right. Keep your flash to throw yourself on this damned elf's head. If you do it, it's a double kill to your ADC”
bive says “she can stop ur engages and rely on q flash mainly, pick different support possibly, if theyre lvl 2 in ur minion wave as lvl 1 can trade but dont chase, short trade when her shield is down.”
bive says “You can lock her down. Janna needs more apm with E, but her ultimate is instant cast and her q and w are lower apm. Her passive beats yours as it is a consistent aura. Overall it is close to even since janna has a harder time making plays/engaging. Her 1st ult cd is 2 min 20s. Her E is 16s cd and her shield lasts 5s, so bait her shield and wait it out then do a short trade of 3s when it's gone.”
commit lego foot says “W poke is annoying and she can cancel your taunt with q but the reaction time is shen favored at low elos. Can also cancel with ulti and this is more forgiving on the janna side so look for kills pre-6.”
KalelPeique says “Esquiva do Q dela, e cuidado quando ela pegar lv 6.
Just avoid her Q just that, and be careful when she gets 6 ”
Winter Nicole says “Janna: She can be annoying with her tornado and her ult but she can easily be kill if you keep stunning her and play it a little safe for your adc. (Recommend stunning her a lot and ult her so your adc can instantly kill her and make sure to press your w the second your adc is tryna run back to tower)”
SirCaptFair says “Get a red trinket at the start of the game cuz you're going to need all the bushes so you can get to play on diagonales. don't face her straight on because she's just going to q you on repeat and poke you with her w. if you can an opportunity to use your flash and ignite so she flashes away. DO IT”
Discord231 says “Técnicamente te hace counter, pero más allá de su R, no puede proteger tan bien a su adc, si tienes un adc de early juega agresivo, si no, evita que que te pokee de gratis, y espera a tu jg. ”
Efil4zaggiN says “You can't really jump on her, good Janna will always counter you. The only option to win lane is jumping on ADC when she's not close to him.”
GuanaTv says “Qualquer uma das diferentes jogadas que um Thresh pode criar pode ser negada de alguma forma pelas habilidades da Janna. Tente ao menos criar algo em outra rota ou construir uma boa situação de gank pro seu caçador!
(Any of the different moves a Thresh can create can be negated in some way by Janna's abilities. At least try to create something on another lane or build a good gank situation for your jungle!)”
beeinthefranxx says “Sister skinny Janna is unfortunately not doing very well so she will be kind of easy? It depends on how well you can dodge her q's”
neuroplasticity says “Probably one of Nami's easiest matchups your kit straightup counters her's. You outsustain her and also have more damage in trades. Use your Q or R to disrupt her ultimate.
Be wary of her roams as she is incredibly fast.
yaemitskiuwu says “She's very very fast and can roam really fast. You can't counter roam her and she's very slippery. She can be a major threat later in the game. ”
Mr buckets says “Janna outranges you so the laning phase is super hard, she is also quite quick so u need to try and auto her before u can hit your q´s or ults.”
Doglightning says “If you have no kill pressure in lane then take Pred and look to roam else take ele and look to get kills before 6. I put janna as minor as she doesn't have much kill threat on Neeko but she is almost a hard counter to Neeko snowballing in lane. Her shield negates your poke and her ult hard counters your ult. Look for kills pre 6 and look to roam mid/top as your adc can farm safely 1v2 vs a Janna.”
Terroronyou says “Janna for the first couple of levels will block your Flame Pillar with a Shield, however as soon as you are lv3-4 and you land a 3 spell combo on her, she will go to 50% straight away.”
PicklePantsLOL says “Janna’s E is on a very long Cooldown during the early game so try to trade with her whenever it is on Cooldown. Without it, she can’t really peel for her ADC early on in terms of damage mitigation.
When ganking her, ask your laners to make her bait out her Q. This will allow you to engage on her freely and kill her almost immediately if she doesn’t have Flash.
Another time when you can all-in her is when her W is on Cooldown. It decreases her Movement Speed and makes catching up to her really easy. Just make sure you don’t go too deep while doing so.
During team fights, make sure that you focus her down first as she can do a lot of enabling if left alive. You can even try to pick her off before a team fight in order to take a lot of team fighting potential away from her team.”
Doglightning says “Take ignite. Look to poke with Q but not auto trade since her W auto will make the auto not worth. Can easily kill on a bubble with any adc that has kill pressure. Janna's ult doesn't really do much since usually you are ult into her so her ult knock back does nothing.”
Aerenax says “Janna can be annoying as she pokes a lot with her W in lane and she can avoid your engages by using her Q or R at the right time. If you are very patient in this matchup you should be fine.”
eiensiei says “Janna's W has a lower CD than Lulu's E, so only walk up when your E comes back off cooldown. If you E-Q-AA, you'll win the trade + she gets slowed and your ADC might get 1-2 autos off on her as well.”
LimTheDestructor says “Respect that Janna can use a tornado to interrupt your engage. Engage on Janna only if enemy adc is ready or if you already have R. You and your adc have to be very skilled in switching focus situationally for killing at least one of Janna + adc duo. Remember that in this matchup, there is very helpful being able to cast R on E-rooted Janna (-> 100% kill). Engage on her adc if Janna is far from him or out of position to cast disengage spells.”
warmfishu says “She will be poking often, and her passives give her and her allies movement speed. She will try to reset your W with Howling Gale (Q).”
iKonek says “While Janna can mitigate some damage with her shield, she has other methods of peeling you off. Her defensive capabilities are much lower without the tornado, so engage immediately after it's fired. Be extremely cautious when going in for her under tower, as if you are a low level or low on health, her Monsoon (R) can push you back under their tower.”
Rasta Da Masta says “This is too easy! She can't punish you for pushing & you have lots of range on your CC to cancel her ult. She will try to walk up to you & W for poke, but you can just bomb her & the minions to deny her damage & push the wave at the same time.”
LegendaryOstrich says “She is very mobile and has ranged autos and combined with her W you will get poked down a lot. After 6 if you land a hook on her or the ADC she can R you away so it basically denies your kill. Try to fight once her Q or E are on cooldown in order to maximize your win potential. Can be hard to land hooks on her because of her mobility.”
lin00 says “It really depends on the player, good Janna players can be problematic to play against. Her ability to disengage is annoying to play against. Landing hooks on her can be hard due to her movement speed.”
Korippo says “Ward bushes and she won't really be able to hit her tornadoes, since otherwise they'll usually be visible and you'll be able to dodge them. Her ult is just an AOE heal that knocks enemies back, so just don't be in range of her when her and her ADC are low since they could very easily follow up afterwards.”
iKonek says “Janna is a very hard matchup to play against as Rell. Her kit counters yours perfectly. Every time you try and engage on her she will just push you away. slow you, or knock you up mid jump.”
TheImmortalEye says “respect tornado and w slow to not get free poked. but if she comes close e q then empowered auto to give maximum damage. shes mostly disengage and her ult can stop yours”
CorgiBorgi says “Little CC to block and if she is good, she can out poke you. Poke her with your w and E, flash, ult to dive her and kill her. She outscales if she plays the laning phase right.”
Flackojodye says “you can see which direction her tornado will go when she casts it, she will face in that direction for a frame.
You outrange her with your abilites and can oneshot her.”
Distinger says “The only reason I've put Janna into level 3 difficulty is because of her R.
You can E on top of her and if you see she is planning to Q you can either use W to dodge it or Flash/Prowler's behind her to land the stun.
Post 6 just don't engage anywhere near her, she'll mess up your entire combo with one button.”
Woltortoise says “Can stop your engage easy plus she has alot of poke wich isn't that bad for zac since he has crazy sustain but it's not good for your ADC”
KimeraBuilds04 says “Janna can block our engage with Q adn Ult, she can poke alot with E or Q adn theshields blocks a lot of damage if we dont have Q up ”
Arcurath says “Janna will try W spam poke you out, you can try punish her with E double bomb combo, it is pretty much impossible to hit bombs without slowing her first she is too fast.
Her roams can be very good with her W speed around the map.”
0Banda says “ Janna is a very easy matchup, just be aware of her tornado's you don't even need to cast abilities to dodge that, but you can use them if you feel better. Janna is a roaming support and you out-roam her so much, whenever you see she gets out of lane, follow her and zone her, also when you see she's on a bad position you can engage on her as she is really squishy
Build as usual, she won't cause you much problems, also play as usual, counter-roaming her
Also when you get to a teamfight focus her, because she may cause problems is she throws a good R”
SlippStream says “At your range, her W out of range and her Q is extremely predictable. Her E's damage steroid might be a concern but only if you let their ADC get close.”
Hanjaro says “Janna can interrupt your Q with her tornado, firing it prematurely. She can heal any of your damage with her ult, and her shield can negate a lot of your poke, while increasing her ADC's AD. She is squishy, and has to stand still when ulting.”
Luiscencias says “She's annoying as hell and the good ones will poke you nonstop but she can't really get you killed unless you forget her shield boosts her adc's damage. she is a little better than you early but worse later on so keep your head on the long game.”
lenithebot says “Janna has good poke from her W she can cancel your engage with her Q and R. If you manage to land an engage she will just shield herself or her adc forever and she also becomes a shield bot late game never letting her adc die while having an insane amount of disengage. Janna is overall an extremely annoying matchup since a good Janna will never let you engage while poking you down in addition to all that her R is also a huge AOE heal which is great at all points in the game. In this matchup try and look for roams since you most likely wont accomplish much in lane so try and get your other lanes ahead. ”
Hanjaro says “Janna has very good disengage, it's hard to all-in on her or her ADC while her tornado and shield are up. She has good poke with her W so be careful of taking too much early damage.”
Hanjaro says “Janna has good disengage and high poke damage, but you can generally negate that with your passive. Try to engage when her tornado is on cooldown.”
Fear The Jester says “Can ruin your engage with her ult and shields, has high poke. get vision in the bushes to see when she casts her tornado, mess around in the bushes out of vision trying to bait out her tornado onto you instead of your adc. ”
Petrotes says “Even if she lands Q on your carry, you can E carry. The enemy adc will be focused on approaching the knocked up target, so you can land q pretty much any time. Then W your carry and come back.
If janna comes to slow you, slow back and shield you. Her shield got longer cd than yours.”
Melyn says “Hard to win; hard to lose. Your focus on this matchup is optimizing your gold generation, not getting baited by her shields and heals, and having enough pressure so that she doesn't W your ADC to death.”
Hanjaro says “Very good disengage, high poke with her W and can protect her ADC with a shield, that increases their AD as well. Also has a knockback healing ult but you can interrupt this with a well timed glacial fissure.”
Hanjaro says “Janna's ult can stop yours if she's close enough, heal any of your damage, and her shield can negate a lot of your poke, while increasing her ADC's AD. She is squishy though.”
Biotic says “Depending on The elo its between Minor Thread and Extreme. Janna is very lane dominant. The worse the Janna the easier it is to make plays in the early game. Try to ask your jungler for Ganks, she is immobile. Start ALWAYS combos with E on Janna, due to her high base movement speed its hard to hit here with Doublebomb.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “Janna is fast, she can avoid your q and easily harass you. however, you heal more than her so use that to your advantage, bait out her e and q if possible before engaging.
late game you're both equal”
LIGHTBULB NA says “Not too hard of a matchup, her high movement speed is no problem for you with your E. She is immobile, so if she ever oversteps she should just die”
Guoblide says “Janna is a pretty tough matchup for Braum due to her great poke in lane as well as her scaling power. Her peeling is just as good as Braums and her shielding and healing in lane and during fights can become a big issue. Janna is an enchanter support who specializes in her mobility from Tailwind and her amazing peel from Howling Gale and Monsoon. Janna spikes at Level 2 with her Howling Gale that can be used to poke, zone, and peel and then again at 6 where her Monsoon lets her set up plays or provide a ton of safety for her and her ADC. In lane Braum should try and play safe until Level 2 as Janna's Zephyr poke can be extremely dangerous, especially now that most Jannas run Arcane Comet over Summon Aery. Taking a few bad trades can easily force Braum and his ADC out of lane. Once Janna hits Level 2 her Howling Gale can be used as poke or zoning. It won't be used much defensively due to Braum being a pretty passive laner. At Level 2 Braum will have access to Unbreakable which can be used to stop Howling Gale. Howling Gale will still knock Braum up but won't continue onwards. Trading against Janna can be pretty easy though due to Winter's Bite having a pretty long rage advantage over Zephyr. Try to poke Janna out and Unbreakable her Zephyr if she fires one at you. Play passive with Glacial Fissure Level 6 and onwards due to Janna being able to deny engages easily with Monsoon. Keep in mind that Glacial Fissure can be used to knock Janna out of her Monsoon animation so being defensive with it is a safer option than going for a flashy play.”
IbnBattuta says “She isn't that dangerous but her Q can be spammed alot to counter our E or slow us down with her W to prevent us from catching ADC with our Q.”
lenithebot says “Janna is a very easy matchup. Since she is very squishy she will most likely play behind or next to her ADC. If Janna is aggressive punish her and if she's passive then play aggressively and look for possible picks on her or the adc.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Take ignite. Look to poke with Q but not auto trade since her W auto will make the auto not worth. Can easily kill on a bubble with any adc that has kill pressure. Janna's ult doesn't really do much since usually you are ult into her so her ult knock back does nothing.
RayTeamStrategy says “Her ability to allow her allies to retreat faster is not important, and if she tries to get aggressive you have tools to make her miserable.”
Billehz says “If the Janna is good she can mess up your plays with sneaky Q's from her and her ult can also mess you up as well in lane, but usually she is pretty easy to deal with”
Jaori says “Her poke gets really annoying. She's also a flying character so hitting E/R is harder against her - you can't see the clear hitbox. Her Q/R will stop your E dash, but if you manage to hit it, she is dead.”
Go Getter says “Stops your engages pretty hard, she also pokes like crazy and can safely keep up the damage on you.
Your early game will be miserable if her ADC contributes to harassing you, just try to survive until you scale up more.”
dragonmasterc says “Janna is fast and has a surprising amount of poke from a decent range, but it'll be dependent on how well she can bait your Es, making it a very skill based matchup. Like all other shield supports, she can only shield your E by predicting it.”
Hanjaro says “She can shield your damage during the early levels, but after that you can combo her down easily enough, she's squishy - but beware of Monsoon knockbacks, and she has strong disengage with her tornado.”
Bardificer says “You're gonna get poked like crazy and she has such good peel you won't get on their adc. Play protective for your carries here, you won't be more useful than that.”
vrsds1 says “Her Q is a Knock up that can easily be dodged with W. The only problem is her R which Knocks back all your allies while healing her own making a bit difficult to kill her or the enemy Bot laner after Lv6. At least it has a somewhat long cooldown (150/135/120 sec).”
HerYandere says “Pure skill match up between you two. Armor up (W) and eat her Q for the ADC. If she strays too far from her immobile ADC you can kill her, but if her ADC is mobile, don't bother trying to kill her. You won't die, but you'll lose the trade.”
DasNerdwork says “If she shields herself engage on her carry. Interrupt Janna's ultimate by knocking her up or charming her. Listen to the wind up and try to predict it's direction. Try out slow resistance boots (mercurys or boots of swiftness).”
duusuhh says “Yeah I thought way to much about what the Janna can do and not the Karma, her HP pool is not large enough for actual trades if she shields AD, just shove damage down her throat and she can't stay in lane. Of course she can always prioritize shielding herself.”
Esoterica says “Janna cannot kill you, but it will be difficult killing Janna. Her main weaknesses are that she relies on poke to create a HP differential, and that her shield can only protect one person.
Bait the shield by going for one opponent and committing to the other.”
Mr Jamba Juice says “Type: Support - Skill matchup. You can never actually reach Janna with your engage, and a good Janna will constantly be hitting you with safe poke. However, your Sustain tools are stronger than hers by a mile. You are better at keeping your ADC alive in lane than her. This matchup will always be a Synergy Diff in the sense that if your ADC allows themself to fall victim to Janna's poke, or is too aggressive into a lane like this, your ADC will lose lane themself. Although, in this case, it isn't your fault, so long as you did whatever you could to keep them alive. I would suggest building Swifties and roaming. A LOT.”
DamselOfDistress says “Janna is probably the strongest of the enchanter bunch, but with you as her foe, she still won´t be able to play the game cause of your poke.”
Daraysen says “Janna might as well help the jungler, she cant really do anything against you, the only thing she can do is try to deny you getting close to the enemy ADC. Later in the game in a teamfight you can just interrupt her ult with your E, making her almost useless.”
Harambe Homie says “Janna is a very hard matchup to play against as Rell. Her kit counters yours perfectly. Every time you try and engage on her she will just push you away. slow you, or knock you up mid jump. I would highly recommend either dodging when you see Janna or, roaming lots and trying to get kills with your Jungler elsewhere”
KeleiX13 says “Most of Janna's threat in lane comes from her ability to slow you and hit you with a tornado but thanks to Sona's large Q range, you can poke her safely from far away. it is important to keep brushes warded so you can see her bigger tornados charging up(usually from a place where we have no vision so we won't expect a tornado coming). Don't try to flash ult for an engage if she has 6, she can just ult you away before you can get you ult off. It's possible that she doesn't react fast enough to do that but if you flash in and get Janna ulted, it might leave you in a bad position.”
Discord231 says “Técnicamente te hace counter, pero mas haya de su R, no puede proteger tan bien a su adc, si tienes un adc de early juega agresivo, si no, evita que que te pokee de gratis, y espera a tu jg.”
HalexUwU says “Her poke can be hard to deal with early and she has a great late/mid. Serpents makes her useless so she's not the hardest to deal with.”
LilRidge says “This lane is brutal but manageable. Play around her Tornado (Q) and her poke (W) CD's as it will provide you a great opportunity to engage. Play patiently and wait for the right moment to jump in.”
The Last Rakan says “Boa sorte contra mains Janna, eles sabem quando te parar, espere que ela gaste tudo em outro aliado e engaje logo em seguida, sugiro uma entrada menos brilhosa para que você não seja percebido.”
Tauricus2017 says “Janna doesn't bring that many ways to threaten you. Her Tornado directions are usually expectable and can be dodged easily with some prediction. Her W can do a significant amount of damage If you do not trade back with Starcall immediately to heal some damage back. Her Shield is insanely big, so do not try to outdamage it. Her ultimate can ba canceled with Equinox.”
Rainuu says “Janna is a hard counter toward Lillia as her ulti and tornado completely halt you from following an ulti. Her shields can provide just enough to allow her adc to survive your burst as well. Not to mention her speed and slow, making it difficult to retreat or chase. ”
Kefochka says “Тарик не сможет поймать Жанну, если та допускает какие-либо ошибки, она банально быстрее его и сможет сильно навредить вам и вашему адк. ”
Starchase says “Her poke is better than yours, so just heal her poke with your E.
She has 2 cc abilities that are very hard to react it, so don't try to detach your ADC, it will cost your life.
Rush Oblivion Orb.
Depending on the ADC's, you outscale her or not.”
Midas_Wail says “Enchanter supports normally have good poke, but not enough to kill an ADC, as long as your ADC isn't playing aggressive when they are low, it is a pretty safe matchup.”
mellorpyke says “Skill matchup, in low elo tho, its a free matchup. A good Janna can easily dodge your skillshots with her super high MS, so the way you can win this lane are by either getting lvl2 first and all in or hit some Q from a bush, but again, a good player will play on the opposite side of the bushes so you will need to pull out some insane hooks for that!”
Takitsu says “Most Jannas play behind their adcs, so you can just go for their carry. If they are the aggro W max janna players, you can flay them instead and make them regret stepping up. Pre and post-6 Janna is a hook = Kill/Summoner spell burned. Dodge her tornados, and punish her being aggressive. ”
Xeptron says “From first sight you would think that Leona wins over Janna but not every time. A good Janna knows how to play against a Leona, as her Q (tornado) stops your engage and can be easily kited. Thanks to Janna's ultimate ability it's somewhat safe for her to play against Leona. The only way killing Janna is by hitting your ulitmate ability and landing your E, afterwards stunning her and oneshotting. Make sure your AD is on the same page as you to make it work.”
unhben says “Her poke hurts but its fine, just use your biscuits and play away from her tornados. She cant do much to stop your E+W root from down map later in the game.”
losolkos says “she is bad pick agains sona your passife whis q destroy her shield. Your ult counder her ult she need to hold R to heal somone that why your ult counter her and you can slow janna or adc that make negative her passive sona just counter her . Only one problem in Janna is her Q this is fast and make stun but if its not suprise you should be able to dodge it.”
Discord231 says “Técnicamente te hace counter, pero mas haya de su R, no puede proteger tan bien a su adc, si tienes un adc de early juega agresivo, si no, evita que que te pokee de gratis, y espera a tu jg. ”
unhben says “Tornado will stop your Q and W so be careful. Also her R can knock you away from a solid kick so either try to bait it or just take the lost R for her R as a trade. Poke is nasty though so stay back/shielded.”
Kadiyarch says “Janna is not a huge threat but it is difficult to carry against a Janna. Always focus the adc and push the turret because the can dodge your abilities easily.”
unhben says “Her poke will scale harder than yours until you get your mythic so stay away from her W range and dodge some tornados if you can. After level 6 you can just head hunt her if youre close to your item. ”
PalestinianLuck says “Weaker version of soraka.
Good Janna players will instant use tornado when you start charging your Q
If she can't cancel your hook or dash u most likely gucci.
Raizins says “This matchup is very hard for one reason. Janna Q denies your combo in lane, and she scales quite well into late game to peel her carries when you try and go in.
You need to play around her CD's, don't lose too much HP early game to her W poke and find opportunities to suprise her with flash or from bushes. It's not that easy to react to combos if you are creative, but this matchup gets very hard against good Janna players,”
Jannito02 says “Janna is an easy champion to lane against with Yuumi. Her tornado is easy to dodge and is the only thing that can be troublesome for you. She'll max her W, so you just heal your ADC if Janna hits him, and poke her or the enemy carry with your Q, and/or use your ult and try to get an easy kill on her.”
EionThePepega says “Janna is a hard lane if the summoner knows what he is doing. using your ultimate while she's around is a death sentence, seeing she can knock you up with tornados to makes gaps and user her own ultimate to push you back. Only use your ultimate after using your black shield on yourself, and another way to counter this is to use Zhonya's Hourglass to not get hit by her CC from the Tornado and ultimate.”
SlippStream says “She can slow you to nullify your engages, and can use her Q to stop you entirely. If you can catch her, she's a goner, but you need to jump her.”
xDopii says “Janna is very squishy and can't really do anything to you. If you can land a combo on her it should result into a free kill most of the time.
Just avoid dashing into her tornado and then being stuck with no escape”
Magdaleno9 says “Skill match up. Poke safely and use my precision rune page. She's super squishy so in 2v2, power chord W the enemy adc and kill this biatch. Take note when she wastes her tornado so you can all in.”
EionThePepega says “Early Depends on the Janna's skill, because she'll either be very good at poking you or she'll just annoy you with Knockups. You'll win lategame so keep that option in mind.”
The Lotus Queen says “Janna's early poke is better than Sona's, though she has no self-sustain like Sona. Your late game is slightly better than Janna's, so you will win if you don't fall behind early.”
Meepy says “Janna is annoying on the first few Levels, because she just outranges you. If you can get a stun on her she will usually be dead.
After Level 6 u can usually straight up Ult-Q her and she should be dead as well.
Most Janna Players are very aggresive and will try to perma W you. If she ever misssteps you should be able to punish her for it.
If Janna ever gets behind there is no way you should lose to her.”
Tradicale says “It seems like a good match-up, but thanks to her innate mobility and her ability to hasten her allies with her passive, it's difficult to land your hook on her. Best strategy is to use ult first, though sticking to her is generally challenging.”
Jexeff says “Can be slightly annoying to deal with especially when they are flying around the map at the speed of sound. Look to start an engagement when she comes up to user her zephyr ability.”
Wounds2 says “Janna's whole kit is designed to keep enemies off of her team. She bullies Rakan hard in lane, and has two easy ways to deny his engage. There is not much you can do against a great Janna player, but changing up your engage angles will give her a harder time stopping you. In lane, it is essential that you land your Q's and shield your ADC every time she tries to harass with W.”
icebombhunter says “She has a shield, slows you and can heal her and her adc. You will waste a lot of ults, but once you grab her or her adc they are dead.”
itizhelia says “She's really annoying and can stop you from engaging whenever she likes to.
My advice is to play around her tornadoes. For example when you E into your ally Janna players usually think, even good ones, that you going to insta W so what they do is Q in that moment you dash to your ally to gap close on her. What you do is side-step after dashing to your ally and then W Janna to surprise her.
This trick works really well and can help you big time but in general.
You've to pick Janna in the fights in order to not get blocked in every stage of the game.”
m3nto8 says “Janna is free until level 6, since her ult is very strong against you. If you can predict her tornadoes and keep track of her ultimate its a free game.”
Find0 says “This matchup is pretty annoying to deal with if the janna has hands. But unless you are playing against Apoc 9/10 the janna probably doesnt know how to bully you out of lane safely. Biggest way to win this lane is to keep distance from her w poke and look to shove and hit lvl 2 first even if it takes 100-200 hp. You have to mind game with her q as once you get rid of that spell you can blow her up. Post 6 you can get creative but her ult makes it much harder to kill them unless you can 100-0 her
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Janna is really squishy, so if you catch her it's an easy kill. Her q can stop your engage though, so it might not be that easy to get on to her or her ADC.”
Xeptron says “Janna either maxes her Zephyr (W ability) or Eye of The Storm (E ability) during the laning phase. Mostly it is her W to do more damage and poke but all poke champions have one common weakness - it's health. Janna is very squishy and easy to burst due to lack of HP.
One thing she is very good at - peel and protect. She can very well disengage a fight and be very annoying with her ulitmate ability being up but you can burst her before she uses her abilities.”
whybother34 says “If it's a bad janna you shouldn't worry but a decent janna can q to stop your e dash and her ult is a decent disengage. But without that she dies easily.”
Frank6264 says “Janna puede ser un problema en línea ya que hace lo mismo que Karma pero mejor. La ventaja de esta línea radica en que es más sencillo para ustedes con Karma poder hostigar a Janna que para ella hostigarlos ya que su W necesita que se acerque para poder tirarla. En Teamfights lo mejor es tratar de tirar ignite sobre el personaje que quieran matar debido a que la curación que Janna puede aportar con su R no sería igual de relevante que sin el ignite.”
pqhit says “Respeite a Janna que acerta os tornado para interromper seu engaje.
Engaje na Janna apenas se o adc estiver fora de posição ou se você já tiver R. (R E Q)
CaptianMike says “Janna doesn't deal much damage and she has no innate sustain. However, she does have a decent amount of cc. Just dodge her tornadoes with your speed. Also, she will generally walk up to W you in lane. Stay back until you can trade back with her using a bomb or two. I would take gathering storm because this is going to be a slow lane my friend.”
jessuva says “Janna has good poke with her W and she has a big shield that also buffs whoever it's on. Her tornadoes aren't super hard to dodge, in my opinion. If you don't get knocked up, all she can do is poke, but Soraka has a silence that can stop the enemy lane from really capitalizing off that poke. ”
BloxNaderYT says “Janna can use her E to shield against Jarvan's early game poke, and provides so much value against Jarvan's engages with her R. Jarvan's defensive capability is reduced as team compositions drafted with Janna usually do not want to engage due to the nature of Janna's kit and how it synergises better with "stand your ground" team compositions”
Titans Revenge says “Janna has a kit to interrupt all of your main engage tools, and the move speed to get away. She can knock you up, knock you backwards, slow you, out run you, and bait you into an all in while AOE healing her entire team. It's a hard matchup, but it IS winnable if played smartly.”
tetriseune says “Janna is an easy matchup for teemo as she utilises brushes to set up her Q. You can easily punish her for that after level six by putting your Noxious Trap (R) into brushes.”
Hceercs says “Janna, even without Omnistone and with Comet and W-max, is still not exactly the best laner. You can try to flay her when she attempts to W, or at least try to trade back with an flay-empowered auto. Janna is extremely easy to kill as long as you can hook her or her ad, as her shield really doesn't provide much early on.”
RedNBlue says “this will be a stupid fest over who can hit who first then someone gets a second hit. She will throw her nados at you and you will shoot her and it will be like a never ending cowboy standoff.”
CastratedSeal says “Janna isn't a threat in lane. When you trade Ws on each other in lane, you win. Janna has no sustain. You can bubble/ult her to cancel her ult.”
YourCut says “Second Wind or Electro+Precision. Post 6, keep your passive to cancel her R (you need to displace, it counts as a knockup. Rooting isn't enough). Pretty annoying but unless she's Faker she can be dealt with.”
DeadlyPhantom says “With her R she can stop your Engage dead in its tracks and has a Shield to protect turrets and her Team. Laning phase is she will look for poke if she goes in punish with a Q.”
Borusky says “É um tanto quanto chato jogar contra isso, ela vai ficar jogando furacão em você, tem o slow dela, ela dá shield, ulta e te joga pra longe, faz café... É BONECO RUIM. Se você encostar nela, não a perdoe, desça a linguada.”
RedNBlue says “Janna is not a very large threat, she is very squishy and you can get her easily with your hook and make her useless as she is a safer play style support and you can just rip her towards you.”
DaejiBulgogi says “Janna's tornado can interrupt Thresh's hook travel animation. Her R ability also allows for good peeling against Thresh.
On the other hand, she has no escape besides Flash so landing a combo on her with her spells on cooldown will result in a free kill most of the time.”
EmpressBee says “Janna is no threat to Nami. Nami can bait the Janna shield with an auto. After it is used she can poke the ADC with W and E to punish. Since Janna is stationary in her R, Nami can easily ult/Q Janna and kill her.”
NEED WATER says “Janna is 50/50. Sometimes you'll catch her just right with your saplings and other times you'll think the b*tch has wings. Try to punish her poke and time her shields. ”
just_juniper says “Despite her shielding, Zyra both outranges and outpokes the disengage queen. She is extremely squishy, but her mobility makes catching her quite difficult. ”
Guoblide says “TAKE GHOST. Janna is probably one of the hardest support matchups for you. Her high movement speed lets her kite you really well and makes it easy for her to poke you with her basic attacks and Zephyr. Her Eye of the Storm also makes it so that her or her ADC don't take a lot of poke damage when they go in to trade or CS. The main thing that makes her so good against you is her peel that she provides to her team whenever you engage. If you try to Knuckle Down and rush any enemies she can Zephyr you to make you really slow and easily kitable. If you try to Flash or Hextech Flashtraption from a bush then she can Howling Gale you to knock you up in the air and make you take a lot of poke damage. Post 6 Janna and her ADC can freeze under their tower and perma farm. If you try to engage onto them Janna can Flash behind you and Monsoon you into their tower. Even if Janna's Q, W, and E are all down and you Flash engage onto her she can still Monsoon you away from her and her ADC. In teamfights when you The Show Stopper into Janna and her backline she can Monsoon you away from both her team and your team. The only downside of any of her abilities is that her only scouting ability, Howling Gale, has a long wind-up and can't scout bushes that well. In lane pre 6 try to bait out her Howling Gale. When she does immediately make a Flash + Facebreaker play to force summoners or get a kill. Never try to go in on her when she has Howling Gale up. The ability singlehandedly makes all of your engages become horrible. Post 6 you can't do anything against her when she has either Howling Gale or Monsoon up. Look at map constantly to see if she uses Monsoon in a roam or river skirmish. When she uses it immediately spam ping it and track when it will come back up again ( The cooldown is 150 / 135 / 120 ). Use the period of time where Monsoon is down to bait out her Howling Gale by faking aggression. If she uses Howling Gale then immediately dump all of your summoner spells and cooldowns into her trying to get a kill (This is where Ghost is very good on Sett). Once she has her cooldowns back up look to roam and make plays around the map.”
LordZaneLP says “Rly not playable at all, but you can go full enchanter mode and play safe and let your team do shit and you just peel them and stand behind them and let them do their things.
ban her or janna”
katt5 says “Your range prevents Janna from being able to peel you off as easy as she can other champions. If you have a hard time avoiding Tornadoes you can also just play it as a farm lane. ”
Jovy says “Janna is a difficult match-up for you because she has really good disengage. Her poke isn't extremely potent but you should try to minimize the amount of AAs you take.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Janna isn't too hard of a matchup.
You have more lane poke than her, and you can easily break through her shield now that they are nerfed.
Watch out for her disengage though, she is very good at that. So you have to time your ults very carefuly.”
Jovy says “Her poke isn't extremely strong but it's there. Don't underestimate her AA damage as her range is relatively high and when she's shielded it can hurt you some. She's squishy and landing a stun on her can mean a kill, but she's got really good disengage that you'll need to look out for.”
Kilo Khaos says “While Janna can mitigate some damage with her shield, she has other methods of peeling you off. Her defensive capabilities are much lower without the tornado, so engage immediately after it's fired. Be extremely cautious when going in for her under tower, as if you are a low level or low on health, her Monsoon (R) can push you back under their tower.”
moon827 says “Janna is not as good as she used to be when censer was op, but she is still good at peeling for her team. She has a strong shields, which can be annoying, but as long as you can get your adc on her, you should have no problem killing her.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Janna is a very hard match-up for Thresh if the Janna really knows what she is doing (let's assume she read Jovy's guide ;) ).
Janna offers a decent amount of poke, combined with shielding and healing. Besides that she is also a great champion at disengaging.
If you land a hook on her, she can cancel your flying towers her with her tornado.
In the case you do manage to get on to her she can easily disengage by using her monsoon to knock you away.
The positive part is that Janna is another very squishy support, so if she fails to disengage successfully you will have an easy time taking her down.”
Bouhhsolene says “Janna is an easy kill, you have more damage than her, an utility kind of superior to her's with your E. In lane, she might poke but when she's OOM engages, if you hit W, she should either flash away, or die.”
Tauricus2017 says “She is really easy to kill. Play aggresive against her but try to pay attention on her high poke. Usually Jannas are really often mispositioned since they often aggresively ward to target you with W. Once this situation happens you can freely kill her.”
Puck333 says “Support:
Not really a problem. Just don't go too far in lane cuz she will slow you and throw tornados in your face and you will never get out.”
Tauricus2017 says “She is really squishy and easy to kill - she might will try to cancel your W with Howling Gale tho. Wait for it to go on CD If you think she is skilled enough to block it.”
Taric Support says “This lane is very annoying. Janna will shield her ADC and the ADC will deal a ton of dmg, and you can't really do anything about it. You should try to engage when her Q is on cd, that is her only way of escaping you and she is also very squishy. Janna often stays behind her ADC, and that also means that it often is easier to engage on the opposing ADC, but her shield is really strong in the early game. Watch out for that!”
sashadidntwalk says “She provides a shield and a strong ult that heals and pushes you away, but if that happens you can always either swallow her or your partner and throw them at her, her Q isn't a big threat for you but you'll have to play around her ult and try not to make her priority to W you.”
Vahlok says “Yes, you can almost one-shot her. Yes, it will be hard. Just try to confuse her by walking close to her (but not too much) and then walking back. One of those times she will try to poke you, and you will be ready to E her and engage (it will be easier if you got boots). If not, she will be punishing you everytime you move forward or farm.”
KeleiX13 says “Most enchanters aren't much of a threat to Yuumi, just be careful not take too much poke and you'll be good. Watch for her Q and poke her when it is down.”
Spection says “VERY COMMON. A highly passive support whose greatest power is making her allies go slightly faster. Sure, her shield is irritating but it shields for about one auto attack before it goes away in the laning phase. She can save her champion with her ultimate but can be stunned while channeling it if you are fast enough.”
ShroudedBRH says “Jannas kit revolves around counter engage, use your poke to bait out her shield before trading and avoid trading when the enemy has shield active as they will get increased damage”
SrAlex-kun says “Si la sabe jugar te folla la cabeza. Ya que su Q frena tu E en seco. Pero es una linea facil si vigilas con sus Q y tiras bien las E.”
Wicked Cherry says “She can shield your damage and heal it but that's pretty much it. You should be pretty fine and able to harass almost freely the enemy ADC.
Wicked Cherry says “Aww I love Janna but playing against her is even more fun because you're most likely to win the lane. She can't really do much except for shielding and healing. Well of course she's got a nice disengage but you can play around it pretty easily.”
Wicked Cherry says “Now, Janna vs Soraka is what I call a "boring lane" because she can't hurt you enough to kill you. Her CC is a bit stronger with her Turnado knock up but it's easy to evade. You can use her long CD on her E shield and harass her ADC a bit but be careful that you're not taking too much damage. ”
QueerJunk says “You outperform her in teamfights, but her peel is superior to yours if her carry gets ahead. A skill based matchup Nami wins 53% of the time! You do more poke in lane and your CC will 1 shot her!”
TheMistCollector says “Always start farming your passive with her, if she's scared of your damage, she will shield herself, leaving the ADC helpless to your next poke. If she is trying to engage on you, use your E to dodge enemy ADC AA's.”
TheSpecialist says “Janna is more of a nuisance to Pyke than a threat. Her long distance knock-up & passive scaling Move Speed is more than enough to throw any Pyke off their feet and miss Q's”
Malbonaviro says “Janna is a biggest threat to Taric, as they're not only able to delay damage, but also able to immobilize their enemy from level one. The immobilization attack might not last long, but Janna is mechanically in practice, though not in theory, the ultimate hard counter for Taric. If the enemy picks a Janna, you've been warned. Janna is even a larger threat to Taric than Lux, but due to my system I'm using to decide threat levels based on mechanics, I must place Janna as a level five threat, though if a level six threat existed, this is what it would look like.”
ShanksMeister says “She will be really annoying because her poke is so strong. Take magic resist as your rune. She is an aggressive laner but you scale harder. Put a 2nd point into W so her trades won't be as bad”
Spider Shaped says “Саппорт,от которого увернуться от ее q легко,если не бежать напрямую. Если что,ульта поможет в уворотах. Полезности от неё будет не много,не считая щитов и ультимейта”
Vexno says “Janna will try to poke as often as she can with her W
and auto attacks. If you’re playing as a melee champion, try to minimize your time spent over extended while last hitting or getting warding quest stacks.
Janna’s will often stand inside the bush and let their Q
wind up in attempts to knock the enemy up and deal damage to them. Try to dodge the incoming tornado as it can deal a surprising amount of damage once fully charged.”
Alu Banidosu says “Janna poses very little threat due to her Q having a long cooldown, as well as high mana costs. Poking in lane will be relatively easy.”
snukumz says “She's doesn't have much for you to worry about.
She can disable your ult with her tornado but that's about it.
Her ult heal can cancel out your ult.
She's squishy and you out range her so poke away.”
snukumz says “Her shield cancels a lot of your poke damage.
Her ult cock blocks your ult by either stopping your ult, or healing the damage you're doing to her and her ADC.”
snukumz says “Most of your damage will come in massive bursts so her shield/heal won't matter that much.
You're out of range of her ult to get knocked back so that won't affect you much.
You should be able to out burst her heal and delete her. ”
thesophieset says “You basically counter her. Silence her when she ults, Q her when she steps closer to you or your ADC to W them, heal back the damage dealt and dodge her tornado. Her shields are annoying to deal with, but overall this is an easy lane and you outheal her by far as the game goes on.”
Guffel says “She has some poke but not enough to be a threat to you. Her disengage is annoying. Ward deep and shove the waves to secure dragons or roam mid. ”
asclpiuso says “ah yes the queen of " no I don't think you will be going In " in this scenario you're likely just best waiting for her to make a mistake , don't let her auto you to give her gold, this lane is essentially a game of starving each other of vision and support gold, in the late game you will come out on top ”
Maxwhale Plays says “Similar to a nami she will just punish you for trying to trade, if she is past river and wastes tornado and her zephyr then you can run her down”
snukumz says “Janna can shield a lot of your poke damage and save herself and her ADC with her ult, but your damage way exceeds hers and she is squish. You also outrange her, if you don't count her tornado.
If you land a stare try to go all in on her with your ADC.”
Thats a OOF says “Janna can E your All-in. She's very squishy but the hard thing is sticking on to her. Her R, W slow, Tornado and shield counters almost every part of your kit. A good Janna will abuse your losing lane a lot while a bad Janna will just look to poke with W and run away.”
Aspect of Cancer says “She can't really do much against you besides disengage, She does have quite a lot of healing and shielding. So whenever you see her just take a morello and you'll be fine.”
KuuHaKu_OtgmZ says “Same thing as Lulu, even with high poke potential she can do nothing against your AoE silence, every time she comes close keep spamming E to the point of letting your ADC one-shot her”
Randomless says “She can't use her W on you because you outrange her. Her shield is not strong enough to protect her or the enemy ADC from your constant burst. Easy lane.”
SynLynx says “Her poke and power in all=ins and trades is nothing compared to yours, and she's one of the squishiest supports in the game. Most of the time she's just a free kill waiting to happen.”
rquoe says “One of your best match-ups. Very squishy and easy to predict, and should die quickly if you manage to catch her. If your ADC can follow up on your roots, she will either play extremely safe or feed.”
Keny McCormick says “Janna does more damage than you think. Look to trade when she tries to W you or your ADC. Janna relies too much on her ADC, so this depends on the quality of your ADC matchup.”
TheGreatHazam says “Janna are good at keeping people off there ADC. Using stuff like Q or R can help remove my CC on my target.This gets more annoying as the Janna gets better.”
tacotastic says “Hat ein Schild und Heal und CC. Massiv Poken so sehr es geht. Sei ein Lane Bully gegen sie und verhinder sie um zu gewinnen. Sehr einfaches Matchup normalerweise”
JustSlayter says “Fairly easy lane. Slow her when she walks up to w you, and avoid her q's and you should do well. Just be prepared for a long lane because her shields are a pain.”
Cat Elf says “Janna has a lot of knockups especially her ult is a one click knockup that will put your W on cd. Other than that Janna doesn't really pose much of a threat. Bait out her shield before engaging. Usually you can't kill her or enemy ADC in fights because you don't have any CC to cancel her ult but she shouldn't be able to kill you either. ”
DestroyerGaming says “Janna não é um suporte fácil de se jogar contra, ela tem um forte disengage e um escudo bem forte que pode tornar a troca favorável para o lado deles, a partir do level 6 o jogo ficará bem mais difícil na lane, pois ela começará a curar e ter um disengage mais forte ainda”
PayyBack says “Janna is one of those champions I really hate to face. She has everything to deny Rakan, Q / R . During the laning phase, she'll stupidly poke you down with slow or your ADC. Guardian is a must pick rune. Try to look for a chance to knock up her or her ADC after she has used her Q.
Be very careful during team fights, good Janna can blow you away LITERALLY just when you're about to engage in.
Flint124 says “She has enough self peel to deny an all-in, but isn't powerful enough to do anything other than counter/disengage.
If she uses W to trade, immediately start looking to wither her. Flash over her tornado after that and bob's your uncle.”
DarkGabumon says “Easy match up, she can't really poke well early if you W her slow poke, and is very squishy early. All inning early can prove to be very valuable against her, as she explodes quick.”
arbyun says “Her Q? You can bait it out pretty easily. Her W? Easily curable. Her E? Your shields are better. The only threat she can pose is ulting your enemies out of your R, so be careful of that, specially on teamfights.”
Curmudgeon says “Janna's CC and shield are a hige advantage against Sett, since he doesn't have much gap close and her shield can prevent your W damage from killing someone. ”
Kefochka says “Сустейна от Жанны больше, она может усилить своего адк и пойти в жестокий размен с вами. Если вам удастся избежать контроля и выдать свой, то дуэль вы выиграете.”
iidibitizi says “yes she blocks your bombs, but she wont kill you... any champion that allows to zilean to pass laning pahse without mcuh difficutly is good news. only support(maybe after alistar) thats outscales janna. my counter pick for janna is zil”
Pognog says “Good survivability and peel for her carry but isn't much of a danger towards Zilean directly. It can be difficult to get in range of her thanks to her insane speed, and she can protect against some of your bomb poke with E, but overall her lack of hard CC lockdown means you can bully her + her ADC in lane.”
Stepoun James says “Always has Eye Of The Storm versus your poke, but no real protection for the ADC afterwards without her Monsoon, but then she's a sitting duck for your Time Bombs.”
Gravixx says “You can do everything she can do except better. Her tornadoes are slow and long ranged, dodge and counter with a Q. Note that her shield gives extra AD to the recipient which can be a nightmare when paired with Draven or Jhin. She has no mobility so try and land a full combo on her and she should be dead. You can cancel her ult very easily with a Q or an Ult as well.”
Hanjaro says “Can shield your damage, and push you away from ulting, along with healing her allies. She has high movement speed and can disrupt you with tornadoes easily. She's squishy if caught, especially with your roots and slows.”
ningen ouroboros says “Janna is a thot.
She can shield and heal and airborne and knockback and poke you. Fortunately, you can attack the champ that has not been shielded and oneshot them, or oneshot regardless of shields if you are snowballing.”
Hanjaro says “Janna completely negates your all in engage, she has strong peel and disengage, preventing you from reaching your target, along with a strong shield and healing and heavy poke damage.”
Beeee says “Normally laning against a Janna will be pretty easy. Your ability range is longer than hers and you do more damage, however her shield can be a small setback when trying to combo on someone.”
marisbroodti says “A good Janna will effectively cancel every one of your Es and make your life pretty boring during lane.
This problem is solved post-6 as you can drop your ultimate on her and she won't have an answer unless she positions well, and in most cases, the burst damage will give her no chance to react.”
whybother34 says “You have no super hard engage so she doesn't do too much to stop you. Don't w until she has burned her ult. If you poke and get their adc close to a stun she puts a shield and stops that damage but then your adc can lay down poke afterwards. ”
Taiack says “Janna has bad trade patterns which you should be able to punish her for. When she walks up to W, You cast E and wreck her in the trade. She is still pretty good at disengaging, so dont waste your ult if you arent tracking her abilities.”
MeatFeast says “Janna's kit is the complete counter to Leona's. Whilst you are the master of engagement, she excels at disengaging. You have to play intelligently around Janna and wait for the right opportunity to engage. If you E her, she will just Q you out of it and you are now out of position and in trouble. Either wait till her Q is on cooldown or do a bait and switch where you walk towards Janna like you're about to engage on her and then switch to the ADC at the last second. Her Ult is also a disengage tool so she can turn a losing fight. The best time to fight is when you know she has recently used it. Sadly Janna has a lot of poke with her W and is hard to catch as she's one of the quickest champs in the game. Effective counters to this are just throwing your ult out first and clipping her, or using your flash Q combo. If you lock her down she's a gonner.”
suppdiff says “Easy lane. You outrange her with autos and Q her when she goes to W you or adc. She is free to kill with Q + W combo. She can outscale you, so make sure to abuse the matchup early.”
WhiteGoliath says “She has a lot of early game dmg/poke, if she's good you'll have an hard time, try to get lvl2 with full hp and engage to get a kill, otherwise you'll suffer, unless your adc is good enough to trade when she tries to poke you.”
supersuavebro says “She does a good job of keeping the bot lane protected, which just makes your life hard. Catch her or the adc out whenever you can, whoever extends first”
Laverenz says “Janna is easy to play against, she doesn't have any escape moves other than her Q and Ult. It's quite hard for Janna to time her Q with you flying towards her. If possible, save your Flash, for when she pushes you away with her ult, so you can Flash onto her face and E her away to cancel it. ”
NirvanaBunny says “She is annoying when it comes to engaging. The fact that she has a really good disengage means that it will block your E. Her poke isn't the best, but try to minimize the amount of autos that you take.”
aimez says “Janna is not as good as she used to be when censer was op, but she is still good at peeling for her team. She has a strong shields, which can be annoying, but as long as you can get your adc on her, you should have no problem killing her.”
maxtenj says “If your against a new/bad Janna it will be easy due to her squishyness. But, against a skilled one, her speed and CC can be very annoying.”
Ahpulzz says “She's squishy and can easily die if you manage to hook her - the issue with that is that her movement speed is fast and her W poke can both outrange Flay while hitting across minions. Though rare, Janna can also interrupt your dash after landing Death Sentence with a well-timed tornado. Try not to take too much free damage from her W early on and jump on opportunities where her or her ADC go out of position.”
flagnut says “Janna's wind business can poke down your turrets if she is smart, and her ult can make positioning difficult. But she is still very squishy and doesn't hurt near as much as you will. ”
Mantra Decorum says “Her whirlwinds is easy to predict. Everytime she uses her E on you, or your adc, just use your shield. She's squishy, and your poke is better than her.”
Ahpulzz says “Difficult to engage on anyone as she has a boatload of defensive CC on top of a shield. Even if you land a good pillar, an equally well-timed Monsoon will deny the chance of scoring a kill. As an addition to insult, her shield also raises her target's attack damage by a decent amount, meaning she can shield her ally before they poke to deal more damage and take even less.”
cebollaamargada says “Dependiendo del support de peel podría complicarse la línea, pero por lo general llega con ir pokeando al carry enemigo mientras el support trata de protegerlo hasta que se quede sin maná.”
Chromuro says “Shields 'till you're not dead. the only thing you must be wary of is her tornado, it can setup for a Q+W+whatever her ADC has. Other than that, you must have an ADC that can eat through her shield quickly or it will be a boring lane.”
Vermeio says “She have good tools against Poppy, but the opposite is also true. Play a little more safe than usual. You can burst her easily with your adc. Her ult can be a lifesaver. Don´t overfocus her, if too hard, consider faking a rush to her, and go for her adc. ”
Zelsius says “She has some really annoying poke and it's hard to E her or her ADC because of Janna's passive movementspeed and if she W's you there's no chance you're landing an E Without flashing.”
GlacialWarlock says “Complete and utter joke: her Howling Gale (Q) is comically easy to kite, even for Tahm Kench, and she's only really good late in a teamfight when everyone's low and running away.”
Axeloy says “I hate to say it, but Janna tends to out-trade Nami with ease, and is a pain for her to deal with. Janna's prime disengage makes it hard for Nami and her ADC to secure kills. Though, it's also hard for Janna to do anything meaningful in terms of offense, and ultimately comes down to the enemy ADC. Heals>Shields still.”
mbo575 says “Her R knockback and healing can prevent you from using your R to execute, and that's pretty much it. Don't waste your R if she still has ult up.”
Sona Aria says “She outtrades you early until your level 4. After you put 2 points in w, Janna isn't a threat, barring your own mistakes. Avoid her tornadoes, you can usually guess where they'll go and walk vertically to avoid them, don't try to outrun them. Be aware of Janna's ultimate.”
Haezard01 says “Easy to kill early levels but once she get level 6, it's a different story. Her ultimate heals more than what you lifesteal from it, and it will kick you away from the enemy team, dropping your damage output. Try to make play around the map and play around her ultimate cooldown.”
Osamabinlaggin96 says “a good janna will just counter engage and the poke is annoying, she kinda quick but q shouldnt be that hard to land. Still prioritize the adc with ur q”
Saethwyr says “Janna overall is pretty hard for you to bully, and a half decent Janna wont be able to get engaged on, so the ideal strategy into her is to focus on passive play and waiting until an opening that's big enough for you to exploit and burst down the carry, or to hard turn onto a jungler if they come in to gank. Dont be afraid to ignite early past 6.”
Better Call Phil says “Pretty easy matchup. Level 2 engage recommended. Beware of her ultimate (knockback and heal), can fuck your E engage and your ultimate. Bait her let before using yours.
Use bushes. ”
LowBudgetSupport says “You can easily dodge her Ws with your passive basic attack, but she can knock you up while you fly towards your teammate, but the chances for that are tiny.”
RainbowNova says “Her ability to harass your ADC more often with her bird than you can shield them because of her low mana cost and cooldown makes it very annoying to lane against her. Her tornado also has a decently long knockup and her ultimate can shoot your teammates and you away from anything you try. She also has a big shield, but it decays over time.”
SawyerNelson says “Janna has advantage levels 1-3 as her W spam can compound more damage than Lux can deal / block. So long that you still win the matchup naturally as Janna can't easily approach for W's later in the lane, and can't easily get resets for her Shield without being close to the enemy.”
Hanjaro says “Janna is extremely squishy and as long as you are good at comboing your Q into E you should be able to dodge her tornado by being past her before she can control her character to release it. Q into E when adc is close for followup or just engage on enemy carry either is fine in this lane depending on carry matchup strength and positioning.”
best_shacosupport911 says “Great poke and will destroy you via denying kill/assists and tower hits for spellthiefs.
All in early/whenever you can to get a lead else you won't enjoy the lane.
Don't all in if it won't work else you won't enjoy the lane EVEN MORE.”
bobsalad says “Janna poses no threat though a good janna can block all your sapling poke with shield. A janna lane has no sustain so just go in whenever you have all your abilities up.”
unownreality says “Sona will win this trade every time. Janna is more protective, so her offensive abilities are not very good. Sona is both an offensive and defensive champion, and empowered Q autos will surpass her shield strength. ”
Rozyrade says “With Janna's shield, poking is very hard, even though her shield cooldown is very long, she can still block most of your damage. Besides this she isn't much of a threat.”
Pengu Cleric says “it will be a poke / sustain lane, if you and your adc dont go full retard mode. you just out sustain them with the teleport on the ADC”
NirvanaBunny says “She has a strong shields, which can be annoying, but as long as you can get your adc on her, you should have no problem killing her.”
SawyerNelson says “Janna will always be under threat of Thresh's CC. Janna's only advantage is turning onto thresh with his ADC. The laning phase is fairly easy, but if Janna doesn't get punished during the laning phase see gets stronger and stronger the later the game goes on.”
Ooze OG says “Janna's W nerf is great, but she's still annoying for Ali. She negates your all in, and will just disengage your guys fight. Wait until Q is on CD to all in.”
semisomniac says “She can poke hard, but with this build you should out-poke her. Her shields don't provide sustain, while your Q does... plus your E is so fast that it's difficult to shield. Just watch out for the possibility of an aggressive all-in when the jungler shows up.”
TheLuluMain says “She is no threat. Max e vs her if she maxes w and she cannot do any damage to you or your carry. If her e is on cooldown poke her, she has no sustain so it will stick. You win auto trades if you both have shield on due to your passive. Free lane.”
TheComicalBiker says “Janna's shield (E) protects her carry from some damage while giving them a boost in AD. Her tornado (Q) and zepher (W) can peel you off of her carry. Try to engage when her tornado (Q) is on cooldown but be careful of her ultimate when near towers as it knocks you back and heals all allies in her circle. ”
Dudstrol says “Janna tem um poke médio e escudo defensivo bom. Tente trocar com ela quando gastar o escudo, pois seu tempo de recarga é alto no começo do jogo.”
R30p3r says “very annoying support she can disengage you with her ult and her poke is a bit painful at the beginning but at the end game you counter her ”
Jeroen R8 says “Janna's defensive capabilities make it hard for you to get on your opponent's. Most of this is due to her tornado. Make use of this and engage while it is on CD. Janna is also very capable of winning short trades due to her shield and decent damage on her Zephyr.”
ff20orfeeding says “Janna is typically stronger in most areas. Try to shield marksman if she trades and otherwise hope that their marksman won't commit when Janna does.”
inglese says “Jana can use her kit to push-off people from either herself or her AD carry. Try to wait for her shielding to fall off and after she used her Whirlwind, then engage”
Knoppers123456 says “you cant do alot against a good janna, because she will knockup you when you try to w->q her. still winable matchup because she dies like instandly.”
I love Lun Lun says “Janna was the utility Queen.She has shield,speed,heal,Knock-up.She has it all.However in the terms of laning Soraka wins.Perhaps it's difficult to outmatch her on a teamfight but if we succeed to interrupt her ULT with our E we basically have won game.It's not hard to play against Janna since most of Janna players will stay behind ADC and be passive.If a Janna doesn't hold aggression and she is on you she will mostly W you.That's why you have to Q and E her in order to punish her.Her W needs to be close to the enemy in order to be used so your range is the winning factor here.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, all her abilities are slow so u can probably spell shield absolutely everything. it is janna though so it's still tough to kill her adc, just buy a good support.”
devanj4 says “A good janna can save her adc but if you and your adc poke at the same time you should easily break her shield and push them out of lane.”
Wasbeer says “The early game is hard for Janna to win against a Kayle, because Kayle has a slow and a huge heal. The lack of damage on the Janna makes the laningphase very relaxed as Kayle.”
Zefirez says “She's the queen of peeling, while you're a hard engage bear that needs to run up into melee range to start his attack.
Obviously you'll be on the receiving end of things, as she'll make it near impossible to get anywhere near her adc.
If you still want (or have to) bear this lane - grab cleanse, pick anti kite runes i provided and aim to build swifties (slow resist), and mikael's crucible or quick silver sash for self, along your regular tank items.
Getting help from jungler would be golden.”
FearlessGames says “Janna is the Queen of DIsengage, and makes it very hard for TK to land his passive on either her or her ADC. Her Q and ult are great for intervening between TK and his target.”
Lonxu says “She doesn't really have the sustain or engage vs Zyra.
So you're free to go for some roots unpunished and if you land some it should kill her.”
revelador says “a pesar de que su escudo es molesto lo puedes bajar y hacer algo de daño, predice su tornado y si te lanza céfiro pégale con la pasiva+e y tu adc hara el resto del trabajo”
Pixiie says “Poor Janna. Nami can destroy whole Jannas shield with one W. Jannas shield also reduces, so yea, it's not possible to lose lane aginst Janna with Nami.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Janna: Simplified Tips
Early Game (Levels 1-6):
Avoid Poke: Janna has strong poke with her [W] and [Q]. Stay behind minions and avoid unnecessary damage.
Engage Carefully: Janna can disengage with [Q] (tornado) and [R] (monsoon). Wait for her to waste abilities before going in.
Roam: If lane is tough, roam to mid or help your jungler. Janna is weaker when alone.
Mid Game (Levels 7-12):
Pick Off Squishies: Focus on catching out squishy targets with your [Q] and [R]. Janna’s shields can’t save them from your execute.
Vision Control: Use sweeper to clear her wards and deny vision for her team.
Late Game (Levels 13+):
Flank and Execute: Look for flanks to catch carries with your [R]. Janna’s disengage can’t stop your burst if you catch her off guard.
Focus on Carries: Ignore Janna in teamfights; she’s not a threat. Focus on eliminating her carries.
General Tips:
Bait Her Abilities: Janna’s [Q] and [R] are key to her disengage. Bait them out before committing to a fight.
Vision Control: Keep key areas warded to track Janna’s movements and set up picks.
Avoid Janna’s poke, bait her disengage abilities, and focus on picking off her carries. Use your mobility and vision control to outmaneuver her.”
FunnyBunnyH says “She is probably one of the more annoying enchanters, but she kinda needs to play flawlessly to deal with your W+Q engages (especially if you have flash). That said, lvl 1 she can bully you hard (Second Wind recommended).”
HotSunGG says “learn how to play against her she will annoy you and solo win the game from bot if you have no idea how to deal with her, basicly what i do is save my sums for the all in her everytime or i try to look for pick on her when im on fog of war also if u land a perfect ranged R against her that leans she stunned and u can E gap closer while she stunned and insta Q and she's dead wont matter if she has sums up or not she will insta die but ofc ur ad deals dmg in that duration as well anyways just learn the counter match up and ur gucci”
Rezellia says “Ults you away when you wanna go in however due to how janna usually needs to position it allows you to get close enough to ult someone if you have flash and hourglass.
[Will update when i have more experience]”
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