Top Lane 49.85% Win Rate54% Pick RateCho'Gath Top Lane Counters: 38 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Cho'Gath in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
liucan says “STATCHEKER: Buffed hail of blades makes that if he Hit Q he can do a fast trade and silence u before u can deal something. So much sustain in lane, u cannot tank more than him and his ult can kill u before healing. Go TP and try to roam. U can win in lvl 1 or 2 if he is bad, but again dont rely on this.”
Dom1nus says “His silence is really annoying as u cant use in the meantime any abilities and combo u off. Be cautious at lvl 6 as he can kill u if u have 40% hp and below with a good combo. Try to go for an early kill and have a free lane until he gets 2-3 items.”
Maniaxx says “To deal with Cho'Gath as Dr. Mundo in the top lane, focus on avoiding his crowd control and managing his burst. Early on, stay mobile to dodge Cho'Gath's Q (Rupture) and avoid overextending as his Q and E can poke you hard. Don’t trade when his W (Feral Scream) is up, as the silence will prevent you from healing. After level 6, be cautious of his R (Feast), which can execute you if you're low on health. Push the wave into his turret to deny him farm, and focus on short trades where his abilities are on cooldown. In the late game, build magic resist items like Spirit Visage to reduce his damage and improve your healing. Position well to avoid getting low and being executed by his R. Items like Doran's Shield and Executioner's Calling are useful for early sustain and reducing his healing. Play cautiously, and as Mundo, you'll out-sustain Cho'Gath in extended fights.”
Bolivian bro says “Trade as much as you can with grasps till its level 6. When he is 6 just try to push the faster you can, and pray to not get ganked.”
a_k_z7 says “becomes a late game beast so try to bully him early
he does have some good damge realy so be careful
poke with passive and q and look to e him always and dodge his q
get away from the wave when he has e up
if you ever find your self in a eqaul long health trade run since he can r you even when you are eqaul”
quenzo says “Can eat your Maiden in Mid Game or Early depends if you buy some health items or not.
but still easy to kill with your ghould and cage.
Poke him down with the HP stacker build and Conqueror, flash + teleport”
Puyo says “A Riven não possui dano em % de vida, então é complicado matar tanks que stackam HP, como o Cho'Gath. E ele te dá silence, knock up e slow infinito. Desde que você desvie das skills, você consegue matá-lo no early e talvez mid game. Mas você só morre se quiser muito.”
ballsniffer112 says “He does a lot of damage with his e, but other than that you can outdamage him, careful with long trades because his passive can make him win. Try to save your passive until lvl 6 because he will poke you to death if you dont.”
BigBallsLarry says “Very easy to stomp and shutdown Pre 6, but be aware of his ult after. His R executes around 350-400 health at level 6-7 so you can expect and parry it if you didn't parry his Q. Speaking of his Q, very easy to parry and to slide parry aswell, good chogaths will always silence you before using Q, but if you're already on top of him, you can dodge it with your vital MS. if he slows you with E then just tank the Q and hold your parry for the next one or his R if he gets you low enough. Beware of his high passive sustain, don't take bad fights, since you're way stronger Pre 6, if you freeze the wave near your turret you can zone him from minions forcing him to waste mana on farming and rendering him useless once hes out of mana. Cutdown”
parker3n9 says “This is a super easy matchup for Swain. I almost always manage to solo kill Cho'Gath before Level 6. The key is to keep him from farming by constantly harassing him with your abilities and autos. As long as you maintain pressure and avoid letting him stack his passive sustain, you should dominate the lane.
Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying or Aery (I prefer Grasp for the added sustain and poke potential)
Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleport or Flash and Teleport (choose based on your team composition)
Lilac says “Your passive negates Cho'gath's infinitely scaling health. If he uses his Q from range to engage, it's incredibly easy to parry or just Q out of. While he can silence you and try to Q after, as long as you've recently hit a vital you can still sidestep it with your move speed. The slow on his E is annoying, but it doesn't do enough damage to stop you from continuing to run him down afterward. His R is technically difficult to parry, but it's usually not too hard to guess when most Cho'gath players will attempt to devour you, assuming he is able to get you to that low health very often.
Recommended: Conqueror and the standard Ravenous + Eclipse core. He presents little threat in lane, and in the late game is easy to run down and nuke with just a couple vital hits.”
maiathemagical says “My mouth starts watering whenever I see Free'Gath in my lane. Literally just melt him with autos when he tries to CS and he'll never be able to do anything.”
Raideru says “This matchup, early game is pretty free but make sure you always trade with minions, do not let him sustain for free play agro but not too agressive and focus on dodging his q whenever you jump on him in order to win the trade even harder. Later you win side and if you're not ahead from early go Shojin if you feel like u need it. I advise Conqueror in this lane.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Trivially easy, don't trade super hard first couple of levels because his sustain is insane, but after that you can just all in if he's pushed up and run him down. Try and eat him if you're
getting hit by Q so you're both CC'd, but really just GHOST and dodge his Q's with it" ”
MrBuis says “(D)(>5) Don't get hit by her Q; his kit will fall apart. Freeze the wave, then run him down—Flash to dodge his Q if necessary. Respect him at lv 4 -> 5 if he puts 2-3 points into his Q. If not, then you are good to do whatever u want. Stride -> Sterrak to counter his Ult.”
Fanatical Goose says “Cho is a tough matchup you can and probably will beat him at level 1-5 once he gets ult you have to play passively unless you're very far ahead. Before 6 make sure to dodge his knock up and silence, mainly the knock up. You will want to buy Botrk some time. Consider running cut down over last stand.”
UrPersonalGod says “One of the few matchups where you get push early.
Crash wave 3 or for and zone him when it pushes back into you.
Especially if he runs comet try to dodge his Q with E if necessary.
He cant really hold a freeze against you if you dont get poked to low.”
tictac9090 says “Pretty easy if you manage to dodge his Q's. Watch out for his huge damage on ult and his silence. Make sure you zone him off the wave and bully him early on as he is very weak.”
Skaarlschloch says “Pretty easy matchup you are fast enough with Q and E movespeed so you should be able to dodge his Q even if he silences you first. If your not silenced you just block it with W
Most smart ChoGath players will go Warmogs Rush so once he has that stop interacting in lane with him, oneshot the wave and make his team suffer from your roams”
SemenDrinker says “I take 2nd wind d shield personally but you may be able to get away with blade if you're very confident.
Like almost every tank aatrox is a great answer against them. Just don't get hit by too many q's from him and you'll be alright, Just be aware of his execute but he's a giant heal sack for you anyways. ”
Skaarlschloch says “Dont even try to poke him early, its a waste of mana as he will heal it back anyways. After 6 you usually kill him quite easily. If not he gets strong quickly in the 1v1 but Cho has really bad scaling. Eventho he often gets 5-10k hp he is still super squishy and useless in most games”
Belle19 says “be mindful of the burst from ult once he's 6. make an effort to dodge his q's. Pretty easy try to zone from farm since cs'ing heals him abunch”
BoundToLove says “Sundered Sky Manamune... This match up is very difficult due to him outscaling you, statchecking you and oneshotting you... You go sunderedsky because you'll still do good damage but YOU won't get oneshot!”
Body Those Fools says “You HAVE to dodge his Qs or you will get chunked. Stay out of his W range and just poke him down. Once he's 6 and has Everfrost, if you EVER get hit by his Q, you will die.”
Zagreus16 says “he a ez matchup early game so you can punish him a lot if he walks up to cs. if you can dodge his knockup then the lane will always be in ur favor. late game you MUST ult him into his own team for huge dmg and when you do that you will get the big happy.”
AGGaming says “You can never kill him, and he scales better than you. not really in extreme tier because he crushes you, but because you can't really do anything against him and he will inevitably scale better. Take Grasp and try to be more useful in teamfights.”
Godzilla010 says “Kill early before he gets tanky. Can all in at level 2 (e before q), or at 6. Dodge his Q, can be easier if you dodge sideways instead of walking backwards.”
CrimsonL7 says “His silence makes it so you can't cast E to break your berserk or W recast to chomp. If he buys antiheal and doesnt fight you till 6 you are kinda screwed in the 1v1. Wait till you get cleaver and if he overextends hit him with R and you can just statcheck him to death. Worst shit ever is his fatass eating your R in team fights and you just hit his brickwall of like 300 armor and not their squishy back line flesh. So just prio sidelaning into him imo. ”
YuletideGlory says “Cho'Gath's knock up is what you need to look out for, it gives him the same advantage as your stun E thus negating the advantage. If you rush Boots of Swiftness it will make it easier to dodge this key ability, then you can go for short trades in response. This matchup gets harder with time as his health and defenses will out scale your dps, but you can absolutely take him out in the early game if you play well enough. But the same goes for Cho'Gath, so be careful and maneuver around his abilities.”
Baby_Driver says “You can go Demolish with bone plating here and abuse his plates, turrets or celerity with nimbus cloak to be moster at teamfights.
He can't do much vs you, just be sure to dodge his Q.
Buy boots asap.”
Azzin says “So this matchup is really free elo if you end the game in 25minutes, save emp W for his W and dodge his Q after it. past 25min it's just impossible for you to solo kill him anyway so you should just never focus him. If you have a bad DPS team you should hurry to end the game as it will become very hard to win at a certain point)”
Haxorr says “This matchup is pretty easy for Jax to play, but you have to be very aggressive early on in the game. If you let Cho free scale, then he will beat you after an item.
Take Grasp. You are stronger lvl 1, so use that to get prio. Trade heavily early, after you Q walk to make sure you don't get hit by his Q. Rush Trinity.”
DuckQc says “If you can't dodge his q, play safe early. Run him down with r, you can build some mr but mostly build hp and damage. He outscales you with his r so don't become to overconfident as your advantage can become not enough.”
Waqql says “Actually, it's a very, very, very straightforward matchup, but his kit can be a bit annoying for Gnar. Poke him as much as you can, but make sure you don't get hit by his Q. Because after the knock-up and subsequent slow, Cho'Gath will scream at you. Then he'll continue to slow you until you can finally jump away. Also, try to avoid getting hit by his silence. While you can still run away and even kite him, often a Q follows, leading to a CC chain. Pay attention to his spikes as well, and please, don't let yourself get eaten.”
TeiWasTaken says “Very easy matchup in lane, just fight him all the time. Later, he scales out of control, but you still kill him. Avoid teamfighting, because he is much better at that than you.”
SVKGuardian says “..................................................................................
- He has good sustain due to his passive giving him mana and hp back when killing enemy, so he is able to kill minions to get more
- His Q is knock up with a considerable slow afterwards, thats the spell you have to avoid. It is a circle Area that he can cast from far away.
- He screams his W giving you silence and some damage, but this has much shorter range
- E empowers his next 3 Attacks, dealing bonus damage based on your max hp, also slowing you. e is going to try and hit minions and hit you with spikes that fly after he attacks a target with his E.
- His best chace against you is hitting you with Q, then flashing or running towards you, hitting you with E auto attacks to further slow you and finish you with R, which is targeted spell with which he can devour you under certain amount of HP”
step1v9 says “Find an all-in window when his Q is on CD. Try to maintain a freeze in this lane to deny him xp/gold and threaten all-in. This matchup is easy but he can outscale you especially if he receives a gank and gets ahead. You can react to his R animation with low ping.”
Ulsur says “Pretty easy, don't get hit by his Q as you can easily dodge it, if he ever walks towards you use your ultimate instantly and unleash everything you have, you need to heal as fast as possible before he silences you just to avoid getting 100 to 0.”
DioSett says “Easy lane , take conq and tp , start with black cleaver and then stridebreaker , you can use your W when he ults if u are lucky , you can dodge his q with your ult ”
Angryappleseed says “Take ignite and hope to snowball early. He hard outscales you and counters your kit. If you don't get a lead early, its over. Get BORK and Cleaver.”
SVKGuardian says “Watch out for his Qs. Your W has so much range, so just stay on your feet and dodge them.
If he doesnt land his Q, he has no range to land anything on you.
If he gets to melee range, you are in big trouble. You are squishy and his R does pure True damage. He doesn't need much to just NOM NOM NOM”
forlid says “Cho'Gath is very weak early, so you should win extended fights against him. You can use your E or Q3 to dodge his Q. Unless you've poked him down, do not engage him when he gains his R. It does very high damage and can surprise you if he gains it in the middle of a duel.”
Skayling says “{Fleet or Lethal tempo}
{Sorcery (classic}
{AS and double scaling health as minor runes}
{Max Q}
Starter : any Doran item is fine against him, pick whatever you want
How to play the matchup ?
He has a lot of base damage, and a lot of lane sustain. Don't get greedy poking him and play safe.
Farm as much as you can and just try to ignore him, focus on CS ”
procatking says “for this matchup all rune NO.1,2,3,4 are good,spells for your choice with D shield.(look for one that fit your game-style)
*Easy for pantheon*
He's E poke u through minions.
When he even thinking of farming poke him in the face with Q.
Avoid getting hit by his Q, and after level 6 be careful from his ult (around 400+ TD DMG with ult level 1) so u won't get FEAST(R) by him.
there is nothing special about him just play and chill ”
conqiyana says “abuse him before 6, you can dodge his q easy with w or e.
once he hits 6 he will piss all over you if you dont have a big lead though.
i usually take first strike for this matchup.”
SenSen_LoL says “You can dodge his Q and W with a jump and good micro. You'll almost always out trade him. The only way he can potentially kill you is by hitting you with Q and eventually chomp you, but that shouldn't happen.”
Eriyjah says “Domination secondary runes, rush Blade of the Ruined King.
Instead of going inspiration secondary like every other tank matchup you can go domination instead since every of his abilities are gonna hit you a lot.”
Bibi4A says “Really immobile tank but with good sustain. Don't take only short trades because ecual hp trades are good for him. Only go for extended fights to burn his flash or even better kill. Be careful with maiden control because he can eat her with R!!!!!”
forlid says “Cho'Gath is pretty weak early game, and you are much stronger from level 4 to level 6. Try to deny him CS early game and build up a small lead, after level 6 the lane becomes much more volatile with his R. Don't fight him if you're too low, and you should end up even or ahead. His Qs are relatively easy to dodge, but beware of his W, since it makes you unable to use your abilities.”
KaisAWP says “if he catches you on his Q, get ready to be grey screened, time your E with his Q and poke back. Most Cho'gaths will predict you run back, so halfway supercharge in and out”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
he can cheese you at 6 and he wins early trades but late game your q does so much damage to him and in and outside of lane q is extremely easy to land. ”
Bard_Enjoyer says “Try to all in before lvl6. If you win you can kill him after 6, if not try again, just don't feed him after lvl 6. It's easy to trade with him after a hard fight with your passive.”
hamgi says “go for short trades when his w is on cd (13s). dont q3 into/e forwards into him when it's up. continuously move to dodge his q's more easily. space properly when cs'ing to avoid e dmg. avoid all-inning/diving when he has r”
Piccettin0 says “It have a lot of CC, u can punish him early when i use a lot of mana but in late u need a armor pen champ in ur team beacuse is unkillable”
PlayCabex says “You won’t really be outpoking/sustaining him in lane to the best rune choice is first strike. If he goes tank then you won’t be killing him, if he is ap then an ult from fog is an easy kill. The early game can be a bit rough, I don’t recommend using your drain as much, but rather play around last hits. As your first item you always wanna rush boots vs him and look for roam opportunities. Even if he gets plates, he will be useless if your team is ahead.
Runes: First Strike”
Belle19 says “he's probably just going to try to farm with q from a distance so set up a freeze and watch him suffer. IMO its the same as nasus lane except he never really gets to the point where he can 1v1 you. Be mindful of his 6 he can cheese you until you get some real health. Once you have steraks he never wins the 1v1. In teamfights he's a meatsponge for you to get passive off of, but dont be careless he can cc you into his team killing.”
zwartebliksem says “Clap him early, or you'll be clapped for the rest of the game. Cho only has his knockup to disengage, his slow won't bother you as much.”
exoticT says “Annoying matchup as you need to try and kill cho early, after he gets items it is hard to kill him as he becomes very tanky and can frontline for enemy team”
Haearnbleidd says “If you can't dodge his q, play safe early. Run him down with r, you can build some mr but mostly build hp and damage. He outscales you with his r so don't become to overconfident as your advantage can become not enough. If he becomes a problem mid game, build botrk.
Rav/Shojin/Sundered Sky > Bc”
Grimmloi says “koridor aşaması diğer tanklardan daha zor q sunu ultiniz ile dodgeleyebilirsiniz fakat hem havaya savurma hem susturma hemde infaz yeteneklerine sahip o yüzden oyunun ilerleyen aşamalarında da size baya sıkıntı çıkartabilir”
Akuzai says “I am putting this as even since if he decides to go for ap you have a problem. However most Cho'Gath players run for tank so he's not the worst matchup if you can dodge his abilities and find a good all in angle.”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat.
Cho'Gath's Q's are pretty easy to dodge due to the long wind-up time (they hurt like hell though).
Although it is harder to poke him out of lane, it is still very much possible by forcing him off as much CS as possible.
Aery Rune Page
Liandry's Anguish + Cosmic Drive (Tank Killer Build) OR Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
Lukajs says “Cho'Gath may have trade potential, but so do you. If you trade and he decides to keep going, you can run him down if he gets too cocky.
Play around trading and taking advantage of mistakes he makes. ”
VroomVroom229 says “Another very annoying matchup, this champion will literally sustain all of the poke you do to him, and not only that but he does a considerable amount of magic damage.
Make sure to mostly focus on farming against Cho'Gath, and play, manage your wave well until level 6, have the wave near your tower, and look to ult this annoying champion.”
NegativePhoenix says “His trading is better than you until you get 1-2 of your MR component items then he's basically got no real way to damage you.
If he goes AP he's a bit more scary but if he's tank he's not that much of a threat since you'll be a better tank overall as the game progresses.
Just don't let him feed off you or constantly get his ult stacks from you and the game should go smoothly [if your team doesn't feed him either]”
biurifull says “A good matchup for Jax. Just be careful if he is full AP and might me looking to poke you down. Besides that, just avoide his Rupture and avoid all his damage with Counterstrike, should be pretty easy if you're not behind. ”
ThelpixG says “Pretty easy matchup, just dodge his Q and you win.
You can bully him early and even if he stacks health you can melt him because of your passive and penetration on barrels.
Just be aware that he has gank setup and infinite sustain in lane.
Once he reaches level 6 he has kill pressure so try to get some sustain to remain healthy to prevent him from executing you with his ult.”
X_TRM says “(Start W/E) He can out trade you if he hits his W + Q + E combo. You can rush botrk if you feel like your AA's don't do damage. You can also block his R with your W shield. You win every teamfight if you Ult him into the enemy team. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
LilliaFanBoy says “Very easy match-up.
Hell it's the best match-up where you can try the funny tank build.
You don't need much to beat a Cho'Gath early on. Just try and not let him farm for free. Spam Q and E.”
WhendZ says “Cho'Gath só é um problema se você deixar ele te matar cedo. Fica de boa, não toma a passiva do E dele e troca sem tomar o Q. Cuidado que ele tem um sustain de vida e mana considerável ao matar um minion, que é amplificado se ele tiver de currupta.”
LegacyOneTap says “tell him he's mid and then proceed to eat him. run some mr, his q is slow but you have to be ready to dodge any moment, care for his stupid auto spike poke, don't get hit by it, you can easily kill him early, bork is decent here, i need more time against cho'gath but it should be enough then you can build what you think you need.”
DraggonSlayerGR says “Too much CC And unstoppable Health Scaling with his Ult and his passive , Bait His Q and W and u can win him at the stages of early and mid game ”
JPGamer10BR says “Matchup simples, se tomar o Q você perde, se desviar do Q você consegue bater um pouco nele, você tem vantagem no lvl 1-5, a partir do 6 tome cuidado, recomendo fazer bota de rapidez.
Runas> F.F, PTA ou P.R”
Quidney says “Immobile tank, if he goes AP dodge Q with E while also trying to hit somehting. (Minions or him).
if he misses his Q without you needing to dodge, all in.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Trade with Q when he steps up but beware, his combo hurts more than yours does. Do not stay near him when under 1k hp when he hits 6. If you can't escape, try to block his ult with your passive shield. Even if you die you can try and stop him stacking more hp.”
joke7813 says “You prob cant take him down and he scales way better.
I go here Goredrinker for sustain and wait for jng.
Tbh if you play early good you should leave the laning phase with one or two kills because the only real danger is his R.
The Q is easy to dogde and the W is not that aweful because you just want to AA him.
Think of his R CD and you can trade good. ”
Murfz says “Lane is heavily Jax favored since he can't really do much against you early unless you mess up. Take your trades while considering that his sustain is really good, late game you can't kill him and he can't kill you kinda. Black cleaver recommended here if you need it”
xskyswitch says “Given an early lead, Cho can get out of hand really fast. I recommend building high damage build for him. If he is going AP, go eclipse. If he is going heartsteel/tank, rush bork and BC.”
RivenCarriedYou says “he has one of the best passives that a riven wish could have. every unit he kills he heals X amount of HP. fantastic sustain in lane. but you have infinite mobility, you won't ever get hit by anything, get black cleaver and just auto win. be really careful when you can get eaten. below 370 hp. level 1 R should be able to just eat you”
BaotoGame says “Cho Gath is a pretty tough matchup, as you have to go for a very rough all in to kill him, as you cannot poke him, because he can kill all your ghouls and heal his HP with his passive. He can also R your maiden, so don't just randomly throw it out, as he will take a free dinner. Just play and look around for opportunities with your jungler.”
Faz18835 says “Don't fall for his Q if he is good he will aim behind you, so that you will run backward when you see the cast animation, or will cast it in bush. Roam and rush SS to shove his lane.”
Chaddouk says “Cho'gath is actually super annoying to play against since his last buffs in my opinion. Once he gets enough armor he is legit unkillable for trynd with current items, and if he plays it decent he can scale freely to the point where he has that kind of armor. Still, as always, there are ways to beat him. First, do not straight trade him when just activated his E, if he gets all the autos or the spikes damage on you he will win that trade, so you can go when his E is down or when his hitting his last empowered auto. His Q is actually easy to dodge as long as you keep it in mind. As soon as he starts his animation startmoving to the way you would have decided it. He will try to time his Q on a timer where you're supposed to auto so it's ok to stop autoing a bit just to dodge it. It's good to keep in mind his R cd because it's pretty short it can surprise you. A good cho'gath is supposed to R on CD minions to get his 6 stacks asap, so if he uses it good you have a window to go for an all-in, if he doesn't it's also good because he's missing on scaling, but if you go for a fight you need to ult supra early premptively. Keep in mind that when cho'gath has access to the wave he will sustain as much as you if not more. Later in the game, bring him on side and use superior mobility to create a number advantage on the map, you won't solokill him or take turrets if he is holding you.”
daitolol says “Top/MID
- He is extremely immobile so you can easily manage passives into short trades
- Always try to freeze on your side of the map, even if he's able to farm with Q he will be wasting a lot of mana (doesn't apply to mid)
Conq/sorcery with TP or Ign up to you
At_Tar_Ras says “cho'gath is arguably one of renekton's most annoying matchups. this isn't cause cho out-duels you or anything (but he can out trade the HELL out of you with grasp+E) but it's due to renekton having ZERO agency VS this champion post-6. even if you have a large lead being 4-0, etc. I MYSELF PICK CHO'GATH into renektons because post-6, DESPITE the score, renekton can do little to NOTHING versus you. side-lane, team-fight and player impact all included; cho'gath is one of the easiest picks VS renekton. you have E dashes, so E away from his Qs and if you can, E behind him when he shouts too. before 6, if he takes an extended trade VS you, you will win because conq-diff, so if he gives you that opportunity, seize it.”
Dew Master Flash says “This one can be sneaky tricky, as if cho gets ahead, he can eat you alive. Avoid when he has autos for his e and you should be fine.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: Boots + Refill]
[Build: Fleet with Cut Down + Liandry's]
Go Boots as starter so you can proc Cut Down earlier. With Fleet, you can somewhat match his insane sustain. Don't get hit by Q or you'll have a bad time. Buy Swifty Boots early. You'll be stronger when you get Liandry's since he'll try to stack HP and Liandry's counters that. Don't try to kill him because he is too tanky. He will outscale you anyway and playing risky just for you to die to a single Q and lose the entire lane is not worth it whatsoever.”
wyjebnik2zuk says “skilled matchup.Recommended: conq+flash/ignite, start d ring + 2pots.
Rush boots of swiftness into demonic, as long as u dodge his q's you should beat him when all in, dont walk up to minions when he uses E to avoid poke ”
chewy378 says “Possibly Lillia's easiest matchup in the top lane. He has very little mobility and doesn't do much damage. As long as you don't fall below his R damage in health, you should be fine in a 1v1. ”
TheBougis says “Cho'Gath is really just free healing thanks to his size, you just can't miss your Q on him. Only problem is his ult, but if you kite him well enough he just won't be able to use it.”
LeyzeHP says “Conqueror
He's a menace for sure, you can win by playing for aggressive trades/all ins, if you go for short trades he wins because of his sustain, if he get's Q and breakes your all in you risk to have hard times. Start Dblade even if he's a poke champion early. Later in the game he will become a 1v9 machine so be sure your team build for tank damage items so you can all melt him, don't esitate to flame delusional adc who goes Collector when there is cho'gath top before of LDR or BOTRK.”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very tanky but not too much of a threat. Fire Wizard is especially good into this champ as it does a lot of percentage maximum health burn.”
DebRiX9 says “You can bully cho out of lane early, rush Demonic Embrace or Leeching Lear. After 6 be careful and cast W at the right time don't keep it and heal if you feel necessary to avoid his ult”
SVKGuardian says “If he hits his combo when you jump on him, he could eat you before you had the chance to heal.
So using E to engage into him isnt a really good idea if he has all the spells up.”
bocchicken says “Trade HARD early and bully Cho off the wave. The later the game goes, the harder it becomes as he will eventually have too much HP for you to deal with. ”
Antecc says “Definitely playable. Cheese in the furthest bush top lane relative to the enemies' tower, wait for him to arrive and ambush him. Abuse your broken level 1 at the first 3 melee minions. dodge Q if he unlocked that. Besides the level 1, you can trade when you get sheen or if he walks up to you. Auto win after Divine/Trinity + Vamp Scepter”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “a bit harder if he goes AP but its pretty rare. He is nothing without his passive early on so try to get the lane in a state where he cant freely cs them. Watch his cds beacuse if he has his abilities he can get very good trades when you come close to get the passive proc. Lv6 might be difficult or at least uncomfortable as you will need to kite him a lot to avoid getting eaten. ”
ABL Pantheon says “Cho'Gath is not that hard, the only problem is that his passive heals him, in which case you take Presence of Mind in this matchup. Dodge his Q,W and E and you win. Proper spacing is key in this matcup. The only hard things in this match are his passive, that he doesn't die easily and the fact that you need perfect timing to use your E when he is Ulting.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [conditioning] [ overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items : start ruby crystal -> core
he outsustains us so we trade only for grasp and all-ins
his w can stop our w ”
lordimboutabust says “Aatrox favoured but Cho'gath can be a surprisingly hard matchup if they know what they're doing. If he uses his abilities on the wave, harass him as much as possible. Be careful at level 6 when he gets ult. Cho hard out scales so try end early | Conditioning | Dblade - Divine ”
Bernardian says “Cho is another free as fuck matchup for Darius. Start W and go really aggresive i suggest using the agro rune page if your about that life but second wind is fine as well. Save your E to tie your slows together instead of using e and w at once to really stay on him start with a hook auto ghost then auto W, sidestep his Q and make sure you don't get poked through minions by his E. If hes really close and you can start a trade with auto w than saving your e for when you do get hit by his Q is good as well. Freezing literally makes this lane impossible for him. Rushing mercs cucks his kit very hard too. ”
Zombzn00b says “People think this is a hard matchup because he can execute you when you R, but if you save ur R until you are 50% hp, and try to kite him so he cant e you, its a pretty free lane. Lategame he is trouble though.”
TheGBabaYaga says “If you start trading he cant do much he only has Q for kite and run, he cant outscale you. Try not to push hard because you will get ganked”
FaNTOP says “Оба героя мощно масштабируются, но Чо'Гат может нанести серьезный урон с помощью своего W, что мешает вам совершать полноценные комбо. Поэтому вы можете либо использовать свою (Ульт) и просто дать ей сработать, затем атаковать автоатаками, используя "Хрупкость", либо просто уйти и подождать появления барана, который действует как вторая "W". Затем используйте свою "W" в ответ на его "Q". Вот так примерно должны проходить ваши бои на 6 уровне. Если Чо'Гат ошибается в своем тайминге с "W", то это замечательно, просто примените свою (Ульт) против него.”
PeanutTime36 says “Skill matchup until you have mega, wait till he gets cocky or out of mana to kill. You can easily walk out of his q poke if you are always moving.”
TheGBabaYaga says “He is tank-ap champion but he is more manageble than the others, you need to trick him to get him low mana (its not so hard), and then you can drop him with attack speed runes i choose with autos and W”
kayle1v9 says “Easy match up. You outscale, early swifties to dodge his spells. Q max as well. Ult when hes close. He will W into R, so you have to ult before he hits his W. BotrK must buy item if he goes tank. Also Ghost can be extremly helpful. If he hits one Q he will most likley kill you in 2 rotations.”
Quinncidence says “Immobile!
Only note about Cho is that he has a scary killpressure at level 6, and he can also R ur maiden and oneshot it until you get level 11 for 2 points in R, so avoid waste maiden in lane because Cho will eat her.”
UmbreonQueen says “Cho'gath is free food in the early game. Just harass him as usual and get a good lead before he becomes a problem. With anti-tank items you should be able to punish him if he gets too cocky with his armor+hp using short trades and running circles around him”
Tomuuko says “He is a late-game monster, in teamfights and while objectives you can try to silence him before he will secure Dragons or Heralds/Barons for his team by his R! Always be in teamfight when is this champion in the game! Or you can force your team to fight 4v4 when is fight for Drake and both of you are on the Toplane and he is about to TP to help his team, you can Silence him (that stops his TP) and he will not be in the fight to secure Dragon, which is insane thing you can do.
While laning-phase he can be pretty strong (especially when he has Hail Of Blades=he can hit one Q then he will Silence you a do huge burst dmg with this Rune and Es)
When you in some situation know that you are gonna be hit by his Q (like if you are stunned by someone and he slowed you by himself) use your E and maybe also W so you will reduce his incoming damage and with your E you will poke him.
If you saw him using his R to minions for stacks just be more agressive, deny cs, xp, just make pressure.
In late-mid game depends on how strong he is... if he is fed, you can stay with him on the lane and block his TP for drake with your Q, its worth forcing 4v4 because fed Cho'Gath would do SO MUCH MORE in teamfights.”
Twogrand says “Cho Sustain can be a very big problem champions that can heal jayces damage makes it very difficult to kill so against cho you want to make sure the trades are long and heavy meaning that you chunk him for most of his hp so u can zone him for Qing or W the creep wave for mana and hp. Take conq AND CUTDOWN!!!, but go tp with eclipse build path”
lol Wero says “Possibility one of the easiest match ups. you can rush Blade of the ruined king to punish him more for building health. he cannot out damage you.”
KaiOverHere says “You lack the damage to punish him early + he outscales you to a very severe degree
His passive prevents you from ever getting him in lethal”
Althalosofsirun says “his silence can fuck you take legend and unflinching take dorans shield as he can out sustain with his passive over than that kick his ass late game teamfights are a breeze”
Spaget says “His early fighting is pretty bad but don't get too cocky because his lifesteal is absurd in early level he will poke you a lot early so take DShield. He is a good option to Ult in late onto the enemy back line. consider Blade of the Ruined king.”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror/Grasp/First Strike + Divine Sunderer]
[Flash/Ignite + TP]
Play aggressive early so he can't heal off the minions with his passive.
It's like any other tank matchup. Don't die to the jungler, farm up, get your Divine Sunderer and you win. It can get somewhat difficult if he decides to go AP and poke you with his Q but you should still never die to him. Just farm up and outscale. If your jungler comes he dies.”
Boptimus says “---DISCLAIMER: These rankings are based on how much 'effort' needs to be put into the match up. "Easy" lanes can be difficult if you don't know how to play them. Keep in mind a lot of new players are reading this Guide, so I have match ups intentionally skewed towards the higher end of difficulty. Thanks! ---Cho'Gath has a lot of sustain, damage, and CC. Once you have access to your R he becomes easier to kill, but the only downside is that losing a big chunk of your Max HP will put you dangerously close to his R Feast threshold.”
Nurakami says “Just bork dodge q and don't let him come close to you if you are low lifesteal from mionions after boost rush vampiric.Use you early to gain upperhand.”
BezMemow says “Pretty much free lane, you statcheck him pretty hard. Go Riftmaker or Jak Sho build path. Your ult removes his Q.
Start D Ring or Dark Seal”
LocaLAM says “His Q is the only problem. Aside from that he isn't too hard. So long as you bully him he can't farm wave to heal up so you should be fine. Don't ult when ur low in combat with him at level 6 tho”
Smauggy says “Immobile tank with slow animation, his only chance is his w and to hit his e into q, but if he can do that, it means you are too near to him”
stefanko says “Most of Cho'Gath players are gonna start E. You can look to bait out his E by fake walking up and then go for a trade when he doesnt have his e. Cho'Gath outsustains you, so avoid trading with him unless you can transition it into a kill. This matchup is all about dodging his q. You can q aggresively on Cho'Gath, but dont aa him instantly since you are gonna be stuck in aa animation. Instead, look to keep moving forward as Cho'Gath is likely gonna Q on himself as soon as you Q on him, so if you manage to dodge his Q and get behind him you are gonna either kill him or get a really good trade. Another good trick vs Cho Gath is to wait for his q first(usually when he needs to last hit), and if he uses it aggresively you should look to q on him and you will hard win if you manage to do so.(conqueror or grasp, tp)”
Loweloexpert says “Free, dark seal and 1 red pot, just permapush, you cant loose this. I dont really have tips, just ult when he Q’s and you wont be hairborned. You destroy him from lvl 2 to lvl 18, be sure to W at the right moment btw or he will eat you. ”
Boptimus says “Cho'gath can match your early Lane sustain. The difference is he can also out-sustain your mana pool early on. A good Cho'gath wont give you much breathing room. If he comes back with some MR then you wont actually have any kill potential on them unless they horribly misplay. If you're the only AP on your team a Cho'gath might get greedy and build Armor first, if this is the case you should be able to sneak a kill in before he becomes too tanky.
Basically extremely Tanky and hard to kill at all stages of the game. Play to scale and target the carries in fights.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Be wary of him post Lvl 6, a single Q hit can result in you dying due to your lack of tankiness. During lane, try not to do predictable movement.”
tommytaxfraud says “Unless they're incredibly bad, you cannot outscale a Cho'gath. Hell, even if he loses lane, he will outscale you eventually with R stacks. Play carefully, and try not to let him chunk you too hard.”
W4llaceK says “Start ring and take ignite or ghost. You surprisingly don't beat him level 1, but if he uses his E on the wave or started another ability go chunk him, or at least zone him off of the farm. You can buy anti heal to ruin his lane sustain if you would like but I would just rush riftmaker. His main everything is his Q and his R track ulti CD and W the Q and you should win. Remember that the silence on W is a annoying but shouldn't bother you much early. Put him down enough that you don't care.”
primate nefasto says “Build a little of HP fast, other way you always lose 1vs1 6+, black cleaver second and bork third. But if you are ahead you can stomp cho easily, and late you should always win. ”
Mnem says “Go from Flash Ghost, Conqueror, Conditioning and Overgrowth (or Demolish). Press him into lane as much as possible and avoid Cho Gath's Q. Build Steps of Mercury and Divine Surrender because Cho Gath scales very well with health.”
Reines Kokosfett says “Even though his ult is an execute Cho'Gath is very weak against Kled. You can use your e to dodge his Q. He can't match your damage while mounted. Zone him off the wave early and trade aggresivly. If you get dismounted you can remount with W fast enough to not get eaten if you don't get hit by his Q. If you disengage while dismounted he can poke you with Q and kill you with his ult.”
Ulamog says “Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Parrying his Q is free. Try to stay out of his E, since it is his main damage.
Care, he can W+Q you and you will not be able to W since you will be silenced.
Post 6 don't trade him when you are low since he can one shot you with his R.”
Zeffie says “Cho is an alright matchup, if you can predict Q's and respect when he might be able to execute you you should be ok, his health scaling helps your passive hurt a bit more in the long run”
xShortBreadx says “Cho'gath is really easy and fun for farming stacks as he has low mobility and MASSIVE hit box. That being said, you do need to respect his Q as if he hits them he will be able to kill you in the early game. You hard out scale him and can easily use Boots rush and phase rush to out kite him.”
PraefectusMace says “Chonky boy doesn't appreciate getting gnawed on. Considering he burns through his mana fast if he tries to farm with his skills, sooner or later you will kill him. Just be sure to dodge the Q and you will be fine.”
dzsama says “When facing Cho'Gath in lane, pay attention to his position when he uses Vorpal Spikes. Don't get hit by the spikes to avoid the slow and if he fights you with them make sure to dodge the damage with your Counter Strike. Key here is to dodge his Rupture and just all in him after that since he loses to you after that unless you are miles behind him (which shouldn't happen). Just be careful if you are low HP as he can quickly delete you with his Feast.”
hamgi says “with the introduction of heartsteel, cho has become a lot tankier than before but he is still the same cho. build armor shred items early to keep him down and prevent him from stacking hp/armor. his r-execute window is a lot earlier now due to more hp being gained, so be careful when fighting him if u do not have good sustain. during lane phase, constantly move as his q's are easy to dodge as once u see his foot slam down, u can easily adjust ur cursor to where u should dodge. his w silences, so try to preemptively w to mitigate any dmg u take and cant dish back due to ur spells/summoner's/items silenced. his e gives him vertical projectiles so be mindful when standing near the minions in front of him. he is very immobile so use ur mobility to ur advantage. he uses mana and his spells cost qutie a bit, so consistently trade him to make him use his spells back at u”
NegativePhoenix says “Unless he's a god at aiming his Q, you should be able to beat him pretty easy seeing as he has to be close for most of his abilities. You can also W his Q if you're in a trade and he wants to escape. Just be heavily careful if you All-Out him since that makes you take more damage and he could ult execute you if you aren't careful.”
GannicusTTV says “Avoid his E damage by not staying near the minions he is attacking. Dodge his knock up and look for early game trades. you out damage him by a lot. After level 6 he could have some kill potential if you are low hp, so play smart. Abuse him if he uses his R on minions. You should be able to get at least a couple of kills early with ignite.”
lorensj81 says “Quite easy early, his Q knockup has a very short cooldown, so I always rushes tier 2 boots to easier dodge that. His W is a silence and his E empowers his next 3 auto attacks to hit in aoe behind enemy hit (also minions), this does % max hp damage. His R does alot of true damage that scales with AP and bonus HP. You can easily kill him early game after he misses some abilities, AA+E+AA+Q and ignite. After level 6, try to fight him after he uses it on minion in lane. he can stack on minions 6 times.
Chogath will be very annoying mid/lategame because all of the free HP he gets from stacking R.”
Galactities says “If you allow him to farm freely and get stacks from ult he will become and issue and you will not ever be able to kill him. You win early fights, dodge his knockup, try not to fight over wave. Don't underestimate his early prowess he is actually quite strong early on. Try to get an all in level 1-3 and you will win aslong as you dodge his knockups, Careful of his R powerspike, ”
ananesever69 says “Unless he's a god at aiming his Q, you should be able to beat him pretty easy seeing as he has to be close for most of his abilities. You can also W his Q if you're in a trade and he wants to escape. Just be heavily careful if you All-Out him since that makes you take more damage and he could ult execute you if you aren't careful.”
JustSad42 says “Go the Unflinching rune versus Cho. The only way for Cho’gath to beat you in lane is to either kite you with his E auto attack slow in the middle of a minion wave or for him to silence you into a Q knockup then walk away. So, for this matchup, you’ll have to practice looking at his champion model to determine when he will Q and immediately side stepping or taking a step back. Also, you will have to get used to using your Q-W at the start of the fight so you can reach your vitals more easily. because if you don’t, he will just kite you easily with his E slow. Something important to note is that if you’re low HP and in range of cho’gath, you need to parry his Silence and not his Ultimate. Because if you don’t parry his Silence, you will just get Feasted without counterplay. ”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating,
Start Doran Ring.
Just push him and kill when u have the option. Cho shouldn't have any option to kill you unless you make some stupid mistake.
Night Guy says “I don't really think Cho is a problem you counter his Q with both your W and E you can outdamage him and level 6 you just win most of the time if he is lower HP than you.”
JustSad42 says “Cho'gath is very difficult to kill due to his high sustain + silence + execute. I would recommend trying to get 10 CS per minute into him and holding a freeze rather than pushing and trying to trade with him unless he's very very bad.
Just be careful of Cho'gath in team fights because his entire kit can be very annoying mid-fight. So, either wait for him to use his cooldowns or avoid him in fights.”
SrMolinv says “Hard to snowball, armor is really effective vs Riven and this champ gets health for free so...
Hes not a usual pick, if he goes full AP be careful, dodge all you can.”
Akalimetall says “Cho'Gath is pretty tanky, especially after laning phase. In laning phase you can still kill him if you are full hp once you choose to fight him. Once he's tanky enough, he's unkillable in a 1v1, but you will have more impact on the map, as he can't splitpush and play teamfights as effectively as you can.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Free lane]
[Dodge his Q]
[Don't get silenced by his W]
[Be careful when you are low as he can finish you off with his R]”
Atemporal says “Este confronto é um confronto fácil de escalar. Cho'Gath não pode realmente intimidar você no início, e você não pode realmente intimidá-lo devido ao seu passivo que lhe dá grande sustentação.
A única vez que você quer negociar com ele durante o início do jogo é quando a onda está empurrando para você e o Q dele está baixo.
A razão pela qual você não quer negociar com ele quando a onda estiver empurrando em direção a ele, é que ele poderá farmar com segurança perto/debaixo de sua torre e ele curará todo o dano que você causou a ele por causa de sua passiva.
Depois de concluir o Protobelt, você terá um melhor potencial de negociação, mesmo quando o Q dele estiver alto, pois você pode usar o Proto ativo para evitá-lo, mas o Cho provavelmente será muito tanque para você causar danos significativos a ele.
Depois de concluir o Proto - Nashor's, você poderá derrotá-lo enquanto usa sua velocidade de movimento passiva para dançar ao redor dele.
Você pode considerar o Conquistador nesta partida se o time inimigo for tanque ou cc pesado, pois o Conquistador o ajudará durante lutas longas contra Cho e a tenacidade extra de Legend: Tenacity reduzirá a duração de seu silêncio,
que é uma habilidade que pode ser muito problemática durante as teamfights.”
RandumPersin says “Take conq and build cleaver second, this matchup isn't too hard for us. He outscales Renekton super hard so its important to stretch a solid early lead. The key to this lane is using E1 to dodge his Q and E2 to get away from the silence. his level 1 is pretty gross so don't even try to trade until level 3. his ult is directly countered by the health on ours, so we can all in at level 6 without much difficulty. If you get hit by his Q, prepare to take a bad trade and possibly even need to flash, but its a super predictable ability and we have more than enough tools to beat it. The most important part to this lane is not wasting our E1 and using E2 with fury during ult later in the game to cut his armor. Cho'Gath is an immobile tank; something Renekton does very well against if he has a lead. HOWEVER, if Cho somehow gets ahead the lane becomes really hard, so try and get deep wards constantly to make sure their jungler doesn't make your game unplayable.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “BIG R. THROW GIANT MONSTER. WIN GAME. Take Doran's Shield, a good Cho'Gath will camp you out with Q and W, instead of interacting with you in lane. ”
Cheeseypops1 says “This guy will out trade you level 1-2, but once you get your W you can freely just walk into him and take any trades and you're probably going to win, His Q is super easy to dodge so just sidestep it and if he ever walks up past 6 you usually just kill him if you hit E”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly keep an eye on your champions position as well as his. If you keep your eye off the ball for 1 second, Cho’Gath may end up hitting you with his Q or W. Cho’Gath has a lot of sustain thanks to his Passive which restores health. Don't do any short trades. It's better to wait your powerspike or the Jungler to kill him together in one strong single attack. Build more HP since armor doesn't protect against his true damage anyway.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You can zone him hard, and she wont touch you. After you get hit by his Q just W stun after knockup and walk away. He has pretty good sustain from minions so try to zone him from them or at least make him pay for csing them. The ult is his main problem as its a massive damage execute. He shouldnt be able to make you low hp tho if you wont missplay.”
Smudey says “Very easy matchup since Cho'Gath sucks early game. Unless he uses his E Spike Auto attacks, you don't have to be afraid of him and can just taunt into him. Try to zone him of the wave so he can't heal himself with his autos and try to setup a freeze if you can't kill him. If you ever taunt into him, watch out for his Q and sidestep hit because he will most likely spam it after being CCed.”
MrSIrPops says “Cho gath is not such a big threat against Aatrox if you dodge his q . Dont let him stack his r or in the late game you will not have a very good time .”
ToxicCannon says “Q + silence is an annoying combo but if you play in close to him right at your minion wave you can take short trades and phase rush out.”
StingingChicken says “Can be aggressive early levels but after first back, he has too much sustain to poke, wins all in unless you juke absolutely everything, and scales much better than you. Shitty matchup. ”
HAMMERSLAYER says “All in all a rare encounter, he is relatively slow at clearing the jungle compared to your average jungle champion and has severe mana problems at the beginning of the game so he has to recall back to base very early, just after the blue expires. He can be melted down by a Xin Zhao with a Cleaver/BoTRK, the only thing to be wary of is keeping him moderately away from your squishy teammates during fights.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly keep an eye on your champions position as well as his. If you keep your eye off the ball for 1 second, Cho’Gath may end up hitting you with his Rupture(Q) or Feral Scream(W). Cho’Gath has a lot of sustain thanks to his Passive which restores health. Look to trade frequently or he will out sustain any damage you deal to him. Cho’Gath will get lots of sustain through his Passive and the items he buys.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly keep an eye on your champions position as well as his. If you keep your eye off the ball for 1 second, Cho’Gath may end up hitting you with his Rupture(Q) or Feral Scream(W). Cho’Gath has a lot of sustain thanks to his Passive which restores health. Look to trade frequently or he will out sustain any damage you deal to him. Cho’Gath will get lots of sustain through his Passive and the items he buys.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Cho'Gath is easy to beat if you dodge his Q. If he hits it, you'll lose the trade, so just play as far back as you can. Ult his Q if you can and you'll outscale and kite him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly keep an eye on your champions position as well as his. If you keep your eye off the ball for 1 second, Cho’Gath may end up hitting you with his Rupture(Q) or Feral Scream(W). Cho’Gath has a lot of sustain thanks to his Passive which restores health. Look to trade frequently or he will out sustain any damage you deal to him. Cho’Gath will get lots of sustain through his Passive and the items he buys.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly keep an eye on your champions position as well as his. If you keep your eye off the ball for 1 second, Cho’Gath may end up hitting you with his Rupture(Q) or Feral Scream(W). Cho’Gath has a lot of sustain thanks to his Passive which restores health. Look to trade frequently or he will out sustain any damage you deal to him. Cho’Gath will get lots of sustain through his Passive and the items he buys.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly keep an eye on your champions position as well as his. If you keep your eye off the ball for 1 second, Cho’Gath may end up hitting you with his Rupture(Q) or Feral Scream(W). Cho’Gath has a lot of sustain thanks to his Passive which restores health. Look to trade frequently or he will out sustain any damage you deal to him. Cho’Gath will get lots of sustain through his Passive and the items he buys.”
SrMolinv says “Si es cho gath tanque es una linea muy dificil de snowballear, consigue vida con su pasiva, se cura con su pasiva y la armadura es un stat muy barato. Farmea todo lo que puedas y esquiva sus habilidades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly keep an eye on your champions position as well as his. If you keep your eye off the ball for 1 second, Cho’Gath may end up hitting you with his Rupture(Q) or Feral Scream(W). Cho’Gath has a lot of sustain thanks to his Passive which restores health. Look to trade frequently or he will out sustain any damage you deal to him. Cho’Gath will get lots of sustain through his Passive and the items he buys.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly keep an eye on your champions position as well as his. If you keep your eye off the ball for 1 second, Cho’Gath may end up hitting you with his Rupture(Q) or Feral Scream(W). Cho’Gath has a lot of sustain thanks to his Passive which restores health. Look to trade frequently or he will out sustain any damage you deal to him. Cho’Gath will get lots of sustain through his Passive and the items he buys.”
pura4 says “"[Impeto, Poção Corrupta, Q > W] - Contra Cho você precisa jogar no Erro dele, essa lane se estiver confiante pode jogar de incendiar e tp, a troca consiste no erro do Q do Cho, caso ele usar antes da troca vc desvia e vai para cima, jogue seu combo e recue, caso ele não usar o CC dele, jogue um Pneu finja que vai para cima e dê um passo para trás, isso vai fazer ele gastar o CC, após desviar vá para cima solte full combo e corra com impeto, faça isso até mata-lo, talvez vc mate ele após comprar o item Brasa. Conforme o desenrolar do jogo normalmente vc não irá solar ele sem a ajuda, então, jogue com seu time e faça a diferença em todos momentos do jogo.”
Oogaboogaga says “Chogath is a stronger laner than garen and will out trade you with grasp + his E. Killable with jungler / if he over extends. Chogath will often out sustain you due to his passive.”
Duwiiton says “Cho'gath outscales you and you can't really damage him if he zones well. He has much more kill potential than you, so your best bet is to get ganked.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly keep an eye on your champions position as well as his. If you keep your eye off the ball for 1 second, Cho’Gath may end up hitting you with his Rupture(Q) or Feral Scream(W). Cho’Gath has a lot of sustain thanks to his Passive which restores health. Look to trade frequently or he will out sustain any damage you deal to him. Cho’Gath will get lots of sustain through his Passive and the items he buys.”
Voice44 says “ берем завоеватель, думаю самый легкий матчап на сетте. просто отзониваем и перефармливаем а если делает ошибку то наказываем. если вдруг так получилось что у вас половина хп то будьте аккуратнее так как он может начать бить вас, нажать вешку и ульту и вы не сможете ничего сделать. в целом даже если вы не убиваете его на лайне то все хорошо, в тимфайтах кидаем его в толпу врагов и все.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly keep an eye on your champions position as well as his. If you keep your eye off the ball for 1 second, Cho’Gath may end up hitting you with his Rupture(Q) or Feral Scream(W). Cho’Gath has a lot of sustain thanks to his Passive which restores health. Look to trade frequently or he will out sustain any damage you deal to him. Cho’Gath will get lots of sustain through his Passive and the items he buys.”
Kreyah says “Cho isn't extremely strong he just has a undervalued poke power. If you dont pay attention to the engage you will be left with low health in fear of a execute. Learn to dodge his Q and W and your golden. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly keep an eye on your champions position as well as his. If you keep your eye off the ball for 1 second, Cho’Gath may end up hitting you with his Q or W. Cho’Gath has a lot of sustain thanks to his Passive which restores health. Don't do any short trades. It's better to wait your powerspike or the Jungler to kill him together in one strong single attack. Build more HP since armor doesn't protect against his true damage anyway.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly keep an eye on your champions position as well as his. If you keep your eye off the ball for 1 second, Cho’Gath may end up hitting you with his Q or W. Cho’Gath has a lot of sustain thanks to his Passive which restores health. Don't do any short trades. It's better to wait your powerspike or the Jungler to kill him together in one strong single attack. Build more HP since armor doesn't protect against his true damage anyway.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly keep an eye on your champions position as well as his. If you keep your eye off the ball for 1 second, Cho’Gath may end up hitting you with his Q or W. Cho’Gath has a lot of sustain thanks to his Passive which restores health. Don't do any short trades. It's better to wait your powerspike or the Jungler to kill him together in one strong single attack. Build more HP since armor doesn't protect against his true damage anyway.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly keep an eye on your champions position as well as his. If you keep your eye off the ball for 1 second, Cho’Gath may end up hitting you with his Q or W. Cho’Gath has a lot of sustain thanks to his Passive which restores health. Look to trade frequently or he will out sustain any damage you deal to him. Cho’Gath will get lots of sustain through his Passive and the items he buys. Try to match his sustain by starting with Corrupting Potion and buy items to reduce his sustain.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Trivially easy, don't trade super hard first couple of levels because his sustain is insane, but after that you can just all in if he's pushed up and run him down. Try and eat him if you're
getting hit by Q so you're both CC'd, but really just GHOST and dodge his Q's with it ”
tacowo_ says “Silences suck. Maxhp damage sucks. Executes suck. Cho'Gath is a strong tank right now too. You aren't going to burst him. However, you do typically win if you can hit your E.”
Farmer Cleetus says “Pretty much even in the early game, becomes more annoying in the mid-late game phase by becoming passively tanky and dealing you a lot of damage anyways. He will be a great use for your Ultimate as it makes more damage when you use someone with more Health than you and the enemies teammates. It is basically based on the max health of the enemy and will give you a teamfight advantage at the baron pit or dragon pit. Make sure to avoid his Q's if he plays full AP Cho'gath and always make sure to outfight him. If you don't outfight him just play passively until you become level 6.”
Inoks says “Starting Item doesn't matter really (dshield is good vs his poke) just don't forget Second wind. Cho'gath is a very immobile champ, so hitting him with your combos isn't difficult, he can be very tanky in late game, just dont get hit by all his abilities and you should be bing chilling.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “На самом деле матчап о сноуболее, у вас все хорошо, если у вас мало ад в тиме, если же у вас много ад, то с ним много проблем. Чо,гат может просто фармить и зонить вас, а вражеский лес не даст вам гнобить его, если ошибетесь с билдом, вам крышка. Можете взять первым слотом зев малмортиуса и гнобить его своей Q,E.”
Maxpiku says “Гипер скиловый матчап. Все зависит от нашего скила. Если можем уклоняться и грамотно выбирать позицию, то могу поздравить, доминация на линии обеспечена. Если не уверены в себе то также берем ботинки стремительности и флит футворк/фейз раш в рунах.”
I Twisted Hate MyseIf says “Somewhat tricky matchup. Dodge his Q and you will be fine, but after 6 if you get hit even once he will permaslow you and most likely get his ult off. Try not to let him get fed.”
Taiquyorah says “MU difficile et à l'avantage de Cho
La mobilité vous aidera à esquiver son Q, s'il vous touche, vous perdez le trade puisqu'il peut facilement regénérer ses PV/mana, si vous esquivez, vous pouvez l'all-in si seulement vous avez assez de stuff pour le tuer.
Focus sur le farm jusqu'aux teamfight est la stratégie la plus intéressante.”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very hard to kill at all stages of the game as the champ is too tanky. If matched against this champ just build normal Nasus - Its not worth inting your team and getting flamed. ”
Yiphen says “Start Doran's Shield and Jungle Diff. Build Divine Sunderer. Its sustain and tankiness is too strong for you to chip it down. Do not shove the wave against it. You can bully it until its first defensive item and once that happens you need to play more passive. Only go in when your jungler can gank. Do not let it get ahead. It's hard to freeze against long-range AOE. If you can't freeze the wave, use your abilities to full clear and reset it. Do not dance.”
NightSoar says “ As long as you avoid his q and w as uch as possible, always juking them out, then you will be fine and might even get a chance to kill him!”
Groovywelsh says “Cho'Gath can be hard to kill because he heals way too much hp whit his passive and can become very tanky. Against Cho'Gath you want an extended trade you lose short trades against him. Be careful whit his r you may be used to ult with low hp but against Cho'Gath you have to ult whit a lot more health if you don't he can execute you
7EyesNoSkills says “As you know, shieldbow counters his ult. Go for shieldbow, then Blade of the Ruined king. Dodge his Q, don't get him too close, because he can slow you with his E. Don't jump to the same rotation everytime, if he can land a Q on you, you are dead.”
WildSamu says “Dblade + Red Pot.
dodging his Q is very important, use W if you can tell you are going to get hit by it. You can also W when he goes to W you.
If he doesnt have his silence you can trade with him.
Dont all in him if he has ult, check the number of stacks he has, if he uses ult on minions you win all ins.
Very easy to gank if you freeze.”
nikolai lolholm hansen1 says “This matchup is hard for Viktor due to Cho'Gaths passive wich is really good sustain.
Start corrupting potions and try to avoid q”
Black Demon Ezel says “Cho'gath can heal when he kills a unit but it's a minor heal and it means less than nothing if you can deal even more damage with one W cast which is technically your weakest ability even though all of Aatrox's abilities are hyper broken. All you have to do is heal hard and long enough to avoid getting eaten and you'll be fine”
DimitriLSD123 says “as long as you can poke him bellow 50% health you can beat him when he all ins you space your turrets out so he can't crowd control them”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “The difficulty depends on how he plays. AP ChoGath is able to one shot you. You are fine until you can dodge his Q, but you cannot dodge it all the time so he will destroy you sooner or later. And he has great sustain in lane.”
VituVonDoom says “Always try your best to dodge his Q, as it makes him a sitting duck to whatever you're willing to pull off. Play extra agressive when you see he wasted his ult to eat a minion, you will only die if you fuck up on biblical proportions. Take the FS or Conq page, and close the game before he eats too much”
HalexUwU says “Easy to burn to death, not fast enough to keep up with you. Not a threat at all until hyper late game, and even then you still have percent max health magic damage.”
Michcio says “U need to focus if u play against him, his damage early on is very big but if he doesnt land his Q he wont be able to touch you. If he does W asap and watch out past 6.”
Aberrant Demon says “Don't stand directly behind your minions unless you want him to push with his abilities. Dodge his Qs. Save your W for his W if possible. If you get into melee range, you can W and start your E. Even if his Q hits, you'll still be spinning on him. Save your Q to dodge his Q and/or remove his E slow. Once you have ironspike/stridebreaker, you can use phase rush to ignore the slow instead.”
AbyssaLegend says “Just pay attention for his stun and silence. Consider also his R that has a sort of execute similar to Pyke's one, the only difference is the range.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Punish when he walks up for cs -> Let the wave push to you (only last hit) -> Freeze the wave -> Punish when he walks up for cs -> You win extended trades -> Can dodge his Q with your Q3/E/R”
NegativePhoenix says “Cho'Gath has some good early damage on his E, even able to scare you level 1 in a 1v1 if you aren't careful. His main damage and engage is his Q, so as long as you can avoid or W it, you're usually golden. He may go into an even level however, as he has gotten a sustain buff along with W damage and now has a CD on his ult, so be careful and remember it if possible.”
Captain__Archie says “Cho'gath cannot beat Yi on his own at any point of the game, but he can be a hindrance during teamfights as he can ult you and silence you.”
JORGE OMAGO 74 says “Annoying but easy. DON'T Q him,, save it to dodge his Q. Walk near him and AA+W+E ( to block his E) then continue kiting forward. If there aren't any minions near to Q on use a ward to dodge his Q.”
947ytb says “- Depend tu type de cho
- Ap cho te out sustain very hard / Tank cho ne te outstain pas a ce point
-Ap cho ( Hell of blade + everfrost ) le matchup est tres difficile , tu peux look un trade back uniquement lvl 7 alors que lvl 13+ tu le tue
-Joué poigne pour le bully en early”
The Kled Mob says “He simply doesn't output enough damage to kill you so its a free matchup. Freeze so he can't get any health with his passive off minions and don't get hit by his Q. His Q is his only follow up from ganks unless he flash-E's so watch out for his Q and that's really it! Go bramble if you are losing.”
Hawkkiller105 says “Cho is a Major threat or could even be extreme with all his cc. His silence cancels your q, and he's just a tanky as you, he is just as dangerous because he can move a more crisps movements than Sion.”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] Start dorans ring. Cho'gath as a champion stacks HP. Mordekaiser's passive counters max HP builds and you also build Riftmaker + Demonic Embrace which destroys tanks like chogath. Land one E and chase him down the lane while trying to dodge his Q.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: You just want to zone him off the wave when you get level 3 and if he walks up the your just combo him down. Cho'gath has some pretty impressive damage and sustain if he gets to touch the wave so try and avoid giving him the opportunity. At level 6 you just all in him.”
Trundledaddy says “You outscale with divine, be careful of execute but overall lane shouldn't be too difficult, free stats later if full tank
if full AP be careful of burst, has a lot of CC so be wary of enemy jungler too.”
KyleTheConqueror says “He can heal well, but he's gotta land skillshots. You can auto-attack him to death for all you care. Dodge the Q, hit him while you're hit by his silence, swallow him up, Q him, dead.
Dannala says “Cho'gath will easily consume your minions with his plethora of AoE, however he's big and slow which makes for easy poking. As long as you aren't hit by his Rupture you should be fine early, mid and late. Need anti heal ASAP, potentially starting first part, B and TP once you have enough if you aim to kill (not suggested).”
qosmox says “Contest the push lvl 1 with Q and try to hit lvl 2 before him. if you do, just taunt him and hard trade lvl 2, preferably with the 6-Emp auto trade if you can position the blade correctly before you hit lvl 2. Avoid getting into long trades where he gets to E-auto you 3 times (if you’re equal levels), and don’t get hit by Q’s and you should win this lane every time early on. Punish your lead hard, don’t let him free farm once you got one.”
Federals1 says “Much like Camille, Cho'Gath gets easier the more you play the matchup. If you want to trade with him always make sure you have e ready or you will lose the short trades. Dodging his q is essential for winning the 1v1 and closing the gap. Focus on building speed first, like Aether Wisp or tier 2 boots. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spells. First rune page should be used. Q max helps a lot to close the gap and makes it easier to dodge his q if you struggle with it. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him.”
ProbablyPlatform says “Eat or be eaten. You slap in a 1v1 if your shield is up so he can’t eat you as you hit harder. His sustain in lane is crazy to make sure to whittle him down a-bit first before fighting. AP Chogath gets licked once and dies.”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
Start dorans ring.
Cho'gath as a champion stacks HP. Mordekaiser's passive counters max HP builds and you also build Riftmaker + Demonic Embrace which destroys tanks like chogath. Land one E and chase him down the lane while trying to dodge his Q. ”
raindropscyn says “If he builds damage, be extra careful, but if he builds tank, just make sure you're always on the move when he has his Q up. A knockup is a knockup, after all.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Freeze the lane and take double tenacity in your runes, parry his Q and then run him down, really easy matchup.
The only 2 things you have to worry about are: Him kiting you with his AA with slow and his stacks in late.
Freezea la línea y ponte doble tenacidad en las runas, ripostea su Q y luego persiguele, matchup muy facilito. Las únicas dos cosas por las que te tienes que preocupar son, que te kitee con sus slows del AA y sus stacks de la R en el late.”
KiroChuong says “use your W to lock him, careful when he reaches level 6, besides, he can eat your Maiden until you get 2 points at Maiden. Build Sunderer if he's a tanker, otherwise Tri-force”
52hertz says “Easy to lane against and fight, however if he gets some kills and gets out of control with armor items, I would say he is impossible to kill late game ”
irelia support says “On red Kayn Cho'gath is a huge threat. While Kayn can sustain a fight with Cho'gath if he gets low he gets chomped and the fight is over. ”
gazibulle says “Easy matchup. You both scale in your own ways, but I don't see a world Camille loses against Cho'Gath on side, as long as you have Divine. Early levels you can abuse the poor guy, but don't overextend too much as his 3 Es and his minion wave will outtrade you. The key to this matchup is to sidestep his Q with your Q mov. speed. You can bait his Q by Eing on a wall and waiting a bit, Cho'Gaths will Q themselves 90% of the time. Try not to get poked too much by his E through minions. Always go for long trades as Cho's passive will regen all the damage you do to him in a short trade. Keep in mind Cho'Gath can't silence your Q2 before lvl 12-13, as his W has 1.8s duration and yours is roughly 2s. Be careful when Cho is lvl 6, don't be around him with 50% hp (~350 true dmg). If you ever see him crunch a minion, you can try to kill him if you have enough damage: proceed to R his W silence and sidestep is Q with your Q mov.speed, just keep your W in case he flees so you can chase him down.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “You both spike at 6 and both sustain well/evenly. This is the most even matchup for Nasus although all ins pre divine sunderer will most likely end in your death. Try your best not to get hit by his E and dont let him proc grasp. I recommend Fleet or phase rush are good to dodge his Q. Do no go E rush as his sustain is pretty crazy.”
alexionut05 says “Relatively tough matchup. He will always have more range than you. You should try to poke him with Grasp-Passive as much as you can, also Q when he is getting close. Dashing into him might be a death sentence if he plays correctly, always beware of his ult!”
Agatrium says “Abuse him early on, but try not to get kited too much by the constant Qs he’ll be dropping. He outscales you really hard and will eventually get too tanky for you to do much into, so be aggressive early and try your best not to let him regen off last hitting creeps. ”
MHLoppy says “Hard to push around for long periods of time because of his passive's sustain combined with good wave clear. On the plus side he can't really surprise you with anything since all his abilities are very telegraphed. Much of his safety relies on his CC, so once you have your ult to negate that, you should be able to run him down whenever you have a power spike over him.”
Scarhawk says “Cho'Gath is an easy matchup. He only excels when he's in a minion wave because he can get health back from his passive. Fight him away from your minions.”
Cryniu says “Juega medianamente agresivo al inicio.
Comprar hábito del espectro y/o botas mercurio son grandes opciones.
Prioriza tener tenacidad, tiene mucho control de masas.
Usa tu W para anular los clavos de su E.
Cuidado al usar tu R, él tiene dos habilidades para cancelarla.
Que no te cancele tu E con su Q.”
Kocykek says “Early on he outdamages you hard but you outscale him easily. Dodge his Q's in laning phase and don't fight with him that often. You can understimate him and he will make you suffer for it. Don't fight him that much until Divine.”
Akali187 says “Just a big tank. Don't target Cho'Gath unless he is building AP. Cho'Gath is a grand tank, try to take out the squishy's around him and watch for his abilities. If he is fed his ult will one shot you, other than that just care for his silence and knock up in the team fights.”
XtheZ115 says “Silences don't stop your gas, but your flings will suffer if you can't time them when you want. Avoid letting yourself get too low, as his ult makes your health bar suddenly disappear. ”
Acimadamedia says “U are an assasin and he is a tank, with cho gath u have 2 options, go in pre6 when u have hte wave and he has no mana, or simply push the line and try to roam to get the kills.”
Helzky says “You hear that? That's the sound of Gold generating in your pocket from FS. This matchup is extremely easy for you. Dodge his Q's and E when you have ghouls up, free money. ”
OliveeGarden says “Bork rush or don't, both work. Sett's dream matchup, just dodge his Q knock up and try to land E before he uses silence. Care you don't get greedy post 6.”
TheSixtyFreezer says “Don't get poked too much by his Q's, be careful when trading with him because he will usually take Grasp as his keystone. Be wary of you HP in lane because his ult executes you.”
havy says “dodge his Q's, you can play aggressive until he builds MR (if he does), keep in mind he has a execute with his ult, so watch out for running too low on HP ”
Ujiyo says “Dodge Q with your Q, if you cant just W it and use it to gap close by hitting minions at the same time. You will win all in. His win con against you is to build ap and poke you down.”
Potent213 says “Runes: PTA
Goal in lane:
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall, comeback and FORCE a freeze, if u need to TP to get back in time to freeze, DO IT.
Really easy matchup you win most type of trades, he has very easy to parry abilities, though you need a good bit of tenacity to parry silence into knockup, you win them anyway.
Pull in waves, look to freeze and run him down, he lacks so much mobility and is an HP Tank, basically a dream come true for Fiora.
Just be wary of getting kited with his slow on spikes, he can kite vitals and be a menace if he gets a lead into bramble vest due to being too tanky.”
GG Cannon says “His silence and Rupture can be very dangerous for you. As long as you win laning fase, you can come out on top almost the whole game, but if he wins laning fase, the game is gonna be a lot harder.”
magician4444 says “Very simple matchup, just dodge his Q, kite him out and you'll be fine. Try to avoid getting hit by his E's if you can, they slow a lot and could get you killed.”
TheChoz3nOne says “Don't play with him when you're on low hp because he can eat you with his R. Too tanky. If you'll dodge his abilities you can outtrade him in low-lvls”
Mushroomuwu says “He is super squishy early on so you can start Q and look to build your passive and fight him early. You can also avoid all of his abilities with your Q granted you have minions around you. The only way you really lose is if you get hit by everything and he has minion advantages. Its also risky after 6 if you misstep as he can easily chase you down due to your low base movement speed and kill you. Fight with full passive and land your R and E, use minions to avoid his skill shots and you will win. Be careful of the jungler, it's the only way you really lose this lane.”
Xarmat says “After 1-2 Items, he will tank you down. Use your early pressure. Boots will help you to avoid this knock-up. Buy Kraken Slayer and Kings.”
Your Desired Username says “Easy tank match-up. Keep trades short pre-3. You beat him in all-ins and short trades level 3 and onward. Level 6 you beat him hard but if you ult him at full life he can just stall with q and w and he will most likely get away, so ult him after a short trade when he has 70% hp AT MOST or you likely won't kill him. A good tip is to look for his Q animation, where he stomps the ground, and ult him exactly then. This will guarantee his Q to stay outside Brazil and you essentially wasted 0.75 seconds of his time. Ulting him in team fights is only a possibility if he is already low, or if you are fed. If either of these conditions is met, it would be very recommendable to ult him as the champion itself is such a menace and can zone so well simply with his presence, no matter how behind he is. Also you will steal 10% of his hp which amounts to 600 or more in some cases.”
boboderaffe says “There are different ways to play against cho gath.
Definitely always get full boots ASAP to dodge his Q‘s.
You can go „Perma Freeze“ or „Normie“ but I’d even prefer „Conqueror is not enough“, simply because he has to chunk you down enough to eat you. Simply sustain yourself to victory. Demonic embrace is a MUST if you choose to go with Riftmaker.
Black Demon Ezel says “Cho'Gath can bite through your maiden with his ult but once it gets tough enough, it can outlast more than a few hits. Don't waste your ult (maiden) and you'll be fine and also baby cage him with your W and you can spam abilities on him since he has no mobility”
Atomragnar says “Easy. You outdamage him from the start of the game. Dodge his Q, freeze wave and run him down. He can only be a threat if he goes full ap.
But early game you can 1v1 him when ever you want basically. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “If you're good at dodging his E, Cho'Gath can be an easy target for Braum to take out. Your E should block his R if you time it right. His mixed damage makes your W quite good. Your poke is faster and higher damage than his unless its AP cho. Only problem is how much he scales. He will always catch up to you. Go Lethal Tempo. Go Divine, BoRK, or Frostfire.”
Dekar173 says “P: -
Q: 6
W: 13 > 9
E: 8 > 4
R: 80
Runes vs Cho: LT, Grasp, Conqueror, Phase Rush (Descending order)
HIGH Econ: BT > Kraken > Crit, Vamp Scepter prio (Q MAX)
MID Econ: Goredrinker, Black Cleaver (W max)
LOW Econ: Goredrinker, Stasis (W max)
Strengths: Giga tank, CC demon, huge executes, late game dueling, unkillable late game
Weaknesses: Early, Q is easily dodged, immobile, can't miss E
Remember to 4W + W his burst if you're getting ganked, and prioritize removing the silence + slow from E. Slow from Q can't really be removed since you're knocked up and that won't cleanse for you to do anything else, unless you flash.
Bork counters him hard BUT isn't the best for Rengar's kit unfortunately. In general, you won't be dueling him but abusing wave clear and roaming vs Cho match-up.
Max: Q > W > E, W > E > Q if losing”
Polartech says “Cho'Gath is hard to manage in lane, but if you play well you can do something to take advantage on him. Just play safe until level 6, even under tower if need, after level 6 you have to try to dodge his stun to counterattack him with your Q-E and some Autoattack, if you think to be good dodger play with Press the Attack to maximize the Damages.”
LunaticDancer says “Gambler viable, D Shield. Good old "don't get hit" is the play here. Being a tank shredder, you obliterate him post 6. If you hit an E, all in him to prevent him from killing your ghouls (which gives him free sustain). Don't ever be low HP near him. Edge of Night is great against him.
Anti-heal is a decent idea.”
COJA says “Cho'gath's Silence and Knockup work very well into you, as your cast times are so long. Try to stay in medium range and dodge his Q, but out of melee range to not get hit by his E. If you manage to dodge his Q and move close to him, he is very immobile and you can punish him easily. Tank Cho'gath is a minor threat, while AP Cho'gath is a major one. ”
UlisesFRN says “He can win trades pre 6. You have to respect his Ult in all-ins. Try to get a lead and snowball as hard as you can. You have to risk, as he outscales you hard”
space cat says “Easy to fight and immobile, but beware once he gets his ult. His w silence can be deadly if you are low health because you rely on your q and e to survive situations.”
Eduardocwalle says “Muramana build is not the best one vs heavy tanks that stacks a lot of HP, becuase u dont have sunderer, but u will win anyways vs chogath. Just let him waste mana and later all in, u can dpdge his R with yours so just time it properly.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Most tanks are a problem for Morde and this one especially is. You try to fight and he does enough damage to eat you alive. You try to hit from range and he kites you endlessly. Try to avoid this matchup as I haven't found a winning build to fight the Terror of the Void”
CEOofMicrowave says “The fattest of fucks. If he burns Q to catch you, ward hop away asap. You won't snowball him easily at all, so pick cull and farm up under turret. ”
King Turtle says “the only thing troublesome about cho gath is his ultimate. A lot of the trades and skirmishes top lane are going to be close fights since you're going to be on top of the enemy laner the entire time. Since this is the case, there's a good chance you're going to get caught by cho gath R once or twice. ”
5Head Builds says “Cho'gath is an easy target if you get DE early and stack your passive. Be wary of his silence, Q poke, and Ult as he can negate your ability to win close fights
ToothlessKnight says “This is a fairly boring farm lane for both Cho and Urgot. Cho will typically outscale Urgot when it comes to teamfighting because of the amount of utility that Cho's kid provides a team. This is a lane where you should shove and force him under turret then look for tp plays or roam with your jungler or to the mid lane. He has very little kill pressure in a 1v1 situation.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “His abilities are slow and easy to avoid. avoid fighting him when his e is active or up whenever possible so he can't land q
He's immobile and easy to stick to if you dodge his q and play around his e.
After 6, always be aware of his R cd.”
MrZoltannn says “Chogath is a moderately hard matchup, his q can dmg you well so look out for that.
His W is your death if you get ganked be prepared for that.
Pre lvl 6 is easy, you can go Ignite and just kill him.
lvl 6 and after you mini gnar W is your best friend, with its max health based dmg.”
xPetu says “Tips: W block his E-AA reset. Dodge his Q by E'ing in. Remember that he restores HP and Mana from killing minions. If he wastes W or Q, you can punish.”
Stinkee says “Cho'gath is a little annoying and is a fairly difficult matchup for Sion. Bait his W and Q then use your E and Q while popping your W. If he misses his W and/or Q you should win the trade. Never use your Q right in front of him or he will cancel with his W or Q. Rush magic resist, any rune page or ability max will work here.”
Sovereign Kitten says “While fighting or simply laning, you should always be positioning yourself away from his angle to avoid his spikes that slow you. The second you let him line up a spike-slow, you will be swiftly met with your death through his knock up and more often if he is running Glacial Augment. He is a high HP and sustain stacking champion through killing minions, so preventing his sustain makes killing him easier. If he misses the knock up and can't land a slow, you can simply run him down with auto attacks and burst from your (Q). Be aware if he is running Glacial as it is a huge threat and you really need to play well.
Anoying bro5 says “Be careful of Cho silencing you before knocking you up. If he does this, try not to parry the knock up but use it on his ult or silence in general. This isn't that hard of a match up if you work around both of those abilities. He has high sustain and tankiness as he scales. Try to fight him lvl2. Pre 6 he is fairly easy to kill.”
BoilTheOil says “He can be hard to kill in lane, but luckily you don't need to kill him, just outfarm and outscale him. Like Sion, he's a massive meat bomb so you can just ult him and kill the entire enemy team. Try to use W to block his ultimate's damage.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “AP Cho'Gath is extremely painful to lane against. His Q can be hard to dodge and does a ton of damage. Thresh has no mr scaling and this lane will force you to stack it. He can poke you out of lane and you can never 1v1 him.”
Phrxshn says “This can be either a easy or hard-match up if you cannot dodge his skillshot. Juke out his Rupture(Q) and Feral Scream(W). Avoid fighting Cho'gath if you are low health as his Feast(R) can execute you. (Recommended Items: Demonic Embrace, Rylai's Scepter) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Singed or Cho'gath if he lands everything) (Outscaling Edge: Cho'gath)”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Chogath is not really a hard lane unless you get hard camped. Try to avoid getting slowed by his autos with the spikes activated and trade often with him after he uses that ability. BORK > Rageblade is the way to go vs this one.”
Amphawn says “Don't trade early, and don't get hit by his Q. Cho's base damage early game is nuts. Also be careful of not standing directly behind your minions as he can use his E to slow you and guarantee a Q. If he slows, make sure to W and dodge the Q. Might want to start corrupting pots for better sustain. Keep in mind that Cho has an animation while he Q's so it is easy to predict. Remember that his ult is an execute, so your health is never as high as it may seem. Don't ever risk it when you're in execute range as he can simply hit a Q or flash on you and you're dead. You may want to buy magic resist early on or even buy MR boots for the tenacity as well. This is a matchup where you strictly have to play for the late game as you do scale better as long as he doesn't get a bunch of free stacks early on.”
PH45 says “When facing Cho'Gath in lane, pay attention to his position when he uses Vorpal Spikes. Don't get hit by the spikes to avoid the slow and if he fights you with them make sure to dodge the damage with your Counter Strike. Key here is to dodge his Rupture and then take an extended trade/all in. Your goal is to punish him in early game where he is weak, but keep in mind that he can sustain quite quickly if allowed to touch the wave. Also be careful if you are low HP as he can quickly delete you with his Feast. ”
jpaul2077 says “Against chogath, it's very important to keep moving in lane to avoid being hit by his Q, rupture. Chogath is fairly squishy at the early stages of the game. Look to go for a all in either after level 2 with Auto E Auto Q ignite or when you hit 6 with ulti. Chogath will eventually outscale you as a champion so it's important to develop a lead early.”
At_Tar_Ras says “in lane he's a minor threat. he's squishy and you have too much in your kit to actually get hit by his attacks. also BORK eats him alive. outside of lane? when he starts scaling? yea, he's a problem. hope your ADC has LDR otherwise it'll be a tough game :D you can obviously kill him before BORK too.”
iZeal says “He has no way of dodging your Qs or Ws. Don't let him sustain and dodge his Qs. While he becomes incredibly tanky and disruptive later on, you can always catch him out. Be aware of your cooldowns while silenced and buffer your abilities so your Q doesn't run out.”
SunFalk says “He his a tank. He has a AOE stun. He has a execute. - To lane against a Cho'Gath, you'll need to deny his CS early in the game before he reach level 6 and start eat and become very tanky. When he is level 6, be careful and don't let you be eaten by him.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
slogdog says “Cho Gath is a pretty rough matchup, as you have to go for a very rough all in to kill him, as you cannot poke him, because he can sustain off the ghouls with his passive. He can also R your maiden, so don't just randomly throw it out, as he will take a free snack. Just play and look around for opportunities with your jungler.”
Phrxshn says “This can be either a easy or hard-match up if you cannot dodge his skillshot. Juke out his Rupture(Q) and Feral Scream(W). Avoid fighting Cho'gath if you are low health as his Feast(R) can execute you. (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Dr.Mundo or Cho'gath if he lands everything) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
Raen says “Try to all in him at level 1 with E. Use Counter Strike when he uses his E and be careful when you are on low hp cuz he can flash R and get you down easily. Move a lot to predict his Q knockup and slow. You can get BC if he stack a lot of armor. Bork can help you out in this matchup as well.”
Xerath gaming says “Free matchup, dodge his Q and hit your E. He has no way to escape you unless he flashes, so there's that. When you get 6 you'll end up getting fed if you dont get hit by his Q”
Phrxshn says “This can be either a easy or hard-match up if you cannot dodge his skillshot. Juke out his Rupture(Q) and Feral Scream(W). Avoid fighting Cho'gath if you are low health as his Feast(R) can execute you. (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Trundle or Cho'gath if he lands everything) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
MagicallyDelish4 says “Try to get lane prio with a slow push. You're able to level one all in away from his minion wave. Use E and Qs to dodge W and Q. At level 6 you can all in around 60% hp if you're even with items and level. Step away from cs if he's using E. ”
Justkb says “You can abuse Cho if he uses his Q too frequently within the wave. Once you have a freeze it is really easy to run him down with a Flash E, W, AA Q to then finish him off near his tower. This has a high success rate when Cho is at about 60% HP.”
P1Legend says “So early game this matchup is easy, but at some point in the game, he just becomes too tanky to kill. So fight him early and power farm late and you should be fine. Don't get too excited about kills in lane or you will get silenced and nommed for half your HP”
Fan22 says “Cho' gath its a tank like you and deals magic damage, however what makes him a deadly threat for you its the big True damague in his ultimate and also he has good poke and better sustain than you.
Going corrupting pot. let's you stay in lane as long as he.
Going mercs helps tor educe his damage and CC, making it a really good option in early game.
Sunfire aegis + demonic embrace works really well agaisnt him since Cho its really durable, and maokai its also good especially in long fights, also demonic deals a % of Chos Health.
try to not let him farm for free so he doesnt sustain so much. Remember his Q has high mana cost. ”
qveenevelynn says “Well played he is quite hard to fight. Try your best to avoid his stuns and silence. Be carefull to his ult. U will need your jgler help on this one i guess”
Phrxshn says “This can be either a easy or hard-match up if you cannot dodge his skillshot. Juke out his Rupture(Q) and Feral Scream(W). Avoid fighting Cho'gath if you are low health as his Feast(R) can execute you. (Recommended Items: Abyssal Mask) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even or Cho'gath if he lands everything) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
Phrxshn says “This can be either a easy or hard-match up if you cannot dodge his skillshot. Juke out his Rupture(Q) and Feral Scream(W). Avoid fighting Cho'gath if you are low health as his Feast(R) can execute you. (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Warwick or Cho'gath if he lands everything) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
PanthrickTV says “Good Matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Play smart and exploit her mistakes.
(3) When he misses his Q and W go for the all in.
(4) Since he buy some items you can' t really kill him. Show the lane and roam.
(5) I recommend Teleport here when you want to roam a lot, but if you want to kill him early take Ignite.”
Sporkintahn says “Fairly easy lane.--- He can't fight you early, avoid his Q's and Kite away from his E procs where he has to Auto you.---Once he reaches 6 he becomes dangerous as his ult is an execute like yours that deals a large amount of flat true damage. So do not get below half hp around him if you aren't actively trying to all in him.--- Should be an easy lane but he does scale very well into the late game and can get very tanky. --- A Cleaver wouldn't be a bad option against him if you're struggling and he's stacking armor.”
Kacto15 says “Esquívale su Q, y cárgale la tuya en su cara, cuando veas que canaliza la animación de su W sueltas tu Q, puedes ir sion Tanque y agruparte con tu equipo, no lo outscaleas porque el escala vida igual pero revientas a su equipo”
Phrxshn says “This can be either a easy or hard-match up if you cannot dodge his skillshot. Juke out his Rupture(Q) and Feral Scream(W). Avoid fighting Cho'gath if you are low health as his Feast(R) can execute you. (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Sett or Cho'gath if he lands everything) (Outscaling Edge: Cho'gath)”
montybucket says “Chogath vs mordekaiser is a free lane. He can't do any damage to you and will never kill you while you can easily out damage and kill him. This can change late game but the game is generally decided by then. My tip is to abuse him in lane hard. And then take a side lane since he can't stop you by himself. ”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] The threat of your W is your best friend in this matchup. You can Q + W into his Q to get a stun on him, but a good Cho will just silence you and poke with his W. If u get into a trade you win usually, just make sure not to get poked early on. Once he has bramble and steelcaps you cant kill him no more.”
SilverAvalanche says “Free lane, free game. Kayn is great against tanks since it is a free scaling lane.
just make sure to walk around a lot as you are attacking him and save your E when you are fighting him since you can use it when he stomps the ground so you can dodge his knock up easily.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Cho'Gath is really not much of a problem. His Q's are easy to predict and dodge and his silence doesn't do too much since you are more auto attack based than ability based. Save your shield for when you start getting near the ult threshold”
MCSwavest says “Cho'gath's whole game plan revolves around voring you at half health, but shields are a decent counter to this. This build has a shit ton of shielding, so if you dodge the Q and expect the W you'll be fine.”
Cho’Gath is a somewhat annoying champion to deal with. The only thing you have to know in this lane is how to dodge his knock up. His knock up ruins your all ins as it slows you after and it allows him to combo you and walk away since you will be silenced. His level 1 cheese might be surprising at times with his e if he has ignite as well. You also have to make sure to HARD win trades because he will be able to sustain back with CS. This is another lane where you have to use great wave control. Cho'Gath can oneshot you with 1 combo if you are low HP and it is post 6 so be careful when trading with im. ALWAYS LAND YOUR Qs. If you aren’t careful, you might keep trading with him and then he would just heal it all back up because of his passive, leaving you in a position where he can take you out before you can react. If he builds AP, his cheesing ability will be stronger as he just completely chunks you out at range when you let him knock you up. But this also means that you kill him with 1 combo so if you just dodge the knock up of an AP Cho'Gath, hes a free kill. If he is building tank, it is just a free lane. But he miiight get to a point where he is too tanky to kill quickly.
Just don’t die in stupid ways, don’t let him knock you up and most importantly, don’t let him farm. Taking ghost makes this lane so much easier as it lets you very easily dodge the knock up. Not to mention how Cho’Gath is very immobile so if he steps out of line, you can just Ghost and run him down. Just be careful when diving him as Cho’gath is great at defending dives. His gank set up is completely dependent on whether he lands his knock up or not. To be honest that is just his entire laning phase. If he can land those, he can go even with you. If he misses them, he is free food. It might be a good idea to ward up some of the brushes or at the very least stop him from going in them because if you have no vision of him, you cannot see him do the Rupture animation which makes dodging very difficult.
After level 3 or so, he should never be able to beat you. He does scale up to be a monster giga lategame in a sense that trying to kill him, is a massive waste of time as it takes too long. Just stack 5 off of him and then murder the enemy team.”
Drake6401 says “Most of the time, you expect to see a Q max and start Cho'Gath. These are standard cases of dodge his poke and all in. Recently since this new season, good Cho'Gath players are starting E first and maxing it and go Grasp instead of Comet. It actually does a WILD amount of damage, hammering you with the first two hits and kiting back with the third if you chase them. This will leave you half HP if not lower. By landing his E-W then Q, it's almost impossible to dodge the full combo of this guy. Never fight him if you're low because his ult is a click move and cannot be evaded. ”
Chease says “His R deals true dmg but its not an execute so you can block it with your W shield (Expirienced cho players will Q/W you before using R), try to walk up to him when his Q is on cd.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp, Corrupting Potion, W > Q] - If possible, don't leash for your jungler... you need lvl1 prio in this lane, you need to gets to the minion and start charging Grasp first! - Start E lvl1, and trade Grasp autos with him - He's annoying but you can try to kill him if he makes a mistake
- He can't really kill you too consistantly but he will if you give him the chance to
- Dodge his knock up, fairly easy to dodge
- Early game, Try to get grasp procs While not taking too much damage yourself
- Once he gets some HP and MR..., you just want to farm and get out of lane phase fast. You won't be able to do anything against him anymore
- If the Cho is bad at farming early on, you can actually win the lane"”
Amvill says “Dodge the Q or dodge the lane. Easy right? As tempting as it is to buy the Merc Treads against the CC Tanks, its not worth so don't do it. Just buy Swiftness boots and try to dodge his abilities. He will out-sustain you in most lanes.”
sock217 says “Skill matchup. He does alot of damage and has some solid cc. You can W away and shield his ult though. You win early trades if his E, Vorpal Spikes, is down.”
Rhoku says “Cho'Gath CAN be problematic but is mostly free food for Mordekaiser. You Liandry Rylai combo works extremely well against him, your ult does wonders as he is just a big ball of stats for you to steal from, and in lane, all he can even do into you is sit in bush, hit his abilities and cheese a kill or two which wont even help. Just dodge the knock up and a pull should equal a kill every time.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Conditioning+Magic Resist+DBlade) Cho'Gath first level's are really weak, but later he'll buy Brable Vest+Steelcaps kile any other tank, and you won't be able to kill him before your items. You are much more stronger in mid game than him.”
PK Noob says “Trading with Cho'Gath in lane is nearly impossible with his silence (W), and knock up (Q). If you walk up he will do his W, Q, then walk away safely. You won't be able to stop him from scaling, but with your lane prio you can roam around the map. ”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror, hard to kill in lane due to his Passive - Carnivore. There is not much to say except to ult him in teamfights, he has a lot of bonus HP so he is the target you wanna throw into the enemy team.
Definetly take Blade of the Ruined King.”
lulw says “Don't let him land his knockup, it does a lot of damage early, and he will run you down if you get hit, Dont worry you have your dashes. Try to dodge his silence with your e. Take short trades. Try to fake all in and bait out his like autos with spikes idek tf they are but they do damage. CHO GOD IF ITS BALORI DODGE”
GarenteedDamage says “Cho'gath isn't too much of a threat early. However, once he gets level 6 he can eat your Maiden (your ult) without even having to do damage to it 1st. Try to save your ult until he eats a minion.”
Avelon6698 says “if he lands his skillshots earlygame he will survive or win, and lategame he scales in hp% scaling with e so he will be very hard to kill, I suggest your jungler helping earlygame to secure your lane and win game.”
Psychopathic Top says “Heard that this matchup isn't very easy in lower elos due to his execute being pretty dangerous in an all in. The trick in this matchup is to just all in the moment you feel like he is in kill range. Do not let him hit you with Q's and W's and chunk you down to an uncomfortable level (risk of getting one shot). Just always all in with full hp and it shouldn't be a problem at all. As long as you are not getting hit by every Q it should not be an issue. Side- stepping rupture would almost guarantee a kill when going all in. Try to kill Cho in lane, because scaling evenly vs Cho is actually not ideal. Nasus needs to be in a winning position (more gold) in this matchup. It isn't hard to do, as long as the Nasus player gets a skill or two.”
Gospodin Bure says “Same case as with Sion, dodge his skillshots, reset your passive on him a couple times and you've got a roast roach. I wouldn't suggest fighting between levels 6 and 13 as he can outplay you by just rightclicking you and pressing R. Post 13 you can kite the hell out of him.”
DippyDan says “Very strong Tank and can kill you if you play poorly. Will rush bramble and steelcaps. TIPS: [1] Get CUTDOWN rune. [2] If he ever uses Q near you, you can Q W to stun. [3] Keep pressuring sidelane to keep him away from team.”
clalobaciel says “Laning is annoying because of his E damage while farming, but fighting him is easy. Parry the knock up, the ult, and he is nothing to you.”
Hecki says “Cho'Gath is a good matchup for Aatrox since he is completely immobile and easy to combo. But don't forget he can become a problem when he gets his tank items slowly so getting Black Cleaver / Serylda's Grudge as 2nd items are viable options. ”
ArshieMeBob says “This man hurts. If he hits his Q prepare for pain. He will rush Steelcaps and make your life miserable. At level 6 he gets a giant excecute and will probably win the all in. Just try to dodge his Q's and farm.”
Rocking Masterock says “Completely invulnerable to your poke, in this matchup you will have to Max E Q and DEFINITELY go for DS, it's a very deadly item to face for Cho Gath, it does very high damage to him and heals you back of big amounts, will make you harder to kill for everyone and also a threat for Cho'Gath.”
DemonicTrail says “He has really good sustain if he can cs well, just keep him off the wave, level 6, just care from his ult damage and execution as you heal more while being low hp”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes] Never trade him pre 6, he just heals from passive. You never really win pre-11 unless he majorly fails, but you can still try to poke him. Rush boots and buy some MR, either Wits or just a 450g cloak. It will help you survive his full combo should you ever get hit by his Q.”
SunOak says “Cho gath has great sustain and early damage dont fight him pre 6 and you should be able to win lane. Go for all ins after level 6. Starter item cpot.”
Sidrome says “There only 2 ways Cho wins this matchup and even still they are really hard to execute:
Start E level 1 and with ignite all in on you( even still u can just outrun on him or even sometimes just outtrade him);
Or kill you very, very, very late game(but Darius has still potential in killing him);”
IkorasBadIdea says “Again can't do much if not in melee range. Be careful of the knock up and you should be fine. Cho'gath can't get the feast stacks from you if your healing on them from R-W. His large amount of health will be problematic late game so, you generally want the max health burn items such as Liandry's Anguish and Demonic Embrace.”
Alan234 says “Go fleet footwork with swiftness boots and cut down. Cho Gath got buffed way too much and now has too much sustain and very low cooldowns. All you can do is to keep poking and maybe you will get a dive/kill on a bad cho (with bad i mean anything under master so yeah). Its important to dodge q when you suspect a gank because it spells immidate doom with flash r. Get Liandrys and Demonic Embrace for the double %hp burn if he is going tank. In general you can't really kill him and he scales really well so sadly riot fucked up and its just hard.”
Mr. Popper says “Cho'Gath is dumb, he heals for too much hp if he last hits minions which is roughly 20-70hp depending on level. early game he can heal 120-200 hp per wave if he gets them all combined with doran shield and second wind makes it almost impossible to poke him out. a healing cut is very useful against him.
i recommend taking stridebreaker into him for a hard kit build since he is immobile.”
MegadabYt says “You will have to trade a lot with Cho'Gath it win lane, but it is a very even matchup, so no matter if you kill him once or twice, he can still comeback (and vice versa)”
Kartagoo says “This lane is a bit Mundo favored cuz your passive makes his trades worse. But respect his Grasp E trade so watch out for that. And his passive gives him a lot of sustain killing minions. Ult early when he gets 6 and u are low so you dont get bursted by his R. Let him push in so hes easy gankable cuz no escape Champ.”
aurus666lol says “If he goes AP, go Phase Rush to get slow resistance, if tank, don't let him scale! His E is annoying and it deals big damage, so I recommend Hexdrinker and PTA, OF COURSE IF HE GOES TANK!”
JaxIsAHobo says “Depending on whether chogath is played tank or AP greatly changes the difficulty of the matchup. AP Chogath is terrifying if you get chunked by his E -> W -> Q combo, as its almost unavoidable. Chogath can also Q from inside bushes, denying you the initial audio/visual que of chogath stomping his foot before his Q rupture. Avoid getting hit by his Q at all costs. Trade into him and deny him CS when his E is down, and try to all in him before he's able to poke you down.
Tank Chogath is a bit easier, and you can build vamp scepter + ruby crystal early, before finishing off the botrk or sunderer to effectively fight chogath if you struggle vs him. Again, avoid getting combo'd whenever possible, and deny chogath CS to deny his healing from his passive. ”
MrShykun says “LANE FACILE ESQUIVEZ LES Q'S MATCHUP FREE APRES LE LEVEL 3.PRENEZ CONQUEROR ET SORCELLERIE. Cho’Gath est un champion un peu ennuyeux à gérer. La seule chose que vous devez savoir dans cette lane est de savoir comment éviter ses Q's. . Son knock up ruine votre all in car il vous ralentit après et il lui permet de vous combo avec le z et de s'éloigner puisque vous serez réduit au silence. Faites attention level 1 si il start E. Lors de la phase de lane vous devrez vous assurez que vous gagner les trades car il va sustain avec son passif sur les sbires. Ne loupez pas vos Q. Si chogath joue ap et que vous esquivez le Q c'est un free kill. Et si il joue tank c'est une free lane. Ne pas oubliez également que chogath est un champion sans mobilité et que donc une fois a son corp a corp vous avez gagner. En late game si il devient trop tanky lors des teamfights, ignorez le juste mettez lui 5 stacks et courez dans son équipe.”
SemPelo says “Before level 6 you win all the trades IF you do not get hit by his Q while he his is close to you. Afterwards is more or less the same,try to block his R with your E if you are getting low.”
Bombabo says “Play carefully against Cho'Gath. Make sure that he does not poke you in lane without repercussions, and avoid using your W until after he uses his knockup.”
Kartagoo says “One of the hardest Tanks to beat. If he goes full Tank: "You are gonna have a bad time." His passive gives him insane Sustain and his trading Potential is insane with Grasp. My tip is either pushing him in and help your other Laners or ask for Ganks and get Spectre's Cowl and Cleaver. When hes 6 and you are below 50% respect his execute damage its much better at Lv 6 than yours because he has an Indicator when it kills you! In late Game you kinda the upper Hand cuz you easily gonna get an 2K Damage ult at Lv 11 on a 6K Cho, so save your ult for him.”
DarkyTheReal says “Really hard to beat a good Cho'Gath, level 1 he wins if he starts E, and after that he has a silence to stop you from trading. You want to do extended trades and all-in on him when he has no Q. Get Executioners's calling.
MikaeraKun says “Easy matchup before he hits level 6. You should be careful after that, as he is as tanky as many of the now broken champions, especially if he rushes Sunfire.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Id say its easy, because you can parry his q really easy or dodge it. He isnt really mobile but might have glacial augment. Its also a good idea to parry his silence, because that is a huge threat later on in the game.”
SettVEVO says “This is what Sett dreams of aside from his Momma, lane might be boring, depends on how passive the player is, boots really help as you need to weave moving between your AAs to dodge his Q, if you managed to get low near him don't fight, he will combo you before you can W, but if you got low enough while in a trade you can W his ult to deny it completely. Taking short trades against him usually doesn't do much if he can CS cause of his passive, try to all in him and deny CS so he can't heal. Whatever happens in laning phase stays in laning phase cause he will now be a nuke to his own team in mid to late game. You need to master your ult to get the most out of Cho.”
Byku2506 says “Skill matchup, you have to play agressive against him, if you will freeze lane, he will poke you with Q and beat you by eating you. So pay attation and dont stop attacking him. I prefer to slow push him 24/7 and you will probably win lane.”
RTO says “Really easy pre 6. Easy to dodge his abilities with your e. You need to establish dominance early because once he gets his core, then you will have hard times. Silence can also be really annoying. Watch the animation for it and you can dodge it. ”
Fryx says “This Monster takes no damage from you if you let him get wave priority. Start the game slow let him have the wave and stay away from his E with Grasp. Maxing W and picking Grasp will give you decent damage against him. Push each wave hardcore and go base to refill your mana. It is a skill matchup. Don't let him chomp you and give him a Grasped up W Hit!”
Smartest2 says “A fairly easy and boring lane. Cho'Gath doesn't have much kill potential on us at any point in the game, and his beefiness lets him just walk out of fights without dying. The win condition of this lane is to maintain high cs, and deny him as much as possible. A 40cs lead would be a good place to be in.”
wff010 says “Your W blocks his ult. The only time his ult should kill you is if he saves his silence/knockup before his ult, which he will do if he's smart. However, as long as you dodge his q in fights, you should win. Plus, he's a cho'gath. Ult him onto the enemy carry and get a one shot whether you won lane or not.”
LoLReal says “No threat to us at all. Spells can be annoying to dodge since we are immobile but we win at all points in the game. Straight forward match up. Trade hard.”
Vispectra says “Same with most bruisers, this guy can out-trade you fairly easily by just silencing you and knocking you up. The CC makes him very difficult to lane against.”
SanLourdes says “Cho'Gath is a tough champion for you to deal with because of how much CC he has. His Q and his W can disrupt your Q, and they are both on relatively low cooldowns. His ultimate will shut you down in extended fights, and he can just use his Q to stop you from chasing him down after you are dead. He also is extremely tanky if he builds tank items. Even if you don't feed him, it will always be hard to kill him later on in the game. Thankfully he isn't played very much.”
CucumberSandwich says “Skill matchup based on if Cho hits his Q. Careful of his ult as he can eat you from half hp is you haven't based for items and he has.”
Viego99 says “easy match up just dodge his q and trade w e aa q aa continue aa and he is dead .cho gath outscale viego. but he need much r stack so your mid game is better early to.”
RainAndBow says “Dodge the Q, win the game. Remember to keep moving. Cho Gath players often forget to move as much as they can, so try and place shrooms offensively (Further explained later).”
RareParrot says “rush boots, dont let him hit Q and kite back, bring cutdown press the attack, 1 hit q usually means you have to flash if hes 6 because %hp damage on his E and perma slow, max W second.”
ForgottenProject says “He's a strong frontline tank late-game so you dont want the game to drag on.
[1]It's better to parry his Silence and Dodge His knock-up but you can parry both.
[2]If you Parry the Knock-up just make sure you Q-E into him before he Silences you.
[3]Never Forget the True Damage Ultimate, if you're low he will deal 30% of your HP as True Damage.
Later in the game that goes up to 50% of your HP.”
Fuu Enju says “Cho'Gath is very easy to burst early game. Try to bait out his abilities before going in. Late game, he will be too tanky. You will need to make sure you have an ADC or someone with a lot of damage and peel for them.”
Savage_XZ says “This is a skill match-up that is decided on landing skills. Cho 'Gath presents a small threat with his execute ulti which prohibits sustained healing in a close fight but is also rather slow.”
SavagePridestalker says “This matchup is pretty easy from the start, but after an item or two he will start doing more damage than you do, he will be tankier than you and most likely more useful than you.”
a1a7s45 says “Poke Cho'Gath out as much as possible. If he gets too fed, rush the funny item (Blade) and you'll really make him regret his choice. Besides, you have max health damage in your W. Get Sunderer to do even more max health damage.
In teamfights, take down his carries and get your team to turn on him. Hell, even zone him from his team. But please be careful of his Q and R. He could press R at anytime when you're low HP.”
oogoogerson says “Cho'Gath is horrible against singed. Your movement speed is too much for him later in the game and he cannot hit a Q on you. You can bully him hard early game as well. Take Teleport because you can kill him without ignite.”
Safolet says “A matchup that I love. Cho'gath has nothing to do with your E mobility, your percentage damage with W, and your slow with Q. The only tool for Cho'gath to do something to you in his R, but then you realize that if you are in MiniGnar, Cho'gath will not be able to approach you, and if you are in MegaGnar, as soon as Cho'gath approaches, you have many ways to move him away or stun him and then exit the fight with the E and have a trade favorable.”
Waros037 says “he is hard in early , like in late game , he has so much defense cleaver is helpfull against him, he don't have dmg but he is strong in long fights”
SethPRG says “His only real threat to you is his W silence and when he can ult you, but you should realistically never be low enough in lane to have Cho'Gath chomp you. Play aggressive against this million year old boy and freeze on him as much as possible. When you all-in him make sure to interrupt one of his E's AA animations with your E. Dodge his Q and you win, and it's even easier when you get level 6 as you can ult out of his Q. Just be careful when you're on low HP and don't save your W forever as he can ult you for a lot of true damage. Take Mercury Treads pretty early on to make your life easier, build Divine Sunderer as your Mythic and Black Cleaver as your 2nd item if he's armor stacking, or go Trinity Force into Abyssal Mask if he is running an AP build. If Cho'Gath ever walks up as the frontline for his team, just Alt+F4 his entire team by ulting him on them. ”
joelspaho121 says “Heavily darius favored because of how immobile and bad cho'gath is earlier on.
d blade start with sorc tree.
cho gath is really easy to deal with because of how immobile he is and because of his incredibly low damage.if he get caught by your e, it most likely means hes dead which means you should be looking to freeze lane right after.dont allow cho'gath to walk up and proc grasp without going unpunished because if you let him do so continually it'll lose you the lane, so never hesitate to fight cho gath if he walks up too far.Try not to keep the lane even as he outscales you at 2 items so always try to be aggressive(similar to the camille matchup).”
El Leon Gnar says “Cho has fallen far out of meta, and even before then he wasn't a threat to Gnar. Play around mid-range v.s. him, abuse him with your W procs, and make sure not to get knocked up out of your E and it's an easy lane.”
doozy99 says “When he stacks his HP up, you can stomp their backline with this guy, pretty easy to deal with in lane. You can also go Flash and Ghost in this matchup.”
Unholy Vanity says “Cho'gath is nothing to be afraid of. Whilst he has a great amount of CC, you should be able to avoid any of his abilities and disengage quickly from any situation.”
UlisesFRN says “Any tank with HP/Armor stacking is going to be a pain. You will deal poor damage to them unless you rush either BOTRK or Sunderer. Try to not die early and hold the lane until you can trade with them. At lvl 6 you gain passive Armor Pen”
DaSticks says “Should be able to dodge his Q. Don't stand behind minions so his E splash hits you. Auto him when he goes for minions. All in is quite easy and cho is actually fairly squishy early game.”
Godidi says “Cho'Gath is one of Teemo's worst matchups... Well, kinda. You see, if you take the movement speed runes and spells and the proper anti tank items, you will see that Cho isn't as scary as he actually may seem (I'm saying not as scary, not saying that he isnt scary). With your high af movement speed, if you can kite Cho'Gath well, using shrooms and movement speed in your favor, you will see that he is just an oversized minion, as his Ult and Q are his main damage sources, so, if he cant hit any of those, he doesnt do damage at all. Take movement speed runes, spells and items.”
Kaizin says “Be unpredictable in your movements so he can't land Q knock up. Take short trades from level 3 with e into q stun auto and w. Be careful of his level 6 all in.”
NPGRiven says “Get push priority so Cho'gath is unable to poke you under his tower with your Q. Level 1 all-in, you will win as long as you aren't in a minion wave. At 6 you can all-in him around 60% hp. If you are below 50% hp yourself, don't try fight him.”
ApollonATH says “Surprisingly easy lane for voli. You can 1v1 him easily for the first 6 levels and if you get a lead you can tower dive him with your jg with no risk. Dont let him outscale you”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: No
Odds are he will be missing his Q because of your W and E but other than that he will be landing everything else. He is also very hard to kill even with just a few ult stacks. A void staff is going to be a must. I played a game against a OTP Cho’Gath and something I noticed about him was that he was missing a lot of Qs when you are on top of him. Maybe that was just him or maybe it is something that a lot of Cho’Gath players do.”
deathwalker7119 says “One of your easiest tank matchups, simply parry his Q and poke with vitals whenever he walks up. Take Doran's shield into him usually so you don't get low enough to R. You should try and develop a lead before bramble vest, as once he has it unless you have a lead he might proceed to absolutely shit on you for rest of lane.”
Humitaxx says “The only things you must be careful of is getting abused by his knockup, since you are the most vurnerable at that time, going tank can help you reduce the chance of getting ulted, but you need to snowball fast and avoid getting tons of damage, even if you think you can use it to your advantage.”
WarwicksSimp says “Good ban. True damage as well, and with a knock up, silence, slow, plus good damage, it's cc city while he eats you alive. This matchup is pretty much unplayable unless you go grasp AND dodge his q. If you get by one q you die vs AP chogath mid lane, as they take hob and one knockup is three e autos and youve taken the worst trade possible. It's likely he'll have ignite too. Dying to this champion is insanely easy.
Top lane is bareable and more of a major if hes a tank build. IF ITS A BAD CHOGATH EASY MATCHUP stomp him early. Dont be afraid to proc flash or ghost in reaction to his q. He also just outscales you lol”
JeanMichelBambi says “His main form of damage comes from his easy to dodge knockup and auto attacks, his clear is also significantly slower than yours, he should be easy to deal with”
Nekosett says “Just like many tanks him playing this character just means more damage in teamfights when you ult a high hp immobile tank in the heart of there team dealing sometimes 1+ dmg its insane how one ult with a fed cho gath could mean a the team fight is won no matter how behind you may be ”
Jurgmund says “weirdest tank to go up against cuz if you fuck anything up ur gonna get hard punished cuz this champs damage is actually insane post 6
also he likes to eat the maiden, be careful”
Excuruseh says “Watch out for execute, although you can burn it with clone. You have multiple gap closing abilities for him to miss his knockup, and you can easily kill him with Divine Sunderer and Q. I recommend building the Black Cleaver in this case if it is tank Cho.”
gps1mx says “Hard lanning phase, try not to get poked by his E and Q, and post 6 never fight him if he has ult, unless you are really ahead, in this matchup there is almost nothing to do when behind.”
TwoKingzz says “Lethal tempo - max w - get tier 1 boots and blade of the ruined king asap. Play smart and look to dodge his Q and you can get free kills if he overextends. Splitpush him to death and track enemy jg.”
Womsky says “Scaling/mixed set up, El cocaracho, he is a fat champion, has no dashes, you can get fury and spin on him lvl 1 and beat him up especially if he doesnt start Q, later on just dodge his Q and you good, in mid game all u need is to watch out for his ulti, and use ur ulti sooner than usual, cause he can suprise u with his burst sometimes, outside of that, a fun matchup”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “This guy has a huge model so hitting your skills on him is super easy. He is also super squishy early on so you can start Q and look to build your passive and fight him early. You can also avoid all of his abilities with your Q granted you have minions around you. The only way you really lose is if you get hit by everything and he has minion advantages. Its also risky after 6 if you misstep as he can easily chase you down due to your low base movement speed and kill you. Fight with full passive and land your R and E, use minions to avoid his skill shots and you will win. Be careful of the jungler, it's the only way you really lose this lane.
tibs2 says “Don't trade autos unless you have shield and just kite him with q. Look to set up ganks because cho'gath cannot escape them. As long as you don't walk into his q's you are just hard chillin.”
SadmanV3 says “Cho'Gath whilst potentially deadly in the early game, can be slowly outscaled by Nasus over time, furthermore, baiting out Cho'Gaths Silence and stun makes him vulnerable.
Tips for laning Cho'Gath
1. Avoid his Stun
2. Avoid getting poked by his projectiles from his E
3. Avoid getting silenced and ganked.”
Ratakor says “go MR, pay attention to his ult, he regen at the last hit with passive, his silence is more important than your Q, his emp AA hits in max HP”
svjade says “He can scale to a tremendous amounts of health which will make it impossible to kill him unless Akali has high damage. It is very important to not let him get fed early game.”
XD001 says “You will nearly never die in this matchup until lv 8-9 or so when he gets item, so just focus on getting good CS. Even when he gets item its really hard to die to him. Cho'Gath has good gank set ups so make sure to ward river and track enemy jg. Use E to dodge his knockup. If he's building tank don't bother fighting him, you will deal no damage. If he built AP watch out for the Everfrost root or you will be CC chained into knockup + silence + R. 90% of the time its just a farm lane as Ekko and Cho'Gath don't have the tools to kill eachother. Grievous wounds is nice, but not necessary vs him. Mid-Late game look to match him in a side lane and TP to fights. In team fights, try to avoid/go around him and 1 shot the back line. Cho'Gath outscales Ekko.
Electrocute + sorcery + tp, If enemy team has 2 more tanks/bruisers take Conqueror + domination”
Noodles912 says “A good cho gath with spam Q at you. Stay away from minions to avoid W and E damage. Keep yourself healthy at all times, because his ult will destroy you if you are low. Recall if you need to . If he is low on mana, look to get him out of the lane to get some free guaranteed farm. If he goes AP chogath, mercs can help. ”
Cayteer says “Try to not get in a fight him since he wins, he cant abuse you that much if he misses his Q. Wait 6 and pull-combo him. When you are about to use ult , try to not misclick him in teamfights since he's so big.”
Buszman says “The only problem in this matchup is the initial sustain. by his passive skill. If you go into every his Q then you deserve to lose this matchup :))”
Cho'Gath is the best champ to face when you play Fiora. His CC are really easy to parry and your passive detroys him. You can poke him for free, and when he's not to close of his turret parry one of his CC, ult, and get a kill ! You destroy him early, and it's worse in the late game: the biggest tank of the game is getting destroyed by your R.
abuses the character's weaknesses.”
PoppingMoth says “Cho'Gath please stop healing and out scaling me by existing and getting a ruby crystal for eating my friend and me oh no please help”
OverlordOfTheLane says “too much slow hp damage and silence try to beat him early if ucant just wait for late game also i found something good if hes tank go crit with lord doms you can shred him ”
SPJohnWD says “Cho in a duel loses nearly always as you can dodge his Q's with E1 and his silence does not last long enough to one shot you.
In this matchup sylas out scales cho as he can use his ult to scale his HP and become a menace to enemies team.”
teemodumbstupid says “He isn't much of a threat to you when you get Divine Sunderer, but he can be to your team. In teamfights W him so he can't reach your team. You will always win the 1v1 with Sunderer and Conqueror. Try to dodge his Q in laning phase.”
Urgodzilla says “His sustain makes it hard to kill him. If he goes Grasp, it becomes a little bit easier, if he goes Glacial Augment, it will be painful. Do your best to dodge his Qs and be careful about his lvl6 burst.”
ZeruelOP says “Literally hard to kill from the Silence of his W to his Q knockup you cant really win unless you ask for a gank
its best to try kill him as early as lvl 1 go for the E 1st then try bullying him early when he goes for that juicy CS”
jmp_01_ says “Can be annoying at some point, if you don't get hit by his Q - Rupture, you pretty much win any trade. Care after level 6 - he can just silence you and eat you while you have your full-charged W - Haymaker. Also if he got some bonus HP - simply ult him into the enemy team for big damage.”
negoZoma69 says “Just another farm lane where you have a small window to kill lvs1-6. After he gets his items you will mainly be dodging his abilities and trying to outperform him in teamfights.”
Draconic56 says “Cho Gath is not a problem for Mordekaiser he doesn't really stand a chance you beat him in all-ins pre 6. After level 6 your ult does wonders as he is just a big ball of stats for you to steal from”
Kokob5 says “So long as you avoid his knock ups you'll win by the time you're level 6. If you are low don't greed because he'll just run you down and chomp you.”
KingFershid says “I feel like this is an easy matchup for Graves, try to dodge his Rupture and kite him, don't engage him after 6 if you think that he has R.”
Spacix6 says “You will most likely kill him under lvl 6, then he will probably build morello for anti-healing and start killing you with his ult
Avoid trading against Cho since he has sustain and have a lot CC after lvl 6”
Dorom says “Now Cho'Gath is pretty strong right now and Gangplank can't fight him that much, but early game level 2-3 you should win. Look out for his Q as it enables him a knock-up + silence and 3 slows in a row, leading to you being fairly easy to chomp down level 6 or easy to get ganked.”
SanLourdes says “Cho'gath is hard to deal with, especially after level 6. His ultimate being able to execute many champions on low health is going to be very tough for you, as most of your damage done and time spent dueling is when your health is below 30%. He also is a very tanky champion and his CC will constantly interrupt your initiations. Build Divine Sunderer and Black Cleaver. ”
SpartanDumpster says “He has more ranged abilities that you can potentially ignore with your W, and you can wear down tanks fairly well. The main problem is that his ult is a close ranged execute, and Gwen doesn't have much HP, so you need to get ahead of him early, before he hits level 6, to prevent it from being a threat. His E gives him stronger trading, so look to bait him to activate it then punish him while it's on CD.”
pioj12 says “Here's an easy matchup bc of all your slows and kite you can dodge a lot of chogaths kit.
In early try to dodge his skills and bully him.
The only threat is at lvl 6 when cho gets a power spike bc of his R.
You can try to all in him as mega but I don't think you can oneshot him.
LaZyM says “Cho'Gath is difficult to make plays upon because of his silencing abilities so getting picks on him will only be possible with a jungler's assistance. U can still win lane however if u are able to CS better. Take teleport.”
goblinKappa says “Just like Nasus, Cho'Gath is a farming champ, so when laning against one, you run the chance of playing against a passive (for the most part) Cho'Gath, use this to your advantage, but if the Cho isnt passive, just try your best to dodge his abilities and focus on your farming”
The_Real_Wickd says “Cho'Gath is a champion you can beat. I would recommend to keep the wave exactly in the middle or to let him push slightly towards you. It's important that you don't push. If you push the wave under his tower he will have a super easy time staying alive, and healing with his passive every time he kills a minion. It's also super important that you're able to dodge his Q's in lane. The easiest way it to predict when he's going to use it to last hit minions and side step it at that time. That way he losses mana, and you have an easy time dodging.”
raede says “Cho'Gath can definitely be an issue if he gets to free farm or even gets fed but it's fairly easy to annihilate him in lane. A combo I use on him during tower dives is E Q W then Ring as soon as the knockup comes. This way you avoid the knockup and he can't W silence you since he's still stunned.”
jpaul2077 says “Rush boots early to dodge his Q more easily. You can also use your E to dodge it as well if you are slowed. Be wary of his burst when he hits level 6 as his ultimate does true damage. It may get difficult to duel Chogath late game if he has too many R stacks.”
KingNklaus says “He is got really good damage for a tank but he is a HP tank so he is countered by nature of how Mordekaiser works and his items should be easy ”
TrueAlimain says “Hes getting big over time and is annoying in general but you can literally fight any champ you want, as long as your will is strong enough. You counter nearly any champ!
Lunarisen says “Cho'gath is your equal when build tank, he'll try to farm and outscale as the enemy team's tank; but as he relies on his ult while you just need to farm minions, you'll come out on top as long as he doesn't get too many kills early.”
Reformed Ravi says “he can chomp your maiden so be careful and dont fuck with him level one if he starts e. Take conq and rush cleaver into him and you should be ok despite the hard matchup”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Ok, he's annoying. If he builds tank, it will be not easy to kill, but he must know how to play the matchup against you... if he misses his Q, just go for it...”
Alekra says “Can go either way but if you time your trades correctly, it is Garen favoured i would say. Use your Q movementspeed to dodge his Q and avoid trading with him when he has his E up. Without his ult he doesn't really have killpressure and he has no mobility so you can stack your E for free.”
Erenando says “You both simply just farm. He will often try to deny your stacks, but he won't be able to fight you without his jungler. So just be sure to have lots of vision control”
czrmtz24 says “Do not fight Cho'Gath. He is too tanky late game and he can kill you early with his E slow. Take your free farm and use your gold to help your team.”
lulw says “Pretty easy. He can also be used as a bomb in teamfights. Only thing you should be scared about him is his R and silence. If your below half hp do NOT get knock up. You will get 1 tapped since you can't haymaker during silence. Once you get bork playing against him gets way easier. His hp scaling only helps you do more damage. Try to get a good R with him in teamfights. ”
ToinoEscaca says “Not so much of a threat, early game he can't do that much damage to kill you and if you can zone him early he does nothing in the team fights. Just be careful for his Ultimate.”
GrGamingTeo says “If you run full speed at Cho'Gath he will use his Q on top if him so just run either to you left or to your right and you are goo. Now a Cho'Gath after lv6, a coule of R stacks and maybe oen or two items is unkillable, he will always run away with 10 hp and it's the most annoying thing ever. Honestly just don't try to fight him at that point he is not worth your time.”
Olaf Only says “Difficult to kill but isn't a threat.
Try to freeze and deny him all the CS that you can. You win 2v2's with your jungler and Cho'Gath is easy to kite in teamfights.”
LunaticDancer says “Skill match up. You need MR. The main things to be wary of is that him killing your ghouls gives him health and mana, so don't waste them uselessly, and he can eat your Maiden with his R, which is an asshole move. But you do beat him in an even 1v1, so just don't get outpaced in the first 5 levels and you'll stomp the lane.”
tasie456s says “He has very good sustain with his passive, and good poke. be careful of the silence, can stuff you over in a trade. His silence into r is deadly vs you. ”
SpyDaFX says “very annoying, go doran's shield, ask for ganks, get a lead before level 6 or you will probably lose the lane (his ult counters you). try to roam. you CAN win the lane before 6 if he decides to go ap, then it's very easy if you dodge his stuff (Q/W/E), if he goes ap and u run press the attack it's a free lane. but you cant predict what runes he goes so still, go Conqueror.”
Ravenborne says “Depends on his build. If he goes AP, there is a chance he will just poke you down from afar with Q and then go for the final all-in, so be sure to try and dodge his Q. If he goes Tank, this matchup is very easy because he lacks the Damage to kill you early on and all you have to do is play around his cooldowns and his Q knockup - if you manage to to dodge his Q you will most likely get a free trade or even a kill.”
Rank_1_Idiot says “You won't beat him in lane, as he will outsustain you and scale, and he can all-in you rather easily with his large amounts of cc. However, Cho'gath is easily gankable, so get your jungler ahead.”
mobsterplatypus says “Build magic resist and try to prevent him from stacking. He has poor mobility similar to mordekaiser with high killing power, especially if he goes AP. If he's tank, rush riftmaker ASAP and if he's AP build spectres cowl quick and merc treads quick (also helps with silence). Try to cheese his ultimate with your W.”
Kil4fun says “I don't understand why people say he's good into Kayle. Use your movement speed to dodge his knockup. If he can't get to you you can poke him for days. He will out sustain you but you can still chunk him out with auto attacks. Don't fight him level 1 as you will lose.”
Bear24 says “Start q and run him down lvl 1, remember to dodge his q. At lvl 2 take w and flash q, w ignite. When tower diving him you can dodge his q with your ult ”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Q is easy to dodge and his W doesn't stop your Q toggle. Meme champ into Singed, just don't get R'd whilst trolling under tower.”
Devilofthewest says “Chogath is really difficult to deal with, They have a ton of built in sustain and a really great knock up poke skill that can ruin your farming experience. They will either build full tank or go Damage, either way really sucks because it will be really hard to kill him if they are tank and really annoying getting poked by damage cho. The way i deal with chogath is i take ELECTROCUTE and burst him everytime electrocute is up, you will have to beat him early game or he will out scale you and you'll lose lane. (DONT LET HIM EAT YOU also bring IGNITE xD)”
kingchas2 says “Just dodge his Q by using your W. A well-timed ult can block his R and you can just chop him down. Once you have Bork you can just kill him. If he build AP then you can kill him as soon as you are 6.”
ModelitoTime says “Be on the lookout for his Q's and dodge them frequently, if you see one is going to hit you and you are in range to E him do not hesitate to go on ahead and do it, you will buffer it and land the E on him. Black cleaver is a great rush in this matchup”
xxskipskipxx says “You can go for a lvl 1 trade with fast Q combo but keep in mind not to get hit by his Q
Dodge his Q!
Dont go close to the wave when he is farming with his E active!
ineptpineapple says “Pretty tricky with that ult he can eat you before you really feel like you need to back off. And he can do that weird long rage knockup to interupt you and then eat you. STAY AWAY and you should be ok. If you feel he is going to ult you ult him first and get away or kill him.”
Heckin says “This is a very tricky champ to put into a single bracket in. Early game it feels that you are winning, but after lvl 6 you just start loosing, but that's okay. SO JUST POKE SO THAT HE CANT HEAL OFF OF HIS PASSIVE.”
Hyzerik says “Nothing to worry about, dodge his knock up and punch to death. He doesn't have a good get away and if he silences you, keep punching. Bring tenacity instead of bloodline.”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “Extremely abuseable pre-6. Rush your mythic item as you want damage and to HP stack to reduce dying to his ult. Always pay attention to how many stacks he has and how much true damage his ultimate does.”
Raideru says “Matchup is very simple in early game, The way you fight him is you either wait for him to waste q to engage him or you straight up jump on him in and try to dodge the q in the trade. The matchup goes in his favor later in the game more even he is with you the harder it is. You have to put him behind in early game otherwise you lose later on. I advise Conqueror in this lane with Dblade.”
LeSocair says “Abuse him or he'll abuse you, be quick to do this since his 6 is very strong.
Don't get knocked up, obviously. Your worst fear here is him building Hydra, it's actually so damn c*ncer.”
sauronkaiser says “Not usually a big threat. He can use his Q to prevent your engage and heals a lot with your ghouls but still not the big thing like most tanks. Care his ultimate, of course.”
TioKirb says “Ok, Cho'Gath may be kind of hard to deal with at level 1 if he has his E, but you can be aggressive enough to hit him and avoid his other abilities at level 2 onwards. If you do everything right, he has no way of getting close to you without receiving massive quantities of damage.”
RedNBlue says “Easy fight until the Cho'Gath decided to build Full AP and max his Q first to be pokey and annoying beyond the point of wanting to murder him.”
AmericanNut says “Cho' Gath's can be good or bad, be careful when trading low level, and at higher levels don't let him reduce your health below his threshold.”
PinjaPJ says “Proxy vs this guy if you can, depends on the jungler. He's literally all skillshots but will doo-doo on you if he gets a good Q. If he gets ahead get rylai's as that will instantly make you have more impact during teamfights.”
EU_Toxicity says “Tank cho'gath is a minor threat. AP cho'gath is a bit harder to face early on. Rush Cleaver vs tank Cho, Magic resist vs AP.
Regardless of his build, try to look for an opportunity to all-in (for example right after he misses his Q). Do not waste your time poking/short trading as his passive will just heal him back up again and he'll win the sustain battle.”
bocchicken says “he out sustains you with his passive and out pushes you with his E, but he cannot kill you. Let him push you in and use your Q+W+R to set up easy ganks for your jungler.”
iZeal says “Cho'Gath's early game is pretty much entirely focussed around his sustain. Slowpush so he loses a lot of minions and is forced to farm from afar with his mana-intensive abilities or freeze the wave on your side of the map to deny Cho the ability to trade with you, then run him down. Don't get hit by his Qs. If he goes the Glacial Augment route he is extremely squishy but can deny you the ability to teamfight properly with his spammable slows.
DBlade or Dshield, Swifties are helpful vs Glacial Cho, otherwise proceed with Phage.”
DarkNavarre says “Cho doesn't really present much of a threat as long as you aren't failing to dodge his knockup, as without it, he has no reliable way to get on top of you and you can kite him easily.”
NoxianBlood says “Cho Gath can be a Tank melter with his spikes, but he has little to defend himself, so kiting him and few stuns and slows, even though he has a lot of hp he won't be fast enough to burst you down, so in team fight just stun him allot of times, and he will drop, just try to protect your squishies he will certainly munch them if they get too close. putting your team in a rough spot by eliminating one of your teammates and it might be the ADC and will already take off your entire damage output. ”
byThiagus says “Freezeale la wave.. Sali con la segunda pagina de runas y espada de doran, DESTRUILO, chogath es un champ con mucho sustain pero no puede hacer NADA en all in contra vos. solamente no le pushees como un descerebrado y forzale trades largos SIEMPRE, te hace outsustain.”
Stijnzxz says “Chogath aint the biggest problem early.. however he can stack some HP and if he goes AP and he hits all hes abilities ur kinda fuckt so keep hes cd early in mind and if u play it cool u can 1v1 him be aware of hes JG.”
Leukasdf says “Literally doesn't harm you. You beat him early and you can burst him down with Serylda's Grudge. Use your q's for poking as you would do for every matchup and you'll win against him easily.”
AWierdShoe says “Contest the push level 1 with Q and try to hit level 2 before him. if you do, just taunt him and hard trade level 2, preferably with the 6-Emp auto trade if you can position the blade correctly before you hit level 2. Avoid getting into long trades where he gets to E-auto you 3 times (if you’re equal levels), and don’t get hit by Q’s and you should win this lane every time early on. Punish your lead hard, don’t let him free farm once you got one.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Dodge his Q with your E. Do not stay behind minions otherwise he will use his E and hit you and your minions at the same time. The spikes from his E and block-able with your W. You win extended trades so aim for that. Let him push->freeze->he walks up->chase him down”
viktoreeu says “Walking meat.
Build a bit of fury and kill him.
If you are not behind then having Kraken = you win any trade or fight against him.
Dodge his Q means a free kill.
Press your damn R
Lethal tempo”
NickCola Tesla says “Strictly a farm lane. Neither of you can really kill the other without Jungle interference. You'll both just be looking to stack HP, but he's more useful late game because of his True Damage nuke! Once he completes his build and gets the Gargoyle Stoneplate, he'll be able to one shot your backline with his ult.
If he goes the AP route, he'll be poking you down, but an Adaptive Helm will do the trick against his Vorpal Spikes. Just make sure you dodge his Rupture, and don't get cheesed early on. If your backline can dodge his skillshots against the AP build, his ultimate won't be scaling nearly as much!”
StrikeX114 says “With point-and-click CC anywhere near him in his Q, it is extremely difficult to play anywhere remotely safe to him. Add to that his low health execution ability in his ultimate, and any damage you take stacks the odds greater in your opponent's favor. Do not hesitate to utilize your summoner spells if you deem it necessary to do so.”
Saarlichenbog says “Cho'Gath is barely a threat in lane with his poor base armour. Take advantage of him missing his Q for an early lead. He has relatively poor CC, poor base stats but good scaling. Outside of his poor sustain through his passive, there isn't really a way for him to win outside of ganks. Kraken Slayer is a must in this matchup for the late game as his natural scaling overtakes past 6 stacks of his ultimate which is why you have to play the lane to stall it as long as possible and get your items as fast as possible.”
Captain Dantems says “Ele não tem tanto dano antes do 6, então tente acabar com o jogo dele ai. Grasp ou conqueror. Poção corrupta, anel de Doran, cristal de safira com 3 poções de vida ou com refil.”
LOLArfopi says “Even though you do good in lane, he will 99.9% of the time camp your bot lane for easy Feast Stacks (his R). He spirals out of control once he gets tanky enough to sustain himself in fights. Constantly pressured in lane with his Q. If you do go against him, there are 2 things you can do. One, you have to play your lane perfectly. You dodge all of his Qs. You last hit every single minion. And you play around his cooldowns (meaning when he wastes Q, you have a 7 second window to get on him, E, deal dmg, then jump out. OR, 2nd, is to dodge. Honestly not worth it. Because your teammates will just feed him themselves while you're split pushing. So just ban.”
ItsPaulygon says “Pretty easy match up for you, even if he knocks you up, you can just jump onto him and trade back. There's no way you can lose lane against Cho'Gath. Just be weary of ganks.”
TheMightyNinja says “Q: Spawns a circle on the ground that after 0.5 seconds knocks up any enemies caught in it and slows them by 60% for an additional 1.5 seconds, you can dodge that easily, just make sure you don't stand in the minion wave as they may block your retreat.
W: Cho screams in a cone, any enemies caught in it are silenced. Be aware of that when you engage as he may delay your abilities.
R: You should always be aware of your health bar since his ultimate deals true damage and can execute you. If he tries to use ultimate on one of your allies don't rush with your ultimate to save them, true damage will bypass any shields resulting in you wasting your ultimate.
The matchup itself is pretty easy, you can set him behind right from the start by either a level 1 cheese or a level 1 push contest, get level 2 before him and try an extended trade.”
Klappy says “- Tradeos de Q+Pasiva en early
- Usa la M/S de tu pasiva y habilidades para esquivar sus Qs, si logras darte una Q es casi 100% seguro que te hara una rotacion perfecta de combos
- Al 6 puedes matarlo de all in si gasta su Q o W, o si tiene un 60% de vida”
llametekudasai says “dodgea sus Q listo ese es todo lo que tienes que hacer, el problema es que su ulti es mas rápida que la de darius, asique si tienes pensado hacer un diveo con menos de la mitad de vida, te recomendaría no hacerlo, ya que el puede que te muerda mientras casteas la ulti.”
aiSky says “Champions able to execute Kled in its dismounted form can be hard to play against.
However is not the end of the world. You can still destroy them, and as far as you keep mounted, and they wont be able to kill you with their ultimate.”
MrGasYourGirl says “Can be pretty bad in lane and with proxy. Look to cheese him early and all in level 2 with Ignite. Once he has 6 he will likely kill you if you fail to dodge his Q. ”
wolfclaw3812 says “Don't walk into his Q. If it shows up under you, drop whatever you're doing and GET OUT OF IT. Congrats, you've won lane. On-hit for this one. ”
Nicklstherealone says “You wont really lose your Lane but it will be hard to kill him. If you Grab him which is easy you can just run around him and meanwhile dodge his Q and if your W is active it wont get Silenced. Just Remember his Ult is Exexute so your E-Shield wont save you. ”
BluSpy says “Build Divine Sunderer if he is full tank with a bruiser in the team. If he's ap or the only tank in the team go Goredrinker and just outsustain him with it.”
Lenter says “Try to take first blood on him so he does not get that lead. Later try to outscale him. If Cho is builing tank then build Sunderer. Mind that he can eat you if your low so use W as much as possible.”
daito Okami says “D blade conq with cut down dom.
Don't let him free farm and use your movment speed/e to dodge his abilities respect his ult dmg and try to kite him.”
Frostyfps says “This guy has a huge model so hitting your skills on him is super easy. He is also super squishy early on so you can start Q and look to build your passive and fight him early. You can also avoid all of his abilities with your Q granted you have minions around you. The only way you really lose is if you get hit by everything and he has minion advantages. Its also risky after 6 if you misstep as he can easily chase you down due to your low base movement speed and kill you. Fight with full passive and land your R and E, use minions to avoid his skill shots and you will win. Be careful of the jungler, it's the only way you really lose this lane.”
Time1Save says “It is sustained on the line, which complicates the constant poke, and after getting 6 LVL, it all depends on your microcontrol . But as long as you play with an advantage, you have to give your team an advantage as well .”
elphias says “You can realistically only beat him at the first 3/4 levels if he doesn't hit his abilities, other than that he outsustains you and out damages you.”
Delvoid says “Do not let him poke you. Wait for him to use Q before using your W and try to poke him with AA's as much as possible tos top his passive”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Although Cho'Gath may seem extremely weak to you early, if he is building AP he can do a decent amount of damage with Q early and is quite a threat late game, so just try to fight him often early and mid game to prevent him from having a chance to grab cs and regain health and mana. ”
TangoVallhala says “Ez matchup watch out for his Q and poke him as much as possible. You can still lose this matchup so don't all in him if he has all CDs up, he has better sustain, can cc you, and execute you.”
Luceris says “Standard Grasp Runes
Build Trinity or Divine Sunderer as Mythic. Would recommend early boots to help dodge his Q. Keep bushes warded and dodge Cho'Gath Q and the lane is super free. He has no kill pressure on you if he misses Q and even if he does you can root him and then turn the trade on him in the early game. Farm stacks as well as the enemy lets you and look to build a BLACK CLEAVER fairly early on. Trinity helps dodge Q's and Divine Sunderer is great vs Tanky Cho'Gath. Overall easy lane as long as you play around his Q and poke him early.”
ArmandChad69 says “His immobile nature makes him yet another easy target for your bullying. However his CC chain is incredibly strong, be sure to dodge his Q properly”
EternalBadPlayer says “Cho´Gath this season is OP. I find it hard as hell to play versus Cho´Gath because of the items he builds and how much he does dmg. If you dont feed him early you have a chance to destroy him late game but if you give him 3 kills and 2 stacks or R, you just need to relly on ADC with Kraken slayer. His kit is so annoying, dmg, knockup, slow, silence and to top it off R similiar to Darius except he doesnt need stacks of his passive. He can just Flash + R and eat ADC. And his passive is op too. The sustain he gets is crazy.”
LoL destroyer says “All you have to do to beat Cho'Gath is get to him, you shred his armor and your ult will demolish him, if you hit your combos right you can easily take him. Be careful of his silence if you are low health, he can airborne, silence and then chomp.”
YoungTact says “Take Conqueror here. Apply Lane harass combo and dodge his Q to the best of your ability. Apply 1 Lane Harass Combo once you are level 3 and then once its just about to tick out go for an extended trade. ”
qasddsa says “Dodge his Q and be careful about his silence if you're in melee range. Max Q and E - late game the execute on E will be incredibly useful in killing him. Try to time your ult to when you think he will ult you if you're low. Definitely rush a Blade of the Ruined King.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Cho'Gath is very good at pushing waves, but luckily so are you.
Your most important task in this matchup is to keep him busy in lane so he can't gank other laner.”
PH45 says “Sustains mana as well so you will run out of mana faster in this matchup. He has no escapes though outside his summoners so when your jungler comes just CC him and you should be good to go.”
PH45 says “He will sustain a lot due to his passive but shouldn't really ever kill you unless you misplay hard. Poke him with Q and when his Q is on CD you can try to all in him since that is his only disengage. Cho is really vulnerable to ganks so ask your jungler to come for free kills if he keeps extending a lot.”
Cho'Gath is an inmobile tank with a lot of CC that can deal with Nasus pretty well specially since he has a true damage scaling ultimate. In laning phase you should try to predict where he's going to Q whenever he smashes the floor with his "foot" and then look to dodge it, if you wait for the circle to appear, its going to become more difficult since Nasus doesn't have a dash and is also inmobile. Cho'gath either go for a full AP Build or a Tank Build. If he goes Full AP just be carefull of his poke, he can deal a lot of damage to you that if your not playing properly, you won't be able to outsustain him, the downsite for him is that he is not tanky at all, so whenever you get some items and some MR you will be able to run him down as long as you start the fight with your ult. If he goes Full tank is the complete oposite, he won't have enough poke to get you out of lane, but he will be able to fight you in the midgame and if player properly, kill you. Once you are both full build, in a late game teamfight look to peel your team, usually Cho'gath will go for your ADC or a Squishy target in your team.”
SkellyBirb says “Cho'gath has quite a bit of damage for a tank. If he knocks you up he can easily burn your flash or ultimate. He also has a silence which can block your charm and ultimate which are very important to AD Ahri.”
SubHuman Filth says “Get scaling runes and build. You will never really poke down cho gath enough unless he sucks. His passive simply heals too much.
Focus on farm and poke when he misses Q.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Cho'gath has high sustain and a 7 second crowd control knockup in a circle aoe. His knockup is fairly easy to dodge if you are looking for his cast animation on it, and Cho'gath is immobile (no dashes or bursts of movement speed) so if you can dodge his Q you can get really solid trades on him. Early game look to build up fury without taking too much damage from his E (his empowered auto attacks) then look to trade. Force an extended trade, by starting off trades with an auto attack when he goes for a minion that way you can save your spin to dodge his Q or to stick on top of him when he walks away (position your spin in between Cho'gath and his escape path which will usually be his turret) In the mid-late game, Cho'gath will be extremely difficult to dive, but you can beat him if he is far up in lane with an effective all in OR you can shove Cho'gath in and outrotate him with your superior mobility. Cho'gath's ult is EXTREMELY high burst so make sure if you fall into his ultimate execution range that you press R a little bit early.”
sionsionsionsion says “just farm you scale as well as him and you can maybe kill him every now and then this matchup is more about who has better macro”
I Am Goliath says “Cho'gath is very strong right now just because the way his ult works, he will probably out scale you in teamfights but lane should be in your favor, he HP stacks hard especailly with his ult giving base HP each time he eats something so your W is always going to do a lot of damage to him, not only that but he will be eating minions most likely to get his 6 stacks in lane so he basically doesn't have ult for awhile. You can pressure Cho'Gath a lot in lane but I think he is easier and tankier then Gnar out of lane.”
Nabura says “Shouldn't be too much of a problem unless he takes Glacial Augment, which then he becomes a Major/Extreme threat. Remember that his Q is a fairly low cooldown so you will have to dodge it a lot.”
STIERNACKENTYP says “Cho can be a problem when he gets ahead since u wont deal damage to him when he got armor and his ult is busted. Try to farm as much as possible and dont trade him since his passive heals him too much.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Cho'gath has high sustain and a 7 second crowd control knockup in a circle aoe. His knockup is fairly easy to dodge if you are looking for his cast animation on it, and Cho'gath is immobile (no dashes or bursts of movement speed) so if you can dodge his Q you can get really solid trades on him. Early game look to build up fury without taking too much damage from his E (his empowered auto attacks) then look to trade. Force an extended trade, by starting off trades with an auto attack when he goes for a minion that way you can save your spin to dodge his Q or to stick on top of him when he walks away (position your spin in between Cho'gath and his escape path which will usually be his turret) In the mid-late game, Cho'gath will be extremely difficult to dive, but you can beat him if he is far up in lane with an effective all in OR you can shove Cho'gath in and outrotate him with your superior mobility. Cho'gath's ult is EXTREMELY high burst so make sure if you fall into his ultimate execution range that you press R a little bit early.”
orangepenguinhead says “If it's tank Cho'gath, its no a big problem just farm for the first few levels since he can out range you. However, if it is the glacial augment Cho'gath, you need to play extremely safe because he can chase you down if you get CC'ed. ”
ZergDood says “You might want to take Conqueror in this matchup. He scales really hard, but he doesn't have mobility, and if he misses his stun, it's fairly over. Rush Executioner's Calling/Bramble Vest, build health/MR, don't let him farm, try to push and roam and get the match over as soon as possible. Get this thing far away from your carry, don't be afraid to R him.”
qazx1427 says “If they're good, they won't let you get within 100 feet of them until their HP bar is the size of a small building. If they suck, you can just bully them by freezing wave and abusing Liandry's.”
Ayanleh says “Easy matchup at all stages of the game. You have so much health later on in the game so his true damage will take little of your health early is easy and conqueror + passive just makes it easier.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Skill matchup, he deals quite alot of damage earlygame and he can CC you before you can W and burst you down.
However, you have 2 spells that scale off max hp and if you can stick on him he melts like butter.
You can dodge his Q knockup with your R or the Q in its entirety, he will use it when you get on him most often.
Take MR”
Spection says “VERY RARE. Thank god this guy's almost never a support. He's a CC powerhouse who does best when you're in his face. He will silence and knock you up to kingdom come and you can't really stop him. Do not pick Pantheon onto Cho'gath unless you want to feed.”
Twist21 says “Maybe one of the easiest matchups , standard build and runes , just dont be a dummy and don't get him by his q , you will win easily if he can't cc you.”
Chogath is an inmobile tank, he has a lot of damage with ult and his abilities are annoying to deal with as Nasus. Chogath has 2 ways of building, the full tank or the AP way, If he goes full tank, he will eventually build bramble vest when he realises you have legend bloodline, so look to outplay his item purchase by autoatacking him so gets tower aggro, while he mostlikely will try to proc demolish, if you aer below certain ammount of health try to disengage, he will stack you and become stronge than you. If he decides to go for the AP build, you simply just farm get Mercury's Treads and look to dodge his Q and burst him right after with ult and sheen, if he goes ap, he will simply not have the health or resistances to beat you. In this matchup a to go item is Spirit visage, since it will improve your healing and and give you 450 health to stop him from oneshotting you with ult, gives also CDR, Health regen, overall a must to go item into this matchup. If you feel confident you can go ghost in order to dodge the Q Knockup.”
Shumair says “This champ will just want to farm out the lane against you as he has no kill pressure on Mordekaiser. You can simply freeze the wave, sit back and watch him get measly amounts of CS with his vorpal spikes. If he ever dares walk up and touch your wave, you should E-Q him and run him down. His escape is not the best so if you want to snowball, you can but do it before he gets tanky.”
stziswhatihave says “Most annoying matchup. Dodge his abilities ; focus on farm . Trust me, everything's going to be fne if you do what I said.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
Twist21 says “Most players underestimate Cho's dmg but his damage is pretty good.Try to kill him before lvl 6.If you dodge his q and use your e before he silences you , you should win.”
ZzZ3DemonAngelZzZ says “Cho' Gath has no kill pressure, but u don't have kill pressure either. build some MR and you are ready to go. but he will out scale you really hard so try to be useful early game instead of endgame”
wallobear53 says “Cho’Gath is weakest during the early game when he doesn’t have a stacked Passive. He is very immobile so you should work with your team to poke him and kill him quickly.
His knock-up is his main CC tool and needs to be avoided at all costs. If you have any mobility spell on you, use it to dodge it as getting hit by it will allow him to use his Ultimate on you and possibly kill you.
Keep a track on Cho’Gath’s whereabouts on the map. If he leaves lane, he may be helping his Jungler do a Neutral Objective. Scout around and see if you can kill him before he can use his Ultimate on the Objective.
DankFlyingCow says “Running him down is easy enough, unless he has glacial and GLP-800. either way, he can't really get close to you if he likes living.”
Ashookaa says “Cho'Gath is not a bad match up the only way he can kill you is when he lands his combo and than R but when you dogde his Q you can all in him level 3 and you will probably kill him”
oskii77 says “Cho'Gath has a lot of sustain and damage on lane. He can easily poke you to death and after going into him for a trade, he can fastly heal up. Rush Mercury's Treads to minimalize his Crowd control. You can try to fight with him after a BOTRK beacuse you will melt him pretty fast.”
ModxLoL says “2 if he goes tank, maybe a 1. 3 if he goes AP. It's easy to dodge his Q. Be careful of getting randomly hit by his spikes as he goes to auto a minion.”
Stiwy says “The key to beat this big dinosaur (or alien or whatever) is to dodge his Q and trust me, if you don't, it hurts a lot.
Don't fight him if you are low because his ult does a massive chunck of true damage.
If he falls behind there are very low chances he can ever come back.
Take Black Cleaver as first item because the 400 bonus health are very useful to resist his ult.”
Doktora says “Just dodge Cho Q and poke him when he die.the rune help you whеn hit basic hit to get extra speed to dodge easy cho Q and hit him whit your Q and basic hit : )”
Sir Obliterator says “Even though this is an easy matchup he has some nice base damage so make sure you're not missing your Q's. if you can't dodge his Q use E bfore it lands so he doesn't gap-create. You know the drill just all in him when he goes for cs cos it's just so free. You don't lose to him 1v1. AP cho players will stand at Caitlyn range and farm with Q so you'll just have to freeze and farm in that scenario.
TL;DR E when he Q's if you can't dodge his Q
Kryptonite: Black Cleaver, Maw of Malmortius and Adaptive Helm ”
gsaeyx says “Go full tank if he's going full tank and full AD if he's going full AP. Phrase Rush could work in both situations if you're not sure about whether it's a tank cho or a Ap cho, since you're a slippery motherfucker”
BloodyDream81 says “C'est un match up pénible, il possède beaucoup de sort à distance pour farm sans se mettre en danger et son passif lui régénère de la vie à chaque fois qu'il tue des sbires. En revanche si tu évites son A, et le force dans un trade ALL in, tu gagneras à coup sur ! Pour ce faire y'a une petite astuce, tu te positionne entre lui et les sbires, et lorsqu'il tente de farmer les sbires avec son Q, tu utilises tout de suite ton fantôme pour lui foncer dessus, la première fois il ne s'y attendra pas, et tu auras de grande chose d'obtenir un kill.
Astuce : Essaie de l'empêcher de farm un maximum sans trop t'exposer au jungle adverse, Cho gath à un excellent follow up de gank, avec ton bump et son silence. Les bottes de mercures et le phage rapidement t'aideront bien.”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Cho'gath has high sustain and a 7 second crowd control knockup in a circle aoe. His knockup is fairly easy to dodge if you are looking for his cast animation on it, and Cho'gath is immobile (no dashes or bursts of movement speed) so if you can dodge his Q you can get really solid trades on him. Early game look to build up fury without taking too much damage from his E (his empowered auto attacks) then look to trade. Force an extended trade, by starting off trades with an auto attack when he goes for a minion that way you can save your spin to dodge his Q or to stick on top of him when he walks away (position your spin in between Cho'gath and his escape path which will usually be his turret) In the mid-late game, Cho'gath will be extremely difficult to dive, but you can beat him if he is far up in lane with an effective all in OR you can shove Cho'gath in and outrotate him with your superior mobility. Cho'gath's ult is EXTREMELY high burst so make sure if you fall into his ultimate execution range that you press R a little bit early.”
Dantheman81 says “The new Cho'Gath is really stong and this lane will suck. Just do your best to farm and try to get some jungler assistance before he becomes too tanky to fight.”
Twiggymocha says “He is beatable, but he is a tough matchup, his q cancels your q and he easily harasses you with his e. I always rush merc treads when I am vs Cho Gath.”
Xplor says “Cho'gath can win against you only if he lands all his skill successfully on you while you are getting ganked. Beware of that.
Other than that, although once upon a time, Cho'gath was one of the biggest Yorick counters, as now, I don't consider much of a threat. But of course, don't underestimate him.
If he gives you troubles, run some early MR.”
Lintaar says “If he lands a Q then a silence, it is going to hurt... but because we build lots of health/AP items on Lilia, it isnt going to be easy for him to one shot you with a combo”
Angela du Seithr says “Cho'Gath a beau se présenter comme un sac à PV qui semble faire une cible facile pour Lillia, un Q de sa part peut vous faire regretter d'avoir été en lane. Le max W est également problématique, car vous n'avez pas sa sustain et il peut nullifier vos trades.”
kurbart says “Cho'gath is a big ole snack ez kills but one thing i have to warn you about him .....DON'T GET HIT BY HIS KNOCK UP if your good at dodging them this would be a easy match up for you”
iTzToniOP says “I think Cho'Gath matchup is not so hard, the best way to counter the true damage is building HP, also, building tons of HP is what Volibear is all about.”
TotallyEclipse says “If he's building tank, you can smack him early if you dodge his q. If you can get a lead over him pre6, you'll destroy him forever. If he's AP cho and he knows how to play it, you're fucked, he'll zone you and 1 shot you.”
ForOrion says “Pyke can't burst down tanks very well, if they scale hard enough that is. Any large body champion has the potential to just steamroll right over him. Don't fight, dodge his q and e. If he goes AP however, you have a chance of an early lead. Freeze and out zone and wait till his abilities are on CD for quick burst engage with your HOB and commit.”
MateuszNH says “Hard matchup.
Like any ap tank he counter you, and his sustain is great so try to rather all unless you can control wave after trade. play around his q and jump on him if he does one. Your are fine the later.”
JuarezLOL says “its a easy match up but you need to move as fast as possible when you use Q on him to avoid his Q and stun him
even if you get his Q try to stun him”
EveryMysticLimit says “Just dodge his Q's and and when low, watch for his ult, especially with his ult up. You won't win late game though. Abuse his early game with Grasp. (Flash and ignite)”
foxthrone says “Cho'Gath's Q ability is a problem for Morde because usually Mordekaiser does not have the mobility to dodge them, which makes him tank tons of damage. ”
ACE4291 says “kinda even late/mid but
if he misses his Q then you can bully this guy early game shutting him down completely just watch out for jungle ganks and again his Q. ”
DirtyDishSoap says “He can't kill you, you can't kill him either. Farm lane basically. He'll heal off your ghouls, and his sustain is too fast for you to keep up with. He has no real way of closing the gap without burning flash, and he runs the risk of being killed for doing that.”
Sandaum says “At level 6, don't fight him anymore, you will lose. try stomparing him pre-six, then you can think about continuing to fight Cho'Gath. ah. and do Black Cleaver”
Sq_09 says “If he knocks you up you can just take the hit and continue. Same for the silence. He's pokeable and kiteable and you can get constant grasp stacks off of him. He also can't instachomp you bc you build kinda tanky. ”
Beatport Expo says “You're equal with him. Though he has much higher health late game due to his R but you have better roaming potential than him. He has better CC than you ”
SabinX says “Overall decent against Wu, his kit keeps him alive early game(his passive mostly) and the fact he is an Ap-ish Tank is a natural counter to Wu, but not unkillable. You should be fine after the core build.”
Kingarthur720 says “chogath is a champion that can scale with graves quite well with his builds, AP or health. Be careful when he hits 6 because he cann 100 to 0 you if you dont dodge his Q. Try your best to avoid his E or his Q since these are his main abilities to poke. i recommend grasp build to heal and get a little bit more health and maybe ”
TentiTiger11 says “Not that dangerous. The knock up and silence is bad in teamfights and in 1v1. Build some MR and merc treads if you can. Once he has warmogs, laning is hard. Try to destroy tower as fast as you can to stop laning.”
VIP Titan says “Try to kill him ASAP. Make sure you get ruined king for this champion. He gets low of stacks in mid game and can potentially R you easily. So make sure control lane well.
Try to kill him before 6. You will have to get ruby crystal no matter what. Or he can one combo you at level 6.
Your E is like his R so make sure spam it as much as you can
Max E not Q ”
gabriel5ben9 says “As long as you don't get knocked up by his Q you're good to go. Be careful if fighting post-6, his ult deals a LOT of true damage. ”
ShaharKarisi says “You out-damage, out-tank and out-sustain Cho'Gath in the early game. Early on commit hard to render him useless later on in the game.”
SirDrPotato says “You can easily either dodge his abilities or riposte them. Be aware that he can silence you and once silenced you will not be able to Lunge away or riposte his Knock Up. Do not forget that his ultimate deals true damage.”
Subject3 says “chogath is easy to fight against prior to lvl 6, bait his skills and then go in once he reaches lvl 6 and if you arent fed dont engage.”
Starci says “Parry his Q and it's easy stun. He will then silence you but it doesn't last that long and shouldn't be a problem. He could silence you and then use his Q, but you should have enough mobility to easily dodge it anyway. Just be warry of his ult and don't get too cocky, even if you might have a lot of lifesteal and your ult is up.”
SuPIeX says “Pretty easy matchup. Dodge his Q and E quickly before he silences you. I like to trade by walking up without Q, auto attack, E, then activate Q toward the end of your E, hit him with Q, then run back. Your ult scales off missing health which will do wonders against his massive hp pool.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “He telegraphs himself a lot and his early levels are not that strong. He gains a significant spike once he gets 6, but if you manage to dodge his Qs and bait his W silence with your empowered W you will make mincemeat of him. If you ever get a sizeable lead on him just push as much as you can so you can take down turret fast and roam, since he will do jackshit for the rest of the match. Do note he can set up fairly good ganks, so watch out. If he gets ahead he just becomes a very annoying meatwall if he went tank, but he can give you trouble, so watch out. Either Ignite or TP works fine, and you can take most runes into this matchup.
VictorDelRey says “Immobile and weak early, you can abuse his bad early game and can easily dodge his Q with your Q. He can set up ganks tho, so watch for the jungle.”
Itreallyhim says “Easy kill early on, He will get tanky but dont be afraid, His flesh isnt made of iron, Be careful about his ULT it can catch you off guard, otherwise Go for long trades, Should be a breeze.”
Circas says “Get stacks, all in him. BOTRK build just destroys him and you are so mobile.
Please do not lose this matchup.
It is a very simple match up :)”
classicnoob says “This is a skill matchup Like morde Look at his body language to win.look at his positioning cuz you can predict when he tries to do Q.Both ults are strong Cho takes the win Higher Execute damage.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “Try to bait out Cho'Gath's Feral Scream before going in because if he hits you with it, he can land his other abilities and chunk you. Be careful of his ultimate, it does a surprising amount of damage.”
ShinyEmo says “Melt him with BotRK and Guinsoo's Rageblade. Mercury's Treads are recommended. Dodge his Q's with your Q and use your E BEFORE he uses is W. Never fight with low hp. ”
Loki029 says “All in lvl 1, especially if he hasen´t skilled Q, and even when he did, he has a higher cooldown and less basedamage than you, try too maybe avoid 1 or 2 and he will be practically out of Mana and has under 40% Hp. Late Game Monster ...”
N3rdRag3_ says “Dodge Q, Your e will block and soak most damage from his E and W. Dont get eaten. wait for jungler and dont go for trades unless he tries to engage in your turret range.”
Death Rusofag says “Increíble CC y sustain. Puedes jugarle agresivo a los primeros niveles y se curará eventualmente farmeando, puede matarte rápidamente con su nivel 6 y tiene más daño que tú yendo tanque. Trata de pokearle constantemente, no dejarlo farmear y cuidado al divear.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “This dude turns tanky fast and can outsustain you with his passive, his R is also a heavy powerhouse in it's own and it's generally advised to not take him on if you can't kill him in time, lifesteal works wonders against him.”
lugzinho says “One of the easier tanks to fight against.
Dodge his Q, i guess.
If it gets too tanky to the point he wins fights, just push the leane and look for roams with your R or TP (if you brought it)”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “This is a lane you will most likely win if you keep dodging his Q. If Cho'Gath doesn't hit you with his Q he has practically no way of actually catching you and you can just kite him and poke him during laning phase. Don't shove the lane as he gets free healing and mana out of his passive and do not even think of coming near him when he has his ultimate. No matter how hard you are winning he will probably still be able to kill you if he has R and he lands a Q so be warned.”
ForgottenProject says “Cho’Gath takes Grasp of the Undying
When he uses his E spikes and autos you, that’s the main source of damage, so Parry the AA
I don’t parry his Q knockup because he can silence you before using it”
Braddik says “If he's building tank, you can smack him early if you dodge his q. If you can get a lead over him pre6, you'll destroy him forever. If he's AP cho and he knows how to play it, you're fucked, he'll zone you and 1 shot you.”
spaceriftmaster says “This match up mainly depends on how early in the game you are. Late game you won't be able to kill him on full ult stacks however early game he does no damage and is pretty squishy meaning you can easily beat him in duels early.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Cho'Gath is a pretty easy match up overall. Mainly because you can bully him by poking him out of lane. You can also heal out of execution range. The only hard thing about Cho'Gath is his Q. Obviously the easiest route is to just dodge them. Basically, just abuse his bad early game and try to shut him down so he won't become such a threat later.”
The Lost Drawing says “Usa tu 'E' para esquivar su 'Q'
Usa tu 'Q' para evitar que te pegue basicos con su 'E' asi come daño y tu no
La 'W' solo sirve para escapar de gankeos o medio esquivar”
Darkseige555 says “This is a matchup that is played early in the game. If you destroy him early, and it is very doable, his level 6 powerspike will be much weaker and you will be able to snowball. If you go even, he will be very threatening level 6 and you will need to give up on abusing cho'gath because the true damage is very strong against poppy.”
enderare says “dodge his q and you can normally win trades, watch out for his e on minions as it procs grasp. be smart dont over extend or stay in lane at low health, you demolish him mid late game. ”
Pedrokis says “Bota muita pressão e evita deixar ele escalar muito. / Toma cuidado com os ganks, nisso ele pega muita vantagem, principalmente se tiver buildando AP. / Dá vários Qs e aproveita que ele não tem mobilidade. / Cuidado com o knock up e o silence dele, além daqueles espetos que dão bastante dano enquanto você farma.”
Daedralus says “Only problem comes from his Ult and his silence. If you do get combo'd you will die, so its actually not as easy as it seems at times. So be smart, and keep your HP up by using Q on minions if you must. This way, his 10+ seconds cool downs won't be able to catch up with his mana bar, leaving him wide open for the kill as he is also great immobile. He also stacks HP with his Ult, making you deal more percent damage towards him. If you do see that you are going to get hit by a Q + W combo, use your E immediately. If you are low enough for him to eat you, be ready to use the fear part, and possibly Q him after so that he can no longer do that. However, do not Q and simply run if your heal won't be sufficient to beat his ult. But if you also have your ult, use it after you Q, and you should have your entire HP back, plus your Q should be coming back soon. But do not use your Q immediately as he will use his in a moment. Use your 2nd Q to then counter his, by latching to the other side and dodging it, while also healing once again. Isn't this build just great xD”
Askio says “Has a lot of cc, and a dangerous ult. But most times his ult is being used on minions to build his HP. Once his ult is down and you have the engage on him, you can hit him hard before he gets his mid/late game tank king status. ”
VicGal96 says “He telegraphs himself a lot and his early levels are not that strong. He gains a significant spike once he gets 6, but if you manage to dodge his Qs and bait his W silence with your empowered W you will make mincemeat of him. If you ever get a sizeable lead on him just push as much as you can so you can take down turret fast and roam, since he will do jackshit for the rest of the match. Do note he can set up fairly good ganks, so watch out. If he gets ahead he just becomes a very annoying meatwall if he went tank, but he can give you trouble, so watch out. Either Ignite or TP works fine, and you can take most runes into this matchup.”
Split King says “He is very tanky and deals insane damage, he should have been banned. If he was not and decided to go top, dodge his rupture at ALL cost”
Valorkyrie Quinn says “He can't really kill you unless he hits 6. Just dodge his Q and W.
Tip: You can dodge his Q with your E.
If perfectly timed, you'll be in mid-dash when his Q pops. It can't interrupt your E unless you are in his Q area. ”
BeautifulWinter says “Like most other matchups play passive until level 6 and then push aggressively when your ult is up.
When He tries to Q you, you can dodge the knock up by ulting.
In a fight you want to land an E early and poke before moving in as Cho'Gath has a lot of burst and might be able to Ult you before you can finish him (later levels not so much 6-11)”
Big Belly Bop says “Dodge. The. Q!!! If he lands his Q on you, you're DONE! Other than that, this lane is CAKE. You can freeze the wave and deny farm, shove him in and poke, or keep ganking him over and over with a jungler since he has no mobility. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustained Damage rune page.”
ExfIamed says “This is probably the easiest lane you're gonna get toplane for Garen, just dodge the knockup and constantly poke him down, he runs out of mana fairly quickly. Hit level 6 and just kill his ass, but watchout his ult does the same thing yours does.”
9690 says “No threat to us at all. Spells can be annoying to dodge since we are immobile but we win at all points in the game. Straight forward match up. Trade hard.”
Ends says “can be threatening and can do suprising burst damage and win losing fights with his ultimates insane damage, but is easily killed early/mid.”
Loevely says “Tanky with ridiculous ability hitboxes. If the champ wasn't this broken game-play wise it would be an easier matchup. Wait out his E and dodge his Q's. Grasp is your best friend here. ”
Noc7urnalz says “Cho is one of the lanes that can get you pretty fed if he doesn't play passive in the early game. You can block his knock up and then really burst him down while he isn't tanky yet . NEVER go for a trade vs him if you fail to hit your Q as the trade will be in his favor. remember that you can also block his R with your W.
NOTE : If it's an AP cho , make sure before going for a trade to either block his W or his Q , as a full combo from him can kill you.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “just dodge his Q and you should be ok, just dont let him touch you and you should be ok, this thing have a lot to much cc and damage gathering together with that ult which do a lot of true damage and make him tankier and can also be more effective than a smite, but early you own, and if you can survive from the level 6 whenever the lane phase will go you should win, poke him lv 1-2 as much as possible tho and don't let him get close of you or minions, try to predict the q, even if you dont, if you are close enough you should easy dodge it”
Defensivity1 says “Be carefull to not get all inned and ulted by cho gath if you got poked down before he hit level 6, his ult does more damage the more health you lack always spam your e whenever you have ghouls to poke him and look to cage him up with your w when you hit level 6, as he is guaranteed to die if you just run at him with the maiden and some ghouls, if he doesnt flash out that is. against cho the conqueror page is recommanded, however the grasp page is okay too if you preffer that.”
Quezel says “Free lane and you outscale him very hard being a natural tank buster just be wary of his burst and dont try super hard to poke him down early unless you can zone him off the creep wave as his sustain from farming heavily out weighs the damage you can do to him early game from poking with q ”
Ends says “Builds Very Tanky which is good for sett because of his true damage and his max hp damage and helps in teamfights because he is easily suplexed into the backline.”
SNOBOY says “This match up sucks. Start flask and pots. Basically just use abilities to farm because he has crazy sustain. Fortunately you will contribute way more to the team than Cho in the long run so just hold tight through a not fun laning phase.”
mightydylan101 says “Cho is actually really annoying as his Q has a pretty long range. If he hits it then you get knocked up and he has enough time to combo you and you're dead before you know it. His W cancels you're W. Not played much so don't worry about the ban.”
ProgettoYorick says “Cho'gath personally has never caused me so many problems, hit him with the usual E-W-Q combo. The only problem that can cause you is the devouring of the R by its R.
OTP Tip: Try to kill him as many times as you can before he gets too tank”
Greekamol says “His w is very annoying and his e autos will mess you up. Cho gaths know that it's easy for you to parry the q so he will silence you before it knocks you up. try to dodge the q with your q and use w to slow him and fight him. You will feel useless if you let him snowball.”
ThisIsJustSad says “1. Cho'gath is a free matchup if he just tries to walk into you and 1v1 you. However, at level 5, he can just start spamming Qs every 6 seconds and that lets him sit back and farm the wave easily. At level 6, he has an execute that lets him kill your drain tanking aspect.
2. If you're not ahead, you will have to W his Q or w his R to kill him. Otherwise, he will usually beat you 1v1 until 25 minutes.
3. Be careful when you're low hp as he may silence you then press R and you won't be able to W. So, don't think you can walk up to him when you're low hp and you'll just W his R.”
Gedi says “He get's health with every cs so you should be carefull. Also his ult ist Pure which is pretty scary for you. But in generall you should be able to farm.”
Karnan says “Weak at the moment. Dodge Qs, early executioners to deny healing of minions and just outscale. Respect the enemy jungler as cho can set up very well. ”
DerpzGG says “Take Long Fights. Take Advantage of your sustain for him to jot Devour You. By Long Fights I Mean Make The Most out of your cooldowns and bleed duration.”
AlienMV says “Beware getting too close
As a tank, Cho'Gath doesn't seem that threatening. However, since you will not have resistances like other melee laners, he does a lot more damage to you than expected. Try to stay just far enough that if he lands a Q on you, you won't be punished hard (much of his damage will be from landing multiple hits of his E).”
spark2 says “Cho is not a fun matchup. You don't usually see him mid, but when you do it is not a fun day to be an assassin. His Q-E-R combo can basically one shot you if you get hit, so do your best to not get hit. Thankfully, he's actually pretty squishy early game and has bad mana problems if he can't farm well. Use this by predicting when he'll farm with basic attacks and using your W to either zone him or catch him by throwing it right in front of your minions. Once he gets some tank items he's a pain to kill (and his silence is the worst) so exploit your early game advantage.”
Asothin says “He has sustain but not a huge ton. Try to stop him from farming early. His ult does true damage though so consider building health and avoid going all in with your ult. He doesn't have any mobility though and gets bigger making him an easier target.”
The Apex Dealsman says “cho can get you easily when he gets 6 due to your squishy nature but before that he can be killed pretty easily ashe has a lot of skillshots.”
Nightblue33 says “Really easy pre 6. Easy to dodge his abilities with your e. You need to establish dominance early because once he gets his core, then you will have hard times. Silence can also be really annoying. Watch the animation for it and you can dodge it.
moshy555 says “He does a ton of dmg and takes 0 dmg. Tank btw
Ze mentira says “Max: E. Rune: Grasp.
start corrupt potion and back with magic resist items.
//adaptative helm is a good item against him. If he is a good cho'gath, he crushes you in lane.”
BearRider says “AP offtank Cho´Gath is beast. True dmg, heavy CC, Silence, bigger range, AOE skills. Your W will not help so much in teamfights. At the start he is killable. You are relatively safe when you buy some MR and HP, but .. it is hard to dodge his Silence and following Q. You have to waste E alot which and you have to wait long time for another.”
Her0mars says “True damage feasting and high ap ratios, be glad he isn't in meta. If a Cho is able to land his abilities you will have a very hard time fighting, or running, and really whoever he wants dead will die. try peeling the best you can.”
ineptpineapple says “If he is a good cho gath you will have to be a little careful because he can force you to shuriken flip into his knockup and then execute you with his ult. But generally even against a good cho gath you have the decided edge.”
ExtremeExplosiveTeemo says “ban him most of the times, he s a mage who won t die. Also he does pure damage. Also he slows you, he knockups you and silence everything.”
AsomeSonic says “its mainly the true damage from the ult, if the ult is down you should be good, just be careful when you get around half hp around him”
Polkadog says “Early-game, he can harass you very well. Just keep your distance and try to last hit minions with your Q and then summon them and throw E at him. This forces him to back off a little so you can farm for a second.
Later on, as he'll try to trade with you, hit him with your W and back off since you're not powerful enough just yet. When you get your R ready, don't pop it immediately. Wait until you've landed W on him, follow that with R, E, Q and AA. Now you've forced him to retreat and as he does: FARM! This is your chance to farm if you haven't got enough gold to buy Phage. When you have at least 1250 gold, go back and buy phage. While you're going back, if he gets to your turret, I'd suggest you teleport and stop him. Don't leave the lane if he has pushed far enough or if he's full hp.”
Chromuro says “It's difficult to understand which build he will go: if he goes full AP, it will destroy you and you need to level up first Q+you'll need some MR early; if he goes full tank, you'll need to level up first E+some early damage. If you fail to understand which build he will go, it'll be pure hell.”
Rhinoface says “Dominates you in the early laning phase, after 6, if you have nashor's and stack conqueror before you ult, you should win.
If you're about to be eaten, try E'ing behind yourself to push him away from you. ”
Poppu says “Cho will outscale in health and overall the game. Try to win early trades and get ganks to stomp his growth. Late game peel and tank for the team or splitpush.”
Aizo says “Cho'gath and Maokai are both fairly weak in the earlygame with the edge slightly to cho'gath in terms of the 1v1. However maokai is much more able to setup ganks for his jungler making this a very good matchup to get your jungler some free kills”
SoulHero says “Annoying matchup as he just heals everything up with passive, get dorans shield and second wind if hes just gonna poke you. Don't really fight him unless you can chunk him or all in kill him. Just out cs him and you outscale him hard.”
Vodka4Gaben says “Very easy lane just like Sion except at level 6. He has an execute ulti which will kill you at about 300 hp so be careful with that, but you should still win the lane majority of the time.”
notlmaze says “This Dinosaur stands close to zero chance when you go Fleet to maintain health just equal to his passive. True damage will destroy him but be careful of his Q, nothing else only the knockup and the slow is annoying, any other abilities have close to no effect when fleet is in play.”
Petethebossch says “Can pressure you early on stacks with his q and scales to be a monster but you win the 1v1 hard post 6 if you don't fall behind. Also can be ganked if the jungler has a dash to dodge the q.
HarryCao says “Cho is one of those champions where you have to suppress him or he will get annoying to kill. After a trade he will most likely heal some back from his passive thats why you have to always be engaging and zoning him off. dodging his Q is essential to winning this lane. Keep in mind his 6 will do atleast 300 so don't go in if you think you can't kill him without falling that low in hp.”
PhoenixianSlayer says “He has high damage and long range pokes. They are dodgeable, but they can be annoying. His ultimate is your biggest concern though. You can't let him get close in an all-in, or he will deal a ton of true damage and kill you. Also, pokes make less of an impact since he can heal by killing anything. ”
Lynboe says “Commencer avec le Bouclier de Doran et prendre Second Wind rend son début de match très difficile.
Si vous parvenez à gérer correctement vos vagues de creeps, vous pouvez lui courir dessus, car une fois sur lui, sa seule issue possible est de toucher son Q, si vous l'esquivez c’est la garantie de lui faire utiliser ses summoner spells ou de le tuer. Assurez-vous de prendre Conqueror pour rendre ce match presque impossible à perdre en un contre un.”
Jnewbringspain says “Cho is a diffciult matchup, but not impossible. Much of this matchup is opportunity based. Do not leap in and engage, you will lose that trade. Instead, wait for him to try rupture on you. Dodge it, then consider going in. If he recently used his vorpal spikes and misses rupture, you now have the advantage. ”
Necrops says “This guy will tear you apart. He have way more damage than you, sustain and once he begin to stack armor you are done. I played 2 times, once as Pantheon, once as Cho'Gath, always the Cho'Gath Won. Just play safe, his damage output is insane.”
messketchup says “In early game Cho'Gath gets wrecked by Darius but be careful to dive him because his Q and W can definitely screw you over. Also watch out for his R.”
Codseus says “I think cho is the hardest matchup for Pantheon. Too tanky, you will get poked too much, start with corrupting potion and do not push the lane.”
Zofia the Fierce says “Using your spin and abusing his lack of mobility spells, you can easily win over a Cho'Gath- however, you have to avoid the damage he can output with his spells- therefore, it's best to know what he does before you fight him.
You may go for Hexdrinker, but it shouldn't be necessary.”
PandaSenpai101 says “Cho'Gath is very immobile. The only ability for his escape is his Rupture(Q). As long as you parry this, this lane shouldn't be a much of a problem, as your true damage and sustain can help you dominate this lane.”
Devitt45 says “This match up can go either way. Just avoid his Rupture and try to dodge his scream, and you should be fine to trade, just don't no near him if you are low unless you saw him eat a minion in the last 50 seconds.”
Zestysquid says “Basically if you don't kill him before he gets 6 you probably won't ever during laning. Ask for a gank before that happens since it's a bit of a Nasus like situation. Occasionally they will try to flash ult you, which can be beneficial if you have boxes, but you have to be extremely careful because of the burst.”
Jnewbringspain says “Definitely winnable early on. Eventually he will become too tanky to kill by yourself, but early on Cho has to worry about mana problems. Engage with E when your passive is up, land a quick two or three basic attacks with your Q, then run away and try to dodge his Rupture. Early on this trade will go in your favor, but he will have a large advantage after he gets some mana and level 6.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Against mostly all tanks, you simply deal a lot more damage that they can witstand early game. Those are MALPHITE, MAOKAI, NASUS, NAUTILUS, ORNN, SHEN, CHOGATH, SION, SINGED.”
Prince Afghan says “Cho'gath has good sustain just like you but doesn't have much damage. Grab Mercury Treads early to reduce his silence and slows and his overall damage. Your all in is stronger than his and you should be able to split very well.”
M2 Jizu says “Atraviesa tu Q en cada trade y deberías de ganar el 90% de los trades siempre y cuando lo hagas bien. puedes bloquear los ataques de su E con tu W.”
Bombabo says “Play aggressively against cho'gath, or he will outsustain you off of his passive. His large hitbox and low mobility makes it easy for you to hit your abilities”
mahlightning says “dodge his q with your e if you have too. He has no escape you have more CC and more damage than him. Once he gets ult he's going to start getting hefty just make sure you farm your HP should get high enough he can't do anything. ”
0mega best says “Dont go into his knockup and bait his silence, you should be ok but be careful since later on he will outtank you, your main goal here is to kill him as early as possible.”
RainbowNova says “Cho'Gath is one of the more annoying champions to play against as Teemo. Not only do you not have that much damage when going Tank on Teemo, but Cho'Gath's CC is very annoying to deal with. The worst part is if he's going AP/Tank hybrid, causing his ultimate to do lots of damage. I suggest poking him tons early and then playing very safe past lvl 6.
Honestly I'd just not even pick Tankmo against this guy.”
Lil Tidepod says “Cho'Gath doesn't really do much damage late game, as long as he's building tank. If he's good, he'll probably hit quite a few Q's, and he'll use his own Q when you're charging yours. His silence can be irritating if you have a situation where you've slowed him with E to get a nice Q on him, but Cho'Gath overall is more of just an annoyance than a threat. Watch out for his ultimate stacks, though: because he can and will become tankier than you if the game goes on long enough. He can heal off his passive, but as long as you play it smart he won't be able to push past you after your first tank item.”
zygiux says “Early game you can kill him but don't fight with low health when he is level 6, even if you ult him he would propably eat you when ur ult ends unless he had low hp.”
hipstersora says “You can't fight him, but you can sure as hell poke him for Klepto procs. E out of his knockup, beware the silence. Don't take free damage. Stay out of flash range when low. His waveclear is better than yours without your ult, so you'll have to ult and push him in that way before roaming to get you some kills bot. ”
ImpossibleLogic says “Cho'Gath really depends on who is playing him. Generally speaking, Cho'Gath will loss to Aatrox if non his abilities land. If you can dodge his E and Q combo, kite around, and keep him in one place you win.”
MasutaKokoBot says “Very immobile, but very tanky late game. Just try to use your movement speed to your advantage, keep a safe distance and dodge his abilities. Rely on your team to kill him while you heal them. Keep away from his Silence, as that can prevent you from being able to heal your team!”
DoABarrellRoll says “He can silence you and eat you or your easily, His W is extremely dangerous to you so dodge it or dont attack, he also has so much tenacity to your E in late game
Él puede silenciarte y comerte a vos o a tu adc fácilmente, su W es extremadamente peligroso para vos, así que esquiva o no ataques, también tiene mucha tenacidad contra tu E en el juego tardío-”
Nicram says “Cho'Gath is a champion who counters Urgot because of his sustain. This will be a farm lane but you have to respect his damage which doesn't seem to be enough to kill you but if you don't pay enough attention he will surprise you with his burst. In this lane your goal shouldn't be to kill him so you can focus on other things that I will describe later. Remember that you can easly time your E anytime he uses Q to counter it and move during CC. However, if fight is in melee range, he can use W before Q and prevent you from being able to use E. Keep this in mind.
Recommended items
Starter items
- Corrupting Potion - the only valid item for this matchup. Cho'Gath will outsustain you anyways but thanks to this item you will decrease the gap in a better way than if you went for Doran's type of item.
- Cull - is acceptable but not as a first item, you can buy it after Corrupting Potion to increase the health sustain while keeping mana sustain at a solid level. Your gold income will be greatly improved and there is not high enough risk of death not to build it.
Non-starter items
- Executioner's Calling - If you want to be agressive and look for a kill then it's a great item to buy against Cho'Gath. Remember to use Q or Autoattack right before he wants to last hit minions so you reduce the heal amount he gets from them.
- Null-Magic Mantle (Spectre's Cowl) [Adaptive Helm] - Cho'Gath deals a lot of magic damage and if you are too tanky for him then he'll use his ult for minions instead of on you. Add some Health to the MR that you have and you should be able to farm well and scale up.
- Don't try to fight him unless you plan to kill him in the early game. Just scale up and you'll be as strong or even stronger than Cho'Gath in the later phase of the game.
- Take runes that will allow you to scale up such as Conditioning, Overgrowth, Transcendence or Gathering Storm. ”
FunkySoul says “His Flash R is really unexpected sometimes, and his incredible scaling as AP or Thornmail rush is the only reason why he's a major threat. I sometimes bring Grasp into this matchup.”
Brentard says “Iv'e never seen anyone say that Cho is a counter to Garen but I feel like he is. Cho's E positioning can cause a surprising amount of damage early on. And his execute has a larger range and a quicker animation. Try to dodge the knock ups, W his E spikes, and if you are going to ult make sure you have the upper hand. cause he will eat you while your sword is in the ground and walk away like "Deal with it".”
Grewstadaroosta says “Cho has a lot of abilities that are annoying to deal with as nocturne. The knockup and silence are pretty bad. He deals a lot of damage so laning is very difficult.”
DrMoneybags says “This ugly bug can be a real pain with his %HP damage and true damage execute. But as long as you take conqueror and E past his knockup, he's not too bad of a matchup early on. Just don't let him knock you up when you're dismounted or you're going to die. Grabbing a BotRK lategame might help you rip through his ridiculous HP.”
Arcthunder says “With Cho'Gath being a tank, Kled shreds them with his W and Conqueror. However, if you find yourself dismounted, it may be an acceptable time to run, or else you get executed.”
Big Boy Matty D says “Difficult to stick to because of his Q and E.
He can all in you if he pokes you down because of true damage on ultimate.
Try to let him push in early levels and ask for ganks between level 3 and 9.
If he stacks his ultimate and gets too much health just try to roam and make plays instead of fighting him, only returning to catch minions under tower.”
noolan says “Oh god. Dont get me started on Cho Gath. If you dont kill him early, your lane will be a nightmare, because he will just become way too tricky to kill, and his ult was made for squishes like you.”
Shderen says “Now I know me some Cho'gath. I was a loyal full AP Cho one-trick back in season 5 and he never served me wrong. That being said, despite his AMAZING passive, you can likely outpoke that with your Q and Arcane Comet + Scorch. Your silence is also the bane of his existence. Consider a Liandry's + Morello, as he often gets health from RoA/GLP as well as healing from his passive. If he doesn't go full AP in the mid lane, all chat "im aboutta ice this fool" then style all over him and his baby mama.”
TheNinjaRoid says “Avoid his Q and you win lane. He can't reliably stop you from farming. Once you have Sheen you win lane fairly easily. Beware of his ult as it does true damage and is an execute.”
Maverickov says “Out-damages you after level 2 and out-sustains you as well. His ult executes you and negates your ult at 6. Do not feed, and once you get spirit and boots, you kite him and whittle him down until you can all in.”
nuken507 says “there are few champions that can out punch vi but chogath has one of the strongest self buffs and will wreck vi once hes given a few assists or kills”
LosAngeloser says “He can easily burst you down early and is pretty much immune to poke. You can go comet or grasp against him, depending on your confidence level. You want to build health against him asap.”
ApexDresden says “He shouldn't be much of an issue, dodge his Q's and poke him a lot with your Q's, you should be able to fight him with ease but don't underestimate his damage.”
The Lost Drawing says “No le haces 'counter', ni el a ti. Es facil ganarle. No cometas el error de armarte armadura, el pega daño mágico, no recomiendo el 'Rostro Espiritual' a menos que te armes en el futuro una 'Amadura de Warmog', mejor armate un 'Yelmo Adaptable' si tienen 2 o mas AP (Ability Power/Poder de Habilidad/Daño Magico) enemigos de DPS (Daño Por Segundo), o una 'Mascara Abismal' si tu tienes uno o mas aliados de AP ya que este objeto hace que los enemigos reciban mas daño mágico de parte de tus aliados.”
ElleryTheViking says “Once you learn this matchup it's relatively easy. Wait for him to overextend, dodge his knockup and then move in for the Q and E spam. Your grasp procs are important in this matchup to level out Chogaths inherent tankiness. If he extends to your tower when you have full health, if you ghost ult, there is no escape for him. ”
NocUout says “Very difficult to deal with as he is super tanky. Avoid his Q and don't go in unless you are healthy enough to not die to a chomp and he is low enough for you to kill him. He won't easily be able to kill you in lane so you are not under immediate threat. ”
SynergyXO says “Chogath match up, Dodge his knock up, and dont let his empowered autos hit you while he is farming wave. if you want to all in spin behind him after he uses knock up. and orb walk back to his tower so he has to use next knock up on you IN FRONT of him, and he wont get out of melee range before you can move again(if you dont dodge) dont miss ult due to his nom. i prefer to abuse him harshly after he ults a minion.”
Samas says “Pretty even matchup, he wins short trades early, but if you dont get scared and stand your ground and keep threathening all ins, any average chogath player will fall behind.”
E61K says “Trade with him whenever you can. Since Cho'Gath is a traditional tank you shit on him hard. Make sure to extend the trades as long as you can and zone him off of farm. Don't let him get any CS because his passive gives him unmatched sustain in lane.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: True Damage, Tanky, AP, Silence. Weaknesses: Low Mobility, Health Stacks, Predictable knock up. Be sure to poke Cho'Gath down often to wither down their HP. Be sure to parry the knock up because it’s his main form of engage and start for his combo of silencing you afterwards. You could also Riposte his ultimate Feast, which could certainly turn a fight into your favor but this is very difficult to do. His base damage is a bit high but the same goes for most tanks. Once you hit your two item power spike you can deal with him easily so don't feel to pressured to kill him early. Same for most tanks.”
Suthafru says “Cho'Gath - Cho'Gath cant compare to your early game poke, he will be unable to cs or fight back as you zone him out of lane
but beware, once he builds a fair amount of armor, your damage will heavily fall off, once you stop doing damage its best to play back until you have the attack speed to properly kite him.”
Saiyan02 says “When Cho´gath wastes her stun. you can most likely all in her early level and get an easy kill lead. The thing is you need to win early on because otherwise Chogath will scale so much better than you”
drunken hunter says “Cho'Gath got a knock up and a scilence wich is very annoying. Rengar can dodge the knock up easily if he farms out of a bush -> go into a bush and do the minion last hits by jumping on the minions.
You can use the jumps to dodge Cho'Gath's abilities and engage after taht.
You can do the lvl 2/3 engage to get his flash because you will need some ganks against this very tanky and hard to kill champ.”
Pancaku says “General katarina counter. He heals too much for her to effectively harass making it nearly impossible to kill him if he decides to build MR instead of AP.”
Moccamasterpro says “6000 hp- no dmg. he can't trade against you and his early game is weak. be careful when low because of his ult an you'll be fine.”
TheNecromancerr says “Very easy matchup, try to dodge his knockup and you are good. Later he can a monster so try to destroy him since you are always stronger then him.”
Proxxecube says “Cho'Gath is typically an easy match, as his cc's are very easy to predict, and his knock-up literally gives you a few seconds to stop it or get out of the way. I prefer to parry the silence, and dash out of the knock up, but it depends your cooldowns and how strong he is.”
WhySoRengar says “Boring lane, you can kill him early but then he will just become tanky af. You cant kill him, he cant kill you. Just focus on roaming”
Tipurrs says “Tanky and can silence you. I hate this match-up but it's really not that hard. I suggest going tanky build and Rylai's + Liandries really helps a lot against him”
mcasterix123 says “Cho'gath has a lot of sustain, and can match you quite well. He will be scary around 6, but you can play around him. In the mid to late game, this is where you and your team really appreciate the % max hp damage.”
polarehare says “Basically you but with a sh*ttier ult and better access to cc and range. I advise you play safe against him and try to ambush him from bushes, if you try to get close t him he will airborne cc you to hell, but when you do somehow get close to him he's mostly yours.”
Bakiraka says “Pretty easy lane. You can poke him pretty freely, but you can't kill him. Just make sure to dodge his silence and knockup and the lane is yours. Watch out late game, and make sure to slow him so he doesn't eat you”
Trixelkour says “Percent Health Damage in general beat you if you go for a tank build. So just farm and harass with Grasp or Comet. DO NOT BRING Dark Harvest, you're just wasting time since he's so tanky. Get more AP than the amount of HP you usually get for Swain, with Liandry's being the core.”
heyitsRainex says “Easily punishable matchup as his only source of massive damage is E. His R would be scary only if you let him stack via kills/minions. Keep poking him and deny his CS so he can't regen from his passive.”
lunarstaff says “Gets very tanky and can cuck you over with his silence / knock up. His 1k damage ult lategame is something to be careful of as well. You need to kill him early.”
SirDeRp25 says “He can become extremely TANKY later on and will be able to OUTRADE you in most cases. Extremely annoying sustain from his passive. Dodge his Q's and attempt to kite!”
E61K says “This guy is a problem for Yasuo in lane. Pre-6 he is not a big issue but post-6 he is very dangerous in lane. He outsustains you if you don't build any sustain and his ultimate is very dangerous for Yasuo since Yasuo has low base health. He has an AOE silence which he can use to deny you your E in order to dodge his knockup. If he snowballs on you you are gonna have a rough time. However if you snowball on him you can turn the outcome of this lane around. Look to fight him after your core and some HP item like Mallet. Edit: Conqueror makes this matchup a easier now.”
undeadsoldiers says “Cho’gath - Conqueror
Early items (in order) - Phage, Boots (Mercs if he's ahead), Tiamat
- All in lvl 1-2 (passive stacked)
- Play aggressive in the early lane phase (lots of all ins with passive stacked)
- Wait for him to use vorpal spikes on wave before trading
- Zone him off minions (to keep him from recovering health)
- Bait his silence with your autos (best if passive stacked)
- Trade when his silence is on cooldown
- Your lvl 6 is stronger (if the fight starts even)
- Play safe around his feast, increasingly so as the game progresses
- Blade of the Ruined King as a 3rd or 4th item can help deal with his tankiness
- Ult cooldown: 80”
BreadyToCrumble says “Take the "Cut Down" rune from the precision tree, it'll help with Cho'Gath's tankiness. As long as you can dodge his airborne ability you should be good. Poke him with W and you can get some health back if you need it in lane, and because he's tanky you'll get a lot of health :)”
TehGuides says “Just destroy him in early game and you will be fine.Also never fight him when you are low cause he can just R you and gain free stacks
ReformedLavahit says “Cant kill past 6 , careful. He can destroy you if he is good.Fight as much as you can early in order to make him killable post 6. Fight enough to deny him xp and gold just dont die to him. ”
Zachlikespizza says “His silence, knock up, and raw health make him extremely hard to kill aswell as the ever looming threat of his ult when your ult is about to wear off. Just make sure to kill yourself before your ult ends and disengage.”
macspam says “You basically need to dodge his Q so he can't land his combo, which is easier said than done because the radius is huge. Late game you can CC him to let your ADC whittle him down.”
TakeLPlease says “Cho'gath is very tanky late game. Take advantage of his health and armor early game. His armor and health will be so high to the point where it is hard to even damage him. He also has a knockup which can stop your ultimate and brush hop.”
LivesforOnlyOne says “Slow, lumbering tank. He never stood a chance. Conqueror isn't necessary to take in order to kill him and Grasp is not needed at all. Take Klepto and satisfy your own greed. Keep up constant pressure, not allowing him to utilize his passive and heal to safety. Riposte his Rupture knockup for the easiest stun of your life and all in him. Constantly.”
iam colorblind says “You are very squishy.
So use it wisely and dont get hit by his Knock-Up!
You can kill him easy in Late game in some seconds even he is a tank!
Conjuerer will help you alot!
Rading says “His ranged AA's, his tankyness and his CC's.. give me cancer evey time. Try to set up traps for him and try to dodge his ult with your ult. Very difficult as a beginner.”
Trixelkour says “Chunks you out with his skill, but should be able to win in a 1v1. Dodge skill appropriately and all-in after the silence. Conqueror can mess him up during late game. Adaptive should be enough to deny part of his damage.”
Skullsunderer says “His silence and execute really hurt, Darius can sit at low health for a while because of his Q's heal. Try not to fight him when he activate his”
CaioOP1985 says “This beast is pretty dangerous against anything who isn't a tank, but Nasus is inherently hard to kill, so if you force him to waste his abilities you should have a pretty easy time, since he won't be able to kill you or you him, so use the time to farm.”
Ashnard says “Cho is a pretty boring lane. You can easily hit a combo on him since he's immobile and has a large hitbox. Don't let him cs freely since he will heal off each last hit.”
Aldebaran1918 says “He is a CC machine but has no movility and just as Nasus his early game is bad, abuse him and be aware of his R when close and with low health.”
JefferXpr3ss says “I personally do not think Cho is a problem for Ornn, Cho'Gath really does not have enough damage to kill Ornn early making laning phase very easy for you. In late-game you still outscale Cho'Gath very well.”
Dacnomaniak says “His damage isnt anything to worry about. Keep the pressure on him to prevent him from sustaining back to full HP and you should be fine. Watch out for ganks, his ult will still destroy you.”
Nechu2448 says “Cho'Gath is only difficult at the beginning with a meteor run. So do not get too close because it can stun you with Q and it's easy to kill you.”
Cyti says “More deadly than you think since he can sustain in the lane and has powerful wave clear. He can one shot you with Q+E+W+Ult if he builds even the slightest amount of AP, so be careful once he has ult. Unless it's on CD, don't auto poke him. I would consider getting ”
kagaroo says “🔴Trundle Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 6.2/10
➡️Fairly easy matchup, comparable to the Garen matchup. However, this matchup depends more on how good the cho'gath is. You can easily win lane by just out-farming him and punishing his over-steps and bad movement but you need to respect his damage and CC. Keep in mind that his E spikes slow you so try to position yourself away from the trajectory (stand on the side of the minions). Also pay attention to his stacks when he is level 6. Cho'gath loves to munch minions to get his 6/6 stacks. If you see him munch a minion you have a window where you can punish him harder. A good match-up where you can go tiamat -> botrk.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad cho'gath vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average cho'gath vs Average Trundle ➡️trundle favoured
Good cho'gath vs Good Trundle ➡️ 50/50 skill matchup but cho'gath has the upper hand in terms of controlling the lane. However, Trundle has first move to objectives/fights.”
L0ganJG says “This matchup is a complete loss if they're halfway decent. You can cheese early game with W start, but after level 3, you perma lose. Try sideways W on his Q whenever possible.
BotRK build can win if you're ahead but generally I just go tank and out tank him.”
SUPERPENGUIN69420 says “It's really hard, so depending on the Cho Gath lever you either rush botrk or try to be tankier than him, before lvl3 you can get him easily but there is almost no chance to kill him, and after lvl he''l become the most annoying guy on earth, poking you with his Q whenever he can so try to dodge hit and to take trades when he has abilities on cooldown.”
Haxorr says “Really easy matchup. Conq + Sorcery page is good here, can abuse Cho in laning phase pretty hard. You will be stronger at all stages of the game, just be careful if he goes AP as if you mess up a parry he can almost 1shot you but otherwise you should be okay. Parry his Q and it's freelo, use good spacing to dodge his Qs as well.”
akali is a mobile champion, just dodge his Q and poke him as much as possible with your Q + passive.
Its free stacks for your grasp and heartsteel.
tip: If he gets too close to poke you with E just use W and you're safe.”
Bourne212 says “Avoid trading early unless their E is down or they will out sustain and win the trade. Careful going all in on them, they can burst you with a full combo before you can fight back and possibly kill you with ult.”
CactEyez says “Cho'Gath feels very strong right now. Most of his damage comes from his E empowered auto attacks, do not tank these through the wave. Trading is pretty bad into Cho but you should win all ins if you have good movement. DO NOT stay in lane if you are below 1/3 he will R you.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
FeaRLesS Da says “take ignite
if u ever kill him early its over but after 6 hes much stronger
if u dont manage to get lead early u have to wait until u get form”
Althalosofsirun says “Dodge his Q at all costs and you just win his E will hurt but your DPS is better use your Ult to dodge his Q if you cant avoid it normally.”
TrianglularRose says “Cho’gath is a pretty easy matchup. Just like any other Gwen build, you counter full tanks. AP Cho is a bit more problematic, but you can easily beat him whenever he leaves tower.”
Mid Lane 52.42% Win Rate37% Pick RateCho'Gath Mid Lane Counters: 25 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Cho'Gath in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Zewrocktumbler says “so annoying conq doesnt even help that much switch champs if you see this champ in enemy team dont gamble if hes mid, top, jungle, support or even adc”
ShokLoL says “Cho'Gath is pretty threatening early and it's unlikely you'll be able to push him out of lane. Use W whenever he uses Q to help you dodge it. Eventually you'll have enough waveclear to match him and then it just comes down to whoever skirmishes better.”
ShokLoL says “Cho'Gath overall shouldn't be too hard, take a scaling setup with phase rush and you should be able to heavily outscale him. Just make sure you don't get hit by a Q too far up in the lane and chased down. You can rush swiftness boots if you need.”
Badplank says “Play SAFE, Rush full boots. This lane is very hard if cho knows what he's doing. The moment he lands his Q after 6 is the moment you just die, your w most of the time won't save you from either poking you down to half hp or straight up murdering you”
maiathemagical says “My mouth starts watering whenever I see Free'Gath in my lane. Literally just melt him with autos when he tries to CS and he'll never be able to do anything.”
Soft Headpats says “As long as you don't get hit by his Qs, this should be a simple lane. You can also rush T2 boots for more MS to help you dodge. Getting hit by a single Q after he hits 6 can easily kill you, but that's basically all he can do. Keep in mind that it has a very low CD though. It's an even easier lane if he goes a tank build since you can just respond with Liandry's and freely melt him.”
sethpls says “Delicious missile sponge. Buy LDR or BotRK, or especially Terminus if you're getting lots of opportunities to stack it on him - or you'll start to just tickle him.”
gaarrett says “Cho'Gath mid is likely going to build AP, meaning he will be much squishier than the standard tank build. This means you can take favorable trades at almost any point in the lane. Avoid his Q with your E, W before you get silenced so you have a passive auto or two to work with. [4/5] ultimate, brings your kill window up and makes you tankier. Sylas with like seven stacks from Cho ult looks hilarious, you're a 30ft tall behemoth dashing everywhere. ”
MukiiBaa says “If he goes tank, jungler will be needed to kill him.
If he goes AP if you cant dodge his Qs he is EXTREME.
You cant kill him he cant kill you unless someone misplay and jungler is there to clean up”
Newbie1Kenobi says “I ALWAYS ban cho for 4 reasons. First he is one of your counter. Second he can silence you preventing you from a good engage no matter if he loose lane or not. 3rd it might bait a top or mid enemy to thinking you will play top. 4th Cho is also a good midlaner so even he was top at first he can easily switch to go mid. YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY OTHER THREATS!!! *With my playstyle”
V0lib34r says “Easy game if they suck, this goes for all champions but it mostly goes for cho'gath because of his zero movement options and low attack range”
Axsanea says “[EN]
You win, + you get so buff with his "R" Yes it gives you the stacks and size too.
Tu ganas, + te buffeas tanto con su "R" ya que esta te da los stacks, vida y tamaño. ”
Lord Reeves says “This matchup is tricky. You have to dodge his Q and stay out of range of his W. Look to harass him early on as he is quite vulnerable and mana hungry. Once 6 do the normal Ult -> W -> Q -> AA combo. just dodge his Q and your golden.”
CulturalYokai says “you can def kill him pre 6, post 6 be aware of his R, mid and late game try to keep your distance but i dont really think cho gath is a treat at all, he might just be so tank that it will be impossible to kill unless you get kills in early”
FrostbiteMW says “Just a monster, really snowbally. He also has a lot of damage, silence and knock-up. Just play passive and maybe rush merc threads so you resist some of his slow from his E and Q.”
ThelpixG says “He is a tank with a weak early game and his only hard CC ability is very easy to dodge.
Take the Anti-Tank runes since cut down is a must against him (he stacks alot of health which means you're gonna get alot of free damage out of cut down).
You can try to be cocky and take ignite to kill him early since he's quite squishy early and he is immobile but i prefer taking TP and buying an early cull since you just outscale him.
Try to proc as many passives as you can against him so you just melt through his health bar and try not to stay in lane at low health because he has an execute.”
SalSushi says “You need to go full health damage, with bork and divine. He's too tanky for you to do much but his knockups and silence can be horrible for you in fights. ”
Halkem says “He can match your push early, but after lost chapter it's hard for him to keep up with you. He's really immobile and not much tanky early so you can kill him easily with ganks. You do decent damage vs him later due to Liandry.”
TrueGIXERJ says “a really uncommon matchup, but you can happily Q to dodge his Q, and space enough to not get silenced. if he catches you you're insta-dead though so just... don't?”
WarwicksSimp says “Decent ban. True damage as well, and with a knock up, silence, slow, plus good damage, it's cc city while he eats you alive. This matchup is pretty much unplayable unless you go grasp AND dodge his q. If you get by one q you die vs AP chogath mid lane, as they take hob and one knockup is three e autos and youve taken the worst trade possible. It's likely he'll have ignite too. Dying to this champion is insanely easy.
Top lane is bareable and more of a major if hes a tank build. IF ITS A BAD CHOGATH EASY MATCHUP stomp him early. Dont be afraid to proc flash or ghost in reaction to his q. He also just outscales you lol,
This matchup can just be a curb stomp for either player but in general if Cho'gath can land any Q's then its not possible to play this out.”
Sapphiretears says “you most likely will stomp him in lane
Try to look for as much Roams as Possible
Lategame u wont even Tickle him if he itemizes Properly”
Shark of Void says “He is stronger than you up to level 6. Play passively and kill him after 6. Has "face control", which makes it very difficult to play against him if he is clever. If he's tank, don't try to kill him.”
Shark of Void says “Он сильнее вас до 6 уровня. Играйте пассивно и убивайте его после 6. Имеет "контроль в лицо", что очень осложняет игру против него, если он умный. Если он в танка, не пытайтесь убить его.”
tangerrine says “If you dodge his knockup then he shouldn't be able to hit you at all, easy enough matchup. Talk to your jungler and try to delay his win because he WILL win if the game hits 35 minutes otherwise.”
Zero macro says “Cho'Gath Passive sustain and Cho'Gath Q are bummers for Kog'maw. other than that Kog'Maw will outrange cho later on and deal well with Cho'Gaths tanky hp tool builds.”
Actt says “Really tanky and a lot of CC. Dodge his Q with your W or E. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.”
mrsuits says “Cho'Gath's main threat comes from his Rupture (Q) ability, which can knock you up and set up his other abilities for damage. Be mindful of the indicator on the ground and try to dodge it to avoid getting caught.
Cho'Gath's Vorpal Spikes (E) ability allows him to deal area-of-effect damage with his basic attacks. Be cautious when trading with him, as he can quickly stack his passive, Carnivore, by killing minions and regenerating health.
His Feast (R) ability is a true damage nuke that deals massive damage and can execute targets if they are low enough. Keep an eye on Cho'Gath's ultimate stacks and avoid getting too low on health to minimize the risk of being eliminated.
Cho'Gath is a tanky champion with a lot of sustain. Building Grievous Wounds items can help reduce his health regeneration and make it easier to deal with him in extended trades or all-ins.
Try to kite Cho'Gath and keep your distance, as he lacks strong gap-closing abilities. Champions with mobility or crowd control can make it harder for him to reach and engage on you.
Cho'Gath's sustain and tankiness make it difficult to burst him down quickly. Focus on wearing him down over time and chip away at his health before committing to an all-in.
Ward the river and keep an eye on the enemy jungler, as Cho'Gath can be vulnerable to ganks early on due to his limited mobility.
Consider taking champions that can out-sustain or poke him from a distance. Ranged champions can make it harder for him to engage and stack his passive.
Cho'Gath's Rupture has a significant cooldown early on. Take advantage of its downtime to be more aggressive and trade with him while it's on cooldown.
Communicate with your team to coordinate crowd control and burst damage to take down Cho'Gath in teamfights before he can disrupt your backline.
Note: Cho'Gath is a tanky champion with strong sustain and crowd control. Play defensively, avoid his skillshots, and focus on wearing him down over time. Coordinate with your team to burst him down and take advantage of his cooldowns.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Dodge his Q]
[Don't get silenced by his W]
[Don't get too low or he will eat you with his R]”
freuio123 says “first strike farm activated.
Hast W movementspeed zur Not für sein Q.
Musst nach seinem Everfrost aufpassen, dass er dich nicht one combo killed, aber ist eigentlich sehr free.”
Anguish333 says “- Pretty easy matchup, just use your dashes and movement speed to dodge his Q, only issue is when he first W and then Q because it slows us (only reason why matchup is Minor instead of Tiny threat)
- You can all in him whenever he wastes any of his spells, especially Ult on wave
- Avoid staying on low hp, especially when playing vs full AP Cho, since he can just Auto Ult you”
hirttola says “Lane is rly hard also you cant even rly kill him later while he makes your life miserable
dont try to trade with him because you will lose and he also outsustains”
Wraithlander says “D Ring / Conq or First Strike with Conditioning, Overgrowth / TP or Ignite. W Max.
He gets quite tanky so conq is good here. His ult allows you to stack health and your early trades are good into him once you start maxing W.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Poke and Harass: Cho'Gath's early game sustain relies on his passive, Carnivore, which helps him regenerate health upon killing units. Use Neeko's range advantage to poke Cho'Gath with abilities like her Q (Blooming Burst) while he goes for last hits, forcing him to use his health sustain to recover.
Dodge Rupture (Q) and Feral Scream (W): Cho'Gath's main crowd control and damage abilities are his Q (Rupture) and W (Feral Scream). Both are skillshots, so try to anticipate and dodge them. Being hit by these abilities can lead to a significant loss in health or being locked down.
Utilize Neeko's Passive: Neeko's passive can be used to deceive Cho'Gath. Utilize it to keep him guessing your positioning, potentially baiting out his abilities or making him play more defensively.”
AnxialSociety says “FS footwear market gathering.
Cut down presence of mind.
Easy if he can't silence you mid-R or Q you (That's how you lose).
Incremental victory, don't get greedy for stacks/kill. (Ganks are rough)
He will flash combo you into his ult.”
StralekS says “Unplayable just FF or Dodge: Conqueror/ Resolve (Conditioning and Overgrowth), Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with Q. Wait for jungler or other allay to come for all in. Sunderer rush into Nashor.”
Wizardd says “he has great sustain. So its a farm lane still try to poke him him the opportunity arises. Rember if he misses CS his sustain falls dramatically. Pray for him to build HeartSteel so your laundries can eat him up.”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat.
Cho'Gath's Q's are pretty easy to dodge due to the long wind-up time (they hurt like hell though).
Although it is harder to poke him out of lane, it is still very much possible by forcing him off as much CS as possible.
Aery Rune Page
Liandry's Anguish + Cosmic Drive (Tank Killer Build) OR Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
Aria_Legend says “Some maniacs play him AP mid.
Level 1-5: It is very hard to kill him. His sustain is huge, so your poking is not really effective. Use your mana properly to clear waves and assist your jungler.
Level 6: I don't recommend ever trying to 1v1. He is dangerous, he can one-shot you easily if he lands his Q (Rupture) and W (Feral Scream) which is a silence, then he eats you with R (Feast) and it can take him only 1 combo to kill you.
He also scales and becomes strong in the late-game.
Your planning is to either take him down with your jungler in 2v1 or 2v2, or roam and help other lanes before he becomes a monster.
Liandry+ignite is highly effective against him because he grows big. ”
Atemporal says “Este confronto é um confronto fácil de escalar. Cho'Gath não pode realmente intimidar você no início, e você não pode realmente intimidá-lo devido ao seu passivo que lhe dá grande sustentação.
A única vez que você quer negociar com ele durante o início do jogo é quando a onda está empurrando para você e o Q dele está baixo.
A razão pela qual você não quer negociar com ele quando a onda estiver empurrando em direção a ele, é que ele poderá farmar com segurança perto/debaixo de sua torre e ele curará todo o dano que você causou a ele por causa de sua passiva.
Depois de concluir o Protobelt, você terá um melhor potencial de negociação, mesmo quando o Q dele estiver alto, pois você pode usar o Proto ativo para evitá-lo, mas o Cho provavelmente será muito tanque para você causar danos significativos a ele.
Depois de concluir o Proto - Nashor's, você poderá derrotá-lo enquanto usa sua velocidade de movimento passiva para dançar ao redor dele.
Você pode considerar o Conquistador nesta partida se o time inimigo for tanque ou cc pesado, pois o Conquistador o ajudará durante lutas longas contra Cho e a tenacidade extra de Legend: Tenacity reduzirá a duração de seu silêncio,
que é uma habilidade que pode ser muito problemática durante as teamfights.”
Voidling13 says “This build has do do with end game damage, but by then cho'gath will have a lot of health and he will be hard to kill. Also with all of cho'gath's CC and % damage he is deadly.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You can zone him hard, and she wont touch you. After you get hit by his Q just W stun after knockup and walk away. He has pretty good sustain from minions so try to zone him from them or at least make him pay for csing them. The ult is his main problem as its massive damage execute. He shouldnt be able to make you low hp tho if you wont missplay.”
Mvrshy says “[TOP AND MID]cho is hard, hes a complete cc machine with many slows and hard cc's available to him in his kit and items he builds. this along with nomming you for 60% of your health makes it a volatile matchup. his lane sustain is superb, so if you are to do anything to him go for an all in. if he lands 1 Q you are fucked, he slows with e, stops you from flashing with his w silence and you are fried snake. use this as kiting practice.”
Adamonias says “First Strike lane; just care his Q when you Q.
Cho mid is a very hard xerath lane for 2 reasons; you will NEVER have kill pressure on him (unless he goes ludens/ap chogath) He can Q you when you charge your Q and out-trade you.
Xerath struggles into tanks and this lane is a perfect example of that. he can easily full combo you into exec. at 6. So just be aware of that. also even if you put him behind somehow; he's a tank so he will scale to be a frontline scary boi.
Just hope you can scale to 1 shot the backline behind the cho, basically ignoring him.”
SkyBanana says “He has lane sustain via passive so it gets annoying to try to wither him down. You can but at some point you need to call someone to assist you so you can help take Cho'Gath down. But the good part is that he gets bigger... which means he is the perfect one to target for an Encore to extend to the back line.”
Body Those Fools says “You HAVE to dodge his Qs or you will get chunked. Stay out of his W range and just poke him down. Once he's 6 and has Everfrost, if you EVER get hit by his Q, you will die.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Focus on farming and dodge his Q at all cost]”
Esrucnl says “You can dodge both his Q+W, however he will outsustain you if you don't kill him. He also makes pretty tanky later on. Super easy to gank and abuse though.”
Azurio says “Hard to kill early, try to avoid his Q E combo and wait until eclipse. You can still kill him with ignite if he misspose.
Keep distances and avoid his Q or everfrost if he is AP, you need 3 items to kill him after mid game.”
Dazzther says “Quite easy whit no threats, but he can be really hard to kill once the game goes on, so be sure to snowball onto him on the early stages of the game.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Focus on farming and dodge his Q at all cost]”
donidaking says “Another matchup where his range is lower than yours which means(POKE POKE POKE POKE).
If you have an insane reaction time dodge his silence with pool or dodge his Q with pool.
Don t underestimate his dmg tho and step up to him.
Watch out for the Hail of blades cheese.
If you don t want to interact with him just focus on farming.”
Ahri Simplord says “Haven't come across a Cho mid since the rework but before rework it was pretty bad. Now with liandry's and the mobility from W the matchup should be a lot easier. If he gets his everfrost and you get hit by a Q you're likely dead since Ahri has even lower max health now. He also has a lot of sustain if he can reach the minnions so its kinda hard to harass him under his turret.”
m0rfeazz says “Easy matchup, if you ever play against cho mid sylas is a great pick. Stealing his ult and using it will make u super tank just like cho, in lane your W is OP against him”
Juon says “Tanky 💀 Has a silence 💀 Bursts you 💀 Is thicc 💀 Has so much healing in lane due to passive 💀. You wont proc electrocute much here, best to take one of the blue tree runes. Max E second”
Xelikari says “ Take First Strike in this matchup, Cho doesn’t really have the tools to kill you and you can zone him early on. Start Doran’s Ring and Flamespitter first, make sure you dodge his Q if he skills that, otherwise you outdamage his W. Don’t chase him too far and trade autos with his minions, just poke safely and shove for two. After level 3-4 you can force trades whenever possible.
Your build is going to be dependent on the other champions in the match, and less so on Cho’Gath. I would recommend just going Sorc Shoes into Rocketbelt unless the game demands something else. After 6 just be aware of his ult execute and gank potential, you probably have killed him by then so roaming if you’re mid would be a good idea, otherwise just farm and poke and try to kill him.
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Liandry's Anguish]
[Focus on farming and dodge his Q at all cost]
[Build Liandry's Anguish]
[You outscale him really hard]”
ThePieBeam says “Play outside of his range and build boots first. If you get caught close you're fucked but playing range is Anivia's bread and butter so just abuse his melee and dodge his Q.”
Callmebee says “For the darkness you say? How about... BY THE LIGHT! You shouldn't have problems against Cho if you keep your distance, but you can't kill him either. Consider a void staff early and Magic penetration boots or MR boots if you're struggling and the enemy is heavy CC oriented. You will run into some trouble after level 6, however keep your max distance and farm/poke, dodge his Q and you will be absolutely fine. Take Barrier.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Cho'Gath has only one win condition to survive lane and that's if he hits you with Q. Dodge Q and you will win by kiting him out when he tries to walk up to proc his E. Post 6 the threat of being hit by Q amplifies.”
lonestar1870 says “You get prio any time you want early game and can hard out poke him. Just make sure to dodge his Q's.
He has a lot of sustain due to his passive and is pretty tanky so it can be hard to kill him. Play for a CS advantage, plates, and to get your jungler ahead.
You can still kill him if you get him low enough (especially if he's AP Cho).
He has good gank setup if he lands his Q, so be careful.
Build Liandries if he builds tank and go Luden's if he's AP.
I like Phase Rush in this matchup so I can escape if he does get onto me, but you can go Electrocute.
I prefer Teleport in this matchup but Ignite is still okay.”
Desperate Nasus says “Depends on Cho 'Gaths playstyle, the laning phase can be easier or harder.
If he goes Grasp for Runes and tank items its gonna be harder for you to kill him and he is gonna be more more useful in every state of the game and not only in lane. If he goes Arcane comet for runes he is gonna be less tanky and its gonna be easier for you to kill him after you sidestep his Q.Not much to talk about this matchup Dorans shield as starting item and Lethal tempo on runes.”
itakute says “AP cho mid is hard, cho'gath top is a lot easier, just focus on dodging his Q and all in him early. Level 6 hes really strong so you can only fight if you hard outraded him before hand or if he misses everything.”
KafueLechwe says “This is the AP variant of Sion. If Cho builds a Demonic Embrace, its burn will do more damage to you than your Titanic Hydra. You can stack HP more, but Cho'gath can just out-duel you. Just be wary because although in teamfights you're almost the same champion, the fact that Cho might have a Demonic Embrace puts him as a major threat.
Although if you want to play a off meta jungle tank chuncks and isn't Sion, Cho'gath is a good option.
Plus I want to see a Chu-chu-chu-chu'gath skin with him as like a train conductor. I don't know why.”
52hertz says “Easy to lane against and fight, however if he gets some kills and gets out of control with armor items, I would say he is impossible to kill late game ”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Tank Cho'Gath is a lot easier than AP Cho'Gath. He is very susceptible to ganks, so try to freeze
the wave at your tower and call for jungle help. Always keep moving when he silences you to dodge his Q. Use
your W when he Ws you. Dodge his E poke as well. If you ever see him ult, you can win the all-in. If he has
ult, do not try to all-in him.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Tank Cho'Gath is a lot easier than AP Cho'Gath. He is very susceptible to ganks, so try to freeze the wave at your tower and call for jungle help. Watch out for his Q and wait out his E. Try to abuse him before he hits level 6. This is the only time he can ever win an all-in against you. Always keep moving when he silences you to dodge his Q. Fight him when you have shield so he can't one shot you.”
Katawina52 says “In the long run Cho will always win cuz of his sustained passive. This is why u should always look for hard all in's once you're level 2/3+. This matchup is gonna depend enterily how u play the all in. For example at level 3 with ConQ you can kill him depending if he's pushing or not (U always want Cho to push so u can always look for the all in) If u go for the all in make sure he doesn't hit all his spells on you, u can make it easier by waiting for him to use Q/W or E on minions or waste to poke on you then u can also look for an all in and it should be easier. Mercs vs cho is really good if more ccs elsewhere.”
Polarshift says “Doesn't die easily, but if you make one missplay say bye-bye to your healthbar. It's crucial to dodge his knockup and stay out his ultimate range if it's off cooldown. You can try to fight him in the early game and you can set up ganks easily for your jungler so ping them. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “CC, sustain, enough dmg to kill after 6. The only upside is that he is easy to poke and if you can force him off minions then he losses his sustain and you win the lane. After 6 he can almost one shot you so watch out if the lane is even or worse.”
Yeager says “You rarely see this guy midlane even though he can be pretty strong. AP Cho'gath has a lot of burst, so you want to focus on dodging his Q. It's the only way he can gap close (without flash) and engage. Banshee's veil is great since it counters his surprise engages.
Remember that AP cho doesn't care as much about stacking his ultimate. He can use it to burst you early on with his entire combo.
You can bully him a lot early game since he can't really defend himself, and you also outscale him really hard. ”
XayLies says “His Silence > Knock Up > One Shot with R combo is DISGUSTING. dodge his Q with E - Sweeping Blade and try to make an R if you have to fight him.”
Akali187 says “Just a big tank. Don't target Cho'Gath unless he is building AP. Cho'Gath is a grand tank, try to take out the squishy's around him and watch for his abilities. If he is fed his ult will one shot you, other than that just care for his silence and knock up in the team fights.”
angeLoon says “lethal cut downDblade in Resolve Second Wind and Unflinching to match his sustain.
cho gath have too much sustain try to all-in early or freeze the lane so you can trade with him.”
Yasukeh says “Chogath has little he can do to stop you from running him down. Bait out his [[Rupture]] and he is a free kill. Very useful lane to try to freeze in, since he is very unsafe without a tower to protect him. ”
Dr Eggmund says “Dodge his knockups and try and stand behind your minions. In trades you should win but don't fight when your too low as he will ult and gobble you to bits. Careful of his silence late game as it will allow the enemy to shred you in teamfights.”
Elite500 says “Ff you're cleaner than Michael Jackson dodge his silence with your pool, if not just dodge his slowing aa and his knockup, rush cdr and CONSTANTLY POKE NON STOP”
iZianni says “The more he eats, the easier he is to hit. The silence is annoying but as long as you're constantly moving (You can cast while moving, this is a really simple lane.) Perma farm or tank and spank.”
Ambitieux says “Although Cho should seem easy, he does have a few tricks with silence. Play around this and try not to be to in his face. Poke him out with mostly autos under turret and have his lane pushed in. ”
resetwice says “If you take his Q he will spam some habilities until R time (it's even worse if he's with comet), never be low HP next him!
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR TOPLANE
Cho'gath does not really have a good answer to Zilean E. However his silence is insane vs Zilean... if he can get in range.”
Kune ML says “This guy is some real pain in the a** . Once he reach level 6 . Try shutting him down ASAP or you will be useless with him from mid-game to go . Make as much lane pressure as possible . Run ignite so you can shutting him down faster”
Kippari says “Cho has abusable cooldowns early and is fairly squishy, if you zone him away from farm to deny his passive you can get early kills easily. Just remember he becomes a monster later on.”
richardlized says “Chogath is a pick a lot of people take against Zed but it isn’t really a hard matchup for Zed. His Q is telegraphed and easily dodgeable, and you out range his kit. He is also very squishy early game, which means that you can hit free WEQs on him and farm for free. If there is a Q that you can’t really dodge by moving, try WEQWing the Chogath in order to damage him and dodge the Q. Once he uses his silence, it’s just a free kill post 6. Keep in mind don’t stay in lane if you are low, because Chogath can flash combo you and execute with R. After he gets his armor, It’s harder to kill him so you have to impact map with roams. If he goes AP he is retarded.
nZk01 says “(Top) Very easy lane, very easy to dodge his Q and if he doesnt hit that hes just useless, very easy to dive with jungler aswell, would recommend TP/Ignite.”
Nanelol says “Cho in a duel loses nearly always as you can dodge his Q's with E1 and his silence does not last long enough to one shot you. In this matchup sylas out scales cho as he can use his ult to scale his HP and become a menace to enemies team.”
Aethlo says “Cho'Gath has a slight wave clear advantage. ||
Cho'Gath loses pre-3 (Annie has to dodge his knock-up which should be pretty easy if you're expecting it) ||
Cho'Gath loses pre-6 ||
Cho'Gath is at a slight disadvantage post-6. ||
Cho'Gath out scales Annie. ||
TIP: Although rare - Cho'Gath mid usually builds AP - meaning you will get one-shot level 6 and above if he gets into melee range. This is why dodging his knock-up and keeping your advantage - being your ranged one-shot - is very important. Therefore it is recommended to rush sorc shoes for the movement speed (also helps one-shot the squishy AP Cho'Gath).
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Rara vez me enfrente con Cho'Gath en Mid, pero si el sabe aplicar bien su CC será un problema, juega fuera de su rango al menos hasta obtener tu primer objeto, fuera de eso, mantente full pocke en lo que farmeas ”
Little Planet says “Cho is both melee and immobile, which makes him extremely easy to poke down and zone from the wave. If he's going tank you can't kill him eventually, if he goes AP you'll be able to wreck him for the rest of the game.
Shove waves and roam. don't waste your time mid.”
ahspaghetti says “You can look for short trades with your harass, and try to deny him cs as he will heal a lot by killing minions. his passive allows him to have incredible sustain in lane, so look for an all in at lvl3 -5, once he hits 6, you want to avoid fighting this guy, once you are low enough, you are dead.”
peytonqt says “[EASY/MEDIUM] [PR/Conqueror] [Tear] As Cho'gath is a tank it'll be a boring lane. Don't get agressive because he will easily outtrade you, especially with the new buffs. Just sit back and farm up and get that tear stacked. Build one armor pen item and 2 if its really needed.”
The Jhin Cena says “Take the Fleet Footwork Scaling Runes if you both are mid, and take the Conqueror Scaling Runes if you both are top. Most games, Cho'Gath should be an easy lane for you. His Q is very easy to dodge with Fleet Footwork, and he can't do anything if you jump on him with your E. His only threat is his silence, since it can prevent you from snapping back with your E, and his ultimate since it is a brainless click ability that will 1 shot you if you are too low of health. However Cho'Gath will rarely ever be able to get you low enough health to ult you unless he has his JG with him or you're letting his poke hit you, so overall you should be able to easily win this lane. Cut Down is also a great pick, especially if they have at least 1 other tank since Cho'Gath's ultimate gives him a ton of health over the course of the game. ”
XD001 says “You will nearly never die in this matchup until lv 8-9 or so when he gets item, so just focus on getting good CS. Even when he gets item its really hard to die to him. Cho'Gath has good gank set ups so make sure to ward river and track enemy jg. Use E to dodge his knockup. If he's building tank don't bother fighting him, you will deal no damage. If he built AP, care for his dmg since his burst can catch you offguard. 90% of the time its just a farm lane as Ekko and Cho'Gath don't have the tools to kill eachother. Grievous wounds is nice, but not necessary vs him. Mid-Late game look to match him in a side lane and TP to fights. In team fights, try to avoid/go around him and 1 shot the back line. Cho'Gath outscales Ekko.
Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + precision otherwise.”
pavelp420 says “He is really tanky, does quite a bit of damage. However, you are more mobile and after you build Lich Bane and Nashors, your burst will be very high, and you could kill him if he isn't fed.”
Lot of Wind here says “It is a difficult for Yasuo, as his W silences you and denies you from dashing into him. It can be a good counter to Yasuo mid if you're able to hit your Q and W on target.”
nZk01 says “(Top) Very easy lane, very easy to dodge his Q and if he doesnt hit that hes just useless, very easy to dive with jungler aswell, would recommend TP/Ignite.”
Tamatamo says “Early game, if you keep poking him out, you should win although mid game it'll be very hard to kill him. So take advantage of early game”
Hiimkata says “In the long run Cho will always win cuz of his sustained passive. This is why u should always look for hard all in's once you're level 2/3+. This matchup is gonna depend enterily how u play the all in. For example at level 3 with ConQ you can kill him depending if he's pushing or not (U always want Cho to push so u can always look for the all in) If u go for the all in make sure he doesn't hit all his spells on you, u can make it easier by waiting for him to use Q/W or E on minions or waste to poke on you then u can also look for an all in and it should be easier. Mercs vs cho is really good if more ccs elsewhere.”
KataTocDo says “He will beat you later into the game when he gets items. If he is Ap Cho, you beat him early, but if he is going tank you just have to roam with your jungler.
Runes: Conq-Dom.
Starting Items: D. Blade”
invalidd says “Should win most trades if he doesn't land his Q, don't let him abuse his regen from passive (constant trading), abuse roam timers vs chogath
since it's hard for him to keep up. Easy to setup ganks on.
Aikairi says “You dumpster him as long as you dodge his skillshots, which is easy. Try getting 3 points into E so you can have enough time to dodge most of his skills. Be careful of his ult tho, it deals alot of damage. ”
Rauschel says “With your E you can potentually dodge every Q of him, and if you play a bit `weird` with small useless engages, its very hard to hit his Q”
Scyrine says “you win this lane but you might not win game if it's dragged out. Once you hit lvl 3 play agro and try to get good trades. When he has 6 only engage him when you know you're going to win.”
Chili Dog says “if you're cleaner than michael jackson dodge his silence with your pool, if not just dodge his slowing aa and his knockup, rush cdr and CONSTANTLY POKE NON STOP. Phase Rush recommended. ”
Sushi_Cat says “Don't get hit by his extremely slow Q and he will never kill you. That's literally it. Do not underestimate AP Cho'Gath's damage or the damage of his ultimate. ”
SkellyBirb says “Cho'Gath tends to stack health, but you can have percent health burst that will counter him as long as you don't get ran down. Kite back and stack blight popping it at full stacks. ”
OxiteoMyst says “if you dont get hit by his q you wont die. Just kite using phase rush and drop your W him if you arent silenced to win. He cant get to you.”
SkellyBirb says “Cho'Gath is quite tanky and has a silence and crowd control. He'll also build up a ton of health over he course of the game. Demonic Embrace and Riftmaker against him is better than burst.”
Katfire says “You don't see Cho'Gath in mid often, but when you do, you will cry. He takes less and less damage as the game goes on. (this might've changed with S11 since you can build BORK as a core item now. I will update this when I face enough Cho to form a new opinion)
Cho'Gath is extremely good against Katarina. He can silence you to ensure you cannot use your E to dodge his Q. His Q cd is surprisingly low, 7 seconds without Ability Haste. The biggest threat of all on Cho'Gath will be his R. He will be able to point and click execute you for half your health bar in midgame, or even slightly more if he is really ahead. You want to keep your distance from Cho in teamfights or try to catch him before fights happen with your team.”
Elhypersnyper says “Should you still be in mid game vs Cho'Gath mid you're practically effed. You do little to no damage vs Cho, he can eat you instantly, he's tanky as hell and if you don't take AP resist vs AP Cho you're effed and if you don't take AD resist vs Cho you're effed.
It's rare to see a Cho mid so when you do take AP resist, as he will most likely build AP I would say 90% chance of him going AP.
When it's a Cho top its going to be hard in team fights as you do little damage. I recommend building Morello's and Void Staff for him. ”
WolfRider01 says “He can definitely be a pain to lane into sometimes, however that being said the Kraken slayer build works decently against him. Avoid his knockup, ask for ganks if he starts winning. Take TP summoner. ”
Crypper says “It is sustained on the line, which complicates the constant poke, and after getting 6 LVL, it all depends on your microcontroller. But as long as you play with an advantage, you have to give your team an advantage as well.”
sweodigaming says “Just a monster, really snowbally. He also has a lot of damage, silence and knock-up. Just play passive and maybe rush merc threads so you resist some of his slow from his E and Q. ”
KormitLeFrag says “As long as he has not gone glacial augment this matchup is another shove and roam one. Theres no point in trying to solo kill him because of his sustain and CC. ”
TheCatOfCheshire says “In early game you destroy him. Poke him with AA, dodge his q , and wait a last hit to charm him. If you can kill him 2 or 3 times, you're going to win. But if not, he'll become to tanky to be killed and your game will be hard. Again, you're a better roamer so use it.”
Lunasta says “You can hard push the wave against him so he'll be constantly out of mana or you can stay safe and just all-in he when he tries to last hit, this lane is really easy”
Yeager says “AP Cho Gath: Poke him a lot with autos and aery procs. In the laning phase you have to focus on dodging his Q ability which is a knockup + slow. If he hits you once, he will combo and oneshot you. Get banshee's after luden's echo so he can't catch you off-guard.
He is a immobile melee champ, so if you manage to dodge his Q, then it's easy from there. Respect his burst though after 6, especially if he has flash and ignite. ”
xAsuta says “Skill matchup. Xin Zhao has to much all in potential for him to handle but a good Cho'Gath knows how to counter that. All in him and get an early advantage before he gets lvl 6 and gets his true damage. ”
Fadedreformed says “Pretty sad to play against he perma slows you and you can't press r because of the silence. Should be pretty easy if your jungler actually listens to your pings.”
Yuki H. says “Early game shouldn't be too much of a problem. Since he is melee as well, farming isn't too difficult in this case. Just watch for his E which can poke you down slowly. He starts winning trades if he lands his knock-up or silence in lane. Overall an annoying matchup since he dishes out damage while being tanky. Look for roams.”
fwii says “Start Corrupting Potion, look for trades against Tank Cho'Gath and avoid Poke from AP Cho'Gath. Be really careful of AP Cho'Gath's Q because he can one shot you at level 6. ”
Veralion says “HoB/DH, Long Sword/Dark Seal. AP Cho'gath is a very potent cheese pick to be feared and respected. Because of his ridiculous burst potential and low mobility, he is most frequently run mid over top. You will never be able to poke him down through his passive, so don't even try. Keep your distance and don't let him E slow you, which will force you to take his Q and W. Just farm it out until 6. After 6, you CANNOT get hit by Rupture. He will flash on you and kill you from full with his 1.0 scaling ult. You MUST flash or ult away if his Q might hit you. Save your W to dodge this one hit kill ability. I'll say it again; AP Cho's combo kills you from 100% health, and I've got the matchup at even because of how unforgiving the lane is. They will frequently push in at this point and fish for those instant death Q hits. Call your jungler while he's doing so and he should go down easy. Don't just ult at him without backup, as a good Cho will put his Q under your landing position and nom you. At some point, he will give up trying to kill you and will just use his ult on a creep to start stacking health. That's when it's safe to go for him, force a back, and regain lane priority. As long as you don't get hit by his Q while he has his ult available, you'll outscale him and contribute much more in fights than he could ever dream of doing.
Haven't had the chance to run Hail into him yet, his auto slow into combo may make trading unwise. Would be way more gank assist for an immobile champion though, probably worth taking. ”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Annoying especially if they're running Glacial
Knock up, silence, slows for days, true damage, health stacking, he's just not fun to play against.
You'll need to dodge his Q to survive and you should be good, probably get MR boots early to reduce his slows.
When his Q is down, you can carefree poke him down with yours until he gets his Q back then be wary again.”
The PaIe King says “Sustain Karth
Summoner Spells: Teleport/Flash----
Build Path: Rod of Ages, Sorcerers Shoes, Liandry's Torment, Rabadons Death Cap, Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass.
----Rune Page: Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transendence, Scorch, Prescence of Mind, Last Stand .----
snukumz says “If you can dodge his pop up then this is a really easy lane.
If he pops you up then he can hurt you a lot, or eat/kill you at 6.
If you knock him up and dodge his pop up, then you can combo him and kill him.
If he builds super tank then you won't be able to kill him by yourself mid/late game. ”
nguyenbautroi says “Cho'Gath is hard to deal with because 1) His passive is hard to counter with your ult
2) His W can cancel your Q and your combo
But if you dodge his Q, you can have a good trade with him by E Q”
LightningTemplar says “Play safe and farm with Q and W+E. His sustain is too good and pokes too hard to go near. Eventually he'll also be too tanky to kill. He can easily silence or Q you once you come out of ult which leaves you very vulnurable.”
Art1val says “Been seeing Cho in mid lane more recently. Just be be ready to dodge his knock-up and don't get close to him so he can silence you. Also be careful at 6.”
Gageowago says “Basically impossible lane in my experience. If the Cho is good he will q you when you go for cs and then combo you for half your health. Also cannot be poked down because he heals so much from farming. Very annoying regardless of Cho's skill generally so call for a jungler gank.”
topal says “this muchup favours cho.His W is rly strong and if you try to all in him he will q onto him so you can't get melee range.Try your best to doodge his q and all in him if he uses it.Poke with q but his passsive give him insane sustain.”
serruh says “melee champion, just look to dodge rupture and you are good to go. wouldn't recommend poking him, as his passive will just heal him back up to full, but you can def just shove for free and scale”
t3rminated says “You literally just bully cho’gath so, so hard. You shouldn’t be hit by any of their abilities if you position correctly and react to their Q. They’re also super thicc so you can land your combo really easily. Make sure they can’t Q you out of your ultimate though.
LONERlSM says “If you dodge his q you are ok ap cho is a cheese pick and usually is not executed correctly however play to scale against this champion he has good wave clear and can heal out your dps.
EvilBird090 says “Cho'Gath can be surprisingly strong with a lot of AP, he has actually more oneshot potential than you have. If you get hit by his Q he is able to flash W+E+R Ignite and you are dead before you can go into pool, or do anything in fact. Try to pool his Q and buy Liandry's as he will have a lot of health later on. Be sure to be wary of his Q at any part of the game, if he Ws first you need to sidestep it. Otherwise you will outscale him and be more useful in teamfights. Cho'Gath will mostly rely on cheese killing your team and you so respect him and his damage so that won't happen too often.”
HeisendongNA says “He clears turrets fast from range, and has huge burst at lvl 6 and passive makes him heal off your turrets. You can build RoA to help against true damage.”
Cloud375 says “This is a nightmare to face against since regardless of if you beat him or not, he'll just tank your damage late game like it's nothing.”
Garybaldo says “High room for harass with grasp if you can dodge his Q, buy early HP so you don't get deleted when he has 6, always ult when all-inning him.”
Elejul says “He has better sustain and can fight you easily, but if you poke him hard enough, you always win. So if he messes up, you win, otherwise, just play the lane safe”
RagexAddict says “Chogath is not often seen in the mid lane anymore but I figured I'd make a quick guide for him. He's not too much of a threat seeing as you can move around through minions and other units with ease to dodge his abilities. The key to winning lane and snowballing against cho is to take him on early. If you can't do this safely either because of good positioning by cho or their jungler camping your lane, wait for jungle help or roam. Cho can't out roam a Fizz, so use that to your advantage.”
SrSuders says “Cho'Gath auf der Lane zu besiegen, ist ziemlich schwer.
Durch seine CC's hat er große Counter Möglichkeiten.
Auch wenn der Cho'Gath full AP geht, seine HP gehen aufgrund seiner Cho'Gath R in die Decke.
Das one-shoten nach Level 6 wird demnach schwer.”
PhoenixianSlayer says “He can't hurt you or stack properly if you stay out of his range. He will try to zone you on minions if he is aggressive. In that case, his roar can be annoying. Everything else is dodgeable. ”
OmegaSquadVeigar says “AP Cho'Gath is an interesting matchup (I know that you rarely ever see him being picked as an AP mid).
Early game he outshoves you and does more due to him having more damage and easier to hit spells.
After 6 he can just kill you from 100 to 0 if you aren't careful enough.
His silence and cc is really annoying to deal with.
Also his poke is really strong too with his Q having a 300 base damage (+1.0AP ratio).”
RemainingUchiha says “You can definitely poke him nicely, honestly , getting nashor's wouldn't be a bad idea vs Cho'Gath. But don't trade too much unless you want to go all in. He'll just heal all your damage.”
Jazzmonkey says “You are way stronger level 1 just go E>AA and proc your electrocute. Try to dodge his Q and always trade him. You are able to hold his sustian with Corruption Potion. ”
lkycch says “Shoves way too easily with his E in the early levels, making it difficult for Zilean to farm under tower. Cho'Gath is notorious for his lategame scaling, so you really have to set him behind quickly; Zilean has no kill potential whatsoever, so you must rely on your Jungler ganking you. Cho'Gath has no escapes, so E+Q+W+Q(stun) is ever so easy to land. However, all this is reliant on your Jungler; if you let Cho'Gath farm, it's game over.”
mitchellgamer12 says “Very hard lane since he can do his knock up every few seconds and he has a sillence that makes doing your combo a lot more difficult.”
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